Volume 16, Number 24 Thursday, June 22, 2000 If You Knew Sue, See… by Paula McHugh She’s big, she’s beautiful, and she’s a wonder to behold. Sue dominates the attention of everyone walking into Stanley Field Hall. And what a great treat for us who live so close to her final resting place at the Field Museum in . The best way to approach Sue is from behind. Really. When you visit the museum, and sooner or later you will, you’ll find a shorter line at the North Entrance where you can breeze right in. If you come in through the South Entrance off the parking lot, you benefit from getting that first much talked-about sight of Sue’s humongous gaze, but you’ll pay the price in long, and I mean snakelike long lines as you creep your way to the ticket counter. If you enter as I suggested, you can still Sue’s big, beautiful, and a wonder to behold. And the North Entrance was practically line-free on a recent Tuesday. walk the length of Stanley Field Hall and experience the same popular view of the most famous T. rex on Earth. That said, let’s explore some of the wonders of the largest, most com- plete T. rex found to date. We Hoosiers can swell with pride knowing that a Munster native, Sue Hendrickson, was the first to find the fossilized remains of this 64 mil- lion-year-old specimen. And all because of a flat tire.

A backside view from above that still leaves a deep impression on its viewers. Note the crowd at the far end waiting to purchase tickets. Sue Continued on Page 2 Page 2 June 22, 2000

911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 In Case Of Emergency, Dial e-mail: News/Articles - [email protected] email: Classifieds - [email protected] http://www.bbpnet.com/Beacher/ Published and Printed by THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS 911 Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also Subscription Rates delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach. 1 year $26 6 months $14 3 months $8 1 month $3

Sue Continued from Page 1 A flat tire? Make Lemonade! Sue Hendrickson stayed behind with the jeep when the vehicle’s tire flattened. Her colleagues, all commercial fossil hunters, were about to get the surprise of their lives when they returned from Faith with the fixed tire. While they were gone, Sue continued to search the hot and sandy South Dakota badlands area for fossils. After climbing a hill or two, she came upon some bone fragments. Sue looked above her on the bluffs, and to make a long story short, her discovery, or serendipity, is now Chicago’s and the Field Museum’s coup de grace.

Sue’s 58 curved teeth were made for grabbing and stab- bing say the scientists, and her sense of smell, considering the size of her olfactory lobes, was extraordinary.

Now, I admit that I have not been back to the Field Museum since I was about seven years old, but I remember the ele- phants. And I remember Bushman. They looked huge and scary to me then. So when I went to see Sue, I watched the faces of the boys and girls, toddlers and babies whose parents brought them face to face with the 42-foot long, 13-foot high T. Rex. The look of awe was unmistakable—on the faces of babies and adults.

Here she is, looking very menacing. On the upper level, a mural shows what the mighty T. rex would look like fleshed out. When you enter the museum and get your first glance at Sue the mighty T. rex, you might just think that she is a bronze cast of a mighty dinosaur. With all the publicity we know better, but as I was thinking it I heard another person near me voice the same obser- vation. It’s the lighting. Sue’s fossilized bones are the real thing, a darkish brown that appears to glow This dinosaur cuts a fine figure outside the Field Museum. with coppery splashes of illumination. But Sue, the T. Rex, is inside. June 22, 2000 Page 3

The other children have obviously seen Jurassic Park and Dinosaur. The first T. rex was discovered a cen- Open ‘til 7 p.m. tury ago, not nearly as well-preserved as the 200 Evenings bones that have been painstakingly reassembled on Sue, but enough to fire imaginations and movies and speculations as to how these creatures lived and fared. The T. rex’s Nose Knew wwwElegant.littlehousef Apparelashions.com for the We know we don’t know if Sue is a male or female. [email protected] Conscious Woman We don’t know if the T. rex was warm or cold-blood- Women’s Apparel ed. Sue’s 58 curved teeth were made for grabbing and stabbing say the scientists, but they can’t be sure if she was a carnivore. Scientists do know one thing for 1/2 sure: if Sue where alive today, she could smell you com- ing perhaps as far away as Buckingham Fountain. Or farther. Sue’s skull, which is five feet long and sits inside PRICE a glass case to accommodate its 600-pound weight, had been sent to California for CT scans. Her brain cav- ity was well preserved, and scanning showed the huge olfactory lobes, which would mean her sense of SALE smell was outstanding. MIX & MATCH Coordinates and Dresses Buy One at the Regular Price, Get 2nd at 1/2 Price Brian Cooley, considered the “most prolific dinosaur sculptor in history,” (of equal or lesser value) created a limited edition of ten hand poured and chased bronzes, with the first being presented to the Field Museum. The nine others are for sale for $34,000 each. The skull is 1/3 scale. The future meets the past on this little speck of our planet called Chicago. Inside the museum, standing beside bones that housed a beating heart and breath- ing creature millions upon millions of years ago, we TENT SALE Millennium museum-goers were clicking our cameras and videotaping our friends and families beside the 75-80% off giant dinosaur. If Sue’s spirit were watching, her ego would swell to be as big as her estimated (live) Meet Us For Lunch And A Style Show seven-ton weight. When you go to view Sue up close, take it for granted that you will be an unintention- THURSDAY, JUNE 22 - ROSKOE’S, LA PORTE al face in many a stranger’s photos. Cameras were flash- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 - RODINI’S, MICHIGAN CITY ing everywhere, and here it was, already a month after 409 Alexander Street LaPorte, IN 326-8602 the gala press unveiling of the great T. Rex. On Hwy 35 - 5 Blocks South of Lincolnway Turn Right on Alexander Monday - Friday 9:30 to 7 Saturday 9:30 to 5 Sue Continued on Page 4 Page 4 June 22, 2000

Sue Continued from Page 3 Cameras A’Poppin’ So it was no wonder that I would find at least one Beacher area resident among the throngs. Beverly Sperry of Trail Creek had brought her family and grandchildren visiting from Texas into the big city to see its sights. We rode the same train and found ourselves in the same line while getting our first peek at Sue. We dodged a half-dozen other photographers shooting away in order to pose below Sue’s men- acing form. Be prepared for many “excuse me’s” and look in front, behind, and on both sides of you when moving close to Sue because you may just ruin a perfectly posed family snapshot. Inadvertently, of course. Upstairs, there is much more to learn about Sue, besides ren- dering a good photo opportunity looking down upon Sue from above. The museum even lets you know where to get a good shot. They have a sign saying “Cool Sue View.” Around the corner, where Sue’s real skull sits (the skull downstairs is a lighter weight recre- ation by Brian Cooley), we could touch the T. rex’s wishbone and see a fast-framed replay of Sue’s unveiling of May 17th. Besides Sue’s skull, which was smashed in when found, the end portion of her tail had to be reconstructed, since they were not found during Beverly Sperry of Trail Creek had brought her family and the original excavation. grandchildren visiting from Texas into the big city to see its sights, including a visit to Sue. Posing with Sue, back row, Nancy Local, Crystal Parrett, Beverly, and Nancy The museum guides you to good Schrimsher; in front, Danny Barrick, James Parrett, and photo ops of the dinosaur. Austin Barrick. Unsolved Mystery of the Gastralia While a large crowd had gathered to view the ry,”, created a limited edition of ten hand poured famous dinosaur’s skull, very few people had dis- and chased bronzes, with the first being presented to covered a less talked-about part of Sue’s anatomy. The the Field Museum. The nine others are for sale for T. rex’s gastralia, which are often mistakenly called $34,000 each. Want one? the ribs according to the instructive sign, sit unob- Mea Culpa. I did not visit the Picturing T. rex: trusively in a glass case across from the McDonald’s Selections from the Lanzendorf Collection, which was Fossil Lab. The gastralia will stay in the glass case something I completely overlooked. This special until the assembly team figures out how these long exhibit includes 60 paintings, drawings, sculptures bony rods are supposed to fit on Sue’s skeleton. The and toys from a private collector, all related to how glassed-in fossil lab nearby lets you watch a team of art and science combine to envision the T. rex that we technicians busy at work separating the matrix or sed- know. I guess that will have to wait for another time. iment from fossilized bones of other specimens. The I was off looking for Bushman, who, when I finally found matrix, we learned, is all the rock that is found him, looked tiny compared to all I had seen up to then. around a fossil. At the fossil lab, we had a chance to Leaving the wonders of anthropology, geology, see just how exacting the work of cleaning and recon- biology, and more for the trip home, my feet aching, structing the 200 bones was. We’re told that Sue’s snout my head spinning, I thought of that old song. was crushed shortly after death, due to rushing water …. Oh, oh, oh what a gal! and sediments. It took a team of seven museum preparators more than 3500 hours to clean and repair the T rex’s skull. That, they said, took more time than putting together any other part of the skeleton. A Sue-venier to Cherish If, during your visit, you become totally enamored of Sue and are looking for a sue-venier other than a beanie dinosaur, cap, or tee shirt, you could be one of nine discriminating people to walk away with a 1/3 scale cast bronze Sue skull. Brian Cooley, consid- The gastralia will stay in the glass case until the assembly team figures ered the “most prolific dinosaur sculptor in histo- out how these long bony rods are supposed to fit on Sue’s skeleton. June 22, 2000 Page 5

“This tip comes from a reliable source. This is the tip of Sue’s 20-foot long “The bones shaded yellow are the ones that were missing from Sue’s tail. tail. It has 35 of the 47 vertebrae that make up a T. rex tail, making it the To create them, a sculptor carefully measured the real bones, calculated most complete T. rex tail ever found.” how much smaller the missing ones should be, and then carved them out of clay.” “Why is a complete tail so important? The more complete the tail is, the more accurately you can measure the length of the animal. In the past, size estimates for T. rex have been off by as much as 11 feet--all because of the tail.”

“Imagine the wish you make with this!” “This is Sue’s wishbone, or furcula (FUR-cue-luh). It’s the first one ever found from a T.rex. For scientists who study evolution, it’s one of the most exciting discoveries about Sue.” “Only two kinds of animals have wishbones: meat-eating dinosaurs and birds. This shared feature indicates that the two groups are closely relat- ed. In fact, some paleontologists have begun calling birds modern-day dinosaurs.”

“Small bone, big discovery!” “This slender rod is one of the smallest bones in Sue’s skeleton--and one of the rarest. It’s called the stapes (STAY- peez) and it once connected Sue’s eardrum to her inner ear.” “Bones this tiny and fragile almost never become fossilized. In fact, Sue’s stapes is the first one ever discovered in a T. rex. An observant preparator found it by accident while cleaning the rocky matrix out of Sue’s skull.” Page 6 June 22, 2000

“Bleacher Bums” Cast at Wrigley Field





s The cast of “Bleacher Bums” get into character at Wrigley Field. ’

n The cast of the Dunes Summer Theatre’s first pro- e duction “Bleacher Bums”, went to Wrigley Field in cos-

m Mesmerizing tume for the Cubs recent game against the Arizona o Diamondbacks. The Cubs won! The cast got into w character in preparation for this Friday’s opening. y r “Bleacher Bums,” set in the right field bleachers of a Wrigley Field, was originally conceived by Joe r Summer o Montegna and written by an ensemble of actors/writ- p ers including Dennis Franz at the Organic Theatre

m in Chicago during the mid-70’s. e

t “Bleacher Bums” is directed by George Maslankowski

n of LaPorte and features Matt Kennedy of Crown

o Clothes c Point; Bill Klein and Michael Baptist of St. Joseph; Jay Blackburn of New Buffalo; Laurie Shover-Schmidt • Tranquil Turquoises of Valparaiso; Buzz Burns of LaPorte; Nathan Ozug of Portage; Diana Slease of Miller and Matt Milcarek • Orange Crushes and James Comstock of Michigan City. “Bleacher Bums” opened June 16 and will contin- • Summer Blues ue June 23-25; Fridays and Saturdays 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. For reservations, phone the box office at 879-7509. The box office is open 1-6 p.m. Tuesday- Thursday; and, 1 p.m.-curtain on Friday, Saturday and La Sunday. Grande “WEEKEND DECK SALES!” Every Saturday & Sunday runk Weather Permitting from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 10%-50% off all your T New Buffalo 447 South Whittaker summertime needs 616.469.2122 Valparaiso 902 Calumet Avenue (219) 324-TANN 219.464.7894 513 Pine Lake Avenue La Porte, IN for mor e infor mation visit us at: www.lagrandetr unk.com Beds • Booths • Beachwear LAPORTECOUNTY’S#1SUNSHINECENTER June 22, 2000 Page 7 6

REALTY Sunset Point

The only lakefront townhomes on the Indiana shore- line. This all cedar, multi-level home, offers approximately 1800 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, deck, balcony, lower level storage and detached garage.

This light and airy home, with over 25 sets of windows enjoys oak & tile floors, built-in breakfast booth, quality appliances, & a living room with fireplace overlooking the dramatic 2 story dining room.

At Sunset Point, homeowners enjoy a privately owned beach. Evenings behold breath taking sunsets against the Chicago skyline. Guest parking & low monthly association fee are a bonus. Reduced $319,000

Judy Crawford Rebecca Miller Realtor Broker/Owner A Full Service Real Estate Firm belonging to the Greater Northwest Indiana Association of Realtors (GNIAR) and the Board of Realtors (219) 872-0588 • (219) 324-6677 Page 8 June 22, 2000

DON’T MISS IT! ICS 2000 Garden Tour Fri., 6/23 Sat., 6/24 The Independent Cat Society’s Annual Garden 8:00 pm cst Tour will be on Sun., July 16, at 1 p.m., at Coburn Sun., 6/25 Planting Fields in Jackson Township. 7:00 pm cst Participants will tour ten acres of bucolic beauty, Make your reservations garden plots, gorgeous day lilies and 80 varieties of early. Hosta. Home baked refreshments will also be served ONLY 3 and door prizes will be raffled. SHOWS The tour is $10/adults, $5/children, and starts at 1 p.m., rain or shine, so participants are asked to be at the fields at 12:45 p.m. Wear appropriate footwear as the fields may be muddy. Reservations are required for this event by calling 219/785-4936, or send a check for the number of reservations made payable to the Independent Cat Society, P.O. Box 735, Westville, IN 46391. Come out and The Coburn Planting Fields are at the NW corner join the fun at the of State Road 2 and County Road 600 N, approximately Dunes Summer four miles east of State Road 49 bypass. Theatre’s first offering Produced by special arrangements with Samuel French, Inc., NY All proceeds from the 2000 Garden Tour will ben- of the season. Conceived by Joe Montegna.Written by Roberta Custer, Richard Fire, Dennis Franz, , Josephine Paoletti, Dennis Paoli, Carolyn efit homeless cats and kittens of the ICS shelter. Purdy-Gordon, Michael Saad, Keith Szarabajka & Ian Williams The ICS does not receive any financial support from Box Office: 219.879.7509 local, state or federal sources, but relies solely on adop- Open 1:00–6:00 Tues.-Thurs. and 1:00-curtain Fri., Sat., Sun. tion fees, fundraising efforts, volunteers and donations All tickets, $12, MasterCard,Visa from the community. The ICS does not euthanize Between Michigan City & New Buffalo, off Hwy. 12, cats unless advised by a veterinarian to relieve the turn in at Michiana Shores & follow signs. suffering of a terminally ill animal.

SPECIAL ORDER YOUR LIVE LOBSTERS Coming for your 4th of July par- ties. Call us and ask to speak to the seafood department. We’ll give you the latest market price!

KARWICK PLAZA OPEN DAILY 7-9 PHONE 879-4671 June 22, 2000 Page 9

Stop 24, Long Beach Town Center 123 2411 St. Lawrence Avenue CRS (219) 874-7070 T 1-800-680-9682 www.mickygallasproperties.com Micky Gallas ABR, CRS, GRI Home 219/872-5995 Moving in a NEW direction? We can help navigate the way!


1 Marine Drive, Unit 2 • $154,900 3301 Marquette Trail • $649,000 MARINA PARK DUNELAND BEACH 1 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Upper level condo with living room balcony 5 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Wonderful Lake Michigan views and only 1 overlooking Trail Creek and your own 55 ft. boat slip. Easy living, perfect ⁄2 block to Stop 33 beach. Two adjoining lots with potential for pool, for boaters. tennis court or garden area.


7 Muirfield Drive • $163,500 4 Clark Drive • $239,000 ST. ANDREW’S VILLAGE LA PORTE 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fabulous townhouse condo with hardwood 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Fabulous views of Beacon Hills Golf Course. floors, fireplace framed with French tiles, screened porch and rear deck. Large rooms, living room with fireplace, sunporch, extensive Condo living at its best! decking. Delightful!

510 Birch Tree Lane • $119,900 1315 Lake Shore Drive • $379,000 LONG BEACH POINTE LONG BEACH 1 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Upper level condo remodeled from top 4 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths. Large upper level family room, wonderful to bottom, kitchen like new, decorative fireplace. Spacious sun room, fifth bedroom or den on main level. Lake view deck space. and inviting. Community pool close by. Wonderful beach or year round home. Pat Tym, ABR, GRI 219/872-0079 Randy Novak, ABR, GRI, 219/874-2030 Shirl Bacztub 219/874-5642 Ellen Holloway 219/871-0936 Rick Remijas, CRS, GRI, 219/872-7408 Susan Kelley 219/874-5610 Judi Donaldson 219/879-1411 Jay Tenuta 219/785-4900 Mary Wagner 219/874-4843 Sean Blieden 219/878-9776 Julie Leonard 616/469-5401 Page 10 June 22, 2000 ND 2nd Graders Search For Dinosaurs! Notre Dame 2nd graders became paleontologists in The students found a stegosaurus, T. rex, and search of dinosaurs during the last week of school. The triceratop. The fossilized eggs proved to be a sur- expedition to the beach was led by teacher Mary prise to everyone. After two hours on site, they head- McDonald. Armed with buckets and shovels, they ed home knowing a great deal about their prehistoric cordoned off a site and began their dig. friends.

The 2nd grade paleotologists arrive “on site” carrying tools of the trade. Things are getting exciting as discoveries are made. They were ready for the dig.

The stegosaurus! The team is very proud of its hard work and great find.

Kids’ Cooking Classes in July Hesston Steam Museum BBQ Tools and Accessories WEEKENDS NOON-5 PM Spices, Oils, Seasonings COME RIDE ALL THE STEAM TRAINS Le Creuset Cookware Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays 15% off month of July THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER! Three gauges of trains NEW BUFFALO Gift Certificates ROUTE 12 steamed up on weekends. I-94 (exit 1) Our Gift Shop features a HESSTON always a Great Idea! ☛ STEAM large selection of Thomas 1000 N MUSEUM F R A O I L U

Toys for children. T R E 810 Lincolnway O

A 3 9 LaPorte, IN 46350 On LaPorte County Road 1000 N. ROUTE 20 D (219) 872-7405 or 872-5055 Ph: (219) 325-3663 FREE Parking and INDIANA TOLL RD (exit 49) Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat. 9:30-2:30 No Admission Charge LaPORTE June 22, 2000 Page 11 Beverly Shores

21 W. Stillwater ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL, WOODED, DUNELAND LANDSCAPE in this spacious 6,600 sq. ft. custom designed and built contemporary, cedar clad home, with 10 ft. ceilings and hardwood flooring on the main level, completed in 1 1997. There are 3 bedroom and 3 ⁄2 baths, beautiful finished walk-out lower level with family room with a fireplace, wet bar, office and bathroom. Just a short walk to the area’s best beach. $459,000 Porter Beach EXPERIENCE CHARMING PORTER BEACH, a beach community in the heart of the National and State Parks with wide, sandy beaches and hiking trails and it is only 46 miles from Chicago’s Loop. Porter Beach is in the Duneland School District, is close to the large Dunes Park South Shore station and is convenient to the Chesterton shopping area.

2829 Lakewood Trail

THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME combines the best of traditional and contemporary design. Sitting atop a high dune with spectacular moraine views, the home, built in 1992, has 2,978 1 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths, wood floors, vaulted wood ceilings and 3,000 sq. ft, of decks, perfect for grand out- door entertaining. $419,000

JOHN A. NAGY, Broker T Office: 219.872.0626, Voice Mail: 219.877.0315 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Residence: 219.874.4117, e-mail: [email protected] Page 12 June 22, 2000

If a picture paints a thousand words and, in doing so, tells a story, then a story, with a single word, paints a thousand pictures. As we continue our series on Stories and Folklore of America, keep the pre- ceding statement in mind; for in a world of sound bytes and news flashes, videotapes and instant cameras, we still need verbal guidance to “see” a story being told. Last week, my church, First Presbyterian of Michigan City, invited world-renowned story teller Dan LeMonnier to speak to the children at our Summer Celebration. Now when I use the term “children,” I do not use it with regards to age of body, but rather age of spirit. I'm sure that I have recounted the fol- lowing story to you in a previous article, but I think it bears repeating to prove the value of stories: On the first day of graduate school, the new stu- dents and their families gathered in the common area at Wheaton College Graduate School. Along with welcomes and class announcements, the new stu- dents heard stories told by current Wheaton stu- dents. Their stories were more than mere recitations of classes taken; they were personal accounts of how their lives had changed in the last few years. The room remained quiet as they spoke, as all intently lis- tened. At one point, I glanced around the room and saw something that would forever change the way that I see and communicate with people. For, while the sto- $10.99 ries were being told, the expressions on the faces of young and old looked the same. The eyes of the four year old and the forty year old held the same captive stare. It was then that I realized that communication is 2 not about big words and fancy phrases. It goes beyond similes and metaphors. Communication requires an ability to recognize how people understand life and $15.99 then the ability to transfer information in the same manner. Humans, in general, understand life as a series of stories. We store them, image by image, in scrap- books and picture frames, and account for them by tro- phies and souvenirs. (Just an aside, souvenirs comes from the French verb that means “to remember.”) While the characters of our stories vary, the plots remain con- $20.99 stant. Remember these stories: “My First Day of School,” “My First Bicycle,” “The Day I Learned

Seminar Workshop “What If This Is Really It? How You Can Make a Difference and Find the Work Success, Inc. You Love”

Tuesday, June 20, 5 to 9 PM at Marquette Mall Community Room. $10 per person - Workbook & Tape incl. Kelly Newcomb 879-3988 June 22, 2000 Page 13

Where Babies Come From,” “My First Job,” “My Wedding Day,” “The Funeral.” Stories carry us from day to day, milestone to milestone. Strangely enough, however, we do not recognize the stories until after they have taken place. We do not understand the stories as they happen, but rather understand what happens as a story. Just like fast-food, it's all in the packaging. The same event could be a story of sad- ness or a story of joy, depending upon how it is pack- aged in the telling. Now the question becomes whether we can recog- nize the story before it ends. Can we recognize it as we go rather than when we stop and turn around? Asked another way: Do we dare write the story before the know the end? The brave do. Importing what they have learned themselves and what they have learned from others, the brave will write a chapter before the page is turned. Those who are the most brave will even write the end. The world calls them dreamers. I suppose this is accurate. For like dreams, endings require more than vision to make them real. An end requires a means. So the dreamer must write each chapter with one eye on the past and one eye on the present, while all the while envisioning the end. My challenge to you is to see life as more than a series of stories that have happened, but as a series of sto- ries that are presently taking place. For stories do not happen to us. What we do happens to become stories. Last week, I promised that we would discuss New England Folklore this week; but it appears to be too late to begin that now. So we will hold off on the Yankee stories until next week. While we do, consider this: What stories will you write this week? What sto- ries did you write today?

Farther Afield.... Brown County Studio & Garden Tour On Sat., June 24, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., and on Sun., June 25, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., in Nashville, Indiana, there will be a self-guided tour that will showcase over a dozen artists and craftsmen, as well as two premier residential gardens. Brochures and maps will be available at sev- eral Nashville locations and prominent signs will be in place to direct you to each site. For further information, phone the Brown County Chamber of Commerce at 812/988-6647 or the Brown County Convention and Visitors Bureau at 800/753- 3255, or e-mail: [email protected]


(800) 958-5030 (219) 873-1855 Offices At: 403 Lake Shore Drive and 208 Beachwalk Lane Just fill in the dotted lines to create your perfect beach home. Build exactly what you want and in time to enjoy Fall in your new beachfront home. FOR SALE 2 BUILDABLE SIDE-BY-SIDE BEACHFRONT LOTS with City water and sewer. Call the Beach Group! Sheridan Beach Realty Group.

A RARE OPPORTUNITY! 2 LAKE FRONT HOMES on one lot. Live in one and rent the other one out. Or buy one and sell the other to friends or family. A terrific family compound. Homes will be sold furnished and included in sales price. Plenty of parking. Bring nothing but suntan lotion! The best beach in Indiana! Call Mike Conner or Rande O'Halloran for this wonderful opportunity!

Surfing? Look us up at beachwalkresort.com Tom Moss Michael Conner Michael Skudnig Michael F. Kelley Verne Dunn Rande O'Halloran Ed Billys Stephen Slomka June 22, 2000 Page 15

(800) 958-5030 (219) 873-1855 Offices At: 403 Lake Shore Drive and 208 Beachwalk Lane

A CUSTOM BUILT 4 bedroom home designed 3322 LASALLE by architect/owners. Tremendous attention to fine ENJOY BOTH SUMMER & WINTER from this finishes and a terrific floor plan. Some fea- Duneland beach home nestled among the tall trees. tures include mosaic tile in bathrooms and a fourth Short pleasant walk to beautiful Lake Michigan bedroom in the tower with private deck. Terrific beaches. 400 sq. ft. elevated deck overlooks ter- views from the third floor. Call for an appoint- raced gardens in large backyard is perfect for fam- ment before it’s gone. ily gatherings. New tile in bathroom, plus 2 car garage with extra storage for all your summer toys.

NOT ALL UNITS are created equal! This unit has several upgrades. This unit only 115 POWER LANE (HILLSIDE HIDEAWAY) used on weekends in the summer. This ONE HOUSE AWAY from what may be the HAVE YOU EVER received money back at unit has never seen a summer rental. This closest thing to a private beach. The perfect beach closing when you bought a second home? Call unit can be yours. Don’t wait - call today! home on a short dead end street. Three bedrooms, me for details. Ask me about this custom built Unit 304 at Dunescape.$251,000 two baths with a large screened in porch and two home with landscape views of Beachwalk and sleeping lofts. Take the keys and go. Call Mike 4 decks to enjoy. Bring the entire family. Call Conner. Mike Conner.


HIGH ON THE DRIVE. A rare corner hillside lot on Lake Shore Drive in Beachwalk. Design your own view of the village and Lake Michigan. Call Tom Moss for details.

LIVE ON THE DRIVE. 210 Lake Shore Drive. 102 S. LAKE HIGH HILLSIDE LOT on Lake Street with One block to the best beach for $199,000. 4 All the comfort & quality that you could want on one 1 lake views. One block to best beach. Call bedrooms, 1 ⁄2 baths - don’t walk - RUN for this huge lot 2 blocks to beach. Plenty of space for fam- Rande O'Halloran. $80,000 one! ily to spread out. Play in the large yard & put the kids in the fully finished basement. There is nothing to do in this house but enjoy. Call for details. Page 16 June 22, 2000 PTA Scholarship Yea!! Recipient Named The Long Beach PTA Summer’s Scholarship Fund announced the scholarship recipient for Here 2000. Fatima Sheikh of Michigan City High School was chosen from a field of five applicants as the most Why Not Join notable graduating high school senior having attended Long Us At Fatima Sheikh Beach Elementary School. Fatima, daughter of Javed and Rehanna Hasan Sheikh will attend Indiana University and plans to study Marketing at the Kelley School of Business. Ye Olde Benny’s Fatima is a high academic achiever graduating first in her class. She was involved in numerous For a Great Meal activities, and has received many honors and awards. Lunch or Dinner To list a few, she was Editor of the school newspaper, The Cityzen, National Honor Society Vice-President, Open 7 Day at 11:30 A.M. and President of Student Government. She lettered in Tennis and was Varsity captain her senior year. Fatima enjoys reading and playing tennis in her ENTERTAINMENT - SAT. & SUN. spare time. The scholarship committee said all of the applicants Come Laugh & Sing were excellent and personify what Long Beach aspired for all its graduates. The scholarship is awarded SATURDAY NIGHT: Sing for annually on the basis of scholarship, extra-curricu- Cash Prizes Karaoke lar and community activities, teacher recommenda- tions and a written essay. SUNDAY: Fun, Live Dinner Congratulations to Fatima, and best wishes for Music - Lite Jazz her college career and continued success!

DAILY SPECIALS MONDAY - MARTINI MADNESS Vintage Base Ball 7 Flavors all reduced prices The Chicago Salmon and the Deep River Grinders, TUESDAY - BBQ Chicken & Ribs vintage base ball teams, will meet on the field of play at 2 p.m. on Sun., June 24. Playing according to WEDNESDAY - SHISHKABOBS 1858 rules, players will not use mitts, will not steal Chicken, eef or Shrimp bases or lead off bases, they will behave like gentle- men, yet have fun as they play. Rules state that the THURSDAY - OUR FAMOUS FAJITAS striker (batter) is out if his struck ball is caught in the FRIDAY & SATURDAY air or on one bound, fair or foul. Balls and strikes are not counted, the ball is hurled (pitched) to be hit, because Fresh Fish Specials and the games were played in the 1800’s for exercise, not for est Rack of Lamb anywhere! competition. Play is always different on this vintage field because there are buildings in right and mid-field. And...the Open 7 Days a Week river is just beyond the buildings (!). Players cheer Lunch at 11:30 a.m. “Huzzah!” for each other and the cranks (the fans), can too. This game is exciting, educational, and fun. Dinner Served at 4:30 p.m. Deep River County Park is located on Old Lincoln Daily Specials Highway at County Line Road between Merrillville and Valparaiso (just off US 30). Grinder Field is 3101 E. U.S. 12 at Karwick Rd. 219-874-3663 located across Deep River from Wood’s Historic Grist Mill. For more information, phone 219/947-1958. June 22, 2000 Page 17 111 RUE DU LAC WEST THE BEST BUY ON THE BEACH REDUCED FROM $479,000 TO $430,000 FOR QUICK SALE

CAREFULLY DESIGNED and set on top of a dramatic lakefront dune. 3 bedroom, 4 bath home with expansive lake views from a very private, wooded setting. 2 story open living area with wall to wall windows make a spectacular combination. Enjoy the hot tub from your private yard.

(800) 958-5030 • (219) 873-1855


A HOUSE YOU SIMPLY CANNOT IMAGINE. A set- ting that is second to none. A glamorous architec- tural achievement that begs the owner to entertain, to relax, and to enjoy all the privacy of a rolling wood- 1 ed ⁄2 acre plus site. A house impossible to forget. 6 1 bedrooms, 5 ⁄2 baths. A home designed to exploit the DIRECTIONS: Hwy. 12 to Broadway in Beverly Shores. Go to Lakefront Drive, sunlight and nature from every angle of this incred- turn right. Go to Lake Shore County Road, turn right. Left on first street to house. ible site. Call Ed Billys at 873-1855

• Private, large wooded lots starting at 105K • Lake view lots starting at 165K.

(800) 958-5030 • (219) 873-1855 Page 18 June 22, 2000 Peru Circus Comes to Town

High trapeze performers are just part of the Peru Circus to perform here on June 24th. Acrobats, tight rope walkers, trapeze and trampoline artists are among the performers who will appear on June 24th at the St. Paul Lutheran Church playground at the corner of 8th and Franklin Streets when the Peru Circus comes to town for two performances—one at 12:30 p.m. and one at 3:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Michigan City Mainstreet Association and Top Dog Restaurant, the Circus is part of the association’s Summer Fun Fest. The performers, who range in age from 7 to 21, pre- sent ten performances in an eight day period as part of Peru, Indiana’s, “Circus Week.” In addition to per- forming in Peru, the troupe also travels, performing from six to twelve times a year—not just in the United States. In fact, they have appeared in Monaco two years in a row. Many of the students, now in col- lege, have been a part of the program from an early age and spend their summers training and improv- ing their skills. In addition to the skills, sense of satisfaction, and being part of a team, they also are awarded scholarships for their participation. It takes more than just the performers to make sure the show goes on. Also necessary are trainers, chap- erones, a semi-driver and a bus driver, racks of cos- tumes, highwire, and trapeze rigging. Mainstreet Association’s president, Ed Kis, said, “This is a gift of the Mainstreet Association and Top Dog to the families of our community. Admission is free and we encourage families to include this as part of their Summer Fest activities. We hope people will realize the many activities that our downtown offers fami- lies.” June 22, 2000 Page 19

Deb and Ed Arnold Gale and Mike Gonder James O'Brien Shirley and Al Austin Mary Ann and Glenn Hannah Lori and Ken Patterson Beryle Burgwald Terry K. Hiestand Dr. Leslie and Rade Pejic Susan and Doug Bernacchi Robert J. Hiler, Jr. L. Scott Pejic Mary Kay Budak Dr. Thomas Holt Sheila and Bob Pollock Ann and Henry Chrisitie Daniel Hostetler Dr. Regina and Jean Poulard Jon Costas Ron Kniola Judy and Dan Radtke Margaret and Scott Emerick Bob and Lori Lake Jodi and Jeffrey Rose Sally and Dr. Carl Golightly Jill and Nick Landers Carole and Neil Ruzic Lillian and Ed Gondeck Sue and Ken Layton Linda and Clay Turner Teresa and Mark Ludlow Ava and Len Zappia Cordially invite you to a grand old party rally on behalf of Indiana’s next Governor and First Lady


featuring Congressman David and Ruthie McIntosh

Thursday, July 6, 2000 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Entertainment, Rally & Barbecue - Beer, Brats & Burgers 106 Earl Road (Corner of Franklin Street) Michigan City, Indiana Donation: $35 per person or $50 per family

Please RSVP to (219) 879-7884 by June 30, 2000

Paid for and authorized by the McIntosh for Governor Committee, Linda Gilcrest, Treasurer. Corporate contributions allowed although not tax deductable. Page 20 June 22, 2000

Birthday Party Painting Retrospect 616-469-4110

Ken Gosh is celebrating his big 60th birthday and HARBOR COUNTRY’S PREMIER GALLERY ten years of painting in watercolor and oil with a SHOWCASING ORIGINAL FINE ART, Birthday Party Painting Retrospect. This event coin- GLASS, MARBLE, BRONZE, FOUNTAINS & DISTINCTIVE JEWELRY. cides with the opening of a new Rabbit Run location at 12274 Red Arrow Highway, Sawyer, MI 49125. The event will take place on Sat. & Sun., June 24 & 25, 3-7 p.m. each day. Ken promises cake, champagne and lots of roosters. For more information, phone 616/426-6017.

813 E Buffalo St. New Buffalo www.courtyardfineart.com Bookmarks at Noon Galileo’s Daughter by Dava Sobel will be reviewed by Millie Samuelson on Fri., June 23rd, at the Michigan City Public Library. Admission is free. A unique storytelling technique is used in this revealing book. Aided by more than 100 letters to Galileo from his eldest daughter, Sobel integrates them with contextual events of early 1600’s Italy. Their lives are set in motion against a background that includes family finances, Florentine and papal politics, the bubon- ic plague and the Copernican revolution.

Michiana Senior’s Golf Association The Michiana Senior’s Golf Association is a not-for- profit organization of men interested in participating in amateur golf tournaments. An eight tournament schedule has been set for the 2000 season. Tournament sites include Spring Meadow Farm G.C., Middlebury, IN; The Oaks G.C., St. Joseph, MI; Christiana Creek C.C., Elkhart, IN; Juday Creek G.C., Granger, IN; The Course at NEW LOCATION! Aberdeen, Valparaiso, IN; Woodmar C.C., Hammond, IN; Lake Michigan Hills G.C., Benton Harbor, MI; White Come see what’s new! Hawk C.C., Crown Point, IN. 12274 Red Arrow Highway Eligible applicants holding USGA handicap index- Sawyer, Michigan 49125 es and having reached their 50th birthday can receive (616) 426-6017 information on MSGA membership by contacting John Pavlos or Bob Brady at MSGA, P.O. Box 8772, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10 to 6 Michigan City, IN 46361-8772; by phoning 872-1793; or by faxing 219/872-1985. June 22, 2000 Page 21 Lakeshore & Country Donna Hofmann COLDWELL BANKER Residential Brokerage Chesterton Office #1 in Listings/Sales Since 1991 1-219-763-8754 Net: http://www.dhofmann.com

DUNE ACRES. Privacy & Lake Michigan views are DUNE ACRES. Surrounded by parkland, this DUNE ACRES. Laze away the weekend high on the dune over- yours in this lovely 3,400 sq. ft. multi-level con- Hyndman designed contemporary features multi-level looking a picture perfect view of Lake Michigan & the Chicago temporary offering 3+ bedrooms, spacious loft, living spaces with wooded views from every win- skyline. Bordered by Dune Acres parkland, this 2 story/3 bedroom screened porch, deck and 1 block to great beach. dow. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths & a kitchen for the seri- year round home offers complete privacy & rustic, cozy charm that Premier gated beach community. $525,000 ous cook. Couple blocks to great beach. $395,000 entices you to relax & get away from it all. $459,000

Hoffman Pic #1

PORTER BEACH. Shed style multi-level contemporary BEVERLY SHORES. Wonderful rooms of grand BEVERLY SHORES. Rare offering! A condo with spectacular panorama of Lake Michigan & sur- proportion blend contemporary styling & views of in Beverly Shores! End unit in 3 unit building rounding dunes. Two fireplaces, dynamite fully equipped Lake Michigan from almost every corner of this love- 1 with terrific Lake Michigan views. Great room top of the line kitchen, luxury baths, library with rolling ly home. 5,000 sq. ft., 5 bedrooms, 3 ⁄2 baths, fitness ladder. Steps to beach. GREAT beach house! $495,000 room, 2 family rooms, 2 (3) car garages, multiple with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, loft, tiered decking, decks & balconies. Great beach across the street. outdoor shower. $259,900 $799,000

BEVERLY SHORES. 3000 sq. ft. contemporary BEVERLY SHORES. Great quad-level on cedar with unconventional floor plan. Beautiful RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE wooded corner lot, just couple blocks from open living room/dining room with vaulted ceil- beach. 3 bedrooms, spacious eat-in kitchen ing, fireplace, balconies & wooded views from every and family room with fireplace. Basement, 2 window. Spacious eat-in kitchen, family room car garage, Easy winter access. $179,900 with fireplace & 2 additional bedrooms. 4 car garage. Couple blocks to beach. $339,000

Over 13 Million Dollars in Written Business in 1999 Page 22 June 22, 2000 “Remembering Gertrude” in a Special Way Coinciding with the “Remembering Gertrude” exhibit at the Old School Community Center, local artists and former students of Gertrude’s put on demon- strations of her various techniques.

Ann Sweeney demonstrates the “starch technique”.

Connie Kassal demonstrated the Toni Clem demonstrates the Margarita Cuevas demonstrated “monoprints.” “roller and stencil technique”. “drip and collage technique”.

Schoolhouse Shop & Antiques At Furnessville Farmers Market Fridays & Saturdays 10-4

278 E. 1500 N. • Chesterton, IN 46304 (219) 926-1551 June 22, 2000 Page 23 Call Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Michigan City Office ◆ (219) 872-0626 From Illinois to Indiana to Michigan ...

Michigan City 2424 Franklin (219) 872-0626

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage provides the best real estate service in the Chicagoland area. w 75 industry leading offices w 3700 local real estate professionals w personalized hometown service to help you buy and sell your residential, commercial and resort properties w Monthly Real Estate Buyer's Guide Long Beach Pointe w Property information hotline and $78,000 w Interactive web site -- www.coldwellbanker.com Your home away from home. This beautiful low w Special Previews marketing for homes over $400,000 maintenance condo offers ceramic tile kitchen, w Serving Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana and Southwest Michigan dining area overlooking balcony, Whirlpool appliances, two bedrooms and large living room. Move in condition with immediate Call us today and find out just how easy buying or occupancy. selling real estate can be.

Beach Area Kimball Woods Long Beach Offered at $134,900 $189,900 $339,000 What a great house!!! Just move right into this totally Reasonably priced 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch Exceptionally well maintained hillside Cape Cod redecorated home. Just a couple of blocks to the beauti- with lots of windows for an open airy feeling. with great lakeviews. Deluxe upper level master ful beaches of Lake Michigan. 3 bedrooms, hardwood Extras include vaulted ceilings, built-in window bedroom with fireplace, balcony, and luxurious floors, beautiful new bathroom, sit out evenings on the shades, sprinkler system, eat-in kitchen, fire- bathroom, complete with marble accents, new screen porch. 1 car garage, full basement. Would place, large master suite with direct access to whirlpool tub and steam shower. Central air, 1 be wonderful for year round living or for that new at the deck…all on 1 ⁄2 lots. The adjacent lot is also screen porch and garage. beach home you have been looking for!! available for an additional $25,000. www.coldwellbanker.com www.cbchicagoland.com Independently Owned and Operated by NRT, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity Page 24 June 22, 2000 5th Annual “Woodworkers With the Blues” This event will take place on Sat., June 24, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Center of the World Woodshop Showroom, 13400 Red Arrow Highway, Harbert, Michigan. The premise here is to watch skilled artisans at work while listening to great tunes. Those showing their work include recognized master woodworkers Andy Grootendorst and Terry Hanover, and Bob and Marilyn Mann, makers of fine wooden clocks and baskets. Other artisans include Charles Carson (hand- hewn wooden bowls); Tom Carson (cedar and pau lope outdoor furniture); Bob Detner (chain saw carv- ing); Dennis Gardner (rustic furniture); Bill Jenkins (handcarved branches); Jim Lothary (handcarved fish, 10 a.m.-noon); Tom Reddington (handcarved birds); and Dick Reel ( handcarved spoons). Musical entertainment will be provided by Derado & Friends (2-5 p.m.) and Acoustic Medicine (noon-2 p.m.) with a guest appearance by Faux Me. Outdoor seating and refreshments will be provid- ed. Entrance to the show is free. For more information, phone 616/469-5687.

Update From the May Bird Count The Potawatomi Audubon board heard results of its annual May Bird Count and they would like to share them with you: Twenty-four participants reported 145 species and 4,900 individual birds during the full day counting peri- od on May 13th. Although this fell below the 1996 record of 172 species, it was not for lack of trying. Participants spent 56 hours walking through the county and 20 hours covering 215 miles by car. Dick Glassman sighted the bird of the day, a rare Round the clock caregivers and nurses black rail. Other notable sightings were a peregrine aides for personal care, companionship falcon, two black terns, a pileated woodpecker, a broad-winged hawk and 25 species of warblers. The and homemaker services. Care provided most common bird was the Canadian goose. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day including The fourth annual butterfly count will be held on weekends and holidays. Staff is bonded July 8th, meeting at Creek Ridge County Park at 9 a.m. Mary Campbell will lead the search and iden- and insured. Medicaid, private pay tification of LaPorte County’s native butterflies. In event and insurance accepted. of rain, the count will be held on July 15th. Regular chapter meetings will resume in the fall. There is no place like home… JAMES E. ERIKSSON When you or a loved one Bus: (219) 874-6360 • Fax: (219) 879-0306 405 Johnson Road needs special care. Trail Creek Michigan City, Indiana 46360

STATE FARM STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Auto HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS (219) 871-0599 Life Fire “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There” INSURANCE Agent ® June 22, 2000 Page 25

MICHIGAN CITY NEW BUFFALO, MI LA PORTE 219-874-2121 616-586-2121 219-324-2121

Serving You in Indiana and Michigan T 1st Team, Inc. Independently Owned and Operated www.century21.com www.c21firstteam.com

Your private retreat awaits you. 3 bedroom, 2 bath New construction in Kimball Woods. Dynamic setting & floor Wooded wonderland! Custom designed home consists of home with everything you are looking for. Elegant plan highlight this home in the hottest new subdivision. 3 bed- quality detailed features. Marble entry, bleached maple 1 main bath. 15X12 screened in rear porch. rooms, 2 ⁄2 baths, main floor laundry, & 2 car garage. cabinets in kitchen. Full finished basement, & 3 car garage. $124,700 • 1170016 $279,900 • 1053026 Convenient city location. $389,000 • 1172068 Ask for Gordon Weidner @ 874-2121 Ask for Fred Dempsey @ 324-2121 Ask for Sue Mohnssen @ 874-2121

Charming Cape Cod in Galena Township on 6.18 Beautiful 3 bedroom home in Beverly Shores, 2 blocks This impressive home has spaciousness & grace. It has been 1 acres with Galena River running through property. from Lake Michigan. 2 ⁄2 baths, circular fireplace, beautiful meticulously cared for. 3 fireplaces, 3 full & 3 half baths, Plus some woods & a pole barn. This home & land sunroom, new kitchen and appliances, sun deck, luxury security system, inground concrete diving pool, 3 car garage, have so much to offer. $269,000 • 1173062 bath and alarm system. $259,000 • 1172134 interesting architectural details throughout. B & B potential. Ask for Bea Swanson @ 874-2121 Ask for Larry Middleton@ 874-2121 $349,000 • 1200217

1 Prestigious Kenwood Place location. Quality 3 bedroom, 1 ⁄2 bath Relax in front of the woodburning fireplace, next to the pool on the Doing it up grand! Situated on almost 6 acres. 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, extrava- ranch home with basement & 2 car garage. Hardwood floors, plas- deck, or sit by the pond on this property. Lovely log exterior home gant entry with huge chandelier & formal living & dining adjacent. Fireplace in ter walls, fireplace in living room, screened porch/Florida room, convenient to New Buffalo, LaPorte, Michigan City, or South Bend. This family room & owner’s suite both overlooking sparkling inground pool. newer roof, vinyl siding & concrete driveway. $139,900 • 1171058 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 4 acre home is ready to go. $299,000 • 1172087 Additional 40 X 80 building. $399,900 • 1172085 Ask for Larry Middleton@ 874-2121 Ask for Maria Losiniecki or Karen Rohde@ 874-2121 Ask for Nancy Rich@ 874-2121

Well maintained ranch ready to move in. 3 bedrooms, Beautiful 3 or 4 bedroom home in Indian Springs. Remodeled interior includ- Fantastic quad level situated on beautiful rolling lot. Upper level master 2 baths, & finished lower level. Open kitchen & family ing new kitchen & bath. Great main floor family room with fireplace, formal bedroom with jacuzzi tub overlooking wooded area. Hardwood floors, area. Good location near stables in Michiana. dining room, master bath, main floor laundry, walk out lower level with 2nd new carpet throughout, ceramic floors. This home is full of quality $159,900 • 1200286 fireplace. Gorgeous 20X40 inground pool & gazebo. $182,900 • 1171117 craftsmanship & move in condition. $225,000 • 1172122 Ask for Fred Dempsey@ 324-2121 Ask for Larry Middleton@ 874-2121 Ask for Debbie Kohler Chism@ 874-2121 Page 26 June 22, 2000 Sandfest 2000 at the State Park by Janet Baines

The first stall we visited was the fishing event. Casting around in the tub of water with the pole, my nephews managed to catch a rainbow trout, a lake sturgeon, a bowfin and some kind of drum. Justin, the volunteer attempted to share with the boys about which fish were native to Lake Michigan and which were introduced by various methods.

Byron & Linda Lipscomb from Cleveland, TN attempt to test their Jeff Sheets is signed up for the sand castle competition by Marilyn Diller. knowledge of the Great Lakes at this stall run by volunteer Char Hill.

At the Sandology stall Justin Wier & Mike Kozinski show sands from Tish Bluhm explains the problems caused by Zebra mussels. different places like Hawaii and Australia to visitor Tom Kuhn from Hammond. June 22, 2000 Page 27

Buckling my two great-nephews into the car, we began our investigation of the Indiana Dunes State Park Sandfest 2000. Not sure what to expect, we were pleased at discovering the different activities and, despite the windy day, we even managed to get our feet wet. (As if that was hard to do at the beach!) Here are some photos of the various hands-on activities and booths that we explored first.

Spencer & Victor Sonja Martin, naturalist, showed us sand bugs and snapping turtle eggs. Gloy talk to the Rock The bugs were a hit with my nephew Spencer. Lady, Jean Segal.

Jim Fallis, volunteer, displays parts of the J.D. Marshall, a ship wrecked just off the coast near here in 1911. At his feet are a large chain, pulley and wrench from the ship.

See Sand Sculpture Page 42

Preparing to take a hiking party out is geologist, Sandpainting at Kathy Wilder’s stall is Hannah and naturalist and author, Ray Wiggers. Melanie Sakelaris of Porter, being helped by their dad, John. Page 28 June 22, 2000 “Forever Plaid” at Firefly Festival The next offering in the Firefly Festival’s 20th anniversary season is the musical comedy “Forever Plaid” on Friday, June 23rd. The performance takes place at St. Patrick’s County Park, South Bend. The Friday Night Buffet show begins at 8 p.m., and the gates open at 5 p.m. June 23rd • 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Direct from Chicago, one night only, “Forever Plaid” brings an evening of hilarity and nostalgia to Firefly. Gourmet French Buffet A rollicking tribute to the four-part harmony guy Chicken DuBonnet groups of the 50’s and 60’s, the show features four star- Ratatouville struck young men who want to make it big, just like Farcis a la Nicoise their idols, The Four Aces, The Four Lads and The Four A Spectrum of Fresh Seasonal Salads Freshmen. Dubbing themselves “Forever Plaid”, they Vegetable Dishes • Crusty Bread practiced, polished their moves and started singing $15.95 at fundraisers, supermarket openings, and proms. After Homemade Desserts to compliment your meal graduation, they held down “day jobs” but kept work- ing at their music. Finally, they got their big break, 105-107 S. Whittaker St., New Buffalo, MI 49117 Shops 616-469-3470 • Cafe 616-469-6604 a gig at the Airport Hilton cocktail bar—but as luck would have it, they died in a car crash on the way to pick up their custom-made plaid tuxedos. It is at that moment—when their careers and lives ended—that the musical “Forever Plaid” begins. TOTAL Through the “Power of Harmony and the Expanding Holes in the Ozone Layer in conjunction with the posi- tions of the Planets and all that Astro-Technical LIQUIDATION stuff,” the four young men are allowed to come back to earth to perform the show they never got to do in life. MORE This is the second of nine performances to be held at St. Patrick County Park, 50651 Laurel Road, near Merchandise the Indiana/Michigan state line. There is a $2 park- ing fee per car. The hillside has areas for chairs and MORE blankets (bring your own). Discounts Tickets for this performance are $14 in advance and $18 at the gate; ages 6-16, $4 each and under 6, free. CHOOSE FROM THE FINEST NAMES INCLUDING Tickets are available in Michigan City at Majarek’s BABY LULU • BISCOTTI • COCCOLI Hallmark in Marquette Mall, or phone 219/288-3472. Their web site is www.nd.edu/~crosenbe/firefly.html CACH CACH • PETIT BATEAU INCLUDES FURNITURE, CLOTHING, GIFTS, CHRISTENING GOWNS, ARTWORK, LAMPS, BEDDING, FIXTURES, AND MUCH MORE! OUR LAST SUMMER! FUN GOLF? Baby FUGEDABOUDIT! ! It’s always FUN at Briar Leaf! Briar Leaf Golf Club - LaPorte - 9 min. south of New Buffalo on Rt. 39 DUE TO THE NATURE OF (219) 326-1992 Toll Free (877) BRIARLEAF www.briarleaf.com 439 S. Whittaker THIS SALE… HOURS: ALL SALES FINAL Harbor Country’s #1 Titleist 10-5 M-Sa New Buffalo, MI ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS 11-5 Su (616) 469-5700 ACCEPTED Custom Fitting Center! June 22, 2000 Page 29 28th Annual Indiana Fiddlers’ Gathering June 15, 2000 Folk legend John McCutcheon will be making an encore appearance at the 28th Annual Indiana To: ALL RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN OF LONG BEACH Fiddlers’ Gathering held June 23-25 at the Tippecanoe Battlefield Park in Battle Ground, Indiana. Held As you are aware, Michigan City has recently installed a Municipal annually since 1973, this event is a three-day tradi- Sanitary Sewer System in Shoreland Hills. The system extends down tional acoustic music festival featuring some of the Moore Road and ends at Overhill Trail about 1 block from Stop 31, country’s finest old-time, bluegrass and folk musicians Lake Shore Drive. The Michigan City Sewer System at the west entrance on one stage. of Long Beach ends at Stop 13. Johnny Cash said that John McCutcheon was “the most impressive instrumentalist I’ve ever seen”. I contacted the Michigan City engineer who did the Shoreland Learning at the knees of some of the great tradi- Hills work about the possibility of Long Beach connecting with the tional masters, McCutcheon has mastered the banjo, system. He said they would let us connect to Moore Road sewers providing the city and town could mutually agree to the necessary fiddle, autoharp, mountain dulcimer, jaw harp and, legal conditions. I discussed the matter with the TOWN BOARD, of course, the hammer dulcimer. He has recorded and was told they did not have the money for the project. over 25 albums and appeared on A Prairie Home Companion, All Things Considered, CBS Evening After further research, I found the STATE has money available at News, CNN and other radio and television programs. 2% on a 30 year loan. I also found an engineering firm in Valparaiso Also appearing is the Hot Club of Cowtown from who will do all the preliminary work at no charge. This firm will Austin, Texas on Fri. & Sat. Making a return to the come to a town meeting to explain the process of no up-front festival is Liz Carroll, one of the world’s greatest money. Irish fiddlers; oldtime ensemble The Hepsteppers; French-Canadian dance music by The Bent Nickel Dance I AM SOLICITING YOUR OPINION Band; The Circle City Bluegrass Band and others. REGARDING THE FOLLOWING: Concerts will be held 8 p.m. Friday; 2 & 8 p.m. A. Would you like to see LONG BEACH install a sewer system along Lake Shore Drive? Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Free events include B. Would you like to have the engineer come to a TOWN MEETING a 10 a.m. Saturday children’s concert; musicians’ and discuss the way in which LONG BEACH could proceed workshops Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m.; square to install a sewer system? and contra dance with The Bent Nickel Dance Band at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday; and a gospel sing at 10 a.m. Please place a note in my mailbox at 3010 Lake Shore Drive or Sunday. The public can also sign up for open stage held call me at 219-879-7566. Sat. & Sun. at noon. Regional artists will display crafts, and the Americus Please let me know your thoughts. Quilters Club will show its work. The Tippecanoe Battlefield Museum will also be open. Thank you, Ticket prices vary for the various events; phone Richard J. Flando 765/742-1419, or log onto http://dcwi.com/fiddlers

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Antique • Semi-Antique Wool • Cotton • Silks American Indian • Chinese Tibetan • Asian Indian Protect your family and home furnishings Pakistani Weavings from the sun’s harmful U.V. rays. Also reduce heat gain and solar glare We are Licensed and Insured All Rugs are cleaned by hand with a specially designed chemical process from the sun. 1-888-327-1010 Scott Johnson 705 Harrison Street, LaPorte, IN 219-325-3363 Insured 219.324.9367 Cell: 219.363.9367 Page 30 June 22, 2000 Reasons Why the English Language is HaveaHomeinMichiana? Hard to Learn We’retheTempleforYourEntireFamily! English teachers, writers, and lovers of words will enjoy this!

daySchoolthisFall 1) The bandage was wound around the wound. ✓ EnrollthekidsinSun 2) The farm was used to produce produce. ✓ ttageevery 3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more Enjoyourco s! weekend–includingFriday refuse. esplendorof ✓ EnjoytheHighHolidaysinth 4) We must polish the Polish furniture. Michiana 5) He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. Weofferveryaffordablemembershipsfor 7) Since there is no time like the present, he weekenders.AjewelofaSundaySchool. thought it was time to present the present. ServiceseveryFridayeveningandHighHolidays 8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. inourveryintimatesynagogue. 9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10) I did not object to the object. CallJudyJacobitodayat1-219-879-1223 11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row. SinaiTemple, 13) They were too close to the door to close it. 2800FranklinStreet ErevandRoshHashanah, 14) The buck does funny things when the does are MichiganCity,Indiana Sept.29&30 present. 219-874-4477 KolNidre,Oct.8 15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a RabbiBruceGottlieb YomKippur,Oct.9 sewer line. A UAHC Congregation 16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow. 17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail. 18) After a number of injections my jaw got number. 19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear 20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. 21) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

5th Annual ZooFest Washington Park Zoo will be holding its 5th annu- al ZooFest on Sat., June 24th starting at 5:30 p.m. The event, sponsored by the Zoological Society, is held to raise funds to help maintain and improve the zoo’s pop- ulation of animals and upgrade animal habitats. The evening will includ a hog roast, live and silent auctions, carnival games, cash bar and more. Tickets were to be purchased in advance at $15 for the first, and $10 for each additional. Phone 873- 1510 to see if tickets are still available.

PLEASANT HEIGHTS FARM A First Quality Equestrian Facility since 1991 Lessons • Boarding • Training • Shows Dressage • C/T • English & Western Balance Seat Children’s Camps Available Call for Pony Ride Specials 0707 N. Shebel Rd., Michigan City • Call 219-324-RIDE (7433) June 22, 2000 Page 31

Summer Arrivals Jessica Tampas Photography, Ltd.

From France: Lilith, Capucine Puerari, Miki Mialy, Marcel Mariongiu From Spain: Jewelry by Helena Rohner, handbags by Ana Escaranza From Italy: Guy Rover, Sergio Pellari, Domani, Acqua di Parma From Denmark: Kristiansen Du Nord Visit us at our new location, just north of Riviera Gardens

Environmental Portraits 15980 Red Arrow Highway Union Pier, Mi. 49129 Chicago, Illinois Lakeside, Michigan (616) 469-7713 312.664.0052 616.469.7337 Open Daily, 11-6


You will be greeted by bright, happy, colorful impressionist paintings on canvas & French watercolor paper. Other featured artisans include: • European photography mounted in antique and old frames by Atlantan Dan Albright • Large beach & shore photography by James Richmond • Bas relief wall hangings by Venezuelan Pools of Serenity Mauro Possobon • Pottery with an abstract flair by Doug Brown Carousel Shoppe • Jeff Lebson’s JAZZ art Fine Gifts & Collectibles 425 S.Whittaker Street, Water Tower, Chicago Classic has arrived! New Buffalo, MI 49117 616.469.1620 109 West Center Street, North Liberty, IN Ft. Lauderdale 954.527.9256 State Rd. 4 1 block west of State Rd. 23 WebSite: rubinkam.com (219) 656-8796 Page 32 June 22, 2000 June 22, 2000 Page 33 Mildred Dahlberg Celebrates Her 96th Birthday by Jan Van Ausdal On Friday afternoon, June 9th, Mildred Dahlberg celebrated her 96th birthday in the Chapel at Red Oaks in Michigan City. Pearl and Irv Carlson hosted the event which many of Mildred’s friends, neighbors and former co-workers attended. Kathy Gee and Ruth Dabbert served at the refreshment table. Candles were lit on the pink, white and green birthday cake. After being serenaded with “Happy Birthday to You!” Mildren proceeded to blow out most of the candles. And then it was time to eat the cake and mints and drink the iced tea or coffee. On this hot afternoon, most of the guests enjoyed the iced tea, but Mildred still had her cup of coffee. “I thought they’d just have a cup of coffee for me,” Mildred said. “I’m just floored by all this. I’m so happy!” Mildred has a home in Pottawattomie Park, but has been at Red Oaks since November of 1999. Her sister, Florence, died not long ago. Their father was a Lutheran minister. Jackie Shaw’s parents, Mildred, and Florence, used to play bridge together. The Sandines, & the special birthday cake. who live in Gary, were also long time friends. “She’s one in a mil- Pearl Carlson and Betty Bremer visit while Mildred eats her cake. lion,” Bud Sandine said. Mildred, who never married, was a librarian at Elston High School for forty years. She retired “when I thought it was time.” Warren Jones was her principal there for approximately thirty years. He’s also retired now. Harriet Luchtman and Pat Jones were “Dahlites” while in high school and worked voluntarily under Mildred. Harriet told me, “There were usually about twenty Dahlites at a time. When the seniors graduated, new girls came in. It was a fun thing to do!” Pearl Carlson said, “Mildred did a lot for those girls. She even helped put one through nursing school. All the girls seemed to adore her.” Mildren was also very active in P.E.O., an educational and phil- anthropic organization that gives scholarships. Many Michigan Mildred Dahlberg, 96 years young. City P.E.O. members were present at the celebration, including cur- for pictures with their dear friend, Mildred Dahlberg, rent president Pat Mershon. Brenda Branch, an active P.E.O. mem- and had a good time reminiscing about their asso- ber who has been a chapter president and is now a state officer, was ciation with her. Congratulations to Mildred also there. Dahlberg, a wonderful woman who was always the Betty Bremer, Mildred’s next door neighbor, attended. Many of same and a wonderful example to her girls and Mildred’s friends brought or sent birthday cards, signed the guest friends! book, and enjoyed this afternoon birthday celebration. They posed Ready, set, blow out the candles!! Mildred chats with Jackie Shaw and Kathy Gee. Some of the friends who gathered to make Mildred’s birthday a special day indeed---

Warren and Pat Jones Ruth and Max Dabbert Pearl and Irv Carlson Sandy and Robert Burnham Page 34 June 22, 2000

SUPER DELUXE Unity Foundation Grant Funds Available The Unity Foundation of LaPorte County, Inc. is CHINESE BUFFET accepting proposals for grant funds from organizations that serve LaPorte County and its residents. Areas Fortune House of interest to be considered for funding include edu- Chinese Restaurant cation, arts and culture, health and human services, “The Best Chinese Food in Michigan City” the environment, and the community as a whole. 872-6664 Amounts requested should be no less than $500 and 312 W. U.S. Route 20, Michigan City, IN no more than $3000. Approximately $70,000 is avail- Hours: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Everyday able for the year 2000. Grant proposals that seek to Carry Out Available for Buffet & Menu leverage Foundation funding with matching dollars We also offer Lunch Menu from other sources is encouraged. New Buffet Specials The Unity Foundation is particularly interested in LUNCH BUFFET funding: 1) needed projects that are not currently being 11 AM - 3:30 PM provided; 2) start-up costs for new programs; 3) one- time projects or needs; 4) projects that attract other Adults $4.95 • Children $2.95 Under 11 funds and community resources; 5) projects that Shrimp with Vegetables Green Pepper Steak Hot Sour Soup facilitate cooperation and collaboration between orga- Cashew Nut Chicken Sesame Chicken Fried Potatoes Vegetable Delight Moo Goo Gai Pan Mongolian Chicken nizations and the communities within LaPorte County. Stir-Fried Mushrooms Sauteed Green Beans Fragrant Chicken To obtain grant information, call the Unity Foundation Sechuan Pork Lo Mein Honey Sweet Potato Crab Rangoon Sweet & Sour Pork Cookies at 879-0327. Grant requests must be post-marked by Chicken on a Stick Meatballs (Chocolate & Almond) July 15, 2000. Grant requests are expected to be Egg Roll Fried Rice Special Fruit Selections Egg Drop Soup Chinese Donut Ice Cream acted upon within 90 days following the deadline date. DINNER BUFFET Until September 30, 2000, most gifts to the Unity 4 - 9:30 PM DAILY Foundation will be matched $1 for $1 by the Lilly Adults $6.95 • Children $3.25 Under 11 Endowment. Gifts to support the Unity Foundation Our dinner buffet includes all of the operations will generate a $3 for $1 match from the luncheon features plus the following items: Endowment. An eligible matching gift can be one of Seafood Combination Spare Rib In House-Special Sauce the following: outright gifts of cash, real estate, stock, Chicken Kabob insurance polices, and others; payments made on Sweet & Sour Shrimp pledges through Sept. 30; irrevocable deferred gifts Honey Crisp Chicken such as trusts, annuities, etc; funds must be new Mussels gifts, not existing monies transferred over from anoth- Cocktail Shrimp er charitable account to the Unity Foundation; and, Children under 3 eat free • 10% discount for senior citizens all gifts are subject to Unity Foundation Board Party Room Available Beer & Wine Available approval for eligibility.

sound fitness fitness is ageless lifestyle Special Rate weight management For New Clients Escape the Ordinary… For Unique Fine and Costume Jewelry, Craig English Unusual Accessories & Gifts, Clothes Personal Trainer and Interesting Items for Home Decor… Nutritionist Come Look Under the Tree! 219 ◆ 878 ◆ 8726 Open Daily 10-5 get ready for summer Closed Tues.

223 W. Sixth Street train in the comfort of our home gym environment Michigan City, IN 46360

call: 219.878.9579 Corner of Wabash and 6th In Need of Motivation? Looking for a Customized Fitness Program? Where Friendship Grows Across from Prime Outlets June 22, 2000 Page 35 Education Focus Groups The Unity Foundation of LaPorte County invites the public to attend focus groups conducted by The Discovery Alliance to offer input regarding best strate- gies and the highest needs in education in LaPorte County. The Alliance was formed in 1999 by four commu- nity foundations located in LaPorte, Porter and Lake counties in response to the Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowments CAPE (Community Alliances to Promote Education) initiative. Earlier this year, the Alliance was awarded one of twenty-two planning grants (from a field of 55 applications) from the Endowment to help identify and prioritize educational needs, and develop programs to address them. During the first phase of this initiative, The Discovery Alliance identified three key issues: 1) Youth readiness for success; 2) Adult readiness for the workplace; 3) Reducing barriers to learning. The Alliance’s consultants, Thomas P. Miller & Associates, Greenfield, Indiana, have conducted a local national and international search to locate “best practices” in each of these areas. Over 360 programs have been analyzed from which the Alliance has selected what it believes to be the top strategies for further consideration. Now the public is invited to join in this process by attending the session to be held on Tues., June 27th, 3-5 p.m., at the Jaymar Ruby/Trans Apparel Group, 5000 S. Ohio St.—park in staff parking lot. If it is not convenient to attend this session, the pub- lic can participate in the process by visiting the CAPE website at www.alco.org. The website also offers related reports, an on-line forum, and other help- ful information. The community’s participation in this process will help the Alliance draft the best possible application. They will submit their plan to the Lilly Endowment by September 15, 2000. For more information, phone 879-0327.

A CASUAL GATHERING PLACE FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS 7 Days A Week!! (7:00 a.m. Seating til 9:00 p.m.) Great Gifts for Grads! BREAKFAST FULL DINNER MENU GOURMET We Frame Special Things for Special People COFFEE BEER & WINE JUNE FRAMING SPECIAL ALL-CAN-EAT PASTA BREAKFAST BUFFET SALADS 15% off custom framing of diplomas, SAT. & SUN. 8-12 HOMEMADE certificates, graduation photos and memorabilia. DESSERTS (Excludes “Frame Specials” and Labor) PANINIS ICE Offer good through 6-30-00 WRAPS CREAM The Framing Station AT BEACHWALK a Lake Shore Drive, Stop 7 • Sheridan Beach, IN 912 Franklin, Michigan City 879-2115 y Monday - Friday 9 to 5, Saturday 10 to 4 Carry out (219) 87-BILLY (872-4559) r Area’s Largest Selection of South Shore Posters Page 36 June 22, 2000 Travels with Charley: Seeing Lake Michigan from “see” level aboard a kayak by Charles McKelvy When we moved full-time to the eastern shore of Since I was abashed by the price of a new or used Lake Michigan in 1987, I knew at once that I had to catamaran, Doctor Leo suggested I try a wind-surfer. have a boat. He just happened to have a few in his possession, and Or some craft with which to properly ply the “big so I took a test ride. lake.” I had the upper-body strength to pull the sail out Most of my summer neighbors in Harbert, Michigan of the water, and my knees were still flexible enough owned and operated catamarans, small sailboats, to keep me standing on the board, but the ride just and wind-surfers, and they all endorsed their given didn’t do much for me. Especially when I fell and had crafts. to start all over again. One friendly catamaran owner generously took And, Doctor Leo admitted again, the thing was me for a cruise on his twin-hulled craft on one of those basically useless on days with no wind. days when the wind is whipping out of the west, and And I’ve been around Lake Michigan long enough I was instantly hooked. to know there are many windless days in summer. Running with the wind and dashing through the waves out there on Lake Michigan was a far greater thrill than any rollercoaster had ever provided. But then I went and asked my friend, the world- traveled Leo P. Krusack, D.D.S., just what a catamaran such as his craft might cost. The dashing dentist offered what he regarded as a reasonable figure, but I had an instant case of sticker shock, and I was none too thrilled by all the work that went with securing his catamaran for the night. Plus, Doctor Leo admitted, his catamaran was basically useless on days with no wind.

Wind-surfers stand around a lot---especially if there is no wind. But Doctor Leo, who has paddled a canoe on more than one occasion from Michigan City to Chicago, said he had one more boat in his fleet that I might consider: a simple kayak. “I think that might be the boat for you,” he said. “Take mine out and see what you think.” What I thought, of course, is what everybody thinks when the subject turns to kayaks: a fur-clad eskimo hunting seals in some silly little boat amidst the ice flows. “I don’t know, Leo,” I said. “I paddled a lot of canoes in the Boy Scouts, but I’ve never been in a kayak. I don’t think I could keep from tipping over, and I know I couldn’t do one of those eskimo rolls and . . .” “Just try it. Okay?” “Okay.” I tried Leo’s kayak on a windless summer evening as the sun was setting over the mirror-calm lake, and Catamarans are perfect for Lake Michigan---if and when there is wind. I not only did not tip over, but I found I liked the pos- June 22, 2000 Page 37 tion I was in — namely seated with my legs comfortably outstretched and my back solidly supported by a molded plastic chair. Moreover, I shoved off from shore on my maiden kayak cruise as a frustrated band of wind-surfers and catamaran sailors held their wetted fingers aloft for a trace of wind. They all regarded me with profound envy, and I took their dog-eyed expressions as a sure sign that I was destined to own and operate a kayak on the big lake they call Michigan. “You guys should get kayaks,” I helpfully suggested. “Then you could be going out too.” Silence. And more silence as I sliced stealthily through the water with the double-bladed paddle. I quickly settled into a symmetrical cadence, and, for a time, I thought would overtake the sun before it set. I was far from shore before I realized it, and I absolutely loved the quiet out there. I paused to watch the sun disappear behind Chicago and then turned and paddled slowly back to Harbert as the deep- er shades of twilight overtook the lake. “Well,” Doctor Leo said, when I successfully beached his kayak without tipping, “think you’re going to buy one?” “You bet,” I said with enthusiasm. And it was with even greater enthusiasm that I embarked on a two-year quest for the perfect kayak that led me all the way to the Easy Rider Canoe & Kayak Company of Seattle, Washington. No, I didn’t fly out to the Pacific Northwest to talk kayaks with the folks at Easy Rider, but I did ring them My Easy Rider “Sea Hawk” is rigged and ready for a Sunday cruise on the big lake. up after finding their name in a book on kayaking at the library. stock market, and lingering Y2K bugs if you’re I ended up talking to the sales manager himself, a tempted to rush out and order your own “boat.”) delightful chap named Peter McMullen, and after I told him As long as I had my credit card handy, I where I lived and of my adventures with my friend’s kayak, sprang for two flotation bags, a “Regatta Extreme” he said: “You definitely need a sea kayak if you’re going to paddle, deluxe drip rings, and even a Yakima rack paddle on Lake Michigan. It’s really an inland sea, and it for my car. The whole package, plus shipping from can be every bit as treacherous as the Pacific.” Seattle, came out to $1,437, and I must say I was all ears as Peter McMullen talked me through the specifics of what I would need to master the big lake, and, Kayak Continued on Page 38 in no time flat, I found myself laying down the old plastic for a 17-foot, fiberglass Easy Rider Sea Hawk kayak with an orange deck over a yellow hull for $1,325. (This was in 1989, so please adjust for inflation, fluctuations in the

Lake Michigan seen from “see level” aboard a Kayaks stand out in any crowd. sea kayak. Page 38 June 22, 2000

Kayak Continued from Page 37 that it was the best $1,437 I ever spent, because I’ve been plying the big lake every spring, summer, and fall with my “Sea Hawk” since 1989 when my boat arrived all the way from Seattle with nary a scratch, dent, or rent. In fact, as I write these ruminations, I am fixing to fetch my 35-pound boat out of a friend’s cellar where I store it in the winter and put to sea. And what wonders I will see on that great sweet- water sea. Many’s the time I’ve glided right over an enor- mous salmon as it stalked some fresh sushi, and there is simply no better platform for bird watching than a kayak. I’ve got plenty of dry storage space on my boat, so I always pack binoculars, water, sun screen, and snacks. On sizzling summer Sunday afternoons when our beach is larded with unsightly fat, I paddle my Sea Hawk straight out into the lake and keep on going until the madding crowd and motor boats are nothing but little bitty bugs buzzing on the horizon. I’ll usually have me a Sunday siesta way out there on the big lake, and then I’ll slowly paddle back to real- ity, and, if I happen to encounter Doctor Leo paddling his kayak, I’ll come alongside and thank him once again for putting me in the right boat. And then, just to show him I bought the right boat, I’ll challenge him to a little race and smoke him. The author puts to sea in his Sea Hawk kayak.

The Ferns

The Ferns at Creekwood Inn Route 20 - 35 at I 94 Michigan City, Indiana 219•872•5323

At the gateway to Harbor Country Chef-Proprietor Cheryl Flynn welcomes you to Creekwood Inn offers a woodland retreat with elegant accommodations and fine dining. enjoy a freshly creative menu, global wines and pleasant service in an unique setting. Host your next business meeting in our beautiful Conservatory overlooking 33 acres of woods and creeks Dining on Friday and Saturday evenings from 6 PM to 9 PM. Route 20-35 at I-94, Michigan City, IN 46360 (219) 872-8357 www.creekwoodinn.com Reservations Accepted June 22, 2000 Page 39 Dunescape Villas Model at 120-A Lake Shore Drive 219-874-4156 See the best value on the Beach. Newly constructed townhomes. 1 3 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths for $239,900. Lake views, steps to beach, gated community. You can still get in for summer.

• Limited units delivered for summer • Take the children to the indoor pool. 1 • Entertain on 2 decks in this 3 bedroom, 2 ⁄2 bath townhome. • Everything beachfront property has to offer at an affordable price. • Play on the Best Beaches on the Lake. • $239,900 (800) 958-5030 (219) 873-1855 Offices At: 403 Lake Shore Drive and 208 Beachwalk Lane Page 40 June 22, 2000 LaPorte County Antique Show The second of four antique shows will take place Sun., June 25, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., at the LaPorte County Fairgrounds in LaPorte. Admission to the show is $3/adults, children under 12 admitted free. DAIL Dealers from Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and NOW OPEN Y Indiana will be displaying their antiques and col- 7 DAYS LUNCH lectibles. Booths in four to five buildings and outside A WEEK SPECIALS display areas will contain such items as furniture, ele- gant glassware, books, toys, fine jewelry, pottery, holiday items, primitives and more. Breakfast and lunch will be available inside and out- side concession areas will be open. Ample free park- ing is available, also.

How’s Your Typing Speed? A course on speed typing will be offered this sum- mer through Purdue University North Central’s Office of Continuing Education. “Speed Typing” will be offered Tues., July 25 and Wed., July 26, from 6-8 p.m. This course will show you how to use the keyboard efficiently using all ten fin- gers. You will increase your keyboarding speed and accuracy by learning the time-honored method of 3 10 East Buffalo ♦ New Buffalo ♦ Mi “Touch Typing.” The course fee is $69. 616-469-9600 ♦ For information, contact the Office of Continuing OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 11 - 11 Education at 872-0527, ext. 5343, or see the web site www.purduenc.edu

Do You Know? The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 1. The Pyramids of Egypt 2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Iraq) 3. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (ancient city in Asia Minor) 4. The Temple of Diana of Ephesus (ancient city in Turkey) 5. The Colossus of Rhodes (Greece) 6. The Pharos at Alexandria (lighthouse in Egypt) 7. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia BAKE SALE Long Beach Styling Salon Stop 24 • 2411 St. Lawrence Ave. June 23 • 9-1 Come down & show you care! June 22, 2000 Page 41

Footwear Trunk Shows

Join us Saturday for LOUIE trunk show. Select for yourself and buy along with Shari. Meet THURSDAY, JUNE 22 company representatives from 10:00 to 7-8:30 p.m. SUNSET BEACH COMBING: KEMIL 6:00. BEACH. Be prepared to get your hands and feet wet as you join a ranger for a sunset stroll. Discover pre- historic and modern creatures of the shoreline. Learn 10% off LOUIE purchase…Gift with the effects of wind, waves and visitors to the foredunes. Purchase…Taste Treats… FRIDAY, JUNE 23 June 24 LOUIE Owner Cathy Harshman 7:30-8:30 p.m. EXPLORING THE DUNES. Join a ranger for this slide show taking you on a journey through the national lakeshore. Held at the National July 01 CYDWOQ and REIKER Lakeshore Campground Amphitheater. Satsunder Khalsa SATURDAY, JUNE 24 These shows also offer the chance to sneak- 2-3:30 p.m. A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME. Take a journey through time to discover how the dunes have a-peek at new collections of FALL 2000. evolved over the past 10,000 years. Discover how glaciers, waves, wind and plants all help in shaping the dunes. Meet at Kemil Beach parking lot. 6-8:30 p.m. THE BEAVER AND THE FUR TRADE. Join a ranger for a 2-mile walk along the Little lifestyle clothing & home accents Calumet River. A Bailly Homestead learn of the beaver’s importance in the fur trade of the early Goodwin Road • Union Pier, MI • (616) 469-4944 Open Daily 10 to 6 • e-mail [email protected] • web: FiloniV.com 1800’s. Then head to an area of recent beaver activ- ity. Bring a flashlight and wear hiking shoes. Meet at Bailly/Chellberg parking lot. SUNDAY, JUNE 25 9-10:30 a.m. HIDDEN HABITATS: MILLER WOODS. From open dunes to savannas and wetlands, Dune Country is home to an amazing variety of habitats. Join a ranger to discover the diversity of animal and plant life the dunes support. Meet at Douglas Center. 1-4 p.m. NATIVE AMERICAN STORYTELLING. Join volunteer Eileen Stewart and friends at Bailly Golf-Restaurant-Bar Homestead for an afternoon of Native American sto- ries and activities. Park at Bailly/Chellberg parking lot, then hike to Bailly Homestead. Daily Fee Course For more information, phone 926-7561, ext. 225. Lunch, Dinner & Lighter Fare

Sunday Brunch

MERRION & ASSOCIATES REALTORS, INC. Call for our Nightly Specials Debbie Burke Sales Associate 707 Washington Street 616 469 3400 Michigan City, IN 46360 T Office: (219) 872-4000 123 Res: (219) 874-2850 12578 Wilson Road, New Buffalo, MI 49117 Pager: (219) 983-9230 www.golfwhittaker.com E-Mail: [email protected] Page 42 June 22, 2000 Sandfest 2000 at the State Park by Janet Baines

Several young girls from Illinois are crafting a mermaid. A mound of wet sand is all we see but Kelly Schwedland of Porter obviously has a plan. We’ll come back later and check it out.

Also, the girls from Illinois made quite a display.

We came back to check out Kelly’s sand castle. Very impressive. June 22, 2000 Page 43

Continuing my Saturday adventure with my two great-nephews at the Indiana Dunes State Park Sandfest 2000, we found ourselves caught up in the sand sculpture contest sponsored by Coca-Cola. We found out that all participants received a ribbon, along with a complementary can of Coke just for entering, and 1st, 2nd & 3rd place ribbons, as well as a trophy for “Best of Show” was also awarded. While we weren’t able to stick around for the final judging, the following photos show the determination and skill everyone put into their sculptures.

Lais & Felipe Yamada of Fort Wayne begin their sand sculpture. Lais & Felipe Yamada put finishing touches on their space ship.

Kevin & Kalei Groves from Chicago picked a theme suitable to the place. Finished.

Martin Seese from Delphi, IN checks the angles on his entry. Bryn Marlow of Munster was creating quite a masterpiece. Page 44 June 22, 2000

LOBSTER SPECIAL Accustomed As I Was By George A. Bowie 2 Whole Maine Lobsters $19.05 + tax NOW SERVING FRIDAY & SATURDAY There were those years when I went coast to Coast WHILE SUPPLIES LAST and Gulf to Canada talking about a variety of subjects on the theme “How To Get Along With Yourself In A No Sharing • No Carry Out World Full Of Other People”. One appraisal of my doing remains prominent in CHECK OUT OUR FISH & STEAK my mind. It was provided by a person who had never MENU ITEMS heard me deliver a speech. He was an American Customs official on the Rainbow Bridge which joins NEW SATURDAY DINNER ITEMS Canada and the United States at Niagara Falls. Pork Tenderloin Dinner $8.00 “Anything to declare, sir?” All-U-Can-Eat Walleye $7.50 I told him I had not purchased anything while I had been in Canada, but that I had made a speech in Hamilton, Ontario earlier that evening and been presented with a boneless, rolled ham in appreciation. “No further comment necessary, sir. Drive on.” For seventeen years I flew, rode trains and buses, 1901 Franklin or drove cars in getting to and from speaking engage- ments in all kinds of weather; being housed in all kinds Michigan City of accommodations. 879-9897 What I did was made possible to do because audi- ences in those days of not much closed-circuit television programming would pay for in-person entertainment or information. This was so because of an abundance of confidence in the idea that someone from someplace ISLAND’S else knew more than anyone in town. Fish & Seafood Co. I had this pointed out to me by an agent to whom I was pointing out that since he was paying me a fee and all expenses, it would be to his benefit if he 403 North Karwick Road, Michigan City, would arrange for me to make all Florida appearances Phone: (219) 879-4431 • Fax: (219) 879-4438 while I was in Texas. Instead of the way he had booked me to do with Monday evening in Tampa, Littleneck Clams Haddock Fillets Tuesday in Dallas, Wednesday in Miami, Thursday Oysters Mahi Mahi in El Paso, and Friday in St. Petersburg. Mussels Swordfish Steaks Ben gave me the view from his side of the counter. Ocean Perch Fillets Red Snapper Fillets Atlantic Salmon Fillets Chilean Sea Bass He explained that audiences were more interested in Cod Fish Fillets Herring in Cream or Wine Sauce who far I had come to get to their head table than in Catfish Fillets Smelt anything I might tell them after I got there. To prove Lemon Sole Tuna Steaks it was so, Ben reported he was able to charge sever- Whitefish Fillets Walleye al times as much money for my performance by hav- Tilapia Grouper ing me introduced in Texas as having come all the way Walleye Fillets Smoked Salmon, Herring, Chubs from Florida where I had spoken the evening before, Yellow Lake Perch Frog Legs then do the “all the way from TExas” bit when back Lobster Tails Maryland Crab Cakes in Florida. Crab Legs Alligator So I had a week of riding the late night flight to New Shrimp Crawfish Orleans to catch a morning flight to Texas and a late Shark Steaks Salted Cod night flight back to New Orleans to catch a morning Imitation Crab Meat Stix Escargot flight to Florida then repeat the never-to-bed routine i Marlin Octopus until Saturday when the schedule called for hauling a Visit Our Website: www.islandsfish.qpg.com off for the west coast and another week of the same w Any Seafood You Can Think Of At Quality You Can Trust kind of thing with the to-and-from of it involving California, Oregon, and Washington. June 22, 2000 Page 45

It didn’t take too many such weeks to convince me that money isn’t everything…except, of course, to Ben. There were times when on going from one point to another in a speech the thought would come that I had already said what I was about to say. This would be followed by realizing that of course I had said what I was about to say but do I remember saying it here Now in Omaha, or an I remembering that I said it last night in Schenectady? The tour managers forbid the use of accepting notes, so there was no help such as written outline could provide. Nothing to do but risk repeating myself reservations and discover by audience reaction whether they were listening or discussing by audience reaction whether 219☎326☎8000 they were listening or discussing my condition with one another. It was not a good thing for me to eat a full meal before speaking. To do so interfered with some of the tricks of the trade such as have to so with resonance and breath control. So I would make do with sipping a bit of the soup course and nibbling at the salad. When the show was over and the afterward conversations attended to, I would be hungry at a time of night when E N ZO the only open purveyors of food would be the local night- clubs with their price add-ons for this or that. Of HOURS: Tue. ~ Sat. from 5 pm & Lunch Wed. from 11- 2 course, as I saw it this was part of the legitimate expense which, as such, was passed that I seek out some all- TRATTORIA ENZO ☎ ☎ night diner and order a bowl of chili but I persuad- 601 Michigan Ave., LaPorte, Indiana, 219 326 8000 ed him that doing such would adversely affect his image among those townfolk who were paying him for Randolph Churchill one month and me the next. Class is as class does and sometimes those in the mid- dle of an enterprise need a bit of polishing. After all, wasn’t I required to appear in a tuxedo? Then it would be check out of the hotel and off to the airport or railroad station leaving a bed not slept in for the next day arrival and another unused bed. Why didn’t I use the beds? Because I would be met on arrival by the Program Chairman who would be at the airport or railroad sta- tion to take me to the hotel and be back in an hour to take me to lunch at some club or which he was a member. After that he would give me a tour of the town, or a walk through his orchards, or a smell of his feedlot, or an inspection of his department store or man- ufacturing plant. We would get back to the hotel with just enough time for me to change into the tuxedo and then we were together again, headed for wherever the tables had been set up and the audience awaited. Somewhere in the Pennsylvania-Dutch area I saw Full Internet Access a saying on a souvenir item which persuaded me to go home and stay there. for only “We get too soon old and too late smart.” $15.00 per Month

Automated Data Systems 618 Franklin Square • Michigan City Support those who advertise in the Beacher! 219-879-6600 Tell them you saw their Ad! Page 46 June 22, 2000 I Got the South Shore Blues Mind/Body/Spirit Connections by Paula McHugh I thought I was smart leaving the driving to oth- ers. I took the train to the Field Museum, an easy quarter-mile walk from the 12th Street/Roosevelt Phyllis Baker, RN, BSN • Patsi Gately, BA Road station. The downpour we watched from the train 14 Years Experience in Body Centered Therapies windows as we clackety clacked our way down the rails Members AMTA & NCTMB toward the Second City let up soon after we crossed into Illinois. Home Visits My fellow riders were a lively group. Lots of chil- dren being taken to fun places to visit now that sum- 1026 N. Karwick Road, Michigan City (219) 879-5722 mer vacation is upon them. Some of us got off at the same station with the same goal in mind: to see Sue. We gloated when we quickly purchased our tickets and saw the line on the south side of the museum. They were the drivers, not the train riders. They had park- A ing fees. And long lines. Lucky us! erre nn Time zipped by quickly enough as I got my fill of i crêperie e the exhibits I had planned to see. As I walked out of P the museum, I encountered a partially hidden Chicago NowOfferingPrivateDinnerParties skyline, a misty cloud partially blanketing the sky- scrapers, buildings I can no longer identify. Car head- Open for late breakfast & lunch lights beamed as they made their way up Lake Shore Drive. A gaggle of sailboats drifted in the lake mist Tuesday-Sunday •11-3Weekdays•10-3Weekends far off Burnham Harbor. Grant Park’s green con- trasted the gray sky. A soft cool breeze was blowing. 9SouthBartonStreet•NewBuffalo,MI•(616)469-9542 1 Location: ⁄2 blockwestofWhittakerSt.&theHwy.12intersection Everything was right with the world. Since I had a few frames left on my roll of film, I decided to capture the intriguing landscape before head- ing back to the station to catch my early train. I’ll get back in plenty of time to get my story started, if not com- pletely written, I thought to myself. I felt luck was with me when the conductor told me I didn’t have to pay the extra fifty cents for the tick- Since 1950 et I bought from him. No, he said, we only charge that DRAPERIES • CARPETS when the station’s ticket office is open, and there is BLINDS & SHADES no ticket office where you got on. Yes, I thought, everything is right with the world today. Quality Products At Competitive Prices But not for long. Around 59th St., the train stopped, 219-872-7236 • 800-949-4530 and not at any station. After about five minutes, the trainmaster announced that he was sorry, but he 1102 Franklin St., Michigan City was instructed to stand by. mc-interiors.com “I don’t know why we are standing by,” he said. “They haven’t told me anything.” So, with smiles on our faces and a cool air condi- tioning system running in the coach, we sat and Save Time and Money waited. With a Your credit is approved now all “We’re still standing by. I’m really, really sorry about this,” the trainmaster reported over the loud- pre- you need is a HOME! Most sellers will accept an offer speaker. We sat. A double decker Metro train passed on approval to purchase from a pre-approved Jan Biernacki-Ormsby our right. We, on the other hand, still weren’t going buyer versus an offer from a anywhere. Some of us started to fidget. The minutes buyer that has not been pre- kept passing, along with a slow freight on our left. Soon Alliance approved. it was out of sight, too. HOME MORTGAGE Free Pre-Approval. “OK, I finally got some information for you,” the loud- CORPORATION speaker said. “We will be stopping at the Kensington A subsidiary of Alliance Banking Co. station. We will all get off the train there, where lots 126 East 5th Street, Michigan City, IN 46360 219-871-2250 of buses will be waiting. We will all get on the buses June 22, 2000 Page 47 and be taken to the Hegwisch station, where we will board a train there.” No further explanation. OK. Most of us were upbeat about the inconvenience as it was announced. My seatmate and I speculated RENAISSANCE DAY SPA REJUVENATION FOR THE FACE, BODY & SOUL about the problem ahead on the tracks. If it was an accident or an emergency, we could gracefully deal with a little detour in our schedules. Meanwhile, we sat and waited some more. Probably NO Razor Bumps waiting here on the tracks until plenty of buses arrive at Kensington, I figured. NO Ingrown Hair Aha, the train finally started moving. Hurray! Soon we would be getting off the train and onto the NO Kidding buses! This isn’t so bad… There must have been at least 200 of us who got NO Embarrassing Moments off our train. We walked, orderly too, down the stairs, through the station, and out on the street. Two buses Bottom Half were waiting for us. Just a pair, that’s all. Some train riders were left behind, because you can only pack Savings so many people inside a CTA bus. I should feel lucky that I got on, even though I would have preferred sit- Bikini Wax & Spa Pedicure ting, my higher self said. $ 00 Our bus wasted no time nor dodged any pothole to 50 Save $10 get us to the Hegwisch station. There were lots of pot- holes, too. Several passengers opened the windows to Offer Ends July 8 relieve us of the sticky air that was not circulating inside our rolling sardine can. But we made it. Two heav- Micro-Dermabrasion • Acrylics • Manicures enly looking train cars were waiting for us. And once inside our substitute conveyance, we waited too. We 1402 FRANKLIN ST. • MICHIGAN CITY, IN • CALL 219-874-8550 waited for the mass of humanity left behind. Somewhere in south Chicago, their buses had finally arrived and were chugging toward Hegwisch. We lucky ones felt too guilty for impatience. After all, we made the first cut and didn’t have to stand in the humid, cloud changing to full sun afternoon. At least we were cool, we had a place to sit, our train was near the Indiana border, and it wouldn’t be too much longer… Country Mates By now, I would have been almost to South Bend, my traveling mind informed me. A thump brought me Gift and Christmas Shop out of my short reverie as another coach was added behind ours. We were finally on our way again. 16 rooms of Collectibles We could see the light at the end of the tunnel. We and Giftware for all occasions. were back in Indiana and smiles began reappearing HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-6 on fellow passengers’ faces. At Hammond, happy fel- 120 West Buffalo Street, New Buffalo, MI • (616) 469-2890 low travelers got off at their stop. Soon we were click- ing and clacking our way again back home in Indiana. It was enough to make us want to sing. Then at Gary, something happened. Or, more pre- cisely, nothing happened. In the still of the late after- noon, we watched from our windows as nothing moved except the traffic at fourth and Broadway. Is that fountain new? I remember the days when retirees would be out there playing bocce ball on the lawn across LAMPS • LAMPSHADES • GIFTS from city hall. If we sit here long enough, maybe they’ll revive the tradition. Twenty minutes later, we HOME ACCESSORIES moved on. I could have driven to Indianapolis in the time I spent on the train. Exactly three hours. But then, I would- Fri. - Sat. - Sun. - Mon. 11-5 MI time n’t have had this great “adventure” to write about. 900 W. Buffalo (US 12), New Buffalo • 469-2742 No accompanying photos. I was out of film. Page 48 June 22, 2000

QWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE R SEAFOOD DELIGHTS RESTAURANT T R “Freshest Perch in Town.” T R T R Fresh Lake Dine in or T R on our Deck T RMichigan Perch Overlooking the T R Shrimp • Frog Legs Waterfront T R Sandwiches Carry Out Available T R Scallops • Oysters T R Pioneer Lumber Seafood T “Remembering Gertrude” an exhibit with sales Beer & Wine Delights R 2nd Street T of Gertrude Harbart’s work in the gallery continues Hw 2 R y. 12 Hwy. 1 T through June 25th. The last in a series of demonstrations 872-3728 M he Bridge ichi T R gan T B Pine St. Pine lv d.

abash St. abash H

Place w based on her techniques will be presented by her ashington St. ashington OPEN Daily 11 a.m. Lunch & Dinner W y.

R Lighthouse T W 3 R 508 E. 2nd Street, Michigan City, IN 5 T former students on Sat., June 24th, at 10 a.m. Sand YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI Painting will show Gert’s technique of combining dune sand and mixed media to paint an abstract form and will be presented by Connie Kassal. Fabric and Michigan City Mainstreet Sand College by Janet Tobalski will feature one of the last techniques taught locally by Gertrude and com- FARMER'S MARKET bines fabric and black sand. Saturdays thru September Children’s Summer Art Classes—Drawing and 8th & Washington Street, Michigan City Acrylic Painting “You’ve Got Mail” will be held (1 blk East of Lighthouse Place) For Info Mon-Thurs, June 26-29. In this class, children will design CALL FRUIT GROWERS HOT LINE 1-800-634-2650 and paint a rural type mail box all ready to mount, and dye a t-shirt, too! The cost is $60 and includes all SPECIAL EVENTS THIS SATURDAY supplies. Class times are as follows: Ages 6-10 from Peru Performing Circus 12:30 & 3:30 12:30-2 p.m., and ages 10-14 from 2:30-4 p.m. To 8th & Franklin register, call 879-3845. MC Moose #980 Baton Corps 2:30 Figure Drawing with Connie Kassal—Learn how to draw the human form with special emphasis on the difficult rendering of hands and feet, the face and fore- shortening of the figure. Classes begin on June 30 and continue each Friday through August 4, from 10 FRESH MEATS SMOKED a.m.-noon. The cost of the six-week session is $50 plus USDA PRIME , Ham NY Strip NGE a $15 model fee. LA S Turkey “Lake, Dune and Woods” is the next exhibit T-Bone oldold ffashionedashioned M Chicken scheduled for the Gertrude Harbart Art Gallery with Porterhouse EAT MARKET Sausage “LINKS“LINKS TO THETHE PAST”AST” an opening reception to be held July 3 from 7-9 p.m. Filet Cheeses Artists are April Fallon, Bonnie Zimmer, Rosalie Veal Chops P.H..H. Lange,Lange, ButcherButcher Shrimp Sadenwater, David Langley, Marlene Woodfield, Hal Lamb Chops Party Trays Salmon Higdon, Phyllis Swanson and Neil Kienitz. This Beef & Turkey Jerky exhibit will run through August 27. all from Pete’s Own Smokehouse If you’re making your plans for Independence Day, plan to spend some time at The Old School. On 218 West 7th Street • Michigan City • 874-0071 Monday evening, July 3, we will have an outdoor concert featuring Dr. Groovy and the Soul Surgeons. Everyone had such a great time last year (including the band!) that we just had to do it again! It is a free concert with donations gladly accepted. The band Outdoor promises not to play too late so you can be sure to be here at 7 a.m. on the 4th for the 3rd annual Old School Run. Plan to run or walk with Hal Higdon on this scenic Specializing In Dining 5K Run. There is no advance entry—just show up and “Tapas” run. Following the run, the Long Beach Civic Association Paella Marinera Restaurante is planning their annual 4th of July bash with the parade Seafood and to begin at 10 a.m. You can expect the same great activ- Steak don Quijote ities that we all love every year. Can’t wait to see every- one there! Restaurante don Quijote Classes in oil, acrylic, drawing, watercolor, quilt- The only Spanish Restaurant in Indiana ing, stained glass, children’s art and exercise class- 119 E. Lincolnway, Valparaiso 462-7976 es are ongoing. For more information, phone 879-3845. June 22, 2000 Page 49

Stewart James Music of Oz Studio ANTIQUES & GALLERIA Announces Antiques and Collectibles Summer Camp Offerings 2 BUILDINGS!! GARDEN AND 2 Week Half-Day Sessions COTTAGE HOUSE TO EXPLORE! Musical Magic Carpet Ride for Ages 4-7 Primitives and Cottage Style Puppet/Drama Workshops for Ages 6-12 Furnishings Piano Classes for Ages 7-12 616-426-3133 FAX 616-426-6166 3-Day Mini-Camps for Ages 18 months-3 12619 Red Arrow Hwy. Open 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Sawyer, MI 49125 Friday through Monday or by appt. Call 874-9191 for information

Shipping Solutions “With fifteen years experience and over From overnight letters and $100 Million in residential mortgages closed, I can help make your purchase computer equipment to antique or refinance as efficient as possible. For furniture and delicate artwork. help in LaPorte and Berrien County call We’re the experts! me at 219-873-2693 or page me toll free at 800-338-2083.” Free Estimates 616-469-2000 Cos Aiello Mortgage Consultant

BANKING • INSURANCE • INVESTMENTS • TRUST 530 S. Whittaker • New Buffalo, MI (Behind Gold’s Gym)

Announces its IS YOUR CPA YOUR Wolfe Summer Hours: BUSINESS PARTNER? Music & AntiquesN Ltd. WE WILL BE. Wed. - Fri. For your complimentary, no obligation copy of 12:00 to 5:00 “Your Accountant – Your Partner,” Call 616.469.9300 Sat. 10:00 to 5:00 Please stop by and view our eclectic new selection of items, hand picked in Europe

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of Long Beach ess • Bumper Boats y L THER OFFERS Crafters of the finest in ddr • Kiddie Cars y MEDIUM itanic Slide ARK

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ALID WITH O • Titanic Slide Name & A aluable coupon T V 87G - IANT v Buy one - Get one FREE • Batting Cages NO ADVENTURE7297 W P. U.S. 20 874 - 4268 $1.00 of 50¢ of CASCADE MOUNTMichigan City • Go-Karts Coupon expires 7/1/00 Just East of Johnson Rd. • Video Games

FREE DELIVERY ______Not good with any other promotion (219) 872-3441 i Phone Number: B Page 50 June 22, 2000

GIFTS CUSTOM FRAMING ART When the ordinary isn’t Beach Scenes For Home & Garden Florals good enough, Landscapes Gift Certificates South Shore

try Posters FRIDAY, JUNE 23 L & M Framing and Gallery 9 a.m. PARK PATCH PROGRAM. Kids of all ages can have fun and earn a state park patch. Meet in the Nature 202 S. Whittaker, New Buffalo Open Daily 11-5 616-469-4800 Center. 2 p.m. BIODIVERSITY HUNT. Meet at the Nature Center for a hike, scavenger hunt style! Hours: 10:30 to 6 616/469-6151 7 p.m. DRIFTING. Come and enjoy a peaceful hike The along the beach in the cool of the evening. Meet a nat- uralist at the east side of the Beach Pavilion to begin Villager this sunset stroll. SATURDAY, JUNE 24 GIFTS • ACCESSORIES 9 a.m. PARK PATCH PROGRAM. 100 N. Whittaker Street New Buffalo, MI 3 p.m. DUNE FROLIC. Come explore the unique dune environment on this moderate hike. SUNDAY, JUNE 25 LA PORTE COUNTY ANTIQUE SHOW 9 a.m. PARK PATCH PROGRAM. La Porte County Fairgrounds, La Porte, IN 10 a.m. THE LORAX. Kids of all ages will enjoy this SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2000 imaginative Dr. Seuss video exploring some very real $ environmental problems. Meet in the Nature Center 7 AM TO 4 PM • ADMISSION 3.00 Auditorium for this 1/2 hour program. Home Cooking • Free Parking For more information, phone 926-1390 or 926-1952. Info - 219-778-2892

2nd Annual Chesterton Hometown Picnic On Sat., June 24th, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Chesterton will be having an old fashioned summer picnic at the Coffee Creek Center, just off 1050 N, east of Rt. 49. There will be free frisbees to the first 100 guests, free parking, free admission, free games with prizes for all ages and free popcorn. There will be guided hikes at noon and 2 p.m., the Winimac Old Auto Club Car Show, bingo sponsored by Moose Lodge 1623, a Welsh Arts & Crafts tent, the ACUPUNCTURE CENTER Lion’s Club Duck race and a 4K/8K Home Run Race in the morning. Dr. Jennifer Huang For more information, phone Katie or Amy at • Board Certified Acupuncturist. Chinese Medical Doctor 219/926-1842. from China. More than 20 years experience. • Pain release • G. I. disorders • Menopause • Stop smoking • Chronic problems • Sinus infections • Chinese herbal treatments The Golden Leaf 1026 N. KARWICK RD., MICHIGAN CITY • 879-2100 A store dedicated to supplying the finest in tobacco for cigar and pipe smokers. Also appropriate gifts for the WARREN J. ATTAR discriminating smoker. Agent Imported Cigars • Pipes Representing State Farm For 28 Years Tobacco • Humidors • Lighters My 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service Number is (219) 874-4256 Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. • Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1902 E. US 20 • Evergreen Park Business Center 219-872-9692 STATE FARM Michigan City, IN 46360 Auto

Life Fire

INSURANCE 232 W. Fourth St., Michigan City, IN (Across from Prime Outlets) ® Fax: (219) 874-5430 June 22, 2000 Page 51 THEME PARTIES IN A BOX™ ROOFING Delivered to Your Door! Reasonable Rates. All Occasions • Over 100 Themes Call for estimate: Call Mona Pilecki for FREE Catalog 1-888-577-6662 Carl Business Opportunities Available • Work From Home (219) 324-6451

Country Care Living You’re For Your Elderly Loved Ones Among Friends Long & Short Term 421 Franklin Street, AN ALTERNATIVE TO A NURSING HOME Michigan City 879-4581 Professional Care Other Locations LaPorte • Valparaiso 879-9701 South Bend

“Your wood floor specialist” Pressure washing and HULTMAN FLOORING sealing of decks and • Design • Installation • Refinishing most outdoor surfaces (219) 926-1966 http://members.aol.com/wdflors SunsetCoast Pressure Washing Old world craftsmanship for new world concepts [email protected] MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL WOOD FLOORING ASSOCIATION 616-469-1801

HOMES • DECKS • AWNINGS • BUILDINGS s Have Your m' JETWASH INC. MACHINER To Heating/Cooling Air Conditioning Mobile Power Washing• Surface Cleaning & serviced by Tom’s ALKS Wood Restoration Complete Home SPECIAL $3995 Maintenance Clean • Stain • Seal Y Clean & Check SIDEW 219-778-WASH (9274) or 800-978-WASH (9274) Owner Fully Licensed & Insured DRIVEWAYS • STOREFRONTS Tom Agorichas 24 Hour Service 874-9910

GLASS BLOCK WINDOWS CCHHIIGGAANN CCIITT Chimneys • Tuck Pointing MMII YY Fireplaces • Woodstoves GARAGE DOOR 30 Yrs. Exp. • Free Est. 219-874-6485 Northern Ind. & Mich. Glass Block Sales • Service Chimneys Windows Residential • Commercial • Industrial Gene Burke • 219-878-9112 (MC) • 219-324-8702 (LP) Locally Owned & Operated

“One HALE of a MASON” Fireplaces Ron Crisp Tile Brick • Block Floors • Bathrooms • Remodeling or Repairs Free Estimates (219) 878-0835 Doug Hale 219-874-3266 Page 52 June 22, 2000

FOR SALE 443 Maplewood Ave. M.C. 1 PORTER BEACH Designer redecorated inside and out. 2 story, 4 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths, finished basement, new furnace, roof, siding, gutters, & sprinkler sys- Built in 1991. 3 bedrooms, tongue tem, 2 car garage, located on private road in cul-de-sac. Back of home & groove ceilings, open floor plan. Spectacular views, extensive private, surrounded by sand dunes. Close to beach with private beach decking, loft, fireplace, attached rights. House will be sold furnished or unfurnished - all new coun- 2 car garage, cedar exterior. try cottage upscale furniture. Realtors welcome, will pay commission. $299,000 $275,000 If not sold, will be available for rent summer & winter. Other Linda Rhed upscale rental property also available. Voice Mail (219) 763-8772 OPEN HOUSES 1-3 P.M. RESIDENTIAL Home (219) 926-6778 BROKERAGE June 24-25, July 1, 2, & 3, and July 15-16 Owner Judith Silver (219) 778-9877

E-MAIL: [email protected] (219) 872-5555 1260 E. Michigan Blvd. De Vries Tire Co. Michigan City, IN

Serving the Michigan City Area since 1968 219 874-4261 D & M PLUMBING, INC. Firestone Tires COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATION & REPAIR

specializing in: Computerized Alignments JEFF POSTON 9896 W. 300 NORTH, BLDG. C MC/VISA MICHIGAN CITY, IN 46360 Air Conditioning Repairs SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FAX (219) 872-5647 Mechanical Repairs

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CLEANING AND CATERING SERVICE Sales Service Repair Parts Club Car • E-Z Go • Yamaha • Utility P.O. BOX 8944 • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA 46361 RENTAL & LEASING y a q • NEW 1-800-232-2172 • REBUILT Office (219) 872-8817 Fax (219) 872-8819 • USED Knox, Indiana • RECONDITIONED

You Need It - We Rent It General Rental. Inc. Saws Sanders 225 E. Garfield St. Drills Quality 1st 872-9177 Air Compressors Nailers Custom Decks • Patios Concrete Tools Deck Maintenance Jacks Garages • Mini Barns & More Generators Tom Brown PH/FAX(219) 326-9349 BOB CAT TRENCHER SCAFFOLDING June 22, 2000 Page 53 From the Long Beach Clerk/Treasurer Anne Heywood would like to remind the residents of Long Beach about the following summertime activ- CUSTOM MADE INDOOR WEATHER® AirTech ities and rules: The Park Program got underway with registra- tion on June 19th. It will run through Friday, July 28th, Heating & Cooling, Inc. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-noon. Children from Residential and Commercial • 24 Hour Emergency Service K-6th grade are invited to participate. We service all makes and models. Upcoming Recycle Dates After Hours & Weekends Additional Charge. June 19, July 3, July 17, July 31. Keep Your Cool…Air Conditioning If you have any questions, phone the Clerk/Treasurer’s office at 874-6166. Clean & Check Special And, from the Long Beach Police Department, comes the following: Golf Cart Rules $56.00 1. A golf cart shall be permitted passage on the streets Call us for all your Heating and Air Conditioning Needs. of Long Beach for the SOLE purpose of transporting 1-616-469-1193 or 1-888-406-1193 • 19627 W. US 12 New Buffalo, MI said cart to the Country Club to be used for playing golf. 2. The route traveled by the carts shall be of the most direct and shortest possible one, from the owner’s home to the golf course and vice-versa, so as to minimize the amount of time traveling on the streets. 3. Any operator of a golf cart must possess a valid automobile operator’s license. 4. Golf carts may be driven on the streets only during daylight hours. (Sunrise to sunset). 5. Any misuse of the forementioned privileges will void these privileges (as per each individual violation) and shall result in the enforcement of the Indiana State traffic codes. (Citation and impoundment of cart). Please make sure the tag the Country Club gives you is visible on the cart. No Dogs Allowed on the Beach In no event shall any dog be allowed on any pub- Vacuum Cleaner Center carries the latest in state-of- lic beach within the town, whether or not on lead. There the-art purifiers.The air purifiers will make your home will be a fine. All dogs must be registered at the a healthier place to live. By using just one air purifier, Long Beach Town Hall. Dog licenses are available for you can clean up to 3,000 square feet of living space. $5 each. The system is portable and costs just pennies a day to operate.

Removes: 1708 ROSAMOND DRIVE smoke, mold, mildew, bacteria, odors, chemical gases, pollens, dust & animal dander

According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is our nation’s biggest pollution problem. Why? Because modern homes and buildings are constructed so tightly that they block out nature’s air cleaning agents and trap pollution inside with you. Stop in today to see what we’re talking about!

OFFERS YOU 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, TWO skylights and lower level ready to finish as you wish. 2 car garage and beautiful 1 landscaped yard and deck. 1 ⁄2 blocks from the lake. Call Shirley today! MAKE AN OFFER! RES. 219-879-3123 FAX: 219-878-0464 1406 Franklin St. • Michigan City • 879-8248 6 T SHIRLEY A. KMIECIK C.R.S., G.R.I. • BROKER OWNER Family owned and operated since 1962 Page 54 June 22, 2000 Activities to Explore In the Local Area: June 21-24 — “Chapter Two.” Festival Players Guild Canterbury Summer Theatre at the Main Street Theatre, 807 Franklin St., MC. Reservations 874-4269. Wed matinee 2 pm; Thurs, Fri. 8 pm; Sat. 6 & 9 pm. June 22 — MC Municipal Band concert. 8 pm. Guy Foreman Amphitheater, Washington Park, MC. Mary Lee Riley, soprano. June 22-24 — Annual Rummage Sale for the Great Lakes Museum of Military History. 9 am-4 pm each day at the old Powerhouse Gym bldg. at Dunes Plaza, E. US 20. June 23 — Bookmarks at Noon. Galileo’s Daughter by Dava Sobel will be reviewed by Millie Samuelson. MC Public Library. Free. June 23-25 — “Emma’s Child.” Footlight Players. $ or $41 a month* Fri & Sat 8 pm; Sun 2 pm. Tickets $8. 1705 Franklin 449 St., MC. Reservations 874-4035. Log onto to Genesis Sliver B Series LP Gas Grill www.FootlightPlayers.org 36.000 BTU, 611-sq.-in. total cooking area, patented Flavorizer June 23-25 — “Bleacher Bums.” Dunes Summer system. Incl. 20-lb. OPD tank.S 724 948, 906, 992 1 Theatre. Fri & Sat 8 pm; Sun 7 pm. Reservations 879- 7509. KABELIN June 24 — Peru Circus. Perf. 12:30 pm & 3:30 Next to Marquette Theater pm. St. Paul Church playground, corner of 8th & Franklin St., Michigan City. Adm. free. 872-5431 June 24 — 5th Annual ZooFest fundraiser at Washington Park. 5:30 pm on. June 24 — “Woodworkers with the Blues.” 10 am- 6 pm. Center of the World Woodshop Showroom, 13400 Red Arrow Hwy., Harbert, MI. 616/469-5687. Adm. free. Sheila June 24 — Farmer’s Market. 8 am to sellout. carlson Corner of 8th & Washington, Michigan City. June 24 — 2nd Annual Chesterton Hometown Picnic. Cooffee Creek Center Pavillion, off 1050 N, east of Rt. 49. Crafts, games, bingo, 4K/8K Home Run Race, Lion’s Club Duck race. Info 219/926-1842. June 25 — LaPorte County Antique Show. 7 am- 4 pm. LaP. Co. Fairgrounds. Adm. free. June 25, 27 & 29 — “Pink Tea” Victorian tea par- ties and “Tea in the Afternoon” exhibit at the Barker Mansion, 631 Washington St., MC. Reservations 873- 1520. June 27 — Coffee with Mayor Brillson. 9:30 am. MC selling homes inc Senior Center, Washington Park. June 27 — Harbor Country Book Club. 7:30 pm. Harbor Grand Hotel, New Buffalo, MI. Fiction selec- I’ll sell yours tion White Smoke by Andrew Greeley, non-fiction and I’ll find you a new “nest” One More Time by Mike Royko. June 28 — Blood Pressure Screening. 11 am-1 pm. MC Public Library. Bring list of medications and blood-pressure card. 874.1180 Continuing: Licensed IN/MI Through June 26 — “Revelations of an Icon: Uncovering the Mystery of the Brauer Museum’s Icon.” Brauer Museum of Art on the Valparaiso University campus. Free adm. Hours 10 am-5 pm, Tues, June 22, 2000 Page 55

Thurs & Fri; 10 am-8:30 pm, Wed; and noon-5 pm, Sat & Sun. Opening reception May 13, 2 pm. Own This For Lazy Places to Visit: Alyce Bartholomew Children’s Museum. Info 874- Summer Days!! 8222. Barker Mansion, 631 Washington St., Michigan City. 818 Lake Shore Drive Guided tours Mon-Fri, 10 am, 11:30 am & 1 pm. Info 873-1520. Beverly Shores South Shore Line Passenger Depot, 525 Broadway, Beverly Shores. Open now through Sept. 30. Thurs-Sun, 1-4 pm. Admission free. 871-0832. Great Lakes Museum of Military History, 360 Dunes Plaza, Michigan City. Open through Labor Day Tues-Fri, 9 am-4 pm; Sat, 10 am-4 pm; Sun, noon-4 pm. Info 872-2702 or on the web at www.mil- itaryhistorymuseum.org Hesston Steam Museum, County Road 1000 North (east of Indiana 39). Info 872-5055. LaPorte County Historical Museum, county com- COMFORTABLE FAMILY BEACH HOME with lake plex, downtown LaPorte. Tues-Sat, 10 am-4:30 pm. views, sand path to water’s edge. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Lower Info 219/326-6808. level carpeted and paneled as fourth bedroom and play area. New Buffalo Railroad Museum, 530 S. Whittaker Custom wood cabinetry and paneling. 2 enclosed seasonal St., New Buffalo, MI. Open Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm; porches, multi-level decks Central air, security system,sleeps Sat-Sun, 10 am-3 pm (MI time). Info 616/469-5409. 14. Ample parking. 100 steps to the best beach area. Old Lighthouse Museum, Washington Park, Michigan Broker/Owner will coop. Licensed Illinois and Indiana. City. Info 872-6133. $370,000 Farther Afield: Summer Rental $2,500/WEEK June 23 — “Forever Plaid.” Musical comedy. Firefly T 1-219-872-7690 FOR PRIVATE SHOWING Festival, St. Patrick County Park, South Bend. OR 1-800-862-3881 (PIN CODE 00) 219/288-3472. Tix avail. Majerek’s Hallmark, Marquette Mall, MC. (see story this issue). June 24 — Vintage base ball. 2 pm. Deep River Grinders vs. Chicago Salmon. Deep River County Park, located off US 30 bet. Merrillville and Valparaiso. Open House 219/947-1958 June 24 — Trail Blaze, the third race in the South Mon.-Sat., 1:00-5:00 pm Shore Circuit, a NORBA sanctioned off-road bicycle race at Stoney Run County Park. Regis. 8 am, race at 9 am. 219/769-PARK, or www.active.com June 24-25 — Home & Garden Show. 10 am-5 pm ea. day. Cook Energy Information Center, Bridgman, MI. 800/548-2555 or www.cookinfo.com Continuing: Through August 13. “Highlights From the American Collection.” Snite Museum of Art on the campus of Notre Dame University. 219/631-5466. Farther and Farther Afield: June 23-25 — 28th Annual Indiana Fiddlers’ You are invited to come in and view the Gathering. Tippecanoe Battlefield Park, Battle new condominium models that we have on display. Ground, IN. 765/742-1419. (See story this issue.) 2 and 3 Bedroom quality-built condos from the $90’s June 24-25 — Brown County Studio & Garden nestled in a beautiful Michigan City wooded community. Tour. Nashville, IN. 9 am-6 pm Sat & 10 am-6 pm Sun. Info 800/753-3255. Ask about our Summer 2000 Specials!! June 24-Oct 15 — Indiana State Museum’s “The Golden Age of the Golden Troupe: An American Theatrical Family” exhibit. Elegant costumes and other memorabilia from New Harmony, Indiana’s Condominium Homes late 19th century theatrical group. Located 202 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis. Hours 9 am-4:45 pm. 901 S. Carroll Avenue (just north of Coolspring Ave.) 317/232-1637. Adm. free Michigan City • (219) 874-4663 Page 56 June 22, 2000 FOR SALE BY BROKER-OWNER

On June 22, 1970, President Nixon signed a bill low- ering the voting age from 21 to 18. On June 22, 1983, astronauts, aboard the space shuttle Challenger, used the shuttle’s mechanical arm to retrieve a satellite. On June 22, 1987, Fred Astaire, who danced his way into the hearts of millions, died at the age of 88.

NEW CONSTRUCTION On June 23, 1860, Congress approved the creation 104 ELMWOOD DRIVE, MICHIANA, IN of the Government Printing Office. If you have been dreaming of a log cabin in the woods, this is it! Well placed on a wooded lot with all city utilities & services, this retreat features a welcoming front On June 23, 1868, Christopher Latham Sholes, a porch & easy care landscape. Enter the 2 story living room with oak floors, fieldstone Wisconsin journalist and state senator, received a patent fireplace & access to screened rear porch. The country kitchen with natural hickory for his “Type-Writer.” cabinets, tile floors & backsplash, & all appliances opens to the porch & BBQ deck overlooking the woods. A bright, full bath, laundry area, & carpeted bedroom On June 23, 1931, aviators Wiley Post and Harold complete this level. Up the custom oak staircase, you will find a spacious rear bedroom with vaulted ceiling & wooded views. A large bath on this level features Catty took off from New York for a flight around the a Jacuzzi whirlpool, skylight, arts & crafts tiles in a Southwest motif, & custom built- world. ins. A third bedroom completes this level. This home has a full basement, 2 x 6 framing, high efficiency furnace & central air. Custom built & well appointed & decorated On June 24, 1497, the first recorded discovery of the throughout by Reilly Builders & Michiana Real Estate. For Sale by Broker-Owner, North American mainland took place when John Cheryl Culbertson. (219) 879-0811. $208,000 Cabot, on a voyage for England, sighted what is, (219) 879-0811 probably, present-day Canada. Cheryl B. Culbertson, BROKER/OWNER On June 24, 1793, France adopted its first republi- can constitution. On June 24, 1908, Grover Cleveland, two-time pres- ident of the United States, died, in Princeton, New Jersey, at the age of 71. On June 24, 1983, Sally Ride, America’s first female astronaut in space, and the crew of the Challenger made KARWICK GLEN a safe landing at Edward’s Air Force Base in California. TOWNHOMES On June 25, 1876, during Montana’s “Battle of the Little Big Horn,” Lt. Col. George Custer, along with his entire Seventh Cavalry, was wiped out by Sioux NEW MODELS NOW OPEN and Cheyenne Indians. On June 25, 1918, during World War I, the United States Army, after a two week battle, drove the Germans out of France’s Belleau Woods.

WindRider Trimaran • Affordable • Easy & Carefree • Virtually Untipable See at PRICES STARTING AT $125,000 SUPERIOR MARINE SERVICE OPEN HOUSE 4405 E. US 12 • Michigan City, IN Wed. through Sun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 219-879-5636 Mon. and Tues. By Appointment Only (219) 879-5489 Located at the Southeast Corner of US 12 & Karwick Road, Michigan City, IN www.gmf1.com June 22, 2000 Page 57

On June 25, 1951, the first commercial color telecast took place as CBS transmitted a one-hour special from New York to four other cities. On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme Court L ruled that the use of an unofficial, nondenomina- ook tional, prayer in New York state public schools was unconstitutional. no further. On June 25, 1981, the United States Supreme Court www.remax-harborcountry-mi.com held that male-only draft registration is not uncon- stitutional. On June 26, 1870, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first section of the famous Boardwalk was opened to Go to our website, the public. choose a price range and an area On June 26, 1892, novelist Pearl S. Buck, best [Michiana, Union known for her Pulitzer prize winning novel, The Pier, Lakeside, etc.] Good Earth, was born in the West Virginia town of and view all the Hillsboro. homes in your price range. On June 26, 1900, a medical commission, that included Dr. Walter Reed, began the fight against the deadly scourge of yellow fever. On June 27, 1880, Helen Keller, deaf and blind lec- turer and writer, was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama. On June 27, 1974, President Richard Nixon arrived in Moscow to began his third summit meeting with harbor country Leonid Brezhnev. On June 27, 1978, along with a Russian crew, the first Polish astronaut was launched into orbit on a new Soviet spacecraft. On June 27, 1982, manned by two astronauts, the American space shuttle Columbia blasted off from Cape Canaveral with the shuttle program’s first military cargo. On June 28, 1778, at the Revolutionary War Battle of Monmouth, N.J., the aid given the colonials by Mary Ludwig Hays, who became known as Molly Pitcher, made her a heroine in American history. On June 28, 1919, the “Treaty of Versaille,” ending World War I, was signed in France.

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(877) 519-SKIN GENE HWANG, M.D. NEW BUFFALO, MI Toll Free 7546 www.hairvein.com Page 58 June 22, 2000 AA Custom Cabinets & Counter Tops Under New Ownership - Paul Dimke of Dimke Builders, Owner Family Owned with 25 years of Construction Experience • For your convenience AA Custom Cabinets & Countertops has a design staff to assist you in the planning of your project.

• Our skilled full time carpenters will come to your home to measure for cabinets and countertops.

• The carpenter who takes your project’s measurmeents is the same person who will install and The Team That Makes It Work see your project to completion. Bunny, Paul, Keith, Bob and Nina (center). We Sell Service & Expert Installation

Cabinet Lines To Fit Every Budget Trees & Shrubs, Top Soil, Merillat Amera Rocks, Mulch, Etc. Woodward Prestige Legacy Bertch 20% off above materials with this ad M. Thomas Authorized Corian Dealer (Cash & Carry only) Expires 11-1-2000 GRANITE, MARBLE AND LAMINATE TOPS LANDSCAPING STORAGE UNITS TREE REMOVAL HOME & LAWN MAINTENANCE STUMP GRINDING ROB & ED HUGLEY Custom Woodworking also available. Visit our Show Room 2621 E. US Hwy. 12 (Across from Karwick Plaza) 205 Tilden Avenue (across from Greenwood Cemetery) Ph. 219-878-9914 • FAX 879-6005

BASEMENT WALL PROBLEMS? IT’S GOOD TO HAVE HOBBIES. CRACKS BULGES INSTALLING AIR CONDITIONERS SHOULDN’T BE ONE OF THEM. To an independent Lennox dealer, your home CALL comfort is a full-time commitment. Not just a

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MEMBER Locally Owned & Operated Serving St. Joseph, Marshall, LaPorte, Kosciusko & Berrien Counties T.R. BULGER, INC. 3123 E. Michigan Blvd. FOUNDATION • Residential • Commercial • Industrial REPAIR SERVICE 10 and 12 SEER Models NOVA FREE INSTALLATION ESTIMATES - 24 HOUR SERVICE Fax 1-219-362-1386 E-mail Address: [email protected] [ www.trbulger.com y Web Address: http://www.nova-inc.com 616-469-5454 QUALITY and SERVICE 219-879-8525 1-800 668-2026 219 325-9237 June 22, 2000 Page 59

DON’T THROW AWAY -WE HAUL AWAY FREE CLASSIFIED Anything which can be used or sold to benefit those in need. CLASSIFIED RATES - (For First 2 Lines.) We Pick Up Leftovers of Garage Sales, Etc. - Any kind of metal wanted . 1-3 ads - $7.00 ea. •• 4 or more ads - $5.50 ea. (Additional lines- $1.00 ea.) Call Ed. Campion Sr. - THE FULL CIRCLE - Phone 219/879-2934 PH: 219/879-0088 - FAX 219/879-8070. -Email • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE RECEIVED BY HIRE Sue’s HUSBAND 10:00 A.M.ON MONDAY OF THE WEEK OF PUBLICATION Is your list of household repair & maintenance projects growing? PERSONAL SERVICES Small jobs welcome. - Quality Work. — Call Ed Berent @ 219/879-8200. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MACINTOSH REPAIR & CONSULTING Memory & hard drive upgrades, system software upgrades & diagnostics. Home Repair, Maintenance & Remodeling If you are looking for software, shareware, freeware, we can help you find by experienced carpenter it. Want to get on the Net? We can help with that too. Looking to buy a 219-872-0372 new Mac? We can help you find the right one to fit your needs. Call “JACK OF ALL TRADES” will do miscellaneous cleanup work, 219/874-2382 yard work, gutters, etc. Call Steve at 219/874-2156. Mon.-Sat., 10-5, ask for Carl, or e-mail: [email protected], CONCRETE — Formed - Pored - Finished Located at 408 Franklin Sq., Michigan City, Indiana. Also, repair work — 35 Years experience — Call 219/878-1813. MAC SOFTWARE AND ACCESSORIES NOW IN STOCK MASTER HANDYMAN: Do You Want Your Projects Done Right? JACK’S MICHIANA POWER-WASHING Let Me Do Them For You — 30-Years Experience Low prices - Free estimates — 219/879-6699 - Leave message. Call 219/872-5765 THEME PARTIES IN A BOX™ Delivered to Your Door! - All Occasions • Over 100 Themes PAINTING-DRYWALL-WALLPAPER Call Mona Pilecki for FREE Catalog — 1-888-577-6662 WARREN’S PAINTING - Interior/Exterior. Free estimates. Insured. Business Opportunities Available • Work From Home We also Power Wash, Seal or Paint Decks. - 10% off. - 219/872-6424. •• LOST - Last Fall - On beach between Stops 16 & 22 - THE A & L PAINTING COMPANY — INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ONE (1) BROWN SAS SANDAL — Call 219/872-5650 20-YEARS EXPERIENCE References. Reasonable. We also Power TEACHING - INSTRUCTION Wash, Seal or Paint Decks. Phone 219/363-5450 days, or 219/324-2190. JEFFERY J. HUMAN INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING & STAINING PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER/ENTERTAINER Hang/Finish Drywall - 24-years experience. Insured. Ph. 219/326-8512. ENTERTAINMENT AVAILABLE Bringing Premium Quality Into The New Millennium. Lessons for Voice -Violin - Piano - Guitar, Etc. Call 219/879-3949. WISTHOFF PAINTING — REFERENCES • • • FRENCH TUTORIAL • • • - French Teacher, Small Jobs Welcome — Call 219/874-5279 with 24-years experience, will tutor all levels - 219/324-9220 WAYNE’S PAINTING — 7-YEARS EXPERIENCE. CLEANING - HOUSEKEEPING Drywall Repair - Pressure Washing - Wallpapering - Interior/Exterior. FINISHING TOUCH: Residential & Specialty Cleaning Service Decks. - Free Estimates. Call 219/778-2549. - Days call 219/363-4332 Professional - Insured - Bonded - Uniformed ALL BRIGHT PAINTING - Interior/exterior. Satisfaction guaranteed. #1 in Customer Satisfaction. Phone 219/872-8817. Free estimates. Licensed & insured. 219/874-6618, or 219/879-7199. K & D ENTERPRISES, INC. MAIDENA PAINTING - INTERIOR/EXTERIOR All Types of Residential & Commercial Cleaning. Free estimates within 48-hours - 20-Years experience - Insured Clean gutters — Lifetime gutter guards installed Reasonable rates - Careful, clean work — Call 219/861-9888. Licensed & Bonded — Call 219/879-3115, or 219/878-3363. GORGEOUS DESIGNER PAINT FINISHES AT REASONABLE RATES When You Want Perfection — Insured & Bonded Free estimates. Try one room! - Call Patricia Tester @ 219/778-9085. J.P.S HOUSE & BOAT CLEANING SERVICE INTERIOR PAINTING WITH HOUSEKEEPING CLEAN UP Commercial - Residential - Rentals - Construction Cleanup Owner J.P. Foster - - 219/326-7363 - Pager 219/928-2766 New construction - Homes -Empty Real Estate or Residential Free estimates - Call 219/879-0445 CLEAN & GO CLEANING to fit all of your needs. Call 219/878-0474, or 219/879-2316 EXPERIENCED PAINTER Exterior/Interior - Free estimates — Call Greg at 219/325-8680. HOUSE CLEANING - Experienced - references - Free estimates. Weekly or bi-weekly — Call 219/872-6424. LANDSCAPE-Lawns-Clean Up. Etc. BEACHSIDE HOUSE CLEANING - Serving the Beach Community — H & D TREE SERVICE and LANDSCAPING, INC.— Experienced - Call Shelly 219/879-2808, or Gabrielle 219/873-0833 Full service tree and shrub care. Trimming, planting, removal. HOUSE CLEANING - WILL ALSO DO IRONING Firewood, snowplowing, excavating. — Call 872-7290. Experienced - References - Call 219/929-1894 - Leave message. FREE ESTIMATES HEALY’S LANDSCAPE MATERIALS PHYSICAL FITNESS 218 State Road 212 — Michigan City, Indiana —PATSI GATELY MASSAGE THERAPIES— Phone: 219/879-5150 or 800/256-0419 — Email: Esalen-Swedish, Myofascial Release, Bioenergy Field Balancing [email protected] Relieve Muscle pain & strains, stress reduction. Gift cert. - Home visits. order on line: http://www.healysland.com Call 219/879-5722. for appointment Nationally Certified in Massage & Body Work. LARGEST SELECTION OF BLUE STONE IN AREA! GROUP DISCOUNTS offered to employees of area businesses at Bluestone Slabs (thick)—-$350/skid GOLD’S GYM! Be a member of Harbor Country’s most complete Health Bluestone Slabs—(thin) $450/skid Club. REGISTER TODAY @ 616/469-0585 - GOLD’S GYM HARBOR Bluestone flagstone, snapwall, steppers & 1x1, 2x2 squares COUNTRY, NEW BUFFALO, MICHIGAN All Pavers ————$0.35 - 45/Ea. • • • • KARATE FOR KIDS • • • • Hardwood bark, Cherry bark, Log chips, Red Mulch Great Summer Program - 2-Day Summer Camps YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPE NEEDS!! ABSOLUTE SELF-DEFENSE ACADEMY Evergreen Plaza - Michigan City - Phone 219/871-0511 DELIVERY AVAILABLE CHUCK’S LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE. HANDYMAN-HOME REPAIR-PLUMBING Custom landscape design & installation. Tree & shrub planting. QUALITY CARPENTRY: Expert remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms. Compete Lawn Renovation, i.e., Seed & Sod - Mulch & River Rock. Also: doors, windows, skylights, ceramic tile, drywall, decks & repairs. Retaining Walls & Planters: Rock. Block Flagstone Timbers. Railroad ties. Small jobs welcome. Call Ed at 616/469-3039. Brick patios — Driveway designs HANDYMAN - Antenna service. Phone & TV jacks. House wiring. High tolerance tree and stump removal — Tree and bush removal Sinks. Toilets. Countertops. Carpentry. Full house rehab work. Insured and References - Senior Discount. Beach Stairway Repair & Refurbishing. ONE CALL DOES IT ALL DR. TOM’S SERVICE CLINIC - 219/778-4036 219/874-8785 Page 60 June 22, 2000

JIM’S LAWN SERVICE - GUTTER CLEANING - SNOW PLOWING ART SUPPLY GIFT SETS Spring Cleanup. Free Estimates . Ph 219/874-2715, or 219/873-5078 FIRME ART & OFFICE SUPPLIES (2 Stores) GUTTER PROBLEMS? - NEED REPAIR’S OR CLEANING? On Highway 12 - just West of stoplight. - in Beverly Shores- Decks & Patios Power Washed. Phone 219/874-4003. — FAX Service 219/874-4349.. Reasonable prices. — Call Jim’s at 219/879-5253 11th & Franklin, Michigan City - 219/874-3455 FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING MATERIAL & SERVICES VINTAGE 1886 ARMOIRE H & S SERVICE IS YOUR ONE STOP CENTER Excellent condition - Asking $1,800. - Call 616/469-3097. Fair prices! — Fast Service • • ESTATE MOVING SALE — 2700 DUFFY LANE — LONG BEACH Located on Hwy. 12, across from Karwick Plaza — Call 219/872-8946 Turn at Hacienda, follow Fairway Drive to Duffy Lane. - Fri. . 6/23 & YARD CLEAN-UP NOW — Storm Damage Sat. 6/24 - 9 ‘til 3. — Stereo turntable with AM/FM Radio. Gutter cleaning. Yard renovations. - 219/874-9405. Headboard. Custom made king-size bedspread & drapes. Upholstered love seat. Office furniture. Ladders. Storage boxes & ••• SANDCASTLE ••• racks. 2-Steel wardrobes. Christ;mas items, & much more. Landscape Management Landscape & garden contracting - Lawn maintenance 16’ FISHING BOAT for sale - 70 HP Mercury, trawling motor, fish find- Tree & shrub removal - Firewood - Spring & fall storm clean-up. er, trailer - Will separate - $2,500 O.B.O. - Call 616/756-9102. Retaining wall work - Power washing. • • • SEIZED CARS FROM $500. • • • Insured - Free estimates — Call 219/879-4558. Sport, luxury & economy cars - Trucks, 4x4’s utility & more RON’S LANDSCAPING - Year round - Free estimates For current listings, call: — 1-800/311-5048, Ext 11585. Senior discount. Call 219/324-5679, or Pager 219/928-1261 MOVING SALE LAWN MOWING AND ODD JOBS Upscale moving sale in Hidden Shores Estates , (Behind Hacienda Call 219/324-0366 Restaurant), featuring Coca-Cola memorabilia, furniture, & much more. 2704 Duffy Lane. Fri. June 23, & Sat. June 24 - 8:30 ‘til 3:30 HELP WANTED 1981 MERCEDES - 300 SERIES -S-CLASS SEDAN BABY SITTER needed for summer, Monday - Thursday, for two sons. Turbo diesel - Very good condition - $3,400 OBO — 219/878-9244 My home. Must have car. Reference required. Call 219/874-7808. EMERSON 8000 BTU CASEMENT AIR CONDITIONER ATTENTION DRIVERS - NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Purchased July 1999 — $225. — Call 219/872-8397 TMC Transportation needs drivers. - $650 guaranteed weekly , with potential to earn $900 or more weekly, and still get home week- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ends!!! —— For CDL Training - Call 1-800/882-7364. Architectural design / Project & Property Management WANTED - Companion for Long Beach Parkinson’s patient. Mobile, New and Vintage Properties but needs help with errands & some household chores. Must have Designs that enhance your lifestyle car & be able to swim. Position available a.s.a.p. - Call 219/879-5274. From inception through completion — stay informed via Email and digital status reporting RESPONSIBLE SITTER NEEDED, 3-Days a week, for 9-year old. JAMES J. JAKSA Licensed Architect & Certified Facility Manager Hours 6:30 AM - 3:30 PM. - Please call 219/874-6046. Email: [email protected] — phone / fax (219) 878-1757 READING SPECIALIST to TUTOR 7-year old this summer, 3-times per week, in Michiana.— Please call 847/682-8822 BUYERS AVAILABLE ••• WANTED: 20 - 40 Hours ••• We have BUYERS for LAKE FRONT PROPERTY - Please call Long SALES SPECIALIST for general store; experienced in shoe, clothing, Beach Realty , 219/874-5209, or E-mail [email protected]. home decor or personal product sales. STOCK CLERK. RENTALS/LEASE/SELL - COMMERCIAL OFFICE ASSISTANT, part-time afternoon hours needed. GOLDEN SANDES STORE AND LOCK Looking for permanent, as well as seasonal, specialists in these areas. 4407 E. U.S. 12 (@ Hwy. 212) Michigan City, IN. 219/879-5616. Apply in person with Shari or Jennifer OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE in busy Hacienda Building. FILONI VESTIMENTI Golf course views - Various sized spaces available 16032 GOODWIN ROAD, UNION PIER, MICHIGAN 49129 Call gmfl.comrealty.llc at 219/874-8748 for details. BEAUTY & HEALTH PRODUCTS RENTALS - INDIANA FOR ALL YOUR SKIN NEEDS HOUSE FOR RENT IN LONG BEACH by week or month. AVON 3-bedrooms across from lake. Great view & beach. Call 219/874-8692. Lynda Harris 219/872-1427 LONG BEACH COZY 4/BR HOUSE AT STOP 15 (Across from Beach) OMM FLOTATION - Floating in Epsom Salt? Because everyone Fireplace and Large Deck. No pets. Call 708/579-1745. needs to relax! Gain physical, emotional, mental & spiritual growth. 1603 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - LONG BEACH - Large modern beach Approved by National Inst. Mental health. home with fantastic Lake Michigan views. 4/BR, 3/Bath. Fireplace. Dr. Douglas C. Maciejewski, DD, DPHIL — 219/324-0708 A/C.3-Decks. Reserve now for next summer at 1999 rates. Off-sea- WANT TO BUY OR SELL son weekend & monthly rates available. — Call 219/874-4396 B & A HOBBIES • • • • • • • DUNESCAPE BEACH CLUB • • • • • • • Model Railroading is our specialty - HO & N scale: Track-Freight Cars Summer Lakefront Rentals beginning June 1st. - 2/BR, 2/Bath Condos, or Buildings-Scenery supplies. We also carry Adventure Gaming - Magic 3/BR Townhouse. Amenities include: Private Beach, Health Club with indoor The Gathering Card Game & Dice. Plastic Models: Cars - Planes pool, sauna and workout room. - $1,250/wk. Two wk min. No Pets Tanks - Naval Ships - Star Trek & Star Wars. DUNESCAPE REALTY — 219/872-0588 Model Rockets - How to books - Hobby Paints - Glues and Tools. ••SHERIDAN BEACH LAKEFRONT RENTAL•• 408 Franklin Square, Michigan City, Indiana 219/874-2382. 3/BR. (Sleeps 6 to 10) - 2/Full baths. 3-Decks. Fireplace. AC. Linens. RAINBOW TRADES - 809 Franklin Sq., Phone 219/874-7099. Dishes. Washer/dryer. ••Also, Loft Apt: Sleeps 6. AC.•• ANTIQUES GALORE! Jewelry, China , Furn., Toys, Dolls, Paintings Great, Great Views. — By Owner. — Call 800/447-5860. BALLOONS ALL WAYS - Birthdays, Parties, Big events. We Deliver! NEWLY REHABBED & furnished 2/BR Michiana Shores home. COSTUME WORLD Rentals/Sales, Makeup. Over 1000 Costumes 2-Blocks to beach - Avail May 15 thru Sept 4 - $1050/wk. Seek the Unique — Our WEB Site: www.costumeworld.net Call 773/784-0721, or 219/872-9923 ALL WOOD HOT TUB - 6’ X 3’ DEEP — Needs Some Work. STOP 26 LAKE SHORE DRIVE. 4/BR, 2 1/2/Bth. - Avail July weeks 1-3, Price reduced from $975. t0 $500. - Call 219/874-3282. & Aug. weeks 3-5. - $2,200/wk - Call 773/233-6511, or 219/879-0615. ••• GOLF CARS - GOLF CARS - GOLF CARS ••• DUNELAND BEACH @ STOP 34 - Great lake views from huge fami- Windy City Golf Cars, the regions largest distributor, has over 200 ly room & master bedroom suite.. Totally remodeled & refurnished late models in stock. Service, repairs, accessories, and storage is this spring. 4/BR, 3/Bath. Fireplace. W/D. AC. Cable. also available from us. — Phone 1-800/232-2172. Available June, Aug. 13-20th, & Sept., etc.. - Call 847/824-5164 AMERICAN BUNTING FLAGS - 100 PERCENT COTTON DUNELAND BEACH - 3/BR FURNISHED. - Private beach, A/C, wash- 6 feet wide by 3 feet deep, or 10 feet wide by 6 feet deep. er/dryer. Avail June 23rd thru Labor Day - $700/wk. Stop 22 - Long Beach — 219/873-1983 .Call 219/872-5979 — Leave message. June 22, 2000 Page 61

SUMMER RENTAL - THE PINK HOUSE - 205 W. Mechanic, New Stop 21: LONG BEACH COUNTRY CHARMER avail in mid July/late Buffalo - 4/BR, 3/Bath - All executive amenities - Walk to beach, Aug. 3/BR. Central A.C. W/D. Family room. Summer room. Deck. Walk to restaurants and shopping- $1,400 weekly, Saturday - Saturday. beach you can see from house. - $1,300/wk. — Call 312/951-1132. For free brochure, leave telephone number, address or fax number. • • • BEVERLY SHORES RENTAL • • • Call 773/278-5606. For Rent •• SMALL LAKEFRONT HOME ** Sleeps 4. Sheridan Beach to Michiana - We have many rentals - Call Executive 2/Baths - 2/Screened porches — $800 per week. Group Realty @:219/874-1122, or visit our web www.e-g-r.com. ANN CARLSON REAL ESTATE — 219/872-4811. 2/BR HOUSE ON BEACH - Sleeps 6. AC. Carpeted. Deck. Patios. SHERIDAN BEACH RENTAL — Avail June 30th to July 15th. Completely furnished - Avail July & Aug., $700/wkBest beach for 200 3/BR, 1 1/2 Bath Home - Just Steps to the Beach - 1-800/527-3448. miles - 502 Colfax Avenue. - Call 219/879-3038. LONG BEACH HOME for SALE or RENT - Stop 20 - 2007 Oriole Tr. LONG BEACH — 3/BR + den (sleeps 10), 2-Full bath. 1-Block from 3/BR, 1 1/2 Bath - 1 1/2 blocks to lake - Call 630/941-1805. beach. Newly remodeled and furnished. Deck. Fireplace. A/C. Gas ADORABLE COTTAGE IN SHERIDAN BEACH — SLEEPS 2 grill. Washer/dryer. Avail after June 1. Off-season weekend and •Mon. - Fri., $600 — •Fri. - Sun., $500. — Call 630/778-1005 monthly rates available - Call 312-953-9570. MICHIANA SHORES VACATION HOME - STOP 39. RENTALS - MICHIGAN 4/BR, 2/Bath. Jacuzzi. Skylights. Roomy. Walk to beach Great for NEW BUFFALO - Gated Nature Retreat with private Lake/Beach kids. Dogs okay. - $1,150/wk — Call 773/327-7166 offers immaculate Euro Homes, Cottages, Suites by week/weekend. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Amenities plus. Ideal for an intimate escape, or the extra rooms for CHARMING KNOTTY PINE COTTAGE IN MICHIANA SHORES your incoming party. See us: sans-souci.com. Call 616*756*3141. Sleeps 6. - One bath - Screened porch - Fully equipped. MICHIANA COTTAGE - IN WOODED AREA —A little over a bl-ock Lovely wooded surroundings — Call 773/233-2039. from great beach. Old wood paneled charm, plus 2-New baths and • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • kitchen. Fireplace. - Air/Cond. Dishwasher. - 2 Plus Bedrooms. SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT - 3/Blocks to Beach. Lots Avail July 29 thru Aug 5, & Aug 5 thru Aug. 12. of parking. Storage shed. Stove & refrigerator. - $650/mo annual lease, 773/935-1855 days, or 773/248-3265 evens. - or $1,500/mo for summer rental. - NO PETS - Call 219/767-2673. [email protected] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GRAND BEACH RENTAL ••• 1703 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Avail for 3 weeks (July 15 - Aug. 5). Call: 773/871-4758, or 616/469-4557. Take one week, or treat yourself to all 3! - $1,650/week. - Sleeps 8. Grand Beach to Sawyer, MI. We have many rentals - Call Executive ••• 109 INDIAN RIDGE - Avail on a one year lease - 2/BR, 2/Bath Group Realty @:616/469-6892 or visit our web www.e-g-r.com. Condo. Perfect condition! - $800/per month. MICHIANA SHORES, MICHIGAN - 3/BR, 2/Bath. A/C ••• 2518 ORIOLE TRAIL - Avail for part of July, and all of August on a 2 1/2 blocks to lake. All amenities. Avail July & Aug. $800/wk, $3,000/mo. weekly rental. Completely redone, very spacious, 5/BR, 2 1/2 bath Call 219/874-6323 - Leave message. home. Just a short walk to the beach — $1,650 per week. GRAND BEACH HOME ••• 2914 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - LAKEFRONT! - 5/BR, 5 1/2 Baths. Village amenities include golf course, private beach, tennis courts & Fabulous home. A perfect vacation spot. All weeks open. - playground. Home includes 3/BR, 2/Baths. Knotty pine living room $3,000/wk. w/fireplace. 2-Cable TVs. Dishwasher. Microwave. Washer/dryer. Screened porch. Patio. Golf cart. MICKY GALLAS PROPERTIES — 219/874-7070 Avail by week in summer, weekends in fall & winter. Call 773/248-0941. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • APARTMENT - LOFT TYPE - DOWNTOWN NEW BUFFALO ON THE SHORES OF SHERIDAN BEACH - Rehabbed & furnished. Washer & Dryer - Second Floor - No Pets - $450. plus utilities 1/BR vacation apts. Sleeps 4. Lake view. Deck. Fireplace. $100/day - Call 616/469-7854. $600/wk. Sunsets free. Call 219/872-8250, or 219/244-7877. COTTAGE FOR RENT IN UNION PIER - Freshly painted. 2/BR. LONG BEACH STOP 20 RENTAL Very cozy. Sleeps 4. Walk to beach. - $600/week. 3/BR, 1-1/2/Baths. Cozy & clean. 1/2 Block to beach. Adjacent to Call 616/469-4354 days, or 616/469-5351 nights. small park. 2-Decks. AC. Dishes. Washer/dryer - $1,100/weekly. Call Owner evenings at 219/865-2019, or weekends at 219/872-4919 CUTE SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT IN GRAND BEACH SMALL, PRIVATE, 3/BR COTTAGE, STOP 38, MICHIANA SHORES 3/BR, 1/Bath. Cable TV. - Beach - Tennis - Golf. 5-Minute walk to nice beach - Prefer year-round renter at $700/mo., Completely furnished. - $500/week + security — 773/278-9040 or summer renter at $650/wk. (furnished) - Call 219/879-1299 NEW BUFFALO HARBORVIEW CONDOMINIUM LONG BEACH - Stop 31 -Cozy 2/BR. Fully furn. AC. Washer/Dryer. New and beautiful 2/BR, 2/Bath/hidabed. Fully furnished. Washer & $550/wk, or $2000/mo. Call 708/354-8960 days, - 708/482-9527 evenings. dryer. Spectacular harbor, lake, wetland views. Outdoor pool. Walk to beach & shops. - Avail July/Aug/Sept. - $1,200/wk. IT’S NOT TOO LATE - SUMMER RENTALS STILL AVAILABLE Special bi-monthly & monthly rates available — Call 616/469-6566 Lakefront by the week; just off the lake by the week or month. Just call and ask for Ed Merrion - Merrion & Associates, Inc. -219/872-4000. DESIGNER COTTAGE-STOP 38 - 3 WEEKS LEFT! SHORT, EASY WALK TO GREAT BEACH 4/BR, 2/Bath COTTAGE for rent beginning June 23rd through end of 3/BR, 1/Bath. Deck. Central Air - $900/week. August. A/C.- Washeer/dryer - 1/2 Block to fabulous Stop 35 beach. Available 7/16, 7/23, & 8/20. — Call 219/874-9976. Call 219/879-9130 NEW BUFFALO - Beautiful new 2-story, 2/BR, 2/Bath, overlooking MICHIANA SHORES YEAR ROUND RENTAL — Cozy 2/BR home. marina. - Private pool. - Located between beach & town. -Sleeps 6. Close to lake - Fireplace. Garage. Appliances included. - $900/month $1,250/wk. — Call 219/736-2329 for brochure. + utilities & security deposit. - AVAILABLE NOW! - Call 219/879-6727. HARBERT MICHIGAN - Lovely home on country sized lot, near all MICHIANA SHORES HOME FOR RENT Harbor Country activities. 3/BR, 2/Baths. Deck. Hot tub. Near beach 1-Block from Lake - 3/BR, 2/Bath - Screened porch and dunes — $1,000/wk. — Call 708/865-0594. $1,400 per week — Call 815/464-1424. ••• LONG BEACH - STOP 18 - LAKE SHORE DRIVE ••• REAL ESTATE - FOR SALE 3-4/BR, 4/Bath. Decks. A/C. All amenities. Awesome view.. NEW HOME - ON LAKE CLAIRE - IN LONG BEACH COVE.8866 Avail 7/1 thru 7/15 - $1,500/wk, — Call 219/874-6323. - Leave message. Professionally designed & built. Large kitchen. Great room & master FANTASTIC SUMMER RENTAL Provides panoramic Lake Views suite. 4/BR, 2 1/2 Bath. 2324 Tinkers Way. $355,000. from this new, 4/BR, contemporary home. Located at Call Dan at 219/874-7290 days; or 219/879-8965 wk/ends & evenings. 1537 1/2 Lake Shore Drive. Available for just $1,800/wk. LONG BEACH POINTE CONDO Call Ed at MERRION & ASSOCIATES, REALTORS, INC. - 219/872-4000 Darling 2/BR upper condo with new Berber carpeting. Built-in cabinets BEVERLY SHORES SUMMER WEEKEND DELUXE RENTAL in office area, and closet organizer. Kitchen appliances to remain. Starting at $275.00 Daily Asking $72,512. — Call Ruth Kraft, of Re/Max, at 219/872-9851. ••• Designer furnished, private walled Villa w/huge (20x40) heated • • • HOMES FROM $5,000 • • • pool and multi-person spa. - 4/BR, 4/Baths. A/C. TV/VCR. W/D. DiW. Foreclosed and repossessed. NO, or low, down payment Credit trouble Ceiling fans. Outdoor poolside dining areas w/coachlights, sound- O.K. - For current listings, call: — 1-800/311-5048, Ext 131585. around stereo, gas-grill, gardens, & much more. — 219/878-1000. ••• Page 62 June 22, 2000

ed for a day or so before we left for home. Now the boys are visiting me when they go to Frankfort. I should- n’t be calling them boys as they are slightly younger than my boys, and they are all married men, although it was just lately that one of them decided to take a HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN wife, (high time, I thought!), and went further than GROW? ever away from Lake Michigan. He’ll have a problem. Now here’s Scott, who has a delightful wife, and I’ve I’m just wondering about sum- been very fond of Vicki since I met her a long, long time mer. You are looking forward to the ago. They eventually settled in Kansas where he is nice weather and the next day you wish a professor of astronomy and related things that I don’t you hadn’t put your winter underwear away. It’s the know anything about, but now he’s probably looking same with the garden. The little seedlings are just about forward to “fun in the sun,” swimming, lolling on ready to unfurl a leaf or two when they curl them up the beach and I’ll bet a book or two tucked in a towel tight to keep them warm. I was so pleased when I found somewhere and a nap. I get jealous sometimes. Lucky the Sun Flower seed had germinated, but although guy!! they have some green leaves the husks are still cling- I had planned an early breakfast out on the screen ing to the ones that should be blown away by now. But room, but it was too cold to sit there and the only tables the next day it may be shriv- were piled high with books, papers and magazines that eling in the hot sun. We were sorted to be put away. Scott didn’t mind at all were praying for water one so I took him to one of my favorite breakfast restau- day, and then we had a del- rants. It was good, quiet and we had lots of time to uge the next. No one knows talk as much as we wanted as we were passed the rush when to start mowing time. We almost forgot the clock as we both had because you may get if done things to do, so we said “Good-bye and see you in by noon or you may have to August.” Scott went to get Vicki and the dog, while quit altogether. It’s not going I went the opposite way to cash a check. There was to be very good if the weath- a paper tucked under my windshield, like a flyer or er keeps on this way. I know some ad, but I didn’t bother to stop and get it as I was because I rushed to get it going to the bank and I’d take it out then. I finished mowed a couple of days ago, my banking and got back in the car, but I would but I had to stop in a pour- have forgotten if I hadn’t seen the paper still waving ing rain. It could have been under the windshield. This time I was smart and took done in about five or six minutes but the weather was- it out of the windshield and began to read: MICHI- n’t in a good mood for lawn mowing. GAN CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT, so I went back It was a very busy week this past week. Except Friday, to the Police Department and I explained to them that there was not much time to do any gardening as I didn’t see a sign, it something was bubbling every day, and I enjoyed was too small, it was- every one of the days-well, there was one day—it n’t blue enough, it was wasn’t a bad day, but I suppose I should tell you too close, it was too far about it. I have a couple of nephews and one niece that away, it wasn’t the used to live in Chicago with their parents, so we all right color blue, knew each other rather well and when we all came it was too high, together we had a great time, especially as they lived it was fifteen in the city and we lived on a farm. Of course the dollars. You children grew up and the parents grew older so we know, these didn’t visit each other much, but for the years we had police officers a boat on Lake Michigan and they had a cottage in are a stubborn Frankfort on a lake, so we always stopped and visit- lot! June 22, 2000 Page 63

872-4000 FAX (219) 872-4182 Specializing in Distinctive Properties MERRION & ASSOCIATES REALTORS, INC. Indiana and Michigan 707 Washington St. ¥ Michigan City, IN 46360

ESCAPE TO THE UNOBSTRUCTED lake views from WHAT CAN WE SAY to make you come see this beautiful the deck and the great room of this rustic home with vaulted home on acreage in Dune Country! Stunning privacy! ceilings and cozy fireplace. Five bedrooms, three baths Rolling, wooded setting! Exquisite four bedroom, four and a large recreation room provide plenty of room for family bath ranch just minutes from New Buffalo! $349,000 and friends. Call Bonnie “B” Meyer.

LAKE MICHIGAN is your view from this 2,700 sq. ft., CONTEMPORARY BEACH COTTAGE in exclusive 1 1 four bedroom, 2 ⁄2 bath contemporary home right across the Beachwalk development has 3 bedrooms, 2 ⁄2 baths, 4 decks, street from the beach! Private master suite has its own lake low Indiana taxes, and access to Lake Michigan, Lake Kai, view deck! $495,000 and all that Beachwalk has to offer. Call Fran! $314,000

LOOK FOR US ON THE INTERNET! • www.merrionandassoc.com

Ed Merrion, CRS, GRI Bonnie Meyer, GRI Jim McGah, Broker Associate John Hayes Harriett Ostermeier, GRI Debbie Mengel Debbie Burke Liv Markle, CRS, GRI Fran Merrion, GRI Kelly Foley Bill Staples Gail Santoro Jeffrey Gondeck Page 64 June 22, 2000 7 LONG BEACH REALTY ON LAKE MICHIGAN SINCE 1920 T 1401 Lake Shore Drive 3100 Lake Shore Drive (219) 874-5209 (219) 872-1432 Phyllis T. Waters CRB, CRS, GRI Broker/Owner www.longbeachrealty.net AT THE SIGN OF THE SAILBOAT

BEGUILING NEW CONTEMPORARY in quiet rural area of Galena Meadows. Spacious family room with vaulted ceilings, columns, fireplace. Formal dining room. Huge kitchen with breakfast area, built in shelves, desk. Three bedrooms include master suite with tray ceilings. Full basement, double garage. $224,900 MODEL OPEN EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1-3 P.M. 1 Stanton Court, on 1000 North, 2 miles east on Hwy. 39, Mike’s Country Store Corner. DO COME!!

SHIMMERING LAKE MICHIGAN VIEWS from fascinating waterfront contemporary IN QUIET LAKESIDE VILLAGE of Michiana Shores. Crisp, like-new cottage with high ceilings, with walls of glass overlooking private sandy beach. Great room opens to deck & glass hardwood & tile floors, wall of bookshelves for treasured collections. Sunny solarium off living room. enclosed year round hot tub. Huge master bedroom plus 3 additional bedrooms, 2 additional 3 bedrooms include large studio or dormitory. Fireplace, skylights, stained glass windows, separate 1 $ $ baths. Oak floor, skylights, decks, patios. 2 ⁄2 car garage. 849,000 laundry room. 2 car garage on large lot. Just a pleasant walk to the beach. 198,000

SERENE WATERFRONT VIEWS of Lake Claire from airy & bright con- SPARKLING WATER VIEWS from nostalgic Long Beach cottage on high dominium in The Shores. Fireplace in living room. Large screened porch with dune opposite Lake Michigan. Built in bookshelves and fireplace in living southern exposure expands entertainment space. Private deck off window room. Scalloped pine paneling in dining room. Laundry off kitchen. 3 bedrooms walled study. 2 double sized bedrooms upstairs include master suite. Oversized are upstairs, 2 with lake views. Partial lot at rear furnishes great parking area. double garage has generous storage areas. MOVE IN TODAY! $173,900 $279,900

Douglas Waters, Broker* June Livinghouse, Broker Associate, GRI* 800-957-1248 Rosemary Braun Beverly Bullis, CRS, GRI* 800-518-6149 Bill McNew Yvonne Beckwith Sylvia Hook, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI* 800-518-5778 Katie Warren 800-518-8029 Bobbie Cavic 888-565-1822 Janet Greenwald, Broker Associate, GRI* Grace Weik 888-565-2923 Tom Weaver Marge Pecen, CRS, GRI 800-518-4159 [email protected] *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan