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The B-G News April 21, 1966

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Thursday, April 21, 1966 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Vol. 50, No. 97 Viet Unrest Spring Fever To Continue? WASHINGTON (AP)-- Defense Secretary McNamara told the Senate Foreign Relations Com- Still Strong? mittee yesterday that more in- ternal political turmoil can be By JUDY HIRSCH night disturbance, in which ap- expected in South Viet Nam. Managing Editor The pentagon chief said Viet proximately 300 students roamed Nam, like other under- developed A second night of student dis- the campus and city streets for nations, is undergoind a period turbances on Tuesday evening in- more than two hours. of "birth pains." volving three fraternities and a Dean Taylor met with city of- He added that he cannot pre- water balloon catapult, was de- ficials yesterday and a decision dict when Viet Nam will shift scribed by Dr. Kenneth McFall, was made that city police will from an unstable set of political University vice president, as take action if such things occur institutions to a stable set, but having no relation to the pre- again. said South Viet Nam took one vious night of disturbances. step in that direction when agree- The Tuesday night unrest "Our major concern at the ment was reached to hold elec- erupted into a water fight on the present time is to attempt to re- tions. east side of Conklin between the trieve the personal property be- fraternity men and independents, longing to the women students in McNamara said American as water-filled balloons were Harshman," Dean Taylor com- troops would not be used to try dumped on students as they mented. "I personally think that to stop the Communist Viet Cong passed fraternity row. The stu- the male students should make if they seek peacefully to partici- dents retaliated by breaking win- some kind of restitution for the pate in the elections. But he dows. damage which occurred Monday said it is "inconceivable" to him The disturbances started night." that the Viet Cong will try to shortly after the dinner hour participate. and occurred intermittently un- So far, the only things returned Wanted'- Identities til about 8:30 p.m. University were the curtains from the room, He added that the U.S. would police reported there were no but signs and announcements are respect the choice of the Viet- exceptionally large groups, but being posted in Harshman asking namese even if they choose some Of These 2 Men Just"students milling around the for the return of any mer- form of government other than area because they had nothing chandise. democratic. The two "gentlemen" appearing above are the senior mem- better to do." Tom Liber, newly elected Stu- McNamara said Communist bers of Sic Sic, University spirit- building organization. If you "I think the water-balloons can guess who they are, and where the 1966 unmasking picture are Just a part of the natural dent Body president commented forces In South Viet Nam are that he saw no reason for spring taking their orders "hour to was taken, you can earn yourself $10 from the News. spring fever that occurs every The only clue as to where the unmasking picture was taken year," Dr. McFall said. fever to erupt into something this hour" from Hanoi. He said damaging. "If the students want 20,000 or more North Vietna- is that it was on campus. The Tuesday night unrest was Contest rules includes handled personally by Wallace to play war, then they should mese fighting men are in South enlist," he said Viet Nam. --Entries must be written on a sheet of paper with the per- W. Taylor, dean of men. "I son's name, class, campus address and telephone number. received complete cooperation According to Dean Taylor, dis- Included should be the guesses as to the senior Sic Sic's Identity from the fraternities involved," and the exact location of the unmasking picture which will appear he said. "After a short side- cussions are being held with Romney in the Key. walk conference with the presi- students regarding their behav- --Entries should be brought to the News office in 103 Univer- dents, the incident was over." ior. "I think the situation has sity Hall between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday According to Dean Taylor, the pretty well corrected itself. We To Speak beginning next Monday. The contest ends at 4 p.m. Friday, balloons are hurled by a cata- are very interested in keeping May 6. Entries must be signed by a News staff member. pult- like weapon built by one of an academic atmosphere and if --Paid members of the News and Key staff are not eligible. the fraternities, which hurls the a student is that Irresponsible I think he should go home for a (Neither are members of Sic Sic and their Immediate families.) balloons quite a distance. He In Toledo while and grow up." --In case of tie, the earliest correct entry brought to the said that Harshman Quadrangle Several faculty and student News office will be the winner. residents had been building a members of the University chap- The winner will be announced on the day the Key is distributed. weapon to use in retaliation. "If ter of Sigma Delta Chi, national these students want to play like honorary journalism society, will Juniors this, then let them take their hear Michigan Governor George weapons out to Sterling Farms, Romney and several noted build forts and they can go at journalists at a two-day regional To Present Toledo Medical School it as long as they want," he said. SDX conference this weekend in Investigation continues of the Toledo. Governor Romney will deliver Monday night disturbances. Dean Awards Taylor said there is substantial the kick-off address tomorrow This year's Junior Class and Names First President proof that a cherry bomb tossed the 1966-67 Junior Class each night, which is open to the public. into theTau Kappa Epsilon house Other speakers will include Special To The News will offer a $500 scholarship to gested that the medical school was the beginning of the Monday G.K. Hodenfield, former As- TOLEDO. Ow— Dr. Glid- have a close working arrange- foreign students next fall. sociated Press education-edi- den L. Brooks, 53, associate ment with both the University of Tom Liber, Junior Class tor and now with Indiana Uni- vice president of Brown Univer- Toledo and Bowling Green Uni- president, said the scholarship slty; David Dietz, science edi- sity, Providence, R.I., has been versity. will be for the fall semester only, tor of the Cleveland Press, and selected president of the Toledo The Toledo State College of and that while all foreign stu- Larry O'DonnelL Detroit bureau State College of Medicine. Medicine will be the first state dents with a semester's chief for the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Brooks will start his new educational facility in Ohio built residency at the University will Highlight of the Saturday ses- position July 1 as head of the from scratch since Bowling be considered, juniors will be sion will be a luncheon address college which was authorized in Green and Kent State were given preference. by Clayton Fritchey, long-time the last session of the General founded In 1910. Applicants must have a 2.2 aide and adviser to the late Assembly. Dr. Brooks Is a former medi- accumulative point average and Adlai Stevenson, and now a news- Paul Block, chairman of the cal school faculty member at a 2,2 average the previous sem- paper columnist. board of the medical school, Harvard, Pennsylvania and Pitts- ester. Applications will be re- Van Sauter, Knight newspaper said the selection of Dr. Brooks burgh. A native of Nebraska, viewed by the Scholarship Com- correspondent who recently re- ended a search which started he was with the U.S. Public mittee of the Junior Cabinet. turned after nearly a year in Viet almost Immediately after Ohio Health Service as a com- The final selectees will be in- Nam, will discuss the war in a voters last May approved a state missioned officer during World terviewed by the Scholarship Saturday afternoon session. bond issue which allocated $7.5 War II and has served as direc- Committee and/or the Executive General chairman of the con- million for the Toledo college. tor of the Cerebral Palsey As- Committee of the Junior Class. ference is William Day, state It is intended that the college sociation. The forecast for today is Crystal Wllhelm is coordinator news editor of the Toledo Blade will be built on grounds at the Besides being vice president scattered thunderstorms ending of the Scholarship Committee. and lecturer In journalism at the Toledo State Hospital. The in- for bio-medical development at in the early morning hours. The Applications are now available University. tended site was recommended Brown. he also is director of the afternoon will be cooler, with at the Mayfield Internationale en- The conference will end Sat- by a three-man team of medical school's Institute for HealthSer- a high expected 52-58. Fair ter or at the Student Activities urday night. school deans which also sug- vices. and cooler on Friday. Office. page 2 The B-G News, Thursday, April 21, 1966 News Editorial Page Fighting Posture Meaningless Measure

Although it can be considered a progressive be essentially that the rules are now written down, step, the passage of the academic honesty rec- and perhaps some of the confusion has been allevi- ommendation by the Faculty Senate Tuesday, raises ated. a number of questions. The primary purposeof the legislation--reducing If given the stamp of approval by the President or eliminating cheating at the University--does and the Board of Trustees, the report would not seem to be substantially aided. simply provide a legal course of action for what Enforcement has not been improved at all. now is occurring anyway. We must assume that someone who cheats in most For the first offense of "cheating on tests or cases anticipates a relatively good chance of getting other assignments," the punishment is failure in away with it. No improvement in this situation the course. Is this not the generally accepted has been gained by the Faculty Senate punishment now, enacted by the instructor, if r ecomm endatlon. a student is caught in the act of cheating? With no substantial gain in threat of punish- For the second offense the punishment of sus- ment, just an explanation of it, and no improve- pension from the University for one year, with ment in enforcing the no-cheating principle, the option for reapplying, results. Presently, of course^ bill, for practical purposes, is meaningless. according to the discretion of the instructor, pressures are often placed on the dean's office for The step definitely must be considered a useful a student's suspension even after the first offense step toward a needed goal, but the recommendation of cheating. in its present form is not as yet the answer to The importance of the measure, then, seems to the problem. From Our Readers w w> Officer Jones Hurts Image r^ " The 'Right' Opinion ^-—**»*- i One Can't Accept i To the editor: about brushing up on that hand- hours, but of course he will give On the afternoon of April 19th, book O.J.? it up because of the five dollar I witnessed, from a classroom, Thomas Blaha fine of missing his lecture. (Don't an act by the gallant Officer Jones 409 Harshman A forget that this is more mature I That 'God Is Dead' ) of University Police Department, than high school!) By DAVID BRUNNER which I feel deserves recognition. A Hill ftt 111 f* lit Joe College has arrived home Columnist Four middle-aged ladles were "* and his parents hand him his grades and asked him why he did in extreme difficulty attempting -r the editor: 0 so poorly. In one coursejblanket tions of society. And on this basis, to change a tire on their auto- The administration seems to The question "Is God Dead?" grades were given, and in his it is impossible to know what mobile in the parking lot located e concerned over the problem appeared recently on the front D major he was downgraded so he these dictations might now be- in front of the University Union. f student adjusting from high cover of "Time Magazine." The 0 a would try harder--and of course come. Officer Jones, apparently quite school to college life. Well, most recent issue of "U.S. News parents believe this. amused, sat comfortably in his the power Tower can relax for and World Report" displayed a He did bad in his minor be- In considering God's relation- squad car, looking on. there really is no problem: No front cover that read: "God is cause Instead of studying for the Not 'Dead.'" ship to modern problems, I can't Then It happened-a young gen- adjustment Is necessary test he walked to the nearest help but think of the death of In fact a W h chool g d polling station to vote. Poor tleman in an Air Force R.O.T.C. K ' * " lf " "; Last week near the frontdoors President Kennedy. I wonder why ,, ,. ., ._ .. . ,,. ate has to lower himself. Wait, Joe College. Lucky Susie Col- Uniform on his way to the health of University Hall a sign appeared multitudes of people poured into service center stopped and put an one °f *■ °*erP»M counselors lege-she can Join AWS and won't which read: "God Is Alive, but the places of worship. I wonder end to the officer's entertainment »" the dormitory-no doubt a have any problems. why there were special masses wel1 c uallfled who Cares?" To some, these by changing the tire. » Psychologist- - just David Alex and sermons. There Just might informed me of all my corn- statements and questions may 343 Harshman A be some correlation. Changing a tire on a day like plexes, so I take everything back. seem very simple, but there are April 19th could be extremely det- The lucky high school gradu- a vast number of concepts and How long has modern science rlmental to an R.O.T.C. uniform, ate comes to old B.G. On the Drills theories that may be expounded been attempting to disprove any- since cadets are instructed to first day he will meet his ad- upon in answer of, or retalia- thing related to the "super- look sharp while in uniform. I viser, who takes a deep inter- tion to; that is. If one would have natural?" It is true that they have To the editor: the desire. feel that this gentleman could est in the student's future, and In reply to the men of Con- been trying, but to what avail? have been spared the lncon- he will be skillfully guided on his klin Hall, who are overly dis- venience by a little common cour- college career, tressed about playing basketball Billy Graham, world-famous In there own narrow-minded tesy on the part of the "lawman." ne wm start off his first se- in Anderson Arena. I suggest evangelist, has discussed three little heads they may have drawn Students have been criticized mester as a good boy should: they get a blue slip from spacing reasons as to why he feels men some conclusions, but these con- for contributing to a "bad image" Studying hard and telling mom assignments to use Anderson believe God is dead. They are as clusions don't coincide with the of the University, but in this in- and dad how he hopes to get an Arena. follows: (1) God Is irrelevant to minds of the rest of the world. stance, I feel that Officer Jones "A" in his major. (Why shouldn t As for the drill team, they the problems of today; (2) modern Have we been shown any con- should be awakened to the fact he, he had the same course in have written permission, in black science has brought the super- clusive proof? that employees also haveanobli- high school, but it didn't show and white, to be on floor of An- natural into disrepute; and(3) be- gation to the University's image. on the entrance tests which he derson Arena from 6 p.m. to 8 cause the mysteries of the Have the mysteries of the world also had three times in high p.m. Sunday. Another drill team universe have already been ex- been adequately explained? Each I do not know if Officer Jones school.) has the floor from 3 p.m. to plained by scientists. person obviously has his own answer, but I'm sure most would was ever a Boy Scout, but if he The student has just finished 5 p«ma was, I would like to remind him all his mid-term exams and has Furthermore, it has always say absolutely not. The mystery I would be the first to admit of life itself has not yet been that the fifth Scout Law is : a flight on the plane home. It is been my understanding that no one that we at this University, in- "A Scout Is Courteous." How the only one he can get for sixty is to be in Anderson Arena on explained. And I can't help but cluding myself, are by no means wonder how much there is that Sunday unless authorized by noted theologians. We are not we don't know that we don't even spacing assignments. authorities nor do we have the know about. Both drill teams have made capability of knowing the answers arrangements with the Intramur- to many difficult questions. i The B-G News al director, the varsity athletic The right to possess the faci- Serving A Growing University Since 1920 director, and the spacing assign- lity to think and question is a blessing. One should not accept ments to use the floor. The point that I am trying to | EDITORIAL STAFF the statement "God is Dead" As for the rifles banging, all make is that "no one" on earth Fred F. Endres Editor without thinking about what it Judy Hirsch Managing Editor the weapons used in Anderson has the capability of knowing really means and questioning the George Braatz Editorial Pag* Editor Arena have rubber padding shoes, positively whether or not God reasons why. After following the John Gugger Sports Editor to protect the floor, as stated in is dead. M.-.rilyn Draper Feature Editor our spacing contract. process of thinking and question- Mike Kuhlin Photo Editor If you think that you have it ing, I suggest that all the answers Casey Wolnowski Art Editor Not being theologians then, we rough, try scheduling drill prac- lead to the conclusion: "God is James Treeger Issue Editor .still have the ability to think and Alive." Let each decide for him- Dianne Dixon Assistant Issue Editor tice around the basketball, base- to question. I suggest we think self. BUSINESS STAFF •:•: ball, wrestling, tennis, and track about and question these three Fred Kohut Business teams which also use the spaces reasons as to their validity and Gary DUtz Retail Advertising Manager of Anderson Arena and theMen's conclusiveness. John Donnelly National Advertising Manager Gymnasium. Dan Amon, Jim Taft.Classified Advertising Managers '■■'■ The News reserves the Add to this intramural ath- ■:■: right to edit letters more Dave Sprunk Subscription Manager ' : What is God's relationship to ■ ■ letics and varsity events sche- S than 300 words in length. the problems or situations of Published Tuesdays thru Fridays during the regular school duled in Anderson Arena. Then :•:■ Letters should be type- year, except holiday periods, and once a week during summer the drill teams and the recre- today? Without God, that is if •S; written, and carry the name 1 sessions, under authority of the Publication's Committee of He were now dead, there could IS of the author, a swell as his | ational people have their chance. Bowling Green State University. be no moral wrong - doing on Si typewritten name, address So you can see where the prob- S and telephone number. The Opinions expressed in editorials, editorial cartoons or other earth. People would have no real I columns In the News do not necessarily reflect the opinions lem lies. What every one needs :|:| News will publish as many basis lor living the so- called good IS letters as possible within of the University Administration, faculty or staff or the State >■: on this University is more space of Ohio. Opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily •:■ life. X; the limits of space, good for the various campus activities. Si toste and the laws of libel. reflect the opinions of the B-G News. Editorials In the News :j: Daniel B.Claxton reflect the opinion of the majority of members of the B-G Commander of Pershing The only wrong would be social Newt Editorial Beard. wrong; that Is, simply the dicta- s«*»:w:w:*ft*:*:^^ Rifles Company 1-1 ISx*x*:*:W:*:-:-:::^^ The B-G News, Thursday, April 21, 1966 page 3 Schubert Named WBGU-TV Pershing Rifles Operations Production Head Plan Celebration WBGU-TV's first production bachelor of arts degree from Mi- Company 1-1 of the National director, Gregory K. Schubert, ami in 1963. Society of Pershing Rifles at has been promoted to operations For the past two years Mr. the University will celebrate its production manager of the Uni- Schubert has been responsible seventeenth birthday tomorrow. versity's educational television for producing and directing the The company will award six station. Channel 70news program, broad- honorary memberships and give an exhibition performance for an Mr. Schubert replaces Ted cast Monday through Friday evenings at 6 p.m. He has also American Legion convention in M. Payne, who has accepted a Fremont on Saturday. position with a commercial sta- served as producer-director for several other local programs. Members of the exhibition tion in Washington D.C. squad are: Mike Cordy, com- Mr. Schubert will be in charge "In assuming the Job as op- erations production manager,' I mander, Jim Wolfinger, Chuck of all broadcasting operations, Acker, Pete Varis, Dick GilL including supervision of the gra- will have less time to produce regular programs,"''Mr. Schu- Tom Arnold, Rich Dunbar, Al phic arts department, film and Johnson and Marty Sipos. tape shipping and receiving, and bert noted. Instead, he will be responsible for special pro- Members of the exhibition overall supervision of local pro- platoon include: Don Claxton, gram production. He will also grams, dramas, and experi- mental television programs. commander, Bruce Pfabe, Marty train and supervise production Sipos, John Vardyn, Jim Wolfin- crews. "I am very proud and happy to have received this new po- ger, Tim Woodward, Rich Dun- Mr. Schubert came to the Uni- sition," Mr. Schubert said, "It bar, Ken Dewey, John Fruin, versity In 1964 after receiving his will offer many new challenges Vince Pionalto, Walt Pens en, master of arts degree from Mi- to me as a producer-director, Dick Gill, Pete Varis, Lou ami University. He received his and as an administrator." Cauricci, Chuck Acker, Al John- son, and Tom Arnold. NEWLY APPOINTED as operations-production head, Gregory Four members of the company K. Schubert present production director for Channel 70, checks will participate in the Rifle Ford Charges War over plans for the dedication of the new television buildinq. Training Program at Camp to be held early in May. (News staff photo) Shipping Shortages Perry, O, Saturday. Saturday Last Time This Year AT0 PLEDGE WASHINGTON (AP) -- House House G.O.P. Policy Committee. Minority Leader Gerald Ford, About the same time, McNamara For Peace Corps Placement Test (R-Mlch.), repeated yesterday was testifying there are no ship- CAR WASH his charge that the Johnson ad- ping shortages and that such The Peace Corps Placement and French achievement test re- ministration is guilty of "shock- charges are "absurd." Test will be given at the Univ- quires another hour. Both tests ing mismanagement" in running ersity for the last time this year are non-competitive and requires SATURDAY the Vietnamese war. The Policy Committee warned that the nation faces a crisis at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, April 30, no preparation. Ford said yesterday the war in the Taft Room. The application form or volun- effort is being hampered by a of major proportions on the mer- The placement test is designed AT chant marine. It said the na- teer questionaire rather than the shortage of ships. to help the Peace Corps match placement test is the most im- He added: "Much of the pre- tion now has 1,000 merchant applicants' special abilities with PATTERSON'S ships, compared with 3,500 dur- portant factor in the selection sent problem is attributable to the 300 different jobs to be filled. of volunteers. Those available the fact that several years ago ing World War II. It said most If the test Indicates a limited SOHIO of the 1,000 are "near the end for advance training within the Secretary of Defense McNamara language-learning ability, for next year must fill out a ques- decided that he could reduce of their economic life." example, the Peace Corps tries tionnaire before taking the test. CORNER OF the role of ships in the defense Senate Minority Leader Ever- to place the applicant in an Eng- The questionnaire, which is E. Woosfer picture." ett Dirksen (R-Ill.), said Tuesday lish speaking country. submitted to the tester, may be But four years later, Ford he thought Ford went "pretty The placement test takes about obtained in advance from the & Prospect said, two of every three sold- far" in his charges of misman- 90 minutes. An optional Spanish Placement Office. iers sent to Viet Nam and 98 agement. Yesterday, Ford per cent of supplies and cargo brushed aside questions about go by ship. Dirksen's remarks. He said only Ford made the charge at a that he and Dirksen will meet news conference called by the on the subject "in a day or two." Campus Calendar

The Lutheran Student Associa- ship will sponsor an Election tion will hold coffee hours from Night for their candidates from 2-5 p.m. today in the Capital, 4:30 to 7 p.m. Sunday. Room. Jean Horn, Luterancam- Recreation and a barbeque will pus associate, will be the hos- be held at the UCF Center, fol- tess. lowed by introduction of the can- • • • didates and voting. Gamma Delta, in conjunction Reservations can be made by with the Lutheran Student As- calling theUCF Center, 353- 8912. sociation, will sponsor a square • • • dance at 8 p.m. tomorrow at St. Mark's Church. Admission is Delta Phi Alpha, national Ger- free. Refreshments will be man honorary, will hold initia- free. Refreshments will be tion of new members and elec- served. tion of new officers at 2 p.m. • • • Sunday in the Alumni Room. Gamma Delta will elect of- • • • ficers for the 1966-67 academic The Freshman - Sophomore year at 6:30 p.m. Sunday In a picnic will be held from 2-5 meeting in the Lutheran p.m. Sunday. Highlighting the Student Center, 716 EastWooster games will be a tug-of-war be- St. tween the two classes. Refresh- Refreshments will be served. ments will be served. Enter- • • • tainment will be provided by The United Christian Fellow- Rich Hansen andKennethGilman. Coolest Drink in Town Mr. Misty

Cherry, Grape, Orange,

Rasberry and Lemon-Lime DAIRY QUEEN 434 E. Woosfer St. page 4 The B-G News, Thursday, April 21, 1966 'New a' To Spotlight Branch Students To Register Prize Experimental U.S. Films For On-Campus Classes April 29 Students in University Br- campus in the Alumni Room and Internationally recognized film gram of several short movies on Emshwiller, and Markapoulos' anches In Fremont, Fostoria, from 9:45 to 11:45 ajn.they will maker Gregory J. Markopoulous Saturday, April 30. own "The Illiac Passion." Bryan and Sandusky, who plan meet with representatives from will present a series of prize- Both the Saturday and Sunday to attend classes on the main their paticular colleges for reg- winning experimental motion pic- Included on the Saturday pro- programs will begin at 8 p.m. campus next September, will reg- istration. tures In a "New Cinema" pro- gram will be brief excerpts from Coffee hours are scheduled to ister April 29 on campus. Students must pay the $ 10 ad- gram to be sponsored bytheCol- the work of pop artist Andy War- precede the programs at 7:30 From 9 to 9:30 a.m. students ministrative service fee before lege of Liberal Arts April 30 hol and short films such as p.m. will have an orientation to the the registrar's office will accept and May 1. Bruce Bailie's "Mass," winner Dr. Edgar P. Daniels, as- their class schedule, said Dr. of a grand prize at the Ann Arbor, sociate professor of English, said Turkey Topic Ralph H. Geer, director of sum- Markapoulos's award-winning Mlch„ film festival; "Mothlight" tickets may be purchased at the mer and off-campus programs. "Twice a Man" will be shown and "Cat's Cradle," by Stan door or in advance from the Eng- Sunday, May 1, following a pro- Brakhage; "Thanatopsis," by Ed lsih department for 25 cents. Of Travel Talk Draft Test An illustrated travel lecture featuring "Timeless Turkey-- AP World News Roundup Gateway to Asia" will be pre- Applications sented by travel expert Arthur WASHINGTON (A P)- - The Jus- ANKARA, Turkey (AP)-- Pro- ^SHINGTON (AP)-- Some M. Dewey at 7:30 pjn. Monday tice Department announced yes- American students yesterday big airliners may have to be in the Grand Ballroom. Flood Board terday that it will not try at this clashed In Ankara with leftist grounded temporarily if a gov- Mr. Dewey will speak and demonstrators shortly after the CHICAGO (AP)-- Draft of- time to prevent a merger of ernment inspection ordered yes- show a color film depicting Tur- ficials said yesterday applica- opening of a meeting of the Cen- three major New York news- terday shows that they have de- key's history, including the ruins tions from youths Intending to tral Treaty Organization. papers. fects in a tail fitting. of Troy and Ephesus, the tomb take the Selective Service col- The department made its de- Police broke up two outbreaks The planes involved are the of Alexander the Great and an- lege qualification test are ar- cision after investigation of the of fighting. One incident involved Boeing 707 and 720 series. cient Salonika, and life in modern riving in Chicago at a rate of New York City newspaper mar- the booing of Secretary of State The government says planes Turkey. about 50,000 a day. ket. The papers involved are Rusk by about 200 leftishstudents with the defect must be grounded Mr. Dewey, a lawyer and a The tests are to be given the Herald-Tribune, Journal-- and a subsequent fight with 50 until repaired. A parts short- certified public accountant, has on two dates next month and Amerlcan, and World-Telegram pro-American students. age could delay their return to traveled widely through the Black * • » one date in June at test cen- and Sun. service. Sea area and the Near East mak- ters throughout the nation. Justice Department spokes- SAIGON (AP)-- American au- The Federal Avia'tion Agency ing color travel films. One early estimate is man cautioned that the depart- thorities in Saigon yesterday said said that to date It knows of no The program is being spon- 1,000,000 youths may take the ment remains free to challenge raids by U.S. warplanes have aircraft accident attributal to sored by the Union Activities Or- test, which can be used by draft the arrangement in the future if nearly halted all main highway the tiny cracks found in some of ganization and the geography de- boards in determining whether "subsequent developments or in- traffic in Communist North Viet the tail fittings. However, as partment. Admission is free. a student should be deferred. formation not now available" in- Nam between Hanoi and its port, a precaution, It is ordering dicates that such action is war- Haiphong. special inspections within the ranted. Navy bombers blasted a rail- next 50 hours of flight time on The spokesman described the road bridge only 10 miles north about 190 aircraft. government decision as "based of Haiphong. A spokesman said The FAA said of 63 aircraft SALE primarily on the severe opera- one span of the railraod bridge inspected so far, 22 have been ting losses sustained by the three and two spans of a companion found to have tiny hairline cracks papers, the probability that such highway bridge were destroyed. in the vertical tail attached fit- losses would continue, the lack The raid was the closest to Hai- ting. of alternative purchasers, and phong so far in the war. the apparent absence of any other • * • alternatives which would be likely SAIGON (AP)-- Leader of UAO Date Night to Insure for any length of time the Buddhist forces in South Viet a greater number of independent Nam said yesterday there may Set Tomorrow newspapers." be an attempt to overthrow Pre- The department's Anti-Trust mier Ky's military government The Union Activities Organiza- Division, with the aid of FBI thl week. tion Bowling and Billiards Com- agents, has been studying the Tlch Tien Minh said any such mittees will sponsor aDateNight books of the three papers since overthrow would negate the re- in the Buckeye Room from 8p.m. the merger proposal was sub- gime's agreement to hold elec- to midnight tomorrow. mitted to the department March tions within three to five months. A 10 cent discount will be al- 22. • • * lowed off the cost of an hour's • * • COLUMBUS (AP)-- The Ohio billiards and trophies will be MOSCOW (AP)-- The Soviet Board of Regents announced yes- awarded for bowling. Only those Union yesterday launched num- terday it Is ready to release its with dates will be admitted. ber 115 in its series of Cosmos master plan for higher education space satellites. in the state. The latest one was at an al- More public hearings were to titude lower than usual and put be held, but the board said it the Cosmos in what the U.S. did not think they were necessary. describes as "a spy - in - the- State universities will get final sky" category. drafts of the plan this week, The Cosmos' orbit has a high and the board will review it at point of nearly 183 miles above its May meeting. The final form the earth and a low point of 118 of the report will be published miles. in June.

LOST Found-one truckload of furniture. Inquire Lambda chapter. Beta Theta Pi, Ann Arbor, Mich. Yellow - gold Hamilton wrist watch. If found please call Larry FOR SALE Man Tailored Conkly 3387 or 3388. Reward. 1958 Cushman Roadking, big en- /jeloved Bermuda Ladies' Hamilton wrist watch. gine. Good running order. Phone The fire of love lies in the heart. Contact Judy, 428 East, 711. Re- 353-2595. What Keller way lo reflect its ward. earthly glow than through the Protect your brains, Honda diamond's scintillating beamy lovers, with a 1 yr, old Bell and symbolism. I ike your love, Magnum helmet with face bubble. il must be the finest expression The proportions ore woman; the niceties BUSINESS AND PERSONAL Cheapl Phone 354-5163. of nature's art. To understand are woman; but the tailoring is authentically the hcarl and soul of a diamond man. Colors: White, Blue, Pink, Maize. 1963 Marlette trailer, 55'-10", also requires arl on the part of three bedrooms, 8' expandable your jeweler, let our Irained (SI? Let's organize. Call 354- unit, fully carpeted, large 8643. member of Ihe American Gem porches. Call 352-4112 after Society advise you properly on 3 p.m. Reg 5.00 NOW $ 3." Happy birthday Sharon, from your Ihe ultimate token to your beloved ... either in an engage- roomie. DME, 1960 red RenaultCaravelle, hard- ment diamond, or one indica- top convertible, 4 speed stick, tive of your present position. PI KAPPA ALPHA pledges say: good condition, 35 miles per WEST "Get high for Pie," Friday at gal. 352-4641 after 3 pjn. MfMBER AMIRICAN C.EM SOCIfTY i.\H) 7:00 pjn. -Men's Gym. FOR RENT Golden Heart pledges of Sigma III Clothes Phi Epsllon say: Brothers - get For rent this summer: Furnished DILL JEWELERS high for Thursday Dinner. apartment for married students 129 S. Main St. 1 | Phone 354-2042 only. Modern, air conditioned. Bowling Green. Ohio Bakes-Wisconsin is a nice place. Call Jim, 353-177L The BG News, Thursday, April 21, 1966 page 5 Newman Club Mission Easter Break In Cinci Slums

During spring break. Bowling love which they weren't getting Green students Journeyed to Flo- at home," one participant said. rida, New York and maybe even The students also found them- Europe, but none achieved greater selves assisting poor families in satisfaction nor appreciation than house cleaning and painting (with the nine who gave time, help, the aid of 400 gallons of free but above all, themselves toCin- paint donated by the mission) clnnati's "Inner city," and helping out the people in The project was sponsored by the neighborhood in general a three-state province of the through their social work. Newman Club, consisting of all Louis Trotta, a member of University Newman foundations Bowling Green's Newman Club, in West Virginia, Indiana and spent five days aiding the people Ohio. It Is a month-long project of Cincinnati's "inner city," and designed to show the people living said he telt that the immediate in the Cincinnati slum area that goal of the crusade was "toshow "someone cares." them that someone actually cares The project used St. John's about them." On the other hand, Trotta told Mission Center as a base of operations for their work since of the 68-year-old man who asked him to stay and talk for an hour it was located In the slum area, until his welfare check was deli- according to Father John WurzeL, of the University Newman Club, vered so he could donate $12 JO During their stay at St. John's to the church. Mission Hall, the students volun- Ed Moats and Jim Stern, two teered their help through door other Bowling Green students who to door visits. also contributed to the volunteer social work in Cincinnati, agreed The Newman Club members that they accomplished the most found themselves entertaining through talking with people than children in a voluntary weekend through physical work. EASTER VACATION for this group was spent Standing: Jim Stern, Susan Feyes, Elaine Bible School at St. John's. The About 12 other Newman Clubs in the inner-city of Cincinnati working with Schindler, Gayle Holman, Denise Lourinoff, students played with the children, were participating in the Cin- Appalachian migrants in the interracial slum El Moats. Gayle Holman was the chairman showed them slide cartoons, and cinnati project at the time that district. Sitting: Louis Trotta, Ruth Eller- and made arrangements for the troupe . fixed snacks for them in the the University group was there. brock, Suzanne Reichelderfer, Tom Deren. (Photo by Mike Kuhlin) mission kitchen. Purdue, Ball State and Miami "We tried to show them the were among those represented. Survey Reveals Traumas

WBGU 9:25... News 9:45... .Italic Paintings Of Modern BG Students 10:00. ..Sign Off By ROSEMARY KOVACS However, a recent random (?) ference between men and wom- RAmO REVIEW Staff Writer unbiased (?), unrepresentative en's financial worries," the 1949 thesis stated. THURSDAY, APRIL 21 WBGU-TV sample provided some different THURSDAY, APRIL 21 more up-to-date answers. Yet, that probably wouldn't 3:23 Sign On LBJ is worrying about Viet comfort the one coed who ex- 5:30 Science in Action: Nam. The prime minister of 3:25 News "Right now I worry about how plained that finding money to Bioastronautics India is bugged by starving mil- 3:30 Afternoon Musicale my hair looks," one coed quickly complete her education was her 4:00....World's Famous Music 6:00 Channel 70 News lions. Lucy aggravates Char- main worry. 6:15 Sports Report lie Brown while Cassius Clay, replied. 5:00 Dinner Music and/or Another woman revealed that However, if you are a Jun- Radio Workshop 6:25 Weather Word along with many others, is ior--you're lucky. The 15-year- 7:00 What's New? worried about the draft. she worried about "whether or 6:00 News not I'm going to get married." old thesis showed that "Juniors 6:10 Around the Campus 7:30 Fabric of Communism But what does the student of seems to worry the least." We 8:00 The French Chef Bowling Green worry about? (At As to the guys, a *49er wor- 6:15 London Echo ried about his vocation plans, were unable to ascertain the 6:30 Musicale Da Capo 8:30 Turn of the Century least now that he can't do any- probability of this in modern Mr. Wells found. But not so 7:00 Classical Music 9:00 Heritage XXXI: thing about midterm grades.) times. Edward Steichen for one 1966 student who said (Symphonies & Concertos) Well, in 1949, John F. Wells, "I worry about the problems 9:30 Age of Reason 8:30 Evening Concert a psychology graduate student, of keeping people honest and the (Audition) 10:00 News Headlines A swinging weekend in sent out 400 questionnaires and country beautiful." came up with a thesis listing Another guy admitted that he Chicago for $16 "Major Areas of Worry Among really didn't worry a lot about Trains Border Patrol Bowling Green State University anything In particular except Students." SUSAM M. KtJRN PORT ISABEL, TEXAS(AP) • - Inspector John Eager admits the finding enough time to do every- Manchester College. No. The U.S. Immigration Service course is rough for the one per His survey showed vocational thing. "Homework takes up more Manchester. Ind carries on an education project and more time these days," he says. "Any cent of thousands of applicants and scholastic concerns as the student. m»n little known to the public but so who are accepted. greatest causes of worry among said. or woman, can slay at successful in its field that ob- BG students In 1949. "There is no significant dif- Chi.nicago'! ■OS servers from all over the world YMCA Hotel and enjoy a study its technique at headquar- weekend for ters at Port Isabel, Texas. 116.15. Here is SPECIAL BLOOD PROGRAM how I did it. That is where the U.S. Border Patrol Academy trains each year a handpicked group of men to Fri. P.M. Dinner at YMCA Hotel $1.30 join the L500-man force whose For Visit Old Town 3.00 job Is to prevent illegal entry toon at Y Hotel 3.00

Into the U.S. In a 14-week Sot AM. Breakfa.t at Y Hotel .60 course, they learn Spanish in a AMERICAN ARMED FORCES Art Institute Tour Free hurry, become Crack shots, study lunch at Stouffer'l 1.45 law, security, tracking, use of vehicles and radio, even ethics Sol P.M. Nat. Hist. Mime Tour Free and public relations. Dinner at Y Hotel 1.30 Headmaster and Chief Patrol VIET NAM Sot. nile dance, V Hotel .IS Late Snack .4S Huge discounts with April 27 April 28 Room at Y Hotel 3.00 Memorial Hall Sun. A.M. Break fa.I of Y Hotel .60 the International 11:00 - 5:00 10:00 - 4:00 Worship at Central Church Student ID Card. Lunch at V Hotel 1.30 Student ships for StNI. F.M. Bock to Compui MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Total $16.15 lively, informative MEN • WOMEN • FAMILIES crossings. U.A.O. Office - 3rd Floor Union Stay at Chicago's The ID card will save you 60°. on air travel in Europe and Israel Same huge savings on Kotels. YMCA HOTEL admissions, meals, trains * must tor travelers. Donors ages 18-21 need signed parental consent, ARC 826 South Wo bash Student ships otter language class's, art le; lures, international discussion forums and all the Form 5255, available at U.A.O. office, AFROTC, ROTC at the edge of the Loop fun of a low-cost student crossing to Europe iiciaamam tar 7 WO a r*M U 95 sac ta Can you afford not to write for details? Write- Oept. CO, U.S. National Student Association Write lor reservations or call 922-3183 266 Madison Avc , New YocK. NY. 10016 "LET'S DO OUR SHARE • FOR OVER THERE" page 6 The B-G News, Thursday, April 21, 1966 Associate Defends Dodd In Funds Controversy WASHINGTON (AP)-- A close charges of misconduct against associate of Democratic Senator him. Thomas Dodd, (D-Conn.) said The Senator's associate said yesterday that $100,000 raised at it would be improper for him testimonial dinners represented to discuss any testimony given gifts to help Dodd out financially to the committee in executive and were not campaign funds. session. Dodd was reported by his of- One dinner was held in 1961. fice to be in Florida and unavail- Lyndon Johnson was the prin- able for comment. cipal speaker. At another din- Columnists Drew Pearson and ner, in 1963, the principal speak- Jack Anderson have published er was Hubert Humphrey. charges that the Senator had diverted campaign funds to his Dodd's associate--whorefused own use and improperly col- to be quoted by name--said the laborated with Ulius Klein, a dinners had a legal status dif- Chicago public relations man and ferent from political fund- raising registered agent for West Ger- dinners. He said they were "in man interests. line with an old American tradi- Dodd, in asking the select Sen- tion." ate Committee on Standards and Proceeds of the $25 Conduct to investigate the to $100 a plate, were In the cate- charges, said he has "absolutely gory of tax-free gifts" to help nothing to conceaL" a public figure meet the extra expenses of public office," ac- cording to the associate. ©be SfloutrrtiauBr ment of the Greek King and Queen, and a "It is a tradition," he said THREE MEMBERS of Pi Kappa Alpha social "for friends to provide financial dance sponsored by the Pikes. Pictured left fraternity demonstrate the technique used by help for public figures they ad- YOUR "U" the other fraternities and sororities at tomor- to right eating a mouthful, or is it an eyeful? are Jim Hutchinson, Craig Procario and Jeff mire, and this is not confined row nights pie eating contest. The pie eating to elected government officials-- contest will precede the different skits being Lake. Standing is Gary Smith. Photo by FLORIST Mike Kuhlin. either Democratic or Republi- prepared by the various Greek houses. Also can--but also extends to labor scheduled for Friday night is the announce- leaders and others." CHALMER G. The associate added: 44 Form Shawnee Chapter "Testimonial dinners enable a poor man to remain in office." Presumably this was the ex- RIGGS Minifie To Represent New Exceptional Child Club planation Dodd gave the Senate Ethics Committee, which at 428 E. Wooster St. The new group chose the name Mrs. Elsie Minifie, assistant chairman of the membership Dodd's request is investigating professor of special education, committee. of Shawnee Chapter, a composite was recently elected to repre- of initial letters from the coun- z sent the Shawnee Chapter of Na- The Shawnee Chapter was cre- ties represented, to be chartered z MIXES DAISIES tional Council for Exceptional ated April 14 when 44 members by the national organization. Children at its State Board meet- from six area counties were pre- Officers elected were: Mrs. t& and LACE . . . ings. sent to represent their various Mary Gross, teacher of special Pearl Huprich, graduate stu- fields of work with exceptional education from Bowling Green, in &c£t-uoucn SP/v/mo dent in Education, was elected children. president; Paul Gilson, teacher of occupational education from of ^alefkee 38/encfa. Findlay, president-elect; Nedra Sheets, graduate student in Ed- Reapportion Proposal ucation, secretary; Mrs. Susan Weiss, teacher of special educa- tion from Lima, treasurer. The next meeting is scheduled Defeated By 7 Votes for September. WASHINGTON (AP)-- Min- Two years ago the Supreme ority Leader Everett Dirksen's Court handed down its historic proposal aimed at changing the one- man, one- vote ruling. Pianist, Oboist Supreme Court's ruling on state legislature reapportionment was But Dlrksen insisted the rul- To Perform rejected by the Senate yesterday. ing created a "constitutionalCr- isis" and had to be "undone." Dirksen's proposal fell seven He wanted to offer the states Here Sunday votes short of getting the re- a constitutinal amendment which Pianist Elaine Underwood and quired two- thirds majority yes- would have permitted one house oboist Dennis Kisor will be fea- terday. of a legislature to be apportioned tured in a concert at 3 pjn. Sun- on the basis of geography and day in Recital Hall. The high court has ruled both political subdivisions as well as Luclnda Barron will accom- houses of a legislature must be population. pany Kisor and Miss Underwood reapportioned on a populatin on the piano. basis. Dlrksen (R. 111.) wanted Voters in a state would have Kiser will play "Concerto for to let one house be apportioned decided whether they wanted tbis Oboe and Strings," by Corelll- on other factors in addition to set-up or the one decreed by Barblrolli and will be accom- population. the Supreme Court. panied by John Rosela on violin; Jenny Lea, viola; Patrick Raf- It marked the second defeat Majority leader Mike Mans- ferty, violin; JohnTrembeth.cel- for such a proposal by Dlrksen, field (D. Mont.), had supported lo, and Sue Burroughs, contra and it apparently means the end Dirksen's amendment. But he basso. of attempts to upset the high said in advance of yesterday's Other selections to be included court ruling. vote that if it failed again this on the program are Scarlatti's would be the end of attempt to "Sonata XXXI" and "Sonata L" change the high court order. and Chopin's "Polonaise in C American Studies Sharp Minor, Opus 26, No. L" Shatzel Slates Miss Underwood will include Grant Available with Shumann's "Novellette, Op. Ai ' - ' r' ShiftShi No. 3515 The Bowling Green Alumni As- Open House, Hop 21, no. 1." Baby Dolls ~| sociation has contributed a $400 Sizes P.S.M.L.l i grant-in-aid to the American stu- Shatzel Hall will sponsor an \$ 3.00 dies program to be awarded a open house and record hop Sat- FOR THIS 3.00 University graduate who Intends urday afternoon and evening. to study for the master's degree "Shatzel Hall Salute toSpring" MOTHERS' In American studies here. will be the theme of the event, The recipient of the award which will feature an afternoon DAY will be selected by the Ameri- open house and informal record hop from 2 to 5 p.m. The record can Studies GraduateCommittee. a Portrait Rippling nylon lace edges narrow yoke gowns hop will be held in the parking Dr. Alma J. Payne, chairman of with deep-dip back. Absolutely carefree Dacron poly- the committee, said applicants lot. Of Yourself ester, nylon, cotton generously gathered all around need not be American studies The open house will begin at for utmost comfort. Brightly styled Coat in Never-' majors but should be majors in 8 pjn. An all-campus dance with Press Fabric. 50% Polyester. 50% Rayon, is machine the allied fields of English, his- the Four Sharps providing the Portraits by washable. Lacy Peter Pan Collar and patch pocket. tory, political science, philoso- music will be held from 9 p.m. In April yellow, pink and bluebell. phy or art history. to midnight. Dr. Payne Is accepting appli- Admission is free. Refresh- Howard ments will be served inside the cations at her office in 202 Uni- 432' 2 E. Wooster St. at Powder Puff versity Hall. dormitory. The B-G News, Thursday, April 21, 1966 page ^W«W^W:X-:-:-:*:;:W:W^ a Intramuralni Notesnote: » 1 Norris Brothers — , The Intramural soft ball stand- FROSH ings as of April 14 are as follows: Green Mt. Boys 1 0 Kohl Bucs 1 0 Draft Dodgers 1 0 Player—Lead Netters Rolling Rocks A I LEAGUE 1 0 Toads 0 By BOB BRUCKNER Ted Norris lettered in both off, and even the conditions are Rebels 0 Assistant Sports Editor similar. "The freshman squad Team Won Lost basketball and tennis at Hamil- Cool Dudes Will history repeat itself for looks like one of the best BG Pi Kappa Alpha 1 0 0 ton High School before starring Bandits teams,"said the freshman ten- Zeta Beta Tau 1. 0 0 the Bowling Green tennis squad ? for Bowling Green. He was an Slobs In 1961, the varsity netters all-stater in basketball, averag- nis coach. Sigma Phi Epsilon 1 0 0 were stumbling through a dis- Incidentally, the freshman Phi Delta Theta 1 0 ing about 20 points per game, mal 3-8 season, but the fresh- team is being guided this year Delta Tau Delta 0 1 OFF CAMPUS and competed in the state tourna- men racketmen were building by an expert on excellent tennis Theta Chi 0 1 Bouncers - 1 0 ments in tennis. a team that would compile a teams--Coach Ted Norris. Beta Theta Pi 0 1 Rejects 1 0 At BG, Ted played varsity bas- 34-5 mark in the following three ketball his sophomore and Junior "My brother looks as good as Tau Kappa Epsilon 0 1 Crestmen 1 0 Wright & Wrong years, along with a Mid-Ameri- years besides earning four let- I was, or maybe a little better," Sigma Alpha Epsilon0 0 0 1 O.C. Wonders 0 1 can Conference championship, ters in tennis. said Ted proudly. "I have seven Seniors 0 1 and Ted Norris was an important "Ted started with an except- real fine balanced players on the cog in this highly skilled tennis ional freshman team," said team, and it looks like a good Sigma Chi 1 0 machine. Coach Keefe, "and he and a few one." Phi Kappa Tau 1 0 UPPER CLASS 1 Briars 0 In 1966, another Norris has others formed the nucleus of Besides coaching the fresh- Alpha Tau Omega 1 0 1 Nads broken into the Falcon tennis our greatest tennis teams." manteam, Ted is the assistant Kappa Sigma 1 0 1 0 Addicts picture. Dan is the younger bro- varsity basketball coach and also Phi Kappa Psi 0 1 0 Playing as the number two 1 Steamrollers V 1 0 ther of Ted, and "looks as good man for the Falcon netters from handles recruiting. Delta Upsilon 0 1 Batmen 0 as Ted at the same stage," said 1962-64, Ted complied 8-3, 10- Alpha Sigma Phi 0 1 1 Grendels 0 1 Falcon tennis coach Dr. Robert 3 and 11-3 records for a three Sigma Nu 0 1 Foul Tippers 0 1 Keefe. year total of 29 victories against Matmen 0 1 "Dan resembles his brother only 9 defeats. In doubles, Ted - B - in many respects," continued and his partners were 6-3, 10- Sigma Nu 1 0 the coach, "and I have high 3 and 7-2 for a 23-8 mark. Sigma Phi Epsilon 1 0 UPPER CLASS 1 hopes he will resemble him in During those years the team Phi Delta Theta 1 0 Seepoos 1 0 tennis playing ability--but it's was 8-3, 11-2, and finally, dur- Kappa Sigma 1 0 Silencers 1 0 still too early to make a posi- ing Ted's senior year, compiled Delta Upsilon 1 0 U.F.O.'s 1 0 tive prediction." a perfect 15-0 record and won Sigma Chi 0 1 Bowersox's 0 1 the MAC. Beta Theta Pi 0 1 Kohl Staff 0 1 The younger of the Norris Sigma Alpha Epsilon 0 1 Obese Men 0 1 Theta Chi 0 brothers, Dan, has been follow- 1 Flies 0 1 ing a similar tennis-basketball combination schedule. He let- tered twice in basketball at Ham- ilton, as well as starring for the Are Yanks Dead? high school tennis team. At BG, Dan appears to be tak- A Fan Says 'No' ing up where his brother left Dan Norris . ByDICKAQUILA Rookies such as Bobby Sports Writer Murcer, Fred Petersen, Dooley Is the Yankee Dynasty dead? Womack, and Roy White, who Cramming Most baseball fans say yes. But .is currently batting over .500, a few die- hard Yankee fans like may be just what the doctor or- me say no. dered. Harry Craft, an exper- Clowning Yankee -haters have long ch- ienced scout for the Houston anted "Break up the Yankees." Astros, has referred to young Ted Norris Crashing Well, last season their wish came Murcer as "one of the best young true when Yankee general man- hitters that I've seen in a long Bosox Top Tigers ager, helped shatter while." Pubbing the Yankee team for them. Combine the old veterans like BOSTON (AP)-- A home run Houk dealt established players Mantle, Maris, Howard and Ford, by Boston right fielder Tony Fragging like Johnny Blanchard and Ro- with the touch of youth found in Conigliaro with two runners on land Sheldon to the Kansas City White, Murcer and Womack.Then in the sixth inning powered the Athletics for Doc Edwards, a add a blend of youth and exper- Red Sox to a 5-3 decision over no field-no hit catcher who is ience as typified InTomTresh, the Detroit Tigers yesterday af- now warming the bench for some Joe Pepitone and Mel Strottle- ternoon. minor league team. myre, and you will come out with The blow came off losing pit- Yankee-haters refer to Father a mighty potent recipe for a cher Terry Fox now 0-1 for the Time in saying that "The Yan- ball club. season, while Jerry Stephenson kees is dead." They say Mickey Yankee-haters, Indian fans, (1-0) got the win. He needed Mantle cannot do the job that and baseball men alike are say- relief help from Dick Radatz the Yanks desperately need from ing "The Yankees is dead," but in the seventh. him. They say Roger Marts yet they are still looking over Tiger outfielder DonDemeter was just a one year fluke, and their shoulders, wondering and also homered, his blast coming Wo is now over the hill. They thinking. Yes Virginia, the Yan- in the fourth inning with none say Elsron Howard has also tur- kees shall rise again! on. It gave Detroit a 2-1 lead. ned sour with age, and that Whitey rairas Ford has turned into New York's answer to the hanger-on. War- The Draft, Where Do PERMANENT PRESS ren Spahn. 3SSSS£53&a -fA\^!K;sri We Yankee fans rise to the Shirts and Slacks of occasion, and meet these false You Stand? accusations head-on. True, Man- FORTREL and cotton tle is not what he used to be, but just being out on the ball HEAR field inspires his teammates. Maris replied to his critics Dr. Warren C. Waterhouse, when he said, "Sure, I'll pro- bably never come close to hit- Assistant Dean of Business From dawn to discotheque, ting 61 home runs again, but then how many ballplayers will? they're really with it...Perma- I'm sick of being compared to AND nently pressed 50% Fortrel poly- that one year." ester and 50°^ cotton make Mr. In regard to Howard, New York Capt. Henry W. Rejent Wrangler your best buddy from vlanager Johnny Keane pointed early classes to just-one-more- out, "He's one of the best. Maybe AIR FORCE ROTC frug at midnight ...and they're he's not the hitter he once was, but then again, how many catchers guaranteed for one year's normal are there that can hit for an discuss this vital topic wear. average, as well as field with They stay like new forever. In a Howard's ability? I'll tell you, full range of colors and styles. not very many, especially in the ." IN KOHL HALL'S Yankee-haters point to Ford UNIVERSITY SHOP, as another reason for the col- lapse of the Yankees. "They BOWLING GREEN tell me that I can't throw as EAST LOUNGE hard as I once did," commented Ford, "and maybe not, but the experience that replaced the TONIGHT - 9:30 P.M Mr.Wirsmngkir speed has made me twice the pit- Sponsored by KOHL HALL 350 Fifth Avenue. New York. N. Y. 10001 cher I ever was." Discussion Committee The B-G News, Thursday, April 21, 1966 page 8 Former Rock And Roller Falcon Tennis Squad Now Dancing As Goalie To Host 2 Matches talk of the goalie can make the This weekend could be a "make nis courts next to Steller Field, He once was one of the lead difference in a ball club. It or break It" period for the the netters will face Northern Il- dancers for "Teen Tune," a "We are lucky to have Eddie young Bowling Green tennis linois, who last year had its rock and roll dance program in the nets," he said. "The de- squad. best season in nine years with a originating in Steubenville, O. fense has great confidence in The Falcons will carry a 4-2 10-3 record. This year they Now Eddie Hedrlck reserves have been forced to replace their him, and this is a big factor in record into matches against Nor- his dancing exclusively for Mic- top three men because of gradua- any lacrosse team's success." thern Illinois at 3 p.m. today and key Cochrane's lacrosse game Cochrane lauded Hekrick for Wayne State at 1:30 p.m. Satur- tion. of the week. While the ball is day, both home matches. downfield, Falcon goalie Hedrick the way he handles himself under "Their fourth, fifth and sixth pressure. "Eddie always seems Going with five players who had can be seen doing everything men are back," said Dr. Keefe, to come up with a big save, and never played a varsity match un- from a soft shoe to the pony "and their fourth man is very his fast breaks downfield also next to the goal. til this season, the racketmen good." have helped to get our offense "Dancing keeps me from get- have picked up two straight vic- The gaps left open from last moving." ting nervous," commented Hed- tories against Ohio University season's Northern team have and Marshall. The y have already been filled by members from rick, whose job it is to stop It appears that Eddie Hedrick a hard rubber ball that travels improved on last year's overall "a better than average freshman is one of the main cogs in Mickey 3-10 record. team," according to a Northern up to 100 miles per hour. The Cochrane's lacrosse machine. task of being a goalie is a dif- "The two matches this week Illinois press release. will probably be an important ficult one, and coach Cochrane And the Falcon stickmen should Is glad to have Hedrick in the indication as to what direction The Falcon starting six will keep climbing in the standings, probably include Ron Carroll, nets. we are going to go," said tennis as long as Hedrick keeps dancing coach Dr. Robert Keefe. who with a 4-2 record, will pace Hedrick, now In his second in the nets. year on the lacrosse team, first This afternoon in the new ten- pace the team as the number one took up the sport on a suggestion Eddie Hedrick player, followed by Bob Lem by Steve Shuckra, his close pert, Roger Newman, Trevor "One thingforsure, he's giving Weiss, Dean Synder and Bryant friend who is now co-captain us the best goaltending we've had Evans. Newman has the best of the squad. in the last couple of years." Shuckra knew Eddie was fast won-lost record on the squad Hedrick credits his success with a 5-1 mark. (he runs the 100 yard dash in to the tough Falcon defense. "Our 10.2 seconds} and thought that defense is really great," said he could do well in the sport. Richard Ward, who is currently Hedrick. "I'dsayCervasio, Phil- Hedrick decided to give it a on the bench as the number lips and Lanese make up the seventh man, will have a play- try. Working as a second string top defensive unit in the confer- off match with Evans for this attack man behind Shuckra, Ed- ence, and it's needless to say weekend's *, .nes. Ward recently die wound up the 1965 season what a good defense means to a had an extremely close match with six points, good enough for goalie." against Snyder, but lost. a letter. Admitting that he didn't like The coach has been paying At the start of this season, it when Cochrane moved him to special attention to the doubles Hedrick was once again listed the goal* Hedrick now says, "It team the past week. "We need as an attack man. Then when a was sort of weird, at first,having rash of problems deprived coach those attack men firing all those special attention to the doubles Cochrane of all his goalies, he shoty at me. But now I really team the past week. "We need was forced to use Hedrick. enjoy playing goal. One thing more practice in doubles, and DICK WARD, currently "I hated to ask Eddie to play no one can argue-it's exciting. I think we've improved this seventh man on the goal, because I know how much Like most goalies, Hedrick week,"' coach Keefe said. Bowling Green tennis he loves to play attack," said finds that the screen shot is his Carroll and Lempert have team, will try to break Cochrane, "but we needed a toughest shot to stop. "When teamed up as the number one goalie desperately, and he had there are three to five players into the starting lineup doubles team and have compiled the best potential for the job." blocking your view, and all of a for this week's matches a 4-2 record. Newman and Weiss against Northern Illi- Cochrane credits Eddie's quick sudden the ball comes streaking are 3-2 and Snyder and Evans nois and Wayne State. hands and reflexes as his main toward you out of nowhere, you have one victory and five defeats. assets in goaltending. can bet you're in for trouble," Cochrane is the first to admit he pointed out. that Hedrick is not a polished Goalies have one of the tough- Tribe Wins 6th goalie yet. est Jobs in lacrosse, according Please don't "He needs experience, no doubt to Cochrane. "They have pres- CLEVELAND (Special)--If the about that. But with every game sure on them every minute of never see zlupf Sprite. he plays, he shows considerable the game, and they have to run Fred Whirfield again it will be Improvement," Cochrane said. the ball team. The direction and too soon. Last night the strapping left- It makes Terrell Plans handed first baseman lashed a Major League long home run over the right plenty of noise center field fence with teammate Title Defense Rocky Colavito on base to give all by itself. Standings the white-hot Cleveland Indians Sprite, you recall, is HOUSTON (AP)-- World Box- their sixth straight win of the AMERICAN young season, a 4-2 verdict over the soft drink that's Cleveland 6 0 1.000 -- ing Association heavyweight so tart and tingling, champion Ernie Terrell yester- the Yanks. Baltimore 5 1 .833 ft Whitfield trouble is nothing new we just couldn't keep Chicago 4 1 .800 1 day signed for a title fight with it quiet. Detroit 6 3 .677 1 Doug Jones, to be held late in for the New Yorkers for the night Flip its lid and it California 3 2 .600 2 June in the Sam Houston Coli- before 'Wingy* beat them with a really flips. Minnesota 3 3 .500 2H three-run poke. And last season Boston 2 6 .250 AY, seum in Houston. Bubbling, fizzing, Washington 1 4 .200 4 the Tribe first- sacker hit gurgling, hissing and Kansas City 1 5 .167 4^ Promoter Earl Gilliam said ten homers and batted .388 carrying on all over New York 1 7 j25 6 he hopes the winner will fight against the Yanks. the place. YESTERDAY Houston heavyweight Cleveland Wbitfield's circuit clout capped An almost exces- Boston 5, Detroit 3 Williams, possibly in the As- a three-run eighth inning for sively lively drink. Minnesota at Kansas City (post- trodome. Cleveland. The Indians scored Hence, to zlupf is poned) the tying run when relief pit- to err. Chicago at California (night) Gilliam said Terrell has been cher Pedro Ramos, an ex-Indian, What is zlupfing"> Cleveland 4, New York 2 guaranteed $100,000 for the title errored on Colavito's grounder, Zlupfing is to drinking what Washington at Baltimore (night) fight with Jones. allowing the game-evening run to smacking one's lips is to TODAY score from third base. eating. Chicago at California (night) Terrell has not been beaten New York took an early 2-0 It's the staccato buzz you only game scheduled since 1962 when he was knocked lead and seemed to be on its make when draining the last few NATIONAL out In the seventh round of a way to victory behind Bob Fri- deliciously tangy drops of fight with Williams. He has won Sprite from the bottle with a San Froncisco 0 1 .857 -- end who, at one stretch, retired 38 of his 42 fights, 18-by knock- straw. Pittsburg 6 1 .857 Vi 14 Tribe batsmen in a row. But Philadelphia 4 2 .667 1 outs. Zzzzzlllupf! Los Angeles 5 3 .625 1 Friend ran into trouble in the Jones has won 27 of his 32 It's completely uncalled for. New York 2 2 .500 2h eighth and was relieved by Frowned upon in polite society. St. Louis 2 4 .333 3H fights, eight by knockouts. Ramos. Houston 3 5 .375 4 And not appreciated on campus Cincinnati ] 4 .200 3h either. Atlanta 2 4 .333 4 But. If zlupfing Sprite Chicago ) 6 .143 5 is absolutely essential to your YESTERDAY enjoyment: if a good healthy , San Francisco at Chicago (post- EATING CONTEST zlupf is your idea of heaven, poned) Pi well...all right. St. Louis at New York (post- But have a heart. With a poned) drink as noisy as Sprite, a Atlanto at Philadelphia, night Cincinnati at Pittsburg, night Friday, 7.00 little zlupf goes a long, long Los Angeles at Houston, night K way. TODAY SPRITE. SO TART AND St. Louis at New York San Francisco at Chicago TINGLING. WE JUST COULDN'T Atlanta at Philadelphia (night) A Men's Gym KEEP IT QUIET. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh (night) only games scheduled