! Parish Priest Fr Agnelo de Souza 020 8540 3057 Alternative numbers: 07970157922 E: [email protected] Parish Office; Tel. N. 020 8542 8082. E:[email protected] St George’s Hospital Chaplaincy via the switchboard on 020 8672 1255 or contact the Catholic Chaplain, Direct Line 020 8725 3069. Email: [email protected] . Confessions: Sat 5.30-5.50pm. (or at reasonable request). Hall bookings: 020 8542 3288. Web address www.stjosephscollierswood.co.uk 9th June Pentecost Sunday – (Year C). The Order of - p7. Readings & Mass parts – p 284/294 Preface p 76 Mass intentions for the week. Saturday 8th 6.00 pm Antonio, Gaetano & Tereza D’Souza RIP Sunday 9th 9.00 a.m. Rahfat Sheikh Pentecost 10.45 am Marcellino Sansom RIP Monday 10th Mary, Mother of the Church 9.30 am Breda McDonagh RIP Tuesday 11th St , Apostle 9.30 am Eileen Casey RIP Thursday 13th Our Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest 9.30 am Louis Felix Armanis RIP Friday 14th 9.30 am Quintin Periyathamby & Anton Wijendra RIP Saturday 15th 6.00 pm Pedro & Augustus Gonsalves RIP Sunday 16th 9.00 a.m. Dawn Costa RIP The Most Holy Trinity 10.45 am Pauspa family, protection

The Rosary will be recited each weekday at 9.10am followed by Mass. The EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT WILL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER MASS UNTIL 12 NOON.

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This week: Catholic Trust for England & Wales Next week: Church Maintenance 6.00 pm. 9 am 10.45 a.m. 8/9.6 Ministers Maryanne Roger Pabualan Mary Fitzgerald Pentecost Lectors Ray Hearn Vincent Bolt Darren Wijendra Joe Fernando Helen McHugh Barbara Rodrigues 15/16.6 Ministers Kathleen Earley Elizabeth Tung Tony Fernandes Trinity Lectors Fiona Reilly Siobhain McDonagh Telma Oliveira Molly Peacock Bethany Ng Doris Dacunha

Day. :


The following parishioners have accepted invitations to join the PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL (p.p.c.) by Rev. Fr. Agnelo de Souza. Parish priest who will be the President of the council. Fergus Keogh. Parish secretary. Michael Ukhuegbe, Ahamefula Nwanyamwu, Maryanne Michael, Damian Bielicki, Sen Smarasekera, Margaret Rogers, Andre Ziegers, Roger Pabualan, Sita Kanuti, Fiona Reilly, Bill McCann. The inaugural meeting of the council will be on Thursday 13th. June commencing at 7.30 p.m. The agenda has been distributed to all members who have e-mail addresses those who do not please collect your hard copy from Fergus Keogh. May God send the Holy Spirit down on our council to guide them in their efforts to serve our parish of St. Joseph’s. One of the early projects will be to arrange this year’s parish fete. Further details will be published shortly with dates of meetings. We know you will support your parish as you have done in previous years. While Fr. Agnelo is on leave we have been served by priests from other parishes and will continue with these arrangements until his return on 15th. June. All masses will be celebrated by one of the following priests: Fr. Shaju, St. Boniface, Fr Paul from Charlton and Fr Shaiju from St. Pauls Book Shop. We thank them for donating their time in looking after us even though they have their own parishes to serve. We offer up our prayers that God will bless them and guide them during these busy times. 1. 100 CLUB WINNERS: The draw was made for May 2019 by members of the K.I.T.C.A.T club. The winner was Angela Walsh number 7. The winner of the April draw was Theresa Westnott number 14. 2. NEW TO THE PARISH? We have had a number of young parents newly arrived in the parish. We have forms which they should complete and at the same time request a baptismal form for any child or adult requiring baptism. These forms are on the table in the entrance; if asked our regular parishioners can assist these new arrivals and make their first contact in the parish an enjoyable one. 3. 10.45 MASS: We are in urgent need of greeters at the 10.45a.m. Mass on Sundays. The right approach and welcome is vital to welcome all newcomers. Age is irrelevant, men, women and children who have been confirmed. See Fr. Agnelo or Fergus Keogh. 4. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/LECTORS ROTAS: The new rotas, from the beginning of July until the end of September, will soon be prepared. This is the main holiday period. Please let Mary Edwards know as soon as possible if you expect to be away at any time during these three months. If you do not see me and have no email, please leave a message in the office. Thank you, Mary 6. ANNUAL MARRIAGE MASS: CELEBRATING A SPECIAL WEDDING ANNIVERSARY? If so, you are invited to St George’s Cathedral at 3pm on Saturday July 13 for a special Mass celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony, with refreshments afterwards. Places are limited so make sure of your personal invitation from Peter Smith by contacting your parish office and giving them your full names, address, phone number and the special anniversary you are celebrating this year: anyone celebrating their 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th or 60+ qualifies. Close family are welcome to come with you. 7. THE GENDER AGENDA Wednesday June 12th 2019: A conference of concern and interest to us ALL and of special interest to: Catholic teachers – clergy – catechists – youth workers - mission teams – representatives of Catholic groups and organisations. It will be held at - St Mary Moorfields, Eldon Street London EC2M 7LS11am Coffee and welcome. 11.30am Speaker: Kerri Christopher, The Humanum Institute ‘An authentic understanding of human personhood and identity’. 1.05 pm Mass followed by buffet lunch. 2.30pm Speaker: Louise Kirk, Alive to the World. ‘Current trends in sex education in schools’. DISCUSSION. 4pm Tea and depart. Admission by ticket: £15 (includes lunch). Cheques to Association of Catholic Women, Flat 2, Salamander Court, 135 York Way, London N7 9LG Email:[email protected]. Website: www.associationofcatholicwomen.org 8. SIOLIM UNION (LONDON: Tony’s village is celebrating the feast of St. on 16th. June at Shirley Parish Hall, 81 Wickham Road, Shirley Croydon. CR0 8TB. Mass is at 12noon followed by social. Tickets are £15 each which includes snacks and a Goan meal. Children under 12 free admission. Tickets available from Tony Fernandes 9. School Vacancies. We have been notified of two vacancies at SS Peter and Paul Catholic School , they are on display on the notice boards in the entrance. The cut off date for applications is quite short so you are urged to take note of them a.s.a.p.