The Daily Register

VOL. 98 NO.243 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1976 15 CENTS Middletown parade kindles spirit of '76 BBayr HILDtill IWVs MeCORMICL4 -S*n n w • *-\*9K haritanheritagae uinwaes representeranraconTaHd in floatflnatcs createuraulnHd bhyn it41sc mowi n people. MIDDLETOWN - The spirit of 76 invaded Midletown Historic Naveslnk was represented on a float carrying In full force yesterday as an estimated 25,000 persons said Indian tepees and a washboard band made up of happy Happy Birthday America during the township's Bicenten- "colonial" musicians. The Kiwanis Club created a Liberty nial parade. Bell one-quarter the scale of the original which stands in The Stars and Striples, floats depicting the Liberty Philadelphia. Bell, eagles, log cabins, veterans groups, boy and girl The oldest lighthouse in the United States, the Sandy scouts, fire engines, fife and drum corps, Indians, drum Hook lighthouse was not forgotten, but represented on an- and bugle corps, and colonial-costumed marchers other float. abounded in the 4^-hour parade. A popular theme for floats appeared lo be reen- There were 174 units comprised of 7,000 marchers who actments of Gen. George Washington crossing the Dela- joined forces for this huge birthday party for America. ware Rivet. There were laughs-as the Old Village "Fireflies''' Middletown Cub Scout Pack and Troop 144 decided on pranced along Rt. 35 dressed In old-fashioned sleepwear a different theme. They created a mobile "Ellis Island" (complete with pillows for stuffing) and sporting gossamer surrounded by youngsters dressed in native costumes rep- "firefly" wings. resenting the nationalities of the world. And there were moments of solemn patriotism as nu- The part that the American woman played In the na- merous bands paused before the grandstand to deliver tion's heritage was not forgotten. The Village Woman's some of the nation's best-loved and patriotic music. Club of Middletown chose to represent different periods of Leading the parade was Middletown's red, white and American history by dressing In period costume. Repre- blue striped patrol car with,, appropriately, its red, white sented, among others, were Penelope Stout, Dolly Madison, and blue lights flashing. Amelia Ehrhart, Clara Barton and The Liberated Woman. With the playing of the National Anthem by the Mid- A good representation of America was an animated dletown Township High School Marching Band, the parade float, "The Eagle has Landed" by American Lumber Build- • •flittr *Mtt br DM Urn began in full force. ing and Supply Co. of Atlantic Highlands. AMERICAN WOMEN SALUTED - Members of worn by the nation's most famous women were There was hardly one township organization that was And among the more unusual presentations was a Bi- the village Woman's Club of Middletown, among the 7,000 marchers in Middletown's BI- not represented in the parade, and the township's own See 7,tM, page I dressed in costumes representative of those centennial Parade. Views of sail spectacle limited "By early afternoon, anyone with a By LINDA ELLIS the size of the audience here tonight," Mr. ships either from land or by sea Robinson said, "the idea has been mentioned It won't be easv, Mr. Robinson cautioned spectator craft of any kind, and for no fee, that OpSail '76 could become a nautical Wood- "I've been asked so many times, 'How can may enter the anchorage area. But I hardly SHREWSBURY - More than 400 persons need to tell you," Mr. Robinson said, "that were on board at the eastern branch of the stock. There's certainly potential for It. I see It?'," the former Newark Evening News sports writer said. "My first response is to traffic both ashore and afloat will be ex- Monmouth County Library last night as Hum "The Bicentennial OpSail is the brainchild tremely heavy." son yachtsman William W. Robinson gave a turn on your television set. The coverage will of a New York businessman," the editor said. beflne. preview of Operation Sail (OpSail 76). "But there have been many OpSails in the A view from the land will be a problem ( Mr. Robinson, editor of Yachting maga- past on a smaller scale. Every two years in "Now, there are other ways, of course, July ], he stressed, citing potential sites and Wjnd an official in OpSail 76's operation, Europe the sail training vessels run their tall but they're all wrapped in traffic problems. giving the disadvantages Mailed actitivites and access for the weekend ships for naval cadet training. The night of July 2, the ships will start down the Jersey coast. By first light July 3, they tf July 4. He then showed slides and a movie de- "In 1964, there was an OpSail from Ber- "On July 4, however, there will be good van- leting previous OpSail epics. will begin to anchor In Sandy Hook Bay. Four muda to New York and you'll see a movie on of the 16 tall ships need more water than the tage points along the Hudson, at Jersey City that. In 1(74 I was part of one from Denmark bay provides, but the other 12, and the 150 oth- and the Palisades The ships will pass under This year's the big one, he said, as not to Poland. the Verrezano Bridge at 11 a.m." only wUI 16 tall ships and 150 smaller sailing er sailing ships will be anchoring between 7 ships from all over the world be on view, but OpSail 76 Is, according to a brochure, a a.m. and noon between the Naval Weapons Mr. Robinson showed his own slides, many the U.S. Navy will host 60 modem naval ves- Joint non-profit effort of private yachtsmen, Depot pier and Sandy Hook of them breathtakingly beautiful, of the 1974 lels from JO participating countries. armed forces reservists and maritime in-^ European OpSail. The program also included dustry officials. They joined forces with the "Gov Byrne will lead the official New a commercial film of the Bermuda to New SAILS TALK - Rumson yachtsman William W. A tall ship, the Rumson blue water en- thusiast said after-the program, is sailing jar- American and British sail training Jersey review by ship, which will be in late York OpSail In 1164. Robinson, editor of Yachting magazine and an Op associations to assemble the fleet of vessels morning July 3. Anyone who has access to a gon for the largest-sized class of sailing ships. Soil 76 official, told on overflow audience of more that will sail into New York harbor July 4. vessel IB feet or larger and capability of five The largest of the three-masted fully-rigged When the audience expressed delight at than 400 at the eastern branch of the Monmouth knots under power may purchase OpSail flags the 1964 welcome display in New York harbor, beauties that will participate in OpSail '76 is County Library last night that access to a view of for $25 which allows them to be part of that of- Mr. Robinson told them that the beauty of the the U8-foot Libertad from Argentina. But before Manhattan tower viewers get the International sailing vessels will be difficult ' their share of the spectacle, Monmouth Coun- ficial review and have a great view of the pageant on the Bicentennial weekend will give during the July 4 weekend, but not Impossible. "From crowd estimates, and just a look at ty will have an entire day, July J, to view the them memories to last a lifetime. Voters set for another try in bitter Keansburg runoff By BOB BKAMLKY candidates seeking office and newcomer Walter F. Far- and no performance. The re- polled a majority of the votes ley on the "Economy In Gov- sult, her slate claims, is KEANSBURG - An ex- cast. ernment" slate. sharply Increased taxes and tended and often bitter cam- Under the Faulkner Act As many innuendoes as is- substantial municipal bonding paign for three four-year prqvlsions, the six highest sues have characterized the without commensurate ben- seats on the five-member vote-getters will vie in the campaign. efits to borough residents. Borough Council will end with runoff balloting tomorrow. The incumbents claim to tomorrow's runoff election. They are Incumbent Coun- The incumbents reply that have "turned the borough the Increased taxes stem The lane of the borough's cilmen Thomas E. Kinlin, around" and started it on an mainly frotrt a budget short- first election under the Coun- Walter M. Roeseman and upward path to fiscal respon- fall inherited from the Lloyd Ronald N. Hayes, comprising cil-Manager Plan B (Faulkner sibility, a respectable image administration two years ago Act) government set up two the "People's Choice" slate, and ultimate prosperity. which resulted in (300,000 In years ago was to have been and former Mayor Eileen M. The opposition, led by Mrs. emergency appropriations decided May 11, but in that Lloyd, former Borough Man- that added some 70 cents to Robert E. NcLead Richard W. Bcrgea Jr. Jack Aadersoa William A. Ralph balloting none of the eight ager Francis V. Cappadona Lloyd, denies that any signifi- cant progress has been made the 1975 tax rate. Without the in the past two years, alleging appropriations, the in- the incumbents are all talk Set a bitter, page 2 The inside story Officials to shun sail fete By ED KANAKKOWSKI and women were mercilessly club officials of the council's event... concluded that the decision, he said that he will only fair approach was to TIIK V. IXTIIIK tortured aboard the Esme- Shrewsbury girl KEYPORT - Borough ralda following the military send a formal "letter of regr- draw lots at random in order Maslly cltidy with tkaBce ol • !•••• Council will boycott a ban- coup of September 1973, et" to the club this week. to determine which (yacht) denhower today. Partly clo«dy loalgat. Sunny quet that will fete the crew of which overthrew Marxist A spokesman for the yacht clubs would host which ship. ud warmer tomorrow. Complete report •« is lulled in crash the Chilean naval training President Salvador Allende." club has confirmed that the The Keyport Yacht Club has ship "Esmeralda" here on He went on to quote from banquet for the 30 Chiliean drawn the Chilean guests." lice Capt. and Mrs. Jack Gay- RUMSON - Terrence Gay- July). an Organization of American naval officers and cadets will Mr. Pedersen confirmed nor, 17, of W Lenox Ave., re- nor, here. The decision came in .the States (OAS) report and indi- go on in spite of the council's that representatives of the Mets wla pair; YaiksfaU; PhUslose two..... U mained In critical condition Funeral services for Miss wake of a nationally syndi- vidual statements of prison- decision to stay clear of the Chilean consul met with Itauaa oitUsU Solomoa la Freach teaals li today at Riverview Hospital, See girt, page > cated column published ers, which he says confirm festivities. yacht club officials Saturday Ually taeme voiced at Irish Folk Festival H Red Bank, with injuries suf- Thursday by Washington col- that "the Esmeralda was a "We have no ax to grind," "to finalize plans for the vis- Historical Society torn Red Baak homes 13 fered In an accident early umnist Jack Anderson in torture ship" declared Ivan Pedersen, It." Saturday in which a passen- Bridge Advice ....JJ DAILY REGISTER which he charged that Mayor William A. Ralph yacht club vice commodore. The vice commodore admit- ger in his car was killed. ClaarifM IUI PHONE NUMBERS "Chile's military dictatorship told The Dally Register yes- He added that the club ted that the Anderson column The passenger, Miss Bar- Comkt.. » I** Wlee MM* is sending a torture ship (the terday: "I have canvassed "long ago agreed to partici- came up briefly as a side note bara E. Curtis, 18, of 84 Park CoalCBMrary Life Ml Toll Free 171-NM "Esmeralda") to participate the council and the consensus pate in the Operation Sail at the coordination session Ave., Shrewsbury, was pro- Crossword Pinie » TW Free mil* in the U.S. Bicentennial." is it would not be right for us project. This decision was and that the Chileans "were nounced dead at Riverview Editorial! < Claulfled Dept M2 I7H The Keyport Yacht Club — as elected officials of a made because it truly is an somewhat disturbed about Hospital. Ealertammeat, TV H Clrcilatioa Dept M2-4HS will host the crew of the con- democratic government — to appropriate role for a yacht It." S Sports Dept MM6M Miss Curtis was scheduled troversial vessel, one of the go to that banquet."' club to assume in our nation's The yacht club spokesman ..n MhMletowa Bireai I71-22S* to graduate Thursday from 226 ships from 35 nations that "We honestly had looked Bicentennial celebration." added that the club "views its Make A Dale M Freehold Bireai 4O-III1 Red Bank Regional High will take part in Operation forward to going," he added. , Mr. Pedersen went on to ex- role as entirely nonpolitlcal. OWtmarles * Loag Brnca Bireai .1214111 School. Mr. Gaynor was to Sail, on July 4 at Us head- "However, it bolls down to a plain that the yacht club en- We expect to set a gracious Sports IH7 StalehMie Bireai 66*-»I-n» graduate Thursday from quarters on Front St. noatter of principle and pro- ded up as host for the "Esme- example as to what traditio- Rumson-Fair Haven Regional In his column, which ap- priety. There are times when ralda" as the result of "pick- nally generous and open DdectaUe Shrimp, Fi Clam Hit High School. peared in The Daily Register, you have to really stand up Ing names out of a hat, so to American hospitality is all Sumptuous Quiche and Daily double special tonight. Details of the accident are Mr. Anderson reported: for what you believe in." speak." , about." Crepes. Every Tues. fashion Foot of Atlantic St., High- sketchy because police havo "Hundreds of Chilean men Although the mayor noted "The New Jersey com- William C. Friedrich of 100 show at Fromigerie. 842-MH. lands. 872-0809. been unable to question Mr. that he has already told yacht mittee for this See Keyport, page J SvpriseDad ••del Holiday In Gaynor He is the son of Po- Gradutes With a Super-Dad Ad on June Package plans for luncheons, ScattkT.V. Enjoy dinner at ihgiOlde Tlatoa Falls Zoalag Board Sickles Farm OMcUliM Mtfc. 8w Classified for more meeting rooms, weddings and Repaired in your home. Itec, Union House. For reserva- Slmoff application, 7:45 p.m. Full line of fruits and vege- Luncheon-Fashion Show. Maili or call M2-17M Bar Mitmhs. 5421474. Urhara B. Cirtts tions, 842-7575. June 15. Boro Hall. tables. Plants. 741-9563. Tues. SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY. JUNE 14. 1976

• •fill* pMto kr <>•« UMI A WINNING FLOAT - The city of Asbury Park Gen. George Washington's historic crossing of the MUMMERS IN TOWN - Mummers from Phila- Parade yesterday. The string band was one of 174 walked off with a second prize in the floats division Delaware River, a popular theme for parade delphia participated in Middletown's Bicentennial marching units that took port In program. in yesterday's Bicentennial Parade In Mlddletown. floats, won the prize for Asbury Park. 7,000 march in big Middletown Bicentennial parade (Continued) day to America," and thanked all participants, spectators Robert Jacobs of Philadelphia, Pa. Troop 136. Schools which Won first place were; Middletown Vil- centennial cement mixer, the usual machine, dressed up in and the Bicentennial Commission. The first place winner in the float division was the lage Elementary School, for a float; Atlantic' Highlands red, white and blue, and Stars and Stripes, in full oper- Mrs. Catherine M. Lentz, commission chairman, said, Wanamassa Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary. Members of Elementary School, marching band, and Henry Hudson Re- ation. > "of the parade," I was thrilled, delighted, and very proud. the auxiliary created a float depicting a Revolutionary War Scene. gional School Band. The entire parade them, however, was condensed in a "It went off exactly as planned, and William (Tex) Zo- Port Monmouth First Aid Squad was Judged the best large, Bicentennial display, "Pull Together," by the Mld- oer, parade chairman, did a tremendous job. We were sup- The City of Asbury Park walked away with.the second- among first aid units, while the East Keansburg Fire Com- dletown Lions Club. ported completely and fully by the Township Committee, place trophy for "The Night Before Christmas," a reen- members of Parks and Recreation Department, and the actment of George Washington crossing the Delaware Riv- pany won first place for fire companies, and the Belford Traffic congestion was reported near some of the de- police Department," Mrs. Lentz continued. "The coopera- er. Fire Company Auxiliary capped first place for company tour routes set up by the police department for the parade tion In the township was just beautiful. All of us pulled to- auxiliaries Another first place award was presented to route from Cherry Tree Farm Road along Hi 35 to Chapel 1 (jcther. It was just wonderful. It was really a combined ef- Third place was awarded to Naveslnk Auxiliary for VFW Post 2179 color guard. Kill Road. fort." their float depicting a scene of early Middletown, including Grand marshals were State Sen. Eugene J. Bedell, D- Approximately 150 policemen, Including police reserve Kenneth P. Walsh, Municipal Court Judge, served as Indians and people in colonial dress. Monmouth; Assemblymen William F. Flynn and Richard units, special police, explorer scouts and patromen kept master of ceremonies for the event. William Kane directed Other divisions, and the first place winners were: Van Wagner, both I>-Monmouth; Freeholders Ernest G. traffic running smoothly directing ntotorists to alternate marching units down the highway from the starting point ladles auxiliaries, VFW Post 2179; service clubs, Port Mon- Kavalek and Thomas J. Lynch Jr., and Matthew GUI, for- routes. at Harmony Road to the grandstand at Township Hall. The mouth Democratic Club; drill team, American Legion Post mer member of the Bicentennial Commission. No incidents were reported by police during the nearly parade ended at the high school on Tindall Road. 338 Rifletees; junior military, Civil Air Patrol; junior Girl Bicentennial Commission members are Charles Walk- six hours that traffic was rerouted from Rt. 15. Judging was done by three members of the National Scouts, Troop 434; Girl Scouts, Troop 22; Cub Scouts,'Pack er, vice chairman; William LeKernec, treasurer, and An- In brief remarks to the spectators, Mayor Allan J. Mac- Judges Association. Called in for this event were John Col- 122; Brownies, Troop 599, and two first place winners in thony IVtro, Vincent Boyle and John Lentz all Middletown, Donald wished, on behalf of the township, a "Happy Birth- luni of Hazlet, William Wildemore of Hatfield, Pa., and Explorer Scouts, Middletown Police Explorer Scouts, and and David Becker of Keyport. TION A bitter campaign closes in Keansburg (Continued) By He AiMClaled Press cumbents say, the borough would have been bankrupt be- Reporter dies of bomb injuries fore the end of 1974. PHOENIX, Arix. - The gangland-style bomb killing of in- Mrs. Lloyd's group also hai vestigative reporter Don Bolles involved a conspiracy tainted made much of some $4,000 with possible land fraud in Arizona, police say. spent by the incumbents to Holies, 47, died yesterday, losing an 11-day battle for his send borough officials to the life. Both legs and one arm had been amputated as a result of League of Municipalities con- the bombing of his car at a midtown hotel June 2. vention in Atlantic City last The Arizona Republic reporter had gone to the hotel to year. They describe the ex- meet a man who claimed to have information about a land penditure as an unnecessary fraud story on which he was working. frill, a spree on the part of About two hours after his death, police arrested, John the officials for which the tax- Adamson, 32, a greyhound dog owner and former tow truck payers laid out hard-earned operator, at a cocktail louge. Adamson was charged with dollars murder and was held without bond in the Maricopa County The incumbents claim that Jail, contacts and education re- Police (apt Dan Lozier said yesterday there was evi- ceived at the convention have dence of a conspiracy to murder Bolles and "the land fraud already resulted in thousands aspect has definitely come into the investigation." of dollars in grants which would otherwise never have TkMMl E. Klili. Walter M. Rtesemaa RMild N. Hayei Efleea H. l.l.yd Krawls V. C.pp.d..» Senate seeks to extend tax cut been received by the borough. WASHINGTON - With federal income tax cuts due to ex- are paid substantially more. fident of victory the second 500 votes each Mr. Motlchka erwise. With about 500 new getter last month. Mrs. Lloyd's slate has hit They mantain that his con- pire July 1, the Senate begins voting this week on a massive time around. has endorsed the "Economy hard at Eugene J. Bedell, the nections in Trenton are a voters registered by intensive tax bill that would extend the cuts. borough manager, alleging in Government" ticket; Mr Under the Faulkner Act blessing for the borough, not a The Economy in Govern- Acconzo has said he favors canvassing in the weeks since there can be no deadlock. The The bill also would limit some of the tax-advoidance that he cannot devote his full hindrance to his functioning. schemes available to the wealthy, and create some tax breaks energies to the borough and ment candidates expect the neither side. May 11 and the expectation three candidates polling the support of those voters who while eliminating others. I still remain a state senator. that voter turnout will be greatest number of votes will Both sides, busy registering supported the two indepen- larger than in the initial elec- take office, and any ties —, The bill consists of up to 1,700 pages and requires a The incumbents reply The Economy slate is con- additional voters since the dent candidates, Michael Mo- fident this support will be tion when 2,825 ballots were Mr. Roeseman and Mr. Hayes 500-page report to explain Buecause of this size, there is that Mr Bedell is a bargain at May 11 election and making tichka and Patsy J. Acconzo enough to swing the election cast, they predict they will polled 1,1(8 votes each on growing doubt that Congress cap complete action before July his salary of $11,800 and that sure those registered will turn Jr., in the first race. The in- in its favor. overcome the threat posed by Hay 11 - will be decided by I. / other municipal managers out to cast ballots, are con- dependents drew more than the toss of a coin. But there is virtually no chance that the lawmakers will The incumbents figure oth- Mrs. Lloyd, second high vote- allow taxes to go up on that date. Either the tax cut portion of the bill will be split off and considered separately or the tax- cut extension will be made retroactive to July. 1, no matter Houses to be razed PHIL RIZZUTO ANNOUNCES TO N.J. HOMEOWNERS when it is passed. If the antirecession tax cuts enacted last year are allowed to expire, it would mean a $245 tax Increase for a (amily of as a health hazard four earning $6,000 a year, a $204 hike for a couple earning MARLBORO - The owners is used by some people "for $10,000; a $151 increase for a single person earning $10,000. of three uninhabited houses things I'd rather not men- and $180 for a typical four-member family earning $15,000. on School Road East wUI be tion." informed that they must be He said complaints have Carter appears in NYC today torn down by July 8 or the been made to the township 's efforts to wrap up the Democratic presi- township will demolish the for some time, but that noth- dential nomination moved to New York City today where he houses. ing has been done. was to appear on a platform with Rep. Morris K. Udall and Lawrence S. Grossman, ."The house is a disgrace to California Guv. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Brown is the only con council president, took the ac- the township," he said. tender still in the path of the Carter express. tion after four residents of Mrs. Mary T. Denton, town- .THE MONEY STORE On the Republican side, President Ford scheduled a meet- School Road East complained ship business administrator, ing in Washington with civil rights critics of his stand on about a building called the said the township is "going "Luxemburg House." school busing. through legal channels to Rival planned a delegate foray in Iowa Harry V. Holmes said the handle the matter." next weekend after 18 of II GOP convention delegates at a house is a health hazard and She said the owner of the state party convention in neighboring Missouri declared them- "Luxemburg house" is In a MIDDLETOWN &^f selves for Reagan on Saturday. nursing home, and that the Health talk township health officer has is- Democrats draft party platform sued a health violation to WASHINGTON - The programs the Democratic party is at Brookdale those handling her affairs. proposing on welfare, national health insurance and education Councilman John F. Crodd- can be financed without additional cost to the taxpayer if the LINCROFT - The chang- k* said he was informed that nation returns to full employment, party officials say. ing roles of nurses and other the family of the owner de- The party is making full employment the central issue In professionals in health tech- cided not to tear down the the campaign platform that its 153 member platform com- nology will be discussed by house because it would cost mittee was taking up today. A 15-member subcommittee com- Dr. Frank Husted, dean of al- too much money. pleted work on a proposed draft yesterday. lied health at Temple Univer- sity, Philadelphia, at a lunch- eon at Brookdale Community The Daily Register College tomorrow. it's easy it's fast it's confidential Dr. Husted will address ad- PuMIUM ty TM R«l B«* togOler E MODERN tMd In IIII bv J«n H Coot onO Htwy Cloy ministrators and other key call today (201) MalnOfilct personnel of Monmouth and MONEY STORE* ACCEPTANCE CORP. On* RMltltf Plow. Uufwtfiwry. N.J. WHILE B Ocean County hospitals and 1021 STATE HIGHWAY 35, Middletown, New Jersey 07748 MHboniai ! Ht m. B, mmufm*. N.J sum health agendes. YOU S Qwitlwnwi: At no oMsttlon, ptoau Ml RM mtCM CIkW FrWioM H WAITS II you can approve a kan torn* In th» amount o»$ The guests will be represen- SiSS tative* of institutions where Nam§ IMMa^v^^tt^ffttzsz?*** Brookdale students study the GRANT Mdnu J 07»l oodot Mlddlflown, clinical phases of the county 671-5600 wp City Frltfor Moll iwburtptloni college's nursing, medical PRINTERS f ONE VISIT TO OFFICE NEAREST YOU laboratory technology and mMMOUTHIT. I AFTER YOUR tOAN IS APPROVED! No OIY«ininHom. -.-_HonnPhon*. »MontM BwtTimtToCal ' U.» "* IH> respiratory therapy pro- SECONDARY MORTGAGE LOANS MorntnQj—Afternoon EvtninQ Mwr o» <:•»"•' n c«ih o «•« 741-9300 | S«i*«c«»y»tc»ti>»tirlSCmli • grams. SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY. JUNE u. 1976 The DkatfyRegMer 3 State frowns on Little Silver school plan By JULIE MCDONNELL He said the school board could be found in contempt of be a moot point." The senator, a staunch foe of a state income tax, has de- UTTLE SILVER — They may not have to stay alter court (or defying the injunction, but also said that no one Opinion on the issue was divided among board mem- nounced the Supreme Court's action, calling it an invasion school, but members of the Board of Education are not like- knows (or sure where the responsibility for enforcing the bers, with Mr. Jacobs, Robert Leheny. and George A. of the legislative prerogative. ly to get high marks for behavior from the state Commis- court's ruling will lie. McGowan favoring scheduling the session and Mrs. Marga- "The court is wrong now, and it's been wrong all sioner of Education. "We've discussed it, but we don't know whether enforce- ret Best, Mrs Marion Marotta, and Mrs. Florence Apy op- along," he said. "They're doing our job, and I resent it." "Holy cow," was the initial reaction of a staffer at state ment will rest with the court, with the state attorney gener- posing it. The school board needs "a lot of friends," Sen Beadles- education Commissioner Kred G. Burke's office upon learn- al, or somewhere else," he said. "But we don't believe it The action was defeated 4 to S on first vote, then ton said, "a lot of other school boards to have enough cour- ing that the board has decided to risk defiance of the state lies within our department." ^introduced and passed, again by a 4 to 3 vote age to do the same thing." Supreme Court by scheduling a summer school session. Mr Zach said that, to his knowledge, no other district in The switch vole was provided by board member Jeffrey The state Senate three weeks ago defeated an Assem- The Supreme Court ruled last month that, unless the the state has taken similar action. Herring, who said he was convinced there was no way the bly-passed graduate two to four per cent income tax and legislature comes up with a plan to fund the 1975 "thorough Ira Jacobs, school board president, said the decision work could be made up during the year property tax reduction package that would have raised $1.1 and efficient" aid to education law all funding of public was made to schedule the program because "there is no Mr. Jacobs said he has not discussed the board's deci- billion, and wrtild have funded the "T&E" law schools must come to a halt July I way to make up remedial work." sion with its attorney, Edward Stokes, who was absent from Democrat in the upper house were scheduled to meet But the school board has voted to begin a six-week re- "Normally we have T>^lh a remedial programn and an the meeting at which the action was taken today to dytuss several alternative plans, including a 1.35 medial summer program June 28, using surplus funds, and enrichment program in the summer," he said. "A majority per cenjjpvy on gross income, and another calling for a 15 has hired five teachers, at $800 apiece, to staff it. of the board felt that the enrichment program could be "If the legislature takes some action by July 1, then per celftlevy on gross income, which would raise between Joseph f. Zach, assistant commissioner of education for made up during the year, or that there were other alterna- there will be no problem," he said. "The major responsi- $450 million and $500 million. Both would be sufficient to disputes and controversies, said it is the position of Commis- tives. But we had to have this remedial program; there's no bllty of the board is the education of the children of Little fund the $378 million needed for "T 4E." sioner Burke and the department that the court's order way it could be made up." Silver." should be obeyed. He said approximately 70 youngsters are expected to be State Sen. Alfred N. BeadlesV>n. R-Monmouth, whose But any plan passed by the Senate would have to go "The state Supreme Court is a coequal branch of gov- enrolled in the remedial courses. district includes Little Silver, was not noticeably disturbed back to the Assembly for approval. And some leaders in the ernment, and as such its opinions and ocders are entitled to "1 don't think we're In violation ol the court order until by the board's action. lower house say either of those two income tax plans might respect and compliance," Mr. Zach said. "We expect all we actually spend the money," Mr Jacobs said. "Hopefully, "If 300 or 400 other school boards around the state did have difficulty in the Assembly, since they would provide school boards to honor the court order." • the legislature will take some action before July 1, so It will the same thing, it would solve the problem," he said less property tax relief than the Assembly's defeated plan

Keyport council to shun sail fete June is Busting (Continued) declared, "I don't think the supported — and is support- sians and other governments Mayor Ralph said that he West Front St. Is circulating a ship should be accepted in ing — all kinds of dictators at variance with ours are doesn't anticipate pressure petition that protests "the New York harbor. I certainly and governments that kill and sending ships to Operation from the state or federal gov- permitting of the torture ship don't see how Keyport can ac- torture people. I say the coun- Sail. Nobody's hassling them ernments to force him and of Chile's military dictator- cept the ship . . How can we cil shouldn't do anything to Why should we bother the the other members of the ALL ship "Esmeralda" in our wa- stand for things like 'free- interfere with the yacht club Chilieans?" governing body to reverse its ters and ... the entertain- dom' and yet condone a sym- beyond not attending the ban- boycott-the-banquet position. ment of the crew . .." bol of suppression right here quet." Noted Erik Pedersen, a lo- "I'd be very much sur- "It's the damnedest thing I in our own town?" Robert E. McLeod, Key- cal boat builder, "We're hos- prised If anyone would put port's Republican municipal ting Japanese and German himself in a position of inter- OVER ever heard ol," said Mr. Councilihan James R. Bir- Friedrlch, a former Demo- mingham, Mr. Bergen's run- chairman, blasted the govern- ships for Operation Sail. Hell, fering with the wishes of a lo- cratic municipal chairman ning mate and the only Demo- ing body for deciding to avoid I fought the Japanese for four cal governing body," he con- here. "I just don't want to see crat on the current council, the banquet. years, but I don't hold any- cluded. those guys wined and dined disagreed with Mr. Bergen. "It's a typical pontifical ap- thing against them. Every na- Meanwhile, Mr. Friedrich by us." "It's up to the yacht club as proach by a group of pre- tion - including Chile — has noted that an open demon- At Renssille&' 90th Anniversary! Richard W. Bergen Jr., a to what they want to do," he dominantly liberals to a prob- Its dark moments in his- stration against the Chilean Democratic candidate for said. lem that really doesn't even tory . . . We've had ours, ship — "possibly a picket line COME TO REUSSILLES' - DRAW A Borough Council this year, "This country of ours has exist," he said. "The Rus- too." down at the yacht club on First St." - isn't out of the "NEGOTIABLE NICKEL" question. from our "Negotiable Nickel Jar You may Win.... House sex scandal grows 1. A specially designed cocktail ring containing 90 SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - divorcee, refused to say how A. The men are very affect- points of Diamonds! Rep. AUan T. Howe, D-Utah, many congressmen or staff ed by this system, as much as 2. A specially designed cocktail ring containing 76 arrested by Salt Lake police members are Involved In the the women are. Some men points of Colored Stones! who said they caught him alleged homosexual activities. are oppressed sexually, and 3. A $20.00 Gift Certificate! propositioning two police She also refused to identify other men are are oppressed !!! TONITE !!! decoy prostitutes, denies them. In different ways. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS" wrongdoing and says it was a She said In an interview Q. What you are saying by TUIS.' "trap or set up." with The Associated Press inference just then was that "FRESH" Howe, through a spokesman she Is prepared to provide there are men forced into sex WBOS. in Utah, stressed yesterday federal Investigators with as well as women? "MAIN ST." he had not been charged in copies of tape recordings A. Some men, yes. HE NEW JOE SAINT BAN the Saturday night Incident documenting her allegation THURt-PRI-SAT Meanwhile, a source said RedB and asked the "good people of that Rep John Young, D-Tex, Elizabeth Ray, the 33-year-old THE SPICE OF LIFE" MBfMdSt. : At the dock 741-5M0 Utah to withhold judgment on pressured her and other wom- blonde who claims Congress- Great Sandwiches EUSSILLES^ the outward appearances and en on his staff into providing man Hays was paying her Served Mon. Ihru Frl. accord me, as they would also him with sex. $14,000 a year in government want, the constitutional pre- In addition to Young, other salary to be his mistress, is sumption of innocence." lawmakers enbroiled in accu- willing to take a lie detector sations Involving sex with test and give federal In- Rep. Allan T. Howe Speaking to reporters out- women include Sen. Mike vestigators her secret, hand- side his Arlington Va., home, hls own recognizance Just be- Gravel of Alaska, Rep. written diaries. «• Howe said, "I believe the fore midnight. Wayne Hays of and re- Rep. Wayne Hays has public has a right to have Its Eight police officers, In- tired Rep. Kenneth J. Gray of talked about everything but questions answered." cluding the decoys, were Illinois. All are Democrats. the circumstances that led Howe, 48, said he'was named on a police report as All deny knowledge of any him to take an overdose of "lured to the scene of the In- participating In the arrest. criminal wrongdoing on their sleeping pills, his personal cident under the false pre- The report quoted the con- parts. physician says. tenses of an invitation to a po- gressman as saying he usual- In Irer interview, Mrs. Dr. Richard Phillips said TheNgh litical gathering" after a ly paid $20 for sex acts. Gardner was asked: yesterday that the (5-year old Democratic county con- Meanwhile Colleen Gard- Q. Were the male staffers Democratic congressman is vention. He declined to give ner, who has accused a con- required to provide sex for "back to normal, doing fine" names or other details. gressman of paying her a their bosses in order to keep four days after being rushed The congressman led for high salary to provie him their jobs? to the hospital unconscious. Washington the morning after with sex, said today some A. Yes. It Is still unclear whether he was booked in the Salt men on Capitol staffs have In an earlier exchange with Hays attempted suicide or his interest book. Lake County Jail for in- told her their jobs required reporters, she was asked overdose was an accident. vestigation of a misdemeanor homosexual activities with whether men on congression- charge of soliciting a "sex act congressmen. al staffs are exploited as she tor hire." He was released on Mrs. Gardner, a 28-year-old says women are. Pair placed on probation for farm market larceny FREEHOLD - Superior ket last Aug. 8 and stole $400 Bank. But Judge Aikins sus- Court Judge Louis R. Aikins Henry Tosel, 20, of Ocean pended aU but 30 days of the suspended reformatory terms Ave., Sea Bright, received a jail term and placed her on tor two Freehold men who suspended reformatory sen- probation for two yean. had pleaded guilty to a larce- tence, was placed on proba- Ms. Crank had admitted she ny at Brock's Farm Market in tion for two years and fined participated in the forgery ol Colts Neck. $250 on a drug charge. He had a $242.40 Social Security Judge Aikins placed Harold pleaded guilty to distributing Check at the First Merchants Mathews, 20, of .Union Ave. phencyclidine to Danny De National Bank on Nov. 5, and Willie Muscbinchin, 21, of Rosa and Eric Freistat in 1«75. W. George St. on two years' Monmouth Beach on Aug. S, David Nelson Jr., 22. of probation and fined them ins. Parksley, Va., was fined $108 Terreace Gayaw each $250. Yvonne Crank, 2t, of River for possession of codeine and The two men had admitted Road, Red Bank, was given, a less than 25 grams of mari- they were part of a group 364-day sentence to the coun- juana in Little Silver on May Girl dies ty jail for forgery in Red 9, 1975 that broke into the farm mar- in Rumson Weather: Mostly cloudy (Continued) and heavy winds, rain and Mostly cloudy with chance "If there were people in Curtis are scheduled tomor- haU battered the state. of a thundershower today, those buildings, they may still row at noon at the Worden Authorities said no deaths high In upper 70s. Partly be buried," State Trooper Funeral Home, Red Bank. Dan Wicklund said. "We're were reported in Iowa but When your name is on a CJB savings book, you'll cloudy tonight, low in low to Police said Mr. Gaynor's afraid we'll be finding more that scores' of cattle were mid Us. Partly sunny and car was traveling south on geHhleresting reading with the highest interest fatalities." A spokesman for killed. Farm houses near Jo- warmer tomorrow, high In East River Road at 12:56 rates.the law allows us to pay Make your money the Lemont Police Depart- ran, Iowa, were demolished. low to mid 80s. Chance of a.m. Saturday when It grow with a regular savings account or investors ment said four persons were A winter-like snowstorm showers 40 per cent today, 20 crossed lanes and hit a tree in confirmed dead. was reported in northern passbook savings account at Central Jersey Bank per cent tonight and tomor- front of the borough hall. row. Wind mostly southerly 10 The eight-block area hit by Utah, where a foot of snow on and Trust Company Put your name on a CJB high to 20 miles per hour through the twister in Lemont, south- Monte Cristo Summit closed a Miss Curtis was born in Wil- interest book today. tonight. Ocean water tem- west of Chicago, was "com- highway near the Wyoming liamsport, Pa., and was a peratures are around 60. pletely leveled," police said. border. member of Trinity Episcopal TIDES Saady Haas Meanwhile, four persons About 75 homes were report- Church, Red Bank. were killed and 2] injured ed damaged. TODAY - High 9:34 p.m. when tornadoes ripped The National Weather Ser- and low 3:26 p.m. She Is survived by her par- through the Chicago suburb vice laid funnel clouds also TOMORROW - High 10:08 ents, Mr. and Mrs. William G. of Lemont last evening, flat- touched down In the Chicago a.m. and 10:24 p.m. and low Curtis; a brother, William tening an eight-block residen- suburbs of Willow Springs, 4:03 a.m. and 4: IS p.m. Curtis', two sisters, Misses CENTRAL JERSEY BANK tial area, police said. . Lockport, Justice, Thelamont, > For Red Bank and Rumson Victoria and Melissa Curtis, -A1VE3 TRUST COMFMNY Lombard, Downers Grove, bridge, add two hours; Sea Officials said they feared all it home; her maternal 29CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU/ MIDDLESEX• MONMOUTH• OCEAN UNION NapervUle, Hickory Hills and Bright, deduct 10 minutes; grandfather, John F. Neall the death toll would rise when Long Branch, deduct 15 min- cleanup crews are able to Palos Heights. and a paternal grandmother, In Iowa, 20 tornadoes were utes; Highlands bridge, add Mrs. Maude Curtis of Tea- March the remains of homes 40 minutes. la the path of the twister. reported during the weekend, neck. MEMBER FDIC > •• Hill Illllllllllllll I " >"••" " Mrs. Mary Brooks, John N. Spurdis The Datfy Regis** MONDAY. JUNE U. 1976 was retired teacher HOLMDEL - John N American Legion Post 14, Spurdis, (7, of 301 Crawfords Union City. He wai a World HIGHLANDS - Mrs Mary Comer Road died Thursday War II Army veteran. Obituaries D. Brooks, 83, a retired teach- Dr. R.H. Freedman, In the Veterans Adminis- He is survived by a ton, An- IHUIIIIIUIIIIIUIUIIIIUHIIIIIMIIIIIIIIUMIIIIMIIIIIIIMUIIHIIMIIMIIMMIIMIItlllHIIIIIIIIIIII er in the Highlands Elemen- tration Hospital. East Or- thony Spurdis of Union City; tary School, died yesterday in ange a daughter, Mrs. Josephine Monmouth Medical Center, Freehold cardiologist Sorrentino, with whom he Long Branch. Mr. Spurdis was born In Marlboro hospital death lived; a brother, Anthony FREEHOLD - Dr. Harold years was senior attending Greece and lived in Jersey She lived at 246 Navesink Skumpourdis of Corona, NY. H Freedman, 75, of (3 W physician and cardiologist at City until moving here five Subject of investigation Ave. and two sisters, Mrs. Maria Main St., a practicing physi- jersey Shore Medical Center, years ago. He was pre- Kardoulis and Mrs. Kitina cian here tor * years, died Neptune. He was also senior mouth County medical exam- Mrs. Brooks was born in deceased by his wife, Alvina, MARLBORO - In- who died in 1974. Mouhourtis, both of Astoria, Friday at home. member of the staff of Free- vestigation is continuing into iner, said yesterday an au- Farmingdale and was a life- Mr. Spurdis owned and op- NY Dr. Freedman was bom in hold Area Hospital, Freehold the death yesterday of Miss topsy performed indicated long resident here. She was a erated several diners and the The John F. Pfleger Funer- New York and lived here 70 Township. Sharon Pontius, 27, at Marl- "noting unusual," according member of the United Meth- Concord Cafeterias, New al Home, New Monmouth, is years. He was a graduate of In addition, Dr. Freedman boro Psychiatric Hospital. to Dr. Heribert G. Saexinger, odist Church, hree. York City, until his retire- in charge of arrangements. the University of Maryland was medical director of the A source said Miss Pontius hospital medical director. She is survived by a niece ment five years ago. He was Medical School, and was a John L. Montgomery Medical was found dead in her bed in Dr. Saexinger said micro and a nephew member of the American Home, Freehold Township, the hospital's surgical ward and toxological tests will be Posten's Funeral Home, At- (member of Local 22, Chefs, • Heart Association for 25 years For his work at at approximately 6 p.m. Sat- performed. The director de- lantic Highlands, is in charge Cooks and Service Employes Other deaths, page 5 Union, New York City, and He was one of the founders the home he was cited in 1971 urday. clined to comment further. of arrangements. and a past president of the by the Monmouth County Wel- Miss Pontius was admitted Monmoutn County Heart As- fare Board William Kereketl to the hospital June 3 for "un- sociation, and a member of the Surviving are his widow, sual behavior," the source American Medical Associ- Mrs. Marian Freedman; William Kerekesh, said. ation, the New Jersey Medic- three daughters, Miss Joan Dr. Stanley, Becker, Mon- al Society, and the Monmoulh Freedman, at home; Dr. Ann had Red Bank store (tHinly Medical Society. He F. Mizgerd of Potomac, Md., LITTLE SILVER - Wil- Walter F. Canley and Mrs. EUen F. Dingman of liam A. Kerekesh Sr., 74, of 15 was also a fellow of the MONMOUTH BEACH - American Geriatrics Society. Raleigh, N.C.; two sisters, Hanson Place, died Saturday at home. Walter F. Ganley, 60, of Park Dr. Freedman for many Mrs. Hannah Gansl of Tren- ton and Mrs. Eva Gilbert of Mr. Kerekesh was bom In Road, a retired painter, died Saturday. John B. Hamilton Toronto, Canada, and four Paterson, and lived in this grandchildren. area for 30 years. He was the. He was an area resident for LAURENCE HARBOR - The Freeman Funeral owner of the Sneaker Shop the last 25 years and was a John B. Hamilton Sr., 53, of in Red Bank. self-employed painter. 111 Norwood Ave. died Friday Home is in charge of ar- rangements He was predeceased by a He was an Army veteran of u> South Amboy General Hos- son, George W. Kerekesh. World War II and was a pital, South Amboy. FILM PROCESSING AT LOW PRICES - FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE Surviving are his widow, member of Veterans of For- "Mr Hamilton was bom in Kurt Ikrath, was Mrs. Edna Kerekesh; three eign Wars. Newark He lived here 25 ECOM physicist • other sons, William A. Kere- Mr. Ganley was a commu- years and was a civilian em- LONG BRANCH - Ser- kesh Jr. of Long Branch, J. nicant of the Star of the Sea ploye at Ft. Monmoulh [or 25 SCOPE vices were to be held today Robert Kerekesh of Rumson Roman Catholic Church, yeirj. SEA SKI Long Branch. & for Kurt Ikrath, 51, of 232 and Stephen Kerekesh of Fair He was an Air Force veter- Lockwood Ave, who died Haven; three daughters, Mrs. Surviving are his widow, MOUTHWASH an of World War II, and a Friday at Monmouth Me- Gordon Donald, here, Mrs. Mrs. Florence Ganley; a member of Eureka Lodge 339 dical Center. James Craig of Brick Town- daughter, Miss Florence Gan- DARK TANNING F&AM, Maplewood Mr. Ikrath was a physicist ship, and Mrs. Stephen Mercy ley of New York; a brother, Surviving are his widow, for the Army Electronics of Palos Verdes Estates, Ca- Robert Ganley of New York; Mr$ Jeanne K. Hamilton; a Command (ECOM) Ft. Mon- lif; grandchildren and one and a sister, Mrs. Irene Gal- LOTION OR OIL son. John B. Hamilton Jr. of mouth for 23 years. great-grandchiuld. lagher of Howard Beach, Sayreville, and a sister, Mrs. He was a member of the In- The Adams Memorial N.Y. Dorothy Dooher of Keanrny. stitute of Electrical Engi- Home, Red Bank, is in charge The Woolley Funeral Home, . The Bedle Funeral Home, neers, Ft. Monmouth of arrangements. Long Branch, is in charge of Keyport, is in charge of ar- Surviving are his widow, arrangements. rangements. Mrs. Gertrude Ikrath, a son, M.J. Ciesielski Peter Ikrath and a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Cahill KEYPORT - M. Joseph Miss Renee Ikrath, both at KEYPORT - Mrs. Eliza- Scott P. Shigas* Ciesielski, 60, of 239 Broad St. RITE AID home, and his father, Camillo beth B. Cahill, 82, of 18 St. MATAWAN - Scott P died Friday in Bayshore Com- SURE Shigas, three-year-old son of Ikrath of Vienna, Austria. Peters Place died Thursday munity Hospital, Holmdel. in her home. DEODORANT Mr, and Mrs. Stephen. Shigas The Francioni, Taylor and Mr. Ciesielski was bom in COLOR FILM Jr.. of 14 Annmar Drive died I.npez Funeral Home, Nep- She was bom in Jersey City TYPE 121 OR 110 REGULAR OR UMSCENTED South River. He lived here for and lived here for the past 50 Friday in Columbia Presby- tune, is in charge of arrange- 28 years and was a real estate 20 EXPOSURES 12 01. CAN terian Hospital, New York ments. years. Mrs. Cahill was a salesman for the Total Real member of St. Joseph's Ro- City. Estate Agency, Matawan. He was bom in Red Bank Joseph A. Soviero man Catholic Church, here. He was a member of St. Jo- She was the widow of Ar- ant was a member of St. Cle- MIDDLETOWN - A Funer- sephs Roman Catholic mtnt's Roman Catholic al Mass was held yesterday thur J. Cahill who died In Church, here, and K of C 1970. Church, here. for Joseph A. Soviero, 59, of Council 3402, here. Besides his parents, he Is S3 East Road, a real estate Surviving are six sons, Surviving are his widow, James E., Pierre V. and Ar survived by a brother, Chris- broker Who died Friday at Mrs. Margaret B. Ciesielski; topher Shigas, at home; his Rlverview Hospital, Red thur J. Cahill, aU here; Dr. his mother, Mrs. Amelia Cie- John J. and Paul T. Cahill, paternal grandparents, Mr. Bank sielski of Ft. Lauderdale, and Mrs. Stephen Shigas Sr. Mr. Soviero was a self-em- both of Middletown, and Wil- Fla.; a son Joseph Ciesielski liam J. Cahill of Holmdel; six of Perth Amboy, and his ma- ployed real estate broker. He of Spain; two daughters, Mrs. POLIDENT ternal grandparents, Mr and was a member of the New daughters, Mrs. Loretta Arm- Kathleen Baumlin of Holm- strong and Mrs. Elizabeth DENTURE Mrs. Peter Elisko of Wood- Jersey Board of Realtors and del, and Mrs. Janet Robinson bridge. a communicant of St. An- Tibbetts, both here; Mrs. of Ormand Beach, Fla.; three Margaret Osbonn of Hazlet, CLEANSING the Bedle Funeral Home, thony's Roman Catholic brothers, Casmir Chesley of Mrs. Jewel Morln of Salt here, is in charge of arrange- Church, Red Bank TABLETS Philadelphia, Pa., Maurice Lake City, Utah, Krs. Patri- ments Surviving are his widow, Chesley of West Long Branch, cia Ragner of Santa Paula, Mrs. Margaret Soviero; his and Peter Ciesielski of Old Calif., and Ms. Mary Cahill of Frank A. Lanzara mother, Mrs. Anthony So- Bridge; two sisters, Mrs. Re- HAZLET - Frank A Lan- Death Valley, Calif ; a broth- viero, here; a son, Anthony gina Lawrence of West Long er, Pierre Blanchfield of New zara, 53, of 1 Stevens Place Soviero of Chevy Chase, Md.; Branch, and Mrs. Violet l'res died Friday in Bayshore Com- York; two sisters, Mrs. Edna two daughters, Miss Donna by of Ft. Lauderdale, and Lockwood of Lakewood, and munity Hospital, Holmdel. Joe Soviero of San Francisco seven grandchildren. Mr. Lanzara was born in Mrs. Mary Leddy of Pomona, and Mrs. Suzette Boan of The Day Funeral Home, Calif.; 41 grandchildren, and Atlantic City and moved here Tucson, Ariz., two sisters, 19 years ago. He was a ma- here, is in charge of arrange- five great-grandchildren. , Mrs. Rose Kiefer of Manas- ments. chinist with the Tungsten Al- quan and Mrs Louise Ianna- The Bedle Funeral Home, loy Co , Harrison rone of Long Branch, and a Michael Campagna here, is In charge of arrange- RITE AID HAS WHAT YOU NEED FOR SUMMER He was a World War IL vet- brother, Carmine Soviero of ments. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS eran, and a member of St. Jo- Potomac, Md. — Michael Campagna, 68, of seph's Roman Catholic The William S. Anderson Mrs. Geraldine Brown Church, Keyport 74 Ocean Blvd. died Saturday Funeral Home, Red Bank, is in Monmouth Medical Center, OCEAN GROVE - Mrs., RITE AID Surviving are his widow, in charge of arrangements Geraldine M. Brown, 74, of 61 Mpi Isabelle B. Lanzara; two Long Branch. Mr. Campagna was bom in B Embury Ave., died Friday ASPIRIN COTTON SWABS sons, Frank A. Lanzara Jr., at home. at home, and Douglas August Ralhemacher Italy and lived in Livingston She was the widow of John zaj-a of Reseda, Calif.; a ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS until moving here seven years TABLETS PKG OF 170 Brown. daughter, Mrs Robert Man- — August Rathemacher, 78, ago. He retired as machinist BOTTLE OF 600 net of Eatontown; his moth- of 54 Ocean Blvd. died Satur- with Hyatt Roller Bearing Mrs. Brown was born in er! Mrs. Laura Lanzara of day in his home. Co., Harrison, 10 years ago. West Bathurst, New Brunsw- Washington Township; two He was born in New York Surviving are his widow, ick, Canada, and lived here 20 sisters, Mrs. Frank Mastroeni City and lived here for 50 Mrs. Mary Campagna; two years. She was a member of of Newark, and Mrs Russell years. He was a production sons, Joseph Campagna of St. Paul's Methodist Church Giordano of Washington engineer and had been em- Rahway, and Thomas Camp- of Ocean Grove. Township, and a grandchild. ployed at Ft. Monmouth until agna of Elizabeth; a daugh- Surviving are two daugh- ter, Mrs. Connie Kujawa, ters, Mrs. Lewis Glum of The Day Funeral Home, his retirement in 1956. Prior to his association with Ft. here;, two brothers, Philip A. Adelphia and Mrs. Charles Do- Keyport, is in charge of ar- Rue of Fontana, Calif., and wen of Eatontown; five rangements. Monmouth he was co-owner of a champagne importing Albert V. Rue of Duarte, Ca- grandchildren, and 11 great- VISINE William B. Busby firm in New York with his lif.; four sisters, Mrs. Jose- -grandchildren. NOXZEMA brother, Henry Rathemacher phine Cantarelli of New York, The Robert A. Braun LONG BRANCH - William of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. Elizabeth Gaynor of Home for Funerals, Eaton- EY! DROPS MEOICATEO B. Busby, 70, of 476 Neptune Mr. Rathemacher was an Newark, Mrs. Beatrice Rose town, is in charge of arrange- Ave., died Thursday at Mon- of East Hanover, and Mrs ments. SKIN CREAM mouth Medical Center. Army veteran of World War . • 02 JAR I. He was a graduate of Ste- Jennie Colasanto of Italy; 13 Mr Busby was born in grandchildren, and a great- Newcastle, England, and vens Institute of Technology, Mrs. Richard Prenliss Hoboken, where he also grandchild. lived in Keamy before mov- KEANSBURG - Mrs. taught. ing here in 1(52. The John P. Condon Funer- Anna L. Prentiss, 67, of 65 al home, here, is in charge of He retired in 1973 as a sta- Survivng, besides his broth- Creek Road died Friday in arrangements. tistician for the Chilean Ni- er, are two sons, Richard the John L. Montgomery trate Sales Corp. New York. Rathemacher, here, and John Nursing Home, Freehold He was a member of the Rathemacher of Middletown; Rudolph Hontan Township. another brother, John Rath- Salvation Army in Kearny LONG BRANCH - Rudolph Mrs. Prentiss was born in a (id of the Salvation Army emacher of Manhasset, N.Y., F. Homan, 81, of 435 Hampton and seven grandchildren. Newark and moved here sev- RITE AID Band, Newark. He was a Ave., died Saturday at Mon- eral years ago. SUCARYL rriember of the Asbury Park Posten's Funeral Home, At- mouth Medical Center. She' is survived by her hus- LEMON United Methodist Church,here lantic Highlands, Is In charge He was bom in the Bronx, band, Richard Prentiss Sr.; of arrangements. SUGAR atid also was a member of the and moved here 35 years ago. two sons, Richard Jr., and FURNITURE church's bowling team. Mrs. Henry Drugan Mr. Homan retired in 1960 as Ronald Prentiss, and a daugh- SUBSTITUTE [Surviving are his widow, a power engineer for the ter, Mrs. Betty Ann Adams, 111 PACKETS POLISH Mrs. Elizabeth Busby; a son, MARLBORO - Mrs. Ma- Bendix Corp. all of Union Beach; seven I 7 0Z. CAM William J. Busby of West dora L. Drugas, 70, of II Mr. Homan was a member grandchildren, and a great- Springfjeld, Mass., and a Wickatunk Village died of the Eagles, the Masons in grandchild. w; daughter, Mrs. Alan Oltmann, Friday in Monmouth Medical Jersey City; St. Luke's Meth- The John J. Ryan Home for of Keansburg. Center, Long Branch odist Church, here, and was Funerals is in charge of ar- [The Flock Funeral Home is Mrs. Drugas was born in an honorary life member of rangements. charge of the arrange- Matawan and lived here most the National Association of rients of her life. She was a member Power Engineers. of the Matawan First Baptist Surviving are his widow, Lottery winners M2. Death Notices Church Mn. Olive Homan; two sons, TRENTON - The winning

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'not available In Ptalnfield "not available in Manalapan or Shore Mall Steinbach phone-shop toll tree' 800-392-8890 (asbury park area only 774^747) The Daily Register More on the Ray-Hays daze EtUbiulwd in Il7t-Publuh«t by TV Red Bank Rejistr By JACK ANDERSON uiii ii • urn one another But there was no is whether he hired her to be Wild LES WHITTEN way we could base a story, his mistress on a government ARTHUR ftKAMIN WASHINGTON we decided, upon her state- salary. A grand jury has been President and Editor There is more to the cele- ments. convened to examine the evi- brated Wayne Hays-Elizabeth She also boasted of relation- dence, and Elizabeth Ray has Ray affair than the bosomy SCENE ships, we learned, of such been granted immunity to tell Thomas J Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editqr blonde has revealed. prominent Washington figures her story. Sources close to the no- II mum as Senators Hubert Hum- It may be difficult to get a | MONDAY. JUNE 14. 1976 torious pair say the strip-and- phrey, D-Minn, Edward Ken- straight story out of her. Here tell mistress was in love with marriage. To spare his bride nedy, D-Mass, Hike Gravel, are just a few contradictions Hays. It was primarily jea- further anguish, he told O-Alaska, and John Culver, that have already appeared in 'Now I am worried. We got lousy over his marriage to an- friends, "I would put a bullet D-Iowa. her statements: a message of support from Mayor Dairy/ other woman, Pat Peak, that through my head." Added the In each case, she used AN - She told the Washington provoked Ray into baring her broken Hays meaningfully: Hays' name to reach the sen- Post that she waa hired two-year affair with the pow- "And I've got the guts to do ator on the phone. She would her Once she left the table to strictly to be Hays' mistress, erful Ohio congressman, the it." engage the senator in an aim- go to the rest room. She sash- that she can't type or use the sources say. We got the first inkling of less conversation, then would ayed across the restaurant, telephone. Our reporters have Bitterly, she charged that the torrid Ray-Hays romance keep calling back Most of her tossing her hips in an exhibi- seen her several times in her Hays' advances had com- more than two years ago calls were never returned tion of what she herself calls Capitol Hill office. She can pelled her to consult a psy- when Elizabeth Ray called Some of the senators now her "Walk." type, answer telephones and chiatrist, that she was re- iyir office in a hysterical believe she had a purpose for She stopped at another take messages. They have vised at having sexual rela- crying fit. Between sobs, she the calls. They suspect she table to engage a prominent seen her do it, albeit perhaps tions with the 65-year-old blurted that she was about to taped them in order to prove Washington lawyer in conver- not as well as other secretar- Hays lose her Capitol Hill job be- she had a speaking acquaint- sation. Hays gestured toward ies. Hays has affidavits from But her friends say she told cause she "would not go to ance with them. This now the scene and remarked to more than 35 other people them quite a different story bed with Wayne Hays." gives credibility to the paper- the others at his table: who have also seen her type. Although the relationship was Our associates Bob Owens back potboiler she began pre- "That's why I can't marry He has copies of letters she an emotional roller-coaster and Jack Cloherty hurried up paring a year ago her." has typed. ride for Ray, she spoke of the to Capitol Hill to see her. But Sources close to Hays say There were times, accord- - She also said she couldn't gruff Hays as an Inwardly by the time they reached her, he tried to break off the rela- ing to our sources, when the use a tape recorder. We have sensitive man for whom she she had changed her story. tionship with the shapely temperamental Ray would heard a tape she made of a felt a deep affection. She She wanted our reporters to blonde some time ago. He threaten to cause a scene in conversation with our associ- tolds friends, indeed, that forget about the call. knew she was dating several Hays' office unless he went ate Bob Owens. Hays was the "best" lover But that wasn't the last other men and regarded her out with her. The biggest - She stated at first that she'd ever had time we heard from Liz Ray. as too promiscuous. He was blowout occurred after a she was 27 years old. She is After she burst her bomb- She called our office repea- also afraid that she would dis- heated argument about Hays' actually S3. And at alternate shell, we have learned, it al- tedly. We found her erratic, close the affair if he ended it. impending marriage. The times, she has said she does most wrecked Hays' mar- unreliable and unpredictable Shortly after his divorce, he Capitol Police were sum- and does not drink. riage. For several days, his We concluded that her out- had dinner with Ray at Wash- moned to remove Ray from The last laugh may be on new bride refused to speak to burst against Hays had re- ington's fashionable Paul Hays' office. Not long after- the Justice Department him. sulted from a lovers' quarrel, Young's restaurant. He ward, she told her story to which, it appears, may have At first, the old curmud- that her attitude toward him eluded her for not working the Washington Post. granted Elizabeth Ray jmmu- geon turned his back on his fluctuated with the status of hard enough. Later, accord- The sex life of Wayne Hays nity too hastily, providing her Washington troubles and con- their romance, and that the ' ing to witnesses, she asked is his own business. The only with a forum to sell her book centrated on saving his brief two of them were exploiting Hays why he wouldn't marry issue, as the Post pointed out, and promote herself. . The colonies' fiery messenger By JIN BISHOP ItllllllllllllllillllllllltlHIIVlllllllllllllllllllll and every living creature els. When General Gage sent they come across, murdering his report of Lexington and The unsung hero of the THE women and children." Concord to King George and American revolution was a The doctor wrote that when Parliament, Dr. Warren dandy, a fop, a man with a the British searched vainly waited for a fast clipper, lacy kerchief sticking from a REPORTER for Samuel Adams and John Quero, and beat Gage to Lon- brocade sleeve. He was Dr. Hancock in a public house, don with Ms atrocity story. Joseph Warren of Boston, a iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiirimiiiHHiiiiiiiiiiii "the barbarians killed the The doctor, handsome, ur- man so fearless that he women of the house and all bane, a model of decorum, doomed himself to die early British colonial postal service the children in cold blood, was the first and best press in the struggle. to do It. His fiery message then set the house afire." agent for the revolution. He He was seldom seen walk- about "our women and chll- There were "depredations, was brevetted a major gener- ing under the maples of Rox- dr»n falling in the bloody ruins and butcheries hardly to al a day before the battle of McDonald's in Red Bank bury without a powdered wig, snow" was carried by English be matched by the armies of Bunker Htll, but he said the white stockings, brass buck- couriers to all towns and any civilized nation on the document had not reached McDonald's Corporation stands highways or on Shrewsbury Ave. in globe." as one of our nation's great business Tinton Falls. In those instances, the led shoes and a waistcoat hamlets. fend our wives and children him and he would fight as a which flared starchily from In addition, he had his own In truth, the British Prime from the butchering hands of private under General Israel success stories. In deciding to open facilities are similar to drive-in his slender hips. He had a messengers. On April 17th, Minister, Lord North, saw Le- an Inhuman soldiery. We con- Putnam. a restaurant in downtown Red Bank, stands. rich wife and four children 1775, he ordered two of them, xington and Concord as the jure you, therefore, by all He arrived in battle on a the corporation is exhibiting a con- The area of Broad and Mon- and a medical practice so Paul Revere and William most magnificent retreat in that Is sacred, that you give black horse. He wore a waist- broad that Warren inoculated Dawes, to ride hard for Le- the history of the British assistance in forming an coat of summer sky blue with fidence in the borough's business mouth Sts., Red Bank, must have army. climate which should be greeted sufficient pedestrian traffic to at- John Adams against smallpox xington and Concord and army. The lobsterbacks never lace cuffs. The skirt was and treated British redcoats warn the people that the red- learned to fight farmers who "Our all Is at stake. Death white ruffled lace. His riding with enthusiasm. tract a market-conscious company for pneumonia. coats were coming. crouched behind walls. and devastation are the cer- breeches were blinding white. The application to open the res- such as McDonald's is. Its being Warren was the finest of The British did not seek Dr. Warren railed against tain consequences of delay." He wore silver buckles and taurant in the former J. J. New- there will undoubtedly add to the American patriots, one pre- battle. They had two objec- the monster, General Thomas WeU, not quite. British Gener- exuded good cheer. He ex- number of people in that section of pared to pledge his life, his tives: (1) seize illegal ammu- Gage, who was in Boston with al Gage and his army were in horted every man to be a berry store on Broad St. has, how- Boston - true. But they were ever, stirred a bit of resentment on town, and that should be a plus for treasure, his honor to the 13 nition and muskets; (2) arrest his army. Warren begged the mm. colonies. He, more than John Samuel Adams and John Han- other colonies to please raise prisoners. They had but two He was still riding to the the part of some business people. every other business there. Hancock or Samuel Adams, cock troops at once to help Mas- ways out — sail to sea in the British lines when a musket They seem to feel that the middle of The Planning Board has given understood the uses of propa- There was a fire fight. Two sachusetts Bay from being fleet, or fight the' Minute Mjtir' ball smashed his head. Slow- the business district is not the best McDonald's its approval, but the ganda in a revolution. ' days later, Dr. Warren wrote crushed. on Breed's Hill ly, almost gracefully, he fell. place for a restaurant, particularly Zoning Board of Adjustment has When five persons were his account, sending copies to "The barbarous murders Dr. Warren aroused the co- Dr. Warren left a thought for since there's no provision for vehicu- held up the application for two killed by British redcoats, i|t all colonies, stating that the committed on our innocent lonies. Virginia sent troops. all: "They have begun it. was Warren who told the British "Have the ferocity of brethren have made it absolu- So did Connecticut. And Dela- That either party can do. And lar parking accommodations close to months. A heavy agenda has kept world the story of the "Bos- a mad, wild beast; they tely necessary that we imme- ware with their splashy we will end It; that only one it. the board from acting on the ton Massacre." He used the slaughter geese, hogs, cattle diately raise an army to de- cream uniforms and blue lap- can do." McDonald's certainly is well McDonald matter, but we hope it aware of Red Bank's geography and will be able to render a decision at it would not have made the decision its June 22 meeting. We believe the to come to the borough if the oper- restaurant will be good for Red ation were to be the same as is the Bank, and we hope there's no legal A curious conversation case in its restaurants along the impediment to its being opened up. By JAMES J. KILPATRICK "" ' "" ' heard. There was only the rustle of leaves in the mul- of liberty, can be preserved WILLIAMSBURG, Va. - A CONSERVATIVE berry trees, and the far-off to any people but by a firm Middletown's celebrations visitor to Williamsburg, hav- bark of a distant dog. It had adherence to Justice, Moder- ing dined not wisely but enti- turned cool, and the lamp- ation, Temperance, Frugality, Yesterday's gigantic parade in tury. What was in the 1940's a vast rely too well, awoke from his VIEW posts were shawled in lace. •nd Virtue, and by frequent troubled sleep a little before 3 recurrence to Fundamental Middletown was quite appropriate farmland dotted by villages has be- Principles." for Monmouth County's most popu- come home for more than 62,000 citi- a.m. on a night not long ago. iHliiMilillliiiiiiiMillllliiiiimimiiiliiiiiiili Passing the King's Arms, Thinking to ease his dis- our visitor perceived through lous municipality. The Township zens and a thriving business and in- Our visitor peered through comfort, he dressed and went was deserted, of course. The the mist that he was not alone the mist. The portly gentle- Committee and its Bicentennial dustrial area. Besides recognizing for a walk down Duke of last of the evening's tourists after all. A portly old gentle- Commission merit commendations its rich history, the township is also Gloucester Street. There he man, his hair quite white, man was waiting impatiently had given up long ago; the tor an answer. for arranging the spectacular show, adding to it each day. experienced a strange en- morning battalions were yet was taking his ease on the KILPATRICK counter to arrive. Not even the tread tavern steps. It was apparent one of many programs scheduled Each month this year, the Bi- "It's hard to say," our vis- this year in observance of the na- centennial Commission has present- The old cobblestone street of the night watch could be at once that this was no ordi- nary gentleman, for though itor replied at last. "Our tion's 200th birthday. ed special programs. Ahead are a he was dressed neatly in ruf- ginia Declaration of Rights. press is still free. You don't The township itself, of course, Fourth of July weekend, to include fled shirt, black coat and You will recall that the Dec- hear much about religion any- played an important part in our na- special Operation Sail activities; homespun britches, the steps laration was adopted by the more. The rights of a defend- could be clearly seen through House Just 200 years ago this ant have been made so secure tion's development. The Bicentennial events for youngsters in August; week. Tell me, sir, if you will, that toe right* of society tend year helps call attention to Middle- tours of historic sites in September; his body. This was, In truth, a ghost. Our visitor, who had do the Americans of 1976 fre- to get overlooked. Many of town's role in the Revolution, and it senior citizen programs and dedica- indulged himself unwisely in quently recur to fundamental our legislators seem to want also is serving the cause of pre- tion of a Bicentennial Park in Octo- Williamsburg before, clutched principles?" to stay In office forever, and serving historic sites so that future ber; Thanksgiving and ecumenical for support on a hitching post. the principle that public offi- generations will be able to appre- services in November, and "The Joy Then he managed a hoarse Our visitor paused to re- cials are trustees and ser- hello. flect. Only that afternoon he vants appears to be almost ciate and understand preceding of Giving" observance for the final had read the Declaration of lost. The legislative and exec- events and people. month. "How fare the fundamental Rights, a copy of which he . utive branches are too inter- The character of Middletown's All in all, what Middletown resi- principles?" inquired the had found on his bureau at twined to untangle, and judg- 41.08 square'miles has changed con- dents are doing this year will be ghost. The spectral figure the Inn. He recalled some of es are making most of the siderably over the years, most no- helpful to those who are around for spoke in the sonorous speech the famous sixteen asser- law that matters." of the trained lawyer, accus- tions: That men have a tight tably in the past quarter of a cen- our nation's Tricentennial year. tomed to debate in the House to the enjoyment of life and The spectral figure sighed of Burgesses just down the liberty, with the means of ac- "What of Frugality?" asked street. "Have a free govern- quiring and possessing prop- Mason. ment and the blessings of lib- erty; that public officials are Mr. Bardin's tour erty been preserved?" 300th birthday. the trustees and the servants "It was last seen in Wash- David J. Bardin, commissioner These are, to be sure, the of the people; that the three ington forty-four yean ago," of the state Department of Environ- Other nations, through judicious very questions one expects to branches of government must our visitor said. "And as for Virtue..." mental Protection, got a close look use of jetties and other technical in- encounter at 3 o'clock on a be kept separate from each at the state's coastline last week. struments, have preserved their foggy morning on Duke of other; that the rights of a coastlines for centuries?'Why our Gloucester Street. Our visitor, criminally accused must be The conversation ended His walking tour along shore munic- secured; that freedom of reli- UUge, for the gentleman dls- federal government hasn't coped gathering hii wits, parried ipalities will, we hope, convince him the question with a question gion and of the press are in- sdjJed In the mist. Our vis- that the state and federal govern- with the erosion problem is an irri- of his own. "Do I have the dispensable to a free society; itor, his composure even ments must do something dramatic. tating question which must be an- honor, sir, of addressing the that men should not hold too more unsettled by this odd en- swered. Mr. Bardin's tour will be late George Mason?" long to public office lest they counter, walked slowly back Unless erosion is effectively halted forget "burthens of the to the Inn. The distant dog and our beaches are built up, the regarded as nothing more than polit- "At your service," replied people" was still barking faintly - or coastline he viewed will be inching ical fluff unless he uses it to get his the amiable shade, rising was It a dog? It may have Us way westward to the point where federal counterparts actively, and from the steps and bowing Then he recalled that In the been the voice of a vanished 'To get the moot attention, slightly through the railing. fifteenth assertion, Mason Virginian, crying for prin- there will be no places such as Sea quickly, involved in the shore's "1 return now and then to see had declared that "no free plight. you have to be stacked the right way.1 ciples too precious ever to be Bright long before our nation has its what has become of my Vir- government, or the blessings lost: Recur! Recur! Recur! SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1976 Tin FXMI) RiylllT f 7 Andrew Johnson: If Lincoln had lived? By SID MOODY secessionists during the siege of Nashville. Constitution by statute. Even Sen John Sherman, no friend FltteeilktUttrtes He was put on Lincoln's ticket as a Southerner to bal- of Johnson's and brother of the Union general, asked how a ance it. At their inauguration Lincoln spoke of "charity to president could be compelled to keep a man in his adminis- ! ^ ,, dreW J0hnS0n Was wril '" ""• all" while Johnson, ailing and hung over, downed two tum- tration who was odious to him. £?nrt 'n'ermln8lln8 »' character and events no human blers of whiskey tu brace himself and was accused falsely hand could have altered. The battle came to focus on Edwin Stanton. Secretary as a drunkard after an incoherent speech Only because he of War and a secret ally of the radicals Since he was a . however intriguing to ask "what if disliked drama did he not accept a friend's offer of tickets holdover from Lincoln's Cabinet, he was not covered by Lincoln had lived?" He didn't. So we are left with a much to Ford's Theater and witness the act that made him the tenure act. No senator contested this Stanton. mean- misunderstood man of considerable courage and character president. while, became more blatantly hostile The military gover- who became locked in a death struggle with less honorable nors, he said, were almost totally beyond presidential au- men. The legacy of this still abides Accepting the almost insuperable burden of mending the house divided, the zealot took on, too, its sobering re- thority and responsible lo the Army commander. U.S. The Illiterate tailor schooled by his wife who rose to sponsibilities He came to see, as Lincoln had and the radi- Grant, whose ambivalence was in sorry contrast to his war the presidency Is almost legend. But that is not all cals in Congress did not, that vengeance was not victory. A record and a harbinger of his own disastrous presidency By the time the Civil War broke out, Johnson a con- veteran stump speaker of the East Tennessee hills, he How. Johnson demanded, could he honor his constitutional gressman, a governor of Tennessee and by then a U S sen- could not resist a torch lit debate with a celebrating crowd oath to "faithfully uphold the laws" yet "at the same time ator, was far more politically experienced than Lincoln outside the White House on Washington's birthday in 1866. surrender lhat trust and the powers that accompany (his Reminded of his wartime pledge of retribution, he scoffed: office)?" "Hang eight million people? It Is now peace Let us have Nonetheless, a loyally bred in war time restrained LEADERS IN CRISIS peace!" Johnson from firing Stanton. Hoping lo get the con- He decided to stump the country "If I have erred in stitutional issues into the courts. Johnson endured bitter in- pardoning," he said in New York, "I trust God I have er- sults, defamation, even perjured charges that he had who had served but one term in the House. Whereas Lin- red on the right side." plotted Lincoln's death. Stevens searched in vain for any coln spoke with terrible agony of the conflict that lore at To this, Oliver Morion, governor of Indiana, replied PRESIDENT ON TRIAL - This is a scene from thing lhat could be a pretext, valid or not. lor impeach- his soul and the Union's, Johnson, not above confronting lhat Johnson and his Democrats "Proclaim to an asto- the impeachment trial of President Andrew John- ment. It came when a prosecutor claimed that Johnson threatening opponents with a pistol, was outspoken. nished world that the only effect of vanquishing armed re- son in March, 1868. He survived conviction by one had signed convicted Lincoln plotter Mary Surratt's death "When this Union is interred," he roared on the floor bels is to ... restore them to political power." vote and later returned to the Senate. warrant without disclosing a clemency petition had been of the Senate as war descended, "I want no more hgnor- Johnson held that Congress had no right to pass any attached. Stung by obviously doctored evidence which led able winding sheet than that brave old flag, and no more bill regarding the Confederate states while they were not can-dominated Congress, suffering charges that he was a to Stanton. Johnson fired the secretary. Johnson well real- glorious grave than to be interred in the tomb of the represented in Congress They had never legally left the drunkard, embezzler and even a murderer The culmina- ized the consequences, but determined the law ol the land Union!" Union, so were entitled to vote. The radicals, led by tion was the Military Reconstruction Bill which created and his own conscience left him no choice. A slaveholder, he said nonetheless: "II you persist in Thaddeus Stevens and Benjamin Wade, campaigned ang- military districts throughout thf South whose governors He survived conviction, of course, by one vote and lived forcing the issue of slavery against the government, I say, rily against the president and won a veto-proof Congress were not bound "by any opinion of any civil officer of the to return to the Senate, But the radicals had their way in in the face of heaven, give me my government and lei the that fall. Now they would confirm enfranchisement of the United States" — starting with the president. Johnson the South and the United States was never lo know if con- Negro go! If the (Negro) can rise by his own energies, in freed slaves at bayonet point. Johnspn did not object to tie stubbornly clung to his argument that the bill was uncon- ciliation rather than bayonets would have bequeathed a the name of Cod, let him rise!" black vote, although he noted few Northern states allowed stitutional. . different heritage. As military governor of Tennessee, perhaps the most it. But he wanted home rule returned to (he secessionist To further hamstring the president, Congress passed As for Johnson, he was not fully vindicated until 1926 fought over state in the war with more than 100 pitched states under the Constitution as quickly as practicable al- the Tenure of Office Act by which the chief executive when the Supreme Court ruled in a case involving an ob- battles, Johnson cried vengeance against the renders of though he agreed with Lincoln that at first "it would bo could not remove any appointee who had been approved by scure postmaster that the tenure act was illegal. By then it the Union. "Treason must be made odious and traitors im- done badly." the Senate without the Senate's concurrence. was far too late For everyone. poverished," he said and threatened to burn the homes of Johnson commenced a war of vetoes with the Republi- Johnson bitterly charged that this was rewriting the Next: U.S. Grant.

IMIIHIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIHIMIIIIItlllllllll IIIIMIMIIIIHIIUIMH 22 indicted by grand jury on welfare fraud charges FREEHOLD - Twenty-two Jeanette Silver, 35, of How- charged with obtaining $1,789 was receiving unemployment persons were Indicted by a ell is charged with receiving between January and April benefits. county grand Jury on charges $2,9*1 between April 1173 and 1971 by failing to report that In separate Indictments, of defrauding the county wel- April 1174 by falling to report he was residing with her. Sandra Weckerle, 37, of Wash- fare board out of a total of unreported income. Ronald Vashey, 43, of Bral- ington Ave. and Thomas 151,288. Cecelia Rosado, 97, of nard Ave., Port Monmouth, is Wecterle, 43, of Matawan The Indictments charge Fourth Ave., Long Branch, is charged with obtaining $590 Ave., both Matawan, are the people with obtaining" charged with obtaining $235 between May and June 1972 charged with obtaining $564 money under false pretenses. between Oct. 1 and Oct. 31 by falling to report that he re- between Oct. 1, 1973 and Nov. Jeannett Mulligan, 45, of 1174 by falling to report that ceived unemployment ben- 1, 1973 by failing to report Highlands Ave., Leonardo, Is she did not reside In the coun- efits. that they received money from the sale of a house. charged with obtaining i3,Ml ty Lillian Barrett, 32, of between Hay 1(74 and Febru- Edna Miller, 50, ol Water- Gravely Point Road, High- Jean Roberts, 36, of South ary 1175 by falling to report view Place, Keansburg, is lands, is charged with receiv- Concord, Cliffwood Beach, is she received public assistance charged with obtaining $1,920 ing $2,709 between October charged with obtaining $2,958 from New York. between November 1971 and 1*71 and October 1973 by fail- between March 1973 and Andrea Martinez, 61, of July 1974 by failing to report ing to report that she remar- March 1975 by failing to re- Morris Ave., Long Branch, Is she remarried and was living ried port that the putative father charged with obtaining $375 with her spouse. , Joyce Mongano, 29, of Oak- of her two children resided between July and November wood Drive, Howell, is with her. 1174 by failing to report she Grace Morro, 40, and charged with receiving $450 Charles Morro, 40, of Barn between July and September Cecelia Marascio, 23, of did not have her son residing Raritan Ave., Keansburg, is with her. egat are charged with obtain- 1973 by falling to report that ing $20,697 between June 1972 she received support pay- charged with obtaining $642 between April and June 1973 Aida OUveras, JJ, of Broad- and July 1975 by failing to re- ments. port that he was residing with Rosemary Selfert, 27, of by falling to report she re- way, Long Branch, is charged ceived assistance from Union with obtaining $217 between her and her children and that Netherwood Drive, Cliffwood he was employed. Beach, is charged with ob- County Welfare Board. May and September 197] and THE GRADUATE AND FAMILY - Virginia Dill an accounting ma|or. From the left, front row, are $248 between April and June Angela Butenbach, 27, of taining $5,526 between July Steven Purnell, 23, of Phoe- 1973 and January 1975 by fail nix, Arizona, is charged with of Holmdel, mother of five children, was gradu- her son, Glenn, Mrs. Dill and her husband, John. 1174 by falling to report she Park Ave., Keansburg, is ated with high honors at Upsala College where she In the back row, from the left, are her children, was employed. charged with obtaining $1,985 Ing to report that her husband breaking into a car owned by Michael Prozer, Green Grove was selected as class salutatorian, attaining the Kevin, Cathy, Pat and Diane. Godfrey Porterfleld Jr., 48, between August 1973 and No- resided with her. Ave., Keyport, April 20 and second highest grades in the class. Mrs. Dill was of Myrtle Ave., Neptune, Is vember 1974 by falling to re- Ivie Medler, 51, and Mary possessing burglary tools. charged with obtaining $2,811 port that her children did not Medler, 36, of Maplewood between July 1171 and July reside with her. Ave., Atlantic Highlands, are These indictments were 1172 by failing to report that Osvaldo Moncayo, 44, and charged with receiving $436 handed up to Superior Court his son was not residing with Gloria Moncayo, 41, of High- between February and July Judge Merritt Lane Jr., coun- ty assignment judge. Children big help for Mom him. land Ave., Leonardo, are 1972 by failing to report he

HOLMDEL - Mrs. Virginia college in 1972, 14 years after counting degree. Patricia, 17; exander S. Dill, with an assistant from withdrawing from Rochester Diane, 15; Kevin, 13; Cathy, The 38-year-old Mrs. Dill, a her five children, was re- University. She made the 12 and Glenn, 11 each took former Matawan school board cently awarded her Bachelor most of her second try, as she over various household re- member, has already landed Davis gets board vacancy of Arts degree at Upsala Col- graduated summa cum laude sponsibilities while their lege in East Orange and was named class saluta- mother hit the books. They a job — she starts work Aug SHREWSBURY - Bayley The board is considering Between 150 and 200 of the bids received on interior and torian. cooked dinner, set the table, 2 with the accounting firm of S. Davis, 83 Borden St., has limiting the number of chil- school's 442 children now exterior painting. A resident of 20 Wilshire Her children were a big vacuumed, cleaned the kitch- Arthur Young and Company, been named to the Shrews- dren who may eat lunch in bring their lunches, Mr. Mr. Bradley said he had Way, Mrs. Dill returned to help to her in seeking her ac- en and fed the family cat, Al- Newark. the school to youngsters liv- been notified by Police Chief bury Board of Education. Bradley said, and the number • REPLACEMFNT WINDOWS • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Mr. Davis, who served on ing farthest from the school, reaches 250 or more in bad Raymond Mass that the po- the board for a one-year term or to those in special circum- weather. lice would in the future re- if HONtSTY IS TW BUT POLICY... last year, ran for a full three- stances, such as those with quire a five-day advance noti- PRESTIGE The board hired Katheryn year term in the March physical problems or working fication in writing of any spe- Hathaway as a teacher for PUT YOUR- SHF TO THIS US1? school board elections, but parents. cial crossings police would KEYSTONE SAVINGS the 1976-77 school year. Miss have to supervise for children finished fourth In the race for The changes now under Ye. No Hathaway was one of two crossing Broad St. three teats. consideration, according to Problem w/drofty windows D Curtis Bcadley, school super- nontenured teachers the Such crossings, Mr. Bradley • Board members who voted intendent, are the result of a board had not rehired earlier said, may occur when chil- Windows hard to open & close D D for Mr. Davis' appointment meeting with faculty mem- this year because of budget dren arrive back at school af- Sash rotting I peeling said that his year's ex- bers who now face lunchroom cutbacks. ter closing times from class D a She will replace Mrs. Prin- trips, or when there is some perience would be expecially duty every six or seven days. Heat loss because of windows D valuable in the 'difficult" Faced with a budget cutback cess Arford, who Is retiring after-school or Saturday is there wnere you are • year ahead. He will serve un- for lunchroom aides and an after a 28-year teaching ca- event. Fed up, and confused D a til the February elections, fill- Increase in the number of reer. Mr. Bradley told the board ing out a vacancy created by children bringing their lunch, The board awarded a $1,650 he would make every attempt the resignation of Richard S. teachers will have lunchroom contract to P and P Painting to adhere to Chief Mass' rul- 101AL HO/Mf INlPROVMtNl CORP. Walsh, who has moved to H- duty every three or four days Co., of Asbury Park, having ing, even though he felt It was Introduces 'THE Problem Solver" submitted the lowest of five "arbitrary." Unots. next year. Get a VINYL REPUCfMfNr WINDOWS • VINYL Polaroid Clincher Mwrtf M*iH paint INSULATED Rumson buys fire pumper When you open • VINYL GLASS Nam lath RUMSON - Borough Coun- not meet the specifications in Councilman Francis E. P. to be on duty or on call a Checking or Savings Account, cil has awarded a $74,500 con- several areas. McCarter issued dire pre- throughout the entire week- • VINYL tract for a new fire engine to "Their tire engine wouldn't dictions for the upcoming end and asked the council to fra»*. Natural kintal. Hahn Fire Apparatus Co. of even fit Into our fire house," Fourth of July weekend, In- consider voting some addi- • VINYL Pennsylvania, the second low- be said. forming the other councilmen tional compensation to the Catlaalital eat bidder on the equipment. In other business, Coun- that "one of the major traffic force for work "beyond the cilman William H. Hyatt Jr. jams in history" is expected. call of duty." • VINYL The new 1,100 gallon pump- announced that resurfacing of "Hall a million cars are ex- OLONIAL liii.aaU t»c Ckawm er is to replace a 1947 model, the Victory Park tennis pected in the northern Mon- "We may also want to rent • VINYL which has a capacity of courts would begin June 21, mouth area," he said. "I some motorcycles for the pumping only 150 gallons a putting the courts out of com- wouldn't be surprised to see weekend," he said. "It's the minute. mission during that week. Scenic Drive and all of Atlan- only way the police will be CALL COLLECT Council first voted to reject tic Highlands sink slowly into able to maneuver through the the lowest ol the three bids Gary Sammon, assistant the bay." streets." (201) submitted on May J7 by Allied borough administrator, said On a more serious note, Mr. He advised all borough resi- Fire and Safety Co. Red the repaving should be com- McCarter, police commission- dents who are planning to in- I 566-2828 Bank, for $71,433. pleted in time lor use the fol- er, said all members of the vite friends to drive down for FIRST NATIONAL BANK UUMHn.ADn CoHCilman Charles S. Cal- lowing weekend, June 26 and borough's 15-member police that weekend to view Oper- FOIC I'OfMy Union • RFPLACtMlNI WINDOWS • RIPIACIMINT WINDOWS bnan aald the low bidder did 27. force will probably be asked ation Sail "to think again." V 8 The Datfy Register SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, JUNE 14, 197? Money: How to send it quickly to friends, relatives By SYLVIA PORTER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIfllMIIIMIIIMIMIIMIIIIIII Master Charge cardholders in Ihe 48 contiguous stales you go to. Cardholders can Iransmit up to (300 by calling WU toll-free You can pay in cash, or have (he money charged to We received an urgent call last Week (or (200 from a and charging their transactions Most transmissions are your account You also can use your overdraft privileges if dear young relative who had been robbed while on a post- made within 30 minutes. For up to $90 the charge card or- you don't have Ihe money on hand. graduate bicycle trip through France We responded at YOUR MONEY'S der costs $8.75; the lop cost is (10 50 for a maximum (300 Sewllag Money Abroad: Western Union will transfer IHHT by sending the cash through the method most famil- money order any total up to (10,000 per transaction to American E* iar to us — and I later found out that it was neither Ihe America! Express: Says it will complete a money press in New York City, or an international carrier, for best nor the cheapest way WORTH transfer within 24 hours, with the recipient going to its of- transfer abroad A (700 transfer to London, for example. Since many of my reports to you develop out of realiza- fice to get the money in traveler's checks. American Ex- nists (15.25. tion of my own ignorance, herewith — for your future ben- press has 160 offices in 50 states, charges (6.50 for a typical American Kxpress will |«lei (700 from New York to Lon- efit — is a rundown of how to send money quickly either to MIIIMIMIIIIIMIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMMMIIIIIMI transfer up to $500 plus a one per cent traveler's check fee friends or relatives on the money. You can pay in cash or use your card to don for W 55. with Ihe money arriving in 24 lo 4H hours U.S. Post Office: Postal money orders are available in Western Union: The charge is (8.90 for a typical 1150 cash a check according to your credit limit. > New York banks charge, between (4.50 and (10 lo transfer any denomination up to 1300 Fur amounts more than (300. day-rate interstate money order, under which your money Baiks: Every bank is a member of a worldwide finan- $700 lo London Banks notify the recipient by phone when you must buy two or more money orders. Charges are: 26 is guaranteed to arrive by telegraph within two hours dur- cial network and any bank can transfer money to any of the money arrives on the next business day. Many other cents up to (10.00; 35 cents for (10 01 to (50 00; 40 cents ing office hours. You should notify the payee when to ex- Ihe 40,000 U.S. banks in the time it takes to make a phone details for sending money abroad via banks or American from (SO 01 to $300 You must pay cash pect the money and then he or she simply visits or calls call. You can send any amount. It can go into a prear- Kxpress are available lo you, merely by your request. You can assure delivery of your money order by 10 the office (one of 5,000 throughout the U.S.) to find out ranged account at another bank, or the person receiving Wkat Should You Do? Your decision musl be based on: am Ihe next dayjf you send it between any two of the 500 whether it has arrived WU will deliver a draft by messen- the funds will be notified by phone to come and grl the the charges, time of day. where you're sending the money, cities now providing Kxpress'Mail Service The charge is ger for an additional (3.00 with physical delivery guaran- cash. Banks charge a flat fee for transferring any amount how soon you want the money to arrive, what type of pay- (1.50 and the Post Office will refund it If the letter does not geed within five hours during business hours. For Instance, to transfer $600 from Manhattan to Denver, ment you want to make, and the proximity of any lgetlt'1 arrive by deadline. WU now has a new Money OrderbyPhone service for the charge ranges from (2 to $6. depending on the bank office lo you.

iiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiinuuiiii ill iiKMliiHlliiiiiiiiiiiu i mi Stockholder advised to hold Colt Industries shares By DAVID K SARGENT II lllllHiHHilllUlllllllltllAllltMIIMIIIIII Demand for these items was — a poor car year — should distributed on the AMEX, Big (Mr. Sargent cannot answer answer all questions possible slack in the final half of 1S75 lead the earnings recovery. Board and OTC. all mail personally, but will in his column.) Q — Some time ago, I but has begun to strengthen The better level of car sales bought Colt Industries now. Nonetheless, other divi- and a highly profitable new (NYSE) at approximately 28 SUCCESSFUL sions reported improvements plant will be factors In the per share. It is currently in both sales and earnings so rebound. Looking further around 48. Should I sell? N.I. that for the full year, sales ahead, Colt has announced a A — With most divisions in INVESTING dropped only 11 per cent. newly developed carburetor an uptrend at Colts, it would Earnings of $7.07 a share which features a low emission be difficult for me to justify were below the record result level combined with improved in 1974 when profits hit (10.95 gas economy. This product selling at this time. However, i mi IIIIIIIII IIIII investor psychology is hard to a share. A rebound for 1976 is will be original equipment on gauge The shares could just anticipated. 1978 models of a major auto fundamentals there seems to Specialty steel products ac- manufacturer. Another in- as readily top out at this level be little in the picture to sup- count for about half of sales The Holley Carburetor divi- as go higher. Yet, based on crease in the dividend rate port negative market action. and 10 per cent of earnings. sion, which had a strong 1975 may be forthcoming later this year. I would continue to hold J these shares. Q — I am Interested in Acorn Fund, one sf the top Azzolina gets 5th market performers this year. Would you advise buying it? G.A. By BOB BRAMLEV A - If you can also risk RED BANK - Joseph Azzo- above-average losses, this lina, Middletown GOP leader could be the fund for you. It and former state senator who Is a relatively small (under said in April he is leaving pol- $20 million in assets) no-load itics temporarily to concen- fund. A large part of its out- trate on his food business, has standing performance this suited his actions to his year is attributable to Acorn's words. largest holding - Houston Oil On Wednesday at 10 a.m. k Minerals - which moved up sharply after reporting a Mr. Azzolina will open his II you've been pricing real eslale lately you know thai costs fifth supermarket, a Food- significant new gas field dis- ere high Your bee! bet « lo give your lamily added space town like the other four, on covery in the Gulf of Mexico. with an extra room We do Ihe complete job at the lowest MODERN 6~AT the premises of the former The fund invests in small possible price. A tree estimate will prove we'ie your best buy Call today Foodland market at 56 New-* lesser-known companies with man Springs Road here demonstrated business suc- HKE ESTIMATES ON All TYPES OF HOME IMPROVEMENTS, EASY TERMS ARRANGED. The store, purchased by cess and financial stability Food Circus Supermarkets/ whose Investment qualities Inc., of which Mr. Azzolina is ^ have not generally been rec- president, closed as a Food- ognized. The latter is appar- MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. land market Tuesday. Since ent in the portfolio's average HIGHWAY 35 AT HEADDONS CORNER, MIDDLETOWN then Louis D. Scaduto, Food price-earnings ratio of 6.7X. Circus vice president, and Investments are fairly evenly 741 5060 Philip J. Mannino, Food Cir- cus general supervisor, have been busily overhauling the market layout, restocking it GETTING READY — Busy checking stock of new merchandise In their with new merchandise, some new supermarket are, from left, Philip J. Mannino, general supervisor; Jo- under Ihe Foodtown label, seph Azzolina, president, and Louis D. Scaduto, vice president, of Food Cir- 95% of the people who some under nationally known cus Supermarkets Inc. New Foodtown at 56 Newman Springs Road, Red labels. Bank, will open Wednesday as the fifth store In the Middletown-based Azzo- lina chain. "We will be very com- own homes are worth far petitive with a full line of our own brands as well as nation- Foodtown Inc Mr. Azzolina is volved in the greater Red "We've hired a good num- al brands. We'll offer com- a director of both arms of the Bank scene and we look for- ber of additional employes, than they think. plete lines of bakery goods, cooperative. ward to serving customers in too, and when the store really produce, groceries, U.S. "We're known in the area Shrewsbury, Lincroft, River gets going, we'll have some choice meats and a liquor de- as a local company. The co- Plaza, Tlnton Falls, Little Sil- more jobs to offer the com- The Financial Center tells you how much. partment," Mr. Azzolina said. operative is the buying and ver and other communities as munity," he explained. merchandising agency for in- well as Red Bank." He added that the new fa- dependently owned com- Food Circus Supermarkets For years, you've been pouring lower monthly payments...this cility will have the personal Mr. Azzolina said all former panies like ourselves. This en- Inc. now operates stores in Foodtown touch "as we have employes of Foodland have thousands of dollars into your makes sense). Think about it. ables us to buy in massive Middletown, Port Monmouth, In the other four stores to sat- been Offered jobs in the new carload and truckload lots Wanamassa and Wall Town- house. Now, we can show you isfy our customers." store and most of them have With the difference in loan pay- and makes us one of the most been retained. ship. The new store is the fifth in competitive chains in the how your house can pay you ments, you just might be able to . Mr. Azzolina's chain of mar- area," Mr. Azzolina said. •back. Up to $20,000. kets operated by Food Circus increase your savings plan. He added that there is a Supermarkets Inc. The five- Matawan Twp. There are two good reasons why store chain is a member, with definite need for a super- How much are you worth? other chains comprising from market at the Newman your house is probably worth one to about 25 stores in New Springs Road site. Just fill in the figures in the Jersey, New York and Con- "There are only two super- to discuss rail more than you think. space below and send it to us. necticut, of a cooperative markets in Red Bank itself, whose buying arm is Twin and this store serves the 1. You've paid off a good chunk Or call us with the amount. We County Grocers, Inc., and greater Red Bank area. of the principal. So you own guarantee you a quick answer. whose merchandising arm is We're very happy to get in- parking changes more house than you used to. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - the township issues new park- The Township Council ing lot licenses each Novem- 2. Your house should have gone will discuss a major revision ber. up in value since you bought it. The Financial Center of railroad parking lot regu- Mr. Schering termed the COVERED I •IIMUOfl COMPANY lations and fee structure at present parking lot policy Put these two things together, TERMITE its next workshop meeting "extortion on the part of the DAMAGE today. council." and you've got more than you UP TO The biggest change would r.The Financial Center $50,000 Councilman Wolfe sug- thought. involve a rebate policy for gested that the description of 42 West Front Street Lifetime parking lot users who — due the council's role is not cor- Borrow up to $20,000 Guarantee Keyport.N.J. 07735 to Retirement, job change or rect but added that the gov- with lower payments. Phone: 264-4100 similar reasons — no longer erning body would consider have a need for spaces in the the prorate proposal. At The Financial Center, you can 146 Main Street lot. now borrow up to $20,000 with Manasquan, N.J. 08736 Currently, a person who Equitable Phone:223-3200 3« Ytart ol pays the $6(1 annual user fee your newfound equity. And at E«p*ft*nc* receives no reimbursement if Central Jersey Pool Plaza, Unit 3 Unmarktd Cm he or she relinquishes the promotion .interest rates that may be lower RDl,Hwy.9 Bonded space. Fully Irwured than with regular, personal loans. Freehold Township, N.J. 07728 "It is my understanding for Jacob Phone: 780-9400 that the council will give NEW YORK - George E. And you can take years to pay... serious, due consideration to ONE PRICE Jacob of Holmdel has been which lowers your monthly pay- a rebate policy," declared elected assistant.vice presi- ANY HOUSE 1. What did your house cod Councilman Richard B. M.dent, group benefits, of The ments considerably. originally? $ _^. MtTHOD OF TMMITI TMATMINT Wolfe. "Perhaps, the policy Equitable Life Assurance So- 2. How much is II worth now- 1 We completely drill and pressure treat all sills, cenlsr sup- could even help in the more Where to put your wilh improvements? S ports, stairways, etc In the basemenl or crawl areas ciety of the United States. efficient transfer of spaces 3. How much of the mortgage 2. We completely dnH and pressure Ireat air foundations, in- He joined The Equitable in money to work. side and outside walls that are given up for what- 1K0 and previously served as it unpaid? S 3 We completely treal the soil surrounding lie home This in- ever reasons." manager In the group life and Anywhere. There are no restric- {SUBTRACT Line 3 from 2) cludes through sidewalks, driveways, pains, porches, etc Edward Schering, a rail- health Insurance benefits 4. This it your equity in "If Termites Return To Your Residence Alter Our road commuter who attended areas tions. You can put the money your hjime. S Treatment We Will Return At No Extra Charge As Long last night's township Council 5. How much would you like As You Own The Building." Mr. Jacob is an activi meeting, told the governing member of the Health Insur- you got out of your house, back lo borrow? •• $ body, "I think you sl.""|/l '•nn- ance Association of America, into your house for an addition. Nairn __ A. AAAMWAY PEST CONTROL sider a prorate policy, too. Ip serving on the Allied Health Address twi Onto * •*«"»« WATttM OOfINC CO. effect, you told me to pay the and Hospital Relations Com- Or into a college education for 700 Mattton Avt. Toms Red yearly rate for five months' mittees and on the Health In- your children. Or you can put all City-j AaburyPark Rlvtr Bank use." formation Systems Task An Equal Housing Under 776-9009 244-0403 842-37471 Under the current policy, Force. your loans together in one (with SHREWSBURY, N J. MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1976 The Lfaily Regfcfer 9 June nuptials are announced Colodin-Spiegelbord Marko-O'Connor RUMSON - The marriage of Hiss Rita Julie Lynn Schenfeld was maid of honor. KANKAKEE, III - The marriage of Miss Frances Mary Susan Splegelbord and Joseph Steven Colodln John Covino was best man and the ushers O'Connor, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Leo F. O'Connor of Kan- took place here yesterday In Congregation were Richard Jacobs, Robert Flax, Henry J. kakee, to Robert Martin Marko, son of Mr and Mrs Theodore B'Nai Israel. Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff officiated Chardos, Marc Welssman and Joseph Smorra. M Marko of 85 Alexander Drive, River Plaza, N.J.. took »n. Jesei* CcMli at the double ring ceremony, assisted by Can- Mrs. Colodin was graduated from Red (Nee Rita Splegelbord) place June 5 here in St. Patrick Catholic Church. Their ton Sidney Scharff and Rabbi Sidney Zlmel- ' Bank High School and received a BA degree vows were solemnized at a Nuptial Mass celebrated by the man, cousin of the bride. A reception in the from Nasson College, Springvale, Maine. She Rev. James Toolan The double ring ceremony was followed synagogue followed. Is a teacher's aide at Raritan High School, by a reception at the Kankakee Country Club Hazlet Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs. The rehearsal dinner parly here at Sully's. was hosted by The bridegroom U an alumnus of Ocean Abraham Spiegelbord, 47 Edgewood Ave., the bridegroom's parents. Little Silver, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Colodin, Township High School and was awarded BS Honor attendants for the bridal couple were Mr. and Mrs 513 Laurel Ave., West Allenhurst. and BA degrees from Nichols College, Dudley, John Fader of Charloltesville, Va. Attending the bride were Miss Paula Sple- Mass. He is employed by Internation "Mrs. Refaert M. Marie gelbord, maid of honor; the Misses Marsha Revenue Service, New York. Mrs. David Martin The bridesmaids were the Misses Renee Marko, sister of (Nee Frances O'Connor) Spiegelbord, Debra Colodin, Sandra Schenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Colodin will reside in Matawan (Nee Bonita Carter) the bridegroom; Angela and Shawn O'Connor, sisters of the and Anita Mosca, and Mrs. Kathy Danko. after a wedding trip to Aruba. bride, and Shirley Anderson of Miami, Fla. Ushers were Kevin O'Connor, brother of Ihe bride, and Terry Franke, Jeff Gardner and Jack McKinney of Chicago. Martin-Carter The bride, an alumna of Bishop McNamara High School, RARITAN - Miss Bonita L. Carter, James Razzo was best man and the ushers Kankakee. and the University of Illinois at a daughter of Mrs. John A. Carter, 118 Clay were Mike English and Brian Martin. therapeutic dietitian and up to the time of her marriage, was Mrs. Wllllim Klrlitais Circle, Brick Township, and the late Mr. Car- Mrs. Martin is an alumnti of Middletown employed at Hialeah (Fla.) Hospital. ter, was married here Saturday in St. Paul's (Nee Janet Uaterano) Township High School. She attended Western Evangelical Lutheran Church, to David J. Mi Marko is an alumnus of Red Bank (N.J.) Catholic Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Ky., and High School and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy. N.Y., Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin, expects to be graduated in December from Lebanon. where he was a member of Phi Mu Delta fraternity. He re- Kleinhans- Monmouth College, West Long Branch. ceived a master of business administration degree from The Rev. William P. Hlnlicky officiated at Mr. Martin was graduated from Hunt- Northwestern University Graduate School of Management, the service, which was followed by a recepllqn erdon Central High School and Is a junior at Chicago, where he majored in marketing and transportation. Materano In Ryland Inn, Whitehouse. Monmouth College. He is a senior planning specialist with Eastern Airlines In KEYPORT - Miss Janet Attending the bride were Miss Diane After a wedding trip to Sarasola and San!- Miami. Dailey, maid of honor; Mrs. Marcle English Barbara Materano, daughter bel Island, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Martin will re- Mrs. Richard Pratt On their return from a wedding trip to Canada. Mr. and Mr*. Pklue Sapicaa Jr. of Mr. and Mrs. James Mate- and Miss Laurie Martin. side in Ocean Township. (Nee Shirley Meaney Mrs Marko will reside in Miami Lakes. Fla (Nee Valerie Lewicki) rano, 68 Hudson Ave., West Keansburg, was married here Hay 9 In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, to William Harvey-Landis Pratt- Sapienza-Lewicki James Klelnhans, son of Mr. OAKHURST - The marriage of Miss Rob- took place here June ( in the First United KEANSBURG - Miss Va- ford. and Mrs. Charles Kleinhans, in Lynn Landis and Woodrow W. Harvey Jr. Methodist Church. The Rev. Hooker D. Davis Meaney lerie Irene Lewicki and Philip Attending the bride were 27 Coral Drive, Hazlet There officiated. There was a reception in The Daniel Saplenza Jr. were Miss Marian Lawlor, Miss Homestead, Spring Lake Heights. RED BANK - Miss Shirley was a reception in Buck Alice Meaney and Richard married here May IS In St. Laurie Snyder, Miss Karen Smith's Restaurant, East Ann Roman Catholic Church. Kaftanski and Mrs. Charles Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. James Pratt were married Keansburg. here June 6 in the First Pres- The Hev Edward Strano offi- Cooper Robert W. Landis Sr., 252 Perrine Ave., Ocean byterian Church, Tower Hill. ciated at the ceremony, Attending the bride were Township, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sr., 132 which was followed by a re- Robert Hodnovich was best The Rev. Blanchard Romaine man and the ushers were Ed- Hiss Maryann Materano, Phillips Ave., Deal. officiated at the ceremony, ception in Roman Inn, Hazlet. maid of honor; Hrs. Corita ward T. Lewicki, Gerard Sa Mrs. Ernest Marziale was matron of honor which was followed bv a re* Parents of the couple are Sleight, Mrs. Joan Lovett and pienza and Charles Cooper. and Robert Todd was best man. reception In Buttonwood Mr. and Mrs Edward J. Le- the Misses Jean Klelnhans, Manor, Matawan. wicki, 50 Briarwood Ave. The bride was graduated Joyce Materano and Donna Mrs. Harvey is an alumna of Ocean Town- Mrs. James Coaeelly here, and Mr. and Mrs. Sa from Mater Dei High School. D'Anthony. The bride Is the daughter of ship High School and received a BS degree (Nee Debbie Loughrey) pienza, 183 Eighth St., Bel- New Monmouth, and attends from Trenton State College. Mr. and Mrs. Rod R Meaney, Robert Klelnhans was best 2 Irma Place, Oceanpori. Mr. Brookdale Community Col- man. Ushers were James and Mrs. Isaac H. Pratt, S3 lege, Llncroft. She is a recep- Mr. Harvey was graduated from Asbury tionist at Red Bank Music Materano, Kevin Lovett, An- Park High School, and Is with U.S. Postal Ser- Obre Place, Shrewsbury, are Connelly-Loughrey thony Caruso, Donald Miller vice, Deal. the bridegroom's parents. KEYPORT - The mar- rane, Barbara Maxcy and Mr. Sapienza, an alumnus and John Di Vone riage of Miss Debbie L. Debbie Connelly. Gregory of Middletown Township High After a wedding trip to Virginia, Mr. and Attending the bride were Loughrey and James A. Con- Stypulkowski was ring bear- Mr. and Hrs. Kleinhans School and Brookdale Com- Mrs. Harvey will reside in Ocean Township. Julie C. Meaney, maid of hon- nelly took place here June 5 er. were graduated from Raritan Mr. awl Mrs WMdnw Harvey Jr. munity College, received a BS or; Barbara Conover and In the First Baptist Church. The bridegroom had Hugh High School, Hazlet. She is an degree In business manage- Martha Kravec. The Rev. Eugene F. Gregory Casey as his best man and alumna of Monmouth County ment from Trenton State Col- officiated at the service, John Loughrey, Dennis Vart- lege. He is a production su- Vocational School and is em- Clements-O'Connor William Netchimer was which was followed by a re- Dermark and David pervisor at the Work Opportu- ployed by Dr. Albert Gordon, BELFORD - Mr and Mrs. Robert Tool, best man and the ushers were Stuart Cohen, Robert Peck ception in Buck Smith's Res- Loughrey as ushers. nity Center. Long Branch Mlddletown dentist. Mr US Park Ave., announce the marriage of her taurant, East Keansburg. Klelnhans Is with General daughter, Miss Diane E. O'Connor, to Marine and John Flannery. Mr. and Mrs Connelly are 1 Parents of the couple are Motors, Unden Corps Corporal Michael P. Clements, son of graduates of Raritan High ""SPRING SAVBKJT"* Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hay, Center Ave. Mrs. Pratt was graduated Mr. and Mrs. John T School, Hazlet. She is a legal LA-Z-BOY from Shore Regional High Loughrey Sr. 6 E. Richard secretary for the firm of The Rev. John B. Cook celebrated the School. She and Mr. Pratt, an RECUNERS • SWIVELS Story Hours Nuptial Mass Hay 22 in St. Catherine's Roman St., and Mr. and Mrs. James Burns k Testino, Keyport. ROCKERS alumnus of Red Bank Region- H. Connelly, 55 Lafayette Mr. Connelly attended Brook- Catholic Church, East Keansburg. There was al High School, were gradu- WAI • CHMK • OTTOMANS need aides a reception In Buck Smith's Restaurant. Drive, both families of Haz- dale Community College, Lin- MAM! TOT TANIS ated also from Monmouth let. croft, and is a student at GUUJTAN CAifft • MCKSOWS in fall The bride, daughter also of the late College, West Long Branch, Thomas E. O'Connor, had Miss Bonnie Miss Judy Loughrey was Monmouth College, West MIDDLETOWN - The Ju- and are attending George maid of honor. Bridesmaids Long Branch. He is employed .e O'Connor as her maid of honor. Washington University, Wash- nior Woman's Club of Middle- were the Misses Sharon Pet- by the Hazlet Township unu simi Thomas Clements was best man. ington, D.C. They are em- town is closing Its season of Board of Education. FURNITURE STUDIO Story Hours (or the Head The bride and bridegroom are graduates ployed in that city by the Bu- After a wedding trip to Start program In Atlantic of Middletown Township High School. She has reau of Labor Statistics. Florida, the couple will reside IMblh* Highlands. Members will re- been employed as a personnel clerk at Ft. in Hazlet sume their services of read- Monmouth. Corp. Clements Is stationed at Mr. and Mrs. Pratt will re- Bridal 747-2690 ing stories and playing games Camp LeJeune, NX. Mr. aaa Mrs. Michael Omuls side In Arlington, Va. with the preschoolers in the note fall under the direction of Juniors sell ice Wedding and engagement Mrs. Jeffrey Berger Young Smith-Prechter at folk festival forms are available on "SIT and STITCH"^ women between the ages of NEW BRUNSWICK - Miss Mr. Smith Is the son of Mr. The bride is an alumna of request to The Daily Regis- 18-35 Interested in volun- MIDDLETOWN - The Ju- in-store demonstration Diana Lou Precbter and and Mrs. Lester Smith, Wall- Middletown Township High nior Woman's Club of Middle- ter's Contemporary Life de- teering for the fall project are Glenn L. Smith were married ace St., Red Bank. He was School and Douglass College parlmenj There is no fee invited to write Mrs. Berger, town will participate in the BASKETWEAVE - JUNE 15 & 17 here May 30 in Kirkpatrlck graduated from Red Bank of Rutgers University, from annual Middletown Folk Fes- charged for any material c/o Middletown Juniors, P.O. Chapel of Rutgers University. Regional High School and re- which she was graduated with used Wedding details are Basic needlepoint stitch Box 10, Middletown, N.J. tival set for June 18 and 19 at ceived a BS degree in envi- a BA degree In mathematics. Bodman Park, an event spon- preferred in advance. Pic- The Rev. Hadley Harper of- ronmental science from Cook The bridal couple will re- sored by the township's De- tures received two weeks af- BARGEUO - JUNE 16ft 18 LA LECHE LEAGUE ficiated at the service. There ter the event, run the risk of College of Rutgers Univer- side in Boulder, Colo. partment of Parks and Recre- HOLMD^L - -Baby Ar- was a reception in the home not being used After publica- Decorative needlepoint stltcn sity. ation. The clubwomen will rives: The Family and the of the bride's parents, Mr tion the pictures may be pick- BAYSHORE llj A have a Pretzel and Ice Sale. Continuously Breastfed Baby" will be the and Mrs. Karl E. Prechter, 12 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ed up at the main office of MATAWAN - Jayne Mack- Mrs. David Bernstein is 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. topic of the La Leche League Knapp Circle, Middletown. RED BANK - The Married The Daily Register, One Reg- QMFTY ta, Morristown, founder and chairman. Proceeds will go to No toe .Thursday at 8 p.m. here at 31 Couples Bible Class of the ister Plaza, Shrewsbury, immediate past president of the club's charity fund. Sweet Briar Lane. Women in- NEW LIBRARY HOURS United Methodist Church, will the Women's Division of the 07701. Or, they may be sub- COLT$ TOWNE SHOPPES terested in learning more RUHSON - New summer hold its annual Strawberry United Jewish Federation of ORT INSTALLATION mitted with a self-addressed, RT 34. COLTS NECK. N.Jj about this program are in- hours of the Oceanic Free Li- Festival Saturday from noon Morris and Sussex Counties, NEPTUNE - The Mata- stamped envelope. 201-431-5616 Ji vited to call the hostess, Mrs. brary, Ave. of Two Rivers, to ( p.m. here on the grounds will be guest speaker at a wan Chapter of Women's Terri Youngs. are Monday and Thursday 1 of the church, 247 Broad St. A meeting of the Bayshore American Organization for to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., and bake sale will also be fea- United Jewish Appeal Wom- Rehabilitation through Train- Tuesday, Wednesday and tured. Mrs. Robert Dawson, en's Division Thursday at 8 Ing, will install its officers at Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shrewsbury, is chairman. p.m. in the home of Mrs. Ger- luncheon Saturday at noon BRA ald Hoch, 4 Dawn Way, Mata- here at the Jumping Brook wan Township. Mrs. William Country Club. Mrs. Adrian CLEARANCE Schwartz will host a July II Fischer will be inducted pres- C.B.S. SUPERMARKET luncheon. ident. 36 MAIN ST. KEANSBURG V3u, V2 OFF PICK-IT BUDGET PRICED OVR REd'LAR PRICES FAMILY SUMMER FUN JERSEY NUMBER GAME at the SLEEPWEAR Pick any three number* — you can play from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M., 7 day* a week CHELSEA POOL V3 to V2 OFF WE ARE A CLAIM CENTER & BEACH CLUB JUNE 13-20 ENTER OUR GRAND NO CUT NURSING OPENING - SAT., JUNE 19 OPENING CONTEST AND ROBES E AND X HOME COSTS X POOL & OCEAN BATHING LOUNGEVPEAR T T R WIN A FREE COLOR TV V3 to V2 OFF A kiduehw * J / BATH HOUSE PLUS 56 OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES 8 per day \ 8 FAMILY of 4 *150 (No purchase necessary • Drawing June 20th 6 P.M.T) ALL PRESCRIBED DRUGS MdUDED Each Additional Adult 125 Each Additional Child S15 STOP AND JOIN US FOR ... OPEN FOR Our al Inclusive rale aao indodei . . . Room and Board, 24-hour LOCKERS AVAUAIIE AT REDUCED RATES • FREE PONY RIDE ruling services, hand (eedlng • diaper services. al non-pre- * SALT WATER POOL — FILLED DAILY With Purchase ol 11.00 or Mere June H-20 • BREAKFAST • LUNCHEON scription drugs, houee doctor, al medical uppHes. personal laun- * SNACK BAR * COCKTAIL LOUNGE • ICE CREAM AND SUNDAES • DINNER dry, us* o( wheelchairs end oertatrlc chakj, uw ol waiters, water * 8AUNA * LARGE BEACH AREA meltreessi. recreational therapy, special diets, lour-mesl plan, rood BUY 1 GET 1 FREE • PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE supplements. movlM. btthday perries. 4 bed room * FREE PARKING BIRTHDAYS and OCCASIONS A NVratae Meaie Wm bstcieM Can MeeMe* CALL 222-0005 or 870-2778 • 10% OFF ALL SENIOR CITIZENS PURCHASES 10 MONMOUTH IT. AMU 7 A.M.-11P.M. WMXIMOU MID IANK MONMOUTH CONVALESCENT CENTER 76 OCEAN AVE LONG BRANCH DURING GRAND OPENING WEEK OPEN: Fri. end tat UnBI MMnHW 229 BATH AVENUE LONG BRANCH, N.J. CORNER OF I MOM. TNM UI. Mt-iiM CHELSEA AVE. 747-4149 229-4300 656 SHREWSBURY AVE. TINTON FALLS 10 Hie Daily Register SHREWSBURY N J MONDAY JUNE 14 1976 Warren-Leighty HAHMONSHURti. rV - Belton-Beck Miss Linda Mae Leightly and Weddings Michael John Warren were MIDDLETOWN - Susan M Berk daugh ler »l Mr and Mrs William II Berk. 4 South married here May 29 in llar- Lake Drive, River Plaza, was married May T> monsburg United Methodist in Westminster Presbyterian Church, here, to Church. Officiating were the Curtis H Belton He is the son nl Mr and Rev. Charlotte Spencer, pas- Mrs Lloyd H Helton, 329 Rulledge Drive, tor, and the Rev George II here Rutherford, former pastor The ceremony was performed by the Hev There was a reception in Ho- Marian C. Durfee. There was a reception in liday Inn. Meadville the Colonial Room of the River Plaza Hose Parents of the couple are Company. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diana P. Beck was the bride's attendant Leightly here, and Mr and Frank Yellen was best man Mrs. John Warren. 100 Park Mn. Mlckarl Warren The couple were graduated from Middle- Ave. Fair Haven. N.J. town Township High School'.The bnde is at- (Nee Linda Mae Leightly) tending Babson College. Wellesley, Mass The Mrs Harry Fleming was bridegroom, a graduate of I.ycoming Colllege. matron of honor. Bridesmaids lieutenant stationed at Car- Williamsport, Pa , with a BA in biology, is em were Miss Diane Warren and swell Air Force Base in Fort ployed at SI Columbkille High School. Bright- Miss Susan Thompson. Ton- Worth. Tex , where she and Mr. ml Mrs Cirth BCHM on. Mass , where the couple will reside nua Winans was flower girl Mr. Warren will make their Mr. iMI Mra. Marl* SaiM* Jr. Mr. aid Mn. Newtoa and Robert Froidl was ring home. bearer. The bridegroom was gradu- Dawes-Middleton Mr. Warren had William RED BANK - Miss Diane Mane Middle- May 15 in the United Methodist Church The ated from Rumson-Falr Sanhudo-Price Newton-Condon Boyd as his best man and Haven Regional High School, ton and Ralph A Dawes were married here Rev Eugene Smith and the Hev Rollo Mi- NEWARK - Miss Judith Price, daughter ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - In St. Agnes Thomas Eckles and Charles Rumson, N.J . served two chael officiated There was a reception in of Mr and Mrs Robert Price, 26 Hemlock St.. Roman Catholic Church here June 5. Miss Leightly as ushers. years in the Air Force and is Fisherman's Wharf, Rumson Hazlel, was married here May 15 to Mario Rui Constance M. Condon, daughter of Mr., and The bride is a graduate of attending Tarrant County Ju- Sanhudo Jr., son of Mr and Mrs Sanhudo. Mrs. John P. Condon, 27 Third Ave.. became The bride is the daughter of Mrs. John K Linesville Conneaut Summit nior College in Fort Worth. here. the bride of Lon Newton, son of Mrs John Middleton, 130 Jumping Brook Road. Lincroft. Newton, 37 Navesink Ave Highlands, and the High School and Sharon Gen- and the late Mr Middleton The bridegroom is They were married by the Rev Manuel late Mr. Newton eral Hospital School of Nurs- Mr. and Mrs. Warren took a the son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Dawes. Den- Vaz in Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic ing. She is an Air Force first wedding trip to Vermont. ville The Rev. Felix Venza celebrated the Nup- Church There was a reception in the Polish tial Mass. There was a reception in Squires Falcon Club, here. Mrs Monica M Hammonn was the ma- Pub, West Long Branch The bride wwas given in marriage by her tron of honor Robert Dawes was the best Diane and John Condon were the couple's uncle, James Salerno Miss Lynn Rizzie was man honor attendants maid of honor Arthur Sanhudo was best man Mrs. Newton was graduated from Mater The couple were graduated Irom Glass- The bride Is a graduate of Raritan High Dei High School, New Monmouth, and Taylor iM.i-ii State College. The bride is a graduate School, Hazlet, and is a clerk-typist and Business Institute. Plainfield. She and Mr also of Red Bank Catholic High School and switchboard operator employed at Hudson Newton, an alumnus of Middletown Township her husband is a graduate of Morris Knolls County CETA in Hoboken The bridegroom, a High School are employed at International High School They reside in Ironia. Randolph veteran of the U.S. Army, serving as a medic Flavors and Fragrances Mr Newton attends Mr. a*4 Mrs. Rilpk Dawn Township in Ft. Myer, Va. from 1S71 to 1974. is a gradu- Brookdale Community College, Lincroft. ate of East Side High School, here. He will at- Mr. and Mrs. Newton are on a wedding Flynn-Murphy tend optometry school next January trip to Hawaii. UNION BEACH - In the Holy Family Ro- crine Murphy became the bride of Dennis man Catholic Church here, May 22 Miss Cain- Flynn. Pesapane-Phillips She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. John BELMAR - In St. Rose Roman Catholic J Murphy, 71 Stephenville Blvd.. Middletown Church here May 8. Miss Donna Rae Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Delbrrt Kiinrrt The hi uliyi'HUM'S |>;iretits are Mr and Mrs. daughter of Mr and Mrs John R. Phillips. 57 Joseph Flynn, Elizabeth. Cooper Road. Middletown, became the bride There was.a reception in the Carpathian of Patsy Pesapane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kunert- Ballroom of the SI Nicholas Catholic Center. Pesapane Jr., 612-13th Ave. here. There was a Edison reception in Terrace Gardens, Wanamassa. Suthland Miss Maureen Murphy was the maid of Miss Beverly Rasmussen was maid of honor and Kevin White was best man. Hl'MSON - Miss Kalhryn Sutherland and honor Dennis Chieffo was best man. lien were married hea? May 1 during a candlelight ceremony The couple are both graduates of Seton Mrs. Pesapane was graduated from Mid- conducted in the First Presbyterian Church of Rumson by the Hall University, Soulh Orange. The bride, an dietown Township High School and is person- Rev Foster C. Wilson There was a reception in Cobbles- alumna of Red Bank Catholic High School, nel manager at Mr Liquidators, Shrewsbury. tones. Middletown. was graduated from college with honors, earn- The bridegroom, assistant manager in ing a BS degree in accounting She is em- Parents uf the couple are Mr and Mrs Donald Su!nor- home decor at Two Guys, Neptune, was grad- ployed by American Cyanamid. Linden. land. 1 Rutgers Drive, Fair Haven, and Mr. and Mrs Orvllle Mr. aid Mrs. Patsy Prsapanr uated from Manasquan High School KIIIII-I'I 11)05 Wayside Road. Wavside. The bridegroom, also a graduate of Seton Hall Preparatory School, earned a college de- Eileen Sutherland and Jerry Kunert were the couple's gree in psychology Lehtonen-Hoffman hunoi attendants. • Mr. aid Mn. Dcuk Flyaa The couple resides in Elizabeth T1NTON FALLS - Miss 23 Branford Circle, where the were graduated from Mon- Leslie Ann Hoffman and reception took place. mouth Regional High School Mrs. Kunert was graduated from Rumson-Kair Haven Re- She Is employed at the Ft. gional High School and Berkeley-Claremont Secretarial Mark Lehtonen were married Mr. Lehtonen is the son of here May 29 in the home of Monmouth Post Exchange, School. New York. She Is employed by Diva. Inc.. Ealontown Boyce-De Julio Mrs. Ellen Lehtonen, 113 Wa- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Branin, and Mr. Lehtonen is self-em- ter St. MIDDLETOWN - Miss Donna Marie De Water St., brother-in-law and ployed with Tinton Falls Ra- Ihe bridegroom is an alumnus of Monmouth Regional Julio and James Robert Boyce were married sister of the bridegroom. Red Attending the couple were pid Transit System. High School. Tinton Falls, and Monmouth College. West Longj here by the Rev William A Hanson in the Bank Municipal Court Judge Miss Kathryn Hoffman and After a wedding trip to Branch He is an electrical engineer employed by Burroughs King of Kings Lutheran Church. May 23 William I. Klatsky officiated. Richard Cartwright Sr. Washington, D.C.. the couple Corp. Plainfield. After a wedding trip to SI. Thomas, the The bride's parents are Mr and Mrs Vin- Mr. and Mrs. Lehtonen resides In Red Bank couple resides in Ocean Township. cent A De Julio, 62 Warren Place, here. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyce of Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman, are the bridegroom's parents Horn! tdwok UM SUM required an There was a reception at the Shore Casino to0HLTaltl " in Atlantic Highlands. Miss Debbie Ann De Julio was Ihe maid of honor. Richard Boyce was best man. REUSSILLES' The bride is a graduate of Middlelown Township High School and is employed as a pnvate secretary for Ogden Corp., New York City The bridegroom, a graduate of Most 90th ANNIVERSARY Holy Trinity High School, is employed as a Deputy US Marshall at Federal Building in Brooklyn. Mr. «MI Mn. Jaaws Beyer The couple resides in Staten Island SALE! r Once -in -Our Lifetime Values! We know you can shape up RING «221I MEN'S WATCH #B6219 BROOCH #BRU3 DIAMOND JEWELRY t. in time for summer! 14 karat lady's chain effect 14 karat stainless steel back 14 karat modern diamond #R823O pierced - M3.50 Omega automatic, day/date - shape, one fine round emer- 14 karat pierced earrings 25% off-$32.63 $325.00 ald - $97.00 with two .055 carat full cut DIAMOND JEWELRY RING #2620 30% off - $67.90 diamonds - $130.00 30% off-190.00 nun 18 karat lady's swirl grey and RING#2VM rose cultured pearl - $130.00 14 karat white lady's solitaire RING #3638 U karat white lady's ring 25% off-$97.50 with four .025 carat full cut 1 carat dlamondaire with Girls 14 karat, classic tiffany and one 2.0 carat pink CUFF LINKS #1844 baguettes - $80.00 setting, round synthetic tourmaline - $175.00 14 karat rectangular, bright 25% off $60.00 sapphire - $34.00 25% off $25.50 30% off $122.50 edge florentine - $134.00 CHARM #6831 RING #2490 30% off-$93.80 14 karat 3/4 inch heart disc - 10 karat white lady's imita- DIAMOND JEWELRY RING #2675 $44.40 #R8235 tion emerald and white 30% off sapphire • $62.00 18 karat lady's round dome 6 14 karat man's tie clip bright 25% off-$46.88 cultured pearls • $100.00 RING #3593 finish with one .02 cant CHERIE BLANCK BROOCH (BR99S6 25% off $75.00 Mans 14 karat oval black star single cut diamond • $86.00 1976 14 karat oval textured brooch BRACELET #1397 sapphire, nugget finish • 30% off -160.20 carved 1 3/8 inch by 15/16 Yellow gold filled mesh - $186.00 RING (3634 inch jade - $270.00 $39.00 25% off $139.50 Ladies 14 karat, plain 4 4-TIME TROPHY 30% off-$189.00 25% off-$29.25 prong oval synthetic peridot WINNER BRACELET #1417 RING #1541 RING #2756 Yellow gold-filled large links spinel - $51.50 GARDEN STATE 14 karat white lady's guard, 14 karat lady's rectangular pierced flowers • $28.35 25% off $38.63 channel setting, synthetic synthetic blue sapphire - 25% off $21.26 TALENT EXPO WINNER green spinels - $55.00 BROOCH #BR65 $59.75 Ship's wheel, extra heavy • JERSEY SHORE 25% off-$44.81 RING #3558 Mans 14 karat signet ring, $157.S0 1st PLACE LADIES WATCH (B6S82 DIAMOND JEWELRY oval, oxidized, carved sides - 30% off -1110.25 14 karat yellow gold Omega, MISS JERSEY SHORE Join Elaine Powers' accelerated $76.00 wide mesh, complete brace- mm 25% off -157.00 RING (2216 RUNNER-UP Summer Shape-Up Program. let, cover style - $1,150.00 14 karat white lady's ring 14 karat lady's wedding band 40% off-$690.00 with four .04 carat full cut LADIES WATCH (B6663 9 mm. raised leaves - $70.00 JR MISS DANCE Begin right now Hurry up Plunge in. You can still look 14 karat yellow gold 23 jewel 25% off -152.50 RING #2637 diamonds and a 3.25 carat RUNNER-UP Shape up. Enjoy a figure fit for sensational by summer We know! rhodalite garnet • $400.00 Bulova, two diamonds, suede 18 karat lady's flat DIAMOND JEWELRY top (trap • $125.00 DANCE MASTERS summer fun with Elaine Powers' wedding band • $35.00 IR8236 Summer $ RING 12778 ' 40% off -$75.00 OF AMERICA NYC special "Summer Shape-Up" 14 karat white lady's ring program, 14 karat man's oval topaz KING (3559 with 8.41 cant aqua and Shape-Up per DIAMOND JEWELRY quartz circlet - $172.00 It's an accelerated program Ladies 14 karat modem eight .05 carat full cut Special week IR8276 25% off-1131.25 APPEARING IN that works. With exercise and 3 shank, fine round amethyst • diamonds • $450.00 18 karat lady's ring circlet THE ANNUAL RECITAL $78.00 30% off-1315.00 sensible eating Easy-to-use Active- Complete 13-week Program with two 2.5 mm. and one 3.0 JUNE 27. 1976 Exercise equipment Our helping Unlimited Visits 25% off-158.50 BROOCH >BII76 MIDDLETOWN mm. sapphires and two .10 HIGH SCHOOL hand and encouraging words So carats full cut diamonds - 14 karat, two horse heads, 2PM • you can walk with pride at Call now for an $390.00 one bright and one satin finish - $65.00 poolside 30% off •1273.00 appointment! 30"/. off $45.50 BRACELET #1446 DOROTHY Yellow gold-filled sli oval TOLAND »-J » L shell cameos - $70.00 Elaine Powers Figure Salons 741-nSr » DANCE STUDIO RED BANK (SHREWSBURY) | 201 K. Brntrn I'l. H.-.I ll.,.k Shrewsbury Plaza, Rt. 35 544-1773 741-2208 Also Bricktown Bay Harbour Plaza 255-3359 Engagements SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY. JUNE 14, 1976 The DWly RfgMCr 11 Lazarus-Basile HOLMDEL - Announce- Kappa Delta Pi, the National ment it made by Mr and Educational Honor Society Mrs. Joseph J. .Battle, 38 1 Crosswordsover puzzles Heather HU1 Way , of the en- Mr. Lazarus, a graduate of gagement of their daughter, Middletown Township High Mttt Lea trice M. Basile, to School, received a BA degree Michael A. Lazarus, ton ot- in biological sciences from Mr. and Mrs. George La- Rutgers College. He will en- from a woman who was ter- It so happens I am a brand zarus, Middletown. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- ter a Ph. D program in phar- band Is a crossword puzzle ribly annoyed by a close lady — and a hairy one at Miss Basile, a graduate of macology at the Univrsity of friend who habitually tele- that. I shave my legs because Red Bank Regional High nut. Ed claims It's his major Illinois in September. At Rut- source of relaxation and he's ANN LANDERS phoned her while she was eat- society says I must. When I School, holds a BA degree in gers he was a member of the a real whiz. His brother tells ing This friend was always wear a sleeveless dress, I art education from Trenton Lambda Chi Alpha frater- everybody Ed is so good he way. Mother finally accepted enormous but it took so long crunching, chewing (sounded also shave under my arms, State College, where she was nity. He Is employed by Elec- only needs to work them hori- it and even helped set up my to win my independence I like celery) and was barely which is a nuisance Now my graduated summa cum laude tro Control Associates, Inc. of apartment. But Father never hate to give it up. able to make herself under- husband tells me if I want to She also was a member of South Plainfield. zontally. 1 don't mind Ed doing let me forget I went against Help me, Ann, I need your stood because her mouth was go swimming with him this crosswords when we go to a his wishes advice — Truly Tom full of food summer I must shave the restaurant for dinner by our- Mom passed away in Ja- Dear Torn: If you don't tops of my legs, both front Gerstenmaier-Hendrickson I have a similar problem selves because I enjoy them, nuary. I Invited my father to hold your ground now you'll and back, from the knees up ' LONG BRANCH - School of Fashion Merchan- It's my husband. He Insists on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mor- too. But when we have anoth- stay with me "for a few be stuck In your father's dising, New York, and is em- taking the phone to the dinner I .resent this male chauvin- gan, Throckmorton Ave., an- er couple or two along, I'm weeks." Well, it's been three home as long as he lives. You ployed as a model in New table and making business ism and told him I'd be happy nounce the engagement of embarrassed. There I sit, months now and all I hear have earned your freedom York. calls throughout the meal. to oblige, provided he shaves their daughter Miss Sally trying to converse with our from him is, ' 'Move back and independence. I urge you Dinner time is actually the the tops of HIS legs also - Ruth Hendrickson, to James guests (or hosts) while Ed home and live with me." to MAINTAIN IT or you'll Mr. Gerstenmaler, a gradu- only opportunity the children front and back. His reply E. Gentenmater, son of Mr. has his nose buried in his' The thought of it makes me rue the day. ate of the University of Ohio was, "You're nuts." and Mrs, Dwight Gersten- newspaper, avidly filling In sick. I've become accustomed have to talk to their father where he was elected to Phi to coming and going as 1 Dear Ann Landers: In a re- I'm sure they resent his maier, Fruitland Park, Fla. Beta Kappa, holds a master's words. Am I? 1 tried shaving the If anyone mentions It, Ed please. The guilt feelings are cent column you had a letter Mocking them out, and so do Miss Hendrickson, a gradu- degree from New York Uni- I tops of my legs four years ate of Shore Regional High versity. He is employed by Miss HeadrlckMi says he can concentrate on ago and ended up with half a School, here, attended MUM the American Telephone and more than one thing at a time I've told him how I feel but dozen ingrown hairs. Please mouth College. She is a grad- Telegraph Co. as a computer and that he hasn't missed a he continues with this despi- settle this. - Hirsute Hanna uate of the Tobe-Coburn systems supervisor. word of the conversation. Oc- cable habit. Last night he put From Urbana casionally he looks up to ask it bluntly, "You run the house If anyone knows a five-letter and let me run my business." Dear Hanna: If your legs Mohrbutter-Graham word for an African nit. What What can I do about It? - are shaved from the knees KEYPORT - Announce- the Central Jersey Bank and do you have to say about such Blocked Out down and you have an abun- ment Is made of the engage- Trust of Freehold, crude and Insensitive behav- dant growth from the knees ment of Miss Peggy Graham, ior? — Puzzled In Pawtucket Dear Blocked: Probably up, you would be something Ml North Concourse, to Wil- Mr. Mohrbutter attended Dear P.: Tell Ed a very little — except to engage of a conversation piece liam Mohrbutter, Line Road, Holmdel High School. He is crossword Is O.K. when he's the children in conversation around the pool. Holmdel. employed by Firestone Dis- alone or with you, but when and try to divert their atten- Miss Graham is a graduate tribution Center of Cranbury Since shaving causes you to others are present "Paw" tion from the ultimate rejec- have ingrown hair, try a de- of Matawan Regional High and Is a member of the Haz- should tuck It In his pocket. tion. School She Is employed by let Fire Department. pilatory or a wax job. They It's, insulting to give friends A man who can't spare 25 take more time than shaving Miss Graham the Impression that their minutes a day to converse but the results last longer and Cross-Bonavita company is so Inadequate with his children Is In bigger you won't get cuts, infections NEW MONHOUTH - Mr. burgh and attends Fairlelgh that he needs outside enter- trouble than he realizes. In a or ingrown hairs. and Mrs Frank Bonavlta, 11 Dickinson University in the tainment to protect himself few years he should not be Elinor St., announce the en- master's degree program. He against boredom. surprised when they have ab- How much do you know gagement of their daughter, is employed by National Can Dear Ann Landers: My par- solutely nothing to say to him. about pot, L.S.D., cocaine, Miss Carole Joan Bonavlta, to Co., Plscataway. ents were from the old school speed, meth, uppers and downers, glue and heroin? Leonard William Cross, son of A September wedding Is and believed an unmarried TAG DAGS — John Kay, president of Shrewsbury Dear Ann Landers: Will you Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cross, woman who didn't live at State Bank, launches the annual Tag Day appeal please tell me why Americans Are all these drugs dan- planned. gerous? Get Ann Landers's Warrandale, Pa. home was "up to no good." today of Red Bank Chapter of Deborah Heart and are so hung up on hair? In new booklet, "Straight Dope Miss Bonavtta, a graduate I am 11, single and lived Lung Center, Browns Mills, by giving a contribu- Europe women do not shave with my parents until I was tion to Mrs. Philip Matena, Middletown, vice their armpits or their legs on Drugs." For each booklet of Middletown Township High ordered, send a dollar bill School, holds an AAS degree 2t. After three years of hassl- chairman of the drive. Mrs. Ralph Stein, Red and nobody gives a damn. In ing and much soul-searching I Bank, Is chairman of the Tag Day event being con- this country, if a woman has plus a long, self-addressed en- from Brookdale Community |6Sl velope (24 cents postage) to College, Llncroft, and a BS moved to my own apartment. ducted this week In Red Bank, Little Silver, Tlnton hair anyplace but on her head KEANSBURG - Residents Falls, Shrewsbury, Sea Bright, Eatontown and Ann Landers, P.O. Box 1400, degree from Kean College, My parents were very upset she is considered some sort of of the Beachvlew Rest Home, Miss Bwavlla but I made the break any- Fair Haven. freak. Elgin, IU. H120. Union. She is employed at a licensed sheltered care Bayshore Community Hospi- boarding home, J2 Laurel tal, Holmdel. Ave., will present a fashion Mr. Cross is an alumnus of show Wednesday at S:M p.m. the Virginia Military Aca- In the home. demy. He holds a BS degree Clothing, which is being from the University of Pitts- modeled by residents, is being The donated by non-commercial friends of the home. A resident of the home who omm.tM.Mi. is a former assistant buyer HIM of RED BANK 24 BBOAD STREET for a New York-based depart- ment store chain, will be the Bridal Fair moderator. Refreshments will be served. Friends and relatives Everything you'll want to know of the residents will be guests. SUMMER SALE! The residents planned the about ia wedding! EXHIBITORS fashion show under the super- • Ethan Allen Gallery 1 FOR THE JUNIOR & CONTEMPORARY MBS Window vision of Andrea Landrum, Wednesday the activities director at the • Econo-car Limousines Shodes home, and Marge Hoffman, a June 16th • Richard Brandstetter ENTIRE STOCK JUNIOR 2 PC. SWIM SUITS Monmouth County Welfare Photographer Board employe who is social service advisor to the hame. 7 P.M.-11 P.M. • Bliss Bridals $1 190 MIKES 98 Volunteers assisting with • Mr. Jiffy Printers I I Reg. $17.00 to $22.00 START AT activities for Beachvlew Rest • Lisa Caterers HUNDREDS OF SLACKS $Q9O Wg have a beautiful selection Home Residents are Ann • Paul Reussille Jewelers ol stripes sows, lions, scal- McHugh, Pat Lund, Barbara • Red Balloon Travel \J Reg. $17.00 to $23.00 lop and hinge and plain bot- Rhodes, Maryrose Nelson, toms All in a wide array ot • Village Shop Boutique colors We also stock sues up Marjorie Wetzen and Marge LARGE GROUP OF T SHIRTS to 71" wide Prowns has ev- Nestel, all of Matawan; Mild- Dresses - Sportswear erything m window shades' red Harrington and Edith • Petal Pusher Florist PRINT, NYLON SHIRTS, GAUZE TOPS to Nonsees.both of Middletown, • Party Line Rentals and Betty Martin, Gayle • Community State Bank POLISHED COTTON No tony watting. Richardson and Beate Sykes, Mottonton all of Holmdel. • Formals by Charles ALL WEATHER rMtfy In 1 hour. (Tuxedos) ST. JAMES SENIORS JACKETS 2 OFF! RED BANK - The St. James Senior Citizens Club PLUS: will have its social meeting A free $250.00 gift certifi- Wednesday at 1:30 p.m in the cate to be won by a lucky Parish Room, Peters Place. j FOR THE MISSES SIZED WOMAN> Plans will be completed for engaged couple to be the club's first anniversary used as credit toward a ENTIRE STOCK luncheon "Birthday Celebra- shopping spree at any tion" set for June Z4 in the Bridal Fair exhibitor. Willowbrook Inn, Fair Haven PANT SUITS OFF! A sing-along is planned. 14 other door prizes Music - Refreshments $ W $ B7 3 Fashion Shows 19 and 26 . ..Reg. W to W $QQ0f 0 Cmri A. Qmagfia, • Come and .Reg. W to 70" R.P. receive helpful 33 hints and | DON'T PRACTICE MEDICINE | ideas before OFF ALL BETTER PANT SUITS ON YOUR OWN! that big day!

Thtrt b in old axiom Chal say*, "lit who is his own physician, his • fool for a palirnl." II is just nol wht to try to trral or cure in •ilmrnl-unlns you art able to DRESSES l/ determine the real cause. And, only • physician has 3t 0 OFF! the knowledge to diagnose > problem. 199 You n> save sickness-lime, discomfort and ALL ALFRED DUNNER SLACKS. Reg. $12.00 to $18.00 probably some medical bills If you immedialeljr ALL ALFRED DUNNER TOPS.... consult your physician at the first symptoms of an 20% OFF! illness or If you have recurring symptoms of any physical distress. FOR FREE ALL LONG SLEEVED PRINT DACRON COTTON SLEEPWEAR NYLON & POLYESTER SKHRTS NYLON GOWNS VOU OR YOUR DOCTOR' CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver CALL 671-6000 RESERVATIONS! COTTON DUSTERS promptly without extra chine A treat many proplr rely on us (or their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts. Mrnmoa wnawm tot MUSIB MTMT mourn Arthur Lasky's OFF! Shrewsbury Pharmacy OFF! THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS •ROAD ST. 7414(74 SHREWSBURY An I iliiinAlkii (l nUBCRIPTION CHEMIST!) FREE DELIVERY 11270 Route 35 Middletown, N.J.. 07748 CHARGE YOUR PURCHASE — TAKE 3 MOS. TO PAY. Dally 10 A.M. To 9 P.M. Sal 10 To 5: JO Sun. 1 To S For Browsing 671-6000 AT NO ADDITIONAL COST! 12 TheCMyRegfcter SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY. JUNE 14. 1976 City, county officials slate parley on recreation facilities • Freeholdern L.IJ.»s ErnesPpiiattl Gfl . recommendation by its con- The mayor reminded the to get there. FREEHOLD - Long swimming pool complex and ther participate In or operate ding that it should be some- Kavalek and Thomas J sultant that the county should thing that would fit in with a freeholders that the state is Mayor Cioffi said that a re- Branch officials will meet a regional recreational com- such a recreational facility in Lynch Jr. supported Mayor wait two years to see if pro- regional park concept. placing top priority for devel- port by the city's consultant with the county Parks and plex for the city's North Kasl the city. Cioffl'a proposal. Mr. Lynch posed ice skating rinks are Long Branch Mayor Henry opment of recreational facil- shows that an ice skating rink Recreation Commission July Beach area James J. Truncer, county urged the county to support constructed before it decides R. Cioffi told the freeholders ities In urban areas. is a feasible project. 12 In an attempt to convince After the city officials work Parks director, told city offi- the city in whatever way It to construct a county oper- that city officials were not The mayor said that the the commission that an urban out some form of agreement cials that the Recreation Transportation of urban could. Mr. Kavalek also urged ated rink. permitted to present their cost of the Ice skating propos- recreational facility should be with the Recreation Commis- Commission had discussed people is nonexistent, said the county to support the city Mr. Truncer said that the case before the county Recre- al is estimated at $850,000 He built In the city. sion they will meet again with Long Branch's proposed ice Mayor Cioffi He added that and added that this would commission believes that a ation Commission and had not added that a swimming pool The city has been trying for the freeholders who must ul- skating rink facility. He the county does not run bus open the door for the Bay- recreational facility is needed received a copy of the con- complex could cost a min- some time to convince tne timately approve such plans added that the commission, service to its facilities and shore area. county to either join it or Tor should the county agree to ei- however, plans to follow a in the Long Branch area, ad- sultant's report. that some people can't afford imum of $2 million. the county itself to construct and operate an Ice skating rink in the city. Freeholder Director Ray Kramer suggested to city offi- cials at a freeholder work- shop session that they develop plans for three alternatives, such as an Ice skating rink, a Water bills scored in Union Beach UNION BEACH - Borough Council heard representatives of the senior citizen commu- nity voice their displeasure regarding the water billing system in the town Mrs. Ruth Casey and Mrs. Mary Coffey, both members of a local senior citizens group, told the council about Sprin broken water meters and what they felt were over-esti- mated water bills. Their sen- timents were echoed by a half-dozen other senior citi- zens. Councilman Robert Keat- COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FANTASTIC END ing, chairman of the water department, explained that water bills are sent out every OF SPRING VALUES ON THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF . three months. A regular %•' inch meter (those used in TOP BRAND NAME APPLIANCES, TV'S, STEREO'S AND most private homes) requires a $5.75 service charge and a AIR CONDITIONERS. ONLY BRICK CHURCH CAN GIVE minum charge of 14.50 for 6,000 gallons of water use. YOU 41 YEARS OF RELIABILITY AND THE LOWEST Mr. Keating said that, ac- cording to a borough ordi- PRICES POSSIBLE. nance, meters not read re- quire a $17 estimated biU. Many water meters In the borough are either broken or are located In inaccessible HUNDREDS OF AIR CONDITIONERS ON DISPLAY places, and an estimated bill WE CARRY FEDDERS? CARRIER, HOTPOINT, WESTINGHOUSE, AMANA, CHRYSLER, NORQE, GIBSON, is therefore issued, Mr. Keat- SPEED QUEEN AND MORE. ing added. In addition, Mr. Keating 7,700 BTU said the borough is behind on AIR CONDITIONER its meter reading because of the illness of the water bill • 115 Volt8/12 Amps. 1/8 collector. "Our bill collector has been ill since February and many 10,200 BTU people outside the water de- COUNTER AIR CONDITIONER partment have pitched in to MAGNAV0X help out," said Mr. Keating, TOP 1115 Volts "and lately, broken meters *268 19" COLOR have outnumbered the meters REFRIGERATOR HOTPOINT 4,000 BTU HOTPOINT 5,000 BTU we have been able to re- PORTABLE TV • IDEAL FOR BAR DORM OR DEN AIR CONDITIONER AIR CONDITIONER • 100% SOLID STATE place." • FREEZER COMPARTMENT. 12,800 BTU • AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING ICE TRAYS INCLUDED • 115 VOLTS/7 5 AMPS "I will discuss the situation • 115 VOLTSII AMPS • PRECISION IN-LINE FULL RANGE THERMOSTAT • 8 POSITION THERMOSTAT AIR CONDITIONER • 2 SPEEDS/THERMOSTAT with 'the mayor and council t PORTABLE/QUICK » PORTABLE/OUICK PICTURE TUBE and make individual adjust- MOUNT INSTALLATION • 230/208 Volts fc I 8 MOUNT INSTALLATION ments as best I can," he LARGER CAPACITY AIR CONDI- stated. TIONERS AVAILABLE UP TO 32,000 Mayor Fred J. Varlese told 108 BTU'8 AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES. '158 the audience that the borough was "entitled to services asj best we can provide them." Mr. Variese said appli- cations for state and federal funds to upgrade the borough's water department are still pending. "We are constantly working on methods to improve the water distrubtion and billing process," Mr. Varlese stated. "We'll straighten this damn thing out once and for all. Something will be done in short order." Road workers MAGNAVOX get suspensions ECONOMICAL FAMOUS MAKE 10 CU. FT. HOTPOINT UPRIGHT 19" B & W FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - MICROWAVE 30" GAS AUTOMATIC Five-day suspensions without FREEZER PORTABLE TV pay have been levied against OVEN RANGE • 100% (OLID ITATE WASHER eight public works depart- • FAST FREEZE SHELVES • HANDSOME LIGHTWEIGHT ment employes who refused • 7.5 AMPS./115 VOLTS • BANQUET SIZE OVEN • DEEP DOOR STORAGE CABINET • 2 SPEED WASHING • 20 MINUTE TIMER • ALL PORCELAIN SROILER • THERMOSTATICALLY • UHF/VHF TUNING • TRIPLE RINSING to work overtime last month. • COOKING CHART • CONVENIENT STORAGE DRAWER CONTROLLED • SOLID WALL TUB The men were suspended for seven days after they re- fused the order of their de- partment superintendent to work overtime to repair a wa- ter main break on Brookside Ter. May 14. Departmental hearings (or the eight were HOTPOINT 18 CU. FT. HOTPOINT BUILT-IN WESTINGHOUSE MAGNAVOX MAGNAVOX 25" held before two outside mu- nicipal administrators. REFRIGERATOR DISHWASHER PORTABLE ELECTRIC 12" B&W COLOR A ninth employe who was a • COMPLETELY FROST FREE • SOFT FOOD DISPOSAL DRYER CONSOLE TV • DEEP DOOR STORAGE • CUSHION COATED PORTABLE provisional worker was sev- • PERMA-PRESS CVCLE • 100% SOLID STATE ered from the department. SHELVES RACKS • COMPACT ROLL-AROUND C • LIGHTWEIGHT DESION • AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING $ • POWER-SAVER SWITCH • DUAL DETERGENT DESIGN • UMf/VHF TUNING • Township administrator • HANDSOME DISPENSER '198 • SAFETY START BUTTON 118 • EASY CARRY HANDLE '98 CONTEMPORARY CABINET Frederick E. Jahn said he doubted that the men would appeal the penalty. 41 YEARS Of SERVING THE PUBLK THROUGHOUT NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA. The suspended workers will receive two days back pay. . ' 4 QRIAT SHORE LOCATIONS BRICK «M««>»«• tut. a regional Judge for the 1)71 OPEN EVERY NKWT m NCTE achievement awards in TK. • P.M. Som« Scrolclwd. Son* Dtnltd, SOM Orw writing program. Through MTUMMYTR.I ONLY TOMS RIVIR ond Two of 0 Kind, Many Floor Sompltl, this competition, approxi- OPEN SUN. Ilk 4 Som. Ntn in Cortom. QuonlRiti limlltd. TOMS RIVER OAKHURST mately 800 high school seniors Not R*|poniibW for Typographical Erran. WEST 2121 ROUTE JS ire cited for excellence in DELIVERY t SERVICE EXTRA ON SOME SA.E ITEMS no tovti v writing and are recommended to colleges and universities 341-1688 493-3230 tar admission and for finan- cial aid, if needed HUNDREDS OF TOP BRAND NAME APPLIANCES Unified free Ireland theme at folk festival By CAROL JACOBSON A plane circling above Orange, the festival chair- John's Catering Service. the Garden State Aits Cen- man, described this cele- Many people brought picnic HOLMDEL - Politics ter carried a trailer that bration as the largest and baskets and made them- found its way above the read "England: Get Out of best. He said this was the selves comfortable on the Sixth Irish Festival yes- Ireland." Amidst the sing- first time the unity theme center's.lawn or on the terday - a day described ing and dancing, the unity was so blatantly integrated grass islands between best by the raspy sounds of of a free Ireland with the into the festival program parked cars. bagpipes, the rolling of north and south as one re- Along with the usual hot- - Shortly after 2 p.m., a drum bands, men in kilts, public, was the dominant dogs, there were corned Mass was offered by rauidng and heavy Ir- theme. beef sandwiches, meat pies Bishop John J Dougherty, brogues John J. Brown of West and short bread sold by auxiliary bishop of Newark and former president of Se- ton Hall University, South Orange1. Eleven con- celebrants assisted in- cluding Bishop Elect Rob- ert F. Garner. Dennis Day, the Irish te- nor whose voice became as familiar to radio audiences as Jack Benny's, was mas- ter of ceremonies for the second consecutive year. He sang several songs, told some jokes, and general- BAGPIPERS — Although they didn't win the Sons of the Shillelagh Pipe Band of Old Bridge ly pleased the audience. competition at the Sixth Irish Festival yesterday looked splendid In their tartan kilt outfits. Six Ir- With determination, he at the Garden State Arts Center, the Friendly ish Pipe Bands and Drum bands competed. said the Arts Center was the "finest place he had ing and exhibitions this if they left, even if there ish shawls and children's Jimmy and Bobby Byrne ever performed." He said year - and it's a glorious was fighting, it would be clothes were provided by and their father, James New Jersey was becoming day," she said. better." the Irish American Cultural Byrne Sr., with a five-piece his second home. Institute from Washington, band, sang a medley of The stage program which In discussing the political Although the sky clouded DC. songs that summed up continued from 3:30 p.m. situation in Northern Ire- over about 1:30 p.m., after those emotional feelings. until almost 7 p.m., Includ- land, Mrs. Dunn said: a sunny morning, the crowd The glee club also partici- They combined "Glory, ed rousing Irish songs by "Well, some people dis- watched the pipe and drum pated in the Mass. ' Glory, Hallelujah," "The the Glee Club of the agree that England should bands compete" and young Battle Hymn of the Repub- Friendly Sons of St. Patrick get out of Northern Ireland. girls and boys do reel danc- Stirring songs and words lic," and "Of Thee I Sing," of New York City. Mr. Day Some feel that if the Eng- ing. described the division of with Irish songs that pro- said they were formed by lish leave there will be bit- A tent was filled with Ir- patriotic feelings by the Ir- jected the same feelings of VWor Herbert In 1916. ter fighting," she contin- ish literature, photographs, ish for their native land and patriotism. ued, with a brogue she said records and handmade Ir- the United States. Charles E Starkey, a Mrs. Ann Dunne of Wood- that remains with her after New Jersey Highway Au- bridge, one of the more 14 years in this country. thority Commissioner, wel- than 6,000 people that at- comed the crowd Jerry • tf litar MMM kv DM L«r« tended the day's festivities, Originally from the Coun- Lynch, without accom- STEP DANCING — A six-hand reel by young girls dressed In costume agreed that this was the ty Limerick, Mrs. Dunne paniment, sang the Ameri- best of all the festivals she added, "It's a complicated The Daily Register from the Frlel School of Irish Dancing In West Orange were just one can and Irish National An- example of Irish customs at the Sixth Irish Festival at the Garden had attended. question. The English are SHREWSBURY. N. J. MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1976 13 thems. State Arts Center, yesterday. "There is more step danc- holding peace now. Maybe Razing set within a week for 85-year-old City Hall By ANN BRENOFF the police will be on their eager to have his department will appear on a viewing way." "under one roof." screen before the desk offi- LONG BRANCH - The po- The police, particularly S. The police operation will cer. Pertinent information lice are moving out and the Marshall Roser, Jr., public also be isolated from the rest such as the location of the wrecker's ball and crane are safety director, had been of the city offices — another alarm, whom to contact, a expected to topple the 85- looking forward to the move point which appeals to many phone number and how to get year-old City Hall building by scheduled for today. officers. nvthe building, will also be next week. "We've been sitting here Is Director Roser dis- printed on the tape for the of- The need to iron out a "few for six months now — looking appointed that the moving ficer to read. small defects" In the new po- out the patrol room window date has been postponed a Mr. Collins said that a city lice communications system at the new building," said one week? crew will remove all salva- put a last minute snag on officer. "I guess I am," he admit- geable Items from the old plans to move the police de- The new modern facility is ted last night. "But we've building this week in prepara- partment out of the old city replacing the old municipal waited about 100 years to get tion for the wrecker's ball hall and into the new munici- building constructed in 1891 out of that building, so what's next Monday morning pal building today. The police quarters, long another week?" The bell on top of the build- The police department has since outgrown by the 65-man John K. Collins, coordinator ing will be removed, as will been the sole occupant of the department, have been of public works, said that the the stone name plaque. building which at one time spread out In offices on Third new communications unit will It is expected that metal housed the municipal court, Ave. and in a dwelling adja- produce a digital print-out strippings will be removed for City Council chambers, city cent to the old building. whenever an alarm is salvage. clerk, tax assessor, tax col- Mr. Roser, who assumed sounded. The new building is slated lector, code enforcement de- his responsibilities as police When an alarm goes off, the for official dedication on July partment and personnel of- director In January, has been printed number of the alarm 3. fices. •••MMr (Mta W Carl NW All of these departments, ONE OF HOMES TOURED - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bank. They are owners of the home, one of seven plus several city agencies Stein and their pet poodle relax In the living room toured yesterday as part of the Red Bank Histori- which were previously housed of the Tote Parker House at 222 Broad St., Red cal Society's Third Annual House Tour. in rented quarters, have been occupying the new facility since December. And now, or at least within a week, the police depart- Historic homes are visited ment will move across the courtyard to its new home. By IRIS ROZENCWAJG design and remarked, "Years ago they would sit and do work The uniformed patrol divi- like that. Nobody does it any more." sion, along with the jails, po- RED BANK — Gen. John Scott Harrison slept in Red Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stein, owners of the Tate Parker house lice records bureau, juvenile Bank for the same reason most residents sleep there — be- at 222 Broad St., were also eager to share what they knew. officers and detective bureau, cause he lived there. Mr. Stein pointed out the unusual way in which the top half of will be housed in the base- Gen. Harrison's house, al 27 Harrison Ave., was one of a china cabinet had been constructed entirely of one piece of ment of the 12.75 mUlion brick seven houses toured yesterday by participants in Trie' Red wood, and his wife explained details of her Bavarian Ruby building Bank Historical Society's Third Annual House Tour. Glass collection. Gen. Harrison, the only man in U.S. history to have been "That makes his heart go pitter-pat," said one visitor of The City Council recently the son of one president, (William Henry Harrison), and the her husband as he showed another tour-member the "thou- held its first public meeting in father of another (Benjamin Harrison), owned the house sand eyes" reflection In a piece of Ruby Glass. the new facility, enjoying the when it was part of a 147-acre farm running from River Road Miss Lisa Vaccarelli. granddaughter of the present owner wall-to-wall skylight in the council chambers and to Ridge Road. The house originally faced north to River of Maple Hall, on West Bergen Place, showed 1909 photo- spacious meeting quarters. Road, but was turned 90 degrees to the west when the farm graphs of the building used in a lawsuit when the area sur- was subdivided and the present Harrison Ave. built. rounding the house was all fields. Precise details of the suit Dr. Sal J. Prazioso said last Gen. Harrison's house had the most interesting archi- are not known except that it involved a horse frightened by night that "as soon as the tectural history on the tour, but the White Homestead, 20 the nearby train Yesterday was the first time that the Vacca- bugs in the police commu- nications system are out — South St., was probably the most Interesting house. Built prior family had seen the photographs, which had been discovered to 1688 and now completely restored, this is the oldest house by the Red Bank Historical Society. in Red Bank. About the Esek White Farmhouse, 24S Spring St., Mrs. Low door frames impeded traffic through the home as Lorraine Kavka of Shrewsbury, said, "Nice and cheerfuJ!" Steiner leaves over 135 persons admired such furnishings as a fine Sheraton Mrs. Fred Brink, who with her husband owns the house, is chairman's post mirror, 18th-century Blue Willow china and the original wall- one of the founders of the Historical Society and has been its wide kitchen hearth. president for the past two years. The White farm once extend- LITTLE SILVER - Demo- "Whenever we have a party,", said Mr. Henry Gulick, ed from Tower Hill to Branch Ave., and used the boat dock at cratic Councilman II A present owner of the Homestead, "We take anyone over five the site of what Is now Marine Park to carry produce to mar- "Hal" Steiner 3rd, defeated in foot, 10 inches, and say, Now watch It!" ket in New York City. the party's primary last week Mr. Gulick and his wife Nancy lived In Middletown most of A garden tombstone with "Louie, Jan. 30, 1894, Our pet In his bid to run for a second their lives, but when they saw their present house they dog at rest" gave eloquent testimony to the domestic life of an- term, his stepped down as grabbed it. uuwr era. the party's municipal chair- 'A house like this comes up once in a lifetime," said Mr. Seven houses in the four were marked with "Century man. Gulick Home" plaques for the occasion. Chadwick House, on North Mr. Steiner came in third in A cool, overcast day made walking around pleasant: The Prospect Ave., the resident of Mr. Marshall Schactman, had a three-way race for two tour, which was extremely well-organiied, lasted from 2 p.m. received its designation In the first tour two years ago. seats, behind Mrs. Margaret until 5 p.m., ending on the grounds of Elkridge, home of Mrs. The society hopes that annual house tours will continue to Evans and Daniel Waldman, Katharine Elkus White, former Red Bank mayor and Am- encourage interest In historic preservation of landmark build- who ran as a slate. bassador to Denmark. ings. Elected as municipal chair- Owners of these historic treasures were hospitable to tour One such house, however, appears doomed to destruction: man last night was Mrs. members. Mrs. Gertrude Casazza, mother of Dr. John Cas- the old Throckmorton farmhouse, built prior to 1851,, which Freda Schneider, 513 Little uaa who owns the Theodore White House, on Broad St. gra- stands at 333 Broad St. Silver Point Road David Pol- ciously conducted visitors around the second floor of the When Mrs. Brink called the owner to ask If the society lock, 178 Pinckney Road, will LANDMARK TO FALL - The old Long Branch City Hall building will be house which is one of the best remaining examples of high could put a plaque on it, she was asked if she were a buyer. be vice chairman, and Mrs. vacated by the last of the city's departments, the police, within the week and Victorian architecture In Red Bank. She pointed to a hand em- When she said no, Mrs. Brink was told, "We're going to bull- Barbara Branton, 130 Silver- readied for the wrecker's ball. City offices have moved Into the new $2.75 broidered Italian openwork table cover worked in a1 butterfly doze it unless someone buys it soon." side Ave., secretary. million structure next door to this building. 14 TheDfelyRegitfer SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1976 Marlboro council accused of inaction on park project more time before spending MARLBORO - Two town- Mr. Hoch said a verbal re- projects. in our best interests. It is ents to bring their children to Mr. Grossman said the the Hawkins Road proposal. more than 1200,000," Mr. ship recreation officials have* port by Pieter Van aartrijk, ,Mr Hoch accused Coun- within 100 feet of the Manilla picket council," Mr. Bauman council has so far been asked "You ipent six months, and criticized Ihe Township township engineer, was given cilmen John F. Croddick and pan border," he said taid. to spend two days considering we should be allowed to spend Grossman laid. Council for delays in the to council at a caucus last C. Douglas McClung of being "I don't think you (Mr. Hawkins Road park project. month, but that council want- against recreation. Hoch) should come here and "Its a sham on the commu- ed a written report. Mr. McClung said the entire demand," Mr. Croddick said. nity," said Steven Hoch, head The written report was park project is estimated to "The final decision is up to of the Department of Recrea- available for the council cost 1250,000, and is within council. If you can't accept tion caucus Monday, but it de- three miles of a 50-acre mu- that, you should resign," he "I am tick and tired of rec- cided not to discuss the mat- nicipal park. said. reation being turned into a ter "I am not sure that's the Mr. Bauman said several political football and some- kind of dollars I want to put council members were elect- thing only being done at elec- Lawrence S. Grossman, into this park ... and I have ed in large part because of tion time,'' said Stanley Bail council president, and James been very supportive of their pledge to recreation. man, Recreation Committee Newman, deputy mayor, said parks," Mr. McClung said. chairman. council and the adminis- "Now all of a sudden feel- Both men said the 10-acre tration want to have a meet- Mr. Croddick said he was ings seem to be changed and park project has been worked ing by June JO with all recre- "ashamed" at the way Mr you are going back on com- on for more than six months, ation officials. Hoch "made personal attacks mitments," he said. and that council expedited The meeting will deal with on several members of coun- "We have made a com- the project's approval by the park priorities and the avail- cil " mitment, and it will be held Planning Board. able funds to implement the "I don't know if this park is to even if we have to get par- Hazlet grants subdivisions HAZLET - The Planning al to parts or all of three sub- One subdivision, Allison Vil- tioned whether a 24-inch Board has given final approv- divisions. lage, will be the first in the drainage pipe that is used in township involving cluster the area would be able to zoning. Section Three, com- bear the added water from posed of 17 of the projects 110 the project Make A Date lots, was approved by unani- James De Mum. board en- A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organiza- mous vote. The complete de- T velopment, about 40 acres, is gineer, replied that a local re- tions. Rates: $2.00 for 3 lines for one day. $1.00 each addi- tention basin would tempora- tional line; $3 00 for two days, $1.25 each additional line; located off Middle Road near the North Centerville Fire rily retain any water that $5 for three to five days, $1.50 each additional line; $(.00 Department. could not make it through the OLYMPIAN AWARD WINNER - Edward Leeds, being cited as outstanding student athlete, Mr. for 10 days; $2.00 each additional line. Deadline noon day pipe, which runs under the second from right, Is the recipient of the Olympian Leeks received a plaque and a monetary award. before publication. Call The Daily Register, 542-4000, ask Betsy Ross Estates, a 13.7 railroad. "Drainage studies Memorial Award bestowed by the Monmouth He Is valedictorian of the Ocean Township High for the Date Secretary. acre subdivision off S. Laurel have been made," said Mr. Ocean County Council, Jewish War Veterans. He is School graduating class and plans to attend Haver- Today - For children, Dial a story with a Biblical Ave., was approved 6 to 0. De Muro, stating that the ad- congratulated by Morris Spector, chairman of the ford (Pa.) College. He was named goalie on the moral. Sponsored by King of Kings Lutheran Church of Edward Flateman, board vice ditional housing could be han- Olympian committee, while Joel Stein, left, county All-Conference, All-Shore soccer team and .was Middletown. Dial I71-J3U. chairman, Mayor Herbert J. dled. "The retention basin is commander, and Albert Carelli, assistant principal chairman of the student council assembly com- the key to the whole system." JUNE 14 Kupfer and Jsoeph J. DeVir- of Ocean Township High School, look on. For mittee. Tinton Falls Planning Board Special Report of Wil- gilio abstained. The project involves 49 lots. Arthur liam Queale, June 14 at 8:30 p in Regarding Master Plan bo of Union Beach is the de- — Traffic & Facilities Report. veloper. JUNE 14 to 25 Also receiving final approv- St. Mary's Thrift Shoppe, (located behind the Rumson man given hospital post al was the second section of church), Leonardville ltd , New Monmouth. Mon., Wed., 9 Marc Heights subdivision a.m. to 12 noon. Nearly new clothing 25c and up. "June being developed by Hamilton- LONG BRANCH - George Mr. Coe retired last year as retary-general counsel. Under Miss Sokol; Mrs. Gordon O. two for one sale." Raritan, Inc., Matawan. The V. Coe, Jr. of Rumson has senior partner in the New his new title, Mr. Giordano Stearns, Ocean Township; Dr. JUNE IS, 16 section Involves It lots. The been elected to the newly- York City law firm of Breed, will act as secretary and George S. Stevenson, Red "Transcendental Meditation Program" Free public total subdivision Involves 81 created post of executive vice Abbott it Morgan, with which principal legal advisor to the Bank, and Seymour Wenger, lectures. Freehold Public Library, East Main St., June lots. It is located on Keyport- president of the Monmouth he had been associated for medical center, the board and Long Branch. 15,16, 8 p.m. Asbury Park, TM Center, 731 Cookman Ave. Holmdel Rd., near Beer St. Medical Center Board of many years. He is a graduate its executive committee. The board also reelected for Every Wed., 8 p.m. Middletown TM Center, 1000 Hwy 35, Trustees. of Princeton University and Also reelected as officers one-year terms its honorary The board gave preliminary Columbia Law School. trustees. They are Bishop Every Wed., 8 p.m. His selection for the post as were Albert L. Register 3rd, approval to two developments In addition to Mr. Stanley Rumson, as assistant secre- G.P. Mellick Belshaw, Mrs. JUNE 18 with the provision that a six second-ranking member of Melvin Block, Mrs. John C. Francis X. Moore will be roasted by local attorneys, the board was made at its an- and Mr. Coe, the following of- tary, and Miss Elsie Sokol, foot high chain link fence be ficers were reelected for one Brielle, as assistant treasur- Borden, U.S. Supreme Court politicians and business men at a Dinner Dance at the built on lots that border the nual meeting, which included Justice William J. Brennan, Shore Casino, Atlantic Highlands, June 18, 8 p.m. Benefit the election of Felix M. Pjlla, year: er. Long Branch-New York Rail- -Aa senior vice presidents, Sixteen trustees were elect- William O. (iridley, Victor E. of Monmouth County Association For Retarded Children, road. hospital administrator, as a Grossinger, Leon Hess, sponsored by Atlantic Highlands Kiwanis Club. Ticket In- trustee, and the reelection of William H. Borden, Rumson; ed to the board for three-year Thomas D'Arcangelis, David T. Buck, Freehold; terms. In addition to the new- Franklin Lamb, Herman J. formation 291-1118. Robert C. Stanley, Jr. as Obermayer, Theodore D. Par- board chairman, noted at the president. Mr Stanley of Mid- Walter W. Reid, 3rd, Deal, ly-elected Mr. Pllla, Colts "Canterbury Fair," St. George's Episcopal Church, meeting that lots on the two and Mrs. Clarence E. Unter- Neck, the reelected trustees sons, Raymond Reiss, Mrs. dletown, has been a board W. B. Ruthrauff, Sr; Fred W. Waterman Ave., Rumson, 10 a m -4 p.m. Lobster lunch- developments — Stacy Court member since 1955 and has berg, Eatontown. are Max Barr, Interlaken; eon, plants, needlework, country kitchen, rides, games. and Marc 75, both near Beer Mr. Buck; Bruce Coe, Rum- Schantz, C.A. Twitchell and held its presidency since 1969. —As vice presidents, Harry Mrs. Bernard White. JUNE 18-11 St. — pose a potential safety Barbee, Jr., Rumson; Marvin son; Robert Eisner, Middle- hazard for children because Mr. Coe, who became a Ninth Middletown Folk Festival. Folk music, folk trustee in 1961, served as a Broder, Ocean Township; town; Edwin P. .Gage, Ocean Appointed as ex-officio of their proximity to the rail- Thomas P. Kiely, Rumson; Township; "Elmer Godwin, trustees were Dr. James C. crafts, square dancing. Concert Fri. night, 7:30 p.m Sat. road. senior vice president before workshops, concerts, crafts, childrens section from 11 assuming his new title. As ex- Mrs. May G. Klein, Deal, and CM Jr. Shrewsbury Kirby, president of the MMC The Stacy Court, being de- a.m. Square Dancing 1:30 p m . evening concert 7:30 p.m. ecutive vice president, he will Theodore J. Reiss, Rumson. John C. Giordano, Jr., Red Also Jack H. Hersch, Deal; medical staff; Dr. Marvin veloped by Soldo Construc- All at Bodman Park, Middletown. Adults $2.50 evening share executive responsi- The board also reelected as Bank, who has been serving Mrs. Kenneth Mageary, Long Brodie, director of the depart- tion, Leonardo, contains 11 concerts. $1.25 (all inclusive) daytime activities. Chil- bilities with Mr. Stanley, and its treasurer E. Murray Todd as board secretary, was re- Branch; Charles Marx, Fajr ment ol radiology, and Mrs. lots on 3.21 acres and the will serve as president in his of Holmdel, who has served elected to that post which has Haven; Arthur J. McGlnnis, Simon L. Venskus, president dren under 12, 25( Marc 75 section, being devel- absence. as a trustee since 1967. been newly designated as sec- Allenhurst; Mr. Register, of the MMC Auxiliary JUNE II oped by Hamilton Ranlan, A Flea Market sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary of Inc., has 31 lots on 8.9 acres. Community Fire Company at Fair Grounds on Appleton Elmore Bahrenburg, Jr., a Ave and Hwy. 36, Leonardo, 10 to 4 $5 per table. Call resident of 627 Beer St., ques- Imperiale is installed head 2111480,2)1-4036 and 211-1726 Strawberry Festival and Bake Sale. United Methodist Church, 247 Broad St., Red Bank. Noon to 6 p.m. All wel- School board come. has vacancy of national church group JUNE 20 TINTON FALLS - The LONG BRANCH - The na- ting donations on behalf of Father's Day "Pancake Breakfast," at Old Village Board of Education Is looking tional officers of the St. Ge- the Long Branch St. Gerard's Fire Co., Middletown, near Kings Highway. 8 a.m. to 1 for a new member. rard's Guild were installed Guild to contribute to the p.m. Tickets available from any member, or call 671-4813. Mrs. Louise Mitchell, who yesterday on the 250th anni- earthquake victim relief fund. JUNE 24, 26, 27, 28, 2*. 30. JULY 1. 3 has served on the board since versary of the saint's birth- The guild's donation was Center Drama Workshop presorts the Broadway mu- 1974, has resigned, effective day. $200. sical hit "Mante," at the Monmouth Y, 100 Grant Ave., June 30, to pursue graduate The occasion was cele- Dr. Michael Lichtig, a Long Deal Park, Ocean Township: Tickets $5 and $4 Senior studies at Rutgers University. brated at the San Alphonso Branch optometrist, was hon- citizen and student discounts Reserve now by calling 531- Borough residents inter- Retreat House, Ocean Ave. ored as an outstanding doc- 1100 Curtain 8 p m except Sats , J 30 p m. Matinee Sun., ested in completing the re- Senator Anthony Imperiale, tor. maining two years of Mrs. June 27,1:30 p.m I-Essex, was installed as na- The nursing staff at Mon- Mitchell's term are being tional president. mouth Medical Center was JULY 4 asked to submit a brief re- also honored. The Sea Bright Republican Club is sponsoring an sume to the board by June 21. Mr. Imperiale addressed "Operation Sail" boat ride to New York Harbor All are Interviews will be conducted the group of 150 on the bill Mrs. Mary Knapp, the head v »i<-oirp in this non-political event. Call 842-2354. on June 23. which he initiated to restore nurse in the newborn center prayers in the public schools of the hospital received the on a voluntary basis. citation for the entire staff Anthony Carrino, Newark After the mass and dinner, councilman, and Mr. Impe- approximately 200 people PUBLIC NOTICE TO VOTERS riale presented a plaque to gathered at the home of Al- the Long Branch Jewish War fonse Alfone, Chelsea Ave., to SERVICE HONORED - Paul Acerra, right, a Veterans for the donation of Long Branch mall carrier for nearly 40 years, was Aitfewy Imperiale dedicate and bless a chapel clothing to the earthquake man accepted the plaque on constructed by Mr. Alfone. honored at a retirement dinner by fellow employes victims in northern Italy. MONMOUTH COUNTY and friends at West End Manor..Michael G. Celll, behalf of the group. Mr. Alfone is the president president of the local branch of the National Asso- JWV members Bernard Mrs. Anna Marnno of Long of the Long Branch St. Ge- A Municipal Election will be held on June 15, 1976, between ciation of Letter Carriers, presents a plaque to Mr. Gorcey and Soloman Freed- Branch was cited for collec- rard's Guild. the hours ol 7:00 A.M. and 8:00Jf:M. (or the election of three Acerra for his "outstanding dedication." Mr. councilmen to Municipal Office in the Municipality of Acerra Is a member of one of Long Branch's larg- est and best known families. Eight brothers and two sisters attended the affair. The Acerras once KEANSBURG fielded an all-brother baseball team. 3 COUNCILMEN Political indictment The places provided for the Municipal Election to be con- ducted are located at the following polling places: dismissal is sought District « 1 Keansburg File Co . Manning Place. Keansburg OCEANPORT - The at- paid for by the Democratic District *2 JohnF Kennedy. Community Center. Carr Ave . Keansburg torney for three members of municipal committee. District » 3 Blue Jeans Hall. 10 Church Street. Keansburg the local Democratic munici- The charges were brought District * 4 Church ol St Ann. Cofngan's Hall 100 Main Street. Keansburg pal committee charged with by three other members of District # 5 Keansburg High School, 140 Port Monmouth Road. Keansburg. ^disbursing false political in- tbe local municipal com- District # 6 New Point Comfort Fire Co.. Carr Ave., Keansburg formation will ask Superior mittee who are affiliated with Court Judge Merrltt Lane Jr. the Regular Democratic Or- to dismiss the Indictments. ganization (RDO). The RDO Voters desiring information concerning the location of their William E. Wilson of the •members said the circular Middletown law firm of was paid for by the Ocean- polling place please call 431-7800, 7801, 7802, 7803, 7804. Funzi k Wilson, said he will- port Democratic Club (ODC) • ask Friday for dismissal of and not by the municipal charges against Walter A. committee. MONMOUTH COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Karas Jr., Joanne E. Dellera Mr. Wilson said the grounds and William R. Pfciffer. on which he is basing his request for dismissal are that Paul Smth. Chairman The accused have all plead- BICENTENNIAL DISPLAY - David C. Decker, 15. of 82 Church St, Bel- Beniamin Dan skin. Secretary ed innocent to charges that "the testimony given before Marianne Cannavo, Member the grand jury fails to charge ford, stands next to the Bicentennial display he built with money earned as they allegedly falsely placed a Dallytfeglster carrier. Located on the porch of his home, It consists of a C Nancy Crowell, Member on a political circular a state- an offense of an indictable na- ture." five-by-eight-foot wooden flag painted red, white and blue, topped with a ment that the circular was banner reading "God Bless America." ntuorummf SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY. JUNE 14. 1976 '* Solomon Burroughs, Hargrove outlasted sink hook into Catfish By Tke AiMdited Press Jeff Burroughs' two-run single In a three-run first in- by Italian ning and Mike Hargrove's three-run homer In the second PARIS (AP) - The "bloody little man" worked and carried the Texas Rangers to dived and cursed, pumping his two-fisted backhand like a a 7-1 romp over Catfish Hunt- cane

Colts Neck started a Jersey Shore League traffic jam Monahan also drove in two on a tape-measure shot in over the weekend. The league's Southern Division leader the fifth scored 47 runs in three games (or a perfect two-day fiesta Jackson runs came on a pair of two-run homers by Ke- Colts Neck drubbed Long Branch, Saturday, 11-5, and vin Cuevas and Bob Lacky. then socked Jackson Township in a doubleheader yesterday, Nick Fiorillo (2-0) was the winner. He fanned nine, 11-4, and 25-0 walked three and allowed five hits. Northern Division leader Lincroft won its fourth game The second game was no contest as Bob Feeney hurled of the season with a 6-2 victory over Minalapan. a one-hitter, and his Colts Neck teammates backed him with In other games played over (he weekend, Mark Mai a It-hit attack zucco fired a two-hitter as Hazlet beat Royal Manor, 5-0 Feeney, who had a perfect game for 5 2/3 innings before However, the Manor won the nightcap, (-2. hitting a batter, gave up a single in the bottom of the sev- On Saturday, Royal Manor's Dan Weinman fired > no- enth. He struck out five. hitter to deck meek Jackson. 1-0. Colts Neck put five baseballs over the wall against Colts Neck scored three runs in the first, fourth and Jackson pitching. ninth innings to sink Long Branch. Scoras started things off with a grand slam in the first. Bart Ulowenski knocked in a pair of runs on his single in Mike Steffer, who leads the league in homers with four, fol- the first, and also stole home. Pete Peltz tripled in two runs lowed Scoras with a three run blast, and added another in the fourth and John Scoras, recently drafted by the Mon- three-run shot in the fourth. Steffer totaled nine RBI's for treal Expos, slammed a homer in the seventh. the game. Dan Gsposito drove in a pair of runs Frank Petite also connected for a pair of homers. His for Long Branch in the third. first was a two-runner in the second, and he followed with a solo in the sixth. Rick Klynn (1-0) was the winner for Colts Neck. He A four-run sixth-inning helped Lincroft down Manala- BabFeewy Mike SleHer Mark Minim DHSIKU struck out 12, walked seven and allowed eight hits. pan. Steinbrick had two for three to account for four of Hazlet's Marshall Tesauro was the loser for Long Branch. first win. He downed Keith Kurdewan, who worked the first Bill Marsella, who totaled three Kill's on a pair of hits. In the first game of its doubleheader, Colts Neck broke five innings for Royal Manor. doubles, knocked a pair home in the sixth. Hazlet is now 3-2, and Royal Manor is 4 3 open a close game with four runs in the fourth on Mark Hazlet put the game away with four runs in the fourth Monahans two-run double and Jack Maraschio's two-run Al Kooistra, who went three for four at the plate, added inning. Mazzucco himself banged home the first two with a Royal Manor's victory over Jackson on Saturday 'was a homer another run on his single and an error closed out scoring. single, and Mike Killeen and Pete Steinbrick delivered the superb effort by Weinman who struck out 10 and walked Marty Danowskl was the winner in relief for Lincroft. other two with hits. only three. Starter Jim Mavroleon left after five innings on the mound Don Slocum's five-hitter helped Royal Manor to its win in He bested Jeff Theibault, Lakewood High School's for- Jersey Shore Baseball League They combined for seven strike outs, six walks and five hits. the second game. The former Wall star walked two and mer star hurler who gave up on four hits. »••»• DHM kMm DKMaa In the first game of yesterday's Hazlet-Royal Manor fanned three to best Glenn Gentile who worked into the Royal Manor scored Us run when Nick Charmello ' W L ColtlNecfc ...... I twin bill, Mazzucco of Hazlet had a no-hitter going until the bounced into a forceout with two men on. After Charmello Incrofl 4 1 MWdlcfown t sixth for Hazlet. Hff. . Royal Manor 4 fourth inning when Royal Manor got back-to-back singles. Greg Vermilyea's two-run double got Royal Manor was erased, the second baseman threw the ball away allow- ...3 3 Long Branch , 9 SSL ~ Manolapan 1 Mazzucco fanned 10 and walked two while notching his ahead in the first. Pat Schiavino had two fur two, and ing the runner to score. Flying Hearne grabs 3rd Wall feature WALL TOWNSHIP - Nobody had to tell Gil Hearne of off a strong challenge by Jim Hoffman of Union Beach but record in winning. Wrightstwon to put the hammer down at Wall Stadium Satur- then succumbed to Hearne. "Chip" Graves of Neptune also had to charge from the day night. He was (lying from the start. Elliott did, however, pick up mnnerup money with Hoff- pack to taste victory in the feature. man coming home third, Lenny Boyd of Farmingdale, fourth The young veteran galloped from 14th spot in the 311 lap Heame came from 17th starting spot In the 35-lap Modi- and Don Stives of East Windsor, fifth. Sportsman feature attraction, erased leader Bob Stives of fied Stock Car feature, nudged by Tommie Elliott of Toms Highstown in lap IS and won going away. River on the backstretch of the last lap, and won his third Elliott, Hoffman and Charlie Kremer Jr. of Toms River main event of 1976 were victors in the three 12-lap qualifiers while Jim Hendrick- Rod Cunliffe of Howell took second money while Ait Wol- son of Freeport, NY. captured the consolation race. colt of Manasquan was third, Jeff Wolcott of Bradley Beach, The race was a real nail biter as Elliott tried to put all ol fourth and Stives fifth. his years of experience to work to hold off the charging Tops record Heame. But in the end it was the little extra power that put Hendrickson, who didn't compete in the heat races after Jim Markey of Matawan won the 20-lap Modern Stock' Car the Wrightstown chauffeur over the top. wrecking his car in warmups, took a full second off the track feature, his second this season. Sets pace George McCurdy Jr. of Howell Township, who sat on the pole at the start, set the pace for the first four laps with El- liott right behind. Let Us Tune Your far Elliott raced by McCurdy the fifth time around and held Hawks capitalize In Erne For Vacation WEST LONG BRANCH - Three Monmouth College base- Engine jiine-Up ball players were named to the New Jersey All-Star College Division Team by the New Jersey College Baseball Writers 6cyl.-Add$4forlcyl., Association. Named to the All-Star team were Hawk catcher (2 for air cond. TO SPONSOR SKIFFS - George Montonus of Tom Cannizzaro, outfielder Willie Puentes and second base- $4 Less for cart with electronic ignition. Bohrs Restaurant, Highlands, and Joel Herberg, man Tony Cermlnaro. Puentes, a Junior, finished the season right, vice commodore of the National Sweep- with a lofty .415 batting average, Cannizzaro, a junior, .407 1 • Our mechanics electronically fine-tune your engine stakes Regatta Association, hold the JSS block and and Cerminaro, a senior, .362. Cerminaro also led the team in • New points, plugs * condenser • Test charging/ gavel, symbolic of taking over sponsorship of the stolen bases pilfering 32 bases in 33 attempts. The trio helped starting systems, adjust carburetor • Helps maintain Jersey speed world championships by Bahrs. The to lead Monmouth to the second consecutive N.A.I.A. District a smooth running engine • Includes Datsun, Toyota, regatta will be staged Aug. 21-22 in Red Bank's Ma- No. 31 Championship and were also named to the District All VW & light trucks. rine Park, Star Team. Lube,Oil Change Front-End Brakes-Your Choice And Filter Alignment 88 Eastern Michigan in finals C4 4OO Any U S mrtt CK $40 s- d [j • loS """*""*""" " ]-Wk«al Frail DIM: Install new front dlac OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - 30th CoUege World Series. Washington State, 43-13, by Brian Petroff, a wild pitch ^8 ~' ^M •"" Euludti Irontohttl brake pada • Repack and Inspect front aB m orlvt carl wheel bearings • Inspect hydraulic ayatem Jerry Keller singled home a The triumph pushed the which played In yesterday's and a squeeze bunt by • Complete chassis lubrication, oil • Complete analyale ind alignment change and filler • Helps ensuri long and rotors (does not Include rear wheels) 10th-inning run last night to llurons Into tomorrow night's final matchup of series un- Schmitz. correction - to Increaie tire mlletge OR weiring parts h smooth, quiet perfor- lift Eastern Michigan to a 3-2 winner''s bracket game against '' beatens Clemson, 36-13, had taken and Improve eteerlng • Precision 4-Whaal Dniaa-Typa: Install new brake lin- mance • Please phone for appoint- victory over Clemsori in the either Arizona State, M-8, or a 1-0 lead in the third inning equipment, used by experienced moch - ings all lour wheels • Repack front wheel Ron Hassey collected a ment • Include* light trucks anjes, helps eneure'a precision align • without a hit on two walks Ask tor our Free lattery Pewtr Chtck bearings • Inspect brake hydraulic system, record-tying five hits and ment add fluid. knocked in two runs in an af- and an error. Winds hinder ternoon game to pace Arizona Mark Eighmey picked up Due to work stoppage at tire factories, some sizes may be in short sup- to a 10-2 victory over Okla- the victory with one inning of Ere Shortage? ply. Most Goodyear locations have tires to fit your needs. However, if homa in an elimination round scoreless relief while Steve your dealer or store does not have your size, they will provide you game. Wyatt, who yielded only two Goodyear Keeps with a Rain Check at the advertised prices. area boatmen Sophomore Bob Welch hits in 4 1-3 innings of relief, You Rolling! was the loser. RED BANK - Brub Hance had limited Clemson to three and Charley Altreuter took hits going into the ninth in- I. ToJbot ineroml Stuort Van Wlnklt J Heitfs America's Best-Selling Tire... both races in their respective Tom Lloyd ning as the Hurons held a 2-1 Mrs. Kerekesh divisions on the Navesink 1. ingrain 3. G«of u* Whittle I, Lloyd. lead. But a single by Alan A Perfect Choice For Vacation Travel. River at the Monmouth Boat Mik H Hoover and a two-out, two- cops at Beacon Club. strike by Billy Wingo sent the iwMJnct LEONARDO - Mil Robert OCEANPORT - Talbot In- 1. Httnchon 3. Oovt KirKpotrtck 1. game into extra innings. 'Custom Power Cushion Polyglas' Whitewalls UNDMUNOI Kerekesh took low gross and gram, John Brodsky and Jeff E7B-14 I John Brodsky I Dove Htenthan 3. In the 10th, Dan Schmltz Mrs. Paul Bova won low net G78-14 Jacobi scored double wins at John Sllvtl opened with a walk for East- in Flight "A" golf com- $ 05 the Shrewsbury Sailing & ern Michigan and after a sac- petition at Beacon Hill Coun- Yacht Club yesterday. I, J«K JocoW 1. Lt« Adomun 1 wolly $3950 Moalnn. rifice and intentional walk, try dub Thursday. 35 High winds cancelled Satur- he came home when Keller's In "B" action, Mrs. Robert G78-15 H78-14 day's races. sinking liner dropped off the Matthrews had low gross and LIOHTNINOI glove of Clemson left fielder Mrs. Robert Purcell took low 29 ) Donttt Forlty 7. Sondv Muntimon 1 Dave Caldwell A78-13whltewall $4060 $4255 Bush, Marxen net, while Mrs. Robert Ander- plusJ1.75F.E.T. I. Huntsman 7. Farley ]. John Sftwiter. son had low gross in "C" and and old tire Wnltewallplus J1.75 to IU1 F.tft. depending o. take tournament Eastern Michigan, 45 14, am, and old tlrt. other alias low priced tool t. Brut Monet 7. Junt Meadow ). Brlon Mrs. John Pfleger had low MARLBORO - Mrs. Chris Eaolngton erased a 1-0 Clemson lead in net. Bush of Lincroft and Mrs. In the fifth inning on a single, a I. Hoiwt 7. Meadow 3. Edalnston. Mrs. Anderson had i chip in grid Marxen of Matawan won sacrifice, a run-scoring single •LUCHII and Mrs. Matthews' 24 putts the Tennis Day Tournament I Paul Paiiurll 2. Chuck Slouter ). Tom were low. at Countryside Swim and Mam ODYEAR MODEL BLIMP Imrtnsf New loop opens TOMAHAWK Tennis Club here last week. I. Don Johnson 2. Slouttr 3 Lt« Busby LINCROFT - Ramona In round robin play spon- I. Chorley •Itrmter I. Norm Warm. Inoion 3. Qutntln Frqiltr.^ in lit lie Silver Baker took the low net prize With Electric Night Sign To sored by the Phalanx Aux- I. Allrtirttr 7 Frank Margentttoler I. K«n Roam. LITTLE SILVER - The in Flight "A" at Tomahawk iliary, airs. Bush and Mrs. BLUI J»V J newly formed Little Silver Gold Club Thursday while Make Your Own Messages Marxen defeated Mrs. Lynn I Tom Meratntholer 1. Pom Slmpion 3. C«on Houttn Adult Recreation Softball Ann Ekstedt carded low Here Is a really unique way to say Jonas and Mrs. Crista Gloge, ONLY 1. Houttn 2. SlmpKMi 3. Morotnlhaltr. League will open Its season putts. Happy Birthday. Happy Anniversary. both of Lincroft, in the finals. Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. In Flight "B", Flo Cunning- or Welcome Home in a really dramatic way. II la eaay and lun to mate lha Eighty women participated The organization, composed ham had low net and Harriet in the rain-postponed tourna- Kane's slammer signs, snd the blimp Ills together of 10 teams, will be split into Farber shot low putts. quickly without culling, painting or ment. Proceeds will go to lifts Seldin's two leagues, the American Carole Morse won in Flight gluing. It'a a big 1 !'/•" long. Don'l wa! MOT OF family and children services and National. ... get yours today. 'BUMP FOR RED BANK - Tom Kane's "C" and Pat Kopet had low THE PRICE in Monmouth Comity. The American League will grandslam homer lifted Sel- putts, while Debbie Rose- As Seen On TV! Baiterita not Included. be the Little Silver Major*, din's to a 12-8 win over Yel- nzweig took the victory in Evening Softball Dom's Deli; Little Silver Fire low Cab in the Red Bank "D" and Peg Byron had low Company; Little Silver Cap League standings Evening Softball League. putts. Coaches and Edle's Lunch- SWbystoBuy Don DubrowtU got the win eonette. •Caa* •OoooVMrrUvoMna Charge* Our Own •« at MGM Lumber tripped Big Keansburg slates •VCktlMrn's.- .1 I Battling in the National CuMomwCfwIRMan •littlerCharge I 0 GOOD/YEAR AI's, M. •BeMAmerlcarde American Expraee Money Card Teny's Ario .1 I Warner signup League will be Shrewsbury • Cede Blanche • Dlnen Club Red Pierson's pitching and State Bank; Red Bank KEANSBURG - Sign up See Yew II Moiieth 1—Make A Buck, Discover inforlt (111) Thomoi. Ml - IMOOl I YO 4 UPl »lw.; I Grttfc MutMl (III) Tonntr America, Top Road fagtr Ftlta (til) DalahouMoyt Morgor.HB.uu (1141 Mlctill IS I 2-MIW Joker, Tooley's on Top, SoocorroHa (1M) Orury MtwOrolon (1141 Mlt.ll Ml Stump (121) Ulrmtr Sonny HI DOS) Ntm.1t ..Ml BoM Wktf NobotfyNtor UKIll) BrumUtld.... Sir Bill (117) Dtlohouisoye PotkogtSlort nil) Gomn Our Htrmll (117) Saum.ll 1—Down Arnsng, Brother Au DlKovtf Anwlca UO$J Dowd Conodlon Jvl (IM) Burreru T(* Rood (110) Rlvtro Poppy Addy 11171 MocB.lh ban, Sly Dike Captain Rlc Joe (111! Brown MlifyLoK (IKlnb DtMrt Outlaw 1114) Solomont .... 4-Fleel Beat, Silver Blade, M - mm, < YO a IIP; ckn IFUI Mill BumrtlM) nb Tool.y'lon Top (II*) Mlctll 1-1 Slltnt Song (114) Brumlltld Lady Lib Jondtvor (IU) Soumtll 4-1 Qutbtt III*) Borrtro II 7«.-MM; J»4 YO FILLIES Ate.,'* 5—Comradeship, Best Bee, Bold Who 1114) Edwordi 10 1 Daylight Prince Llttlt Sturoton (1141 Thomoi * I AuntPoggy 11091 Gomti II Mild Joker (111) D.lguldlct .....11-1 Milt Norway (1141 Thornburr IM I—Margaret's Bean, Our Her Jofct'tLott (lit) Solomon* IS 1 Polo! Honty 11111 MacBtlh alu. Ponlfctr lilt) Sklnntr II Poopilt Doodlt 1114) Solomont.. mis, Desert Outlaw Margt Wtlli (IM) Gomti Sr4 — 4.14* 4 VO 4 UP, CMMf. IM*lrlt Roln Lilly 11191 Edward! 7—Pol •( Holey, Kissman Touoh Turh#y (lot) Jonklnt 12-1 KlmmonLady (114) Otljudlct.... Lady, Doubly Precious •rtTStrAuOutnlllJI D.Utuxilloyt...H Doubly Pr.clou, (111) Mlctill I Hobo Twlct (117) nb 10 I 101 8—VMika Time, Festival Belle, Morkttlon (114) Uy.yomo 11 Mh - IMHi 1VO m UP F»M, Ahv; I M Chocolot. Lip 11141 IrumflaM II tl/Uirtrh Kkedlja Coult'lBoy (114) nb 10-I*-1I Ftlllyal Blllt III4I Mlctll * I Down Among (IU) Solomont.omont . M Flomo ArdltriliJ_lIII DtlaMuluyt.. t-1 t-Nodoible Trouble, Oh Phil- Starry Knlohl (1141 Tonntnntr- IM vodka Tim. (III! Borr.r ip, Banished Itulir Sly Dukt 1114) Boulmttltili II Hoot ot Glory (III) Nm.ll X I 11 VolkiwAgeni have •rlndatwllo 014) nb 10 I BEST BET: Margaret's Beau 4M-IJM1VOFI1.LII1: ;IPUK been elegant in their LIHyLloimiSoumtll ..*-! «U) Silvtr llodt (117) Dtlahouiuiyi .3-1 O1 SaHnglno 111]) Solomoi».'.'..V.'.'".'.'..4-l simplicity. Elegant in FkTtaMt (1IJ) Dwrkt* IM RocklMi Dolt (109) D.lguldlc. ..4-1 Friday's Wliaen: Geordaaell •oMSMm (1171 OtUhotnioyt 10-1 design. In concept. In func- FM (tot 1117) r* 7-1 Ml - 7m, I YO A UP; MO.; 4 FU« (S.M); Sortie (SKI) rtrtaM Way 1117) no 4-1 Nodoubl. Troobl. (115) nb 5-1 tion. Dasher hringi the added oLonlollUIr* •anllhfdKul.r (IIS) Ptrrtt M KlWIPtrrX Toylorl Fall! (IIS) nb 10-1 legance of timeless styling, oPrtHy ( Art tuckland HIS) DtlohoutMr* IM Scratches rty Loot 1117) Ptrrtt ... .10-1 Roktrt'l Hol.l HIS) Ptrrtl 10-| striking interior. Rich IM Slltnl To*.n (110) Gom.l -I l-Eager Fella, Stump GreCrmoGloctlll7)ny hard 1117) Srumntib d 15-1 Who* A Ring 1101) McCoul.y 10 1 appointments. Dasher is a AoMEbony (IIS) Sklnntr : »l :-llobo Twice Rk-MMIS'TO; AIWJ I PUII. Oh Philip 1115) MocAvth 10 1 cultivated car. In size. In per- Lorry i Lark HID «o*l»iti ..... II Moiltr Brogg III:) Rlcclordl Ml 4— Grey Beard Our OKtor (lit) •orrtro 4 1 Gallon! BrUDt (IIS) Avllei IM formance. In economy: 37 Camrodnhlp Mill Edwordl 4 1 BotdAnglt ClOSI Rlv.rn Ml «-S»n«y HI, MUI Bauer . lUly Pltl imi Solomon. II RtolWcryllllOIOurkM 10 1 mpg highway, 24 mpg city. •nltttdlllnb M Royal Ow.n [rlsi Edwords 4 1 8—Get Swlagiag Irlmoullng lilt) Sklnntr 10-1 Abagodo HIS) Btumlleld II (1976 EPA estimates with Nancy Hill MocBtth 10 I •rovt Scout (115) nb M-l I—Real Ways, Rsyal Owea, Doyllghl Pflnc. dill MocBtlh II Budding Aclor HIS) Solomont IM Abagado, Be Tie Proudest, standard transmission. Ac- Brave Scout, Bidding Actor tual mileage may vary with Cloudy, track fast type of driving, driving hab- its, car's condition and op- tional equipment.)In features iiiitiiiii nun in iiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiinimi in lllllllllln iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiit i i illliiiiliui like •teel-helted radial tires, fuel injection and front- wheel drive. Drive the grace- ful sedan or gracious station Freehold Entries Today vagon. We offer these cars with great pride, to m - Pan IM ParM I.7M jro — rott IM nn. ,,»•• Gtnion (Turcolttl l-l Itn - Pac. 1M Purl. l.M he owned with great Fly Fly PH. (Oonll V Bt Sol (Flllonl 1-1 Kothl Tlrjtr ISorrtnlo) 10-1 Aqua Storm (Btrgeron) NlmbM Diamond (Br.inonon(Br.i ) Bombay Bwtltr (Morono) 1-1 Ml Babu (Brttnarionl ,..11-1 Sokoli Scotch Tim. (King Jr) pride. VolksWatfen* SStat r FrtMiFMll (Como(CO Vollty Btn (ConMl) 7-1 Rocky Clow (Bavoil Jr) » I GrondilomLob.ll (nd).. Cnoncy Mill Loty (Rllto) K Mlb (Hrt«nl4411 Iroquoli Mlktdt IGonll X I SoCk LtO (Vlllonll 4-1 before Dasher have OiarkPllal (SMhr(SMh) II Marhttt imdgc dm DDonl l CalClll M t (Gollaght(Gllh D Imtumt L Bar (Inaraiilal IM •» - Pm IM PMTM 1.IN LC Star (Fllloni been elegantly simple. AdloiCtlllBulk) IS< GtfMfal Gyronc (Luchttito) . SI Mysitfy Bon (Kolb«) .15-1 Hoot Sboottr (Drmntr) IS I Pol" Chip Mlndy' (pfltdmon) .!.' FlllldiClOTllltdiCOfiWl)) Pltxnant Kim (Btmdfttti Dasher is simply elegant. Sharp Salut. (Scorpa) Ml JOII Glol (Gagllardl) ....10-1 (Halo Princns (irtinohant H No E«ception N (Morroft*) :&! Roicott (Danotol Nodown (Boldochlno) !««•••« SwiMt Sammy IBodlnt) ..KM m - fa IM Puna MM H MNgl« l Cml l (OOU(PM H IIM - p«ct IM P«TM him Nlct KM (LtCauu)1 IS KinKlngCondylShormyg l 31 I! Rnunw Fir* (t-Uli) hy Donctr (Oolloghtrl M SHodSltaoy Mt Lody (Oonctrjr) 4-1 Butl.ri Wovorly (King Yr).!!" 10 1 Eailer Senator IFtrrlifo) m A D Itrttnanon) Amt«bro Ed IRodgtrl Jr) t-t III lSulon(Flllon) NollvtCtltbrlty (flllon) I- 15 1 Fly Fly Cfe«l (Pttrct)".'."!.".'!!".*!.'."! h (Brtthan) ....t-l egypllon Judy (Rothbon.1 II MB - Pica IM PITH UM Happy May Song (B«ftf*ron| fln (Loonty) ....II Cftclt Ti Dukt (Kllly) H Pommy Bull.r (Kelly) Dillon (Conlon) (Dklltl ....1-1 Jtrry Will IPunlolllo) 10-1 Soyinort Zlggy (Torrt) Copt Llndw (Prlmok) Proud Dolt (Onlto) 10-1 Cold Cold Hwrl (nd) ... Lucky Victory (Hum). Hoop Iron (Luchtnto) !» - Trot IM Pm l.m CoroMoni Dukt (Forrltro) Spring (Blum) 1-1 S M Elltt (Mortono) 1 IWrtocn (Flllor] S-l Movt Ahtod (Btrononl TOMWEVG., JUNE 15 HtBlojtlKtllyl 4-1 DIRECT FROM NASSAU Tibbetts breaks COLISEUM ON CLOSED- Selections CIRCUIT TV •Mt 01 S. SMr Frt4fM. •«- jaesSE* dragster record ~y D«ar. sn. •• (Poullnl 101 f- BillII BMMr, Mm MMAV. it Ml - P»ct IM PbTM l.NB KEYPORT - Richard Tib- Mory Butltr (Flllon) .*. betts of 64 Washington St. r'udfl M, Pr~d MM. ItTPtM* Mtatllo Oaldochliw) tino~(ConMl|C«n»») 4-1 broke the national speed DtnoldDiamond IKtllyl -- t-l Glabiators ?« a Iprkw CMM atan. spoxy HartonJotlCampbtll) .~ t-l record for Class 'B' Dragsters ibikrl stnolor IPaautll II KMCoulIn (Sorrtnio) B-1 at a York, Pa., course on Or Jullui Jyollt* (Abbjllltllol 10 I Lucky m«y DKW (LtggoHl 10 I Junes. FOREDIHn -"•MMTM Loit knljnl (Pltrct) 1S-1 VS »»ll.r, Bayiktrt Ilgiy. m - poet IM P«H l His auto — a Chevy 302 FrUHtyFlriKFIlion)."kit (Flllon) . t. TIM. MCI Ltt, Pick (Sptrtl built by Competition Machine FRHZ1ER Irllhmon Pick ISptrtndl) Fir.. H H Juilt (McGttl Service, Freehold — hit a 12 ROUND FOR A LIMITED TIME* UNLIMITED COLD AIR IM =K peak speed of 168.S m.p.h. in HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHT DASHER AIR CONDITIONING a measured quarter-mile NO HOME TV OR RADIO stretch. ALL SEATS (tU9fl#I installed prict) COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL The Chevy racer did the J12.00 * 99.00 ' quarter mile In 7.86 seconds, RETAIL VALUE $435. AIR CONDITIONING shattering the old record of 11 8.96 seconds. *On All Ntw 1976 Doihtrs Purchastd Now Through July 31 AT PARTICIPATING DEALERS "TEMP-CON SERVICE Members of Mr, Tibbetts' racing team Include John De- OOORS OPEN at 8:30 P.M. BRYANT GAS FIRED Luca, Hark Bufano and Wil- PRELIMINARIES at 9:30 P.M. MAIN EVENT al 10:30 P.M. Shrewsbury Sayreville AIR CONDITIONERS SERVICED liam Costa, all of Hizlet CONVENTION HALL Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. Lippin Motor Car Co., Inc. LONG BRANCH 229-0400 The record-breaking race Boardwalk. Asbury Park vehicle is stored In Keyport. For Info. Call: 775-0900 Shrewsbury Avenue Route 35 2. Aulot For Salt l.Autoi For Sole 2. Autos For Sale J. Autos For Sole 18 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1876 2. Autos For Sole II Autoi For Solo RlTTENHOUiE CHEVROLET IfTJ CAPRICE - Air, NrERCURY 1*71 MARQUIS - Ek- PLYMOUTH PORY III - Spom SuO LINCOLN MERCURY IK. CADILLAC 1971 - Eldorado convtrt uroon, nintpatltngtr wogon. 1971 IWHWYU 77S-1SBO OCEAN TWP *w» Ntw top Fully loodtd Low mile AM/FM. liolltnl condition, ' "tlltnl condltlor. II77S Will contldtr 2. Autos For Sale ABSOLUTELY mm. itiiotftr 73* im Powtr tturSJ. powtr brAol, tronl HOI MlMinni condition USM llrm. Cell trodt Coll H*-SUI ond rtor loctory olr. AM radio, Ittrtr SEE A "RUSSELL MAN" - For the IIVJ7t» NO DOWN PAYMENT CHEVIOLET W Ki™«»ooa MGB GT 1974^ — Grttn. Eactlltnl toot root rock, rtctlnlng front ttol bell cor buys RUSSELL Oidtmoteie latt Wagon, olr, powtwtr brokbrokn a l«oiltntcondltlor, tltOO Mt 3401 Codllloc Co . 100 Newman Springs Rd . AblLLAC 1171 SEDAN DaVlLLC — Red Bank 7*1*910 30 DAY tlltnt condition Aiding ittSt SJt •toting, vinyl ton. IMSS llrll m 7474747-411* 1 PLYMOUTH I»7J SATELL. - „ air conditioning, lorn* engine, CHEVY VEOA 1*74 GT WAGON - MG MIDGET 1971 - 1S.O0O mlln E> STRAUB BUICK -OPEL outomotlc. eoodcondlFlen MJ ISSI Over SO Clean Used ING - V-4, powtr llttrlng. outomotlc, NINE ACRES at New ond UMd Con CAMARO mt ~ Vtry good condition Air. powtr itwlno, four-ipMd, I ctlltnt condition Mutl icll Atklng olr condll onlng. dltc brakti. vinyl Cars To Choose From. 1474* 11*00 Coll 19!-IMS HwylS JW-4M0 Ktyport BUICK ELECTRA LIMITED 1*73 - Automottc trantmltiion. Powtr tlttr roof low mlltogt. tuctlltnl condition 100% W.0OO mil*) Exctllcnt condition. All Inf. VI. HSC Coll WJ MM CHRYSLER STATION WAGON It44 MO — TO THE MOUNTAINS - To THE FINEST SELECTION - Of ntw JUHLEKIBITTEK INC d*luN« option* II27S. Call Avalon, 331 100% — 12 Month/12,00 IIM rht btoch, tor work or fun. you'll mloy ond uitd con In Monmouth County PlymowihChryllerMG JOfluor 47SC. wMkdayi or Sot a.m only CAMARO 2 2* 1*74 - Four tpnd. olr Mile Warranty Available Coll 747-I2M mil l*n Burgundy MCB convertible PLYMOUTH 1*41 WAGON - Ek Ovtr 100 olr condltlontd ntm cart in MW Hwy IS Hoil.I M4 MOO conditioning, power broktl, power ttock McGLOIN BUICK OPEL INC.. BUICK STATION WAGON SfFCiAt Itttf ing, 14.000 mtltft Belt ofltr Ii4 On Most Models. coii m ni» ctlltnt running condition Mlrvor body ShrtwUtury Awt., Ntw Shrtwibvfy 1M7 — SOS tnglne. white wall lirtl. MONMOUTH • O» or btll ofttr Coll 34* 741-4300. MECHANICAL 2. Autos For Sale Good running condition Eacclltnt to CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH talirooipoftotlon 74117*1. CAPRICE tHt - Power brakti, ttttr No Credit Hwy34 Eotontown J41 SSOO Infl. AV cu In.. electric teati and *ln CIRCLE CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH 1947 - Four door. ll»- TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE - Superb BUICK 1973 GRAN SPORT — Air tor oowt, tilt wheat Comlortron olr condl Applications Refused! Shrtwibury Avo. Shftw^bury OLDSMOBILE W IMt — Four door cyllndtr. tlondord tmnimllllon, good service DOWNES PONTIAC, 61 Low dlllonlng. good condition. IJWi Co Honing, »I1)S (43-04*3. 7»S For Quick Credit OK 741-3110 full powtr, rum wtll. good ttatlon car tlrtt. ntw broktl and ckitcB MIS 141 er Main St , Motowon S44 S2*» after 1pm. 442*632 AlklngUSO Ml 947S^ COM GUARANTEE CAPRI 1*71 1400 - Tangtrlnt. With Call CORVETTE COUPE lt7S - Automat More Classified CADILLAC CONVEHTIBlE 1969 - Mock Interior, bucket*, tleel rodloi*. Ic. olr, powtr wlnaowt. till whttl OLDSMOBILE •• ROYALE 1971 - RAMBLED l«« - ».W0 mlltl. »l»- 40,500 orlglrtol miles fourjpeed. U mpg Mutt 1*11 I117S. AM/FM mrto 1.T71 mlln iU 1000, Four-door, olr condltlontd. AM/ FMcyllntr Enctlltnl condlllon UK Coll on Next Pogt USED Phone 471 003* lor Mlkt rodlo. vinyl top ond Inltrlor, 19,000 »l IBM bttwmi M. BKWtnUHSMtSaOM 229-3313 COUGAR IN; - Urbulll motor. Nol mlltl Eictlltnl condition II9S0 747 2 Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sale conpltM II In cor Good Urn Will 1171. I.Autos For Sale Mil Tor IU0 or Mil OKtr 71I-W0 ittttBD BUT NOT COUPE DC VILLE Itn - All powor. OLDSMOBILE 1974 AM/FM. (llmolt control. njNO hlon C. DOUGLAS ALAN t Runt e ntw Mul . CUTLASS MERCEDISBENZ 7|7 137* ofttr 4 or wttk onttd. party who nt*tfi 100% tinon TOM'S FORD m Omwvon A«t.. LfflU Mlvr *0 BE log, with no monty down, on O IV MULLER CHEVROLET IMPALA SS Itto - T< Oldtoblll Cutloil, Oir condllionmg, —w«r itttrlnp. automatic. 3t,DL. ABUSED door .UM. CREDIT PROBLEMS? ....iti, U3tJ Many othtr model, to 74 FORD All VOLVOS No coih? II you'rt wording. w( con fl Call 4t I 147* chooti from Top co»h paid tor your CHEVROLET VEGA 1972 HATCH No monty down Poymtnti cor or truck. For quick cridlt OK . BACK — Ntw tlrtt, automatic, radio coll OASIS MOTORSot l»l) ttt-MOO. F-100 PICKUP Hot molding* Sharp, cleon car. 6 cyl. standard trans Stock ttOO boy* It J17 1434. NOU607 42.914 miles $1 75 OVER DEALER COST OPEL 1971 INY MODEL LIMITED TIME ONLYI MR. Air. power Heerlng and bi DATSUN 1972 3402 COUPE AAANTA FACTORY FRESH 2002?, 530TS AND »73 firm. Coll 111 «» ofier • p n I hlt 13400 WaniMl. party who nveds 100% llnanc l 3717 Ina, with no monty down, on o 1V71 10 Wanted Automotive Optl Monta. outomotlc, J4.000 mHev *2395 OODGE VAN 1971 — Cuttomlitd Sli tllVS Mony othtr models to chaoit 's - NOW M STOCK READY FOR cyllnotr. Itlck thlrt. tight track loot from. For quick crtdll OK, call 1974 MERCURY l)3S0 E»cilltnt Kl 111! OASIS MOTORS oi (Ml) 711-7100 SHORE MOTORS OOP-EMUS FORD IMMEDIATE DEUVERY TOM'S FORD CASH PAID (IPH 1*74 IViANTA LUXUS - 31.01 two-door Monlego -SALES SERVICE PARTI 700 Snrtwttury Avt, Rtd Bank 7414000 milt*. tMu«. (our »p«d Mutt itll Be Stock »676 VOLVO — TRIUMPH Wl NEED USID CARS offtr Coll onytlmt, 741 *W QUALITY, WEVIOUSlY-OWNtP SPECIALS \-i 74 FORD FIAT SALES AND SERVICE - LE OVER 300 - New Chevrolet* t 5 YEARlSO.000 MILE WARRANTY WE WILL PAY VINE MOTOR CORP , Moplt Avt choose from TOWNE CHEVROLET, RMJIOfik 7414170. Mwy M. Mtddlelown i7) tiOO GALAXIE TOP PRICES FIAT HO SPIDER ml - tt.OOO mllti. 76 BMW 2002 528-75001 mw clutch, batltry, muftltr M mpg. PINTO STATION WAGON If74 - 72 DATSUN 2-door V-8, atuo . air cond HWY 35 MANASQUAN Blut, air conditioning, large engine, AM FM radio, tun root, ex- TOM'S FORD EHCtlltnl condltlon-Rtgrtltully mutl automatic, good condition Alto 197$ 240Z, automatic, clean. / Mil ll«0 or bttt Offtr. Call 74T-fU7 tra sharp and daw 8.212 Slock No B627 36.43S otWr 7p.nv Silver Bradley GT, automatic tllck 25,265 miles. Sharp carl miles 1969 CHRYSLER V 2. Autos For Sale thlft. MOO mlln on rtbullt engine M3- n*w Stock No 812 FORD ECONOLINE VAN 1*11 - IUI. Stock No 556-1 four-door nlltl MS0 Coll 7m.7-0719 afttr 4:10 PINTO 1971 - Two-door Need! worfc Newport Custom tsso •3895 ONIY $6495 "2895 Stock #725 FORD LTD WAGON 1*49 — Automat- Coll otltf 3 p.m. 74M2M ic, olr condltlontd Nttds minor motor PLYMOUTH CRICKET 1971 - Low h work UOO Coll U3-49U. ' mileage. Immaculate condition. 76 BMW 530i TOM'S FORD ^* Coil MS-SIM 73 CHEVROLET . 1974 MARK IV /• RIGHT IN ™' matching drlvt train, oulomollc PLYMOUTH FURY IM - lWt. 311 V CAMARO, air, automatic, Owno, 7,500 miles. 4 speed, mlttlon, potltlvt dlfftrtnllal. Call of r I, olr, ntw tlrei. powtr Uttrlng, power steering, brakes. air, AM-FM. sunroof. List ^ Stock »729 . Itr 3:30 p m. 49S4I9S, otk lor Tommy green block. Vtry good condition HiO. 25 172 miles Stock No. $11,492 Slock No 800 74 PINTO FORD PINTO 1*71 - Good condition *n JS«O. Mutt Itll. US0. 99301 Coll S34-4S9I 0. Wanted Automotive jrwAi •9999 STATION WAGON FORD 1965CALAXIE $AVE MM taMM fe*M0Bi B #»•*•« tn* ^VACATION Ncedi work, tlOO Tat 4-cyl auto . air cond . Coll 49S-S0U SHORE Stock NoSB628 27,037 FORO IMS - Multong Custom Bur The finest car In the world de- miles ^-*v 2-door Montego MX ouody with silver flamti, )971 engine AUTO WRECKERS I 151 fofouur speed, Keyitone. Fast. 49S $ Stock #730 - SPECIALS 0747 SS-7 p.m. DSO0DSO0. Buying junk cars and scrap mands the finest service. See us for all 71 MONTI CARLO FORD 1971 COUNTRY SQUIRE - iron and metal, over the | your BMW nttds. 2795 Station Wagon. Power steering, power scale Cpe. gold, radio, air Drakes, air conditioning, tour ntw 1973 PLYMOUTH tires, vtry good condition 69,000 P/S.P/B. auto trans, v/top. mllci 11395 Call offer 3 p.m.. 471-0049. 542-5544 SALES • SERVICE • PARTS Slation Wagon TOM'S FORD FORD 197S GALAXIE »0 - Fully Stock «736 73 VEGA equipped Two-dor inl roof of- 2. Autos For Sale 76 CHEV. INVAU one owner. 42.000 m 73 BUICK 9-Pass Wgn. maroon Station Wagon, auto trans, FORO 1W4 E M0 SUPER VAN - Mil radio, green I tti tn 130001 ^ v. t/glass, tloor mats, door CENTURY N edge guards, wheel opening / moldings, p/tailgate. air, re- 73 FORD FIDO GHIA 1970 - Convertible. Good condl 4-door ftdtp , V-8, auto., air Don HIM. FORD in Long Branch 1973 PONTIAC \ mote mirror, wheel disc cond Stock No U636 Pickup, radio, auto Irans. Coll between 3-4 p m UM107 WWs root rack, AM radio. 53.983 miles 2-door LeMans P/steering, custom camper GREMLIN 1973 - Factory air, auto- Stock »750 cap. blue/white matic, good condition il»ilJO0O "Evening* m-fm. 75 VlffA HOLSEY PONTIAC DO YOU QUALIFY *2195 RTE U U2TW EATONTOWN 1974 ALFA Estate Wagon, beige, air, '72HM91TD HORNSET SST 1970 - VI, outomallc. TOM'S FORD » Romeo Roadster 8Uto , radio, custom tnt, root olr conditioning, power itetrlng and TO BE A •\ Stock #754 . rack Low mileage BROUGHAM broket, like ntw IMS 671-29H otter 6 4-dr Sdn, green, 50/50 I 1VIII Uui fp rflVltP >r »""V 72 FORD seat, air. auto., P/S, P/B, 131 E. Newman Sprlngt Rd Red Bank FAIRWAY CUSTOMER? 75 FORD 74 CHiVROin radio. CALL NOW747-0040 KAY MOTORS MAVERICK LT.D. areiCE HONOA CIVIC (If the answer is YES to 3 out of 6 - YOU DO!) 4-door, 6 cyl. auto . Stock I 1972 TOYOTA 352 Brood way 2212362 Long t 4-dr. Sdn , dk blue, ra- 4-dr sedan, green, air' 1. Do you want the BEST PRICE on a new 1976 MK II 4-door Auto dio/heater, aulo trans KITSON CHEVROLET CO No. U653 59448 miles cond., radio, whitewalls, tin- HwyM Eatontow P/S, P/B, air, VB. priced 72 CAPRICE Stock »762 tad glass, auto, power steer S42I0OO FORD? right ing, brake* 2 door .gold with 2. Do you want the finest in SERVICE? _M995 cuutd i nated in I t€MAN5 i97<—r- 1973 PONTIAC Buiket teati, olr, vinyl top. tic A real Loaded with extras! buy I 3.Do you want the LOWEST BANK RATES Grand Prix 74 PONTIAC 74 MERCURY TOM'S FORD Low mileage! available? Stock «764 VENTURA SPRINT COUGAR RASSAS 4. Do you want the MOST MONEY for your used 73 GMC Yellow. 3-spd, AM IM slereo Brown, radio, heater, WWs, PONTIAC with tape auto trans, P/S, P/B, air, )?S Brood SI. 741 SIM Red Bank car on a TRADE-IN? V8, split seats, low miles 70 OKI Eve*. Until 9 x LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1973 — Full PICKUP Ready lor Ihe Sport! » WAGON power, new paint, 1M00 firm. 671-0S79 5. Do you want a FREE LOANER if your car is ofterS p.m v-8. auto . with cap Stock I 1973 FORD V 74 6T VEGA laid up for WARRANTY WORK? No U662 59,499 miles Blue, aulo , AM radio, roof LINCOLN 1970 - All option! SIJOO or Grand Torino 2-door • Yellow, 4 speed. QT equip., 74 CHEVROLET rack, low mileage bmt otftr. AMtr A p.m. Stock »767 6.Do you want to deal with people who know AW/FM radio, vinyl root. LUV TRUCK MECHANICS DREAM - 1H3 Volvo, how to say THANK YOU? *2395 Vvnne. 4-speed trans., radio, 71 VOLKSWAGEN needs clutch, and 1M0 Sludeboker, bett offer Coll 741-1177. 1974 OLDSMOBILE rear step bumper, white- •EtUI walls MERCURY COUGAR 1974 - XR-7 5 TOM'S FORD • v 2-dr Cutlass / 74 CONTINENTAL Excellent condition 36.010 miles .'1I1 radio, 4-speed Mony extras 13900 or best offer. 471 ? TRY US! We Won't Be Undersold |\ Stock #768 '. MARK IV 1411 Qreen Loaded with all the MERCURY MONTCLAIR 1944 73 FORD 74 VOLKSWAGEN Four door, good condition. Complete! extras 4-dr. Sdn, AM/FM radio, PARTS DEPT. now open automatic US0, 741 1260. auto Irans, loaded with GRAN TORINO many extras LOW 7OO0 Saturday til noon. 10. Wanted Automotive 4KJoor. V-8 auto . air cond , MILES! Stock No B689 42,1 74 50-TON SCALE FAIRWAY FORD miles MMFtaOMnHrwif $ Turn JUNK into ».».« (Formerly KROLL FORD) 2295 • JUNK CAM • SCRAP WON » METAL? 671 BROADWAY 222-3600 TOM'S FORD 2-door Century MAZZA t SONS, l«. Slock #770 , im, BnA LONG BRANCH (1 mile off Rte 36) 72 DATSUN 510 2-door 4 cy!. aulo . Irans 1967 LINCOLN \ Slock No U693 75.554 Continental 4-dr miles Stock «772 $ Post-Holiday 1395 1967 UNCOIN Continental 4rdr TOM'S FORD \ Stock »772 FOR OLDE TIME DEALS! 73 BUICK STATION WAGON I 1975 MARK IV QUALITY CHEVROLETS QUALITY FORDS QUALITY PONTIACS V-8 auto air cond Stock [ Stock «775 No U695 46.093 miles •1972 FORD MUSTANG* 1973 THUNDERBIRD • 1971 MAUBUtk • 1970 GRAN PRIX * Stock #778 2 dr. h.t., yellow with vinyl Gorgeous Blue and white Exciting gold with vinyl NEW 1975 MONZA 2+2 "2995 top, automatic. Radio, combination, automatic, top, automatic, radio, P.S., V-8. auto . power steering, brakes, air cond , rear 1972 CHEVROLET P.S. Factory Air. 40,575 P.S., R8.H & top shape Air cond. 69,804 miles & defogger. many more options, Stocktto 1648 TOM'S FORD 2-dr Impala miles and excel lent condt. 34,586 miles. like new. NOW $2295 NOW $2395 74 PLYMOUTH now $1895 SATELLITE 1—1973—1 2-door V-8. aulo , air cond . NEW 1975 MONZA Slock No B718 24.463 71 PONTIAC LeMANS, 2-dr. H.T., beautiful blue 72 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER with pop-up top & all miles. CHRYSLER with white vinyl top Promised 100% healthy & pro- the Westphalia camping gear Delightful orange with TOWNS COUPE I 2-dr Newport I tected long lite Auto trans, P/steering, radio/heater $ • Stock 0791 | an economical 4-spd trans, radio/heater. Full sized 4-cylmder, aulo , power steering, air cond . many 2995 & only 26,040 miles. (229$ vehicle for everyday driving & weekend living Driven more options Slock No 1441 only 44,250 miles. . J3895 TOM'S FORD N you'ra looking lor a 70 COUGAR 2-dr. HT., sparkling Irish green & from quality car ... at a great family background. Equipped-with auto trans, 72 GREMLIN X 2-DR. H.T. Sporty silver blue econ- prict you can afford... P/steering, radio/heater, excellent condi'ion wilh omy car with roof rack, auto trans, P/S, ra- "Buy from Mi* d»»l»r MANY MORE only 41.28B miles. $1895 dio/heater. air cond only 25,207 miles & clean as a NEW 1975 MONZA 2+2 whocsns" whistle! $2095 HATCHBACK — 2 3 hire, 4 cyl engine, TO CHOOSE FROM '71 KARMAN QHIA CPE a fabulous unique sports door edge guards, hydramalic trans.. car with a tremendous history. It is a 2-pass. with 70 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK Bright orange, blk w/Ws. buckets, stock rear jump seat, 4-spd trans, radio/heater, royal blue leatherette, radio/heater, 4-spdT sychromesh trans No 1151 SO/1QQ & one ol a kind with only 46.818 miles. Priced fight Exceptional low mileage find ot 32,406! A rare buy at USt PIKE $4112 O499 at $199$ S1S95 TOM'S Me Inclucto Itrtght t dMfer pt>t> — T«« t UcMnlng I— «i». C DC/-1AI "" VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE - 4 speed) JrCLIflt Sychromesh transmission, R&H, Beige. One* owner car wltt1 7 754 mll Ar Tiir ufrrv °"^ * ' «- N.A.D.A. June 76. IT'S CHEVY — TOWNE FORD Of THC nttK Retail value $2225.00 Ask lor car No NSoA. Our 1895 Appreciation Price To You "Iw. Tkew UH4 tan." IN MIDDLETOWN I200HWY35 Something N»w — L»a*lng Mow Available [MOTORS] EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 671 6200 IWALLI FINANCING! he KEYPORT IMCOLNMOCIMY y,MJ. LET ROUTE 35. MIDDLETOWN. N.J. 164-16091 747-5400 741-8500 2. Autoi For Solt « Motorcy cltt SHREWSBURY, N J. MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1976 I Business S,ii »Mrar. C«rjf mini MMHiwi. MM 51 Help Wonted 51, Help Wonted Mil. Call 747-071;. Aik lor frank Gron- NELLINGANDSNCLLtNG- Opportunity I'M A6 PATfclcrTk: AS MOO HJALtTY CONTROL INSPECTOR - r< ct THIS is THE leclro mechanical bocharound Work Worlds lorotsf •mplov"*"' " '' ' LUNCHEONETTE ANO CANDY THUNDERBIRO lNo - 4M, oil pow t»*ILE«S - AK6, gUT WE PDMT ME6i7 TWE om drawlnac and veroal In.lriKtions 4 Brood SI rRed »onfc. N J .74MIII. tf, hilly equipped, ntw trontmlulon, witt. minimum supervision S«K Hart STORE COMBINATION - Pm •-*• SUPCBVISOII Bell offer W-M33- five tern Hrtt. To Mil or trede. 291 MAflOMAL AMIHeM BEFOKE er Full time only Reply to Box W 272. ood wrvlce thtfi supervisor.•Hi«i he Dolly Register, Shrewsbury, N.J. rn\. graduate preferred Previous hospital THUNDERBIHD 1fT9 — it.UO miles Itory eiperlence required « SPEED QUEEN with AM/FM stereo radio, vinyl root. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON tour wNk, ollernott weekends, totary full power Car In mint condition Mult •pendtnl on e«perlene« Plus e* COIN-OP LAUNDRY WRLiV DAVIUION IDI - ||S CC ncrtased ocflvlty in our Hoilef office ellent employee btnellls pactugt- *P- Mil Coll 747-0717 Art tor Frank Gran- «t"enl Ironifo.loll Bl ff equlres additional tales help. In AND DRY CLEANING entlve commission schedule with Personnel Deportmenl. ftiverview ow for qualified applicant. Musi be OSpltoltall, IS UnionS! , Red Bonk, N J FABRIC CARE CENTER TRIUMPH - Itn. Convertible toll censed ond experienced in Northern 7701 AAln equal opportunity employe' To be built In Mlddlttown Shewing fire 1MI French blue. 13.000 mllesTro- OA mt CLJOO - dto, hMttr, whites. Immaculate. 2tl Monmoulh County oreo THE KIR M/F) nTir One of tht b«st bjrt.M" ** _-jr«» , eicelleHctllmt condition t AN CO . REALTOR, 264 7200 Ask lt-0| trm. tttt Ofter 7|7 41W WITCHBOMD OPERA TO* - NlgM rtuntllet svallakt* ''-|j{Jl/|J t Mr Boyd Mason hlff, 11-7 a.m Full lime Longlerm TWIN •OHO MOTORS INC. REAL ESTATE SALES — Licensed or ooo o(>|»ftunll/ Call 741.700 operartlans Can at t»*ntf «f*^Jj^°' Ill f. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD unlicensed We have itverol openings •taWe>nfa>B> manooaHnen( NO txpvrief*c« n our Residential Sales Deportment EACHER - Nursery school, tor ^wry WnhrVum down poymtnl Our three offices are Multiple Listing •pi New Jersey certification EM- VAN 1971 Members In Monmouth, Middlesex and ptfience preferred Write Bo* W-273, AVIS MACHINERY tot It IMW and Mvti •ceon Counties Hlah commliiion, he Dally Register, Shrewsbury. N J ond bonuses paid Coll for confidential CO. INC. view BOB GRIMM AGENCV, ELEPHONE RICEPTIONIST - In HONDA )!0 1»7 — 3100 original mlloi, 51. Htlp Wonted 51. Help Wonted our home Person with pleasant tele RASSAS -.J. 707-4m, It no oni 10 Wonted Automotive 51. Htlp Wonted hone personality to toke mall orders leovenome and number DtNT»l »SilST»HI LADIES-MEN - Work al home on the REAL ESTATE SALES - Excellent it homt. evenings 4 ll All day Fri . PONTIAC BOOKKEEPER - Port time. Intur phone, earn t2S ISO weekly servicing Opportui illy tor eniroetHe Individual once Agency, Long Kronen orea Cholrude e«perlence nece«or¥ Local tile (liver am ttkfnds ond holidays Write Bon R- m Broad it 7411110 IMBM eo lollli our cuitomert, 364 1344. Mull btbe familiar with Lii 204, The Dally Register, Shrewsbury, " i. until" Hours ond days flexiblete . Brief reiuresumme surrounding o table, wei 1 A3 Money To Loon VEOA H7e - Manuot IrammUtlon, lo BOBoM. wW Hi141., TThlhe DDolly Rcglllei ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY .AUNDRY ATTENOANT - Two 17701. JUNK CARS WANTED - Plckod up » Thomat Avt. UJ 14*4 Shrewtourv Call tor Interview HAVE ilLLST - Netfd "»^'Cor>»o u Cmlral »vt.. Rod tonk. Shrewtbury, N.J. 0770107701. nights.,, oronve afternoon Highland, area i A ARMSTRONG AGENCY. Real dotlon mortgages available Business Call 741-107* Ploaie re y ito BOM W 247, The Da or, US Protpecl Ave . Little Silver TELLER ttons over iToSS) 7M-1SM for on op BOOKKEEPER - Account! Decel Design Draftsmen Regliter ttt ilbury, N J 0770) VOLKSWAGEN 1*71 - Convertible able, Account! Payable. Experience K 41-4500 polntmtnl In your homt. __ Dork blue, oulomotlc. AM/FM rodlo, TOP DOLLAR preferred Mall relume and talory re (AA/F) LEGAL SECRETARY - With ol leas REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON-LI' . perlenced or trainee for local of- ntw tires, one owner. 51.000 miles qulrtfnont! to P.O. Bon 671, Red Bonk, Electro-Mechanical three yea*, experience required Fivi •nsed Individual for Mlddlelown of ce Nice benefits ond pleasant work 11100 firm. 741 •»« FOR USED CARS N.J 07701. days per week No Sol. or legal ho :t with large advertising budget ng conditions. Cash handling e» LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. idoys. Complete benefits life Insu ktrlence helpful Career opportunity VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE - BOOKKEEPER ivoroblc commlislon split Call Twin KAWASAKI 1*75 KZ400 - Electric Rt. M Soyrovltle. N.J. 717-1100 Mechanical once, hospiioiliplion, sick leave. Gc- ooks Realty, 4M WN Ihe motivated employee MERCHANDISE rfTl. Sunroof, radio. Vtry good condl •Ian. due brake. 1100 mllei. euros Eiptrltncfl rwctiiorv erou. yearly bonus ond outstandir lion throughout. tictlltfit mtcrionlcal Coll 7*1)111 IMMEDIATE ! REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON condition. MM mlltt. 11,700. Coll Mo «! or belt otter 114 sm WANTED pay scale Send resume to Box C-M* • OOKKEEPER - Full tlmi. Good The Dolly RegUler, Shrewsbury, N.J Familiar with areo Ask tor Jton K ir 20 Brood SI Red Bo oeje ofler 4 p m MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - Reo 07701. win. Realtor, Marine Park. Red Bank 1 Merchandise wtableI 'atei Gronlni , Hwy. It LJ.GONZER U3*\tt Evtt.. 7471104 OOL AND DIE MAKER — Firs VOLKtWA SIN H7I SUPER Agoncy,. I! Wlkoil PI WANTED - 40 I car with clou ., Hoiltt. 739 1)1 IU Shrtwtbur-y Avtnue .PN — Medlcoi office astlManl _ lass. Close tolerance compactln BEETLE-FFactory air, radio. heater Coll.Reitoredornol REGISTERED NURSE — And LPN Its Air conditioned shop, oil benefits For SoU Mini mi. AlHIng nb» UMU0 lift BOOKKftPllt NewShrtwtbury.N.J. wrtenct preferred. Red Bank area Soma hand potting and payr oll «x leply to BOH W-?7I, Tht Dally Regu part lime, 311, IM shift. Ivy ndiono General Company, Crows '"' ADMIRAL U" TV - til Calculator, •75 Yamaha RD 3 ptfltnci ntcttsary. Slarl »lls CALL 842-3900 ood, Keosby, N.J. 20 Sttnolypc. l» Record player. 110. ' VOLKSWAGEN tUS U71 - Radio, lHOmltM, er, Shiewibury. N 1 07701 ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY LUMBER SALESPERSON —Pro M-OIM RAVEL AGENT - Immediate open uf stole, 110 Men's suits. 15. over Call Uimi »ThOffltM Am. UJ-UU Shrtwibury )EtK CLERK - EKptrlcnced, we«h oatt. 110. Portable typewriter, 110 ends Mutt know NCR mochine Cat irtltlvi growing building material RESPONSIBLE PERSON - To mafc* ng Experienced only Also outud 72-09)9. VOLKSWAGEN 1170 iUG - Moto< UZUKI TMI2S ARTS AND CRAFTS BOYS GIRLS - Work aftor ichoo Mr. Monlco. Molly Pitcher Inn, Red center U looking Tor an Individual wltl window shades. Five days a week ommisslon salesperson CARUSO one year old, new tires, battery, start Solurdoy. Earn IIS to IM p*r week Bonk 7472600 extensive experience In retail lumbe intact Mr. Von or Mr. Ruilco al RAVEL SERVICE, »I-3434 IR CONDITIONERS - MM ITU, 2! US Stars 1«J 5000 BTU, »D 6000 er. Asking »ffS Will negollale Call For more Informailon coll Mr. Pairlck DRAFTSMEN AND PLANNERS M/W and building supplies HUIll owns, 17 Brood St , Red Bank YPIST EXPERIENCED - Doctor 717JW- TWO HONDA MINI TRAILS HOBBYISTS aim till — Mult have experience or education mtlbllily RN OR LPN - Full time 11-7 shift ftlee. top salary, fringe benefits Send BTU, 1100. Coll 741 2175. ^^^^_ Buy all or In part, the conlenti ot ol background In related fields Salary lui and sooe Apply In person at King James Nurs esume with references lo Box L-371 AIR CONDITIONER G E. VOLKSWAGEN - Super Beetle 1*71. •moll hobby ihop Ihol went out ol bull BUTCHER .9*00 Mutt bt unemployed 30 days and company paid benefits, send resume ng Home, 400 Hwy. 36. Mlddletown. he Doily Register, Shrewsbury, N.J Never been used AM/FM itereo. gBi'R neii. 717 M\ tip.m . 7K-I17I atler 1 rMldtnt of Monmouth County Submit Richard Slromwasser. Freehold Lui Call 544*247 after ep.m i.eellenl HIM ; p.m. Aik lor Pete For Information coll 122-0537 ber CO., RD, 4, Freehold, N J 07771 mi. CARPENTERS AND HELPERS - reiume ond application to Pvrionncl VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1*1* - JI.H CYCLE SERVICE. INC. WAITRESSES WANTED M/W - Mu ANTIQUE-CENTURY OLD 171 W. Front SI, Rod Bonn 1414177 Exptrltnctd Homt Dtcor Ctnlor OrMee City of Long Branch, 344 MAINTENANCE — Apply In per,on. y ond liberal fringe benefit, e experienced Apply In person < AM/FM/IW, inowi. root rock, orlgl Hwy. M ond Pool* Avt . Hatltt. Broodw l No accident!. 17*5. efl- YAMAHA 45O, 1*71 - Eicellenl condl pplntment. coll 291-0600, Mon ex Diner, 117 W. Front St.. RedBanl ONEOFA KIND lion Alklng Uli, or bill otter DRIVER/SALESPERSON - Fo •ft (ANTED — Experienced siding m HAND CARVED Call 747 1171 Shore's lending lour MAINTENANCE HELP — Part time twite» and helpers Coll after i pi EMPLOYMENT Imatlt ing planplantt. Free hoi Woodmere Construction Co SM-0319. CHILD'S BED transmission, rodlo, a» 1*71 YAMAHA - OR] 1S0MX Very h di' li d A part of Naveslnk History ll/s firm Shift work. Rapidly growing chtmlca vocation. kpply Sic n.pori tlon. Reply to Box 70 SALES-FULLTIME ottltnt bo . ntttjs mtchonkot work, good condition. 14S0 monuracturcr Pltaii Rtply BOM C Myrtle Av ., Long Branch Flooring, Point, Lumber. Two years Coll 747-H33 offer 5 p.m. Mrt. Kino. WM. Mo Frl.rl., , **-e p.m. 547-7417. « Dolly Regliler. Shrewsbury, N.J 1*41*51 SI Htlp Wanted Mt, Tht Dolly Rtglitcr, Shrvwibury DRIVING HOUSEWORK - Need per 01 experience preferred Steady employ- S3 Domestic Help ANTIQUE FURNITURE - Round HlttMs and w««k«ndi««k«ndi. MMI7] 73 SU7.UK N.J.07701. ment, company benefits, rapid ad- --y Pljv- TSIH -Completel• •ee-lettlV, ASSISTANT PLANTNT PURCURCH in Of couple, port-time, eight days cement. Apply In person, VOLKSWAGEN BUG IH7 - While, rebuilt. Excellent condition Musi sell, ING AGENT Mult bt able lo typt CLERK AND STOCK WORK — Ratal _jt ol town, Mall name and phone t< MATE WANTED M/W - For part •unroot, rebuilt l*«* engine, JO.000 -rill talk .UK 2MI7I1 ontfkM__p rtcicordto . Some flnt aid Iroln- Box4M. Aibury Park, N.J. 07712. PERGAAAENT ences U hour. Call 741 SOW. mutt. Juil lunod, new Drakes one 1*74 YAMAHA 115 MX - Many hi Ing and knowledge of plant io(ety ond BrldDt or Hwy 35 1 Poole Ave., Hailel EMPORARY MOTHER/FATHER ANTIQUE LIVING ROOM SET - tlret. RUM ortat. tiSO. »l-»15. urg. N A 7W-4264. bl, four dork Pint molts chairs. working condition*, paid vocation* EXPERIENCED HELP - I ences. 747-2063. , oil lamp, large Pine dresser, dry WALL LINCOLN-MERCURY lice. Send resume with reference* an SALESPERSON - Noeaperlence nee COMPLETELY REBUILT TRANS Skkdays Cuil546-4l0\ i d Gdi phone number, loBoxR 205, The Dad HOUSEWORK — College stude sink stereo cabinet red ad bl i Shrewibury Av*. at Sycomore essory Full or port-time, high com choir. Copper pans ond ket Shrewibury, N.J. 747S40O MISSION — For Chevrolet Eight cvl CLERK-TYPIST Register. Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. missions. Write to: PRP. P O. Boiavalloble any day, experienced, w Imter, outomotk fIM. Two flulck Shy AVON Sltnoarophy htlpful. Fulltlmt, hoi EXPERIENCED MAINTENANCE MEN SAND BOYS CLOTHIN 371, Keyporl, N.J. 07715 ences. Call 747-3029. . tQUES ANOTNTTRI0 WHELAN PONTIAC BUICK OPEL Iwk mog wtvttlt, 140. Coll 291-f3A? of dayf St. Apply In porton WERNER 5 PERSON - Fun time. Knowlei SALES - Full time. In Red Bank Ne< Connoisseur, 19 Church St., Hwyt Freehold Take odvontoof of V0 yean ol ielllng DODGE, Hwy. 34, Belford, N.J. appeorance Important Phone 747-2311 HOUSEWORK/CHILD CARE - experience and make top tt on your plumbing, Hectncol work, carp* change for room/board plus small sa rer 6 slates pure hosed. 141-6*17 4U-O47 FOUR CRAGER WHEELS - Mounted CREW MANAGER - Naw Company Holiday Inn, Hailct. Apply In penon own time. I'll show you how Coll In arta, looking tor ptrion to worl Holiday Inn, Hailtt. MINI COMPUTER OPERATOR - SALESPERSON ary Write Llgio Alvorei, Calle 20A 1 ANTIQUES - Liquidating estates. Ar r PORSCHE 5000 - Doyi 141 on F70n tl t d dlh Mrs Hammond, 717-4150 and assistant bookkeeper Machine !7. Sooomoso, Colombia. moirts, dtsks, dining tobies, chair good with Taanogirt Hour! 4 lo I. mui perltnce a must. Bookkeeping We have an Immediate BARMAID WANTED M/W hova aood running car. Call Mr. Pt RELIABLE TEENAGERS - to establish a reputation for quality ADDING MACHINES - Typewriter RESIDENTIAL AND rk at reasonable prices, interior t* Excellent career /position now avoll- Kid. rented, repaired Setpico i. 101 lor. Call Sol Gorpullo Ot 9W-440S. FAST FOOD INDUSTRY able with leading/com pony engaged In Monmewlh SI.. Had Bonk. M74WS. COMMERCIAL its a "LUV!" the creationjpjy manufacture of fla- COMPLETE LAWN CARE >USE FAINTING - int«rior, ex- Haw CHIVY vors ond Iroflonces. We seek on Indi- ALTERATIONS BY THE MONTH lor Experienced and reliable Free vidual with a minimum 3-6 years of LAWNS VACUUMED llmotes Coll Ml 0791 or 741059* LUV TRUCK COBOL experience, on 370/ US DOS ADDITIONS - Roofing, tiding, ce- t A PAINTING CO. - Quality work- "-TAL/DBOMP romlc file. Complete line of remodel For those who like grass clippings anshlp Interior and exterior. Call would be pre Ing. Call Rich Malmbera, 7I7-3S43. picked up 1-«54or »S 771*. "THE Sefylnfl Moomoum County 13 yeofl CALL R PAINTING AND ROOFING We offer a good starting salary plus BUILblNG ALTERATIONS - Add), 747-1681 Free ettlmoits excellent company paid benefits pro tlom ond repair! FlnondngArrongeo CO1I747 »WorU2-mi Bay Hcod Construction Co Wl 9700 CLEAN YARDS • Best mUeaoe of any truck you can buy - 33 NUMBERS Ctl Ion—attics—oar ogt i PAINT INC* ANO DECORATING CARPENTER RETIRED - Seeks Call atttr 3 p.m. 741-2149 art B Jonn Fully Intur* MPG Hwy EPA/23 MPG City EPA Please sendrtsume In strict cou small and medium sued lobs. Com- For frtt tttlmatei call 7» M3I • Heavier rear axle man Ford F100 or Dodge ftdence Indicating salary history ond plete Interior remodeling service. Pon LAWNS AND TREES - Complete requirements to Kitchen cabinets Room addl lawn malntinonct, tr*i »ervlce ond PAINTING D100 tuU sized fc-ton Pickups Mr. Richard Porter j...-recreation rooms, reflnlshlng, londscapirtg bookcases Armstrong chandelier cell BEAVER LAWN INTERNATIONAL lng». Free advice onaestimales. Good ANO TREE SERVICE. INC. In line with our growth plans, we need twice as many FLAVORS*. workmonshlp. Coll on/time, 729-S259. 842-7743 PLUMBING 4 CARPENTRY AND MASON WORK HEATING management people today as we did yes- FRAGRANCES Inc. Alteration! and addition! LAWNS CUT - Aftd ftrUllied Com pi tie lawn lervlcc. Call 14 hour*. Rick EGAN PLUMBING AND HEATING terday . . and we'll need double that tomorrow And 600 Route 3*. Hoilel. N.J. 07730 A. Bruce Eloenroucn U1-3W7 Johnton. Jf 1 51W. An equal opportunity employer m/f CHARLESHOWER State licensed we mean double — in the next 5 years. Our manage- CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS 671-2771 Carpentry, Masonry, Roofing PLUMBING AND HEATING ment training has already developed Vice Presidents, Free estimate. BROKEN WINDOWS REPLACED e speclallie In commercial oltero- 741-3056 after i and weekends WITH PLEXIGLAS. 17.50 and Up. ont, rettouranls and Industrial hot General Managers, Regional Managers, Area Man- Coll 201-734-2571 ater heoters, dlshwasheri, wash- agers and over 1500 Unit Managers in a few short R THOMAS AND SON - Hortdymen, i/dryers, Icemokeri, aarbogt dls- ck-up truck service. Paneling, cell COLOR~TCLEVlSlON - Repair estl- >osols ond sewer Installations fieplp years. Incredible! You Bet. . . and you can be part ot Sa and flooring, general home repair. motes this week free. Bring In lo shop, g and Board of Health violations. It may not cost as much as you think. mwgtncvStrvlce. TIM401, 4*5-01 H. it. Open until I p.m. EATONTOWN DRIVEWAY TELEVISION, S42-O4OI ROOFING A SIDING We need men and women who are at least HSG's CONSTRUCTION DISAPPEARING ATTIC STATUS - Furnished. Installed, 1*9.95. Medli OOFING AND SIDING Free estl (some college a plus), with several years ot success- totes Olson Rooflr * ASPHALT heavy weight stairs ovolloble 5-0705 Evenings 7 ful business exposure, with at least the last 2 years in Slain warranted 349 M63 Attic Slolrs DRIVEWAY Ce. RUG SHAMPOOING lood service management. You must have your own SEALING REEiEfiS AND fteHI&EOS car and be willing to work a 5 day week We'll do the Protect ond beouilfy driveways, pork IEPAIRED - IImmediatm e service on UG SHAMPOOING - Floor woxixlngl . Ing oreoi Only lop Quollly products .. Ofd rest. expert application All work guaran oors when reflnlshed, look new All teed For tree estimate coll 7el-3JI7 HAULING — Clean yordi, ottlcs and MAYER ASPHALT SEALING CO. pointing and moving turn' Start to $15,000 Regular salary reviews; promotion ture. Vtry reasonable rotes. 741-3754. 03, otter 4 p.m. dally. to management in a few short weeks. Next step, DRIVEWAYS HI.GCONCRETE COMPANY — TRUCK* AUTO Store Manager (within 9 to 15 months it you're good Asprtolt drives, concrtle wolkt ond SMlks, driveways, patios Frtt n RENTAL Sa "cr pA "NG°'"IISI. .r ;;iswi . Jtl WW enough). And our Store Managers earn to $20,000 + + KITCHEN C*BINET5 - Rellnlshed FORD RENTACAR PS. We almost forgot to mention: All our great ben- GENERAL oftsslanol service Fret estimates FAIRWAY FORD PIwni »•»» Dolly - Wt*fcly- Monthly efits are company paid, and you will be eligible tor CONTRACTING uwcunvi LAWN MOWERS bonus participation from the beginning MCMTARV BILL-DAN Builders Serviced and Repaired STOfUSJEHIHG TO PROMISES tmnoditilB opening lor ex- MQion ond General Contractor! FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY DO SOUETHMG WITH YOUR FUTURE perience*) Executive Secre- Re»loentlol»Commtf rjouindultrlol Sptclollllng In CALL 747-1681 AVIS ... orr wmaiHosit tary with excellent Typing Flrtplocet Potloi MOVERS end Sttno uMfe to work tor Brick Fronts SWtwalVi WE TRY HARDER Concrete Work Orl 7 days o wttk. Vtry riasonoole. N PLEASE NOTE: FOR YOUR busy Executive Must be well |ob loo big or »moli. 5A6-I1M anytime Rent a Plymouth organized, capable ol wonY r CONVENIENCE, INTERVIEWS WILL mm WINDOW UNITS — And central al Of othe ' Ing Independentty wftti ma conditioning, serviced ond repaired K HELD IN A8BURY PARK ON Free Estimates Vic Air Conditioning. tntlDt, 7 MONDAY. TUESDAY 4 WEDNESDAY, t/14, IS 1 It abWty to Mow through. Ex- CALL 747-0308 ASBURY PARK CIRCLE, ASBURY PARK cellent salary and fringe nt7He btlort I p.m. JJM;i\ alter 4 p m PAINTING t .»llll.»m,Ml» benefits. Please reply giving complete work and salary LANDSCAPlNG-LAWAll work Intured N DECORATING CIRCLE CHEVROLET 776-9000 history and salary required GARDEN MAINTENANCE ALL PAINTINING - interior, exttrloi to The Dairy Register, Box C-284, Shrewsbury, N.J. COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE 641 Shrewsbury Avt. Shrewsbury M Gltwon Boulevard - RMMtntlol and commercial design ASSURED SATi5F*CTION — i ._. ciar 07701. ond planting. In business over 40 Ot quality workmanship tor Interlo iytnos *' 7O yeors. Groundi molnttnonce our spe ond exterior house pointing. Rjter 741 -3130 {ram now •pen Set. 'HI noon.) ,, Mi-w.P. Ct«dMM dairy. Coll 741-907] or S4MOT4 after 5 tnces available upon reqwit. FcrTrn I estimate coll Ml 1107 or 747-litl. 842-6800 U1. Houses For Sole 102 Houses For Rent 131. Houses For Sale 31. Houses For Sale SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY. JUNE 14. 1976 77 Pets And Livestock 101. AportmenU MATAWAM-LAKERIDGE - F©wr 20 IOLMOEL - By owner Flve-ytor KEANSBURG - Three-bedroom, yord A NEW LISTING! - One at 0 k bedroom ranch Fireplace, Ion* ST. BERNARD PUPPIES - AKC MIDDLETOWN - Mint condillo id tlve-bs*oom executive horn* on for kids ond pels, only S240 Hurry remodeled ranch |ust one block to bui Kaped wall to-wall, opplionces. cen 71. Merchandise Reasonable Three-bedroom, 1 Vj both ranch Fom me plus acre Many *«lras Mid H s 71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise Home Locolers Ml 3223 ly room. Two llreploces Eicelle line In Shrewsbury Tip-lop condition IroTolr. intercom, seTT-clean oven, 791 4115 or 191 Ull 4491 area. Available July I, 1435 per monl throughout Living room, eat in kltch swim, tennis, mony •«trat S42.M0 For Sale For Sale For Sole KEANSBURG- 3 '1 room garden Coll evenings between 4 and I p en. swptr new bath, two bedrooms IOLMDEL - Tlwtt btdrwm split. 5S3S332 CARPET - Crantarry. wool, II »i O.f. — Two-door rtfrlavrotor, avo SOFAS - Tws block while brown con TACK IN THE BACK apartment Private entrance 23 3 liniment to Inspect, 171 5ft] oasement ond tented rear yard Wall entral air. Flreptoce Large paneMd MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - NtWiy Wl « Km S»»l» Cu»l«r. Ma If..... cadi, flvl (Hi OM pwfici condition temporary Excellent condition 17 Open Wed and Fri until 9 p m Hancock St 717 3111, Apt 14 A to-wall carpeting Included Pretty as a Kreatlon room, covered patio, lorge remodeled three-bedroom ronch on TVft motdwd WIlMfl XII pro woo*. U00 M». IMC t «*»£%*« reclining chair, ticalltnt condition Excellent condition lit) 741 Mil KEYPORT - Modern one bedroor IF YOU HAVE 17. PtjM-«uarf, U H Rug ttiompooef. Club. 741 W44 Close to shopping and t'«iep«1atlon. •71 MOl ITU sir conditions, goon all-electric aportment PT PLEASANT - Largt four e ANXIOUS CENTRAL AIR housing problem In the Immediate Don! wait. I17TJO0 BOB GRIMM owning conation. M0 III 0341 STEREO - Two Micro Tannoy TM 3 room, den, olr. yard lor kids ond pels amlly, this ranch mlahl be your an CAITW lOFAtEO - PloU. rM ond turntables with Slranton U1EEE cor Call 7J9-0133 Four spacious bedrooms, 14' maslei AGENCY, S44-U00. 80. Bicycles/ Home Locators Ml 1222 Bedroom, two full baths, 20' sclenci wer Living room, dining room, al- triage*, one month old 1100 eoch. Hi KEYPORT - One-bedroom apart ractlve kitchen, two bedrooms, tiled MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - I PT PLEASANT - Furnished two b< Kitchen, full recreation basement par ment Available Immediately, July and oth Lower level - den, two bed room Cape Full basement w Mini/Motor Bikes oom, all utilities paid, yard for kids. Holly finished, 20 enclosed porch, 140 HAMMOND August No pets Coll244->544. * U ' ooms, ' 1 bath, |alousled porch, pretty KECUMEB CHAIR - Gold, upftol STEREO - With eight track, ti_ •IKE - Schwlnn Coiieglle boy's live Home Locaters Ml 2233 U lOCAl - Unfurnished ond furnished hrubbed grounds 12O»17S' In quiet And, UO Eactllml condition fable, two speokers, 11M Spanish bar speed U". Hardly used. US HELMED REALTORS 471 5450 X.iMi'ScWBiS" Call 747 UH ORGAN with tour stools. 1100 110 Ib bor-bel apartments Efficiency, 1170 Untur RED BANK — Three-bedroom nous incroft area Economical to moln- MIODLETOWN-Hndlorour •el, 140 S41-4SM nlshed one bedroom, 1195 Efficiency Rent, plus utilities ' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Net* aln Asking t$4.500 COLONIAL COUCH - 4'V. f«ldt lo OF ASttURV PARK •Momti For Living' bfochurt. plci. BOY'S 10 SPEED VISTA BIKE - furnished one bedroom, MM Call of ment by calling 74! es. BI level or Ranch Buy Hirer Illfrtill One yaor oM. US. STUDIO SOFA SLEEPER - Like i builder and save Coll 2*1 1443 dttcrlpllonl, prlcil on ovolloblt LARGE SELECTION Good condition. US. i, 170 1977 Days, 144-0022. LAWLEY AGENCY •71 H73 Hwy IS ond Hoveslrft River Rd homn APPLEBBOOIC REALTORS. rooms, tremendous kitchen, garage SELFORO — Clean three bedroorr OF PIANOS MATAWAN-CROSS ROAD MANOR Alddlefown Realtor 741-4242 9J0RI 35, CONIEMPOHAHV LIVING DOOM basement. 1550 monthly 291 5371 ranch Low tones, 1443 Alumlnurr MINI BIKE - Vi hp Excellent con One ond two bedrooms Heal, hot WL E venlngs 791 -9021 MIDDLCtOWN - MS.tM. Cultom ALL MODELS OF sided IOO«!OO landscaped lot on dead v ru ait loo I12J firm er. cooking oos, air conditioned At EANSBURG*- EncellenToreo, tree- RUMSON — Attractive three bed end street. Formal dining room, wall bulll Hirnbanm ronch. «l«,""" BALDWIN ORGANS «i i4:»sa *" "° ™'~> . Coll K4 4M7 Exit l». U4 4010 ned street Four bedroom, IW -both 739-007} room, corner lot Garoge 1375 month to-wall carpeting throughout. Newly young on oooatd lot. Lorot llvlno COUCH — That op*ni to iloos two. ly Coll 2774S47 ome Living room, dining room. 775-9300 MATAWAN - Ken Gordens. big one renovated bath, screened In porch room, lormol dining roon, family 171, toood condition. Tout and tour TH0MASVILLE DINING ROOM SET MOPED lichen, den. enclosed porch, fire- ond two bedroom apartments starting 131,500 Coll 717 3945 or 49S 0W3, roam, IW balhi. goragi Call Bjrg cholri. 110. Call 7I7-4M4. — SIM choirs, hutch ond server, e« I) onths old Excellent condllior ot 1200, carpcllng throughout, air con RUMSON SETTING lace, assumoble 7'/»% mortgage Agancy, Rl. 11. MIJdHto»n. «lieCO. celient condition Hotpolnt retrlg 1350 or best offer. COUCH - I MMIKrronion. grtor dltlontd, lols of parking, swimming This three-bedroom, one both home IELFORO — Small ranch Two bed )wner very aniious Asking U5.S00 HAPPY HOUSE PLANTS - Let erator. Maytog dryer. Coll after S. 2*4 141 7976 after 5pm i. tlOO tool and tennis courts. Your very owr located In a very lovely private area ooms, full basement, corner lot, hal ERB READ ASSOCS , Realtor, 739 pton o plant party for you. Free plants IS 70. WIM MR MOPED who Walk to shopping ond NYC com Beautiful yord with mony trees. Alk ilock to village shopping ond trans 100. Completely rtbum low moinltnonct —'percentageof total Mies U11374 jorlallon 124,900 Call 717 5500, KIR THREE AIR CONDITIONERS - Complete Motorlied Bifce Shop ing 58] 4010 Open 10 o.m lo 4 ing 14S0 per month. Coll for oppoln EANSBURG - Four-room house e.lros os only on ownar/bulldar would CHI! - With mottrtti and bumpart. Cools sli rooms i.000 BTU Cold Spo 63 Main St S44 1U5 Eatontown Closed Wed ond Sun -VAN-CO , REALTORS ew kitchen, bath, plumbing and elec draom of Mrnto' goroga with 10' call corrloa* with motlrm, trathlnttt*. VUwmaster SOO ITU Vornodo libOO lc. »18,t00. Coll 4)fftwiO. Ino l«0 »q H tor ttorogt or chlldn s brau h»ad-board for twintiutort, Mt NEW MERCURY-HCIutchs 19.95 MATAWAN - One bedroom apod JOHN F. IETTER THAN NEW - 2'i voar-olc • TU Vornodo with Ifiermoitat and fon >l level 4 Douglass Drive. Greer mi.ties" U»14*24M' In-oroujjIn-ground J»al comalXo. Coll 7414401 NEW ENGINES-Sh.p U9lhp 1139 ment 1200 monthly Including heal, hot EYPORT - Ciean and modern with IMOIor oil three. Coll 364 7039 irove Estates, Neptune Township celient location and CRAMPTON MOWER 272 1975 water, stove SH-SUS )num tiding. One bedroom, en' Four-bedroom, two bath, family IBM TYPEWRITERS TOMATO PLANTS - Petunloi, tic osed porch, modern kitchen, 127,000 illchen. dining, living, utility, garage 3ni, riLEIi HJUfci. LFIUIII. uuurr", 75c a market pack Geraniums Vk' MIDDLETOWN - Two bedroom ANDERSON •vlino Real Estate Broker, 544 9444 RENTAL $16.50 per mo. 81. Sports Equipment apartment available June I. I23S plus •loir to attic ilorage, electric heal ctiint*. typ»«flt«fi, office equip pots, four for it 4" pots 7K each Har AGENCY.REALTORS ALLAIRE- Rent with option to buy 171-0117 hermoslot each room, wall-to woK it, ttc o. borooln prlcm. Ntw or many Floral Snoppe, S64 Palmer Avc. FLINT LOCK MUSKET — (Stoeger utilities Couple preferred Call after 4. 63* River Rd. Folr Hove carpet upper floor. Young famil) Lincrptt —Ours Alone 4 AAC 06SK OUTLET, U09 Rl Eoti Keonsburg 7I7-Ot47 47-4517 JOHN DEim TRACTOR — i Belgium) Excellent tiring condition neighborhood. Good access lo shop usl listed This home has lorge living ctllont condlllon. Lawn carl, MOW With powder, 1100. SurT ipln rod IDDLETOWN - Two bedroom, only 741-4477 oom, dining room, 23' family room, FARROW it A BRIGHT - One lomlly house ilng ond Parkway Owner oilers al DIAMOND KING - On* year old. plow, grass sweeper. I16SQ Ownn TRAILER WHEELS - Two. e-«0, 9' HJS. carpeted, can t lost long Two bedrooms, sun porch, both, largi noil 1S.00O In extras free for the prlci vee bedrooms, IH baths, two car go- round Tiffany wiling. Hi prongs, .41 Ing MI MM Realtor Home Locators 911 2223 living room, big kitchen, a nice lor" ol the bosk home new today Central age, beoutllul patio lo enjoy lots of weight, opprolrtd al tSOO. Will »ll KOSS HEAD PHONES - Pro S/Q tlon on river. U50 per month. Avc olr conditioning, attic fon, bathroom ees ond privacy 141,9O0 CENTURY 294 Broad St. Red Bank tl. fits Ford or boot trailer, five SURFBOARD -61" MIDDLETOWN - One bedroom, only Quod heod phonn. A.»klng US or be* able Sept. 1 till June 1. Call 142 2613 I cMhaust fan, two-car driveway. Lawr , PAUL BRAGAR AGENCV. 794 125 Raleigh ten-speed bike, 21" Good condition 150. 115. heat paid, pets ok, coll now. 741-3450 offer. Kott head phone* Pro 4/AA tween s-f p.m. Jotlor maintained yard, refrigerator DINETTE JET - Wood, formica lop ;•* 747 1641 after 4:10. Coll 741-0791 Home Locaters Ml 3223 ood St. Shrewsbury. 747-O3J1 oUIng UO Of best olter Both excelled washer, dryer, garbage disposal, humi ITTLE SILVER WOODBINE AVE. Call anytime SINGLE HOUSES - Duplti ond Iw codition Teoc Open Reel tape deck TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines dltler, paflo, sidewalk, rugs down Three-bedroom ranch. Living room MOTHCITS OtLIOHT - Thr«t*»d- fomlllet. all oreai. rtody now. 230B-S, with remote control Excellent All makes new or used. Guaranteed 2. Swimming Pools loirs Available Aug 1, on VA, FHA, Ith corner fireplace, dining area, eot- ,oom ranch. IVi botlll, llvlnj 'oom. condition Aiklng MM or bed offer MONMOUTH BEACH RENTAL EXCHANGE Bkr. 77S MOD DINING ROOM - Early American low as US. Ser pi co s. 101 Monmouth conventional. 147.500 Phone 921 1149 kltchen. den, two baths Basement dlnlna room, httctwn. oaimroom ana Turntable Dual 1711 with Empire 1000 BOVE GROUND POOL - 31x24 birch MOl tobli with podi, two Horn, St. Next lo theater 747-0415 TOMS RIVER - Three bedroom YO cor attached garage Immedlot* lull banmtnt. City wot»r oml fwl. III cartridge. Excellent condition. Aik overall, deck around pool Asking 1795. CHANNEL BEACH IU DuKbury cholri, 1300 ranch, only 1300. yard tor kids an BRAND NEW TREES GALORE .cuponcy. Best offer over ISO,000 t distance to icheolt ond Ihop MUNI IngtISO or b*it offer. Call 7I7-4IU. VERY OLD - •' long dining room but sells for 14000 Buyer must take dowr APARTMENTS-MARINA Four large bedrooms, H moster bed Spacious one ond two-bedroom apart pets Call now. oil H1JU4. tel.sptndle leas. »30. Call 7174713 oom, eolln science kitchen with dish DINING ROOM SET — Tabli,,iii LOVE SEAT - ._ menls. Fantastic location on Shrews Home Locators Ml 3232 Call 717-1437 washer, 1|' living room, II' family ITTLE SILVER - lWyear-old cus chain and chlno clowt. modern Dan Call between f a.m. L _ MUSKIN POOL - 14i4l and filter, bury River Heat and hot water includ im built Colonial, living room with WALL OVEN - With cabinets. Stove 1100 All you need Is a liner. Call 264 oom, 1'-J luxury baths, utility room. \%h wolrtvf, HIS Ml-4S)Sot1tr 6p m 747 1157 ed In rent. Color coordinated kitchens •eplore, formal dining room, over NEPTUNE - EUMroom •l.lnil sn top with cabinet, MS Jlf*. 103 Rentals To Shore iaraoe Completely maintenance tree. olr conditioned, master TV antenna ie kitchen, three bedrooms, 2Vi cormr lot. Four btdroomi. pontlcd MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGE - One Call 7I7»» WOULD WIDOW - Like to shore he POOL - Coleco. 30 «IS'x4 . Oval. With Swim Club, walk-In closets, laundry aths. family room, garoge Excellent family room, living room, dining ttalnlett ite«l, ilnly Inch with cab' corns, marino facilities CHANNEL e and expenses with another ut 471 -'54*50 WASHER - Working'condition, »» ver used liner All around Redwood jcolion on a quiet free lined street. room, 1 V, bothl, laundry room, 90^ Good condition. Call 747-104). BF.ACH APARTMENTS, Park Rd . widow on pension? Mlddletown 9^ Good condition Call oner 3 p.m deck with polio. Perflti filter, In-wall IRAND NEW - 149,900, Incrtdlbll 4S.OO0 Ut 7691 rag*. «all to «all corp«(lng up onondd FAMILY AD MINK STOLES — Like new. Asking 2641417 Monmouth Beach (lust oft Oceon Atlantic Highlands area, Coll 6-9 p,m value Custom-built three bedrooir skimmer. Full aluminum fence. Good ITTLE SILVER - Four bedrooms, doSn. Clou lo Parkway. U».»0.»00 Coll 1)00 each. Ave). Renting agent. Apt 27,222-1309. 143-109; ingllsh Tudor, Contemporary ond Co- condition. Coll 671-2921. central air ond heot, paneled tn-HU. WINDOW — Aluminum, fW, good onlol ronch homes on one acre plus 3 LINES-5 DAYS Phone 3f137?S asement, built-in bar, enclosed bree condition, complete with ilorm one SWIMMING POOL - 11x12x4', Oval 4EWLY FURNISHED - Air condl ots In prestigious Cotts Brook area or ONI W A KINO - Unit Sllvtr Four >oy, two-car goroge electric door, MISCELLANEOUS APARTMENT KfHn, US M4-f774 Pool, liner, filter, ladder, vacuum loned efficiency apartment, sultabli 105 Summer Rentals :reehold Twp , with central olr condl lorgt Mdroorm on largt lrt«l lol 1 "t jse In mini condition Located in FURNISHINGS — UxlS oreen carpet, 1150 Ul 0265 one person, wall-to-wall carpeting lonlng. wall to-wall carpeting, twe bathi. lull dining room, pontttd family WOOD CHIPS ADIRONDACKS CHALET - Lak Hill section of Little Sliver. Very ISxeO wood desk, tide table, lamp. 1200 per month' all utilities Included Placid White Face area, sleeps elgh ull ceramic tile bathi, ovtnlre two room, battmtnl, walk lo Irani J3SV $3.00 oi pjto film ti | No leaves or twigs AvoHoble July I. One month's secu maintenance. Asking MA.SOO Prin- or garages ond much more, Liberal 1410573 84. Merchandise Pi baths. Swim, hike, tennis, fish palsonly 747-2t*2. portatlon. icrtooll, (hopping. Many n- Ity. References required Call 264 horseback Week or weekend. 741-1930 Inanclng available. WH ELAN trat Reduced to 1SS.W0. Prlnclpoli ITEMS YOU NO LONGER if, tic. 721-4*40 WOODEN SHEDS - All slies Con 200. Ask tor Peggy. REALTY GROUP, 194 Rt. 35, Middle ONC BRANCH - Duplex. Three bed only. Coll o»ntr, 10)747<0»t. NEED OR USE WILI ptelely assembled. Low prices Wanted own 14 2 7545 MISCELLANEOUS APARTMENT OAKHURST - Two-bedroom, 1140, ooms, IVt baths; two bedrooms, Call 747-9250 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FURNISHINGS — Hoover upright voc air, kids o.k. Call now. poclous, near beach Excellent buy. More Classified BUYING-SELLING ,5,900 Call after i p.m. ond weekends SELL uum cleaner, UMIS preen carpel. 35x60 Immediate Cash Paid! Home Locaters Ml 2272 US • 3323 wood desk, tide tabfi (amp. Imm mov FERRARAS, REALTOR, MLS on Next Poge le projector, film strip pro|ector, ik For Used Oriental Rugs OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Five room BRAND NEW - Pocono modified A 495-2500. APPRAISER. FAST poles, skate* (11). electric sander. etc orden apartment. 1140 Includes heat frame. Sleeps eight 1100 for weekend ALIFORNIA RANCH FOR ANY TYPE, SIZE, CONDITION, 1 WITH A QUICK ACTION NUMBER, CALL ANTHONY FAH .all a.m. or evenings 493 4441. V? , [.<•( wtek (oil it* IM.I afler .< 30 hree spacious bedroi rtui vanity. UO Small Oak dinette Ml, MIE ANYTIME. 477-SI69. Adroom. 24' living room, 14' dining LOW-COST MOVING — Living room, I7S, desk, ORT MONMOUTH — One bedroom HIGHLANDS - Wottrwltch section 175. Plus many more useable Itemi oom. science kitchen, 30 recreation Mi, ct-pper pipe.ttO. pro|ector , l» modern apartment. All electric. 1150 Season or month, 166 1049, 10 13 o.m DAILY REGISTER rice's Flea Mart, 229 W. Front St.. AAAAAAAA oom with bar, 25 workshop, 12' utm OASSIHED ADVERTISING RATES welding equipment, >7S. 6T)-»33i plus utilities. S4S-0619 after 6 p.m otter 7 p.m. Keyport, N.J. Open 10 o.m 7W-133J LIQUIDATE UNWANTED ANTIQUES. y room, humidifier. IK)' lot, centrol FAMILY AD JEWELRY, RUGS. FOR CASH "•5-0711. MOVING — Mahagony drop leal table, After 6, S91 9491 alr.40'*. TOU F«E ROM MATAWAN AHA SM-1100 Available for Merchon 34MM, on* 10 leaf, pods, cictllcnt INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES •ORT MONMOUTH - One-bedroom, LONG BRANCH - Three and foui MELMED REALTORS 471 5450 dise For Sale only. Article condition, four chain, buftel 34x44 30 SETS OF INSULATED GLASS 10 Riverside Ave.. Red Bank 741-7474 ard for kids and pets, all utilities •oom furnished apartment. Air cond TOU nil ROM MWDUTOWN AIEA 471 -MOO O00RS - For porch enclosures old, SI50. rM Baby carriage, double bed bookcase l loned No pets. Until Dec. 229 1553. mult originate from a headboard, from* ond matlreti, two 4 »i'l". I3S per panel. Call 5U-94I5 ALL LIONEL TRAINS lome Locators Ml 2233 US POCONO MOUNTAINS - Wild A ___ pic- L.ake. Four bedroom lakelront or lake Non Commercial Rales $4 minimum charge household and may not ex- Top cash appraisal. 946 7893 _ es ond descriptions of homes In all view ranch. Boat, all club rocilltlei f Monmouth, Middlesex, Ocean and ceed a sale price of S100 ft Garage/Yard Sales ANTIQUE JFWELRY - Oriental Weekly 344-0501. Somerset Counties. Mops plus other In rugs. LES DEUX 1 DON PONS, 799 Per Line per article. MOVING — MUST SELL ,-ARGE YARD SALE T- Three foml nt-mi us fix ONO', - Swiss Cholel ilcepi cresting articles. STERLING River Rd . Folr Haven 142-4157 or 741 HOMPSON ASSOC, 340 Hwy 35, IDay 65c contents of aportment lei. Furniture, household merchon T PLEASANT - Two-bedrooi . TV. dishwasher, (Ireplacc, lake, fish Pride MUST be adver Call 19I-S444 between 10 5 p.m 4H7 CASH Mlddletown 747-5400. dlse, chlno, glassware, linens, elec 750, kids oh, carpet, air, all utilities ng/boating 1235 week 471 »7I 2 Days (Consecutive) 60c tised. Each additional line rlcal appliances and clothing. June 14 ANTIQUES — Anythhini g aid. 3 Days (Consecutive) 50c tl.OO. No copy changes to II, 10 o m to 4 p.m. 54 North Fifth l hi l dlllsl , je lome Locaters Ml 7222 RED BANK - Attractive three-bed CAPE COD Avt, Long Branch. J room, 2V*ath house. Den, screenc 4 Days (Consecutive) 47c may be made and no dis- RED BANK - Air conditioned, fom porch, Privacy. July ond Aug. 11000 COLONIAL 43c counts or returns will be I WO f-AMIl Y YARD SAt b I ooms, storage, walk to trans '47-5395. harming New Engiond type home has 5 Days (Consecutive) 4, IS, 104 p m Wallpaper, mater.-.. MATERNITY CLOTHES - Cribs, wrtatlon 1270 monthly Includes utlll teamed ceilings, pegged floors, Dutch 6 Days (Consecutive) 4tc made If ad Is cancelled be TV, exercise bike, child's desk ond oilers, car seats, and related Items, les.»1S371 ronl door. Master suite plus two more NEED FURNITURE? chair, household Items, etc. 530 New >p condition only — for consignment 106 Furnished Rooms toms, one full bath plus two one- 7 Days (Consecutive) 39c : (ED BANK — Contemporary pent fore expiration. lv« floors of bedroofi Springs Rd , Llncroft. Call Pickles '•' Ice Cream. 7474776. boths. Delightfully decorated. ouse apartment with balcony over- ATLANTIC HOTEL - Rooms and effl 8 Days (Consecutive) 35c TO PLACE YOUR stereos, refrlgeratori. rct condition 175,000 NAN JOHNSON ooklng the Noveslnk. Twobedrooms, :lencles for rent. 30 Days (Consecutive) 32c DAILY REGISTER 77 Pets And Livestock BUYS AND BUYS fh fll dii o Th lti 7I7-9M7 crom an entire household to a single FAMILY AD, CALL . . . lEAUTIFUL - Healthy, playful hit EATONTOWN - Lovely air condl Commercial Rales S4 minimum charge tern. Antique furniture, lewelry, sil- ALLAIRE- •ns, nine weeks old, males. Litter Honed room, kitchen privileges an NORGE GAS DRYER ver. Immediate cash. Top dollar. ' ed, Fret to responsible parties. pool. Female only, I2S weekly 343 Ml Very good condition, US BC4JW 542-1700 1 Day 8 Call 747-1171 RED BANK- FARROW FARM TOP SOIL - ISO, itvtnvard W ADORABLEJt ITT JENS' • OLD FURNITURE - Antiques, chlno, MOLLY PITCHER VILLAGE FURNISHED ROOM - Private home 2 Days (Consecutive «6c 24-Hour Service jFFICE FURNITURE SALE! - To load 34-hour oniwirlng service, 6/1 olots Please call Otter 2:30 p m siwore, art oblects and brlc a brae Branch and Madison Avenues UO per week. Mbture working person Realtor 3 Days (Consecutive Me Mt3. MIDOLETOWN arta only 1*111. an account Musi be sold Imme tmediate cash lor anything and ev 1-bedroom Garden Apartments 111 Xita diottiy t One walnut office desk, rrvthlng ftuscll's, 25 East Front SI . From 1300 per month 94 Brood St. Red Bank 4 Days (Consecutive 50c FOAM CUSHIONS — Cut lo any size two-piece walnut "L" shape desk, sin Colt 701-741 9115 or apply MIDDLETOWN - Room/prlvot 741-3450 U ond up .olio walnut round lop office strolghi FREE KITTENS - Two months old 01 24 Molly Pitcher Vllloge Court tiw kitchen privileges. Wash 5 Days (Consecutive 46c 495-0075 after I p.m. chain, three office booths, large re Litter trained ILUWIJOIH IIHIVIN MANTH 'dryer. Woman I3S week 7171300 Call anytime CLOCKS - Any condition, also weight 6 Days (Consecutive 45c ceptlon counter d*nk with divider pan 931 2111 after 5 p in IEO BANK — Three room unfur- APE COD — Riverside Heights. Mid FOUR E.T. driven ban|o clocks, any condition, MIDDLETOWN — Well furnlshe ell, two reception room chairs, three Ished apartment. Ncor trans letown. Six rooms, low 40s By op 7 Days (Consecutive) 44C mlttoot. 14 large office landscapes. Cordon fill, FREE KITTENS - Litter Coll weekdays from 5-1 p.m 142-0301 portallon, hospital, shopping 1190 per n, near bus and railroad line. Co ilntment only, after 4 p m , 747-4442 8 Days (Consecutive) 40c typewriter, three stenographer's swl Used la dogs and children. month plus electricity Lease and secu- after 5.», 671 5353. nvner. Call 741*477 FOUR LIKE NEW - Unlroyal gloss vcl chain, two orm swivel choirs ORIENTAL RUGS " equlred No pets. Call 747-S161 ONE BEDROOM WITH BATH - Fe 30 Days (Consecutive) 37c balled flrtti with rims H7I IS I17S RUSCILS, 25 E. Front St.. Red Bank FREE TO GOOD HOME - Female Hove customers tor all sites, types, male preferred. 115 Second St., Key Coll 142-7*44. 741-1493. leagie, healthy, affectionate dog condlllon Ebner Carpet, Red Bank RED BANK - One bedroom and stu Wft. H4-7107. FAMILY PLAN RATE ~leote cull l*\ r*4T apartments. Available Immedlot CENTRALAIR tHHi«R6»niroie,tclr,c. PAINT ly llREENTREE APARTMENTS. tea BANK — LovMy'raom. pmot 3 tines — 5 Days — S3 00 II 00 each additional line Sllofitly icrolched MM Salt price, REE TO GOOD HOME — Mixed PIANOS-Used entrance. Nicely furnished. Cio ' n around pool Excellent area. Flv« Interior, W.7J p«r aallon Mrs. Nelson J» Spring St. Call 741-3953 tor appoint tearooms, formal dining room, eat-In Available to individuals placing ads under "Merchandise till. Five nor auaronttc Eatontown breed, port beagle, four months old. t. 741-1145 or 142-5407 Coll 717 3*44 or 7l7lU7 SW4233 Itchen, large living room, den with Appliance, Ut 0*1 ^717 7451 Fa Sale" tor items not exceeding $100 each Hems must RED BANK replace, full basement, two car go- FRIGERATOR - 14 CU ft., IrotMrM. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS - Single person. Near bus ond railroad age uf.ra be priced. with lc«-mgk«r, good condition, «71. ure bred One male. One female Six terns 1100.00 oi. Coin, stomp .... Coll74fMt5. 40 dealers sell usl Jim McQuillan. 744 Coll t4M07S afttf 4 p.m. PIANOS-ORGANS reeks old 135. Coll 542-7112. Contract Rat** on Rtqutit l-Manual Spinet Orpons from 1695 up 5112. tOOM FOR RENT — With kllchi. FRIGIOAIRE Rebuilt splnett, uprights, grands for GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER ACT NOW O irlvlleges. Lady senior cltlten pre WANTED - Boy's 10 speed bicycle, Apartmtnl •!», US wle or rent. Unllmlfed renloli from 'UPS — Champion sired, AKC reals MMEOIATE OCCUPANCY ferred. Coll 2t 13669. • 13" frame. Good condition Coll 747- Cell 741 M70 17.S0 per month Used — as/Is pianos •red, excellent tenperamenl, hunting DISCOUNTS 4062 after 3:30 p.m. WHlTEHOUSE HOTEL - Keonsburg ond organs from ISO and up Wore and show quality Call 636-3074 Only three blocks from Railroad, Bus 30 Ridge Rd Rumson FURNITURE - Mediterranean couch, Rooms with kitchen use. house for leading ma|or brands. Free Shopping Overlooking Noveslnk Rlv M22740 RONT PAG! MADIK DM). Stwvo console, INO. Sewing mo VANTID TO BUY - A large quantity 7l7| 717 H5t BOX REPLY SERVICE Weekly Organ Classes. RISH SETTER PUPS - Champion $5 50 Per Count Line chine, table model, WM. Bedroom Ml. of restaurant tables or toble bases and FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER bloodlines, healthy. Born woimieis CENTRAL AIR, HEAT AND GAS CLIFFWOOD BEACH - New custom 11000 Set of tablet, »l.i King wicker choirs. All otters welcome. Call built ranch, three bedrooms, futl base- Bold lace headings $6 50 442-4730 Great pet ond watchdog Coll 729 5405 PICK-UP $1.50 choir, 175 Storburil kitchen Mt, US 414131 otter 3pm Ask lor Mr Elliot. 108 Commercial ment Baseboard heat, redwood deck CALL FOR APPOINTMENT or 170-1501 Studio Apartment from 1230 Minimum insertion ? lines ftM717onytlme. with patio doors Wall to wall carping RISH SETTER - Male, Two years One Bedroom (Terroce) from 127S Rentals MAIL $2.50 Maximum 24 lines All RANGE -G.E Two Bedroom (Terrace) from S37S Corner property sodded Attached go FURNITURE RECEIVED THIS 42'.electric, t75. old. Good temperament. To good ATTRACTIVE - Modern offices at I rage sjTwTm-WI. readers placed at loot ol WEEK ON SALE! - Danish «" table, tome. 1100. CollSU-1513. Call 747-0031 REAL ESTATE trimming Pool, Sauna, Marina, In' Spring St., Red Bonk, two to slK-oftlci column. (our chain, If" Three (old bedroom MINIATURE SCHNAUZER PUPPIES' ulles. On premises parking. Nea For each bo« number assigned •cr*tn.U9. Stroller, IUW Jr. od|uil RANGES - Warehouse sale. Electric, ,„ RENTALS oor Parking, 34 Hour Doorman, TV, COLONIAL BARGAIN — AKC. Champion sired Salt and pep hops and restaurants, one block from Five spacious bedrooms, 15' master oble dreii form. SI.SO. Sewing ma 10'. brand new Giiarontee. 1100 tivervlew Hospital, but away from Eight weeks old. Call 471-4194 ENTHOUSE SUITES ALSO AVAIL droom, 11' guest bedroom, 12*15 llv- chine cabinet, 114.SO. Large kitchen Double oven, 1300. 4H 17/1 rattle jams. Low rentals Including ABLE ng room, separate large dining room, table In Al condition, U9 Pair Motto OLD ENGLliH~SHTEPDOG"PUP? 101 AportiwnU complete lanltorlal services and sup- .. : _. ...__ 1 Pm Day preceeding Publication RCA COLOR CONSOLE - Excellefi Coll J.J Glynn, 747-6S47 or 741-1712 eat In science kitchen, full recreation gony itta tables. 111.SO each. Pair four AKC, encellenl pets, champion sin illes. Phone tor details or showing a pott twin beds (bed* only), 119 SOcondition 195 Eatontown TV. AAA RENTAL SERVICE — New rent- basemen! 143' lot. In the 20 s Call m-MII or 7744700 AUMSON — Small one-bedroom, heat 41-9595. DEADLINES DISPLAY ADS each. Solid Cherry full site bed, 139. S42-O40O als dolly, never o ft for tenant Fur- MELMED REALTORS I71-S4M laded. I'/i month's security Refer- Lara* mirror, 139 Five-piece Maple LEASE ADOPT US! — Homes w nished ond unfurnished homes ond OLTS NECK - Gombrel root Colo 2 Days Preceeding Publication RIDING LAWN MOWER - Snapper. 6 ences required. 1190. 741 6053. dinette Mt, 14V. More and more. Rui •d for nine-week old, Tiger and w apartments. TEICHER AGENCY, MIDDLETOWN lai. Six ytars old. Wooded area. h.O.,1vi years old MOO REALTORS, 217 Oceonporl Ave., ell's, M E. Front St.. Red Bonk, 741 striped male kitten and one-year- EA BRIGHT - Three roon op D professional suites ovallable. 650 iverslie one acre lot on cul de-sac Call S41 lolf Oceonport 541 3 SOO entral olr, central vacuum, central All ads are restricted to their proper classification and to all block male cot. Free. 671-1424. ment on bus tine and near shopping q. frtt . andd 44440 so,SQ, ftt , toeinftoein gHl HlyHighwath y IIDINO MOWER - Craftsman. Elec 5 Amplnple parking. Phone between (Harm. For sale by owner. US,000 Call the regular Daily Register style ol type We reserve the IA6BITS — New Zealand white ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — New live enter I43-M67 after 5 p.m. trie start. 34' cut with aross catcher :305:330-5 0 p. 671-fa* 134744. rhrte female Two male. IS each. Ca room, two-bedroom, centrally air con- First t4tS takes It. Coll 291 507). HREW5BURY ARMS GARDEN right toedit or rejecl any classified advertising copy »I-0125. ditioned aportment Sundeck. On bus MONMOUTH COUNTY - S7S so. flirt .ONTEMPORARY — Secluded eleven APARTMENT - One bedroom, S17S. All ads once called m and processed it cancelled will be SEARS I H.P. - Electric start it" cut line Available July I, H7S per month prestigious shopping center, will ren ooms, Vh baths, redwood ond glass, REGISTERED QUARTER HORSE wo bedroom, 1335 Includes heat and GAS POWERED GENERATOR - AC sit-down mower. Four years under ser Call 741-0437 otter S p.m. oil or portion Hwy location, Heov beamed ceilings, 1.27 wooded acres =OH SALE TO RIGHT PARTY. CAL hot water. Good slie rooms. Call 542 charged a minimum charge ol S4 00 MM wott output iioo. Coll after 4 p.m. vice, 1250 Call otter 4:30 p.m UI31 SI raffle. Adlolnlna quality needlecrar M.M0 Owner, 671 1147 747177»AFTER4P.M. ATTENTION LANDLORDS - Re- 5472. tore. Sultoble for lady's boutique, aol DEATH NOTICES SHADE TREES - Evergreens, bes liable tenants waiting. Never a tee to H&m SPRINGER SPANIEL - Black .. SMALL EFFICIENCY APARTMENT ery and franer, cran supplies. Rea E. Aid CONDITIONER - H.000 varieties. Speclol pre-Arbor Day toe you. HOME LOCATORS. W mi, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR! Dealh Notices Cards ol Thanks In Memonams and Anni- white, female, show quality, tralne - 199 Port Monmouth Rd., Port Mon onable rent 431 1416 Mon. through cloli We deliver and plant Gerrl AVAILABLE NOW - One, two and our money can't buy you more value ., for show ond basic obedience. Goo mouth. Bedroom, kitchen, living room tti lOSp™ versary Masses (Run on the Obituary page) 85c per line Acres. M4-H71. three bedroooms, all areas, many with ion this mint tour bedroom Colonial with children, sweet dlsposltlo oreo Bath 1115 plus electric No pets. 1 heat paid (EW OFFICE BUILDING-2000 tq on large lot with private rear yard In MRtL ELECTRIC WASHER - strong ane heolthy, II months ol all 495 0374, after 6 30 call 671 03(0 1 SNOW BLOWER US — Refrigerator RENTAL EXCHANGE Bkr 77S 1600 I executive subdivision In the llHit condition Guaranttftd. »5 17S Pool table, 140 Free to a loving home that will spa PACIOUS THREE ROOM APART ft. Heat ond olr conditioning included Highlands, N.J. Please coll 111 1646 I, prime Llncroft area of Middle- Hwn AppllimCT, num. Coll U7 4SW BAYVILLE - One-bedroom, air. all MENT — Neui beach, market ond bus- own Twp Large living roam, central CANCELLATION NUMBER ses. 1190 monthly and electric. Lease OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT - Prol utilities paid, only SIM. Ir conditioning and full basement tool Notice — Credit tor cancellation is given only on issuance Home Locators 9112221 US Jus security. Coll 229 SSS4. slonal building, Choice location. Ap Tlced to sell al $41,500. roHlmotely NO sq ft. Call 747-3730. ol special kill number lo advertiser when cancellation ol ad OM5 RIVER - Four bedroom, only BAYVILLE - Two-bedroom, kids is requested Advertiser must retain number tor lulure ret o.k., all utilities paid, olr. only WOO, 1300, fireplace, yard for kids and pets RIME SPACE AVAILABLE — Mod Whelan Home Locators 9W 222] U5 Home Locaters 9U-2222 US ern building. Heating, electric, al erence conditioning Included In rental. Full'. Gallery of Homes BRADLEY BEACH - Unfurnished OMS RIVER - Two bedroom. 1250. arpeled Ample parking space. Phom REALTOR Please check your ad the day it appears The Daily Regis- spacious one bedroom oporlment ard tor kids and pels, all utilities 94 Rt. IS Mlddletown Fully carpeted, olr conditioned. On aid. ter cannot be responsible tor errors after the tirsl day Call Ttimonthsn lome Locators Ml 2323 US 'ROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUITE - 842-7565 542-1700 to make corrections Ground floor, syllable for doctor or AIR HAVEN - River Oaks three 100,000 fdft WEST END - En|oy total luxury llv- dentist ot 333 Brood St., Red Bonk. 747 bedroom Ranch, Mint condlllon. Fire- ng In o contemporary, relaxed atmos- wtist you think BRADLEY BEACH - Two bedroom, 3730, 9 om. to 5 p.m. place In living room, dining room, den, phere. One bedroom apartment with MIS, kids ok, heat paid, hurry. ilshed recreation room Walking dls abort your gnat onvertlble den, colossal closets, wall- PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE Home Locottf t m»M 13} _nce to schools and stores 154,900. o-woll carpet, from 1240 AVERY FOR RENT — New conlempon DadlJuttHU Coll 142 3002 EAST KEANSBURG - Three-bed ARMS, 119 Avery Ave., 2294440. wilding In choke Red Bank locall HUkttti, Off-street parking Call I42-3O50 mttha FAIRMAVEN 2 Autos For Sale 101 Apartments 3 Trucks and Trailers 02 Houses For Rent Center hall Colonial Cope on lovely 102 Houses For Rent IELFORD AREA — Ranch type RED BANK cul-de-soc. Three bedrooms, two full 4 Motorcycles tO3 Rentals To Share aths. fireplace, 21' family room plus EATONTOWN - Two-bedroom, s225, louse, three bedrooms, two baths, go wo office units available, reody to 6 Auto Services Pans yard tor kids, heat paid, call now. age. S31S. S44SS49 between 7-V p.m love in, with carpet and air condl full finished basement. Two-car go 104 Winter Rentals Home Locaters 9W 7722 US lonlng 90 Monmouth St.: 400 sq. ft. age, porch and paflo. Asking l44,fW. 6 Auto Rem Lease 105 Summer Rentals LBERON - Furnished three bed :?OWELL AGENCY, 741 403C with private lavotory (will divide t< 7 Auto Insurance FURNISHED APARTMENT — Hwy. It on long-term lease). 1300 pe 106 Furnished Rooms 31 next door to Cllftwood Form Mar- onth, plus utilities. Free reiervei 8 Aulo Finance 107 Nursing Homes ket. Central Pork Apartment. parking. -ORKED RIVER - Three large bed HARD TO BELIEVE 9 Construction Equipment 108 Commercial Rentals ooms, only 1275, yard for kids ond Custom built ranch. Convenient lo 10 Wanted Automotive pets New York bus, schools ond shopping 109 Buildings Gatages GREEN GROVE lome Locaters 911 2222 centers. Seven years old. Eat In kltch 110 Wanled To Rent en. three bedrooms, two baths, gome- REEHOLD - Great deal, four bed room 20x21'.' glass doors to paflo, cen- GARDEN APARTMENTS oom, only U00, can't last long BUSINESS ral olr, basement, garoge Secluded k 1 AI f S T A T I Home Localers 9M 7222 Hi heat, hot water, cooking gas Call 3 d 94x200' In Mlddletow 1. Only DID! CTORY ar „ I OR SAI 1 1144. RED BANK wo large bedroom house on dead end 2 Brood SI. Three single room otflcei HAZLET — Three-bedroom apartment SUPER - DAD - AD available to choose from Eoch reody 21 Business Services * eel. Living room, dining room, In newly constructed two-family >dern kitchen, full basement, S275 o move In with carpet and air condl 131 Houses For Sale house Woll-towoll carpeting through 22 Arts S Crafts lonlng. 127 iq ft at 165 month, in sq Mlddlelown Realtor 741-41611 out. Available 6/1/76 Must Be seen to er month plus utilities Annual lease 132 Apartments 1 D t. at 195 month; 237 sq. ft, ol til Evenings »l-fO21 be appreciated. *32S per month. An- One month's sec ""- -' " In the Classified Pages of The Daily Register! month. All utilities Included. Minimum Town Houses nual lease, one month security ond ret ulred. Avollob HAZLET — Lovely lour bedroorr Peggy. 344-7200 one year lease. Coll owner, Wolte Cape Cod. Wall to-woll carpeting, op trences required. Call 2*4-7X0, ask lor EMPLOYMENT [133, Income Property llmmerer and Son, 142-1520 or 944 pUoncev atlacned garoge, large famt• IAZLET — Four-bedroom, two story 212 y room. Nicely landscaped 141,900. | 1134 Farm Property ouse, completely renovated, new HIGHLANDS - One bedroom fur- Coll owner, 244 4114. Fathers Day is June 20th — Section appears June 18th 'then, bath, heat and wali-lo-wall HREWSBURY - Brood St. 20*60 135 Commercial Property nished, *I7S plus electric, unfurnished orpetlng Deod end street. Available lore or office Available Aug. 31, 1976 HAZLET - Split level. Three bed I 51 Help Wanled 1160 plus electric. One month's secu- 1 136 Industrial Property. Samples: uly 1. 13S0 per month plus utilities. m ooms. l ^ baths, dining room, lamllyl 52 Babysitting/Child Care Annual lease. One month's security. oom, wall-to-wall throughout. Gal 137 Lois and Acreage WEST END - Space from 1125 pe Super kisses lo my Super Dad From age. Londscoped lot. 145,000. Lot! 53 Domestic Help References required. Call 744 7200 month, utilities Included, In eslob- 138 Mobile Homes your Mod Hungarian girl ISOHltO with three bedroom 1'^ both I HIGHLANDS — Three furnished Ask for Peggy. Ished store In busy Food Town shop- 54 Situations Wanted Female KAREN rooms, oceon view. Including utilities home, 154,500. Sierllng McConn Real 139 Cemetery Lots ping center Greal opportunity fi 55 Situations Wanted Male Security required. 291-0713. HIGHLANOS - Four-room bungalow, Eilate Broker, 5 ~ 3 LINES creened front ond back porch, yard. small business. 170 9128 or 222-4304 140 Real Estate Wanled Doddy Jeon this day ond all days ore 56 Situations Wanled your days. The kids ond I love you. JACKSON - Two-bedroom, yard tor Air conditioned, paneled, color on- HIGHLANOS BY SANDY-HOOK kids ond pets, all utilities. ««. don't enno. refrigerator 122S plus gos ond Male/Female wait. lectrlc. One year leose. One month's 110 Wanted To Rent heated. Yard. Garage. S3 Cedar StT 11 1 DAY Roses are red Home Locators Ml 1222 US security. 172 0164 Come onytlme. 127,000 Clover Is green HIGHLANDS - HOVM lor rent, one YourethebMlOod HIGHLANOS - Three bedrooms, 1Vi| $ DENS - One-bedi ... That we've ever seen edroom, both, kitchen ond living boths. Like new. 137,000 1245 monthly I 152 Boats and Accessories clency from HIS Available July 1. oom I1S0 month plus utilities, 251 pays mortgage, taxes, Insurance, all II Monica Frankle Jone Will consider lease with option to buy 153 Camping Equipment 3.00 Overlooking Bay Cooking gos, heal, 1 0 1500. Occupancy by Sept. 1. Real utilities. Owner. If.-OTl? 211 Boy Ave. |' 61 Business Opportunities hot water, parking supplied. Call 717- IILLSIOE RANCH - DtKk with 1 154 Recreational Vehicles To Pops Frank, lhanhs for the spanks, 1447, If no answer 227-3446. KEANSBURG - Four rooms. Tile Ion W-269, The Dally Reglste N w Yofl1 62 Mortgages (each additional line 50*) ond tor being the best Dad In the bath. 1240 plus utilities, 1V> months Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. k view ot bay and * skyline I KEANSBURG - Furnished studio, security. Lease. Adult* preferred. 7|7- Living room, dining room, eat In kltch-1. 63 Money To Loan LADY SEEKING SMALL APART only si SO, oil utilities paid, coll now. III. 1, two bedrooms, gameroom wllhl Sfs, Bob. Gin, Ren, Frank, Joe MENT OR ROOM - Rumson only, O 64 Money Wanled Home Locaters Ml-2721 SIS eplace, sludy, \Vi baths, built In] will shore. Call 143 3440 weekends wo car goroge, trees, secluded area. I KEANSBURG - Modern aportment In otter 7 30 p.m 144,900, Call owner, 291 9071 DEADLINE THURSDAY JUNE 17,1 P.M. 0 home, neor transportation, Best to '.M m HANDISE coll before noon, 4*5-0416 SMALL PRIVATE SCHOOL - Wishes 210 Lost and Found a relocate. Seeks spoce adaptable lo 211 Special Notices KEANSBURG - One-bedroom opart .AKEHURST - Three bedrooms, classroom use. With or without option 131. Houses For Sole Fill your m«*Mg« In Sample . ment. Heat, hot water, air condl •nlnly I37S1275,, yaryadr for kids ond pets. Hur- Obuy 747-1475 212 Travel - Transportation 71 Merchandise For Sale flows Included. s)9S Call 7I7-4M1. Nw blank* M shown JUnUDUOD 213 Instruction Locators Ml 2222 72 Garage/Yard Sales KEANSBURG — Three bedroorr an*) null to: UNNUI COtONIU COTHGl apartment, two-family house, all elec AURENCE HARBOR - One bed Ml Al I 73 Machinery For Sale CtoMHtod DapL trie. SIM plus security. Available July oom, 1200, heat paid Con t lost. MUTTUSNVU 74 Rental Service I CollTI7«Jf3 lome Locators Ml 2222 US I •>AL L Th« D«lly Register Wtth many exttas. Beamed 75 Farm Equpmenl EONARDO - Bungalow. Two bed 76 Auction Sales OIM Raglsatr Plaza 101. Apartments ooms, large living room ond kitchen 31 Houses For Sole celling, skylight and slate Shrewsbury. N.J. 07701 one bath. Neor park. 1275 plus utllltle door in dan Cedar shake 77 Pets and Livestock HERB READ ASSOCIATES, 739 2100. FANTASTIC BROCHURE of home n Monmouth County! It's yours It you root. Iwo years ok) Floors 78 Aircraft EONARDO - Only 1240, three bed wy'iiusioyTa yoor Svp«r-Dod write or coll Betsy Ross Agency, 11 are unusual diagonal hard- 79 Swap or Exchange ooms, yord for kids. Won't lost long !» 35, Keyport, N.J 07tiV Phone or call lATOKTOWN Home Locoters Ml 2233 \> wood design. Priced lo sell 80 Bicycles /Mini Bikes UUvkw TMTMM 108. Commercial $58,900 81 Sports Equipment Super-Dad Dept. 108. Commercial 82. Swimming Poors Pirk-wke setting 3H rooms, Rentals Rentals 83 CBs, Electronics $207 4tt rooms. $255 Gas HINTELMANN 84 Merchandise Wanted 542-1700 included Swim Club On RED BANK site parking. Apartments EXCEPTIONAL J J Wdg* Rd. Harry ewl #W H toeayl Prime industrial space. 5000 have *ir coocJrttontng 3-Hoom and/or single of- M2-0600 fice. Full janitorial swvlcm, to 12,000 sq. ft. Ground The Daily Register Tea deal wwii I* mht Appty Mr & Mrs. Simpson Door TaN gale loading. Rail-" Office Apartment, 1A or cat •tevalof, heat and air condi- fkfe dMMC*. Afttr el road siding. Air conditioned Classified Action Lint 542-0705. tioning supplied. Private re- •McMb wertb it. served parking, Immediate Sprjnktored. 542-1700 occupancy 747-1100 747-1100 14-hour serWce 111. Houses For Sale 131, Houses For Sole PORT MONMOUTH - N*o1 and com IS2 Boats And 221 Colts Neck SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, JUNE U. 1976 The DtHj ITl [!••*• 21 torMM, ftvtt m tour tedroomi, larat WELL MAINTAINED-ChMftulCo- Ihorily under P L. 197S. c 127 The living rewn, til monthly to twcrt Cor loniol with character on river, dead Accessories contractor shall poll espies of this no- nir proptrty, Trtit. Ftnttd oaol •nd streel Grand tented yard with tice In conspicuous placet avoiioble lo Own* liquidating, only 114.»0 iflfuL mature shade tree*, garden and hobby all employee* and applicant! tor em P SOVA,««o»cf,*TiaS4<< Coil I41-7SS6 afltr 5 plOyment, DEO BANK - Rflduud UOOC tach Ml ,i£ S'oker, Colontown. 4. The contractor will comply with Two bt4r*omt, balh, tin.ih.rt bate •HQBIE CATS all rules ond regulations ana orders promulgated by the State Treasurer Keyport's Art Expo draws WOODEFACRC ON LAKE Booti, Part., Accntorle. mint, potto, flrtplact, oarog* and pursuant to PL 1175. c 127 and with Four large bedrooms, 3", baths, M •tumbiwn titof. Of JW. (Toll Ift-TW FLAGSHIP MARINE all provisions ot N.J.5 A. 10 2 I 9 00 1 h hUQI Li!!. ./ ." *" «">ll-to wall through 10 1-4 ond all rules ond rego RED IANK |27, soo brick fireplace, 14 kitchen with sepa Municipal MarInt B In the event of the contractor's Council ot the Borough ot Rumton at ready talking enthusiastically a variety of items from leath- RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS - Old* VAIL HOMES CO OP - Thru bed »1 Mil noncompllonce with this specification of a plank of wood locked,' home, completely remodeled, moder roomi. Aiklngliaw PENGUIN SAILBOAT-Nndft word or of any rules, regulations, or orders about next year er goods to custom stained oath, thfet bedrooms, mini condition HIS, Good tolls. promulgated by the State Treasurer tightly in a vise. Coll Him! pursuant to PL. Wi, c. 117 or with the ot Memorial Borough Hoil, Rumson, Steam heat, ti 10 per year Only CalU71-j4f5 And for good reason. glass windows. Wf.000 PAUL P BOVA. Realtor, «7l rovlslon of N.J S.A 10 2-1 through New Jersey ond opened ond read In 133 Income Property SAPLBOAT' - Comtt Flbtrglos ovtr f0 1-4 or rules or regulations promul- public tor the lurnlshlng of 50.000 gal The show drew 85 exhib- "Host of us got into this as "I came because I rent wood Two sultt of lalli Terrific gated thereunder, this contract may be Ions more or less of regular gasoline, RUMSON AREA - Stnd tor "Hom« TWO f AMU V HUM!- In 1 t vln and a performance bond furnished as craft people, painters and oth- "I guess the most Impor- RUMSON VICTORIAN - For ex HOLMOEL - Country Wood> lot. One subcontract or purchase order a* the rude, good tkl boat. Good trailer. 1600 security for the performance of the ctllent family living on a quiet street ocre plut on cul-d* IOC, loll treei. Stote Treasurer may direct as o means er attractions from Mon- tant thing to remember about think we've accomplished Phone 747 6513 contract. Near tronipw lotion, shopping, church brook ond ravin*. Call principal, S66- of enforcing such provisions, including and schools. Three bedrooms, living 14' HOBIE CAT -~ Wllh trailer, ut«d sanctions for noncompllonce The Borough Council reserves Ihe mouth, Ocean and Middlesex Keyport's Art Expo is thai it quite a lot in these Ihree room, dining room, \ l/i baths, modern Itiree seaiont, S1I7S or best offer. Coll I For Ihe purpose of this speclflca right to re|ect ony ond all bids. Counites to not only show years with our show." large kitchen with built In opplloncci LINCROFT 175- Iruntoge. bordering •70 9771 anytime. tion, the following terms shall have the June 11, 19/6 isn't a flea market - it's a upon o setting second to none Moke an AlberlA. Kerr, Jr. Bosement. detoched garoge 147,SOO ivTfBERGLAS RUNABOUT - 40 tallowing meanings: their wares, but in many real craft show," emphasized "What's really important is Principals only Coil owner, 747 SI*) otter 171,900 E A ARMSTRONG a. Affirmative Action ' means --N Borough Clerk AGENCY. Reoltor. 5SS Protpect Ave.. h p Evlnrude and COM tin frailer I7SO June 14N *v n 717-3739. procedures which establish hiring ond cases to actually show what Les Homer, a candlemaker that we now appear to be on SUPER SALE Little Silver 741 4S00 les, and Four super ilied bedrooms, 10' moiter they do , . . The main thing LOT FOR SALE - U.S00 Matawan lfl CRESTLINE FTfiERGLAS- Navy ...iplcmenled. with who has a regular booth at the craft show 'circuit' for the bedroom, 1/' aucst bedroom. If living Towmhlp BSv400 Will tell lublecl to top, sleep* six, 60 h.p. Evlnrude, en good faith efforts, for minority group 244 Tlnton Foils room, II' family room with brkh fire is, they've come to Keyport to permit Call Paul Fltiaerald. The Berg tellent condition 11200 164 M91 members. HOTICI TO BIDDERS the Old Wagon Farm in Holm- area," he said. "This means place, lull recreation baiement, 16' Agency. Reollors, 111 Rl 14. Mata 161 F1BERGLAS~SPEED 5KIFF - Notice It hereby given Ihot sealed do business." science eat in kitchen, central air. all meons persons who are negores, Span del. that the show has developed a wan, N I Ml SI] S0O0 Pleou coll col Hull. ( into in bulll to ute with 60 h.p. bids will be received by the Mayor ond the extras on a KM oily landscaped lot ish lurnomed Americans, or American Itct. motor. Boot ond Evtnrud* for tole. Council of the Borough of Tlnton Fall* name of being a good one — a Offered In the UTi. orientals. Some of the vendors have a "The difference between 1711006. lor "Alterations to New Library Build MELMED REALTORS t7KMS0 MATAWAN TWP. — Choice building By order ol the mayor and Township Ing, M4 Tlnton Avenue. Borough of special reason to remember the two is that the people who worthwhile show to exhibit lots available. 100 X 100, City woler. Committee of the Township of Colts TiNTON PALLS - New Colonial. 2W 1W7 17' FORMULA — 100 h.p. Jotimon Tinton Falls. Monmouth County, New Neck. both*. 11 Ofcroi Rd., corner Hope Rd Will build to tun. UI.SO0 houie and lol plut trailer. $1000. Jersey." at I IS p.m. Prevailing Time this Bay shore town. are here to exhibit should also and sell at, as well as a U3,W0 Century Bldg. Co, S1.450S. or tell lol Irom UO00 Call S66 7828 CollWl V467 CARROLL PIERCE For instance, one of the worthwhile one to browse and RUMSON ~ Btwit«ion i dreom JM on 1974"JERSEY SPEED SKIFF - FI- MAYOR be prepared to demonstrate TINTON PALLS - MAKE ME AN i 1 i I' re loltt ATTEST; GEORGE HAND2O OFFER In the »Ms Relocating Four berglai, 317 powered Asking UMW CLERIC state's newest craft groups — their craft. buy at." Will lake Installments Owner p (1 •J95 7971 Work consists ot miscellaneous Inte- bedroom, 73' California Ranch- Fire Box 731.1 ittlf silver. N.J. 07729. DATED March 27, 1976 rior alterations to on existing frame place, two-car aaraoe Many extras, il \ceon.S17.M0. 725 7771 Time. Bids must be mode on the standard 140 Real Estate Wanted Specifications and form ot bids, con- proposal form In o manner designated I V REALTY AGE Y tract and bond for the proposed work, therein ond required by Ihe Specified BUILDiNG LOTS WANTED" 154 Recreational •BOBroocwoy, L ong Bronch. 7900 have been filed In the office of the Ad- tlons. They shall be enclosed in an For one ond two family hornet Vehicles ministrator, 22? Monmouih Blvd.. opoque sealed envelope addressed to COII9641SS5 the Mayor and Council, Tlnton Falls, WATERFRONT 1V72 75' WINNEBAGO CHIEFTAIN — Oceanport, New Jersey ond may be in- - *J •— ^tlv* bidd ; ... New Jersey bearing on the outside the Spend summer by the Shrewsbury Rlv LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - In Rear both, leu than 15,000 mllet ond In Ketimtlinu Wntillrlo*ii tin, Irt Mi,lni _. III be tui nome of the bidder, his address and the er In this beautifully decorated home excellent condition. Loaded with op del THE SMOLKO AGENCY. W- nlshed with a copy of the spec Itl cat Ions name ot the contract for which the bid In mint condition. Living room with Horn 111,500 Call 681 SIM after Sp m Is submitted. Bldt must be accom- fireplace, country kitchen and dining by the Administrator upon proper no- 1973 TENT TRAILER - Sleeps sis panied by a certificate from a surety room with beamed ceiling. Mailer tm. tice. Can be used with small car 17SO company stating that M will provide bedroom has sundecfc overlooking wa Ml HAVE BUYERS Bids must be made on the Standard Call 779 2493 Proposal Forms, In the manner desig- the specified performance and mainte V For butlnett. rommerlcal. Indultrlal nance bonds In the event that the con- Move right In for ITv.SOo' " °' 1974 GOLDEN FALCON nated therein as required by the sped ds t e ond Investment properties Call today td I dd t Ih Wd P»7 A 73BOWJ i/.ielUonlofried Coll 111 W0. 9 to i trod It awarded to Ihe Wader After A, 371-0)77. sealed envelopes bearing the nome and Each bid must be accompanied by a address of the bidder ond name ot certified check, cashier s check, or bid VAN "HORN 1*7i flOGA MINI MOTOR HOME - work on Ihe outside, addressed to the Air, stereo, fully Mlt contained, WOO Mayor and Council ot Oceanport, ond amount ot the bid, drown upon an In- AGENCY REALTORS miles Mutt tacrlflce. U3O0 or make must be accompanied by a consent of corporaled bonk or trust company, Open 7 dovt. Coll 34 hour i a day offer. 747-6309. surety trom o surety company duly on payable to the order ot the Borough of 747-4100 thoriied fo do business In the State of New Jersey ond satisfactory to the •CM River Rd Fair Haven 152 Boats And Borough Council lo the effect that sold will, within ., ilYspeciol Notices surety company will furnish a bond for such controct t _ _ _ Accessories _ SPECIAL performance bond. Upon (allure to _. so, he shall forfeit the deposit as llqul BfGOISCOUNTS 2OO NOTICES ond o Certified Chech drawn lo the or' dated damages and the acceptance ot MRS. 8TANLEY On new boat IruHers BOAT HOUSE, der ol the Borough Treasurer for not the bid will be contingent upon fulfill Oceon Ave . Sea Bright, 142 2211 HOROSCOPE 210JLost And Found amount bid, and be delivered at the ment ol this requirement by the tXtMer BOAT INSURANCE • Seasonable 1 OS1 Gfiyiii. browrl, iiripM Mdlt place on in* hour above named The The ehecfcfl ot •)», eweeellng the three Olvtn untolllno odvlce on all prob- ralet Immedlole coverage. Groin cat. Vicinity Interlaken Answeri to Standard Proposal Forms will be fur- loweil bidders, will be relumed within Itnu ef lilt mcK « • •••. »•' nger ft Heller Agency. IS Wlkoft PI . Sylvester Wearing a yellow collar. nished upon application to the Admin forty eight hour* otter the opening of Red Bonk 741 1100. REWARD Coll 531 1636 Istrolor. the bids and the remaining checks will rtage. bMtnttl. ilce-rwn, prob be returned occofdlng to law. No Inter- l«mt or nature, tells you every BOA! -YACHT INSURANCE LOST — Longhoired Docritnund The oword of Ihe contract for this work will not be mode until the neces- est shall be allowed upon any such cer Lowett rates Free quotes Immediate Black ond brown. On June 1. Area of titled check. mUnfm WMHom Guarantee coverage by phone, ill MSI W River Rd . Rumton. Ul 1*34. RE sary monies to do the work have been WARD. rivlded by the Borough ot Oceanport "During the performance of this rmiH «He) oveVy'•*"* a lawful manner contract, me contractor agrees as lol The Mayor and Council reserve the lows: BOSTON WHALER • eejliltr p*ete fey DM Lefdl 211 Special Notice* right to require o complete financial 0. The controdor or subcontractor, AQUA SPOUT 41 w PrSSMIf..liS Brunir ond experience statement from pros where applicable, will not dis- SMIfliS Glostron, Stinger, Zodiac ART EXPO '76 — Crowds gathered early on Saturday to browse and shop •rldi, aaou IM Itroit Irom MM pecllve bidders before furnishing pro criminate against ony employee or op- Duranautlc, Merf miser, OMC ABORTION SMe Moll, on 81 II Outpatient Deemed clinic, Planned posal forms or specifications or before pllcont for employment because of at Keyport's Third Annual Art Expo arts and crafts show. Eight-five cratts Johnson Oulboords, Tee Nee and awarding contract In accordance with age, roce, creed, color, national ori- E.Z Loader Tinlleri Parenthood Atioc. of Hudson County Complete services $135 Medicald and ft.S 40: Mi. The right Is also reserved gin, ancestry, marital status or sex people, painters and others exhibited their wares for an estimated 2,000 vis- Hobie Cat And O'Day N.J. Blue Shield occepled. Call 433- • " y; or all bids • • The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that such applicants itors. The show was sponsored by the Keyport Chamber of Commerce. BEST BARGAINS NOW JW4 , Ilttei where si.. union iu enturv mat win uppiii Figure Fireworks lly is not detrimental to the best Inter ore recruited and employed, onand thai Fre* 1976 Tide Chorti 212 Travel ests of the Borough of Oceanport, The employees ore treated during emtployj - right Is also reserved to Increase or ment, without regard_ lo- thei..r. iogt, Tronsportotion _ decrease the quantities specified. race, creed, color, national origin, on Printed Pattern FLAGSHIP By Order of the Mayor and Borough cestry, marital status or sen. Such oc- WANTED - Ambitious person lo trov- Council of the Borough of Oceonport, Municipal Marine Basin llon shall include, but not be limited to el to California. Leovlng around July New Jersey. the following: employment, up- Bill would establish group 2. Coll 3643141 QHer430 p.m. Clement V. Sommers grading, demotion, or transler; re- Mayor cruitment or recrullment advertising; 213 Instruction 213 Inttructlon Joseph R. Collins, Sr. layoff or termination, rates of pay or Administrator other forms of compensation; and se- CERTIFIED TEACHER — Interttled JuneK »1I» lection (or training, Including appren RIDING CAMP tlceshlp. The contractor agrees to post In conspicuous places, available lo em to oversee jail furloughs /9396 NOTICf AgeB 7 lo 17 9 a m to 1 Notice Is hereby given that sealed ployees and applicants for employ- pm One week or the entire CERTIFIED TEACHER - Recent coT bids will be received by Ihe Moyor ond ment, notices To be provided by the Register State llousr Bureau their efforts to draft legisla- Mr. Kennedy was referring summer Call 431-2550. lege graduate will tutor elementary Borough Council of the Borough ot contracting officer setting forth the children In moth, reading. Ex Oceanport for the Furnishing ond De- provisions of this nondlscrUnlnatlon tion which will tighten the to information disclosed Monmouth Equtttrlan perlenced. 7411131. • livery ot approximately 20,Quo gallons dome; Ccnttf ot Regular Gasoline to the Borough of b. The contractor or subcontractor, TRENTON - A bill estab- program procedures through public hearings con- "REIDING TUTORING - By 0 reod- Ih HIM t ill ill upriird unii ' Md III l"'l> where applicable, will, In all solic- ing specialist In your home or mine. Rl 33, Frwhold. N.J. lie at the Borough Hall, Oceanport, itations or advertisement! for employ lishing a special legislative "The commission, 1 would ducted by the SCI last month ' 717-*7S2 New Jersey, on Maonday, June II, ees placed by or on behalbea f of the conr commission to investigate re- hope will scrutinize closely, on various abuses of the sys- TUTORINO - Reodlng,~Enall»h com" 1976 at 10 00a.m. Prevailing Time troctor, stote ththae i all quolified appli- position, math. Qualltled enperlenced Specifications ond form of blbidsc , con cants will ported abuses in the state's indeed, the eligibility require- tem. He said that the work Feocher. 143 7370. Iroct and bond tor the proposed work. Sizes 8-18; 38-40 have been tiled In the office ot the Ad roce, creed, color, national origin, an- prison furlough and work re- ments for prisoner participa- release and furlough pro- ministrolor, 371 Monmouth Blvd., cestry, marital status or »e*. Oceanport, New Jersey and may be In- lease programs has been in- tion in the work release and grams were a legitimate part spected by prospective bidders during where applicable, will send to eoch lo business hours. Bidders will be fur- bor union or representallve ot workers troduced by Assemblyman furlough programs," the Mon- of the prison rehabilitation nished with a copy of the specifications with which he has a collective bargain system and deserved to be by the Administrator upon proper no ing ogreemenl or other contract or Brian T. Kennedy, R-Mon- mouth Assemblyman said "It S3 Hc«. urtderslor ... - • mouth. seems to me from the testi- maintained. 221 Collt Neck Bids must be mode on the Standard the oaencV - NOTICE TO BIDDIU Proposal Forms, In Ihe manner desig SMM IN labor union or workers* rep- mony presented to the SCI "However," he said, "for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai noted therein as required by the sped resentative of the contractor's com- The bill would create an mitments under this oct ond shall post the prisoner selection process any program of this type to Mayor ond Township Commute* of the sealed envelopes bearing the name ond eight-member bipartisan com- suffered from an apalling s Township of Coltt Neck Monmouth address of the bidder and name ol places available to employees ond op survive it must enjoy broad County, New Jersey for the Construe work on the outside, addressed lo Ihe pllcants lor employment. mission consisting of four as- lack of coordination and su- public confidence and sup- lion of Woier Drinking Fountotnt, Con- Mayor and Council of Oceanport, ond over Rood and Cedar Drive Schools must be accompanied by o consent of semblymen and four senators. rig pervision." port." and opened and read In public ol the surely from a surety company duly au- Tewnshlp Municipal Building, Cedar Ihorlied to do business In the Slate of Its major goal, according to Drive, Colts Neck, New Jersey on Admlnlilrotor Mr. Kennedy, would be "de- June 34, 1976 at 1:00 PM Prevailing Time. • bond for velopment .of legislation to Plans ond Speclllcallont for the pro _ _ :ontroct, poted work prepared by Thomos W ond o Certified Check drawn to the or- 245 Union Btacti eliminate from these pro- Cop hit by car while Blrdsoll, Township Engineer, 210' der ot the Borough Treasurer tor not Hurley Pond Rd.. Wall, New Jersey lets than tin per cent (10\> ot the HOTIU grams the abuses which have ore on file In sold Engineer i Office amount bid. and be delivered ol the TAKE NONOTICET , mot on tne 17m Oo_y, ond may be InspectedIjy prospective place and on the hour above named ol May, l»7», the Board"0 o1l AdluitmeAdluitmenr l been so clearly documented bidders during the hours of 9:00 AM The Standard Proposal Forms wltl be ot Ihe Borough ot Unionn BeochBeach,. N.J.N.J . by the State Commission of investigating crash furnished upon application lo Ihe Ad- after a public hearing, granted the op P.M. The standard proposal forms are ministrator. plication ot Moirrli T»lro *~r a vari- Investigation (SCI). attached lo the Specifications, copies The award ol the contract far this ance lo build O one lomllv home on un- MATAWAN - Vatroiman pital where they were treated of which will be furnished upon appli- work will not be mode until Ihe neces- denned lot. located at til woshlrtgton cation to the Engineer and payment of sary moniet to do the work have been Ave., known n Block lei Lot 3 "The tales of paroles for George Magnenat was injured and released. Fifteen Dollars (115 00) lor Ihe coil of provided by the Borough of Oceonpori Resolution of told Board ot Adluit slightly Saturday when he • preparation In a lawful manner. ment hoi been Illed In the office of the sale and falsification of prison Police said Mr. Drake was Bids must be mode on the standard The Mayor and Council reserve Ihe Borough Clerk and li available for In records are shocking beyond was struck by a car while di- proposal form In Ihe manner desig- right lo require a complete financial SDKtlon. not injured. nated therein and reaulred by the and experience stote from prospective IMn.) EVELYN KANE belief," Mr Kennedy said. recting traffic during the in- Specification* and muil be enclosed In Secretary Police said the accident a sealed envelope beorlng the nome forms or specifications or before Union Beach zoning "It is small wonder, indeed, vestigation of a three-car and address of the bidder ond the pro awarding contracct In accordanccc e with Board ol Adjustment took place just south of the posed work on the outside, addressed R S. 40:50 J The right It also reserved crash on Rt 79, in which four S right It al eed n™ 11 UU that public distrust of fur- lo the Mayor and Townshtp Committee t releclt t any or oiil bidsbid , or to waivi e Stewart's Root Beer Stand on of the Townthlp of Coltt Neck and any Informalities where such Informal- lough and work release pro- persons were injured. must be accompanied by either a Cer Rt. 71. They said that after ity It not detrimental to the best inter 247 Regional Notices grams Is so deep and so prev- titled Check, Cashier's Check or Bid nil ot me Borough ot Oceorfport. The No charges were filed the Drake vehicle struck the. Bond In the turn ol not less than ten right It also reserved to Increase or NOTICI alent." percent 110%) of the amount bid but decrease the quantities specified against the driver of the car two cars from behind, both" not more than i20,0OO 00 and a Bonding By Orde* ttr _of. .the Mayor ond Borough Ihore Regional Sewerage Authority Certificate and must be delivered at Council of ihe iorough of Oceanport, originally Khedulcd for Tuesday Juni Mr. Kennedy said that un- which allegedly struck the pa- cars were forced into a tele- New Jersey IS. Kit'hoi been poitponed unlll Clement V. Sommers Wednesday, June II. l»t at I:HJ P.M. der the bill the proposed com- trolman-The driver was iden- phone pole. nomed. wllh a Caucus at 7MP.M TheJAoyorond Township Committee Mayor One long, smooth line Joseph R Collins, Sr PouU. Smith mission would confer with tified by police as Adna of the Township of Colts Neck reterves Executive Director Mr. Drake was arrested from draped shoulder to the right to re|ect any or oil bids It Administrator representatives of the SCI in Schanck, 71, of 154 Maple deemed In the best Interest of the HIM Jun. M " « and charged with drunk driv- hem — pure drama for din- Township to to do. ond reserves the Place North, Keyport. ner parties In midnight ngm to noia an Dids'ond propesol 227 Highlands 227 Highlands 227 Highlands ing, police said. He was re- regular bidders for thirty days (30 Patrolman Magnenat was leased in (225 bail pending a black crepe or ice white day*) before moklng on A word ot Con- GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PLANNED USE REPORT taken to Bayshore Commu- knit. Day verson, also Iroct ond bidder agrees that he will not preliminary hearing later this withdraw his bid for thai perlo* of OeMfel Revenue Shenng provwee todefol tunde dWectfr tt IOC* end Mete go.enHwewto. TMe report ot row oo*emme«re (Hen le puoMefted nity Hospital, Holmdel. by the month. Printed Pattern H396: time. to encoureoe cNUen perbclpMNMt Hi oMrmMne y«* oowriwnonre dodtonon how tft« monot wW »Q opeftt Now »1 eemnlelw- ef During the performance ol this con- TM KriMMNI Matawan First Aid Squad. He Hisses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, tract, the contractor agrees at 'ol- Ww*k. DCum HIGHLANDS BOROUGH was treated and released While the cars were being IB, JO. Slie 12 (bust 34) takes Layer this smart, sashed "Tit., c.n.rocio, .III not dlf PLANNED tXPENtttUMS towed away from the acci- criminate against any employee or op • 39.574 He was investigating an ac- Vi yards 45-inch fabric. jacket over Tlops, shirts! plkont tor employment because of dent scene, police said Patrol- race, religion, color, sex or national 'H« KvENtN IMTITLUMNT ffMOO. ART 1. Tin TtMOUOM cident shortly before 11 p.m. Send (IN for each pattern. Going off to town or a origin. The contractor, however, will lleWW It. WTt, PlMtt TO tftMO THfH FUNK POP. TNI hWOHl man Magnenat was directing sports event! — Toss on take affirmative action to Insure that Saturday In which a car driv- Add JSc for each pattern for flnInorlty group mernbers ore em~ t/ mamm 31 2 013 015 traffic. He was then struck first-class airmail, handling sleeveless jacket - it may ployed and ore not discriminated en by Stanley E. Drake Jr., from behind by the Schanck agalntt during employmtnl Such oc, 27, of 22 Carmen St., West Send to Marian Martin. Pat- turn chilly. Crochet of syn- tlons shall Include, but not be limited HIGHLANDS BOROUGH vehicle, knocked down, fell • to, Ihe following, employment, up Keansburg, allegedly struck tern Depl.. The Red Bank thetic worsted in 2 col- grading, demotion or transfer; recruit- TREASURER onto a car headed in the oppo- - ment or recruitment advertising; lay the rear of two cars. Register, 81 West 18th St. ors.Pattem 578: Sizes 8-18, oft or termlnotlon; ratet of pay or oin- ITl BAY RVE site direction, then bounced er rorms of compensation; and telec- HIGHLANDS NEU JERSCV 0TT12 New York, NY. Mil. Print StMO tncl. tlon for training. Including apprentice' back onto the Schanck ve- ship The contractor agree! to pott In Police said Mr. Drake was NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP, •i uo for each pattern. Add conspicuous places, available to em- hicle, police said. The driver ployees and applicant*, tor employ driving southbound on Rt. TO. SIZE and STYLE NUM- 35c for each pattern for ment. notices to be provided by the His car allegedly struck one of Ihe second car was not (irstclass airmail and han- Stale Trtaturer or ony political iwbdl- BER. vltlon of agency delegated respontl- operated by Adele Davidson, identified by police. bliltlet by him pursuant to P.L; 197S, c. How to get MORE FOR dling. Send to: Laura Whee- 13, of lil Black Point Road, ler, Needlecraft Depl.. Red The three-car accident was YOUR MONEY? Send now 3 The contractor will. In oil solic- Rumson, and another oper- investigated by Patrolman for New Spring-Summer Bank Register, Box III. Old itations or advertisements for employ eet placed by or on behalf of the con ated by Maria Aragno, It, of Magnenat, Patrolman Arthur. Catalog - save up to flN Chelsea Sta., New York. NV tracfor, stole mat oil qualified oppH- t» Ukeridge Drive. contt will receive conalderatlon lor Knoeller and Sgt. William on the clothes you tew your- 10011. Print Name. Address. employment without record to race, Zip, Pattern Number. religion, tolor, ten or national origin. Ms. Davidson and a passen- Hauser self. Free pattern coupon, 3 The contractor will tend to each NEW! 2*0 designs to knit, labor union or representative of work ger in her car, Cheryl too. Send 75c now! er* with which he hot o collective bar The accident in which Pa- crochet, quilt, sew, plus 1 gaining agreement or other controct RyczdV 25, as well as Ms. trolman Magnenat was in'. •' Sew + Knit Book II » or understanding a notice advltlng the FREE inside'NEW 1171 labor union or workers representative Aragno and a passenger in jured was investigated by P»-, Instant Money Crafts . $1 .»• ot the contractor s commitments un- Instant Fashion Book. 1110 NEEDLECRAFT CAT*. der specification and under rules, her car, Jennie Malloy, 40, trolmen James Walker and; LOG. Send 75c. regulation* and orders promulgated by were taken to Bayshore Hos- instant Sewing Bookfl.M the Mote Treowrtr wrwairt lo his ou. June le. tt» Irving Nujbaum. 22 The Ctatfy Register SHREWSBURY. N. J MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1976 Television Today- New York Channels — 2. 4. 5. 7, 9, 11, 13 " Show, play depict EVENING BILL MOVERS' "Notorious woman. revolves arouna tnree HONE O'CLOCK MOVIE RlURNAU L Success" George Sand airline hostesses engaged Tvery Man A King" (1970) NEWS 6:27 QtjQBIC MINUTES and her lover Jules, are in some complicated Pier Angeli. William Narrator Sen Abraham now living together in romancing on a trip to Berger '"•IHMIM flibicofl. Pans among a collection Pans and Vienna. |R| • 30 BTHE LATE SHOW "Tplilsville" 8.30 BOPHYUIS ol Bohemian Iriends. BOTONIGHTSHOW The Bugle Sounds " QIT TAKES A THIEF revolutionary life Phyllis Lindstrom goes 9:30 BBMAUDE Hosl McLean Stevenson (1942) Wallace Beery, Mad In Japan" "long distance" to "speak" The biggest surprise" at Guests: Roger Miller, The Marione Main. diaries of persons living dur- fflSTAR TREK •y BOB BRAMLEV The Raree Show will be with her departed Wallers surprise birthday Jackson Five ing the Revolution and em- Conscience ol the King" (MINORITY: PER- presented in the Sandy Hook -husband, Lars, when a party is his arrest for QTHE 11:30 MOVIE 1TODAY IN DELAWARE 'ECTIVE phasited the flavor of the suave medium conducts a '^Mldiight ' (1939) SANDY HOOK - The Theater Sunday at 3 p.m., VILLA ALEQRE "lewd and lascivious " IJOE FRANKLIN lives of the ordinary citizens seance in the Dexter Claudette Colbert, Don Monday at 8:30 p.m. and THE UNTOUCHABLES behavior. (R) DELA. VALLEY FORUM "Riree Show" and "The home. (R) Ameche A girl in Paris of the time. PARTRIDGE FAMILY NEW YORK HPT. UACK BENNY People of '74," tree public Tuesday at 4 30 and 8:30 p.m. IMERV GRIFFIN goes from rags to riches The play explores with hu- SESAME STREET 8©MEDICAL CENTER on a pawn ticket. I in NEWS performances scheduled this The Raree Show takes its A young girl's life hangs EAT, GREAT SHOW mor and compassion the THE BRADY BUNCH IABC MON. NIGHT QQABC MON NIGHT I ORE month at the Sandy Hook title from the magic box of EBALL in the balance when a Act of Reprisal" plight of the black volunteer, [ZOOM Unit of the Gateway National visual illusion which was an 6:30 INBC NIGHTLY NEWS mm EQPICCADILLY doctor must make a 11965) Ina Balin, Jeremy the conflict of family loyalties decision between her well- "Getting Married" Cloris Brett Recreation Area, are de- 18th century source of popu- PARTRIDGE FAMILY among Whigs and Tories and "Time and Time Again" being and that ol his son Leachman is the host ol 2:06 0HITCHCOCK signed to provide insight into lar entertainment The pro- lome is Where the Heart this show which centers the hardships war brings to Was Leonard, who is prone to ffll PRESENTS the day-by-day life of 18th duction is compiled entirely quiet chats with a garden on the trials and the common people of either lABC EVENING NEWS 2:30 NEWS century Americans. from actual letters and gnome and who is lly Affair" To learn tribulations of weddings, 3:00 NEWS side. IKINER'S KORNER honeymoons and the (CBS EVENING NEWS slipshod in everything he the motive tor the motel 3:10 NEWS Music of that period scored does, has dropped out of room slaying ol a man whole idea of getting ii2 ITAKE 13 married. PAT COLLINS by John Selleck provides the ELECTRIC COMPANY the rat race and lives with registered as "John Smith. Jigsaw John must 3:40 JQJOEL A. SPIVAK background. The director is ROOM 222 his sister and brother-in- QSHOWCASE9 ADAM-11 law. first break down the solid "The Outsider (1S62) 4:02 QLAIl LATE SHUW Jenny Egan, artistic director hostility of the people CARRASCOLENOAS Tony Curtis, James The Restless Breed" of the Four Winds Theatre, 8:57 OONBC NEWS UPDATE who can help him. 7:00 ICBS EVENING NEWS A one-minute summary of Franciscus. A true story (1957) Scott Brady, Anne and the cast of four profes- ITHE WORLD AT WAR the latest news. NEWS of a real life Marine hero, Bancroft. sional actors has appeared on teckomng" SRSEY SIDE the young Indian brave 9:00 QIQALL IN THE FAMILY who helped raise the flag and off Broadway and in tele- "NBC NIGHTLY NEWS Gloria's labor pains are MASTERPIECE JANDY GRIFFITH EATRE at Iwo Jima and how he vision and films. five minutes apart, and as learned his battles were he Perlect Female" she and Mike arrive at the "Notorious Woman: "The People o( 76" will be Success" not only with the enemy TO TELL THE TRUTH hospital for the birth, they MUSK MGMWS Tn#dfr#s staged on Pershing Field, the ABC EVENING NEWS BIBILL MOVERS' 01BURNS AND ALLEN A are mel by a nervous "^racie Becomes a former Ft. Hancock parade II JOURNAL JlflONSIDE Edith and an overanxious Portrait Artist" ground, Tuesday at 1 and 6 "Warrior's Return" Archie. |R) "Why Work?" (Part I) Bill Moyers delines work and IB ONE STEP BEYOND p.m. NEWS OOJOE FORRESTER looks at its (unction in ©HOLLYWOOD The concept of the show is DICK VAN DYKE "An Act of Violence" Joe's SHOWCASE lon'l Trip Over That our physical and to recreate a cross section of girlfriend, Georgia, and a psychological lives Mountain"' policewoman convince a "Ballad ol a Gunfighter" 18th century life through ac- tjUNDER BILLY PENN'S reluctant witness to NO, HONESTLY (1963) Marty Robblns, tors, craftsmen, props and SAT testily against a sex BEST OF GROUCHO Bob Barron §NEW JERSEY REPORT MACNEIL REPORT sets. An 18th century village ZOOM offender, but only after ANDY GRIFFITH the girl learns of his DARK SHADOWS will consist of six areas repre- 10:30 MEET THE MAYORS 12:00 flJFILM FESTIVAL THAT GIRL homicidal intentions. (R) NEWS senting shops, rooms and COLLEGE FOR hese Three" (1936) Joel |D BONANZA WORLD PRESS buildings of Revolutionary TSentleman From New McCrea, Merle Oberon CINEMA 34 HONEYMOONERS irnrWlft times. Pewter making, leath- ININES Orleans" BJMACNEIL REPORT HOUTt M m STAR TREK USA: PEOPLE I MAIAWA* er work, gunsmithing and 09:00 MOVIE LITICS 12:30 QCAPTIONED NEWS M) WOO Lipstick spinning are among crafts SINNER TENNIS Portrait In Black" (19601 1:00 QOTOMORROW "Trust Your Body" Lana Turner, Anthony 11:00 NEWS RAPE that will be demonstrated. ARY HABTMAN. In a remote Worn a 7:30 QBOBBY VINTON Quinn. A chilling murder Broadway Theatre. CAN There will also be a mili- Guests: John Byner, conspiracy backlires when ARY HARTMAN TURN A COVER GIRL QTHE LUCY SHOW Tomorrow ' returns to the tary camp with. an officers' Freddie Fender. (R) a mysterious letter sender days of Vaudeville INTO A KILLER QH0LLYWOO0 "Lucy and Joan" tent and four tents for en- threatens to expose a Guests: Helen McArdell, REVOLUTIONARY SPINNERS - Crafts like spin- SQUARES beautiful wife and her QTHF HONEYMOONERS listed men. Military drills, Tv Or Nol TV" Lillian Ashton, Edna ning, gunsmithing, leather working and pewter OADAM-12 lover as the slayers of her Thayer, Al Greiner, Sally making will be demonstrated In 'The People of soldiers chores, flrinyof an- "Harbor Division" wealthy husband. ©A FAMILY AT WAR "The Facts of Life" and Sid Oemay and Emile 76/ a live recreation of a village of Revolutionary tique weapons and music by a Q $25,000 PYRAMID ©CINEMA 29 Guerre (R) Cinemasl&2 •times to be set up on the former Ft. Hancock pa- military fife and drum corps OPATSY AWARDS Young Man With A Horn" EQCAPTIONED NEWS will be featured. The 26th annual awards (1950) Kirk Douglas, _ HITCHCOCK rade ground in Gateway National Recreation from Hollywood honoring Lauren Bacall A RESENTS 6HAZLET* Area, Sandy Hook, as part of the park's Bicenten- Visitors will be encouraged animals lor outstanding dedicated trumpet player BJCAPTIONED NEWS II MART SHOPPING PLA2A. HI 31 nial program. to talk to those participating performances during the lives exclusively lor his 739-9697 11:30 QflDCBS LATE MOVIE >01*IOUMED •1(111 HFFIICMLI in the show. • 1975 entertainment season music. Tome Fly With Me" in motion pictures, Tickets to both shows may ©MASTERPIECE (1963) Dolores Hart, Hugh MARLON BRANDO SEE THE BIGGEST EVER! television series, ' in- O'Brian A comedy which be acquired free of charge by dnrrduat TV programs ana THEATER ' mailing in forms available at television commercials. OPERATION SAIL the Red Bank Chamber of IQMATCH GAME PM Commerce, the Monmouth JO FAMILY AFFAIR ^One For the Little Boy" July 4th Parade County Library Eastern 4th Jewish Festival ©WORLD PRESS On Board the Fait and Modern Branch in Shrewsbury, the BJMACNEIL REPORT Oceanic Library in Rumson jflLOVE, AMERICAN "SEA FOX" and the public library in Fair STYLE begins on Wednesday FQHOGAN'S HEROES Atlantic Highlands Marina Haven. added Marylyn Mulvay, color- 2 Trips S A.M. to 4 P.M. ffiWHAT'S COOKINQ? HOI.MDEL - Hanna Aronl, JNEW JERSEY REPORT a product of Israel who has atura-soprano. S P.M. to After Firework. 8:00 IIQRHODA become an outstanding inter- The show on the stage of $35 per person MIDDLETOWN ter Brenda turns down a national vocalist, and Stan the amphitheater will start at marriage proposal from Don't be left out ol the once-ln-ihe-lllellme Porter, a native of New York 8 o'clock each night. In addi- chance to tee the Tall Ships Lenny, her distant cousin, FOLK the heartbroken lad quits who has become a singing tion to the entertainment, the his job and sinks into a fit star of supper clubs as well festival will present a special MELBA MOORE •» lteserv.uon.only 291-0212 FESTIVAL of depression. (R) as the Yiddish theater, will be Bicentennial display on the THWS. )UNI 17 .1 I tM. |OJOHN DAVIDSON among the headliners in the Arts Center grounds This will IHFOHMATION CAU M1-9M1 JUNE 18-19 ?uests Tony Orlando, feature contributions by Jew- Charo, Norm Crosby, and fourth annual Jewish Festival Pete Barbulti. of the Arts at the Garden ish people to the development, Rll "DW HP" MAM] TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION BODMAN PARK ICROSSWITS State Arts Center on Wednes- of the United States. 101 1HI iOUftMISH 10 _|VIVA VALDEZ r day and Thursday nights. The Jewish event is one of TRZITHMORE TWI com TMM IYH he Nurses Pipes" Guilt- a series of heritage festivals PROGRAM stricken Louis Valdez, Comedian Joey Russell, At taught by VILLA GERARDI confides to his son Victor, who has teamed on stage with on the Arts Center 1976 calen- dar. Festival proceeds aid the Wtenwas Mahariihi Mahtsh Yogi Otters that he found himself many of the top entertainers, responding to the charms also will be one of the stars Garden State Arts Center Cul- the last time vnu WOT of a romantically inclined FREE The Finest In on the program which will tural Fund, which sponsors divorcee, one of their tree Arts Center programs for REALLY SCARED!!!? Italian Cuisine plumbing customers. feature Victor Borge, INTRODUCTORY LECTURES QBEST OF STEVE "The Great Dane" of music. senior citizens, school chil- BY A TEACHER OF TM ALLEN For his presentation, pianist dren, disabled veterans and • SPAGHETTI • VEAl QTHE F.B.I. the blind ASBURY PARK TM CENTER and humorist Borge has Every Wad. S P.M. • CHICKEN • MACARONI JU.S.A. PEOPLE 4 711 Cookntan AM. 774-M16 ICS Every Wed. 1 » 8 P.M. • SEA FOOD • RAVIOLI IB OF LANDS & SEAS Ballet program MIDDLETOWN TM CENTER Between Sears & 2 Quys "Africa's Vanishing OWCKNICHOUON 1000 Highway 35 171-2600 Wilderness" set tomorrow • SUBS •PIZZA EJTHE F.B.I. TIM June 1 5 How.ll Township ..( P.M. "The Runaways" MANAI.Al'AN - The Bat- MNINCI AT 7 AND t MUTUAL AID SAVINGS Redwood Rd. • HOT SUBS DQ8:00 MOVIE tleground Arts Center, as part Wed. June 16 Freehold Public Library 7:30 P.M. "I Take This Woman" of its community cultural pro- ROBEiTi'DENIRQ E. Main SI WE DELIVER (19401 Spencer Tracy, gram, has arranged for Les UU DRIVER Hedy Lamarr. A beautiful Petites Ballet to present -Ml 34 WEST FRONT ST. model attempts suicide Will tin 7:H I t:M after an unlortunate love "Tales of Arabian Nights" for urant* 1^4-1 ti RED BANK 747-6036 alfair. the Covered Bridge Hospital DM. 1:10 111 SJO 7;|»*M Auxiliary tomorrow. The per- formance will be held in the «A SHOPPER'S DREAM" grand ballroom at Covered It isn't always an Invitation to a kiss. Bridge as part of its annual cii BROWN FENCE CO. Strawberry Festival. FOR THE BEST DMAL IH TOWH The performance is limited H »• can't Mtlity you, to Covered Bridge residents DlNNfR JHCIAIS moody can — 16 yaws ol pfotanlonil Lipstick ATO JUKEon sow and their guests. tones Installation MON. Hoast L WE ARE THE COMPETITION Gravy, Red Cabbage TUB. Turt & Surf Shishkebab w/Rice...3.95 CAU MONMOUTH I OCIAN At the WH). Chicken Caccalora w/Spag 3.95 - ALSO - 787-5131 PETER FONDA IN The story of a woman's outrag* IMS. 1 SIM.EoqMiCulPrmtlWxolBnr 4.95 "EASY RIDER" and a woman's ravong*. VegtttbK.PoiMo.mCiMiii.ConM movies MCMKOH* wnt I.M f hex schiouits are pro- vided by the theater and the times ore lor today only. STRAND RATHSKELLER OttN FRI. I SAT. hlirijwl Keyport JM-045J MOVtlilll- I Will, I Will, For Now 7:45. *:4S MOVIf IIV- Montt Python and Holy Grail I:4S "THEMISSOUtlMUKS" Giooy.ruWMS. IO:M "FIREWORKS u»«uun , WOMAN" CINEMA I— LONG BRANCH * STADIUM GROUNDS Th«MltMMKl Srtoki Ml; I:JO CINEMA II- Llpsllck 7 43. f:45 LONO SHAIKH "SEX MEETING' THURS. IT . TWO SHOWS MOVIIII- RaquolWslch Moltwr, Jugt oral Send 7.41, •: 4i I WILL, I WILL JUNE I / 4:30 & 8 ?M. MOVIIi II- "Mother, SPONSORED BY L.B. EXCHANGE CLUB PITCHER, COLONIAL CINEMA- Jug* ft FOR NOW EOIV Rivtr 7 30. I Will, I Will For Now •M.IM. 8|MWl" OOULOO MBIT 7:45-«:45 Molly's Dinner Special •MIA— 50 Mottwr Jugi and Sp««d 7 JO.» II Sat Sun. DHIVl llE- ^^ ALL SEATS '1 Wlnltr Hawk 1:00, 11:11 I Ml Ml Ml of the Week CINIMA I- l;Vf5 Monday through Thursday DnpRMIlo. »:» KID9LC1IIJ.! I MATABAN CINEMA M-' Lipttlct7:M;M) 4132277 CASSEROLE OF VEAL & PEPPERS ITHATHMOM CIHSMA I- MILANAISE Cuckooi N«it 7:00; i:M CINEMA II WITH SPAGHETTI Wlnl.rh.wk . . . MOVIES IT H10DLEBBOCE I! MIXED SALAD, HOUSE DRESSING UVOY- A BLokfool L.g.nd AMERICA'S GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! Dlvln* ObMillon 7:40, The Noughly Vic COFFEE torlonif:OS ADVANCE SALE PRICES CIRCUS DAY PRICES MAOLEY IEACH MONTY PYTHON ANI ADULT S3 00 ADULT MOO SSACH- CHILD $2.00 I CHILD S3.90 Wlnltr Howkl 00 THE HOLY GRAIL REICItVEO HATS SOc ADDITIONAL EACH MIDDLISIIOOK CINEMA I- 8:45 I Will, I Will lor How 1:Ul *:4J $^50 CINIMA II- plu* CIRCUS BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 10 AM. 1 Wlflttr Hgwk7:30; f:» FMIH0LD JUBT "I nilHOLD MALL I- GROOVE TUBE Mlllourl»r«o»i7:IS, MS i . Mm. Ttctota en Highway 35 Red Bank 7:15-10:30 Ma June 11 thru AIM II at WlnUt Mow»7.»;»:!> ALL SCATS »1.80 JocklMlCavntv JWI 7 JO, »: It MONMOUTH MALL, Ertontown, N.J. 747-2500 SAIT WINDtOa I— Jocmon Counly Jail ID. *: 10 Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY .IIINF 14 1976 The Daily Register 23 Crossword puzzle

ACROSS 28 Am painter 4t, Seethe 13 Expensive 1 Small 33 Becomes M Resort of 21 Paintings drinks less formal many aits 22 Gaelic 5 Gr letter 34 Classrfi bb Sunder 25 Leather 10 Frosted cation M Under, to item 14 Over again 35 Wave:Sp. poets .'6 Possessive 15 Classified 36 Port mone ',/ Wrongful 27 Poker word 16 Checker tary units act, in law 28 Evening player's 37 Peeved M Rds' rels. garments concern 38 Captuied Social 29 Abominate 17 Conception animals mgroup 30 Navigator's 18 Harangue 39 Three toed Lat abbr device 19 Malay sloths 1,n1 Chipper 31 Lycee pupil. vessel 40 Shoot from Inhalant 3? Having 20 Child's ambush anesthetic light beams Hi and Lois game 41 Desire (it State flow- M Pluck 23 Misrepre eagerly er of Utah 37 Example 38 Ch SHOULDWT Y Do VOU sentations 42 Advance THE GAME'S 24 Spark tryouts DOWN dignitaries PLAV VIOLENT I WANT TO stream 44 Bewailed i Having 40 Comprehends GAMES LIKE / GROW UP 25 Leisurely shrilly luster, as 41 Line the MEAN? BE walk 45 Soak a gem inside of 2 - -Chinese 41 Most OR Y day S 'unI.-S .1 ed: 3 Baker's accurate implement u Genuine U Ml | u I II I I TTRI 1 Capistrano 4ti Please; Get U ft 0 1 1' .» Ih 1 visitors 47 Kind of llc|ft| A • r B Ma5onstool door nnn LJUa t. Ruminants Place of Mil Mil uu ill'' •• Eskimo great i II T settlement activity II f I M BfTi ( '1 HEARD 73W7"WORD 6EWRE. My MOM SAYS \ts 1 1 Place for 49 In excess IIS1 1 u "L i U i i i|i il FRENCH FOR' 1 BUSTtO MY 6EST DISH:" IIAIV A H 1 a chapeau of w 1" 9 Australian n Dapper LIUlilt uw LJU 1ml city 51 Racing The Family ( Bv Bil K. ;IIU HUB IJ uu 10 Force event Mary Worth uu exened 52 Memo Ihnrtr . i I ' i 1 "1 ' A111 [ 1 11 Packaging 53 Race or net ||P|LIA j'\ ;, UL UlAJI material Normandy HI, BOBBI'- SLAP )OU PROPPED •• M STOP.' ITS J i. Wild cry town IN.'-Y'SK-UM- POPPY'S TOO LATE FOR ••i n THE SOUNP OF BO/FRIENP IS COMING OVER LIES NOW, WAPE A KEY IN THE TO MEET ME-.-ANPSHE II II POOR OF WADES SO HOTEL SUITE MAS m *m s\V0«k? NTERRUPTEP AN ARPfNT ¥/ « 4 f'-M f EMBRACE--- I AND WHEN THE POOR 6 D Si VJ^VI SAVAGELY THROWN OPEN- sr 1 The Wizard of Id

"Who's been jumping Not me." in this hedge?" Not me." Your horoscope, birthday Monday, June 14 - Bom to- though you are not always will- LEO I July 23-Aug 22) - Don't Hivestigule another's reasons for his or her present at^ ER-IFEELSUBEI day, you are not a particularly ing 10 lake it - and seldom are force yourself or others to work KN0WTHATlA5S decisive person --but you possess ROW in initiate a move toward with those you dislike Keep to lilude toward you To unders- FROM SOMEWH an air of self-confidence that Venn «oal without getting an ex- your basic principles, whether at tand H may be ultimately it) fools people into thinking of you IT1» "iiiiiKin of the move you work or play change it. as an extremely well-motivated .ire alxiut to take, the move VIRGO lAug 23-Sept. 22) - IT \i|l Mill's ' 20-Feb. 18) and highly directed individual. «Inch, nine times out of ten, you you are willing to use hindsight - Though you may have beeb No one thinks of you as one who > ill ('Mutually take whether or in order todevelup foresight, you working for a long time in has difficulty making up his K.I VIM Hum another's approval will make tremendous gains 'by achieve a given goal, it may now mind; rather, people generally WI • n vou make the wrong day's end be t ime lo relinquish IL Consider envy what they consider to be m.-iw iiiuugh. you are willing to LIBRA (SepL 23-Ocl 22) - il well your positive attitude toward itii'iii full blame for it. Consider your standing in uV I'lSCKSipeb 19-March20l- whatever occurs in your life. Tc 22-Jati appear ojplighted, however. SheinwolcPs bridge advice South finessed, and the oppo by Alfred Shemwold think of all the (jray hairs you nents not two diamonds and won't have. Blondie Once upon a lime there was ,hre(, hearts Dow|) 0|)e a man who believed in aiming DAILY QUESTION Sdiit h dealer x—' MAY 1 T«Y LOWER AIM high at all times. He became Partner opens with 1 NT nVith sides vulnerable (\CUR JUMP ROPE, South aimed too high. He t lie president of a bank, but he 116 to IB points)* and the next NORTH ^ ELMO' would make his contract with had a terrible lime finding player passes You hold: •8!i an overtrick il he aimed lor • 964 bridge partners. :J962 OKQ1093 •K.I Whai only lour diamond tricks. 7 K B do you say'.' 1 OA(JI0H5 Our hero took the ace ol South does this by playing the ANSWKR: Hid two clubs, • 742 hearts and went after the en ace of diamonds at the second the Stayman Convention, ask WEST EAST tire diamond suit by trying a trick. When the jack falls, ing partner to hid a major sun • J 10 7 3 4 8 5 finesse with dummy's queen. there is no further problem. of lour or more cards. Il he 7QI0874 7J962 East won and returned a II only low diamonds fall. bids two hearts, you will raise 0 63 OKJ heart to dummy's king. South South gets to his hand with a to four hearts; if he bids any • 15 • KQ 109:) got to his hand with a spade spade and leads a diamond. thing else, you will bid 3 rJT. and returned the nine of dia This assures four tricks unless SOUTH moiids. East started with K J x or I A POCKET GUIDE TO 7 A3 When Wesj played low. K J x x. in which case nothing BRIDGE' written by Alfred 09742 South grew a few gray hairs. would work. Shemwold is available. Get It would be right to finesse if • AJ t llagar your ropy by sending 1.00 to South West North West had started with J x x. Playing the ace first In such SHE1NWOLI) ON BRIDGE. Eut bul not if he had started with situations will occasionally Iname of your newspaper), I NT Pass 3 NT All Pas two low diamonds. cost you an overtrick that you I'D Kox Illl. Los Angeles. Opening lead - 7 Our story has a sad end Bitei tises AT could win by finessing, hut Calif. 900531 THI5 PARTY/ fOU'RE LEAVIN6 FOR BUT ITS THE MIPDLE fOU AUuW5 LEAVE FOf? WIMBLEPON NOW ? OF THE NIGHT.'.' OJIMBLEPON AT NI6HT... IF WU LOSE IN THE FIRST ROUND NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW


1 WARNED VOU THIS 6L/IVE W/»5 TROUBLE »U WOULDN'T LISTEN 24 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1976 County feels it can resolve Oceanport bridge problem •jr WILLIAM J. lAOBStl U.S. Coast Guard that they moved by June 2]. close to what was there be- the 36-inch water main. move the bridge. The county, of a couple of pilings seems to so be can show them how the can resolve a problem con- Charles B. Van Benschoten, fore the county reconstructed The Coast Guard feels that however, has not done so be- be the most reasonable solu- removal of these pilings will FREEHOLD - County offi- cerning Oceanport Avenue county engineer, told the free- the bridge in 1*71, he ex- the proper alignment of these cause it would cost over tion to the problem. He added restore the navigability under cials will try to convince the Bridge E-1J over Oceanport holders during a workshop plained supports with those for the (120,000 to comply. that this could cost less than the bridge Creek in Oceanport without session that he believes the The county and the Coast water main would allow a This bridge is a main $10,000 to complete The engi- Mr. Benschoten said that be removing the bridge bridge problem can be re- Guard have been at odds over vessel to pass underneath the bridge for Ft. Monmouth traf- neer said that the water com- will tell the Coast Guard offi- solved by removing a couple this bridge since the county bridge while a misalignment fic. County officials have said pany is willing to go along cials that this is what the Sea Bright The county has less than of pilings which are no longer rebuilt it in 1171 for $90,000 prevents passage. that it would be chaos if the with this proposal. county will do about the two weeks remaining to com- necessary. The dispute basically centers After the Coast Guard de- county had to close it. The engineer said that he bridge and that the county is ply with a Coast Guard direc- This would esiaousn a on the alignment of the termined the creek navigable Mr. Benschoten told the will ask Coast Guard officials prepared to go to court before • for repeal tive that the bridge be re- channel width which would be bridge pilings with those of it ordered the county to re-freeholders that the removal to meet with him at the site It removes the bridge. on sales *******I,******************************************************** SEA BRIGHT - The Hey Big Saver, Come to the Celebration! Food town Has If All at... * Borough Council has voted to support efforts at repealing the ban on Sunday Sales In doing so, the council sup- ported the position of the Sea Bright Buiiness Associates, whose 50 members unani- ***** FOODTOWN JOINS IN THE ********** mously backed the repeal of GRAND OPINING CaEIRATION I GRAND RE-OPENING of the law. Arthur M. Katims, presi- of FOODTOWN of RED BANK * FOODTOWN of ENGUSHTOWN dent of the association, said 14 H.umm, tf^n» *mi. Bat" tmk. NJ. I 41 «M» Ww*. liia«ilili'"i. MJ. the group views the present ban on the sale of selected US DA Choice Beef With Tenderloin items to be "vague, con- fusing, discriminatory, and totally unenforceable." In addition, the association said, the repeal would not force anyone to either shop on Sunday, nor to open his busi- SIRLOIN i ness on Sunday. "It will," the group said, "only give people a choice in the way in which they wish to 3 I EHIV Func^ spend the day." In supporting this view, the council said it felt that be- cause of the nature of the mu- AtBortod PI*won nicipality, Sunday sales would ' Well Trimmed benefit the town and its busi- nessmen. PORTERHOUSE $169 T-BONE $169 INSEALTEST Councilman Gordon S. White Jr. said that since Sea STEAK B STEAK .„. I J Bright is largely a resort 99 town, a major portion of the USD. A. Chok. loraUts laaf business is done over the weekends. "Being a resort type of TOP ROUND $129 town," he said, "many of our temporary residents are ham- ROAST „ 1 pered by not being able to U.S.D.A. Chok. tanal**! iMf buy on Sunday." At Mr. White's suggestion copies of the council's resolu- RUMP tion will be sent to other Mon- mouth County resort towns. ROAST U.S. No. 1 Long Branch has already gone on record as opposed to allowing Sunday Sales as POTATOES^:. have most of the county's oth- 569 er major shopping municipal- m< •», >••«•••« lmilimrt«t. LMI •«• ••»>•• *•• •*•" •»""» ities. Generally speaking, the re- BEEF LIVER 49* peal of the ban on Sunday Mm, Ijrtni l~o Td Cry-O-V«c sales is supported by the highway shopping center busi- CORNED BEEF BRISKET -. 89* Produce nesses and owners. The council's resolution was adopted with Councilman Stephen F. Duffy, a Catholic priest, abstaining. Police probe nets four on drug counts CaUtornlofan* Hull MONMOUTH BEACH - SUNKIST Four persons have been RED DELICIOUS charged with a variety of ORANGES 10 - I drug charges here following a Appicc 3 month-long investigation by GREEN BEANS I.49* local and county police. All LEJ W Hiss Mary Boynton, II, of Channel Beach Club Apart- ments No. 21, and Albert C. C Sniff en, 23, of the same ad- 6-89 RIVAL DOG FOOD 4-'1 FOODTOWN SALAD OIL Ez69 noRBA MANGOES -d.59* dress, were arrested and charged with possession of more than 25 grams of mari- SARAN WRAP ^ 79* ELBOW MACARONI ^39* CAROLINA RICE 10 **M Frozen Pood Specials juana, a felony. Richard Mitchell, 23, of 1327 CAMPflK MARSHMAUOWS ~ 49 ' TABBY CAT FOOD 6 - *1 ^DDTOWN RELISH 3* Eatontown Blvd., Oceanport, CHICKEN IN $189 MACARONI & Eft was charged with possession C THE BASKET -'• • CHEESE ";...' JT of under 25 grams of mari- THIN PRETZELS « 59 POTATO CHIPS X 59* POPCORN or CHEESE CORN 0/S t= 39* juana, a misdemeanor. John Sniffen, brother of Al- GROUND BLACK PEPPER - 69* LOCAL SODA ^r 49* BUaONI SPAGHETTI SAIXE -JkOc FOODTOWN ( FOODTOWN bert Snlffen, surrendered to 69 ;:: M VEGHABLES LEMONADE police and also was charged CUB STORAGE IAGS ST KEDTEAMIX ^r*l MUKhRGENT with possession of more than M 25 grams of marijuana. He ant r.imrUtlAGj nr.«y *m» 19 «nty. MO nif im»ll *«r