PRSRT STD U.S. 3267$*( 3$,' The Roundup ECRWSS Postal Customer Phone (406) 433-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV E-mail address: /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ P.O. Box 1207
[email protected] 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Volume 47 • Number 21 New Ribfest Performer Wynonna Judd Announced Scan me to save & for Aug. 13 in Watford City VKDUHWKLVZHHN·VLVVXH By Anna Dragseth This year the annual Best of the West Ribfest and Street Fair is bringing Wynonna Judd to Watford City. Parmalee was originally scheduled to perform at the Ribfest but recently cancelled. The free concert will be held at 6 p.m., Friday, Aug.13 on Main Street, Watford City. “She is the greatest female country singer since Patsy Cline,” according to Rolling Stone Magazine. To date, Wynonna has sold over 30-million albums worldwide and is one of the most widely recognized and awarded female country singers of the 1990s. According to, she rose to fame in the 1980s with her mother, Naomi, in the country music duo ”The Judds.” The group received over 60 industry awards, with countless FKDUWLQJVLQJOHVLQFOXGLQJ1RKLWVVXFKDV´0DPD+H·V &UD]\µ´:K\1RWPHµDQG´*UDQGSD 7HOO0H¶%RXW7KH Good Ole Days).” Since 1991, Wynonna pursued her solo career, where she released eight studio albums, a live album, a holiday album, and two compilation albums, in addition to more than VLQJOHV +HU ÀUVW WKUHH VLQJOHV ZHUH ´6KH ,V +LV 2QO\ 1HHGµ´,6DZWKH/LJKWµDQG´1R2QH(OVHRQ(DUWKµ$OO three reached number one on the US country singles charts FRQVHFXWLYHO\DQG´7R%H/RYHGE\<RXµDOVRKLWQXPEHURQH in 1996, her fourth number one and top ten hit.