H1238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 10, 2010 collections to the Trustee Sys- roles in the Camarena murder, including The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tem Fund, and increase bankruptcy filing fees. former high ranking Mexican Government objection to the request of the gen- All of this would lead to a better and more effi- officials, cartel drug lords, lieutenants, and tleman from Tennessee? soldiers; cient bankruptcy judicial system. There was no objection. Whereas of the 22 individuals indicted in Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- My state of Georgia has the third highest , 8 have been convicted and are personal bankruptcy rate in the nation. Ac- imprisoned in the United States, 6 have been self such time as I may consume. cording to the National Bankruptcy Research incarcerated in and considered fugi- Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 1115 Center, Georgia’s federal bankruptcy courts tives as a result of outstanding warrants in expresses appreciation for the profound handled 66,925 filings during the first 11 the United States, 4 are believed deceased, 1 dedication and public service of months of 2009. This was 22 percent higher was acquitted at trial, and 3 remain fugitives Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena on the 25th than the same period of 2008. This resolution believed to be residing in Mexico; anniversary of his passing. will give the bankruptcy judicial system the re- Whereas an additional 25 individuals were On , 1985, Special Agent arrested, convicted, and imprisoned in Mex- Enrique Camarena, known to his sources necessary to review cases in a thor- ico for their involvement in the Camarena ough yet timely manner, and turn the hectic murder; friends as Kiki, left the American con- bankruptcy process into a much more man- Whereas the men and women of the DEA sulate in to meet his wife, ageable one. I urge my colleagues to join me will continue to seek justice for the murder Mika, for lunch. As Kiki walked to his in support of this legislation, and vote in the of Special Agent Camarena; truck, he was approached by five men affirmative for H.R. 4506, the Bankruptcy Whereas fugitives Guillermo Chavez- who kidnapped him and sped away. He Judgeship Act of 2010. Sanchez and Ricardo Chavez-Sanchez are was found dead on March 5, 1985, after Mr. COHEN. I yield back the balance still wanted as hostile material witnesses in being tortured and brutally beaten by of my time. Los Angeles, ; his captors. Kiki was 37 years of age— The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas during his 11-year career with the DEA, Special Agent Camarena received 2 survived by his wife and three children, question is on the motion offered by Sustained Superior Performance Awards, a Enrique, Daniel, and Erik. the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Special Achievement Award and, post- During his 11 years with the DEA, COHEN) that the House suspend the humously, the Administrator’s Award of Kiki received two Sustained Superior rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4506, as Honor, the highest award granted by DEA; Performance Awards and a Special amended. Whereas prior to joining the DEA, Special Achievement Award as well. He also re- The question was taken. Agent Camarena served 2 years in the U.S. ceived posthumously the Administra- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Marine Corps, as well as serving as a fireman tor’s Award of Honor, the highest opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being in Calexico, a police investigator, and a nar- award granted by the Drug Enforce- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. cotics investigator for the Imperial County Sheriff Coroner; ment Agency. Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, on that, I Whereas Red Ribbon Week, nationally rec- Mr. Camarena was born on July 26, demand the yeas and nays. ognized since 1988 and now the oldest and 1947, in , Mexico. He graduated The yeas and nays were ordered. largest drug prevention program in the Na- from Calexico High School in Calexico, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tion, reaching millions of young people each California, in 1966. In 1968, he joined ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the year and celebrated annually from October the U.S. Marine Corps, and after serv- Chair’s prior announcement, further 23 to 31, was established to help preserve ing 2 years, he joined the Calexico Po- proceedings on this motion will be Special Agent Camarena’s memory and fur- lice Department as a criminal investi- postponed. ther the cause for which he gave his life, the fight against drug crime and addiction; and gator in 1970. f Whereas Special Agent Camarena will be In May 1973, he started working as a EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR remembered as an honorable public servant, narcotics investigator with the El ENRIQUE ‘‘KIKI’’ CAMARENA his sacrifice should also be a reminder every Centro Police Department. He stayed October during Red Ribbon Week of the dan- there until 1974, when he joined the Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I move to gers associated with drug use and traf- DEA. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- ficking: Now, therefore, be it His first assignment as a special lution (H. Res. 1115) expressing appre- Resolved, That the House of Representa- agent with DEA was in Calexico, Cali- ciation for the profound dedication and tives— fornia. In 1977, he was reassigned to the (1) expresses appreciation for the profound public service of Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Fresno district office in northern Cali- Camarena on the 25th anniversary of dedication and public service of Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena on the 25th anniversary of fornia. After working in the Fresno of- his death. fice, he was later assigned to the Gua- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- his death; (2) offers its deepest sympathy and appre- dalajara, Mexico, DEA office for 41⁄2 tion. ciation to his wife, Geneva, his three chil- years and worked undercover on the The text of the resolution is as dren, Enrique, Daniel, and Erik, and to the trail of the country’s biggest mari- follows: entire family, friends, and former colleagues juana and cocaine traffickers. Before H. RES. 1115 of the Drug Enforcement Administration; being kidnapped, Kiki was extremely Whereas in , Drug Enforcement (3) encourages communities and organiza- tions throughout the United States to com- close to unlocking a multibillion-dollar Administration (DEA) Special Agent Enrique drug pipeline. ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena made the ultimate sac- memorate the sacrifice of Special Agent rifice in the fight against illicit drugs; Camarena through the promotion of drug- Officer Camarena gave his life in the Whereas Special Agent Camarena, an 11- free communities and participation in drug fight against drug traffickers, and after year veteran special agent of the DEA, was prevention activities to support healthy, his death, many people wanted to do kidnapped, tortured, and murdered in the productive, and drug-free lifestyles; and something to remember the ultimate line of duty; (4) directs the Clerk of the House to trans- sacrifice he made. Soon after his death, Whereas Special Agent Camarena joined mit a copy of this resolution to the family of people everywhere started wearing red Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena. the DEA in June 1974 as an agent with the ribbons to symbolize their commit- Calexico, California, District Office; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ment to help reduce the demand for Whereas Special Agent Camarena was as- ant to the rule, the gentleman from drugs in their communities. The act of signed to the Fresno District Office in Sep- Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) and the gen- tember 1977, and transferred to the Guadala- wearing red ribbons took on national tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) each will jara Resident Office in ; significance and grew into what is now Whereas, on February 7, 1985, when leaving control 20 minutes. known as the Red Ribbon Campaign. the Guadalajara Resident Office to join his The Chair recognizes the gentleman During Red Ribbon Week, Kiki is re- wife Geneva for lunch, Special Agent from Tennessee. membered as a man who wanted to Camarena was surrounded by 5 armed men, GENERAL LEAVE make a difference in the war on drugs, forced into a vehicle and taken away; Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- and his legacy still lives on. Whereas the body of Special Agent imous consent that all Members may In honor of ’s legacy Camarena was discovered on March 5, 1985, on a ranch approximately 60 miles southeast have 5 legislative days in which to re- and in recognition of the 25th anniver- of Guadalajara, Mexico; vise and extend their remarks and in- sary of his death, I urge my colleagues Whereas to date, 22 individuals have been clude extraneous material on the reso- to join me in supporting H. Res. 1115. indicted in Los Angeles, California, for their lution under consideration. I reserve the balance of my time.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:55 Mar 11, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MR7.039 H10MRPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE March 10, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1239 Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I thank this family for sharing with our Today, Agent Camarena is perhaps yield myself such time as I may con- country a man who truly is an Amer- the best-known hero of the war on sume. ican hero. drugs, and his story continues to in- Mr. Speaker, it is with a heavy heart To the individuals who continue to spire millions of Americans to lead that I rise in support of H. Res. 1115, pursue those who abducted and tor- drug-free lives. In fact, shortly after honoring the legacy of Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ tured and murdered Special Agent his death, Camarena Clubs were Camarena on the 25th anniversary of Camarena, we thank them, we support launched throughout southern Cali- his murder. them, and we have committed to those fornia. Hundreds of club members wore Words are not sufficient to express individuals that we will not rest until red ribbons and pledged to lead drug- the debt that our country owes to Spe- the perpetrators are brought to justice free lives in honor of Agent Camarena cial Agent Camarena and to his family. and tried for their evil deeds. and others who gave their lives for the His life of selfless service, courage of To our Nation’s law enforcement offi- same purpose. In 1985, club members conviction, and dedication to pro- cers, we thank them for risking their presented a proclamation to First Lady tecting the American people will be re- lives each day to protect our lives and Nancy Reagan which brought the club membered in our hearts and minds for- the lives of our loved ones. Their sac- national recognition, and ultimately ever. rifices and the sacrifices of their fami- prompted thousands of schools, com- Twenty-five years ago, Agent lies shall always be remembered. munities, and States to recognize Red Camarena gave his life in the line of Across our Nation, there are countless Ribbon Week, now celebrated during duty after he was abducted. He was tor- stories of men and women who have the last week of October. tured and eventually was murdered. given their time, their resources, and b 1200 Agent Camarena was working under- their lives to protect and defend Amer- cover as a DEA special agent gaining ica. So on this anniversary of Agent valuable intelligence and evidence Although we each have only one life Camarena’s death, let us take time to against Mexican drug cartels when he to live, Special Agent Kiki Camarena honor the contribution and profound was kidnapped in broad daylight on a has shown us the difference that one dedication and public service of street in Guadalajara, Mexico. It is be- individual can make. Although we re- Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena on the 25th lieved that he was tortured for around member Special Agent Camarena’s anniversary of his death. 2 days, and eventually he was bludg- tragic death today, I am encouraged by I would like to offer my deepest sym- eoned to death. his life and the lives of so many who pathy and appreciation to his wife, Ge- We honor his life, we mourn his have dedicated themselves to public neva, and his three children—Enrique, death, and we renew our commitment service. Without the sacrifices of these who is a prosecutor, Daniel and Erik— to ensure that his legacy is never for- brave men and women, America would and the entire family, friends, and gotten. not be what we are today. I urge my former colleagues at the Drug Enforce- When asked why he wanted to be a colleagues to support this resolution. ment Administration. DEA agent, Special Agent Camarena I reserve the balance of my time. It is important that we focus on se- replied, ‘‘Even if I am only one person, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without curing and enforcing our southern bor- I can make a difference.’’ Thousands of objection, the gentleman from Georgia der so that these past sacrifices and fu- individuals across our Nation can at- (Mr. JOHNSON) will control the time. ture endeavors by those in the DEA are test to the difference he has made in There was no objection. not in vain. Mr. Speaker, we in San their lives. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Diego are honored to be home to this Every day and every night, law en- er, I reserve the balance of my time. legacy of ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena and his forcement officers across this Nation Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I family. go to work aware of the dangers they yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- face. These brave men and brave California (Mr. HUNTER), the sponsor of er, I yield back the balance of my time. women put their lives at risk so the this legislation. Mr. POE of Texas. I yield myself such rest of us can sleep better at night and Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I thank time as I may consume. live safer lives. As we go about our the gentleman from Texas, a great Mr. Speaker, the special agents that daily lives, as we sleep in the safety of prosecutor and judge in his own right. work in the Drug Enforcement Admin- our homes, these individuals fight Mr. Speaker, we are all familiar with istration, the DEA, are special agents against the violence that threatens our the dangerous duties undertaken by indeed. Many times they work alone, neighborhoods, our communities, and the men and women of the Drug En- they work deep undercover, they work our loved ones. And much of that vio- forcement Administration. Oftentimes, not only in the United States, but in lence is drug related. their accomplishments go unnoticed, foreign countries, and they work for I stand before the House today with but these agents continue making sig- the sole purpose of trying to capture heartfelt gratitude for every law en- nificant contributions to the seemingly those outlaws who are in the drug busi- forcement officer who serves the com- unending effort to protect our commu- ness, who, in the name of money, try to munities throughout this country, and nities from drug crime and addiction. sell their wares and profit on that ille- especially for those who have given This is a responsibility that DEA gal enterprise. They are an inter- their lives in the line of duty for the agent Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena took national crime cartel syndicate. Our rest of us. seriously over the course of his career DEA agents do a wonderful job. We As we take a moment to pause and in law enforcement. It was 25 years ago sometimes forget the work that they reflect on the heroic life and tragic this March that agent Camarena’s body do. This is just one of many who have death of this individual, the drug car- was discovered after he was kidnapped worked and dedicated their lives to tels continue. They continue to wage by armed men in front of the U.S. con- helping protect the rest of us. war on our borders and threaten the sulate in Guadalajara, Mexico. He had As my friend from California (Mr. safety of so many people, and they do been severely tortured by his captors. HUNTER) has pointed out, much of this so all in the name of money. Yet they More than two dozen people, including violence occurs on our borders because will soon come to learn that our pur- Mexican Government officials, cartel the drug cartels operate on inter- suit of justice will not waiver and it leaders, and associates were convicted national borders, on our border with will not weaken just because they con- for Agent Camarena’s murder. Still, his Mexico especially. Because the drug tinue their criminal enterprises north memory has not been forgotten. cartels, in the name of money, are very and south of our borders. The circumstances surrounding his violent, they are well armed, they are To the family of Special Agent death are a vivid reminder of the vio- well financed, and they will do any- Camarena, we share in their grief and lence and danger attributable to illegal thing in their relentless effort to bring we will ensure that his legacy lives on. drugs, whether it is directly along our drugs into the United States. We will relentlessly fight against the borders, in our neighborhoods, or with- We need to be aware that they have drug cartels and the border violence in the homes of families facing the committed a war against the United that they have caused. We want to struggles of addiction. States and all people who oppose their

VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:55 Mar 11, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10MR7.041 H10MRPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE H1240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 10, 2010 activities. And so it is quite appro- Drug Enforcement Administration earning him States Marshal Richard J. ‘‘Joe’’ Gardner, priate that today we honor and com- the distinguished Administrator’s Award of and the law enforcement officers who re- memorate the life of one of those spe- Honor. sponded to the attack prevented additional cial agents who gave his life trying to In , Mr. Camarena lost his life harm to innocent bystanders: Now, there- fore, be it protect us from the drug cartels. in the line of duty. I had the opportunity to at- Resolved, That the House of Representa- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I am a tend a memorial for Mr. Camarena and wit- tives— proud original cosponsor of H. Res. 1115. ness the impact his sacrifice made and hear (1) commends the brave actions and quick As my colleagues have explained, this reso- from some of the many lives he touched. I am thinking exhibited by Court Security Officer lution recognizes the life and public service of glad that twenty-five years after this tragedy, Stanley Cooper during the assault at the en- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Spe- his passion and spirit still live on. His commit- trance of the Lloyd D. George Federal Court- cial Agent Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena. ment to fighting drugs inspired millions of peo- house; On February 7, 1985, Special Agent (2) offers its deepest condolences to the ple around the world to live drug-free lives. family and friends of Court Security Officer Camarena was on his way to meet his wife for We must continue to honor this legacy by pro- Stanley Cooper, who valiantly gave his life lunch when he was kidnapped outside the moting drug-free communities and supporting in the line of duty; U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara, Mexico by five healthy drug-free lifestyles. (3) commends Deputy United States Mar- armed men. Again, I would like to express my apprecia- shal Richard J. ‘‘Joe’’ Gardner for his ac- Almost a month later, his body was discov- tion for the outstanding service Mr. Camarena tions and bravery in responding to the as- ered on a ranch nearly 50 miles away, brutally provided for this nation and offer my support sault; murdered by the same kind of violent drug and deepest condolences to his wife, children, (4) wishes Deputy United States Marshal traffickers he had dedicated his life to fighting. and to the entire family, friends, and former Richard J. ‘‘Joe’’ Gardner a speedy recovery from the wounds he sustained in the line of This month marks 25 years since that fateful colleagues at the Drug Enforcement Adminis- duty; and day. tration. (5) applauds the Court Security Officers As an 11-year veteran of the DEA, Special Mr. POE of Texas. With that, Mr. and members of the United States Marshals Agent Camarena received two Sustained Su- Speaker, I yield back the balance of Service and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police perior Performance Awards, a Special my time. Department for their brave and courageous Achievement Award and, posthumously, the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. actions in responding to the assault at the Administrator’s Award of Honor, the highest SALAZAR). The question is on the mo- Lloyd D. George Federal Courthouse. award granted by DEA. tion offered by the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Prior to joining the DEA, he served in the Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) that the House ant to the rule, the gentleman from U.S. Marine Corps, as a fireman, a police in- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON) and the gen- vestigator, and a narcotics investigator. lution, H. Res. 1115. tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) each will Special Agent Camarena was deeply com- The question was taken; and (two- control 20 minutes. mitted to public service throughout his life. thirds being in the affirmative) the The Chair recognizes the gentleman In honor of his memory, each October, thou- rules were suspended and the resolu- from Georgia. sands of schools, communities, and state and tion was agreed to. GENERAL LEAVE local drug abuse prevention organizations cel- A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- ebrate Red Ribbon Week. the table. er, I ask unanimous consent that all Further, the anniversary of Special Agent f Members have 5 legislative days to re- Camarena’s death reminds us of the impor- HONORING OFFICERS’ ACTIONS vise and extend their remarks and in- tance of continuing the close cooperation be- DURING LAS VEGAS COURT- clude extraneous material on the reso- tween the United States and Mexico in fighting HOUSE ASSAULT lution under consideration. the narcotraffickers. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The Me´rida Initiative, a partnership between Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- objection to the request of the gen- the Government of Mexico and the United er, I move to suspend the rules and tleman from Georgia? States, has been successful in presenting new agree to the resolution (H. Res. 1061) There was no objection. opportunities for expert collaboration on these honoring the heroic actions of Court Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- fronts. Security Officer Stanley Cooper, Dep- er, I yield myself such time as I may Through operations such as Operation Fire- uty United States Marshal Richard J. consume. wall and Operation Panama Express, the DEA ‘‘Joe’’ Gardner, the law enforcement Mr. Speaker, this resolution honors and Mexican law enforcement authorities are officers of the United States Marshals the heroic actions of Court Security dismantling drug cartels and seizing tons of il- Service and Las Vegas Metropolitan Officer Stanley Cooper, Deputy United legal drugs destined for America’s streets. Police Department, and the Court Se- States Marshal Richard J. ‘‘Joe’’ Gard- I am sure that Special Agent Camarena curity Officers in responding to the ner, the law enforcement officers of the would have been pleased to see how far we armed assault at the Lloyd D. George United States Marshal Service and Las have come. Federal Courthouse on January 4, 2010. Vegas Metropolitan Police Depart- Again, I am proud to be an original cospon- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ment, as well as the court security offi- sor of this important measure in honor of Spe- tion. cers involved in responding to the cial Agent Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena and his The text of the resolution is as fol- armed assault at the Lloyd D. George dedication to public service. lows: Federal Courthouse in Las Vegas, Ne- My most sincere thoughts and prayers are H. RES. 1061 vada, this past January 4, 2010. with his wife, Geneva, his sons Enrique, Dan- Whereas, on January 4, 2010, during an as- On January 4, 2010, a man entered the iel, and Erik, and his entire family. sault at the entrance of the Lloyd D. George lobby of the Lloyd D. George Federal I thank Congressman HUNTER for intro- Federal Courthouse in Las Vegas, Nevada, Courthouse, pulled a shotgun from un- ducing this important measure. Court Security Officer Stanley Cooper was derneath his jacket, and began firing Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, fatally wounded and died heroically in the indiscriminately from outside the secu- line of duty while protecting the employees, I rise today in strong support of House Reso- occupants, and visitors of the courthouse; rity area where visitors pass through lution 1115, which honors the profound dedi- Whereas Deputy United States Marshal the metal detectors. Through a swift cation and public service of Enrique ‘‘Kiki’’ Richard J. ‘‘Joe’’ Gardner was wounded in response, law enforcement officers Camarena on the 25th anniversary of his un- the line of duty while protecting the employ- were able to chase the gunman from timely death. ees, occupants, and visitors of the court- the courthouse and ultimately subdue Mr. Camarena led an exemplary life of serv- house; him. ice to his community and his nation. As a Whereas the Court Security Officers and Court security officers and members member of the Marine Corps, fire fighter, po- members of the United States Marshals of the United States Marshal Service Service and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Po- and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police lice officer, and DEA special agent, he dem- lice Department acted swiftly and bravely to onstrated an extreme passion for fighting subdue the gunman and minimize risk and Department acted bravely to subdue crime and eliminating drugs to ensure the injury to the public; and the gunman and minimize risk and in- safety and well-being of our communities. He Whereas the heroic actions of Court Secu- jury to the public. Without regard for led a commendable 11-year career at the rity Officer Stanley Cooper, Deputy United their own safety, they performed their

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