Reforming the Church’s Social and Political Witness Spring 2020

Do Virus Church Closures Violate Religious Freedom? Page 6


► Of Course America Will Survive the Coronavirus page 3

► Paula White’s Controversies page 8

► Transgender Passé, Meet the Non-Binary Clergy page 9

► Asbury University Draws Criticism for Maintaining Christian Sexual Ethics page 10

► ‘A Great Cloud of Witnesses in the Cloud’ as Anglicans Worship Online page 12 VOLUME 39 NUMBER 1

THE INSTITUTE ON RELIGION & DEMOCRACY 1023 15th Street NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 The Rev. M Barclay (lower left) is commissioned as a deacon in 2017. See story about non- Phone: 202.682.4131 binary clergy on page 9. (Photo: Northern Illinois Annual Conference UMC) Web: E-mail: [email protected] FEATURES

8 Paula White’s PRESIDENT Mark D. Tooley Controversies by Mark Tooley

EDITORIAL Jeffrey Walton Executive Editor, 9 Transgender Passé, Meet Communications Manager the Non-Binary Clergy by Clare Hepler STAFF Faith J. H. McDonnell 16 Asbury University Draws Director of Religious Liberty Programs Criticism for Maintaining Christian Sexual Ethics John Lomperis by Chelsen Vicari UMAction Director

Rick J. Plasterer Staff Writer PROGRAMS Chelsen Vicari Evangelical Action Director 4 ...... Church News Marc LiVecche Religious Liberty Scholar on Christian Ethics, War and Peace 6 Do Virus Church Closures Violate Religious Freedom?. . . . . Paul Marshall Dan Moran Anglican Research Assistant 12 ‘A Great Cloud of Witnesses in the Cloud’ as Anglicans Clare Hepler Worship Online ...... Jeffrey Walton IRD Intern

Assemblies of God Cover: Algerian authorities seal the door to a Protestant church. Is the 14 Texas Church Embraces LGBTQ, Exits Assemblies of God. . . Jeffrey Walton current move by officials in the U.S. to ban church services in response IRD Diary to the coronavirus a similar example of religious oppression? See page 6. 16 United Methodism as We’ve Known It Is Gone, (Photo: Église Protestante d’Algérie / No One Is ‘Leaving’ It...... John Lomperis Facebook)


Of Course America Will Survive the Coronavirus —We’ve Survived Far Worse Many Times

hristians, our churches, and our faith will help make this but because our rebellious natures too often resist recognizing his survival possible. Strong and faithful churches are cen- power and authority. Ctral to sustaining our strong democracy. So how is God revealing himself during the suffering and fear Typically America emerges from turmoil and crises stronger of the novel coronavirus? There are of course the innumerable acts and more robust than before. Pessimism is always safer and more of sacrifice, service, and mercy by health care workers who risk their fashionable, but it’s also more cynical. own lives to tend to the ill. Many others in science and pharmaceu- I’ve noticed lots of pessimism and cynicism of late. Its only ticals are laboring valiantly to create treatments and vaccines. sure antidote is Gospel hope. God is in charge. Countless unrecognized laborers in service industries are America is intrinsically a hopeful country because it is prov- working long hours to ensure we all have food and basic needs. idential in its self identity. From Many in government toil on behalf the start Americans have under- of public order and public health. stood their national mission as Clergy, church employees, and lay purposeful, universal, and almost volunteers continue to steward cosmic. Lincoln called Americans You know many of these their congregations with spiritual the “almost chosen people.” The heroic people! You may and material resources necessary caveat of “almost” is important. We for life and hope. aren’t the ancient Hebrews bearing be one. God is working You know many of these hero- redemption for the whole world. ic people! You may be one. God is Yet the ancient Hebrews were through all of them. working through all of them. models for the Puritan settlers, the Ironically, churches, whose Founders, and the Civil War gen- sanctuaries are largely closed to eration who saw their conflict as a public worship, are now more divinely ordained fiery trial. Seeing America as a nation in cov- important than in tranquil times. They are called to offer the enant continued through the rhetoric of Martin Luther King, Jr. hope of the Gospel, of course, which is their supreme mission. and the Civil Rights Movement. But they also have a divinely ordained duty to advocate for the America’s self-understanding as being a guardian of democ- public good in society. racy propelled it to victory in the Cold War. Whether we admit it Meeting this social obligation is why public worship is large- or not, we still think of ourselves as “almost chosen.” ly closed, both to protect the health of worshipers and the wider Being “almost chosen” is not easy. The actual Chosen People suf- public. But more widely, churches should inspire hope and confi- fered plenty. They were not always faithful, forgot who they were, got dence in the nation as our community, reminding us to be faith- impatient, self-indulgent and lazy. Consequences befell them because ful to our highest callings and best attributes. the standards levied on them were uniquely high. They sinned, then Churches were and are central to American character and they repented. They prevailed, because they were part of God’s plan. culture. G. K. Chesterton famously said America has the soul of God has a plan for America as he has a plan for all peoples a church. This spiritual soul is key to American optimism, pluck, and individuals. That plan has typically included a great deal of and resolution. At their best, Americans don’t despair. They don’t hope and confidence about the future and our role in it. Other look back. They don’t doubt that God has a purpose for America. more angst ridden nations often have admired, however grudg- After the terrible losses of coronavirus, we should hope for ingly, this confidence. Some have feared it. Others, in their and expect providentially good news ahead for America. We malevolence, realized its repercussions only too late. Continued on page 15 Christianity rejects cynicism, recognizing instead that while sin is pervasive, divine redemption is even more pervasive. This historic perspective of the church universal offers constant hope in our fallen world. Pessimists and fatalists wallow in the fallen- ness while ignoring Calvary and divine grace. Some chirpy optimists, who are far fewer in number, pretend there is only kindness and misunderstanding in the world. How- ever, thinking providentially requires more exhaustive nuance. Mark D. Tooley is the President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy Yes, the world is in a bad place, but its Lord is redeeming it. We are called to discern the always ongoing acts of his redemption. Sometimes it’s hard, not because those divine acts aren’t obvious,


Samaritan’s Purse Draws Religious Left Fire in Coronavirus Resonse

vangelical Christian humanitarian surprisingly long history of controver- Relations in a video highlighting the orga- aid organization Samaritan’s Purse sial comments and hate speech,” Merritt nization’s work in Central Park. “We’re here Eopened a 68-bed emergency field wrote. He cited comments made by Gra- bandaging people’s wounds. The wounds hospital April 1 in New York City’s Cen- ham referring to same-sex relationships are inside the lungs. But we also know that tral Park to care for patients in partner- as “detestable” and Islam as an “evil and the wounds are in the soul.” ship with Mount Sinai Health System. wicked religion.” But even amidst the COVID-19 crisis, “That’s the man running Samaritan’s Progressive Christian columnist Jona- Purse’s coronavirus hospital, so yes, Mus- than Merritt found fault with the relief lim New Yorkers are right to be skeptical,” Pastor of Largest organization. declared Merritt. United Methodist “New Yorkers have plenty of good Merritt is uncomfortable that an reasons to feel uncomfortable about this Evangelical Christian organization would Congregation new coronavirus hospital,” Merritt wrote require its personnel to agree with its in a Daily Beast column. The son of for- Statement of Faith, lamenting the state- Faces Jail, Church mer Southern Baptist convention Presi- ment’s inclusion of traditional Christian dent James Merritt is critical of Samari- sexual ethics, which define human sexu- Discipline tan’s Purse and its president. ality “to be expressed only within the con- “Of chief concern is the person over- text of marriage.” seeing the Central Park ward: Samari- Despite Merritt’s question of wheth- tan’s Purse’s president and CEO Franklin er or not Samaritan’s Purse would treat Graham. He is the son of famed evange- LGBTQ patients with care and respect, list Billy Graham and a spiritual adviser the organization signed a written pledge to President who has a to Mount Sinai to treat all patients equally. “The vast major- ity of New Yorkers are not evangelical Christians, and if they find themselves The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell leads a Bible wheezing for air due study at Windsor Village United Methodist to COVID-19, they Church in Houston in 2011. Caldwell don’t want to be pleaded guilty Wednesday, March 11, proselytized while 2020, to conspiracy to commit wire fraud. receiving treatment,” (Photo: Mike DuBose/UM News) Merritt wrote. ne of the most prominent pastors “We are the in the United Methodist Church hands and feet of (UMC) has pled guilty to “con- Christ here. We are O spiracy to commit wire fraud in connec- showing compassion tion to his role in a multimillion-dollar just like the Samari- investment scheme.” The Rev. Kirbyjon tan did,” said Ken Caldwell faces both discipline within the Isaacs, Vice Presi- church and several years in jail. dent of Samaritan’s Senior pastor of 18,000-member Staff gather to pray as the day shift team prepares to step in for Purse Programs Windsor Village United Methodist the night shift at a Samaritan’s Purse Emergency Field Hospital in and Government Manhattan’s Central Park. (Photo: Samaritan’s Purse) Continued on page 5


Church Conventions Disrupted by Coronavirus oncerns centered on coronavi- split the denomination are on hold. Given rus containment are disrupt- travel restrictions, a delay provides oppor- Cing major gatherings for sev- tunity for delegates from outside the U.S. eral church denominations. to participate in church decision-making. Both the United Methodist The General Conference delay also gives Church (UMC) and the Southern Bap- leaders in the UMC more time to iron out tist Convention (SBC), the two largest details of a church split. Protestant denominations in the Unit- In response to the pandemic, the SBC ed States, have altered plans. canceled its Annual Meeting for the first Promotional banner for the 2020 United The UMC’s quadrennial Gen- time in 75 years. A unanimous vote on Methodist General Conference with the eral Conference, the global legislative March 24 made by a body of SBC officers, Minneapolis, Minnesota skyline (Photo: gathering, is being postponed with a the SBC Executive Committee, and lead- future date yet to be announced. The ers of the SBC’s boards and institutions conference’s venue, the Minnesota drew from a provision in the SBC Con- The Presbyterian Church in America Convention Center, canceled all events stitution allowing the cancellation “in the (PCA) had not at press time announced through May 10, following guidelines case of grave emergency.” a cancellation or postponement of Gen- issued by the Minnesota Department “We are a people committed to keep- eral Assembly, set for June 16-19, but is of Health. That prompted the Com- ing the Gospel above all, and our sole pur- actively monitoring the public health sit- mission on the General Conference to pose in coming together is to support one uation and guidelines set by authorities. postpone the event, which was sched- another in that mission, catalyzing our The church is to reevaluate as its Admin- uled to occur May 5-15. collective mission efforts. This year, our istrative Committee meets virtually on In a statement released March 18 unusual circumstances mean we can best April 23. by the commission, Executive Com- meet that goal by not meeting together,” Similarly, Archbishop of Canterbury mittee Chair Kim Simpson said “This wrote SBC President J.D. Greear. Justin Welby has postponed the Lam- news is not unexpected based on the Organizers for this year’s Annual beth Conference, a decennial gathering current guidance from health officials Meeting, scheduled June 9-10 in Orlando, of bishops invited from every officially and we expect to move forward with thought that it might draw the largest recognized province in the worldwide new plans as quickly as possible.” number of messengers (the SBC equiva- Anglican Communion. The Lambeth With COVID-19 disrupting Gen- lent of delegates) since 12,000 participated Conference will instead take place in the eral Conference plans, proposals to in the 2010 Annual Meeting. summer of 2021.

Pastor Faces Jail, Church Discipline Cogdell drew parallels between charges against Caldwell and those against Christ, continued from page 4 receiving applause after declaring, “I know Church, Caldwell has been a spiritual power to the Communist government in the truth and the truth will set him free!” advisor to both Presidents George W. 1949. These bonds are not recognized by Caldwell’s partner in the scheme, Bush and Barack Obama. He officiated China’s current government and, accord- Gregory Smith, pleaded guilty in July the wedding of Bush’s daughter, Jenna. ingly, have no investment value,” Joseph 2019. On March 11, Caldwell also pled Attorney David Joseph wrote. “Caldwell used the approximately guilty. Joseph declared that Caldwell describes “a multimillion-dollar invest- $900,000 that he received to pay down and Smith, “used their positions as reli- ment scheme” perpetuated by Caldwell personal loans, mortgages, and credit gious leaders and investment advisors to along with Louisiana investment advisor cards, and maintain his lifestyle.” defraud Louisiana residents—many of Gregory Smith. Public accusation of wrongdoing whom are elderly and retired.” “Caldwell and Smith conspired to use two years ago made national news, with Under the terms of his plea agree- their influence and status to persuade mul- Caldwell insisting on his innocence. ment, Caldwell faces between five and tiple victims to ‘invest’ approximately $3.5 reported on the sup- seven years in prison, a fine of up to million with them. The victims’ invest- port Caldwell received from within and $250,000, and up to three years of super- ments were purportedly in historical Chi- beyond his congregation, as well as on his vised release. Caldwell, who has already nese bonds, which are bonds issued by the lawyer Dan Cogdell’s speaking at Wind- made partial restitution to the victims, former Republic of China prior to losing sor Village’s Easter 2018 worship service. Continued on page 7

5 FAITH & FREEDOM | Spring 2020 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Do Virus Church Closures Violate Religious Freedom? by Paul Marshall

everal religious freedom issues Are These Restrictions Limits the fundamental rights and free- emerge in our responses to the coro- on Religious Freedom? doms of others. navirus pandemic. One is restricted S On the first issue, whether these are restric- Authoritarian governments often access for chaplains, among others, to tions on religious freedom, we can define misuse such limits as a pretext for repres- health care facilities and homes for the such freedom in two (and probably many sion, but this does not mean that they are elderly. But the most contentious issue more) ways. One is to define religious free- in themselves wrong. Every right is always has been outright government bans on dom normatively as a freedom that, like related to other rights and may be bal- most religious gatherings, as in the Unit- all freedoms, is inherently subject to many anced by them. If we take this approach, ed Kingdom, or restrictions to groups of restrictions—such as others’ rights to life and if we believe that most current demo- cratic governments’ actions are proper, then we would conclude that restricting larger religious gatherings does not violate reli- gious freedom. An alternative view defines religious freedom in very broad terms without including any possible restrictions in the defi- nition. We could then add that religious freedom may legiti- mately be restricted in certain circumstances but that we need to call these restrictions what they are: actual (if justifiable) limits on religious liberty.* In the first position, we would say that if government actions are proper then they are not a real restriction of religious Lee Man-hee, founder of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, offers an apology at a news conference freedom. In the second position, for the spread of coronavirus in Gapyeong, South Korea on March 2. Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon announced a lawsuit against church executives holding them responsible “for murder, injury, and we would say they are restric- violation of prevention and management of infectious diseases” according to a translation from tions on religious freedom but NBC News. (Photo: Yonhap) that they are justifiable. There are risks in each of fewer than ten people. In South Korea, or health. Under this definition, religious these positions, but they often over half the COVID-19 cases are con- freedom is , like all others, necessarily lead to the same practical conclusion. nected to the semi-cultic Shincheonji restricted by other freedoms, and also by Many of the differences may be largely Church of Jesus, and hundreds of Prot- the duties that we all must follow. semantic. Here, the major need is to be estant churches held services last Sunday This is similar to the position taken clear about what we actually mean: Sever- despite government orders against large in Article 18 of the International Cov- al of our disputes about religious freedom public gatherings. enant on Civil and Political Rights: stem simply from using the term in these Some have argued that such restric- different ways. Freedom to manifest one’s religion tions are a violation of religious free- or beliefs may be subject only to such dom, while others maintain that they are limitations as are prescribed by law responsible and legitimate government *Article 18 of the International Covenant on and are necessary to protect public actions. I believe that both positions are, Civil and Political Rights can be read to sup- safety, order, health, or morals or or can be, correct. port this position also.


Are These Government churches have criticized and denied com- widely varying restrictions, and there can Restrictions Legitimate? munion to politicians whom they believe certainly be arguments about the range On the second matter, about whether are violating church teachings, and it is and prudence in each particular case. such government action is legitimate, the not, so far, in dispute that a church can But, as a matter of principle, I believe key question is not whether these restric- decide for itself who may receive commu- that in Western democracies most of the tions limit religious freedom per se, but nion. This is an authority over politicians, disputed government actions around the whether these restrictions are just, proper, not the power of the sword but a discipline coronavirus are necessary, somewhat like and constitutional. over the sacraments. Our secular age may the fire marshal example writ large. Such Those who object to enforced govern- regard this as minor opprobrium, but restrictions are for a limited time, even ment restrictions usually maintain that many politicians with eyes on polls may if we do not now know what that time they assert the power of the state over the take it more seriously. It is the power not limit is. They also do not single out the church and other religious bodies, and are of the sword but of the word. church—these rules apply to almost any therefore both normatively wrong and, in On the other side, a government may gathering. And they do not seek to usurp America, violate the First Amendment. legitimately close buildings, including church teachings or mission. However, churches and states are church buildings, if a fire marshal prop- Each individual case needs pruden- nearly always and inevitably intertwined. erly pronounces the structure unsafe. tial judgment but, in principle, I believe In the U.S., people often use the non- Even in actually constructing church that restrictions on religious gatherings constitutional metaphor “the separation buildings, churches do and must follow are legitimate government actions, and of church and state” as shorthand for the government fire and building codes. They that churches and others should as a mat- First Amendment itself. It is usually a accept proper government restrictions on ter of conscience follow them. simple if naïve restatement of the respec- the nature of their sanctuary. tive different authorities of these bodies, Church and state have legitimate Paul Marshall is authority over each other in their respec- Wilson Professor ultimately reflecting Pope Gelasius I’s of Religious description of the two swords in his tive spheres as long as they do not seek Freedom at ad 494 letter to the Emperor Anastasius: to usurp the proper role of the other. A Baylor University, church cannot try to take over govern- a senior fellow There are two powers, august Emper- mental power or use physical coercion. at the Hudson or, by which this world is chiefly ruled, A government cannot dictate a church’s institute and the Religious namely, the sacred authority of the doctrine or mission. priests and the royal power… If the Freedom Governments internationally, and Institute, and Chair of the Institute on ministers of religion, recognizing the federally within the U.S., have imposed Religion & Democracy Board of Directors. supremacy granted you from heaven in matters affecting the public order, obey your laws, lest otherwise they might obstruct the course of secular Pastor Faces Jail, Church Discipline affairs by irrelevant considerations, continued from page 5 with what readiness should you not has agreed to pay the remaining balance, An official announcement made yield them obedience to whom is $1,951,478, before sentencing. during Windsor Village’s March 22 vir- assigned the dispensing of the sacred Windsor Village is the largest U.S. tual worship service reported that “As a mysteries of religion. United Methodist congregation in mem- result of Pastor Kirbyjon’s current legal But at times the loaded word separa- bership. In attendance, it ranks fourth. situation, his official relationship with the tion is taken in a literal sense to mean that In a statement, Caldwell’s bishop, United Methodist Church has changed” these two bodies can somehow be sealed Scott Jones of the Texas Conference, so that he is now a layman and no longer off from one another, and neither has any said that he was “deeply saddened by this the senior pastor of the congregation. authority over the other. But church and admission of guilt.” Jones announced that The congregation’s website now iden- state are not two atoms that never touch: although the annual conference leader- tifies Caldwell as a “lay preacher” who They interact with each other accord- ship had previously treated Caldwell as remains on the congregation’s staff, where ing to their own jurisdiction. As Gelas- innocent until proven guilty, “We do not he will “continue preaching, teaching, serv- ius noted, the emperor has supremacy in tolerate crimes being committed by our ing as visionary, and doing the same sorts of temporal matters, which members of the clergy and it is now clear that Kirbyjon things that he’s done for the past 38 years.” church should follow, and the church has Caldwell has violated our standards of Bishop Jones appointed Caldwell’s wife authority in the “sacred mysteries of reli- conduct. The United Methodist Church’s Suzette as interim senior pastor. It is not gion,” which the emperor should follow. disciplinary process aims at a just resolu- clear how long this arrangement will last. Each has authority according to tion of the complaints against him and Caldwell’s sentencing hearing has their respective missions. For example, will begin immediately.” been scheduled for July 22.

7 FAITH & FREEDOM | Spring 2020 EVANGELICAL Megachurch Pastor and Evangelist Paula White is a member of the White House Faith Advisory Council (Photo: PaulaWhite. org)

strays from orthodoxy. And her health and wealth focus invites criticism from non-Christians anxious for evidence of religious hypocrisy. But White should be seen as part of a long tradition of American self-help enthusiasts who find success by extolling happiness and material blessing. She’s not Paul White’s Controversies altogether different from Oprah Winfrey, by Mark Tooley who’s made many more hundreds of mil- lions of dollars with her self-empowering therapeutic spirituality. And then there are successful New Age self-help gurus s I’m a traditional Mainline Prot- Council and advisor to the White House like Deepak Chopra and Marianne Wil- estant, evangelist Paula White Faith and Opportunity Initiative, there’s liams, among countless others. seems to me kind of crazy and now a much larger audience for her eso- America’s penchant for sunny spiri- A tual guides dates back at least to Ralph probably semi-heretical. She gets lots teric pronouncements. In some ways she’s of attention because she’s a prominent replaced the aging Pat Robertson, anoth- Waldo Emerson, the New England tran- Trump supporter. But her flamboyant er charismatic Christian, as a favorite for scendentalist who was endlessly optimis- charismatic form of big dollar Christian- oddball Religious Right quotes. tic about each individual’s ability to seize ity, with claims of direct interaction with White is an American original, raised happiness through individual self-realiza- God, is not particularly unusual in Amer- in poverty, mother to an illegitimate tion and initiative. He preached morality ican religious life. child, working her way up from church and goodness without an orthodox ver- Most recently White’s critics are cir- custodian to Florida megachurch pastor, sion of God, but many religionists were culating a preaching video in which she bestselling author, television personality, unconsciously inspired by his promise of claims she was, in a vision, taken to the and presidential advisor. She met Trump empowerment and success. Emerson him- “throne room of heaven,” where she saw years ago as a Trump Tower neighbor. Not self was a post-Protestant who preached God’s face, though it was apparently cloudy many preachers have Manhattan suites. personal redemption through introspec- and obscured. There she received a new Her prosperity Gospel validates the mil- tion and diligent worldly accomplishment. “mantle” of authority or divine blessing. lions of dollars she earns through her Some of Emerson’s evangelistic heirs “I literally went to the Throne Room evangelistic empire. Her followers pre- rechristianized his message. Although of God,” she said. “There was a mist that sumably are inspired by her financial suc- not charismatic, Norman Vincent Peale was coming off the water, and I went to cess as evidence of God’s blessing, which was firmly in this tradition, proclaiming the throne of God, and I didn’t see God’s they understandably hope for themselves. the Power of Positive Thinking. The late face clearly, but I saw the face of God … I Most high profile preachers are men. Robert Schuller of the soaring Crystal knew it was the face of God.” White, as an attractive and stylish woman Cathedral was also in this mold. More Her last major controversy was in with flawless delivery, stands out among charismatic versions include Pat Robert- January, over a video in which she prays Religious Right figures. Her political son, an enormously successful entrepre- for “miscarriages” of “satanic pregnan- prominence has won her alliances and neur who stressed the material prosperity cies.” Many on social media, who seem endorsements from other conservative gained by unlocking the secret of God’s to think White is a monster, angrily preachers who otherwise oppose female blessing. Skankier versions of charismatic denounced her, apparently assuming she preachers and charismatic Christianity. Prosperity Gospel include Jim Bakker, was urging literal miscarriages of literal Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, who’s PTL empire collapsed in the 1980s pregnancies. As White later explained, with its strong focus on direct interaction amid epic financial and sexual scandal. she was deploying charismatic language with the Holy Spirit, has historically been He now unashamedly hawks survivalist of spiritual warfare to describe opposi- more embracing of women preachers tools on TV and even a purported remedy tion to wickedness in its early stages, not than much of the rest of . Continued on page 15 literal pregnancies. It’s become popular to mock White Mark D. Tooley is Most Christians outside White’s par- for her puzzling spiritual pronounce- the President of the ticular brand of charismatic faith would ments. Her theology is not easily com- Institute on Religion and not recognize the term “satanic pregnan- prehensible to Christians outside her Democracy. cy” or much of the other lingo from her charismatic community, much less to preaching. With her high political profile secularists. Traditional Christians are as a member of Trump’s Faith Advisory certainly right to critique her when she


Transgender Passé, Meet the Non-Binary Clergy by Clare Hepler

n increasing number of individu- was exposed to the reality of non-binary als who identify as “gender non- gender, it was for the first time recogniz- Abinary” have emerged among ing who I am … and what made sense for the clerical ranks in mainline Protestant me in how I carry my body, how I explain denominations. myself to the world and how I know Following the ordination of trans- myself to be internally. It’s certainly not gender clergy in the United States, non- man nor woman.” binary clergy appear to be the next wave Barclay now specifies the pronouns of sex and gender revisionism. “they/themme /theirs.” While clergy already minister- In the summer of 2019, Barclay ing within Christian communities have moved from provisional clergy and was United Church of Christ clergy The Rev. come out to their churches as non-bina- ordained in the Northern Illinois Confer- Ryan Dowell Baum participates in a “Pride ry, a number of non-binary identifying ence as the first non-binary United Meth- Prom” as an out transgender pastor. (Photo: Ryan Dowell Baum / individuals have made headlines as the odist deacon. first to be ordained openly within their The Rev.Anna Blaedel is another Evangelical Lutheran Church in San denomination. member of the United Methodist clergy Francisco for three years. According to the Merriam-Webster who identifies as queer and uses “they/ In the United Church of Christ, Dictionary, being non-binary means relat- them” pronouns. She was a pastor in Iowa according to the UCC 2019 Statisti- ing to or being before taking a leave of absence and is now cal Profile, 0.2% of ordained ministers a person who the theologian in residence for the organi- are transgender/gender variant. Among identifies with zation Enfleshed, which authors liturgies the commissioned ministers, 0.9% are or expresses a for non-binary persons. transgender/gender-variant. gender identity Another notable member of the non- A few years ago, The Rev. Ryan that is neither binary clergy is Jess Cook. Cook was the ­Dowell Baum came out as non-binary to entirely male first non-binary Minister of the Word and his church in Iowa. But, according to an nor entirely Sacrament to be ordained in the Presbyte- article Baum wrote, “The Holiness and female. rian Church (USA) in June of 2019. Heartbreak of a Nonbinary Pastor,” his In the Speaking about her ordination, Cook church asked him to resign a few months United Meth- says, “I’m acutely aware of the people who later in 2018. odist Church, worked tirelessly to make it possible for an The circumstances surrounding The Rev. M. openly non-binary person to be ordained Baum’s resignation from his position are The Rev. Megan Rohrer Barclay is the in the PC(USA), and of the young people in dispute. An interim pastor currently (Photo: Pax Ahimsa first non-binary who feel a call to ministry and will now see Gethen / Wikimedia serving his former UCC congregation Commons) transgender themselves in a person leading worship.” weighs in that there was “a lot more going individual to be Cook is currently the Program and on” before Baum came out to the church commissioned and to be ordained a deacon. Communications Manager at More Light as non-binary. Baum, she suggests, was a Barclay first made news when commis- Presbyterians, the unofficial LGBTQ cau- new pastor and inexperienced. Accord- sioned as a deacon in 2017. Initially Bar- cus within the PCUSA. ing to the Pastor’s Report for 2019, his clay, then known as Mary Ann Kaiser, was In the Evangelical Lutheran Church denied a commission by the board of the in America (ELCA), Megan Rohrer is a Continued on page 11 Southwest Texas Conference in 2014 due to pastor and writer. In 2006, Rohrer was being a “self-avowed, practicing” lesbian in a ordained and became “the first openly Clare Hepler served as IRD’s winter same-sex relationship. Later in June of 2017, transgender/non-binary person to be 2020 intern and is a Barclay was commissioned in the Northern ordained by the Evangelical Lutheran recent graduate of Illinois Conference as a provisional deacon. Church in America.” She is currently Christendom College in Barclay explains a change in identity the chaplain of the San Francisco Police Front Royal, Virginia. to non-binary, saying: “For me, once I Department after pastoring Grace


Asbury University Draws Criticism for Maintaining Christian Sexual Ethics by Chelsen Vicari

ach season it seems another Christian than Jon being LGBTQ affirming. His if this is happening at the seminary,” he university is heaved into news head- contract was not breached, and there was said, “I can’t imagine what it’s like to Elines for doing nothing more than no budget cut.” be LGBTQ or LGBTQ-affirming at the maintaining biblical sexual ethics. It’s Chilton states he was one of the first University.” one of the most demanding ­queries facing to hear Roller’s account. “Those of you The column also quotes David Christian academia: Which schools will who know him know he would never Wheeler, a former Asbury University journalism professor who sup- posedly left the school for another job due to the univer- sity’s position on human sexual- ity: “It is a tragedy for an institu- tion of higher education to be so closed-minded that they would deny someone tenure for being LGBTQ-affirming,” Wheeler said. “But that is clearly the direction Asbury is going. No room for nuanced views. Only anti-LGBTQ hysteria.” The “direction” Asbury University is going? How frus- trating to have Asbury Univer- sity accused of “anti-LGBTQ Hysteria” and being “closed- minded” when their mission The Asbury University Hager Administration Building in Wilmore, Kentucky (Photo: Amannelle / is to tell of Christ’s love and Wikimedia Commons) redemption of sins. All sins. It is revisionists who have changed uphold their Christian values and which exaggerate, or make himself look better course, and determined repentance is not will cave to cultural pressures? in any way,” tweeted Chilton. necessary for sexual immorality. On March 4, a column in the Lex- Bill Mefford, a former United Meth- Asbury University was established in ington Herald-Leader placed Asbury odist General Board of Church and Soci- the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition and cur- University in Wilmore, Kentucky, under ety (GBCS) staff member who infamously rently enrolls 1,900 students from more a microscope after the school allegedly disrespected the March for Life with an than 20 different nations, according to the refused to renew the contracts of two pro- “I march for sandwiches” sign, is quoted school’s website. The “Asbury University fessors who are “LGBTQ affirming.” in the column too.* Mefford asserts that Statement on Human Sexuality” makes The two Asbury professors named in Asbury University is more conservative the school’s faithfulness to traditional the column are Jill Campbell, assistant than Asbury Theological Seminary (a sexual ethics abundantly clear. The state- professor of music education and voice, separate institution). “So I always thought ment reads, in part: and Jon Roller, professor and founder of A faithful interpretation of Scrip- the school’s Worship Arts program. * In August 2019, Mefford signed an open letter– ture affirms the principle that sex- The column quotes worship leader alongside some 70 other Asbury Seminary alum- ual purity honors God and that all Derek Chilton, who started a GoFundMe ni and current students—chastising seminary forms of sexual intimacy that occur page for Roller, saying, “Jon was told in his faculty, students, and President Emeritus Rev. outside the covenant of heterosexual tenure meeting, ‘you do not belong here.’ Maxie Dunnam for their support of the United marriage are sinful distortions of There was no thank you. No appreciation. Methodist Church’s Traditional Plan at the 2019 And no reason for the non-renewal other Special Session of the General Conference. Continued on page 11


the holiness and beauty for which cultural trends. It will pounce on those a host of other sins,” explained Prince. God intended. As members of a that, like Asbury, refuse to compromise. “Nevertheless, we rightly resist without larger community, we recognize that Why sexual ethics? Why does the equivocation, when anyone suggests that stewarding one’s expression of sex- LGBTQ issue always land Christian we stop calling sin, sin, and instead start ual intimacy is a trust that reaches schools in the headlines and not the calling it sacred.” beyond ourselves, extending even innumerable acts of community out- In her column, Herald-Leader colum- to those who may disagree with our reach, service projects, and academic nist Linda Blackford argues that younger beliefs. Therefore, we understand our achievements? Christians “don’t adhere to such narrow responsibility to uphold biblical truth “LGBTQ is not being singled out perspectives any more,” and she is right. in our belief and practice, but in a by churches and institutions who hold According to a 2017 Pew Research Center way that reflects the grace that holi- to the historic biblical witness but rath- survey, 47 percent of Generation X/Mil- ness produces. er by those who seek to legitimize it as lennial evangelicals favored gay marriage, We believe that the sin of sexual normative in the church and Christian compared to only 26 percent of boomer immorality (e.g., pre-marital sexual academy,” wrote David Prince, pastor and older evangelicals. behavior, adultery for the hetero- of preaching and vision at Ashland Ave- A generational divide on the LGBTQ sexually married person, polygamy, nue Baptist Church in Lexington, Ken- issue does not mean young people’s sen- polyandry, pornography, incest, and tucky, and assistant professor of Chris- timents outweigh Scripture or the sac- all forms of same-sex practice) is tian preaching at The Southern Baptist rament of marriage. It merely means about the behavior. As sinful fallen Theological Seminary. “Other sins, Christian parents, churches, and schools creatures, we are all tempted to sin, which must be unapologetically called like Asbury University must continue however, we do not claim those areas what they are as well, do not have con- doing their jobs well and teaching the of temptation as right and good— stituencies seeking normalization and Gospel without compromise and with and worthy of embrace and celebra- affirmation.” love. There are young people who will tion. Rather, we unashamedly insist Prince was one of the first Christian listen. that by the grace of God we are called leaders to comment on the Herald-Leader to live within the biblical boundaries column in his article “Asbury University of our sexuality, and are empowered Chooses the Bible and Institutional Integ- Chelsen Vicari directs the Evangelical Action to live in obedience with God’s will rity Over the Spirit of the Age.” program at the Institute and alignment with His purposes as “Let us be clear, the Bible-believing on Religion and revealed in Scripture. We do not sur- church and academy does not believe that Democracy. render the biblical standard of sex- sexual sin is beyond the scope of the gos- ual purity to the prevailing secular pel or carries a greater moral weight than culture, nor the definition of “male” and “ female” to mean something more or different than a individual’s sex at birth. At the same time, we Transgender Passe, Meet the Non-Binary Clergy do pledge to extend compassion and continued from page 9 care, providing accountability and assistance as we support all mem- decisions and those of the bers of our community—students, church council led to the dete- staff and faculty—in their desire to rioration of the church’s inter- live consistently with the Christian nal structure and support sys- teaching on human sexuality as tem. During turmoil following described above. Baum’s unexpected announce- ment, the church provided him Few university statements on human and his family (he is married to sexuality are as robust and thoughtful a woman and has two children) as this pronouncement from Asbury more than $52,000 in support, University. Notice the language “we do including his “transition,” in not surrender the biblical standard of the seven months before his sexual purity to the prevailing secular resignation. culture…” I pray more Christian schools The Rev. Jess Cook delivers a keynote These few individuals indicate a move speech during the More Light luncheon would be so bold. towards a wider acceptance of non-binary at the Presbyterian Church (USA) The world waits to see which Chris- clergy in mainline Protestantism. Time General Assembly on June 19, 2018. tian schools will uphold traditional sex- will tell if this trend makes it beyond that (Photo: Danny Bolin) ual ethics and which will accommodate confine.


‘A Great Cloud of Witnesses in the Cloud’ as Anglicans Worship Online by Jeffrey Walton

unday evening the Rev. Robbie Pruitt tapped his phone and began Sa livestream for the youth gathering of Christ the King Anglican Church in Alexandria, Virginia. “I’m in my daughter’s bedroom doing Facebook Live because it is actually the quietest place in the house,” Pruitt, the Pastoral Associate and Director of Youth Ministry, explained to the virtually assembled. He launched into a talk about Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well in John chapter 4 and the “social dis- tancing” that culture prompted between Jews and Samaritans. Amidst quarantines and “social dis- tancing” enacted by civil authorities seek- ing to limit transmission of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), Anglican Chris- tians have found themselves unable to continue worship services as usual. Christ the King (CTK) is among a wid- ening number of parishes employing a patchwork of mobile technologies to keep church congregations connected. What this looks like in practice var- ies by ministry. Smaller congregations are using video conference products like Zoom and Google Hangouts that facili- tate a high level of interaction. Larger congregations are offering video via Face- Members of Incarnation Anglican Church in Arlington, Virginia take part in an online book Live or Vimeo, which are mostly worship service using video conferencing technology on Sunday, March 15, 2020 (Photo: unidirectional but afford some interac- Erica Chapman) tion through comment threads. “We had never actually done a service live, this was our first time out of the box,” had an average attendance of 245). Some parishioners sharing that they felt amidst Pruitt explained of the main Sunday ser- connections represented more than one a “great cloud of witnesses in the Cloud.” vice earlier that day, with video enabling person; Pruitt estimated an average of 2–3 “I think the emotional response that the priest to make the sign of the cross people participated per device. people had to the experience spoke to how when giving a blessing. “As high-touch as “We had pictures of families,” Pruitt desperate people were to be together dur- we can be with high tech, the better.” reports, of parents and children gath- ing such uncertain times,” Rowe, a semi- ered around a mobile device to worship narian at School for Ministry, From Pews to Phones together. “It was greatly successful.” reflected. “Perhaps more than any other Anecdotal evidence points to an increase That initial success has been shared Sunday, this experience emphasized to in church participation: Pruitt reports by other Anglican congregations. Amy me that church is not a performance by that CTK’s Sunday service had 63 sepa- Rowe of Incarnation Anglican Church the pastor, but a participation in the life rate devices tuned in live, and altogether in neighboring Arlington was sur- of God by the community of believers.” there were 250 unique views (CTK in 2019 prised at a sizeable virtual turnout, with Rowe noted that Incarnation’s attendance

12 FAITH & FREEDOM | Spring 2020 ANGLICAN increased 30%, with participants joining at odds with the online, live-streaming ritual and gesture to see and scripture and from Seattle, Costa Rica, and Jordan. service experience.” prayers to hear—it’s not just watching a “Everyone got to see everyone in their Marotta’s Richmond, Virginia, preacher deliver a sermon from a stage.” natural habitat,” described the Rev. David church set a goal to give people enough Martin Hanke of an online service con- technology to make participation from New Normal ducted by Restoration Anglican Church. their own living rooms and kitchen tables What is happening now may become a Hanke’s video conference Sunday ser- possible. Recorded video footage of a ser- “new normal” for some time. vice drew people from beyond suburban mon and separate videos of Redeemer’s “I don’t think we will be back in our Washington, where the church is based, Director of Worship Arts playing hymns building until the end of April,” assessed with participants joining from North and inviting people to sing along were Hanke, who leads increasingly large Carolina and even Michigan. online gatherings for morning and Larger churches shared that evening prayer. “Newness will wear experience, including the Falls off and the grind of quarantine will Church Anglican in nearby Falls be significant for us.” Church, Virginia, which reported 420 “Many of us didn’t expect “Many of us didn’t expect to be households watched its live streaming to be giving up quite so giving up quite so much for Lent,” service in its entirety. The service was noted Dr. Joan Deeks of Church of then placed online, where more than much for Lent,” noted the Ascension in Langley, British 2,700 people have viewed it. Columbia. “We know that God is still “There are inherent challenges Dr. Joan Deeks of Church in control whatever the future holds.” with anything online that really A challenging situation isn’t is intended to be face-to-face, in of the Ascension in without preaching application. community,” shared Falls Church “We’re all going to suffer and Communications Director Zach Langley, British Columbia. die. It might not be by COVID-19, Kincaid. “It’s rather like IMAX but it’s going to happen. Let’s talk versus your home television, in a lot about that,” Gingerich proposed. of ways, but we’ve heard from many “Are we taking stock of our lives in people as to their thankfulness to worship both embedded in liturgical text from the repentance and faith? How are we even online.” Anglican 2019 Book of Common Prayer. to live in the midst of it all? Will we come “That way—individuals and fami- to know God better, hope for a resurrec- ‘Embodied Participation’ lies could choose to set aside a bit of time tion from the dead, and look in hope to This Coronavirus may be new, but inter- and give their attention to worship and the Incarnate Christ, like Job did?” net connectivity to worship services prayer,” Marotta said. Times of trial can also present evi- is not. Evangelical megachurches have “This is where being an Anglican is dence of spiritual formation. offered an “online campus” to far-flung really helpful: we worship by the book,” “One of the things that has been quite congregants for years. The Edmond, noted the Rev. Barton Gingerich of St. refreshing is that of the faith in God’s Oklahoma-based Life.Church (formerly Jude’s Anglican Church in Richmond. “I providence that is being demonstrated known as in 2006 estab- know my folks can pray the Daily Offices by our parishioners,” shared Bishop Al lished its “Internet Campus” broadcast- in their households in seasons such as Gadsden, Sr., of the Reformed Episcopal ing interactive worship services live. The this. That’s an analog solution that we Church Diocese of the Southeast. “They congregation is now counted among the shouldn’t neglect.” recognize that God will deliver and pro- largest in the country. In some ways, Anglicans are perhaps tect them, but are also wise enough to But expectations differ between the least prepared to provide virtual ser- know that wisdom is a necessary part of megachurches and typically much smaller vices: the liturgy emphasizes embodied our walk with the Lord. They hold fast to Anglican congregations. Evangelicals tend participation and physical matter—most the Word that tells us, ‘For God has not to emphasize preaching and musical wor- particularly in the bread and wine of the given us a spirit of fear, but of power and ship from a central stage, while those in Eucharist. of love and of a sound mind’” (2 Timo- liturgical traditions are accustomed to cor- “I think for this reason most Angli- thy 1:7). porate prayer, recitation of creeds, physical can churches haven’t ventured as far into movement, and sacramental worship. virtual experiences as others because our “I think the challenge for many of Jeffrey H. Walton is the worship is inherently anti-virtual; it is Communications Manager our churches centers around the word visceral and communal and participato- and Anglican Program participation,” says the Rev. Dan Marotta ry,” Rowe proposed. “On the other hand, Director at the Institute on of Redeemer Anglican Church. “We value the ceremony of Anglican worship actu- Religion & Democracy. embodied presence and communal par- ally translates beautifully online, even in ticipation in worship—which is directly an empty sanctuary. There is color and

13 FAITH & FREEDOM | Spring 2020 ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Texas Church Embraces LGBTQ, Exits Assemblies of God by Jeffrey Walton

Texas church has made news as tattoos across his left arm, a standard uni- marriage, sexual orientation, and gender the first Assemblies of God (AG) form for evangelical church planters. The identity—which is the only permissible Acongregation to announce that church’s building, newly completed in Sep- stance for Assemblies of God churches it is “fully LGBTQ affirming without an tember 2016, replaced rented space at a San and ministers.” asterisk.” Marcos middle school for the congregation. Eikon is no longer listed on the Lead Pastor Dan Matlock of The church’s motto proclaims Assemblies of God church directory, and Eikon Church in Kyle, Texas, made the “Everyone is welcome, nobody is perfect, a link to the church’s profile on the AG web site now ends in an error message. “The North Texas District is commit- ted to helping members of Eikon Church find church families that continue to embrace the biblical views consistent with the statement of faith originally embraced by Eikon Church,” Forrester added. Neither membership figures for Eikon Church nor a list of the congrega- tion’s elder board are publicly available. Email inquiries made to the church were not returned as of the time of publication. Matlock and his wife Kelly co-pastor the church, which they planted in 2012 and officially launched in 2013. The church web site lists five staff, including the Matlocks, and two service times. A sixth staffer with the title of Executive Pastor transitioned off the church staff the week before the announcement and did not respond to a request for comment sent to his account. Matlock’s 54-minute Sunday ser- mon is the first of a multi-part series on Pastor Dan Matlock speaks at Eikon Church in Kyle, TX on February 9, 2020 (Photo: Eikon engaging the LGBTQ community. Eikon Church/YouTube screen capture) Church directs congregants to a section of their web site featuring a series of LGBTQ announcement in a sermon Sunday, Feb- anything is possible,” but remaining affil- affirming resources, including various ruary 9, that the Austin-area congrega- iated with the Assemblies of God denomi- advocacy organizations such as author tion would now be open to LGBTQ per- nation will not be possible. Matthew Vines’ Reformation Project, sons on staff and that the church building “Dan Matlock has announced that which promotes LGBTQ affirmation will be available to host same-sex wed- he and Eikon Church will no longer be within evangelical churches. ding ceremonies. affiliated with the Assemblies of God,” Vines’ writing appears to be one of “There will be some pastors and lead- explained Assemblies of God Senior several Religious Left influences upon ers at Eikon that are willing to perform Director of Public Relations and Commu- Matlock’s thinking on marriage and sex- weddings … the building Eikon occupies nications Mark Forrester in response to uality. Matlock also appears to have been will be open for anyone to host weddings at an email query. “The North Texas District shaped by the writings of post-evangelical regardless of gender or sexuality,” a state- moved swiftly and in accordance with author Rachel Held Evans. ment on the church’s web site explains. processes outlined in the General Council Addressing scriptural prohibitions of Matlock preaches in well-worn jeans Bylaws when first aware of the departure same-sex practices, Matlock immediately and untucked shirts that reveal a sleeve of from the Assemblies of God’s position on Continued on page 15

14 FAITH & FREEDOM | Spring 2020 ASSEMBLIES OF GOD set aside verses from the Hebrew Scrip- differing view to be offered by a presbyter the denominational clergy rolls, the AG tures. He insisted that Moses’ words in for the South Austin Section of the AG. equivalent of defrocking. the book of Leviticus were already disre- Reached for comment, Anthony Alexander continued as co-president garded, citing prohibitions against wear- Scoma of the Assemblies’ North Texas of Evangelicals for Social Action and ing mixed fabrics. He did not distinguish District confirmed that he was originally on staff at Eastern Seminary until 2016, between Jewish ceremonial law, intended scheduled to address the congregation. when he departed both organizations. to indicate the people group from which “A denominational decision was Alexander and the mother of his three the messiah would come (fulfilled with reached early this week that I will no lon- children divorced and in 2018 he publicly the coming of Jesus Christ), and the moral ger be speaking at Eikon this Sunday,” transitioned to a new transgender female law, which remains in effect. Scoma shared, referring questions to the identity. Matlock focused his biblical exposi- North Texas District office and District tion upon the Apostle Paul’s exhortations Superintendent. Jeffrey H. Walton is the against sexual immorality in his letters to Matlock’s LinkedIn profile lists Communications Manager the Romans, Corinthians, and Timothy. his theological training at the Rock- and Anglican Program The Texas pastor posited that Paul’s words ford Master’s Commission, a ten month Director at the Institute on were to be understood in his cultural Christian gap-year discipleship program Religion & Democracy. context and were aimed against preda- now known as City First Leadership tory or exploitative relationships such as College. He is a certified minister, the pederasty, not against romantic same-sex lowest of three AG ministerial catego- relationships. ries (ordained, licensed, certified). The “What Paul is talking about in the certified level does not require the same Paula White’s New Testament does not properly corre- education or training as the other two late to LGBTQ Christians that we know,” classifications. Controversies Matlock preached. “Paul isn’t talking Matlock is not the first AG clergy to continued from page 8 about what we’re talking about. They run afoul of the denomination’s orthodox [LGBTQ Christians] would say that Paul teaching on marriage and sexuality. for coronavirus. Perhaps even more out- seems to be addressing child molesters, In 2013, Society for Pentecostal landish is Ernest Angley, now age 98, the idolatrous orgies in temple prostitution.” Studies President Paul Alexander trig- white-suited, black wigged faith healer “I landed in a place of full affirma- gered an investigation by his AG Dis- who knocked supplicants to the stage tion that I do believe that God can and trict after proposing that the largest and floor as he administered their healing does bless same-sex relationships, that most prominent academic society with- before jetting off to his next rally on his God can and does bless same-sex mar- in the Pentecostal tradition should be private plane. He’s now charged with sex- riages,” Matlock preached at the end of his open to the promotion of homosexual, ually abusing a young male pastor, which sermon as tones swelled from a worship transgender, and intersex “realities” as should surprise no one. leader’s keyboard. faithful representations of Pentecostal Multi-million dollar evangelis- Future installments of the ser- and Charismatic Christianity. Alexan- tic empires built on a personality often mon series were previewed, including a der was later that year dismissed from degenerate into egotism, scandal, and heresy. But they raise money from willing supporters who find hope and empow- Of Course America Will Survive the Coronavirus erment in the offered messages of deliv- erance and prosperity. Some of these continued from page 3 empires are evangelical Christian. Some might anticipate improved health care and Of course, even in the best scenario, are New Age or simply popular self-help enhanced medical technologies. We might post coronavirus America will still be spirituality, but equally evangelistic in expect that social isolation will lead to - sinful. Even the best religious awakenings their fervor. ter appreciation of community, especially only persist for a season. Yet they produce Paula White has not fallen into ruin- the spiritual camaraderie of the church, fruit that is eternal. ous scandal. She is, I’m told by people who but also the neighborhood and civil soci- Let’s be confident that America after have met her, a nice person. Her style and ety. We might hope for more focus on fam- the present crisis will be renewed, more theology don’t appeal to me nor I suspect ily as the central social network. We might familial, more innovative, more cre- to most traditional Christians outside her experience a much needed baby boom after ative, more dutiful, more compassionate, charismatic subculture. But she’s not an decades of declining birth rates. There braver, and more daring. And may our anomaly in American spirituality. She’s could be a wider spiritual awakening that moral and spiritual improvements, how- part of a long tradition of preachers of reminds Americans of our highest religious ever uneven, exemplify our faith in a kind hope, Christian or not, who declare a path aspirations towards God and each other. Providence, inspiring a needful humanity to individual enlightenment and blessing. Let’s pray it is so! likewise to heed this hope. They will always have a following.

15 FAITH & FREEDOM | Spring 2020 IRD Diary: United Methodism as We’ve Known It Is Gone, No One Is ‘Leaving’ It by John Lomperis

nited Methodists and much of our denomination—as of the media have been abuzz well as conferences, congre- around a high-profile, carefully gations, and people—will Mitosis is the process where a single cell divides into U two daughter cells. The purpose of mitosis is for growth negotiated proposal that would end the be divided, with some con- and to replace worn out cells (Image: Colin Behrens / denomination’s decades of theological tinuing with one of the new Pixabay) infighting through separation into two denominations and some or more denominations. continuing with the other. more fundamental disagreements. I Questions remain about details. One denomination is likely to end expect that rather quickly, some of the Will liberal United Methodists up with most of the current hierarchy of most prominent differences between stick to their guns in insisting that general agencies while abandoning much the new denominations would be over regional votes be “rigged” so that their of the doctrinal and moral standards. The matters entirely separate from sexuality, side would “win” with a mere 44 per- other denomination will be the other way such as the size of the denominational cent minority vote any annual con- around: abandoning most of the bureau- bureaucracy, or whether to support a ference currently subject to the tradi- cracy while retaining doctrinal and moral bishop who publicly teaches that Jesus tional biblical standards of the United standards. Christ needed to be converted out of Methodist Discipline? Is a double stan- No matter which denomination you sinful “bigotries and prejudices.” dard requiring traditionalist believers choose, going with one or the other will The rhetoric many use in framing to muster a 57 percent super-majority separate you from much of the rest of some choices as “leaving the United just to keep the same doctrinal and the United Methodist Church as we have Methodist Church” is misleading and moral standards we already have fair? known it. should be avoided as much as possible. Can bishops who have already The end of our denomination as we Rather than talk about “leaving” some- broken trust act with honesty, fairness, know it is an occasion for sadness, and we thing that we will no longer actually and integrity in managing the transi- will all need time to process and grieve. have, the choice should be understood tion and sorting processes? Whatever may happen in terms of in terms of continuing. As our confer- It is guaranteed that what ultimate- names and media narratives, the reality ence / congregation continues our minis- ly emerges from the General Confer- will be that the post-General Conference try, do we want to continue our ministry ence will not be ideal in anyone’s eyes. denominations will be fundamentally in closer alignment with this one group It is increasingly likely that Meth- new and distinct. The United Methodist of United Methodists with its package odists will find that the denomination Church as we now know it—the whole of beliefs, values, and structure, or with now known as the United Methodist packaged deal of the current structure, this other group of United Methodists Church will evolve into at least two doctrine, moral standards, denomina- with a different package of beliefs, val- new denominations, with different tional culture, internal divisions, and ues, and structure? standards on sexual morality. people—will be no more, and two (or May God grant us grace and wis- Each annual conference and con- perhaps more) new denomination will be dom as we all seek to discern and choose gregation will have a choice to make— born, each inheriting different parts of wisely. to remain with this group of United the old denomination that birthed them. Methodists, or join this other one. Each denomination can be expected John Lomperis directs Choosing to let another make that to move in different directions, unhin- the UMAction program choice, or choosing to passively default dered by internal resistance from those at the Institute on Religion & Democracy. to the status quo, is still a choice. now in the other denomination. It is now The reality is that in any of the widely agreed that differences on sexu- likely scenarios for separation, pieces ality are merely the presenting issue for

The Institute on Religion & Democracy Support IRD by adding us We are Christians working to reaffirm the church’s biblical and to your will today! historical teachings, strengthen and reform its role in public life, protect religious freedom, and renew democracy at home and 16 FAITH & FREEDOMabroad. | Spring 2020