Klaas Post & Erwin J.O. Kompanje Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam A new dolphin (, Delphinidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of the North Sea

Post, K. & Kompanje, E.J.O., 2010 - A new dolphin (Cetacea, Delphinidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of the North Sea - DEINSEA 14: 1-13 [ISSN 0923-9308]. Published online 2 November 2010

Hoekman’s blunt-snouted dolphin Platalearostrum hoekmani gen. et sp. nov. is described from Plio- Pleistocene sediments of the North Sea (The Netherlands). It shows unique and bizarre features of the premaxilla that extends over the maxilla way beyond the lateral border of the rostrum. Platalearostrum hoekmani is compared to fossil and extant Delphinidae and similarities with extant Globicephala as well as functional implications of its strange morphology are discussed.

Hoekman’s stompsnuitdolfijn Platalearostrum hoekmani wordt als een nieuwe Plio-Pleistocene dolfijn (nieuw genus en nieuwe soort) uit de Noordzee gemeld en beschreven. Deze dolfijn bezit een extreem kort rostrum waarop de premaxilla lateraal buiten de maxilla uitsteekt (en dat is uniek voor walvisachtigen). Platalearostrum hoekmani wordt vergeleken met fossiele en recente Delphinidae. Overeenkomsten met het recente genus Globicephala en mogelijke functionele implicaties van de bizarre morfologie van het rostrum worden besproken.

Correspondence: K. Post * & E.J.O. Kompanje, Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, P.O. Box 23452, 3001 KL Rotterdam, The Netherlands; * corresponding author: [email protected]

Key words: Platalearostrum hoekmani gen. et sp. nov., pilot whales, Delphinidae, Orcininae, Pliocene, Pleistocene, premaxilla, North Sea, the Netherlands

INTRODUCTION from this unwritten rule. The fossil described During the last decades our knowledge of in this article, trawled from the bottom of the cetacean evolution from the Eocene to the North Sea, is represented by a large part of the Pliocene has increased significantly (Bianucci rostrum which shows a highly peculiar mor- & Landini 2007). However, fossils of and phology of the premaxilla allowing identifica- publications on Delphinidae (Late Miocene tion as a new delphinid genus. Moreover, its till recent) remain scarce and the phylogeny unusual morphological features have not been of extant and fossil members of this family reported in cetacean studies so far and there- has not yet been resolved (Bianucci 2005; fore justify publication. Caballero et al. 2008; Aguire-Fernández et al. 2009; Kingston et al. 2009). ABBREVIATIONS Although new cetacean genera and species The following abbreviations are used to iden- should preferably be described based on fairly tify the institutions mentioned: complete crania (ideally with adherent post IRSNB - Institut royal des Sciences naturelles crania), interesting but less complete fossils de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium from little known families or genera, or fossils MSNTUP - Museo di Storia Naturale e del showing unique characters might be exempted Territorio dell’Università di Pisa, Calci, Italy

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MUSM - Museo de Historia Naturel, SYSTEMATICS Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco, Order Cetacea Brisson, 1762 Lima, Peru Suborder Odontoceti Flower, 1867 NMR - Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, Superfamily Gray, 1821 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Family Delphinidae Slijper, 1936 RMNH - NCB Naturalis, Leiden, The Subfamily Orcininae Wagner, 1846 Netherlands ZMA - Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam, Platalearostrum hoekmani gen. et sp. nov. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Holotype NMR 9991-00005362, a partial MATERIAL AND METHODS rostrum consisting of an incomplete left maxilla NMR 9991-00005362 (hereafter mentioned as with six alveoli, an incomplete left premaxilla NMR 5362) was collected by the crew of the and an incomplete vomer (Figs. 1, 2). fishing vessel GO 28, during bottom trawling in the North Sea at 52º 00’ N - 02º 48’ E (110 Type locality North Sea, 52º 00’ N - 02º 48’ E; km west of Rotterdam) on November 11, 2008. 110 km west of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. During the last four decades the North Sea has yielded tens of thousands of fos- Diagnosis Medium to large sized delphinid sils through commercial bottom trawling (for with extremely short rostrum, differing from demersal fish species). These ex situ finds all other known fossil and extant delphinids by: have received considerable scientific atten- (1) massive premaxilla protruding far beyond tion and several authors have tried to offer a the lateral margins of the rostrum and creating stratigraphic framework (e.g. Mol et al. 2008). a very broad and blunt apex of the rostrum, (2) From the area where NMR 5362 was col- concave outline of the rostrum in anterior view, lected, a Mid-Pliocene to Early Pleistocene (3) solid and massive vomer reaching the apex marine fauna (or mixture of faunas) of the rostrum and (4) six maxillary teeth in the with fossils of Balaenoptera-, Delphinapterus-, tooth row. Eubalaena-, Globicephala-, Hemisyntrachelus-, Mesoplodon-, -, Physeter-, Stenella/ Etymology Platalea from Latin (spoon), Delphinus- and Tursiops-like genera has been because of the large spoon-shaped apex of the reported (Post & Bosselaers 2005). Apart from short rostrum characterising the genus; these cetaceans, the fossil walrus Ontocetus hoekmani after Mr. Albert Hoekman who dis- emmonsoni is frequently encountered, while covered and donated the fossil. We propose the phocids (close to extant genera and/or species) English name Hoekman’s blunt-snouted dolphin. are recovered less frequently. The walrus is of stratigraphic importance as it roamed the DESCRIPTION North Sea from the Late Pliocene until the Early Pleistocene (Kohno & Ray 2008; K. Post, Dorsal view (Fig. 1a) unpublished data). Based on the above, NMR The anterior half of the dorsal exposure of ros- 5362 is considered to be of Mid Pliocene to trum is formed by the premaxilla. On the left Early Pleistocene age. side a massive 32 mm wide and 202 mm long For comparative material of extant straight segment of the left side of the vomer Delphinidae, Monodontidae and Phocoenidae, is visible along the complete length of the fos- the extensive collections of IRSNB, MSNTUP, sil. The premaxilla abruptly and bluntly widens MUSM, NMR, RMNH and ZMA were used. laterally and dorsally until reaching a maximum width of 117 mm at 108 mm from the apex. After this point the premaxilla decreases sharp- ly in width until reaching a minimum width of

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81 mm, when the maxilla becomes visible and the maxillary suture is visible and a hint of the remains so till the damaged base of the ros- alveolar groove may be noticed. trum. Towards the base the lateral border of the maxilla is somewhat curved and elevated and Lateral view (Fig. 2b) shows on the inner side a clear sulcus which The premaxilla appears as a 46 mm towards 42 was possibly reaching a ?dorsal infraorbital mm thick wall which protrudes onwards from foramen (not preserved). The suture of maxilla the apex in dorsal direction. A large foramen is and premaxilla remains clearly visible from located at 50 mm from the apex and the surface the point where the maxilla protrudes under of most of the bony structure of the premaxilla the premaxilla. On the dorsal side of the pre- is dotted with several small points and rugosi- maxilla a weak anteromedial sulcus (bordering ties. Below the premaxilla the maxilla is clearly the prenarial triangle) of c. 72 mm is traceable visible and starts at 11 mm from the apex. The towards the broken base of the rostrum. When prominent suture between maxilla and premax- reaching this base the premaxillary foramen is illa moves more or less parallel with the main visible, which supposedly at this point reached body of the premaxilla into a dorsal direction. the dorsal surface of the rostrum (or was close At 171 mm from the apex this suture reaches to reach this surface). This point therefore the dorsal surface of the rostrum and from there marks - or was close to - the most anterior the main body of the maxilla is visible till the location of the premaxillary sacfossa (which is point where the fossil is broken. Towards the unfortunately not preserved). It seems clear that ventral border of the maxilla an alveolar row the rostrum is severed from the neurocranium is clearly visible over a length of 108 mm. The along its basis, at or close to the location of the ventral border of the maxilla is more or less antorbital notch. The surface of the premaxilla straight and proceeds to the distal surface of from the apex to about a third of its length the fossil, at which point the maxilla is 41 mm at the point where the premaxilla reaches its thick. At this position traces of the suture with maximum width, is weathered (by erosion?), the palatine are located. but, if so, on only a thin top layer appears to be eroded. Another possibility is that this area nat- Ventral view (Fig. 2a) urally showed a very open and rugose bone tex- The apex of the rostrum is made up at mid- ture. The remainder of the dorsal surface shows point by a small portion of premaxilla which a shiny, black and thin, but compact top layer is wedged between maxilla and vomer for a in perfect state of preservation and numerous maximum length of 115 mm and with a maxi- small foramina and sulci may be noted in the mum width of 15 mm. The premaxilla is also depressed central area of the premaxilla. visible laterally as a thick and large slice of bone (196 mm long and max. 41 mm wide). Anterior view (Fig. 1b) Wedged between both premaxillary surfaces The apex is formed by the anterior point of the the maxilla extends as a massive and smooth vomer and by a heavy and up to 47 mm thick ventral surface. Both sutures between maxilla premaxilla. A few small foramina are visible and the two views of the premaxilla are clearly and at 44 mm from the midline a large and noticeable, the largest of them (the one towards prominent foramen protrudes from the middle the lateral side of the fossil) is not straight and of the premaxilla. The premaxilla extends later- extends over a length of 182 mm. The maxilla ally and dorsally until reaching its maximum reaches its maximum width of 129 mm at 131 width of 148 mm (measured from the midline mm from the apex (the maxilla at base is 120 of the rostrum), at which location the ventral mm wide). The maxilla appears to strengthen border of the premaxilla is elevated c. 84 mm the massive premaxilla at its widest point. Six above the most ventral base of the rostrum. In alveoli are present within a prominent and anterior view and just below the large foramen slightly laterally convex alveolar row which is

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Figure 1 Dorsal (a) and anterior (b) view of rostrum (holotype) of Platalearostrum hoekmani (NMR 9991-00005362). Maximum length of the fossil is 221 mm.

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Figure 2 Ventral (a) and lateral (b) view of rostrum (holotype) of Platalearostrum hoekmani (NMR 9991-00005362). Maximum length of the fossil is 221 mm.

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14 mm wide (on average) (and 108 mm long as due to disorders of metabolism and of endo- mentioned previously). On the posterior part of crine function do not result in excessive and the maxilla the wide suture with the palatine is massive growth of bone in a localized spot, visible and shows a blunt and square to semi- but usually result in loss of structure and bone circular outline. tissue (like osteoporosis). Therefore we can The fact that the rostral apex is formed by the exclude a metabolic causation. premaxilla (visible in dorsal, anterior and ven- Pyogenic osteomyelitis has been recognized tral view); that - despite the somewhat eroded and described in several cetaceans (Kompanje surface - the large anterior foramen is well pre- 1995, 1999). Infectious and infectious-like served (and visible in anterior and lateral view) disorders of bone usually result in severe bone and that the alveolar row on the maxilla is situ- destruction, formation of cloacae and new and ated well beyond the apex, may suggest that the very irregular bone formation. It never results maximum extent of the premaxilla on the apex in smooth and bulky new bone formation as represents fairly well the maximum extent of present in the protruding premaxilla in NMR the rostrum itself. One may also assume that 5362. Furthermore, severe destructive pyogenic the most posterior left edge of the maxilla prob- infection will not leave the sutures untouched. ably represents the location where the antorbital In the rostrum NMR 5362 they are clearly and notch might have been located. The location of sharply visible between maxilla and premaxilla sutures of the palatine, and the posterior part of rostrum, as described above. the vomer corroborate this assumption. Based Degenerative destruction of bone is very on these assumptions the total length of the ros- common in cetacean species (Kompanje 1995, trum must have been just, or just over, 225 mm; 1999), but has only be found in the vertebrae whereas the maximum width of the rostrum at and long bones. base must have been just c. 240 mm. Taking Benign and malignant bone tumors can result into account a maximum anterior width of c. in expanded bone growth. Leontiasis ossea 300 mm a bizarre, blunt, compact, and spoon (fibrous dysplasia) can result in disfigurement shaped rostrum appears (Fig. 3). of the head resulting from more or less sym- metrical hyperostotic thickening of the bones PATHOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS of the craniofacial skeleton (Lee et al., 1996). Since structure and organization of osseous Although determined in humans and higher tissue in can be subject to patho- primates, it has never been described in ceta- logic change, the possibility of the exceptional ceans and the features as we know them from protruding premaxilla being the result of a human cases look very dissimilar from the pathologic condition should be considered. protruding premaxilla in NMR 5362. Hence we Pathologic changes may be due to (1) heredi- exclude this possible cause. The most common tary taints and/or developmental errors, (2) dis- sites for osteogenic malignant sarcomas are the orders of metabolism or endocrine function, (3) long bones, but they have also been found in bacterial and non-bacterial inflammation, (4) facial bones and can result in reactive new bone degeneration and necrosis, and (5) primary or formation (Yamaguchi et al. 2004), which is metastatic tumor formation (Marcove 1992). irregular and highly destructive. Therefore, we The features shown in NMR 5362 do not exclude a malignant tumor as possible cause. resemble any of the known hereditary and Since none of the known pathological condi- developmental disorders like hereditary multi- tions can be linked to the features seen in the ple exostosis or osteopetrosis, which therefore protruding premaxilla of NMR 5362, we con- can be excluded. clude that these features are the result of nor- Metabolic osteoporosis is known in dolphins mal structure and organization of bone tissue. (e. g. Tursiops truncatus) (E.J.O. Kompanje, unpublished data). However, skeletal changes

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Figure 3 Comparison of rostrum of Platalearostrum hoekmani (a dorsal - b ventral) with rostrum of Globicephala macrorhynchus (c dorsal - d ventral).

COMPARISON TO KNOWN a dolphin of a size considerably larger than any EXTANT AND FOSSIL DELPHINID of the known fossil and extant porpoises. GENERA The short and wide rostrum, the wide pre- Semi circular or convex maxillary tooth rows maxilla covering the main part of the rostral are supplementary to mandibles with short to surface, the rugose area of the anterior dorsal extremely short symphyseal contact. Contrary surface of the rostrum, and the low number to concave, parallel or straight V-shaped of teeth suggest that NMR 5362 did belong tooth rows, these features are rarely seen in to a member of the subfamily Orcininae of odontocetes and are non-existent in archaic the Delphinidae (sensu Bianucci 2005 = delphinoids. In fact, convex maxillary and Globicephalinae sensu Aguirre-Fernandez et al. mandibulary tooth rows are only present within 2009). Extant Orcininae (Feresa, Globicephala, the Delphinoidea and - more precisely - only Grampus, , Orcinus) possess wide within the Phocoenidae and Delphinidae and/or anteriorly widening premaxilla over- (K. Post pers. obs.). lapping significant parts of the maxilla. In If rostrum NMR 5362 should have belonged Globicephala, this is one of the major cranial to a member of the Phocoenidae then its robust features identifying the two extant species G. teeth and low tooth count isolate it from all the melas Traill, 1809 and G. macrorhynchus known fossil and extant porpoises. Besides this Gray, 1846. The premaxilla of the latter is observation, the width of the rostrum indicates almost covering the complete dorsal surface of

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the rostrum and often reaching the lateral wall This mandible possesses at least thirty teeth of the rostrum. NMR 5362 resembles this con- and both rami are completely fused at the sym- dition, but its premaxilla extents way beyond physis, lacking teeth in their apical portions. the lateral border of the maxilla, a condition Although this fossil clearly represents a delphi- which is shared by none of the known fossil nid, its assignment to Globicephala is debatable and extant Delphinidae (nor any other odon- (Bianucci 1996). Bianucci (1996) assigned tocete). several periotics of Delphinidae from the Another striking feature of extant Pliocene of Italy to a ‘Globicephala group’ and Globicephala is the extremely rounded short described them as robust periotics close to, but beak with a very convex arrangement of the in several features slightly different from extant teeth (in maxilla and mandible). The tooth row Globicephala. Aguirre-Fernández et al. (2009) of NMR 5362 shows a curve similar to that in described Protoglobicephala mexicana from Globicephala (Fig. 3). Globicephala is char- the Late Pliocene of Mexico and referred it to acterised by 7-9 (G. macrorhynchus) and 9-12 Globicephalinae (= Orcininae sensu Bianucci (G. melas) feeble and forward protruding teeth 2005) because of the relatively broad rostrum, embedded in shallow alveoli (Van Bree 1971), the wide premaxilla occupying the major part while NMR 5362 shows just six alveoli. of dorsal surface of the rostrum, the large antor- NMR 5362 shows a very anteriorly located bital process and the reduced (10) tooth count. rugose area of attachment of the nasal plug These authors also suggested a close link with retractor muscle combined with an extremely Globicephala because of the large premaxillary rugose anterior premaxillary surface of the sac fossae, the significantly wider premaxilla rostrum. Both conditions are present in than the maxilla on the dorsal surface of the extant Globicephala; the first feature is typi- rostrum and the rugosities present on the anteri- cal for Globicephalinae (= Orcininae sensu or dorsal part of the premaxilla. Their preferred Bianucci 2005) (Aguirre-Fernandez et al. phylogenetic analysis shows Protoglobicephala 2009), while the latter feature (rugose anterior as the sistergroup of Globicephala. A fos- dorsal surface of the premaxilla) is consid- sil cranium with cervical complex from the ered a synapomorphy of Globicephala and Late Pleistocene from Taiwan was considered fossil Protoglobicephala mexicana (Aguirre- indistinguishable from extant G. macrorhyn- Fernández et al. 2009). chus (Chang 1996). G. baereckeii (with dental count 7) was described from the Pliocene or Among fossil Orcininae, only few fossil pilot Pleistocene of Florida (Sellards 1916), however whale-like cetaceans have been described or Morgan (1994) considered this a younger syno- mentioned in literature. The geologically old- nym of G. macrorhynchus. est pilot whale was recovered from the ocean bottom near Chile, identified as Globicephala Not yet described and unidentified, but present sp. and reported to be 5.2-4.2 Ma (Valenzuela in fairly large numbers in Dutch and Belgian & Brito 1994). No obvious differences with collections, are Pliocene periotics that are dif- the recent species were noted. From the ficult to distinguish from extant Globicephala Pliocene Yorktown Formation of the Lee (K. Post, pers. obs.). From shell heaps in Creek Mine (North Carolina, USA) 16 frag- Yerseke, province of Zeeland, (harvested in the ments of mandibles and numerous teeth and North Sea at or close to the site of NMR 5362) periotics have been reported, but larger cranial one fragment of a Globicephala-like mandible remains are lacking and these fossils cannot is known. Cetacean fossils collected on these be distinguished with certainty from extant shell heaps are identical to the Mid-Pliocene to Globicephala (Whitmore & Kaltenbach 2008). earliest Pleistocene fauna(s) as noted by Post Pilleri (1984) described a partial mandible from & Bosselaers (2005). The fossil is catalogued the Italian Pliocene as Globicephala etruriae. as number NMR 9991-00006785 (hereafter

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mentioned as NMR 6785) and indentified as er dimensions. Six alveoli are visible and when Delphinidae indet. aff. Globicephala (Fig. 4). comparing the curve and size of these alveoli This apex of a mandible clearly shows the with those of Platalearostrum hoekmani (NMR Globicephala-like downward and inward curve 5362), the taxonomic affinity of both fossils is and other typical Globicephala mandibular striking (Table 1). features, such as multiple small mandibular foramina and the - for a delphinid unusual - FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY rounded cross-section just after the symphysis. The peculiar morphology of this extremely However, it differs clearly from the mandible short rostrum invites speculations about the of extant Globicephala in the extreme circular function of such a strange and blunt apex. As surface of the symphysis, the almost completely observed above most (if not all) crania of fully circular cross-section of the mandibular ramus grown extant pilot whales expose unusual and after the symphysis, and the significantly small- large rugose areas anteriorly on the dorsal

Figure 4 Mandible fragment NMR 9991-00006785: dorsal (a), ventral (b), buccal (c) and lingual (d) view.

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Table 1 Measurements (in mm) of rostrum (holotype) of Platalearostrum hoekmani (NMR 9991-00005362) and delphinid from Italy, referred to Orcininae, mandible fragment NMR 9991-00006785. also shows rugose dorsal areas of the rostrum ______(and even fusion of parts of its premaxillas) NMR 5362 NMR 6785 at more or less the same position as in extant ______Globicephala and NMR 5362 (G. Bianucci maximum length of fossil 221 98 preserved length of vomer 202 - pers. comm.). largest width of rostrum 156 - Apart from the important work of Mead largest width premaxilla 117 - (1975), little has been published about the length alveolar groove 111 - attachment of muscles and their tendons on the length largest alveolus 9 9 width largest alveolus 6 9 dorsal surface of the rostrum (and the melon) of length symphysis - 46 Delphinidae. Extant pilot whales are character- height symphysis - 38 ised by a short, blunt, high and bulky forehead diameter ramus after symphysis - 32 which in mature individuals exceeds over the ______apex of the snout. Werth (2006) stated that the combination of rostral shortening, blunt heads, surface of the premaxilla. The fossil Chilean wide jaws (and corresponding dental reduction) cranium seems to lack this feature (although facilitates suction feeding abilities and noted precise details were not available), but the that especially globicephaline delphinids show Late Pliocene Protoglobicephala mexicana blunter cranial profiles. The blunt forehead of and the Late Pleistocene Taiwanese skull do pilot whales is caused by the large melon being show these rugose areas and Aguirre-Fernández housed on a relatively short rostrum and/or spe- et al. (2009) considered these rugosities to cific melon/sonar use. Sexual dimorphism may constitute a synapomorphy of Globicephala also be linked to this feature (Mead 1975). A and Protoglobicephala. It is worth noting that study on Tursiops truncatus (Harper et al. 2008) an Early Pleistocene and as yet unpublished confirms that the oblique rostral muscle and the

Figure 5 Hypothetical reconstruction of Hoekman’s blunt-snouted dolphin (Platalearostrum hoekmani). [Remie Bakker | Manimal Works]

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nasal plug muscle are secured to the premaxilla ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS surface and act as an important vehicle to contin- First and foremost we thank Albert Hoekman uously shape and reshape the melon and thereby for decades of unrelentingly collecting seem- allowing for secure and efficient sonar use. As in ingly unimportant fossil bones from the North Tursiops, the melon and the musculus maxillona- Sea. The crew of GO 28 deserves our gratitude solabialis must maintain strong and continuous for securing NMR 5362 under difficult cir- interaction and the pars labialis of this muscle is cumstances at sea and for supplying their data secured on the rugose area of the distal surface on the collecting site. Dick Mol is thanked for of the premaxilla (Harper et al. 2008). It seems sharing his broad knowledge of North Sea that the size of melon and rostrum in fully grown fossils and Kees van Hooijdonk deserves (presumably male) Globicephala require a rough special thanks for his generous donation of and open surface on the distal parts of the pre- NMR 6785 to the Natuurhistorisch Museum maxilla to ensure extra strength and stability of Rotterdam. Olivier Lambert (Muséum national the musculus maxillonasolabialis. It may not be d’Histoire naturelle, Paris) and Giovanni too farfetched to conclude that the strange and Bianucci (University of Pisa) are thanked for very short rostrum of Platalearostrum hoekmani their numerous discussions and suggestions was housing a large melon which exceeded the which significantly enhanced the manuscript. rostrum laterally and frontally and needed very Giovanni Bianucci also assisted with the line firm rostral muscle attachments. This hypothesis drawings. Kees Hazevoet improved the English has also been suggested for Protoglobicephala and made useful comments on the manuscript. mexicana by Aguirre-Fernández et al. (2009). Remie Bakker (Manimal Works) assisted with Therefore, P. hoekmani may have shown an the reconstruction of a model of the cranium extremely large, high and dome-like forehead and created the beautiful illustration (Fig. 5). which probably greatly exceeded the limits of Last but not least we thank Henry van der Es, the rostrum (Fig. 5). The strongly concave dorsal Jaap van Leeuwen, Kees Moeliker and Jelle surface of the rostrum of NMR 5362 (unique for Reumer (NMR) for suggestions, photography delphinids, but possible analogous structures are and access to the specimens. known in Physeteridae and, by high maxillary crests, in Hyperoodon) seems to corroborate this LITERATURE configuration. More fossils and further studies Aguirre-Fernández, G., Barnes, L.G., Aranda-Manteca, must confirm or reject this image. F.J. & Fernández-Rivera, J.R., 2009 - Protoglobi- cephala mexicana, a new genus and species CONCLUSION Pliocene fossil dolphin (Cetacea; Odontoceti; In summary, we conclude that NMR 5362, Delphinidae) from the Gulf of California, Mexico NMR 6785 and the numerous isolated periotics - Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 61(2): in Dutch and Belgian collections corroborate 245-265 the presence of Globicephala-like species in the Bianucci, G., 1996 - The odontoceti (Mammalia, Plio-Pleistocene North Sea. We also conclude Cetacea) from Italian Pliocene. Systematics and that Platalearostrum hoekmani can be placed phylogenesis of Delphinidae - Paleontographia Italica within the Orcininae (sensu Bianucci 2005). 83: 73-167 However, its position within the Orcininae and Bianucci, G., 2005 - Armidelphis sorbinii a new small the putative link with Globicephala-like delphin- -like dolphin from the Pliocene of the ids can only be determined through phylogenetic Marecchia river (central eastern Italy) and a phylo- analysis based on more complete specimens of genetic analysis of the Orcininae (Cetacea: Platalearostrum and a larger sample of fossil Odontoceti) - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Delphinidae. Stratigrafia 111(2): 329-344 Bianucci, G. & Landini, W., 2007 - Fossil history of cetacean - in: Miller, D.L. (ed.). -Reproductive

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12 POST &et KOMPANJE:al.: mute swan a newbiometrics fossil dolphin from the North Sea



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