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12-11-1920 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 12-11-1920 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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Vnl.l'MH It NI'MIIKH s: aaooiATED run niwt ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER II. 1920 Ecr:on topat aop B : K am A II ' IAHfimiri I r B M II IVI BmnnnnrnnI IlWi l i El 1 I IIaiI irAnrnpFl II B Oil W V iimitpI IIIII B LI J iitB I I BonrP B f A B pmotbiF I I I H r 1 y r1 flf

U. OPEN TO OF S. SUSPICION TO UNITE EFFORT Principals in Oklahoma Murder UTI BEST BRAINS OF IMPERIALISTIC DESIGN It Which Has Stirred the United States FOR SERVICE IN WILL SAVE U. S. VAST OUTLAY ASKED FOR ARMY - - ... - - v - a: " " BEING Walih, Demoorat, Demands That Senate Move to Seoure Representa- CBED tion in Disarmament Conference of League of Nations; Surgeon General Pro- Bill Would Like to 'Test Temper of Congress' on Army IT' f s--J Reaves Has Right of New Foreign Trade Cor Appropriations Bought. poses Better Adminis- Way in Congress After poration Will Have Ad- - j T and Improve- Immigration a!nd , tration I: V'r'- - I- is- Bill vantage of Nation's S - GFAF.VA. Ihv. S. lr Itio ronoeU nbln mim" of nearly $ ment of All Hospitals. l War Repeals Foremost Financiers AMMN'Inhil Press.)-Vuhi- cannot Hnked thin year for the urni Have and navy would rIvo Kroiindtt fur tin tNlim Imt armaments as long a uiijiiNt miKplclon Been Passed. and Builders. i lhe l iilliil Mates Im Inemistna; that America had n. K detdiinfi find added that he WAMIUXUTitX, Dee. . 1. uiMI-tbni- htiHiiil Ik u)l m Mill nr Iho would like temper JapNiMW ration, ilititntl at to "tent tho of hoNpltal fiicllltlea for former ! f ST VMS kMSflUtU NHS both houfieK" of ronKicMs un the I W A HI NOTO N, .11. CIIICAOO, 11. ob- ii mooting of (hi' armaments cum propuwil. service men and women and appoint- lec. I'nder a Iec. With the 7 long-tim- e ndttct this afiormmn when iIh spwlal rulo reported out today by the ject of financing foreign mrOot nf diianiutinciit was un ment of an administrative bend for tier tlimitssluii, ttnilTrKK lIKOKFH TI1IIKK tho three mnjor agencies Involved In rulea committee, tho Volstead resolu- loans to build up the export trade of KTAiKH Ol-- DIKAKMAMKNT rehabilitation work arc recommended tion repealing moat of the war time tho United Ktatee, the Forcljesi Trad" WAHHINOTON, 1t A result! (1RNK'A, Die. 11 in Financing corporation was Uunehd lcr. lHnarmament by Dr. IIurIi H. Cummin, surgeon - lawn would bo given right of way in ii) tlon requesting President Wilson to but I'- s- here today and a committee of three Ktaneii in the bu it nee of the eneral of tho public health service Vi- . the house after the Johnson Immigra- was named to perfect ths organisa- uppfilnt n American representative pomndttee on dlapoaed to meet with the league of nation reenninienilatlnn the In hla annual report sent to congress tion bill la of. Debate on tion Immediately. John Mel! ugh, commlsidon considering of the leiiKue of nittlonti today by treasury department. the resolution woutj be limited to vie president of the Mechanics U disarmament ncml-l- will nuike tn the aiwembly us the J was Hint In I National Itank of New York, presented advocated lie the It i.f It Dr. dimming says the war risk In- two hours. senate today by Henator Walsh, dem- deli1eriitlons. was named to head the coiumittre Tlie flmt tiiK would Im ninrked surance bureau, the federal board for 1'he rulea committee also reported per i ocrat, Montana. by an (ho powem a giving-- and has consented to serve as atm'ement nmonn vocational edncatlon public out rule the Ilea via bill for dl- - ; After Homo discussion the measure to nntke no Inereuaes In and the ) or manent chairman ul th board of to tin foreign relation further health service ahould operate under :' consolidation government ex ecu rectors. whi referred v.. tlvo departments right of way uTter committee. It wun the flint mentlo,, reroni-memb- 'd Following add rouse a by leading ' The Heron il fdaifft of the an udmlnlntrntlvo head "as coordi- ' J ' the measure is ; '" "''' Volstead acted Upon, k- - of the league In tin somite nt this procedure In R ki uduul In ,f'P 'ti'' .' American bankers. Industrial and f session nate and independent bureaus close ltcprcst'tttutivo Kenvis told the com heads, on ' In HrmHtncntM. cooperation. " mittee that nro rlculturul a committee plsn Henator Walsh told the senate t the consolidations scope Its i ihnt The third Htiifre would be Unit Kmphaslxlng the need for additional potted would result In a saving and this morning presented It should take cognisance nf the lim gcuet-ii- t to the to conference, r eomp;eli dlwtrmiiment except, hoapltal fai'lllltes. In, dimming points government of ono million a conclusions tho whl'h tutlon of thv league of nations rnun Itmofar an hi thk were n led for o- - iO.HOM were wsa called by the American Bankers' out that patients receiv- diy. ' cU despite the recent American note Jlce purpoaeH. M. iHir'1, from ing hoMpiial care from the public I : ioc tat Ion. The commutes named a tttRtlnii tht because tlila niitlou was Hiiltl w ho niieceedd In ne urlnK tho health service on last July 1, an com- - ' permanent organisation committee f not a member of the league tho adoption by the eotnmlltee thli morn. pared with 2,0110 In itctohcr 101ft. .. it) prominent business men, recom 1.1 t Is president did not reel Justified IrtR of an Hmendint-n- providing that In addition to construction of new ': ' Bosko't Nerve mended organisation of a corporato r even do facto participation tn disarm- the 'oil net of the leas tie InauRU-rnt- e ho:ipitnlK. th(t surgeon general urged ;' - caUtaiixd at gloo, 000,000 with u ament discussion by the IcugUe coin-n- il the propiiKanda eiiuipulKn for that exlmlng ones be placed In first Unequal to Ordeal; potential capacity uf one billion do,-- ssf on. "illHiiinuiment iiiIihIh" hh ho put It, a clans condition. ".Marino hospitals at ; ... ., ili. art nnd asked for an Immed.Mi The senator mild the president's nteanltiK tho preparation of the youitK-e- r prcHcnt with few exceptions, are of Hanging Hurried $100,000 subscript ton to tinderwiii reason us given was "utterly Inade- Keneratlon for the new order of uutluatcd construction and badly In Left, new photo of Clara Smith Hnmon, who confened that the shot the corporation's organisation sciimJ quate" and open to misconstruction. thtnir' by proper eduiutlon In the need of repair," ho said. "The special ties. The '1100,000 was subscribed WhImIi sold in- - ex- - Hnmon, oil man. Henator the "almoNt Mhooln. nPi'ds to be met ate those of and killed Jake millionaire Right, the widow CANON CITY, Colo.. Dee. wlihln ten i planned h servlcel men women suffering U. minutes. Jt und .and the dead man daughter, who are reported prostrated with George Hosko, confessed munlerer of perfect orgunlBMiion and have ti e ; Jmm and menial dis- griet. two men, was hanged In the statu corporation In operation by January England May Agree orders," penitentiary here Inst night at 1, 1U21. o'clock alter Iho prison physician had "In presenting ary message from To Amend Irish Bill advised that the execution be hasten the conference to the country, the Vigorous Attack on ed becatiae Hoako was approaching a first thing tu toe emphasised is tho John Barton Payne's Harding Invites Bryan nervous collapse. fine spirit of and co- IONlMtN, ltsv, 11. H wan polntud 1 he physician's report was made tn ordination manifested on every side." Warden Thomas J. Tynan, late yes Mr. Jdcllugh told ths Associated out today that the Klatement made Park Administration terday following I'resw, ex- - afternoon tits final "and the universal desire by Karon Hhkenheud, the lonl than- visit of the aged mother of the con- pressed at the, meeting to teks action, ellor, during the courae of tho de To Conference at Marion demned msn. with her son. which would result in benefit to t,.' TO I 11. THOME bate fin the homo rulo bill In the HALT UKKOITV. tali. Dec. At 4 o'clock Mrs. Bosko was ad country. For the first time In --t A vigorous on John Hnrtoii inriur-tr- houae of lords now aeema to havo a attack mitted to her son's cell and remained history of finance, commerce, I'syne secntaiy of (he Interior, charg- with him for half an hour, em brae and agriculture, repiesentativ" new aiKnifleance. Hnron Birkenhead es .of commercialism in the conduct On Association Of Nations ing and kissing him many times, of all four gathered for a common declared that If the propoxate vera Ad .oS Yellowstone- park and alleged while flowed purpose, H proved, to def- Chief Advisers of Former on part of terrs unoeasmtrrrHown and as a by repreaentntlve opinion in of facts the her face. "hud inite end. proceedings were h- - i vanced nnt tonally circulated mafccoclncs and When she boen with The BV 80 solutsly open Greek Ruler Are For- Ireland, the government waa prepar by national park officials was made TMI ASS3CIATIB SSIflt Harding on the proposed asaorlatlnn him minutes, she was told the and Informal and Cio 1 1 ! Hhe possible offer- - ed to make extensive alteration! In today by Jerome (1. of Living-aton- MA It If IN, (Hiio, Dec. . I'rcai-- of nations Mr- Itryan expects to visit must end. then coilaosed freest opportunity was Iicke had to be ed for discussion, I bid to Return to Land Itti home ruin bill. Mont., a director of the n dent elect Harding hna Invited Wm. leave l"r Marion tomorrow. and carried from the cell. Hpeaktnir hero Inst nlffht, Wm. C league and ex- Hi yun, This greatly ulfectcd Hosko. Throw. "It is this spirit of real national reclamation nniiiUH formerly secretary Here Mruiuro Group. Ing us . With Their Chief. Adiirnaoit, opposition leader In tho ecutive secretary of the Yellowstone of stale in 1'iesident Wilson's calln"t. a himself on hia cot, he cried out service for the pub welfare that, ho line of commona, expreaacd fear that Irrigation service. The attack ami to confer with him hero on December M A It N, f Hilo, 1 ee. 1 1 . t that h wanted to be put to death from the fiiat, animated and by .Mr. Harding, Will H. Hays, immediately, t the proceedings It la v toj the application of martial law would charges were made loeko in 17 lit regard to the plan lor ait asso can't stand It and iMtiire niii seriously handicap any pototthln ne- un address before the executive com- ciation of nations. chairman of tho republican national second longer," he moaned. in inia apirii tnai uie urganixauon t Ijt,f 'EltLVK, lieo. 1 1. Offlelul n gotiations. Andrew Hnnar Law, tho mute of the Western Hlales Ueclama-tlo- Mr. liryari a ad- - com mil tee. .and Wm. J. liryan prob- The ptlson physician uave him committee takes up lis sign iy t announeement wan made thin haa hicn sumo plat- government leader In an address at association In se union here. V oca to of a plan for permanent in- ably will speak from the stimulant and then made the report important task. thnt former Klnit Kdlnbui'K. Heoilund, Kabl tln-r- was form here next Friday evening. v a men x ynan "That committee will tndeavor in Oreei-e- , ternational peace, ami considerable io wnicti caused of whone return hutie of a settlement In Ireland. lll.YKNNi; 1'OhTM KTi;it - All havo been invited to S'l-- preparations to be ex- the working great undur- - i to wan by liitportunco in attaciied to the rortn- three begun for the out of this the throne culled for IN HUH HI, F :oinh)tf reus the laymen's conference of the ecution. Hosko hud to be to Uklng to discharge Its duly with an the recent plebiscite would leave lMairt CMKYENNK, Wyo., Imp. Fol- conieretice. especially lit view assisted Iloiub tn Dnhllii. II of Mr- Hryan'a willingness to accept Marlon presbytery her that evening, the death chamber. sense of Its responsi- for Athena Tueaday next. lowing Invealigatloti, post office in- Mr- llryun already accepted IM'HI.IN. Dee. II. A plant for the suspen- publican reservations to tho league and has The trap was sprung at t o'clock ble ties snd ths service it can render." waa spectors announced today the 9:08 will to- manufacture of bombs discovered sion of V. W. Hproul. of of nations covenunt when it became Namo IU'JcpuhI. and at Hosko was pronounced Ths committee meet later postintiiter 1 llryim'a day begin KUCKItNK. Hwltierbmd, live. II. dnrlnir an early morning raid today CiiKper, und Assistant I'ostmuster apparent t hat 'resident Wilson's dead. to work. on n bicycle repair shop tn l'ainell i(.uguu o nations plait wouia not uu, Dec. 11. A motion to ltonko was convicted of murdering The resolutions uf the committee OflluiHl notification of tho reault of l'aiker. Win. .1. liryan un honorary utrect, tn the cruter of Dublin. Krank T. Fawley, inspector, hae accepted. elect Will Huiilur, of It ye, and Klton O. on plan and cope declared that "tbe I In- an oiing Men s Demo the plebiscite In f recce and an quantities of arms, ammuni- full charge post In some quarters nrynn a peace member of the i I'arka. a Pueblo automobile salesman, extension of credit by the corporation i taken of the office of I enver was tost last vitation to return to AlhnH und tion, bombs and Kelulnlin wero soiled. books and Hproul has employed an treaty plans havo Itecn aflvocated uh ci ultc club near I'ueblo in April, 1B10. Thomas should be confined to countries where men wero arrested, ono of u possible )asks for the establishment niglit at a meeting of the orgnnlaa Hosko, younger of George, Is there Is a audio government, and 'O wero reelv-e- d Three auditor to examine them. eiproul brother the reek throne whom while In of- of un asuociuilon of nations. lion when it failed of a second. a life where ts an assurance of In- - t was shot and wounded maintains nny discrepancy hia HimgeHtlnn serving term in tho pcnlteutlury there by Former King C'onaluutlne here iiltcniptlnK to escape. fice is duo to errors by clerks. Itryan's that t'reident for his part in the crime. tegrlty of purpose, and the op e it i tons ; thla morning. Itrjun Aitt'piM liultnllon. Wilson rrnlun witx one of Cio reasons of this corporation mould be con- - ' Ii ofeHHor tleoritloH Htri-tt- former MIAMI, Kin., Dec. II.--- .1. Unn nHHlgned for the club's refilsa' to elect fined to financing for the benefit, of Countuutliie'H said today h hud accepted (be invi the Nebiuskan by V. .Jiinkloe, i fore inn minlmer and I. Charge Nurse With future foreign trade." (. , , chief advlaer Otirinn It la exile, who Ik PRESENT ir.OGRANT CROP IS tation to confer with 1'rcNmciii'Cle.f l president. The conference unanimously reputed to bo und Cap-tul- n Death of Children adopted a report of the commtuea ' Htefofi I'apartiRopoulort, on plan and scope. The board of ti navy IITI-G0VER!ir.1ENT AI1TI-G0- Minister From In the Oreek and AfID D BASEBALL HEADS rectors of tho corporation will be able U' cuinp niu prohibited "wro.,""uc?"l chosen as representative of com rvom 'returnlnir to llreeee by the Guatemala Broke CHKYKNNK. 1. Mrs. merce, finance, agriculture and in A. Hchultx, Orek ffuvernment In the telegrum - William who was arrested dustry, With due regard to geogmph- - i Conatantlue to it turn. JOHHSQII TELLS THE CONGRESS Diplomatic Rules tn Dnlton, Neb., was placed in ths leal representation. Ths directors I The plan to have u apeehtl train county Jail hern today on s charge will nominate the principal executive s convey the royal party wan abandon- tMf ASSttOIATCB MIS) of having murdered two Infants after officers. l ed, a It would be impoKalhle to ob- W she had been discharged us a nurse The committee recommended rale-- j. Immigration authorities announced WAHHINOTON, Dec. Dr. Julio t tain one In time to reuch Venice at a private hospital hero. Ing of $100,000 for underwriting pur . 11. Kinul toduy. In the Jail here today they told Itiauchi, Guiitemulun minister tu the Mra. Hchultx. according to the pose, the money to be later, f Wednesday. WAHHINOTON. It was to estab returned - officers their intention I Htates, will be uskt d, it was story, which County Attorney C. K. Th to supervtafl T A noon u the Rovernment'a tele- disposition In the house of tho lish homes In this country nnd there 'tilled committee namod been coin- - said today at the .slate department Lane, auys was told htm by the own- the of the corporation in' Ki'am thla hud Johnson bill providing for prac- was no ulterior motive In attempting discharged eludes; munluuleU to 4'onHtaijtliif, prepara-tiui- to cross the border secrctciy. for an explanation of his call yester ers of the hospital, was departure tically complete stoppage of Im- gave names as day on Hetialor Mows of New Hamp- early In November but remained at John McHugh, chairman of tha were betrun for the post- The prisoner their on commerce un Ihu ordluury train. migration for one year was Mr. und Mrs. Clemen 'A. Ourlln. Her- - shire lo discuss (he r nator's resolu the hospital for eeverj days. On committee and marine poned Into today until Monday. Kgan Sessions Held Behind tion calling on the department for November IS, he said. Infant daugh- of the American Hankers se-od- agree- man Korlx. Wllhelm lloruig. Hon, House Icudcrs reached an ( at he. Paul rVhiilor ami Frederick Guarded Information as to the detention or ters of John Zoranovlch and Wesley chairman; Herbert Hoovei, CANAIIAN S1HIKK ment to bring the bill to a veto liornlek. llornick- said he had Closed and former president Cabrera, by the J. I !!W df- - Paul Warburg and A. T. Be drawl. kkaiikh riti:i-:i- i on (hat day, having found it Im- sided In the Culted Htates during the present government authorities m The stomachs of the children, he New York; John fl. Drum, Btn Y WIN'NH'KO. lec. It. It. B. Kuawll, possible to complete debato to- world war while the other men uu Doors; American Guatemala. says, were sent to tho state chemist risen; James B. Forgan, Thomas K. WlnnliicK atrlke leader today waa re- - day. were former tjcrmun wns said by said tho test wus Wilson and Arthur lleynolda, ul of mittcd there League Men Also Ihe minister's action at who K. O. HI. leaned on parole from Ntony Moun soldiers. at department officers tu havo been negative. Then the organs were sent Chicago; Watts, fxmis; J. tain penitentiary after half without precedent and n violation to a Denver chemist who said he R. Howard. Clinton. Iowa: J. B. of hla two year sentence aeditloun To llcli I'mHiaTlnrs. Work. Wichita Fails. Teos; Philip for V THf ASSOC) TIB Mill of diplomatic usages und Interna round chollc nifHcino containing conspiracy. I. Warning WAHHINOTON. Dec. 1 1. vera! Stockton, Ikiston; Oscar Wells, li WlAHHINOTN. Dec. tional courtesy. Il was iniimaleu, poison tn them. H. Cen- to relieve mining claim owners m chil- Ala.; Julius Barnes. that the influx of nitons from bills tnc AisociATta rsisa however, thut the department would A coroner's Jury declared the ! danger-- 1 of necessity of doing asscsHiilciit Duluth, Minn.; Ilov D. Chapln, tral Kurope. "la Hirious und the NKW YOUK, Dec. CominlllecH not go so far as to ask for the dren came to unlawful deaths and City, d partmcnt work for I If Jit were consolidated lo agency troit; Peter W. Goebel, Kansas ous" and that tho state recall, as a result ut the thut Mra. Hchults hud criminal Kan. has information to prove the exis- day into uim by the actinic committee represent lag the major and minor in their deaths. tence of a real emergency, was given on mines. Instead of eliminating die to the houso today by Chairman John assessment work requirement eiilir lougtlcH with Judge I ji nil is In the Chile and Bolivia Weather son of the Immigration committee ly tho new bill would grant a six chair, convened hern toduy tm schid during debate on his bill proposing a months extension of time. Us pro Must Amend Federal Reserve Scrap; One May AT TIIK ItMVKHNITY OK NIOW years restriction of all Immigration visions are extended to cover claims tiled time tc iduw up u new national MKXIOO, Al.lH'gi K.ltQLIO tu the Tutted States. tn ua well as In the continental use Alaska agreement to govern professional Extend More "Leave the League Per B4 Houri Badlag s. m. T ecu certain consular orrtcers sections of the 1'nlttd Htutes. Act in Order to report an excess of Jews seeking pass baseball. 41 port vise at certain places, tins mil ItomiM 111 I Wiiliicfwluy. Highest lemperuturc ii confer- - American Farmers Im r- - It was that the Ioweel tvmperatiire lots tu usnauiled us an unti avndtic WAHMI N ITt N, I tee. t left niiuouiiced Credit to (iKNKVA. Lec. 11 A dtpute be- Dully tunge icmp'.'i-atui- 23 bill" continued the chairman. "ot lugs un the bonus bill proposing a enco would bo held behind closed "hlle nnd Bolivia In mo. I is tween tho Moan daily t uipeiature 3 care not whether the influx service men will league of nations assembly today Moslem, pagan, bud. list, Chris-tla- n bonus for former doors ii ml Iho magna tea placed TMr ASSOCIATED rulo of Interest on agriculture paper humidity p- 5,11 Jewish. opened by senate tiiiauco com Hill has raised the pusHihltty of (ho Itel.ittvo or what not. The country does be the guarilH Ihu entrance, lo (he W SIIIMfTOX. I was dcidred. Authority for thu biatrd IlHlulivo hiimullti 0 a. m 07 mitten next Wednesday. It was uu beluiu in wilbtiliHWMl of one country or liiu not want It. II brings too many who I Ina I decision agillimtI:nn legis- to give auch a rule is contained league. t'reclpUali'in None untt-Oo- noiinced today that representative chambers. present law, Henator Hmlth said. other from the uie and government und lation k king l defcrtnont of ttie 't he dispute over wul- - Maximum velocity of wind, In cleaning hoUSO of the American lgiun would be the At tho same hour, reprcseutativcn Borah, republican. Idaho, arose the "While engaged the liicoiiiti ami Mmt lux Henator mlwsion to thv assembly of tbr- miles pur hour 1? any first witnesses. r I A reserve sys- we don't want more bread lines of the National Association of Minor d'l" iMl'emla-- wm charged that the federal Tacna-Artc- a j Variable I you case, which Involve I'revslllng direction than we can help. warn thut Iho se pa ses- lialtiy b tlH aciuiUi tem was not operating us intended C'huruetei of Ihf duv Clear country (hi Influx. I1miii-- Cables With WIIxhi. iuuguis a went Into rulo Hie northern provinces of Chile tbts cannot stand 11. Acting fllUIIMI' (Mllllllllt1. Tho full and that It wus under "lite beneflclent i New Mexico WchUmT "The Immigration coming now la WAHHINOTON, Dec. sion ut the samo hotel. bankers." taken by Chile from Peru In the Hun-du- y tint, ratified an earlier iniliience of international Fair and warmer tonight; the most undeHlrable that ever cttlliu Secret. ry Davis of tho slate depart roiiitnitUtt war between these nations nejutv Willi l "res uf the rcHiblk-n- miiu The Idaho senator told the senate forty years ago, parly cloudy und warmer. tu the 1'nited Htates." nieitt had a conference iigures had been furnished hint show- in which Bolivm Ariaona I'artly cloudy tonight "He fore this measure shall have idem Wilson today ut the while iH'rs. on tlso waa involved. HundHy; possibly or snow No announcement was made ing more than a billion dollars and rain been many days In the committee of house. WAHHINOTON, Dec. 11. The sec- deposit In tho New York banks from In northern portion! warmer another Potty, tins country win uuvu but It was reported thut the disagree west portion Hun day, de- great powers tion of the resolution proposing re- country bunkers and he wanted to voider some additional reports from state meilt belweoll tho five corporation why tn the partment officials. Ueforo this bill regarding Iho disposition of former vival of the war linanee know this wasn't out Which the federal reserve country banks. Henator Hmoot re- Knxt Wiik'a WcuUM-- cult be made Into law you will see German cables was ono ot tuu sou mm directs II more liberal credits plied this consisted of receives ships coming Into Kills Island with Jocts discussed. hoard to extend thai WAHHINOTON. Hoc. II. edges. lo fin mora came In for uttuck to- winch the banks had to main tain snd week Immigrants hanging over the the SERVICE Wither predictions for the Home shins today huve. established Will Itit'cHs. day in Iho sens to. Henator Htnoot. that it prolmhly wus placed In New beglni-lu- Monday uro: Curtail Chrlslituia be- fourth class steerage rates und it la WAHHINOTON, Dec. II. The republican, of Clah. said he wuuld York for business reasons and Tlic Horulil givpg spn iiil h. i Northern lto4 ky mountain and an exaggeration to suy today t 1 move to strike il out as he did not cause alan of the rate uf interest on plateau regie ns: Generally fair. not much of house voted unanimously DAYS 1 icti that tn the fourth elans, immigrsnls uurtall its Chilslmus recess in urdc li believe It would accomplish what the daily balances. iu ita Clusiitind U;n.: The tempera I uro will be moderale are fed from troughs like awlue. had In mind. Henator Hmoot declared that he I owe to take up the annual appropriation farmers first half und much second beitator Kmout declared the federal war.ted "to call the attention of the Want Ads be oliargptl I half of week, ' Htnn Gernianej HordrP bills without delay, on motion oi ea at Representative Jdondell, tho republi- 1 reserve board could not do an snore senate lo the absurdity "of the sec- Huuthern Itoosy mountain and .t.A n Kt l Tpihm. Dec. 5Vn way extending "oredits than relating to reaerve board. telephone tubM'ribftrn. ptslaail Generally fair and Including one 4onutn. ar- - can leader, the house agreed to ad- in tho of tion the 1 w doing urn to noruia) Tipersture, but consider rMtitd Thursday attempt journ on Thursday. Ieo. 3. it without amendment "I don't want the farmers think t nlsht while ad In- utcf. It wirl pi are one ably cotoer latter half of week un Ing in cross the Itlo Grande into the the following Monday lo the reserve itolUr more in th'ii if one 3 easLfclQPA-O- w adjourning two wsak Hinith, rtemocrst. of Uouth credit thu ll they have today." suld l Ui Rftsky mountains. united tt a tea, near wruo, in oe stead of lor bold podm deporlatloo proce.dlnB, as beroiotore, Carolina dtclaitd that a preiereuual be. THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENUTQ HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920

rn?m Albuquerque's Pet Albuquerque Man up, threw hln arms nbotif hef nnfl i BUETT LEFT DOLLAR EACH DEATHS attempted to hug and kia her.. If Stock Promises wood Albright, nf rhltadelphiu, Show OHM O. BAOOH. Rescues Girl From also who waa Mis 1'nynler, alrftKWd Be Th booy of Jnfta O. !Uiih, who died with To Big Success 'Nut' in New York nmoroun asaatlnlnt aUb and held misr LYRIC ThnrwiUy sflrrnnoa, will llo ta ! the THEATER TO HEIRS; REST FOR MH.trnW sftrri mm frma to 4 rtVl-- k At him until a policeman arrived. The urceaa of Albuquerque' next V T. Krxnrh rhupul. Th Dndy. Klwnod Albright, formerly of The prisoner said he "r,n M' - tt by aJitpprd pome was In the poultry and pet Mtock enow I In wilf, will b an hna achieved distinction In sen. and Insisted hla ir nn No 2 u rrow to Hkilry, litnlio. New York by rescuing a woman Hronx S5oo. whm he "fed the birds. according to MIm Adele Neu-per- t, CH'WMI.NOa 40 your friend Jbdlevua JMih :nnioti. from a "nut" whose mania was klsr-Ini- i. He waa commitu-- to LTOSBSTOIE secretary Kew old, (llrd st Ms aartrunt htr lsl nllit. of the Mexico Mm ttlalrr. Ml Nany Ciiminlnic, wm with Tho New York American tell Itabblt aaeociAtlqn. Rhe announced hlis whe rtne. Hhr wilt twit ih It thus: boily to Wmnslinro, a. C. Strong Brother Mlr-- Jncrpielen Tnvnter, Herald U Htm Mexico this morning that the merchants ftr In thtrgm. nf Th th llbetally wan walking through the ihhX out have subaenbetf to the fund RKi.i Mm. nmrirtn P. dipd Inst f&pr takes ths "Want" Nurse Who Was Bound Will Continue Operation Curious Will of Mrs. nii Hh Pennsylvania Terminal nikht with Va-n- being raised to finance the how and hfr str1mrnl tltlt morning. a strange man of t Adi by bringing RmuIU. uUI. Hit hasltnnd snl alater wre sn eacort when dnahed and Gagged in Robbery of Popular Play House Maria Green Results in that It I to Ire held In on of the withvitihr whaa death em, 'thry will downtown stores. the body to llrwltor, h. (.'., Says She Can Identify as First .Class Movie Contest in tor linrml Pirmnf Hroth r sr. In rbarpt. Probate The members of the IternnllMo OirTIKKItrz Mls OMIft Unilerroi drl Beyond County Poultry and let Htock naso- -' drrnooo at hr miidtnc o Man Question. Theater. Court Today. lation nnd of the New Mexico Hah-bi- t Ami MrpM. Hli I aarviveit r one jiHSoclntlon are to meet at the ftifctr. Pneumnnl w th reuM nf her Unique Christmas Gifts Th body is st L'rellutt funeral Ofovir PVters arrested at the Hunt Joerph Hdrnntt, leaditig Ihwiter Leaving bcrpieat Chamber of Commerce Monday night a of the further plan the nhnw, parlor. V station earljr test ntttht by ipvct'ftl proprietor, hue ptirehaned the Iyrlc to make fur Onadabipe sum of one dollar each to her fixing or n KN Jt'AN Vr. Ra Jnaa, t, ui r Oiri"pr IJach & nuipwl in thi'Hter on W'eet (.'entrtil avenue from including the daln for tho fiS nIil, lxuis daughter, granddaughter show. Alt persons In pet ymr rilrd lat ntKlit at her apart cnm-cUo- with the rtnis theft a the Kred t'aineion. It wae announced her and her Interested mimta st MB WVt Marquette avenue, from Vi n hospital Mr. stock, whether mem)Krs of either as- heart ditena. Hh urTivel by one wfru and Children's early Burnett will tako chui'tfe with the remainder of her not, WRIGHT'S yt'TtprAuy in rn tug rulcaeed tht of hln ne tonight. sociation or are Invited to the later, who wm with her at th end wt thater estate to he expended for a monu- meeting. KMneral srrntietnenta h not lieen mmle i Along with the purchftRe, Mr. Itiir-iw- ment to herself, the will of Mrs, body ia Knjclinh, The show Is not only tn Include ex- ret. The at Crollott'i funeral Virginia nlirht nurse announced, that ho nlno will Maria . Oreen was contested thin lf. (ftkn hibits from Albuquerque and the sur- at the hospital, thin mnrninir sal4 over the mvul yeur fninrhiae morning In the protate court by Joe rounding country hut wrll hr. open to Aftrin'l'KTA Marretln Arehitleta died J MM era wm nut the man wliu held her on the films of the Firm Nutlnnal (E- Ortega, the aonln-la- who put In r'ht bits from various parts of th" lMt norht at lnr nareitlH' hntiin In Old IliOlAH BOILDHIG up it the. point of a gun. and bound xhibit iuocMtlon. first d us thefte films a claim for $:i,6oo for the cam of the Altnifjacmne. Hiia U survived oy her uae state. Promiaea from iiaronta and one brother. Punrral arrai(te nnri kkkkM her and then took three the show will rontlnun to the womnn for a period of nearly twelve poultry men to send exhibit are al- of mnrphlTW. pictures of Uoldwyn, VltaKtaph ineiiiH will b mad today. tollott la In tubes the years. ready secured. rnnriie. Mr. Kn1)i anya that she fa und AIMrr rointn riles. Many neighbor of Mrs. Oreen testi- posTorriCE positive that wh can Identify the Mr. Darnett aald today that he fied that ahe had been entirely de- - opposite thief nnd Iteileve that she sw the t run thu show independent pfndnt Upon Ortega. They told of men ut ono of the wtiidow of the of any other theater, and tbst he In- her dtstraa when she learned that a hifrpltal the nlirht before. tended to give the heat service pos- was going to war. saving thu l WE HANDLE Mrs. KnjrUsh'a atatement today sible. Plr lures aie to be changed ,ie she would starve without Joe to take Moccuini- - --all Indian Dolli Papocsei. thai she wtui nut sure that tht man three tlnus a week. care of he- -. The claims of Ortega lie, a rirujr ail dirt cruised th ixilic I rmler Mr. ( 'ameron'H ownenthtp were granted by the court) The New shipment of Hopl Pottery. Work to think It possible that tha man and muntigement the l.yrlr hits been property lelt by Mrs. flreen Is said Otr.sra, Gallup, Swastika Coals Basket, Indian Silver Jewelry, Bead Work, ho cfimmitiH the theft mfcht have one of the most popular movie then-tur- s to amount o lesa than $iIKI m'h)iimI dime au at tha direction of some out in thu elate for ( u nuniltcr of ia mortgage anil Mexican Mantillas, Lacei and Drawn Work. years. which there a other fit. Mr. Carneron'a plana could debts. Jt was claimed by Ortega that ALL KINDS OF WOOD l'ho police were con tin in their not be learned today. , Mrs. Oreen regretted he will she had Mexican Oold and Silver Filigree Jewelry rcarc-- for the ffutlty party ihla after-H'H- n made and had said that she Intended and the not on th out- to make Ortega her legatee. of waa tight Conference Here on PH0NE 2B1- - skirts town notih to Other mutters passed upon hv the NAVAJO RUGS AND CURIOS S"i'vnt escape, Capt. It. K, I'erkina. Mill thiaf aa AZTEC FUEL CO. hiaift prohibition the Lumber Rate; probate court morning were of tha foreea la follow: mate today volunteered to Rive hi No Made .foreign will a vice In capluro of (he Decision Ordsnt, ndmlttlng the f in aid the of Miiry A. True lo prnbute in illiMT uaer. At a latt hour today no county. other suspect had been apprehended. K. U. Houghton, .general freight agent of tho etuntit railroad, wtui Claims of Ftrong Brothers, OtweM JL In the city today in conference with1 pharmacy, and lr, J. Venice Are Sturdy nmclitls nf the MrKinley ImiiA against the estate of Rumurl William Here the Uurnber com puny In regurd to the leo were allowed. Christmas Gifts At the Theaters coptrorersy over Increuw on log Iteport Of the special gtinrdlun of Gifts We Have for ratcM from Thoreuu tn A Mninunrquo. Ifermlnlo and JVtdlcandtt Haca wan Today A flnul mittlement will prohubly not filed. ho reached until Mr, lloiighion con- Final report of Mrs. Annto Morton, Kiddies fer with Col. O. K. Mreucu, owner of nilmlnintratrlx f the estate of 'I horn-a- a perfofmanee of "The the company, In Chicago next week. was filed and executrix din-- Teitwn" at the will A In Ha n t Ke Harks For Her Paatlrne conclude conference called a charged. - tiif enaaKement In thin elty of what yesttrdfiy between the rallroud arid (iivt- ilitr kitltlifS sturdy I'litlurind In fDnrtdfd to be Tom Mlx'a vrMteit the state tax commission in regard to till' kiinl that irnviilo lrasant triumph. Prod need hy mutter In no rtmdjuPt-inen- t. Agent Phone tiyn; fkleturtt by Lynn the resulted Prohibition and directed Mr. 'Houghton stated however, 75 t'Xi'ii'isv the kind that keep them mil "The Texan" la a satisfying that the railroad ia attempting to Lands Roswell Man For Mother, Wife or Sister j.iMure from the firat flicker to the readjust the rates with Individual of (lours. lust rade-ou- Oioria Hope, fumoua companies In order that no Industry After a Battle for her bemiiy, is wn an Alice Mar-nt- We Have Just the Gift House Is injured. The advance In log rute In our assort incut (if tnvs of this sort Hilnnlnir was authorised gencrully over the - will appear In a hi if eiiilty cant li E. tnrklns or the prdilbl- Fancy. l'irn production, "Silk Husbands country by the Interstate commerce tlon this morning received word to Suit Her ar" Iron Wii(ioiih, Doll llunuii's, Vcl commission, he said, and hud been forres and Calico Wives," a picture that fiitm I'ndill.ltiou Agent J. ruuiw ipi'dcK, Swinirs, Kars. nwnka union the heat nf the year put Into effect without regard to In- hat he hnd had a battle to capture Tricycli's, Kiddle m oi lKinal arid rlerer aa lta title. No dividual caaes. The rate between II. Itusscll ot noswcii. cnaiKcn n Ducky Doos, Hod Hitlers, Shoo Klys, tl'McrlpOon will do justice to the ple-l- and Thoreau la lower than eelllug iiiluxicatlug UiiUoiH. linmtiy you htiva to e M. ru tea for oorrapondiiig hauls in uhifkey. Come in and let us show our varied assortment Sletls, ete. Then there is Kid- It4hrt Warn Irk ta playing t'tday other states, Mr. Houghton pointed Hiimh4'II was arranged before T nlted nly, at the Irtval Theater, In "Friday out. Hint en ComrnlHxioner Pan C. Savttge of remembrances for her. We have Toilet dies' Furniture Doll I!eds, Tallies. th lltl;,' the at (ry of a plucky young nt Itoswell and waa held tinder IV.'.O etc., Virl who nearly eauaed the downfall bond to await tho action of the fed Sets, Manicure Casf ., Leather Bags and Chairs, Dressers, nnd instructive ne vt a big Mock brokerage concern to Citizens Killed in eral grand jury. Hhaw trailed I hint's such as (iilhert Tool Toys. "gft even" bocauae ft hud given her nmn inm tbe Flrt National bank Cordovan Leather Purses, Electric Toast- - Czecho-Slovak- report nnd fi'thur a falaa tip which bnnkruptMl ia as bulldlngt according to the him. Aa all the Incidents of the big put him und or nrrcat. IUihmcII itnrteri ers and Llectnc Curling Irons, attractive All purchasahie at prices to suit every UM'k ame occur on Friday, the Authorities Fire to tun and went through a plate Second Street taste and pocketlmok. All liearintr thirtieuth, that title war selected for glass tloor but wan caught. Mahogany Candlesticks, Stationery, Writing Mm piny. Jmk Hill and Ann Utile IMtAai'K. rsecho.niovakla, Tec. 10. tii'tn fMl liuya at Copper )ruariiiitee of satisfaction. y Zt are also playing In "A Voice A detachment of police endeavored to John Henry Zest who was arrested Cases, Kodak Books, Kodaks, Desk Sets and "iwm the Iead,"aV ce oaenudy 'clear a acowd dafiionstratorM several dnys ago at the Overlr.nd vtnoa cruy.ow complete the pro- - from In front of the parliament build- hotel on tho rfc rgo of selling drink" innumerable Books, both fiction and the works hrllllunt i'urmol ing today. Finding itnulf Hiirroiiudei) at a dollar a glass changed bin pb'a fim. In "In Folly Trail." and attached, the authorities allege, ,from not guilty to guilty yeaterdny of great authors, modern and ancient. lot hot Cbiyttm will appenr for the they fired upwn the crowd, wounding itflernoon and wa acntencetl to !U Inat time y at the "H" Theater at hnsr eighteen persona four of them davs In Jail. in "Crooked Htreeta, a Paimoiint erloualv. The federal eourt here yestenlny Jl I At .. Art em ft picture. Am geeretary to a government building are be closed lta sesnlon with the Injunction .In The William and Yuan mjppoMcdly an ing guni-rte- ly troops. suit against Charles . I whone travfkt take him to Ahaihnl, Klorencc McCurty if Socorro. They re" i LiUISJ ahe bcamf mixed In an Intrigu; und Crsille of Courage" Will be supported were enjoined from allowing their 0. A. MATS0N & CO. the girl, 41al tllla, flturta out to in- - by an all-st- cast In a story of cattle to trespass on certain land on efUi(ute Hnd falln Into the htnrit nf 'XuuarA Kelly," a criMtk, and an In- the Imtil national forest. " "tnf brawling etrtlora, and ta readied cident in his life itniong the "gang" 206 West Central by an Jrifh advwntuwiv fttec. Mhfia of tttftit Friuielst-v'- 'criminal woiid- Ot- ttiu 320.000 toiiH of rulther inyum la at be hftt in th'a plctun The sort of thai our, ktowii Innt yoar. th I'nlti d Buit- - Toutoriow tVlliUm U. Hat in ,"Tha heart. sti.. t took 21?. 000 tonn.

-- 7T- VlTrSloT--' em


Holeproof Hosiery Lounging Robes Christmas Suggestions Silk Lined Gloves Bath Robes House Coats Hats f Silk Pajamas Stetson Silk Shirt ;i, Mufflers, Initial Walk-Ove- Silver Belt Bucklei Handkerchiefs r Shoes fancy Watch Cnini Belts, Boys' Bath Robes Stetson Shoes 'ill Full Dresi Seta Fur Caps Leather Coats and Caps Fur Lined Gloves Men's Slippers Overcoat Mackinaw Coats ).cTo' I ? Vconl The Largest Assortment of Fine Four-in-Han- d Ties Ever Shown in New Mexico. See Them and Be Convinced, Each 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2l50, $3, $4 and $5

x Mail Orders Mail Orders I Delivered Delivered 3 Free WasSibiiFEi i E. L. Company Free t ALBUQUERQUE'S EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS ' ! - - . . ..;!! . ; r p"peesja' frwey A-- 1 tjHt Sri THE ALBUQTJERQTJE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE BEW MEXICO,. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1020

eepted a position with the V. S. I'ub-ll- e 4 HOTEL HAN SEES CITY - WILL NOT Health office of ihls eltv. Bankers Will Meet TRJK LEGi Miss Myrtle Hunt and Miss Mnurie " W Durlng'Sahla'Fe Fieila ' Heaven ' ' are two more of our students ' ' rTs ' " ' ' lo take places tn the office of the i GREAT FUTURE ASK BONUS f retlt Nfll e 3 II. FROM New Mexico Public. Health nnsocln Pa?fTA VK. N, V.. A The . Piir' Hon. 1921 convention &t tha-!.New Mexico ...... Mrs. Jnette Hevrln.f the. very ef- linnkers' shjim iu(bn will be held In l ficient of ,;i l : i i . STOREFOB QF( Special Officers Chase THE LEGISLATURE addition tn the office force Rnnta l during the fletn. This j n Hose own Id Urns, decision wns rt ached at a meeting of tlibiM-v- . - 1 7 Ali. I. t" one of the irrsd- Who Endeavor to uales In the pace course, has the executive committee held heif oiipoinicd lteputy V. H. Internal Heve-i- e this afternoon- Albuquerque ShtiUld Be Steal Ride Hoskins Post, Vegas, collector and ( connected with Lai the A)bU(tierqUH oHlce. - Mr. t.'has. one of for- Metropolis of South- Albuqueriie In having epi- Decides- It Cannot Be lioiiehn( our CHICHESTER S PILLS an mer stuilenls, is now wlih the C, H. west A. L. Barnard Say3 demic nf hot men, They nro not the Justly Asked But Will bureau or public mads, AlbuUerrpie. hoboes that usually are utility of Mi. joe. Mct.iulre, also one i,t Hie runner A r'1? l!t;r ;iV Re- nro of students of the hunuei ipi rfv'i in Western. Hotel but men who out Seek State's Aid for Hustons 'ol.ce in with the Kelly f..l .! work nnd aro seeking; new employ- Really company. nloN fill H I'lLI.H. Hi porter. ment. The police department reports National Action. M Iks Helm Jhikrt Is With the II. H. offl.-e- AlbiKii-Mue- Unit it is hnvlnif the la i Kent number I'liblle Ilenilh AlbuntiTfitin In noon to become n nf "sleepi-rs- In history. fC1L TO TMI MKSAt prrnt metropolis actni illnir to A. t. Nearly every night of late tramps ap- I.A lice. II. Ionnrd Hosklnn post Itarnnrd of Hnn Francisco who hns pear at the eltv Jnll nnd ask for o nt its niueUng thin week decided LOOK ! written nn itttolr In "Vim Western n1(th's sleep. Thr pty not only irlves that the American of Hotel Reporter' for December 4, n ew Mexico would baldly feel Jnnti 1m the night' rest In Jail fled )n cnpy of whlili hufl Just tice:i roctlvtil in them the iirtkinir for a state bonim nt MARVELOUS, AMAZING, SPECTACULAR nt th f'hftinliff or Cmim'rc. Mr. but lvi' the men breakfast In the the handH or the present IcglMlatunv tli of ("lum- morning and ihen leitt ihem go. They will nk, however, that the - HIDDEN MYSTERIES OF THB ORIEHT ! Iiiirnurd wim KUst th New Mexico legislature s ber or t 'ommerco ami f the Kiwuuis Ppeciul Offteer l.oiii Uriirh Who forward Is taking the pi in, nf tnilm Master memorial to Washington ndvocatlnc ' ' ' ctnb whlln her- severnl wn'kfi uk. the passage of a AUDALA3, THE GREAT II In nrtlrlM which .ippnrs In thn Kd Slrn t:tlr t nipoi arlly wllle the federal net for ad ' Is justed oofnitensHiton. The uttllude mnRiiKlun contiiins praiseworthy re- latter reported today that he And His Oriental Hindoo Company ft xa wim thnt to demand money from marks of vnrlmis city hotels and their has driven between and ttampn New Mi'xleo state- out of the Santa l"n ynnls for several nt such a critical time. nm mi iter hero including the and when her rattle and hrcp In- Will Play the Hindoo ment thfit thn "Alvunnlt hotel ts the nights. SeventtM'n men tried to "steal" Enchantment! and Oriental Mystories a ride on Kama Ke No. yes- lusiries nro tturrering hucIi louses. Irt'Keftt and most lliterehtlnK of III' train t would be far from the patriotic lit en Is FIRST TIME IN AMERICA vey House hoteln" with which ho hu terday nooti as it pulled out of the or tno legion. cnmn In enntnet. station, he says. He took after th in, u wan decided at the meeting to th city Chamber of Com- intending; to make an arrest o.' two organise Performance Starts 7:30 of und men a basketball team, a rifle merce ho suvs: but it was of no line. The team, an entertainment t run tie und "The elty of Albuquerque, him a him coming and all Jumped off the glee club, an employment burenu, a Tickoti 25c for Children ; 50c and 70o for Reserved Seats. wonderful fill nro and the Chamber train and ran arms the, tracks tow- we rare department to be nlways at df ('nmmrrrn )h fortunntn In hiivlncr ards the hlghboard fence to the the service of nil former soldiers and Saturday and Sunday, December 11 and 12 Km destinies In thn hands nf Mr, H. Officer Lb nch says tin y were too sailors. This post has done much for U. Wntklns. secretary. Ho in in flu fast sprinters for him and rll of th men In getting action on vocational ent In I In hrliiKlnir In nutshit cnpltnfl scaled the fenco U fote lie had chased training and compensation. It was BARELAS SOCIETY HALL nnd assist hi f In the development of n them very far. Mont of thn men are also decided to to In n body to the country nnd the building; f m. ftrrut oomlnir from Pueblo, nceirllnif tn rn vaimora nospitun .thirty miles north metropolis, such as hls-r- ty lit noon beHt-- f of the dl? oftb-liils- many mlti of here, to entertain the ex service to liecome. huvinK cloned down there. Inttn who are patteimta there chrtatt- ntfts afternoon. A big box of good (tings and personal Kills will a so be Every car listed below is a Bona Grazing Principal High School Juniors taken along. Source of Revenue Ready to Present Special For Suriiiay Fide Bargain. yoii are in . the From National Forests Their Anntial Play market tor a car. but feel that you Orfixintr nt present In the principal The Junior class of the High school snurcn nf money return to 111 Kovern-n- i will prisenL their iinuuitl piny on cannot just now afford a new auto- nl from th" imHonftl forestn, i Wednesday evening of next of itKrlciilture, K. ThiM I. "The Mini of the Hour." one Allege '; TURKEY OR CHICKEN DINNER states tho secrinry mobile, . , , , . , V. .Meredith In hlrt annual report to of the most popular succcrtseK or the items .... , In well ami the president. Hllim 1'ir, iiddH the dav. The cast 5 , Seeretiiry, the Itnir.lMtf feet! have been iticliidi the lollowlliK lil' mbers of Kurolimenta nro In very Cents doubled, with the view of inn hint? (he .lunior cuihh: apldlly at this time for the iheiii ciimiiienHuniie with curretii ren- Alwyn Hennet t Mnt Men 111 term of the A Ibuqueruue HtiHlness in! lutes for neinhhitl iiiK private lauds Charli s Walnwriulil .('uyb-- Kergun'ui ollge which begins on .lauuard :inl. Remember, We Have Reduced Our Prices nf the tininn churiicter. When tint ex- )'. I. and the a't iidauce for this term Heott II. ClhhM Woodford Heflin promises to be very gratifying to the isting rates were established, the Itlchard INtrrlgan ; .Joseph Heniiimin of the understood thnt they hooi. From 15 to 25', riiie .lames riielan John (Mler Mr. Everett K. Cowglll. one of tho won). remain In el feel fur five years, I'eiry Carter Wulnwrlght nnd mil n y of the frriixtiiH permits were I'nee slodeiits in hluher accountancy otto Iiebber 1 I... I.. ismied for t li In period. The value nf Hugo DY ILL LIEAHS C0L1E! the KrnxliiK privilege on iiuniy rmmcH Judge NVwmun Hchulle certificatf dining the pimt week, Our Meals Are the Best Our Prices Are the t cnnsltl-erubl- e llenrv Thompson. ..Morris Hehulinan .showing that he had completed very suls ue n ly ndviinc il nnd a rf i 4 .( Ji I - .. . lineni in ravnr of tin Im- VVtlKam lngi am Adrian Morris creditably, the taw and acruiiutancy Lowest. Eventually You Will Eat Here. t. . . pr by t - i- mediate furtlor Increase In the fees Uichard I. Itoberts. rnldweii outse scribed he I'aci. inst i--i - developed. The Rood fnith of the Arthur I'avne William tioodwln tuto of New York for pemexii-- H. Henry Head Hanson (Nigwill will soon graduate in this would be impaired by such Williams - 1 course. Furthermore, tn udviinee Office buy and bntbr..J. Whltehouse course, as he is now at work on s'tii- WHY NOT NOW? K. the fi'i-- tit the prewnt time wmlil iiliiH ainwrigb . . Helen OrnnHfeld ster which completes this eonrsr y wbb-- Fay strong in higher nccounliiiK. tuber studciitH tidd seriously to Hie lustahllll Mrs. Ibnnell - We Are Selling Them confronts tlx national forest livestock Cynthia Oarrlsoti Kdna'otl who recntly gained otlur Pace ('rtl- at IndiiKtry because of cIiuukIuk' market fl a tea are Tims. Iloyd, Hoy Keetor. conditions, iiml would be neither Just hcmi'ii of legislation, the department Claude l lleailn, H. liext, J. nor Rood public policy. will make a classification of the rang It. C rnett. Xo policy bus been hil oV.tvn by es and fix n new of charges, to Miss Vivian llalthusen is einplayed for I'm guidance of the de- be tmpohcd in l!t'J4, under which the part time at the Coopi-- Mcdor Co.. partment In tint uxerclsn of the fees will represent the actual grazing while her secretarial It of 'uurse. discretion, with which value of the particular portion the now M liftfiwu yearn been range used by or group Miss Oracle HhuMs is employed Cafe hus for vetted, to each pertnitlcu ecca wlih the Pacific Mutual Life e determine the conditions under which of permittees. Hefore the new scale company t. the uo of the ruiiKo should he per- is determined, an opportunity will be of this city. 214 West Central Ave." r mitted. If congress derires to pre- given the local associations or nation Miss J'ldua Howe Is Willi the tl policy, says Herrcliiry al range oners to any r Realty company. - scribe such forest submit I jii - S "' 'Meredith. It should not take effect daln regarding the fairness of Die pro Miss Husio vt r.port recently ac- linl II after l!lj:t, when the cxlHtins; posed feca which they may desire to lenses! will expire. K.vcn In the Kh- - present. CWtJQ. . W ' .( Li j Five Million Christmas Trees - II WILLYS KNIGHT 88-- Touring This powerful Used This Year to Gladden car it in splendid condition and will make you a good investment. 7 passenger; five good.. dftCftfif) Hearts of Nation's Kiddies cord tires; good paint sivJUvw v IV THS WIN monly seen In New Kngland Christ lltl'lB WILLYS-KNIGH- A WAHHINtiTON. Dec. 11. Iletween mas celebrations and In New York 88 4 Touring real bargain; good four nnd five million Christmas trees and l'hiladelphln. In Illinois and shoes ; mechanically perfect. Ohio the local demand Is supplied fifl will ho felled this year to brighten Get D American homes, churches and com- partly with nursery gt'nwn Norway this price I tW'.VT munity renters, and delight the spruce. 1'ines aro In great demand man trorn hearts of thn children. Thia in the lor Christ when fir and OVERLAND 73 estimate of the forest service, which npruco aro not available. Through- Five passenger, good condition. 'A says that the total of tnes used In out Maryland, Virginia and Washing- - real good buy during the this country cucn yuletldo season tun, L. C, the scrub pine finds a way $550 equals approximately the ccm blued Into many homes, while In southern consumption of Knpland, Hcotlund, Wyoming the Lodge Pole pine Is al and Wulea and la about 26 percent most the only species available. OVERLAND 79 Good shoes; mechanically perfect. ', An- greater tbun that of Oermany. Hemlock is often used, hut onty Korost service officials aro opposed in the absence of other varieties, lted other Kistler Overland C07C flls to uny movement to dlscourago the cedar, says tho forest service. Is nut bargain 1 J,U' uso of these trees for Christmas pur- despised where better trees can not J4 poses. To tho argument that the cut- bo had as In the treclesa states and The Coupe is surely a good and ting and u:k of the trees l a great often In Tennessco and Jennsylvunia. so OVERLAND 4 Raadster The only Overland 4 ever trad to, they say is so In California red cedar a useful car so good and was that the custom , and incense ed back. The reason was that they pur-- P old, so wall grounded, and so veneiat-od- cedar are not uncommon. The useful, that the most we might CCfl A( that ven f It wore economically swamps of Michigan, Wisconsin and chased another Overland 4 Touring Car. . . wOD J"U somewhat Indefensible, tiewn aspects Minnesota lurmsh the markets or say about it, is outdone every will and should continue to our weigh Chicago, St, 1'aul, Minneapolis and cconomlo consideration. the cities or tho plains states, while day by the things which tens of OVERLAND ohfy run' about 3,000 Placed all together, tho four or five .Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, me miles at now more than 10 per oent discount. Don let millions of trees used annually would Berkshire hills of Massachusetts and thousands of owners cay. t make a mighty forest, but forest ser- tho Adirondack and Catskills In New this bargain get away from vice officers point out that many of York are the sources of supply for $025 them enmo from fields which urn be- New York. Philadelphia nnd iioston, ing cleared for farming purposes or and oven tfuitlmoru and Washington. ' k from forests which need thinning to ChrlstnuiH trees, Dm forest service One 1918 HAYNES The best buy jirotoct the morn sturdy trees. They says, vary In size from 6 to 8ft feet, m' also argue thut trees aro for uho and and prices run front 25 cents to tJIS ?uickty'. $1050-0- 0 that there Is no other use to which or 150. Where the 25 cent trees are Th, guolln consumption la unusually low c.3",e.!nd,'et. . they could be put that would con- uvaltahle in not stated. ., tribute so much to the joy of man Tbs ttf ia unusually high kind as their uso by children on this VLBUQTJERQU FOUNDRY A DORT Touring A real good light car' one great holiday. Hruigfa inn nmiflingw in good condition at a very ' Of the total of Christmas trees eon MACHINE WORKS 00 sumed In this country, l.ftou.ono are Alrnnlmim. Rtruetiiral Birr! for $400 used In New York state and N'w Casting in Iron, nraasu nronzc. Knglatid. tho savs. ICnyuiocrH J. KORBER & COMPANY forest service Founder Machinist STUDEBAKER Touring gvod linos;' lilack ai.d red spruce are very com Works and OBloe Amaqaffque, N. M. Albuquerque, New Mexico. mechanically perfect. A bargain like F aU the above 245U'l'J Magdalena Auto & Supply Company STUDEBAKER Roadster Three passenger; good shape;' Magdalena, New Mexico. new paint. A real bargain for one. desir-- OCirt Uotice of Meeting ing class in s light ear 5u ; s . .. i Democratic County Central Committee. ! t I 1! n m Notice In hereby given thnt a meeting1 nf tlm liciuiK'railo central Onmmlticc of llernitlilki County will he held in Jrrrvtxtit bail, IIJ North 'II. in I t u.-- s ae A 4 Nircrt. In Mm City of Alhiiiticniue on Twnday, the Htli day or lU2i, at the Jmtir of 7:30 I. M., for lite iraiiMUctioii of iiiiiihtuiw item of !m jNtrtant btiiiic. All iN'OHM-nt- lutcrcHttil In flic pnrly Welfare, Its pliinn of nrmiiilMtiion antl fiitmv acUtlty, aiv litvltcdl ' lt UlU'llll Him J tut ting. Cwsi.MtJ' W. OKHTRriCIT, Clinlrinsn. 1 v't. MItti. nxlHKNCK I. tHUINSTOV. 211-21- (hslrmab Women's Dlflstom . 3 North Fov'rO i. j 1T. W. It,I4;iJjA, Secretary. . f . r ' ...... - . , fit -

tWisssswsffWWVi THE AlBUQTJEKQTTE IVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1920 Seek Agreement contract Vraune it la believed that WAS1 ! LNOTON. Increased faith of on a drop In prices la near. Tho palnt- Amcilcan government official In tha BIG PADEREWSKI IS COMING C continuance of peace In Mexico IN WM M Painter' Wage for era were promised an Incrcaso Jan- evidenced in a alight relaxation of restricting shipment BACK TO AMERICA SOON uary 1 when they returned to work Uie regulations The Coming Year of arms and ammunition Into that after the June strike. country. "Representatlvea of tho painters union nro tn session this afternoon In Labor Templo with pulnt contrac- LOCALCAPITAL tors endeavoring: to agree upon wage scale for 3 921. Members of the palntera union have Gallup "American Block" a contract with the paint boasoa Misa Schuler and Miss mm, Popular Central Avenue which states that painters aro to TlfK BtTUIUOIl COAL. a fl a day lncreiise on January Fiah6r Will Improve wkil Resort to Be Reopened 1, thus raising their pay to tli a day. This agreement however la with living Coal Supply Company and Extend Read & v. Soon? Will Be Known tho understanding that "If con ditions have not heart reduced 19 per Dolph Institution. as 'College Inn. com uy mei lime," IMioncn 4 nml ft. . Members of tho na Inter union at at ed today that some nf their member! The V.rnA nrl 1olph winntorlum on The assets of tho Orlmshaw Candy were In favor of continuing work at the menu, nmiheaht ut the eity, tli l company which recently went Into the the old scale nf $H regmrdlesa of the piineU lulu thfc hamls of minds ur a receiver nave neen pur- nftrnomi by buslncHM men nnd vMlwn WlnlfriJ phuler, chased local the of Y. W, C. A. Mim Morn on tho corner of Hecond street the and In MHO thin city. and f'entrnl avenue. the Amnio Irne Ktwher. of building, formerly occupied by the V.himh Hhuler ami FikImt pliin to opened ihe nw a rmtel for OrlniHhaw umtiany will be for entuhl.hront hiiHlncHH again ns soon as n furce or eonyaleoront health neekem about pnlnti'is and decnnitorH have thor- Janumy 1, in the meantime ejttMuilve oughly the building. remotlellhur and rebuilding will be renovated nntl The new store will bo known aa done o?i the vrnup of eement "College be backed nilobe hu titling which comprise the the Inn" nnd'will by a t . "0" Incorporation, of whl' h hotel. the stock will be fully paid up. The The buildings formerly rormtltut'-u- ' principal stockholders are K. T. base, the Iteml nnd Unlph Bunnterium fr 1GNACE Heeretnry atid general mummer of the for the treatment of tuberrn Inula by J. National Life Insurance company or the plntiter rtiin, but ulnco the ilenth the southwest and president of tho Gift pmot ff aj The of Character of Lr. N. N. Head about a year iitto Hnslm-Nf- Mens association of this 'the mtnittorlum ha be-- conducted '.Hy. and Dr. It. Fred Peltlt, who haa hy hin widow, Mm, Kmmi Itentl. been a redden t of Albuiueruo for hnVft mnkcitt pronPntH, t bp mirh n "I voluntarily ended my nr many years and la one of tho most "When tlimi thorn of thlnm The new owner will not conduct In. nn will liiMt Iuiik: 1o tnl In Ncimi lwlnjr rlve llstlP career," he wild, "to serve tny prominent dentists tho state, nr. lh thnt thry mtiy lc rnnittoi inm. the plan to Fatigned From Yean of Hard country polltlcaly Is also heavily interested In tho Hnrt liiimnrliil, ami may rufrcnh the momury no inedli'M treutment whnteoever ex- lino help bring the Petllt He Now dream of frco I'olund to cattle biiHhU'KS and own one of tho uf th rerciver" cept vr uit the nuentii nmy nrranifo for Work for Poland, largo In New Mexico. perminully. The establishment will fuirillment ranches Seeks Rest in U. S. The falso report phort neurltla waa Speaking of tho new company, Mr. he run a hotel, to aronminodnte both nnd Dr. petllt Aeeker Ao to Immedliitely followed bv an nvnlanhA Chase said that he Allow us to suggest a few articles from our Christmas stock, which henlth who nH e.ire felt a prominent corner, such as Im In ft Hnnaiorlum whu llllONM It, of letters from rumour doctors offer that bin Ut lllnV formerly occupied ny uic iinm-hIwi- dunlrahle rcrld-nr- near fi'F.XKVA, I K . II. Uruico J. ing to euro me tnd hy scores of mes- that would make appropriate and useful gifts. do wf'k a sages company, was too valuable to AlhuiUeriu. Patieri'WNkl win rH urn to Amerh-- or symptit hy from friends, It was a had Ni-- many or being remain vacant and that hotel In to bo called "El for tin Indefinite ntuy, noon uflcr ihem American. thlmr fur city of Albunuerouo for Tho Years, hu mo ti.uay In un iuter- - ly some of your countrymen Jiere the View, Nile told i to continually wonder why or Mountain the In cxprcKfted to st aimers PATHE PHONOGRAPHS ($50.00 to $1,600.00) ldeitl one, Nltitult-- an It In Kurope me sorrow that a comer In tho city ahutild bo un- hetnir an I my I such mil town in a vnst "Tell my Ameriran frlenda and poor hands were suffering so. occupied. ALADDIN ALUMINUM WARE a ftom myself t I many--th-at to contrary by of crimmunrilnir vlewfl of flatter think have convinced them tho "(if course, wo real lite, continued T0RRINOT0N VACUUM CLEANERS m'n, If everything goos well 1 Miall giving them n real American hund-ahnk- the mountains In every direction. e your Mr. Clinne. "That a candy store, prop- Hi pliinned hy back In country within about bo a very ELECTRIC IRONS fuel leu are seven Week," said- erly managed, can made the new mu n a re r to convey nuet he IhicNirt Liwdt Like a Kick Man. profitably Institution for ourselves. . PERCOLATORS 'I am going to take a much needed Wo to enter to a class to anil from the city. rnNt. Then your people can see for I'ndereWflki Is hend of tho ollsh ahall endeavor ' "OLAS BAK" OVEN WARE numerous lm delegation In the leaguo Assembly. of people who will appreciate final- Aiflde from imnller themselves I am not n nick man, but ity und A new CARVING SETS provmentn nbout the hutldtnK"-Nlfeplii- merely by political Ills pale blond hnlr and mustache cleanliness. fatlKUcd incessant rd machine la now being Installed VACUUM iHirehea lire to be built f" labors of the last six ynra. are the Hume as ever. Paderewski every piece LUNCH BOXES doesn't look like a sick man, but his which will insure dixh and the convenience of the and 'I have a small entitle in California, of nluHKware being thoroughly Hlerll-l.e- d KIDDIE KARS d blue eyes showed fatigue. other uddltlontil features will be and find myneif hinging to ih1 the alter each time It is usud. We EXPRESS WAGONS for theip enjoyment. state nnd enjoy Its wonderful cli- He i hatted ennlly nnd with humor, are uIho installing a filtering machine The new nianaKern do not plan to mate." espeelaly when he told of the plight hu that all water served, cither as ROLLER SKATES operate nt n prohibitive rute for Not a Martyr to Neuritis. of his American friends In a dry coun- water or drinks, will be filtered. We VELOCIPEDES KuentN. They ntnted thin nfternooii TVidercwskl uwked me to "please try who had informed him clubs were will manufacture candy nnd pasteuris- e nm con- ROUND OAK CHIEF RANGE that the rate would be very rentem-nlil- correct the lmpri'tion that I a now liko morgues. ed Ice i ream and have already martyr I Colo- and that Information conrrn-In- to neuritis." 'I want to ark America not to bo tracted at our cream from GUNN SECTIONAL BOOK CASE the new hotel could be ohinim-- I'uderewskl said that It was true Inipntif nt If Poland has not done rado, where a utate Inspection of ull NUT BOWLS ut the Y. W. A. Tho hotel Will he would play tho piano no more, everything ex peeled of her,' dairy products in that statu liuiures ui'pnmmmlnte SO gueata. hut not because of neuritis In his my coun- abriolute purity. KIDDIE KOOP aa said. "Itememher Ml Hhuler for two yenra hnii been hand, reported. try Is surrounded by dangers. Many Stale's Largest let Cream Vlimt CARD TABLES may bo great many the popular funeral oeereturv of the frontiers are Mill In doubt nnd the It news to a ROOS CEDAR CHESTS Y. W, ". A. Hhe declined to make Poles have been compelled to fight people iii Alhli'iueriUe, but neverthe- any Ntatment tudny concurnlna: her I'd months after other peoples began less it Is a fact, that In taking over OVERSTUFFED ROCKERS future pi.inn with rirnrd to the awn NIGHT NEWS to enjoy peace. the (trlnmhaw bust news wm have ac- SMOKING SETS elation. Her ability aa an executive quired the lurgeat ice cream and "Your powerful nml fortunate candy factory in '.lie state. The equip- FLOOR AND TABLE LAMPS and hunt new wmnin hnii been mtv SUMMARY America started weak and poor and ment of this factory compares favor- citMNfully demoiiat rated duiinir her took n long time to draft the consti- ably with Unit of any lain cu cream RUGS, ALL KINDS AND SIZES Nltuatlon here in connection with r move I'AI.M UKAt'll, Flu. Horace K. tution nnd forward. Poland In and candy factory In the southwest. And a COMPLETE STOCK of work at the Y. W. C A., the eufeterlu a given time hope to do likcwlHc, We expect to do a la rue huslnesrt In new hoilge, mlllloiiulro nutuinobiiu manu-factnr- FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS and the hotel. ('mi lie Toirctlicr In n Year." the wholesale department aa well as .M Inn r'lwhtT, has been In Al- - died Frhluy nighl at liif "Put who homo ':lteincmher. my country. torn the retail. biuueriUe uhnut a year, llkewlM Iihn whiter here. "We shall specialise In the serving wldfly favorably known Maunder many years aero by powerful become and cannot he put together In a of dainty and attractive incuts and Come in, look over our stock and get our prices before buying. We nn u htmlniHN woman of ability huv-Iri- FAlt(Jt), N. t). Chris IviTTuT. stales, will tnMall u catering department M year or yoirr.- IHfficiilt been em pi oven'' on fli"'atnfT of a to senu tor. In an u il d resa u t a even several which should take care of the catering will hold any of t a rmera" meeting, ngdon, N. U., economic, educational, Industrial and article selected until Christmas and deliver free The Herald and In thy office of the l.a iiucptlons needs ot u city or this sixe. Y. W. C. A. Friday night, aNserted that A. human must he solved. "tirimshow'a will, hereafter, ho charge any time you wish. Ti'wnley, preMld"itt of the National "Patriotic Poles drcim with mo of knovn ns the "College Inn," and the leugue, would "retire"! free poand-th- e eastern outpost of slogan will be "rtomethlng a Little western ctvlltantlon which will In Fourth Ward and from league activities in North liu-- 1 the InTiere.U." GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERYTHING kota and would devote hla time to years to come form a great dem - It In understood thnt Mr. A. C. Library School organising farmers In states outside erotic nation. Poland, when allowed Thomas, formerly collected with tho of North Iukolu, Tow nicy still is to nrk In peace, will be one of the .irliimhaw company will bo manager Win Track Meet president of tho league, greatest of Kurope. of the new store as well as being in- Wit niho have mineral resources. terested ns a director In the company. we get "UIHNOKLEH."" Calif! Indict- nnd If I'pper Htlsln wo will vStar The Fourth Ward achool and tho ment charging conspiracy he Independent industrially, as wo wjll to havo been permitted the opportun Co. criminal Library school were winners in the then have tho coal necessary to build Ity to aerve my country to tho bwst CASH FurnitureYOU grade school championship track were returned against four persons IF HAVE IT CREDIT IF YOU WANT IT. Friday by up lndiiHtrles. of my abilities. meet held at Washington park this hero tho Angeles T county grand Jury im "I think these tilings nro on their "Nowhere was nblo to rnlse my Phone 409-- West Gold Ave. morning, the former winning the which for aeveral wnv to fulfillment voice and plead Poland's cnuse more 113 Junior meet and tho library achool weeks have been investigating uhaaes I hope to bo nhlo to glvo place effectively than In America. Fur rtentor of alleged "crookcdneM" in 1919 that Hie tracK meet. to yommer men, I am 1 shall be forever grateful.' In the Junior meet, 1ho Fourth games in the Pacific Coast liuseball but thankful Warders had 106 points, the Hecond The four named were W. w ird 75 points, the First wnrd 81 i in ker, ( 1 la be Hotlon, former fIrat print nnd the Third ward 80 points. baseman of tho Vernon club, whose In the Kenlur meet, the Library ch.irgi'S precipitated the Investiga- school emerged with 114 points. The tion, Karl V. Maggert, former out- Centrals had 17 points and the First fielder for Halt club; W. U. an-- Herond wards 26 and ltt point, Humier, Halt Lake outfielder; Nathan respectively. araj Ituymond, alleged gambler, Seattle, The Hecond ward achool won the Juelor banner by taking the highest PUFIILO, Colo. (leorto Bopko, f number of points in the junior rv confessed murderer of K. C. Parks, ifa lays. Tho Library achool won tho and Will Hunter of Ftteulo, wuv Hen lor relay, making 13 prints. Heven hanged at tho state penitentiary at Start Serve hundred students took, part In tha H:UN o'clock Friday night, according field day event. to advices from Canon City. fl-- Buick Owners Dinner : r i nuii-iyMWr- t' 1 Dinner Expect Clara Smith nounced they had acted In an ad- visory capacity for the family of Clara In Fort Worth Soon. Htnlth wanted In connection with tho fatal shooting' of Jake L. llanion, re- at at Lawyers publican national committeeman from Announce Oklahoma, today denied reporta that You Ought to Take the woman was concealed In Fort 5:30 FORT WVFtTK, Texaa, Pe 11. Worth. They wild she was expected 6:10 MfTiio--ra of the law firm of McTan, to arrive at any time from Kl i'luto Advantage of This H ott 'ami iliiLcun, who recently an- - either by train or automobile.

la the interests of good service and econ- omy the McColIough-Buic- k Company has arranged to inspect all Buicks, re- gardless of model or where they were purchased, free of charge once a month. Her Xmas Present The McCollough Buick Company em- ploys thoroughly trained Buick mechan- Moke her a gift of TDtfE two hours a day saved from kitchen work two ics. They work on no other cars under hours daily to read, visit, enjoy life. t , any circumstances or for any reason. By The Sechriit Pressure Cooker saves two hours' oooking time a day in the aver- age home, oooking in thirty-fiv- e or forty minutes roasts or fowls ordinarily being familiar with Buicks, by knowing requiring hours. each part and its operation in its most intimate relation to other parts and op. erations, they perform service on Buicks Pressure at a minimum cost, and quickly. aKrsrsM " Sectwrtsi CooUer iiii ns.'llnwir-- This free inapection wai arranged to assure Buick own- er! of the maximum service and dependability they Cooks food more thoroughly because pressure forces 269 degrees of heat acAuM tUtnunttim f lit have a right to expect from Buick can regardleii of through every cell and fibre. Because steam tight, it retains all Juices and model. flavors. Also prevents food cooking away. Pays for itself in six months by Aeolian-Vocalio- n food and fuel saving. Pressure oooking and canning is urged by government A Gnaiir Phonograph We urge Buick owners to take advantage of this Free bulletins. as our mechanics may be thonogriph Monthly Inspection service Is made of heavy, rolled plate aluminum, smooth, bright, easy to olean. Equip- 'TpHE fint to able to make a minor and inexpensive adjus'ment now, ped book- I perfectly alfthe ' complete with inset pans. A beautiful, sensible gift. Ask for free mirror tones may result more expensive let with ivoice and instrument tha which if left unattended in recipes. , 'of on. i.mttB musical Instrument that you repairs or retarded service later jcatiplayl Catalogs uponrcflucab, This Free Inspection is just another of the Joys of own- ing a Buick in New Mexico, KEaaBb S.Madgesk Riddling Music Co. '4 11 vv e 1 . ir nnnuvYnnt. c nnv 74-- iV Mc&tLOUGH BUldK 'CO. . First tc (Copper Phone r - Fifth St. and Gold Ave. v - "i. : PhOM 1300 '! TKK AtBUQTJEnQTJSI EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, HEW MEXICO. SATURDAY, - DECEKBEft--TI- l, 1020

bv a T. M. C A. team t the asso Pegue, Balltnf, Jjvl!on. 'ith, High Team Will Play gym by - STATE IS OF elation last night the acore Schick and Brlnton. The line-u- lu SHORT con- of 20 to IS. In a preliminary fray night follows: Good Timer Tonight test Inst night the High School the mnlit laxt Today In freshmen defeated the High School High School: Wilson, rthr; Fnrret; Tti noort Time chih bnikothAll second team. Id to 4. and K. Olassntan, guards; xiaxar tenm will ilnv Itn nronil (time of Ihr The players from whttm Ihe Good and Hammond, forwards. T. M. r A Czecho-Slovak- .riiiMin tonlKht whfli It i the Titus club line-u- will ! pl ketl Xleyer. center; Dow and JnTti ia lllKh Hohool five ut lh T. M. C. A. Include, H. Hfvernn. F. Hcvernn. jriiHiils; illikelts and iiiibett, TJip Hchonl wn dpfratf-- Maples. Ireland, Mever. TEMPERATURES FELT lltirn tmm Hlckelts. How Uncle Sam's Little Sister Republic Is Get- Age Conditions During Past ting Along at of Two Years. Ohio Congressman-Elec- t Month Good for Har- BDITOX'S NOTE Ths Osscbo SlOTSlt r public has Jart puMd IU leeond alrthdsy. Tells Manufacturers vesting But Not Satis- Oorrpoo4Mit Duckworth went U Oiectaa Any Is SlsvakU U UU how ths jreang tUur f tLs Other Course factory to Livestock In- big Atntrtoaa rspablle ts fttttng slsag aftsr Defiance of tw rssri ef frwasaL Bar Is his first Economic Uit- Others will fsUev. Witch fsf lasai terests. la Ths Bvsnlag HsrsU. Law.

(Weather Ituronu niT.ce, 8nnta Fe, fly i. in:itni:itT iuckworth. V Tut? IHAfltTII VNSSS Ron era I rl ma t If mini mil ry for New S. K. A, Staff fM.KVKI.ANI. Jtec. II. Wages .Mexico, Nuv. 120); PHAdCK. Iec. U, The e must fall in the Culteii states with The murith, a a whole, wan cool Slovak republic Is now two yearn old. the reduction in, prices nnd the read nixl dry. Tiitti was fairly ip'neral Of all Hip nlatcn born from the uni- justment In normal conditions In in nnd niurkntl deficiency of tempera versal chaos of the great war, Ciecho-Hlovaki- a diiHtry. Congressman-elec- t Tlieodor tiiM-- ; k rem Put over the northeast and is tho only one spared the K. Hurt on if Ohio, declared before eastern border counties, ant fairly sorrows of Infancy. a liUHiness conference of the Cleve- lame also In central and southwest Cserho-Hlovakl- a In the first state tn land (taiinent Manui.t turers" asso- - counties, whilo nearly nortnul central Kurope whose budget for 1921 ation. obtained in the northwent, shows a credit hula nee. H Is the only "Any one who ays that wages with a few stations showing it sliKhl country In continental Kurope where mimt bu maintained at their prscnt excess of temperature. A deficiency the circulation of paper money has level is flying in to face of econoiwi' (if tnor thun 4 occurred ut not been Increased since the armis- law," Mr. liurton avibl. "I do not n few eastern border stations and the tice. say this from lack of regit rd for the nvernjru fur the. statu was almost 1.6 You ennnot lie long among these working man. We are all anxious to degrees. enthusiast lc, enterprising people pay the workers as much as possible. The marked effect of the ureal lake Cxecbs, Moravians and Slovaks un- ll is to our interest to do so. We are at the Klcphnnt Hultn ditm wan til recently "subject races" of the all workers In true Hcnse. Hut f how In a considerable excess ul n monarchy, without when they speak of war time prices breaking pay temperature ut that mutlon. being convinced CsechnSlovakln Is a and war time remaining .N. Cool period occurred from the state the rest of the world Is going they are talking out of th-- lr head. eleventh to fourteenth and twenty to hear much of In the near future. Mr. Jim ton traced the history of elKhtfi to tin clone of the month, I4.UOO.IHK1 PcOl panics and business depressions, while a marked warm period Inter- With an area of fi&,une square miles witlen he said romo In evrlcn. ltefer 4. vened from the to I he snd a population nf 1 4,000,000, OJ).MGLATH ring to the present depression In all twenty-secon- The nineteen) h wui Cierhu-Hlovakl- u has a larger area the supreme control hoard, before business he said that he hoped, though N3 prohobly the warmest day of (he than Denmark, llelghim nnd Holland tha 'IttMlgct estlmateh could be ex- he would not predict, that tho worst month and h twcrity-eiKiit- the combined, anil n larger population ceeded. would lie passed by the first of the coldest, ulthoiiKh for low uveriiKc than Switzerland, llelghim mid I "Thp same formalities ore now year and stabilization would set in, temperature the twelfth wuh probubly combined. Csecho-Slovakl- a necessary for the tratmference of I he causes, ho said, are currency In GIFTS THAT LAST much lower. will quickly live down the handicap credits itt other pnrpimcH than thowe flat Ion, nfler w ar conditions which The precipitation of the month wan of. Its queer name. for which they wire originally In- have cut off the pnsnlhUi number of by approaching rapidly. It very li lit, uviTiiKlriff about d Ir. minister of finance, tended, wlllln before the budget esti- buyers removing all of Kurope Holiday times are noimiil. .Much of the state (at at whose budget ntiown loin revenues mates can be xceeded the unrnridl-tlonn- from the market, restricted credits We had nn precipitation, or for the coming year amounting to sanction of tho national assem- and creation of fictitious values, is a good idea to buy your gifts early. hut a trace and no Iuiko nmoiintM oc- 4.1 07.979,Cif0 crowns ami n total ex- bly must be obtained. which reached tt peak at which they week will curred In any portion. Fair precipi- penditure of 1 4,1 "4, .17:1.60 crowns, No Kttruvagannc. caused their own crash. make this suggestion because next tation, however, occurred a aim the pointed out t mo a feature of his "Among other precautions again.! "Thqe are many thine which will no doubt eastern holder from yuay county budget that Is of considerable Im- extravagance the various mliiintiies make our conditions much better be a busy week for you and you southward, also In eastern Kddy and porting to Amerlcun and other for- may not make purchase beyond than in former times of deprcsfdon appreciate our suggestion to buy your Jewelry Gifts now, the higher districts of Hlo Arriba. eign Investors, uo.uflO crowns (lO.noo crowns In the he said. "We know more anil the and our itook ii complete. Your J'reclpltatlon waM unite Kenerally on "My cKtimntcH comprised an ordi- ciikc of profit yielding Items) without federal reserve banking system la our while you have the time the sixth and seventh ami aKaln on nary and un i traordlnai-- budK-t- , the consent of the rhoince tiilniKtrv. greatest bulwark lit Ihe time ol shopping early means our serving you better with more tint eleventh to fourteenth., while and another luised upon profit shar- 'W are delenuliied not to have storm." any Tree any extravagancy In careful atfention, and better engraving on artlole mattered Utt-ct- received small ing Items. Hcvcniics derived from any of our de- be, ap- partments, to get amount on the twenty-sevent- h am! he state budget proper cannot and out of debt us Host on has policewomen whose of charge. g twenty-eight- however, plied for purposcH of the profit ylebl-iti- quickly as possible." duty it is patrol Commons, Any I The' results, to Hoton A Small Deposit Will Reserve were far below normal. Unlit enow IteniM In the second budget, anil Wanted. occurred, mostly with the storm ol vice verKii. The slate. Artiole Until the eleventh t fouiteenth. when a In other wordM. binds Itself not to uc severe cold wave swepl the HtJite. the credits obtained by the g We Have a Large and Carefully Selected The amounts vsvro Hinall, even the items for defraying tho wtutv n deficits. of greatest fall In the northern mouij-tul- CHRISTMAS Stock dUtrlctii did not exceed 10 to 12 "The new financial measure Insures In- LA VALLIERES BROOCHES Inches, with possibly IK to 20 over the equilibrium and solvency of t DIAMONDS the hlRheKt crests, and the average state. It was already necessnry to WATCHES WRIST WATCHES PEARLS BELTS atntn wan Inch. obtain a decree of the ministerial lor the Ics than an council, together of SILVERWARE RINGS EMBLEMS J .Itt In remained at t he done of the with the sanction mouth; none hi southern monnialna. GIFTS PENCILS and PENS The month waa favorable for 'the completion of harvest, corn and ton. picking, beun and small rain A Visit to My Store Will Solve for You Your Perplexing MINDLIN'S ttir'ViliiiiK and marketing, late plow Gift Problems. intt and nome seeuniK. lianges w TRANSFER "WHAT WE SAY IT IS, IT IS." dry and water becoming scarce, hut wii i. si itritiKF. vn WITH Olll KIXFCMMOV stock continued lit K'ud to excellent or OlFT AltTK i i:s AT MOlU JItATi; I'ltlt I S lOllltMUll, CASES Tcmpornturi Fobs . .Sl.Ofl in SO.nn Tlaby Itlngs Sl.Ofl to 9300 The monthly mean for the at ate ribrthoard Lstttr flit. Chains II 50 lit BlM.UO Itlngn to SI2.V00 Oil ltiamn:d tuned upon the records of atiittonM, Cuff Links . . (H) in en. mi havlmt a mean 6. Wood Letur sad Cap lUt. ii l.a Vallleres . ...S:i.(K) to S'JA.tM) altitude of about Knlve .SI.? A to 9 10 Oil OnO ft'Mt waa 41.4 degrees, or 1.4 de Stssl Lstttr sad Cap tits. gree below th: normal, an di termlned Fountain Pen (Waterman) Wtlst Watches S2I.00 to ST.VOO from the departure, of M stations Indsxsa and nit Foldsn. Sl.tA In Sli.Ofl In White, Y How, Green, 10 year more. lin vi lift records for or llaly Lockets, solid gold (lold- The month won 0. X degree cooler ALL 8IZEC AND TRICES than November, 1910. The hi uncut $it.w to SA.oo l.aii:iM' IthtgH . 3 .1 tn ti:r..oo monthly mean waa 4 !t. 9 degrees a t DON'T the Klcphnnt I tut to dam, and thu MISS THIS BEFORE CHRISTMAS lilghcat recorded temperature 8! at Fort Kumncr nn the nine- teenth and t'arlshnd on the twentieth, THE The InwcKt monthly mean wan 27.2 PACIFIC SHOP Kllxn belli town, 109 WEST CENTRAL AVE. dcKreett at and the il liitiUiJIiki.fiiHi- - Inwcnt recorded temperature S de- - grees below ccro nt the name station. The terra tel local dally range of tem- po at ure wuh 2 degrees at Arugnn on the thirtieth. JlnmiiBtr. The m"nn relative humidity nt Rnntn at A a. m, wna 72 per cent. nt ft p. Ti., M per cent and for month. (13 per cent. At Itoswell at 6 a. m-- . the mean van ts per cenc nt A p. m.. 48 per cent and for the Real month. 3 per cent. At the. 8tto VniveiNlty. Albuqueniue the mean nt 6 a. m., wan 70 per cent, at ft p. m., 44 per cent, and for the month f7 per cent. At the Htate Agriculture College at 7:310 a, in., the mean was 74 per cent, nt ft p. m., 41 per cent, Christmas Gift nnd for the month 68 per rent, while nt Kl I'oho at 6 a. m., the mean wan per cent, at ft p. m., 88 jmt cent, nd for tho tnonlh. B4 per ceutf 1'rcrlptlailon. 1 Ths average preclpltutlon fw ine state, baned upon the records of 10 atationa, was 0.24 Inch, or 0.42. Inch One that will bring pleuure to the receiv- below the normal, nn determined iiR In 07 er every day of the year for yeurs to come. noki from the depnrture of atutloni A lino of the Stiff-- n il 4'I.Mh HlmttitKM. 10 yearn more. I I'i-I- . with records for or INT n lliil. Over MIO of Hiaik average In 0.81 Inch I 1 The lean than You could not make a gift that would be tllltiM nf Uio INiptilar VU" II b h, im4uiikiiim, November. 1919. The greatest month- Hun ut ai.uu iu'h 1'rayur Uoukft. ly amount wan 1.00 near Pearl, went more acceptable to mother, wife or lister in IjCh county, nnd tho great at In or do more to make the daily drudgery nny 24 conneiMitlvo hours 1.70 inches bouse-olcanin- lit the Ha in e station. Fifteen atatlons of g a pleaaure. reported no precipitation and fully no many more but a mere trace. The Some of the New Series ior Boys average snowfall was 0.9 Inch, and w Iiiilians-Surv- ey, Man, there wan an average of S days with Tin' ltiy ith the 1'. S. Muil, Weuthor FnnntiT, Tnippcr. 0.01 Inch or more precipitation. I'limiiiis I mliiiti CliU'fs SiMiuts, Cavulry l.eadi-rs-, l.eadi-r- s of indiislry. DOITM' TO WIBHUf. llnv S.MiutN of tin- - Air The Itunncr Hny Hoy StiiiiIh' llaml Hook, Scout MimtiTs' Hand Doa't with fom tosld fin a o Ptol It " iooiits. Dos't wi-- h yea Malt fat yew aaar Hook. nt Bent It. o Don 'I wutk jom soml4 hII yaar asw - III''Electric Vtc The Saddle Hoys Juek Kiinger Series, Four Boy' Series, The Speedwell Boys, Tlia Kliaki Boys. HOWt e Br Inn Iks rald'i ChMttfM (Vihinina v Vbona SAB Pknne S4K This Year's Girl Series . The Red Cross Girls Dorothy Pale Series, Mary Jane Series. Will alio pay big dividend! in Secure the Best Business better The Motor liirl Series The Outdoor Girls. Kutli Fielding Series. Blue Bonnet Se.ies, Patsy health, a cleaner home, more leisure time, Carroll, Aunt Jane Series, Helen llrant Series, Ranch liirLs, Dorothy Dainty. Training Offered in the which means a happier, healthier and Southwest more contented family and a big saving The Ever l'opulur Little Colonel Series, l.ittlo Women Series. in the life of your rugs. The Ever Desirable Standards The Western School is tho only Institution offering tho com Drop in and let ui demonstrate a Tales from Shakespeare, Dickens, WiiRiier. plete Hecrctarlal Course. or better still, phone ui to Riley's Hosts of Children, Stevensen's Child Garden nf Verse, end one out for a trial. Let explain M'PF.IUOR COi nKlXt ui Raekhum Illustrations; Riley's Hecrctarlal, our Special Christmas Payment Plan. Cinderella with Arthur Raggedy )al), llookkeeplng. Commercial Indian History for Young Folks, The Bird' Christmas Carol, and the On Books. Teaching, Civil Service, Machine llookkeeplng. Do not delay, as there is always a short- SI'PFRIOIl INSTItfCTION: age of T0RRINQT0NS at this time of the fiur Inntructlon la Individual-You- progress la not returdud' year. Make It a Book Christmas! by others, Give rvrnv graiwatf. ih Books! Give More Books! PI ACF.O IN A MHininiMuniwiuMumuiiiM Puy, Half-da- and Kvenlng Ses- sions. New Term Junuury I, 1921. :'TI Western School for Private Star Furniture Co. Sfoi View, Showing Big Carpet Strorig's Book Secretaries Sweeper Bruih. Phone 408-W- . 113 West Gold Ave. 'YOUR MONEY BACK YO0 WANT IT.' T46 W. TUVU Ave. PhOuo WLJ tf TnR AtBCQtriRQCE EVEIfnwniERALD, AtBUQUIRQDE,' HEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11,.. 1020

ing. He la also charped with having I Martin's BogtiB Mi. Har:ib Coiitn tils "hoiise-kevpw- '-' HEW SUPPED TABLE TODAY'S MARKET QUOTATIONS FLOOD PROTECTION' anU-t- chltdreii at love, Operations Extend Arl. lie is t.nld lo have taken her iMU'M. ' there from California. ' ' a net oT 1 to 4 H GOSSIP New York 8tocks gain cents with To 2 Other Cities ge hln name nn May upon December fl.ffA and March 1 1. Ml to Martin BY CHURCH Ne W YORK. Jec. 1!. The ntock WILL BE SUBJECT coming lo town nnd advertised In the Adaiielo MirnAea won fined In market continued down wan) Kdwnrd M. Ideal paper for a hosuekeeper. The fin llf The ntrengjh In corn wan not Mnrtin, nrref'tcd Dem-m- g pnllic nut n la lit on the charKo eourae (luring tndny-- nhort nofalon. jtollcc found a check land nn a r nn mem mm not an maintained, however, dwplie a fnlr by Nonstable A. B. Mornga ()ft (Mink among hln m longings. Word nut reporiintt nn M""Til well an noeculntlve idinrca trade to nnd at the finish having a driver Hcemw-- mn yielding to pernlntent preaimre In t.e neahnard the chnrge of 'Msnmy nnd of issuing b,iH been reetived from Han Diego thnt Into a firect ear wlih hi automobile ot power. prices Were unchanged to cent tt orthb ks checks at Han Diego t an of fber will bo sent liere to take Hit ouving under clone May Wiuitf il In towns, two week njtn The polli e had n The yetrdnvM with four police leurned him tin ie fur trial. rppirt the llrrhno mifntier of the tone of overmailt advice. 71 't In. Hk cenlf. todav. llesldi-- being wanted In Han ff bearing upon vaUien t A JIKHAI-- cur but It wna not unlll yentfi'dny again wan huge. t'lone: Idcpfo on the chat gen named he is WANT AO. ... i Hint the depnrtment found Ou driver. ly favorable tn the nhort Interent. W lieu t I Jocem bor, 1 tifi ; Mn ich, Wanted on tho ilmi-f- ot lesuing will bring resiilia, Pnona 14& and Miss Elizabeth Craig Hlf ear number wan i:il12. Italia of the renrcaeniatlx a tviin were Governor-Elec- t Asked to worthless checks In F.I and Dom Insert your ad. 1 Im Fly mm lii'-l- company yen heavy, lofing to I points and Innnea Corn MaV, 71 lalc among Dec., Ric; ftr. Now Taos, Holds In- lerdny won a rfpb'vin hikl on it plnnn secondary rail were more ex Outn Dec, 4Vic; May, 4H'c. Attend Conference on at and Rrnf'inolii, part nf lh" furntlHre Pork- Jan., "t, which wn) in the home of ' hnrb-- The hulk of the aena centered In 5; Why, t:i !)7. December 22 Discus9 dividual Service Record OH-- ti:i to H. W'tiritha, nil promoter, who IniK motor a, at eels, nliltHilnirn and Itlb.Jan., I3.IU; Mav, fl.TiO. in Great Presbyterian now trt the cltv, VVMlirim KlrkfUit-ll'- food and t exilic nucH, Americul' Safeguarding Valley ciiRlnet-- hud ail'i'lutl the furor Woolen elmwinpf further weakiMmi. Livestock held herm-- i omlltlmm In t. riritchfi The wa the fiiitontuliiie fa. DKN ' KM, ee. I re- Lands. Organization. JiMta" W. W. M't'MMo,ie were rcflectt-- lit the puffing 21111: r rcMiteln Itoroo of Obi Motion wft or l - ceipt. steady; bei meem. the ink ItuMtcr divl- t. an 61 placed under a - i tice boml nln-- nd. cloning I B."k rnuH and helferH, $ iuti Hlepn tn Insure more protection to Jhr, A of 44ri years hnm twiti apetit The wan Weak Hulen .7ft; B.tifl; hfMrtna tH'ffire .hiMtlce t.f the fence S calves, IH.Olltr Hlo kerH along (hi- Itio I f mtn- - ft approximated 50.000 sharen. farruera and others !n hnmc mlfdon aervlrn iy M. yeaiordoy "nm-- I and feedern. $.r,.iHi t Wom-nn'- iirternnnn. lofing 7.ti, Crimde Hgalnt llondn llfive been loon r lew of th Presbyterian iriia mocks: I logo, r. (i ; (In lot waa nuide naiilni Floren by American Huirur hail receipt, cents lower. Mil Ned by the rhumli'r nf com- Honrd of llnm MlKwionw, an HaiK-rie- At Top, ttt.r.n; fl:'. '4 '1.40. llhi wife. .Inn nn Flnrcf American Tel. A Tel t.x bulk. I'l merce. nvrrnito of ovw ynrn Mfh, thnt he abum-- her and made thrcui" Mieep receipts. l.lflfl; .oerv-le- Aniicnnila Copper. . SK H. II. Walking secretiiry of the In ri'fiftnlttm of thn fulthfijl upon her life. Mre, KtoroM nml 'i ltUlbH, t'.t.UHli 11.00; eWen, $4 (MI'il Tir Usll but huou , ,. eHhyierb.h flottrd re- AlciiiNon hi ebitmber. Jmh cilb-- n ineeitng of tht llie I'i V'nrtin'H mother teflifled that Kioren hud ffi.tio; feeder lamhn, $.76 fn l.2h. ' of Homo MlHslnm, Fifth avenue, cently bought and conaumcd n Ktillon Chlno Coiipcr ik wwite nlflciiiK hic.'uillng t lo ernor-oec- ! '; t frt I vm C. Mechehi. utnl Ww York City, hun nwnrdcd to .if wtne nil In thri-- dnyn. f. KA NHAH OlTY. Merrill Ihofc foot- Innplratton f'otiiior De. M.i'nhod iuleiediMl In the country o be i TlcfpomU to your iiistinctivo mimioal w'imcn, n beautiful nervier The HMiall 'IniiKlHcr fir F. larkltt, :tn4 t muni-ripu- 1; Ktalen llureau of Marketn: 'utile Ik the dn hmiixt the l Northern Pacific 7 14 lo re on Deeenilu r 22 at l.'.Tl n'ebe k. n A pin. The pin tht ncul of uulomoblln at :ifll; iuii(iket for w ck lle. f ing through the pnlnl piunu rosigjiids Htuitd of Home ffroiinda, won nl ruik leading I'lih'.eitM in nil of the river counties Wnniin' ntei'ia and fat geiieriilly - by u naulomoblle at the Corner n Houthern faciric !IK H, 2'i nn- iHtltig invited by circular letters to ttie touch of tho hands. Gives yon MlK.inn In blue ennmel. mtrrnundcd I to M eenlf hiKher; can 10 ami jnilln I Hroadwuy and entrnl avenue lute nion facirir in ami uro asked to let ly a rim at plain itoltl tn which 2ft centa higher; al calven the clutmber complete realization of every lormry en- yetiterdny nftfinnnn. The nutomolilli United Htntea Stool r unevenly of commerce kbnw if they will be cnitriivt-- tho ycnr the miff 1 1. hb to t lower; un- of topped after knocklna: the (.'hlld doun other calven able tn ultend. The problem 01' nuisicul wish, no mutter how suhtlc. tered the work and the ycr nn Immediately. Money evenly 2ft eentn tn $1 Inwei pin. (hp rcvet-H- tint drove The little Murtiet. fitturu Mooils nd miitti-rr- ol awfinllnjr of the on la not fterioiifly Injured. NFW VflRK. Dec. 11 Monev nn.l and f0 to 7& cents bin hi r; t mia- - Klrl Ion but mlrht be asked are aide ena;rved tho nnme nf the xclMngo. fat cows he rem. 15 2 Tlio ham her of Cnmiiicttv liaa re Prime uifiretinilio iinm-- and to cent to ho HrU O. TW Manunln miv Sad io ny of tU BMin-mt- nlonnry and tho number nf nf ta n Mlnit binder; calven, eclved a n nnri that nomeone 7rH. Rchunge Nterllmr stuck weak. lb Hllts, K,ltnstoa, HaaMlUHi, lb llowaet. service. plctuiea, aul'OH-dl- lb one of Theo- lernaml. 94 6; 34(, I Inge, 11, mmd try any aorvlc cables, receipt. h,)e; nrilve. He,,dy lured vviluiH. to ft haver; roSMy iaeOuiwst ' The Individual record dore Van Holen. local artlwl. The. New York Kirhnnirn nn Min,ir,iil to n yes 01 dn,v yearlings, SI fat ewes, - villiotil ttliliaiUwn. Ak H lar calalop aail ommdn-- ik In Sfi In held by frMini Kill! than loner; br vciim and chamer announced today that Mr. 19ri per cent dlfcnunt. tiveraire mlxCfVt drotes, fii.tioff !i.7fi: IlifT and feeding tnek sleaily. ItMMalMIB. nhi-t- Cniiit. ut nreient dolnir home 'iiii Holen hfiN hired nn one to ael! top. fi.TTi. mlRNinn ut Tnos. New Meiicn. Ilia pic torcH, work Bar MUcr. Hheep receipts. Produce Tim pln wer Bwurdi! to nil who Ait auto driven hy .In men Peak NRW YflltK. Dec. I 1. Hat" allver. in"; ;,uirket tor hnd 26 yearn, or. more. The Rtrhck I vu Mm line, bicy'ilnt, at h'i(U) domcNtlc, week: Kill lunibs. l.2fi I. lilt lower; rillCAdfV Dee. I I. HlUte;- ncrvrd 9ti'kcVforolgit, .Me- ; Sit New Mexico atreet and .'entrul avenue yoHift-ijn- yearlings, 7fi cents to $1 lower; nbeep crenmery. 'a 4fc. following arc the xican dollnm, 4iTtc. l; ;r nf the prfftny'tftinn aervle afternoon according to a report to flu to cenln lower; t'cidltut lutiilm, higher; teeeptn. MKV, ni.tes; 2b fh'Hts, 72 in Y Ut pin- - field In they are The hoy win tin injured, the illverty ltrmdn, mostly lower. lc; ordinary firm, 04 with tho whlh iti'e; L nntl ineir yetira or acrvice; report hold. NEW YOltK, Iec. 11. Liberty CHICUK!. Dec. II. Cnlted Htaten mailt, enses Includi d. at work i It u 71c; rcfrlgi-nito- l f.U ij, tn. ,17 MtHft Cniiit, Now i tiMt'tms; or tiie ctrfMittvc nnrirn hondn clom-d- fftO.aO; flrnt urea of Market; Cattle receipts, lrvls Rllmrwth Too. tn, 4f.; Poultry alive, !r. M ox loo, Ifl and leKlflaiive committee of the Hlilte fH6.U0 bid; necond 4a, 1X6.10; flift compared with week ago: He. r unchanged. Minn Hliike, Trementlnft, Now Federation of Ijihor which la to he 4 Vt m. Ixn.i'R; necond 4 V. n. IWH-- and butcher cattle closing around All0 poMt- - K A NHAH PITY, Dee. Fjjm held In Albuuiienpie him been 4 IKK. DO; 4 ' Ktemly; some medium U( H(Hnl kill- II. M ox Ion, SI yenra. third ut fnurlh flriiin I 2 Menm., potietl from 16 to Decem NG.R4; ',, ing heifers showing slight In to cents lower; Hecotubi. MIm M. Franm Kobe, f victory 3 n. IU5..12; victory gains iiuehanged, r7e. nolintil, N. M.. 27 venr ber XO. Thl word waa received here $!)r.34. value; bologna bulls fit v c tits Alliti(iifritf, .1. Mutt r tinelmiied; crenmery, 6.1c; - tbla moral tut from M. Lynch of higher; fat bulla Ml- Anna M. Hlicd. 4. dull; hrlil and packing. Die. V. M.. 26 your. t'lovlft, president of the iMHird. The Chicago hi.mly wehi veal ralvi-- tl.t.n m iHMd, AllniMHoriuo, Botrd of Trade nioiy Poultry iitx hsuiged: nn. EASY PAYMENTS meet nn la to be held in coiifldor the lower; henvles went; lo lower. n h' Hti framing of now worktuen'H Honortn of n aood imMimitu and rnotM". ir,4i?i-- vpilni-- , tin' at the Hcaboard fedeiH stiady. :n;e. law for NUbiniaflon to the and gulf, includtuu Hogn, S.llini; iMi.4ty If. to laamg ny (.IreiM-- 4 U It. 2T, next aesaloii of the flute lite of hint IiiihIi. eenlH higher thin enlii v's nv YOU eln. couphil with report Hum- - Point n Marki t. PEOPLE The In hoi era In the atnte favor it law that ei.lgo; Hip. .Sr,; $'tMW,t i Jf,; RIEDL1NG MUSIC t - ,K, I I. potutiH-- CO. win i Mn I'hW-- Inw, It m aniil. katchewan had reduced hHiim.I- Plgx 2.1 to .If, 'HH'.t(. r to the wh'-n- higher; bulk de- 1M d crop of imi.- - Sleadv; eei fplH, 40 ens; KNOW TIm Hcv. T. h llnrvry that nrnvlnce sirable !hi io ;tu piM,,, ,,KH ;( :if,rt, noriherii at tho Fillowahlp lunch tomorrow iPOd.iioo liunheia wore rcNiinnfftilc for white :ick'd. SI 'li I. Mi; bulk. nftorn(on at the V. M. A. on the eniwe,i later In the wheat Hheep root Ipls, 2,000; Ited l:ivi Radiator repairing. Quickel Anto Oo. i. market. At the finlxh nrlci nhowed comtuircd jt'l.K.M, ). Ml; !aho rnsNels, mih (net "Home KlemeiitH of Huccohh.' with week ago; Fai Inmb and ma- - .?:,. Flovd A. (Join of tho I.unch will be nerved ut ft:! 6 o'clock t.u;,'i oompuny, nf Omnia wan in tho city beer, made thnt nn yontonlny. Announcement has hualncaa l ho annual ChrlnlmuM dinner and A. B. Anderaon of HnnlM Fo If hore away tnriitv. Mr. AndertMon, la head nf party "for the man from home" - will he nerved thU your an tinual trulnlna- for the nubile - chnul nf the MHte. Henervatlona will he open until ity Attorney W. A. Keleher had cetnltep 29. returned frntn k bualneaa trip t Oul-lu- Threw men who were arretted hint fftriounemjt nlKbt on the chufKO f vasrancy were rteurenced 1 ti ilnvn ( In police Mr. and Mm. M. J. Hoaklna nf to - morn Inn. The three are - -jr 1'ntro rotintv. Inwa are here to visit court thl i f f ml 3 "iO Kant Alex Hheffer. Manord Hmlth and .Hf ill Mr. and Mm. X. Irnper on bi (i mm. Mm, Honkina In a aimer Hurry ihtnnn. Hhalfer had Iron vi exnliilned ho could M tit. Mmpor. Tho two will remain uernori but that nf not nfrord to buy a oei. He wun her two wotka charged with hivlng "iwoochoil a F. R HntiKhtnn, frelnht trnfflr nleep at the Hanta Fa ataiion Thurn-dn- mannivor for tlu A. T. A H. F. nlaht. arrlveu tn the city Induy from Dan KlHrin, allna Nailor lNttnlc Han la Fo. TIuriiH of Walnenhurfr wantn a bos up: Dnvornnr CamplMdl of 'Arliima, w mulch In A biioiieroue. Jack .MnrKle in A hiiniirrnutt today for un hott., a flit lit promoter, received a letter to- 7J7J7X yt&ftt pfitwritKur on tho Cjilifornlu Umitod day from llurnn afklng that he imc fnr I'hoonix. w naom mmon htn error ta to necure a iikiii mr nun hy Mra. Cumphe!). Tho vovornor hua Hum wrlten that ho will accept n 20 a ro.i- boon attndlna: tha annual ronfor-inr- f ao for 12. 16 or roundn at Viii nf Kuvernom whloh mot this itonable offer. Markle miyn he will .mw your wt HJtrrlfhurs, do what he can to find a man to ac- linn rnnf'ivania. chulleiiNC. Frod Ha bin of Tnpoka, Krinn.. la 111 cept Burns the rliv fnr n thro 'wook'n huflnoaa William Col lb t it, affiant flrr vlxlt. He formerly lived on I'nlverflly chief mul head nf the Utah land do HelKhta and attended the xtnt uni- partmcnt, wan taken off duty lout versity. ultrht Itoraune of n npralned leu Mlaa Flora Marnhnll arrived in the wrtnt and arm which he received from a fall while f'Khtl"K a fire at rliv hint nhfht for a ahnrt vlnlt with garage ftre.'t SPECIFICATIONS irb-nd- way a cn North Twelfth I'nlverfliy on hr from morning. prow Built to Extend the Fame of a Good Name l'uiiitflriia. I Til,. Ut wnrevepori, l ycnierday rolllnter Model 43 A whiTH Mhe upend the remulndur ably will be off duty for two weekn. will KumucII unnounceu ni tiie winter. Fire t'hlef Fred The Oldsmobile "4" is now reedy for your inspection at our salesrooms. WT... Ba$t 115 incha. J. W. HID of J.nnln(r. Mich., hna thlf morning. The latter la looklliit new cap. IlunneH'a cap wan Wiight 2763 pound,. arrived In the city to vialt hla dnUKh for a njm Fourcyllnderi cast en bloc, type, Mi Hurlier. He will tto burned off hif head whllo he wa ' satisfy ralve ter, Mra. C And it will pay you to approach this car with an open mind and to datuchubl lieud. 224 cu. In. displacement, on to Ciillfot-nii- alter '( rimmim. ftKhtlog the rinmen at lruu rmuin very Minn H"tty VorrHni'tie left tndny Walter at reel yeatentoy. yourself as to its apparent better value. Derelops over 40 h p on block test. to fMnd the week-en- d in Kl I'nuo with TIm county achoola will 1h clotwl laoWcariofi Force and sphiih with pressure gauce on pfiit nla. Air. and Mia. F. A. for the hoilduya on Doeembt-- J9 and So firm are we in our conviction that this addition to the Oldsmobile Una instrument bourd. Chassis lubrication, Alemitt hr nnon nn JntUlltlV I. It Wan an- - - grease cup type. moderate-price- four-cylind- Hitlph Iunbar. repro.'ntinir the hniinopil bv county auptrlntendent of crowns every previous idea of d value, that we .c(nc.i Syfm Three-uni- t, with "Metropolitan Hevlvals of Famous achooln, fllm. John wiwon mm morn prefer to leave the verdict to your personal inspection. storage buttery. Operati" la In Albiiiuerfiue toduy on Inn A mM ni Of tiie COUP IV unara Coaoine faarf Vacuum feed with gasoline tank sus- hurtneMoi Hla heudquartera ar In of education waa held thta morning pended at rear of frame, In the auperlntendent'n office for the Chicuaro: See this car. Observe its evident virtues of permanent style, sane design and i Meia Cold pressad steel, weven-inc- h maximum depth purpixie of paying bllla and olhor f (iiitln hnnlnem. sturdier construction. Note how it retains the same pleasing lines, the same channel aection, five cross members. Luckless Drug: Clerk Ttie War Mo(Iwp will hold their Rear AxU Spiral bevel type. regular meeting nn Monoay anernoon close attention to body details that have always emphasized Oldsmobile Spwingt Front, rear, Made to Give Thugs at a:S0 o clock ut tne armory, beauty and Body Streumline. Long unbroken sweep of lines. tlon of offlrera for the coming year comfort lphol$lmryBox pleated, best quality of Whiskey Stock and Cash will take place. A rut! attenaanc black leather. . Ride in the car. Drive H yourself. Because when you actually drive the car Jneframent d- Walnut, with nickeled The Allmqttrrqnf Checker rhiti will Boar- instruments Y mounted flush. TMI OCITta meet In revulur acHeion at tne m yourself or ride in it you will appreciate that these surface excellences are 71rus Straight side, 32 4. Non-akl- d rear wheels. KASFAH CITY, Dee, II. Whlnkey C. A. tonluht at 1:45 o'clock tonight s on outward signs of its unseen . thieve kidnuped a tlrnif clerk from. All men uro Invited to join the club. but virtues. , , Tire rack on rear for spare rira and tire. hi home hura lant JiiffM. drove hlm ' fiith Best coach work, applied by brush and rubbed to the more, forced Mm to open It Goal Supply Oo, PlKtnea 4 ftnS ay In looking over the Oldsmobile "4" we purposely ask you to forget any down by band. and then robbed the place of four canes pf whiakey and M0 In rafh. ran now Ripply lluiitl amoant preconceived standard you have had of value. Because we believe the After ihs robber had left, the cl rk, factory wood in rnu waffOD Kaua Oldsmobile "4" is going to sweep aside every precedent of cylinder Juinea M, Itil, freed hlmteif from llulin Coal (Jo. iwii vi. four hud heen boitiid corda With whb h ho AN CK, goodness that you may have had of any car of like class. anfl telephoned the proprietor, ac- MKXK HI Nfl AMI cording to the atory he told the police OEOKKTWN, Tex., J Nc. 11. An unidentified Mexican who ran today. amuck with a knife on a Mlfoourl Kannaa & Texan paftaenger train two Somebody Taking milea out of J ranger. ': exaa, yeater day, killing one man and aei lounly WHITE GARAGE A Joyride in the wounding two other, wna held in today. Copper Ave. Health-Mobile- Willlamtton county Jail here ; Fourth St. and ? Feeling in running high ngalnnt th Mexican, who offlcern believe In of DISTRIBUTORS unsound mind. Im aonleone tuklno; a Jiy ride In Now on Display at Our Offices. the lleulthmoliile? TTeralrl la IV AW lrTftxloO The of tho New Tha lha Mexico public Health awrlailon paper that takei tho "Want" oat In believed tn have been Blolen. 01 wan Aoi oy DtrnfrmK Keiuiia. .A Tho car wnn loft atandlna: In ... m front of the Wrlffht Tradlna; Poat, fTTiiilitlMIWaWI llTtl" where the office of the iixnoclatlon m thta noon. When Mla PINONNUTS Helen White, c mmtde director of Mchlna ShUd Marhina 8pirta. f. O, A Lantinm, MUhimmm the afaoelatlon, went out of the Hold Bxrluatrcly Trom My office early thin afternoon nhe fvok&ga. Ptavna 80X. fsa-n- i car mlaalni. The police 8. SpUa, H. Tenth Btreat. found the MAIL 6&0UB OIVEN CAUXfUL were notified. ATTEHTIOM

liWUtHIIUUUIiUlilllillilM Ladies, Take Notice

A,' We have added another lady to our working foroe and are fjWiJiJTyiJiJiLnjiJiJiJ now well prepared to aatiifactorily clean, preu and repair your waiiti, drtsiei, tuita and garment. Special Attention Given to Ladiei' Fine , Waista and Dreises. EMPIRE: Cleaned - TvmHnt ml RmdtM $1448 Coao. $2I4S, with Canf Tint. F. O. B. Untlnt l(.Jt .a9.- -' n5.fa Fliona 4D3. Corner Sixth St. and Gold Ave. ..- llilMMIS!tMillta(0 ' THB ALBUQUrRQUE BVININO HERALD, ALBTJQtfERQUK,' W2W KEXICO, SATUKDAYj ESCETJfir.a 11. 1020

DOWN, BALANCE XIKE RENT, BUILDS YOU A HOME IN THE HIGHLANDS. D. Tv.K,lNGSBURY, 2 1 0 WEST GOLD AVi;. (J i J Lk Mate1 . l ! -- t - FOB BALK BUNGALOW ir FOR SALEIIOC'SE $,8046 rMni, t atnry, Iraai dwelllnn; A HOMEY HOME SOME NIFTY By their very nature fnodarn: pavtly atoam hated; bungalow Buya a four room hnuae and three FINEST HOME alceplnf porch; rrllar: ; 4 room modem (rood lota In the Fourth V'arrl. ft rooms, grreentrl 1aig rooma and glaaaed alaeplng in ale'Plna; t ftorcrifiv, Ads keep flna location aar W. Cantral Ple with alaaaad I Thia ia a bar-rai- aura and one blork (mm businem ui?!-- "WANT" and Twolftb 8l. poreb, hardwiMHt ftoora. bo porch, hanlwooal Owe, lava fit In the City eh in and kitchen 8,000 4 room, rnndorn, fram rollate; two rahineta fireplace. gnraare. A ewell baa ; ta very much alive, be- fartraee.- J. t). KEt.EHEn Just oenpltad: five mV rreened Ixirehetj aeaf ahopaj May rant toatnnt, Terms: ern In ait pnlnta ; ; flrrpiao 1,500 canb will handlo. little home tor la.100. furoaee forma. W. Oold. 410. built-i- the fineat of fmiahee 519 West Copper Ave. of room, til rhone featurea; cause each is born 96,5008 1 alory, pelble dash. mod. COMPANY (vith inaid and nut ronatroctioa la of rn: cilra, Jarga alaoplag porekt A. L. MARTIN wilh white pht,t daih flniah, a need. But act jrood loaatmBi third Ward; aluaa W. IV. JftDONALD K..1 K.tate two porrhea ; two persolas and garage loaaraaM, '.oana. Fivp-Rnoi- Bunititlnw same finish as house; prleed to aell, fital 9S,000-4- ii Ileal rira an4 into WORTH MOIIH MONKT fre of aoftd land, 6 ml 1st Kttata gad Flro Inauranao, en tome first served. quickly. In a city onth of town, two adnb 9I Wnt Oold Are. I'hena lot North Rleventh Rt.t hardwood floora; houaea. ion Bomb Third. I'honf . hulll In teeter..; two acr..nrd PIk room preaaed brleh tealdenee; nle amall orchard, all kinda of outbuild In, fireplaoe- corner lot; boliaiag atatiy of Albuquerque's size ; soaMfl. 94.000. email parmeai. Inita tad Una Implementa good iialanea aaonthlr,' new. F.asy payments. Well worth eur well and atactrU aiaehia-try- ; A. C STARES. puanpinf MAX ' priee, , , many others see the torma. HOMES FOR SALE MR. AVKRAI1E MeCtirdy & Ackcnion Sit Weet, Ool4 A.e. ifao otaai1 good traadeaa and ToaJdaaot n tUt kaw Ihet tea amoant at KEIXT propafrttea. roona, 50 ft. lot, N. Fightb ft raa a lao s. roanh at. Phoaea and alter T P. M. 1634 W. Ih. Iowa hnine vna an fnuaut ReaMi-B- same ad and may be 4 rooma; modern; Walter; term a. git,!. 50 live b.ltrr. for half Olflra 414. 1027-J- gig West Oold. Phone 47. A. FLKISCITER 8 rooma; ttiodi-r- brlrb- H. Rtl. term a. 84 Ooo home, b. hr.llhl.r. fill-- Modern bungaltiw: ywitr pr.,.nl ll'a talk it just as capable of . REAL ESTATE. F1KK AND AUTOMOBILE I'. lirlchla; tenna 84.01)0 over. SOMETHING GOOD IN81RANCI, NtANS, rro. brick i laraaoe; N. Wal.; tarma, 0,600 In.nranra CHTROPHAr-TOf- l IW Phono 8T4. j Roq'h Poorth. rR RAI.R Klahl roota arened krek 3 femm modern brtrk porehee; enmpletely ing the want as you. u re.ldenre; hot fnrniaheit gt.tKlO Will a car part CHIltOPKAtTOll. J. A. HAMMOND BMKI. EY REALTY COMPANY water heel; lerta haee take t Sllrer. I'hona lr.aa taent. A fine resident, leraird on a eaay payment a; Fourth Ward. new Phona 443 W. 114 Weet Sold. lot worlh 4J.500, In a deliehtlnl fi.lah. oricK rmieg ; ga.oou ; narowoou iioora NEW DRICK borhood. Thla borne le Ideal and ean be part terma. Classified IIoum for only 14,500. Hardwood floora. had on eeay terma. t ua ahow It to iMillt-i- fealurt-a- , aood lot, part terma. JOB. W. H. McMlXMOM HO FALLING OFF Thia hoaae la a good bay and KEI.I.Y Advertising Rate Card yoa. ral will CHRISTMAS tos w. aoid. Inter eat VALLEY LANDS AT HOME It Weal aold. Phone 4CT. TFFKCTIVF JAWUARY 1, 1810. Penny a word first In net ion. K. MoCLUGIIAN , WHY KOTT FOR HALF, Five room ahingle ban g- Half cent word anbseqeeat toeer-- 104 W. Gold. We have gevernt tracts of good Iwo porrhea; hardwood floora; eeh pbou 448 J. ISO up. eawh ain. lion. productive Irrigated latuln with Homea from II. For nice ahadn tree roncrete aldew Ike. Minimum CleasIfM eharge 3 He. or terma. W have hompa In nil Thia reaidenre la lorated la the Foe it h water rlirhtg ran (to In price Hchool, blending cleaaified, 16 eenta a word A RARE BARGAIN which pnrta nf the rlty. Why vtaato time NOTICE Ward, near the Pnbhe and ean per muni It; copy change permitted twieo ISO to per Call you can buy he bendled with a each payment oi Four rtleo roomai bath; two poroheo; from fxoo acre. looking around, when week. - pluce you wlah from ua. 91.000. be quick. Hualnest end professional cards, 90.7ft ahado trees; aldewalka ; pavrd atreel all at thin office or rtettillod Infurnia- the Notice the heavy pull of So States Frank Mindlin per per Inch, folly paid: Inraied In Panrth Ward: In tlon. Inch moath. Half fino ,T. AV. CO. Rinoko luyhiR over city 311 Weat Gold. Phona 467. Ada charged to telephone subscribers realdenra neifthtKirhood. Tba prlea HART the in Interview Today; will aorprtao . only. jnu and tertsi ira dl.y. 122 S. Kourtll Ht Phono OOI-J- every nioniiiiR- mid how No elMalfied ad taken after p. m. I KKLLY CITY EEALTY CO. utmnH-plier- o BPHIWFJW CARDS t Monied Men Not Only No id run for in Indefinite period ean bright unci clrar the be diarontlnned lilir than 111 o'clock noon. in on University Expensive cleealfied forme close IV: SO I0T W. Gala. Class Buying Piaplay at Ili'ij-lit- CH 1CAG0M1LL & day nf publication. FOR NAI.K eonrret. bnlldlna The Herald will He teapoaaible for oalg nlr. t)e..d al..,ina porrh, fn.nt and LUMBER COMPANY Jewelry. on Incorrect Insertion. berk nrrh. Urae l.aeinent. llou.e baa Ieirel advertising at legal rale. FOR SALE , HA 17 maple floor, Ihronabont. Thl. hnnae Ja OENEKAI, in aa planing mill An Interview with Frank Mlndlln FOR HAI.K 'liA good ruomlniT w.ll Irral.d lha llilhlaiide fall buat. in good 4,S0u Mt rid In company Five room modern houae; haa location lo keen rooma down alud kit. I'rlaa anly SOME MAItOAIN' of the Jewelry to rentvd: half 4 rooma, ;Third and Marquette hardwood floora, and rents will flnlah paying for it. ,1. A. ha:h. Ilahta, 'i trrecnrd porrhea, day In regurd lo anleg dur-In- furnace, fire Wr-H- good In diamond Iininmonn, na K. Rllver. I'hone ir. n KEl.l.T. OOI.D large lot. location north end. A place, and la up to In evory ill new pirtre. built and priced 1. Mi.) 8 tho proeent holiday awe son date (JtMtn HOME Ti right. 8 Phone reapect. la coay for hy owner. will handlo. Halsnre to suit at 8 per la Uttlo Thla a nice, place Is pried rlRht. Part cah. cent. the fact that there home. Ideally altuated. Priced ymenta. Wool it eon aider I .iking aula for a falling; off In diamond le aa ttart nariiieiit. Add re, a Hoi to aell. Term can be ananced. earn Herald. lnveattnont. J. K. ELDKR. 109 W. Oold. hiiylna; ur In diamond prlcea for tho Henry Mathews HAI.K Four wall built WELLS & PERRY prrwnt. Addrea lota, neat lo FOR HALF. OH TRADE Fur rlty property. houaea anil eloven Mr. Mlnulln atated not only Transfer Company ration in Xlahlunila. Cm block that on INSTALLING and REPAIRING la the aalo of d I am on da locally fully YOUR Box 31 nice new four mora, whit poterialn t from rar line. ijnrge return BAGGAUEMEN invoNlmnnl- Heat barifaiii in town. FOR RENT SALE aa lurg-- aa In prevtnua years, lint it Beeause of Serrie or baogalow with amall tract of land; OR Machinery, Pumpi, Wlndmltla. Quito- - Cur Herald For purtirulnra New a.g rocm and la quite likely that before 1921 eal.n 939 I'hone lltl-n- . baaemont brick .. lino and Steam Euslnaa. Phono two miles weal of bridge on highway. The atucco bunvalow; hardwood floora; wilt ha even larger In mimlier than In the previous) yenr generullr. built-i- n WA NTKIWItoonn. Eichang Purn. store, llSO W. Gold. furnace; features; garaajn; 110 South third. rhone IS4-- It ta not only the in on lei mnn FOR atALaC Trp4mntore cIoho on lino; In la bttylnit Hiumonda torlay." HATS Ad- in; car Fourth who DTEO AUTKlHmail apartment; aloao la. WfTlTKRH All klivt a, arena r. ri cara FOR BALK Hy owner: four roomed huiiat. till T VPF. Ward. ntittfd the local diutnontl mertlmrt. COLOR GUARANTEED oi iieraid. new an aeeona nongni, r.r WANTED A nceiy furniahed mono T,iuni.iiiin sou liottt in, aiw. 'There ia an aetoniehln nittnher tbre or tour roota fnrniahed and repaired Albuqiicrqne Typf apartmant h ),ton haaemetil Ira la ge lat thleki-- rented nt her pi'oplc buying itintnotide thcm LBUQUKRQUB HAT WORKS with aleeplag porch, blnat el Etiohaege. Phone 008 J. V42 Uoalh Nutioiiiil Investment Co. H. Liebkemann ainderai well feeotod, Addroog "Apart-ment- and rabl'it hiMiiaea; rluxe in on Huutk llrond r.t.T J. Ihvsj. aa well am jrwi'iry or mo net? and Only n Pnurih St it IIS South Secon 3t. 111. aura nf Barald- i. liiiniedlate tMiaaeaaion. f'J.n 106 Weat Gold. I'hone 635. - tfrudt And, t urtliertiioro, they aiu Phone let than rent. Apply 121 N. Kim I'uinlintr, I)pforHtii(j and l'uper- purcnama, :if M. - Aulornobllcw riinh for meir Ladlef Hat Blocked and or Phone FOR K.LI- huiiKH'K' whUb would tend to dlawount tlu owm-r- utoilrrn, 1..: lteahaped Poll HALF. Hy four rnii HKD Cir. .alr.liif Kifih. iiifii money la a acurce aril': o WANTED ; tlacd-i- that preaed brlrk alrlnK porrh FOR HAI.K lliiil.un 0 40 pail First-CIus- two hardwood srru All Work at prefent." Two or thrco room apnrtment with arreencdin porch"; floor: louring car at m Bargain. FOR SALE flrcplicra; huilt-l- features; garaitr: .mo; 120 W. (lol.l. Mr. Mimllln stated Ihnt thero If. no nice plug porch and kitchenette pre and one Murk from rar line. Kiirinheil ei 4 room frump. It nitno; Inrno Iik; oi 10 prcnent indlrjttlnn In a drop in dia- HI t)K HALF Lata modtil egr, at a U WcRt Iron Phono 1278J I . iinfirnit hi d. l.oraled at 1V.2 H. Wj'ti-- aonrinf prlr-o- 'OH BALE ROOMINO HOUSE furred. Mtut he cloje In reanon-able- a In seen a North KIkIiIIi atrect. On pay mond nor on r.ny prnohiuw and lAi.K-- tie, tnodVrn, bars can be at Hduanan raint Nice Payer, rtK n" ado flhop. 703 Hon lb He con d. ttit'iita. owner will gull chtu). ajtmn. The prtxiurtlon in wta Furniture. Onod Loaf Atlilreml Box VI, care of Herald hardwood floors built-i- ten lures; OAKlin iia - aid r.U3.HI cnrna. while in it Wui I.oaae- euia.t ana a .fiane.l In nnrrh. arai. FOR HALK l.i chl Hlx B'llek. laie 1010 CAKTKIKI1T cairttav a factllquite eiic-- raite; lot ttosioo in hiirhlanda and wrl lo- model; will sarritlfe rOT gaica saia; win 4 room brick i largrn gi:reciicil tmrrh: lH. UARdAHKT hut,0gr cated. Alan one modem frame, eonalilrr smsller rsr aa part payment, nut Offlre Bolldlnt. P'.oo. I.7I J. fir ( i it In Ha effect on diamond H". Mr- Wnrtl. Nill take automobile etcrntlonallr wen ut? If : rotnoletely firr- Hnirk la in firat claas condition. J. Re.ldenre I IV3 Ka.t Central piirea. Phone 407. W. Gold. WANTED K monument In tin tie. ill ntahed ; enclosed, fnll arhnol Creery. at tl Phone d71.W. ror ommonaw woe aiae In'. nar dag. eg House, The neninnu and ear line; ia hirhUnda; Immediate aMIS' works during the itlttner nntl prouoettn Modom apartment for two people; Hfnith Flfat ..ftor A 9. m. New Armijo Huildiug than "ver the aalon; terms. roe owner at i West )ltni lean which lean to me ptii-- Onid. or phono 1100 J after 0 p. Room 477, DR. S. C. CLARKE much NOTICB no children; must be close in. IN 21. Phone f the HrMn,eyer innmonti ryn'it TWO BARGAINS Lye. Kar, Kose and Throat. Olaasee Fitted. laondnn in control of the gjlAjltATORH repaired, til AUdrestf "Modern Apartment," I.IVH STOiTl 36 Harnelt Rldg. I'hone flaa. cnte of Kimrlh Office Hoars, tt to 19 a. m. and 8 u 5 p. m liumond tnniket) to miuntntn preaeni H "lioi fer, year old. USED CARS prlcea. TIIK OKCIIAHt: well enre Herald. o HAf,k.leraty Iwo nCSINESH OARU8 diiiwmtid Ma, nrani The Exchmiar. 120 Weal Ould. THK MtJRl'HKY HANATOKIUM. though acarce. in very iur imii tree,, euieen year, xerj mm, ! ryllmler, 7 M"t"''"Kr I'latiniim. re. Plume uula-J- FTiK HALE 1 am Idle horae: ranuv For Hie treatment of Tnhercnlotli, Alhif popular locally n eleewhere. Mr. & HtuiUbukei',. niinmar 'r WAWTFJWHotiawat atoebt 4 years aid: well broke to ride or THOS. F. KELEHER tteriue,"New Meslro. City of flea: Wright Mlndlln Bin teg. i Minna me war u ..WANTKD Reanlar Imarilrre. Sew plare, iV AN'rKfl To boy atnail rtaidenca" Pnona pttck: Ml caall. Call IHOl H. Curio Rldg., oppoaile poalofflre. , Office or me menu open, Drd. Home VI Leather Findings, per cent piuunuin leeeintier rooking lftlK J. loll. 4 cylinder. 7 pnaaenarer and Saddlei, h'tora: 10 to la a. m., a to 4 p. m. In thla country wait uaed In fr ilny. anapp a Hon, 1121 HfH Hold Aye, Or. W. T .Marphor and Dr. Oerl fctalky. WANT1SD UoaaMa M aalk ialat yoof prop FOR 8AL&MlaeenaB0Otkg Htmlehuker. lTarneM, FainU, Cut Sales. 'Wa- ndiietrloe. but in ipiv oniy PLAITING Aeeerrlraa, aide, bos er feeey arty We l foaolia. Kallg, In l uaed er- - ta wan Best town. Hoth Iheae cr ui'e 41 per cent wiu ao and the pieiunf: mi eiiee eua widtne. ejlea gold. nuum'H Uix in hnv irooit tlrca unil nre terproof fcTirome Soles, Shoe Store MATRfMOTT id ccnlaKf ueed In tho manilfnctHro of Crane, pbona Sla, Craaa Apartaseala, 8L5 W'ANTKD To FOR HALE I ael Uaht dniihle ham LADY. 4m g.Mi.ono tkrea or t'our room prli-ci- for u qiilclt mile. . ; haa want husband. jewt-lr- Increneed from I'd per oeri North BarenU. modern furniahed bona a eiona to town good etillara: price glat oaeh. Call 1 Supplies, . T Ho a laesgiie, Ttilettii, Ohio. Bog P Heennd, Honday. to td cent. Tan giro refcrenca. Addrtag 39, eara in-- : i:i: tiiehp: I KUlHANT. i, worth 4ii.u00. ll marry Pr pin- - of II RAND NEW Player Pinuo; htith itrade: nuts and 1057-J- . 408 Mr. Mlnulln etatea inar eaineHi HradJ f.VItS TOI'AV , Phone West Central P ll.iii41J. League, I'tiliiiulm. Ohio. receiving aa mgn t or lioiiai', 5 Hi 4 naeil for few wei'ki only; fur gale at inum workers aw , EVENTUALLY KKTIHKI) HIM.HH MAS, with per wei-n- rnnina ahine, K.illi, gaa elee bnricain. 4- - Hanln Fe. "l 91X2 for I hoiinr worn will have a of hooka. WIIV NOT want aim ' Hfliita wife. L Box 1 .Id, League, De Jewelry YOf let trlritv. Will pay i0 (o 970, n c it). )(';. (ci and abode trees planting. and the price of plnMnum NOW ! Wo will open a net 10 (lie AI'l'I.K fur fall IAPOLEONE BROS. PHONOGRAPHS troit. Mich. meet re aoi'miiinodallona. t). H.. rare: of Hrrnl.;. I am ah'ent for Htark treea. Voung'B he nee ia more contly. Knpeclftlly when quirement of YOUR linalncss. We aUo keep eajaaaaaaajaiawa. 21M 0S1-- LAOS' IIANCHKR. worth ftti.tiOti. wmild t it." it Ave, I'hnne Victor Thonographa need dtumondi doea platinum ituKhH ai iroin up per month. r,.y' j. W't f'ivi'f Brunswick and K 11j 3Vt6, Club, r ort Wayne, with rates aiu Tltr - -- a artMtt demand evcrnue net of hooka la worlh almut :.' WANTKI- MlMJrflnncotig Ft It HALK' Moorea Bold on Terma. ted Jewelry have ilOOl) half prict: alao a new sheet Iron FOR RALF: Keoil KatwW per month. What la it worlh i.; keep dinner ni Wljtnaiu Itc tan rail I heater Victor, Brunawirk and CcnneU WHY KlM) al.tltl.- .fly Try tre for ttty. V at g:i.n:.. The l'Jfl W. O..I.I. -- i hi it r i vtiiiiain jc atig, noum :ui Krhaoae, FOR HALK Lota in all par la of the city: Hecorda. rlrh vi Uh early marrlaire Welini Itldg. I'l.tuie 7ll V. FoK hand Uttndry, call 1710 J. Work FOR WALK OR KENT Hlner aewinc ma raah or lerina. J. A. Hammond, Pal trirtly confiilriitlal reliable. a ran h eu. chine. The Exchange, W. Gold Ave. BJt K. Hilver; phone lf.J2 R. Albuquerque. Musie Store i tun. lira, uray, nui 47. ro wraimii. rnnne kanaa Cilj, Mo. Dept. ob rt. 1OHT 10 CI.OTEH rotifh dried, OS ent a doivo. mi, FtlR HALK 7 acre ranch: alfalfa, fruit ud 77S-- i:n. Doe'! wiahioM"yoa eeaid flag a Ftel vll-y- ; good room 111 W. Central. Phone gvar agexte HOWARD MICYCLK No. S;i7l, etnlea from i'hoao 1710 J A RAItK baricain. A Dure crvatal whit truck; heat land In 6. MAHKY If lonely: result, try on: brat Doa't wish yog. eeala fane per- houHi; eowa, boca, chlckena farm loofa; aucreaaful ' ' Home Mftkar agent Rent 1'i'tnfvr Makery ; reward If returned to VAMT1CD To goaoa. afhoaa 01 diatunnd ring, guaranteed absolutely and Do Not L'ae Powder or Paint to Cover L'p and meal bnj glaao i. 4 milra frt.ra town. A tld re 11., are Even- hnmlreri rich wlah marriage ; airlcilr yea aemld teO yrgat feeaai fi Onm. Pioneer Hakeram Brow Tranafar. ioct, maraei value f, for Wrinkles atnn t viaa n't r ) 4 Nor-- Tnrcj t, IllC 11 .T ,11 confidential: moat nltablc; yiar daU li. AJiT&Lh--0ra- d haDd blerfiaa. aooa aavah WE 1IAVK SOMKTIIIN'n iicNcripinina free. "The Hurrrtwf'il wnwl NEKD MOK. HTTlATCrn pADfM NEW fJeleaiae, vn!VTi:t wiinnmm ai naia. aroaa nioyni ana uo, mv Ot01 48 o Club," Mr, Itux ftftB Oakland, Be aetag taa areid'a Oaealfled iraaingg. Oat tbaoi al lb LTaanag bwalaaea nn RAI.IFtimHnrn We Huild Hp the Tii ii of Your Face Hall. alii (in m Imhmiii mta Boatmd St. Tlwfeono f Herald raeae aao. ruin ! auq POUBw. PTTlI ri t fi iftTod- heat'eT and Ule It Firm net., Round oral MARRY For uiarriMg; ahaoluliiy apertsllee on Brake Lining or carry an Mar ,f will" ooica.f ut ft and tho tivnt larifi'rit in (no may" tun than FOR IIUu V gauge bufM, ;io; oak dining table. gl7: enm Health. counirv; hide line. AUdreoa Algr.( 2! No, o rAI.K imhealer li Vact We Uring Hack the Charms You I yeara thmiaattda va ealthy mem llfa tuna than. If Ton r olano iiayftr aaaoa ; and pad, 9IU; white Iroi bed and sprinxi In ' W Philadelphia. I'a. mneei 1U14 pumji gon and mm both wiahtna marriage, tuntlon .and tnniag, aati 0, U4 gange, giodr-- Htl7 pnmp gun 114: ntaiilel folilina bed. Oa, Urire .tmrfoi Onea Had hen. ea. early Wlnrkeatot We Hhampeo hlrirtlv confidential: denerintioua free. Th MARKSMAN WANTKU Kvery town, even Ooqtb Farlb. I'hona 4ul. nho We. Hlar Famitura Co. phone apringa and matireas. gA. Will lake also and Treat Tour Hslr. inn Call 11 OM Reliable Club, Mrs. W rebel, Horn 26 illf; Oreen'e Anto Barometer; Inaiant A NO TlJNINti Player Planoa , 11J West Uold Ave. Libaariv llomia. nar value. KNAPP A HON8 HKAUTY PARLOR ; buyer : kl risnoa and Bt'j N. Wednesday Oakland. Calif. diiiiiinrttratlnti itell hard tlt raqaure aueauon. ah wora guar a. in.. Klahth. before Room 1 Huto Hotel, am 4 W. Ceolral Ave. Santa Fc Time Table : Mtti bill Mea utihmitva. Oreen Co.. References throngfauul city and Van Hiiren i I'kitafn. steed. jll uato. Itoatdoco at no lull, sit rl. waiter I1IIHMES Ol'PORTl'NmKS 13 8t. Await year erdax. Faeae 10 40 HEAD 40 f WANTEIWMalw Halp R. Alloa. HOTEL for anle Phone rP 1 Can Suvc You IMonry on THE WALLOP V ) My only .'mouern five hlarkNitiUh'T Appl It HALE ownr PI WA.NTKD An all r"nd Work Horses And room htmso and atnall grocery; close in iul n ThnniHH .1. I' 414 H'Milli runa. , Your Huildiiitf Ut'puiring DOES IT. FOR nK.1T SO mo 7jj-w- THAT W aY BO J .TiJ Pa iy. ANTKI- - Man to burn at litua. ir I Depart kii FOA 'h haail! OR ftAl.E Hli.aer' sewins nia Mule5 FOR Hi LE One of tltn oldest eataMiahed la punch Train Arrive liniulr.. K. II. f'rUly. Ha In Tho llnraM tlie that No. 1 Th (trout .... 7:311pm rhino. fbe Kaahanga, Jyo Woat tiold tiiisiiicasea of kind Albuqientn Htinrka WANT nut nf WANT Kit I'AHl) I.IVK HTOt'K .HU HNAI. wanla I'hnnn 1111. FOB SALE OR TRADE Idaal location. Katahlinhed trade. Frofllr the N. 3 Calif. Lnnttod ..)(:40am compelfftt adverlUlntf raraMiUIv In A. are largo; quick turnover of rtoek. Havt ADS by Hln KB8UL.T8. No. 'f cargo Faal ..,.ll:lnam FOt ftKKT A one dollar bill n clean - Alainofordn, Albuquenpie, (ialliip. TjKb lease on bnllditia- with ure-'- i ir rent. "Over' I do the wurk niyrtnir. I Uuvo no ' 'A Claaalfled No. 9 Ike Navajo 1:00 yowr homo from A For Sherp, Hay, little ad in the Lwi.h-d- .. Voaan, Hnnwell, cellar Ilir. Cattle. (iniiu, , No. lie at. l:4baja Cruraa, La Han la RtM, aenum r doea heed expenaes are small. Tiiia la the beat uverltbad exueiuteg. rolumna of The Herald will do t. 8ieorro, Hllvtr .'itr, and Tnoamcarl. No rorrlnaton Irtane the trick Potatoes or Anything of Vulue. "buy" that baa evrr been offered In Albo 80CTHaOL.Nl. Kpfaroucaa raptured. i.ou per Qr n wiKn ua to aemea it.. qoeruue. is your big opnorlnn'.ty. ' Act th ork. No. 5t Bl Paao hip ... 10:trpja eitvaaNinf. Addrait Phona . BtarJ"Furniture Co.. 1L3 Waat ' It Phong mo aave money, ll;guaaa B 4i9. Kl 1'af.o All l)i(r, young, Koittfd, well today Address Pot care e if era Id and Head Mexald Want Ada for No. 27 1U Paao Ktp ... 5. r,M BUl'ltO. niutelied teaniH. Profit. No. 2 The Navajo .... :Mpa B:40psa MONKY TO TOAN . i W. HUTUKItliAND. AUCTIUNKKlt FOll Ili;NT-1lowJr- II T. L. Van Them for lleaulte. Nil, Calif. Limited &:Uipm ft::tpta THKKK THOtJHANI IliVl on 1MJKMNU :iant Ki Eight 7:l.''pm ton FOB ItKNT rooma. bath, sleeping JOHN K CARVER No. Will try Anrl Kale nf Heal Klale, Four on property In. Phono 1G87-M- v ' No. 10 The Hcowt T oam t:b"aa purfat, Apply HigMu, I'hono Honaehold Uooda and Marchandta. rurnitttiKd. Bit a. WiiiKute. N. M. i in No. ill Chicait" Limilrd 10 tjpw 10;5iput any place r M U M Phone 345 In clljr or country. AUo Tearh !!. l. CONIMDKNTIAL Liana (h disinoudaa1 FROM MJUTH. ttaloainanaliip Uia jewelry, i; Anftloneerlm and at walrhea. Liberty Honda, nlanoa, automo- No, l From M Paao .. SSpm Auction Hohool. DVtn Tl Ic'VT Tlaamm ' at F.I Paao T;tmam 8.- lea, Loweat Itothiiiaii'a, 117 bout a No. .. ('. Araiy Oliv Ural. Wool hi rales. go Helen No. 33 for I'tiono lilO. 618 Wutl Coutral. Fotf feENT Rooma for hgol bnifBkaeplng. Hljmkcia. porfci condition, Firrt, Hooded In the No. eonnecta at wilh ftstt Clovla, Peooa Valley, Lily and Ou'l go 7 North Third. Inqairo at filling atotlon. 4." each A VERY FINE HOME I)fah' Witiil NeW Olive Hhirta 4.0. M conrlHlH HlnwHfd-t- n No. Woo) New; ut four with e)eilnii imrch, hnrdwoml '"so". eonnecta at Be.en with Jl ItKNT Offfco Ibwinia New . I'J.t. each TAXTTtTlTSfThT' 1U0 Broadway. goulb of WatlfTBP rWUalaw HI jll New Heavy Wool Huti flooiH. hull t In frit t iinn, 4'lei trlc Ilk'litH. fireplace, imm inent, cement from Clovh and poiata eaatr aud Phutie W2 J. floor, hot furnm-e- , git drive, nieo lot cement is. W A.NTKH New bltAM I1F.ATKD rooms above Mataoa'a Canadian Heavy Wool. Oxford air rime with cement with Waltrr;.. ttoot waKa. W AN'i'K L'areful kodak fiiirahfng'lty' m In Met Icq Candy Kiltllan. 'JOA Waal Oantral. uoK more, 210 weal uenirai a vena. color, uaed Overcoat, uerfect eon- 0 walkM. etc. Located nice ecrtion of thp b'otirth Ward. an m aaaaaw agaaaaaaiaa 1. 03 each ler phoiograpner; twice usiiy gervice. a la Muting of homt-- ua well aa chtaper W'ANTKD A faumekMprr diion 90 We have rue other line entailer, new itiiseet naoea, ureas, Mun- sat ia faction guaranteed, tfend your S 040lw BAliEHnutteg) Oliea. rook, wairea 9lu a FOR tl on l.'i t, finiahing to a relish... Irm. ..amajawaa For Household and Piano . lst in etabllhod (Vniral. 1'hmio roft hAlift A flaa homa. 134 East 81Itt. Officer' Dre Hhoe 8(1.60 pair HtiTitis Manna, Matter Pn logrspherii. Cull H40 and let us ahow Miem...... "WA NtKl no childratL. HI H.m.ekeeper TdyCHAZt Op-t- date hoau. 82S U. 14U. Officer' vie Oaa Maak Hain Moving, Baggage, etc.. liavo one girl 10 yara old. Wayaa 9' ranaa uwoir, ouv. cost, with belt, new 9 M,'i each I NQ ST to g.'iO month. Call or wrtto,.Coronado New Kol) Hip Hoots 94.0. piiir pr her UP TO i)ATK D r c s a n n k'l ti Phone 168 a Hotel. Ituoma 'i and 4. KL Hay. FOR SALE Four,, room houae with two ooi nreevneo, nana, f. cloaata. bath, oa aorne wag u in perfect J Mm. Miller, fnn Woat. t?i.. ;ier. See Brown's Transfer TIIK hiy to anrrcaa U a 'modem bilnlnesa io, ' condition j . .Oll'.T.I tmlr may v.Mth. ' 1). fancy sewing, roiirae as taught by tli Wenlern School Khaki Breech e andli r.O WANTKll'iaia aud rhone for 1'rlvate Hrcrclarlea, New term, .Tunuary FoRTtil-- Hraall aaedora boeaa, Weft lo- - Niw Loathe- - Pattota Ili.ll.. pair (40 and Storage ( l'HONK ... , 0. Day, and .evanlng eauoi. Priced low for quick Terma Acw nooi wrap uwKinna ii.aa alADAUS ROtat, dasiguar and; llil. . . Tereaa Money nrdi-- K8TATE, AND LOANS. INStJUANCE. Phone 746 W. Tljeraa Ave. can tx arrani-ed- tfai tore or Herald wilh order. gowns made reniodaled ; ItEAI. HENTAIJI montv refvndcd if not aati far lory, Houih and aelafactlea Phoue 678 llV' A ND-'Vou- ng 'American girl for ganerai luKATPfTFaVDb, lOe gaa gajaa aa Bvg formtrly of LagUo'a, haw 111 WK8T OOLU AVE. ern Trading to., Hparlenourg. M. V. Karanleed; houaework. laundry la sent out and aiMg kiaraia. 6, fete i a Hotel. work la light. A good, com for tab' homo with a very ronilderatton will b ahown lor the right girl. Apply 410 Blvd. ur ir.Ol.T. COMPANY It A INK yiUJiTT'AY JrlKOK Atiand day CLMENT PLASTER J. C. BALDR1DGE LUMBER LATHCORNER BEAD or avenlng rlaaaea (4vtry ovantng In lbs I . .. weak except Hatnrday). Heceiva Individual v. , ; ...... m Instruction In all oommareial branches ut rTrtrTl T ( "TU St. , 1 I the New Modem ftuanleaa Collet!, ft!8 Watat A ecnDrecihlilc lurjrr a- S a I V r.TOi. Ave. Phona U10, Pohitlooa guarali-toed- . aa. aa i " - Central tt A W l'rira 910. 0O pur month tm-rj- of cotuwE'. I 'ny-'Wel.V- U)10WI itnwfc'aniaj. vick. .a i ... noucirai- - ttiLTURB i WrMn"?3 AUTO V'J OFFERaiO K ftWOau J, O I , BITCATION8 WANTKD ,il TVi WlUTtR To "ME I ww we tTifT OXJR r.ERct eef CZTT - TOL'NO I.ADY dei iierniaiiant ooaition ,ic.ikiEiMril ) ( BoW tat WiRnoeitotre OHCLErA'.K sa aaaiaiani ionikeeuer. at viioaraoher or vr eaahler; eaperlcnard. lull N. Kiral. I'hona AA V( UiaiTKei k WEtK iaiittlrt'll-ll- Tat 1 .'PEP- - OKUCT UXY - AN Janitor, fourth arada license wants f HU'bCUa1 ARE. v- Work. Phiine I III .Iciiina Tfnak x ai ' ' ' if V wtJT Hawaiian. a. 9Ruuevrram VlUHT ri.AhH auto merhanle wanta nernia" uaaa nent situation. Elertrio atarliiiK. Ilahtiaf piufi (wr.v.',.,ii' i .1.1. .vj r,.-f- r and Ib n it Ion work a apacially. luiuir at WANTKD A iioaltinn lir a yuiinic la. It ateniiuraphar; exparlenied hi shorthand fiftd tyaxtwritlng: urn. axptTlanca In gvparal bonkhoaulng. Will aorept out of towa pvt. I lloa. Hero perman.tntly and no Iamli4 tto u, rsraj OI II r ral 1, - ? '.( y IH TffT room atltl A.lvarllaa It it. By ) Iha tliatiflrd arllu of TIIK i:fNiNtl MRRALil gud ftl U llgkl a. JuH Mil 19. Ahem TITC ALBTnzmciMJTnS HEW MEXICO, EATUB.DAY, DECEMBER 11.. .1020

rT7 December"and Albuquerque's J j J C v Always i . Finest l avA J Worth January Records Theater jf ii liFli While 11 IKlttLs M HARRY CARSON PRESENTS THREE DAYS STARTING LAST TIME TODAY ARE HERE STARTING WEDNESDAY Arc you so far TOMORROW Make your selection early behind yourhusbaiH Tom Moore before they are sold out. ha. he has to writ: MAKE THIS A MUSICAL Cleopatra didn't doll up juit The United States Artist in 'Officer 666' CHRISTMAS foyou.. for fun she had a reaion. Corporation Presents From the Famous Stage Comedy your reason, every It'i it'i Two-Re- Also a Buster Keaton el Comedy woman 'i reaion. ' "ONE WEEK Riedling Music Co. DOUGLAS Sunday "The Saphead" Ill W. Central. I'hone MT. See the Drama That IaIEBANKS in. Hara Another Chaos ufehaaa ft ban or ft aid of bacaa. GOLD Htrift' rrrmliitn Ham, to 12 (mumU rarh. IU S2C Gold Neck Chains with Lockets Will Make You Htvilt'i l'rnnluiu Barun, 4 lo fl rounds. lb ir 60c ir for Baby Think. KM) POI NDS POTATOES, --'.40 Hnmr. imnnd Jl.JJ $1.75 up llrl.. Milk. 1'J run. S1.1J . ,o Milk. 1'J .malllrf rn M Baby Rings Solid Gold I'cl Milk, r m II ran., 10 lor S1.3S the Leading At "THE GROCERY $1.25 BROADWAY CENTRAL Engraved Free. InoerpermUd. Theater Storas Oe., WISEMAN'S Oarnar .Broadway and Casual. Ke Mall Ordara Tahaa. Pkona WATCH AND MAM OF CLOCK SHOP 0, IIS Sealk fluoaa. Opixwll. Oajrttl TaMter. 2o vcu travel ZOQDO' Wromthe'AIIStortf BEBBER I SPIRITIST by his side ? A play for every married weekly novel he OPTICIAH 'Curse or Caoistrano CIT7.FN8 BANK BUILD tUQ Christmas woman every married man; iCralliiir anil Rtilnira bu Johnston McCulleu M. every tingle woman; every llnJI). I lo t 1'. Directed bjFREONIBLQ Sale single man; every young 'Here the Tho Junior Class of A. H. S. girl; every young fellow. picture in COFFMAN iVSlMOIEigBAMBS' which Hie worlds Present Their Annual Plry fill X. 2nd Kt. I'hillic 1727-- Hoosier Kitchen giAfeit exponent "THE MAN OF of aood cheer and Cabinets LOMJIC WIVES" humor give you a genuine riot of THE HOUR" featuring the brilliant thrills THE AEOLIAN At Iiwm tliait 1921 prior. See the Great House Peteri fun and - pep and HIGH SCHOOL PIANO Wo (uarunti'o a Km iff f 20 to PLAYER vnt, at the Leading Theater where AUDITORIUM Th lnit word In IMiiycr IManoft. Inr drive away all your blues. IWitiro milking your Xmn wIob-tli'- it the Greatest Program in the mm i" nnd .i?ur thrni Tim llnoHlrr IcacN lliom nil. wondorfiil I'lnyrr rtann; It will wmm pre- liny "1IKU" one for MirMiiiafi, Emm records of this town is Wednesday bo nny for you to flecliln In favor The? Man of tho A KOI I AN IMaAYKH. pared for you the balance of dollv-ero- ofaThousand Emotions Evening, And Jtmt think, the prlra d Supported this month. In your Homo with 13 ntoc-Uoii- h GOBER'S byabriSiiarifpichedcart 15 Iuu-M- Q. It. ti rolln, la only December I'linno MOM i In 11:15 ftltarp (i rut nt $815.00 SIS Hrmtli Soeotid ADAH!CDJl4Hor A Mmnll payment flown will brliif It In your home; the balance ltcM'rvnl miiIn nn wilo nt ran be nrranftcd in small monthly DOMESTECBlFf ERINCES MiiImoii'm llMk Siorti, Muiulii, payments. lKHiutMr lit. May's Music Shop aatf III K. 4th Ht. lMioae 403. Prices.. 50c & 75c Kxrlunlve Repreitentatlve Knlirht-rampbe- Mtmle Co.

THEATER IDEAL THEATER COAL COKE WOOD LAST TIME TODAY i:iiitii.uH nr Hupeiinr Service l'INON ( fiAI.I.l ! and rroinpl leHvcry i:iah 0 L A B 8 I W EVERY WAY TODAY FACTOnY HIOHUT ANTHKAtTTK PHONE 91 JESSZ L. LASKY PRESENTS CarefuHy Kcrrciicd anil KUiil for Kioto, ltature, l"urnniv, Flreplarc, Robert Warwick lluatjburner, EL CLAYTON In "FRIDAY, THE 13th" HAHN COAL COMPANY An Absolutely Dependable m Al)ll:l A1THAITIONH WATCH for LADIES - JACK HOXIE AND ANN LITTLE IN "A VOICE FROM THE DEAD" The GRUEN WRIST WATCH CROOKED STREETS tMKIV: "WHOM CHA.V NOW ForYourXmasPacRages fie. pleura fUUd with a fcnndrad thrill., and iwanaa IcwM actuaU Hefflilar l'ricfi. t'onlliiiKiiiv, 1 to II I'. M. Mm In laa "?m f U OrUnt." ABSOLUTELY TOMORROW ADDED ATTRACTIONS GUARANTEED "HIDDEN DANGERS" MjMWW $21.00, (30.00 up to $75.00 JOE RYAN in IlF.OI.XAn rpU'EH. TABUSHED.I8Sar

M aa MM BS W Broken Window Glass, SHOE REPAIRING llM She Bapalnna. Calf Paw ul I. . Windshields S. Bull, eoe. Ti D.uvtry. Jacob Sandler, 406 West Central Replaced by v"rvvii i tu stiPEiuon i,rMii:n wu oo CITY ELECTRIO SHOE SHOP Am WATCHMAKIRS a JCwTLEW Phone S71. PRONl . lOt 1 SBOOMD ST riM a.u u Miner twa'i u u CM nWjrrjiM C. H. CARNES $1.50 SUITS $1.50 Cl.n4 and Pniitl rrHN, T6e. Optometrist COI.1IM1IIA I.I.AMMi CO. REPAIRING S90.W. SHOE fear Prtulag Tlcketa. Sx.60. jraa. Wa H OrMa Tr.dlni suatpa. "Eye Classes That Satisfy" s"Doabla SUmpi .a Moadaya. SI'FCIAI.IST F OCITLAH rrat caU and d.Uv.rr nrrtci Mall lli. FRACTION aoliclud. WANTED SALESLADIES THE BIOHTWAT SUOB inOP 101 Ho, BL Fourth SIS Souti SMoad. Thoa. 10. PtKHM 10M for AppoilllMVlU Apply In peraon. tm t w-- i 'j?;vnv"vy: a msm , KAHN'S STORE HUDSON POSTER loe '. nint. ADV. CO. 1 Pappe's Bakery EXCLUSIVE SIGNS emvmm m ST. LOUIS JUNK CO. PHONE 726. &17 W. GOLD HI'VN nil klnrVa of Junk, imd MumI UktUiea ami iir. k pinon nurs . BREAD Chaplin's Shoe Store Hi.l u kind of Arm? is wholesole, light, tasty, A Complete line 'of 4ns S T fw. fit. Th. UTS that HIGH QUALITY SHOES and as good as mother used 209 West Central Ave. Mfllfl) OFFItZI to make that's Pappe's. ItKNY AMI MAIL 5Z5 rRrn Trmi siwh ("HKVRMN'B. Vi'vn'.. I)pr.,l 1 Hurry l Miirtiinif. mlpfrlntiMWIi'iit nf llift li,-it- l twlny nlr mull floltl. durlared Fairy Knd Dlvurca Bulla Benin "In Folly'a Free Delivery Servioe. tlmt reitorlM that I'llul Jurk KnlKht Where Talea Whcro LIBERTY COAL of the air mull flew fnrty-flv- a i Trail" mllp rvl. Inn! were Thev Met at a Moaque nnd Parted In a Baton, Did th Artlnt In wven minute niKht Folly'a ?" YARD exHKKorald. Mr. HJirtung- wtld tlmt Iteturn to the Kaw lnallna "Folly" Who l.ured Him "In Trail the maximum apeed f It Illterty mo Hlie liuneed Aheud 1.1k. an Irrldtmoent lluhbln Freah lllown from Phone 623 tor la 110 mlloa an hour anil tho wind tha l.lpa of lie Followed "In Folly'a Trail." i Gallop American Block at lh helKht at whloh Knltjht wu I Hd He I'liraulnc Her "In Folly'a Trail t" Sugirite Lamp flying waa 7ft mllea an hour, inaklnn tlie maximum aneed lie eiMllil have AIlKI AITKACI'ION allalnnd mllea all holy-- KnlKht feed Cedar Wood and 16 Two-Re-el wua reported tu have mai!f the alUv-e- d Century Special Feature Comedy Findiing reef.rd from point nc'"h ef hare a Pappe's Oakery Chayenaa at 4o v "viwMPTnM,5f,AnnnW" a. MrS1t.. O. W. Patent Oflc. -- West Central Are. ons 279 ftaddle Bo HKI.IM I'heua 4( fxtflTlWOU'd, I TO 11 H. rrtft, tat, ay raaaU . prerrUier e tk. T. S. S. traavkhta Hat ka.Ulaf H BFIXARTrtirEB. f. and HauaraLlaa Mkin kfaXOVS TAU k SAOOAOB. rfiOVB Ul raoiis sos, tuon sos. SOCIETY EDITORIAL SECTION SECTION


bells, colored chnlns. stnra, and HI UOUOTHY L. McALLlSlEIt and cutta said, "The hie has given ue .ill the little paper and countiiea like tho I' it I ted Htatea." Telephone 345. rnwies that Mpnlly the to the Delivers Wilson's Tbp priiKrnm: liilldren, panted on the walla nnd In Christmas Seals Vneal solo, ' The Lord Is My Light" Card Clubs windows. n 1unv one Child WVlfiirt' the Ma rah pnnt werk hits horn with the X X Mia. Kiit her Inu Orinimer-Hally- . Itttppold concert, the Fortnightly Irulinn M ItH, HONOIHMt I X V IT KM solo The Idenl Card club will not meet drive, the , I Piano , t.l.M Jt :iKH.VriON a. we on Ch.ui,-- . Kcvcral daniM-- including the Leap .veiir eclchrntifniH FF,. Air from Htnliat Mater next k. atcuunt of ilia THE COt Nt IL TO INIT NAXTA Koaslnl.IJrat Wsrlin card party n Tuenday, have a decidedly exciting element in them; hride partiew "0nernl Federation News." the b On the Wings of Hong 14. of, bin) of tin- National Federa- 1 shopping. being taken oitfan Mendelssohn-Helle- and card ciulin and hrmtma I'Ikh lire tion women's tiolm, has follow- Two-thirt- y of the Mrs. L. ( . Held. The bridge club plnyM 1he l lirisinni spirit rather slowly, but it' to he hoped that the ing Item of Intercut to the menibeis Hiring Tuesday at C. W. potter's. The with of federated women's clubs through- trio Mr. epidemic. Wi.l work up Home speed and virulence, and thut everybody out the slate: a. Feast nf the Flowers. . .Lincoln hi ah score prise ws won by Mrs. before eve. b. Herrnndc Lostjy Fred Cameron, wdl he absolutely hnpeltwtly overcome Christina Anderson-Mandoli- HISTORIC I K Lute Mra. W. --J NXT Mrs. John Him Ing. The Jolly ffcore card cluh Tues- of IXVITTH COI'XCIIj TO mt MADAMK UAPPOLII HlNiH. largest and most enjoyable rtanrca STOP OVKK IN XK tiul tar - Mrs. t 'hai'ten Frank. day evening with Mra W, K. (lrtmm r 10 or fl . For bo it from this nunrter the winter. Ihc mi mhi r the or New Mxb'n, la Vocal nolo, O God. H Merciful to on North Fourth stre.-t- Ibntdr'n tho Mm Knp (be Hanta F. anxious rhm.i leeble lav about the tier had been planning ufTnlr for to be iniiuib-- in Itinerary of the Me Roger Htjtteen member, there wre four I the pold co r r Monday evening; for Nomn time, and bHd put all their en (leni-rn- l Wonn-n'- Mrs. L. II- Lackev. M r i Mrn, na Ftileratlon of Clubs KUeRia, Mr. and 'smpbell, layman, II can only opine a ei ay Into tnaklnpr It a bin ueeenM. Coumil whhh in Halt lnke Heading. The I ,e,Mr Hcene from Gentry and Mi. Norrls. luvmnn. Muwpvrr, with the layman's They were very ably nsshttcd In the next June, nnd the three federated "Iten-Hur- ..Mrs. Oeorge K. Angle npology. It can launch Into a rew music played by the I hike City ureh-mti- a clubs of that city have written to the The Hiwhlnnd Hridae dim plsyrd upon the evening perform-un- r. of h! piece. J taming lasted niitloiitil urglna: thnt Htintn M(iM f ill K three table last Tued v afternuon, bin It after midnight. Fe b. included. Mrs. II. IV iNmohon, ttt i t.Miii it lNa;t. with Mrs. Henry O. i 'intra, Jr. That Albuquerque la receiving of the Ni'W Mexico Federa- Htgma ('hi fraternity will give lis theno concerts ot ibe Fortnishny MIIH. HAMHl UUVH tion has also written adding her per- last dance before the holidays on The big event In enrd-do- thi week ciub and tne American Legion an tnu ItltHMJi: TI KMIAY. sonal tnvllatlon to I but of Hanta Fe. Thursday. Iecemtr 23, ut the Sigma la the benefit bridge being glen at hiK event of in winter ih becoming H. In to enter Hhe snyr: "Our Hun la Fe ni-- t 'hi house. 'hrlslmas decorations the W- '. Held home on West Ttjerns Mr. - Chtimberlln II more apparent. 'J he high Tuesday uiKlna the I'.uiih to Include Hantn will be iidkiI to glvi t'hrlsr-iiiii- k for th Fiitberlcsa hlblren of France. mure and lain 2t table ot bridge next I the real school auditorium as r 11 led. and lilt- urteraumn at the Woman club. One Fe in their Itinerary next Junn nnd spirit, and nn Informal good lime A number of clulw are attending la my to l ing when the concert bctcim. Madame or i nrmge 01 wlah to ad'l persona) invitation will be the order of the evening. a body, and a la rice number of tne truest panic inu I naaure llilppnld opened the pi og mm w It h winter, it will also be one of the theirs. all members of the HiKmn ('his and their friends will he brlda rieAotees are going in- fol low- Council that they would enjoy a vhit I will present an seen the Jewel Hong'' from Faust, pvettleMt. city, the guests. tt interesting ing "Two Hoses" and "Crying X to this ti(ilm, hlxtoiic nld and IS of pretty women with marcelled hair 'lth I may add, as one who is a newcomer, m working gradually to u tiliANT-WOI.- and frock, no Winer," that the hoepllaltty of old Hunlu Ki- llNFU M'MY i:FIXO nice aftrnon Hin t of crescendo oi beauty of voire On Monde y of this week, Mis Ade-hii- n MH HI Ml' I'l KI-t- W. "slick" ranis and bright flower, and ln proverbial." nice moving among mid dramatic power. The miter, and Grunt of Albniiiertiie und Oscar The invitation has been extended in nllsa Louise Lowber an.l Miss F.lea-no- r rci'reahmenta 'Tilt' Hour," were full of Wolf of Mlnm-- polls. Minn., wnu H. will phi Mm them all. And there'll be lots of lat su- the name of Mih. Curl Ollbert. Amlerman entertain pnilnM und deep lecllui, und ho ma i Tied In HI. John' Cathedral iMpreaenilng the Woman's Hourd of pled (fen tomorrow evening1 at dinner conversation. well done they seemed by premely that cliureh the Itev. Wlllfred .elKhr. Tiaib ; Mrs. I. If. Unpp. nt tho Iiwher home. Thra will be to draw the audience Into the nplrlt They by few rela- iiimI H. C. Tho Wednesday Afiemoon Hrldire were attended a the Firteen club. Mm. Ten tnueic and a Jolly evening round the will with Hoy Biamm of prima donna Interpretation. cloae Kv.-k- Fe club meet Mr. the tive and friends. representing the Hanta fire, and a very pretty and enjoyable next "Ave Mtiria" waa received uminl Woman's club. dinner, of course. The guests nrs the week. moualy Mad- SO AT Hef-li- with appreciation, ami Tni.FH ll,AY Misses Hettv Morrlssette. Huth younger women' cluu ame accompaniment reached i;. Nl i The brldre f'oeti' iu;nk,ht hh iix. HPItlSi: PAHTY i Madge Olbbs, Hasan Tully, Iaura will not meet until the eighteenth of the pei reel Inn that Thirty tablen of hrldjjf urn plnylnR MMIIMII ItlltTllitAY. t'rnw ford and t'lnrissji f'arsons month, but will en "Ave Mat Ik" to Into A iiiniiiiay in event in this they then be demand throw at Mm- W. Jteld'H thl afternoon ni.teenth an tertained hy Atr. H. It. Hrown- relief tin beauty and melody. Three on Weat Tljeran avenue. There are lleelf. but when It Is the occasion for tilUIH.K SATf 1LY A"Tf:HNOO?f. Tauaca, a mirprlne by from Puccini, taken from many olhrr k Invlled In for ten Klorious one's Oeorge Kilts In Apr. Midi Brldvn elub played at I At n nn u und filau-i- I frlendM, It id perfection. Mrs. entertained a i lei ward, lotalliifc about hit KUenlH JuhI about Hnturday Mrs (leirKe Imwner'a last week, Hchleiihl, were Indeed miporb In MIkh I'aitKV Hlcka eelebrated such a formally last afternoon with but for the afternoon. The flnunrlal of hrhltre. their m-- date of meeting ha not power. In beamy and In pet lech-l- will to tin- two birthday on December l.when her several table led ko fiilberbiM wan IS been derided upon, further than that If) i si. and a simple "Lul- by a family f rienilH discovered that she - ';'lerrol" children of France taken AVF.M'F- - MfrmiOIHST they will piav as a body at the twne- laby" by Llcurnilce displayed loiliP-thin- g bert who were unable lo meet the "Hweet sixteen" oi that day, aim. 11 supper lo LAIHI S' HA. Wit. fit this afternoon. Four table plavd "f (lie personally of the sin- financial nhllnallon attenilunt upon run ing a large ihdiiy : Mrs. fle-- home, comph-tt-l- am priced Missionary society of at Imwner'a There were ' ger', maklnK an ev client tht ir Hiipport- the lllcks The Woman's guest h outside of the membership ground power. Hobhi, te.i will no aerve.i her. After a men y time over the ...... the Cenlrnl Avenue Methodist church for "Itohlu, the M i I Rnnie e . Afir bhihiltiy boys mil bmIh a biinaar In parlors r n M Will Keleher. Mr. '. Hlmr Me a Kona" wan. like the robln a bv Mih. Iteld. Mil". Will Keleher, Mr, fiat. the held tea and the Reid. Mrs. A. H. Hehenst relt, Mrs. own, "eitK'-- r HirmiK," ai-- a Mra. J. T. Me - danced ami plaved games until nearly nf the church Thursday afternoon, and howiicr and present were Stnuder and Mrs. George Smith rioim finale to a widely vailed pro- t.iiiiKblln mliln'uht. Those offerine- for sale fancy work nnd Farr. rani MIhnch rnipejk" Hicks, Murgueilto aprons nnd An Inter- oavo TU'SHAY M li Mi:r.T Hiintow. Hlalr. Florence esting program waa given during the Madame Tnen. acconinntfi. to I I'et t entrate u ud 1 A lirldgn cluh which I Indeed MHH. I. Hanson, orul hea In which Mra. Wolf (rave numhera, nnd In WITH IA.I afternoon. I four plunn Ibent Klotne Horen; and Heott Homo rendlnifs. Mrs. J. A. ffchwentker uniuue, but which has no name. of ftrenath, veiKaid The Tuemlny club will meet next .lnhi-mtn- , a wrhi KnlKht, ' ini ence William va ntc. and M rs W. C Thaxton and one mat meets on alternate Friday i(v Very few plan-lut- a week Mra. t'arl r. Mngoe, on Hni-le- even Inns- and hrilltame. with Chupbn. William Hlonne, Ituehl Mb1 Frances Than ton anng a rtip'i. Its member! ih'ir hava been heard hero who could Went Copper avenue. The Htibject Myers. husbands In the name, - Jimmy Hulfolk und Curl Coffee nnd cake wore served to about and tlva.1 her. for th" day will be the Hawaiian im- WASHINQTON Prelty little Mios Adrian Mayer, white-robe- angel thirty guests. they play bridge. This organisation andK. The meeting Is at halt paat wn guot Mrs. Henry HIHTIinXY PAHTY r'Oll of mercy of the league, dropped in at the the of Hurch ooon t'Hrt'H to two. MAItOAItl.T 0I I HO. lANriMl PARTY . last Friday, lNcemler S. There are MI'.FTl' HKHNFHDAV. . for house s Mrs. Manuel uin nlertalned white the other day and delivered to Secretary Tumulty Tho first of serlea of dancing par-tic- three tables. Mih. l"rn:k HhufflohnrRer wl!l en I. A. O. SF.WINtl her little daughter Marguret on Wilson will being planned ror the i t Mi Mar- - the Chriitmoa seals President use on his Christmas which are Ta Notre Prldpe will nlnv teiltiln thi next meetli k of hc Oootl it .irrs. Thiirsdiiv. December 2. when u. nl or una irlven ItV Mr. W. H. eluh at Cheer elub, whirl) will be held The A. O. Rowing club spent n waa alx years old. There were mail. Miss Adrian (left), and Secretary Tumulty (right). theirnext meeUnjc at Mr. JnmN enjoynhlol. on Tueml.iy Ntaret Hlcka last Tuesday evening at her OlaiTiitng. They were Wednradny afiemoon. IMann for the moat nfternofin fourteen Ultle RUeiilS. mere were h on Went Ho ma. A delightfully ruests Isse W. P. M- i- home Tuesday, K- h Hat mm pros ram w ill prohn by ne of thla week with Mrs. number of little features to ileliwht informal pvnning was spent, dancing of Mr, Oden. who en- decided upon. Ihiwell. There were two auenta tor the rhlld-e- n iv Jack Horner pie. 'Los Matachines' Dance and midnight- tertained In addition ta the regiiir Mra. McKean Mra. on top, with lasting until nearly The three an the afternoon, and with a Hat'ta Onus and L'ucKtM were Mr. and Mrs. F. K. table extra table oi gtientx. VOf'NO MISSIONARY Wntfton. An Informal afternoon number of toy horns in it wonner- - They were Mm. W V. Oane, Mr. T. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. 'harles Winfrey. HOril-Jr- MKKTN. over needlework panned awiftly and fui center, Then there were arti Miracle Play to Be Given Mr nnd Mrs. B H. Towneend, Mr. Oeor Kills. Mr. of sunwbnllH, Hanta at Killer. O. W. Eubank, M. Mlaa A mot wan honiein lo dellRhtfuiry. The membera the ficial topped with nnd Mra. V. F. Towr.send. Mr. and Mr H Bow. llertlt are Meadamea Harry Wnltera, Clauses. The table where the hirtn-da- v lf ers. the youmr fotka' WeatmlnMer Mis- club . and Mrs. It. H. SCenn und Mr. and Hoterts, HpttameHai-r- feast waa spread was bright and sionary society of the Frank Homer Feast of Guadalupe Tomorrow Mra Alex. Jordan A Mitchell, Hoy Graham, Frank beuulirul with the reila anil greens IK card club of three tables that chm ch Monday afternoon. A drome was a plnvn five hundred were of mlaaionary suhjeeta was con Warner und W- I. McDowell. of Christmas, and there NOTAHLK HANOI KT OP the aueats birthday cake with six small tluuila-lllp- tin- of Mrs. F. O. Losey last Friday after eluded by a social hour, ynm:; - The of Our luly of able portrait on fiber "tllma" In PHI KAPPA PHI. the iiiTii tapers. The guexlH were, r.una no- Iast noon, wnen there three sperm I rNivrnsiTY to one I m'ost Mexico i''ii; and there uro many who 7, wr folks making an afternoon of It. Heynoldu. Hetty lle- - of ho iuip'utant oti on TiieKdiiv evcntnB. December ffuent. They were HVnry Rog-er- X i;vri:HTAi.N iohhay. senwald. Huth testify to the truth of the story. True Ho- - Mr. ti mlck, Clalro Welller, Mar.lorie uaicn. the calimhii- nf feaals for the ycur, the New Mexico chapter of th Mi. W. H. Hraey and Mia I'oi - KVKNINO l'AHTY HATI Th- - l'nlversltv club will entertain or ai,!. ir h is a beautiful one and; of Phi kappa Flit resumeii UAI. Tuenduy Mnry Louise llennett Htarker will thi.s evening, hiHtiio; f"i' the pilKiiniiiKe tu leiv othy Htraln of Illlnoi. Tho next Mrs. E. C Oden entertained last nt the Mnaonlc temple next .iiinua the shrine tivitles ti mm a m ule exceeding Mm f will he held Id. Ulna vkiimu .i.i.iuh, hiuiiM, It olmerved unnunlly on of t he port it ha h.M-- for meetina the club with Hat u rdu y eve. .inn at a dc!inhiiul venlg with an formal dinner dance Jane Iden and Cury Lnlow. is in made iir.iicrnm. Mrs. Arthur Pkherer the cumin: brldice party of three tables. The r.n- tho memhem and their frlendx. IJ. mi tlilH part, or tto- coun- nearly four hntnlt yen is by devuut At in tne cnemisiry iHcmm Friday afternoon. roc one il iy. Mevn-- l' lcaiiH m republic to south, meniber-nlc- t RueatH- weia brhlice enlhunluata and the oiKnnliatlon'a contribution to the CHHISTM S TI-'.- try and in the tne room the following tiunhamlHi Knllowlna; u Jolly hrlHtmas nnrtles of the montn. inn- - where tin- Church nt' Our UmI Ih and, in thought, by those who live aliiatetl: Hunomrv; Klchard rl, The Lurkv Thirteen r'n.rd eluh will their ox wi:ixkniay. '. hei-e- followed i ( ) ; Kdgar jtumo, a lata luncheon was nerved, ner, at half pant aix, will be A verv nrelty I'nristmaa ic is slluated, for ne week. Thtn vi Hanna, L. L H 'olorado plav It regular bi weekly three tnhiea and the remainder of the evenihu; by dancing, which begins nt half pant Ing arramred by the ladles of Ht. just iitl-- the Him h;is k'"M- down. The ,c:;eml lls that Juan HiegVi on lb wett. Ii. Hoc. meneva). i I f hrldvo next Tmday afterniHia apeitt In inforiunl chatting. eight and Inata until after midnight. Johns guild for next Wednesday bonflieH Will bv IlKhti .1 In line every his way down the hills ol Tcpeac to (Arizona): Aldo lupold. Ph. with Mr. J. i. Herkenhoff. A hitch acote priie for the. women A II. Mi Mlllen will make an addrena nfternoon. The tea wilt ne given ni rancho in tlo- valley nnd up in ihc hear maxH in tin , was suddenly M F. I Yale. was won by Mr. Cox, and our for the "Colleg" Lire; nr. l.. n. i eiera. the Hat Hhop, on Houth Fourth mountain; ;tnd op the lour corn-- m rorifi omed bv a if ion of Our Lady, Active: t'harles F. Coon. Ph. D. The Friday Afternoon Tlrldve "luh men by Mr. Henriung. 'ollege Hepartee." and Dr. H- 11. Mtreet. and will be held between the of the imiff, oi try nUobe Iioum-m- K- who coiiiMinmh'd )nni to k to the (('itltiornuO; Hubert W. Kllu, M A. played yesterday afternoon with Mr. Hrown. "FntverHlty Training as a hours of 2 ami . ine huic i.i iiuii- h- ilter hucKu lllli'd with sand will hold hihop niul tell him to bulhl a church (Wisconsin): Thomas F. Kyre, II. 8, August Hels. fancy work, however. it lighted caiiole, In lis nil the spot where she WUH Htatldlllg. Oreen- I.KAI YKAfl STHKifil.i: HhI for Life Work." cooklng and which. unhide in M. K. (Purdue I: Myrtle Heyrnleen ' open o will Klt'.im lh uiKiii appeared u t l he :m spot on M. L. The Jolly eluh roii loiioh. will be from n unui siiude out inio field. A. (Kansas): Hnrton played rrd - OANM F. AT WKI.FAHF- - evening- until dawn. Musa ou l..nly of Hatuiday and Hninlay wnltitiK the Hfiwler. Ph. (Pennsylvania) four tables yesterday after- I'lilveraity girln who have s lor I. Mrs- What the I.N A anu nni-ma- s lipi'iofis but the lusftop not H. L. L-- noon with rtteve Itoehl. gotten it up chooae to eaU "leap HOMi: KAM r I.. tlreut red pomheiuas (luiidaliipe will be wild lu the i.uswer; Oavli" Hill. Ph. I. iark. the mountain greens will decor.ite und In some nf the oiiiImuk the boy. had delayed, telling L. L. I Arizona); eur atruKKle" in honor of LoboH, A dtinee for the benefit of tho ap- It. (Kentucky), I. the attractive room, and make an towns, l ho illagera u ttl ilnn i tin hoy to bring hltu some slun, to Mosher, Ph. D (Illinois). UTHKKAN LA HI FX' All la to b.e given thta at the Slate Child Welfare home In Pania the Christ- ",m Kdna Fe will given ut home ionium, propriate background for the Mutaiiiiictt," an which Juan agreed. hi Tuesday. nt the Country clun The Iadie Aid Hoclety of 8t. Paul Masonic i empla. Tiiere will be the which will be displayed wns he slurt- - The haiuiuet I'tfty cuuplea. the proceedH to go toward paying tne mas articles dance. It la tho custom In houw Juan's iinrle ding. and at :!& was attenueit ny eianieen Kngllsh Luthrran church held a well uhout The featurea of on long tables. A table of all d out l'or .1 prnai: but. beeuuse the nove! carry lebt of 1 13.0UU owed on ine property. nprons ami the Iowiih near here to present the member ol the local chapter. Tho attended nmetlng In the church iar-m- the dunt'i are and out the of fancy work, pluy. Vlshm of t n hid b 'in ,( in sending his hit a game, an itoune Many Albuquerqueana have been In will be an enticing miracle "The members present at the banquet other Thursilay afternoon. Among of football the practical articles I July of ISiiiiinlupe." nnd olthuiik'h all Wer, he ;i ouled the spot w here i to,., were: Ande n Hi- vited, and have, gone overland and -. mil lutes Kbanor other impirtant Items of busioMi gueaiH of the eve are tit men ol sight. Mi- rea-o- n sci-- to by train to Join the big crowd that "my!"i',h,n for some not known by he had tin vision, and started man. '. A Harnhart. J. 1. t'lark. win the Wert nm ot officer, which re- -, the football leunii The are ball Ham LtviiiKtton and thin pi:icttce will not be get t ilii- the road where ibe l.'hapel of the Hodgin, Vera Kiech. J. H. made in shape of and will dance in lb Improvised no in t'. K Iiu suited n follow. 'resident, Mra the bridge In u lounging isner will cihiik' erul HiIk However, llie piny will Well 11. .w siaiuls. :ut the Vlrain L H. Mitchell. A. 1. Wees. O. Vlee presidi nt, divided I he room, or play g table will oner every- ders. C Slmonoii, Mr. the dunces into quai t' ih. occanlon. be n l"i' tu lu raii.i llit i en di, tv u in meet him und ait id. Instl M. " room prepared for the tempt fuatldlor.H. and in and l' A census nf the educational Vohiuaris: serwijtrv. Mr. A. M. first dance is culled "the thing to the Will u I'.ii tin- VI11l road is tins (hoii tnkoHl. son'." touch-down- Tb keiH are on at Mutaon's book by Mrs. H be uf Iciutt in which the various mem Knutiiwn; Treasurwr. A. McIjiv. and the laat, "the All sale will be taken care of It tuiion Mra phar Mrs. k In the town of OrlcKOH, I t ru- Shu then lo'il nt that Ilia umie was or served a year re- for a foot bull More, the Atvurudu and Uutt's 4i Helle, Mra. Annie Corson, lxa v bers had taualw studied The work of lb l was llie dances are named 'J Is ih. Iciimi ibiy. und eio il. and thai she was the Holv Miu inteii-H- in- - git In leap macy. ber unnunl ti source both of and oi viewed. play. The carried out the .Tosepnine any in ntuou ,.r huvcruKc, Lwuh liixt yi iir greeted with blu 'ii - of (in iitalupc, p lllnu li In to go hack I'uroiullon. Mrs. a. thnt verv aim innneil-laid- y year Idi a to the point, making i , ag.nn lut was In city early part 01 u,, VI h'llKK Itllll II'C ( arut ioiih. ly in uic nun n to the Juau hanuuet was followed by an the ''ilalea," tailing for the and Fe the the nil uin, Hhe lold The boa at.d announced the plant Mrs. Katberlne l arreii ih oi tile townspeople car- asked In a slu'ti. liiMiiirinif and scholarly address, "The Chosen by League of luakliig the itiograinH themaeixeH. ibe nnd cake. e ir ' out dit Ih In charge of conwumci-Hh- ried i he pori tble Hl.iue li.'ioiitflnu li 111. 10 u up 10 the rinks and Kiithcr i.imiiim of Altruism. bv Mr- Hewett In for the nne. Hhe rhalrman if th serving - The women of the Horoiltlcs were Si l I. a hollxe com em, ti .hum ohexi-,- und was a Inns: profmiole glrN itrrangementH lor nie aiiair- will be assisted bv Mrs. 1,;'m" the lo ro:.ii. which movok'd and Woman Voters to Look ehaige, and the td the X nuin-- ' ;i billcuiiv it tut tli.i' mik e. li rimhiiif tie to. lb- placed ihem illmiismon. Th local- plans t? hoHteMH' S. 'I hi bciiln. Mrs. riciucn eUi'l"d - Wri llie S SI W WITH c..,.irui (lenke. Hit U,l ti tl lie u' he chlll'iil. Tin Mo in Ins titma. and luiind lo (he Yir- in oilier meetings during tin- f wei( : Coat-- John-Hon- .lltl t hau After Child Welfare gutsiH honor MINN WATSON. Ulll':ic:c p:i was prent jit ctl .1 n. II vtii, who lt tn In hia cloak lent, at which addresses will be de Angle, HevaiiH, Hooker. Liolt .110I FHIIDF-McKFI- tin- M 'Xlcnn lnH;iii. to w 'nun iiioiii'il him lo touch thein livered followed by discussions, Home l.'ralg. I uinulgan, I,. Uerpnchle, It. MIhh Clarke WalMon was hontens - evenini;. when tne ok ix the vv.ii'd. Win i! res- until In le.iehid the bishop. Juan oi which may be open to tho public. 04rphelde, (liumi. (Illhei l. Orecn hint Wednesdav n:iur. of gnat Inter- loii h- hisln-- with his SIUII society of I'hi Kappa I'hl is irh-l- Kvenlllg One of the weddlnRS ell In n red - rape, ami a xlom h luii lo The l(. Hi-- i nt the Wednesday Sew. leaf, Htaaeldeu. Ileldeii, nan meeting est ti ls wc k was that of Ml Alma with a feuih-'i- The hiHlmp ml as lie lllll ol d the loiik IIP an honor society open to honor stu Ing club held their regular oir In- des, W. Ilernambi, Moore, Mann. l.vii.le aiol D. H. McKee. wnicn v k rohi.H .Hid he. id .her.- oT i.l! out .mi w.s ..tallied to deiitH of all departments of American Hgan-Bin- t, it home. ('hrlHtmas sewiuK H Miller, McArthur. MitMtir. W. her Wednenday morning at luck iln-r- v tip- ,m,l lus aiieiulauit fall uiiiv.oiOtleM und colleges. inn niem li In event of the evening, but place und ere iiitt lnhop K. HganxJnl, Hteunot. W liten. inn Presbyterian paraonagf. The on ill kn. s. II- louk il to bershlp of the hu. lety Is comprised an hour of "Junt plain fun" finished ut the Itev. Win n the Itlilfli i'f he mem White. Will ley, Walt. FerndHlrom, ceremuny was performed by th Uiiltar some old Hpunish h what hail soallicPd lln'iu. and iher nl aciivc. alumni and honorary the lllle event off tieiignuuiiy. of a ihic.t mi li ineiubershlp is com Ilryan, reaice, Oalklun. and Dr. Har Huuh A i oopcr in me Olle of the uil Itt of the tow W.s lliiprinii'd mi hi ti tna. he hers. The iu iie oih-- un-- wi re twelve Klrla present. friends, the iniM-.- mofeHMora, The are: Widls. Tliere few relatlv und i i .l pil lll'e ol Die MrgUI of iltstruc verv nil In white and imperoiiii The Hamnaon, Leighion, Hale, Hnyder lv Iter aimer. y of III p The pl!l Itlsl ?S lo- l'xri llx d In r tto and graduate students. - cm it mi:i;t groom by II. Out ti uada Itrundenl.urK, FergUHon, Hanger, .Mor- to with Lvdla Frlede. and the ." jitlendi d by f iironle who I'h n simf that bcats hoiuirarv eousisi MltS. Ml v close friend. U wiih crowds atec wi utaduateH utlu-- InsttlUllons Merger. Heinpsiend. arren t ison Williams a .1 1, llll- - pit is as hin utd "ji. as a olleuo of Kau. Hew Ho will meet next lived and W.Urh.'tl with lr. llie lure n ill V C'aldwi-ll- . HoHllngton The and club H. H W.ttklna. sccn were unidlialed not less than - A hern. Murtln, Mra. John ere Mr. eMH Illlei-eNt- .lltholiKh tll'V luo M tmtlllV-MO'- It '. llPl.le nt Melable who WeilneHitay ufternoon with of commerce and " IH,. i in lor to election to mem t'ulpt'PP'T. Hopewell, Wngner, Hwlu of the rhnmlw of It time again. Alter ( nii f, prolmblv iipiKiiev It ai H Th-- o. Frle.le. the parentK and beiHbtp in the society, and who ha ti v. W , Wan). J. Wn rd Main 4 ,tnd Mrs. wore play iheie is duuctiik' and i of iwo sttips iibiiiit seventy inches a, Miss Alma Fried;- it (mined eminence In some line o A J Iron k Oriinsfeld, Myers, Hit ukkh, the bn.le. loni; .i n! eiKhtei-- lilt lies wide held TFX lONH TO lilVK suit a ...U until the liniy honiH of the loltowim lv Any undeigrad u dark blue travellna hu-qu- toueihi-- by weak win Iiuik. The seam scholar endeavor. und Wlll'ums. V VKMt'N IHWKIl a a niornlt'ir. Hut without, ih who I M to match, and carried bride I- I- uate of ftuod character within MIhs Kdnu Mosher und members of WIVKN. Misa rellKinin-- ll-- 1m the ilointnanl on- IS Wlol Up HP' UUCP lit til' UITC HU THKIK - of Pink rosea. Her sister. lay- one year of graduation, who has tnn meet Wid- iar-rle- d II tiiriiit.i; aside at the Taee, The th at h. uilo a Utloii urt chap The Tm Lxns will next Lvdla, wore a dark costume and ml the reliKloua obsi'l'VauccS precede at least mie year In residence, and crona. ntnnlnir with Mr. and Mrtt. pink rosea also. A Bliv iitlula Hon. ing on o the coitus is a puxxle lo c r , a bouquet of who runks an.oiia tho first fourth A. II.l.Htm-p- on North K.leventh. Tho f.llowoa th- cere- The Htnry of Our Lady T tlu.ulu-lup- e painti Irt. They have deposed ihil may be at dinner, wedding breakfast only but the giudualing class elected OI-- TOWN P.T. :i:tin Dona will be the irueata mony and Mr- and Mrs. McKee left is ofi' that is to the heart the "canvas" ws not unlit to active membership. AND I'lMKiKAM. and alierward. will hear a paper read honeymoon Immediately of ail who appreciate the H adiiionri uiiprepun d. iiinl ale lust In admira- I... lluvtd .It. Hovd. by ke I is and the The avnorhitlon of Iir thereafter. They are going of this purl of the niuiitr. an.l there tion nt the flow .lit in AI.IU l'F1MJI F. .1KI,S TTKNl The club will entertain their wlvea Pa-- Tucson do not wealth o picture. The K. Old Town met on of lam - to Kl o and are verv few of these who noli lie u miol, OF M1NKH DAM New Year's eve wnn a very eino- groom famll y. 41 of (he riyure are perfect I'. u biiHlnHH aeHlon which waa rn Hoth the bride and are know It. It dates back to the in opiti lions .Mism Irene llei kenhof Mih Viola week in .iinnnr ni the A varauii, ana for ItH fiiteeii. dom- a program ny cnu figures In the city, the former Ui.ll. and evulencea of m mm me for a maiden of The llcrkcnhuft and Mis Inna Lix went foMowed bv tne wah-- afterward at the homo lar rays week-en- on parly past four years ulenographer at verv much in exisleiico til Mexico inant t olors aie deep Kol.l in the lu Socorro last to attend the dren. A report of Hie committee of Dr. anu . it, w nope. ihe man- Wet be given the flrat (ity. Tluie ih a mission priest In and the .vuis. in the s, Oool i( Mines dance. They the lartt sociul to ever since hla r k and rose in the (lowered tunic. while there, of Mlaa Kalh In January, und a recital IN this viilh'v who haa seen the in. li tle th KUisls we k for VltM,HAIS Jack m, Ml A nice. teaclier in llie !H be Hie middle of the same tetHMl coming here from time to given (HI V1T CIHKli years ago. Mrs. Mckee is an afterno-n- high at houl. The dunce wa hugu neven e Ihe members yesterduv ,,f Clod: It Ktves nun tho spiritual mouth, KHIWAIUK and KUivt-- a very gay a (fair, with in,.. un and down Albutiuerque girl, reared m la and Tho program consisted of three nv ebnola. and nromlnent In chuin The pi oicra the third annual aspirations that lift hint above the ninety boys presint and about fifteen fwthga by the runner gruuea: ia the valley, and tho Utile mountain Mr. Itible day program held at ihtf chib, level of It is tho mean They Sunday over I Christmas and ui'hool circles. J1cKe beasts and Kills. returned o( Nniloual Alia": (b) are preparing heir in - MtdleV uttv, hla tho each of tin in arrauKed by Mia- F. W. of be I ween Hod and land. ddv Long U'gn" and (c) "Jnckie nrogramH for presentation December before reconciliation holidays begin. Homa grocery huslnesa in Jackson Harden, yesterday's wan voted aa it original fttnry by Italph 31, when the i a a ttMMtHiant accretary and man. Kvni literature, contains HY TV HI in will be on quite a large scale, I'ltl IMIK8 Peterson;.(; a poem, "The flreathcaa if of thi " ..e rhunihr- of coinno rce. he has as the best one yet held- Haod the storicH of 3D or 40 author from Iti llttLI HAZiAlC by Ituea; with the portable stage set up lor by miotic piano, vortil and HtrliiKi-- in Aid Socle 'tt(ioiil Hw,.s lain'l flregg." lennlH piano purpose he patrons and made many frlrnda In this city all walkti of life; the only tellable in Tin I'i eshv ui lun Indies The of polo. Tom Itamsey; and a aoug, "Four the hiu cttsant personality. Htrumental music pi llm tv will hold a baaar and tea next lotoin hiia itmtlo Mrn, I n i. nrhool aa their gursis. reuon of on the origin of the world i UraMiliopper,, by six little friends of the of a sacred ptoKiaiu: and a talk forhiutlun iilii v and Saturday In drimshaw lituwu rlidirivtrio iliu i w j Unto plavleta, In costume, great- itr-- There are drills MTK.KATI HE, by Hev Kuudaeu, "The lutluept-- of and of man, before which the on Hecond and Central. W hen Uiey fflilt! s.oi OO I lrl ' old and KOT . tt- tc nininmltnfa dramaUsaiion of 'RIBI'K 111 Li -- K it V.1' V, ; tt T OK MU:M the bible." ws the featuio of the est sun tints stand In awe; an influ- w oltwr and 4MrgX ll i it ;a favorite Christmas earnla and hvmns; HOKII I M DANCE At TfcMPMS mrnV. operettas. Already the afternoon. The Hlble u mote than ence yti niuffe and portry, and on th wuik. nnd m.iue plaui and iMUctiial ' tolm.ito IK.'KJ Mfl nne'hfl and Worn in'u elub liteiuture. he slated; it I the Word articles of tawing Utt lu. Mta. tl Hd s iiuh ot ctiotiie a (if' WO nunnrea nunno v '1100111 present an attractive sight Bible Dav" at the - of greatest of the iw crowd a good of Clod. It is tne huaiH of mural con- wink thf authors 1. liuviui is i liati uian o thw cow and pe;w l.ft at vftin- Nl ut Kastern Hiar dunce )th drawing of old Halnt Nick, th nn ncruHton that urovoked - last night the aciousuva; it gives us iur conception, j world, a w t'Uei- ou a payer la Cal- la chaigo. (m0mm4 iur ahiul WtiiL at tho Maaonlc Tempi, oil of the Ture Wl Mn Chrlulniua trosa; deal of appreciative com meat irom mltte TI1S ALBUQUERQTJ8 EVKfIa HERALD, ALBUQUEEQUJS, HEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1020

John Heeker Pr. Mra. Hull of Belen lveiace. Blnmenthal and Xgatha day for fatlun on bualnean. 8he re- be given before the Chrlatmaa p".rty mat wea k doitfitrd articlea of Hurke, ( Chicago.) turned to the city ye lord ay. furnKhlngn, wm held In the gynmnalum Haturdaffy Or A check for $ came laat week, MRH. WTI BF.K KNTOtTAlNKD Mlaa Rebecca Horner, of Berkeley. evening from :30 to 8:80, at u sic to Ihe ireaaurer, Mra, !, A, Porter-fiel- IN MM OK HO. Calif , arrived In the city laat night waa fumlahed by UWenneth nnd from the W. at Glovera- - Mra. M. K. Wylder, while on her for n vialt with Mlaa Haael Hawkina. Hugh tT. I. way to Kl paao to Oil hen. Ferrlll Nnah, fttella vllle. New York, the home union of Join Dr. Wylder at Rhe will probably be hero until the Young A Inrgij the medn-n- l atopped year. and otner vohmteera. M imb II mo I. Ihla waa n reapouae convention there, flrat of the number of the atudenta were t'ra ny over in Hocorro for a Tlutt with Mra. out nnd to nn itptenl Mlaa Hlood, mnde y nil aeemcd enny It very 1. Clark, and waa futed conlinu-ouBl- Mra. F. S. Donnell. who la vlaltlng to much. for Ihe Inalltutlon befm-- ahe (eft Originally it wna planned ta pruciive. - during her auy .there, from Jvr alater, Mlaa Allen Ulenaon In . i rv xt n work nnd nprnna, the J. I. Wniera fifrufe. nf vop-- riml tnnnner con- there for New Mexico to Income o Hntuidny Wednesday. HotUrO.'iy Die Chrlatmaa grand march nt thla i bacr until Northampton, Mnaa., U ptnnulng to AT iH 1IIY CM B, home, where the Ira waa held wnt tributed to the highly Inatrin-tlv- nnd member of the K, K. W. faculty. ntternoon, ahe waa a Kuvut nt an at apend Ume, but It waa Impoaaiuto to do ao t The trlrln of the ilirh Rchool surely ninat atirnctive with mua Three gli la Hnnta Itarhnro the ChrUtmaa holiday with a informative talk that everybody from rair giver, at Mra. A. X. Hliiftkl, and her daughter, Mra. Kllanbeih Hee.d-don- i because of the bee nee of aome of tha did no m snrlarhtlv leaping thev and greew. and a lo-- Bi wee when thut rnuie preaent fell in with her. enrolled in h.' noid Inat Saturday given by i clana preatdettla who are to lead thin year, they nit rod hy tYc - at a party Mra In New York city. Mra, HeBacl-dr- tha ilil leap fur cleared tn and out nfternoou etii noted present did know ahe la a dla- Then... Nellie (.'aiitlilo. Adete Cna- H. K. Hnyder Mian 1" grand march at the Chrlatmaa party. i th tired spnee it'Mr mnr- - Mra. Vnllliint, lhe nnd Cora MoftHt. aophomore in Columbia uni- rein with ihe article. licorice tia. linet Idonde when not a Time In dim tilbi. Vill.inneva. In a letter at which Oovetnoi elect and Mra. versity. Proceeds of 9M-4- wars added to tho run. Tnrv gave Ieap enr dunco at auH-- U Mtaa nn Nfwhall. mouk-I- Kit C. MM, . nnd that name la Mm. ward rc elved yenterday hv Mlaa Irene Merrill Mahem were gajeata. Chruttmoa purty fund. 4 ) the Country chili laat night. Invited btid nt the fnnrWork leldi hr nhc carefully from of glrla formerly it. H. Keece gave n party In ; boy Wiehrd cm Mlaa Anconal. That has Purke ihla tiio dinner The tittle daughter born to Mr. and ihe they to be their Hereford. Mra. Htituder and dudlcd Taoa annga waa evidenced. In her achool. they expreaaed them her honor Monday and on Wednesday, Mra. Rnturday night nt :!&, at Ihe j and even culled fin- I hern In lAlmilt ftovitty-ftv- e dot In t n Peter Cameron laat Hnturdny rrm Ilnrrla. I he aougM II 111 milKle aelvea nn new Aira. A.errltt Mechem took a party French Kitchen, a banquet wna held (irM; and they not tu the dimca. waa taken in It lea. Mra. to rate the deiirthti'd with their morning hnn been named Patricia after at the la with the miluo of the di utn home and hool. "They will never of which ahe waa a gueat on an auto- Jonn. for tho hoya of laat term'a ftiotba!! W:itere wna aHRlwtod bv li'T mntber. alvn mobile trip to Megntena KHIy. Mian laenftee, At . wre u Joy. Tlie (lute aolo anil want to e;lvo the r'rnucea Wlltnrd and team. with aome nld lt Will tK fnor yara for the boyn i.a lltHHi. ihe 9S W'-r- Mr. Mra. T. It. from the aiudenta, arranged tor get "ii welled Tnoa lullaby the finale o thin achool," Mir But ke declared in ' nnd Wella. who have tho to ovt their head.") THA FOB, MIHM Aa - rooms wrr it delight to w. v. number nf the Tina miiKiHrtn that Ftpenking of the glrla. HtllWX'A teen vialilng tho Fred Fornoffa for banquet nn appreciation of thn The Hub t. i'. mvith wxr vt:i k. IH'HVKK. the pnat month, woik of the hoya who jdrnwed their in ihfir red and greena wf the A meeting f tin W. t. T. '. will made a dlatlnet "hit. The celchrnrcrt chnrlea Onrlnnd nf MIm roturnrd tn their A vocal given diguiiy Buxxai d'a Hay, w ho d n legacy lintel Hnwklna will enlcrtnln home In Merrltton. Ark., Tmiradny achool aph-t- by getting Into the gnmn I'hriNtniON ecneon. The prmtrnmM also be held at the hone- af Mra. I'llt nurnher with Inherit next Hntuidny ufternoon nt ten geaaon' re-- i Wfi-k- of a million he a for evening. nml doing their beat In win. The tuhlen the eo'orn, and thn Hoa nveral mat mra of and volume ttial brouuht out Hie mil dollara rvfuca to IIib IteV-er- Horner, Berkeley, were In up A iM'Ulity I tie hoi waa a vim a t Ion haa been It nnd of were elahorately decorated In yellow r;hiiii nln Christum ahndi Importance to inron then. mlnl ul ik "I linked tn take Who arrive tltu city yeater- - M nw MImw to I Hun 1m1," Ineg Weal- - aend tUw.tMiU.tiU to new ial.. the Dr nnd Mra. Henry Bnlf Brown chrywuithi mumn, nnd ttio Normal Irene WMrtwIinin, hour will follow. be bv Mra. build Ihe .nv to I M gueat the llnwkin'a for the nre to be the gueata nt n week-en- d colore were completed by uao ifi,nn nnrl Helen Orusfeld were In' lake n beroinfug Indian gown of achonl building of the K. W. achool noil an ya. tho nf charge. Thn gueat WTI MlencB fHIMUlKN I'l.W leather nnd .Mra. Aucnnu He replied bin conscience would not houae party nt thn Powell purple nut-cu- I toy Ht rat ton waa Werterhnueen, I'lUMJKAMAl waa money, In Hnn Antonio thla week, tonatmnater. Tonata were given to Irene 4nroiha I'earle. KIM: Ml Hlf iicconipiinlttc. let him accept the PI K. A. PLF1WJFHUS Governor-ejec- t i 4 'urtwriptit, Marion (Inrnt--1. .Mr where and Mil, Mer-rl- tt "Foothull," "Football Prom thn rrtee r'ltlltAY. Ziinl Indlim mualc by Ldward JO IfAJf tTi. C, Id. Helen GrunsrHd. Juliet Whl(, children and by VK iilK Mrehem will alao be enter "Hcelng Your Beloved Pl.iv An event to which Amona on the violin arrnmpnnii-- PI K. THANK Till '.III A. Mnianret Hm there, Thclnm Howell, grnwnupa looking I The pledgea of pi K. ore to give tnlncd. Football," nnd appropriate alike arc furwuid Mis. w.ia a tolnl, lawin'iimK MM Its. a nevx Hatunlny other Grace Wick ham, It nut he Fnrry. with pleanure la the inHoilv wilh fincHac Htc ntly, :aierN of acvernl PI dance evening for BUhjecla. Platen were laid for thy Hr-d- chlllrna rendeteti the that ti Mlaa Margaret Lee will a' Maude H.twt'll, Wlenn, i tiat'-lbe- other iraleinity idedaea nnd lor the leave everyone bnnqii'H 1 Hrnlce pltiy to Ik given nt the high achool roti luted up the tufiie of a e,inipflr Kappa pha's K"t and mnile college In Boaton and voted the tiv Bowman, 'Hetty Mot'rleeetle, F:i Krtilny evening, l to window for meiiihera of Pi Kappa Alpha. Thin next Friday great Blicceaa, auditorium nat "t. and XtMibi cnlllng on departed aplrlta m aoiue curtalna the nc t'hrlM-mii- a a Htrona, .Margaret Ouadort, a new pt nv vim in ine nature ot a t'hrlatnuia for Albunuertiie to apend the lorolhv tier the nuaiorea of Ht. John ulld. to amtie the danee cert tnonhil. K.A. h'Hiie on Hlanford party. The outlook for the bnya' haaket-hn- ll Johnson, Norma William. Anna he followed by pro- nue. uud even went hmiar nnd holldaya llh her parenta, Mr. which will a The etwore thai waa fb'inanib-- wnf. tn the X ia aeunon la very encouraging. Mr. klrarmt, Fnye Boyd. int f Mlwe hung hoya. And thla nnd Mia. Fred Lee. Mlaa Lee A gram tf muftic. George toake, enlivi lied bv the en l ranee of several them nr the N.BKHU AT WVLDI KK junior ut Hlmmona. Arnold Btatea that the boy a are coin- Doiothy Margaret Mpnrgn. Ijeeter and Afanrloe Klein and waa Ihe It iter of than kit that the glrla 1K. ahowlnjr a lrnn blanketed h raven BMiiawa whfi ing out well to practice and I Hola-rt- M'fy, Viola He rkvnhoff, Hie Vulck vlnltn tn part ami. received iiomi:. Hur-de- aextitle lake clroled In anlemn atepa Ltnyd Kcltnm pep In their practice. He haa , IAx. Mildred Harris, Olive ahont tlanre good Been Dr, M. K. Wylder wua ft. la in the city for tho aurted hum In the, latter. Mia- Kilxiir Knlait. to "Wlieroaa the ftord haa boat nt holldaya. la on hla flrat MHruHtct Cook, Beatrice Hill, the mual The atrpa of oim ua a In Ho atudylng mualr In already the picking out of who In directing the play and tnitn-In- en fit to provide plkcra with lot amoker mat night honor of Dr. New York. An aeaaon la belnff ) l.oi t Malm ram; and Cavvn-- l meat dancer ao reaembleil the mod- or air unrcBtrttlu-e- d W. team. active nt' lMn Ihe dancing. He ul no Hie auihor kind ier, who, with T. CoiiHhlln. who la vlnltlng him. garnet arc nugh, Kn Hurria, Harold Iovett, or ern Jaat that everbolv linmhed. generoKliy, miw fit tn provide ua Tn gimata nt planned, nnd Pome exciting of the atory, whlrh In Mint a IMlh Mra. H. H. Miller, arrived tight, und Wlllnrd Hopewell, who la it to be expected during of Pun Clayton. Joe Hall, Joe Hentn-- ! fmrtoM, dark akhiiMd and wiilt a lot of Jiitle d ilvtty atilmmlea (pent a plciiannt etudent tht montha h ho hellevea In it ml Iht k wlggeil. In evening, having hi In New York city, haa come Hocnrro will atop tiifn, 'Hill VniiKhfV, Htng (Iran thn in. ull hlai leuiher di eaa and tor mir ininii ViliMlowa, Hie wee. 1'iacllcally home for iln winter term. S, Hulph Chilly little brother, who doe not: nnd hov. moccnalna aang with ama' houra. alt the Chrlatmaa holidays. to give battle here on I la tour of HnrM Mnrmn. lout tn til; forewt. the xlatcnre or fine voter and "I nt .Inn rex. we en n't atnotty thank the do tore In town were : Dr. Murllt Hunlamnn, llftlph Pny-- 1 full ail "Ojlhway India n l.ove In person, we Noutliern New Mexico, and Tempe llvnir fairy folk la to them. Here ton, ihe loid take the read i oughllii. I A. G. Mra. Irn Plxlny. ; la ton. Tom Grovea, Virgil Harrington. revealed Hong" "Jldiwanlwl" by lei- ft r. J. U Wlnalow. here Normal will pay the Normal a vlult la nnd Metcnll. itieana of thanking la Itlce, H. It, lirown, P. t'ornlHh, Kr n vlwit Max bulaaar, Jw Kli kpatrick. John ihe prognim: Mra. Hpltxmeaaer played the favor- our .''ixlcr. ti. for of weeks with her on lta wny to Ihe enntcrn pnrt of thn j I'AkT I. und P. O. Cornpth, Jr., Klder, t:ipea. mother, Mra. C. HFttnilnl. 8 he will :i Vilkinwn, Ijiwrmt lvtlt. William Vlplln ite, "Prom an Indian iidge." hy Mr-- I "T h ua v we .. re reaol vr d that we atate. Ijiter on our boya will take I itMKi Overture Mim Vnlrk'a I Dodda, Hrehmer. Buyer, 1OvHaec. be Joined nt Chrlatmaa time by .Mr. gamea, n.iyir rrniim. imrn o we) in a way that made the piano are plum ilKinUitil, y. a trip, returning three, and Mnrrun, V'hnrN-- ivarlntf. OrvilU HeaielU'. vo al wnh leellng. "Signatured, Plkera. Pearce, Hope, Geckler, Kline, pcirra. Plxli taking In Kl Paao and Deming, and ly-r- n BKOTHBK AND HlHTKIt IN la UtiMt, Hhortle, Tu II Pupt. tioora-- Arnot. John Mvfra, Mra. George Interpreted tv llhinco, Bnblt." und Kller; Hepa ptwalhly other polnta aa well, on their Mill KAIItYI.ANO." Kverrltt John Milne Dr. David 8 pence Mlaa f'urti. who vlfdtcdtbi the Wlllr, WMltrt WntKirn. ' Cadman'a "Thunderblrd Huile," a S and way. Unmlwln, FHilf Hnyrfrr lreanted by y. Hill. Dr. MelndreKa and Dr. city for two montha with Irlenda. left nnd Rlllott nt "Night Hong" nnd "Wolr I)ane." Tlie lW TI KSB W Klllntt. laat Hnturdny for her homo in Bould- ' Mid. FMgnr KnlKht nnd the Tuplla I Dr. Coughiin ia n former e Panf. onc-A- tender melody of the nocturne wan on vol Mi mown er, Colo, Mlaaea Kdlth Petrnwakl and Uuth Her l(inlng law. A My--m In- - Dr. Wyldcr'a. la touching, nnd In effective root rant the MIkb Pauline haa laatied of He Mnery have written nnd mailed out VIFU S OP CI XSH FK1I1T UaJlet iepictlng the Advent urea ir vlintionN to the young ihinelnu crowd of anrgery at the I nlveraity ol n liny nnd Olrl Who Oo howling, rollicking bmea of the Walter HhHdori. of Fort WIngule, one hundred nnd twenty five invita- MHWM AT "i " Little given lo a danee next Tuesday evening, nt Washington, nnd wna a lleuieniint-olon- apent the paat week in city. tion to outalde guefta for tha bi(t ' Wandering In the Wooda. "Wolf Dance" with dramatic ata-- utir MTHHJfW "HOP. power only n the Woman'a Huh Mine .Vyera will during the oWrld war. t party to ho given In tho Mi 8nfjhomnri-Tprin-ma- n I'llAHAtTKIlH. than fluWhcd phiulate i Chrlatmna I t mi of the rnn give. her fou birthday on toned In Pnrla. Ho will bo here only Mir. Uuth Price, daughter nf Mr. gvm Thuraday evening. the lath. took nt brother Hit ha Jnnilioo Tui Hday. two daya. nnil .Mrs. Kdgur rlaa flahl which pinr The cloelng wan n fining Baaa haa reiurntd With theae gueata, nnd the atudenta I I'ntvw rally HlMler Max! nc Nordhmin number In ii laat wck are on I (rail home after a ten montha vlalt of Normal, a large crowd la cer- (ueen rtiu'ehud . Virginia Mcljindreaa climax. Mr. ford, gownt-- like B. A. B. Ml" FT the at th Unlvfraliy Htndnta hop an queen WITH PI HSON AL MLNTIO.V. New Orleans. tain, and a good time In contemplated on iht raTnpua now. Mnny atudonla, Kalrlea Lllaahelh Klder. Vlvdm Indian and looking thv part. MltS. MIOHTLK. Wlllia Ford, of Koi well apent n few Lu- Hang two ('Hilmiin numbera, Miaa by nil. The 'hrlatmna party la an prlnta llcudi'on, Kathleen Neeilhnm. "The . A. It. )nat Saturday daya In the city nn buatneaa Agatha notirke, nf Chlrngn. rf fttlna of them. .Mr Land Hky Blue The met for the la annual Institution at the Normal in Ttior iLTfi ''mix of apeclftl cille (Jiilckel, Mary Helen of the Water" and with A. G. In company lard viHithig her ajatar here, Mra. Italph of thrae afternoon Mra. Hbortlo Mutual Life week. recent vara, nnd bna among Jmpurtanc th aophomore boys Knight. iMirnthy linmllton. "The Moon Ihopa Low, Hung aa n Itng regujnriy for Kebhcr. nnrlvnl I Loutae King Cud man I a'h'dula1 the nodal nffnlra of the yenr except on a bench, "rlotbt'il In th lr Fairy Kit would have bene tning, nnd Novembei. hilt U hlch Wna neeeMBlirlly I.yle Teutach apeni n pari of the t prom given for gradu- 4 Hiding Mood the former pnittomined by a or a In city on ITV NOIIMAL the Junior the riuht mind" that waa haforr Little fled trio held over linlil thla month. The lnnl week the huaincaa. spring. Kveryonn a picture Imrolh Htrong Indian, the numlier captlvntert the wert Mm. A. G. Hhortle, Mm. WIHMHi notf.s. ating aeniora each and of thn freah Klisnbeth Mlaa Hwltxer - page aix.) nmn boya In tba aima conditloit. Three (l.wn llonneia audience. Beatrice Hill waa the Mitchell and Mra. 4 W. Potter. A Norrlne left Weduea- The laat of the atudent pnrtlea to (Continued nn Th-- are pttnta of tha aiph and Nnrdhaua, H'hll McLandruaa and mute, captive Indian maid." W. I. very line talk on Americanization wna rt'Mhntan KlrU at 1h moat violent Jane Htmlng. Mi Dowell the lover who woned ln r, made by Attorney A. 11. Si roup. Fol- . . Vtvlnn Hendron lowing aiHK tf thtt tuvof-wa- and plrturMi The Glow Worm. and Albert fitter the guard. Mr. the huinef4 of the afternoon, of tha aoph and frfah biya In Mv Will o' the Wlnp. . Kniemlne Hutthnr Mel nwll'a wooing with a flute Mra. Hhortle timl Mra. Mitchell bi rved prof tt1 trylnao tie aaHi other up. Little Mlna Muffit Maruaret White the necft or practice In both tin. Thw ffHcta of th are The t'uphla Henrietta ZHaer. Betty wooing and playing, nnd a (forth d The regular December meeting n," loroihy ' me !m till painfully apparent nd appar-atul- helmlck. Laura Knlhht, much merriment tn thn apectalnra. it. a. It. will held the painful. A vumbui' at tha men Hrnnaon, Kllanheth Lee, Mniy At the buaineaa aeaalon pifceding :'th. nf thla mouth nt Dr. rurry a"itra on thHr pflraonx, and lulne Honnett, Muhel I owner. Ihe program the club vntift to give Kriable'a. ' Ovt pun Woodland Klf . . . Viirgaret Weetlnke a Be ten X miiie nuvlKuts acrotta cam Kcynohlti benefit concert nt to help with a dt'Kra of effort. The alrl Tlunny halihita Hiith buy a piano for the K. MIW. M'TTFHN HHIIM.K. 'are aore of but few of them Butterfly Nellie Kalkcnbui U Wlllard aehool at Helen. The dnt One of the moat ntt rnctlvelv nrrn us Gift v mu'l, Suggestions dlapo-- Quaker IJlrl Murrain jonnaou be ed and tmrat delightful purlieu ut are thua affected atlil. In tbu Udgur to after 4'hrlNtniaa. the ' t ion. The Old Witch... Mra. Knight w titer wua the i,rlMKe that waa vlven in II. by xx TAUT vtm Tirr . w. m Mra. Hugh Intttur on Thuraday 1 Overture by Mlaa Vnlrk'a Vlulln ki hkl. nut rnoon in I lie I mtter on HTTIlKVr BOV lUtlfrTMAa He vera I plana are In proce of de- home i TlU-f- KKIUAl. Sextette. Luna lioulevard. A winter color note Rnlo George Oeake, Tenor velopment for the Prance K. Wlllaril of red and green waa carried out In The atudent body of the tlnlvaratty the W. C. T. I". la con- for Every of Family The IMcrrot and the Maid d tail. lively cnrnatlona were Member the wilt Krwt--t tha' i'hrlatniaa hoJIoaya Kdgur Knight nnd Virginia ducting at Relen. uaed In profusion to dei With (hrtatmaa Mra. urate the a traa an dance for Mclandreae. The Kortnightly Muatc club la tn houae, and the Hcor-- were In the ail the faenlty and their famillea, ait give a benefit concert in Helen for the 'h rial nine colorn. Ten tallica of the, Violin Roto Mlaa Lornn Leater were for all aiudenta I'nlvernlty, in . . . . Huning "piano fund" ol Boon pin veil. gueata lioday Unlveraity Oriental latrce lirneatlne ihe inatitution The Were: Meadamea hall at tha next Holu M ii u rice KLcLli. Uuritonc- after Chrlatmaa. Walton Allen. 11. L. Hrehmer. Krnnk JTlday evenlna;, iJarember fh In time stnge decoratlona by Mra. Ineg The "nivoralty Dramatic club la to ihitt, Henry Itoile Hrown. Leater There is a gift in our store for everyone in the for alt Ihoae aupl)N, who nre aanntnc glv a performance In Helen c ooper, vai o Weatlnke. benefit inmie, rreii 1'annH.j, ii. to h"m for tin bltdaya, ta "set 1 played by for K, W, achovl '. 'oppM. Waiter Con mil I. Henry J. family and for friends as well some- Jn on lance actHfmianlminta the at mi your the fun." Mra. John Clarke. .Mlaa iHnttny t am date. Hnora, ,i.t Thomna lmnahy, A hove tree- will b plaeed In the AI1)tifUcrUt Smlih Karr, K. U. Ivan - orim in.1 laivld Mnrcua. The W. t. T. I, la to Gilina. thing that they will use and enjoy something hftll, and doo rated with tliiaal, can- Accompanimenta to v'itl ntinthera meet next Wedneaday nftcrnonn nt HH kenhul1, II. H. Henlng, dla and prent. The atudenta will W. Mra. ItoKa'a on Hunter. N'tiVer I . Taila llf Id. W. tj. aoana tWiie by Mra. I. r'aw. Pitt hoim Waller for home. Come in before you draw nm next week for V at reel to puck u ChrlNtmaa box for Keim, Will Kelehcr. Harry Iee. Uivu- - the our store the gt't Riving, and each one la to iace, t ymour V. I rr, vutrKST the atiidunta and aupc rlntrndmt. , Jtie 9. Rift, not roatlne; more than lfi oihls rDener), puiph Keh-her- Guy make your Christmas purchases and see if we I (t)NIH(T A pig duiate oy Mr. A. H. Htroup. reiHM, to th whoaw name ll.AAIl. Itogi ra. A. Uoaenwald, Dave Itoaen-wuli- l, ' ow rmtd rial man ahnpper ami aotne Hiicki na by MIkb drwa. There wtll be preaenta fu-- . While the i'h donated Hldm-- Hohi nwalil. W. (. Held, looka in vain in the atun a tn ill Ada Hhlltirb'k are tlila week H go cannot suggest just the gift you are wanting t)it ehtldrwn of tha facility nieanbers. , Iteed, ,. M, K.yn.ddN. Herthold Knit. chopping dirirh-t- trying to find aom. to the K. K. W. achool. A box atxo. , of W. W. Htrong, Krnnk HtortK, After tha rereaiony of atrip ten-ill- anv onaoiy t'harlea thina iltt la in hand (pillied conifortein wna K . pinff the tree ki enrer, there will he to rcetlved White, M. Wyhler. T. Wlittmer, for mother or father or brother or sister. mixalng a wonderful opportunity laat week at the achool t'lovla. IbiveAVHI-U-- ihmclna; until Mii KHnm vnilouH from Will White. Hnriy VVelller, r ll0. gtt that difierent gift in the A royal ThunkaKlving wna aent A Movher nnd Mlaa Dorothy Htevenauii an lea h" ve feaat nnd the luaea Kllxabeth Wllley, Hi tire h Itattuara and that to the .W. T. I', cottage by Mra. Hetty W llley. Lnvelat e, Mnybelle . are In ehae. neen n id ior ine pari iwn w"'k, t. Ura i T add a proirrnm feature tn the waa ' waa Indeed u trunt that held prtrty. vwvti frat will put en a "atunt ut Kt. Vincent' iicmlcmy Thuraday 'I'hvHv have not all been derided upon aftenifMjD. when the beautiful hnmi - yt. nor anneunvml, but everybody work of all klnila that convent glila For Mother's Gift- hankintc on their bntnc the bite part of are noted for, ana pliicetl on ante, tha even ma. with annie cxqulaitn pltHea of j china, iiIhu done by the Daily Fashion Hint MIIH NASH KM HTA1NH. Kb la of the nchool. Thewi were aev-er- We will show you a splendid array of lamps, Aire, Mike Naah' entertained tnat tub lea of candy, alao. The Krltt ffaturday with a brldae party In IhroiiKh-oti- l i in rich, glowing colors, models; ewnmii had the tahlea ni.J Prepared Especially this j Ify floor or table for hr alaier. Aire. Oilman, who we t)k afternoon wire kipt buay by for. Neatpaptr. villi I ng her. There were aix tablea thn vbiltora to the achool. The Inuuiur there is one here for every use and every room pluyd. and a ver pleiiaant evening waa held tn Hie recreation hall. 21 apent. Mif. Naah returned thla wri-- in the house. A cedar chest just the thing to with her "later, and will vlnlt her for PIUMiRAM OF JNOIA.N Ml I . a abort time. T.lw Indiana In all the pack away the family woolens and linens. A of v rio tie trllx-- held forth C HHISTMAK PAKTIK8 AT V. W. at Ihe Woman'a club TueiMUy night new sewing chair, a new table. Or perhaps All glrla of the Y. W. C. A. (lirla1 when the Kortnightly Muatc club pre- - Keaerve ami the C. IT. P. rliib wen ftrnted one of the flneat programa o( the new dining room suite she has wanted for Vtven a lectura ami dumonatratlon on the aeaaon. There waa a realiatic the car of the handa at their mwi-tng- a Htoge Netting of tepee, Indian ruga, so long. thta week toy Mr a. Taylof of the wonderful woven bnaketa of the Mo-- Xarlnello ahont AM etepe In the'pro-c-- Jie and Wiillnpai trlbea; drunia, t man tearing were gone through, riuiea. plctttrea arranged In a grove Mia. Taylor demonstrating the meth-oU- a e( cedara with carpet of corn hueke with on of tk air la. and gav Neva) ruga, Thera were Smut wftca. the varloua 4a Jf xnieaaKnia of delight whn the mem- - fllrla' Keeervea are to make plana for bera entered, and compllmeuia to the t Chrlatmaa partiea. wiUult will be program ill net or and atugv tlecoralnr For Dad's Christmas given the following; Wetrk. ilia. Pi. J. riranroru. The Bualneaa and Frofeaaional The program waa aupcrh. Kvery i Wumen'a Hub will hold their week))' wua muitle of the native T nuinir dinner next Thuraduy evening at the Americana and uhly Interpreted by Perhaps it will be a new easy chair, heavily upholstered, venter. urtlHia. The wo-- d "urllata" la uaed for his comfort. Or smoking stand; we have them in IrfcreailonTO H.W K tluae iticiii the title. a a MWRrTHW. The opening ae lection waa an variety of models. reading lamp, thing . The Hmocintlon of American Indian KapliHody" by A just the these j th Lhm 4'HnUiui Uta-L- ifrlegoe Prealon Ware Oren, played with - winter evenings to add comfort and cheer. f l hoot will give a Nw Vear'a reep-- , genuine "niinoephcrc" and under- lin at the ktoua Immediately Btandlrrg by Mra. D. W. Taw. (Oaten-er- a .alter the lioluleyu. could picture the n chol- X chanrUig In lite forcata iiurlng thla ftrrMIHO RHUM.K THl ltHUVY. rendition. j Mia. J, K. (. ov aive an evening a darling Tana 'Itirtilitwi party Thuraduy. h Nat fume Indian neat at r girl, decked tn the brilliant toggery . hfn.w on Xorth Tweltb aireet. ICight For the Younger Ones ' utrt tabk will p)Ky. ut tku Tuoa vllliig bull en. The white it 3 leather beota with flaring topa, ttnJ IIAZAYU STTTH 7.V fringed vmta bntther gown, many ti: i tie h h"lit ny (he w imira Aux- beada. a choice nhiMilder blanket wan If it's big sister, she will be delighted at t iliary of Hti Joltn'a ehnrr-- waa n a coat H mo that onaet the coal-bla- i h a nitwit huvc u uiiu fi oiti all Mnl-- " hair and copper akin. And ua min a cedar chest, or a new and attractive i point There waa a large and ri- talked on "IMa-hl- Indian Melodlea" dlaptuy of all mannr af fancy- - there waa an-i- i cluirm of face uud suite for her bedroom. A new rug for I mm m r-- i er vei ev rv lee her room or a dainty lamp and wicker r' rr chair. Gig brother will like a smoking pt:t n r.:fer,i;!:2t pnes ycu'psy, ycii stand, a new rug for his room. If the children are still young there is a new COBTXTMlfl FOB TH B TBA BOtTR, crib, or pillows for Christmas, as well as A prtrtty eoncatt in pearl gray aalin la Uia flnt model, tha aktrt eavalatf 3 decking as over a foandaHon of dark bint atln embroidered with fray sttk. Tha nursery furniture that will delight hem. l: ':r( h hy iilzi rl&pia wklit baa round meg, oat lined with aim pie am broidery at Itcu- ing, pea ' ': which trimming la r ted on tha ffctra alaaraa. Tba aldea of th i ' y f"i V"! I aklrt are guthered with a beading which rtaaa abova tha girdla of graf r" P'" aatln, Tba flaalgn ta just aa effect It mad a antirely of aaUn. Medluna alio requlrea i ygrda antin and 14 yard a yalrat. i ' I fcr ImvSi Every Hlack aatln la aelactod fur tha devalcajmaat of tha iecond draaa, which) G. l3 Sici'ns la trimmad with narrow a Hit aoutacba braid and white aatln battena. 1 Geo. Scheer Furniture Go. Jai tin in an. pi ire affect over a while aatln veafc. Medium ataa renal rag I yarda black and H yard Inch whit aeHn. rirat Modal: Pfrlortaf navlaw Draaa No. 1137. SUta, H to 14 Inch! 314 South Second Street bni. Prica, 3B canta. Embroidery No. Uf.5. Tratufe bhia or yellow, fl eenta. ' . - ftacond odal; Drm o. 19 BIsm, l to 41 Inch butt, Prtea, IM, TldS ALBUQUERQUE EVENING fiEAALD, ALBUQUERQUE; VZW tlZXXCd, BATOnoAY, "UECI;: irtR 11, 1020

L V V V w3 L is Household Children . "vT" x x miiwiwr i H.-r- ;.

TRY THIS REALLY NEW IDEA IN MAKING CHRISTMAS GIFTS , EMBROIDER GLOSSY BLACK OILCLOTH WITH BRIGHT YARN In Oh kltelteii of her owii iMimo 'Khiter Mary cn4iii tin 11 y fn SLIPPERS, fatuilv of fMir ad id Mm hrotvrlit to t kit ben an SEWttO BAGS. ANYBODY WILL APPRECIATE of llw Hiembttry of viaikhiR italiu d from Htut trf nV'tm lUy nrMiicr 111 a Hlalc aiiivcrMi'y. 4 Hi4;ief.lly Hm kthlif mtto BOOK AND t COVERS OTHER THE EFFECTIVENESS OF tn a luippy conihliiHiiiHi f tlMory bimI prtHMlcf, nhc irlvcM la tux own, firm trkil (nit and mtyciI at bT faiuily taWc, ARTICLES CAN BE MADE COLORS BRIGHT AGAINST ( pyrlirht, l JO, N. k, a.) UNIQUELY EFFECTIVE. SHIMMERING BLACK. It !h well to rpiiiomlirT orrtaiii nit'itta and vfrtuMnt urc alwsyit CLKVfcLANO, O.. Deo. II. Heron Another Rift very Hiilijoptcd to a particular treatment preparation A new, that can't well before the final for brand ununualiy errerttv and help appreciated In Ruyly happily intxiKnntv Idea In the wiy Hervinjr. making; ntfncllcd olleloth covur for a toleuhonr of Chrintmun it in. book. A telephone Sveetlireiiilnf for instance, are always taken rare of in the follow- liuy a yanl of nhlny oilcloth, Hereon decorated blurk tn match the book cover will make a ing mmiiier on their iiriMiediate arrival from the market. nil two bolt of one-ha- perfect remembraneo. Inch black cuiKin binding braid. I Ha- Let aweet breads Ntand nil hour in eold water. Drain. Tut into unt of your Hemp hair nil (he oddn unU What They CVnt. boiling water wbieb baa been salted anil acidulated. Let conk aiowly vtun of bright colored yarn left from 20 tying "comfortn," nllk dremi Hoim. jiix or olirht reullv artlKilc and minutes for ral veil breads and tthoiit 40 minutes fur hoof breads. iintl hlls of cn tDnno. The hi Ik mtl UH.'ful RiilH may ho eonntructed froni Drain asrain and plutijre into eold water In blanch and keep firm. cretonne In to ho nwrl for llnltw, ami the above outlay nt an cxceediiiKit The sweetbreads eau now be kept on ice till ready to tin ynrn fur embroidering the olhloth mod. rite rot. Ithiek oilcloth if the tine. On- In nothing nmrt' eomplUated than Klide reUhetl (imt from 7. cent Menu for Tomorrow. ) -i ., ion i? m-- l buttonhole to a .jird, Hlipper hoIoh vhort ntttch II are 10 II It KA K l'"AKT Hake, appU , rook- water to rover with nati-- taught In every kindergarten, cents :i pair. In lllndiliK braid about ed eei en with top milk, toam, orange onion. Oruin. Kid) in flour alftcd a rentu ii bolt. Tin yard hIicIhh of marmalade, roffeu. ('iicnil Dim Hon, yarn (unite in oifrh of one rohr ran with wilt and poppor. ftrown qulekly In. at Hi rent If you M'M'HKON ('n iim drb d beef, in Itot btrd and butter mixed. Half choonlng your oilcloth, it each. baked potatoeH, niixeil pleklcM, In whir haxe tu huv yarn Hoh-e- the hrlHhtetd Hinder rover with boilinv water nd cook com n rooitieH, from-Krav- ordinarily width, tho primarv eidu'i;. Hven or nliadet tea. niowly for an hour.' It nme mid lean ih ImcI rirht Ol.NNKK nweet po- thinner expenlvo for will kIvi- ample chance fur all over- l'rid rabbit, and brown In hot nven. Make thin uurpose utr It chip Ut easily tato pie, Jelly, ajiple mmw, trravy uf rem in in In fr ...... lapping clrch h to be of a different broth lot when it needle Ik thrunt through It. rM cv-- color. Work purple to pink, 'U cakf'H, eofl'ee. pun. In nrtP-le- next My mitklnir nil ollelotll i ut iVif pink foMowed by blue, by by yel- Hil Ur'lMM. Kwcoi to4ntu Ile, your red, t i.iitti'iu flint from puptr. Thn 1Y,. low, etc. Willi he ku me Henion open, one cut th outxido iiiul I ho llnliut. fitidi duck rabbit In the market. 4 medium alxeil nweet uotntocH. Next emoroldcr tin olh loth nt nhowu The poor little btlllflli n uflord j. di 1 uii)l"fii"im imui'ii In (ho lint utifiii end explain d later. New Organization meal, mid Mime tlny've Mt cup MUKur. Jf a bar 1m In I'ofiMriiutiuu ami mi ihifir hvi n. Ii'm up to the cook to make teuNiHxiu mit. little ptck'tH mi- needlebookx are to be For Employed Boys the mimt of their Hioririri'. I'aro potiitu'H and cut In nlicc it t turn- (I to the lining put them In. raiddt that the tittle n about 14 inch thi' k. Poll h mlnute Then lay ouuide und lining together Formed Y Just biirk of the Ihirh are re- I Main, l'ui h. luyor of potatoe In tb Hnd Imntc the binding brnld on evenly, at the moved. These Klvn the raiio-- rtrunj; LHdtnni of a buttered hakinK dinh. lH.t being mi nf ul that n friction more of tanto disliked by many tieopto. with butter and Hpiinkle with Kiisar tlio braid lap on thu wrong r g The liuku rtty Employed lloyn Trliil Itabhlt. and Kill. A Id two more luyera of Hide. Thin hitter precaution Will iifK.ii'hitlon in thi name of a new club Soak i nb!. It in milt Hater over eneh layer buttered und huk-Br- axniiru tin brald'K hi ing cm u win when whii h wiih o'mimr.i d at tin Y. M. nil: hi. When ready to k eut in t'ook in hot oven, covered, for Iho whole Ik ntltchod on the right aide '. A. IhiN w.i k. A weeklv ilinnei pleet h for HorvltiR. Parboil in builliiR 1& minute, lit move rover and hmwn. on thu hwIuk machine. Next the nieeiiiiK at the "V followed by mi part of the Iwig, or urthle venuiK of bowltnu. Kvninaiotu and KatailN an- - rall to n iota in t ffl On roprrtieN. K Cfmrar, tliry made, which Join are whipped to- wlndhiK lip wild a hull Iioui m hwIiii art of woliteu. gether over and ovi r by hand. Ml the ponl h the ptmriatn or the e'ub. (MttneiM will he mrved on lOmhmhlcry ling, ThuiMduy oveniiiRH at ti;;tti o'cloek. The ohjict of Im Tho bag llliiKtrallon tlie rlub to untie round hco (he i in uoveil hoys or the city to for embroidery hoop and work In a Mt h e tor he realization of their (fond thltiK to utarl with be mum- II Ik hUrhcNt poHHihiilni and to provide a exceed initiy Hlmplo to make, The bawl f.,r (i. eliuilnyed neven-inc- KiTie other back and front are two Imhk i ml lo the com in unit v. I'lroh'H. A diHMert pinto wan nn :n8 When the Inlorlinkiiijru'd the aeri of Hi and are; the original pattern. l'n i lilfibl,. to convent hum nioiiilici'Khtii. The 'hil. in rirclcn which furm the BnRket bag, embroidery hoop bag:, "Bishop's Bonnet" bag and bathroom slippers all made niniilar to the lli-- club which Iiiih flower OcNlKti are iho Hire of a silver of durable oilcloth at minimum cost. been iietivo hen fur Hoverul yearn tlollnr. They are "worked" in nil the but d".H meinbervhip In FIRE 17ESISTLE BL0I7 poMftible, not reitiire varying eolorH mid HhudtH lb. Y. .M. C. A. a a qualification. n at the hunt, while the edntt buth hottom nnd 12 lnchrt at the top. top. ahd 10 inches Inntr. The three a 3 Inch width and to inch Moeini iirtlxlttoK nn well an nthloHrn back at(d front, Ik finiKhed In a drop, with pl"fi n wbh h the m depth. Ih 2 UmIich form hahdh are Win b pn: ti Ip.'ited in by u K tilitch of Kevt ral different The The handle : 4 mi In m I the rlorn. li.un and lining I e A WHAT IS YOUR FIRST THOUGHT? Het-l- n wide, anil lit Klve the jtropt-- propor- "it alt. ChrtHttiuiK party with Htrlp which froiiiH tho bottom Willi-- The upper purl of the htiK. 4 tion In ttio hair, Hboilld Ite louu a tree and a H.uila t'luiiH ban n lind BldeK of thlK ba Ik I inchen enoimh uhii h Ih uiitde of aoll Hlllt. ami iIiiiwh three-fourt- depth of buK and fdaiined fur i;eninK. I.eccm-be- r wldu and kooh h round t( mako the entire th. r ti h 17 ' with draw Iukh, 21. In coiijunedon the thejdrclo, open nt handlo r 1 with (.!'. ,., bavlnff no inelu-- deop. inoludluK a P. of Y. W. A. OF YOUR HOME, ISN'T IT? ...... Hup. Tho handlo la onu Inch wide The IntcrcHtlnR tlllutf about th he.Milmr. club the Tho purtv the hug Ih bright woo) Inch will be held In Uio boyn' lobby of and 12 Inchon hmr, em h onu Mcwiirt the comblnuth.n of t'liildreii' Sllp(Mra, to tho center top of the back and yarn nfi.iltiHt the ihlny bla U material. the Y. M. i. A. building. n On th'e basket baic only three lartro offieei-- now front of tho nnjr. thun maklnv Mont r'ltininu of all are the kiddie' ( The of the club nre hh larno hop for open Inn ami conventional flowei'H are uned, clrcler mill in. yoiiimter could renlnt folio wm: Kohort Allen. proHldent: (1. i:lnHtt nixo, McaitcriiiK ,o the op- carrying. of water with a lure of hoiiii thlnit "Mhtny" and K. flradford. vlre president ; Chai le Relieve your mind of the of Rreen leaven about them.' Around ' our-'- Hole, Kelly, treaauter; "Hunker ltar. - briuhi" ut Buy ordinary .' necreiary and lite edtcefl of thin haif. ano. an otitllu- at a live ui.d ten cvut Htoic line Kii'kpa trick, ntewttrd. pression that 'you may any dropHtlich Ktiy coIoih Ih run. them Nest Ih fl "hnnkot" biiH Iho dlmen-Hlnt- iim of with Home pn ny nllk out of the ra time lose all your home and of which aiu 0 liuhcs ut the 'BlNliop'a Honnct." bni. and cut the topH from olleloth. 'DOH'Tf fob wtSTrmo. Th proportion for Wnne are Pon'l wiih yoa eovld ftad Ftae H furnishings by Th.'n Ihero'M a more pretenllou by the hIic of the Hole. The loo't wuh job eoald nal you aptl your "llluhop'H top from the toe upward Hhouhl be Jt Rml it huR of the bonnei" jmm omli l l It 'HUt II kiIi-- tin- Don't wUk Mit roar om to which tho Hhlmmer of hiIh lie of tho 611 U. When You ltKelf boailtlfillly. The three ph'ceH width of the top should bo twice the HOW1 o oilcloth which make the "bonnet" Width Of the Hole. By Ming Ut HsrfUd't Cluiifivd Column INSURING TODAY proper uro oarh R iuchoH wlile at the Oil paintB instead of wool. ekoia A& Pa 14 Build Your Ask for our Household Inventoiy New Home Booki. They art Free.

Wo uro Mil thut bulldlnfr conU are Rolnir to approuch pre-w- level iih Kprlntf bulhllntc time drawn near. Them aro muny flctuilft Hint muku or Phare 59? P0Ba3H mur tho perHoimlity of it ho into to tho thotmht that Ih Rlvon 10 them. Tho tali way Ih ono of tho thliiKM your Riietrtu will notice first In pfeBoadwayBfothefSll Frank Graham your new homo. S . ifujj Vfcuilnl Klilo KUilr. W?i Albuquerque, N. M. The Golden Rule Store Phone 541 ' Q mm : " t41

''arm wmx'- - 1 AH ' ,fjl :. 'All 1 GIFTVWCASES Wometfs Children's Corit&ininsC'JIetutiul M M COMMUNITY PLATE IT" ' ' '1 Tho Coronlul (tide flair ' In built Ulonir Hlmple lined. Tho woodwork tn held in dark and llRht. Tho hanlM-- Ih a Iho dctKnol aluiipr very film pie utralffht HneH, with a tull r.ewol poat whoro tho tulr . PotlMiiini IIiir. Tn mako .if dainty putiiouril Iwijr, " rover a cardboard circle alMiut 4 and nr and Inchen In illnmoter, wlih ullk. To IIiIh Homo crepn do ohinu and H CHRISTMAS GIFTS uhlrr roorKotto of oontrnstlnR color. The buif In fllh U'liylth potpourri, Ha by Bautoin, Bracelet fctche. Diamond Mounted ribbon Ih um.i) r'.tio It. Tho lop of It Jewelry, Vallieret, X la trimmed with ribbon vihIm nnu l. Beadi, fancy and flower. Tansca Pearl. Cameo Brcochea, Waldemar Dickrn Chama, Knivea, Belt Buckle, Evr-tbar- p I tlllCUHloll. Felt m . reucili, Silverwiure Ivory. and A pretty plneunhton Ih i. Tho in made of a Ih g cfvor ikc Ih IJUHS lleco of Hatln rlhbou and filled with" wadding. 11 l trimmed with EMQRAVINO FREE aatin fruit and ribbon at each end. A Harrow ribbon In too'd to unpenU It. Slippers I'HCflll (ilft. 51EEE U aov-en- Z WATCH An ntlrutctvo irt connlntn of tl . XPERT EEPAIKIKQ ath-'ka of enltnir wax and a neat. Tho wax Hhouhl bo of varying color. A dainty box mould bo uned for It. The. ntlcka uro thd toaolher with a ono of firil bow of ribbon lo ond ; Which the neal la Hod. iSa . : Morris Gottlieb m, . . wwrfa .i .. i 108 WORTH riKST ST. . CLEAN COTTON MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR AT BOADWAY'S AGS WANTED Nge Out of til Hih Sent Dutrcr v i i The Evening Herald THE ALBUQUERQUE EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER. 11, 1020

played At th Armory her Ifttt Fri fast nnd Intorostln anyway. The day night. Not many of the flnt real oason will start next week with tonm plnyorB for lther boy or irlrls a with the Lai Vera High The First Doll Was a Stick of Mud were Involved but tho games were school at tho Armory. an lwklino doll thut had heud, lent All ovr tho world tho bdy mH aim arum, om tin rinimus;. in in Klrl doll uif thr kinir nh o.u on at third century- W- 'be Greeks mod- toy land. All nittlonn aro IrHirucd lo eled a doll that hnd hair ami a waist popnoHH dollH, nil roliiclonfi uro lino, tojc tm r with arms, Uks umi u miHplcl(n und heii fs III ordr REMEMBER laltly w (I body. 1. poHNonn thim. And nil tho tlmo ('Mile I'nliitcd On. thn doll holdn HWay, k no wind that Then iilotifc 1'itnif another KitypMnn while Hh ran wait for you four thou Be it ever so humble dn)l with h win still nioro like a wind yon en nnd inoro, wu cannot tin binv, in that it had nhapa und w'lhout hor. tike home -- hi'ihff painted vn. There's no plac clothes the latter M V 1l:.ll'( NUMM l, In th Into elahteenth eenlury It I'MVIIKHITY M:VS, Win prdwibly our ureal Krundimrentii Who p u id Willi I ho firm doll that (Nnrmul I'nlvfrflty.) The spender and high flyer may scorn the whip real clothes, real hair and uetu-all- y I"r. Hotwrtn nnd rrldont h. t -- looked like a little ludy in wax. Itlood rotin;nod yowtprdny from Pen- - modest home, but you just watch. 'The Iilna or hiK'iui'. 'ihlt doll witil nil vor, vilii'i'c uioy tiu uiiixoiih Ann-il- Inythtnu. niionioi fontoronoc iin i t pi man of the shack today is made of the In tin' yiir that Tollnwrn tho nrt Kontaiivin from Now Moxlru. if imltniliift ttrcw iiinri' nnd inr nir-- stufT that builds empires and will be the J lull pivi'ii mmm- a rt. wre Mr", Koromnn, matron of (ntR Vf ln i Khnpod hutt, twi, nrniH, do Im qulto III Ht, An master of the mansion tomorrow. t n Itatnotm at and hod en. And the modi i l"'l In up In thom'H Miinntoriuni. Kho tn fTT hi'irnn drrNhifc thm imhiiII- - Make the start' today and face the New liin-n- Th-- wrt-ptive- lint with pni'iimonla and lur ullkfl. Mtliw nnd hitM noon UHo oro nhooii and tinrt nt tito. Mm. lots in Albright-Moor- e hth(?r tlnlr uin cmiiio from ltonwoll to tako Year right. Choice the ircHws witp fi'.nliioned ntior tho myli" npt V. playud .tarfrn of tho dormitory pprltiK a'.. worn hv tho llltlo ffhln nlio and him liocoino n vital part of tho Addition, $20 cash and $l0 a with tin m. xohmd. Tho ontlio Mtudont hody nnd r . Hull IhMMm'. onpoi inlly tho dormitory Kir In feel a month. ,.Tl Today It would that wr linvc tfront for rocovory. lln- liiHt word In doi:. The hiit toy pi hhiH nrr-- nIiw1i)R, fur DiIh ChiiHlmiiN Announpomont of tho birth of a m trailf, liitk" nn-- und wonun who rati non to .Mr. and Mm. I. P. HncKH of W. C. THAXTON am walk, tln lr hvudit and talk, turn AlliUUonp;io hail boon rrcolvod hero. th' ir at inn and h ff. Mm. Itrluim wan lormorly Kdlth Th' It ttli- fo!k of 11"' t wen th th HtMKan, a popular Mudont hero. or y hn vr tlH'ir of varOity of flnllM the world It a ft Contrai tor Itapp of Itatnn haw boon (& i. r And oi' all tho toy here diiiliitf tin; wook ovornooln(r tho FRANKLIN CO. hi tin- hit? ntorm, thorp In i xfivatim Work for tho now nudltor-linn- . piohahlv tho numt In ton Mt id Third and Gold arnund tho nooitonn wluro thu dolln llvo lii whowfaoM. Knur lively lntor-cl:if- unnun vorc Vrm it


The above pictues traoe the doll through a period of 4,080 years, from 2160 B. C. to 1020 A. D. (1) Egyptian, (2) Egyptian, (3) Eskimo, (4) Greek, (5) Egyptian, (O)American, of eighteenth cen- Funds Fight tury. (Center) the 1920 American doll. Because They Provide for the Against plavoii with bii'k in 2I;'I II. C JllHt 1920 Christmas Creation Can Talk and Walk and 4i Ml yearn uko. Preventable and Communicable Diseases. Jn thoHo daH Knyptlan chlMron Shut Its Eyes hnd dotN made out of a tdi k of Wood wh h Utile ia )h ff mini for bodieM, Homo yeni'N Liter doll of HiirtH playtultiK". havp b'duy tho up-t- made out While all of olhor chaiiKod until Tut pb'i'i of .vood, with urnm, tmt lneohunlpul und otherwise, have dalo iulltlnir. wnlklnir play toy vould no head or loot, appeared. That v,a: come and gono In pant centurion, (lulls hardly Hooni even a distant tolatlvo or In TSh It. haw remained, through at louitt 4.oou tho peouliar fluin tho pioidrou Tjiter centiliter nw tho pomlnn nf year ft. aa the rulora HUpn-mt- i of tho world'n toy room. In the United Mute otono at hnttt Is Y SO This per rrnt of tho total amount Hp nt BUY GAS HOUSE COKE our In the manufHcturo of toy In lyo COKE haa none Into dolla. A me lean toy rpt mHkttra fitfuro there has been $ ft, SOFT AND FREE BURNING Ooo.uou Invonted In ran, wax. thuiH fight and preventable and Uall paat The against tuberculosis other and other klnda of thin Adapted for Domeitio and Use, 3 tar. Furnaoe .communicable diseases is your fight my fight our fight And "iSwuV krft-- ane "trJW hotlany oitfnn aa the banner your It the auk EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL for the sakes of our children, and our children's children. of little "lmPntlon of human Tuberculosis alone last year took 1 50,000 lives in the HoIIm Have) Cluiiicitl. It Is sufo to suy that ever slnro the PHONE 91 HAHN COAL CO. United States. But here is the great hope-givin- g fact that World thero havo bo4-- dollw. And with vach dull stylos spurs us on to work and to give pans HEALTHY NEW YEAR r TUBERCULOSIS IS CURABLE; THE MONEY FROM TUBERCULOSIS IS CONTROLLABLE I! . CHRISTMAS SEALS WHAT IT DOES IN THE The National Tuberculosis Association, with which the . SUNSHINE STATE New Mexico Public Health Association is affiliated, last It the New Mexico finances saved 50,000 from a similar fate. They do Public Health Association in year can more i 3 TSie Oaf another year with our help. I 3 uberty its intelligent and economical j fight apainst communicable and prevent- able diseases. This Association has pro- They Have Done This They Have Done This vided, among a t,Tat many ,tbei good things, for full ti'ne health departments Through Education Through Legislation in three counties of the state, gratis, it M Announces A fought for the passage of the half-mi- Teaching through the Legislation providing for e 3 health levy bill passed at the last session schools, the press, the lec- public health nurses, pub- E 1 of the legislature.' It secured the services, r 3 gratis, of Dr. Carmelo Pcnaflor, examin- ture platform and the lic health programs for the ing physician of its free traveling clinic. movie, how the disease can control of tuberculosis. It works day and night for Community be prevented. ii Health, which, in the last analysis, is your They Have Dons This health and my health. They Have Done This m. IT SUPPORTS A FREE TRAVELING Through Christmas CLINIC Through Personal Seals The free traveling clinic, sup- Service These which pro- ported Ly the proceeds of the seals of Christmas Seal sale examined Service to the individual vide the funds to carry on 20 1657 school children in the state on its cases and to those exposed the work. Have you done last trip through four representative through contact with these your share? Will you do counties. Of these children examined 52 - C t6 cases.- it now? c r, In All Food Prices per cent were found to be badly under- weight, 42 per cent were found to have diseased tonsils, and 8 per cent WERE FOUND TO HAVE ACTIVE TUBERCU- II LOSIS. The Health Association has al- REMEMBER ready taken preventative steps In the cases of the children underweight and You can't protect yourself and your family unless you E ? with diseased tonsils, and has informed E help in this movement to PROTECT EVERYBODY NOW IN EFFECT parents and school teaolwn of the E the consumptive kiddies of the results of the ELSE. As long as there are cases of uncontrolled tuber- examinations, and providotl them with culosis, there will be danger in the air you breathe, and in literature on rest, food, proper care, etc., and warned them against the the food you eat.' Help Stamp Out the disease it is the Why pay ths old high prices when you can eat hundreds of fake "cures" killing thou- only way. Help support the New Mexico Public Health sands of tuberculars every year. Association it is the only organization that can do the just as well and better for less money? 20.000 NEW MEXICO SCHOOL CHIL- DREN ENROLLED IN A CAMPAIGN work in New Mexico. m OF DISEASE PREVENTION The New Mexico Public Health I Association caused to be en- 3 i s rolled more than 20,000 New Mexico school children In the Modern Buy Christmas Seals i i Health Crusade, an intelligent and Inter- esting campaign of disease prevention. 1 1 Liberty Cafe You're Only Asked to Once a Year At the Sea- This prevention makes a game of Health Hubiu and provides rewards for regu- -- 1 105 W. Central larity in the habits that make for health son of Peace and Good Will! and clean, living.

jiuiauiUUiiiuiUtiuiitiuiiiuiiiiuiUUMiiiillliiiiiiiiUiliiuliiiiiitiliiilliiiU SPACE DONATED BY GEO. A. XASEMAN THE ALBUQUERQUE tVEMINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, KEW MEXICO, SATURDAY,' DECEMBER 11, 1920

lake nt Van Oortlandt Prk free. r, and forming a Ionic tnd. tit(u Hdr.nlck mployen arc colon to h train. An a uwful knockahont, h afTorited the plensure of watching a hum purchased a autt of navy blue very spirited WHAT NEW MEXICO PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION DOES contest. cheviot acorn with a abort cutaway It In wild that Mlsa Hnmmrte1n rftvealln a of has nlrendy put In an order for a box coat, wala'coat fkattt-i- ccntuiiif for the rai-n- and It pen Mint embroidery In blue and terra Is whlspertxl that when It Im finished cotta. Kor an aftecitoon frock, It will h the envy o? nil who Klalne Ilnmmemteln In I'ieanuro WITH MONEY REALIZED FROM SALE OF CHRISTMAS SEALS upon it. Fbit Mln Mansfhld only very looks wise and wink when the con- Heekem," Wear a attrarttv tinue is dincuwed and It In believed combination of hetn a and Hint (.tip that will closely rival Mlna which l very becomtnar to bru- A y m hoi of tho sternly flsUt f" Hammoi-- tt In n will he worn y that nettes of Minn llnmmft niein'n t (h better health, happier families nml viintur laitv on the duy of the race. Tlie lmr ohm wnlst line no are m Biyt mu Hpain In decidedly em- - renter achievements In New Mexico, Iii.tti innci n'"a of r0uinntlr - . matcrialn to bo used. phasixed in one of thin actress fnvor- - im tho little Oi rlatum aeal which i i lln dinner dresnen of black charmeun - carry Iiir- Km message throughout thw '.- tea ai'p the latent and combined with peacock bluo and old Hereen stj rose. rountry hi dip holiday accumulations 1 if you eat. the dariuir, ! hst yon of letters; grccUmv cardi and plft nuoiiB, iiiMliteious type of frock, New vmi Id envv Martha Mansfleld n latest Th Herald ii th Mi!oo pa Rapes. New Mi'xlro it "teltlnir .it.' evenltiK ifown. 'i'lte severe narrow paper that takes tb "Wact" out the world" ihnnt It ltn l monies sVin vetb'd In voluminous drat'rlew of Ada Keralta. proldcmit nml Intend to combat .f black tull. ItKhtly fmbroldi red in Want rjr bHoinc them. Proceed, rrnm the wile of "hi Heal In past nccom-llMli- the luive ' .!fi much for tho puldle health it of the Htm... Trie Ileal thmuldlc 11 w which has teen speedlmr through the1 v counties with Um force of trained , f i physlt-lun- mid nurses mnkltiR phy- .J. sical nxiimlnitltoit c?f ftchno) children LEFT Dr. Pennflor examining' school In oiiw "outward und vlsihlo slitn" nf the fi.'tlvltlH or the 1'uhhc Health girl. of the Mule, i i Thin trnvelliiK clinic for the rural i rilnhlrts I (inly one nf the ndvantiiKctl EIGHT Dr. Rico making a diagnosis. which the association has secured. Ill addition the association linn se- THE UNIVERSAL CAR cured n mate ilepnrtDi' nt of heulth, CENTER The Haaltbmobilo. i I a county levy health hill, the etiroll-mel- il of 2U. 1)00 children In the mod- i el ti health crustide. services of u ' A. - puhlle health physician for the stale FORD PRICES and full time health officers for three pn 111 their vital fiinctloriH later Ih a part of the program or the 1'ublli: In mhool commnnlty vlHlled, Touring (Starter) conn I'M, k rat Ik, and constant educa- nif f'r rarh $510.00 tion of tho puhlle In health Huhjeets. Hie. Health riHuo' la tlon to procure legis- the nympathy and laterent of the Neiil in 1'ripMit. If the New M xlio fiihlle Health lation for a liuriau of tuhi rculoslK in wuh flmt enlisted In the pro- Eunabout (Starter) $465.00 HturtlhiK disclosure or health ii"!,oclatlnn h:id not put a traveling I he depart no tit of health, u put the ject. The flrnt rverinu? wa untinlly t Coupolot demountable rimi) . amoiiK the srhool children of cllnU In the rield ilu Me fm would pfiwiteplum for the line of the deotd to u tuolnff picture ithow on (Starter, $745.00 tli mate rosulted from the first tour never have hecn known nntl rorrret and county u(roirlHilonii for health innttern nffoidd by npeelal of the tinvellhK clinic of the I'tlldlc Ive Mte. rould neer he taken. In im ite r l.i nllh rU In tlie wny i f pi.tlaiile equipment hi the Health Sedan, (Starter and Demountable lloklth KHorutlon. or the l,f.f7 chil-d- i put lie and puhlie health lilol lie. The next d.iy tli phymeal In order that the iihirity. lime and rum) en examined four rountlea of IHirseK. were m.ide de-f- $795.00 ma already expended In thin e:it r h (call evamhiaiionn and the thu to hint fall It was found that The tour uf lini'ddlo live cnweH reported to the hotiUN Truck (Pneumatio tiroi, demountable an of ever half the school prlne may nwan fuitlicr lesullit It Ih thmiiKh heinnhllo, Han Miutiel. Hantii of the children In an effort to e I ,lh'' cotllltleN children uio undcrwcluht and have nercMPiiry to carry on the w and l''" w'mdoal WH fo. ih,. p:ir-nt- of the necCKHlty of runt) nuMT useii a tooth hrush. lowed It h mneh Interest and ctn-- $545.00 to take 1mm 'iUlle stepH for 'the proem liiK the corrective treatment KUtlU pir rent of llo- Hchool chil- o4l'. t'hlhlren Wlm had peihapft Hi.. dnWtn. The iifortu wet Tractor li were n t llnlc faellUi i " lie)uM a phyti-a- fir ten found to have active tahltuhiiiiiit r ln had tltorourh ;ir.!i- l v llh nvmpath' lie reiiponse in $790.00 41 With w llli'He CIlXeH n h and thr per tent hen' le(elte ll'e:i cxnmlnallon wondered th. dtc loi It lni'i:. e erv low tn lice ( tonsils unci enlarged Innds ilirteo iri d may ho ticated and i d noun tlo lr throat. .ft f. 0. b. Detroit wert! considered iih favorable candl-daie- rccteil their rheHtH, and 1o"ked over their ill- Ihul for the disease. Thu 31 per cunt Wluit Iik". lutdh m. I te la lied repoilH of he "Vch." nald the you i it; wife, proud- PLACE YOUR NOW with adenoids, If mil properly treated, In tlllK llaLe 'datlftleH HllliW Ih 1'imdlt'on of ench child weiv made l.y ly, "father alwiiyn civck nomethlntf ORDER will Inevltahly turn Into undeveloped Ihero ate Mm ilealhn from tnher-IohI- the nui"M nml undntan(H, one ropv expensive when he makes prcnentn." WITH ('itlzi'M-- and tho per cent with pos- cai-- eai' and ll,"a inthuat to he kept In the Hchool recordu nml "Km dlH' itvered Wh n he itave you tural el'fepts are riiniihiK the chance canes luoiur a motley s, another tm uv l tho 1'uhlic Health nuiiv," the vnitiir hutihaild. of developing chest defoi mitten or Im- $rr.t).oaa from this IUriiHf iilnne. It anno iatlon. feeilnwlv London HEALTHY NEW YEAR Quickel Auto & Supply Co. moMt terrllde thiiiK to In t'hinette. will heuin to to their "The Harbi-- of ;iev die" I riy anlib ndu and ahem Ave., N. M. She h anted It the other day while natural sllmiiess and trace. !.a Valltere from Tiifany!" Sixth St. and Central Albuquerque, pluvliii; hi I'rank l.l'ivd'H production "tine of tin' heat wnyi to reduce the Helr.nick pie-- a WaP-- imkle li' to rh; up an old bicycle, Take I'lalne lliiiiiiin BELEN AUTO COMPANY uf floldwyn'M "The l.ltv." writ d tip- tores star, Ii.ih issik challeiiue to ten hy (lonvet near Mm vte It on wiieeis, iiiihu ii otr tnu itotir Marthu Mansfield. S Iznh k b adlmf Belen, New Mexico. mean".' edah-e- Mimh .hy, "run lip onto a box or stand and practice unman- it wa niitd ioiiihI the stu- - the mad ami h'dler fire, and It Ih iimiiK Ho pedals l4ir about twenty it Miss Mansti. Id hail Won sev- - a Insult." The plunge fhe vn liiiinii.K a day- Thi is tho ((iilekest iial linphies tie skatlnK ,f tlie V f re net to WIN, "NlHa Ill'tllM tav and easiest way to uni iiImmiI the peedv and fancylr ai Mifs kl." and he haw hcruiuo enrt at d elte.l. Tlieij, luassilKtl-- tile llamniersleln Is known as it'i ( Ii will holp. Walk-i- n i nt til m,' It off with the proper am.h's ii nluht epi It oi lh' he :illd It.s soon IIS the Inflection. i; n Koud eerclsi und beneficial to toe m i vi- oi tho I not in k no 111. "Home Vlewii on .MakliiK the Ankle "It women would rcallito, they Ih ant if !!.' SiiVH Martha Miilisfh Id: cfjiild sm caMy work the extra flesh "It l Htirprlsiitff to notice, when off ol the a nk rt and pt sent them to watklnt; alonir the streets how many the v. oi ld as Hod intruded them to w h ut, I.e. oli of beauty and Brace" fm-- t woni i'n. are otherwxe uracef Jtits Will W. K. lenfeld immortaliie rtaue for a lonx time year have unualnlv loiddnit a uk les. th American l.euuty on the ho exiMt. I 'or It aa just that Um K "In this day of pump ami spats Cilt'iil LandlM Wan belli Inter- uh Ih Jr. han do no In the me my shot s used viewed by a newspaper reporter, who .' ago that Illlinham nave Instead ef the hh:h that world of mimical bIiowm to bulky ankles, It Is had be n mldolormcd retiardillsT the Thia ip'Htlon a opportunity and 1 had a mnnll hide the almost lum been moot one find m I ive for a woman w ho yyumj (.eohlwyn, actoi 'm knowledge of on Hron Iway In on t fern and anions the movlu part tho Hevle the Yruuy to it ppenr at her Im st to possess a iii isle. "I hear ynti have fpilic nu men ot the (Miuury. lor K," Hoof. Tim i.cxt year Zh y,u uff.-n- pair of stiin. urarefnl nnkhs. And exti'tiH'e UliowledK of music, Mr. an a producer of legitimate ".dramuM t placu 111 ollies. I iicrople.l the snoner WMtuen re:ill.e t'nat the at. lis." aid. "Oh. yes." replied a h a Im Hie a the and mtmlcul educator known I be Is Hist: ! fuMeii. "I know tpnto a few Milir- - wan lit 'ulllcM tll" e years. of ank'e ll'st as ad the world over. Hilt iih a c Hitinlm ur "ld th for I'OMS. Hie Hop IT I I'till) yea as the width of the Waist life and the erHUbblf of feminine nulchittule'.' Ask Daniel ",i th ciose o! i.m; s I'ullies Cirtli of the hips, the sooner the stout t lo a h idmvitiK sonif from Humor! Hht knows! jut the muiual I all. wmt priced to Tho Inkling of K ideaa I"' awarded the n apple tor n first "V. V ' tho "Kirl ititentlon" baked out thu h'K " they Ka luiisly tailed ho other nlKht, when tho producer wi n weniitlitil Klii In New oiii. H Keen at four musical shows In thu :'ih.-- that title has be.-- awanhd to con in,, of a finiilc evcniiiK Ami thu ' y KlrlH that It really isn t muen m ni j;osh1h of the lllalto hemin wauKinK "f " dibiiiiolinn. no I'm Kotm; to trv Mi t li-- lmirii..H iih.iu. r.i. I,..iul.. ,, to Will Itiv I'eliUtation IIH (III aetl'eS.H I ftp It was dlHcovired that ZtckT-l- d wa ami put all m efforts tl::it ill if Ufa n in nil a round of the best "fashlon- - noe to be mm h further in the mov- I am inakt i h" In New Huylng ilreHscs ie a vcai fi'nm now than lodav." beautiful, ami nownu? of haps! The iiucHtimi whether the death I'et a mat lifted the pictures in vhlh Hut the real reason wan discovered they appeared has been answered In the other day when a bevy of beau- Mm- ' H models eitt of l'lc Th'OtiaM. Ixuh k tiful and a score of charmers Isnuiil two of .hrts Thninas plctur.s from the Century Hoof, iucliidimr sad ibuth in Hails, ami Muriel He Korrest am) Klsle Hallo-wa- alter her asked for repnris nn them tiom ex- mm shown above, and mtch other The s ho weil that beauties iih I l.tikcns, Ma he) hibitors. itsiiil .entire fcryu here the pictures were showt-th- tdson. .leanette I'letrieh and Mar did eapm iiy biisito'.ss, rraret 11 lines Were mobilized exhibitors lit the and they asked Hcl.nh k t r' 'lefeM studios In Korl l.eo, for l prodmilMim Thomus, secnes In the first of tho mm biuk of Mlsa ZicKield films, now In the if InakiiiK. I'Malue IlammerHteiu sa "Most modern wnmcn aru like their Kor In s sti is of medieval ttuii'H. luai:miieh the first time Its history the r.o Plara hotel. New York city, It as they aro never happy as uhen turned they a s t o lured exclusive quarters Into a motion pic- have rum ul loatls ture studio on hint Monday niuht, about their peeks. when the management permitted the "When tin-it- ia ii Kioat demand if! He'xu'ck company Ntnire for an article, manufaitiirrrs try lu I'lclnre to Improve upon It it wl n hatf been W'l ball scene ami several other beetles VSr"ii.-i-.-WI.'Wi- In the Itoso room. brouirhl up to the nth dmireo of per- fection, and this Iiiih been thu i ase Jtarty In the eenlnir clectrlctuns with iidort'incntH. 1ft neck planted their llirhts and at o'clock, most, l l t'onway an'tl companv, "The popular ead tim d Teatle with tade. A very pretty st riots' Is made Ilohart Henley, the Ihvaded up room, M of Ileitis of the Maine sir., mMiuic the followed by extras and m shape, with the cxcepthn or every an orrhiHlru. Kor hoitra the hi WW ad. Is t cameramen around away while nil fifth which perfectly rheiilai. Another very lookluif trinif J of the KiiestH of exclusive hostelry the consists of Kiaduatetl sized beads. At who cared to were permitted t look the bottom, two are attached, n, or to Ket Into tho picture If they rlbbouu Get one about three chcH In length and it! desired. ii the other about three and a half. An a reFUit. Mr. Tearlcs next pic- Attached to the ribbons are two very ture u ill contain some of the most mm iinmue tasslea made of lass heads. j Our BudgetPlan elaborate ball room HcneH that have 'Where judo isn't desired, .1 boon Hcrccncd. uf many desi riot ions en n be fouod. ivill hdp you ' Three prntluctloiiH aro iinnoum-ei- l ... ui v i i . JEWELRY i.. for release by Hoi .nick , enterprises HMI1I. ,.,ihirlnir I -- durlnif the month of locomher The ri,(, ,.,.( hio- - r.iii u ... t. in ! Let us explain how pictmea arc "Hiondway and Home," imiv orli.-li.a-l .... i The Gift of Permanence hiiiKi-n- COME Htarrli'ir (t'Hrlen you antnh(. ,,, fil(, tliat Budget Plan goes ahead K ill," with an cant uppi lis to the fancy."HO.ntf by II. i mil headed William duvldson and with that New Edison for Xmas. Enduring satisfaction, maximum en- Hopper, Hetk-ors.- and "Pleasure " 1. eat rice Joy anys, she knows the Htarrlnu: Klaljio Humniersteln. remembrance It breaks up the payments, joyment and fond Tom Moore. In dolmr the starrlnn mark the gift of Jewelry at Christmas time. mie In "Mr. Harms of New York." u. OON'T FOOL WITH scatters them through 1921, fits Jewelry isn't a trinket that is bought tiday and t'oitliimp of INKS, was very critical iihmii the correctness of the them to your pocketbook. forgotten tomorrow. It remains with the recip- period wardrobe made for him. "You ient a life time, always carrying with it a constant a firem to know lot about hat kind AHES after-the-w- ar appreciation of donor. of clotheM they wore In those dny, lEUiTIC Besides, you're using an the observed Vb Toni." tor Hchcrtiii jjer, dollar to buy a before-the-w- ar Ms director. "th, I do," blithely re- One never makes a mistake in giving turned the Irish nmn, "that wuh tho Kot-- a hot Ho t,t i luff value. The New Edison has year I wan born!" hhain's Mnltnciit handy Jewelry, especially if it comes from a store like gone up in price less than 15 ours, which through years of confidence has built Frank l.loyd, directlnic the Clonver-neu- need It when the a reputation. Morrlii story. "Thi Water Idly." ihcimutlc twhiKn hiarts since 1914. Mr. Edison has kept for itself most enviable nent more mony on candy In three Ytit' painn and aches follow inrr day while making the picture thin exposmi' (ici.ttli a. Intubate, lame prices down by absorbing Increased at nnv other time In hi life he huvk. bll k. Bore liiuwlen. Stiff joints. MAY WE SHOW YOU The rrnaon wuh because the actors I'm ii; Ml ail about bn Inn a ti- costs himself. You get the benefit rotild not be restrained from eatlon; nt he loltl" end keepinu It bandy, 0UE HOLIDAY DISPLAY? the nrooH r'hlncHO nwcet meats imud dic'n't oil .' tlet It today you may in tho photoplay. n.e-'- it tot hh' . Thia f..niMiis counter-irritan- t pene- Katberino Perry savn. In "How 1 trates w It toni t rnbbiOK and scatters Cot Into the Molea " "I took the the ooimestinii. The pain or ache i Rosenwald Brothers beaten nalh lo tho f'hns. 1 went soon relieved, lea VI ok bo plaster or Floor S. T. VANN down thr Kollicit roat hat bails lo poultice no sin hied nkin. Phonograph Department, Third the ZloKfold Itoof. When one. has Thousands ol reattlar uscra keep ii DIAMONDS, AND made the foMlwa and the roof, thorn bandy for emeriieney ihey don't WATCHES JEWELRY nrft two .mads ahead' marry a mil- surfer noedlcH-dy- , All diUKKll ale, lionaire or no Into the movie 7c. Central Third rhosf the latter. The find pletufo I at pvfr a o pea red In w a g-JO- T" In which fMvei Moore wns flK NEV EDISOII Mtnrretl. Hnoner or I ater' wa Hh rtnme. Now f am to plsv oiloill him In Th rhiwo in the (".' "I'm romnarativeh new in pic- Linimentl tured, but I'vo really been on tho " tHA'AfiuQU'tsQVtv'ENikd' AkiirQtjEQtH6,'i5 &ttto;4xt6iLVkrrvciiiiikzi- ri, iwo herald? si We fcrmrh Christ, risen, nil power- mal m ti dents to be rend durlag tlu dartt. o ,tb Herald U the New Mexico Mrs. Wilson as She ful! ' vacation. Valyne Onsley enjoyed a Hundtiy Looks Today All visit from her mother, Mrs. Mabel paper that takes fcha "Want" out flertrtide wru railed, Oasley, Mr. I'lrst PreIivtciitin Churclt. lyden to her and her mint and unrle, home In Onllup Friday by the death and Mrs, ack , Ferguson, all from ot Want jlds by bringing Kesulta, (Corner Fifth and Hllver avmme.) of alsttfr In fin Mitontnhlla nccl Tyrohe;" ' Huffh A. .Cooper and Charles P.. hr McKeen, pastors, HuadHV school, 0:4(" a. m. MoinFtiir wocslilp. 11 a. m. First ConffWirntlnitl Chttrrh Tent: ."Thy Kinudom ome" r funnier 'tjl am) Mouth Hrondway) p. in. rln Nilnn Kndeavor. llnr-oid- In,vtfUiMn,- Ph.D., uMur. 1: 3 p. m. Kvenlnff service. ftif . . Cfl South W'HlUT. Wtdnepday. 7;4G p. m. Midweek bunduv school til :tr. pi oyer merlins;. Moi nliiff wrvii-- i nt 11. Mubjeet of t Merry s Say pennon:- CntlH-dm- l Christmas rne inion or the luteal Kt JohnM Church, thui h." Hnctt musical (miiiic: I (KpltcoMtl) Prelude, '.niiniinn.j' iMotartt; of- .fry 7W (Corner flllvcr nnd Fourth; phone, fertory. "Offertory in O." I.oiid; U72-W- .) solo. "Akm WUh Tho" ( Uullcy) suns; by Sunday services: T. O. tiould. toly 7 n. m. Kv.'tttnu eei vice, conducted hy f s;. coinintinion. '' society nn by Sunday hi hool. U:45 a. in. with address the jntor. Morning service, 11 m. lit 7 o'clock. Nublect: "Wine Pavings a. ELECT p. MmLLY . Vespers. 4:10 That Have Helped Me. (l'rov.l;l-l- ) ill. Music under direction f 3eorg rhurrh of tlw Mlhhj Hplrlttm The n srular service will he held (it 7 p. m. tni'tcnd itf J p. m., until further notice. The subject Hundsy i t . .. evenlns: will he: ."Were imo Apostles flpliltists?" Hon service will pre- Society l( GiitsThatMake cede the ft tire, followed hy tjucft. pnw two.) lions rind dlMcusHlons, mrvtcca to com- (CotiiiMiiifi frnm mence promt it ly nt 7. The ronveisant with the preparations for services will ho followed bv n suaucc. i" i. l lie ChiiNtiiias party uin ceitaln It is Merry Everybody la Invited to attend. goinu; tn bo thu uno yet held. Flint imp i li Church. on Christmas carols Christmas (Corner Broadway and Iead avenue.) lias been practiced ut the Inst two Thomas F. Harvey, pHtor; resi- uHMcmldics. The rirsl and ntcond dence, 1420 East Gold avenue. Phone IJCTRIlEEDS Uielr part splendidly, Hie 1.12ft M. Mtipranos do Last Whole ItattMON can plainly, the Hlhle school 9:: a. m. lie heard Millie Junior tmd senior I'nlons t:?,0 p. m mill thoftc with tt Htronu; Itnimluatlon !nt rr: llnir promalllH. jioit that the tciioiK can ttumiilines Ih TIim of Year Around l'u lU worship at 11 n. m. and 7 3 ft hinnl Kvituial chfii the m. Morn Ins thfinu: "A ttUil pin Js a rfmat iiiipruvutncut tlruce," t heino: "Sal vat Ion: oi;r tin. old llM.'ll'fyd ol everyone hIii;;-Ih- Past Present and Future." the Mopriuio pnrf, and beforn the Special niiirlf under the' dlreetlon close of the uar oimlll to tn of niit vnliiu to the who art Icurulnu nf Mit Ilium he liiderwood. 1'rof. U - ., I. g Kockwood- will wing thV morn Ins: of- th: noio i. pi uno parts uh well uh to fertory. ( thu K.imol alnprtnif In general. Xtransrcrs tn the city wit find welcome nt "The Homc-llk- u Church." With' he mod'-- olitulucd IronuH-hrar- .... f fccK durhiR the fall term, the Christ lun Mcjtitr Moctcty. you live to loIo(.vlnir hooka lutvc been added to WHETHERto live, you'll (Woman's Club bulidtnr; til Weet r 'i Un- Horary dminr the pat ninnlh: Gold tvonuo,) t J, Hile Women: Burnett, The lind more enjoyment in either ftnndnv services at 11a. m. !'.ecret flu rri ",n; Connor, 8k y Pilot; We Have Wednesday evening testimonial DodKe, Hans Hiinkei ; 1:1H, Theodni-- the case by using "Universal" meeting ut luvK. Ifoor-.el- t; ?"wcll. Jlludt Uemity; Electric Appliances. Hunduy school at t:4," n. m. fur TnrkhUTion, penwl: WihkIii, Itcbecca IF children m to the axe of ID years. of Simnylironk I'arm; WUter. The The rend In if room. Mum 9, Mcllm VhKininn Tim buying of them- The "Universal" Percolator, bulldlnK, 412fc WMt .Vnti'u1 avenue UNIVERSAL be- Is open dully. except Hunriayu S helps to meet thit ftro'ltlr de- Trastcr and Chnfine Dish and on day be- holidays, to r iiO m. mands the library. The rrotii 2:80 ' ThiinkNKivhu,' week two long together on the 'dinintr The puhlic In cord hilly Invited tn ' fore vacutlon XMAS GIFTS attend the aervicca ajid to yliit hundietl .ntoi'Uwrnty-ri- v volume table. Each does its sliure to llbrjiry by Nor roont , wen taken from the provide better food and drink. Irat IptlwwIlMt f;pWrrml. All work to the end that both (Corner avenu and Kouth Third may street-- So be Sure and family and friends eat, C'harlea Oarar lifrkman, paator. F.leerio drink merry. Vi Kdlth Oorby. drttconeaa. PoUtr The Kttident if lint i:. N. M., See Us Before arc to he niir itutntn at the I nVlm-- In the "JttnUtrml" Mnfiyou erire, Hi'HlM will U nwivi'd tr wilt find the latcmt thinon at thifin In the main Imdv itf the rlmr h Christmas their very itewett and bmL 4Tni(n tople: "If I were in 'oll'irc' AkiiIii." The pttlille la Invited to hunr thin addreuH. Rvenlng worahlp at 7:30 p. m. Sermon: --The Mwlmd of tho Holy Bpltit'M 0MriitlniiH." 8etial miiMlr tinder the direction of Mra. milph Jfinith. tiuntrny aehool at 9:4.' a. m. D. A. 1'orterfleld, auperltitendont. ' Rpwnrth kuu;uu. levoUnini service at :3h p. in.. .MUw 1aUi ilortn, leadur. North Fourth Mtvrt fwpol HiJI, ' WASHINGTON Mrs. WiJaoa is ehc looks This Is an t1S"(K North fourth m.) shown here as today, after TomIm Hitnduy school and Rlhle rlnas nt a year of the moat exacting sorvicc, curing for the president dur- El.otrlo P:45 a. m. A Kundny ahnonl that ing bis illness. This is the Mrs, can roll In an offering- or $110.00 in first picture of WiUon in recent Electric Gift ElMrio ChnJ Dih onu tnornlri; fur the titurvhia: i'hlni He. months, save thosd snapped with the president while mtoring. la worth your InveHtltfatlnn. T'tls was taken as she was ('hrlmllke npirtt la the result of faith- It entering St. John's church to attend the Shop. ful or Hia woi d. funeral ?f the Swedish ambassador. Mrs. Wilson has appeared Begin With Christmas Day. 11 a. m. (Hrcakins; of hrend In ri in public very rarely, devoting her entire time to the president. memhtne f.f the lirl. Acta J0;7. ' No preat'hltia; M Oiuic-.'- at thla hour. illion topic: ' I" a. in. Huiuiay m hool, J. W. Hatitl-Hica- Fomuwlier tn nnr utora U T:4 p. rr.. Cnrl Armerdlnv will Mrs. Ktlxahctll ltrndfui il In luu m Htipt. Jut th thine." n teak on "4'roNsintf Tint Hed Bea." of music. i I Ui in. preaching hy paatur. rcnt-he- A welcome Mil. we nave an tinpoi'tant point Jo ft :!. Kp In our Htudy of the journey of the t. in. worth le ader. ;W'ro here to help you find' It. Jnmelltc from K nt to i'uiuuiiK l)n M. Punl's EniilUh l.nihefan (Ituri-li- Mi. I', lij-ildo-. Theme: "pt'oKl'esulvv you detlvern nee from sin's pow- ('ornr Htxth and KHvpr). LivliiK." er? Would you know the hoc ret of Arthur M. Kuudfleii. p;iHi,r. Kodak! $9.49 up u holy and Joyous 4'ltiiHtiuu life 7 H:4." a. tn. Humhtv h hool. t l mm p P.arctiiH M. r. ( hunh (SiwnMO, up lie un hand. You are. welcome. for all nea. .. W. mu;h. 1'iueliiH road, near lUirelaa britlK"-- Brownies ...... $3.33 A Co. H- & II a. m. MoriihiK wtiiHhip. The T. tavle, pastor; V. O. lett, Ibuquerque Gas Elelric Tlw C'hnrt'h of Chrlnt. pastor wll spenk on. "The lnei mi- assistant. J. W. Phi and H. A. Talley, alders. ner of 4'hiint." holr ant hem; "U p. m. Rnnd.-i- school, J. R. The Church of Chrln metits each Come Lt-- t L'm Hln" t Knieim.n. Mailiid, supeiintendent. STRONG'S Your Odd t:.lo p. rr.. I'hrlsuan Kndeavor 4 p. tn. of llospel At Service. Phone 98. 7xrd's day at the low's hall Topic: the on Huuth strent, between meetlnif. 'Vlie Kavliiim That ly pHKtor, BOOK STORE Second Have Helped Me." Leader, the and Lead avenues. dunned SulJ.i!t; ,, Follow Me Tarry Ye Hon 10 Johnson, u service from to 10:20. (lo Ye." Htudy from 10:20 to 11. 7:ao p. m. Rvcnlnit worshlii. Preuthlnu nnd communion mirvtco by the puMtor on, "The Slr;n4 t from 11 to 12. Ills 4'omtno;.'1 second iiickhukc on the Everybody welcome. Com and at return of our Jord. Tin choir will tend these aervtre. sin ir. M Zion Haste" ' Walch.) Monday. :.10 p. m. Hu.HinoMs meoi-Ing- - ImmaauH EvnjpUr Xrutltcran of the Christian Endeavor society in the church pinion. (Corner Oold avtnu and Arno street) Wednesday, 7.U0 p. in. Prayer Trt)fr Cart Hiiimtd, pantor; ruHldeiieu 00 J On Saving's Absolute 'Kouth At no street; phonu SU1-- : i'cutrul !VlcittMlUt llplcuiuil (y Hund'iy school, 9 id a. m. Atmn iMornliiK' wo nth p 11 o'clock. Sub- thurcti, NimjIIi llepon-tancn.- W. H, Vanderpcol, ject: ' Tim liaptlst'a Cull To " pastor. f.. JJT Ki , .1. 15. Safety Hunduy i; Deposits school u. in Hub-jve- 1W Major, mi pi. "A Kvcnltiu worahlp 7:30 o'clock. "Clit Ut Hit) t'rotubu'd bhiloh." lreachiim II a. in. and 7;:;o p. in. US 11 a. m. Htibjt.'ct. "Th' I'Imoh Wnd Broadway ChrtMlan Cliurch. The K.vioui We . d. ' (Comer Broadway and Oold.) 7:.10 p. in. Kvan'dlMtliv nernion. Wlllard A. Guy, minister; lift B. Intermediate h nunc C.:itl p. in. Mrs Walter street; phone 164U-- J. W. Oibbons, aopl. I'ntflcd pi oki am every Hunduy Bciii or Ii'ukiic 0:iO p. nt. ?ti.'i niornliia; from a 4i to KHtdlc Iteiith v, nt. B 4 r. Mu.ur in cIniikc or Mi.i. S. II, lil-- h :4fi Worahip. r. director and Mlia Vcn lci li. 1:1 5 Itttiic itnidy podiod. plUIIIMl. ' Hatiohal 4 5 A - First 10: Kxpi cHfllitiutl period. call meeting or tin bouid lunitcil- t 11:16 land's atipper. lately fullowlnir the uiornlnu mi vice, 11:.10 l iiiukIc and sermon. John F. Hlmiiis, chairman. DIRECTORS Her mo n huhjuct: 'let All the People I'rulitc Thee." M. V ( hurcli (Spanli4). A. B. McMILLEN JOSHUA S. RAYN0LDS 2 to & p. m. Annual every mem tier (Welt Central, did Town, opposllo M. L. H. canvass for the ruining of our budget Court llotiac.) J. RAYN0LD3 0. SOGERS F. RAYN0LDS for the year 1B21. T. Offllvle, pastor; O. Howlett. :o Christian endeavor meetings. asHlMtaut. 7 :W Worship and sntmnn. Reports 1'arsonago 210 South Bixlh. Phono of the every member cuiivohs. 247-- First Saving's BaiiK Trust Co. DIRECTORS anted LOUIS ILFELD J. E. 00X J. M. RAYN0LOS ' A. B. McMILLEN 0. L. SOGERS c ean Cotton Mm H. f. RAYN0LD3 0. S. WHITE Combined Resources $9,300,000 lidtLessThan ISkchesSqiare Combined Capital $650,000 Combined Surplus $340,000

' ' ' . .. iO L Per it , . OL Pound Personal Responsibility of Directors Five Millions

wilt-welcom- You. will njoy a tens of confidence and security in all your relation with these strong Banks. We e , '. , t ' t I IH pt.l . your Savings Account and help you make it grow. miiiiiirnistwtil THS AXBUQSRQ,UI EVEHTNd EEHALD. ALBUQUEltflTTI!, KEW K2XIC0.' BATTUE AY, VZCZ:ZZ73. 11, 1020

no . n JeW o t-n-e Modern. Bamk nr toavcIs n. bihox. Vlcr lmUkni of the Clnarantr Trout Compajty of Now York. 111 MeWhants todny oft dispatch In a (Tin ship more than could be car- ried in a whole floet of Venetian nrgo-L- i hundred yoars ogo. Thin great development ot our world commerce LONDON THE BOND DE- has been made poaalhle no, only THREE PARTMENT OF of the sdvont of shipping facil- CENTURIES A MODERN ities capable of hand In the tmmen II AGO WAS TRUST ilfiiin output of modern tnihiHtry, uu' UNABLE TO MAKES hrcausc tho modern bank ha mml.i li.tfriiulUinul trading an practicable RAIbE MONEY POSSIBLE THE nnd as profitable aa buying and sell- TO INCREASE FINANCING OF ing at home. I Vis V. ITS WATER LARGS PUBLIC The modern merchant, through his SUPPLY ENTERPRISES bunk, may obtain payment (or hi i. , ' - foreign shipments tiNwon aa they an 111 dtapatched, and thua release capital Si for funhcr operation. The banking mcchanlam wlilch makes tltiat poeihl0 extenda to every purl of the world. The fully equipped bank, In addi- tion to financing shipments to and -- trom any foreign market, la able aleo to ndvle the merchant or manufac- ''ft, Hfe: turer iih to the prospects for tho aale of hi goods nhrnud. It can supply data na to the commercial ataitding f. i s of foreign buy era, ran assist him in - f - the rnrmulntinn of hla export po Helen and rnn give him Informnilon regard- WFRE ACCUSTOMED TO ENTRUST THE ADMINISTRA- ing THE ROMANS foreign commercial condition, TION OK PROPERTY TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WERE BOUND ONLY BY ehlptsjn fnrtlitiett, and watloua phase g THB MERCHANT OF THE FOURTEENTH of technique, of export and Import MORAL OBUCATIONS THE NEED OF PROTECTION FOR BP.NEFU tlifi C1AJUES WAS NOT ADEOUATELYMET UNTIL THE DEVELOPMENT OF TURY TRAVELLED WITH HIS GOODS AM? trad. RISKED ' THE MODERN TRUST COMPANY BOTH HIS LIFE AND HIS CAPITAI-Y- HE IMween the "A"'anl "X" Of II big PRESENT DEVELOPMENT OF cnmmodlty file lie n whole of : t ... FOREIGN TRAD& world WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT MODLMN Niihiantiiil real Im tn a ml airlent ro- mance. No dramuilnt ever conceived BANKING a greater variety of emotional cris 1 thun those hinted at In almuat every card. i ni ninn an ine creoii impn win- dow may let hln fancy play upon the Htm nit" substances with the financing ul which he 1m concerned. Kut tlmo was when the broad aspect of foreign trade could not he enjoyed In that vlcarioua fuah-lo- Thero was no observer nt the. Import credit window. There waa no trust company to finance trude In the convenient and efficient faahlon of today. Hix centuries ago, when great trad-In- n fleet of about f0 vecls each sailed every year from Venice for IN THE StXTEENTH CENTURY THE MERCHANTS IDLE MONEY LAY IN T the modern truat company'a Import STRONG BOX, WHERE IT EARNED NO INTEREST AND DID NO PUBLIC credit It lack Sen, for lireec and Con GOOD IT TOOK NEARLY 300 YEARS TO DEVELOP DEPOSIT BANKING, atantlnople, for Hyrlan porta, for ' WHICH KEEPS SUCH MONEY AT WORK IN COLONIAt 6AYS WHf-- THE SHIP CAME Ksvpt. fnr Barhary and North Africu. IN ITS CARGO WAS BARTERED FOR OTHF for Kliindera and Koxland, the Vcne-tln- n GOODS AND BUT LITTLE MONEY CHANGED iiierchant-Rdvcntiirer- traveled t HANDS with their kooiIh for aalea wore made FROM oftener by barter than for money. In IN THE MIDDLE ACES IT TOOK A YEAR FOR COTTON until the founding by n number of lahcd until 1811. when Andrew Jack-an- n invest their ttepoaita at compound In MERCHANTS nlmnttt evary ventru ovemeaa the INDIA TO REACH THE CONSUMER IN EUROPE, THE Philadelphia cltlscn of the Hank or auapended depoalta, In 1841 la an OF and te:iat. It Inter ting to note that mcrchnnt rlaked not only hla capital CAPITAL BEING TIED UP ALL THAT TIME OUR MODERN SYSTEM Pennsylvania. Ita purpoae waa tti it finaly went out of bualnea. . hi life. WASTEFUL METHODS this form of ba.iliii.g was flrat mif hut BANKING HAS ABOIJSHED THESE SLOW AND 1LJaupply the Continental army ra- In n nm with the meantime, neglnnlng with gcated b Daniel Hef) In but For Inte the alxteenth century wlSa kern- century. Ilnr-- notea, in 'ffact, orig- 17, even the aim pleat bunking facilities days when each country a finnn. ban tion. Ha flrat bill Iwucd In 17X0 the Hank of North America, Btnte none were actually eatabllahedi unMl A,r Ificklna:. Aalde frrm commtxll ciat law unto ltaelf. With the grad In AniHtcrdam, we find thin anme inated in the golilhmtthaM rerelpt of were aim ply Interest bearing note hanka had been founded In many the latter purt of the lfith century. tfiH of barter, frolri and ailver were al- ual adoption of the gold atitndard by ciiNtom of cnrr'tng on private hank- that dny. Hut It wna not Until 1494 made payable at a placea, The final development of the mod- future data. particularly nfter the closing ern banking jryMtrm most the ante medium of commercial nutlona, of ing through the money exchanger lint, Hank lOngtand. prubtihly The flint public hank In tola coun- hi the. trat com- civilised the development the of of the Klrat Hank of the Vnlted pany, la - cxi'hunK. '1'nemployed capital earn- moHt In try waa the Hunk of North whh:h confined almoat exclu- our preaent ayatetu of foreign ex- developed about two centurlea later, the fiiinoua bank tlm tvorld America Htatea. They .( ,tr. ed nut hi mr. Tho merchant kept hla today, wili founded, promoted by Hubert InrriM and an alone furnlahqd tho ni unmtu nutieii ana m a Idle muni'ytln box home, change nnd hnlanco of rAdc..Uu ex later attll, In l.ondott, the practice of t by banking fche growth of the laat half of the 19th a ntronir at Tty'UTfl. the fni1frffHTte ihti )tti led tho Continental eongrrwii faclllttea of country urn century. greater aecurlty, nt gold becnnlng depoaltlng lille money with the on .May t, 17K1. Hecntme 1 The trust company differ "). for th change .hank grndualy their been established hi Kngiitiib imd confidence i.ntll the oatnhllahment In 3ft4 of a Htnith'a. It took nearly IU0 yeara to obole(e. The only survivor of of that day K''W tip tha In the provisional government of the ayatum- troin the ordinary bank of deposit in print Iple of moflern bunking be national banking Thua began . develop depnatt ban kin a, the cheek thta kind of luink today la the Hank among he men-hant- had Confederation waa lucking, thia hank Pie numerous features-- It la Incorporat- i Dine pretty well clahtiidt d. In the ftiudiimentala of our preaent ed in- and cienrlng houae nyaiem, and t)te of Hamburg. The flrat public bank of Kiirnpe, h gun huwtt.en in 1"K2 under a ehajr-ti- f Imnklng ayatum. only under atat law. It must infant line. Hoot land had eatahllahefl culminating In vest capital In flrst-claa- nuiny ntbur fncliltlea and aenicea Hank or depoeit had their crude however, nnd the flrat rea ha nk In iaaued by the state of Pennayl-va- n fouiiillng of the Huaerve securities by modern financial institu- In Venice In unnnecclou the world in anything like the her tltNt national bank in lt.'.ift. Ire. la. and deposit large amounts In Vnlted offered heginnlng md hind In 7 h :j me in Hank In 1914. bualneaa t'niniwnren. erti en waa the liank of Venice, nnd I'm I'm. Tin In 1701, Hank of A State or city bond with slate bank- tion. with the of the wna eatab-lirfhe- d the the 1'nlted minor but Important phaao of money. CHlnbllyhed In fM4. 11m i k ..f pn sent Hunk of Km ore ing auperlntendenta. does not is- Not century do we or ilenlera In foreign Itetween The Slates wna lueorpniuled under the deimait aav-in- g It until the ltfth year mimi. hunk development la the - year wo Hwt den followed In lfiflfl. and In 1C5S in the A llamll-ton- . sue circulating notes- It pay a Inter find In Kuropo the flrat apcurnnco of the 121, when find the ting of texander barks, created to receive the eat on deposits. hanka In any true aenac. Theae eurly OimpHona flrat definitely 'mentioned the flrt hunk nolo waa laauud throiutti In the American colnnlea many Thia bank did biiwineaa until aavingH of tort.. It makes loane on . rmall They cap- In yeiir this liiHtttutinn. crude bunking were hi I , wlien. owing to polit trill rem-una- real eatale. It acts In fiduciary nnd crude Institution were divided thia connection, and the were founded generally by benevolent we, we definitelyiai. In Kngliind, private banking with made, Deluding nilinerotia projeet Itw wii.t . In acity aa executor, truat receiver, Into two claaaea exchnngn bunka and when find their poltlM charter not pcttnna for tho purpose of promoting agent corporatUma, fixes) a recognised, tneae money exenangerw the guldamilh developed to a very for iNxiting pnper money. Hut bunk lKIH. the itecnnd hank of the Pnlted 1ft umong for agent, hunk of deposit. The exchaiiK" banK tin tho poorer claae. These v were griidtinlly hacumlng private. conHidenihle evtent thuing the Ptth in if In Die Pulled Htitle did not HLute wiih futindi-d- . ThU agent handling securities, and deosi-lor- de.ilt with foreign exchange In thtr beln bank flour under proper legal anfegunrd. of evcurttles. STATE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK

ENROLL IN OUR Here Is CHRISTMAS Our Plan Come to this bank, deposit one cent, SAVINGS CLUB two cents, five cents or ten cents and v. increase the same amount each week Which Begins for 50 weeks. OR deposit 25 cents, 50 cents, $ 1 .00 or $2.00 regularly each MONDAY, 13, 1920 week for the DECEMBER j to XMAS! same length of time ac- hX(ljjX& cording to the following classes:

The SafeSl SureSl Way Clan 1 and iav $12.76 CIsm ... i tod av 12.75 .To Provide Yourself With Clan 2 and nre 25.60 ' for Clast 2 A and uvi 25.50 Year's Save Claw Next Christmas 6 and save , 83.75 Christmas Funds Slati 5-- and 63.75 Clan 10 and 5.00 MIIWINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII miiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiinuiiiiviMni lave $ Claw 25 and tava 12.50 t 1921 j Class 50 and sava 28.00 Get The Savings Habit You may be among the unfortunate ones when Christmas comes Class 100 and save 50.00 REMEMBER this year. Lack of. funds, through failure to save, prevented your Class 200 and sava 100.00 buying gifts for the ones you love. You can avoid that embarrassing Class 500 and sava 250.00 It's Not What You Earn feeling by joining our Christmas Club on a monthly plan. Save a little each month for Christmas, 1 92 1 . Come tb our bank But What" You Save and we'll explain how easy it is to accumulate a tidy sum in fifty JOIN AS MANY CLASSES That Counts. weeks. ... . AS YOU DESIRE '

t : mAiUl .JefeslMSlA MWg ' rCmimijhMJmt 4.ai1fiitiJ',1rt;'..,ti v!lf imm a m. M3iw TE1 iXBUQTOMTTi ZVEMNO HEUALD, ALBUQTJIRQUB, HIW MEXICO. SATURDAY, DSCIMBER 11, 1820

ALBUQCEBQUB Ariioha, Vtrang aa It mr 9Mtv teft. tB3 not run a gasollna stattowr-It- a a a The Great American Home dairyman. EVENING HERALD O OOV. COX haa been made a lu CENTRAL FRINTINO OOMPAKY, Publishers LOS member of the National IemocratI By Tt club. He certainly can ted It. THOt. m'OHEit. .0nral Hnffr SECOND FIDDLE OO II. B. ItKNtQ. , . . .Un&ectog EdtUT s THK ET PARO TIMKH gravely as rlh,..! smr (uriion but flaUr The Herala BaUsUag, el Coy sures Ita readers that there's no dan iee sa4 North Thirst Altraqaerqua, New M axloa. ger of infection from dlriv papee K IT IH KI'MOHKD thftt prlo of money- :.e katt4 M Seconal Haas matter at muIw M Alowe.aera.oe, Kaiiee, saeer the Ittght at this time Times eat af Oafma el March a. I N 'II CL3& THAT T7 A. Automnhlle tlrm la romlni down. may rest easy. No one la worrying ' h )V - Our InttTMt, however, would be bout Infection. SUBSCRIPTION RATES f L Dpawcr. This kfnntr If Ronieone would Mnrl frft OO (Hi aonffc, fc man e aarrlar .TS on WHmlnl nhm.t a reduction In the rate Tin: cANTgrirritftR. Ob yar, la . . . . . L! ....7. inr ir shorn. "The election la over and nit set 345 tied, but a lot of politicians continue HERALD TELEPHONE THE IIKPOIIT thnt Mr. Venhwloe lying. Just from force of habit." ftraaea Meaaaga aaaaMliag all 4.prlM.t,. in In Nice li In dlrnct contradiction to Nashville Tenneaaeran. , ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES the Irut bulletin from Athena. OO FOREIGN GO- A HCIBNTIRT proved FROHT. 1.ANDIS KOHN. PARIB haa - AT TH K VKltY irorat of the that a kiaa wvlg he-t- tullllgrama. it nr.. .ma, W.w K. T. Pol- O" il,klP;.fu Ily you Ptoaa, MaUa Baar ti, fkoM, aiicndtlirUty period the public never maatering the metric ayateni Uallft IMlM. llUuta, 0a. atiw ailk ahlriH m htirh na they aaw can eaaily aaonrtaln juat how many cllk atockinna. klneea It will feuuirq to reduce u MEMBER OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS desired. Prmw la .1111:1.4 for all T Awoelata lal.l u laa Ftitllall toaaj oh, h lenlnlntor'a lot OO Shaaleaaa eralu4 u U w MM oikwwIM llw4 l lata pap' as4 alu la m In and one, we SAINT I.Ot'lfl produced 101,000.000 will wot, pretsels last year, each one dror than S ATI 'HD AY, DKCKMKF.R 11. -0 the one before. When the wheels hegin lo work at Hnnta Ke; Bundjijr Slnleu For no mnttcr Somi folk Kay llm mowim-nt'- s w'iho mid Hume i'oiiIoikI it "n silly, how they try, say too much to ask of even Hilly. They will be beneath the eye While other it's quite (X thu First Itnya of the Dawn of the Edmund Vanue Cooke new I my. oo "I.KNINR 1'ITtMD," anid A head- line; ami the world choked on tta cheyr na It read the next Hue, to Wit KEEP THE DUST DOWN 'on In Moscow." OO f sjaggaaB I ZZiJin. is done with paving for a time. No more THK AMAIUIXO NKWB nays that Reformera now propose to awlp ALni'QrERQrE apring and little will he laid then "100 gallons of whlHky and three From ua our tried and trusty pipe: until next are In autlurl-tlea.- ia we men tho handa of thu It la the final straw. cornea down. If it doen it likely that Threo men are not much re- They aay tobacco ia a sin of paved arena very quickly. The sponsibility for the authorities, but And that It cannot stay within will aee important extennioni a hundred gallons should have ut The limit of tha law. uae of paved street is the greateat argument in their fuvnr. It leuat n compaiiy of rungcrs to Ruard b.. ii propony. Wa kept tha peace and let them seldom faila to eonviuer ' OO mooch we have aix months hetore us when there will Kl.I.IAfl TORItKH of Kl Paso Is Our beer, our hitters and our fcooch In. the meantime aald to be the man who Induced Villa And made a kick. eitya nieana He Wo'ro for reform on chewing gum. be no further tearing up of atreeta. Limited as the 47 SOMeTHWG PROM THE to aettte down. nor Torrea could To CT brenk Into "Heroes of Itlxtnry" If he And putting movies on the 'bum. be he powiilite to put ilie dirt atreeta in fair are known to it should CHlPP"R WHEM SH HAfP!iED . could Induce Vlltrt to settle up. And also Jnxa right quick"" , keep them ro, without any extravagant outlay. OO condition and to To TMIM VmAT WAR M TMtxw. Tiff? II.I.IVOIH country roada thnt Dut when these birds propose to The ahnuld, at the asl, find the menna to aprinkle theao IMncoln travfiled are to be marked. swipe city Our nnd strong trusty one If nil the governmental ror.da that tried nnd pipe, dirt atreeta. The need for sprinkling is very evident to any Lincoln traveled could be marked ko Wo holler, "Hold, enough! ia not unusual to see women crossing Ktreets between intersections, our uta teamen couldn't mlsa 'cm, It "We'll never let you come between who drivea, especially through the highlands. Dumg the past few a Indy (lodging moving automobiles to save the minute that would have would aave a lot nf traveling. "t and our nicotine; daya the dust rased by traffic has hung over Albuquerque like a Persistency in "Whore do you get that stuff?" been required to walk to a corner. It is not unusual to see pedes- fit nsritllTION MFTIIODA. OO cloud. trians force automobiles to stop, with the unspoken defianve that Most of the troubles we have ara Much ita Advertising Contrast In Circulation Paychology. over thlcgs we can't have. lloaton Thisrity haa some reputation aa a health resort. of says, "you won't dure to run over me." Trnnacript. blamed Pram tha tlouoe, ( Prom tha Cuervo, prosperity ia due to the people who come here for health. Dust Automobile drivers are generally for the" accidents flYoin YjMXiir Jk nWIiMT) Quay Co., Nw. (lnattelap V o.. be- happen. They are not always blume. They exer- Clipper.) ia not healthy. It is not pleasant. It ia not necessary.. We that to should Rtunta In ndvertlalns; do not pny. A great many of Seeks New Physical cise care and most of ihem do drive carefully. 14t the pedestrian To hn aili- tliy nre enouith to oar nubarrlbart ar If you receive s be keep the city's sprinkling well Y. lieve that aome means can found to should also exercise cure. The campaign to teach common sense nttrnt-- nttentlon, hut they don't ia arrears and wo copjr of the Clipper Director for M. C. A.; running. It will be found economical in aiding to keep mrrhnnt1tM itml In thnae ntrenuoua a r prtitd for It la a rentle hint equipment and to enforce safety first regulations on the thoughtless should el)lna; dnya nil atlvi'iilftinir mimt h mony to mt nur to ftaliaerlhe. Osborne Resigns ill condition for travel, and freedom from dusty streets is be extended to include all who invite disaster, whether behind a flirurtMl frnin the ntandpolnt of the bill, and unlrsm tha atreeta pi r milt TttHt'a teat. It monry ftft. the ia forlhrom Hecretnry l.ynn If. Fox of the Y. M. benefit to which the people are entitled. steering wheel or on foot. httn tiitten pulilif rwra nnd advertlafra Ins; we ball bo ri'Hltwi-tln- ti C. A. will make a trip to Chicago next a Uvk tlmr to to a full romprtlerf to im- week to procure a di- leg- President Wilson urges independence Philippines on iii ih.Pt. hut the truth of thla pend the for nw physical laws," but we are in favor of some for the 1m Y. M. C. A. We are against "blue fiK't niuy insft rti-- without chat laderintiePertime. rector for the to take the the ground that they have it. Perhaps they have. I place Hurry islation that will make it impossible for a public officer to permit earned The Ini k liv the ilk iiar of Rtu.'6 wno make thla tat. of I. Osborne who will Morns so independent Mint to be shot by con- u it Id (lie price to find nut. we leave on December HV for Miami gambling and prostitution to flourish under his very nose. A law are they prefer the menl beraaa Arlxona, stabulary rather than send their children to school. Huint iiilvttrtlalna; la irroatfatiue and havo to have mora that will force New Mexico sheriffs to do something besides "work hlxitrr nnd In Ita very nature doea npnort than we Mr. Osborne has boen with tha politics," will help. not luiifl Knnd-wl- ll or permanent hare had for aeveral nasnclatlon in Albuquerque, for tha preetlKe the ihinic that makea montba, to continue. past seven months. Ho realgned to TRUTH-TELLE- R Worthwhile to the advertlaer oo take the position of generul secre- THE who Ivia a to deliver and to tary at tha Y. M. C A. In Miami, his MENTAL LOAFING the reader who la a aeeker after truth. former home. Mr. Osborne has been an earnest man who starts nut of a morning with the The him if it I of the "atunf la to a popular lea dor with the men an? vou read an old man who doesn't look or act IMAUINL tell nothing but the truth all day. He has heard it said vlalon: the appeal of real ad- - boys at the "Y" and has kept an ac- rHENEVER about verttHhitf la to the mind. In aame it this: want is am) he him the tive Interest of many In the various YY his years, he is usually quoted as saying aomething like that what people the truth determined, there wny thitt Hn educator appeala to tha athletic sports afforded at the kept young by Jceeping my.miml at worn. fore, that hCj for one, will be truthful. mind of a child. The flrat pun' "I have of real ndwrtiMlnjr Ik to educate, nnd Likewise, other men, retiring from busirxss, discover themselves Jie is a nit lut? to wnrK inai morning aim wnen ine "cans thru la ImpoHallile without ronaletcnt, hVveral applications have been r him, he makes none of the stock excuses which in the past have done rcltcratlun of facta and in celvod for M r. t labor ne' a position. growing old aa soon as their minds are released from their accustomed fornuitlon. Hecretnry Fox, however, will conault good service on such occasions. tha Y. M. C. A. training suhonl be- No In i Hi neat hnuae In America would exercise. "To tell the truth, sir, he snys, "I felt lazy tins morning and for n moment conalder thu folly of fore making a choice for a new man. Any young person can atudy in himself the enervating physical lay in bed for a half hour after the alarm clock awoke me. I hated a anleamun Into a territory "Hi t , then withdrawing him and put- E S GETTIN' OK MY NERVES. work old hual-nea- a discomfort that comes from mental loafing. And there is nothing to come to today and attend to this hateful job." ting dependency for continued LONDON '"ETa gettln on my stimulating to the system than austained, purposeful use of the "If that s the way you feel dbont your job, you re welcome to upon the Impreaalon ha made. nerve, yer worship, 'a la that'" Mr more Nevrthcteaa. aome hualneaa houaea We'va read of Chateau Thierry, M. O. Hawkins protested In look for am.;Ser one." ir court ndviTttne In thla manner, On And the heroea of the Marne, here when she came to complain mind. truth-teller- s w.'l) Then the wife culls up. Htuut conceived nnd nhl Who faeed the gnaslrg Hulniea that her upon call- - la udver-tlHhi- landlord Insisted The Chinese philosopher, Confucius, when asked how he had you busy, inquires. fxeeuted their aole idea of And uldn i give a darn. ing several times a day to If her "Are denft" she Mini on It they, atiike their hual-nen- a ak old so gracefully replied hia eager pursuit he when she up, husband, who was sick, was "dna.l managed to grow that "in Hitherto has always listened patiently called future. But they've nothing on tho hero yet." "It's depresaln,' yer worship," not even old age was coming on." busy though he whs. Atlvnitlrlnrr la na ncreaanry to mod- Who does as he is bid. anld she, and the Judge agreed. of knowledge he did perceive that hUMineNFt ea Ita 1 ern the anleamiin. but While mamma goes to the movies Hut now, as a truthful he says: Of course, I in busy! - ,His mind was too busy with healthy thinking to brood over the ap- niiiii, like Hit Ucreaa or tha aalua- And stays home with the kid. A fnvorllo treatment (or gout in see why you me up at of day my iiitui upon Ita perlnrti'y and of which thoughts and arrests the lon't always vail this time th. OO thc Mlddlo Ages wna a tea of dulay proach of age, the fear haunts the 1 the ctmllntilty of the thoiiaht nnd the C. It. KHXEIU'P, of flnowflnke, busiest time. wish" IokI' preaented. petals. energiea of many men. But she has rung off, angrily. HuKinctta houwa vie with one nnoth And Cieero, the Roman, in a treatise on old age wrote had same evening the resolute fellow calls on a friend at whose In hldtlliiK for the aervlc4a of aalea "I The nii--t who nre well known to their be an old man a somewhat shorter time than an old man before home a new baby has arrived recently. , trnde; mleatncn are the u van ire la of Are We All Going to Live rather tild tatH)llHi,ed order or they my' time." And to that end he "kept hia mind at full stretch, like "Some kid, eht" asks the friend. or aim tin merlta of a new day. "Well, it's just as snub-nose- and homely as any other Their nppi'iil, In only to the trndea. In Steel Bungalows Soon? a bow, and never gave in to old age by growing slack." To keep his Nfwnjmper on new-bor- n baby," replies the truthful man, making the remainder of inivertiainr, the other he repeat at night all he liad hiuitl, ia the uiilvvmal appeal that memory in working condition would the evening unpleasant for himself and all coneerii"d. rt'iichi'H the Johlter, the retailer and aaid or heard during the day. Docs one re.illy want to hear the truth ut nil the cr.natimer and at inr nipt la timiT and tt'ilea. Ita ineaaaa;ea muat In hia old age ha supported hia energiea "by my intellectual and Or does truth, like most other virtues, prove most virtuous when he na truthful and peralatunt aa the ia living in midst tempered with moderation and used with judgment!- arileHninn'a. It la the moat compelling not my bodily forces. For a man who always the luctor in hualneaa today. ' of these (mental) labors does not perceive when old age creeps upon EVERETT TRUE By Condo him." MK.IITIKHT KHICK IK These thought' are commended to the attention of men who per AS A POGUC OFftecJ 111 MAN M IMa old and to young men who feel themselves JrBZT1 .'.J HOClxsPi NOT VERY ACTlVC Ily Dr. .Ininca I. Vance. ceive themselves growing WRS tS. K. A. NUtff wrench, a hammer and a half a car- growwg alack. The mind is the engine of the system. Keep it on 4o, but ibu'RO ex i lod never meant ua to go CANTON. O., liec II. Lov In a load of 3rZ thc cottage may a cold af- mefai lumher. throuifh llff cruxhed and broken become steel Of not qulto toned up. prumiaea fair If metal lumber continues to re- count thut's tri for poutics. so HAve and defeuted. Ilia are place, tho la shingle jrrEEF r ceT'i not to cuwarda who get acarcd and the variety whlcn roof of and the walla use aome manner of decoration on your fluH field. HIh la occurs when woodmen fail to spare of concrete stucco molded to steol lut-tl- You are going to the proposition the tree. letters and packages. I'se Christmas Seals. to the inun who fa ecu the red line or screen framework. Christmas cards, guurun-te- e The metal lumber manufacturers carpentera of battle and tlKhta. Hia here alng with Joyous of the When the metal are They carry not only the season's message of good will, but they to a eouriiKeona aoul that de- abandon through with their work the finishers year in practical effort for clines, defeat nnd marchea face comforts of steel. come nnd lay wooden floors und carry that good will throughout the It works like this hang good" Buy use. Every piece of Christmas mail forward Into the thick of conflict wooden doors und alute tho roof health. all you can ia that he ahull conio off a con Lumber Is vanishing. The forests ur co vi r It w ith cedur shingles. should bear the Christmas health seal. iiueror. are being cut away. By ltH0 wood A cottage can be built A whipped man Is a aad alght. for building will be rare.. Iron will complete ami ready for tho flnlahara Ilia very countenance la atalned come Into Ita own. Already there Is in four days, say the metal lumber with the ahame of 'defeat. Ills metal lumber. It ! made In strips folks. WHATS YOUR HURRY head hangs low, and hia hectored and beams nnd bars and goes togeth- Thc steel souse Is sound proof. Tt and lutlinlated and vacillating er wttit bolts and rlvota. All one Is cool in summer and warm In win- YEAR AOO the Herald began a campaign against reckless soul akulka to the rear. Yet thla needa to build the '.lttle bungalow of ter. That makes the fuul problem no love's young dream Is a monkey problem at all. driving in Albuquerque. There is still some g la the creature meant for lordship A automobile over the world! here but it has bceu reduced to a very few thoughtless Man was not made to be the who rapidly being made to think of the aafety of others.' creature of rircumatunces. He By WHIT-pADLE- people are waa made to he the creator of The police force is to be congratulated on the very excellent work They may affect him, but they him. - ahould nevir control WHY BE DISCOURAGED? it. haa done in cheeking an evil (hat remains practically unchecked They are the things around him, in three fourths of American cities. ' but he Is to rlao above them. It k la a pitiful spectacle to aee one Did You Know That ; At the time the Herald began ita p'otest againat reckless auto- who cannot make thnt climb, who Is atuy. driving many automobilo owners protested to us that wo down In the mire to It ta Franklin often said; "To be thrown mobile pathetic and huiallutlng to be upon one's own resources Is to be cast An soe'ent Greek thought to savo wipre unfair) that a very' large proportion of accidents are due to pastured, badgered, bruised, kick- into tha very lap of opportunity." hta bees a laborious flight to Hymet ed about, knocked down and walk-e- d tus, were you. where beautiful flowers ii iha'careleasnesa of pedestrians arid that the, " should over by the things around Mar den addd: "Hard work la the known to grow. Ha cut their wings Why should you be? You have great of race. It la brought to aa dealt with a the "'jay-driver- '' or the speeder. We schoolmaster tha and .tha flowers for them pb severely Decline de the gathered drill In life's army, with- work upon at home, but they made of the pretest, but felt the first step was feat. You haw Throw out which wa art; only confused and no honey. recognised the truth that on current. . the switch and turn the powarleea when wo are called Into to put an end to heedless driving. That haa been pretty well ae-'- In your own aoul la the secret of action." "Oh, If I oould but put my dream emancipation. . In tha might f an on canvas!" exclaimed an enthusias- ia now pedestrians to be made " romplished. It time for the careless unterrlfled and unyielding will "What a heavenly expression!" ex- tic young artist, pointing to a most stand up,, and refuaa to be run claimed Mlsa Bybll In liulwnr'a "Ken-- ' beautiful and renowned painting. to think. by over inaolent circumstances. elm Chillingly," us she gaaed at the "TVeam on csnvosl" m exclaimed In a number of cities where uutomobile aceidenta have beome Next to omnipotence Itself, the baby; "It seems so grieved to have Raphael, "It Is the ten thousand forco on earth, It t).w you - mightiest when left the angels!" "That la prettily touches with brush numerous, "what's your hurry" campaigns have been started; functions aright, la tha human said." replied the clergyman, "but learn tn put on canvas thai make you Snch a campaign should be started in Albuquerque, and it should will. Nothing la weaker when It thst Infant muat pick up courage and dream." ' (unctions wrong, fight his way among mortals with a be backed up by police regulation. Automobiles have no right to Thla is where real manhood good heart, If he wants back "You charge me fifty sequins," not in circumeiancea, not angels again." a to a sculp- endangi-- r to the said Venetian nobleman lives by needless carelessness and speed. But automobile 1ft poaaeaaions. not In how much tor, "for a bust thnt coat you only drivers have perfect right .to free uaa of tha etreeta. They have monuy one uwaa, not In position, Sophocles told a friend that nature ten daya' labor.' "You forget," said a nut In the office he holds, but In haa left tnan Jn this unatabla equilib tha artist, "that I have been thirty ' a right to maka reasMifblc speed. They have a right to expect When one's will la In rlum I eat-- tho satisfaction from tha years learning to make that bust In chains, no external liberty can poaseasion of that which ha strug- ten days." freedom betweeen strrejt intersections. make him ft free man; and when gled to get rob him of his ambition "-- fi' aan an- - new conquests. replied his The government is eoceur aging. In ausAJpUl aeroes-.- a .of the will la freY ae fetters far .?'Ya." A rufctt. attaetia front .jntYiftfr,uto.aao' friend; "the struggle to obtain Is the AUaka. tha development, of crops bile and dash onto a sidewalk and perhaps save tea seconds. it (real muMlum of the ry;" adapteiTto the short growing season.