ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...... i PREFACE ...... ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... iii SUMMARY TABLES AND CHARTS ...... viii Table 1: Audit Work Statistics ...... viii Table 2: Audit Observations Classified by Category ...... viii Table 3: Outcome Statistics ...... ix Table 4: Table of Irregularities pointed out ...... x Table 5: Cost -Benefit ...... x CHAPTER-1 ...... 1 1.1 TEHSIL MUNICIPAL DMINISTRATIONS KHANEWAL ...... 1 1.1.1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1.2 Comments on Budget and Accounts ...... 1 1.1.3 Brief Comments on the Status of Compliance of MFDAC Audit Paras of Audit Report 2013-14 ...... 3 1.1.4 Brief Comments on Status of Compliance with PAC Directives ...... 3 AUDIT PARAS ...... 4 1.2 Tehsil Municipal Administration, Khanewal ...... 5 1.3 Tehsil Municipal Administration, ...... 9 1.4 Tehsil Municipal Administration, Mianchannu ...... 17 1.5 Tehsil Municipal Administration, Jahanian ...... 21 Annex ...... 24 Annex-A ...... 25 Annex-B ...... 31 Annex-C ...... 32


Annex-D ...... 33 Annex-E ...... 35 Annex-F ...... 37 Annex-G ...... 39 Annex-H ...... 40 Annex-I ...... 43 Annex-J ...... 69


ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADP Annual Development Programme CCB Citizen Community Board DAC Departmental Accounts Committee DGA Directorate General Audit FD Finance Department IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards LG&CD Local Government& Community Development MFDAC Memorandum for Departmental Accounts Committee NAM New Accounting Model PAC Public Accounts Committee PDG Punjab District Government PLGO Punjab Local Government Ordinance POL Petroleum Oil and Lubricants RDA Regional Directorate of Audit TAC Tehsil Accounts Committee TMA Tehsil Municipal Administration TMO Tehsil Municipal Officer TO (F) Tehsil Officer (Finance) TO (I&S) Tehsil Officer (Infrastructure & Services) TO (P&C) Tehsil Officer (Planning & Coordination) TO (R) Tehsil Officer (Regulations)


PREFACE Articles 169 and 170 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 and Section 115 of the Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001 require the Auditor General of Pakistan to conduct audit of Receipts and Expenditures of the Local Fund and Public Accounts of District Governments. The report is based on audit of Tehsil Municipal Administrations of District Khanewal for the Financial Year 2013-14. The Directorate General of Audit, District Governments, Punjab (South), Multan conducted audit during 2014-15 on test check basis with a view to reporting significant findings to the relevant stakeholders. The main body of Audit Report includes only the systemic issues and audit findings carrying value of Rs 1 million or more. Relatively less significant issues are listed in the Annex-A of the Audit Report. The audit observations listed in the Annex-A shall be pursued with the Principal Accounting Officer at the DAC level and in case the PAO does not initiate appropriate action, the audit observations will be brought to the notice of the Public Accounts Committee through the next year’s Audit Report. Audit findings indicate the need for adherence to the regularity framework besides instituting and strengthening internal controls to avoid recurrence of similar violations and irregularities. The observations included in this Report have been finalized in the light of written responses of the management concerned and DAC directives. The Audit Report is submitted to the Governor of the Punjab in pursuance of Article 171 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 red with Section 115 of the Punjab Local Government Ordinance 2001, for causing it to be laid before the Provincial Assembly.

Islamabad (Rana Assad Amin) Dated: Auditor General of Pakistan



The Directorate General Audit, District Governments, Punjab (South), Multan, a Field Audit Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan is mandated to carry out the audit of all District Governments in Punjab (South) including Tehsil and Town Municipal Administration. Regional Directorate of Audit Multan has audit jurisdiction of District Governments, TMAs and UAs of six Districts i.e. Multan, , Vehari, Sahiwal, and Khanewal.

The Regional Directorate has a human resource of 32 officers and other staff. Total mandays available were 6,589 and the budget amounting to Rs14.007 million was allocated in audit Year 2014-15. The office is mandated to conduct financial attest audit, audit of sanctions, audit of compliance with authority and audit of receipts as well as the Performance Audit of entities, projects and programmes. Accordingly R.D.A Multan carried out audit of the accounts of four TMAs of District Khanewal for the Financial Year 2013-14 and the findings included in the Audit Report.

Each Tehsil Municipal Administration in District Khanewal is headed by a Tehsil Nazim / Administrator. He/she carries out operations as per Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001. Tehsil Municipal Officer is the Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) and acts as coordinating and administrative officer, responsible to control land use, its division and development and to enforce all laws including Municipal Laws, Rules and By-laws. The PLGO, 2001, requires the establishment of Tehsil / Town Local Fund and Public Account for which Annual Budget Statement is authorized by the Tehsil Nazim / Tehsil Council / Administrator in the form of Budgetary Grants.

The total Development Budget of four TMAs in District Khanewal for the Financial Year 2013-14, was Rs 455.315 million and expenditure incurred was of Rs 263.801 million, showing savings of Rs 191.514 million in the year. The total Non Development Budget for Financial Year 2013-14 was Rs 670.589 million and expenditure was of Rs 527.072 million, showing savings of Rs 143.517


million. The reasons for savings in Development and Non development Budgets are required to be provided by TMO and PAO concerned.

Audit of TMAs of District Khanewal was carried out with a view to ascertaining that the expenditure was incurred with proper authorization, in conformity with laws/rules/regulations and whether the procurement of assets and hiring of services were economical or not.

Audit of receipts/revenues was also conducted to verify whether the assessment, collection, reconciliation and allocation of revenues was made in accordance with laws and rules and that there was no leakage of revenue. a. Scope of Audit

Out of total expenditure of the TMAs of District Khanewal for the financial year 2013-14, auditable expenditure under the jurisdiction of Regional Director Audit (District Governments), Multan was Rs 790.873 million covering four PAOs/formations. Of this, RDA Multan audited an expenditure of Rs 316.350 million which, in terms of percentage, is 40% of total auditable expenditure and irregularities amounting to Rs 666.648 million were pointed out. Regional Director Audit planned and executed audit of 4 formations i.e. 100% achievement against the planned audit activities.

Total receipts of the TMAs District Khanewal for the financial year 2013-14, were Rs 654.641 million. RDA Multan audited receipts of Rs 174.852 million which, in terms of percentage, is 27% of total receipts and irregularities amounting to Rs 333.139 million were pointed out. b. Recoveries at the Instance of Audit Recoveries of Rs 89.920 million were pointed out by Audit which was not in the notice of the management before audit. An amount of Rs 824,000 was recovered by the management and verified by Audit during year 2014-15, till the time of compilation of the Report.


However against the total recovery amount of Rs 53.515 million pertaining to paras (over one million) drafted in this report, no amount of recovery has been made by the management till the time of compilation of this report. c. Audit Methodology

Audit was conducted after understanding the business processes of TMAs with respect to its functions, control structure, prioritization of risk areas by determining their significance and identification of key controls. This helped auditors in understanding the systems, procedures, environment and the audited entity before starting field audit activity. d. Audit Impact A number of improvements in record maintenance and procedures have been initiated by the departments concerned, however audit impact in shape of change in rules could not be materialized as the Provincial Accounts Committee has not discussed audit reports pertaining to Tehsil Municipal Administrations for the year 2014-15. e. Comments on Internal Control and Internal Audit department

Internal control mechanism of TMAs of District Khanewal was not found satisfactory during audit. Many instances of Weak Internal Controls have been highlighted during the course of audit which includes some serious lapses like withdrawal of public funds against ghost schemes. Negligence on the part of TMA authorities may be captioned as one of important reasons for Weak Internal Controls.

Section 115-A (1) of PLGO, 2001, Nazim of each District Government and Tehsil / Town Municipal Administration shall appoint an Internal Auditor but the same was not appointed in all TMAs of District Khanewal. f. The Key Audit Findings of the Report i. Non production of record of Rs 20.033 million was noted in one case1

1 Para: v

ii. Irregularities and Non-compliance of rules and regulations of Rs 19.991 million were noted in two cases.2 iii. Performance issues of Rs 49.321 million were noted in seven cases3. iv. Internal control weaknesses of Rs 9.307 million was noted in three cases4.

Audit Paras on the accounts for 2013-14 involving procedural violations including internal control weaknesses and irregularities which were not considered worth reporting to Provincial PAC have been included in Memorandum for Departmental Accounts Committee (Annex-A). g. Recommendations

Audit recommends that the PAO/management of TMAs should ensure to resolve the following issues seriously:

i. Production of record to audit for verification ii. Hold investigations for wastage, fraud, misappropriation and losses, and disciplinary actions after fixing responsibilities iii. Strengthening of financial and managerial controls iv. Compliance of DAC directives and decisions in letter and spirit v. Expediting recoveries pointed out by Audit as well as other recoveries in the notice of management vi. Compliance of relevant laws, rules, instructions and procedures, etc. vii. Proper maintenance of accounts and record. viii. Appropriate actions against officer/officials responsible for violation of rules and losses

2 Para:, 3Para:,,,,,, 4 Para:,, vi

ix. Addressing systemic issues to prevent recurrence of various omissions and commissions.



Table 1: Audit Work Statistics (Rupees in Million) Sr. No. Description No. Expenditure Receipts 1 Total Entities (PAOs) in Audit Jurisdiction 04 790.873 654.641

2 Total formations in Audit Jurisdiction 04 790.873 654.641

3 Total Entities (PAOs)/ DDOs Audited 04 316.350 174.852

4 Total Formations Audited 04 316.350 174.852

5 Audit & Inspection Reports 04 - -

6 Special Audit Reports - - -

7 Performance Audit Reports - - -

8 Other Reports (Relating to TMA) - - -

Table 2: Audit Observations Classified by Category (Rupees in Million) Amount placed under audit Sr. No. Description observation 1 Asset management - 2 Financial management 49.321 3 Internal Controls 9.307 4 Others 40.024 Total 98.652


Table 3: Outcome Statistics (Rupees in Million) Expendit ure on acquiring Total Sr. of Non- Civil Description Salary Receipt Total Last No. Physical Salary Works Year Assets (Procure ment) 1 Total 1106.1 Financial 5.282 336.802 184.988 263.801 654.641 1445.514 09 Outlay 2 Outlays 4.811 145.915 78.570 87.054 174.852 491.202* 331.66 Audited 9 3 Amount placed under audit 1256.0 3.010 4.194 22.094 20.033 49.321 98.652 observation / 25 irregularities pointed out 4 Recoveries pointed out at - 4.194 - - 49.321 53.515 65.604 the instance of Audit 5 Recoveries accepted / established at - 4.194 - - 49.321 53.515 65.604 Audit instance 6 Recoveries realized at the - 0.824 - - 0.824 - instance of Audit *The amount in serial No. 2 column of “Total Current Year” is the sum of Expenditure and Receipts whereas the total expenditure for the current year was Rs 316.350 million.


Table 4: Table of Irregularities pointed out (Rupees in Million) Amount Placed Sr. under Amount Description No. Placed under Audit Observation 1 Violation of Rules and regulations and violation of principle of propriety and probity in public operations. 15.797

2 Reported cases of fraud, embezzlement, thefts and misuse of - public resources. 3 Accounting Errors (accounting policy departure from IPSAS, misclassification, over or understatement of account balances) that are significant but are not material enough to result in the - qualification of audit opinions on the financial statements.

4 Quantification of weaknesses of internal control systems 9.307 5 Recoveries and overpayments, representing cases of established overpayment or misappropriations of public money. 53.515

6 Non production of record to Audit 20.033 7 Others, including cases of accidents, negligence etc. - Total 98.652

Table 5: Cost -Benefit (Rupees in million) Sr. Description Amount No. 1 Outlays Audited (Items 2 Table 3) 491.202 2 Expenditure on Audit 0.088 3 Recoveries realized at the instance of Audit 0.824 4 Cost-Benefit Ratio 9




1.1.1 Introduction

Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMA) consists of Tehsil Nazim, Tehsil Naib Nazim and Tehsil Municipal Officer (TMO). Each TMA comprises five Drawing and Disbursing Officers i.e. TMO, TO (Finance), TO (Infrastructure and Services), TO (Regulation), TO (Planning and Coordination) and Tehsil Nazim and Tehsil Naib Nazim.

1.1.2 Comments on Budget and Accounts

The detail of budget and expenditure is given below in tabulated form:

(Rupees in Million) Excess (+) / Description Budget Actual (%) Saving Saving (-) Salary 378.247 336.802 -41.445 -11% Non Salary 292.342 190.27 -102.072 -35% Development 455.315 263.801 -191.514 -42% Sub Total 1125.9 790.873 -335.03 -30% Revenue 656.159 654.641 -1.518 0%


(Amount in Million)

Revenue Expenditure and Revenue 2013-14 654.641 45% Salary 336.802 24%

Non-Salary 190.270 13%

Development 263.801 18%

Details of budget allocations, expenditures and savings of each TMA in District Khanewal are at Annex-B.

As per Budget Books for the Financial Year 2013-14 of TMAs in District Khanewal, the original and final budgetwere of Rs 1125.904 million.Total expenditures incurred by these TMAs during Financial Year 2013-14 were Rs 790.873 million. A saving of Rs 335.031 million for came to the notice of audit which shows that the TMAs failed to provide essential municipal services as envisaged and planned at the time of preparation and approval of annual budget for the year.No plausible explanation was provided by the PAO, Tehsil Nazims and management of TMAs. 2

The comparative analysis of the budget and expenditure of current Financial Year is depicted as under:

(Amount in Million)

Budget & Expenditure 2013-14 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 Excess (+) Saving Final Budget Expenditure (-) 2013-14 1125.904 790.873 (335.031)

1.1.3 Brief Comments on the Status of Compliance of MFDAC Audit Paras of Audit Report 2013-14 Audit paras, reported in MFDAC(Annex-I) of last year audit report, which have not been attended in accordance with the directives of DAC, have been reported in Part-II of Annex-A.

1.1.4 Brief Comments on Status of Compliance with PAC Directives The Audit Reports pertaining to following years were submitted to the Governor of the Punjab but have not been examined by the Public Accounts Committee. Status of Previous Audit Reports

Sr. No. Audit Year No. of Paras Status of PAC Meetings 01 2009-12 20 PAC not constituted 02 2012-13 11 PAC not constituted 03 2013-14 20 PAC not constituted Total 51 3



1.2 Tehsil Municipal Administration, Khanewal


1.2.1 Irregularities and Non-Compliance Unjustified appointment of contingent paid staff – Rs 11.042 million

According to Government of the Punjab Finance Department letter No. FD-SO (GOODS)44-4/2011 dated 07.07.2012, no contingent paid staff shall be appointed without obtaining the prior approval of Finance Department.

TMO Khanewal made payment of Rs 11.042 million on account of salaries of contingent paid staff during F.Y 2013-14 from non-development budget. The TMO appointed contingent paid staff without obtaining permission from Finance Department. No advertisement was made for such appointments. Appointments were also not made by the Recruitment Committee. Audit called for appointment orders, original attendance register and payment acknowledgements for staff but the same were not produced to audit. (Annex-C)

Audit is of the view that due to weak internal controls, irregular appointments were made without observing codal formalities. Irregular appointment of contingent paid staff and payment of salaries amounting to Rs 11.042 million resulted in violation of rules. The matter was reported to the TMO in February, 2015. The DDO replied that the matter is in court. The reply was not tenable as payment of salary was made without approval from Finance Department. DAC, in its meeting, held in March, 2015 directed the TMO to pursue the case in court of law. No further progress was intimated till the finalization of Report. Audit recommends regularization of expenditure from Finance Department, stoppage of any such future appointments and disciplinary action against the responsible, under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No. 16]


1.2.2 Performance Non-recovery of kacchi abadies charges – Rs 7.510 million

According to Rule 76(1) of PDG and TMA (Budget) Rules, 2003 the Collecting Officers shall ensure that all revenue due is claimed, realized and credited immediately into the Local Government Fund.

Tehsil Municipal Administration Khanewal did not recover cost of land and development charges amounting to Rs 7.510 million from the 2,333 occupants of dwelling units out of 9,422 occupants of dwelling units of twenty one Kacchi Abadies during F.Y 2013-14. Detail of recovery is at Annex-D.

Audit is of the view that due to poor financial management cost of land and development charges were not recovered.

Non recovery of cost of land and development charges resulted in loss to the Government amounting to Rs 7.510 million.

The matter was reported to the TMO in February 2015. The TMO noted the observation, but did not submit reply and record for verification. DAC, in its meeting, held in March, 2015, directed the DDO to get the record verified within three days. No progress was reported till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recoevery of Rs 7.510 million, besides fixing of responsibility against the concerned, under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No.12]


1.2.3 Internal Control Weaknesses Overpayment due to rejection of lower bid for leasing of tentage – Rs 2.103 million

According to Rule 10 of Punjab Procurement Rules, 2009, specifications shall allow the widest possible competition and shall not favor any single contractor or supplier nor put others at a disadvantage.

Tehsil Municipal Officer Khanewal rejected lower bid for leasing of tentage for Ramzan Bazar due to which Government suffered a loss of Rs 2.103 million. The rates of the first lowest bidder were rejected because he had failed to quote the rates of few items of tentage. The rejection was unjustified as non quoted items could have been leased from the second lowest bidder. These were not allied items (table, plastic cover, panaflex, oil) which can be considered essential parts of tentage or must be leased from only one tent service provider (Annex-E).

Audit is of the view that due to weak internal controls, lowest bid was rejected. Rejection of lower bid resulted in loss to the Government amounting to Rs 2.103 million.

The matter was reported to the TMO in February 2014. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit reply or produce record for verification. DAC, in its meeting, held in March 2015, directed the DDO to get the record verified within three days. No progress was reported till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends Inquiry at appropriate level for fixing of responsibility, besides recovery of Rs 2.103 million, under intimation to Audit.

[AIR ParaNo. 25]


1.3 Tehsil Municipal Administration, Kabirwala


1.3.1 Non production of Record Non-production of record – Rs 20.033 million

According to Clause 14 (1) (b) of the Auditor General’s (Functions, Powers and Terms and Conditions of Service) Ordinance 2001, “The Auditor General shall, in connection with the performance of his duties under this Ordinance, have authority to inspect any office of accounts, under the control of Federation or of the Province or of District including Treasuries and such offices responsible for the keeping of initial and subsidiary accounts”. Furthermore, according to Section 115(6) of the Punjab Local Government Ordinance 2001, “All officials shall afford all facilities and provide record for audit inspection and comply with requests for information in as complete a form as possible and with all reasonable expedition”.

Tehsil Municipal Administration Kabirwala did not produce record of various development schemes amounting to Rs 20.033 million which were executed during 2013-14. Neither the T.S estimates of schemes nor MBs of the schemes were produced for audit verification. The detail of schemes is given in Annex-F. Audit is of the view that due to weak administrative controls, record of development schemes was not produced. Non-production of record of development schemes of Rs 20.033 million created doubt about the legitimacy of the expenditure as well as violation of Government instructions.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March-2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite repeated efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends that responsibility be fixed and strict disciplinary action taken against the officials concerned for non-production of record, under intimation to Audit, and to ensure that the record is produced to Audit for scrutiny. [AIR Para No. 24] 10

1.3.2 Irregularities and Non-Compliance Unjustified appointment of contingent paid staff – Rs 8.949 million According to Government of the Punjab Finance Department letter No. FD-SO (GOODS) 44-4/2011 dated 07.07.2012, no contingent paid staff shall be appointed without obtaining the prior approval of Finance Department.

TMO Kabirwala made payment of Rs 8.949 million on account of salaries of contingent paid staff during F.Y 2013-14 from non-development budget. The TMO appointed contingent paid staff without obtaining permission from Finance Department. No advertisement was made for such appointments. Appointments were also not made by the Recruitment Committee. Audit called for appointment orders, original attendance register and payment acknowledgements for staff but the same were not produced to audit. (Annex-G)

Audit is of the view that due to weak internal controls, irregular payment was made on account of salaries of contingent paid staff. Irregular payment on account of salaries of contingent paid staff amounting to Rs 8.949 million resulted in violation of rules.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March-2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite repeated efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends regularization of expenditure from Finance Department, stoppage of any such future appointments and disciplinary action against the responsible, under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No. 16]


1.3.3 Performance recovery of conversion fee - Rs 4.308 million

According the Rule 60(1)(a)(b)(c) of the Notification No. SOR (LG)38- 18/2009 dated 27th June , 2009, Punjab Land use (Classification, Reclassification and Redevelopment) Rules, 2009, and Notification No. SOR(LG) 38-18 /2009-P dated 6th June, 2012, the conversion fee for the conversion of a residential, industrial, peri-urban area or intercity service area to commercial use shall be 5% for land value less than one million according to scheduled rate, 10% for value from one million to ten million, and 20% for value exceeding ten million.

Tehsil Municipal Administration Kabirwala recovered less amount of conversion fee amounting to Rs 4.308 million during 2013-14 from the owner of commercial market. It was observed that sale price of land, converted to commercial market was less applied than valuation table for urban area (Sarai Sidhu-G Category, Choparhatta Road). Aks Shajra clearly revealed that the area was already developed and there were houses constructed on both sides of the markets. Therefore, the urban residential rate as per valuation table of that area was to be applied. The owner of the commercial market was favored and conversion fee was less recovered by applying agriculture rate. The detail is as under: (Amount in Rupees) Sr. Area Location Nature of Conversion Rate to Amount Less/Short # Marllas Business Fee be of Recovery Recovered applied conversion Per to be Marla recovered Choparhatta Commercial 4,968,000 4,308,188 1 621 659,812 40,000 Road Market

Audit is of the view that due to weak financial management, less value was applied for computation of conversion fee.

Application of less rates for computation of conversion fee resulted in loss to TMA amounting to Rs 4.308 million.


The matter was reported to the TMO in March-2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite repeated efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recovery of Rs 4.308 million, besides disciplinary action against the responsible, under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No. 1]


1.3.4 Internal control weaknesses Overpayment on account of Social Security Benefit – Rs 4.194 million

According to Clause 6 of the Regularization Notification No. SO(SE- 111)2-2007, dated 19.10.2009, these appointees (on regularization) shall not be entitled to the payment of 30% SSB in lieu of pension or any pay package being drawn during the contract period.

Tehsil Municipal Officer Kabirwala did not recover Rs 4.194 million on account of Social Security Benefit (SSB) from employees working on contract, who were later on regularized w.e.f. 19.10.2009 to 01.12.2012. During the course of audit, it was observed that social security benefit was not recovered from the officials whose services had been regularized. The detail is given in Annex-H.

Audit is of the view that due to weak internal controls, overpayment was made on account of Social Security Benefit.

Overpayment on account of Social Security Benefit resulted in loss to the Government amounting to Rs 4.194 million.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March-2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite repeated efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recovery of Rs 4.194 million, besides fixing of responsibility under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No.15] Unjustified purchases of dewatering sets and sullage pumps – Rs 3.010 million

According to Rule 36 (a), of Punjab Procurement Rule, 2009, each bid shall comprise one single envelope containing, separately, financial proposal and 14

technical proposal. Further, according to Notification No. D.O No.5 (21) L&P/97-4910(S)-FS, dated 31.10.97, Sales Tax return cum payment challan along with supporting documents required (S.R) under the provision of sales Tax Act, 1990 in proof of payment/deposit of Sales Tax into Government treasury be received from the supplier. Tehsil Municipal Administration Kabirwala incurred expenditure on account of purchase of dewatering sets and sullage pumps amounting to Rs 3.010 million during 2013-14. Following shortcomings were noticed:- i) Technical and Financial Bids were not offered separately in one envelop. The rates were written on the technical bid by hand instead of financial bid. ii) Work order was issued to M/S Khanzada Traders & Contractors vide No.1283-84 dated 23.12.2013 without technical assessment of manufacturing company of dewatering sets and the contractor was directed in the work order to ensure the certificate of manufacturer regarding machinery. iii) Dewatering Sets were purchased from contractor instead of dealers. iv) 80% of GST amount was paid to contractor, against which no proof of deposit of GST amounting to Rs 349,845 was produced. Detail is given below: (Amount in Rupees) Voucher Invoice Particulars Amount Amount GST 1/5 Amount No. & No. & (Rs) of GST already of GST Date Date deducted not deposited 93/07- 628/20- 3 Nos. 1,559,700 226,623 45,325 181,298 04-2014 02-2014 Dewatering Sets 80/16- 47/28- Non 1,450,000 210,684 42,137 168,547 06-2014 02-2014 Clogging Centrifugal Pump 2 Nos. Total 3,009,700 349,845 Audit is of view that due to weak financial management, unjustified purchase of dewatering set was made.


Non-observance of Government instructions resulted in irregular expenditure of Rs 3.010 million and doubtful payment of sales tax amounting to Rs 349,845.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March 2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite various efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends regularization of the expenditure, besides production of the sales tax deposit challans in order to verify the deposits into the treasury under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No. 11]


1.4 Tehsil Municipal Administration, Mianchannu


1.4.1 Performance Non-recovery of rent of shops - Rs 15.066 million According to Rule 76 (1) of PDG & TMA (Budget) Rules, 2003 the Collecting Officers shall ensure that all revenue due is claimed, realized and credited immediately into the Local Government Fund.

Tehsil Municipal Administration did not recover outstanding Rs 15.066 million on account of rent of shops from 577 shopkeepers/tenants during F.Y 2013-14. No efforts were made to recover the Government revenue. The necessary detail is at Annex-I.

Audit is of the view that due to weak financial management, Government dues were not realized.

Non collection of rent of shops resulted in loss to TMA funds amounting to Rs 15.066 million.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March 2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite various efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recovery of Rs 15.066 million, besides fixing of responsibility against the concerned, under intimation to Audit. [AIR Para No. 8, 9] Non-recovery of outstanding urban land rent – Rs 9.827 million

According to Rule 76(1) of PDG & TMA (Budget) Rules, 2003 the Collecting Officers shall ensure that all revenue due is claimed, realized and credited immediately into the Local Government Fund. Tehsil Municipal Administration Mian Channu did not recover outstanding dues on account of arrears of urban land rent amounting to Rs 9.827 million duringh 18

F.Y 2013-14. TMA authorities did not make any efforts to recover the amount. Tenants were running their business and TMA could not realize recovery. The detail of recovery is given at Annex-J. (Amount in Rupees) Description Total Recoverable Recovery Balance Arrear Commercial Urban Land 10,207,950 380,987 9,826,963

Audit is of the view that due to weak financial management, Government dues remained unrealized.

Non recovery of dues resulted in loss to TMA funds amounting to Rs 9.827 million.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March 2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite various efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recovery of Rs 9.827 million, besides fixing of responsibility against the concerned, under intimation to Audit. [AIR Para No. 5] Unauthorized establishment of housing colonies – Rs 4.034 million

According the Rule 60(1)(a)(b)(c) of the Notification No. SOR (LG)38- 18/2009 dated 27th June , 2009, Punjab Land use (Classification, Reclassification and Redevelopment) Rules, 2009, and Notification No. SOR(LG) 38-18 /2009-P dated 6th June, 2012, the conversion fee for the conversion of a residential, industrial, peri-urban area or intercity service area to commercial use shall be 5% for land value less than one million according to scheduled rate, 10% for value from one million to ten million, and 20% for value exceeding ten million.

Tehsil Municipal Administrator Mian Channu did not recover Rs 4.034 million from the developers of different housing schemes. The said developers


sold different plots without approval and payment of prescribed map and conversion fee. The detail of recoverable fee is as under:

(Amount in Rupees)

Sr. Area in Conversion Form Name Address Map fee Total No. Kanal Fee Fee

1 Ismail City Chak. 130/15-L 38 133,000 480,750 500 614,250 Allama Iqbal Land Sub- Town 2 Division 130/15-L 91 318,500 1,080,000 500 1,399,000 Dream Velaiz 3 III Chak. 130/15-L 15 420,000 1,600,000 500 2,020,500 Total 4,033,750

Audit is of the view that due to weak internal controls, developer sold the plots without approval and payment of TMA dues.

Non-recovery of Government dues resulted in loss to TMA fund amounting to Rs 4.034 million.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March 2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite various efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recovery of Rs 4.034 million, besides action against the concerned, under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No.12]


1.5 Tehsil Municipal Administration, Jahanian


1.5.1 Performance Non-recovery of rent of shops – Rs 5.114 million According to Rule 16 (1) (b) of Punjab Local Government (Property) Rules, 2003 the period of lease of property shall be up to five years at a time. Further according to Rule 76(1) of PDG and TMA (Budget) Rules, 2003, the Collecting Officers shall ensure that all revenue due is claimed, realized and credited immediately into the Local Government Fund.

Tehsil Municipal Administration Jahanian did not recover the amount of Rs 5.114 million during 2013-14 on account of rent of shops from the lessees of the shops. Further re-auction of shops was required after every five years but no such auction was made in violation of above rule. The detail is as under: - (Amount in Rupees) Description Demand Recovered Balance Arrears 2012-13 3,103,021 1,823,553 1,279,468 Demand 2013-14 14,300,000 10,465,760 3,834,240 Total 17,403,021 12,289,313 5,113,708

Audit is of the view that due to weak financial management, rent of shops was not recovered. Non-recovery of rent of shops resulted in loss amounting to Rs. 5.114 million to the Government. The matter was reported to the TMO in March 2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite various efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recovery of Rs 5.114 million, besides fixing of responsibility, under intimation to Audit. [AIR Para No. 4]

22 Non-recovery of Water rate charges – Rs 3.463 million

According to Rule 76(1) of PDG and TMA (Budget) Rules, 2003, the Collecting Officers shall ensure that all revenue due is claimed, realized and credited immediately into the Local Government Fund.

Tehsil Municipal Officer Jahanian did not recover the water rate charges amounting to Rs 3.463 million for the period 2013-14. The detail is as under:

(Amount in Rupees) Water Number of Amount Rate Amount Arrears connection type connections recovered Year 2013-14 Domestic 635 420 266,700 33,410 233,290 Commercial 12 960 11,520 6,000 5,520 Arrears (2012-13) 3,254,669 30,705 3,223,964 Total 1380 3,532,889 70,115 3,462,774

Audit is of the view that due to weak internal controls, huge amount of water rate charges remained un-recovered.

Non-recovery of water rate charges resulted in loss to the Government amounting to Rs 3.463 million.

The matter was reported to the TMO in March 2015. The TMO noted the observation but did not submit any reply. Despite various efforts of Audit, no DAC meeting was convened till the finalization of this Report.

Audit recommends recovery of Rs 3.463 million, besides fixing of responsibility against the concerned, under intimation to Audit.

[AIR Para No. 03]




Annex-A Part-I Memorandum for Departmental Accounts Committee Paras pertaining to Current Audit Year 2014-15

(Rupees in Million) AIR Name of Sr. Para Subject Amount Formation No. No. Non-maintenance of separate books of accounts by 1 1 each DDO for expenditure 130.538 Loss to Government due to subletting of shops and 2 5 non-cancellation 0.000 Unauthorized opening of tender by incomplete 3 6 tender committee for the schemes 37.900 Misappropriation / doubtful expenditure on repair 4 7 of vehicles 1.018 Irregular expenditure on purchase of machinery & 5 8 equipment 1.060

6 9 Unjustified heavy expenditure on Pol charges 4.693 7 10 Non-deposit of Sales Tax 0.744 TMA Jahanian Irregular and doubtful expenditure on sport 8 11 activities 1.131 Loss to Government due to less collection of 9 12 conversion fee 0.349 Loss to Government due to illegal construction of 10 13 buildings without payment of map fee and conversion fee 0.186 Unjustified delay in approval of maps and 11 14 processing of applications 0.000 Loss to TMA funds due to poor recovery position 12 15 of sewerage and sanitation fee 0.253 Non-imposition of penalty due to late completion 13 16 of works 0.752 25

AIR Name of Sr. Para Subject Amount Formation No. No. Non-production of record of receipts and 14 17 expenditures 0.000 Irregular purchase in violation of austerity 15 18 measures 0.235 16 19 Non-recovery of Professional Tax 0.030 17 20 Excess payment due to charging excess rate 0.556 18 21 Non-deposit of Income Tax 0.171 Loss to Government due to non-achievement of 19 22 targets 16.590 20 1 Un-authorized auction of collection rights 3.569 22 3 Less recovery of Water Rate 0.098 23 4 Non-recovery of Professional Tax 0.106 Non maintenance of cash book by the drawing and 24 6 disbursing officers of expenditures 248.022 Loss to TMA fund by non-auctioning of shops to 26 10 TMA Mian actualize recovery of rent at competitive rates 0.000 Chanu Unjustified delay in approval of maps and 27 11 processing of applications 0.000 29 14 Non-collection of proof of deposit of Sales Tax 0.409 Unauthorized acquiring of taxable services from 30 15 unregistered persons valuing and non-deduction of Punjab Sales Tax 0.093 32 18 Doubtful payment on account of TA DA bills 0.161 Non-recovery of sanction and design of sewerage 34 2 & roads approval fees from owners of housing scheme 0.441 Loss to Government due to illegal construction of 35 3 buildings without payment of map and conversion fee 0.600 TMA Kabir Un-authorized constructions of building without 36 5 Wala approval of maps 0.000 Loss due to departmental collection of Adda 37 6 Parking Fee 0.977 38 7 Non-recovery of rent of shops 1.014 Poor recovery position of water rates and loss of 39 8 TMA revenue 0.241 40 9 Less recovery from contractors of Bakar Mandies 0.117


AIR Name of Sr. Para Subject Amount Formation No. No. 41 10 Non collection of record from the contractors 7.315 Doubtful expenditure of Youth Festival and 42 12 recovery of excess payment on account of hiring of tentage 0.856 43 13 Irregular purchase of CCTV cameras 0.449 Loss due to excess expenditure on hiring of walk 44 14 through gates 0.368 Non-recovery of rent of building of TMA, 45 17 electricity, gas & water rate charges illegally occupied by police department 0.380 Non-obtaining of additional performance 46 18 securities 19.936 Irregular execution of repair work of disposal No.3 Abdul Hakim and non-recovery from 47 19 defaulter contractor due to award of work on risk and cost basis 1.239 Irregular expenditure on construction of lining 48 20 minor Kabirwala 1.885 Recovery on account of non/less-imposition of 49 21 penalty for non-completion of work within stipulated period 0.094 Non-conducting of post completion evaluation of 50 22 adp schemes costing 58.977 Non-completion of development schemes and loss 51 23 to Government 4.374 52 Non-achievement of targets of Conversion Fee 4.326 Unauthorized acquiring of taxable services from 53 1 unregistered persons and non deduction of Punjab Sales Tax 3.43 Unauthorized purchase of Sales Taxable items 54 2 from unregister firms/ suppliers and loss due to less deduction of Sales Tax 12.031 Unauthorized purchase of sports material and TMA 55 3 hiring of tentage without observing PPRA rules 5.492 Khanewal 56 5 Unauthorized expenditure due to misclassification 1.998 Loss to Government due to collection of less 57 7 Conversion Fee and misappropriation of NOC Fee 0.411 Unauthorized purchase without advertisement on 58 8 PPRA website 11.345 Loss to Government due to misappropriation of 59 9 NOC Fee 0.105 27

AIR Name of Sr. Para Subject Amount Formation No. No. Loss to Government due to misappropriation of 60 13 Conversion Fee and Map Fee 12.928 Unauthorized issuance of sports material to Union 61 19 Councils 2.316 62 20 Unauthorized payment to contractors 6.297 Unauthorized sanction of expenditure on 63 23 stationery beyond competency 0.55 64 26 Unauthorized repair of containers 1.68 Unauthorized purchase/ hiring of services without 65 27 obtaining performance guarantee 0.496 Non-deposit of Income Tax and Sales Tax 66 28 deducted at source into treasury 2.535 Doubtful expenditure on Pol charges without 67 30 current average consumption certificate 6.983 Total 620.85


Part-II [Para-1.1.3] Memorandum for Departmental Accounts Committee Paras not Attended in Accordance with the Directives of DAC Pertaining to Audit Year 2013-14 (Rupees in Million) Sr. Para Nature Of Audit Name of TMA Subject Amount No. No. Observation Unauthorized purchase of 1 7 accessories for sucker 0.184 Irregularity machine and dewatering set Fraudulent withdrawal of 2 10 CCB share before start of 0.200 Misappropriation work through contractor Unauthorized purchases of TMA Khanewal container for solid waste 3 16 against the specification and 3.816 Irregularity recovery of liquidated damages Excess payments of rates 4 25 0.071 Weak Internal Control than OGRA Less collection of 5 43 0.080 Performance Conversion Fee Non-recovery of rent of 6 1 0.207 Performance shops Wasteful expenditure on 7 14 0.459 Irregularity youth festival Illegal occupation of tma building by police TMA Kabirwala 8 20 0.133 Performance department and recovery of utility bills Less imposition of fine to contractors on late 9 23 0.770 Weak Internal Control completion of development schemes Non-recovery of house rent 10 12 allowance and conveyance 0.101 Performance allowance Unauthorized purchase of 11 14 accessories for sucker 0.184 Irregularity TMA Jahania machine and dewatering set Unauthorized undertaking of work without approval of 12 22 0.500 Irregularity technical sanction of estimate 13 26 Non- imposition of penalty 0.982 Weak Internal Control 29

Sr. Para Nature Of Audit Name of TMA Subject Amount No. No. Observation due to late completion of works Less-recovery of prescribed rate of conversion fee and 14 35 irregular approval of 0.148 Performance commercial map from commercial markets 15 Poor recovery position of 7 water rates and blockage of 0.264 Performance revenue Short collection of 16 8 0.109 Performance Government dues Short recovery of 17 10 0.489 Performance TMA Mian Channu immoveable property tax Non- collection of 18 11 0.109 Performance Government dues Illegal additional construction of building 19 21 0.114 Performance work without approval and payment of TMA


Annex-B TMAs of Khanewal District Budget and Expenditure Statement for Financial Year2013-14 TMAs, District Khanewal TMA Khanewal (Rupees in Million) Excess (+) / Description Budget Actual Saving (-) (%) Saving Salary 121.782 96.698 -25.084 -21% Non Salary 113.215 94.347 -18.868 -17% Development 69.95 40.226 -29.724 -42% Revenue 100.711 96.241 -4.47 -4% Total 405.658 327.512 -78.146 -19% TMA Mian Channu (Rupees in Million) Excess (+) / Description Budget Actual Saving (-) (%) Saving Salary 117.325 124.37 7.045 6% Non Salary 58.118 35.676 -22.442 -39% Development 155 87.976 -67.024 -43% Revenue 228.24 226.647 -1.593 -1% Total 558.683 474.669 -84.014 -15% TMA Jahanian (Rupees in Million) Excess (+) / Description Budget Actual Saving (-) (%) Saving Salary 46.99 46.022 -0.968 -2% Non Salary 18.27 17.771 -0.499 -3% Development 65.269 29.596 -35.673 -55% Revenue 121.14 99.8 -21.34 -18% Total 251.669 193.189 -58.48 -23% TMA Kabirwala (Rupees in Million) Excess (+) / Description Budget Actual Saving (-) (%) Saving Salary 92.150 69.712 -22.438 -24% Non Salary 102.739 42.476 -60.263 -59% Development 165.096 106.003 -59.093 -36% Revenue 206.068 231.953 25.885 13% Total 566.053 450.144 -115.909 -20%


Annex-C [Para No.]

Unjustified appointment of contingent paid staff – Rs 11.042million

(Amount in Rupees) Voucher No Month of wage No. of employees Amount 248 July-13 102 871,776 392 August-13 104 919,134 614 September-13 105 908,400 772 October,13 102 897,951 997 November-13 108 1,065,652 1144 December-13 108 650,295 1330 January-14 110 853,699 1458 Febuarary-14 111 977,129 1594 March-14 110 926,121 1838 April-14 110 969,900 1973 May-14 114 996,948 43 June-14 114 1,005,300 Total 11,042,305



[Para No.]

Non-recovery of kacchi abadis charges – Rs 7.510 million

(Amount in Rupees)

Total No. Proprietary Balance S Arrears Arreas of Rights yet to Sr. Name of Katichi Abadi Cost of Dev. Dwelling Granted till be # Land Charges units 30-6-13 granted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Basti Chan Shah ( P ) 288 231 57 49,020 142,500

2 Basti Chan Shah ( R ) 338 290 48 41,280 120,000

3 Basti Molvi hayat 167 121 46 39,560 115,000

4 Basti Nizam Abad 192 98 94 80,840 235,000

5 Changar Mohallah 166 128 38 32,680 95,000

6 Chritian Colony, Civil Line 191 184 7 6,020 17,500

7 Colony No. 1 1,300 1,191 109 93,740 272,500

8 Colony No. 2 427 409 18 15,480 45,000

9 Colony No. 3 3,098 2,374 724 622,640 1,810,000

10 Gharib Abad 204 193 11 9,460 137,500

11 Haddi Godown, Lakkar Mandi 206 195 11 9,460 137,500

12 Jamia Abad, Engine Shed 113 97 16 13,760 40,000

13 Khokhar Abad 189 151 38 32,680 95,000


Total No. Proprietary Balance S Arrears Arreas of Rights yet to Sr. Name of Katichi Abadi Cost of Dev. Dwelling Granted till be # Land Charges units 30-6-13 granted

14 Khurram Pura 217 31 186 159,960 465,000

15 Marzi Pura 1,125 751 374 321,640 935,000

16 Mujahid Abad, Engine Shed 104 96 8 6,880 20,000

17 New Kot Alla Sing 107 98 9 7,740 22,500

18 Purana Karkhana 56 11 45 38,700 112,500

19 Abbas Nagar 465 221 244 209,840 61,000

20 Madina Colony/Khurram Pura 317 134 183 157,380 457,500

21 New Nizamabad 88/10-R 152 85 67 57,620 167,500

Total: 9,422 7,089 2,333 2,006,387 5,503,508



[Para No.]

Loss to Government due to rejection of lower bid for hiring of tentage – Rs 2.103 million

(Amount in Rupees) List of rent of tentage for Sasta Bazar/Ramzan Bazar/Christmass Bazar etc Rat Rat e of Amou e of Amou Al- nt Sr. Voucher Quant saee Da nt of Differen Remar Name of Item Fari paid # No. ity d ys Al- ce ks d to Son Farid Ten Saeed s t Shamyana 15x15 with Killa, Rassa, 80,04 69,60 1 338/8-13 24 115 100 29 10,440 Jhallar, Baans etc. (For 0 0 Ramzan Bazar) When Shamy ana was Kuppa Gol 300 100 435,0 145,0 hired 5 29 290,000 Shamyana 45x45 0 0 00 00 than no need for Kupa Qanat with Rassa, 73,37 46,69 46 55 35 29 26,680 Killa etc. 0 0 27608 97,44 Takht 3x6 112 85 30 29 178,640 0 0 Table (Small) 3x2.5 20 30 0 29 17400 0 17,400 Ragzin Plastic (Per 48,00 384 125 0 29 0 48,000 Meter) 0 87,00 34,80 Chair (Foam) 120 25 10 29 52,200 0 0 White Sheet 20,88 13,92 24 30 20 29 6,960 (Stadered Size) 0 0 Color Sheet 5 35 25 29 5075 3,625 1,450 14,32 150,8 Carpet 15x25 26 190 200 29 0 60 00 130,5 83,52 Carpet 6x20 36 125 80 29 46,980 00 0 10,44 Jhalar Shamyana 18 25 20 29 0 0 0 Baans with Rassa, 47,85 110 15 15 29 0 0 Killa. 0


Rat Rat e of Amou e of Amou Al- nt Sr. Voucher Quant saee Da nt of Differen Remar Name of Item Fari paid # No. ity d ys Al- ce ks d to Son Farid Ten Saeed s t Mist Fan with Board, 81,20 72,50 10 280 250 29 8,700 wire 0 0 Fan (Pedistal) with 116,0 81,20 40 100 70 29 34,800 Board, wire 00 0 Generator 15/KV 116,0 116,0 4,000 1 1 29 0 with wire 00 00 Cable was Wire 7/29 1 280 100 29 8,120 2,900 5,220 with generat or Wire 3/29 1 141 150 29 4,089 4,350 0 Penaflex Print with 970,9 1,240 27 0 29 0 970,920 Rassi etc. 20 Darri (Standard size) 16 18 15 29 8,352 6,960 1,392 Sound System 2,20 1,50 63,80 43,50 1 29 20,300 (Complete) 0 0 0 0 324,8 Line Powder 40 280 0 29 0 324,800 00 Rate of Al- 280 58,00 Farid Petrol (7 hours daily) 7 0 29 0 58,000 0 0 was with petrol

Total 2,102,88 2



[Para No.]

Non-production of record of development schemes – Rs 20.033 million (Amount in Rupees) Phase/ Union Council Estimated Scheme No. Name of Development Project No. Cost Providing & Laying Tuff Tiles on Joging tracks in 4 Phase-III 1,000,000 Park near Masjid at village Chowki Hiraj Const. and Repair of Pacca Sullage Carrier & R.C.C 6 Phase-III Slabs covers and soling on road shoulder at village 5,800,000 Chowki Hiraj 19 Phase-II Construction of soling drain pull Rajbah Shawan Kukar Hatta to Basti Jhsok Baloch Tehsil Kabirwala 1,500,000 9 Phase-I Construction of soling, drain, RCC Slab street Rao Arif Wali, street Haji Usman Khuh Sahary wala Jodh Pur 62 basti Eid Sulman Wali, Basti Sabarabad, street Rao Ishfaq Wali, Basti Rajput Nagar Mouza Jodh Pur 500,000 70 Construction of soling, Pacca sullage carrier chak Haveli Koranga 69 No.9/GH & soling Jinnah Colony 25/GH 500,000 71 Construction of soling bhani Hafiz Muhammad Hussain Sial, Muhammad Yaar Joyia & drain & Haveli Koranga 69 soling abadi Mastar Nasir Rajuana, Chak No.26/GH & 27/GH 500,000 77 Construction of soling bhani Mehr Ishfaq Hirraj Qatall Pur-66 Mouza Shakru Wala Qattal Pur 500,000 81 Construction of soling, drain Dirkhana road to bhani Daduana-65 Malak Manzoor Khokhar 700,000 85 Construction of soling drain street wali daad Luk Basti Mohsin Abad, culvert basti Langari, soling Hashmat Mirali 52 Khuh Pul wala, & Basti Raja Pur & chah Bahadar wala Mouza Hashmat Mirali 1,000,000 116 Const of sewer High School to street Muhammad Afzal Muhammadi Mohallah, PCC & sewerage Abdul Hakim street Rana Shouk Wali & Umar Farrooq wali Basti Bahawal Pur, 750,000 119 Const of PCC & sewerage Dr. Tahir Gujjar Wali & Abdul Hakim soling street Rao Hanif Wali 700,000 120 Const of soling basti Shahab Town & Const of Abdul Hakim soling street Amir virk wali mohallah Abdul Hakim 800,000


Phase/ Union Council Estimated Scheme No. Name of Development Project No. Cost 124 Const of soling Hata Asif Ali bandesha to khal Ali Kot Bahadar-61 pur 500,000 125 Const of culverts mouza Ali pur & Const of soling bhani Khalid Maqsood counciler 14/V & const of Kot Bahadar-61 soling Ch. Bashir & drain Taaj Ansari and Culvert Bhani Shakoor Chak 13/V 550,000 126 Const of soling darbar Ali Ashab basti Roran wali Hussain Abad Awal-67 mouza Jahan pur 350,000 127 Const of soling culverts Mehr Abid mouza Jahan Hussain Abad Awal-67 pur, 383,000 128 Const of soling remaining portion Noor pur to Jodh Hussain Abad Awal-67 pur Makhdoompur road and Noor pur to Basti Asif Bendsha 1,000,000 129 Hussain Abad Awal-67 Const of metalled road darbar Shareef Allah hu 700,000 133 Const of soling basti Jalil pur to Mehr Naseer Hirraj, Const of culverts Jalil pur, Const of soling Abadi Umeed Garh-68 Ghulam Sargana to Masjid & Bhani Jang Sher Mouza Umeed Garh 900,000 135 Const of soling bhani Haq Nawaz Sasrana, & bhani Umeed Garh-68 Ghulam s/o Qasim Mouza sasrana, 900,000 141 Construction & Improvement of Chowk Town Hall Kabirwala 38/I Kabirwala 500,000 Total 20,033,000



[Para No.]

Unjustified appointment of contingent paid staff – Rs 8.949million

(Amount in Rupees)

SR # Month Kabirwala Abdul Hakim Sarai Sidhu Total

1 July, 2013 452,700 225,000 90,000 767,700 2 August, 2013 427,917 196,800 87,090 711,807 3 September, 2013 440,706 242,979 90,000 773,685 4 October, 2013 448,200 221,400 90,000 759,600 5 November, 2013 425,303 210,000 87,090 722,393 6 December, 2013 459,300 221,400 90,000 770,700 7 December, 2013 133,538 76,500 - 210,038 8 January, 2014 329,503 136,500 90,000 556,003 9 February, 2014 427,047 207,000 84,100 718,147 10 March, 2014 460,927 222,000 90,000 772,927 11 April, 2014 456,675 223,200 90,000 769,875 12 May, 2014 396,000 212,100 87,000 695,100 13 June, 2014 395,419 235,800 90,000 721,219 Total 5,253,235 2,630,679 1,065,280 8,949,194




Overpayment on account of Social Security Benefit – Rs 4.194 million (Amount in Rupees) Deduction of NAME OF Total Pension Fund & Remaining SR # NAME OFFICIALS BPS POST Demand transferred to amount TMA fund General Branch DDO (TMO) Computer 1 Asghar Abbas Malik 11 Operator 127,747 20,000 107,747

2 Tariq Manzoor Head Fire Man 8 94,819 20,000 74,819

3 Tanzil-ur-Rehman Head Fire Man 8 94,819 24,000 70,819

4 Hafiz Muhammad Zubair Imam Masjid 8 94,819 20,000 74,819 Driver Fire 5 Riaz Hussain 7 Brigade 89,580 20,000 69,580

6 Nasir Shah Fireman 5 80,214 20,000 60,214

7 Muhammad Hamid Fireman 5 80,214 20,000 60,214

8 Rao Asif Raza Fireman 5 80,214 20,000 60,214

9 Muhammad Raza Fireman 5 80,214 20,000 60,214

10 Muhammad Iqbal Fireman 5 80,214 20,000 60,214

11 Sardar Ahmed Fireman 5 80,214 20,000 60,214

12 Nasir Manzoor Driver 5 97,606 20,000 77,606

13 Azhar Hussain Driver 5 97,606 20,000 77,606

14 Qaisar Abbas Driver 5 97,606 20,000 77,606

15 Allah Bakhsh Naib Qasid 2 77,045 20,000 57,045 Office 16 Shahzad Ahmad 2 Chowkidar 77,045 20,000 57,045 Office 17 Abdul Rouf 2 Chowkidar 77,045 20,000 57,045 Office 18 Muhammad Iqbal 2 Chowkidar 77,045 20,000 57,045

19 Jorje Maseeh Office Sweeper 2 77,045 20,000 57,045

20 Allah Ditta Maseeh Office Sweeper 2 77,045 20,000 57,045 40

Deduction of NAME OF Total Pension Fund & Remaining SR # NAME OFFICIALS BPS POST Demand transferred to amount TMA fund

21 Amir Maseeh Office Sweeper 2 77,045 20,000 57,045

22 Muhammad Shafique Helper 1 62,187 20,000 42,187

23 Majid Ali Helper 1 62,187 20,000 42,187

24 Nazakat Hussain Naib Qasid 1 62,187 20,000 42,187

25 Ahsan ul Haq Baildar 1 62,187 20,000 42,187

26 Abdul Majid Baildar 1 62,187 20,000 42,187

27 Muhammad Imran Shahid Baildar 1 62,187 20,000 42,187 C.O.Unit (HQ) DDO(TMO)

1 Qamar Zaman Sub Engineer 11 127,747 20,000 107,747

2 Muhammad Asif Sabir Junior Clerk 7 97,606 20,000 77,606

3 Muhammad Nadeem Electrician 5 97,606 20,000 77,606

4 Rao Nadeem Iqbal Electrician 5 97,606 20,000 77,606

5 Muhammad Atif Masson 2 77,045 20,000 57,045 Tube well 6 Altaf Hussain 2 Operator 77,045 20,000 57,045 Tube well 7 Muhamad Asghar 2 Operator 77,045 20,000 57,045

8 Ravi Maseeh Sewer Man 2 77,045 20,000 57,045

9 Akhtar Maseeh Sewer Man 2 77,045 20,000 57,045

10 Muhammad Iqbal Sewer Man 2 77,045 20,000 57,045

11 Tariq Maseeh Sewer Man 2 77,045 20,000 57,045

12 Jamis Maseeh Sanitary worker 1 62,187 20,000 42,187 13 Muhammad Usman Naib Qasid 1 62,187 20,000 42,187 (Finance) Branch DDO (T.O.F) Computer 1 Khuram Shahzad 11 Operator 127,747 - 127,747

2 Qaisar Abbas Naib Qasid 2 62,187 - 62,187

3 Muhammad Akmal Naib Qasid 2 62,187 - 62,187 C.O.Unit (NHQ) Abdul Hakim DDO.(T.O.F)


Deduction of NAME OF Total Pension Fund & Remaining SR # NAME OFFICIALS BPS POST Demand transferred to amount TMA fund

Muhammad Ijaz Sub Engineer 11 1 127,747 - 127,747

2 Rao Nadeem Iqbal Electrician 5 97,606 - 97,606

Muhammad Akram Driver Disposal 3 3 85,720 - 85,720 (I&S) Branch DDO (TO.I&S)

1 Zahid Abbas Draftsman 11 127,747 18,000 109,747

2 Sikandar Zeb Sub Engineer 11 127,747 18,000 109,747

3 Amjid Ali Driver 5 97,606 18,000 79,606

4 Muhammad Riaz Naib Qasid 2 77,045 18,000 59,045

5 Muhammad Nasir Naib Qasid 1 62,187 18,000 44,187 (I&S) Branch DDO (T.O.P)

1 Zahid Irfan Sub Engineer 11 127,747 20,000 107,747

2 Abdul Malik Draftsman 11 127,747 20,000 107,747

3 Muhammad Yousaf Surveyor 7 89,580 20,000 69,580

4 Qaswar Abbas Naib Qasid 2 77,045 20,000 57,045

5 Sadaqat Ali Naib Qasid 2 77,045 20,000 57,045 (Regulation) Branch DDO (T.O.R)

1 Skindar Hayat Patwari 5 97,606 20,000 77,606

2 Skinder Hayat Naib Qasid 2 77,045 20,000 57,045 3 Muhammad Qasim Naib Qasid 1 62,187 20,000 42,187 4 Muhammad Nadeem Naib Qasid 1 62,187 20,000 42,187 Naib Tehsil Nazim Branch DDO(T.O.R) 1 Muhammad Aabid Naib Qasid 2 77,045 20,000 57,045 2 Muhammad Ameer Naib Qasid 1 62,187 20,000 42,187 3 Anwar Ahmed Naib Qasid 1 62,187 20,000 42,187 Grand Total 5,327,711 1,134,000 4,193,711



[Para No.]

Non-recovery of rent of shops – Rs 15.066 million (Amount in Rupees) Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhammad 25,2 1 4 Yaqoob T. Chok 9,520 1,310 15,720 40 - 25,240 Zobaib Anjm 33,1 2 13 Lodhy Bura Road 13,455 1,645 19,740 95 - 33,195 Muhammad 13,9 3 42 Sadique Takoni Markeet 5,152 736 8,832 84 - 13,984 Nadeem 7,68 4 60 Ahmed Alama Iqbal Road - 640 7,680 0 - 7,680 21,1 5 61 Zulfqar Ali Alama Iqbal Road 13,440 640 7,680 20 - 21,120 9,36 6 72 Khalid Miraj Alama Iqbal Road 3,120 520 6,240 0 - 9,360 Muhammad 68,614 77,3 7 77 Shafi Road 728 8,736 50 - 77,350 96,720 109, 109,20 8 78 Nazir Ahmed Lahore Road 1,040 12,480 200 - 0 Muhammad 17,472 34,9 9 79 Alam Lahore Road 1,456 17,472 44 - 34,944 Muhammad 43,073 54,0 10 80 Rafique Lahore Road 912 10,944 17 - 54,017 Muhammad 100,584 113, 113,25 11 82 Ashiq Lahore Road 1,056 12,672 256 - 6 58,032 65,5 12 83 Haji Sardar Lahore Road 624 7,488 20 - 65,520 116,064 131, 131,04 13 84 Haji Sardar Lahore Road 1,248 14,976 040 - 0 Muhammad 183,170 208, 208,13 14 85 Yousaf Lahore Road 2,080 24,960 130 - 0 Naseer 143,232 161, 161,66 15 86 Ahmed Lahore Road 1,536 18,432 664 - 4 Muhamad 169,632 191, 191,52 16 87 Arshid Lahore Road 1,824 21,888 520 - 0 Muhammad 2,880 9,79 17 88 Din Lahore Road 576 6,912 2 - 9,792 Muhammad 215,040 229, 229,92 18 89 Ashiq Lahore Road 1,240 14,880 920 - 0 Muhammad 129,004 145, 145,13 19 90 Abid Sohail Lahore Road 1,344 16,128 132 - 2 Muhamad 145,152 163, 163,58 20 92 Rafique Lahore Road 1,536 18,432 584 - 4


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhammad 163,584 184, 184,32 21 93 Amin Kambo Lahore Road 1,728 20,736 320 - 0 Masood 99,264 111, 111,93 22 94 Ahmed Lahore Road 1,056 12,672 936 - 6 Mukhtar 59,280 84,2 23 95 Ahmed Lahore Road 2,080 24,960 40 - 84,240 Haji Fazal 129,600 148, 148,80 24 96 Qader Lahore Road 1,600 19,200 800 - 0 234,360 268, 268,92 25 97 Abdul Haq Lahore Road 2,880 34,560 920 - 0 Mistri Ghulam 236,128 266, 266,27 26 98 Nabi Lahore Road 2,512 30,144 272 - 2 111,600 126, 126,00 27 99 Karam Din Lahore Road 1,200 14,400 000 - 0 68,040 76,6 28 100 Riaz Husain Lahore Road 720 8,640 80 - 76,680 122,560 137, 137,92 29 101 Noor Ahmed Lahore Road 1,280 15,360 920 - 0 Abdul 172,800 195, 195,84 30 102 Hameed Lahore Road 1,920 23,040 840 - 0 111,384 124, 124,48 31 103 Shokat Ali Lahore Road 1,092 13,104 488 - 8 40,320 51,8 32 104 Bashir Ahmed Lahore Road 960 11,520 40 - 51,840 120,367 143, 143,59 33 105 Ghulam Nabi Lahore Road 1,936 23,232 599 - 9 89,520 101, 101,04 34 106 Abdul Latif Lahore Road 960 11,520 040 - 0 Muhammad 68,400 77,0 35 107 Rafique Lahore Road 720 8,640 40 - 77,040 Pervaiz 80,352 90,7 36 108 Akhtar Lahore Road 864 10,368 20 - 90,720 Muhammad 99,840 112, 112,32 37 109 Jameel Lahore Road 1,040 12,480 320 - 0 Sagheer 89,880 101, 101,40 38 110 Ahmed Lahore Road 960 11,520 400 - 0 Muhammad 33,6 39 130 Bux Bodla Road 13,440 1,680 20,160 00 - 33,600 Haji Rasheed 89,4 40 138 Ahmed Bodla Road 62,928 2,208 26,496 24 - 89,424 Mian Saeed 16,1 41 139 Ahmed Bodla Road 6,912 768 9,216 28 - 16,128 Malik Muhammad 37,4 42 145 Iqbal Bodla Road 22,464 1,248 14,976 40 - 37,440 Malik Muhammad 15,8 43 146 Iqbal Bodla Road 5,280 880 10,560 40 - 15,840


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhammad 9,85 44 147 Iqbal Bodla Road 2,464 616 7,392 6 - 9,856 Muhammad 44,9 45 150 Rafique Bodla Road 31,104 1,152 13,824 28 - 44,928 Muhammad 34,5 46 151 Sadique Bodla Road 11,520 1,920 23,040 60 - 34,560 Muhammad 46,8 47 152 Saber Bodla Road 38,160 720 8,640 00 - 46,800 Mian Muhammad 151, 151,15 48 153 Aslam Bodla Bodla Road 120,916 2,520 30,240 156 - 6 31,6 49 154 Hanifan Bibi Bodla Road 19,008 1,056 12,672 80 - 31,680 Muhammad 24,1 50 155 Ashraf Bodla Road 12,096 1,008 12,096 92 - 24,192 3 Khadim Goshat Markeet 57,281 57,2 51 Hussain - - 81 - 57,281 5 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 52,570 Jamil , Sadher - Ahmed Pisran Faqir 52,5 52 Muhammad - 70 - 52,570 7 Nazir Ahmed Goshat Markeet 15,480 1,454 S/O Sardar 32,9 53 17,448 28 - 32,928 11 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 78,660 78,6 54 Saeed - - 60 - 78,660 13 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 16,460 1,454 33,9 55 Din 17,448 08 - 33,908 21 Abdul Ghani Goshat Markeet 99,106 99,1 56 S/O Boda - - 06 - 99,106 22 Faqir Hussain Goshat Markeet 26,140 1,454 43,5 57 17,448 88 - 43,588 24 Ghulam Goshat Markeet 48,282 Rasool S/O - 48,2 58 Sardar - 82 - 48,282 26 Rasheed Goshat Markeet 68,397 68,3 59 Ahmed - - 97 - 68,397 29 Habib Ullah Goshat Markeet 70,408 70,4 60 - - 08 - 70,408 Ghulam 28,6 61 15 Mustfa Faisal Markeet - 2,390 28,680 80 - 28,680 New Fruit Green 120, 120,69 62 1 Usman Jameel Mandi 75,997 3,725 44,700 697 - 7 Shahid Amin Bus Stand A 92,256 2,127 S/o Sardar 117, 117,78 63 4 25,524 780 - 0 Malik Ahmed Bus Stand A 33,7 64 23 Khan 33,756 - - 56 - 33,756


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhammad Bus Stand C 82,766 1,837 104, 104,81 65 9 Afzal 22,044 810 - 0 Allama Iqbal 10,3 66 14 M. Ajmal Markeet - 860 10,320 20 - 10,320 Allama Iqbal 21,7 67 38 Abdul Hamed Markeet - 1,810 21,720 20 - 21,720 Basti Saood Abad 9,45 68 3 Nawab Din 6,000 288 3,456 6 - 9,456 Basti Saood Abad 16,5 69 8 Yousaf 13,080 288 3,456 36 - 16,536 Basti Saood Abad 9,45 70 20 Bagh Ali 6,000 288 3,456 6 - 9,456 Dilshad Basti Saood Abad 5,02 71 21 Hussain 1,572 288 3,456 8 - 5,028 Basti Saood Abad 6,60 72 22 Allah Dita 3,144 288 3,456 0 - 6,600 Basti Saood Abad 3,45 73 29 Bashir Ahmed - 288 3,456 6 - 3,456 Basti Saood Abad 13,0 74 35 M. Sarwar 9,572 288 3,456 28 - 13,028 Basti Saood Abad 9,45 75 36 Iqbal 6,000 288 3,456 6 - 9,456 Shami Raod Zeshan Hospital side 35,7 76 23 Saleem 22,680 1,089 13,068 48 - 35,748 Shami Raod Sajid Hospital side 13,0 77 26 Mehmood - 1,089 13,068 68 - 13,068 Shami Raod Tanveer Hospital side 26,7 78 39 Hiader 13,680 1,089 13,068 48 - 26,748 Shami Raod Hospital side 25,7 79 42 M. Idrese 12,680 1,089 13,068 48 - 25,748 Ghulam Shami Raod Bagh 19,0 80 6 Rasool side 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 - 19,008 Ashfaq Shami Raod Bagh 19,0 81 17 Ahmed side 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 - 19,008 Mohallah Eid Ga 6,79 82 1 M. Rafique 2,124 389 4,668 2 - 6,792 Haji Abdul Mohallah Eid Ga 6,79 83 2 Rasheed 2,124 389 4,668 2 - 6,792 Arshad Mohallah Eid Ga 8,91 84 4 Ahemd 4,248 389 4,668 6 - 8,916 Faqir Mohallah Eid Ga 6,79 85 8 Muhammad 2,124 389 4,668 2 - 6,792 Mohallah Eid Ga 4,66 86 10 Abdul Khaliq - 389 4,668 8 - 4,668 Malik Bashir Mohallah Eid Ga 3,14 87 20 Ahmed - 262 3,144 4 - 3,144 46

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Mohallah Eid Ga 8,59 88 21 Dr. M. Afzal 5,448 262 3,144 2 - 8,592 Mohallah Eid Ga 19,7 89 22 M.Ismail 16,616 262 3,144 60 - 19,760 Mohallah Eid Ga 14,4 90 24 Fiyaz Ahmed 14,484 - - 84 - 14,484 Mohallah Eid Ga 20,2 91 25 Naeem Akhtar 20,256 - - 56 - 20,256 Ghulam Mohallah Eid Ga 23,5 92 26 Ahmed 20,438 262 3,144 82 - 23,582 Mohallah Eid Ga 27,6 93 27 M. Safdar 24,496 262 3,144 40 - 27,640 Mohallah Eid Ga 13,5 94 28 M. Saleem 13,572 - - 72 - 13,572 Iftikahar Mohallah Eid Ga 16,7 95 29 Ahmed 16,705 - - 05 - 16,705 Maqsood Mohallah Eid Ga 3,14 96 34 Ahmed - 262 3,144 4 - 3,144 20,0 97 7 M. Qasim Jinnah Markeet 7,040 1,086 13,032 72 - 20,072 M. Bilal 49,2 98 8 Anwar Jinnah Markeet 32,252 1,416 16,992 44 - 49,244 58,2 99 10 Attah Ullah Jinnah Markeet 47,204 917 11,004 08 - 58,208 31,4 100 11 Sajad Ali Jinnah Markeet 21,106 859 10,308 14 - 31,414 59,7 101 13 Arif Nadeem Jinnah Markeet 48,813 908 10,896 09 - 59,709 48,2 102 17 Sheikh Riaz Jinnah Markeet 48,203 - - 03 - 48,203 75,6 103 19 M. Rafique Jinnah Markeet 63,994 968 11,616 10 - 75,610 63,4 104 20 M. Afzal Jinnah Markeet 52,164 943 11,316 80 - 63,480 65,1 105 21 M. Afzal Jinnah Markeet 53,556 968 11,616 72 - 65,172 64,9 106 22 Arif Shah Jinnah Markeet 53,437 956 11,472 09 - 64,909 Sheikh 60,9 107 23 Waseem Jinnah Markeet 49,784 934 11,208 92 - 60,992 Abdul 61,8 108 24 Waheed Jinnah Markeet 50,822 920 11,040 62 - 61,862 67,4 109 25 M. Ali Jinnah Markeet 56,148 943 11,316 64 - 67,464 71,5 110 26 M. Ali Jinnah Markeet 59,596 992 11,904 00 - 71,500 Khalid 59,6 111 27 Hussain Jinnah Markeet 47,172 1,037 12,444 16 - 59,616


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Khalid 59,0 112 28 Hussain Jinnah Markeet 46,740 1,027 12,324 64 - 59,064 Khalid 78,4 113 30 Hussain Jinnah Markeet 66,108 1,027 12,324 32 - 78,432 Ray Khaleel 78,8 114 31 Ahmed Jinnah Markeet 66,543 1,027 12,324 67 - 78,867 74,2 115 33 M. Munir Jinnah Markeet 62,672 968 11,616 88 - 74,288 Muhammad 20,1 19,47 116 1 Rashid T. Chok - 1,681 20,172 72 6 696 Muhammad 20,1 19,47 117 2 Ejaz T. Chok - 1,681 20,172 72 6 696 Muhammad 20,1 19,47 118 3 Naeem T .Chok - 1,681 20,172 72 6 696 Muhammad 45,2 119 6 Akbar Sehail Bura Road 21,540 1,975 23,700 40 1,795 43,445 Haji Zafar 19,5 15,00 120 7 Amin Chohan Bura Road 1,500 1,500 18,000 00 0 4,500 55,7 37,10 121 8 Aftab Amin Pull Bazar 18,500 3,100 37,200 00 0 18,600 Muhammad 25,9 122 9 Ashraf Bura Road 10,530 1,287 15,444 74 5,850 20,124 18,9 123 10 Saeed ul Din Bura Road 3,510 1,287 15,444 54 2,340 16,614 56,6 25,80 124 11 Tariq Aub Bura Road 19,635 3,085 37,020 55 5 30,850 Muhammad 52,9 23,10 125 12 Umar Draz Bura Road 25,200 2,310 27,720 20 0 29,820 35,5 14,70 126 19 Saeed Ahmed Bura Road 16,170 1,617 19,404 74 0 20,874 112, 82,50 127 20 Saif Ullah Bura Road 22,500 7,500 90,000 500 0 30,000 Muhammad 20,1 19,47 128 21 Nadeem T. Chok - 1,681 20,172 72 6 696 Yasin S/O 18,7 12,48 129 22 Rehmat Ullah Takoni Markeet 3,744 1,248 14,976 20 4 6,236 Khadim 7,16 130 23 Hussain Takoni Markeet 1,792 448 5,376 8 5,824 1,344 Muhammad 13,0 131 25 Sharif Takoni Markeet - 1,088 13,056 56 9,792 3,264 Muhammad 18,1 132 27 Khalid Takoni Markeet - 1,512 18,144 44 3,608 14,536 8,73 133 28 Wazir Ali Takoni Markeet 1,248 624 7,488 6 7,498 1,238 Muhamma 13,4 10,75 134 29 Sadique Takoni Markeet 2,688 896 10,752 40 2 2,688 Ghulam 10,7 135 30 Mustfa Takoni Markeet 1,536 768 9,216 52 3,840 6,912


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and 14,3 10,76 136 31 Sheikh Naser Takoni Markeet - 1,196 14,352 52 4 3,588 13,2 137 32 Sheikh Naser Takoni Markeet - 1,104 13,248 48 6,624 6,624 51,4 33,26 138 33 Miraj Din Takoni Markeet 15,120 3,024 36,288 08 4 18,144 10,0 139 35 Ashiq Hussain Takoni Markeet - 840 10,080 80 7,560 2,520 26,6 15,23 140 36 Bashir Ahmed Takoni Markeet 3,808 1,904 22,848 56 4 11,422 Mudasar 22,3 17,85 141 39 Hussain Takoni Markeet 4,464 1,488 17,856 20 6 4,464 23,4 14,04 142 40 Saif Ullah Takoni Markeet 4,680 1,560 18,720 00 0 9,360 Maqsood 15,9 10,92 143 41 Ahmed Takoni Markeet 5,880 840 10,080 60 0 5,040 Muhammad 23,2 12,62 144 43 Saeed Takoni Markeet 4,656 1,552 18,624 80 4 10,656 23,0 13,82 145 45 Shokat Ali Takoni Markeet 4,608 1,536 18,432 40 4 9,216 7,39 146 46 Nemat Ullah Takoni Markeet - 616 7,392 2 3,696 3,696 Muhammad 34,7 24,47 147 47 Sadiq Takoni Markeet 11,592 1,932 23,184 76 2 10,304 29,5 16,89 148 49 Iftkhar Ahmd Takoni Markeet 4,224 2,112 25,344 68 6 12,672 17,1 149 50 Sadiq Ali Takoni Markeet 5,712 952 11,424 36 6,664 10,472 7,72 150 51 Elim Din Takoni Markeet - 644 7,728 8 3,864 3,864 Maqbool 9,12 151 52 Husain Takoni Markeet 1,824 608 7,296 0 5,472 3,648 76,4 152 53 Abdul Aziz Takoni Markeet 1,560 6,240 74,880 40 7,800 68,640 Naseem 5,88 153 55 Akhtar Takoni Markeet 1,176 392 4,704 0 2,348 3,532 Muhammad 53,8 26,92 154 56 Akbar Takoni Markeet - 4,488 53,856 56 8 26,928 Haji Muhammad 11,5 155 59 Javed Alama Iqbal Road 3,840 640 7,680 20 7,680 3,840 8,10 156 63 Allah Rakha Alama Iqbal Road 1,620 540 6,480 0 3,240 4,860 12,9 157 64 Safdar Ali Alama Iqbal Road 6,480 540 6,480 60 3,780 9,180 9,60 158 65 Saber Hussain Alama Iqbal Road 1,920 640 7,680 0 5,780 3,820 Muhammad 6,55 159 66 Gulzar Alama Iqbal Road - 546 6,552 2 3,276 3,276 49

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhammad 17,6 12,80 160 67 Kaleem Alama Iqbal Road 8,000 800 9,600 00 0 4,800 Amjid 15,2 161 68 Hussain Alama Iqbal Road 5,600 800 9,600 00 6,400 8,800 Abdul 14,4 162 69 Ghafoor Alama Iqbal Road 4,800 800 9,600 00 4,800 9,600 Muhammad 16,0 11,20 163 70 Ikram Alama Iqbal Road 6,400 800 9,600 00 0 4,800 10,9 164 71 Ibrar Ahmed Alama Iqbal Road 4,680 520 6,240 20 2,600 8,320 Naseer 9,07 165 73 Ahmed Alama Iqbal Road 3,024 504 6,048 2 3,024 6,048 Abdul 11,5 166 74 Ghafoor Alama Iqbal Road 3,840 640 7,680 20 1,920 9,600 tariq 13,4 167 75 Mehmood Alama Iqbal Road 5,760 640 7,680 40 3,840 9,600 18,5 168 76 Ali Sher Alama Iqbal Road 10,880 640 7,680 60 2,560 16,000 Ghulam 82,440 99,7 35,28 169 81 Rasool Lahore Road 1,440 17,280 20 0 64,440 132,300 146, 145,97 170 91 Bashir Ahmed Lahore Road 1,200 14,400 700 729 1 Ghulam 3,12 171 111 Moheuo Din Pull Bazar - 260 3,120 0 1,560 1,560 3,12 172 112 Shokat Ali Pull Bazar - 260 3,120 0 1,560 1,560 Muhammad 28,2 12,54 173 116 Afzal Pull Bazar 9,408 1,568 18,816 24 8 15,676 Muhammad 9,79 174 117 Ilyas Pull Bazar 2,448 612 7,344 2 4,286 5,506 8,20 175 118 Nader Ali Pull Bazar - 684 8,208 8 4,104 4,104 13,8 176 120 Allah Bux Pull Bazar 1,972 986 11,832 04 7,888 5,916 Muhammad 14,4 177 121 Ali Pull Bazar 5,320 760 9,120 40 9,880 4,560 Rana Ghualm 17,0 10,20 178 122 Rasool Pull Bazar 3,402 1,134 13,608 10 7 6,803 11,2 179 123 Jamal Din Pull Bazar 3,744 624 7,488 32 3,744 7,488 Malik Bashir 9,21 180 124 Ahmed Pull Bazar - 768 9,216 6 4,608 4,608 Muhammad 7,92 181 125 Rafique Pull Bazar 1,584 528 6,336 0 3,168 4,752 Muhammad 9,24 182 126 Aslam Pull Bazar 1,848 616 7,392 0 3,698 5,542 Muhamamd 27,4 18,72 183 127 Sharif Pull Bazar 12,480 1,248 14,976 56 4 8,732


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhamamd 253, 20,38 232,96 184 128 Shafi Pull Bazar 8,736 1,456 244,608 344 4 0 8,40 185 129 Abdul Ghani Pull Bazar 1,680 560 6,720 0 6,720 1,680 6,91 186 131 Slamat Ali Bodla Road - 576 6,912 2 3,456 3,456 Muhammad 20,3 12,37 187 132 Akhtar Bodla Road 9,724 884 10,608 32 6 7,956 11,5 188 133 Sana Ullah Bodla Road 2,304 768 9,216 20 6,912 4,608 16,8 11,23 189 134 Babar Ali Bodla Road 5,616 936 11,232 48 2 5,616 Jameel 8,73 190 135 Ahmed Bodla Road - 728 8,736 6 8,030 706 Khaleel 12,4 11,44 191 136 Ahmed Bodla Road - 1,040 12,480 80 0 1,040 Muhammad 44,0 14,00 192 137 Shafi Bodla Road 20,000 2,000 24,000 00 0 30,000 18,7 12,48 193 140 Munir Ahmed Bodla Road 6,240 1,040 12,480 20 0 6,240 Muhammad 28,2 194 141 Shafi Bodla Road 12,096 1,344 16,128 24 4,032 24,192 26,4 195 142 Slam Din Bodla Road 17,280 768 9,216 96 4,992 21,504 Attah 42,2 17,28 196 143 Muhammad Bodla Road 19,200 1,920 23,040 40 0 24,960 Muhammad 24,2 197 144 Ali Bodla Road 18,872 448 5,376 48 5,152 19,096 9,24 198 148 Liaqat Ali Bodla Road 1,848 616 7,392 0 4,312 4,928 Wahid 50,5 10,29 199 149 Hussain Shah Bodla Road 35,568 1,248 14,976 44 6 40,248 Arif Hussain 70,0 10,08 200 156 Qureshi Bodla Road 52,800 1,440 17,280 80 0 60,000 Farooq 51,3 27,04 201 1 Ahmed Tokoni Markeet 24,284 2,257 27,084 68 1 24,327 Muhammad 40,2 20,12 202 2 Arshid Tokoni Markeet - 3,354 40,248 48 4 20,124 101, 81,62 203 3 Malik Waheed Tokoni Markeet 61,504 3,354 40,248 752 8 20,124 Muhammad 40,6 20,31 204 6 Zeshan Tokoni Markeet - 3,385 40,620 20 0 20,310 Faisal 67,6 40,85 205 8 Mehmood Tokoni Markeet 27,441 3,354 40,248 89 7 26,832 Muhammad 107, 64,68 206 10 Farooq Tokoni Markeet 43,443 5,310 63,720 163 3 42,480 Muhammad 61,1 43,13 207 11 Asif Tokoni Markeet 25,112 3,002 36,024 36 4 18,002


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Attah 74,0 47,00 208 14 Muhammad Tokoni Markeet 47,004 2,257 27,084 88 4 27,084 Muhammad 27,0 22,57 209 17 Arshid Tokoni Markeet - 2,257 27,084 84 0 4,514 51,7 38,16 210 21 Abdul Qaum Tokoni Markeet 24,624 2,257 27,084 08 6 13,542 Muhammad 33,9 29,39 211 22 Ilyas Tokoni Markeet 6,824 2,257 27,084 08 4 4,514 39,3 30,36 212 25 Kashif Latif Tokoni Markeet 12,312 2,257 27,084 96 8 9,028 49,6 42,88 213 26 Shums ul Din Tokoni Markeet 22,572 2,257 27,084 56 5 6,771 Abdul 39,3 23,59 214 28 Hameed Tokoni Markeet 12,312 2,257 27,084 96 7 15,799 101, 69,09 215 3 Abdul Hafiz Rail Bazar 23,620 6,496 77,952 572 2 32,480 Muhammad 59,8 42,51 216 4-A Aslam Rail Bazar 7,872 4,330 51,960 32 2 17,320 Muzafar 111, 102,7 217 4-B Hussain Rail Bazar 59,434 4,330 51,960 394 34 8,660 121, 82,75 218 7 Iftkhar Ahmed Rail Bazar 28,292 7,780 93,360 652 2 38,900 89,8 62,67 219 9-A Nazir Ahmed Rail Bazar 24,675 5,429 65,148 23 8 27,145 Muhammad 39,6 29,70 220 5 Khalid Rail Bazar - 3,300 39,600 00 0 9,900 30,4 28,20 221 12 Mumtaz Ali Rail Bazar 4,000 2,200 26,400 00 0 2,200 Muhammad 46,4 42,00 222 14 Iqbal Rail Bazar 20,000 2,200 26,400 00 0 4,400 Shokat 54,0 36,40 223 16 Hussain Rail Bazar 27,600 2,200 26,400 00 0 17,600 Zahida 30,4 28,20 224 17 Perveen Rail Bazar 4,000 2,200 26,400 00 0 2,200 Haji Abdul 38,4 16,40 225 18 Ghafoor Rail Bazar 12,000 2,200 26,400 00 0 22,000 Muhammad 11,3 226 19-A Akram Rail Bazar - 944 11,328 28 3,776 7,552 Azra Umar 21,6 10,29 227 20-A Hayat Rail Bazar 10,296 944 11,328 24 6 11,328 19,0 16,21 228 21-A Anjum Ibrar Rail Bazar 7,722 944 11,328 50 8 2,832 31,9 20,59 229 21-B Abdul Star Rail Bazar 20,592 944 11,328 20 2 11,328 N Muhammad Goshat Markeet 68,511 - Sadique S/O 68,5 31,00 230 Khareti - 11 0 37,511


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and 2 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 16,828 746 Saeed Alam 25,7 19,06 231 8,952 80 6 6,714 4 Rehmat Ali Goshat Markeet 3,966 1,454 21,4 232 17,448 14 6,674 14,740 6 Babr Hussain Goshat Markeet 7,932 1,456 25,4 16,65 233 17,472 04 6 8,748 8 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 66,490 - 66,4 234 Rafique - 90 1,000 65,490 9 Muhammad Goshat Markeet - 733 8,79 235 Asif 8,796 6 2,932 5,864 10 Ghulam Goshat Markeet 37,555 2,224 64,2 236 Hussain 26,688 43 5,000 59,243 12 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 53,188 1,454 70,6 40,00 237 Din 17,448 36 0 30,636 15 Khaleel Goshat Markeet 15,864 1,454 33,3 15,86 238 Ahmed 17,448 12 4 17,448 16 Sardar Goshat Markeet 7,932 1,454 25,3 16,65 239 17,448 80 6 8,724 17 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 22,288 1,454 Amin S/O 39,7 22,28 240 Latif 17,448 36 8 17,448 18 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 41,344 - 41,3 19,04 241 Sadique - 44 2 22,302 19 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 3,966 1,454 21,4 242 Sharif 17,448 14 3,966 17,448 20 Abdullah Goshat Markeet 11,320 2,224 38,0 20,21 243 26,688 08 6 17,792 23 Tariq Shazad Goshat Markeet 7,932 1,454 25,3 16,65 244 17,448 80 6 8,724 25 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 34,292 1,454 51,7 34,41 245 Sadique 17,448 40 6 17,324 27 Maqbool Goshat Markeet 15,864 1,454 33,3 246 Ahmed 17,448 12 9,254 24,058 28 Muhammad Goshat Markeet 26,682 1,454 44,1 35,40 247 Rafique 17,448 30 6 8,724 30 Liaqat Goshat Markeet 33,454 2,224 60,1 37,90 248 Hussain 26,688 42 4 22,238 20,7 13,84 249 1 Tailb Hussain Mughal Bazar - 1,731 20,772 72 8 6,924 Muhammad 30,2 23,29 250 7 Saber Mughal Bazar 9,444 1,731 20,772 16 2 6,924 Ghulam Qader 20,7 17,31 251 8 But Mughal Bazar - 1,731 20,772 72 0 3,462 39,3 24,08 252 9 Abdul Aziz Mughal Bazar 18,574 1,731 20,772 46 1 15,265 31,7 16,21 253 10 Sajid Saleem Mughal Bazar 11,018 1,731 20,772 90 1 15,579 254 11 Muhammad Mughal Bazar 3,198 1,731 20,772 23,9 3,148 20,822 53

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Ashraf 70 Muhammad 53,9 36,66 255 12 Afzal Mughal Bazar 33,198 1,731 20,772 70 0 17,310 Zahid Raza 109, 101,2 256 2 Nadeem Old Green Mandi 14,362 7,899 94,788 150 51 7,899 Maqbool 195, 66,30 129,44 257 4 Ahmed Old Green Mandi 112,808 6,912 82,944 752 8 4 Qaiser Ali 68,1 47,05 258 5 Naser Old Green Mandi 4,802 5,282 63,384 86 8 21,128 Muhammad 163, 120,3 259 6 Yousaf Old Green Mandi 77,628 7,116 85,392 020 24 42,696 113, 98,07 260 7 Abdul Aziz Old Green Mandi 21,015 7,706 92,472 487 5 15,412 Muhammad 36,4 21,33 261 8 Ramzan Old Green Mandi - 3,034 36,408 08 8 15,070 Muhammad 34,5 28,81 262 9 Ramzan Old Green Mandi - 2,881 34,572 72 0 5,762 Muhammad 39,6 25,99 263 10 Ahmed Old Green Mandi 12,378 2,269 27,228 06 2 13,614 Ghulam 52,5 28,85 264 11 Rasool Old Green Mandi 16,980 2,968 35,616 96 2 23,744 57,4 39,49 265 12 Nazir Ahmed Old Green Mandi 30,526 2,242 26,904 30 4 17,936 Muhammad 45,7 36,71 266 13 Saeed Alam Old Green Mandi 18,567 2,269 27,228 95 9 9,076 Hasnain Ahmed 78,9 72,20 267 14 Farooqi Old Green Mandi 52,028 2,242 26,904 32 6 6,726 51,9 27,40 268 16 Sardar Old Green Mandi 24,756 2,269 27,228 84 3 24,581 Maqbool 28,9 19,97 269 17 Ahmed Old Green Mandi 2,038 2,242 26,904 42 4 8,968 Abdul 47,3 20,48 270 18 Hameed Old Green Mandi 20,480 2,242 26,904 84 0 26,904 Rao Muhammad 32,2 21,14 271 19 Anwar Old Green Mandi 10,068 1,846 22,152 20 4 11,076 Maqsood 38,1 31,58 272 20 Ahmed Old Green Mandi 11,916 2,185 26,220 36 1 6,555 Doctor Muhammad 75,2 61,75 273 1 Arshid Faisal Markeet 42,852 2,701 32,412 64 9 13,505 Doctor Muhammad 83,5 27,84 274 3 Arshid Faisal Markeet - 6,960 83,520 20 0 55,680 Doctor Muhammad 81,1 74,38 275 4 Arshid Faisal Markeet - 6,762 81,144 44 2 6,762


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and 78,6 72,12 276 5 Nazir Ahmed Faisal Markeet - 6,557 78,684 84 7 6,557 Muhamma Saqib ,Tahir 71,3 59,44 277 6 Mehmood Faisal Markeet - 5,944 71,328 28 0 11,888 78,6 72,12 278 7 Rashid Amin Faisal Markeet - 6,557 78,684 84 7 6,557 Abdul 119, 91,58 279 8 Shakoor Faisal Markeet 35,948 6,955 83,460 408 8 27,820 Hamayon 27,7 13,87 280 9 Aziz Faisal Markeet - 2,313 27,756 56 8 13,878 Syed Toqeer 79,3 63,26 281 10 Hussain Faisal Markeet 15,038 5,359 64,308 46 9 16,077 Ghulam 118, 88,12 282 11 Shabir Faisal Markeet 44,904 6,174 74,088 992 2 30,870 Muhammad 112, 78,92 283 12 Asif Faisal Markeet 45,476 5,574 66,888 364 0 33,444 Muhammad 55,1 47,94 284 13 Riaz Faisal Markeet 26,268 2,408 28,896 64 0 7,224 Ghulam 107, 90,70 285 14 Mustfa Faisal Markeet 40,536 5,574 66,888 424 2 16,722 Ghulam 29,8 24,87 286 16 Mustfa Faisal Markeet - 2,487 29,844 44 0 4,974 Hamayon 40,3 26,49 287 17 Aziz Faisal Markeet 12,618 2,313 27,756 74 6 13,878 Muhammad 36,2 33,22 288 1 Saleem Chongi No.3 - 3,020 36,240 40 0 3,020 90,5 31,35 289 2 Zeshan Chongi No.6 68,320 1,852 22,224 44 7 59,187 Muhammad Conteen Children 36,0 27,06 290 3 Arshid Park - 3,007 36,084 84 3 9,021 New Fruit Green 69,2 35,85 291 3 Javed Gulzar Mandi 25,751 3,625 43,500 51 3 33,398 New Fruit Green 993, 64,66 928,46 292 8-A Tasleem Raza Mandi 993,127 - - 127 5 2 New Fruit Green 154, 139,6 293 8-B Naeem Raza Mandi 154,665 - - 665 65 15,000 Sardar 15,6 294 1 Muhammad Pull Bazar 1,100 1,210 14,520 20 4,730 10,890 Muhammad 14,5 10,89 295 2 Younis Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 0 3,630 Mehmood 14,5 296 4 Ahmed Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 3,630 10,890 27,7 13,20 297 5 Abdul Jabar Pull Bazar 13,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 14,520 Abdul Jabar 27,7 20,46 298 6 Aftab Pull Bazar 13,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 Muhammad 31,6 10,98 299 7 Rafique Pull Bazar 9,900 1,815 21,780 80 9 20,691 55

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Rana Muhammad 41,5 30,69 300 8 Ashraf Pull Bazar 19,800 1,815 21,780 80 0 10,890 27,7 301 9 Naser Iqbal Pull Bazar 13,200 1,210 14,520 20 9,900 17,820 Mehmood 27,7 13,20 302 10 Ahmed Pull Bazar 13,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 14,520 Muhammad 14,5 303 12 Anwar Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 7,260 7,260 Zahoor 14,5 304 13 Ahmed Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 7,260 7,260 24,4 23,21 305 14 Abdul Qayum Pull Bazar 9,900 1,210 14,520 20 0 1,210 Muhammad 27,7 25,30 306 15 Iqbal Pull Bazar 13,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 2,420 Muhammad 25,5 307 16 Shahid Pull Bazar 11,000 1,210 14,520 20 7,700 17,820 Mureed 18,9 12,87 308 17 Hussain Pull Bazar 4,400 1,210 14,520 20 0 6,050 Ghulam 21,1 15,07 309 18 Sarwar Pull Bazar 6,600 1,210 14,520 20 0 6,050 25,5 310 19 Javed Iqbal Pull Bazar 11,000 1,210 14,520 20 9,900 15,620 21,1 13,80 311 20 Nazar Hussain Pull Bazar 6,600 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,320 Muhammad 21,1 13,86 312 21 Sadiq Pull Bazar 6,600 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 14,5 313 22 Shokat Ali Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 7,260 7,260 21,7 14,46 314 23 Barkat Ali Pull Bazar 7,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 21,7 10,89 315 24 Hafiz Ahmed Pull Bazar - 1,815 21,780 80 0 10,890 Muhammad 21,7 316 25 Ashraf Pull Bazar 7,200 1,210 14,520 20 7,200 14,520 Ghulam 21,7 14,46 317 26 Shabir Pull Bazar 7,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 24,9 17,66 318 27 Zafar Iqbal Pull Bazar 10,400 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 21,1 13,86 319 28 Sana Ullah Pull Bazar 6,600 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 Abdul 27,7 20,46 320 29 Rasheed Pull Bazar 13,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 Jan 14,5 10,89 321 31 Muhammad Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 0 3,630 14,5 10,89 322 32 Abdul Khaliq Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 0 3,630 27,7 16,83 323 34 Bashir Ahmed Pull Bazar 13,200 1,210 14,520 20 0 10,890 56

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhammad 21,1 13,86 324 35 Hanif Pull Bazar 6,600 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 14,5 325 36 Rehmat Ali Pull Bazar - 1,210 14,520 20 7,260 7,260 21,1 13,86 326 37 Rehmat Ali Pull Bazar 6,600 1,210 14,520 20 0 7,260 Muhammad 26,6 15,73 327 40 Razaq Pull Bazar 12,100 1,210 14,520 20 0 10,890 34,9 20,40 328 41 Ashiq Hussain Pull Bazar 20,400 1,210 14,520 20 0 14,520 Muhammad 23,0 15,12 329 2 Asghar Circular Road 7,200 1,320 15,840 40 0 7,920 45,3 39,42 330 4 Niyaz Rasool Circular Road 21,600 1,980 23,760 60 0 5,940 Khadim 23,0 15,12 331 5 Hussain Circular Road 7,200 1,320 15,840 40 0 7,920 Muhammad 15,8 332 6 Saleem Circular Road 40 1,320 15,840 80 7,960 7,920 Muhammad 23,0 333 8 Ali Circular Road 7,200 1,320 15,840 40 7,200 15,840 Muhammad 31,7 19,83 334 9 Sharif Circular Road 15,876 1,320 15,840 16 6 11,880 Muhammad 28,2 21,69 335 11 Younis Circular Road 12,396 1,320 15,840 36 6 6,540 Muhammad 23,0 15,12 336 13 Yousaf Circular Road 7,200 1,320 15,840 40 0 7,920 Muhammad 24,5 337 14 Shofique Circular Road 8,676 1,320 15,840 16 9,996 14,520 Naseer 30,4 14,64 338 15 Ahmed Circular Road 14,646 1,320 15,840 86 6 15,840 Khalid 34,2 24,99 339 16 Mehmood Circular Road 18,396 1,320 15,840 36 6 9,240 17,3 340 17 Tahir Hussain Circular Road 1,476 1,320 15,840 16 9,396 7,920 Muhammad 29,5 17,67 341 18 Sadique Circular Road 13,716 1,320 15,840 56 6 11,880 Khalid 34,2 26,31 342 19 Sadique Circular Road 18,396 1,320 15,840 36 6 7,920 Muhammad 24,5 17,91 343 20 Tahir Circular Road 8,676 1,320 15,840 16 6 6,600 34,5 10,80 344 25 Asif Nadeem Circular Road 10,800 1,980 23,760 60 0 23,760 23,7 345 26 Asif Nadeem Circular Road - 1,980 23,760 60 2,000 21,760 24,5 346 27 Asif Nadeem Circular Road 8,676 1,320 15,840 16 8,676 15,840 Muhammad 31,6 347 28 Akram Circular Road 15,846 1,320 15,840 86 9,846 21,840


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Muhammad 20,6 18,00 348 30 Younis Circular Road 4,800 1,320 15,840 40 0 2,640 23,0 349 33 Haji Bakar Circular Road 7,200 1,320 15,840 40 7,200 15,840 46,8 36,24 350 35 Shabir Ahmed Circular Road 30,960 1,320 15,840 00 0 10,560 Muhammad 15,8 11,88 351 38 Riaz Naeem Circular Road - 1,320 15,840 40 0 3,960 19,4 15,48 352 39 Zafar Islam Circular Road 3,600 1,320 15,840 40 0 3,960 30,2 22,32 353 40 Zulfqar Ali Circular Road 14,400 1,320 15,840 40 0 7,920 Mist. Jamila 16,5 11,31 354 41 Bibi Circular Road 756 1,320 15,840 96 6 5,280 Muhammad 24,5 16,65 355 43 Saleem Circular Road 8,676 1,320 15,840 16 6 7,860 Sufi Muhammad 23,0 15,12 356 45 Hanif Circular Road 7,200 1,320 15,840 40 0 7,920 Ali 15,8 10,56 357 47 Muhammad Circular Road - 1,320 15,840 40 0 5,280 Mirza Tariq 38,9 30,99 358 48 Aziz Circular Road 23,076 1,320 15,840 16 6 7,920 Muhammad 25,4 21,48 359 49 Rauf Circular Road 9,600 1,320 15,840 40 0 3,960 Sheikh Nazar 25,4 14,88 360 50 Hussain Circular Road 9,600 1,320 15,840 40 0 10,560 22,4 19,80 361 51 Bashir Ahmed Circular Road 6,600 1,320 15,840 40 0 2,640 Bus Stand A 104, 98,17 362 2 M. Nawaz 66,324 3,185 38,220 544 4 6,370 Shahid Amin Bus Stand A 36,278 2,127 S/o Sardar 61,8 34,34 363 3 25,524 02 4 27,458 Shahid Amin Bus Stand A 46,888 2,127 S/o Sardar 72,4 70,28 364 5 25,524 12 5 2,127 Mian Ghulam Bus Stand A 40,788 2,127 66,3 15,82 365 6 Dastgir 25,524 12 2 50,490 Mian Ghulam Bus Stand A 70,388 2,127 95,9 26,08 366 7 Dastgir 25,524 12 4 69,828 Muhammad Bus Stand A 65,184 2,127 90,7 65,18 367 8 Sharif 25,524 08 4 25,524 Miraj Gil Bus Stand A 51,768 2,127 77,2 51,76 368 9 25,524 92 8 25,524 Abdul Bus Stand A 25,490 2,127 51,0 10,01 369 10 Hameed Khan 25,524 14 8 40,996 Bus Stand A 49,0 23,55 370 11 Iqbal Hussain 23,540 2,127 25,524 64 0 25,514


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Rana Abdl Bus Stand A 59,2 29,88 371 12 Razaq 33,756 2,127 25,524 80 8 29,392 Bus Stand A 78,3 54,93 372 13 Malik Autos 52,805 2,127 25,524 29 2 23,397 Saif ur Bus Stand A 34,1 29,84 373 14 Rehman 8,577 2,127 25,524 01 7 4,254 Bus Stand A 87,9 17,01 374 15 M. Akram 62,442 2,127 25,524 66 8 70,948 Bus Stand A 59,2 33,75 375 16 Saif Ul Din 33,756 2,127 25,524 80 6 25,524 Abdul Bus Stand A 39,0 26,30 376 17 Ghafoor 13,538 2,127 25,524 62 0 12,762 M. Arshad Bus Stand A 27,4 14,69 377 18 Bhati 1,934 2,127 25,524 58 6 12,762 Mulazim Bus Stand A 48,7 25,33 378 19 Hussain 23,208 2,127 25,524 32 5 23,397 Bus Stand A 37,1 22,23 379 20 Asif Saleem 11,604 2,127 25,524 28 9 14,889 Malik Raheem Bus Stand B 24,6 11,72 380 1 Bux 11,724 1,075 12,900 24 4 12,900 Malik Raheem Bus Stand B 24,6 11,72 381 2 Bux 11,724 1,075 12,900 24 4 12,900 Malik Raheem Bus Stand B 24,6 11,72 382 3 Bux 11,724 1,075 12,900 24 4 12,900 Bus Stand B 11,3 383 4 M. Aslam 2,628 723 8,676 04 6,966 4,338 Mian Bus Stand B Muahmmad 15,3 11,00 384 5 shafi 6,666 723 8,676 42 4 4,338 Mian Bus Stand B Muhamad 30,2 21,56 385 7 Ashfaq 21,564 723 8,676 40 4 8,676 Faqir Bus Stand B Muhammad 19,0 14,87 386 8 Sajid 9,060 831 9,972 32 7 4,155 Bus Stand B 22,6 387 9 Noor Hotal 12,722 831 9,972 94 7,000 15,694 Bus Stand B 15,2 388 10 Shokat Sheikh 6,570 723 8,676 46 5,256 9,990 Bus Stand B 16,5 389 12 Sohail Iqbal 7,884 723 8,676 60 7,884 8,676 Bus Stand B 16,5 390 13 Shakeel Iqbal 7,884 723 8,676 60 7,884 8,676 Bus Stand B 14,5 391 14 Sheikh Nizam 5,913 723 8,676 89 5,913 8,676 Bus Stand B 27,2 392 15 Ikram Shah 18,546 723 8,676 22 9,468 17,754 Ch. Abdul Bus Stand B 17,9 12,85 393 16 Rehman 9,239 723 8,676 15 4 5,061 59

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Khalid Bus Stand B 29,9 394 17 Electrician 21,250 723 8,676 26 5,201 24,725 Bus Stand B 33,7 12,42 395 18 Abdul Jabar 25,084 723 8,676 60 4 21,336 Bus Stand B 40,0 23,48 396 19 Haji Zulifqar 31,364 723 8,676 40 0 16,560 Rana Arshad Bus Stand B 32,4 17,83 397 20 Ahmed 23,744 723 8,676 20 1 14,589 Bus Stand B 36,6 398 21 M. Sarwar 27,982 723 8,676 58 9,676 26,982 Mistri Bus Stand B Muhammad 28,4 10,06 399 22 Sadique 19,737 723 8,676 13 2 18,351 Bus Stand B 16,5 400 23 M. Bashir 7,884 723 8,676 60 5,256 11,304 Bus Stand B 16,5 401 24 Abdl Jabar 7,884 723 8,676 60 7,884 8,676 Bus Stand B 18,2 402 25 M. Rafique 9,564 723 8,676 40 6,936 11,304 Bus Stand B 11,9 403 27 M. Nawaz 3,285 723 8,676 61 7,623 4,338 Bus Stand B 11,9 404 28 M. Nawaz 3,258 723 8,676 34 7,596 4,338 Bus Stand B 17,7 405 29 M. Ashraf 9,063 723 8,676 39 5,136 12,603 Bus Stand B 15,9 11,56 406 30 Qasim Ali 7,227 723 8,676 03 5 4,338 Bus Stand B 12,6 407 31 M. Afzal 3,942 723 8,676 18 8,280 4,338 Bus Stand B 33,2 24,52 408 32 M. Afzal 24,528 723 8,676 04 8 8,676 Bus Stand B 23,7 15,04 409 33 Bagh Ali 15,048 723 8,676 24 8 8,676 Abdul Bus Stand C 54,766 1,837 76,8 54,76 410 1 Hameed Khan 22,044 10 6 22,044 Abdul Bus Stand C 66,166 1,837 88,2 25,15 411 2 Hameed Khan 22,044 10 0 63,060 Abdul Ghafar Bus Stand C 71,541 1,837 93,5 20,00 412 3 Abid 22,044 85 0 73,585 Munir Ahmed Bus Stand C 94,166 1,837 S/O Ismail 116, 58,94 413 4 22,044 210 6 57,264 Abdul Star Bus Stand C 66,496 1,837 88,5 53,13 414 5 22,044 40 4 35,406 Mubashar Bus Stand C 80,592 1,837 Hasan Qureshi 102, 49,92 415 6 22,044 636 6 52,710 Mubashar Bus Stand C 62,766 1,837 Hasan Qureshi 84,8 49,40 416 7 22,044 10 6 35,404 60

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Ustad Ramzan Bus Stand C 15,646 1,837 37,6 21,15 417 8 22,044 90 7 16,533 M. Sohaib Bus Stand C 10,020 1,837 32,0 21,04 418 10 Iqbal 22,044 64 2 11,022 Adnan Ahmed Bus Stand C 36,536 1,837 58,5 45,72 419 11 22,044 80 1 12,859 M. Bashir Bus Stand C 65,676 1,837 87,7 65,67 420 12 22,044 20 6 22,044 Abdul Bus Stand C 80,676 1,837 Ghafoor S/O 102, 14,83 421 14 Munshi 22,044 720 5 87,885 M.Javed Bus Stand C 49,626 1,837 71,6 58,81 422 15 22,044 70 1 12,859 M.Azhar Bus Stand C 10,020 1,837 32,0 423 17 22,044 64 6,680 25,384 Saeed Amir Allama Iqbal - 1,713 20,5 15,41 424 2 Markeet 20,556 56 7 5,139 M. Rafique Allama Iqbal 1,557 1,713 22,1 18,68 425 4 Azhar Markeet 20,556 13 7 3,426 Abdul Star Allama Iqbal 12,174 1,713 32,7 426 5 Markeet 20,556 30 5,946 26,784 Allama Iqbal 11,8 427 6 Goreeja Khan Markeet - 990 11,880 80 6,930 4,950 Allama Iqbal 9,00 428 13 M. Akbar Markeet - 750 9,000 0 6,750 2,250 Allama Iqbal 20,5 15,41 429 27 Habib Ahmed Markeet - 1,713 20,556 56 7 5,139 Allama Iqbal 29,8 19,62 430 28 Ahsan Javed Markeet 9,342 1,713 20,556 98 0 10,278 Allama Iqbal 39,2 27,24 431 30 Ahsan Saber Markeet 18,684 1,713 20,556 40 9 11,991 Allama Iqbal 39,2 28,96 432 31 Saber Hussain Markeet 18,684 1,713 20,556 40 2 10,278 Allama Iqbal 33,1 15,98 433 32 Munir Ahemd Markeet 12,556 1,713 20,556 12 2 17,130 Allama Iqbal 37,6 22,26 434 33 M. Ramzan Markeet 17,127 1,713 20,556 83 6 15,417 Arshad Allama Iqbal 29,8 14,48 435 34 Ahemd Markeet 9,342 1,713 20,556 98 1 15,417 Allama Iqbal 19,2 10,28 436 16 M. Idrese Markeet 1,354 1,489 17,868 22 8 8,934 Mehmood Allama Iqbal 34,4 25,09 437 17 Ahmed Markeet 6,378 2,339 28,068 46 0 9,356 Allama Iqbal 19,8 15,04 438 18 M. Yousaf Markeet 5,450 1,199 14,388 38 2 4,796 Allama Iqbal 21,5 16,63 439 19 Fazal Kareem Markeet 6,744 1,236 14,832 76 2 4,944 Allama Iqbal 14,7 440 20 Aleem Abid Markeet 4,384 860 10,320 04 9,544 5,160 61

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Allama Iqbal 16,5 441 21 Umar Draz Markeet 2,174 1,196 14,352 26 9,350 7,176 Numan Allama Iqbal 16,4 13,27 442 22 Naseer Markeet 3,820 1,051 12,612 32 9 3,153 Haji Allama Iqbal Muhammad Markeet 20,2 443 24 Akram 7,640 1,051 12,612 52 7,640 12,612 Khalid Allama Iqbal 35,7 24,99 444 39 Shofique Markeet 14,260 1,789 21,468 28 4 10,734 Allama Iqbal 16,7 445 40 M. Gulzar Markeet - 1,398 16,776 76 8,388 8,388 Allama Iqbal 19,3 12,72 446 43 Sajid Ali Markeet 6,060 1,111 13,332 92 6 6,666 Allama Iqbal 67,4 29,82 447 44 M. Amin Markeet 34,777 2,723 32,676 53 7 37,626 Ghulam Allama Iqbal 21,2 11,74 448 45 Fareed Markeet 8,595 1,051 12,612 07 8 9,459 Allama Iqbal 11,0 449 46 Riaz Ahmed Markeet 2,046 750 9,000 46 6,546 4,500 Allama Iqbal 74,9 56,80 450 50 M. Ahsan Markeet 23,424 4,294 51,528 52 4 18,148 Basti Saood Abad 9,45 451 1 M. Mousa 6,000 288 3,456 6 2,856 6,600 Basti Saood Abad 15,4 452 2 Shokat Ali 12,000 288 3,456 56 4,932 10,524 Basti Saood Abad 22,9 10,92 453 4 Abdul Ghani 19,516 288 3,456 72 4 12,048 Abdul Basti Saood Abad 19,6 16,19 454 5 Ghafoor 16,194 288 3,456 50 4 3,456 Basti Saood Abad 5,55 455 11 Taj Din 2,096 288 3,456 2 4,688 864 Basti Saood Abad 4,24 456 12 M. Qasim 786 288 3,456 2 3,378 864 Basti Saood Abad 14,5 457 13 Taj Din 11,052 288 3,456 08 7,908 6,600 Basti Saood Abad 27,5 21,92 458 14 Zafar Iqbal 24,102 288 3,456 58 2 5,636 Basti Saood Abad 6,60 459 15 Bagh Ali 3,144 288 3,456 0 2,358 4,242 Ashfaq Basti Saood Abad 18,8 460 16 Ahmed 15,394 288 3,456 50 7,450 11,400 Basti Saood Abad 5,02 461 17 Latif Raza 1,572 288 3,456 8 3,300 1,728 Basti Saood Abad 4,64 462 18 M. Sharif 1,192 288 3,456 8 2,920 1,728 Basti Saood Abad 13,9 463 19 Liaqat Ali 10,472 288 3,456 28 7,968 5,960 Basti Saood Abad 28,6 13,01 464 23 Jamal Din 25,226 288 3,456 82 0 15,672 62

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Basti Saood Abad 4,24 465 24 Amanat Ali 786 288 3,456 2 3,666 576 Hasan Basti Saood Abad 5,55 466 27 Muhammad 2,096 288 3,456 2 3,248 2,304 Basti Saood Abad 6,60 467 31 Gulzar Ahemd 3,144 288 3,456 0 4,872 1,728 Mehboob Basti Saood Abad 14,3 468 33 Ahmed 10,860 288 3,456 16 5,000 9,316 Basti Saood Abad 12,0 469 34 Abdul Latif 8,592 288 3,456 48 8,068 3,980 Basti Saood Abad 9,02 470 38 Saeed Ahmed 5,566 288 3,456 2 3,994 5,028 Liaqat Road 25,3 16,63 471 1 Ghulam Nabi 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 2 8,712 Liaqat Road 25,3 472 2 Ghulam Nabi 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 7,920 17,424 Liaqat Road 25,3 18,08 473 4 Abid Ali 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 4 7,260 Liaqat Road 25,3 474 5 Ghulam Nabi 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 7,920 17,424 Liaqat Road 25,3 475 6 Ghulam Nabi 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 7,920 17,424 Liaqat Road 18,7 476 7 M. Ahmed 1,320 1,452 17,424 44 4,224 14,520 Liaqat Road 25,3 16,63 477 8 Nadeem Iqbal 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 2 8,712 Zahid Liaqat Road 25,3 16,63 478 9 Shofique 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 2 8,712 Rashid Liaqat Road 25,3 479 10 Shofique 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 7,920 17,424 Liaqat Road 25,3 19,53 480 11 Asif Shofique 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 6 5,808 Liaqat Road 17,4 13,06 481 14 Nazar Masood - 1,452 17,424 24 8 4,356 Abdul Liaqat Road 26,1 13,06 482 16 Shokoor - 2,178 26,136 36 8 13,068 Ishtiyaq Liaqat Road 25,3 16,63 483 17 Ahmed 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 2 8,712 Abdul Liaqat Road 17,4 484 18 Shakoor - 1,452 17,424 24 8,712 8,712 Liaqat Road 17,4 15,97 485 19 Zulfqar Ali - 1,452 17,424 24 2 1,452 Liaqat Road 17,4 486 21 Amanat Ali - 1,452 17,424 24 8,712 8,712 Liaqat Road 17,4 13,06 487 22 Arshid Ali - 1,452 17,424 24 8 4,356 Liaqat Road 25,3 488 23 Taj Din 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 5,280 20,064


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Liaqat Road 26,6 23,76 489 24 Anwar Ali 9,240 1,452 17,424 64 0 2,904 Rasheed Liaqat Road 57,0 490 25 Ahmed 30,960 2,178 26,136 96 5,400 51,696 Husina Liaqat Road 36,8 491 26 Begum 19,440 1,452 17,424 64 7,200 29,664 Liaqat Road 25,3 13,72 492 27 Nazir Ahmed 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 8 11,616 Liaqat Road 30,6 13,20 493 28 Bashir Ahmed 13,200 1,452 17,424 24 0 17,424 Liaqat Road 25,3 494 29 M. Afzal 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 7,920 17,424 Shah Liaqat Road 25,3 16,63 495 30 Muhammad 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 2 8,712 Waheed Liaqat Road 25,3 16,63 496 31 Anjum 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 2 8,712 Musharf Liaqat Road 25,3 22,44 497 33 Saeed 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 0 2,904 Abdul Liaqat Road 25,3 16,63 498 34 Waheed 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 2 8,712 Liaqat Road 25,3 20,98 499 35 Ejaz Ahmed 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 8 4,356 Liaqat Road 22,7 500 36 M. Jameel 5,280 1,452 17,424 04 2,640 20,064 Faiz Liaqat Road Muhammad 25,3 501 37 Nadeem 7,920 1,452 17,424 44 7,920 17,424 Shami Raod Hospital side 24,9 18,41 502 4 Bashir Ahmed 11,880 1,089 13,068 48 4 6,534 Shami Raod Hospital side 21,0 503 5 Shabir Ahmed 7,940 1,089 13,068 08 9,207 11,801 Shami Raod Hospital side 21,0 504 6 Shabir Ahmed 7,940 1,089 13,068 08 9,207 11,801 Shami Raod Hospital side 27,6 14,61 505 7 Abdul Ghafar 14,612 1,089 13,068 80 2 13,068 Shami Raod Afhaq Hospital side 35,7 33,60 506 8 Husssian 22,680 1,089 13,068 48 2 2,146 Shami Raod Hospital side 13,0 507 10 M. Shakeel - 1,089 13,068 68 6,534 6,534 Shami Raod Hospital side 19,0 12,47 508 11 Abbas Ali 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 4 6,534 Shami Raod Hospital side 32,7 26,21 509 12 M. Khalid 19,680 1,089 13,068 48 4 6,534 64

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Shami Raod Hospital side 30,7 19,85 510 13 Abdul Razaq 17,680 1,089 13,068 48 8 10,890 Shami Raod Hospital side 15,0 511 14 Ghazanfar Ali 1,980 1,089 13,068 48 9,603 5,445 Shami Raod Iftikahar Hospital side 16,0 512 16 Ahmed 2,970 1,089 13,068 38 8,415 7,623 Shami Raod Hospital side 19,0 12,47 513 17 M. Amir 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 4 6,534 Shami Raod Ahmed Ahsan Hospital side 22,2 13,53 514 18 Shaker 9,180 1,089 13,068 48 6 8,712 Shami Raod Muhammad Hospital side 19,0 12,47 515 19 Amir 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 4 6,534 Shami Raod Iftikahar Hospital side 19,0 516 20 Ahmed 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 5,940 13,068 Shami Raod Hamza Ali Hospital side 21,9 517 21 Khilji 8,910 1,089 13,068 78 9,999 11,979 Shami Raod Muhammad Hospital side 17,0 14,85 518 25 Yousaf 3,960 1,089 13,068 28 0 2,178 Shami Raod Hospital side 24,9 11,88 519 27 M.Tariq 11,880 1,089 13,068 48 0 13,068 Shami Raod Hospital side 13,0 10,89 520 28 M. Khalid - 1,089 13,068 68 0 2,178 Shami Raod Hospital side 19,0 521 29 Javed Ashiq 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 9,207 9,801 Shami Raod M. Ahmed Hospital side 35,7 20,70 522 31 Khan 22,680 1,089 13,068 48 0 15,048 Shami Raod Hospital side 13,0 523 32 Munir Ahmed - 1,089 13,068 68 6,534 6,534 Shami Raod Hospital side 13,0 524 33 M. Tofail - 1,089 13,068 68 4,356 8,712 Shami Raod Hospital side 19,0 17,91 525 36 Saber Ali 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 9 1,089 Shami Raod Ghulam Hospital side 13,0 526 37 Hussain - 1,089 13,068 68 6,534 6,534 Shami Raod Ghulalm Hospital side 26,7 527 38 Rasool 13,680 1,089 13,068 48 9,720 17,028 65

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Shami Raod Hospital side 16,9 528 40 M. Yousaf 3,915 1,089 13,068 83 3,915 13,068 Shami Raod Hospital side 20,7 529 41 Gulzar Ahemd 7,680 1,089 13,068 48 6,680 14,068 Shami Raod Hospital side 25,7 530 43 Hasan Din 12,680 1,089 13,068 48 3,770 21,978 Shami Raod Amir Naeem Hospital side 19,0 531 44 Khan 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 9,207 9,801 Mubashar Shami Raod Bagh 28,7 532 4 Nazir side 15,680 1,089 13,068 48 4,790 23,958 Shami Raod Bagh 19,0 12,47 533 7 M. Sharif side 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 4 6,534 Shami Raod Bagh 35,7 16,74 534 8 Gulzar Ahemd side 22,680 1,089 13,068 48 0 19,008 Shami Raod Bagh 35,7 10,80 535 9 Shahid Iqbal side 22,680 1,089 13,068 48 0 24,948 Muhammad Shami Raod Bagh 22,9 16,43 536 10 Imran side 9,900 1,089 13,068 68 4 6,534 Hafiz Abdul Shami Raod Bagh 13,0 537 11 Hameed side - 1,089 13,068 68 3,267 9,801 Shami Raod Bagh 13,0 10,89 538 12 Abdul Jabar side - 1,089 13,068 68 0 2,178 Shami Raod Bagh 35,7 29,21 539 15 Sughran Bibi side 22,680 1,089 13,068 48 4 6,534 Shami Raod Bagh 24,9 22,77 540 16 Amir Shehzad side 11,880 1,089 13,068 48 0 2,178 Shami Raod Bagh 23,9 10,96 541 18 M. Mustfa side 10,890 1,089 13,068 58 0 12,998 Shami Raod Bagh 24,9 11,88 542 19 Abdul Kareem side 11,880 1,089 13,068 48 0 13,068 Safdar Shami Raod Bagh 33,7 543 20 Hussain side 20,680 1,089 13,068 48 9,790 23,958 Shami Raod Bagh 19,0 12,47 544 21 M. Sadique side 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 4 6,534 Shami Raod Bagh 22,9 16,43 545 22 Faiz Ul Haq side 9,900 1,089 13,068 68 4 6,534 Shami Raod Bagh 35,7 21,69 546 24 Arif Ali side 22,680 1,089 13,068 48 0 14,058 Shami Raod Bagh 19,0 15,74 547 25 M. Arshid side 5,940 1,089 13,068 08 1 3,267 Mohallah Eid Ga 5,37 548 3 M. Sadique 708 389 4,668 6 4,200 1,176 Mohallah Eid Ga 12,7 549 5 M. Munsha 8,112 389 4,668 80 8,112 4,668 Mohallah Eid Ga 19,4 550 6 Umar Din 14,822 389 4,668 90 8,642 10,848 66

Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and Sheikh M. Mohallah Eid Ga 12,7 551 7 Riaz 8,112 389 4,668 80 3,864 8,916 Mohallah Eid Ga 18,0 10,21 552 9 M. Amin 13,402 389 4,668 70 6 7,854 Mohallah Eid Ga 12,7 10,44 553 11 Nadar Ali 8,112 389 4,668 80 6 2,334 Mohallah Eid Ga 12,7 10,44 554 12 M. Rafique 8,112 389 4,668 80 6 2,334 Mohallah Eid Ga 12,7 10,44 555 13 Abdul Latif 8,112 389 4,668 80 6 2,334 Mistri Bashir Mohallah Eid Ga 12,7 10,44 556 14 Ahmed 8,112 389 4,668 80 6 2,334 Mohallah Eid Ga 7,50 557 15 M. Shahid 2,832 389 4,668 0 3,999 3,501 Mohallah Eid Ga 5,79 558 16 Gulzar Ahemd 1,124 389 4,668 2 3,458 2,334 Mohallah Eid Ga 11,1 559 17 Zia Rasheed 6,480 389 4,668 48 5,064 6,084 Mohallah Eid Ga 6,79 560 18 Abdul Latif 2,124 389 4,668 2 4,458 2,334 Mohallah Eid Ga 14,6 561 19 M. Ramzan 11,472 262 3,144 16 4,000 10,616 Mohallah Eid Ga 10,4 562 23 Allah Rakha 7,321 262 3,144 65 7,321 3,144 Mohallah Eid Ga 8,59 563 30 Riaz Ahmed 5,448 262 3,144 2 2,592 6,000 Mohallah Eid Ga 8,59 564 31 Abdul Razaq 5,448 262 3,144 2 2,592 6,000 Mohallah Eid Ga 9,12 565 32 M. Javed 5,984 262 3,144 8 3,128 6,000 Mohallah Eid Ga 6,00 566 33 Arshid Ali 2,856 262 3,144 0 2,856 3,144 Mohallah Eid Ga 15,0 567 35 Awais Nazir 11,908 262 3,144 52 4,016 11,036 Mohallah Eid Ga 15,5 568 36 Fazal Kareem 12,444 262 3,144 88 5,028 10,560 Sheikh M. 137, 79,31 569 2 Naeem Jinnah Markeet 108,924 2,357 28,284 208 2 57,896 Sheikh M. 101, 51,04 570 3 Ajmal Jinnah Markeet 74,853 2,182 26,184 037 5 49,992 48,5 30,97 571 4 Wajid Hafeez Jinnah Markeet 30,972 1,464 17,568 40 2 17,568 34,0 19,91 572 5 Wajid Hafeez Jinnah Markeet 19,916 1,181 14,172 88 6 14,172 67,4 14,92 573 6 Imtiaz Ahmed Jinnah Markeet 55,556 992 11,904 60 7 52,533 97,5 12,60 574 9 Miraj Din Jinnah Markeet 80,600 1,409 16,908 08 0 84,908


Tota Mont Total l D&C Arrear hly Sr. Name of Deman Arre Reco Balan Register Address 30.06.1 Rent No. Allottee d 2013- ar + very ce Sr. No. 3 2013- 14 Dem 14 and M. Jamsheed 59,9 17,45 575 12 Iqbal Jinnah Markeet 47,096 1,075 12,900 96 3 42,543 69,6 22,77 576 15 M. Ashraf Jinnah Markeet 57,902 980 11,760 62 1 46,891 55,7 55,44 577 32 Aftab Ahmed Jinnah Markeet 43,308 1,037 12,444 52 1 311 15,066 Total ,000



[Para No.]

Non-recovery of Urban Land Rent – Rs 9.827 million (Amount in Rupees) Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 1 Khalid Sharif etc 141,600 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 141,600 Shabir Ahmed 2 Labrarian 47,520 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 47,520 Muhammad Tariq 3 S/O Ismail 11,400 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 11,400 Abdul Rasheed S/O Muhammad 4 Hussain 29,520 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 29,520 Zulfiqar , Iftikhar 5 etc 22,320 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 22,320 Abdul star S/O 6 Ismail 110,640 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 110,640 Muhammad 7 Qayum S/O taj Din 66,120 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 66,120 Abdul Malik S/O 8 Abullah 4,680 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 4,680 Amir Javed S/O Muhammd 9 Rafique 55,680 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 55,680 Tariq Javed S/O Muhammad 10 Saddique 13,200 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 13,200 Nader Hussain S/O 11 Abdul Hameed 29,760 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 29,760 Muhammad Latif S/O Muhammad 13 Sajad 100,440 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 100,440 Muhammd Ramzan , 14 Muhammad Irfan 146,160 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 146,160 Muhammad Saleem S/O Fatih 15 Muhammad 25,920 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 25,920 69

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Muhammad Amin 16 Jutt 56,160 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 56,160 17 Ghlam Rasool 58,080 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 58,080 18 Muhammad Ismail 74,400 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 74,400 19 Haji Akbar Ali 91,200 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 91,200 20 Irfan Rasheed 38,400 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 38,400 21 Ali Raza 26,880 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 26,880 Muhammad 22 Saleem Jutt 9,600 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 9,600 Muhammad Amin 23 Jutt 24,000 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 24,000 24 Tahir Ali 16,800 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 16,800 25 Habib Ahmed 20,400 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 20,400 26 Tariq Mehmood 24,000 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 24,000 27 Arshid Ali 15,360 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 15,360 28 Ashiq Hussain 8,100 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 8,100 29 Muhammad Aslam 20,520 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 20,520 30 Ata Muhammad 87,360 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 87,360 Mian Saeed 31 Ahmed 14,040 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 14,040 Muhammad 32 Younis 25,920 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 25,920 33 Asghar Ali 15,840 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 15,840 34 Abdul Hafiz 10,920 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 10,920 35 Adnan Ashraf etc 26,040 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 26,040 36 Nazar Hussain 15,960 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 15,960 37 Nadeem , Saleem 26,400 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 26,400 38 Ghulam Nabi 4,560 Faisal Town 130/15-L - 4,560 39 Muhammad Sharif 5,940 Pul Bazar - 5,940 40 Rana Arshid Ali 11,880 Pul Bazar - 11,880 Nazir Ahmed 41 Kambo 11,340 Pul Bazar - 11,340 42 Muhammad Ali 11,880 Pul Bazar - 11,880 43 Naseer Ahmed 2,970 Pul Bazar - 2,970


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 44 Ch. Javed 11,380 Pul Bazar - 11,380 45 Muhammad Sharif 26,680 Pul Bazar - 26,680 Muhammad 46 Ahmed Kambo 7,920 Pul Bazar - 7,920 47 Hafiz Ahmed 8,910 Pul Bazar - 8,910 Muhammad 48 Yousaf 5,940 Pul Bazar - 5,940

49 Ghulam Hussain 8,910 Pul Bazar 4,260.00 4,650 Bashir Ahmed Bati 50 etc 22,680 Pul Bazar - 22,680

51 Bilal , Fiyaz 27,792 Pul Bazar 16,992.00 10,800 52 Soofi Abdul Star 3,600 Sircular Road - 3,600 Muhammad Saeed 53 etc 36,080 Sircular Road - 36,080

54 Zulfiqar Ali 16,080 Sircular Road 16,080.00 0 Muhammad 55 Jameel Dulo 10,800 Sircular Road - 10,800

56 Sarfaraz 21,600 Sircular Road 10,800.00 10,800 Dr. Muhammad 57 Idress 59,520 Nishtar Road - 59,520 Malik Nazir 58 Ahmed 19,200 Nishtar Road - 19,200 Muhammad 59 Nawaz 25,080 Nishtar Road - 25,080 60 Nazir Ahmed 30,480 Nishtar Road - 30,480 61 Malik Waheed 14,400 Nishtar Road - 14,400 62 Tahir Hussain 27,360 Nishtar Road - 27,360 Dr. Muhammad 63 Idress 27,360 Nishtar Road - 27,360 Sheikh Sajad 64 Ahmed 18,480 Nishtar Road - 18,480 Sheikh Sajad 65 Ahmed 28,200 Nishtar Road - 28,200 66 Naseem Bibi 31,200 Nishtar Road - 31,200 68 Dr. Saleem Akhtar 19,250 Alama Iqbal Road - 19,250 71

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 69 Ghulam Rabani 49,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 49,000 73 Aftab Mola 45,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 45,000 Muhammad 75 Arshid 66,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 66,000 Shamshad Ali , 77 Qamer ul Zaman 16,320 Alama Iqbal Road - 16,320

80 Nadeem Nazir 9,600 Alama Iqbal Road 3,200.00 6,400 81 Mukhtar Khan 16,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 16,000 Muhammad 82 Suleman 16,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 16,000 83 Aslam Khan 16,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 16,000 84 Ghulam Rasool 28,800 Alama Iqbal Road - 28,800 85 Sohail Ahmed 9,600 Alama Iqbal Road - 9,600 91 Muhamma Jameel 7,680 Alama Iqbal Road - 7,680 92 Saleem Gil 7,680 Alama Iqbal Road - 7,680 94 Muhammad Yasin 15,180 Alama Iqbal Road - 15,180 Abdul Saeed 96 Sheikh 5,760 Alama Iqbal Road - 5,760 97 Riaz , Nawaz 23,040 Alama Iqbal Road - 23,040 99 Abdul Rehman 9,600 Alama Iqbal Road - 9,600 100 Habib Ahmed 14,400 Alama Iqbal Road - 14,400 Suleman Idress 101 Bhuta etc 221,800 Alama Iqbal Road 221,800.00 0 Markazi Anjman 102 Islamia 96,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 96,000 Muslim Leage 103 House 45,120 Alama Iqbal Road - 45,120 Saith Amdad 104 Hussain 10,080 Alama Iqbal Road - 10,080 Saith Amdad 105 Hussain 8,400 Alama Iqbal Road - 8,400 106 Abdul Rasheed 9,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 9,000 107 Arshid Zobair 5,400 Alama Iqbal Road - 5,400 108 Mushtaq Ahmed 7,500 Alama Iqbal Road - 7,500

109 Bashir Ahmed 12,000 Alama Iqbal Road 4,000.00 8,000 72

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 110 Muhammad Bota 12,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 12,000 111 Iqbal Begum 12,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 12,000 112 Muhammad Arif 9,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 9,000 Muhammad 113 Shahid 6,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 6,000 Dr. Tahir , Tariq 114 Aziz 16,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 16,000 115 Shehbana Munwar 24,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 24,000 Muhammad 118 Anwar 9,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 9,000 Muhammad 120 Akmal 6,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 6,000 Ibrahim , Ghulam 123 Murtza 16,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 16,000 Nazar Hussain 124 Kharal 20,700 Alama Iqbal Road - 20,700 Jafer Hussain 125 Kharal 21,600 Alama Iqbal Road - 21,600 126 Ch. Ijaz Ahmed 14,400 Alama Iqbal Road - 14,400 127 Haji Sharif 27,000 Alama Iqbal Road - 27,000 Muhammad 134 Yousaf 9,600 Rail Bazar - 9,600 139 Nasreen Akhtar 2,100 Rail Bazar - 2,100 143 Sultan Ahmed 9,000 Rail Bazar - 9,000 Zafar Iqbal , Tariq 158 Iqbal 12,900 Rail Bazar - 12,900 159 Islam Ul Haq 4,500 Rail Bazar - 4,500 160 Ahsan ul Haq 1,500 Rail Bazar - 1,500 Muhammad Ajmal 162 Tahir 3,600 Rail Bazar - 3,600 Muhammad Aslam 163 , Muhammad Iqbal 6,300 Rail Bazar - 6,300 166 Imran Khan 9,600 Rail Bazar - 9,600

167 Maqsood Ahmed 3,600 Rail Bazar 3,600.00 0 Muhammad 177 Ramzan 7,200 Masjid Bazar - 7,200 179 Abdul Hameed 10,800 Masjid Bazar - 10,800 73

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 180 Bashiran Bibi 10,130 Masjid Bazar - 10,130

181 Malik Naser Javed 10,800 Masjid Bazar 10,800.00 0 184 Hanifan Begum 22,800 Masjid Bazar - 22,800 185 Muhammad Shafi 19,200 Masjid Bazar - 19,200 Ch. Muhammad 186 Waqas 13,800 Masjid Bazar - 13,800 Khushi Muhmmad 188 Zargar 7,200 Masjid Bazar - 7,200 Maqsood Ahmed 193 Zargar 6,300 Masjid Bazar - 6,300 Haji Muhammad 194 Aslam Zargar 4,200 Masjid Bazar - 4,200 195 Liaqat Ali Zargar 15,600 Masjid Bazar - 15,600 200 Muhammad Aslam 1,800 Masjid Bazar - 1,800 Muhammad 205 Iftikhar Jameel 16,800 Masjid Bazar - 16,800 Abdul Hameed 206 S/O Suleman 19,200 Masjid Bazar - 19,200 Muhammad 207 Akram 9,600 Masjid Bazar - 9,600 209 Munir Akbar 32,400 Masjid Bazar - 32,400 Malik Naeem , 210 Asif Nadeem 21,640 Masjid Bazar 5,985.00 15,655 Malik Abdul Majeed , Malik 211 Abdul Rasheed 13,800 Masjid Bazar - 13,800 Malik Abdul Majeed , Malik 212 Abdul Rasheed 13,800 Masjid Bazar - 13,800 Malik Ghulam 213 Mustfa 6,000 Masjid Bazar - 6,000 214 Nazir Ahmed 9,030 Masjid Bazar - 9,030 Malik Khuda 217 Bukhsh 19,350 Masjid Bazar - 19,350 Dr. Muhammad 218 Sadiq Malhi 18,000 Masjid Bazar - 18,000 Dr. Naeed Sadiq 219 Malhi 16,800 Masjid Bazar - 16,800


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Dr. Naeed Sadiq 220 Malhi 18,000 Masjid Bazar - 18,000 221 Shaista Nasreen 8,700 Masjid Bazar - 8,700 Muhammad 222 Ashraf 6,100 Masjid Bazar - 6,100 Malik Ghulam 223 Mustfa 7,200 Masjid Bazar - 7,200 Malik Abdul 224 Rasheed 11,800 Masjid Bazar - 11,800 Muhammad Farooq , 225 Muhammad Idress 10,800 Masjid Bazar - 10,800 226 Falik Sher 7,200 Masjid Bazar - 7,200 Malik Nazir 229 Ahmed 5,860 Masjid Bazar - 5,860 231 Tahir Mustfa 4,050 Masjid Bazar - 4,050 Malik Muhammad 233 Sharif 13,728 Masjid Bazar - 13,728 234 Ghulam Nabi 6,000 Masjid Bazar - 6,000 236 Muhammad Sharif 14,400 Masjid Bazar - 14,400 Sheikh 238 Muhammad Amin 34,690 Masjid Bazar - 34,690 Muhammad Yasin , Muhammad 244 Mursalin 4,200 Masjid Bazar - 4,200 246 Qaiser Abbas 15,600 Masjid Bazar - 15,600 247 Iftikha Ahmed 7,800 Masjid Bazar - 7,800 248 Ali Kousar 16,670 Masjid Bazar - 16,670 249 Muhammad Shafi 14,400 Masjid Bazar - 14,400 252 Muhamad Hayat 16,800 Masjid Bazar - 16,800 253 Haji Taj Din 10,560 Masjid Bazar - 10,560 256 Liaqat Ali 12,000 Masjid Bazar - 12,000 Imdad Hussain 257 Kharal 8,400 Masjid Bazar - 8,400 Muhammad 259 Asghar 8,400 Masjid Bazar - 8,400 260 Toqir Ahmed 5,400 Masjid Bazar - 5,400


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 261 Asif 9,030 Masjid Bazar - 9,030 262 Anwar Hussain 21,600 Masjid Bazar - 21,600 263 Hafiz Maqsood 7,200 Masjid Bazar - 7,200

265 Khalid Mehmood 15,840 Masjid Bazar 15,840.00 0 267 Haji Munshi 24,400 Masjid Bazar - 24,400 272 Khalid Javed 6,600 Thana Bazar - 6,600 273 Khuram Butt 13,200 Thana Bazar - 13,200 274 Taj Din 7,800 Thana Bazar - 7,800 Muhammad 275 Ramzan 14,000 Thana Bazar - 14,000 276 Nabi Bukhsh 13,100 Thana Bazar - 13,100 277 Raza Rasheed 14,100 Thana Bazar - 14,100 278 Nazir Ahmed 9,900 Thana Bazar - 9,900 Haji Muhammad 279 Arshad 6,600 Thana Bazar - 6,600 280 Ghulam Mustfa 22,725 Thana Bazar - 22,725 Ghulam 281 Muhammad 19,350 Thana Bazar - 19,350 Haji Muhammad 282 Arshad 9,000 Thana Bazar - 9,000 283 Riaz , Ishaq 36,000 Thana Bazar - 36,000 Muhammad 284 Saleem Kabaria 18,000 Thana Bazar - 18,000 285 Matloob Alam 20,025 Thana Bazar - 20,025 286 Sheikh Ijaz 22,000 Thana Bazar - 22,000 287 Muhammad Asif 20,700 Thana Bazar - 20,700 Hamza Rehman 288 Shahid 15,000 Thana Bazar - 15,000 289 Ghulam Hussain 9,000 Thana Bazar - 9,000 290 Muhammad Tofail 18,000 Thana Bazar - 18,000 291 Muhammad Javed 9,000 Thana Bazar - 9,000 292 Chiragh Din 9,600 Thana Bazar - 9,600 293 Sardar Muhammad 9,600 Thana Bazar - 9,600 294 Usman Ghani 13,800 Thana Bazar - 13,800 76

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 296 Muhammd Javed 9,000 Thana Bazar - 9,000 298 Haji Shoukat Ali 36,000 Thana Bazar - 36,000 Muhammad 299 Saleem 18,000 Thana Bazar - 18,000 Nazir Ahmed , Muhammad 300 Sadique 20,025 Thana Bazar - 20,025 301 Arif Yasin 16,800 Thana Bazar - 16,800 302 Muhammad Tahir 18,000 Thana Bazar - 18,000 303 Nadeem , Naeem 19,350 Thana Bazar - 19,350 Haji Imtiyaz 304 Ahmed 18,000 Thana Bazar - 18,000 305 Zulfiqar Ali 9,000 Thana Bazar - 9,000 306 Zulfiqar Ali 7,800 Thana Bazar - 7,800 307 Faqir Hussain 15,600 Thana Bazar - 15,600 308 Abdul Ghafar 9,000 Thana Bazar - 9,000 309 Abdul Hanan 9,000 Thana Bazar - 9,000 310 Haji Shoukat Ali 19,800 Thana Bazar - 19,800 311 Binya Meen 8,400 Thana Bazar - 8,400 Muhamma Younis 312 , Munir Ahmed 26,400 Thana Bazar - 26,400 Ghulam 313 Muhammad 9,675 Thana Bazar - 9,675 315 Abdul Shakoor 13,000 Thana Bazar - 13,000 316 Khalid Mehmood 6,000 Thana Bazar - 6,000 317 Toseef Ahmed 7,200 Thana Bazar - 7,200 Maqbool Ahmed , 318 Javed Iqbal 13,200 Thana Bazar - 13,200 Muhammad Nadeem , 321 Muhammad Irshad 25,000 Mughal Bazar - 25,000 322 Muhammad Aslam 7,200 Mughal Bazar - 7,200 323 Mujahid Rizwan 7,700 Mughal Bazar - 7,700

327 Haji Anayat Ullah 8,000 Mughal Bazar 2,000.00 6,000 331 Muhammad Abbas 3,000 Mughal Bazar - 3,000 77

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Muhammad 332 Yousaf 2,100 Mughal Bazar - 2,100 Muhammad 333 Akram 5,600 Mughal Bazar - 5,600 334 Muhammad Majid 7,500 Mughal Bazar - 7,500 Muhammad 335 Jameel 2,250 Mughal Bazar 2,250.00 0 Muhammad 337 Naeem etc 10,500 Mughal Bazar - 10,500

338 Amanat Ali 9,000 Mughal Bazar 4,500.00 4,500 342 Jan Muhammad 10,000 Mughal Bazar - 10,000 343 Abdul Aziz, Aftab 9,000 Mughal Bazar - 9,000 Hafiz Muhammad 344 Yousaf 9,000 Mughal Bazar - 9,000 345 Muhammad Hanif 8,300 Mughal Bazar - 8,300 346 Rasheedan Bibi 15,000 Mughal Bazar - 15,000 Muhammad 347 Sarwar 36,000 Mughal Bazar - 36,000 Muhammad 348 Sarwar 36,000 Mughal Bazar - 36,000 Maqbool Ahmed. 354 Ruqia Bibi 4,500 Mughal Bazar 4,500.00 0 355 Ruqia Bibi 4,500 Mughal Bazar - 4,500 Muhammad 356 Asghar 18,000 Mughal Bazar - 18,000 Sheikh Muhammad 357 Younis 36,450 Mughal Bazar - 36,450 Abdul Qayum 360 Sheikh 9,000 Mughal Bazar - 9,000 Rana Ghulam 361 Mustfa 4,500 Mughal Bazar - 4,500 362 Rasheed Ahmed 2,250 Mughal Bazar - 2,250 Muhammad 363 Ibrahim 9,000 Mughal Bazar - 9,000 364 Usman Bilal 19,200 Mughal Bazar - 19,200 Muhammad 365 Younis 5,600 Mughal Bazar - 5,600


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 366 Muhammad Idress 18,000 Mughal Bazar - 18,000 Malik Muhammad 367 Khan 84,000 Mughal Bazar - 84,000 Muhammad 368 Ibrahim Akhtar 24,000 Mughal Bazar - 24,000 Zahoor Ahmed 369 Saleemi 10,000 Mughal Bazar - 10,000 370 Khalid Hameed 28,800 Mughal Bazar - 28,800 371 Asghar Ali 18,000 Mughal Bazar - 18,000 Haji Mehmood 372 Alam 42,300 Mughal Bazar 18,300.00 24,000 376 Talib Hussain 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 377 Munir Ahmed 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 378 Muhammad Sadiq 16,560 Main Bazar - 16,560 379 Abdul Manan 12,000 Main Bazar - 12,000 380 Haji Ejaz Ahmed 12,000 Main Bazar - 12,000 Muhammad 381 Anwar , Ejaz 12,000 Main Bazar - 12,000 Muhammad 382 Shofique Insari 12,000 Main Bazar - 12,000 383 Haji Abid Hussain 14,400 Main Bazar - 14,400 384 Master Mushtaq 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 385 Haji Allah Rakha 8,280 Main Bazar - 8,280 Zahoor Akbar , 386 Munir Akbar 14,400 Main Bazar - 14,400 Abdul Hafiz, 387 Abdul Islam 8,010 Main Bazar - 8,010 Abdul Hafiz , 388 Abdul Islam 7,920 Main Bazar - 7,920 389 Razaq Hussain 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 Ghulam 390 Muhammad 11,520 Main Bazar - 11,520 Malik Abdul Islam 391 , Abdul Hafiz 8,280 Main Bazar - 8,280 392 Abdul Aziz 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 Waqas Ahmed , 393 Kashif 11,250 Main Bazar - 11,250


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 394 Naeem Rabani 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 Mansoor Ali 395 Chand 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 396 Haji Tayab 9,900 Main Bazar - 9,900 Sheikh 397 Muhammad Amin 10,290 Main Bazar - 10,290 Muhammad Iqbal 398 etc 9,600 Main Bazar - 9,600 Noor Muhammad , 399 Nazir Ahmed 10,350 Main Bazar - 10,350 400 Haji Ejaz 10,350 Main Bazar - 10,350 Muhammad 401 Khalid Shameem 18,000 Main Bazar - 18,000 Muhammad 402 Khalid Shameem 19,260 Main Bazar - 19,260 403 Sham ul din 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 404 Arif Rehan 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 Muhammad Akhtar , Muhammad 405 Anwar 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 Muhammad Rafi 406 ,Muhammad Ilyas 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 Haji Muhammad 407 Ejaz 12,180 Main Bazar - 12,180 408 Muhammd Younis 10,920 Main Bazar - 10,920 409 Saeed Anwar 18,000 Main Bazar - 18,000 410 Shahid Shofique 10,356 Main Bazar - 10,356 411 Asif Khan 9,675 Main Bazar - 9,675 412 Muhammad Irshad 11,000 Main Bazar - 11,000 Haji Muhammad 413 Latif 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 414 Riaz Ahmed 15,600 Main Bazar - 15,600 415 Muhammad Aslam 8,925 Main Bazar - 8,925 Muhamma Sohail 416 Akbar 12,600 Main Bazar - 12,600 417 Rehmat Saleemi 16,800 Main Bazar - 16,800


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Muhammad 418 Yaqoob 16,800 Main Bazar - 16,800 419 Mukhtar Ali 16,800 Main Bazar - 16,800 420 Mushtaq Ahmed 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 Muhammad 421 Sadique 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 422 Shofique ul din 10,290 Main Bazar - 10,290 Muhammad 423 Yaqboob 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 424 Mehmood Alam 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 425 Muhammad Amin 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 426 Haji Rauf Ahmed 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 427 Zahoor ul nisa 8,400 Main Bazar - 8,400 428 Muhammad Aslam 14,400 Main Bazar - 14,400 429 Muhammad Afzal 3,600 Main Bazar - 3,600 430 Muhammad Ishaq 18,000 Main Bazar - 18,000 431 Waeem Shoail 19,356 Main Bazar - 19,356 432 Safia Ajmal 7,740 Main Bazar - 7,740 433 Hadait Ullah 14,760 Main Bazar - 14,760 434 Muhammad Zahid 6,600 Main Bazar - 6,600 435 Nadeem Ajmal 3,300 Main Bazar - 3,300 Hakeem Kamal 436 Din 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 Hakeem Kamal 437 Din 3,600 Main Bazar - 3,600 Mehmood Ul 438 Hasan 10,800 Main Bazar - 10,800 Mehmood ul 439 Hasan 10,800 Main Bazar - 10,800 Muhammad 440 Arshid 9,600 Main Bazar - 9,600 442 Ikram ul Haq 8,200 Main Bazar - 8,200 443 Fazal Hussain 15,480 Main Bazar - 15,480 444 Rashid Niyaz 10,800 Main Bazar - 10,800 445 Arshid Iqbal 8,100 Main Bazar - 8,100


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Haji Muhammad 446 Shafi 20,640 Main Bazar - 20,640 447 Abdul Rasheed 7,740 Main Bazar - 7,740 448 Tariq Mehmood 7,200 Main Bazar - 7,200 Muhammad 449 Shofique 3,600 Shaheed Road - 3,600 Haji Abdul 450 Hameed 3,600 Shaheed Road - 3,600 452 Abdul Manan 6,240 Shaheed Road - 6,240 453 Syed Tahir Abbas 9,600 Shaheed Road - 9,600 Haji Muhammad 454 Rafique 19,200 Shaheed Road - 19,200 Muhammad 455 Khalid 14,400 Shaheed Road - 14,400 456 Ghulam Ali 28,800 Shaheed Road - 28,800 458 Jan Muhammad 93,600 Shaheed Road - 93,600 459 Syed Ejaz Gilani 21,600 Shaheed Road - 21,600 Imdad Hussain 460 Kharal 14,400 Shaheed Road - 14,400 461 Malik Akbar Khan 5,760 Shaheed Road - 5,760 462 Suraj Din 43,200 Shaheed Road - 43,200 463 Ahsan Bari 43,200 Shaheed Road - 43,200 465 Tahir Iqbal Pasha 259,020 Shaheed Road - 259,020 466 Rauf Iqbal 18,240 Shaheed Road - 18,240 Dr. Muhammad 467 Abdul Razaq 28,800 Shaheed Road - 28,800 Ch. Muhammad 468 Rafique 28,800 Shaheed Road - 28,800 469 Atta Ullah 12,480 Shaheed Road - 12,480 470 Ch. Hameed Ullah 84,000 Shaheed Road - 84,000 Muhammad 471 Ashraf 39,600 Shaheed Road - 39,600 Haji Muti ul 472 Rehman 26,400 Shaheed Road - 26,400 Muhammad Aslam 473 Bhati 13,200 Shaheed Road - 13,200 474 Sheikh Arshid , 12,000 Shaheed Road - 12,000 82

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Abdul star 475 Haji Ashraf Sanpal 36,000 Shaheed Road - 36,000 476 Yasin 12,000 Shaheed Road - 12,000 Rana Zaheer Ul 477 Din Babar 36,000 Shaheed Road - 36,000 478 Mubarik Ali 36,000 Shaheed Road - 36,000 Malik Manzoor , 479 Malik Mansoor 66,000 Shaheed Road - 66,000 Hafeez ul Rehman 480 , Ch. Umar Tahir 97,200 Shaheed Road - 97,200 Dr. Muhammad 481 Zubair 20,400 Shaheed Road - 20,400 482 Dilber Abbas 10,800 Shaheed Road - 10,800 483 Abdul Waheed 10,800 Shaheed Road - 10,800 484 Muhammad Adeel 10,800 Shaheed Road - 10,800 Ch. Muhammad 485 Saleem 9,120 Shaheed Road - 9,120 Ch. Muhammad 486 Saleem 8,640 Shaheed Road - 8,640 487 Riaz ul Haq 11,520 Shaheed Road - 11,520 488 Haji Abdul Star 28,800 Shaheed Road - 28,800 Muhammad 489 Yousaf 28,800 Shaheed Road - 28,800 490 Abdul Hameed 9,600 Shaheed Road - 9,600 491 Abdul Rasheed 19,200 Shaheed Road - 19,200 493 Abdul Ghafoor 9,450 Shaheed Road - 9,450 494 Khalid Jamal 33,600 Shaheed Road - 33,600 495 Muhammad Yasin 36,000 Shaheed Road - 36,000 496 Mahzar Ul Islam 13,440 Shaheed Road - 13,440 Ch. Muhammad 497 Younis 19,200 Shaheed Road - 19,200 Muhammad 498 Ashraf 23,040 Shaheed Road - 23,040 499 Riaz Akhtar 28,800 Shaheed Road - 28,800 500 Muhammad Sultan 14,400 Shaheed Road - 14,400 501 Muhammad Latif , 12,600 Molvi Hadait Ullah - 12,600 83

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Ghulam Nabi Road Muhammad Molvi Hadait Ullah 502 Sarwar 13,440 Road - 13,440 Muhammad Molvi Hadait Ullah 503 Sarwar 16,800 Road - 16,800 Molvi Hadait Ullah 504 Nawaz Ali 13,440 Road - 13,440 Muhammad Molvi Hadait Ullah 505 Sarwar 25,200 Road - 25,200 Ch. Muhammad Molvi Hadait Ullah 506 Anwar 16,800 Road - 16,800 Muhammad Molvi Hadait Ullah 507 Shofique 16,800 Road - 16,800 Muhammad Molvi Hadait Ullah 508 Shakeel 16,800 Road - 16,800 Molvi Hadait Ullah 509 Muhammad Ibqla 11,760 Road - 11,760 Molvi Hadait Ullah 510 Allah Dita Bhati 6,720 Road - 6,720 512 Muhammad Shafi 24,000 Shami Road - 24,000

513 Dr. Ahsan 28,800 Shami Road 28,800.00 0 514 Dr. Sohail 24,000 Shami Road - 24,000 Saeed Ahmed 515 Dulo 4,800 Shami Road - 4,800 516 Nisar Ahmed 4,788 Shami Road - 4,788 517 Malik Majwa 18,000 Shami Road - 18,000 Mian Muhammad 521 Saleem Qadri 33,600 Shami Road - 33,600 522 Haji Nazir Ahmed 33,600 Shami Road - 33,600 523 Muhammad Tariq 33,600 Shami Road - 33,600 524 Allah Dita 5,400 Jinah Road - 5,400 525 Muhammad Ismail 9,600 Jinah Road - 9,600 527 Rana Irshad 24,000 Jinah Road - 24,000 Rana Muhammad 529 Irshad 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 530 Muhammad Idress 36,000 Jinah Road - 36,000 531 Muhammad 24,000 Jinah Road - 24,000 84

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Waqas 532 Abdul Latif 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 533 Muhammad Zahid 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 Muhammad 534 Yousaf 6,000 Jinah Road - 6,000 535 Sheikh Bari 10,800 Jinah Road - 10,800 CH. Muhammad 536 Ishtiyaq 10,800 Jinah Road - 10,800 537 Muhammad Aslam 10,800 Jinah Road - 10,800 Imdad Hussain 538 Kharal 9,500 Jinah Road - 9,500 539 Sobia 9,600 Jinah Road - 9,600 540 Rashda Perveen 36,000 Jinah Road - 36,000 541 Rashed Ahmed 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 542 Abdul Hameed 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 Muhammad 543 Younis 24,000 Jinah Road - 24,000 544 Zahoor Ahmed 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 545 Manzoor Ahmed 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 Muhammad 546 Younis 36,000 Jinah Road - 36,000 547 Shahid Hamza 10,800 Jinah Road - 10,800 548 Rashid 37,200 Jinah Road - 37,200 549 Mubarik Ali 45,600 Jinah Road - 45,600 550 Ch. Nazir Gujjar 13,200 Jinah Road - 13,200 551 Attah Ullah 10,800 Jinah Road - 10,800 Mian Channu Boot 552 House 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 553 Muhammad Aslam 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 554 Ray Miraj 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 555 Jaleel Ahmed 6,400 Jinah Road - 6,400 556 Saif Ullah 2,280 Jinah Road - 2,280 558 Saif Ullah 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000 559 Jameela Bibi 12,000 Jinah Road - 12,000


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 561 Gulzar Ahmed 18,000 Jinah Road - 18,000 562 Mehboob Ahmed 7,560 Jinah Road - 7,560 Muhammad 563 Rafique 9,600 Jinah Road - 9,600 Sheikh Sajad Khalid Bin Waleed 565 Ahmed 32,400 Road - 32,400 Khalid Bin Waleed 566 Muhammad Ashif 36,000 Road - 36,000 Khalid Bin Waleed 567 Muhammad Din 28,800 Road - 28,800 Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 568 Sadique 36,000 Road - 36,000 Khalid Bin Waleed 569 Ghulam Rasool 18,000 Road - 18,000 Khalid Bin Waleed 570 Ghulam Rasool 36,000 Road - 36,000 Khalid Bin Waleed 571 Dr. Ashraf 18,000 Road - 18,000 Haji Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 572 Idress 18,000 Road - 18,000 Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 573 Akram 36,000 Road - 36,000 Khalid Bin Waleed 574 Malik Arshid 22,800 Road - 22,800 Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 575 Jameel Adovcate 30,000 Road - 30,000 Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 577 Younais 36,000 Road - 36,000 Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 578 Younis 36,000 Road - 36,000 Khalid Bin Waleed 579 Zafar Haider 36,000 Road - 36,000 Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 580 Waqas 36,000 Road - 36,000 Muhammad Khalid Bin Waleed 581 Rafique 36,000 Road - 36,000 583 Muhammad Asif 14,400 T. Chowk - 14,400 Ghulam 584 Muhmmad 14,400 T. Chowk - 14,400 586 Mumtaz Ali 14,400 T. Chowk - 14,400


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 587 Mubashar Saeed 7,800 T. Chowk - 7,800 Muhammad 589 Yousaf 7,200 T. Chowk - 7,200 Muhammad 591 Arshid 16,560 T. Chowk - 16,560 592 Liaqat Ali 1,080 T. Chowk - 1,080 593 Dr. Rizwan 8,820 T. Chowk - 8,820 594 Amir 27,000 T. Chowk - 27,000 595 Naeem Zaman 64,800 T. Chowk - 64,800 596 Falik Sher 2,880 T. Chowk - 2,880 597 Arshad Ahmed 2,880 T. Chowk - 2,880 599 Ali Akbar 12,240 T. Chowk - 12,240 601 Tahir 5,760 T. Chowk - 5,760 602 Muhammad Sharif 10,920 T. Chowk - 10,920 603 Venveer Tahir 10,920 T. Chowk - 10,920 605 Asghar Ali 54,000 Bodla Road - 54,000 606 Kamal Din 54,000 Bodla Road - 54,000 607 Khalid Rafique 9,000 Bodla Road - 9,000 608 Dilshad Shah 50,400 Bodla Road - 50,400 609 Zulfiqar 46,800 Bodla Road - 46,800 Muhammad 611 Naveed 39,600 Bodla Road - 39,600 612 Amjid Rasheed 46,800 Bodla Road - 46,800 613 Muhammad Riaz 3,240 Bodla Road - 3,240 Muhammad 614 Usman 46,800 Bodla Road - 46,800 616 Baber Ali 31,200 Bodla Road - 31,200 617 Abdul Jaleel Khan 36,000 Bodla Road - 36,000 618 Dilsahd Shah 25,200 Bodla Road - 25,200

619 Iftikhar 7,280 Bodla Road 7,280.00 0 621 Ishtiyaq Ahmed 9,690 Bodla Road - 9,690 622 Shahid Shofique 21,600 Shami Road - 21,600 623 Muhammad 43,200 Shami Road - 43,200 87

Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear Tofail Sheikh Ghulam 624 Nabi 38,400 Shami Road - 38,400 Haji Muhammad 625 Rafique 24,960 Shami Road - 24,960 626 Baba Golo 14,400 Shami Road - 14,400 627 Liaqat Ali Zia 38,400 Shami Road - 38,400 Muhammad 628 Ashraf 28,800 Liaqat Road - 28,800 629 Muhammad Ikram 28,800 Liaqat Road - 28,800 630 Sheikh Saeed 7,200 Liaqat Road - 7,200 631 Muhammad Hafiz 7,900 Liaqat Road - 7,900 Muhammad 632 Akram 5,760 Liaqat Road - 5,760 Muhammad 633 Akram 5,040 Liaqat Road - 5,040 Muhammad 634 Ashraf 21,600 Liaqat Road - 21,600 Malik Muhammad 635 Ramzan 14,400 Liaqat Road - 14,400 636 Shoukat Ali 28,800 Liaqat Road - 28,800 637 Zahoor Akbar 18,720 Liaqat Road - 18,720 638 Naeed Akram 7,920 Liaqat Road - 7,920 Ch. Muhammad 639 Yousaf 28,800 Liaqat Road - 28,800 640 Javed Iqbal 12,240 Liaqat Road - 12,240 Profesor Tahir 641 Iqbal 9,360 Liaqat Road - 9,360 Ch. Mulazim 642 Hussain 10,800 Liaqat Road - 10,800 643 Mehboob Alam 18,720 Liaqat Road - 18,720 644 Fiyaz Ahmed 7,200 Liaqat Road - 7,200 645 Abdul Ghafar 7,200 Liaqat Road - 7,200 646 Zulfiqar 8,640 Liaqat Road - 8,640 647 Aziz Ahmed 13,680 Liaqat Road - 13,680 648 Nazir Ahmed 16,560 Liaqat Road - 16,560


Sr. Amount Amount No. Name Due Adress Received Arrear 649 Habib Ahmed 9,360 Liaqat Road - 9,360 650 Muhammad Aslam 9,360 Liaqat Road - 9,360 651 Malik Arshid 19,440 Liaqat Road - 19,440 652 Imdad Ali Sohail 7,920 Liaqat Road - 7,920 Sheikh Abid 653 Hussain 10,080 Liaqat Road - 10,080 654 Mehr Dini 14,400 Liaqat Road - 14,400 655 Muhammad Ali 14,400 Liaqat Road - 14,400 657 Saber Ali 8,640 Liaqat Road - 8,640 658 Habib Ahmed 10,800 Liaqat Road - 10,800 659 Nadeem , Waseem 10,800 Liaqat Road - 10,800 660 Muhammad Afzal 10,800 Liaqat Road - 10,800 661 Tariq 9,360 Liaqat Road - 9,360 662 Rana Asgar 10,080 Liaqat Road - 10,080 Sheikh Muhammad 663 Asghar 8,640 Liaqat Road - 8,640 664 Aman Ullah 1,800 Liaqat Road - 1,800 Muhammad Amir 665 Sharif 32,400 Liaqat Road - 32,400 666 Dr. Nadeem 16,800 Liaqat Road - 16,800 667 Muhammad Saeed 16,800 Liaqat Road - 16,800 Muhammad 668 Sheikh 16,800 Liaqat Road - 16,800 669 Muhammad Riaz 16,800 Liaqat Road - 16,800 670 Riwan Chiragh 16,800 Liaqat Road - 16,800 671 Dr. Tahir 24,000 Liaqat Road - 24,000 672 Muhammad Sharif 16,800 Liaqat Road - 16,800 673 Waqas Akram 19,200 Liaqat Road - 19,200 678 Muhammad Adil 36,000 G. T. Road - 36,000 679 Din Muhammad 10,560 Bodla Road - 10,560 Mian Nazir 680 Ahmed 34,320 G. T. Road - 34,320 Grand Total 9,826,963