Present : - Councillors Zaker Choudhry and Zafar Iqbal

Officers : Beverly Edmead - Community Governance Team Sam Nutting – Customer Experience Manager, Tesco George Sabharwal – Store Manager, Tesco Pat Whyte – Community Development & Support Officer

There were 11 residents present.

Cllr Zafar Iqbal in the Chair

1. NOTICE OF RECORDING The Chairman advised that members of the press/public may record and take photographs except where there were confidential or exempt items.

Residents were reminded that permission must be obtained from members of the public prior to taking photographs or recording individual comments.

2. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Cllr Ali, Jonjo Hegarty (Place Manager), Police and representatives from Arts in the Yard and the Housing Liaison Board.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3. LOCAL NEWS/INFORMATION UPDATE FROM WARD COUNCILLORS The following updates were given by Councillors:-

Cllr Choudhry advised that:- - Ongoing investigations of anti-social and criminal activities around Park, Waverley and Tennyson Roads. A number of activities had been witnessed and details had been passed directly to the police. - Fly-tipping in these areas, including Small Heath By-Pass was also a concern; details had been passed to the Place Manager for further investigation.


- Gilbertstone Estate- recent problems with sewerage at Oak Meadow. Remedial work was currently being carried out. Barriers had also been installed at Brindle Close/Lenton Croft to prevent off road biker access. Pedestrian access remained unaffected. Re-seeding/turfing was also set to be carried out at Oak Meadow.

Cllr Iqbal advised that:- - Fly-tipping continued to be a problem across the ward; work was ongoing with the Place Manager, Waste Management Services and other partner agencies to tackle the issue. Residents must remain vigilant and continue to report incidents, providing details of offenders where possible/safe to do so. A number of hot spot areas included Kestrel Avenue, Larch Avenue, Hobmoor Road and by The Ackers Activity Centre. Warning notices had been installed in Kestrel Avenue. - Berkley Road – a local clean-up had been successfully carried out by residents. - There were concerns regarding an increase in on-street/obstructive parking in Wordsworth Road which had been linked to drug use. Investigations were ongoing. - Shipway Road – evidence of drug use and spent helium gas canisters had been reported to the police. This practice appeared to be very popular with young teenagers and was extremely dangerous. - Deakin Rd junction – site visit had been made with the District Engineer following concerns raised by local residents. - Grass Verges Protection – double kerbing had been requested in a number of locations, however some roads were quite narrow which made them unsuitable. - road structure /layout meant several roads would be unsuitable. - Small Heath Park – acts of criminality including drug use and prostitution continues to be a problem. Concerns had been raised with the police. - Severn Trent Water Authority’s Pathway Project Team had recently held an environmental issues workshop regarding the use of natural resources, including the capturing and reusing of rain water. The Chairman felt it would be useful to invite the Team to a future meeting.

Update on Councillors Outstanding Actions:- - Swan Island Concerns – Cllr Choudry advised the matter was still ongoing – Amey were currently dealing with the issue and had agreed to keep Cllr Choudry informed.

- Street Cleansing Concerns/Litter Picking Information and Equipment – Cllr Iqbal advised details had been passed on directly to the residents who had requested the information.

- Household Recycling Centre – the District Engineer was currently looking into the request for improved signage.


- Hobmoor Croft – tree pruning concerns were still to be addressed with Amey. There appeared to be some confusion regarding whether the tree would be pruned as the policy had indicated it would not; however it had been included in the tree pruning programme. The Place Manager had agreed to meet local resident Brenda Capener on site, however a visit was still to be arranged. Cllr Iqbal agreed to liaise/pursue the matter with Brenda following the meeting. Action: All to Note

4. TESCO SUPERSTORE/SWAN SHOPPING CENTRE UPDATE Members and residents welcomed Sam Nutting, Customer Experience Manager and George Sabharwal, Store Manager, Tesco Superstore. Both were attending the meeting in response to residents’ concerns regarding Tesco staff parking in nearby residential roads, particularly Lily Road.

Mr Sabharwal advised that:- - Free car parking provision was provided for all staff on the Swan Shopping Centre site - Staff had been repeatedly requested not to park in residential roads and to use the free parking provision provided by the store. Notices were displayed in the staff rest rooms requesting that staff did not park in residential roads. The request was also repeated regularly at team meetings. However, action could not be taken against staff who did not comply with this request as they were not in breach of Highway Regulations. - Tesco would continue to strive to be a good local neighbour and reiterate the request to all staff members to refrain from parking in nearby residential roads.

Whilst welcoming the steps and the proactive approach taken by Tesco, residents expressed frustrations at the inconsiderate manner of a number of employees who continued to show very little regard for local residents and their employer by repeatedly parking in residential roads despite ongoing requests for them not to do so. Several residents further advised that employees from other local businesses and users of the nearby Wetherspoon Pub also parked in residential roads, much to the annoyance of residents especially as free parking was provided by the respective business.

Residents requested that consideration was given to enforcing the restrictions that were already in place for 1hr, as this would go some way to addressing submitted, and felt it would be worth checking the decision to see if there the on-street parking concerns. Action: Chairman to investigate/discuss parking restrictions with District Engineer and advised accordingly.

Residents further advised that concerns regarding on-street parking had initially been raised when the Planning Application by Tesco was if there were any conditions attached.


Action: The Chairman and Cllr Choudhry agreed to look investigate and advise accordingly. Members also agreed to continue to work with Tesco/Swan Centre to see how the matter could be resolved.

Residents and Members thanked Sam Nutting and George Sabharwal for their attendance. Residents also thanked Tesco for their ongoing contributions to local charities in the ward through the Blue Token scheme. Action: All to Note

5. PLACE MANAGER AND POLICE UPDATES In the absence of the Place Manager, the Chairman briefly advised of the following:-

- Work was currently ongoing with an increasing number of hoarding cases across the ward, which had now been defined as a mental health condition. Communication and engagement with those residents affected had proved to be particularly challenging.

- Anti-social behaviour work jointly working with the police is ongoing.

- There had been a large number of calls about trees following the recent storms. Work was ongoing with the tree officers in order to get the trees assessed.

- Successful partnership working with residents of Dale Walk to cut back the brambles adjoining the river/ rubbish removal.

- A bid for funding had been submitted to paint the old Community Chest planters on Coventry Road. If successful, partnership working with local groups on a project to improve the High Street would be undertaken.

- Six parking spaces would be built alongside Needwood House to tackle the curb parking, which had been blocking the Refuse Collection Service from accessing the blocks/bin-stores. Discussions were also ongoing with local residents to see if additional parking should also be created on the other side of the road, subject to funding being secured.

- Flats above shops on the Coventry Rd had been given different coloured sacks this would help to identify it as normal waste and not fly-tipping. An update on the pilot would be given at the next/future meeting.

Police Update To be deferred to the next meeting as Officers from the local neighbourhood team had been unable to attend. Action: All to Note


6. LOCAL INNOVATION FUND (LIF) INFORMATION UPDATE The Chairman advised that following several local partnership meetings, two project proposals had been submitted; these being Oasis Hobmoor Community Development Centre and HOPE in the Future.

Both proposals had been discussed and reviewed in detail, and a decision had been taken by Members to support the Oasis Hobmoor Community Development Centre proposal.

Responding to residents’ questions, the Chairman advised that once the proposal had been formally appraised by the Neighbourhood Development Unit, it would be submitted to the Cabinet Committee Local Leadership for approval. Following approval and the commencement of the project, Oasis Hobmoor would be required to give regular updates on the delivery of the programme at Ward meetings.

Members commended the hard work and subsequent proposals submitted by Oasis Hobmoor and HOPE in the Future. Action: All to Note

The Vibe Residents sought further clarity on the future of The Vibe Community Centre. The Chairman advised that discussions were ongoing across the wider district regarding the centre. Residents would continue to be kept informed. Action: All to Note. Chairman to provide further update in due course .

7. FEEDBACK FROM THE COMMUNITY Small Heath Park Eid Festival – residents sought further clarity regarding the management and parking arrangements for this year’s event. Representatives from Friends of Small Heath Park had asked to be involved in the discussions and subsequent arrangements. The Chairman advised that discussions with the Eid Festival Committee were ongoing; Members would also continue to be involved with discussions. Action: All to Note

8. RESIDENTS ISSUES/MATTERS OF CONCERN Residents advised of the following concerns:- George Road – ongoing parking concerns caused by Supreme Garages; this included garage staff and customers parking on the road. Action: To be referred to the Place Manager for investigation

Clay Lane – possible abandoned van in very poor state of disrepair had been parked outside house No. 329 for some time. There were no rear wheels on the vehicle, which was supported by a jack. Action: To be referred to the Place Manager for investigation


Kestrel Avenue – a further update regarding the use of the land following the demolition of the garages was needed. Action: Place Manager to provide further update

9. PLANNING APPLICATIONS There were no Planning Applications of concerns raised.

10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To be agreed.

11. AUTHORITY TO CHAIRMAN AND OFFICERS Noted and Agreed that:- “In an urgent situation between meetings, the Chair, jointly with the relevant Chief Officer has authority to act on behalf of the Committee”.

The meeting closed at 19:10hrs.