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CHAPTER 28 Implications of Mycobacteria in Clinical Disorders


Avian mycobacteriosis is generally a disease of captive populations. In the past, most cases were believed to have been caused by avium and M. intracellulare. More recently, however, the atypical organism, M. genavense, has emerged as a significant cause of disease. Although the incidence of disease is relatively rare, the potential for avian mycobacteriosis to spread to humans makes this subject pertinent for avian veterinarians. In this chapter, aspects of avian mycobac- teriosis, including clinical presentation, therapeutic options, zoonotic potential and diagnostic tests with promising new molecular techniques such as deoxyri- bonucleic acid (DNA) probes, will be covered.

Mycobacterium spp.

Mycobacterium avium and M. intracellulare are fre- quently grouped together as the Mycobacterium avium intracellulare (MAI) complex or Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). Twenty-eight seeknown serotypes of MAI exist.56 The more pathogenic serotypes 1, 2 and 3 belong to the M. avium group.20,54 Serotypes 4 to 28 make up the M. intracellulare group, which is consid- ered relatively avirulent.31,56,77 Historically, these two species were considered the cause of avian tuberculosis, and they still play an important role in avian mycobacte- riosis today.

The atypical organism, Mycobacterium genavense, is an important cause of mycobacteriosis, especially in com- panion .38,40-42 In a recent survey of necropsied pet birds in Europe, M. genavense was the predominant mycobacterial species isolated.49 Mycobacterium gena- vense is a fastidious organism only recently identified. It is most closely related to M. simiae and was first isolated from immunosuppressed human patients.10,19,84 Addi- 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 682

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tional atypical mycobacteria isolated from companion bacterium spp. into mucosal or dermal lesions, or by birds in rare instances include M. fortuitum, the use of contaminated needles.36,83 M. gordonae and M. nonchromogenicum.38,41,70,79 HOST IMMUNE RESPONSE There also are rare reports of disease caused by Myco- bacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis.80 All avian species The presence of humeral antibodies does not appear to studied have been relatively resistant to M. bovis.13 Myco- protect against the development of avian mycobacterio- 20,82 bacterium tuberculosis has been reported only in com- sis. In the mammal, cell-mediated immunity is much panion species.29,36,77,80 There are no case reports, more important, and this also may be true in the . as yet, of M. tuberculosis in or free-ranging Studies evaluating growing layer hens inoculated with psittacines.13,48 Infection is probably secondary to close Mycobacterium butyricum found that dietary linoleic 69 contact with infected humans.31,48 Mycobacterium tuber- acid may boost cell-mediated immunity. culosis was cultured from a green-winged macaw (Ara chloroptera) 3 to 4 years after active tuberculosis was diagnosed in two human occupants of the household.85 Clinical Disease

INCIDENCE Pathogenesis of Disease The distribution of avian mycobacteriosis is worldwide, although most reports of disease are from northern SOURCE OF INFECTION hemisphere’s temperate zones. The incidence of avian mycobacteriosis is reportedly uncommon in some coun- Mycobacterium is a ubiquitous environmental sapro- tries, such as Japan.49,68 phyte most commonly found in soil with heavy fecal contamination or other organic debris.31 High levels of mycobacteria also might be found in surface water or in SIGNALMENT marshy, shaded areas.20,77 Although wild birds are a possi- Adult birds, 3 to 10 years of age, are most frequently ble source of infection, they are probably not an impor- diagnosed with avian mycobacteriosis.20,51,80 There is tant source of disease for captive birds.6,18,43,77 The preva- probably no gender predilection, although some reports lence of mycobacteriosis is low (usually <1%) in most suggest a slightly higher incidence of disease in the free-ranging populations.24 female bird.42,77,80

Avian mycobacteriosis has been reported in virtually all TRANSMISSION avian taxonomic orders, however, susceptibility varies Avian mycobacteriosis is usually transmitted by the inges- (Table 28.1). The greatest incidence of disease has been tion or inhalation of soil or water contaminated by feces, in captive collections of waterfowl, , songbirds, or, less commonly, by urine.29,82 Raptors might become and ground-dwelling birds such as farmed ratites and infected by ingesting infected prey. A mechanical arthro- small flocks. Reports also are common in the pod vector is a rare mode of transmission. Vertical trans- wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) and free-ranging mission also is possible, however, avian mycobacteriosis waterfowl. Orders and also is generally associated with an immediate halt in repro- are considered susceptible.6,16,20,24,27,41,43,44,49,59,60,77,80 ductive activity.77 Species considered relatively resistant to avian mycobac- teriosis include rooks (Corvus frugilegus), turtle doves Pathogenesis (Streptopelia risoria), (Meleagridis spp.) and The primary site of entry and initial colonization of guinea (Numida meleagris). Although the mycobacteria is the intestine. Subclinical bacteremia formerly was considered fairly resistant to avian quickly follows and the organism spreads to the liver mycobacteriosis, an epidemic was reported in lesser through the portal circulation. The absence of lymph (Phoeniconaias minor) in 1993. More than nodes in the bird then allows mycobacteria to spread 18,500 birds died over a 3-month period.45,77 hematogenously to distant parenchyma such as the 29,36,80 spleen, bone marrow, skin and lungs. CLINICAL PICTURE Disturbance of contaminated surface water might lead to There are three forms of avian mycobacteriosis, which the inhalation of aerosolized mycobacteria and direct have been historically described as classical, paratubercu- colonization of the respiratory tract. Focal skin disease lous or diffuse disease. The most common form of dis- probably occurs secondary to the inoculation of Myco- ease in the avian patient involves granulomatous lesions 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 683


Table 28.1 | Species Highly Susceptible to Avian Table 28.2 | Incidence of Granulomatous Lesions with Mycobacteriosis1,6,12,16,17,22,24,27,29,39,41,43,44,46,49,59,60,62,75,77,80,86,87,88 Avian Mycobacteriosis29 Order Species Usually Common Absent • White-winged wood (Aix sponsa) • Sea (Somateria fischeri, Clangula hyemalis, (gulls, shorebirds) ✓ Melanitta spp.) Ciconiiformes (bitterns, herons, egrets, ibises) ✓ Columbiformes • Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) Cuculiformes () ✓ Falconiformes Falconiformes (hawks, eagles, falcons) ✓ (Alectoris spp., Lerwa sp., Ammoperdix spp., ✓ Tetraogallus spp.) Galliformes (fowl) • (Phasianus colchicus) Gruiformes (coots, cranes, rails) ✓ • Quail (Coturnix japonica) (toucans) ✓ Gruiformes • Cranes ( spp., spp., Anthropoides spp.) • Rails ( spp., Laterallus jamaicensis) Strigiformes () ✓ • Gallinules (Porphyrula spp.) ✓ • Coots (Fulica spp.) Anseriformes (waterfowl) ✓ Passeriformes • Canaries (Serinus canarius) Columbiformes (pigeons, doves) • Sparrows (Passer domesticus) (hornbills, kingfishers) ✓ • Hooded siskin (Spinus sp.) • Lady Gouldian (Chloebia gouldiae) Passeriformes (songbirds) ✓ Psittaciformes • Amazon parrots (Amazona spp.) Amazona ochro- Psittaciformes (parrots) ✓ cephala auropalliata, Amazona farinosa, Amazona aestiva • Grey-cheeked parakeet (Brotogeris pyrrhopterus) • Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) • Horned parakeets (Eunymphicus cornutus) • Pionus (Pionus sp.) • Ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula)

Fig 28.1 | Granulomatous intestinal lesions in a mallard duck Fig 28.2 | Multifocal granulomatous lesions in the liver of a (Anas platyrhynchos) caused by Mycobacterium avium intracellulare. sandhill (Grus canadensis) caused by Mycobacterium spp.

in the gastrointestinal tract (Fig 28.1) and liver (para- develops. The presentation of wasting with an increased tuberculous) (Fig 28.2). Classic avian mycobacteriosis is appetite can lead to the incorrect presumptive diagnosis associated with tubercles in many organs such as the kid- of proventricular dilatation disease. Additional non-spe- ney, liver and spleen, while diffuse disease may be associ- cific signs of illness might include poor quality, ated with diffuse enlargement of affected organs.24,29,80 lethargy, weakness and pallor.51 Chronic or intermittent diarrhea may also be observed.12,29,80 Granulomatous lesions are common in birds of prey but rare in pigeons and doves, waterfowl and most parrots Abdominal distension due to enlargement of the liver or (Table 28.2).29 Diffuse mycobacteriosis has been most small intestines also might be detected. Ascites is rare, commonly reported in Coraciiformes, such as the king- although it has been reported in Canada geese (Branta fisher (Alcedo spp.), and Passeriformes.32,61 canadensis), mute swans (Cygnus olor), tundra swans (Cygnus columbianus) and some parrots.86 Granulomatous Intestinal Disease Granulomatous intestinal or paratuberculous disease is Musculoskeletal Disease associated with muscle wasting and emaciation. Initially Reports in the literature describe anywhere from 2 to the bird will display a good appetite, but anorexia later 93% incidence of bony lesions in avian mycobacteriosis. 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 684

684 Clinical Avian Medicine - Volume II Dr. Carol Canny Dr. Dr. Nancy Boedeker Dr. Fig 28.3 | Granulomatous nodules within the skin of a lovebird Fig 28.4 | An irregular, firm, fleshy mass in the choana of a (Agapornis roseicollis) caused by Mycobacterium spp. blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) caused by Mycobacterium spp.

Acute or chronic lameness, which might be shifting leg in ANTEMORTEM DIAGNOSTICS nature, may be observed due to granulomatous lesions in Antemortem diagnosis of mycobacteriosis is difficult due bones or joints. The carpometacarpal and elbow joints to the wide variety of possible clinical signs and physical are most commonly involved, and skin overlying the examination findings. A strong index of suspicion for 29,80 affected joints might be thickened and ulcerated. avian mycobacteriosis can be based on signalment, clini- cal findings consistent with disease, profound leukocyto- Respiratory Disease sis, organomegaly and the cytologic presence of acid-fast Granulomas within the lungs or compression of air sacs . Serologic techniques such as enzyme-linked secondary to hepatomegaly can lead to dyspnea or exer- immunosorbent assay (ELISA) also may prove helpful in cise intolerance. Additional signs of respiratory disease selected cases and are described in the following section are rare with avian mycobacteriosis, although focal nod- on serology. A definitive diagnosis of mycobacteriosis ules have been reported within the infraorbital sinus, relies on histologic identification or culture of the organ- nares and syrinx.14,71,85 ism. Molecular techniques, such as DNA probes and nucleic acid amplification, also are promising in the aid Skin Disease of diagnosing avian mycobacteriosis. Tubercle formation within the skin also is rare. Dermatitis, Minimum Database diffuse, non-pruritic thickening associated with xan- thomatosis, as well as pale, soft, subcutaneous masses Minimum database results are variable. The complete have been reported in association with avian mycobacte- blood count might reveal a marked heterophilic leukocy- riosis (Fig 28.3).25,29,80 tosis, monocytosis, thrombocytosis and elevated fibrino- gen. Chemistry panel results often are unremarkable, although liver enzymes may be mildly to moderately ele- Ocular Lesions vated, and albumin levels may be decreased. Early in the Granulomatous lesions may be associated with the eye- disease process, a polyclonal gammaglobulinopathy also lids, nictitating membranes, retrobulbar tissue and might be detected.35,77,80 pecten.1,62,71,77,85 There also is one report of keratitis asso- ciated with avian mycobacteriosis.74 Imaging Radiographic findings can include hepatosplenomegaly Miscellaneous Lesions and dilation of intestinal loops with gas (Fig 28.5).80 In rare reports, granulomas have been found within Gastrointestinal contrast radiography may demonstrate a the oropharynx (Fig 28.4), larynx or external auditory thickened and irregular small intestinal wall. Granulomas 1,29,85 canal. Endocrine abnormalities such as reproductive may be identified within the bones, lungs or coelom, failure might occur secondary to an infection in the however, these lesions are more difficult to identify in 80 adrenal glands, pancreas or gonads. Avian myco- the bird, since they do not calcify as in mammals.77 bacteriosis also might be associated with neurologic signs due to involvement of the spinal cord, brain or Radiographic findings involving bone might include lysis vertebral column.52,77,80 and/or sclerosis consistent with osteomyelitis, osteophy- 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 685


A suggestive diagnosis of avian mycobacteriosis may be based on identification of the organism in cytologic sam- ples; however, the acid-fast stain is not a specific test, because non-pathogenic mycobacteria can be transient gastrointestinal inhabitants or environmental contami- nants. Therefore, positive acid-fast cytology should be confirmed by culture, histopathology or DNA probe analysis.

Serology Serologic tests available include hemagglutination (HA), complement fixation (CF) and ELISA. These tests are highly species-specific and they are available for only a limited number of species.

HA is a rapid, easy-to-perform assay run on whole blood or serum. The use of fresh whole blood might produce more sensitive (true positive) results than whole blood in EDTA or serum. Species-specific antigen is required Fig 28.5 | Widening of the cardiohepatic silhouette on a V/D radiograph due to hepatomegaly caused by avian for reliable results. HA has been of some use in water- mycobacteriosis in an Amazon parrot (Amazona sp.). fowl, domestic fowl, raptors and cranes.21,35

ELISA is a sensitive, albeit labor-intensive, test that tosis around arthritic joints, pathological fractures and requires at least 24 hours before results are available. endosteal bone densities.77 Anatomic regions most com- Highly species-specific antigen is required. For instance, monly affected include the midshaft region of long a sensitive and specific ELISA exists for mycobacteria in bones, such as the humerus, tibiotarsus and ulna, and feral barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis).16,19,21,28,77 the ribs and sternum. There are rare reports of lesions involving the vertebrae and femur.80 In an unusual case CF titers of 1:20 or greater have been used to confirm report, chondritis, osteitis and osteomyelitis were infection or exposure to Mycobacterium avium infection described in the nasal bone of a wood duck (Aix in grey-cheeked parakeets (Brotogeris pyrrhopterus).58 sponsa) with mycobacteriosis.27 Culture Ultrasonography and alternate imaging methods, such as Culture has several practical limitations. Mycobacterium computed tomography, also are potentially useful diag- is only intermittently shed, and careful sample collection nostic modalities. is necessary to prevent environmental contamination. Mycobacteria are difficult to culture, and no growth Laparoscopy occurs even when proper protocols are followed. If Laparoscopy is an extremely useful technique for identi- growth does occur, at least 2 to 4 weeks are required for fying lesions on the serosal surface of the liver, spleen, visible colonies to appear and up to 8 weeks of incuba- intestine, lung and air sacs. Granulomas may be visual- tion is required. Some strains of M. avium require up to ized as white, yellow or tan round masses, which are 6 months before colonies are identifiable. soft and easily biopsied.80 Use of a radiometric culture methoda reduces the length Cytology of time needed for culture. This acidic culture medium is especially useful for isolation of the fastidious Myco- A large number of mycobacteria must be present (5 x bacterium genavense. In one study, only 3 out of 34 M. 104/ml) before the organism can be visualized micro- genavense isolates grew on conventional solid media, scopically; therefore, fecal acid-fast stains serve as a poor while the acidic culture medium supported growth of screening tool. The Ziehl-Neelsen stain is the standard 23/34 isolates.41,43 method for identification of acid-fast organisms. A modi- fied Ziehl-Neelsen stain utilizes peanut oil to reduce damage to the mycobacterial cell wall. Mycobacteria DNA Probes appear pink-red with the Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Myco- The DNA probe assay is a rapid method for identifying bacterium tuberculosis is rod-shaped, while M. avium various species of Mycobacterium grown in culture. can appear almost coccoid or as long, beaded rods.3,77 Although a very sensitive (95%) and specific (100%) test, 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 686

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the currently available gene probeb is not sensitive Intestinal Lesions enough to directly detect acid-fast bacilli in specimens.3 Distension or thickening of the intestines is an extremely common finding in granulomatous intestinal disease. Polymerase Chain Reaction Intestinal mucosa also may display a “shaggy carpet” appearance caused by prominently thickened or clubbed Molecular techniques may be used to identify organisms villi.77 Proventricular lesions also may be identified.37 grown not only on culture media but also identified within fecal, biopsy or necropsy samples, including for- Granulomas 4,34,47 malin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections. Polymerase Tubercles are frequently white, tan or yellow in color, c chain reaction (PCR) methods , based on the amplifica- and they might range in size from miliary foci to nodules tion and sequencing of the small subunit 16S rRNA gene several centimeters in diameter. Granulomas are most of mycobacteria, have been used to identify M. avium, commonly located within the intestinal wall, liver, 9,47,56,60,76 M. bovis and M. genavense. spleen and bone.11,24,49,53,77 Granulomas also might be found in subcutaneous tissue as well as a variety of One study comparing the sensitivity and specificity of other viscera such as the kidney.46 Tubercle formation various samples found that fecal specimens had the within the skin and lungs is rare.25,29 highest sensitivity by PCR (77.8%). Processing fecal spec-

imens with the zwitterionic detergent, C18-carboxypropy- Miscellaneous Lesions lbetaine (CB-18), also might increase the sensitivity of Additional lesions that might be identified with avian test results.78 mycobacteriosis include the following: proliferative or lytic bony lesions (secondary pathologic fractures are Intradermal Skin Testing possible),77 dermatitis or diffuse thickening of the skin associated with xanthomatosis,80 and pulmonary necrosis Intradermal skin testing has been used for decades in or ulceration.24,53 A single fluid-filled pulmonary cyst has poultry in the diagnosis of mycobacteriosis. A small vol- been reported in a cockatoo.57 An extremely unusual ume (0.1 ml) of avian purified protein derivative tuber- manifestation of mycobacteriosis was reported in fairy culin (PPD) is injected into the wattle or comb and (Irena spp.) with granulomatous cardiopul- assessed 48 to 72 hours later.7,55,77 monary arteritis.50 Unfortunately, intradermal testing has proven unreliable in a number of avian species including pigeons, geese, Histologic Findings quail and raptors. In these species, intradermal skin test- The most common findings reported include granuloma- ing is frequently associated with false negatives, espe- tous enteritis, splenitis or hepatitis with variable amounts cially in the early and late stages of disease. Testing has of acid-fast bacteria. A marked accumulation of been attempted on skin over the hock, vent, wing web macrophages also may be identified within the dermis, and eyelid. The skin just behind the ear also has been mucous membranes and subserosa of the peritoneum 29,77 utilized in ratites. and airsacs.24 Granulomatous intestinal lesions can also be associated with expansion of the intestinal villi by dif- POSTMORTEM DIAGNOSIS fuse granulomatous infiltrate and proliferations of epithe- lial cells within the glands of Lieberkuhn.29,83 Gross Findings Large numbers of acid-fast rods are found in lesions The gross necropsy findings of avian mycobacteriosis caused by Mycobacterium avium, while M. bovis and vary widely. Non-specific findings might include muscle M. tuberculosis tend to be found in relatively small wasting, loss of subcutaneous and intracoelomic fat and numbers.80 discolored, poor-quality . There may be no sig- nificant gross findings in the diffuse form of myco- Granulomas generally do not possess a region of central bacteriosis.59,80 calcification or an extensive necrotic center.80 The necrotic regions that are identified in avian mycobacterial Organomegaly granulomas are surrounded by epithelioid cells, multi- Hepatosplenomegaly is one of the most consistent nucleated giant cells and lymphocytes.38,53 Non-caseous findings in songbirds and grey-cheeked parakeets granulomas may contain large macrophages with highly 11,63 (Brotogeris spp.) with mycobacteriosis. Some birds vacuolated cytoplasm and numerous acid-fast bacteria.60 may also demonstrate an enlarged, pale, firm liver due to amyloid deposition, which may eventually lead to The diffuse form of avian mycobacteriosis is more diffi- hepatic rupture and hemorrhage.77 Polycystic livers and cult to recognize at necropsy, because organomegaly cystic granulomas have been reported in waterfowl.63 may not be observed. Instead, a diffuse infiltration with 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 687


Table 28.4 | Multi-Drug Therapy5,8,66,81,82 Table 28.3 | Anti-mycobacterial Drugs5,8,66,81,82 Drug Therapy • Aminoglycosides - • Isoniazid Rifabutin-Ethambutol-Clarithromycin Amikacin, Aminosidine, • Macrolides - Rifabutin 15 mg/kg PO q 24 h Kanamycin, Streptomycin Azithromycin, • Clofazimine Clarithromycin Ethambutol 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h • Cycloserine • Pyrazinamide Clarithromycin 85 mg/kg PO q 24 h • Dapsone • Rifamycins - (allometrically scaled) • Ethambutol Rifabutin, Rifampin Rifabutin-Ethambutol-Azithromycin* • Ethionamide • Tetracyclines - Rifabutin 15 mg/kg PO q 24 h • Fluoroquinolones - Doxycycline Ethambutol 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin 43 mg/kg PO q 24 h Enrofloxacin or Rifabutin 56 mg/kg PO q 24 h Ethambutol 56-85 mg/kg PO q 24 h Azithromycin or 43 mg/kg PO q 24 h or 23,32,61 large, foamy histiocytes may be seen. Clarithromycin 85 mg/kg PO q 24 h Rifampin-Ethambutol-Clofazimine THERAPEUTICS Rifampin 45 mg/kg PO q 24 h Ethambutol 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h Humane euthanasia is recommended for birds diagnosed Clofazimine 6 mg/kg PO q 24 h with mycobacteriosis. Birds infected with Mycobacterium Rifampin-Ethambutol-Isoniazid** avium may continuously shed large numbers of organ- Rifampin 45 mg/kg PO q 24 h isms into the environment.77,81 This potential zoonotic Ethambutol 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h risk is especially important in households with immuno- Isoniazid 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h suppressed individuals, such as those on chemotherapy, Rifampin-Ethambutol-Streptomycin the very young, the elderly and human immunodefi- Rifampin 15 mg/kg PO q 12 h Ethambutol 10 mg/kg PO q 12 h ciency virus (HIV)-positive. Any humans in contact with Streptomycin 30 mg/kg IM q 12 h an infected bird should consult a physician for evaluation. Rifabutin-Ethambutol-Enrofloxacin Rifabutin 15 mg/kg PO q 24 h Surgery Ethambutol 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h Surgical excision may be possible and perhaps even Enrofloxacin 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h Rifabutin-Ethambutol-Ciprofloxacin curative for discrete nodules in the skin, subcutaneous Rifabutin 15 mg/kg PO q 24 h tissue or periocular tissue. Medical management is indi- Ethambutol 30 mg/kg PO q 24 h cated for disseminated avian mycobacteriosis when treat- Ciprofloxacin 80 mg/kg PO q 24 h ment is deemed appropriate. Ethambutol-Cycloserine-Clofazimine-Enrofloxacin (raptors) Ethambutol 20 mg/kg PO q 12 h Medical Management Cycloserine 5 mg/kg PO q 12 h Clofazimine 1.5 mg/kg PO q 24 h There are numerous drugs with anti-mycobacterial activ- Enrofloxacin 10-15 mg/kg PO, IM q 12 h ity (Table 28.3). Mycobacterium avium isolated from Lamprene-Seromycin-Myambutol human patients has been reported sensitive to azithro- Lamprene 1.5 mg/kg PO q 24 h mycin, clarithromycin, ciprofloxacin, rifabutin, rifampi- Seromycin 10 mg/kg PO q 12 h cin, amikacin, clofazimine and ethambutol. Doxycycline Myambutol 40 mg/kg PO q 12 h has shown efficacy against atypical mycobacterium like With advanced cases give 81 Ciprofloxacin 20 mg/kg PO q 12 h M. fortuitum. or Enrofloxacin 15 mg/kg PO q 12 h or Multi-drug therapy should be employed in the treat- Streptomycin 20-40 mg/kg IM q 12 h x 7-10d ment of avian mycobacteriosis. Numerous successful *Lower doses have been reported combinations have been reported in the literature **Drugs are mixed into a dextrose powder, then mixed into a small (Table 28.4).8,65,66,75,81,82 Due to the intracellular nature of amount of food and given PO q 24 h. the pathogen, its slow growth, and the bacteriostatic activity of most anti-mycobacterial drugs, an extended vival rates. was used in a small course of treatment lasting 4 months or longer is rec- trial in captive waterfowl; however, results were incon- ommended. clusive.11

Immunotherapy has been a useful adjunct for treatment of human tuberculosis patients.72,73 Administration of CONTROL AND PREVENTION killed M. vaccae has some immunomodulatory effects Mycobacterium is extremely stable in the environment. It and has been associated with an improvement in sur- is highly resistant to environmental extremes and might 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 688

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survive for months or years in contaminated soil and sur- cobacterial activity include alcohol, aldehydes, halogens, face water or less commonly in feed, feathers or dis- peroxygens and phenols (Table 28.5).67 The use of reed carded food.24 biofiltration systems to remove contamination from water also is being investigated.77 There are no absolute means for control of avian tuber- culosis. Quarantine and surveillance programs must Vaccination strive to identify and eliminate infected animals. Providing complete, balanced nutrition and utilizing There are only rare reports of vaccination against myco- good sanitation practices will minimize the impact of dis- bacteriosis in birds. The bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) ease. Stressors such as overcrowding also must be mini- vaccine, a human product directed against Myco- mized.26 bacterium tuberculosis, was tried in poultry but was found to be of little benefit.33 A vaccine against Identification and Elimination Mycobacterium avium also has been given to poultry 54,64 of Infected Animals and, more recently, captive waterfowl in Britain. The poultry industry has relied on the use of intrader- mal skin testing to identify and then eradicate affected ZOONOTIC POTENTIAL OF AVIAN birds. Unfortunately, this screening test has not proven MYCOBACTERIOSIS useful in the exotic avian species studied to date.30,40,51,77 Are birds that live in close proximity to people a poten- In a zoological or setting, an extended quarantine tial source of tuberculosis? Although the incidence of M. period of 3 to 6 months should be considered.40,43 During avium infection in human acquired immunodeficiency this time, screening tests should include physical exami- syndrome (AIDS) patients is increasing,40 these mycobac- nation, hematology, serum biochemistry, acid-fast fecal terial strains are thought to be environmental in origin. smears and serology in those species for which it is avail- Studies using DNA probes have shown that avian strains able. Laparoscopy, fecal culture and PCR testing also of M. avium rarely infect people.2 Birds and humans are should be considered. probably exposed to the same environmental sources of mycobacteria.31 If birds with confirmed mycobacteriosis are not eutha- nized, they must be kept permanently separated from other birds. Birds that were in contact with mycobacte- CONCLUSION ria-positive individuals also should be quarantined for 1 Avian mycobacteriosis may be caused by MAI or atypical to 2 years. During this time, periodic retesting every 6 to mycobacteria such as M. genavense. Birds usually are 12 weeks for mycobacteriosis is recommended.26,77 exposed to mycobacteria through soil or water contami- nated by feces. Clinical disease varies with the species Removal or Prevention of Tuberculosis and strain of Mycobacterium spp., the species of bird in the Environment affected and the route of transmission. Classically, how- ever, mycobacteriosis is a disease of the gastrointestinal To reduce the risk of exposure to mycobacteria, carefully tract and liver in the bird. While identification of disease consider cage design and sanitation. Prevent contact relies on intradermal skin testing in poultry, this has not with wild birds. In or zoological collections, one proved useful in other avian species. Ancillary testing in should consider solid, non-porous flooring and other nongallinaceous birds should include a complete blood easily disinfected surfaces instead of dirt substrate. count, imaging, laparoscopy, cytology, serology and PCR Footbaths should be utilized to minimize the potential testing. A definitive diagnosis is based on culture or introduction of mycobacteria into the enclosure.23,43 histopathology. Euthanasia is recommended for affected Tuberculosis is more resistant to disinfectants than other birds. Control should focus on identification of affected non-spore-forming bacteria.77 Compounds with antimy- birds through quarantine and use of appropriate screen- ing tests. Avoiding dirt flooring may reduce exposure to infectious material. Instead, utilize non-porous, easy-to- Table 28.5 | Anti-mycobacterial Compounds5,8,66,81,82 • Alcohol • Peroxygens clean surfaces, appropriate disinfectants and footbaths. • Aldehydes - • Phenolics Formaldehyde, • Chemosterilizing gases - Glutaraldehyde, Ethylene oxide, Beta- Products Mentioned in the Text Succinaldehyde, Glyoxal propiolactone a. BACTEC System, Becton Dickinson, Diagnostic Instrument Systems, Inc, • Halogens - Sparks, MD, USA, www.bd.com/clinical/products/mycob Chlorine-releasing b. AccuProbe System, GenProbe Inc, San Diego, CA, USA, agents, Iodine-releasing www.gen-probe.com/prod_serv/mycobac_accuprobe.asp agents c. Roche Molecular Systems, Branchburg, NJ, USA, www.roche-diagnostics.com/ba_rmd/products.html 28_Mycobacteria.qxd 8/23/2005 2:08 PM Page 689


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