Azərbaycan Respublikasının Permanent Mission of the BMT yanında Daimi Republic of Nümayəndəliyi to the United Nations

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Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan First Committee, the Seventy-Fifth Session of the General Assembly New York, 12 October 2020

right of reply

Mr. Chair,

My Delegation would like to exercise its right of reply in connection with the issue on outbreak of the hostilities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan since 27 September, raised earlier today. While comprehensive statement on the matter in reference will be delivered by the Delegation of Azerbaijan in the course of current general debate, we would like to offer following remarks in response to the intervention by the Delegation of .

The groundless and fabricated arguments presented by the delegation of Armenia in this august body is no longer come as surprise. All attempts of this country to deny the facts that points to its policy of aggression, hatred and falsification are nothing but vain endeavour, especially in light of the current hostilities commited by Armenia against Azerbaijan and its civilian population.

It has been unanimously recognized by the international community through the UN Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 of 1993 that acts commited by Armenia against Azerbaijan constitues unlawfull use of force and occupation. These documents confirm that Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan, condemn the use of force against Azerbaijan and demand the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the from the occupied territories of Azerbiajan.

The occupying state in effective control of these territories for years concealed its military potential from relevant regional arms control and verification mechanisms, engaged in massive military build-up, transfered and diverted weapons and ammunitions, as well as combat units and conducted military exercises, attended by the president, minister of defence and other high-ranking officials of Armenia.

Accompanied by the deliberate policy of Armenia to derail the process, its inflamatory and warmongering statements and consistent porvocations on the ground, including the deliberate attacks in April 2016 and July 2020, the incursion of the sabotage-reconnaissance group into the territory of Azerbaijan this August and purposeful actions aimed at changing the demographic, cultural and physical character of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, leaves no doubt that the ultimate goal

1 of Armenia was to consolidate the occupation and achieve the annexation of the territories of Aserbiajan under the cover of cease-fire and peace process. Thus, Armenia’s statement on its support for and adherence to the appeal of the United Nations Secretary-General for global ceasefie is nothing other than utter falsehood.

On 27 September 2020, after repeated provocations, the armed forces of Armenia subjected the armed forces of Azerbaijan along the entire frontline and the adjacent populated areas in my country to intensive fire, with the use of large-caliber weapons, artillery and mortars. These attacks have resulted in numerous deaths and injuries among civilians and military.

In response, Azerbaijan has undertaken successfull counter-offensive measures, neutralizing Armenian fire and battle positions and liberating the territories of Azerbaijan from the occupation, in the exercise of the right to self-defence. Azerbaijan acts on its sovereign soil, and takes adequate and proportionate measures to repulse the imminent threat to its and territorial integrity and security of its population. Our military objectives are to protect and to prevent further loss of life of innocent Azerbaijani civilians by neutralizing presence of the Armenian armed forces in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and to achieve a sustainable and durable peace in our country and region.

As of 9 October, 16 command posts, 196 tanks, 38 BM-21, 1 "Hurricane", 10 self-propelled artillery units (8 actions, 2 carnations), 36 infantry fighting vehicles, 24 artillery batteries, 2 REM or air defense devices, 2 S-300 launchers, 25 OSA anti-aircraft missile systems, 2 KUB anti-aircraft missile systems, 4 "Repeland" radio equipment obstacle vehicle, 136 cannons, 56 mortars, 1 TOS-1 A firearm, 2 radar stations, 1 "Kalchuga" antenna belonging to the armed forces of Armenia were destroyed. 18 tanks, 4 artillery pieces, 22 infantry fighting vehicles, 12 mortars, 4 UAZ cars, 1 excavator, 27 Igla complexes, 1 Zil and 9 GAZ cars were requisited as a trophy of war.

The very fact of deliberate targeting of civilians and the illigal deployment of such a large number of troops and armaments in the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan indicates that Armenia is the aggressor and that all public pronouncements of Armenia about its alleged adherence to ceasefire and peacefull settlement are nothing other than a hollow rhetoric and smokescreen to camouflage the clear- cut annexiationist objectives.

We resolutely reject all baseless allegation by Armenia related to involvement of external parties into the conflict. The armed forces of Azerbaijan are well-equipped, self-sufficient and fully capabale of repulsing on their own the ongoing aggression by Armenia against Azerbaijan. These allegations of Armenia are a futile and desperate attempt to deviate the attention from heavy losess suffered by the Armenian army and to draw in third parties, including mercenaries and terrorist groups, in order to enlarge the scope of hostilities and reverse the situation on the ground . According to international media reports, thousands of ethnic from different countries, have already arrived in the conflict zone or in the process of deployment.

The main destabilizing factor in the region is the presence of the Armed Forces of Armenia and military occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan. The sooner Armenia withdraws its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh region and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan, the earlier the conflict will be resolved and both countries and their people will benefit from the prospects of cooperation and economic development.