2008 Lifetime Achievement Award

IEEE SW Test Workshop 1 PastPast RecognitionRecognition ……

K. Reed GleasonYoshieiWilliamArthur Hasegawa MannEvansEric W. Strid 2006 200720052004 2006 CascadeIEEE MicrotechMicronics WentworthSW Test Japan Workshop CascadeLabs Co. Microtech Founder and Chair Emeritus

IEEE SW Test Workshop 2 TheThe SelectionSelection CommitteeCommittee MeetsMeets

Brett Crump Technical Chair

Jerry Broz Bill Mann General Chair Chair Emeritus

IEEE SW Test Workshop 3 SomeSome ResearchResearch IsIs RequiredRequired !!

IEEE SW Test Workshop 4 AA ChoiceChoice isis MadeMade !!

Are the hats really necessary, Jerry ? They do not flatter either of us.

You’re missing Agreed. the point, Brett. We have made the But … the hats? LAA selection. and balloons ?

IEEE SW Test Workshop 5 WeWe selectedselected thethe coco--founderfounder ofof aa companycompany thatthat becamebecame thethe worldworld marketmarket leaderleader inin probeprobe cardcard testtest andand probeprobe processprocess analysisanalysis equipmentequipment

z OurOur awardeeawardee startedstarted hishis engineeringengineering careercareer atat FairchildFairchild SemiconductorSemiconductor inin 19591959

z CoCo--foundedfounded hishis firstfirst company,company, PacificPacific WesternWestern Systems,Systems, inin 19671967

z CoCo--foundedfounded AppliedApplied Precision,Precision, Inc.,Inc., inin 19861986

IEEE SW Test Workshop 6 FairchildFairchild SemiconductorSemiconductor

z 1959 – our awardee started his career in the new and rapidly developing field of “integrated circuits” and semiconductor testing. z 1957 – “Traitorous Eight” led by and , quit Shockley Semiconductor with help from financier to start .

Traitorous Eight at Fairchild

IEEE SW Test Workshop 7 FairchildFairchild SemiconductorSemiconductor

z In 1959, Fairchild produced a series of in-house transistor testers beginning with the Type 1A.

z Our awardee worked on the Type 4 tester that was eventually introduced for public sale in the March 1961.

z In 1962, Fairchild pioneered the "offshore assembly" trend by setting up the first assembly facility in Hong Kong.

z In 1964, our awardee developed the first off-shore transistor testing group for Fairchild in Hong Kong.

z In 1965, he left Fairchild Semiconductor.

IEEE SW Test Workshop 8 PacificPacific WesternWestern SystemsSystems

z In 1967, he founded Pacific Western Systems z Designed and built the first prototype tester board for the 4004 processor z Designed automated milling machine that had two axis coordinated linear and circular interpolation using the Intel 4004 processor

z In 1976, he established the PWS Corporate Research and Development Center on Mercer Island, WA.

z In 1980, he created the architecture for the TI 64K DRAM tester platform. z First memory tester system purchased outside of Texas Instruments z 500 pico-second resolution of pulse placement using printed circuit propagation delay z 33 MHz ECL, 3 stage pipelined processor for memory tester

z In 1982, he directed the design of the first 64K DRAM at Smithsonian linear axis wafer prober. IEEE SW Test Workshop 9 ProberProber // TesterTester InterfacingInterfacing

IEEE SW Test Workshop 10 AutomatedAutomated ProberProber DevelopmentDevelopment

z Microprocessor based control with 64K RAM! z 6-μinch stage resolution and better than 0.1 mil repeatability z Touch screen interface with servo and step mode operation

IEEE SW Test Workshop 11 AppliedApplied Precision,Precision, Inc.Inc.

z In 1986, he co-founded Applied Precision with Ron Seubert and John Stewart using $3000 in capital.

z Founding principles and business goals (as excerpted from business meeting minutes, 03-Sept-1983, … thanks Ron !)

1. Steady growth in size and profits

2. Team management

3. Honesty and integrity in aspects of the business

4. A strong customer orientation

5. Excellent products

6. A friendly and rewarding work place

7. Social and human as well as economic value

IEEE SW Test Workshop 12 AppliedApplied Precision,Precision, Inc.Inc.

z RelentlessRelentless inin hishis pursuitpursuit ofof qualityquality andand innovation,innovation, confirmedconfirmed throughthrough metrology.metrology.

Beginnings of the probe card analyzer IC verification test system interface

IEEE SW Test Workshop 13 ProbeProbe CardCard AnalyzerAnalyzer DevelopmentDevelopment

z In 1989, a CheckPoint was capable of measuring the locations of 256 probe points in three dimensions z In 2008, a ProbeWorx® 300 uses 3D optical comparative metrology and measures up to 40,000 probe points z From 1986 to 2006, API achieved a CAGR of ~30%.

In the 1990’s In the 2000’s IEEE SW Test Workshop 14 AlwaysAlways TimeTime forfor FunFun andand PeoplePeople !!

IEEE SW Test Workshop 15 SWSW TestTest LifetimeLifetime AchievementAchievement AwardAward 20082008

DonaldDonald SnowSnow Co-Founder, CEO emeritus Applied Precision, LLC

“Don is a leader, a source of inspiration, and of highest integrity.”

- Ron Seubert (2008)

IEEE SW Test Workshop 16