by Robert H. Schaible, Ph.D.

The Genetic Correction ofHealth Problems

The following arlicle df!scribes a lell-year research study by Dr. R,merl H. Schaible into a .'erious genelic de/eel ill Da/malialls. It sels Jorth Ihe basis for his requesl for registralioll of two Ii'ler males, a and a hilch. These puppies are the fiflh /leneralioll offspring ofa Dalmalian-Poilller bruding. Afive-gelleralioll pedi­ greeJor Ihese j'hows all regislered Dalmatians excepl for one ofIhe 32 allcestors illlhefiJlh generalioll which is a Poilller. Allhe February 10, 1981, mUling of the Board oj Directors of lhe American K.nnel Club, Dr. Schaible's requesljor registralion wo. approved and Ihe dog and bilch will be It/liSlerrd as DalllUJ· lions. IfIhere I.a logical, sdemitit' way /(J corteell/ellefif' heallh prob­ lems anocialed wilh cerlaill ,rail. and sliII preserve Ihe ill­ legrity of Ihe breed siandord, il Is Ineumbefll upon Ih. Amertccl/l Keflflel Club to lead Ihe way. -Willi"m F. Stifcl President, Amerieall Kenllel Club ~nd Iriet ~~ h: lion fQr certum truit, dc­ .crs f Ih' Duch!>hulld, Ba :-ct Iiound 'ItiltlbJ- .. K -1'1 tl'J3S) .lh nd Ih.tl ,cribcd in brc~d !ol,mdar' breed ecau c tho'>" i1T ed unl­ Ilw iln;""Il~' )1' IIjkl,~wr~\:d Whit.: h:ur Ii! ft rml ' hav' h rt I g~, The genetic ludic, S\jll nIl rcwllcd ill Jli IklOg all an- Dalmali itHy!'c 'put'> w", ' '~\-lllf,'d \\ ItI a imal:> of abreed homo? gouo, for agene that c ndueled by 51 ckard (194 I) indicated ctcfl;TI in the rnl?tabl)lj~m of un' .lud, llll{ t i' :l,,()ciatcd with health fohlcm,' Wll rh' m difyin) gcn Ilsiblc for Ihe !luly in lh· I. ;lhnati' II breed, htH tilth lit types Ilf (IS lltltllions will l C C011sidcr'd ,Inii ht nin of achl1nd apJastic I £1> could "pril rl!<,lIltiilP fllml f).lIrll;,llian (' llll\' II, b U 'Cllinul tcd by clc~tion, Cr '> C~ here: (tJTh' h' lIb prohlem t1f,uklil i nal f bndh l)~ill' b,wh 'w'> Cill' purehl1.'d I .tll ,I h~~ct cftech of Ihe g llC .",,;p It j Ie fOl Ih d '. Hound and errnl1n 'hcphcrdt- pro­ (tim,. In Ih.: fr.'nl'lind'l' III fhc; bm.kcm~, f traiL (2) 'cone! gt>nc which i~ rc· ducceJ 0)'0 ld, that were lfllcrmct.lialc in Ie pmgen " tntcr,pt r,.:d \vhlk h:tir~ III D.llma 'iponsible for III ' h alttl probkrm blink d l'nglh, The Ilyb id were IOler-cro 1>CU to tiall-L;pl.', pot~ were a.. .,()(:i:Il~·J with nOfllhd In (loc;tt d nC..lrby on tlll; 'um' chr l11lJ~OJllc) produce he 1·2 cnc arion whi h approxi­ m~,taboli~n of mi' add III 1971 ill rl197., malely 25 had Ie s of normal I -ngtlt lulhc 'cl1e re pon. Hie for the dC1>ir 'd trail, I I pcaicJ frililbJ' 'Kn:! 'r.;' 'Itl....t''I 'lI1d (homol.ygOUl\ lor the n (mal allele), O,r It if> iJRpoS iblc to di<;tin ui, h ctwccn th ' fund that Ih ~ilJTlC W.'lll 'jaB In... g'liI:I,I!ly, had Il.:g .. of intc In r zy­ two types f,,~ ·talion in purc brc~d<;, Toc 'dtalC length (hel bUI l1ilt ;llw,IY~, ll('CUITC.! !11 the; t ut'kno ,ot sj and 25 ' hOld short lc ',> (h }mOL :gou .. desircd brc d tnlit is nlwu. s pr<;.~cn(. Ilu" [11\)),len). Ikt;w",,: thl' 'omrn"llloll 1'1' thl' for acnondtopla if!) _ The Ie wcr' .. J !hl'nt J" I\() oppoftunit r health probkms l'li.l£\ of ('rdlit:<. .1Ild I)a!lll,lli:m, hfl'n'd 'Il cwoked in s me of the :.horl-!egg'd am­ dt:t'rmmcd by ,I sc ond cnc t~) ocelli !lllt\:h II W:.\' [111·,0,11111' lilld ,,;\II;HI\11l in lilt.! Illal that the) were crippled, pp ..m.:fHly, with(lllt the desired trait, CVCIl If the <;. ond (' lah 1I11)!ht hoWl' bud ,Ill dkct 1I11h~' di,tll the ml) ifY10g g 'n'~ wcr' n01 ng 'r Ilrc\,cnt gt't1e clI.iswd, 'rns!.cs to ore 'ct, which d hUlitl1l of wlillt' h.l/l\ wltllllllh.. D,I!m;tti ot the had-,ll' '.. , pru, ~l'll\ nil.: tit11l in lhe F gcnt:ratiot} l<' Ix effective In It'Hl' arc ·qlllfCI.! to di IIf\.gui:-h belw 'en lh ' 2 . 111ic W' <. 1101 {he hl.:~{ 'lIllie' ul breed 1\1 typc~ l~ :-traighl 'ning th\,' chfJndropJn~li I'gs, Two two f 0 iUlion, 1I~0 in ~'l.'n\;tt~' dll,i/ ~h ~ondusI(1n 'nil bt.: d awn from lhe brccdlO ' In II}, ~ i47t,. II 'r~'all:d Ih~ hrn.' lmgc\· Two e ample, of brc·j t aill> tllal hav~' c refunen£:,: (I 'he. -rmso iati n h (If Ifi lito!>' mll.h!lcl~ in Ihe t rcc Ilfl/:! of l.'f­ iinf( uri,' ..... id lllC:li1hnlt"Il1IS 'h,!ibk 1'11(1) liuk Jrllcocal importllnce bccau<,('" '!cellon m,lO Shepherd .. , (2) Sclccli II for Thl.· hyhrnJ llff pI III 1 had !l,mn;d IIII'Wb\, bu'- appll 'nlly b 'en ~ucl:c:-<,rul in dinunal InOJlt mg gClll.'s il1 3, I H ulllhhad wen Ii. flt or 1I1 ic a 'id .Ill Im,dl It 'k "p,Jt~ '1111­ 109 h' heliith IJ nl'>l 'Ill~, ut in the ~eQnd a !lU ·,~~ .. ful m~'an of COl celing the health I;lillj[l~! inh.:r..p<.'! "cd \\ hilt: lhll(~ ITI!: ll. t:'Aull1pl " [ allll,ttiao-typ' "'1' llin, ekc­ proDlcm ... (nippling) ,10, .. J(:iatcd \\ it!t .1 II \'th 'II rill! h 'hral ;n lln~d .. wt:r' h' d.er l....cd ,ion tll~ llot h' 'n 'l'fcctive, Ilnwin!! th'lt nmdropla ia, III l)almati,Ul:-. It IJl' til, 'II \llhpllli~' the health pm len. art' attrihutable to: _,"C­ ! IlL'Uri ' Ill,' \.·X]I ','l·"d 50'. I had lI1>flllal HIe ond ' 'I1C in lil ' lallcr ' nl1lpk, provid :,' the {'rill Dahnntian-lypc Spoltin/, ry 1;I!ilJlbll lit' uric,an I HUI ,,11 {hI: It' \ nc ba"l~ for olfr 'rl'nl .lpproaches to tl1 • g 'l1cll-= Stunr.; alld Ilives e cepfllllls Ul fti'llhk x Kl'dl'}'~ l,h"CIV.1 corm:tiolt\ II lht: problem. ~ r~lll. l)all11l.: for llll' ",'kd ill til it: ;\l'ld 11ll'lablll. l~) Ih: atl';;f1I'C III Ill! 'I"pe;r... , j willIe .I(W/lt/-veur I/It.'dind ,(/((1<'11(,\, 1\ gradllll(1' ::.pol.. ~ctlm ' fully f igm~ntcd, Fe\~, it an>'. hlli , In Dahn,t!l;m I 'i'lr ~P"h i., 11lJ' 'He ·t ;j .<: ",'ne. (.\) rhe I, '.,liOll' ~po i-. ; Idl.:llfl· alntO<'\ .III oj the '\-hll' /lILljon,r/ lrI 1('1/('11('.\, /limo/I'd ill (/1111/1(11 (llll'l hI!' h\J11l gVllt'" ;jf(- dlht' (0..' ·til 'lOll III ' haUl< uf Ih' hlrth c al lox:a( 'd \\ Jlhm tht brt'cdill~ (lIId l't'rwIJf'(/t(' l'mbn(l/t gl, 'hIll It chI <1 nlO\11 IH '\'-'!ll\dy lillh.c.l) [.ll Ah ~rob are r 'pitt· 'd with pi ~mcntcd hall'> 1 h, p­ (/lla (hlll'CfSlt - rllld, PU(1!' (0 1".\ {It('\('I/l 111 "P ltting ,Ire /l{,th b 'Ii ·v·d 10 b..: d -II.:I n incd " pt.'lwd tu Ill' 1'1 'Wlll \\ illl rht' ~ 'Ill.' ',ll all l'(l/flllttenf. A,l.\I.Hant Pro i',l '01' {(J II/(' hy Ih' ~lrn ~cnl' (LInl', IlJSh The !td~ , fl'" III tnl 'j,p 'I\'! •.... iJil' h'llI\ III tilt' If,,,,f'18), f)r.','tlrlll1 '/If. 11I(ltrUlfl {'IJII" r.\ltv hpot'-. ot t Iher hn: ' '" dil tcr from Dalntatml!' prim;:r:.: II' 'nit, I III hrt: ·d..\~ .. ,,­ PurdWJ (lml' 'f\tf\ (If IJldilllwpnli.\, HI' hal I ; th' type. srOllln:' III Ih"llh' ~,Ob ;lft~ ~malh:1 a/w/alll//ll ('falllan'M dica/ (it'//('(Ir'." 1/1 !i'li LOr ;11.... 'Ol.·t' Ijf iot T\1i '1, '.1 whtl . lI,tit\ ~lnd haVe whllc httlf!> IIltcr"p0P. d thwul!h­ Purdue UJl/VCI'I!l", wiler JIi' htl\ WI adlllllet I1l:U 1<: the r""pon"hk gene hOTlHI/ >i~0l1" III UUt. Appar ntl}, the \\hue hall·.. oftht: birlh I aPI Ol/llltwm In tlw Smali "ill/le. 111' i111 (l)t'fIIb~~r ... <\1' tile hrcnL llil.' "I'Ill' I ,r til . ('(Jat t.f Ihl' Ih'l hrt:cd.. arc 110t rcpla oed !ta.\ hl'l'll a hr(!l!d"rlllld nJlI(mor (If [la/m<1' lIri' :, "d !ckcl wao, iliad '11(:1111) to.tJ· fL, with pi~1tI 'lll~d \lllt:. uunns the 1m m.lIlOn fum,l jor Illllt' ,war,1 lind n/hl' brCr'dl for hOIlII'1 '" II'> ;\' wi'll I • 'all,t' 01 t/\ dll'" I (Iva fhir(y ('an 01 thc :o.poh. lillf.,w" 1111 the ,alll' .:hr'llllt.:-il!lll:, Th' ( h(I\'t, II " I) /lvhnl hit. II Inlll (fOH uj I iI/' nltillt/' w"J rugll -h /'ollU r SIi,> 1\ tfu dl/Ill fll dIll{ (/ II. J' ie:, ~ I 11/1 dOl; I~(/ p((J(lllr<" Irom bell A ao~,\ of Ir hrid /till II W rl rt'~'I\tnl'rl Vnlnllllla,; 1I/11llz I ""r/TIu/ III ((I/>o{', m oJ /lrlC (Inti. Ii. I fir ""(/f'J:,,,,,.l,rrt' o/Ih, IlIIpplc'l (1/1 Ih.. Jp[ltJ\itr l'a~, .

fl llrth point i pel'ulatt fu( the C' 11'" (1ft' lik'ly K .c\ 'f ( (l)4O) utle mplcd (0 10 .•It ,r alma tial s that did fiul I , \' , til\; tlrie lIcid dckd m BriWln, It l7, I Ikl{)I.. b' 'at I: tI cir lIri a 'I 1 I 'vd m the unlit.: 1\ arplOxim.ttd flw sam' I III:I! 1 Illall Illll (how Dalol:1II:I0\ huvl' I en ttill d [() ha\,(' til' ty Ie: Illi val d kvd' 1\1 uri' ut'id in III' urin , nf lfltlmlt 1 t (1, criou. walt plob km.. ar' po'iitl\ 'I . corr 'Iat 'I \'ith llw hi It urit' a 'Id I' ch I ''iullinl' from h llIOI, til, ity nf til) 'Ill' for the J('\' t ill uri' a ill m tahoh ... m I'hc.. ~' tl Cil II illu' !L,rl11 t def { 1'(11 fIg J 1'IJ(lPV <10 111 iiI'< mIJnth.l. I'rt~ dJ"l'li b} (au,.,h till' ""0.11 /(J 1/ N';1 ft'Tt't! Olll f'rlt/ml lit' hlH IInrm(J! IJr ot> Ii m Jj 'uIi: /If III (Rill/II, Ft 11m, mUf" If} dof.:. ho....." h '\ " lhi' pUPllI bIll h hI'" 1 III fl\C' "Illfftl" llivo hu' IIrJ/fIlJI III I,dll Jr\TII tlJ '<'11 Illl/l f HI phlilln .\cll,/i"'/,1

. lilt Ih. Il

t .l.l' "t

tH I ar , Illl hill' tIn id rally tI the pI' po~t1ti(1n 01 [he th Dalmatiun.En~lbh P(nole to I'h Am nt;"ln K nneI Cluh fl:nlly h '.c ..1I(;h pl hey but it (m.. 10 I " heallh I w l'lTl . Kidney ~ton'~ CUJI b~ Dalmatial . J ~dccled lhc nnl ihut fll tht; \I. arrantcd when (I) all Il1CmbCI I I th f ul1d on autopsy f ~OlH' l1)JTl\ltian~ hat landaI'd th • be.,l (Hg. 2) ant.! bat;k ro~ cd ) cd an: humor)' (IUS 0 ' , 0 that I r<. 'lr' upparently It 'uUh throu~h )ut thclr hllntoarcglMef'd alm:Jlwn. rIft}' p recnt IIve~, A great hind 'r:111 clefI' eli e ~clc • orlh~re"ultin pUpplCl> had normal mctabo­ ponslhk for h '. !th problem.. amI 'ontrtb tWIl I lhat rclativd~' lat omct (If b 1th di fi~nl 0 uric acid and consi3tcntly ha Dal­ ut nnth," dt:<;trabk- to Ih 'a hic\'t m nr of ~t,lOdar \l1 ell'>c, 11\ Iho animal~ th. tl1 t m~ I not d( '\0 unul alt r on year tioue M lWO more •'ncrallOn . through alleh: II th ' dclcdi g n' 1010 the br d tn~ Ill' a , " Brcedcr~ ar r 'Iu Idnl to I' !TIt btlckcros.. fur. lllllially, D huatian ha nOl mal III ­ animal' from II 'ir b c'din, pro filill') nne' 'I he p chgrc of the pro t'fly of the urth t.lboh m () un a id '-"III ,III he pt( till nJ flOm J k r malin . od th r'for WIll th' hav\,; c!e<.'t '1.1 th 'ir best!.h \I. pro"'pcct backer ss, h w~ the Lngli h Pointer <\' (lne . drat 'd lh '01 t matumy, I h()~1 h til ' of the 2 , 1&4 nine Uvenmally. hOOloq '0\1 f1l rmd Dul th' breet! r, WhlJ ~a11J1 t brin' them­ rc indistin UI h.thl from O.llm,l­ IJIlItmo shlmld t produccd b th' hI' 'din) ~cl C~ til the de il-i n fCmc v" .If ket 'd ti ".,. Although 1 of lhe I puppi<,:\ wcr elf hdcrOl}'gol .. logether, h 'n homOl I C 10 ur I alllI' 'lnimall. from the br 'elllog progmm pat d in the litter produced hy the cr !> I' u n(lrmal Dalm, tian" bred Ill' ~, pI' bubly coulll J lake tha d 'ci.. ion if pup­ Dalmatian and En Ii h Pinter (.j ,I cc rent pur -breu t all of the I Upplt:' \I. II I Illl pi', that cr'lIke! to de el p .. mpl m ~teh 011 !>idc f head in ludin~ car), the have normal • i:taboli.. m and r quire l: ult! t '0 'nlilled i) week of age prop tnon of atching deer a~ d tl.1) f I tc, ling.. !th u 'h Ihere I!> n\..l melbo kn wn for puppi' b 'in patched In Ihe littt:f r' ultin rt i unlike!} that tn' n' for Ihe un", identIfying all I almallao uppi'" llltl! will fr 01 h, "kero., four. 1 he lalter !rcqucnc_' f a 'id det 't will c 'r be pur cd ompl td_ , cotunll ' d'vclop yrnpwm, uf trInarv patchin~ I well Hhin lh ' normal ran c f r front the Dalm two hr cd \ cn i III ~ 'in nly do tlvd illlfllc Ill'dlO prn'I..lJl1 (hut \ II.! ;\j aver gc. wllh n lrm,t\ m taboli'm for or eUlIlg ha\~ low If f lhe ,t:k Ion f puppic~ thnt Will not Th· Ante: I an ennd 'Iub I' c n..ida­ Proj! °ny te 1m \\Quld {( b<.' t'ntpk1.'C h:vd0l' ~ 1111l[{11Tl!>, ";ueh purplC .. l:lluld l ' in!! I' islratlOn 1 Ih' d '.JOd bill:h ,htl\\.. I 10 del ct aITIcr of thl uri ,rId ocker in produ 'cd and IdcnlilJ 'd If the tlllflll.tl 't'ne In Fi ..... and -+ '0 tha brt:edl \"tll hac an til' "<1m II ann '1'. i.. I' qUfic 110 dimmalt' i111) und ~i\c ~cnc I r '~I on'lbl . I r Ott llthoh' I elf lIrll' at:ld III ppOftUlllly 10 ~c1e I for DJlm,lljan, hat oth'r ,ir.tbl' r 'cc.. (R [in~ ,lll,lotOlt\ toulll (' lIb~[lt\lt -0 Of It!. uekc have IIllflnal met.tbo\t,m 11f um. a 'ld, 0iv 'n bm.l}J1 flH.. ). ,imply "de normal tlv alll'le in ... , ow millvil\lI:lb of til I :tlm' that I 'gi. lI:r 'd l uhmillull\ h.wlIl' normal d lor brl;t'din,' v. ith\iut pI' II! 'n ' I •..IIlIi! mo~t tiut! {II 'Cll. I hiS b 11m lI.no /I to h' po ,­ uric .1 'id met.d nil 01 h 'cnOl' :1\ r' that J)f1ll11atian puppi­ hi" th ') l\1:ty have 10 Ix; prll . 'n In the ,howrltl ' would /:l ITl" l.f t.!'rmatlli ... and urin II t'al, '{ h ' I wdUdln1l of 'i pUppll" huvin nor I 'lore the 11IaJ( I'll) ol11lt'l'der will bc inter 'ull 1 hal W Hlld h ' a ddlOll ' IlIlprovcmefll rrltll (I cltlOllltsm 01 UrIC acid od »bSt'lI 'I; of l"l<.·rt inlh 'm. I hnve hn:n ~hflWlll ' Jo~' for in til breed ~pcr ~h illtt'! t'l whil halO; 111 the D.dl11:1tial1 ,n "C4 > and \ III w f ahnati"n., \\ Itb t, Pc 'I III In the hacker' ~"Il' ·Xpt.'!illl'lIt,. llO f11'1! Ullt' acid m'tabolt m JI r' ,j Ifallon d 'mon"llill 'd that IllI: 'l'/I f( f tllc d 'I ' t 1fI ( I [h'm 1\, rant 'd Stud \ 'Ivi 'I; .1110 I'lr<:e I­ lIlIt· Jelt! n1l'tnholi'nl \\'a' I/I)t I 'qUlfed If i[l!' II I.. willi . il arl"hl' to other hr 'l'dcr­

,lchlCli 'lilt' ! ollln 1 P:jlh:fll Jc"rtO .<1 in till' ;I( th . u'ual pn col fl'!!1 Icrcd Ihlm,llian, ,t.,"dar I. Fur h 'Illlorc, h nortn,t1 ,til k­ Man' bte'der.. , \l.ho dl • tonI; 'rlll:d a~"lut tor I11l'tdb"h, 111 01 une "cit.! III allanlntn Ihe health pwbl'l1l 'n 11.lll11a[[an" hav' af­ \ . lUld t"ilOlln,11 Ihe l'rl','aknl Itll m 01 del­ reaJy <1fkr' .1"1 (an't: 10 the hacker matu, '<,"d Ihu.. faulllale alWlO1n 'nl ot lh~ hn:cdmg pr gl;tm C\' nIh 1U h th' U Cl. I ' cval that ll> d 'S nbcd in th '\ 1'10£1 It til ' 1'I It r' _i te 'd, II r', I'.trall n IS rantl;t!. I ..t.1I1 lard CUI1"tlll oem' C{lU IJ red h th· am ,urc that :t nUlllbl,:r I h m will rc 'd I .llnWII.111 ~Illh 01 Am l'\~a. I h\: plOre'''C ... how wlIlOtnc f.)alf1l"tl