By Decision 42 COM 8B.30, the World Heritage Committee decided to inscribe the property, with several recommendations. Among these, it requested the State () Party to “revise the property boundary to exclude the site of the recent housing project facing the ‘Red Brick 1538bis building’ (Fabbrica di Mattoni Rossi), and include it in the buffer zone”.

The State Party’s proposal for a minor boundary modification of the property’s boundary addresses this 1 Basic data request.

State Party Modification Italy The proposed boundary modification concerns a roughly rectangular site facing the ‘Red Brick building’ which Name of property accommodates the recent housing project. The project Ivrea, industrial city of the 20th century was executed around 2014/15 and consist of a residential edifice with an L-shaped ground plan and a Location street-sided car parking area. The site is located in the Municipalities of Ivrea and eastern part of the property within a block that is bound Region, Province by the Via Torino in the north-east, the Via Giuseppe di Italy Vittorio in the north and west, and the Via Guglielmo Jervis in the south. Inscription 2018 The State Party proposes to revise the property boundaries by excluding the recent housing site from the Brief description World Heritage area, and include it into the buffer zone. The industrial city of Ivrea is located in the Piedmont The revised boundaries would therefore go through Via region and developed as the testing ground for Olivetti, Guglielmo Jervis and then northwest on the right side of manufacturer of typewriters, mechanical calculators and the stairways that runs along the Social Services Centre office computers. It comprises a large factory and to connect it with the original boundary that includes the buildings designed to serve the administration and social wooded parking area in Via Guiseppe Di Vittorio in front services, as well as residential units. Designed by of the Olivetti Nursery Building. leading Italian urban planners and architects, mostly between the 1930s and the 1960s, this architectural ICOMOS considers that this revision of the property ensemble reflects the ideas of the Community boundary is adequate and it contributes to reinforce the Movement (Movimento Comunità). A model social conditions of integrity of the property and hence maintain project, Ivrea expresses a modern vision of the its Outstanding Universal Value. relationship between industrial production and architecture. According to the information provided with the proposal the property and its buffer zone are subject to the Date of ICOMOS approval of this report following national, regional and local legislative regimes: 12 March 2020 Legislative Decree of 22 January 2004 nr 42, as amended and supplemented, the “Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape”, the Regional Landscape Plan 2 Issues raised approved by Regional Council Decree nr 233-35836 October 3, 2017, the municipal Land Use Plan PRG2000 Background approved with Regional Council Resolution nr 27-4850 The property was inscribed in 2018 on the World of 11 December 2006, as amended and supplemented: Heritage List on the basis of criterion (iv) as an ensemble Quality Charter consisting of drawings Pr.5.1 and Pr.5.2 of outstanding architectural quality that represents the of the plan approved with Regional Council Resolution nr work of Italian modernist designers and architects and 27-4850, of 11 December 2006, Supplement to the demonstrates an exceptional example of 20th century building regulations - rules for minor building works and developments in the design of production. Attributes of regulations for work on MaAM (Museo a Cielo Aperto Outstanding Universal Value include the spatial plan, the dell’Architecture Moderna di Ivrea Open-Air Museum of public buildings and spaces, and residential buildings Ivrea), buildings and their appurtenances, Resolution nr developed by Olivetti as well as the association to the 15 of the Municipal Council, of 25 March 2013 and Community Movement as an intangible asset. relative texts of ‘Rules for the fulfilment of minor building works’ and ‘Regulations for work on buildings and in their attached areas’.


In terms of legal protection, the removal of the recent housing site from the property to be part of the buffer zone will not change the legal mechanisms in place. As regards the management measures, this change to the boundary will contribute to the objectives of the management plan for the protection and conservation of the property.

ICOMOS notes some discrepancies as regards the surface areas mentioned by the State Party in this proposal. Indeed, the extent of the inscribed property is said to be of 63.27 ha, with a buffer zone of 267.42 ha, but at the time of its inscription, the property was presented as being of 71.185 ha, with a buffer zone of 400.481 ha, as specified in the nomination dossier, and as formalised by a letter of the World Heritage Centre, sent to the State Party on July 2018.

In addition, the map showing the new property’s boundary does not seem to be based on the most updated cadastral information as it shows an empty site without the recent housing project in question.

In summary, ICOMOS considers that the proposed minor boundary modification enhances the property’s integrity. Despite certain inaccuracies of the documents submitted by the State Party, which need to be resolved, the proposal complies with the request of Decision 42 COM 8B.3. § 4.c.

3 ICOMOS Recommendations

Recommendation with respect to inscription ICOMOS recommends that the proposed minor modification to the boundary of Ivrea, industrial city of the 20th century, Italy, be approved.

Additional recommendations ICOMOS also recommends that the State Party give consideration to the following points: a) Specifying the surface areas of the inscribed property and its buffer zone following the minor boundary modification in number of hectares, b) Providing maps with updated cadastral information that show the existing building stock of the inscribed property and its buffer zone;


Map showing the revised boundaries of the property