I was so proud this week to attend the School Education Conference. Entitled Education Evolution, the day was sub-titled Redefining the Future of Learning, and brought together leading voices and pioneers from the world of teaching and learning. Standing alongside Sir Anthony Seldon and Dr Alison Clark-Wilson was our very own Mr Shepherd. His presentation, Creating a Space for Innovation chartered our own journey through the conception and delivery of The BOX. There were examples of how our agile learning space has impacted our teaching and learning across the school. Russell was also able to share feedback from the children gathered through a recent on-line survey. Needless to say, there was a unanimous call from the children to spend even more time in The BOX! On the whole, all felt that it had improved their sense of courage and experimentation when it came to their individual approach to learning.

Mr Shepherd’s presentation was received incredibly well and the 80 or so delegates gathered were impressed both with the facility and how well it has been integrated right across the curriculum and year groups. There was a definite sense that Hazelwood was ahead of the game and well-prepared for the advent of the Fourth Revolution. There were requests to come and see the room in action and to be kept informed of its future development.

Following on from his ‘media success’, I am keen to find a time when some of the same detail can be shared with our parents. Almost a year on from the opening of The BOX, it would be wonderful to underline how well it has surpassed our early expectations. The BOX, and the agile learning it inspires, remains a key thrust for our teaching and learning moving forward. We continue to dedicate time within our staff meetings to review best practice, with staff sharing what has worked well (and less well). Recently Year 3 were taken, via the wonders of the VR goggles, donated by the HPA, deep into the Rainforest for a nine-minute adventure. Having studied the topic for a full half term, bringing it to life in such a way, certainly captured everyone’s imaginations and embedded the learning in their young and inquisitive minds.

Equally The BOX has inspired the development of a unique Graphics stream of work in the Upper School. This is Mr Hayes’ area of expertise having qualified in Graphic Design ahead of his teaching with ICT qualification. With the suite of i-books housed within the room, Mr Hayes, has, amongst other things, worked with the pupils of Years 6-8 in developing new ‘logos’ for The BOX. Earlier this week, I was given the unenviable task, alongside others, of choosing the best of a fantastic set of designs. Goodness knows how I am going to separate a plethora of wonderful work. The designs are captured below so that I can, at least, share my dilemma. I know Mr Tappin and Mr Shepherd face the same tricky decision and all are finding the act of separating wheat from chaff as excruciatingly difficult! Any thoughts or insights would be gratefully received.

The School played host to Mr Justin Smith this week as the biennial Health and Safety Audit took place. In the midst of all the wonderful curriculum developments, the School has a responsibility to keep the environment in which all this innovation takes place, as safe and as ordered as possible. Regulatory and common sense guidance must prevail at all times. Results of the SafetyMark Audit, due in a few weeks’ time, will, we hope, reflect the focus the school places on this all-important matter and provide the official endorsement for the approach which is best encapsulated by the annual Health and Safety Week.

I would like to offer my congratulations to the pupils who, after a strenuous round of assessments and interviews, emerged as worthy awardees of our Year 7 scholarships for the forthcoming academic year. With such a good number of families choosing Hazelwood’s Years 7 & 8 experience, competition was both tough and well-represented so much so that two of the scholarships this year are being shared. Well done to Amélie H and Oliver H (Carr/Sport), Emelie A (Tippett/Performing Arts), Eloise P and Alex W (Cather/All-rounder) and Jennifer M (Hansen/Academic). All the candidates did themselves proud and made the whole process both encouraging for what they will all go on to achieve, and exciting for what they have to offer moving forward.

Finally, we are heading back into the Rainforests of Year 3’s imaginations. Work created across the year group has been truly stunning; well informed, thought through and executed. Mr MacDougall, Miss Clarke and Miss Kavanagh are hugely proud of what the group have achieved. Some of their work is shared below. Congratulations to them all.

Date for the diary: HPA Summer Fair, Saturday 22nd June from 12 noon

Registration Form appears at end of Nutshell

For a list of communications hosted on the Parent Information Portal (PiP) each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery & Early Years

It has been an action packed week after the half term break. The children have been utilising the space on site and have noticed that the flowers and plants are really starting to grow, particularly in the nature area. This week, I have been particularly impressed with the Skylarks writing skills. They have been using their phonic knowledge to help spell words correctly. They are certainly getting themselves ready for reception in September.

See below for a full round up of the activities that have taken place in all of the rooms.

This week in Fledglings 1 our topic has been “Going on holiday”. The children have enjoyed exploring wet sand inside and out and emptying and filling containers. We have also had water play out in the garden where the children enjoyed splashing around. Inside the children have enjoyed dressing up using sun hats and exploring scented playdough. Using their fine motor skills to roll the playdough and use cutters.

This week Fledglings 2 we have used different materials to make paper chain caterpillars. We have also tried different fruit to make fruit kebabs. The children have also enjoyed exploring different tools to create marks when using the playdough and have created their own insects. It was also wonderful to visit the nature are and to see what real life insects they could find.

This week Lower Robins have been looking at all kinds of transport. The children have enjoyed completing train puzzles and making their own train tracks that have taken them to their holiday destination. They have also used paints and other media to create their own

transport pictures as well as taking the time to wash the cars, then building their own motorways to take them on a road trip in the shiny clean cars.

Our Space theme this week has really captured the Upper Robins' children's imagination. They have delighted in both the 'small-world' space scene and the converted space role-play area, building up narratives around the rockets, moon buggies, aliens and space shuttles. We have created 2D planets by painting with marbles and even started to look at 3D shapes by creating spherical papier-mâché planets too. We experimented with dark and light by introducing torches into our dark tent and pretended to be astronauts, drawing whilst laying on our backs, as if in zero gravity. The children worked together to construct a large rocket for our board and we reinforced our topic at circle time with stories and songs focused on Space.

Since Monday, the Skylarks have been looking at wild animals - thinking about their habitats, the countries they live in and sounding out the initial letters of all our favourite animals. We have also been counting our butterflies as they hatch from their chrysalises before releasing them into the ‘wild’(life area!). In Forest school, Trudi and some of the Skylarks team have been teaching the children to use tools safely, and some children made wooden necklaces by practicing their knot-tying skills and using drills! Finally, we very much looking enjoyed

WEAR IT WILD FRIDAY, where some of the children dressed up as wild animals to raise money for the WWF.

The children of Skylarks marvel at the flight of the butterfly as they release them in the wild life area. Much fun was had safari role-playing and painting underwater.

The story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ has stimulated the learning in Oak this week. Working collaboratively both classes have created enormous junk box giants! The children are now going to decide on their names by a class vote.

Other activities have included estimating and then counting how many beans would fit inside a giant’s hand and then comparing this to their own, and measuring objects around the classroom using a giant’s boot. Giants have also been created using a variety of media.

Reminders  Please ensure that your child has a sun hat in school and that you have applied sun cream before arrival at nursery. The room staff will re-apply in the afternoon as necessary.  Please can parents refrain from sending their children in with food at breakfast time. We had a child this week arrive with their own cereal which contained nuts. We are a nut free site and your help in this matter would be much appreciated.

 If your child has had a case of sickness or diarrhoea, they must not return to nursery until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation Stage, please visit www.foundationyears.org.uk

News from Hazelwood

Congratulations to Harry, Leo and Fraser who played in the Dutch Youth Cup in Rotterdam last weekend. They, and their teammates played well over the two-day international tournament and won! A very high standard of football was played making their victory even more impressive and memorable. All the travelling parents, and school back home are very proud of the boys’ outstanding achievement.

Swimming with the Stars! During the half term, Year 5 boys Jacob G and Connor W, members of the Edenbridge Piranhas Swim Club, were lucky enough to receive two days of master class training sessions from British and World record holder and Olympic medal winning member of the British swim team, Chris Walker-Hebborn. As well as plenty of swimming tips and advice in the pool, they also got to hear his inspirational story to success and a chance to experience wearing a medal, as well as photos of course. The boys were very proud to have had the opportunity to meet and swim with him.

Right on Time! Good things come to those who wait and over the half term break, the school was delighted to finally see its amazing outdoor wall clock erected on the Baily Building. Seen from miles around, the clock will ensure that none is never late for anything ever again (once we have all learnt to tell the time without numbers!) Thanks to the Y8 leavers (2016 and 2018) and to the individuals who helped make this happen.

Following our most recent visit, the school has received the following feedback from the two schools visited. It is great to read that the partnership is having such a positive impact.

“We would like to thank Shanta Company Management for being a link between Teachers of Primary Schools in Saza Ward and Teachers from Hazelwood UK. Foreign teachers began teaching in our schools from 2018 to 2019. We worked together very well with them during teaching and learning in the classrooms. We have gained from a number of areas since they started teaching in our schools such as:-

 Dividing students into two groups, fast learners and slow learners and provide them with tasks depending on their learning capabilities.  Teachers have successfully made permanent tools (laminated ones). These tools are for teaching and learning purposes (such as Family tree).  Provide enough tasks to students, marking and motivate/instant gifts to students who performs well such as stickers and stamps.

Students’ performance in various tests has improved due to practical learning and use of learning tools stuck on walls. For example, results from standard four and seven national examinations year 2017 and 2018 were as follows;

SAZA PRIMARY SCHOOL PATAMELA PRIMARY SCHOOL YEA CLAS CANDIDATE PASSE PERCENTAG YEA CLAS CANDIDATE PASSE PERCENTAG R S S D E R S S D E 2017 IV 182 153 84 2017 IV 27 23 85 2018 IV 122 107 88 2018 IV 30 27 90 2017 VII 107 44 41 2017 VII 29 28 97 2018 VII 103 73 71 2018 VII 17 17 100

School attendance is good. On average, monthly school attendance is 92 percent from 84 percent previously. This is due to students enjoying being taught by foreign teachers.

Foreign teachers have also motivated students to like sports. Students now believe sport is; . Employment

. Good health . Source of gifts to winners such as medals, goats and cash prices.

Lastly, we would like the teachers to continue coming to teach in our schools, they motivate us and we learn a lot from them.” SAZA SCHOOL

“Maleza Primary School would like to thank Hazelwood School for professional visitation. On 5th April 2019 we received nine (9) teachers from Hazelwood school of UK who came with sister Christabella from Shanta Gold Mining.

Teachers from Hazelwood brought to us many teaching and learning resources donated by students from Hazelwood school of UK. Few to mention were: wall watches for each classes and teachers’ offices, drawing pencils, ream papers, stickers, sharpeners, posters, and colors, pieces of chalk, steeple machines, mark-pens, and science models.

Teachers from both schools Maleza and Hazelwood taught 27 periods in three days in collaboration as a team-teaching. During teaching, teachers were observing each other in terms of teaching tactics, class organization and management, utilization and using teaching and learning materials. Subject taught together were English, Mathematics and Science from standard one to seven.

They were highly motivated and all the time interacted with pupils even during break and lunch times. Surprising they were not interested siting on chairs in staffrooms

During the duration of their visit we worked together especially in Science, Mathematics and English subjects for Grades IV, V, VI and VII. We have every reason to be thankful for the cooperation we received during the teaching and study facilitation, and it is evident that the team had prepared thoroughly in respect of tools for delivering lessons to students, which sparked a desire in the teachers and students alike in making this exercise sustainable and also inspired the zeal to be more creative in preparing teaching aids and tools which will eventually make students grasp the lessons more easily and result into increased levels of passing in exams. We were greatly impressed by the way the teachers were able to create teaching aids and apply them.

Lastly, we promise to utilize and apply all the skills and lessons that we gained from the Hazelwood School teachers. We also wish that this program remains sustainable and the team continue to support us where there is a shortage of teaching materials so that we can uplift the quality of education in our School. We promise that by the time they visit us again, they will see tremendous changes in academic performance through the improved results of Standard IV and VII exams.” MALEZA PRIMARY SCHOOL

Raining Right Royally Despite of the rain, children in Year 6 enjoyed their history fieldtrip to Hampton Court Palace. They all participated in a Henry VIII workshop where their perceptions of the 'Great Man' were challenged by investigating a range of conflicting evidence. The children handled artefacts (with gloves) and read different interpretations and accounts before drawing their conclusions.

The children also visited the Young Henry exhibition, toured the Great Hall, Chapel Royal and kitchens. Hardy members of Mr Hayes’ group braved the elements and ate their lunch in the gardens while Mr Jarvis and Mrs Divito's groups ate indoors but were lucky enough to help out with the spit roast.

Jon Jarvis Head of Upper School

Year 6 visit to Hampton Court 2019

Welcome to Nina Rose Conacher who was born on 1st June. Weighing in at a delicate 5lb 12oz, Nina has already shown true grit and courage in her young life after putting up with 48 hours of labour before being born by Caesarian section (not to mention mum’s grit and resilience!) Nina has developed a captivating pout which has mum Alex head over heels in love with her beautiful daughter.

Perfectly Stunning Heavenly English? Year 6 have been writing poems about what PSHE means to them. Here are a couple of their thoughts. More will feature in this year’s Lupercus which will make a welcome return after a year away.

PSHE by Eloise Proctor PSHE by Jennifer Mylett Be you British values and parliament, Never change Key things in our everyday life. Don't let anyone stand in your way Our image of ourselves, and love yourself the way you are

What we are and what we want, Don't bully, it's mean Who we want to be and who we are. Just be keen to stand up to people being Being unique is good mean Have a laugh and run free Don't bully each other, Anti-bullying week Be kind to your friends is important To raise awareness of the problem. Be kind online Maybe don't be on it all the time Be safe online and don't share don't send mean messages or posts private information which is yours Just be careful

Mental Health Week as well.... Don't judge people because they're Breathe, breathe, breathe. different Be calm and open up your mind Be nice because they're unique

With a FOFBOC or breathing. We are all special in our own ways RSE has helped us Just be yourself, every day! To Understand ourselves

PSHE has helped us to BE ourselves It's made us happy in our own skin And not want to change.

Thank you to everyone who took part in, or who sponsored a

competitor in, the HeroBear Triathlon. A total of £4,437 was raised, bringing a ray of sunshine on a wet and dull day!

Dance News Final preparations are underway for the upcoming Junior and Senior Dance shows and all dance families should have received their invitations. The Junior dance show is to be held on Thursday 20th June at 3.30pm (Oak, Yr 1, Yr 2 and Yr 3 (Tap dancers only)) and the Senior show on Monday 1st July at 4.00pm (Yr 3-8). The shows are not ticketed and anyone else wishing to come and watch is more than welcome.

Letters will be handed out to parents after the children's next lesson or in school bags for those who go to tea, bus etc.

We are also offering two workshops this summer. The first will be a contemporary workshop to be held on 13th July in the Theatre ahead of our new contemporary classes starting in September. The second will be a Musical Theatre workshop led by professionals Lauren and Justin Thomas Verweij (currently starring in Aladdin) to be held on 26th July in The Bawtree Hall.

For more information on workshops or any show queries please email [email protected]

Staff News After a period of absence from school, Mr Reay has taken the difficult decision to step down as Director of Sport. He will be assuming a part-time coaching role from September. Clare Hardgrave will be Acting Director of Sport for the remainder of this term. Please may I therefore ask that all Games/sport related emails/queries which you would usually have sent to Mark, now be directed to Clare. I am sure you will join me in sending best wishes to Mark and a return to work in the very near future. Clare can be reached on [email protected] She will be supported in her role by the whole of the Sports Department including Mrs Falconer who returned from maternity leave on Monday.

Mrs MacDougall also returned to work on Monday after her maternity leave of absence. She will take up the reins of her newly appointed role as Head of Teaching and Learning as well as supporting the English Department.

We are delighted to have both ‘new’ mums back amongst the staff team; just in time for the busy build-up to the end of the academic year!

Best of luck to Georgia P, in Year 7, who is participating in her first Senior ProAm World Championship Dance competition on Sunday. This is the first time she will be competing in the U16 category and, at only just 12, Georgia is certainly stepping up a notch!

Mrs Steel, Bonnie S and Seb L from 7S are going to support and cheer on from the sidelines. Best of luck, Georgia! May the wind be beneath your dancing feet on Sunday

New Governor Welcome: Nigel Taylor will join the Education Committee With 29 years of experience as a Headmaster, ranging from time working in some of the most successful international schools in the world, to ‘turn around’ and school closure, Nigel possesses an acute understanding of what is required in order to embed sustained excellence in a school from an educational, social and commercial perspective. He is particularly interested in appraisal and the development of organisational culture.

He is a former ISI Inspector, highly committed and experienced Henley trained Executive Coach, Registered IAPS Appraiser and Mentor, and derives huge satisfaction from nurturing talent and helping people to develop their careers. He is an NSPCC & Safer Recruitment Consortium Accredited Trainer, and works with schools

at an organisational level to embed best practice. He is The Independent Schools Representative to and Board Member of SSCB. When first approached about becoming a governor at Hazelwood, Nigel required no persuading. Already a governor of an IAPS preparatory school in , he was attracted by Hazelwood’s clarity of vision for its future development, the school’s willingness to innovate, its commitment to non-selective co- education, but most of all the approachability and professionalism of the staff, and the sheer enthusiasm and sense of purpose amongst the boys and girls.

Best of luck to Mr Tappin Jnr whose band is playing at the prestigious Meadows in the Mountains Festival in Bulgaria over the weekend. Bands from all over the world gather in what is fast becoming a festival of cutting-edge and trend-setting musicians. We look forward to Charlie bringing some of the vibe back from the mountains to infuse our own Picnic Concert!

Gold Award Congratulations this week go to Emma MS, Uma R, Kitty L and Thomas R with Flo B storming ahead to secure her Diamond Award. Mrs Louw is looking forward to her next visit to Pizza Express to celebrate with all the Gold Award winners. Plans are afoot to stage the trip during the summer holidays which will recognise the hard work and focus which has enabled three children to date achieve their prestigious Platinum Award.

Well done to Jenny and Phoebe who collaborated to create this fascinating and largescale response to the latest TED project on Global Warming. The girls have obviously enjoyed the topic and have undertaken extensive research in compiling what is a thorough and engaging wall poster.

The Reception Gallery has been transformed over the half term holiday and now features Year 6’s textile creations on the theme of Birds & Animals. Each portrays both skill and personality showing how different children respond to the same creative theme in a myriad of individual ways. Well done Y6.

Year 1 Fantastic Flowers

Learning stems from enjoyment Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their Fantastic Flowers Curriculum Day. They investigated the plant life around the site and worked in groups to create giant paintings in the style of Monet. They have been giving flower power to their multiplication skills using different flowers to represent a variety of numbers.

Hazelwood Kayaking Club Our intrepid paddlers completed a 2 km paddle on Mercers Lake on Tuesday on a not so sunny day. A great achievement in keeping their kayaks moving in a straight line. Together with their skills in steering and capsizing, the quartet have fully embraced the Paddle Power course. Well done everyone.

Year 2 International Day Year 2 are planning an 'International Day' on Monday 24th June and are looking for enthusiastic parents, who have international connections, to help by coordinating and manning a stall for their country on the Chestnut playground. The event, which will last for a couple of hours, will allow children to discover as many different countries as possible. We are looking for families who may be willing, with the support of the Year 2 team, to provide some simple cultural activities for the children such as food tasting, games, music, art, costume and dance. This will be a fabulous opportunity for the children to appreciate the diversity of our world and to experience for themselves the cultural differences of each country and so we very much hope that you may be able to offer your support. Please email [email protected] if you are able to help.


News from the Kitchen Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

Notice Board I am looking for babysitting jobs this summer. I have just finished my first year at Exeter university and live in Crockham Hill. I have previous babysitting experience and really enjoy working with children. My email address is: [email protected] and my mobile is: 07786640624. Please do get in touch with me Zoe Churchill

Communication sent home this week Dear Parents, The following communications have been uploaded to the Parent Information Portal and are now available to view if relevant to you or your child/children: PIP (Parent Information Portal) Access Link https://3sys.hazelwoodschool.com/schoolPORTAL

COMMUNICATIONS: Year 7 - Audition Information for Year 8 Play Year 5 - A Series of Unfortunate Events informal performance to parents Year 5 - Inspirational People Day Year 1 Violin Stringbabies - Open Session for Parents (sent via email)

REMINDERS/NOTICES Arts Strings Day - please see this week’s Nutshell Cup Return - Any cups awarded at last year’s Prize Giving (progress & subject cups) or summer term Final Assembly (cricket, rounders, gymnastics & dance) should please be returned to Mrs Greenwood’s office BY FRIDAY, 7TH JUNE Oak-Year 8 - All Open Morning, Prize Giving & Sports Day replies need to be submitted using the link provided, BY MONDAY, 10TH JUNE Year 3-7 Leavers - All replies for the Y3-7 Leavers’ Chapel & Drinks Reception need to be submitted using the link provided, BY MONDAY, 10TH JUNE Year 8 - All Leavers’ Service & Dinner replies need to be submitted using the link provided,

BY MONDAY, 10TH JUNE Year 5 - Ipad Agreements need to be returned BY FRIDAY, 14TH JUNE Various - Joe Broughton Folk & Rock Workshop - please reply using the link provided, BY

FRIDAY 7th JUNE Music Lessons Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day and is aware of their lesson time. It is also important for them to take their books and instruments home when they do not need them in school. Thank you

Match Reports Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her at [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write a short report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.