Minutes of the meeting of Bronwydd Council held at Bronwydd Village Hall Tuesday 25th March 2014 at 7.00 p.m

In the Chair - Cllr A. Roberts

Present: Cllr A. A. B. Conti, Cllr R.C. Carpenter, Cllr O.G. Evans, Cllr H. I. Jones, Cllr J Scarrott, Cllr P Giles, Cllr J. Homer & Cllr M. G. Morgan In attendance: Neil John

84. Apologies no apologies received.

85. Declarations of Interest

86. Minutes

RESOLVED the minutes for the meeting of the Council held on 25th February 2014 to be signed as a correct record.

87. Matters Arising

a) Bills i) Clerk’s bill for February £193.74 ii) Clerks direct magazine subscription £12 iii) Notification of PWLB charges £709.37 by DD in April iv) HMRC £125.94 v) Contribution towards lease of Bronwydd playing fields £318.50

Resolved to pay the bills above

The clerk informed the councillors that he had asked the county council how the street lighting charges are calculated. They said that an estimate is given at the start of the financial year based on what the energy companies estimate costs to be and then during the year the council will charge for any works carried out to the lights and replacing bulbs and a bill is then sent in March to reflect actual costs. The councillors asked the clerk whether this work could be carried out by private contractors instead of the county council. The clerk would ask.

The clerk had enquired with the Journal why press reports were not always included in the paper, they said that sometimes depending on space available to community news it was not able to include all reports. The clerk would continue to send in reports and would monitor the situation.

88. Planning Applications

a) Notification that the planning application for the play area behind the cricket club in Bronwydd had been granted. b) Notification of full planning at Felinfach for a bungalow to replace the flat. Cllr R. Carpenter asked whether this replaced the head stable lad’s bungalow that had been passed twelve months ago. He also asked if a section 106 order was being placed on this application. The county councilor informed the councilors that the applicant had refused to sign a section 106 order on the head stable lad’s bungalow so the applicants were now asking to demolish the flat and build a bungalow instead of that accommodation. There was some discussion amongst all the councilors and it was decided that the clerk would ask for clarification on the following points. a) Has the proposed bungalow for the head stable lad been withdrawn? b) If the bungalow has been withdrawn why were the community council not informed? c) If this is an amendment to or new planning does the section 106 order still exist on this application? d) The councillors are asking whether there has been assurance given by the applicant that the existing flat will be demolished.


The county councilor would ensure that when the application is brought to the planning committee he would ask the planning officers to address the community councils’ questions.

89. Correspondence

1. County Council – Information regarding vacancies on Town or community councils 2. Zurich Municipal – offering a quote for cover 3. Wickstead landscapes – playground surfaces 4. Radio Beca – asking for financial assistance 5. Carmarthenshire Young farmers – 2 tickets for the rally at Nantyci 3rd May 6. EGNI- solar pv Co-op share offer document 7. Clerks & Councils Direct – subscription renewal £12 8. Bank Statement 28th February 9. Community fund £1042.78 Bronwydd BMM account £6074.17


10. One Voice Disposal of local playing fields – http://wales.gov.uk/consultations/localgovernment/draft-regulations-and-statutory-guidance-for- playing-fields/?lang=en Marine planning – http://wales.gov.uk/topics/environmentcountryside/consmanagement/marinefisheries/planning/?s kip=1&lang=en Repeal of S.150.5 rule need for two signatures on all payments Early intervention for children and families seminar Course available to councils on ‘Devolution of services at a cost of £400 11. Simon Thomas AM – bulletin 12. Aled Roberts – comments on letters to be sent to various bodies from last meeting 13. PWLB – notice of payment to be collected on 7th April 2014 14. CCC works to be carried out in Pentre Morgan during March 15. SLCC – news Bulletin 16. HMRC –childcare schemes 17. Supporting the armed services community and veterans 24th June London 18. Chairmann re Felinfach full planning application 19. Cllr R. Carpenter re Felinfach planning application 20. Cllr A. Conti re Felinfach planning application

90. Strategic Vision Items

a) Health & well-being

i) Cllr G. Evans informed the councillors that he had not formally met with the subcommittee but he had confirmed that Pte J.H. Webster would need to be added to the memorial plaque and he had had initial thoughts of where his name would go on the plaque which met the approval of the councillors. He had also started to research whether any funding is available for this through CAVS and would report back to the council once he had more information. ii) The clerk informed the councillors that he had booked the annual dinner for the 2nd May at the Hollybrook. He would invite Newchurch & Merthyr councillors through their clerk and handed out menu options to the councillors. The councillors also asked the clerk to invite Mr & Mrs Howard Jones the council’s auditor to the dinner.


i) The clerk had not heard from Mr Ian Jones about the footpath issues so would chase this issue up. ii) The county council would investigate the issues of filthy water from the old tip and report back.


91. Highway matters

i) The clerk had not heard from Mr J. Mcevoy (Traffic Management & Parking Services manager) at Carmarthenshire County Council about the promised traffic calming for the bridge by the Hollybrook Inn but the county councillor would talk to him on his return to work. ii) Cllr A. Conti highlighted that traffic was speeding through the village with no concern for other road users and added that this was an accident waiting to happen; the county councillor would also bring this up when he meets with Mr Mcevoy. iii) Cllr A. Conti asked the clerk to inform the county council that there was a large pothole in the road by the property known as Deri Deg and an exposed tree root in a dangerous position on the bank on the same stretch of road. The clerk would contact Mr T. Williams regarding both issues.

92. Date time and place of next meeting

RESOLVED the next meeting would be held on the 22nd April at Bronwydd village hall at 7.00 p.m.