YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus Dr. P.J. Goldberg, President

3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-966-7877 email: [email protected] Chol Hamoed Pesach April 22-25 Daily Minyanim Shacharit: Monday-Thursday PESACH 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00am Sanctuary 15-16 NISSAN 5779 7:30am Beit Midrash APRIL 20, 2019 Minchah/Maariv: Monday-Wednesday 7:40pm SUNDAY APRIL 21, 2019 Weekday Learning SHABBAT SHALOM ~ CHAG SAMEACH  Daf Yomi in the Library. 5:30am & 7:30pm ~  Tuesday: After 8:00am minyan, Library: Talmud class with Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Tractate Megilah Bar of Benny Jaimovich : Mazal Tov! We welcome all newcomers, visitors and guests Office Hours Monday-Wednesday 10:00am to 2:00pm Thursday 9:00am to 12:00pm

Thursday, Erev Yom Tov: An Eruv Tavshilin is made on Thursday in order to cook on Friday for Shabbat (see Pesach Bulletin) Minchah/Maariv: 7:00pm in the Main Sanctuary 7:00pm Sephardic in the Library 7:40pm in the Main Sanctuary Candle lighting: 7:31pm


OUR YIH FAMILY…. Mazal Tov: Friday  Benny Jaimovich upon today’s celebration of his Bar Mitzvah, and to his parents Yonatan & Hudy Jaimovich and grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Manuel 7:28pm Candle Lighting Jaimovich and Rabbi & Mrs. Pinchas Weberman. 7:25pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library  Deivid & Raquel Lutwak on the birth of their grandson. 7:35pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary  Yossi & Helene Wenger on the Bar Mitzvah in New Jersey of their grandson Binyamin Wenger. 7:46pm Sunset / Shkiah  The Hoenig family on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Avi Kinzbrunner, son Shabbat of Eric & Suri Kinzbrunner of Silver Spring, MD, and the birth of their new grandson, Avraham Zev, son of Yossi & Zisa Farkas of Kiryias Yoel, NY. 7:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary Mazel Tov to the entire Hoenig, Kinzbrunner and Farkas families. 8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2 Condolences: 8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan House across the street  Marci Pachter on the loss of her mother Cynthia Uvlin. The funeral was in Ohio where Marci was sitting shiva. 9:00am Shacharit Minyan. Main Sanctuary Sermon Rabbi Yosef Weinstock THANK YOU TO OUR SHABBAT SPONSORS 9:00am Sephardic Minyan Library 9:00am Minyan Yonatan & Hudy Jaimovich in honor of their son Benny’s Bar 9:30am Youth Minyan Chapel Kiddush Mitzvah 9:30am Teen Minyan Room 5 Dialogue Edward & Jamie Czinn to commemorate the yahrzeit of his sister Aliza Czinn Sherman—Leiba bat Bunem Tzvi 10:06am Latest Shema Time No Seudah Shlishit at shul. No Seudah Please eat the third meal at home before coming to shul for Shlishit at shul Mincha Please eat the third meal at home before coming to shul for Mincha 5:25pm Gemara Shiur on Gittin (in Hebrew) Beit Midrash THIS PUBLICATION GOES TO THE PRINTER ON WEDNESDAYS. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE IN THE 6:25pm Daf Yomi Library SHUL OFFICE BY WEDNESDAYS AT NOON. 6:40pm Rabbi Weinstock’s shiur: A Second Look at Main Sanctuary the Seder in Bnei Brak REFUAH SHLEIMAH 7:25pm Minchah Main Sanctuary Baruch Zvi ben Rivka Batya (Rabbi Dr. Brian Galbut-Daniel Galbut’s cousin), Binyomin Between Minchah & Maariv in the Main Sanctuary : Rabbi Davis will discuss the Ten Simcha ben Adina Minya (Binny Ciment), Binyamin ben Chemla (Binyamin Israel), Questions for your Seder Table David HaKohen ben Esther (Lev Kandinov’s father), Eliezer HaLevi ben Chana (Leon Brauser-Joel Brauser’s father), Netanel Elan ben Shayna Tzipporah (wounded IDF soldier), 8:26pm Maariv Main Sanctuary Solomon ben Solika (Solomon Perez-Ilana Melnitsky’s father), Yaakov ben Mira (Jacques Vogel-Michel Vogel’s father), Yehuda Arieh ben Mindla (Philippe Leiberman’s father), Yisroel After 8:26pm Light Yom Tov Candles Yechiel ben Chaya (Michael Reinhard-Kenny Reinhard’s father), Yitzchak Chanoch ben Second Seder and preparation for the Seder may begin after 8:26pm Chana (nephew of Vanessa Shamah and Lauren Davis), Yaakov Lev ben Shoshana (Jeff Whisler-Josh Whisler’s father), Yoseph Benyamin ben Cochava (Ralph Sharaby’s son). Batya bat Sara, Chana Ety bat Zirel Libah, Chaya Sara bat Dubra (Irene Berlin-Reva Homnick’s mother), Devora bat Sheina Baila, Elka bat Tova (Leona Brauser-Joel Brauser’s mother), Feiga Necha bat Pessel (Fay Lerner), Masha bat Ruth (Marcia Chonchol-Craig Barany’s mother), Sara Leah bat Rochel (Cynthia Lynn Haber-Cheryl Hamburg’s sister), Sara Leah bat Bracha (Stacey Deutsch), Shira Raizel Esther bat Mina Zosha (Ruth Main Sanctuary will be locked while the Torah is being read, during Mussaf Kedusha, and while Messer’s granddaughter), Tzirel Libah bat Frimed Mindel (Sylvia Lieberman-Philippe Rabbi is speaking. Lieberman’s mother), Yocheved bat Tzril (Joan Niad). Contact Gerald Mayerhoff [email protected] or David Lasko [email protected] for an aliyah or kibbud at any of the minyanim

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D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Eggs and Pesach (Source: Sunday first-evidence-of-use-in-diet/)

7:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary It takes a chicken 26 hours to lay an egg, but it took archaeologists 10 years to crack the case 8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2 of the 2,600-year-old eggshells. Until now, the ancient chicken has come before the egg: Only chicken bones had previously been discovered in excavations and these shell pieces are the 8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan House across the street first evidence of chicken eggs used in the Holy Land diet, said Prof. Zohar Amar, of the Martin 9:00am Shacharit Minyan. Main Sanctuary (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University.

Sermon Rabbi Adam Frieberg Unlike Humpty Dumpty, the shells were successfully put back together recently through the use of high-tech 3-D virtual modeling. The implications of measurements garnered from this 9:00am Sephardic Minyan Library newly visualized ancient egg may well change concepts in halacha (Jewish law), according to Bar-Ilan University research released just ahead of the holiday of Passover. 9:30am Youth Minyan Chapel For centuries, there has been an argument among halachic scholars beginning in the Mishnah 9:30am Teen Minyan Room 5 (a 3rd-century CE codification of Oral Law) over how much unleavened bread (matzah) a 10:05am Latest Shema Time person is required to eat during the festive first night Passover meal, or seder. The requirement is given as kazayit, or the size of an olive. 6:40pm Gemara Shiur on Gittin (in Hebrew) Beit Midrash 6:40pm Daf Yomi Library Over time, however, some European scholars unfamiliar with the fruit of the olive tree developed a workaround system based upon kebaitza, or the size of an egg. Until today, 6:55pm Shiur with Rabbi Moshe Nachbar: Sefirat Main Sanctuary Lithuanian Jews living in Israel follow the ruling of the Mishna Berura (Rabbi Yisrael Meir Ha-Omer Through the Lens of History, Kagan, 1838–1933) and the Chazon Ish (Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, 1878-1953), which Halacha, and Hashkafa state that the size of an olive is 1/2 to 1/3 of the volume of an ancient egg.

7:40pm Minchah Main Sanctuary But what was the size of an ancient chicken egg? Between Minchah & Maariv in the Main Sanctuary : Rabbi Frieberg’s shiur What's About a decade ago, archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar unearthed a trove of hundreds of eggshell Chametz Got to Do With It? pieces during excavations of an elite late First Temple period structure in Area G of the City of 8:27pm Maariv & Yom Tov ends Main Sanctuary David. They were placed in the care of the head of Haifa University’s Archaeozoology Lab, Prof. Guy Bar-Oz, who confirmed that they were indeed chicken eggs. Due to their delicate fragility, the discovery of eggshells is rare and this is the first evidence of chicken eggs in the Holy Land.

However, the shells then sat until recent research conducted by Amar, who released the results Shabbat/Yom Tov Safety, Security & First Aid ahead of an upcoming Bar-Ilan University archaeology conference on nature and agriculture in AED (Automated External Defibrillator) & other equipment in closet biblical Israel. Interestingly, the modern Hebrew word for chicken, tarnegol, does not appear next to Social Hall. Safety Reflector Belts (a project of the OU) are in the closet for in the Bible. The word comes from ancient Sumerian, where it literally means “the king’s use by our congregants. bird.” By Talmudic times, a fowl species called sechvi in the Book of Job was thought by the

Shabbat/Yom Tov Crossing schedule Stirling Road at SW 33rd Avenue rabbis to be chickens. Hollywood Police will control the light: Friday 7:15-1:00am Amar told The Times of Israel on Sunday that after he received the shells from Bar-Oz, he Shabbat 7:45am-12:30pm & 6:00pm-1:00am searched for a way to put the pieces together. Learning of new technology developed by the Sunday 7:45am-12:30pm & 6:00-9:00pm

Israel Antiquities Authority to re-image pottery from a few indicative pieces, he contacted Dr. When crossing Stirling Road, make sure to always wait until cars stop by the light Avshalom Karasik who had worked out the new algorithm. Under the assumption that if the before crossing. Jaywalking is extremely dangerous (& illegal). For the safety of you program could take several large pottery pieces and reconstruct a complete vessel from them, and your family, it is imperative to cross only in the cross walk Amar asked if perhaps it could do the same with his eggshells.

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D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock …..continued from previous page Important Information : Access Controls Security Codes are issued to members in Good Standing Only and at the Amar picked out four large egg shell pieces and Karasik’s virtual reconstruction illustrated sole discretion of the Security Team and Law Enforcement. The personal that they all came from the same egg. Its measurements correspond to those of an average code is NOT TO BE SHARED with anyone outside your immediate family. All modern chicken egg. The height of the ancient egg was about 50 millimeters (2 inches), its submitted codes have been programmed and are working. Call the office if you do not have a code. maximum diameter was 40 millimeters, and the total size with the shell was 61 grams, Access is limited to the Glass Office Entrance for Daf Yomi Mon-Fri. 5:28 according to the Bar-Ilan release. (Amar said the study has a five percent error margin.) a.m.-6:15 a.m. and Mon-Thurs 7:15pm-9:00pm. Sundays 6:28am.-9a.m.

Chickens lay a variety of egg sizes, according to their diet and health, but for comparison The Main Front Right door is scheduled for access for minyanim/classes etc. Mon-Fri. 5:45a.m.-9:00a.m. & Mon-Thur. from 6:45pm.-9:00p.m. purposes, classifications of modern eggs run the gamut from 42 grams (small) to 57 grams Sundays 6:45a.m.-11:00 a.m. and 6:45 pm.-9 pm. All other times all (large), and the even larger 71 grams (jumbo). (Fun fact, the color of the egg shell people will need to be buzzed in by the office. corresponds to the hen’s ear color.) On Shabbat and Yom Tov HPD and Security Personnel will screen people.

The ancient egg’s 61 grams is well within modern egg weights and so there is no reason to double the amount of matzah consumed based on the impression that ancient eggs were much larger.

Asked whether the new information on the size of the ancient chicken’s egg would affect his personal religious practice this Friday night regarding the amount of matzah he would Vaccination Policy consume, Amar laughed and said it would not as his Yemenite tradition is very close to the The following resolution was passed by the Young Israel of Hollywood size of the modern egg. Governing Board on December 26, 2018: It is a religious requirement to get you and your child(ren) vaccinated for the safety of each child and for the Those who may be directly affected are Lithuanian Jews, he said, who believe the egg community at large. There is no such thing as a Jewish/Halachic religious measure to be twice that of the modern size. But he laughed again and said his research will exemption to vaccinations. Shuls should protect their members (especially likely not affect their religious practices. those who are medically unable to be vaccinated) by restricting access of those who choose to remain unvaccinated to shul programs and events. Therefore, all adults, youth and teens attending Young Israel of Hollywood programs or services, whether on or off our facility, must be fully vaccinated Dvar Tefila according to standards of the State of Florida in order to participate in our Yom Tov Amidah (Artscroll Siddur pg. 662) programs and services. The only exception to this policy is for those who are

“You have chosen us from all peoples; You loved us and found favor in us.”

The Siach Yitzchak explains the difference between these three verbs. Someone is chosen when the Chooser (in this case Hashem) finds something favorable in the chosen one that is not found in the others. Love is fostered as a result of the chosen one doing something for the Chooser that fosters an affinity. Therefore, there is a motivation for the love and also a limit to that love, ie commensurate with the cause of that love. This is not the case by We are looking to hire an engaging and passionate Youth Director who will “favor”. There need not be any reason for the one to find favor, and therefore there need not be responsible for creating and implementing a comprehensive program of be any limit to that affinity. In Egypt Hashem chose us, though Bnei Yisrael were not much Jewish youth activities for our shul. The Youth Director will facilitate a range different than the Egyptians. When the Jewish People committed themselves to of activities that enhance Jewish identity, develop leadership, facilitate circumcision and the Korban Pesach on Pesach, they earned Hashem’s love. This love friendships and build a sense of community. found full expression and strength at Mount Sinai. There, Hashem’s love was intensified as To find out more information about this job, or to apply, please visit the Jewish People willingly accepted the Torah. Because of the efforts we made, Hashem then favored us by providing additional opportunities to connect with Him (even if we did not deserve them) - namely the holidays.

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 Partial List of ORB Facilities Kosher for Pesach (see ORB website for full list) Butcher Block, Boca Raton Ditma’s, Boca Raton Gelato Petrini, Delray Beach Miami Beach Chocolates Moon Landing by Israel’s Beresheet Spacecraft Appears to Mozart Café, Hollywood End in Crash Nava's Kosher Kitchen, Davie Orchids Garden, Boca Raton A small spacecraft that has captured the imagination and excitement of people in Pita Xpress, Hollywood Israel and around the world appears to have crashed on the moon, The New York Red Hook Bakery, Hollywood Times reported. “We have a failure of the spacecraft,” said Opher Doron, the Shalom Haifa, Aventura general manager of Israel Aerospace Industries’ space division, which collaborated on building the spacecraft. The mood at the control center was somber but still Sweat, shop, and sing-along with Sharsheret in Florida this Passover! Join us  celebratory. “Well we didn't make it, but we definitely tried,” said Morris Kahn, an at Lasko Getaways’ Pink Day on Wednesday, April 24th in Aventura. Click Israeli telecommunications entrepreneur and president of SpaceIL, the nonprofit that here for more information. undertook the mission. “I think we can be proud.” Prime Minister Benjamin  Kollel Choshen Mishpat of Miami Beach group rate for discounted tickets to Lion Netanyahu of Israel, who attended the event at the mission’s command center in Country Safari near Palm Beach and Legoland Theme Park in Orlando for Yehud, Israel, said, “If at first you don’t succeed, you try again.” If it had succeeded, Passover. Lion Country Safari: Monday and Tuesday $22 per person (vs the robotic lander, named Beresheet, which means “Genesis” or “in the beginning” $40). Legoland: Wednesday $45 per person (vs $103 retail) or $70 per person in Hebrew, would have been the first on the moon by a private organization, and it including the water park (vs $130) Call/text 305-204-8925 or email would have added Israel to just three nations — the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China — to have accomplished that feat. Beresheet reached the [email protected] for more information. launchpad and was headed to space aboard a SpaceX rocket in February. It orbited  PATCH Free Tutoring Program contact Larry Reiss (954) 662-3128. the moon, by itself a major accomplishment.  Ulpan Conversational Hebrew with Sima Dobkin, Advanced class 6:00- 7:30pm Tuesday evenings at YIH. Sign up at [email protected]  Sing, Sign, Simcha at YIH, Tuesdays 10:30am, music program for infants to Our partners with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby, in educating our 3 years, accompanied by an adult. Sign up at [email protected] community on issues affecting the U.S.-Israel relationship. We encourage you to learn more by contacting AIPAC at (202) 639-5200 or by visiting  Jeanette Levine Bridal Gemach. Contact Robin Andisman 954-588-7600 or [email protected]  Merkaz Ahavat Yisroel Gemach of Hollywood new & used clothing, toys, baby gear & furniture. Please text or call Orit Sabo 917-359-5818 for hours.  Bikur Cholim Medical Equipment Gemach: If you are in need of medical equipment on a temporary basis such as a wheelchair, walker, crutches, please call 954-894-8514 or contact  Tomchei Shabbos assists needy families in our community with meals for Shabbat. Checks may be mailed to the shul, or donate online at Now that your children and relatives are in town for the Chag, it’s a great time to  Hollywood Community Kollel, 4016 N. 46 Ave. (Winn Dixie shopping center). Late Ma’ariv 9:30pm Sun.-Thurs. No Early Mincha on Chol HaMoed. ask a 5th question: are you registered to vote? More voters in our community means a more powerful voice for Jewish day school funding. It takes less than five minutes to register online at How about requesting a mail-in-ballot? One person can request online for an entire family (including in- laws and sibling in-laws) at YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD ENCOURAGES OUR MEMBERS’ HOSPITALITY AND PARTICIPATION AT Contact [email protected] with questions and Chag Kasher COMMUNITY EVENTS. THE SYNAGOGUE DOES NOT SUPERVISE THE KASHRUT OF COMMUNITY V’Sameach. FUNCTIONS THAT ARE NOT ON OUR CAMPUS, NOR PRIVATE EVENTS AT MEMBERS' HOMES. CONSULT THE RABBIS WITH ANY QUESTIONS.

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Youth Department Shabbat / Yom Tov Schedule

Time Program Age/Grade Location

8:30am Babysitting 18months-Nursery 3 Back of House

9:00am Game Room Pre K - 4th Gr. Room 3-4

9:30am Youth Minyan 5th-7th Gr. Chapel

10:00am Shabbat Groups Pre-K & Room 6 Kindergarten 10:00am Shabbat Groups Nursery 3 Social Hall

10:00am Shabbat Groups 1st-2nd Gr. Girls Room 3 10:00am Shabbat Groups 1st-2nd Gr. Boys Room 4 10:00am Minyanairres 3rd & 4th Gr. Girls Room 1

10:00am Minyanairres 3rd & 4th Gr. Boys Room 2 Children who attend Youth Groups must be picked up by their parent or legal guardian at the conclusion of the 9:00 a.m. services in the Main Sanctuary. Only children who are accompanied by a parent may go downstairs

Teen Shabbat / Yom Tov Schedule

9:30am Teen Minyan 8th-12th Gr. Room 5 Final Four Rashi Shiur with Rav Natan

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OUR IDF LONE SOLDIERS Emma Frank, Lauren Friedman, Michale Goldberger, Sara Shulamit Klein, Rina Reich, Moshe Schiff, Sarina Solomon

2-8 7-3 5-5

7-3 5-5 4-6

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