
•nppi •

»fi OHIO ___E-___nz-_____3 INSIDE THIS WEEK MEL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1968 It's OK To Like John B. Combs: I K _•_. Mike Bui Let's TED COLEMAN INTERVIEWS 'It's Hell To SPORTS GLEANINGS PIANIST ERROLL GARNER Be A Negro' By BILL BELL • Sports Editor Like US, Too Pag« u Wilson Rated Better Golfer Than Jones Editorial Page .Story On Page 22. By FINNIS BREEDLOVE HOOKS AND SLICES— no­ SEVERAL COLUMNS ago I mas Larry has worked out the THE OHIO STATE football team closed their 1958 season in sehedale fer. the eltnle (41 at­ the same manner in which they opened it, by winning the close wrote that Sonny Jones ia sup­ tending) so that no student posed to be tho -Jest of tbe one. O *+ O will have to wait for Instruc­ It was a very satisfying victory. One Buckeye fan wrapped It O U. _C young golfers in the Columbus f r-i t-t tions ia the future . . . Wil­ np in a few words by saying he was glad to send Michigan home area. The past week, several liam Forte would be able fa THE OHIO golfers have called and asked with a moral victory. . at drive any green If be was t_ J. o how was I able to put Jones at Michigan won the statistics but Ohio won the ball game. 20-14. c. -i th. t_p when there is a young able to hit tho baU with tbe tl) ss > swing be has . . . Nay Garris Most of the time in Uie past, during the 20s and early 30a, Ohio hid THE PEOPLE'S * HH golfer they think can beat him the best of the statistics and Michigan would win the ball game. at his best. Tbey were speaking sarprhed the Divoter by kill­ ing a 150 pound deer tn W. Don Clark picked up 65 yards In 14 fries to set a new Ohle __. ° w of Jim (Chicago) Wilson. ; • O ::. Virginia last week and lavlted rushing record for three years. Hop Cassady holds the record CHAMPION tt at Born in Ash ville, N. C, Wilson him ever to a choice steak HW C : but Hop played four years as he made the team when the Big SENTINEL '••was fortunate to have a brother dinner . . . Naomi Kendrieks O r-i m Ten was allowing freshmen to play. • to Who played golf and was his (one of the best secretaries ln C caddy at the age of 5. His bro­ the city) had lo resign her of­ CLARK ALSO BEAT THE INJURY JINX, WHICH HAS VOL. 10. No. 26 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1958 20 CENTS COLUMBUS. OHIO m ther was able to teach him Uie fice due to a full business tren haunted Negro halfbacks in their senior year at Ohio State. He •a fine points and he started regu­ schedule . . George Ctrl- was injured but he recovered to play in the Michigan game. ru­ lar play at the age of 6. He en­ • ne* wright and Roland James will Jim Clark missed the Michigan game in '49, Bobbie Watkins tered the caddy tournament at join the Divoter ln handling 10 and finished second in a field press relations . . . Yvonne was injured on the first play of the Michigan game in '34 and Jim * Roscboro sat out ths '55 game. ol 40. Holland ii doing a swell job as WILSON 'Girl Of My Dreams Is The Sweetest Girl* president of the junior group Jim Marshall did not start the Michigan game and played WILSON'S .FAMILY moved to ef the midwest district . . ranging a playing date with only a short time because his injury, suffered in the Iowa game, Columbus in '53 and he finished them . . . Reason a certain i . Word comes that the reason 1 was still bothering him. Ernie -Wright started and played 60 min­ junior high at Champion. Enter- Mary Burton of Sprinrfield i. beginner Is so enthusiastic utes. big East in '55, he was an out- a successful golfer Is due to about learning the game is be­ e atandng baseball player and was cause someone bragged about Birtho Arnold was in for about four plays and made one tac­ . her Instructor (Mr. Burton) kle. selected All-City and All-State. caddying for her at each tour­ the slim figure she is develop­ He was also a member of the nament . . People at talking ing since starting to hit the RON BURTON, THE SPRINGFIELD LAD, SCORED TWO varsity football team. about the new slim look Mrs. ball . . . What became of aU touchdowns for Northwestern, but the Wildcats bowed to Illinois, I Battles Area Kjf. At present, Wilson is helping I. E. Hayes ni Cincinnati has the information Dayton Fair­ 27-20 . . . Homer Floyd, Massillon's gift to Kansas U., pulled a . •I Instructors at Beatty Center developed and swear she looks way golfers and goUerettes Frank MerriwcU Saturday to give Kansas a 13.13 tie with Mis­ . with the CC-MI clinic. 10 years younger . . . Tbe along with the Greater Cincin­ souri. He scored on an 80 yard pass play in the last 18 seconds. —SI.N7 On Page 2 nati club was sending In? He plans to enter Central club at Canton boasts one of . . . Will/e Flcmming, Iowa's sophomore halfback, scored two . State and will continue his bus.- the few courses owned entire­ . . . Hatel Gibbs of Detroit has the best junior program in touchdowns to aid the Hawkeyes to a 31-21 victory over Notre fsall, football and golf. ly by a sepia group and CC- Dame. MI should be ln process of ar- the nation, but CC-MI will . i. Luck to a brilliant athlete. have a program that Is second FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MANY A YEAR, ONLY TWO to none. sepia players msde the local Alt-City nigh school team. They are Henry Hairston, Central's great breakaway runner, and Barry Mixon, East'a powerful linebacker < . . The Westgato To Broadcast Hawks, 110 pound local champions, who meet a champion Ken­ tucky team Thanksgiving dsy at tbe fairgrounds, are a truly in­ All Ohio Stale terracial team. Even their coaching staff is Interracial. Kills Wife COACH WOODY HAYES WAS IN HIS USUAL FORM Monday night al the Ohio State football banquet in the Ohio Union ... He Home (age Tills needled the press lightly for their criticism of his defense against WOSU-TV, Ch. 34, marks a tc- passing by reminding them that three teams have set passing livision first in Columbus this records against his Ohio 11 but Ohio won all three of the games. season by broadcasting all 11 of He also told the audience that he told Don Clark after the Purdue the 1958-59 Onlo _>t_te university game that he would have to be at his best for the Iowa game aa In Row basketball games played in St. he had to make up for the loss of Frank Kremblas. Don promised John Arena. he would and he played his finest game. Woody said that on sev­ John Schmidt of the station's eral occasions Don had to do his own blocking as there was no staff will be the sportscaster for hole. the home basketball season which opens at 8 p. m. Satur­ THE FOLLOWING SEPIA LADS RECEIVED VARSITY Os: day, Dec. 8, when the Buckeyes Don Clark, Lee WUllams. Jim Marshall, Ernie Wright and Birtho meet St. Louis. Two games, Arnold. Over 10c Dec. 27 and Jan. 31, will be Phil Robinson, wbo lettered as a sophomore and junior, did broadcast at 4:40 p. m. - not log enough playing Ume to get his third letter. Following the opener Dec. 8, There are four beige boys on the freshman team—Bob Fergu­ Sfory On Page. 2 the home game schedule will son of Troy, Paul Martin of Kent, Richard Plummer of Alliance see the Buckeyes playing Utah, and Louis Griffin of Cliba, Ala. Dec 22; Princeton, Dec. 27; Brigham Young, Jan. 1; North­ TWO LOCAL LADS, JOE ROBERTS AND DAVE BARKER, western, Jan. 17; Iowa, Jan. 26; are expected to be varsity members of the Scarlet and Grey bas­ Minnesota, Jan. 31; Indiana, ketball team this season . . . Dick Bass of College of the Pacific, jFcb. 2; Wisconsin, Feb. 7; Mi­ who leads the nation in rushing, was more fortunate than Don chigan, Feb. 28; and Prudue, Clark. He whipped the injury jinx which had hindered him his Nation's Most Liberal March 7. sophomore and junior years. Urges NAACP Support City Tainted With Bias MILWAUKEE. - Every per­ Weekend Grid Results son who believes in human de­ cency should rush to join the Prairie View, 13; Wiley, 0. Texas Southern, 40; Arkansas A-M, Sfory On Page 2 NAACP, Henry Aaron, star out­ 0. Lincoln (Mo.), 21; Emporia. 0. Jackson, 18; Tchncssec State, THREE OF TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY'S FRATERNITIES recently elect­ fielder of the Milwaukee Braves, 13. Morehouse, 33: Fisk, 24. Howard, 40; Lincoln (Pa.)/0, J. C. ed these charmers their "sweethearts." From left: Phi Beta Sigma sweetheart Sail* MUTSUFUMI YASUDA, FROM NAGOYA, JAPAN, sopho- declared at a meeting here dur Smith, 42; FayetUville, 14. Winston-Salem, 54; St. Paul. 6. St. anore majoring In rbemislry, is captain of Central State college Hill. Cowan, Tenn.; Alpha Phi Alpha sweetheart Judith Ramsey, Dayton, and Ome_r« ing the- NAACP'« annual mem­ Augustine. 26; Delaware State, 0. Knoxville, 20; Alabama A-M, 14. Psi Phi sweetheart Barbara Curry, Greenwood, Miss.—Danzy Photo. •wbnming team for 1958-59. bership drive. , •

-faty-t^'p »*• SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 19_« PAOE2 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, PECEMBP.R 6, 19S8 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 3 I'-_. Drive On Bogus Check But Where's The Grass? How The Word Got Through Anybody want to know how newspaper readers In Monroe, N. C, receive news about "race incidents" when they occur right Artists Continues; Nab under the Monroe townspeople's noses? The N. York Post, in this editorial, explains tha system: The following paragraphs appeared recently ln the Monroe (N. C.) Inquirer: 4 More Local Suspects A .Monroe Incident Involving two small Negro boys with res­ orts of petty thievery and truancy who wera sent to a training Just about the same time two Columbus men began serving five year terms in the school about three weeks ago by a Juvenile court after they al­ federal prison at Terre Haute, Ind., for participation in a huge money order counter- legedly accosted and kissed a 7 year old white girl has received feftinr rnclcet, sheriffs deputies cracked down on a check forging ring and apprehend­ International publicity. ed four more local residents. Following the usual custom, local media did not publicise Arrested last week were Od-ll the juvenile court case. A Charlotte reporter looked into the Crenshaw, 20, 881 Mt. Vemon matter at the time and decided that It did not warrant attention. av.; Fred McGruder. 23, 357 N. Then on Nov. 3, the N. York. Post, a tabloid newspaper, pub­ Eastgate Garden Club Garfield av.; Lestina Small, 19, lished an article, written by Ted Poston, under the heading, "A 561 Mt. Vernon av., and Willie Story of Two Little Boys la Carolina." which said that Hanover Padgett,J_l, 481 E. Noble St, Thompson, 9, and Fusty Simpson, 8, "wers threatened with \. lynching after one of them was kissed by a little white play­ Battles Area Rezoning CBKNSHAW WAS arrested in TIUS LONE SIGN, CHALLENGINCLY INSTRUCTING mate." The article further stated that the boys "were held ln Members of Eastgate Garden club, at a meeting last a shopping center last Friday passersby te "Keep ett the Grass" appears to be standing watch j.iil six days without charges while the father of the litle white Tuesday, voted in favor of taking action against propo-ed night by Sheriff Sgt. Jim Smith against tbe ravages of winter In treat of Centenary Methodist girl and his friends threatened not only to kill them but to lynch rezoning of land at the southeast corner of Woodland and and Jerry Malone, former dt-o- church. Trouble was, with 6 tn. of anew blanketing the city ut their parents also." , . . Greenway avs uty now serving as security of­ the time photo was taken, chances of finding any grass to keep Following publication of these stories, Unite! Press, Inter­ ficer at the Big Bear storex, as The president of the group, off _f were completely nil.—Pierce Photo. TAIXAHASSEE'S LaKAY BEASLEY, CENTER, REIGNED SUPREME AA "MISS FAMU" national and Associated Press released stories on the Incident, Leon A. Ransom, released the erties at the southeast corner he attempted to pass a fnrg-d resulting In the International attention . . . government check. daring recent homecoming festivities of Florida A-M university. Sha was crowned during color­ following text of a telegram ef Woodland and Greenwa. ful ceremony In Lee Hall auditorium. Her attendants wers Annette Madison of Jacksonville, And that is how Monroe finally got the news about Monroe. sent by the organisation to City for business." Smith said Crenshaw's pal left, and Bettye Edwards of Tallahassee. Council and the City Planning A proposal is now before was taken into custody the naxt Kills Wife In Quarrel Over Cernmission:, Council that would rezone the night h_ another shopping center The entire membership of as he attempted the same trick Eastgata Gardes eh__ Joins properties, allowing commercial Sixth Preacher League's 23rd with members of our neighbor use of thc land. He was identified as Fred Mc­ Money For Pack Of Cigarets log group, property owners A large chain food store, Gruder, of the Garfield av. ad­ dress. N. YORK.—If Pedro Cruz. 34 year old unemployed Jailed On Phony and residents of the Green- drugstore and dry cleaners are power press operator, hadn't need __ dime to bay m pack of Party fs Dec. 6 way-Woodlsnd arej, to pro­ reported planned for tbe area, Officers said both men have cigarets perhaps he never would hare killed hia wife. CLEVELAND—T h e Future test the proposed resontag nt owned by Dr. .and Mrs. Carl given signed statements ad­ But he didn't have the dime . .. and 27 year old Maria Charge In 'Bama Outlook League, will hold its a p-frtion et tbe Basnett prop­ Basnett. mitting participation In the Cruz is dead. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — 23rd annual pre-Christmas

Nation's Most Liberal • , quest arguments neighbors another and finally Cnu de- W. Woods, 25. pression when picketing, street FOLLOITING ON ™E ^.reported they were always mantled a dime towards .pur- Woods thus became the sixth fights, police, court Injunctions of tbelr arrests, sheriffs depu-i „..,-„ __ , • -. r ______. „ _ kaa\ ing. chase of a package of clgaruts. preacher picked up by Birming­ and general notoriety were the City Tainted With Bias ties picked up Lestino Small al ASKED WHERE HE was Mr_, Cruz refused, and he stab­ ham police and jailed on a order of the day In opening job ber home and Willie Padgett at he,ded Cru, rep,ied. phony charge. opportunities for thousands of By LES BRADBARRY bed her in a rage. men and women deprived of a Central Point Shopping Center: ..Te ^ p,^ ^o.. , ^ Cruz wee charged with homi­ The arrest came several Thia ia m story that shouldn't even be a story because supermarket, after Padgett at-; „ work because of race, today tha kilIed mj w e cide. weeks after Rev. Woods - had it involves race relations in tbe most liberal and cosmopol­ tempted to pas, a forged Bu-1 When Cn_ JJ ^ „ preached a sermon condemning FOL is a quiet, efficient organi­ itan city io tbe world. What makes it a story it tbe fact his zation handling more than 25,000 reeu of Unemployment Compen-' apartment by two officers, Ma­ segregation. tbat it concerns tbe despicable subject of bias wbicb is pre­ sat-_.i check. m He was freed after eight individual problems a year with­ venting people of color from securing decent places to live ria was dying from knife out fanfare. All are believed to be linked wounds in the chest and neck Pistol Packer nours on $500 bond, charged ... end right up north in N. York. to a ring which has stolen and with urging a bus boycott. Its position of influence has ; Nearby was a 9 in. carving SANTA CLAU8 MADE A SHORT STOPOVER LAST WEEK N. y«jj_|ff_rstfrin brag about the) f. - spread 70 or 80 checks over kaife. Mrs. .Cruz, before dying, and fnet neighborhood children at W. F. Hutchinson Co. store, spread into every phase of ci­ the last month. Is Fined, Jailed town's great interracial pro- come Invitation, identified her husband as the Pleading guilty to a gun toting 1028 Mt. Vernon av. bid St. Nick passed out candy and gifts Classes Begin Friday vic, religious and polltcal lif* of grams and state anti-bias laws; Barry's lovely wife, Julie said. Authorities hinted that over wielder of the knife. Friday, Saturday and Monday to mark beginning of Christmas the state and into every section charge, a 43 year old Eastsid- Final Business Classes for adults in jewelry, of the nation. which protect people of various Management probably deplored $5000 may be involved once the she died enroute .o Wopoln man was fined $50 on* costs and shopping season as part of program of Mt. Vernon Av. Dist. Im­ rac-s and creeds from discrimi­ the couple's plight weaving, metal enameling, gra­ According to John O. Holly, investigation is completed. j hospital sentenced to 60 days in ths provement Ass'n. Tha jolly old fellow is pictured as hs enter­ phics and pottery begin Friday, nation an segregation—the most Ass'n Meeting tained several little visitors, Saturday.—Pierce Photo. founder and president, "these BEFOBE THIS white friends The men who began serving Most - Av. Dist. Improvement Ass'n Further information may be ob­ and other legislative measures, >. while furnishing top entertain­ A heard 34, 1121 Olmstead av.. and Rob­ at Blauvelt, N. York. llce said. He pleaded guilty to Thursday, D'C. 11, 6:45 p. m., Sentinel Expanding, Vet tained and enrollment made by Negroes have difficulty In find-' ment for our younger mem­ of several vacancies, they found ert Lee Wiley, 33, 457 N. Nelson CRl'Z. THE STORY went. carrying a concealed weapon. st Beatty Center, 247 N. Ohio calling Ca. 1-9472. bers." ing decent places to live. themselves on the unwanted list rd. • v, Gabriel Rubin (Mort's Mens- For instance, take the case of i , wear, 1052 Mt. Vernon av.) is Harry Belafonte who was after the appearance of his president. Newsman Coleman City Ed The Columbus NAACP Freedom Fund Committee months landing an apartment. 'wife. THE OHIO SENTINEL He was rejected repeatedly after In another instance, Mrs. Be- Most Improvement Ass'n The Ohio Sentinel is launching a huge plan to boost presents rental agents learned the racial, j lafonte was shown a lovely businesses remain open until 9 its circulation and expand its news coverage in 1959 in . _. Edmund B Paxton President; Russell A. Jackson. Editor- p. m. this Friday, Saturday and Connection with the celebration of tbe paper's tenth anni­ Idntity of his pretty wife. They apartment by a friendly supcrin- ___\ Annie R Moore; Business Manager; Amos H Lynch, A SOIREE (SWAY'RAY) finally landed something to their tendent, but tor some reason Monday for the convenience ot versary, Editor-in-Chief Russell A. Jackson announced this after the appointment had been Advertising-Promotion Manager; John B. Combs, Managing Edi­ Christmas shoppers. week. liking several days ago. tor, Edward L. Moore, Jr., Production Manager. with Meanwhile, in Greenwich Vil­ made for Harry to see it, 'the All stores will observ* 9 a. m. At the same time he announc­ lage, known thc world over for rental agent reported it gone. Established June 1. 1949 Published each week at 090 East to 9 p. m. shopping hours start­ ed officially that Theodore (Ted) its freedom of life and existence The next day a friend of the Long Street IPO Bos 629. by The Ohio Sentinel Publishing Co.. ing Friday, Dec. 12, through Coleman, recently of the staff of a la Boheme, a real estate agent singer's was shown the same Inc., Columbus 16. Ohio. Cincinnati Office: 41fl Kasota St Christmas Eva. the N. York Age in Manhattan, JACKIE ROBINSON a artnlenl Subscription Rates: One Year. $050; Six Months. 13.50. who publicly refuses to rent to P - o 3, adve tisjl has joined The Sentinel force k was he Mme oId ator ... «?iV r_ _. t _? representative: Associated Publishers. arid will hold down th* city edi­ Negroes is challenging the Com- * ' y !__• te5 S 4_"nd 5*1" New Vor» City 36. N. Y.. PEnnsylvania 6-0022; . . , famous star of professional Baseball wh r W h,a < Jones, Coilerman tor's post. mission on Intergroup Relationsi *«™ *»? *«»*• u mL}l A" ._? _. St. Chicago 5. UL. ANdover -MJ343: Whale/- to take him to court for a test af Belafonte is happy about the .ff.£-??__.«.' 5A N,ew M°nt«°mery St.. San Francisco 8. Calif.. Program Discussants COLEMAN IS A veteran SATURDAY, DEC. 6 - 9 P. M.'lo 1 A. M. the non-dLscriminatory r _• n tal!new *>lac'' £ hf haf* f°r60t- Co Sclma e j iten the trouble they had. He JS Rev. Russell Jones, Chaplain newspaperman and served a* Sc^fSuSSffflgT - * **^*r? managing editor of tha Pitts­ {working with his attorneys and NOTED BANDLEADER and at Benjamin Franklin hospital, DESHLER-HILTON HOTEL THE BELAFON TES AND two interracial groups to fight Member Nat'l Newsnaper Publishers Ass'n. '• and Dr. Homer Ray Cotterman burgh Courier's Chicago edition Voungstown native Tiny Brad- • before going to work for Defen­ their small son David were!the system which is a cancerous ..haw died last week while vi­ of the Dept. of English at Capi­ (HALL OF MIRRORS) COLUMBUS TELEPHONE: CLearbroek 3-7418 der Publications, at t that time slated to move into a 10 room j blight on the nation. siting friends ia Cincinnati. £_ XENIA TELEPHONE: 2-5383 tal university will discuss "Hu­ : owner of the N. York Age. apartment on West End ax. in I- ' * • ••' •. URBANA TELEPHONE: S-3893- man Relations" at the weekly OPEN TO THE PUBUC In-service training program for He is married to the former Manhattan. The managementi Dept. of Short Letters to the Editor: "You can fool some of Frances Moore of Pittsburgh telephoned Bdatonte's office the people arm of the time. But. you certainly didn't fool tin: P<-<>- C1NCINNAT1 TELEPHONES: AVon 1-7758 CA 1-3318 Columbus Health Dept. sanitar­ Reservations t '$5.00 (Half goes to NAACP and ians Friday in Health and Safe­ and the father of two, a daugh­ end Informed him that apart-' pie of OL io this time. Right-to-work amendment—Rest In Peace." LONDON TELEPHONE: UL. 2-1731 Includes a membership if purchaser is not already ty Center auditorium. The pub­ ter Iris and son Theodore, Jr. ments wire available for himj (L. tier to Editur of Cleveland Pl.im Dealer iromi*fie_-tf_s__|»A__!i MT. VERNON TELEPHONE: EX, _•____» a member.) For reservations call BE. 5-2986, _ lio is invited to attend ths 2 They intend to make their home *nd his family with a most wel-i of-the same city.- , . ,«<.».. Entered as 2nd class matter July 9. 1949 st Post Office. Columbua, CL. 8-2858. CL. 8-1337. f O.. under act of Match 8,,1879, ,. ,. .,. , p. m. session. in Columbus. » - • \ COLEMAN .*. ^m-~—*M mi ,»-_,-•-«»-~_-:» SATURDAY, DECB-JfBER g. 3958 PACE 4 Till-. OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DKCEMBB8 9, l*6B THE OHIO SENTINBL PAGE A Liberties Union as contrary to Governor O'Neill To Get ACLU Blasts "the national policy of integra­ Seventh Graders Are Award Recipients tion." lit's Hope Clot The Negrs airman, T/Sgt. In the seventh grade at Frank­ than. William Gilbert, James HICAGO is" a city full oi racial and religions hatred. ler. Earl Talbert, Paul Houaker, AF Support Of James R. Dallas, made the re­ Civil Rights Body's Report lln Jr. High awards are given Foster Skinner, Andrew Wood, Hairston, Thomas Hawkins, Vic­ quest after cLUciala at the base C The bigot* who participate tn violence and lntbnklatlon students who do wet! tn scholar The Governor's Ccenmittee on Ctvtt Right* fs expected to make Sharon Eary, Lynn SCcreat, kie Porter, Brenda Sbakel&ud, decided that because of Congres­ against Negroes and Jews are jtwt a* prone to direct their venom ship, attendance and ci titer ship. Joan Thompson, James Davis, its report to Gov.. O "Neil! eanty this month, accenting to fafornwd Frandne Sutherland, C1 o t e a 1 sional Instruction a new feder­ at the Catholics. Tha following ara award re­ Walton, Thelia WiUiamaon, Vemon Graves, Charles Robert­ Arkansas Bias It was hinted Uiat the horrible holocaust which snuffed oat the sources. ally financed elemental^ school cipients at Fraaalia for the first Charts Gorisene, Ernest filll- son, James Scarberry, Roy N. YORK-—Tbe Air Force's for airmen's children must fol­ lives ot 81 children and six adults this week in Chicago might The comrn__ri___, trrsnttei by •uc weeks ot the __emc_J__r: man, Talmsdge Phillips, James Spikes, Bobby Turner, Dollinc OTfein to Investigate racial dis- la Ms Reposal Ok* emmm'.a. refusal to transfer a Negro ser­ low a segregated pattern. Jim Cra v ea, Phil Sherard, J a Sturclll, Roger Young, Billy Ellison, Martha Thompson, Don­ geant from the Little Rock air Ax Editorial crimmatlon In Ohio, completed stoa w_» suggest that a civil nice Jones, Jeanette Simpson, Ths ACLU had registered a Hicks, Gibert Balky, James na Townseod, Charles Albert, base after bis 8 year old daugh­ Us assignment last week and is righto caa*a_____dea be empow­ Clifford Smith, Arlillian Harris, Bruce, Gerald Clark, CMr'pff Jeff Clark. Eddie Dade, Donald strong protest that this action prepared to make H* recom­ ered to sa___rce measares Janet Hogue, Sharon Halliman, ter was required to attend an was contrary to the school de­ turn out to be arson. Could it be that a aegment of thee* viriewa Doss, Gary Jones, Stephen Wi­ Kimble, William Miller. William mendation to the govern.-. agstost -ttnitoa-aattou la on- Audrey Norman. Harriett Smith, lis, Paid Belcher, Bertie Carey, Pinkston, Robert Thurston, Ito- off-base segregated school was segregation decisions of ths force* bave wrought such havoc upon that midwest community. gStymvwL _M_t*tag, education Loralne St. Clair, Bonnie Ste­ criticized by the An.ericaa Civil supreme court. They have bombed school*, bonne* aad synagogoe* in th* ACCORDING TO AN authori­ Lettie Hatfield, William Cole- nad Ransom. tative source, the commission wart, Jaret Thompson, Yolanda sooth. SWEET, SVELTE AND Ruhifison. They have set fire* and intimidated citizens tn the north. Vivian Jackson look top ho­ plans to recommend enactment SINCE O'NEILL, WBO wa* Several citizen* mat their lire* am a result, bnt it was by the nors a* "BO** Best Dressed" of * law creating » state civil defeated for reelection, is slated IEON HARWICH;, Chsrles Ca grace of God that thc children la tbe previous cases were spared. at press f*_.sgi*iift->*' bats rights commission in it* report to deliver his farewell address vlelli, Jess Hlnes, Edward Kirk The Chicago incident ia indescribable. tn ti Yerk She' pretty to*. loOTIeflL to the Legislature io early Jan­ lfaig, Vemon Spence, Julau Ty uary, It Is presumed be win in­ rise, Joe Zink, Denver Medley, clude the eonrm_i___i__V* recom­ Milburn Stepp, Charles Sullivan, mendations in his speech. John Thomas, Korris Darr. Andy Warm (And Pretty) Welcome For 'Lucasta's' H. Scott Varga, Charles Stock, Hugh Clark, Gregory Coleman, Ralph Dattoa, John Davis. Richmond Negro Railroad Green, Harold Moss, Daniel Muse, Robert Patterson. Gilbert Quick. Wesley Smith, David Firemen Lose Thompson, Stanley Utr.- Lynn Brewer, Pamela. Batter, Mar­ guerite Diggs. aTaytba Maya, Pa To Union Bias trida Mitchell. Sandra Tyree, Beya____U Ware, Beveriy Wil Negro railroad firemen lost Hams. Carolyn Williams, Jac­ another round fa their fight to queline Young. Leslie Wood, join the Brotherhood of Loco­ Sharon Black. Camilie Carter, • motive Firemen and Engineer* Barbara Heskett, Cheryl Marsh, when the U.S. court of appeals IJr.ruia Neal, Barbara Wilson, of the sixth circuit upheld a for­ Wanda DUCTUS, Patricia Fitzge­ mer ruling, which tetosed to or­ rald, Norma Holland, Mary der the union to accept them- Stanley, Pauline TVrner, Tho­ Previoas ruling was made by mas, James Brown, Robert Dal­ Judge Paul Jones of OS dis­ ton, Ellis Hcarbcriln, Melvin trict oourt, Cleveland. Williams, Richard Willis, Arthur * SUIT AGAINST THE union Woodruff, Robert Yoak. Donald wa* filed by Leo Oliphant of Ma­ Armstrong, Cecil Burton, Way­ con, Ga , aad 13 other Negro ne Howard, Garland Lanthron, firemen. Their petition claimed Romie Ross, Larry Webb, Billy it would ba a violation of tbe Downard. Robert Packard, Jo- constitutional rights of Negro Anne Brannon, Carol Hardy, firmen, similar to school segre­ Anne Mae Higgins, Nancy Hut­ gation, if Negroes were not al­ ch e a o n, -Catherine Robertson, lowed to become members of the Andrea Wadeiker, Janet WHey, union, and tbat there ia discri­ Cheryl Kyle, Leslie Wood, Ka- mination agonist them in regu­ -hryfi Coleman, JEnrline Jordan, lations act for all firemen by Sharon Turner, Carl Culver, the Brotherhood. Charles Johnson, Beverly Stuf fie. Sharon Waugh, Roy Martdn, JONES HELD THAT there Matcoln Phillips, Barry Valen­ . ffs no discrimination. tine, William WhiteA Tressa Mid- The US court of appeals iias - •aid there was no similarity to school segregation cases, since PAUL FRANKS, Harold John the suit concerned a labor union ston. Stanley Mosley, Norman which has a right to set ita own Parks, Morris Ransom, David rules, not subject to "interposi­ Thoroughmao, Maxtne Gordon, WHEN HE ARRIVED OS N. YORK FROM HOLLYWOOD, tion ef judicial control.'* Lilly Griffin, Julia Haley, Jua Henry Scott, who was lucky eaeagh to marry Eartha Kltt is tbe nita Hunter, Shirley Patterson, reel life ef "Aaaa LtteasU" found * sew kind et picket Dae Shela Simktgtan, Brenda Taylor awaiting hint at Newark airport when be stepped from a Vakeel Mlllicent Upshaw, Nancy Webb Airlines plane. Proclaiming him the screen'* newest leading Lyndall'Bonner, Yolanda Harra man they're "most thankful for." the girls, aU contestants in Springfield Opens First Skate Rink For way, Olivia J a r r e 11, Bessie upcoming "SUsa Empire Stole" contest, were en hand to form zation founded by Rev. Hock.r, Jones. Donna Lelux, Ch arlene a heart line to greet hla*. From left wilh Henry are Joyce Jone*, ry, mortician; Marvin Wilson, pastor of 2nd Baptist Elmer Calamese, Robert Fergu­ Lomax, Sharon Murphy, Liz/.e Bennie Deacon, Jean LaMontagne Lena Holsey and Marva Ru«- Tan Youth In June, ins. Rev. Hacker Robinson, Stephanie Sandon, sell. son, James Ross and Att'y Rob­ approached Dr. Robinson con­ ert Rcnshaw. Leondra Walker, Gilbert Brooks, SPRINGFIELD.—For tbe first cerning formation of the orga. i- Robert Burns, James Courts, time in the history of Spring­ OPERATION LOVE IS de­ Ronald McCall, Mitchell McKia- field, a skating rink opened last zation and Dr. Robinson agreed to act as sponsor. Waveriy signed as a program of educa­ m\y, Bhuuda Recdcr. Billy Ste­ You get both, a beautiful gold gift wrap plus a superb gift decanter filled Saturday tor Negro youth and wart, John Taylor, Ronald Preffy lady Mayor From adults of this city. Glover made the third party for tion and action. the three member Export;. e Waugh, C_eve Valton. Constance with Kentucky's finest bourbon. Just slip off cellophane sleeve and give. Already a scrvice station is • Montgomery, Celia Pierce, Le- Taking part on the program Board, which has been increas­ operation by the Springfield for the opening were Her. ed to nine. retta Richardson. Janet Butler, Abroad Tasfes Dixie Bias chapter and other projec' are Bonnie Creech, Ethel Stewart, Strickland, pastor of Zion HiD Members Include Robert Hen­ planned for tbe near future. Ihe mayor ef Kingston, Jamaica, received a ta*te of Baptist, Or. Leo G. Robinson, Robert Bradley, George Caa- Dixie hospitality tost week. The grAetoas krownskhmed lady Hattle I. Mosely, president of ficld, John Mitchell, Dwight If you can give a better bourbon...give it! was refased a cop at coffee af the counter la a tetrlsvllle local chapter of Operation Love, Caldwell Cancer Tea December 7 Waugh, Herbert Christy. Barry drugstore. and other civic mindec individ­ Diggs, Michael Baker, David Mr*. Iris King, who is visiting the V. 8. as a guest of the uals. Charles C Caldwell VFW Au­ dent; Pearl Conrad, Dorothy Jackson. Paul Miller. Gory Lee xiliary 3490 ha* its annual can­ State Dept., said she asked for a cup of emttee at a Walgreen % MUler, Jessie Pierce, Lillian WUliama. •tore and was told, "We don't serve colored people." M_B RINK WAS MADE pos- cer tea, Sunday, Dec. 7, 4 to 7 Jeffcries, Wanda Lee and Roma She said they told her she could carry the coffee bnt could sible through efforts of Dr. Rob­ p m. at Veterans Memorial. Johnson, president of the auxili­ PAMELA DUNLAP, Carlotta Harris, Barbara Hicks, Rose­ not drink It at ihe counter. inson and Rev. C. Leroy Hack­ Chairman Is Jencveivc Miller ary and Jr. Giris* unit. Ttneeirf Riszo, assistant manager, denied knowledge ef er, although profit* go toward* and co-chairman Hattle Belcher. mary Weal, Delaine Thomas, underwriting (he pro .»m of Mrs. Miller, Br. 44761, would Gleana Parsley, Carl Blcvins, 7 U the incident, hut admitted the policy provides "carry oat" 0 Hostesses will be Olive PhiJ. like old wliii* shirts, sheet* and *L_ f _W _I8AJ6HT WITRDON WHISKEY . 80 PROOf .'©AH. ENT AGE 01STILUN0 CO., FRANKfORT, KT service only for colored customers. Operation Love, Inc. lips, Dept. of Ohio treasurer; Deayer Burks, • David Corma-j Tf 4/5 QtQt.. Operation Lova is an organi­ material to make shirts and nick. Frank Drew,- Williara Mil-j Code 875B Louis* Crane, Dist. II presi­ pads for thc Cancer Clinic.

.-iiit\'S ...ft'.'/ -•/.• •'•' .':'.' -• . 0.1 > > J !*.><;'» •M

„._._.,„-. __> PAGES THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER <, ma aA-TURDAY, DECaA^KR €, l__Sg' THE OHIO SENTINEL Visiting Africa Toledo Murderer Must Die Dec. 19 PAGE T Bennie Collins, 53, lost his bid here last March. PHILADELPHIA. — Lena M. to escape the electric chair and Collins, a former mechanic at Supreme Liberty life Co. Ho skins, executive secretary of ia scheduled to die Dec. 19. Rossford Ordnance Depot, near Florida Solon Urged To American Friends Service Com­ The date was fixed Wednes­ Toledo, waa found guilty by Deaconesses mittee, is on a two months' visit day by the Ohio supreme court, Judges John M. McCabe, Tho­ Shareholders OK Merger which turned down Collins' ap­ In S. Africa and other countries mas O'Connor and Harvey G. peal from a first degree murder Straub for the slaying, of Donald Save $1 Million Smear Fund Integrated of the continent. conviction by three Lucas coun­ R. Hattery, 39. ty common pleas court judges With Ohio's Dunbar Firm M1AML—A florida legi.__.tor who proposed raising ALHAMBRA, Cat.—Deaconess Hattery was shot to death CHICAGO.—Shareholders of Supreme Liberty Life of a million dollar fund to spread pro-segregation propa­ Nov. 14, '1997, it a dispute over Ass'n ot Central Jurisdiction oi Insurance Co. voted Tuesday to merge with Dunbar Life ganda in the north has been advised "to save th* money." the Methodist churcb is inte­ a minor auto accident. of Cleveland, Earl B. Dickerson, Supreme president, an­ Tbe expert advice waa given • A FURNACE THAT CAN ?GRQ\rV Evidence showed Hattery was nounced. free to State Rep. W. ft Reedy grated, according to a report shot twice. Witnesses said the Shareholders of Dunbar Life ot Leesburgh by Roy Wilkins, Science Pays Off made at annual meeting of the second time he was shot he plea­ had already voted to approve for their stock will te paid $.« NAACP executive aecretary, in Commission on Deaconess Work AS VOUI- F AMIlTr (,.. OV. ' ded for his life. the merger agrecmen' per share. an address delivered at a mass NASHVILLE Tenn. -— Fifty by Leila Robinson of Ft. Worth, D. C. Chandler,' president of Dickerson also announced meeting here Tuesday. high school science teachers Tex. In her report as president Dunbar, will become a mem­ several other Dunbar officers from across th* nation will of Deaconess Ass'n of the Cen­ Hard To Believe, ber of the Board of Directors will become officers In Su­ REEDY, THE NAACP leader study at Flak university next ' • ' > & f of Supreme Liberty Life on preme. noted, had ."proposed that $1 summer and get paid for doing tral (Negro) Jurisdiction It waa . . . . m f. 1m Bui If Happened Jan. 1, effective date of the million be raised to engage a pointed out at least four of tbe Martha Fjrye, farmer vice it. Dr. S. P. Massie. chairman •JEWELRY GIFT BUYING MADE EASX merger. public relations firm to 'sell' the IS MOTTO OF deaconesses now serving in the A Memphis woman worker ln president and controller, will of the Chemistry Dept. at Fisk, He will be a vice president in north on why tb* south needs has announced that a grant of Abdullah Wimbley, shown during "gem cocktail party" In bom* an Army depot cafeteria was be vice president and special of Mrs. Oilie Milner. 2G5 N. Slier bourne dr. Wimbley, sale* man­ Central Jurisdiction are whit*. M your budget doesn't per­ charge of the company's Ohio analyst; Dr. 1. C. Wiggins, segregation. I advise Reedy to $61,300 from tbe Natl Science mit complete winter air con­ fired from her job last week save tbe money. The north 1* ager of WeU* Jewelers, 175 S. High St., however, prefers "soft after she asked a Ncgfo para­ operations, and wil] conduct ac­ former secretary, becomes as­ Foundation will support a cum­ ditioning now. 1st us install a pretty well informed as te what mer institute aimed at produc­ sell" approach wiib effective presentation of valuable Jewelry Niagara 40-G steel gravity. trooper to get out of a line of tivities in tht former home of­ sistant secretary! -Charles V. lines hi private heme showing* with live models. Jewelry is ex­ fice of Dunbar, which will be Carr, former general counsel, segregation means in the south. ing better high school science typ« furnace In a sua suited white diners, according to re­ "What would Reedy **ell'f" hibited, prices quoted, orders taken only from guest* who ex­ to your homa . .. ports. known as Dunbar Division of becomes assistant general teachers. Teachers accepted Mr. Wilkins asked. for the eight week inttl'.ite will press desire te boy. Jeweled tiara, popular Accessory of milady BETTER Supreme Liberty Life. counsel; David D. White wUl for formal dances, 1* modeled here by Wimbley'* sister, Ruth- The cafeteila maintained sep­ "Would he sell the savage receive stipends of $75 per week, arate food lines and dining become assistant general anne (foreground). From left standingt Beasl* Nesby, Wimb­ FURNITURE SHAREHOLDERS OF Dun­ counsel; Dr. Frank H. Hen- segregated justice represented plus $19 per week for each de­ A&A FURNACE CO. J* rooms which have functioned on bar agreed to exchange H_ pendent up to four and a maxi­ ley, Mra. Milner, Marjorie Holland, Catherine Barton. Wimbley tor the amount you a aggregated basis for IS years, dricks, former medical direc­ by Sheriff Willis McCall, who may be reached at Weiss' by group* Interested tn hosting "gem spend at H Avondale Are. Z_%* _ BR. 9-2463 shares of Dunbar stock for one tor, becomes assistant medi­ shot a handcuffed Negro pris­ mum of |80 travel expense*. c Mrs. Mae Crooks, the dismissed share of stock in Supreme. Dun­ cocktail party."—Rooserelt Carter Phot*. W. P. HUTCHINSON employee, said. cal director, and Dr. Charles oner aa ha was transferring CO. bar shareholders desiring cash H. Garyin, former treasurer, him from Raiford for a new becomes assistant treasurer. trial ordered by the supreme How To Gift A Man • Furnilo r« 1 A Board of Advisors made up court? Would he sell the bomb- • Appliance* of members of the Board ot Di­ ****^to*topmtmme4MiHts* murder of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ii^S'father , husband_\__ . brothbrothar»r., » evening. Florida A-M university Rattlers was runnerup In junior grls' di­ Elijah H. Herring, Sr., defen ANSWERS in tha 28th annual Orange Blos­ vision. Gcarld Turner and Ro­ dent in the famed Gillespie pk. A. CHv* him a __-__*.._/that'* som classic. nald Fowlkes advanced to semi public golf course case which too»Urp, give him a recording or The classic, largest Negro two plu* a 6p_e___bav*r — tb* grid altraction and ranked fifth at BOB DANIELS -luarter finals, respectively. later resulted In its closing, electric shaver that can't inter- - whose two sons were among the term wfthsi»dio._TV~-nrx__;.r_l of all bowl games in the nation first of his race to enter previ­ player r*e*intion . ' I in attendance, will be play.d You can be sure of top used car values when vpstjhial^wtth under the lights at Orange Bowl ously all-white public schools _-, Civ* blm an alarm clock Bob Daniels. Every car is in first class running condition here and who h_»» been th* vic­ with a c_._W_.aker attachment stadium in Miami Saturday YOU START night. , . . serviced by our own expert mechanics. You get more tim of telephone threats, dyna­ miting attempts and hurled mis- for your old car. too. And, your used car purchase is pro­ aeles, wax presented Omega Slick To Your Guns Phi frnt_f__Hy "Citizen of the By MACK ELHANNON Scholarship Winner tected by this Bob Daniels guaranti-e Year" award at a public pro­ OR WE PAY! If misfortune should cruelly ATLANTA — Glorlastene gram at Union Memorial Me- assault you. Thompson of Benton, La., ha* tbodist. been awarded th* Walter F And your skies overhead should White scholarship at Atlanta Bern Bob Daniels first „turn gray. university. Tbe $500 grant is gi- And it costs no more than UflfcH* SAVE And those dreams you had forjven by the Nat'l Alumni Ass'n j YOUR the future. of Atlanta university to a stu­ ordinary winterizing services! Somehow, «eem to all fad* BOB DANIELS BUICK Yon (Mi 'VISIO.Y dent who is working towards the HIGH ST. away. master'* degree in sociology AM. 8-_S5l Uktwm You could cry on somebody's and is interested in a career in ' shoulder, the field of race relations. at Peyton's Wit* prontrty vahses Or give in with a sigh of defeat, fff, ta, 4ti ra, Oh fSmfrnfi, ftafsafm-fttt tvfa,fat «%*^'.>*'ii'tt'ft^it*_..-X'--^f^f-t'A^f-t'-t^'lt'«_^ WE 00 THIS! and building QOst* dm But who heeds the cry of a • Changs your motor oil to a winter-grade of any Sohio motor oil. »• rise, the *a_eit coward e Change your transmission and differential to a Sohio winter-grade coursa la to make eure Who i* afraid to stand on hi* * Pierce & Son Photo Studio __C_\ tf/C & •"'f gear lubricant (Automatic transmission change not required.) tow Are Insurance tmilf feet? _i£ S» * • Test your battery to make sure you're protected against cattery failure. protect* your koMML SEE BETTER AND YOU 9 e Protect you against fuel line freeze-up with scan of Sohio Frostex. CT-Oclt Wltk US MOW, * WELL GET, MORE When you know you're facing a (Formerly At 117 Hamilton Ave.) 9 crisis 823 E. LONG ST. CL. 8-3533 YOU GE1 THIS! * guarantee in writing that your car's motor will start all winter long FUN OUT OF LIVING 9 or Sohio will pay your garage starting Dill. TV, Books, Movies . _ . Don't chicken, just stick to your ATTENTION BRIDES TO BEI! Tliese are .only a few of - funs, 9 lif*'* joys that require good 9 : Misfortun* is just lik* a bully— Coverage Of Your Wedding PEYTON'S SOHIO vision. - -Wake the mo*t of If you fight, that »uck*r will 9 Earl Hood them. Let us check your (INCLUDING PUBLICATION OF YOUR run. PICTURE IN THIS NEWSPAPER) 9 I eye*. We'll save you money, 9 Insurance Agency ' tool And remember, there'* always Only $5.50 SERVICE STATIONS •76 E, Long CL. 2-4311 When dashed hope* can be built 9 Member DR. LAMBERT anew. 9 ML Vernoa Ave. District OPTOMETRIST Sometimes, Lorn **edx of PIERCE'S CHRISTMAS GIFT SPECIAL! 9 Improvement Association 143 N. H-gk dl (master. 1-8x10 Portrait • 4-5x7* • 6 - Billfold* 9 CA. 8-1001 A Reg. $27.00 Value Only $12.95 Servinsr Columbus _. I Hidden Joys may come blooming Central Ohio Photo through. ..— ml. • '•'!'' -- r'l .< 9U , • i J NeedNeed..s. 13 YearYearas A _>.__»^ ._>*_>-_»«e»-_» .__-&-__»._>._»-__>«r> .u «^ m

VHHi _l -••-r,, • •

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1958 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1958 f< ,fAGE8 TH£ OHIO SENTINEL THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 9 From Knighthood To 'Vampire' Villain 1. Democrats Must Qualify For Jobs From Governor John View From cratic rand-dates who lest at Don't be misled by Sir Donald London in leading roles since at. In" monster, Fredrlc March's By JOHN B. COMBS Thos* two specific xt- Wolfit'a name, Tm~.H _-_.*____>» iQuirementa were laid on the the recent election. 1923, His knighthood. In recog­ "Dr. Jekyll" and Alec Gulness' I. TOLEDO. "I make thh saggestlon be­ Tbe happenstance that one nition of hia acting career, was "Fagan." m job from Gor.-F.lect Mik''line e by DiSalle and State bestowed upon him in 1037. Tha result is "Blood of the Walker's Head Democratic Chmn. William cause I have a deep sympathy bearing so onomatopoeic appel­ Walker DiSalle unless you can quali­ for candidates who lost," ha lation should play a-blood-let­ Vampire's" grisly Dr. Callistra- Coleman at a strategy meet­ NONETHELESS, HK WAS not fy for it nnd unless you are said te the amnsement of the ting viilian in. "Blood of. th_ tus. ing of party leaders at tbe above accepting the role of a "CONSISTENCY. A paste jewel thou art," was ones quoted m Democrat. Secor hotel here Tuesday. crowd. Vamplre," now thrilling horror As a doctor brought back to with amazing truth, but her* in Our Town the swing shift Is one* villain. lite from a vampire's grave and Still rollicking in merriment fans at • the RKO Palace, docs more coming akin to a jewel of genuine consistency. Tha scene, BEFORE HIS LAST month's Like many another -notable as head of a prison for the cri­ over their smashing Nov. 4 vic­ not alter the fact that Wolfit is regardless of the arctic weather, is no longer clean. The biggest victory, DiSalle had been de­ Briton, Wolfit has no "lltasions," minally insane, Callistratus has tory, the 350 party officials, in­ one of Britain's most celebrated noise over the weekend was the Max Roach 502 stint. This week feated by John Bricker for U S. and accepted his role as a chal­ a monstrous background for his cluding about 10 Negro faithfuls, actora, and Ita fpremost Shake­ still promises to be one of swing esteem also, what with Johnny Senate and by O'Neill for gov­ lenge to better oilier; famous activities. lent pensive ean aa Coleman spearean star. Smith-and his quintet in town and the rest of the musically In* ernor during the past six years. film rogues, including such clas­ _____ DiSalle unfolded plans to H. hit graced ths boards of Starred with Wolfit in "Blood clined cats doing yeoman service at the other local joints. Directing his attention to the sic characters as Lugosi's deal with a mounting stack of of tha Vampire" are Barbara county chairmen, the former "Dracuia," Karloff's "Franlc.n- LAST SUNDAY, LEONTXNE PRICE THRILLED MANY job applications. Shelley and Vincent Ball, with Toledo mayor cautioned them the noted character actor, Vic­ viewers on TV when she appeared as featared soloist la a per­ AIX APPLICATIONS fer against "shifting responsibility" tor Maddern. formance of Beethoven's 3th symphony, tbe "Pastoral." , , , appointments most be filed on to others. Club Regal * Companion feature Is "Mon­ Duke Ellington's band has been added to tbe big cnS-TV ja'sa printed forms la triplicate "If a person applies for a po­ ster on the Campus." show for Jan. 7 . . , Max Roach tried ta convince me for two with stale headquarters, C'olr- sition he cannot qualify for, tell PRESENTS w___ hoars that the Lydlaa choral theory Is substantial to jass. Ha man said. him so. Maybe he can qualify A COMPLETE also said, Leo Parker 1. back la "the Apple" recording . . . for another job," he stated. "Happy Day" Eddie Saunders, our deejay of repute, celebrated After processing ky the state REVISION OF PRICES Publisher, Others office, one copy will be sent Coleman, after outlining his his tenth anniversary on WVKO-Radio Thanksgiving day with a back te the applicant's county program for building a stronger - ALONG WITH Named To Committees gala show at the Youth Center. At present, Eddie I. concen­ chairman, he explained. Democratic organization, de­ trating on his nest J•-__ series. Indicating that Civil Service clared, "If we sit back and gloat WASHINGTON—Two news­ THE OKY-DOKE TRUMPETER KENNY DORHAM IS FORMINO AN all-star workers' Jobs are safe, Di­ over our victory, we will take a paper publishers, a former all- TWICE DAILY - 'i_\ group to tour southern campuses ... I miss pretty Julia Webster Salle said: terrific beating next year." m American football star, a mem _tm\\ , behind the bar at Ray Redmond's C. and R. Grill. The cuba "We are net going te dis­ 2 P. M. - 31 P. M. ber ot tha Washington State Le EARLIER, DiSALLE told steaks just don't taste the same without her . . . The Symbols, a rupt the merit system." gislature, and a recently ap­ this writer that in ease some «P. M. -9P.M. local group managed by Melvin Reynolds, may be on the way to He added: "We are net ga­ DiSALLE pointed municipal judge have county chairmen failed te co­ *••• "S"':. ^ Chciago to record for one of the big R. and B. labels . . . Bartend* in* te take advantage ef crip- Negre adviser, held a caucus been named to state advisory operate with the patronage in the back," Simmons said 'er Harold Glover over at Marty'* 502 was so wrapped up In tha .pled people." with a group of Negro Demo­ committees by tha Commission plan, "I will step in." Negroes couldn't expect to ac­ Club Regal music of Max Roach that ha was putting Uie empty bottle., la tha crats and reiterated his plea complish anything by "knock­ on Civil Rights. DiSalle alse warned the Meanwhile, James B. Sim­ cash register . . . Sara Moore, Evelyn Mann and Florence Wil* for harmony. He also reveal­ ing one another," for "Mike group mn te overlook Demo­ mons, Jr., DiSalle's closest 772 E. Long St. The publishers named are W. liams make things quite pleasant with Iheir glowing personalities ed that DiSalle hss already doesn't like It." CL. a-7785 DAKOTA STATON, dynamlo Beverly Carter, Pittsburg Cou­ at the Macon Lounge. asked him "to come with him rier, to the Pennsylvania com­ AMONG NEGROES present recording star, opens ens to Columbus." The Melody Roem is closed CHANCES OF A SUCCESSFUL SEASON FOR COLUMBUS week's engagement Monday at mittee, and Cecil E. Newman, the However, Simmons said he were Att'y John L. Francis, Co­ fer renovations. Watch this Minneapolis Spokesman, to the Symphony this year received a big boost this week under direc­ Sftt Club. Johnny Smith and is not Interested in an appoint­ lumbus; John O. Holly, Cleve­ •pact fer grand re-epenlng Minnesota group. tion of Evan Whallen. Robert Miller, pianist and guest soloist, his Jsis organ quartet aro ment tn Columbus, and that he land Jackson, Charles Carr, dale. appeared. smartest heads currently at the MS. would take one only If DiSalle Jack Oliver, Cleveland; Nathan­ The former gridiron star is Dr. Jerome H. (Brud) Holland, Insisted. iel Jonea and Mrs. Jones, DOROTHY DANDRIDGE AND SAMMY DAVIS, JR., DAVIS ...head for president of Delaware State col landed lead roles in the screen version of the-folksy yarn, "Porgy Ia repeating his warning Youngstawn, and Mrs, Bertha Thc Showplocc of Columbu. lege. and Bess" . . , Margaret Harris, popular barmaid at tha Club against "knifing one another Moore. Akron. , Manhattan, has a way of making a guy 'return. She buys the po­ NOW! The west coast legislator is RKO PALACE Charles If. Stokes, of Seattle, tato chips to go with your beer . . . Eartha Kitt and Erroll Garner an attorney, are among the celebrities to appear on ABC-TV tidbit, "Voica hats TWO AMAZING SCIENCE Concert." Dec. 29 ... I often speak about Aunt Ruby's pig feet Norfolk Negro Schools Th« judge is Harry Hazel- nod greens at the Royal Barbecue, but Saturday I tried some of FICTION FEATURES! wood, Jr., Newark, former as­ her fish and rice, which proved to be quite choice, also. sistant prosecutor of Essex Confronted By Closure county. fMM 'I'll: OLIVER AND GLORIA EDMONDS, CARETAKERS of the Club Flamingo, are swell chicks to chat with . . . Next te NORFOLK, Va.—Negro secondary schools in Norfolk $MB.o0d__V3mp-.V dating Kim Novak, the best thing that can happen to a gay is ta face a complete shutdown. 1 A-T Gels Granf meet nice people, aod Ted Coleman, newest addition to Tha /MEXC/T/A/G fr«s__« COLOR Sentinel, i. no exception. Born In N. York, but claiming Pitts­ This development appeared j Ai 180$ __ IIP Prod-Cton .A UHW____.t_lfl_-.T_. .Al R* !.JS. GREENSBORO, N. C. — AT burgh as his home since he spent most of his life there, he has Observers here saw the move imminent when City Council college has been awarded a been a friend of piano genius Erroll Gamer for years and also ,a» a threat to close Negro tec- -PLUS 2ND FEATURE- grant of $50,000 by the Nat'l last Wednesday took over con- ondary Bchoola -j^ „{, whlu knows the great drummer Art Blakey from Blakey"s kid day* at Science Foundation for opera­ the Pittsburgh Boy's club. trol of school spenjing for the schools closed because of the tion of a summer institute for next year. Integration hassle are reopened. MONST^ON teachers at science in high A WORD TO THE WISE SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT. BUT I schools. wouldn't listen. They told me at the Tippin Inn, that the whisky 761 E Long ax THE CAMPUS sours mixed by Carter Dixon and Grace Boyd would make you m f Money Awaits 6 And it's just os short as that, MminUM'MUM MORE$,; f/ *v see cats from Mars. In my unbelief, I dropped by to make a announced William T. English, TOOTIE'S SANDWICH falsehood of that statement. So after five—or was it six?—any. district manager, who revealed way, after Grace made rue a few, I faintheartedly went my way, Columbusifes At that persons eligible for ths SHOP seeing no,one from Mors. But when I got to my pad there was a money in amounts from $32 to MR. A MRS. B. WELCH funny looking cat with three heads sitting on my couch reading Dunbar Ins. Co. $210 are holders of endownment MORS. Downbeat. He looked up at me and said, "Take mc to your lead­ policies which bave lapsed snd "ANNUAL COLUMBUS NIGHT" • Coney Islands er, man." . . . Finis. There is money awaiting six matured. • Hot Dogs Columbus residents at Dunbar • Chili- Life Insurance Company offices, The company has been con­ Open: 7:30 A.M.-10:30 P.M. ducting a search for the follow­ Frl. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Members Of Community Theatre A .e.ico'j Now ber One hot v© _e! Corpora ov. ADAM Hots lor yr- '•.'- - • .••-•'.-• T~* . ing persons who can immedia­ Sun. 10 A.M.-10:30 P.M. style... lor q___ _y...tor workmomliip ond eu_o.--.__ detoSs. Yowl Y 0RA-1EL" tely claim monies due when 1186 E. Lon* • tfc.co.e. os JO mony of oof cusio mon hove, thot you con po* Iwlco they present proper identifica­ Seen On WBNS' 'Juvenile Judge' ©j muc. for o hot bvt you con'! tell _ froei Aden.Try onAdo_» oa lodoy. first aid for tion: DOUG'S PLACE Members of Community Theatre are featured in a unique ap­ Naroe Policy Tieoted with "AQUA-SHED" p.oce__ for woltr _w_»!___cv. proach to problems of juvenile delinquency on WBNS-TV in a new s Jackie MlUer 63115 8 •fr 502 CLUB*? locally produced half hour series, "Juvenile Judgo__ &95 tOOTHACHisj Betty A. DepI «31t_M 150 5. LIBERTY ST. DELAWARE, OHIO SI. Clair jf Lfon-ird "Juvenile Judge." seen every 8 Malcolmn McCoy .38068 8 "40 Minutes From Broad A High" Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.. drama- WOSU-FM Airs Jazz Show . safe relief in Bernice Evans 22622-B MONDAY, DEC. > tires .• '"•.' juvenile court Frank Givehs 60237 • dynamic cases. A new progmm, ,'The Jazs Frances Bell ...... 88231-2 pint DAKOTA By highlighting specific juve­ Idioml," will make its debut English said be hopes those.j FRIDAY, DEC. 12 nile cases each week WBNS-TV over WOSU-FM at 10 p m. Sa­ CODE No. 87-C ON SALE AT named can be reached so they STATON hopes to focus community atten­ VERNON can have their money before ALL YOUR FAVORITES IN DRINKS tion on causes of delinquency turday, Dec. 8, wilh a discus- KENTUCKY STRAIGHT and problems and actions of the BOURBON Christmas. sion of the early influences oa 8o proof tailoring & clothing company ST. CLAIR MOST DELICIOUS CHICKEN Novr Thru Sunday court in coping with this social Contact Dunbar Life Insur­ JOHNNY SMITH problem. the development of jazz. Barton Distilling Company ©6C-6S Mt Vernon Ave. The Complete Mer._v.ear Shop ance office at 701 E. Long »t Bardstown. Nelson County. Ky. immediately. Telephone is Ca. IN CENTRAL OHIO I FREE FAR KING IN BEAR OF _.T0.t__ -JHARMACY _ Cor, Leonard & St. Clair .-3878. Jass Session Sun. 3-7 PATRONIZE SENTINEL ADVERTISERS m


INDUSTRIAL BRIEFS By Frank Wiikerson Director ot Industrial Relations, Columbu. Urban Leagu.t It's OK To Like Mike, JAMES B. SIMMONS, destined to become a strong 'voice in the administration of Gcv-Elect DiSalle, has come SKILLED WORKERS and te- their own personnel and gearing Jet mechanic*. I was very up with a suggestion which has a ring of logic. chnician* ar* la way* in need. , their programs to retain skilled happy to learn that he made An attorney and veteran member of Toledo's City There are about 9,000,000 skil- worker*, this decision because after fa* But Lei's Like IIS, Too Tf B Council, Simmons is against sugregatcd political organiza­ led worker* in the nation'* work ' armed forces need 30,000 ha* completed hla schooling, AMES B. SIMMONS, the Toledo councilman who, accord- tions. He wants Negro political organizations to disband fore*. At present the U.S. re- 'o 40,000 aircraft mechanics, and thl* training will guarantee J Ing to our political expert, John B. Cwnba, Is top Negro and their members become united with their party's coun- quire* 250,000 new skilled wor- electrical technicians are also him a good job for Uie length dog in M _ k e DiSalle'a scheme of thing* political, has ty machines in their respective bailiwicks. kera and technicians each year ncedc<*' of hi* working days. just to replac* those .who die THERE Advances la science aad te­ earned our everlasting respect. • ' ARE NUMEROUS retir* or leave th* field. But chnology alio create new skills Daring a recent visit and caucus with hia fellow tan See "It's OK To Like Mike But Let'* Like Uc Toe" opportunities for service men mor* Important, many more and new skilled occupations Democrats in Columbus, Mr. Simmons gav« vent to some Editorial Pag* to receive technical training. thousands are needed, and will sound advice to his Democratic comrades which Just a* Last month, I received a let­ b*, to meet requirements of our SKILLED WORKERS AND ter from Sgt. George Johnson easily could apply to members of the opposite party, Through such an alliance, he feels Negroes will not only b* expanding economy and techno­ technician* ar* found in nun- According to Mr. Simmons, Mike DiSalle, nor any In a position to devote mor* cervlee to their party, but it will logy. (my brother-in-law). Strategic dreds of different occupation*. other Great White Father ln high public office for that afford them an opportunity to gain more recognition and influ­ Air Command, Omaha, Neb., Many skilled workers ar* In Cur armed forces ar* exper­ who states he will be entering matter, has little if anything to offer our group if we our­ ence than they can hope to attain through Jim Crow outfits, trade* which hav« long histo­ selves are inclined to stoop to the kind of low, pretty, ava- iencing a shortage of skilled per­ Air Force Training school fa- ric*. ricious political philosophy of which we have been so de­ IN ADDITION, HE THINKS AN AFFILIATION WITH coun- sonnel and are now training San Antonio, Tex... t» study Thia Is true of the carpenter, plorably guilty in bygone years. ty organisations would be '. keeping with widespread Integra­ the electrician, the machinist, Collectively, the Negro Dems can set a precedent dur­ tion *enti_nent*. It would also debuhk> the contention of many the draftsman, the typesetter, ing the DiSalle administration that could well become an whites who argue, that Negroes want .e be lo themselves. and thc baker. ideal pattern for one and all to follow in the future. Obviously, Mr. Simmons has an excellent point, but It poses Other occupations (and they Mr. Simmons admonishes the seekers of the spoils to a question as te whether all Democratic county chairmen will, Suicide Of A Dixie Town offer numerous permanet jpb buy It. This I* particularly true In the case of two chairmen opportunities), *uch as'those of . "lift their sights to a higher level," not to "go to Mike knif­ Maintaining the whit* balance of voting power in Tuskegec, , . . Waller Herr, Franklln county, and Ray T. Miller, Cuyahoga th* aircraft mechanic, the elec­ ing one another in the back," and to stamp out "Jim Crow Al ..despite the almost 6-1 majority* of Negro residents, may county. tronic technician, the orthopedia organizations in politics." mean the death of the city economically, Ebony magazine pre- technician and the X-ray tech­ THESE TWO WERE SELECTED BECAUSE THEY BOTH diets in a December story titled "Suicide of • Soutliern Town." „.-..„_ We concur, without reservation, with Mr. Simmons' nician, ar* relatively ncw. advice to his brethren in the Democratic vineyard. have a notorious reputation of flagrantly disregarding their Negro Recounting the history of th* current struggle for the ballot, If the Democratic contingent—including that group of constituencies. and early warnings of Booker T. Washington that wholesale dis- pseudo-intellectuals who would like nothing better than to Perhaps, with DiSalle and the state Democratic organization franchiscment of Negroes would injure both black and white, the HATE DIVIDING US WHEN UalTY IS MOST NEEDED write finis to the political career of as devoted a servant to behind Simmons' proposal, Messrs. Herr and Miller can be per­ story traces events which led to gerrymander of 414 Negro voters the Democratic party as Cleveland's John O. Holly, a man suaded to modify their hostile attitude. out of the city, the 18 month old "boycott" of white merchants by whom we both respect and admire—muffs this opportunity But whether it would bend them or not, jt seems Uiat Simmons Macon county Negroes, and the resulting rise In both quality and to become politically mature, a virture in which Negroes of has advanced a thought that deserve* close consideration of th* number* of colored businesses. tOu cJ.it 4 in 3 cJLee both parties have been completely and tragically devoid Democrats' top bras*, , DESPITE THE FACT NEGRO MERCHANTS NOW PROVIDE Js 3 See- M up to now. then all we can say is: And it might also be a wise move for their rivals, the Repub- th* community with the bulk of goods and services it requires, thc NO BETTER FOR 'EM. • lican leaders, to begin thinking about, since they seem to be un- article contends, th* whito community has solidified its opposi­ SEVERAL PERSONS have expressed same vulgarity half the time when there t* a able to make any headway with Negro electors here of late. tion, preferring economic death to relinquishing it* tight hold on ; family < pete aad they naturally mimic the the ballot box. alarm at the loose moral tongues of the THE TENSE FEUD IN THE RANKS OF OHIO Republicans old fnjr.;. Recantly, investigators of thc Civil Right* Commission were MARTI younger generation. There' is ah unusual over selection of an applicant to fill the vacancy on the sixth dis- refused access to registration records which Negroes contend will amount of vulgarity spoken openly by AP:: TUESE FIGHTS THAT WE colored Be Our Guest, Jackie trict U. S. court of appeals tiench may become more exciting. prov* their right lo vote is being unconstitutionally denied. young girls and boys. One may not be sur- have hi staging for first rate eitiseaship to The opening, left by Potter Stewart of Cincinnati when he moved LUTHER With hearings set for Montgomery, Ala., on this question in prised but i_t certainly shockfed to hear fo in \. »? C_n we make tbe white man ACKIE ROBINSON, one of the truly great Americans of up to the U. S. supreme court, has been bidded for by Gov. Bill early December, knowing the background of the Tuskegee strug­ young girls 13 and up using vile language swa'Ic ..• the vulgarity of public expression so our Ume, is a guest of Columbus NAACP and the city of O'Neill. ' • KING, Jr.'s J gle becomes more important to every Negro. in street conversation. cot_rt.o:i la some circles, *nd especially Columbus this weekend. But Sen. Bricker refused to go along with the lame duck gov­ own story One man spoke of being at a high school _>ii •,: pubescent youths? Mr. Robinson ends a two day series of appearances in ernor, and endorsed a Clevelandcr for.the appointment. football gome at which w«r« present coache* We are the loudest mouth men walking. Can Our Town on Sunday,-Doc. 7, with an address in 2nd Bap­ O'Neill, said to have the backing of,Pres. Eisenhower's hunt­ and t_eirw>Vt-s ond how < mbarrassed he was to we fully blame the white man for running from tist church in behalf of what we consider tbe greatest vehi­ ing buddy, George Humphrey, may be expected to stay In the LETTERS bear young color_d girls so loose with obscene integration? cle in the cause for human and racial right, of this century race and make It a real dog fight. Stride talk. There are Uncle Toms and Aunt Thomases —Ihe NAACP Freedom Fund. We salute Mr. Robinson for In this cose, look for Judge Richard Hildebrandt of Wilming­ Of ceuNe the white coaches and their wive* who think we should do everything like tbe the noble purpose Which he represents. ton, defeated for reelection to thc first district court of appeals, to Great Controversy In Advenfisl Church ignored the talk but never doubt that it register­ don his proverbial gloves and enter the three cornered match. white man. I don't, but I do think we ought to Far too many successful men and women of color-once Editor, The Sentinel. A greatcliurch who are crying and sigh- ed with them and definitely put a stamp on the participate in keeping the tone of a community they have attained the milh'neum of individual success- Although it has not made public print in these parts before, a controversy (MicAh 6:2) is now ing against the abominations be- Toward Negro people. up to its best standard*. are inclined to repair to their plush homes, count their per­ source close to Hildebrant says he is definitely interested In snag­ going on within the 7th Day Ad- ing perpetuated in this church THESE YOUNG GIRLS WERE apparent­ There dre historical cycles when public lan­ sonal blessings and leave the problems of the race to which ging the important judicial post. » ventist church — between the are sealed as the first fruits of ly from supposedly fine respectable homes yet guage rises to pulpit respectability and then they were born aa far behind as humanly possible. It is also said thai a group of powerful Cincinnati Republicans Davidi and th* l.aod- the Lord's harvest The five they sat In polite conversation using vulgar dips to the brothel house depths. We may be Mr. Robinson could easily have done likewise—and ar* quietly conducting a campaign in hia behalf. cean sDAs. slaying angels literally slay Freedom language tbat would be deleted from comic going through the lower level of that dip now without one whit of criticism. _-.--..___...,.... __ .. " __" The Davidian group believe those who do not receive the seal THE WOOTGOMOtV ST0_Y books going through the mails. hut it can't go any lower when young potential As a ballplayer, a private citizen and a Negro, Mr. EVERT NOW AND THEN SOMETHING OCCURS WHICH re- that God fa very shortly to set ift this rapidiv approaching antl- debutante girls think it smart to out-cuss a "On* of th* greatut Boys have always had their say in ungentle- Robinson contributed more than his fair share to the pro­ m.nds one of the old saying, "It's hell to be a Negro." up Hi, Kingdom here on earth typical Passover beginning at •torts* of our Ameriean manly expression at times but when the whole drunken Wine. gress of his race and was entitled to shape the remainder Tins thought comes to mind when one thinks of the Republican beginning at Jerusalem and give the House of God. As the seal- heritage." structure of young Negro snotty sinks to the A bnncb ef youths went to the city fathers hassle over selection of a successor to County Pros. Sam Devine Bible proof to back up their as- ing is now already underway —H__*r GOLMN of his life in any manner he saw fit. Dr. King tell* how ha lingo of a house of prostitution, regardless of and asked them to rid magazine racks of sex Fortunately for the lot of us, Mr. Robinson felt that who is resigning to become 12th district Congressman next Jan- sertion. • (Jer. _ 1:20-31-51:2-13 but not finished, the next major ltd the Negro** of who is present, something has become radically Junk bat what Is tbe use when so much of his contribution to racial advancement began where hi* —32:37; Hosea 3:45; Isaiah 2: prophetic Bible event directly Montgomery to victory wrong with the homes and honiemakcr* of the young people's talk Is unchaste with filth about Since his election Nov. 4, just about every member of his staff 1-4; H: 1-8; Micah 4: 1-8; Eze- concerning this church is the se- in their non-violent bus baseball career ended. boycott and how the community. sex? has been mentioned as his possible successor but Freddie New kiel 36: 16-38; Daniel 2:44). pa ration (or slaughter) in the No finer example has been set for Negro America"* some, who happens to be a Negro. "Montgomery Method" ' Pages and volumes have been written lam­ Then, too. Is there any use in my appeal­ than that which Mr. Robinson exemplifies. . On the other hand th* Laodi- temple. Speaking of this same eaa b* applied in other basting white people for sequestering them- ing to social service leaders and ministers to Admittedly, the color of his skin has no bearing on his quali­ cean believers (Rev. 3. H-1J*) event in Revelation 7: 1-4 John situation*, "By far th* slvis awny in residences not- open to Negroes, Initiate a "go slow on bad language" move­ It is our fondest hope that Jackie Robinson will be ac­ fication for the chief prosecutor's post, but the point is this: claim they have all the light declares that there were 141,000 most important book on corded the warm welcome, during his all too brief stay in most any attorney who has tried cases before Newsome regard* the current situation k* but who would want to live around a people with ment among the young people? they need and dismiss and dis- Israelites sealed and he also saw .tha Soutk." little or no self respect and no respect for oth­ Our Town, to which he above most others is entitled. him as one of the most capable and outstanding members of De- count an earthly pre-millenial afterwards an innumerable mul- J —LaiUM Sturm ers* -way of life? IT MAY BE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT ONE vine's staff. Kingdom of God. titude (Rev. 7:0) of scaled ones hears bad language among white children, but By virtue of this fact, and inasmuch as h« is a Republican, More people than ever before, coming out of great tribulation S pagma at photograpft* I RECALL A TIME WHEN I SAT IN MY certainly not in the profusion one hears it among one must conclude that his failure to be considered for the appotnl- outside of tfie 7th Day Adventist from all nations into God's King At oU beakitmraa ftM hometown barber shop and heard every rotU-n ours. Besides, we don't hav* to do everything Lausche Out Of Step ment is based strictly on his color. denomination, are now bee. n- dom at Jerusalem (See also Gentlemen: Fleas* send me k.nd of talk until a minister or a good church­ wrong they may do. -.; . And this adds up to Ihe old trite remark, long familiar to ing aware of this growing COM- Isaiah 66: 19, 20.) STRIDE TOWARD tTBtZS.- I goer entered the shop, and the conversation was We often complain that tbe white man dis­ HIS IS ONE year when .(U. S. Sen.) Lausche. guessed men et color: "It's hell to be a Negro." troversy taking place within Un's Urgent and timely admonition DOM. Koelmaatt 1* 92.98 Q I cleaned up immediately. criminates and segregates because he judges all T wrong. He took the stump for Mike DiSalle—-.but aU I.: church, and some are observing to ail 7th Day Adventists still In If those rascals of my hometown could exer­ of us by what one or two may do but, brothers, lowed himself to be drawn into Ihe right-to.work amend­ Ch*ck QM. O. Q Bmm4 . and closely watching its pro- t h • Laodicean condition of COD. (P<_rtag* Estra) cise enough respect to change their grammar there are an awful lot of us in on this objection­ ment fight on the "for" side. Further, he allowed the right gress. dreaming themselves to be rich when respected people entered the shop, why able public cussing sproe. to workers to use his photo with Billy O'Neill's in ads pro­ Sams ., How's That Again? The method the Lord will us* and Increased in truth and in Addre** ....?Kt. I can't local loose tongues "hesh up" when re­ If the parents will start using caution In moting right to work ... Fwm here In Lauuche'a influence in the soon coming Judgment in need of nothing is that they spected people are around? their discussions before children, perhaps there will decrease, for the vote forecasts a more libcrarDemo- thi church (1 peler :17 to awaken (Rom. 13:11) and be OMy ...Zemm....State mat HAVE FOUGHT in tha battle, not as a segregationist " « > «* THE OHIO SENTINEL ..Well, there la an answer and if Ilea In the will be a subsidence in this public vulgarity and craUc party than that. espoused by Lausche during hi' 1 or an Integrationist, but as a defender of our democ- paral* the wheat from the ,arctareJ s ready, without delay, for the fact that the children know no better. They girls will clean up their language and'boys' will raad St* E. Lon* St. P.O. B-. «_• ' years as titular party chief.—Richard Majher, politics, edi­ racy. (Arkansa^Gov. Orval Faubus.""telling Of hla "fight '* * crystal clear In tho Lord's soon-coming visitation to are not. tbe guilty ones. Their parents use tbe be more discreet. tor of the Cleveland Press. . ..<••. Columbu* 18, ObW T •gainst Integration of Little Rock schools.) ninth chapter of Ezekiel. Only His sanctuary. — E. T. Kaiser, *T " ' .< /.--•* . *.* ;• ..•..«.*• n -. i •>..•»,...... ,, . .. j those la th* 7th Day Adventist 55 Commodore St., Newark, O. !______»!•" -^-__.•__—?-."--' — J

HBBBBBB ljusai <^_nw__i_W)irrii_TW1 j- •'•' .•' . -••'"


By ANN B. WALKER bound in Erie, Pa. and Mr. a nd , Mrs. Garnett AS THANKS GIVING day be­ CONGRATULATIONS TO tha Christian, Jr. Cleveland . . . came history, tt was necessary Y-Leaders, who last distribu­ Mr. aad Mrs. Russell Price, omen for me to leave via Pennsylva­ ted seven baskets to the needy 4_I N. Garfield av , enter­ nia Railroad for Chicago to at­ ... this club gave a danee tained Mrs. Coretta King with ANN B WALKER, Editor CL 3-78M tend funeral aervices Friday with admission two cans of a small dinner party last Sat­ morning for a very dear family food or 50 seats aad thus filled urday . . . other guests were friend . . . as I sat in th* cha­ ths baskets . . . Beckman's Mr. snd Mrs. James Thump- pel of St. • Edmund'sEplscopal Poultry Market gladly sup­ son. Mrs. Eva Hamblia. De­ 250 Persons Attend clihrch, I was impressed with plied a chicken sad dock for troit, Rev. and Mrs. H. Beech­ the fact that this service was a each basket at boat . . . er Hleks . . . I s t e r many worship service . . . no one James Allen Is prcxy of this friends dropped In during a Links' 'Youth In Arts' needed to extol Marguerite teenage group and Earl Wil- coffee hour to visit with Mrs. OUT OF TOWN RELATIVES _N COLUMBUS FOB LAVISH Hawkins* virtue* for all of the Horns is adult advisor. King ... We women have a wedding of Mary Catherine Jones aad Joha E. Edmondson warn, there had known what a fine per­ way of creeping ln and so from left: Mr*. C. L. Bowen, Xenia; Mrs. Edith Edmondson.' son she was . . . and as thc THE WEEKEND WITH Jac­ Sport* Illustrated ha* suc­ Hope Edmondson, Mrs. Oscar Edmondson, groom's mother. Program At Art Gallery soloist sang her favorite hymn, kie Robinson has our youngs­ cumbed to our wily charm and Anns Marie Edmondson, and Oscar Edmondson, father of ths "The Lord is My Shepherd, ters eicited about seeing Mm features 18 pages previewing groom, all of Cincinnati.—Earl WUliams Photo. It was a highly successful evening for members of and Fr. Martin read one of her during .his appearance at clothes for the coming resort Columbus chapter of the Links, Inc., when they recently favorite Scripture passages, you Spring St. YMCA Dee. «... season. presented a "Youth in the Arts" program at Columbua no longer felt the loneliness of the SO cents admission will ELLEN JACKSON, 193 N. Golden Age To Serve Dinner Gallery of Pine Art. to observe Nat'l Links week. Death's separation from a loved purchase a youth membership 20th st., Columbus hat designer, An enthusiastic audience of friend . . . this was the first for each one present . . . don't showed six lovely chapeaux at Golden Ago Helping club Is AMONG HOLIDAY SEASON'S SOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS WAS Delta sorority's annual formal let your youngster miss this Thanksgiving baskets to th* over 250 enjoyed the evening Eplscopollan funeral service I Phi Zeta Mu's breakfast in the serving a chicken dinner at the danee last Satarday at Tooth Center with Photographer George Pierce on hand to soap candid two-fold opportunity. needy and plans to spread addi­ listening to a group of promis­ hsd ever oeen part of ... as Deshler Hilton . . . Blanch* Van horn* of Mrs. Dorothy Abbott, photos of sorors and guests. Above: Essie Durgan, Estella Giles, Ana Tyler, Att'y and Mrs. tional holiday cheer at ths ing ColuriTbus high school stu­ Atlantan I returned on the Saturday Hook, ln a lovely wide brim •31 N. Monroe av., Saturday, James B. Simmons, Dr. Howard Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tyler, Leon Mitchell, Earl Wil­ train. Mrs. Georgo Hicks was FRIENDS OF THE Jr. Lea­ homes of elderly residents. dents. guers look foward with great creation of velvet rosea In moss Dec. 8. starting at 11 a m. Mrs. liams, Edna Knight, Dr. Lofton, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Taylor, Paul Moore, Ernestine Lewis. leaving for Chicago to attend Abbott Is chairman of the event. Mrs. Essie Addison is presi­ Adding to highlights, of the funeral aervices on Monday of anticipation each year to attend­ green, gold nnd brown, won dent and Mrs. Virginia Minor program was Alice Carol Grant, Columbus an uncle ... so hand In hand ing their Thanksgiving Eva for­ first prize for most distinctive. THE CLUB GAVE two large club reporter. daughter of the Marshall Grants, with joy goes sorrow ... thc mal at th* Dale • • • out of town bat . . . Dukes and Duchesses who graciously performed two cold ley weather with deep friends one only sees at this clubs Joined life membership ballet dances. Alice is the bal­ Visitor drifts of snow will greet her . . . dance ssemingly flock boms in community groups when they lerina who recently won first time to attend . • • it's fun and recently purchased an NAACP Mrs. C. L. Thomas of Atlanta when Chicago Is cold it is COLD prize in the "Hub Talent Hour" . . . and speaking of cold, Phil­ happy reunion for many ... life membership . . . there Is ASK YOUR held in Los Angeles, earning a waa the recent guest of her sis­ Rebecca Jones entertained Mr. still a need for your group to do ter, Mrs. H. H. Lynch, 162 Jef ip had to return from Cleveland Warner Brothers screen test. by .bus . . . Boh and Jean and Mrs. Henry Flndlay, Day­ likewise . . . Patrons planning ferson av. ton, at a cocktail party whUe to see the Harlem Globetrotters A VOCAL QUARTET FROM Graetz wers temporarily snow- Accompanying her from Day­ Connie Banks gave a fabulous Dec. 9 at the Coliseum will en­ West High impressed thc audi­ party for members and friends joy a special treat if they go ut NEIGHBOR ton, where she had stopped a ence with their renditions. few days, was another sister, ... Dr. Bob Mildred Garrison 7 p. m. . . . Texas Girls All- Stars will play Vic J.anowicz' Following the program Links Mrs. Bessie Dunson; cousins, were here from their Michigan home in time to attend . . . An­ team of former college football members served as hostesses at Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Thomas, .MODEL* Why 5 Times Ihe a reception honoring the partici­ nette Clayton, Indianapolis, cou­ players . . . OHie Rankin will and a friend, Mrs. Garland Dan­ be a feature player with Vic's pants and their families. HAIR sin to Maceo Hill, made an ap­ iels of Columbus. pearance . . . she Is a city li­ team. Number of People Committee members respon­ Mrs. Thomas left Columbus brarian and was in town for the sible for the outstanding affair for Youngstown where she visa­ holidays. ROBERTA BASNETT at- were Mrs. Booker Harris, chair­ ed her son-in-law and daughter, tended the meeting of the Exe­ Prefer Swan Cleaning men; Mrs. Waldo Tyler, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Drikrs, ATT'J. JOHN AND Jean Bo­ cutive Board of Nat'l Girl John Bailey, Miss C«*"""a Chan­ and family. wen made it to Atlanta to visit Friends In Chicago two weeks h I s. father. Barbee Durham, cellor nnd Mrs. Carl Basnett, ago . . . she sang at the ban­ Over Any Ofher Cleaned NAACP ekec, and wife Mary quet, accompanied by Kather- who served as mistress of cere­ took children to Detroit to visit Ine McOlIl. monies. Christ Memorial their grandparents, the Spiveys. Mrs. Barley Manuel Is presi­ • • . Att'y and Mrs George TO BE SURE ITS members thoroughly enjoy nnd understand dent. Last Sunday Rev. L H. John­ JOYCE BOWMAN, popular cover Whitehead were in town, en- son spoke at Christ Memorial A GLANCE HERE REFLECTS HOLIDAY SEASON AND RUSH OF activities that began girl, It alto Director of th* route to Cincy from Uieir home the nature of Columbus Sym­ Baptist cm "A Cheap Religion with Delta dance with no letup in sight for remainder of 1958. Pictured are Dr. and Mrs. George gkmtofbui colored modelj at a in Cleveland . . . Emily Howie phony, the East Unit plans a Extra Service* — such as tightening loose buttons, FOR THE BEST DEAL musical appreciation hour cen­ Repudiated." Music was by Boston, Mrs. Phillip 1)alley, Margaret Oakfield, Ernest Oakfield, Mr. and Mrs. L. Safford, Lin­ leading New York model agency. Redman and husband were here mending minor rips J Particular care — Swan male and Golden Circle chorus­ wood Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyons, Emily Howe Redman. Thit noted beauty expert icrysi from Dayton . . . Emily was tered around the coming pro­ in JEWELRY call es, with Mrs. Virginia Hamlin here for thc Delta dance . . . gram . . . the November meet­ Cleaners even wrap special type button* in foil for and Mrs Virginia Harris di­ "A model's hair-do must be ing was devoted to playing Rim- other recent visitors to our town extra care of your garments I Freshness that stays recting. The pastor and the two' exlra-lorely all the time... were Malcolm Scipio and Mae s k y - Korsakov's "Schcherzade ABDULLAH Suite" with Vincent Walters do­ WIMBLEY choruses rendered service at naturally toft and iHky, in­ Jefferson from the Windy City. — Swan cleaned clothes keep neater longer — the Gay St. Baptist at 3:15 p m. viting lo touch, that's why I ing the narration , . . finding Sales Special program was presented moke sure our fa­ MAXINE POOD BECAME groups appreciating culture re­ special "beauty-clean" process means more for your by Deborah Missionary Society the bride of Roy Vlck Smith Manager mous models alwayt quires diligent seeking perhaps, money. Try Swan Cleaners today if you cara at 7:80 p m. use Dixie Reach." over the Thanksgiving week­ but there Is much of It in Co­ CL. 1-4169 end . . . she Is one of our very lumbus, enough to look your best! SUNDAY, DEC. 7, AT 10:30 MORE BEAUTY nice statuesque Hilltop bean- CHRISTMAS PARTIES ARE WEISS JEWELERS a m. scrvice, new hymnals will ties . Alvin and Hasel for Modol Hairl in the planning stage and Wc See "Adventure* of Tugboat Annie" be dedicated. Those taking part Bailey had guests for Thanks­ Moderns have already selected Every Monday 7 P. M. — WLW-C Channel 4 giving dinner, Mr. and Mrs. in this service are asked to as­ MORE VAtUE Dec. 12 as the night for their Russell PuUlero, Indianapolis, annual party. Diamonds, Watches, semble in the main sanctuary for Your Money! - ~ £, 39* Jewelry, Gifts not later than 10:40 a m. At 7:30 Absolutely Guaranteed p m the pastor will deliver his Th* Bigget. Jar ot th* Frit* Mode Hosiery & Twelve Sisters Cash Savings annual address, newly elected 175 S. High St. Sad Floor officers will be Installed, and Lingerie Shop Meet Thursday Boom 208 Columbus, Ohio fellowship and communion ser­ DIXIE PEACH 1001 MT. VERNON AVE CA. l-4_ti» vices will be obeerved. Twelve Sisters club J.eets CL. 3-1535 j Thursday, Dec. 4. 7:30 p. m,, at Latest Shades In (the home of Mrs. Dorothy Nes- . HOSIERY bett. 738 Lilley av., ln a special Full Line Of (session before the group's BRONZE BEAUTY CENTER ST. CLAIR Christmas party Thursdoy. Dec Now Located At 667 E. Long St Stretch Slipper Socks and Scoff* II. nt Apostolic dining hall, Open House Specials! Open Mon.-Thurs. 9:30 till 8 Washington av. and Donaldson "FREE" Facial Make-Up A Beauty Demonstrations PHARMACY st. Each member may bring SPECIAL GUESTS OF DELTA PREXY LISA GOODEN pose for earners. Group includes p. m. Friday 9:30 till 9 p. m. With Private Brand Cosmetics Cor. Leonard A St. Clair Saturday 9 a. m. till 10 p! m. two guests. Columbu* Owned and Columbus Operated CL. 8-3845 CA. U1990 IS addition to Mrs. Goodea, WUllam R. Prlee, Marzene HOT, Ihcodore BOO, Mary price Lloyd Geoden, Melba Bryant, Mortice Snowies, John Bryant, WUllam Knowles.—piercs Photes' itmAemrtlitttrmsmtfggjiggft^ffiiiA MWfw immV*nXmi\-- __».,_.-_.__*.». PAGE 14 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURPAY. DECEMBER 6, 1968 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1958 THE OHIO SENTINEL: PAGElfi Blue Star Mothers Banquet rif.l Clsh '•;.:T ?_£*} * YOUR FOOD lk At Veterans Memorial Dec. 16 OOlURtp ______^?* A. Busy Campbell Chapter sists of Corlcen Carter, chair­ $ 73, Blue Star Mothers of Amer­ man, Ruby Bowman, co-chair­ ica, wiU give a banquet at Vet­ man, Daisymae Coles and Mary By ESTELLE B. FRANKS erans Memorial Tuesday, Dec. Kelly. (Marketing Information for Jo FAsy To SAVf 18, 8 p. m. The public is in­ Reservations can be made by Consumers Agricultural vited to attend. contacting Mrs. Fannie Harris, Extension Service In Committee for the affair con­ 325 Woodland av., Cl. 2 .3E09. Franklln County) <4L FRUITSi Cranberries, grapes, apples, small grape, ,LJ fruit, dates. Vegetablesi Broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, at these low food prices} Bake Sale Af Swan's. turnips, celery, leaf lettuce, potatoes. Other foods: Pork A. Bu__?y Campbell Chapter 73, Blue Star Mothers of America, loin roasts, chuck roasts, smoked picnics, poultry, medium B08EVANJ' will have a bake bale at Swan's Cleaners, 20th st, and Mt. Vemon eggs, walnuts. Meals for December may "al­ av., Saturday, Dec. 6, starting at 9 a. m. Country Fresh most plan themselves" when will be In bigger supply than Fannie Harria Is president and Carleen Carter sale chairman. you look at the foods in greatest other meats. In fact, turkey SAUSAGE Pure Pork abundance. Pork and poultry prices will probably not take ths Lb. 59c usual December Increase. Pre­ dictions, now ar* that pork prices will decline gradually. m TABLERITE , Pork loins, usually the fir-t pork cuts to show any price Sliced change, have dropped slightly. SIMPLY ELEGANT! Ham prices though are moving BACON m^mCello Packe d Lb. 49c upward in anticipation of Christ­ mas buying. Swiss steaks', mix-and-shape stewing beef, ground beef and IGA Fancy fto, 303 Can liver are economical meat choices not listed above. MM. EVA CBAWFOBD, PKESIDENT OF THE CHI CLOB FtOJMOA JUICY Fruitcake Fancies newly organised chapter «* profession.! narses. presents cheek ' APPLE SAUCE Nc FISH AT THE frozen food lor H99 to Slav. L. L. Dickers*^ Cmlambtta NAACT^tressiML counter offers convenience and Thl* grmapssas beea In existence almost a year and already has IGA Evaporated Tall Can economy in the same package. BM The more abundant ones. ar* eo-_S_S_Zr ******** ***V*trtdbllHy tn asking .net, a ORANGES halibut, mackerel, and fillet of • MILK JOc sole ond flounder. Try them served wilh a big fresh fruit IGA Fancy Bortlr11 No. 303 Can salad. VOl' WILL BE ABLE TO DOL PEARS 19c serve several vegetables at each 290 meal from th* wide array of He ina Sweet • 15-oz. Jar good-quality item* available. Favorites such as sweet pota­ CUCUMBER DISCS 19c toes, broccoli, potatoes, cab. <*m Florida -SlxmBB bage, onions, turnips and squash are plentiful and wear­ MueJimoro No. 303 Can ing low price tags. Added veg­ GRAPEFRUITJfcr 45c etable treats can be found Borden TOMATOES among snap beans, tomatoes', Fancy Washington De-Iicrous 10c Brussels sprouts, escarole and Superfine Grade A cucumbers. X&** Fancy **m*Sm*± You'll notice higher head let­ APPLES lb. 10c No. 2} Cart tuce prices this week as the re­ "\jmV* sult of the recent cold weather BUTTERBEANS [H*^ IGA Royal Guest i CAL. in' the west. Check It carefully TEA TIME for quality—.look for tender, mm lt\A .'IMt fresh appearing, crisp, firm ICECREAM 5,0 4J-Lb. Jmr heads. Local greenhouse leaf JELLY and Bibb lettuce are available AH Flavors A**orted Flavor* No baking! The secret is at seasonally low prices. 10-or. Pkg. Wc IGA Frozen Leaf Rival 1-Lb. Can UNDER NEW lif double-rich Pet Milk... MANAGEMENT SPINACH Mc DOG FOOD Id- ERNIE'S MARKET 222 Taylor Ave. CL. t-MK rear" 6 Fancy these, all from one recipe •... • • • 0.0 * New Stock. Complete Line delectable finger morsels and a of Groceries. Quality Meats MARLENE MARGARINE £ 21 29c • flSTIVg fUlTCAM n__ and Vegetables frosted cake, all moist and spicy, m ———»——.——-——• Hrs: 1:39 A. M.-8 P. M. mellowed into the very taste of • rot Mo 3-ql. bewl I t.p «I lv«p_t_««d riWTCAKt tANCIti. On.-bolf .1 lh. Monday through Satarday VfGETA8lE 7c Off •Uatar* mobtt s*y on* ot tfcoMt Ernest Holland, Prop. Christmas by double-rich PET • Mil*. 31 _>_•«• M«.th_oll«»f, fWyf.ul tor SPRY Ubel • 4 Copt of th» _i_lof»(«i) otiti * T«bl«lp. PROSTtD WRIATH-f roM mUtvro Srnl* SHORTENING Sal* Evaporated Milk! No other form of • Or«f>ii» laic* or ok&Ko/it Sorcting. fclo o_- Into waiod-popor-Snod, 5-cvp ring wolo. 3(_„ 69c milk will do, because no other has • c'h.f lorgtr boa), m.amtm • (v,l tint *4_>o»» altar chilling and drlitl* thin • Ofohotfj C hotting car to^, tb** BLUE VALLEY this creamy richness, this special docctrata with tcidi.d frit*. Special holiday • _',.!-. aba, .'"»'•«_ . >- <••<* OMMKH, blending quality. • Vt i.oit Nuif_»B. '.-. 'tup. a...., a nm, TIMY TIMS—fiats mlstma firmly hla BUTTER • 1:41,,I _«iil_i{_ eo'_e_o'_l _t rfotkof* popor nut cvpi. Docoroto _W> co__i«d STARKIST TUNA X? 7?^ 29c| Just mix it, shape it as you please, • k«l(), I tup tinmlf <«l Oslo, 1'A • »!>• diorrlat. Moktw about 18. Ice Cream and be festive the easy way. • mrrnkmrn WolnoM. I V_ c». • <-•**. ml,m4 HOUY TRIATt—WMi wot bond*, _hop« • Condi** limit. Work It. milk a.l>lvr« with t

Appetite Appetiser Milk, fruit and a light sweet make an after school appetite apprascr the book crowd will take to. • It** a trio yo •"" ap­ prove, too, for it will keep the. jjlltle ff'ks content until dinner­ time withnuj joking away their appetite for substantial foods. Choose any fruit your young­ sters prefer. For a light sweet, . MRS. EDWARD LINDSEY NIX, 386 Lexington a v., She Is the daughter of the late Edward Lindsey Nix. Ur. include jelly sandwiches from announces the engagement of her daughter, Joyce Eliza­ Pillow is a graduate of Hampton and Ohio State univeiv your grocerls ready-to-eat cake : beth, to Walter Evans Pillow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ sity. He is a psychiatric social worker at Columbua Psy­ department; hey or" -'livid- mond LaRue of Louisville, Ky. Miss Nix Is a graduate of chiatric Hospital for Children. The wedding will tak« tially packaged and may be Hampton institute, Hampton, Va., and is a teacher at place Jan. 24, H.59, at Shiloh Baptist. Regular eaten right out of the h.-ind. Garfield Elementary and Champion Evening schools. You get 4 complete selections '1.29 value Links Present Musical Garden Club Meeting on one great yours for Maryland Pk, Garden club Mrs. Shelton Is Honoree 7-inch 45-rpm Columbus chapter of Links, Inc., presented "Youth in December meeting will be held the Arts" in a delightful musicale and dance program at the home of Mr*. Gencvia extended play Thursday in Criswold YWCA. The program. In celebra­ Chick, 1327 Atcheson st., Thurs­ During Birthday Party tion of Links week throughout the nation, was planned by day, Dec. 4, 7:30 p. m. All album! and 3 Carnation Evaporated Milk Labels Alberta Harris, Cecelia Chancellor, Virginia Bailey, Har­ members are asked to b* pres­ Th* lovely home of* Mr. and Ferguson, Mrs. Virginia Rile, riett Tyler and Roberta Basnett. ent for election of officers and Mrs. H. O. Shelton, Sr., 357 S. Mr*. Mary Saunders, Mrs. Lu> final arrangement* for Christ­ Highland av., provided the set­ ella Skelton, Mr*. Ann Brown, The Columbus chapter chose ting for the surprise birthday CARNATION COMPANY mas baskets and th* club's 1958 Mrs. Allie Rosa, Mr. and Mrs, this theme in recognition of the ers the first of next month. party given in bono- of Mr*. H. O. Sheiton, Jr., Mis* Candy P.O. BOX 5410 N, Chicago 77. Illinois many talented local youth. Con­ Christmas party. Shelton last Saturday night. The Peal, Mr*, Viola Jones, Mr. «n_l A RECEPTION FOR partici­ Please s«nd me- 7-inch 45 rpm album(s) featuring Mahal la tributing artists were from lo­ party was planned and execut­ Mrs. Lorenza Harris, Mr*. Team pants and friends was held in Jackson snd Duke Ellington as described. For each album ordered, cal high schools and danc* ed by her grandchildren, Patty, Kelley and Mr*. Ruth Wiley. groups, with exception of Joyce the auditorium anteroom. RUthie and Harry. I enclose 50< and 3 labels from Carnation Evaporated Milk. Ann Curtis, who represented MAKE IT A HABIT An anjoyabU tim* wa* had by This chapter plans annually a Mrs. Shelton wa* th* recipient Vicky Paige studio. program of this type to encour­ B« sure your child Isn't miss­ all. of many lovely gift*. !./_"_•_ Alice Grant, featured dancer, age youth by presenting them ing th* inspiration and fun of Those present wer*t i .iA-irUl.! •I'.M.j has gained recognition in Holly, to an appreciative audience, . good book*. Today, children'* Mr. and Mr*, Robert Beatty, Old English Coke wood and returns to the coast Mr*. Harley Manuel la presi­ Mr. *nd Mrs. Douglas Solomon, ADDRESS. Under contract to Warner Broth­ book* ar* mor* attractive than Keep a supply ot old English dent of Columbus chapter. Mr. end Mr*. Joseph Gentry, •tyle fruit cake from your gro» L w It K The World's Leading I ever. Mak* It a habit to visit Mr, and Mr*. Other Clark, Mr. -'CfiS&tO.HOMOOf cer'* ready-to-eat cek* depart* CITY-. CJub news deadline Is Sunday for publication the fol­ your nearby publio library with and Mr*. William 0. Colw*ll, m_nt on band. Fruit cake goat ^-_i(r%* Brand of EvapmtodM/lkl .ZONI .STATS. lowing wecri. your child. Mr. and Mr*. Davis Clay^oume, well with any fresh fruit c* a 1Vc__ CcnUM.d Coma" It-141 tatt UGliI Cic««•_*. SI, mt. Vcij if..<_.»., !»•»_(_. ti.en,;„ it»_lc__ltnl«wJ I Mr*. EthcJ Ware, Mr*. Edna fruit aauc* topping. . , v ' t .

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.. t_r_.._M____nr_____|ft_t___. |tt< ff. |r f1j|j __.... _ -ml..mmjl*jm»mJm*.>mmtM I lj)*>WIliSElSS

SATURDAY, DECEMBER fi. 1S>58 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE IS? FAGfc 18 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER fi. IMS 1 COME INTO MY KITCHEN St. Louis' Perita Bates Beauticians Show Guest Model Rice Rockefeller Timely, Tasty By ANN B. WALKER WITH THE Rockefeller name very much In the news these days, wc can't ignore an old- SAUL BEARD BOW many people who followed th* disciples time rice favorite called Rice had void their possession., putting their money in one treasury, Rockefeller. This recipe may owning everything together, and eating together at a common ta­ have no real connection with ble. He heard that the leaders of this owning group were fisher­ THE Rockefeller, now governor- men, Peter and John, with James, the brother of Jesus, Stephen, elect of N. York, but It'a easy to who was a man full of faith, and Barnabas, a Jew from Cyprus, have oyster* in "the grand man­ who had sold all his land and laid the money before the Apostles* ner" this Rockefeller way. feet. There's a splendid topping ot While Saul looked on, wonder­ buttered crumbs which toast* to ing at this spread of the now re­ Ths Council wa* In an up­ a russet brown in the oven. Un­ ligion, the chief priests, in their roar. Men ground' their teeth derneath is the well seasoned anger, sent for Peter and John and Stopped their ears so they They took them to be tried be­ could not hear what Stephen spinach, crisp bacon and tender { fluffy rice. fore the Sanhedrin court and was suytng. INGREDIENTS RICE ROCKEFELLER caused them to be flogged. But Stephen, exalted in spirit, But in spite of all they suf­ still paid no heed to his danger. *i cup uncooked white rice Simmer over low heat 14 min-. immediately garnished with 1 teaspoon salt fered, the disciples continued He kept his eyes fixed wholly on utes. Remove saucepan from twisted lemon slices preaching each day. his inner vision. 1-t raps water heat but leave lid on _0 min­ 6 slices cooked baron Recipe makes six generous And he said, "I see Uie hea­ ute*. AT LAST THE PRIESTS be­ vens opened and tbe Son of Man 1 pint oyster*, .trained Spread rice over greased shal­ servings. came so angry they sent men . (thaw If froren) sitting at the right hand of low baking dish about 8"xl2"x to take Stephen, who by his God." 1 Ubl-spooi lemon juice 2". Pour on H cup water. powerful preaching had made OHIO ASS'N OF BEAUTICIANS, CHAPTER 4, FEATURED PERITA BATES OF ST. LOUIS aa guest model for the group'g annual _t.lt 1 cup time)/ chopped spssarh, Crumble 1/ncori over rice. Top Lodge Planning too great a number of converts THIS MADE MEMBERS of ahow Sunday at Veterana Memorial. Among participant* were, from left: Misa Bate*, Ernestine Cansler, commentator; Martha Chatman, Midge cooked and salted with oyster*. the city. (The priests were tb* Council terribly angry., Holme.., Rose Lockett, Karen Lester.—Roosevelt Carter Photo. ._ teaspaoa eetery salt jealous because the disciples They stoned him. (This was 2 teaspoons grated or finely Sprinkle with lemon juice. For Charity Ball were saving souls. They were Mix spinach, celery salt, onion, their method, or order of "re­ chopped onion saving souls. Thy were blind to ligion"—cruelty.) Columbus Well Represented At Girl Friends' Meeting 'Fair Lady' Hash % teaspe_* salt salt and cayepne popper. Spread Franklin Elks Lodge 203 and the truth of God's Word, a* over oysters. Mix butter or Capitol City Temple 231 have Stephen then tell an his knees. blazing over th* hash (stand off .4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. some of us ar* today.) He said to them a*. Jesus had Executive meeting of Girl Anderson and her husband, field, Conn., Pittsburgh, Phila­ Leave It to the French to H enp melted batter or margarine and bread crumbs. completed plana for a charity Friends, Inc., on* of the nation'* "Dawg" Anderson of Louisville. delphia, N. Jersey, Louisville, mak* "My Fair Lady" out of at elbow's length when flaming). ball Friday. Dec 19, at the Vir- Dragging Stephen also before said on the cross": "Lord, lay margarine Sprinkle over spinach. » the Sanhedrin, they tried him leading national social groups, Cleveland, Roanake, Baltimore, The alcoholic content 1* burned 1 not this sin up against them." OTHER CHAPTERS repre­ hash. Simply warm 4 ounces of : cop dr.r bread crumbs '"inia hotel. met In Chicago Nov. 13 with th* Washington, D. C, Detroit, away., to be sure, but the flavor If made ahead of time and, for his life. -^ And saying these words Ste­ sented wer* from Albany, cognao in a saucepan, then Ig­ that lingers on calls for "•«_• Put rice, aatt and 14 cups,stored in refrigerator, allow to Bob Morgan, Elk* Club ma­ Saul was a member of the phen died. Columbus chapter well repre- Richmond, Chicago. aented. Brooklyn, N, York City, Fair- nite with a match and pour lt conds." water into 2 quart aaucepan. I come to room temperature be- nager, 1* genera! chairman and council the day Stephen stood Tb* group will hold its annual Bring to vigorous boil. Turn fore baking. Bake in preheated Orient. McMurrary is chairman before it He was as stern as In attendance from Columbus heal down low. Cover with lid. 1400 F. oven 15 minute*. Serve Capitol City Temple. the other rabbis. Yet he could Progressive Baptist were Kay McGill, delegate; Ro­ conclave In May, 1959, in Fair­ not but see bow fearlessly Ste­ Dr. J P. Finsher, pastor, was berta Basnett, Audrey Bland, Steaks From Dry field county. Services In Columbus Churches phen faced his cruel foes. in charge of Sunday morning LaVerne Duke* and Rosalia Apostolic Faith Temple Church In spit* of hia danger, hi* services at Progressive Baptist. Redmond. Lawrence McGill Meat? Possible You axe invited to attend Apostolic Faith Temple Church, 1073 BEAUTIFUL countenance shone like an an Rev. William Horaley, Hebrew and John Rosemond enjoyed the Leonard Av*. Bishop William Goodwin, pastor; Mother B. gel with a glad inward light. Buptisi, and congregation were "after-party" given in Chicago If research effort* of an Ohio LUCY DEAN Godwin, secretory; Mrs. Mary Jane Foster, church reporter. guest* of Missionary Society at P r • x y Henrietta McMillan'* State university biochemist are Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Morning Worship, 12 noon; Evening I MEN MADE ANGRT charge* 3 pm. Rev. A. Cunningham, successful, housewives may one PLAY SCHOOL Services, 8 p. m.; Tuesday, 8 p. m.. worship; Thursday, 8 p. m., lovely and spacious home. assistant pastor, was evening Bible Class; Saturday, 8 p. rn.. Worship. B EASTGATE APARTMENTS at him but Stephen answered An added feature of the week­ day turn chunk* of dried meat 334 Wilson Av*. CL. 3-7775 them calmly. speaker . Sunday, Dec 7. end was the surprise champagne into thick, juicy steaks. . Caldwell Temple A ME mZion the deacons invite the public to Residence: CL. 3-2230 When they had finished their prt-wedding anniversary party For th* past three years, Dr. Children Ages 2-10 Worship and fellowship with purpose at Caldwell Temple AME OPEN questioning, he *aid. "Y« stiff participate in a program at 3 given for Girl Friend Victoria Fred E. Deathcrage, professor p m. Communion will bo served Citywide Transportation Zion, 624 E. Long tt. J. Dallas Jenkins, minister. Churcb NOW RENTING necked and uncircun_ci*ed in and chairman of the Agricultur­ school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 11a. m. Christian Endea­ OCCUPANCY heart and ears, ye do always Sunday morning . . . Christmas al Biochemistry Dept., has been Hours: program rehearsal is Friday at 6:30 A. M. — 6:30 P. M vor, 6:30 p m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Midweek Praise, i resist the Holy Spirit. Which of trying to discover a method for Wednesday. 8 p. m. Th* Capital City's Tempi* of Methodism the prophets have not your fa­ _ p m — MADALYN, _B.noWN. Easy 'Dress Up' making frozen- dehydrated beef City aad Stat* Approved Mrs. Hannah Barnett, Prop. thers persecuted? They have SENTINEL subscription It's easy to "dress up" French both tasty and (tender. Mt. Olivet Baptist slain those men which before rate* are one year, $6.50. dressing in regal party style. The Ohio State scientist said Visit next Sunday at Mt. Olivet Baptist, 428 E. Main »t. "No foretold the coming of the Just si* month*. $3-50. Mail The "secret—a* dash of true he qever had experimented with Creed Bnt Christ." H. _Bae_*_w**ticks, minister. The Church at One, even Him whom ye have subscriptions SENT ANY­ French dressing, cognac. Add chicken or turkey meat, but if COLUMBUS Study, 9 a m. Th* Church at Worship, 10:48 a. m. Baptist now betrayed and •lain." WHERE. cognac to prepared French he develop* a method for pre­ Training Union, 8 p. m The'Church ot Worship, 7:30 p. m.. dressing and stir. Serve over serving taste and tenderness In FUNERAL DIRECTORY fruit salad. The result: strictly beef or pork, the same method Second Baptist good. could be applied to fowl. C O. WHITE A SONS FUNERAL HOME You're always wclcomo at 2nd Baptist, 186 N. lab *t C. F. 1217 ML Vernon Ave. Jenkins, minister. Church school, 9:15 a m. Morning worship, Harper's Furniture Co. 10:43 a. m. Evening worship, 7:45 p. m.' CL. 8-1514 Shiloh Baptist 909 Mf Vernon Ave. 2455 Harrisburg Pike WILLIAMS A McNABB Come to Shiloh Baptist, Hamilton at Mt Vernon ava James W MORTUARY, INC. Parrish, minister. Radio broadcast (WBNS), 8:15 *. m ROOM OUTFIT _g%gng^M FUNERAL HOME Church school (children may be left with competent mother* 88 618 E. Long SL during worship), 9 a. m. Church at worship, 11 a m. Contin­ ALL NEW FURNITURE 5/Ktt CL. 8-9521 See Them Today-Maryland Ave. af Nelson Rd. 3 ued Church school for small children, 11 a. m. Baptist Training Union, 6 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. Musio by five choir* Perhaps you've been dreaming of a new home where yonr children will have room to run and tmim £tMJ MRS. O. A. WHITTAKEf. play . . . where fully equipped playgrounds are nearby; school* within walking distance, and AND SONS. INC. Missionary Tempi* CME Church brand new living quarters with automatic' gas beat. Perhaps you've always wanted lots of INCLUDING: 4 2 RUGS • DISHES FUNERAL HOME Vou are always welcome »t Missionary Temple C.M.E. Church, lawn, a place to park the rar. 720 E. Long St • 8-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE • 11-PIECE CL. 8-9549 72 E. Mound St Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.}. Morning Worship, Eastgate Apartments were carefully planned lo meet the needs of those wbo want clean, de­ LIVING ROOM OUTFIT • 5-PIECE DINETTE SET 10:45 a.m.; Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m.; Prayer Meeting every cent houing. But It offers so much more than housing, fjere are three bedroom apartment* BROOKS Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Rev. J. B. Harris, minister. beautlfidly designed with brick construction. Two black topped playground** ar* available. FUNERAL HOME INC Union Grove f,.:|ui_t Free paved parking at your rear door. Families with children srr welcome. $10.00 Delivers - Payments $3.14 Weekly 1108 E. Long SL CL. 3-1411 Come to worship at Union drove Baptist, 266 N. Champion Ave. This promises to be not ooly a most attractive apartment community but its locatta. ta Cast- liberal Credit Terms Phale D. Hale, minister. Church school for all ages, 9 a. m. gate I* among the finest In tbe city. Church at worship 10:45 a. m. ond 7:30 p. m. Nursery for ba­ CR06BY FUNERAL bies and pre-school children while you worship. Jr. church with Apartment* Open For Inspection HOME planned worship on the level of children through age of 12 at Daily 10 a. m. 'til 7 p. m. Sunday 2 'til S p.m. -FREE DELIVERY-- 10:43 a. m. BTU for all ages, 6 p. m. Personal and family "The House of Friendly counseling by appointment. Sorvlco" 1072 E. Long SL Maxberry Tabernacle AME Zion Church Harper's Furniture Co. CL. 2-1556 You are Invited to attend Maxberry Tabernacle AME Zion. Par­ EASTGATE APARTMENTS Th* Above List Include* sons Ave. ond Forest St. Fred E. Johnson, minister. Sunday 909 ML Vernon Are. school, 9:30 a. m. Morning services, 11 a. m. Evening service*. RENTAL OFFICE AT NELSOS RD. AND MARYLAND AVE. 2455 Harrisburg Pike Member* Of The Columbas 7:30 p. m. Midweek services, prayer and class meetings Wed­ CL. 8-4053 Hoars: 9-6 Daily 119 Daily Funeral Ass'n • nesday, 7:30 p. m.

•*___ *m__ un'iHOnwiw. ii i-WiWuwfiaiiimwW »(iW*sO_*|V-Wfc> mByfm -ita*•_*« PAGE 20 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1958 Busy Weekend For Alpha Chi Omega Sorority SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1858 THB OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 21 WEEKLY MEDITATION CHI-tars rb'ACHINO on in I know that bcause et His pa­ sincerities (Matincw. 23 • l3-fc»> J tience toward us we feel He does la His teaching, Jesus showed not care anything about us a us a ladder on which we may times; but 1 am saying unto you step up out of the pit of insin­ today that Sis thoughts of us cerities into the deep tight of are wise thoughts. Jesus plans frank and crystal living. This is for us are tbe best. We may It: think of a person without any Relax ia the presence of God disposition or desire to help him. with all defenses down. In thl* But God has disposition to help, SOUTHFIELD relaxed condition allow anything ability to help, and thinks of us to come to tb* surface of your oa purpose to help. thinking that wants to come. OK* PRATEB-O Cod, we Say to yourself," Her* ta the arm boring deep. Help us to be IS NOW THE NOME OF ALL THESE LUCKY FAMILIES presence of God, with harriers relentless When our drill all down, I want every Incon­ strikes hartl resistance, help up sistency to he brought to the to go on through. For we would surface, however disagreeable." like to strike tha dear living Then let your mind adknder at water of Thy presence and po* liberty across your life. Let lt wer.. Ia Jesus' Name. Amen. — In just six months, more than 250 Columbua families have purchased fasten at any place of Insinceri­ REV. L. SIMPSON. ty it will new three-bedrooms homes in SOUTHFIELD — the best-buy com­ Christ's thoughts of us are Program Planned For munity in Central Ohio. What makes SOUTHFIELD so popular? constant He never forgets. In Eastgate PTA Meeeting First, of course, you can own one of these good-looking homes tor all places, times, circumstan­ Highlight of Eastgate school ces. He thinks of us. _flls no down payment, just $65 a month, including taxes and insurance. thoughts of His children are per­ PTA Wednesday, Dec 10, 7:30 sonal. Christ does not think of p tn., 1* a Christmas program But most important is the quality of these spacious new houses — u» as Indefinite parts of some presented by Eastgate pupils. multitude, but rather, "The Lord Immediately following, a bake the kind of quality smart home buyers look for and appreciate. Here think .-th upon thee." sale will be held, of which Mn. Marilyn Phillips is chairman. is A partial list of SOUTHFIELD HOME buyer..:

YOU HAVE ~rfaScm%d*K40 J PROTECTION..* Mr• . ft Mrs. John V. Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Warner Gates Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Moore Aerolite Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Abbott Mr. ft Mrs. Robert Glvens, Jr. Mr. ft Mrs. Robert E. Moore ty § ' ""•• Mr. ft Mrs. William Edward Akin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Goings Mr. ft Mra. Robert E. Morgan Mr. ft Mrs. James Allen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Londell Gore Mr. ft Mra. Leo A. Muse ho tt TELLOff BOOM OF DESHLER HILTON HOTEL WAS SCENE OP BEGINNING af weekend Mr. & Mn. Stefan Antal Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Gray of activities sponsored by Columbas chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omega sorority. Guest speaker tee Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Green Mr. Charles B. Owens tbe breakfast was Marjorie Joyner, Chicago, national representative ef Madame C. J. Walker Mr. ft Mrs. Samuel D. Ayera Mr. A Mrs. William A. Griffin eosmet-e system. From left top photo: Jessie B-Urtlett, Peril* Bates, Mrs. Joyner, ArihtU Lo­ Mr. ft Mra. Thomas N. Page, Jr. gan, president of Alpha Chi PI Omega. Bottom: Neat day a workshop aad clinic wa* held tn Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Baldvyin Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin L. Haner Mr. ft Mra. David G. Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Clifford H. Banfield Mr. & Mrs. James M. Harria Mr. ft Mrs. Fred Peake _. **t**_B\\ which Mn. Joyner demonstrated makeup and hairstyles. Prom left: Student Bobbie MeCatl Mrs. Joyaer, School Instructor Truly Peters sad Student Rene Turner.—Roosevelt Carter Ph*to*' Mr. ft Mrs. Charles O. Barnett Mr, & Mrs. Stewart R. Hawkins Mr. ft Mrs. George R. Perry • Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bateman Mr. & Mra. Carl Gene Hicks Mr. ft Mrs. Willie Edona Peterson Mr. A Mrs. Romie S. Becker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hill Mr. ft Mrs. Calvert M. Pdrter Mr. & Mrs, Henry Howard Belcher Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hopson Rayfords* Mr. ft Mrs. Ronald F. Belhasen Mr. & Mrs. John W. Houchins Mr. ft Mrs. Henry T. Quails Mr. & Mrs. Ned D. Bess Ur. & Mrs. Frank W. Humphrey Storm Windows and Storm Doors Mr. & Mrs. James Franklin Birden Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Humphrey Mr. ft Mrs. Wallace M. Rathburn All "Aerolite" Storm Windows and Doom are made Mr. & Mrs. Norwood D. Black •• Mr. & lira. James Hunt Mr. ft Mrs. Curvington P. Reevea heat tr e Dauahter STOP ___E__Tf_2( - 4 *ted aluminum, specially treated Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bond Mr. ft Mra. Robert T. Reynolds to give a permanent smooth lustre and longer wearing Mr. A Mrs. Ralph W. Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Willie C. Jackson Mr. ft Mra. Carl B. Robinson surface. Self-storing for easier season change-overT AT Mr. & Mrs. Arnett L. Brown Mr. & Mrs.Samue l James Mr. ft Mra. Ernest H. Romine Engaged I Mr. & Mrs. Herman S. Jefferson Mr. ft Mra. Otis A. Ross Mr. ft Mrs. Charles P. Brown Mr. & Mrs. James Lee Johnson .^ ,_• ,- Mr. & Mrs. George Ernest Brown •- Mr. and Mrs Irvin Rayford, Mr. & Mrs; Otis Sylvester Brown Mr. & Mrs. Prather Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Sanderson 1443 N 6th st , wish to an­ CMN-O-MATIC Mr. & Mrs. Wallace E. Bryant Mr. A Mrs. Robert Lee Johnson Mr. ft Mra. Roger W. Scheurell nounce the engagement of their CO/H-OPERATED UUNDROMAF Mr. A Mrs. Harvey Carl Bussey Mr. A Mrs. George W. Jordan Mr. ft Mrs. Albert C. Scott daughter, Carolina, to Pfc. Mr. & Mrs. William Marshall Byrd Mr. A Mra. Paul Lee Justice Mr. ft Mra. Vernon I. Shearer ATTENTION Ralph Guthrie, son of Mr. and Mr. A Mrs. Robert F. Justice, Sr. Mr. ft Mra. Curtis Ralph Sidera Mrs. Edward Leeper, 7906 Ha­ Mr. ft Mrs. Dewey C. Slade if. jouifwao ven rd. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Case Mr. Jack E. Kelley Mr. & Mra. Kenneth Albert Sparrow SAVE 50* . Mr. & Mrs. William H. Clark Mr. A lit*. Joseph M. Kelley S/Sgt. ft Mra. Robert D. Stanley Miss Rayford is a graduate of Rev. A Mrs. Frank C. Cleveland Mr. ft Mrs. Richard Dale Keyes Rev. ft Mrs. Labaugh H. Stansbury NONE Central High and attended Ca­ Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Crawford Mr. ft Mrs. Roy J. Keyes Mr. ft Mra. Pearley Stephens, Jr. pital university. She Is recep­ Mr. A Mrs. Charles E. Craycraft Mr. ft Mra. Eugene P. Knight Mr. ft Mra. James Edward Stephenson tionist for Dr. Richard D Ruf­ Mr. A Mrs. Willie Crenshaw Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stevenson BUYERS! fin. WASH 15c DRY 10c Mr. ft Mrs. Theodore T. Leftwkh Pfc. Guthrie Is also a gradu­ Par Load 4 Loads la 1 Dryer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Darby Mr. ft Mrs. Harold Edward Lewis Mr. ft Mra. John M. Turner "Aerolite" ha. a spc ate of Central and attended Cen­ Mr. ft Mrs. James T. Dawson Mr. ft Mrs. Harrison Lofton, Jr. eial package deal for tral State college. He is sta- Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Dickerson you. Call now and Mr. ft Mrs. Vincent Joseph Loyola Mr. ft Mra. Chester Ray Vaughn loned with the U. S. paratroop­ V***!#^ Mr. ft Mrs. Lawrence V. Dixon Mr. ft Mrs. Amoa H. Lynch save $$$ by taking ers io Germany. . Mr. A Mrs. Willard F. Dunston advantage of our vo­ Mr. ft Mrs. Alvin L. Walker lume offer. F.H.A. No date has been set for the Rev. ft Mrs. Mitchell Garfield McGuire Ur. ft Mra. Arthur W. Weaver, Jr. wedding. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Edwards Mr. ft Mra. Samuel A; McKay approved. No down Mr. & Mra. John A. Ellis Mr. ft Mra. Carl E. Wells payment and up to 36 Mr. ft Mrs. Charles D. Maple Mr. ft Mra. Robert O. White month* to pay. Mrs. Carter's Guests , * Mr. A Mra. Lemuel L. Ferguson lit. ft Mrs. Phillip Millhouse Mr. Luther Wright Mr. and Mrs. John Christo­ pher of Cleveland spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr*. Christopher's mother, Mrs. J. J. Carter, 34 Miami av. The 1290 H. HIGH ST. former Betty Jo Carter of Co­ MERE15 0N£ IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DIRECTIONS. (From Broad and High). Go sooth on — COLUMBUS — lumbus, Mrs. Christopher and DRIVE OUT TO § ft TODAY! High to Livingston Avenue, oast on Livingston to Lock* erofite her husband are both connected ^-r'-'f ______fi______>^^ ' 'ith tbe Cleveland public school 5B62 N. High SL 1559 N. Fourth SL boumo Rood, sooth oa Lockbourn* to Southfield. STORM WINDOWS 490 E. Mound SL ' ond STORM DOORS AX. 4-4486 system. While in the city, the Watch for tho signs. Christophers were dinner guests I. at Mr. aad Mra. Ralph Bonner. Ij WI NIVIR CLOSI OPEN HOUSE FROM 12 to 7 P.M.

MO_M_**niMMH-__MAMI ... ' .-'- s : . £;. •;••:• '•-••:

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1958 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1958 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 23 PAGE 21 THE OHIO SENTINEL «*•• »'••-•••»— bmmammmm—m *»•_**—•—_ • ... f„ n. I, in ,M ,. ,11 1 1 ,, 1 Jackie, Rickey TOOTHACHE LEADS PIANO GENIUS Dining Out... In Columbus Appear In Town _____ TO ARDENT FAN 3000 MILES AWAY HELEN'S RESTAURANT By TED COLEMAN ROYAL GRILL KITCHEN 169 Cleveland Ave. CA. 4-0447 On Same Date Erroll Garner, the musical genie with the magic hands, moved into Vets Memorial MORE ON MILES WE'VE A FINE REPUTATION Home Cooked Meals A Specialty According to Mrs. Eva Man­ recently for a concert featuring his famed combo and a raft of unusual renditions in the By JOHN S. WALKER FOR FINE FOOD ft SERVICE Complete Dinners Served Dally uel, general chairman of Colum­ inimitable Garner style. "POPS" ALLISON, Prop. Knowing this great artist per­ CARRY OUT SERVICE ^ bus NAACP Freedom Fund A LETTER WAS received not long ago from a cat named 752 E. Long St. CL. 2-0177 Helen Jones, Prop. campaign. Branch Rickey and sonally for years, since he wow­ him at th* Deshler Hilton, When Lena* learned of Er­ Richard who apparently disliked ond totally misunderstood my Jackie Robinson will be in Co­ ed the kids in tho high school Erroll related an amusing roll'* plight, he told tbe aching 0>.t. 18 column on Miles Davis. PYTHIAJN GRILL lumbas the same day but for auditorium at Westin g b o u s • story which disclosed how a ter­ musician about a dentist friend Aa a Jaa writer dedicated to neo-bop, and for the benefit of High in Pittsburgh back in the rible toothache led him to a den­ of his and immediately. made "Biggest Little Grill different organizations. Richard, I will try to explain why Miles was so pathetically sad. In Columbus" Robinson will be guest ot ho­ early 40s, I find myself wonting tist 3000 miles from home who arrangements for C .rner to get As I stated then Miles came here with the thought of a rest PRICES ARE LOW HERE DOWNBEAT CLUB Lunches • Short Order* nor at a soiree at the Deshler to crow continuously about his had all ot his albums and was an early appointment. Th* and that his group could ba half right ond be dug; To me that j SCO ML Vernon AT*. placa on the musical horizon. swelling was so big he could Legal Beverage, and Barbecue LIQUOR . BEER Hilton Saturday evening. Dec. one of his most ardent fans. waa an' insult to our cause. Open Daily 12 Noon till 1 A. M. For Members 8,-and will speak at a public But I don't have to. Every­ Nobody likes to think of the hardly get on his collar and bow CHAMPAGNE body else is doing that. tie. 52-4 N. Garfield Ave. Columbus, Ohio meeting at 2nd Baptist the after­ Inconvenience and pain of an. MILES, ONLY RECENTLY, HAS GARNERED THIS "I don't BURKES PLACE "JT" Tucker, Mgr. Opea T A.M. Till S:M A.M. noon of Dec. 1 Robinson will be Infected wisdom tooth that far THE DENTIST maintained give a damn" attitude chiefly because of the amount of praise 1981 NORTH i th ST. in Columbus In Interest of the from homo and with a full offices on the university cam­ given nim by Jazz know-ye-nots such as Richard. > Columbus. O. CLOSED SUNDAY current fund raising effort of the schedule of engagements star­ pus in the city. It was not too ,. If y«u can remember during my "Birth of Bop" series, I wrote WHISKEY Daily 5:30 am local NAACP. ing yon' In the face, Just as far away, but to Erroll it seem­ on tha year 1851: 21 SHRIMP to 2:30 a.m. Sunday afternoon, Dec. 7, j ed an eternity. Singles — Doubles IN A BASKET you are attempting ta cement "It was then to me that Miles was truly great because no­ BEER. WINE. FOOD Rickey will be . th* principal your big break. Well, that body was paying blm too much attention but now even tb* LIQUOR Once in the dentist's office, Beer • Wine speaker at a dinner commemo­ happened to oar musical pride the aching pianist began to Jo-Umy-Come-Latclys to Jass are shouting Miles' name from the £B__ rating the 75th anniversary of and Joy to Paris during his rooftops and Miles knows that he is enigmatically great If to no GERTRUDES KITCHEN CR Fish • French Pries imagine all sorts of agonies, but founding of the YMCA on thc last lour. one but to himself." Home Cooked Food Cabs Steaks he was willing to try anything Feed, Beer To Carryout Ohio 'State university campus. During th* crucial late 40s and the dark, uncertain days ot DaUy 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. GRILL This meeting will be held in the to get rid of his pain. Saturday g A. M. to 11 P. M. Champion A ML Vernoo CL. 2 0200 RAT REDMAN, Prop. Erroll said he was enjoying bop Miles was a possessor of much soul and greatness with the Franklin Room at Ohio Union. th* raves he was receiving when The dentist greeted him with 583 E. Livingston Ave. open arms and Erroll felt a lit­ exception ._? the 18 month period in 1949-50 when he "sold out" and Gertrude Moon, Prop. he developed a swollen jaw and ployed that funny stuff with Gerry Mulligan. IN CONNECTION WITH the misery from a wisdom tooth. tle bit better. While in' th* soiree, the Cupidettes has pur­ In 1053 1 first met Miles on the coast with Billie Holiday's He said the pain and the thought chair, the dentist talked to hint TURNER'S chased tickets so that th* en­ of being so far away from his and revealed his love for th* -miring group and mentally the Miles of that period and th* pres­ HUDSON CARRY OUT tire club can attend in a group. regular dentist were about to Garner beat and disclosed hia ent Miles represent — not musically, but mentally — a modern RESTAURANT 188 Miller Ave. CL. 8-0056 Jvkyll and Hyde. ERROLL GARNER drive him nuts. It seemed as possession of all ot Garner's al­ -33-i, E. Long St. NOW FEATURING though everybody he talked lo bums. It turned out that Er- This acquaintance with Gar AS I ALSO STATED. MILES AT ONE TIME WAS MY trum­ 8% Beet - Wine - Whlskrey ner gave me a chance to watch knew some great physician or roll's pal Lene' had always pur­ ROME COOKED FOODS "ERMANDO'S PIZZA" ' AIR Tippin ' Inn Bar surgeon, but no on* seemed to chased two sets each time h* pet Idol and still i«, pcrhops, today the greatest example musi­ <7S CA 4-8*88 tSt J-im grow in mor* way* than cally of a bop musician. CARRY-OUT OR DELIVERY T C0WTIO..ED one. With his ris« to fame he know a "molar doc." bought albums and gave one to • Beer • Wine • Champagne • Party Snacks Richard, you wrote tbat I have "Bird On the brain." I sure FINE FOOD also richened in personality. his dentist friend. 0 Groceries • Lunch Meats SVST AS HE WAS about to have, man, not because I think of Charli* Parker a* a God but be­ MICKEY'S t_« ILL Besides being a master musi­ Just then the. chair returned cause I loved him for his unequaled creations In Jazz. BEER - WINE cian, he is a fin* conversation­ try anything, even a self opera­ to an upright position and th* Ml Michigan Ave., E tion with a p%ir of pliers, a There will never in music be a mind of creative genius Ilka Cor. First Ave, alist and possesses a great doc looked at the musiciin with •or beloved Bird. Beer. Wine, Whiskey VACANC_Y_ sense of humor, friend of his, Lene' L* Fcur, • grin. It was all over and h* CHEF BING-BARBECUE singer, came to see him and no­ Yoii said Bird was a dope addict. Richard, what about the Home Cooked Foods Weekend Special!!! Whisk. didn't feel a thing. WE SPECIALIZE IN ey DURING A BRIEF CHAT with ticed the jaw. college kidiij professors, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, «ab driv­ RIBS (WholeSlab) ....$2.00 What a way to find a fan. er* and Christians that are dope addicts? RED HOT CHILJ 7 Mile* West of Dublin, OPEN S:30 A. M. For 12 of my 26 yenrs on this earth I have loved the music HALF FRIED CHICKEN 75 Ohio, On V. S. Rt. 33 CLOSE 2:30 A. M. that sprung from our blues second only to human affection and VILLAGE TAVERN Carryout Order On Everything H Mile East of U. S. Rt. 42 Former Quartet my nose will open at ita slightest abuse. OPEN 24 HOURS' 1213 MT. VERNON AVS. ABC-UNCF Radio Programs Richard, I take it you are quite young and as yet know noth­ 335-337 N. 20th St. — CL. 2-0395 Phono 795 MT. VERNON AVE. Singer Headed ing of suffering, hunger, war or pure Jazz. But as a man I respect Co.orubus. O. Plain City (O.) 3-5794 you for clinging to your opinion and being somewhat dedicated. Serving the People in and Around Poindexter Village "Travel Accommodations Without Humiliation" CL. 2-0240 For Star's Role Feature .PERHAPS WHEN ONE DAY YOU UNDERSTAND HOW spir­ HE Kit, WINE GOOD FOOD N. YORK. — Even when she itual and emotional is bop then you'll understand how I and ail Open 1AM.- Close I P. M was a member of the Hearts N. YORK.-Two Christmas concerts will be featured during neo-bop lovers feel about our cause. CHESTER E. WHITE. Opr. TEXAS HOUSE quartet a few years ago, Baby December on ABC-Radio network's ', ;-«ro College Choirs" scr­ Above all, remember that Miles is;going through a stage that BARLAFONTE'5 Washington showed signs of be­ ies. The weekly programs present choirs of tha member college* most men go through when they feel they ar* "the bass." Open For Business 858 MT. VERNON AVE. coming an outstanding single of United Negro College Fund. J'm sure if you'll weigh my good words on Miles against my PIZZA. & SPAGHETTI attraction. December schedule, announc­ bad ones you'll find my good ones Miles ahead. QUALITY FOOD BAR Dale uLible horn .-cooked food. The pu­ Now on her own with two hit ed by W. J. Trent, Jr., executive choir, Dec. 14. As you point out, perhaps I am inconsistent. But if consistency Specializing In Home blic's enjoyment is my help's guaran­ CARRY OUT records, "You Never Could Be director of the fund, i* as fol­ Cooked Food • Combined chorus ot Atlan­ means to toss away tradition and cling to exhibitionism and child­ Beer __ Wine To Carryout tee for continued employment. OPEN 4:M P. M. 12:00 M. CLOSED MON. Mine" and "It's the Tim*," get­ lows; ish mannerisms, then I, like th* Bird, must remain thus. ting disc jockey praises, th* IT ta university, Morehouse and Open Dslly 11:30 to 1 A. M. —Texas Howard, Prop. BEER & WINE CARRY OUT • Male glee club of Lincoln Spelman colleges, Dec. 21. James V. Anthony, Prop. year old singer is headed for university (Pa.), Dec. 7. 663 MT VEBNON AVE. COR. t«TH A LEONARD CL. I-80M stardom. .-• Wiley college choir, Deo. Ming's Chop Suey Property Owners Ass'n at LEXINGTON Brought to N. York when 2 • H u s t o n-Tillotson college 28. (.12 Yrs st Present Location) month* old from Bamberg, S. Restaurant Opens Long Sf. Office C, ah* started out like most Wa Specialize In Everybody is sayingt singer* with a religious group Property Owners Ass'n of Co­ Chinese A -American Foods lumbus and Franklin County FOR AN EVENING ON THE TOWN, Which seems to give most pop artists a firm and basicr vocal MARCO RECORDS BEER A WINE this week announced opening of Latham's Diner - TO CARRYOUT offices at 3 E. Long st., suite It's The background for interpretation of You'll see your tunes. URGE SELECTION OF SPIRITUALS Free Parking Available 609. Complete Meals Daily Wong Y. Ming, Prop. All property owners ar* in­ ON 45 RPM 21 N. Nelson Rd. at Long SL vited to visit the office and Join CHITTERLINGS particular LITCHFORD the organization. (With 2 Vegetables) LOUNGE AND BROWN'S CAFE Urgesf Selection. STEREO Records In Columbus friends here Feed, Liquor Boer A Wine NOW OPEN NOW OPEN $1.00 RHYTHM ROOM NOW AT DISCOUNT PRICES 90 N. _TH ST. CA. 1-0308 337 S. CHANT AVI. THE COZY RAINBOW CLUB 317 Hosack St. HI. 3-1479 You'll be sure to find here Cel-mbB* O 1015 LEONA AVE. (Just East of St. Clair Ave.) folks like yourself, who are Belt WINING WINE • BEER SPECIALIZING IN BARB-QUE RIBS. HEAR 'EM BEFORE YOU BUY STEAKS. FISH, FRIED CHICKEN particular about food* Our DINING NEW Jonah Jones ) go 98 Opea 11 A.M.-l A. M. Roy Cornutc, Prop. cuisine is the finest, our prices or DANCING _ NEW Erroll Garner ." "*'" 2',8 Southern Tea THE TROLLEY reasonable. NEW BUI Doggett '..'~Z 2.98 SKYLINE CINERAMA BAR The Magic Word Is; 815 ML Vernon Ara. NEW Lula Reed f. 2 98 Room NEW Count Basla '.."'. 2 98 Liquor - Beer - Wine M««t Yo»r Friaod* Hmrm 21 SHRI__IP-LN-A-BASKET $1.00 NOVELTY FOOD BAR Open 24 Hour* DaUy NEW Duke Ellington ."..'.."'. 2.'98 Chicken Dinners Every 741 E. LONG ST. CA. 4-0552 LOUNGE AND Chicken - Chops - Steak - Fish Sunday Home Fried Pies LITCHFORD RHYTHM ROOM Delicious Coney Island* MARCO RECORDS Serving Full Course Dinners Daily 618 E. LONG ST. Here's food for . OPEN JHON. k THURS. » . Home Cooked Pies j every mood! W M. FOURTH ST. and Chili Open Daily 10 A. M. till 2:30 A. M. Cor. Long A Hamilton CL. 2-0228 Plate Lunches, JOHN STON__£ Mgr. JOHN GRUBBS, Chef CLIFFORD FOSTER, Mff. 113 S. FRONT ST. CA. 1-075S . Sandwiches , . . Half Block South Of Lauras Annex I' • •• < ,.,.... --. . . i PACK 24 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1958 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1,188 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 25 Mrs#King Rekindles A Andrew 6. Freeman Stage Set For Robinson Return Secret Freak Weekend Mishaps Discussion leader ALL ABOUT COLUMBUS 13 Year Old Friendship Sunday, Dec. 1, at 8 p. nv, Murder Charge 1st Unitarian churcb will pre* Weekend Starting On Sat. With Chris Cause 2 Women Injuries By ANN B. WALKER sent a film and discussion pro­ The stage Is all set for the arrival Saturday, Dae. 5, of Elbert (Bobo) Carrcker. 34, Freak weekend mishaps hospitalized two Columbua Sirs. Martin Lutber King. Jr., nee Coretta Scott, Is gram about racial segregation brpught back to Columbus from women in separate instances, police reported. well known and loved by Ohioans. While a student at Jackie Robinson to start a round of eventa in Columbus for LAWYER FRIEND OF OURS IS THE DYNAMO be­ Georgia after he waa accused of Edna M. Johnson, 47, 639 E. In the north. benefit of the NAACP Freedom Fund campaign. Att'y slaying a local man in Septem­ Antioch college she worked at Karamu House, Cleveland. hind these reports, you've been hearing concerning the up­ Fulton st., suffered an Injured slammed the door of her horns, The film, "Burden of Truth," Frank Shearer is chairman of the weekend affair. coming debut of another beige published weekly gazatte in ber, was named in a-secret in­ ankle when struck by a hub cap It was there I first met her when visiting my husband, who dictment charging him with sec­ Sunday. ~" also worked there. Through the years contact was lost and discussion, open to the pub­ The former baseball star ar­ Our Town. Apparently, there's something about our li'l ol' which flew from a passing car rives Saturday and appears at a ond degree murder, it was. re­ She went to Whits Cross for While my husband remember­ lic free of charge, will be pre- Journal that displeases him, his pronouncements to Intima­ vealed this week by Pros. Sam­ as sha walked in the 300 block treatment. ed, I did not. Imagine my pleas, whenever feasible. Neverthe­ sented at 1st Unitarian, 175 W. /youth meeting at Spring St, te! being, "There oughts be another paper in Columbus." uel L. Devine, of Parsons a v. Saturday. YMCA, then moyes on .to the Can't blame ths barriet. r for an opinion. Fact is, that's pre­ ant surprise when I discovered less, Mrs. King leaves little Uth av. She was taken to Grant by the that Mrs, King was Coretta of a Deshler Hilton where a "soiree cisely the.same sentiment expressed nearly 10 years here­ THE ACCUSED MAN was : Martin Luther, III, and Vuki Discussion leader Js Andrew driver. Charles Hodge, 33, 302 long-ago acquaintanceship. Fol­ for Jackie Robinson" will take tofore by ihe founding papaa and mamas of The Sentinel. charged with shooting Albert LWis66 z.:W66 very reluctantly. When she is fo G. Freeman, executive director lowing a dinner party in her place In the Hall of Mirrors. Never a dull moment in this ink stained profesh, it says Reed, 29, 253 Woodland av., In N, Garfield nv., treated and re­ be gone overnight or tor a few of Columbus Urban League. honor on Saturday, we three days she has a friend come into COMMITTED HOLDING this here. the neck during an argument on leased. event is headed by James Allen Atcheson sf., at Champion av. talked st length, trying in a few thc home. When it is necessary A BIG PILLAR ALONG THE LOCAL BUSINESS—professlo- RUTH MILLER, 28, 1017 N. minutes to catch up with 13 and Fugate Page. to be gone longer the children Negro History Week To aal-clvle front is sheered stiff*r than a fulltlmc wlno on account Reed was pronounced dead on 6th st., sustained a deep lacer­ years of living. visit their grandparents. Sunday, Dec. 7; Robinson, an arrival at Grant. ef tbe frisky fern me cafe society He he's beea clandestinely pal. ation In the left arm from flying Mrs. King official of the Chock Full O'Nuts Carreker fled thc scene and a glass which shattered when she the gra c I o u s BELIEVING SO wholchearted- fie Observed Feb. 7-14 ting around with has broken tbe bad news te ear two-Umlng, long nationwide alert was sounded ,y m ner 6ee Editorial On Page 11 weB here. Their recent rendesvotising U fraught with eompUea- personyou husband's philosophy, WtLBERFO R C E. — Central for him as a fugitive from jus­ watched pri [Mrs- Kmg teela that her appear- tlons— such as Increasing eur mom and pop-alatlon sometime tice. Dr. Bop To Spin Records anccs me wfl State college president. Dr. firm in N. York City, will take next spring. She's demanding, Ih the order of their Importance television, th«ti '« y °* rendering Charles H. Wesley, has express, FBI agents captured him in the rostrum at 2nd Baptist as te her, a heavy bundle ef that green stuff or a wedding contract. Hoytt-tDr, Bop) Locke will be you saw and service to God. ed belief the 1959 celebration of Columbus, Ga., Nov. 1, and he Those who heard her at Mt. principal speaker at a public Next move U his and It's later than hs thinks. spinning records at the Skating heard at Mt Negro History week will be meeting. The meeting starts at waived extradition to be return-; Olivet feel that this radianr, ed for trial. Rink near the YMCA in Newark Olivet Baptist's more extensive than in any pre­ 4 p. m. ROBINSON HOTTEST GOSSIP IN TOWN STEMS PROM THE ANTICS ef Women's day consecrated woman gave a dra­ from 9 p. "tn. to 12 midnight vious year of its 32 year history. Mrs. Eva Manuel Is general that rich wiclder woman who's plying an aspiring young business­ celebration. She matic portrayal of the non-vio­ Thursday, Dec. 4.. chairman of the Freedom Fund moves calmly lent integration movement in Dr. Wesley, is naUonal chair­ man—who doesn't own a buck to his name—with flashy additions The onetime Columbus radio campaign. Rev. L. L. Dickerson Columbus Night Event through life, en­ Montgomery through her vocil man of Negro History week, and te his well stocked clothes closet along with sufficient coin of the Hilltop Man, 2., personality will also provide^ thc is president of the Columbus Doug Mcndenhali, who com­ joying each day selections: "Walk Together president of Ass'n for the Study realm te whet bts Interest, If not his affections. Funny thing, music for a dance and all-star NAACP. mutes daily to Delaware and t-Hts fullest. Chillun," "My Feel Are Tired," of Negro Life and History. his new venture, Doug's Place, but'the youthful pimp—about half his elderly ever lovln' mama's show at the Armory on Point st, "Lord, 1 Can't Turn Back," Entertainment and refresh­ age—has filled bis wife ln on details and his legally wed spouse Faces Theft Rap Rev. King ac- 150 S. Liberty st., which forr in Chillicothe from 9 p. m. to 1 "Hold On," "Honor. Honor," He announced that Negro His­ ments are free. The youth meet MRS. KING c u s e s her in merly housed tht Frank Bank's approves of the arrangement as long as she's in on the take. Talk Eugene Richcy, 24, 133 S. a. m. Saturday, Dec. 6. Jest of becom­ "My Life Has Been No Crystal tory week will be observed Feb. will feature an admission of 80 enterprises, will stage a Colum­ about perfect blackmail potential! Wheatland ay., arrested for lar*f ing flustered with little aggra­ Stairs." 17-14, 1959. cents for on NAACP member­ bus Night event there Friday. ceny, pleaded Innocent Monday ship. Dec. IJ. COUPLE OLD CRONIES—DAMON AND PYTHIAS variety— and his case was postponed to vations but her serenity played almost came to blows at a Thanksgiving Eve dance ever the at­ OBG Club Notice a contributing part in his abil­ Dec. 3. . tentions Damon seems to be lavishing upon Pythias' wife-far A used car salesman alleged OBG Men'8 Charity Club, Inc., ity to move calmly through the meets Tusday, Dec. 9, at Neigh hectic days of the Montgomery Hang The Greens Dec. 9 and above the eaU of friendship. What Pythias doesn't know Is that Richey was permitted to tjmmmmmjrwmwt. that his spouse is being unfaithful alright—but with still another "try out" one of the company'^ borhood House, 800 Leonard av., bus protest. She is very much The Yulctide season will* be ler will give a drs.na.ic read­ Latharlo entirely. cars last .Oct. 23, but returned ir at 8 p m. Plans will- be made tn demand as a speaker for In­ ushered ln at the YWCA with ing. Thc audience will sing fa­ for tht* annual OGB dinner at terracial groups throughout our minus a spare wheel and tire the traditional "Hanging of tho miliar carols led by Mr. John­ FAMILY OF ONE OF OUR TOWN'S MOST ESTEEM*?^ ofay Shiloh Baptist Saturday, Dec. nation. As a life member of Greens" program. Tl festive son, families would pop a blood vessel If they bad an inkling that their 20, 8 pm. Nat'l Council of Negro Wonun Christraaa event, planned for social register belress was head over heels in a terrM affair with Nab Nan On Larceny she received the 1957 annual families and friends of the Mrs. Todd Tibbals Is general tbat ebony tinted musician. Brotherhood plaque. YWCA, will be held Tuesday, chairman of "Hanging of the By Trick Allegation Sponsored By Dorsey's Greens" committee. Assisting ONE OF OUR MOST ILLUSTRIOUS MALE PUB crawlers, Dec. 9, at the YWCA. A 48 year old Eastside man SHEKELS THAT HOW his­ are Mesdames Phil Armour, who's turned up missing these past few months, is In quite cap­ Shirley Caito, winner of the A social hour starting at 5:15 has been arrested on a charge tory will deal with the Mont­ able hands—doing a stretch at Uncle Sam's Milan, Mich., federal "Miss Photography" beauty p. m. in the Green Lounge will hostesses: Delbert Pugh, house of larceny by trick. gomery story really depends on decorations; J. M. Moody, table dormitory. Peddling Junk in an upstate town; contest Staged by Amateur Pho­ precede the traditional turkey James A. Thornton, 245 N. .wh..t happens next to maintain to club last Sunday in Club Re- dinner. Y-Teen members will decoration-, and Jack M. Host- 11th st., is accused of "induc­ tho discipline and spirit there. THAT SELF-STYLED DAYTON PLAYBOY WHO commutes gal's Bum Bum Room, was ctter, m» •_. ing" Stan Vogel; 1794 McAlllstur Within the next two years, the serve punch at this time. te Columbus in pursuit of a trim little w a Ureas in one of Oar St., to shell out $29 which he sponsored by Dorsey's Televi­ reaction in other communities Turkey will be served from ALSO WORKING ON the dec­ Town's taverns should oeght te be told that his better half In the used tor his own purposes, po­ sion, 1037 Howard st. - should serve to stimulate 5:45 to 7. Reservations should orations ore Mrs. Wilbur Gchl- Gem City is having him shadowed every safari by tbe feUer he be made at the YWCA by Fri­ bach, Mrs. Robert A. Wilson. considers bis best friend and Incorruptible po-tfldantt. Aad, in the lice, reported, spreading the non-violent move­ PASS YOUR COPY of. ment into other patterns of seg­ day, Dec. 5, for the dinner. Mrs. Harold K. Schellengcr, reverse, the trim little waitress' Daddy-o/a big, mean man, Is Thornton denied the charge .ewrasetbv The Sentinel along to a mtam •_-__*.* »_*._?*« regation. Southern white _om_i Miss Margaret Kropp, Miss •nto the deal and is oiling up his dueling pistol for ihe showdown. and trial was continued until «____* .r-*n-__r* i MRS. JOHN DICKHADT wi.l Dec. 9. : on an interdenominational and j be mistress of ceremonies at th_ Elizabeth Rose Williams and non-reader. i mpim Intei cultural level have shown program which follows at 7:45. Hilltop YWCA committee. teal concern and fellowship for A special Christmas presenta­ Darby Valley Garden club, the movement and in some in- tion by Columbus girls' choir under direction of Mrs. Allen FOR AND ABOUT ELKS stanevs this has been in direct will be directed by Richard ,C. Grossman, is helping plan the opposition to what their hut- By HENRY C. TUCKER December Clearance!! Johnston. Mrs. J. Homer Wink­ decorations. bands think and do. Mrs. King sees this as an en­ OHIO ANTLEBED Guard staff met Nov. 18 in Cincinnati as HERE IS PROOF YOU CAN OWN A PREMIUM (AR FOR LESS MONEY ... couraging sign. guest of Pride of Cincinnati Lodge 1061. Meeting was presided Feeling so strongly that her over by Brig. Gen. Clem Puryear assisted by Col. William H. No. 9-208-B10 — '56 CAD. Sdn. De.ille. Grey ___ white $2299 appearance helps Montgomery THE DONUT SHOP Young, chief of staff. The general announced that Kentucky is No. 9-2I3-B11 — '55 CAD. FItwd. Br. A white 2099 and th. people living there, she now under his command. No. 9-212-B11 — '55 CAD. Sdn. W/Air Cond 1999 continues to accept invitations 1117 MT. VERNON AVE. State Pres. Fred A. Grant, • No. 1074 -— '56 CAD. Sdn. Pink & white 2399 St., Brig. Gen. Puryear and 0[ Glenaro Temple, Cleveland, No. 1026 mm '56 CAD. FItwd. Green 2599 COR. 21 ST ST. A MT. VERNON AVE. others attended a meeting of the was weekend guest of Capital No. 1132 — '55 CAD. FItwd 2099 Fresh Donuts Made Approximately Every Two Hours visitation committee Nov. 23 in City Temple chorus and Daugh­ Youngstown to make arrange­ ter Josephine Chandler, while No. 9-172-310 — '56 CAD. FItwd. W/Air Cond 2699 — RAISED DONUTS — CAKE DONUTS — ments for the midwinter confer­ — STICKS — FRIED APPLE PIE — ence in that city Jon. 17-18. attending a meeting of Feder­ No. 9-172 — '58 CAD. Holiday Sdn. Green 4399 ated Women's Clubs . . . Elks DOUBLE ACTION • FRIED BAR-B-Q CHICKEN PIE # Murasonde by Whitley (Featuring Javan's Pit Bar-B-Q Chicken) Other staff members present of Columbus observe Memorial No. 1078 — '58 CAD. Hdtp. Cpe 4199 j /OCHDRS GRAY HAIR KAOt were Cols. Robert L. Morgan, day services Dec. 14 at Bethany — FRENCH (DONUTS) CRUELLERS On Request — LIKE CUSTOM m-FI _ Separate speakers and eon- No. 1118 — '59 OLDS. Holiday Sdn j. 3399 ;2«IBX_SHAIRIN-WC£ (Eight Hour Notice) irols — without installation costs! Purest Hi-FI — Frank Toomer, Homer Free­ Baptist, 283 E, 4th av., 3 p. m. Speakers up on the wall where they belong to de­ man, Edward Jackson, F. D. ... Franklin lodge and Capi­ No. 9-128 — '56 OLDS. '98* Holiday Sdn .'.'.. 1999 ATALL DRUG STORES liver toiest tone. Powerful Ifl-FI _ Compact 20, Finch, Lt. Cols. Melza Lynch tal City Temple have completed SCHOOL SPECIAL watt Pre-Amp Amplifier and Record Chanter — No. 9-207-C11 — '58 CHEV. Hdtp. Blk. A white 2199 Also controls for RADIO. PA, or TAPE! Saves nre- and Gussie M. Dean, Majs. plans for a Christmas charity Daily 7:30 A. M.-4:30 P. M. r 9pMe n Jne ball at the Virginia hotel, Dec. No. 1121-B11 — '56 BUICK Spc. Conv 1399 OS SALE AT Raised Glazed A Sugared -_£___*"£ d . _. ' «5Em%Hj« M»hogany. Cherry, or Richard A. Rhodes, Carl Brooks, nil .i___S?*2K__ ******** to STEREO. Josephine Chandler. Frank Wil­ 19. Bids for the semi-formal af­ TWO (2) FOR A NICKLE Only $198.00. _».__5 a week fair can be secured from mem­ son, Capts. Fedaima C. Sloan, bers and at Elks Home . . . This ST. CLAIR William Sawlas, Sam Hickady, JAN ROSS MOTORS, INC. EVENING SPECIAL - BRING THIS AD column welcomes news from all BETWEEN 6 P. M.-9 P. M. ANY DAY Leola Young and Missouri C. Elks lodges, temples and auxili­ I MUSIC CITY CA. 1-8101 Jones, Lts. Marjorie Carter and _JHAR-fA0L And Receive Sixteen (16) Donuts of Any One (1) Daora From aries. Six months or yearly Cadillac-OIdsmobile Branch Kind (Not Mixed) For Price of One (1) Doxen it 23 E. STATE ST. 5a »_*-Beggs Bid* <* H. C, Tucker. subscriptions can be secured 424 E. BROAD CA. 8-6607 Cor. Leonard A St. Clair from this reporter. 5 *"* _f ******* «"• Open _.:__>.» p. M. Mon. & There f DAUGHTER 'Marjorie Kibler 'dtnSr'r; r r _i_7__g__i ^^^^V>V>%_>^"_>HT>V/-_>v*«^-r*«>v>%_>v_>«/*r><«>^

__H_H___M______w*'' £$

_UsM_Mf_-l t

PAGE 26 THE OHIO fffiNfaNEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, lgr.8 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1988 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 2J Golf Tourney WANT ADS APARTMENT FOR RENT BELL IAN T6-VN .4.1.. Columbus Barber Shop Directory •W_MM-_B__M«-U_b--__-_-_--__^^ ' i_ _-E-_a___a_-_B_a__M-_--__aaai a Set for Miami 809 MUlBERRf THOMPSON BARBER SHOP ARE EASY 10 PLACE Corner of Leonard 'A Mulberry RADIO & IELEVISION IM BIT. VERNON AVE., Near ltth SL February 10-13 (I Deer Ess I ef SEVEN CHAIR SHOP Complete Barber Ser .Ice Large Living Room — Large'Bedroom — AH Tile MIAMI, Fla.—The sixth an­ 1068 MT. VERNON AVE. Men, Women "and Children's Hair Cutting and Styling nual Ray Mttchell-Horth-South lUSlMAl Bath — Kitchen Equipped With New Refrigerator Cams* Theatre) A Specialty " • and Range — Plenty of Closet Space — Private earners: Isaiah Ha miter. Damon Lynch. Benny Fisher, winter golf tournament will be Ladies Hair Bobbing, Scalp Treatment, Deluxe Facials - held Feb. 10-13 at Miami Springs CL; 3-/416 Parking— New Apartment Building Wade Saber, Leonard Thomas, G. Moore; John Thompson, Prop. Country club. A Courteous Want Ad Taker Will CALL CA. 4-8229 Golfers from all sctions of For Sale JOHNSON'S the U. S. are expected in Miami Help You Word Your Ad. WHALEY ani Ad Readers. Per Line . I TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ EFFICIENCY KITCHENETTES BARBER SHOP for the star-studded attraction r (Count*Five (5) Word* Per Lane) A Number of Uncalled BARBER SHOP Defending champions Charlie ment, private entrance, utili­ with all utilities paid from 224 E. Sth Ave. MINIMUM CHARGE ', $10.50 per week up. CaU fcA. OS ft. LONG 8T. Stem, Women aad Children's Sifford, Los Angeles pro, ama­ ties paid. Madison Ave. CL. Complete Oarber Service Display Want Ads, Fer loth ].., 3-1-M. 1*8208 from 1 to 9 p. m. daUy, For Radios and Il_lr Cutting teur Joe Roach, St, Louis, and DEADLINES I, Barbers: Hours: 7:30 A. M. - 7:3. P. M_ Myrtle Patterson, N. York, Readers: Wednesday Noon. Irene Turner A Rath Jones Sst 7:33 A M. To 9 P. M. J Display: Tuesday, tt P. _ Business Opportunity Misc. For Sale Televisions women's champion who was run­ V DELUXE FACIALS CLQ8ED WEDISESDAT nerup in the 1958 United Golfers BOY'S CLOTHING Sixes 10s Good Condition and WILLIS WHALE*. Prep. Card of Thanks BUSINESS LOCATION suit­ and 12s. Child's chest o_ Ass'n's national tourney at Pitts­ Legal Nonces able for doctor's office or Reasonably Priced PIERCE'S burgh, will defend their titles. GCDGER—We wish to thank drawers and wardrobe. Rea­ BROGSDALE'S J. P. Miles, whose last ad­ beauty salon, plus living sonably priced. BR, 4-2673. BARBER SHOP Those seeking additional in our many friends for their kind­ BARBER SHOP Complete Barber Servlee nesses shown, cards and tele- dress is unknown, will take no­ accommodations. Avail­ LATEST RECORD HITS formation., on tbe tournament tice that on Nov, 10, 1958, Gene­ able Nov. 1. Now occu­ CH E. LONG ST. Doing Bustaess At Oat Kr.m.s sent to us during tbe sud­ 534 E. LONG ST. a Ivised to address commu­ den passing of Anthony (Pug- vieve Miles filed her petition in pied by Pierce Photo Stu­ • AGE for FENCE Dependable and fecials and Scalp Treatments nications to Ray Mitchell, 413 W giej Gudger. Special thanks to the Common Pleas Court of Guaranteed Television A Specialty Franklin County, O., Division of dios, 117 Hamilton Ave. W. J. Suber, Barber BAX'S H 158th St.. N York, N. Y.( Rev. H B Hicks and Mrs. B. CHAIN LINK Domestic Relations, in Cause Parking facilities in rear. Sendee Complete Barber Servlee Willis of Mt. Olivet BapUst flluMll.UM "THAT'S 8UCH A WONDERFUL WIG, X BARBER SHOP church. Elder C. J. Fulton of the Nor 94209, praying for a divorce Inquire CA. 8-6583 or at C .. AM-MTAl CL 2-7181 882 BARR1SON AVE. Apostolic church, priest, sisters from him on the grounds of 701 E. Long St. SUCVS Men, Women, Children's | grqss neglect of duty. Said CAN*T TCU IT FROM A TOUPEE /* (ARE'S Food and associates of St. Rita's WOOD fDff Sales and Sendee Balreuttlng - Facials home, Eastwood Storage ' Co. cause will be for hearing on or Help Wanted BARBER SHOP shipping department, Columbus after Dec. 27. 1958.—L. P. Hen­ ESTIMATES 075 St. LONG ST. CARTER A SCOTT Drive Underway Depot, fifth grade of Eastwood derson, Att'y. 11-13, 22, 29, 12-8, ALERT LADIES (FIVE) for Complete Barber Servlee Barbers&op 13.J20. 1858, parttime career. Have new Barbers: Sag Bolmas, Taney P. Carter ft CARE'S 1958-58 food crusade school, and our neighbors, TIME JIMMY'S MARKET Gebrge W. Brooks and- asso­ friends, new interests and your ST. CLAIR CARRY OUT WUllam E. Stewart. G. A Scott. Barbers is underway anil at Its peak, ac­ Janet Marie Blythe, whose 672 MT. VERNON AVE. own income. Sell popular new PA.MfNTS George Jones 1234 Mt. Vernoa Ave. ciates for their efficient serv­ last known address is MRA. cording to Mary H. Van Kirk. ices. Officer W. Brown, to those Cort Cosmetic*. You'll enjoy CL. 2-6274 60S SL Clair Ave. Columbus, O. CL. 8-6973 Bahgor. Maine, will take notice it. No car Or experience Ohio CARE director. The drive who sent flowers and offered Columbus. Ohle Groceries, Meats, Confectionery, Ice Cream T will deliver 3.000,000 food pack­ that on Nov. 15, Ifl58, Scott F. needed. Average $2 per hour. their services, and those who Blyuif filed hi* petition in the Anodized, Custom-Made Specialising In Choice Wine and Beer to Carry Out THE HAWKINS ages to 14 countries as person .1 donated cars. .Call CL. 8-3989, 8 to 10 a. rn., Common Pleas Court of Frank­ 6 to 9 p. rn. Meats and Groceries Joe Moore and Jim O'Calne, Props. 65 N. MONROE AVE. CL. 3-481 fl gifts from Americans. We sincerely thank you. lin! County, O. Division of Do­ ____•_•___. Okie A gift of $1 to cover packing, Mts. Phyllis Gudger, mother mestic Relations in CauSe No. RESPECTABLE*^j_iddl e a g e"d Hrs.: Men. thru Thurs. — Mr. and Mrs. Theophitus ALCOA I a. ». • 7 p. m. MAYHUGH and SON We Welcome Old and New Patrons handling and distribution wilt 94271 praying for a divorce woman to live in and care for Transient Guest Welcomed Anderson, grandparents from her on the grounds of 6 year old first grader in ex­ Frl, • Sat! 8 a. m. - 8 p. m. 818 MT. VEBNON AVE. CL. 3-2021 deliver a package of milk pon­ Marguerite and Karen change for room and use of We Continue to Render the Same Exclusive, der, flour, cornmeal and cheese gross neglect of duty. . Said ALUMINUM Sun.: t a. ra. • 1:30 p. m. HOURS DAILY 7 A M. TO 6 P. M. Gudger, sisters cnlise will be for hearing on or home. All modern facilities. Beer and Wine To Carryout Efficient Service from U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Theophllus Anderson, Jr. Awnings after Jan. 3, 1959.-L. P Hen­ Located ,close to ' school und Prop. JAMES H. FLOOD The Store With The Friendly Atmosphere stockpiles. No stocks are alio- transpor tation. Call AX. Combination Storm FIELDS—We wish to thank derson, Att'y. "-22. 29, 12-7. 14, Windows & Doors Quality Meats and Groceries — Miles M. Mayhugh, Prop. cated to CARE, Mrs. Van Kirk oar many friends and relatives 21 28. 1958. 9-5349 after 1p.m. MODERN MARKET Free City-Wide Delivery pointed out, until all requests Free Estimates — IM N. 20th St. CL. 2-8SH for their kindnesses shown dur­ Nelson Rufus Bickley, whose A VON COSMETICS*sales mean CHARGIN DRY CLEANERS from qualified relief programs ing tha passing of Mrs. Irene last address is unknown, will Budget Terms • • Columnus, Ohle higher earnings for you. Cus­ Complete Dry Cleaning Service, Alterations A Repair in thf XJ. S. have been met. Fields. Special thanks to Rev. take notice that on Nov 28, tomers can be served at your BEER A WINE R. N. Nelson. Rev. Sister Tay­ Tito; A. Saunders Drapes ft Household Articles Our Specialty ITtese gift* can be sent to 1958, Betty H. Bickley filed her convenience. With the demand TO CARRY OUT GEORGE'S GARAGE 1 • Day Servlee Plek-Up ft Delivery CARE Food Crusade. 8 E. Chest­ lor, the Rainbow club,' Nurses petition in the Common Pleas • for Avon there are opening., jn 867 N. 20th St. CL. 3-1195 Corp, choir and entire member­ & Sons • • • • i I in •• -mmwa 313 E. Fifth Ave. Charles Collins. Prop. AX. 1 -9291 nut st.. Columbus 13. Court of Franklin County, O., some sections of the city and ship of Mt. Vernon AME church Division of Domestic Relatlpns, county. Average per hour as 24-Hour Phone Serrlce Complete Service On All Makes of Cars Packages will be distributed Mrs Jones for_her beautiful in Ca.. .e No. 94438, praying for SMITH'S THE COLUMBUS HOME LAUNDRY much as you wish, $2, $3, $5 or George Branson, Prop,. 20 Years Experience AND DRY CLEANERS in Colombia, Egypt, Greece. solo, the Kroger Baking Co. and difurce from him on Uie more. CA. 1-3379 CONFECTIONERY Hong Kong. India, Iran, Israel, Cleaners and Launderers of Quality and Distinction all Ms departments. ground., of gross neglect of duty. 1179 Granville SL CL. 2-122S Italy, Korea, Macau, Poland, We especially wish to thank Said cause will be for hearing CL 8-6844 A One Stop Cleaning Servlee Columbas, Ohio Pakistan, W. Germany and Ber­ the Brooks Funeral home. Offi- :ou or after Jan. 17. 1959— Frank All Work Done At Our Plant 628 E. LONG ST. Columbus. O. CL. 3 5115 lin, and Yugoslavia. cers Hancock, and Smith for the |W, Humphrey. Att'y 12-6, 13, Groceries, Meats, Confections efficient manner in which th.y'20, 27, 1958, 1-3, 10, 1959. LONGSTREET 'S SHOE STORE DallJ-rXTM. to 6 P. AL handled the traffic, and nisi,:-——; - I Employment Agency ELIZABETH RANSOM and COLUMBUS LAUNDRY thanks to those who sent flowers ! Public Notice MADAME ANNA -Factory Returned Sample Shoes # Men's Army Work ALMA DEWS, Preps. TIP-TOP CLEANERS & DRY CLEANING and donated their cars and serv­ 1026 Mt. Vernon Ave. Shoes • Men's Dress Shoes • Women's & Children's Ground Broken ices in any way. Unless belongings of Charles JOBS AVAILABLE CL. 2-2078 Shoes • Women's House Slippers .50 to $1.00 While ONE DAT SERVICE... •M Mt Vemon Ave., Col's, O. Mr and Mrs. Grover C. Fields F. Thornton are called for on nr They Last • Baby Shoes .50 and $1.00. Pi.*- ']p snd Delivery Family snd Bschelor Bundles Mr. James Williams READER AND ADVISOR WILLIAMS Drspes, Blankets, Repairs ft For Seminary beifore Saturday, Dec. 20. 1958, Spotter (Wool) 529-531 N. 20th St., Cor. Leonard Columbus, Ohio Mrs. Lula Wesley same will be disposed of for Truck Driver Readings 21.98 GROCERY SIS MT. VEBNON AVE. Alterations charges at an auction in the of­ Legal Notices Presser Columbus. Ohio FLORINE RAMSET, Mgr. Of Methodists fices of Eastgate Hotel. 121 E. 487 N. GARFIELD AVE. CA. 4-SGM Coltunbas, O. 189 E. MAIN ST. C I-. RAMSET. Prop. Long St., at 10 a. m. Monday, Silk Finisher Real Estate For Sale Columbus, Ohio DELAWARE.—Invocation for McPerri. Orange, whose lost Dec. T2. Chemist ground breaking service for known address is 5335 Riopelle, Groceries, Meats, Confections MIMtlR Excellent Service At Detroit. Mich., will take notice 12-4, 13. 20, 1958. Secretary, Manning Williams, Prop. MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE Metbodist Theological seminary Complete Line ol Used Furniture aad Rags that on Nov. 5. 1958. Louise FXJ RNISHErTroonTfoF working 712 E. Long St. Samuel D. Hooker Mooney Chinese Hand Laundry & in Ohio, held Nov. $8, was given Orange filed her petition in the Ranges, Refrigerators, Washers,'Sewing Machines rnan with use.of rest of home EAST TERMS FBEE DELIVER! by Bishop Matthew W. Clair Common Pleas Court of Frank­ BR. 0-0885. CL. 3-8458 leal Estate Dry Cleaning Jr., resident bishop of St. Louis lin County. O., Division of Do­ 78* Mt. Vensoa Ave WE BUT AND SELL Area of Central Jurisdiction of mestic Relations, in Cause No. ROOMS for single men and One-Stop Laundry ft Dry Cleaning CL. »-i_ai cor* CL. MASON'S Store No. 1 Store Ne. % the Methodist church. 04160. praying for _ divorce women as low as t8 weeklv '48 CHEVROLET I\_ ton .with Call CA 1-0208 from 7 to 9 963 Mt Vernon Ave. 916 E. Leag St. Bishop Hazeh G. Werner, head from him on the grounds of wil­ 15-loot van. Has '55 Chevro­ OPTOMETRISTS and ERNIE'S AUTO SERVICE ful absence for more than one p. m. daily. let motor. Only $180. AM. .H 12 W. Third Ave. (Next to Mobile Gas Station) at Blgb SHI. S A. M. -1 P. M. Mon. thru Sat of the Ohio area, presided at thc year last past, and also asks JEWELERS UVKOIV IIIVICI CL. 3 _2<_i FIVE-ROOM modern apartment 3-7562 AX. -M>__. 8 service and the address service permanent custody of their mi­ New - Different EYES EXAMINED was delivered by Rev. Dr. Ger­ nor child, Vivian, age 13 years. with yard,, garden space, gas 'SS CHEVROLET tr^k^otm-T Complete Service On All Makes ol Cars Wonderful GLASSES FITTED ald O. Mc. Culloh, director ot Said cause will be for hearing furnace, bath. All newly dec­ Excellent condition $150. AM Ernest W. Stewart, Prop. 18 Sears Practical Experience SAM'S orated Just seven miles from WATCH REPAIRING Credit Arranged Through Certified Automobile Servlee New Ford Hofel No. 2 theological education of Metho­ on or after Dec 27. 1958.—Wm. 3-7362. A. Toler, Att'y. 11-15, 22. 29, 12-6 Columbus corporation limits. A HOME BUILT Reasonable Prices 45_>_ E. Long St. CA. < M21 SHINE PARLOR dist Board ot Education, Nash­ 13. 20. 1958. References required. Inquire TABLETOP RANGES $7.50 up. FOR YOU Satisfaction Guaranteed 338 N 20th St, Columbus, O. ville. at CL. 8 .000 between 9 a m. Gas and electric refrigerators Transient and Permanent < IN THE CITY 773 E. LONG ST. CA. «__*!! CHANDLER ELMER PARKER CO. . Giifsts Welcome / Prop., SAMUEL PE. .HON Three new buildings are to be BerMia L. Wright, whose last and 3 p. m. $7.50 up. Call CA. 1-6208 from (336) (166) J7 16 9 p. ni, daily. • Ford Hotel No. 1 Still- constructed as the first part of known address is 20 Peck ham TWO AND 3-room apartments. Call Shoe Repair Shop 1385 Summit! Sf. Operated at 179 N. 6th SL STOP AT • total building program for this St.. Buffalo, tl. V., will take no­ Share bath. Heat and light KRESKE Ashphalt, Concrete Mrs. B. II. Ford. Proprietress new seminary, scheduled t»» optw tice that on Oct. 11, 1958, Hildred paid. Two rooms $50 per FEATHERSTONE'S MKT. I. W. SHOWERS 789 ML Vernon Ave. CA. 1-358-i JEFFS POOL ROOM H. Wright filed his petition in PLUMBING CO. Driveways - Ton Soil In 1940. month. Three rooms 280 per CA. 1-6686-CL. 3-8138 1218 MT. VERNON AVE. the Common Pleas Court of month. Carter Building, 905 ,«• H. 12TB ST. CL. 2-888* 467 E. Mala St. CL. 8-8195' 10 Years Experience Cigars, Candies and Ice Cold Franklin County, O, Division of E. Long St. Hooker Rental Colanbas. O. Repairing and Remodeling AX. 9-2912 Well furnished, clean with "-.ft Drinks Domestic Relations, In Cause Complete Shoo Service C. JEFFERSON. Prep. Agency. CL. 3-4331. Vegetables, Meats RES: BE. 1-1002 very modern hotel facilities. Summer fnslilufe No. 93911, praying for a divorce Dyed _. Repaired With Top EDWARD P. ZIPF N. ORLEANS. - Dillard un!- from her on the grounds of will Fer Rent Groceries U»e OHIO SENTINEL OFFICE: CA. 4-1338 Grade Materials Known from coast to coast for M LEXINGTON AVE. Beer A Wins To Carry Out Want Ad* Special Scrvice On Bicycle Tires and Supplies homelike atmosphere. BROOKS' AUTO varsity has been designated by '"! absence for mora than one Cinderella Heels & Purses Rati Science Foundation for the year last past. Said causs will 3-room efficiency apartment. Weekdays 9 A . M. 10 P. M To Buy - Sell - Rent - Trade Hathway A Ferguson Sharpening ol Lawnmowers, ELECTRIC SERVICE second consecutive year to con­ ba for hearing on or aftor Nov. ROOFING For Delivery Service Scissors and Knives COOPER'S TOURIST 29. 1958. - Webster S. Lyman. Refrigerator, stove, utilities Sunday* 9 A M. • I P. M. Just Call Repairing Generators, duct a summer tnsttftUb for furnished. No children. Avail­ A FURNACE WORK CaU Between 3-8 P. M. All Kinds ot Keys Made 259 N. 17th St CL. 3 5113 Jr.. Atty. 10-1_, 25. 11-1, 8, 13, 22, Party Supplies — Domestic They're Easy To Placo Bicycles for Rent Regulators, Starters high, school teachers of science. 19». ' able Immediately: CA 4-8229. •79 Mt V«r«o_i Ave. Opea Dally JAMES COOPER, Mgr. CA. W*5_ U Boar Service * Imported Champagnes CL. 3-3414 CL. g-3560 • 90 8. OHIO AVE WE DELIVER CL 3-7416

HSMBMBMSOMMS PACE 28 THS OHIO SENTINEL -—— .-»»»Vf gall Hill SATURDAY, DECEMBER $, 1953 ROOFING - CUTTERS SATURDAY, DECEMBEB 8, 19S8 JSEtfTINEL RECOiWMEiVDED BEAUTY SALONS CHIMNEY POINTING THE OHIO SENTINEL To list in this directory call CLcarbrook 3-7 .Iff CaO Post Office h PAGE 29 Deadline for ncw list in. _. changes Saturday 12 noon Ralph CW-MN 627 S, Champion Ave. African Union CsUa-ilSt Holiday Hours BotT.,.._h. mal-m- a 'an d bran eh post COLUMBUS AREA DEATHS FLAMII\t;0 BEAUTY SHOP LONO £ GRANT Debate Dec 4 Complete Beaaty Serviee — Hair Weaving Specialty offices arm ©pen at?:M a. m JOHNNIE MAE PUCfI. Prop. Used Clothing Store daUy CbraMgh We___ni_*___»r. Pec African Student Union at OWo £1, Poslotaatec AU** ML Bowe State tmiversfty wfll prcs«nt a BANKS, Charles, 885 Edward sa Huff, Chicago; granddaugh­ We bey and eeS ladies and announced, St., Nov. 26. Survived by wife, 1221 E Long SL Ope* 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. CL 25317 men's maeat etatmtssg. debate at 7:10 p. m. Thursday, ter, Lucille Blakiey. Interment Bowe suggests that mailing j Dec. 4, In Ohio Uniorf Confer­ Ellen; sons. Charles and Wil­ Eastlawn by Whittaker. Cot. Xjtmg A Areas patrons asraM thea__M____s ef ence theatre, ea the campus. liam; daughters, Catherine and ME-Uttl'S fMA'S BEAUTY SHOP GOODWIN'S this added servlee, thereby Tbe question will be "Resolv­ Ella; stepchildren, brothers, LoMAB, Leon, 1220 N. 6th st., .voiding the later rush boors , sisters, other relatives. Inter Nov. 29. Survived by mother, Complete n.__t. gsusiie llsll Stjtwx aad scsip rrestaaeal Fresh f______s fegrubtes ed: That ta the East-West con­ of Use dag. ment Eastlawn by Whittaker. Lillie La Mar; uncle, Robert La- saury SHOP Orecerie* A Meats flict, tbe independent states tt tSt 8- Cfeanapioa Ave. Prep Ima Johnson, Oprs, Virginia Oole, «7I £. Lang St. CL. 2-0639 Mar; sisters, brothers, other CAKTKB, Gussie, 290 N - CL. m-ssa SAM SmU:S9e M. relatives. Interment Eastlawn S3* St Clatr Ave. CL. 2-8882 Opea Dslly M N to S P M. Lata Jacksea. Operatar 1 Oars A Week Champion av., Nov. 29. Survived by Whittaker. by husband, John; stepdaugh­ flattie Merrtn, Prepi-etar FASHIONETTA BEAUTY BAR ADOIE & JOSKI'I! ters, Josephine Washington, TOLLIVKR, George, 400 Par­ _TJ E LONG ST. CA 8 1610 Pauline Williams, Maltada Hors­ sons av., Nov. 20. Survived by JUST A MERK Complete Beaaty Sarvfoe BURKS ier, Detroit; Roth and Ruby Sunts, Mary Belle Johnson, Lil­ firms t\ Snton tfprs: Oertrude __U_S__n.y, Kstbertac OaaxwU. SHINE PARLOR Carter, Lore tha Nash, Nannie lie Jackson, Bertha Alford, Mag­ MS N lot* Si - CL 2-2119 EUeea Stamps. Herbert Sellers. iMnltred Wallace. Baker; stepsons, Lewis, John gie Florence; other relatives. 4)mmmaie Oft practice has been continued by Smith Incas by Mrs. H. D. Giles. •57 PLYMOUTH Belvedere club's annual Christmas party Always a fine selection Paints, Painter'* the Whittaker family since his Dr. Myra Joseph accepted the of new and used cars. Hdtp $1695 will be given at the home of the SUppiif-i, Linoleum death. Hia widow, Mrs. Bonnie projects chairmanship. B. & B. HAU DRY CLEANERS Full president, Mrs, Kenneth Jack­ Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M Insurance Co.-c._ags Whittaker, has attended each Others in attendance were •57 BUICK Rdmtr. Conv. $2195 WboleAale & Retail Hat Cleaning banquet. son, 1856 Rosemore dr., at Parts and Scrvice WE DELIVER BYRD & SOU which time- gifts will be ex­ Mesdames R. A. Bryce, George •57 VOLKSWAGON ...... $1295 100 McClung, J. J. Carter, H. W. For Everything We Sell * Skirta, Tronsera 5nc changed. '56 NASH Rambler Member Games, A. K- Lawrence, C. J. AHeratfons, Repairsf-Bapertly Dona AUTO LAUNDRY At Tuesday's meeting a for­ Wagon $1495 P,CKUP Mt. Vernon Ave. District Neal, P. H: Blount, Kenneth SPORTS CAR FORUM, INC. Plck-Cp And DeU-HMT $6 Million Is mal welcome was extended new, 812 vi C & DELIVERY improvement Association Jackson, James Smith, Dorsey _3I Cleveland Ave. CA. 4-1983 members Mesdames Harold Mo | '56 CHEV. Conv $1495 812 E. Long SL CL. **«, • II i pas ' • Woodward and II. H. Lynch, 941 N. High SL AX. 4-4729 Mefl.. Church C '57 CHEV. Belaire Hdtp. $1595 SERVICE SHOE SHINE & REPAIR Schools Need '57 CHEV. Conv $1695 '55 PONTIAC Starcbief Front the ground up, 804 Mt. Vemon Ave. Open 8 A M. to 11 P. M. NASHVILLE.—The 13 Negro Repaired Shoes Can Be Picked Up On Sunday colleges related to the Metho­ Hdtp $1195 dist church need at least $6 mil­ WE All All SUIUHN* NEEDS Prop. William R. Starr, ~ lion for buildings and equip­ '54 CADILLAC $1645 _\ /te* Bemodeliag and repalrlag Is oar speo- ment. They also need additional '54 BUICK Rdmtr. $595 • funds for teachers' salaries, _* *_+4_\-\I laity, Whatever your Job . . . batld. ra *.'ft..ml~wr\ pair or roansdT... office, borne or gar scholarships and endowment. •54 OLDS. *98' Hdtp $109_. age. call as ._**, .. %. m... Satisfaction Guaranteed f AGE So THEOHTO SENTlNBt* SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1958 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1958 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 3i ABE SAPERSTEIN'S Banks Sixth Negro In Ten Team To Be NL's MVP FABULOUS Orange Blossom Classic Ranks Number Five In Grid 'Bowl' Throngs By LES SHADBERRY be, Roy Campanella, Mays, blessed with the most power- clouter, having banged out Fer the sixth year ta saeees- CampaaeUa, Bank Saner, ful wrists la baseball. Is net a ever 441 home runt ta three By CHARLES J. SMITH, in of higher learning in thia coun­ ft* sponsors. r. ed to file through the turn- ! dance has averaged 10,000 and sioa, aad eight eat of the last Campanella, Jim Keastaaty, flashy performer Just an ade­ eat hla Are big league year*. MIAMI. — (Special). — THe try. THE 1958 CLASSIC gam* stiles of the spacious Orange one year, 1954, topped 43,900 tea. Negro players in the Natl Jackie Robinson. quate guy with the glove aad Hla total la ISO—mora Cha* Orange Blossom Classic and And for sheer public relations will match tbe Florida A-M Bowl stadium, to witness this. paid admissions. League have placed tint In tha a holy terror with a bat In his any shortstop la major league festival, sponsored annually 'by aspects, the classic rivals any Rattlers, defending national One of thc remarkable aspects BANKS. THK CHICAGO the 28th annual classic. annual Baseball Writers' most hands. history. Florida A-M university at Tal* other PR venture -^nnaored by champions, against the peren­ Aad like many games of the ot the classic attendance Is th* valuable player pall. Cubs' striagbeaa shortstop Banks Is a perennial long ball lahassee, ia without a doubt the Industry, fraternal organizations nially' Strang Prairie View past, the '58 contest will be tact that half of the attendance Equally as phenomenal I. the outstanding public relations ven­ and groups of sportsminded A M Panthers ef Texas Dee. heavily favored with a nation­ each year is composed ot whit* fact that the 1-1-1 selections ture sponsored by .in institution U. businessmen and community al championship aroma. spectators . . . about 20,000. far 1S58— Ernie Banks ot Ihe Buffalo Values leaders, in creating goodwill for Some 5-f,0M fan* are expect- Nowhere else In America, or Cabs, Willie Mays *f the Akins-Jordan On Channel 4 ALTHOUGH THE PRIMARY perhaps the world, is this aitua- * Giants and Bank Aaron et the Interest in the classic centers • WLW-C, Ch. 4, will carry the 15 round welterweight.champion­ Negro Gridders; tion duplicated. Braves, la that order—are Ne­ Central Stale around the football game,> the With Sensational ship fight between titleholder Virgil Akins of St. Louis and chal­ gre performers, event serves a* a "vehicle" that THE "CLA8SIC" IS rapidly lenger Don Jordan of Los Angeles Friday, Dec. S, 10 p. m. Governor Classic Chmn. Spurn Fla. Bowl annually focuses national and becoming even more- of a ria- WIT (THE STILT) The bout will be telecast from Olympic auditorium In Los Mermen Open HANKS RAN AWAT with An announcement by Dr. Clif­ TALLAHASSEE, Fla. '— Gov. LeRoy Collins of Florida has international attention on the tional institution With people Angeles, and will be a feature of "Cavalcade of Sports." CHAMBERLAIN this year's honors, piling up ford C. Furnas, chancellor of again accepted honorary chairmanship of tha 1958 Orange Blossom university and hs total academic from virtually all over America 2.3 points, to 115 fer Mays aad Buffalo university revealed th* Season Dec. 6 classic and festival committee, according to Pres. George W. coming to Miami to see the 7-Peet All-Americaa program.' 160 for Aaron. WILBERFORCE —T h * Cen­ Gore, Jr., of Florida A-M university. Each year the Florida A-M Wonder school has spurned a bid to the In reality the "classic," as the game. Banks led the NL ia homers tral State colle_f* *wimming Tangerine Bowl in Florida bo- Rattlers, perennial football power, meet the other top team of the game Is affectionately known, _s The '57 contest took on an In­ — versa* — (17) and runs baited ta (129). Franklin Bumps Aquinas Cagers tcam, under Coach William Lu­ cause two Negro players would nation in the December game played annually in Miami's Orange more than jitst another football ternational flavor when the :hlcf Hawaii SSfg Staters Here's how the voting breaks Franklin Jr. High Cuba tra- quarter, when Franklin pulled be banned from participating, in cas, opens a ID meet schedule Bowl stadium. Crack Mid-Paeltlc game . . .'It la an athletic Insti­ Justice of Ghana attended. Also down over the last M years, veled to Aquinas last week and out into a 7 point lead. koeping with segregated rule* with Wittenberg college, Spring­ Opponent tution, and os the V. imi Daily in the atands was Cab Calloway with 1550 and working back- defeated the Terriers, 34 t i_4 field, Dec 6. 1958 Franklin's defense was far there. News commented editorially on of stage, screen, radio and tele­ Also an Twin Bill Banks, Aaron, Do* Newcom­ The Cubs had a rough Ume from superior as Aquinas rid­ The Buffalo playera are Wiilie Lucas has six lettermen Pilgrim Teen Council vision fame who was so im­ Tesas C*w GirU Dec. 14, 1957,' It has "sociologi­ from the fired up-Terriers. The dled it constantly from under­ Evans, halfback, and Mike Wil­ returning, and has been impres­ Table Tennis pressed with the performance of Famed Girls cal significance ..." game see-sawed until the third neath. son, reserve end. Evans led the sed with freshmen Phillip John­ Has Pol luck Supper Quintet vs. The "classic" was founded In the famed university marching Buffalo team in ground gaining son, who swims free style and In honor of members selected Men's Local' James Muilins had 10 points Jacksonville In 1933 with less band until lie said he would .de­ WKTOB in ita 8-1 season. butterfly, and Donald Crenshaw, to represent Pilgrim Center in Drive Begins All-Stars and Charles Mitchell and Jerry than 5000 in .attendance at the velop a special production num­ Three Time All-America Tangerine Bowl stadium . is who swims the breast stroke. the Columbus Recreation Dept. U. S. Table Tennis Ass'n has ber for inclusion In his night CHAMPIONSHIP Simpson 9 and 8 points, respec­ inaugural game between Florida TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—.Willie owned by the city of Orlando Mutsufumi Yasuda captains Intercity Teen Council, th* cen­ opened a fund raising drive to club act based on what he had TABLE TENNIS tively, for Franklin. A-M and Howard unhrer-Uty, X-2K'$ Galimora of the Chicago Bears and leased to Orlando High the 1958-59 swimming team. ter council held a pot luck sup­ send a Junior team to the inter­ seen, was a three Ume All-America During Ihe years that followed WESTERN THICK School Athletic Ass'n, which per. Representatives honored national table tennis champion­ Joe DiMaggio, the ek-N. York HOPING STABS halfback at Florida A-M univer­ wer* Lenore Jordan, center the site was shifted first to Or­ ADDITION: bars mixed teams, ships in London, England, April Yankee baseball star, saw- the sity. Knoxville Opens Nel were Lenore Jordan, center lando and then to Tampa and In Oae Nile Only! Or. Fames said, "Under tbe 8-11, 1959, announced J. Ruffo'rd game from tho press box. ,! 416 786 Wood. 1947 to Miami. 8:15 P.M. 255 145 Season December 4 circumstances th* University One Returnee Harrison, president. of Buffalo finds K necoasary Those present were Charles Tbe game has "become of age;* In Miami, and n«w in at­ TUES., DEC. 9 KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Kno_- to decline the invitation." Orr, William Wood, James Ste­ This will be the first Ameri­ 772 337 498 tendance ranks No. 5 ir post, j Ohio State vllle college Bulldogs open their •Willie Evans and Mike Wil­ Central Hub vens, Brenda Rouse, Dlanne can team of teenagers to com* 502 229 150 season games, toppe<~ only by Fairgrounds 1958-59 season against Bluefield son are two of our finest young WILBERFORCE. — C e n traf Fair, Laura Montecrlef, Lenore pete with youths from England, ARROVf SUBTRACTION! the Rose, Sugar, Cotton and State college. Bluefield, W. Va., men. It would be unthinkable State basketball coach Edwin Jordan, Cr.rolyh Turner, Dick France, E. Germany, W, Ger­ Orange Bowls. Shirts and Tim COLISEUM Dec. 4. Former Knoxville Cen­ that they would be subjected Gibbs is faced with the problem Langston, Pat Hcndeson, Majo- many, Italy, Scotland; Ireland, Tickets - Hes ton's ADDITION: CT_7*MI. ttt rie Proctor and advisor Howard ter Jackie Fitzpatrick, all-time evea to the possibility ef dte- o'f building a 1958-59 squad Hungary, Sweden and the THAT THE "CLASSIC" has Thanka—e N. High Music Stare . $3.00. SUBTRACTION: 270, IM, lift Spiller. > SZJ4, 92.99, $1.50 SIAC terror, ta now with the ertmlnaUo* hs any manner, around one returning regular— Orient. become the most successful Ne­ Ed Bailey Harlem Globetrotters, j way er form." he stated, . . Sam Wagner, All-Conference gro athletic event of all time'is •*-"_• Unit now ia lk, w_JJ» SEVENTY-TWO nations be­ toward and captain for the cur­ hardly a Statement for debate. C.t.rtbm Ofcl* long to the international federa­ ^M*-'- rent season. Shrine Bowl In For the post five years atten­ Last year the Marauders had tion, largest sports organization a disappointing season of two in the world. . •• wins against 20 defeats. North Carolina Th* team also set a new GREENSBORO, N. C. - The "Many teams are sponsored school record by losing 18 ln a annual Shrine' Bowl football by, their governments, but since row. Ten of these defeats came game, usually, played in Dur­ the U. S. la a free country we beer ham, ia this year being shifted by margins of 1 to 3 points. must depend on private funds to ; However, Gibbs is very optis- to Greensboro. make the trip possiole," said nm.ic He feels that he has The game, featuring high Harrison. good overall height and speed school all-stars from the eastern that's The team looks like a better section of the state against BROOKS The public is invited to help team than last year, but Inex­ those from the west, has been perience and lack of depth may set for Gree4_cboro Memorial by sending a dollar to "Table REALTY COMPANY be the turning factors, Gibbs stadium Saturday, Dec, 13, 1:30Tenni s Fighting Fund," 20 E. 7-ROOM BRICK. Located East. Gos furnace. 1-car garage Obseryed. p. m. Jackson, Chicago, HI. large corner let. Call CA. 4-5370. LOVELY 5-ROOM frame located in Hanford Village Gas I furnace, large lot. CL. 3-237.1. FLAVOR SEALED 283 ST. CLAIR AVE. 5-room frame, 2 bedrooms both, gas heat. $__200. William Johnson CL. 8-9004. RANCH STYLE. Located 17th Ave. east of Joyce Ave Priced right to sell. Woodrow Tarrant CL. 3-2370. for LOVELY 7-ROOM home in Marysville. Lovely for family with • children. Near school, gas furnace, large lot. Only 1 hour HitVPPY CROWD! drive from Columbus. CA. 4-5770. «.«•-# -__***.*_. " ' »'• *- \Yj?'e «' Sf"*.*'.'- 1212 AVALON PLACE. 5-room Louse, gas furnace, basement, ENJOY. "'<' k\r%' good condition. Alfred Hoover CL." 3-4138 or CA. 4-5770. r»ta**_a-4- 1254 & 123d ..IOOBERRY. H-room brick double, garage, base­ ' ' V » ... ment, gas furnace. House on rear of premises. Excellent investment. CA. 4-5770. FLAVOR FRESHNESS 2180 AVALON. 5-ioom fram_, tusement, furnace, hardwood Doors. Edward Brooks,CL. 8-7590 or CA. 4-5770. RELY ON.THESE EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE uorruD IN BONO Virginia Bailey CL. 3-3953 William E. Shearer CA. 4-5770 Edward Brooks CL. 8-7590 i Woodrow Tarrant CL. 3-2376 * YoiLD.. JTfsS/M// As) Maceo Clarke, Jr. CL. 3-7005 Owen C. Thomas BE. 7-2280' 'l -V*. <_» ^_\\,v. , m& ^ *w_ George E. Dam CL. 2-8853 Dor/is Thomas , BE. 7-2280. Have you also Carl Hargraves BR. 9-1961 Eldon W. Ward CA. 1-8674' discovered the excellent tVilliarn E. Johnson CL. 8-9001 Charles G. Wilburn CL. 2-9070, alto J. Shelly LaMonte BR. 4-9735 Alfred Hoover CL. 3-4138 atailobU Im flavor and unusual v&lue James J. McCown CL. 2-81SI Charles Saunders CA. 1-C2S8 • MILDER. LIGHTER oTthia ii! uetrious bott-ed-___-boi_d7... George Page CL. 2-3721 Kentucky'* finest .mi** Woodrow Tarrant, Office Manager, CL. 3-2378 ' mamma mxtut Will jam U. Brooks/President j -^.PROOf bourbon for over 100 yean. I THI JCHOEMJNa BREWING CO, IAOER if BEER •3.76 */s QT. • 92.32 PINT RENTALS * REAL ESTATE • SALES MANAGEMENT j awciNNATnr< OHIO ^ A T. __ BROWNS SON CO., UrryVtrn* ana Uwrentaburg, K<_.t____ 120 HAMILTON AVE ***>CA. 4-5770 !