Cannon Park Primary School Newsletter

Issue Number 24 – Tuesday 4th May 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

We had the most amazing week last week! For Cannon Park Primary School to be part of the ‘Flames of Friendship’ was such a privilege and honour as we all had such a memorable time.

Every week, in our Friday Celebration Assembly, we congratulate those children who have shown our school values and tried their best with their learning. It is always a pleasure to be part of the celebrations and I couldn’t be prouder of the children for all their efforts in doing their best. Well done to everyone!

Our school website is a wonderful source of information so please take a regular look. Miss Cleveland keeps us up to date with lovely books that are either recently published or recommended, photographs of activities that take place around the school are on there, any information that is sent out is always on there so if you are unsure about a date or event then please take a look!

Olympic Torch 1948 On Thursday 29th April we received the 1948 Olympic Torch from Primary School. It was such a lovely atmosphere and having the whole school outside in bubbles to welcome our visitors was a very special moment. The children have enjoyed having some time with the torch in their classrooms and have been learning about the Olympic Values of “Friendship, Excellence and Respect”. A big thank you to our Year 6 ambassadors, along with Mr Young and Mr Sawbridge, who took the torch on to its next stage of the ‘Flames of Friendship’ relay to Park Secondary School. I know they were incredibly proud to be representing Cannon Park School. Mrs Amphlett

Cannon Park Primary School Newsletter

Issue Number 24 – Tuesday 4th May 2021

Coventry Inspirations Book Award The evictions for this year's Inspiration Book Awards have started and the first books sent out were a shock! The shortlists are chosen by a panel of primary school librarians each year, to make sure each age group has a range of genres and writing styles so that hopefully every child can find at least one book that inspires them to read for pleasure. If you would like to keep your favourite book in, you need to keep voting for it. You can find the link on our school website and our Twitter feed, or by googling "Coventry Inspiration Book Awards 2021". You can vote as many times as you want each week. Miss Cleveland – School Librarian

Celebrating our Learning

Reception Reception had a brilliant week where they acted out Cinderella's wedding to the Prince. They even built a church out of construction blocks, dressed up and chose the best man and guests. They learned to sing James Browns 'I Feel Good' in their Charanga music lesson and particularly loved seeing the Olympic torch, and learning all about the Olympics. It was a super week where the children displayed all our values! Well done Reception! Mr Wilson and Miss Roberts

Year 1 Another amazing week of learning Year 1! You have all continued to show our school values and we could not be prouder! We have seen you use your incredible imaginations again in creating your own characters and settings in our English lessons with the story ‘You Choose in Space’, which led to some super exciting and descriptive sentence writing that included adjectives and pronouns! As mathematicians, we learned how to use a ruler and measure and compare different lengths in cm. In Science, we went on a tree hunt and identified the names of the different trees we have growing on our school grounds. In History, we created our own timelines, which included the year we were born, when our parents were born and where Christopher Columbus fitted onto it too! We had great fun welcoming a 73-year-old Olympic torch to our school and enjoyed creating our own Olympic torches too! Well done for a fantastic week of learning Year 1. You are all superstars! Miss Swain and Miss French

Year 2 Year 2 have had another brilliant week of learning. In English, we are getting ready to write non-chronological reports about the rainforest. The children were busy using iPads last week to find lots of information on the internet. In maths, we have been learning about length and have been measuring things using metres and centimetres. In our Geography lessons, we continued our unit of work on Kenya. The children were great at using charts to find out about the differences between the climate in and Kenya. The biggest excitement of the week was the arrival of the 1948 Olympic torch. the children really enjoyed the buzz around school, we found out about the Olympics and made our own torches. Well done Year 2 for a fabulous week of learning! Mrs Amphlett and Miss Delargy

Year 3 Year 3 had another great week last week. In English, the children wrote fantastic recounts about 'A Day in the Life' of someone who lived in the Stone Age. In maths, with Mrs Nagra, the children have continued to learn about fractions. In history, the children pretended to be archaeologists by using toothpicks to pick out the chocolate chunks from a cookie. This taught them that archaeologists need to be patient and work carefully. A real highlight of the week was having the Olympic Torch in our classroom. As well as holding the torch, the children learnt about the Olympic values. Mr Kelley, Miss Softic and Mrs Nagra.

Cannon Park Primary School Newsletter

Issue Number 24 – Tuesday 4th May 2021

Year 4 Another fabulous week of learning in Year 4 – well done everyone! In Maths, we have continued to work on our fluency with fractions and in English, we completed our newspaper reports about the wolf attack on Arthur’s village. In Science, we learned how to use a branching key to classify living things and in History, we looked at Viking place names and found them on a map of the UK. We were thrilled to spend some time with an Olympic Torch this week and Year 4 impressed us greatly during our discussion of the Olympic Values. Thank you Year 4 – keep it up! Miss Ashby and Miss Walsh

Year 5 As always, Year 5 have been doing lots of brilliant learning, showing our school values. In maths, we have been learning about decimals, fractions and percentages and thinking about where we see them in everyday life. In English, we have continued to be inspired by the rainforest and visited our school meadow to imagine what it would be like to be in a rainforest! As geographers, we have been finding out about the different layers of the rainforest and researching the wildlife found in each layer. As scientists, we have planted sunflower seeds in special bags and taken them home to plant in our gardens. The children have been asked to measure them each week and report on their growth. Who will grow the tallest sunflower? We went out to the meadow and imagined that we were squirrels by hiding nuts and raisins. The next day, we went to see if we could find them again... We found some, but who had eaten the rest? Well done Year 5. Another great week. Mrs Aston, Mrs Reihill and Miss Cleveland.

Year 6 Well, what an amazing week Year 6 have had. Once again, the children demonstrated their maturity and adherence to the school values as they worked through their learning. Year 6 began writing their very own Greek Myths last week which have proven to be very entertaining to read. The class have also learnt about factors, multiples, prime numbers and how they relate to one another, what a thought provoking and fun week of maths! To cap off a great week, we were thrilled to receive an actual Olympic torch from the 1948 games and the children enjoyed learning about its history along with the values associated with the Olympics themselves. Friday was a tale of two parts as Mr Young along with several students walked to Finham Park School to pass on the Olympic torch, the children were fantastic, really enjoyed the trip and demonstrated the school’s values both there and back.

The rest of the children had great fun with Mr Ray who taught them some exciting strategy and team-based games during their P.E lesson. Mr Young

Bug Club All the children should be reading regularly and logged on to Bug Club. If you go to our website you will see the information provided to support children to log on and to inform them of all the activities available for them on the site.

School Uniform Reminder – all children should be in full school uniform, including school shoes. Trainers are not to be worn instead of school shoes.

Gentle reminders: Hands – Face – Space Always wear a facemask correctly on the school site One adult per family to pick up a child/children One way system at all times of the day, including when children are dropped off or collected from Rosie and Jim’s Car Park is for staff only If a child/adult displays COVID symptoms they must follow govt. guidelines

Cannon Park Primary School Newsletter

Issue Number 24 – Tuesday 4th May 2021

All emails should be sent to the school admin address – [email protected] Class emails are not to be used whilst the school remains open – teachers will not be responding to emails sent to the year group emails. Any concerns or queries please ring or email the school, please no discussions with staff on the school site. Thank you.

Lateral Flow Tests for staff In line with government guidance, our school staff are taking part in ‘Staff Covid Testing’, which started on the 25th of January. All adults working within our school will be offered the opportunity to take a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) at home twice a week; the testing regime aims to reduce transmission of COVID-19 by early identification of asymptomatic carriers of the virus. Testing is not compulsory and will not replace any of our robust protective measures that are already in place to keep our schools safe – HANDS -FACE-SPACE. These tests produce a result in 30 minutes which will indicate whether a staff member, with no symptoms, is either negative or maybe positive for Covid. If a positive test result is received, then the staff member and close contacts are required to self-isolate whilst the staff member and close contacts are required to self-isolate whilst the staff member undertakes the PCR test to confirm if the individual is positive for COVid (undertaken at the testing centres). Should a member of staff receive a positive lateral flow test and they have been in contact with your child in the prior 48 hours, then your child will be asked to self-isolate whilst the PCR test is undertaken. Should a negative PCR test result be received, we will welcome your child back to school as soon as possible. Should the test be positive then your child will need to follow self-isolation rules for ten days from their last contact. We will inform you as soon as we can in these circumstances and confirm the dates involved. Your child will need to be collected promptly from school. Please be reassured that there are no indications that pupils in primary schools will be asked to undertake these tests, this is purely for school staff.

Lateral Flow Tests for pupils The LA are pleased to let you know that from Thursday 18th February they are extending their Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) Community sites to be able to test children and young people from age 2. They are urging all parents and carers to take their children and young people for a COVID-19 test at an LFT site every week if they are not accessing this in school. In the first instance where you have a child currently attending onsite provision in early years setting, nursery class or primary school, please can you take your child for a test before their return to school (week commencing 22nd February). You only need to contact the school if your child tests positive. Information on the location of LFT Community sites is available at

Illness in school Can we remind parents that any child who has any symptoms related to COVID must not be sent into school. These symptoms include: · High temperature · a new, continuous cough · Loss of taste/smell To reiterate—If we do have children experiencing these symptoms in school, we will contact families ASAP. Children will be asked to be collected from school. Families will also be advised to book a COVID test and share the results of this with the school.

Cannon Park Primary School Newsletter

Issue Number 24 – Tuesday 4th May 2021

COVID Testing If your child shows any symptoms linked to COVID19 we will ask that you take them for a COVID test. Until you have a test outcome the government recommends that the family should isolate. This means that siblings of symptomatic children who have undergone testing should not be in school. If a negative result is returned, then the children can return to school. We ask that families communicate test results with the school ASAP so that we can support the individual and the whole school community. If you need to report a test result during the holidays then please text your results to the school mobile number: 07763008550. -coronavirus-test Stay safe

V. MacDonald

Mrs V. MacDonald Head Teacher

Attendance Chart w/e 26/04/21 Year Percentage

1st 4 98.8%

2nd 6 98.3%

3rd 5&3 96.9%

4th R 96.7%

5th 2 91.3%

6th 1 86.9%

Well Done Year 4


Our Achievers of the w/e 30th April 2021

Reception Class - Khivi Year 1 - Gian Year 2 - Poppy

Year 3 - Sian Year 4 - Richard Year 5 - Jack Year 6 - Isaac