Biographical Dictionary

Albrekht, Alexander Emelianovich (alias Arno, Vudro, Max, Khaber, original name Abramovich) (1888–1972). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1908. Until April 1917 in emig- ration. Successively member of the Petrograd, Odessa and Sevastopol Committees of the Bolshevik Party, member of the Presidium of the Odessa Soviet in 1917–18. Worked in ECCI from 1919. Representative of the Comintern in China in 1926–30 (with inter- vals).

Alekseev, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1857–1918). Infantry general. Participant in the Russo- Japanese and in the First World wars. Commander-in-Chief of forces on the North- Western, and later the Western fronts in 1915. From August 1915 to March 1917 Chief- of-Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. From March to May 1917 Commander- in-Chief, and subsequently military adviser to the Provisional government and Chief- of-Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Took part in the suppression of the Kornilov mutiny against the Provisional government in August–September 1917, though he sympathized with General L.G. Kornilov. After the October (1917) revolution the supreme commander of the Volunteer Army.

Alskii, M. (original name Victor Moritsevich Shtein) (1890–1964). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1917. Soviet Sinologist. Financial adviser to the National government of the GMD in 1926–27. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Arrested, later released. Research fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1935–64.

Andreev, Mikhail Georgievich (1888–1945). Russian and Soviet Sinologist. Studied and worked in China in 1913 and 1925–27 (with intervals). Taught at the UTK-KUTK in 1925– 26 and 1927–30. Taught at the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1925–31 and M.V. Frunze Military Academy from 1928. Served in the WPRA in 1928–45. Research fellow at the IWE&WP from 1933.

Avksentiev, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1878–1943). PhD. One of the organisers and ideo- logues of the SR Party. Member of its CC since 1907. Chairman of the Executive Commit- tee of the All-Russian Soviet of peasants’ deputies in 1917. Minister of Internal Affairs in the government of A.F. Kerensky from 24 July until 2 September 1917. Between Septem- ber and November 1918 was Chairman of the anti-Soviet All-Russian government (the Directory) in Ufa. Arrested by admiral Alexander V. Kolchak and exiled to China. From 1919 to 1940 lived in Paris, later in New York, where he worked as a journalist.

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Babeuf, Gracchus (original name François Noël) (1760–1797). French Communist. In 1795–96 one of the leaders of the ‘Conspiracy of the Equals’ movement. In 1796 headed an insurgent Secret Directory, preparing an uprising against the corrupt government. Executed.

Backhouse, Edmund T. (1873–1944). 2nd Baronet, British Sinologist.

Bai Chongxi (alias Bai Jiansheng) (1893–1966). Chinese general, one of the leaders of the Guangxi militarist clique. Member of the GMD from 1924. During the North- ern Expedition of 1926–27 Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the NRA. In April 1927 actively took part in the anti-Communist coup inspired by Chiang Kai-shek. Later occu- pied various military and political posts in Guangxi province. After the fall of the GMD government in 1949, he fled to Taiwan.

Bagnall, Benjamin (alias Bei Ge) (1844–1900). American protestant missionary in China from 1873. Murdered in the city of Baoding.

Bakunin, Michael Aleksandrovich (1814–1876). Russian revolutionary, anarchist.

Balfour, Arthur James (1848–1930). British Prime Minister from 1902–05 and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs from 1916–19.

Baldwin, Stanley (1867–1947). British Prime Minster in 1923–24, 1924–29, and 1935–37.

Bessemer, Henry (1813–1898). English engineer, who improved a steelmaking process.

Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold von (1815–1898). Prince. Prussian and German (from 1871) Chancellor who played a leading role in the unification of Germany.

Bland, John O.P. (1863–1945). British Sinologist.

Blank, Ruvim Mordkovich (alias R.B.) (1866–1954). Journalist, employee of the Kadet journal Osvobozhdenie until 1905. Then a member of the editorial board of the Kadet newspaper, Nasha zhizn’ and writer for the left-Kadet newspaperTovarishch. In 1909–12 took part in the publication of the Kadet journal Zaprosy zhizni.

Boguslavskii, Mikhail Solomonovich (1886–1937). Member of the Jewish Socialist Workers Party in 1905–17. Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1917. Worked in Ukraine until October 1917. In 1918–19 Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Voronezh City Soviet. From the end of 1919 he was successively a Secretary of the AUkCEC, Secretary

Alexander V. Pantsov - 9789004432062 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 10:30:51PM via free access 436 biographical dictionary of the Political Administration of the WPRA, Secretary of the Kharkov Gubernia Com- mittee of the CP(b)Uk, Chairman of the Union of Typographers, Deputy Chairman of the Soviet. Chairman of the Lesser CPC of the RSFSR in 1924–27. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1930. Director of Sibmashstroi in Novosibirsk in 1932–36. Arrested on 5 August 1936. Shot on 1 February 1937.

Boden, Frederick (?–?). American Protestant missionary in China.

Borodin, Mikhail Markovich (alias Anglichanin [Englishman], Bankir, Alexander Greenberg, Alexander Humberg, Michael Berg, Georg Braun, M. Braun, Jakob, Niki- forov, original name Gruzenberg) (1884–1951). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Worked with the ECCI from 1919. Main political advisor to the CEC of the GMD and ECCI representative in China in 1923–27. Deputy People’s Commissar of Labour, deputy head of TASS, Editor-in-Chief of the Sovinformburo in 1927–32. Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Moscow News from 1932. Arrested on 28 February 1949. Shot on 29 May 1951.

Boulger, Dimetrius Charles de Kavanagh (1853–1928). British Sinologist.

Brandler, Heinrich (1881–1967). Member of the SPD in 1901–16. Member of the KPD and its CC from 1919. Chairman of the KPD from 1921, member of the Presidium of the ECCI since 1922. One of the organisers of the October (1923) revolution in Germany. After the collapse of the Communist putsch he was withdrawn from leading posts. In 1924– 28 worked in the central apparatus of the Comintern. From 1928 headed the opposition in the KPD. At the beginning of 1929 expelled from the Party. In 1933 he emigrated to France and in 1940 to Cuba. In 1948 he returned to Western Germany.

Broido, Grigorii Isaakovich (1885–1956). Member of the Bolshevik Party from 1903 to 1906, in 1918–41 and since 1955. Deputy People’s Commissar for Nationalities in 1921– 23. Rector of the KUTV in 1921–26. Chairman of the Gosizdat of the RSFSR in 1926–33. Secretary of the CC of the CP of Tajikistan in 1933–34. Deputy People’s Commissar of Education of the RSFSR in 1934–41. Director of Partizdat in 1936–41 and of Medgiz from 1938.

Bubnov, Andrei Sergeevich (alias Ivanovskii) (1884–1938). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Candidate member of the CC in 1917, 1919–20 and 1922–23. Member of the CC in 1917–18 and 1924–37. Secretary of the CC in 1925. Head of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the CC of the RCP(b) in 1922–24. Chief of the Political Administra- tion of the WPRA in 1924–29. Head of the inspection commission of the Politburo of the

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CC of the AUCP(b) in Canton in 1926. People’s Commissar of Education of the RSFSR in 1929–37. Arrested on 17 October 1937. Shot on 1 August 1938.

Bücher, Karl Wilhelm (1847–1930). German economist.

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich (1888–1938). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1906. Mem- ber of the CC in 1917–34. Candidate member of the CC in 1934–37. Candidate member of the Politburo in 1919–24. Member of the Politburo in 1924–29. Member of the Presi- dium of ECCI in 1919–29. Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Pravda in 1917–29. Member of the Presidium of the SSNE in 1929–32. Editor of the newspaper Izvestiia in 1934–37. Arrested on 27 February 1937. Shot on 15 March 1938.

Brandt, Max August Scipio von (1835–1920). German ambassador to China in 1873–93.

Cassini, Arthur (alias Arturo Paul Nicholas Cassini) (1836–1919). Marquis and Count. Russian ambassador to China from 1891–96.

Catherine the Great (alias Catherine II) (1729–1796). Russian Empress from 1762–96.

Cavaignac, Louis Eugène (1802–1857). French general. In 1848 Minister of War and President of the Council of Ministers of the French Republic. Suppressed a workers’ uprising in Paris in June 1848. Candidate for the Presidency of the French Republic in December 1848.

Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot (1830–1903). 3rd Marquess of Salisbury. British Foreign Secretary in 1878–80, 1885–86, 1887–92, and 1895–1900. Prime Minister in 1895– 02.

Chamberlain, Austen (1863–1937). Member of the British House of Commons from 1892. Postmaster-General in 1902. Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1903–05 and 1919–21. Secretary of State for India in 1915–17. Member of the Imperial War Cabinet in 1918– 19. Head of the Conservative Party in 1921–22. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1924–29. First Lord of the Admiralty from August to October 1931. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925.

Chen Duxiu (alias Old man, original name Chen Qiansheng) (1879–1942). Leader of the New Culture movement in China. Editor of the journal Xin qingnian from 1915. One of the leaders of the May 4th movement in 1919. Founder of the CCP. Leader of the CCP from 1921–27. Expelled from the Party in 1929. Leader of the Chinese Trotskyists in 1929–32. Arrested by the GMD police in 1932. Paroled in 1937.

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Chen Gongbo (1892–1946). One of the founders of the CCP in 1921. Left the Party in 1922. Member of the Political Council of the CEC of the GMD from 1925. Collaborated with Japanese invaders in 1938–45. Shot for treason.

Chen Jiongming (1878–1933). Guangdong militarist. Collaborated with Sun Yat-sen in 1920–22. Governor of Guangdong in 1920–22. In June 1922 revolted against Sun Yat-sen. Defeated by the NRA in 1925.

Chen Sheng (alias Chen She) (?–208BCE). Captain, the leader of the first rebellion against the Qin dynasty.

ChenYouren(aliasEugeneChen) (1879–1944). Member of the CEC of the Guomindang from 1926. Advisor to Sun Yat-sen in 1917–25. Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs in the GMD National government in 1926–27, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Wuhan gov- ernment in 1927. From 1927 in opposition to Chiang Kai-shek. In 1942 arrested by the Japanese in Hong Kong and transferred to Shanghai. Despite pressure from the Japan- ese to collaborate, he refused.

Cheng Tang (alias Tang of Shang, Da Yi) (1675–1646BCE). The first King of the Shang/ Yin Dynasty in China.

Cherevanin, Fedor Andreevich (original surname Lipkin) (1869–1938). Member of the RSDLP from 1900. Menshevik. Member of the CC of the RSDLP from 1917. Member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies and member of the ARCEC in 1917. After 1922 suffered repeated repression. Shot on 8 March 1938.

Chernov, Viktor Mikhailovich (alias Gardenin, Yu. Tuchkin, Ia. Vechin, V. Lenuar, B. Olenin, B. Iuriev) (1873–1952). Participant in the Russian revolutionary movement from the 1880s. One of the organisers and the major theoretician of the SR Party from 1901–02. Member of its CC from 1902. Member of the Presidium of the Executive Com- mittee of the Petrograd Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies and member of the Executive Committee of the Soviet of peasants’ deputies in 1917. Minister of Agricul- ture in the Provisional government in May–August 1917. Chairman of the Constitu- ent Assembly in January 1918. Head of the Congress of Members of the Constituent Assembly in September–November 1918. Arrested by admiral AlexanderV.Kolchak, but soon released under pressure from the White Czechs. Went into exile in 1920.

Chiang Ching-kuo (alias Jiang Jingguo, Nikolai Vladimirovich Elizarov) (1910–1988). Son of Chiang Kai-shek. Member of the CYLC from 1925. Member of the Soviet Youth

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League from 1926. Candidate member of the AUCP(b) in 1930–41. Student of the KUTK in 1925–27. Student of the Special Military School and N.G.Tolmachev Military-Political Academy in 1927–30. Metalworker in the Moscow ‘Dynamo’ plant in 1930–31. Chair- man of the Collective Farm in Korovino village, Moscow Province from May to November 1931. Post-graduate student of the International Lenin School from November 1931 to the end of October 1932. Assistant chief of a shop in the Ural- mash plant in Sverdlovsk in 1932–34. Deputy editor of Uralmash newspaper Za tiazh- eloe mashinostroenie in 1934–37. Deputy head of the Organisational Department of the Sverdlovsk City Soviet in 1937. On Stalin’s orders he was sent back to China in 1937. Departed for Taiwan in 1949. In 1976 became President of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Chiang Kai-shek (alias Jiang Jieshi, Jiang Zhongzheng) (1887–1975). Member of Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Revolutionary Alliance’ from 1908. Member of the CEC of the GMD from 1926. Head of the Whampoa Military Academy from 1924. Commander-in-Chief of the NRA of the GMD from 1926. Head of the GMD regime from 1928.

Chirol, Valentine (1852–1929). British journalist, historian, and diplomat.

Cixi (original nameYehenara) (1835–1908). Concubine of the Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing dynasty until 1861. Empress Dowager and de facto ruler of China from 1861.

Cobden, Emma Jane Catherine (1851–1947). A member of the British Liberal Party, a famous suffragist.

Collins, William Frederick (1882–1956). American Sinologist.

Confucius (alias Kongzi, Kong Fuzi, original name Kong Qiu) (551–479BCE). Chinese philosopher.

Conrady,Auguste (1864–1925). German Sinologist. Professor of Leipzig University from 1897.

Cordier, Henri (1849–1925). French expert on Japan and China.

Dai Jitao (alias Tianchou, Xiaoyuan) (1891–1949). Member of the GMD from 1911. Sec- retary of Sun Yat-sen from 1911. Member of the CEC of the GMD since 1924. Ideologue of the ‘right’ Guomindang. Rector of Sun Yat-sen University in Canton in 1926–27. Head of the Examination Yuan (chamber) in 1928–48. Committed suicide.

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Dalin, Sergei Alekseevich (original name Rabinovich) (1902–1985). Member of the RCP(b) from 1919. Worked for the CYI in 1921–24. Member of the Presidium of the Far Eastern Secretariat of the Comintern in 1921–22. Representative of the CYI in China in 1922 and 1924. Taught at the UTK in 1925–26. Representative of the Moscow Sun Yat-sen University in China in 1926–27. Member of the Trotskyist opposition in 1927. Chief of the Department of Internal Information of the newspaper Izvestiia in 1928. TASS corres- pondent in Scandinavia in 1929–30. Deputy head of the Foreign Department of TASS in 1930–31. Deputy Chairman of the Krasnoiarsk Soviet Regional Committee in 1936. Arrested on 5 September 1936, sentenced to ten years’ deprivation of liberty on 21 April 1937. Served his term in Norilsk, worked as a senior engineer-economist. Released on 5 September 1946, remained in Norilsk. Arrested again on 23 December 1950. Sentenced to exile in Krasnoiarsk region. Released on 16 December 1954.

Dan, Fedor Ilyich (original name Gurvich) (1871–1947). Member of the RSDLP since 1898. Member of the CC since 1905. One of the Menshevik leaders. After the February (1917) revolution a member of the Bureau of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet. Arrested by the Bolsheviks in 1921. Deported in 1922. Editor of Sotsialisticheskii vestnik in 1922–42.

Dewey, John (1859–1952). American philosopher and educational reformer.

Dittmer, Clarence Gus (1885–?). A doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin and an American teacher of Economics at Tsinghua College in Beijing in late 1910s.

Drobnis, Iakov Naumovich (1891–1937). Member of the Bund in 1904–05. Menshevik in 1905–06. Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1907 and of the CC of the CP(b)Uk from 1918. From 1919, successively Chairman of the Poltava and Odessa Soviets, commissar of the WPRA. From 1922 worked in the Lesser CPC of the RSFSR. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1929. Deputy Dir- ector of the Kemerovo Khimkombinatstroi from 1934. Arrested on 6 August 1936. Shot on 1 February 1937.

Duan (1856–1922). Manchu prince and politician.

Dulcinea del Toboso. Character in the novel Don Quixote de La Mancha by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Durov, Vladimir Leonidovich (1863–1934). Equestrian. Honoured artist of the RSFSR from 1927.

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En Hai (?–1900). Zhangjing (a sergeant or a low-rank officer) in a Qing dynasty fire- arms regiment who assassinated the German ambassador to China, Baron Ketteler. Executed.

Engels, Friedrich (1820–1895). German philosopher and revolutionary. One of the founders of .

Evdokimov, Grigorii Eremeevich (1884–1936). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Member of the CC in 1919–25. Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet of Trade Unions, sec- retary of the Leningrad Gubernia Committee of the Party in 1920–25. Secretary of the CC and member of the Orgburo of the CC in 1925–27. Member of the Zinovievist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1928. Chairman of the Samara Regional Union of Agricultural Co-operation from 1929, thereafter Dir- ector of the Chief Administration for the Milk Industry of the People’s Commissariat of the Food Industry of the USSR. Arrested on 8 December 1934. Shot on 25 August 1938.

Feng Yuxiang (1882–1948). Chinese marshal, Commander-in-Chief of the Nationalist Army from 1924. Member of the GMD from 1926. Chairman of the Political Council of the CC of the Revolutionary Committee of the GMD in 1948.

Fisher, Fred Douglas (1874–?). US Consul-General in Shenyang in 1909–14 and Tianjin in 1914–15.

Fokin, Nikolai Alekseevich (alias Molodoi [Young]) (1899–1938). Member of the RCP(b) from 1919. General Secretary of the CC of the CYL of Turkestan and of the Cent- ral Asian Bureau of the CC of the CYL until 1924. Secretary of the ECCYI from 1924. Representative of the ECCYI in China in 1926–27. Head of the Eastern Department of the ECCYI in July 1927–30. Deputy head of the Eastern Department of the Trade Union International in 1930–1933.Then worked in the Political Department of theTran- scaucasian railways. Repressed.

Franke, Otto (1863–1946). German Sinologist.

Frederick II the Great (1712–1786). King of Prussia from 1740.

Fridliand, Grigorii Samoilovich (1897–1937). Soviet historian. Repressed.

Furmanov, Dmitrii Andreevich (1891–1926). Soviet writer.

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Gapon, Georgii Apollonovich (1870–1906). Russian Orthodox priest who was very popular among the workers in St. Petersburg, organized a workers’ demonstration on January 9/22, 1905 that turned into a bloody massacre and precipitated the first Rus- sian Revolution of 1905–07. Murdered by members of Social-Revolutionary Party for allegedly being a police provocateur.

Geller, Lev Naumovich (alias Professor, Professional, Tarasov) (1875–1942). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1904. Chairman of the Council of International Propaganda in 1920. Head of the Eastern Department of the Trade Union International in 1922–30. Representative of the Trade Union International in China in June–July 1926. Taught at the International Lenin School in 1930–33. Repressed.

Genghis Khan (alias Temuchin) (1155–1227). Unifier of Mongolia and the great con- queror who subjugated North China (Kingdoms Xi Xia and Jin) and .

George, Henry (1839–1897). American economist.

Georgievskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1851–1893). Russian Sinologist. Professor of St. Petersburg University from 1890.

Gingorn, Semen Vladimirovich (alias Gingor) (1896–1937). Member of the RCP(b) from 1919. Taught history of Western revolutionary movement at the UTK from Feb- ruary 1926 to 1 September 1927. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Arrested. Shot on 17 March 1937.

Girs, Mikhail Nikolaevich (1856–1932). Russian ambassador to China in 1898–1901.

Gong (1830–1898). Prince, a half-brother of the Chinese Emperor Xianfeng (reigned 1850–61) and a lover of the Empress Dowager Cixi. In 1861, along with Cixi initiated the Self-Strengthening policy. Head of Zongli yamen (Office for the Management of the Business of All Foreign Countries).

Gorev, Boris Isaakovich (original surname Goldman) (1874–1937). Soviet historian.

Guangxu (original name Zaitian) (1871–1908). The Chinese Emperor of the Qing dyn- asty from 1874.

Guralskii, Abram (Boris) Iakovlevich (alias Rustitko, Lepeti, Kleine, Iakov, Dupont, original surname Kheifets) (1890–1960). Member of the Bund from 1906. Member of the Federal Committee of the Social-Democratic Party of the Latvian region from

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1907. Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1918. Vice-Chairman of the Kiev Gubernia Execut- ive Committee, member of the All-Ukrainian CEC in 1919. Representative of the ECCI in Germany from the end of 1919 to 1920 and in 1921–23. Member of the CC of the KPD, Chairman of the Revcom of Germany in 1923. Delegate to the Fifth Congress of the Comintern from the KPD in 1924. Representative of the ECCI in France in 1924– 1925. Head of a Department of the Marx-Engels Institute in 1926–28. Member of the Zinovievist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1928. Member of a delegation of ECCI to South America in 1930–34. Repressed.

Gusev, Sergei Ivanovich (alias Travin, P. Grin, original name Iakov Davidovich Drab- kin) (1874–1933). Member of the Petersburg ‘Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class’ in 1896. Member of the RSDLP from 1898. Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1903. In 1904–05 secretary of the Petersburg Committee of the RSDLP(b). Secret- ary of the MRC of Petrograd in 1917. During the Civil War was successively member of the RMC of the 5th and 2nd Armies, member of the RMC of the Eastern front, member of the RMCR, member of the RMC of the South-Eastern front, member of the RMC of the Southern front. In 1921–23 chief of the Political Administration of the WPRA. Secretary of the CCC of the RCP(b) and member of the Collegium of the People’s Commissariat of the Worker-Peasant Inspection from 1923. Representative of the ECCI to the CP USA in 1925–27. Chief of the Press Department of the CC of the AUCP(b) in 1926–28, Head of the Central European Secretariat of the ECCI in 1928–1932 and the Anglo-American Secretariat of the ECCI since 1932. Candidate member of ECCI in 1928–29. Member of the Presidium of the ECCI in 1929–31. Candidate member of the Presidium of ECCI since 1931.

Hart, Robert (1835–1911). 1st Baronet. British diplomat and Inspector-General of China’s Maritime Customs from 1863.

Helfferich, Karl (1872–1924). German politician and financier, Secretary for the Treas- ury in 1915–16 and Secretary of the Interior of German Empire in 1916–17.

Hembyze, Jan von (1513–1584). One of the Calvinist leaders in Gent (Flanders). Headed a rebellion against the Spanish monarchy in 1577. Executed.

Hicks, Ernest George (1879–1954). General Secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers in Great Britain. Member of the General Council of the TUC in 1924–41, President 1927–28. Labour Member of Parliament, 1931–50.

Hindenburg, Paul von (1847–1934). Field Marshall, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the German Army in 1916–17. President of Germany in 1925–34.

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Horn, Robert (1871–1940). Viscount, President of the British Board of Trade in 1920–21.

Hu Hanmin (1879–1936). Member of Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Revolutionary Alliance’ from 1905. Member of the CEC of the GMD from 1924. Governor of Guangdong province and Min- ister of Foreign Affairs in the Canton government in 1925. Head of a GMD delegation in the USSR in 1925–26. After 12 April 1927, Chairman of the Political Council of the CEC of the GMD in 1925 and in 1927–28, head of the Legislative Yuan (chamber) from 1928–31.

Huc, Évariste Régus (1813–1860). French Catholic missionary in China, Mongolia and Tibet.

Hus, Jan (1369–1415). The Czech priest and Christian reformer. Burnt at the stake.

Iakinf (secular name Nikita Iakovlevich Bichurin) (1777–1853). Russian Sinologist. Head of the ninth Russian Religious Mission in Beijing in 1807–22. In 1823–26, monk of the Valaam Monastery. From 1826 interpreter in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of .

Ignatiev, Nikolai Pavlovich (1832–1908). Count, Russian general and diplomat, pleni- potentiary to China from 1859–60 and ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1864– 77.

Ilovaiskii, Dmitrii Ivanovich (1832–1920). Russian historian, publicist, author of a His- tory of Russia in 5 volumes.

Ioffe, Semen Samoilovich (1895–1938). Member of the RSDLP(b) from July 1916. One of the leaders of the Bolshevik movement in Smolensk in 1917. Voroshilov’s secretary for foreign political affairs in 1927. Arrested. Shot on 10 June 1938.

Iordanskii, Nikolai Ivanovich (alias Negorev, N. Nadov) (1876–1928). Member of the RSDLP since 1899. Menshevik from 1903. From 1905 editor of the journal Mir Bozhii (from 1906 SovremennyMir). In 1905 member of the Executive Committee of the Peters- burg Soviet of workers’ deputies. Collaborator with the Bolshevik journal Zvezda in 1910–12. Member of the RCP(b) from 1921. Soviet ambassador to Italy in 1923–24.

Ito Hirobumi (1841–1909). Marquis from 1895–1907 and prince from 1907. Prime Min- ister of Japan in 1885–88, 1892–96, 1898, and 1900–01.

Ivan the Terrible (alias Ivan IV) (1530–1584.) Russian Tsar of the Rurik Dynasty from 1553–84.

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Ivanov, Aleksei Alekseevich (alias Ivin) (1885–1942). Russian and Soviet Sinologist. Professor of Beijing University in 1917–27. Correspondent of the newspaper Pravda in China in 1927–30. Research fellow at the IWE&WP in 1932–42. Repressed.

Ivanov, Aleksei Ivanovich (1878–1937). Russian and Soviet Sinologist. Professor from 1915. Worked in the Soviet embassy in Beijing from 1922–27. Later taught at various col- leges. Repressed.

Jamieson, George (1843–1920). British Sinologist.

John the Baptist. In Christianity the final prophet of the coming of the Messiah, the predecessor of Jesus Christ.

Jordan, John Newell (1852–1925). British envoy extraordinary and minister plenipoten- tiary to China in 1910–20.

Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich (1875–1946). Member of the RSDLP since 1898. Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Member of the CC since 1919. Candidate member of the Polit- buro in 1919–26. Member of the Politburo since 1926. Chairman of the AUCEC since 1922 and of the Presidium of the of the USSR since 1938.

Kamenev, Lev Borisovich (original name Rozenfeld) (1883–1936). Member of the RSDLP since 1901. Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Member of the CC in 1917–18 and 1919–27. Member of the Politburo in 1919–25. Candidate member of the Politburo in 1926. Chairman of the All-Russian CEC in 1917. Chairman of the Moscow Soviet in 1918–26. Deputy Chairman of the CPC of the RSFSR (USSR) in 1922–26. Director of the Lenin Institute in 1923–26. People’s Commissar for Internal and Foreign Trade in 1926. Soviet ambassador to Italy in 1926–27. Member of the Zinovievist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1928. Director of the ‘Academia’ publish- ing house in 1933. Director of the M. Gorky Institute for World Literature of the AN of the USSR in 1934. Arrested on 16 December 1934. Shot on 25 August 1936.

Kamkov, Boris Davidovich (original name Kats) (1885–1938). Member of the SR Party in 1902–17. Member of its CC in 1917. Head of the Petrograd organisation of the SR Party in 1917. One of the organisers and leaders of the Party of Left-SRs (Internationalists). Member of the Presidium of the ARCEC in 1917–18. One of the organisers of the plot against the Bolshevik government on 6 July 1918. Subsequently one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Party of Left-SRs. Repeatedly arrested. Shot on 29 August 1938.

Kang Youwei (1858–1927). Chinese reformer, monarchist.

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Kantorovich, Anatolii Iakovlevich (alias N. Terentiev) (1896–1937). Soviet Sinologist. In the 1920s worked in the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. In 1924–28 in China. Research fellow at the IWE&WP from 1932.

Kareev, Nikolai Ivanovich (1850–1931). Russian historian and expert on France. Corres- ponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences from 1910, of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 1917, of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1925. Honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1929.

Katz, Ivan (1889–1956). Member of the SPD since 1906. Member of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany in 1919. Member of the KPD from 1920. In 1924 member of the Politburo of the CC of the KPD. In 1925 representative of the KPD in ECCI. Returned to Germany in the summer of 1925. At the beginning of 1926 broke with the Communist Party and organized the New ‘Spartacus’ League. Arrested by the Nazis in 1933, 1941 and 1944.

Kautsky, Karl (1854–1938). One of the leaders and theoreticians of German Social Democracy and of the Second International. Editor of the SPD theoretical journal Neue Zeit in 1883–1917.

Kerensky, Alexander Fedorovich (1881–1970). Russian Socialist Revolutionary. Minis- ter of Justice in the Provisional government in March–May 1917. Minister of the Army & Navy in May–September 1917. Prime Minister in July–November 1917. Supreme C-in-C of the Russian Army in August–November 1917. Went into exile after the October (1917) revolution.

Ketteler, Clemens August Freiherr von (1853–1900). Baron, German plenipotentiary to China from 1899–1900.

Kitchener, Herbert (1850–1916). Count, British Field Marshal, Secretary of State forWar from 1914–16.

Kornilov, Lavr Georgievich (1870–1918). General. Participant in the Russo-Japanese and the First World wars. In 1907–11 Russian military attaché in China. In March–April 1917, Commander-in-Chief of the Petrograd military district. In July 1917 successively Commander-in-Chief of the South Western front and Supreme Commander-in-Chief. At the end of August attempted to carry out a military coup, but at the beginning of September arrested. In November escaped. From December Commander-in-Chief of the Volunteer Army. Perished during the attack on Ekaterinodar.

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Korsch, Karl (1886–1961). Member of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Ger- many in 1919. Member of the KPD from 1920. Minister of Education in the coalition government in Thuringia in the autumn of 1923. In 1925 broke with the Communist movement, and after 1928 abandoned political activity. Emigrated in 1933. In USA after 1936.

Krause, Friedrich Ernst August (1879–1942). German historian.

Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich (1842–1921). Prince. Russian revolutionary, geographer, geologist, sociologist and historian. Theoretician of anarchism.

Krusenstern, Ivan Fedorovich (alias Adam Johann von Krusenstern) (1770–1846). Russian admiral and explorer.

Ku Sui-lu (?–?). Chinese scholar who in 1924 in Hamburg defended his Ph.D. disserta- tion on the banking transactions in China and in 1926 published it in German.

Kuropatkin, Aleksei Nikolaevich (1848–1925). Russian Imperial Minister of War from 1888–1904.

Legge, James (1815–1897). British Sinologist, translator of works of classical Chinese philosophy.

Lamsdorf, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1845–1907). Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Rus- sian Empire from 1901–06.

Lannes de Montebello, Louis-Gustave (1838–1907). Marquis. French ambassador to Russia in 1891–1902.

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (alias Nikolai Lenin, original name Ulianov) (1870–1924). One of the organisers of the Petersburg ‘Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class’ in 1895. Member of the RSDLP from 1898. Founder of the RSDLP(b). Member of the CC since 1903. Member of the Politburo since 1919. One of the organ- isers of the October (1917) revolution. Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR (USSR) from 1917 and of the CLD since 1922. Leader and theoretician of Bolshevism.

Lentsner, Naum Mikhailovich (1902–1936). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1918. Sec- retary of the Far Eastern Bureau of the CC of the CYI in 1920–21. Editor of the third volume of L.D. Trotsky’s works in 1924. In 1927 chief of a sub-section of the Section for

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Agitation and Propaganda of ECCI. In the 1920s member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin. Part-time worker in the Central European Länder Secretariat of ECCI until 1931. In 1936 Deputy Chief of the Regional Plant Administration in Dnepropetrovsk city. Arrested on 1 April 1936, and shot soon after.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Italian painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, engin- eer.

Leopold II (1835–1909). King of the Belgians from 1865.

Li Dazhao (alias Li Shouchang, Qinhua) (1889–1927). One of the first Chinese Com- munists. Founder of a Beijing Marxist circle in 1920. Member of the CCP from 1921. Member of the CEC from 1922. Leader of the North China Bureau of the CEC from 1921. Executed by Zhang Zuolin’s police.

Li Hongzhang (alias Li Shaoquan) (1823–1901). Major Chinese politician, diplomat and businessman of the Qing dynasty. Commander of the Anhui Army. From the late 1860s successively Governor-General of Hunan and Hubei, Zhili, Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. Viceroy, Chief Secretary of the Imperial government, Imperial Mentor and Superintendent controlling trade in the North of the country.

Li Jishen (alias Li Renchao) (1885–1959). Chinese general. Member of the GMD from 1920 and candidate member of the Political Council of the CEC of the GMD from 1926. In 1925 commander of the 4th Army. In the period of the Northern Expedition of 1926–27 Chief of Staff of the NRA and of the logistical administration of the NRA High Command, governor of Guangdong province. On 15 April 1927 carried out an anti- Communist coup in Canton, and in December of the same year repressed a Communist uprising in the same city. Subsequently in various capacities in the government and army of the GMD. In January 1948 co-founded the Revolutionary Committee of the GMD in Hong Kong. After the fall of the GMD regime in 1949, Chairman of the National Com- mittee of the CPPCC, Deputy Chairman of the Central People’s Government of the PRC and Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC.

Liang Qichao (alias Zhuoru, Rengong) (1873–1929). Chinese philosopher, reformist, and journalist, Kang Youwei’s student, one of leading activists on the Hundred Days of Reforms movement of 1898.

Liao Zhongkai (1877–1925). Member of Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Revolutionary Alliance’ from 1905. Member of the CEC of the GMD from 1924. Well-known activist of the ‘left’ GMD.

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Minister of Finance in the Canton government from 1923 and Political Commissar of the Whampoa Military Academy from 1924. Killed as a result of an attempted assassin- ation.

Lieber, Mikhail Isaakovich (alias Ber, GLDM, Lipin, Lipov, original surname Gold- man) (1880–1937). Member of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania since 1896. One of the leaders of the Bund since 1897. Menshevik since 1903. Member of the CC of the Bund since 1904. Member of the CC of the RSDLP. Member of the Bureau of the Execut- ive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies in 1917. During the Civil War (1918–20) adopted sharply anti-Bolshevik positions. After 1923 repeatedly arrested. Shot on 4 October 1937.

Liebknecht, Karl (1871–1919). Member of the SPD since 1900. One of the leaders of the leftist tendency of German Social Democracy. Chairman of the Socialist Youth Interna- tional in 1907–10. Member of the Reichstag in 1912–16. In 1916–18 one of the organisers and leaders of the left-radical group (league) ‘Spartacus’. In 1916–18 imprisoned. Took an active part in the November (1918) revolution in Germany. Chairman of the KPD from early 1919. Murdered on 15 January 1919.

Liebknecht, Wilhelm Martin Philipp Christian Ludwig (1826–1900). Father of Karl Liebknecht. Co-founder of the KPD.

Lim Boon Keng (alias Lin Wenqing, Wen Ching) (1869–1957). Chinese physician and the president of Amoy (Xiamen) University from 1921–37.

Linevich, Nikolai Petrovich (1839–1908). General, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian military forces in Manchuria, 1905.

Liu Shaoqi (1898–1969). Member of the CCP from 1921. Student of the KUTV in 1921. One of the organisers of the Chinese workers’ movement from 1921. Deputy Chairman and Secretary of the Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in 1925–27. Member of the CC of the CCP since 1927. Member of the Politburo since 1928. Secretary of the Secretariat of the CC and Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Milit- ary Committee from 1943. Deputy Chairman of the Central People’s Government of the PRC from 1949. Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress from 1954. Member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo and Deputy Chairman of the CC of the CCP from 1956. Chairman of the PRC from 1959. Expelled from the Party in 1968. Repressed.

Liu Renjing (alias Lenskii, Niel Shih, Nelsi, Liu Ruoshui, Keren) (1902–1987). One of the founders of the CCP in 1921. Head of the CEC of the CYLC in 1923–25. Stu-

Alexander V. Pantsov - 9789004432062 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 10:30:51PM via free access 450 biographical dictionary dent of the International Lenin School in 1926–29. Member of the Chinese Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1929. One of the theoreticians of the Chinese Left Opposition. Arrested by the GMD police in 1935. Paroled in 1937. Arrested by the Communists in 1952. Capitulated to Mao Zedong in 1972. Killed falling under a bus.

Livshits, Iakov Abramovich (1896–1937). Member of the SR Party in 1913–15. Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1917. From 1919 worked in the GPU of Ukraine. From 1924 on eco- nomic work, Deputy Director of the Kharkov trust ‘Donugol’. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1928. Capitulated to Stalin in 1929. From 1939 successively Director of the Southern, North Caucasian and Moscow-Kursk railways. Deputy People’s Commissar of the NKPS since 1935. Arrested on 16 March 1936. Shot on 1 February 1937.

Liu Bang (alias Han Gaozu) (256–195BCE). The first Emperor of the Han dynasty in China from 202BC.

Lobanov-Rostovskii, Alexei Borisovich (1824–1896). Prince. Minister of Foreign Affairs of in 1895–96.

Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853–1928). A Dutch physicist.

Lozovskii, A. (original name Solomon Abramovich Dridzo) (1878–1952). Member of the RSDLP since 1901. Candidate member of the CC of the AUCP(b) in 1927–39. Member of the CC in 1939–49. General Secretary of the Trade Union International and member of ECCI in 1921–37. Deputy People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs in 1939–46. Deputy head of the Sovinformburo in 1941–45. Head of the Sovinformburo in 1945–48. Chair- man of the Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy at the Higher Party School of the CC of the AUCP(b) in 1940–49. Arrested on 26 January 1949. Shot on 12 August 1952.

Lü Buwei (290?–235BCE). Merchant from the Chinese kingdom of Zhou. Chief Min- ister of the kingdom of Qin until 246BCE. According to legend, father of the Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi.

Luo Fenglu (1850–1901). The Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1896– 1901.

Luxemburg, Rosa (1871–1919). Member of the SPD since 1898. One of the leaders of the left-wing tendency in German Social Democracy. Participant in the

Alexander V. Pantsov - 9789004432062 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 10:30:51PM via free access biographical dictionary 451 of 1905–07. In 1916–18 one of the organisers and leaders of the left-radical ‘Sparta- cus’ group (league). Imprisoned in 1916–18. Took an active part in the November (1918) revolution in Germany. One of the founders of the KPD at the end of 1918 and the begin- ning of 1919. Murdered on 15 January 1919.

Macartney, George (1737–1806). First Earl. British Ambassador to Russia in 1764–69. Governor of Madras (Chennai) in 1780–86. Head of a British diplomatic mission to China in 1792–93, Governor of Cape Colony in 1796–98.

MacDonald, Claude Maxwell (1852–1915). Colonel, British diplomat, minister to China in 1896–1900.

MacMurray, John van Antwerp (1881–1960). US Ambassador to China in 1925–29, Esto- nia, Latvia and Lithuania in 1933–36, and Turkey in 1936–41.

Mandalian, Tates (Tateos) Gega(mo)vich (alias Sergei Georgievich Marchenko, Cherniak, Professional) (1901–1941). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1917. In trade union work in Trans-Caucasia in 1920–23. Worked in the Trade Union International from 1923. Representative of the Trade Union International in China in 1926–27. Chairman of the Voronezh Council of Trade Unions in 1927–36. Political advisor of the General Secretary of ECCI G.M. Dimitrov in 1936–37. Soviet chargé d’affaires in Spain from 1937. Arrested on 22 August 1939. Shot on 28 July 1941.

Manuilskii, Dmitrii Zakharovich (1883–1959). Member of the RSDLP since 1903. Mem- ber of the RSDLP(b) from July 1917. Member of the CC in 1923–52. Secretary of the CC of the CP(b)Uk in 1921. Member of the Presidium of ECCI in 1924–28. Secretary of ECCI in 1928–43. Deputy Chairman of the CPC (Council of Ministers) and People’s Commissar (Minister) of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in 1944–53.

Margary, Augustus Raymond (1846–1875). The British diplomat and traveller.

Maring, Hendricus (alias Andreson, Martin Ivanovich Bergman, H. Brouwer, Man- der, Philipp, Sentot, Simons, Joh van Son, original name Hendricus Josephus Fran- ciscus Marie Sneevliet) (1883–1942). Activist of the Communist movement on Java and in the Netherlands. Secretary of the commission of the Second Congress of the Comintern on National and Colonial Questions in 1920. Member of ECCI in 1920–21. Representative of ECCI in China in 1921–23. Participant in the Communist movement in Germany, Austria, Holland, Norway, , France. Expelled from the Comintern in 1928. Murdered by the Nazis.

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Martynov, Alexander Samoilovich (alias Miner, Poliakov, original name Saul Samui- lovich Piker) (1865–1935). Member of the Populist terrorist organisation ‘People’s Will’ since 1885. Member of the RSDLP since 1899. One of the theoreticians of Menshevism. Member of the RCP(b) since 1923. Editor of the journals Kommunisticheskii Internat- sional and Unter dem Banner des Marxismus from 1924.

Marx, Karl (1818–1883). German philosopher and revolutionary. One of the founders of Marxism.

Meckel, Jacob (1842–1905). German officer who in 1885–88 served as a military adviser to the Japanese Imperial government. Later was major general and Deputy Chief of Staff of the German army.

Medhurst, Walter Henry (alias Mai Dusi) (1796–1857). English Congregationalist mis- sionary to China.

Meiji (alias Mutsuhito) (1852–1912). Emperor of Japan from 1867.

Mencius (original name Meng Ke) (372–289BCE). Chinese philosopher, follower of Confucius.

Mif, Pavel (original name Mikhail Alexandrovich Fortus) (1901–1938). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1917. Pro-Rector of the UTK in 1925–27. Rector of the UTK-KUTK in 1927– 29. Deputy head of the Eastern Secretariat of ECCI in 1928–35. Political assistant of the General Secretary of the ECCI G.M. Dimitrov in 1935. Rector of the KUTV in 1936. Dir- ector of SRINCP in 1937. Arrested on 11 December 1937. Shot on 28 July 1938.

Miliukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859–1943). Russian historian. Founder and ideologist of the Kadets from 1905. Chairman of the Kadet Party from 1907. Deputy of the State Duma in 1907–17. Leader of the ‘Progressive Bloc’ in the Duma from 1915. Minister of For- eign Affairs in the Provisional government in March–May 1917. After the October (1917) revolution one of the organisers of the White movement. Author of the Declaration of the Volunteer Army. In exile from the end of 1918. Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Poslednie Novosti in 1921–41.

Min (1851–1895). Queen of Korea, assassinated.

Morse, Hosea Ballou (1855–1934). An American who served in the Chinese Imperial Maritime Custom Service for over thirty years and became a British subject late in life.

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Muralov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1877–1937). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Member of the CCC in 1925–27. Commander-in-Chief of the Moscow military district in 1921– 24. Commander-in-Chief of the North Caucasian military district in 1924–25. Member of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR, Rector of the Agricultural Academy in 1925–27. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capit- ulated to Stalin in 1930. Subsequently Chief of the Agricultural Department of Kuz- basstroi. Arrested on 18 April 1936. Shot on 1 February 1937.

Muraviev-Amurskii, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1809–81). Count. Governor-general of Eastern from 1847–61. Concluded an unequal Aigun treaty with China in 1858.

Münsterberg, Oskar von (1865–1920). German art expert and Orientalist.

Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769–1821). First Consul of the French Republic from 1799–1804 and Emperor of the French from 1804–14 and in 1815.

Nasonov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (alias Nazonov, Charlie, Iunosha [Youngster]) (1902– 1938). Member of the RCP(b) from 1919. Secretary of the Tambov Gubernia Committee of the Komsomol in 1921–22. Member of the Far Eastern Bureau of the CC of the Kom- somol in 1922–23. Secretary of the Vladivostok Gubernia Committee of the Komsomol in 1923–24. Secretary of the Central Asian Bureau of the CC of the Komsomol in 1924– 25. Representative of the CYI in China in 1925–27 and the USA in 1927–28. Head of the Negro Section of the Eastern Department of the ECCI in 1932–33. Repressed.

Natanson, Mark Andreevich (1850–1919). Participant in the Russian revolutionary movement since 1869. One of the organisers of the ‘Land and Freedom’ group in 1876. Organiser of the ‘People’s Rights’ Party in 1893. Member of the Party of SRs in 1902–17. One of the organisers and leaders of the Party of Left SRs (Internationalists). Con- demned the plot against the Bolshevik government on 6 July 1918. One of the organisers of the Party of Revolutionary Communists in 1918.

Nicholas II (1868–1918). The Russian Emperor of the Romanov dynasty from 1894–1917.

O’Conor, Nicholas Roderick (1843–1908). British chargé d’affaires to China in 1892 and envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from 1892–95.

O’Malley, Owen (1887–1974). Counsellor of the British Mission in Beijing in 1925–27.

Oxenham, Edward Lavington (1843–1896). British consul in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu Prov- ince) from 1880–88, Qiongzhou (Haikou, Guangdong Province) from 1888–90, and Yichang (Hubei Province) in 1890.

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Parvus, Alexander Lvovich (original name Israel Lazarevich Gelfand) (1867–1924). Activist of the Russian and German Social Democratic movements. Abandoned polit- ical activity in 1918.

Paul I (1754–1801). The Russian Emperor of the Romanov dynasty from 1796.

PavlovAlexanderIvanovich (1860–1923), Russian acting plenipotentiary in China from 1896–98 and ambassador to China from 1898–1904.

Pepper, John (alias József Pogány, original name József Schwartz) (1886–1938). Mem- ber of the Hungarian SDP from 1905. Member of the CP of Hungary from 1919. People’s Commissar for Military Affairs of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919. Worked for the administration of ECCI from 1919. Head of the ECCI Information Department in 1924– 26, and the Agitation and Propaganda Department from 1926. Candidate member of the Orgburo and the Secretariat of ECCI from 1926. Expelled from the Comintern in 1929. Worked in Gosplan. Repressed.

Perlov, Ivan Semenovich (1843–1900). Co-owner of the Russian tea company ‘Vasilii Perlov and sons’ after the death of his father in 1879.

Perlov, Nikolai Semenovich (1849–1911). Younger brother of Ivan Semenovich Perlov. Co-owner of the Russian tea company ‘Vasilii Perlov and sons’ after the death of his father in 1879.

Perry, Matthew C. (1794–1858). American commodore who forced the Japanese to sign the first unequal treaty of Kanagawa in 1854.

Peter the Great (alias Peter I) (1672–1725). The Russian Tsar of the Romanov dynasty from 1682–1721 and the Russian Emperor from 1721.

Philip II (1527–1598). Spanish King of the Habsburg dynasty from 1556.

Piatakov, Iuri (Georgii) Leonidovich (1890–1937). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1910. Candidate member of the CC in 1921–22. Member of the CC in 1922–27 and 1930–36. Chairman of the Kiev MRC in 1917. Chief Commissar of at the end of 1917- early 1918. Chairman of the Provisional worker-peasant government of Ukraine in 1918. During the Civil War (1918–20), successively member of the RMC of the 13th, 16th and 6th Army. In 1920–23 Deputy Chairman of SSNE. In 1927 Soviet trade representative in France. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitu- lated to Stalin in 1928. In 1928 Deputy Chairman, in 1929 Chairman of the Administra-

Alexander V. Pantsov - 9789004432062 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 10:30:51PM via free access biographical dictionary 455 tion of Gosbank of the USSR. In 1931–32 Deputy People’s Commissar for Heavy Industry. Arrested on 14 September 1936. Shot on 1 February 1937.

Pokotilov, Dmitrii Dmitrievich (1865–1908). Russian Imperial Minister to China from 1905–08.

Pokrovskii, Mikhail Nikolaevich (1868–1932). Soviet historian. Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1905. Chairman of the Moscow Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ depu- ties at the end of 1917. Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of Moscow and the Moscow region in 1918. Deputy People’s Commissar of Education from 1918. Head of the Communist Academy (1918–36) and the Institute of Red Professors (1921–30), Academician of the AN of the USSR from 1929.

Polo, Marco (1254–1324). Venetian merchant and traveller. Author of a book about his travels in China, in which, according to him, he lived 17 years (from 1275 to 1292).

Polonskii, Vladimir Ivanovich (1893–1937). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1912. Mem- ber of the Central Administration of the Petersburg Union of Metalworkers. In 1915–17 in exile in Tobolsk. Secretary of the Central Administration of the Moscow Union of Metalworkers from March 1917. During the Civil War (1918–20) commissar of divisions of the WPRA on the Western and Southern fronts, military commissar of the South- Western railway, Chairman of the Southern Bureau of the AUCUTU. In 1920–24 on trade union work. Secretary of the Rogozhsk-Simonovsk District Committee of the Moscow Committee of the AUCP(b) in 1925–28. Second secretary of the Moscow Committee in 1928–30. First secretary of the CC of the CP(b) of Azerbaijan and secretary of the Tran- scaucasian Regional Committee of the AUCP(b) in 1930–33. Head of the Organisation Department of the CC of the AUCP(b) in 1933. Head of the Political Administration and Deputy People’s Commissar of the NKPS in August 1933–35. Secretary of the AUCUTU from 1935. Deputy People’s Commissar for Communications. Arrested on 21 June 1937, shot on 20 October 1937.

Preobrazhenskii, Evgenii Alekseevich (1886–1937). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Candidate member of the CC in 1917–18. Member of the CC in 1920–21. Member of the ARCEC in 1917. Deputy Chairman of the Chita Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies in 1917. Chairman of the Presidium of the Urals Regional Committee of the RCP(b) in 1918. Secretary and member of the Orgburo of the CC of the RCP(b) in 1920– 21. From 1921 Chairman of the Financial Committee of the CC of the RKP(b) and of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Chief Administration for Professional Education of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR. In 1924–27 Deputy Chairman of the Chief Committee on Concessions. Member of the

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Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1929. Deputy Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Planning Committee in 1930–32. Member of the Collegium of the People’s Commissariat for Light Industry of the USSR in 1932–33. Arrested on 20 December 1936. Shot on 13 July 1937.

Prigozhin, Abram Grigorievich (1896–1937). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1918. Taught at the Urals-Siberian Communist University in 1925–26. Taught history of West- ern revolutionary movement at the UTK from September 1926 until 1 June 1927. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Arrested on 5 August 1936. Shot on 8 March 1937.

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809–1865). French politician and philosopher, founder of anarchism.

Purcell, Albert Arthur (1872–1935). British trade unionist and politician. Labour mem- ber of Parliament in 1922–24, 1925–29. Chairman of the Strike Organising Committee of the General Council of the TUC at the time of the 1926 General Strike. President of the International Federation of Trade Unions, one of the founders of the Anglo-Russian Committee for Trade Union unity in 1925–27.

Quigley, Harold Scott (1889–1968). Sinologist, specialist on the history and jurispru- dence of China.

Qin Shi Huangdi (original name Ying Zheng) (259–210BCE). First Emperor of China from 221BCE, founder of the Qin dynasty.

Radek, Andrzej. Hero of the novel Syzyfowe prace by the Polish writer Stefan Żeromski.

Rafes Moisei Grigorievich (alias Max, Borisov) (1883–1942). Member of the Bund from 1900. Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1919. Worked in the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of ECCI from 1920. Secretary of the Far Eastern Bureau of ECCI from June to October 1926. Head of the Foreign Department of TASS since 1927. Arrested on 11 May 1938. Sentenced to ten years’ deprivation of liberty on 2 June 1940.

Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, Archibald Philip (1847–1929). British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1886 and 1892–94 and Prime Minister in 1894–95.

Raskol’nikov, Fedor Fedorovich (alias Petrov, original surname Ilyin) (1892–1939). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1910. Deputy People’s Commissar for Naval Affairs and successively Commander of the Volga and Caspian flotillas and also the Baltic Fleet in 1918–21. Soviet ambassador to Afghanistan in 1921–23. Head of the Eastern Department

Alexander V. Pantsov - 9789004432062 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 10:30:51PM via free access biographical dictionary 457 of the ECCI from March 1924 to February 1926. Soviet ambassador to Estonia, Denmark and Bulgaria in 1930–38. Emigrated in 1938. Expelled from the Party in absentia and declared an ‘enemy of the people’ in 1938. Assassinated.

Riazanov, David Borisovich (original surname Goldendakh) (1870–1938). Russian and Soviet revolutionary, historian and Marxist theoretician, Director of the Marx-Engels Institute from 1921–31.

Richthofen,Ferdinand,Freiherrvon (1833–1905). A German traveller, professor of geo- logy and geography.

Robespierre, Maximilien (1758–1794). French revolutionary, one of the leaders of the Jacobin Club. Head of the Committee of Public Safety in 1793–94. Executed.

Ronglu (1836–1903). The Qing governor-general of Zhili Province.

Ross, John (1842–1915). British Protestant missionary in Manchuria.

Rothstein, Adolf Iulievich (1857–1904). Co-founder of the Russo-Chinese bank in 1896 and a member of its Directorate from 1896–1904.

Rothstein, Feodor Aronovich (alias Theodor) (1871–1953). Russian and British revolu- tionary, diplomat and scholar, the first Soviet ambassador to Persia from 1921–22, the first Director of the Institute of World Economy and World Politics from 1924–25.

Roy, Manabendra Nath (alias Johnson, original name Bhattacharya Narendra Nath) (1887–1954). Activist of the Indian and Mexican Communist movements. Worked for ECCI since 1920. Candidate member of ECCI in 1922–24. Member of ECCI in 1924–27. Representative of ECCI in China in 1927. Expelled from the Comintern in 1929. General Secretary of the Radical Democratic Party of India from September 1940.

Rubach, Mikhail Abramovich (original name Rubanovich) (1899–1980). Soviet his- torian.

Rudzutak, Yan Ernestovich (1887–1938). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1915. Member of the CC in 1920–37. Secretary of the CC of the RCP(b) in 1921–22. Member of the Polit- buro in 1926–32 and 1934–37. People’s Commissar for Transport in 1924–30. Deputy Chairman of CPC and CLD of the USSR in 1926–37. Chairman of the CCC and People’s Commissar for the Worker-Peasant Inspection in 1931–1934. Arrested on 24 May 1937. Shot on 29 September 1938.

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Ryhove, François de la Kethulle van (1531–1585). One of the leaders of the Calvinists in the city of Gent (Flanders). Headed an uprising against the Spanish monarchy in 1577. Executed.

Safarov, Georgii Ivanovich (aliasVolodin, Egorov, Samovarchik) (1891–1942). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1908. Candidate member of the CC in 1921–23 and 1924–25. Sec- retary and head of the Eastern Department of ECCI from August 1921 to May 1922. Editor of the newspaper Petrogradskaia (Leningradskaia) pravda in 1922–26. First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in China in 1926–27. Member of the Zinovievist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1928. Deputy head of the East- ern Länder secretariat of ECCI in 1929–34. Repressed.

Salisbury, RobertTalbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of (1830–1903). British conser- vative politician, prime-minister in 1885–86, 1886–92, 1895–1902.

Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail Evgrafovich (original surname Saltykov, pen name N. Shchedrin) (1826–1889). Russian satirical writer, journalist.

Savinkov, Boris Viktorovich (alias V. Ropshin, Veniamin, James Galley, Kseshinsky, Pavel Ivanovich, D.E. Subbotin, Leon Rodé, Konstantin Chernetsky) (1879–1925). Member of the RSDLP in 1898–1903. Member of the SR Party in 1903–17. Deputy head of its Military organisation. In 1917 successively Commissar of the Provisional govern- ment in the 8th Army and Commissar of the South-Western front, DeputyWar Minister, military governor of Petrograd, and Deputy Commander of the Petrograd military dis- trict. At the time of the Kornilov mutiny in August–September 1917 sympathised with L.G. Kornilov, but fell out with him over methods and timing. One of the organisers of the White movement. Founded the League for the Defence of the Motherland and Liberty in Paris. Published the newspaper Za svobodu. In 1924 persuaded by secret agents of OGPU to return illegally to the USSR and was arrested crossing the frontier. Killed or committed suicide in jail on 7 May 1925.

Schenck zu Schweinsberg, Gustav Adolf (1843–1909). German minister in China from 1893–96.

Schüler, Wilhelm (1869–1935). German missionary and Sinologist.

Shao Lizi (1882–1967). Member of Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Revolutionary Alliance’ from 1905. Member of the CCP in 1921–26. Head of the Secretariat of Whampoa Military Academy in 1925. Representative of the CEC of the GMD in ECCI in 1926–27. After July 1927, successively head of the Department of Propaganda of the CEC of the GMD, Chinese ambassador to the USSR, and secretary of the CPPCC. Resigned in 1949.

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Serebriakov, Leonid Petrovich (1888–1937). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1905. Mem- ber of the CC and Orgburo of the CC of the RCP(b) in 1919–1921. Secretary of the CC of the RCP(b) in 1920–21. Member of Kostroma Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ depu- ties in 1917. Member of the Presidium of the Moscow Soviet, secretary of the Regional Bureau of the RCP(b), member and secretary of the Presidium of the AUCEC, member of the RMC of the Southern front in 1918–20. Commissar of the Chief Administra- tion of Communications from 1921. Deputy People’s Commissar of Communications in 1922–24. In 1926–27 on diplomatic work in China. In 1927–29 in the USA. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1928. On economic work from 1929. Arrested on 17 August 1936. Shot on 1 February 1937.

Sermuks, Nikolai Martynovich (1896–1937). L.D. Trotsky’s secretary. Repressed.

Shingarev, Andrei Ivanovich (1869–1918). Member of the Kadet Party from 1905. Mem- ber of its CC from 1908. Editor of the Kadet newspaper Voronezhskoe slovo in 1905–07. Deputy of the State Duma in 1906–17. Minister of Finance in the Provisional govern- ment in May–July 1917. Arrested by the Bolsheviks in November 1917. Murdered by Red Guards.

Shchukar, Maxim Ilyich (1897–?). Soviet Sinologist. Taught at the UTK-KUTK. Re- pressed.

Shumiatskii, Boris Zakharovich (alias Andrei Chervonii) (1886–1938). Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1903. Deputy Chairman of the Krasnoiarsk Soviet, Chairman of the CEC of the Soviets of Siberia in 1917. Deputy chairman of the Siberian Revcom in 1919. Chair- man of the Council of Ministers of the Far Eastern Republic and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs for Siberia and Mongolia in 1920–22. Ambas- sador and trade attaché of the RSFSR (USSR) to Iran in 1922–25. Rector of the KUTV in 1926–1928. Head of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the Central Asian Bureau of the CC of the AUCP(b) in 1928–30. Chairman of the All-Union Cinema and Photo Corporation in 1930–33. Head of the Main Management of Cinema and Photo Production from 1933. Arrested on 18 January 1938. Shot on 28 July 1938.

Shuvalov, Petr Andreevich (1827–1889). Count. Head of the Third Department of His Imperial Majesty’s Own Chancellery from 1866–74.

Sima Qian (145–86BCE). Chinese historian of the Han dynasty, author of multi-volume ‘Records of the Grand Historian’ (Shiji).

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Skalov, Georgii Borisovich (alias Sinani) (1896–1940?). Member of the RSDLP since 1916. Menshevik until 1918. Participant in the White movement in 1918. At the end of 1918 renounced anti-Soviet struggle. In 1919–20 in the Red Army. Member of RCP(b) since 1919. Member of the RMC of the Fergana army group in 1920. Member of the CC of the CP(b) of Turkestan since 1920. In 1921–22 successively Chairman of the Extraordin- ary Commission of Turkestan and secretary of the Semirechensk Gubernia Committee of the CP(b) of Turkestan. Rector of the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies in 1922– 23. Commissar of the 5th division of the WPRA in 1923. Member of the RMC of the 13th Corps in 1924–25. In 1925–27 military advisor in China. In 1927–28 was enrolled in the Oriental department of the M.V. Frunze Military Academy. In 1929–30 member of a USSR government delegation to Mongolia. From 1930, instructor, deputy head and act- ing head of the Länder secretariat for South and Central America of ECCI. Repressed, sentenced to ten years’ deprivation of liberty on 27 July 1935.

Skobelev, Matvei Ivanovich (1885–1938). Member of the RSDLP since 1903. Candidate member of its CC in 1917. Menshevik. In 1912 collaborated with L.D. Trotsky. Deputy of the State Duma in 1912–17. Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies in 1917. Minister of Labour in the Provisional government in May–September 1917. During the Civil War (1918–20) in Transcaucasia. In 1920–22 in exile. Member of the RCP(b) from 1922. From 1925 on Soviet work. Repressed.

Skobelev, Mikhail Dmitrievich (1843–1882). Russian general who conquered Central Asia and played a leading role in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877–78.

Skoropadskii, Pavel Petrovich (1873–1945). Lieutenant-General. Participant in the Russo-Japanese and First World wars. In 1917 commander of the 34th (1st Ukrainian) Army Corps. Head of the officers’ organisation of the Ukrainian People’s Assembly in 1918. Hetman of the Ukrainian State from 29 April until 14 December 1918. In Germany from the end of 1918. Collaborated with the Nazis.

Sokol’nikov, Grigorii Iakovlevich (original surname Briliant) (1888–1939). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1905. Member of the CC in 1917–19, 1922–30. Candidate member of the CC in 1930–36. Candidate member of the Politburo of the CC in 1924–25. Member of the ARCEC in 1917. During the Civil War (1918–20) successively member of the RMC of a series of armies, commander of the 8th Army of the Southern front, the Turkestan front, Chairman of the Turkic Commission of the ARCEC and of the CPC of the RSFSR. People’s Commissar of Finance in 1922–26. Deputy chairman of Gosplan of the USSR in 1926–28. Chairman of the Oil Syndicate in 1928–29. USSR Ambassador to Great Britain in 1929–34. Deputy People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs in 1934. First Deputy People’s

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Commissar of the Forestry Industry from 1935. Arrested on 26 July 1936, sentenced to ten years’ deprivation of liberty on 30 January 1937. Murdered by fellow prisoners in the Verkhneuralsk prison on 21 May 1939.

Song Qingling (alias Madam Suzi, Liya) (1893–1981). Sun Yat-sen’s secretary since 1913 and his wife since 1915. One of the leaders of the left wing of the GMD from 1925. In 1927–31 Honorary Chairwoman of the Anti-Imperialist League. In the 1930s worked with agents of the Comintern in China, participated in the transfer of financial aid from ECCI to the CCP. Honorary Chairwoman of the Revolutionary Committee of the GMD since 1948. After the fall of the GMD regime in 1949, Vice-Chairperson of the Central People’s Government of the PRC. In 1954–59 and 1975–81 Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the NPC of the PRC. In 1959–75 Vice-Chairperson of the PRC. Member of the CCP since 1981. Honorary Chairwoman of the PRC since 1981.

Song Ziwen (alias T.V. Soong) (1894–1971). Member of the CEC of the GMD since 1927. Minister of Finance in the Canton and Wuhan governments in 1925–27. From 1928 occupied successively the posts of Chinese Minister of Finance, Deputy Chairman, then Chairman of the Executive Yuan (chamber), Chairman of the Central Bank, Min- ister of Foreign Affairs, ambassador to the USA, Chairman of the All-China Higher Economic Committee, Chairman of the Guangdong provincial government. Left China for France in 1949. Later lived in the USA.

Spafarii-Milesku, Nikolai Gavrilovich (alias Nicholas Spathary) (1636–1708). Russian diplomat and scholar, head of the Russian embassy to Beijing from 1675–78.

Spiridonova, Maria Aleksandrovna (1884–1941). Member of the SR Party since 1902. Member of its Military Organisation since 1905. Member of the Petrograd City Com- mittee of the SR Party in 1917. One of the organizers and leaders of the Party of Left SRs (Internationalists). Member of the Presidium of the ARCEC in 1917–18. Honorary Chair- woman of the Petrograd Soviet of peasants’ deputies in 1917–18. One of the organizers of the plot against the Bolshevik government on 6 July 1918. From 1918 repeatedly arres- ted. Shot on 11 September 1941.

Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich (alias Koba, Vasilii, Vasiliev, K. St., Filippov, Feng Xi, original surname Dzhugashvili) (1878–1953). Member of the RSDLP since 1898. Mem- ber of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Member of the CC since 1917. Member of the Politburo since 1919. People’s Commissar for Nationalities in 1917–22. General Secretary of the CC from 1922. Chairman of the CPC from 1941.

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Steklov, Iuri Mikhailovich (original name Ovshii Moiseevich Nakhamkis) (1873– 1941). Participant in the Social Democratic movement since 1893. Member of the RSDLP since 1898. Menshevik. Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1917. Member of the Execut- ive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies. Editor of the newspaper Izvestiia in February–May 1917 and from October 1917 to June 1925. From 1929 Deputy Chairman of an Academic Committee of the CEC of the USSR. Arrested in February 1938. Died in prison on 15 September 1941.

Strewe, Maria Theodor (?–?). German journalist in China in the late 1910s. Later worked for Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung and was General Secretary of the China Study Society.

Stringer, Harold (1883–1935). British engineer and expert on railway construction in China and Portuguese West Africa.

Stroganov, Semen Anikeevich (1540?–1586). Russian wealthy merchant. Financed Yer- mak’s expedition.

Stroganov,Maxim Iakovlevich (1557–1624). Nephew of S.A. Stroganov.Russian wealthy merchant. Financed Yermak’s expedition.

Stroganov,NikitaGrigorievich (1560–1616). Nephew of S.A. Stroganov.Russian wealthy merchant. Financed Yermak’s expedition.

Struve, Petr Bernhardovich (1870–1944). Russian economist and publicist. Participant in the Russian Social Democratic movement from the 1880s. Author of the 1898 Mani- festo of the RSDLP. From the end of the 1890s a liberal. From 1905 member of the CC of the Kadet Party. Deputy of the State Duma in 1906–07. Academician of the Russian AN in 1917–28. During the Civil War (1918–20) active participant in the White movement. From 1920 in exile.

Su Zhaozheng (1885–1929). Member of Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Revolutionary Alliance’ from 1908. Participant in the Xinhai revolution of 1911–12. Organiser of the All-China United Sailors’ Association in 1921. Member of the CCP from 1925 and of its CC from 1927. Candidate member of the Politburo of the CC of the CCP in 1927–28. Chairman of the Strike Committee of the Hong Kong-Canton strike of 1925–26. Member of the Execut- ive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in 1925–26 and Chairman of the EC of the ACCTU in 1926–28. Minister of Labour in the Wuhan government in 1927. Member of ECCI and of the EC of the Trade Union International in 1928– 29.

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Sugiyama Akira (?–1900). The chancellor of the Japanese mission to China.

Sukhanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (original surname Gimmer) (1882–1940). Member of the SR Party from 1903. Member of the EC of the Petrograd Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies in 1917. Member of the RSDLP from May 1917 to 1920. Menshevik. Member of the ARCEC in 1918. From June 1918 on economic work. From 1931 repeatedly arrested. Shot on 29 June 1940.

Sun Chuanfang (1885–1935). Chinese warlord. Military governor of Fujian province in 1923–24. Controlled the provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi from 1925. Defeated by the NRA in 1927. Resigned in 1929. Assassinated.

Sun Fo (alias Sun Ke) (1891–1973). Son of Sun Yat-sen. Member of the CEC of the GMD from 1924. Mayor of Canton city in 1921–22, 1923–24 and 1925–27. Chairman of the Guangdong provincial government in 1925–27. Member of the Wuhan government in 1927. Minister of Finance in the Nanjing government from September 1927. Head of the Legislative Yuan (chamber) in 1932–48. Left China for France in 1949. Arrived in Taiwan and became head of the Examination Yuan in 1965.

Sun Yat-sen (alias Sun Zhongshan, Sun Yixian, original name Sun Wen) (1866–1925). Chinese Revolutionary. Founder of the Guomindang. Provisional President of the Chi- nese Republic in 1912. President of the Military government of South China in 1917, 1920–22 and 1923–25.

Tan Pingshan (1886–1956). Member of the CCP from 1921. Member of the CEC (CC) and Politburo in 1926–27. Minister of Agriculture in the Wuhan government from March to June 1927. After the revolution of 1925–27 withdrew from the CCP. One of the organ- izers of the Chinese Revolutionary (later – Peasant-Worker Democratic) party in 1928. Worked for the PRC in state service from 1949.

Tan Sitong (alias Fusheng, Zhuangfei) (1865–1898). Chinese reformer, member of the Chinese Grand Council in 1898. Executed.

Tan Yankai (1880–1930). Member of the GMD in 1912–13 and from 1922. Governor of Hunan province in 1911–13, 1916–17 and 1918–20. Member of the CEC of the GMD from 1924. Acting Chairman of the National government of the GMD in 1926–27, 1928 and 1929.

Tanaka Giichi (1864–1929). Baron, Japanese Prime Minister in 1927–29.

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Tang Wang (ca. 1700BCE). Founder of the Chinese Shang/Yin dynasty.

Tang Shengzhi (alias Tang Mengxiao) (1889–1970). Chinese general. Governor of Hunan province in 1926. Member of the GMD from 1926. Member of the Political Coun- cil of the CEC of the GMD in 1927. Chairman of the government of Hunan province in 1927. Commander of the 8th Corps of the NRA. Member of the Military council of the Wuhan government in 1927. Later occupied various state and military posts. After the fall of the GMD regime in 1949 deputy chairman of the Hunan provincial government, member of the Standing Committee of the CC of the Revolutionary Committee of the GMD.

Tarkhanov, Oskar Sergeevich (alias S.P.Razumov, O.Tanin, O.Taube, O. Erdberg, Kar- rio,Yang Zhulai, original name Sergei Petrovich Razumov) (1901–1938). Soviet Sinolo- gist, activist of the Communist youth movement, journalist. Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1917. One of the leaders of the young Communist underground in Odessa and Crimea in 1918–20. Secretary of the CC of the RCYL, member of the Executive Commit- tee and secretary of the CYI in 1921–24. Political advisor in China in 1925–27. Member of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1928. In 1932–34 on political work in the Special Far Eastern Red Flag Army. Advisor to the Soviet Embassy in the MPR from 1935. Arrested. Shot on 8 February 1938.

Tayler, John Bernard (1878–1951). British missionary from 1906 and professor of eco- nomics at Yenching University in Beijing from 1917.

Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist (1850–1885). English engineer.

Tomskii, Mikhail Petrovich (alias M.T., original surname Efremov) (1880–1936). Member of the RSDLP(b) after 1904. Member of the CC in 1919–34. Member of the Polit- buro in 1922–30. Candidate member of the CC from 1934. Chairman of the Moscow Council of Trade Unions in 1917–18. Chairman of the All-Russian (All-Union) Council of Trade Unions in 1918–21 and 1922–29. Deputy Chairman of the SSNE in 1929–30. Dir- ector of Gosizdat from 1932. Committed suicide.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537–1598). Japanese shogun, a unifier of Japan in 1591.

Trotsky, Leon [Lev Davidovich] (alias Pero, Nikolai Trotsky, original surname Bron- shtein) (1879–1940). Member of the RSDLP since 1898. Member of the RSDLP(b) from July 1917. Member of the CC in 1917–27. Member of the Politburo in 1919–26. One of the organisers of the October (1917) revolution. People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs in 1917–18. Chairman of the RMC and People’s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the RSFSR (USSR) in 1918–25. Chairman of the Main Concession Committee

Alexander V. Pantsov - 9789004432062 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 10:30:51PM via free access biographical dictionary 465 in 1925–27. Leader of the Trotskyist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Exiled from the USSR in 1929. Assassinated.

Tsereteli, Iraklii Georgievich (1881–1959). Chairman of the Executive Committee of student organisations of Moscow in 1901. Member of the RSDLP from 1903. Menshevik. Member of the CC of the RSDLP from 1917. Deputy of the State Duma in 1906–07. Member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies in 1917. Minister of Posts & Telegraphs of the Provisional government in May– July 1917 and simultaneously Acting Minister of Internal Affairs in July 1917. On the advice of V.I. Lenin, he left for Georgia in 1918. Member of the Executive Committee of the National Council of Georgia in 1918–20. Abroad from 1919.

Urusov, Lev Pavlovich (1839–1928). Prince, Russian ambassador to France from 1897– 1904.

Varga, Evgenii Samuilovich (alias Evgenii Pavlovskii, original name Jenö) (1879– 1964). Member of the Hungarian SDP since 1906. Member of the CP of Hungary since 1919. People’s Commissar of Finance of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919. Candid- ate member of ECCI in 1920–43. Head of a department of the journal Kommunisticheskii Internatsional in 1920. Director of the Information-Statistical Institute of ECCI in Berlin (alias the Information Bureau or ‘Varga Bureau’) in 1921–28. Director of the IWE&WP in 1927–47. Academician of the AN of the USSR since 1939.

Vasiliev, Vasilii Pavlovich (1818–1900). Russian Sinologist. Until 1851 worked in Kazan, thereafter in St. Petersburg. Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1886.

Victoria (alias Alexandrina Victoria) (1819–1901). Queen of the United Kingdom from 1837.

Voitinskii, Grigorii Naumovich (alias Grigorii, Grigoriev, Sergei, Sergeev, Steven- (son),Tarasov, original surname Zarkhin) (1893–1953). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1918. Chairman of the Revcom in the town of Alexandrovsk (Sakhalin) in 1920. Rep- resentative of the Vladivostok Department of the Far Eastern Bureau of the RCP(b) in China in 1920–21. Head of the Far Eastern Department, deputy head of the Eastern Department of the ECCI since 1922. Representative of ECCI in China in 1925. Head of the Far Eastern Bureau of ECCI in Shanghai in 1926–27. Deputy Chairman of the Fruit and Vegetable Centre of the All-Russian Agricultural Co-operation in 1927–1929. Secretary of the Pacific Ocean Secretariat of the Trade Union International in 1932–34. Taught at various colleges since 1934.

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Volin, Mikhail (original name Semen Natanovich Belenkii) (1896–1938). Soviet Sino- logist. Director of the Scientific Research Institute on China at the KUTK in 1928– 30.

Voroshilov, Kliment Efremovich (1881–1969). Member of the RSDLP(b) since 1903. Member of the CC in 1921–61 and from 1966. Member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the CC in 1926–60. Chairman of the RMC and People’s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the USSR since 1925. People’s Commissar for Defence of the USSR in 1934–40. Vice-Chairman of the CPC of the USSR since 1940. Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1953–60.

Wagner, Wilhelm (1884–?). German agronomist and Sinologist.

Wakatsuki Reijiro (1866–1949). Japanese Prime Minister in 1926–27 and 1931.

Waldersee, Alfred Ludwig Heinrich Karl von (1832–1904). Count, Field Marshal, Chief of German General Staff in 1888–91 and Supreme Commander of Allied forces in China in 1900–01. Suppressed the Boxer Rebellion.

Wang Anshi (1021–1086). Chinese official and reformer of the Song Dynasty.

Wang Jingwei (alias Wang Zhaoming) (1883–1944). Member of Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Revolu- tionary Alliance’ from 1905. Leader of the ‘left’ Guomindang, chief of the National government of the GMD, Chairman of the Military and Political Councils of the CEC of the GMD from July 1925 to May 1926. Chief of the Wuhan government in April– September 1927. Leader of the GMD Reorganisationists faction. Collaborated with Japanese invaders from 1938. Head of the pro-Japanese puppet regime in Nanjing from 1940.

Wang Mang (45BCE–23CE). Emperor of the Xin Dynasty in 9–23CE. Killed as a result of the rebellion of the ‘Red Eyebrow’ peasants.

Weber, Max (1864–1920). German sociologist, historian, economist and jurist.

Weng Tonghe (alias Shengjie, Renfu, Shengfu) (1830–1904). Tutor of two Manchu Emperors, Tongzhi and Guangxu. Chinese Minister of Revenue from 1886–98.

Wilhelm, Richard (1873–1930). German Sinologist.

Wilhelm II (1859–1941). German Emperor of the Hohenzollern dynasty from 1888–1918.

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Wilson, Woodrow (1856–1924). The 28th President of the United States from 1913–21.

Witte, Sergei Iulievich (1849–1915). Finance Minister from 1892–1903 and Prime Min- ister of the Russian Empire from 1903–06.

Wrangel, Petr Nikolaevich (1878–1928). Baron. Lieutenant-General. One of the leaders of the White Movement in South Russia during the Civil War. In 1920 Commander-in- Chief of the Russian Army.From 1920 in exile. In 1928 organised and headed the Russian All-Military Union.

Wu Chaoshu (alias C.C. Wu) (1887–1934). Member of the CEC of the GMD from 1926. Secretary of the Political Council of the GMD in 1924. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Canton government in 1925–1926. Later on diplomatic work.

Wu Peifu (1874–1939). Chinese general. Head of the Zhili militarist clique, who con- trolled Hubei and Henan provinces. Defeated by the NRA in 1926. Escaped to Sichuan. In 1931 moved to Beiping (Beijing).

Wu Sangui (alias Changbai and Changbo) (1612–1678). Chinese general at the end of the Ming dynasty. In 1644 concluded an alliance with the Manchus with the aim of suppressing a peasant uprising in China. Governor of Yunnan province at the begin- ning of the reign of the Qing dynasty until 1674. Rose against the Manchus in 1674. Self-proclaimed Emperor of the Zhou dynasty in Yunnan province from 1675.

Xia Douyin (1885–1951). Chinese general. Member of the ‘Revolutionary Alliance’ from 1906. Participant in the Xinhai revolution of 1911–12. Commander of the 1st division of the NRA in 1926. Commander of the 14th special division of the NRA, member of the Administrative Council of Hubei province, member of the Executive Committee of the GMD of Hubei province in 1927. In May 1927 mutinied against the Wuhan government. Later occupied various state and military posts. After the fall of the GMD regime in 1949 he escaped to Hong Kong.

Xie Daoqing (1210–1283). Grand Empress Dowager of the Southern Song dynasty.

Xu Kexiang (1889–1964). Chinese general. Member of the ‘Revolutionary Alliance’ from 1906. Participant in the Xinhai revolution of 1911–12. Commander of the 19th regiment of the 6th brigade of provincial troops in Hunan in 1920–25. Commander of a separate brigade in 1925–26. In 1926 came over to the GMD. Commander of the 33rd regiment of the 35th Corps of the NRA from the spring of 1927. On 21 May 1927 carried out an anti-Communist coup in Changsha, the capital of Hunan. Commander of the 2nd Field

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Army of the NRA from December 1929. Commander of the 24th division in 1930–33. Deputy Commander of the 37th Army in 1933–37. From 1937 until 1953 in Macao. Since 1953 worked in the administration of the President of the ROC (Taiwan).

Xu Qian (alias Xu Jilong, Qiao Zhi, George Xu) (1871–1940). Member of the GMD from 1912. Member of the CEC in 1926–27. Member of the Political Council of the CEC in 1927. Head of Sun Yat-sen’s secretariat in 1917. Minister of Justice in the Canton government in 1920. Chairman of the Supreme Court in Canton in 1921–22. Leader of the Beijing Committee of the GMD from 1924. Head of the Political Department of the Nationalist Army of Feng Yuxiang in 1925. Member of the Military Council and Minister of Justice in the Wuhan government in 1927. In the autumn of 1927 withdrew from politics.

Yang Pao’an (1896–1931). Member of the CCP from 1921. Secretary of the Organisation Department of the CEC of the GMD in 1924–27. One of the organisers of the Hong Kong- Canton strike in 1925–26. Member of the CC of the CCP in 1927–28.

Yang Sen (alias Yang Zihui, Shu Zi) (1884–1977). Chinese general. Civil governor of Sichuan in 1924–25. Military governor of Sichuan in 1926. Commander of the 20th Corps of the NRA in 1926–27. Later occupied various leading military posts. After the fall of the GMD regime in 1949, fled to Taiwan.

YermakTimofeevich (aliasVasiliiTimofeevich Alenin) (1532 or 1542–1585). A Cossack warrior who started the Russian conquest of Western Siberia.

Yuan Shikai (alias Yuan Weiting) (1859–1916). Chinese general. Commander of the Beiyang Army. Prime Minister of the Qing government in 1911–12. Provisional Presid- ent of the Republic of China in 1912–13. President from 1913.

Yu the Great (2200–2101BCE). Legendary ruler of Ancient China credited with the founding of the Xia dynasty and the creation of the irrigation system.

Yuan Chang (alias Zhenchan, Shuangqiu, Zhongli) (1846–1900). The Qing Minister of Ceremonies who dealt with foreign affairs. Executed by Cixi for his opposition to the Boxer Rebellion.

Zakharov, Ivan Ilyich (1814–1885). Russian Sinologist. Professor of St. Petersburg Uni- versity from 1875.

Żeromski, Stefan (1864–1925). Polish writer.

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Zhakov, Mikhail Petrovich (?–?). Member of the RCP(b) from 1923. Taught at the UTK until the middle of 1927. Leader of the Trotskyist opposition of the Khamovniki district of Moscow. Repressed.

Zhang Guotao (alias Amosov, Popov, Spiridonov, Kotel’nikov) (1897–1979). One of the founders of the CCP in 1921. Member of the CEC (CC) of the CCP in 1921–23, 1925– 38. Candidate member of the CEC of the CCP in 1923–25. Member of the Politburo in 1928–38. Secretary of the Jiangxi and Hubei Provincial Committees of the Party in 1926–27. Member of a delegation of the CCP to ECCI in 1928–30. Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Soviet Government in 1931–36. Expelled from the Party in 1938. Went into exile in 1949.

Zhang Yinhuan (1837–1900). Qing diplomat, China’s minister in U.S.A., Spain, Peru, England, France, Germany, and Russia from 1886–89. Assisted Li Hongzhang during negotiations with Russians in 1898 in regard to Port Arthur concession.

ZhangZuolin (1875–1928). Head of the Fengtian (Shenyang) military clique, which con- trolled the Beijing Government in 1920–22 and 1924–28. Defeated by the NRA in 1928. Assassinated by Japanese.

Zhong Hui (alias Lai Zhu) (?–?). Minister and adviser of Cheng Tang, the first King of the Shang/Yin dynasty who urged his ruler to conquer the declining Xia dynasty.

Zhou Dawen (alias Zhou Daming, Di Yi, Luo Fu, Vladimir Vasilievich Chugunov) (1903–1938). Member of the CCP from 1923. Chairman of the All-China Student Union in 1924. Studied and worked at the UTK and the International Lenin School in 1925–30. Instructor of political economy in the International Lenin School in 1930–32. Editor- in-Chief of the Khabarovsk regional newspaper Gongren zhi lu from 1932. Accused of ‘Trotskyism’ and arrested in 1937. Executed.

Zhou Liang (?–?). Chinese general. Deputy commander of the 36th Corps of the NRA in 1927. Special representative of the CEC of the GMD in Hunan in June 1927.

Zhu Peide (alias Zhu Yizhi) (1888–1937). General. Member of the GMD from 1920. Member of the CEC and of the Political Council of the CEC of the GMD in 1926–27. In 1925–26 member of the Canton government. In the period of the Northern Expedition of 1926–27 commander of the 3rd Corps of the NRA. Member of the Wuhan govern- ment, Chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial government in 1927. Later occupied various political posts.

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Zhu Yuanzhang (alias Hongwu) (1328–1398). The first Emperor of the Ming dynasty from 1368.

Zinoviev, Grigorii Evseevich (original name Ovsei-Hersh Aronovich Radomyslskii) (1883–1936). Member of the RSDLP since 1901. Member of the RSDLP(b) from 1903. Member of the CC in 1907–17. Candidate member of the Politburo in 1919–21. Member of the Politburo in 1921–26. Chairman of the Petrograd (Leningrad) Soviet in 1917– 26. Chairman of the Comintern in 1919–1926. Leader of the Zinovievist opposition. Expelled from the Party in 1927. Capitulated to Stalin in 1928. Rector of Kazan University from 1928. From 1933 worked in the Tsentrosoiuz. Arrested on 16 December 1934. Shot on 25 August 1936.

Zubatov, Sergei Vasilievich (1864–1917). Head of Moscow Security Bureau from 1896– 1902 and head of the Special Section of the Police Department from 1902–03.

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