DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Quality Services for a Quality Community

MEMBERS Chanelle Crouch, Chair AGENDA Michael Krueger, Vice Chair James Croom, Treasurer Justin Hewson October 9, 2018 – 2:00 p.m. Jeffrey Kusler Mayor Mark Meadows Court/City Council Conference Room Thomas Muth Ray Walsh 101 Linden Street, First Floor Vacancy

Staff Liaison 1) Welcome and Roll Call Amy Schlusler-Schmitt (517) 319-6931 McKenna Dixon (517) 319-6923 2) Public Comment

3) Approval of Minutes City of East Lansing DEPARTMENT OF A) September 11, 2018 (attachment) PLANNING, BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road 4) Approval of Agenda East Lansing, MI 48823

(517) 319-6930 5) Financial Reports

A) September 2018 Financial Report (attachment)

6) New Business A) Digital Billboard Co-Op Campaign with Downtown Businesses

(attachment) B) Social Media Advertisement Focuses & Partners (attachment)

C) Porta Potty Rental During Remaining MSU Home Football Games (attachment)

D) Great Pumpkin Walk, Oct. 30 (attachment)

7) Old Business A) LIME and Bird Scooters Downtown (attachment) B) Follow-Up to September Sidewalk Sales Event C) Follow-Up to Downtown Business Huddle D) Follow-Up to MSU Homecoming Parade & Bee Appearances Downtown

8) Committee Reports A) Marketing Committee i. Synopsis of September 19, 2018 meeting (attachment) ii. DMB Sponsorship of East Lansing Photo Contest-Downtown Category B) Business Relations i. Synopsis of September 28, 2018 meeting (attachment) ii. Synopsis of October 3, 2018 meeting (attachment) iii. MSU Homecoming Parade Balloons on Lampposts

iv. Holiday Events & Activities C) Downtown Maintenance Committee D) Parking Update

9) Development Projects Update A) Center City i. DMB Advertising Support Budget (attachment) B) Park District

10) DDA Liaison Report

11) Staff Reports A) Second DMB Internship Posting

12) Written Communications

13) Adjourn

Next Meeting Date: November 6, 2018

DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Quality Services for a Quality Community

MEMBERS Chanelle Crouch, Chair MEETING MINUTES Michael Krueger, Vice Chair James Croom, Treasurer Justin Hewson September 11, 2018 - 2:00 p.m. Jeffrey Kusler Mayor Mark Meadows Court/City Council Conference Room Thomas Muth Ray Walsh 101 Linden Street, First Floor Vacancy

Staff Liaison Present: Michael Krueger, James Croom, Justin Hewson, Ray Walsh, Amy Schlusler-Schmitt (517) 319-6931 Jeffrey Kusler, Tom Muth McKenna Dixon (517) 319-6923

Absent: Chanelle Crouch, Mayor Mark Meadows

City of East Lansing Staff Members Present: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt, Caleb Sharrow DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 1) Welcome and Roll Call (517) 319-6930 Vice Chair Krueger opened the meeting at 2:06 p.m. At the taking of the roll, Mayor Mark Meadows, Crouch, and Hewson were absent. Schlusler-Schmitt noted that Crouch had her

baby, and it was a boy.

2) Public Comment


3) Approval of Minutes

A) August 14, 2018

Kusler motioned to approve the August 1, 2018 meeting minutes. Muth seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas, motion carried unanimously.

4) Approval of Agenda

Muth requested that item 6G be added to the Agenda-Discussion about the Scooters in Downtown East Lansing. Kusler motioned to approve the Agenda with the addition of item 6G. Vote: All yeas, motion carried unanimously.

5) Financial Reports

A) August 2018 Financial Report

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (09/11/2018) – Page 1 of 5

Schlusler stated that all but one business had now submitted reimbursement for their participation in the Taste & Shop event. She also explained that the DDA had approved an expenditure of up to $7,500 in advertising funds for the DMB to use in support of businesses during construction. Kusler asked if those funds would be reflected within the budget next month. Schlusler said at this point, staff was planning to track expenditures on a separate spreadsheet, and not undertake a fund transfer from DDA to DMB at this point.

Hewson arrived at 2:16 p.m.

6) Old Business

A) East Lansing Parking Enhancement Program B) Center City Project & Allocation of Funds to DMB

Schlusler stated that the DDA had approved $7,500 in advertising funds to be managed by the DMB, as a means to further advertise and support businesses during construction. Schlusler also explained that during the last City Council meeting, the Council had approved a Parking Enhancement Program, in which downtown merchants received 4 key areas of assistance: 1) Businesses within the parking construction zone receive 270 vouchers a month; 2) All businesses within the DMB district receive discounts for the Park N Shop vouchers; 3) The City is going to host 2—Find the Bee-Park for Free Days a Week; 4) The City is going to hand out free parking vouchers each month, through fun activities with the Bee Mascot

Board members discussed ways in which the funds could be spent. Croom recommended that funds be allocated immediately, to help advertise the new parking program. Croom made a motion to approve $1,500 in funds towards social media and online advertising/platform work to market the Downtown East Lansing Parking Enhancement Program. Hewson seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas, motion carried unanimously.

The board then requested that the DMB Marketing Committee consider a wide range of advertising options for allocation of the remaining $5,000 in funds. Schlusler-Schmitt stated that advertising packages were being discussed at the September 19, 2018 meeting. Proposals included television, radio, social media, and print opportunities. Muth also requested that staff receive a quotation for air-flight advertising opportunities as well.

C) Proposed Partnership with MSU Class

Schlusler-Schmitt explained that the DMB was invited to partner with a State University Senior Capstone Class. The class would take on Downtown East Lansing as a client, and provide a full portfolio of advertising strategies to the DMB for possible utilization during the winter and spring. The total cost for partnership is $1,000. Committee members stated that they were supportive of this idea, but wished for staff to receive two references regarding the professor and work prior classes had done for clients. Kusler voted to approve an expenditure of $1,000 in partnership with the MSU Capstone class, contingent upon two positive references from previous clients. Muth seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas, motion carried unanimously.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (09/11/2018) – Page 2 of 5

D) Sidewalk Sales Event

Schlusler-Schmitt noted the 2018 Sidewalk Sales were scheduled to take place September 13-16. 15 businesses agreed to take part in the sales. All participants were receiving 100, 75 cent parking vouchers for patrons. In addition, the DMB had hired musician Chad Benson to perform in Ann Street Plaza on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

E) Letter to Downtown Merchants Requesting Participation in DMB Events

Schlusler-Schmitt handed out a letter drafted by staff, encouraging businesses to participate in upcoming DMB events and incentives. It was determined that it might be best if the letter were to come from a DMB business, and not from the City. The letter was referred to the DMB Business Relations Committee for consideration in the future.

F) September Downtown Business Huddle

Schlusler reminded DMB members that the next Downtown Business Huddle was scheduled to be held on September 18, 2018. Additional email reminders would be sent to all DMB businesses.

G) Scooters (Add-On)

Muth asked for an update from staff regarding the status of the Bird Scooters throughout the Downtown. He also asked if any board members wished to share their experiences with Bird thus far. Schlusler explained that the scooters had appeared the previous Friday with no permits or approvals being issued by the City. Fehrenbach added that the scooters were being discussed by both City administrators and the City Council. Muth stated he primarily had concerns about the safety of the scooters being left in right of way areas and being driven on sidewalks throughout the City. Board members discussed the fact that riders of the scooters sign liability waivers in the case of injury. Schlusler stated staff would provide more updates, as they become available.

7) Follow-Up to Sparticipation & Activities Follow-Up to Welcome Week

Schlusler-Schmitt noted that the Sparticipation event on campus went extremely well. The DMB collected over 200 email addresses and social media information for students that played the Plinko game. She also noted that Welcome Week had gone well, and that several businesses opted to place games and give-aways out in front of their locations.

8) Committee Reports

A) Marketing Committee

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (09/11/2018) – Page 3 of 5

Committee members shared that they focused their time on coming up with social media topics for the next few months, including the promotion of DMB sponsored events. The Marketing Committee intended to undertake a Google Ad Words campaign.

B) Business Relations

Schlusler shared that the focus of the September 28, 2018 meeting was for committee members to listen to a presentation from Adam’s Outdoor Advertising on print, digital, and social media advertising options. All board members were invited to attend the meeting.

C) Downtown Maintenance Committee

No Report.

D) Parking Update

Sharrow shared with the DMB that Parking Staff continue to focus on improving Pay at Entry for the MSU Home Football game days. Capital improvements continue in parking garages.

8) Development Projects Update

A) Center City

Fehrenbach reported that the 7th floor had been poured, bringing the construction point to approximately half-way. The project was currently on-schedule.

B) Park District Project

Fehrenbach reported that City Council was considering the Site Plan, Special Use Permit, Brownfield, and Development Agreement for the project. Board members asked if the developer was seeking any sort of tax credits. Fehrenbach stated they would be seeking funds from the MEDC, if the site plan was approved in its current form.

9) DDA Liaison Report

Croom shared that Fehrenbach had provided a thorough update on projects and activities.

10) Staff Reports

A) East Lansing Robotics Festival

Schlusler reported that the second annual East Lansing Robotics Festival was scheduled to be held on Sunday, September 16, 2018 in Valley Court Park. Close to 250 persons were expected to be in attendance.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (09/11/2018) – Page 4 of 5

B) Great Pumpkin Walk

Schlusler reminded board members that the Great Pumpkin Walk would be held on October 30, 2018. She stated she would seek feedback on other planned event venues, such as Safe Halloween and Arachnabroadia.

C) City Council Presentation on September 4, 2018

Schlusler stated that within the board packet, there was a copy of the PowerPoint presentation given to City Council on the accomplishments made by the DMB and DDA in support of businesses since construction began.

11) Written Communications

A) Thank you letter from MSU Science Festival

Schlusler noted that there was a thank-you letter from the MSU Science Festival for the DMB sponsorship of the 2018 event.

12) Adjourn

Muth made a motion to adjourn. Walsh seconded. All yeas, motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 3:44 p.m.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (09/11/2018) – Page 5 of 5 DMB FINANCIAL REPORT - September 2018

ACTUAL FY2018 YEAR FY2019 MONTHLY YEAR TO END BUDGET ACTIVITY DATE DMB ACCOUNT Revenues: Pending Assessment - Real Property $39,834.58 $40,324.00 $40,324.00 $40,324.00 $0.00 Charges for Services $475.00 $2,000.00 $693.82 $693.82 $1,306.18 Sponsorships $5,850.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 $200.00 $4,300.00 Misc. Advertising Revenues $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Contributions and Donations $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Interest Revenues $151.02 $150.00 $8.32 $8.32 $141.68 Reappropriated Fund Balance $6,580.00 $4,515.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,515.00 Reappropriated Equity Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Revenue $57,890.60 $56,489.00 $41,026.14 $41,226.14 $15,262.86

Expenditures: Direct Work Order Salaries $9,000.00 $15,750.00 $1,250.00 $3,750.00 $12,000.00 Direct Work Order Benefits $3,000.00 $5,250.00 $437.50 $1,312.50 $3,937.50 Office Supplies $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Misc. Operating Expenses $1.80 $0.00 $0.00 $2.25 $0.00 Contract Services $8,604.60 $7,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,700.00 Contract Services/Marketing $35,191.70 $24,089.00 $2,147.96 $9,885.24 $14,203.76 Dues and Memberships $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 Equipment Charge/Copier $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 Girls Day Out $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 Miscellaneous $88.14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Permits, License Fees, Assessments $382.50 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 Computer Rental $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $125.00 $375.00 $1,125.00 Other Internal Charges $1,969.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 Total Expenditures $59,987.74 $56,489.00 $4,210.46 $15,574.99 $40,916.26 Difference ($2,097.14) $0.00 $36,815.68 $25,651.15

Fund Balance $11,912.08

August September Fund Balance at Start of Fiscal Year $14,009.22 Fund Balance at Start of Fiscal Year $14,009.22 Year to Date $29,609.32 Year to Date $25,651.15 LESS 10% Total Revenue - Restricted Funds $4,122.61 LESS 10% Total Revenue - Restricted Funds $4,122.61 Subtotal $39,495.93 Subtotal $35,537.76 Pending Expenses $44,874.43 Pending Expenses $40,916.26 Anticipated Revenue $15,262.86 Anticipated Revenue $15,262.86 BALANCE AVAILABLE - Unrestricted Funds $9,884.36 BALANCE AVAILABLE - Unrestricted Funds $9,884.36

Contract Services/Marketing Budget Monthly Actual Year Direct Advertising Events Budget Activity To Date Pending Green Friday $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 Winter Glow Premiere Sponsor $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Summer Concert Series Premiere Sponsor $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Art Festival $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Jazz Festival $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 Science Festival Sponsor $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 Direct Advertising/Events Subtotal: $8,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,600.00

Monthly Actual Year Marketing Miscellaneous Budget Activity To Date Pending DMB Event Support $7,989.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,989.00 2018-2019 Visitor's Guide $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 Be A Tourist/Chili Cook-Off $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 Holiday Guide/Promotions $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Marketing Miscellaneous Subtotal: $15,489.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,489.00

Total Contract Services/Marketing Budget $24,089.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24,089.00

Monthly Actual Year Contract Services Budget Activity To Date Pending

Holiday Decorations-Shine Lighting $5,580.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,580.00 Porta Potty Rental for Games $1,650.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,650.00 Misc. Charges $470.00 $0.00 $0.00 $470.00

Monthly Actual Year Permits, License Fees, Assessments Budget Activity To Date Pending See breakdown for monthly expenditures $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 DMB PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL REPORT - September 2018 September 2018 Expenditure Detail


EXPENDITURES: Direct Work Order Salaries September $1,250.00 Direct Work Order Benefits September $437.50 Computer Rental September $125.00

CONTRACT SERVICES & MARKETING Taste & Shop Event Lou & Harry's $105.00 Buffalo Wild Wings $105.00 Sidewalk Sales Facebook Sidewalk Sales Advertisement $25.00 Sidewalk Sales Musician $400.00 Facebook Sidewalk Sales Advertisement $50.00 1 EL Buzz Sign in Parking Garages $175.00 1 EL Buzz Sign in Parking Garages $175.00 El Azteco--Food for DMB Business Huddle $50.00 Call Loop $29.00

PENDING CONTRACT SERVICES & MARKETING Media Advantage Final Services Payment $625.00 WIX Payment for ELBUZZ.ORG $48.96 Professional Services-Bee in MSU Parade $100.00 Balloons for MSU Homecoming Parade $100.00 East Lansing Photo Contest $160.00 Total $2,147.96

PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community


TO: Downtown Management Board

FROM: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt, Community Development & Engagement


DATE: October 8, 2018

SUBJECT: Digital Billboard Co-Op Campaign for Downtown Businesses City of East Lansing PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT The DMB Business Relations Committee is recommending the board consider the 410 Abbot Road implementation of a co-op advertising program. Through this program, the DMB would East Lansing, MI 48823 purchase advertising space on the Adam’s Outdoor Advertising billboard located near (517) 319-6930 Frandor. The proposed advertisement would feature the “Daytime, Nightime, Anytime

logo”, in addition to a parking spaces ticker indicating how many spaces are available in Downtown East Lansing.

While the total cost of the billboard is $5,500, it is recommended the DMB offer an

advertising opportunity in which merchants would agree to have the Downtown East Lansing logo and parking ticker placed within their individual ads.

The Business Relations Committee did have staff send out a survey to all Downtown East

Lansing businesses, gauging their interest in a co-op program. Through that survey and phones messages, the DMB received feedback stating 15 businesses would be interested in

partnering and purchasing advertisement space on the billboard ad. Businesses agreed to pay $550.00 for a total investment of 8 weeks of advertisements. Businesses also provided

information on which months of the year they would most be interested in advertising. All businesses indicated that the month of November was a priority month for them.

As such, the Business Relations Committee is recommending that the DMB allocate up to $5,500 in funds towards a Digital Billboard Co-Op program, with the understanding that businesses would be asked to commit funds towards the advertising campaign as well. Funding would be taken from the Contract Services/Marketing line item of the budget. Currently, $7,989 in funds remains unencumbered.

The committee and staff look forward to discussing this proposal in more detail during the October meeting

Enclosed you will find the following: -Draft Advertisement Concept from Adam’s Outdoor Advertising (Sample: City of Brighton)

PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community

-Survey Results from Downtown Businesses for Advertisement (please note Sundance Jewelers and P.T. O’Malley’s also made verbal commitments) - Billboard Ad Pricing


Digital Billboard Survey Results

CLIENT: City of East Lansing

Andy Korest, Account Executive August 16, 2018 Lansing, MI

4 WEEK NET NUMBER SITE CITY MEDIA TYPE SIZE FACING ILLUMINATED CURRENT ADVERTISER WEEKLY IMPRESSIONS PRODUCTION RATE AVAILABILITY RATE 5596 I-69 0.2 mi S/O Kinsel Hwy ES Charlotte Bulletin 14' X 48' South Yes Ad Council 106,115 $1,000 $850 8/18/2018 - on 5627 I-69 0.1 mi S/O Island Hwy ES Charlotte Bulletin 14' X 48' North Yes Ad Council 80,839 $1,000 $850 8/18/2018 - on 126 SR 78 / SR 43 25 ft W/O Coolidge Rd SS East Lansing Digital 14' X 48' East Yes Meijer 83,009 $4,500 - 10/1/2018 - on R160 SR 43 25 ft W/O Coolidge Rd NS East Lansing Digital 14' X 48' West Yes Dart Bank 136,915 $5,500 - 10/1/2018 - on 3211 US 127 Ramp 0.1 mi N/O I-496 WS Lansing Bulletin 14' X 48' South Yes Young Chevrolet Cadillac 129,634 $3,000 $850 10/1/2018 - on 3403 US 127 0.1 mi N/O Ave ES Lansing Bulletin 14' X 48' North Yes Eyde Company 183,178 $2,500 $850 10/1/2018 - on 558 I-69 Connector 0.1 mi E/O Francis Rd SS Lansing Bulletin 14' X 48' North Yes Ad Council 22,403 $800 $850 8/18/2018 - on 564 I-69 0.3 mi S/O Grand River Ave ES Lansing Bulletin 14' X 48' South Yes Monticello's Market 135,990 $800 $850 9/17/2018 - on 8215 I-96 400 ft E/O Cedar St SS Lansing Bulletin 14' X 48' East Yes Discount Carpet 148,525 $1,800 $850 8/18/2018 - on 8231 I-96 0.1 mi E/O Cedar St SS Lansing Bulletin 14' X 48' East Yes Ad Council 148,525 $1,800 $850 8/18/2018 - on R3703 US 127 0.1 mi N/O Kalamazoo St ES Lansing Bulletin 14' X 48' South Yes 277,446 $2,500 $850 10/1/2018 - on 6627 I-69 0.3 mi W/O Britton Rd SS Perry Bulletin 14' X 48' East Yes Ad Council 92,536 $1,400 $850 8/18/2018 - on 595 I-96 0.5 mi E/O Grand River W/O Cutler SS Portland Bulletin 14' X 48' East Yes Ad Council 103,743 $1,200 $850 8/18/2018 - on 600 I-96 0.7 mi E/O Grand River E/O Cutler SS Portland Bulletin 14' X 48' West Yes MSU College of Veterinary Medicine 129,745 $1,200 $850 8/18/2018 - on 613 I-96 0.1 mi E/O Keefer Rd NS Portland Bulletin 14' X 48' East Yes Ad Council 138,173 $1,200 $850 8/18/2018 - on 5615 I-69 0.8 mi S/O Windsor Hwy WS Potterville Bulletin 14' X 48' South Yes Ad Council 98,038 $1,000 $850 8/18/2018 - on 843 I-96 0.5 mi E/O Gregory Rd NS Webberville Bulletin 14' X 48' West Yes Ad Council 175,997 $1,200 $850 10/1/2018 - on L851 I-96 0.2 mi W/O Gregory Rd NS Webberville Bulletin 14' X 48' West Yes Ad Council 175,997 $2,400 $850 8/18/2018 - on *** All proposed locations are subject to availability and change whether due to offer expiration, lease expiration or inventory enhancement. Should this occur, Adams will make every attempt to provide a similar alternate location. *** Rates are subject to change based upon occupancy. *** All materials must arrive the Wednesday prior to post date. *** One period equals four weeks.

Adams Outdoor Advertising offers various product lines through our markets. Please contact me for details. SOUTHEAST: Charlotte, Norfolk, Charleston, Florence/Myrtle Beach*, Beaufort/Hilton Head, Columbia*, Savannah* NORTHEAST: Philadelphia*, Wilkes-Barre-Scranton, Lehigh Valley MIDWEST: Detroit*, Grand Rapids, Madison, Peoria, Champaign, Fort Wayne*, Kenosha, Racine, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo COMPANY: City of East Lanisng START DATE: END DATE:

NAME: Andy Korest PHONE: 517.321.2121 EMAIL: [email protected] 126 • SR 78 / SR 43 25 ft W/O Coolidge Rd SS F/East

MEDIA TYPE: Digital CITY: East Lansing COUNTY: Ingham STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 14910994 Total Weekly Impressions: 83,008* Direction Facing: E Hours of Illumination: 24 Size: 14'x48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48912 This unit is located at a well traveled intersection in a highly populated and always busy Latitude: 42.741462 area of Lansing. This highly desirable location is visible from two major roadways Longitude: -84.503524 heading into the heart of Lansing. The intersection is located near US-127, the Frandor Shopping Center, Eastwood Town Center, major retail, dining, Michigan State University and national fast food chain restaurants. * The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 R160 • SR 43 25 ft W/O Coolidge Rd NS F/West

MEDIA TYPE: Digital CITY: East Lansing COUNTY: Ingham STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 437162 Total Weekly Impressions: 136,915* Direction Facing: W Hours of Illumination: 24 Size: 14'x48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48912 This unit is located at a well traveled intersection in a highly populated and always busy Latitude: 42.7409 area of Lansing. This highly desirable location is visible from two major roadways heading into East Lansing and the heart of the MSU campus. The intersection is located Longitude: -84.50365 near US-127, the Frandor Shopping Center, Eastwood Town Center, major retail, dining,

Michigan State University and national fast food chain restaurants. * The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 3403 • US 127 0.1 mi N/O Grand River Ave ES F/N - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Lansing COUNTY: Ingham STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 30705874 Total Weekly Impressions: 183,178* Direction Facing: N Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48912 Located at the US-127 entrance and displaying a distinct height, this bulletin will receive Latitude: 42.74294 a great number of impressions thanks to both commuters and residents. Longitude: -84.50849

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 R3703 • US 127 0.1 mi N/O Kalamazoo St ES F/S - 2

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Lansing COUNTY: Ingham STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 14910988 Total Weekly Impressions: 277,446* Direction Facing: S Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48912 This bulletin displays a strong right hand read and catches the attention of traffic Latitude: 42.731017 heading either east or towards the downtown area. Longitude: -84.509317

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 3211 • US 127 Ramp 0.1 mi N/O I-496 WS F/S - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Lansing COUNTY: Ingham STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 437167 Total Weekly Impressions: 129,634* Direction Facing: S Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48901 This unit is a left hand read that can been seen from eastbound traffic on I-496. The Latitude: 42.725997 interchange between both I-496 and US-127 is a highly desired area due to the Longitude: -84.511899 demographic being mostly local residents as well as commuters outside of the Lansing area. * The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 6627 • I-69 0.3 mi W/O Britton Rd SS F/E - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Perry COUNTY: Shiawassee STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436812 Total Weekly Impressions: 92,536* Direction Facing: E Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48872 Ideally located along I-69, a central thoroughfare for commuters and residents traveling Latitude: 42.8309 east towards Flint and Detroit and west towards Lansing, this structure boasts excellent Longitude: -84.24358 long distance visibility.

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 5627 • I-69 0.1 mi S/O Island Hwy ES F/N - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Charlotte COUNTY: Eaton STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436716 Total Weekly Impressions: 80,839* Direction Facing: N Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48813 Latitude: 42.56723 Longitude: -84.82037

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 5595 • I-69 0.2 mi S/O Kinsel Hwy ES F/N - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Charlotte COUNTY: Eaton STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436693 Total Weekly Impressions: 87,492* Direction Facing: N Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48813 Latitude: 42.5955 Longitude: -84.78539

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 5615 • I-69 0.8 mi S/O Windsor Hwy WS F/S - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Potterville COUNTY: Eaton STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436703 Total Weekly Impressions: 98,038* Direction Facing: S Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48876 Latitude: 42.63916 Longitude: -84.71384

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 564 • I-69 0.3 mi S/O Grand River Ave ES F/S - 2

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Lansing COUNTY: Clinton STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436721 Total Weekly Impressions: 135,990* Direction Facing: S Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48906 Latitude: 42.78019 Longitude: -84.66749

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 558 • I-69 Connector 0.1 mi E/O Francis Rd SS F/N - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Lansing COUNTY: Clinton STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436685 Total Weekly Impressions: 22,403* Direction Facing: N Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48906 Latitude: 42.78681 Longitude: -84.66251

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 L851 • I-96 0.2 mi W/O Gregory Rd NS F/W - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Webberville COUNTY: Livingston STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 437112 Total Weekly Impressions: 175,997* Direction Facing: W Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48892 Latitude: 42.64697 Longitude: -84.09646

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 843 • I-96 0.5 mi E/O Gregory Rd NS F/W - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Webberville COUNTY: Livingston STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 437005 Total Weekly Impressions: 175,997* Direction Facing: W Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48892 Latitude: 42.64708 Longitude: -84.08762

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 613 • I-96 0.1 mi E/O Keefer Rd NS F/E - 2

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Portland COUNTY: Ionia STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436759 Total Weekly Impressions: 138,173* Direction Facing: E Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48875 Latitude: 42.86655 Longitude: -84.95408

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 595 • I-96 0.5 mi E/O Grand River W/O Cutler SS F/E - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Portland COUNTY: Ionia STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436730 Total Weekly Impressions: 103,743* Direction Facing: E Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48875 Latitude: 42.859135 Longitude: -84.879597

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 600 • I-96 0.7 mi E/O Grand River E/O Cutler SS F/W - 2

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Portland COUNTY: Ionia STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 14910949 Total Weekly Impressions: 129,745* Direction Facing: W Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48875 Latitude: 42.85665 Longitude: -84.8708

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 8231 • I-96 0.1 mi E/O Cedar St SS F/E - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Lansing COUNTY: Ingham STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436963 Total Weekly Impressions: 148,525* Direction Facing: E Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48910 Located in Lansing's South side on the heavily traveled I-96. This area of Lansing has Latitude: 42.66016 multiple shopping centers, new and used automobile dealerships and restaurants that Longitude: -84.53624 provide for a diverse population, perfect for any advertiser.

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 8215 • I-96 400 ft E/O Cedar St SS F/E - 1

MEDIA TYPE: Bulletin CITY: Lansing COUNTY: Ingham STATE: Michigan

Geopath Number: 436958 Total Weekly Impressions: 148,525* Direction Facing: E Hours of Illumination: 18 Size: 14' X 48' State: Michigan Zip Code: 48911 Located in Lansing's South side on I-96, this structure provides a clear and open read. Latitude: 42.660038 It is close to the Cedar St/Pennsylvania Ave. exit which contains multiple shopping Longitude: -84.537047 centers, dealerships, and restaurants.

* The Geopath Audience Location Measurement℠ system data is provided by the Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, Inc. New York, New York © Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved

ADAMS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (517) 321-2121 3801 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906

PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community


TO: Downtown Management Board

FROM: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt, Community Development & Engagement


DATE: October 8, 2018

SUBJECT: Social Media Advertising Focuses & Partners City of East Lansing PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT As board members are aware, the East Lansing Downtown Development Authority has 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 authorized the allocation of funds of $7,500 towards marketing, advertising, and event

(517) 319-6930 support to businesses during construction.

During the September 11, 2018 meeting, board members discussed researching and

implementing marketing techniques that would be effective for merchants. It was determined that $1,500 in funds should be allocated towards social media and online

marketing campaigns. In addition, the board approved the allocation of $1,000 in funds towards a partnership with Dr. Steven Flaster’s Capstone class at Michigan State

University. That class has taken East Lansing on as a client, and will develop a marketing campaign focused on supporting businesses that could launch as early as January 2019.

With $2,500 in DDA funds encumbered, the board requested that the DMB Marketing

Committee review proposals from several types of advertising mediums, including television, radio, social media, newspaper, and even air-flight.

During the September 19, 2018 DMB Marketing Committee meeting, committee members reviewed 8 different proposals, and unanimously determined that social media advertisements provided two strong factors: 1) it allowed for the highest number of advertisements to take place; 2) it allowed for easy content creation, or editorial changes as necessary

At the end of the Marketing Committee meeting, staff was tasked with reaching out to local public relations firms to receive their recommendations on pursuing social media platforms and advertisements with a total budget of $5,000. As staff requested feedback by October 9, 2018 at Noon, all information will be shared with board members during the meeting.

In the interim, members of the City’s Communications Division are finalizing draft images they have created, to be posted on the Downtown East Lansing Facebook page which highlight the increased parking incentives being made available to patrons of the downtown. Over the course of the past four weeks, Facebook advertisements have been posted highlighting events such as Sidewalk Sales, the Robotics Festival, Farmer’s Market,

PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community

Al the Bee making appearance downtown, as well as the Find the Bee-Park for Free campaign.

Staff looks forward to sharing social media options with the board during the October 9th meeting.

PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community


TO: Downtown Management Board

FROM: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt, Community Development & Engagement


DATE: October 8, 2018

SUBJECT: Porta Potty Rental During Remaining MSU Home Football Games City of East Lansing PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Each Fall, the East Lansing Downtown Management Board considers the rental of porta 410 Abbot Road potties, to be placed throughout the downtown during busy home football games. East Lansing, MI 48823

(517) 319-6930 Staff received quotations for 6 porta potties to be placed in three locations of the DMB

district. The locations are: Alleyway off of Ann Street Plaza (2); 300 block alleyway (2); and near the 565 building (2).

Enclosed please find the quotation totaling $1,215.00 for the rental of 6 porta potties to be

placed in the downtown during the months of October and November. Once delivered, the porta potties would remain within these set locations and cleaned by American Rentals

once a week until the end of November.

The DMB had budgeted $1,615 in funds under the Contract Services account for the porta potties. Currently, $7,600 total remains within that line item of the budget.


PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community


TO: Downtown Management Board

FROM: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt, Community Development & Engagement


DATE: October 8, 2018

SUBJECT: Great Pumpkin Walk City of East Lansing PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road The Great Pumpkin Walk is scheduled to be held on October 30, 2018 from 5-7 p.m. in East Lansing, MI 48823 Downtown East Lansing. Each year, more than 1,500 trick-or-treaters visit downtown (517) 319-6930 merchant locations to receive candy and coupons.

The East Lansing City Council has approved free parking, with the garage doors being

open from 4:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. that day.

Staff is excited to announce that MSU Greek Life will be hosting its Safe Halloween activities from 5-7 p.m. as well. In addition, the Broad Art Museum will introduce children

to 8 legged creatures during Arachnabroadia. Finally, the Wild Goose Inn will transform itself into the land of Oz, with students from acting out scenes

from the Wizard of Oz.

Enclosed please find the Great Pumpkin Walk flier that has been designed.


Downtown East Lansing’s 2018 Great Pumpkin Walk Bring the kids downtown to show off their costumes and collect treats from more than 50 businesses!


10 %

tuesday, October 30

Also visit the "Land of Oz" at the Wild Goose Inn and ArachnoBROADia! at the Broad Art Museum. 5-7 p.m.

Free downtown parking from 4:30-8:30 p.m.

PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community


TO: Downtown Management Board

FROM: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt, Community Development & Engagement


DATE: October 8, 2018

SUBJECT: LIME and Bird Scooters Downtown City of East Lansing PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT After several discussions, the East Lansing City Council has agreed to allow both Bird and 410 Abbot Road LIME to operate their scooters within the City limits. East Lansing, MI 48823

(517) 319-6930 This approval has been granted for a few months’ time, and is contingent upon both groups

sharing data information with the City (i.e. ridership metrics, etc.)

Both companies have been made aware that the scooters are not to be staged or left in public right of way areas. If the scooters appear in those areas, PACE or other members of

City staff will move them out of those locations.

Staff will provide updates regarding both companies’ as they become available.


MEMBERS SYNOPSIS Chanelle Crouch James Croom Luke Allen Hackney Michael Krueger September 19, 2018 – 4:00 p.m. Thomas Muth Ray Walsh 410 Abbot Road Audrey Yonkus Conference Room A

Staff Liaison Present: Luke Hackney, Michael Krueger, Audrey Yonkus, Ray Walsh, Amy Schlusler (517) 319-6931 Tom Muth McKenna Dixon (517) 319-6923 Staff Members Present: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt, Tom Fehrenbach

City of East Lansing DMB Board Member: Jeff Kusler DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING , BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT Guest: John Chang, Omi Sushi 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823

(517) 319-6930 The meeting began at 4:04 p.m.

Committee members decided to discuss the East Lansing Photo Contest first, as Mr.

Chang had not yet arrived.

Proposed Sponsorship of East Lansing Photo Contest

Schlusler-Schmitt explained that the Downtown Management Board and Downtown Development Authority were being asked to sponsor the East Lansing Photo Contest, for

the special category titled the Downtown division. Participants of the contest were being asked to take photos of their favorite locations within the DMB district. The winner would receive $50.00 in free parking vouchers.

In addition, the 10 Honorable Mention persons would receive $10.00 worth of parking vouchers in the Downtown.

Schlusler-Schmitt stated the total sponsorship was for $150.00

Hackney made a motion to approve $150.00 towards the East Lansing Photo Contest. Krueger seconded the motion. All years; motion carried unanimously.

Discussion with John Chang, Omi Sushi

Chang introduced himself and thanked committee members for having him. He explained that he is the General Manager and partial owner of Omi Sushi in East Lansing. He said he wished to attend the meeting to learn more about advertising opportunities in the downtown. He said that up until 2 years ago, the restaurants primary source of new

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Marketing Committee Meeting Synopsis (9/19/2018) – Page 1 of 2


customers was through word of mouth. Now, they were working on developing some social media advertisements.

He also shared that Omi Sushi was in the process of being sold, but that the name of the restaurant would remain the same. Chang shared that he felt further advertisements about available parking in the downtown would be a good strategy to attract people into East Lansing.

Hackney welcomed John, and invited him to stay and participate as committee members reviewed the 8 advertising proposals before them.

Review of TV, Radio, Newspaper, Air Flight Quotations

Schlusler-Schmitt discussed the proposals that committee members had within their packets, which had been emailed out a few days prior to the meeting.

Committee members reviewed proposals from FOX 47, WLNS, Town Square Media, State News, City Pulse, Facebook Advertising Costs, Instagram, and even the cost of air flight banners in the downtown.

After much discussion, committee members determined that social media simply provided the most advertising options. Not only could the DMB purchase the highest amount of ads, but content could be easily edited or tweaked for messaging needs.

The DMB then discussed the fact that allocating $5,000 in funds meant a significant amount of time for the social media campaign manager.

They directed staff to reach out to some social media or public relations firms, to receive feedback on the type of social media campaign they recommend, alongside the estimated cost of services to produce the campaign.

Schlusler-Schmitt stated that she would reach out to some companies to solicit some feedback, and would share that information with the full board at their next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 5:08 p.m.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Marketing Committee Meeting Synopsis (9/19/2018) – Page 2 of 2

DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Business Relations Committee

MEMBERS SYNOPSIS Jen Flood Chanelle Crouch Carrie Schaeffer Audrey Yonkus September 28, 2018 – 1:00 p.m. Thomas Muth 410 Abbot Rd., Second Floor

Planning Conference Room

Staff Liaison Amy Schlusler-Schmitt (517) 319-6931 Present: Chanelle Crouch, Justin Hewson, Tom Muth McKenna Dixon (517) 319-6923

Staff Members Present: McKenna Dixon, Amy Schlusler-Schmitt

City of East Lansing DEPARTMENT OF Guests: Andy Korest, Adam’s Outdoor Advertising; Becky Kosta, Adam’s Outdoor PLANNING , BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT Advertising 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 The meeting began at 1:03 p.m. (517) 319-6930

1) Presentation from Adams Outdoor Advertising Andy Korest, a sales representative from Adams Outdoor Advertising, began the

meeting by sharing a presentation on advertising opportunities available to the Downtown Management Board. Strategies included print billboards, digital

billboards, and online advertising. He specifically mentioned how the City of Brighton had partnered with merchants on a joint digital advertising campaign.

The Business Relations committee agreed that they liked the digital billboard

advertising idea best. The discussed advertising concepts, including the incorporation of the Downtown EL logo, available parking spaces and specific businesses in the downtown area. Based on the price, the Business Relations committee decided that the DMB would be able to subsidize some of this purchase, but not all.

Muth and Hewson asked Staff to send out an informative e-mail, along with a survey to gauge the interest of the Downtown businesses. The Business Relations committee decided that approximately ten businesses would be a substantial amount for a campaign. City staff agreed to send out a survey later that day.

2) Great Pumpkin Walk Schlusler-Schmitt explained the event to the Business Relations committee. The committee liked the idea of partnering with MSU’s Greek Life and their Safe Halloween event. Staff said they would work with Communications to finalize the details on the event filer, and cross promote both events on social media platforms.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Business Relations Committee Meeting Synopsis (09/28//2018) – Page 1 of 2

DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Business Relations Committee

3) Focuses for Holiday Shopping The Business Relations committee had many different ideas relating to holiday shopping in downtown East Lansing. They decided to meet on October 3rd to further discuss their plan of action for the holidays.

Schlusler-Schmitt noted the committee could review the results of the billboard survey during that meeting as well.

The meeting adjourned at 2:26 p.m.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Business Relations Committee Meeting Synopsis (09/28//2018) – Page 2 of 2

DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Business Relations Committee

MEMBERS SYNOPSIS Jen Flood Chanelle Crouch Carrie Schaeffer Audrey Yonkus October 3, 2018 – 12:00 p.m. Thomas Muth 131 Albert Avenue

Staff Liaison Present: Chanelle Crouch, Justin Hewson, Tom Muth, Audrey Yonkus Amy Schlusler-Schmitt (517) 319-6931 McKenna Dixon (517) 319-6923 Staff Members Present: Amy Schlusler-Schmitt

The meeting began at 12:04 p.m. City of East Lansing DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING , BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 1) Balloons for MSU Homecoming Parade 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 Schlusler-Schmitt explained that for the past 10 years, the DMB had purchased (517) 319-6930 green and white balloons to be placed on the lampposts along Grand River Avenue during the MSU Homecoming Parade. Staff was requesting the

committee approve an expenditure of $100 towards the balloons and helium for the balloons.

Crouch motioned approval of $100 towards the purchase of balloons for the MSU

Homecoming Parade. Muth seconded. All in favor; the motion passes.

2) Review of Billboard Survey Results

Schlusler-Schmitt shared the survey results, and emails from businesses regarding the proposed digital billboard campaign. Committee members were impressed with the number of responses, and noted that they believed even more businesses would express interest if the board approved the co-op program. Yonkus asked for more clarification regarding the type of ad being offered to businesses. Committee members explained a businesses would have a large area of the billboard to advertise, and that it would not just be one image with several business logos. Yonkus committed Sundance to the advertisement immediately as well.

Committee members voted unanimously to forward on a recommendation to the board for consideration of a co-op advertising program in which the DMB would purchase an ad for $5,500 but participating businesses would commit $550 in advertising funds each. Schlusler-Schmitt said that she would include information within the board packet.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Business Relations Committee Meeting Synopsis (10/03//2018) – Page 1 of 2

DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Business Relations Committee

3) Focuses for Holiday Shopping

Schlusler-Schmitt announced that Harbor Bay was extremely interested in hosting a Holiday Toy Drive for charity the same day as the Winter Glow event. Committee members were extremely supportive of this idea, and asked that staff reach out to CBRE to see if the former Silver & Beyond Space could be used for collection and staging of toys. Committee members recommended that businesses be made aware of the drive, as several businesses might be willing to offers deals and discounts if persons donated to the drive.

Committee members determined that given the toy drive, there was no need for additional activities the day of Winter Glow. However, they did ask staff to look into partnering with Greek Life to offer Christmas wrapping opportunities on Green Friday & Saturday Too.

Committee members then turned to discussions about a large activity that might draw people into the downtown in November and December. In the end, committee members were extremely supportive of the idea of hosting a tree farm, in Ann Street Plaza, Valley Court Park, or even near People’s Church. They believe this attraction will draw people into the downtown and create a fun atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

Schlusler-Schmitt said that she would speak with the City’s Zoning staff, as well as Parks & Recreation to ensure that a tree farm enterprise would be allowed in the downtown.

Committee members said they would advocate the idea at an upcoming City Council meeting, if necessary.

It was then determined that the DMB might look into possible gift box options with retailers in the Spring months.

The meeting adjourned at 2:46 p.m.

City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Business Relations Committee Meeting Synopsis (10/03//2018) – Page 2 of 2

Center City Advertising Support--DMB Budget

5 Downtown Buzz advertising banners $1,094.63 100-200 block business banner $243.93 ZIP ties for downtown banners $10.99 Adams Outdoor Advertising (4 signs in garages) $300.00 Text Messaging Charges Dec.-June $283.00 (Dec-March: $49/April-June: $29) 3 Business Support Banners--Adjacent Businesses $656.78 Zip ties/supports for banners $30.97 Find the Bee Cardboard Cutouts $408.84 Grove, Woven, 7-11 Business Signs and Parking Sign $144.00 Find the Bee Campaign--BWW Gift Card $100.00 100-200 Block Banner Reprint $218.93 Find the Bee-Jersey Mike's $100.00 Find the Bee-Menna's Joint $100.00 Sticker Decals for Find the Bee $35.95 Find the Bee-Black Cat Bistro $100.00 Find the Bee-Peanut Barrel $100.00 Find the Bee-Hopcat $100.00 Bee Signage Install for Grove, Woven, 7-Eleven $61.25 July 2018 Text Messaging $29.00 Bee Mascot $239.00 Adams Outdoor Advertising (1 sign in garage) $175.00 Adams Outdoor Advertising` (1 sign in garage) $175.00 Call Loop $29.00 Food for Downtown Business Huddle $50.00 Bee Mascot Services-Mia Rubin $100.00 of ELBUZZ.ORG DOMAIN $48.96 TOTAL SPENT $4,935.23


$5,000 Budgeted from DMB