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>' Vi'i.v- • „. 5^NESDAY,,C£CP||^^

■■ d- ■■ ' '■ ’L ' ''#1 ' * ’• .Mahch60t«r A r ^ Council ^nd Do^s^ siMor; Francis Me- i | * n e } F | Hartford a t y Council of Beta RBi* to Insiiiil Supper will be Sigma Phi sorority will have a p 8 o ^ .flret lecturer; ‘^emos • iF T w M i ; m iX m b n , second lecturer; Her- The State Department Staff combined meeting tomorrow at l h JST ,i' SlfltC O n-Friday Otben tube liiattiif*d'«z» W;t Metcalf, first st^dard of the Marine Corps League and 8 p.m. at Mott's Community William Smith, deputy maa^r; beeuiBC; David Holland, second C m m AuxiUary will meet Sunday at Hall, Wethersfield. Rotocrt Haugh of 40 Edger- Robert Bell, tiiaplaln; W. p . standard bearer; Samuel Wil­ I t . 2 p.m. at the Marine Home, ton St. will be instaUed maa- Turkington, registrar; Archie ARTHUR O R m U n Mllville Ave., Meriden.. A family swim program, spon­ ter of Star of the East, R«^al son, pursuviant, and William Haugh, treasurer; John Mc- Brown, tyler. evieryone on your sored by the Town Recreation Black Preceptory, Friday at 8 v 0 l ; l x x x v . n o . s s : ■ o p p in t litt ii^appy hoU- Hie Brewster Circle o f North Department, will be canceled p.m. at Orange Hall. Henney C. ) ^ l ^ N S ) , ^ t h k y * t f — wHh money Methodist Church is sponsoring tonight and Wednesday, Dec. 8 Laughlin, installing master of fcdp from HFC. An ftFC a Grinder Sale on Saturday as the Manchester High School Chicopee, Mass., and his staff Phopper'e Loon wUl let to correspond with the Christ­ pool is being used for school .you ihop for vahiee ony- mas Fair of the WSCS of the classes. —not jurt where you Church. Orders for ham or salami grinders may be made Members of Washington LOL St. Peter's Episcopal have an account. You and Royal Black Perceptory will 4Bake Mvings on yoUr holiday needf by shopping with ca«h with Mrs. Richard Field of 21 Griffin Rd. or Mrs. Glenn Law meet tonight at 7:30 at Holmes Church, Hebron **** January billi. For every seasonal need, of 27 Baldwin Rd. Grinders Funeral Home, 400 Main St. to of Jet Fighters ■arrow with confidence, then repay with convenience, at HFC. may be picked up on Saturday. conduct a memorial service for a member, the late David Mul- CHRISTMAS doon. , Borrow up to $1000 The Connecticut Assioclotlon of Municipal Development Com- FAIR 1 Take up to 24 months to repay mls.sions will have a dinner Friendship Lodge of Masons will have its first annual meet­ meeting tomorrow at i5:30 p.m. ing at the Masonic Temple to­ 2 Days This Year Mar Debut of Enterprise at the Connecticut Yankee Mo­ SUPREME tor Inn, East Lyme, Industrial morrow night at 7:30. Officers will be elected and appointed FRIDAY. DEC. 3 A sk about crsdH IHs intursnca on loans at group rates financing will be discussed by 7 - 9 P.M. several representatives from and annual reports will be read. Dress for officers tomor­ bu.sine.ss and the government. State News row Is business suit. SATURDAY, DEC. 4 The meeting is open to interest­ 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. FOODS Plane Loss HOUSEHOlO nilANC ed town agencies. \ 469 HARTFORD RD.,-^ MANCHESTER c^o^oHcJUttex,— Oil Rules Shipping Toys, Food, Decorations, R.R. Repeats Men’s Table, Grab Bag, MANCHISnR SHOPHNO PARKAD^ Little Flower of Jesus Moth­ ST. LOUIS—Oil and petroleum Reaches 150 ers Circle will meet Friday at Plants, Snack Bar, 382 MiddI* Turnpike West products make up 40 per cent of G ifb of AU Kinds 8:15 p.m, at the home of Mrs. all waterborne commerce in the Need to End 2nd R oot— PHONE: 643-9536 Donald Knofla, 30 Clyde Rd. United States. In many ports oil In Viet Nam Mrs. James Coughlin win hg HPO Offices Open Saturday Momlngrs Until Christmas and oil products account for 90 Passengers CQ-hostess. per cent of the tonnage. SAIGON, South Viet Read Herald Ads. BIGGEST SAVINGS Nam (AP) — Communist WASHINGTON. (AP) — A New Haven Railroad gunners downed three U.S. trustee reiterated today jet fighters, including one GET OUR LOW PRICES discontinuance of the line's from the newly arrived passenger services is nec­ atomic - powered aircraft essary to preserve its carrier Enterprise, during freight operations. raids on North and South plus VALUABLE STAMPS Viet Nam in the past 24 Richard Joyce Smith told an Interstate Commerce Commis­ hours, U.S. spokesmen re­ DOUBLE STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY sion hearing on the roads pas­ ported today. 2 senger discontinuance petition Another fighter from iiM En­ Prices Effective Thurs., Fri.j Sat., Dec. 2-3-4 that the New Haven’s freight terprise crashed into the a«a H 0 USE&. H A L E service "is of paramount im­ while trying to land on the 86,- MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER— PHONE 643-4123 portance to the economy of (X)0-ton carrier, the world’s laig- LEAN, FLAVORFUL southern New England and to est. The accident occurred on national dffense. ’ ’ the Enterprise’s first day of BEST CENTER CUT Smith was under cross-exam­ combat operations in the South ination in the second day of the China Sea. i BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT POI^K hearing by Samuel Kanell, The losses pushed the number director of the Connecticut of American planes downed in • ri • „ , d their birthday occurs to en­ There is nothing to stop imme­ ROASTING PORK ,, 59c Washington, Johnson called for “We expect next year to be ba Dam, which the Rhodesians SMOKED SHOULDERS .b 45e roll for the additional diate entry of planes into Zam­ (See Page Four) JUNIOR • MISSES' • WOMEN'S SIZES cooperative decisions by indus­ another record year for the operate on the border between try, labor and government to medical coverage. bia.” COFFEE American economy. We are A-O.K. for Saturday keep wages and prices in line ever alert to danger signs, of ^ p “ to t a v r r it S ^ OAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) W IDE SELECTION OF TEXTURES. with federal guideposts design­ course, and When we see them, sister craft 186 miles above the ed to guard against inflation. — The opening laimch In Ameri­ Jobless Rate we will act accordingly. But we earth for six hours. $740,000 Award ?aS^ rN Si:‘KryTf^ sfe ^ n r In so doing, he cited the sac­ ca’s Gemini doubleheader held orders t: fly to Zambia, 64,- ^ ,‘® government. TWEEDS, SOLIDS, CHECKS do not anticipate any major The Gemini 7 flight could be l-LB. rifices of American troojps In firm to Ms Saturday blastoff 000-ton ail-craft carrier Eagle the House of Corn- At 8-Year Low problem that confidence and one of the most restful ever un­ In Damage Suit Viet Nam, saying: "We must schedule today as astronauts dertaken, despite its planned cruised off the East African troops will fight if nec- TIN cooperation cannot solve." Coast essary to protect Zambia’s pow- WASHINGTON------— / —— • WANTED COLORS • POPULAR support them from here as they and officials meet to review all 329-hour duration. Thought Settled support each other there. We Johnson noted that wholesale aspects of the space shot. Berry said 10 hours of every Ground troops were reported ^“PP*^’ ™’®d out any nation’s Jobless rate fell ta No- prices have risen 2.3 per cent in ^ Af unprovoked attack against Rho- member to an eight-year low of must equal their sacrifice and Gemini 7 astronaut Frank day will be set aside------to...... permit NEW YORK (AP) — A wid­ alerted at sta^ng depotsLS in AI-Af At% T T%.____ A- ALABASTER WHITE • BLACK the past 12 months while con­ desia. 4.2 per cent, the Labor Depart­ uphold their cause.” Borman, whom experts describe ths astronauts to sleep. This, he owed mother of five says she rica, Britain and the Middle sumer prices have risen i.g per Wilson also ment said today. Total employ­ He restated his offer of un­ as "a sound sleeper who said, should assure tham at learned through a newspaper East British protectorate of disclosed that cent. dreams,” and Ws. witty Copilot, ment was at a record November conditional talks aimed at end­ least eight hours’ sleep. story that she had been ordered • PLENTY WITH LAVISH MINK TEA BAGS James A. Lovell Jr., confer with (See Page Seventera) level of 72.8 million. ing the Viet Nam conflict—an "This situation has now fairly Astronauts on previous Gemi­ to pay a $740,000 damage award ------PKG. OF increasingly costly war that stabilized,” he said, “ and we do the Gemini 8 crew, project offi­ ni flights complained that sleep­ The actual number of unem­ COLLARS cials, contractors and weather in a case she had thought set­ ployed at 2,966,000 was up about has sparked public discussion of not expect such an outbreak ing was difficult — especially if tled years ago. 100 potential inflationary pressures next year. In the past four experts. the flight plan required one or ‘D ou’t T oo 200,000 from October, but it usu­ SALADA Dr. Charles A. Berry, Gemini Mary B. Kelley, who now Be Sexy’ ally rises some 300,000 ta No­ in the months ahead. months both Wholesale prices the other to stay awake throw­ EXTRA CLERKS • BE EARLY "I have said it before. I say and consumer prices had been flight surgeon, said both crews ing switches or talking to mis­ lives in Manasquan, N.J., said vember and the Bureau of La­ CAT and DOG FOOD it again now. This nation is advancing at a rate of less than "are very relaxed” and in good sion control. Wednesday she will ask for a bor Statistics adjusts the Jobless ready to talk, unconditionally, one per cent a year.” physical condition. Gemini 7 for fho «rot reversal of the award in Su- rate on a seasonal basis. The weatherman held to his Businessman’s Wife l-LB. anywhere, wltht peace as our Johnson said that while needs — wlll will have hofhboth . astronauts Court ta Queens on the Without the seasonal adjust­ 10% DOWN HOLDS YOUR SELECTION prediction that conditions will ground that she was not repre­ agenda,” Johnson said. are growing — partly because sleeidng at the same time, In ment, the unemployment rats .CANS be satisfactory at Cape Kennedy sented in court. CALO "Peace will come because it of the Viet Nam war — the conjunction with day-night was even lower — 3.9 per cent ON OUR EASY LAYAWAY PLAN! for the 2:30 p.ip. EST blastoff. must. It will come from cour­ economy is growing, too. cycles at Cape Kennedy.. The award was made Nov. 22 Ignores Own Advice, of the total civilian labor fores age, from constancy, and from Air Force Lt. Col. Borman and to the widow of a toolmaker who of 75.803,000. BOUNTY "We can produce the goods "If— they-....j can’t k sleepoiccp jiuw, now, we — ------— “ ...iv/ fjBVvNEW YORK (AP) __ — If vouyou Navy Cmdr. Lovell plan to spin will have to attribute some of toe court ruled was frightened . . Harold Goldstein, assistant around the earth 206 times In 14 the problems to the weightlessweip-htioaa to death by Mrs. Kelley’sKellev’s car inIn to help your husband get - ^ commissioner of the Bureau of 19 OZ. days. state,” Berry said. 1958. ahead, you’d better not be too Labor Statistics, said the drop Nine days later, on Deo. 13, TINS Tiny electrodes will be fas­ "They could shake me by the sexy, too beautiful or too smart. in the rate from October’s 4.3. Beef Chicken Stew 2 Gemini 6 astronauts Navy Capt. per cent was not considered sta­ NEW SWINGING tened to shaved spjts on Bor- ankles and if they got $76 out of If you succeed, though, y6u Two Alabama Juries Walter M. Schlrra Jr. and Air tistically significant, but showed HOUSE k HALE Force Maj. Thomas P. Staffo'rd record his depth me, they’d be doing well,” said ° could end up with an ulcer. the continued year-long drop in LINCOLN plan to propel into orbit, render- ^ »leep and state of alertness Kelley That is the word from Mrs. J. unemployment. “BOOTENANNY” FULL Weigh Murder Cases vous within a few. feet of Gemini **^® four days of (See Page Thirteen) Robert Fluor of Pasadena, 7 and fly in formation with its (gee Page Seventeen)’ Calif., wife of a business execu­ QTS. PRUNE JUICE tive arid beauteous mother of Montgomery Anniston two sons, aged 18 and 20. She's by Dart so attractive you would think MOHTGOMBRY, Ala. (AP) ANNISTON, Ala. (AP) — Hu- she did not take her own advice. Bulletins PINK OR WHITE - - A federal Jury began dellber- bert Damon Strange, a white Her husband of 21 years is atlngtae ^ e of three Alabama service station attendant, wait- president of the National Asso­ Ku Klux Klansmen today after ed today for a verdict in his YOU'RE SURE TO GET A BOOT TO SUIT YOUR ciation of Manufacturers. He NEW STRIKE DATE GRAPEFRUIT a 68nmlnute charge from U.S. trial on a charge of muiderin* a also is president of Fluor Co. FANCY. CHOOSE FROM Dist. Judge Frank M. J(*nson Negro fou n diyw rk er. Ltd. of Los Angeles, a firm with NEW YORK (A P) — Mi­ 6,000 employes that does a $100- chael J. Quill, president o f white male Jury retired at spl^t iS s FOUR STEPLADDER HEIGHT VARIATIONS million to $200-million a year the AFL - CIO Transport 10^ a.m. reporting a decision on the first business building oil, chemical Workers Union, today set Dec. 16 for a strike against lnfS^*"of^aM iid"Ai **®*^®® murder indictment and petrochemical plants Ina Jr., 22, of Fairfield, Ala. and which charges Strange with the around the world. the city’s subway and bus William Orville Baton. 41, and shooUng deaft oJ W iSe systems. The union originally CELLO "We have the perfect hus­ ^ g e n e Thomas. 42, both of Brewster. 88. The Jury had been had threatened to strike at 5 Bessemer, Ala., are charged locked up for the after band-wife relationship,” said a.m. New Year’s Day whan STYLE BJ Fluor. “ I get the work, and she the contract expires. But, A deUberatl^ about fo iS h iirs. gets the ulcer.” SPINACH pk, 19* civil rights of American clt- " i am predicting a mistrial,” angered by dispute with Less than three months after ..... Strange’s attorney, J. B. Mayor-elect John V. Lindsay, he was elected last year to a Quill declared that he consid­ one-year term as president of three - although not mention- outside ‘ the courtroom where MRS. J. ROBERT FLUOR ered the contract terminated UNO 0’ LAKES FROZEN FOODS tag her name — stems from the Strange was tried the NAM, Mrs. Fluor came and advanced the strike date. Wiling of Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a Stranee M down with on ulcer. wife would be transferred to his Fabulous genuine leather, water repellent to keep . “I take things quite gerious- company,” she said, Detroit, Mich., white mother of M orL^^iaidor a, ftrat d e ^ STEWART IN MOSCOW MR 6 ly,” she said. "But that ulcer — ' “ X like to be able to be myself, y^u dry and toasty warm. Smart black or brown T i »i .41 - u ImMotmont for MOSCOW (A P) — Brittsh Crinkit Out Polafott Mrs. Ldusso, a civil righto shooting of WUlle Brewster 88 it wasn’t all MAM. It wsis psut biit I must dresii smd act ta Foreign Secretary - Michael leather with soft "Dartpile" lining. Sizes S'/j - 10. BUHER 5 ^ 4 9 0 worker, was shuttling demon- a foundry employe ’ ’ ®4uor.’‘ keeping with my husband’s’ po- Stewart sa)d tonight he iM^ies strators from Montgomery to Stoner told n e w ^ e n : ’‘I am She is quite serious about her sition and not overdo.” that before long Britain and Two other heights not illustrated only $14. end $16. FREEZER QUEEN Selma, Ala., follo^vip^; a rir.rch an extreme white supremacist ” role aa a corporate wife. ^ As for her husband’s business, the Soviet Union will act to­ i to tbs Alabama capital March Sftwer, Who fives ta Augusta "You should be a good listen- Mrs. Fluor said rtie knew littlq gether to try to end the war Beef or Tetfcey with Gravy er and a good conversational- about it. Pkf- 26 when she was killed by shots G*., ta vice-chairman of ^ ex- to Vibt Mam. Stewart nutdo fired Into her cor. ecuUve committee of the Na- 1st,” she said ta tui interview. "He’ s a firm bellSver In leav- a plea for the two countries to Judge J o h n ^ told the Jurors tional States Rights party "That’s one of the biggest Ing business at the office,” she take the Initiative In seeking Downyflake Wafflae things for a good wife.” said. ‘ ’Wheii someone asks ms \ • S,„49e toat although the men . were held 4i rally hero the nMit Mm peaoe In Viet Mam In a iqieeoh At all odds, you nqust at- why the stock went up or down, tried together, "they stand guU. shooting. i?*^^**^ P r^ m chief. discusses Xrays with Astro- to the Busslnn pcsqile. It wnn tract too much attention .or any I don’t Ipow and I ask. But ha noorded to bo oartled on <0m rxg* (Se« Vag« fVraar) (ce^ r) and Frank Borman. All is in readiness for the criticism. always says he doesn’t know, two men s 14-day spac^ trip scheduled to start Saturday. (AP Photofax) Momsw talsrrislon with slmnl- "Any critlctaRi of the boss’s either. , tnneoon tmnslntloii. i ^ ■ 4 ^ ■ _ y. I. „ r^:.' * 1 ■

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t . : ■■■ ItCiia. #Ullam Is t w w W SIidBnvdd bn Bridge J, Ouyler assMos o f .* oontoM s’* at fes . ..'4Ismbeni ahoiM kudll Mtlvltias, avail ^ t iiM ^ iMi lOKbK.Bniani b o w n West deder- ^ brliig the guts .for children at Mm sefvice wonU Us paid for :1ba MtEnafleld Training School, FROM oraKSAL PO«T Both tidal vijB C o iilr d l by tbs Community Ofotor. Ok 1T-_ U P ^ and wrapping ihatarlal for use J , A '. r .Bsathor Banquet 1^ A U H E D WtelIIW(NU> A 109 .VATR3AN d r y (AP) — H i« councU. Pops Paul will lammul- latter. T O J The A banquet taonoriiig tbs Cov­ WhM itty frienil Robert ds C? Q683 • i r^toat draft of Oia Vatteiui Bcu- 8*^*® It a« a 'daerM In a public Paper CoUeottoa entry Panthers Midget Foot­ 0 965 Nexon stepped tOfmn recenUy ♦ AJ4 _ m«Mcal OouncS*a atatoment on saaaion Dec. 7. Dee. 11 hae been set for the ( j O V P l l l W ball team and its cfoMrleadsn from Us p ^ a# pnsident of Andover paper drive o f the Senior Girl ___ m FAffr MrthcootWI urges “furtlwr dm- ^ ^ ^ TO PAY will be.hekl at 4 p.m. Saturday the European B r i ^ it 863 « 7 5 4 Mtit >*..,«»<> ^ Bkmary prelates-aa pertaapa the Scout troop. :hi case of bad at the employee’ cafeteria; of was possibiei to stop thinldng of AJ2 <:;94 gei^atudy' cf oonfracepgon, moat important in ttm schema To w n C r ie r weather, the collection will be Tow n C r ie r the Mansfield State Training Mm aa an official and therefore J42 OAKQIO coim ril aourCea repoitod today, attempts to IntematlonaUze and NO PAYMENTS postponed until the next Sat­ ,.1762 873 The archery group aponaored RepubBoan Dtauier School and Hoopltal In Mans­ the natural oiemy of ah bridge Tile draft waa distributed to update the V^oan agency con- me. urday. People wishing to con­ field Depot. Tiokets ate avail- v'layero. Instead, .ws could re­ A 3 the council today. The sOurcea troUlng the Church’s worKtwkle hy the recreation commiaalon tribute newspapers and m a ^ Reservations must be made flo im i UnM M w di 1966 held ita first Indoor tournament by tomorrow for the turkey din­ able from Mirs. Robert Flint, sume thinking of Mm ah the AKQ72 •said the fliriher study of contra- nfiaalonary pirognun. It calla for sines should place them at mb Mm. Donald Sewell, Mts. Her­ bridge Player ths(t he.was for 5 K 1075 ception waa In a footnote, partiripatton field mlaslon- 445 HARTFORD RD. MANCHESTER, CONN. o f the Mdnter Suhday aftemoon end of their driveways. ner to be held T^le8day at 6:30 jpt Rham high school gym. p.m. by the Coventry Repub­ bert Cunningham, Mrs. Ray­ many yeans. "* 0 None r- nM sources aald the teset left aries, lay specialists and women Toun' Committee « KQ1095 JTwenty young people took part lican Town Committee in the mond Victor or Mrs. Leo T. Opening lead Two of aiCHAELCAINE .the queatkm of the Roman Cath- hi the curia agency called Prop- The Andover Democratic Leary. dlamimds. ’•St North Eut 8onA olio Church’s future attitude agenda Fide, the Office for the t Jn the 7-to 10-year- a 49,^ and Johnny Parker bers, or by contacting Mrs. F. Club will meet from 1 to 4 pun. he made the cua-bid of four BURNSIDE alblc. change apd making dear ^*>4 derisive share” In Propa- Regietrar of Voters Beatrice 1 6:30-8:30 | 7:00-9:10 -- third with 39. Pauline Little. The public Is In­ Saturday at the home o f Mr. dlamofidii to sboil^ a gsane-go- tta* post Church teaching Banda Fide for missionary blsh- Kowalski, reported that there the first twelve triols. At ttie i In fte 10-to 18*year-old com* vited. and Mrs. Robert Simmons, ing hand in any miit bitt dia­ agSinst oonbrdceptlon — while ®P®- are now 913 voters eligible for monds. His partner, Pierre Al- end be gave up the king of jpetltlon, Oregojy Sears shot a The program will feature dis­ Twin Hill Dr., for a Christmas ...... ■------...... - BttQ valid — la not necessarily ------the Dec. 14 constitutional refer­ cussion of the pros and cons of party. barran, countered with a cue- heaxte to West, scoring slam, (he final word. , for first plaea Randy Fors endum. The committee passed a game, and rubber. < the proposed new State Consti­ New Church Members bid of Ms own since he had The sources said the Insertion , for second, and Cindy Fora resolution urging people to in­ Dally Quesfion Enjoy tfiiio BOLTON Subway Chief' 5 tution. An auction will follow a New members received into good support for any suit Soutti of the footnote on contraception ff9, for third! In the I3-to 17- form themselves on the pro­ As dealer, you bold: Spades, question and answer period. the Second Congregational fancied. The end result was a LAKE H O TEL''Pi^y was the major change made In jyear-old claas, Russell Fora, posed changes and to vote. K-Q-J-2; Hearts, K-I9-7-5i Dia­ Raps Lindsay Town committee membens are Church are Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ rafiier r i ^ slam in spades. the council’s schema on modem ^r. shot a perfect score of 120 The committee accepted the monds, None; CMbe, K-<)-10-9-5. to win first place, Gene Fora to bring in items for the auc- neth Borgmann, Mr. and Mrs. The normal play for the dam Nile Hsh Oinnor world problems when a drafting resignation of Jamee Foran with tlon. What do you eayf Role in Talks jKored 113, and Jimmy Rlch- Donald Hetzel, Mra. Cypha Is to lead a heart to dummy’s commission revised It Into ite tegret. A vacancy now exists Answer: Bid one club. Bid the Smls, shooting for the first time, CHft Table Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. Robert queen, draw trumps, and then Specioit" ovorio^ng final form during the past 10 NEW YORK (AP)—Michael J, ( the Mother’s d u b rriH be held Mshop PMMp Hannan of New Quill broke off contract nego- area. Kindergarten classes In the ADN, the East German news mond, lead a heart to dummy’s Peace Prize winner, and Mrs. next Wednesday at the home of # DANCING FRIDAY ond SATURDAY p Orleans, Ija., had hoped to get a tiatiems with the CJlty Transit Second Congregational Church agency, said the bikes were queen and ruffed dummy’s third Malcolm Peabody, mother of V ia . Anthony Ttemann, New — "Pizzas and Grinders To G o" — text countenancing nuclear Authority and said he did so be­ Manchester Evening Herald basement this week are Mrs. worth about one million East diamond. Then he overtook the the former governor of Massa­ jBostaa Rd. RESERVATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN FOB stockpiling as a defensive deter­ cause a telegram from Lindsay Andover correspondent, Law- Ernest G. LeDoyt and Mrs. German marks, or |76,000 on king of spades with dummy’s chusetts, are among those no rent. Starting at 8 pjn., the pro- Philip Madore. In charge of CHRISTMAS A NEW YEAR’S PARTIES. PHONE 643-9731 had accused TWU negotiators of TCOoe Bloe, teL 742-6796. the free money market In the ace and drew all of the trumps longer tinder criminal charges. Both efforts were defeated In -jpam^^^^or the evening will in- cleaning the classroom Satur­ ’’not bargaining In good faith.” West. ADN said It was the most with the ten and nine of spades. The remaining 29 cases In­ council votes last month, but the Wude Christmas games and an day will be Mrs. Paul Kings­ Lindsay had said in the tele­ expensive solidarity gift East De .Nexon threw away two volve attempts to integrate conservatives and Archbishop isnohange of gifts between mem- bury and Mrs. August Kramer. NEW Bolton Lake Hotel gram that he would step ip and Germany has given ttie Viet­ hearts on the ten and nine of churches and county Jail dam­ Hannan had hoped their views ben. RafredunentewlUbeeerv- Disturbed Child Volunteer mothers assisting do all in Ms power to aid in namese so far. spades and ran the clubs to take age. ROUTE 44-A— BOLTON, CONN. would still be considered by the with the classes of the South reaching a settlement “ when It drafting commission. m Subject of Talk Coventry Cooperative Nursery Is evident that both parties are and Kindergarten In Kingsbury Prior to the revision of the prepared to engage in good-faith s About 126 attended a meeting House thU week are Mm Fred- schema, Its , passage on birth collective bargaining.”

4 »s y l v a n i a ’ 129 So be sure and visit tMs beautiful stand. Join the Unswitchables.\ Dipole antenna. And many more.. . . T.YJ OflCH IM Uw t «Mrt OfUlMl. And ^ t but not least odds and ends are available PARIS ^ d they are o f course on the white elephant table. Get the filter cigarette! So BOW we end this little rhyme and Invite yon . ' w^thetetta^ Te the fair for a wonderful ttme. i PIH _Fjrfln d ^ rtaffetrwfdfl hy Bi^^r Chef Systems. Indlanapons ‘ PJS. Just a little reminder__ \ worth^flghtingfor.\ Don’t forget to ordw your grinder! hossam Tureyton has a white outer tip \ CALL 649-1466 or 644-0396 massarl . . , and an inner section of charcoal.! Ai—moAnmAw Homo of tho Vl/orldfi Gro^tost 150 H8mburgor! Together; they actually Improve! the.flav^ of Tareyton’s fme tobaccol' N O R M A N 'S IS OPEN NIGHTS TIL 9 ,v ,- .

■ ■} ■ •H'.II J’ "ii .' t-.i -P- ‘^4- ■'-‘A ‘ 'V ■'!. ,'a.. -ii ti ’

KW, ‘ i! i ■'■m: ■ " F^'^V' MANCUE^TUB EVENING HERALi>; M ANCH ESll^ CONN^ THURSDAY, ‘I9 i» 1 ---■ I — ■------rv '■ ■■ , r-,, ■;■ ,.,; r '’ T r --/■ ■ - |iv „ t ^ -r-'n---iW'T-ifni1* (iiniiiii| \ CX)NN.,miUBSDAY, PECEMBM|:i^;^v “TT ■ y ''R tir ^ • tnrigtot li«m T to city vtudoaU to countiy achooki M to* «ra B 1 to « M LBJ Fprecasto * i » ! ? M verm..Hie nleotmen E t m i % ilit 7 to 9 p.m. Prosperity but J voteed dlHpproval of the pMh ' IHU te- A rrive, ri. V''’ ■* ...... B f,v «r (o u s raaaoTM. cluda , .John Three times nine equals 27, sad that’s hew many Dorullqr 19. Byrne* Selectmen Note Cfutnges Tile dog warden reportod 20 Morlno,. Rogisr Tihw, Tsifj' Fal- No Joflation new voters were added' to New Group Awaited Today Dorothy Fnngrals InveBtigations In October. cetta. ' Mika lAifhHplil and W e ^ h M n i ^ S t t e s f 9 ^ Obs) BolMlag CommiMioa the town rolls last night T W U S i l R B Byrnes, Al, of 20 K ii« (Oonthmed. tram P a g« o n e ). Brneat Stokes. AtraM Por- M IAM I, Fla. (A P ) — A sro- Rosario woro a red v^vet (iboBtiBiiegffklBtilili^ frafrom n rtignBo m Onaal m t) ■ (IGaBtlBiMA'IMmb Bliga 0|W) ■UJ-*' ». I C l . A s 3 E H Use Regulations The public building commis­ . Three Indloatea Republi­ MANCHBSTiaR < "Widow at HK>mtU9 J. Bymee, M n . Thumde Burgeea Dempray ia "v e ty racaptlva to cheron w ill rapw a at tha board ood .planeload of ro(ug«M in a drese. " I got K three yeera ago, Johnson said “ they provide rea- sion (PBC) met briefly last can, Damocrat or unafflUat- yesterday afternoon at ' ti ),«• T in * SelectisMii ftlchard Mannise said ttwt the Bolton of educktloo. when I first hoped to leave O i^ W AFTTNO —• Largely, attend­ 'Oonable standards fo r responsl- (OoBttaned troni VUge O w )' night to approve a contract for ed, and nine ia the number dally U.8.-41tMuic*d air ahutil* Best HarUotd Hbepital. ed funeral servtcea for Mrs. M on tgom ery AnnU ton .fora ha raaltoli a atotamitoMot he •Jfrrtfe tdd feUcw selectmen at Delry field wlll .be used mostly Cheering the .male teaehera and join Alfredo. -hie behavior by labor and busi­ m orion ahd etnaS aim s ttafa needs mpof >to the the pole building to be erected by much each o f these rolls from Cuba waa awaited today , Bom In Roolcyllle, she had Margaret MttcheU ‘ B u r^ j^ of » meeting ia«t night tho,t suck­ for practice this summer. He to victory , will be Ifisi Mary TIm Alfredo referred to Is Al­ ness.” He said they are de­ ty or inppceiit aeparatoly from next to the town garage by was Inonased. even ea aome otf the fln t arriv­ roY im lived there bU h w Ufe. 373 Deming St., were held yes­ Chief prosecutor R. CSorence m o n ^ at a dtotrlot heodsuor- le«deg;vi.oC taotiiRouaqa to.Jpgtify also stated that a member otf Ann Aronson, Mrs. Rose Fow-' fredo Dias of 2944 W. Arthnage, signed to help "acMeve full em­ the oail. er* will s6on be required to f Agway, Inc. Officials say thiO equal re­ als embarked on a new life in S m K i n M E S . ‘Burvlvoni include'three‘soils, terday afternoon at the Holmes each other.” WOUema aaksil-the jury for a » _ i_ r e - * * in — the conservation commission ler. Miss Donna Korvelle, Mlaa ChicagD. ployment . while avoiding a At HeirtfoM ^'WfP«ybday resldenU to u m the Andover PBC Chairman Douglaa Che­ sult ia a town firs t the North. > i3olm Byrnes ^ EUlington, Fred Funeral Home, 400 Msdn St, He »Ud that whether the Kh oouStwest of SaigM. They wor^ aaW a field would not be, need­ Susan Mercler and Mrs. .Nancy " I bad promised the Virgin of Wrapp^ Fratr . wage^rice spiral.” Dompsoy aal«-" that M-tot this' ney was authorized to sign the None of the 27 can vote Ten boun alter 75 rafugeee ** •®yiiiaB o< West Hartford and Manchester. The Rev. Baiiie R. dump. He tieo added that the ed In Herrick Mmnorlal Park. Landolphl. Santa Barbara (a saint revered Mux Klah or the Southern. the ji 5 ^ 2 *»®***" ■ « * « * o ' ^.8. : owmoiif; M torapAl.'has contract after checking on fire Dec. 14 at the special elec­ from the Communist-ruled is­ ^BVnudc i^m es of Wethersfield; Custer of North Methodist Without stating so directly, Andover fivrt leleetman had in- Morra said that the town could The Bulldogs will open their by Cuban Roman Catholics) ARTHiW DRUi daughten. Mm. BJvorett he made it clear he wants both Christian XjSader^p^ Confer- its discretion. Army htitoopters and gwem- been, n»6|de ,hy .^fcNellls inaurance with the Insurance tion on the constitution and land landed Wednesday, a fami­ Church officiated. 'William formed him Uuft, tiu dump will vote for any facility it wanted official season at East Granby that I would wear red if I could o f dyraouse, N.T., Mm. businessmen and labor union of- tor^a ppadal MjSKeUis advisory comminsalon and on a eminent domain propoeals. ly group of six donned donated Parks was the soloist and Jamee enioe were livohred "is ho con- WiManto oonMnded that be oloeed two daye a week. in the park. next Tuesday. The first home go to the UnKed Statee.” The PUof of Southington, flcials to heed them. pttif rapqrtM be ,hM. made the rock clause in the contract with Only votera enrolled by Nov. overooate and boarded a plane MOKay was the organist burial ^ r n ^ mtuo as judge hr youri ~ Morra reported further on a game will be with Cheney Tech paitronesa ie Identified with that and Mhv. Oeofge Gregus and repeat yer$a^> . Bolton uses'the AndOver dump the town counsel. 1 can 'vote. to join relatives in EUzabeth, was in Waiting cemetevy. Johnson, Whose relations with right-of-way situation on prop­ Dec. 10. color. M Juror- not even know cwiflrmed enemy toaaea. on Shoddy M ill Rd. at a coet The 32 byt 52-foot building N.J. Others preparod to leave Mxs. Thomas EMel, ix>th of business haVe become some­ erty o f Willard Orenon at the The first to be resettled from Bearers were JosejA R. El­ Johnson aiso aa{d t’U ia not BiwWster was Wruck In the Oth«r South VIetoamew 18AOK VIET of ,D3J100 a year. Morra also will be used to house road for other points. BOLTON Bochville; nine grandchildren thing of a question mark since comer of Brandy S t and Mancheater Evening Herald Miami were Emilio Diaz Quin­ more, Henry Johnson, Bene­ necessary to establish the de- back by a riugrtiMrnlgbt of July “ '*‘**>6 operating hi the North HARTFORD tA>)i.i%fpreei- notod that the, motion to allow equipment $1 Produce* B25 and two greaf-grandddklren. administration efforts to hold School Rd. A driveway permit Bolton correspondent, Cleme- The airlift ia expected to tero, 81, a retired funeral home dict Kupchunos, George Lewis, fendants did WII Mrs. tiuzzo.” 16 when « baU Of guhfin spat- l^Ui ParaUel demllltar- dents oil ^ .ptomitodduc /junior Boeton to continue using the The PBC will hold a regular bring 9 Cubane weekly and Fiuswral Bervices will be held down prices and interest rates, was Issued Nov. 19 for Grenon weU Young, tel. 648-8M1. WASHINOTON—The flscai- owner of Batabano, Cuba; his CIDER MILL Carl Benson and Thomas Mor- The judge told the jurofa It is tered the car he was driving ***** ^ Oosig Chamber t f Itoung dump passed by only two votes meeting Monday at 8. Saturday at 2 pjm. at the Burke dealt directly with one cause of Engaged to build a driveway on about continue Indefinitely. eon, his granddaughter and her larty. their duty "to see « fair verdict about flve inUes west o f Annls- wodnesday while suffering only D e itto c i^ abd. tto|nibli- Ih Andover’s annual town meat- 1966 timber cut in the National U. S. Rt. S and 44A Funerail Home, 76 Prospect S t some friction — the recent alu­ Tlie engagement 6 ( Miss Joy 800 feet of what was once Faculty Sports FIREBIEN PLEAD GUILTY Rosario Gonzalek, 19, looked husband, and two great grand­ The Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Is rendered In this case.” He ton. He died three ffeys later. ■^casualflea, the spokesmen cans issued a j o ^ dtatetiitet to­ Ifll this fpa. PoresU was worth $161 million forward to joining her husband minum. price situation. Elizabeth Steiner of Maneheo-; Shoddy Mill Rd. but which Bolton High School teachers, MEMPHIS, Tenn. (A P ) — daughters. They went to Eliza- E. S. Silverstein, Prop. pastor of Union Congregational also said they “ cannot be The prosecution's cose hinged . ■ day support^ a flnh>w^cy in The question of how to dis­ and generated more than $4 bil­ In Chicago, whom she married After the government threat­ might properly be called School abetted by a member of the Two volunteer firemen who In- bsth. CbuMh, will officiate. Buried swayed by sympathy, prejudice th® tesrtihiony of Jimmie G. U.8. troope sow Utue action, ter to Qpl. Peter A. P^ckl of tribute etlcke^ .was discussed by proxy three months ago in Hospital Notes ened last month to sell 300,000 Rd. Ext. board of education, will tackle vestigatore said admitted set­ lion for the nation’s economy. Awaiting them, Diaz Quintero will be in Grove Hill Cemetery. or passion.” Knight, 28, a former friend of Marines oniducted numerous North Carolina has been an­ smi’B'admiiifiiih'atotoi.^^’'- by the selectmen, who reached Havana. But she wfept intermit, Keg and Spigot Sales * tons of aluminum from the fed­ The town counusel had ad­ the Bolton High Bulldogs in the ting two house fires because For each $1 otf timber cut, it is said, would be two of his daugh­ Friends may cell at the fu- nounced by her parents, Mr. aikJ Robert' E. Jbi^e'. 'liehd'dC the no conclusion. However, the tently because she had to leave Visiting bourn are 2 to 8 p.m. eral stockpile, producers can­ The courtroom Was packed. vised Morra, who didn’t want to first unofficial basketball game they liked to fight them, have estimated that $25 worth otf ters, Ester Diaz de Rodriguez Vi rieral home tomorrow from 2 JayceciO "and'ap(riM«dafi8a‘''^^ the ettoken'ere not ready yet. her parents in Cuba. Gals, and Gals. In all areas excepting mater­ celed announced price increases. The Justice IJ^^ulment," “** »»»r tly Mis. John Steiner of 219 Busti issue the permit, that it was up of the se8Mon tomorrow at 8 pleaded guilty to arson charges. and Am elia Diaz. % 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. three o^anizaitfl>ifc’,''VMtl#'a cam­ The dump will be closed Mon­ business — in wages, transpor­ " I hope to see Alfredo in a nity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. Something similar happened la­ headed by Asst. A t t y ^ m J o lm ® ^ **^ **‘ wounded. ^ Hill Rd. to the property owners beyond p.m. in the high school gym. Jimmy Franklin Owens, 23, "W e aiso plan to see five sons a ______Dear, who heads the depart- t*etlfiod that be had “ * * * "y*P®*=**'* Viet Oong in a paign to datHOri66,d09 sf^iiiltures days and Thuradaya but Morra tation, manufacturing, whole­ day or two, for the first time 0pm & Operating and 8:30 to 8 p.m. and private ter in copper. Dear, who heads the depart Her fiance Is the son of Mrs. the Grenon property to prove The game, the second student- and WlUie L. BerryhlU, 22, were I have li^^ in New Yorit Mrs. Anrilla Ward ment’s civil rirhte division endl applied “Pi*™ for«w a 120,000szu.uw reward.rewaru. ;------“ “ on petitions iavoririg this' stand did not say when this would take saling and retailing— is created rooms where they are 10 a.m. Discussing aluminum, John­ Grace- Pailtdei of 563 WoOd- that the road was a right otf faculty contest to be held, wiU sentenced Wednesday to three- since he went into exile three a t y ,” he added. “ I lo<* for- thru Christinas and Mm. Anrilla Ward, 76, of ed 2Vi days of tesdmony Stoner told the jury the state ? ^ ^ ’^ * * * * * ° * ^ reported. No has been launicheil. '■* " effect. The dump is now open by the time the timber Is used. years ago.” she said. "W e ore to 8 p.m. Visitors are requested son said: brldge St. and Albert Paiickl of way. not up to the town to pro­ be played for the benefit of the year terms at the coimty penal ■ward to life In exile without Wednesday and the defense took ^ W* < ^ «»t casualties ware re- weekdays and Saturdays from The cut provided employment forth Woodstock, Ndl., mother not to smoke in patients’ rooms. "Another vital example of Hartford. tect them. scholarship fund of the Bolton farm. going to live in Chicago and for­ fear. The only fear I had was N ew Y ear's Uif U oyd E. Hoy, 36 Scott Dr., only 1V4 hours to present its He sato Knight bad lied 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays for nearly a million people. get about communism.” No more than two visitors at government - Industry coopera­ Miss S t ^ e r is a 1968 grad­ Selectmen discussed briefly B'ving under communism.” .died Tuesday at Laconia, N M . case *n hope of getting the reward "POkesmen reported fS/» >from 9 a.m. to noon. one time per paBont. tion came in the area of excess uate of Manchester High School. Stocks in Brief what impact a new Oathollc Survivom also include two (Morra reported he had met n aluminum stockpiles. The alu­ In final argumerite. the gov- suspected Viet CkMig coastal po­ She is employed at Phoenix Mu­ High school in Rockville would daughtem, a brother, several Patieats Today: 270 NEW Y O R lC 'C A P) - i.‘-profit with Ijawrence Converse'e minum industry and the gov­ emment said testimcHiy from its J w e e s . larceny sitions by 7th Fleet destroyers tual Insurance Co., Hartford. have on the town school sye- ; sistem end a grandchild. ADMirraSD YESTERDAY: taking spread os tlw stock mar­ lawyer and the town consulting ernment agreed on a plan to eli­ key witness — Gary Thomas * Wednesday. The ships trained qpl. Palicki is a 1963 grad­ tem. The new school is sched­ Funeral services will be held engineer on the drainage situa­ Mrs. Dorothy Aubin, 49 Flor­ minate our excess surplus in an Rowe Jr. — was backed "by their five-inch guns at three ar­ uate of Manchester High School; ket moved lower uled to open In 1969. ; tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. at orderly manner.” living people, laboratory walys- He joined the U.S. Marine early this aftOnidon. Trading tion on Oonverse’a lots on Birch ence at, Rockville; Cindy Back­ eas along the northern coast They also reviewed figures ' M!cKay’s Funeral Home, North Then he added that "the cop­ ia and pdiysical evidence!” Corps soon after graduation was active. ''A'-. .Mountain Ext. Drainage will be us, Wapplng: William Borst, and one in the Mekong Delta presented them from the Con­ O pen every night till Woodstock. Burial will be in per Industry and the govern­ Ehg^gem ent and is stationed at Camp Le- The estol^fa^ in fitted to the satisfaction of the 713 N. Main St.; Eliaobeth Rowe, who said he had been south of Saigon. Fire and explo­ necticut State Register and Zjower Woodstock. ment also worked out an agree­ jeune. He recently returned the 'fiirst half 'houif ' daiP'biere 'Selectmen, he said. Eliminatimi Clark, 38 Hillside St.; Mrs. asked by the FBI to infiltrate sions indicated possible scores Manual, showing Bolton’s bond­ ment to release copper from the from Viet Nam. was no organised ''ten of a Our compilation of Currently Attractive nick, 42!M Bluefleld Dr; Emile close Christmas Eve.” The dropped a point; Radio Ootp. a John F. TMemey Funeral Home, Brittain of 173 Spruce St. 1964. global tour that has figured in Bouteloup, 49 Westwood St.; EXTENDED DRINK BAN charge-shoplifting. traction. 219 W. Center St., with a sol­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The Stocks is included in our December 1st William Griffin, 90 Henry St.; emn high Mass of requiem at Federal Aviation Agency has Apprentice Seaman James W. Mrs. Marie Ransom, 376 Bum- Market Pulse. Here in convenient form i the Church of the Assumption extended its drinking restric­ Norris of the U.S. Navy, son of ham St.; Mrs. Phoebe Mc­ at 9. Burial will be in St. James’ tions to helicopter airlines, in Mr. and Mrs. James Norris of is a list of stocks our Research Depart­ Cemetery. Clelland, 81 Lake St.; Mrs. 213 Hilliard St., has returned E effect saying it wonts no whir­ Elizabeth Osborne, Wapplng; Friends may call at the fu- ling passengers on the whlrly- to the Great Lakes (111.) Train­ ment considers good investments at this Jeffrey Dupont, 169 Love Lane; birds. ing Center where he has been Mrs. Nancy Allen, 20 Knox Effective Dec. 31, helicopter assigned to Elngineman School time. A copy of Market Pulse is avail­ St.; Mrs. Myrtle 'Whipple, airlines will not be allowed to for 12 Weeks. He is a 1964 able at the PCB ofRce nearest you— no Personal Notices 340 Hackmatack St.; Mrs. serve drinks to persons who ap­ graduate of Manchester Hig'h Lana OollinB, 178 Parker pear to be intoxicated nor per­ School. He worked for one year obligation, of course. St.; Mrs. Helen Dickinson, East mit on board any who seem to in the cashier’s department of Card Of Thanks Hartford; Harry Jensen, 46 We wish to thank all of our neigfi- be intoxicated. Passengers also Aetna Life Insurance Co., Hart­ . bore, friends and relative* for the Vemwood Dr., Vernon; Mrs. can’t bring on board their own ford, before enlisting in the ser- many acts of kindness and sym- Dora DeCaaperis, Wapplng; C _.pa«hy shown us In our recent be­ refreshments. Alcoholic bever­ ■vlce in Seprtember. reavement We esiteclally thank all Mrs. Alice Pagand, 83 Essex St.; ages not served by the airline those who sent the beauUful floral Mrs. Brenda Seeklns, Tolland; tributes, food, and contributed to are prohibited. The Zlpwer Oub will sponsor the Book of Remembrance at St Lisa Donnelly, south 'Windsor; The same rules already apply a setback party Saturday at Mary's Church, ateo the American Mrs. Shirley Petrello and ‘ Legion. IHlworth-Oomell 102. to trunk and regional fixed wing 8 p.m. at the clubhouse on PUTNAM. COFFIN &BURR Vtit Femily of Joseph Bensoo daughter, Glastonbury. airlines. Brainard PI. 71 EAST CENTER ST.— 643-2151 Chapman Court, Order of Amaranth, ■will have its annual wmmmm mmt toum. AMvmeAM asid » o« ton mrocn nftrtnriwii meeting and Election of officers tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Gustav An­ ChoksL&t Wjuatbu Qn. Joivn, derson and a committee of men will serve refreshments. O ffi­ S'. cers are reminded to wear col­ GOOD E A T IN G !, with these ored gowns. Manchester YW CA will spxm- GIVE YOURSELF WEEKEND sor a duplicate bridge game to­ morrow at 8 p.m. in the base­ A GREATER SAVINGS! ment rooms at 39 School St. SPECIALS Registrations will be at 7:45. The event is open to the public. NEW W H O LE BEEF T(he V FW will sponsor a sea­ food night for 'menobers and Use whole as a roast, guests tomorrow from 6:30 p.m. or Jwe’U cut into steaks to mldhlght at the post home. .'■’aW TENDERLOINS lb FOR THE The -VFW, its Ladies Auxil­ HOLIDAYS : • OUR OWJi ‘‘HOME STYLE” PURE PORK iary and its Stein qiub ways and means committee will meet ■"■i t o h l ^ at * .*rt'the‘ postfhtone SAUSAGE MEAT Lb. to romplet*’ plana 'for the 6 h il-, FANCY ft. ■) dreiits ChHstaas Party v^ich II is s^eduled io r 11 . V BEAUTY IS MORE Sweet Life" BACON ------» THAN SKIN DEEP , . l b , , , Toy chpral grqup ,of the Jun- .. >'{r> i6r Centiiiy Club will meet to­ night at 8:30-at the home of 2 U. S. Choice GROUND CHUCK or Mrs. Gerald Comp>asso, 428 W, T/oat yourself to a relaxing facial, MEAT LOAF MIX , b 75c 2 , b. *1.49 Middle scalp massage, hair and scalp condi> King David Lodge, lOOF, tioning traatment along with your will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. hairdo. Large, Sweet, Juicy at Odd Fellows Hall and then TANGERINES proceed to their card party, See Burtons Fun Selection of Christmas Pretties which is co-^x>nsored with Sun­ ... for your warm reception V..Y ■ w “ Sweet U fe ” 9 oz. pkg. 39c doz. set Rebekah Lodge, at 8 p.m. You'll roally nhver know how beautiful at the hall. ,we look forward to serving you you look and-foel,until you have visited a. Bonded wool slacks in checks or c. Little girls* waistbatider checked 2 FRENCH FRIES Fancy, Washed laid wool, elastic back. Blue, green. wo

/ '■

' v T .'.yT ' v,‘^T>s’;r i , ; f s j i y ; ~ ■^iy.' m-

MAKCHES^EB fcVENlNG MANCHESTER, CGim^ iWA ‘ EV *1N I N O M tofeA I OUNN^ THURSDAY. DECEAlBUil 2. fStt...... ■......

i f creaslngly important to stress tliat any tgJitod' $y be could in turn delay submission Dsen of BaiblR ^1) Ad. td be Amerieaii^ Legion ftetnwtXea^e the real reason why Christmas discussed by vote of the application until April. alternate to Cm soaing board t «tm r a n l' is such a big celebiAtion." oil witltnub: 23to enrnp flrtipaslvs plan studies o f appeato. '' up-which brouglit 73 waihinga '■ jffl O: Jtoled OK tbii vranld tlMK probably not get Plans 2 Parties Sponsors Sighs "Keep Christ in Christmas.” 4. Ooncurred with Egan’s n - and M afiNats:'' . - L Oratty concluded, ‘‘and do your OtflAaabfb :m(a4d fbe .undanngr the fail of 1968. quest that ttw eouacil consid­ F in StoUen No. 3 to almost 'rtie American Legion has MaiKheatai's Holy Family ;jfor Air z.xo»|x. UiHl-b(k iMit'’Oit ttto l M i (^ M ra B v a u said that the ^ J .’? ® Math Workshop part to provide a more mean­ er at Its next meeting whether completed; •I made final plans for its annual Layman's Rotraat League will ingful celehratlim at Christ’s a fOMot TOto^liMeb wa4 Bi^iXedcue requests of proved.4 thing .was ,tM a'^uibU a poalUve and im- It wants to appoint a (dUaena ^ ^ acquired a Television caiUdren’s Christmas Party and place large, lumineacent "K m p Birthday." Set at School Ailditor (ben peaeSd over nptU tha end mediate Tote foe this appropri- com ^e to tove^ta throe-year oW plck-^ truck l:M I »ao>i»-iM» h »t ii (10) Wanted its New Year's Eve Ball. Christ in Christmas" posters in Participating parish chair­ Debated partldi^Uon to federal the eUte civil defense C 8) 8“ m c « Commander riaad^ I (80) Sports Camera The town coimoil sFoted leat of the www>4(«r- atloo. ec. 7 at 8 p.m. at the Nathan Church of the Aseumptlon; WINDOW SHADES ftom the town’s cdnUiigendy wun(tt ^ lr p * * d tba laUon of the town charter.’’ a motton of Rayitt(md HaUowell tion was urged by Dickenson, Mrs. Shiriey Little from the U- Tgfic ( 8 4 0 ^ ) Shindig tte Legion »> «"«• Hale School, designed for par- week. Several merchants, Thomas J. Chara, Bt. Bartholo­ Children up to 10 years (4d will fund for the first of a serlss of town bid O’Neill to table the items to the neset' Action on spsctfloetions for brary board of directors. SopOTman (10-3840) DenierBoone (C) whose locations are exposed to mew's; and Jost|di Calerwlnskl, The charter. Madden ocmtln* Dahala. Ueoac* I (84) By-Line receive a ^ t from Santa CUus. ^ interested per- W A S H A ILE aerial survey mapa which Will said that be eMttutas the MDC ued,“hai"Ji^tsJ‘ toI^efeu^d ttowi meeting. The c o ^ wflJ new a id s ^ k s ' wns propoeed „ What's New ( S-18) GUilgan s Island heavy traffic, both pedestrian S t Bridget’s. ( 8-30^) Donna Reed .An orchestra will provide music ' and vehicular each day, have propoeal will aave M to 38 per to requin the ap p o ln tm ^ ^ in the interim with the ^ c ^ llm a n Cawaugh, then •:00 m W h lrlrt^ (34) The Fourth Eistate INTERSTATi eventually cover the entire town. ? in l«a.Ty FUm for caroling. Refreshments will chief speaker of the eve- offered their store windows for cent over any proposal a private the w u ^ r in ^vem ber of phoning and aonlng comento- withdrawn later ^ him-when ^ ( 8-13) My Three Sona (C) Ih e council also heard a num­ (10-2840) Laredo (C) be served. Children must be t)e Mise Elisabeth these displays. BARED BOIL BOLD AQUA SHADES firm might make. each odd numbered year; The ■‘o». who pwpoaed the com- he learned Jhat the FHends ( 8-3040) O.K. Crackerby (C) registered with the steward by mathematics consultant ber of reporte and made sonie . S f e l X »:00 ( 8-3040) Bewitched SHOPPEVC John J. O a tty Jr., president TOKYO (AP) — The Prefec­ The appropriation reduced the council was poatponing the ap- prchanslve {dan study. U onsoo^ be approved and „ ( M ) News, Sports. Weather Dec. 8 in order to receive a gift. State Department of Made to Ordef appointments. R took no notion (40) Cheyenne (34) College Sport of Week of the Manchester Retreat ture of Yamanashl is selling Mt. c o n t in ^ fund t iw $46,000 ^pointment t o ^ toldffle of D ^ Th* compnhsnslvs plan WM c lu ^ in an existing sidewalk 7. Named councU Mrs. (18) ^becriptlm TV The post’s annual Now Year's Education, who will discuss the WMi Your BoUera on three pending matters; Ap- •;1S ( 8) Peter Jetmlass^News DAYS League chaptef, in addressing Fuji’s soli and lava rocks for to 8 8 0 ^ Bnrenkel^d . debated at the last coupcll meet- ordinance later on. The ordl- Murray to aerve on the citlsena (88) Clubbouae ( 3) Movie Eve Dance Is scheduled for Dec. philosophy and purposes of the pointmeht of a town auditor,’ 9:30 (104140) Mona McCIuskey volunteers from all four Catho- souvenirs. The soil is sold In Full Line of Onttom amouni OtioM be mtifideat to "I was a member of the com- *«»’ rome coming up for nvtolon .Wewalk committee formed by 8:10 ( 8) Laramie (C) (C) 31. Dancing will be from 9 p.m. "C'*' mathematics curriculum uppm^pirlatlon of |10,000‘ for a the boeud of education. (1048^) Huntley-Brlnkley ( 8-3040) Peyton Place TIU CHRISTMAS bags at 28 cents each. Opposi­ meet the town’s needs for the mission which drew up tha bulk n^et^r the lu t (Cl 10:00 ( 8-30-40) Long, Hot Summer to 3 a.m. to the music of A rt which *•is being introduced into ______tion has come from the Cultural VENniAN ILINDS comprehenslrs end ap­ H ie council last also 8. And heard reports.from (M ) Wbad'a New r«st of tilt flecal year. of this charter," he aaid. ’T do (10-33-30) Dean Martin (C) Loughrey’s Orchestra. A con- Manchester elementary schools, teachers will continue the orlen- B lrtM ay of CTirist. "During a Property Protection Committee, proval of specifications for new commlseton propoeed was too did the following: town manager Sprenkel that: (18) In Public Interest 11:00 ( 34-10-1840-38-8040) News. O’Nein bad origlnaUy asked ***** *•** chamr UghUy.” ‘ aO) Civil Air Patrol Sports. Weather tinous buffet will be featured. Following this discussion, the tation, concentrating on the sub- period when everyone Is del- The argument; A mass stealing sldewaHts. , ^ ' expensive. Tlje town will pay 1. Tabled action on the ap­ The value of new construc­ 8) Walter Cronkite (18) Vintage Theater E. A JOHNSON that tea areas be man>ed this Mayor ‘Throwe said later S13) Newsbeat 0 )ffee and pastry will be served audience will be Invited to visit Jeot material Uught in their uged in a of material of M t Fuji’s rocks and soil may Althpiigh itime of the three $10,000, and the federal govern­ pointment of seven memben tion in town topped $700,000 in 11:15 (10-30) Tonleht Show (C) year, and had requested $25,000 tost, although the charter doss 8:48 (80) Peter Jenningn—News (1C) ABC Nightlife at 2:30 a.m. Tickets, which are individual classrooms where the own classes. pre-occupations, it becomes hv- occur. PAINT 00. pending ttemA waif kihudlit to ment the remainder. Criticism o f the sewer commission. November, with more than T:00 ( S) Ltttlest Hoho (40) Sports Fnal for the project Mayor James H. require that the auditor be ap- a vote, much of the meeting was was also aimed at the scope of 2. ‘Tabled the appointment of $400,000 for Indiutrlal and com­ (884040) News, Sports, U:80 ( 3) Movie (C) 788 Mhln S tc-T eL SAI-lilOl ’Throws said tlvat he dtocuased pointed in November, it also eat bee* (13) Movie turned^ ever to dlacusslon of the proposed study. Proponents a constable. mercial development; (84) n D ish ; Fact and Fancy 11:35 (40) Merv Griffin the proposal with O’Neill earH- provides that a previous office- them. argued that the town had to 3. Unanimously voted John As a result of complaints of (80) Mr. District Attorney ( 8) Movie er, and suggested that the num- holder continue in bis post until (18) Subscription TV 11:30 ( 32) Tonight Show (C) The aerial survey mapa were move quickly, or it woiHd not be ber o f maps be reduced to ate, replacement to appointed fme sAitnuvAk’B i t w e e k f o b coBnofTl; l i s t i n o reiiuested by Town Engineer to Bi^ve money. Asked b y coun- ‘T think we might not be so n S t WiUikhi o t fe lll in a report Sub­ cllman John J. Egan Jr. if the flagrant as has been pointed ^ mitted to a previoiu council year. six maps would be sufficient, out,” he said meeting. The $16,000 will pay Although no action was taken O’NelU aaid they would be "a Later yet, councilman Cava- for most at the cost of a series last night, the council was real etart,’’ providing that a naugh expressed dismay that -n«asiiv hv three Radio Hy PAlW of six ma^e that w ill cover continuing program of yearly the council was ‘‘rushing over (T V s Usliag Inehides ^ WONDERFUL 11:00 News, Sports. Weather Throws and cmmcil membere other,” he said. hbme. ChDose from informal Aadqned 6:00 News Pine, clcgest Heitlaam Solid C h ^ , 6 IS Dial 13 11:30 Art Johnson town to ^ its own planning for Daniel P. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Bar­ tion of the community develop­ ETHAN ALLEN 8:00 News WPOP—1410 propoeed isanltary sewers in the He asked that the town coun­ ment division of the State De­ graciotit S«Ud Mahogany, space- 6:45 Lowell Thomas 5:00 George Brower bara C. Murray, Howard E. sel rule whether the council ______e a r l y AMERICAN •aring, itoragc-ituldng Ontom kaem 7:00 The World Tonisht 7:00 Ken Griffin Rt. S area, instead at having, a velopment Commission, at a Fitts snd Blgsn. ‘The motion to Plan uniti, and traditi^ C e le ^ in 7:15 Frank Gifford 13:00 Stan Douglas Roberf Presents consultant do them. This might WM s e t^ a precedent by de- meeting ‘Tuesday night 2 Mr. — 7 :»i Harry Reasoner appropriate the funds snd ngged Soiad Iftfie and Bildk 8m it save the town as much as $5,000 »PPO‘“toient. awl Among their points: ’.OO News NO MAN’S LAND waive the bid requirement was today. S:15 Dial 13 in consult!^ services'for each ^ t T o^ Manager Sprenkel j. Both the State Develop- 10:06 Comment SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — made by Fitts. (0:40 Dial 13 area covered, he said; each map Winum unorm toe council in advance nient Commission and the fed- Oiiiatmaa ahoppera thia Satur­ The area’s newest “Modern Beauty Salon” and invites costs $2,700. ’ X appointments eral government will check toe STORK HOURS day will find themaelvea in a no­ as a member o f toe public, ask- were coming up. c^st and toe scope o f toe pro- for a new roof? The mapping service will be man's land when the San Fran­ ed at toe begiiming of toe Monday and Tuesday Open till 6 PJML his many friends and customers to join him on Sunday, Special Christmat gift plan for provided by the Metropolitan The comprehensive plan was posed study to make sure they cisco Women for Peace march meeting that toe councU appro- Open Thursday and Friday Evenings latest hearing aids. Including District (tommission (MDC). A not listed as an agenda item are reasonable and consistent GET THE CASH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES FOR out to battle war toys. prlate toe funds for toe map­ when toe council meeting be­ Closed Wednesdays private firm will take the aerial The planning and zoning com­ The organization’s toy com­ December 5th — 2-7 P.M. — upon the opening of his cyeglau models. ping project. gan last night Alter three AMOUNT YOU MONTHLY REPAYMENT TERMS photos, and the MDC will con­ mission has already recom­ mittee will bombard San Fran­ The board tabled action on townspeople asked permission 1 RECEIVE IZpsynwnts 24 paymenb 36payments | Cosmetics vert them into mape showing mended it be undertaken. cisco shopping centers with lit­ the appointment o f an auditor to discuss it, Sprenkel ex­ new exciting Salon at 71 Tolland Turnpike, Route 83, BONOTONE the contour of the land and the 2. The development commis­ 1 $ 600 $ 53 $28 . $19.67 1 erature u i^ n g the patronizing after Mayor Throwe reported plained that it was not includ­ sion will review at regular in­ rrs of four stores that ban war toys, location of buildings, streets, 1 1.200 106 56 39.33 1 OF HARTFORD that be and two other council ed because the council was tervals toe work while it is in a department store that refuses Manchester. public utilities and other fea­ members, Egan and Umberto waiting for a report from too 1 1,800 159 84 59.60 1 18 ASYLUM ST. tures in such detail that the progress. to advertise them and a toy to Interview candidates for toe planning and zoning commis­ 3. Federal grants for various Liggeffs engineering department will be LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED manufacturer who has refused TEL. 247-4070 to Interview condidatea for toe sion. projects w ill not be issued un- to go to war with his products. able to design storm or sani­ post soon. ' Egan asserted that toe item less'toe town has an up-to-date At The Parkade ‘‘Civilization demands civil­ Batterlea, Accessoriea end tary sewers or other public Repairs for all aids. Early in toe meeting, John J. should have been carried over comprehensive plan. THE CONIMECTICUT BANK MANCHESTER ized toys,’ ’ Julia Rosenthal told works projects without addi­ Free 'Tests — Free Home Madden of 11 Belden Rd. asked front the previous meetii^ to 4. Although there is still time a news conference Tuesday. tional filed Surveys lor each. AND TRUST COMPANY 20 UNION STREET—ROCKVILLE, CONN. Demonstrations — No from toe floor if an auditor was last night’s agenda, and so be to apply for federal fimds in "Toys are tools for learning.’’ Manchedter 643-0890—Rockville 875^2534 Obligation — Budget Terma > Because the town will con­ to be appointed last night In­ up fo r public disoiiasion; Town toe first quarter of next year, 15 No. Main Street 893 Main st. tract with the M ix; to have the formed that no appointment (Counsel Frank Aheam said delay in action by the town Manehester Parkade

WORLD PAMOUS in RADIOS LESS THAN ORIGINAL COST! • We bought up Internationoi Telephone and Telegraph's complete stock of consumer iftidioe to bring you this outstanding buyl • Engineered with famous ITT precision for the finest performance on the market! . • Backed by o 90 day free replacement guaranteel MEN'S COnON SUEDE • Each radio Includes a quality leather carrying case, earphone and batteries at the low, low pricel

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Compare at 17.99 BONDED ORLON & CREPE FASHIONS 20 " CONVniTIBLB BikS lwyz| W gltb*prose siade);ssiwwmie Oowbl* JNd)vBla1>U cfirom* hcmdlgbpriy 19“ boorlng conitructien. Tlrei with liulyl tub*!. Bright rod A hr^. Compere oB 14.99 lIP-rRONT WESTiRH 0rleto®'**®j|5* Corny avi at S.W cort. 11 j® High holiday fothlecw at Rugged cotton suede with bucket vary ipocial (}rond-Way hood, full Sherpa lining for he-man yrimtl Hurry fci today ^ r m t h in coldest woather. 36-46. for your bolt buyl Green, martini. ITT SUPER SENSITIVE Sizat 8 to 16 ITT FM/AM m 8 TRANSISTOR Compare at 29.9S 9 TRANSISTOR 9 t r a n s is t o r AM PORTABLE . Jf^ADMIR) PORTABU RADIO PORTABU RADIO RADIO f

GIRLS’ NEW COTTON SUKDE WESTERN BAtfa wa aJ a ^ 8 8 SUCK SETS Hondsfjrnel Orion® acrylic pile eol- lor and lining with leather W m on pockets. 36-46. Green, martini Net illuttrotad. '' 17.89 Compare at 24.00

Coaiyaro at 3.88 Now oxtra sonsBivo pertabtO 'looks bol> High poworod porformonco in a noat •or, sounds boHor, it boltorl 3 gong tu­ Poworful porformonco at this Incrodlblo Lovaly knit tops coor- now compact modoll Pohixo pushbutton ning condoflioir plus hmod NF atogo pulls pricol Stroomiinod now dosign with 8 dinotod »(ith cotton cor­ band soloctor, fxpandoblo antonno. su> ^ A M IleA L 19-INCH FOIITABU TV In cRstant s t a t i c with loud, door sound. ^ndslors^ 1 thormittor, supor hotore- duroy ilo c k f. For fun, por hotorodyno dreutt wHh 9 trantistors, dyno dreuR, 2ti* apeakor. Dynamic Icng Iswstt grim sror for a aiallly M M M ONoa ploy ond casuol waar. Supor hotorodyno circuit wM i 9 tronsla- 5 diodos, a thormidor, and 291* tpoakorl dlstanco puUlng powor, mognifioont ♦ y ********* ^ «2-*anrol ritigOsii. S I A B B Not oyory styla in avary tei^ 5 diodos,. ! thfrmlstari highdow 5 9 c e Z m e l ' «*“ rob. 9eHf4n •atswsHs J • iza. Sizai 3-6 x, 7-14 tone centrob 241* dynamic apoalw. to f^ ^ peeked in handsome satin- villM.llOXo' ' '' ' GRAND WAY NOW OPEN TILL 10 P.M. FOR YOUR SjHOPPING CONVENIENCE GRAND WAY NOW OPltl TUI 10 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONViNIENCE /

.t ! _ t L ■■■ r.,-,

■ ■ _ , J ; ' ‘ :X-' illiXN 1 Hitt % V ibiiilXNti imKALJJ, , COMN., mUKciDA Y,, % 1966 . ■ ■ ■■ ''* 7 4 ^# MANCHESTER EVENING HEBJ^lfAN CN ESTER, €QNN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1965 . . AIa-. '1 downgrade type of passenger operation : >, ' the last two managements of the rail­ road, the one private, the other that at Conriectii^ that it would not bo offenalvo candidates. A strotig antl-BltcIh Evrn^ fnrdit to .Um right .wt|Mf but woiUd go Uw bankrutpey trustees, have special­ statement now would rip this ter'oMtagh to'voM u y forinal FUBUBHCD BY TBB ised in. Bemoeretk! strategy to ahreda. A g i m u e h t 1 ^ party rMolutlon. INI PubiWwra NtwtpeiMr • • u-’g __ — Ji ch«it«r. Oomi. ^ In contrast, then, to what the repre­ • Tha niteon tho eottaervativea Syndtoeu a spBctaeuhr new pietunMi$" S^K :pse8» sentative of the trustee management Bjr A«H.O. •will fight tooth-andHnail agaliut *BAWKS* OFTEN BAOLBS _ PnbllaMra said in Washington yesterday, to the (ObattaiMd:tnm Psgis 6) ;a tomuil raMlutlon la that it B^aDB(led October 1. U tt icattered potdwti- n m - .might cut off 'oontrfbutioiu WASHINGTON (AP) — The m u effect that the proposed new United partners In Research Services, Interior Depariment ia worried PabHahed Brerjr BrenlnK lUeopt Sundaya Aircraft train was “simply demonstra­ pathy and Bffialty ter John Ino., an outfit that does re* tioM right wine fat-«ata. The ^ Holidays. Entered at the-Poat OfHce at ' reason Bltka himself is not ea, about the scarcity of eagles. ICancbeater, Conn., aa Second Claaa Uidl tion—not a solution,” there are those of Lupton’s right wing ,|^p«faUon searchtfor Goldwater and a few B s s m j|t- Now colors are brighter and clearer, oven under daylight viewing monthly fleabite of a small percentage em science. conditions. 25,000 volts of picture power for super-bright clarity, the one man one vote principle ^ proidmate the finished trees ^^^,tMij;^ve6;of.krs. Maycock’s Thylor St. h o ^ THE FUR TRIMMED outstanding detail and contrast. Increase in the statistical cost of living laid down by the United States awalti^ toelr formal tatroductlort to UW'.b^aaj^ will be Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 amount to ? Supreme Court and presumably pm . at,, the church. (Herald photo ' PILE-LINED world famous HANDCRAFTED TV chasais and ZENITH’S SUPER GOLD That part of the picture outlines the Where Will The War End? being enforced by the District Increasing economic danger in which w« Federal Judges. STORM COAT VIDEO GUARD TUNER live. The bubble swells, the balloon It Is only since April that Mr. Stewart The proposed Connecticut re­ the alliea" regarding nuclear HANDCRAFTED, 100% weapons. HANDWIRED TV chassis. ascends, and It is taking everybody up and Mr. Cabot Lodge could have ven­ apportionment strays from that A-Bombs on N it^ .Blanes tured to list the opportunities for talks standard — so much so that , The White House said the next Tharo are no printed cIrcuKa, together so that everybody is coming ‘day that “President Joh-'ro-' is, with a no production ahortcuti. ^ out at least a little ahead of yesterday. offered by Washington and rejected by some of the proposed new dis­ Every Zenith TV chattit Hanoi. Before then the revelation that tricts have twice the popula­ U sele^ W ithont U,S» OK and as vice president was, fully connection la 100% hand santatiomU prica NEWI SHORTER PICTURE wired for,the utm oit In TV That leaves it up to somebody special, the United States Government had tion of some others—becau.se O’PTAWA (AP) — Canadian same,^- arrangements, apply to specific arra.ioe- TUBE permit! naw film dependeblllty. to somebody supposedly clear-headed Ignored North Vietnamese peace feelers the two political parties In Con­ .-officials said today the U. S. West V;Genn^y,- ^ . Ndther- *”®ots made by the Defense De- cabinet alylingl Tha new enough not to be caught up in the fe­ ZanKh 25* nlnaty-dagraa 125 GOLD CONTACTS foa- would have been so completely in ac­ necticut agreed between them­ .(finuclear bombs on planes of oth- lands^‘l^elglurti ^ o ^ er . North Partment vrith our NATO-al- color picture tube la tured in Zenith’s Exclusive ver, to be the one to move toward cau­ cordance with expectation as to be selves to devise a reapportion­ .,^er Atlantic alliance nations are AtlMtlc , Tfeaty t Organization hes.” It added that all nuclear shorter than 21* round Super Gold Video Guard tion, timidity, conservatism, and some scarcely newsworthy; most of all in ment plan which gave top qMiothingi more than tin cans until countries t>M»t have bilateral warheads available to NATO color pietura tubas,'thus Tuning System for ultra sen­ making possible tha new sitive reception, longer TV effort to control our ^inflationary im­ September last year, when such an epi­ priority not to the proposition ,.iU. S. teams arm them on in- nuclear agreements with the forces in Europe are under U. 3, sllmmsr, trimmer decora­ life and greater picture sta­ pulses. sode is said to have happened. At that s im W m of making every single Con­ cetructions from the U. S. Presi- United States. control —*—• and--- cannot . .be used - with- tor stylsd cabinetry. bility. It’s tha world’s finest! time it seemed to be taken for granted necticut voter equal in power TWi. A— 1 Ihe specific authority of the That someone should, of course, be , They - said - American auw*, Heavy wool, reprocessed wool-nylon- ZENITH PIONEERED COLOR TV PERFORMANCE ADVANCES that the Oommunist-s were anxious for to every other Connecticut vot­ They ^ d nuclear bombs are warheads of up to 60 kilotons — President o , • Patented Zenith Color Demodulator Circuitry— "Th a Electronic the President, and he and his economio Pbotographed By Joaeph Batemto nyon blend in black-and-white diagonal a conference, to which, however, their er, but to the proposition of toslung under a certain number of equivalent to 60,000 tons of TNT „ Secretary of Defense Robert weave... collared in black dyed Brain" of Color TV • Zenith Developed Picture Tuba Deflection advisers and potential controllers “ aggression” did not entitle them. Mr. THANK-YOU-MA’AM: Foster Street, Wspping giving each of the two Con­ ...Canadian and West German _ have been stored since last h>ld a meeting of System • Zenith Automatic Color Clarifier • Zenith Automatic Color should be able to move with the assur­ NATO defense ministers In Par­ Mouton processed Iamb... acrylic pile Laval Circuitry • Zenith Automatic Color Cut-Off Circuitry * Exdu- McNamara’s statement last week that necticut political parties its fair ii'Fl04 Staefighter--- ■■—Jets —in West ;---- year year ai at me the ZiweioruecKen Zwelbruecken and tivo Pull-Push Color Laval Control ance of some intelligent support from he believed in ’’unconditional discus­ chance at controlling the new is Saturday that there are now lined, oozy quilt-Uned sleeves. M:Gennany .When the planes are Baden-Soellingen Canadian Misses’ sizes 8 to 18. ZENITH / The qt/allty goaa In Oafora tiM ntuno goat onP Congress. sions” in 1964 has certainly come as a legislature. on what is known as “quick ac- bases in West Germany. 6,000 U. S. nuclear warheads In And official efforts to damp down surprise. Right up to March US officials Herald The Connecticut reapportion­ warheads are firmly In Europe and their number is our economic ascension should recrive reacted with marked testiness to those Inside ment plan was thui made a “ The bombs ate useless until the custody and control of being increased continuously. hmIshM hfmmtntafwItkiatliimmtsB/mt the- imderstanding and support of ail who urged negotiations; Saigon and By Rowland Evans Jr. plan for parties rather than for '"'they are armed with various American personnel and can be Yesterdays people. The federal Judge.s, the rest of us too. For we have reach­ Washington, for whom the war had been ■''becret mechanical and electron- used only on the authority of U. RUNAWAY GIRL HOME when, they smiled upon it, must going badly, had first (we were given to Robert D. Novak ’ 'ic devices which can be opera- S. personnel, the officials said. BNGENO, Calif. (AP) — Mary ed another of those periods in which understand) to recover their fortunes 25 Years Ago have been so reUeved to have Wilson, 16, who ran away to just a little bit more of a good thing Report "^ted only by the U. S. custody New uneasiness about U. S. sufficiently to negotiate from strength. Henry McCann, supervisor at the parties producing anything work In a Bangkok, Thailand, can blast It all in our faces. Each addi­ that they were willing to over­ S'team and the U. S. ftuclear offl- nuclear warheads in Europe orphanage, is home again. That was one of the purposes of th* WASHINGTON — Working Ray Bliss to make his unchar­ the WT*A Toy Center, announc­ I was touched off ^ a WasWn^ wiison s am vai at nome tional bit of additional profit for con­ Increased American commitment (in­ quietly in the background, style extremism (coupled with es that all toys collected from look what the plan for the par­ Miss Wilson’s arrival at home cerns already operating at record acteristic ideological attack on attacks on left wing extrem­ ties happened to do to the peo­ ’ the P ^es are ton dispatch in. the New York Wednesday night was almost as cluding the bombing of the North) under­ right wing Republicans are "radical organizations” early now until Oiristmas will be re­ guarted by armed U. S. sentries Times Nov. 21 whh* said that as her departure 12 days profits is now a danger signal; those taken in February. The other main pur­ trying to sink the anti-John ism). paired and given to the children ple. Anyway, there the thln-T last month. Morton now says his resolu­ Is, written into the new Ckmsti- ' .In pens” behind closed doors, the warheads have been earlier. wage Increases which may seem doubly pose, we were told, was to check the Birch Society resolution before at 'the party to be held In the ^”they said. The pilots stay near mounted secretly on planes and Justifiable, both from the point of view ' it’s even floated at the high- Their reasoning is politically tion may not be necessary at tution, ready to be cemented Mary and her mother, Mrs. movement of men and arms from North subtle. With Bliss (who speaks Toy Center on the afternoon of ’the planes but not in them. missiles of West Germany and of business profits and from the point Into South Vietnam. For a time there level Republican Coordinating the Coordinating Committee Dec. 24. into the state’s future if the George Wilson, left Loe Ang;eles for the entire Republican meeting. He adds, however, that voters say so on Dec. 14. ■The planes do not take off un- other NATO allies, International Airport almost THE DATE-TIMER of view of consumer prices, are never­ was euphoria. On April 7 President John­ Committee here Dec. 13. I»rty) committed against ’’ex­ if a demand develops, he’ll go Manchester Committee <4 the It so happened that In the less war starts, whether the The dispatch said Immediately after arriving theless bits of plastic bomb being in­ son did feel able to offer ’’unconditional Accordingly, in prospect is tremism.” a formal Coordinat­ along. British War Relief Society votes bombs are.armed or unarmed; times the President and other aboard a Pan American alr- talks” (although it was clear from his another bitter battle between course of the bi-partlsan nego­ WITH GLITTER serted into the welfare of us all. ing Committee resolution be­ But there is quite another to purchase a mobile field kitch­ tiations to create a reappor­ ' the officials said. The alert Is to top U. S. policjunakers have liner. After receiving letters Anybody and anything that can hold speech that unconditional meant without the Ilberal-to-moderate Repub­ comes superfluous. viewpoint t^mong other mem­ en capable of »^lng 200 prevent the planes being de- “been largely unaware conditions from the other side). We are licans and the conservative tionment plan which would be us down, pin us about where we are for Even Sen. Thruston B. Mor­ bers of the Coordinating Com­ people aa a gift of the people of kind to parties first and give ’stroyed on the ground specific arrangements made by followed her daughter to Bang- AND GLAMOUR soon hearing how well the civilian Prime Goldwaterites over the same Is­ Manchester, Conn., to the resi­ Pn C‘ The Canadian sources said the Department a while, will be %olng us all, business, sue that split the convention in ton of Kentucky, highly-re­ mittee, including progressive Minister, Dr. Quat, was stabilizing the spected chairman of the Senate Govs. Robert Smiley of Idaho, dents of Manchester,^ England. wage earner, and consumer, a favor be­ political situation in Saigon. There might San Francisco In 1964. prople second the two parties yond calculation, saving us from our Republican Campaign Commit­ George Romney of Michigan, found themselves In a snafu of be some reverses during the monsoon Whether Goldwater himself tee, is now neutral about hav­ and the Eastern liberals. They 10 Years Ago giddy selves, and creating a sounder period, but in a few months the tide knows it, his closest political computers which could only be ing the Coordinating Commit­ insist on a formal party denun­ Santa Claus turns switch bath- resolved by giving the Republi­ chance that we can keep the good for­ should have turned. friends are quietly passing this tee pass an anti-Blrch resolu­ ciation of the Birch Society 5.97 cans a slight artificial, built-in tune we now possess. word: tion. Ing Main St. In the glow of Some of Washington’s American and with more vehemence today Christmas lights, provided advantage in any close election comparable value 8.99 foreign critics did not believe all this; Since almost all the top Ironically, it was Morton who than at last year’s National party-brass have come out in­ through the cooperation of the day contest for control of the not for the first time they proved right, struck the first blow against Convention. Chamber of Commerce and the new State Senate. and official Washington proved wrong! dividually against the John The background of Bliss’s Dazzle shift for party-ing. Rayon and Why Subsidize Deterioration? the Society to come from any ■ Main St. business and profes­ No system of reapportion­ The Celypso Model n p s a o Dr. Quat was too good a man to last; Birch Society (and most par­ top party figure since the dis­ anti-extremism statement in Mylar* polyester in jewel tones . . , ticularly its leader, Robert sional men. ment which aimed first and A terrifle value. 4-speed Changer. Light- Representatives of the bankruptcy most people outside Vietnam have now astrous Goldwater defeat last Albuquerque early last month foremost at giving the voter.s with bonded lining for lasting shape. smight tone arm. Dual needle cartridge. management of the New Haven Rail­ forgotten his premiership. Negotiations Welch), there is just no reason year. On Sept. 29, he said he offers an insight into the right Record sixe selection contraL Variable for the 28-member Coordinat­ equal power at the polls, and Belted or not, it’s beautiful! tone control.. Handsome two-tone Gray road were quick, at the Interstate Com­ seem no nearer, and infiltrators come would pu.sh an ^ti-B irch reso­ wing strategy to dispose of the On ’nils Date certainly no system of reappor­ Jr. Petite sizes 5 to 11. color or two-tone Beige color. AC only. ing Committee to deal with the lution at the Dec! 13 Coordinat­ whole issue without a party merce Commission in Washington yes­ not as single spies, but in battalions. question. tionment such as that once OPEN In 1869, John Brown—^who led terday, to charge that the proposed new It is now being suggested that a fuU ing Committee meeting. declaration. Strangely, Bliss’s being worked on by that Yale division of the North Vietnamese Army In fact. It Is now widely be­ statement was submitted in ad­ the ifhlstoric raid at Har-'ev’s high speed train modeled by United Air­ Following Morton -in almost Ferry—was hanged at Charles computer would ever. Include ALL NBW 1»e« is in action in tlie west Central High­ lieved by Republican moderates ritualistic succession, just vance to Tony Smith, Gold- craft represented “simply demonstra­ —who desperately want the Town, W. Va. any such built-in advitntage lands; at any rate the Americans are about every Republican leader water’s old press secretary. for the Republicans. So It is the tion—not a solution.” ROC to go on record against In 1942, a demonstration of a now facing far larger forces than ever —including Goldwater himself Smith and former Goldwater Republicans Who have 'most to 'fk n u n 6reat New And that, of course, is the factual before. And the fighting, too, has grown extremists—that the right wing —came out with separate speechwriter Karl Hess are now nuclear chain reaction was giv­ truth. encouraged National Chairman en on a squash.court in ChicagD, lose If the new Constitution is HOUSE progressively more terrible — for both blasts of his own at Welch- (See Page Nine) iMfliering in the atomhS age. defeated, and the Democrats dsluxg 8 trangigtor Radio Value I But the whole truth is something a sides, and for those in the way of It. who would probably gain some­ pargonal siza little wider and more inclusive. How is it going to end? The policies thing in the end from the po­ The whole truth is that only some President Johnson initiated in February tential discard of the proposed Portable Radio Imaginative proposal will ever provide a having failed, what will he turn to now? Fischetti reapportionment. That, in such Big 4 Speaker real test of the true profit and loss pos­ So far as anybody can see, simply more a situation, it should be the Re­ of the same. If the sending oi 160,000 ■J5 publicans who are the ones who ROYAL S40 sibilities of passenger railroad service m tw STUNNING ITAUAN Superb ioae qnalilyl Melded In the New England area. American troops has only made matters are disunited is, of course, pre- top cany baadlal Cbelaa of What Hew England has had from the worse, he will send 200,000, and so cisely the kind of perverse ■ 6 TO 9 P.M. Dark and Ugbt Gray cotor; upwards. ^ h a n d - k n i t Baigs and Brawn color; Rad trustee management of the New Hkven thing which delights the R«- pubUcan right wln^ minority. and WUts eoler; ar Whitoaad Is much the same thing it had from the So vast are United States ijesources Charcoal ooler. that there is, of course, virtually no SWEATERS last private management of the New ■'Come in tonight .'.. anytime from 6 to 9 .. . and Haven—a very convincing demonstra- limit to this process of expansion. Since A Thought for Today tlQiLUiat if dirty, filthy, uncomfortable the bombing has not hitherto brought ‘ the North to its knees, influential Ameri­ I Spoored by the Manchester .. hear the new HammonicI Organ rnodels played by trains are operated with deteriorating cans are now demanding that new tar­ Council of Churches equipment the amount of patronage gets be attacked there. One could be Mr. Gordon Kirkpatrick and Mr. Phil Stock. Ask from the public will decline. more confident that civilian centres Itove you ever received a 5.88 aaa MSHwatts MaxImuM As against this demonstration of a would not be hit if so many humanitarian Ohrlstmaa package that was aU them to play your favorites. Sea them demon­ Audio Output I negaUve certainty, the lay public per­ restraints had not already been sacri­ done nip m ribbon and bow, ool- cowiparobls valve 8.98 Up to 2B0 Houro on 2 Raauiw sists in certain perhaps naive supposi­ ficed to the necessity, as Washington oired paper, and a sprig of ever- strate thti hundreds of Hammond features. See FlaahUghI Ballailaal tions. sees it, of winning the war. Obviously ^ • h ? Then when you opened ' Costly looking Italinn imports The lay. public supposes that, In am American forces have the sheer power It you discovered that the per- why we’ Say "theris.'s never been a better year at asmall Robert Hall pricel era when the automobile is clogging not to be driven out; they could anni­ wn. had failed to put in ^ Our exclusive Jane Hunter* hilate the whole population of North Viet­ present and the box was empty to own a Hamhfipnd.'VCofFee and cookies on tha ^^•inohairHwion yam Iiaod*> up Its own arteries, there might pos- What a let down and disappoint! iibly be a bright new opening for mass nam. ’The question is, how far along ■knits in oacdUfan and puUow that road will Washington be pushed, , ment. You can laugh about it transportation, if ever such mass trans­ receive apologies later and all styles. Dazding white or lovely if its policies continue not to succeed? otdois. Misses’sizes 34 to 40. portation could bo made clean, attrac­ It has already gone frighteningly far _ ^ t , but you are let down Juki Modern TV tive, comfortable, and reliable. much farther than anybody could hava the same. It is like any event When the trustees of the New Ha­ conceived a year ago. The only limit jWch we experience when we ven complairi that the public, through is that set by the conscience of Presi­ fall to give the word of kind- Its governmental agencies, has been dent Johnson, his Administration, and ness, encouragement, love i r c tu n n ir SERVICE •low to make up the deficits being In­ the people he leads. Unfortunately it la •bwifth to a friend. The event the very sincerity of their conscience hwxwnes an empty package aito' 385 CENTCR ST. M3-2205 curred in operation of passenger serv­ we let our friend down. It re- ice, they should perhaps consider that that drives some of them onwards. For HAMMOND dftG A N AND PIANO STUDIO OPEN EVENINGS TO 9 PJd. there is almost no end to the horrors imnds me of some advice g i ^ . one explanation of such public hesi­ mother gave,: “Always say i UNTH. CHRISTMAS people will perpetrate when they are tancy Is a very understandable resolve word sonny, give people^ 17 OAK ST,; MANCHESTER,. SATURDAYS TO 4t30 P.M. to throw, good money Into the convinced of^their rightness. HANCjHES- l ^ o f jiour .Undnesa when y w TER (ENGLAND) GUARDIAN *»••» them.” ^ A tr i&/ IS BUSMSSS* J . Manley Bbaw, Pantiijr YES — WE HAVE OUR OWN •outh MWhoilist caving FARMINGTON SOUTH WINDSOR SERVICE DEPARTMWT BOUTB $ (BO&ir SWAMP SO/ B O t r a g ON AT ROUTE 17T (PliAlNVTl.T.F. a . BAST HARTTORD UNB •V' ■ ■■■ f W. -j.:

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER* CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1965 MANCHESTER EVENING HEliAIJD, 3lANCliESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1966 ------...... and moat parent-teacher groups botm ed. ^ said tfaM if It w «ra Roy, Stafford Springs; Mrs. Nelsop Richmond are in charge not, "Owr* « • oapKals that SouA Windyir two-paga staUmant from Ftra calls. Tlw poat ofifloa ruUi« in Vernon, ElUngton antPTM- Square Dancers Backs CIA’s Work, Bva LeVesseur, East Hartford; of door duty. Mr. and Mrs. Irv- oould malM « monstrouB miscai- Chief Philip B. Crombie at its drops that number to eight, land. Phoale Samuels,- 20 Ward S t; lag Prentice dr* rMCMtanent eulatioB.'' meeting last night After the Ihere are five piecea of fire The paneliate are Dr. Michael Frank Janton, Goose Lane, Tol­ Host Visitors chdlnneit assisted by M^. bx6S^ pMes It Sets Policy meeting. Mayor James H. apparatus available for alarms Atkina, the Rev. WilUam Bal­ Town A»ked to Intercede Renewal'■ Unit Shifts Funds land. Mrs. Jolm Rice and Mb. and Throwe aaid that he has confer- (plus a reserve tmlt) atattoned kan, Vernon school board chair­ Discharged yesterday: Arnold The Manchester Square Dance Mrs. Donkld Robbins. rad with poet office offlciaia In at the town’s tttrae flra h o u s^ Club will host a gpx)up of 60 f; man Frank De Tolla, the Rev. Bevins, 243 Regan Rd.; Mrs. A few tickets are still avail­ «uy of M ite X>Mn Ruifc aays sm gwOafis • S w ^ y ^ v e ^ School MeniiiB To Keep Firemen on Duty Manchester, who agreed to seek AH engines are supposed to To Bolster a Short Budget Ralph Kelley and Miss Marga­ Mary Blue, Sklxmer Rd., Ver­ dancers from the . Ledyard able for the club's New Year's «h« 0 m tr4 IMeUlgenca Agency out on lt,e R^Miam 'and a ruUiig from Boston. respond to a house-fire alarm; ret Parker of Children’s Serv­ non; Mrs. Judith. McCrystal and Squares of Stonington at an Eve diimer-dance. These may be is doing • good Job, M d not ***• rajeoted.’* ^ one man ■' Budg«A transfers toy the Ver- Atty. DuBeku explained that open dance tomorrow at Wad­ The South Windsor 'Voluntser the Wapplng post offioe by a “ the ***"’-*“‘*'Interim. v-iHctChief .-iromoioCrombie J* required to han^ ices. The Rev. John Lacey, son, 19 Hale S t; Mrs. Carol obtained from members of the making gownment policy. Tl»eThe proposalspropoaaia coverad a varl-vari- the Manchester Fire Department has asked department "offioMofficial trmfrom n Man- ^ t’ts^ raport. he has asked **®h trudetrude. inon Redevelopment Agency some of the preliinlnary work chairman of the steering com­ Bartlett and son, 66 Park St.; dell School. Dancing will be executive committee. includes the location of all sew­ from 8 to 11 pjn. The danCe is Rusk spake Wadnesday at a **y << “dhJeol*subJeotB ranging .from-from school •y?*®"'.system for*>r the town officials to restore two cheater, called Inin by Postmls- ****the flra dispatcher to coll him Mayor Throwe said while the r(VRA) have produced $170,000 mittee, will be moderator, A Mrs. Joan Hareld and son, wattwa’t rtgMa to avoiding war. Monday, Doc. Wapidng poet office employes tress Mrs. Shirley tittle who Hartford in any emergency, authoritlee are con- ers in the area.' question and answer period will Snipsic Lake Rd. open to area square dance club MISSILE WORft DOCBU23 concluding seaalcn of itw White .(to help toolster a shortage in “They must use dyes,’’ Atty. members. House Conference oh Interna­ ™sy were the product of three *' , 7 “ f<«^: to fire duty. was racenUy appointed to the ^ North ®*™d about protection of the When yon think ^o: one of the agency's projects follow. L06 ANGELES—The value days of meetings plus months of Hamburg patty on The two volunteers, Frank j<* formerly hdd by Robert Maiiches" “ Department i«all8, .nr,_‘Tm ------more------concerned DuBeau said, “because the Hospital Votes tional Oooperatien. then an­ accounts. 121 MILUiON IN OHVROBES Earl Johnston of Vemon will of work done in the missile swered, questicne from sotne of P**P**’ation by 29 oommlttees. * P®*<^** eWpa, corn, milk, Enes and Bradford Alpsra were Burrill. * ho about the Iom of fire protection GIFTS (for yoi (Vernon) Public Works Depart­ Adrnitted yesterday: Otto NEW TORK—’There were 212 call for square dancing. Mr. and and space-vehicle industry in ; Clarence J. McCarthy, execu­ ment doesn’t know where all the 2.000 delegatee. Rusic and Vice Praaident Hu- p ^ Md peMut butter cookie, rorouwenforbidden byny uiethe foetPoet omoeOffioe De- The postal official's ruling is "^““1“UnUl this mattei m atter re- to the town.” or others) think of tive director of the VEA, told PreusB, Ellington; Louis Brown, million church members in Mrs. Russell 'White •will assist 1963 totaled $3.9 billloi^-aixxit Mira. Little was named poat- the sewers area.” 38 Franklin St.; Mrs. Shirley America in 1963. on round dancing. Mr. and Mrs. twice the 1968 figure. Confronted wkh a wiitten ^ Humphray rapresenled to anstrar firo alarms based on his InterpretaUon of '’“•ved." Crombie says, -cue nre ,'lta memboTB last night that the Funds Voted Read Herald Advertisements statomeot ihat the OtA "seems J<>hn8on at a final reception et j...QnaMt> Costs Xo .Mor<^ at Si^aCs not; make policy and does not Wartilngton at their own ex- wlS^^wmS^sTSlaA are worried about the safe- night the depmt^rL ^ as a receiver of Americaflie' "We came xip with $170,000 the Hockanum River. initifiiM aiCtlom Unknown to the. ?>>>■«, hoping to be heeid. The e Open 6 Days 9 to 9 a by steeling from other items Erench bread, butter mtik * * ? !* '. ’*'***’ **** letters left unaccom- average 0# ten volunteers travel dollara, followed- by the VRA Chairman Lester Baum Wgh policy leaitisrs of the gov- t*^ high, officiala circulated in- W ^Ttoom^s ’ ponied in his car. arouiW South W i n d r o r ^ Z United Kingdom and then in the budget,” McCarthy said. explained that, under terms of ernmant.’* fownally (o talk to anyone who f^Friday:: BWte^fiSh sticks, aetlon follows a visit to The town council received a able to answer daytime fire » The project’s cost was orig­ France. a contract, ten per cent of the Then ha added:” ^[$tara ia a to buttonhole them, fried potatoes, cabbage-pineap­ inally estimated at $56,000. cost of the project was with­ tough baittle going on in back Ih Wa talk at the final confer^ “We are still rfxort about ple salad, bread, butter, milk, held pending completion of the allejn all over the world. » is ence luncheon. Rusk sought to mixed fruit. > $30,000,” McCarthy said. . . . river conduit. Help Dad Complete His Home Workshop with not A flew thst can. bs left en- describe U.S. policy in terms We are on a pretty tight budg- B aum explained th at work Is tirely to the odber side.'' larger than the jungle and rice GALLS TAX FAIR : et.” about complete, and that only RuatK .told the coiiferaes that The site development will field f l g h ^ to Viet Nam. He SYRACUSE, «.x. N.Y. (AP) - STOP SEARS EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 10 minor finishing, amounting to •very suggestion thsy put forth American commitment Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller says prepare redevelopment land, about $500 worth of work, re­ will KS carefuUy studied by the once demolition is completed, mains. government. N®w York States sales tax is ^ of peace In the “fair and broad based." for sale to private developers. “The project should be com­ Craftsman Bench Power Tbols ‘Tfone win be bniahed aside,'' The initial estimate, about pleted by next week,” Baum’ __ “Somebody has got to have he stUd, and promised to let The question, be said. Is the courage to say we've got to $200,000 too low, was submit­ said. conjmlttee (Aalniten know what ted earlier by Lord-Wood, the Baum later explained that ■whether en American commit- have the money If we are going TATE is done with the ideas. ment to help a small country to have the services,” he told a agency's planners at the start the remaining $15,000 will be ‘T will even be praparad,” be of their project. paid to the firm when the resist outside force would be public meeting.*' The commissioners were told agency’s engineers certify that '"that approval of. revised plans the job is satisfactorily com­ and the revised budget is ex­ pleted. pected by the end of the year. Present at last night’s meet­ Sears Efforts by the agency to de­ ing was Mayor Thomas J. Mc- You Can Count on U i.. .Fashion Costs No More at Sean molish the Market St. site of Cusker, on hand to view the Tony’s Market Square Cafe agency’s latest site plan. have been delayed by an order A feature of the plan is a f 'J of a Superior Court judge. proposed new Tolland County Atty. Robert DuBeau report­ courthouse. ed that eviction has been "ex­ Miuiy organizations, includ­ 2 tended to Dec. 31. They have to ing the board of representatives, be out by Jan. 1.” the" renewal agency, and the The agency started in June to Tolland County Bar Associa­ notify all inhabitants in the re- tion, have voiced support for devolpment area to leave. How­ locating the court within the stretch-knit ever, commissioners favor per­ redevelopment area. mitting residents and business­ Petitions supporting the re­ es to stay in their present loca­ newal site for the courthouse are 1; _ tions until the property is re­ being circulated. A num ber of Pi quired for demolition. local residents, headed by coordinates Mrs. Betty-Lou Williams ob­ ALLSTATE Safety Traction Mayor McCusker, have signed served that demolition is ex­ them. pected to start next week on for raves and savings Sears Under the present plan, the five condemned buildings, in- courthouse would be located on Nylon Snow Tires ' eluding the property on Market High St., Instead of the site of St. which housed Chic’s Restau­ the former Rockville leader rant, Pete & Frank’s Package building. i i i ^ 4I m p Store, and the Chase Building The plan also shows Market 24-Month Guoremtea Against Wear Out on West Main St, St. relocated to run where a tops or Some doubts were voiced last coin laundry on East Main St. 99 regular $3.98 night about the .start of the next is now located. bottoms phase of demolition, because of ■ Save to "the lack of cooperation’’ of the Court House Progress 6.70x15 ^ Jones D estruction Co. handling The Slate Public Works De­ the project. partment has submitted plans Tube-Type ■ ^ A tty. DtiBeau and Mrs. 'Wil­ for the proposed court house to Your Choice liam both noted that a number the judicial department for ap­ Blockwalls of unsuccessful efforts to con­ proval. They will soon be pre­ NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED tact the firm hdve been made. sented to prospective bidders. Atty. Harry Hammer, presi­ “They won’t return our calls, 8.70x1.5/7.50x14 Tubeless Blackw alls...... 1 5 .9 5 * and we haven’t been able to dent of the Tolland County Bar reach anyone,” Atty. DuBeau A.ssociation, said Wednesday that proposals have been sub 7.10x15/8.00x14 Tubeless Blackwalls ...... j ' j ’ said. mitted for each of the four pro Dump Not Required 7.60x13/8.50x14 Tubeless Blackwalls ...... lOaOS* posed sites for tlie building — One of the agency’s biggest the redevelopment area. Mile problems, providing a burning •Plus Tax No Trade-in Required Hill, Vemon Circle and Rt. 83 area for the demolition firm, ne.ar Vemon Circle. turned out last night to be no e Rugged traction slotted bars for good skid resistance in ic^ and snow. The bidders will then be asked NO MONEY DOW N problem at all. to submit specific plans to the on S.-;u’« Fa.sv Pp.xTiiPnt Plan Commenting on the start of E public works department. The the next phase of demolition, department tind the judicial de­ NO MONEY DOWN McCarthy said, "Our biggest partment to have the final say proble-.n now is the burning SEARS on Sears Easy Payment Plan on the location and the plans. Ui'KHIK’K AND CO are,a.” Atty. Hammer said the build­ “Ihe contract doesn’t men­ ing W'ill be built according to tion a burning area,” replied federal standards, and will Atty. DuBeau. "It’s their prob­ probably be an elaborate one. A lem .” survey taken among about 50 The burning of materials by mem ber of the county bar as Save $13.13! Craftsman 12-in. Band Saws Save $17.66! Craftsman Jointer-Planers ALLSTATE Companion demollishers several months ago sociation shows they favor the Save $17.98! Craftsman Drill Presses caused a political e.xplosion on redevelopment and Mile Hill i c the board of representatives. areas. • Regular separate prices total $152.13. • Regular separate prices total $156 66 • Regular separate prices total $156.98 The materials; including most Vouth Problems Panel • Blade tension adjusts automatic’dlly Traction Snow Tires of the Rockville Hotel, were Members of the Tolland Coun­ • Gives big 6',8-in. width of cut • Drills to center of a 15'/-in. circle burned at a town-owned .site on ty auxiliary of Children's Serv • Cuts to center of a 24-in, circle NOT A RECAP.. .NOT A Wind.sorville Rd. ices of Connecticut will .serve as • Fence locks flusl^, stops at 45 and 90® • 9 operating speeds; 660 to 5000-RPM. High flames, smoke imd ash­ ushers toniglit for tlie panel SECOND.. .BUT A BRAND es which re.sulted brought about meeting “Under.standing Our This band saw ,r. complete and ready to use the Designed for continuous heavy-dutv service this This precision-built drill press will do much more a petition fi-om residents within Children — the Tecna.ger and moment you buy it. Includes: 1/2 HP motor, stand, jointer-planer will give continued iccuracy with than just drill. . with accessories it routs, shapes, NEW NYLON TIRE! 6.70 X 15 Tube the Skinner Rd. area calling for Sex.” The meeting, open to par­ Type Blaokwall the closing of tlie buming aren. ents of area students in > si.xth V-belt and pullej's, motor mount and rip fence. every thickness of cut. Unit includes: Vo-HP. mo­ mortisefi, planes and dovetails. Special “ Safe-Lock” p lu s Ta.\ The burning pinblem became through twelfth grades, will Heavy-duty construction with rugged 1-pc. cover Guaranteed 18 Months a hot political i.ssuc when a ■start at 8 p.m. in the Rockville tor, motor and machine pulleys and V-belt. 421/2- key chuck lets you use routers and cutters with­ NO T R Id E-IN REQUIRED m em ber of the bo.ard of rep­ High School aduditorium. and frame. Table tilts -to 45° angle, » in. overall. Seale 1 ball bearingfi. out a collet chuck. Complete with 1/2-HP. motor. resentatives conducted a pri­ U.shcrs will be Mrs, Paul An­ 6.50x13 Tube’ess Blackwalls...... 10-95"' vate investigation of Uie burning derson, Mr.s. Jolin Ches.sari 1:1k 7.50x14/7.75x14 Tubeless Blackwalls...... l l i o S * Bite. \ Mrs. R agnar .lohn.son, Mrs, 8.00x11/8.25x14 Tubeless Blackwalls ...... I3 .ft5 * treed m n out ia thie period, The agency gave permission .lolin S. lUa.son, Mrs. Edna Par- r e b ^ it. In excheofe, we will to Cahn Engineering to begin .sell and Mrs. Jolin Waite. l 6.70x15 Tubeless Blackwalls...... l l I o S * preliminary W’ork on site devel­ The program, which grew out •Plus Tax No Trade-in Required opment. The work will include of community concern over the the preparation of maiis, ten­ rising nile of unmarried par tative plans for the location of ent.s, is sixin.sored and endorsed • utilities, and the tracing of sew- by clergy, legal and medical Save $5.99 to $14.98 on Craftsman Power Tbols Original Equipment Wheels the sewers are.” groups, several social agencies Save $6.98! Craftsminn Va-HP Most .88 Most C .88 Bench Grinder with Wheel Dresser 4 14-In. Wheels 5 Split-phase 3450-RPM motor. When You Purchase ALLSTATE Snow Tirea Two 6 X % in. grinding wheels. Tool rests and sarfety shields. Regular Separate Attention P rices T otal $50.98 Why Risk Winter Stalling... ? TOWN OF MANCHESTER RESIDENTS Save $14.98! Craftsman Wood ^ 5 ' I Rik \ Batteries Lost Only 2 Year* Sand mixed with salt for householder Lathe with Big V2-HP Motor Handles wood up to 37 in. Replace Your Battary' Now use is available at the following lo­ long, 1-ft. in diameter. Grad­ uated tool rest, i cutting speeds. Save a mint and make a girl cations: Save $19.96! Craftsman Regular Separate happy. Here^s how. Buy a 12-VOLT 4 ^ 2 ^ 5 * Prices Total $83.98 1. Autumn Street at School Street 8-in Bench Saw Outfits 'b atc h of theee easy-care, love- 36-Month Guarantee J l ly-to-wear coordinates in cot­ ton and stretch nylon knit. 2. East Center Street at Harrison Street • m \ 12-ypLT, 30-Month G uarantee...... 1 S .0 5 * Regular Separate Save $5.99! $29.99 Craftsman See stripes and more stripes, 3. Love Lane — East Side —^ Halfway Prices Total $158*.96 and even more solids I See tap- ’ ^ 12-VOLT, 24-Mdnth G uarantee...... 1 3 .9 5 * 15-inch All Metal Jig Sows ery p:ints, just the way she between Center Street and Olcott i Craftsm Power Street. Table tilts 0 to 45° in either likes ’em. Lots of different 12-VOLT, 18-Month G uarantee...... 9 .9 5 * Tilting arbor. Cuts up to 2Yz-\n. thick Large I7x direction. Cuts to center of Tool Guar|ntee collars and colors. A edme-get- - 4. Tolland Turnpike — East of th« Town's 30-ln. circle, 1% in. deep. ^ 2 4 *«m gifti 7 to 11 ^ Chevrolet 1955-62; Chiysler many 1956-64; Dodge, DeSoto 20-in. work table. Miter gauge stops 30 to 90° left 4 blades. Free service and parts Dart, Valiant 1960-64; Rambler most 1956-65; Pontiac most 1955-64- Gravel Pit. upon return, if any Renault most 1955-64; Chevy II 1963-65. ’ and right. Includes motor, grid-type ex­ part proves defective 6-VOLT, 12-Month Guarantee. Fits Chevy 1940-54, TWs sand is for snow and ice control purposes tension, V-belt, pulleys and steel stand. J — • within 1 year of sale. Plymouth 1940-54 and priced aa h»sv a s ...... 5 d l5 * —On Sidewalks and Driveways. CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge Help Yourself I FREE INSTALLATION \ *with your old battery SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE SHOPPING PARKADE ; . '------^— T— ------...... * Walter S. Fuss MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADB Open Mon. thru Sat. Satisfaction Guaranteed or ^ Director of Public Works Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back 9:30 A.M. to 10 PJtf. ^ Mancheator —- 64S-U81 Sliop at Sears and Save CT? C WMtHwtt.1. US.7U1 I y^ur Money ]&tok Sears A 1? — Middle Turnpike W est 643-1581 Free Paridng iOpaa D aily 9:30 to 1 0 1 OJCiTirvo I .ssjsrsMk ; I ■ ' ■ . ■ ^ :.„S 7 . ; ^ , V-.r,SW«iS{?JWB

" V '■ ' ■' ' <■' i'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1966 ' t ...... ; ^ - ...... Section Two THURSDAY,'DECEMBER 2, 1965 Your * .'I't' ***■'J ‘ .V',. THU]^DAY, DECEMBER 2, 1965 ^ ; p iji ■" i,.' '■■.’■■■ .

lor’s Kitchen reprinting Mrs." ; ^ w a r d sela-went Into court and gdt^iV A U D l l C ' R c C O F O ^ settlement brder from Justi^. Ask Air Conditioning ' ' " In Damage Suit Henry J. Latham, wUich led to Warranttee Deeds the Inquest for damages by Ws-"Vj Manchester Building and Tliouglit Setded tlce Nicholas M. Pette. , . Co. to WilUam L. Dun- Buckley Re-eleetefd Mrs. Kelley sold WednewMy property off Bush Hill Rd. (OonUnasd t i m Page One) she was unable to recall the Walter S. Smith Jr. and Carol P. Smith to Delbert L. Hom "I never have been notified mime of her Ineurance oompa- m « ____ about any of this,” she aald. ny.nw Courtnn»i-f papers AtA did ^not name .**•“ . LuclUe H. Hom, property By Library Board at 16 Centerfield S t “ The first I heard of It Was In an Insurance oompany. Robert B. Brombacker and the neiwspi^ien. The last Ume I William E. Buckley, chairman of the Town Library Judith Atm Brombacker to Rog­ ever received any notice was Board for the past 15 years, last night was re-elected I. er Ward Dougan and Lucia Ab­ when this woman first decided bott Dougan, property at 25 to the post for a three-year term. Others named as offi­ to sue me. That was a long time Police Arrests Oakwood S t cers at last night’s regular meeting are Russell Gran- A ago. I haven’t thought about the 'Thomas E. Toomey and Oath- niss, vice chairman, and Dr. Frederick Becker, secro­ case for years.’’ . Royal Adelbart Isham Jr., 23, H. Toomey to Richard tary. The case had lain dormant for of 128 Blldridg4 St. was picked Carter and Dennise J. Carter, Buckley, a retired head of the more than five years and at one iqj at his boms yesterday mom- pmp®rty at 63 Lyndale St. history department at Hartford time had been marked “ aban­ Ing , '’IPS Nopr 08 op.XO ^ aoppopBO ^ ■ '* * * ^ |* ’« cook over boiling water about • Tree Lights circle o f Continental owners—this very weeki one-half hour, stirring often. GOODIES EN ROUTE * Icicles Lincoln Continentals Add remaining Ingredients and NUERNBEIRG, Germ any mix. Place in buttered baking (AP) —About 1,000 pounds of • Tinsel • VIFreoths dish. Bake in 325-degree oven homemade cookies and candy * Color VYheels for three hours. May be served are on the way to American sol­ * Outdoor Lights TREASURE Women's and Teens' Plus Collor hot or cold, plain or with diers in Viet Nam with Christ­ * Tree Decorations * Colored Spray There are More Women C cream, whipped cream or ice mas greetings from the students SHOPPE cream. of the U.S, military dependents Point who prefer Tabu, Shali- Indian Meal Tapioca Pudding school in Nuernberg, * Candles SLIPPERS 2 tablespoons yeUow com An Army spokesman said • Electrical MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc. mar. Ambush, Tweed, * meal each of the school's 1,100 stu­ * Metal Tree Stands % cup pearl tapioca dents contributed at least a doz­ Equipment 801-315 CENTER ST.— MANCHESTER, CONN. Coty, Jean Nate Perfume 1 quart milk en cookies. and Much, Much More! 2 eggs, beaten Gifts at Christmas Time I % cup sugar I 8 8 - 2-3 cup molasses Phone 643-4136. teaspoon .salt , COLOR FILM and Color matched collars on textured % teaspoon cinnamon FLASH BULBS — vinyl with P.V.C. soles for com­ % teaspoon nutmeg fort and extra wear. Pink, blue, Discount Prices! white. Sizes 5 to 10. 54 teaspoon ginger BOYS&GIRLS uji.Tvnv's,. : Soak com meal one hour In ARTHUR' DRUC ’ r*HARIVlACY one-half pint cold water. Soak BIKES '8 7 3 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER tapioca in one-half cup water ■^4" or 26” LT.WOOD Mom ’s 1.97 Smart Styled, Warmly Lined LOCKER PUNT and MUT MARKET I BOYS' JACKETS LADIES' PROPORTIONED FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT American ALL OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY CUT AND DISPLAYED— Ring Bendix 80 % W ool NOT PREPACKAGED b o o t s coaster I brakes. -.97 2 0 % Dooron SLACKS ^jj^jj^^JJESjyjjEATS^RETAII^PARTM ENT :0UDA1 INSTANT 11.75 middle- to 1 2 I weight 4ires!, U.S.DJL CHOIC^EEMOMBO b o u s e : "E ? S21®® [sturdy fend- SHOULDER CLOD ROAST 1 STONE “ EARNINGS Columbia Delu.\e ' ers, saddle, Washable jackets with hoods. In wools, and corduroy: luxmious pile linings. Weightless, non-allerg^c and Famous Mills! 4 -9 7 LEAN STEW BEEF ______26” Boys’ A kick stand. moth proof. Sizes 6-18. FIVE STYLES 2.00 Girls' Bicycle LEAN HAMBURG lb $38.97 SOUP SHANKS » ™ Holiday House at 29 CHRISTMAS DIVIDEND Sizes: Petite — Medium — TaU Cottage. St. offers a new DELIVERY jAvg. Weight 35 lbs. kind of retirement living. Handy to stores, churches, :■ 'IV theater and buses. Home­ nins^r p r i z e e x t r a l e a n — f r e s h l y g r o u n d YANKEE like looms and surround­ S.O.M.B. ® to 10. PAID FROM I NOT PRE-PACKAGED ings; good food. Mary H. 2 18" TOOL BOX Wemnn's, Teens and Katherine M. Giblin, BACON Chuck Ground owners, for 33 years op­ 3 f. Electric erators of the Manchester DAY OF DEPOSIT with TOTE TRAY m Convalescent Home. Call CALF at 39 Cottage St. or phone TREASURE Men's Warmly Lined i. 649-2358 for full informa­ 7 0 S tion. Katherine M. GlbUn, At the begfinninff of January, K DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT Administrator. SHOPPE April, July and October. .99 HIGF CORN POPPER GROTE & WEIGEL — MUCKE'S — FIRST PRIZE MANCHESTER (31U K K A BOOTS FRANKFURTS and COLD CUTS PARKADE ^ : 45 VARIETIES—SUCED TO OBDEB 'A 'd Ik * Hoovy BOOTS f ? Let fill your fieeier with U.S^Jk. eheiee nkeoM— Native poultry. SAVINGS Guogo US Stool 2 .9 7 I®*®*^*^**; 5?^ limits and vegetcMes. Senre up to 20% end OPO«l TONIGHT tin 9:00 LOAN oot nke o^kliig. ______y ^ ' . y A S' S O C r ,\ T I O N I GENERAL ELECTRIC •Full PI U 8 h cuff, jy* ^ Y®®" fra*n" *neats for os little os F Tore I lOUT ______fMsujrjr£TsA vtM as Glass top. Built-in oil measure for easy load­ FAIRWAY 2.16 jxiem sTii's otusT rmsweisL * Large tote tray with socket com­ Length warmly lined. TREE LI6HT i partment , and tubular handle. Hingo ing. Removable popping boivl for easy pour- Guaranteed pwe rills dboTbu^re you bily o homeftwezer. ______1007 MAIN ST.— NEAR MAPLE ST. Plenty of room for average tool waterproof. ^ REPLACEMENT BULBSJ Scuff proof v l^ boots,, fleece lined -'M BR.VNCH OFFICE, ROUTE 31, COVENTRY set. Sizes 5 to 10. for warmth. 'Th tk foam cushion OPEN TILL 4 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SHE BEST GIVE US A TEST In all Colors, sifes and shiniteB. soles for extra wear and comfort. Sizes 6^ to 12. THURSDAY NIGHT 6 to 8 O’CLOCK ; v Buy Just the color you need...... |1 WSSaL _ REAR OF ICE PLANT * 4 3 ^ 2 4 W lliT r^ FRK MARKING SPACE Vslrways Bveiy Nlte ttU 9 inrimWiig gat.

I. 'A'

^ ■

' > !‘: v : ■■■ ■ r;yfc:;;»i^ MAly<^,iti4oit!Jt, t;oNN.. THUKbDAY, DK ^ i*JK 2^

y:^-ii-v-' ■■■-A-:-, to a .man in Lexington, Force Reserve p b ^ have a4r> tion: “ There are a lot of*, Evefits who says.rhe bought, ICIStim lilted 226,000'pounds vof Christ- Has squawks but we A m t have NNE STREET someone near Lloyd's horn#, raW gatA to IkBilytpidhdidn Viet town. . enough money * to go around. Nam, Persons 65 .ahd older who •ecritory of^itote Desn AX In Capitfd Ihe sodety says it’s snothw We’re trying to equalize the want to enroU in the voluntary Rusk: "The CXA Boee not make Instance where an animal u » ^ agony.” % » WABHlNaTON (AP) — More ihedlcal ineurance program un­ poUoy and does not Uii41«te ac­ SHOP AT Named •••I HARTFORD RD. for researdi was stolen from Ms der heelth care x n m do so by “ ffovenunent by guideline" is origlnW a v m er. tions unknown to Sie high poUcy SNOW FIRST SINCE *89 March 51 or Walt two years tor leaders of the government." expected if economic develop­ OAPITAL FCXJTNOTE8 AUCKLAND, New Zealand__ MflRohMtor ■ ■ a another bhance, The Civil Serv­ Joe Kershaw, chief of the Of­ ■The Defense Department mys In the winter of 1965 this city ments are deemed inflationaTy. ice Oommission biqies to have fice of Economic Opportunity’s W.G. Air NaitionEd Oumd and Air had Ita first snow since July I dtt, Thnothjr Kevin, son of Nelson nnd Patsy Pinkston D.S. oflflciEds don’t expect an Ite "one- edop", recruiting sys- planning and evaluati<» sec­ 1989. ^ I Ott, LoWer Butcher Rd., Ellin^on. He was bom Nov. 13 at immediate and dramatic rein­ Rockville General Hospital, His maternal grandfather Is W. Opel 10 lo 10 forcement of troops in Viet C. Pinkston, Lambert, Miss. His paternal grandfather is Nsun. GLENNEY I^niis N. Ott, Tolland. He has a brother, Barry, 11 months. SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORE A dog is cauring some bark­ ing in om dal and unofficial DiPJetro, NIoole Mickele, daughter of Nicholas and Bev- WaaUngton. ' nriy Phillips DiPletro, 32 Strant St. She was bom Nov. 17 nt Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ Use King’s Telephone Talks ents are Mr. and Mrs, Paul PhllUps, 392 Main St. Her pa­ ternal grandparents are Ral]^ and Violia DlPietro, Water- Buelneas: President Johnson tnuy. She has a brother, Paul Nicholas, 13 month.s. .talks by telephone to a confer­ • * • • « \ i ence of top business leaders and nnm tiai, Barbara Joan, daughter of William and Jean- plans a meeting with his four nine Doyon Thurston, 628 Spring St. She was bom Nov. 17 at !?— Famous principal economic advisers later in the week. MancheMer Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents ^UrAWM are Mr. and Mrs. Omer Doyon, Augusta, Maine. Her pa­ The developments stimulated ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thurston, talk of more and tougher “ gov­ Flryeburg, Maine. She has a brother, William Jr., 10; and Nationally Advertised A Small Deposit ernment by guideline" Edxiuld four sisters, Debra, 13, Blizabetli, 12, Linda, 7, and Usa, 2. spending for the Viet Nam Tgar • • t ^ » Will Hold Your tocrease inflationary pressures. Boas, Letvl Bf. IV, son of Levi M. m and Barbara Marion Officials insist, however, that McArthur Roes of 163 Oak S t He was bom Nov. 21 at Man­ mandatory controls aren’t being chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandfather is Wil­ SelectioK contemplated. liam McArthur, Augusta, Maine. His paternal grandparents 4 : : i i Should price, wage or Interest are Mr. and Mrs. Levi M. Rosa Jr.. Lisbon FaUs, Maine. He rate changes threEiten economic has two Bistera, Nancy Jo, 5, and Elizabeth Jean, 1. 3^, stability, they, say the govern­ • • • B B ment would exercise its in­ XAtnIl{q>e, Usa Marie, daughter of Norman IjCo and Lin­ fluence through such tools as da Dussault Latullppe, 170 Eldrldge S t She was bom Noy. publicity, persuasion Eind the 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal.grand­ * creation of voluntary goals and parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dussault, .359 E. Middle guidddnes. Tpke. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alms LatullKw, 780 Vernon S t More Troops • • « • B Military: TJ.S. offidds say Oastagaa, Christopher John, son of Roger W. and Diane • 4 more troops probably will be Gunther Castagna, 135 Pearl S t He was bom Nov. 10 at sent to Viet Nam, but the in­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents ^HAHOS! crease won’t be immediate or of are Mr. and Mrs. Adelberf Gunther, 57 Gardner St. His pa­ dramatic proportions. ternal g^iandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. William Castagna, •"'"'•R ev... Some 166,000 U.S. servicemen Glastonbury. He has a sister, April, 19 months. • • * • • • H orsem an now are in the Southeast Asfan 2 nEition, and there is speculation Parent, David Mathew, son of Ernest and Yvette Caron • Tonka • . the total could dim b to a s high Parent, 14 Talcott Ave., Rockville. He was bom Nov. 9 at as 300,000. Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Mta. John Caron, 73 Spruce St. His paternal grandparents f Tem ^ ^ There’s been no offidal word are Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Parent, Wapping. He has a broth­ ca that, however, and Secretary er, Ernest Jr., 15 months. of Defense Robert S. McNa^ • • • • • mara said earlier this week that he wouldn’t mdce any forecast. Dougan, Kenneth Robert, son of Paul Jr. and Jacque­ «assenfeirf line Durandl Dougan, 20 Amott Rd. He was bom Nov. 16 at 5Cey to any buildup, sources •tenner, I-- Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents say, is the development of the are John Durandi, Bradford, R.I., and Mrs. Elvina Durandl, necessary port, depot and other 58 Church St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. fEwiUUes to support the troops. Paul Worthington Dougan, 81 Westland S t He has two Construction work Is under way brothers, Kevin, 6, and Kurtls, 3. IKW on the important Cara Ranh base on the Vietnamese Moriarty, Noreen Ann, daughter of Timothy and Mar­ Everything You Need to coast and other new ports. garet Galvin Moriarty, 56 Grant Rd. She was bom Nov. 19 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmoth­ Doggy Puzzle f er is Mrs. John Galvin, County Kerry, Ireland. She has a Dog: "Teeney" is receiving brother, Timothy, 8; and a sister, Marilyn, 6. TRIM THE TREE! SAVE 20% B • B B B good oaire at the National Insti­ tutes of Healtii, oblivioue to sur­ Blake, Susan Frances, daughter of Robert and Judy Col­ rounding controversy. SHUHERETTES lins Biske, 88 Essex St. She was bom Oct. 30 at Manchester • Instant Spray Snow • Metallic Garland “ Teeney” is a wttto dog with STAITONABY Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and LOUVERS • 35 Midget Light Sets • 7 Light Indoor Set Mack spots, purchased from a Mrs. John Bowers, 88 Essex S t Her paternal grandfather On all items in stock. Pennsylvania kennel by the NIH la Edward S. Biske, 108 Summit S t ^ * if ^ YOU GIVE « • • • • * 3 Light Window Candles • Tinsel Garlands for research purposes- . . . Ideal window treatment But G. R. Lloyd of Boyce, Va. for so many rooms. Large DeLorge, James Victor H, son of James Victor and Bar­ • Unbreakable Ornaments • 30-5 Star Bows says the canine is his and has selection of sizes. Ready for bara Ann Tuxbury DeLorge, Main St, R t 30, Vernon. He finishing. been missing since August. 1. A handsomely designed 1.A choice of over 60 styles was bom Nov. 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His ma­ • Artificial Wreaths • Blown Glass Trims piece of jewelry to be worn ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Tuxbury, Main As yet,, the NIH doesn’t plan for men and women; 14K 7 " _ 1 6 » to give up "Teeney.” It calls the proudly by the most dis­ St., Vernon. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Julia DeLorge, • Plush Stockings o Stardust Tree Skirts gold, l O K gold-filled or Stain­ Reg. $1.79-88.29 Main S t, Coventiy. case a puzzle. criminating less steel • • * * • • Tree Stands • Satin Tree Ornaments Lkjyd is getting support from 2. A movement made by espe­ 2"A p rice selection from Lynch, Robert John, son of Jerry and Mary O’Sullivan the Humane Society of the Unit­ cially selected Swiss watch­ $49.75 to $500; from simply Model SR-800 •1.43-•2.63 Lynch, 50 Norman S t He was bom Oct. 18 at Manchester • Electric Color Wheels ed Stotos. The aodety says it makers to meet our exact­ tawced the dog from the kennd tailored to elaborately dia­ Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and ing standards mond-adorned The Only Rodiol Sow That Includes Mrs. Patrick O’Sullivan, 149 Cooper Hill S t His paternal • Assortment of Do-it-Yourself Styrofoam 3 . A marvelous watch in Its 3 . A Payment Plan to fit your '4 ' A v E grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Lynch Sr., Killar- own luxurious-looking box, individual needs; we've sev­ Three Independent Spindles ney. County Kerry, Ireland. He has a brother, J. Donald, 3>/4- beautifully gift-wrapped B B B B B eral plans, all most flexible MoOavanagii, Hioinas Edward, son of Harry and Mar­ V r , -i, jorie Gorman McCavanagh, W. Jan Dr., Hebron. He was Life Size bom Nov. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal t- ' %'J grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gorman, 691 Porter e l e c t r i c S t His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Magrel, 50 Homestead St. He has a sister, Sharon, 8. FIREPLACE PLUS OUR B B B B B CORK BOARD with Logs .Raafy to display' C Amico, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Giro R. and Frances 4 Goodman Amico, 438 W. Middle ’Tpke. She was bom Nov. 24 UMCONDITIOniAL 3-YEAR GUARANTEE INDOORS OR FRAMED at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ M!'! OUTDOORS BULLETIN BOARDS ents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goodman, Kew Gardens, LJ., 2.99 18"x24”xfi" N.Y. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Our 3-year guarantee covers every Amico, Kew Gardens, LJ., N.Y. She has. a brother, Anthony, Easy to assemble and «2,95 store. 3-dlmenslonal yule mishap a watch could possibly M«ndy ‘‘S*nt»’’ RREPLACE log and andiron set, real have. We repair or replace the nttdt no work. It 24'*x8e” x ti'' •Irtady pr,nt*d on LOGS Jeon, Kenneth William and Cynthia Ann. twin son and brick look. Just right for watch at absolutely no cost to the waathaiproof 'A" Santa’s appearance. thick Homaiota. 94.75 llaughter of Edward and Dorothy Sanborn Jean, Rose Lane, owner. Isn’t this something to For display on ------Made of compressed haid- lawns, porch, roofs, or Indoors—tailly Andover. They were bom Nov. 25 at Manchester Memorial give? Jastsnsd with nails or scrtwa. 5 fast wood shavings and sawdust. 8fl’’ x48"x Hospital. ’Their maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. , % high and 30 wida. Budiat pricad. Bum slowly w d evenly with William A Sanborn, 143 Chestnut St. Their paternal grand­ a hot flame. 98.65 I LIMITED QUANTITY father is Julien Jean, Augusta, Maine. They have a brother, Beg. $5.95 ^ Box of 6 1.ogs Wayne Edward, 9; and a sister. Katherine Marlon. 6H- B B B B B 09K M0ST EXCITING TOYLAND EVER! AND lOOK AT KING’S PRICES! •2.25 WHAT A WONDERFUL Decker, Glenn Lawrence, son of Lawrence I. Jr. and Ceclle Ifarinard Decker, 189 Laurel St., Wapping. He was Counter-clockwise from' right: one full carat of W A Y TO bom Nov. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal 7 FO O T I SURPRISE HIM VVTH grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marinard, Morristown, i Michaels quality diamonds, 14K RUN A N.J. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence white gold, $475; 14K gold oval, $82.50; A GLENNEY GIFT SCOTCH .O' RAILROAD! Decker Sr, 31 Edison Rd. He has a brother, Jeffrey, 3; and 14K gold, $55; 14K a sister, Deborah, 7. CERTIFICATE • • • • • PINE Baguette, $75; one-half carat Greenwood, Jessica Eileen, daughter of John C. and Ei­ of Michaels quality diamonds, HOIUI a S ^ T E leen Murphy Greenwood, Camp Meeting Rd., Rt. 85. Bolton. TREE 14K white gold, $335 She was bom Nov. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her t r a in &TRACK BOARD maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy THIS WEEK’S Jr., 276 Birch Mt. Rd. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Greenwood, Manchester. Her maternal DOOR BUSTERS great-grandmothers are Mrs. Susan Rooney, Lockwood St., Kenner's At The Yard and Mrs. Mary Murphy, Birch Mt. Rd. She has a brother.’ TRUE TEMPER John, 1% ; and a sister, Teresa Ann, 3. n EASY-BAKE OVEN ALUMINUM SNOW SHOVEL *■’'* * !* Wooden Handle 106 Pre - shaped 9.57 ThlM ihiSfG — R eg. $2.s39 FOR A DAY. WEEK... OR LONGER branches with ^ k e s real cakea with 2 ordinary •129 tapered ends. h^ht biUba. Pans, cake mixes and S t a.4i d knocks cook book are included. A deliirht for down for easy any “little mother/* * A 1966 Cor from storage. CHRISTMAS Mattel's LIG H T SlET RENT Moriarty Brothers Large selection H A M DWARI of aluminum 10 Lights STORfS trees from 18.88. 2 Reg. $1.98 f I 1 ^ ^ Charmin Chatty The sign of this PBOfesslon- ai dealer who excels in PRO- fesslonal and capable service, M off eh DOLL advice and products. Enjoy your home improvem NOW with Glenney’s Easy RevoMng Budget ★ firand new, fully equipped cars ready to go. &^ Remco Round-Hie-World Set Account (R.B.A.). As httle as $10 a month buys up to $100.00. ■k Reasonable rates. SNAP SHOT c/$ QUALITY—THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL DUFFY'S A’ Full insurance coverage. PISTOL King's Formor ★ Large discount i f your car is in our shop for DARE-DEVILS Discount Prico repaira MANCHESTER was $17.97 ' 6.96 SHOP 3.99 FRIDAYS MORIARTY BROTHERS 1.44 Hook car to turboraatlc launcher^ tlMw wonderful records In five different languages! Camera changes Into a c r a ^ aim, touch button and watch Chatty is dressed in a basic costume and has a cap-flring pistol with a 649-5253 801 CENTER STREET — TEL. 64S-5IS& It take oif! Rider, stunt man. 6 complete travel wardrobe besides. Included are c/D m TO snap of the “shutter.” barrels are all Included. ffloves, shoulder bsig, cap, wings and LEASING PLANS FOB ALL 1966 MAKES A MODELS nianc oa^f. tW M 8 : ^ P.M. 3 3 6 NORTH MAIN STREET


, ' w .' -. ■ tt KV MAiNL.,jb.otfc.K. CONN.. THURSDAY, Uli'.i; iJR 8, I M 6 ■V' ■■^^;:<^iS^lS;

to a 4aaa in Lw^igteOi ■ n 7C., Fhfce luwe . tmn In jB ^cotigd about Uon: "There are a lot of Events liltqd 2M,090'pound«;,of Christ- fM w* B ^ y Has ;#jpiaWU ^ we don’t have PINE STREET Wkriigh nieney ^ to go around. -Nam. Persons 65 and older who ^ I AT In Capital The society says M’s anotiM We’re ikjdhg tp equalize the mud to eiaoU iff; the voluntary RUak: "The C IA ;'a m rSriie inriance where an animal uSiM. agony.” SROPAT WASHINGTON (AP) — More medical Insurance program un­ piriloy and doea 'ne^ InMkuta ac- Heen Named••• HARTTORD RD. lor research was stolen from ite der health oara mnat do ao by "govenuneot by guideline” is original orwner. tiona unknown to fba high policy SNOW FIRST SINCE TO March SI a t. wait two years for leadew of the govanim «d.'’ expected if eoonomio develop­ AUCKL.AND, New Zealand__ MsDchostor ■ ■ ■ OAPITAL FOOTNOTES another cbwKe. The Civil Serv­ Joe Kersba|«; cMef of the Of­ ments are deemed InflaUbnary. The Defense Department says ice Commission hopes to have In the winter of 1965 this city fice of Economic Opportunity’s had ita llrat snow alnce July W.G. Air Notional Guard and Air . Ott, ThnotJiy KeVI^ son of . Nelson and Patsy Pinkston U.S. officials don’t expect an its "one- riop" recniiting ays- planning and avaluation aec- 1939. Ott, Ix>w«r Butcher Rd., Blllngton. He was bom Nov. 13 at Immediate and dramatic rein­ RockvlUe General Hospital. His maternal grandfather Is W. to 10 forcement of troops in Viet C. Pinkston, Lambert, Miss. His paternal grandfather is Nam. GLENNEY ^ ■ i Zrfniia N. Ott, Tolland. He has a brother, Barry, 11 months. SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORE A dog is causing some baric­ ing in official and imnfWpii^i MPtstro, Nlools BHcbele, daughter of Nicholas and Bev­ Washington. ' erly PhllUps DlPletro, 32 Strant St. She was bom Nov. 17 et Manchester Memorial Hospital! Her maternal grandpar­ Use King’s Telephone Talks ents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul PhilUps, 392 Main St. Her pa­ (!) ternal grandparents are Ralph and Vlolia DiPietro, Water- - i ^ ' , .f ,‘v' v.< Business: President Johnson Blacks. Deokap bury. She has a brother, Paul Nicholas. 13 months. ''■'tff --A .talks by telephone to a confer* ence of top business leaders and Hinrston, Barbara Joan, daughter of William and Jean- plans a meeting with his four nine Doyon Thurston, 628 Spring St. She was bom Nov. 17 at principal economic advisers FOR CHRISTMAS Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grancmarents LAYAWAY later in the week. are Mr. arid Mrs. Omer Doyon, Augusta, Maine. Her pa­ The developments sUmulated ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thurston, A Small Deposit talk of-more and tougher "gov­ Fryeburg, Maine. She has a brother, Wiliiarii Jr., 10; and ernment by guideline” should you g w e four sisters, Debra, 13, Elizabeth, 12, Linda, 7. and Lisa, 2. spendlr^ for the Viet Nam war • • t < • » Will Hold Your increase inflationary pressures. Roea. Leri. M. IV, son of Levi M. HI and Barbara Marion Officials Insist, however, that McArthur Ross ot 163 Oak St. He was bom Nov. 21 at Man­ mandatory controls aren’t being U-223H" U-140 chester Memorial HospiUI. His maternal grandfather is Wil­ Selections coritemplated. 0 liam McArthur, Augusta, Maine. His paternal grandparents Should price, wage or Interest a n d 4 * . DELUXE U-tOO VfT DRILL SANDER i f rate changes threaten economic A ectiaorlaa and A ttadi- are Mr. and Mrs. Levi M. Ross Jr., Lisbon FaUs, Maine. He DRILL manta maka Vila tool a if stability, they say the govern­ has two sisters, Nancy Jo, 5, and Elizabeth Jean, 1. DMlinnl to thi Mill gm^lkta wertabep h DMliNd wH)i thi bptta- • * « B » ment would exercise its In­ torqin drililni of ill 88 nki|~ hoiM wood^m^wr ^ 0 ^ fluence through such tools as home milntwiMce work. M mind . , . EMy pm IsttnlliHie, lis a Marie, daughter of Norman Loo and Lin­ 19 fund conVN for fkilthlng publicity, persuaalan and the m a t da Dussault Latullppe, 170 Eldrldge S t She was bom Nov. wrorfc M all m lirlo ti.. 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ rAese creation of voluntary goals and parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dussault, 369 E. Middle guidelines. Tpke. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alms LatuUppe, 780 Vernon S t f a m o u s More Troops Oaatagna, Christopher JChn, son o f Roger W. and Diane ■ ■ f MHItary: U.S. officials say you PIECES Gunther Castagna, 135 Pearl S t He was bom Nov. 10 at * more trwps probably will be sent to V iet Nam, but the in­ U-130 D-153K N-1171 Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents DRIU are Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert‘Gunther, 67 Gardner St. His pa­ crease won’t be immediate or of dramatic proportions. ACCESSORY ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Castagna, if SAW SAW RIT • Rev.) Some 166,000 U.S. servicemen Glastonbury. He has a sister, April, 19 months. w ith a Maka atralibt, eurvtd « • H on A 7V4” » w for le u than 2 seman now are in the Southeast Asian lijaiular cuts In any type Useful accessories 1 6V4* . . . Includis rip of mstarial . . , wood, for any electric Parent, David MaUiew, son of Ernest and Yvette Caron nation, and there Is speculation fanes, combination blade s 19" 14K gold oval and blada wraneb, meui Of plaafle or com- d r ill. Parent, 14 Talcott Ave., Rockville. He was bom Nov. 9 at the total could climb to as high 29' position boimU Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother as 300,000. with tapered • T ea,* -There’s been no official word la Mlu. John Caron, 73 Spruce St. His paternal grandparents ■ mesh bracelet, $130 are Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Parent, Wapplng. He has a broth­ f on that, however, and Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNa- er, Ernest Jr., 15 months. • How.- „ ' Steel mara said earlier this week that be w i^dn’t make any forecast. Dongan, Kenneth Robert, son of Paul Jr. and Jacque­ •^assenfe/tf line Durandl Dougan, 20 Amott Rd. He was bom Nov. 16 at JCey to any buildup, sources 10'INTEGRAL L. Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents t e n n e r • t./w sky, Is the development of the are John Durandi, Bradford, R.I., and Mrs. Elvina Durandl, necessary port, depot and other RADIAL ARM SAW 38 Church St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. facilities to support the troops. Paul Worthington Dougran, 81 Westland S t He has two OonstrucUon work Is under way 3450,5000 a 10,OOOIt.P.M. brothers, Kevin, 6, and Kurtls, 3. now on tile important Cam • • • » « Ranh base on the Vietnamese 0W iy J V A T C H Morlaiiy, Noreen Ann, daughter of Timothy and Mar­ Everything You Need to •Bradley,- ' coast and other new ports. nee garet Galvin Moriarty, 56 Grant Rd. She was bom Nov. 19 • ^ran;^ogram at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmoth­ Doggy Puzzle 'B u d dlyL er is Mrs. John Galvin, County Kerry, Ireland. She has a •Stelher brother, Timothy, 8; and a sister, Marilyn, 6. Dog: “Teeney” is receiving TRIM THE TREE! good care at the National Instl- SAVE 20% ^ « s of Health, oblivious to sur- Biske, Susan Frances, daughter of Robert and Judy Col­ roimding controversy. SHUTTEREnES lins Biske, 88 Essex St. She was bom Oct. 30 at Manchester • Instant Spray Snow • Metallic Garland “ Teeney” is a wWto dog with STATIONARY Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and LOUVERS • 35 Midget Light Sets • 7 Light Indoior Set black s p ^ , tnirchased from a Mrs. John Bowers, 88 Essex S t Her paternal grandfather '■»'<' . t On all itema in stock. is Edward S. Biske, 108 Sununlt St i Pennsylvania kennel by the NIH YOU GIVE • 3 Light Window Candles • Tinsel Garlands for research purposes. YOU GET . • . ideal window treatment for so many rooms. Large DeLorge, James Victor H, son o f James Victor and Bar­ But G. R. Lloyd of Boyce, V a • Unbreakable Ornalnents • 30-5 Star Bows says the canine is his and has selection of sizes. Ready for bara Ann Tuxbury DeLorge, Main St., Rt. 30, Vernon. He finishing. t b e «i missing since August. 1. A handsomely designed 1.A choice of over 60 styles was bom Nov. 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His ma­ • Artificial Wreaths • Blown Glass Trims m i m -As yet., the NIH doesn’t plan piece of jewelry to be worn for men and women; 14K 7” — 16” ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Tuxbury, Main proudly by the most dis­ St., Vernon. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Julia DeLorge • Plush Stockings • Stardust Tree Skirts to give up "Teeney.” It calls the gold, lOKgold-filled or stain­ Beg. $1.79 - $8.20 Main S t, Coventry. case a puzzle. ' criminating less steel • Tree Stands • Satin Tree Ornaments Lloyd ts getting support from 2. A movement made by espe­ H-A price selection from IdTBcIi, Robert John, son of Jerry and Mary O’Sullivan the Humane Society of the Unit­ cially selected Swiss watch­ Model SR-800 *1.43-*2.63 ed States. The society says it $49.75 to $500; from simply lynch, 50 Norman S t He was bom Oct. 18 at Manchester • Electric Color Wheels makers to meet our exact­ tailored to elaborately dia­ Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr.' and tiraceiil the dog from the kennel ing standards • Assortment of Do-it-Yourself Styrofoam I mond-adorned The Only Rodiol Sow That Includes Mrs. Patrick O’Sullivan, 149 Cooper HIU S t His paternal 3. A marvelous watch in Its 3* A Payment Plan to fit your E grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Lynch Sr., Killar- own luxurious-looking box, Three Independent Spindles t ^ t \ >• ney. County Kerry, Ireland. He has a brother, J. Donald, 3%. individual needs; we've sev­ ft .• ••, ' i \ ' beautifully gift-wrapped eral plans, all most flexible MoGsvanagh, Thomas Edward, son of Harry and Mar­ jorie Gorman McCavanagh, W. Jan Dr., Hebron. He was Life Size bom Nov. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gorman, 691 Porter ELECTRIC S t His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter iJXe Magrel, 50 Homestead St. He has a sister, Sharon, 8. FIREPLACE PLUS OUR C O R K B O A R D Amlco, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Clro R. and Frances with Logs Ready to digplayl C FRAMED Goodman Amico, 438 W. Middle Tpke. She was bom Nov. 24 UMCOniDITIONAL 3-YEAR GUARANTEE INDOORS OR I at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ OUTDOORS BULLETIN BOARDS ents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goodman, Kew Gardens, L.I., 2.99 18”*24"x fi" N.Y. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael’ ml Amico, Kew Gardens, LX, N.Y. She has a brother, Anthony, Easy to assemble and IPdCOHOmoWM THtn YEAR Our 3-year guarantee covers every *2.95 2. store. 3-dimenslonal yule WATCH OUAEAHTtl mishap a watch could possibly Handy "Santa” FIREPLACE log and andiron set, real 7^ MMwh WM ■ have. We repair or replace the naadt no work, la 24” x86” x K* atraady pr.ntad on LOGS Jeon, Kenneth William and Cynthia Ann, twin son and brick look. Just right for watch at absolutely no cost to the waathamreof Vi” Santa's appearance. thick Homaiota. *4.75 daughter of Edward and Dorothy Sanborn Jean, Rose Lane, owner. Isn’t this something to For• diaplay won i i ------Made of compressed herd- Afdover. They were bom Nov. 25 at Manchester Memorial- lawna, rarch, roofa, or Indoors-aatlly wood shavings and sawdust. 86” x48"x J4” give? aerawa. 5 faat Hospital. ’Their maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. high and 30" wida. Budgat pricad. Burn slowly and evenly with William A Sanborn, 143 Chestnut St. Their paternal grand­ a hot flame. »8.65 father is Julien Jean, Augusta, Maine. ’Tlj^y have a brother LIMITED QUANTITY Wayne Edward, 9; and a sister, Katherine Marlon, 6 ^ . Reg. $5.95 ^ Box of 6 1.ogs O U ^O S T EXCITING TOYLAMD EVEtl AND LOOK AT KING’S PRICES •2.25 WHAT A WONDERFUt Decker, Glenn Lawrence, sOn of Lawrence I. Jr. and Cecile Marinard Decker, i89 Laurel St., Wapplng. He was Counter-clockwise from' right: one full carat of WAY TO bom Nov. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hi.s maternal 7 F O O T SURPRISE HIM WTH grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marinaid, Morri.stown, Michaels quality diamonds, 14K RUN A N.J. His paternal grandparents are Mr.- and Mrs. Lawrence SCOTCH white gold, $475; 14K gold oval, $82.50; A GLENNEY GIFT Decker Sr, 31 Edison Rd. He has a brother, Jeffrey, 3; and RAILROADL a sister, Deborah, 7. 14Kgold,$55;14K PINE t C / 9 Baguette, $75; one-half carat CERTIFICATE Greenwood, Jessica Eileen, daughter of John C. and Ei­ of Michaels quality diamonds, h o m a s S t e leen Murphy Greenwood, Camp Meeting Rd., Rt. 85. Bolton. TREE 14K white gold, $335 She was bom Nov. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her t r a in &TRACK BOARD maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ’Thomas Murphy xm s WEEK’S Jr., 276 Birch Mt. Rd. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Greenwood, Manchester. Her maternal DOOR BUSTERS w.sass.’.v.M w W ; great-grandmothers are Mrs. Susan Rooney, Lockwood St Kenner's A t The Y4rd and Mrs. Mary Murphy, Birch Mt. Rd. She has a brother TRUE TEMPER John,' l% ; and a sister, Teresa Aim, 3. ’ EASY-BAKE OVEN ALUMINUM *620 SNOW SHOVEL 19 I Chatty Talks! She Says 21G Wooden Handle 106 Pre - shaped 9.57 Thiags in 5 lan g aag ^ Reg. $2.'39 branches with FOR A DAY. WEEK... OR LONGER ^ e s real cakes with 2 ordinary li *L29 .L tapered ends. light bulbs. Pans, cake mixes and Stand., knocks COOK book aro Included. A deli&rht for down for • easy any “little mother.” * A 1966 Car from storage. CHRISTMAS M a tte l's LIG H T SET RENT Moriarty Brothers Large selection HAKDWARI of aluminum 10 Llibto STORfS trees from J8.88. •V R eg . $1.98 Charmin Chatty The sign of this PROfesslon- n . i 9 al dealer who excels in PRO- fesslonal and capable service, M a fte l'i DOLL advice and products. ¥ Enjoy your home improvements NOW with Glenney’s Easy Revolving Budget ★ Brand new, fully equipped cars ready to go. Remco Round-fhe-World Set Account (R.B..^). As little as $10 a month buys up to $100.00. i f Reasonable rates. SNAP SHOT C / 9 QUALITY—-THE BEST ECQNOMY OF ALL "k FnU insurance coverage. DUFFY'S PISTOL King's Formor ★ Large discount if your car is in our shop for DARE-DEVILS Discount Prico repairs. w a s $ 1 7 .9 7 MANCHESTER 6.96 SHOP 3.99 FRIDAYS MORIARTY BROTHERS 1.44 Hook car to turbomatlc launcher— ^ different languages! Camera changes Into a c^ankt aim, touch button and watch Chatty la dresaed In a basic costume and has s, cap-flring pistol with a 6 4 9 -5 2 5 3 801 c e n t e r s t r e e t — TEL. 643-5185 it take off! Rider, atunt msunL 6 wardrobe besides. Included are c/3 m TO snap of the “shutter.” bEurelB are all included. f f i t f t ^ '^®®’ ®aP. wings and LEASING PLANS FOR ALL 1966 MAKES A MODELS CO r & w l f i 8 : ^ P .M . \ 3 3 6 NORTH MAIN STREET I - h ELLINGTON GLASTONB|D)riP POW N TO ^ MANCHESTER AT 958 MAIN STREET BUILDING MATERI jUMBER—FUEL .■■ivSiS ^■V--<'-';3r'i^;;.‘.V A' ir ■

M A N dH 8»r^ -----^ " - mi |) i|>ii III nil' I a\(Le.>ts£

„-v.‘.‘Thl* A m ftbough, becaufo u s Alt Ohevv also had tha iisabie H ^ds’ &4uipped. (OaattmMit ireai Mi* Om ) •tifris reports on the Gemini- cfaime filed ip Mapcheeter lost n tan 3 'booster, epooecralt. w m T.-aapt week Inereewd by 23t ovto the, ift^^i»rnnce. * ■ -H .' V .. 1 ‘ , • ' Plan . . . OK’d 1 * ■ flight, until hair gxow, badk In weather worldwide trocklnt Candy MacBines 'thpm apota. Berry said they total tor tbf previous week,' ^ .tei Meoto. A thooqt. J \ i* an « c- networfc and crew ocndltions Am ariran toow trim taata on the ground oome up tor detailed review at ^'J^bOBTOW (AP)-~New England thne tinkerltig around the ga­ with 437 unemployed filing dur­ •» MplanatUb-af tlU keho^’i ample: An: appie^^^andia tree la that Bdrman is a sound sleeper fj^ g n ^ w : rage* ing the week ending Nov. 27, farca* today's mieaion study. yaatik ^wgaam and Om **<1 an ap- who droama. ^ e eapotfle goes through a A machine will never have Look where Brown’s had to compared to the 415 who filed »4lua of remtoiat Maden a t '” ** «(bJectB stand for num- *dh^ Kotaan Brain waves eent tino(«h the go to rebuild the 1931 Model A during- the week ending Nov. 20. FBENOR FRIES, iOOLE SLAWI fmeta* dajdong check of all Me eyatems the n in e flair for dipping choc* laat alglit’a aneclal cur- proving the relaUon- alectrodlM to a tap# recorder Ford he is weiiting on: v^ulum ittHtlnr thip of tho objects one to ni- — etectrie, propuMan and Hfe Spokesmen for the local of­ XASTAE -SAUCE- • . Aws/raiian will show whether the astronaut ftetea as three ladies In a Bos- The auto body comes from a fice of the Connecticut Labor support. The TMam 3 has paesed board votod to wit the »ubetltuUon of eym- la dreaming, , but they WIU not Ha prelauttch tests. It Is to be '■'Itta candy factory who have juid^ ylird in Charlestown, Maas.^ Department eald that the in- fa/cas 'Hilton doing it for more than BO Ptopoaed rnnhiclpal limrane# H?'* ^ P” " * Aow vrtiat he 18 dreemlng fueled Friday night ' ^ it seat is from Skow- crease wae seasonal, following P^W o out to-bid, and to no- theory. A school eyetem New 2aaiaaa dUIM HOkI, about. Berry eaid. '' jrhars. Not will it' have klMable hegan, M^ne. a steady drop for weeks. tily the boilrd df aeleetmm »r Ungers too long on thia 10300 FLIGHTfl A DAT -bMnds. farrat During the Gemini 4 flight, HOME NAMED A CITY CHICAGO—America’s ached> The enght^ from Dudley, CSobns filed bhroughout the ita IntenUoAs. The proposed ****^ ^?2***^ not be helping the Mrs. Constantine Foetos, Mrs. Air Force U . Col. James A. Mo- OORAIi OABIJES, Fla. — uled airlines make more than MCass. State last vyeek dropped to the niunlelpal ptokatt wo^ld S Whltham said, DivMt dreamed that he and hie Betty Oirtla and Anna Blast And other pa>ta were located lowest total In 10 years. State­ This city got its name from 10,800 flights a day, abnoot a btto much ef^^ Insurance <*alnnan, oopUot, Air Force Dt. Col. Ed­ founder George Merrick’s home 'Can each turn out 100 pounds of as far away as Prbyidence, R.I. wide dahns declined by 176 third more than the number prtoenUy caifJed by the aeleot- 5'**?^*®*'* whether the etu- ward ^ White H, had mumps, of coral rock with gable roof. t^fiftocolates a day. BiW ni. who reciffHy tvoii a last week to a total of 14,812,. men and the board of aduM Uenta are able to leam the basic TUT HOA 10 years ago. ■i But that is not enough. A ma- NOW AVAIUBLE AT, $500 scholarship as a re^lt of well below the 23,313 figure .. ' : V .■'■■.'ty > 1- Bon. f«cts and the theoiy In the SChine called an enrober has re­ his skill, said his most exciting reported for. the corresponding ■n»o aelkidl board of ad«». “*”**aeme amount of claasroomclassroom tlma p lace d almost aU the skilled moment is when the c a r ^ ^ period last year. shippers. tton, votod to meet wlto ?? e p l well enough along to be started Bridgeport led the staU last, Ttseftt&tiye frem the k/Uwii #!# fects. CAMBODIA Mrs. Fostos has been coating and driven.” week with 2,408 claims, and to «fraw up ta^Snce §Candy since ehe cpme to this But he admits “the real joy was followed by New Haven l»'’‘iitoial apecdflcatlM w ^t^^ tradRlonal maUi Is taught la .NHA TtA N O ^ountry as a young girl from f t * * *• ... comes ffom remembering with 1,771, Waterbury with 1,- potjUni thA^totoiance’ oiit to with modem math, 'tflparta, Greece. She said she is ■ f t jm m **•••..♦• #• where each part was obtained 522, and Hartford with 1,400- b ld .T w a s £ th i ‘‘ *•- because the ;^etween 69 and 71 yeare old. and who was nice enough to New Britain, in the fifth spot, SIRLOIN PIT NO. 38 Btudwits understand the theory bfN CAT PHUC VINH :■• Mrs„ Curtis began after she board TdVlOv'low ,the school insiir- part with it.” wak far back, with 606 i^plms. ^ • . coverage and consider ad- behind the facts. This makes I V I a g n a jSleft high school in Calais, 287 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE iv the subject more Interesting t& Manchester was In the 13th dltloiw or delUtlone, CAM lAMHMAT e * e.V ® * * * p lain e. She is now 76. spot among the state’s 20 of­ “DeHvery and T a k e -^ t Service ^Available the students than simply j*' And Miss Blast, who is 75, ^ e .eeleetman’a . Insurance OHU lO l Pollution Panel fices. esqrtre, on Dqe.;il, when a. ” «*»oH*Ing Ublee and rules. the most magnificent gift of all £toid she hod to lie about her OPEN TUBS, to s u n ]/11:80 A.M. - RPaRL^ -The local schools now have a ^ g e when she applied for her 80-day grace, i^rlod expires. • ♦ e ,»• • • * e 5 TIMES AS MANY FLY CLOSED MONDAYS .s . ^ r s t Job after coming here from Orders Factory The schrefera to spend most of hia derst^d by substituting "mod- vending machine, said to be the ulars’t____ .— for the numbers o ... in ,.„c the world’s first, sells drivers goso- BOYS’ ORLON*’ PILE BOYS’ IVY AND convefitlonaJ system. A "modu- afr®f hours end takes paper lar” is a limited number of dig- money. It has been introduced LINED MELTON CONTINENTAL Its, in, a system, often with a Stockholm by Svenska Shell A Use For That V^asfed Corner FREE PARKING! base 5, or 7, in which no higher CM Oo. A nlotorist places a 10- BENCHWARMERS SUITS The Campana—model 1-RP630 numbeto are used. krona ($1.19) bill horizontally In authentic Mediterranean He. rtted: an example of us- under a.plastic Ud, pushes a but- firib furniture. On concealed lng:^model W E GUAR AM TEE Under a modular system of Air Transport Service, head- cessed yool melton . . . lined with here s a selection to please every boyl 10% O F F New fabrics in S-button Ivy modeb. 7, a baseball team would con- quartered here, will change its Malden’s?eJctra-warm, plush Orion 1-RP629 .in charming French slstq f 12 playera, arrived at by name Jan. 1 to the Military Air- acrylic pile. Big zip front closing, 2 or 3 button continental models. Provincial styling. As ip every In black and lively iridescents. Sanded smooth, ready for dec­ eeparating 7 players (one lift Command, roomy pockets. New fall shades. Magnavox, gliding top panels orating in a beautiful pastel podule o f 7) from the 9 play- The command transports AUO, PMP SIZiS 13-20 ___ |y.M give most convenient access to color or stained to suit milad^s eie under our ayatem. troops and materiel for the U.S HUWCY SIZiS 12-26 ...... ».9S record player, all controls, and fancy, He aaid that children in the. armed forces all over the world. large record storage areas— Bixth grade, hiving been taught H»e change In the unit’s name COSJPmi AinRATIONI INaUMD PUll HurfeMij Wl Aing PUI AS HI OROWS Model No. 1:^60 tha, ea^isin, are able to develt^ was by recent congressional without disturbing your top-of- set decorative accessories. Reg. $63.95 diL' thMr own "ptoperUea” to use action.' m

GIRLS’ BETTER-MADE O nce you ve hoiitd A STRO SONIC you ' 11 k n o w w h y t u bo J l OPEN HOLIDAY DRESSES IN sets uro obsolete. Otbet Solici Stute Consoles froin $139.50 Ten styles to choose from. MANY, MANY STYLES OPEN DAILY TO 9 PM. i Enjoy your home improvements liroW with Glenney’s Easy EVERT Revolving Budget Account (R.B.A.). As little as $10 a month buys up to $100.00. SATURDAY TO 5:30 P.M. N O T Part of it! BUT All of it! NlONT A CAR FROM PAUL DODGE PONTIAC QUALITY—THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL IThe Best will Ce Hrst Sn B el • toiPi™ ALL MAKES DELIVERED ^ TESTED » ADJUSTED ^ GUARANTEE) lY OUR OWN MECHANICS ALL MODELS H g ftthion-peeked sMOftment of washaUs NO MORE MARK-DOWNS! THIS IS IT! dreues with expensive de.tailing dtet »n>Vft FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 1931 Shop USE OUR ONE OR TWO YEAR dtem oerp spedal! O>tton eordutoyi, bonded knits, blends. . . Jumper-and-blouse dieta,^ Fridays iop-and-ekbt sets, A-Iine, mods, i^eatod Iw.gIgI enney to8:3iP.M . .I2ASI1M5PUN rtiHUs. Newest ookxsl 7 to lA S a t « » 8 ID 4A ------M m CO. I ' t ‘ ' I' -f to 12 Noon ■ • S y -y PAUL DODGE MMNra WHY e We heve w fency tiihueet TOO lAVi • • We have ee credit leeeeel HANCHBSTBR'S LARGEST AND OLDEST i-''- ■ PONTIAC Al t o m i MAIL • Vpu aeve toeeaw we eewel < TV, RADIO, RECORD AND APPLIANC|S STORE 336 NOBXH MAIM SI.~.e649e5253. : m*. A- liBiB St MANCHESTER •49-2881 TON SOUTH WINDSOR 130 CM tar S r . . Cflir. o f CIrareli Sf. BO TJTgg M m f w EAST HAlinraKD LINS

I . / i-'. .i ,i ■■ ' ■ . t,i -...•'hj'-

-i , ■ .

S'^.. ■' , '•K ^1 l l ^11 M ' S'VI: ■'.!.,■> PITE ZANARDI Sport* Vditor Tomnty JNbbis in fin Trades Hcifi flj « *. ■ s r Top F igu re \ UGonn, YaleScO^e K 'i J •4 i ' ; Some Factors to Consider. Nobody Sayf > Manehest^ High’s ruling that athletes must take a week layoff between sports has gained considerable InI)raftWar Nets East '< bi|h and aenloi* high gi|j|;i.i4s Braves Boss COMBINE — Dkik Brewster As State Campaigri llJpens -attention of late. Football and soccer players reporting n_____ e w YORK'(AP)—the 218*994 609, Lou Doucette to basketball, swimming and wrestling are required to vital statistTcs 'on'chariie By PETE ZANARDI the Urget on S3 of 99 pass at- M IAM I BEACH, Fla. 202*671, Frank Hunter 804-684, ' Seven Connecticut teams Sacred Heart and NJchola at gaihe Saturday at Central Con­ in accordance with present school rules. It Gogolak's right foot are on Doing it the hard way, .tempts for a .68S percentage. !!){»,♦ *ni>;^o*?***?^ t (AP) — Frustrated major wait a week Bob'Dixon 318*673, Al Tbwn- won and three lost as the WlUimantlc State. necticut, while Folrfleld, with Is a local regulation and not a CIAC restriction as pre- the way to Lloyds of Lon- K ofc—Hank wittks. 286 — the East Catholic football The senior came through with league executives contin­ B«nd 301, Ed Moske 306. New Haven College opens It* two 200-yards passing perform- 1965-66 college basketball oaplrations for status among the vloualy nportod In this column. ------1------—— ------don to tj>lro their 578, Ai i,aPiBnt 205-202—654, team achieved a winning ued their attempts today ------season Friday In the NAIA Tip- Jt Smolensk!------i-i---- .»-’ i l - aaces, netting 338 agalMt Ken- the season started with a flur­ independent powers optnn ApparonOy, • the primary F ea tu res to break a deadlock which f l o r a l — Eleanor Mac Offj Tourney at Southern Con­ against fourth-ranked St. cauMS for mich a sUpulation is r e m u r e s alongside some other wide- jr.Jr. 201, WaltwJit'^SoiS*"s? Smolensk! Sr. -V coming nedy and 208 againstasrainst Pulaski.Pulaski, p l w ^ g 0< skf tr^is , cah he ry of court action Wednes­ conclqMd at this mteti^. has stifled trading at the Lachlan 467. necticut. Joseph’s at the New Haven Are­ Of interest is the simularity ly publicized parts o f the 220—550, John Martin 209 — “ P victories g o- "We had some of the finest day night. to ease the pressure on the ath- Manchester High quar- ®” ®Aomy. insured by the 555, Jim Farr 288— 562. ing down the stretch. It Stanley Brown, iBanater of annual winter meetings. ------— The two Wg echools, Connecti­ Coast Guard plays its first na. brought the record to 5-4 In pass receivers I’ve ever seen in the Berkshire finow "Everything is all blocked Heiier Ind-his British .'company. high school ball," Robert said. EASTERN GIRLS — Mavl* cut and Tale, won to easily that Coach Don Robert’s first year where the clu)) (6}q>eets to ski, up," Bobby Brogan, manager of their winter activity. Another r *tOCKETTES - Claire Ros- ’’Barry should do well at a Small 142-889, Jane Smith 146* It would be foolhardy to predict as head mentor. win be the rtest,; and w «l talk the AUanta Braves, said. "None concem Is the’.physlcaJ well be- T » ’ m I ^28, Carol Anderson 130. 134— 388, Rita McAllister 146- anything on the basl* of their small college. He had good about his area. Karl K & e r ^ li of the trades to far has helped Inn of the aBil^es ’ Mobodv ca n la se rs , ^ach throwing for foot will ever hold the place of ------"I’m thankful for the effort 371, Dot Kershaw 143-133— 387, opening performances. Neither Charter Oak Flag Sought IS u V J S tt S f c S ^ '»".10■totlchdo^^3, Masluk gaining honor in Lloyds legendary led- the kids put out In the last part t ^ ;^ t"** follow-up on the^re-sea- anybody. Aim White 131, Fran Martyn team woe pressed. Ted ^ go with them. Lacy and Tom eon exenrlses (wear 4a* 910 yards and Heller netting 867. gers accorded the legs of ac- Lawrence 146. of the season," Robert said. "I for " I don’t know what It Is going 135- 357, Elva Trinks 127, Bar- However, several other fac­ Carey are also fine receivers." this). A 16-minute The same can be said of Cen­ In the touchdown department, tress Betty Orable and the chest J.___ do wish we could have got ag­ i film, to take to'get something going," bara Swletlicki 146-868, Ruth By Coventry’s Hoopsters tors seemed to have been passed Mac, who handled punting "Afherioan Ski Teolmli tral Connecticut, off and running Heller had four and Masiuk five of dancer Evelyn West, gressive a little bit earlier. It e," will BatUeS 132, Kitty Slbrinsi 125- over and are worthy of consid­ „ , y LEAGUE— Frank Calvo chores with a 85-yard avsrage, be shown by msmbei said Bragtm, who has been again with a 100-88 victory over and each had a rushing con­ would have made a lot of dif­ of .the 346, Pat Annum 134-371, Vick­ Hard work and a positive at­ Hampshire. He carried a seven eration too. Bu the vmy tWngs are going 180-138-153, (new high triple was the top ground gainer with M^ch'ester SKI Club. trying to acquire a relief pitch­ Newark State. version as well. In the almost ference.” iWofi ie Burchards 137-366, Olive titude are the qualities Coach point average last season. n the almost unbelievable feu- league), Charles VWielan 440 yards, 120 of them chalked matlon fact sheet wll er. Bragan huddled Wednesday One prediction could be made The athletes themselves, at JV and^freshman squads did world r[ pro football, Go.fjolak's W M * O m ^ "l60- ______—- ...... be d^s- Rossetto 128, Agnes Claugh- Joe DeGreg;orlo is asking from Fij^ting for the remaining Posting a 2-4 mark midWay, up against Xavier. Roberts was trll)uted fdr parents' night with Leo Durocher, new on the basis of Uconn’s 89-72 leaM the six that I talked with, well this yean’ The ,Manchester foot ifiay not be the final entry 150—444 BJdKovis lM-160-^ through Ihe season. East raured d fnem- sey 137-374, Fran Crandall the Coventry High basketball two spots will be Don Storrs, close behind with 419 yarils. bers reference. manager of the Chicago Cubs, win over American Internation­ are not In favor of the present Papwses turned in a 5-M year n the sweepstakes. The next 44a, Don Carpenter 168-418 Kennedy High of Wat- 145-355, Nina Adaschik 134- squad this winter. The Patriots Dave’s twin brother and the Brian Cacase, used mostfy as a Parents who would. like to but was unable to lure away al: Wes Blalosuknla will be ruling. A change from soccer for Coaches Jim Brezinski and ^ansatlantic mail packet may Howie Hampton 162-407 Carl o^bury, 244), and Windham of 340, Doris Griffin 130-842, open the campaign Tuesday leading JV scorer last ■winter, blocker, added another 60. come with their daughtsn are either of the (3ubs’ relievers, burning up the nets again this and football to one of the winter Verne Burnett. The younger be cqr^lng the figures on Tom- Bolin 153-137— 100 LarTvEatM Willimantic, 16-0, liefore finlsh- Gloria Darling 132-371, Reggie night hosting South Windsor. Chris Rose, Dave LaPoint, prob- The Blast mentor also praised welcome. N minor league meetings at Fort AKTs new Butova Gynmasium. ^OOlD&jI I n — .. * ** ____ * * ft*MA fV iA «« a.^ * « v>n4-*« 1______— *.«. > . jgsSfi luck we should Improve on last a starting job. Lauderdale. A few trades of vet* Jim Barnes^ Play Tom Penders hit for 19, while year’s 14-6 record,” DeOregorlo Cross-country standout Rick erans were made Wednesday, sophomore Bill Coriey, t r ^ g to said. however, on the eve of the open­ Stops Old Mates fill Toby Kimball’s shoes at the Young is out again and fight­ ------, up. „ . ------— ------uciuuii, wiin a ciLiici ulo iwu incduitj» ing of the major league conven­ pivot, collei^d 8 points, half of The Charter Oak Conference ing for a starting berth. "Rick sets over Hartford Public and scoring, picking up blocked punt In the end zone may still join by completing the . . . Manchester scored 14 ported that Nobis, the Texas tion. In Bullets Win them on froe throws. flag and a return to^ the Class C Is a three-sport athlete and Xavier High of Middletown, touchdowns and a rushing for a touchdown and Andreoli Y membership form and reglsl- touchdowns on second down and linebacker who may make Joe )Jlm Barnes, who used to be Tournament are t4)ro primary thrives on competlon," De- Coaches Doty St. Pierre coming at Mt. Nebo. conversion for 32 points and and DeGemmls. who combined tering her name with the Ski The trades sent Houston At the Payne-WWtney Gym In Gregorio r^ rts. another 11 on the first try this ($400,000) Namath seem like a JEWEL—Bernie objectives this season. Last It is hoped sad certainly ex- 175-477. passed for another 10 six-point- for a safety, broke into Chib. pitcher Jack Lamabe to the Chi- called Bad News when he New Haven, Yale looked as 2 Behind quarterback Mike the UNDETERREI^Marquette's Bob Wolf continued drive toward the basket winter the Patriots compiled a Backing up the first line f«M. The second quarter was pauper before he signs with el- cago White Sox; outfielder Dave played his college basketball at though It could have run up the pected that a coach would rec- the Indians’ favorite, 96 points ther Atlanta or Houston, would Masiuk. East put together a bal- ^‘^ t scoring column. For further Information call while stepping through the legs of falling Dick Jones of Valparaiso. Jones was 10-4 OOC mark to finish second will be Mike Boardman, Bill Nicholson of the White Sox to Texas Western,. has been noth- score to 140 against Colgate. As ognite when an athlete Is tired, coming In that frame. The third *pend the next three days study- COUNTRY CLU B-K ae Al- anced offense that glined a total halfback after Robert loses 20 seniors, 12 of Mrs. Fred Becker or Mrs. charged with a blocking foul. to Rocky Hill and were elimin­ Gorden, Dave Higgins and len 125-134—365, CJlara True­ of 1,837 yards, 910 coming on All-State honors as a whom saw regular action. Still, George Katz Jr. ______Houston 8 Oklahoma City farm ing but good news for the Balti- it was, the Scrubs were given a X is also expected that a men- c*Ato brought 91 points. The 1^8 — his fringe benefits, ated by Old Saybrook In the Lionel Jean, all juniors. man 340, Marian Zemaitla 128- Masiuk’s arm. In the scoring "'^s second in he feels confident about next ------— .... Sa-n Francisco outfielder more Bullets In the National chance to play and the final tor would ease an athlete coming ■*cond period was the oppoei- Oogolak, a 6-foot-lO, 160- tourney. 353, Helen Noel 127-128—370. column, East posted 145 points "® race with 28 points season with backs Roberts, score was 97-64. SCHEDULE: Dec. 7 South from another sport Into Ms own tlon’e favorite as well, 35 pounder who rewrote the record Opening Night for Colleges rgri o I I I Pittsburgh for Basketball Association. Gone are Randy Ryan and Ruth Kaplan 150, Ann Kalil 58 scored in the final three *^°U'='''^0'vns and two Lacy and linemen Viau, Art The Scoreboard EU (3apt. Bsrt Broadfoot led Windsor, 10 at E. O. Smith, 14 system. Why would a coach point* going up against Man- book for college place kickers 126. games, and allowed 96 ru.shlng conversions. Bill Barry Savarick, Donovan, all Vkelv to Bobby Hull the scoring parade with 19 Ron Hudak, Init DeOregorlo has at CroniweU, 17 at BoltOn, 21 want to damage the health, el- <*ester In that quarter. and was the No. 7 selection of (18), Rick Roberts (17), Rfck return. John Alubicki, Jim Jun------— ------J dls to Cleveland for Indian ‘ *’® points, followed by teammate Ed a trio of returning starters in Rham, 23 AlUmnl, 28 Smith. flier physical or psychological, • * * Kansas City in the AFL, signed ’’Masiuk will n Goldstone with 18. Tom Kolodzlej, Dave Storrs and HOME ENGINEERS—Doris a good Harvey (14) and Bill Lacy (12) kls arid John Quinn ^11 all be Gazzie in Top Form WEST SIDE MIDGETS catcher Phil Roof. ^ ‘ .®"i Hellamy to New Jan. 7 East Hampton, 11 at of any athlete who will be of H n n n Not<>a contract on the ninth anni- small college T A . * just a month ago and the Dick Papanos. ;'We are counting Snow 180-150, Martha Moffitt Robert sald^ quarterback,” were also double figure scorers, given a shot at Masiuk’s va- Paces Hawkfe In other games. Trinity Avon, 14 Bacon, 18 at South value during the seaeon? r-_.__... _l._ . . versary of the night Ws father "He has f Migdet League While managers and general second-year man has come hea'vlly on Kolodzlej,” DeOreg­ ____ _ . , Coventry High’s basketball gathered his famllv toe-pthpr ^83-45.5, Martha Montany 189- a real Through the air, Masiuk hit cated quarterback spot. downed MIT 87-79; Springfield Windsor, 21 at Portland, 26 at MUon found Army & Navy managers tried to work out through handsomely ever since, orlo said, "At 6-3, he Is the C onM «t scUvlty Itself Is not team Is made up of 10 three- L d fled C o L S 478, .. Ruth...... Wlecek...... 457,.. "Betty “ beat Hartford 68-64; Manhattan Ellington, 28 Cixanwell. FVIb. 1 Over Bruin^ With Michigan Five squeaking past Nasslff Arms deals, major league owners j„ews punished his old swamped Southern Connecticut biggest man on the team and a Bolton, 4 at Rham, 8 at East an tmhealthy situation in itself. sport athletes, the other three Gogolak's signing adds a Richardson 47, Wanda Kase- 34-30. In the nightcap. Hobby were set to meet today with If it was, cross-country and dis­ 114-73; Bridgeport edged Iona strong rebOunder.” He averaged Hampton (3:15) 11 Avon, 15 Uking part in two sports, brother act to Uie bitter rivalry lauskas 455. NEW YORK (AP) — Bobby Shoppe downed ...Police & Fire prominent Wisconsin business- tance runners would be far less Twilley at End, Garrett at Halfhack 73-71 On Bill O’Dowd’s despera­ 11 points a game last season. at Bacon, 18 Ellington, 24 Coach Joe DeGrefforlo has two between the NFL and AFL. NEW YORK (AP)— Cazzie Russell, Michigan’s All- In numbers. The winner of the Hull is bagk and don’t the Bos­ tion jump shot; Qulnnlplac roll Portland. All games start at 8 National Honor Society mem- Charlie’s brother Pete is the LADIES OF ST. J.AMES— America who pulled many a game out o f the fire for Ti»e Noske Brothers Alan (i9) Papanos, last year’s most Im­ Five Mile Race here Thanks­ ton B rin s know it. f over Westfield State 108-79; o'clock. bers as well in Dave Storrs and place kicker for the Buffalo Lois Philopino 125, Marie He- the Wolverines a year ago, was in mid-season form Ronald (9) were the one- proved player, will see action ■ giving, Central Connecticut’s Dick Papanos . . . Rockville Bills of the AFL. borstreit 123, Mary Maitenipo ’The Bruins, harboring ambi­ Brown thumped Wesleyan 75-64; underneath. Up to 6-2 this sea­ Ray Crothers, runs 80 miles a Two All-Time College Leaders Wednesday night as a new college basketball campaign ^or Army & Navy, and Danbury State defeated 128, Gisele Golding 123. tions of climbing out of .the r r i S f ' “;T son, he averaged nine points per Reggie Otero, who coached week 5 weeks a vear What l« earning academic’ ’Die battle for Nobis, along opened with games in all sections of the country assisted by jim Quagiia (4), in in the ofterrtoon with National ^ ^ Western New England 84-71. depths in yic National Hockey Michigan, the Big 10 o h a m p l------*. a real nip & tuck battle with game a year ago. Storrs returns with the Cincinnati Reds last League owners. An informal ®‘"®® ^® The only games on tonight’s ,^.v«srw.K, “ s r B . s f s s VILLAGE CHARMERS League .standings, ran Into Hull ons and ranked second to na­ Nasslff's. With the final out- In other NB.\ action Wednes­ after attending Camp Robin season, will coach with the Is the failure to coordinate free - Feature AP All America Squad Wednesday night and cam* off Vanderbilt, No. 5, overpow­ meeting with American League card are Waterbury Uconn at Angek) DeCarll. The Rams choice not signed by either Norma Wirta 128, Nancy Scott tional champion UCLA in the come in doubt until the final few owners also was scheduled. day, St. Ixnils ripped Detroit Hood Basketball Clinic in New Cleveland Indians ,next season. time with that spent in prac­ second best, 4-2. ered Wittenberg 87-59 while open defense of their Central league, continued, with Houston ^*2 preseason Associated Frees minutes of play. Big Bill Gau- Edmund B. Fitzgerald of Mil- DO'lOl110-101 and Los AngtAngeles defeat- tice? Lack of proper food and YORK (AP) — and George Patton of Georgia attempted for touchdowns and Minnesota, No. 7, humbled Valley Conference court crown of the AFL making iU first offer ------In the only other gam* plSyed poll, scored a 71-63 victory over ruder (14) and Jim Harrison waukee, spokesman for the Wls- Cincinnati 121-105. sleep give rise to mononucleo­ and Howard i-be middle guard. returned kicks 340 yard.s. North Dakota 73-59. Kansas, No. E>ec. 10 at home with Windsor, for his services. Nobis previous- PINE'TTES—Doris Wednesday, Toronto rallied with dangerous Tennessee of the (10) were high for Nassiffs. sis. TTiat 1 cjui tell you with Kirtland Xvi’illey, all-tim e m a jo r col- Garrett of Southern Callfor- Helsman runner-up ’Twilley, 8, whipped Arkansas 81-62 and cousin group, said applications Local fans can get a look at ly had heard from the NFL's Ca^iy Ringrose 439, Mary pair of third-period goals and Boutheaatem Conference. Every AI Uttle (9) Tom Sloan (7) some assurance. nia, winner as at 5-feet-lO, is the first lineman Bradley, No. 9, cru'-'ied Milwau- have been filed with both major Mancheater High’s hoop entry new Atlanta club. ~ " Quey 183, Ixiri Jones 45-1, Lois giound gainer and tied New York 2-2. time the 'Vols got close In the and Richard Gustaf.son (6) shar­ COME AND COMPARE QUALITY Finally, thenge la no gurantee Player of the Year, set a nation- to v/ln the NCAA scoring crown kee-Wisconsin 104-68. Top- leagues for a Milwaukee fran­ Team to Perform Dec. 10 when the Indians host Nobis’ father said "the Hous- 182-512, Marilyn Ma- receiver, are displayed Hull, who had sat out four game at Ann Arbor, RusseU ed the scoring honors as a well “ ...... A <1- J.1- - jQ0g al collegiate three-year rushing with 127 points. He snared 134 games' with ranked UCLA and Providence. chise. Yae city lost the National The Danish gym team, a that a boy will rest over that Weaver, Conard and Nev( Brit- ton offer was a lltUe larger than ^82, DoUie Whlt^iad 456, Prominently on the a damaged knee scored to keep the Wolverines „ r ^ d Prov^ence balanced Hobby Shoppe' five week. It’s possible that he may ain High jh a Jamborge at the Atlanta’s first offer. However ''Yanda Ka.sclauskas 469, Tony A ssociated Press All- ^’779 ya'-ds and 16 after scoring 18 goals In his first jLhead ^ Friday and Sat- League Braves to Atlanta after blend of athletics and aesthe­ AUTOMOBILES PLUS QUALITY _ ■, . urday, respectively. fought off a hustling Police A the 1965 season, although'sever­ do more damage to himself then Manchester Arena. CCIL action there were a lot of fringe bene- Fogarty 191-482. America ' ' ------football team. Olhe Mats^on touchdowns to better every 12 gsmes, turned playmaker The last time- occurred when , Fire five in posting their win. tics, will give a special perform­ So are: NCAA game and season record against the Bruins, who played al court suits opposing the’ move he ^ix>sslbly could working out starts Dec. 17 again.st Bristol fits involved and it m ly talte ------Tennessee pulled within 62-61 ® UCLA s opening Don Hubbard (13) and little ance tonight at 8 in the Univer­ under supervision. Central High in Bristol. still are pending. SERVICE AFTER YOU BUY IT - - - three days to unravel all of that. — Tile man wiio outdid Red 1 ‘^® ®'8ht. without three regular dMeMc- midway of the second half. Rue- Jeff Woods (6) played well for sity of Connecticut’s Field Cashwise, Houston Isn’t much Grange, lUinois fullback Jim Po f touchdowns, Coach calls him men. ' j sell..n sank two baskets to start 76-74 on Al Peters’ tip-ln with Police & Fire, House. Rated by many as the ahead. And there are some oth­ Gilbert Goes Grabcv.-.sla, Garrett hauled in nine passes ’’the greatest pass receiver who Tile Golden Jet set up goals only four seconds left. Kentucky Michigan off on a nine-point EAST SIDE MIDGETS finest ensemble of its kind ever er considerations.” —A budding social nsvchol- student and by Doug Molms, Doug 'jarrett walloped Hardln-Slmmons 83-55 Spectator Clinic Slated at UConn spurt. Oazzle finished with 29 ’The Chiefs had no trouble Siebern Traded to tour the U.S., the itinerant GogolAk was the ninth of 16 ogist. Xdin; cso!a derensivf end ^ ® '’ ® “ ^reat competitor.” and Chico Makl and blazed one to give Coach Adolph Rupp his points. Ron Wldby was high for stopping the Highway Depart­ troupe of 24 acrobats—12 wom­ "Hey, You’re Missing a Good The clinic will feature talks **«t-round selections signed by Hat T rick Aaron Brown. shot at Boston's rookie goalie, 721st career victory and break a the Vols 'With 23. ment. 50-25, last night in the Away by Bu’ds en and 12 men—was carefully coach, Rick For- clubs, who also have con- Bemie Parent, that nearly tore 720-720 tie with Hank Iba of Ok­ GaMe” is the theme of a spec- by football —Quarterback Steve Juday, V Michigan’s victory sha.red the selected from among Denmark’s the youngster’s right hand off. lahoma State. Iba’s Cowboys season.. . opener. - Gary Moore------led MIAMI BEACH, Fla. E zano, and lacrosse coach, Nate with one second-round tator sports clinic scheduled One Better engineer of Michigan State’s <(» opening night Umelight with the winners with 18 points with >rh. p.n>Umnr« (AP)— most skilled gymnasts. ’Their Osur. Bob Kennedy will speak choice and seven third round Parent, who again stood out in were beaten 61-57 by St. Louis. Wednesday night Dec. 8 at 7 ’Three goals In one game Is meteoric rise to No. 1 ranking. Play Gains Honors "CT Duke, St.’ Joseph’s of Philadel­ teammate Scott Wieein follow- * ^ ^ *t * u today----- *' visit----- to— the UofC, which lais umone SCRANTON MOTORS me picks. ’The AFL has signed five the Bruins’ nets, suffered,an in­ Princeton, playing for the on the responsibilities of the phia, Vanderbilt, Minnesota, Ing with 14 m arkka Larry ®f » &l°be- o’clock at the University of spectator. of 10 first-round selections, one achievement for any —Two repeaters: Te.-cas Tech jured finger on the play and hod first time In three years without Oonnecticut. The program is .:r- Lerch and Carl Tompkins paced ®" ° Angels for circlmg tour, is co-sponsored by Marcia Potterton, of Man­ second-round choice and two hockey player but Hershey’s halfback and to leave the game late in the Bradley, defeat- being sponeored by the senior the losers which could never, get “ «k Simpson. the Division of Intercollegiate THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS chester, a member of the com­ third-round picks. Jeannot Gilbert went the tradi­ Texas guard . third period when the finger Stato the other earns in the ed Lafayette 77-68, Wake Forest women o f the Department of For Len Dawson rolling. Siebern, 32, hit .258 with eight AHJletics and the School of mittee, reports the clinic will tional hat trick one better. He —A 160-pound, 23rd man: began to bother him. Top Ten to see action. edged Davidson 87-86 and Penn Physical Elducatlon. NEW YORK (AP) — Len EAST SIDE JUNIORS homers and 32 runs batted in for Physical Education. be open to the public. The victory moved (Chicago Kansas State, lOth-rankcd, Slate downed Maryland 65-61 In Top runs batted In man on ^ All who have previously sign- P'® season but lost Purpose wlH be to Inform the the Kansas City Athletics__»_._i last T’Viji Yhe A Americantv« mam TT** Hockey » 1_ — » League______H 3.ITlGCl tO to honni* honor lllQ his IlnfotlA unique. F O Into a first-place tie wltl^ Idle was upset by Creighton 83-75, other feaitures. Idalio beat Ore- CONVERTIBLES public how to better under­ but the third-ranked Blue Devils gon 86-81, Oonneotlcut downed ed up for the Junior Basketball ^ Hoog Pow- NO FISH SMELL The New York Mets had the season was first baseman Ken Rears and (Cleveland Barons f®'^°‘'‘t-t>reaking talent and not ^part a defence, did a job on Montreal. The Bruins remained ell. stand the game of football longest losing streak in the tied for fifth place with Detroit, crushed Virginia Tech 112-78 American IntemaUcmal 89-72 League (13-15) at the East ® ' C Harrelson. He drove in 66 runs were tied at 2-2 going Into the ^ precedent for future teams. Houston’s bUtz Sunday In a '64 DeVILLE surprised “Side -“ ® “ are ®® urged ‘to 0 attend prac-prac Simpson, 22, hit .301 at Seattle °” '65 OLDS. DYNAMIC "88" and lacrosse from a spectator’s National League last season. It while hitting .238. He also led third period of their°game at Hungarian - born, soccer- masterful performance three points back of the Ran­ and St. Joseph’s, No. 4, romped and Seattle PaclRc view. gers, who had to settle for a tic against Hofstra 96-67. Seattle 86-83. tlce tonight at 6:30. The League Pacific Coast League with 1 ’ ° ” '63 DttVELLE Choice of 2 with Factory Warranty carried through 11 games. the team in homers with 23. Cleveland Wednesday night. hooter place-kicked 81 Kansas Q'ty Chiefs, needs 12 moremnrp boyshnv. to forni, 24 homers andftnd 79 RBI.HBI. ^ ------^ bothers------you. WashTT«U»U after blowing a 2-0 lead to To­ vyith tootl^aste after handling Choice of 2 — One with A /0 — ------Gene Ubriaco scored the' tie P°’nts on 33-of-33 conversions Dawcon threw three touch- Registration may be done to------— '62 OLDS. "88" ronto. fish. Breath cleansers take breaker and then Gilbert went downs passes, scored a fourth night. "Those who cannot make Coach Sid Glllman o f the to work. Sportswriters and broadcast- °n a sneak and used Uie running away odor and flavoring agents '61 PONTIAC CATALINA Vermonters Making Pitch It are asked to call the East San Diego Chargers is In his In toothpaste leave a nice smell The Boston Bruin farmhand °n the eight regional boards Mack Lee Hill and Curt Mc- Side Rec. 25th season of coaching. clicked twice inside of 71 sec- made tlie recommendations Clinton with devastating effect, Patriots Sc€}k on your hands. onds and then completed his upon which the selections were As. a result of his performance For Early Skiing Season one-period hat trick with just based, including all games Dawson was named by ’The As­ Help in Line CADILLAC BOS’TOri (AP)—"Ski early be­ Vermonters hope U. S. meter- TED TRUDON under three minutes to play. through Nov. 27. sociaited Press as the Offensive Through Draft fore Christmas” seems to be ologlst William Ingram ot Burl­ In the only other AHL game '^'he platoon - oriented squad Player of the Week In the Amer- the slogan’ from the upper New ington has called the turn on the '6 4 COUPE DeVILLE. A /C *61 SEDAN DeVILLE, A /C played Wednesday, Victoria of Notre Dame's , lean Footlw-U League. Team- England snow country this sea­ BOSTON (AP) — ’The Boston white drought. Ingram in a the Western League crushed -l^ulmny Roland of Missouri and mate Jerry May had been son. study just published in Vermont '63 4-DOOR HARDTOP Patriots are making a grand ef- ■ '61 4-DOOR HARDTOP VOLKSWAGEN Springfield 8-3 in an interlocking George Webster of Jiicliigan Picked as the Defensive Player Vermont has been off and run­ Skiing magazine says -there is schedule game. State as the defensive backs. tbe Week after the curtailed fort to insure that their big hole iln C I T Y *62 SEDAN DeVILLE ning for two weeks. The Green evidence 12-year cycles affect •60 4-DOOR HARDTOP, A /C Until Gilbert started scoring, the offensive line Ala- two-game Sunday schedule, at tackle will be filled nkxt sea- Mountain sfate is trying to make snowfalls In the Northeast. Last TEL. 643-2444 Appoints aeveland had carried the play two-way is “ I don’t think Len ever threw son. ' 30 up for last Tyinter when their season may have been the bot­ to the Bears and Hershey goalie center, of 'with more accuracy than he did '''rt mountains were embarrassingly tom. More snow can be expect­ ’The Patriots announced Andre Gill wound up With 43 Notre Dame joins Nobis at against Houston,” said Coach green most of the season. ed this year as the cycle moves OLDSMOBILE LEN DAWSON Wednesday the signing ot their ■ Hill 3aves, 21 more than Cleveland’s guard, Arkansas’ Glen Ray Hank Stram. "He called an ex- ’Today 'a dozen major areas to a jieak near 1969, Ingram * Hill Binkley. Tom McCarthy Hines and Purdue’s Karl Singer cellent game.” from Killlngton In the center of suggests. '65 "9 8 " SPORT SEDAN had two goals for the Barons. the tackle* and dharles Ca- ^ “ the state to Jay Peak In the '62 Super "88* r T*, , "They were blitzing a lot,” r r s r Mangum, the fourth ■ draft 2 nr Three New Hampshire ski Springfield’s defeat at the Florida operates the end Dawson said. ’’This left their While Dawson was Urrcidlnr a" ,'"“ “4 north kre deep in fluffy powder areas spread across the White '64 "F^85" 4-DOOR SEDAN h ^ds of Victoria was the In- Twilley of Tulsa. deep backs on a ™e

.history. But his ..son, Glenp draft choice Karl Singer, of Pur- PONTIAC ^ b b s HI, chose ’Tulsa because dUe and Jim Boudreaus of have a cold room ms dad hired Sammy Baugh as Louisiana Tech, Boston’s No. 2 WATER SOFTENER USERS ’ tS SONNEVILLE VISTA '62 STAR CHIEF 4-Dr. H'fop. an assistant. draft choice. ' 15 YOURS ONE OF THE 8 ???f With Factory Worrenty 2 '63 CATAUNA 2-DR. SEDAN NOW ENJQY RUST-FREE SOFTENED WATER '64 GRAND PRDC Choice et X Warm up that '6 0 c X t a u n a w a g o n NEW MORTON PELLINS - replace salt peUets in your Defensive Problems Seqn softener—work the same way—with iron removal liard*to-liMit reom Okay, it’s not snowing. And maybe it won’t That’s why this snow tire’s approved for For Wings, Bruins Tonight, for a month. highway patrol cart. CHEVROLET MORT HERMAN 1?? wMi the MW But we've got a snow tire for you that’s de­ DB3TROIT (AP) - The Boston It’s the kind o f tire that rides quietly and *lfe, prevent Iron cloggings. NO MORE for fUnt place In the league STAINED BOWLS, TUBS OF WASH* rawa Bruins and the’ De'ro;.t Red with the Idle Montreal (banadl- signed to be put on now when it’s not snowing. comfortably, a lot like the regular tires your '64 BEL AIR STATION WGN. Wings will have defense prob­ ens. GHIiiCHASfR It’s a snow tire built to go 90 miles an hour car came with. lems tonight when ti.ey i.icc'. in '62 BEL AIR 4-DOOR SEDAN '62 STATION WAGON 4$ USED CAR SALES MANAGER Boston’s rookie g i ^ * iBernle BY IRON FIREMAN when the road’s snowless (as it is most of the In fact, if you put the Winter Patrol on, SALE! National Hockey League action at the Olympia. Parent had another superb THIS REVOLUTIONARY NEW DE­ time, even in 'winter). And to keep it up for we’ve got a pretty g c ^ guess what’ll happen. Come In Now and Look Around At MORTON SALT PELLINS 60 lb. bag |1.67* night, blocking 36 shots In spRe VELOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT* 100 miles at a stretch. I B o ^ n is Without the services of Injuring his right hand In die C l ^ k l h t m Some nice day in the spring you’i{e going to Open boRy to 9 P.M. . of three regular defensemen— --INO will keep your cold or chilly room As well as get you through when the road’s Thid*. and Sot. to 6 P.M. Our TOP VALUE USED CARS MORTON SALT PELIaB’IB 100 Ib. bag $2.08* first period. ■. ( adyanlogu: warm and cozy, with fihkred, circulat* say. It’s time to change to regular tires again. (*Phis ta.\ — picked up at our salesroom) Leo Boivln, Ted Green and Al ipg, tbermoelaticany controUed heat. snowiest. Like any good snow tire should., Langlois. Detroit has lost defen­ Murray OUver (first period) V OrahtM nit«ra4 w m Hr. K(%c((&(*%! U.&R07dW liitM|ttrol* BALDS OONSUI/TANIB V M MNr Operating coit up to 75% let* than seman Bill Gadsby who enter- and John Bucyk (third period) tallied for Boston. other sdd-on h e tt^ . Heats cold bath­ TED TRUDON VOLKSWAGEN ReOommended by leading manufacturing companies for all V M rlUsil i h ’mmN* Btale fltoraatea—M elt Booheteie—Rose Mothlasee ed Deitroit Osteopathic hospital room, enclosed porch, attio room, or naword KwMy-_j|ni Qomiaa water softonen. The Bruins will h* right back {MniMtH. today for removal of a oyat from V «*« fl— y . m M|> any ipso* that nsedi extra heat. TOLUND tURNfIKE — TALCOnViLLE Ws leg. with Chicago at Boston' GsT- eseiptrnwf HHSMft. FREE HOME DEMpNSTRA'nON. For further Information, pbone or visit our aalesroom. The Bruins r*n afoiil of the den for a weekend twfii.Uin, bRt V gwplolul liHk •* Mtfl Coach Milt Schmidt says Boiite ee4«*w«t(. . ' Open Evenings rill 9 Except T hui^oys Black Hawks In Chloogo last and Langlois should be back in night. ’The Hawk* celebrated the the lineup. ' TlMn'i a WioMr Patiol with inula, Phoipe 649-2838 WILLIAMS OIL SERVICE return of scoring star Bobby l*f ky Moditioaa (Mated for W nph). 'A Hull with a 4-2 victory. | Two minor lead ers frdm Ok­ FOGARTY BROS. Inc. 341 BRpAD ST*-643-4348 lahoma City—Phi) (SldplsKraka mg Ton Own A Set of U. S. Royal P&tn*is with No Money Down. SCRANTON MOTORS Hull assisted oij three goals and Dallas ' Smith—have hasn . 319 BROAli STREET— TEL. 641M539 164 UNION ST., as pie Hawks moved Into a He filling In. ROCKVILLE 643-9533.1-875-2821 1 • ■‘•rt’ . i I . ■ V • ■ X ' Sr >.f'-.'j: . •' ‘ < i' -f >^ .. ^ ,• ,i».r. ^ ..•*• r ■ '^fi .■• rf*'. '.' _'■* . .. rrv-'- J ; ■' -.■, '-. Ti-T!: .

a > H y B S D A y , • t ...... " *'*“ ...... I H1*«^^>II«I

A n i^ ^ F or^ 4 ‘THERtT^^i^ • I W M r S iM * - ^ FAGALt Md SHORTEN Hdp Want«l-^r«m^ $8, -tRAtHIM/S aS CLAMpiaeERCLAunt&6eB AFTERACTKg A FROST,errntT ItII YSS •■^HAK-KAFF.^'»»*t 'M' > iw bnir ITIM IN THI a produet-advertised on TV and WOlfUf: inMed, rtH M uf to At m SPECIALS putETIONE AEklOt $OMAVB» |T6 6E61NNIN' TO A CONSULTANT tOfH » PLACE... leading magaslnes, call Avon inventory and reordilHhotaaiid ( |4y«rb«l SlSmcn ...... OET ME.' B m IN e 60T TO CH&K MANAS6R OF THE eABf6Alt>4 MVt|«Ubto CUASSIFlfeD'^YER'risiNG DEPT.’ HOURS stamp books, tmrfce a ' biDnth fit‘2 dETMe.'BUTINe i Slooan M i n *40 Ford truck, halt-ton plck- OosmeUcs. We vrlU show you OAYDEPARTAteNT 4TORfi-./AS MSpulih Jir ' 8 A.W. tO v5 Pia. .. for two hours each ,d ^ for °« 3WI« ONE OUT— / ANY TRUTH ISBmimt iip how to sa m moosy. 389-4833. BUGGS BUNNY TO THE WILD B6RSKTR6R5 THAT AN a u t h o r it y ON. SELLING ITPritoA iMH 5Br ‘ Sllnpaat ^ ' Grand Store No.\8408, THEY'VE ASKED MB TO L0< 88 FamwMiwRe $ 7 9 5 . ■ YOU'NE RNAU.Y 301NED 18 MucuIIm m i m 55 Mon«y (tluD .ggPY^CLOSING T l^ FOR 410 Middle Tpke. West, Man­ VTOBKIN' BTIFFS PVHR THEIR OPEifATION 30Expan8*i ” UB«Wing 8871tfaabanBt4 SD ADVT. ITS RAININ',> • tM h W««r Im armadOlo SNbA'V'Thrii FBIDAY 10:80 AJM.-^SA1 chester. Respond to American Hrtiww, ■------32EngUiii itrcim ™'" nteiuioni kV 8 AJtL CICEROJ ^ W A H ! ^ ^ V H A H lV W H ! TM lag. UA. PM. OK. SClMmical wffU “ 2 V « UBi^onie an 87TaiUng bMa '68 Ford T-Blrd, fully equipped, “SEWING ReUU Service. 380 6th Ave., T j W fiUESS MXJ CAN'T '^VOU PROMISED > 34— pint- at NEoge goa 40 Feline aela*l , white with red Interior, New York Cl^. CAMP IN TH' THAT 2 COULD Nlagm Falla 60Oltpttcbad 3IU ovc, m wwavta«v«i 4lThralU ' i^tEASB HEAP YOUR AD ' white wall tires. BACK YARD STBc aide DOWN or blUowa 47Sallteie 36 83M.) 371r m i t drlnkt 48Ship’a meat The IM 8 Glen (dial) 48 CtberwlM to, tna Mtent of a "make «ood" Insertion.' Errors which do not PLEASANT WORKING The 1964 Civil Rights Law 86 Arabablan guU 38Bltetrifiad prohibits, 87Maliyiian • Eternity mrttde 48Wolfhimn4 **“ “* “ ^erthminent wlU not he oorreoted hr SOLIMENE MOTORS CONDITIONS! . ’ohiWts, with certain excep- , watercraft 7 Poker atalw SSClavua 80 Emporium “Inalta Eooil” Insertion. tlons,jlons, discriminationdlK because 88 Permit 8 Not general SOSmaH wild M SSBIbUcal Ugh 867 Oakland St. 643-0607 of sex. It win now be neces­ 38 Dance atep of Celebea i r? Elxperienced help and quali­ sary for our readers not only fied trainees wanted. 9 IT (Bookvnie. Ton Free) to read the usual Female T” z i 4 i r “ r * 10 Help Wanted and Male Help ^ 7 Earn as you learn, ex.el- 6 4 3 - 2 7 U 875-3136 I860 PONTIAC — running epn- Wanted claaeiflcationa, but lent fringe benefits for an. also our Classifloatioo Help /a-2 i i i i i i (MUqn, as is, $60.,649-8139. ^ , 1 - t ^ Wanted — Male or Female 1963 FORD convertible, V-8, FYi- . . . 37. • A L L Y OOP -^ M E T H...... IN S ie 17 BY V. T. HAI014N UKfeTHAT, % Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? turn snrinL white top, bucket — l i ? MANCHESTER MODES seats, .‘$1,250. 649-7762. 0 /C /< TOTAKO ANYWAY 18 19 !si PUIE ST., MANCHESTER PINNY, OL'BOY WE’VE u m m I s o TMie IS 24-Honr Answering Service S2 S k^m/nr c r . MEN FOR FIRST ahitt factory PLACES TOO AN' }^..eO PICK ’EM UP IN TH WHERE OL' GUZ MUST SEU. — 1957 FY>rd F^ir- iOPBNZO.CAU work. Mechanical experience THINGS TO PO... ,/Y UPAN* PUT 'EM HIGHLANDS, IS HIPING OUT/ HZ lane 600, 4-door sedan, fadio, preferred. Apply Eastern Boil­ POWN IN A EH? Freb to Herald Readers HURRY/ heater, automatic . tran.smis- WOMAN wanted part-time, ap­ er, Co., 99 Loomla SL, Manches­ 24 25 26 29 3 T Want information on one ui our o|assifii^.Havertiae(iient«T No sion, 4 new recapped white- Bustne:>.<4 Services ply bakery department, Man­ ter. answer a t tBe tetephone Mated t Steely c a j i t h ? ^ ^ Radio— TV Repair _^Business Opportunity 28 chester Public Market. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER walls, very clean condition. Offered 13 32 Services 18 Demonstrate anywhere. 228- LUNCHEONETTE, ideal altua- WOMAN for house cleaning, one TOOL & GAGI EDWARDS ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ C MAKERS 3839. OH! DO WE WORRY! 1 * tlon. Established, nice hours, day a week, transportation pro-' 35 er. sales and service, bonded Television Repaira good location. Efficient and JIG BORE OF‘ERATORS r 1958 MGA convertible, slide win­ representative. Alfred Amell. vided if necessary. Call 876- ANSWERING SERVICE Radio Repairs profitable operation requires 6411. " 7 40 dows, snow tires, winterized, 110 Bryan Dr., Manchester, 844- Antenna Instaliatlona only 2 people. Lappen Agency, Top rates, overtlene, an beneflts $350. 649-4092. 8141. 6494500 - 875^2519 Satisfaction Guaranteed 649-6261, 649-6140. SECRETARY—Sales, excellent plus profit ShariniR- 1 1 4 2 ED BISKE, TECHNICIAN # . ♦ T 1980 CHRYSLER, 4-door se" opportunity for experienced and leave ypur measare. Sau^i bear from oqr advertiser In Jig dan, fully automatic, excellent Doufifthoid Services Bantle.v Service Center career minded woman, must Manchester To<>I & Design 43 46 48 48 50 ! time without spending all evening at the telephone. tires, reasonable. 649-1967. 333 MAIN ST. 649-8347 have above average ability and IX-X Offered 13-A Operate 130 Hartford Rd. , Manchester _ - y .t k — fli- capable of handling diversified t'e mi h MU, iw. Tj<, iu«. u.i. r»>. ow. 61 53 54 Automobiles For Saie 4 REWEAVING of bums, moth secretarial duties. Loctite em­ 649-621S3 1964 AUSTIN Heaiey, excellent holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ Millinery, DrenFftiaking 19 ployes enjoy conveniences 2 Your Own PMSCELLA’S POP condition. 649-7593 after 6. BY AL VERMEER 56 67 1965 OLDSMOBILE, 442 model, dow shades made to measure, away from city congestion, H ER ALD asking $2,700. or best offer. all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys LADIES AND GENTS erstom generous fringe benefits, and FIRST CLASS m«!chanlc, must PRIVATELY owned 1954 Ford , W ELL. W HAT DID ^ Call after 6 p.m., 648-1288. made while you wait. Tape re­ tailoring and alterations at Dairy-Grocery educational assistance pro- have own tools, top wages and 58 59 60 and 19.59 Ford, reasonably THAT'S BETTER THE GARDEN ,, ^ corders for rent. Marlow’s, 887 home, reasonable. 648-3264. full beneflts. Cal BOX L E H E R S priced, 742-7849 after 5. gi-ams. Loctite Corporation, 1 Mr. Harris. T H A N T H A T CLUB DISCUSS )( DIRT.) Main., 649-52/>l. 139 Woodland SL 705 No. Mountain Rd., N w - 649-4671. GOSSIPY TODAY.e- O U T O U R WAY Store BY J. B. WILLIAMS 1957 PONTIAC, 4-door hard­ Ing/ton. b r i d g e ^ For Your WATKINS PRODUCTS—Per­ FOR ALTERA'nONS neatly and CLUB/ DECEMBER USED CAR top, power steering, power reasonably done in m y home. FOROCTIT <30LPIE--THERE» ^4 sonal shopping service in your . . . and become part of a EXPERIENCED ] [Minters. OsU Information bralces, body good condition, Call 643-8760. i MO HOPE FOR HIM.'IF HE TRIES CLEARANCE home or mine. Over 200 Items growing chain operation In 649-4348 between 6-7 p.m . L T® S E a u i a c WITH AN AW5WER, $225. Can be seen after 5 p.m. Manchester and suburbs. STENOGRAPHER 1 IT COMES OUT WKON6--AND 'THE HE21ALD will not now as near as your tele­ d r a p e r i e s , valances, etc. y me stops to THINK ABOUT 150 GALLONS OF GAS 649-7831. Our combination Dalfy- GUARDS — MA LE wanted, . I COULPN'T you BE disclose the Identity of phone. Eleanor Buck, 643- custom made, lined or unllned, 'e © © ® Q I!?''^®./®®‘-"-'^M Ty o u B B A _ r t h e a n s w e r , IT TAKES HIM > Grocei'y stores are unique Interesting position In full or part-time, must be over c> f PAL A W P M A K E M i LOOK SO LONS HE FOR6ETS WHAT any advertiser using box 1949 PONTIAC, running condi­ 5768. 135-137 Spruce St. picked and delivered. For. Or and offer you an Income small department for qaull- 21 years of age, have a clean BETTER BVSTUMBLIN letters. Readers answer­ tion, good motor, new brakes, information call 643-1913. AM'HESITATIN'ONCE ing blind box ads who AMERICA’S largest selling of $10,000 to $15,000 an­ fled t y p.1 s t, with some record. We weU xnne retired ^ IN AW H ILE? TWO NEW SNOW CAPS $25. Call 643-5622, 5-8 p.m. desire to protect their cleaner - Electrolux, matchless nually with many out­ shorthand background. persons in good hi salth and able identity can follow ' thi.q FREE 1964 BONNEVILLE Pontiac — quality, enduring excellence, standing benefits. If you Company offers excellent to prove it. Call f dr further In- procedure: . . 4 door, hardtop, power equip­ superior service. See, breathe, Muviftf—Truckings are looking for a prestige b e ne f 11 program, good formation betweet \ 9-6, 247-8350 EJnclose your reply to the touch no dirt. Cull Mr. Ed, S to ra g e 20 business opportunity and or apply Room i t07, 15 Lewis With the Purchase of Any ment, one owner. 649-2149. wages, pleasant working ix -x box in an envelope T -. 236-4251. are capable of running conditions. St., Hartford, NtA. I»c. TM. taf. 0$. OH ‘ ^•2, addressed to the Classi­ Used Oar Retailing from MANCHESTER Delivery. Light $500. or Over trucking and package delivery. your own business with a fied Manager, Manchester Auto Driving 'Schou! 7-A $3,000 Investment, write ELECTRICIANS, t 'esidential ex- WAYOUT Evening Herald, together' Building— LonTracting 14 Refrigerators, washers and perience, Immet BY KEN MUSE today for a confidential in­ Apply: Fir-it National Hate employ- j with a memo listing the 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 Sport DRIVING Instructions — Home stove moving specialty. Folding Store'., Inc. menL Call Walt J iemanek, 875- companies you do NOT pick-up, reasonable rates, teen­ CARPENTRY — Concrete steps, terview with the company IY<.. Jb.'-T.'b .* - Coupe, radio heater, auto­ chairs for rent. 649-0753. 9370. want to see your letter, age Classes. Special attention floors, hatchways, remodeling V.P. Park and Oakland Aves. matic transmission. Real - Your letter will be de­ to nervous and elderly. Serv­ porches, garages, clo.sets. ceil­ Sharp! ings, attics finished, rec rooms Painting— Papering 21 East Hartford, Conn. stroyed If the advertiser la ing Manchester and surround­ Box E, Herald orie you’ve mentioned. If formica No Job too small. D & TOWN OF MANCHESTER m 11-1. $1,545. ing towns. Call Manchester t ms hr HEA, lx- T M. Rag- U S. OR. not it wli! be handled in D Carpentry Service. 649-8880. EXTERIOR and Interior paint­ POSITION VACANCY 1962 Bonneville, 4-door hard­ Driving Academy. 742-7249. ing. Wallpaper books, paper­ the usual manner. HEAD LIBRARIAN — Booth- FOREMAN “ I think what the class wauld like to see most, Senator, top, radio, heater, power DION CONSTRUCTION CO. — hanging. Ceilings. Floors. Ful­ ...... Dimock library, Coventry, 26 HIGHWAY It the world's largest pork barrel we've heard so steering, power brakes, Complete building service. New ly Insured. Workmanship guar­ Garage— Service— Private Instructions 32 hours weekly. Library science a u to m a tic transmission, construction, alterations or ad­ anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. DEPARTMENT much about!" Lkist and Found-.'. degree not required. Contact original Ivory finish. Storage 10 ditions. Roofing, siding, paint­ I f/H » answer, 648-9048. ALL AMBITIOUS men earn up $5,740.80 TO $7,342.40 to $200. per week and more. Mrs. Richard Messier, r Rs, 40 Hour Week •i(|W LOST-—Black Burmese kitten, $1,645. WANTED TO RENT—a double ing, etc. 643-4352. 643-0895. PAINTING, exterior and In­ Continue to earn aa you learn. Box 60, Coventry. 742-6316. LIBERAL FRINGE BENE- Hs ^ named Ming, in vicinity Croft car garage, or small building axMgAtJ HEROES ARE MADE - WOT BORKl 12-2 • Dr., seen lost by owner on Fri­ 1965 GTO Hardtop, radio, heat­ CABINET WORK, formica coun­ terior paperhanging, wallpa­ Men over 19 urgently needed at FITS: Two week’s vacation; _ »i8Hif wta.t.^Tu iH y\ e»i for storage. Call 643-8930. CLEANING Woman. Saturdays, day 26, vhts wearing flea col­ er, power steering, 4 on ters, rec rooms, remodeling. per removed, dry wall work. once to train for high paying 11 paid holidays; sick leave; B E N C A S E Y lar, child’s pet. Reward. Please the floor, beautiful 2-tone. Quality work. Reasonable pric­ Reasonable rates. Fully in­ Jobs as TYaetor Trailer Driv­ 3*,4 room apartment. Own Social Security; Town pension transportation, or bus to Rock­ call 644-1776. $2,695. GARAGE for rent, Oak Street, es. Free estimates. Call 649- sured. Free estimates. 648-9688, ers If qualified. We are licensed plan; paid accident and health ■■■■..... 6985. Joseph P. Lewis. and accredited. Placement ville. Call evenings, 876-6847. and group life insurance; Town m...DAv/o OH, WHERE HELLO, REBECCA.THIS ISB0J.1 $7. per month. Call 649-3009. E 1962 Falcon station wagon, real \ W U DOWN service upon completion. Tui­ pays one-half of Blue Cross, IS HE/..WHERE HOPE I DIDN'T WAKE VtXJ, BUT clean. PATNT7NQ B Y Dick Fontaute, S H O R T R IB S IC UP? ‘ Announcements 2 QUALITY Carpentry — Rooms, tion can be financed and paid CM S and all of Individual em­ BY FRANK O’NEAL THERE WiVE CALLED ME A WHILE AGQ, Interior and exterior. Paper $ 795. Busine&s Services dormers, porches; basements after completion of training. ployee's Major Medical; 'Credit m CU^RJ^N Bakery products hanging and Wall paper remov­ NOTICE rTHERK ,A RUM8UN0' ANDIVftNTEDTDASKHIM... Offered 13 reflnlshed, cabinets, built-ins, For details phone 249-7771 or Union available. hOVz sfiTyirig Manchester area. 1964 Tempest custom station al. Dutch Boy and DuPont. formica, aluminum, vinyl, Holyoke, Mass. JE 6-6775. A public hearing will be held For applications apply to COMIMS FROM lN5lPf 1 For hAme delivery call 628-7391 wagon, radio,, heater, pow- -AND CLEARING, tree re­ OR HONSRY/ J steel, ceramo siding. William Quality workmanship. Call by the Planning and Zoning PERSONNEL OFFICE, Mu­ OF1H£ MOUNTAW.' MA-V^^ after 7, p.m. . , er,-3tedritig, power brakes, moval. and chain saw work.' Robbins Carpentry Service, evenings, 527-9571., CERTIFIED teacher will tutor Commission of the Town of nicipal BuIIdliig, 41 Center ,. ,:.F u- f o matlc transmission, A. Michaud, 742-8096. 649-3446. elementary child In all achool Manchester, Connecticut on PAINTING AND paper hanging, Street, Manchester, Connecticut Persopals ' Original ivory finish. mibjects. Call 649-9040. Monday evening, December 6, CARPENTRY — 82 years ex­ good work, reasonable rate, 35 until Tuesday, December 14, $1,995. 1965 at 8 p.m. in the Hearing 1966. YOUltG IjADY would like ride perience. Ceilings and floors years In Manchester. Your C Room of the Municipal Building 1961 BonnevUle convertible, ra­ neighborhood is my recommen­ Help Wanted— Female 35 from Spruce St. to Farming- WE BELIEVE tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ to consider the following appli­ dio, heater, power steer­ ton Ave., Hartford, 9-5. 643- rages, additions, attics fin­ dation. Raymond Flake, 649- cation for change of zone: ing, power brakes, auto­ 9237. 285i That for professional real ished, remodeled, concrete rMPORTANT NOTICE SPENCER STREET — To NOTICE matic transmis.sion. Lots work. No job too small. Imme­ .RAVIWS NOT HERE-.,- estate service you should change to Business Zone m , all of automobile for call Carl Zinsser at our diate estimates. 643-2629. INSIDE and outside painting. n »0 1964 Civil Rights Lew A public hearing will be held 0 iwt H niaTLYja MUST'VE SONS OUTOR...SOMETHIN8. Automobiles For .’^aie 4 You name your own price. prohibits, with certain excep­ or part of an area now in Resi­ by the Planning and Zoning $1,245. Manchester office or Doris ■■■ ST, , Special rates for homeowners tions, discrimination because dence Zone AA and Rural Resi­ NEED CAR? Your credit tuni- Smith at our Vernon office. CEILING AND WALL renova­ Commission of the Town of BUZZ SAWYER MORTY MEEKLE 1965 Tempest custom, 4-door tions and repairs, sheet rock 66 or over. 649-7863. 87S-S401. o t sex. R will now be neces­ dence Zone, described as fol­ Manchester, Connecticut, on BY DICK CAVALLI ed down? Short on down pay­ Whether buying or selling, sary for our readers not only BY ROY CRANE sedan, radio, heater, auto­ lows: Monday evening, December 6, ment?' Bankrupt? Reposses- call a trained Jarvis con­ and plaster repaired. Ceramic to read the usual Female matic tran.smission, air- tile installed. 10 years exjieri- INTERIOR and exterior' paint­ Northerly: By Spencer 1965 at 8 p.m. in the Hearing r 8ion?_Don’L despair! See Hon­ sultant first. * ing, wallpaper removed, fully Help Wanted and Male Help St.. 600’, more or less; PAY NO CASEY, MY PET, (\ oD PEBKBDjJ) conditioned, low, low mile- enre. Free estimates. Special Wanted classifications, but Room of the Municipal Build­ H aa^ AGOtx? est Douglas. Inquire about low­ insured. Rene Belanger, 648- ATTENTION I'M AFRAID I'VE ■- age. rates for home owners. 649- Wanted — Male or Female Easterly: By DlCiantls ing to consider the following OM5— WHAT^ 6HAPED est down, smallest payments 0512 or 644-0804. TO THEIR ENDANGERED YOU. JARVIS REALTY CO. 9262. also our Classification Help and Jarvis, In part by .eqch, application for Special Permit THREATS, UR3ANee^AMD anywhere. No small loan or fi­ $2,595. YOU'RE NEVER to y — • 87. 1,100', more or less; in accordance with A r t IV, DADDY. LEAVE THE HOUSE eneCNAWALL^AMD nance company plan. Douglas REALTORS MLS INSURORS 1963 Volkswagen sunroof, real COMPLETE Remodeling — Southerly: By other land Section n of the Zoning Reg/u- WITHOUT A AUrlUB KIN0b Motors, 333 Main. real, sharp. Floor nnishuiic 24 BODYGUARD. 643-.1121 649-1200 Home building, carpentry serv- of Louis Bunce (which la lations: HOQ6^,AhiDALL Ice available. Dormers, room FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- WAITRSISS, experience neces- 1963 CHEVY il Nova wagon, all $1,195. the proposed northerly tak­ Highland Oak . VUlage, Inc., THeidHd^MBN..., additions, rec rooms, garages. ing (specializing in older •aty, 8 - 8 p.m., closed Sun­ ing line of the relocation of vinyl interior, radio, seat belts, 1961 Ford Country Sedan, 9 334 Charter Oak Street, ResI- K vvhite walls, mouptpd snow Free estimates by calling 643- floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ day. Apply In person, Center Route 6) 660', more or less; dence Zone A . Special Permit passenger, radio, heater, STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone 1567, Wesley R. Smith Construc­ ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. ReaUurant, 499 Main 8t. M d tires, etc. near perfect condi­ s t a n dard transmission, for the erection of Group Dwell­ walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ tion Co. No Job too small. John Ver- Westerly; By land n /f of tion, asking, $1,450. 649-7018. air-ooftditloned. W ANTED — Shirt press opera­ ings. Project consists of 8 races. All concrete repairs. faille, 649-6750. Kohn Bros., 950’, more or tor, good hourly wage, paid va­ buildings containing a total of 1061 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 6 $ 895. Reasonaliy priced. 643-0851. less. 96 units. Special Services 15 cation, Insurance benefits. Ap­ cylinder, stan^rd, good condi­ All interested persons may 1963 Tempest custom 2-door HAROLD AND SON Rubbish Re­ Bonds— Stocks—> ply In person, Fisher Dry All Interested persona m ay tion, -plus .30: day warranty, GROOMING and boarding, heat­ attend this hearing. sedan, radio, heater, auto­ moval — attics, cellars and attend this hearing. $900. 643-5848. ed kennel with seperate runs. Mortgages 27 Cleansers, 535 Broad S t Town Planning Commission matic, Iransmission. yards, weekly or monthly pick­ Town Planning Commission n ■2 asSw ill H.C. Chase, Harmony Hill Keq- SECOND MORTGAOB - Un­ CLERK — typist, full time, paid John B; Lamenzo, Chairman Jolm-Bj_ Lamenzo, Chairman 1959 VOOeSWAGEN delux. 9.6,-,, ...... $1,195. up. Bolton, Manchester vicin­ MICKEY FINN nel, Hebron Rd., Bolton, 648- limited funds available for ser holldaya and vacation. Apply Clarence W. Welti, Secretary , Clartsnee W - Weltl,^ Secretary BY LANK LEONARD ^'APTAIN EASY dan, A-1, exceptionally, clean,' ity. Harold Hoar, 649-4034. 6427. ond mortgages, payments to LaPointe Industries, Rockville. BY LESLIE TURNER 5! ' snow tires, fadio, original own­ er, $600 firm. 643-1707.. PAUL DODGE, INC. SHARPENING Service — Saws, ------■..... ■ siilt yOur. bu«lget. Expedient VES—AT HIS HOTEL! WE TALKED A LONG HAl IT TAKES '^HAT A WAWBLAND OF ROCK AND knives, axes, snears, skates, Koonng— Siding 16 service. J. D, Realty, 648-5129 SfilWINQ machine operators, 8 THE STAGEHAND WHILE—AND I wnpiSasYi H0S6AR Peaks tower AND TWO MILE9 A TRUE. LOU BAKDA 573.. Main .St., Manchester a.m . to 4:80 p.m ., also light MORE THAN TALK PECPt WeRt 900 V hb eWLOSISTM MV BOSS WANTS LO/5 rotary blades. Quick service. you WEfJT TO s e e TOLD ME WHERE. THINK HE'S REALLY ^ TO 9,500 FEET ABOVE THE SAHARA! Z te lT l BIDWELL HOME Improvement A , FRESH START wlU lump factory assembly woric In fin-, TOMA/ty KlIPP THIS TO STRAIGHTEN OUT “ ■'“ 'RT BCFORB IMVeSTINS 1964’ -POBD Fairtana, 4 -Jj? i, 648-3881 Capitol Equipment Co., 88 HE WAS STAYING' GOING TO TRY/ GUYS LIKE HIAA, >Kl ALONETIMREG' Co. — Roofing, siding, altera­ MORNING? wagon, priced to sell.^7 " ’ Main St., Manchester. Hours your debts into one easy pay­ ishing department. Apply Ka- WANTED CORNEY' YOU JUST tions, additions and remodel­ ment. If you have equity in- Klar Toy Company, 80 Hilliard WASTED YOUR TIME' dally 7-5. Thursday 7-9. Satur­ 1966 CHEVR(M;^.,2'ao0§-|‘A t S ^ ' ' day 7-4. 643-7958. ing of all types. Excellent property, call Frank Rurke to 8t. 6 c y liq d 6 i;S j* « i^ ^ Falriane 600, 4-door workmanship. ,649-6496. diaoiM ways and meoAS. Ocm- SERVICE STATION AnENOANT h . excellertFr*tma^l^ Condttiqtt.'*-*»t*IIlV;8, standard shift, $1,- TYPEW RITERS — Standard nectlfcutBtifeut Mortgage- - Exchange, A. A. DION, JNC. Roofing, CalL ^ . . V -ilM iC a H 875-0484, after 6 p .A . apd electric. Repaired, over­ 15 Lewis Bt„ Hartford, 348- 5 Vi day week, no Sunday worit. Group Insurancejuid 1 siding, painting. Carpentry. Al­ hauled, rented. Adding m a­ 8897. many other benefits. terations a ^ «4iJtUons,'; Ceil­ Le-l:WMl6MUfiGLE 1968 — convert!-. chines rented and repaired. FIREPLAS:’ 2 ings. Workmansjilp ^;guaran- ttSwilf 'y spedijf, excellent coA- pow er, excellent ebndi- Pickup and delivery service. teed. 299 Autui|Q» 6$. '6«-^860. Busiitcag Opportonity 28 dftlon, 648-8409j’" . tlon. €WC 949-3889. Yale Typewriter Service, 649- BOUND MOTORS if,4/ 't 4986. IBSl^ fJlSjVROlLilE^'CohveHible, 19W BIHGk Special — very Roofing 16-A MANCHESTER — Chance of a WOOD lifetime to buy a thriving Main 369 Center Street at West Center St. Wrtpmatic, go^'tX>ndltlOn, best Sood transportation, gocd mo- a p p l i a n c e s repaired — all ROOFING — Specializing re­ «reet restaurant This is an offer, Vqileef 289-6483 after ohanlcal conditio.i, ^ '“ • ^ .-1 9 Ml roofs, gutter work, '• chimneys equipped with a good 'volume. BUNDLE - ' I ' V% ------p.m.' 649-7436. . : ' tric ranges, OU burners BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES 1960 CHEVROLET station wa------1... ■ • . ■ _■■ - ■' cleaned, repaired. Aluminum Present operator wants quick cleaned and repaired. Oosma ® ■ passenger, 6 cylinder, siding. SO years’ experience. sale. Call Doris Smith, Jarvis B y LEPF and McWlLLIAMS AppUance, 649KI000. ^ HE FEELS HE ^ ^standard transmission, excel- HHOkCURY — 1967 4 - door Free estimates. Call Howley, Realty Co., Realtors. 649-1200. W. e. 8LENNEY THIS IS NO PLACE FOR ,a ] \ % » lent condition, $1000. Call 643- sedan, $100. Call 643-7112. 648-5361, 644-8888. EXCELSIOR DOESN'T FIT IN, GUY WITH IN90MNIA. , HAN9LE IT GENTLE/^ ON THE \ WHAT'S WRONG ? FLOORS cleaned imd waxed- In M8-635S "Herald" Reporter AND HE'S PROBABLY [.DAW... MV TICKET ■ NEARBY 0020 after 5. homes, offices or business 886 NORTH MAIN ST. AtENfe I PINPOINTED THAT .______I960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 6 RIGHT, TO EVER LASTIN' M SHORE/ CHEST FOR THOSE TWO Available days, evenings. Satis­ Heating and Plombing 17 CLUB ^PAME IS INSIDE. “ > cylinder, standard. Beet offer, IDIOTS. THEY MUST'VE j faction guaranteed. Free eatl- B W IT A ’n O N FOUND IT BY NOW.y 1964 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door. 876- see at 118 Love Lane. B O m — plumbing and heat­ Wanted ' r h 9196. 'mates. Insured. George Farr. 649-9229. ing, repairs, alterations, elec­ TO BID :,l4 - 18W CHEVROLBIT,, 4-door, V-8 tric and gas hot water , heat­ Sealbd bids will be received It you are interested in this type of work 1966 TEM P;e ST hardtpE, auto- aulpnifUlc transmission,’ low WANTED DICK’S SERVICE — Snow- ers, free estimates.

- ____ 7 ^ .1.1/______J j' . . / t i :. i . ‘ iq ii TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, J^NCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1966 PAGE ITSV Ho o m i F mt 8«te 72 Bouses Pot asio 72 Hoomb For Sole 72 Rouses Fsr Sals Holp TVantoo— Malp 36 Articles For Sale 46 Ronseliold Goods 51 Apartmentfr-Flat^- Apurteento—Flats— Suboroan For 66 72 Suburban For Sale 75 Snbarban For Sale 76 go t BOOM^ lUaeh ftiaded KAMCHBSTBlRr-Modnii, Im- DUICB OOLONZAL consist- COLONIAL PLUMBBat and plunder's help- HURRY, HURRY, hunyTlSrt J^GIDAIRE; 40" electlrc stove, TcnCIRCTtS______M ______Tenements 63 ooviS^nRY LAKBI — Small lOteftIO lot, tdg tamhy alud maculate 8^ room Raiicli, 7 rooms, 1)6 OVBatfaZBOl Ranch, Bolton. BOLTON — 910,900 w ill buy Oris Ing of 7 rooms, and 1% baths. baths, 24’ living room with fire- Post Offices Awaiting furnace. Flteplaos, amazing bullt-lns, older home with new heating *^"**‘^> over- chance to rent a Olamorene. deep well, 8 storage draws, »38. LOOKINO ter anything In real ROOM Heated apartment furnished cott^, kitchen with super abundence near school, bue, ehopplnc, A million words cannot des­ CLASSIFIED time. 643-4S2A after 5. -u__ ------<— ^ — i... 4.«.ai i {dace, large master bedroom, dtshwpsher, attractive neigh­ system and new well and five electric rug shampooer for Call M0-10S8. estate' rentals — apartments, and garage, $120. 62 Porter 0t. fireplace, ideal tor couple. 742- of cablneto, formel 900. DOWN. F.H.A. Ap- 1 .. m * BOSTON (A4»)—New Eteg- .Deputy Regional Director Day morrow. prices. LeBIanc EHimiture, ;W5 stove, refrigerator, parking, garage available, 648-1385. ator. 876-1501? cy, Realtore, 648-38U. kitchens and baths, 200’ deep CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS WANTED flreidaces, wood singled gam­ praised, immaculate Ranch, veraon lua isiv' land poet offlcee are geared for reported M oi^y offlees In the —--- j ::.'. — ^------— - lot. Sensibly priced. Hayes — ------■ . , ------South Street, RockvUla. 876- Completely redecorated,' |12o . ------^------— ------, . - » « **"------.■ exceUent condition, rec. room, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. — rn------^—— ------2174. Open 9-8. 1® Forest St., oft Main St. 646- FTVB ROOM Plat, second floor, ANDOVER lAKB -- 4 room MAIfCHESTHR —, Like new Agency, 646-OlSl. brel roof and small pane wind­ ______the first flurriee In the yearly ‘'current" on APPLY: Oiamonrts^Watehes— ------. 0 0 9 0 ,643-0000. garage, furnace, hot water, 2 furnished cottage, aU cotiv«U- oonditton, 6 room Raised ows. Screened porch overlooks landscaped IH acre lot, swim­ ★ YOUR CHANCE ★ V E R N O N — ExeeTient nnio-hKni-. hiimiLivi nf uraii . M ill... deliveries, that is , the m a il is ences, available to June 1, J30 Ranch whh heated and Are- HANC3HBSTER — West Side. beautiful landscaped yard, lo­ ming pool. Lappen Agency, 949- hood, 8 bedi' AL BOULAIS, Service Mgr. Jswelry 48 wui MAVTT or 3 adults, no pots. 649-0482. To now own the popular m I^ ch , 2 fuU pieoee of Ckirlstmaa mall. destinations wltWn 12 hours. COPY a.OSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. SEVEN PIECE walnut dining HAVE customers waiting ______’ ■ ______cated In one of Manchester’s 5291, 949-9140. weekly Includes heat and uttl- Idaced family room, s genei^ Isrvely 6 room Cape, half block Nutmegger Ranch. Extras b a t ^ garage, enclosed porch, WATCH AND JEWELRY re- room set. CaU 649-1423 for the rental of your apai-t- f o u r ROOM apartment, on bus 742-7607 best neighborhoods, priced In ^glonal Director Day reported a potentiail prob- MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 10:80 A.M.—SATURDAY t AAL ous bedrooms, 18 x 19 Uving to bus, school, and shoiqring. include built-in dishwash­ rec K ' pairing. Prompt service. Up t o ------! ment or home. J. D. Realty, Une, heat, hot water, parking, , ------the mid 80’s. p61lbrick Agency, MANCHESTER D i^el ^ y said It starts at the lem In a torrent of letters and room with fireplace, Aininj Plenty of trees and shrubs, er, city water, and city ' MANCHESTER MOTOR $20 on your old watch In TWO WAY desk lamps, $2; one 643-5129. 8100 monthly. Hanley Agency, large 50x234 lot. CaU 568-0682. 640-8494. ___ Between 1,200 packages tor American troops in YOUR OOOPBRAllON WILL room, kitchen with all built-ins. sewers. Introductory ^ c e SALES trade. aosed Mondays. F. E. toon, |2; one Iron, $1; T . V . _------—- 643-0030. Wanted To Rent 68 Six Room Colonial-Cape ___ and 1.500 extra employes have 'viet Nam BB APFREOIATBD DIAL 643-2711 bedrooms, family sized $18;300. Bray, 737 Main Street, “State CSialr, $5; occasionaJ chair, 84; FLOOR, 7 rooms, fire _____ ^ . 8 twin size ON® BI/)CK from Main St., es- 3 been hlrte to sort and deUver It. He said' the Post Office Do- bedrooms, rec room, 1)4 baths, tehUshed nelghboriiood, 7)4 kitchen, living room w ith 612 W. Center St.. Manchester Theater Building. toght table, 812. set pink glass ^ ^00^3- 'vlth _ garage, Agency, Realtors, 649-2SU. A peak is reached after Dec. partment la concerned that tender loving tenants. 8140. J. first fkwr. 649-4336. after 6:80 section Walnut and Cedar Sts. stove, trees, near bus, shop- toowis, 1)4 baths, 2 car garage, wall to wall carpeting, ga­ dishes, 81.50. 643-8278. BOY SCOUT 10 when local mall—cards and much of the mail may have to Continued From Preceding Page D. Realty Co., 643-6120. p.m. CaU 643-1772. ping, only, $19,200. Hutchins coodltlwi, $19,000. Hayes rage, only $16,900. Paul Colli"Sl Wanner packages not going outside the be sent by air. It takes two Florists—Nurseries 49 m o v i n g — Must seU, refriger- Agency, 649-5324. Agency, 949-0181. Fiano Agency, 646-0191. 343-9086 875-3396 Notes and News Help Wanted— Male 36 Help Wanted—Male 36 ♦'as several good jobs community where they’re weeks to’,travel by boat from , .... * “ — ^— rvDTO'itxj'AC) rr.r>T7.c.oi .r. . stor, 830, automatic washer. NEAT 3 room apartment, heat, Houses For Sale 72 for u'l-sklUed and semi-skilled ’ 838. 742-8090. FOUR ROOM tenement, 182 Bis- hot water, stove and refrlger- HOLIDAY SPECIALS FOUR FAMILY on Welle St, 4 ESSEX St. — $18,000. takes RAISBUJ RANCIH, 3 bedrooms. mailed come flooding through Son Fraqcisco Army Post Of- PART-TIME help mornings and PART-TIME kitchen help, eve- _1_ men. (1) lab utility man, pre- ^ e family t o ______seU St.. 870. 643-2426, 9-6, ator, 880 per month. Can be CONCORD RD. — Beautiful rooms each completely reno­ this 6 room house, oil hot wa­ AA Zone. 38 D^rirhouth Rd. Vemon Junior Leaders “® flee to Viet Nam. or afternoons. Apply, S&D Inc., nings, must have driver’s II- pare miscellaneous test snecl- Stanley Tree Farm, Long FLORENCE combination o 11 a seen anytime, call 643-9353. Ranch, large living room, for­ vated, S-car garage, no central ter heat, garag;e, laimdry room. CaU 6-8 p.m. only for appoint­ “We should be over the hump Boston prepared tor the mall 96ft* Hilliard'CYni4 1 a . - J ______Hublard Dr., Veraon— New Eighty-seven scouts and lend- . _ cense. Apply in person Charter mens and laboratory mainte- Andover. Open 9 a.m.- and gas stove, pump and two E-niiu o n n ______mal dining room, cabinet heat, T.J. Crockett, Realtor, Joseph Barth, Broker, 649-0320. ment. 649<2le7. $700 DOWN era gathered at Camp John.son "J^Bec. 16 Day said. downpour by taking the post of 8 bedroom ranch featuring Oak Restaurant. nance work. (2) receiving, ^ P.m. every Saturday and Sun- oil drums. 840. 19 Ridgewood FIVE ROOMS, first floor, new- nf„h.n 2 bedrooms recrea- 643-1577. Buys this big 3 bedroom last weekend to receive train­ The Post Office Department flees to the people, SiT.: ^------T warehouse ‘♦"y o'- by appointment call 742- St., second floor. - U ^t..St- 870.»70. CaU 843-6268.643-5288, 9 9-5.-5. jy decorated,...... a ’ heat, hot ...... Water kitchen. 2 bedrooms,lLrcap;d recrea yard! charm, location and con­ MANCHESTER — $ bedroom Spc ROOM L-sbaped Ranch, ga^ Ranch, with garage, on a ing in winter camping .skills. expects a staggering 1,057,000- Special offices for selling BUS OPERATOR — E.xpen- man, opportunity to develop Large selection of W h ite------venience. Quality construc­ MANOHBSTBJR 6 room Cape Ranch, 2 baths, famUy roqnn room, 2-zone heating. full lot. A fine home for a MALE - FOUR ROOMS, heat, hot water, available, garage, centrally lo - E. Robertson, Realtor, Due to the cold rain the scouts ^ pieces of mail to enter of- stamps and receiving mall were tion. Priced to seU at $20,- excellent condition, aluminum garage, storm windows, ■'air- on a hUIslde with a 20 mile family that needs Immedi­ ra^o'd^rpTsiivr^^^^^^^ h a n d r'r fh /^ T n ^ S ^"F;omT27o\“ ‘’a r p t: 7M usical Instruments 53 electrlcUy^ rajigrt^ect^a _fated, 875. 649-939. 643-6953. learned how to keep the floors ^^es In the six-state region dur- opened Tuesday In two of the ----- 4.CW1UJC ttjiu cnecK incoming: * **• up, tuau p in e ------centrallv tii»? Avon “ r:------500. storms, carport, 100x200 lot, conditioned, many ex ti^ , large view. Only $16,300. Paaek Real­ ate occupancy. Cali Mr. Company, 49 Brainard Place. of their tents warm and dry by ^*'® from Dec. 4 busiest subway stations—Park FACTORY lace, material, placing goods into branches and cones for decora- USED Classical guitar, very able Immediately ^ l l after 5' . ,,, , , . , MANCHESTER — 1,600 square nice location, $17,900. Hanley lot, exceUent neighborhood. ty, 289-7476, 742-8243. Bogdan at, 875-6611 or 649------wnrehnnoA o ... Uon. ______a lax, very auic immeaiateiy. ijau alter S, available immedlatelv. vicln tv using .straw on the floors. In all, * through Dec. 31. and Summer Streets, warehou.se area. Should be available Immediately, vicinity Uving area, 1968 Ranch Agency, 643-0030. 644-8529. 5306, today for an appoint­ reSsonable, 880. Call 643-0671 649-7287. o a k Street — Here’s a PORTER STREET area — 8 High School graduate or equal. after 6 p.m. Bow®rs School. CaU 643-7792 j ^^rage, built-in ment. the group ,used 12 bales of This will be 55,700,00 more Also preparing to go to work dandy 2 famUy home in a MANCHESTER — Spacious 8 Manchester room Colonial with 2-car ga­ WORKERS (3). trainee, assist in handling ’THREE ROOM apartment, llv- “ '®'- kitchen, 2 fuU bathrooms, 8 straw. pieces than in the same period are the postal inspectors, watch- Garden—Farm— Dairy fine downtown location. rage, kitchen bullt-lns, 4 bed- and preparation of liquid proc­ T Ing room, kitchen, bedroom WEST SIDE room Engdlsh Colonial, 4-bed- COZY And CONVENIENT BARROWS & W ALLACE After the evening meal, the t®st year, according to the re- dogs of the mammoth mall sys- Excellent hourly wages, 8 5 room duplex bedrooms, family room with Excellent income producer. rooms, 1)4 baths, den, rcc rooms, 2)4 baths, family room. Manchester Parkade PART-TIME essing equipment. Loctite em- Just right for a twosome. scouts played Capture the Flag Sfonal statistician. tern. paid holidays, paid fu ­ , . ______Products______^ SPINCT PIANO, 8400, very good an°d bath, electric range, re- house oil burner heat adults fireplace, utility rdom, aluml- Only $18,300. room, garage. Hayes Agency. Wealey R. Smith Agency, 648 Manchester 649-5306 p a rU cli^ ^ In a With that volume, any mis- With a lot more employes, Fuel truck driver needed from cilv convenience away HAND picked, M a « ," Starks', condition. Call 643-1225. pr^e^ed. CaU M3 4097. num siding, storms and Not too big, but has every­ neral leave, pcn.sion plan, from city c ti ^iL./vcu, 1*1 646-0181. 1567. Open 8 :3 0 -9 Dally mpfire program led by Wll- take you make In addressing a there’s a greater risk of mis- vacation plan, group insur­ no pets, available December 1. screens, oil hot water heat, thing. Not on busy street, 3-4 nights per week, 5 Coburn Road ■— Take ad­ 8:30-6 Sat. & Sun. liam Auden, scou^aster. He letter Is going to wrinkle the handling.’’ said Inspector J.E ance plus major medical. taJktt’lS'IliJt TOmalmr.’& t ‘JS- Sf^n'^b?nTLl“ me«i‘,'' Brother., Inc., MANCHESTER _ 6 room Ju- coonlir' Uzeh lot. Wolv.rton HENRY ST. — 7 room home, yet only a step to bus or RANCH — Seven rooms, one p.m.-midnight, good pay vantage of thh fine offer WM as^sted by Fred Butler, system. Hickey to Boston. Applicants .nust be at least kitchen beautifully remodeled store. Five room home with year old, prestige neighbor­ tlte now. Owner transferred. Milton Coslit, John and James 6’9” talj and in good physi­ and benefits. See Scotty at with all built-lns, dining room, dining room, rec room and hood on deadend street, large Stately 6 room Colonial Leggitt and Gordon Palmer, cal condition. Interviews at Mountain RA. NowinKton. — ------cMM t’lT . ' ' ’’T - 2»5 Biawoll oiaatonbary, 63E-9057 for ap- large living room, with beamed pantry. $13,900. D. Sisco, lot with trees, decorated with ROGERS CCRP., corner of TRATvVj^^ir-,------,------m a c s , Deliclou., Cortland, and , ‘Id tin. Is your opportunity St. Brand new, apaclous 3 room pointment with 1)4 baths, 2 car ga­ senior scouts. The scouts closed District OWNER MUST SELL celUng and fireplace, 3 bed­ 64 9-53 06. elegance for rich and exclusive Open Forum Training committee cate of appreciation from C.J. Mill and Oakland Sts., TRAINEE—To learn furniture Northern Spy. Also winter ®’®‘ b'm that instrument at apartments, ideal country set- _1______rage. A sensible price tag singing In My were noted for the work in set- Hendrickson, chairman of Camp repair and refinishing. Call rooms, and den or 4th bedroom, BARROWS & W ALLACE beauty plus luxury. Fireplaces, Manchester, promptly at MORIARTY squash and freSh cabbage. 172 ^ ^®*^ ®®"^ during our an- ting, yet near all facilities. SIX ROOM flat, first floor, im^ of $21,900. ‘Sanity’ Editorial Mr. Pettengill, 646-0111. 1)4 baths, front and rear porch. Manchester Parkade bathrooms, garages. You name \X7 o^®®. t-lng up and conducting the pro- Johnson, for the cleanup work 10 a.m. Friday, December South Main St. niversary sale. Ward Music Small Colonial styled building mediate occupancy, near High WILL ACCEPT Worship Services on Sunday grani. Members Include Clinton It had done at the camp In Octo- 3. 2 car garage, $23,600. PhUbrick Manchester 649-5306 It, this house has it. For ap- the Editor, WANTED — Full-time service Co., 540 Hartford, Rd. Always offers charm and privacy. Only School, 8125. 643-0007 after 4 BROTHERS open " evenings. i JJ25 monthly, heat, hot water, P-m. REASONABLE OFFER To see theM and many Agency, 849-8464. Open 8:30 - 9 Dolly pointment to see call Philbrick Let me express appreciation tlnued tostroction '^ ^ nrac*ti*ce ^ b e rt^ l ^ v r>T lErni” ®’ ' An Equal Opportunity station attendant, day shift. Agency, 649-8464. for vour "sanltv” editorial on f ™^®'^ ^®y- I>urward Miller, It waa announced at the meet- Household Goods 51 other fine listings ' caU 8:30-6 Sat. A Sun. Employer Cali M & M Service Station, GREEN MANOR Ranch, 6______last Saturday’s March For p i camping t ^ i q u e s . Robert Kelley and Charles tog that four scouts attended 2 301 Center St., Manchester C 3 HAMMOND T O ™ - f d . rooro. wtth 7T - either of our two offices 649-2871. Six room, newly redecorat­ CLEAN. USED refrigerators, ute speaker, 25 note pedal rage, middle aged couple pre- today. rooms, fireplace, waU to wall SEVEN ROOM Split level on ^^NCHESTER—5 room older pgj^gg washlng-ton The broken a ft ^ lunch. Stansfleld the Camp Johnson Winter Skills OIL BURNER service man, ex- ranges, automatic washers board, $1,695. Call 643-7282. TO SUBLET ed young Ranch, 3 bed­ carpeting, disposal, garage, treed 160x458 lot, quiet conve- aluminum si^tog, ^ j P '®‘P®"|® ,'^‘=c‘''ed rec- All scouts and leaders re- Junior Leaders Training Session 4 room new ferred, $55. Call 649-9286. rooms, tlie bath, dining ceUent income retirement plan. „ . . „ y — rr— - with guarantees. See them at Call------Ellen Palmer, 649-3877------or nient ■ residential area, 3 bed­ ^ ® nAo] fnr a Iclrwl AT\An$>Qa ntiH i j ' l-civcu ispt?dai•P«»‘ lUslgni® „dCLIIQ »N„.„b,r.TI,ey.r/RlchaM ivv/veniDcr. 1 ncy &F6 rClCriatXl Help Wanted— apartment, $135 includes every- . tvt t-. j , room, living room , with Fringe benefits.______Advancement______XMAS season ahead. B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 thing. J. D. Realty 643-5129. “ APLE ST. — 6 room duplex, JARVIS REALTY CO. J.D. Realty Company 643-5129. rooms, heated family room, creative action more decisive rnended training certificates from J. Patten. John Simpson, Donald potenOal. Moriarty" Brothers! ^®®‘^ part-time people to serv- ^ ______Male or Female 37 Main St. CaU 643-2171. Antiques 56 no minor children, references, fireplace, refinished kitch­ Estate, 289-4519. 644-0414. m^ded for theij work included Moray Roy, District scout ex- Bergln and , Ernest Archam- fireplaced living room, garage, than war, in Vietnam. Ernest Archambault Fred But 315 Center St.. 643-5135. ’ '®® waiting customers. Earn, EXPERIENCED Real Estate inquire 45 Benton St. or call en cabinets, garage, close MANCHESTER Vicinity — 7 bault. Archambault served as 643-1121 649-1200 oil hot water heat, 1% baths, MANCHESTER— 6 room Cane Please urge your readers to ler,ler MiltonMilton'oosm^*'^barf(? Ooslit, David nn!i Charter Oak Coun 528-6686 siUe^men ne^ed for m Active' SEWING-MACHINE — Singer ^^TOrs^^^^erd^oro- THREE ROOM, third floor, heat 643-404rafter'5 pirn, to churches, schools, shop­ room Raised Ranch, custom instructor while David Haddox, EXPERIENCED tractor trailer or 644-0202. ping and many extras. Ap­ 875-0626 built 1963, features include I6x $23,500 and irorth It. Wolverton family k ltchej^ alkrou t S «>®<1 ®"d ^tudy^ the addresses Mark meterhe or 644-0202 Complete profes- Bon. $275; pine 5 drawer store and stove. Call 643-0082. ------Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. ment, wall to wall carpeting, '"®«le when published, for wiUlam Hocking, James and '*'™°P assistant scoutmaster, served os drivers, wanted for steady ' ...... — _ ’THREE ROOM apartment — praised at $16,200. Will ac­ 80 heated and flreplaced family pro tern scoutmaster for th« work. Apply S & D Inc., 95 Hil- BURNER service man, slonal ' facilities are available. Sn^®holes.‘'® e S r S r " h e S J ! drawer S J a f’ c a T R n ® R O O M apartment. 474 Main St. second floor, $86. cept reasonable offer. Easy room, 3 bedrooms with exeqp- MANCHESTER — Colonial 6 conveniently located. $17,500. J"®''® than anything else John Leggitt, James Macllvain, Boy Scout Troop 133 of Second mu.st be courteous and sober, This is not just another sales Hard St., Manchester. financing. tional closet space, l(bc30 living room, natural cabinet kitchen, Robert Lewis Realty, 457 “ escribe the motive and the at- Kurt Miller and Gordon Palm- Congregational Oiuroh held a Top pay for experience. Call job but a chance to make a !?c; after 6 erator and disposal, 576 HU- 2426, from 9-5. RANCH — Large family sized room, dining room^ kitchen has stove refrigerator, fireplace, Main St.. East Hartford, 528- «tude of this peace appeal, er. Court of Honor at Its November EXPERIENCED tool and gage 875-0963. full time career in a reward­ ments of $8. monthly. City Sew- GATELEG dropleaf table, $35 ♦*^'‘‘1 643-5659, after 4:30. ------kitchen, largo living room with every conceivable biillt-ln, 3 wall to wall carpet, drapes, 2132, 233-6385. They also point up some guide- William Auden of Troop '’169 meeting. Claude Archambault, MORE JAPANESE makers, and Bridgeport oper- '— ing profession. If you feel that CaU Bob Gerstung, 648- fireplace, S bedrooms, reo unes which could save us in this and Lewis Banning of Troop 3 scoutmaster, presented the fol Ing Center, Hartford. 522-0476. Wooden telephone, $30. ’ Sap H v E ROOATapartoeiR.'^sec': Furnished Apartments 63-A full bathrooms, 3 - zone heat, 1)4 baths, aluminum storms, 2 TOKYO (AP) —The Japanese ators. Apply at E and S Gage you are stymied in your pres- 7033 or 875-4433 anytime. room, house in immaculate frightful predicament. ' ■ ■ - - buckut, $1.50. Pin6 blankut ” ■ utility room, heated 2-car ga­ car garage, immaculate. Im­ Lots For Sale 73 scoutmasters were thanked for lowing awards: Patrick Sween- government says that Japan’s Company, Mitchell Dr. ent position -trop us a line and SAM ALBERT PROVES TO condition, completely remod­ rage, 200x288 treed lot. For ap­ The Rev. Abram W. Indicate yom reasons for want­ chest, $30. Ox yoke $25. Rope ^remod- ONE ROOM and three room mediate occupancy, $21,900. serving as assistant program ®y And Stanley Mlelczarek, Ten- population reached 98,281,955 on SEARS YOU THERE IS A spool bed and laborer bed $75. • ''®“ ®borated, new furnished apartments, all utili- eled inside and out, $18,900. pointment call Wolverton Agen­ BOWERS School area — 2 build­ Sangrey, ing to make a change. Con­ Hanley Agency, 643-0030. directors. They were In charge derfoot; Kenneth Garrity, sec- Oct. 1, an Increase of 4,860,000 DEAN MACHINE “SANTA CLAUS’’ each. Butter Chum, $10 Bed- i and dispos- ties, adults, parking. 272 Main MANCHESTER — Six troom Philbrick Agency, 640-8464. cy, Realtors, 649-2818. ing lots with acreage. Will sell Bolton DISPLAY TRAINEES tact Box F, Herald. JUST PAY MONTHLY! of tlie provisional troops. Troop o'"! class; Ernest Archambault, or 5.2 per cent over 1960. It said PRODUCTS side table, $18. W eL ered ’ St. Dutch Colonial, plus porches BANK APPRAISED 6 room separately or vrill build from 1, 2, or 3 YEARS to PAY MANCHESTER 12 and Russell Roberts, eissis- star scout; Richard Berkman, there was an average 288 per- RM ste TWO - FAMILY flat, 6 rooms Cape In desirable Bowers your plans. Wesley R.' Smith $12.18 lumber, odds and ends 649- BEAT itift tt mrvriAt-n ji ^ • ■■■. .- nnd garage, excellent condition Ranch excellent tant scoutmaster, were thanked bronze palm under eagle; and sons per one square kilometer, HAS OPENINGS FOR On the job training with 3577 ■ f ” ?°?®™ 4-room VERNON — 3 room furnished and location, full price $18,700. condition, each with 3 bedroexms, prime School area, fireplace, full Construction Co., 643-1667. *An ExceUent Race* execiitive opportunities for Situations Wanted— 3 COMPLETE $ bedrooms, large kitchen with for doing a fine job of meal Jol"i Sylvester and Roy John- The breakdown was 48,287,159 ROOMS OF BRAND NERV ------^ ® ® ' apartment, all utilities, $20. CaU Mitten Realty, 643-6930. east aide location. Wesley R. basement, city utilities, nicely To the Editor, PRODUCTION MILLING qualified high school grad­ Female 38 jgerator^J^2 miles from Man- weekly, no pets. CaU anytime, room for table, dining room, BOL/rON — Four wooded acre son, recruiting stripes. males and 49,994, 796 females, FURNITURE Smith Agency, 643-1567. landscaped lot with shade 1, , . , ^ would like to take this op- uate. salary and benefits of family room, two fireplaces, Members of the Btackledge The troop received a certifi- the survey showed. OPERATOR m id d l e AGE woman wants ^ 'l 100% guaranteed, some In Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 ukester. $100. Adults. 643-7056. 875-7011. ‘ ’ ’ SE\^N ROOM older home. 4 trees. Call owner after 6:30 H H J’"* portunity to congratulate Earl----- the finest. two full baths, two car garage, WEST SIDE—2 family flat, 2 p.m. 649-8696. ^ c uded d e fe n d street, excel- Yost of The Manchester Herald. patio, beautifully landscaped new furnaces, 2 car garage, ______TOCL CRIB ATTENDANT months, original cost, $600. refrigerator, baseboard heat. ^ t area of custom homes. Men of the Tall Cedars of Leb- BLOND BEDROOM nished apartment. Stove, re­ «43-5953. lot with trees, wall to wall car­ new kitchen, good investment SEVEN ROOM Colonial field­ (Knowledge of Shop Tools Apply Monday-Friday. 10 Will sell for $300. Can be seen spacious yard, immediate occu- Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Manchester Police LIVING ROOM SUITE frigerator, heat, iy?ply after 6 peting and drapes included In Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9332. stone fireplace, 18x30 living Required) a.m. - 4 p.m.. or call Mr. at House and Hale. Ask for P^"cy, $110. Phone 649-8671. ______and all others connected with WILL TAKE care of children In 5-PIECE DINETTE SET p.m., T. Morrow, 26 Birch St., SPRING STREET — A custom price of $24,600. Philbrick room, 4 or 5 bedrooms, J.D. NOW at NICHOLS - MANCHESTER TIRE, INC. Jacob.s, 233-7531 for ap­ Mr. Dine, manager. Ranch by Ansaldl. Six big PORTER ST. area. Immaculate Suburban For Sale 75 th® Thanksgiving Day Road pointment. my home, $12 a week. 649-6426. —AND ACCESSORIES 649-2236. Agency 649-8464. Realty Company, 643-5129. BURR AND FILING HOTPOINT REF’R rooms, 1% baths, porch, ga­ Colonial Cape, 6 rooms, center TiT. ______Race. It was an exceUent race. OPERATOR PRACTICAL nurse - companion OLYMPIC TV Wanted—T^Buy 58 rage, built-lns, vacant. Wooded 6)4 ROOM Ranch — comptotely foyer, 1)4 baths, secluded yard, NEW 6 ROOM Ranch flre- Attrao- I know how hard these men Twice the traction on Icet desires work by day or live in, WASHING MACHINE Business Locattonn lot. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- remodeled, 3 bedroome, cer­ near bus, shopping. Hutchins placed living room, formal din- “ l y 2-c^ ter^S'wllarTeT ^ WE BUY and sell antique and T7v-\rro Dru-inT . APPLY IN PERSON SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. own tran.sportntion, excellent DELUXE RANGE t. ^7___ .. fllU R ROOM apartment, con- For Rent 64 1677. amic bath, fireplace, ready for Agency, 649-5324. ing room, 2 full baths lare-e i ^ > ^ 8 ®. cellar, sew- Race such as your Annual 5 AU Appliances Brand New used furniture, china, glass, sil- vpniprot i c o n ------occupancy. Wesley R. Smith 1445 New Britain Ave. references. 1-423-4805. lot, in very desirable neighbor- Hutchins H u tclSiT T g ^ ^ NEW 600DYEAR SAFEH SPIKE WINTER TIRE Take your choice of any ofor ver, picture frames, old coins, ^orkine couDle'°"ad„ltr''^’'!^’ ^^^^^^SIONAL offices, pres- LARGE EXECUTTVE R anch, 7 Agency, 643-1567. ' Realtors, be given a great deal of credit. 165 Adams St. West Hartford IN TOWN hood. PhUbrick Agency, 649- 649-5324. these appliances in addition to iTuns, pewter, scrap gold, c a llT ffe r T n ^ tenants include law office, rooms, modern kitchen with aU 8464. The people of Manchester had a Manchester -P ets 41 ‘liuette, watches, old jewelry, hobby _____ er p.ni. 649-4319, real estate, insurance and post built-ins, dining room " two flre- M.ANCHESTER — large mod­ Moat revolutionary tire ever built Dogs— Birds Owner on move. See this 6 BOLTON — $13,500. 3-bedroom opportunity to see em Ranch, central location, 2 MANCHESTER — brand new DRIVER, over 18. Apply Wink- ______COCKER PUPPY . IH----- ^ dishes collections, paintings, attic con- CENTRALLY located” T T ^ 11^ Oakland St.. 649- places, 2% baths, family room. room Cape in splc and span Ranch with big family room ®°'"® *^*'® country’s outstand- • 100 tungsten-sttel teeth dig in glare ice and p^ked snow ' ler Auto Parts, 179 W.'Middle CONCRETE Pinisliers. General . °®" '^tiff, EVERYTHTNr; tents or whole estates. Furnl- duplex, available December 15. "ar garage wooded lot, fireplaces, basement garage, condition, fireplace, large custom built 7 room Raised off kitchen, comer lot, nice • Up to 155% more starting traction than ordinary winter tires Tpke., Manchester. laborer being hired for arohi- ONLY $398 ture ~ Repair------Service. 643-7449. adults,------^el^tric stove, garage DESIRABLE "" store oi^ office 3454 ...... ^**^' ...... Agency 649- only $17,900 for quick sale. Bet lot, convenient all schools. Ranch, located In Rockledge, residential area. Will qualify ^ certainly would like to see show, excellent pet. 643-7432. Air Real Estate, 643-9382. N \ E St. Bartholmew parish. Beau­ • Up to 70% more stopping traction than ordinary winter tires tectural concrete. Glazon space, ground floor, clean, at- Asking, $16,500. for VA minimum financing. T. towns In Connecticut put - w a h t e d - . m „ » « ’®P- S e r y o r F r e f s t o S Un^^^ ’^® working"OTder, ‘ pn“ ix)UR ROOM flat, 2 in knotty PORTER STREET arte - 6 view, dreamy kitchen has built- such as the one held each year erative Oil Company, 315 _ - ______*' ______® months old, bred for Needed ^ , replies confi- pine, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, Hv- ^ 11 room Dutch (Colonial, Screen- room Colonial with 1)4 baths, Madeline Smith, Realtor lns and dining area, handsome in Manchester. This I feel will 'l Go on stick Go through BroadRrrvk/i St.ct ’ AMBITIOUS Anii3mr/-^rTP yoimg------—man inter-~ temperament and .show. hean. On DisplayntsTiT."nt atof Mainaaoj- Storec-z— dential, give brief description, ing room, ventian blinds kit- ®-ni - 8 p.m. e Assistant Production SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT >..-(,.1. a 1____ « . good Income, center location. room, built-ins, 2-car ga­ Paid holidays and brick 6 room house, 2 ceramic - - - oversized 2 car garage, 3 zone Once again, congratulations 0050. ------cjAAATT rt.— - ^ 3 ' t'ccplace, breezway and J.D. Realty Company, 643-6129. rage, porch, hot water o # sto,,.,. ™ ,o„.,.„t. '-s r .: SMALL Store for rent at 73 baths, dining room, double heating and numerous other on a superb job. Control Manager Inc., 6-19-5392. - ...... , .AOU, lor I , ------r ------= s m a l l 4 room apartment, sec- Birch St., reasonable rent Call ^^'’^8^®- assume FH A m ort- features. Priced in mid 20’s. heat, approximately one Call after 5:30 evenings and obligation whatsoever. “ OOms Without Board 59 ond floor, newly decorated. 643-6356. gage. Call Betty Goldshlder Pltety o f stor- ROOM RANCH, full tiled Best ■wishes. SAFETY SPIKES CAN BE INSTALLED IN For appointment call Elsie acre lot with ample trees. all weekend, 649-6230. A T. 15 rr r> m. „ mxTfrt ______—r — Suitable for young couple, $75. age, acre, gardens, trees. Bill Taylor Jr., _____ . ______A— L— B— E— R— T’ S THE THOMPSON______HOTTctir____ r'fff- foi young coupie, $70. ——------649-4965, or J.D. Realty Com- bath, birch cabinets, on bus Meyer Agency Realtor, 649- Immediate occupancy. GOODYEAR SUBURBANITE PERMACORD SNO TIRES c Local industrial company f o l Call Charcoal Broiler, 649-8055. FIRST FLOOR store now va- Pany, 643-6129. Hutchins Agency, 649-6324. 48 Church St,, PART-TIME GUARD FREE FOUR month old part ALLYN ST., HARTFORD l^age Street, centrally located, line, $14,900. Char-Bon Realty, 5524. Charles Lesperance, 649- has brand new po.sition __ * 4“^ flPTJ'TVT ■NTTr'TJmra m-r-*- * .. i___ . - ’ Greenwich, Conn. cocker puppy, for good home, OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 643-0683. 7620. just opening fur Assistant Imtnediate ontning in Man- iMge. pleasantly furnished ROOM APARTMENT, first t ^ ^ ’lusiM ss ^CaU LAKEWOOD Orcle - Five bed- very good with children. Call rooms nnrk ntr rnll tiAn.OfiKQ fWir J1_..______y. wuaiuti&b. v^au ______^ Manchester Production Control Mana­ rhcsti'r. for Thur.sday. ana Special Warehouse Release rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 floor, living room, dining room, 289-7106 room Colonial with 1^ baths, evenings, 649-1479. G irli' Jerkin Set SOUTH WINDSOR — 6 room '"^® ^ Vote ger. Recent lugli seliool or Frit'avs, from 8 p.m,-11 3-ROOM HOUSEFUL OF for overnight and permanent kitchen, refrigerator, range — ______^______-______new kitchen, loaded with ex­ JUST FOR YOU K i p m., SI 10 per hour, rail Smocked Cosy! modem Ranch. 3 bedrooms, To the Editor, college graduate with .some UNCLAIMED guest rates, and hood, disposal Venetian -----;;------tras. Quality throughout. Im­ Attention all families! If 'Go‘ln-Snow” Special! Briilgeport 367-9381, collect. blinds, 11/2 baths, 2 bedrooms ____ family '•oom. full basement, The League of Women Voters experience in production FREE — Kitten.s, part angora, Houses For Rent 65 mediate occupancy. Sensibly you need - a 3 bedroom f u r n it u r e large 'closets. Jurt like planning, .scheduling, etc. ——------trained. 649-6128. DIRECT FROM WAREHOUSE nished, private entrance, owning SEVEN ROOM house, 4 bed- priced at $31,600. T.J. Crockett, horn e at a modest price, rec $17,900. Bel Air is looking ahead to a large vote your own home, front and rear this 6 room Cape Cod is Real Estate, 643-9332,______affirmative, and primarily •necessai-y. We will train IzOC.AIj Manufacturing firm of------3 ROOMS NEW $199 bus line, near shopping. 649- rooms, fireplace, hot water Realtor, 643-1677. just for you. For $14,800, you in this new position as (ering .'.jilendid opportunity in ------7T02 entrances, no pets, reasonable heat, all good sized rooms, an informed vote at the D ec. 14 .SOI \ ostn,blishod customer Articles For Sale 45 manager desires respon- ' ______rent, on bus line. Call after 5 move Into a quiet neighbor­ long as you've had si>me large secluded lot, on bus line. Vemon referendum. On this day the cit­ sible party to purchase 3 ROOM with kitchen privilegos P '"- 649-3566. hood and enjoy life. Mr. SUBURBANITE izens of Connecticut go to the experienee. Air-eonditinned a i-Mrt ______. . . ' o * _ Call Warren E. ' Howland. l a r g e c o l o n ia l office, Wonderful fringe li!'ns, gwd'paj’, and''fhfe ^ _ ® ®oeivicB 'T ‘®® .®" on Arlens.Ariena, ROOMSo.uujvis OFUF NEW WARE, central location Mr« rvonno,, ------Gordon, 649-5306. polls to decide the fate of the Hahn Eclipse, Jacobson lawn HOUSE FURNITURE $199 14 Arch St ^*^DR ROOM duplex, cefnveni- Realtor, 643-1108. ★ TRY THIS ★ bencfit.s. plea.sant working tial for .secure and future revised State Constltutloru mowers. Alro Homellte chain 7-pc. living room 3-nc bed------ently located, adults preferred, COMPLFTFT v fnmioSoH *. n Seven rooms, 2% baths, BARROWS & W ALLACE For a starter home. Neat conditions, .'Salary loinmen- gi-tiwth. For apixjintment call Manchester Parkade The 1965 Constitutional Con­ siirate \v- i t h exjterience. AD.1-nfi27 or 64-1-0202. ^^rctors.-^Rem tar^qSi^^ 15-pc. total. ATTRACTIVE sleeping room. Call er, Coventry Lake, $100. month- 2 fireplaces, large family and clean 3 bedroom Ranch . . --- equipment gentleman, private entrance, ^fts^" 4:30 p.m., 644-0466. ly. 742-8476. Manchester 649-5306 vention has completed its task. WINTER TIRES room, 2-car garage, built- with carport, close to Plea.se semi resume lo Box and sharpening service on all INSTANT CREDIT Open 8:30 - 9 Dally It was only the third such con­ TWO higli school boy.s lo work makes. L &„ M Equipment NO MONEY DOWN shower, free parking. Apply 195 trHRFE roatot o * I ------ins, city utilities, excellent schools. Aluminum screens V. Herald, stating present 8 :3 0 -6 Sat. & Sun. vention in our state’s history. after scliool at furniture ware- Oorp., Route 83, Vernon,____ , 875- $2 WEEKLY Spruce St. f ^ ^ ^ i i w Or- FIVE ROOM house, heat and location, quick occupancy. and storm windows. Value salary range. ford Village immediate occu- utilities furnished. Route 44A, The first. In 1818, wrote our • New Permacord hou.se. Call Mr. Pettengill, 646- '^609. Manchester E xchajia' — DISCOUNT FURNITURE Charles Lesperance, 649- SIX ROOM Colonial, double gar plus at $14,900. 0111. Enterprls 1946. 238 CHARTER Oak St. — room Pancy. Please call 649-2462. Coventry. Please call, 742- 7620. ; State Constitution which has WAREHOUSE with private entrance, suitable 6924. ^e, 1)4 l^ths, fireplace, car- been our lunoamemaifundamental law for • 260 Cleats 3580 Main St., H irtford for working gentleman. 649- LO'^KLY 4Vi room To-wn Hquse WANTED part-time, 8-1 :3fi, man ACCOUNTANT — Must have 'lege degree, and minimum pA.LLON INK drums sult- In Back of 1746. ’ apartment, corner Oak and 59-m5;’T2'.8?43! W a ^ n e f ^he 147 years. The second. • Built Deep to Bite Deep to work in tised car lot for In 1902, proposed a document <>f 2 years experience m indus- ®'‘''® '^'PPlsl'- Call 643-2711. Old Puller Brush Building Cottage, heat and hot water, Suburban For Rent 66 ' BEDROOM Cape with 643-9088 875-33 96 starting of cars, wa.tliing and -SIX ROOM single off Main St., which failed to capture the pub­ tiHal or,' public 522-7249 FURNISHED room to rent, near completely sound proofed. Pri- sunporch, oversized • Rugged and Strong evcMi ,yacuum cleanmg and other lic Interest and was defeated field, ix^ctite emplo“ iov feeling’’ center, gentleman preferred, vate cellar, refrigeratorrefrigerator, range,range T ic ^ r ' Wales Rd., prac- fenced In yard, recentl;^redfe- excellent oondi'tion, vacant, ______small cliorcs. Ap| ly, Ray I iwy- ipmyes injoy clean carpets with Bide Lus- OPEN MON. - SAT. 9—9 at the polls. As a result of a fed- at Turnpike Speeds ____ Call 643-8547. -8547. disposal and dryer, $140 month------^ T T ®^®®® every- make an offer. Wesley R. 'VERNON er. Used Car Manager, Alan- Smlth Agency, 643-1667. congestion...... ®*"""P«'er, generon.s SEWING fringe MACHINES Agency, thing. Leonard Agency; Retd- room L Ranch on 125x200s ',« .r..-rt„7 „v jr«:„. chester Motor .Saic.s, 512 W. ; ^ y i S ^ s T o r rent - ladies pre: ______Realtors, 646-0469. tors, 648-0469. treed lot. buUt-lns. dlshwash- C o f “^ttonal Center St., Manchester. ix nefits and educational T v Wallpaper settle for an unknown brand MANCHESTER — $16,900, cen­ af •9 7/ 1_ii_ __ Convention, came into •'•■istnnce programs. Loctite of doubtful quality from s ^ e - SaMc^ca'uom T 49S r « 9-8T9l! Apartment, full BOLTON CENTER trally located 7 room older er. fireplace. 1)4 baths, car- r '* " '" '* " " " ’ '^“"'® b«tog. port, convenient location, ex- ®®® “i;"® ®P®®*f*® recent events JANITORS — part-time, eve­ Corporation, 705 No. Mountain FREE WHEELS Buy show ®"® 'vhen you bath, stove, heat, hot water, 3 home, big lot, needs some re­ can hllV n Kro-ri<4' vial* C«4 —___D 2 9 2 9 -H ■ cellent neighborhood. Hanley. ''®®P®''®tole for this. nings, call 613-5691, 3:30-6 p.m. Rd., Newington. tires, get new wheels froe!^No ®^" ^ Singer ROOM FOR RENT; gentleman T 'T T w , person, stove, refrigerator." iTTeaTth f T T !T u „ T ” ^’.. decorating, excellent value, Bel Agency, 643-0030. 1961 the Supreme only. down payment, 6 months to $59.50 -with as little as only, free parking, central lo- immediately. Call ful setting. Call 64.3-4319 1 __ t.. Stprage, plus setting, c a ll 643-4312 even- lo v ;iy T r T o m T o u r S ® ^ | ^ Air Real Estate, 643-9332. Court found Connecticut’s House pay. Cole’s Discount. StaUon *®®y monthly caOon, references reauired ®^3-0727. ings Agency, 649-5324. COLUMBIA — 16 acres of land and Senate apportionment llle- CLERK — general office dut; 643-5332. terms. Singer Sewing Center, 643-2693. ' ------1 . MANCHESTER — 2,000 square 9ze6.00xl3P Including typing, full tim.e, . SEWING 832 Main St., 643-8883. feet living area, 9 spacious almost level, about 10(X) foot gal. The Dietrlct Court then or- Tubeless 11 p.m. liberal benefits. Apply CLEAN RUGS, like new, so easy NEAR MAIN St. — one room. rooms, living room with cathe­ frontage on Rt, 6. One 7 room dered the General Assembly to Blackwall Lombard Brothers, Inc. Bum- to do with Blue Lustre. Rent ®DLID Mahogony — Duncan suitable for one gentleman,' r dral celling, 5 bedroome, 1)4 house, very good condition, one draw up a temporary plan of re- Plus Tax and electric shampooer, $1. Olcott Bhyfe drop leaf table, 38x24 reaisonable. 9 Hazel, 649-2170. ' I n four room house, almost new. alignment of both houses and to 2 ham St., So. 'Windsor. MACHINE VALUABLE COUPON baths, kitchen with bullt-ins, Traded) Tim Variety Store. l°p, excellent condition. 643------—!______!_ I bpautiful reo room, complete Barn and sheds. For appoint- call a Constitutional Convention 6458 or 742-7013. ‘ Apartments—Flats— . with bar, closets galore, 2 car ment call Burton Stark^ Real- The legislators went to work in MECHANIC r ic h STONE Free loam, $14 Tenements 63 I garage and nearly one acre of tor, Columbia, 228-9243. December 1964, adopted, a tem- SALES MANAGEMENT five yards. Sand, gravel, stone ®^KGER SEWING Machine — Experienced sewing ma­ fill, and manure. 643-9504. good condition, $29. New Zig 8 2 1 6 land, near buses, shopping. , and______BOLTON_ Near center, fire- P®*’®'Y plan of reapportionment • U uMir ckMiaow pnbkm fgrim l chine mechanic wanted 'for ------sevdng machine from $79. 149 OAKLAND ST. — 2 rooms 100 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS ! •-UyM. schools. Philbrick Agency, 649- placed 6 room Cape; lazge lot, redlstrictlng acceptable to Intendows now being held SUPER STUFF, sure TMa charming doll with a first .shift, 7 a m. - 3:30 p.m. nuf! I ll Center St. or call 289-8607. and bath, $65. 643-2426, 9-5. tmimedieite occupancy. Leonard parties, and passed the bill to fill two openings in our That’s Blue Lustre for clean­ Just nice Hg sister’s . . . a smocked skirt Is a per- Please apply to: H > Agency, Realtors, 646-0469: au^rlzlng the 1965 Convention. 13"-14"-15" nvanagerial .staff. Appli­ ing rugs and upholstery. Rent clever Jerkin and pleated skirt f*®^ hideaway for the toaster or ------Ck««P09ed of 84 members, the cants must have at least electric shampooer, $1. The ON ANY PURCHASE tor the miss of six to fourteen to“'‘P®J- Make it In gay glng- r VERNON-Opportunlty knocks. OonvenUon convened on July 1 one year of college. Excit­ Sherwin Williams Company. yeara. Sew In her favorite color, yourself or gift-giving "!■ ®;„!'®-:..®;^- ^«^»>le locauon. 6 room al- 1965. In due Ume 269 resolutfoii W HEELS A T ing opportunity for ambi­ PIONEEi. No. 8216 with Patt-O-Rama Is o®’ _ „ ______brick"Agenev M9 r« u ’^' ®*^®^ Colonial, with were submitted which'pro"vlded tious man. Guaranteed .sal­ PILE IS SOFT and lofty . . . AT in sizes a, 8. 10, 12, U years, te^ has pat- ______CK Agency,_ 649-8464. b)4 acres, 2 extra buUding lots, for specific court ordered chang- ary, company car provided. colors retain brilliance in car­ WANTED Slse 8, Jerkin. % yard of 64- TWO FAMILY, s-5, 2 oil bum- **®-y®® Agency, 6460131. es, plus other constitutional re- LO W PRICES Apply in person. pets cleaned with Blue Lustre. PARACHUTE to.; skUt 1)4 yds. amocklng; fuU dIrecUons, ers, exceUent locaUon. WIU COLUMBIA LAKE 112 000 4 Now the work of the Rent electric shampooer, $1. MAN TO WORK rN To order, send 86c In coins to: 168 Forest Street seU at appraised val«« z^ snA ™ 1965 Constitutional Oonven«„n Larsen's Hardware. To order, send BOc to coins tot appraised value, $4,506. room”Ranch fireolacr’panel- Constitutional Convention Manchester ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT WHEN YOU BUY A PAIR THE SINGER COMPANY HILTGEN’S l i f e SIZE Santa for sale, Hutchins Agenpy, Realtors, 646 “ P^®*« and strengthen our state Oi» N ew WINTER TiRESI m u s t b e h i g h s c h o o l g r a d u a t e Herald, UM A m OF gMEIUOAS, M W YOB k T'n Y 832 Main St., Manchester made of weatherproof. mate­ AMEHIOAS, M*W YOftK, N.Y. ^ ' * 6824. SOV«rnment and the role of state FULL-TIME school custodian. rial. Call 528-4516. 66 S E R V IC E S T A T IO N MOSS. MANCHESTER _ Kon^r Clr- government In our federal sys- •Apply. Board of Education of- ______SELLING EXPERIENCE HELPFUL BONNIE For Ist-cUuM mailing add aoc for 1'*^^**' WmD&OR — Non-develop-'' been opposed. Now it NO MONEY D0WN>FREE MOUNTING - ______Bof. Tolland, Conn. Call 875- KTVE PIBX3E breakfast set, APPLY IN PERSON THE PtAID lASSn fo r each pattern. Print Name, Address .with Zip Code, Style mrat ^ oMer Colonial. “P ^ the people to approve IfECHANIC — full-time, for mahogany sewing rocker, red 436 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER Address with Zip Code, Style No. and Size schnnia ^toeplace, garage, lovely land-

J V .» V .-...I.-.,..I..-

V' , .fe, / .. . 7A % W ^ :7 pw>. wRiSiI { •N'r ■■■ .# ■■' Vv*

.■■■ ■ ■■ .

..... THURSDAY, DEGEJU®®® ' lit,eh ‘ ; 1^1 '4l*K*'hwM*U'P -.H r vet. Iliey wffi visit West Haven Four members of the Ameri­ man of volunteer hospital work­ C i s it T o w n Vetetens HttSfrital, Newington can Legion Auxiliary plan to ers; Mrs. J. F.-' Wallett, reha­ November 27, 1888 The Vpterans Hoepits) and Rocky attend a Department of Con­ t C uri«i Rlrflt of Ifan- bilitation chairman, and Mias HiU Veterans Hoq>ital. Chil­ necticut rehabilitation and child Barbara WaUett, child welfare L ig h t'm in thU prealdott of the Oon- dren’s Christmas patties will welfare workshop Saturday at (diairman. 14^555 about 40; fa ir and mild ' Meticut W W , and her staff, will be held Sunday at Uncas-on- 10 a.m. at Trinity Church Par­ I ff* " Monday making their an- row, h l ^ 4d-B0. ' Thames Hospital and Wednes­ ish House, Wethersfield. They The VFW Auxiliary will Save at Pinehurst ManeKwtiii^ ' A City of ViOage Charm Wial pre-holiday visits to pa­ day, Dec. 8, at Newington Crip­ are Mrs. Ruth Hlckox, presi­ sponsor a card party tomorrow rents in veterans hospitals. pled Children’s Ho^ital. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 54 CTWBNTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ■ _ .. j _ dent; Mrs. Wilber Little, chair­ at 8 p.m. at the post home. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1965 Get the Finest Meats, Too! (OsMiftod AdverOsiiig on Page 17) PRICE SEVisN Weather Brightens Pope Stranded VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Paul VI was stranded for a minute Thursday in an Accuse U.S. I Shop Pinehurst elevator stalled between two floors while visiting ‘the Ro­ Grocery Shelves man seminary in the heart of For Gemini Launch the populous quarter of S t for Notional Brands John Lateran. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. Informants said today the SPECIALS THURS.. FRL. SAT. ot Low Prices (A P )— The weather out­ pontiff and two members of Viet ‘Aggression’ M«!USDA CHOICE BLOCK STYLE DECEMBER 2-3-4 look brightened today as his retinue were in the eleva­ Geminin 7 astronouts tor when it cEune to a stand­ 0 *" Frank Borman and James still. While the pope’s priv­ ate secretary,, the Rt. Rev. A. Lovell Jr. made final Msgr. P a s q u a 1 e Macchl, CHUCK • IK: i preparations to start off rushed for a technician, one Saturday on man’s longest of the prelates in the eleva­ Military venture into space. tor kept pushing buttons un­ Health and Beauty Money Spate agency weathermen til It moved again. ROAST had been concerned about a Savers This Week fast-moving trough of rain mov­ Aid to Be ing across the southern United B U D E CUT States toward Florida. But they said today it probably would IRS Qoses Johnson's pass out to sea before the sched­ Continued uled 2:30 p.m EST blastoff time. Nazi Party UNITED NATIONS, N. SIRLOIN TIP ROAST BAND-AID The weathermen predict clou­ PLAS’nC STRIPS dy weather in the launch area Y, (AP) — The Soviet V.. Reg. 67c — Special Saturday, but consider that coO'» Headquarters Union accused the United ditlons will be saUsfactory, a ______States today of aggression 49c National Aeronautics and Space WASHINGTON (AP) — Head- in Viet Nam and declared YOUR FAMILY WILL LOVE THAT ROAST (Save 18c) Administration spokesman said. it would continue to pro­ lb Otherwise all elements of the ® American Nazi par- vide Communist North SECRET launching were reported in ex- ^ “ suburban Arlington, Va„ Viet Nam political and DELICIOT1S TENDER BEEF—Yet priced way down to please your cellent* condition. — was padlocked by the Internal Revenue Service today to en- military support. 3 So.-d sense of thrift. We recommend the first cuts at $1.09 for tender Super Spray Borman had dinner Thursday , , Soviet Ambassador Nikolai lean oven roasts and the 89c cuts for juicy lean pot roasts. Save 20c with his wife and two teen-age ^ T. Fedorenko spelled out hi« sons, who flew here from their m em ^r of the party, Paul to 30c lb. on both cute. Deodorant country’s position in a speech Usually $1.00 — Special Houston, Tex., home to observe u the launching. Mrs. Lovell Is «®^‘i<3'iarters, reported that he in U.N. General Assembly’s main Political Committee. USDA CHOICE ' expecting a baby, perhaps while ^hen the 69c It came on the heels of a PINEHURST BONELESS U.S. CHOICE her husband is whirling through arrived. (Save 31c) statement by British Foreign CHUCK STEAK or his two weeks in orbit, and re “ They took aU my personal Secretary Michael Stewart la FRESH mained in Houston. possessions and dumped them SIRLOIN TIP Moscow that he had been un­ "The weather may not be as out in the street,” Patler said. able in talks with Soviet offi­ BLOCK CHUCK good as we’ve had it on some He added that he planned to ...... cials to detect any change In GROUND past shots,’’ said Charles Ma­ sit outside "on my wrecked bed, the Soviet position on Viet BEEF ROAST scon thews, Gemini program manag­ or wliat’s left of it.’’ Sgt. Maj. William Woolridge waves a farewell as he prepares to return to Viet BONELESS Nam. er. "But we feel we have a good Patler said the action was CHUCK 2nd cut (3 to 4 lbs.) or whole IZ-lb. tip A^a™ * I^ivision. He ended a week-long stay in Birmingham Fedorenko made the charges cut to order. TOWELS chance of going Saturday.” taken in connection with a claim SHOULDER (AP Photofax) for back taxes against the par­ R ed ^ ^ e/’ ^ A P ° P h S ^ the troops of the “ Big against the United States as WHITE or COLORED Borman, an Air Force lieuten­ ty. the committee opened debate on Regular Size Free Speech—And Lots of It ant colonel, and Lovell, a Navy how to prevent interference In ROAST commander, are scheduled to A reporter lorfor methe KidderRldder BONELESS student Daniel Teodoru, a native of Romania, ad­ Cirrie “ newspaper group said in a copy- the domestic affairs of one SOLID LEAN 5 For 89c dressed students of University of California at cirole the globe for a record 14 ri^ht story that half a d^en country by another. JUICY — TENDER Q CHUCK POT FIRST CUT PINEHURST Berkeley yesterday and was then assailed by the • .u agenrtB of the Internal Revenue Planes Take Over The new Russian charges unidentified demonstrator at left. She was a part Ppmini Service swooped down on the solidified the observation that a BONELESS Gemini 6 astronauts. Navy headquarters. multination peace offensive was LONDON BROIL SIRLOIN TIP Welch's of a free speech movement commemorative rally. GRAPE JELLY Cmdr. Walter M. Schirra Jr mu . . . becoming doubtful at this time. lb ROAST SILVER TIP Teodoru called the demonstrators “ puppets.” and Air Force Maj. Thomas P u said that the tm m Early hope was pinned on Brit­ OVEN BEEF ROAST Stafford are to blast oM from padlocked after a As Viet Cong Hide SHOULDER STEAK 2 Lb. Family Jar 49( ish Foreign Secretary ARchael the same laimr-h f i ? heated argument with Rockwell. Stewart’s proposal -that his SAVE 10c lb. $1.09 OVERROAST lb.$1.19 tempt to rendezvous and "fly ^in aam L dispatch said ^ G O N , South Viet Nam near Da Nang. Spokesmen said H r coimtry and the Soviet Uhion formation 'with Gemini 7 The u ~ Vietnamese there were no Marine casual- take the initiative in setting up MAXWELL HOUSE Zambia Not Satisfied ^ o space ships areTo conducTa 't 1 RockweU ti^ p s beat through the jungles Ues.. a conference aimed at a cease­ PRODUCE Thin Pyrex once-a-year fire. special saves you 21c when aeries of close-in maneuvers for lieutenaS rerxirTe^^’ t^*^ of South Viet Nam today with- Guajn-based B62s roared over you buy Coming Pyiiex 9-lnoh But today Stewart told a PINEHURST BACON SALE With Britain’s Help (See. Page Tea) (See Page Ton) — — — planes kept uo their attapiia ,___ .. ■ ^ their heavy COFFEE FANCY SNOW WHITE OSCAR MAYER LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) — spanning the Sambesi River (See Page Ten) planes kept up their attacks on bom ^ loaW (AP) — The Soviet nothing about new space tech- Oong. A Market’s Badge Of Honor! GRAPEFRUIT in Rhodesia,’ ’ K ou n ^ told a n i^ h ig'^ n U i^ o ^ f o U ^ e d " ^ Inirin loTinirtVixx#4 nvt~ ______nothing about ... .. new _ space tech- Oong. . " ...... J"®" fought a savage nine-day famous painter and sculptor, news conference. “ That is several Arc-osv frei'e'ht ciarripJ^ h unmanned niques until they have proven U.S. spokesmen also reported weeks ago. LB. FLOUNDER ^(AP Photofax) had undergone a successful op­ DELICIOUS. ECONOMICAL . . . AND SO SECTIONS Wh.™ » t . . « ■ - eration for the removal of the BAG e '- ht-engine Strategic Air Saucy Santa FLOUR i FILLET lb. 79c MANY WAYS TO FIX IT! gall bladder. Comm^rd bombers dropped Reindeer are fine for Hugh Fullerton, director of WASHED and CLEANED Pinehurst is proud to bring you the best 4 Cans 89c rooftops but Santa the Americein Hospital of Paris, for your family! DUNCAN HINES tlons under w"hich RAF units at Ndola, one of the main co[ud take a m a l o r ^ ^ T h ® ^ When Luna 7 crashed on the into a peak 40 miles northwest ^ Air Force and Navy finds a light motorcy­ after 'first COTflrming that the It’s not just hamburger at Pinehurst. axe taking over the air defense in the rich copper^elt. NdSTte o r f h e ^ i t ^ ^ t e t L l ^ of Dong Hoi, a railhead near the mad® ^ armed recon- 84-year-old artist, had had the WHITE — YELLOW — DEVIL of Zambia, they sUlI are negoU- 300 miles north of the Rhodesian for landdne- a mao ®aid only that IRh Parallel frontier. The pilot naissance missions against tar- cle much handier when Haddock, Sword It’s wonderful, freshly chopped Ground Beef. ELECTRASOL zipping around city operation in the American insti­ SPINACH for Dishes — Usually 45o atmg terms to cover the ground border. Four Beverly transports at a t o e when U S a ^ r o ^ ^ a f®""® f°r a soft land- was listed as missing. tution, later reversed himself Oysters (See Page Ten) ^oops wtachBmain has offered arrived from Aden. ■J'® scheduled to be orbiUne-the " tvT®"^® nuclear-powered carrier streets in Indianapolis. and said he had been mistaken. Jumbo Shrimp Lean Gbuck Ground lb. 79c 3 p k ^ * 1 . 0 0 Oommonwealith Secretary Ar- earth in the Gemini 7 cansule The announcement said some Enterprise sent up 118 planes on At first, Fullerton said the CAKE MIXES 3 97' Ri^esia-Zam bia torder. thur Bottomley, who had been Luna 8 weighing ^3 421 5 carried out her second day of combat. The operation was performer “ about 5-lb. lots... .Iby 69c Ic SALE ON c .I h® ^ n®eotiating with Kaunda on the pounds, wks sMghUv hLvicr allowing the Rus- big E ’s planes dropped 102 tons a week ago.” He said Picasso SKIPPY ««■ 1 9 ' t o d Kaunda s denjand that troop deployment, flew to Ndola than each of the two Luniks bombs oh suspected Viet had come into the hospital un­ T welcome the RAF crews. which crashed ot th f^ o o n this ® attempt "further Cong troop concentrations and State, N.Y. to Keep der an assumed name, presu­ FINISH and seize the dam, which fur- Bottomley was returning to year and the third refinement” of the Soviet land- supply dumps in South Viet Try our 3 in 1 blend of for Dishwashing Machines mably to avoid undue publicity Our own fresh Me­ Buy two at reg. price, ~ M a ic o lin r a ^ Nam. Spokesmen said 60 struc- and thtr fatiguing excitement PEANUT BUTTER’S 39 get third for Ic copper mmes. The Bntish gov- donald, Britain’s special repre- Today’s Tass ’ onnnuno^mpnf ' ^ landing of an Instru- teres were destroyed and 65 New Haven Running which this might bring. FANCY, FIRM dium Hot Italian Sau­ BEEF-PORK-VEAL lb. 79e or ermnent has said only that its sentaUve in east » d c S said a ^he lunar sur- damaged. The director ha rabbi beoausa Only last month. Smith was tee agreement and that it traced to failure of a device ‘development center, a lso' was be took part in a recent dem­ arrested again — this time on 'vas recorded in the minutes of which regulated flow of natural P d ^ e d Into darkness. onstration aga.lnst United a narcotics charge. the meeting in New York. FIRST FOOD g a i to the two units of the com- ' mission capability of the States Involvement in Viet ECONOMY Pinehurst Grocery Inc In appealing the negligent Kanell said the proposition Nam. The Crosseup-Pisbon STORE OF MANCHESTER pany’s Newman Plant ne^r New ^ ®^*’ce Missile Development homicide cohvlction, Srqlth said has not been discussed with 646 CENTER STREET Mexico’s border with Mexico. Center was maintained, and Post Good Governmbnt CORNER MAIN AND THE TURNPIKE that Judge Rodney S. Eielson, trustees of the New Haven but . PLENTY OF FREE PARKING President Johnson sent J.R. combat readiness was not af- , Award was to be made Jan. who presided at his trial, pub- that negotiations have been un- Johnspn, a Federal Power (3om- *®cted,” a Holloman spokesman 26 tp Rab(>i Roland B. Gltteb^ OPEN WED.. THURS.. FRI. TIU 9 P.M. _ R^ugee Cuban Sisters Reunited in Miami Urtied dn article in a national d®r way since April with the BOhn, former national c h ^ PLENTY OF EASY PARKING-PUSH THE BUTTON FOR WALK LIGHT ^ ' mission • engineer from Ft. magazine while the appeal still Pennsylvania and New York Worth, Tex„ to El Paso to de- „ ' extending from |B1 lain of the Jewish War Vet­ SAT. TILL 6;3Q ' , v 75 j-eunited yesterday when Anna Maria Alizuri, was pending. Central Railroads, which seek OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 PJH .- PRL AND SAT. OPEN AT 8 Adlf termine what caused tlie device to Socorro, N.M.,-176 mllee erans; Episcopal Bishop of 7 0 ly S S ld ^ .ftr the swond airlift flight. She was greeted by her The defense also claimed that authority to merge. Mf^ssachusetts Anion PM pe ^ to Wm. (Siie P ig i Y w ) ’ BW *m had showed bias and KanoU said he expects tile U?SrtoMr(ArA”S^^^^ ago and hasW ■A- Stokes Jr.; and R l^ r d 'C b e . dlnal CusUng, Roman Onthbi^' (Gm JPI^ Ten) (See Page Ten) Mo Arctabisltop of Bost<^ 'T -' M ' '• I V ’ r *V .