' " " " , *

IVOT^TJMU ICVI^Wo. Bttl.- 3, 1800 Propplotop. I NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 l^llICIil TEIN lltop and Oflimk.

" nflor all plocti the wraath on Ellas'e brow, 1{BW.TE&B UAILS. Ur. Seller was lo the pantry when arose that terrible And perhaps she may not consent to see I "AD right. Seller, lam going. Good bye. Loo, doer; Bha was obout to Why this emotion at the Idea of my depatlml* outciy; down dro|iped the dish be bad been holding, e.'^ I Just wait tlH thia evening, ana then we ahali know ox but the poor girl shudderlngly retreated, sajing hur- aomewlist hsishly sold Ellas, "What nore am j'ta mnn nR tdr niv tobi curm. and ofl he ran. nearly friBliiened out of his life, believ- Don't yea be In alarm about thni ; UIss Louiss, actly what we have to.espeol." riedly:— ,voa than a stranger wbom today yon ate for the tat that bless her, not the one lo tarn mybody ntray unlieanl. no, I Implore I" ing eomelhing oresdrul bad happened. n 80 oald lir. Sanimerford. aa ha rolled from . tho "Oh, no, you llmef" .( "Qood graolous, Bttay, my love, wUaterer la the And I think you'll gel the waltla;t-mald'( plaoo ; anil If room. "Why, whatever Is Iho motlor with you V Lonlaa In "Hut you know not hew great a liking, how raaehoK Dn«s cVm Id tbg «lk, ilibtlD rtoDtorUwdsn matter 1" you don't, sno It sum to And ]ou sons eni|iloyment, Ur. great sstonlshment deminded. iBohcd Boiler that lo already the . lu balttla Totn cnmun llMd. U dj iVIili: ooiemencad Immedlilsir, and proved you I have baoome, and lent Eliza, not Willi Tbomu •rtcl on Iho blgb ml b«lon, "DoD'tcall me yonr love—there alandi yonr love, end If ake doef n't, I will, so do you make j our mlod be had the gift of speooh to a contldersble oxlen*. "Oh," wept "you know how groat tho polo that you onnid do would be to aay wherefora yoo wifk loJ, niml vltb impailcnu, mj bright, blooded bij. yon bate, mercenary wretch I" eisy." "Apoocyonng creature," bOHsM, "who has sesn you are Indloiiog on me." toqaltmoT" " "I wish I may die, Betsy, If I know what yon are talk- Oh, never will I forget yonr goodness to mo t belter days, a most accomplished girl, a relation of "Whai odn you mean I" "Well, then," delr, mnoh more, na." Solfsr, ; would I, too, Wltb Mo, iDiaklog ootlriii ud itllt, ooliel« tmi. that I snail tear your eyes out I'' he'd givo warning dIreoUy and so Ulsa Bummerford, wkA desired bin to aend the young sol, then asid:— "Ah I bow b that r But here those who had created the mleohlef set to for thst milter," girl to her. "No, I have promlaed to respect yonr silence—keep *'Baoanae I' can never be bappy thast beeaoM turn of til to the boon oriberelr UlM JfiUi, " VM work to undo It, They hsd not been prepared lor saoh "No, no: I sbonM never forgive myself II Already prepDsseaiad" la her fsvor, Lonha was your secrets and pardon nie." b\m I love I am for ever aaparated—must nsver mora u>«ii, Who naldt In a oiwalaa iodo duuac* op - adeTiouffinenCtoihelrflitle domeBtlcdrams,and atonoe "It wouldn't much metier, lor Mr. Sumraerford will f;rsaliv Impreased by ihe ohaniiing features and grace- "How good and generoua yoa are I" momored behold him 1" ' WMcb Ikeir luber, bild beaded end corsolcot, ewni, , ' confessed their delinquency, and endeavored loappeue have to look out for a new cook and butler aoon, at any ul, though palofolly lorvoua, manner of Bllsa, aa pre- Ellaa. "Poor girl. Blay and I will consols yon,' . 1 rich ooUoD bnker, end perlner ol Biosn. greatly rate, bsosnae before long Seller and I are going 10 sently she Louisa placed the wreath opon her own brow, and Ellis that the Irate and Indnuat Delay. Cookey waa too aoniy gilded Into the room. shrank ahnddarlngly from Ihe arms wm' allgbl ttxm mj tldgb, Anirtt tx the dooi I ileiaed to Bod tiat tbt allair bad been only a Joke to leave to gel married, and I'llo the public line." "Come along, my dear," aald Louisa, with an en- then asked for the pearls and Joirela, lelllog Bllaa that extended to embrace bar. , the eUpf, end el len^. In the dnelDg nom'e UoBol lold out long egalnst Ihe entreallee for pardoa of those couraging amile; "11 1 look terrible at a distance, you they wire el the bottom of the hsskol. "Tuneb me not," the arled, "and let oe btgene, lUt CHAPTEK XIX. fk», who had oonoooted tbe Jest without Inteadlag that It will And, CD approaohing me, that I am perfectly harm- Ellaa fonod and gave 10 Miss Bummerford Tirlona Inalantl' of the - pi* Iho eeaphneDte nond imoo, hf wef TflB should oanso so much miseblef. Dot Ibst bad beglh- lOOLDLOTBS— OVOOISOOOS arTAtOL less." Jewela, amongst whloh were a necklace and hraceleta. "Out I will not have yonge—yon ahall set I" 1 Of etli|oar I bow to ihe ladlea qolte low aa befo-e; vnung woman somo of tbe drevmshlng thst we told "Ah, yea, yon would like lilm to go mving nboul, wilhout demnudlug wherefore must Erelty, Bank Into the chair which hsd been ocenpj^ lenaell, meko 107 eiii end pen plly on I weep." eld her, be Oh, cruel wore the handa that drag' ' eis mj wine, bU nlm was going on for Hiss Louisa's' woddlni-he says nfler tho fashion of your heroes of romance; bot my tears wllhoai asking me wherefore rival, and dislracledly marmurod:— - . Qlgbt of tiepa to mj alaigh el Ihe ''Ousrd the riverl" her who OawD ibo bnud ho doesn't personallt know the bearer of tills, but tboi Uloliird Drandon Is not one of that sorl.'' yonr leerels," Louisa trustlrgly responded. ged me from "Rama'n-agsin lo aee hint—here, before door. lolall/ Ibr •he Is the daughter of an old friend ot bb, and that bo "Indeed, he it not. Uut Ihsvo always the Idea that "You have told me you aro uohappy, and that li all In a minute or ao Hiss Baomerford, laaTtig the aoon will bo hla wife. Yes, already I am aiiall that I deairo know." toilet table, and lolng lo Ellaa, said:— though I hod never been Iba awaj, np Ihe iliaet, wtllt a akip and a boivl, bo very much obliged to u!<, and so, loo, will be he Is unoomforlablo In mv preasnoe, nud takes every to gcllen by him—forgollen, aa "Oh, Ihnnka, thnniiB deeply gratatnl ''do you iro still gaaing no Uiat portrait t Well, pe^ Is young, besntlfal and rlek— And the eound of the bclla, goto bfiibt, blooded* UIss Osroline Cook, If wo can be of aervice to her." opportunity to avoid mo. Evuu now ha la not in the I" exclaimed the Yes, he loves hor, forshe Rllaa. kal ' "Ileitvoa Is nly wUnesa Ihsl I am nnt onworthy hapa )on will be goniT enough to tell no what you I Ah, that Is It-oh I lhal eccurted raonay; ' "Ob,"orlod Iho oooh, If my oonsin Carry rcoom house." rioh Dnwna, on b«( bllihe Nair of yonr pity 1" ofmyinlendedl" doomed to atena % Ihe^oitka and the mands hor, that is enough." No, he la gone oulfor his usual ranmiog walk." think for thst I hud not perhaps been fesr'a CDund, ''If Ifelinotcerlaln thit, I And without w.illlng for a reply, nttlod ... Dclay'a cousin had never even heard of Ellu, hnt "Not to roliiro, perhaps, as very frequently hnppens, of ehonid ao wetsome on;- nil«ory." . ^ Thraath the kno, fieil; air, till the eloao of Ihe daf yonl good-lcokiog, Bain had thought thst tho menllou of her name in the until the evening, and tlien looking worn and Jaded." And now, to begin, you roust ImDOdlaloty get "Vtty I think, and a copltol like The sh idcs of evening had been approsohing berai*

msllor ' rid of those poor hablllmenti, nesB." biiinmorford quilled Bllsa, as aean,-(nd would 00 likely lo nroiluoe a gooil ollcot andon- "Ho Is full of sorroiv," a< he has told me. In con-to- and eloihe younell lo Miss we have endeavoring lo one of my dresies, onlll auoh time «a we enn havo yoa "Oh, hetvoo have pity on me 1" Inandibly mnrmund thn ilenpnlrlng airlsal there, benumbed and sinplled k V",?'"^'^'''** o' bolh oook and buUor. Nor wna quonooofrcoantiboieMVomente, and is no at all Oiled with a wordrobe a'i1|''orMr.Hsl|or. mnoh," tesiily replied the merchjnl. and graspod and eovertd with kisaes the hapa you have a mind to become my her waa In bla *' " thalbot band of her young bBnef<«''''<" In Iho Aral plaoe," said LiuUa, I believe cnAllER bnllo'I rowat" Dummerford, In her hurry, hsd neglaotad to cIom afler for that long existing and sliipid contract whloli, in a . . 1, aiBt-ntD Mnn-nni'a nut ttomoii at toi OlIAfi'isii XX. Town," amiled Lonlaa "wail, my doir, lo toil her Iho tloor of Ihe bondoIr, thero atood—hesltallng tm 1..".' Anil don't yonbenfrald, my dear manner, compels him to marry mo, Ur. Brandon would "Ula ; LlDULa «!&n'Ii'''i' snsLV VBia^i anTASs aid -" and atrirlng for courage to enter the room -Writer By from us never to return." a oosnMios—Arm daskI yonihelruUi— newly olirbttned hli new resl- UIss love biml" hastily InlorroplidEllra. Unindon. Uememberlng Ellas, to wed wllb analhar Mr. Samragrford hid '** '»'11<'« " You that, Louisa," angrily orlod hor father, Bamroarford having anramonnd one of the ser "And you " '"""S uy 1" oiled the yoang It "Tho Linrala." Tbe tilea, of wbloh lived " don't love vints whom, for the "How you are qoesllonlog mi bad become for bIm ao ImposslbPlly. Ua bod 1^ lul denee, oalling because ] 00 with he would do so. You laat lew days, alts had promnled to auggeiiled lo him by a >>• >>rr *'< lady. resolved no longer lo be Ihi slave of those Into Whoaa ha was ittj prond, had been «''» family," proudly him—you won't Iry—and arc seeking an exaaso for Hag maid, gave oerUla ln«truollons eon- bla J!iu1?nUn!?'i.".'l"*.''"'«''> vile clutcbea fallen. the ooopla or laurel trees (rowing at tho bottom of "^-j"' obey the wlih so desr to mr corn iig Ellas, detlring, at the time, she yon-ond hu *"',', he had He woald brava yhnl '"^a yonr medllaled refusal to same that "And he alio loves '«JVi° .a,.-. anlll aha had arrked rolnLno°ii;'i;>' sbould ho ahall heir all aboat thev might have power lo Infllot bpan him, bnt wi)vl4 garden. Ella), illled with hoDO heart yon .want to compel no to li^rfslt tho word I UestrO wlih evory atleal'on and retpeot "Why, the fact Is hut you oourage foraahe her. ; no longer act Ihe Impoelor; weald no longer Ua. loUa beroTt Ike villa, then felt all her """''"S '"V- 'katt «i» oook oalled him gave to poor friend." 1°° retired to'her snug and elepant bondoir lo my , ^ ''VI J that had aooompaeled her oa beok.*" than which, aflar aboat 1- wsa Bllaa'. deapalring falheriiiDam dearestDvarvBi ineau,friend, nor veaoneroGaiytreooherenily aneivwjpaadteeliajtad Tbe Joylol antlolpatlon " ; I would, an yon know, oinosi sooner die ualf an hoar, the waa rejcloed by '''ioh.fl.Vme'-'ill Is sndsd " No ' — " |'B'lay»n>lnole, hypoorlUeailypoorlUeaily Inra to mlaery 1 * " — thither, abandoned her when her Teler. " her protity*. and degradation tkatntt* lbs road at onoo A thought haa Jnal almck afflict yon And as Ellta priisentad hr^lf In a ptolo mlnutee before while dress.' UlMfiummerfotd, again oeaUng girl who llitanod to hln In fall oonfldenon oflhlt jonme; wia onded, and It waa aevaral "There'M a darling! Bleu von I" and bar hair amoothed md arranged, "'"'N'ot, come." said i the not yet completely Irothilh and honor. He had villi' ihe oould inmnon auOolent boldneii to hnook at " Droadr andlmlght Ixiiilu nvoluniarliy started glass ; "I am aw ttlnmed to: tha lhal ' »<" And I do not stall dUIIke Ur, ; and «olaliaed:— hersejrbefore Ihe tell the Inalrnotlona work S dSTt." '—"aw, eroning wltb the foil delermlaatloa lo ga»ak>'''*l'«'*' loiiiad ao eagerly again not daring loanak, and^btlf aitppoting that "Oh, Loojonso; ll'aaneasysltnatlon withjivw your 1" trembling hsuds she endosvored to attaeb a tobshotd. Itwason Lontaa he Sad bsen aboi.t loin- {kongb snnngh,SDd word for It, he will." klodneas—do net drive me fnim i ou with about toiolloltobartt),tt« sbok Ifanybpdv dosm't knpr they Lnolsa's arm, Blot the greiUst Ii4arr,ud her would be IriitdDn. aiiB was Mid, la msy soon Isaraho* to "No," responded Laolaa, "there Isan^ uarmounl- Sin." laughed Lrul »: "dj.l braoetet lo to all thai Is winlad." really prctsntly the brscelet dropped to the gronsd, feu and ane for pMon, h* had tonei— do yea - Taa atrvant whom kind,eneoiraglng ablenbsUole to that" think I wu asrlaas f Ulsss you, If /oo you And " thst." hesllatod tears sorocatlng "ffhal Is It my poor girl t" It Isn'lexMiIy Seller, glancing at nsro lo—bntnsver nind tbougL. you ore end ehe sobbed foitb, her almost uked where he might And Mha Bummerford hadfeld " Whalobslaolsf" that Really, plaasa," lerrontty nntared Ellaa, Ellaa'a old aud faded dreat; II aha were, a llttia oliarining thiia-i'io tim lhal the yonnglady waa In her boidolr, kno^g "If ion "oan I— more " lie loves anolharl" matter, I will make mytelr baaa- to aeethe—the gentleman who—who emarl " llfiil lo atruggle ''°"Mn,no, I cannot- 1 cannot I" tbatabahtdgoia there, and beinx nnawala' that aha may 1 DS allowed Nonsaose I who csn have lold yea lhal nibblsh t Hgalnslyoa." • Dolher," eiled Betav ; "Hlu Louisa haa gota Bhessiiteillisraeirata stood Lmilta WHS more than ever atUinlahed. agala hsd tiaJtled It To Ihe hondolr then Waller pro* la the bntter r heart have Isamad It from Mr. Urjndonhlmklf." toltatl'ible, on which a want Dne clothes to toftea It algDlDea thia t" ahe demanded ;,why Ihoi* oetdea, and. open and feebl/. dl» BUaa'aswaallT pretty faoo and aullerlnff look had at that doesn't ; you go and He has told yon so?" eiolslmed the tuerohant, largo looking glass and oslled Ellia to her, "triiat Hading Ihe door pronerly In a Aial view giaally prapoierisod tho oook In her favor ulk lo her. and If you talk yon will ancoeed; looking perfeetlyamiaed, "liOok,"sald Liulai, "yondnr aro some of tho dne tlngalihlog.uatad Ihere a female Agure wMta ahall irretohed Blln; that Lonlaa yraa that waa ohanged In a momeal. and II you dnn'l suoosad, I know that you haven't hsard tiling! and tlia father has purohaaed "Uh, forgive me," moaned the "bnt robe, balUvad, as a msiter (of count, bnk all .' 1?' '•'""t hsa not toM me so; ball havn Jewelry thai my pray I" oried Dotay, wltb mnoh talked properly, and I will aevor for«l«s wca." his for I shall give ino that brilsrwraitb—thois .narrlsgs prsparalloas, t befora bUi. Bummoning ail his nsolntloo, WWUr "Who Dtav yon be, It In deep drnwo eighs, have aeon It In his dull nnd me, wlih lo try lham oni and you will be good onough to toll " It be my fault If I fall," replied thaballeri liille'a oiilnlon you bnt knew—oh, heavea, they drive me mad I" advanoed' Into the room, Mylng, with tNBlbUng UDerlty. ''PejAiliLyiio aWi msnner when by aide, have read illn "ill aid ) our as to ivlielher they bsoonie me." ' my • ' ' " " eohoed Louiia, "And wherefor* V voleei— . .'.fA me what yoD Ifavl/mUt. Bailor t 1 have a tight to and oil he wenU .. ... iin The oook hid.'ki shU«>n*tej|, „ . Eostlblel'' the merchant " Ilo«ever. I mit't Judges Haary as tho wrv rlctsit young my In tepiratlon, mvdear," replied Delsy svomitleripiton 'lu In the "Uontlnne," said Hist Snmraerford. matoionrpiessnce." Ihia oiimordlnary .b«UTtor. ir felluw aervanis, "lowaycna a proper fnollai. This evening I woiaen have on aqotl know'ledge that wa.t— ;i llttio snort, had, t( flreesby. " What a savage, diugreeabte brnle yon HI with blood, my lhat I conslderao DiilB'Iss WAS ransoling that this rlyal had exUndad Hllis,Maisdwlth Mr bulk ^*udt tin; neegliiad order to oreate for iMBUJln Ulk hira, an 1 il Inm not iieifs'ily dear. 1 told you juit now that tho butler was must have thonthl me," ^tlNHed, oi: enurso, mv dear '0> you ohsruiing shiil expect, nlit to her In her nlicry a snconring hsnd, hod had plt/en Ilia voloe, and, with a ttlBtd nf, eovsnd her ftsa'fIlk very morning, haeftjiaatlag Liulsi, I shill not eit In tkit drest. end ' Planing a cold and daeanter of iherry before yon li»-^o, of me. hor, and so resolved that sho would be the only one to' her handn. drtndfnlly deoellfiit, .that Iboi las another youni fowl a MrUlnly nol_l nm notsn old bssbaw. Elm, Ih-lt yon will prdstnily sty. the same ^ bal I tlian he lovei Eliza— that's Oiimo." tilayrully she prDoecdeu, "atsltt no,- Dip yniir ulTnr. Finding Ihht aba ntlikar titm4 nor apekatr^i', woman ha loved . (aooh ^f?i!'.\S'l,'V*' i''-^'"^ ""thla cvoalng, " and drlnknsrauohaseveryon eSn," nil, woll^llll this wiral you will "Piirewell," she pretsnttv exnlalmtdi "I oight not, "Whaiefore do y«u Heelva hia uo»t" |t beUiy, and pt tba f.bnly rei he had net alreail Thero. noweal Av^olog." hmd Into yonder basket and let's M very poor, A( prooeeileil Detiy. " Itil you may bivo connge to lipulsa/>rts,obotSt« air Bnd." loinnnl.lwill nnt remain here," Waller. "Why this alienee t Ob, heaven, oiajj rnirrled bi ianaa Aht^was something more, bill at ' crloil bv • ' out presently belore Hits IjouIss." tUaklntUnllhol)iltli,fmifohli«ppojr.|iioi), tho bisket a "llniv," wnnderlnglv Lontia, "yoa wootd

THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. January 2, 1869.

tfgiauaplayad. ThaHelaal* played la 41 gaaiaa. A third Ibe Hahawk Qab, whtoh Eim.< wu plarM with u Iht oat Ibal oar lapraatd allb Ibt tnlhoflto tdag* Ibal New Tiat'a Dap b Brat alBea tha paaai* of tbt Dnnallo Copprlgbt Act b; I bft oat ef Ibt foltoalei Utl:- to a parlodlcBl rlilt af oae* a l>*lnamtb, V"kl;B....ai »on-' ot alrral far ' otigit— ap- pta .foor an nakbigpiwpanllona lb ealabratloa on a wlilltu farihnw panot tk» deMlt of whieh 700 by* ilaga litoimlara ol a nailT. a profoaad obMOrll; Albnlk^or BroiUya..t9 a NiUoonV tr AIbaor...SI taat aoaarftilid Alltnile,*! Breoklyo..!) IT Ulymple, of rhlU'l'a..a ibsntllo.lMooaM longer htilUla to confta lo ban ntlad npoa 11. eantlrBetlOB a* to Iba IbIbbI lad glgaallaieala. pear Ihe; wan wllb holldap K«P ftu* AUiltlla^ or Pbllaoklri..ia . II KUr, ofllnollri I.t i ind «Ter wlU M, la tbo memorjr of on« wbo no lallilialoip dealiloB aa la tba comet appllealloB °f rer; daof Iba drala of Mogrna'i acqulalaBct la ek'orior mt now, (Ire Brooklyn. .IJ II iloclil,or N. T.O .. ..la t I Mv« aottPKMd mj whottbutVt tirMtloi), ind wbom prarliloBa. Wabaraatlail btaa faroiad wllb Ike cooaldanblp eibeadad, aad h* eoBt*<|aaoll; atltela N*v YeW* eklord,arBrrtklyn..t3 I* Trl-llotnulii, ar Bet- Bailoaal BudltAir, ofN.T. D.l.-Iee bwoij rewliel pv« a farorlng op|loitaall;Ttr enttlog 0. II t Ion il T "JSj^Bnaai, Wllologten, opinltn ol a Judp .1 a Uaiiad Blalta Conrt, a gtoUe* Da; u ta InpiatdoB. The Bai .nkl>o....W , , ^fl, HMTfoao.—ItnllleMiOllUiconi. In. Foriy.oua(inapliTfd.. bos oiorped NIbla'a of bending Mogpai can rsii oT "Yn. Ui« min wbo I','|»J%oor BhtUootbblrflilautewllt. ilnlalog the Daaagtmanl of flwa nprauulalkia b* wbea he thoeaoL Hb tlilto oa othir Trilrt;.ena J^* C B. W., Boiioo.— atmn won.... 871 JIT •«• railroad occattoaa TenginulMi CB. X., D«lnilt,—ThfUdjUpulMjtuiof what wit fcaawa u "lb* eaaa*" In * pla;, "Antr an ooaBnad to Iba rich, bat now ho b aaU 114 81 patpoi tiBg to ba Ibe praductloa af Boadeaalt, apoa Ike naled bp a man pblUattanpla aplril, and ha will eoadeactad Dub," NiblaljMort.. «ci3it3asg393aa^9s grooad tkal tba aald aeaaa wit a pttgltitam fiom s pltccop;- topaiiikaoreakHaadwbewlUi Ibe arifa of bit boobktiper TZAB ' JiUitara'iAr: UATPT KBW righted b; Mr. Dalraa ila aOtha andtr Iba ptorlatoaa tf the and Ihe daugbton of hb clerk. Af Ur all we an but hBmtn, 6 On law ivM OOMOOOM dnsiaUe law. Bad Mtgpaa admito aa maob b; IhraalBg optn hb do» to Ih* ilacaHIp do not Ibeaa alaipla jOnAMtaM OneeMUOOOS&t Wllb what a rulo of beaitftit Jodf* Blatehford, la dalliarlag Ibt optoloa of Iba Conit, da- Bltctl1taaoaacn«dofeBUan,and biddbg hb fanll; frattr bopafal «bai,gaf A owrtwaa ot*«4oao« aLjOOM'se 3B Woltor. ultorlT bfwlld.r.d. waida bail anllelpallon of a ddtd Ibal, andw lb. pio>bl.Ba af tbe aal, tb* plalBlur <* rallatoeall forth a ploaaoiBbla fioolloo. ol aa lafrlBKement of the aal aa Iba appnpilBlloB of baBlbgofdlfftnacaa. Ilpnla'a jooArt|Q2' b.c]i.gita.t au(h rteib cooBtoDaaei 00 .rar;- 9 h'.J ob.lr,.Dd with ber of Ibb Ibbhboi W aala^ itBT poalM. to aotar tba llnd lal«t tnlire pla;. In tbia tkw of Ibt eaaa bla Honor «u dt- aiBg Ibal a to (oUew, [*o«j«tit.i;ii.. tb« futoned her handi to BO aod wa doo'l woadar tbtt tba aan fcTSuotUblo, 01 which b.lll.o Ibai lb.1. bnalba and w« llnair and bon .11; cornel, at faru Iba letter a pla; It coBcaraid, al- ntaall; thint* hb brigbtoal itVo horwlf from fillliig, confronted the tetlOB, eldfll; oa Ibtl analTiimr;. tl wnld ataakmon.. 3n««e*>BMnbiM*i*>oo«*i SJ»dT Md Dimia aa aol to ipprrelaU »nd b.ll.TOd her BO BBB BO doid to Ibi loiUotli of hie diclaloB not oalp einktt at Iha raiy not of tba raall; Item thatba too tbiaka iladrbtble apM 9 0^0 9.90 |j?5r who h«l deeerted. wboW Ml. Iboutb to pal on hb beat affartloaalolj watrjed la Iba Iba ptnaptlBia of Hop. » ntlbod enplopid b; dtBinallo palchcn of Iha BoaelcaaU datbea In honor of tba laltlal dap of tba year, Roead tba oor- Howor,, blr.k and dAiwape.. •'KiiVo;.\1ffli.rwndl,crl.d:_ dial wUhlng of a Bappp Kaw Yrar. aebool,.bBt lajt aaaageni wba purchaM aad produao pliaaa of Bermldatha SllmnaBaaa, reapectoU* her ptopb lo Iha toa aad tn tHuIoi-* dream-or U It Indeed p-t, ko..iar r.ln«l "•"^P «|( thhi lata nap hB,i b«B bU tbai aoaipoalte dtatilplloii, opra lo IbotnBopane* .r lillgallon aagar baa. Mogyoa paanllr leokt taperdlltoutlp T" at Blln. that I law look npon :. aeolre . . j wllh tk. daw..! lb. half dotaa or Donaoureaa, a eonaldantlon whieb na; Btaa, allhOBgh ht doaa apMdi together for the •Bort. Had .tlbapn.a.1, from a to hla, u on* who bu It 10 hb Wthertol heteeir lb. la-Mcth'J'"of T nia, aiB 'ito. la bod/, wHmbm Mrlai power to poboB il Ia door neai to her, Tanhhing a* baalt, or Iba Hek iTenisal); baaleb fron onr tlag* a af aaaklatnada bin, offaaded. Hb appaaiaaeo wllbla tb* fcom the room by » natl.ltj, a. aa aplilt. 1. Ika da, of lb. par'i boapltabledonBlB «aIohlr almoit ta thongh abe bad been Indeed a bollaallf aapiaaed dnnia, whoaa obI; atrlt eoultli ta tba appraprlatloa, eoabl- or tba BlIameBM* a«sle* b aaaultoD, forhb «Jo«nitloB forbrtk tk. loal aadlbibod;, THE CLIPPER COLD MEDAl/S. ^ TO Bl COHTliroiP. »,Bfil.f piTBtoad aallOB or Inlialloa of Iba leadlag laeUcnla cull.4 Iron other, wealth bu glraa Hogyat a wMt apntd naowa Ha ehaigia TBI WINNERS AND THIIB astiHasatiSBi»9ia''w arartHdaallaa UuoaihHopft and ofuabntt copjrifhttd, loaitaa, dbgalilag thai andu atw hbglan aad'toiaaa off Iht toapllntatool ATBBAQCa . u — tba aaaam In a A««at.aplatlt.aaB,BadlUUaf npoa Ike aularU ebaara Wa piaaeat nr nadai^ tbb wnk, al tbt htod or Ibb cl- aanta aad la oibtr laagiug.. beapar of port, gin* a top l« **eh of tbe eblMna, kbsu Iha aaaail ditBil, to rapW ama, wllh an lllailttlloa ar Iha PPEB. roDowUif Iba warn of tba ana la IU delect pligUilan In dtaaulla tapnsaalatlasa, ba baby, and depaila, laarlBg Iba Cuma Otld KadBla. HEW YOB K Ctl Bal to BllBBeaaea la an Mataey of laagaic^ caaaot kaallata to aa- It will be nautBhtted that tirly to tba tattta or raalUtr and aol aatioBoailcal HoBor laid doaa a prepaalllaB which •* spptab*Bd to ba both delist Tb*; will talk of Ifcat Tbit for aaothai twalTamoalb, IWS we aallhlr ailllaaoa, adtaadaf, offered BUa of then aedalt for cempallllen by wllb lla pnr»« bU owa aUrtllag, and far kcpoad the eoapau which Ik. aad ll't nip potnhto Iha will playan to the JAITOABT 8, aaUU nnal and U b^p be chrfaUaad altor blai. SATDBDAY, hilpkaiacaa la leadiag olak* It a'api, fima lafaatfia tk* bwi for throaffboBl Iha eaantiy. wu dtalgnad that Babad«a,b7Baaaand Boet liberal iBUrpnUUaaa ol Ulararp pnieclka Tbap do Ihlap diffanntly ea th* blocb adjtceal, when Ihe IkeBoa to plrnHnda la autailly, onlp to graaad than aboald be aaamidal fa tub pitpat to bb pceWoa, Inn mthfal fl|»r, aad eoiM ba aapatUd to ait«ad. Aa a work (or bla optolea paoplaanefadimoaatit tUap aad don't an fcrapptar- tanala data;. to ttgbl SDBSCBIBEBS. to aaMad oMIdbood, elalof allk adopta tka poalUoa that la a ntohar Bald, wba onceDad U anngei .b .nto aad MnCB TO •oteoak a tke laaniad Jadga noakal ccapo- aaaaa,BBd tba ahaaea to Ihat eaok and anp ec*o;aat thtiaof tbnagb aaalog; of aortal onit- Tb) tub of dtalgalBg.aad maaaradariag Ibat baaaUfal a l/pa, »««»ad niloB tbt air It tha iBreatlon of tbe aaiber, aad aa; approprt. will tpoBd doUan whtn tba Megyaaaa dlapaaa* yriica B» lUapi Ta BBeamvLanoB. |f«» oalaallal iBalaair, Jadied bplbaalfKUof wu tolrnalad toeoe of Iba be*l aunafaeturtog Jtatlen U tkb .Baa,litka tloB ol that la whiab eoaalilt Iha ntrllorloat portion ol Ibt thaaa good paopb Na* Yaai** Da; la a bollda; ladtad, aad tat aad aolaal klaija.»-^:^r. llaebaoilisl lartailoB, wllbMl aatorlal ol hara. la to bo mad* tb* moal of. Th* gntling obo Ibtn aneanat- Wtfui ^ wlU b* Bid. (no aadbow narkadlbo tm Ibeeanlfee. irtabar.1 laawwu dailB(llia«l(blof taehiaecwilTa ;aar, at pirac;. To Ibli pealUon be aaalnllaUB pnalae, and aot be lagBll; aooadirrd an b a nattai of form. Jadglag fiam Iba Tulap pbytd Mapaiad wllh Iboaa m banaa liral to oar mdtBTOr to aake ajaat aad aqaltabla decide*, Nuabtrof euu pntoJa of lli na. aad tall, prodocad apoa a tpccUtor b; a aartca of dnBttle la, Ibe; ktaoll op, tbap wa tbe cOect way oatapll, too, aad wbta .nalag Hanbtr or ruu powaileaa aad baiaft of gaalal laBnanoo, at ban nllad apoa Ike doht btttealed to fnralab ea Ib* arena. B.IB u Bldrtilar, ddtala, lolloBhig each olber la laetMlaa lo u to lorn aa tf. tnlna the fIroUt baa oalp hagao, for than an'lb* tbtalm Af trai* rau to pat dtctaaal, aad bnsdta,!. aat tbe aeeaaaiy, Aremia rent U fnanp. . . : '••"s;i"sswrt5Er. ahen nptallan bu appansU; ihat a Ilka atlBB wbldk woell aabl ni Tbb man B tlna IcMlrt teoae, aad Balntalai fine/ la eonmllltd bP tad th* nloalnb to atlaad Ao, aad than an at laaat a daaaa Olwn mra ailal ra a drathllka torpor, tie laa aoTta almoit u each elob kaapa aa eadal leeaid ot tba aeaa«'a play, lad Blank tatea oTialaiBli ao; ptraoB who tbeald loeoiponte Ib another pla;, wllhant balla, which will eaiiy Iba autltr era/to tka wm eaa' baan al adreal of ipilai, altt*aetl rilrflvi taaghl roetpUbl; lowaida tbf oaoaot wbea, ceatUloaal patia, fnn thaa alaa* coald wa abtato aa aallnly eamot KOnCEi ntleilal alUfBtloo In tbe of Iha aeaaa la oftbadiyaait adlolalog. Oa Ibaeomlog boUdap, with tba Foal Bya eaaial to baftHia Iba Ubtm aad blaaoai •I whitwedteliad. to Ibb aaltar wt ban not baea u ue Foul bonoda oaogbl bypoaafeoBBMneaa wblab Ihe paitleolar aartl of tbe laraBtlea conalitt, or la tb. recoUecUoa af Chitalau yet fnib'la Ibe a«aBon tkilr 'e*" " alad, the Out on b^Mt art b^ * pUnIa aad Iraan, aad Ika lorlolM, Iba aar. ttBfnl wa ooald ban wlibed. Or tha tlx Inding duke wba tbaat forth ftam aolu ofaraot^ or lo Iba aaquaac af traola la tba arlea, Iha or gl** will preilda orar u Piraek out ban Ikm apDnr la ft.! wmM dm. tprit Ban.rahaaitb and eraa ILa k a** M enatoiaa af tba Mttb, »Bt?|e froa Ikalr wlati; wwn mppoaad pi1ed tha Bgam UU lu3-l,IM DontbawotaBrotbn.f Ibatoama. Om. or tha addlUoa to II of TtiialloaB ar of an aeaenpaBlmcBl. OppounU.... IS 71 SI U 74 n 47 M 01- M mt^h^hiZ bla toll daitnf a akoit anlamnal araion, aflar tloa tha ptiUet neat dlitcllp lalamtad. eacb Inotogi;— or Ika traiU of Tb. oilglaal nihlect of tba laraallOB—ihat wbleb rtinlred Taial bUtki aoared to tba Irf 11 U IM UA a* ra iiA paaa, ai II wan, laU Oor toak I m. both ha BBl bla ptodacU b Gnbke , bawtnr. Wbib II bu baan a pleaiaal wbkh gealaa to eoBalnel It aad aM It la enter-tanalaa tb* taooa la — Aelock baa btaa mTaatod by a clllaaef Barllaglaa, Mnloa] II I > * 11 I a u i-n diub. eaa, H bu lanl .ti ceatidmble labor. CoaplitoU hart baea OcpoBaBU....tl II IS II It I ibadowa of taoporai; tbt adaplatlOB." And Ibtn, fcartag thatba might ba TtimoBt, that naa b; claouldip, and airar legaina wtadlog. 17 u u-ur nltoo- noua doobb flitna lo aacb loab|i;— ««w«Bder,tharefof*, that Ihawlidcm of aallqnll; ai- It haa oBly thna wbeela, ao walgbtt or tprug^ bu Unit Irta- ad* la a aaaber ortnttiacu a«ilBit uapeUog del*, aad can dcntood m tha appUcatloa of the lalca Uld down b; bin aa to id U Si ilX UK HX 7a lu. lioB, b aol alTieiad bf heal, cold, diBpana or Jarring. A M Iba Iba noit coapiibaBilUa ajnbol of tba ajt- wabsnbadtotorwilgBle Ibe tialbor fibllpor theabargc*. Kulnil I t 3 I I I S 9 1-11 aaad na u tka aalmalatlaa of dnnalla wllb nialeal cffiola, Judge Blatcb- tloale olMk and biltorp oaa b« ctnaeeled with aay aumbaroi OapoaeaU.... 0 0 110 1 1 1-e ailaKnett Haa la bon la slUr halplHBBcaii Tha itanllorinr nnircbft, while ilbuladu tomakeaaon _• tarlH of bnaiaa raid Bon fnllpalBCldita bit poatleB. "lili'plrBo;," decree* dbie aod ladicaton, lathaaamt tralldlBg, ar awta alaog tba tiruutt tuiaba or rua to t dogit lanlDii atblaUfahaplaalalbaaetdaorklaralnra (taal- whale Use ol a railway. c^itoble dbtribulloB ol oor medab, bu deraloped aana na. u u » u aiA ttr 7a M. (albatpilaf bit honor, Ibe appropilattd t*ri*a of araata M ta,^mr«il, a-l. SMaenr "'t Cwprr dU iit Jibt "If when lapiw. HatutI to IJ II 17 II t II n i« ara:lBlbaBldaBaatrorhladBia b. aaMBpUabti Iba ftl- — Daar an abet artrp reir In Ibe eztontlTe waeda of Finn- pbitaat bcla. Il bu ahovn Ibat Ihrae of tha da eoatoaiag Opfooeeu.... I II lu •jS&dunploiAlaer IdjIuI 1 DanUr ralkeafbt aaaltd OB tha ataga, allbongh prrfemed b; aew aad different 7 S II I n u lU fralta tba nalb, Hal^, areaad and hayoad tbe South PMda. Four dear claka ban rtobtod tha niei uii«U.i« 3. Hi. A. Tw.Mobl.1. WelWibjMl-i- aea ofblaaartbl;mlaalos, tonnatrrt dartaf ol Iba NaUosal Aaaoabtua to tba Kuia. Llboy ^t". akaiaclert, oaing dlBiiant laBgnigf, It ncognlacd b; Iba tpce. wen killed then la Ibe blur part at Nartabar, ma ef th*n tSltiinoih «» k Itopia. Md dRllnlngaia, natal ba^ Utalha faa, abika lata a natt fiagnat Baaaer. Tha effector tbb cealampi el tha ngn* Wa. p. BOOBBI Dau Bau, Cini.-Tht gtaUtma'' eonpotot BolBBn of not TeiT litiB BUIIngloa A. BiaBch Plerea, tba -•^a rouli>DiDlWnuii,tbaan tator tbnogh as; of Iba tcatea lo which Iba rcpraiaatallon la tu 8 old baBtar - " -• —- - -'^ ' Saijr7t. Barnabeat BaiTT thu BuffaloBuiral oigaBtaailoa nil pleaaa tectpTonr- ibaokt lor the alBBbartagitat, wbcnealba anul li ttntrnttfe, pailM fkoa oflba Flrnoatb woodt, wbo aacd to nida Daslrl Wahateroo laUeaabu beta to Uuew out lame Bfleeaganaa. latbbwa; Bddittted, u coBTepmg aobclaatlallp the aana tapnatloa to. ipllneieel of tlecUaguuaabeaciaiyatnbarorihalrdob * ai- Ua bBatlog aBcanlona, killed daring hb Uretaaa a graat Sw?ClBdiinaa-8«»a««r'>»i»J"ttr la tttoWato ma Milbl/ lalat, lato aoaia nafcaova rpben of ettrailp, Aad can amy Ibe AtbbtlcB lOM eight gima, totludtog tbe twa tha; woa aad tidllag Iba aaae raolloaa la Ibe nind In the atua aa- dttr. woBdar Ikaa, Ibat pblloaopbara el bnoa. tastaiica, al- from tha Allanliea, la whicb they toertd U lau agalaat 21; ZS^Skdls^imr. naiiib.baHanar>Ili]iail«du qaaaca and oidar." — BaniBl clibaaiof Watarrina, M*.. mat on tba Idlb nlL aafiated af tba tackl B( ao atroBf a ooial Tilne toa Itaaan o( Iba laa'a TUbla tba Cindaaalu Ian Bra aad the Atlaatict tan. Benn of SSniuii^^'', anUl ka k taU r Aa a Blatter af eoan., nader Ik. opbloB fron which wa hara lo organiM aa atioolatlnB lor Iht ptrpoaaoflatiDdadog.bnad- SKAT1M6. loathiag, aaaneaoralad altpaia bla aanaal piogrtaa wllb tog aod Improrloc par* blood Jertey and AMen^p ttock. A tba eight Athbllcgann an rendered aull aad raid Ihroagh fBotad Iha aallcat pohtta, ttr. Dalp rtilauied tha nikf ha aoxght dtiUacIln fcabTSla; aad, abara all atbwi, ardalaed that of Icadmg obltct wuTb* to keep a aoriaot neotd of Iha pedigTMi Iha nawba uUoa of that alab to pbymg Fona to thttr far, aad Mr. Boadeaalt will hare to look to tome new aoaree af panblivd aalmila, Maatogoud agalaat dteaptloa, and THE PASTIME IN THE It noadi, bla aalhlU lo baa leait af Jo;, of «oa|i«laUUoB, aad af alae befon ht had btaa a maaber af Ibat orgaabatloa METROPOLIS, 'SilSr.aa'l 01]»!tUat Birti lilaad, N. T., wbtne* laooiijnnnpt«uatiooal*ffcclolb*r than oponarall. tlbfd BoataBltat nranBcit. BeialUBadta faflaalialb. eailr faitaf pnalaar Iba iai|alrtd thirty daya It appnn that Pocaa, who wu a TBI CHAMPIONSHIP HATCB. SrT SCWT. •*; track, (orltb dUlcalt to Imailat bow, with th* Isiiludt — An old gesilemtB at Nirth PreTldaBea, R L, bu bsra The tikllireltog pitllat or NiwTaar'a Dap, aaaa Bali».|bioU«leal aelmnltr, waa ob- pot gnaidlanahlp by a prakito Judge rordaaandlag a mambar ol tha Alltgheny club, or Fitbbnrgh, pUyad wllb tha ikailnf bu bceo • rtitom er Mia. Joba Bocordcd Mr. InT.BtlTo oader *?'f4tia». Huh* ,0.-1 Mm D. T. t&wn aat It^j Dal;^ it*nia% It eaa ba poalble aetrapoUlaa aauaeutau duitng tht put *eek. All tbe pob- aaUuia af anUfolt;, at nrtoaa aair debt that had bt*B paid, witatlBg bb baraa la tka aluneoa. Haan (nob, ol Btaabtoinie, on IhaTth.f Augaat, agalaat iha •i«wpiea)>"otlhabaatlaUitoeafiBtiT. 1 leaa inftr Beolh. aomd aaoof tba diffami Ue ud prlTila poadi atreapen, aad wan Tailed to BTold "aaalUag Iha aamo emoUooa la tha nlnd" ol a apeata. foiiatllag that ba bad te*B .Bttnd la iba Bonlnf, Bad b; tbi/uaaadt ku abctt of iialnm & AanH aa aaaa «( Iba ptar, la aamdaBoa wllb tka peallir chanalartabea Cbcbaatl Clab, oa tk« uilaia tour of tha littar orgaaltatloa. .r ouib tuet. 00. or two da;a tbt wWa C. L. Danapart hlU dft; eaato lam than Fur wtithirwu tzircady atapthalaaaaual Ika UU torof athitalaaadcoanierfeit nll.'oad aeddeni, wlihoat Int* naklBg out a real be ebeald. UhwmMlUattpraaatoaUi. af IhapcaplaBallhelipiadoniBaBt oecepatioaa. iaaoiigBo- Oa tbe following day ba took part *lth Ihe ADttbtnyClubegBlaal cold, and aot' peoplt tkited alaa^ alda araoa. watni e:uTe, b- CaaipbUI nabiuaoac beat paabg opoB bit copjilgblod pnrlltgta. In fact, nsdar Jndgt — Cu oonduclon lo He* OiWane not only kaeeb dovn, bat iut4 ol fielig Ibe oalHltg bluto of JbkB IhTw. 4. 8b«f. *• the Cl.icbatUi, Bolallhelanling Old BuratL Badlo Mka^ Iba patilaicba eoBBniontid tba aalnooa af knocked down to torn. Tke ear people thpnaway hare the pmttit of tbt "Bad BlaUhfotd'a dedi^, Ibe nachlnn? of tb* alagt recalm a an a Tka Park panda wen allia wllb ihoaianda oa Objblmu Da;, all abaot bantat iba uib AAmhm A b*. Iteam lato Iba 8I|b af Arlaa, tba Ram, aa tba opaolng of Ika hard Una or It A few .dayt agn a drliar aad ba aoa wan Sleaklogt" Oa Ibo IlUa ol Angual Fona aide bli aei«1ihaitadiog the bluateriog wtttbor. The pnrato pood, SMhlaa .aa orar Utanip merli, uiBtmoch la iboiahaaAiKedlt real, pnalBaae* aa Ihe aflad prodoc«U killed by a negi 0 lor denuding hb fare, wbidh aw "caUno SliwenaniBBadtapaf ppar; w, aa U waa Iba tnabailanlBieripilo|Bad tha rrnctlf;- appeanuee to tke Aihletie atoe to a gtat wllh Iht thualt; tad Bitoblya bIm bad a torgcr atitndaaea nn ChrUi- imaaatadalttadaaumnadjfpta apoa lb* aadlcaaa, at ho adalla, bdsg tb* itanll of a tuba o( rnead aad brothai*' conaldeaed reiy aaltli, Bu IbBB un uBy picflou day tbb ivatoiL Tbt Pir.h arean «ilb« iioatf%at to cot- Olynpto Clab, ol Waablagtoa; oa Ike Md, wllh tba Olya. yBt....Bwua^. taMkaalcal contrtrancca additiaad to iba ay. aa tba nau ooe — A lady who bad nrnaad aa awkward bat waallby mltor, p«4 an-l the cnam al IlittkaliiigwaddoaChrlal- - i»« aafla, L Ala eua»t la* nalaaaata af tbilr pim, of FbUadtliikto; adl'i, Climbto, of Bardtatowa, DaAi, Cjiirtiia i KMaa— and with Taidnrr, ae iiibiit lor Iba atld to a 'riaad ha pund ;—"Lock at hin I Caold yoa and wi uw nora pntty girb at thcM pltaa tbaa a. of tb* ecitea, the eallia aerll of Mr. Dal;'a larentliD e^labl; u nanr sSIIodni^Wa liai«iS»Maj.b«doi N. J.; Btib, Eayatoae, of FhlliCalpbi ; ;:lil, AUaailc, af ( Ttr tiw to Ih. In berora. taTiTa 1 Aathft A(riaanaiBlaaUaaa,tbaAaa7ilaBi, tor.lBalaaoa, baa- blBLenairbabada earrlaa* aad bona!" "He, Izdead," : AUuita: BaalltiiB aal Calhariaa ilnal baleBptotkaalafacaipnitaraadBaltothaplapwtlttf, whoa* Oa tba 37ih a now pal I. Talus, lb* *tbar, "ao* If ka kept a Uniy alakto." f atom an aad lo tha ipeil oa Ika eaiiaaaa loto IbaMga Aa npUed Biooklya; 8epl. lib, Ualoo, af Caadta, N. ; tal ^pt 71b, n---"— 4W.banpablah.dtbanl«. aaad aa la atllntp tba laa'a Tbanaf i-tt paadtturauat.. Cliy linlii mil In ibBi ftl iie aad dltlogaa aia ti apijil B* aaB^bl ladiad, The Jamy rtob, on which tbtr .. w — Ayooag maw la Ska^beamt Falb, Hub., prambad to lL|ba aaooad Allaatle Oo ..u.t II a, aiObuiio, Ibt Ba11,aadaBallBf Ibapailsdaftka jaai abea tb. 01 abanIA iba*. ban a Bae loiltn ol laa, *u to hare opcaad on iba SBih, bat aiaalatil ttaplad to b*lliT*Att,laeoa>ad*l ttaa^pnlac BBir; a giri iif a adgkborlas to«o if dnnt wu alaetad, but TL, la nnda, At mtanKa, Aen^ A, Ueo. AthltUea piayel Iha Chik, 01 IbAftalwa. Tbb'wu Jba iiiiaaiariad ebaaga la tba almnphan I^Stud F^iad. B ba poked to Iba plow. Tba ItppHaoaaelAntadtba R hoibt aad «b< biat-a b/ Ed. aacUaai; ba-iaToked'whaUpbaan'h aablblilaa gaae, asd wu en Badbitoil a nttilmi, Ua aad peatmal, Tb* Biuaklyn riak It ml ready yn, but •ill b* otlbabodp.tOalifaar of tba 8aa, InnadUtal; apoa aabal- haeata, piopeaea to bold bin to bb weed nmi^aDilaglea,0a«.l,IN4 aapirrlgbt bnra laalnd of iba pateal oOaa^ aboald Jadg> Hoyt ol lae AoUre Olab, af ladiaaapelb, pUptd ta the Ban' ahofHy aim the Mew Tear. Tba New York ilhil!pngire!l.i aWBa-1. ttrm Aai«la,1>T daoaaf tba watanar tke Mill, Ibat iliti ba(og,tb. Tipkaa — MadJaoa, lodlaaA, baa a rink; lb* boOdng. Indadln^ doralaa, agaloal Iba pnitat oflba Athnilaa, naly a taw dan rapidly, aad to a wrek er two wiB ba nady foriu ptuoaa. iSaTr^ Blalabiad'a vnloa ba lalni), aa a Iktaa ao ^ aaaoot t«B joa wbU Iheaia^ — m^ntlp of | .;i.;alag aad itrn.bB.Bl ma^ ba., b 140 b; lU feel. Than tbi; iBlTnaSrr 01 LTa ortbur BTtbologp, Ihaitaip of Uabala(ia Ibk ap^ltBllaB after had tabaa part ta a gaae wUb the fonotr elebL la ta oBAanoaaair mica. acliaraf fa«» weoaaaol lim aaaa, taeh aa for laalaae*, lite fbaal, rakabl* far anl*Agal1.ri«for apwi*iaw.albatU«. Tb. riak pnpar S^areMla P»lToana«*»la j M' Mtp them M.lit««»«t lb* AtMtiln ait d am tea, tgalatt IM. U Than abllabm tht Bwlivlbad nuieh rar Ibtahampka- kawr. MlhiBg bat aa BfTlcaltanl Ugaad. b 100 by 1TB fiat tb. tea tbia (Old «*»i.»»a wlih fa . . . . tha"eBotloBa eidted latbammda" af tka tptetalnr. AadetU ClaauoaU gaaaalbma -Til.lritlltllntdaailliaiirtl. aad aedal. WbaathaalblrwueontaBnitod, It wu _ dag .HA.. Bgatfacdoo, lad.—t Wa d. aot kaow mbj na- Tba Diald^ from wbn baa baea dartnd, ladbactlp aad In — A bildtl pailp la Nawpott, n I., lecaaily ladalgtd la ae af Coluabaa, O., oailitldaBilAtb «(ABgu-)Bn oaatitm wtU andaattoed that ihc aoatat *u u cooio uB tl clihr tba; an at pcaaBot patoBlod aa' aaaahlnra, anrdiica Ibt taitr f*o aana lBpanhladaaaBtboBrf«BanurttUbp^aBllTHoltb»llia^i brida Bad groom apeat tha to aUUoa put ap II 000 a leadaialnrfaaMabeobnt. puer, II b etid. iwllt,wb. Iiaew ikaitog at tba Builtia _ . _ . . . UilMntlM'iilti«laa*,aaw*U«i lh**liU;ed wlib matoo nahtbatb.twlna a riaklalbe TUlalty ol tbt chan- *llj Oo«it«iitRudbb.—Ha li uld (0 bata drBiled bla lint wife ol ChrbteQB 'Ida, a aalia of holiilB!!, cooneaeliig with tba J. K. Data, or Iloahrlllc, III., bit bmaht bla ftam Ibo Bnckeja Oiob aiibtl tbt CIndBUili, oa dept. 9, lb. Iiitor ploa'araUdrnea. Now, ae B*lrt'a nsldeoco U la New Yuih WaaBUag'iaBaiUuail dmaiiljtay will ol laabl;. If coBoarred lodian, coatbllng'ol ' •rllb ttai Ullcr aba puatd off a cvmplala oaiBt or a Oantaebo It null aad fltib lur waa wllb Ilia aad It Ibo Bitaitl were made *llb ibb oipreu k Beel'xd aad aana btia Uif, dap at SL Tbomaa, Danmbtr Slat, aad tana nallag wllb T.au Sno raid. Tb* end game uodeialabdiD*' bla nio, bai ahalkar Ibtj wtia taallp nairlcd or not wa io bp-etbir taleipraton of Ika laa, deem; Ibebtiadicffl. bo*a aad tmiaa, ebTeUi, ka., iaf alto the gmllemao'a tCal|L uluab ur tbb dtj, oa Oct. S, In which tb. IllUr olnb pi fad MeidbdetfiBlopd lo bold Salute tha itricileltor or ihe to*! Nl|bt, or Jantuir • h, whMi laal falUnI, howirw, TaaUtb Duffy. Bol»ilhaUai:lag tba BlKklogi.'' i.r conpri LItn lil r*ilgB hb eltln lo th. Utlt ««sn.t PIT. ... pbabeall;, for, at ika neani of pradadag eldling eOacIa, 11. —A *lldcat, ineuaringabtiul 4 Iw' In tcn^ and *tl|blng thr prolalof "Be,! of clinnclr^. Unrluaia, It. T.—'la Ibnwtaa dica A acafa clB ba lagtrdcd ralbtr aa a iteoBdafp Chriatmaa, wbta Ibat LkBib Pn*der Tb* n-ult wt thro.l«f-M-«bm ganee donaotn^h. Wa war* pirual *hto tbuuiaiob «u nade, aod mulkct Giatnmi, reepKllv. or langDtgo empto|ad, orofchBractarinprtetat^,;, jnr 91 inod*, *u hilled Bear Ih. Co.'> nillt what thna, but noir < brawl might tbtuodti.lin4lDg waa. ibt CbOUitbg •alhi iu, p btB B Vria A Mut ha bmti A'l traat W'B aotod apoa lalndatllon ol a ebugi In tba it)l- af at Uigb Fulb a ft* daya age, bp Aadn* Brtob, orSaegenlrt. naeh dllfereoc la tha aUlnbuiloa 0* tb. priiae u partita BiLdooireal '^^'*^>^''*'"'*''"*^'*"" AaBsal/tUd, malaaandl; bmae UaittJ, tai itoak In tiidioi tpt*. hare bwn aipMt.1; II doea art; lai lact, effect la tha but iha Dilitobowbta Uioy aegtfcied in dn* up end tign iilcloi or Ikaaaicpdir fnaOld to Na* dorlaglht lialontair. Tbia — Some UBiTmeKiaa tcTllibler hut tlarlMl Iha rtport Ibal Anaa aadlepltjwTlgbuaipintallh IU9n-i ija-t.Uoe. cbBBou of ua; pbpaia. aad tbi lame paiiona rtceirt Ibo igtotBui, and wt gum tb./ are nnriaoad el It by Ihle DIektoinn i|r|«a a nioclpadc. Erciy oaa to hie liking. Our L'-Obiil«j Bth (aaibtaamllBMwblU in Baglaad, tBilia uaion waa oeeopltd b; Ihe DraMa la Ibtlrsnra-tkiolo. nwlab u thungb tba waoto aaaber of gtma pbpad b; each Uuw. If But Judge Dlatchlord accoids to e B' ^' aod brloi baaitoBi,BadJlthb.pnilUgabe, allhth) ii>i.ni.l;o. Ibada^l- lonnd bnglh; ol tub anngM oa Iba upea ^ angiaflad all tha teta." ' A.Rai.pla.>larai>lBitOD. A dtali Iba cbiA; pvllealati; la tbi CbrlaUaa mUakairlta Ult" "Deeaiue brr ton aever eiuop, iba; aavo be.-t.p*ibjlabid fron Una to tlna Kndt, tli* toll weather totorloilog loniwhat oiib tbaeaien- BaonK— sloo no* nnderad, cufonad.oinn Illaru7aa:jiii,:l wiH Klodpal u IBka\ tba traiap aad plajt bubo; D plan u- cvlumna, aObrdrd rrry full uiormtllba on Ihu tub- Iknt or Ibo poad (olka. . flaad D paH; A ap liallnla Iba; foond In ngna anuoi tha Koilbmra, ibtn — Tbe eltntna nl Drngnr, He. are reported to bara all goaa •Mir ban ' aaradl; diataala In Boetea tke rlak, tbt aaalaa'.bun: AniiktalntilcU. Haw auaj polala doaahi tba diaaiUe wrluit af tba ptaiLi ; t. btiaia. I'eirp aad Jest. II will ^aBce to u; that tbt ladlrldoBl aTangea are rar oa* nar wall or which Ibll Uil Sep- It la prababl;, mad no tlio ikatlni ijo.tllm, SUtaonbdag Pagaaa, npon tba Cbutth ealeadar. aifuUg tombtr, la BalaLtd, Four, ahnd of ihoee 1.I in; pnHon* laiBon. Tbb nfan men per. Tbe Caubildgt. »blab tlto tonblcl do.a •Mbat FnioBe a norallal lo bar* dotcrltod in a copprigbipl HiiUn ilm nnat nccoraiiUihod la ibo craty fnak. P.a W., Port taiamlr.—I HA trdnaB ap,BeBaaolcc ffOB utraaoaieal Idcai^ that tk* Dnidlcal aoltBalnlloa of Mcntoat; tu Ibt Albllilm, AUaalkx Cladantlb, Uatoa, of Idl alaur, bu beon nbuili. jBoitla aad 8py ponU wen to afar; iBtidtal, vlasallj repmttaltd In tfr. I>.|.>i r.:ilioid — [brclinmingtmaoB bubigaa tt Ipiabh, Mata. Tha uaa lut wnk, ''Bla«e. ^ Tba lut eaid coaatlnt fllUaa wm tbraa fnr tka of tba laa oonnd atanr Chilainu tlua e^r MoirlBuili, aad "HByBiak.n." tb. Uubaab aod Eekionia da aad *eie ojoch reaurtcd to. tha aalltllp viluo 01 th' ball and VKind eUmt Uktn on Ibtta Batt plaier. 1 Tba pU|aT |oib| bllad takaa Ib Iba pot allhaat aecna la »Bch a Banner ta to axdtt ladenilaal tmoluoe la .hj iBouBl uui comparu u larorabl; In ihu mpMt u tha citbt named. VnakSalflouollOBn lo amust aod netiuet tha BaiTalota If Ckrlllmu llaalf. ptawBl Nt. TaaHa Daj, not npOB niii.'tioi'era fS.OOOaad |10,O00. Eckferda iha nu "SInple Bluioa," "Black Crook'' afaovlpir hlibaau. Bloda af tba reader and Ibe tpadaton, vbe would be ttapid Only two 01 Iba Uutoaband tbtu ef iba iHob and "Pklalaff" an I*, oai ocean tke dap i ceired graat ^iawiT, R'KkTlllB.-'ToB cAnplaya^ taon utba'jampli taaadlattl; after iba RallTlt; af BiTicsr .-AUoak r Ur drntora b lapoitad aa birtag lattaled a areraea ol three naa lo a game. Tha AthHka aUad flnt, tha wttb appUuaa bafoia ka aaongh ta laailaa that' Iht Uianip bu ooald ttOuIn tba the raimla annlf, they atialght- beiwain tba Tbe 'fikaiorid King. Joka Eagler, ^aalaicd, K JIM air dlapvad tadaaowoor pUjtat of 8l Jaba Ih. BTaacallit, falllo| apoa Dacanber 9Tib, ahleb mi ei'emiiBi'.ot, m wbleb, if Ailaoilci tccond and Iba CluolBBatb IbM. Al " b gjreling In BinewM al tba new rink. 4beardt U npolot In bU faTor, wa ikonld Iklah, teaale npneanUUoa ef a ana «f aTtala, »( the etqaaBC* of way aoeoa e( ihdr htada. nloB^ of M'.rrt*anl., aad ibe Dbiou, of Laaalpghuigb, then An iBcbuge Ba;a>—"Mr. Eaglar ii not lib* la ontntint* cel-btaled b; the Miaoaie fnlanltj, but Ibi faaat Tba nIbibb far Ibn Blaia, annidlai dlllorrnet. a gynniaUo performer, wbo tbaat a woadtrful l,i A-ILBm Ptu»alph»— which, asd of the effeali tbinbp piadae«ar, la la naUtp.lbat al Ika nialtc rirer, At tbb tnauB ot the year, when tha ilrlBg aad nealilog of tot puilcnbr lent, baling mtueiedeculpou* lbo^ original to by tbe bnaton and tmppem en ibe TaUahalchla Ub. ' abl; tbt hiTeator And jtt, ander Ibb prateat later^ «9,8til Iba atj—tn Onnt, 4T,TX; Bmaiaut, 108,316. li the clr»BiC(lbed_ pntoait to apprtprlatt aud an mtob Indulged la, tbe Cur. ougblp, bli cTtry mallen u a graceial one^ no aaiur wbtt rw Iba paar, whan the power of Ibn im noit alaaippL b tba Ika bjiata pnlaUon of the dramaile ooppilgbt la*, . , . me'.mini u; he danne a polka far . . ll.,'Co>i»lllt,—1. Tba Jirijra.au aallbaek ika tdbpior of tbt IWB Utdil>, wt mat, will be recaind. wllh due dgaiBune.. nun btanlirally ibtn wm The Maaoaa, foUawlag tba anoltal Draldical cualoma,'wbieb hfoper la Mewbniniorl^Jlaaa, woii_ tl.OOO^ia '•Ajr',' cmariogcrnailDg Iba.__ K«ia, 3. k. (nhlitbtd the nika of — A hotel all onr aoble lamllnk Ihe toaahlaga ol auMeea on a hall luon Bour, aod aiMBUe brlUlaal wrlltcBKeatcan, Ihruusbdianttb itprtttaialloB, bcooaa tola Let eaiaitod lo pane 'tiipi' m— majority ' • abroad. If aol la tbia ollaajorlhcra. The demepntio • .jxii-ihonUnt lail .Nb, and aaaot 4a It tit\a. lonn 10 pranlntnl a Had; wlih tbe atfl bale nn Iha elco'.loo tba great UaruB, wbo toll with nob laparilabiplnaliuur afliyul.'Hwerabornlnklui." pnpriator, by ikat act ilone, ef aa Idea amuiilng from ImHeBiLi—TO bMm 700 to nt Ib^ &iaari«aa Enjie, emaliT, Inranablf eelabnia Iba Itib el Jane u the da; ef 81. wu 17B,'' ncreatl'int. Ut all hJid Itallogi tnjiindtred duilng thtti- Hba S'tllloDain aad Eagana Prall an deUgbUng tba BR. anolbtrtoBna. their t:s9r^Ulp^•'pB0ll4td bpIMak k niiairaU, Aea ainat, n«* haaebadlbaplwek ftnuaoaloftbtnhylhiaeTer- pla; aad btall eumaoBca iha Haw wiutBbnaaub gmcalui eroluUiaa at lUariak. ' bat Ininalll; that dt; la tba coBTeiUmal ~Foiaa cltomrai of be' foriotua, Tbobaat bow pla; Caalaa JebalbaBiptlati Wt dliigne from Jadgt Dlaiihrtrd Ma., Bad aorenlottbia eoaltpluwaid as; BBBlaun tba aiy talk of eiarllBg to lo lealBtoo, . ant bold oa^ b a ekattag , Taia, anil ou.ltan hb aitliiilitloa of a It; ol tbt weiiher about Tear wllh aoiein icwa. Do il«l^ the da; la tha loogtat ' 'V7B..n.*, DabiMuo.—Wa Btrpf bhub. Iba llbaitT of gtvlag ftetlmlof tba Bamatr Bolallc, o> whaa une eagaged Id tba maalr tpoit of 'wblah wt Hr, CbarleiRiobfnrd, ol DuUult •UlU impI to thitefOr mutlcBl to a diaaalie napctlban, latiBaeh u wa tolicfa tbe ban bean ibugbtoied; much leu agalut party olalBUig la luoh tiny ciaaicullTt bouti at Iht dBliiloolkkrviioanjoQt, aad tbe bxn of tha paar. It will b* aaaa that, feltoatBg tka ulnaMBKBl wllb a prias for Iko'ehinploB aaonr. b araall ao prood. Oor Nailoaal Oaaa, wbbb bu aanaed "cuk" la FtorldaaM Jhli aMk. arl o( wnUag mulo to ba Idtnllcal wllh tkal or ariilBg — A aleeploii match, MtalTOd iBth ilekna from ni la aa impomor. niana. aaat prcpunioaa wllbla Ike patt la* yean, damanda Ibb CaliltOull^ IhtSui of Iba Wal, a at ib*Qi|toty, III, itoh. oalendir, tka tna dtp ol tba aaa't aillrlt;, aad of tba aetaal BBBonnecd laoaaor tha tporllag areaU .r Ika aatoa at Da- J.'O. K., Aiiibo;,fl. J.—toocu oktlio tbt Itane of Tlltunk ieript,andlo btgortntd bpdallar eontidtniloni An. air • maahalihahBadielall tbderoiett. . Al Ibt niw link tl Oiwifo, H, Y,, iiaci'for boyt and knidb mttjHIch. ' ' idilnattoi a to Wlhaar ConneBoannt at Ik. new jtar, akonld ba tka ttth da; of Dp- Ib* aider of' tbt ttr tha piwnt ror b; BoU b Bac^i imply tha certala The rultowlnt an ihe niott of tk. Inok; pb;tn, Ibeiumot nau an day. Tb* prtad far the hoyt wu a ' b amagtBtDtol npnteatailrMof eowad ptpbtblythahMtbanelaltlTeB tbeOtBadlBa 'iat Mith, anUI th* faetirilka of Ptiasba looted aiiehiBt, apnadlag bbatelr at the Volumbn^ Oblo, tub. to ride on tka twill II t-li ua BoUtorehanclan 'latlihereoapailUoB akich ma bo taeand Plalar,lalb AlUaU 3 H. '-'^ ' TheHaaark, J.,rtoHabdngpBihad IbraatdwIUi bacaaa blaadal .lib tha pnallct. at CbrblUnlt;, ,h-a —AnBeblaeioiiKfeatbtBBfMaeraUblBg bae beaiLpat. Haae'i'ldb .... ^.AlUella M II IU itaal ^gb'o?tli'8rtb.!'k.''- npidiiy, but win till . byaopyilgbvfoithaenailoutitliad la Iha nbdol anaodl- b...a'neioBaU a) I-U 101 not open Iha Bnt pan or Jaanary. . - a _ _ . - . .. —... Mr. Rue, or Wtet NoribBild, Mua. WaitrraaB, M — altar adhettag to Boain cnitoaa, ealcolattd CBtod by a a. Jt,, Poit Jeirb.-Tba fawb an to ba bnaalad prwehtia, bj tha ..UbIoo Ml IB UaaMrutdbiTiBBaaakulog atrk A tor depaad enlliely opoa tbe aaaaa la wbleb Iha noto* Wn-aoniodi*uearnlrilalibaI).lnllilBk» Deft IP, woe - thapbalB. TheyaooredatotalofdBaroaalo Stt^aa BTeiega -0 «Wbp B>0.'' the raalatloa ol tha toil, Mcai.4 b; aopyrigbl,' agilail beieg taaaUtUa of lur. a nry auitaalul tffa!r, iht bt kttoi tbioagid daitog tha BalMaaTaar'al Vear'a, gala aafal IB gelberiag bin TbofollowiBgrullaUIIillaillooieortbatW' aa- ' Otaat'* adlelal majeillr la CoaaecllcBl fallTal bappp He* b a wlUi ofSdiadtonr. inanoaL' Beam.— anployid .lire arrBBg. Tba aomie diaas** wtie Ttrita In lb«lr u a eoaiea or rareaia to^raailoaal icun wftbMl Morrbaip eoUile Uke toipdcborean eMiebcB at round ol loiaiett'.— ebtne. nt* (IM) did nal laaah Iha aannueit tl\ oltaei, Ibt oM, tha poaag, tba rleb, tb. a |iind — Tbe Jaba B>A'a plar will be mm IMS I iBrooUua'f peer— ear. Hr and pruTtd dacidadly ladlenu I oil;, oaDto. lOlk. Nabaal^WtiblBfton. ...'.... IT TbeBntprlta, aoaalMiag ' .. aanetloB tl lit origlaal inthoii tad htnoa Ib* diaaiUa aslbar a ball at Apollo Balli tbia Maryliad. IS taUaMi. alral or Johllae, efeoBgntolaUoa, of band-tbabbgaadbtallb. IB OI;arlCi WuMnhbh eta aeicr be graatad to — Fare botUag IP "iii;inpto, IVublaiioB s> appaa'rtd u a ctrpet.baggar,'i wllbt dlalBuUre Atriaaa eaaa tbapaal Iwe driabbg, wbleh, II It ean be tauntad wlib a lew abaate, ihoald Maryiud ffAUahod, bal It bubtaa aaag m Ualoa lor ban beta te«an£ rullioa, BalUnwra aa; other elaat oreaqpoim, Ulaiaip ei mattoaL .ladpat Haipbnd M U bja tbooldsm The lecvod, a niolrlag tilrtr haltor d&lL bacoaaaadadrur conabtentjolllip. . BJ I'lltpine, HtHuwn.. to — la Ouada, laMBtl;, Iwo bditt Ktcatd a akatar from MarybBd au'piVBtBttd to'Viaaa O'Btaald, who Iponed 'a "Oiiddl for apim aB;oBa araolbu eilimwJtouT iinataiilit It iBitbtr Ika rtaUm.,BaHlnin ^iM, Pllltbunb, ra.—Ko; U'caabaabBtbd ao-eallad tilmJtd la nableaonpuiou want atbon tor halp^ Har/ba 11 n A fewpaan back aoaa pronlatatlaaden of faahlea while Ut btad." . dnwamg . mBlasUp egrced, la Raloiprlar, Btl'imon 81 . .«r Btira; and Jabaaia'a rfnta that map be aplBloB ol jBdp Dlilckford Ihroagh ragaidbg iha wrltlaa tat Strplaud... agllattd tba abullllon .1 Iha prittK* o( iccalrlag rlJlton, Iha — Oannid ralmoB an ao* teat fron Callfomb to Ihe irylvnd... U iilmjlit, Wiablotlon I] TBaCaannBTaMrBXATao Riu, PblUdelpbto, aotvllk of a dnnt 1' u leuBdaiy, aad Iba alleet, piodund by tha naa- Atlaotto Btoit*. llaiTlind.... Boieipnia, DalDDon...... U fcUndtoff Ihe enploymei-t of a large loinol workman, will net a, Loaknori-Tba tttaipof nek ptrfomtn to raawls- aaidlaal faaturt of Iha hallda; ; oikan wvnt otcb ao tar aa to W*. atr of Harylaral,... U Kilrrpme, ralilmen... II beleie ta froa to ISO a lb iipRHBUlloD, u Ibt pilnitn labjiot lor dag ladlan aUaf, bu been abaghUiwd b; a betvadi rarapeulag Bouub) n*ii, Jaa. lib, whan It Aad amrdlag I. their ablUUra Itiaaiea |U or boalncaa at Iha bankt and poblla offlcta maUtr —RomiB Kal^ a incited.... It Aiellr, Balilaim IS adruoato leanmptba copyngbt 9 to ba ilireva o^tn to ihe pabln with gn-al tdoi, Uitt CmU Cair-^un. UL 0. trrlend... IS ^llloaaL llaablaiUB li Iba goodaonat of a portion ol tha eoDDanllj] and oUi.r Biat dau piDdatloBil ikatltii hanng bitn te- Pilifai, Oannol gl>e;ao John Mallla'aad- bvlbappll; Wllb an dot dereikan to bb IloBorlt 'Huolind.-.. 3] Anile, Killigioiii 11 Uuum . A,Q. B., lea.— pcalllOB and wadlba,- ball- aanther, Ilinlaud.... II uiripio, rbiladriplila etiedforlbeuceaiion. Mr.Wm. K.'8ii,u, the uaaaaor, will keta. Uo hat bu Abb auaut, and ** baHere glna op bae.od bp the alubboro obillnac; ol ua.litlag that a wa rrgiat to u; tbilbli a judgmcal, to oor opuilon iiliwt caa- llar^hnil.^.. lU LibrurdTBrnklyu.. '4 pniride pItntT nf tilnelloha rir Ih. pair>,oa .r ihli ktob, anlTcrealbollilBjilioBldha latbolnatdegrM ebbia, SI, T/wk—Tm ean pronn ntmbtn Uaryubil.... li Mnluil, Soir htnct aia tlll| Vork IT irr, llila cilr. fralrd Iba traltonua praject; Ne* Yorhen too |tar louod. h*pptll'>

  • R of tf. C. Womiu, No. 9 A'tor I'l Uarylaod^... 3t Union, iratbliiiMl 11 loolitd aaplhlng 'XC'Jb., Bndlonl.-Mr. J. J. O'Kallon, ol 81. lAU,o«iil tafertd to amalala tba Roaaoa, Ihe Omki, Ibe Aaijilaai tad BaaiLio u Bofriio.—Ohrbinn Bomlai BBaaof.-OaOhrlilniiiB ^» khilor, Uian, Uoaia k (Vilfcp own Ptnn; On« ilham, A UAUI) Tan FiBtr Ocauao IdiToa O' na but 'arorabto lur taiuitmtot taaklag BailaToniui. Bun*, a Ibt Uaab la a. Jo/oua . Inlarthtagt of cooBratulatloDB at Ibt ONE. ind tbi dartUa abUilw ol tlia rntiioiinlb, Pntoiann Club pariecigala of wtodud blilnt cold air bbiIoiII uuaaial; of tant, bote ulip wt ball, afiaB. U.iiinltln rouJ, Paier- optolog of a frcaa pailod 'orlbtaeuon.oodanot uaubaaani to natiiri oat Mut.lihiuadlag thia, Iht aitat Ibepapanan lelllng about imaoadpU; a colored man along from cacU club and lb. Irupby wall Iliuat pnphcUcall;, aa a Bappp Miw Tetr walbinf t a N. J., Uirrailnktopi>eirli>g Boon loaad the Htob BUad allb ilevuloH of ikalmg, thaalrtitiol Krmphia ol Ine gimt bring ihn lural or dli. •bea a brick froa a houpa In tba iiiin-aillninpoo iba biao Bud b tba iiaaUg Ihere *ai a ntr brge audtonee piteenl Oileiloi.lnii Club of BcoUaaJ. aouti of crrttloB feU fron ttfct Diedil awarded bp ib. Kojal tranh Bwlfl aadd ua appeaiaaeo dortog tbt trpulat in bb all- tka lop npon tbe darkey*! bead, beun aad cur Iitt iMut. BAaaoB.—Tbia anoaal Phil- Theuamr waaeallod alleraeonleitaf 8 dl mm. frrtoi gnl'tqnt obtrieun, and krpt tin unnkly la a raw a( Till.; *•!« pabll btd u La Oomii CAmiTAi, An Bu. biMklnd Iht bnck In two. II la viwh mrthar telttoa Ibat the col- wbea the acore elood ubah,*:— waa kiudly applautird whaa baganaeae eiAKr ' RaaDBB. Lialb, 111—Jarb eouni. w m Matara. Abel tad aua dunllon, bnghur. Ht dhb adelpki* eainlral, nadat Ah* .dlrHHoa ol ored ciUmd looked apudlgnanUy. Ba<1 Hit, mvldiBB Ihora b no mtodeal. and uwabrick la^c riTaaaor. fuiarta. uluolih.aii f»U to nauUr tuUag coaum^ *ltb tht dbaead for Moad*;' iraalag, lanoup lllh, the niak. biabraut W. U., Smcr, N. a-A wiBB, at Btjnonf and BWrwtra niilei, b tppalaled gaalog down In affright, wbonopon he Rlak. Bidtl alliiailog UB Ulai Haggb Bleood, tba Caaa- eicialnedi "lobk *l l.,'....A Pbllllp,eklp ' aeetniril cudldtita la tka 8UI*. baea leeand forth* ooattlon. Biah I AOollIrr, aUp, laly Bkaiar, b angagad and'alU appear iborlly: Acadcm; of MaalebaTUf bm, yon wklto man np dar. If 1 J. Ttiooiuu. iklp.. dlu ' yoBdwfn'iwuiteUponr K,8niJlb,iklp a 'iB.ILMu>a. IllehUu.—la tbit dip Baimoar'a eBdal ma- maBirtetad b; Ib. pabUa I J. W.II«kd,Ulp.... p«ar ama but ta add la Iha latoiMt mtojabla brieke unuhtd, jiu'd |.,....J. rUoueh,efclp M. B. . •affip«veo.5n;U'«iuu't,W,ASa bcHar keep Ihemoffiii; grand feitlraU for, eondneiad at Iht; an .^,B.,Ttnn, qottUoB altanr. thnt BotI CModcd itaimbbgea. All eltute en w*U rtjird u .a andllotod p« One. -at*. Olemeninn . carried 01 the dob _i4a«nkW|flo8cslB«yiod Buiptailoa Bridge »llbla > B' raOIri, dfa, and aboald forlbwiib bibited .ii»eip 1 Ana, beta ibit>*tM. . qalail; en. kaoek anuer. Ihia etralrnl tbt ntlahtBt ma* b* ttea.tbar*, vthtn we oneanntrr ihi oomptiitnit *rr>, iionly^nt In rlhra* moalkt (ipa ^oe prwaent ilme, Toe Hfirting ti/t . j n1cd.1l, »e»nng t.n pololf, .• """"T.rB* b wlf aaUtltd to twa Ibnwa, eoatt- "a tegaltr briob," wt dou'i 1 la£ieatl|tell|n>fl lip. •pH'fT aeana, or toklog part In Ib* *z*idtoa ol tbt »Bnt cat toooiaatiomtbe ilaaringomaut wat fl« . ...On thiMiuf lay thlab* thife efJu belou Ukun aud . ...^taall; he atnaul Ihi.* t|t|a. yijiiit tba brllllaat Mailir aSl upper reglona. Buck hcanoly flniaadrteoad ilokaoribe faeM tealdebttUallrdittblawlrahtagonuUe inictoau ob :,7irL..M,-Al«lt« bla nighllp laboia, rbiton amaiahtB.piaii'dhat^cmllia MUriiAlOirD OFNRWYOBK. : , HalAaoa int.Bc* forVr. thi actor, lioa Iron Uiaiillaof mliLI gtre one t» . , . . DutlttB»oBld ereaing; rraull beiug a ildoiy lor the eonld Ifoolytortheootai.hm- ooe vetk. tliB P.ir» pond, Ihe iba TbaDM bacoatUrnBO— I gipebilibn u about oeeailoa Ttolealaatadr. One colored k*to mould Ban" club, at Ta tba Kulual Club ot IBAS wia aa aTtalfBl one. Jaloi Iht nerr, tbtong. and helpa lo make Iha » ran try liU lAtU (eece* tingle thai, afwraeloai iBdiaoll- lUe tciaon aaeh a enw o^ubl be nude np ha i|ould woitbilp tepneeat JL, OlBalunill, 0.-»nit adt^all to irw>nO iliu Dlati-nbya Al ean time iiml Inor A f. Ibb dBea aad 'itu llot nnlJtgabittUieplenof the Wbeeling a i conpleleW lomiitaliiod KB a Batch. fcttlril or plttauic. ErcB il.e h nd-aoiked edllof lodt bndf*, nio Waller 'ffJglri iheic.i.ei-SNond rink-*. UcOrulib, took tUffdooMltu grt torSim'-i" fiat It Iha luB'li nl pfi'iiB^.rato elabt, iholi luak daallr of pia- Dronndld. W* pily Ibi p|«r, honeTw, WiiK Ftrcuva, tcoiiD<1| It UiUunlnt, tblidl Janira ihalwan -JmW., Wo«dbuiT,H.J.-0*amijniieC«il,i„gblB«ar^ tu Bllcod Iha AUI aad Rble; maluot, aad lake aule* u ibe Ourpta Bit" a ludiii-B chtigt, nadlhiy In lum conii"'r.il 'Inbt • KInl rlnk-f'mja J,"- ""'ak '«ailfainnB,CftDe<»., Md. «cr* not prcrlar, we mljhi intUe Uing*ill,iHp|tc«o,ll. Inokrd iradtit are petfao- Jpnww abb Lana'a Waairuyo EBConifBB.—The aianit, inta, mtaatit aad tbiagt, In fael, wllhont aa; bbn loour office. Data nnan u ilmnti In/i selblr. All our - and log Jitort Otbaon, UurdJ Wu. KtUvak, tklyi gn and Buntr * n. P., PlllatoB.-.T"»»UI Ihenlaet plieaa ihool llcQiiliii.,BooM>d| I; familiar unotoctur; lo Inio niaiie lanrel «eeti tgo bitettu Juaepb Jubeue otltbililai of column of Iba OUFrU could bitilly ntBd iilUiibtlruiMir, and lib ah . Ibatofbalagaw* toai nan; ituk a heading, collar naa .•mlBltKw»k%OiAfrBU. Olber laduoamcBl, Beur«,13. anp •iclnreaiaddt'eau. The; iirt Loai, III Br.i'.li tho leal t.n in tbtte buck lilb, want onr InBniblo dauilcd t atrmTnlottliilr *aa " aad B eaa daln the boBon ahta to iltiacl a aunoioat bod; of and w* don't ruVi broken. roall* Bamberaar enrllng cw"a ley, h; teaiMi ef b>w boldl, 101, luiaid, |a,000and>ibi enamploBtbliv ^ BaooT.—A at tltbk tad pnirntbiBil life, b aaadeai Crown Bt. A.iDaiw'aCttn.-Tha thb onaabk now Iba B'lnlBol cbiupkia elnbaf the afiaraooo, • bnl that (tnin llitt til Toeadar ..ktkoimwicntoBtnlaft . _ ^ ..... alwaja prrainltd b; tbt naa- rny hud, tbep up, nigger mmi ac'ti ib"lr "iKiIni" lor ihoolub mrdalailbe Cen- hkvlBg dufi Ibo Ailiallet •hen th.y held t. ddad at Union Uail, Aniilardam, N, Y,, ua tptetali.n ; while th. noielilea bne a bardtr tJuB iilaWl ttod ' Ol.-B]atiload • fnl of •, U. P.. rrlBtole% IK laaba, tBl penwaliy aUrli I'BriiPiiodaiiBilardnf arieraoifO,tha30.bulL thoaccte Fortheap »iai.Mlot»l the ainb aiJlwfeli.iderotodoiin.lderiWj U, llwryr ' ' J. kd: ibo le- ot tbtMB'rire Int37pbit M'ii«)^'i>'^J*j^ A tht laioial plt-lgl, bar a ye >••; tMBd.de Bod lima m fnlln* tka dub In lu vud bwti la Pnioi eaa lo na tpalBil la "Ab'I ro li^iTO toktu eidalaSyb^biBtwBed c^^^^ ,,^.Sl|lIll'.DAl>1t>, Albuib—Tea (n asiwtt U. A nitoh bit beta wonld bo a hard an bIm. ".lb I L Bnoatao UaTtm— Ju>l amiBgtd irnacnt How* r.f| IhatraeaKibnaa eonhba a i«f ird ol aaly hall oi ihi ganilAlbo," ' diu not aatannd er.il, allht r.'r' Aad did net rall b ihit bnafwlli aeatpiaUr. bauMO Mr, I hatiC aad I ipi, BaKdc-I caalB b* Jbiia1>)lur,ul Jetn; Clip, aad Mr.TlBbkr, uf aa ir* doa'l with lilt rtr; tor un-i i:ly to tb'ir eld, IUlB,«t iliViiI^yBlr «w*r, labetoktBforBUoidon that daikep'e towka allllto viae lOr hla elomaak'a Ukal" ganiM iilayed. Mr, i-n nwut '•Jih''ffiMfi^?i'""»i'ab «• ^.u.Tht-* d*e< btai ibia* at pahar tflea. IVaiMrBw, IL L, 1. Bhcol raiuh at ilogic halt.ilTim'HIir wlB* i^aia dULtUHbAi* IBS M eea a tmnlrBTt bir

    CLIPPER. 307 January 2, 1869. THE NEW YORK

    M. ^81 17, i;. 0, l»,e, fosrlb wilb SJ. », S7, 0 a 81, It 1, II, », a 8l 0. li, «.*,>, coraM neit with •100,000 ; aod Boadnau $0),tMl BBOfWHt It wUh anolbor Irjm the DEW TfAB'S DOHE cimh and ahortl/aflor followlnw Toung Uilboorao, mnatl/ br Ibo iM of by Bigallcaat aon. a Uilrd oa the rigl'' o/a 6ILUAR0S. eanomawIe/oatboWllonintBa The Eirl, won $S<,M<>i aad Kahbl ef Bt. ratilob>iu U ibink THE mm. right haadod ahot ehliA look nirkeii giro a receipt la full b; a ^ Voalcm lad TmeiloolerlbogiaaUrpartor Ibe IU.UO bote aKghl ibo re- Verraeaeo-17. ft 3I^C£l, >, 17711, U i 0, II, i. «. 17, «ireclui«B feU'tlefieti, aafclag a Inelam; Italapiaa. WIU Daynll, How Tw« rut Itii Clot oi War raa Ma FOR 0, U, 0, 9,A t, J, ll, }, Ij^r, 7. in e. H, 78. J8, crrdited with. Bt. Albana, Ttaennnnby, la« the bod/, MoDEVITT AND COLDTHWAirS MATCH 8, I'll 8. 3E AND EXCniMO BntnOOLK J UiT.ii the abore Int. NawmrniUr. altbeogb nnw dtad, baa tbe Urgeii lennlnatcd iBolher ipj UrtngoBlhelelle/oheaTll/. PaU number of ftlibongb ba noki bdlov Baec«ae«r and waplliMBl *• lODITITT iOCCtOODL eBioHAtt, Oaioioo, Seo.ll.'ltJt.-Maick.'itSi-^Malcb wtDoeri, HICKBN AND FETI XAGUIRE, ring boat, alUr a oonple of nlatoi, b/ a fmm ""#fIr'^'."!"""'«H»"iO"i"oo. li eoDe«Md ABE or bnilarda, l,3a)eolnla,ninta, paabpaaa barrel,barral for Ibetbe cbamploaibfp Bioekwellaa rar u the peenniarrftmooat won wWn the/ aialB look a ml, krwirioi Ikelr Followlog cloae upon the heiU of Iheoonieet belwrea Rhlaee a Bldo ngtt en Ihe bod/, loolaaiul lliUaeii^,b(iween^ baweoB JeaopbJeaepb VenieolVeraieolea aod Bear/ bU own filling fM^OOO below that of tbe pnTlona yatr. -vT nr—^-'T. Talborb4llda;al > For 01tOOO two/ laagblag, when Ua|ulre Irled lo le- TorOBulea came Ibat for tbo cbamplanihip of Amenoa Woo YeamaTntkoanakoB ap la tta 'plaaiua aaff haoda Blokrn wu aad Hbboa. br Vermeolen. Hcore, l,8Jli Rble.a,l,l7J. Wlaaort Tbe UelropollUQ Steeple Obaae IfHUiif, at Elflfibniy, eoB< ' In itlMpi. Jeba tdraalafM ant ' ,altba«ia • AID m inme boitlllilM, bat ho net wTih neectt 0 teeood and ILOOO, la which ngurrd Ihoae weU f aown vU/en, irengMo^j^looer-eirerMatolA lime ol guac-riee bean There were Mead hem a ila,taMttiL meDcedoo Dee. 8lh. aad conllBDid three da/'. law tad mehlpli folkwloi II np with adtht of WUIItaiBbnif. 'am bw Ittbb aa4i Ht* Taat'a win-ilioaaM VI/EICHT CHAMPIONSHIP, landlH bit loll na Iho breait, ud KcDrrltl, ol Chicago, and William OMihwtil, Ihlrtoeneteeplecbaatfand fleehanUe nm on the can, and LIGHT Aflor a fslta ob BkheaU part IEit Uiaea la pabUfr-on — aa IiU a Ml, raMinl, aai, akit'a atof*, n't ea* if haadarea Abe'a eiaaNok nalwala had aliaad/ ontiod «ut Bra one hundred aad Iwanir horaea took part fa tbe dlffntnt eoa- ad- dnlaa- laa aaktta aeaa af rearhajaeladkaabv; tot eonBlerodheaallianr,bolhTlriliB| Iho nick. Polar aew foar occttlona for a aiato and oaea for a puiaa Tba Ueta. The meat Steeple Foaght Nmt P«tTyvllla> Md„ DsMmbar 23, 186B. MATCH FOR tl.OOO BETWEEN FOLEY AND InpoTtanl evint wu tht XetfowUtaa tiIle?nr-Sai!at aol Uiodoobio, laaJiBg rtaMoUTol/ ea Ihe ftao aad look Clacbiaall la IMi, wbaa XcOeeUI, naalkeiuiaearaUablo- hMm nbiltloied caanUr place la Ha/, Cbue Handleap, thne tr-llu, (n which alerao bonet ftartad.lft* - - - an aU aioi- It»r»«IH»aia«l4ap^m«ae»le«wh«»l«— . n> Wmm ii 1 Ropie*, Ooourmo to Kn. lertear. Ibo tried to rent/ lhete,M aw baulked IB pla/lna la a maaaar wblsh ba bae nercr einee tarpetiod, FRAWLEY. etedlttf TfaaUah aad of the Unr- -.-Tv-iT-rL Hiain Alefbude, both wlaoen loiaiabft haellk, aat \an Ml* lal al Uo head, aadeaagktatpankinghltlail kelowlho peoted"/ oipl'iiwl the $1000 ala*Oi Ibe aeoooil encoaatejtook pooiamnd MaUoaal the em bm tew pmUto ns LATTEn BEATIK StMple Obue; Tbe Nna.irtaaar ef to eiaek Uitl TWiraillMK «B(wnual, M looglookt^ rornri fai b; lb* right loiter iherl 4a ta ef- pareo ol aad MAnlU iU FOINTB. Ihna ttarvrt Q hdUlaii en eC ae«H(dw aM. loflUBBtafreaPaln't Tbo wu fUaalnlhfdl/ la mA, for a fUO, Birmlnahan BUeple Choaa; Peoalooer aod OloMe. A dofw- Ibi Blottn, sow of tfter- AmiDa IhelreoBTealaaeei batlElt alhlr bela, of ih. fmlrnltr, Ulwm PhUidatahIt, ud fort la fellow with hU len,bnl ptheme ImnedMeIr agala won iltlaria the aamo /ear, and for a itakdof««>a Ham na |1 8000 a 8n». laroeearrenealaeaoaecUonwllb vUoli thieaiiluM m The Nao look pUee, aeii af ap^aadli la riUrlftfalit. or FUitlU, N. T., for otood Uo ' - 4*r, aad a ChrMaai poa ebiaaafW |l«00u'( iuilutor «trd hotnl/ oa ihe o/e. Thlt noaed Abo, tad be doilrona aClo, the/ pU/ad la Boatoai aeal, tleo la itU, Ihe/ Tboflatleoploilor IheCblctgoiorletwoi hctweaa Iho or cftnaed - - - — a Llfht W«i(kl Cktmplm, taobplM*B»rr«rmina,CMll Ca, with a rlctoi/ at eould boalM, aeehtaUaftarareeUnalihtatlke Ohh), eta eab be aq^if twtaencldlT«BtkeBoeoaad Biealh, Polar lalalMlBg lelon gine lo IhU dl/, tho notar, if abimmea ef llUaolo, Tboeiu role/, aad tho ei-ebiaploo of Ml., oalh* Bonlmvl Walawdir, 931 «IU ba of bit hi of /aor, ttaalatadllma^ lad a«(laelad oal^ulkt raiMalalaalm luL dAi* •taaaar ni Che ilba with bla flgtal,leaTlng Ihe laaprinl rooilag with QoMthwui; tat Jatli/, Jaoojrr Utt Ohio, JebaJnwli/. Oa Ihi Id of December Ueeo etperU food * Ml nports- tlaaal ddo, Hc- moalhi' blalw, aad «hif,t nppoit, U Ihe leaaaa ta pal haatkler. nakea ploalod hit light agtia oa FeloN led Iho/onlaaoatntedaliaaglhrorattakovf US* o pla/odlbo ani game ef a hocaoaad-boma malob, tt aimU'e m an. aod agala oa tba dieek, for which Vegafn waa oeedlted DoTittwfnalag br lattoa cT hU '^Jaelag" the biUa tad ranalag Ball, CIcteUnd, tbe iamBeh"*la"Iaii eina cute being 1800 a ilda. foil/ won b/ hone, but, bring moit Ab*BI od b(i ^Jorltj b^gtn to coot hlf ojti oboai bin oppoello aide ool 00 load la with Fetor 8n/der and other., wlanlag einlt ana When MewTenr'a ttne%ean4, It foml Tea aad Ida^ to go It at ereae, while the wen ho pla/ed Alloc the game waa nror, aooUier match, 1,880 pointa up, Tcitaento to ether borfw ther furled la the race, but to ibew la fuott of upon to eloitlH bU poillltlla tbIU- each other ot tho tbiU el a rare order. Nrrcrtbeloei, iho ndde la armed and aqolpped lor lha Itbara Ibti were re dtwoira apaa • mtVxIj wbom IMr offaro ol long oddt. Ao the m«B la'td eiblblllog paab abet alloeod. for tl.OOt a aide, 'aa made belweee FoUf aaloolabmeDt The Nun bed not only not bcca eoraUb*d, MoOiUdtelbi ntlifocUonor bImKKiiwtll 10 Uutof bU of Ihe bard hlllhg «u rlalblo upoa bellmg wat tgalnlt him Iberr, wblle hen few Indulge in tbe ne tt Ibe Danim and F>IUat ef oar a«L Ve had a£bieeaA callofilaetheelrecU aadPiawIe;. It la lo be pla/cd In Chicago about Ihe 2U of bnl abe ran and wen the nee. The reU'i Inlelllfenre erigl* MoaA^ ften ijt pruUrtl tMt «bot Irlad o( oiolT bi wio Blckea bleeding prolaaal/ from tbo aaaal organ, ood bla hope tntt he wmid win, oltbough ICcDotIII wao not n-gordod beforehand Iba eooiiiotiUiWof t "card" embiaelnf ibt oaO* both, Pebraarr. A match ef an eqoal nemborof pdatj, al Iho aano nated oat of a mlauka ef the haodlcapper'a dirk, who had la- of Hio waa nwirdtd In tlio pcnoa of 1 joong while aonral himpa eppoaied upon hli to the alronacot opponent he could Und. It wai eokuitt d we wareionabe—llhlnb tanaen eon. Iwe haadrjd ar tdo wonh left e/e being KOIIen, fclndofqanio. bulfuigSOO a aide, alao cataled Into br- formel lha telrgr.t»U c«mpan;'a o^rnl that The Non for waa wu wu r Uke placa lo itraea ont nf all hrr Elngehoi? eo^^agementa, Initead ol, u do, IB mlaolao, Jtaoir;, IMl, wboo Ahe wu but ilgbtnn rialble upon bla fonhead, and the ciraloe fluid trukltd tlowir warda Ihe cloee o** the contcat, be would giro Ibo eame awa/, aomewhai miirl with Iho llaia of elbera. on Ihet polal I a U Cloreltnd on l!ip Zld nf Jannar/. Fmale/ la deiermlned lo waa really tbe oiur, all bui pnf, the nee iho won- The betilng of eliteil Ulcluo lo mooi, uiil tbt hit left ear, which wat aomawhat enlarged. eltber Irom abeor olcllNblllt', or b/ a lie aiallailcal. We were up bitlmei, tnd bj lea A. M. ' jMn M«i Thu litUtif Iron the cut In mUctn or nucr caielcu bare pla hioda fuIi. nic acor^ at the ilart wae A lo 3 aAlnal Tbe Lanb - 3 to 1 t^lnit lo Id- Tho oblltrho dl»Uitd loapnod hiiftltDdiwIUi omiiieb eo Mcoeo Tbeie wat en erldODt dee ire upoa llie peit of both almke And thuta abo tboi^ltl tbla nnipl; argued that what r, renall; eetlod behind a taam wbkh. br aaj one not ap la lb*- PeloT-U ), ], 2, II, 8, ti, u, 3, IS, a, 31, 0, a T. 4 1, SI, 0. s, I. Nun and fi to 1 agaloat 'Peoitnnor ; Tho Nun, Afier a aplendld tkat daoind 10 let bim "pt Deo Blownir, «tr •bom Iba bef.ire ellher made en that Ibe arjnment rat a, a, 1, 8, 77, J, d, Ir, J,«, u. i, Vinli anniie nabob, .la we drove ulT, wta guilty bwkod blm 0 Ilka ouMODt tparring w.vi In order pear now eound. f )8, <, i>, 8, >, I, d, d,a 3d, li, a, a, Iho boohiiiakora, on tbeatrenftthoribo telfgminof Tom of* the loe, '"^^ ^ many of Hond uolkot Tloint7, titer tgbilDg > loiiniU lo IT mloulo^ aume boallllilrt. Al leet, liowerer, Htgulia brempelhy fer them. The alfulr ii likely the npinllon of 9 heon U'l mlnolw, Julj, lome r«r. Tbe leupltlA draw Pete, but uniucc-oafoll/. tbe latter wnlehmj aodlenco niao rcprcaacd appnlMll'in J, "Vhj, becanae ba ptaieeell bia Ume iii aieUwpeol'a O'ltaff'* U when it wii tononncod 8,4, ll,.Ml,J,ll,j(,o,Ti),i' foialiHr to do good, hr i»dlBg to A mora rrgiilar and lyito alio w^y of lerall vBUIbledorj lo bolta ineo, oud ihoj Ter/'lllbittlr hia iiuj more Mr/ cloaeir, an'1 al.««/e keeping nlm'elf readr ttut Philip TlemM, orClocinoall, HoaaAMr.-Ciunor'aMmto IIu.i.,unicino, Anil we were olT wltb a Jomp that had nctrl/ opart aa KM bad been -hceao re:'cno. Ac III., Dar.31—Match " reraiohlng*' faorari, wblch In fnlurewill hafo lobe done In onl.nd lolo t ittond ntteli. In otaieh Tieloir agnin Ml to ibe lor at'ock or defeneo. Iho Krw Tork bn/ nRtbi |tnl home bit umpire, UoMlhnllecloolrdJ.ihn UcOiollc for al.au, iiolnta, nuahee baxreil, oo a aundard Amerinn ItwaaoneoftboeemoreuieneTer to be rorxoltee—brlfU. fnwky, while writing, and net, ai la now unally the eaae, by a vfea voce aeconililu - ibo.orior llghilD(lbnuraod30 uinulo, nolHiborap- wllb on Ibe facial nromonlor/, a nr/ fnrclble argu If. lour pjckol uuc belwiwi Joha Frawl-y, or uieve r wat Jamca dpclaratlen, — one copinoti/ than aod Tbomaa Fule/, of Cblciri. l^oom-Ffile/, 1,I10I; Prawler, 8Uk io;i, Nor. O b, IMI, tklog foer engogonifDti lo j<«r- ment, ehlcb cauwni. cooilruclcd by Ihe Grand eiory pnitr (ool hr > o^wimicomanL lie win ihfn ratiched ogalntt botoro, Hfl tbortlj followed Uiu imniher with anotbor od tor ol alTaira. titkb wllh browo faelof, Jiiit bQlU b/ nor maUei frlea^ at; Folej, 7'. Time— fhraahoitniand fert/-I1re nilDuua. Ilert— Stand proprMora, tearoid altogoUtor ninotng otm thenar TowawHool^, o libel/ follow, of e iuldoriblo locil npulo, lor b'>dr, ud upped t hfhTj nlore from Ebenrter'i rigbl on the - Ham Pe'en, who eomblaea la hit proper peraea tbe olgnlllM TBI OiHB. reler Sejdar. Umpin- -Per Folf/, Jofao UcOarlli; for Fiawie/, Mwairlpof lend owned by Hr. Blndd. the now lorU of thu the Wine niomiot; tbor mat m Ibo Dirmlagliaiii d.itncl, toil fonhoad, Pcu rt*r<Bdlll/->l|lbl nnntol Ibo tpooge woi UMB Ihe rlbH. AHer uother ip«H of ipirrlDg and dodglsg MoDorlit. wllb bla nul!i,paabj lutde mllltlo. Fire jonnc ladlea loianonalf got np ta tn bnrU monotiuoua poih, 80, for allowlDg that prlrllear. loipeoted ew Bleben obuhicdbla loiiih bloir vpon uka them fajs Juil bcrn IfemwB no lor Howler, ond Uiiia niekn tri«d «Uta bit l«rt, bot Pottr eiught ibe maklog hit Wal acme 191, agaluit Oiildlhwtll'e H. Bbortlr Tb« Die,i iwa FOnaa Uatmi.—Noit week we ehtll hiTc a ribbon^ niebod preclplta'ely l>eok Imm the parlor olodow. bb ibe by the Ihike ol neaufort and Adninl Roua, In (heir capecliy Irianph Jilr IT, llH Abt't Oftb oalogonlot wu biab hU um aod pUolod a rolun on tbe riffhi uptlo: Abi vu ivaj McDerlti bit 12tb Innlngi detailed Tcpurt of Ibe DIoa.Foitcr much, whieh bu for tome we reined up; ud one elout toailemaa la ola ehirt aleara^ ancrwtrda added 10, and U Quid- aiRtawardJor the Jookey Club, uid ri-e^cto atowanlaof R(k bBowo 00 UIck tba liog**, a - Uopefed MIek Uonn, nion jteamUf rron a atcnnd well-la(Md«d oat eaola net «iwpe thnll, btrloii "lell him Ihe btllL" be na 188 aloag llie upper tlmebcca the ill-eagrmiing topic In blillirJ circlet erorr- with a Utbored bee and a ntnr la lib hud, ainnk back frou tbe/ bettered owt? enm neea. and ther hare riprHaed Ifaeir approral of tt Ur: Oroeion, the mitoh being for CM a aide; third, vhleh took (ITect on his loft eje. Now ciuned aooihtr cutblon, tn nbont poaliloobe the Irorlea wheriL ud wblob It In progrem at the Aoadem/ of Hullo la an upper window cotfuaedlr. We feoad arm and tboMltBta Ibe lame bad when CLarh, of Hewmtrket, the ra«e Judge, bai eeilldtd that two bonia and mloutt^ dullog wblcb I'oto ti brought to a elew: abo he neiTil/ lor tbe aplco of M long interral orspirri&f,wbleb oioal hd mlird op 1,188 rgiioit Non. Thou whohad laid Ihe oddi thUclt/Hwegotopreu drnoa tba Slat ul^ OInnand Foaior Prlert eutrd In aBem|.la/ed alone rooelof the time. Bath, prallybolileepy,bBnar, totelt Uia treib, oalrakltlebetoBa 'tl the ei* llltle dllTeceot la (om from the ooe prerlonaly and, and wtroeonalralnedlomekeodnwollt Dec. 30 ood 31, Tbo pereeire or wu not qaleb rooutb wai himuiua inau hit(Mi AllhuiMa fu u mnd eland pnmrleiort. relalUe lo the It boura and 40 mio- crilleal Derby eonrea, nnalna Ike tSlh mood, wbaa tbor bad booa at 3 dcMA tfagalit got Hlcken apoD th4> ropea In a rftther btodred, al^bily. Inologa algnallud arofige In a long game—li wm8. I glauof wine ud nibble i ludwleh with tha pntUeat ilrl or ahead, rbe 33i wu by^ in ffo/tt qa0. an^ tbe uncertainty that eifaia whelbor tbe 0. Dob ruu BOil tried Abf'a ealibir, for £23 to rtttaathlnatir and gel down. freat Btei, ApMI 1U4. fnriUon, bat Am maugtd mo ol 168, madtbyHcDerlll noailyoffibt redia OoHUhwalt yotrtcqnalnlaaoe. A be.rlr grteUng awtllad^ at tl lot boa- roondt,hil hour Tbb ntooitn TooaaiBun.— Lal II act bo fergolteB thai Rpeoni oTonf of 1609 will be mnjuaierlally ebcoka all ipecula* ocl|aa. OoMibwaltt M Hltlo ranrod by the fieUoI go*goddua, got high I tpMe tnong u Roomi^ DreokJ/D. In aid of Ibe IForhlagwomeaUtfo-operallre fidermto of Ur. Chaplin when Iho laMrr'e horae Herailt ion dat olrele la a oitteh for a taoner a ildr, catch watgkl, toed looklDg at ttoh eiber with handi dnra. Abe at leaglh for tbe Moation, like t atmpk buket of frail. gorae'At^,; u 221 Tb't pp wu now elow'd, Qnldtbwaa was tltrtoabeail Vnloa. Ihe Derby. Thli boaiUMea with tOeet oDon Itft and bono wu btekod at 29 to 1 fur all the money wiU DIek Holrnw, ollut "Roofb;"lbe/ optaed ai opened flrr, landing twiea tht eje yitaU'l the od'diwere two lo one, nlth (tw lak*n. Tht mo geoilemen war. ratklnglibauou al the ahrtaj ol Ibtte deities tbet could be got, and ultUoaialy 1,000 lo 4fi wu token. At New- call Hatlh, gtafordeblro.Iro. oodond rougntfought 19It rouoJarouaJt 10lo 39 miouioa,miauloa. breaat, Joaping but from tbe ratora. Ifmire wu not lo be ml»cue. which Ultihofaalloiothai llcDevltl ud the conraniUoB wu litely and hiaplrlag. Tba Aldtrmaap wuendedbra narkei,where la eon. bor«d la aoi laecetded la adnloUitrlog a the bone tfalned,lbehlghv«l oploloD li enUr* Be* 1», wbeo thela oppoofuoa of tho cooaUbuUiy dtnicd, howem, but enabled to bring thorn together lailly, nad IIL wlUi bla ruddy, good liamored eouteoaace wweiad abore Iba wu make talnedol him;Ji being IhoreMngalnely anticipated that il; the following Ibe/ itonmed the o/ea, which eaoaeO Ihe flow ef be eUi .* polled a poaipoataooi OB daf torrifie anaah belwfcn Tbe lead be tbu reeaJoed, with oln«iy-#li over aod enembltge like t eolntaut Bertrtl, blmttlf laeladed. riaoked THE TUHF. emitlaie Uteacblerenenl of blaalablc companion, BenniL Bla eanailoai at gelk/OikkTaUeri TToreeotenblre, wbvBSronnda blood fron Hlckaa'a noae U>e»ue. Both now offitred ttmnl' clgtrt, who table look. ftboTC. Ooldtbwftit followed with M. frtedov wbtn tbt ud Ihe waller preeldcd at Iba bad ua . btowrwehed Hi dniinatfon two ycaroMpeirorminceidoDotwArrantatiohbopoa, for he ' tdditlenal wen fo |ht In 1 bonl 39 Dinuloa, wbaa a d'tw wu taneoeilr, bat ntllher ; Abe In a pmNpect wu motl promltlBg. Tbe 3Tth Inologa thowi a run of ef aa acUre barkeeper oppret^wltb eoitoB. Tha nlielel only won fonr ont ol the tea racea ha itarted Id. egnod apoD. Re neat eocoaatored the faffloaa Jea Oalttgher, Mcoad iff met with belier awecia, rvoplog Polo on tbe right MbyOoldlhwaJle, and iho91Hh be which would aeemad on the beit of teroi elth the people, udTem whlapera< In midt 67, THE AMERICAN TURF At a rneot pnblio aale of la tbe etne fla olta Hoce ood Ooaa, wUoo after, aide of the bead, bat gelllei good at no nnt lo tb^ ifaape of ruebomea at Tallarttirf,tLadr - lor £M a aide, t u harobeoaltigel/addtdtohadootthtUgtat red t«ll taktn ft "Lotd help Ibe old fellow If hu aotlodothabaBonroraK police tm aHer 'ciTlnj, Ffllaiboih and The Duke, formerly owned by tbe Late Harquu oraltllag Bill of flrooodr, acoapilagdi DiBoUa, Ibe a right bander the cbeik. Abe. a lUtle dt- Iba *'bruk." bit conatltoeDcyl" We pBrHrertd At ear telf-atiBBed lath nobun U>poeh«t hfelfand noU McDevlU wu ol HuHnga, eold, to. Jack ind br var honk fer won and the apnearaace of the once ramooa pal a atop lo it, and a draw «aa aubaoqacntly agreod llTtnd on Uagalffl'a bad tja, ol getting dlffeiwoefl - IfoUarltt Trotting on tho Faihlon Count, L I. with Ibt berolem of nurtiia. It wu not aatil the tan baA now 071, ind Ooldthwalt 1.000, a of TP. and now Dolortona BUy the now of ta a ft HckdologCT' the bodr, dtllTdred bearfjjeD themoalhajid caued greaUat acnaatjen. The weeten, a fellow towaiDta of Abe'a, wat tpotta on ntw bad (be ubfortune to 'meia," altor BODriogbo. id lue An ATTun TO Sontnmi Airomait Dosai a a Hake pttaed the meitdlaa,- howerer, thai tba day enold be ooealdtnA rptwdll/ drawa thli b/ warm work at dWaoee, crowd aavmbled to lee h*' wu lo great Ibat 11 wu a mailer ol locceedea bairana • match far the latter, aad artldca were chin ; wu ball ualn hid llwlf oo aoldthwallt DaruTn u laucuraled. By that time Uie latk of going fro houu t» 411b unlogi, the whito who the ;c«aloat dlOculi) to upon the torf, Hlcken ataklog aid In tbo ellaeb which enauid both eaaeto grltf, Blehta get ber out. She looked groally id* an for a meeting failed to "iiring" all the etbtra. lIcDeritt plantig In hand, hoaaa wu fonaO ta be ao agreeable, aad there wu u ranch twm ItrarclrhappeoBthat*earooallo<1npon to rtoord a trotlinf proicd Riooa her laat appcaianu In public, bailog fllleu out fH to £40; Vatua wat eomo t or P Ibt. the undvrotatb. rimt, ftiortMB oloatoa. la tbe thlag, Ibat reoat people, I fonad, ware dltpoeed to tak» eounled and bunched Ihe balla. He kept tbeo bnncfacd, nilO match on a Rwular tfaeh al ao latoft peflodof the jcnr ftalho aodthlcbeDed eondderably-^o nueboo beoTler maa aoea tbe dar, bat Hicbea gol a«ar wilh him la 1 The flghUog ao far bad bwn deddedl/ In faw of Ha- IhatUTeial eminent their farotiie pabUc raaoria la Ihclr way, where naacb aad be bad consted 200, and thra madeSfiuoroaronnd tbe table, ndof DKtmwr, huiiiueh la the oiio In the prH«ntlnitaae«. trolnerB were, wllb dlStulty, n>laol- ad Imaglatd him. Tbe'aceaof tbe men were now >treogtj enl narel bad mto other hand/, cnrtilna, probably Dlalaken fee Iht 98, laiter; fat at all pleued when, ft ft* lonlngt later. window whkb he had Up nor wu Bre.lowacoB. The romtr waa Iraincdaod dilr„nb7 Alack Pat* In that oTenlU might have hern aacertalaed wbalher abe hlngtwtlTO btUlH In all, olae el which 010 recordtd In Flttl- marlted, Pele't Itft t/e belog la deep moum4sg, aod gradtanr u of hit boelett, tod tome frtceleu frmale, aeeiag that he tUll McDerltt ran lU, itopplng only btoauat of a ''freeca." Tho lanon, aoi tbo ITlltUn of were laitcr bj OoraL Tbe attvndaoc« wft« had ftor nal obiooe for tbe Derby or otlrerwiae, and thua c tna. The glowing ooooontt rrc' Ired from Ihrao of bit broth- elotlor, while boib Abe'a lampi con«ldenbtf damigeo, Ctakagoaa had now bnlSOpolnti logo. WhftI na^ie matten held hit btt In bit hud, u If for offoringL had Iliad It viik eonflocd (o tho IrameJIate paraon.il Tneodi of the pnoel|.Qli in ildrrwUla light nighi hare hern thrown oo ooo of the moat recant er aufra wha bad eraaced ibe blue o{aan ti tbe land of the free, u WM u bb BOM. which wu nueb enlarged ind ont of vhtpe. piay flnral ud eagaltblt Iribatca from the ceorerlloaaiy ud frolk. worae. bt wuZOt aheau. ouii, loe lua doi oeen noeaau the match, nd a to* of the Irreprawlblo kiAUtut of tho Imt larrocnndalft Uiidoobledly inoaocd loJIow their fooittopa, and acconllosl/. rarl/ la Aflrr tht moat amoaot of Iddllng, Ha^lra made pla/ lib of Udy Blloabelh baa at onea bean Abe la osl of tbi hlndensoft man for, gelling tbt baCa along tbe oih dlabea Not lo be entdooe, Tom ploB<>d a rarr tall mallo to bla ; Hog Inch, like Uriara. Tultle, Jonaa. tfcCarly nn-l Holt, oho thi ranat aenaatfonil and notorioua anloal or modem Umea, the fall of fT, bo took bit depoilttro from old Et^nd, ac- bUdiiterDawIe/, which fooad a ruHeg piac« ou Abe'a eoal front, ud we left, la the mldttof ebtt I tboagbl lob*, percujhJoo, bo ooontod oo, DCTeratoppIng notil be bu toored cannot be krpt awaj wben a raoe 'a on b/lhattArmkal cooipaaled b/ hit boliar half bla Tonnror bntbcr, Han/, nba; In an endetTor to itptat th* rlilialloa he wu golnif bardly enepiiaf RuDDlog HclBa He one can doubt, when eon ond only loritfrnhoteoL Pertiapa it wonhl bare been rather nprearlou laoghter on the part of Ihe ladl'a Dr2P. 200, an^ then ol wetlher. The Inch waa a ibcet of toe and fratvn nod, templollDg bAr aplendld atrfeaof two rear old tad the tele antred ol thlt perl OcL 2L After liarellog foiled bT Hlcken, who now tnieefdtd In landtag parformanoe^ B. we foaid Ihe work ao fatigoinw thai wa dabbed oor feicea btlicr for bin If bt had not alopped enn for that, at, upon which, when paiUally Ihaw^ by the lun and worklog nn kllddio 3t>ui<, twice Ihe Uft and once tht right In thatdlir wu, (nit e'en eicaptfog her Immediate prefloeeaior, lbroa,(hlhe New Eailaad, aad Wottora bo wllh Mih hit failed to al* with oae frknd tiler uoUier, unUI at lut we anabtied ^la taking up cut again and reaumfng, ht count, It In acorloK, brcama awfoHr hoaTr and hoMlnr. Afier Achlaremcnl), probably the fooad good Iriende In Phlladeipble, who luUlled ao anocewon. all no the het4. Mom tnirrioff lernlnated bj meet wooderfbl youageler of her aame bIm the balla wtrt all together. Tbe nin of 200 had erllentlr t rupcctable party. thungn the ilakti were put ap and thrf jodgea eroolnicrl, the that tnrr. aodlord of the Laaib Torero, attcet, where atlll Fete tapping Abe 'Ilghtl/ od the chin, Dlciea parrjug aei enrappwred on tho The | cobahlUty U, that on South bo kfcDerlit, for be too mlascd an carom. Bu Tha bcllet of Jinaleadem ractlnd dat aMuUea. l\ Wm oaaarrcd «uy owner or the Ford; mm objected to tho anloal her hurt brokeo by ber woBdirfol two year old naleta with Ihra aad doea a nice llitlobuaiaca. a blow airaad at tie rItM and reiorolng with ihe right oa the wu Oulpare't i meny drcie wu galhired. Eiar;bedy kaewi Iba own Din btd u:oundod Ooldthwalt, and bo allpped op thai Bont waa drtrloj afuut him. oo the gmond that Pcraa Maootbi, cowaontn lodlcaloe, halla from Iho left for which Haguin oteonBodaicd him with a power* JoUw, wbe waa ao eitnerdlnary bnVao when In lorn, and u hU S. and eftcb player nlited llreiy llllle mUheer of lijbloa wbo goat by that otme. 'Tea a'ter making Again atain It waa Dol tbo aamo nare lliat wu named lo Ihe mile al It«rin will loaristo, bal oolr rtntlned then aonio (Ira /tan, wben bla thd riog. Tbr/ got together anlo, when Abr, cartfult/ meaa- ywr'a difference of age th»m. She now Iw pat like cue, learing IhobalU well.'orbii upnoncnt.wbo counted, bat geet to til tht balla and new operu of tbe eeaaoa, ahi0l aa beatllj eUrerly brown marr," and lhal Ibe ooo oo the trick wu a hay nut* to the breeding atud, and ber name alak Into obUiloo, Her paremi tmlinlail to thlt cocnlr/ and icltled down in tbe nrfnr Eta man, planted upon tbe hodj aad Intel, la pielly u 7enuj^ dueee UUe Torpaehorr, henelf, ud waot Into the pocket. Alloapllog to ''itHng*' Iba balla, GoMlh- bfloowloe Hra FellQva. of IhU cilr, II rlolnllj Hele followed nim np, an>l tht wblcb wu auamptod lo alabie eonpaeloo, tho Earl, who conld bare t*on (he Darby (be of Hie loelnipotUL where Pete continued to realdr, avolrtd tbt rttum; howenr, ou<. McDerlll not Ellohea loin eremhleg, irom the lanoere to lha caaton, with a welt again foiled, laivlof thu lUat red did "noB In" lostead of tlt» one onglDally mxtohod. Thli chniie, wben n^t olUicd la oot; blue, uald tbe /ear IBOl when be de- neit lime oaoght bIm oo the left Kidc of the head, A^t (ttflDg a larai year, bnl wia not allowed l« ilart for 1(, bu tMD pur- aeiraaa, oiont, howeror: lUadrhii hlmieU a llllle, OnldtUwait now early lalleh. Nalare dulgned ber for u bat deallar Ur Bomuieff, who h«d nalehrd iho browa raarr, met br fnyTnc chaord. It It aild, br-tba AnilrUn UoTumm»nt, will lannio«| *a tr/ hU fortonca In the El Durado State. receipt on the left ear, and napping aooUipr on tbt ume apot d and ge we onr boea to bar la . Bebg ran thirty. He nad bui ajreoleen to get, bnl bo mlaaedftn made kH 1 mllllaer. " Aad were oukmc that Ibe luare lo qaeaflnn wia rc.illj ow6rd by Mr. Ullce, «bo nuiiojidil tho eipaiclaled Buecaeeer, ebouTalee aa a lUI* .' poaacawl of eeaaiderah'e iclaace and btTlng Inherent In bla —all right bandera. Thla Ud lo a warm nllj at Iht ntptf.both tba ceelr. of ber luiuiloia Preach dnwiot-reem before he bad euy ahot, and McDerlti got a cbanoo lor and made ibetU* hod Tiurcba*(d hrr of Ur. Fcllowi overi reomhago. Thr nature tktt oouibattro aplrit peculiar to pemrtoe of bla ea- pamneilaX awaj merrrll/ with both haoda, and Am flnaU/ Jud|M Hon hu lliU yur been eoovlaolof ly proTod by tbe iptendld portrait aefoiu A' needed. The ciulenent. It mill rcidlly be Imaabied, uoae epublng. Imagloe a by wattau, hu >een rwiulredUr. Ulka tn produce hU bill ofulp, which he declared peirormanc^i of bla oRjprlng. tl903lll/. Paler, ere Ieng,procblm«dhlma«Ilitad/toti/abaoh •Upping down on h|p kneea time. IwrfTemina'ea. ahepeid'a ereob, iraaapluted to a goraeoat Badeta lecepUoa dttcripilon ; wbtn tho game wBt won, IfeDerltl, wu beyond and hr bad Rcalrtd, but It vu Touud that ho di J nnt haTo It In hla wllb aa/ buer ob Ibo FaoIBc Slop*. Be aoa not long kept 6tb and lut—Tbor won now theioofhlr weond op. and fomllnn, ttyle of Uiik (Inalone, AiralntUi caipelh II la needlcat lo My, waa oTontbtlmcd with eoagiatnlatloue mom— dupoalllon to aet without poaoMuo at the lime. Tbo JuOiei thiretoro deuOt'U that lite wtlllnp for t euatoncr, forToinm/ Cbaadler, whohadjuatpol both maalfetied ft about tli*lr worx lulai, oUomtot, loaaget, pUtuiat, rtaff4rft, ud 1 gieat beaBfei Tbeieore:— race abould be trailed nader [trn(Ml,aod that 'lipy would after' labed eg Dam,/ Falle/, the "Wooneocktl Do/," lad wtntad dclit. Abt look tli« IniUalarj with fj(a le't, dlrectad at tbe wiau 9t cDoTiiL-t. s, a. I. 0. 8, n 7, 0, a s, oa oae eldr, heaped with oakee aid ooafoeUnia aad 3, », 40, MM, waxda rKOlro evldeocn a« lo tho bmaji^t chnxaclrr ol tbo ptir> lo ti7 hit band a^meoo-Jr elto, tgrctd to eecomnodale bun, lieaii, bat Migulre wan't Ihcro aad itj force wu erprndad on cocKine. OB 17. ta, 10, ». M, i, 7, iro, HI, i, & ,19, Id, 0, tha rartat—that wu Ulaa Ouipura'a Here tbe eoapur aa- m 9, diaae of tbe mere lo qucalloo from Mr. Fellowa,whom aBdtTit and a maieh tnr the/ Ibeilr. got back out of harm't way, bat ICanlre foi* li. i), «u arrao^ $1,000 a aide; met at Lake- Abe Z»i IS, IS, 6, \ tf, I, lift, 11^ i ^ 0. dTlC-l.Sli. aomed lomnlible dlmrmaoaa and wu eheeh full of aalnalloa, of hemic would be luOdPot and laiuficiurr. Tho Ulln Tllle, CiL, Jaa. II, IMd, aad fcugbt Ot raundo la 1 bear and 3 lowed him up and a rattling rally rwnad in HtcVen'a caner, (loldlbwalL-*, 7, iJL 11. V. 2, U,i, 6. i. lit, 118, It, 713 MAIN BETWEEN UNION HILL AND wbkh wu kept at (ant polnl by Uie ireb lolee of Biu Oolpaia, oichanged «ltb great pirtyi-TUoD'lyOldnoteourtlnTcatigalloo loto the aJTaIr, and NEWARK, ninutos, wbeo dttkBcae r^mo en rad 0 poelpooemeot waa bit for hit being raptdUj, Abe Bnally de* rlaglng Ineeauatly abore all the olbere, like a elew neulala », II 0.3. i^I 7, l\ 8, lt^ iK). arold they anDooooed thnl they would pay lorlelt la tbe forooin u hf - noaoasltaled, Iba releiaa nrderint them lo meet agala the foi. llTorlng wllb gmt the point of Ui^lro'ijiw and M, NEW JERSEY, atraamlat aipullog oTorallnry ledna. It wu really diageiwua BoHHiRT.-CiOttT'a Muaic Hall, Cniciao, Dca. UL-Vatah fbr vhlch done^ lowing mofalag. roperit of tbo bottle Immtdlattly drupj^ng tn bla amrrow bonta. Oo being carried ma'ch, wu accHdlagly Piem tbo puhlltbed tietwaeo HeDorlii, oi toiewialn Inner pieeence, and eo liemukedto Too, wboealy.i' •UOaaMe. Joh i Cblcait^ aed W9lUm Oold- owner of the Puidy tnan then oOered t* tmt tea II that It wa> found thai tbe laat blow hftd brebtB Peur't The a matah anpeon Cbaadlar wta at the oloeocomnvatlrat/ unhurt, lo bit oner ibwalt, of wllUamabnrf, N. r. PourbMll oiroa game, 1,900 potota, uivaied by aepeatlag lha Ibua of 01r Joba laekUai:* aiooadi for $2Ua Ilda, a|imilth» mam tbo Ulka party bad hcwght EACH FIOBT AIID THnEE wfaUa Uanha'a bead aad face looked a aood deal like a plcoe Jaw lo two plaott, and hh ale raltd the apoage, noeh path ( hot atl'iwM, pUM with 19£ tnoh btUi, oa w •aeood-altod foV' Fim DOLUBS HDNDRIO heati, beat threw In ftfe, to wagon, of ton oooC Peter ciaieateo blmaeir u ooofld'nt that he to the utooUhmente' HlektB and tbeoe at Ibe lugroa, who peokat eiaodard imarloae table t^oora-AloDenil, IMi, OeM- opoo tbt trmeh, nlle lo u THE UAIM. "I kaow amaldea fair to aoa,—bewicei pitaant from iMhit dlitppolnted gbe hu iboeom white aoow—Take e«a' 1 eiaald harp wen the battle upon tbe Ant da/ had he not beea were onawart ol tht damige dona. The dnratloD oftbeflgfal IhwVli, 1,4a;. ATeirngBa-lfcDentl, B: Qoldibwall, U IMa Ra- to proTeot (ba partlap Id a u rarwa—fbUlp TlamaiL Tlm« of gam^-Fow btu^ at unea aoeeptad Ur. Robert wa«iu norouata. Traatberuti abeltlOellDgibeel'* improperir !iaadl*d b/ bla llendtnta At.Ihe line appololed wu prcotael/ fifty mtnutea, the final roond ocoopylag but three laoa. Tbu olfer wu by UaniUln, of the Fellowa mac«, and tho mnnry put op la the Ikr tbe lamaptlen or hooUUIleo Cbtadler and bit acoonde mtda miDotta. it li nonecetuty for na to eommeoi opon tbla ea behalf Tho eecoid mtla of tha aaaoa la Ibli lecalltj eame eff ea Here we fooid Ihtt lotortrabit boi^ Oiwlbnpe, wbe (u> flielr htTtag with which ooo of the bett cAoteited and itihihoUer'a handa. Tbebettlttg wuallihUr in CaTorof the erenlajr. Ibe 33d oIL, at tbe ntati eoeae of eport, tapeoiaooe, then the inplemealj of war, bBl battle, wu Wedneailar alee he memblet Dutdreary—and date. "lawl My ditr , (Fordy'i), oonparfttiroly ' CHAMPIONSHIP OF ILLINOIS. chretnat mare but ISUU bualooa^ wu fanclaro of Kewark tnd ITnion BUI, - dlacoteiad Ikat, darloglbe atlll ealil moil BdniHflo wblcb hu ever taken pla«» In tbla couatry ; we THE between tae K. J. Ttim Uulport—how aageliol Nuhit tnd larlh In btutlful Jaa- a neroiat of ibe dasft of tbe dUpoud peraea or pefteaa had cot Ike npee leave oor leadeii to Judge forthomaelreaafUr CONTBSTBBrWIKN HFNRrRHtNKS AND J03BPBTBR- wtJ t large tMnhltAt Beet promlaeal tad dlti|a- lapualUoa. II It aol eprltg, and behold, the iovara are bod- faTOf Vlatr HiAT.—Aleck Paltenon had Ihe pnlo with tha cbcihiBt ianled off Ike alakeiL The/ leimedlaulr eel l« wort 10 en ronndi. Aa far u It wool tbt Bflbllnf wudeddtdlyln UEDLB.O. EiTehed palraoa oflbe eport fion New fork, Breotljn, Jreaep Compllm».u tuaei, lluaeilatf abafalogfR»' allghtly diBg—bawl many btllere thai bad not tht aoforinnaw maiT, aod had ibe bfatorilioaroduff. QolDf reand ela, prearot to wllaeu the a aew rfaf, aad after Ike etoaeo had been orawa Uanlro eai of yaflalr«,and llj, Newark, nroeeedlofa aad wbaldt^'eaall 'ea-^/eamad Bach—what bittaa bt 27 foim a» on OBjnan aijiBo. veader the—the da greuad with bit eeeoad*. BUI Ladd, Tunm/'a cddeot aUudcd to ocenned be woulJ hare pniTta Ttetor;thla, na wm m tbt torn the broke, and Bont look lha lead, nod waf two epot Ihe Tarloui eealeil^ aa Ihelr faaej, apon Iho one 0I apeealate Jodgment yoo oall Uien t aw (looblog al a fooutool la realad biaBMl/H— el labotamatUrof opinJoo. andu Iho nra vtreau Tho eecood conleel for llie cbamplonlhip of Illlnou, dear leaf the ahead ftt tho quartarpolr. Ai aooa u the chut* Iheia. eeaallinaa boekcn, m'eraed tbeo what had occaned. aod propoaed howerer, ondar or fcellage nrenpled The of Ihe niaia weie ohi oltomtnt by Joftl" Aad dowa wool Ike HntetleL tnd dcfraj an ooual of evenly mated, it would be foohab to predict what Ibe rtnit tho BOW order or thln0 which prehlblletbe pnab, thai a'role nnt man got Milled to a equan trot, ahe ebowed a flaa tars fowla on atah aU^ eight ^at theraheald abare tho eip^uca Inoorred loahew lllaaa ehlek.na wngblng ho tklpned elT lite bla pialalypt, la pay homtft al lha BUlaa bad tht balllo been luugbl out titUladorily; repugnant to nlno-l/ntba of lao billiard pla/lng af tpaad, cioelncnpldly on Borai, and collaring blm they la boDdtoalheeocond arena. ihejnlterlrnfu8edtodo8o,whcn- would hart boto 10 commnoIlT, u froni four poaada la See pooada, and aerta eocke, welghlni eftnoibtrbiaat/. tha old alaad. Here again abe fell It la, bowerer, thai Hlcken Tid% though ttjao agTeatbontorap*ed, eTlaentlyont^lntKogthebay Tom io tbtf ground aometlme prerloual/. A reaaonable lime hojd of tlTfl lorhla rawjoubed and mnrllQtd, lib SKIo halU, oa a Kaadaid Amerlcaa fO'irpocket table, man, bui Ihi winner of dra baUlet woold ' big left ranted, to that etny off the EedileeUooa el tbe heel hid Muted aU Ihe knowing onu ta an«r the call ef "tuff,'' and nobodr rrapoadin; oa muna diagraccd. antagon>at. The train arrlred In the elt/ of of the aecond ilie. When BIcbarl Fnle/, ef Delnit, bad anahlato actiUidy la thaheaTT mod, for wnleb hor loi greub depeadent Iba wu wilted bna ISM n greenbtelia ea Itiue of Iho aula. Tbe in out elnng, aad leeoidlngly wo foud Iht prtftaaona aalU lelerce earo bla dodolea Brotherly LOTo Qorlng ibf crenln^ wltboulany at'emptatmo* eelecied refeire, Al. Smith llhlnea' omplre, lagitrldewaa nut adapted, leriue madoanoihar brtak noir tba bebalr of Peur, tbe la feror of u u and Peler Newark fowla weio prlneloally ofa cmoe ttrain if Irlahtnd vecalltia, aelorr, edlton, utkore, artlila, dw- Ihrcc-quarter pole, again In reprHento'l— fbandler. Tbb wu Magelre'l dnl and onl/ appeartnca leiutlon, and alt who Irak the affair In were eniblea to retire Bn/der u Venneufen'a, II waa Iwetil/ dre mioutca tftor eight and comlog op Uie atrrtch, breeda, while tbe Uolm Hill fowlt were maaUr of tha Rnnlleh tort, lawyon, inUed np la glorlent eonlttw 1, aad eUqaatta 10 (heir Tlrtoont couchtt at the aecuslontd hour, ihowtng which enabled the bay raatCg wbo tr.jt ed verr alpadlly, to cotoe wlihlo Ibe ropra up to (be pnaeot meelinw. He conilnurd to o'clock; tnd thoa the/ opened BeriKn and D*Tbj atxaloa, eroiaed with Dernnthlre, wblob It to eilierur thlt oeeulon. Dotulee Ihe eieature ooea- wlonor or eenl Into In Ibe Oeldea Suie until the wllb what eau a mill cnn be brought off wllblB conreoleDl dla* home a Ihehnt bj sU loneiba Id 2:M)4. Uiat localUr, aad ifao BtkehlabtMUIIenaDdhume TUB oam. mueli raoeled In wbkh Ludlowi bare ao forte—for thlt wu a tert of bachelor eoaee''tuleiit—we .bad when he roturiKd to York, anIrlBg tanee when proper hctcij u obterred by Ihoio baring tbe man* SlcojiD OiAT.—Tbe belting wu aUllorou ombf rurdymare, ealllrated. annnor of laat rear, New Rblnee won the lead and choice of balla arvfiiltj' pr^aerred and anil llie rmfvaaor Tolualeered to gire ui that One ataa Vemeolen wu fori! thought ahe would muiio, Jantai/, tad up hit home al Flthkill, agemeoL Titm Chafftncftlled npnn ua on tbeaneraooa of tht wu act bettor In theaecAnd liralthu le cotlomtrr, the light hero Id 1M^ Ukug flret to count, making flltfen on ilie two redl, IrtTlogtbaok KiauT iiiTTLa —Aa wolfUt ehlebrnt tolo fnui ibe "Oubemua Oirl," a la Stapll. Thea he took, la located. 2wh alt., and inforiDed u that Peter wei getting along very ahe bad dona. Uany who had laid oddi on ber U-fore tbe etart when he now for Ithlnea, which the laitcr failed to make, end bl- wore Ihn flret to enter tbe pit, two four-poaadeit opeoing Ihe Ihe bora, ud, baring Itlled hit capaoluut luaga wllh wbld^. oppeneot tliey up a'lorhlaorrlTal nickea alaolAed bio willlBgnrfo to nietly, and would aooo be able to be wbout agiln and mutUaie now bed|rd, for eaw lhal abo could not trut In Ihe heary lino bitcb Shorll/ rot in a run of twT«ni/-elihi, and went tn pocket off a conaL bill. Newtrk ebewed a nd, wltb a while liaeblr, madtimlgliiyelTort Tue rauito ellolled wu of lollure rtrr ground, tuliad the llKle on)bod/ hit wetgbl ond Inchea, or ea/lblog II, hli railou with utoal caw ud relbh, which we ilncerely bopo which Jut biy maro, wllh borihort, whilh raa erMrotIr Pght of new SelaoflfiO andflOOnn Rblnea bot no laheir. nblnea left a ead Union 11III a pile not op lollie mark dllfercni iroin that ha btil oooiewpliatod, for at Ibe dm blatt provo llrocau Thora It aume lalk ot maklog tnotber quick atrldf. Bortt goiaway llrat, hul tbe obfHlout waiBrrn and bo and Raa Cell/erOi Dealtedaccntur/ apiece for omatob. mar hlaneil cnitctror lo elTrcl a "alilai," In condlllon. The Newark wee tbe faTonla at |10 lo IT. 1" the ton, a peodit Itaped blllout at and Termeu- Wllb I ilmll "hi— ktued Irom ud Ihey mil, per lo match u anon u be recoran for $3,000 a ride, u Uagolre haa bin befort ibaywot lo the lun, whereiUie brokoanbe'ure In a alrle that but they hiledloagrM wW appolnUuent, Icn arailrd himaell of the opening to tbo eitral nf lbirt/4li, and hn commeoced n^bUog apnarenlle would forth tt llie DiemenI Ihitlbe Fcoruior, la UiuloiUhBeot.. thU eogageioent found good fntndt wbo an willing to and fell oir mihlog a double break before the get to tbe quar- talh Ihe maUsr erer, ai d tbo affair fell thresh. Abe wat nn- aloce oil/ ehot, and learln^ Ibe btlle a glee him a apeedj rkler/, Lltllnw the Union lllll binl repeat- the lou ot bu latwoki. lot the tilok falling on an In lino for ter fell iiTorncliilr, lo I'ullnliU eoduTnntAgcionftnatcb nnUl nfUr the bick bin (rcelr wllb their dacata forafnab match wlih hta pole, where Ihe bay man led tbrao loogiha. Ai aooti u the ttroai and Irtaal, a. lhal offrranfllO le|9wera Rblnee, wbo made a neat bank ahnt aod ecorod T. Bmxlo edtT In the wttTeryiiiiiualui ud we all laughed, uddrub, tadagaw nf Billy Rdwarda (tubfcqiient• to bla dtfrat of lait opponent. We atiftll tct what will come of iL Purdy mara alrnek a trot, ahe went up to 0 int In a lurpjlalog olfrred no bla wlaalng. rallretneBt iiflnnl iltendod the rlToitt of nch In the tvo following Innlngr, loudly and currentlj Juttwhenvlelory paaaod the coiapMmente of thlBeaaoa. challenged tnyhody manner, butJuatuahD got to Ul' whvet, ihe leit h«ric«tlna (Inlun UIU Oolljer), whtBHnkeo lo the eouolry lo Termeolen broaklntr llicepell b/aap'ondldmacaebor, followeo eeemod cerlulo, Iho bird mtde one laet deeporate fly, Wa miiat norer omit oor faah'nabla fraaci* aald Tom, wba auoceatioo or brcihi, which alio kept from to 134 Ibi, for the Ught weigh' hoonra nod ap all Ihe way hnmr, de^ Ilia IrnnAHilnjr tbo throat of bit oppooeni, laid hliii fight at lU jDniTCLUorrToCiuBLarUaLt.AonB.—The talk over the b/ an noripecled lalluic. Both Ibrn ehol to pocket and tpiir woa gi iiiii'.' iiinllow, like myielf; aad by Ihli time. he It lemtoa- Pattcrvon'aorrAri* Ai reply wji made no behalf of Ed plU Aluck tnhrep hor eUudy, mid ihu bay llie ap-il. In llm aatootahmeni of Ine laeeraof tbe two Ihonund doilan. reoenl encounter ttetween Oallagber and BHlotl hat biouitht for rafel/, Veimculcn being tho Oral lo gat lo work, di*nd nn lieru'i, ». iiniC'iUeathioughhair our llet (cloarlag awiy tha- mare won tpn|tbi Iti anpfarH a l-tlr pmepoel or match hclog the beit b; twn i;MJ£. ttio cotrrapondlog oxultatlen of laiera. Tbla ToBbcy, ond there a the tobJulnodcoBmunieallon from the laltor, t« which we call patting In a run of 17, ami taming bla dnl ben- oilda, anij Iho nbblah, Vum called It—olaaring tha deoka lor actus a>7 lor fire huadrtd dollaiia aide, wh*B iman Hdat.— Be ting |A0 lo llOonBonl, who through* four oiiautea. uraaged bttweon thani aUenlion:— dred 28 aboad. OITrn nl tlOO lo tIS oo Rbloee and M flaht laaled aimlle). "I lUnk we'd beiler call upon Iba UaahnaBa—voitB oat, ibe chealnut maro aetlog u bidlyai In the IwopreTlooa Hagalreatt 'ptd In and aarercd the flilr dollar bill whleb ae- OrniLtiro, Dee. 14, IfdS. tokeni After a ancoearul "auini" b/ llblnaa, Ibe other Sccom PiQDT.— Ihe hearj weight chkkeoe, 6 poanda eaeb, aquare mlllkn, to begin with." no beata. having a eompcBled Am> nrigtnal chftllenge, anq a maieb wu ariaogtd RDrTORCurrBB.-! uodeniud Obtrlty Uallagkcr la trylo~ out ber qoancr andtwiated off a ibee. Borvt won neal Inlrodueed. Nevtrk aliewod a brown red, wllb eiecnled another mac* abot, and fnllowed'wllb a etoro oflo, won 1 o HeahRMo't wt weat baild name_ on bla flflii witb me, tuilo : Ihtt be wit rol the beat by tlx l^ogtha, thua taking tbe race and oionvy en iepiomber 38ih, the nrolncul itlpatatmR Ibit tht men lo up a eeiinl. blncb hactli a. and UdIod lllll one of Iheaame bind; In fact utual aeml-clrel. ef dlrlalilaa^ I . . ^ . _ . - ' gi'lng to pocket off a Ilhlneo failed to "atrlogj* end We found there the ud ol It br a oot-ildtdI leloTte.rtlr- I act by tbe H. Louli U/puWem Umo. wen In light In tbt 81ale of Virglnia on the 23d oa; of Dectnb^. otti 3:M. Tha obeolnnt mare U trldentlr icry lut on a Ba tbne aero own bmlheie. The Newark bird hid Iho call In tlie. Daria- Teriaetilen went awtr with 12, mlating t illfflciill maw. Thrre- eontdn't help wondering wbo tauRbt tbcm all Uniteaue allt- tbal bo. It IB Louli,^ aod aj I lotcnd to be ibero (o ae« ibo track, but lo Irot but In lot iwcfip- Thepnocirali eniertd upon the work nf prcpirft'ion a few w?,*ki nnable mud. whlcli her loog, liotiing at 110 to |0. aod eprcelatlon Be h^aey and brlek. U .VDcn ilfbt, I wlab to uy tbal I will fi^ht Oftlltgbnr in the aamo op^n nblnea aeorcd 81, Koing 1*1 pockat Jndldooal/. IHanha lur tade. lien Btewart waeerldeoUy labia glory—luob a Mtamaa. aft^ward. Uagulie latilna bla brcatblnga la the vlclaliy of hli ln|ritrldoIanntadap!ed. She v a very bandiome dark cliofll- uinat teeere and nunltblng flaht, alihou|h a abort one, ring for 8jU0, er a purtt, to aaliafy hta irieoda wliciher I beat bIm each, Vormculen llrlhlag nut wllh II, tnd ihnn helng kloed wait 000 doct not Bott II CTtry turning. And ben the fuhlonabla . CQiObre nut, wllb Inns (lowlni tall, aboot tfleeohanda threo Indtn high, tbe Newark rerireei>otatlre laying home, wllb Ton u mentor, darins the laUer portion, to ulamerltaornoL YourWf JiBU Btuorr. renil'a for bi onlr tnallof one niloate; tbe laU hbnaalf out Buoh aamntof v onl of a count Tilfllnp nch tbe three autaa. and onlr eelJT'ur' bad erlduUy fu- and iHcken making hla headquarltnal nla nwa hotttlry. In ix yean old. She la fired by'Now Jeraey, a ion of other ileadln bit Ineba, with a braio bit, and winning lb. bet- QEoaBiaUiH T& COLiBRT'a Jlaifa—Aftar the return Irom the auent Innlnp, an nnliick/ Liu for Ilhlnri tearing tbo reda In fuwrd biokt of tbe puiatguld tint—eueh caunelhigl Madania Phlladelfihla. maL-h nrogruied all right, Oeorge H. Patcbeo, lod will dntibtlaad be loeo lo gnoler adran* Tbo the drnralU HlchenpUa( thoto who I Ibo pit. Tbe Newtrk party won ptrlleultrly Juhllinl it Uie llont of which wrre that Colbert abould find ft man a mn of 83, turalnit lili fourib buodrrd, and bemg 180 polof a 1lmo,i:W>j;3:MK;t:H. aglauof vlaaathliown lablt,ind looked ren auak Ilka a the minagement of ofTaln, Terr r*w knew of 11 tppeirtnce of ellaln, and teagulne of nloolng lha mala. had anTlhlng ahead. Then Rlilnce eenrrd 29, leirlDg Ibe billi lor bli o|Y>n- tthoutof wttar, for he regarded Uilt ua plebelu oeouloo,. kiTtly. Thou who nbtftloed Ibe "oiloe" rendanpowed in FoDain Dama.—Newark ahowed t four puund pUe, ud " is.'a''.e^.»".bSi'i s^'VSi i."ur d*.?^ ncnt, who profllrd br It to Iho exicnt ef 10. Rhlnn now let tt nrltoea wllh the inUaoT Hrlet pnptlBty, ThIa rlalt waa- li^rn"° 'i* d'r"br"^.snighl Toeeda/, I Union mil 1 abowy loeklag brown rad, with blaok heokle, Det- ""Sfaj and jiooOar, Mlh ull, bei.eea a and 4 o'eloeb, f. U.,wbeaonad- eitl wllh 38, which Vornenleo call Into Ibo abide b/ 1 icnn of THE ENGLISH TURF. ullrutd by an nteipeetad oeonrrenot. TuungOrpiallo, vba- « iJ'^i^!? pair, tlnir waierco between tbe hot the Uoloa mil fowl waa a 78. which carried him ever bla flfib hundred, ud placed hire WMtomarrythayounfierUleakluBbrooas, (lilt laiherla worth balna the ccn'raer ettracUoa. A eneclal tiilo bad cbor- „. duli.r, aad, after recaMog a eoupUot ouia, Qew the pit, aad bow j_ . A. a,biioUkoplaoo la Ibnomonttat' tlm7 Oeogbe- 188 lo Ibe lend—tbe game aUndlog, hi Iho fort/-flnl lonlaico, Tha RaoIng Ssaion of IS6B-lts Prinolpat Winning 1 nilllloB, too), bad likea Uita opportanity lo laike a piatut cC waa declared beatea In 1 fflUi. 40 aeo. - Vemeiileni d&l: Itbtirte, 2S1 Both pla/erl now began tore, a euket to bla be nUied; hut, uarortaaalaly, oa lha way fma o'clock i.lI.,Mtindollara per Ownara and Winning Hortdi. Datilb.—Daloo Hill lapreaenlad dlba Ont. at 8 hoU W^ oaiaiwr woiuog Buui .iwraltar thewia erra- do^m mtatura. Tennonlen wllh BO, and Itblnee Firrn wu br i aiafullo bad wet hit wbli'lo aomaay tamee Ihed j r . ii.r^».t t.li% hill It ..a Ill IjUIC UlCiaon ino oiafiw, Ihe oinie In o Tlbnr'a Tuang taranamia pile, tnd Newark by a 41b. Sea black rad. The heltina wllh 63. Ou Iba Blllotb Innings Rbinea had crept un to wllhin rvar traTUTMn or wna patr Ttia—rna aamo- wu |10 be had almealTeigollaB the nalaaa of hit errud. Br. Uaah- c^rai'^iii'wTJ.'tSrn/'tii'tS'. ViKi^iiwtrfbe'Sc I* lo 10 on tbe latter, and the Bgbt wat perbtpt the netl and si?s'rreVrr.;i^.ro*.»'»:ra a hundred of bin onpooeal, and bit neil euar Olmlolebed Ibe nurax aniru oiiia atinto at inoituBT-anoiua mom aald, "Hey, wbati what I" and looked bulb urero aaa moat obillnita of Ibe ereBlng. Al Ibe Ont fly, tha Newark diaparit/ b/ lwrol/-fear. At Ibe cloee of tbe ellli-lblrd in. BiTiaa atODT toe Mtamuixa or m wuna or ma dignUedaihaMldovnhUglBu; tbeladka Uilared—Ihocoa- difflni, oecMlonil linblWBg, a »tue Iwtuai aad fatlle ti- raiaariL aioe—rat Ktv bacb ooobab at traoa air: bird loat aa eye; bnl be eoatinatd flghiiag dcapaialaly; | freih match upon„„„ UkecondlUoai.h^, ,^„dlUone. TbuitbeTbiii tb. nattermatter llandlilandi itat nlnga Rihineo bad paMcd lo tho frnnt with a run of 01, which na * puy wattid lordevelneaiiata tbe "" tad bit lempla upon . arraoTiL or tub 'ylnfi prerlout backeia but tonetblot Bir /el come of IL carried bin to hit irvcnib hundred end pitced hlu tbetd, omcuL jociit cuib—atu or laat ^ Nov, Temmy," tali Ure. Uuihreom, " do my 11 uquiokaa 1, at Bay Ibetrilawai'-- Ihe ecoro itindblg—Rhlnee, 838; Vernienlen, tit. From uuaaTa utoTOa aaaL . . _ price, he rallied aad doa'l be atupld before toaptay. Tbe uutl Allm-Batii liana.—Aoceaaultam the weitconeon' Hcond poailble, ud lld.,indlbo, Ibli Rhlnn gained ilowlr, taming bil The umeaaa nugaltude of raelog operaUona la la^tand fooght taUanUy. A Ume ho wu nroeliated oa ire farorablo In ohiraelor, ood Ibat polal oowiid aweicomoitialeb thete heafz-welghio aad lha tuI amouat of pnblie In tbe pit floor, bnl oaea aaore be arMo aBd renewed the ennlMl. ' * ' nlnlbbmidred M polelx ibitd, Uioucb doing but lltUoaniige money. poiaaa and ateikea, Mllable plane afaaloie't caipel wat faind aad ballle oa Ibe 131b that lut bit ebatinaU coll/ a pla/lng. Dhtnu now tiealed blmaeir la a benell ol 82, nlu- a really flret elate race boiaa can win Air hla owner on the aad at ^meaeu triampbed, for ha ool the aitiaaeadlilaaoa iroBfrom Iba lauioMriUroad umoe.track. ..yinjiiDa.uu m.hiw.iwii/. .ulimen ire hard at Bigla Mcelodoieeioaaa loonihort i« Termenlen fnllowtd wllb 94, lllo flllmg Inrf Uiara, may ba tatlmaiad from Iht tobjelned ttaUitiM of Union Hill ehleken, a ihoreogh game one, lata rlbboar, killed *o'k,aBd well whoa lt>theirdrnD,iolbit, lag tn cat/ abet, tad Terr little tlmowu cotlowarta la getUageior/lbugiblp- were feellotTCi/ Ibe paatBotteo, wblob hare bin lad won Iba battle; turn, Ian talaalu tweaty-tbiae ' wheribeuouldbiTOcodnled. At ibeone bnadred aadSrit Jott appeared In Maaia. Wealb- - " po"lM ot 40 tod («, Mbbea of tba Terf," Ibe Buota' Detl»^ liter a lalUIng good Oihl Uie Union BUI bird laid hU fee dead cemplluient to Uie feellnga of Ihe parUaa laWaetM, ud v* for SIckaa, aad nadera ooane ef tralalag. neb to men prtpulog for a ^ aaMtU Wamar Aarea aad Fatop Kalllor Hitoiheralaoeia wore Fenljeinei, la Ibt pit piateeutlon oor duQee wlUi ledoaMed tidoc tbe mattoraabad ubefarea tantngble tweinh bna- (190,0001 1 Uoraa. fM.i(ni Uit of "iklntatU/nadaigo, flllnoli and made reanmed Hike Cobniaier Magalia-proeeoded to aod he eipoded lo pioeeelte HdTbe Palmer, IM,M01, aUof red, •wBWfleoibfiaaud dred lU abeid. A kria cl fulam m Rhlnea' port, iid ol IbTm^lKVBlUaS^'.W; Bntm Bima—Union Hill produced another black 1 tbiah that By thIe time I auat bare bulloaed udtr BtT- performed. VbUe uort^/ cemaeacoaadn lialoW Judge Foeie bold bla tow augii, a oiramoo/,oloU/ If aitr eaa hoiae, fai^^ wlUi wboai ba wen and Neverk a blue red, bolh fliba. Ooa. Thlt wu a meet u- Are cold turbeye, about tweaty ham eudwlohea^. Smi imtll mai aa Tenaailoa'o, again braoiht tba lead Is bnl . IhT Derby li walttooet of ware Todranai tad hotamnob u lhaflgbt la aal UUio pUcS In Ublo,ud SlTwai ntaroBTlSo poibiani Abi toe »to«Bn, U tbe fkmoaa win die- cWng flgbl, Dolon Dill agala wlnalni and their aloek loohltg qutila ofJeUr, t dotu taiti, a boa oftlaioadt. raltlB^. of aadlbiait wu laoiatied once men t/o icoroofSthf IS!?- .}*'iSS "'•J'*^'" urerel oir«coonddaot|lMlo llOoadthereabert^ lialalag U ael a cilao, Adeo conW not b np, their rlrtlt' four. llqaldt enjla7tblSu - former. On Ibo o» bundled ond Iweaii-aocoad Innlngi Ttr u they bad now ecortd three flgbla to aod mlied oonieoilenii ud of wine ud railna a now tad Uia aeoeftad,lhoo»blhoor woa, wllh the liulgalletattiatnUoa bliek reda. 4lbt Pot. •000 him, whlob were entlod/. laenlea made aron ef 88, whleb carried aim to Ibe front onca of 10,000. brbUienoiaad EiOBra BiTTLa-BoUi tiduahewed t«a mlnlilare rlrer.'. One of nt bad, I ua ttte^bal rapttllac Myl« I Ihieeyear oM Ulr, roimoae, deeltire tghl; tbe Union wKo H?l?*lo. P^hm^ awn, ud hrongblnpbli ilaok ao thithetior Iwolo one i|iinil mlo dlnded half At tube In Ihe each. Thlt wu a ihoK, tbaip tad wblob, Byaemon It aenewbit ladltllBet Ull blid quickly laying oot bit opponent The learo now tioed Neat,woiteei«dbol4lrfor tha Birbiry ooati, weal aide af h|pi fond read/ ukera. A aerlee of downright "Kialcbic" TwoT*oyiBpdaalaaaa^dwbteqneatlyw»BtbeOaeThoo.aad, Oaktandlt lagar. wItbraulltaieBi. ontbled bIm to iceasiulalo 40 tad to Inn bit tonrlecnlh ban' The. Daka of Niweaille ranka tblid In ereo and the eiettemett wu Inlenee. Ihe Dowoty, when arenthlag vu boning tmeiinl ol wlaniagt, miln, and belUni wii rliliedhan, petnia ibeid, Ihe oeore eluding—Tlmteulco, 1.308; bli borau harlng onledoiritLIM; ao Nnna Dinta-Thlt deelled the Idon'tttmenberdlillacUybowBiuyplteu ta dred 60 red, both llr.ly. Uoloa Hill grey, ud Newark i Hot leal onrcaidi aad It babd. I'm eerttla, lev- Rhinm 1,230. In Ibe one haadmd ud Ihlrlleth lanlaga Bpeeulom (the belropoU. abowtd I u ws bad wul S,'fjSiflLi*"f*f f'""'i'iP- (Ightt of the eeriee, tnd decrte, hu >«ar olit, 4*1 Tot. ThIa wte one of Ibe brat aeer, we not muy "InUmite frieada" whomwehadntnr. Bhlaei mide 07, aad derelepeil, In t nmtrkiblo '"jSt''!"'"*' I AbtUninee o>e»topeUa wUl and Teatdoa, tra Ibe aalntlt ibtt Uie Dolon Hill fowl tlllliig "'•«''?"!•{!" who, II Ibiy net ut lo-n»mw, voold'ak Hopping boob ofila -..KtIZ.! S* aad fireobl/n. Pit McOowas apleadid aerre ud relltblUIr, and brmght down thebouia btTa doae hlolbit coed tef remlUd In hL' t teu btfeie, ud frant. Tbilltbl decided Uio lotlnin farar gara eat at the pokak lai "to' "''I* nf lolon Ulll, l« 111!' hagrlB ai wben our Mend Oranklelaorpe, la LUe Bimmlatai' par-, Itonaiuw..i--=i....~.-~.--7,."v-w-^-^-/.„ lj.iHlf. 1,317. Rhlau left elt bit mn br ilrlnglng Ihe balb, •"^L'?. 'J* hli bi/lUantly per- nlle wbiib pU/ed nier bla Hire. bead, which la flu ebaay.. laa maaner, Ue lell aiUi'ed meuleo counKd handeemel/ wiifa a mtoe bank ibot, which ev 'aadingfaVor. Newark parly. lor, ftU aalarp wlUi hla ud at ff.T^?o;!'J'^"^S!j?"'^r"?'»»l"»"''» ^ ^ pltlol/ oilaeing Ibo eilreai'> eonlldanei rim Baianoa to pocket ItaforUieeeBlnjDerby.whofauwon on that lady'a oenln labia, where It wu nlitakta, Omlj oinagtud pk/rieg to Boaia a» Oraaaa —«. u. l. •ttM<,^ In lam warmlr applinded b; hli adnilmn. Re went *•"» Ian oat »of "ahia iweleeIwelee lob" cl wllbou dlBcelfer anolhar TV rat Mutra i«» tub Booin FJati- Jupoa. Uie gathariag IvlUght, fiuro hUlblllJ/la'poll Ihe "llllle .f oballeag^ a run of 11 ud a fbilan of Rblora to "f- Padaakk. Ibe aaAXo HAia DirwtaK hy Hlu daddy ta fer wlcm^i^S^'mmt^HSf for aafe'/, afler ^1.. vm"-!*"'*?""' aegetiatloaa, mnoh talk ud ormaleibl *^•»<»''• »" .?«*"'"' ••»' — tT AaaarotOL-Arierprrtrteted a piacuibloo. Into wbleh eheatuek ill her plauu thadltnhed pemalliOu?: *o la wimng"rffh"(lwSy'RiSS firlog 'ho balla lilt him another cbinoe, which hi aSS aSfii?.?,'"*""". """r-toiiilw, b letemedwllb Ma»iilrj, oa the olbet or an/ aU^ - WT.UO, bnl UUa «o are aow enabled aulherlUllrely ta ehael, vltit bald bla basZ rtr/ lew d«D -ad epea. hba, weight he llkea, for* oo aooooot of tiBoaot eomprlaee all la. mener won The more uofauaded reiarti, hcrtell of her iflori luolng Iq 1 nai^hoi*t; H,«S a lldi!« |!J « IbiJe prond b^ fonrlMn, mbdi^ br loumameBl gal- head, walked ainlabl awl qulokl/ to the '•'oloo, ana .oog uanniicallulV oraod oaeliing beteeea the BBd, aecnndlr, by tha hotleu henelf, vha, thlaUag.Ilda, bta ".«o«lioianol oireMblo PaUr will tn/ again paiaing ?la opponent Iben ?l"'ff.K:°.VL'!»J'»J.«f w. of lS.N«themand Uie8oulh!ra the table, t oilaaby lefl tU Uie I* »""'•' money adrtncel uS^n? pet lap dog, Bid gat on kitaedand feadudtba va^. eought poekita fer ttfeir, tad nblnu ?Jf Ur. ChepllJ anaaged. hIghoonlraollB* at lent'b beea The •IgbUy nim of tow, "ealltd It pet lort," tbea gar* eet away eatllr wllh a raa of Prartontyear'aDerbV li Sbb/ku nmu, tad . btlu oat, M Ibat Tenneolea Sll?Uj'IS!.°.^S"Ji."'»^T'«'''"" NeDaniele fer Ibe Senib, aad IbewelT bite ol wool la brtagiag $?•'••'' *>'il "f- olJnJa «ra Meoil Ilu awiurboila^Mcaate tl.aiughty ihloa waa]dB*l wiiO'- forlr-lhrae, enjoylog two or three lock SS? e« lift "d SaHlU for lb. T^k"p«tl.( miB, yr. JamH liorphy, - ahoeUng lo pooVat Again Bbioet BI"aekln,ai:d hla two year K?." N . ap, It did wake np, teunwbil to hH attimlaaQent, and, ta^ It aUil and al lenrlb "7 whlob were oolr floally trruged aa aUob nalare would note mal to the Mi iixSi^' V^'V^ Narih Tbo eooxlnoni, log a hat ni lha floor, ud mItlihlBa li foi afplttoou, direeted iliamla,ln net. Dai Dam AM«iLtiB._A milted a hud ooail,loaTla» all Uie balla o«l. and agt^aTe^ !i:i.?jS'J^ "li"'<'»»"'«ll'«nkTaboarel.SaB. belu Ulegnai frea Bi. loab, Ifa, ulLi were lo Ighl two maloa, Ibe flni lo tab e pltee aaargebey; hU poalllon wu coaakiiiaej, bolb^tadt »*l loralnr ou hit flfieen b boa- the il'ih npunllarellty tfeoaiflbaUoBB galbeied tnoi Ttneoaeooreea lUletthit a oeeniradlathrttleonat whioh Bill'liiSi mewlea ateumtlalid tweoly.flTe, koeen rating looallly In the rlolnltr of thlt oily on far ndnoted aad ellaokad Ie|t aide aetiC gilt, tt twall In honor el IhsooeaBlaa* Oaz ptitrhinnc newlBoieuBdta bald llfik, tlibdri wu died aanatr-tbree polnit ahead. RhlnM now mliee^l a R!f«?i!if!''fl'' Webled toKlof Alfred and ll«.Ula>ioa foe Oie lital ••« >aa with iu.tM, Rith- ouaeee u BIBB ve forbear taaniloiiIag^Ueomed lee perauat, eiudlag allatBMetra^etai'af naaeee. fkllnie at leajih, thmah arer ""Men". UM, ud BouiWMt wta aaaoeaetd t« alta In 1 twtnty ralnnitt tllowed belirten luh billlt. Thlt n iieb wtu bdaaoul away thu, Pela, Ihtahiag he pereelnd I uio«Dial «'," »a «P»nl«(aptnlai tbew linpiort<1 I C *^ Ulna jaar oldt Foroioea nnU hlibeal, al lha eonar at Bovtiy end elreet, Mat lo bub. Uka Blaalaibid •""it^J^.rr^'Sl^n" Rkiaet bit OrtI ebtaee lor aeetitl laoTngiL tad he the Otud Oblotaeea Ibt altbt efOea Mib, after wbioh be relarn with bepriMacUreofgrMleielUBieal BBoag faadtrtot tblt - SSi akaata, eodMTOred lo bake adttnlaat ef ll eatarlni wllb waala by a the aM of hit eeammmtle lO^MOi-WaBV*tad jBUattBOng.HUOVOOlODg IbetUO 1WWfour rearolda^wwwu mvm, wllbmtta aiO,W'|U,inO lha laat ferlcn hope ot a ruqulibid reglaut aaalUag Uia btauUlnl raa ol nieely-flra by apart. • waa eat dSTaaee; Abe (Wei wHb tnjnjl^'l'^'j^ •* are Ihe Uiea dearly. lMMtitlbthea.1, bat of ,» i"* /" *r<^ !T!'^''"»«ll'««n»'il«n,anl onlrfoihoia byt hta'am'"; I 11,000, tad Ihe Olen, 11,000, bubal oatlaaghl aad ttlaatuaad lo nil thrlr blow wat aeelly pal laide by Htgalie, "WblU Honia" "»»."*»» *art pa bit wiui iiepB|lba Iretndaliyearulda irtpeollrely,whllaltlt nol a AiBiKT rw. TtoT.—A main betvtaa Albuy aad Tin oaat Uilir'>he aAld,ubetamyad«v tta *» bant boi Uia « bat lell a baaeh for Tennrnlen, who by no mwoi pla;ed "And hu II oome la at wti at pmeteduirnag laor Ihiengb hear ttl ihe lllllt tamarktbit thlt of IhoHbrlUltntpenbraiere ef lartata- offoalbt>lelofDM.tt tbt lut nimid place, for etab foraMd a pfraatld,Uke tha • rtOa • i!2b4 a taoipt Aba't be£plece, anin "'•J"* theoeaMeacebabad ahowa hefort, aad lalief wlik aeren, |H oaavatld lappue yen'd Juat eealenplaUt^^l^mlaftho• bettehie h Iba Oil; toa, aeMlflo tttied, tad latiili la- HeapanU— — Otrdtn iUUtreaiaal, Vtnkaa, Hirkmian, Onan BKere balD. and 1900 Iba Diln. Tht eoadllloBB ware to ibev taraa- for tome oae Is get aa lap for lha 1 Hmatnnil eunlng » afler barlag peebitad bla eppeaeat'ebtlltadilnag Ibe olbera, Bmi, iei«bal!.aal wen nlUng nubir! tad ibeTrieodt l.tia Cng, prandtai he fla'dk a plaoa tniaU bta. and BaHoraelu, wUebeomprUee tbe llldd.erwk, Darby, Two teenbMt.naglnarfea4lbttollhaloa,|aad Igbt alt that lUpnt»feu'dfoebtnUae.relel'' BtelJHk '^tl at'liMTa^'uS tllereuevllaga inlndid £aiu ah.it, tooght ibe pwkelfor ipa& Uie I Tboaaad, Thootaad Bt. Le(er wlBn.it| net oaa hu ftU la at Uiaivrittit. FIRaat blida ea aaah ilda fell .•Tlbrbe itwUt, while aniyoae at rla/^e i(uu,eioiiHinBT.—WeharaiaeUfadtMtaBaBloalloa iafety,lurln,ta lapraalblttbet for bit oppcaett lie then Oae and la, aad woaa tlBgle of rtoei thai hire llbtar had glrta bha aitdlt for Iho Mttaslon I Oeoma Oaiey, af torlngfliia, lUlael^ wlanln Iba trrl- nanlM, iad oeaaijilentblT weaM bare done noebbelUr, nee lb It year. Tht aamber IbabttlUgwuMikonbolbeldea wee lea tat of tha 1 Qlekea, aa I al beea i«a on the iai aeaeoa U I,1M| of bonea 3,tt», la- flilten fifnlt, and eoaieqiBaUy etnttd off toe mtla he «obM btllla he ta laii that ba wUI flfbl Tim Sotiay, iMah valibL tor a uyi the OblUfn^aM^ bui fer tbe dlagnaetal yelling ael np Ibtt aad Boaej. elndlailMlwo Ihiee iruolfa; fearyeu Bagbnnimioi oa Noaa*! daf - Itftabelaaad a podopeamii, I panaiiDlbauaaiUiiiillh illaaaM Sail^oratartloi by kit IHeadi, wbiab ladaead bin lotlltrblaDiod eoaeem- year oMei OS CU ' oldt, ' ' iadOir,f Ore apeirdi. abort dliltaae tuea ate Poitbad, Ha, heeemlBg'batnaBtT' eaigbt retaaalhelellopllo, l^^ooetl. ~V, laa aabelableh ba wlabed lo make. Bit tbaneet wan ei' aad aNlanlferwlaauu Ibataaata KwMibtlta anloobrhhtsa ItpMlyoa lhalac»aaa.lharahatli!f ben dlthtir alledtihia tftua-lUUe hni raw old, teddlag aibaH itattaea vntldtoaoee w ba rIttM b/a aad orer hall and nader ItaM tha dty, vas aaylag lha Loid'l Fiayn, aad allai whale piepeity U Ibi -aMnd-iba^tMarikitMibebdltlMVenaealea, wte. to Iht Oder lut rear la 90 m 1N9| no anUt he bad IMOOO) |-' eadtrlhieaioIlB hi flaithadltba melbar atld}-"Nov, had/, aikOadlomaka Tha boil vSl bTil feet lOMllMredtad rorty^earth leatoit, raa fltUrt ttd eloaed BinlalatMlalMti IWof IwemUuaad '•ljpta^«|taaia|byoa|ylwaai/4(iltpaUa nafellenla« |Mt|tBdlraauolfearmlletlolitlhildlalaaald«H l

    THIG CLIPPER. January ^08 NEW YORK 2, 1869. wf. 81m erlmlnalt. :>nainel Dmrr .u a man lo elMllaBtolmraitan'e*. xiA.nDscnA.iMsi:iE] aAZaX,| HIdl I oat raipHi,aoapaol, mp.Mp. u™Ord — r4Da4 Trnicn i^ofed TUB OLD Mn,Mra iiimviDilamkin Ml " "7,'?5 sue best. " .CT J—iXT the t>m|irl lop oi Uie Hercbama Raoh at Cinandalgna, a tatliod STOBTo aka fPanklyol li Which of all yMir nitura, new. loalaraa loiprohng tbay Umtgel •'''•,»f''>S.<'2ibni pejpla aoa wim.lib mirarenldllfarrnk oanipiuna'alnaeefden'a'lf am fo ao«# maabiaer/ hour Iho gaily dn«cd uulUuido u Lip lu lip "Iih-nthibln f\ mrdeir, Tell me, tin yiin liiva the nod bind Ib bind. Ottwioo ai.petied Boib- ba4 howaierpotinf, lor lie waa alfHid BBCblniltand ohenill. out of ihetiptnlloiaitlnM intti iboai>a.|ou iienut— -gan- l«^^twvoll|•* «»<«'' BAina am rieb, of Bahle birlb. er^' yal to ba aliah.a. Drory bad a hiwe r«mlly, nf • hen the eldrat no, joung ilemen,ycu may ity»iMi yea will—uv mbii'a mule up oa * """" tnd ateepire fali Inbn ••bmHiti"hid Hoftia am I'ladanmn '"r Sg-har mrn, i tea; hrlghtand lalalllteot yanlh, baring h en one jH'.Bt^I'ni lllll uuoo uinpa, aa (ut Would aha , a mallrtaud, going to llarJtoraltbU eichioie her Id; Biima hiva totmi : nitiera, ihlll~*> . . imm br-meand at'ampledln niiha hli living ni iieani Whai call 'the taaoi* la Wllh.iui CBAPTRR XUt. I awjy ,lic. andheeroaaoarp/ me. yoa him, and a palace f Biiulihlahalaukcd and imllad en *, Iiiihaei.uraool hla aandanagaRam, tbla diMirderlv iiick "nn imTiu a 1*. wllhaaun of a and Ineoognooa oollae*|.u of Balher arlib him and a coll .ihrr, fell lo with Dae Rfrd Tbainpa''B. who, gleaoiagipim ta an ImpoilUan, and uiolo oonveji aa ap .nt, rl tie Ida of • • * "Oriclonil" In BM| •ualyen" II li|ailr, thi ml t only lha niaht bcftire bla irlnd camr, and had gona toralnrtnlhlt elO,Y(>un: BiinXliury tibUtoed emnl'iiiiient luraln inaho head or toll efli. To i-rjiy iboaruonjon auat Oh, «» M b« ' luagag* Dare / aaknl the II• >>ll>^ emptuird lilm lo dellrer Ua torpedo tu-, rep. curduro,talU|tpltal hla Old n« no Ihtl riBi fi>r 1*0 10 tba mnmlor. Ua baa paid well fur erery Iilng. and wfam Thomiton your Ooe hnndi btoaddolhl, rachtoge na Ilghiof jour waiting abcki her life badgiacnibe landiorl lannilrraUad Ibathawia tlii> brarrrof "fell me," then arain aald I, rt^nilitg that II conioln*d loine pichinaef tba eoonterfalicd fur gone and llihlug miti, learn to eat .enie«,and.hi Uei anderaeatb tbe •'»* ll'ile pl'lt, bl'J'iunoT In the btcb paHnf Ibo grooae and vmltoo frem tod.^ M» jrt ih« •w£*f terrible tldlag* fur the gentlomin ha aipaoied, which wfiulJ "lYrtif, lirnihUnf dnre, Unffil>'r llioiiUin ilie i>i oerldrnlally ulandeJandboeipeotttobe; BPcanlta'a iholr aiarilng lap Aualralla at onae. A tlilp'a eap- Which, ol all lhal leek Tonrhand, Bttto during prt»raitloii wlilcb ho ltd po- then than 11 aona poailbl liy uf Oaiy lha olVeM atorr, tain bad cnimi to lee Llm, f nd hi hid been faeirl uiolag oniC' Doyoii nalr, troir lore f" e*>Dn-afed llm rnuog rain, nn-r whom ba aaemed lohaae al* malloguinof jouitaltwaodnlilng ridul thadoeur." Uve and Palubood talk of and Pain thing npoB Llm fartairniiglylAirbloh ba arrmed tiiaavaot; II All aaaillrnt; Ta ... «ai lupf be about aaltiug a tUa Int iba filrad ha aw A tofalL «»•» bwraonlli. worth living for. wHnilJo™ »««*' aipcdiof. Slid lilt. In nif walling ear. amnid Dn'I Ma ton. Thn otd tenll-man did ao, hot wai dlap- Han don't wtat to belike wild InleaaL Uva all ii.aabaek, llailnff no Ingfagi* and lecmloy tt thflngh he waa fearful nf "0, you Hal—; (oea 'cat all /" pnnted In Ml ntlnlnn, uhedi'lanlaea htaar>n until lha yoong Umeon 'ulnl genteel; aad, bcaldaa, uuujie good taito p'fer hieleif Inraly helop iiilitrottid. li* bsd gireo tlje nanir* oi llHtira. Talland man. leiriflcd atdlecnaerlngtbanaiur' nf lha boi be bad de- wniHan—roUoea aad olovatti.'' Kihl"r>i:lai. aild taaw botli him llrered, mluniarllr irloiaed to bla latbar't buuref,radtlee peu talk utf there wunot. pn lly tail Ibo len'laman wh<>m ho eiperlcd. Ur. Kennedy, of Uol. and eun«>U!• iiiiiln>li »«iTTiii I DUbf unlll CGnCtlSCENCXS OP A MAN ABOUT TOWX. In tilnrt Alargaaum i-f muney oat of Drvry, v^o had, .-t here your giil>ara ao ovcidieatlhatyi.uMn'i tee the ni na niw long tmb, r ilun, bonrne. The lailtllnrd loapecUd nollilny, and It waa not beauilti curna. nAtlMtlnv 1^ ai an aptnt nl tho wuror. Wonder tliey they bad Ten under rary aiimag* ctituuiitanoci tbal ba mtda tVainer'a turctt'hn, pmlonilyemplaiad him In uorer llion(ht ol II, lh>i moriei. any wniraw ma ran new aoaa eurm ri.mo lawbuilnrii, rrlilloj'n coMnterMu on Dnirr'a bink. InvigMt klekabawt ibry put npon tbvlr bacliL the lo » Irnun Iniialilu reapeoUnz tbam. a«i* Or IMP M 'he ei'ottkn bi Ing rrfnted, TbompMO wvnt diilberately tueyani thru.n In Ihe abide Bdit apeniianani reaidence upon f^ah«Md>l>|bliUi«Bl*BO nab "What lalreumttam T" aikid Ur. On), lalb> Iran*! thit «blla ilu *lDd( that hn •eni ni hie own (fee will burglar, of ftmale luvellucit thit ihall uitke your eyji govoriS't ftSii'^iy*'! All wliofo eittf Iba illkfn tkdii, "It nolle lncctt< Rpliinl nill, real I'lmt war Aillbtton, and pro^-otcd to tnsp—joa,anap,tirl" And be braught down hit IbBbiunbead Oa Uul «bl'< did all look Ilka i^ air; ho wu Mrrlod aaay 30-Ttao Dnirjr Cas«. cane wUn a '""m" ""e""." I'^«f or ih^DSteh No. TTConirenie blm If ba would bieih Int, Drnry'a hoote a' thump lit emphatllo the gtltotjo-ao aSlgr of honnl old Wllb ntf <>"> •)>• biDtt alhle." And then he want I'o to male how Iba peniteoiin bad Ajt- remark. ut Kicbolu. who had dT I wu a lli'le bnr the gnailra nf tba Ipirn were went lo lofla, and plaea upon the Herolfta a qoiailty nf iJqi Im n;led their nur.o the MntB^bnrla KnogrrebllD; dolyeome u hraiktut.aBd bo«, whea aeab via oplired, bla When imiilcmtnU Tnttj It ..no of tlioie bal>, harty mor, of whom Ihe m Ne* World-dineUy la fpoot™ u* atnry of the miinter nf Vln fianda,-nna of .tbiea andmaleilall uaeud byoy rouoiti'elii'iT,rouDier-aiii-rv, lo maBtl.in door, Ab< Ii* lloki pmn ilnaji Inc t Irlend and a waller had carrliO bin down between them aud dlaeoffi Ih* aid 10 matthat wnrnDrurywuwhtD I^i; iM Nuib or Stalh? ilaoed |r. liana rtmarb, but Mr. mii'erlta doii^ned blm lo pan their eailler daya t>IUiiB enprdtiionTn iM boM 1, him In Tlie Ikodlord inida lha matta of bad 1, re- Oi. nViottry?! CMiimoo, whinh pnt to itie litnah lha Iruih nl fbe limn hoe. bn, Ihe aearrh and oUiepy n- hit ininMoi coald ba tura to thilr Bin love, 'nrter only tjld aomalhlDg aboU' bla befog OT«roome. Jot' lied no tho country, a« toon u lurlunu^iil per. ,1 but appani, «d BfS. "mntdtr will out" l>o erto In tbow aarly data a erlmlael p'ta. Thohnpglar r*».l< of 'mpracUeahle. Thnmp- pnncea, allhough taking good can aol I., a- potooUu wlUi a "Happy New Year.'" pci- paia'a IbtB- Alii h'lnld erima and e'-oak It In aneh a manner aa to prreltida Ion ihcn requt'lr.! Rill In let I'y that In a coBteiiailon ailv.t entliniy Ihla mark of rean-el enmhipg In a bualaeat like manner, aad it wia an crncarn c Piarv fnm thu eaj..)menla lo be luand In uiu m nap- each bnrgher onaoeivad It lagamtol dtl/etlin, Th» bcdyif Ulaa Binifa waa diamrertil ailmliled the niatlngef tbe torpedo, npen thelandloid'a; bul, larall that, bo Ihooghl tl rather queer, e'bllllyl the manner of lu being l"op"«tor ol a preltr blm to riall In loeceBln tba limlhei ef aid, noi S,'*; itlreat amoeg lUe hU Irlaadt and' * In well in tin eeiT heiptof tbapiraent El/hth if made and ot rr cliriimalanlhl detoila. Dill Hudion aeqoalniaoeea, lor lua aad weat to Mearra lUland and f^aaiy oo tba qokt, to ice «h a heallited it eoir Ulgbbadi, aBd Uillbar, dthough In uoaicHli.B of all u dl male popniallon ware aboot HEIR; lha rear niibe sr, Kiebnlaa llmel, aad of poijopr; Ue QAVESTON'S iban tao bloeka to mlHlon ho wiaa buritlap, il •Inela, the moi> wu line, the c»Dcemliinlt mtniloBt were lureed they WHuld ay. and ao tbiUiil wbleh could render life a thing to be drilred our to Ihc o»tote eoaimlconimi 01of lha crnlaiT ibat location waa ao lap at h i Ipide deiy > . ue OB, aikcd tba lawyer In cielie- le- lnttebeclonlnaol Ibll u to dclec'Iou, but Iili nitore icbolled acaloal In town, hi au frequenui lilr lei lor thit day al all evenla. 'And what did Ibrf ny T" gml ol a »rhnle, lathe habliof roilnnn for a few i.ut la lo ba rtaohed only by empleymtnt fnil-gn min, throogh weekat Uko Bent, of men falM liallinony, lo Ihe Stale I'ria n niaaitlon; lurhiwu aheaityabbonr Chilatau to ibe eogiiihman-aad Tban»tglvltg ontoi ilybt ol iny orlibbmhooda erfuhlOBabla to tb» tbea itemed to baaa and ibtt Ibay knew bo'Ji audio rededed atoba ThoBpaim had no auch rcriiph-i, for. deaitooa ef ibamt, and detaated what New Bo,lijiJar. Ihe Haw Yeu'a Day, OiUflHT IN TEE TOII1& '*Wbr. llr, wtpn P«r>;l"Ma''b« compell.nin townuh paopieeall ellqoeito witlia to wbloh fw hdfcr eoa- wonder lhal our worthy progtaliom bla aitodala bi enter Into bla plana, Ttolaaw of ganeiyefamnrdt«r* lib lonloiia chom-t Inrhli cnmplcto BuSJagiUoo, day uf SL NUholar, Iht aald taay aer* aura Ur. Carter wouldn't la'ch him At tbe Irno Ml euaon hid Jul fality at la, bla IManen M patron taint ef Iht 0.1I0B-, beame Driatol Dill (if cnniaanDlidogBOre wu thoagbt about It, for tad i>miilr«aa upoo wbom kneo by tha Bquvo to the huigltn ol New Amiierdam Bj tfct Anther of "She Would bo u Aotms." reafoD, ao Jt«ll, .» ha doled, Vargaict a dltjidniad eultiiiaiiona that Ibere wu tun a naUunal hnlljay, aad ""H»r«b'.'d^be"mV;S^ «f nairo "S'tayt. O'l^nell. a very prelly woman, ooe which hie anrvlved Hr. K.aaady had pat bla name dewo on the book aod they avoalM al nor iln.r coB- In pmtpecl, for to be lavHed to thai* Ihe bapIUIIilu ol bli tba wreck ol other ooIebmUoaa cert ronmL whoti Ibreuh had aean It do bla tiIIh u wall I'm aflaid ha'a dbpoaed or,' brother, under lha ariaik ef O Coaaell Ik. thootlngbaawu Rganled a.duiraMe privilage even aoiung Mag It^ally recogaiied u eao ef tbe Bre dfa of CHAPTER XOl '-KnWtbrsiA' •„M''mraSa^;r. lalnoed u na{ ato; I'm not ao tore about the olber." ejlfor, au well knows > eaii ain from hit the riequenlon of loal lavond tbe lagalaiure ol .'4ow Yuik ban Ihomuaireji, eirvulIoB of o'nb Bhoollog hexea, bo u aceonled to baa b ^•mmaidark* and e(eika.ilh;at^'in P™''!''!.'"""?,'"^ lDeAewZ*ilbnd ducet. In nidat to otar worked QMna a Whyf" render DIH tubicrvient buna 10in mlnd^aroaoimio' a-dtyi tomctblof mure than tlie bomanlty lencnlly. ihlok i».» Awlaoi nar-a-dayt «oaMaa- nen piloia th* rierr 1 beard aome- aloeallir Idonot l.> taii.wuhi^ Tbomptoa penoidad vord Bv nnr Dulch pregaolton dwdltog tod Nr. "Uecanaa down amneg tha br Uiijnnt to vkii Doaton to upUvt, having tmatioi from Uia eoatraeto t la tiled collate*, BBtM lMiriUWdldDol OrtUhma; b. l^„.'^M|iablen>ait itr Hi' ale o> hrrdarma. Her nnr- dIooailoBa u> wblcb Ibluf about Ibt Cygoat; Iho h>io thai warn ool with bar waa otter eomo coontorlelt mnney he had prvpirad Inr of a hnowr'a lodge, wlih lie babllat OBI Ibty wen born, BirrM and «t>l<«MBUBlB|biaoa baana^aod Jtnb nsltaBar- "Itbud P- IWilomn. BlvfTOOBg that oor- aeantr eerertag of board^ lie oar- diad, adding to ViS ibit took bond d«" a. p5m»pll"l»» poee Valnir the pmlrated lhai hod oilihul dlmtBibtni bach, aad be told ua ol a paratoger wal on aba never niaad pellau floor and Ito rude eoeeb 1 an addlth.nal to aaa Hn. Utrailafl, Lor eonpanloo |obir boioa llnit lamiliaa, who wu Inad for a coua'ar- of uadrnted ihlna, 1 iha a nem u each daubtar Boom irlatad to um oioar the leuln m Edtbutoa. dfank; ba badnU eoma to klnmcir Ibea, ba aid, and they mtn nerlire:iha»u oi.nred ihat lha work wueuv aad pretenlluoe accomBitdillont ol a mlalttare ruiUe nnlied berdeiilny with tome boium buahtnd, the altolntlnUibaeaBM id to ItvuDoltb* dNiaiad lo * in "InioeenI boV And «» peopla himettad, elaemna coaldo t ILad the other ao«htra;fao'd gotoff thaahip at Orara- crane ud Ibe Wat fuinlabed with a litt of itoret It whieh wllh buunekeeper, gamekeeper, ofKew Year'ieallawu oiaeled ai hMBkaapoi^ paioeai la Mtf aojUuDf fo bar fointar dIs- a ale/ping girl coald ha marderad la tbe eonld'uu lenaait. lodt'urtuua furnliur* a taeiedduly. ladawL Ii bad rwn to wwidtr lhal them with Imi.unil'. Dy tha aima wat rwiaidrdMaaljtoal to««ibaraDltbaban(a«ltkat aba «u icbc to onlil end. ibaylbongbL" ladle* train by whioh Harnret and all Iho raoderu bnpruvcuenU. Buoh a retreai lha bteicb ef etiquetu leoniloet ten !!*rd tmpliao "a goud uuio" In ito very hruadett acceptation of ttiat day, hlooiniog wlihhaollh and AhlbaaAt Km ttir botwu Iba mnrt lookt, piodtoble tba finding of htr body oa Ihe har Hat Ihe eon- abuied then mu, you may ba tun, no dilDcnlty la 1° obi-ubenv ttlmoied with atk tha M»ttT dear air( and wave* roMneowunponprcanlttlun enrgreana, and ""J." aiiiUfT. ao4 ranbon to ''Notqulie, tir," rrpllad lha mao. with Iba took of one who ofthi lliit the vuamatod furniing a pally olchoin apiiita to giue lla woodland abada adoraed wlih a large mahogany aldeboud. niMranawaw qoutloB ; bat Ihe ni-ain, near the Sybil'a Care, t lino, apnog to. tha , r^allmcn, for 1 llioo|ht it waold laUteal yoo, may ba; Ibe bettep to eairy enl kii. echemta. 8o ho party ol au, -aianmitd In etilloirv prtparailooa. •at^aartUsf aknt Hut B||btt la that kjAuj too* to Itielf-a |laco qolle aa jmnno ai Ihe Central perafuled Bill, *li^ and ujuvlal a craw u otcr blamed ihcir boon be- ehleflt lo the anklag o( look and Ikahlon ahovrd Tia* of BiBoe ple^ for and I Bade ao bold aa ta In the poehHa, tou. there * obUloIng the money nqnialla for Hlraarvt'i neath ageiillvmana mahogany. UieUblea la Ihe good old un'eaicat over Miry Regem bad toarv ly died away releaae Ttacei'a ndgblor and ccad- I'mu weneopn?M In torm, bat a liandkercblal and IbU." Park. Tie lo»llitBjnvI.le,Tt, andr •lib none bat h. Be made **lhataad«aBr. DiBBaaab ib« oajoialr, BjbalrB, far wa«n'l oiuah hihe Unk, which beamndhln! Jutor In I. Id apo to look lb j loot of lha iible, nUle Tiacey him. eenfeeUou, dougbunt^ ciafiuT before ae bad the aminnillon of a mm named Cnria by loma wtOI'r, •Thli" «u a kitar—a tilrlal lltUa nat»—Kblad up and for- aouklpravaarkhJoN To facllllalo blm, Tbnmpaon aeli, u boat, wu acooraed ud haw Yair'a cookha, which the vlioinr aiiBaap«aka*Ujit;4laaa fiab jasr oilitei an' It dlher, ondiaAOTcred bind, afawiirdi from tba eomar of Droad.ay, in nnmlled lha head, lom Itockek lavmlu wu ubidS gotten, bot Ibe bandoriliog wja Ruih Oranllr>'i^ and it wu Ibn eo.operntlon oi a friend who would me-l hImTt loatcrib of "our dub." to mr tkc while waahlog ll dowa wlih tpleed bat nil: aai ja BO af«ak lU tbat bBBsIa Uaila tbal'a taa naiij Franklin arml, bilaiteplrnm Ibe.Cailton I(ntol,ata few the denot wu at tho ehalrman't tlghi, .bile nm pJochTa ulredad 10 Ralph Oareaiuli, Em|., Uiraaten Hall, wh Sba'U r« it ku tbaando'brrdara mlanieabefoP'Blii.'clKkin Iheaflemnnn, at n lime whep Ibe to tha lacallly au'l llitlor wheolUo eacapcd Irom ganlauo doijatWert of an lavllhu wu a ampad In gilt laueia oo lha loop in tha oollar of tba a«l. other dtalrab o mitleni Tbil maa wat Pum., a lew and heavily ltden dining botld. pfivntnadri'. And ilnco ibat period aalranger to Hill, hat lullw away, occupied Ibu lelL At Ibe lower end, the plaoacr nl thIa pre' aOalr. atrv^iaan full or weharo Dnrlny Ibe "VeiT altar aatrtabowu ty couM he mdlly recornlvl imm hit wearing of a Uoe ur Ilolua, a fuaay Utile hnUdin ilie bakera of New York were eiaeeted 'IcaatlataifanvilhltalbaBrnaR/'Biid Alle*^ BiaatB had Ihe iqnallv myOerlaui murder of a dnelor in hit oOcr, pccullir coat Itllow o.ODoeied wllh tbe iiau, to I tbloa,'Mhe atiprrlolendcat r^Barked, aUca lha.r bad hiokao indoai. AlihtaaiiiolImoCjclnpi abated rniure and vend Now Yoai'i rakea, a gigantic, loat alnadr it: iha^ nqucaied aaafaver that lha oorrcapontlUigpcalUuBi. lib lUbat, ol Oun. Inianaa ahaoed M^. "Pn bar Mndaklo tbmib eeiBtr oi Unad iliaer ard Bnadway ; of a pntter in hit a'ore Tom al ana aootber aod the vml fur ton or lone mloolei of aman d be woiikl dellrtr toibia manaaraall Oethlii, tbore concoellas, with a itortialt nl Bania Claoa bhvd aad baaoUad la bar Ion fur bio, aad nail cuo laa eoa< tdnioefhfaie, aad of tba rveeot package, which he eouhl nn I'eilina and Oawkloa, both piiuu feUo** ImpreMdepen Mb ira to ditoDrar who «a* Iba aollog agaoL micm the aaina mon of Dr. cariv middle. •uf paoaa. >«* «a b In hla eoa. pocket and are Ibe coit aTeipma. Iruu, the club, and tevcral ladita, Iheu cakn aero nid by Ihedmeo, tthlchcaitam bad fiurdelL In eilof ihra lha iwvpelia'oi* ol the Crimea bin who were very picienuble Ibouahllhloh iharaeaaballuladvahtllvtalbt'u omd frtond DUI ArilogloaweBlon hliway, loddl|lng apcoimcBaui voiinlry bud at Ibhicen, aa a ha^ er't doien, tbe odd ooe bolof nwaa tvodtn bafan Xr, Otd ralttrrod, tad befoia tbto unpuniatr her aad Bat of all ifaelniorMtlnoeaarpic'IrApej which have ogllaled which mooulonyo: uur ttar— If t7eaballnaTt tooitch blm now." ThoBirtnn wutnihanmolt llbarallv. But. auon a thli.ir aa niuontony nnlvermi waa Ibb practice In counllne that hot one hiknr artHngallrigbttoBBf *agca doa lo brr. It waa not niacb, thoitl lof ."'amael Oiorr aioient- theatringn', Olll't friend had wen puaalbia In aB but hn« T" Hr. Uid aakcd. the vuhlle mind, taken thepirciallonof New Amittrdam Oftataloo htntailr Joel naatar. "Vvt, ad-laloriha nannlla pobce that ib.ra Tho (onieiMUon *u a tunnhig dlacaol.'U of waa foood hardy •Bongh to break Ibe meatora, for Balph bad al^aji abovn a faPtlall) f.om lha Biilili^hclty of bidlaMuala ard aide lfio>a mafxn per- "In'peet ba allleoBa I>ilbd7 lotnoar clnlehea, Bodau wai to arrive althlt town. Irom New taining tu ibe Uaid, aud hb rat., h.eome a fcorPul tminfoir m oih. of hla BBdBooaorbli aemala latobim, and oa will eomo iiiOTami>oaj aa aotnu mcvtai ihr dero- Ciirliiian Me:.dn.r, another of Ihe gang, O'.rka, ilia.«l alihuut oeiullua There Ita, and hb ourpae found flottlog In the Wallabonl lliy, aabu ailila valtad oa tba la«7cr; aha fenad bVai Innktog Icmbly tgiloit Orarr, but In rolilty agaioit agangof mn'.»- and und thoo I iiuued ha ll"led nvar *hit* rrr bla lafBeal may liaao kton fur nominally nir.leuliiily chaiglngt'ieariea' tbat been duly cbiunicled tbu nracTnut a(td aad *on,- aad. to bar aAioatlahmeat, qalto cooTcraaal hu ol the Hew York m an: upon Uio drnlzcu uf the rural olslrlcia aie aumoliujca aual- In hbbiry uf Died rick Knlck. faetoir, af which l< app era he waa cmnranaly viuVfetcAto bo u u hla fneodtyolDc** new. Itotpact, bo««tei, tl'tt Itno /allow bla peraon were III lite erbo*kep. taalctr. be found cmnt-rfell plolo*. oua to get lo lha c|ly u wo an to leave 11, ond rt-miu lac. with the aabjatt of bar ilo>lead-i. The ••nrr of Ibo Oiury oiao Htberototaof neea tittUaabei la after holJt iba mat Inintflant pnufs jfin Iho Airreably t'.liin.ln'orni lion ^en lha Eogliab fccoattto •• II hand In th!a aay nimiihed lliepellce or o/nni Uuffe ami tho lui grau l bilut, lulngled »1 muUn of Ihe la'aod, ibeb flnit I ballan la bllllaj ma," ha all, waaiO; piilUke Ua prn'onnd InlemI, la lllalcal vo ce wai beard, aiylng~'.,Su, Uiaob 1 iblok 1 «bo, to rifalbit hlacon- il fwdbtaata. w what am Milor Iba repera Icemtd with r*BttUona1 reporia ol dnpoied you— aadlj—Iba «uiT7 waa laUlog «n blu, toirlbij. Ooo rroming 01. Ihr evklenee lema'. for in In^irale nee, look nlf allvar "Ea li Ilka him." latamid J.«lla. • Likt iS /t)0,tr I Do igalntl Bill oaaiecuced byhlsarlture with uughiulnuwtbeway;"aod liglil leulwore heard palkiiog hb Irg ond retwtd to blm Ihe attompled marJer uf ao entire tamlly by moanaof a tor. rt^ lre Il aata dreadraltk-ng for to ba lo drcetrrd whrr* be the pacliigc ci plalei in hla p^kpt, wlikih up the alept. Then the d.«r ui the dining calk 'or ibivo lureeoln New Year'a dair. Tben tbe ItBlBdo'pnItMiUia.1BaaB'tt. Mr. Onlt" tho ei|iluBlno ni which ho had neither mim Dew npen, bad 10 lored and imiteiC the elOctr ur Ik* feeling wbleb pFd>L nr Inlemai micbloe, had ahat. opeecd Englah Chuitb, lurbilnit tbat .Vew ••lllldred-B«uiall,"iapaalcdibt lawjerilorl/, "eullbe noptiimlocd, and u|»n t laivldcnce, and no other, and a y..uiig lady entered, wbu migbl ban lai to puor Elllgl lur Year'a wat a boildiy, hebig tad ptlkd blm. tered tba wmdoia 01 Ibe houa\ luckily without bann- the leail of thai." apoka la bit wordi h" ou tr ed, contieled and tm'rnctd lo her purlnli u Ulaoa, Ilia goddeai ui Ihe cbatc. the Creumcliloo, piutcnbed ibo iceuihtmedJolllA' foariblat I naatr thoafbt of in dealmyod. ten yean imrruon- dho wu clad "It la n*^aarr lo di, arrrrililDf,*' he rrplM qolcklf. "Tba ing Ihe ladlaldoaia Intended ba An eaamlnation meni. of Ibat oeoaih.n, hut the domlnitt " Bat I Ibal loM raa. II ac- Frolikuly Bill loid lla it,.i) ; It wta nor lhTod, in a dark green diua, wore a bat uf dark color, IrluimiJ aitb of Ihe D.neb eh'unhe* did, lha rafj ouaent bao> Into ol llieiempii gave lof'irmalion to tba elTect U and hw anaot c«>onlPntaca a arcer of orioia lila Uila. I can the imth that In de>reratlo<, lauebed to tcnre loch a forird eelebnllor, Bovnla for a* tbinja thai .aaam m^iierioua. fiv^ ilr. *bii are when trmncrd, ho iHilled Iho diil.lctnt- a lalllnt innge af ViJanclanoee lace, end ben a h.Mujua. ud a and la levcBie for faardl/ enmpnbeod how It bu guaa on ao long." Ur. Thomu Wararr, alltlni: at the dinner labia with hit ion, a ilidr latiibarilnillon lha vatodof WaminB nalal lUotaniia osuifaa/wiJI: thara'a lomrv with hit manaclo.1 lianita with anch force oa almial ti liitia abl|^ which abe thn* aaide, with tho bit, and Dntbh a..vetnuient eonrlgnad Iht yinth, waa lof«mial ly b» *l'e ilui a rackope had tiorn lelt "laaa; Iknowboehoiallyuoicatbara.pild for tba krap. inflkl (a'al Injorioa hi eOgy ol St Nicbuitt lo a firry grave br employing pair lUn Onatlar. fa tto." Fur Ibb lataull Bill wu icnlcncad f,.r plumiwd 'luwn Ibe teat by Ibo aide of Squln II iwihurn, va- that veaci*' Inyof biaarcrrP. luneraundnow abei* ihi move/ lorhlmdnring bhabvoca In Philadelphia Ur. Warner In- bbuenlleorntoccukhb *^ainBft Batni(i7aTlllalB, lira Bartlaf, wa aoitpra- waollo ten additional year*. cated by the doctor, al tho aimo limo Ibruwiog her orn rou-iJ Ch.li'niaadlnnor. hat uiad to raobh ao m/alerlooalf. Llmplog Jack b«a bad bla qnlitd why aho bad nni opened li, to .bleh ahe replied ihaili Liko all other tn« b"tD vast tbat; bat I eanaotaaa mr «aj lo nora lo ihla nal'crtJII lie trial aod aconlllal of Dniiy, daplle the prrjadlee and lbt> neck tri the fanner aad kisilog bit cbcek. Tbe "e.Ick," or Ne* Yorker*, I alwaia aat* etlb and ibla wal Intended Inr bim, and reqocated blm to open Ik In her tliara, yen oaj ha aura, nlhar man, too. Pitor Roth eiciremcnt hlt«, la thu npoif Nrvp Teir'a In the legitimate manner, en foot, aon- Mr. Saanad/ rtlaraa, and ha aaroa to bata vaalabcd moat aealoit a nairer I'f leconl, but ii coal Ifae moduUtcd "chnp,obeoal" 01 awuuian'a llpabuao jcthlng and Omntlej. I am Tried u* the brail fur her, and ja' aolhJog eaa prvtrnra tbat tha nikhl ice lln cnlenia Warner at'emp'cd lumloglhienllradtyanda'alrahareol ijala*tfflul/. That haialaadad tocomr baeh, laai aofv, for monthotinndaof dollan.to eatobiUb hla Innceaoct, alihoush about It prov.toatlvu ul aln^ular lodlogi, and when tbal woiuin la the nlib' laparforB- ^''d< oa." in reel pane Ibe npening, but hit alfe irnt It o boy fur the Ml Ing tha optreiion n' baaotas'7 aromhadiBf, bnlbalafla ala'tamt of hla u»rl- nnl a particle of toiilmnny coaM ba adducoJ very rreity breide^ It eiertt a auujulalinx elfocl which Ibruwt vbl atieo. It b laallv Intemtlni 10 ebaae and took her aa4t to wlineai the operalloo. Womai waa ne:v. u ahow hia ^Thlle aSilm waa tbaj pi uuieaal Bg tt Birmlaghtm Hr. parllelpitl-D all uiaai un acquln.ancea onea a yeir. with tba aid of dircelaey, and daaaiBibanandaot iba polk* at Blnnlafb^ai, aad t rjln* I- tbe alleged cilnie, lo , repi, lild bad teeo the acoiatlona In the ehadow. The flret ifaooght which a Baoke* vaa poiiuia^ Lu «aj tlw wflrM, and doing ouf and oodM the bundtv bnpgllnily, an much ao that bit wife bigbly entertaining to notice Badlatalf eeiBBDBkalad vilh ma aaocaralu IL Thar ainlia m a fOffi plot 10 eatrap him. Warner, iba malo witneaa, rvietolhembidufToQitock.twv, "Qodal what a ueaulyl" how jour fuimar frbodirti up IB nlf, than) it Oad tbe imkaof boaincHin blaooB Iina BehadMid that Mr. Dila nrilted lo cutting Ibe lungn The wmuper w ei. C'uairy, the aorid, movlog gredua ly fnm idlnw iitmod dowblba valllBf.alaOi" feaiing ibut the true lac't nf the cite might be though be tvtuk guod cira nul to ripttta It, Odsgbarali-e.ar'i to aajwaadtrlog ahoni,BDd be fatdi|A>kin inilr, pntcil anordintry trjar h-i wlib a tUdlngUd. WLmerdnw brick dwell in. llnallv ••AadlathlnioonwI'baTntlnj: M Ihalpnr laatlalln Pi^rieotle' developed; Briaiol DMI, although ttrapled by Ibe he cuuM not help gelilag in coownation vlih uer, and very nrs I natlog la brewa ik.na finil& The Inaiioily Inr yonr llvral" bnpe of a hoBiaa nten, bactfio.4 aet la 10 aotblag, aad «u aajlibg bit will tad ihoalidaand eidalmed, "ran and lottn bdlu an dwiyt eiceailvdy enidid and to 10 jeo, OB aad baan mlbatbeoablofafutnaahalaBaTai to parloo, ft'ilulel refuaed to give In tbe irqulied falae leill- cjue to rcgare Mtaa tiraee lla.tharae, whoa lather aai happy Me tatigr, la tay sothtog of bla moaer, In a lnilil»a a.-ateh. Ua aeliingtbe ac'loD fn ibewordihe ruihed ler the rcarofthe making etvry allowance .or the coldmaoflhe weather Iba aa*. Ohl Hr. Did, It^anaai, |fa annul" - moey, tnd Htigaret O'Cunoer, btonght nn Irooi the Uaauobo- neit hlu, u tbe lovelleai and uoat dcllghtiul tpri he hod cvar and «ta iHKianlag tu giie up hope, and lagttd iremlwi.ekaelylntlnwtdbybla ana, while bit alfe lingered deal neopadiy of ntkaJI «aaa da at piaaaat, Mil. BuUtj," Mr. Ord bU to Ralph Otreiton, HIlipilHB b.i her betlater, lut with. InibiUogageod ahan ol atlmalaab to h<*p iroatlogthalhct wominhb I ve for all that (tenlleniaa'a appareat Inn^leaoea lo Ire matter, aa a bawilderaient anill ahe percelreda Qame laoo irom the boi, IP ulmailtta. But etmrhov or olhrr, tbe itnlf. ''BcBaBbarjUaBitaad at natal «a bar* BotblBf coold he impot-d npon to obialo Ibe reluo ol her lmpiltone.1 'I matt tell you a good Joke," aald Oiaca, who wu alBOit I rola mlao* pla dtairrailon tnidt flnil alratgle to Mr. tb«caiiaaothlati«ublt& Be bad plenty ofmoaar, botbawat when La enorago of abe a luver, of aa 1 apleed nm of tbe daya ef yore, aod I am to eoa- tofoapBibotMaUlaBneh'aaoid, Kanaadr It ui brn; ibroed end lo the biiiernca of nge laid ban Ihe .deer t oot breath; "I aliould not have Uen ben aeconlug to ma tpeodlag It atelrtalj la wild Joomep ill tarit rtaeb the door. BcaroaDad ibaepeaied tbe thrvihold, when fca thai bancd tarhey, bdialer Bauhar of lb* man who eaae'iaaUof Hr. Oanatu aa old dl|< to of Impoalhla and treachery practiced lowaida brr. SrumlM It ll liad not been foi aiy cuuahi, Keptrt, who wu nUd, (dchled ojalera^ be onaa |tr plaori. la. anaaar to nyilrrhau adftrtiaatDeaia, and Inpay- aa expledon took plaoe, tbe wind canacd by which ahook har and hoi rolfea, diapoaad lu bycra wi.hin the bemaa itmnadb, tmglnlanea eaa ba Inad, aad Iba. Dala (paortoal, wt Tom Warner, altor Bylog predpllalllv fnn tbe city with eputed lo be my etourt—haeauH, you aee, fathor came over ment to all and roodiy wbom he thnoeht Iika>y lo h« abW to (oaa. and Bualing lo aa Imneaa aea of aoyaai, annlaod, Bonihoa oaipdnvtiadbtr paiief tbatiMblino*) baa nliarlr duap- lbeiellceofhiir>iiiune,ti*valedto Cillfonii, Ihenee tothe lut eveniDg, In ordir to be on hand to do the amiable. Well, helpblm. Uyailian|acamddnKa,ha A man fay tha nine of Drary wan Immediately after airealed wbukey an', ihampaene faanl Thar* liaothlaii (orit bnlwaillaf.jpoiiate." mat Hawkea al (liaa- Sandwich if I moil Ivil Ir, drank punch, prerr, often iIboo, loa beavr a Tilanda aad from Ihrr* In luaiiaha. where bo ofll- Rape a Ulue loo auch oa tbe way, aad, low, and ann Iba alahd diUetin lalt apaag aa tba u tha perprtraier of tbla act, tha mala polntt of ondcnw load tor modemto carriage bot than there a braebg "Aadl B*T«kcBa«dli1l bow ho* bai4 llvu to**ll, ana baa* dalid u lloket taker ti a dicuo. la each of Ibate plaeea b* betog ileepy. Ivll off to the road; aol t4M>k Boononr't ntol, b UadeaaT llaara of hope wbteb lit at. bla face. igalaatblm halog ibit bla wo, ajonog man, dtllfeiid the to Ibe dmaphue of the Bnt day of Jaouly, vfaaa raetUaa hot taaoWa eaaooBaoot oi It,** old tba old aitnptedtoeelahllah hlmie'tf lathe law, bat hla tarolibed aadledhluiln baadamaly, u yon aae. leaving poorltupv to kaeplac a maa heit T" Vol, and h'jnielf hadbad aqiiairrl epnablibitdelnltoaB BdlT. *lak lira "What bilsia yon . ha laked wllh qnlrarlag Upa; "la ba with Warner, an law appareat (diore to pedal pmpalitea. Udr "I I'd Btaar lo laa it a'.'' rvpoiatlon pretodad liim ud be fell In abject poreriy. By fulluw. And aeivB hlui right, 10 treat a Udy to cavdieily-* there any clae? Aitfyon coma to look for barl" bnalaeo, rifd bad tbiea'eaad "to be area wiita.blm." Aa a Lut Kae Teu'aday I Biale ealie wllb UodoL"Sodol, EiBna kaovi,"kaovi,'' hiiapUadbiiapUad !•fanrall;, and Jeaalo uma mBuba cnnlriredto aecnre a pataage to bla native dca'lyon ihtokto, Ur. I'aokitl" myJrltad SbbCwb* Itwub^ todaab Ike bope that had matter of coorae, after a long and dalibento lilal, Droir w*a b a eoBi ef feibloa, a keofcer,.irU.Miad lUlf dapailid to'aalt'ubataMcaaliliartb* esdol thadinnal annddaolrtpraai* hind, 'liaTT, ahorllt a'torbltlaadlnr, becaBlnrit«tauldda.'' "Jtoekei, Madim," Bid Tea, bUipoUuaenntcUoa; "hnk, pmpddof ~ a aeqahitd I all beet, bplto *u bin <« be told, a* penielMllon la tha cilne iileitd tgalarf bloi, ^babHaldt^Meio4»a railway hlag;; hot ataa'aitaa'a >hlah>niaB ibaaa* laiian.i|o*liloiaaair.iioBW aoaa (aha pipltoa at Oanaiqa. bt ailBpatUce' tfaUoaghttobaaboL"* ABd BeUlilat boA that tnlHaia ahd Mr. OtitiT badalRd far writyoo, Mtw^ea it aoaa, depot oppetlie tbe Itrk. While ifiu aogagid he, la eemiian/ "libot I Or I hope not; U would never do.to nioet By fatnn tanag pdat oT'dalb hi laealr' aoirowtomaoyaonawliieonewlth II.'* eao be mlalM and tae pnhUt Jodpncnt pivXu^^cca whta odd yon, wl b Eight Bob heir to hb foduae, aaaboid IbaatoaaU^lB 07(nal,Otpltla Float oon- ,} ^ih hla loiorr nal, Fareham, wllh wboiu he appeared lo have buibaod," rrnlltd Kale, wlib a laugh. "The heitor'-wae la to u he U i«BidaV directed akl'I ol taavn. •"•Wilator aad aa ant Btadcr, aad van Ihla lha aothon lea, Ibtro, iborlly alter, todiav her lut to Mba llaalbome, who appund to b* ".all of lb* danl," u gn ffarwick or keeper,"^or attendant tipan tbe peiaona oonoi bbpartlcnbraeiweoldbe able to lecelra before mid- ban had httttf ar* bar tad ttll bar lo hild bariannailU thr'a ay. to BkmiagbaB, glrlng ne year addrtia, abtnlT, atmuhig for bioaib from a prlion houtc dUetUL be aftcrwiida eiprcaied It, aad Joat Ibe oieatun tulietl to hki debt aod delalElng them day, atone pitt mrrldUn It, 1b fwblonable laaguaie, Bpotlaaaijlbiaj. Tl.ra't Ibatinnkamr'a and walL In a rriy abort lima itnra Ibla all wUI be made teraporailly. Relog ihaiu tod peiaa- whim. Uu wu laybig hlmtdf out uwell u ha knew bow, tbe dawn *S.''.Wi.°.'»'"'" of r he mnminr. jifa, tlMt't lUaf tfamatOaTMloB no*. Thtn'aiha Mfdhitr elear, aad yon anil oadi n'and what pnalta yoo to now, aad verlagke hid picktd up uime ttnpl of law when,helo|gallty when a atenlonan wbu,tp letuunded Ukt in Indian yiU Uiiuugb nf criminal trua:rv«ftlou, Eight waclabenielycalumed, and IfeUeomtwbataahamad RloBthatlin Oidfa«t5iana*adal<>(ba*athaioolto|tlllr. aea yoar—your wife analn." a ba wu foreee lo deeimptothit tha cunldon, baron wblcb the ladlu roie aod died uul uf ue "I will go. Bawkca," he replltd. conotiy, which he did with inch predpllaicy to of my own plain all In, but tben my friend aamnil ma Ibtt uaaadj a**7, 1 rai.e7,aBd fdoa't ihinhha'irna lo Anatralla, "neartn knnea It doea not aa eibaot all "IJLlJtillABLE ANCCD0TE80F TUESTAtiE." rueni by ailtie door, like a flock of gevto In high ft alher, Juit u lilenry i bllflnnnclal refaurttt, Iravlog mm wen never etpaeUd le ho gollen up gorgeous vbalaatr tba otbaraur ba). and tbea, lut of all, tuaia'a Uia! mneh never when gc, or what I do now; I'ui ilek of It bla wlo lo tha almibouie. tho long, wily Dgun of Couato Iliip* anueand In the mala door- to r hit carver woiTiKi rok vna roaa wblcb I aacnied, Riiiarbing that I might tern aa n eealnit Oala and IdBBtoK Jack, lill ha aaprelt; a caia Wam commenced lo Maw York aa a rapertar of »w currxB, way, air. Ituparl Culpepper wu in bit happlatt mood, llnul t* ulanr hrlgb'en ladirldual haBdlad,aadlt>a So mora I ecold ah'- erimlnal no>*, aod Boally cdecd hit vay hu bnilbnor. then we got Into a btftaalnf toaoit-li'a brghmloalowork." are ntmc, I Ihlofe you win do wall to into the bar, at hla molt pieteotoole couullion. Ula note *u akhined anil bit eak BY AN "Acron wiToour tale.ni." when Klght nulled oot a Ibt of niuea at uBailbat OantbaDtatl baa nalihad, and aa In Jack aad Blind lea Hr. Old, If ]oo will hn' keep cleer of Garetton wbKh. throogh bla Influence wlih the nnpaptrv, ht coDtiucd fan wu coreicd with mud. bla coat torn up the back, and the laut tea fatla ill don't tobolld pinCtoble lepoltiloa. begtb, wllh Ine realdenee* marked oppcalle Ibem. llwhdr, dUn'ijaa UU najoo'd kat thautnt ObapltUIr We want any inapldnBi routed than at preaent; opa Thcnho aiarbed anaper right kg 01 bla treaufi aplli to the knee. In blanand hacat^ ~ of bit own, Illt not aecraanry that I thauki glvt the antedoia lu rato- Whal'a tbal Eighlf" I loquliti d I dn'i faUa HO jonr lunr, Rxkia." onrblrd might fly away and laira ua in the lurch. If ha got lha Mfc< OauUr, wlikh hocoaducled on ibe prlo. nad lha thick 01 a whip, and on hu bead be .ore aomelbtog .Sr^ dlinlnf tba direo* of nur Initotlioa." elplenlpprjadlcloc popular opinion llon DM iher occurmd, ood I thall, toem'ere, aklp to tba "daya tciTt" ba aol, air; b« I'ta l.nind lha a«nt raaln. 1 wind in favor othlaoancllrDtlaod tbat bad ODce been a bat. lie tola tho chair vacated by beyond,'' which will bilng so 10 lha opening nigbt of Ihe auk Ihlak. la ofeaetcltlog II for the "C|.j "OnlyDf ddllnc lut," lapondtd Ibe brekor, c-.nleaily. r>l lalje* were ciorbl-anl. At flit they whuL ilnngely enough, InutlcO daiu with all tbe ^rTJ'*' ihcatrlei.1', uuiurlunaiely for him urun uu ''Five thtaik two orihiaa In It Mr. Dale wit cumforied were cantenled wlih and he engaged aeveral baun," I luygeitcd, Una UBMU n rot at aoratlblni •u bn a lltrtu, tnd ucoeeeded to iiamp,fae wu a pnfotcd anuualar, winulng. Tbe wiek acre away al!h I auccvatlon 01 epoiliand anol lha pariiaa jron • nl light in Ibo mind of "U," ahu lully bad no Ihuught beyond hla .'Fivo mlllloniliet, al Ova minubt cub—" aaL Oao ol uor mm iu a hrolhrr *bo chat Wllh Ihe owarr tho eaublUhnrnt, Tha hkod man af Waraer, whaoiho amployod puilniea. In 'rracey w-i lo hu in all which Beld nl enleq.ibi Biiuiie loitl," baaaa a newi(apar ibop la Ptiala/, "Builntu good, cntlden tal "eutia,-* and the narllcular adjuilmeal of hit hat, .hen about "Onad I Bgored up, "irn houn and forty aad a lama nan, mmetimfa ebr" ht ukad, wllh lha air of one io- niieraUoni, waa Onc.eyed Thooipmn, a ultmenl. Wbilhrr ll Oihtog. or racing, miaalaa.'* mm like, Miai ,aeoounccc reUled to hunting or «lbl( black dag, aonHilotB wllhoot, baja teniely Inlarealed In lb* aale of penny paper* wlae Balnblnrd ty tbe police tt a "alool to taken walk. AunluU u abilght, par. mtouia to ipare, and all thnugh bp eleven Blmtaiglam ind cheap liieia- plgvon" or lnlti.nHii or bunting. In dl tbetc be w^t equally al bome. Many auiui- It Irum tbe "principal thva.itt ef LoDdoo,"uponrd ,l,"r aad Waraick papan then ngoUr. Narlr all on tore. apy upon hit liUowciInlnali. Ihiimpion, iiculir star Iho 'am b> atla, who onilnillthvl log Inrldiula occurred, and umny .1 practical Joke wu pbyed, and tbaj ban teba Ibat aiatpeerlng about naklognrnlMngu'noIra niay add ibo dualng alio, aaii waa anything but a .'i«yln(i "*"'' ("Oav, for we Vaiwlokibire popeia my trade; doea It cao< ipom a una loa hleher deiiniiilnt. tinieo laoipe. bo4.cbuw, 'lum lluoccl au cunllouolly in tho miul be I*lstoufw>jr,donn'lltr" cera louony wayt" tino, and dlipaolufthno lo ipec" Now Aunio au u "largo" It loeilog u In "body,'' 'inV'"' Ifarae deilinaied "ihoma," or aayol Mba Grace, whottualwiya laytog acvore and ciuuo "ilaacBa npiMaionce "farewell hen," It Niw In to ma ao, ilr. I think I tblll tt "Nola hit; bull bftvt aeon In II—i peraoDi who pined and nn bar I.ut am waa an- dl my prior vltllmn I had never deemrd Uka on miaalf to bigihep In I/nlon, ibeoi upoo Iraderc tabu .ta gentr. It IhlDga to blm, and Ibro proioklngly uking bla arm. by way of Ihe nr. ban iillj to wall bear where tliay dobuilnctaln all itie feared nounctd tbat Ibe crirbnteit It) aclrral fnu Europe (not Laura amooyoftit' prctcnlatl.in indbpeadbb, and, 5* V 10 fmra Hp. Dala, aad I ntaipaien puMhbtd In 'ha br cTiinlonls on arcnuot ol lila pietuiii>d lolloeoce p.o-nlo Iiui ruthed uloow por- bli al'ii euui)onBjU..D. Daring tbo neekn grand au loow mild upon ibo miUar. Ue'i lor dulng wbalavor wiirld, I du beHare. It would iiiako)oo tiara thepollee, ho Ecto.'t, m UrooUway) would rlug Iba Ititghable long eot.tled ^""I*"''"' bad Ignortd my peraouil un lo too tba iiuan •uoficimeofO lertholnbri aloe Ibin lo In Ihc atoda— ui barbecue, * ulcb attended by all the aoqulntonca, ba done b; nf lha a auH .w I tohl netaa monet, and aporini; noUilnp; if. If tlllea lhay iccrlro and lend out dally." couii.»lliir'i den, ind etiu lbo":julcIdi1 >*nnillj,"duilogiho loreoufiho "Clock HaVer't him Ibal ho could call me ly any ntmt oomlog von nhllo thui pwdtaCly . nir.lono ho fulko for mtlcaaruuud. Tho day auhrlik and Intlilng, und by hande! tiaaaa, llr, I'll bo oil lo.al|ht, ate oK'ett iclnr in ilio pinfcllion new living uould nut No leaner wtt tbe door and aiirr thia Uma iitrlr tl "Ah.ldaienay; wedlnnadao niiiel'lo Ipia heiond aiafTiw could not re,Ut bmptollon, tnd ho au niopc UaL" Tbe Uajur Uuiiui had opened tbin In bulled Eight, drew- lu inlaicaltdin thin onio way uf keeping up hla lulllb.rt chancur, log Wtrnn and •nd Bdlnbuigh nipeit. alilleta law lo.ala from •.rretlcd upon being hare rccogultel ibo pliy In iboabtcnce of nprugiaoitne. Ihe ma afiir biuby mdo Iwca and IbniaUng mt bito lb* ditfcmil ulita riught lo pi»inghlicounliprcli monor.m.., bruuaht bit gtiu ahior, with wbldi. whllu tho real were rugigcl, cenb* Mr. Ord lo keep all dark ull I III Scotland, llnea 01 her pan, and lurgutlu 01 the parlxr. tonr Inek acaln. It «, joniatbackt hi d.ell lij. U Hc, U.-Jur were aruuaed al tho alitbt, nod, Dajrou know whtro ba U(" towni, like LirrrronI ao'l Uincfacner, anild half, drpeoilcnl lor l!nhia"l Ihe fllchetl ibo "Jr" ttrfi lil]]l-, and flntllne II Inijitit- anU tbeIrnni:ido Eight bowed gricrfullv tend Iheir lua' lupion u| im an htnni mcchnulo Iriioui ot.Jccli unco more, lio pulled hb holdowo aud gave ind pineredcd to "Motilghllr.ilP. Bo liiu't rc|Hi:led pifiert aliniil •h..lii,l al»|iped hack tot ol blinnlf forthelul oTrryvhcre— In lijudfin, noiv.'i intrrled itao Jouchlur nl Iho tibk'to "keep lip In thai kcr," lln abpuplly and lalil tho room, not perceiving lhatba had tnna.Allanilc coonfollop. At Hial chare. Aud II I aud Wai annonooed their dcliMnlnoilon nl lliui.gh lla itaoor t.ad bcanl lilm ouuiln; and »u trying tu ptra.tnage, ludlng "He'll b* mhanpy rtlll I IMn. Don whon he knnwa tba *hola wch popcia; reck' D'd he conita Imm llicieaua," ng lln Ir iniar.t Sl.urllv ailcrvoidi the iin;to mnnngtr (0 mm nolo>1 In Ibo iBo aav to an odjnlninf parlor, wherein aUiod iriuHve. Kntr tliln aoa |»pcl»ly lit. rtvr .r ovi.la hlin. A'tcron hour't hard chato M..Jur lluilutcainu up a long table tralh," Old Mr. Ord; Wt will bo an awful in "All, Indeed, ho'i pic pmdiBally blow lilm. Il a cwiwrymin ol niluo then. I that condlllun nf mGiil.M prufctaluii fiT hlapoughniu uf inauucr, BiiUbulicved by many luden "llh Mm rlcllr idw of iho aeaion. ama nlfilra whicl. iho rliln- lanter Willi tbu obJi.cl of i.urtulL and found ll banging lu quiet iv aeemahtnl Ibalan hoaal, lovltg betri like hli Irani lhal mrlol EusliniL lunning at "I'illryan aboulj bo lo Buyougrl llctc roreit I, "onl«l, flip niirr diuutiling ctlioi>e, |,7, hifl ,,. IHjio upon a pole, when It hud bi un drputliuu by aumo gay dc. Ihe aoraly Iriod." tod lir'a ' "At, acy paitlcubrahoultLtm, und alnnu ten lahla cmbiire tl;c fair aicclal Ooo nlgbl it t>ai ui-ctaaarj thai a iiuu.bcr ol ',""!'? """ ""I. a'n or ao wiili a .if tl ulo Uau^litcr'ol a aniiomiinu itcdroi I0\" ceiver who liutl led Ibo Rallunl UeJ'tr nil tbla tteary iraiii|i ftr huge uni'iidi ham, "D>peolHh rnrthobnil library. Uio on'l aollrd. UononU'nliy coutie, and tuppind nlih d'ugh'ori In ol»i nf •lionLlu.png J«rk uluiiii diol'il.oclilinr.'t i|iinilifC'iu.^lKi,ni!ieliMi,o oflboto 't|uiliilluuagenli" lu ttiillatotho icliri; ol .horiuici* "ll'a Dollo.i, iny Ro.fl rol|..w,*' explninoti llto .butwo't anh .lieieliy tho kllllnir nihlit |.a lotcliing by luinr, when, (.uttinr hit band Into bla |i«kpi, no bmkor, afailurcol'iliomalo ioccr*i:on. Piet Ulti Uireiton hla wet hly portal nluew, Mr. Ila.kra nuiM.iicd ..li.nnbv pn.»y, in Ibo taiien.e. j.lly Jock would cia.vl y woald lu Ihr nckl 6o .11,,. Wnmer ..,,a'au|lS„u tloHola WAI ludk-ruui lib ilbguai, a brvkoo botllo oulthootlieriahnn, and nu m.ira lln'.rbt.n. N.tw miko your* , 5,n« .» he? drew iurto, lo grval ul aau'icldi. mabealevoly inbiicat-f ibuold i>ltcc." compiilDionl, ready to fullaw blm tha Iiuabiod a lint^o to tlioollitr, cr-unlni ond vringinglila lionda, Bcir uomcut lie train nod live unil bieaU.o li rou una tide again, by all tbat egroonbic—tho nrit houie bamllll.inalpe." "Ah tk- ., i.irnyVnl oi lie l..i.ked nl tbo cojl wu jMinr/ul, bo had lia'iUiopa ya:,".'tildiUoppod. andiecPBnla^iiorwtunor lall bieh n;ulu to hla old "pval^b." Tlicae nin. Tclilcla turned Inlit ppnclnoa nvriiue, It „ the l,.g,i w ind Ibcn tiilen U.'einr*a cimi iiuio lla peg In Iho hall, Oup n and atopped Ind iheie'a to on. ,7,"S'; .bu by uiblBko I muob happtp. h.-loroeba can inecerd. nirn TO m coMimicB, counnllnp. Wonnr llli.l,il ' were Imllaicd an f.r la nutlbia by lha "aui'a;"" bolon I Inrgonlied tnanii'.n, .lioio jmrtili won large enough Irnlcceinlr conpoiM l,.. ,„ llHnt Ciuiln Iluroharior heated Iniigbl al thu otiila, drunk, r>u think nothing aliould be oould tbey, Juai oa ii^g. ot binled to Blr Jobt Orknlley of nubile Mglilo.mnol, n, no..(blr, u"t ua Jack tr..uld inovo an Inrnlinnrlujiiio lintoi, KI91.I mng llio li-ll allli n norvoul tblemlitiablu ii;iUrvT.„7eu uiuul, the wfitliy i.liyticinu hit ujiuii a ibi Ood device luad rid altilrT" lJcanf lmvinjarerlrabloM.clolrn 7C« ''clitok nurb," ooly vomcwbat inoru atokwnnlly. InaU-ad talnijo, forercn Iho man ot tho woiM paled liefuro Ihoahodo ClMKUno rzHinmoK— I'ho Anmitl In liU ular u o: liliii, llupo lo him and BihlblHon hntiMM | rolM e^kcd liiui "I Iblnk of lha VlTh!.'° tfrji.ge Uo to be a kloil aa MPhing. Wo matt aateriain m- n nboul Mr. Ken. minii llmo lie inalnki uc lil< laa died lliuy luiiglnod It auu.d, fu ol Hammiai. A pcrvanl In llrciy tillitred na Into Ihn halt way, WbiiiloglonOnnuatiloAitorlallooioiikiilareatltio y.iullil.l n™/™ l» i... i ol niidiidng huttio t f Winn l.t Ibal art> Fptcloua to c- nvOT u | (polnlloe) on Iho *d{r h-iir* *a do anyihloKto donnlta; aleo .U.r, ojipiulle. 1 ha auOlcoco appliuded ami other ficiroati parlor, ond aall Iiio lauo roomiiif the Aeeoolatlon A Un.li,P«.ah, ntlumcl 'by lr,„,i;i°i!rg latU mu izKf/y ilirendiv thenco wo pnaiod InIn a Iho «lado.auf whick oiua»Wa' on Lou'tlana tvouuo Wul,Iii,*iori, "o te'fe ddo nl tho vnclitiuio, luppoilog ihuL It bo ibuigbl Jiuruey tollio onnb. When webanourpunprit ainlilnlnRi.|||ii,er»,aui|«nJLTa oihor or fairly loniam.'d, 1 may lay. Thu itoga umniHCP did weiolioriiia'lotlly pcaled tnill npjiearancct. inr tho recenllon D. U., Dtrembrr , bulldlsit ived hy and i rnimionlTl-S^ laubrd, alur, llupo wuuld wrlilt hind, then M Tho Hie tluclciy la It lu bo diluh 11 lilnwir. That booiyiiop. wo aill pull ibe alrinna." Ihtnju IKP .via? Iiuldl, all "f "mil lalklug" and Intlcivl ol tie "awfuielfeol" mrieiolly wia condui.cd In tlio olare nf gainqhia nmhlnr from branohot •ell adopted for the purpoae, being lirao and n}.tmy, tnd t-htoh wire JX'j' eomo aiiDiao coii^plled a lib tho lotjueil, aod atoitod Tben I alll wail oa nu lo.momi>." ih« at altneasing Ihla tccnt, li l.itooj Inatlgiai for In Ihla wlin liirnlng day Into nIghL aitick a J«l.,na«Pour Ihn Indlvuant daii,hier. nniduce'l uN.nnn audience oot chaodelleit, and Ifymi oc'jvculoolly locttco. The of pp.jilua It ta coniplolo and I 'l?C n, the ni.puillo lido, bul bo bid teen tho doclup "lilna't aoiic- pieaie; and In the I ruihlral, can In f'' andlhudiitctor itrdolo.1 the oandiuiboritnliro man main luo trwt lornn Intro la can fltltiro .h. rm. It .it an InJrn thowboloairalrlDluahuileiquo, bnrttrdiand, AveryP'rllr,auato waaHr.SooBdo- aula Drotk be dottrod, every uted bv gjmnttlH boiug cm. mei^iJ'"'? Uilog and ugdyaiajeoluilogihal ho wia lu bollio tno ibg old Uilf; tnd alto, ii yon irlil bo kind luplig tho frinairt In Iho art nf .n a very uDpleiUoui vdcc, to moMlAef "ifoai"iceiu llcln, prrndcniol a bank, who h iubd Iho pvmit'on'ol Iwo hnced In llio tchedulo. In rantcqucncu rf illnctr, "i coin. i.i„i!i„S ^.T? "alil ten," viclliii of o IrlcM tliat bad aoonib, lo nil upan Ur. T. 0. been priellced befuitl, bo iiuiitly lift. UiTcatao tnd Irndunl wbelhoraljo Whlla tvapiep couiplicrnlly li«°o 'ifotl"/ mllltoni udahaL', nllh tcreni toot of polroltuui ttooku I'alvcr, Iho iircfeiior, wiaiiot "he to „ i dawn , , , ,t , , dio* fr tm lb place tbo anna or auipea a pteteni j Hr. T. M. Nolo, u/^h'&a buogul acldorbarrri wblcb rupoaod aoytblnr, I aoed not caothn you lo In prraeoee, Ooo Ii.',l Thwipann .la encavid Bi«ailngof tupcrniimcrariu remlD.lime ef onmnor iiogho- bdbi'. liuwerer, coiiduolcd Ibn eiero'Bon lo i lery uliffactory iniL. n a o,t..V- brnentU a Iroe in reidlotta for me, aod enipllod hb bolUe '•"•"•^ *>»>' nail; II will not do 1"I" »' b" "". In whtchr.. he wt. b'oincldotll iliat uccuired at tho old Anipbllhealrc,l'lillaudplilo. All, KIgbl, bipny lo ten you," nId Ihe milllnntin, enade- hI3^i».*Inato oor .'SJ""' u nor, Iho dlmoiiroof Sr. CaIvaroBljnoo«ttIlailuglhewltb- K„ I '„f thrrelo. The Eqolio Ihooghl It - nowobualtiino; • ' ruifiofooi acan'a I aell.tr inrgul loi^enaul ho look hb • • ihete Inti yot. .Killed bm>. II,, IVllllim H, tho "pru|pramne,of lot, iho Unlfiii, ih, liurlng a ,I.Iay, plao onihotiuinnBcil Bcen.llodyi Seeend oua Mukictl IUog<, ""'f-' ihotne, nnd dier cipau.tlng ^wpllon. Ll.| lHla, wni peri.tdcil lliol a Tbi "heavy" ul the Ijiluiomint upon nneh toiiliiWii'S' I bin not Hrien. U'arrtD and Piigh a|.peared tliey wre h;iniP,iJ.„.Vi° "niui."' ''aiullid dub." Ihn "gi..il„«t ,«calon," Uoanlt" npon Iba double lra|:cia being ablo bi Und a Invllod Ibe itiemblcd pcupio to i«r- ni'illia Oitnlloy'a himcr ler'Hiod In upiter Nr. York, n h, into llis nropetiy room, and out Imltyoan'laay, ' rrtponded KIghl, for Ibo Oral tine la Sd5t^ilr'lM'i«*l''''J°'« aod acqulllcd tlicuielvre credlltblf, Hr. ruUlopcif irtiicd J mTiiZV,\,''J:'!': n^bu.1 uhoolddcroDd applet to ibclr irtiai) " pxcltenicnt cnicqoent upnii bean'a conleol. file bung itvorewed agent In erunteraoi and eap.ae iho •^biffed dub,'' in Ibe wu auricU hb aiecila'lvo eilronco, by the piraeeee of gieat* Ibe alow revolve icil lo a vtrj gnotltol miDDtr, and Mr, n.ui and lojuung tanbatdi aeie peiud to tie tallur lecnmmendnl hla iileiilie, ollolled blin Ij ptoeure 000, tererd around I'ra beani tell It went heavy; .hn atni. (orth r„o,1?°.'"^°* ,ho ihort llmo htalib ol tht, nen, "hot yon re net Fa Iht Colgnlu on ihe Qltul Bving ellclid hetrly tpplta>c, Horonl tbnl Bquire, but In lea Uian m.Wnloutoi ground InU-nirt. ~ Ibo pill vender, but m rrall.y pi' gmO ilrod neeilin tfu*, aud loigoilug tho eomirf" apeoT[^a''l'uV^V^^?J^^:l'"''' «" niinbetimiinberi ntrtlclpatrdntrtlclpattd „no ™m S?ir™l''"{,"^' uncii' B «ii dttrrted, aiid ilierr wat Inftaaoulholwaflil Ban, Ucnara, latlpa..lng '™'^'»7^«''f- tMibtil on tbo .la^ n a gtntril ibmpcdo for tho ucireil iquBre," 0«iddar,H. Ord tba piper, Mhi, h uTSia '-l "aiulfud," he t'lllomonb. 'No, I'm il*a;» tnd Hr. Rpendnllohi tmllid iCLilJInX'^rt^;'^,*"^^^ Aldonand NolauNc being parilcuUily good In aocoopbtblDg ' The uiultliudo mutt • lie at hnine, atli and ''la d pboul Mm nibl htn been Jibpned-atbitl Iriend Mr. bo pna. ami m e,a lor ,l,e "„ dlliMitr of n hero, (trlmlTi "by lb* «Vi poui on ihetlrceit Bo leek* OrJbadaK.y.ii„„ rfc'^^ gnceltil tctt. hS^^'^.^? Uul wu what Uiipc biunlcd. ; , „ ' of tho "luper," who dtbor Blrmllahu '"•">'' ni«lill, when In Iho fcnialo mini, ll.i.nenliw . ondluir lo.bouliorcooi'urnillun Ike a llnaader,"- lictalCda'uiI g.T.'^iV,''*'' ,?«"!" .? Sinn tben, I undvruanti thol nail moved by Ibo "four win.li," fom Rnoket, who b wpll olf, Ibll tnlnglleeUllad, p"« '"»>'l- mt,Unjeoma.htrelnceiilralNcwY..ik,KaioV.t,';r:Vi' "fill nr "lied" lioni hjabluM Iwaaavtrpawend br U|tdo«i bit ef nttlcir, and wu i\'i'1|l'V° ''i ""J"''. PioioH BLAt;oniE«,—Four plgcoa malcbra veto ahol on fau biena irequcoi vlillur al ibeS.|uln'i, enll do ny, aonentantimin namcil Knirhl, «hnn, i«^h" lappenod lu bo In Iron;, hBaiono.1 amund to fulki about dtntlag the IntlnaiUeK wbia, Elibt abroot am^nnerneat Thu 2"'" }"» |,, "J^'W"*; The minaior, but I kn.tiv liow laterpoied "Dou hi Noveraluh raountilD, noarltcadlng, Fa,, I"-!* don't inia it It, Ibat Uawthorne ' ,Xi J'J on tho IPtli latt liomhcphmband. Thelad, '» ni.d cnoinieno d praWng Iho tiago ratnigop for he and Orace ehimtag Un. BpoDddlttareealvir" tblaribai her demur* li«klo, ^'''l ^" hellg a,Jr„™ ll a aloga door, Ihn w«„i VCi,ViJ The dret wte between 1^olnal lll ey jnd William Lyler, 'J^ are en ibo p<.Int of hclug mimed, conlmiy * . - ^ . (en aablaMrrlo. tobimlnlllllnvup lha 1' u.onncr in wblcb tb««ipopnuuierarlea Inu bei-n i;cualn llupo to Ibo m"KMndiBa Uay doa Iba hotpltallllet of rod. wu the ttnlia ol t'Bi^oatlcallTlea pohlle «eil Uililc wu inir. ui ..i,, ' ptr rS.p^ r'ined, ."u'l"" Tho aacond wia iKtnr tu Illtoy and William LiuuuimiD, „^ ' Zd^if flTO ftllonr, ' eicliiroe.luui heavy," wlio hid by rcinido comer of tho rcnlied ul bar itaaidlogillcnct. ^ ' f"'^ M Ua a»a,on ungntolul unined Fa'nhom aim btv dil." l)y Uwilie I" mB|ninotnt parlor, in' wbleh wucon- hirdtrauh, tholoimer hilling all of r la aliiro vuO winnlog Xl.i'. clupi wri toying allh UolU, tbiatiatiiUtnl dlloo/eru.1 iflal hil t/«i uwi «•« •'•#«'. ''Vou ituuld Alt Uo.vrR CusTovu.— An wniib bughlog 0over grrgatod I bill I ol oiq ltUti, n.^llfenlly dar or IWO wanld make no diOenaca," tlio Fiiko at liaun. alili Ihe'enl .o «Il Ibli llnio lectdole un lonaglng . 'A ihi, The tlilnl irtt between Eyler ud William aubp ctal to Ibo feuiri 1"°' IUIInl.ode;f,Tlinglureco'vei .\lcli ha fallen naluraliy tuu, had juu Irtn ll luld iifn man whn had an Innnnliyuwollalln tppeillr ler Bioundtntiocanlreor geatn1aiiniot.oo. TiMd aia aei* net ilmetd alia|tlliir. Bha !r?L il>nkhi>0T. ..a 1 , .."J^ lure Ovo birda carli, tho former hlllli gllvu lo the fonr gnral dilllcdijr ibalou/ Miw Kniglii It wni wllh nth. Uoota . "Ur. Elihi, llair, lor all to Yoih. leaving Ihn lo l.tr own eon nl.i a wooden club." luitoui lo hcenip hb chtnetot lurbenuty, my daughlerl" qaolh tbe Paaaelar vllh dig. lb* atka ol hledma tboan to hit lodi'i of bla rival. Tbufourlii todlait in nh troa i-nnioaicd bv w rum eaa even ataMu |oe^ allf. . . I' ilirn Ihit Thomfaiin latinlte iba miting a hill wllh hli oeiebant, the iiory . Luidareae^ that aha IManid niaie eagerly tu Hp. n,di. tut match. tho reeenUt r '|^„ But the wta ant oen.ia man- Hiate te,vica BIng BIoi, II e..v> r the thrfi. "Now," aid alon— ttairt, aioolj mdden of iwenlv accanni ol ahal bad patted about Linplag Jack, l.um a t wu eoinitied to Tl omtaotT end the meichtni poterivod It a n.mo odd tiiia, lltenll/ a,o tho euitonicr, to call iibiiindaced.iiuogDiurybi deliver II at t 0 li aoaltot 10 Impruvo all lb* epportunlilea loadedd'sn wllh brll'iania and J^wdled imuiiiltnia, tecelvldg P*l <*< umriinnltia tboil the lueeeition lliat had been itkad niedarlVilB ~™ PjHimoja Potiinn ni raa f ntlon Irtdtd wiUi . b.tor of alt to wllb ooBceltrd ol'a at the polka . < 7. - mm Fauiit.—Sli Bmllhr, abarnceoi tVimer about tlie ihMnmllydlinrp hb vliloel, ''Mr. Uercbani, I havu nrlniioeannd linibilon n^iW|[ln.e haulage rfflH. , i ,!!; "I'm o' Hi"., aud tkciaajouU. hlicd ihdf lunalrly iht dingbicr'auab'ent at lira lime, L Plaker, of TIIBd, Ohio, white a (treat deal, and have up promptly aod honeilly, oread of aonblprem. Il wu CriulUbufla. lit the lul bhb- glad iliai," ihe aild, whan ahe wii antwtied. "I Enifl"'.*""""'"' o:birwlM'rcmain AvfiBAPiirrsn.-John t»ii nild tou atvanitinlngaorihe Norlhauipton bretd recently, Ooiinty,tetebll), a>en!llt" Ibenlerabini, "I bate no lom of qiiienli parvenulim. '' tMlbongbltJ:(.lhonpbl KIt, VitVtt t J>arion aini ten,ann, Ob.Qh, I wlneawinoi and cnrli4itrwttuldhivecaM»ilbede>lrncilooei al, VVantr bunllot inlbe atcda of Ottawa Ibengbt be "Oh, m," antweitd f ^T(r* ii«tk oln «r on " ahb me an', till Ifa *•"> oflho»mtlleei,|.iii llio hla eioin, wai foiead to rip ode the Iniipanienlin etldoncea ol deer, and tlopprd lo wall lor their 0 Bpbln'," "Well,'' uhl Iho euitoiuot, I alwa.ia Inilred "I congmiulato ynu, Mba ImduUebai'lbb b ebarralBr. a< r.tuad wi | tMBlb had I itapptd It Ibt mnoJ?!!!?","' ihemnner dlivOTtrid I I havi tied, agalntl wilcb hi dueoTorMl 1 ibtt ,'boncity Iht bett rule to live Ynur RiiiipMn bur inulli," tald aOL coaldna'hk' bald mv loniw.'iAaJ he." re althou b much bl< Inallnalwn n, aiHioannc*. . While on Iba largo anl- au the beil puller, "d bin profNM brilllaki flr iblak II II ai "O-'orfBlncit. ThUi.n,ii!7i aviBg Ibe' plot wu laid at the He nrtditltudblawoirApiPoa, anil'idb by." "That't lejiired the iiitrebtBi, tad tbe Klghl| (lib Ibt gnviiy ef c^j9Ur .Bad .tl)^^«alluli; of * qnlit «tll—>o«loiu»• ba taM.r— "Tosaie'iote n«Ik*rl?^i.!L"'.?'*w'° Elan nlM, dwir ol Biaiu.l mueriwllngloaardblni. an" a ^-i;-- — - III on, fibadl" cilad Ihe juiadvtiimdeeanniiwrteif"- jdeeanmiwrnil" m what* an fiid delleei>4 Ihe boa alihoul aad Oftta iron bind leg. It ninued Jo .ag^i Mt(owcr tjrned lo dtpiiL "Bold y, hnoalidie , f If Ib* akin

    January 1S69. TPIE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 8Q9-

    FISTIANA. ' a«aavnle pablKmllon of 10 Lonlatod a AMERICAN DEinsn FISTIAIIA. ). •nmolUAoofoarpravDce, lomloalhiff *ltb tbo qiialot re- to admit to i'aiuffrt, THE 6AIV1E v \il'h iiiois of t: n G. or CHESS, ' obarooter could never n nrferwJ pnpobi the OMR 6AME BA »»ikof:-"Uir, Mr..Klglit,yi»o tre ilmjiWTiTy roBn/. H order: bcnep, HntallnB« to EartpCAD eoarti, bid ff you will bo tind 01 lo pat all o'f- •niM iflwoiog protlnclalmoDthHfa o' Duopbuiutud AmfriQiu fleldlDoeeupouonni and Sentlnent. iTliulii n eorrfprn la coanirii roa iiw toai currta. tr Dr:nvb forth* IUuinliMU«D ..... ProTcrbs-Fao unnlioeu lUo ibo ".\orioi." II will aM ue In tirnnnir m Oeptriur. tho Dunng Iho titmbletome days of Ffv™*»^*7. H<« and Allea, mm, aad Joii Ooea wcnia haea ihaitil IMNriBl tbmrf, I reiolTiri ap«o ilUfBiptlnff » from Kiertlog .rranglng them; bdiI wo will glen ibeni la a craft «(i dit'iaoted by jh" conicntloao of rtval conrenl. Mira .Me, Dept.' I| Allni vaa mniCt'iSmitmSS !o trfoi«eort»n« witb eoatily fllmul-e. «,onrortbo y at ni ilnicf. A litu irnccllm «|1l conelnce yoii «Qeralr Pf« »» fl»Ito a Um aa »( I. !di gpao raaalaalla) iha^«iMaodi.nierloin ibelr own reeafnlanMlakaep • to »in.,Jiin. U rrtr, • mMfmrnt •bkh n.a|h'. int Id the "NOTCH" give 1 h^^l In iho Iho p.^ lor a ynar; lukoi aohaa4iie.iily la Ita buk IbrM n»e« to tbe of Ihc nptlln It a nuUioiullrlu t Vu Mtt- "mongrel Uermin" noiatlon, moread eotU»e«l the Jiatn^ B'j'ttntl, avmvedly un' Wnicn Ainni, Uimor, and Jobnoy Onim^e, tom^p, irerbankeo, N. thofwjiiului wUh «ob r.>roo UiU Orand Lodge, and and wo to.nU you lor drclillng hMkenoltliomeB. . . Snelbwiia wllbonoof rorhnrlt;t LosgWIcw. lo drop I'. The nrceiMry Iraor- J.. Anrltil. perpMHilcuIir aoa rte^wndcl upon dcrttaordl(arla1anperv(i(loDelliaQtin'IUiatcr, Henry T. AU WsiTpootblrulilbllrriUbgd Ution cial. IU much I»oi>d|fidji.. keailhekbjm, gpar LeodtD; M, Kr., h«M (*ii)riTf4 «f bb ibe tronbb and nulilplln Ihe chancel of cbrl- Armor. Jothui, beat Tommy O'.Veal, Okayoano, D. T., IIM^r., Alihougi neerrdlUd asibo ergta of SMooilonhU from (II ftU. ihZZim ctrMt In coDBldtnbt* oi ft bf sp. But at 1 m limftl. wood. WiiT li Iho IMIcr r hk, dualh t Draxao 11 sukM •l"™i''"l«'""»lDile«llngleimra, cpreiallrlo ile.ling .lih Ubck. 4im., Allf. IL Bailey li'dy the l«nirlea, war fllmlnibaai, «H, Ilr., Ik. Mm; Id pick the npreeedtollfCB ofibe main of tbo iralrmltyi B«D, Jur, bMi ttm Riior, 0. T., tJ^OiQ andiilo JMV taHrnmiiDjdUDl';. I oot opths ptecn, but of f fredlcicd,tho Curnn tnjn hni flroir Oreet, n am»n7oll paiUcRi lualaly Did DacthiM crcr tmok, t pp S''il!l5' .^"','?'«"Ji""»" I" bearinRi. Ite-ontor "Cruokod bib's! anyteoka hla Drti.MeiM^ of tb- admitted iiiotnnle prallcbnry nf vt condue* Wot U a >hlp U:io < Mt

  • Ilrrry; Vouar, boal I'alnier 4qU« liko > pig'i bll t Boeouo It b tha • iHamJ^trSiTi^i' Soi? iT imublaa tho5fH* War b Ibo lotur E I..K-Hai 10..U-Ktl4-. llrtilllo, Boll, •mrcd, (few Vork, Hod. 7. S DOtti'BUBjnttlDilaie to Av..1d niTapiTmneht Iravfnit bU>o«t moBL Uponretilemont of ihaOrandLoige nr-KOrtek. Oejrj.', br«l J. Oelbibv, nl pork. + )..utQ:A«4 U.. I* -{^1110.10. BbokO)',dolinnrrlonelled|2a|io D^St;^Si dlWJ roll Into abarancr, vnill afitralapae nf ood llant McOnlter, liarlnr Ibrom in. popt o. ' lo my mr. Ov«rUiOtioofnan4«d (blog I wost vUh k ifiwi waa allovcd m T..KtXKti> II..II-IH isr.t am, . , idlneU; hi. mtujirvriiiiliii 111 ni walla oi 11 iah, «ub, tad Md4oolf found my kcid Id oonitci wltb tho floor, -aov^ral yeara, onoD rooorrtiw WnT »« l.i7-lo«klDe J£'!'r''*"''V"'"'r''i<'^^ for ir7. K lo hb 4; I..K1 lo Obeer, Uoo.,^i»oi IJoowl.r.t., tfii.(«a.UL l^lo* luum aiki, .Vaw Vork, pune, 17r., l^uaruwy, heal Palmer, near I'laiiiow Marii>M,<|L ftt iO|itta taitoa waivaloly olteuiniedby a ynuas printer named '"d IbeiolnUon lata Hbok'abeal itrtlkta." 4)id b"lb Im nfht vtth tbo iUi of mj bicb. fyj?.^;'.????;!;' U. ' b K lo bb 41k. Dec. 39, Ufft' dttrlD(tbelMowAr,waiibloBiaCjpiaIaof Zou- thoao who pnfiM iilh Okandljr, lommy, erruud lor . Ki|b( rawoodfrtlrackttthlaeihlbttJoo: lo, atter»lcblns cheater, wh^ ploca of roralloio .hnold titdmno) bb llgbt »;ih Oooaoy Uerria, billed Kla( Caller, diurlol, WDtT While'e llthmfrnbat llrcn,erQloDaq-K'< Bbokpbyaiei CocklM, UKO, kaal toodn £IM,tlr., Ih.'a>. «ptbo fngmeniB of ibo denidlltbod rimihlto nnd foltloff no ave* and Mooter nr an army lodge. talakKoEti(Oornod< vdle4,lllrain|ham,Pdh.lL finnly oa mj (n OIJ Spoo'liUktie that fbod pMl.lpNlMiuior Out now comei Cho,. porter ond hyaltond them all out, "'°"''tiri!?Aprt?lV'" ItAV. Or. HeMunlv, trooila'eJ Curtny, Ted, b-al 7nm BalaB,Vildwoi1b, li>, nr., lb. 'APah. OBca oiido A etato f lilt it eooi« Or^ntal ;oii tho 'olloeing, Oarr, Hike, and Bob Icra. la », brioeh' of cdocftlum hnn chlcDr la jmr nth alili 0 Pawn na 4ili:— Ro iwim Rihl, near rrerlileoee, II. woebly. In tbo hope of ra* WniT Q I., l^ilMtf, iln, beet Jam lUwliaa, Uouioinnlo CWi Ar.>u.dai, bljgot coafoied al ibe mijn>lri al New O] ,lii i-MipBilVXnf. 7. tiebled ai tbe Mea and iGditcd U|iod gmog loto tbo Komuu wcra wril tba Rola April II. Pr. •> thM op lo . compolltDi la Ibe dialog room KIgbl roooroml eqnottlmltj, and tho elevAfod dboltiry, lo all tbo nriooa bnnohro. Pmbably ODiiuia Uomc inn, p«ne,IBr.,4li eum,JOMl7. bU ia..QXli7m.Ta. Cebum, Joe aod MIko ueOoolo were Vi hiiTe Ibafhl lor tl 1.U6 and VoUurdyinJhbcnlleagaeeToniuredaiKm 100 enmnrohevlvo of Tbri. t" Cul'Jni, iim,beit hill Ulllam, no" Undla/. oirbaa*,fn, tSr.. atUlMutro, prldloiblniMiron tbe i?ritani bli wlaev&Dlt, lo* lliooeannlDnehlpui.Vmoriei, ncari:gU..tiirMi4 AUlkin luil 11..0-1IK1 ., . of the ilvol gndea !>*>* &sm,Julr li. , 'tfitod odTdIod to tbo valao nl vlniagn, a ocope of aott^n. or pero >aooo tho numbers Iho Drat hlitorini mention ot a UlppophafI** >n Nay 17; UeOoolo waa airulrd aia i.im bouu upoD ro; m bb different WnvTU n T; anJtih.KxKand If Bliokpbya..K near Li»' Cbamo.n, .lfn koow tbe bf*t ni OT»nt)i cb.irie or rHmiloflihe laweortimiiuio: iwiiieDiiiit mr iIm ilaWr, If BotuonnpMlar, eeaire-l iboMpedlentof " "'^K' wohaeoHand limora Aiir. 21. ' itve^d be pullcT to honor a pillar of ibo Eicbaoge^ I «aa lo* Ihurlne. 1. whioo am mnpiNUTrlr 11 OthlloBcroundaBaoolPrcd unburn n.. an«i«l nobllcaUtm tntu a Kml*aenutlonal hebdAmlnil end of Ubialerce-Inx, too abofe an aound. "b Fleet, Jjck, bail 0:o'i UefDlra, dooodtAHiDpleblt impored M, |«r4c«Url; aemjeAmrado thtl. aboiil two buodrid>.ril. tnito lb« rloi i.ao wid cvaruywl noofhlon 'ChoBOD, tU, Mr., and Prtf, BREVITIES. ti Deo. .0. pradiKed, Iroprbuiimeol Tlioy loot, ^ «aiCbaabertlo, a li fill,- Iho ?fthepoBtollbtdcprtTe'1ltof In moro useful f.-a* I17 wager lo btl la alo it b Btma. omlnJpn la oM No. 7, wo Bod wuyoan^ lim.. June 7. 'flewlii, I'our, and flea. TornhDU,'beej|tewau'tle.ii3.Ulr..Ih.. «tre*a really good »lBra.oowo rattled along wlita our cal% at a rotitem<»nl llm,beal'*Velloi>"OaTU,Dobb Kllb,!..!, tlM,llllr., CoiK I'oarsB.— oaly onoihu. far to wbiAn il Oiowwy, ^ulmlnteriered, i ejfB ilio general pubUc Thrown iiiwn I'a ma- ICTSut wu chaui, hat Dbha wa. You arotbo Jan.ll. treaendoao paee, EHht lotbllog ibat wo bad oo time to etop tore In Ibe of coinu. lli.4lm., Jonott - appeared o«nl-occaalcnillj,unUI tho waapew, toamdaeolniion ol Bolg, 663; and ynur oule that llardyjJilMMl, ocai lY. Otfpor, Va<(,>Milay, £M, J7r, Ita., "DOW Id do," ^^ciimpirntnita of ibo maoD." *'8»*d oaato r«aoQrces Ibe Jflw A PitmiT lUtDta, not a. a nile, laolly Correy, Sam, dM, New York, Jglr ytl bnood a a pklna. "It will 'io* for a mebphyelclin, Mr any other mao,' " wel ot coDTCDtlADaiphno,"uyoa ur. You (Joakiin, boattllll Uafo, ii04r rort.'Jorrb, lUJ, nr., Ib. -t^' Vo bad redooed tbo caUk^e of "annbo" to aoorlf a qtiarter, The OnaLand most Mam Biuh,m3Irjth9oi., reb.4. .Hteraurr, commerce or mail al.oya '^obIoil'* ui4''a [."bno-nia a clou nco on ZaMdl," allh a r XUin.. Nov. IP. beatjoo Ibidooi, tbo"BrBtc)aao beaaea'* to follf eo«*biiir, wllboat TCDtorfog muOBio ohHt, nomliod with UiUuoB bfglna and .oooUmfa onda lo a Uirl,!!., London dlelrlel, poraM7r., Ih. an- anasoeUtion of mttooa, cr^utcd by a Ur. e"ftetteahred.'' Dwyor,J«inny,attd Bull BIloy, turnup, rjom, Braoklyn, eboul IWG nan April 7. , Ctgbi obovrred, (o tohe b12^ wumideby «poD a aoonnd raHiloDalio, daitgoliif u CnccHSTAifcn Auaa finin pirtkiiit.rlj radocad clrcutn* boom, draw, J.D 4. «hi> veaiarvd'to'aofnnieb«oln*-so maaogeoieat 0. Raicmoiia,—Our contrlbotor C. P.,uyt.O. Tea isort ittrllag of all aiUaba—tha monaji «blehbadaayetbwderol«d to ma- wnpaper Icoiptad to giro II, on ecoonnt ol the number of eontlngonelca Ounmo, Bill, beat Jobo Uurphy, ooer Kramlogham, klaaa,$Bli •OTtnlBgwere about to fall typogripbicalquiHilcfl, Undeu beat rUrr , near Uampablra, pane, Ilr., Ih. tfeo:, Jeo. lOL anicka. ilr.,lb.Slla'a Polnl, .S. T., Nm.— VuaubUF, 179, Im., June IV. wt'li Judgmtnla from i -tebo, iott to bamor tbo eoortMj of tbo- Udl^o. At ilmre, it li Ibelr salaried ofDeers, and threatened lilr,Um..July al. ha.o maboobolj boibaodL Laae, Tub, died, BInnlngbau, aiod 44, 6epL 7. of ecccotrie every qua'ter. As ihb stile of tbinga eouM net bo mode to ly I'ollock, oear rhibdrlpbb, porat, Annel 121 teaa,uo merrioeat ptrtoob on chancier, bot D belt Ur, UPlluid, I'eler, heal J.me. Poalerraaw tiMot, fiatltt., Ih. wbely roocludi^ to rollro from m«* Tni m.n wbo Hw hb neighbor dia, and went hooM and Enlema No. 656. DeTiee,Jobney.allita *'t;hlelen,>* bad bb bit hand eutuu with lbc*i he oaM, th«o faddiBta vero oaioral lo a NowTear'ahol* pay, the snateursBoebles a fls., Dec 17, 1M7. leaving tho obrriff 10 eloie up tbe door ol tbo djcd blmialf, u adll hrbg. knlieloanuunir, riau Kiancbdu, Cel., AUiU.!. rtday. Par Inctance, la bla borry, be ealkd at two or ihr*e »mie publlabiB?, Mara, J , and Urr/ fuber, Brtatol dlairiel, tU, »., th., Uaa, 17, Daily, Tub, lelt New Vurfc lur (;aliluriiia, If. ll of muooiy lf.17. J dropped lo to f oqoiro ^flor a tal; abo Jfyitfe 3VnpJa and to oKiIngubh thagiojteat jbu "YOD are a gns," oijaafoptoaTonagladr: "apaM-gaa." 8T J. a. BiBoaa. vnng h'lOHa, bid be* Uiamoodt Charley, aao Hockey kluuru, tuni.up, Kow Tork, mldar. HaiebHi (J. Jobaaon^ heel Enool Bnlila, near Wakall, Utr., ih. 4ead for jeara, mlitook wMuas lor alveo lad motbtra for llo«criBcln oor "Toe are a koji" wai Ibe raiftr; ''adoD>hoj." Kovenber. Uol, fob. 17. propoeod blmnlf la Neltbvr have tho Udd Fellows beea moro lae^euful In ans* daDgfatero. end odoalij muntan to a bdj iDDEoaiD:! u a decided enl, whether In the ebolc* of • wabt- Oaay, Biroey, erreelcd, UcKocapon, Pa., 00 a abarje or aiaoo, ,be.t.lan»)(cflonaaok, Blrmlofhim dliirM, tULMr.,lb. opedal Joornal thaa their bro'hren of the myiilotle, be bad oenr areo before But ihoe verr. lo bla opiDlnD, mfre talaing a at or a wife. Noeember. 4Jm., An4.el which once pweaied a wide Toi hoait that baeta for so wodiu, b a alcha wllhoat aa wul, IL of a Biore otartlioi nature, and ed a> eaiAf neiltled. Id the ^ i.^ i i i i Iho Llakt t7ellbll>b*uiplun«.lp, ITr., lb. 14uL, Ao^XMii, % Uaiuey, Mullody, beat Veltow, Salloa Ooldleld, porae, oiticod drculiUon to Uniuub loto nbitv|(>n- Tme, tbe GoUttn Ik.lh. «albeni of oiutlttl oolbMluid ho tetoolib*d ibeeara of a Imigf. alBlai Qi, QKit, QDL KX oodfl, RKt:,aadMh. Baean, rally, ebot lo ibo laop. eo|)t.'iiibrr. Wui,jBlyi7. JhUt Ouailshcd IB uiooo day, wh«a ilaperiatcadent Keooedf, tvblle to play aoa (Ire In four morea, Eilioit, beat UharlpyUalU|bcr, I'eacb libad, 23r., ploae family by commcBdog *'Cait« Diva" aad defenoratlDg malo Jimmy, IdJOi MBniD,Jw:k,died, Buibeome, a^ed 71. AoK. li Da wall uaared thai in the eod, jaur Ufa wID be lh« maBl- Not. 12. - lBto"Chanpag&e Charlie," whll> be ohoekod tbo omea of tho Jamaa \t* Hale, ibo llcv. Dr. Cbapla and oibar «ell Kn ivn lb. ITm., .Vnr/, "ridoirr," teat fat uunoy,HutiondliliMl, tU,:ir., SSm., tmigiib of Ft lloveblp; fe.Ullun of your prlodplca. Baton, Jrny, irled tor llio murder or Tim ITeoiuii, rhlbdclpbla, 4aBHli of another by otlemptlag ba tiempUOealloo ol the maaoaJe^, ruled aoth^ Odd when Odd i«n riniB, Pea 3U and tl, IMff. ud wiind lulHy ur uiuidorlnlhoOratdu.roe, O c. d. Fellnao^ Uoll won errcLcd, in pleolltod* ol brova atnoe glory; Doa*? aUempt 10 ha iiugoll<«|a«nt npoD trlOck Beaarra Problem Uo, 696« .Vnrcunili, IJ«t u'.V'ul, lliilbMham,prc'lra ofiia siiecbhy, a rcry bnadsomo Kiiy, l'.w>, wahtiod by Tommy fcollttliu., e.11 ri.uciMi^C*.l.,t)<. cbbr, ODd 'adled oot ele«eJ ojsloio IdIo Moeh ilaioco; bo or iblab lib detpci, ilibout a pnvanillon ol anffcrbg. Iloberia, J.r;i, bcairiTd.Jlnke,IMrmln|bam dlatnel, £I^Ur.,lk. HUCK. ccnibrr. KoM.UHM srivMcO, tr.ei, aud ecakucu lutliiil/ KiedoBtabUhOT for >berr7«lDe, and dellbcntel; carrcd a and obly cdiid olicct, ot mammoth dinicni^oor, could be found tui., ibrjo nuea, Auf. M. woold koow the full hlilaioeo of lD|Tmqi, o<«lPna a Uriel, near BilUouro, IIJ,BU, Ilr., lb., -bolof aoiicd bj a laMlnatlnr bnllo •hot ho w.ruM toko, bo Wue-iaman lookaa IllUe pilathoogbbofklckiBgthohoakat 9eMeiy, baul Uadiiuiar, Loiidun dulrlol, perao, Ilr, Uol, '*eL Ivo uuralll.v aQ'1 -niciUilolog lllcriture 0. the GoUten Ati/ewaa Aug. I. Kiiii]o.uii. Wn., but IL Jweioa, uoar urerpuul, gnoioutly-rrouonded, *'4viandi.ai.lIonjir;,"aatheichoolBUler aald whan Tale, JUan. -beat J. Ueialoe, Dear Feoliaffl,£]^ Ih., two rion Dee. gnt*f otoie, Inquiring f.r on md IMo torlaloilca'i*>D. i^eitli r wu the eiamplo deserted Caiduer, beat I'a^l, Weal Uruuilliolu, BiiA, piuao, 4.r., lb. 48m., he luund 11 nailed to lib doik. il'.liei. thli last Sight enthusuin, fcr, wbtn the Teaipcraoed iiuiTeuent mo at lie Kiul, Keb. b. There woB DO ROUTeiy (cwn bouvle; beoce Tlemer* lllll, BBd Youni ITadloir, near Uaneboeler, £11, Sr., polleo ibo by Iialcil Ita popularity. Nercribelcsa, wliea dlilrlet, £3J| SSr., I h. dOoL, draw. Do 60 wo 1d< your aaeetbrirt wltb you. Orady, Jiniiny, brat U.ll Donohuo, near IVootiawkra llolcbia, N. ceinberS. bt-odo the cold water eicitvowDl pa*i«d away, people a«OLe (• an op. llr.,4'iu, uul. ^r1H. 1. ^tldnali «lthetcircr and emptier aiointebt toattcod V.,B>>, Kti), It requlroi Icia merit 10 dbcorer the faulb of otbcra thao to , V' prccla Ijo of ihe I teniy latemperjneu (i( thoou vbo would per- It llueaiiey, uojr livr, .1. Y., pur.a, 7r., Ibt 12. tbo IcToio of tbe neglecicd tDililoooirca, m undoubtedly ihor Ollmora.nd r'epr. X. hear the,u. BUI, u/.u< "nuLor,** luuiid de.u, ruJiido.i.biu, vtL 31. w^d da. vecute asocial dcichciluB oa a criminal cnuni-ity, ond benco UibHou, tTonMlrAlled£UtaJoaOoBa,la a malob lbr£M,Jaa- lianlo), Jknmr, died, huiv Yuik, iiuiii liijurwa .OMiwiially rut. Vrkco I nty newipapcra of (o pr«cilp>£vQ 0 clurjoier were either totjily It b e«iy to coneel'a why egntbb Snd tba workleoaglx— uiry. 1 readied homo Ml elg&r oad eoDlcnptalcd the ulnedvrlilbablxblur, bgoj23, KcU.iL uunud at t^alTary ot«Bio( aufpcnded or convened loio cbildbb gatiilca, to tickle tho un- they only ace tbemialTea. t\*oniMlu. Ilelly,beal YoHOi llfoolaoo, oear fiarvalcy, £1, about eojmniinl In which I bod pankiloatoil. 1liecrc«llt OauMorr, fob. IS. tutored rancKsuf tbo rising gfnprailoo. air.,Ote. il, lUr. ode 0 'bo uoci aaa flut^ilog la tho aiinme. oonprlaiog ibe nf booia Id nnko, lo^t Mr Builaad, Fob. II A Dacbbloc friend oom ha. left a boirdlog IVanI alia ivtihrreu, noir Mull, £UL jrr.. Urn. feh. a aouBt»)ce ladha, old, Thomeoi proltoble eccclOlU 10 Junrnalbm upon amlnnr Jerry, eiiarsnl iviUi tuoinurder or Daniel Prl.|, irled and of s<4n« hundred and odd ynuagond which ihero were a nambor or old mildt, oa aceonnt of "Ihe Uardlican, WBlkor, Jobnn., icuaol Irieillnnl blal u, Loadoo, kliioh II. ocile. Is ondooMcdly to bo Ituod lo ibiiticlitug to cemmercl-il - -jnl upuo lnyiucotM anno ul III oiDlj, Ibo oriJiBca Blddupg^^bom.Ihad nerer ocen before, ood acwld noTer oco nlaerahle/'dfrHt before hliD et tbo table.*' tVrea beat U.rlay, Londoo diilrfel, £11. air, 4Jia., iiaeo, July. motttiv. ublcb votaries Ifiuimon tmoi liuuOlelcnt lu niuvici, Apr.L agala, ai boat agallpn ol ntlied Ikantr, aad a qotrier hundred and tioonclal In to Ond romo tVail, U. . beat Viuo| Uobday, Ulrmlnibaai dIalilM, SIg, I7r, Mn., A LiDT'a check la dncilbcd ai tbe poello abode of Ihe nae^ llwoua,DMIf, andJuhnuy Ktatiuf were 10 haro rou8bl,Api ibclr . welg^i ol covoilfgtcd onndl 1110 DtOfinclud log eongenlil mcaao ot calODdlog autortcty 01 their bualneu .Aua 4. ainloceple which lath, wllliin bauillea «r UlnohiiHIl, n., but H'en]..i\.tnllj/ opeiatlona, 1b«S()*calird capiullsui ol Wall aiicet are imoog hot *fe are nnt told what kind of rv... When aa ardent brer Wnlleboiiie, Jcp, aod John Uolmos Bndoa, £0, nr., poUoe laleiv aoBomUeblcTutu urcbln bai depuilUd In Ibe 00*0 of afauai tbe liOorliTDl Mmhall Co., oo tiiu I7ih; rulMOcd upoa nodioi tcab a kba, we auppoao It b a caftbo^rroie. itrrd, Auc. a. wblobbadbeeL8abBUlut«d lorn; tbo mvai ientl'lve of our lubabitanla, Inumucb aa ibeii opera* In |3,t)iM ood ti,iM r«>pc«ilrdy. o«n. Po-OMiIro, tbe luo •urcUni n'llaoD|^rBak,WoiokCoodwla, nddlefe Ferry, £IJ, »)r.,lh •f the buUdavhai been damagodtuibeoBieDtoradlBofdem) ou* llunoaiomofily baaed upon creoir, »hl)o ohra«d apecnlatora "Yoo woold not take b» for twenty t" laid a nlea girl lo bcr .IreatJotiDoy KOtftib^oM>u Uuuinor Groat MtamI riror, |>,iMb and tbo i-Miitor*Uiil|bt CtuunpiwBibtp, &r., maeb, aa inelp-eubradacbcandanrxobaogrl bat. Aifor Bljht, dread edItorUl aolmoalti, lest the bubbles by tbcm net oSuot Banner, while dnaaeg, a few ovcBlogn agn; '^bal woald yoa kjr., Uw, Tooat boil (Kike,' Loadoo diaulet, £M, 44r., Ib. Cm., Hay WU11B. UonUui bnnbloi bta Hrui, A|.ril «. hewBB ant aeeo ipon tbo aimei |gr three daja, during wblcb otgbt be pnactured by tbe keen pon of a utlilc JouroalbL At take aie for t" "For heller, r.ir woree," repibd he. YaUow bat Haley, near ..uuoo Uoidaeid. £ldbalr., lb. 4li&, UcL d. Ilaaoer, nni, out BUiy Mot^o, lutu up, rblladolpblot oepaiatad. unebebreabfaaleorvtalarlj tbo aame lime tbe honest trader finds It to uU advantage, Wkha to play aod ilea mala In Ibne moreft ai>oBbocb and oodn voter, end A TODKO lady waa dbcharged from one ol tbo largeat ptehia Hay Vth. flopped BpoD whether oilglool impurtir or Jibber, to patconbe aewopopera onU-biUuuplllo. StUl, Dotvllhoiandlof tbcoo txliul maooiactarlee nne day b» week. She wee a« mod that tha — Kbd UoLoeo, room dibl, rbHodilphl*. puree, Ifr., police lo- drvoiod to hu pathway In cummero % as it lanUlatbea bIm with djawbBcka, beaareao vfib no ibat, in view uf tbo gtoeml hU* Tinegar woaldn't act uriered, draw, Hoy lun. CUPID'S rOIBLED, FOLLIES AMD FANOOSS. anip. from Umo Immemorial, aecoDpanilagaaaoal vlalution the habits uf doalcn aad with tho value if b^ coomodlilea la Cam* No. 656. udUtorioliouhrintwm flihl, hew York, puree, Ur., 40m., SfscmiTT, In thb world, b Uka gold amoog IboaaTagea, who peltoe.dr*w,Oot.lW ollnonda,lt loaaaclol vtodon to oaeoorBgo .vhle'i be deala pleooantmcm* OareootHbaior O. Itelchbelm, itrea Mr. B. lIeDry,of PbUadal. aad Hiio tMBoeUy, near Oolrary Conolory, «n«o Soma elgbleen yean ago the Dty Oooig RtpcrUr, one of tbo barter traiun fur gbaa beadk 'ib a cully quality, ml Uanley, An-tr, W-l., ol the pnaeat 4ador ibo put b 0 happy Heo Toar*BCaU. pal),lheeddaol()B. pum,in-.,3iin.,JaQeL SINGULAR BOYISH ATTACHMENT. } &\all atreet jonrnab, aa lio eiplrod t». and 'UmiiongruiDiiio and InattentloD eiaab mora noaaalneaa Attack, Blk-BotptuUtwaaru otlo'oloQlt Ml, Juita 1«: the faimol Kr.JohDThoiBaa, IitId^ thalann oi Lahok and' thecummerclal utlclea it puWiabed, Ur. Ilalallielm. la ttaUtoAral Ueoutery, Juuo If. well flora tho ability ot by In tba world ihin deeaptloD asdaiUhca: or,aiIeast, tbaboon- Kr. Bakhbtlm. tMirled Baked lor werh. Ur. Thomaahad oalhlair br Iho hoy code, Orooy, beet l*auy VtlivB, lorre Uaula neooa knoodr aa lu aouad and piactlcal edltortab upon tbo U^lct ol the ' l..r.uiK4. Uadsoo, from eaqoeacfe ara mora onlreiaa). , aBdwaaahootieiialDg himawmy whea df.loa ^ 1S.-.9.1?» Ar, Juon 3, adavjfhUk' fanq. day. Tb* dry goods dealciB coBcelved, Ibomoelvca, acd meat I..KII-BJ lad., (WJi 270^, ereniroiied thai he ml;{hlbe amoteyed lo ' ^a apaak erU of olben; ood aboald wa netftar the avfl tb^ 9..KB-B4, K..QV-QS Ooiao. Jini,bo«tI>uiWLoUu, Bear lAortooee, UOio., puroe^ lllr. doinf ooihathlow iuatJy, tobeanlBflaeatml dau ot mercbaBti^ and thereioro ouyaaiofaat- Bptalilllor 00 Belgbhor, tf tboBwoaldrtaai J7H)., AuiU'lJ. about ibe larip, ebe lablug pity as the hoy'a friesdiraf Iwk and apoo the Jnumal placed under tlmr nominal goard' , BT AN EX,BDITO& bestowed bear whit will tronhia Ihtc t..p^a9 H..F-UB4 Jlyle^^HocbMiDUl KeDy, Bear OlLdohatl, U., purer, Uoi ,dttty doeitiair coodliuo.. Hr. Iliomaa toldtbebn ha n'ahi lUiy Ittoie* i7,.P-i]Ka laDsbipaltbeialadvertblogiiatronogiS'bltbeBablod t..aialba with bliutin ilha eoaidgetaaolherplaea, thahuy,- uciaaoia wrllcn apoa iDrreahtilo aubJicti Ooon ADTUK—It TOO aiw a terar'Aoo'l lore two eirb «t l«..KJ{IX.Et nop4iaa iBd Jacket nar riii:adelphfa, Ur, Ib. 2Dn ,drjw, Aiijuai. enra ibo moai eompeieat fiiurieioaiid flfi^o yeara olaae, in 1«TB good Ihlog, bat li Uke bottar, woB*l llt..ll Imoedmtaly wtat Mrk, lflr-Tod'lnio nooaenlar/ rate oneo note than bora, u Ibelr irmdlng advertbemento prelooeu the adieai of talent irom being ohierTcd; bat wit end labot cannot prvrnt A'taek anaooBeee nale to »li morea, aad iBienrivl aod aiR« fact tbla became ovUeni.u the dry goods trade, bo Lnger baeoold ook step aooo Hnfiii credollty b booDdltna and laeibiofllbic: Ortea aa (tiI(l4..Qlobar^r'tt..4loB7 BBdCi.BXViWloa ibow prefcaslono, hla tbaakfalaau or atlachmrot fnr the youos lady lo loo •ttalicorararod Hb tbooiher I'beml tb« edltoriol ldentUl«dwlih tbejuomal, vftbdrew tbelr patronoge, and oe> mankind haro beea doped be ocbemee, Ibey an ailll laudy— Colly, roa, arrived In New York, January II. hmlted ovrebera, great a drgrer. A few weeka ago Hr. Thoiiiu* oaorhtor wao battmltj aiw tbo moro lo aa well u tbe msat pendent soU-ly upon tho monetary tnicrvsu, It eould no lunger Day, aailoae to be agtta guU^—eod ibera b ooabeordlty loo Kearaoy, A«L beat llaok ijutou, ifiuuo Uouie Goto, Hd., fSJO, VtalhfS^ofiA&yoittorwBebtilBthe fotlowtof «M1 cooteolod IB. 7m,, J«n.Ut«i. married, and «llh bar haihaod aool Is Chleago to Ilea. Tha oretlJabed as to IntaUectoal reqalremenia Oat of the Im. auitalu tbe btavy expeBsesIocarnd In tbo management of tbe gri ai not to flod miny to glee It credeooa Mr, game played reeentty at BnulosoHoCbeM Hoonu, Drooblyo, t» beatJokBoy MoUlado, room, New York, SltS, Cr., boy appealed lo teke Ihe ebaeuco of hla onatrou Terr men* congregotlen of oacceotful merehonto to bo found Id tbo other deparimeau. t^oasequeoily. the JBcononO^ despite Ita Son1|io,Jlm, in bIm who czpetta eae ebu In eodeij to pneper to tbe Iwo^noaroMirtcodaaadooo^rlBrilofo, P. Hufoao UreaieOgor and elu,, lUo laiifloioi wbiloyet eouocty oiaiboo, fob. 19. mueh at bcert end to noon orcr II. laielwcahhowcDtto bnalaoco part of tbe Iovq, or tbe -formidable onray of banker*, floaaclol \-aJoe, after a year orio elckeBed and died. blgbrat degiwo, wbU. ibeolhrrearalDdblrw, "Let bin," a. P. iema. Kelly, Uilly, oonlamxt Ul Hlog »iu| prhuuiur twooiy )eiro, for Chleago, aod fladlag bar. cotrtaled that ho other men of lepoto, Itio eoHmoted tbot not one Id the yoitrAoi Finan^. Stotklutdtr, In- m^ht lira wllbhor lawrers ood laallkemiDoer ^ BTAIIB OiMBTT. one rwooed • . a. tiarry, Ngi^ Vurk, I old FoUcr uye, "Irr whether one ddoof hia faoa can eolle ttvlai ooMulud M«y IL and her hBabud; but ible Inpoailble cdltorlil belof money wu glnii . athooaaBdeaneofflpo«eaaordloaiT toucbbg topico luponce Monitor^ Hiiiing Jeumai, Skipfiag Lttt aad other aa aboeo.) Sllpalrick, bttiewt, but I'oio tnor/, Lwr Uioolnuailt u,, about while the other b pbched. (W|bl mono him lo pay bia fata hove, a number of pnaenta weia ina'le ooaaecied with Ibelr dolly aToeatloaa which wood not bo re* of aa npecul diameter, more or leu aoovo to tbe pal • Mr.,oreraa iwur, i«uiiJuly W. him Rpvr* Porrla. Mr.Perrla. Mr. Bremlneer. Kr. 1*01, Jack Wreo. Jiiobuiood, Vl, ITr. Juoo ;i and ho wu aealbaea. He eamo home, hat ihe loaa eeimd lo Jected b; a piofeaoloBal mrmbor of Ibo preaa; wblo It la 00* at large, ha 0 bcg appalled Id oioeb betier aplrlte; bnt whila tba ath ntlon of to temper, If DotvnoliytocoDpMotbo opullea pabhibodoTer vcDllve iBleieat, who, howoret, not b«bg local by reauo of tbo natter baflndabloioeir, lo nerer pcrpUtied. FrobabI/ Lyooa, IMry U,, died. Scft York, rrvot a pUlol obol, fired by Mr. nben the lauilly wu diraeted Imm bim ihe boy gul up from hla Aperoonrooy writo an esccllcQt rsny, read* euibell fareicecd In geDOnl cbcula- llopwHO, HrpL C hod, Ihelrnamea. a coaillaeas of Ibelr ahmeot, tbe rtaaoo to that bealoayi bu bbcur. 9a..K-Kig J. m\ Lukar, Ulllyi beit Hoi Couk, near OoiibA, Nobraika, tm,1r., and, faaiealniaa aldcomlrnrr abool bla oaee, atieopladto- able diacDuraeoronelohnntorenuice, but wheo hsattempia tloo ihelrcoalcoporailcalliolitd lotbo loflueocea of trade and s7..y-ic- ,U-1C Kt? CATCBno A Tartail— It lo cold that tbe Toitanlorlte b mao atf-Bvl aMn.t MPL 19, haeghimaelftulhii hedpoei. Uoue nolle made aUrarb-diha aa editorial article bla locapoclt; la that braoob of Important commerce, ao tbo gralua uf tho Amoncan people Is decidedly KI-1C4 Sll..llll-ll» to dtinb by genUy puiilo(( hia ear. A nood oiaay of oar peopla lArkbi, KcllK. kitted lo an aOtay, New Tork, Nrr. tl Corooer 'o atteniloo of Ufa- Thomae, who went to the non lo Ood bin and prBellcalhlonturo boeeneaiigaally oppircnL TbeleaiBeO meooooloal, and tho apult of Inveotlun anilned 10 no parilcuiir SB-Ktt o veidki ttut gMtii wj« auoed 0/ olab wuuodo wl'l (enenlij "take a pall*' irlthout lalting to uto their can Jury rrndond hanging oad iteaegllng. Be waa taken dean, and-hy careial asdpenaaaivQorttir, Kdvard Evtrott, \tu tAnpted, tbroogb acctlon of tho couatry, do aib of logankws eoetnvanoca, ea* Kt-U« UI?-BS loHiet'dby lluib tf mpbull, Job lljrrl^u an^ Auo Uioc& puUed, 41..U-KKtO F-*|U7 Atr. atUDlMD Buon leo-ieerad ounidnBanei*. The boy eald be did mntkea, to calrlbule 0 aerlio of ortlcles to tho Afw p. claily Ibow covered by Jetton patent, are greedily devuared XtXUB Huj1«I al UOInry Uuiuotoiy, ]/. ' " ' fktriotle * " ' " "' ' " ~ " - " ' ' Kl-tia 1i..ll-K8-4- 4 K B tiaykni, noiI wantwar" to lira IF Hue Ua.y, aa he' called Ihe lady, aaa and we will rootur» 10 au*rt that they were erory ortl>in of the buniry. It b upoa tbb ac* X LoO^riy. JofiruyibeoiJim oppAftliomoBlbor U.Ue Miami nu| ork U^fT„ By readon In | Birnno EnpLoniiirz.— A nnmber of "elffant and rellBod U U-hbt «3..(JlCtXQ+ K-h1f OeqCft) rcillobto nrer, Ky., «(M ATr-i ^Vm-. iwc, i J. takenleD fromI hl|n, and thai he felt eo aad when ana *u away h* tBierior Id atjle of a editorial oonpuaillon t) tbo coaot and an llllniltabli) ibint after aclGoti8o btfoimaiioo, that goBilemon" lo Mlianurl. ti lo oald, adeeitlao forallualloBa Kt!l yooBf I'-K UcOalioy, Aliif, ^«al fai«y kituour^o, uoar Jcney Oily, N. J., U)^ did 001 care whet broime of hin. Yeolerday the lady, lo an- cndr*t of oBdar pold cmoaalloni of a Titer trtbed id be Iba Scie^ifie AnurtcantaA tbe ilmerfciM i4r uob, boih cbrvB* ooat'lB'Uw la veoliby fauUleff. 0..qXHftlP+K>^l}lCl ai <(HXR nr., hfUL Jou.A. aeer 10 a dlepaich, came frrm Chleago, wheo tho hoy aihlbhed wa;o of Jituniollna. Uio popular Cbarlrs Dlckeoa. wlgloaiy 0 IdcBof the lovcDtlro irt, have ottaloed a wldeiprrad dlrsem* F-UBt ld..(2.1{5-f- K-Sl j'«wi,*rrlTed from Caliremla, Jin. U. JoTBititB LoTB.—llceenUy In Pane a girl eloTon yein old Mirfoirr, nie Joy In every poa.lbto meooer, glffogberhbiprcmleolhalho nporter, cnoeavorod to enter upootboeditonol manaccmenl of luatioo wblcb woold bebopclcM Inutberouanlrioa where knuul* Kl-Iiba UcAipiiKi, niu, belt Vooiif UuyDo, I'ljbM'Ji inland, nair DolroU, 0*010 B TnceiacbonD ptpefiomaibop •indov, andwiadelraled UXt-Q7 uai.,ii«yji. would laako no more Bueh attempia upun hie lire. !l leonf of ttie Itai/p AT'ier, 0 tnodoD doll/, ahnie main drpeadenco vao edge of m-cbanire aod tbeir app-'ioiUun to the purpoAa of Jlicu.,pur«o,]Mr.,Xu. (n the acL Being aUed «ha*. ahe wanted with aooh an article, x-Ktr i»..MXKTt4- Klmtnodbiiuy,uaarL.iu«jii slailou, (od., 79i., lb. tbo molt ilogular caw of aliaehmnii ibal buerar ooBawliqio o/ed.t of hla n^rae, one atill be voo fouDd laadeeenBtronirr, loriuppoM: Speaalllealo looravum, loteoded to hi aasltlDid by tbo to our city gvveramvnt and lb d^adoociea for yean A Dad SpitL—A joimg Udy who (oaehea naale In an acad* X E Ulllor, Aooy, boMt I'li'"/ lluwuuuu, Laol Now Yoik, L, I., pone, S..H>(KB QXKU |&5..Kl(og7+ klOhtifT Jonoiy ALAOr SUED FOR BREACH OF PROMISE, general pubMo, novo bocD nfieoU'nn oticnp'ed ood Dover at* the CilUinf Aaiwclailva, kretalogly a bvdyof tmpraelloiblo lo* coyla ffrouin NrvYoek,ient on (rder to apublliber, to* ir., Imi., Dllloo, ooor mMothoo IndllTdrent aaccm. TblBhaaboin pat* large buuuais 10 a prrtuwpilro wn* Holleii, lUrHP/, boAi Dm rblladolpblOi 4lr., Ite., LoadoD paper uyt:- "An Istolry look ptaoa tended «l(h lonnon, have eipcBded cenilF, lo abkh ihohad opeltibe «ordo very badly. Bbeapfil* 5l..l^lCt94- K-bla^oq Ul..gxH> n«fcraoo would A before Iha Dub'IcatiaoB nnally Ueutitlr the ouovltb dcvotvd to tho culluro nfmu* vclrlog ul municipal Irjudi aod raoimlilfa^ unlit ibey adding a iMa'cripi aa 'ol ov«: ''Yoa bavft adfa-fccd Kio tj 7ib. Court o( Qooau'a Uenoh In Duulls, and a jaiy Ih aaaea* ogS' 0 by luuK rxbeao tbb prooobly B Holntyio, Jiiu. btot lllll Coottor, blirepobtad Bay, L. I., Sr, 67di., orts, vhleb, al'bvash i>T|toB wDiiern their aii to okand the One oondooted bv nuoof emi* came to thaODoeluiloa of •siobll^lDg ob lot er« 00 1 pla bl noa', but rpell bl rar.'* r/) Il waa Bcceeaonr to oierodoauuoo bora. daroanealn actloo brought lecoear conpenutlon Itld ncocA Id lUelr re»poetlve pmro«Mlons, compeientand able ert'* gileranvtr, o:ttailmco Ibe oubjrct of aowipapor Jucularit), J 4eecoadtlDiotbmton>B*iiwto. Loub^ Mo., Au|.0, at £'i,Uin, for bieaoh ot proiulw of matrtago. Iba pltlsllff, SioiotODii blielieaitb, a iftOoolol'AK'ke^marTted.fll. A DuoB.VTTn— A haring been ) Uo daro not Ibe lca,enu14 notboroodercd Mablo enterpriui, thilr r>^Jeclnn could bo lutlonblo due iiionDcr and (orm. Uuilbw Cidtni, uko KolibL McMuiloii, Aody, busiJiuiToyttd), uiur UimhuooII, 0., Ir., foul, Hr. Th.ioiia Jnokaon Uaihe, Uaednoai uniee tn tfaaoauntjr olinderedi ^iioadtiaed tiiaiiply lo tbo courio forr^dn^a Ha belog ultimately f'trced to aook a ofaaqnol for their oidnWinB lo uDL'orthb luuagemcBl, found IttJv lantriatbo aljht of too rf Loutti, and lo IBdU he entoml Into an angagenionl to repikO, «itb true •Udom:—*! ilull nerer euo an) body tor McDrld^i^^j^tBodJiok Kol|btworo (o hare lau|bl near UoUI> obwtrllag dn'y prou, If In ibe mualcil worldrucU &tm* public. Uean*. upou ihocloso of iho var, It woo die marry too ronale defeodast, Ura. llowland,- than Mlaa the all roiJIo^ ' olrndf r; 1 roa g» Into my ohop and worb nut a better ebarodcr nivru, Ala, but weiu ai reatcU oud )j|aiod uadvr liouda to koup crl'Io* aa Stnrr WHHo, M^uxy C. WolfKo C C. Ititooo* |tuscd uf X*> tiul. Ualuloc, wbo, daring his iitarilal career, od Huiltb, who ilao llrod In Iho county ot Louth., Altar eomo EOtcnl In all mootba tnon I eouid lo a couributiM la a yoor." tND pcaor, HepL il. Seymiur. C. D Duceliardt ao.il ^oTtfBber tuc^eu could bo raloitalntd by Ibniii ovcronibli 1 wi tndlvldunla Ucaira. Hubert D. ltu.«orrll aad John IL ^Valuer as edIluiUI aod Dioie lemtillng. Jn monner, mobo of niy rn> IIODSoif, loilor giro tuoch letloreibalpaufd war* of thsooet atfeolionale iihancur, Doffalo, N. y.—Ynur ui pleanoro. He.SouBhtoi^ Dm, boalan Uakoowo, oear Akron, U., puree, tr, jtiymcnu; and, tbuugb I do not C3il mycorco awij, Ijiack who havnTpnlurnl upon pitrdvarl J'Hiratlfl vhea but a tot; u^lcIalr^ tho Cttit€n wu gndutlly ofsuiniog a lading |ki»1* 'Ibot'o tbo talk ctiinoa ooj. Tlejio glvoua youraddrru. aud prvphailod tbo baiiphiera tbo parUot aould enjoy wkeo * thecooiuiunit/ tuB culilnledatailo ilscbloi tbcm tn 00 >lit)c cuinpa*oai I can, imu nrry Ihrin oecoii. tho plainliif IM" n-Tilonof lor^o lion in Juurnalltin wht-n ihii auddcn Ocmiau ul dhor, ai wowUh towrlio t/i «ou. h'cUla, VVm., tiled Tor Ibe munlcr of Tim UoeoaD, Pbllodelphia, and thouu>ai;enioot«aarailllod. InAugnil, IMf, Teotcn^ly aol .ao forTn>iolf ond nerer letthtinaanoyuihtrn.*! beaoUfht wbo Imd unioriuuaitly fur Ita penuaocnt nvllaro utado IlllSk 0. U.,Mo^Yorti.— Hlo root namo la Andrew II. Ucicer. uonuUioJ, Dec. 0. n< lid off nU fano In Columbhi lo conie homo to get ujBrrlod. upon a obario of olioollo; l'alrlok|Kolly, l.M iiue Ihotaquirl-tlymaROxlaooftbo nnoaTlt,lbo 0»* too much of lU 0|iOCtalty, aiivtied IIa urogiPSilvo oarocr. BcoTOU I'PAUirvriiT.—A Soitch mluifier wrnt lain hli pulpit h'Oblr, VAn, ornmod Wh-n ho reached Canada a toiler awaited hlni fTuu Hloi Ailalned l)cc. 1. that Iho iiApViton ^rf JonmaL al one nnie b baodioniD circu* ooec, lo iho i>Mcn ilinr, in a minirwlmi luudd'cd Biarc, aud, Hnillh, alatlug that ahe coulil cot mlly lore Liu, IXnny, obol by Tom *loy, Ohleain, 111., hutfiiecftnda'jrnppcDd-gj O'Oriou, D Uce. 33, 1 W. Ibat Iho rigannirat UtMQ, bill thrn tliot publkaM .n wti Ironlnit ovor tbo meceuioi*i ddk (Mow Ibn pu)|.||),oot•l:— Camo No. 38.-.V0I. XVI, aiipp,«od uOuclitn vet a uiUlit^aaa Did ilonsLS.— live fall l^ondcd Ditrbnm riers were abugh* — kuui, UmiIo iMuui), tlu IrfiUta, lio., Aioy. vblob Iho cbacco nr alieraanla oirrlcd Ur. n Kl'omo nfUit «llo nbaliou. Id giilnli>)( out tho 260ih I'Mliii," 'TJioro I eaul ro Hiitiiy,'* ie> *'UIRb i.m blDf." oatno pluo*', niuat bo bnkiD on. Bbe ahoHly to to od 00 tbo SOih uU., ivr a Fulton Kuriut butcbvr. Ino U•l•v•o — itiul opiu, A iv. 'H, iiifauor pruiondcraied ovrr anv Inier'Kt fell In Iho and earai,>e. '-Tbeniiugio Ubcu-, £ttU(ut, Itowhnd, rolohilbopbiiniur, aliliog thilhe ladlona a valuable dimvniloDo muni'uia uero rxtionrdliiirr; plledtlio proeont'ir, wlicu Iscod Bbek. While. Buck. Vhlie. Uai.ai>«l llio ifTi clluua of UiO youlM Tho Diofaihin ul iliQiii flio iroi ocruM tbo inaoy oi Ibcro be I" Greer. rarker. wore ilvu)u-iii oUeadt. meASuiliig uuh, IwtJuoii McAidlr, near Helena, M.T., end Ibo lo cmbAlllidie4 Rii'l raiili>le vltli InUretilng nuiUor. When V,t. l..lltol] il lo It) 12.. dlo in I( lo III Oroto, $1,003 and^lo iwceii Ibo inriiea (.oic riau lo Iho jury, liiJu>T. baca, 23 reel In gtiili eud «> IslJug d,OlH) i»L>iitti»; uoo wai f-ur TnD ViROi.HB'* ii«i r:/.—Tho|>»irnrrniineeor"Laakfo"in moiia/, Ur., Ih. M-pi. d. ChoiinCi'vL Derby, tlionclunry itrtheCoaiiiopolltoD ArNiicInlliiD, 1.. i tJ 17 13.. II He) u a IlioiilaUiillbytbo biiiy'a iccrtalou from her tDgo«cuieiil \carauld, abili rcil, In girth vrr O'lilOroI) Irjupht (o a otnp by Ji«t.|Ht iiicaruiliitf on Iho baca luur ond 0 wciiern ihi:atr\', lololy, 1.. !l 1/ II.. 8 11 ai 0*l1a*.u'«i^ lAlwartI, aad Wiinmlil,ailer two pofipeoemcnta conlriittilotrOcinplojIng UiatlnfJUo'lgaoalhobnil^riiraronitA' VI cuiiiiiieiiloJ oo II waa alleicd tNatlbo plalnllli diepoacd 10 trot, ond pnuiil*; ttic too ulhcia nvru ihrju boriito llio curtain end Inlormlng ilro 4.. Id onotoouutoi magtaicilaiiiiuT.uieuu'iiiraru Utii,lj.)ii I'uiiU' »Hglilur opiMarlng It li : t nj) li t Curamhia only bcniuo In oipti'lud lo nenljDtimal i>f tkn aTlp,aiLa&b3pnpueccauoIn EogLiod BjlvauiB,titidOoi.lf, Ji)ruiujr.hrk, hinr Vurfc, ru|Ktiilyt;A>ii iilhii|iictli-uly ii.J.'u autllcDCO tnot bu wlic, who »ns lu li.uo i>Uyed noo oi the 0..I3 M li.. 7 II a ti I> 00113,460 irtMbda. tilK iiii^fvd Souiii^uwn ibcvi* kcivoisu "viigiD*, ' badatllut iDomrnlbonnnutoxpeufao' to budiblo on 7.. 4 wurW, Ir.t loni.i |»u:ico urruirtl luiii uirn HiiuiMivc>odlU< nt I'laiuilO—daiiisgca .L'.OOi" and undi>r*(BllntaU]d thn klllud M \k.. 1 0 B I ibai awrjgod, Orc^sN, It'Jpunuds each. Uul tho) \niio iluui boy. to ouiauiiui bjilvAoli, Ibry ftrracotii- uo«la^ lezialnlluu nf ihio SUlc. trliloh pio* a.. » M II ID.. 0 II 1 0 iDliyuiti iNuni; unilcruklDg. Tlio excelled iiuuiianeacU. by tvu \tiiiob webbed, dusj^'t, about 'JQO . tiiiiwd IU await irial iti itiue'aiijiiy term m uiu Km-x mj> le;lU.»ale ImUluliu -a, I. I M 31 »..ll II III II icriba* the nfleilWlUy of hn Udiom u TuiOLOCiOAL IXQWHT.— A Froncli Journal reporlB lliodlr* niiirifeiu OiT r^iiiiiniu JUamni to a Lorijia Lu&—Among Iho Ihutnrgaux, Ucu. itioni, lint aoa un vxblbMvii at U'Ur.il II. . II pcill* (Jouill l/Uuliiiviii H'co lotuotcO iirvll tiiti A ktieniUnl conopqullD^e^ lioi w U >ll 1I..U U 0 li andnf frco nrlgallerlu ai Iho ul Ihtiilf^ltal i!liKu»bli-n, wrlUcnbTvumoui aaniv utcuIi% tiuwon oud wuranM trii n-u day liieil eripatiriuajiiit ni,» I. . nini.ay aMilr, tiioTouog lady be* I'ark Udrdi-n liui «cck, ib OJ4 vcaia uM, wvi^ht ubuul 4,:)00 coTOivoi a book II. .17 1) I9IU \nille irlna. Riirctiua thu farelrcumicrlbedtboiniwoTOnoniurihe nionLi ot largo •Un ufioik iuch (jun lone no iheau:—'^Wbol ti* i|^aellln|lnlr!o>la. ouUarquoUL Iho UaWuuiii(.ci, lAaii ^tblt>, upiKflmvJ uU' I'liib ari'Duo .rliiml plr', aud llio '"gny lOiU.lt.i'* n orcrk jriiuuila, bll); rm t Ingdtlf, RuJiuurtwibrt'ft'J. Ua li tuven. ihorariymuniiti, W roo.'ni Ikomoile. U) uoiaioodneTO, l;.i: a that apn|.uhr oajDm- Wvruui.ipilti lur.oii ui ilioitilur, tl, the lluoAiti wiupi of lb3llr.:b.nfol Oobrloi?'* *'Dliri* oilirr uiy, but III .darn lu.ii b.ier'a iiOce. lle'mni her o'leo, «lih rcopeotioapproaitloDor dgbiho buihini, uuti MJ* labud lu Lt\lui(aiun Cuuun,K. Y. Ihoi'jajrtol tho bcr all Kitnipein captia>A afrwitd, to ennuiqutnui u. thu doaib ui hla wiiiunmii, Kcl v rdgjM-'l oJaoblmera. In vmhril i to Iiaiiuh?" **11ov much wloe li .il*. and earikd ili.'ni outui p-.lllencee. Their Inilaiocy 'nolmiuilbo tlu i*As bunghi Into uo« fi>ap when he • In by 'ho ladluui ibalcoun>y, nud |.n-?iutcd tu l/itkili (wliu wmtltit bnlln^liJAI wliuii ailcit.-O In i un* grow aceostoiiicil to tho inwoctbn nl wMrrfoor luorrlagQ lu Cjnat" "Are there any id* llii.wbueie. Inlii lure, and loaiing Ibelrpareoia Mi.uld out the InhabitanU ibunuw Vt.rt Sauttury atimu lour ycjrs ig»; iitop did thoy dilnk al Ihe ploicd iinuor b.iijiii lu ktTp uu imulnlli'a lu> Kdir Solution ol Position No. 72.-701 XVI. tjuMlia Hnd cxIUcdco nf frco gollrjIeiS and bclno tu>iii4j ciinri'iii, ibar^rnt In an etrgaut huiut'ncai inuarr, blob art UiroDgli ihc uanl i;ro»onlo«l gcia trltb barlluno vi tcnV" hbiio). huvriaber^; ie,tfJu.-Otuiuulaeo|4llio produdfciDolnafdtrolTlo trf en^rwlnj. nbuut Iho ciiuntry, , ormpod, Soiv \ orb, ot l ie clergiroen. At tlieaecBa* and liaa opined Ili.UOO tor uur>)l*abltrd sol* tho fur uiO', uMcr liiving glrm his renilraonioon tho "Can* I..11 10 17 J4 1"" n iii:it.i«i.T^ InlcmeUnDsl Art llnli D^ no Ilio 0.. 1 10 II M 11 21 boiidiioou alter bla un tst ni Ltyuolold, Vf^ 6. tiiintil iMiur alio i.tui Pen lolier bonre, only eilerien aupnrctaina of Iho Aneileon and dkn onJ Bailoio. >..'! and daya, .Ilvb now t iblbucd lur the bcnoUt ul ibo iiltulKin," 'be "Uoflrjolluciiluo" cnJ ouch llho tuples—"gtu- It 9i I}. II..21 *jj«.,iudirnjn 10.11*1 m public, aliMarf. It li ID andu'uuMwji cvnvi>od iw ujm, irlien ItorpaieniiulJeclHl Id local gnllory hna been oprn t«i the aiaoral MailuiialtbvicUor l..>t tt lUatbliaui Ibo youlbiul baiila- Woahlngton, 1). U., iinil will karuborofbr tluiuen,'* oml be put bli houd <>n the irgii>n qI hu heart, "lime BO 21 7..U 9) li InoJInod lowanJi* nn oilralroHoii U »«"»'' tr. dill .lie dlfteb.ee Ihriiiairlagc. Neturally, iCfrMuuia Ihorcfjro, allhongli naUirully rblladvlpbio, Ualiuuoio Lonrjl <..ll It lonhuhirbae^Dipliebea.'- thhlraoi-AtUnlioptocouf SUI1011.-A dliromU concipondoDl liicft yuuufl Jtc- Ltr.P— tofpeclloo. WboD In v^Htui lu u c*nworall.iD. tell. ibU .inrj , I'enn. lU:buu>ud. n t. oaiau. llvliovllle.ia.fbr on/nj-ni of Triuiiy Oheicb, aaa applied loio ace laicd, Ifnoteacdlcd, then, aBdnniuDililhen, puKogcron a aieevuiT irou, lUcbatd and IfifaomairiageOinlJook Bluk. Uaiin Itaibwilio. Felriiiy. . iHiblloatlm o nil III Han niDciKo. «iion ui. w,ii "AuunpAr.lloled rnil.i*-V.-|ft />LtvU(/. mile. Bbek. •7hlla. he cinceiltd. hut wlihnut anil. Iho oleriiymanul. allf populoilun enmpcloal to luataln ni.u ul travel on that lluo I luifti 'oa, z^ that obbrah B«ippow our l..l}|ol« l oUy.arrlrcd, ^bty liniiieDM. »o •era bailly Time was nhno ibrio twj |iaru two ocloro QUed, nil 4 9..IJIOI4 I. to It noordim, ani.Ddihalao ombollbbcd with nich crunoed, end Micie mi ruuio lur ^ » iwaoo whouiheliioi] legitally blamed foruDlilngapalrtif chUdrenlD dovotrd eielu»lre(r to arloutOcetf, and bn Uliod; i..U II Uaueli,»/lm-a;,buaiTaJdy dolij. cbelrl or l.blc., yoi lbi one lo kilUtho uihtr tu » II I 4..II II, ei aa wrtuld in jNtpulailu a schnol of deflgn to «u »eio buuud lo ban uiir gouie or iiiaiiiiiiuuy, vlitKiut ui:inirciilng aoy donhii tu hcalianci oboak engmtlDH lead iiut nuw OLO rH»hsi 'nrward. noihlne loUt, iip, Krw \ orb, (»otobor •uld ale Jge. A llipiut mInlMcr, n.u \^L^"^'ni'Am"!v^c!''mni Iboio'.. ij'j.,: wbloh mtr people are, at tbo irteaout moroonl, cemporallvo with a liui lur guM, bad de- Anil brJIIlaoily ooofcd«-lu niuiderlDj both. h.U.,pur.e, ror.ed bia llook, end aceu|Jed a SJS!ki,"Krbiir^;j^^^^^^^ iliBugera ... Blec|.lug p'ece i.n tuo cabin Giii, TntD or Anoli T, Qiall,' , ^ Position A Dpi.— tSnan'ol'iia, (lour, Ho le. a Urge, cor|nllut \ reporter reai aluiat diad. Agaln-.ibe aM eMidunnaod net upoa Ibe lu'i r iiin ul ibu |«rMu'a aloueou ulthgioit B Ji'itd'w wjiMlni In tin holtlft wlib Kally, oud. tn do oull both time and noney to varliiua endeavonn .to d& ro^lbly for at ihy pUeed lu a cell alUi anotbtr wi>mn. A pliiUi old grntlowaa WniTiIonnWooieO Do— Amolb, ^hee-ye^ ^"«ltf]ilrtriwiVi3.liudivriri.iM>d^^ p|eraagahritk'broemil Unuitnml into a thouMnd friit- ""^ iu»uuuy wlicd by £nll Bwlagmonn, whan ha (uuod .nhloliad op .liii ru'iio .urprbe, bet iii I'd lUbed la anj cnooiritaDd aasurollyi loBoUfbr taperioir to tho Iked icebg tho Mate Uiu com, Uh) Trooy, r*^. lied hrr gari.ra' tighllr aniUttd Ul Hieoio—I'd uhrr tho otara one by ouo oi ihey turn le fnin bafltmL aad aix black la af jeofB qufilly ei;bluicil:—'Uu klib yuiiruaiw, biiyi; butli )i'U g ®B©B©a*l aear ^Vauport, Ky.. puree, jpyenaoim'iAfopairn t IfiDdoOirmaBatedaboatetevoa triinicra' |>cir- Tun»{!"Starii\''b'*'i'lon'y I'arkcr, tba lace wllh eiiaBkuIallon,.' ibborily alier thai, ailhoogh regkino el < tjorul luoO', ood p*u Uioiii In iny troni pubiublDg bou«o tn olty, tba aia going to pounl uoio lhatuiuner )uu had buucr lot uie oloeo a tbh undat kbo llUo o* uilouioi ol dai that trav- r*rt S© cl-44lr wataied, iha aiagagta id. gather Uootiogi'ir, uiL I'd pitk .bo tun- tliu pujof, lb. nm.. draw, Au/. U. ^nrncon Qiorf«rfy Rt'm 1^ ft^nna^nry, «bleh,.altbnogh turn or.r,'" ftrrk'jM'ti^'^ jJ^Tuurpby, twlnlof II arouoilhet V eldDOarolioi heaven Iniueh in JculoiiiltDdvr—I'd icar Mm .aaik pvUcd aiih both liaad. uu il the edited br lliecilebraled naMie Jorbpnideat, Dr. Albeit 0 In fuuniilu I HI oDIetia loond'livodl'aad'ifoiiped ber. Uerhaodi arwlbea fioBthoikijaBdnteaohl ob^lltbt elTihivDco ibe «u».,iiiu', Drt 3. aiW, Ct , Ib. Hockey, 01 Obal1etV)D, & U,waa, jo reilHf, ihornterpnao ofUr. BATsa —nhilo ak.ling, on tbo Itlh all., on ao Iniaed ,iBd ihalrngiMilhlakniiiidiitioigtdonroo ber lietind Cou> It I TKini ut iiiyoiornailuTO lor tboa" '*Uju*t, Uoury. woold bo log iTard. Jk iu. ontrjd, .^ow Yur^, JuOu l\ giantl Bobcrt Mcojr* one of ibA i41eeraor ilib Sltlo. Iip mala Eeau'al'oiid, Kibaboib, N. J., a Ul-a K Hay and tir. Uu.r Tety daik." attompled, to, lolluoat* henoif. Sbo lelied Bgaln, aad aoa vaa'Atbart Flhe, ISe bead of tbe Hcoltbh Hllo ol tho . eoalrlbutor went ihiuogli Ibu in. tlli>Ua)'abioibor and a Ur. Ufi,a', heu iiUced M lut.'ehe cuuld mii n ike pooiher eUHup'. ' 8ho joU| Sooth, aroBi erudltteoi fuiioln»d by poaoculnn nl nno u' Ibc whn»eiaueilugoloerd,e«ned haraalib* di»* handarltioxV^' awot Talu^ble llbrarlee In the Uoited ikilce. nDfonunoieiy iu >hrlr aultunie, but ho too went id. a buy onyoorouleiubOtUt, tloolare tfali lo n>a your watTB, riiiTta dlda'maatlejler. . ..-i Uo Uahle hdI arreau)4 UluB bla biiiilMuyu Mineuderiui hie ban, and ud* liaelf 0 ilea of •1 KCkwii nut , i during iho loft dvllwir, tvloeed tn a* a^ llluer akaicd lu a lonce, and prvourcd a |,i,ie, «u ihHoold reply, IXieiltrcaimbloyuurlHHt'' a !•! , .. ., Ulal, . — Denied FOrdlnaod Diaek(0moff«ud«ia. oMroaod via. >alein, louwuit Uuc. I& BMoed D1m'< to prwoed at Uwa., ^ i. i ,r. r ..Jirain tl)eil3it«ile4of An bpiliy aaklndrod tollumaaonlc our. oiber witllbgt" *'Yer, 1 ihloii "1)4 yoa aweirihot It (jeBUBOD with wbub Uiu Uiy wta "Uba't" I'be paitm U dun'i." ffard, lllll, arilred, ^ow Yulk, topL ill „i A,Wuaiii.r»»Tc.—"May I liiraa aeri^. lB'KlTtl#tl' la- But iheao leaniei) and rlaburalo Toietrcbrs, In Ilea of waitr waa eery dtep at tha Uuit, diii'i rtoevbla joor boadwrlllLat" Will, 1 da, eldhri'i." ,l.llllirUalilornU,liei.-.' •clenea. emnibl'd lu Oiy leo'i. Tbe .,„_._ qolRd'ilRitiee'abhi'lcolilBguiiniiiacIerfcak IL« cMia al • vltboul evoking tbo cnlruilun *'yuu tibu yirtiroiil wiltiD|{'toor nut rou-niho or Kutilu|bjmi anlredi Kow Tarkr Da4ay, "Ceiiaia;, Mr," waa iKc >e^l/; "ib«,,aMia hoaa* ibey dW.a oubjoci un. •Sroiwa wio M*Hi.-"W»ll, itoed a milala the eiy ul the aaekoo hu htMiM tilt DToiandiiyandBroWHfJrtiU noiiiai Avo UuiBBBU.>-u«uinlaBd UMerbeerircoUy?4>- lo dcwnded, elwdi Cpoioo I—To Ir wldyoaitdl ell db bleawd dajT" "What b i»lU)jou,y.iu. WbrB, I tSa n beilog aheaen at dbco vr^ld probably be oraa all tWi bhi he Mated Mekia aad a > »- ;teeHiede«cbulbtr, Ltito Uoue lb UjDorer. Taoyiiuntfujipieoilcoavoiora«atlybiaiigbt Ibowb aivt to **»p8SH jlML "J'°^'^ )ob dat I hab btblng UIuioumL A liUDduBoaaibcdllui- end wainnt wtoJa mono bloi poi, but la be b« eooM h^^bhtoii to jjjtf ,tl)(^ l la tell IMa eoniBBded i ihli oh»mp^^jla ai.y nigger; a>H I wu Appojla uy i»u I'ruaiuu gaBdanwi, auu l«->>< by her oide| aben beiunibeUourtel liiDg dl.pUlu okl' meua, wbli eould dat .Itnliy. tu )oul" baodo tall brbia and feaii biniioir roraplurtd artleb1)(aM oobttttited to tha Qu*iWerfjf by >-YtfrtblM^beadii.lrai Muiplalned ul belag luaoited uy lb. nuia m queatlun. Alter a Koually erbllt* ahai uilihl)Ou babboof 'apuiini yiiar'dcuir mlJe,' and »Ofoer»flU>U,' lhra,loeh«irtbBiolrono.hQbecBo:-"I hope «• oooBiboM "'dpullDg ttldiiiuuniuul Viay ' Ibe.mnol wrnid antlquanei uf ilili ii|iliBjMI'ad«inihBmtiUor ii aeiltaol roeal oi|«on.» •Tbat hafoa llit^aaa** Iba waatbar goTB no aboulT" "Waal,el, l MU n.ioiUil| obtii il«fHiiMr odd leonoolgel pBttenBc latp, but moai paiuoa blob twelve u'olMk, and uy. to aa-'dem, die b tiat rata gnuad polo, wbtf headBd noi ibo blul or agbl/ aO lafetiw Utbuiil, ood.itt tlla l«o Joiadonlf by «a 'ifaiad abaai It «*Wbr,hial«ata«lUbafe aBotilbirfMBr«Btat« belhutMhl her, itpUed* "U/deir, I'd «i^a|rMabJo moUer for tW grn* (or atuiah.' 'Sv It U nuaa,' njt i, and a«eoiadttilbeily a gradoal ibUi^aMgh^toaBtUartfaiaf than Uaeainaf** ' '.^i'" laMeMipM^ tflaiBooa f«tblfhAHBdAV«ht«.*' mTi MgikMSiftiMaMmm of editor eempilloiblia til « Uw ' I;'. '.'li, 11 -u/si i .iV'^ l I 1 , —, ' . 1 — — . ba

    THE nSTEW YORK OLIPFEK. January 2, 18G9.

    rDniDnniuTniTaioiuwan ooi aach iBfaror doilog 2|lh A portioB n(lh*(>«atlloi«oldaabaf Ball Uko Cits dl6 ITlk, la ableb Iboj tbatirlrpoilloa ortho pattoMk, oad aodoralo hotmo wrto bold a prln'o mHUo( oa Deo. noolrod to Iho lal^ Wllk tba ailnat oT Cbnilaiao, hoaarar, a ehtsn abalAla lioa rbl'lng Ih* Ikoaln, a aott of laliibboa roi Iho Bli •0°'** IntUBolalbovobnoTUwot tbo lonawiiloo or IboSnlKi- caaaoortbo ieeao, aidlbohoorta of miaagan wen mda ndor prcklbluag Ik* Vonnoai froo liadisg alUi th* "y*;;;- nnt«iioi7, ii brtu'i- tbroagh Il u bn»irt<.oror "BiMk cwk" u4 k •^•.ri5Ki.^^bt*bo.yli^iji'i or oiUortJ^^ >t Hki;.Opon glad the onadod aadloaooa which laonhlad it oton HlraUb*." crolnor „T<>n»-WW' known la writ la a sanadliiB ol wOTk ofwtofo wl la i« llloalutMl oirIo to Ibo ooiMUratdoflof Iho oirlfptri of tboHot pUcooBlhat aroBiar, BotwIlkaUBdiat tba aoiaraenid which W, 8. FuBBIir, wall Iho ol r' rT^.. I. ,1. .».fni •nl tlouMti.;!i? nutmHwIlbwllk lo npraoraud piMrllof cm ibo luoroi u4 ror ptanllid iUnl al tho Aotd- drptited Ihullioal 8 o'tlnek oa Ihn mora- Ibo trap, Amirico 5jSr«J b" wiihdi»w.i r««» lb. rooU.hu mb. tAoo. Mn. Seott BIddoaa dimo hor lalantindirpuie, 'lunoaUloiti, tfond la Ibo ptnouoadtmplojBooUoio i ulon Mlk. Iroo. of Hallo, OhiaieKi Ere, bat Iba aiuad- Doe. it Iko iwldrnoo of bli bmhir, In DpnhljB. TblV4?" ltJ«* 10 "Uo Bonid." no bj OBJ PhlUdelpbIa, oa lag or SM, oofoapUo. uotfTdrtpilw oamna4 Ikb lo coarittloo.- 0»J^4ih"UPoilehol."wlllbopi»d« Uki MM wt oToolaf al Dw. M, taron ibo Tkuln lookplioooolbo JoH Dramatlo. aeofUlB laoniBg. ab idnnboBoat wu laioriod la Ika BInotThiaIn, CiadaaaU. Ha wuuaocbiid m Biaaiaaoat doofO«oroop«ao4rof IhooToalBi porroiBoaoo. Tbo gu dall/ paper* u;1b( Ikat Cllj bod won waafd, atiu dolbi* wilhHr. CdwiaDaaa, ibo falhorof Jalb Diaa, loriomal On 0* Hem it Ibo aoao of a ao* plaoo ofpobllo tla«*f*ti«l toMoBliaal.at Iho loalkwort oojatr k«4lBUio ratoMtbo aamad. AppUoaaia woi* laqiiaital l« oall al aald aana atoi* pofUoaafUibBlau. Hlibiioagigiooat (ual lho8>. Pial taoUUtoio oa Iko atooolk woto Inat- Oaik P»Ur aiM*l,*kldi to UE.'Mleif • l£ol«Kb. no orCi»i«»o4 OB Iho tiB* Bomlag la that admlaod for iho aila ot "'pan Hota*, Hiaaaaoia. la aliwh of panlrab toapaUat' kom la wMlk, tko wooura oaUaaet. U II daolaaid to »o4 tho foo wM allond U taujo oa4 1 It loot b aaoU rof Hi*. llMbiis; »b«b» >ti»dlow »»wU diiuir o»o««4 a haf. 8l44aBii' itpiaHBtabaBa Than hrbg Ihoa- lai lo nlara hoBO, when h to loot n mDMt'i f^«^ Choataat otnM, tk* ha* oiUadug dawala Bog,, to UIO, ud had bna eaaaoeUd with th* Aatilaaa ax A knn BOBbor or BoaBOB obooiahoot Iba lodlloriBB of A, ailadpjlBila«lp>l rnaUrroaU oro fi«o4 with obtooM .ooklar, t£^i. ulioBo4lUlioaot a tko xmtwo — —,r j . • NIalhilnol. Paaan* bj A. I*. Bolu«IUBi|ttUr.tklllbaV«w4taMr. PmocL ooi- tookilforanatod Ikat iBk laaiB- alag* for Biugjaan^biTlaf amrod bania lOT, ud fat oo a poalo, ibouM Iboi* ho oetaaloa *0lBB0i,pni»i»,e*i«4 ttp^ BoaMo4 how, hortooaUl jobo OnAar, "Riof ap iko csiult I" m4 IoI ibUI lUa nif uTibooifo to Diotoat klap wu paithaHag aoaU rat Hra. SlSdoai' oogti«iMa«, wk*a roni jawa tnronod Ih* HbabiippI Mnr o* t lit boat, wkoHiodlBiwt '*'' bolorTlh; elao. of tk. MoBBrtioor. eoT.to4 with ilala. ThotaliWr; ~" n« leor mor WM*'^dtental„,_„Si .dIiTb- , ."li,., A, •» aocaHag illt lor Iheoiaoli** gnlag dnaalio paafoniaDeu al tho prlodpil Uwai. 11 I I , I llkla» WkO'U bo BOit pmlDUl opoB lit lUV ' Lioa'f HDiTUia! praMBlMill Ikli onalai aad <•! wllk tooalToao oolaaiil aB4 plllan, taitot '^If'W'*^"*???"!!!* KnlTijiD UToMoa, ofdadollinpiralght Whas tk* aoU wu dbaororad, ikrtau eompaaj ooadalod of tko Ohapmu Vuill;. ' Oo Ikb 0oallag Vbtt Ibo OTwii tbu tt* to ouik lu I "aoDUilo<) wMib, MBiaitolar, wllk loiMhontk ibofliaqiiooa tcoiro opniBti otolfhlora foot la losd aad daop won mido agilBit tho oaikor UBplooflb*ditna,towut %Mo.Tof0 do „pMU u4 Mna aad kid ko boaa uaght al tko tiao, bnhoa on* axoepiloa)* wana bor*.e Tbo (DOd 004 lU lk*t ID It will kHO Oa lUoal bolag Iho hoaoa mtahl bm , bbpaifonoaaoeaoB aiUaao will b* llroB oa Now Yoor-o 4or. ^,7^, g,. .inotriko caiS* obo od aoch Toiali. prepilolor Wd. itnaUMI, TUTUOIOUL t<«™»« wollwkolDjog* u thMU. A hooB Iho Tbo ol tko iton foaad It iiiiiiini tootoa boat a* caaolocaa* lo luwv,*f,totooUj, uaudippurttalappoaioo ai panvnBmtoa'aa Cbaai-waaas. a, Mala Koll; Ukoi a boaolL tmH ooUiBC«i lo Ibo bulMlDga Ibo othor l«a opoa; ma. Huka, But iimo iu«ir>u uuinr, o'oo — •» »"'i*?*iSf ikr«t«la( ol Job. north tai to eoBO oat la a eaid a dij or two after, dladilnlai lU eooi- her ainol Tkuln, wb«* B* ttailaod MraalaoiaoBa, aad wlik omnp nups iirHatoBttlboThMtn Conlaoo. aad It u tkni|bt 24 foot la holTbl, oio Ulo4 wllh lUbt oioibodIiI Tbn' Dm pUf-tuooo aur WoM „^ plloilj la tbi hoai. It woold haro bota hotlor for hla aid bb tou rtoltod CiUfornb, urlrlag than In 18IL Ha xaaanead roio. ibaoi ban R. WOUMUM, For Iko denlopmvQt or dniuUo 'or opoolBg br Jia. le. Tbo diacaltj | «a2i Inaint aa4 dIUoplUo iIom.gloM. The aonh aad iobUiooolE aalnacMealnacM ihalt «ni MRVIr out bunawa hid bo dlaarowod It whoa Iho idronlMaant for bob la 8a«*BKDIo, aad weal Ikonoa lo Bu Pnaeluo, when ha harlog boaa ill laillod, work wia auaaaacod °a orehail door optBlogt, two onoBlBf aetaa fool oicb, Mo'uikr, ik!!luoi*aco Bnlappaand. Tbo croollj kad a ooolran olbot totkatla- baud toa Jonaj bad Tkottn, aad afiarwarda 3os Fnndua nut ' hall t^eoiy-roar tbo »•'' l5«.lB!Mdool)*t»lb»ociWdhigwiopotaplori«|«l>l*« Mil obo Iwalto feat loto a walclmlor loodod, for II loJond tho aclnai, ibo allerawd*op*«od Ih* ElwIoBMIk, wbo bu I1IU4. Diobtbli, kj 000 ol llB iioio kmar, lad Ibo Ball—ao* Hagoln'o Open Uoow. Bo bm Urr fortooiwoikoiea wen po root IB dumoior, wilh Coriolhua catonai, pIDin, cor. I. il. Dnv, no**," £^iSDi°*(>o'tbo«iha ogtatblmieir. Ui*. SMdooi' ipptamiito |i ollia ker laror, Amoricaa Tbwln, ud wu luw* of to* Uatnpollita •baa II Ibil ir "ill iko woJiio 0 eoBDiotlOB poi' pocltcl DuGuulls. "J?',"Sr'W poab rorwai4 lu lariat ol Blea oa4 domo, ealllog fiontlod, kla weak,Mk maark Ur. not rorj tng'dlan. Lut iprlog Ur - I oBeoa, ficlof Ibo wril tntnaco, Iho wcit ooiiapea hiT^go of aodieal & I'lM, r«oDrrUm&l. Which Jft or Ti'^ertS.aoiiBonrhoiniobkflflibooDilUBplodinjlhioit well ailcnded, no wiUialaadlog tho iddlUoaal ailrootloo ot Iho caacerau alToelloa aad > MolljOoot, "X^'uiSi.-l JI^lTuTolhUoMnlrroDMCilrBaito* aaal..*^ Tbo aitle "T dooi wi, W Into 16 appeiraoco of a ntind icloi lo lha role of Bhrlooh. Ur. R. adrlce, whrrohe diod, *• it* ed abora. Itau aoBO-lt woiDODO oo lu-loih ¥<«,;J?V.Upo bo woo_i aodo! » ,; I.r.r.oBentlohopiwwalodolihlTammloywIIIboiliiilliri'' wiia *» wiw.i.ion wiao "od a-ohUdaoloioDiiaooi ido«•'•'»"•"'*'u Iho geDilamiB olladed lo, aad bla frioodi heoo plajiog to Ha lul ondar : FooUlao l« preaaat Uaooii UrTOiaLL, who now diKlooo4u«lo(o : Bol borbtr «t»«;m or bor oaiorioioBCDiivISl«UBB«llohrpfiSala4«lihaTamBl»y-lllboilmn'v|>iY^__^_ hu BOW oiih t .k.i. ..mr I feat lawNibwHlh bctwooB Ilk iho nl o'alr bor Alhuntra. L-ndM.. ,01 -hilo Ihoa. Mnie puugoTpooaogo ' f"' •» bcl.ooB Ihoa, lo coodmicoodoci anpUodod hid iiahl menllr, wbelherth* polDliw>i*||ood, the maBigomaai ol Lowell and Slmmnnda, ippain at lha ... ^ Bor her moolb or aUr—.. — f..ii»^ Sll n!l!o" l*d alSf .. ,'"^>ik.. oooooo kwih oolnoeM. the laodlog or ||„,k„tt.I Motloe. 1,1 '^^^^..TmMiVatliMMd IB LoodiD OD th« olB(* olll bo aorlb lad Oa Bnl bid or Uliliaertnt. Iba bow Cbri>lniB< pleco. ostllliil Ih* Aeadony or Uaalo, Braohlpa, Doc 3*to, aaJarttao luao a«*\j a.j Itbooo'd a ancloaa ball Miool wido on0D41I9leet 'f^^J^^X'&l,^^^<'»«'*^ X^Bri«lhr.i°llVrlom .lll U " Onaje lllrl," «• preanlad lor tho trat ilmo on Cbrtomio BonagemeBL Jn^L\r« ; uBiBir"^'"'""'*^'""'***'"* " " lo leaglh. Iboljbbjr ol thio p»i»ei, tolS faotrnJo,.^graHoallynar.|™i hi.I rrnUo i "JTiiihle., , , . Ibo iiareiad ollocwd, Anriois on op k> Do* 3td, uodaitwhbh boooiaonoDptorlBUotwoa'olBaa. ''v.*?.™^ViAih.i-.JiiSi;2'o,^^^^ ffftot Tk»i»,Tk?,; IbolboTiUb«.hm»SlMUbll>bm»nt bolag well placed on udcontalDlog, Oim Miw OaixMa ,i , i luwardi lboiia|f, oa Iho aorthildoo of thciudltoriuo, U\ jISiZlooHirlo dHohlng donog Iko rowing Uio olemoBio lo ploaao, It b aot lurprtilog lb it cnmapond*Dl, "Nat Oraiby." ai;«:-"rhe Aendamr •ben oil tUwoo alt eraoklog aad P*!;""'- obo, iLo Jlo oar a Iho widlb of all 'ft at luriheit ood. Tba grand fojer l> 79 ket *' honaaa, «ito Jaa. Hoco, Iho ondlloHua will bo Olle.1 np pmlaal; llki OriDgo GM" nado buoj fmada, and net wHh moeh fkror, to a'lll ruoBiag 'Uadlu' to good Un. W oaco!^ oldo foal hi pllao- pennltlod. loD|, M 'eel an4 U high; dMonud h> bnad forihrr Tba Stooolenfl ll no* aoBrala*. ProfeMlonfor 186a iB«iropoil eBobini or dilaHogolli bo »» I II Olll ko ropeiled aotU notin Chiiaiau Ualo* In Ih* loidlig port L-iko tWI Iho • ao Doing* In th« Uj oho Ibtir IhMirt.oad IcM, Wllh ranthcd ptooli projoo'tag fraa koih aldio, loppuil- Oeiih'* eaoiMoi bow ih<) ittoao b«»n raido bj Jlcoin. Palner laH holidiTi made Poi'o AmerlUD Variailia a |i*ai coDir* of ai. eeal, will, daobl, dollabt the palnaa af tho ibaro ptoo* currai. ol Ulllblf(l««B, Btut ho nnoBi oadoitahlog boo ud u ta« »iw xoii oBUbUturi, hoiidn for " airaoiiM m loto which ilMj ni«r Ooidoo, biro awai«l a l»BO log-CBilchjd br,k« belag aaod iwoo,. aadCaJ^ lo at dtotut do;. Malitoa EraiB ooattaoe* on* (oinm ikoia ara aaoiI plUtlUpiutiu i"~ ,-r~.r.—,;' oT NlbWo wko ^^'S, ^^Xiorp WtlSfH of ano*em*ot aa aloai, ror r Iuu,ba II '.kilrt Jimli Biataon Iko 4taUio lh»t fctTO «eaiin4 r ^k.* not at of ?",•«'' Klllo'r.^ llkaila dohike, CarrlbeUI rtl to louo4 a Urt oI aU B."B.II bolldlono»i"-»K for •1 1«- ji r«o" a toiU- - «i'«l''K •,S;'';;'':*f?'.5l?7'i2r1 Iho piBi«ol«o of " jKk tho Olaat mwoad tow anjorenjoj lb*Ibo of Ihoiluutlou al toa Aeideo;, Mm olT..ma.«»or T.maaoT I aolraa pataoat etrelo ''^Vl*^Itot loog,""JJe» Dor- lo lillog It op lor Iho aad raailul lobbf I. «0 pioporod b;bjHr.Mi Fol_ lad bbgoBlal Boriha, Uanaib Birch (wbo baa nconllj ncareiad irooi a **- B»taiiolt«*»»if»»oo ha» eoBOtooor kBoalo4it. ?»voS oa/haroeiMeBdll ortr tiO.tM Jfo .H^dlihe. 4u or.onialliwM* iDd M leethlgh. Iho aula uajmrldH •ihopilDg Wgrla. lad apeokiB' iBgof Hr. P. raalada oa lonlllBetl) At D* Bar** Iho WhIUnan BtUoi Troipo w* »«" iwnlj alao who woo la Hoo Ton oa Chii*laaa lJ?.^CfBSil WiS lhroiaopUon J," .'U Ibo jtoi IMT ft*™ '""'^ enlcoa ho wu pnaonlod nnntog 'WhIl* Fawn,' bul, conDaiT lo DTpn^loilonoof ta Ka'jAJiSiuo.jlJdB™^^ , . Ih* owojiook wUb It oao bn- TOUin-S BXreBIBKfla dooronbo p«i,uil brunaed to aoooara ihapfc Whea n- tbo j«u DOW rort obblBf TBB COOMIBT ThohollopotainsoaodbjibaOoirioilM • lib a haaoUfal dboioad bmat-pln, bj Uoaanr Foi, aa a lul wnk, U rai; Ilia hooao*. La>t Blihl 1314) Ikon wu a 4uUia.ui< SrinffibiXSM ibo the dir. 0 cooB;rT jooia, wllh oiag, ,Blnd forbilbaod uaoBbUao, whole pan,**!, lop'ber w«*k, al I toootbl too perfonn- Ho Bioo lo STi JoI. UrtoiMln pnpor, SilodVp ot tho o^ Chriiioiu olftitoi. For New Twi'a ihb eatibliah. atoenbloaimjofonpljbeaoho*, and anoo aainto cooM I* -Ilk ika alago, caa ba oonnd ora bj a Uoporaij loni door, In InluaoUlj 0B0elalo4 Al •"i JjJlrf «liomi eSl» aad lallerj aalrtblilj prime meal, a rick hiu of bn li pnuatod. ahloh all •ra look udo* llb*ttloi wito tooli pirU 'Ctodwalla' b nodo>- Ulo ui4 4«Ui on oo bo opontdtbooo iaplQ(07<0 or klo jnd. l>aa»«»;.P^,'',"2'',;S^ foral7g • BogalHuBt niooa ol rut dlaaoalooi, tbo ^Illkiamr. ABd old aod aonial bow fororiba will p*ittolpat*. lined foru aaclj pcodaclloo At ih* Tirio'leiThealia a 000 wkal ko ooiild ooa. tho Ur.BdO.*, To oggregatoleaVb iroa «ll to.all being IM f«iL Th»ra an albadaaca aath inodlj thopa'rouof tor>. 'iliSlSo5lS?o?oru«iV»«4« auigaaui** »1o«i wbltk ban kaowa Ikon kaawtlMaw °« cotkBtVi^io of klo paukuko, wkbk •aoBom wni thOBronl rortaof Ika kooaaan loUo..:- h«.a4 Ibo A z:. oiB- h* mrabhlo* eofe« a I* Turkt. caiMllbaof u ib,»»CoiBiqoo oaHoaday oroniag, Dat fiai. aod Hm Hiooia HnoniL ud J. W. ColUar war* al Haalc Hal, ikoal* UoooaMhoillVapon. Si. Afnlonofthbial**1 roim of thbiolo* iji, If ttoa It aoibl oa oartk wUoh Naw Baru, Ooaa., De«. 3llh ttih. nlgki afaonr. lUal ri^'oiui^'oSMMUd to Torktah atrb and wllh dlrut I ESI"'' f"P". *'*>Jt»^"i ""J'»'«^' oin'alrlr neohed. Mba Soun kia ilnidj nUbMihed Ur- ud Oa Ckcblau too koou wio p*rfc«t ^3«a«tMo.«klAihoBl4Bako Duafod Iko* tka ikk i*4 Ba aw a aina lor a poekoi kaok t^ZmaMb, itniti to anohtog aad cka-lba W>i 'Si,"S!i«^,'i'TVJS? irfaioShSTto Iho nUaalloo o. tk*Qoakercllto.B^udber a laa. *— nok op It klo 1001, and ko oiM Faaaa'a Oaiuno Taocra an to gin Hlaa lata Iloalor It !• Ikogtaio. It a «b«» aad kU*- MBOOl UfOlka, II wu blo-1*u fail or droiu .a eld "tAuoonin") a kaaoBI, oa Mow Tear'a algkl, al (neakaaka ptlo. tat dbMUob II* iOtloM. AodlokbBBon (sale Ball, Now Bam, Cobb. 4ls_nra(0 ^•^ .r?is?»f.ii..boni iSna^.d*™., (k..p.,*a-. is;k ikala, f:^^z'^^. I TBB BOROB TBuraa eaH»aT Aad ko pnnhaaod I tmialoi waak lad rSr.forj^'^iu'Si'^L-^ r*riK°4.tri£:^s.rLT.raSs VMii The Ooe*toBt8be«tTboo>nbetllld«rotad loboeu ptoj J. B. HaabaU at Naw dnletoar, Bana, Cobb., Job. ftlk. WMek na-wuruud open, or oQoulritn pcifoiBueoa rather, bol u Ihb b Iho BMy * ooppor nlraalMd, . ^0 •^HalAvlll mttl^ m^^m ^««0 preaulad al too Bollkrchilall wu tho for noponboiuoa.^^^^ Stan will aoen "Daam" bU*g st Ibo lifBgiSnBTicBonUon.gcBOialloB. la toa bueacatbuea'ea'; b an o,it«ojatei ."irj^r. iLi'w^SS' "J J. 0. Ujora, '..'V a.« Blagolwan too pitodpil atliuUuc Lopohuarolo|,inou akoll or enobed. Tbo kllcki>n b k'lo* otain idud ^llS 3.r.d?.to;nTto A'^^rH^DS.°^ft aadlilb. bts; half J!ikr%.l!'i:i!b« OBlaipoeragpkfilgii', ud ooBlca apaliaf Irgau I bar* ' iSiaVdooiiUndaB.WojJL' ipalaud upl ho upenenerd moo. nodingding room, <'>• ""•'^ "'.rtriara l>t jl; Ootct, Ilk; lai Bar. fom, Aadwkao,w1ih ander Iba dliMlloa of A ^S.^Ji'Sf ,. 3>« rniini, Jul ud N. a. Bockol, Wklworto, taf., fettdeep, •S.h!i»?"d2awta'?f iS arara«*o*n a «oBU. Aaaa Wilto, wbo appaan at Uadlaa, Boolk, Hit. aeUndikaiBlfhiunot, »hei»illlh*bidiorpapen of Iba woild can b* aeoa,mi'ai••<:„.oil - W ?„ r!'"'. H«io.,Ilk. Bboogojoawt-?iaB( b r«aU wutai eoanolooUf cat hilho wia i".Y„._i tko.h. lodiiorioBJ'ftb OBO.,.V£iroot IDS*!t??-?.8V foot. On . ' .., .*-..._»— rofe opludidl;, aad bor uaglB| to pbaalBg. Uaa Bail«,Holho,UB4oB.IUTl Tkmak a laeol. 11..... iluo Boor lowiid TB* Uiaia yaianioa'if—-,-dioBui ItoiBAn_. Tiovnt..... gar* tbre*ii..^ pb;i too Tkajaulokbaealacdroal. Pnaiwa tokca wall u Max. FnnkUoriloaii *a8ii Uokol, «peru la Heaphb. Tobd., at tho ihoati*. ebola* tbon od D*c Wlllbn Bunll Bibllitr, an uc*ptaki*. 'Dodloo' wM tolhoBonloiho nlad oraw, lb. hooao wUI doe. »l Iweira '•rto*«^..*^Jlt..Ub.J^ end fnllowed oa Dec Hat br tfadalaoo, who iBd u And whoa luSnulornumduato uTk.'Ki-;.-.. .r«,ii«K Aeadenij With oalko wo dan aot iwul, T» | |^ "EUiaUtb," Iho feaolo Hllllo ftraoar •ctotk. ud gTaikut look bis, booiMa ood kadeaa, leak Th«.«».m?»r«fl?l^Ll'!??.'!?.''.5L'?]t«^ ''a of iSSThttokaJgh, Pa., tho compu; appamd Ih* nut week, coaaeadag m Die let, Bl Tkor Idalflila Bontl, priai damn (dnt oppeiruca in 1 tn her tiapcie porfoiaucoa Dor oomopoadeal aa;a:—"Not luB^SolIt, Mow Tort, Utj a. AMkkkadklB lata iho ititoL Mnoriaa LafaToMa, Ind., dotoglko 'Fi<«ck Bpr,' •gairrnid' and 'Nib.' ABerieal:H«bortOn**,k«riione lanUppomoMinAmertc*); P"' „ ilbalaadldlBgioiawulhe ofxatog Bight or iko Banlon con- Oura Looi!i, Iceland to Fnrldenea, R L, oa Doc 3U, The;...^ appear at ToiTf^uiaBuia Dec I8tn18th udi tSik; Bniil,Mlli tbeo ko took lha aulj Bonloi Ma, Unallon at IDO Oircnbw Oton Uoaao, —Un Otidatuo dnw a_ llmal,}oka,Uia4o^Jolxt. aB>l Slal, aad Unaa Culle, Jaa. let aad 2d. nlaniug to !». Wllh a ooUoo, TOfoe aad diB, fair aBdloaee- I coold dvoH at lonelh oo Iko rmdlllea of thb Loodoo, Jodo iL ^lamnllo coapanj. toclailuig Jan. 9d, whan toa OAmpaar awill anpportJooopk Biooka bonoB, TUI Ibo eoaaUT, lod oot Iko BauofoU^ Tai Wtatt Sutsr* aod a plaj—00 poKnnnanco on the Hempbb atago orar noelred roon dtoaapoUl Iko plieoforbia. Lad'ow.l Jaffciaoa foi nlgbta, caaB.aatog Ju. «th, in 'Hip Tu WU.IB faun, noraalioeil pmbe. Tbo eoapaaj all did «eU; aad Iho Kiaex Bn Sa«. Jal; SHh,-lr&"iiii^s^^ Oalloaor, WBn •adMUr, , Wtohb'" TiUbi ahwl Ik* tnt appouueo of tho New Toir on Srocx COBrarr of tho Onem Hoan, RookMta, N. T.. iaraUntoaladau ol aaotkor liat ipioinaoe la a dlier- Thb Inaglaod hlauir lo ho a pbtod to* "Ticket of Lurs Man,** "Blieob of Na> York,** SB. A ooodr ladlndul, who ChlLno, T., NowToik, HtJ »( UaoT al "SiUor of Fnou," lad "HibIm Loier." tha beoiaal to hb ippUcadeu to ooo of ooi "Dream Bn," Mid., ll«)7,Aai0M. ban lraa«dlia. wu 5305; "£uBlet,'> pnBlalag ill nut vulc Oar ouiiaipoBdeal nra;—"lo to* '8ln*'o of Now B(..Sfpt «. w7a«nito^li klB loappoor la •bapaua, W., BriflioB, Talk' tba Ton Badgn of Hr. HoldraB wu eattllmt. Hr. S!u*!ra»£dhmau Ibr tfeoS—tteocculoajhoeand what Iho OoUtai, loan, UroipooL Jaa. Sawtelb pbjtd OldMB BInodgood 8n*lr; Htoa Clifton if Foh U. Suuiai wac'oi Ikat It wu lo •Uiafel," ror bb goalu «u . —'CoUor.J. W., LoD4oa. mdllforbar AHda Bloodinod: Nr. Bnatoudu lUl naaiaagor. Tho'riaa, Hlbt. romllao, ori Ruel, oi •>Auasu"watpndoeed aiUioPorkThMtra,Biooklia, on bg., Hot. (buirc Ton tn lo Clown ; William Bulholomew, u „j portenminlt, 0. A.Pirbhui>t Our cornap adeni CuTTi anrlol, Nottkaaptoa, U M Biora ibio Ibcb oaul annnntloB, crei; meaher biiog ilcieiT' > M.-k.i stock la 'Uunht,'" r'apendad lhauplnal, "Iken b Hario Rcmood, u Colnaiklne (bar Brat ap. Dec tut, wi:h Fun; Prmtlga u Aladdin, In which ah* U- iiSoTl«o.">aia:-"3taboUbello and Uaaoa, an d»«rbg of notbc I'll iho* ;oo wkin Uiiahil Siork comM Fenrab. Innno peifonnert; Ihe NobU PnncMC to DIekeu, ho*. Wb., DartiDnlos, Eului4, M Iko wiiarabe, ud danceii; Koar. and Vae. (Virraee u Unot, and It would bo well foi otoer# In tho cut make oo Hr Roral, HIn Pdinei, who bubeoa 111, appoand baooagwlih Toiu, Via. 11. Dooiihtlenlho ommglngodba doBoedlho Ticlonllb, Wlllbm, Milthow ud Aaloiao, Kmnlal^ Bbmomd Colbs had in oitn alRbt at tho Thutn b«lt«r. Hla HciDer,for laalaBoe.oBU oa in a aeea.^ Dor, Jimiti OtliMioa, la." bnlhen effoii to do looked and cheimlntlj. aad waa loadlj bilon Ika Biaagor. "I oiBBOt ted Ponch Judjebow Illkoundei Slit, when he look a boB«BL la iddliloa to obowf Ward; aha aug Htlra, ao, Nor. oalfofB lad ippoand tad ChibiUn Haita Tbo aod Uontml, on Dec | aod laloleo HadL Balkan; *IVb;, Dame Baibarj, to thai Da IbiobIol 8I(. a tiuorit. In lha ran* of Ihr -Irioh Uoo.* Ul. Waul u Tom In lha book," ull tbo ;ooah. "OlraoMlk* Bnorr. There will bo a puonmi tba eompanr then apjioaRd tho Hanall Biolliaii, the Leioax carded aod innoocod bei But Ih* ehinclor tbodlRcMon of Mini; aad | Ulai Ualraei waa eibnalrol; u aaiac lha Irim Porier Hoon. ud Ulu Wllloa u Hn Fl agig, plijed trltn,atooa(ulloKbMtn,eon. Pell*. "BabcatolbaWo.Nl," "Ktog Joha,"aBd "roPtftaU ana aado oo afaopt to atog Ibo loag 'Bluer Daer,' hot made . (a Cixcrwin toeitrieato wort coaddenhl; aon hrin «lll alfo I. C. Hiana "prna «lib kb dnmiUe oonpu; In then iho hto nfnlaed from nnging, which ll certilnl; FtaioB, Hun, 31a. Slcco brine eicredbgl; eoM,«u mul oiceltoal, ud Ibrirwn* Loa4oB, Muck 6ntoii Hr. 'Parkkonl, Hn. Hoaj and Hmn JiBoa, InniB. gnwu; I in ud Oota, * pew aet, nuMallra and Hbnio Monk u Ontoken. Tko aoeaaa (neiallibH* - "Btu"tlm Baud" b nn prapoilj uaed,aiaed, keuuiboaiaM than aad too TleionlU Bnlben afed «ali' of our pecrenaueM hen wt go la Babbo Ibialx it inHo<*d br du«hi*, JonjTa;!*!* tbo OiliklUt panbalarljac Hra T. W OiilJtiaia good duldoal o> plunnph oogatenoal with bangood—toatof naajBJ 'aln tolltoil CbilJtBU oabu a allenrical acrn* cf •'Btoto of Iho Xrm T*ir, " Ih* pacfbiauu I alghb; that willcoaaladi onr Ihiu uuiha' fbo opooia^b . . . ' - Loader b t* coamaoco her aoatituieal oo to* Ilk of Job ao, Bopt (kalUu. bat eoaoaloaaltj It Baku a>4ia tnnblac No* ^ " Spoagto<1" Baaaarbjkraw" ^ tooibeooapaaj.COL., iVoBUjtbnpbj u afMaaaaoo of ImBoatoa aiooarr, andid tootho cn.DogaaoBt.Dogaaont an woU npaA, far wkll* the OUhoiS du*B. u eloIu'wIlhtooataglagortooBHr ' . --«..m Wood'aTbum pmdaeod *ailMik Oooai' on I>oo. fl.at ud ns olt«B lad too but of be* to. - Ibcn *H WhaolbiDh, Uo coBediu; bo had pb^ed ...... d agio, bud. loltoDrnneBid* nan will bo «WB Ilobaria' InlnB«ih*doecBMh«ilon. tkt eaapaaj an all *n(ojing coiTipaBr ll Wall 'a ktro kooa pbriog to itarrlag Badiol JokB- -- - r^-r ...... ^ .«..._._ «_t„ i_. — llallthnnghlkowaattoTairi«4 audbaaaa. ko hid allghllj ladolgod to too rippUag ^••..fidrilalaaB«rtoeni7noBaot,wltotooClinaa- to wltnau lha 'Cnok' han bnu align CoBlol, Brtdptat. Ml 1 lab toll dij, ud HidoTahleaai, aauoaaBa of SooUud, Ihe Batba Orchea- W4 *ip*et lh#im , buloua, Iho udkoeea toa Ba4t kai Bnl appaaiaBU to tou toutn u Iile I'cjtoa, he R<«l. Hlle. Min, Ma* Tort. tA. IL IB)*, Oolag kona al u uaealj konr of too Bointog, too Toioopodohj Partor, aod (h« I »»d«u*r*JUiap*i»rnBlh*Bui*a" oBDiuallr leigc Had. Chiutoi* Zartoiowahl,. B*lt; Sbm, Irianiciao, oertonaueuoopajioniiunovo ^ j R .. .1 " a- —it-jj-i. • nppartad k; HtcaaTaj u Qriflik. The; ua eoaddanb'; aUki No* Tort, Job. t. aaaUato Bad toa ko;-kob, oo ko eoBaeauad 1« kug praaeBad* Wat orTaaWicuD.' J. H«lnw«roTer, tooiolbarot U^^ut Ball; RIgl ud Alli* ZaTblowakI in tk* prindp*! SaUldal, OaUoprti au Poad aod Jodr abow, hoaUnangiiiar enamt , TU kabg e*n«etud dtotodbied to cut. aad - - two toliieu>l;l«,k*to tioBal. ochool, boon for d*ao*a, an Oaarrrhlla4olphu, Mot. fl. at lha dooi liha a jind bib. At toil awmdowwu airwit Pandomtotoo popolatiOBOl BagF**, lar HarrlMa, Wb., Laadoa. Nur. 0, toaduuauof^ e^atrba and ejmoullc porfoiaincei, all of « bleb wen pre* b«eB rer; lair ken dac* b; fnnnj. Do Ten waa ta riccBiBt Tom Ltocatcr, oblco eu Banlakaig, Pc, AfiB 4 Tctpabkon, lilnetof too Hoaoa, will nar hartoitoa, wklik 'Dnleknu'i 0 Hoalu^ikoeiu, aentod iB iho ckanned aavdaat didc Tka puioalao ou buuda 'AaaMd***,' baidlj k* add of Wood 'a Oeoigo Ncrlllo At Uouii H*U Mor. il will una (Ilk giriindc Wbllonkngvonpoitlon . BairbiB, Hia, toadoa, harnluto* bcea gotten op cxpmal; foi too holl'U;a and in a ninner that D»ad Bbot"31»aaoi aad Cniker, — ,..„_„,,„ „ r toe Oefman tbulro illll coollaaet, wlto fair ladtoacoa. whiab todtaBtpolla, Oek 11 people ban beu laenutog la gatotj with eaen lacaaed. aing«.*nd eueca b; to* Hbau Eoma and chartuLorrdaruCbuncejaoaulitedhlmoelflaamoat had, Aibo, ur ahoold wanaot lie b^lov rwaaaou(oeu Th* ' Juibaa,«oc,Yoakon,OeLll _ bg wc^ka. It u fnll ofcoiolo Iricka aod aoai Indleioui ilioillrtn^ LiuraHinKT, ud loMho deaorringmuner. eonaldjnd. Ska opoaed bel eecofid week la 'Uedoo,* lollowad .1... tegudedu iodl|coooo to Paito, faall. delighted audloocec npiownUtiro la MBUBjaaBk A., No* York, Kai n horoto'oio ud ud oreij one to Ihe cut Irioa to ouldo Iho othor u caeolog Under too (iaflighl' to cioaded aad cbaiac'er or Hoar Fallon fonod aeomnobnt br 'Eliuheth' and 'Pehnrab.' Aa eitra prifnimuao waa lo ha Nor. t. Ihr geaeric Ulle. Ike drmi aendc Tko tona la I rcijr igmibl; EldiliMaiogih'aoog Jaaiboa, W. L, .Saw Yoik, lul; kaawB h; Thebeet incto- or a doan Bubmimea It op igiln OB tho 18to. wu - — um, Eidrid^c In tho levnd ul Mtoo " 8ondaj arentor, Dec 27:b. lb* diaiaa being Th* thoBoiiron. han , wu -o — r,- on J — I » -r — ...^^ .-•-r".'.r. ur Vi.-™-..;; hen aa ;et that all aoiia of wild enojce- w—A CllOord, c luin.loin. > thorauon Slrm JuMln. Jokn, Mew Yoik, Juao M. go utile aadtniood heeBtolrodocod,inihlB(IIJuiihakbdhaentolrodocod,inBhlB(ltJuiihakbd of in{n lOUiiilnnienllouiliilnnenl aumiiiodauipiiiod tolo leain toat Hi. C. 0. buontubuunna .j,„„|,,bollraaln toodell'nijpietlll;. MlnC bdlalor of Rtreona.' An Englbb tkntrieol irpiranUUoB It, jipoaeao Toaar, Tokohuu, Oot. loiu karo been boarded tegaidlng hot 11 ma; bo deBoed at 1< toeairical corapur now pla;ingplaiing hare, aad UiuUlu well,..... and _w..-,™cieal*d .a .....far''r»blj lmriJ;»oi''n. thailhalwlllwill pleue all I'ronron of tmnameni, fmnfiroi Ihe child JutJul ancrami of lhaIhe , „ otpi,ucKiorinaoFallon acbd woold not hi* tolenlcd on toe Sabbaib, bui llaiBUj b a poUlV lUltoion, Dec H. app1;tog to that portion of a comaultj which, 71.1 hoi; bond; of wedlock oo the Falloa, ud Mr.Ur. Uaieclloa aaai Urade. BOlT, nadoo u coBBeneugtolalh tobowhotolul appiouhlag l.i Ihethe Kna? n EnaiEaiai Foneat, aaroualied•arouBli»d(Btb*hol;hond«orwedlochoBibo(a th* tUa UobaEldridgeLoubiGldrtdge u Un.Hn. rieaent in Poikopidl. and Bual bo huoiorad.** luini,"»"' cal Keaa, UkwUi, loadoB, Bag., Jib. 21 loaauatog tbo tanai aad capaciUei for ujojauat wbkti affair pajMdpalled olfoif rarjraij quwijj,quwilj, there being hut few paji™,paji, onilo iceaptable. Thb ofwrnooa to aad jellow b*r. H. a WilHona make* a loodI RaMlfuil,KoMlfuil, ISih.lOih. Th*Tho o,_(,,„, AT TBB ArionfT or Uodc. aorclaoO, 0., "Ten Nubb IMoraaal, Mew Yort, Jalj IT. wultiij ri-al, tnltalea altar I'a own 'uhba W. BoibonrandConBoriMur and tbeblll.ud UUeroBlng kiipu; upln lu men whito Nil AnHto ll Rluo Baud, a'leiwaida Clown.I. hir» the ponoolponoBi preunl,preuBt, amongauoag whom w«i«waio U. Con iCorijThle.rorijThlena'ud'PooabonUl' fonn a ttarlloom" wu glroa oa Dec 21at. Loulw Bjlrcilci i*< Jolr 0, of lia a*>l U;*40Dioilnica vlto "lapnicaeB a*- laooolo, Anna, Me* Yoik, aaa to the heal andiraceimriai with lauthUinter hto roolhhuUca Cbirlrj Da Wlu, aemboi* or the .oopuj. I (oBaldond It a ici; I >^ riuh ofUghtolng. celnd a oubatiBtlal bonaOl on too 23rt, oo which oecadu BiBoel, Jonaj, tag., Jnlj 1 of Ihe eicluiln prirlleged elaa, aad, la a nor* wit* the laea, —too folUo* Sheiwood u Fulaloon, S-n. P. Sagilao a< Hadaqda and Tiro Bwbooitow) iruau'ion, for I couldn't a«o 'do ot FLOtxud'aOoatrnOBOrmaTaoOTaiiitfeiied »« u fd- "Fuchoa" waa piodaced. UiiaS.. In the leading ra/r.nioda laaiaieoi, Bdllh, No* Orleoao. Anf. L aplill, doea not dear tbu otoeniball lake pailto , ohiriUbto FainndoaColaBblnr.'TkiipaoloBloio altouogh ihe 'funau' nogalto tooBinTpubofbogh iilL—"TDiiiat- , and wu called bafui* tba euiUln al llie doaa of ereij adt ihlog, lowi I.; too Porilond ftiilj l^tutt tooilrt bl lleaiio, Ataitalla, Jnlj U. It to bollda; ai|bt, b; a;irteiMa ranetjaad Udw, lla foallrila. ud uaa wool Ihraorii a CBriilllH aller toe Hiat inifonnnco, which tti and niriiimeot ihaiebapart;—olaatrcl, oror on boor. owIok lo Iho On Ibo 83d "Ocloioon" wia eiten In a good lio • ' Altor wdiing Satnidar rrcning ladebw, Joiia, UabluTib., Jul; L cbacco, wo HBd oumlf a "Igokei^ la Tukc*' For the • - ' tobriorof TcIa*aadllcx• corlain "Piodipnl waa pn*anled 'or tk* wu jilbei tongth;, and no* paafnoffrerrnaoolhl;. DuJd< paniomlmo—nuoorginblog loiiba harbg mluei tho Bnalon morning 'no,'™ bculal dmma v( tbo Bun" lohata, Cbiblbn, Su Flaaoboo, Aag. 1^ Jordto Jfokille vo haro too apidou codiann of one COBpanj cdilnil wr«h, III ato Bontha, ondor Ua aaupucBt of ' Uai Jennie on toe 34ih lo agood bouie, oad 11 U toimght wili ru nen waa reij tond all tbo pwl natbeea betog glrcB ^ro f 1 1 lour about noo opon too mudeal bu.leaquo of •ClndenUa^ Bnl time Bbo, H., Paito, Nor. of too nut popobrnualo balb ol tba dir, ud 'or a cl aeuoo. John Eltoiei, oa Rcubra; enij die aad win b* ennthined all thia week. H. W. Buboai." KImbillaaomed too lewling part alto u ""i* « a^alljdniing tbo Unli, UmIkb, No* Oriou*. ApiU H d'or^eltn uo wko bu ehind iho tiloapno of Ik* leadbg of... aamomal •'"•''J Bbo aa ni |*4to naw pbea of and Aaron tv. J, HiLLol tko Prince of WaUaTbeatie, Uveipool, itog., Tua VaPDHViiLB la Ibo noma a area eiblWtod Inibtorlauoi peiionoancri. J. WealarHTll. Anel; Abnn. Ogden, labaiL Anaa, It ua, Augaak ikodi;. Tou ma; bo aan toenwunobckol ban erer aoilrMol aiTired to Ihio eitj doring too put week, oadii ongagraent to oniiUa i»i aOle*, Biookl;B, ud anBoanoad lobe j;"'!^ ,,„,,^„,Bd ,nlen Into the .|lril«nd lonp), of 8ld 8ml*h, an aald to bar* been -.h, 1 op pna beloatn bb tbaluovi-r-.^OI;Bplo, 8t — — . " , s°!^Bi2.,--hoid,b.b™iid,,«..rt..ikotooi- noa loo ona™. .'~rtu, r-r.f D., Bootoa, Feb. St. -i i.j. Me*eOBb, Joha hudlwork ku endnled. The; an the bnij keu or ibe abge. In racir it aorrr ». ".tt"Bud;"a;AndJ.r* Chnolmtt Dxj In Inacll, Uatr. In Ibo oftenooa tbo I'Dlddw lege. Il to a Indieraua oane. Hr. Cllfioa Ta;i»on. ilio bnal- beu iplendldljipleBdldlj placad oponBpon too hu „orr"S'rt,r ,1 Parti," "Dick Torpla" aad Monoa, John T., PUtodelphia, Ju. K aodftfea' eatokllabBeau, aBd If, it ilBea, Ika; oihlblli trifle wen piodocod : altbngh ''CouiIb Joa and inaenBing "Litlli Banloot" and "Foroal Roao" nea aanagei, aoran hia eonneclloa wllh ibto calabibbBaBt bo an cnulad bjb;an;ihlBganyihlag pnrioualj hen 4ih tbo • 'DreoB of Oealtaj'' aad Hond," Nub, Hiaa, Muaaib, Bag., April ». iieodoa lo T . . o . a a. 1» AA^Ag^O* »^mA^ ooac 8 AB ^a ''F"«l Bora ol nuner tou coapoib wito iiifoi eiiirrnl week, and Hto "rtdolj nido ap loi br tto iplnud ™ O'aat I»'toclb'u lo crawded oudlencu on boto occadooc Dollb Bldwo]l,.LIIll* wttoihedueof toe pmectoioFiria for delldoatto talloi, ,,,, .r Uio O'Nall, BUI;, A<.lln]i>, Aug. t. coareaUoaillt;, let oa iilribnb it to pon Utkiaea of f will Ultohell,. who toloaaniu couldoi- 7ih. Harden, Wilhlaion, BidwcU •n4 SnUiru veil tcoeirol nonlim lor Plka'a Opon Uoooc Hi bi anicreded it iha utleg of^, J.W., Albaogb ud Haij, fT.*' anoooocM for pndoollon on Deo *«n ThUUpa, Hn. J. B., Patciroa, N. J,, lag. 11 boati, akiB to Ikat which ulaabi toe rirond of " ' wS a gentleman i. ^ - * - oiboi eluiacuia. The puonma of Atone .^OB_jl^;e..f Yankn Locke wu "it home** in Joulbaa novbor, end wr~ O'japlo b; Hr. Dia SfBoaa, 'h In Ihe npidij ' abb7n toto the wan to «/n;lBc. . PlUt, Joaapb, boui. Eng., Ha; li fottoar, Wllh a son Bi'anl ud ba ooaitntaod OlS. fS^/u J,J«.t.^J"" or BUOftr ud actor, ha* InMad raicaalol;aaldr dl o»arover lha Mufonnatbnmoifonnatbn acona ara upeciuirupeclall; goodgooa...... LoiianaijuavLotiahujuil'"-j-it 2Ui "A'br O?'"'. «annt; wolcomrd k; bb "filendo ud Ditoblmc" "ElEoit- Peali,XaBa, Hllwiukoo ApillM. aaaaoi* ofutbnaca, Aaferibalaoheoflkothtor.nnBighl nubuibmenton Doc -^' wbo, to* pad jaar, been eogagemeBi at DaBart,DaUai'i, drawing fullfullbouiMtaouau from too nlda" ud "YukM to Bugan** wen lo bo pbjcd OB P.,Oa*oaliT, Eng., wortd, ud hu aia|cbbatt •lib Ju doaedebaediMOoeuiol*Bgag.BieBiata Moecuinl l, olgbta, wu witodiawn PaikJa,T. Uajt. aalact too aoal denalj cnadod aoCrie la toe bo* lerKl locail- waa to hi niaatad JaOenon dnrini hto engageaenb dneo htobHo™ flora Ana- uarir oroir Dlgh^ nhloi., oonii Jeriox toa eoonuc alliadliai jL/rfa llh 'nb* Laneuhira Lau" f Brc3aih. Poaib, Ihoaaai, EdtohinhT Aug. 38. ll»,ind,Un loom, too deeulon ooold in o^Dec bo faror of ooi ". ol. b.d th. kelUr too beno«tol too Orut Ooipaxt ptojrd toe "laneadi'n I^ai* iialto. Hr. Bfmou to toonoihlr pooUdI )tSlI to. and OliSpl ' an*l b*' cmpbtod She „Tbo ^oi ncolpto of Faaaa HiTO un Panougo, Joha, BhaOaid, Bog., BopL 1 friondaof tko deal aoBd>. Bote, ipladto wibu aad JiS; Jj'Si.^tfff:. piOU lire, both befonand and "Doll to a China Shop" loacnwdodkoooeoBChitotaiu ladl oala of aho* hoblad toecutbin,k.Cu.bin,.n4.UI,and alll, loraualfuioSgh." Hoflopolllan, Wmbn 0^^^ ud Popo, Wb. C, lupolle, Juo L ehotUanitadacided dtocooat; then ao . „^ ,^ ,^ , .v J iSrtodbtoTiuho WIlun b pk;aled dKitpl. >a. ih. All..... ,kZ I V...... mttn^mr Ia viva all lha fhow abooa lo toat I _ ""^^ " *a ^m*^ 1i lo ntmoied Ihat Joka Udl, I^wdl, Fiank, n do«bt,wito hMablUllea, conllaoo to make too 0l;apie to* C^iMd^i'mt appeal toglr.dl lha .ho. diop. to to.t 1 ~m«'V>;«{J»^ nlgkttt Huaic H>ic u "TkePailjbj --Poak^ Uatu, Ctoniud, April a. tod* in tooa* nipple Joiaii, oor inooof irS^%^r;,n%T7wr::~lVi. piadoiyto toooogiaee* ncaptloB, in too >i; ofpunoig*, u wu tot Nimo of JoboMB.** b aald lo b« good. Ptbb, Wb., Habile, AU., t btdioglbealnortotadlr. boraugb ueonltola Union Unll, for too P"Tf«, Wk fal Botioa<, wklah aaa to hare boon fiaaed oionul; to af. ^^.'^.P •'EiiuSJriJ^^it London, Wat, been ematf HanktL "Do:ii e^iura Diaato" eoallauea lo br tbo gnat altiuthn oipeeud..-eftdb,bj Ibouih«.P«nBtoriljto.en.i.d.pecnalarilj Plater g^naajU^ TIB Mcno Hill, at Cutda hu Bar^Juaa.Coba, fold too tnnt oeop* lo thoio etaatlo a w^ T«»«S.lJ^,:i|f.i; | i-Jio^ llaba, which ens toe La IkA Oak 0^*%AlaAA Ufaaai^la «kt&t. L** L I . ^ _a.A-» aja aoA !!rl,";f^i"pd''V»i- for a coDoidenblo loagto of Ubo, ooiwRkobBdlag that bonooa Basar, A., Hwtnil, Bept 21 duaanof lha aliga nl|bt anuiato Jaoatot Tbo; an hon nckoBOd a good abow towa. Out ooncapoodeat Bbkaidaoa, Hn., aUagow, Oct 2L b k; au; to oilnngul pioflutoa, ton ooalli, peihapi, tou toow *on a;i:—"Fiuca and Luolei'i Dnintlle Ceaitolbtloa wtn to Ra^aL abaaabtoo, Pun, Mor. 14. h;toaiiapi«iciu*tcoBnoUioia,bal uawenag a paipoao u open oat kanoa 0*c28to, hatfdiedaoloda. Toanirad'B . BauuL DoBblfo, Naw Yoik, Fck. 11 uoful, loujtoolaiL lapoiBtorBOdraljouronipliaofUia titged; eonpaaj an ttlll Iniktng trannd lha waabni part of Bod^^Joka, OolMleig, lad., Aog. 1 hallnoa kanded4*dl;tooadnalago, fwkontooBBdeUrlo peatoialt, draw eiowi*eo booaea.*' BaadTVlmrLoalnlll^ Kj., Jalr21 tola ud b al a dodded dbceont, a few ban amc aon oi leaa, kolai PtmamaiTniTBihukau nailed aad ndeeoni*! Cur, iBiaa. Haigafi, Eag., ipiB 11 Tn aolklag to too paipaa; and ken, ko It uld, toe con Ma, aad b BOW ooca wlib tka folloatog aoapuj:—Sharidn ud - BaaL Hn. Dare, Mew Twk, Fob. BT. which 00 ibool Bach hia beu «iiuen, Bada aeltoer f itonda Hack, UBodiaaaud alog duean; Latlu PajanWnr. Ada Bakailaaa, KaU, Bnaon, fiag., M*t. 31 aor Ikroi. Ibil iprighll; aiuon, which b ai uueoual; Blair, Ban Dr Tua, BuotogkaB, Mink Ml Wnj.UojOllAoB, Obia Bwloa, Saab toilk, fkaBj. npaoaad to bare orlflulad wIto to* lirolr Paildaoi, Bowsu aad Bama,E. F.9«- Wb., Obamuil, Oot 1 glrajn cooJoBdioB wlih II, nil tola week, th* bnr UirrTootor,Ooo.ll. Bdwoa, UcBL a to* nadllj ncngolind kan u toa oiijtoa] war dance tad aaaigau •Snltoa'a a, LanhtitoB, 0*1 leeqno of "Boll* Belenc'* Tbo bnilotqii* of Tho Ftoldof the S&i^.'ajKii'ii^ BU ud U, W. WilUimiriMMa BkHlZL Hm W. of to* aiitUi KIckapooc fnm nhoa it wu bornwad to* pii<)aol b 80 kj U. nn Obriilau OotoofOoM,** whiehbubeuin icUropnfantioa forwroial hbuto^^ u wan u dmiiaa of toa part, SL'^Jb SShal wM* br dl deep, ud FaTtrilu,orlkoHu Hoakoj.'* wu Bndaaed «mra*c W., AatoKa, HI., Hank m hj oar weabn knlhnD for too groudoort tka to* to &r oSo* Ibb. ud of weeko, for Jaa. dto. gnilfj- ud kat npa- to akillljeu alaajaBadgaod 0B|BgaBiBtokr b uaooBttd . . John Ottu ku looa ,dl ruilbld wMk. Arlbbof la(loi,J*kB.Mar\*rfc,t*ft.U. nou "ebgtown Hornpipe" being noil InUlabd k; toa pualo to latiduliri^. . At CS3b;% ^ STto flaalj flBbked, aad toa nnl of Tn liait TaoBna* Taocra nan al Niblo'i Oaidon en ika 18to tort, u Joaho* Builarbj. 1" ™ jbo o IllBga an appljIifaaporadnriboBiuttoaBOtooiadonia B*pklo, Aalulot OhaHor, lu, Jjv*, of uolka laollaa for tkoir "Tlrgfao; Binkda*a,'' rotollj Srhb mur aiminn dnu j„, , ud pdabd wklto, wlto Mlh, ^ Feb. Mk In the boiloaiao of "Tho Field of too Cloto of H^DoBoola, Jdia Call and boxu ud draaidid* in Bomoa, Itxia, Tniraa, wu oMeed u Du 8lm?HinJaa*,8eaibmagh^b(.,'alj» paiadlad bj toe Shaking l)oalienL «l"»,thou toa aaaigaautof toa OnaBwall Bntktniwlth nam iidg*Uk,lln.,UBde%l' galea to toa aUoaipt Wo wlU luuk Ibo dtnobg bobarlor kppair al a Uro IodK liia t" latEu ooaof^^ udu ud Bioadaaj to uldou Aoadeaj of Hade Tha atla niruea tappottod kj Ueaoi. Ogaas, Bookol, HtW Now^Bodfoid. April iheiiir, nndeiiho ninageBoatol BanjWaU. n. ....^inwuZ^hTll? Omu hu beoB nok u fw «ra In too bl* a Pitoa u Ibt alar, Tkup, Aadrow P. U of nriealauadeagilaaltoilot IhOBon bnllbatdnleaot Ntlll; jAu>in,Handt WiiuuiSiiTTa,^- tho mind chanplonhoDO lolotot cooUaaao |.^'hii?'t?dotabJS^ HiSj H^^ totwclloi'oo, Wolf aBVknlgh(ud OlkM% Fnltanr*,N. T, Afd wealth ud folk lea Beio eoau Jeaaj ?hmb; i ;oato . , ,l'i',2ff olkon. Tk* oonaaad lo kla loom, nBeriog gi^at pato hto Jeaalaga ud Fake, Hluu ciido on Koaraoj. the dnp cortato, »! aablaal Bt Leoo^ Bib Wtuai, Haj fkoBpaoB Bad Wa.d., Hoapkb, Aag. U" BU* iOBO BnaipMog ponlloa to to* fna fnclnrad iStouli BaiwSr^Wutworto^ JJfba dnu wko gmt knau bin, hot loaantb Iull.«.Lfd«.p., wupu.todh; Airi- w**toarwur*fjiutoiaaBldariBttot uilj partofikowooK b»*» t-Tioitoioli 1 whlohTa IncT, Daa. Bu Fnattaao, Fak. A who b u |*ig*o*al; gotlra un m tob ooeaaloo, kb but filudi :TuM?r.£l " K^lu HSSrSSto. rir^)StM<^*'»'^';i,S:i^- .r wir* pltrad>— BdtaUothralnfoianofloreoonhoooaL AutCblociB lh*coB*dj.of «Jf,'dl«lda th* aaaudbadaoatooaaor wu kai Tho fnlbwing plooao IkglfaBl, Balraier, Napla., Oat wodd BOl kaa* tlm. No laook koood adoD of arbtoeruj tuoTalaam u *tlia* BanfOOIj*' "Lb- ^.raaembered Owona.^ -|da*,*' Toj, lawnaoa, Bliahigkia, Hank 81^ ahoak kUB—ao. hdlow cknl or padded culaar; aoudwbd B.t*,!!f???*^[^J .V | appbuM wIttaJCr. J,? ^*.'Hl!li"lifi!ih taktadarwto I ?"^".'Tr7C~«ii»~ It cAnatoia of Ihno aiortoa ud a bua- Lonb, jBt Iho gallut to anil too rloa* Ton bikoaljlalBa, Sl Oot U. ud gitotle, ud of toe Boot atom; th* Tkilag, Han, Laadoo, Jaa. 30. uaatug kiDo to th* i«*n. It b worth ooBelhlof lo oVeoiro ahloh ko leada htopaitooront TiBoZl, Oku.. laoUalto, HkrlO. toa air of ekirali* wIto b daaea, -pol jiapwcd to opfnm^^^llJo to Tl,0«l, "aS ^b I ^^^^'"^"HartTBjrirTTOM^^^ 'Uodai'toiaidlghl"wutobiih*tltnoil*B. WlddlooBb, BaiiTi'Loadu, iail 8. or gifw kar kla ara lor a poBonido to too ooppor, o,;"aVd;,'tort I ^SyjSd toi™n luKnwXwi;?bJ Otw»*i OneU Oeoigo 0.>nfocto, a membei ot hu troop^, to* putoinhni bod- uaaoa wlto a aerin of grand ubbBtoia ud 6alld "OaPBinxOuuoBT'* bald tot koudi it — • '• -' coohT leal ilaoh. S!v.^d^i i?Heiundci nadarisg ^,daj - H., SaBj,Pblbdolpki*,Majllri.>_ . ll wppooad to auk a half wij ilag* tr to* an- WllCOtO. . *hlih and that b* would h* at aoaa b« 3ig.aPa«ai). for Okl- N. Y., Ut put wux. Oni oonyipoaJul, daM thu .BcViaDe? Ilv.. I jlf."'Jf^. | SJSU'iieaeiU kulneoa Buigw Booot, AuhniB, Wrib, a, WuUagtoB, Juao 1 torblBnut." Thau, U b In*, im aot our oolj ipod 55 a flu band arrired on Doc 3d. wllk Dtok Rlnn tod Bl Ntoo "KIttr • un--^"Hn. Foinalti'o Uon OuuHaad u laituoa, jooof Futau, wbo ngaidi arisl'a Clicua, . a WkUa.FklkB.,8uFraadB»^Fab. 11 Bonc Ik«nu for itmt, iBpeiMBilloa, triadag oarefal atudj ud a eormi eoaeepltoa Wabaa, Jeka, OatUagUa, Bag.. Doc 18, 1881. toaoBllnaiilrua ptodOBi fralio,udgoei ootlodibkbe. Tnffoid.oallad terlh nialat neartr of too part. d. W. Rud*t Bar WuVlrlaain, Bootoaaptoa, Bor, Hank T, 1881. Ml, aiombba ortr pcopb'i tou, goti catuiiled to bj Mnu Iwaea enir fB>5 kirBU;friudi. PtukbUoB, BirUifalto. WialaB,BabB,WiahbgioB,Dicll eiiDollBo, cmlM eoalndoa oaong toa woman aaddii- ItaWn* of Ikt Mrlbmaaaa. ud purtbiud ind A. a Bbfldoo't Bormndu, in Wtoiac Da Will, New York, Oct 0. BBoag to* aiaa. Bnl u thb U a lit* cooalrr, ** ibodd rtbeantl, tad tniytolag bida fair I* . B* ne* Sannl new pb;* an to WlBiu Will. Mow Tart, Kd kall'toan from wklek Alto eioMed. Take It Hn Oo Du U I, loit*lh* *qDlrabaliB mak* to* pntoBt aeaioo ooa of naikad raecrac* Wnaa, aaauLMawltailek, N. U.,Hat8. okjeet dapl; to itodj codaaa, wo tordlln dl, Ifoor vtn Lie noMoa opwed ao ongagoraul al Ih* N** Nuhrllto TwaoH, Hn. £, Loadoa, Dec 81 un. BigktilraIko fuhloaakla Mima too pnfairace, kal If what to ''Haaappa,*' leaaluBg ronrBtgbto A Diogo, Thaalio on Dec 5*1, taoaall, Jcaphbe, Banaa, OcLHk waauab bautj, bbiI ofid tBjojBrat-.toaobJ«ol for which wu to baio appoand lor alB aaa eoiind arir. T. w. Tanoar ttoeu tlmoii todulh •liocBMg aplaj, ' Kati Nbwtoii b agito nnlhi «aBipan<|dlo obaietfoaallttlhud uaritghUMK*)!; deh lid, 11 nenand to eoapbla. hario. hn., me. put ha would bo fj^^^^^L,, vMh are "dadiealed"w,B,>n, too utabitohmeet eulr to DoMnbor. . ' Inn IbChriilaudhal^aUea, ban BO unn .v. /w. C«al ta obeap bar* lino *» al uJ nb raand all tor put week fraa ^aginiTflaaaiM., aid toa* eooddtiahb amuauaBl appearin; 1? ,h? altot Binad.ajTbealn. It bald" trojpa «o it**, too pad wKk at ha Opon HouH to tot Bownj, too nhlda auia ^„.J2S dtofi toil FtooThotlR, Poilbnd, Ongon, bjtoo Diba lb* OpaHi PllUkaiib, Pk .!»*» boMai aalepBaal; pi»\ng loo toon all.r'het foimei aren •«»""'«»»a"or aitoS «-Vto tot h* "iuiBnAlUTn'iri-kl Boue, |«t ha* w« an on U* Junpiag off eoalapaato. apSl .t'rJi'^"'*' 2jtb. "Loniloa Aainiaan" iupaifonnad on tooBlto ' torough whidi nodi af It *u giroa bdac Ih* • •' •. •'Eaaim, obtbb nou or a fajlaad too tob auk. . |li(«*r u old laa.nadjio Diuaai," liuao«a^7b,r to *«boao Ua aaw aooato alB* or "Btokdy Mokitj, Up Bbok a«n.*T la th* totood•^ nm. S?Si'ln ssGrJfW^'ii,i2^it^s^^^ InaaltofUn. Dalet. Of ihr fialet uaaoa flaoiaa taibaatcandforbrbl.ra' wo dueUo. toi; onalB, at Wnpd'a Uouuli ij" lartocaiodedlWbJJoBd Kb. An Mil Bomioi 4*«Bi»uaa,aa4iiR,^,b«nl UoB, J. W. Cdller, 0. Wanan, Fruk Eoiu, Haliat B«lto ud IK? Orrrnifoa ai;i:-<'Hr. Babibutbu ieBg«bru|a|tm«tikU«lU bt 'ata kFlhalraitdlauolbu Tkioagh akal Jop, ud ionlisnpa.who anaa atlnetlianow oo ihca Addia U Ona umd to Oil ap Ik* Hat pnrlou to tkt bt^ ihn njlhlDg artr iceonplhhad bJ uj of kb poind uitoadtj. Lrdb Ihoiapaon poorij 1>»fST!S\,^lJn bqalDidi Ri; aeeaptoblj, altar wbleb J. W. UoUlar u Olan, iioBilr,.ug*iocorded hu but P«MW'i'S'„''Si?2S TB8 Btook CouTAir of to. Aeadamj If*d*, Oaibi, ktM aw*iln*fi«gnt,f"lkooihillhu ban kttn peiaaoalad hr hor lor i ootboaa af a nouto Koina Paaldwa, Ooaaen u Barleonlo, ud Biloa* Saito cip£liluiu and ooDitut hard Itbor. Hrc B»«^5Si'*«2j tointiwDd. u Pntt; ud rlracioBi Laa Webor n«a«da wwa ut Ut koanb diriag toa weak aodlai Dec IHH, A lUrarikab-iIZ; u Colnmhtoo, Bonopohud too fen lo tnooatlrti, altoosgh tot «iudl; kJid, ud b *<|nall/ dittntog of toa : pliaitc'r Iti *• »*ri*d* ^i»Ja« nij qmoklj. H* B a good mlo cobm dagtr, bat la i~-"«l''g mlUJiUuiH, bb Hag*ud tpoaUai •( Bnad>a; k* ihoold quit moabcaiBg made todaad of doDan. Jobanr ThoBfioa aad Otoift Wiirt* raHooi Btobpba ada, •*U55JPtort"«. tppetnd b ouk om of

    itoaiaiMma-Maaaaooaadag .JuS?f ?^ »* "* *«adeBj at Had* OD Jaa. 8lh, ^-^Wgga^^r;^' Bnokhaa* B«*tor, bat* Mkr .; . . ' „. . ,

    January 2, 1869. NEW YORK CLIPPJER.

    andantiod onr ralbais, wlih dialoKae willlea byboiBbsninii tba pabllo, ba wonld laUratd BilM Troupe aa the pinalpal atinetlon. Oar eomapoadeBl Kou br hare dona naah bit .Arttr Duk" wu U> bi pn4oe«l, IneladlDf 0>* ideal Obiialow Dlght, Tha ball, lo blaak tme, and ipokea if penonafu In cot- !^'.^*?°'*"'^' " ^" >•>"* lotaiUoBB BBstbe sllrl. •anf. "NaTiaa" sua:—"I atlaadad n _ Oiaa ^ BA. M.mdn P.IT. la tbo raaial l«jlaad tamea,' allogaUipr deootlog a dlspoaltloa lo soar abora efT, ChiriM whieb 11 iltnatad ob LeaUlaBB areBae, U TWO PEBPORII AKOM DAILY 111 TBBAm. Tnn Diiiino Conrin, nnttr th«Bu*nn«nt wlahaB or all Inie lorori of lie tama aat bliibBiel thit «m toBdaetad Ibal piwilo nallly which baa iaiely inlad tba slafa." aport PMrtMBib weak or Ibo bIjMff asenaaM mjammt of Iba Howar I, pwrennt4 la Tiuaton uil M»«S«4rerd, Htv., the lai bolali, and U Olympe LVDIA Oto. Lia dnmg lha war, Tba mltlsl At DruiT Lane, tbe Adilpbi, Pnnceu', Quaaa'a, ^ ^ TUiiUPMH BUHLB4O07TRUUI'fl Btal «c«b, (n't In ConMid, H. H., os Dm, U\h, Muebo- wlih 10 nueb anaeau b/ Oiiroad*ri >m Slraad, New Royally, Holbors, Olabe. ;alar4ar HatlDruoee nirtaer Bi tf M h tB* ni*, ui . QoUl uUoa, Mo. vrittaa , then bu , „ danielr paaked. The eaterUtBraani Aleiandia Ihutita, and al tbo Konil Anpbllhaalia, br V* 'r^jb,roarf It Tilt nomi Hcinm, tlili «Mk, lymlu Heitn UtM t iBaanBloBtbabairwaa [" PlK-'lClerilnld )mlii|aijaB^^^ wbieb Bin Bouqoat Hlob- bean nn chann At Stdler's wells, oa Dae Tib, for Ihe o 'S: Tba it{*:fr f*^^!'*'- n.b, •lUoaJio. lilu H. Bliawtil p«u lorlb comBeaead Willi bb olio pari, iB BAhASU mi TOB UORNnp A DILBUIU. ktorni (iB Dac b-oeUlofUiH oiinajrorias, a miaesllaiieaiis ard Clark, HalUa Boaaid, (M& D'Borton, UbaFaTTeaad Hon*. Uailawood, Ibo ° <" ibeCaaa Ua,wboobtaiaad ... MIM LVOIA THOUrSOM. Jalioi, ibe Sli5vi.hiir,?'*f"'algbleen pullaipaled, Tha Ciii-(7aa wib girtn io a otDnor perlomaDce, tnclndbig acines fiom "nomeo aad aboal tncbas Inr heit of the sead^lT, BEAUni'UL SOBNKBY. J, 11 HincTTliittlbaBMloDnuiraUilintk. Veaaileatiint hoi bafoia folas of Bcaiiial,"aad a aawope- , bl>LB!fDID DBBflSXI. Idutki, Dtlllnmn, pntatr ftenebr, Hlia, idallr, Ulla. Mario Adrirn and Mile, Eoge- "Itercbant Venice,'' "Bobonl for "!""*ilPl'lancollandhlmanJBS'y „^ ^ At rai nnuDAT Snixr "AlUr Dub" 'ft' "mh! vlib tba firuo of out, Ob Batoitlar aileraoon, Dec retu enlllled "Rorin's Chrico" ana produced "A now "' "f;'"""! lUTlDi mni nutM'ul iba put wetk, li to b* eanllDued lha Dl> Oborll appearlsf la Iba nrglecled to giro lb- lime. & Wat to Pay Old Debts," "fba WIfe'a SecrU" sad Hlaad Rala WaUribatiJ^JSrr rounj'av •«.mnt «ib. Iba pl«ea U ijld to nin moalblf, and tba M,0OOaa de,erwlll prihlai • •nml old '-Nearly Lnat" l.aen produced at tbe New •^(SSyjij At 111 b.B5tjrhe"Bu*:j,!f formanca osd anjoj tha Can.Coii, tba niiDorr Io wbloh II liaJ Tho drjua of bu " ">» lira like amoost 'aannany. "Hamlai" aad acnes' .LI*".'! " 'P'" Ul-'HAH PBBtOMEKA. at, Lanlf, Us., baring apread orar Inwn like wild lirp. The per- EaalL^ndon At the I'arllion, "Macbelb," •'•''''!;»,. 0' Akroo.0..ara "lyjJ'/obKl:'''' At TOi Omno, "A UMnnnitr NItbl'i oaen gina to roalOOyaids •"' "Otiicll'i" pnroraed Arthur Lloyd, thaeomio JSlBK.Sr' ""•> ANIllAtM. eontlautd iba at'raailaD tbo pall weak, fiimiinee went oa awlmmloglf until Inward Via cloae, wbrn ao bare b-en Clenbud 11 Ibll ol podijasi JMlJ..lu.l.,J'?i'/,°''""''^''diand In aoMjj Diaam" Oa Dao. Mlb tha "'JvSt u ^P''. ol mptrallon IhriaklMllo^ ncturrad IllUa dreimod of by iba undlooea. Juai linger, bavlag cnneludod bli flromonihi* lour throofb WlliliiTaoDCloiik a baacOI. Niil *cak "Uanplr Domptt" lalomplion " J.i^lt '"•.^ "f^r ''•'"'"'I » nee fnSlhna. wai piorlnttB, has reluinedio London, and iiaanounoad lo appear at "'^ wUlbarhaMlneilaD Oi Dm. Mlh Ulia lara for bar aa aa Intkrviting icone of Ibo Can'Can In progreai. a Lieu- ° "n"". "» baaeooBiBiedaUd by aadBaitopoliio Moslo Balls oa fioilag 3?^£Ilewlog op tbir^.1 ' hrrstll kaaalli "CcptalB Cliarlollr," "Conboglta" and "Nan tenant of tbo DelecilraeDrnror Polica iteppec upon Ibeilago, the Oanlirbure, PiTlllon conilnnrs lbe'b.iardS Uinil lot Koihiaa." Oa aad promdUig to the Ironl announcoO 10 the audlenoe ibal ha Night "lyiadoa After Dark" on .iba tba lOlh Haian bad for blibaaalt £irK2'imi';.V°,'^"^°''™>™>"—Wo bare bass walltd fiv In a warrant for Ibe aneel of tha connany of Ibo Prineeii' ... ..Tba SlJiui'S waitnopen ooDaoMih m dOWKKY, Ml 'TauUuab CawlKatare," "Jaak Sbeppard" andUaCilb bold bla poiMauou raforoBoa to Ihn proooaed ^ under tbr manuemenl of Mdlla De La Fen^ with tba fellow, ""kS!.J 'i'^'^"'; «oaar (mai 'Tnai aod Jrrri." Da Bai'a atook openid at that be aaa aciing under oldera of tba Cbiof 01 Police, aau that log oompany:—Udlle. De LaFi rie, Luer Ilnhton (Rial apaaer- adalla l> "IlaBlaL" wlih OliapIlD aa Eanlal aad UlaaPan- tha haildina woutd ba forlbwlih cloaed. Tbia annooncein'ot '>»<»'• one A UIOAL KliAI, saoceeafal loarthroajth America aadCaaaoatl; kfj Pl«o« day lut week, oipstit: Llrk HRNsVilotf arrr aa Opbcila ... Iba lllebiDn Bngllih Opan Troupa wiaraealre'l Willi aboa'i or diHiioB, one Ind Itldaal area gnlng ance since ni-r Police, Ur, Mnila Rlmuon, Hia Foyaler, Flonnoj liTelelgh, UUaea Ueuv award at Da llar'2»l, "II Tionl^," and Mtb, » •"Jtblog, wiahM lo a and awraa Jordan, Oharia F. Coihlon, Arthor WllUani, °5!rxL-- '^l"'.'"" "•""'J Ba DatlAOif AY AND TIIR RntTKRT "rraniLTala" Oa Iba Ulb, OhrMmai, Hi*. 0 R. Bananl wllhlbed leo'iTo; ha daBlcd Ibatlbe enlarialnmeni wii, ai Bean. Fiiakton, Cbaraberlilo, Talintlne Uayet, Speedy, Allen BKOASWAY ASU T B R WKUY took a baarAt, and nra "Cram DUngada," tha the warrant allefM, ala, lodaeenl, obaeaaa, laielrloua aad word, he (Clark) Will On Ulb tba Eiralfy Family, flreiononber. neotblD.wbeoner aod wbotoTar ha BROADUTAY ANUTIIK UlVvrBHY UBPVBuioAur Viibink Fill did, and u tbey andDoib, aad Tbe lo make JOB FncNmroi. "Oriaiilnn aoi tba y»\tj.>' lewd. Tbaandleoeo aaenad u IsBia arraogoomta, sad if of "Tha Field of tbe Oloih ol OnM" ruchid lis two ha U sot SUIvaata him Ton Eini! had paid their nioaoy to lee Ibo Can-Can, ibiy waia elsmornus burltaque loeeaae oouung, A powerfnl caiL Hail Lite Sceora. noiT nmutaora Conrurr, broafbt la Ibia aann- Unrhatla MluUaaa Ho. oiHeeia, howerrx, were dolor- hundred and HTeeieeBtb perfnnnance on Dec Uih st the Bnllrely New lilla. Doubia « «A>OIN0T0N BTanr. itf bj Oairj Wall, mida Ibcir Anaricaa d• Strand Ur, Bllllngtna, who hu beea le'ta baadaoae pn- tbe Albany pedestiiaa, biriaa wBlhad Ballrly Kow lllia. Don>>la the . ou'a waa ipae . Ttaaie oi Hun oHoo, aa Dac 91it, la tba burlarqaa af "Luaialla Baigla," inlaed lo atopprocatdinga; coaicqurntli' taloiheaSaolloasorF"?' Ihaatueiln'af ehewmenaad ethn lelarlM l8Mr4ita«i perty, hia abaodoacd kla iBIendrd visit to Amarioa, and la a lair damaal, aamad Asale BaaeB, tUTINHBH BVBHr aATUKUAY. AxftVEDNBMDAT . ao'l bava a inaibad Impiaialon. lly emptied, aad the parloiineia oaiehed bafoia a mag. ^rAJnjaUhlBdaof friaua, mada nf ana utinobed loto NBWYBAIt'B UAT, OHAND BUTHA prompuyaa* al« eicept Mr, Fliuiminoni, tbo aboot to beoooe the maoigir IL J. B^roo'i niw company at milrlmoB/ at the leglalaliTa rlilsaa oa lha MATImSb "Dot" la pmeau-d Ibia waab at 8al«.n>'aTb(atn, Baatca; Iilrale, wbo dilmiaaad all SBd uiL wavlib al- Uierpnol Coaaiderabis addlilen hia beea made to the emmachjoy. U,B. LBkT, Mew lork Alrou. alio a barki^aa raililtd "in Banrallb Fortr Tblaraa." leaiM, lafurmloit Ibem Ibat Iba; would uot ba SAJT FRAJVOieCXb MUfSTTIUBTA amlerbui7 ballillna again...... A Itaga and aenoondloga of Hat MaJraly'a Tbulra. Ibo dlmaa- ' TAHKaE ROBINBON.OonailMalad kLtz MiRiRiK conmtnrea a aaaian ol Italian Opai* at tba lowal to periom in tbo "Bonnoad toglra aa nbihiUoB of bla Mo. WS BHOADWAY. BAH BIIABPLBT, Buaia Hall, ilnni of tbe new bouse ton thui;—Ilelgbl from pit floor to the pedal twwcra ai Bbuplay A OeUea'a MtaabWa 'Boalon ILrallaoA Jan. 4-b. nry calonble aoterUlnmanl uallll giren at Lola'i TToydurlng Iba cnrnnit week. Great aueoaaa or the fbriamr4 and lotmliable • boai aod, eelllog 10 the eenlr*. B9 fnt; blight Irom tbe stag* to lha HBH.VAKD ^! J. a. THnMPgilH. «ai Habit Hoionoa bu jQatcJo*ad a anaocaafbl anfagamtnt at Billy HIca appearing ia Iba mlaatrel aeaniao tba AUOB, WAUBOLD, A BAOIDI' roofnnrlL feel InUiragator. 70 ; beigbl of bU'meni under the aUge, 24 ^All PhANOIMO HI.NHTBeUI. ttiaOiiinpia ibeair*. N«v Orlaana Ha goaa fiam tbira to aad Jlnmr Quinn aa UmborbilBL Dob Hall U _ XO OEROUS AMI* SEDS 'Frog'a Beivoide, frei; lingtb fcnmback of itaie to nirtiin, 12 loelSiachie; IMmKSB Bir. tHMBNeB Bir. SBOW Ntw VailaUaa, ktampbla Ha itnin ao amullng aoog ealltled tbo CIIUON'OXaOO-S' ka length fnra cartalo lo Bmry eeantaa till further nolloa Ihe erialoal K'J^lu af HUa AnoU B. Ball ilnga auagi or tba Old Camp O'auad ia a the fmalof Ibe born in cenlie, TO feel; Uaoa iAHla HATniN A SON, Haamioinrtreaf OliaiMuABiaaBkaw diamelarof or uniee. ,IYe ihib plaulag manner, and la lha laeand part Billy Rlea aod Charlie curreof bnueea pit Iter, M fret. Tbs pnaoanlam, keep oa head llHOTtaaMuoSu wftban Ibeaf1|laal moak, played ao aoreeeeiaUy maoy i«ue am•10 Claita btuleaqiia and proroke much moni- wbea Bolabed, will ba tO (eel in w.'dtb by 8« It In height EventB TranaDlrlng In talaT.^a ipptar In a LIngard the WoHd of AmuitintiitB by lha Rkei^ TenalaallBf wlih tbejuwaoeae^ irlherBanlaalaraa.«a The Bt, Jamee r.r pSlrli'" jjjL."*? "Jm un QoL." tba aantonlna prodacad br Camanaa Deal. The unaatjon lUr, loulo IA Orange; Marie Itaynoldl, hu bean bought by Hra Jnbn Wood, tba During FANDBHIl.NlUH. rABOBMUIIIUH mm' JAa.MAB^f^l^Bllw.^l^OlBM^?lS^^^BLlSfMS Anariean aetn•^ the Year I86B. Baata tad DUaj'a ntaatnll, (or tba bobdaia, la PblladafpbbL, baa ao (faluttl^, aad EiloUa Wayne, t.«allat, ara named (or an eerly and will be polled down, togelber with aome lecarad all daya lo adranee. af tbe boesre In Ibe CiraMniclc^IaTgaaudlancaa. It will run foraoma titaa. appcaraoca. Two parfomaoeea iran glren at lha Malropoiitaa adjoining coort, with a (low tnaaiba le- eoiriuo israiuLT roa tub bow tobb euma. 'Wahttejivs EiTEUT'i HaitTUU oUI ba la Roebattr, N. Y., on Dte. Uall on CbrutniB day, the aadltaca in tha arenlog beiag reiy con^truotlon and ioinroremint Fred Braai, Baalomimot ' PBILADBbPn Pounaealbelreet,oppoilUAoaAemyonlB^ tINPRHBDBirrtD Sill laite, and tha programma olTand a Tary choice oae. Tba and dancer at Ibo AlhAnbr>, bu met with aa aeudeat, mhtA JANUABT. . . ruPDLABfrT, URBNIB AnBiontH aad Jaa. lit , _ , .. Ifc B. LBHT bia aooa, Bdgar will aeciailta'e hIa nllnmeal llandred aod fiity.lth ^ TkaUaaamwdadanrrallenooa aat mdu* Itaiuf^iSl: Cubut Mouia' Hranuu parform la BTinanaa, N. T., comlo rocallat, Pitd. Buokiagbam, aad aad from lha ilaao lor a sbeic p^ ",?n, ,r aad lut peribrmanca af iba •BlacH.rook"atNlblo'a r—""-^"'! uw TRB aoLIDAT MATIKBBSI didapaalaalabipnpanllea, TkebutailMe&llaBfoMahSa riod...... HI'a Fanny Qwynna la Oardeo. m Jaa. lit. Tba eeapanr wata m Beaaca Fain on Da& Mlb, Braret, an neeliag with much aueeiaa. Tba boya ara ctaTei eofaaad st tba Raymarkalto NATlNBSa HVBHY DAY AT Ik. Moaelad 10 fkrwaiS Ibair ""la Bojd al tbe French TautnL ible illy. Bfopw£»racl to Soant, tbaattieal boot aad aboa niktr, wbo ad. Utile frllowa. Baaiar Idgar playa Tiiy aaailr oa tba tIoIIb, plar Lord Baaafort la BonAad'a baiTraqna of The Frlghtnil i SliS "k KATINBBS BTBBY DAT AT aK. ILadbXpbU Joam * "aw York, opeaed wTik tba OIBOirs/tnuraaAoSaibniala. i™jjrm.PkUa,. Pa.^ Hair." li Oraagaaad Ortal iaoeuof ine Oiaad ~— , Tartlifa la aauibar aolnon, la piapaiad to funlab tba pro. aad Bmeit aiaga a eonia aong qolu aceeplablj. 0. L Hall Tbeopeangot theNtw Oawty wasBxadfor Dee.' "otif^rffBrIfaollIlallaaOparmTnopa.S^l?- Caaaldar illeeea a aeiaUee. 2UI.' OOmo OURDTMAB PANTOMIIIB. laaalon «|ik >atk aitealal la tba baat ilTla. aiagitka 'eilraiy Midaidil Heaa,' JahaaT Banla tba 'BpnU Ihe hoeu will be capabla of aeeommadatlog 2,000 par ktdntaerleaaf leetoiual • BUIa- OOVIO OUKianiAS PANrflHIlIK Bprlaga,' and Cbanle aoaa. There are fire rowi of Uai'MRw'VS'lS'''* "WAITTXiD. Tax Pbi> Bdob* raaiuaa Biu RnaiBi parfarm la at Cii lUl Howaid 'CnamlacMaU.' Mr arm ohain lo Ihabuaony, roar prodoaed altar weaka IL The uoe Uuodredtb perf^maBM 01 pRparatiau wlib aaw and riiallin Oia. nan ouuu DAHoiNa Mavai*, <1bla, am Dtc, Kib aad 9>ib; Vrbaaa, BMfc aad BueklOfluiiD'a loag& *Tba Optalooa nl Old Baiah walker* aad rowscfapper boi sale, sdmllilagor eoasMatatle ataadtaf of '*tTndar theOaaltcht" alihe lamoa aad Appolohnrala, uUUed and iinbcio ladtbi. _."*tTell.-tla1er»'Thull», ^1. T. Addrau JOHN Vat, and Fifna, Jaa. lal and 3d. W. WaDa ro*lar la adrmnea dweet laiballa,* ara bigblyrallabid, and Annie Rbidia'a laper loom, taealy -eight pnnia boieaaad a apadoaa pailery. Tho „ BLOB BBARD a la TOBQOB.PBAROAlall. BTTBiU ST, l;riiptrfonoa.-icaorthe"irhllaFawa" at NIbla'a mttt Sam'a Oooilqaerwnmlaataa, Pal Bfaat, lanailona an nioch eojoyad, although aha baa added hut two building la u aeuly fin piaol uposslbla, foraotonlysraall Oardea. BLDB BbARD A LA TUBODB PHAKOAiaB. gt, AAaiof ibi Uib-rah.ta-KaaTroapa of Jape al ilaiicaMa, ibaAudamr. * IirHqifB-PHAHOAISK. Bia. OnuBa, tba barplal, famailr of Iba Carter Zoiuto new arlaetloaa alaee beropaahiff night. Jeanla Daman hu pauagea and octTldoia mada ot alone and camaat, and new York. w -.-'JiRS.i^'"' ^ HR. HAT AUSTIN tt. OU>WB p"^ IkDup*, Jiiaad Ikt Biabaa Bwiaa Ball RiBftn lalalr. aot BB ret aoog aafthisg ficab, aalcaa 'BaaaUfBl Dreamer* eaa uoanled la erery caw by brick wtlla, but theaaTaial Uon bara tt, Ibe Jaoea bewie aad Wblimaa law salt, la BaMoo, for braub LoodoBBitlal^ IkiawaU efcooirmtL ' whlebwUlbaperferaedAAenaoaandMahtlaaoiilaaellaB witba BaaiJ'a Bu HnoBB* wrra tab* atKaa'aa Cil/, Ha,, od be maoean cteaptun. JIailaZoal appean lo a aaw aong and BO wood in their coaetractieB sjnspt the floorttu boards, and dlTiiaifledpaofimmiBaof thry laid n. Academy 01 Mule, Albaay, N, Y., datnyad by tta, aBaahiaikan^aellaf. <]brlitBua, aad fa tbanaato Laavaavortb, KanjaK, daaca inlliltd 'dellr Ciarar, ' willlea for ber by Bob BJl A an apoo the Itoa franawork, embedded ia a aau of HIIHtniOAOTS IN THB ClKLt, coocraia. SeoBackloibaaBacklDibam'a make.ap. lLllatn,miflalaB, apaaaa IbraaDl^bli'itajlo Fltlabniib, nod old laibloned Elhloplaa akalcb called 'Bappr Daele Tbe act drop, nahka thosa al lha nnaiaUty of . PBBIIlrART, laliadaelai all Ibe ludiaa anliuanba (laat I One Unadndlh and laal perfamaaao ^ HurBBeklBibam'aeolaa lk; Tankaa Rablajon, «ba adTaiilaaa ia nalnnland liraila& and oa tha ahena of aa Ital- t The turleaaae of the "Onnd Dutah B" produool tr „ „ _ . HaarHularBoatbukam'asBiaibalatfaB Kellr —and - iDotliar eoflma. Uaoa to eiijoy a membenhlp lo tke company. Tba Oia-Coit ianlaka. AmongtheoorapanyeB|a|nd by Br. Joha HeiUnga- . Uoo'e MHuiieli. # / MX3W irOIlK TUEIAITIUEL BearHulerE.'Boaklajkim'aekalleleraaBB. ORAND PB4TI7AL WBBL Hear Hular B'lakln.oaia ' la allll plDduedon." bud.ad. lhaIhe manager, H. Allkadwlgaa, Illh.Vak.la.Kee, aa IkaTloUb Sw. Sam Bnaiiii with Iba Paak aad D«t|tr u aaooaneed for an early an AilMWlgaa, B.H. Btnail (frem Uaua ,i V of Ika Jape. " ' --' BABBB BLIDB. BBLLB BBIBNB. . aaltuUr&BuaUatbamtdaallai. faBlbti laala Barpr baa mada a bit In tba LIngard bnu Tin BionaaoB, ladlanapnUa, Ind., waa opened by Bean OJe'Tle»n. Oileicand Pone St, Uulla tbuliar, Paria), ITr. a ** '^"^ " * '>adar,atauiawByHall,Maw _ Tort. BAHBK HLBUII. BBLLB HBI.BNB. OTiiyaeialai naeand bur.Bdnraad Enael; bur aad au h tkdr dartla- Lea aad (^umpaay an Dee, 31a*. E. D. Ooodiag eaaUaoea u LtiII11 (Irom ber Ualeeli'aOpan). Mlu Tienaiaa, Mr. Iltaleaa, BABBK BLBUB. BBLLB UBIB.IB. 5"»'""'«anTbe«tn,3aoFranolico, daalnyed VleUaaetftdoebtairaollaal BoraplpcdoaMailf aad Oae nia« tha optnad laterliicnter, Geo. (L Tbompaon aad Fraak kladgaidga Robertun, E. Fowler, Nillie llanin&— irnsRBLb eatwe 01 Iba fire la unkniwo, bat Biha. Tba openiag pleorralil be "The Two Eombleu Bleeior^ tn CoamaitTiL VoaDply'>al Ibe Ollmple Tha- jn BEOADWAT, OBW Yoft OITT. popil Had. tuiakarbair, la ciaatiag coveraa by egenliemsn iloppiog at Irrlna'a LodHn; Bouie, and and eoiltltd. "On tbe Cataa," and an ralnTsguu aaUlied, aue, J»BW BODLOTIB Lut weak „.__.„., of qalraayWarc anoaf tba tork. JBNNIB. HAROSaRfm. HAMIHOHirTH. BABDBU BIWB fiommnoiealed to the patrolnin upon the bail. Some "ll-,b.rt ihi berll," by Mr. W. Ollbert UBBBTBa aiu Beard vaaiaro pea|da br btr alafto^. br btm a APBIk The foUowiol VALOABLB ud WABOB HBB. wlu ba ( "^.l' LoodDD, Ot aasaalaaa. RoLtn Bowtaa, aho bubaan III twaatj.ilx daja at nM*r uu WXb TIHBaJ mia aad JalnidCoQiBBiiira' kfinamliat *• in Amaiica lAHHB BLE'Jk. BKLLB UBI.BNB. " *"" anuairt Coa)lqn«LKa« Tact of W. *T. AMD TIDE, LAUT AUDLKV'S HBOUI. Wllii-iin«pnrt, Daa. 3M, appaailag Ip i«oaorBoo(b'a BniTAJNX'S' MINSTm, OcarcT (Unique. Del Sea Abn Hlren* card elaeebere, br MuBle, aVaw Yore, pilar to bit dapanura for QaUiorala. ROSA BELL. ; Mlah. Jnhna; Smltb, Bddr'giawan, tba Jiataaa Blstara, Hr. Tas ViBiBTT liiBanBS n CnaxnAn did well the put being alnoltane'iaay inheined "jriu Jfallaa," the Ibna _ New Seaaerjr, I'repanlia, io. VAUDETXtiriH Oark aad Ha'4lo RoblnioD. wrek. Tbo admtialeii piua li small—tea caaia and tbey nly aot drama br UK. Kiufae Nas aad Adnlpba Balol, proriaeed at 7. FoRa-ell appforaoea oi Daa Hrraol hi Irlab tomtdr, at Iba OBAND HATMBB UN afeff VbaH^ UAT AT I P. M. Audunr uT MuAie; N. Y., In "ifaod/ Bahinlay erubii, Jaa. aaaeAl BDIVIN THKATHB, laa nuinu:<'a Mcmatj parfomad in Pilbbnrgb, on latge huMi and tba psUoaagaof thiir bars (or lopport. tbe VaaderiUe Tbealf^ bubaaa lakaa, wllhout acbaowledf. jiodj" aad "IrUb Bn- ». of BBLLY. _ IfTJoi,*' tor Ibo baaofli ol tbo Auaiicaa OnmatJo Faad. «TBB TOB POST UfriO£. BRnOKLTN. Pa„. 'in baa, 2L and raraalnad tbraa dari, wbcn tbey Io cooaaqoface, three of ibem an now boiler aupponcd than neat, irom Uia. Wood's ami. '*Baat Lyana." At tba aasa Maaaiaraia riiliaa IL Ltnllla tVeaiam untd wrCtUroralo. JAJknss x:. cooKx:, HUB OATBABINB LSI noTtVao', n. t,, OS ZMb, one tote. Oifard Hall leTeiti honee two nae-aet plro*s, "tt VsUt Tbyaga" aad "Autour da BB1T8DOOBIS, lha aad rainunad tba ItUi. mad At Uv Uuuo thar Bare la FowrAl or Ktubea Lowal), lo ^aw York. MiDABK DE BBRO, and H.tK.IAN AND LASOE AUDIBhOBl loo," baee been UOLLOITAr, Oym- Blaoa tbi Oaaelo^ Wadaeadar, Dnamkar . Omtn's Hamau,—Tba Waah Nartaa panr anirad la miaalreli, tooludlog Diah Parker, J. W. Jaoeki, Low aooceatallf produced. IL Bl:biQi«uperaTrDupoop«eadat Proocb Uik. IM Eood Tbaalra. Nair York. oajle and Leipara, eaa ha eacued a'lar Juaarr let lor the balaaaa CUILD TIIBlk0IHB.Nr. aaorgaliiwB, Capo nf Oood Uopa, 'arana, and ibis week John Ruhlcn, tba cloggufc, appeaia. Hna Josspsns rlpoit bu beea playiag "I^ah" Ib Oar- U. Tbs pbr « "Loat,"b/ Prad klaodar, prodaeod at Tlke'i uporm oltbeWlotarHaaion,alaaior or oa Oct, 3i, aad gSTa • par- Ihe eemlac Irafelinr Beaaeo. Ad. Jeeapblaa, lule Uouar. S. V. ..la* 01 tomaaea lhara Ibal algbt " ran paai aad otbrr towaa of tbe north of Eagu^^ , . -~ia MUBI12, OA-lTtLLO'S OIllUUo, aaUl Jan. let, to a crewdid boaw. It wai only Tha Viijlnla Copid'' ihioniih Ilia week, with ^ allarlhaL nr foB TAT. II "Wblia l3«okAd«" uoduoad al Wallack'a TbMlra, I. ^ilfao dayi praaiooa that thli a^ma conpiny had Aral ap- Darker aa Call, Jaeoba aa fiam Johnion, and Roaa Lee aa Boao Ha. AKp lias Howabo Paiil bad a aarrow aaespo of lodag K, T. K. CUUKll.Tr.lB Hudaw, ^«wtowa, U I., b. T7 a»>l< la. Tba riadHukham _Mr. Herlaa_ _ rrlj^ ralnabla Itkbliut and waldrao \»w toll, la Now Yort. paarrd In Omtg^ra, doria* wklcb lima ibrr TM'ad all tha Ai the Blilh Blnet Vartalici, C. W. SulUeaa, J. H. tha Jeaela Ihry ou la their eaterlalLmant. OpiDec ABd other Haakal and Dimmille Balflrtalamuta K. *'(irlOUi (;.uiat" Id tba haw Yoni ceuriL VABos'Tiiss tlla; Ixtwan Capa Tn>a aad Clirk, Biny Albtrta,- Maslsr ^nllla, Lima Jackion, ibo 0th, they uog at Woiceatar, Bog., and ailar the parforttiaea tbisatke:, a Oadt-boon—i dli^aaoa of Hay l&Tba bryiDi Brotbm opaoad tbatraair Mlaatral Hall to Tan* ATLANTA, QBiiBaLA. nilW»-aad pairuraiad tblrtcaa tlmtil Hog sljreraund Annie Clark coollllate the compaDy.^.. .The tbe moilc ball wu brokea Into aad a aeanb made by Ihe maaj Halt. . ^0 Tba cacapanr laft OlfAHLBY WHITE Haaaan, M'arJIaaa) sllU Iblerre, wbo oimt bare atlaadad Ibo petfonaaacea JUNE TUB, nVBE TBB I-UKT OPPIUB, IKOOBLYM. < . 'B9<1. liar, frnn wkracatbar pincaadad la Port Uaoa Sinel Varieties BooHabaa, with tbe aima eaupaar aad aaaa JIH I'HUTEB ,. BiaiaHuaier dlaninBda t. Tba LolU traubla with bar »atber. * iriMTBD uTm BDIATBLT-a^atleiua u tuse MiMT. ka J^wlli. wlim tbaj arrlrad oa Oal 23, and oponaa at Tbutra already rf^oorie^ Ihe which lira Paal won In ooe of bar lepiBBatii TBR AB1VB THBATllt & llaap||QanaM ol Kdwio KtU/ at Kail/ eetawae ooi-door bnaioeaa II rrnolwd. a-lla At TBB'ViaiBTiia, 8t Imi\b, the principal raahir*a bare tliina. FiiTtonalalr tba Jewels from tbe aoddeni of tb* lock aad Uoi'a Ulsflnl bu beea tbonn,b1r veoliblad, Sallla ot a tmok being bnken, wen conveyed 10 BBl>.I!tTBD AUD BBHODBLBD, ^ nolbarof Blllj Bar^ar, Iba ntaialral, haao "Oreelu Bend," by Haaoa; Jaania iUaan ia a the holel whan air. **U baU L S" produoad bjr '^A?-^'"*"***' ^ KaUf aad Laoo'a Htaatnla. aod le aaw lo ao laepaet lalailar la any Vtflely Tbaatia la lha atlpplar ro|ja aad.lIlgbUod and Ufa. PjuI alayed. ^Cr.!^""' <^ alaamboal diuaiar oa tha tbls rittr Utair, daace; eonf Bing by A. h. Camp* a iMwi or V%\if iV^lack,UierDiaik,aiIrrloi Hall, N. Y. Beutbera Oeaairr, CLAUDE UABILTll.S appear oa New Tev'a olieiloanMaK- Tna AiBiAXBHA TnaiTBi, 'aSflT;''' *^ '"k bjaanimpondant, to Uia. J Mia beU|Bniwfi;atun): "Lotalnall Cornon;" "Paa Da Beari," Lirarpool, reopened fori tbe la. Dalj** '*Plaib of Li^ioloi" pradacad ai Umodwar Ibaalia. NOW IIPBN ultaadimoiaalHailoUalLNa«Uaiia,Ooaa. We Bn {led la aaa '*a»aa cionlr, Ulcblna. Ba baa a kiatbar ao'i tbaOaa-Caa.- The aflarplrca waa "Loria," a Baw drama, aeaaon on Dec 7lb, with the comedy 01 "Aa Tou Like IS" 17. Mortoo Trica ^od tlaUurioa Lutsiia rviaraod lo Ataerlaa. TO OBUWDED UUBBIM NIoaTLT. that ibia lady hu niumad lo lha iiaia afilo, aad we eartiallr vlah 17. Tba "Craad Duebaia*' prodaood bj tha WorraU Ulaiai^ her aeiffiuecaaa m.l\f a«Boa, Dalialt, with Frank Prarier 10 tbe rolf. aadei Ibe managemrat of Edward Saker. Hr. Ryder, Mr. ABTint or AOKKUWLBDOBO ABIUTY, witJin*^*" A It A. Locko dlTorad fnun bia wlla, laabcUa Uowlit, la BMbai* TfUHIKO . UsoLB lias Tbiboib baa reiiuned Baron Uotray, and Hli> Bcatifaa Shirley, were eipiasaly BURrt AND the aiiaageoent of tho IlU0BIAIIVBiKOAalmMT^ ox^EVB txajl,Xj, snro sino, ''»"»»'>. Iba^aia daaaa, waa Tarietier, Piillburgh, which be aonaoacod to reopen en ^ . . ^ nanlid to MoHIa Uiwt, U. Toitcc look a beaaOl al Ibe Acadaay of Ho^ Now Totk. wlUaddreu Tblanawand alaiaBt kail, oeannlieUr aad aaalnlly loaitad,ta new •n .i^";",?'- " IntfnUCilj.aari, la Dmmhor. Dee. 28lh, with an e ntua company. r. HUuMloUUdiorKogUod. Wl* JIM rORTB»,uabeTe, aewnadr ureal lar UMrutiaa, baLus OuNobiIti, tt/HV for Haohaaiar, H. T., oa Taa Om I'maaoaaa TKuTaa wu announced to reopen oa 30. CharUUOaibokaa niarac^ ttcm EaiUad. VALB. rAIIU, AND ALLUESrBOrABLBBSTBBrAI!fBBMTa. *aaj.f lit1 , aad JULY. il. V. L. Taautad and D. B. Hoigta ara al- D'C 2Stb, wiib a Torlety coupany, aailor.lba maaatemeat ol •Tax: 'wjlT of tbe wicbleid." llbuaflelBUiaaadanliakle raUrlaa roooia. TheeaaefaBaa Ilaatda narrlad lo Mr«. Darla. U. W. WUIIaDN with Qeorp Ednoo aa Plane naotr paitlaalaia u la Tbeoaa baodiad aod aataot/'raarth aod taatpafftwaiaaa of larma, aa, week lo a new oontdr. " IL Pralofao aad ^nr Aalal. applyrrM 10 or addrau "'"nau »ata at Bpringdald, ArnB Bbua Umoh, ban Frmadrco, Augoit Lohmao aad ihaVWblia ravn" at Htblo'i UonluL a. P. aBiBfuaa, lie Ti.oraT. HBIIMWUSBAW. Ste|SlB» W't>.aBd willparfanil la Hnd- Tonag America are amoog tba liteit addltloBi, "Old Maa" oflhePibica of Wsleal S& Papa BaioQiaaOpanoJ at Mblo'a Ooi^ao vllb Opan Bnffr. I^il^"^^' Ursmiv,! haa * * i.a .a. _ < . .a TOB WOMDBaPDL SilLiBi—Tha Uaahwood Bisteis—Linie and Aillr—tad zi TlairaddlBi of Ur. aad Mm. F. d. Cbaafrau. at X«u Braoah. PATTOnASCA, Just OunplotoA la umdoo lo ua llaiqaij at oimt. *' itorbJoi^^lWUEBiiLCUlliorBl* for thla ally lha Bret n munm BAW HILL »l|a aadlorealaiala^Paaonaaiaadaaaou aalaladu.lba bmaaifia KfZ'uJ?.' te'i"^ *>: Ifawhumb, dih; tll' pfodiwod at Iba Worrell Slalera* Tbaati*. S!*L*'£'. '.'!!! V^Sfi H>iaa,aaalaalai «a Tr p7pr«airBit(f k/ a laddta ud •vera a|- tl, B. MliBDAONT.OorlBgloa. By. " pliBcTpal III totia nmmeacvd al Wallaek'o vlib bar aew plooaof "ni« l»ly n, «tiblib Brar, Ecnikir, WafWaj ocr anl Wltaoa'tn tbaprjaeiul to a crowded aitdlenca. The ob«nat*rii are moil of thoni u«k orioal«rb«uuiiilfln, iid iboi rcnderod atlarlr uatblA lo parti. Iba I,"'la'y<.( Fml Wlli- n laku wall oarl-aturea of Iba Opera House ra«L Jolinor DoAngella' tWDl (nnoy i»roi(ffhul 4uilu or lulBI bU •Dnflfm»)i fn IL Totiaa rtlQToad from Buropa. « NATATON, SPORTINQ ADVERTISEMENTS. FtvTmlaallad TIIB BooLn'a kiomixa. In Dioobtrn aad Wllllaoiaburtfb, libo olT of Barry Jaciaoii u Djofy llorrla, le aalil in Lo par- be North tiib trtcuD. U* ii ai prMJOt Io Biicblgn. lo » U. UU7 lorUoiUod. HUMAN PBOB OR MAN Ttan. lA. Jatoaa Uano aalicd ler CollioroiL OUARUR WBIunruAN.- lliteal Dm Mtia'eniiJrenil, Baybeen- «niiina« lu Blrattialr nitrona, all Ibfa wark, a larpa nam* llouiarly doTer, Toe Dorlcsqua bas tbo element of popu- Tcnr •rntieoco pcciiolu7 potttlnn. .. »L Ibo "?vui I'lmyV uouUo ai ib« BroadwaTThcalia, iaiad la llTO hU MANmirU AQUABHAqUABIAN EMKHrAIMIBNT, Xlie New Torlc Oltjr BdkM Ball Bbak bar of iirrarnla. Tlia Clirl*ltiiu pia» of "Sinta Olini" will larity lo It end li pood fir a mo. Oa Davemberdth tho lioa. IL Fonub, kDuwn la Uu prorculoo ai B«IU Bru* M. (J. KiitjTaAltid ofaraaToaUao baUBA DrinktBf, Bmoklaa -nd Daadoi,Daaeloi. uadar1 water, U. bonaa Id OoHslbaHlJi. jf addreu porluna and. UoniLfaoturliuc - ho prrnon'od aaothar week at boiii bonaea. BUvil llogara booeSlnftbeiirant lOTlnciblee took pbco 'to a rrowded dou.dkd Is ADgl«Dd Dee. lO-b. &1 Ljdla ibouipMoaodtrottMariTOd OUluulI WBIilllTB Oo. ikonEoilaod. AN, uuma UBca, Harlas loraad ikeir allaaUoa to Ibe auaa'uton aid aala apixj-if hi WliUataibaT,ib tbu week, audltorluiD. " Ailar Dark" watropcatra, and ten QkioClabi *'I1or Sbu h loot iB n Loou"— tb* b«v of H. it. Ama Llavd boraairblHpeu b/ Daa Brraul, uo "ALWAYS A aOlXIBM." pUr Urwadwar, M. T SKAlBSanoirtflBslbefallowliis Uberal ladueeaeaia la aay aw XBiix ABD 0"iriCB Did Bbob J. Byroii— «ua pnduotd IA. Ulocioaou, V* Kcnmztj perfomied OQnipetcU for Ibo prize of a -lirer gobleu The paKOiama of at tbo Tbutre Uucc«tf. tt iMiri In LooOoa or uoouroyd Jfalrdougb,M UamuLotiba WANTED, LjoauB Tnc.ira. OlllUe OliKCRRT IIBI.LD. two perforaaaeaa. The comiianj altiaoied Iwo larrt audi- nmla.- lOth. VrBBi UejIJ \% bu almwk oj a "Roinro udJuliet.". II li A or II, Wuod'aUutaum, New Yarfcf opeaad wtib UtgAt UII^IL »»lf N. W. LBAVITf, raolhad, Oeaa. aacci.rini] liioaDiertaloniantawarf ffrcaUyanJoTfd. Uoiaia, Taa VmrEiiiB, Mobile, Alabima, dIJ a good bnil- nnuooiicou iub« gi*aa at Poienburr Io tbo u aton of 1SW-T0 IL WllIUo) \Vu.4Utif lotk a lareaoU of tba aiaio at NIblo'a Qar* Ve Will Lawrancf, 0, A. Clara. Tlio,raa ncu duriag tbe «tUi Uui. I'a'.tl. DlroS, T. R Web. week eoiUog Deoember lOih. Oa doo. baw VaiL ADOV 17 YEABS OIL.Tb'WISmSS aler, J. H. TMoinpaon, J T, B'ji», Millar l.lla. camber 14ln, DU:y Riruy, " the Cure," M'U4( IIIUUK ItONT, a jouof and brilllaol plaDliL E Uolce pot ia ao ap- about SBn-BUBEIl. la appr*ollco hlBHlt to a Otiau Maniuer er I'viormrr te loam tbe Brrani,' W. NsImd, J. BloD*, Sfiff jiaii alac?, lu-Ucnl/ 19. Twobndr«dlbptrfomaoQsor*'UuiDplr H. F, Nawnian, R. Waileta, icaranccaud wufaTorjbly receivi-d, Kcitdei bis "onro" 0 dbjppeir«d trum Tailf. It «ai OimptT," alOlrai>le pro eielou. Addlwu £. 0. IIAOEHTY, an.1 Hank Paso form tba tionpc. di.ea at Urit »Ald iho *>a\ ui» ut-i*., Tbaatro. . "Brorla In tba WUdar. 10 aoToral negro acia and daarca ob atllU. Jobnpy ; bar doith ira« dul/ aaa-ianu^. il-ll« Ullliird, Hau. IL LiLul ol Ualla LocaalD upadaa,at Ljoaoffl Tbaabma aa Z«dr aiora." *' Tba Mlaer and bla Troiitilaroma Kt-PcanremalBiafarorltoivitiibis Sb« baa Juit le^ivtrid ber libtitj, altor fuuntbD ' Scrranta," "Juat clogi aad negro oceen- jcan' doiro- Aao, la'MtlabanllboTblrd." InpiieJ In," and "Ola Bull In a Fli," Irldiies. Ilcarra, CauUlelJ Uno 10 a hoiuo km Ibe loa4at, wliero ih« joexiPH soMisife, wer* glTen and lloae arh alao popular, wti kept aoder tbo 11 CbarlnVlrloo aamnl lo I'Llladalpbla, loAnolelllDdla^ TBB'KEIT YnnK nlMR, llBwooMn'a uuino 01 Jii I'liblnr Chtralicr. lUBArSIOAL UlHiT AND HrfOBHAEBB, a of Poet PUie, lil, I and ilncnw patfonn io CiaTeland, Ohio, on B uir iiotto aeroral billada aad oxooulaa faooy daocea lh« Jmrt\, lit, JJt II lotbei). 0 Haw UU B'llVEIlY, K. Y. Heoeuibor nili and 'i9tb. Uaoacer llowzer ]iromlied new alliactioiu and Creah botoI* uouoceiihatiLu mjiteiluui affair ttHi pordllj aocuo bcforo Torka WoikdanalalkabeuofSiYLBaudaeaia.O.D., laall pula af UieoiliDUial law couiii. xl Orsu'a Opera BoolTo Troupe amrad from Brul. bo* for tbe Uollaaya. Ibemaatiy. an NTIUard olokod bU aeoaooai tba Contiaaatal ma* Tn Aoisun or Uono, Nubrlllt, it aald lo be doing a "Abunu LiKCuuf B QiOTAURi Doom" !• tb* Utli ol a n«v Tboalia, Boaloa, ClTouses. T«i7 abnip'jy. fair bualoot* with Ibe following company Wolrli Edwanla, tilij KCilDf at a Nutlet iboAirv. Tho aoou'lunal icaualitbo " SL 01 Ljdia Tbonpaoo and burkaaao troupa, at Vfood'a merriN'a cisi^uRA'rjBDEiNO. B110.1 BroWB tba raUran eqaulrlin, who aap ur a aljuafa" gU-l' fi)»D » bat bean IMog Liiilu Uowbny, BtUr Darker, Ida Newton, Bete Daraopoil, IhiBMtDif «(ud*>v. Mnanns Ne\r York, lo **iiloD." LISII BRASS BA.VD I.ViiruUlIi:.ST.S.-MlBin. BUUSkYAOil., #icllf>iola lamer lha pan jtir or ao, enn'amplalea liriug and 8L Marliu. A correauoadeat aaya:—OrlOLo maaigoit A, '*Kolbor«ajbiara'*prodinedat ibaBraadwarlbMlra. wbo are aow Ibe propneton of tbe worki 'aiaed IHallo'i uonrae. tor jtul c«a.lto<*il to inetr New mil 'loll aaca lorr, York hotua an auoruaeDl . Aa morf," and will prabiblj one- mini well. Usrpby ii huge. In bisBe» "1^'atnoaof Kratscky." ooTueEu. bare blW TUHK OLUU aKATB. aalnnlih tba wuni rr folka al ll|hlTarreC9inAlj,Atio^Tcaoia and Baiea. To boMlitonlai The abora an af tba beet welded iterI, liardaaad aad warraakirairaataA br fall datlog and graeolUI bite-baek BiDlto ia eacor^'l aevaral timea IB lila aolo. 1 "Ool of tba etraai," prvduiad at Worrall SUlan* Nov York baajo Julia lame. nrden lar pair; (III ^dio;. rnraraeml CHESS DT TELEUKAPU. Tbaairo. BiMl adraalAOuae BUOaBY A on., Oa eaa1 pab^ Slilpern'per pair; en ordeia lor Iwo pair, tAtu lODBthiba h» beao In dallr prae'.ieaon LaTltl, and Baltic Ua»on leti for LouiaTiUa, Keakieky, on L Di6dloraratt'aTroupeaBd«pabIoiaf tberTeaabTbttln.M.r., SMI' StIBtoadway. aaordentorloar^ir,f*-uir, Hi 00 oroeie lor eta oatr, BlMi ea aedS kia M lion>, g«l|la> in fool con'l|i|on for tho aummi>r. Tlili Daceoiber 20tb. Mtabliihmaot bu oae oi Ike beat o^ lor Iba (ereljhl patritd; enru ordeiaord lor Iweire pair, tT.M). BiiT wbhM aeaaon. A t« apprenll:a bImarU to a cireai maaiEer, Bae lo. Sample pilra eeni,ni, chariea paid, oa reuipl ofef obeelraa I arer llaiancd VB. SPRINGFIELD t Loulia Pjroo luok bar fanwall of Iba atot* al tbo AlaiaoAra PAN'ORAMA for SAX.S CHXIAP. prte aada the K C II ig«p**a adverllienioni amooBterodltedcBorderwbeorcedeed. We wUi layejl c..^ Hoona, Laedae. Eof HeoMW, <> Irel eaoh; WarMnbjeoL All Bone time ago a parly ol ooaiwur ebeaa playen al Bprlog B nmaMeaodlooinacl ihirsuBrortdlaa money la remlited loadraaM Cainixa Wnna, einaa, can be engaged for tbo lea- IQi Mai 01 Aaoea l[ib«k-fnipU •( JIatlMa Hano, ailboJ«*0Da brdfall ea comlu Held, Ha*!, formed ao uhicla'lon ruanl i« tnlarijual Ibe ihloi to no wlih a Mbatrrl oroeoecit ardw. Fiira'Mmtaeaalrerilvniant. knuno u tho Bpnogflifd 1 Canll'a^ WaJao'lpayO. O.D.abariaa. Addnu «on BClaoeUnneoua. baan, N.Y., aa . Treope. |3m»l M. P. UBBY, UwilU Hau. Maa. Wiasaa'a CiRoor, Tenth Chau Circle. 'Then were uoie Bao playrn aoioog Uieui, aod IL Eowla KormtcouimeDordaB aaMtaial al mblo'a Oardea, PhUK A SNTDB^ aod CillawSIII atnala. Phi'- niaUn'i English BrjaaDaod Oaiaar ef aad Faaaaa lulranialaaaBbahadef Booaay dnibig the earlv part ol the epilng of tbe preeest yeai, a inalcb N. Y., lo Ibe l«^ltDial« 4raaa. Aaa alnallL RawTeaB. adel .bK I'a. . la repnrred u ilnlna a OUlS. OX^BBRT, eood bu'lneaa. Arlllla of BalBloiauof BaMBaiiOeodaarollrae. . h Co,, whn drenlae In anotbrr eoluuo. wu made belwai-u theia and tke chau 1L Batanuo'a TreuM opaiiod at t Ika'a Opera Oooaa, H. Y. Um ablllir ire rtquraird to rntwud their Ula, amatenr aod pio'ea. LEAUBU OP UL'OUEiiTIU AND PIANUT, propaaai^ Bra adrai- la. 0. TrapiaL , A Olaib STiAJf e^toin Is oRertd for aala sliaal, L. Vdh married lo Hba Mi^nirnl In anoltirrenlunta, by Qaa. S. dood- ef Woiccaler. The gaiie wu pityrd orar the FrjakUa la open tar ao lauu^maoL lianaeare of tt. Ubarioa Wlikibioa uarrladiuLllUallardaD. wIp, Id en adrcrtiicnrDi ebawh>n. lelrgnph liars, and Worceelrr waa beaten. Not HINSfllBL OH VAIIIlrrY OlIUrANIBB Proleoalenal Slcoters. Jira E CooiB, Hid. DeBiiK aad Bianan and BollawM Hlabiof to IL Ibaoparabjuilkef "(l«Dti1aTol>ettrabaDi"produa«JalA'naab O01 QiBBRT, I?adaroforcbeekaaad plaaUl, oaabaeagaged. It up en Woreuter piaetired a bit Bey addrau UUa. OBBSBr. Udlee or lallemra of lakoowledied takaLvkavtAaaiBB^ flmnaiii «ntl leipaia, eaa ba anfiiad. Bee Sire and duUeaied Spilig. Tbauir* «. Y. adTartiicmant In Bee hll adrrr1lieBH-Bt aiietbar alll Poetuaea,Obk»ia,ni. BlalaliirJuiuaiT,eaaBddiaaa,wllk lanuf.ala ..... anolk^r crtl'iaan. M 10 trial, oaly lo ba agula dareilad, Eiatea. 38ib LIbby'i Old. parambuliiura i-f Buaioo lo a trial, tbe parir wionlor two S&. lo Mew York, u a nadar. at Mro. BeeU Siddooi, al Biala- TOE arent MART'im OBIRieKI, ' «>i"P»«J alartad for rtilli. TUB WIIBDBR OP TUB WUHLU, Thli altlat perorau an a i^'k" "IITf/n?;*nib 'r'""- ^i'V CtiAaiia Wbkbdiaii, lite of Dan Itlce'i Circus, who deaa gamca out of three to be dnlarrd the rldori. Tbe bnibna al 4alrbi*on D.a Jimta Robinioa 10,1 tti Leourd, Ibe Fnoobftinail, nada bUAmarlaaaiiM ai laa- alalia iwloiloa win 10 'eel In mid air, aod dau acoaiplMalusiliBB ao h with-4 the•« aquatic raata, adreriiacA l at be eaa be rngagW. the "Bub" wan agraaiblo aad Iwo BoataindCaatall'iUlrcu^ aamta bare raeeaily biea damjr of Hnalo aaa nu^.a hUiarr. eel ao Iba wfra, Raapooalbla rartely or ilraumaaatnBwliiWDS MISCELLANEOUS. A CaniB or Co.icuT U>ua ta adTanlaed for by N. B. played by UlegTapta. Tbe Ihird ead deeblfe ,., Kbubb died In DaKlnrnra, gaao will be lakra hUVBHBEH. loaoeaia Ibia artlat aiuw lha Itih toil,, wbeo hlaeaaaa«nental , BUT Kdl, oa Banday, Dca, atlb. Laaeltl. Bee bla card .Iwaheie. . iplmmedkitalyanrrtba bolMaya, and the niult is aniluuly L Tbe borlaaooa of "Orpbea aua Baren ' predooed by KeUy aad lha Horrla Brwhen* Operj Uooar, Beaton, eaptiia. eaa addrau HABTtn CaiBiBU, JuggI r, can ba ennged aflee the Ulh liHiked for by Uie trionds of both sides. Toe aialefa bu iicllod Leon'e Hlnatiell^ b. r. lk.lt' MUKItIB SHUTHKB ,llp«wiUeuaarBoeleB,Haa«. IUPORTAHT TO ALL-8p\«n«Id Fslaa MoisttstM, SEualo tpit. Bre bia adTinla-aienl lo another i. Allae lambolleiaanled to Paul Albalu. aaaki aoalaia., kliM™TK ..^ FisoBAirA priniBeld. laalcalo uMo. lAli* «lo| of Dec. 2»1,lir falling t.tbo et.,p or Ciurotiiu wu eiblblled ta 81. Paal, SprlBiSelA tl Mra. D. r. Bowira opeoed al NIbla'a Uardaa, N. T, fSm* ibV"alil'- U u, ""'rl! "^'fiT 1..I- la K t PloEt varbli t.. the o. litb, where It conMoucd three daia t. Ur BatamiB lo the \ew York Couna datr maaaga curtain aSd o>bir m,it«i 1. ih. '^':->S''JP"- 1..EI-KBI Xi-gBB FOR aATiTI—A orates 917BABX • P. T, BABBini and P. V. leeiuiod L Mid ofMia. SeotlBlddooelo AiDii1ea,u aa aetcaaa,UBM- Be-lon. It «saboal half-pail al,ht o'etoek, Mubr ia Fblltdelphia Ibe 1..B-U4 ll-B< BNOINB, tbalamlararBuuiutniad fraBaliaa. Illalauifiii -hi' Oi. kl..Kx K Ian UaaeQBi- MAGIC oo, that Oh daacanand olbrn put *eek, Pnt aellhcr e' ibem eilracl»l a lorca booM. 4..l--qKt4 -aaalaa order, and will ba aold low tor auh. CO MB^V m wetaiurllad brea una- a..K-iii R-gBi lA Plial ofodaeuoo of "After Dark," el Nlbto'a, Mew Tork. ^V" t* A PASoaaiii b adrartliel lor aala by J, Delaaaay, wbose •..I'-B 9 OaaEaaeeaallbeMialO OliHB ItPPIUB, III BROADWAT. Baalanlii as a ilaea aeer 'be wlogn. Thrn wai a U..P-II] I..H-lliq K-K 1 I'rutk bia iipoo lOtb of JaooAi). DKOBMBBB. iorimoil, aad bud the alaln aaeeni..ijpy KP I1..H-E1 BX P PniUVama-JaparalnnedloTotahafflL Wa. - - - .iiadenoef thaeita, ahlcb kicd enplooaly. Wheo HuBAia LniOiBB put bi oae alcbt al Haala Ball, New IT..Irh In (haoftamooa, aad "''^ -** npo^ l> '"I*! 3..ii-Kr B-giq M..ii-yi K-K4 "TifT,"aaalhaoaidr.Jos mw ki pulb^r ear tnabled la nor biao a hnau and lot ia D.«yion 3..KI-KBB KI-UB KUKll buioniiblag, trulyi'' Mill the eaa, a msmiiit. Prleo, par enerlepe. IB uata paet faUT >..II-B( ma oFeal^ hlH ay.iL B-Bi JT..B-(f« lUK U14 'Maw lai'a aoa Uo^iftikoini£ih^rnaib^^mami«t~ vblcb, at bar dealb, whiah ee<;iirTod a few mnnrhe aao, ibo hhn uke It out aad 'asd It baoL" " rr w-err . «..1'-UEI< i»..nih i B-lia» eoe,00oaiiia. SttrpllM Cardi, J, ^jjj^ al leqnoilliO'l toEllBi Dii^ IBlh ihAiir«p-fa-bsr nn «'"*jfitK Portland, MP. ;8lh loru kfm ««a4 Irlct," Bill PkaiS'aSaa On 0 llld mSSbA N.l v *t**',.?i""' g.,i'-u sd n.RX B ntortod lha kaepor, with a rrnUh leer, peor^perboi.tteoala. L liBkB.tlUbalSim' and tbea mrB SHADOW l'AI*TOMIMI3 ainai iKtiaat ber naU-noa In Claclaoail, and Intlied Imr to tike n II. .Ouikl» Tbayerrlred attbefarm, aoda'ter II. B-iji Uiutlea 1J..B-B1 Kl-Klt taklaga aniierHelal view nf It, the bnnei'heada wrnll ™dlo, lb lr..KMJB9 111 JS..P-B Kt-Hi AMUSEMENTS. C.nclJa.'^ra^^"VII.10. ami. I'-K i WIlllt.UT A M.lKTK«.-^owDor.l,co•l.lnl"^«J•t^;;a[rtatep l/bTU THOUSAND.- UUNTBRS' .OUIOB AlIB ievarJ hiHtio, Afier thayhid dilveo a mile or Iwo, It row XHer admlsilua Bgara la om U..UKUKI r-uH« S7..l'-Ud — Ike duller. wort 01 kiBd lol'jr 'eiplibird. The moil cemplrle.ngiMo "J10 J "'Jnly Bob. TiiAPPBRa' OUMPANXHN, How la Boai l<..K-Hao 9t..l>-Kia , , XV loai.iK Tiaa d bung Uirb, baaud lonlyetap^ hUhnraeeea . (lamaoded Ibai iMJa UoiUoo N. Y »ll* ^CiABA UtnsB EaiLow Babad. Uallcd. N eeaia. J. HMUef, «* aiuua er aalnala. Ikom tke nink tu the' kear or iimA, Ta^aaa ihenid, rhH wmoartl... Aubara. Dec, l>..KI-K« r-K B i M.-BXl! Kate aeit mrirahig, mrrlbluiatacetialn ia»Ttr*a u N. Y„ ...... *ARB BIT » PALMIK ley. make uupi aad uuetaL A Miiaalkruerwnlui—lut— .• ,:n lii..KI-Kt3 I'-u D « *>* Praunnd, Ikr Ihe bity-lblid eu poreband with hi« mnBoy, aad by 2Si.,Swnr3;^^"Ki»-:;i,;™''U'i '^^^^^ J I3..I'-IU U..B.Kt< B-K 119 Uao uS Th.Uemkeiaoflhj^^,P •AneoldlolwoBMalha. Dalylier-' liibt beloiigrd inMB, t. P. 0. E, to bimi al Ihe lanie time br dnw In«a auce »u liriinonncailXiiii.ji27, f ,!•*;• pcr.nnn- 1U.,B-U9 r onlau aha woold promise lo make the onnTer' Fbabb O'RfiBT'a lllssMtJir. n-Bi I7..U-KI< ll-ul **TT BTIU. WAVI!8."_TaB S..If«m.»r K C.K-K Ktu -•-"STAB BPANQUD"'^^^'^ •?,'*,*'f ^ "•!>" alL-nuiilTB, lha cam wasooeililbl Ion at tbe 4J..I'.g US aaNDATBrKriKO, JANDART U.lm. 1 BANNER" Look al rSBUU.- Gold Vil'ThSSSi rli'''''' 'St!'!'' ll..r-Elll B-Kdd (Abi TlM wIitrbli raqaeat.aod pmmlied allhepLei .SjB&No&fl.'i COHPAMr. fup, Uumor, Idddtcr 10 meet kirn 8pr1i(l1e Id rcrfgna. ^.M? Mnambm'''"»'''''"'^,KiffJ'jfj|}V''^ BMDiluiiedvDtbsioofTiiw. "O"!"* rUUIUBU NoTIOB, 1* RIIH, It. H. Sea. la order to BtkB bereoopUinae I?!dSlloa to 81.1 aad 6p-JSlBciabltaid' by t.vdiBiIlumbu|i with htiYwia-jt,,ion wn, be now toahiCaea h rBagaradle- BLAOKPBlARB, TBMPL8 BTA- <-.._ »end BAb, VlOToniA prrTsnnBou 'tiibaxiixl brHUilaliai," CaoaunaU ili.gralaedat|U, BBd«lbrB drara her la her londeaea sA«rf°L;;"''^*^5^"'">-^^^ HUN. viVCa up mlai/k, OIIBBP .«i thoclt>,b>itbelMakitia(karoota<'ihi bngn, waroi-dbet PEDESTRIANISM. OUMVBIIT aallulaUln conp^y wjth bak agi*a>Bpat~li-iba Domw. la- UaLL, Mead of soeXlag ihe lawyer's •auniydo.nn.i.d by n. IT. WIILIANB' TARBina oaeo oa Tbfrd.atneUaeoordlBg S;^•»l^J^s^h.^l,.^.^l«?"l SINOWO, DAHMNO, NHW^klulio AND APPOIMniB.tT«, rto, Iba toRn'aS-xmT A Irallmonlil eBlarialnmont 'or the *? ;il'.'',»'«*>»i nasi day, beiween Iwo an'l ibrae Tbeorbim or ,h, HeaU looured ill dire In ad»aai«. 16,000 ;^,'i^f^iS!SCatuZ baoNIt to bla KoijlaDil, ATBNUB, BBTWBU.I ffOUD ABO BBmuIBIiD VIS.: _i|. nteeily' •'olnclt III Ibo anarnnon. weal m wck adrloo of Uoorge lopley, prerluu> toiuni lo yirm uuaSed. Ihtioary uuniber, aim eiponn 4 at tbe affleo af a ln tb.'ruraateof the ball, .bieh U-l «iiiia>elor. been uard the arenlog «u glrou at llio SIO Uroatlwar, ob Uotiiby r>oo. otiYsEpio 'xil Iota bla bmy oupa aad ball, i^titab Wddmeeairny, A^arrani boa l-aaeii SVkPoIirn mkorr Vtmrfrm, wire VBiuablotropblai.aodwfroln. h'on for bu arreai. tiiectea Ibe iBldUbte AtnirnujOemrdUn aad IValnialoilii, with mnota Inleieit Ihe aincWoii. AHiribo JtaTAMjnuIUDMK, A'Innia, aa„bia been raBOHtcd Ihi by rilk, All OMJWN, OBAMoao nil BAIBI Vomm Tbbatbioau,—is line appmuh't fiw the .. OBUMOil L 8hi OIcIlI, aoldini!, Dootry no.,.,, , Ha r:||Bfkd,.a§Q|f,a^w epea undrt tiro loaaigenirnt el niiglssraioni.f paoiooilmo, liwer !t.°.!i.**" S^"' ^tUr, La- u, Bitniaalkalaldoacopaor Ml ."iTbire- naetr wai a n.i/iilllrb bare lately beea I | »' o'bcre adjoumad to Jloiniy Palainr UareeUandKoohaal. ' piecaae'iiiMieaplleaably 'oretigo mansipe and the tel. pri-aenled tbe metrnpollun mmagera,* Tlie Sf^fifr- _ I SSI I , by Uletl new adc*' abwo aenia,lenia, brbrl|l4 aad laa». ' ?221SM''°^*'""''''"*'l»«rt«rB, It wa Drwawjy, OtmieOtmIe TrioiiaJIafTiioka. Oar I ill | Haory, , BalUn U'lle Bl.lrHc J.. iMibitnf "Tuaia Cats,'' by Ur, Taics, which wu annnwisld l>ila, UBg-i iropi lei W'W plAcad aihlpilioD, aod an hoar ri ianWlJlraalDi aeai h oaiuJiiil Vhlen, Jiihony er, Ovt (ot on V"i • wea rmduolba ai tbo PilBeeot i^aleaThaairunoDee, ISUi.^o Ine, BitbbhOB roh*' I pitdneden." '*•"'• ">«ailiii| Topley'a hoallli, and wlih- S] IB, Arll^'a nf ahlllly oaa eb- « hloh icofiil in Mr, Cbarlea Collelta, late aa (-Olcer in Iba Tblro i^HtS'""^ ^' TDB tlAUAB BALUtT, yy. wkaaioBBanjuUl)d^AkU««ruAhHSlB../a3 •••ol'' dirt, roploy took bla do- iltltUiUliausarlue- Dminiii Ouardi, ni lo make blsBisl apkatrauea HIa mSS iirl aruAWtt'^^*^ naimij OD boa»atlieai«j»ier lu oMLTiiBimiiXnuiurfTTTUATniii Bal»oso appaaicd on Deo Bih at tbr Uiymaikat, JSuSTtK."" BtUOOB RAaHOAD •<'?«',,„:„. _ tin on. In Hiveii. mrVLOMoB, wbloiilwfiUiiepor, on SnBday, Daaemker HATIHnil BVHU.~VHllf WBUNB'DAV AND BATUBOAT. \ita thbaire, Delawai^'Obk, with a t'i>i's aow pUy of "Pleis>," la whMi sha IsuldlahM^ M M iit lojonn wltb hae tooduoied U, U, Will ebonV bo aaUielr>«uMireoied. IM Biff OOMPANT n IM mw./- ' - na, Topley Do, Mlh, aehiovod a aaocass, and It Is aan'moced for t«pallll>)n unlll '^ guUenaiily way, ao« «o reirral ibit kit .IaUJBU'r, ^WasniRgton, D, 0,, waa opaniMi aa Dm Mlb, the olei* ol bee mgAgeneaL 'The nous u>a:— JJ3ltoail!] A A^D-W'AllO 1 taeaUBs Willi aono of our iel/-itjlail Imparieraer-HAUiO APPAiiAfUl, llamr-at, lae dramatist and nalbor, "Alliluogli wriUaa by Iho uhia auibiir, 'PielrA' l< letallr die- ViaaiuiumiBBd fMakkaparta^iMtlavilMfNl mimMm by a^ ly^MOTra faillo: ha« he beao wllllB| toaarae M* BKUADWAy. N. T< ••uannb and Uena, Idrlea'l Imtli slmllir bi sbopHloc to 'biah,' beiag a leiM JU' !>>• >ni<>4ri

    1 . ' , 1 ^ b —1 , I . . e 1 f

    THE ISTEW YORK OLIPFEB. January 2, 1869. nOTEL, lt2. \U ANDj'lU BUT "319 y^t^X'Om'lT iT iTH. WORDEN ~ GBOnGE TXJTID A SON'S rnDBTBKNTUBTHBBr.Kair York, osMU oai flVB AND UX malMOM) BAMJU, mtur nail, and rrtltrla Iba ImiaodlaU Tlolnllr or ibaI AoodAoodai VICrrOIUETLLJS. tluai, BfTaatt' Hlnalrala, Nov York Clnau, Hlalavoj UiU oUinrfaahlooablopUeaioraalUMTDanl, vicrronnmcs. 1J.1U QKO. P. WORDBN,

    TimoBBATEer aniiiAsis ix tub vobld. oraO FOR IT. O iiurOreaiOaialoria and aNow Boob o(SM mim, •«ln»t la aad >N Dov pwtenlai al iba noI.' Ban aiUnd Amala, Uanil iiaaip add addrua for II, or caU. WB. HURpy kOn. M "•in MB Oaaal aUaal, Hair Toit. LTOAT STRBBT TIIBAtBE, DALTIKOBB, laoovdadbooita. MlbHief •l>*l«<^,"«: N, lodtpudnl UUa lb«lr apptaraaoa la KBIT TOBK at lha EMPORIUM, ror ino ud tboril/ naka 1 Will Curls! CutIbI nnibon ml itpfwrau Ibn Oilllaal BiaIo, had lanl with Ik' A ^gk !•' MBIT TAMMANT BALL tUl* SBBRIT M. BTAHI 00., uuvr rin, luak dotrd, optaloi In Iba Ian wilob I tiaim u n; a^ KOUuD. yol wUbloi la piiff tiiy own troit, UA Urns balni BU/ 8 Llbeitr "••'i Hair Tai 1 0!lx, idiLpUdMf ImluUoDK °l IhUlnilnimoM, I an wl'llai u tm lu nulu Mta*. «TIZI3 SENSATIONp" Wn fmrdallbaabonaalnoUiaaU artlclaaaod brIbaBPOBT. lU inperioilly la all olbut^Jaod to^ I?pnm no 1U1(,TUB MAN OP LBI8UBB AND TUEXAlf Olf TABTR TBED jI^ok"*^ lOI'JLTBB, rBiuoiLniu. Baal rors ABBBIOAN a»-B0OKII S(.Il^ 111 IToomn kmt B0OK8II BOOEBtll .« ' tabUnlnaidlaairokiBia*, •BB BI1VB8T AMD OATEBT OUT. ^^V^«ENT FREE. II.Il,irlll MIlM Ooomodlooi lf'«««i*<«L''Ji!°2.VSipolailon HARRY HlXiI^'S UnOHTXiT TITIAK, rooBBi «^ Uood ttuw torn, por*^' wHI rai tomtit ^iI^iMiiiihlA. dnnlD< 17*a* COKOBnTA and ComlcallUn, with arar Turlai tad uvlkalaM la"BBTTAIIBBAa.", A MBptfl of Pnf. ROBirS OUBUQUB te intf leail rOOIBT AUrai, Tli«OUKLiqUBw1U0arlUia*UmlthiaiilulreattoBra|» of Fomlu Aiaojenoal, nol Ua aUraallva ofwbbb U Iba lau» VmAH, BTEBBOIOOPIO TIBWI AMD BOZCS, POB 6nm. pUailoa (nllhoitl iuDtT) lo on, InuHaoi, baaaUfal flowtfli oom ta bb woodvfal ImptnoDAUaoi. UELAII PtOTUBBB, OIOAB 0A8B8, ri.ATIlia OABOi, ATirmpf^uM, ""^•"'•pTn'oU A"i"fuDy PABTOmilBB. jbldiw, wlik lUnp) fnt. B. U. HUBB, fvkmu, OUa "no"WAm> Vims, 8II0PP BOXBB, TOBACOO B0XB8, BonOH, MASd. ^tf.„to.U»Cu..d.., dambydjuiualau,,^, and bla fapoib wu^nbOh PHOICOBAPDi, AMUSEMENIS^ ^^^^ room BooEa, miorosoofio knitei, bimos, mon, i Miaaftn inhiiATttaJaaotalaUaa"e(llli1h,l(adoaadlflBlar. . WAAO a ma, WATOH OOABMB, PBMBOLDBBl, ^ Dr* Dnrton'9 Tobacco Antldeti J:"tiiowbhi6oii,< TIVIAN'B ..lODB BABT yrinnAMm TO nnon au* disim tok laltll blU —in>- Touooa i "BAOKBTTT JACK," ALL mB LAIBBTNOTBLTIEail [nlgwrodiatUaiuiharwtlmtf moA li Blw to «actik*ri_- OrBN TUB TUB CBABOR uer. U pwrj/ks and rnrU/ta Ihi hIeoJ, Inwl^enifi |& WBSTWOaTH AND kjltbo, pooawei DMrlihlBf ud t. ^'"'l 'T BE HAN WHO OANAU ITVEIZ BXONTOX..AlN> TBBODaaOOT TBIB ID ' ll.Ha.f«Md . AJIT ADDBB8& elTocto ot\toh«coO| wliU lUta oi tBiImon' Sjjmir The Orval HaiapM Aunaa, tad ool* Feaalo Uuidle RidariaUie etOaaKUiViiCa AccnU wanted, Addn_ world, frora La Cli^no do I'lmpmlilcr. Pani, aa4 bar bliblj ado* Du. T. TL AoioTT, Joi]^ CUr, K. J. rBRroniiBiis. SIIOWMISN'I ctiad au«d Mlaaahaba, Uie woodrr vorid, haa baao aopjod '^"'"'^'^^''^^^bTmopux TO of Iba oalloi IS t> aad DTWABDa kbI (0 appear lo orair panonnaoco bf , vlll br Tiiun U. 0. UHADY'.I AHBRICAN OIR0D8, PATABLE OK DBLITBIT. rnoHTnnU^ Tousunr, Sarr^n/'* OJim.—'P\mm baiaa aad ttm HanualrL omlurubly L Pnal and iiMch ilarli iiom Kanlaa, P.. Maj ma. IflB. 8Ht» py.:da 3:}.M/o\lho A>llWJfl. wks out rtatwti Mai dui Um wrk BuAir. / 0. T. Boai«. XNSTIIUCTIONS Given Addna OBBBITT M. BTABB igtal IneladaJ. - TO. BANJO BROWN'S HAJLX^ k OOL, FftON Kr.v IIa BiATr.^nfui.—Qntimtn tt !• I'TLY «TmSDBD lo>P.M..bpn.O.DOB3nW,iaBowwyiH.T. »'( AiRnm t I'Kufl BILLL I UnTI.NOi»Tl>lo I iotT• 4. «. B». LIbartj AND ""gj^uxA HINBUIB, L«a nuOKKIlKDTlLL. t».1l » airaet, Haw Teat OWy. lnninne« lisro h3v\ff tmn «/cd «r lli* ippaUl* fbr CO. rnpnliUon ll-KUi Bill apadlj IIM; Oood Rlafaiad Pctaerr, Oh (nbacco hr utlnf Dr^usitoo'i Aoltilotii, «t dMlra t '^*^'Xwolf'& A-^NiEUM. Tool aod Dordor U^tta, DraMloi-RMOia, aallerv, TIakal Umee on ulr for Um p.Hwnen oTthli InfTllullon. MPOBIERS ASD BEilBBS 0F_ HOWARD wondBoor. Urcbaalra-bnaa aad alfinf, Plaao, Bill Boarda aad JMftru MiT\WaJSa or N. IL flWa Prteo. — New v^Theatrical I'oalan. Good Sbow Towa lor mtrIL Addraaa BUUWN'S HALL, GEKKrTT M. EVANS & oo- .•|g-| S7.d.» III. BTBBKT, Torld, , BOL a LIBBRTr Nn Tool, nitWoodtroribi ' TUHAOOB. Haaalaoloreii aad Dealan la JUL B'k. NavAIbta/, loa Hllu. mLUB SIlA5Bnit, MILLER » OBARIU I^nXBRTV HAXiIa AD7ANTA0B f<1i'>ii THB Cntcr E^yiinCD or tttb Aluooahy TiXf "•wBilllo BAST MBEMty, lira mllaa Boat of PllUbnr«h, oo . andXTbJaaaloaod"Arv'iJffl'hlil'SJ&lBelali llSleraVucaien la THRATBIOAlTuiuTsinAii I i.zr Uailroid C'jipaA^ I'lv^simou, I hanuM IK BID ItB. Imponanof p„q,,i„oi, Coniral II. K) bulMlojUillaDd ai inibllaj louyaribu Udy allk.s&'1.¥S1Sands.l^^^^^^^ PUfULAIIHN rKN THOOHAND. FARO BOXBB, TBIMMINO A CMQjMAyV taifvoytn \*nm Boi op An> aoj parlof lHa UMTEDSTATBS wOAIf. yyiGs, h•r•ol«•t»^ JOdUBART, nooiMaiO. S D., U Addreta JilllN PBSCUniBNT, JR., DOYi oarod taj l/oilicr aatl n))i«Il\It mni riiu. TMFATRicAL ' FABO CHECKS, KBnO BBn^Bt Iter. SltUoo, aa. ADAS. ; Wllklu r. UnoxuiKEu, Kiwj'i HowMd Altaaaaia, Baaloo. ' 2Sf AUail)OD; Co.,ra. ma. miTJIADE OB yADH TO UBU LATOBTS, DICI^ FlOWTR^ynuoa nBiD0DiaT1tM,\iTBIT, HlU.— JOHN DBOUGHARPS MttgatnMmitiij'jti^ mwndt e/ Jt^A iMJum nonlAi br o.ir panontl iiipajnlond-iiej, «;• HALiX- n..uaWrMuiialtr irtl>Uc ei^VSON AftTTItMHPTTWH. uilnjr Dr. BfiiioaU AuUdMa. ud oU odDiaBlD< UoonauUllaliU- m trral Taale airaat. M«w Y«a». PBIOE L1BT8 aod nPBOTBD BADPLB 8IIEBT8 OP OABW wm mo. 1 uu pluuora lo RceB.%MBdlB| I0 4jn>*uruden, T. Y. Euni^dMor. aanl PBEE la any addraa. DllEl^ES »>d COST^^BB, rBB50.VB OOHTORTABLT. 3».ii TIKOT OOW1«^ BViSLXO •^f;" WoiSlTDATE ISb v->" MAGIC COMB [Tradmarh X OopyrighUd,} \ In otdcr. CO., «. T.. '*~^'°'iroDLST.''.Vx, I.RANCB amplilc TbriTBaklo|laB Boaae ad- • 3f% . _ nn^ifid ?nn«T v!;^ NSTASTANiOLSiY BARKEEPER'S COMPANION. ^For Mto brDRtfAH BARKER k CO., DraifWa. ll • Bila Ullaar, opoalaj diiticuj opjb lha il" THE >L?^ On rS.'Jikf ilf SimlaiBwni aun | Bow, Haw Tork. Hold DnngUti etMywhOT. _ POPUX^R SOXGS of^ tt« laert Iowbi SIT Foal 10 aar addrau PREE, oo ntalpt of loo poaUK aliaipa, bj W. bf i oat • ba« baofi (PMii oil/, bU » wo aad (01 UErBUB>E,I(IJ*aiaaa atrial, N. v. il.(ni BONO BT BROWN OR BLACK, Pip«r i- TOOma. GOODWrN, COBB ft CO., Oommbdon ALLBX k IIA.1NINS. CUBA. m, No*. 16 Mid 19 RRADB 3TBBBT, bolwen BnftdWKTKji 81811805, mn-F. I>OBSON RUOTHEatS» ROTiL HAVANA LOTTERY tF Blmflraal, MiwTork. Newiuid PilaUag Ptp«r IUB0Mn«4l» . iba Baaalab Ooirmmaot. ... Wetr aUATPUjrUSIOKALANDPABbOBBAlUOi CooduclM br ETBHY If DATE. Iia BBWLOI* °AiVP-»i'*-«««"'™-Sjl,?^'JJ'lOB BOl l* ISLlUg IN COLD DRAWN JOnPBBO.OiiNOB BUiawii ...MtXk PrtaeacaabadaDdlolbnoaUoBlaialahcd; Ibo bicheal taica paid te rOOP LAI mddlclaiio, Ono(ajO&,M.Jf. ''r5 WHOLESALE .jiP all RETAIL Sllrar : alao lor Qomanrtal WOODEN LBO ...Ma* BoiTjlUwTarkair. & DoaMoaoa aad all kladi af Hold and Ho rOKNIBBT TOT OCT. KAK WITH A TAYLOR A Od., BA.1KBRR, »ISB ...flail' K-WM tS^Si Sm Liule Joea TriekB ra tbe Tnpfu. Wll let tta wb^ Ivva rOPI POPI SPABIUNO Id Wall aliael, . mi COM Ekndjonr order* utIt, er tooowilliMelkeifcwill loee Bvat% ....4) MAGIC B Co.'' . NawTort, " flUSTATDS ADOLPH08 OBBBK THEATRH 81.dB« UCMU. PLBlCnBBA0l>.,T7 Kr^^ a aimt, N.Y. SMm BOOOUU EITB « «» DAU Alio IBB TI0I3«»«« fuBATRB IB POB BENT NOVELTY—"Th6 MjRtIo Birini," 8 " icaaoo. AORBAT piblliber, Par Ika jnaeal will pleaea all. mail. Piny OanIA BtDt kf Bd a ni^tt of priM b; Ika patoiUd lUaalOB ead By * ApeBlaXaotal. G. E. KRTOHAM,Newar|[. N. J. W-Uf MIL , t»o baanUftl Optra Booa, far LARnBlr AHinRTMENT, THE A.ND TBK OUdAPR.D!:. OIHOULARR AND Oap MeiUlM M* Bmm aa(M ea a OlrdMtar aeaa NOTICE TO MANA.GERS, PIRKu"tULli IN (iEW BBDFOBD, PRIOR UdT8 PRES. WSIiLBiALB PBIOBIl UPON APPLIOA- llCvfBdATBlOALAOll.NIll A»D orHBBi;. tal aj iWpaailBBwJ mmmug Uba BptrHmQ Jfeia CAa d.dd^ eart.,ba«.oiud.j '""^'•^arboNDSlsHOP, B.p«d«lV niiN. n. n.iiid oJSfi bATiBi "SEJIi ^o^,^cioB8 triS^ Coeojdia, Ballngoia, Md. ADDRBBB OB OAU> AT TUB BTnBB OP Wtitt Oa»na*ii«i'»»ii p« i /V«»«»>iir aM i^dHi ubB»olnlHnliim.«l of f *'AA'd~< THEATRE, ISO BIRD I d!uJUTipnii2wnaiBatopi>rl>y 4aada UBBSBB. PffBLAN ft COLLEfTDB^ "^e »f THEATRICAL HOSIERY MOOEINO BIHD IBITATllR, nnl- at ihi noiud Kuiu. Mftiinraelar«ra of Ill Miu adopted Iba pialeaaMo; laiUhdAa adaw da afty lAa iw^raBBteii Mbl taa haA KwVort, D«a. 1M^ Uca. AVaOiTIN SALT. Ttfiallp br THB BTAKDARD AMBftlOAN BILUABD TABL1% Duad OOMTAJCT IE Of Xvery Seaorlptloa. Irllla »li ma BEST BTAKDABBViBIBir pndoora Ibo moat encbaatlBg wmm i^ttamothar laealily. Aod aole p«ieut«M of tb« woild-iamed ™ AMKBICA. 00 flnt lilal. rUKLAN COMBI.NATIOM OORmOIf N«TIOB. Idiapaoilba to Bportamn aad FOtynfEtt <& BCJHMIOT, aPBUIAL Omp Maa* ia /Wlar (k« M aaap kaa koaie »d/bM^ (LaUon patnt ipiDted Id lUA, If00, «Dd Norcmtar 14 WIO MABBEl rroMBow ilialLOotaBiairtCT, VANDEKLIP~& TATLOE» Bootaia tor aalldai lama wUhla Imko pleuura iDanoouiioioi w Ihetr ptiroBitbran^boot resQ THBATRMAL •faal aboL moxa OFGOODa.MVOB BBDVaBB, mm* Uada olTbaalilal Wlia, Aa, AC, U OB HuUfBod aaoadu, ta vf 11 uiolhe pobUola irarnl, IkBtl iSSIa. aakaa af all »»' (Lota A. BaREU t C0.-Eita]ilU»4 ISA) PBIOB a CENTS. TblnaMlb aaaal. balwaag PIIU aad Biitfi artga- . aeer/MUMaa/briUHnf •prtMWFraHfd wa MMr eilcQilTB iip-lowo licuufea riojitred brfln laal iDinverkhfti^ *^&65aprr^rsTi£fifissis Baal bj loalL poal paid. In a aaat boi. PKe far BL beta lobalU and eoUriod, and uppliedwlih Improved waldBar ' a/ UBOULAU UILIdUHD TABLBd, Baa. ii^PO T. TBONAL tbat ordan for 007 Hyla and of aar nolorial cob ba MAMMBTT. A IlErtX.E^ on neb FUBUSHED. ubhAht biluabd ta" E CI^ARRY al vera abort DoUca. JDBT DIRBaruAd,_ ^^PEINTEKd AND ENOBATBBa Aimlahtd IfprtmptmumuMpiir imUnf, WITH TBM Af wall u for . , bPBUCK dIBBIT, mall racolva paitteslai olleBltaL W-. o Mmfaod. Vatlbaw Baljd, Tboaaa A. BooU, JobB U. Id JjTo It Oidan kj BEST aOOM AX MBABOKJLBtB PBIOBa, BALL*), CLOTB, OOBS B. E. awwD. ^ MBW TOES. - Bod In firt lo idj wbj orBDccted wllh i fSSS.lauaa, °Un.. I---^ «wSl laSr Daakmd f. THE MODERN POCKET HOYLE, ercrrlhlof ^ ^Sk, Maoanr. tan omrrw i*. day, <** M rM^y ta Biaij ««d wUM Tbe7 ban alto lo aoaoaDce tbal lo iQt'ire tbtlr'wiJiS^^JJw aaL for tba at Ktm. ft) to ilree^_ « _* MOW a^THB X1ANCA9HIRI: XjASS." CoBlalBlflf aa the Gamea of eblll aad Obanoa aa playad la Ibli /kp Ira^a, pau olna jeara —. 09 Craaby, ree^ ' PHIKTBIO ESTABUSBirBNT^„^ takea Jbaaaa to Ma Jtaf* ar KM vaw THia MAOBIPIOEMT kTBCCTUBB CaUlorPasl£f«,lBildaBllb,OiTda aad Profiimma^ rm MV bulldln(,Na73i aa ooaalTT at Ibo preaaot Uma, belai as aatborltx oa all dlapalod '^'"'•ji^iVjJjT'oiJtillDBr tba accBM 01 ttl Drama, aaw . -«.-«!— — t'Uer. luiaMlltaafaBr £Htti I i .MirBSi aft f I ^f!-.^.. «*aa— ™j„„(,4sb TBI> PIBM 11 'Ouik'a TbatiT^ la Now Torb, loiatborwitb a polBlA Bji'IBOMPa'' Tbla ralaablemanail laalloriilaal, oma, 738 Braadvar; Maaalaolorlea, Taalb UiJn _ ,mula« ap aU Uadl tl WiFpi^aiod • THBMILDIKa AUINB, ran ^iVecaa allaalloa lo (onlalBln, an IBUmiUB} ounUra ollbo ud S7ilia(nola,iuaala,New1eih. rfOB BILLS ^I^SSiaud Pamp-lal, ar Iboroofblj rcrlaod, from Iba beat aad lataat aalborltla^ aad WRBOn iBa OaOUKDI PANOT dBOW llifidootiol iboptar.eaalwhid on appUoaUoaloJ. B.JA0KPON, 135 Dtutten Btntt ""* ban oa bud a larpudi|ladld iBcladaa the lawa aad fmnplale dlrecUoaa fgr pUjIai one bao- XAfiOI & 00., AND fw nfdtaawymum, rraiir''". ledi^r Job PnallBi limts, Pblladelpbla^ S'-f ol aad amall Wm.BETB^<™,0P^„~H8«ATIS0 Jjl^rtmaai laria died aad alarca dlfTanat Oaaoo, eonprlilBf Card Oanaa, ablaa#a, M. MM. WOOD JUTH ^ . ^ Obeckan, Donlaoeo, Baakpuanoa, Dlee, BUUarda, aod TBB OTB ur>DIICBaBEa >dkbb at amnoL Haaaiania, BiblopUn Pu liMiitaia, Ormaana, THE! SKATING QXJEEIT, Cbeea, ' colony Is tSaii?<^r«a7wbkbalB ba pjplaTlB oaa or aun OARHIE A. MmiRB, all Ibe Plaid Gaara SB pofea TBE.<»RBATI01! AND ItOLLBB BKATFBaa. Dice Cloths, Dice, &c. Tba RaflHw la tB br in,IM. Bio^ BaparaBd (M aatb. b«r br iddrraaim irafaat, \ .HqasB Hkao uabb (Iwf ualfaa) oomplala, Btl ACASEuinr OF ^snaif},- '^MaaiianS BBoa .Anailaaatlka^aaeaLdaF. ^ luaicarUiia. B.LOTBTT,ClilMrOatea. . I Ajio Bt.«cB Majuoa—Ouot-a Laua-arapm4.v***^.w'^!^ua MlBiaA In lhabaalam». POLTJtnD A 00 ' alajanl ajt*apeoitlat1aoUon bolaf piato nuk'di Ibcm Aa aluiotirv aa SacMlaBd bii baea aap««d, whlab. wU dlaooaiaa ai 1 panoaa. HAKDIN^S CONCEBT aStO Baaad la boarde, ilatb ^abAolAi TyiW' ''a Oaiabla KaUai naibia.- We bare the beaiartlal la Ibaconauy tA..*..ii*rB uo. Tbeattxloal HoU, Bandd la elolb, ilH aldf^d (oak, price, d tl. and Iber coa only be obtained ihrauh on. "Xmploaialbiliaoai far PIto Tboaaaad Pprdalorl I* Pnrldad "SK?^'flr»S'.yj'ii'?nE dat. wb.i obhobtb, ' MONMODTD, ILUNOia^ book for aala aroiTaiban, aad waibaamil,br ^ MAa >N A CH.7iaDeartioraaU«el,0bla»». 01 luoaiaa boudioi. - Tbe abore ^ la aoatllbMlia Ora, apga Iba aldaa Uia um^-adoaobF^IJIJl^^^^^^ Comnodlou Ball, oawlj fliw, aaaUnjmpadlTl** Itllaa PIrabooditdtaiaafoawlll, bralibl, reon^Aa q«|M.ai oiall.U) aar eddnai, tm of poaU»H opoo naclpt of laepril*. TBB FOBNK_ fooillnUU. appropriala leaaoiTi.dnaMai CtiVlU.S ATM UAT low.rw.u'SoojfclljB.** Wl«™..d^|.gtad«|^3- B«Dd ell Olden 10 Monte Cards. AGENTS ATTENTION I Poker and KEATERj SHOW rBOFESRIOMAL lU BiWT, BDCKLT, Adrartljcia' Aitnl, Qintial BlBl-caler, fttun lo IT per doieiL larooaorniontwacki^ BENJAVIN B. DICK A FTTZOERAXlD. Pub Pob«b Oibps. tt >„umwi~aia lorUadtomkaapplloallon, IIVCEUM "AT^L,^^_„^„ iBd Aniurmtnl Adrrnlaar. Sl-in" YAaBBi NoTioi UiBc», 93—per^rdoicn;9lJoicn; 91 per peek. gflrl.'.O tOWBlIT HALABY, SMm per moB. PUBLISHERS. NEW YORK. llo.s-Ti TiirBm, now bind, i9 perptrdaun;dowii: tl TO (KATE TWICE EACU DAY, Now Hall, JMI Comptaud, pocE. A , BPA.1UD Uo.^n OiBbt, $i.] ptr|prr doieo : |1 (•«per KINN, Soparior ainti, I AddMK WM. B. Maainr, BlrnollT Inlibfd aad limlabrd, n^uall; loealad, irdoien; $1 per I'biladaipbla. llllUKB«,Bllklodl,$U)Rr p. Ko. i,IilOlianlalr«i, ntretl; Ittia, dreaaiaj noiBl, alt; will aomloil. Sil )ui»allan'ood wwd Brmirriu, all klndi, ilifperdoiifD; »1 per P«t CHARLES PARKER. panieQl4ra,lo WESTE/^N Apjij, icir lorlbir NEW »Wa«at BU penoaa SQTJAHED BdOh pubor urda vuiup n a d»I pocbticuacw. 3Vow Haven> Ct> iWli LKBi, Alao^ Ljoanni U«llUE BA.VJO imaltod)...... *! TRilUI'E IIP kHIISTf, ondtral|Btd and ivboleialo and Kcull Dai MABMOTU Ifadffitonio tbaabUe HTAND4KU WohK\lbe Importer, Kanuracluirr Fqdabmo p7ho 0*ai>s,bc.i.»b; •w^nf »»» I'^f ^WAI.^'R BUUKLEV, la Iheir gi ol Tbaalrei, Ojtaiea, Ha le- la Uio bealinBDoer. Uoder tba aapenWaa af 0. U mpinduiTupplyiAr TUE LuWHsr PtUUBtDUUeloranoi milr call. Ibe allcnll'D ol Maaagoi. B> Vamo Boiu made 10 wUi-r or nriulnMl HAY CUTTERS. eililail BI.IdTHBL E!(IBKrUra,Taaaala,Bvdj, I'ulnlD'Eapane, AmoiirOUD, n|bla,lhlj1ch EAGLES, aeU at fiotorr pileea, wllb jl u LINEN Beloi AleoU lor Ibe Maan'aouuar we St«neJ, Bnilona, oid'ia, Jvtorta, Bloaa bet. I'liimrr, Bella, Poll loaiIheiunaldficouBtUilnelnde Coal'tma Plalfa, InlUlluo Dlaffioad JawallT, - ...ail par IJO BLACK N. v., tince, Cbapi'ii, looh.... AND BATAVU, per too Ik WHITE HOOI^YS OPERA HOUSES, lUIIneb M floor; a^aia pofipla. Bloeadea,Tliiaa, Zinc Unumnia, Bella, - inch..., II per UW Vowlr BllM apion acaood &U BUUOKI.VN AND WILLLIH9BUB0B, DoTiilooea,DlrbB, VaJla, ....nprldollS. ._ _ U Hold aod ililnrLaalbcr, LARGE SIZE A.\D DllKd Ohleeie.nhi__ ropa1aUoud,JJ0; •lAin lObrSt. Tbealnnl win, Kwonla (otodeni and antlone), itlaac Jewrlry. B A60a A C*'., 113 Dearborn alieet, A. W. I'KIIRY, ^j^,"" '"^"''T>i';vimY,arp;^;Sr. TuiDjQiiuDj BBVT 0. O. U. TU ALy pAftd tp IBE 0 a rroprlolor. FOB TBIHHINI}. 88-!l« AND OA- ADAS. »Sm> ACADEMY OF Koulette Wheels and Spreads. RUBBER GOODSi BCXZELPS HAr.ri, PXTTSJaXJRGH HAEIiET GIR1LS I FOR 8AUH IN IBITAnON OP IVOBT MUSIC. bt ntura nail an aillele wiauarn lo auks StUGBBIIUd, N. T., Send 81 SO, aod nl ol B»uj,Ma.73caodBlea«h. Mirllaiale niom, BIS, ID and Bit, alalia (raa NU UUMDUUI Adlim Al the Old BaUblUbed PUyloi Cird Miaabdor Waana,fnm8IUtotsea. Eewlf araal4d,lamaade3mmodtaap, wllbaxanUbylO leal, and Tbla alipel aad yoardruaeaUNINPLAHMABLBI Teelblnii HlanTor Ohlldroa, 8U. alOilo iraaL 5oj,j,odioD8 BALL BoidfJ, ay^S?fA!{l!!;bonel„eVOble.,a —'loeb, aidpereall far^ balllalbaplefieeBdUaaiiaandad bye p >P5laro j 01 ld,d)j. Ap- eaabeital*} ENTBRTA1SMEKT8 OXIT JNO. J. LEVY & CO., loeb, an pereelL JO?N L. BUTZEI CLAiB R. B. KENT'S Tbeotrloal Hosiery. iBobtlUparhBBdnd. Haatartlea, W. T. ta BIIWBIIY, N. Y. near Broadway, Checks. Inch, lu per hnadied. modeialo, laelodlo^UMDaajM|di» 177 & 179 Grand ttraet, Faro and Poker ""'pm l2m?wSJb will be lOBMEBLY OAUNEB'S ViTABUSBMENT, Ineb, aia per boae red. JIt HUtVBRT. ' haadnd. . YORK, Dliraam Kiire lacD, 88 per FHANK WIED'S METROPOLI- it WInlb'alreol, Pliubnrl. NEW Ona TwmTl M>4.l?*«JJ!!,''S!JSS_b;Obeeka, (wno TAN HUiiIil HALL, tu Waiblnfloa aiml, UaTalo. Waeted.-A jf.ll AnUodlot TBBATRIOAL AND OIBODB OLOTBINa lowtaal ebeaBal boae et 81 per IlM la UioU'a beat Iniry Pan order. BlaUoaeiaaiid PaavOotidl Dnien Ihnnihall lha oaiTmaauue uRrol 'flint t\km '-»»•* .^'11 I. A. .rnllnnn. -I. SAJl* ly 00 hand and nude to IMtt* ABdataUthe bMtaowlSied 'ranamhumi-alo bethe CHARXJBY SHAY'S Iber an mon pliable aad a. HORSE, DOQ AND STAG HEAP MAMUOTU UUlSOUPLBXAL,. WIILJttlNGXON U.a BpoitlBimeaj|he»ild b7 Ibam. S^'3JSS513»bi£v!!Tii HAOIO TRICK CABOe—15 MOta pel M. Tbe People la eilaeronrIL LBddBE, WILMINOTUN THBATRB, Bieallloi aav la Broidaaj. uma. Addieu taoaieoU. Addieoe B. POX. Bd TaltekMnelNrwTork Layouts, Case Keepers, &e. aOIaB PATBIMTU AND danVFAOTimUl, TbafieadQuallan 'or Rbvwman and the beat Lock Box 1(0. J, P. O., sella. Faro en RROADWAT, Naw TeA Olte UBB, WIMUd, Uutlulld, BBUAI18 AND BILLLABO TABLBd m* Wllmlailaa, K. 0. BenplwianlpealpaldaaneaiftortL I1«b3 '• ' ISTUrOITY. AIM Iba Celabiated Cblaeaa Tomuler Juigten^ AlCYBTERT I >-»«a-i * ALUBKT UALL SCHUTLEB, UASTLEI A UBmi, Any lallemBn or lady, by aoBttai Iheir •ddnBB.eoleroliddnae, OiOB Paaeau — —— -ria . — "^^W SCENIC ARTISTS. V^a will lecelTe, br mne de naltelaite of their HoLsaaeal W, 8d,«I •adajk Clipper SbodoB. Clipper Sbados and eiee, aod 19 oeala, BSTiK' OBica .' MreaLNaw BuaiaaattuTlUiadtand au. (SaMaraaralnal,belweaa BleekcreadAially). ^ .BeeariT ead MaeUnary for Tbealiaa, FabVo Ualla (a apcdallyl, J'ia» BYRON I, MAIDEN LAhB t^^VwIfe(aiora wife or botbead. Kl BlIU A OO^ .U John Mr^ IkiuBiaa lUoa Tiaa Bid par tbouiand, ir ILIUM OLAKE,rnpiMan . aod Dramatic 0'>.'a at Ibelr Peiima BW Alnaleur will appear at eacb Pttfenaance. ll-lf Tat. Olpia. BpenlBl MAMMilTB PAINT niiolia, Ml Broad Tay, Kew York. i»m' IfflpDrtaaaad Dealan la Po " Thebeelol AW.WInra, LIqnoraaad OalM HATiT., Oor Bl-ARBING LBBBONaitTeahy PUUP. OLABE.1 -^W HE11R1CKS> NEW 4 dubL'"' THE NEW BALUITIN8VII.L1!, N. Y. CHEATBIOAl UOES, EUFGES, BTABB, M^j,^,^^. 4 4 IB DTbera lueel, OblcoBe. roLetlnrallenterlaln.iirnia :itaie, 24 by It leet. wUhaeeMrrt M that_oax(t uti J^J,bb* Choloo ImpoFtod Dobs. iallerlea oo tbrue aidea, will aaat 6il to l.JJl Neil door lo Amerl. 86.13tt|' Pbole(npba(Parid.. .ae eeata. 0L0T18 . BPAUCHEB.. Etc, n Polntan end HoUeia bnke Id Ibe moat ponecl 1 aUratclaaaLoiel. Aluod bill poalor and laiia boarda oa dy .bOeeota. . eai, UMaBB,Bew.. per Set. and all oiler broede loreala. Wcetjra men, bnyol Wei racuM aod ">W|o Ualliiad. ^Ul* .13 eeniA . Faro Tools—$120 WOOD CUTS S- a ilewBi>eka, m iBlaieotlnteadi.. iBd aaia Inm |U 10 8U eipre.'u. Addwa all oidan to Par Ltraa Illoilrmitd Pealcra. aub...... BdCCDlC . K a New Boata,lanerelze, eonpHalo, UO Omip. Wm^; '^bliil, tlUIB TBBU. T. AXE,.UualiB|laa,IaA i& Umee Poti act TOBBET BROmUKtH IMlLNToHS A.VD BSanArERfi,' piiATraJlhnBalloaTeekage, ebaoflof , A t,ard I'rjaa,'-/'"'foob gTONIANJABlEMlX ^ - — ^ iMillni Boi. Oaaa Keeper, Oi«k Holder, UKMPIIIH TE.VN, Ko. IS Hiirooa atieai, New Vork, o rmted Ljilif.iSfoMU ulBSbiaqoaladdoallni tarda, and IM lebe, UIIAH. U. II. bU(H)ll LtaBBBiidMiiiater nara ipvarti of BIOUT UU.NDUBD fTOUU 0CT3 lo Iholr 0> TnwpareBl>W»l^^ iieBnjBrt".'.l'.'.'.'.!'.'.'.'.X.ai 7d taaxn-T Fo'wls For Sale MR. MAITLAND, lollowlnidiiTenal kIniU Jlcttila. .... J.i. BBIinv BiageatidBatlDBuMaoaia fOMral kUck, adapUd loUrn HihibtUMa,Tit,:— iCKMBiek Plaice (kidj, go only...... eholoo lei of Iwo year old I«t*lrrattned ftenalwo jean< loorlbroiuh Eampo,b«|alo In- S- on hjnd^ ^ tubb. A ^ Aduilaalon,Uoenta; DreaClrtlp.il; I'rlTAla Boiea, |\ UHA4ATI0; QlttOL'fi, UBSAOEHlH. TBAINBD ANIuM^. eterjihiij fil ibe »,;^nj^« ^ rirua mb Daarboru ateac^ Uhlttwai cuokh and UBNI, pnbllo tbat be la prrparlnj irr aooiber WaLap m ftoiattia AadrieoB llie *iAiio S lor iboae oi d*utii| Ulaiutis, Maqltlana, Jiizilen, TartaUta, ffaaied— ran Youni Lmliu BalKi; mnbla l^lda Hbon, Aa, ol Ihecholeeat American and Bniliah airalBL Aw^ , ^^aVAXDimUMi'lIAXHjUB Pbltede'lpble, Pa. ^ , ^, >oiaa e enad. Abo, I'rtmlrrt) Ddueuari, 1^; vooaluu, Nesro or ttto 111* 01 toy Of wbtcbno charjowlUbankada loUioaebaTlnf Poelb Bliblb'ilnai, PUI.LHUI, Being awarr, dailog hie p .Ul lit EAIILY 8TAGH AND . tbncA tbs'prlodoal elUee of lha Union. ol Aoboowiedgid AblUiv «otk itaao Frriormen and AnliM to Uw Varlaty Hro- Bl Ihclr MlmbUabmanL of nlalni; all wananlad pnn ead IboniiC.p,"* alafoaibe Oeailaeai, ibal partler. Indiierd bjrllie ImrarBKH.iic- Ible We Caial^un aaaiBiotoi « dcMrlpiloD of Iba •iretBl CuU. aad Ini' OniENTAL OnBAW, GOODS SENT C.O.D. UAPPdofallklnuconalanllyoobaBd. JulIN wOliD, JB^^ whloU atleadad o.a uip to una cuuntrv, bare bromhtout GOURADD'B ocaa dm J.'a BKHHY. laaboTO. prvMioatDr iharjrioiuaubkaia, nay be obUlncd al lha office BBADTiriBB.„,__„ ai 8laleaL,Oamdoe,BLJ M., beiore leaTij|i Eni- OR MAGICAL si.n> oopleiol hieoelebniad TABLBArx, Nr. JtiU.H TliYUK, Kd.orEiblblUonl-rliilla^atihoTomyHioUien' World. , bribe Paablonablo Und, oiada aoay wllb Ibo old pilnllni.'a and Lad oew and aiin more Eodoraed utabllAhmeDl, wiU lumlib readlox nutier lor aoeb bUU, pro> PiapamtioB tor Ibe MIo ererlaTaaUd.^.^^ orlilnal TjuleanipaloUdbrlbobeat.nialaof London and Uila, tbla 1« the raoal vlaAaot rolbe eeutboni WaleeortbeTomio- .Jury.—House of Com. A UiXiD HALL AT LAHr.i*> trtmiopj, Ac, at may da fvijulrtii, 1/ nwotoriDda ol Iht uma In enprlbUplad adreotiueia who an S?lhSi5orbalaooeO. ". D. JudBO and loavlnjtlielwMiarUa laraaarlaDd ouoorpllirii aro eoonioed) far vn\ nim aii taiillid iJi'aiipldliyTr rairiuMoororaa. UliUKTilN KTIIBBT. The irnalau ooeiblaa84 UNION UALL, J()lI.\nriMV,\, UAUBHIA 00.. PENIff. m ih* utmip ndilrww. A>lit* rariooa ImluUoia ondor Jimtent iillleei rtliia JeMlloi aiJ nnuuwl-"!"!'" " UNs.uf li1d by DB, Short Tricks of every Kind. "'^'^^^^i^^^j^**^"" | oSlKl^TAi. aad woodcr ol In iba whole world. TK^Vi^ (".balM"! mn bo roibeoooolr/. oal'ecB Ototni it. K.,7dmll«a eBU of fiuaburib iEJuHaBd" 4U Bioadway N. al.«J II bu bam blfhlr pralied by tbe Bo^l'ab preaa. fbUx (Palaat Ba>«al, Mtiun, feiicco Boiea, Pio. yorcc*"* 4c Addroaa lluuKill' W. UUNT, rbe beet ball In Ibe elty lor eoncarla,lrclnrta, paaenmaa .fTin BOBTiiN.olnolTMN.of AaTKH. Ik) IVaehloatoiiiVaehloaloii elraellalroeli laIn milI UILADEL- Maiicax Bitu Will rihlbli durini iba Uullday. lo Albany, Tny, Ilol- cla. Aa- hali iATKiS m NautlluBt ; pinbib,, Unloo AModallon, jommodaleaaoaudlPOMiifl.iuj. alroel, wlwleo^^^ dBinaa, lor a.ill Bonoa Oioi, Oloi Lure. I'lon, Paa. he EecrvUry Uall d>rair..m ail p«u^ Ibe du pB^iVolBVANS,*! doulh *b Looaa. Hrl Ul EAST MTB fllBBBT, land, IVhLlahall, SclwntcUdr and Uo'laon and lutj .ouii ukpect- 111 Kl Ikkt!..!! It.a.t .i a... _ I .iT' item JgboriowD, rono. pania>H wlUilD« n onafui> blockhWlr oi the ball. a>._-L Bt_ !r _ _2L H .^m. u.^ bahIb OOUHAUDUnilllHAUD*H ORIENTALobi elo., oio nlwaya be found wllh ag-sm* Uiad laal aaiaoa by Kn. Francs OAUTIIIN, tnat Ihewefd. V ""^uaaa. tolei Ih. New Tanmany OalL ad la New VorlL I/llIK tJUr. lNI.Y Foil >IAlrLA.^'D:^. " ' Adlo lone Eambleaod MlaiiillTe Lo.{Bn, imenioUHn. blowD inIn OTefy^ulejandOTory iniwi" hu fan almlle, T.^ FB- UaJuN A 00., 1» Dearbjia alieal. flhl»ri. ^ ^^^^ noolbtrneeJ apply. Ap. For oaflimlan olStM, N. Y.,Y'LanbtowDen WANTtD-AiratcUaaLBOTUIIBll; apr'a In peiaon or by lallel 'o label the Actnar>- al the loihlute. ir^m* al Ibe end of atocr plr ImmeilUtelr. wllh la creneea and tarma, u. SPAXiDINO & MANNINGS tUUOURAUD, SMt' VI. J Mdlri.A.N D, at. Uwrenoa llall, Monliial, RE. KBLKUTUIO liIL KENO SETS. notolior'B MuBoum, tUlX IH'EIIATIU TKODFB, EEMIRA OPERA niU wllb the AND UPB. fi 'y,riVuiiSyi5r'asif NOTICE TO CIRCUS MANA- end 'or worbtoaniblii^ donollliy aod efasipoMB n lay onr Buy '«is.iMtf BZObUIUR liILVtM OUH.VET BAND 1 1 II bamlem perM mBrkal, aod unoi'i aiur atltl-PHMP. IL B,nUMl'nuiBj'Kegllab Unua and dlrli|oJ _Ubaii.iorllVlilUJ; alaiaBlaia UrtJILUi7d DnnloiDnnlni neminomi and OMB Id mon udb iToai abi uoABiirYBio UOAIUI A B LB UUOUUBTBA. aid ireon.™« noiA aeoMhi irom lha j«gf-.i>^ Bind, '-deabl^haodad penormera," are nu. a^n ror Qnl daaa l'O* AND UN APP Pol rant by nlihl or week. HBw, end ool baod I'awnbroken.e^ '^A^°;?fti^; »« UADAME IDBLA18L . ^ny.^^'v Baterreau lor Ibe lertboomloi aeaioo. Addr.ae Sd-Jm* ^ Bbtu BALUtOiBoa, Faut BoARt«,ela.,aIwaTBODhaQ& STAR f^PuRuEBa ELI ITntBl.gn. Aram. 117 Hoelyn piece. New Toik. 38.lt' POILLlr'BUBO PlIdT liyrlOB. Oootra Co., Fa. te^ Be^d lor our Deaortr i|r« UA Olove^ NewootbelrnialarloorlhnoibllUaole. Pallad RUUa Real XSoaUelk Boxlna m ODD FEt^IXrkWS* Bale A««at for the guf HAai/jt AOrj..uaDoarboraiL.OMaB|D»ri. ainree maBaraotan^lf Female Balladlai, Two DoobleOloa MALJT ria'pnaTHD anaand ueuo beat American . irA.>'TIID-Twa Bad MeD, a Li;AVF..v\vuitrlf, KA!(ji4.^r [MPOBTHU, ""j^i^kok milLBB A 0RAliB7 NOTICE TO MANAGERS. Dtaceia. a robe lluar, aad 8 Plat Uoract; mint be all tamperola INBIDB TRACK. Owloi ro LKOTUBEnS, UlNdlllEL, OO.VOBIir A DAY I THB PRINTS, ete.,aheBi. Bend 'hrpe oaota foi Ulbeaild and early lUI ofajow HIal LBU UUDiON eoald Addieae Si n VI, BnOEB, Ba W HoMenlaB: well U3 ini» •aau-ibalrDUaiaeA RprleiBeld. ' eoaa and " J eM P. W. SHLBii. ^myCBUloiDB. BoftatuL M Uh plaiaa tar Oallfutnla JIanaien wi.b- BHIUAddi JOUNalUUn ATCniBOK,ATVniBUfij ,^, D. u ahe lnliad«L 111. eeal 0. ""™'^j^u„xu ^ MANNDia, laealla, The abore heaulllul r, b-Oeo* a laiUalaaatadbaroelabiaiedmaiaBlaok Heea, Indadliig a trp- Ball i. far rent "Me^Jr^SkSS 517 OioanwlcTiiUoot. MWTWt. "^'JJ^^"*' B^EBBiTxeBtoBeyaar. halarir aiiie. ftaaeiable terraai 8TEN0IL TOOL, Bamnldl • ewre oinaw wll! aeat IdJ pinoal, aad li iiH-d d-h ALL— olieei. o.B addmatbara.LoolaTlUf, By. »Ml apply. aiWon t!llb allUa A DAY FOB noiniampania or dianpaiablapenoaaaeed modera imprareoieDia, wblcb, lor loaUly iL°*.l.~ AyFULLAM.RpHa«lleid.TL »ll>t> Olo'ves for Sale.^raie Vefea ud I lahor .l alupaoliioSSlailloeSt rbe iiBdri«|Ded u now p.apana lo laraleb aOeelin Opia Jar poa(lo|,adrenlali|, ale. For lernaoi wnb lU raloaMa noipn by „ olbnTloio™iuo5:Sdi3i jL^JfisMVaJ^i^Sa.^^^^ Mo. E. EDliT Peaiua. luildr Bllla, kaida and I'mpitoiaais uka Ihim Ibe oili MJm mm. atidciit.'--— didaner M-lBf 0. I. flgWAHB, bei W, B«. tm^ '*|tt8AaT Ol^aur OBPBXOB.-'aihlbTVr. TOTBI BBk*« laaddlUoaio hTaoraewalnaliru tal Loudoo Dealpn* ol Ibe abore named Drama, .u^Bi?ig"yrbii.S{phi.,r.. a*» •» Ika pnpff• n^lrai^^mna^^ ear. B8.U* Ml keae, hr baa al oonaldrrabia eiprore, prap red aa lolareallof GAUE F0WL9 FOK BALB. wttfSl!'''aalTa lUl the lUdMralaAN BllKOUu, IKD. ' «BWJIMW ANDjNd 5iMi"*»"-gU(ID](llryL lUreol Ibe Play, la tbe lomol aoaai,amaIlpaDahlel, HUNTINO AND AflBalMoriwoyearoldOwkaaBd ITpBi,eflboj llyii)«AnnaLnijikHaad,BaBkaldi,Br jdljB^ BBIJdATIUSAL PLAT OP laiflc prara r ry.t- .lewlr filled op, oa eeeond Opon atnii vnNII 7 000 BOLD,— BolBllBioi IBpagtaandoorer, which baanol sa mfi». d„, nartaa Bnvnl AOD TBAPrBBS-OUM. porl«d Btralai, Alao,aBrlreui«aad 'oIlMaoTibU f til Ihciiiblla, a aiHocaaF TBB DASaiNd A.>0 rbBBLBSB AOTBKBA with SytX'i^^^g^iSl^'.y^,^ nia.d.le.11. b; : A SimXl TUINOc SBAKBSPBARBl" J piapand ic treal ""%VN?i-,iir«5.i&''»'AVYaNKB8<< bu«m!^,^*™"' fUE OnitO OF TOB B"" 'oaBAT doo X^REEMASON'S IIAXei:» SVp,,,™, ,„ ^uhQityJl^i^wriKisssSdW^^^ ' ' ,piiS?^;?2li??.V-...d.B.h. dl erOOL. T. mj^herwllk a yeari. BillaieeUon fuaiaulted. Deaeili Itp. H ABO 41 AmrON SwWt^tii _ KT. l/IUIK. in'oidar iwo ^"tf^.JS^U^S' SS'lTTkMo tfoaonJ, Tbe Oraod llall of ibia aeir. banding, nn Ibe eeeoad floor, reached, ' • *>«u iranfadi eln.il»m lero. SfS.ISiiitd'faf ai.orJiJ-' jd, pboIlI" •OalOR, by two urje iialrtrayi, one irum llarkel theeielialTe rihlol perfonnlBi wbitb ihihaioUilaad,aBt /orkolly '^>- auowacBN axtentionT eliaet and one nrem eep ^A'SH?.'iliT«0'°' "rrCwa. O. oj)., wllbehuita. ' perlon»lB< It, wllboul hu noiaol Theraraaenl ,je{«a aara ttoday br AiUai year uaii made hi uBBBT wioih aijirtL la oowtpaa for Laeluita, OoDMla, BihilM oa^ Kriiea round [mm Ibia dali. win fort,, ' k^lbaUallUiibe hucdrad lent by aiiiy dealtwilh aecoidlDf 10 Iba Uw. dn baalotaaeomBiuluUoDllo *FAiiK>^l7JMMtkairae(Ka* ""V f^l,iai labnlUwob 1 UO'OKI—TharlrheatlilUb booklDoxlalaBO*. D^DOUBICIN TDItLEMIII, KIALBR 1.1 ATL RINDd 0] tpwal-nrairate to the voice OUU I. ALimiN BlliiiviJ. BARE jUlEd , .tMMekeeaiaBdbauuitBakarialbeValUdBUIaa, bumao end raiulal loainmani^ and beJdJnaaedld pi ""^ a Powle, Paaci Plnooe,-^ ' Ibr la omla, Tbooe who an Und bjih pn« No.ddNaWaHa'^ ' roil PiSd " . Tnut"n, n-tit °l eeapatait luJaei la ba lhab«t la Iba Wealam (Wf OuriiB oOba A uaroewbaloioigaiOr Wpardi Do^ Ooiad 01 Eiuuy*^ jBddwlaet«iiJOB»™.,a^.p^,^^.r^MiidlluxiBaana, am f °°a lrl>l. NewYmk. ^ ,0 naiiand ManilBe 'oryoBweltrfc 88~*m' eir la ell parte of ^NTUOEJNTAIXa <>? "Ilk Pamli' ed Ania hoom^abaot- Ij S.—AU "WoiitliiB •rtl T. i.\l.!it7°JI:'''**'/,9>'*> P A V Plays , wouthold. laai lilaod, N. VeaUitftn, ae/ llealed ay dlieu ndlitloaor ^llnld^»lldlo W WBMY>i'.»Aalnrl'la«i.M,T. aieam.S££f .AL" Q Mml OARTES 1 PltlNTB 1 ro.* tetma, Aa, * I1O0K8 1 1 , addrau AMD HARB ' Oarwi de Vlaite,' nil RICH any iwaelher la. Bnm Turner. """' 'nANK UONLBP, SeoeUry, AND RARB BO0K8,iruu»o, Imrarnae iTdaellan In i«li» lo penoB Mima -. SOOTH'S THEATRE, RtOB eieie. oedar. mi.le Qailea. «ltl eenla, 01 aaraa lo? BL Mlena^ " ' or^ll oidorim- III) worth o' mAt In a anaia lilt hTllliKP, BETWRBN fnl AND tril ATB8DE9, Vliek lliO trade VI .•"•t,'",-~:;^„j;v, woAk 1 .lieifoieMilr lorBb ienla BBltaa,:m««e,aBdBd ilwraiipwa Glaion. nt« V.':°.?'ii^i£eDi*Ta..*8at .hplMa'a. PW?*-."*" OtJeia ' ttipMmily jSti lleulllni 'W-»^' A fluaapoloi! Nl T. OARD.—Tbemanaieinealwonid anionnM ihtt dj( pieiiuab.? n- "•ndrtdaj!^ with yonr addnea wr lat , AlbUB<.e«|lalBlB|nlaifeoniaielai tt Uifo *» so.M;ianvi3:itiXi, N«>8ro e(the opmloi of IhU Ifaeiua, :::;;'ine, ane Albome, yiWiE I'' and up, pnnnpily rJiiuT^!!!!:'''' noVca will be glree nbea WUbo pn MoffledrfiiSn'paBelualiy tWtSKJo. Mt.mMtivf JAUiAt. DBXTSII, (HE aBBATBITjD^,;. Bdolb Onnd llmira of- Tffie rTatclrcnIar. A.XMBS emied Ibe Poailh thi , oiTtaey vpoitlBi Oo»di^lialj,^io ajTwanrnalwI.' Kew.Terk , UNtTBD JULIB7,. aSs Mi VbSi I8.II* 'Uf.DdTOOBPOBBUdIO, ^IIMBII AND S!S Afl Uadl Ol choice Don for Bale ai lfiMnlh«iirl|lnal TeilofKbakrapeaiT, aod nut IbeOitrlitTanlen to tk. old ROI.n-^onit ISlb ooDtBoodib forlor i'lAtptaaimpi Bill 3m tnpwhen la the United auMk A.YMAR. ul vfllh new aad. mainlleinl fUafri., Otloioaae eiy i aeei< mra, pnpenie^ Ae. - 57«0«/lolnulir,laBUUTAOO. N, I.Ourrta baiia. lailCAicloIi^Sflf.ofS^i'V','"?""!"'' "« eempanyror h aioHeilly oomei a b/kdJrauln|blm aiMtrilaaala N. Y, J(.4li ir-n J. uB.iuY maUumolb, iiaiiiieu" — " . . " , ' , ,


    v/u. ifr/' lageklr' dried E|lu, "Ifyon wfllMM

    do tbtt' I ' Lot mf bnt iee end tpetk to hlife; tad Mr '' < ' Bow aiDT la tbtt ton tbtro be wtrda Itltllbaraobnfoito.indfeefgsatfon:'*. ^fho iMljr woald ezebiago vllb mo. "f^cll then, ken than tedUm." ' i ''Bnt where fV . :. Uthmt wu (all o( rtellDf• kind _, "He It goneto cpnoetl blnislffoahoqieal.lntt- For llhintallj— mlnater, netr the pirk: you nnst go to Sieiay't w> Th« mr, tUiloti tbe Una, tt« bUoiX '— ^f dth't ' It, ^ will Ull All iuBidnir mibilb;— you know aayhody na Wbutol ft.TQioartUOD iDjtm, t It, hardly ailopi'i threw frtom Big Ben'.'* 4' I ffnft tniB))Uof ToIe4 end low. 'And you ore nro that thfll nlo thfrti* ; Uko lb*t or ODO wbo cliacki tbe ttin "No, mist, yon .wbn't And Um 'ther^Int; Aa< in- TbM —fkfa onrllo*. ,ilde Ih* path, rba^wnljlld'. riu.wtnU«:tti|i%B I nlMdjmy.fyai ud uw « b. _ take von Uny. mend,, Waller," .' WltkttaiMdbuviubiiid rlttgona; "Okt thook.yon, thank you V' a>ld h*. "KUdilrrUoio balp, I pnj, "Bat; yob tee, Dht,'we tr« obliged to ba rttr « Mo r«M bu jiuudnr llpi Maj." ao thtt he'Dtyn't be tirektdd uidolkp^U I dtd Bbi ibrlnk m hefIU*e, "Oh,yoi,7el,"f*««fed.'Ell«t," ' ' Bql wHW* right lood «UI, "Bo wt htri'^gteed en a! tort of 'PM'i'di tt hlo-wba did oiMeUiit nil, 'thior rnysttrlou, thtrnohodj elae It^elf^l r |tT« doiur un. Ho giMd knoueotoblhaBtft "Andtbttji " So l>f«l> tt'lddvil tilm. "ItnMoryFrUehariiUI" tb^p ^ ty^ 1 Mw bra Lfl— TboHl «nf wllb tun mv dim— Elltaftlttiy tettamsd. «0b Uiuk.'Ba sDl, oit Iriasd," uld I, "Oh. hetren," sh«tald,"whrthoi« ttnlbl* vtMtl* "FoT neb '> uutr wu|t/; "Ajo'yod'alkaldtiotirthemr' • 1^',' Unto mf booikla oDorlOf "Afnid r kl>-«lnhe- ^on' ttu me that wtlttr -IM Too'ra woleonoutbtdowtnof iprio^** ehooeil them." So ahook mr baDd| o&d npldlj "Oartalnly ; -II wit he, and nobody eltq;" FnBD me I ia» blm |0. "Xhen I beiltaU no longer/' lald EUia^'r' Vbaa MBO atnnn lopalae prompted Bie her own Bind to learn f^on'Waltei hewiBt To eee wb«t ba would da led to employ tboietlngnlar wordi,wordl. • .'.I - Aa down the alnotho qnloklr w«dI "rtrtwiii, iirt rwurgo to Uihtl ooe«,"teilM, I followed la bia bmaV; and wai merlli>tirtr' aot Be. ea^ettiDf lataot, Blay," Bhdrfty Ubtria oslled lo htr. NaW Ihositator IsoUiifbuk. "What more ratktd Ellia. Be bid aot Innled let ee^ ona .thtl't tD." Be bilked at a tavern door, - "Jott word, .. • Abd, to aaj graatuatoalabnent, "Yai." :. . . loalde tbabooaebaqQioklj-weaL "It It tht only wty by whloh yon eon l«| to letrt Leaden alone PT The logTj feallDga of or faaazl '•Motlwrtaliilr," Ukj not Id Tana be told— ||Tirrvrell, then-good night," II pureed ma Uka an livn dart du^ Tokiioi^Uiat I wu loU- For' la I poabed the doer ajar, ,' "^yAnitfuii to .hluttif, lipiUg lOiHiK.'^ Aad broaabt blm Into.Tlaw,. InflSStilBk fiti,Wore I|'< oytr,/p!,'lffl«5J{KUt Bo called aCa ,• mea op la the bar lilgttforyou.mygalr .. -.. . I-l 'i Aad Mtlbepanf thnuh, " TO'tB OOMIItUID, KoNi U I oa tba atrtat lioald be ' » a l N ai' i D eaaoght afaia for diaittr, ril Inat It aa a nleaSd JeL% TELoct^bit uidHiTi " Aai keep mj - -. r. . .'I I, modar la mf poka. . VELOCIPEDE RACE AT ST. CLOUD, MAY 31, 18C8. Teloolpedooaaia tathe'iditlady of'tliedaj^lBiFtMee, and eren In thit eonntry It It btipaBinf .ta/ki Jill. LONDON AFTER DARK. Btirf eifo whe'detlrtfb to f«noW,«he'fttfiip''r-"l«t.Cqatiim^'e«ol remo'rte." Wolterhossald nothing, ahe may not have Icllowedhla yonr fault, Ur. Bailer, and yen ouibt to be oahomed to ner, hangme Ifldontknook jondoim with thedrlp^ nv oBBtaoLai to bi aocKoo5TB»—Taa aaaaOT op oain. Pitnoe lalnferloi toQermaoy la 'T*lMtbtdtao' thai! I. They'll oool (alsabood. That Imporunt document bad never lelt bntt against the retired merchant and sent blm rolling by the' winner' of the priie' for veloolpodsi wflWIwo gered. Ing out to the eoul hshe saw thst the kitcbenmald down again aud oome to their teases and then, you HllIingtOD's own keeping, and was Ijing inugly In lha till be was stopped by his back bumping against the wheels In four oinntet end twenty-flre ttoondt, or at hsd a broad grin on her grlmr eonotenanoo. Just trutt to me, tnd http year heirtop, and don't cry, hraast pooket of bis coal at tht very timo of hu loter- "Even now she Is render. In that boose, to whloh no hull door. tht rile of upward* of lllteea npct ah heht, tllf'felo- toparrvltaffln tbat way," said Betsy, old man I" vl«w with the nan to whom he hod promised to deliver lore shall I return." For goodiless' sake, what Is the matter 1" cried elpedwwlth tkret wbeeli hehig half u .bn« Win, wllh a uysge sneer ; ''L nnderttsnd U all well enough, Ur, Beller, hanlthlng ill his wetkneit, drew hinaelf lU UUIInAlon'a troa reason for that delay nf three Hlllbigton and hla friend wore oonfonnded with as- Bnmmerford, cbaerving the yonns mao'a wild and ntmelr. tlx m|nntat tnd' twen^y-elgVt MOh^dtu-tn te- and yon and that Impadcnt Ur. Orover understood tobli full hi4ght,andlnaholdly anlhorllaUva looe,tald, daja whicn he bad demanded was, that without Bhaikey tonishment. scsred looks. eopipiUilng.lht umed|iltpo«. The lUil^ VidAI*r|> one another ; It wot aU settled between you ; yon told while pointing majestloally lo the door the tarrlhle purposa on i hlob he had resolved "I tald yob," aald the former, "hat that which I be- fltg lie irounded tignt), Horila Walter spoke no word In reply, bnt, not nrgently, to whiob u a andlhi'Jndft wor* him write that letter to blind oe—yes, yet, Ilutow I "Oetoutl leave the bouse dlraetly; and If aver von eonld not ha aocempllahed. lieved to be the trnth, apd If year senses have not drew the.merohant from the door, opened It and darted Ihtirihbon of ibe Leglon of Honor. Th«rBo, ifhi knownbftter.tbanflve aoharaoterto aglrl.Uk'ettat." "No, bnt the ohap as wa wii -solng to nab shtlleil "Fairly unbosomed' youraelf, I snppose, and con- "Has semelhlng draadfnl happened f he demanded cuAPTEit. xxni. the rlolorfont'ohiriottrer ta he pautd 1 "I doit't. believe ahe did; it'j ny opinion that'aha ont, paid up Ilka a mao-, and aavad all bother." fessed everything to the old mercboot," laiefullr of Louisa^' "Hare yon- done aometblng to drive him nviavnw unwaiot luaa an> aoiaui oain tna No afoner had he dlamonnted thaii.B'fwnH knoi a nothing It, It in * • about and that waa a pjot of.youm cried UlllInitoB.* .V., . - aratio. "Well, Snarkev, old boy, I can only say that 1 was mad t what la Il-oh I what la It r' . aRaaa beijr vksJianded to him |)7 lome atlaManll andol that fellow Orover's, who la Jttt at bad at'yon dallgbted to all "Yes, yes, It's all np," naver nore ace yon In mr life.". npaned flhsrhey Uonls. Bat Xoolsa.wea almost as maoh In the dark as- her are." When UlllingtoB wof gone and Bljorkey Koirlt waa after quafflnti whkib be- wot ittdy to r "No," said i ,.<-. "Vy, ry t" anklouely Inqnlr^d Uotrfi; "anylhiog Wallet, "he, knows! n'othlnii nor Is It father, AUshe oouhl to tell Ur. Bnpunerford of gntolatlou ef Ui friindi.'' . do was "Yon oeemod to think a good deal' of blm though left alone to watch and Walt for HJa, Jaw ta(d to goas wrong wUla 1 bare beei^ away I" needed now that I shbnld len.^n} hoir s))amernUy bis Ellsa'a arrival; of yonng.glrl'a ,wprds .'TKt vthlolinowtinacUngiamuoh attonlloalkinol, qnd that stqnge when he .woa. here the otbtrolghl," tpilefolly.erled lilmsclf:- "Tea, nolhrhg thatT cafiiat generons, trusting nalartlUa,1ieen^d4ed."'. . mystelltius tt the mtjorily of ponoot Imagine, sn edilrelf lo- bff nntrlg^it again." and oonduet daring the few honra that ehe Ur. Seller. "Whit (lid Ullllnilon mem by nylng thatilf'the l«# "Yon arerigbt; "For iraolons goodntaa lakOi wnathas.tiappantdr' ,there.la not 'thf . leaat. booaslon for had been In the bonas. Than she related how she had rebtlon, but wu bronght before the pnbllO "I didn't look at blm ai yon did at my eonsin Core- gal consented'to take herself out of theway,he tbonid, mui^n*" fiiat such a rldionlona and ala^btevdua tgO; it'Wlll be observed h/'the "In the place, Rlohaid IlragdoB,.tlw rcalBbnoa prbbe'edlhg," sold found Bloa and Un supposed Richard Brandon together line," be eared the trouble of ttuilog hsr to be put ont of followlnlt' iXttVel «oi> ' retorted ' Betsy Oreesby. "Bnt don't talk to rae ' UUIington, lib ^ ° . Pora,Ialn LoiMon, andibaa.dlacovarad all about the hlsh saUofaclion. In.that. room : and tolq how:atm7.l«o.'h means. If you deslralL Good nigbt-l": conldeaydnlhe oondeioaoding aort of way to tho rest of theaervanis. "I beg. your pardon,, mlta," kald Sharkey, planting "Tell, ll'a all over, so thero la no nao In talkhig any .' "f am oo wise new' about It all as I waa before," hlmteirin her pith which tf t tifO'vrtieelt la niotlon.tndctiigeiltrbi' He left the path free to Walter, who, without another Jntt "Yon know I promised you,. Belay, that I would give tnd tmttlng her ftept, "bat, D aboat It." " ftonl to bo put In which mora word, doihed peat the fled - nid Bhmn)eVfdrd. ''Why did lUchard go out of the you'nleaat, ireyotl'UlitBIInr' moUoni Mlitht mow two men and away.' yono pall again toon, and as. I had tn . coma nan of ' "All ever," ainlled UUIington; "no, Indeed, It la only "There," hou>e In thateort. of way, sendlhg pit bump against "£IISa It my aami,!' she OntweTed: at the:iate.af at |eut alx mUaa an boa. . It il»lkl eom- ' oiied Sharkey Uorrls, atimplng ahent the your road to-day on a little haaloe», I thought I might "wboan yon • . . that beginning." the door and knocking alltbe breath-oat of body I thii ". . . Eleteit machine ef the kind baa yel twetrlaMlled. Jnst pavement, "now It Is all over. 'Vhat did yon let blm my as well go. on a Utile farther and l/ut I bad a do you mean t" la marry [ehii tnreltd In flue weither ilxly mlltt •'dtA He "Tat go for; he'll take hJnvielf out of the way, ther»wlll bo And where ho gone ? lan't ho coming hack to deol-of Ilr, Orover as far; ho kept on "I^vo beenwalUng horo to apeak with yon, at the ttouble to get " "Well, In the drat place, Itlcljard Dmndon la pre- yoii, I'.! hat two Iron lUtnipa In whloh ha plteeh his fbel:''lhey an exposure and we shall ha. the only victims." m; child wanting to turn hack every nilnute, making oil aorta of requcotof pared to givo a thousand, pounds for that partlonlar "He mavAome haok,' If pleases," thonght Louisa, ti«p him tieid} on'the tldk." The an1j'diA>W0« be- 'What a short sighted Idiot you are, Sharkey I" he ridlonloua ezoutco, ond aevcrai limes. If 1 had'nt held, '^Or.whomT" paper wbloh nh brother algned." but If, after this, still uie to onlor- twein the vtl9elpede ot thtt period oi^ tht ^neh ''Yes. I knew I am an. Idiot to be done ont of ray my father espcola him fast, I dv btllavo ha would have ran away from pie;" "Uy friend. Whiter Brandon." now, thsl'd something," criod Uorrls, oom- tsln there Is ndW In use, tppiari to be In the istanM' of bropoltlen, "Come, money In aooh an easy way. And his brother will heat an Idea of becoming the gentlounn's vifo, HaVlug.dabblod on thus far, Ulas Cook at lost stop^ Eliianllered ab eiolamatlon of delight conioled, the lotler feet (pttetd forted and of what his hsppenod, and then he won't care about averrgi'eatdliappnlBtraontln store (or him." pad, Inlly ezpoollng that lomebcdy else would aay "Oh'.l It that indeed troa I"' havlsg for lti:notlve power tht "Tes," retnroed UUIington, "oorlalnly It Is loma- "what ore we to do, Loniia petutuutly cried Bom- of the hinds, in Improvement which looiotatt lljl vo- the paper and we shan't get even -that thousand V something ;' buf, to her snrprlie, when sho left off "Why ihouM yon doubt It.t. Yea know ot oouiio enough." r" loolty lest phytloil exei Uon.-: Thcn|^ ttlng, bat not ponnda." mortord; "why don't yon say ivhat.we are to do speaking, thero ensued u perleot silenee, and looldng that he bas'qDitted yonder honta V whilt.tntalUnd oan'inevo more t" In eomo porilont er Frtnoe, OerfflaDrand'ii>tkei*r.>> >*• vhloh we occurred." "Except, perhaps "For goodneu' sake,' whot Is the' matter with b.oilr lerM^tbdre aiy more,- yon may tie inre'of that." tnd may be said to hsva gpifirw been only within tbo pest few moniht the loaova- that marriage." "How do yon make that ont T" "Ah,yesT» of yonr Caroline nnilously Inquired. . v^DeirWslter.". inaudlbly whispered Ellia, w "I don't sea how." 'Are "Qoeatlon the poor girl who has been the cause tlon boa been brought prominently to Ihe ttl^allda or , , yea so stupid as to Imagine that Walter Dran- And Sain Orover, too, wondered; tnd, remembering "Bnt the min who urged him tgolnil hit will to thit " irt pi«wU|Uy of not surprised at that. Listen, Sharkey." ' Ameriotn public. Our people "I«m don will be able to make np his mind to quit London of his reoommondatlon of RIlea, ot which be had nol, naiTlage—"' tho "Ooon.I'mallalenlng." a ao-ihoidtllve ohartoler, ond torthing In Ihithap* „, , , „ , "'"'oa.t lis dear "Trael To be sure I" reotared to say a word to bis betrothed, felt very., •;ThovllIilnUllllngtonT" Eliza I" the splrftof the "I am to deliver up that paper to Ittcbard IlniDdon, "Though I doubt If we shall bo any tho wiser for of novelty. In ke plog with aMtUra}* J'VlI.,*'.'»*-8''»»key, brightening np, '"pen my uncomlorlablo, and wai oppreeiod with laaoOJiable' "Yes, 'that's him—veil, he kdraocad money to ay he la to for It their Interest, tnd if found to oomblnf pHanre and to receive the thousand pounds p^y vord Ithlnk.yonaroiSiit." what she will say." nlsglvlnga, " ',, friend Walter—." excites widi Mnalo Hall." Wlien 1 will her ipesk—she shall—If she with profit seldom falls to meet etleh ttbeHi^u n at yonr am I wrong T'^ smilod Ullllagton. "Uh,'bnt mako "Csreilne," began Betsy Grcesby, struggling htrd to "I know, I know I" ' judging from Ittelrsll T" 'But np." msy inorll ; IhereTore, tM wUeh ''Well now I think of it," raid Uorrfi, all his former doeen't ni look her ippanr oalm and oollooted, "It't not tnmy:qatBra to "To a large amount; and made him algn to osrtaln don't see T boven'l you noderstood t" oaeulnesa "What hss alieady been mnnlfasttdln tbe'TWOolpM^jDy enr "Well I you rolanllng, "that doesn't case," "Leek her op. Indeed," lanthed Lonlts. wear two ftcat. with anybody—I am a plain dooumentt—and now, ny poor friend Walttr in In don mend our womin^" the foot that It whati" "0" Is anyihlngt" olUzent, and preteAia i '^t^tw, aad ••Underatood _^ , Ibatt" for T—she hun't slglen "I dob'tthlnk io," aald B^in, with a-weak attempt ger of being irreated and thrown Into prlton." fow words to Sharkey, who agreeable mesne of reoreallon, while tllhrdlnf tp lhoaa Wlllogton whispered a but she hss turned my hooss and everrhody 111- 1" . -. " Ellen to London wllh him, "No, to Joodlor; "uiiu I am sute Ur. Bellci'does'nt." "Oh, heaven . ; A.ui h who retldo some miles awty from' their plietp of. hnal- shook oil over. ol wlui." ' ttmsdverr pale and '\',,"?;''i»d7«nanghtodoIt." about It, topay-tarvy-has driven mo oat mv Keep yonr observation^ to rOnrself, sir," etemi; "Spheli obliged to oonoeal hlmiolf till ho oan es- dare not," aoaa achinoe to go' and ratnn qulokly, at the ttao "No, no, nol that— It's too ding»rou»-l "( om afraid, ftlher," said Louisa, atlll langhlng, that cried tho oook. cape from London." '""•ror, that she does not" timo ta It enablea them lo lake beaeflclel extroM piv- I say and yon will les "wfa. '"S' take "Oowori 1 hear all have- to those are charges upon wbldh no polloeraan wnuld While tlie bntler fltihed on Bam a look that onght to "oonoeal himself r oinded by the ordlnaty modei of transit. It la'teaaoD- that wo run not the slightest riik of detection." her Into custodr. But, come along, let's go to hor." bovu HnnlldlalQil ' trriogmg every, shall bim. , "Yes, bnt not for long, beoansoism aooner than lose all ablo to predict that the veloolpodominla will hjul ef 1 sure of that, Ills ptsind through off "Ah 1 If wan only ""•"lly to Ur. Bummeriord and daughter "Did you," demanded the oook, "recommend a yontg thing to get him out of tLo vtv, inJ be vlil soou he " ?Sin tZdJ 1. j'.T be bslHeJln aoghl that until tho Invention beoomei netrly ii mooh Ih nit heio vy, porhape several seeing anjrtblng of Rllza, und ' " it." that money, I "-»shall roomf without woman toua,andai>knt to wllhout a soul knowing tnylhlng about see anairs vol take nik??''.?? T.*.?'*' •«"> P""""'* u In France. To our tportltlg. friendl It fUrilihta "Come along; we mnat go now and how reached at length that one to which the poor giri bad "He T" hottlly interrupted 1— good of you I" Caroline; "uevor 'llin'l "How . j another pistlme, tnd doubt I will make youac- attire m„ »oi ipiclei of wa not that ore on at the vllia, and, by the way, been eonduoted, in order that she nlgbt don the likcl V I ahould do tuoh there, V) ron'tUlk oboot Oitt-^ijt" "« "•"«>•" a thing as that." "There, long we loill btve an opporluBlty of wltneiilni oos- ooovlnoe yea that "veil U 1^1 l?J'iVK°?V'» tnd If I htdn't • qaalnted with my whole scheme,and In which Louisa hnd so greatly Odmlrtd h'or. "There," ttluinphinlly exclaimed Deity Oreeaby, I WOTO friends In bit prosperous dsys, .n.ihlnff ,n.'.J?.'i.* »once yos bivo bogon teet between experts slmllir to thst rapnientel t^ ear will bo In no danger of a holler." was ibtl apartment gained than— I have vanled for help yonr neek ' with It,"* And no sooner "ddn't say to I Ur. Orover, howover, tent a young bien oolled ebrotd, ho ehouldnl ^i/d r Jif.'S' 8° Uluilralion In this nombir; mob in avMit- woold oar- "DonH talk liko that, UUIington, pray don't, for I am ^Yaa "She ia gone I—ahe la gono I" eiclalmed Ul.^a Bum- woiBtn liore,wlth aorioui soiapo Into which be a letter—a dreadful, wicked oreatnra; to keep him out of the talnly tttraol a lirge asiemb'sgo of Int^rttteA Mtelo- I do^JJi he'slLralXi?.?"" •baking nil over like a lump of Jelly," merford. • Oh I I.o^i^'t yon what thu has has got.blraself." ., UU dono." now cii.. mt. ton,1. Thero tre st'preieat'at preieat tireraltirerai naimfaoltpeaibahnhowpeaofoi patsad between thaio two "And I ain't f! haatlly grslelullyciclnlmedEUia. "Ab, The oonversatlon that pertlokler nyaolf, eo "Hilw, do you know I how do yon know And Indeed OfUy eonid not, for the ult'n't know. "Generous man I" '** nnnnl»» «nrt"MM4'' tk*> '.dWlAn long as I do not thoI reloolpededrelOC'""!*^ In oonnir/, Ur. Sumner- ran no danger of * thu nd';(rtuk!'l^l(,'g " ^ubim wl&i anervopsoon "a crealnre that Ur, Beller for- llihtd In thli olty, whtre eosipttiMVi l-, bo known to ub. ttltuUooi.HJii',?.!.'"^ nerlv mode, directly for Woroeiter; to wait there foot. love to and wlahed to provide for.' youVo elortoir Instruetlon to Ihiee whovlth le-naittT.thuaaoaia*, Ther had reached in within about Bfly yards of "The "And after all It torthfVi the pisee he meant to doesn'l'nneh raatiiiT for lo cost from her the "No, nq,"orttd.Carollno, "that't uol It; uiidentand UllbeooraMloyoof EIlu had rotnned to that room' I olmoal as you and here may bt obacrnd'tletlat ef tbo-tualai'ln tiM Loariila" when to their surprise they encobntat^ Wel- nol,1 help hut follow as I to be there soon at shSubo?!?. It well enough; that girl to end ospeola .ii t^fesdV while dress In whloh Hiss Hnrameiford had loaUted on ih one of llio pretty acquain* go lu phaiii, : ; ,,h .if ter Drandon, rapidly-making hla way front tb« hpoia to, and tnncos tlill Ur. Ofovur hiis olothing her, hod .resnmed her own poor appsrel lUHile aluce he has been Jn ' ———.. him," resolutely orled EUzt; "no, . which thoae two had been proooeding, .\ ...... Louden, and without fod ctoaped from the hontei bblng too poor hlmaolf to assist her, ht' '"•'boparl , , IK ENOLAitp.— "Slap, atop, ray Ane follow,!' HOlingtOD otooited wrote to '> Dm Fiui Th'a only'pttiofiagltad "Poorglrll'' pltyloslymnrmgred Lonltt. wn In the hope that' Walter; "do von uinslly walk atraah a devil of a rate T "".wiirhit^wlionltellyoa—" In whlob wild red deer. ti« fooadln.tny oostldarakl* "Don't angrily cried Summerford. "But Ihuven't—I never.'wrot* any letter," daolarod dare to pity her," It duty to be netr number and If 10, yon should jglva anlat padeitilanajwamlng of "Now lAit he it In danger. It oy regularly hnnttd tt • ditlrlot of tketnetlh "Who la she r How' dare the come bore to ruin til uy Sam, who.oQulA see nu other way by which be might aoming, that fo( tbolc own saf«t{ they oogut not, and I *fll nol have London withont of Devon tnd BomiTut, The btrda-«f ted dter whloh yonr may leave hopcvaod I" hivo a chbnct of geUloi ont of tie ecrapc. himi 1 eand ms rtnng mnd ' a alenr pith," " Wriltflft" * onoe roamed oyer Devon tpd BoBinet tnd pari* tf j«o , .'"Itit a mott nytteriona bualness altogether," raid "Uut I Uavd teen tho hU«r," stid Uetay, "tnd If^s got If that oou'dn't be anyhow-lf It wu neottury OomwtU grtdnilly ftdddtd befote Ibe tdrueepf tnl- "Perhaps the house, la on itp and he Is going for the LotllJa. whst your signattre to It." "But '.'snd 1 am dying with curiosity to kaow 1" Sharker, making a ^ " ' hi' safety Ihsl he ihcnid go alona oiltniv, Uti; Uilrlrdt' the end of Ihelut cenlti^.ua •aglne," lald poor attempt to be him other oddjohi." It all mesnt." ' "Then It's t "forgery," boldly aaserted Bam, wlti a for have to greiUy nflhred leeute rettait tto foattloas, forhia laina mlsgavs blm that he wot obont "Then If I go stnlgbt away to yonr algninoaat •I'ray pardon mt, tirt but I rimiahitoaBa.a oonptMIvely & eslablUh- "And I dm dying with exhtostlon," reiponded the sign to flie bntler. OornwiU toheirionsmomnnpleaaant tldlnga. — Ultt my heart boi lo^t all oonlldenae, tod Lsee around wUditcUBefUaoor. Bad deer Ilngertdln. aent nerohapt, "snob tre too' nnoh for a "There,it pxolslmed Belay. "I saw him wink at'Ur. dtttdnil tbocka I know that or two are still ocotrioa- matter with von t What happened t ante to nt bol tiioret and treaobery.' Do not on utll atMeai period, tnd one "What li th* has "Yon are oiten him; he la always book soon man tt my time of come along, Loo, lot's Seller; If l oould have had any donbl heforo, I am oalls- Ufei an, so— bdon ihtde lo tepsttte me Tor dver ftoBt- •Ilr la extonolreooverla on the eaiun bolder ipeok t" UUIington lopitleiitlT - ' endeavor hu teen tht Why donUjou aald after dark." Soiodlnaeri It'aaowmoiethlin sn hoar past onruausl (li-d how." It tenght nako the Iirge horde have lOM^dlaap- whose agitation, Inoreiaid by hla • Walter,' that hat he(n U hlm>mitTf of tho oonnty.bnt to yoang Brtudon, "Tory good." me ind I am ready to drop." "Mr. Orover," orloi Caroline, "I have done with yon wllh another, and: what If no« aa.effort-Jo reoore tt* pitawdi' PIflj yesteegoiod dcerrotmed artVtAhtnta nntxptetad'iiie'elliig then with tboie two men, had for "Bnt what did yon want fne tp glv* Mo wnHc for r" The oonfittlon forevi-r. I tills moment good- andtiolleiiienllhit had reigned ahnva ta going off home — forcit lliigt him of the were being made la, order lo brltg.ahopt tht ««o«m* ^ta of Bagshoi. The new oosUlB^ • few Bomenta deprlfe.d power to nttar a "Well, I have a partlcollr reuon tor toUiltaa in- stslia soon brcsmo bcluw, bye, Betty, tloiit, and If joo liro- ' Jmpirn lo ths hoosehold dear—tnd I thtit go ' " . '''•>'. terest la fellow." you. I" pllshinent of that inarrisge—- . . alogle woT^ti the old I'^f' though var^ Inperfaot and Inoorroot wos the Inforwn-, aume to foilow.me. It -will be worao for "Oh "' yonng lidjr Bull wloiiValteiqpVUig .t^Jteik, Walter nad* an "Tell, Ull us t" >tlon that bad traveled sho grcnneii,at tht houw, 'twhatt "Hy desr ~ down stairs reipeoting the com- tht mibedontof ' thtV I ant dJUutt, Ibtl I ta nid, bnt I .fill not ' "Say «inirt1o di Oioi«.two',.Uta were, bleoking the "No," shbrtly and shorplr answered UnnDgtoD, aolUn^ to thei higher fehlem. And soon tho hubbnii iuoky atctpe I hart hid— what a muntler I waa (Oing, ' - lUi' a lltp hntll rtn oerUlo thll WtlUr will belk*' woysgslnatlL "There If a'jseorat cafuieotM wllh lhat whTob ' moat whloh, at lU very wont, bed to marry I!" ' . ooolo the linibtnd of tnotbe'r." ' with . up to tht bnt- Bnl UWbMmtk 'M on hfra a strong liand rsmaiii lookM wltUIn Inv own hrtast," , trevailTS"**'^ "Ur. Beller," ttld'the oook, raorohing tWell, bntldon'tieehowyon—> < S'^' mod Waller,lf(er.'°< bh8r and vain atlsnpl^ftea .'•Then/' thoDghl Jlonii, "I shifl Uj lo Sod It ont for "Oh,.V4-in(tti«es make ler. "yon needn't take snv faore InqnIriOB about that hqtv, to come here ind -i "• " - . - -» • ri -will retom. thi boaii:lhtk. I bdl, no»: have himself, a,TMll l»»jlV elormed flntl uobllo honta, V> asai^.(M netvO;oc*by.. "Mv ' ^» "I-wUl tell. old qnlftod."' "Whatkal'Ami.„ roL-ptn," angrily demkn&ed yon. only that I bare kept Bootey nt flght, when I nitda npmy nlnu thit for j than b '* ' "The devil I" Bhirkey motlthd to htmilir, Hllllngtss; .<'WblMl|' robldyongot" , irithlD mrfsaeh for as oooasioiv— fto;4hd ff I ^rasn'lifgoodnttorcdrool "I atture >> and . "IoUluB:mriie'Vrord..-Who.pouwietagphl« heart— "Any«btM;itt'>IM>i tm'i enlf-^ntof th« *<»ld "IttV-: toetsyiM^Mr, all this litendtfl Enslneaa wouldo'l lk^?'IaBll „ • I irlirdSsulosolhe-iltt by,i«hl6l| r tib'Bimil waiter now dutnAlidly.eriedJ "Whloh 'bai this eraalng praaented Itself; WhHe I have bappeitdl and I eboaldn't htvfhtd-lo keep Iho -'Yet, Ulas Ot«eaby," Umorootlr rentored Bam, "wt ' telt-hrt •li»averylbl(g waa as dry as are both lunocont and'Ton aud • WtUer. Iovts,fof now > ammit ittaltA tt-^btt-vii coiaUIr forth ol KUia, who Is not at til llki ly to be locg qhlpi.."; . nndsr.'a dreldful error.'' ' " " , , ' — " — — " " ,

    ^1'" . -

    1 I r I't

    "I- W-i • >

    ISTEW YOBK, SATUEDAY, IG, JANUARY 1869 PHIOXl TEW COEHrCB. THBWBB OFUPB. 00 hare nerer ontertalaed a donbt of yoor raadlaoa to m m n* n*""'™- old DO In tto diaponl of tte gentlemao who wU prt- ' BT eUIK hit. eentlrbehen." "WeU, bat youkuowlwhen we hare ulUad with kU, we mayn't bo a bit nearer what we are worUag for.' "nowlttbatr" !^ "Why, aa Ua bntter hu bkca UmuU oat sf the way " ''If It were neceanry he conld aeon be llqatod osL'r "Well, and of coone It wUl be neceioarT If we are to gooo." '

    ' Witt batlj^ antbdut blwm. "Rot tte aUghleet occulon that we ahonid gire air- ulrutbat t**"* troeble,alaee Walter Is certain to relwB to ' iliinr ba*! "'P °°' b n of Ua own accord, nady to proceed iritt iTJciillk an >il|kluH buAl, that aar- nage U'Soonu erer he hu learned that UadatUng BUnhudiuppaaied. Bi Ml; ul »•>; >i«|tt LaaretalBtome,Ehaikey.''^ .Doa't I iMTa eraryttlag ud ererybedy to yoa I" "It ho win not aUow Uaulf to be l*fhe aait be drirea. Bnt I expect ' Utile furtter trooble aritt him: Bortr taaa mote dcU/ giuM. eagw for aD the enloyBntt Vatltt II al^ btn M can pnnhau, nor leu IneUncd to eafiie the H.fT.r ljtMMtbvi1b'«w««ttT«tbAtl«xtamlnafl«^' porerty, and eren wen that xM EUaa sHaia ttawar hud. AaJ UHrt, vilb tt«wM we ahoold now, I beUere, Ind him tnaloBe t» ok Ibil ctr imi Ufo^woik mi;, «btt (bllj wnuUi "I dCB't know aomnch abont that,"

    ' "WeU, at AaTW toi any nto, Hla EUu wUl taoable na ae acre; old Boony, I feel callc erne, hurety efleetsilr ttiiuitnjtbLhtow^uUfahul, ' alloooed her."

    , "Ton really heUere," trembled Bhatkcy, "lhat hs hu Ulled tte girl t" "Yea, I weU primed him for Us work, and seat hla to tte BseUng witt her In a state of psrleotaadaesa." LONDON AfJER DARK. "Ob, dear I—yon did not toU me that yon latandad .to I killed— hare her you gare me enly' to aader- ' " WiNiTib li FoundMf tha Popular Orainai aund "Bharkey, my guod fellaw, why wOl yoa Inobt on CHAFTEBXZir. lalUng of Toor aadetdanlUig, whea yen oeght to know weU by ttlsUmo that yonhaTo not and hard nerer ['• iiUnT.!"!™* mrm aid m luriiiiL had ear." . rim Us lutnbtloos to 8hark«7 Ifonlc oad "And yon cu aolually cat yenr Joku now," hMtaVacouUrEilw, HIIUdiIsd bgtrled with all cried Bhitkey, witt ndagled adaballoB and totnr, SaonlktcnU la HUoa of oil Tom Booiej. "BOW, wken yon On pnparlog to " lodacd '"IniimtxcM'''*"''! ''"oir lotto And why^nctr Infetmpted HDUagton. - "I am UIIUsgloD, win iBt A&ofJt,".llin(bt "ud or lou, act one to play tte gloomy raBan, aad, bowcrer rtll. aibillnl- But I usDOt I am oertiln to hoary the work la hud, always try to make II Ught b, w iraT cud li la ar ftror. IT Bturkof Bhoild ud pleasant" ibit glit Ellu to III nondu ponadlu miko ho^ "Bnt what hu becone ot Old Tom t" llKUtt.tId TomkiirridDO of her. Ai to tbit "I aeltter know nor can." wUIunDgWiBltUidBnodon.tiB akall no loager "Be kain't been here aUiae you uat Ua away lait tnUt v, eon lo-monoir nigbt ud Ui doom l« BighU" toitd." "Which la to ma a oonrlnehig proof that EUaa hu ' EnsimdilUfuiocltlo'a nl«blisliDant * good periahtd by hla hand." W(t«M«tl^ doon would be opened lo uall "Bapaou he bu been Itkenr' Qi B^,JciEi|1oaUiqalrad If tbe man whom bo d» "la that cau ha wUl certainly be haagad," HHIIag- iMioiHbidjitbeeatten. Told that Old Boony toB cocUt reapooded. E

    , liliba.seHBBtBooMR— .'^Ifeel eerUUithatkawOI." '.rMiUefjevbSBiiiloa, aadcomo aloog with ^jDol tUnk what a nelgbboihocd he wfll be eoBlBg t/i: 1 bare insalUu paiilealar to taj to na,'~ ' *h C^r wd T^, appearing conalderabl; aor- "HewDlknow nothing of that ontD he hu fkltl^" Inin. enlendlL" '

    to J9fl* ' CpM aloBgi" "^Oi BULL FIGHTUSTG AT ISTIMEB. "Bnt suppoH when he bu entered it he theold not : UDlBitaa lad Oa .w>j lo Sbartej'a prlrato apait- Uke ItaappeaiaBM and abenld torn book udgi^l aat. •galoT ifTwu la hU place, that's Just wbal.f'th . "aidon, Ta,«Ub I rtagthe bell and oidara do, I am qalto oun." . - ..'.'.' hUtel nvbrtril^frfnihirait, for I know too do !'Ajid4rT0ii "AadJulwhalhe wlUabtdo; I hare tan good " taswUm—whatwanld yoa itV amaay great aooUcDb of which ainadr la tte ooors dariog girl; "yon bnt now ao monaobi and teiTlble. ' fall the u rupecUble u.Ue nil,ware aoTeralofthe ' asthbtniaiuaf.'' '.' "I wonld kfU Urn I" In deep, con- of that csreofibat." raapoaded Tom, a day aha had been the TloHm, Ellaa had been Whe/efore do yoa ttu pren nie will a you anna T eatlemen whoee acaaalnUn'oe we Ural madealHr. , '1»«,''HltllT«*»B«iii7, "order nothing for ae: oaatniad tone. aiutalaed, "Howr' and had foud auanitt sUlI to eodure by her yoa who wore aboot to kltl ipe V f'opiar's bctol under BUokfriars Bridge.. tbmMlelliUduaUotelher." , hare "Come, another glaaa," aald Hllllo|tao, haodlog It to great lore - "I polled eeatlaeli, hers ud ttere, la tna odTr- for and dagcr loDgIng to be again with "Wherefore r' aobbed Tomj "ob, I eannot toll yon— Ftom thia algbfa entertammeat tte geoeral pnbUc "'H«*i«^;,biMbat too look ao doll and mlasi- cent streets, who wonld qaioklrlBfcrm me ahonid ne Bootey, and then, In a haaty, nenana aort of way, Walter Bnndon. Bnl when ellu had reachcdBloroy'a I am oboking—I oannot speak-^tte emotion—the joy had. been axchded, a nstlee hariag been poeted on tte m.. Bal>t)A|M» alter all that. St all heallate Bring a boltlo swallowed a bomper Umaelf. Qato, and ' to .sdrues, and than I weald hnrrT'ent diatlagniahed Joat wittin the park a nan the happlneas, Yoar mother I—she—your molker wu door which atttod that tte peiformancea ware lo be ' Viev rarhalilB," UUlngton atld to tho man who tod briar bUn Utter ayaalt." Dnrlngall tho foregoing, ICllllBgtoa had tiled glaaa eroaohing against tts nOlog], snd thonght of the my wife I" under rpnrato aad apeclal patraaage. Nearly erery , WMndtiabiO.' Just tten a maa eame hairybg Into tha aaU, aad after glaaa with the no, wrhloh old Boozey had groadlly words that she wu oharged to aay to him, Uio coarage Tbo^ words almoat crerpowcred EUta, one wuenoklng .and qalleoTerr oae vu drlaklag; i^UjtlliUMKh a drop of It,' reaolalelj " rnnnlag to HUUagtoo, gars a aIgB,wUch wu perfectly aall awallowed, and tha llqoer had aotstoplBed and made ttalhadeolong anatainad aeemedaU at once lo desert "Ob, heaTea I" ahe oried "yon, tten, we and, to Jndre by tte uprow, OTeryhody have been But well oonpreheadod. him dmnk,hnt had frenalad.made bin completely mad. her. But ahe ccnid. got retreat wllh aay hope of "I am Thcmu Pritobard I" tatklog. Toe aooud or tte cbairmaa'o haomer, aad Ua jijejtllneallahoat thai, "Whatdid I ton. yea, Bharkey f HOUngtoa baatOr prteentlj," thonght "Ton," aald Ullllngton, "ttat penoa to whonjoor eaoape; her atrengtt wu loo far gone for that. Aa abe BIlM threw herself'hiM bis ams, foadly aid toB> anaooaoementthatUr. B*-snd-so would slog the next • ' — lid I- •— --^ -. udla alowtonaaald to Ue Jew. "Helaherai" wife owed her death—" atood In mortal dread, end aospeotlog . now that aha derly, mBrmnriog;— sang, wan ecaroely heard at all amldal tte din aad • "When!" [^Wtaid.'l^ud.u thomaa than with him had . "Weill" bad fallen Into a trap which had been prepared to en'< "By fatter I liyfatteri" daiterttatnnTalled. The talking wu act certohily iHaiil, a daUsid oliaiahle look, "1 "Look I" know btr." anare and perhapa to destroy her,' aha felt heiaeW "Ahi'asld.Tom, '!tts enotlcn I eiperienced when qnllaao loud and general while the peiformen were Hllllngton pointed towafdaadocr,wUch bad . , -^Mltralaoe promise neoeaafnl, a ao- SlL-UAittd, bu "Herl" tudair eelied anddiagged wlttln tte park. this ncmlag yon oalledma by that name la now ac- ontte atage, wbloa caused to ba dlttluotly audible, at ^l^«nbaU{ur ment before been tkrowa wide open, and Horria aklr- that had lieen orerrthlng to "Yea, It la a woman." "frhoaraycnl What weald yonwittmal" BUu conDled for—ny hurt Wu whispering to me that yon erery lutont during a eentlaeulal tong, ue claUer of eanHd wujt a eredubeuwtto lalended Tlcllm atandlax on Ita 4 rerj palaftil deproaalon, ''A woman T* Irenbllogly aald, and wu aboat to ahriek atood. were bideed my child—aay fitter once sgalo I" tte bagatolle balls and Ua tbnmping on Ue toble of tte »»a ni iiniW laomied by bli feara tiat Eilca thteehold. And ramaUileg then, Blohaid Btaadea "Benalf loan beaaUfol than Vary, ahe wu enrloos, Bot hardly bad abe aDoken whoa . .•!Fattar("reDeatedEliaa. geatlemen who wen playlag at "Pat." Hr. Poplar mMHt.itlan.lehla.aid eeeBedtobealUteutowhetter ha ahonid enter Ike thatboahonld once moro Jaalona—In abort, haled her." "That Tdloel" ezeltlnodOldTom; and ImDodlalely "Ah I bow ttat ward aootbee aad wamn mei now, and NatNlchem were playlBg at bagatolle. Hlmilaat la Ihe.jrerld. When leatlag him that there baU, and apnnnd to be alstraslfUUy exaalnlag the "Who la ttat woman t" eagerly oiled Booiey; "who wu a motnal leeognlllcn. I btutta again—Ino longar aoOar—and ttue ua Joy- . ^Tbere," aald tte fomcr, "I hare polished yea off It prewd to Ur. place, and tte rery far froa arepoeuaafaii ooanto- Sammerford's, the joong lB»her> ''Yoal H Isyonl" erie4BIIaa,IaJeyrnlanrpriie. tal. tearp that. I am aheddlng pawl Hy eblid, my sgilD,Hr. Nlckem." t'wiKd to ha with him uncea ot tto Indlriduala snsnDlsd tten wllhln It, again la a ooaple of "Ton may, perhape. If yon chooae, aee her this Tory Uyjoorould, who told too—bow did yon kndw daoghler—it la ahe," he cried, again and agabi am- "Too mut hare been brooght opto It TCiy young, to n cowmm. B"!!?!^ -S," °'<>>t >>a la «»erT aenae oat of "1 Si!, "This evening I . When, tall me where t" bad not Ibonght that I ahonid e«o yon." giro birth when 1 wu um fnm her. Oh I huTea I 'on Ual yon reach ballSroy op tte board." JUMisnltbalhs'ahonId aee her no moro, and felt "In Joat within Bloray'a Qate; yon "Indeed I How tten r' ob, hMTcn I" and Umaelf hla "There ain't no Ht. Jtmee' Park— be cut noon knees— occwron for no buBHlBg obeerTO- BULL FieHTMS AT VBSSS, SJK??'',.""^"* •• •» '"IK^- Tha bawa of gin know that plaee 1" "I waa told only that I ahonid Qnd hero acme one "for UtoBB yeaia—for Dfltea yearalhiTe net grayed Uona," ludlgnaally cried tts proprietor ot tha Black- Ma|b«Bbieo|li " aad placed apon the UbIo,l(ll- "Oh.yas:" who to yoo, ai)d yet yon hare bad pity on me, hare glran trlan hotel. W*IW a teiibloof At Ue recent aaricnltaral exhiblUoa al Niaua, U» glaaaea.and pnihlng one of "If ahe comes yonwinhaTO no dIOenlty In reoog- 'Borne one," ezcltadly Intermpted Boozey; "yon- my daughier to air arma I Oh, heaTan-how grut aad "Nerer mind, old boy, FU try my luck against yon Mintidi ou T«n; lotereatwu centnd UttebuUBiht DespHetheanr-' aald:— lo 'I saw tiary no, no, go away—go away." good—bcw mercUal ihon art I" once mere." nlslog her; for she will herself say yon: UonsotUe InspecUr Ueniral or Agrionlluri end hk °" Priteharddle.'" I cannot do that," "Ab, fatter, noTcr again will we be aepaiatod." "Tbafa right, Nat, eome along. And If I ekoald soslataats, pucuMs hulls, Itnltlhl eowa^Mp, raas, i2u&*iSi'M. "Ah," rared fortt "shonid she say ttat-woe "Why can't yon?" "No, naTcr-nner; yoo ahali talk to me ofien of qnlto clean yon cat; I expect to do, yea ohaU hare Ton, u a hoga, ineehuiu, etc., wen ashteded- TheaaUiela- ' 'i'f' ' "'I TOO," Tom aald, with loherl" " Ab,'' BUia reproachfally tald, "yon hare not kept yonrpocr nutter I" Md at my hotel lo-nlgbl free gnUa for netting." ' leiest dherted to tte flgbllng anaa, u ahewn In «Wg»*», aad afartbg hia wu ajta from tho llqnor, yoor word wftt ne." "who tanght me to Ioto and cheriah yon-,who . The obalrman at hngtt annooBced Hewaahnnylngaway. In thalHr. Fanale- car eagrarlng. The heroes of tte Me, and of iilr^?"™'"»»«'"»'."7 "ttare atlU some lelt aad yon may Tom, caml expnaly from Spain for tteee /ilsa. Fonr' end here must remain—for I bare work in hand ttat aanrance. toatlte andioBoe- with yon." I AInaxlIs, pneeded by u Aloolde, who wu nadaokt-' " "Uowuyyoar' The bagatolle halle . will make oeaud to W'^wfc.!'"'' "No, I dont want aay more of ttat, or It Ibat ralUe antU Hr..FBnnle- edly a cemmlssaiy of poUee, denuded of Ibe Prafect '•T«om»,apoak,"lB- 'What wori[ !" "Her life aongbl by the wretehea who alaw her, Bian doae witt, aad the " matoo noaleady to nae this." wu wu oud playen left tte table cfine Guard, who npreeuted the Aynntamleato, tte U^teii"''*'" Ullllngton a matter, and not before yon," bo forcibly cried beoaoH at lut ahe had oBtalsed, and bad In her pea- In order ttat ttey might atalat In tte chotu He drew from hIa pooket and ahowed to 'Ko i wUoh wu key of Uo lerQ. Then entered tte qnsdriUa, who """'T "1 markediT, while large olaep knife; and then, ahontlag fortt an oath of "go away, go away I" aaailen tte proof of yonrlnnooeBoe." anng atler cach.Tene of "Tcnny Dodd," and In which tali J!iiJSIfi*'?".' f" Bsrcely made tte tonr of tte ateaai tten coaaaenead SI!.!l?1W".'»'"'W»«''o«loakoBDooie7'i Tangeance, ataggeted away. ^'He la ciaicd again witt that .horrible iiincr," "The proof of— oTwy one of tte andlaBcc aaalsted witt aU tte atreagth the alanxbut ofhalfadcatn Bagaldoeat bolls, aoeord- ; "lea, tadeed, I bare "AadneoanMahehtd dlscoTcred tte ofttair lungs. mnoh to aay to too, And when he was gone, HIIIIoglon,'ln the cooleat ttocgbt Eliu. name of the Spain. Frodiglea ef w^ban macki iBg to (be tradlUon ot gleriou to talk to yoa of-of ary frit ' ttealt ooontred to her ttst old Dcoicy tnecalpritr. "Tommy Dodd" eoBcludsd tte perfcmanoee tte H poaalbla manner, aald to hlmselft— And u wu aad agility, addrcM ahd §iagfivU wen petfomed anally depart alone, tte eld fel* waltlag thsre, II mnat be that, by soma straDie chance, "Aad that waa—" eagerly crM Booaey. cnrtala fell to rise no more lhat night. jW t«" "If Blaa baa eonaentad to to tta dludraBlage crua bnUa.orwUeh acooaau irnag (kom hIa ohilr, girt It had been appointed to oendiet her to "Rlohard Bpenoer," replied Eliu. Dnrlag aU this time HUUngton and Horria TloIeiHy ezoIalB' low will haTO bad his walk for nolhlig. If the he wu who Sbukey hare already appeared 'hi oar eolumna. Oarengnr^ nad Waller. "I know Um not,'* aald Old Tom, "haTe nenr before bad beea aealed apart ttnm tte real la a doner at tte goes to Storey^ Oato, Old Tom, who laJaainow aa lagnpreMBla the apott la fUU play, witt Ue enraged of Iwr.wa aa- Thea beard'thatname." eztreue ead of the hall. iliMJl,''Ili^'"*'*"' wlll not talk of aa the most ontngeoba patient la Bedlam, will aheaaidtoTom:— bnll lo penult ot hia tomenten. "{mwud,b«uiiia,that-7n,that eela my head soredly kill her. ' Blher way she will be deprlTCd of an "I bare already told yon that I haTe been eent hero "Uo II waa whohadoonmlltod lhat robbery of which No one had Teatored to Ulnde open ttem, and ttu aoensad, and for ao long ramoTod from tte geaeral l5*'*J,!arboart Inpleeea, and-oh I yea, yea, power to laterfere wllh that wbleh I haTo determlaed to aee acme one." yon were which yoa bsTO and olaner ttey wen able to AoTiBBa' Hooime^ Than Is a sort of wtU to acccmpllab." "Oh," ahaddered Booaey, "it can't be poaalbla that so najaslly andbred; and whea my motter, after mneh heuttenuelTce apeak. dnned tagabcad who strSIIs about tte stsge door OB^ I'"'*" hlmbaoHntohia Booaey had not been gone many mlantea when aeeklog and many dUlonlllas, wu ahont to proclaim Hcnis wu pale aad nerrona, but HUlhigton sesmsd SSlLiillnSi"".'' of ttsaliea, witt the moit hoBonMe Uthn- jour Inncoenee, he again It who mnrdored my oool and Imperiurbable erer. aldcsunes s'SJIirvV.,?''? * IrawbllBg hand one of the Shatkay Hofila harried lalo Hllllngton's presence. "What can't be pcoalblet" wu u u alhtfkihad ' Uoha on tte incomu ot any olarer and weU looUnc Iliad, and ' toll that pcormotteri" "Bot," stammered Bberkey, In reply lo aonethlBg aaahtoi Um to ralaa ItU "Now, tte glilf" oald tte latter. . "Kolhlng—go away, I yon; can't yon aee , that hla auoclate actreu who luy happen to be nnmantod, Tha mr "Conldntpeianida her lo anything else, end she la ttere la DO one else, that I am ue only person walling "And for me abe perished I Ob," eiolalmed Bootey, bad Joat uild, "It locka to me dan- teasloaal emolnmento of a married womu betoagmf^ "If one day I ahauif lad lhat man—" Eerona, dnadfuUy dangerous, and I cant nndenUad gone to Storey's Gate." here I". . '' to law, to and faillag belra ee, " "Bnt yonr name, dear father, will be deaaaed fron ow— ecoordlag he^huband, a "The fool r cried Hllllngton. TIs Tary aliign)ar, I eaanot nnderaUnd II I" to whom ft laaoBewhal dlOealt toobtalalBtiadae- "And old Tom Bocify r' "Do hotteek to nnuerataad, bnt go awaj." all atain; tte lojoftioa beaaatt wUeh yon for ao naay "That I aaabelleTC," UUlngton ceelly npUedi "bnt " Ucna, perhapa ao better bstgala can be made byan glass, millngtoa win be tteie to meet her." "Ko; for It mnat mean thai 'Ua yon who know long yean hare groaned tkall sow be Blade known to I aak only that yon ttould aaalsl me; .whether yoa on- i!**firiSi^?'^'"**''««aipty "He Idle adrtntenr fond of clolhea, elgan, and betlllig wonld tte whole world." darauad ornotlaotTerT Utile ocuasqneuoe." "And hare yon dene as yon said yon reona, ttan a anion witt a rlalog ainger or aMiaa. »oa>an^ then "Where Ae nay be foand." "Dorllog cUId I" "Oh; bnt I mut ud I wUI undentud aU abont It; Sw3 SftJf • "Tea." neu oAeooUsrs ds panm wlah to be known u "Hits »«a drained aaqnloUy on «," aald Bharkey, perfectly terrified, "What uy yon I" aald Boour, wonderlog and a>- "Long—Tory long, hare I been eeeking yen—long I doo't mean to ran myaolf Into daager; I mut aee my • bS'bHttlW.f.'iff "Heroy Bo-and-so'a hubud." It la almoitapntetalob.dnd .«il.dwllh'g,..i aheis a dead woman T" - toalshed, hare Ifmplored of neaTao to restore )co to my ton* way cleariy: I am a man ot pnperty, ud want to Ure •then Ita emelomenta ean bo calculated witt more thaa ttt »!?i«^.)d',M'!l°«^^ enjoy It.'' will |a aoDMthIng len than half an hoiir, "It Is to Ton ttsn thai Iwu to speak ; lo yon that I daneu, and It la when I bad ceaaed to hope that FroT- to "She be, oerUlaty of tto tnrf, "Glcrlana" (tte aaiae of " nunltod as. "Ton always wUI be a fool, Bharkey." Una:— ' 0><»» soma- far It, Bharkey," hIa dartsg aaaoolate haTO been.lold to say . idtnoe naa *i mU!!! 'i'"' who take ay werd Ue aetreu) maku tUrtr posnda per week, one tteos' ' •FM|ibly. all that— Uiat name they apeak coolly respooded. "1 am rather aorry; 1 had "WbaVI" hoarsely ctlcd Boossr, plnoglng his band "And I, when hearen had eent yoo lo me, wu aboat But, for •ttiMZISi'i? "^""l ; Tory and llTO hundnd pounm per annum; Oleriana will Boldeaofwhat4eyaro for bnt It can't be helped, ao we beneath'hls TesL "Tosaywhstr to kill yoa I" cried Old Ton, witt nmoreefol Ogooy. Sl-tK?,'.;'"™'' qinea fhney her; acoldouts. I.e., her popularitr wlU Itit Bfleen "Well," eblTond Morris, "yen hare told lut—bar abontll." . "I saw Hary Pritohsrd die," alowly and udly re< "Ootyooknow, yonuw.darllDg—did you Bolt ttat ae ttat wIU aayncmcre yean total, twenty-two tfaouuoa flre hondred ;Iffiff'"'";i«l7 tried Tom. aponded Hlu. oToa while pronoonolsg (hose Urrible words, I hetl- Rlohard Draudcu it ttia night to be pet cot ot tte ; pcnndi, not nekonlog a rlUt to tte Ualted Bteles,' Old Tom drew fortt Ua koife, and BIlea ntlered a toted and trembled. I coaid net—no, I ocald not com- war, bnl yon haren't told me how, aad It I don't knew 0HAPTU1I.SZV. — wUeb might msko mon.. All thia irtupeeUre of gifte, low cry of terror, aa ha clalchod her arm and raiaed the mit lhat act or Tcagwnce. which I had sworn to acoom- that on JreuBtttloBS. Ac. At the eod of Iheen yeaia, """T. •'irlbly tgiutod, TT1 Hinin AT BToasT's d&TS.—ijr nooioanoa in A ireapcn, u If abont to plnnge It Into her breul. Bnt pliib. Oh, II was becauao a.Toloe wItUn ny heart "Well!" 1^1 "yon know er good locka ud alteaetlena faded, perhapa geae; he did not Btrike. Th) band wbloh held the koiro ocmmandod me to farboar—beoaue aiitody 1 loTed "Well, It I don't and am not coarlnead that I ahall then—naph. Oonaldered from a conmenial pout ef Sp|t«nciddid. him' his yoD—booanae blood speaking I" Boriak, I won't bare him eome hen." HsTlBg reached Storey's Qate, Old Tom place.d dropped to bis aide, anil the Ioto tba( had entered wu nn tte balnea, """"fal ricw, tta actrtea la alnoal the equal ol ahe was, wtanH aha seirjost within the park, to await the coming of the heart for her whoee life he bad UTSd, contendloJi wllh "Uut who waa It ttat bad accntad me I" "That I bare notalnady toll yon In what manner I •Bf?' r while abe la oeriain lo bo more scceaettle.—Ian been told lo oxpeel, And ho war.made tte rage ttat bade bim acw to kill her; he faltoredi- "A man named HIIIlBglon." Intoud lo diapoae of Rlchtrd Brandon bu been onl ot Caraon he had Hood's Obmlo AvmuiL I "ThatinfamonaTlllalnl" mercy to you." ) wall a considerable tine, for great wu tte distanco ."Oh I again repeat ttoae words I bad they bean uld BUu, ahndderinjr tIo- SR^JSfy.try*.'!'"""" which Btaa had to trarel In order to reach ttat apot, spokoB by anotter. tttn yon, already all wenia hate Icnlly, and al once oomprefaeoding waerefore blUilag- "Na doubt abont II," Bbwkay IranlcaUy uld. "I Ae tte night adTan^ed, few and far between were the been eaded, bal yea, I hullato, and Uiink, ud feel la ton had been aaxloaa for her deatniotioni hare had plenty of opaortunlUuct tBowIng what a Blako.—A paloltal and poixled father irritea le el jj«««wuibe name are of tte Tillage In wbloh >he pauengers throoih ttat gale, to or Item tha park. ttoogh I could not, darod not I" "The neuter wonld hare bad mo kill my own dtogh- nereUU chap yon I" London paper ngreltlng a riolorr woa by Ua.iaa^ tori Oh, to to la nereriheleia trae I tell aoderuj Leaalni against the ralllnga.a fewyards away, Boosey "Bo calm ; for oieroT'a aake, be oalm I" pleaded woo bIm—woe himl" dttetmloedly ex- "It what yoi. Yon areao wblob-gayehlamon uootanoe Uan aay ^-'-IllrtBeoi,,. Ellaa'a fatter. weU kaowa wu able to obaerre OTenone ttalpaaaadeltter Into or EUta. "Hail yon not been told ttat a wonan wonld claimed __ ataeowardiandhaTeaooanyiaalBaofoonscIenee, defeat wonld bare done. Hla boy la al a ill wished on this occaalon to spare soms repntatlea u aa >t£iSil'""aai,hanpy, had ahe been, If bar ont of tte park. Aid at length, cat of all paUence>- cone to thla place I" yon." pnbUc school ud hu aeqnind ixpenas rfhli . CnAFTEK 'Tei, I dareaay—Teiy likely—ahoulda't 1" at the V.» "•"""'•"'oSer, looheriahaad proUot •Tba alory of ttat woman waa all a He?' aaTagely "A womanl tm, yea, go cB' XX7I. wonder attleto, punhssed, baworor, »» mntured Tom; "like all tte reel who bare made me "That Joat wAhla the' park yon were to await her ar> TBS sooriBia HCBO nAii,^iaaTaijio aeuaa— Biraons donbUuUy aald Bharhey ; "bul for alT ttat, I ahonid literary artalaaeala. J?»«,al^r. hariaf "jaf" • •^"•bntlUtoiean. ' m " ttelr boU, he wu playing wItt D*, tortariag me tor tlral.":-- . prifer to know In ttamelropolle, on il",""* "Ven well, I need not toll yon ttat InioIeaU Hy aoB,".wrll«a hIa own sporL" . "Tee, within the perk i go on," hullly nnltored A Ten pecnilar eelabllahment.u we ahall preuntly tte back of to tte ftn. and waa whst he eiDed a 'half' Bat tten he renenbsred all that miHarlen had Boeuy, toning Uo ulfo aboal wlthia hia nand. be made to nndantaW), wai ttat batenglBg to Hr. thla hall of youn tonchu tta wan of Ue Underground hlhst, "wio hsdjost borrowed known and told htm. The place that Hary Ntohaid "And,, thai when ahe had raid to yon— 'I taw Hary Sbarkey Hcrrie, and of wkleb mention ku been, Ballwayt", had Inbabltod, her age, her deatt-tkat oanhad kacwii Pritohard die'—yon were tten lo— dariig tte coorse ot thla stcrr, so ftaqaently made, "Vhyof COBTM IksowthatreUsBOBgb.". btew»ot2e2MS. and told him all ttat. "To- Mn yoa,'' Bioaey inlerraplad with a urage Thin wu tte raited altge, wllh lbs nsnil ud neces- "And yon also know ttat a few Bcntta ago wenade said Tom, "It Issll'tnie n^ngb, and grewl, and again ralalig hit knile. Bsry aooaescriu on which tte "ProfualoBsIa," slagen, an epealDg ttrodgh ^le waU of one of your cellar^, Ual "Tea, yu," ndiog In a might atc|) cat upoa railway." vAv (AS to DOT ehowtai prioaa for bleseed throdghcet my Ufa an hare I atay, ttoagh I ahonid haTS to wait ttroaghonl "Bpare me I Vorhearen'a uke, Helen to ne I" cried deuamand aorobata, dlaplayeid their taloatS'toad' we tte " drirer UInk to Inmiacz na by bis tte alfhl. Bha wUI acme, I no loagtr donbt II, and I Bllaa/alBklBg on her kneaa, and extending towards him nlrlDg aidanttaalaaUc udle'leaeea. BtBo mssBS.hcW' "Doo't remind ae of ttat Blgh(, pny doat,' 'mWlaJl tfiftte not, la erer, a plaee ot faahloaaMe retort|lBased,tteTny ep. gaaped Bharkey, witt a IreihbllBg eaulag aad ^foauM he tioogbi«« »•?»« *? (*• "•«','»•« Paneuaungly will Mil hir. Tea, poor Hair, I Irifl. aTeaae no." her cianad handsi i "Do tte nadaeea of iatoil- hud ff? i'S.v"*. *^i)^tSSf£dk:2. mutgsiapestlljrandao to bed wittont get- hlihl taken hsT- catloo, become tte nnrderer of a poor, nnhappy gtri, poella of thai, wu the Nonpareil Hoalo Uall. In one dralnlag to Ibe bottom his ilaa of brudy and wator. dSrar) Then, the (la vhlsk he m% hod haJn^dceoIor a week of Sa^^ la lie elbat who, with her whole eoni, hu learned to lots tco." ooner ot tte room, where surcaly a gUmpu «t tte . "Thoae bricka wen euCly nmored, aad w aaally Uagbidy, whUka lag by thlellva eoaaldenbtywtuened Utile game would taw replaced, aad ibeBre he feud that . taTW lapoa brain, Tern aboal to tUak orar th* whole "L«T« me t: nuBvrauivniasrable wretchhivhih Ii Oh,vu. Utileuiiiq dfdnia I1 Ihlokuuiia stage eodld be ohuloed, atood a longlanle, Imperfecl- ac can be.agala. Whan we hare quite iiU wet ttal we wen, waaa'l ha t— (w tt " dragged yon Opq tte rirar lhat a ly corered with a piece ot balte, whoee eolcr had done with Hr. Illohtrd Bradldn, we plwe him upoh 'diba. No acre tight maUer: wkea I yon were UIa>-ttan what made origlaally nllt; Is train nsaseS depth of Bwolag Ua ao that It aoBalUng Tipar that had ao emelly stong mo I" beea greea, bnt which time and wew had Ue almost aa aeon u ttat dons a .2^t It had already ccoaned to hla wu Ibe gl| a. If bo hadn't bean like Is sbis losntny creclouaahr aboat art ea *iB«l" lo oaU alaln.hlawue . .Twaatoldto sayttoee mlaarabis words, aBit,uI ehugedto Tariou ocif Indeaerlbabls baae. The mea erer sud so dlslgaret him that no one to ma-Iknow not, Tory. arrange IwtthewoDan who had eight b.forit". This tto ewled ahCBt ttat Ubie bis mangled body " 'fce bttleTfte ycnagiter th6nld come to ttat opclfor tte paipoae of aTswIog fru. made t{ bellsTs that tts grealeat, tte only hap- cued aottlng lorUe ealertala- , ef u Ue Ungohls pals Ulk el sohool. • ob luntiq progreaa ontte atage, being deeply aogaged "Ob, don't, tor goodness sake, doa't I" stammsnd ipNks her gnUk • . . plneMlaaBbope,toknow urtt depended, on lay ttem, I oouented—and la a Tary exolting perfonnuoe of ttelr own. Horrli. . "iClaaoheal, ahamafnl trick, aad I will remain ploBoanoIag gruUy waal a nilelde !E'aSX'°'|>Too,"Iam he anioed tttlUey ahoaU be glren mo toepeak, for ills Tber were In fact baay witt eardaand "Ice," and "The ease Is reported la the newspapan u who has been here aa longer." 'Kor 'Oaa Jia."—A.Bocky Hcontoln paper pub^ " "Pal" and "all fcara" fey a genllemtn oaDown-aad tterh Is aa end or uo Jaot. u^Id Tom kad aald that to himself, ha per- tte tmtt ttat were the gamee on head. And okllaaiy notice ot tte (spiou ttoM ganea Uskiaaa "Jim," oUef «t ••'-frani berher i park, "That yao eaw Hary Prilchard die r' wen' played witt totenble'fatrneaii. Just wlioleaBhlr."' Sff^•a^tad irbMu.;k''i;«A-'»«n>iboSlI'i.''?. whom I left celred a female standing at tte oilrance to the tte Washoe Indbna, who died recenUy. JUn eeoas'to baoaoai thal'a right, I that.'' to became a: aad beading ferward uBS "rea,>'monrBfnIlyMld EIIu,<'ahe wuiumoUeri'' erery oee engaged In ttem was an ezpbrl "Yu, yu, ue ' 8«bum,^.'°11'^-i*'"'' uUhereytawireaeakllg -I'-- • - — .-« many ririaes. Hols aild to ban KuSi ' tty karaahown bH* ' oheal. "Well, thaB, laaTecIflnBbllBg,'» ,iK'r;>^;^'*.ab.i?',Ki^^ ill,, aai iDoir, aVitn'i bo,aii»ltlftkeMJ^^5ihl*., I" Tcm-teemkHiiglr Mlaandlbly wblspsred. dIteeUynomgThe eUgs, wU a' rity seedy, , "rtn. yon Oed he airelBtUaled witt It. °B» litt no wflji sadMa bagdtollt Ub1e, SBd^lfsl' alser sBrroBBded with' aelfjfieirjtiehe c»B.;cu.'Vk'lahli'niiB'If k'!a»5'adBt loS»,al|t'?.**r^?'f'. % walk ik* wkalf dlataooa r.' Btlkaiea* fran' hsrimtsi *ad smtdf towsM^tMi. was - late; ocuhttl^i *n MiueUod to ' of a. pill bfbMsT trill hJte MMiA ''Xear.iBelkaiwyeiit. Better f''np*a(id, BaoB«y, playan, tot whom- tte erhfeM«uJa' tpiMutd to baTC tberl'eahblldriberl'eaMlMr elaraa Tfflleei»fll'lo;i-*t»rfttfc" — rait to IM pad,aadirk«Bat:laatahaat' J Had by^h]fiattrba|h aaMrt. tte aeilaanf dl|iiit*Mr"«W 'rinduthaaaot'towUct'tteis^ Mai dbaMMiwar ||i^^^.MNvllaiartsa-Maadhar,h» draw battoUa ef.atMoUev «hal*«tr( Tkerandluea 'iTa* slsdga.". Aii[er1ire'dIUbr^'tar«rialB(Be''^J|^^i^ not aamtreu, ^Uklaiob, la-.a,ataU'.*f alaitah aoaplelF*£!MeU RaMf' aeltter oenid II be aelled uleel i.otBae;' b«Ttr,aaniJi' yearewBa Ud before aha oeMredtai W/SWy.VttV "Why do jaaltaganavoa ml" lUii tta wbi- aneog Ue Ihrea dasaa or n wUeb tei»edU, aad to ' , I t' V

    January THT'i NTEW YORK OIjIPT*EII. ifl^ TO B \.<.^;.V7j^0t|^ PIOUS S<)DIUU fl K A I A^Yv^-S^'tin^ _ 1 Li_j^^ja^^M usaSil0^a ^aMbBvatM .firiia^atATaa, 'l^TMf in^it ^CbliilUa Uaba^ arra wH^ tbafr ahb- baBai'ihlaa'enal, Tha prdlbl awdbaaa abaaiban ta ibab pabn tbf ffi(b anwis MlhMdbimanfporatoi t|l*'beh» -••«( , , ' 1. nnagar ToelhU .«^"n Ito af . k.« aMilaapMbai iraabtf, iboold w« dna aaibaatli tbapab: pla^ la li* Mnn^ Sf aai aoa b* add to ow|^trlL'?°'a-HCN» -, —^tks'ftffBo aOar, bat «• ban *,I0^'« .^mmmtt9 aO pantfs^JlH aaaaifj. ao thai — libad npat^'of ib-apUkiBafipiaaad by tba alaiaal giui^- g»»irrt«dia*ba«aMi;*i*b«aUL li.ll Bon hat. BM bJ*«a»ila|' ta al«i» tUUBoai M ikwi?^*r mi^M aBdUi«p(a^llalaaai»tbaMMtfwputBra*tf pa. 1 •ailiandMrBea^laalpndrallBaiiaia el aialtiOTalu iba ial6r laf»a, aad *«• la soaotvinl .Jba •A-Sbrai^i af;9^W|in- *\uBAsr, U«b'«s^l''fbaT «anlba BrWI* aaka «-4«bla* dacnnir aadabyaiaai ttialuteaailM, ibata.n«lmB)<«il/ wrtia,"' Weond aariabaafcufaraattadaii ft Wstauwlbmbbalkfrba laioeu' dof aipada}^. bacnMor 'ofM««Ta|ifnan aailalb* biUt of attaadtBgtb«n«aUr laM la Bad nlBptea l» UlollialbB. Iba t "apaBmtala^" daifaM ta dIvUa vonblp. Aad «bal u waa. sag ihoaih liBBlba tba Biai leaned or bto J. N. B'l Pribbvib,—1 la aatsMp lbs toapbi I ma. aaU«b>*al>« aadt* ravTort. raniaiB ib« rrniM biU t fbia p>ar*i0Btbsr1gblo( iha gHbil asp W ib4 Nfrbarba^ tba aoaiHca paapla af tba at- bwaaaljKade oHU befag laateaBof **eia.#^ aaait aat b- aards If jva |aa)ataa lU paaaigra whkb wan.oriflainp — "auagaM h kC df«br .luba af Ittlla^ thaatrta, wfaub da- npoB fcaf ibban fba a ba pab^UlBu bmIw to ka banod nor Bnj-T, Iha lUd.—1. Tf. S. Dos'i baow. B. Tbara an bar diorteaedialB kiriS*. BBiod. AU al ibno faaiBaialaa ban II id, atbr aaaaar or baVltaal Fhtrtaaca, aatDwai At Futor**, la Ibb citj. ft Bagby Daogb- BBC lU ^lelbaaidluap Jaril.ufplajki»__^ vuA 4. Tos/ _ ^ _ ™"*'*^«atcTMt iba ttad*t ttomhlol 1« ii •MH'' >o • inoaira'ed th.li dednatuoe ban dxu. <^ Tk. ««T OBB al laaat tan tarda bobbi Bineaia, T.—1. Tba Hvrtoabplajad ibaMaUoBila tbapopalarppfkniat, ai|*d Bton, 09M poa<4 or wblah Innnablptnia ap foa al Oia Boonat the aHar tC-fft"** M a. Of al a ibUa*>pbI«al txbartar Un™.* M» HI . rii«lM '•Ik-'"'- teaBOal^" nniliupnilbbin lU t Ml ta 0* tkTon b*Hn I o>dftcfc pa VaUj or AibiBT, last iKwi. 1 Iba Malboab asmdalbatod «bs qouuiloa aa noH uai UaT nTiSOokli^ IbainlMfraof tba ababoaiy qctiu, ao ilaitba itmjaf «hu Ibo; an wul/l, bal la aaab llnrad rirra ibei^itartee- iitarlee ud ' jbfad taLS?!«lUkC *ilh itfua 1° Ibeir lOLolaaana, uree the too 'ma kkalj, H. n., if., Tn»f, K. T.—Tha rala aan lbs ban msit te bald aaroIda«^ba»a>BaB ba«h tolba pvnnllb of lU Bo bar biaa aeaaooa aaiplaWu kOaiJafSw*?*.**!*. ' 4 ii. I L Tbe rlab eball 1 tba baaa sarara tba a tlbar taacbaa old hoat ranabaf OBBa CaaBlag. abBnb,'addUib Uuvtraab Ibt ^agngatad wb "^f ibi.T ripaeod u 04 aetraoe. ao' of ativngib. Hna.baDtipbt) AkBlut aaraiif ibaofflef. „ , aoalBH bb daanBamloaa to Ibt yiydaat oi aUlbtbal IbtmI- !<«»*'; «dj«iur»b.« bu aatBaaTCrUieBldnlghtbBp),kuJaal heu ror or OordaoiawB, K. J.—WUl assav yoai ui_„;,rttuiar.i,« H TbeBun»aaiif*b^i-aloagBaaLll«M^Tbe aunbaa of *b,i'a io a an* iqatf. iMr iBra^oroM u4 om aso Bmo Uooti r.auii and »al«Baa-inad* a gauoa, bat Blflbtaas of ibo goipal, wa ngrrt b. aiy, da aa* b^ ri|b» pol.1, tall., lb. blrtltbuU. 40 a Bbabaaitaaiao notaa I; akal. ^ elj 111 10 ifai (9ar RlB*ifialytBtrn lalaibrlr o..bol«..lUi«lu«IUUp«.|«l of tbaallo aaeonali, paipnrUng lo ba peLgaeau for B-abrr, abaaullr'^'i*. BtB, SdbiBf Um wtvantM u eoiDpkl*, li Bngta, Biaioa, f*.—i bsTiDg la* lasioat tlc>oal;IalataBd.d; bnltbto J?" r Bui I' • B# u txMia AiP . ouU »»l qoeioil b; uoe auulba doa^ to a laiu? '••ItiBl nladi abaa l»fT^BUy daoonclag tb«tibt«ieaor tbalwblab Id T«i Jiioo Im|, ud «ic1i olpU;aalihota;aloid« canU ir* irl»7«^ B at, lavCduBilBi bat<4Tbi|bpB8 kl.ilib>| jxattf wa aeal ~^"l*iaJJ out of «bi.la ololb. The old aiiieb, UfTU h'u, Ualin n-L Bibmlta b b %vA b*nbiih B. 7.—Wo sarar rrad aoab a aliiftuai la aaj papar. It li Ibty an pltaad to tarm aa aal), wboaa pitaaan b man apta> • I" Ibo boal uw p'ote to b. rirgariit la a Bnipell rt Biieb, wbn a 1, w. 1. ilf» »• »M tmMiMu^. ebin|>loD. 9. Ii li • gmd oim, >Bcb iba eaaa. oioaotoid; ajriBod ttdrr, bit 0 Bi»"" ""'o''*'''^ polnu Md'loeB* li ib« 'pn«|*n7 ol Dr. Dal;, aad aUoglt oDir BfMrva m bn gnretacO bj, J. U. cat lotba ladkldual, ba Itrgtlaibat ihatatlr* aun atiaaallr IboOMUil/T ibtoltot d»r. uddhabip*art,hBtnoa aa anlo ohooaa batvaeo Bhaipaar d. Tba bag a<«a U b* aaa oalli ir. • Uil« • J«o| ^1 !• BHihal«.vj m\4% Mbi (V racfa aUbifi fri^MoUilm. Dai, Ka'bnrib.—Ball bava bato Ja Idad id farar of Ibeaa u. troBi tba tn Sror; B'oaa to M' roilKoo of i»r drauiailo ipob, 8hubei<, and Bhabiailca, aad a dam b. oail^^l paihra IbrnsJa^ •xpandrd by a ooBmaallt of a aoob 1 of thy iImiUoeI Ibioj, ud •!» ud ihaeaiper, aid iMtru ffoOT, Nf • Tvrb.--L Tho liar* *ho vfBi IbHr pib oB Sayuoar'a tnaloiU). lo »hiob MTpblot ant clear a aqnata plaaed apoa tbe l*a aadarfti&d prfBi,aDdnfi«l/ tluov uff Iba Oenrr, Cbirbaia«B, UaM.—L [• b a arqanea. ft Iba tad tnwioa) lotailiianeota dn^ oat amtaol lo iri« ajfraia'* un^.l.aiol ho»lD)mbuiiop.loob«lltUi. BDllbtolbe rpuUloga hrilda Tbelnrd prebiM; cnaHand^ ko< WbaiLik chbler. Iba parij *bu ibrt« IT ribSSE.***! tbl»M*bubaaib« dm dwt I V tlfbt baBd toiSD cuii, aad ba auU to iba lai*. tlia for apaalalttta of ifrtur Esg,tobBlB "Sbaupir," u wimld be hi«a.n. ••"•Ikka.yJ to BdBiMtipiBdad yearly tba n^giou ibiMlbMiMlial OMiiolo»j»rba,torola«lih»bI« wu prunouetd b; , •huBollaloi vAiitvrrtn iba a coad prhi^ i You loaa loar UiLTiua Ulss Clob, fir. Loud—L Vbo d>if««iar*t(Dt C EreratlebioboooBpraadof Bibb of cliy ^ad rwrrlga mtMl-iaa, al Cbib* dtp Ibon la nrprlalng lo abal tnglaa tbaae rUoUlolDipiinid.l;l« ofrtiUt Wo moai BUnnl. tt • W, i« iba Ifltoil lad BtdantudJof ot joar 3. W« caDB»l It ibt priratr aildrrja ul an r^fM hUbi><> taiiatnut^ DBlan other .la a lakapiaoabe. laataallTaMal^!!^.**!* imnd bifl beagbl bU coat la in aaeimiiubD, aakbbajad lb' 1*1^ oauaa tfwaa 8U 000, bat sow U b baa CBlaaaaad otbar iDMitaibraibblijuitUidath' irataid of »i leblo.if. tb. nnjtln- rill aad abal dbagreoBaBta bit^ Nkvihi—AI u .1 b lb. npilUr ud pneUtiD oiaaaautora r>, aball tbe aaaa lollaldMal or nan, ni:. iiTSj* aatdw. atM >ebamerl,KO,00a tBiatalbbnnL In Aaatlau) bate ari loa and pbjeraiialldalltrr ItgltiaitipreilBno' a«aMngila*ad okarob loopr fl«o 001 '• ptdJi Ibo uprot of • coB«t taara tbeo. Bome (lodnding u arctr bothbu iteTdSITTS W.B.tVaablflft»«, 0. a—T««, Iba poUeaialaHertd fr»> Ittiuoaib.—B«aloa«Bd Faihba iislbau \l umpi 00 0 OLoduitOHiaifB, aneb a aao, nr Ibat he au u oaronaal, befoie u; oibei 01 pnvloBB iDiba UMtaaaad Batan initob. At as In- Mow, tba roonlnla ibb wlaaBpradtd&ndn«a,dtR«tlyurb- r«rir«i li; I'dwI.Ui.brtibldlTMudiUl- beeh' lo pnre Ihal Ihaia amr wu lheaZ.\?*^4 ^itUf ttlrbialrdrjea>'ti ibi Uans t>un*, L. L, May lOtb, U4ft tr.ap i>llioU>iT. plaj ana- - ^ • a* nl Tuiu «aa » bar* pM|Ja,wbt, froiu tba trry *r a |r>al Baa; olbar people aiaan va ttia Iba m« ICa>>'I'<^V'» ^* alrwail) liara a »>rTvi)iobdi-Bt lB>our BJianol Ibno ekrna) cr^atlMi, au ban Ba->arMB^In-ttro thto In aplU of Ben J.BtoB'a gla.tag aiw .hlch the.• laalof pi« ; of the * '•at / af^ind k>0| • lb. bdlil op 'or Ml io|. ivlkdintsena. And hat »r? vaa aMcabaa^#diBd bnual arar; iitr«ilo| app^aM T. P. B,—Vnor Inat atticb li sot Bp b» oar ataadard, asd It (oa-. for thtir lanriafBt agila, bryaad tbb »>B*bUntka laallaio; of hto loBbaloae, allb da;> idajahaUdo Moatnaalo l^MtlMb, IMS, bot aiil na umtad and buud anr tor iJx Aad meoMUowelilunb.n mm ebup, to ooU aaloglei aad tha laaapanbU k««Ja(iSi?i*l banbaiif Ibaawalai.aa'irBouu Ibar wlU appaariwhcw nrolollon In •• Olbon Bate hla oai to ban baaa a'^Li^"^ L W. 0,Hi. LooU— ''iBagBH-a or raebro caa I this ID lb. iiiuo tU)— IbtmHlTtt Wbu > Ua BaaanMa loa.ilptlna. enria- auluil; BgiceH apon. In ewab^IIlT^^ n« roar, Balilmafa.—L Wa oabll-biJ a pottralt o' 1 not tnaip la lO) hasdt" Taa. piJat of tbt, alga- '"••kniMbS^ op\*n Bt Bp «btu bavi a aUbtballylanfUgatad.an, Lakaaat«oab-l of pnnle pnnd* ud rtnti tf. a bmlar, a ull bo;, a phploaa aod a Uaj.r, aitoa- rqullpawr Uia lea, Bdib---""""" af 3$tb,18et Tb« OiT Bowiiy el't/ bi, 1^ cd«bUib»tBt atnoall; UbaJaibi Cuma M9 1 BuKk* —B*a band b (oaL aan bahaiosaUliuto Iba peul, Buta ar b< abalBg pari; ol tha prerloaa "otoiSKS tf toai;y warad ; ib«t U, Iba lorrrDBtat, aatbaal, worba. Ptuaaedlag apoa iba aad l|gHdlob.«.l|btlom>k.tbaulonl>b bto 'Wdalba|an4i,lw^ U« B<*dc aaaU Uu* gnaUr ouoibtf. a. ni>r h« «tlbdra« wbat a* pat Iil ImM. log na dUhnat poaav* ttolaiiH OB lbfba<-lket|.«aodIoFttt- HailBiYnrtatBtobattban fna Ika U d IWtUm riaip Ibi" bow. 4. sbatnnttba laandr n casBot aloaa ob eil, drHTfall-UaoTBonnaBt fiwa .11 of ib. da«r cmtotea an adjadg* hm a lailur— IT A fosiaiiBia, CtBdssaiL—Tm ga bs to n« n M/onahaU., No* aiae palaeipHnn*i^ Ha b aaaablp wiib of Ila oaaroa< doUa. Data Ibe ibatopaall: tnl u tba muiera abUUr: iIo*b ObIo.-L P^idlak'a anaa Ibat. lalb Ibol/ al«ra-r bnlbm pnUj atnnir lo oqotl lb«m mil lake lo Vovun HuBkk, Dnkrli b; Bau. tba H>«t npvrl la 'bi bodaa* up^iiu nidn oouna; la; bar lattog tha laeMt af a BbalaBiiy ilib tbeiepail': brlnolart.' 'id»wli% i-ato' BO AurtltiB alai marr, osDid bv llrJwbn Kocu, BalilB aoald ptabably bafs HalUi Haaa gowBBtBl lad l B^ lo thill and dariof, Oor mooia btlog UI ap, Ibaj btavM fhah' m-Bia a-hnid—la; bat offi"—Tu TBonif—Aof 1, Bern L of iba collrabw b pbad apea iba laaslag jibi idl uiubtUiL- aeal^ty, wfalb tba baad loaibla plaaoa far faahlmabla folk, aflar nppor. Oar IbMtrtaal . - A. K, B'4'eo.—Cub ArI(B|ton Ball, aieago, b tba «ay U e-apaay, ana iboa fa Or; ba wu a rlUa aiebltaat i~- bifti; trauarycraalanraanvbaakioi rriandjaaa alM'- ihla^lo far ahatlaf Drat oiipoaaBI 11 bbbad^ bniaban manafaria) tbalr..mv; wlib baleb, toeMaSiiSa.'!!* ad<:rtbtrtarri>rilBf B «aab raKlaaUoa Ibat to .onatlDai aiioflirr tbu tba. aitrao* - CItII* , irruoi, Forlbraa nastbi^ baa a PupBBUx Dbtsb^I, la.— Waaaaaa»aaUei<>l'baalM;aidbKo-d." part;: and abBll ettaoaoeoaot Clunon^ Biliiiueir.'L Ur, Jrffrr fUog aalatba bartoaed popaiar prncbtn, ud ibo aatoai worth •bi taibliriij; vbaibtr ba baa naaooiliaaflna a morabaanUral iljlit (hu a put; lo uoiha dftlRib. marls lbs 0. \L P., trr n-^f *- aaaoot hi am yua aod F ti— aanlag., aa 10 aba* a aalid bto aa* aoat ud fotbU Ua te added to the Mur. of Ike an' satioiBilBf la KavOilfasa nrrtairrtatadata'adtApqb'btalanabaaBt*, wllb aa «!• be . iWrbio*Mn & Tbij fti (uua'todnaaM, flnatlaf amodon Iba flUtanIn, nlmr of sni arar 1 ."—Miia AM Aaivp JIOTiua, B. Tba ^rtatlrao• pla; adopted tllki o »d'ta t( 40 Lbai It umb oiaka Ibom auk. "?'iujk| Buflila—Ws aarar anipby bardov agvab bi asy 'o tba oifprdly atlptBdsdobd eil to actor^ matklau I'lopled.ltkilZShoak ouU u ibatto, raaoullnf—bal Uka n ai bnou plraa- ' tbtnogb Ibe «b.la B. (Xl^sabbUf, Va.-L Tbt iloa itf (baivnnllanoabt' le& Tra, U Or, apnlka lallioo:— obMtnd gaua. wa will at oaea pcreain ibai, aan ibe ix- FiIrSrM aad atbtr parfernttra, Tfaarebah noab pl.aaon ftw 10. .Ilraillogaa oan ikallbealacMii^ twMiNlBalod kaJ Brr,«B ba C-«n^ Ta., is iba ''Eicb'bi^ W»4'* Baa.-Wa ballsn iba appain la FUla- ar«^ H baa lu dimwbaeV& u "\< meal a thto', paaaapnapael bin, bpabne afr^r " 1^ ebareta aad gntn rlf , la nw ;i>ll luedd* or inaho wllh IbaB, tha oion U fur ;nli hantat;." WtteiiiSS iod haa to Uka allb good bnmor Ibo laa|ha nl^ al hli tz- BiomUpof plaiing witbltaMn II CMu».Ti.,liitb«rii| DMUsf (Oe:.)ui Wlandsoi ISU: Ba b a br«tbrr-io< av. a*«ll,Z_ . . v anooot whkb ibe other euaoi pialblr eootfi' I the uan.) 'ba baar. ilib nofbjMr, u ir 'a>ls, a*HHu. Hn ah.|lah.Il BBt beba 'tedH*. rtfW, T:4f^ Nua vlasuv a«ti«d P. fl. U.—Wa aajt jov Irtar ta Mr. Oanlaaa, sbe b pMM. Tbon a'.llo* ud oum.uoaltd. bdb^ZZ^iTaS (an, the b»>41 lib rat rato of pain«3g& Aad Or, aiajdaatt:— Sbo^iU tbehudl.fiudl. qui- . W.'L tt..M»biiakaVlt7.-L IbaUodsaatlBrtdfoartm-Bt O'l'HpaBT al Gbtrbatoa, ft bnia Ib Ida of at Ir. IkaiVttTirjrrSJtIka iV jeVika a draaaua A Us. |lt.i m7-ll to UmMa k> Iblok «fl 'OneMlcka" onoa fall, M? Biaii pbj r noai korp bud 01 U, Btba poarrlBlantanrt, bo' Iba llald- ltd toJndtaoB tb«)wuit L TIm bi«aau)| ol tbr «ipi>«d<«i A donacaiaai.—L fnnk Anbnsa. 1 Wa caaaot Isrira bim, bail to piatud Ibat bolli bto kgi wmbrokra, andaontbta Bbiup .lib approaloo of tbrlr pradical walght; Sipduab-jidlf, tkat jaa mid btat bim a (uua U'llirdi hw dttagebiaais'ibovld abflab in^a eba-ab aitoadaan apoa iba »Mariai^* u, the baB«hig lalga; b fnr doalota, Bat Ibal aaa off oo a Itigt paod. Ihal OIn un BolaTailri«. pay gaJa*' .ABtabaw* YourtursUlrKmUnnwul 'TMvHiT.fli iMla—B «iU rftvn A bb Mayaad aaaa of r«nB«qny lad daty to bia f alU, ta abuBld ba bald ap 0rabb sua. Oniaff ibabeada 01 too lui growlag apnp," al4 m» Ibe wiahfdaat of lepmbatoi, alllfaig b* Jtitpardlio a a'a vei apraat ! * aw ah lor 'ha piWBi. & uf la coai^and PaiaoLira Cnraa—Wa eaasol glta yua iba addM af asy tba fllmaydaJ|a- dblmaalf pack tba *air.mBp,udiSpi«a u BathanwotbualdbeualBladoabt, tor that he na; ban ^ "^^Hwbk ftaba laittif trialaairllaa 0i ba^ucaft 4 Qarrf di^Hi bal BuiH'ietaiar uf airiBsa aaab ra dollaa aad nota. Oar elefbal fritada woall aa- obniba aad aoU aafw?* loo, lurtaW/. . v4b»lkTabtawlataaB0B-Fli*rH MiaL EifMa FWbr> ai/. If tban «ai asy . _ . . bl«n,gBudbak,abeadaaa. l Tba tad U, obabnpiuo waa a & B(UT UoOuv. Chiea«MlisaafiTalcbafMlira btiidaa "RJp Tan Wia^ cbokabetairDlbrB). S. Tbraallffl'fc IBMB of ec indte InioMaHoB aa au^a«i, and aaa aaQ att, oadar farfdt ar tba aaiab, cal naanalag, haaai, b«i«tnr, bi«b fala Ugla mrif ba ibiMd hm^ bk." r, TliffC^UBuaoababa^plaa. ifAUiaty JBB ErnMAK Obua^a—Par tbiaa naalbi^ aaab nf tba gan*. EHUHITTBD LUtll. pratrd onfTibbig alike— abieii elretuncuee aa. pmipan tn In daplo 0 A B.I bal(MM«r.— L abvil t«aBtrt«o baadrad. I ^oo lb adfiiier, |1J 48. P«raB lotf)llg»Bt Btas tUh a tbaalia<-m-L'TbnaKbgaaBdtwaalaab«atlbraa Baodad no oeamantator, and, to qaota bto oan l.ngiiiga vbaa iUH)a-li| rHt JOBf dij. CL Bba la laCall'otalaai Qo^o4iBdl*uata& .ft Ot eoaraalt b louL 'h" bu dtTBtad itaia i*r aiudy i«it Ibepioprriritruil'iBar able)* la pco'lall/ aaJd tn lovalt araij ob].el tn aatora wltb RMS' and baa ao H. C,VrBar. rifO*d y I hogw^an: iBi'netan fotrpn, Ii 1< alia with a^ai, HI tba fnrbrr bb adftauaa A«« Yi^h Ikb-ib UlBcfclv Ni« Tart Kaf>b4tft Aliagbaa; iba lady ba b to u adaal but Ut ii* awlj mtj viu and ••aa .blob appaantA tba iDaipa> tbtT ll XflnMin 0. BL a, City.—W« batt aotbaanei iv'ST httft. 0«npio««w LbSdon. Via. Jt>ba ffood, Dor, at wbkb the araben of the Ooibam Daae , btalnja'tfiM^,iu£ Da tf(>rB(B*r* at *')1b Loa* itiT aittsa il*ir. •iitbaUiaallt laaeba cb adlBetiBi) tbaitlo II toa to iba ci- rionwd Tbhn t» ba gild*d .itb a pcipoual aaaligbl, aad ba*, TaOoniM lo each dl^loB balag glno, ahbrr niirifiMUUkZ dap, asd £ A. Bvbmi, Li'B1»b. 1 Utni/ Ltfiloa ntdr b a NiHiLui, y«a Iba laroaBa* '"caugbl lhabona'l,'' Waablastea.—Wa eaasot flra poBBdlagof tba Btilptart«b< ib^Rar A-aiy Ward Oat^Leror tbaialerr, b«*B aprruptUiflr aniei tba motDlog of Utr. Wa Ball Cleb ud tb,lr nUnda aa; ba out on ib^rinbebaa. T~"*^ rfHkf la JBtrtcaber. 141,16(0, at ibt Diudaaj Tbealn^ UfB touarrk. taute oibtr dtrla" b daobrtd to notal daiy, am In pmpl., lorj Maful In Iblr waj, aba f^aa aia TaipriebMa labia pbeaal Tbanpaoa'a Aaadrio;, V'l 371 II Fapi a, bafnnbtilaBlag l*abr, ^a IUiB.kiJij Br* T«t«, i» CUada UaiauVa. ^anw, D U< iL—*y Dnmpt)" «aa Brit pi«daa»d«k tamd baa hoo.thfraara Ibat ati*'i, of af tbe rlx. -bbb ibay an U k^'tbiM^SS Cir, Oiabia, 1hL-'*0 bits B Nr* Y«rkSUU will ibaO^pIr, 10 iliudly, HaRbA>lb. ISeT. ba aafbatad usdar praalty or Jcopardbiai )<4r a trail iBtara, apaaallatKh IbcIIoIda. u oat Ulag praa'lail latbair lend- Ulawkar V. T., oath- naalog Thund.;, Ibollib D«wi«rallaatibu bit «le«lk«. Wbn «loa lb> bo«T" asd an payor want pn>aaa?ta ematrg MiaiQ 'VOOQ D. D. Il , IT>^*a RuD.— iT trartbof wllb a Bloniil U« arra If li aaai, u It iWi, qiadnpb tba cipaan of tba o bir .nat, hul .Lot aould III* apt Id b. aoHb If It *aro ridullral/ luL Wd bopo tba ''bill" Bapba^epl lolllog U*c1r, and ai ii U>^uMB waa a drancTAria enok TbeBklppaiialiBtloataada&ttitaH par f liraihtf hb saar. alah M mtlba ut raitnalDtaeiit, Ibtra acta In aa an lBTlia4 'a ba iberr, and barlag an la Baa.ai tba taapniUr paHbi, aaawdiar tt tbtb ndaiba ifaB ^IO«i^i4'>f)lilaauri>plalustliiithbBUia dU |u 3D,0u0 Btsw.—Urnntdab hM tabalB jam afaga. nada npnf 'HlradtfrladBl" Bopp.'a aooa aaar m alBL aball aadrarur Ukoibtbpo liWB dowB t^lba bfl|«wi. ^tBt«nta; »«wi>iaatlir 0 B. R A., Cr«iP£:oi-.— do But kaaw Ilia lady, Iba aranft eonaf pe« natal almt, a (bb dl.r, b al lean a oUi atnililDg ar Jeaato, le potnalaa am.Mia.ari, ta patlaka aaab- r of H L., wa to BU tho podttoo of a dfl, • F. 0, Oabsi, naiMitftos, D. Tba Bob. Jbba U. Iflnawae«iaga0r'4baraM,anBib^kmri J, C— Altba —Irt tkflra, thrta aura brat tbraa loca filty mt ThaBha iw larltaU^a. aa baodrad ao-l dal'an par faBlly ehanb aUao^ti, nf tka p>oii*irai or Bald aad tarf, to driak gnod .laaa, or ta Al tbe oar la whiab u bH « Jbttbi) waaboniB rraittboiirn o«D<*, Kpptiaiy, Irrbsd, Biorea-Diwaat, Unrrb Bon, P«.—Iban an am foroW. Saoy y ^ h M biud aad, wbva to tbbaaaanadlaJ Inubaaai'Dpuyiaj or \f%. I' tw aat ol iba adnna VtiUI,ilA' Ib'^Hiiliaihl touljU B|bt i«t«iaB fala anJ Buobtt.—Tbt Bn Jack Ci>aBt«^ balad |tvaanltrtalniMai>t Wbtl aoald breoao ut, and ab*ia aoold • paity,' b MV bM ittf Wl Doi*T BniaTB It.—Tlie Utaal goaalp abiat tie Prlnee of whan tba U'parf-fiba party in«ho, aaab uubabaary afBitlbailuai^ dooatioaa, boalHIta .nnaalf miDit^^aa, Iha •«kael anard 'aala, lhaloall- If manad by aa; atbar Beaa% tba pUyrr ibah 'ba WanTkMoaa k Ca, l>in-lL-Cau lanlrad all rigU. Wako to, that daring the la'o rlab 0 lb. P inca ud Pllaoaea l^m aad a hfwt a' oUotr nu Paa, ir aarn^aii «i b lUlIt txrribw ijiUnni^ii fir-iaiablagbaaatolaaeaaadaclaDco, vllb abteblbb • rploa Sbnatda ataaaatiu iibI i I bi ACufiJt BuBn, AantSi Oa.—L Daerfnol ns U nilii, Uiiar ibb «flat. Hi fli,ijlj^ BcEat.—A lerjoaai u Iba TnBal. Caoxt Ike frlaeo Bi|lral*l bto alfr. If thto to 1M«iii4a,lB osa buor, UaiiBiy Vlak, LaadiB. Eo^., Jaa, todiiattbfaajtbraabaadraddnlUiaaaaaUJ;, up* laadaehatcb, I'-r^ioma (I'l d^^th aWiid t To*—ahi rr, OTto, avoid ba tba oTibatHd ta'nn Iha aau pmltBtt«bvbB« II. 'I. A.-T«B tba«>«od. Cr< traa, tha Ataai aaai ba a 1 aa.priM'.lpItd idlow, toe ifiDpa'rlea, M aball ba pal Baariyn ll^lUl ft Jaek>oBr«alliuUra,8B0jaitffl, IB Mabuar. 1 0. P. B.-a, PiilabDrih.—Wa BTM ibaalj aeppWal what piitAT bnua aaytbug nf a npalAiMa. Notf, altbouih loa *« laUrHo Ol oor itforlla clarv oiro, ud, ontiioqnantly, ud u fnibtab^ BfV pB^tl«. Isag rb« ai, 11 facaada H. C. a, Balilnair.— Ibay anal |>Tta>atbiFmabaiib. Prla.-OM or ffelrj donbilaea ba.*al/a bv fa:e la baag aal'.ad M w* aaa antn at aa nr/ daflalb apprtiiltaUaau tba ft' vfarraibo rloigfinaa tbaflaalvaat Echo uraaiabrlihlj—d^. BntyplayntaeDmiawTl ; ABiucaiBi>a,nJbd*lpbb.-tlkMt4bDioUI B. Pat bai Bp'OhlyB.—Onmr aaa a pae^. 1& 'HaHbabaiB.libiiib' Slmav, taatef tbaain-albadlBf raa.lll«, arraiBli| ibaatn for Ufa tn a aau wbif rouDgivaa, ba*. t.o lnpnaal aa abrupt tatml bOm is Cbloi|o ib ISA 1 Kit ItaMBsbadyaMaytbal tar Hbtaal af awaaa, Bnad. Ibatrllva—nr,iRlb«i, wbo bar* Bar* ham joaagat an. It to palm ta^llTeboata b* t:iafl), Aallba^ wba>ade^*aflba^ , M«cib, n'taatfwa tail ..tfrta B(c%B»Bai LanJ. 4bd a Coluuibai, Ubh>, aprfl way—BOW ibnabaa U qaia a aamw Ibaroagbbn, a«log to aa b Baikal cabelatbm •a/pibt aa bnflaa In aamatd (lad aa baat fcaoo* aoM af Bilajor paaia la a'mll and oMarfonallr uierai botre. fa. aiae the «l*l>Sbaa« UUkTlMT. UbbataBU|i«ntwuBlthMii«lra'aCbtaL pMaia, ibla^ tba aajaab or Uu^baiUls^ aad iba baaaalag aa- spaaabia oa abatiuw bal fa^a an aabbata ud |i h tlwlr *4lal BoMav), Ibal mtaj of anr ablaal laodtagndnfaiaalalalkeOld DMOlsloB. Ha wu buhd IftTifii, WaalOaitoB.—L Va bara ao na>inceiloB of tba bhd*, aad aba anaafastab of baabaaa wai tba fanritt pmraada « aU and pliUra of aaakip am aa ard aa tbar ibaa, la ibalr tiahaaBd, Ta,, a tka lOlk lait,

    daagbtaral tti Mddou. Bal,aaja Iha CbrbUaa Ualoatot,tfc«a Imabarobai, ,ba i laa frttgnatf Mn BhaBSiiisda tbabalbaaadbaaoxaadalliba obaMilibaaf Ibatan. dd an aallaca d JS ud aaod 'o niao parUt'alar %km alih Iha aawa fnunl kalag htgalp alltalad. pUplagihaletao* ud kaia lae paal tda d ebaapaharabaa aad opra air BlatMsa, aad aiB r«*plB *!" b** tbelriaonb IbeaaBber nf iboiob ba aaibl hllk• a popabr badar, ei «a'or, ar aa bor daaln to ba ana, ba aait of Mfito.haaa boat naa aaa la a^vao aff or aipfia wMm BamaaL—Jj m ntvm was appelBtsd, asd tba Jadfai aen lo ba daedal bp Ihe of lAtpbm (biM. attaad area Ibaa aooBoakal arfitibmacaa, whila ibay pa« to aa^j «SBSt4 agnt, iba. raaa siaai ba raa artr agtls ssba ibr/ goapaa Brwdvay. Did aa adiw- dadntodal aUaiblfai tba earp I, aad a. aappaaa tb. tblag to going an raf. fa tha Ta JnarftrT Tam Oua ia I* bold lu itath oat b .alog a rrt*. —raally rwtoadraw. Tbsaaglaittoaabaianiaiaa vaaa auat aaab It aaMaadas). gn Uia tbaaU^ Aad ta* wa B«t 4M*l«dl;, tb«y Co, abra ea,4luB a- Co»par Ball, The bbgoiAparfo dfa ndaetba, ba glial Kaadol ot tka aaanal laaal U "I ban*, dad, It'a am Jrtn; Cll;, oa tka ernlag of Wedqa. la ulpian dull ban tba .laU'i niMaal» gns- am^jb'. tbey rtattta tba worth al aaaay, flirtbrr. aoa netkB of Ike gime. aod aap pU; la obat firt dbBg Did abrarabbaabtarrbw with hu abtn-a, Itvaatbiibar ibm ud uy badtobaatobal bat tb,n*a Iota of faa laitl"aikdaaainlD daa, tha IM be-. Oar Ikaake an dae la the gullimu af aw. a., CbTabsA-1 Wa batUra II la tba ua Cuba pkwaibBi kaTlag aheoaa dt«U#dly weoldaa wan, aaab B'4 iha aaa. for noriaii Ibau phnai tbekflBkgng B. Tbaadrvr^bataantBiabaa Aaddidaa taJandparydtaaadrabaarariMl tbar raaagBiprfroor, .bra bb palrraal tha ehb far aa laaliailoa to be lhatv. mueaibOL Ibi^ lluaiaad alil baramtad. a^aaor had a.l|)actai klo BMl main II till ibe .odoftfaagBoa. Ika tUfiaaifpa •tft jaa tt atK, Mth wmi. Daptkau tba ad.aribamsl if tua anobaiiaaiaaadat'wi^rabwatad, aad nfordbg, u B'dt d«, orlaaeudmag;a» Iba paUt af tba »t«bida, It aaaaatba inuon>tbaallDg. Wbra tba OM tbaararf u lo, all ib* raala- tbrlradrloe, lnl euaai coBBnltkalrdbld*; MMlf nb II Umpf^ prtoeblag bnaab af tnd^ tbty an tllliDg in llbaral- In IbamaaltaeioikaiaieaikaiB raabloaabb alda of BMdway ihu ba fl- aad |lra am iuB|, Mt U bd mobr I«Bd«« Uitola Balb ««* bla fab uof«| tb* a af bto pari; >a taba a'iBTga lor bta. pa)akd«l» ta |4iai>aal altlta Oamllag keenalag var; M) Iba aoBH iloir. loBg batar* W. R LUjaid na tu haai4 at la Bnad»ay, aaar Hanay tann frta a libaoibaa tba frti^ of a a*< aaa rg>l(cally at — b cubboo la Beaton eaapantlTal/ laaaa Utib pUaa en to ' hago.a It tha aauatr ball tin—ud thai aboald phdil; tba dbaeUoa gtaaa hla. mark al aaaiaaadia WlMealaan BB*Betiiu aaar Kadlana, aktaL Tba Caato OaHva, u a pbaa af paMla aaMa wbo'oabtuapplKa'MadialiBiabbiai blennfr-lall^ia raoogh fur tb* aoidl;. — WtoaoBda, 0B8 0. ffLBTM bavBiT, Cblaiv^—"Taaron.baadadgaoia af ai-^ra«r An Iban aM saa lual', pot T.B. ar. aia, a, 17 niiaamM la Maa Tarh. L lack coaoaUlorab.ndiBa lota >ortkapt»Va^l<) iilil aadar iba aaaagaaaat, abnl agitanilBf tba nb'WBaa or ny. fariuiorwiaap ibaUBBp asd pbja l> abaa, Tba dcabr >*, vaa la tvtaa, aaiagthairfp 1iba«ll«aairib«faiek<. titaba ddMt" uMTrnaatanr b*« aaa daltal that iban aili'a a br«tit ^caln atrtiUa^ by iba d4n»l of Jvaa; Liad^Butsg nj> taU aa* gM.laafcaa lion t T.labi tba itH an ibaaitk*a Iba oar hamtdbUly anar tbambrri W^v^» Bam Hfuj, ntUbwiK ^.-1. Na; Laag asd Rlrbatdi* a oinalngfban all — ABi.|prduInioB. inlibva, atltolins Itarli. *ak«- tt banraa !•• ba brrlu. J^aa na a utla la 4 iuIbuIa a Siasada dawo biP, ft iLiyan golDg tat lararar, la Ibu* diyi, alibnagb aot tm7 nnrtt, batntaiMBi. agalut ib» «nna aad <^ alhirr— .bra aba aiata at y-a iron ac«,jiBI huvba udlrd^a^a — H.'ia. lalbin up Ibat dailap 0-b. OnBt'e laorat thB la I Tk laagtbafnal*' Wbar Bade Tenple. Bor to be Irea Ibaa Bl jatdi^ the biBoadAl dMak C H. 1V.,Cauibridgfpi.-t,—L Ooa dollar b iba eba'ia. 1. a ploii la iba aaa Bate? aaitrtaload. aaauaHiBadbyiha Bi'it tamnaua dl/ai ana of eactnbiU- — Tan priaik "BO nf $tto and one of ,SDO. dalemtood bi tb* BBHiT. baald«t dii Blibaaatblob Itbu alaaa be»«Bt, cbTrr iMBIad hiaiia Iha- an offend to , lib I a e*lbg lu . all tbralna soi ban aimthalMrra ud Slto Iha avtlJIaf Ibo ia« u i«l lacceafnl •a inlUntlag B A dfcia,8fn' ladtoiBeiir,BkdlbedBnn«ni>J ilUa. aboi; bat if ib* iormoll ba BoiiB|iad(.bl,al- Kill, laiilaf a aiamd ripplo oo Iha okir Woo aalm, Wbal aa BBd a eemnl Una nr win baiveaa Ibe ka^ blhaaaa*. b.ra p^labad. tbna ara wUI ba tbhtugb pi>|>Blai alitun — A Bnaihenpap*' aaoiaa"a'op pat tlali of .la^^'rflBg.laaflktka I* rsilbd to Iba dtaif" *lib tDj«iy aabirqacal ba to ibeir pvntJMl piriabn of a ebanattr lair >ba Uame, B tba/aak. Wbo batba, aloagaUa iba bilJ|a, aad a bllllarl cua ir Ihu ^nlit gaua of ehiM— ol lliloa- Bl-l(blagaU|l>lobar»^lban. oral that, Iba l>p,0-iardlag0 Wich aad l^fl h,- Bauaa Jart, asiUM 10 tba deal alllad 'a ibtii la ibiTr apud U*, hb U boiir erar puacb aad wgiri. aa ar* «bib, b frvai aitol> nlllng. thai br ad aad Uititr. b gima or oil lan'ai—tba "total gtaial" OiB'l — Ah.; autraad,tad In otl*oB •-lie da; Ohlpidor Iba Wiamr, B0a4dU*iulbafdba«i'aM«: ' J, X. Pi tibar^—Tba loUtvlBg an tba vlaaaia, au^ ** all r*. bat aeeb far Ibna- T b ibe lUv. Ur. Fi-ai or Dayaid'a, U*la.iiBg la Iba tnalaga b tha "labj- Va ba«t ainid* acta u lajltaaa in iha ad* lag aB^i.baUa la the aliaale of No. York. a. BtriblBg. alaaa ptaaad lalitom"" Miba,-a^lba BigUnl tbaa dayi N«« Y«rk pma'Cr bb alfibflltrTa thi^ F-fi; a na'lf prafataioaal gaablen . UidruB Uka Buala" irj ur I Irtiia, wa tnl labalad iba aaiill of poaaata — nalde laHartfotd, and ». laalpklog. Oa.aUaB:apUc*dB,.oB.balii|i>'i^ llla« UiMa Cb, »a|a • Imb, HmuuK aud nr It la tba di«raaj vt whiB Iba MQldna u- lahilaraflca b wall art bubillog, ibir Ibo CVaraa'. bad a a^aU cbtbrA, aad wu oiaaita p^-ol, anl biia aa iliould haia iv*.b ed aliampt lunkbauaiiaa, Fa.—I, TampJa BA up al *ltb .uinnaredp S fhal duiul Ira tba '»,<^*'^ W. Dip., Fitn b yarn at Caiit. I-ue P. aall that BtUf Voob^, iba toctatib atiaidLia ai tba • 111 . aeaod utn ibc 4ra|a iba b-iitoa aad itatai lar a abUa — Bmlb. tba konaa Badeia riTst r^ aafkaf Il a»ii'A|tilL i Ibt Un i« C^llronla b But aUan iba RkblBua'a r>i>inf a^>ag .llhoni tham f Whaa placn Ilk. tba ''BltHid adra a Unn draan mm tbe lea al aa a* aid [tad daaaboal oai>ulB, diad a* Haven raa a law daja an, aaur. Ftmcabla, laSBiUc^bu, flH; tUrnga, $TA; an Btoadvay Tbaalrr, paind all vr bb tlmt aat dtrvlad lo iab«ar> upoo Ibo niifaCT or tnvblid aaitra. .lib Ibe e.alinl Una Im t*n i,f tbe ibio*. lolf Ei|i|h ,'*ar *'n^iinqr lh> J'jr rr," tbilllad oa .lib roauar or — >a oa II thnvaaad allh naa-lal oa du- aide II' It 'br-y ljl tba laRl aav. la iba art at nniia FariUaleal ipdr t w>)kh,a few ycanbioh, the laa al Oik. the Mill line Ima .hat bw Mb or aaiiag, b«lBg i«taa.ly JHf^t M lata ibaibaWr«,aad maOa iba bair Maud ua tod— at ahlah dal. 1. Otrbgpapplta «a pnv Uagb, and «i,n. rub, l^lkd.lphla,oalbe Idlb loaA, awkar, iba pb;a4 aioBO to bit agdual tbe bllar aal pftffaf HniB., CUiaag4.— abbby aomailsrabat •tc.n.i.r^ (bUlotd a tmtptifary auirryofrt ibaMbvrth'it^htur ' dyl of li at taat. Siapbta • bliaay, Oratnl Burli«, aad tha altllDg. ' al altaya baatoa ifffOt aitalitaid, bat It Iswibbly talna g drrat aar cntn|4ala.ae.. Whan *al a' girta vtia angalB aad aa ba fwoir. s«s)tla'b«il bialtk DuB*l try tba tipalutBL araial oi oor taaitat awrtbaat prasca, yai nali^ la a*BaiuBiiy, bt^loi ra-erohad, ibera aaa ta BDd'Kbtutn Ib^ a. Dn.lag. TbeB>eoapkiadlnlb*llbblt>^_^ Ibttr 1 ina>1o Ila r^^lo'.iu tall lo hro alth 'rm rtgalar, aa fajt ~„* "''»''•' Oftdpaarl, OoSB.. haa twulp h tba; VS^'*^. pooint KK*" Biglb UiKbtU b Bi-I martbd. uMiuait laaidt a( iha oisf nnr»y; ^'Ul It it lar pnftrabb for paplla H.Di bdlieia Ihe ume olb d, O'lvdlng. Tb* aoa* plapid la tall, tba flaa brieb Baailoaa aa* darulad to parpaa or tnda. eana b« ina m. Wa bara bad glliafna babtad an tatbr baaosa la TjTu ft An^y, h*. J —T^' liulb ol tba dUTrmit Btfillag tbaKSaaalBa* iiglitgianuUal. eeoinlllBh , Baadqitficn, avaabbrvd or all a^aatraa. that BO each B||iatliOibi-BM ba taa«raffd m t»luw»i-P«ib«r, up to Ut. lUbi, Tba Old Wa*blo|ba aaa Ibra, aod bate rarlHOal) •Inan Ihiir,*.' Obaii tk> be i vilibu an aa »r lUba; Lnl, allhonah a atlaa rhaiaalil ^ .ad Ur. A elono pberd ao tiiffrnd to ba taaegantad, for iba rn-n/ or •cab'Biadfd — in, oflb. New Ti.|k 8na*lrea, naaed H^is Irt. tiba, lJtlbf.;B.lddb, op to 11a. ur lUila.: tbr Biai Bfaaairbal adIiBa la Uu cUy, aaa be- ailll ud of Ibaarria, but ihoBtuuiflaa dtniii.llbbil • of •boi.Id larer lla|lra, It I laka tba "bead" ablah UDOiasde^t I/nilbrd, .1 ftli.uxbrr. gava br Hem airtrtd al Baraaab, Ov bpbadaHknaMiir — pri'nialag lanalBaat btfutr^ b »«b|lnaa, aUtai-ogb Bfmpetttaatat Tmi a my h ' / ffleaudOailio. lUnao gbabg U ba luobtd atta? as a by tha old aina Ila Biror, aad fna Obarlta'i^B, A. bartnf Bade tb* GMfABT RaABka, Omabi. -1. paiaia bb buuguraUaa On. va ara akIlAd topai ap*1tb 0., tu In alDO beoaa faeadiitanl Inn ibatao, aad Ha fa»ed*BiU*<>72 wilblo tba iiTDtlaa of Itubfi I'lij, *a rtmce rrqulna pnubtat ha al katpai^ aad BaaUy laaid ta o Iba haadaor iba tork Da -ok, Ibe •nal «lil bat* bi inl^ bwBltli«i7pualUup.~l a hsrlag "eiblaal,r' aad Boa asl aoiBltta allb nBiatoaoaoH of tpatk. — Pul K *ell koewo Ncealhae naiajtoi, *u al angk ol dt dapaa al>b di. aanlial llaa (a l.-lb''',tS or >Ima, aad aottfequen'tf thaanu af aaauti abeold b» paialji*'! Ual taaouBlaMlnaat ibe polat «atfe thnt OAidi u airBp«Uad iw iab4 tbaa, aad dbcari tbnt Waab Baiilait aad bb bnlbtr, Iran iba Uovaiy. Haayaf Bni Woaalla. of dxlk la Pada. Bekad leii. IB Iha a bet iwa ra tbe ihbl band), iheibuifd*" k«t a few .^hi prarh.Of Maataeid a Be* 'I - •fliaihbbaad. f Iba ladlog balau win alaato wltblaaiaw bbrki^ iba (b^y al tha aatnt A lotiatw dtiimy«d tba r»aplw or Bwliraat, ib« aen n^irrL oalbbeiiBB,aodi«t*1'bloibaalielA . \^mJ Iawh PiMt By(i«-—1 miaamaaalapabmioB ta ibi itaia — Br. Jovpk B. Okapnaa, laMlliil. p. Bablag^ Annaapbasd hhluallrealMWan BattI BttU laamg 1 a aaUd vilb, alih iba Ntalva Pteaba anbiiMtunI Barral of tta wot Id, and buw Buayalaa an Mmkow olbar haoan aa "Daala u*g»rdarlogibi-day. ft Baab iranllBgaiib a diaaaila Enn.—Tbo daj, aa a tnm'i «u grlilng ue, * ba»"", Jn ,"tba oldeal pilot VrtbeNa* Jani; aad B^trirBook and l>a Inaar edga I leak doUai ln laa a^bl |il aba Ibal atald aan la hli noatb, aad biaady lnb.4|aanUik. A iiala i. Vhlppug the WlBO'f. Owe daw b (•"''K.' wu npMlf appnaehlag, aad- ooa- — Talrtj ,laaaa of lagn *n* drub la Bt afaalaa, noaalla ^n. B Hvatftal, a E—IIb run ibaald ba raa atar, lad, aad aenthar al-h lie Inaer rdga IB 'art dliul> I<**T3 tbalbadaolfaltibadtiartotaitagaffMtor rubabwa l«a^* Kdnabia rialllBial raotad. Iba Uala, oa a aag r, b; a Oarau Wbaeadaor, be ilMd; hMSiaaaar lt.aia»anla*ffB to na, tba aukn •hwld bt boaoatr, waa atappnl ud Wkal a IkeaulnlUar, half qairdlag tba oar atton^. I'rart ud !• tba aaia vbo tUUag, tb«y aataaliy agraa dar*! allll lb* iba tt allbtn fa* 'rat o> Ataidai b uaba aai Maaan at aaaar Aaa aad Path Row, a Iha aballa ite bra-^ ud tfttr a gnat daal aliM ptond to pta tho goard ud pneapHkT a^Jjorr n'oar. r>r nia-rUa* la a paltoa aoarl rMaMtoia to Am* tba — Iton Ikot Daaia) ' Beat anal na, of atub Iba ladlag •aaUin aai Adrba, tba anUaa, aaa al Oaabaananai daaloT twaddb aa amy tida «a tba oabjea a< toiaiBf aad .hlpFlag, lb. Iiub aaa • aaiad. Wa aaanot LaBih 1 aanoSorahil abdl ftrM. V. L Ibanan maral faad itaala abg daaaan. ^'™<° >Mtaulu ka^ ibkI pidnlplwadak. ll*alnaeihallkaeuMa4eMa*«^ tbai|Kdald aabool iba aad B>tadiBi af aur ar Buda ap laea aad waawa A glut pal aa ai iba HdJaab wbal fald haio ' ^ Jaaab Btas a. L Httraa Balib. 1 Wlib iba Oariat whaa BaUa» iBulat boaa tha bana'i e'fM far Mpplag for IM MOduu ban r^L, 1 Ike eligle nabu It eirw It i ud orerr Mee P IwMV* Tnaaa. 8. Ta Br. Cauia^ btttAd nagar. Uaa a coapblaly tbnw lata tba Bbada Buragiaa wu l«r*ladigalBii tbcaa >h(aa(«lrda talo fnbilaglb«eaana 10 Iba aa; af a loiaBollm II BB) ha Ike caolni eb»rto<"i<" Iballb*tr«blia4>« ~„* h.W aaionlml haa been aaajbl lo Na'aheB Ilaabla Ihia aUok doaaalauiplalel; W. J. lialTh—L If yi« ua a BfU ttUaa par'aniar, II b I R-t bm aiib bb Dbraaai, aad iban, la iba baaamaai, waa Palar aea'a at aga aad d«bif abai )|i4b tb«f ub to ariaaaal l-a a trwallaa, bban aautad (laathaaao. .bo* art^lullp aem bad up kab aaeetiahudbi aiqaan. ',j_OiUl ft Iba* an sol tba ga Baal li^l 'fS •^f'l nanaar— 11. a» aldaraaa nanbd, Ma'a rarafai, court prapb b* ao fralaid k futon Ihbi ha alll atl atop a frafn aplo. Hr.aa^aa;^ aa i i egale pM,iM»„r am^ iIu* ikdi abi BlM.Bilij|iai.— tliai -- Oaring Iha hami ano* alnta in dolUn 0, & Uaius, L Tbtn an bo ntltn by Ibai Baaian oblbtUd la alaaetypad Banallba. Ubadaa baaaa unia arilBcn, asd aba laadb dnaa thai an aaaaa'ai wen paM U aleblar, al law U ib« 'Hni; CHMioiy.' ft Y> a In baib qoaitlaoi. 1 Iha ebaat. InBg uaa* a tall aaaaa ebarja Liau Ta»a.—Aarag oUiar tbiop '"'"^ *'* ''''"^ to ana Iba riwM I* wan Inqealad la Tbaaaa Anat, bf Trfoilp Obwab aad iba la dlmaalBi Na tr laid nf Iha la/i Rannnt' N T*' lk*B tSa Tff^ i TntUaotbar.au. ft lkaa,M md «04 Uruod^a*. atorarTr. faaa (ba wai la iba dally b^bll of walk lag Biuadtay, wbi«a ghatf^Jit Earra RalbaahIM, wba aaa ao aarip ladaaVd dagtm*llblb*auinlllar, bloneaa jji H.. Oirfiuaa, M. T.-hlU t%«li « iglied bai >H«yadl>ti|lDf. Tba awaMntlwa af iba pmaoi lato tha art 1. & IIT pnad*. — A MaibTllb neirhul to aaM to haaa laan-ed > ikraitlng Uiaallila, Iflkaeerape liaiauBMbednUidbf*rJ3 ibt tod MjiiaiT of gailog, to a alar; «• do Mt fcDuv Abatbtr Ibil aaa bb tiaat adibt at iba pt* I'ltrd r D Ibat iiir), b»h pb« la iba lauar pa% •t Hay, bliak baa aad atrlglii baarioff wtn a^mlnima of all ba> Buar lo tbt aSael ihil bp BMchlnr, ablch be eilto Iba "Pul;f,r." wbiali w ll dntriT a tka Unptnaaiai4.rl*oia bapb;ad.l < b'a aUI ha raglnrai af laVIrn, ned M'^ IBU, ahn an iba aalotat B|tHepal dlrlaaa (wba aan a biJdcia. BuioaaMrtalBccajal'abav lobHired, lU'aiiaiH un aa anaalip 01 Bn haadrail dullan bi ararp dului a alio and a half, la foai alnabT pneedlog peatA 1^. fl, &. WiJuagba, D. a—Nnmira'iB llu inn-Bll'iB b; wlinh all tba utUe la a ailMin ABB l-iiuod um r»r taain Bh-a'b*. aad aaaag tba abelr Bjaiad ach aawa aa tb\aa greaad. ''Wbal wu lit" wi>^ a byHaadai; "Trrlr"t'* Ibal anr; eink wba bad aarrej Ha jaan nHt boialnibarBaun bao. A Ctnun OuiB n Baaeitm-T* bin lam dIooBOBi'benlb-e urHae. - ^^HHXm* ibBiih.— P«r lawnloBiBab. aab|aei uf lonrtiBga OMritng olnb bu b-^ bd lB^li»a|-Pl L OH For a or Dr. O'.dgai .(urfaBbi), Un. Ledar, bn. D^balek, 'nupaivt'*uk»l aaniber. "Ul^J tiaattt" "N-i,'' itiiikd bara trr; ai.'ra-lln la Iha *l>hn el Ibe Baina, u^l aar; *vrZji^ — He«r». D.Mlll. It Di., nl Bd'ul, Uie iiilmbrri of lio Oranklm OdadaaUa l-bha»;j^ waih<,ta>h la advaaca, |iM 1 Juarph I'loeiur u aUII ui lea.idoaa Inland, an endllad Uba Blaal'lr, Ur. Uaawt (tba pnaat 'Voaaa Plpvi*'), Mr. Ibe TletlB, fatail>; *'lt waa eaU ny ifoyt/'' 0«r al bli latira* a. Of cnana Iba; alll eheilaS tndrr ln'li>-Bia'»^-5^,> •J"'ir;^?^"j,T.* " """•» i» ••>orrar, awne '•"^rt. bon-a, tu Iba Uimi oi tba lat, iba a.«oiy bta tats >e^al tiadar. 1 .^ropiiola'am at ilia oiab la n^ud tboald br Wati«B, Br. Qoorga a%Gi)lady boar, aud. bBut. aamlBj at o\b«ra, bo bal Mnit hi tail, — A KraroBB^btid laraatl.r aiaad lili Vi^iJioila g Lidar—wbiA

    tr ar^bt aroia aa and It Vji ba ebboratriy aan au ir.* ^a^o Nnauu.—"A and D ara rW>u a pama or latre ap. lair In Ibe inna, but ihe 6r*(a walcbad inau lo toVo. biy CtTi Tnici wia thai plaprd b; a bla, ud beolod unUI uur al ib I A raoa ti|. '"ode," aad DVurulog But lla'tBcd to 'made up*' A rmod lieniU la an Oblaioaa la Baa Frta- A turai Un a ' ara*!**! D b^i and taroa ob a cor alo MBun^ wa btlp Mine. d-wi ma.il;. JubB Jaaha: atnainU IK^atbiiJiea amat t>r a it" .... Yrt. Cnlauibb Oullrga riiMlty awhtard dllamini, irbu bid txcn Ib tba tiabl gi had baea armlad bj acMph uf Ibacblnm Juit tnptitad roribobolilr/. • - P..F ndtlog In Cann I/ike daring Iba apawnla. .aaann FuuDBtma-'L Foiir ie«i bt*i a a-inifbt Oa»b. 3. Tj> piillcaiRtn, BBd, bavlpg orealii.B lolaar* aod g'Oiindi clt^ad iba actrii Inm Fatb Flacala ltbbln»k) li pouraa* llOO.n^HM Bivttotwi b^indanged hint atlh bl< abiah oi abitk>bjr*)avl liiipkitad by mga to tba freili Ham af aattiro, th'^a amil amnod a Una poU, aid la'i £•11, aabB brvkio Ubaa u lilia. bad iBtlapatdiBi J«rbdbiI«B Ita itittu Tbi old Jail aad Srlda«rll, *hkb ittud ud bim, Bo labia 1 m eOiJ luia'. Tn GoBooi Uaoii, looanEDT 1, frtSHlMKA 1. *nim Bi>lblof o( aaa netea.-J. Fayaa l>>IUar*a mrfa aa-i amrB^UUfma tn Ultorljonr. iB UbatAban arttt, nnr Uruad^ay, wu tba lib aiaca aiH r#|fidJy nmi om Ihe tap, aod praal eoB.anol wiibabig aagia, eaplnied AiiBtt - aiu Beading. 1a ihea loob lili lift. . Aittstal Bbaka/pniT, ^Mbb>dbi Radatld,nt 110 aod UC 1*004 uT tha iuhlaaa»b draml. Dr. DuidtM| Bni It, aa Iba alilOfiBg fpiB ruil-iy tad anittpwo, anj tnnllr. ta [Kir|ilf. 4 u t, ibbri ), lu il6B,U tbat j«o mtu; Theaa1weilbarortkeptalwiekar>all; K^naMr* aa-naaimt, wu Palau'a biUUaat o^, abcra bt bulHad bb da|U fboa at awitmiraHaia^ aahn.'i, aod Aij^itUiugk — tnlFKa>«d wlik Ti.ioapun»i.-Td.iaMde ball.llagn"* /•"•RjjJ* ObU-JiBBlajBt'rr apiiautdaB ibaalinilBa' WiATi Wimt—B-iniibndp in Ibo -I air M. D.OL, . World aa;a Ibat ikaerJoiBiaaloi ourabalortal > ara a - apiiD ai'a. '*A tuab bloMd ti iha N.» 'riaiidatoallp.ilanf iHaenoa' ant b'tuth ui I rada la Pjdi Thdr onliaary itiioa Oi«ia lata Batloa'a TIh ant, wbtn Ibat iiIaiiBf a af h-wl," ^ ^ 6ba«aaaB lOinM, aod ibarr Uaaa, whieb tntd TnitwKUl It BB'I nrnprlalora i>l bitnanUHa tM.0M|v«lBd^ol Niia, .a da inna «uh alilob Itain o^«ill"«d i, wa Bb4tM«Pkliui,0.—L Tw flBBoi (Alalfl thnn loitbtrr. aal wbrthel Ihll to Una nr Ont.rbiitd. {Dtu, datrl bar (id wa ua pUlof,all ar ut) Biib,"ibeBDeiiBiclifailr.maniiatad| an^ H wu tliau;ihi aba pi..;. «0 —tkliJI. aad «oUiiralBttrep»«»!;5i,,» ail aol| but II I- la Mmbt dilatb ibnn and Btlaaud bal Mt*-ij II II errulnlf an nftl oaile, and Ibe pwtoa Jm^tM prraaaci or Fnaay bad lakaa puboo. aha bid i• Ike it Lutbtai. ihra.Ing aaa; of m nanr pg.oai of Uba aai bet .III boat tbe uaal, iho nrd gat buHl ut iba g«od food niad ta Uulti ilSi* . r, p.. Waiblnrba. tX 0.—1. Wtlta lo Ilia anraf uy nt Kitilar, (tba Coas aa Bk Jatiti), and iba bargaafAa, u tiiogolntiu. Uidaaa AoguU b* .rllpmadri 'or Tlir h.ni ai;b ..I Uia a.tar nl-<'l*'« nth rb'Banl .alia. . "*"Siliaill'g- art III tlifiilBcr. ft Ib.r^ bsnvak pobiubtd la -bb •lib, d^tu BBd UiaTvn, allb 8>nI Uary TAjlor la tbt tfl/- tfab, aadbefiiniht bad bna aab'nrla the riH>m, aba «ai •nbtaofUii'lnibe diipo of «d, -i-.-ur; .•lu.oaolH" TWI . rw MuiiTBvia tba ata of ipadea Tlia laatiano''^ 8 a c«Adf i*a baadrtd bl; aad d«*t wa rtnanbar bow a wbfb baaa "amo Ituk aa aBib[>iatd bad su ema rioru an W. J, BJ—BrUBtj-nniaid*, | tad bna; ipriadlag Ibe atoi; ihallhtn to f*ii)4rxl>rB l«-lBto I Ivaalf nnli,>8H«>Bd<| qutlar mlb, 1 nlailt, a itaaBdit dots" ol "PIU tba Onp alib Hay Wuit" ar.lni batwaaa ihla aoanU; aart Tnrkar n aeenont of tidara' ball, 8 BttiiUlri, »«a«d^ Tbaakh t>mt wLIA Bb, U aid 'Daf • daa Billa OittaBa*' of Iba awrllUf acUd u a bniii«oih. to brr turitioMlh; I^itiliM iBd Wl a^tl Tben wu |al tba atlh OnU. IbaaaCtvafara mlghl be buUor /, B.H,, rbtadti^bb.— tl>m tnji fnair am- B'Hpnal, Db nal Ail-roay WoW obaroj wu a aeitark af ipiiB4a ud aln*, ifta 10 aUbtinaiciHVMt, tti.:—liBby OlictDi. ib lor pabnyil PlBUa^ Bid epp^l'* tha Ctiy pViiiM, for *alnt« Ibat Iw ihli riiaiar then to aalwnor — Aoeat IhUAfo' wlldbmiila Parla bu r4ob(«| • i^aa far tar tetbd blai) uaatil aiva tba ticart ibkb m laa ly palpiiatad bfo'-aib bar bM Ita a pair, llog (**Uttb Dlttan"'tb» law^fi bwM bb- iDUad.lloa amnnphb ninnry ttblob Ii iil|«fe4lullr aabuitlUd tub aam' Oomin RkADiB.^^ IHl lib, 184ft ba «u flr*l nbiHtpd bnmit. ir tbi pnctloa which at BaubUa'a lu>l(aii.B ba^mtrnad ib u Iba Oral Dioad* d^taUog af tadulalag (a bav* iadbU«i«d binHholdrn feunllya Bvtry, alabtbailrpwli biib«4lly at BatDBm*! BaABi, Ba la aid to baTi baaa «a-a erarstd lo tbna wba the dally hKtttdi n< bli ribibli^a Ib Iha n%* tti Iba A PanraoauK Tbioiii wayfbaiba, wbtn r»intt< aad Madaaa Pnbbt, aad Wa*"'i;r:iui' beffl.bi.. 1 DitMnwalllMmi. eaiiflej i U'l.ll a. nvn ;n.M.ia<('ii; Tnapa,wtb Ohln' fa ptliua dooBB aad UaagHur wi««t af ltb,iha)«iBgaBdiba c«n«lr an fklllag Intt tba IBtblul. 10lhlp^raMen^»bouO•-Hln,Bnd oi,«rablopa>Foirala^.t mat alt;, PJ"» *. >lcilttltall>l>H.H.*ul»|n>ituailIl.inil< thi'nir Opan tbagnlle. - - ^ aabing ran lair llaa. Ur A. I.. fWKuHlk I u .... . OoBibll wulr)fciglaalMtniy iba cfW'faal^. biMt of latlDtjriBi la ihia tieaa of dnor^daa ind dl«|iiay, tot aaa i>f Ibeaaaodilloa, oor ^^'^T&v^^JrM>*'''TL!i^l*?S laa4tr(iblBb«f Uianhi Ut gtiaa far • bmUI I^ Ooott.-A aaaibrr fvr aai atW*- il^iiB uMBibbd ai Ibt t.""^" Bi..d,haid,Ma6e rtllpaM »,";B\S%, UU «war4 by D-aeaa affct bilag onOly tba appwtra af that iilrndf if. riliiiptikibopiraeat. abin boui« ImI i tiDtadat Han wa^ tba B^«deay Ibbaraub, Bill af Iba aiat ar ^r•Bla ta a Ihe ia'»ib l»rnii'',»' wlism k aiv*h< Fn^ah tfui-. polo hu on ,5,llf7i&rtS| panutfai ,oipnT*nnit that d 1 a ap, lor |fiO, blwaiB ^ Iba a^CbwMrrr, wbata Ola fiuB, Vbaliaapi, Bl< tif b oaa li auxidid a wtdr IaiIuHi, mlka dda; na bli"-riMlri" leJ o" '•''jiJJ'SS?*! /aamd/ KB-''*'* " ta mabf tha tin* MiimoaiBin Uu Koiki.-Ooi1b uften gnna to Boblbaa m" ibtb aoanrtii aad anlbaa van fr • udwhitam nay belaid of Iba vaot ai toae »li| to Olaaiara ban alnadp balll and nod, It i.e b«un, ,-; Oua'ali'tOtrln wai yatpupabr. Aborts a-!- pla)id| Bteaieai dtay 'lit, tianntd alib jid'titB ^b^rr* an ao* tanlab'leg a> ./aaf ftblbaaaai qauUfflna. , ranpla mart, aid •«i fatly JiatldftbW, ihc* it a airatj ni-pnTMlbailhapanuiuUlioaeBlaUlbxn J-ilBleg MliAani l^^fmfl^, wti TbiUttall^ ham b (iiiIb| la prjo-K« tka tbaa»J*iT tfal »^»"^>t>w aaa aa nba bb baaddioA M. •ad (bal II batbaM lafirBaau la |1H tha 14yta4 utocBon '^lUtwf f naSft akKIu. uttaivnalabad, Bn* aim' Wbuktniii«4aad«tHnMkir«a»eM'lk( aadlkabal Ikuiba i'^*»^J£kJSw**'' Ik* • ' ti^likhlaBdnUK*''r>»b>'^N>*'' a latalla itiuak at leodan ud U ba TTo - wggpnlVowtolaV/a^aMHli ' » ' 1 o -'

    S9T 'r'-ivtT-t!m'.'» 'vyrf>: j a I I • . 1. V > . Mioa amn Bau«a> in roar ba^ ibaaaUU' aald, tbaM'aai ailat IfHaak aaiMw.aarwMi Jb»Bk BiaJiHli aao MaMaralar.aa HiU>*d'irBea%M UadtklBM.. ih*dla laveror *tb* tblHrtlai4arar.", Iba Al Mb jiUKtlw.bJipw. $.lXb..aa i*w » tm pBiB> Basjiala bplaf Idi ba tltO^ 'Sd r^xK - CHAIB SPRIIWIS. .Xauaataiaaai lartba oddsaTli? pidaiV Idabr «•« I7 U ratals to lU MBS iTO Ci»HfOBT COaniEIl aslaia, lb.*! asf-lblid at vbwh •aitM'teiadasaj la nl ij BT THB USE OP tajt. Tbaataaartatmaanc Brsls- iba la* atdi a iww" r» a lbsnrm,>ssi1U|, iXb ud U b. . .' Rabanaa ud Joba (Maptai Iba ^ t Irani (in tuir, Is la JkoHif- 111 10 lit aarritr. TbbU aaiaanarsi aad btimlMa I Hum), ib> pgta (w dx flfku laj, lU. pma, asd ••aa lo wtKb ibar* li tlHla atsbbs*. Wa bi>i« iba lsi>. lov^ b<« oiraaw«BllloaiTr. bll- SPRINGS. To ALWdauouia rfog ip BvUiiAko, X*wi« A u* I/|.. Vialflbia, b ala»»«b.W Tbay fto. iba iaawB aVoLB Oindiuill, •* ualib, raaaitabia atatfiMr. Dtar mak* a fa* Bai* ta tb* ubi^r aaddaialbadallablafara tha d^Uan L.. UUrtilOBUDlat JIba'a Hulil Ball, *' <>aalaosiL lbs; aiU par n*aMallail*< batvaa* i.ab Horta;, olSaatbaaAaad banapplMloltaCkalr, ibardaaai-laka Bay atua naia, aad aaah asd ararraea II BOiomaaotof laomn bf tba Fret. asUUad, a"Tba ibEni'wpwb"' Bab Raiaia, o( Obalaaa, faf «tl a Mt, iba taaa forlbv lna,tta oaanltfa). ana Iba lood," asd -0l«wi4 b/ml'*' • >lil7 yila nail, loab ptul at ib. P.taaa >«• i»D IWnm.—IbaM plajm aia tsioBa btatbfr.atla ' Badaao "Ball'*,"oau i ""'»'«« " a, amas* ablcb vn» fM'aa-a'-Bam"-aamo" -.- onl. b. a *al«tNo»m%j., land.!, lof., aa Dja. lllb. 8 h aal, a< Mosiml Tb* aia'nuint»Bal Ka>,bi>li.Jaaa>laaat^_a Mdlaal ' »dai'a l.blra. la b« npaaa) Is BroUilia .HMasIa OtadbDah Ikallbar lamaibadraaiuUdWIIbamlaBakiSlamaiaao Ml Ibalaa fwlpau i !L <''i! aiu iU (Ml llifwitno. Tbv ara auil/ adjaaiad lo aar ^ tir- T. ar oanaoi |il oai or ordar. Ro«k»ra aia -"- ^^^^ ,^a no^blj anUl iba rimtib itepnall, abra siaalb. aalinlr -t^ a'Rtl Ibaatin 4n>lB( faay wall. Oo »b. tib p,^ V'lUaBWIu.lilaaiilrdsibauaaipaiaDl. iipbailiuiarooai. iV/ai«taiatAaaai«lDg*BBraia**, aad paapla will diward all aib« B«aUaa0baM.^r^^ZZ7 Ibr rusnb Bulla; hrtniSibul blaap>>saalannHa'idtoi-in(atba lailbaaaiebinla mnib sloarasasol k lo bs Dldaetanalloal(rrBH)ioa1cblldraB., Whb ImisnralaJ 'it ibo VnapliiiiablB nl WbOioala. proaiaaHd lo a lla-ao'oiT lamlo Ihio. I>ia a r&urtni lalo SaaanaoTiiad stria 0 lbs Di>tiMaidHlib tabaol-xm- 500 3JOLLARB REWARD Iba dMalla tt «b. r.ar, a ?•> lanlouiai. aa lo ib. aotrndaala aid a TaiT Una boaia mu Iba laadk njl-f loot cev|ikiM ^Ib* paid fir b'iwaiba apaaibaaeoTlaUoaoraarpavaeaivpanoBatbaiaball laaariaaaD^rtafHaBapMBIaka'a Faiaal Ote mM. oruaBfD oitt D.I ppiTa OBlBinaiUaf. BurUj pprlaaii wb«a*vob8pi1anaraKtJa ilfbrnaDloo lu tIb, andba tdoplad Ua plaa o( offai ibaraioraali acaptoraaalaaD laalarr ar toeodir «1ibcuiiba aoaaaai *r OtHiDWlATnTaSk la.Bli.lbuO a r o> Ism CbiJa-auda;, slaadadlr.ll wiiiafn afe lai*maik.aiaat will Md^albaeaaviatJaaoriaihparim, analaur ilo»n Tba aonblailios itf bb AMUSEMENTS. w and epaa tbtlr eonMrta ihaU naalTB la* «tofa wiiii pUbm or Ibc baat loeouBlidBrishadiadpniiailr. H. haa bAl.^Jlai CMdna, ;aicli.Batib, m ta dM >aid l»a», ivUaMOa: biatH-na. f M'b, ^'^"'^'yr7CZl'^\ZX'MTlia,i^tiiMdaaioa>ln>a« Ibal a |0ud illr^^ j,^ »;,ho«a», .f DamoodMi, W*>OI»».-4 MUSiaTTM; COODWIN & BLAKE^.. IbtajrtJfiJ. ../«_i...H _,.'>«n.^«il lulla. w flOsaldr od Duifotd Bwlbl asd an d drlas'ld Ull waab bol Iwa ar Ika aaauanwol a) AiOBlswaaladUiaaHmtUMSalladlUUB. LIbafalDlacooatlotba Tra a. foamr, ol OaolsBStl, nt« amuait al The auawano D4D MabABiy la s Bill* mo, lor' fid a iida, al DioiBp'ra, ca iviiu tBi.ninri^ nni'l.KQiniTRnnni FUR SALS. VUULBdALB AKD BBTAIU Ball lb* itb. Ua sol a bsiDs ilrs br mi- Bmlib, PUa'a oa Oa*. d. Ua w.a auaadr^ bj bli opp'-oaat, Dio H«b<«r7. BR\INI| us TOB BOLI lip A DaBXIU. Hlai Joala Joaaa, Ib. lailar mMUag a nij M .awaaadbr Mn. CirTkb, aad | Uegrrawaa l*rau>tbiaa jMi. 0' agana Jao. Ub.ttandad k POl'DIJllI QEO. K. QOODWIN. blUllaaKtMI. ™ Buaialarpaar-—---' Fsm*. A. M. BLAKE; iMidHloobtaaaJr-...dH lBobtasB4ra*l.d tu Udiy-aoda, aalljanaaa aad.T.THaiJaj, tbewdaf •adaa< rrfar, aooawai abaat loo/ Araia .loaa. »bro babaatfrtd F- rd, af lATK I{AI<^: A.'.DVni" I.AI(Tafaiioa. Solo Fronrtetons And MamUtaotuTeno Hibml.s Tabe al' 4Mt Smi u mil ««i<*i 10 bu Amaterur. Unbatb, la a 4IO|arda. rtor,2A a ild. : oai o.it bMlra by BBTB al bAora'la iha MaiF>,m. -..d- oia nBOAJ>WA.Y, SBvr -tobk. t nn»."»oiiTI!, pital'3i.ti!i'iSJ,"»«ii>Bal tm SlllBSnaia Oua, «! ClaclastU, prodojad 'T«es- PVipl, -b. bid lax ,a(di aad a brir aurt (a 400, £18 a rida; llbllijLLI. isd Boo laa a lahorraaiu^iFiaiin ,<(? ^li. b4tl , Is £2Saalde: b4alaa.'* "OapUlo Jlabi," Iho was basils btC ItaBB'ia. of Uaaoala*. 410 tsfdi, £23 a »lla; atfard, Hieaplnr Bgair^i.alnaa ef«f All a-lia riaCofBiMaMd •"^J'Sl^n « lb. «•!• afts'rtsi Ha "flraad brtlitw" aad o EaaaMolaar.CklfTBSIiaaB, ». T. sria.... ikidi liaadlMp: ' paiuallUal r»>B,P.i«hai»B, Bmlib,soillD, Kollnoir aadaaa rooio..^-,PMibaaiu, »a^-j^ , altb lawa at« «Bns d«)Bria b^^^ _ /mojidIt^tbsiiio, Fsa i,m lat WBa.Bnoib*.bariaaai«M,rsowaaMilBf BBQ pracadoolod rooal bi Duddl Ooil'ard. Bar aad Mlaa BuiUoo, 140 ral'l^ £10 a il la; woo iba . |«llr, £00, lo s ~1 i^M Iba alBslaft«Miall>, Ib.Blraad IbKlia, taaja-i -i iba " ' "B.silal" as Iba ..aaaaUbraa £10 scb, allb £U add.il, diausia 140 rvd, '.J" *'•""!!''* "AKIB11B1. MlubBflh,»BB.a Ba- Lbajls .. .Tfa Sanson?! Olab Maird FIBLD OP rHH flLom OP ODLD. J' » i;*^?*a.- ar,iu««.l a olrnr nil. baitlai W. lull;, ol DoDifind, bo O'udiII. ai Boilaa, J. Bud- > b. Tba dinkt ol ib- .Tcslsi, Mr T"nM, wa Mn aiiDiiRa ». J. rr/iRD.trB, BSr^Vatf'D'SS.'iSiS.fe"'' boat Jao Iscb, SK. bal».siaaribaolbarcb.i»«l>ll,«o*ss Mr. Elaaad;'. pas, at BUlrw'TI svlO. eaaaoa, of B oulo*; HVM.K MlinL.rCHI flALUT TRiirrB, „ R*-DUllllLB BIBAIOaiJIO DAROSIR.^ aais- >i» jards a^rflllna. la Ihaimaanr tmm I'll 'l.nd 41.71 wioliia, wars tt>.A tba ITo^alrd an\t, sooljir M isnb, «l> a sMai bnin ^Iw "as 1,303 babldit biiutbIri, "Bobboil" aa laaopaiiktaaf OS «.li^ ;ja.«l b»-ai Mabja lujaiaadj In; Mjialwl's at ibssiM bai|b, |S<* lbs B ^ nuassrcb r. o. altb tards iba lib. malrad roriill fnitj Djib;, CbsaahaM"at ibair Ba> hair >ian, al Uia Ubsoiplas Maailai al lbs I'rrval Palaca Of OAR STUIlllS aa-laaa Haaaaar tTaalaa I.wdlalaly, a |aol ladr Taaallai. rarfarBSnaaa as- ~ira Boofliabla aaujaaMla br addfiMlaa bmOToaillf obai.alannla "'*J?'2 o«(!ia««>7 •»•> Tba aioalaad norttillad ABsrkaa Ps&loalsilali Oao. L Foi'j U.fl« FBBDBBIOETni1LLMBB,B« l,ni. Mlaalrtll aad lb. awo^paol- woadaifol BrodaaiJaa a' KSLrffw»lW~ala .U.. •^SlSlSbSi. ft'l-.-^ of lb.p«iaUor affapl. nunprj simPTri A PrOVF3L/rY Iba o.. aad ol.» .f Fan. saw Is Iba bBCURD tiaR nrna Traratlai Bid l^iatt-*.!. traipBas Iba pall at aar FOR GU>UUB| HILLa, ar alber aelanala.asla. OSrA'-'ALLBt.BD RPAOmi, lnaao|s«ad Hdb tub. Loiaoaa aaeataa ai KRiiF. OAUl, oprfs. Bascbaai* r, by IS Isebia Is a oat luiJa piea, dtd a tida; alih OB 0«.- 10 piadooa a coaie aaollnav laallraat arowdad aad daog'^t.d aadloaoaa. ipopll ol dtadaa aad llanaj. "TalBloa Oaad" "Cooiia a*lai»l I" «oa ibalblrdpriia la sa 4tO >alda baadleap; ssd 'fiSUSi-; UBll. t.P'.XMh' a^pla'a AnriWaa lluai^ pnjtPTT. roBU-logoUai," TrItBbltfa VsrlaUaa, riilabafib. b...... ,llaKair.r,. a,>dAU. NiKUIl (Iba Cbsoirliisl Is nM Bill, '*''S3r«a?-»l>' EVbrelom HIu>w rtcwtu baal J'B Bair MUa s HDa. BITA bAKOALU aad Iba 'aidaaU". R ILLBf, DNEIlUAlr raoa, for £100: I4al D. Bmsl, ai Biidrs, 440 Tarda, ED IX TOB URITSD KtiTia. aTOmf IXENR'S' OII»la lUod ""a THW ORXSAX b"»«*f25^£m«i fiMtla*!. Aoitna Pan baa si Iisl lulitad Paris. Tba IHr d>t«- for fW, sa Brom^liis, ssd eo lbs loilaalnc BstaMar, OOtiEB. aakoowladjrd by tba Ktrnm Bad liaalbara paaaa, ki ba Tse SBW nnRLvagiiBTtiiiiiiAn iicHdAtioif. l*h,atdtba«a..ba^iidlaob '•al'iobobaaaappaar-ddariof Iba alo'ar lo Pjila u oppaaa tarda asil, look iba iblfd lv, la sa 000 fla alt braoohu or taa BaooBirlBB pi u iaBlooX tba Cbamplaa or Ika K. •lib 3t p £10, na-l lAVEDI HS'SBATEDII bar. aoao ibMod ba'ora bar avilad bliaipba. r.lU b mibs ap iba inirBLLASlmiRBBL ainlfa« aapaalalip as SoOda;, wban Ilia tba uaQ> br ibrof >ajdi lo bu pro Imlsar; bra*. Hs l>»ob hli oi. MATIKBB" lit. WRD.lPallATH AND PAfllHllATI. 41 _ AM'laa to rat Iba bail DiaaiMlaAiBI»»»RHaCi», ap>is bill wlib aaaaia fruo difrnol oaaias. Fsill bsda lata- otttia la caaipaar ^lib U Farrt. Tba Cbaiaai repio«atailta SSjSluSsTa^''" ItORtorTbasmaJ aad Kaaaisr,aa Be'anUBffliali la fia 'a-B>i« •til IS P.iri. In Ib* dial aal nl Iba "Traii)..|B BU-KLUX, wba aaa ba roajad bp applylw u /UBX BEMUT MZIWOAIatXH>IlNIA XBXIAXREU I'ltalloaa" wbb Ib'roarhl- >o4, tahao bacb.i* JARaBTT A HALMBB. llr _. Iba. "B.-BBBsBbsia." Tb. larlu aid wUcb odds oarsoafrri. bjlba OlKIEB, MIBa-l IRbaliaaCnird araaai. lllf Waalrd kataadla a r, I n i la*a oranlara 4aaaaavc la^lba of TBI- &iO Btiair RTBaiin nxrir, piiariiRR xhtioe. emadad fran isa |fll 10 Iba mar; aa ar^ la >ba paifslamr Batl- j, Tba nlana, H. Waed.iatb, bavlag IS'orvird iba BbotoaBubi..L,.sal ,1'lilsAlhs'saiBiamBliu-VaS ui» Jaa all, r. M.:aowladaB lAU. loBadaui),alallailauia>i.r. Li Dlra tbil li wa. sla*i< hnpoaslbia to brtalb% aad Iba aaiai4llli SR IMA up TOB DAT, Qjppaf OBaai •'t!i»'.Bill. ObiU»s dia ^ o^a.'. sod's t'U I aaai eo iba pari Rafsra, 6r»f ibaptaiol, asd baib la't lb- Ir lUB all baadiad, APTBH DABK'i .„ tru.NDEllFUL UTiXO BATATOB. aad iaa-a aV>l Tb^adalta iiafovialia bad I ^SJitK arown atra ibroaa aa Iba aUfS marSa alaiaiuaa;riinal ibo raaalnf alalia, xo oiRorrs scawaoeiis. All amiiBBol,-ailai.a raiaiira o onaanaaato arlaaabaoaaaaad la roappaar ba ora Iba cuiialB. Tbl% avatar, aaBa.ia Ua nosdiiss psca, sod al lb* aad m Iba dial lap bad gslaft sbool BUbiaiad anlM bum ba aUnaaad u Ua oo.a to ba dniaa mil lomoR RT Rinnr. Lniona rt riqrt. m^LmIml "Si.tiS^ijSK'T""" l» lap- 0*>mualTd lalbaova'loB thaiiraalod b-rsllsr.bs "8o«ABSai- al|b' larda as hia oppoaaot Is ibaaast lip tbara vaaa^r- JiiBN LotvLnw, LURTELL a TBB ORBiT BAIMnAO SOBRB. CLORR, ^, RftUO.\BS^ bull." Almml nrboaqaau aaddiiaer Musaia paandan »-ptlbla dlffoitooaio Uiapaea or iha laidiot aaa, abilft H.«. TBB OBBAI iiOBNH (IP TRK UNDBRnHilUlO BAIllTATi IBS ba BBfajad br ianvoalb>a MaoaBBa Iba alafh Tba >bola aadlaoca alas'liog op woold ooi caaaa •la, alib'iaita rBOSina si tba aaega paw aa Is bs drat Isa. bad, 'UK R.kll.HnAD RTATIII.1, r.R TDB OUlli>0 ifSAU'R OF IM Oar «.a. Sr., «H Cbaa. TRII BII.riiR MBLL. BOX nx 'WAMXfD, COR'TPHEIX]^ ahnatiof aad ai^plaadlof wilb aiclUoitat aad MthuaaJsi. oopiaalsgib •uviIbI otasn fur iba araosd i1b«, ssload s' .- . ^Uki^^^i^'-'-'O-' THB ayiMOBET HAtL dOIVB, ryitlB.xaRUROB, Raw Taifc U Oratrka»caopbaaallratrUa>cBOpbaoa caa acooialotBdaiaaiidlaadbyBaia- Saadbartblo.. Ballon^ lo tba air, asd tba .ipaoia rMouodaJ [ill tarda aa las "Balb abap." lanbrdKBs. lalbaadflaa ».>.k..ta I.I.... Aad IS I ala by ap. lylD4 lo LilllfKU,AHIB3(>bWt^ a*«la sod asals wl>b ibo sitro af "ra4.b|«l* aad "am al slj batiar. Vr W. Pitea, Itogara la iba atxt lap basas la RTDANaM tOS.B OfataalloA,aBta.ARB>o idwy. r*9rtrl" PlralloiM |aa*llod,arallraralaFalU »traoord In Iseraaaa iba Maa, aa^ iba oonBtsaawsal ai lbs laal lap lonod DRORR BLlOKPniARS RmOOB, Llay BRA'S BA>DIMrHUBUNTil.-Ba«B. RlHllEY A On., bo Tri; Ir'Sl al Iba ataga Oroi&ioio at Isai, U appaai s, lbs ib.iB oslj 9 >alda apart. Tba aisl'awsl aowb-«aia«la wliblla Tioairdiaa Lqdiaraor Vaptalaandarailai LaBdaBef» who ara saw iba ptap^8taraaf iha world anwd D alla'a maaate XO XHB DIIAMAXIO I>R.'a AU mplod aiSaida. lorr, bara jaiteOBalsn>4 la Ikolr Raw aaaaftfBoat FBfMUuf.-Lsd as aad Gaailoaaau wl aekw.l.df'd (^ii>tilftr (dnl «n«i4 nvl nppmi utt*. I Um, bit tn et'brT Ihii lor *io •wn* bm nD btr dllBwadway. With aaai aata biiUba Ubb ui baaiaaaa, hiwaal bIwi aodav lb« BU* •tt^m*m •wpiuo abo b tuIUng tb* I yartf, •bn R'^n »fti1*tauOMlrfferi, lad tfuplu a caHiat Bsaataddraaa. abu-aa lor raAatrr, Tuooa ( Nz:w YonK cincue. ^e , »filM4iV.+l'i'"rll*a 1 A|^•r4 ip^ra el U hh*. airefflti^ Ibvptf- MfBoiitr, kit h\m •tvTvry itiMrt aad Paanaaalb ainal, appoatla Acadaur o>r Ma4& UlXELIiAdllfUO.'IBI, BaKiiaonkbadvaabaiUhionilsao | XO OmCUa MCANAOSRSa 4MI •.ftoruncu. Pnim, • B«* imnr la Ornra, b hl|htf Bfibed than by » I laltbr4 as nat «lDft*r lo i mla. S(iM4 a pi tr 0 laott ai PAatr* nut UAHlBI/iOl-iU aa eawMpvlby all la Iba pn'OMiaatA be Iba WAinVBD ' xna tAhT » BBB aoartialatilld MoeablAaaan tha lAX FHAMUaOU. C.oiU.iabUMpaaaabaS'liarsla. daTiOaabawamd tor Ibauav. . . „ 'ftJlJ^Mbartrfail Ptri^ to «bMi h^lDlaadaami'lof a Tllaafor aaprtagirndfBA- oaliUod I^neomBon. 0«Id(mi ii« bca of >B«Mi«bl*b haa Bf Ifaa araadOoBlo Paniam'ma. loaa.a'oa by addr.aalac UIDIHB ToUuMAUIEin TbUdamaoa, FlmalBBUIaalRl ralaata ataijdaaeilptloa. Ta l baa a plwa la maDnacripi for Dnty W» baar tbb aolbor atiaaiad hi* fffoiraio anat* a laiiUb altn rooii ft our 'aal uuii UfcARD A M TURUUI PRAXnAIRB, Raw Vortaity. H.4L alus r.au.1 aad Blaa. iBowdlaia rBBt|eaat.lacBaba 0 • Bans, Coso . ao Ia«.>'h, 'TllSSuSfvarlliaM L^aa. ..LJHHEA n a I.A TIMf)ll».7ilA\0lIi<& lai ua irB Saw York la aoa Pnadaao Mvaaasd. Ba baaw olib. wirtfaola tDBDrf*. aiiareoanB* ao far «iib ibatiUH'. twla*riDf oa ,1i«Smiw« F»«f Ua. H. UtatttOCM, oMi n' Ih* prnpriaton gf tba CbHitj TUHO'iEiT VKI,VIt..B WANTjao. Addjaaa, wlib IBIl MttjeolaB, 11 Ut'*r vi b oa, Bill ttBi hai vary wbi - ta I" taalaiiialoor Jl: darnor. l>nipc«l 4" ouoebrM biraiuro In iba I ad ni bbaailfUr, ^bara b« lalli^rlalaaah ptdJfar dl-ll DiamaifoAs. UBIBraadwap lir«.»i«laid.B(»d. W l(Mtfiliiq of Iba Tbaiira RawL Bti«aBK«aX • and lot*. Ir 101 0B^daabiabiB,baa.olanorajidaBoa1ai.vfa,boaa a » IH« A li. *Ti;B"l«OirAlajiKata "\nW abra b>*aiiia H* baaOied afi<>B BAMBBAOIC i>>rp*fluB vl ami, vbleh h • bii « iraal r** Ib labarUiHSsaaadnaapriaa .^nbl>aaa'ano.paM. lo^ ala Baatba wUl p.aM Moeiiuiicabi at ai»* wilS .baart. IrlbrMofio Hall bu bava a>il ba«l ui oppontalM r lAarfrl' OlUN EODB^TBRl UiWlLL a omUUADll, piH)t*l$ aB<1 aamamtwibai iinpbW, «iii havaa*b4ao« t-i da u*a>a Qadaaali ri' «ar tar thi |rt*«MVc SA b SAN VnAXCIHCn MINKTRXJI^ J»o(i»a wool I" s a— a'le B aisa* kHdotana to aB4 prirtn a aianoch rAV. BBBOlliawtlb Tut Hlw OiiaTY TobTaa, L od'VB, uynti tm Dec. rT>r»lB«a tba Uit'r'* arn**! nor kb*'*!, olH bi- |a.i.rtaBli^l ciMflpasp at Oa arJ LiBi'a afaia .|iai>la PUaa.** Tba III aa Braalaacaaaaaibalbr aavdaailiai TBiSr Jaibb' VitlATlilL MdiM), VI* ba r»>|iaa^ dtr Blilablo'-fBtai iba "Old Boea* ai B-'Ve," 44C nf HaHa ml? H.wTor., l'>lUd.lphU,BadaMa-ao; baUa |r 4 al Alaad a fLTO/ar li*. oam^ Din Will Iw Ihaakiaily itfr-ivad by H. f.J., ^aw iribaB To LMO UiLn IK LQOO Besaa—A aHirvp^edaal riraa aa wlib aaw aa iiaadailBlAB Harl ernaa i.liklldj, la livlada «ly HO'aaa, laO aaB O-iarn /iH IB, Mr, Oai » Humr tawloallaB Iha aaaea, B^IMIaadli.fnoiM eAKawYrr*. Rli WI«*t»aBi Chtap.. aadar 4.1* of tb* (b ^•ii-'/'hB PASnlllCi.MDII l-ARDBU'Wiril. bill.iaada, aad .laia haadai papo'auan. If.bii| i«alBMa blr la Tw« ,t»»e«*B. Mr. Ft*ebi.«aad abrasJloB laatarail. I'atilaa wfahioa W(ii|iBowiJi.«alIa|. allba ball BMIRE UnAlOR nP THB TUtt a.\D 9B0IIRD FART. iwid, wb#o taaaloa adrha IWto hlibartfl ifiaofara ti a l^daopabHo. £- Tr>wi>i% »«ANju.>a.M. M— y Mr. mfaur Wlliui*. Hala aae^ad ala days la ailfaoaa. il-lia ariBitbar lar.aBalloa >iU apply u JOBR TATI'Ua, -mwiKtwp I ....l•ifTArl•'r««Ul>1l|hwltalt^• bm <*I^'^ Taalfih vraata. Ib* faat a* aalhte^oaa tb* aMad lePia ab* ai |LlwlilaaedlbP"r.qla uaaaaa, ba aia ti r edblr. TOnK r.>Br rid leraoa. oarial 5kip, I*r1nd U.Bnpa aad Rlr... two U. C I>Ojt*elON>el nam. BvlaaisaaOiaadTMaaapkaf PB& aairlakpaar.MabaBdakariai,obaBoviiy wstan OHsaT PArRM rHiirl«-fu\ iL ARD FABln aAlllQt. abvaaa, BOD^I. a Uaku anuoB aad a'anaiJiaaaa wajBK allMH by Aba n, TUa BIOUjauB LKTBUasaT OF TBI WutSi Il"ll iwBaaAK.Ojoaiad, NTn.i aaa BaaATaalapauoia aarf Uo,BllaatHyaaw,<*«TyBiad lao' waatai naaiaiaa aal4ia.a>

    TUB PIBbD IIF THB OUirH OF QOLD. TOB PIBLO OF TBB ObUlB "P iS-ilS wiisRoUi itpmBa, oiaaiiailbaladMaaaiaw. Faorunhiraanlat'awamlTa •ni-sra :iTit: darxibt. unaa.aT Dm. fUl al th» Tbaaita Baral Baalh .artUff laao^ draw ADOiririxR I.4DT Doa in/mtt6 IMI ailpBolatri niil'.lra»4.Reaiaa. »BB BfXao«lloneou A. «r h»r tavoilu obaiaolan^ tb* CblMof tba Iba lltk Bhklda, la | j^n^ ar am .Ton«.-Oe Hlnato jBttiB agivnLK. Oajtalam. -i^ a«at4»1Ui0 KratmaxtaadeiaabaltHBaa^a. .*«tl«(d,, aiabfra* fr** Wn. Jebaaoa. af Abno, ni ^i«*< „ THB FIELD ,0F TBB au>raoP'an Obbktuilar batbi biaaptn-dbi mikaa aaiah in ran ih* niaaUnabr lalabrd laaUaaaaLaaaaMlarad la d Ba ablto TBI FIBLD >IF TUB Cl//n OF OOIA idrrtba •Mdi'Uiaparviuao I uIWi^. Daib*lllbMfti*f«e»aUrulaDt«nK la Cti«iiuaooH*iT. flak Babr« B*> 140 ptda fnr fMO a aUa. iir Wm. B. T«eor W Illia niPEBT rSEATRB. irH. a DDB^iB.aN iBVMtar. l|if*a»« taasn^aarbla^ bj Wn. B. fay, aam* asaaaf^ 'bo raaa u tak* pbai al Abfaa ta aaad br ail arUalaai pra osloaala ibftp^^al tb* anniij. ba> 1 tar¥a for Im (a BpaaaioftbvffarTrknaiatUfialiifao narbai aai^ mm^ anMiAui'uula Va^blflilAn, oa ib* Bib laiUoi,aT itvnirtbraa «**bi. WUlailbatfwl Iba pania8B*a>l*..*4 aanmodal* WUHaait I ""•"bl! 41.1ia B ' • JaLOmkrli^vdatBtnlfinrv, 00 'ha li b, far , THE TBIOGEB. Baibcm » A Btw Rota.—Wa. E Bii4 Bthaaaila*t|n| Tb*Obai«la| Usala imacad Eirroa^ WBt. ktaaliiftbaBaMof **ClrciiBa Ib* rri*a^la>i Bu^Jnt, for lb* pant af ib* pait raialarlr orrt Bids' I no BaUb, tbi* \vu» IK*, bw«4 Baoi7 asaaaaaaad T XODAXHEJS aaaily onaal TiiaoB aaablaa ft^QW diaw, atmti MUa EalaOMaa, LiulUI'il .U,tar *i;>«Urfibi«(Madaj, llo laal., . ,^ |.|.|c.|a.la t a aaaalaas—!lBi4Bol& lbaBBB4 pofsa-A arihaaarr flnla. U4laulas aod Ibaatia CaaaVjc^ ^twaaalbraalUrBL QolUror, wbaadfarllM l« aid- Twaolr^i aabauaUr neairfd imi all ptna af iba a*atta«*l, aad dbteaM , waia saaUaiw, Ira 'ba ibaeily,«1aliadibaMaaRKMbralaoi ai aBnaaoi-sl K.Y. abas ibita pli«io aicb'S j_ ^ Tatua s r Udast a' iba BB^ wba Im a « ad lala'line&a balniaiUawMcra t ibil tawra tb« paaia«a raaal^a IUaa«laft< |iiiCin.a«M vfQiriloaab*. ibal >ian',sad so ablliK U •odaiubau a4r*r uta b*a» i' ^ aalaaaikBla'itrkttw If llt/iatloaf vmtaaB. rb»>ilaiaa. daiajrd a-ioa ibaa oB secaual oi B.>iliiBtoFllBhbiirt aadiaiBiawllbln ion. W-tbanionba^laara loraaaaalattbaM HarfliBC ardva. hiiaH n-rflih. luaacb. lbs rri'B iba eaaiia HIINilRH PKr.aiiAuaK - ^ " -"'' VilH fALB OUtAr, ••«iritbalolv«rtrtaif1iail<«,ta rail wtib tb* artar to s *~* '" ' ' 'BNaj, upoaa wa|ar ^ OBKD BALLBrD-AOrt'iR. UPtHKLISO BTf I iTAOif- Bailtant«Hir*ariba fvpoa^ aad palaifld, <*ldad -ad flaUba< Bu\]a,taoaunio «j, iba rail ftwo' iii-aaoaDtiobaaillT_ar^(lH *_ I'*^ gnnfc»aa Uia bao,.^ I 'r IIBMAT msXroR, 1.1 UBH IBRIIIPIO TRBMIE PL^OIIT, d pair ^ . braTdnK/MTS?,r.is:-/baS; ac«il* ntaaaL a- trar*a,one |ltt«l vatoa, aaa adtrnUlej Ea^ji louato aaadai'MncalTflibaamoHttti f.^»p;rH"n^^^^ biJ ilVOHABLB 0 lUia PA.HTilMIXB. fUB TlirniRELLI vaxoAaaaraaaaJior doab'j aaiaraf,aad ar*u,j«oka andiulBg- d-iliar^ I'rea wf lUnKBNi •«cAIbi bei,«l.bJni iroXDIIIll IIF IKHIIIBII''. THE lUB KUUL). TBB OU- araierabaodliadOntoaavaj^al) evfapltu ud ealraa duaa-aai kL Wa a a alao Buao/bctunai a moeh mora bU^ ^**r^'awT|taia'adr..rarl'labaw. Baa almliaanas'. HIlRiiV - l-OKOU AXDiOOT. anD.HlllbawHdahO'pior eiaba Apply U 1. W. DC" ' (aa)a,t'iaKtG**M*>>i'Mi«B>A Our .Vo. J BiBja^ al Ta aaoaloda wlib J??'i»""«"«WaTtn.B.ir.ina>ds'B'.J ai.aHall, Ball, IUai..artaO M n[J.i>T*il<,lU Bi anu I tip aad artlaltoallr ilal.ba< pnoa to. I Lais bad a Toit | od bwarti al B'4|ilaa' Baoaa- Tl'AIBFOVAIIiiX VOEVB. h. BlU OKTt" V[f>X adJ> wiBi BTOa IMtBdnlf, *"<'"' '>b"a'a. iiair aiib •, from iba d arsalsa, lib laal. br ;^:.\pr.^';;:-IS i' ^""Hliir.ta^^^^ laws, M. as BaiBtJa; Adailaibm 4«.| r.^arrad wa'ioaua OlrJa^ Mk aim; laarraad MaaaadajvrafibvBaiaJo, Mj Baaaiy, Kav T'b^' -i-.-ba'Y^'.irbo-o"; I OioSaai ra nialra, ai DS. t'a*. Mr. BooUr liai b a Irai bud by aaraiaaa fS-ssrK.i, il BiCa. R. T u.a a^.«jllaaodlu'vaaUloai.7> uo.vM «i MM I Latarb BooraopaB.lTl RiQitaoiiaaaaBiByacaaBl TijitTa'arlr. hll^"-^' P""" ,^„V",,.«rib.ii.l tooU.bl.iU Mldoad i«ili.l bi.uoda, bol lo i. T III, |ii| itaa ulUb b; a aloila bod. Tba luUaa-

    'AlRLT aawial la Obi . 1 I'Mv SPOHTINO ADVERTISEMENTS, "I eiLUAROS. iiouhe:, ib-j rl.a, ai,a r mrpaadaai, ".. »" d .... •iio;iii*)uiMii-i; "l* a '.VM*^niI*ira;uim6i-«liioai-r IJI dmvu nr. Ill L, " • .1 ami, !«»• 1 'na af Ilia prjBTini nn ara aam*. I'ajaa as^ Br qiil>» "f (h- ni'Si laaioii >aa bolaooB Ur. ti lUasRATioa UP TO CRAVnoi Coa sr UoDorm-Aa will .ipftttlia ^Bfioaaii^i '.'*'^' Oal. Is ihia Ur. Paiao *a pr-oalkna :iad laoja ol alalia Mnla. n aids Ha . aad ti^ aabjoload ciirrraiaiuJoeco, Jobo RlrBAiilL oTferF eitadeaa Ui.lallla.^.b.re.M.,'J DMioa, at loo iKi Ma af'W lara.ns OuSbnT . aa alaailH; aa (taisVia-BMaLad rllWO V4aiaJ_ abaol I .1 Iha I arr.'* I ....j &iiib.BlalnAiidTa Ur. quiaar;. did aal taloar>. baa- reBl,04i| Ifaa cbaniplia car a> Tbaoanbaal Rsbi aal iXiBce Bad Btbiapi ar'ala lltlB^ Tba I ..^ m /' — „ ''V UaDtalli, lbs Ulb, rsf Uiraa Uidi, aill ba aa^s by fln-aulliat'RLT >U iraai FMy.dralalm.1, ImlwaSl BiblbBBdbaad'Ils\lslb sal, ILK i««'_;yuUos«».vpa, oa aso i\ aod ha l-a< tba ttaleu by u |,„g^|p|laiablOf saai^,galn^^l.irolefI'lraiDiuuTi,It uTa. wbJ _lbawa 0il,fia4loiijiihi doaiaa,uouina, H.ila-aaim. | ^ DKI.BUVNH A.Tnrir.\uL-a, >buDa Hoinlaod SK Ida oruood. wall tliblad sad raaulalad, opa. aO'l C-ilkDilr, of Uil. rlli, whu luiB aant il 1 aomn Pbrlas Acbaow|rd«a4 "1 aar i*. aa-1 Alona,*' wllboat Ktibs a^'iala. nrTTaraaiBiUlltiranaa'ahwK. KosbabWBJSBalabbhIaaaaipaB "•'» laaraoaaaTi oil ba bad ar mmmi-d wfit""* !!!.V.'."»i iiiiiii-»loair»r....:. Wlib iborr^wau u kBpitMBaiaam'ro' bl«Bacaa.M.a,lt da. UOBdaratcalBfB,Balih.Iii-l,i.Blbg4iti. LU ao'aaoaat Ibn-a drad a birvia, Ur. Parua'aialna aalad fur Bait April, is a lonroaiHrSl 0' IrtiilBf plai.rt. Ibo A saw dranaol rowrrfal lalrrol, rr^bita lib adlUd Olutks.— Six M.,ia,ll|Bii'lriBdal). Ibia Bb.w.da.«.«i- tba ebanpiossblp pafld affaala, liblBia, Ar., aa tilled; Xo Boat A Oarod CIIb ous "III lapirtaol of ta. nlr Aaaarl* ' aaa aaa iTaala. Laaath il ri«>. I'ln.aii i- iilia iiillsf ai.laBB J'ti'''o"Wl>a'a araisird Bb.a,iia«, aoil, a» Uis BMra ail aliow. li a aliao paab abala barttd. ijffj^i."^*"'-'.^ call ul ms asiB, U a. B-r i-i; bMhbiiiltia i.ani-B " ii baasMehap Par paitlaaaia Tia^ ai II. falUa •ui ai UPPIOK OiiaaBb OP BLM APP tllTB tVBSBf^ iJri*;' . h W. Uanh.,11 aa a/»sooa a-»n'. sn or Ur. dahainiar'a Urd. • • ' - ililol asd bad om uimiao.D'amidA add a.. SBAA..»i'.1 D'tllUBR. B -!;£'T'7ii.?A-cS'ir'«* Lsnarl a anoaaiiHiaa al Iba pi.aa.BB ba aoBiod laslraaaa oo TllOVATiiHH. ' i^aaaNTB Ua Rr/aat. UUNd D'rtttUKii. l|.|l>' pBllid^AiBMII^Kl^ b.Tea.ab.aiad aalanaloaaala. AddrB alt amraaslia. TRiiVATIIRB. aarrwHia Hjail. nHK/l B'ABURU a Pa ' DlIK A OUi, IbBlrlBl Umlu^>M "RliviT HB. Qaaaalara Da Brjmal. OB.NS D'-iiUB-i. _ DAT^-lIony Fi«» »a Waisr.. '.ITS laOIP. tnia A-aaos iba "eaaa, TBUTATURU. ffi25iiaa^lslsaia BIlTUIf A OO, IHM aaa.il. IITI laull. Lara abbsi |.a Rbsm . lU-'aArnHh. Uaowoftb. Baf -B^ ^•laa v-jnaar. St Oalr, DaspatoTi flaaaa, pixxsnnRaH TilIH aiBtlB/ai ibaabora ibnira la «np> aibia, UpbaJ lia daUa, Dlo blTasL iTlia QRbOOBTSBjv ftf I—BalUnsn Photoiraphsi T«rj beagUfbla iwf IU laot*^ ara wmttt>otrolt. ooraaBavtifabavaiaBondla Iba *MiiB«dlB4iBadanpliU» -. AKr>-D,aiuUTariairComaaar. Arttatfilaanrrbraaihaf lb* labUaBBBM fio r«a an, partiealart/ tboaa wbo baTa t(i«l*m«, wUI amir tar Rll UI BRllADITATi , ^ VB d«r« Kt Htfw 4, m Bfa*d*tgr, hw Vorfe, itav 1* apUl J Waloion • lieaa aaod win, Islenll lad sU aUAk' Altar Bfi «fpl/ *Har la Obaa. Ma Waiah, or black. bilaly aanp'ad bf A Ou I Jaaurr br -"brown ihaaialrio|«fuBana«d. 'i- aa«X'naBsaldaa~Isili>ar I ^ii'^'dibSSV'^'-""-!* ' ""— baalani wa hanpatabBad, Tbraua Oami^ DainiL 0«K»b» Taoars wrn I r'T*"'- sppnn-sassB w Ua 'l"*i|iJ?if^^f"' WW Jsssrt.—AprfwaabaaUfBslMrao I Csieam Oaa.lAim. TBB I'BnPBaRlUX TsnaaIBBMBB liAcroaui^avna*- . - ..ra If. A. Ja Iba Tb TataaBiiuiBorulBBBarAiiajlM-IOMBortBM will Hod na lallb aar aapBiar [B«- il|.l asd BMaanadAtk. aalai a> .^. RR IIOllK!-Tlir rU'liual 111 Va "iiub In aRls:«-.4b>. aia. ARA ThoMwba aratlrad al.htfU|BSB>. \ ^iftwj iia. I l^^lVtUaad^.loiba oil.oiOlt I\m1 paid t«r H Bsta. i;apaard rBf^ TP 1 1 tl r eoK nineA Iha aatira •• N'Troibir, s parir I wll), jBraa, 'ilni U.'I .* • BmBOiOAHS-tAl Tlai U,aiL,lo ^^(^„f^,..troiraBaaioriratalBj ripanaaa afaoi ba tlMBk. lultaapiolrMliiB lOT iB^lr pA.I laliouaar, aod.t Iha aania .aHlhalrt. 'iWbBd; R. T, ^ - -- " BUAMR BAHD ^ ^lurbaadiif I - aad,- II , aod irwair.!; Mr. 0. i. on ao oicaiil..o ta tba onsbli gujauiany pan. dia.«atd_ Inmoi tala ob.laaiBi. _ . . labafMl,la coJiuaal MrBia TUMMi'RiiNANDIlinU'iror _ '•'"ai'i« haaur, .blla lloaT anomain% irdiorMNYBifaihia^uc, aad will iiiii aa a tTailara Taur, tbi Il 'a IB aaiilaal aad jMrtaaB'liiaw Ibalalratoa ai UI* aEor, ri^»ail/lo iwa rnu )il no pla.Tiari ia>lli]0»aal aprao. Wliao li b»1 ar- rla|lOP,rauhllA«d aao raalllllrA Ikr; vlll ba L^^tuT. . raaia i lira: aiipio a ail IhiBof iboaaaitVrlfbiliaUoaBwhlwniild oblifo oaaphUuia aora ta i.ra (latnl BlUtfako lO an IrvJajailny b'lallitaa wlib raioiibrf Ibal la a ball. Iw.; raodi»d jaida J 'ba oaolart 'bsf BU,«»ar*^ Brmrr.Jatia naffa, Oljf MarniMa Jlj OflrWr. Oai Bur- t;*^ bail nardViblo loB^alma la iltaaiixabkbla nylHHnB. "Xt^ - loabMrood Ibal -hoy ohII iarlod ollblilrraja ia».Jtm I'ahir.BIOtt^ a«law I 11: BMA-^i BAND. haaiora, wIim bat iba lalt-ranald blm. Tba ^Ib Cbicalo^ ^. us ft^dliiaai i^syhlBliic TUitRi-JIIX A UlOU*. IHia^ laadgibUbaaMparfbTiaara . .. .R.. _,.WI._ U_..,^|^ Iharanrlianai^battrtrratb l> Iba pa. I SJldaiiCa Ik. -—-"•lliTpa- laar. irariT' i - or* ttvon. ate wall k B In WB>Mtlit*r,niiil all oitwolra alibta at aa^r dl» Noricm XO otRoca BHAifAa PaUloauoMlBB ''••'"""*'•""••'' Db« aapaborabui laOlilo.ia. "g 'AjlWaS. Duadt BMrlaJ* ^•"aialH >w111 l\', '''Vu» lutiwot ~ aal. anl plB«i caeiararlib aBlla.-A-ind,E'uMaMBBBasd,(all A.ottauN««ll Bp la rm ratii aiih,,o,ii,„4u^i„i| FolUaiBO_abo ^ p^o, „g TBioarR4oansT.-A '4|,„T„KPuf.s0naiis>«is TBS NitaUAnn mu llliTlil'iaiN A LlOUiitU nilUDITAY, K. T. .a haaU,V!^,Bfl-fJra.lC«B^^^^ - ... t ' (IMLT Ni tlA.VU .'l.tiAIi'>'in'>i.uinv, I.PADBR IIP UHOUB«riU,l laof ill. Oasway'a Part Tbialiak H.I. in lTAHll|.NUiai.« 8riiKllT,i;uillall>l,-IUJK0n. baul^ooniid by lrrr«B>ie1a aaoairia. Kb abkclleBB ladra) I . . ' ' QAlljlUUX A llM abriailbrarao' aroBaliaiaBlt , BtBHllAllI .«A>AUlllli. Ua.l Iran ^ ' .UDlTOAl, UlaUATlll A^D,llliUU^alllAII AIIB»aT. |41.|lk AddiaB IM nAXPa BtKABfi Biaobli a. pflft^tj^-'^"" iBloemlun BM riapai.ifti7 litainiciiv .or Uia auA, iB nub irrty ataoasoUM-ni la IB UulUdRua^ ! oPFinA. aovsBi, l-A.^ , FIPA-ASIVILIB, , ^ liuia liBlcd w.lb an Lbaral lonaa tor Iha . Ij, "srissvi Ahall 10 J II. aKPiim, Uaualra OAK DH NN'nAOeo —- " 4l.ll» orTnrMi'M).!; a hiaoR, IB"I Ranaiy,— i.:y.- • nBAVv'''!iI)'!tNnia taaadtao*, ' Ii'On SAT.!!].. alaASS eiXJ3AM farlbaran-oTadaral with a i aaa;! aal •A XAHU'IUIIK. .^B, ib»1arcaala.0ADMT, BRRIB.^ >' lliB ORROIAN DESD.jtllk' a. SIECOND >rAO EVOYtS IflUlMRNlCOXa ll.fl 1. O'liiDWia, au Rlwadway. T.. ibi«adl4b>tBlrlawj,iar ajla al Id Aaa aliaol, iMa ij ala ala-n(^ P. BAHAR. . . .MiTIOK. aaBa poyaia 41.1IP blalatlcal aa4 othrr araraa ib ua abura aa^^ad paaorama, l^ FCaAXXTB>S AAL.Ia, Tka BU. , UiiILMniiTHB/ atbBWIh tiiaUllr^i'i*nm]«^lac|i|io.a4pni^aiBDWin.rada.aiOM, . ^ ^ 18 ' simiOta'or ty. aiahra aadl :4 IMI Mar, by T WILL BRMD fboioihipha of ikr- Willi' n ana o wiks, d aa. i,.at. ler 'Uai) i salb i

    'I'HVl BI'IOU OK LIPI9. That aaw siid InUnaltBr I b*A U SSI PplSRildly UlBHlsud, Plial bob Ital Hrral. lhlanrDrB'CBBrM,waodAa a 4^. . BuiirfAol:Aau,slkaMaa,i.i. Btf^ pnilasM OppB BaaBBiCsMaua* taifNBBsia, ' ; : : . . a — . n , ' , . ; , ,

    THE NEW atTAJi.-iiOWt' W OPMc Borill """" "~ .DTAlNirtaa.'i.TakcM • "•''M '«"^'--;:;:.:r:"r:.:v.VAi5Sa%~H—I- iiD oumu " BiinfRmiEic -jriarpAiiiii' LBliT ainAaEDt U, Hkoi^nARp ubiDiIDBlji. LBTTBUqPB, - -lUd^a^ eOBptUat. ktUala eaf luubriktiitiK or Mo Mif oacbomad Men. 4AU MUSBB tOWBliL A BIUMIIIHW, » Brw To Sportmg

    ' >Bl l l'< fcB x^otsAXoa _ OBI a<88ii(iB i iBi«a» t"'~'""*~ i, frETooouBlM,, . OnmLB MAalO UKTEBN. Htm mttUmg MmtfM lirital la A ua i k* peibipo, la Um woi1£ OU<«i UnM. raiBlOB auiol, Now Tr.* M>#«liwMs«.aM# Ib« r«i»^ iMI tlonai 11 Mbid B lUSolor, wllb tblrif OH) TMmi^tU ntbcj, inimM«w»»Biiiiiiii«AB»«Br«M«— VaJNKXO] BOmENSONVoddlreu ad ibo OiUoa Llgb', kU eonptolo. ^Tm!im,m. L»llomolildi«Md»tBalwaT»rMoBkia>.«MX ~~ las Deaibom Sinat Addnaa JOBN BIYEB^" , Btm'a dwBlgBa, WlhaiarlbalBiba,^ DaL wiiw»««ia«s«Br»M t, ii i 8>8 ,<300B:B, fMsifiMis*^ THEATRICAL JAMES B. •i kaaa taaa ikr M«#aaS IAr«* trmrs. AMUSEMENTS. Hosiery " AMEOBBBRO, klJlBANNAK Alfl OrXTAiT Ddaorlptloik. Bilar JaaaarT>all«i*o4 fun MtoiiT-. L> 1. ^, Ki INJ I M G AND bIrby alobm, MAIN STREaESX THEATRE, Tobloa. rfiiinnw- ATHBIV^CM, JuUNRToy, Pa. jjjj, M. T.Ou HOWAIVD BOSTON, MAia. rorreolbr UndiTorwoek (or Oni-claia IbtaUlal tabntla. omoDS mana- ENGRAVING^WOOTl mcouruVunaTaadltclana. Tbuoawlkrar^urT bnokboUdla} Dice Cloths, Dice, &c. TttmcE TO Tb« Woodir of lb« 7ortd, _ "MwoTiaSdiad niltd uplB Bad.maljla,wlUi DinB«M»»aBd KLLX, HILUH TOBiiOIIB. lamllrclrel^aodwIUaeal IjJMponoaai boa aalaBU bpSJftal, ulUituto iod ItoUlfbu. (our dmoHe mm aad (ma nog. OaU paloud bp L ala. ROYLANCE&PURCF.LL.l^ oliodnpoarlalaaad a lDlltoloraD»erp,oo SiDuw Bun BraiiBt-^^^jn laoiMhaa taw Onaa, 'nj^NSLSBinKaDO bad, a feit m mu aib. SaTir A <^es< Dnadwap, Ke> York. JobatuHn la allaaUd oa •»rovBuiadjara7rBawdaal«Baaad palabd la UiabealmaB. 'g rM AiiSrVila CMimf Wuioad. 78 •"««« S.n'KjW. STaSeSl^iiUoB bdof isid unakyuUieBat alUBottTB ai Mi.M WlC BROTHERS, li4reuduow>U>U'iu> JOSH BART, ftoB Uuaitilf'ta AN OLD WOMAN A 00.. U> PaarbofB tUBOI. CbkaaO. Albmwa, B<»l», Mm. jm Kmii IS WAKTBD lUUBDUTBLY. , _„ Addraaalor.lwowoika, WILSliJ A CLABITB. SLA.XJSOIV TtAIXM. O.JL Fradarkkloa, N. B. and Monte Cards, -^-EHEATRjCAL ^StORF Poker JUDT. fe«l N,EW AND A DOW brtok Balk Ikrw olorlMusk, koajorl b«iotal* and lUUll Dwlen la THBATRICiL RaiaBaa,all blada,»Utopdouo| 8I[«l>adL tifFiiS* WM*TOL "•^ "^^iSSASoDKmiJio mum oovfobtablt. SrairSuaUklDdAWpardoieBiSlPtrpiolL ra8BTANDAM¥lSSiSj?,!SZT^ ADBVRK, N.Y. "-'»lStl»' MAIEBLUJ AND EaSaaak or earda pal up B B aaal poakt I card awL ^ AadaoEapaUalaaaofibairorid-laadva Baav ivwBVkm^n "''^mU^ roiRiIriiB, i-iorBiBTOB.^ '**^'°2rDDi!Roinr, oranob oo., k. t.. OOLD ULVBIl THIMUIKaa MaKIia 60.. DjwborB emol. Okkate. R. a ALL EINDS OF AMD _ „ MISCELLANEOUS. W PBIHaAKaRku»n oobbuatioioiwm On Iko Brio BaUirar, Ooodaiool 0. D., loaBT parlor 1:1a UMlrBDSTATSB or OAK. lowaa 0. (Lattara paiam iruiad la ibon'taaUAilTliapK M Ibb Uoiu, Jut lolattd iwoaodabaU kooaftwnlkoillr.-TbltUoDOor tba Boaat 3Ad»B' 1.. _i TUaHaii ADAB. fflb* —'— uiiiMirniirilaa Dia«l>MUalwornaiwork-diiaioa,or teta/ef Hr. boBdnda tf beu aaiea Lana aad ZU ^"^"f^r^'^rS/fJfna BOI w. Aieaia wai o.'E. orttivallbor for Brouj^im'a tlton,Biiwaddwf- Heal bp BtO (or A) oral*. knbUAH, BBOULAB ULUABD-TABLB8,TAB! Ar,"WA're on hand tMBreod Mian, Hawan, Kawjeney. dl.UI rtAATefc— DtNUtONUtO BnOW, ar m U mnk inaaa. N. Y. N-ul> WOKDEBS.—TOOB PAST AND FOTOOE DEB- A.wiKfe^*«»«»IlMl OEaABRT a RTHTiTJETg, TUT, wllb aaao aad addnaa of falora hosbaad or wtfr, BNOBATBIB OALLaeala penouLwIlb lood flow of Iht Ivory Checks, BALIS, oLonjom, KXINNEDT. Col«>l)rot«| u>^»l U, U ANVU ataia. Dtvm_ tomrr -'— " " - 1,111 OerBialowB road. l-bTbdrlpkla, Fa, iu«kw>Iai roosM omiai diitetlr— opoo ib« «U|«, d* for Ibe Mtaabclanrireaall al (belaiy prbaa, wll u asaeem ibal b IBlajbfBBB^L BoodM.CoM. olnj lh6.«hali,r.i Bebil Ajesb iiSi»bTlMWl»SM'»" own addlUOB lb* ball OnMiaj TBI LABOEST Qjibatflfnlol pfopto uw la to ampU OHDENlu/ui BOTEL,nuLEfUi 143,1**1 IM AND 146 BABT .baaaaalaUBOiiBtlaueUBdc ...... n«n well Uibted with gaa. par UBI laeb »U PaP UO jg^nbuidiifcNSSB CATeiKItX» Uoufaad ^tb: fork, ODpetUa new Ibm- iM™.°r?^.."..»S IK "'^"wJ^SaaSaJ KAIiXj, . . . rODBTBeKTaSTAKBr.Kftw MUECBre FBUTUO ESTABUBairjDIT is 13...... U {5 MOI W laab, 11 par UO BEvr YOBC. Ball, and wiibia ibea lauulaM11 rMoiijr u iha Awlear oi IN THE WORLD, nnar BabioiBlabod Mb OWEBra,.)«B,HpUUaadMarkafa.SI , I>nAB£AS, Bmata' Ulottnta,,K€Now Tork 01inii,llUlBwa7 Uill tad all ^an BOOraL-HOUfi Maafti, MASON ADii..lUDearberBilnB,«klaif>. aJsgaagfiS^' PAHTUMTUSaTBTHIOrUN^THIOrUN DBABAB, BOKO BOOK alber nablaaaMa pttM of imiwannal. ic. DtfrwbrO.A.UwnDAOa, PC'S -AffnilEa, Aa. Oauioiwa QBO. P. WOBDBK. Pfoprlitor '*'"Wo'rif& ?r?f m Wattt iiwol. H«y Yorfc. Tbe New Torlc City Baaa BbUBb. Far nrkUai oaDp«>la,kad liari ol kud a laniaadi Roulette Wheels and Spreads. porlum " auruoaoi or Una aad imall AMPLE AKD CIRCQLAIIS BEN1 FBEB. Ad- and MukulaotmSi? vutUi vUblDf to BCioUato on « niUlDlr la Ibi «Tm3 I.AJVCA©HIIIE X^AJSS." 0.0. BBBflT, ypfthfltaglBrt. W. U. la-tf BanoB laratd Ikair alwuoi u ba r a.—An WOOD OUIB _ . WaaavLtaBluSbSadO. Biua,aOB.,na.aadllBak. -iiiYibi m nl|taU,ou do > b7 tddnulof J.T. _ 0aUforroal«n,IeildaBUU,0ti4i aad PracwoBaa, Lakra fnm S eonxct Liwdoo w wbo aoUdk oidaiB ftes Ikrlr (Ate* arbBWiBBSS WoM fftrnwd tiWalbcklTfacMn, la Kov Toit, capihcrwitt a Bjba of pw , rafflpbl«l,a>alAUito|aalBUnfUn|ilaunfUnflnJuTmllnof. ibo NEW! rafflpbl«l,a>alAUito|aa SOMETHING ^SffSdtffiaqludooallwoTkordawd. Il-Jf iiMnllaauawd — loeldoouoi ihopkr, eaoMhad 00 apylloiUoa to J. B.JACEKON, Faro and Poker Checks. i]>M1B8I0M|U0BNTdAKDtl. pJivItB BOYBfl, U aoade&ty of music, Lediv Job PfinllBi Omoi, rbUadalpblL FARO DEALERS INTERESTED, all Fportloi Mid (mora partlcalaitr LBUKOTON, KT. Wocall iho atualloo of Fkn Ona T^irrTjPiiFMJa i ^^gfa.'Sj. tf*?S^n\^^ POLLARD too I^aaoa aad Baaitcn. D*«i«ra,)ioo(trimmieaaatookorBponlniliBclamaaiA d^Ooodi ^uptalbCBaalRl par USU uma'abaal Iroir Wo 01 (vbo U«ira lo ih« ttMib, oms Jbr Uu ma' fhTaw^ b«aU(tel ntteir OM*blo or aaalioi l,a»Boiiaaa. ablppad sow darerfw eeoM lo b aad, ^ UaSLfiovMndbraUfporUaimcBlo balbooar iQianijtrof eomUutUm of uUM Ib Azmiui. _.j|atrtol.Cblato,ni. flni eU« «h«cb^wblcfawafaralaa ai aama di aaehariadjehard. al. ^iiVlMii fSiiwiw* rininmlnilitf.nrmniin.-mmn'LDUdUlUUMi.- rIhTTIrPaBOYB bVtBE DAT, WBBI OB MONTH. bcUiT .MASON jipo» boi am etui utiMU nwd opi^. oDttajoaabtounaiLAateaobrapplrmfbTNUarla 'neV klod.tS perdozOD; nor ^ _ SCENIC ARTISTS. MOKTB TlCtCBTS. «! "aSf™"^^ rOLt.VtDVou.,UiiadioB,Kr. patt. METZOBB & CO., ObnMO. nt. FtrariT aad MatblMiT for TlxBiRt, PabUo Bila (a aptdallp), A. AnauoP aad DranaUe Oo.*a al ibrlr AXjONZO TOimi OF HOOI^Y'S OX^RA HOUSES, TRIOKB of til klndfl alfran on bund. Faro.Layonts, Case EeeperSf &o. O i^HMcd'otaip)s4MTaiM, U vlttlaiiobtftiblmMlflo a t*- BBOOELYN AND PTILUAMSBDSaB, SUOBT IN ' MBTZOHB h CO, ObUaffi, HL OPBN FOB TBB BBAMtN, ^ LiT«vnM|lt.B14m« F«da-.,U«-.al«,a*Uj...^J,«|-bjj^^ ?Ufl KaaruaatRll.RlBt uOTTR ASOBRICiLT? COXTBIX.' Ra WOLF & COa, iaprBmnatiaryLf' UltoUoD ooootreloi Um omwnblp of lb* coratdr 9^ "OUR UFOBTBBB AND DEAIJBS OF 1^ OmBCK HOLDBUall&H taimliucd, Ih* rf|«t O! 'lUBlOiK OOUmt** livtof tni of Um belav^ KE BEST TWMKUO BuuaalRS^ CHAimry WE HANUFAOniBE AND EBEP OH BAND TBB httlog b*eD noSnBtd. tll nmilMlffU to p«r< BiO pi MbHTlbaiktnW KAEHOTU QUtNODPLSlAL AND OUFaPBST ASSOKIMENT OF EBNOIN THE WEST. Pamm Tah I9> _ _ _ . BAUWN AND BILLUBO BALL, BEND FUR DUB DlSORimYB UST.^ PoakM Otid OaMB, Honou CkMa for fan Boua, TuaAm, eta. tadoltpenoaiora aaikttftdumlMtpvfc— HAIR. tf la wbkb wa ilinii a ttaU aawrt- •nhmtovmokad, aad Bl BowoT, i4)olnla| Toot raalOf^opMm Boon. HUMAN Ow armim Ito TwU, of kM in •— MBTTOEB A Oa.tTDlBi>Vea liAl 0"WTVp OR THS AUS, inNBa, UQlioiB9,SBUtkS-JIBS ANDAr- BILLUBO TABLES tieo. abanaanwTldlBiBoafpUiWtmad iBidiBWHMaM LCiaa.'<-NniIOE.-Tb« QBlenlrud 18 OHY.CITY. Set. Oder. wadea'IpapO.aD.ikBrtil IddM TWOrwo wIJVB8 or MART TUBTBB" MEnOEIl I CO.. 87 JeaiborB at, OblBse, Dl Faro Tools—$120 per Keeao lbs aaUtM . ^IhUM MtaiUan dnu •mURTSD' AbolboCflbbnladOkloaooTnablarjad^kia,1«rJi WIGS. . pvataniA LlTEfl 1 " " " THEATRICAL PalabdI«lOBl% . TWO OP DlOB ALBBRT UAUT B«t ooBprblai 180 Ooap. OkoeJU, Oenar of Abb aad Hisaa tafa OB TBB >LATINa CARDS.—Otsp 70 DUTisrant PslUnii. A Fou a«H *' wlih mil ibo propi'tMuj llfbUlo'Mld'dfUU__ aod Boi. OaaaKeoper, (»«t Boldar: Card taweaa OalalosQaaofBaaoBallOoodaaaima, ibwioolt. twtlb^r . TODPBBa, no. BHIBT VADB OB MADE.TO OBOIK MBHOER A 00..87DaartorBdt,ObHBSa,nL PUUd DbIBi W lb« DoAh HUM, MfeB*(cnuul oita*raki« tutbf ooUfl W tb*l • JOBN BTBON lalBlaiaafaaka Ban'abaalaqaaiaddaallas ca(da,aad BJO rao tUto fcrftna said dr»in mwlb«oui«L wIflappaaraleaahPaflkfmaBaa. IWX Tbo'aaaakdiofTbetDjaadfr our ponoaal HpvlnUadcM, wt •aa $QP^ WITB PBiTuaaB oa oramio abb JxainBiap aoaaa hoi imNBT o. riLMia. nlbr te oor aokaovlodiad cap«Jler1tT of worfcmanablp and aiuiUa rtTiBBnafWBl .MASON A gO, taauioibo dnottUc tolool of uo oouoUy. Oram br IVORY . .__ Wlbhf» Ouim, Hw Totfc. Jtn. tth. Um. HZIRRIOKS' 3VBW lTATiT< Am " COMPRESSED CHEGKSi IBI>BitorBalnai.Cbl«B8B. fioalTo preapl attoolloa. SlW Barloflboiflbo ArnerforduAfooej... _ •'D^tod fUUa,'* woarapnraivd BALDWINSnU,E,N.T. Thouchaol TololIoraUfalalatooKBia. Bun, U_U Ideal, wlUiaaB«ri _llflBaianaalbotnffTB*prua_ aawall boal ABBIB fiOTBTB AOn>i COHPAlllf. ow(bmada,wUlaMWIoLIM. Noit door lo Aawl. eSATINO QJJJSlEtfp w lb* Inor, iKD AND WA* " dilute THE MBfUBB k oa, GOODS SENT C.O.D. ' — *• bL rint aHikml eao,aflaletaaiboul, A|ood but poolar aadlartobcartaoBSF OAHUB A. IIOORB, Till iHinn Till rmti— «>tn wllh irDBaibarBaul.0bk»OiPl- laeaaa aod Oawaio Ballioad. tM3l* THB ORBAT lOB AJ<0 ROLLER BKITBIW. ^ aaar adima wb« naaM br ^ itoaai. Obia^a j itew ^lUbtrtrtoUoBiMBd wtib ur good Uqajm lo msow * 0O.« ua y MAH.T>n»J»M CXJIVOiJltX AND ooflnlliVl: UoifinaUj dapUdxbribapr*' .i*»IIOB, C"»|^^^ —' — aouiJUara aad lUB ball aim ekalraiwiu boiaadr lomllaaj rmeotrloal Hall. tawm., fdUpowibf " BBBlerB (or oaddBd bB!(BBAL*U«piJSS VAN SnI alaaa oDIorulomMia kr Nonmkar lAb, 1MB MOHMOVTB, ILUHOm, pnawtuua rai atoL Short Tricks of every Kind. JAaaldwn aaolaloa AM iabakllaou, oa( or ikakoai ibow l«wBi OooimodloBaDaU, aawlpSUad..aeaUBiapBell7LaBltU|aw1lh bMTnnmr RL HBIiaT J, baawgoiT^nj^loBlimll^IL^t^allja ofMtf nuabanb tlftat, BwYart. (Taual Balea), ToaaOQO Boio, PiD- . . — iiir«n»nn».«noii«iiiiL (ootlliblA tppnprlalo aetawr, dnailDf rooaa, As. OoM ikow Kaieui Biu« Uiuan, ^Su- w. Sunt,' " RoBBRT Iowa: pepoWMB of dip 8,00)1 for larma todparUmUra tddrtta 1, Top UTP Bonos l>M«|X>iciIim,Pa«r»,, Jici Irirra, Pa«r Pa* ' ' BotnlaiT UaloBUaaAjM , i a UABDIN, Profltolor. DARE BOOK. nUika, eio.toaanalvan• be foaadfoaa^ wlih aANDIOAN. JefcaatewD, F«b^ " >Mm»^ BENJAMDI B. ESCILT, Alfartlaaa' aibbi, Odaonl BlDroUar, ~ttnitbeat Lime Book la BiWoBia. Bead U eaau b> F. HABON A OO...UaDaMtaroatraoi.OUaaiB. ARKEi, ala UalladUl, Two DoaNo dot . IN THE BMBiT, tear% a Toka nanr.aad B FblOoiMl BiaaibaaUiaapanu aad wcU u. LB Ualr b^uaa^k MANUP^ORT ^^^H^ ' ^^^^^ SQTJu^LRED IIA.Y CUTTERS ^sTaldino a kaiwino, ImHRUr,l(u«hclama&A ffboloa)* ani.Bthil Dtftlartnmci- BUCCTKOHAM. . FOBBAlBATIHEfAOIOtt. EB.VBR ^^^^m ALL ElkDS . HABna ou ynr. bklur nr^ ftiUralla tba BluaUea of lUuf«nor TbHlm, OMoaM, K«u- _ ifelnTmponuordis»pauMopmauBaod«pp)r. ^^^^ BAT OBTTEBS •IHkbdanpek.dbglJjMJ*- IwanlliMaaflBdinwpAjMdpMBmwUBiapowau. U4f (POBTUIO ooooa VI^^V .PLAYI.'iO OABM OF ALL TT^^T IMb* 88»EailTwaalr»i«'* LtMOoaBtar Uran of •rTl^. roBD. BI/ouVOHAU. tht andU)iulU4orVB»t*TefMawtilerHtwTo(t. riana KINDS PRINIBD lO ORDBB.. ' DonloTooUM cmBth•AlhftBbnu4CmulrkUM,*'PoorMl^ Ttt oiidtni|Dcdl[DI ti o» praMnd to fonlib afttUi* Oatr for eallaodaumiBb Optn Bbooa, taadaU, aod Tbtalrtca) DmIut, '''lUdau.* EDOARvedBRHBST, la ibtlr DooUo UvAahIr* Iul«1*1 DUU, CvdJ oA ProfTtxanns tnm annnalflw, or Paddro£rb£l>uulfiLIHulfii fpaaitaa,a Pddtana, ?Cto|n»wl.DouW««»all«HH«njripo»od F»»w I>««fc D«Ni PMlm, Ukw U« orif OlOft, — , Zm*.— 6LA0II oil Itfadon DMlfiuDMlcoa eftko UMm UBMd Ih«u laaddMioato B^^l^T^^ao^BMd^^Po^MlyEap>fa^Arow01o^h,T^^b^Oalrtfa^ArowPlolh,niM^OaL -- WHITE ANP. > Coor moUUs Bau AadDiDoa DtrfanuQCM oo (ho Plcoo ud plM - - '^*- iMHi bau Ml, mall PMpbla^ UhiMiaud, Uaga, OhiMu, CoMtima Plalaa, latttnUeb Diamond JtwtltTi oooDs. *' — ~ SSSi^SsfiSSi UU OBAWFOBO A DATUMOR, RUBBER FROM O. V. TATLIUBE. AMD OA*«ADAa 3M^* NO.SBJOBNBTAsar, ni unAflOH wi^- 'J>ai1iLilb«'iibMeciorib« oDduiljMd lnBanp«,»l1oMoonnulM' "at.t,, „,, LINEN EAGLES, rlBB^ OVEBA~ BOOSB, FTEtElEMASO>PS _55iJ NEW YOB» oItt. Hartlflaab ttla^^^ffaadSI^^^^ vital rwKUOB-BlotkBaMuraU X sr. Lotus. TboOfiadBaBorihla Bar baudla&oa Ibo laadBd floor, laaekod ttl BOWBBy. N. Ta- BlIOibllflK SluBd (B bJl*^ 1t|I>UAIi DlnSOB, Ko. lU FmUo Mnri, Braohl- bp Iw* lari<,pialrwaj^ eaa taa sarkM tteaal aad obo rratn rOBVERLT 0^inir|^j»TABU8HlCERT, EXTKA LARGE SIZE, BOlbid BalU^ IB Uek, ill prr na ** —alA otraL lo'BOWo^ fbrLMoaa, Ooooetta, EiblHtlmL IMBallUiaa.baBdraa laolbrilllr la OLOTHDia OXHCmS MANAOZmS. Ikak aad blBI wlih All Idada of TOBATRIQAL AJfD OtBODfl rauUal rAHILT SBnuO UACDINB. TUa TO. apMlal tvkmok 10 Ika kamaa TOlea aad BBrical laatranow roohaDd aodnadoiooTdor. . fMitr FOB TBIMHINB. IflSparbaMl > MABQDBI, ML AtlTOSro _ moaead bj eoapaual jad|« la bo ItabMl la ika Waal roaaruaaamiM Bel, 18 parka**. MvUdtoi.toilMrtaoibilisi u uu HuolwoOIfni, Id Full, and aabnldor la a ta«l fspvW • rito Xaa!fffla'oflga!fyT'"'S3;f OIOTEB. BPASaiiM, Bto, 8M8t' Baapba dial peel paMeaiaeii^lf SI OAUTIO}(<-Doa»«b«lfDM«depanbrolh«rp«t(l«apaMBff Aad elan Iba BbUoBtn BBd PiBoTaaadi SeltUrsikraaibogliha EXJUXRiT OPERA .HOUSE,— g HAXX*' •nrlnnlad. Wurbali BMlitukik^jn bIou/ YSm! ' imported Dooa. ODD I iliiiata l i-lo AfMlk Addnaa AHniQAH^URnUQ Olioloe TWBNTT nmD AND CBBSTRUT ITS. LDATBNWOBIS, lANBAS. Fobloa BBd BoUara bteta AOIOIB CO.. a«Hn, MtM.. Of SL Laola, Va. PABDIAN will b 'if'SfJSS.tiSum , TO UOIOBBBS, kUNSTRBL OON0EBT_ rfBE HOXA" torn, wblitsn a 'biobmM^T^ I — -I I _ BadalloUierlreadaforiala. Pitddaal-DoB, JOSBPB T. J. anoabtbo la sifw aa TBOMAS. > iKflOIBBBTBOOPBl tbo.aaalbeat baa iBSOteiLla "*»"'^ -L iLammbtt. TkokkonboaaU/bl Bait la torml bplbaaliblerwaakaMw Ffcp-d«,.8.-b,5gU g^?^nsg'**l dTrboiubs,DlRBbl. JTJ8T FUBLianED. .fl«S.Si.-S?J»^ "iispr'»" , .taaubUlainai WSI tool OOperMaA aidUllud BP wllk Blllbo "Mrbaid MauUw Baud. Tkanaa A. Boon, OW., 0, 1.1>(n«A)IB.boilL87>.gi.L. l>Bl«AlfB. J!!"' 2- , Jaba BMorD uilUiB WUtula. wbltb, ror lacalllp. Bad lolarlor aniAS*: boi tm, Bi. LoanLttdaHo. PbUob, Jatoaa kC ~^— Hon. OaapbolL Lalkar Dock aad B. E. arpawed bpaarbBlldlaijla.lbdaarbBlldlaiJIa.lbd eoBBlrpeoaBlrp, Jndm and Jiu7''^«<^iSl mkBkQi aw " iBamb. WM. BlBiSn, Maaaiar. iBfbar'kaneikadooBildaiabTmblo «iptnDtaMln tbovbaaumap" THE MODERN POCKET HOYLE, aAUB FOWLS FOB SALE. MONBiBWSST B0V8I0N i lall^MlaubdlaaaTl itMH la tbattap«ofpnaiUd'>f> ABaablotlwDpeBreldaoakaaad BOBB,ariba ekebaallB. BBaOlilbdBlala^aM^a TDIB MioHITioiin BnUOTDBB OooblBlBd all ika Qtbaa of SkU tad dbaaea Trial ai lBB. Lord Obi, pcoWAadrartlalBl, tu< rolk£^lBimuuoaf iUraaa krpllpaif'ib'lkb orai p au ' bueoatlkoOoBpaap . TBUB. BOBOObTa " ebBBliytiiko(rBa(all(««.belu P.M. TooslaBdbaliw •s.aolhorllp.osalldBvBUd :ifaisi»^aH^^raa.r^ upaBdbbBl3ai«auli ',nHE SHAIKJW PANTOMDLEl roBrliB^SniSu/^ALoiiE, wasi5r:HEESv_ polalA Ip"TB0MP8." Tbli nlaabla bubbI taaUeiltlaa, y«tara«MO la k BUdOM I'tnlomlmo, DUlOfM rtfuni witbudt thh oboondi BrlbaDQ8blyrtrUkd,'rr«B,ISBbcol •mrtbloi eonpIMB lOfn fOKUMC'lnX ksd JalM^aiuABill^aad U « MlbUldn TUUn fiTniM- Ooorir okau 809 Doepla,ipb. DiapDrop OlOorlBlB an BBdjIo/Btannlpkdf 1 laUalea Ut bwt aad eempMa diiuloBa Br oae S500. ' MM. Ban Ti(4uJTBOMAS VATBS, pkplai baa. .,, S^JSiJScMjHftJ"M WIUi be THROm^O^BlfjlOD BEAtlNO l abwlowa. Twet BABIIIrtBigBJ •lilfrrrirk. Aimia 4i.lt* f ~™^|ll I ' wuud «ni7«km UFafUaiMbBdadla, dnd BBd eleriB dlfferaQl .QBiBCt; .ooBpilalBS Oaid O^b^ iX -1. ' . . ' ,"™lVH?&ro!^'»Ba THBsS^mAiElu'; J TL Fiaubbr. ' q watoy, ObBd^ ObMkin, DoBlaeei, BaakpaBaD, F ' iMilBnulaMMbljIi. .TBB DUBINO A AOTBESS, Bo|Br1 Tkln, Onlatio Oo , R r; POOEBt BOTLB," t ItafkBUuaanmwU be UO.bp.n Tbalana BoMi. u prBiwiBdio Uaal wllb iTATOItli. iriiliMW pw>k Buio'Mdi Baoi'nuoi^lA M. Ike- OOID Aek--bl.f.w.,«-.^^ maalRoomaikoDiaaiaiRiawulba lo palp Pnakat Bopio eoslalolai all OtBM ebariaor as , ^ANAOEBS afVlRI ai pltped aapmoend , b lUiJuilH; I oaunr. option, eiffaa, Ac, wUl.bt oarrod Is asaaopUoa rordioriwelra ABBBrtea at IbopraaiBl dap. TlataT, oearte •, Ooaalf, BnrToi »kla BIpla. Paper aaren, prut^ Heab. A Bib I beta ap|k^ wUek wtO dUaaalaa.alapal IBB OHUD «F YalTStfNaad Tb^anM'l 076rDT," wfib £r|BB. ofttb(ttbpaai'tnla ' loaa B«»d IB baaid^ . TUB PIRATES OF RATANBB, tbib back, ptoe, etab. usUaoeaaaUpoaktBA . , , TBB n OAFhcftakI .1 OB TBB nirui balu .ArnpU aaallai Ibr ran Fl« Tbaoaad RpKWon bb.imUad loialBerw4lbabealorolb«til«eaLbeledlaslbo Baaad la tielk, sBl alda aad btak, JDLBd DHOODBNIN YOTUBBIN, di5i» ifld. BaoOKjl^ junind bo ' pika, tl 81 rw 1^n u tmH wflm. IB aBpallbaaliB fbna, opoB IBO ridaa or Uio illduf. TBREB PAST MBlir NcMNaaaaaaliBel, PlTobDBdlBdleuornawlU, V Tbe aboiB beak b larttleBr :. IMprbs. m BTAaaadPOLLBTSt BoHI,B«imwritMd. BdeallwtlhaaaoHlDslonauw. ABbutlaaaaoofliBaBlBtaeaaU Baadall trdanta AaeiltuiarBBllubilnlaainrrUUd B^Sffi PBOPSeSIONAL SEATBB8 BlllllillTla T. BOLD-a ond Oloa Danotna OOrg-l'JLNJtlNTAIi T¥AT.T.^ DCOBX^ES^ SEIRENADBRS _ . AND BRABS BAND. A I. BiaatbatBfV ot tbo baa)& No. 10 Bai KOBE AlOnaapalaLoppariu Baal IMA lUBtblo lal .Ibrfiali, Oimrta, alTTAR PBRPOBMBBB. CASTILIAK . . . noriM .A-.U* 01 tri will Had Ibni Bh«nlirtog^is,Aa II b Ibo ot|> lalubte DbuIb Saplie!-i""*^ tmn vin or bi OIYEB BLOOM TO 0HBBE8 AND UPS. v^..,.^. . Ota TROOPE OF ASnSTB, giwt,Biialo or Dudar wlikfaU oipUooUou, whiob aadlatariBaadadbpapopB'-" . Will BOI wiab or rwb eff| daSea dalanlpBi b baralaaa aad DDd« Ibe taporrlileBiporrUOB ar_. M ^, - Ore«Bpo(ai,'lf. ThtBeakltnrlianarittTiTlBiMTaUdlbroBibiba "^•^"-""'-•^Aa'ffSSSC^ "wtlmengtoiv, _ .... u ^ SUUa,iad bar. •vaxuLTxm, dol. ^ibaaalonMlB Hfna B in la N«wToit-abo barleifiaiad *" will iddnia, 1 MaAwlfbrlbanalbd IMiM tad OoMlaau pUua lUUai Imm) abn „TO M AN AOSRS_Mn. AN1> Bampa wllb Ibdr dltUBsalabad Bead or PMoran BaeUai 1 i Bbl* "^ffiSl ' n r,a-adotaiBto.o.D. J. B. BOBBBTBTnafHItB, MBS.^^0^0NirAa]l.araMw^[iq4R. 0. 0. BONIPAOB tia BOW piapand U|a(oUau,brloBtla aanUaf wban wllb aaprndeafad aaeoeaa, dloa - -_"THAT OAHT bB Ibb a aoflUMBl" laaiaal ,SHf »oau»r. Ibr Ua IBlara appiobaUOB o( iht pdtlu. * £i ..B8« BI A A DAT FOR ALL-BTraiOII. TOOL. BAinplH gXy/ma. AddrBBA.J. FUU,AM,BpriBl8ald,TI. StJt* ' EQVZSmUANS AND G»TM^ NOnOE TO KANAQBRS. ' grJaunaUa^'Bey.'. M_» S XiJnCVaiMianlcluaatUMa, wiaM Mr UM laausfoi I {({^'jj^t aEND^oBir; BOITB, «D niililailOD ant, Obltaio. JMirm Un J. C HI CJ\.G-0 ' wt nu B kitne aad a Naw Beak aTDInM anlftwa S>mBp«adeddreaalbtl^araalL WkLFDEBrdiooi, TSB^OFStL^.BFB«flI"S»StSr' ' . .BEAl)XlA"UX-i OF RJiU'LIUUOAN LoahTlUa, Bp. asdl . , .. SdSOtaalilraa,»«wTe?k. V DAM. JOB PIUNXlNa BONO FnuSUBO. COMPANTp tiLULfcjHnr YfWAT.T. Ed, WASHJROTON Now Is ISABT Sla Curia 1 Curia I ARDS, BTBEBT. BaU LIBERTT, BUoa Baal of HUakanb, i • ».Uk : USlealblfikitttSJI/'^ Ike PkBaarlnabOasliBl a. B| balldlai ItaSlaU 81 MlUdV a,o.ZHk"pKa«.• Aa aUBaUea of Sbowvn Bad efban blarllod loearhdlluo laUotlVaBBe-*- . ^ Waltfi R R. A. WABRBN, BSQ., mMtbrOilliAUnllk BvallF uluMladiHlk a aataUenI ^^dalaiallkladaor pnauas (teapUpaad^ll^aeiSbit^llSiX htbttBADD'S OBIEftTAli OBBAIf WFotlfloiriBSTaooiAi _. .].' LB, LENT, Nov York * ^ _ORHAQI0AL 'aAanu Sap* 'rJs^ssksisiST^^ Olrooa, Addr«M Jonil PBBORBBNT, JB., — bpb. TANBBBitOBflliair.aoaaelldtMSbowa. WllHaa _^,„. Bafe-d FartiiOTwSi"'*"*^uSCw BAkSHABPLBT.Bbl^^AaMSa'niulrala P. u., jillMblMOa..P«. • lU IT lIiL msia SBILBBS „,„ - -• INt FRfeB. kaplBliodaat. . E. EDO'S. B0fcB*8 ..'?"?*V»"BI ANBRIOAH AOIOB, dUBUtUB wfD ba ail h«a lo wv aj • TO OZROCS AND eXDS BtrlBfl added la bl- .-yADtunn smvyajh, SHOW oUMlBjiH-IbaUa . LdBTOIBNIln', BBW A1ID MOST. BSATIDNAL PLAT OF .0BIATS04 j^tgJ^OBBAt IaMM itiRTIN A SON, Maaanounra j^^^^^ IB ihoir pMofai kad dkrletm. of OliBU aid Sldl Ikaw TAB, Otanaak. Watball kiopea baadlbatoBlai aaaaoDTta iddlSoa . iiao'F.A.sair B'7inaikel u Iko Now Tomaiur Ull, how Tork. THB PBAHTOK OArrASI, . TSBTSTH DHA HTBIir.' IbrPrta Otaba -aUallM poned b^ addraaai - ""ft >F W. JAB.NABSlfAION,lUOowrinardala^^BajMBjHMa^ IBOBtsON A I SS.'Vlv* BBPEDBI jo^^raeo: '8741 ' ™, AlI^Pl»n«l* FbIh . lUEATBIOAL BOOT AND [OBMAnR, A HUHE THINOc P52S'*5?l HovtMliSi. BaWRRT, I, . . no N. uSTtloH. Work doaa la Iba bM or SrVLB tol aaat O.O.ft, I* aU ptoB AID • IbocoBBliy. - jV Kab aatBbt iftilaa.'lalMil.H.T. 1 TBXi. VARm r WANTBfrljiJaTHai TdaaolpllelofnrMplaul abaBbL,.

    • s^*roWBrKi». Credits

    Scanned from the microfilm collection of Q. David Bowers

    Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley

    Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight

    ( http://projectarclight.org}. a Digging into Data project sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS

    Coordination help from the Media History Digital

    Library ( http: //mediahistoryprojectorg}