
Arthur B. Ingham Pebble Beach, California 1968


This book is dedicated to those rare persons.who put their interest into action and assisted in gathering infonnation for this genealogy. ·

Given by

~..s ~ Frank A. Pit chet, t (nee Ruth Studley 1)46) Hewman, O&litornia

JOSEPH INGHAM and 1191 of His Descendants

One could spend a decade on the genealogy of a family without discovering ·all members., Those coming into possessi9n of this work must realize that many families do not keep records of births, marriages and deaths, thus making it difficult, if not impossible to secure infonnation about all individuals. However, the response of the members of the Ingham family has been gratifying and it has been a pleasure to cooperate with them in developing this family history. · It will be evident that the following sketch does not include all members of the family. No attempt has been made to trace the various branches, for that would take roore time than the writer has at his disposal. In 1871, the Hon. Samuel Ingham of Essex, Connecticut, a member of Congress. from 1835 to 1839, Conmissioner of Customs in Washington from 1857 to 1861, and who was a practicing attorney for more than 40 years, compiled a genealogy of the Ingham family, following his retirement from public life. Much of the infonnation used herein, covering the period prior to 1750 is based upon his work. Walter D. Ingham, (b. November 13, 1836) and his brother, Captain William H. Ingham (b. November 27, 1827) cooperated in 1910 in compiling a short history of the Samuel Ingham (b. May 10, 1774) branch. Some of these .records have been used and expanded bringing them down to Harvey Ingham, -- the Harvey Ingham who was the nation­ ally recognized editor of the Des Moines Register &Tribune covering a period of 40 years. · The Inghams are an ancient family in England. Their remote ancestors probably belonged to that Saxon horde that invaded Britain previous to the ninth century and established themselves there. Their home, which was perhaps 11 seated in a meadow", was in the parish or town ·Ingham, in east division, and on the east coast of Norfolk, from which, as in numerous other like instance·s, their name of Ingham, as a personal name, was, it is said, derived. "Ingham, is this town, which takes its name as seated in the meadow." etc, 11 a family that takes their name from this town (Ingham) was early enfeoffed thereof, 11 etc. The name is Anglo-Saxon, and is compounded of the Danish or Saxon word 11 ing 11 the English translation of 11 11 which is meadow, and the Saxon word ham , the Engl;sh of which ;s home, hamlet, or town. Ingham-home in the meadow. John de Ingham, or John Ingham of Ingham was lord in the time of Richard I. He married Alberta, daughter of Walter Walleran and had Oliver. "This Oliver became a person of great activity in his time. 11 He was governor of Ellismere Castle, Marlborough Castle, Guilford Castle, and others and was sU11111oned along with other Barons to attend the King Edward I on his expedition into Wales in 1276, and was one of the Council of Regency appointed by Par­ liament about 1327, consisting of twelve persons, prelates and lay peers, "to have guidance of young King Edward III, during his minority." "Sir Oliver, a valiant' knight, and favorite of Edward III, 11 died the 18th year of the King•s reign, and was buried in a church in.the ancient city of Norwich. "In an arch on the north side of that church lies the effigy of Sir Oliver Ingham, in complete annor, on a mattress, with his spurs and garter on his leg, as a knight of that order, beholding the sun, moon and stars, all very lively set forth; at his feet a lion couchant, his helmet supported by two eagles, and twenty-four mour:pers about his monument." The church had a Nonnan front. and a very lofty embattled tower. On the west end of the steeple were the arms of Stapleton and Ingham. (See Dougdale's Barronage of England, p. 104; Bloomfield and Perkins' History of Norfolk, v. IX, p. 316 &317). The shield of the Ingham coat of anns is surrounded by an owl, the bird of wisdom, with the motto: 11 I think while I sleep." Ingham and Hingham are likely the same, due to the mode of expression of most English­ men_ by which names are spoken with the sound of Has a prefix. There has always been a tradition in the Ingham family_ that three brothers of that name came at an early period from England to Saybrook -- one of which went to the eastward, another to the westward and the third who was their progenitor, and who undoubtedly was Joseph~ settled at Saybrook. Thomas Ingham was in Scituate, Old Colony, now in Massachusetts in 1640. Per­ haps he was a brother of Joseph who went to the eastward. Thomas owned considerable real estate in and about Scituate. His will was dated November 14, 1648. The name of his wife is given only as Mary. They had three children; Mary, b. 1647; Thomas, b. 1654 and John b. 1663. ln March, 1676 his wife, Mary, was accused of witchcraft. The following 1s a trans-- cript of the proceedings against her: . ._ From Plymouth Colony Records, V. 223, the ~fol low,ng7s -recorded: . . "Mary Ingham; ·thou art indited by the name of Mary Ingha~, the wife of Thomas Ingham, of the towne of Scituate, in the jurisdiction-of New Plymouth, for that thou not haveing the-feare of God before thyne eyes, hast, by the healp of the divill, in a way of witch­ _craft or sorcery, malliciously procured much hurt, mischeiffe, and paine unto the body of _Mehitable Woodworth, the daughter of Walter Woodworth, of Scituate aforesaid, and some others, and particularly causing her, the said Mehitable to fall into violent fits, and causi•ng great paine unto several partes of her body att several times, soc as shee, the said Meh~table Woodworth, hath been almost bereaved of her sences, and hath greatly lan­ guished, to her much suffering thereby, and the procuring of great greiffe, sorrow, and charge to her parents; all which thou hast procured and don against the law of God, and to his great dishonor, and contrary to our said lord the Kinge, his crowne and dignitie. 11 The said Mary Ingham did putt herself on the tryall of God and the country, and was cleared of this inditement in process of law by a jury of twelve men. 11 . . Ingham. County in Michigan is named after Samuel D. Ingham, b. September 16, 1779, in Buck's County, Pennsylvania. He was educated by his father,~onathan, who was a disting­ uished scholar and physician. He was apprenticed to a paper maker, a business in which.he afte-rwards engaged. He ,soon became active in politics as a Republican. He represented his county in the state legislature in 1805 and was elected to Congress in 1812, where -he re­ mained until March 1829, with the exception of four years when he was at home with an,ill wife. A contemporary in Congress said of him: 11 He was one of the most prominent members of the House, and one of the most active and talented in the Pennsylvania Delegation. 11 When General Jackson became president he appointed Samuel D. Ingham, Secretary of the Treasury, which office· he held_ until a rupture occurred between President Jackson and members of his This rupture came about:, due in a measure to the controversy over the wife of Senator John H. Eaton. Quoting from Samuel E. Morison, the noted historia·n: 11 Peggy O'Neale, daughter of the principal tavern keeper at the Georgetown end of Washington, was a luscious brunette with a perfect figure and a come-hither look in her eyes that drove the young men of Washington wild, and some of the old ones too. Married at an early age to a purser in the navy, she became during his long absences at sea the mistress of her father's star boarder, John H. Eaton, bachelor senator from Tennessee. At least 'all Washington' except Jackson believed. Eaton bought the tavern when Papa O'Neale went broke, in order to con­ tinue his pleasant arrangement, and persuaded the navy department to give the purser plenty of sea duty. About the time of the presidential election, the complacent husband, caught short in his accounts, died or conunitted suicide -- nobody knew which; and shortly after the news arrived, on New Year's Day 1829, his bonny· widow, now thirty-two years old, married Eaton. All except President Jackson tried to stop it, but Jackson practically conmanded him to marry her in order (as he thought) to stop the gossip and make her an honest woman. And Jackson appointed Eaton his war secretary. 11 Mrs. -Calhoun refused to receive the 'hussy' and the other cabinet wives followed suit. They declined to call, and at official receptions or White House dinners, refused to speak. Neither would the ladies of the diplomatic corps or the wives of most of the senators and congressmen. ---The crisis came at a Jackson birthday ball in January 1830. All the secre­ taries• ladies ignored Peggy and tempers rose so high that cabinet meetings had to be post­ poned. But the Presi~ent refused to surrender. He actually held a cabinet meeting re Mrs. Eaton, whom he pronounced 'as chaste as a virgin'. Henry Clay, hearing this, quipped 'Age cannot wither nor time stale her infinite virginity!"


A branch of the Ingham family settled in County in the parish of Ossel, England, early in the reign of Charles I. ·· Forefather of this 1ine wa-s Wi 11 i am Ingham who married ~usannah and had issue··of William, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Susanna, Elizabeth, Rachel and Hannah. Benjamin was a close associate of John Wesley during his Oxford days and came to Georgia with him. Benjamin Ingham later founded a religious sect which became known-as lnghamj~s. · The second son of William Ingham, Joseph, a native of Norfolk County, England, settled in Guilford, _Connecti_cut before 1639.· In about 1631, Lord Say and Seal, Lord Brook and others,_ bei_ng dissatisfied _with civil and rel_igious state of thi:ngs i_n ~n9land in the time of Charles I, contemplated a removal to America, and in prosecution bf that design, pro­ cured a patent of a large tract of land along the sea-co~st of Connecticut including the mouth of the Connecticut River and the territory adjacent, then a wilderness. In about 1635 they caused a fort to be built on the right bank of the river, about two miles from its mouth, and thirty-five miles easterly of Quinnipiac, now New Haven, and houses for the accoTIJTiodation of their people and the 'reception of persons of quality.' In 1639 Colonel George Fenwick, an Englishman of high position, for hi-mself, and as agent of the other patentees, with his family, and many others arrived in a ship at Quinnipiac, and proceeded to take possession of the fort at Connecticut River. A small settlement was fanned near the fort which he named Saybrook, in honor of Lords Say and Seal, and Lord Brook. Another small settlement was fanned in Guilford, about midway between Quinnipiac and Saybrook. In the same ship with Colonel Fenwick and the 11 Guliford Company", came the Rev. Henry Whitfield, their first pastor and teacher, Francis Bushnell, the-elder, Francis Bushnell, the younger, his daughter Sarah, and Joseph Ingham to Guilford, Connecticut. The name of Joseph Ingham appears· third on the plantation covenant of Guilford, June 1, 1639. He, and the Bushnell s were, no doubt, non-confonni sts, perhaps puritans·. ·-Francis Bushnel 1, the elder, died in Guilford, in 1646. Deacon Francis Bushnell, the younger, his daughter Sarah, and Joseph Ingham II, moved to Saybrook in 1648 where Deacon Bushnell, who was a miller, built the first mill in that town, afterwards called Jones' Mill. He died in Say­ brook December 4, 1681. Joseph Ingham, m. June 20, 1655, Sarah, daughter of Deacon Francis Bushnell, who was a miller, a builder and carpenter, built the first mill in Saybrook. Joseph was a freeman in 1669~ In those days the freemen were those who partook of the sac­ rament. Joseph & Sarah had at least two children: 1. Joseph, b. August 30~ 1656~ Saybrook~ Connecticut. 2. Sarah, b. June 11, 1658, Saybrook, Connecticut. 1 -Joseph Ingham, b. August 30, 1656, Saybrook, Conn., M. about 1690, Mary Atwell of New London, b. there in 1676, the 2nd of 8 children of Benjamin Atwell and his wife, Mary. They had at least 5 children, (Savage says 5 and Bushnell Gen. says 6). Joseph was a weaver and became well-to-do. On August 6, 1709, Joseph divided his estate, which_ was considerable, with certain reservations to himself for life between his sons, Samuel, Ebenezer and John, and a portion of his personal property to his "beloved daughter Susannah." 3. Samuel, b._ in Saybrook, Conn. 4. Ebenezer, b. in Saybrook. (His descendants are recorded following No. 87). 5. John, b. in Saybrook. 6. Susannah, b. in Saybrook. 7. Benoni, b. in Saybrook, Conn. 3 Samuel Ingham, b. in Saybrook, (date not recorded), m. Rebecca Williams November 3, 1686 in Saybrook. 8. Samuel, b. March 1688, d. next month. 9. Rebecca, b. December 13, 1689. 10. Sarah, b. December 14, 1692. 11. Joseph, b. June 19, 1696. 12. Samuel, Jr., b. July 28, 1697, Saybrook, Connecticut, d. Hebron, September 16, 1754. 13. Hannah, b. February 19, 1700. 14. Thomas, b. September 24, 1702. 15. Abigail, b. September 17, 1705. 16. Daniel, b. May 4, 1710. -12 Samuel Ingham, Jr., b. July 28, 1697, Saybrook, Connecticut, moved to Hebron, Connecti-cut in about 1723. A piece of land was set out to him by the· town proprietors, adjoining his 100-acre tract. The date of his marriage and the name of his spouse are not recorded,. but it is known that his children were born in Hebron and that he died there on September 16, 1754. Samue 1 Ingham was a physician of much note and was the owner of 1a_rge ·rea 1 · estate hold1ngs. His•son Thomas served in the regiment raised by Connecticut to aid the -British in the reduction of Cuba, in 1762, and lost his life in that campaign. He held a COlllllission at the time of his death. Micajah died in the neighborhood 'of one of the northern lakes. 17. Hannah, b. January 1, 1728. 18. '4ary, b. April 4, 1731. 19. Rhoda, b. March 24, 1733. 20. Phebe, b. March 26, 1737. 21. Alexander, b. February 18, 1738. 22. Thomas, b. October 23, 1741. 23. Micajah, b. October 22, 1746. 24. Daniel, b. January 23, 1747, d. same month. 25. Daniel, b. January 16, 1749. 16 Daniel Ingham, b. May 4, 1710, lived in Saybrook, Conn., and d. there, aged 94. He was married twice, first to Mary, who d. February 4, 1790, aged 61; and Hannah who d. April 6, 1811, age 74. · 26. Amasa 27. Daniel 28. Samuel 29. Jesse 21 Alexander Ingham, b. February 18, 1738, Hebron, Conn., m. May 1, 1759, Catherine Trumbull of Hebron. 30. Huldah, b. August 25, 1761. 31. Eliza, b. November 23, 1763. 32. Alexander, Jr., b. December 16, 1764. 26 Amasa Ingham, m·. May 9, 1792, Mary Chapman of Saybrook. 33. Ezra C., b. February 6, 1793. 34. Alanson, b. June 22, 1795. 35. Marietta, b. November 25, 1797, d. June 5, 1867. 36. Anna, b. October 13, 1799. 37. Friend W., b. August 3, 1801. 38. Daniel, b. May 15, 1803, d. January 14, 1805. 39. Betsey, b. May 12, 1805. 40. Louisa, b. March 13, 1807. 41. Daniel, b. June 11, 1809, d. January 31, 1815. 42. Emily E., b. March 5, 1811. 43. Julia A., b. March 5, 1811. 44. Susan, b. September 25, 1~13. 45. Henry A., b. October 3,- 1815. 46. Albert C., b. July 1817. 32 Alexander Ingham Jr., b. December 16, 1764, m. November 23, 1789, Polly Chester of Groton, near Noank, where Polly, his wife, died. Mr. Ingham moved to Brooklyn, near Cleveland, Ohio in 1839 and d. December 10, 1858, aged 94. He served in the Revolu­ tionary War and it is said that he was in Fort Trumbull when it was taken or evacuated, and New London was burnt by the British in 1781. 47. Alexander, b. April 26, 1788. 48. Matthew, b. March 8, 1790. 49. ·Elisha, b. November 14, 1792, d. January 10, 1793. 50 •. Polly, b. March 22, 1794 • .51. 5al.1Y, b. October 30, 1795. 52. · Nathan 53. Narcissa, b. April 6, 1800 54. Frank~ b. March 1, 1802, all at Noank. 33 Ezra C. Ingham, b. February 6, 1793, m. January 21, 1817, Lydia C1ark of Saybrook, Connecticut, b. March 21, 1798. 55. Lucius P., b. June 19, 1822, d. January 10, 1860. 56. Joseph C., b. April 4, 1825, d. November 20, 1830. 57. Marietta, b. November 25, 1828, d. March 2, 1836. 58. Louisa M., b. May 16, 1831. 59. Lydia A., b. June 27, 1834, d. March 12, 1836. 60. Susan A., b. August 31, 1836, d. November 1, 1841. 61. William H., b. October 21, 1838. 62. George C., b. December 12, 1841, father of Arthur. (Note: Daniel No. 27, Samuel No. 28, and Jessie No. 29, removed in the spring of 1780 to 11 the Kennebec, 11 a wilderness in the State of Maine. William, a son of Samuel, No. 28, lived in Lowell, Mass. Daniel was a farmer and lived and d. in Mount Vernon, Maine. Jessie was a farmer, was never married, and lived and d. in Avon, Maine). 47 Alexander Ingham, b. April 26, 1788, m. August 20, 1808, Lydia Fish of Groton, b. Dec. 5, 1784," and d. January 15, 1869. He d. April 16, 1870, both in Brooklyn, Ohio. 63. Moses, b. August 14, 1809, drowned at Brooklyn, L. I., October 6, 1827. 64. Elisha, b. April 2, 1811. 65. James M., b. May 19, 1817, d. October 18, 1820. 66. William Alexander-, b. June 23, 1823, all at Noank. 50 Polly Ingham, b. March 22, 1794, Noank, Conn., m. March 20, 1784, Peter Eldridge of Franklin, Conn., lived in Fremont, Ohio. 51 Sally Ingham, b. October 30, 1795, Noank, Conn., m. January 5, 1817, Wm. Wilbur. 67.·Eleazer J., b. June 2, 1818, m. Latham Rathbone, October 27, 1836. 68. Emeline, b. April 13, 1820, m. John D. Latham. 69. Margaret, b. May 24, 1822, m. Elihu Chester, November lJ, 1843. 70. Sarah, b. June 5, 1829, m. in 1848, Daniel Clark. 52 Nathan Ingham, son of Alexander No. 28, m. January 11, 1813, Experience Fish of Groton, b. August 9, 1792. Mr. Ingham d. May 23, 1843. 71. Eldridge C., b. November 5, 1813, never married. 72. Marie L., b. June 26, 1815, m. October 6, 1833, Albert Chester. 73. Nathan, 0., b. June 17, 1817, m. June 1835, Elizabeth Daboll. He d. at sea, 1843. 74. Joseph, b. May 15, 1819, m. E. Chailofte of Charleston, S.C. He drowned at Mobile. 75. Prudence, M., b. January 5, 1821, unmarried. 76. Catherine N., b. October 16, 1823, m. December 2, 1846, Erastus Fish 77. Narcissa, b. November 25, 1825, m. March 20, 1846, Wm. E. Spicer. 78. Abby L., b. May 30, 1828, m. June 1848, Moses Wilbur. 79. Elisha, b. May 8, 1832, went to Washington Territory. 54 Frank Ingham, b. March 1, 1802, m. November 13, 1843, Emily Chester. Lived in Ohio. 80. Abby, m. Reverend N.L. Parrish, of Cleveland. 81. Enma 82. Harriet 83. Albert 84. Edwin 66 William Alexander Ingham, b. June 23, 1823, was thrice m., first, November 14, 1843, Semanthia Stebbins, by whom he had: 85. Howard, b. December 18, 1844. 86. Willis, H., b. June 3, 1849, d. August 5, 1851. Mrs. Ingham d. September 24~ 1850. Second m., March 5, 1853, to Caroline S. Buxton, by whom he had: 87. George 0., b. August 11, 1854. Mrs. Ingham d. August 16, 1854. Third m., March 22, 1866, Mary B. Jones. Mr. Ingham took up residence in Cleveland in 1833. He was a distinguished and active member of the Methodist Denomination of Christians, was one of the members of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Wesleyan University and one of the standing conmittee of the Board; annually made valuable additions to the University Library, and through his liberality a course of lectures was corrmenced in 1869, upon Natural and Revealed Religion. He was a senior partner of the firm of Ingham, Clark and Company, wholesale booksellers and stationers of Cleveland. His son, Howard M. Ingham, who married Sarah Woodward of Keene, N. H. was in business with him. 4 Ebenezer Ingham, b. Saybrook (date unrecorcled) m. July 9, 1701 at Guilford, Dorothy Stone, b. about 1682, one of 10 children of Thomas. Stone and Mary Johnson. Ebenezer's will dated November 25, 1742, probated at Guilford, June 6, 1749, named his wife as executrix and indicated he owned considerable property at-Guilford and Durham. He d. May 20, 1748. The mother of Dorothy Stone was Mary Johnson whom. December 2, 1676, Thomas Stone of Guilford and shed. July 6, 1732. She was Aunt to Reverend Dr. Samuel Johnson of Stratford who is regarded as the father of Episcopacy in Connecticut and great-Aunt to Governor Thomas Chittenden of Vennont. 88. Dorothy, b. June 1, 1703. 89. Joseph, b. October 8, 1705. 90. Mary, b. November 15, 1707. 91. Susannah, b. May 8, 1710. 92. Ebenezer, b. November 12, 1712. 93. Benjamin, b. May 23, 1715, d. March 28, 1716. 94. Sarah, b. March 10, 1717. 95. Benjamin, b. April 1720. 96. Daniel, b. May l, 1723. 89 Joseph Ingham, b. October 8, 1705, d. previous to June 2, 1760. His will dated Nov. 25, 1742, was approved by the probate court in Guilford, Connecticut, June 2, 1760. He moved to Durham, Connecticut, when he was about 30; his marriage to Abigail Wright of Saybrook, took place about 1735. He received from Ebenezer and Dorothy a deed to land in Durham, the consideration being love and affection, same dated August 3, 1735. 97. Joseph, b. November 8, 1742, Durham, Connecticut. 98. Benjamin 99. Abigail 100. Samuel 101. and one more. ~ 90 Mary Ingham, b. November 15, 1707, m. November 1735, Jonathan Chapman of Saybrook. 102. Mary, b. October 12, 1736, never married. 103. Temperance, b. May 13, 1740. 104. Sarah b. June 16, 1742. 105. Ruth, b. May 30, 1744. 106. Jonathan, b. May 26, 1747. 92 Ebenezer Ingham, II, b. November 12, 1712, d. August 6, 1783, was twice married, first to Lena who d. January 1770, aged 90, second wifed. 1800, aged 80. 107. Ebenezer III, b. about 1738. 108. William, b. 1751. 109. David, b. April 15, 1756, Saybrook. 110. Stephen 111. Lydia 96 . Daniel Ingham, b. May 1, 1723, went to Hebron, Connecticut, some time before 1746 and· married Mahitabel Phelps, September 4, 1746. On July 10, 1749 a tract of land was set out for him by the town proprietors, to which he added considerable. He was a fanner with great muscular strength, without early education he had a good stock of coP111on sense; was a good public speaker; was a man of reputation and substance,_ grave and dignified, and of undoubted piety. He represented the town of· Hebron in the State Legislature; was a member of the State Convention held at Hartford in 1788 ·to ratify the constitution of the United States, and with a considerable minority voted against it in conformity_with his own views and those whom he represented. He d. May 21, 1801 of cancer, and his wifed. April 1, 1773 in her 47th year. He did not marry again. 112. Solomon, b. November 1, 1751. 113. Erastus, b. July 16, 1755. 114. Samuel, b. August 7, 1757, d. at Horse Neck, October 30, 1776, in Revolutionary Anny. 115. Marsilva, b. May 26, 1760. 116. Micajah, b. November 15, 1863. 117. Mahitabel, b. May 5, 1765. 118. Oliver, b. January 13, 1768, all born in Hebron. 97 Joseph Ingham, b. November 8, 1742, Durham, Connecticut, and according to the records kept by Reverend Mr. Chauncey of Durham, 11 Joseph Ingham, son of Joseph and Abigail Ingham, was baptized November 14, 1742 11 and that "Joseph Ingham and Mahitabel Brown 11 were joined in marriage August 19, 1767 • She was born December 10, 1749. They re­ mained in Durham until late 1770 or early 1771, and moved to Richmond, Massachusetts perhaps with his brothers Benjamin and Samuel. On January 5, 1771, Joseph purchased a tract of land at Richmond, Massachusetts, from Sam Crittondin who resided at Durham, Connecticut. Later he purchased more land at Richmond, and disposed of some to David Brown, who had wife, Mahitabel. In fact we find him disposing of several pieces of land located at Richmond, Massachusetts during the year of 1788. On October 6, 1788, the deed to a Mr. Reddington gave the residence of Joseph Ingham as the Kings District, County of Columbia, New York. Thus we find him just across the line in New York State, in or near Canaan. In the spring of 1781,"the Congregational Church of New Concord in the town of Chatham, Columbia County, New York was being reorganized and we .find Joseph Ingham's name among the new members of The Church of Christ in New Concord, dated May 24, 1781. Walter D. Ingham (b. 1836) and William H. Ingham (b. 1827), brothers and great-grandsons of Joseph Ingham (No. 97), writing in 1910, indicated that Joseph Ingham, b. November 8, 1742, had a wife Mahitabel who had been the wife of David Brown. It appears that Joseph's wife Mahitabel Brown whom he married at Durham, and with whom he moved to Richmond, Massachusetts,· •~s· Mahi frabel · Wilkinson· Brown· · the !cl widow of •vid Brown, who it is recorded,. d. Aug • .f, 1766. (We kno; that David Brown and his wife Mahitabel lived neighbor to Joseph Ingham in Massachusetts. The lands of the two :r·arme~s lay side by side). Joseph Ingham served at least three enlistments from Berkshire co., Massachusetts in the Revolutionary War. He died in Canaan, New York about 1790. Administration was granted to his estate to his widow, Mahitabel Ingham, of Canaan, Columbia Co., New York, and the inventory was filed, Oct. 13, 1791. 119. David, b. June 13, 1768, Durham, Connecticut. 120. Joseph, b. January 10, 1770, Durham, Connecticut. 121. Stephen, b. November 17, 1771, Richmond, Massachusetts, d. in infancy. 122. Samuel, May 10, 1774, Richmond, Massachusetts, (Descendants recorded after #1132) 123. John, b. April 2, 1776, Richmond, Massachusetts, d. October 8, 1860, Brighton, Iowa. 124. Stephen, Jr., b. May 18, 1778, Richmond, Massachusetts, d. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, December 1875. (His descendants are recorded following No. 888). 125. Ruth, b. June 17, 1781, Richmond, Massachusetts, d. Little Falls, New York. 126. Malinda, b. February 20, 1784, Richmond, Massachusetts. 1873 127. Alanson, b. January 15, 1786, Richmond, Massachusetts, d. July 21,/Muskegon; Michigan 123 John Ingham, b. April 2, 1776, Richmond, Massachusetts, d. October 8, 1860, Brighton, Iowa, m. Sarah Dresser, b. February 29, 1784, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, d. November 9, 1846, Brighton, Iowa. The family resided in New York State and was engaged in fanning until 1839. John was a talented mechanic, and invented, among other things, a rotary steam engine which created a great deal of interest. A finn in Alton, Ill., ordered one built for their use, whereupon Mr. Ingham had the engine constructed and went with it to Illinois, intending to install it and instruct the purchaser in its use and care. But upon arriving in Alton, he found the finn had become bankrupt. Taking a steamer he .went up the Mississippi and visited Washington County, Iowa. Being well pleased with the country he secured a claim of 240 acres in Sec. 13, Clay Town­ ship •. He then returned to New York, sold his fann there and returned to Iowa with his wife and younger children, in an ox-drawn wagon. Soon after his wife's death in 1846, he sold his fann and went to Peoria, Illinois, with the intention of making that his home. Soon after their arrival, however, some of the family members became ill, which made them dissatisfied and homesick, and after their recovery he again returned to Washington County, purchased· 160 acres and established a clothing store in Brighton. John Ingham was a man of more than ordinary ability. In early life he learned the trade of a weaver and for some years was engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods in New York. He and his wife were members of the Congregational Church at Brighton and were, with other charter members. Sarah Dresser Ingham's grandfather, John Dresser, b. December 8, 1716, at Nashaway, Connecticut., later the town of Thomson, Killingly Town, Windham County. He married Sarah Scott. They had 13 children including James who was b. May 27,.1761 at Charlton, Massachusetts, the 11th of 13 children. His wifed. at Sturbridge, Massachusetts about 1780. He d. at Charlton, June 24, 1789. He served as corporal in the Revolutionary War. Sarah Dresser Ingham's father was James Dresser, (son of John Dresser), b. May 27, 1761 at Charlton, Massachusetts, m. May 17, 1783,. at Carlton, Irene Herrin b. 1760. They had 5 children including Sarah. About 1796 they moved to Stockbridge, Massachusetts where he d. May 30, 1812 aged 51, and his widow d. September 4, 1836, aged 76. (Ref.: Vital Rec. Charlton, p. 38; Vital Rec. Oxford, p. 151; Sedwick Cemetery Rec. Stockbridge, Mass. p. 54) 128. Lucy Dresser, b. July 27, 1804, Whitestown, New York, d. November 24, 1872. 129. Irena, b. July 26, 1806, Whitestown, New York. Drowned at Sharon, April 29, 1810. 130. Sophia Malinda, b. November 25, 1808, Sharon, N.Y., d. July 7, 1819, Pompey, N.Y. 131. James Dresser, b. November 10, 1810, Sharon, N. Y., d. December 10, 1888, Flushing, Mich. (His descendants are recorded following No. 165} 132. John Brown, b. November 10, 1810, Sharon, N.Y. (His descendants are recorded following No. 245, the 245 in left hand column) 133. Stephen Van Rensselear, b. August 13, 1812, Sharon, N.Y., d. 1878, New Haven, Conn. (His descendants recorded afte~ No. 274) , 134 Joseph, b. Apri-1 3, 1815, Oaksville, New York, d. December 10, 1898, Grundy County, Iowa. (His descendants are recorded after No. 279) 135. Benjamin Isham, b. August 7, 1817, Pompey, New York, d. January 29, 1871, Brighton, Iowa. (His descendants are recorded after No. 626) · 136. Sally Ann, b. October 25, 1819, Pompey, New York, d. December 13, 1820, Pompey. 137. Harriet, b. October 31, 1821, Pompey, d. February 7, 1862 (wife of F. Thorne) 138. Harry, b. October 31, 1821, Pompey, d. April 9, 1908, Brighton, Iowa. (His descendants are recorded following No. 883) 139. Seymour Bradford, b. November l, 1823, Pompey, New York, d. June 12, 1875. Brighton, Iowa. (His marriage is recorded after No. 885) 140. Lucean Sterns, b. December 12, 1824, Pompey, New York, d. December 5, 1825, Pompey 128 Lucy Dresser Ingham, b. July 27, 1804 in Whitestown, New York, d. November 24, 1872 at Brighton, Iowa, m. David A. Horton, b. 1805 in New York state, d. December 18, 1878. His occupation - fanner (married in Onondaga Co., New York). 141. Willis, b. June 3, 1831 in Onondaga Co., New York. 142 John I, b. September 30, 1833. 143. David, b. January 30, 1836. 144. Lucinda, b. June 24, 1838 (married L. Wilson, farmer in Cass Co., Nebraska). 145. Eugene, b. May 15, 1841, d. in New York, March 21, 1842. 146. Sarah F., b. September 1, 1843 - widow of Fred Frisbee of Cass County, Nebraska. (Family numbers 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, and 139 would nonnally come here, but the system used demands that they be placed further on in the record as noted just above under family No. 123.) 142 John Horton, b. New York, September 26, 1833, came to Washington County in 1844 with his parents, who located in Clay Twp., near Brighton, Iowa. He· enlisted in Co. K. - 13th Iowa Inf., Sept. 1861, served until December 1864, m. March 1868, Susan Ramsey of Pennsylvania. His occupation - fanner. 147. Avery, b._ Dec. 18, 1869, Brighton, .Ia., d. Apr. 15, 1953, Brighton, Ia. 148. Willis 149. Floyd 150. Grant 147 Avery Horton, b. Dec. 18, 1869, Brighton, Ia., d. April 15, 1953, Brighton, m. Mar. 25, 1896, Myrtle Vance Robinson, b. Mar. 27, 1873. (She is still living Dec. 1967). His o. Postal Service Employee. 151. Infant, b. Jan. 1, 1897, died soon after birth. 152. Florence Agnes, b. Feb. 2, 1898, Brighton, Iowa. 153. Leland Avery, b. April 5, 1899, Brighton. 154. Willis Vance, b. Nov. 7, 1900, Brighton. 155. Mildred, b. Jan. 18, 1902, Brighton. 156. Infant, died at birth. 157. Theodore Robinson, b. Nov. 14, 1903, Brighton. 158. Maureen, b. Oct. 23, 1906, d. Nov. 2, 1906, Brighton. 153 Leland Avery Horton, b. April 5, 1899, Brighton, m. June 16, 1927, Brighton, Ia., Vera Mildred Koch, b. Jan. 10, 1905, Brighton. His occupation, Postal Service Employee. 159. Janet Marie, b. June 7, 1930, Brighton, Iowa. 160. Roberta Lee, b. Aprill, 1937, Brighton, Iowa. 159 Janet Marie Horton, b. June 7, 1930, Brighton, Iowa, m. June 19, 1955, William F. Horst­ mann, b. July 27, 1921, Los Angeles. His o. High School Principal, Manteca, Calif. (1967 161 Little William, b. Sept. 20, 1956, d. Sept. 23, 1956, Exeter, Calif. 162. Wi 11 iam Terry, b. Oct .. 7, 19-57, Exeter, Cal if. 163. James Allen, b. Oct. 26, 1961, Exeter, Calif. 160 Roberta Lee Horton, b. April 1, 1937, Brighton, Iowa, m. Mar. 28, 1957, Brighton, Richar Lee Ulm, b. Jan. 27, 1938, Des Moines, Ia., his occupation - Restaurant Owner (Divorced) 164. Douglas Wayne, b. Sept. 28, 1958, Fairfield, Iowa. 165. Rachael Rae, b. Nov. 29, 1959, Fairfield, Iowa. 131 James Dresser Ingham, b. Nov. 10, 1810,~aron, N.Y. d. Dec. 10, 1888, Flushing, Mich., m. 1828, Fabius, N.Y., Anna Penoyer, b. Nov. 10, 1810, Fabius, N.Y. d. Jan. 21, 1889, Flushing, Mich. His o. - fanner. The move was made to Flushing, Mich. in 1845. 166. Lucy Ann, b. June 20, 1830, Fabius, N.Y., d. Oct. 13, 1911, Flushing, Mich. 167. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 2, 1831, Fabius, N.Y., d. Feb. 2, 1897. 168. Lucian Seymour, b. Dec. 21, 1833, Fabius, N.Y., d. Jan. 12, 1849, Flushing, Mich. 169. Orris James, b. Nov. 11, 1835, Fabius, N.Y., d. Sept. 24, 1924, Stratford, Texas 170. Albert Andrew, b. Jan. 19, 1838, Fabius, N. Y. 171. Henry Agustus, b. Oct. 8, 1840, Fabius, N.Y. 172. Howard Franklin, b. Feb. 1, 1842, 11 11 d. Dec. 9, 1857, Flushing, Mich. 173. William Harvey, b. June 9, 1844, Apulia, N.Y., d. Oct. 29, 1927. 174. Helen Amelia, b. April 27, 1846, Flint, Mich. 166 Lucy Ann Ingham, b. June 20, 1830, Fabius, N.Y., d. Oct. 13, 1911, Flushing, Mich., m. Dec. 26, 1852, Flushing, Mich., John Kintnel, b. Nov. 25, 1828, Canaan Twp., Wayne Co., Ohio, d. Apr. 13, 1895, Flushing, Mich., o. - farmer, Conmissioner of Highways 1860, County Treasurer 1866. 175. Kendrick K. b. Feb. 7, 1854, Flushing, Mich. d. Nov. 3, 1861, Flushing, Mich. 176. Jennie J. , b. Apr. 7, 1856, 11 11 d. Dec. 28, 1934, Mi 1waukee, Wis. 177. John J., b. Aug. 4, 1858, 11 11 d. Nov. 24, 1861, Flushing, Mich. 178. Eva E. , b. Aug. l , 1860, 11 11 d. Sep. 16, 1864, 11 11 179. Be 11 e B. , b. Feb. 27, 1863, 11 11 d. Sep. 18, 1864, 11 11 180. Kenneth K., b. May 28, 1865 11 11 d. Oct. 23, 1915, Detroit, Mich. 181. Edith E., b. Oct. 7, 1867, " 11 d. May 3, 1949, Detroit, Mich. 11 182. Laura Loretta, b. May 30, 1870, " d. Oct. 20, 1943, Seattle, Wash. 11 183. Roy Ray, b. Nov. 26, 1873, 167 d. Aug. 30, 1901, Detroit, Mich. Mary Jane Ingham, ·b. Dec. 2, 1831, Fabius, N.Y., d. Feb. 2, 1897, Flushing, Mich., m. Jan. 12, 1849, Flushing, Mich., Croydon -Cronk. 184. Parnie 185. James 186. Agnes 169 Orris James Ingham, b. Nov. 11, 1835, Fabius, N.Y., d. Sept. 24, 1924, Stratford, Tex., m. June 29, 1865, Johnson Co., Texas, Eliza Strader, b. Nov. 22, 1849, d. Buffalo Gap, Texas. His o. - fanner, rancher, County Judge, Shennan Co. 187. William Orris, b. May 3, 1866, d. Oct. 1, 1867. 188. Jessie, b. Nov. 6, 1868, d. about 1916. 189.- Alice Edith, b. Feb. 15, 1872, d. Nov. 17, 1960. 190. Anna Vernon, b. Apr. 15, 1874, Dallas, Texas, d. Feb. 1, 1963. 191. Harry James, b. Aug. 4, 1876, Dallas, Texas. 192. Benjamin Baxter, b. Sept. 27, 1878, d. Sept. 20, 1936. 193. Andy Young, b. Feb. 1, 1881, d. March 17, 1963. 194. Robert Ross, b. June 10, 1886, d. Oct. 16, 1886. 170 Albert Andrew Ingham, b. Jan. 19, 1838, Fabius, N.Y., m. Mary Conley. 195. Bert 196. Carrie, M. Austin Davis, 418 Chicago St., Toledo, Ohio - one son, Earl. 171 Henry Agustus Ingham, b. Oct. 8, 1840, Fabius, N.Y., m. Tibie Raymon. 197. Floyd-deceased. 198. Allie-deceased. 173 William Harvey Ingham, b. June 9, 1844, Apulia, N.Y., d. Oct. 29, 1927, Flushing, Mich., m. Feb. 21, 1872, Flushing, Mich., Clara Elvilla Benjamin, b. Mar. 10, 1853, Flushing, Mich., d. May 7, 1927, Flushing, Mich. His o. - fanner. 199. Julia Ann, b. Aug. 16, 1876, Flushing, Mich., d. Apr. 19, 1958. 200. Elizabeth Lillian, b. Apr. 7, 1878, Flushing, Mich., d. Jan. 12, 1957. 201. Ava Margaret, b. Dec. 1, 1884, Flushing, Mich., d. Sept. 8, 1957. 202. Ralph Benjamin, b. Mar. 9, 1888, 11 11 d. Apr. 3:. 1949. 203. Orris Kneeland, b. Oct. 24, 1891 11 11 d. Nov. 27, 1966. 174 Helen Amelia Ingham, b. Apr. 27, 1846, Flint, Mich., m. Sept. 21, 1864, Flushing, Mich., Isaac Shoto. 204. Ruby 205. Herbert. 206. Verne. 207. Lede. 176 208. Belle. Jennie Janett Kirrmel, b. Apr. 7, 1856, Flushing, Mich., d. Dec. 28, 1934, Milwaukee, Wis., m. Milton B. Kent at Flushing, Mich. He d. 1941 at Milwaukee. Both buried at Flushing, Mich. 209. Frederick (at least this one child). 180 Kenneth Kendal Kinmel, b. May 28, 1865, Flushing, Mich., d. Oct. 28, 1915 at Detroit, m. Nov. 27, 1888, Saginaw, Mich., Pauline Kennedy, b. Mar. 22, 1871, Saginaw, Mich., 1 d~ Jan. 4, 1952, Canton, Ohio. His o - Paving Inspector. 210. De Forest, b. July 19, 1891, Saginaw, Mich., d. young. 211. Edith Estelle, b. Oct. 7, 1895, Saginaw, Mich. 212. Donald Kenneth, b. May 16·, 1897, Saginaw, Mich. Killed in action at Juvigney Oise-Aisne, France, Aug. 27, 1918. 213. John James, b. Mar. 30, 1901, Detroit, Mich. 214. Roy Ray, b. Aug. 21, 1906, Detroit, Mich., d. April 10, 1966. Unmarried. 215. Jean Pauline !I b. o·ec. 15. 1913, Detroit, Mi ch. 181 Edith Estelle Kinmel, b. Oct. 7, 1867, Flushing, d. May 3, 1949, Detroit, m. Jan. 1, 1888, Grand Blanc, Mich., Earl J. Vickery, who d. Feb. 20, 1941, Detroit. Both buried, Flushing. He an attorney. 216. Esther, b. June 2, 1898, Detroit. 217. Helen. b. Nov.18.1904. Detroit. 182 Laura Loretta Kinmel, b. May 30, 1870 atl=Tushing, Mich. d. Oct. 20, 1943 at Seattle Was~., m. George 8. Ooust Sept. 19, 1889 at Flushing, Michigan, b. Aug 7, 1867 at ' Isf1eld, Su~sex County, England, d. Jan. 28, 1931, Lake Forest Park, Seattle, wash. His occupation .. _- Field Buyer for Hasbanes Co., as a young man Railroad conductor 218. Harry Wray, b. June 23, 1890 at Bay City, Mich. • 219. George Benjamin, Jr., b. Aug. 4, 1898, Toledo, Ohio. 183 Roy Ray•Kimnel, b. Nov. 26, 1873, Flushing, Mich., d. Aug. _30, 1901, Detroit, Mich., m.· Detroit, Edith Hampstead. 191 Harry J. Ingham, b. Aug. 4, 1876, Dallas, Texas, m. Nov. 26, 1902, Dadenville, Mo., Charlotte Cannady, b. Aug. 2, 1876, Salina, Kansas, d. May 9, 1943, Stratford, Texas. His o. - Rancher &Farmer. 220. Mabel, b. 1903, Gage, Oklahoma, d. 1903 in Gage. 221. Alice Eliza, b. Aug. 28, 1905, Stratford, Texas. 222. Orris Henry, b. July 18, 1908, 11 11 223. Mary Ruth, b. July 10, 1910, 11 11 224. Harry James, Jr., b. Oct. 1, 1916 11 11 199 Julia Ann Ingham, b. Aug. 16, 1876, Flushing, Mich., d. April 19, 1958, m. Oct. 25, 1907, John R. Crickmore, who was b. Aug. 25, 1873. 225. Robert William, b. July 26, 1908. 226. Donald Keith, b. Sept. 15, 1909, m. Anne Huntington. 227. Clara Elizabeth, Mar. 4, 1911, m. Lorne McKlenen Allen, b. Dec. 1£, 1904. 200 Elizabeth Lillian Ingham, b. April 7, 1878, Flushing, Mich. d. Jan. 12, 1957, Flushing, m. April 12, 1898, Charles W. Catcher, b. Apr. 9, 1875, d. Apr. 13, 1963, at Flushing, Mich., o. - fanner, Mail Carrier & Park Caretaker. 228. Mabel Lucile, b. Sept. 3, 1902, Flushing, Mich., m. Claire Fox, of Flushing. 229. Paul Ingham, b. July 10, 1910, d. Jan. 10, 1955, m. June 1934, Ruth Skinner. 230. Wayne Daniel, b. Dec. 2, 1914, Flushing. 201 Ava Margaret Ingham, b. Dec. 1, 1884, Flushing, Mich. d. Sept. 8, 1957, Port Austin, Mich., m. April 14, 1908, John Stevens Pittwood, b. Mar. 5, 1883, Newaygo, Mich., d. June 27, 1962, Port Austin, Mich. 231. Louise, b. June 15, 1909, Chesaning, Mich. d. Aug. 1, 1909, Flushing. 232. John Ingham, b. Oct. 11, 1913, Port Austin, Mich. 202 Ralph Benjamin Ingham, b. Mar. 9, 1888, Flushing, Mich., d. Apr. 3, 1949 at Flint, Mich, m. April 21, 1912, Leah Bolt, b. July 7, 1890. Second marriage-Oct. 5, 1943, Flint, Ruth Riley. His o. - factory worker. 233. Merton 234. Margaret Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1917, m. Frank Draper. 235. William Warner, b. Sept. 21, 1913. 203 Orris Kneeland Ingham, b. Oct. 24, 1891, Flushing, Mich., d. Nov. 27, 1966, m. Clara Gladys Sinclair, b. May 9, 1887, d. Jan. 3, 1963. 236. Orris Sinclair, b. May 23, 1922. 237. William Mathew, b. Dec. 9, 1924. 211 Edith Estelle Kinmel, b. Oct. 7, 1895, Saginaw, Mich., m. Dec. 1, 1917, Detroit, Mich., Donald E.A. Cameron, b. July 18, 1891, Grand Rapids, Mich. His o. - Federal Official Budget Officer-retired. 238. Donald Kimnel, b. Oct. 31, 1919, Toledo, Ohio. 239. William Kimmel, b. Dec. 22, 1922, Toledo, Ohio. 213 John James Kinmel, b. Mar. 30, 1901, Detroit, Mich., m. Aug. 12, 1952, Hazel Sanner. (Have 3 children all with famtlies) 215 Jean Pauline Ki11111el, b. Dec. 15, 1913, Detroit, m. Sept. 5, 1936, Monroe, Mich. Harold R. Heyden. (Have 3 children, unmarried in 1967) 216 Esther Vickery, b. June 2, 1898, Detroit, m. June 21, 1921, Port Huron, Mich., Roy Schultheiss, b. Jan. 21, 1893, Saginaw, Mich. His o. - banking. 239.l Roy E., b. Mar. 21, 1924, Port Huron, Mich., d. June 23, 1948. 239.2 Robert E., b. Aug. 31, 1925, Port Huron, Mich. 217 Helen Vickery, b. Nov. 18, 1904, Detroit, m. Oct. 4, 1947, Detroit, J. Don Sheets, b. Feb. 6, 1904, Newcomerstown, Ohio. His o. - surgeon. Zlo Harry Ray Doust, b. ·June 23, 1890, Bay City, Mich., Feb. 22, 1919, Stillwater, N.J., Estel S. Westbrook, b. Nov. 3, 1897, Newark, N.J. His o.- National Park Ranger. 219 George Benjamin Doust, b. Aug. 4, 1898, Toledo, Ohio, m. June 30, 1925, Toledo, Ohio, Marion Weaver, b. May 4, 1900, Toledo, Ohio. His o.- Vice Pres., Washington Health Service, Seattle, Wash. 240. Laura Kinmel, b. Dec. 31, 1927, Toledo, Ohio. 241. Janet Ann, b. April 23, 1929, Toledo, Ohio. 222 Orris Henry Ingham, b. July 18, 1908, Stratford, Texas, m. Jan. 3, 1931, Hooker, Okla., Beulah Mildred Garst, b. Oct. 15, 1911, Pond Creek, Okla. His o.- farmer & stockman. 242. Orris James II, b. Dec. 10, 1936, Stratford, Texas. 232 John Ingham Pittwood, b. Oct. 11, 1913, Port Austin, Mich., m. May 16, 1942, Lapeer, Mich., Elizabeth Annstrong Francis, b. Oct. 30, 1915, Lap~er, Mich. His o.- Director Detroit Customer Service & Officer Detroit Edison Company. 243. John Francis, b. April 10, 1952, Detroit, Mich. 242 Orris James Ingham II, b. Dec. 10, 1936, Stratford, Texas, m. June 8, 1958, Stratford, Texas, Nellie Marion Johnson, b. Sept. 11, 1939, Hollis, Okla. His. o.- fanner.-stockm~n. 243.1 James Kendall, b. Sept. 20, 1959, Dumas, Texas. 244. Orris Karr, b. Sept. 11, 1960, Dumas, Texas. 245. Gary Kyle, b. Nov. 13, 1961, Dumas, Texas. 132 , John Brown Ingham, b. Nov. 10, 1810, Sharon, N.Y., m. had two sons: 246. Marcus, b. Dec. 14, 1840, Apulia, N.Y., d. Oct. 11, 1892. 247. Edwin, b. 1837, Apulia, N.Y. 246 Marcus Ingham, b. Dec. 14, 1840, Apulia, N.Y., d. Oct. 11, 1892, Brighton, Ia., m. Dec. 10, 1865, Brighton, Fanny Sophia Barton, b. Sept. 25, 1839, Springfield, Vermont, d. Oct. 27, 1912, Ainsworth, Ia. His o.- farmer. 248. Mary, b. July 15, 1869, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. June 24, 1945. 249. Bradford L., b. Sept. 14, 1870, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. Oct. 14, 1872. 250. Harry W., b. Oct. 1, 1872, Washington, Ia., d. Mar. 26, 1963. 251 • Frank B. , b. Jan. 31 , 1875, 11 11 d. June 21 , 1929. 252. Kate, b. Dec. 14, 1879, 11 11 d. May 31, 1958. 253. Edwin El 1i ott, b. May 5, 1882, 11 11 d. Oct. 16, 1919. 248 Mary Ingham, b. July 15, 1869, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. June 24, 1945, m. Sept. 18, 1894, James Chambers. 254. Merle D., b. May 25, 1898. 255. Marcus Leslie, b. Jan. 31, 1904, d. Feb. 6, 1904. 256. Mildred K., b. Jan. 25, 1906. 250 Harry W. Ingham, b. Oct. 1, 1872, Washington, Ia., d. Mar. 26, 1963, Yakima, Wash., m. April 7, 1904, Prosser, Wash., Marrietta Duttweiler, who d. Nov. 2, 1959. 257. Marcus Terry, b. July 29, 1907, m. Rosie Arnold, Nov. 23, 1926. 258. Harold Wallace, b. Aug. 18, 1912, m. Anna M. Hansen, Feb. 21, 1937. . 251 Frank B. Ingham, b. Jan. 31, 1895, Washington, Iowa, d. June 21, 1929, Colorado Springs, Colo., m. May 22, 1900, Chicago, Sarah J. Johnson, b. Sept. 19, 1876 Grundy Co., Iowa, d. Jan. 16, 1967, San Juan, Puerto Rico. His o.- teacher and official in U.S. Post Office, Chicago, Ill. 259. Merdith Bernard, b. April 15, 1901, Chicago, Ill. 260. Eulene Vaughn, b. Dec. 5, 1915, Maywood, Ill. 252 Kate Ingham, b. Dec. 14, 1879, Washington, Ia., d. May 31, 1958., m. William A. Middle­ ton, at Brighton, Jan. 3, 1900. (No children) 253 Edwin C. Ingham, b. May 5, 1882, Washington, la., d. Oct. 16, 1919, m. Oct. 21, 1910, Dora E. Linn at Fairfield, la. Shed. 1907, soon after the birth of first child. 261. Lynn Elliot, b. April 22, 1907, Brighton, Ia. Edwin married second time, but wife name not known. They had two children, Roy, (living in Kansas City) and Kate. 257 Marcus Terry Ingham, b. July 29, 1907, m. Nov. 23, 1926, Rosie Arnold. 262. Joanne Rose, b. Dec. 24, 1933. 258 Harold Wallace Ingham, b. Aug. 18, 1912, m. Anna M. Hansen, Feb. 21, 1937. 263. David Richard, b. Oct. 29, 1941. 264. Robert Alan, b. June 18, 1943. 265. Mark Lawrence, b. Oct. 21, 1952. 259 Merdith B. Ingham, b. Arp. 15, 1901, Chicago, Ill., m. Aug. 1, 1925, Maywood, Ill., Asenath B. Draper, b. June 11, 1899, River Forest, Ill. Mr. Ingham's occupation: Import and Export Brokerage and Traffic Management, M. B. Ingham and Son. 266. Merdith B., Jr., b. Mar. 5, 1927, Oak Park, Ill. 267. Arthur Draper, b. Nov. 10, 1939, Minneapolis, Minn. 262 Merdith B. Ingham, Jr., b. Mar. 5, 1927, Oak Park, Ill., m. Dec. 16, 1949, Minneapolis, Minn., Jean Bagnell, b. Oct. 12, 1925, Glendale, Calif. His o. Dept. of Interior-U.S. Government, Washington D. c. Park Planner. 268. Marilyn Susan, b. May 23, 1951, Newport News, Va. 269. Franklin Arthur, b. May 29, 1956, Lone Pine, Calif. 270. Douglas Neil, b. Nov. 21, 1957, Lone Pine, Calif. 271. Dale Lindsey, b. Sept. 3, 1961, Boulder City, Nev. 263 Arthur Draper Ingham, b. Nov. 10, 1939, Minneapolis, Minn., m. Feb. 1, · 1962, Wayzata, Minn., Barbara Mengelkoch, b. Feb. 1, 1943, Minneapolis, Minn. His occupation: Import and Export Brokerage and Traffic Manage­ ment, M. B. Ingham and Son. 272. Cheri Barbara, b. Dec. 28, 1963, Minneapolis, Minn. 273. Arthur D., Jr., b. Dec. 31, 1966, Minneapolis, Minn. 271 David Richard Ingham, b. Oct. 29, 1941, m. Sept. 22, 1962, Janet Tyler. 274. Richard David, b. Dec. 15, 1963. 133 Stephen Van Rensselear Ingham, b. Aug. 13, 1812, Sharon, N. Y., d. in 1878, New Haven, Conn, m. Lydia Ann Dibble of Brookfield, daughter of Deacon Dibble. Stephen remained in the East, when his parents moved to Iowa. 275. Sidney s. 276. Theodore F. 277. Frederic D. 278. Emily 279. One more 134 Joseph Ingham, b. Oakville, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1815, d. Dec. 10, 1898 on a farm near Whitten, Grundy County, Iowa., m. Dec. 8, 1842, Lee County, Ill., Lucy M. Woodruff, b. July 28, 1823, Erie County, N. Y., d. Feb. 21, 1907, Whitten, Iowa, at the home of her daughter Mrs. G. C. Day. Both Joseph and his wife Lucy are buried at Benson Cemetery, Whitten, Iowa. Occupation of Joseph: Farmer. Joseph came with his parents from New York, to Illinois and after a time the "westward fever" took hold and in 1839, the family moved in covered wagon drawn by yoke of oxen, to near Brighton, Washington county, Iowa. Joseph having met the "queen of his life" in Illinois, returned and married, and in 1844, brought her with one child by covered wagon to land near Brighton, where he remained until 1867 and then by covered wagon moved to land south of Whitten, Iowa, where he remained until his death. 280. Laura Jenette, b. June 12, 1844, Lee County, Ill., d. Sept. 10, 1925. 281. Cornelia D., b. Aug. 8, 1846, Brighton, Iowa, d. Nov. 28, 1870. 282. lll2'lo?-ah·, b. Sept. 16, 1848, Brighton, Iowa, d. June 17, 1900. 283. Mary Jane, b. April 11, 1850, Brighton, Iowa, d. Nov. 23, 1941. 284. William Harvey, b. May 27, 1852, Brighton, Iowa, d. Sept. 2, 1936. 285. Lucian s., b. ~ug. 27, 1856, Brighton, Iowa, d. July 1, 1948. 286. Jessie w., b. Aug. 17, 1858, Brighton, Iowa, d. Dec. 23, 1929. 287. Sara Ada, b. Feb. 26, 1860, Brighton, Iowa, d. Sept. 22, 1961. 288. Hariett Ada, b. May 20, 1862, Brighton, Iowa, d. Mar. 24, 1933. 280 Laura Jenette Ingham, b. June 12, 1844, Lee County, Ill., d. Sept. 10, 1925, Sheffield, Iowa, m. Nov. 20, 1861, Washington, Iowa, Gerdon Charles Day, b. 1836, d. Dec. 19, 1917. His occupation: Farmer. 289. William, b. Jan. 13, 1864, d. April 24, 1916, in Minn. 290. Minnie, d. May 17, 1928. 291. George, b. Oct. 18, 1862, d. Sheffield, Iowa, June 12, 1939. 292. Claude, d. Grand Rapids, Mich. 293. Flo, m. a man by the name of Lovell Burr, had 2 sons, all contact lost. 282 ·m~orah Ingham, b. Sept. 16, 1848, Brighton, Ia., d. June 17, 1900 Tor­ rance, Calif., m. Jan. 2, 1870, t-1oris Penfield·, b. May 28, 1845, Brook­ lyn, Ill., d. Aug. 15, 1885, Whitten, Ia. Occupation: Farmer. 294. Willard, b. May 26, 1871, near Conrad, Grundy Co., Ia., d. Dec. 24, ·1897. 295. Nellie B., b. 1874, near Conrad, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. Feb. 16, 1959. 296. Warrick T., b. Sept. 30, 1876, near Conrad, Grundy Co., Ia., d. Pierre, North Dakota 1944. 297. Edyth May, b. Nov. 28, 1880, Harden County, d. at Baton Rouge, La. 283 Mary Jane Ingham, b. Apr. 11, 1850, near Brighton, Iowa, d. Nov. 23, 1941, Clarion, Wright Co., Iowa, m. John H. Penfield, 1874, Conrad, Grundy Co., Ia., b. Feb. 18, 1847, Dixon, Ill., d. June 4, 1927, Clarion, Ia. His occupation: Civil War soldier and Farmer. 298. Emmett, b. Conrad, Iowa, d. Apr. 5, 1909. 299. Emil, b. Conrad, Iowa, d. July 30, 1930. 300. Byron L., b. Aug. 4, 1877, Conrad, Iowa, d. ~964 •• 301. Glenn, b. Apr. 28, 1879, Clarion, Iowa, d. July 1965. 302. Lute, b. May 3, 1884, Clarion, Iowa, d. June 28, ·1962. 284 William Harvey Ingham, b. May 27, 1852, Brighton, Ia., d. Sept. 2, 1936, Turtle Lake, Wis., m. Jan. 18, 1876, Libscomb, Ia., Mary Elizabeth Bea­ man, b. Sept. 18, 1860, d. 1940 buried at Turtle Lake. His o. Farmer. 303. Ada Jane, b. Sept. 23, 1879, Whitten, Ia., d. Feb. 22, 1911, Turtle Lake. 304. Walter, b. Nov. 6, 1881, Wright Co., Ia., d. Feb. 11, 1944, Tracy, Minn. 305. Lucile, b. Oct. 3, 1883, Pocahontas Co., Iowa. 306. William, b. Nov. 17, 1885, Mason City, Ia., d. June 24, 1945. 307. Melville Anson, b. May 6, 1889, d. May 24, 1965. 308. Mattie, b. May 6, 1889, Manson, Iowa. 309. 1·orvin Leo, b. Jan. 31, 1895, Libscomb, Pocahontas Co., Iowa. 310. Eva, b. March 30, 1903. 2b5 Lucian Stearns Ingham, b. Aug. 27, 1856, near Brighton, Ia., d. July 1948, Whitten, Hardin County, Iowa, m. Sept. 14, 1886, Grundy Center, Ia., Matilda Ann Dunn, b. Jan. 10, 1866, Allamakee Cc., Ia., d. Nov. 1957, Whitten, Hardin Co., Ia. His occupation: Farmer. 311. Elsie M., b. june 20, 1887, near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa. 312. Roxy B., b. Nov. 5, 1888, near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa. 313. Clarence B., b. Oct. 13, 1890, near Whitten, Grundy Co., Ia., d. 1956. 314. Hazel I., b. Oct. 28, 1892, near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa. 286 Jesse w. Ingham, b. Aug. 17, 1858, near Brighton, Ia., d. Dec. 23, 1929, Swaledale, Cerro Gordo Co., Ia., m. Feb. 10, 1886, Grundy Center, Ia., Jennie E. Baker, b. Lorenshire, England, Mar. 31, 1869, d. June 21, 1958, Swaledale, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 315. Daisy Clair, b. Sept. 20, 1886 near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa. 316. Gertie Maud, b. Oct. 24, 1887, near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa. 317. Francis Carl, b. Oct. 2, 1890 near Whitten, Grundy Co., Ia., d. May 15, 1893. 318. Edwin Curtis, b. Nov. 2, 1895 Glencoe, Okla. 319. Joseph Henry, b. Nov. 19, 1897 Glencoe, Okla. 320. Agnes-Wilda, b. Aug. 20, 1900 near Glencoe, Okla.• 321. Josie Mariah, b. Apr. 6, 1903, Glencoe, Okla. 322. Ruby Faye, b. Sept. 21, 1906, Glencoe, Okla. 323. finis Lawrence, b. June 15, 1909, Glencoe, Okla. 324. Inez Florence, b. June 15, 1909, Glencoe, Okla. 289 William J. Day, b. Jan. 13, 1864, d. April 24, 1916, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. m. Tryphenia Willard, b. Feb. 17, 1869, d. Jan. 1933, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. William Day's occupation: Farmer. 325. Earl Clifford, b. June 18, 1891, Rolfe, Iowa. 326. Joseph Leslie, b. Dec. 10, 1892, Rolfe, Iowa. 327. Marion Arthur, b. Dec. 8, 1894, Rutheven, Ia., d. Aug. 28, 1967. 328. Marie Maud, b. Sept. 4, 1898, Milroy, Redwood County, Minn. 329. Wilma Jessie, b. April 29, 1901, Amiret, Lyon County, Minn. 330. Leola Mae, b. July 1, 1904, Tracy, Lyon Co., Minn. 331. Jennie Louella, b. Apr. 19, 1907, Lynn, Lyon Co., Minn., d. Dec. 8, 1966 ◄ 332. Ruthe Vida, b. June 8, 1909, Marshall, Lyon Co., Minn.~ 291 George Elias Day, b. Oct. 18, 1862, Washington, Ia., d. June 12, 1939, Sheffield, Franklin Co., Ia., m. Mar. 31, 1891, Eldora, Iowa, Ada Mae Springer, b. Mar. 1, 1873, Naperville, Ill., d. Aug. 29, 1966, Ogden, Utah. His occupation: Farmer. 333. Leroy Eldon, b. Mar. 28, 1893, Conrad, Grundy Co., Iowa. 334. Elon Burdette, b. Aug. 20, 1898, Conrad, Grundy Co., Iowa. 335. Charles Carlton, b. Mar. 17, 1910, Conrad, Grundy Co., Iowa. 295 Nellie Berneice Penfield, b. May 22, 1874, Conrad, Ia., d. Feb. 16, 1959 Torrance, Calif., m. Dec. 26, 1892, Storm Lake, Ia., John Franklin Lane, b. 1867 in Iowa, d. Kidder Co., N. Dakota, 1903. Both buried at Steele, North Dakota. 336. Ethel May, b. Apr. 23, 1894, Gilmore City, Iowa. 337. Leo, b. Aug. 31, 1896, Steele, North Dakota. 296 Warrick T. Penfield, b. Sept. 30, 1876, d. in 1944, Pierre, N. Dakota, m. 1898, Rosamonde G. Eveland. 338. Forest, b. 1899, N. Dakota, accidently killed in World War II, electro- cuted. 339. Murial, b. 1901, m. had twins, last lived at Winner~ s. Dakota. 340. Andrina,· b. 1903. 341. Ronald, b. 1905, u. s. Army at Ft. Lincoln, made army his career, Bis­ mark, N. Dakota. 297 Edyth May Penfield, b. Nov. 28, 1880, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. d~te not known, in Baton Rouge, La., m. Aug. 23, 1899, William Slater, divorced. 2nd marriage Edwin Rufus Ashley, Dec. 2, 1901, he father of 4 children listed below. 3rd marriage Charles Ganney, who dies in 1952. 342. Viola, b. 1903, d. date not known. 343. Vera, b. 1904, d. in Lousiana, date not known. 344. Violet, b. 1906. 345. Vernon, b. 1908, d. Feb. 29, 1968. 298 Emmett Penfield, b. Conrad, Iowa, d. Apr. 5, 1909, Clarion, Iowa, m. 1906, Josephine Walker. One son b. in Lemmon, s. Dakota, d. at age 16 in Oregon. 299 Emil Penfield, b. June 4, 1875, Conrad, Iowa, d. July 30, 1938, Conrad, Iowa. m. Oct. 25, 1899, Margaret Van Voorhis, Conrad, Iowa. She b. Sept. 13, 1877, Conrad, Ia., d. May 3, 1967, Libscomb, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 346. Cyril I., b. Nov. 19, 1900, Clarion, Wright Co., Iowa. (Cyril is a girl 300 Byron Penfield, b. Aug. 4, 1877, near Conrad, Hardin Co., Iowa. d. Aug. 21, 1964, Lemmon, Perkins Co., s. Dakota. m. July 18, 1900 Gertrude Grace Moon, of Woolstock, Iowa, b. July 13, 1882, Auburn, Ia., d. Feb. 20, 1958, Lemmon, S. D. Byron owned a sale barn in Lenunon and was a stock buyer. He homesteaded there. 347. Earls., b. Apr. 7, 1902, Clarion, Wright Co., Iowa. 348. Fae v., b. July 1, 1903, Woolstock, Ia. 349. Vern B., b. Nov. 5, 1906, Woolstock, Ia. 301 Glenn Penfield, b. Apr. 28, 1879, near Conrad, Ia., d. July 1965, Beckenridge, Minn. m. Grace Curtis, and had two children both deceased, divorced Grace and m. Bertha Spandy, Nov. 20, 1921. His o. Great North­ ern Railroad Engineer. 302 Lute Penfield, b. May 6, 1884, Clarion, Iowa, d. June 28, 1962, Clarion, Iowa, .m. Emma Gerdes, b. Oct. 14, 1882. His o. Homesteaded at Lemmon, S. D., came back and ran garage for 25 years, moved on to Penfield farm for 10 years, retired in 1945. 350. Gladys, b. July 3, 1911, Lemmon, South Dakota. 351. Ruth, b. Aug. 16, 1913, Clarion, Iowa. 352. John, b. Sept. 28, 1915, Clarion, Iowa. 353. June, b. June 1, 1916, Clarion, rowa. 354. Richard, b. Oct. 28, 1918, Clarion, Ia., never married-Line Man. 303 Ada Jane Ingham, b. Sept. 23, 1879, Whitten, Iowa, d. Feb. 22, 1911, Turtle Lake, Wis., m. Jan. 22, 1902, Charles Henry Whaley, b. Sept. 14, 1872, Gilman, Grundy Co., Ia., d. Apr. 15, 1944, Marshalltown, Iowa, buried Bethel Grove, Marshalltown, Ia. His occupation: Teamster and Drayman. 355. Dallas Eldon, b. Nov. 14, 1902, Green Castle, Grundy Co., Iowa. 356. Lura Agnes, b. Dec. 9, 1904, Tracy, Minn. 357. Florence Ada, b. July 26, 1907, Turtle Lake, ·Baro_n Co., Wis. 358. Neva Ada, b. Feb. 16, 1911, Turtle Lake, Baron Co., Wis. (Neva Ada's mother died soon after Neva was born, so she was reared by her Aunt, Lucy May Ingham Moses.) 304 Walter J. Ingham, b. Nov. 6, 1881, Wright Co., Iowa, d. Feb. 11, 1944, Tracy, Minn., m. Mary Youngberg, b. Nov. 16, 1887 in Jonkoping, Sweden. Walter's occupation: Carpenter. 359. Edith, b. Aug. 10, 1908, Tracy, Minn. 360. Harold Walter, b. July 8, 1910, Tracy, Minn. 361. Ethel, b. Oct. 7, 1913~ Tracy, Minn. 362. ,_Joy, b. Sept. 21, 1919, Turtle Lake, Wis. 305 Lucy Mae Ingham, b. Oct. 3, 1883, Pocahontas County, Ia., m. June 29, 1904 Webster Lloyd ~oses, Tracy, Minn. He born Feb. 11, 1881, Tracy, Minn., d. June 14, 1949, Franklin, Robertson Co., Texas. His occupa­ tion: Farmer, Industrial worker, Automobile Dept. 363. Gerald Eugene, b. Dec. 22, 1905, Tracy,· Minn., d. April 14, 1940. 364. Ruth Irene, b. July 16, 1912, Tracy, Minn. 307 Melville Anson Ingham, b. May 6, 1889, d. May 24, 1965, m. Sept. 7, 1920, Chicago City, Minn., Dora May Erickson, b. Nov. 30, 1902, Peskin, Wis. His occupation: Painter. 365. Dorothy Melvina, b. June 22, 1921, Polk County, Wis. 366. Lois Mae, b. Apr. 23, 1924, Turtle Lake, Wis. 367. Harvey J., b. Feb. 19, 1926, Turtle Lake, Wis., d. Feb. 24, 1926. 368. Milford James, b. Nov. 9, 1931, Turtle Lake, Wis. 308 Mattie Ingham, b. May 6, 1889, Manson, Iowa, m. Dec. 19, 1906, Walter West, on Oct. 10, 1912, to John Lenhart, and on June 8, 1953 m. Chester Mallison. 369. Carl Walter (West), b. Jan. 6, 1909, Turtle Lake, Wis. 370. Ruth (Lenhart), b. Dec. 23, 1913, Iowa Falls, Iowa. 371. Eunice (Lenhart), b. ·May 3, 1917, Iowa Falls, Iowa. 309 Orvin Leo Ingham, b. Jan. 31, 1895, Libscomb, Pocohontus Co., Iowa, m. Dec. 12, 1917, Katherine Mary Selke, b. March 10, 1895, Winona, Winona Co., Minn. His occupation: Mechanic. 372. Isabel May, b. May 31, 1919, Tracy, Lyon County, Minn. ~ 310 Eva Ruth Ingham, b. Mar. 30, 1903, Tracy, Minn., m. Sept. 10, 1921, John Patrick Jansen, b. Dec. 13, 1890, Clay, Neb. His occupation: Carpenter Farmer, Retired. 373. Mae Lorraine, b. Oct. 20, 1925, Turtle Lake, Wis. 374. Helen Marie, b. Oct. 11, 1933, Beaver Twp., Polk Co., Wis. 375. Joan Elizabeth, b. Apr. 5, 1938, Beaver Twp., Polk Co., Wis. d. Feb. 7, 1962. 376. Neva Ruth, b. Sept. 17, 1942, Amery, Polk Co., Wis. 311 Elsie M. Ingham, b. June 20, 1887 near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa, m. Dec. 25, 1907, Whitten, Iowa, James Thomas Moore, b. Sept. 17, 1885, near Whitten, Hardin Co., Iowa. His Occupation: Prosperous Farmer­ retired. 377.-. Lowell w., b. Jan. 10, 1909, on farm near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa. 378. Paul M., b. Aug. 14, 1912, on farm near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa. 379. Verna Charlotte, b. Jan. 19, 1917, on farm near Whitten, Grundy Co., Ia. 312 Roxy B. Ingham, b. Nov. 5, 1888 near Whitten, Iowa, m. Feb. 17, 1909, Whitten, Ia., Charles E. Miller, b. Jan. 31, 1887, Liscomb, Marshall Co. Ia., d. Feb. 10, 1956, Marshalltown, Ia. His occupation: Machinist for M. & St. L. RR. 380. Willis L., b. Dec. 6, 1909, Whitten, Iowa, d. Sept. 28, 1951. 381. Emery, b. July 4, 1911, Whitten, Iowa. 382. Eugene E., b. Aug. 1, 1914, Whitten, Iowa. 383. Altha v., b. Jan. 23, 1915, Whitten, Iowa. 384. Rhodonda M., b. May 27, 1922, Whitten, Iowa. 385. Dewayne F., b. Sept. 22, 1924, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 313 Clarence Burdette Ingham, b. Oct. 13, 1890, near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. Aug. 31, 1956, Waterloo, Iowa, m. May 10, 1910, Marshaltown, Iowa, Mabel Hutchins, b. Aug. 2, 1890, d. Apr. 23, 1965, Los Angeles, Calif. Both buried at Benson Cementery, Whitten, Ia. His o. Farmer. 386. Lawrence, b. Aug. 3, 1911, Grundy Co., Iowa. 387. Lyle, d. Aug. 1938. 388. Irvin, b. Sept. 5, 1916, Grundy Co., Iowa. 389. Theda, b. May 1918, Grundy Co., Iowa (never married) 314 Hazel I. Ingham, b. Oct. 28, 1892, Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa, m. Aug. 18 1916, Charles Byers McDonald, b. Mar. 12, 1891, Lexington, Washington County, Iowa. 390. Velda Imogene, b. Aug. 8, 1917, Aines, Iowa. 391. Charles Kenneth, b. Oct. 3, 1920, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Tex. 392. William Arthur II, b. Mar. 2, 1929, Humboldt, Minnehaha Co., S. Dakota. 315 Daisy Clair Ingham, b. Sept. 20, 1886, near Whitten, Iowa, m. Nov. 23, 1904, Glencoe, Okla., Harvey Clyde Collins, b. in Kansas, d. Chapin, Ia. His occupation: Farmer. 393. Claude E., b. Oct. 26, 1905, Fairfax, Pawnee Co., Okla. 394. Harry w., b. Nov. 5, 1908, Stillwater, Okla. 395. Maynard L., b. Jan. 24, 1911, Stillwater, Okla. 396. Jesse w., b. Oct. 4, 1916, Whitten, Iowa. 397. Carlota L., b. Oct. 7, 1919, Swaledale, Cedro Gorda co., Iowa. 316 Gertie Maud Ingham, b. Oct. 24, 1887, near Whitten, Hardin Co., Iowa, m. Nov. 30, 1907, Earl Tignor by whom she had issue of the four listed below, He was born Nov.30, 1882. In 1931, m. Winford Clevenger, b. Apr. 25, 1888. . 398. Loy, b. May 16, 1908, Glencoe, Payne Co., Okla., d. Jan. 14, 1961. 399. Frances, b. Sept. 6, 1909, Glencoe, Payne Co., Okla. 400. Mable, b. Apr. 21, 1917, Auburn, Nemaha Co., Neb. 401. Maxine, b. Aug. 19, 1919, Auburn, Nemaha Co., Neb. 319 Joseph Henry Ingham, b. Nov. 19, 1896, Glencoe, Payne Co., Okla., d. July 15, 1959, Mason City, Iowa, buried in Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Swaledale, Ia., m. Sept. 26, 1925, Genevieve Ellsworth Mason. 402. Rollin Dale, b. Feb. 12, 1926, Swaledale, Iowa. 403. Maryam, b. Dec. 6, 1927, Swaledale, Iowa. 404. Marcella Irene, b. June 13, 1930, Swaledale, Iowa. 320 Agnes Wilda Ingham, b. Aug. 20, 1899, Glencoe, Okla., m. Feb. 15, 1917, Accie Cummings, Auburn, Neb. 2nd marriage to Amel Otto, d. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 405. Russel, b. Aug. 31, 1917, Auburn, Nebraska. 321 Josie Mariah Ingham, b. Apr. 6, 1903, -Glencoe, Okla., m. June 1, 1928, Dwight Wesley Fernau, Swaledale, Iowa, b. Nov. 29, 1903, Hansel, Frank­ lin Co., Iowa, d. Apr. 15, 1960, Sioux Rapids, Ia. His occupation: School teacher. 406. Elizabeth Lodoeha, b. May 16, 1933, Latimer, Franklin Co., Iowa. 407. Clairice Evelyn, b. July )2, 1936, Swaledale, Iowa. 408. Helene Aletha, b May 16, 1944, Emetsberg, Palo Alto Co., Iowa. 322 Ruby Faye Ingham, b. Sept. 21, 1906, Glencoe, Payne Co., Okla., m. Oct. 26, 1925, William C~ Heinzerling, b. Feb. 18, 1987, Bawmback, Germany. His occupation: Farmer, now retired. 409. Carl Robert, b. June 9, 1927, Plymouth, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 410. Earl Conrad, b. Jan. 30, 1931, Osage, Mitchel Co.,· Iowa. 411. Phyllis Ann, b. Mar. 12, 1932, Osage, Mitchel Co., Iowa. 412. Glen Edwin, b. Mar. 28, 1933, Osage, Mitchel Co., Iowa. 413. Dean Russel, b. Jan. 2, 1940, Adams, Mower Co., Minn. 414. Doris Faye, b. Oct. 24, 1941, Adams, Mower Co., Minn. 415. Maxine Marie, b. Nov. 1, 1943, Adams, Mower Co., Minn. 323 Fines Lawrence Ingham, b. June 15, 1909, Stillwater, Payne Co., Okla., m. Feb. 9, 1934, Bernice B. Harken, b. May 13, 1915, Hampton, Franklin Co., Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 416. Lois Fay, b. Aug. 18, 1934, Swaledale, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 417. George Woodruff, b. Jan. 24, 1936, Swaledale, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 418. Shirley Ann, b. Oct. 6, 1937, Swaledale, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 419. Dorothy Jean, b. Jan. 16, 1940, Swaledale, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 420. Eddie Lawrence, b. Aug. 26, 1943, Swaledale, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 324 Inez Florence Ingham, b. June 15, 1909, .Glencoe, Okla., m. Jan. 24, 1928, Mason City, Iowa, John F. Brunstein, b. Apr. 8, 1908 Rockwell, Cerro Gorda co., Iowa. His occupation: Mechanic. 421. Betty L., b. May 26, 1928, Swaledale, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 422. Donald J., b. Dec. 23, 1929, Swaledale, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 423. Marlys Y., b. Apr. 27, 1933, Mason City, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 424. Jacqueline J., b. Jan. S, 1936, Mason City, Cerro·Gorda Co., Iowa. 425. Larry J., b. Dec. 11, 1937, Mason City, Cerro Gorda Co., Iowa. 325- Earl c. Day, b. June 18, 1891, Rolfe, Iowa, m. Nov. 1917 Maude Comstock, b. Sept. 21, 1898, d. June 1936, Anoka, Minn. Buried at Lake Park, Becker co., Minn. His occupation: Farmer. 426. Lucille, b. Aug. 27, 1918, Lake Park, Becker co., Minn. 427. Maxine, b. Sept. 6, 1920, Lake Park, Becker co., Minn. 428. Donald, b. June 13, 1922, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. 429. William, b. Oct. 30, 1928, Hawley, Clay Co., Minn. 326 J9seph Leslie Day, b. Dec. 10, 1892, Rolfe, Iowa; m. at Detroit Lakes, Minn. Feb. 20, 1942, Bessie Vyborny, b. Dec. 13, 1916, Wisner, Neb. His occupation: Farmer. 430. Linda Chelin, b. Oct. 10, 1942, Bismarck, North Dakota. 328 Marie Maud Day, b. Sept. 4, 1898, Milroy, Redwood Co., Minn. m. Sept. 20, 1916, Richard Tietz, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. and on Nov. 16, 1935, m. William Zehms. 431. Mabel {Tietz), b. Feb. 13, 1918, Lake Park, Becker co., Minn. 432. Evelyn (Tietz), b. Jan. 21, 1920, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. 433. Raymond (Tietz), b. Oct. 2, 1921, Theodore, Canada. 434. Pearl {Tietz), b. Dec. 28, 1925, Theodore, Canada. 435. Duane (Tietz), b. Apr. 14, 1928, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. 436. Vernon (Zehms), b. Nov. 16, 1936, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. 437. Joyce (Zehms), b. Oct. 27, 1939, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn. 438. David (Zehms), b. Oct. 14, 1940, Lake Park, Becker Co •. , Minn. 329 Wilma Jessie Day, b. Apr. 29, 1901, Redwood Co., Minn. m. Apr. 23, 1921, Twin Valley, Minn., Leonard Evanson, b. Nov. 14, 1892, Ulen, Clay Co., Minn. His occupation: Farmer. 439. James, b. Nov. 18, 1929, Ulen, Minn. 440. Ralph, b. Oct. 22, 1931, Ulen, Minn. 441. Lester, b. ~ov. 26, 1933, Ulen, Clay Co., Minn. 442. Elaine, b. Apr. 30, 1938,· Ulen, Clay Co., Minn. 330 Leola Mae Day, b. July 1, 1904, Tracy, Lyon Co., Minn. m. Feb. 24, 1933, Hitterdal, Minn., Peder G. Kvilvang, b. Mar. 9, 1903, Lake Park, Minn. d. Oct. 23, 1959, Moorhead, Minn. His occupation: Laborer. 443. Georgia, b. Mar. 17, 1935, Ulen, Minn. 444. Ilene, b. June 10, 1936, Ulen, Minn. 445. Mavis, b. Aug. 5, 1937, Grand Rapids, Minn. 446. Betty, b. July 11, 1938, Audubon, Minn. 447. Dolores, b. Nov. 13, 1944, Audubon, Minn. 332 Ruth Veda Day, b. June 8, 1909, Marshall, Lyon Co., Minn. m. June 17, 1931, Detroit Lakes, Minn., Andrew Mortenson, b. Aug. 6, 1901, Archer, Iowa, d. Apr. 2, 1965, Callaway, Minn. His occupation: Farmer. 448. Merle, b. Mar. 20, 1932, Becker Co., Minn. 449. Ronald, b. June 21, 1933, Becker Co., Minn. 450. Audrey, b. Sept. 5, 1934, Becker Co., Minn. 451. Floyd, b. Sept. 1, 1936, Becker Co., Minn. 452. Leslie, b. Sept. 5, 1937, Becker Co., Minn. 453. Vida, b. Aug. 6, 1939, Becker Co., Minn. 454. Helen, b. Jan. 8, 1941, Becker Co., Minn. 455. Allan, b. Jan. 3, 1942, Becker Co., Minn. 456. Roy, b. June 14, 1948, Becker Co., Minn. 457. Bruce, b. Jan. 7, 1951, Becker Co., Minn. 333 Leroy Eldon Day, b. Mar. 28, 1893, Conrad, Iowa, m. at Sheffield, Ia., Nettie A. Wearda. His occupation: Farmer. 458. Leona Margaret, b. Jan. 8, 1925, Sheffield, Iowa. 459. Lyle Edward, b. Nov. 7, 1926, Sheffield, Iowa. 460. Clifford Eugene, b. Dec. 19, 1927, Sheffield, Iowa. 461. Leroy Martin, b. Apr. 30, 1932, Sheffield, Iowa. 334 Elon Burdette Day, b. Aug. 20, 1897, Conrad, Iowa, d. June 10, 1959, Flint, Mich., m. 1926, Leah Mulnix, b. Aug. 7, 1906, Sidney Co., Mich. Shed. Jan. 24, 1966, Flint, Mich. His occupation: Salesman. 462. Duane Burdette, b. May 23, 1927, Sidney Twp., Mich.· 463. Charles Weston, b. July l, 1929, Sidney Twp., Mich. 464. James Allen, b. Feb. S, 1946, Flint, Mich. 335 Charles Carltori Day, b. Mar. 10, 1910, Conrad, Ia., m. Jan. 23, 1934, Mildred D. Morehouse, b. Nov. 26, 1912, Sheffield, Iowa. 465. Winifred Elaine, b. Aug. 18, 1934, Hampton, Iowa. 466. Darwin Burdette, b. Sept. 22, 1935, Sheffield, Ia., d. Jan. 10, 1941. 467. Janalee, b. Jan. 8, 1939, Sheffield, Iowa. 468. Loren Kay, b. Feb. 24, 1944, Denver, Colorado. 46·9. Charles Russell, b. Oct. 1, 1945, Denver, Colorado. 336 Ethel May Lane, b. Apr. 23, 1894, Gilmore City, Ia., m. Jan. 3, 1914, Frank Ball, b. Dec. 1891, Manitoba, Canada. His o.: RR Employee. 470. Vivian Lorraine, b. Aug. 3, 1916, Burleigh Co., North Dakota. 337 Leo Lane, b. Aug. 31, 1896, Emettsburg, Ia., m. Jan. 26, 1927, Bessie Finley, died Dec. 24, 1936. His o.: Works for Income Tax Service. 471. Glen, b. Mar. 10, 1930, Bismarck, North Dakota. 472. Alfred Lee, b. Dec. 9, 1936, Steele, North Dakota. 346 Cyril I. Penfield, b. Nov. 19, 1900, Clarion, Ia., m. June 26, 1924i Libscomb, Ia., William J. Hastie, B. Dec. 1900. 473. Margaret Althea, b. July 20, 1925, Kenosha, Wisconsin. 348 Fay V. Penfield, b. July 1, 1903, Woodstock, Ia., m. Jan. 5, 1921, McIntosh, S. Dak., William C. Dyer, b. Feb. 1, 1894, Mt. Ayr, Iowa. He retired laborer; his wife a minister. [No children] 349 Vern B. Penfield, b. Nov. 5, 1906, m. Mar. 29, 1938, McIntosh, S. Oak., Violet Mae Fields. His occupation: Farmer & Rancher. 474. Cleo Vern, b. Jan. 2, 1939, Lemmon, s. Dakota. 475. William, b. Jan. 23, 1940, Bismarck, N. Dakota. 476. Phyllis, b. June 1, 1952, Lemmon, s. Dakota. 350 Gladys Penfield, b. July 3, 1911, Lemmon, s. Oak~, m. Aug. 23, 1930, Clarion, Ia., Ivan Rasmussen, b. Mar. 25, 1910, Goldfield, Ia. Farmer. 477. Shirley Joanne, b. Dec. 1, 1933, Goldfield, Iowa. 478. Daniel Earl, b. July 14, 1934, Goldfield, Iowa. 479. Jerry Lee, b. Aug. 26, 1945, Fort Dodge, Iowa. 351 Ruth Penfield, b. Aug. 16, 1913, Clarion, Ia., m. July 20, 1933, Eagle Grove, Ia., John Ambrose Frakes, b. Aug. 13, 1905, Woodstock, Ia., d. Jan. 26, 1957. His occupation: Sand and Gravel Business. 480. James Edward, b. Aug. 9, 1936, Eagle Grove, Iowa. 481. John Michael, b. Nov. 9, 1943, Fort Dodge, Iowa. 482.'- Arneda Marie, b. Aug. 20, 1947, Fort Dodge, Iowa. 352 John Penfield, b. Sept. 28, 1915, Clarion, Ia., m. Sept. 24, 1938, Ft. Dodge, Iowa, Be-rnese Starr, b. Sept. 26, 1921, Dows, Iowa. His occupation: State Park Custodian, Maquoketa Caves Park, Iowa. 483. Joyce Ann, b. Apr. 2, 1939, Clarion, Iowa. 484. Gary Starr, b. Oct. 28, 1942, Clarion,·Iowa. 485. Steven John, b. May 29, 1951, Fort Dodge, Iowa. 353 June Penfield, b. June 1, 1916, Clarion, Ia., d. Jan. 19, 1963, Mason City, Ia., m. Apr. 12, 1936, Jewell, Ia., Harry Borel, b. Apr. 26, 1909, Clarion, Ia., d. Sept. 9, 1957, Webster City, Ia. His o.: Farmer. June's 2nd marriage: LeRoy McGinnis, Aug. 18, 196·1. 486. Janice Marlene, b. Nov.· 5, 1936, Clarion, Iowa. 487. Sandra June, b. July 2, 1940, Clarion, Iowa. 355 . Dallas Eldon Whaley, b .•. Nov. ;J.4, 1902--, Green Castle, Ia., m. Dec. 24, 1924, ~rshall-, Minn., Miss, Mottinger,- b. Mar. 30, 1906, Santee Reservation Niobrara, N~braska. His occupation: Engineer. _ 488. Evowne, b. ·Oct. 7, 1925, 'l'racy, Minnes9ta. 489. Robert, b. Oct. 10, 192_9, Marshalltown, Iowa. 490. Dallas, Jr., b. Apr. 29, 1960, Houston, Texas. 22 a Lura Aqnes Whaley~ b. Dec. 9, 1904, Tracy, Minn., m. Dec. 9, 1927, Yankton, s. Dak., Arthur c. Jennings, b. Sept. 9, 1886, Mahaska co., ia. d~ Dec. 30, 1963, Denver, Colo. His occupation: Railway Express Agcy. 491. Michael Thomas, b. Jan. 2, 1939, Marshalltown, Iowa. 357 Florence Ada Whaley, b. July 26, 1907, Turtle Lake, Wis., m. Dec. 9, 1927, Yankt:on, s. Dakota, Douglass. Poston, b·. Apr. 26, 1901, Marcus, Ia., d. Oct. 16, 1964, Centuria, Wis. His occupation: Cafe Manager. 492. Rosada Lurae, b. June 10, 1941, Sioux City, Iowa. 358 Neva Ada Whaley, b. Feb. 16, 1911, Turtle Lake, Wis., m. Sept. 13, 1929, Lake Charles, La., Hershel Arthur Donaldson, b. Aug. 27, 1902, Hope, Ark. His occupation: Clerical worker & car dealer. (No children) 359 Edith Ingham, b. Aug. 10, 1908, Tracy, Minn., m. July 18, 1928, Marshall Minn., Nathans. Taarud, b. Apr. 9, 1908, Tracy, Minn. His occupation: Salesman. 493. Richard, b. Aug. 3, 1930, Minneapolis, Minn. . 494. Carole Jeanne, b. Sept. 17, 1932, Tracy, Minn., d. May 2, .1957. 360 Harold Walter Ingham, b. July 8, 1910, Tracy, Minn., m. Sept. 17, 1939, Valparaiso, Ind., Phyllis Dressen, b. July 9, 1912, Marshall, Minn. His occupation: Salesman. 495. Sandra Diane, b. Aug. 7, 1937, Chicago, Ill. (Adopted in 1941) 496. Ronald Harold, b. Nov. 2, 1940, Chicago, Ill. 362 Joy Ingham, b. Sept. 21, 1919, Turtle Lake, Wis., m. May 31, 1942, Lam­ berton, Minn., Kenneth F. Farr, b. June 14, 1918, Tracy, Minn. His occupation: Farmer. 497. Betty Lou, b. Feb. 5, 1944, Tracy, Minn. 498. Kathleen Mary, b. Feb. 5, 1947, Tracy, Minn. 4-99. Karen Jean, b. June 11, 1950, Tracy, Minn. 363 Gerald Eugene Moses, b. Dec. 22, 1905, Tracy, Minn., d. Apr. 25, 1940, Pasadena, Tex., m. May 29, 1928, Mullin, Tex., Mary Belle Guthrie, b. Mar. 10, 1910, Mullin, Tex. His occupation: Shell Oil Co., Automo­ tive Maintenance, Engineer. 500. Carolyn Fern, b. July 13, 1929, Houston, Tex. 501. Gerald Eugene, b. Feb. 27, 1932·, La Porte, Tex. 502. Nancy Marion, b. Dec. 18, 1935, La Porte, Tex. 364 Ruth Irene Moses, b. July 16, 1912, Tracy, Minn., m. Oct. 5, 1931, Houston, Tex., Elton Elmer Easterly, b. May 29, 1909, Easterly, Texas. His occupation: Petroleum Engineer. 503. John Harvey, b. Jan. 26, 1935, Houston, Texas. 504. Daniel Lloyd, b. Oct. 12, 1939, Pasadena, Texas. 505. Elton Eugene, b. July 12, 1944, Pasadena, Texas. 377 Lowell w. Moore, b. Jan. 10, 1909, Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa, m. June 14, 1932, Lancaster, Mo., Bessie Irene Saylor, b. Feb. 23, 1909, Page County, Iowa. His occupation: Fisher Governor Company. 506. Clifford E., b. Jan. 26, 1929, Iowa City, Iowa. 507. Lowell Thomas, b. May 21, 1933, Whitten, Hardin Co., Ia., d. July 6, 1933. 508. Marylin Rosalie, b. Aug. 3, 1940, Marshalltown, Iowa. 378 Paul M. Moore, b. Aug. 14, 1912, Whitten, Grundy Co., Ia., m. Apr. 27, 1935, Marshalltown, Iowa, Agnes I. Cordt, b. Oct. 20, 1916, Marshall­ town, Iowa. His occupation: Tool grinder, Fisher Governor Company. 509. Janet K., b. May 15, 1943, Marshalltown, Iowa; teacher. 510. John T., b. Apr. 19, 1948, Marshalltown, Ia.; Student, Univ. of s. Dak. 379 Verna c. Moore, b. Jan. 19, 1917, Whitten, Hardin co., Iowa, m. July l, 1939, Bethany, Mo., Albert c. Nelson, b. Mar. 7, 1912, Marshalltown, Iowa. His occupation: Supervisor, Fisher Governor Company. 511. Donald D., b. May 21, 1943, Marshalltown, Iowa. 512. Donna M., b. July 8, 1945, Marshalltown, Iowa; Registered Nurse at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa. 382 Eugene Elden Miller, b. Aug. 1, 1914, Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa, m. June 26, 1938, Los Angeles, Calif., Sylvia E. Osborn, b. Mar. 24, 1915, Bemidji, Minn. His occupation: Police Captain. 513. Eugenie Ellen, b. May 15, 1941, Bremerton, Wash. 514. Debra Roxy, b. April 4, 1957, Kennewick, Wash. 383 Verna Aletha Miller, b. Jan. 23, 1915, Whitten, Iowa, m. July 31, 1931, Oskaloosa, Ia., Warren Daniel Thompson, b. Nov. 14, 1913, Des Moines, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 515. Genevieve Maxine, b. Aug. 28, 1937, Boone, Iowa, d. Aug. 28, 1937. 516. George Warren, b. July 23, 1938, Jefferson, Iowa. 517. Betty Jean, b. Nov. 8, 1939, Jefferson, Iowa. - 518. Clifford Dean, b. July 29, 1941, Jefferson, Iowa. 519. Nancy Jo, b. Dec. 29, 1950, Jefferson, Iowa. 384 Rhodonda Miller, b. May 27, 1922, Whitten, Iowa, m. Dec. 27, 1947, Louis­ ville, Ky., James F. Hill, b. Sept. 18, 1923, Earle, Crittenden ·co., Ark. His occupation: District Sales Manager, Chemical Mfgr. 520. David Franklin, b. Apr. 28, 1953, Knoxville, Tenn. 521. Rebecca Lois, b. July 14, 1960, Richland, Wash. 385 Dewayne F. Miller, b. Sept. 22, 1924, Oskaloosa, Iowa, m. Nov. 22, 1956, Richland, Wash., Geneva M. Thomas, b. Aug. 11, 1927, Kansas City, Kan. His occupation: Supervisor-Manufacture of Nuclear Fuel. 522. Dewayne F., b. Aug. 16, 1957, Richland, Wash. 523. Roxy Jo, b. Jan. 30, 1959, Richland, Wash. 386 Lawrence Lucian Ingham, b. Aug. 3, 1911, Grundy Co., Iowa, m. Feb. 21, 1936, Marshalltown, Ia., Anna Irene Welter, b. Cascade, Iowa. His occupation: Antique Dealer. (No children) 388 Irvin Ingham, b. Sept. 5, 1916, near Whitten, Grundy Co., Iowa, m. Feb. 11, 1940, Waterloo, Iowa, Mona E. Buehler, b. Feb. 4, 1921, Howard Co., Iowa. His occupation: City Bus operator. 524. Larry Ronald, b. Aug. 14, 1941, Waterloo, Iowa. 525. Pamela s., b. Nov. 7, 1942, Waterloo, Iowa. 526. Dianne L., b. Aug. 23, 1949, Waterloo, Iowa. 527. Debra L., b. Aug. 23, 1949, Waterloo, Iowa. l 390 Velda Imogene McDonald, b. Aug. 8, 1917, Ames, Iowa, m. Dec. 28, 1939, Ames, Iowa, Samuel Benjamin McHose, b. Nov. 5, 1914, Nevada, Story Co., Iowa. His occupation: Banker. 528. Donald Charles, b. Jan. 10, 1941, Des Moines, Iowa. 529. Diane Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1944, Eldora, Iowa. 530. Richard Ray, b. Apr. 12, 1947, Aines, Iowa. 531. Deborah Anne,-b. Aug. 27, 1952, Nevada, Iowa. 391 Charles K. McDonald, b. Oct. 5, 1920, Weslaco, Tex., m. July 4, 1939, Bernice Fay DeReus, b. July 14, 1920, Pella, Iowa. (Divorced in 1955) 532. Joan Kay, b. Sept. 13, 1941, Pella, Iowa. 533. Janice Kathy, b •. Oct. 28, 1942, Pella, Iowa. Second marriage: Oct. 28, 1955, Nancy Juanita Wilson, b. July 23, 1920, Gatesville, Texas. His occupat-ion: Chiropractor. 534. Nancy Charleen, b. June 14, 1956, Brownwood, Texas. 535. Charles Byers, b. June 14, 1956, Brownwood, Texas. 536. Dorinda Lou, b. Sept. 19, 1957, Gatesville, Texas. 537. William Arthur, b. Apr. 23, 1959, Trenton, New Jersey. 392 William Arthur II, McDonald, b. Mar. 2, 1929, Humboldt, s. Dakota, m. Nov. 23, 1963, New Braunfalls, Tex., Caroline Hildwi§ bie€ef€, B. Sari. 9, 1940, Zarn, Guadlupe Co., Texas. His occupation: Supervisor, Glass Bottom boats, Aquarena Springs, San Marcos·, Texas. 538. Loretta Gale, b. July 14, 1964, San Marcos, Texas. 539. Carol Beth, b. Mar. 14, 1966, San Marcos, Texas. 393 Claude F. Collins, b. Oct. 26, 1905, Fairfax, Okla., m. Cresco, Iowa, May 25, 1929, Florence Shatteleworth, b. Feb. 5, 1908, Cresco, Iowa. His occupation: School teacher. 540. Gertrude, b. June 16, 1930, Cresco, Iowa. 541. Donald, b. Mar. 27, 1934, Cresco, Iowa. 542. Marilyn, b. Mar. 3, 1940, Fredricksburg, Iowa. 543. Charles, b. Feb. 23, 1941, Fredricksburg, Iowa. 544. Janice, b. Nov. 21, 1944, Lime Spring, Iowa. 395 Maynard Leroy Collins, b. Jan. 24, 1911, m. Dec. 21, 1933, Popejoy, Franklin Co., Iowa, Mary Ellen Jones, b. Aug. 17, 1912, Ventura, Iowa. His occupation: Mail Star Route Driver. 545. Richard Clyde, b. Mar. 2, 1937, Colfax, Ill. 546. Raymond Dale, b. Nov. 11, 1940, Swaledale, Iowa. 396 Jesse W. Collins, b. Oct. 4, 1916, Whitten, Iowa, m. Sept. 22, 1961, Sheffield, Ia., Ruth Fistler, b. Apr. 9, 1916, Rockford, Iowa. 547. Wayne, b. Mar. 7, 1942, Chapin, Iowa. 548. David, b. Apr. 1, 1945, Mason City, Iowa. 549. Steve, b. Nov. 12, 1946, Chapin, Iowa. 397 Carlota L. Collins, b. Oct. 7, 1919, Swaledale, Iowa, m. Oct. 17, 1938, Chapin, Iowa, Howard v. Philpott, b. June 6, 1915, Chapin, Iowa. His occupation: Elevator Operator-owner. 5-50. Maxine, b. Sept. 25, 1939, Hampton, Iowa. 551.-Roger, b. Feb. 22, 1942, Hampton, Iowa. 552. Gary, b. Aug. 21, 1948, Hampton, Iowa. 398 Loy Tignor, b. May 16, 1908, Glencoe, Okla., m. in Sacramento, Calif., but the name of wife is not known. He died Jan. 14, 1961, in Sacra­ mento. (No children) 399 Frances Tignor, b. Sept. 6, 1909, Glencoe, Payne Co., Okla., m. Aug. 12, 1943, Omaha, Neb., Guy Ayers Holland, b. Nov. 22, 1891, Calloway Co., Kentucky, d. Feb. 5, 1945. His occupation: Recreation Parlor. 400 Mabel Tignor, b. Apr. 6, 1917, Auburn, Neb., m. June 1943, Omaha, Neb., Carl Schroeder, b. Dec. 22, 1914, Humboldt, Neb. His occupation: Various occupations. 553. Larry, b. June 23, 1945, Omaha, Neb. 554. Caryl Ann, b. Jan. 17, 1953, Wichita, Kansas. 401 Bonnie Maxine Tignor, b. Aug. 19, 1919, Auburn, Neb., m. 1st Oct. 18, 1945, A. H. Owens; divorced Dec. 7, 1955. 2nd m.-·Aug. 19, 1960, Dwight D. Rolin, b. Aug. 21, 1931, Ozawkie,,Jefferson Co., Kansas. His occu­ pation: Road Construction and Mechanic. 555. John Albert Owens, b. Sept. 17, 1952, Ft. Worth, Texas. 402 Rollin Dale Ingham, b. Feb. 12, 1926, Swaledale, Ia., m. Feb. 8, 1964, Britt, Iowa, Karen Marie ·Grant, b. July 11, 1943, St. Benedict, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 556. Joseph Wayne, b. Dec. 26, 1964, Mason City, Iowa. 557. Mary Jane, b. July 28, 1967, Mason City, Iowa. 403 Maryann Ingham, b. Dec. 6, 1927, Swaledale, Iowa, m. Dec. 26, 1948, Swaledale, Ia., William Hahn, b. Aug. 28, 1927, Rupert, Idaho. His occupation: Research Assistant, Agriculture Medicine. 558. Michael Joseph, b. Sept. 25, 1950, Mason City, Iowa. 559. Nancy Ann, b. Dec. 6, 1951, Mason City, Iowa. 404 Marcelle Irene Ingham, b. June 13, 1930, Swaledale, Iowa, m. Aug. 19, 1951, Swaledale, Ia., Arvin Ray Drury, b. Dec. 28, 1922. His occupa­ tion: Bookkeeper. · 560. Linda Jane, b. July 6, 1952, Swaledale, Iowa, d. July 6, 1952. 561. Douglas Ray, b. Dec. 30, 1954, Swaledale, Iowa. 562. Thomas Jay, b. Sept. 22, 1956, Swaledale, Iowa. 563. Karen Kay, b. July 18, 1958, Swaledale, Iowa. 564. Robert Alan, b. Dec. 6, 1961, Swaledale, Iowa. 565. John David, b. Sept. 18, 1963, Swaledale, Iowa. 405 Russel Cummings, b. Aug. 31, 1917, Auburn, Neb., m. May 13, 1939, Wash­ ington State, Faye Ellis. His occupation: Heavy Equipment Operator. 566. Verlyn Emily, b. Jan. 12, 1940, Marcus, Washington. 567. Kathleen Agnes, b. May 11, 1942, Washington State. 406 Elizabeth Lodoema Fernau, b. May 16, 1933, Latimer, Franklin Co., Iowa, m. Aug. 26, 1951, Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Wayne D. Brugman, b. May 25, 1928, Moneta, O'Brian Co., Iowa. His occupation: Territory Mgr. for.John Deere Company. 568. Cynthia Rae, b. June 7, 1954, Norfolk, Neb. 569. Rebecca Ann, b. May 11, 1956, Cheyenne, Wyo. 570. Wesley Dean, b. June 14, 1960, Cheyenne, Wyo. 571. Steven Carl, b. Sept. 21, 1966, York, Neb. 407 Clarice Evelyn Fernau, b. July 22, 1936, Swaledale, Iowa, m. Mar. 16, 1958, Sioux Rapids, Ia., Keith Edward Paul, b. Sept. 17, 1933, Sioux Rapids, Iowa. His occupation: Funeral Director. 572. Byron J., b. Sept. 2, 1964, Collinsville, Ill. 408 Helene Aletha Fernau, b. May 16, 1944, Emetsberg, Iowa, m. Dec. 30, 1962 Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Edgar Quillin, b. May 22, 1941. His occupation: Plwnber. 573. Gregory Allen, b. June 4, 1964, Spencer, Clay Co., Iowa. 410 Earl c. Heinzerling, b. Jan. 30, 1931, Osage, Iowa, m. Jan. 9, 1955, Mason City, Iowa, Delila Bennett, b. Feb. 24, 1935, Pocatello, Idaho. His occupation: Truck driver. 574. Cherie Lynn, b. Oct. 21, 1955, Mason City, Iowa. 575. Karen Kay, b. Nov. 13, 1956, Mason City, Iowa. 576.'· Joyce Ann, b. Sept. 22, 1959, Mason City, Iowa. 416 Lois Fay Ingham, b. Aug. 18, 1934, Swaledale, Iowa, m. Feb. 15, 1953, Swaledale, Ia., Donald Alfred Woiwood, b. Nov. 11, 1923, Garner, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 577. Debra Kay, b. Mar. 12, 1954, Mason City, Iowa. 578. Terry Lee, b. Sept. 2, 1955, Mason City, Iowa. 579. Clifford Jene·, ·b. Feb. 14, 1958, Mason City, Iowa. 580. Jeffrey Jay, b. Sept. 16, 1959, Mason City, Iowa. 581. Sandra Sue, b. Mar. 29, 1963, Mason City, Iowa. 417 George Woodruff Ingham, b. Jan. 24, 1936, Swaledale, Iowa, m. Feb. 1, 1958, Little Brown Church, Nashua, Iowa, Nancy Sherril Nelson, b. Dec. 4, 1937, Mason City, Iowa. His occupation: Salesman, L. P. Gas Truck Driver. 582. Wendy Arlene, b. Oct. 1, 1959, Mason City, Iowa. 583. Wanda Rae, b. April 26, 1964, Mason City, Iowa. 584. Marcia Jo, b. April 11, 1966, Mason City, Iowa. 418 Shirley Ann Ingham, b. Oct. 6, 1937, Swaledale, Iowa, m. Feb. 17, 1956, Methodist Church, Thornton, Iowa, Robert Arthur Brady, b. June 17, 1928, Chapin, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer, pastime reported as his chi~- dren. - 585. Lynn Robert, b. Apr. 4, 1957, Mason City, Iowa. 586. Carol Ann, b. Oct. 19, 1958, Mason City, Iowa. 587. Jennie Louise, b. Nov. 28, 1959, Mason City, Iowa. 588. Wayne Curtis, b. Aug. 4, 1964, Mason City, Iowa. 589. Sara Jolene, b. Dec. 1, 1965, Mason City, Iowa. 419 Dorothy Jean Ingham, b. Jan. 16, 1940, Swaledale, Iowa, m. May 31, 1957, Thornton, Ia., Melvin Eugene Brady, b. Mar. 12, 1934, Alexander, Iowa. His occupation: Farming. 590. Dennis Eugene, b. Oct. 17, 1957, Mason City, Iowa. 591. Donna Kay, b. Nov. 15, 1958, Mason City, Iowa. 592. Gerald Allen, b. Mar. 7, 1961, Mason City, Iowa. 420 Eddie Lawrence Ingham, b. Aug. 26, 1943, Swaledale, Iowa, m. June 14, 1964, Rockwell, Iowa, Janice Kay Sharp. (Divorced) His occupation: Delivers Burial Vaults for Wilbert Vault Co. 593. Tracy Lawrence, b. Sept. 21, 1965, Mason City, Iowa. 470 Vivian Lorraine Ball, b. Aug. 3, 1916, Burleigh Co., N. Oak., m. May 15, 1946, Yuma, Ariz., William Sturdevant Kennedy, b. Mar. 18, 1910, Van­ couver, British Columbia, Canada. His occupation: Office Employee. 594. Shalern Lorraine, b. Feb. 9, 1952, Long Beach, Calif. 473 Margaret Althea Hastie, b. July 20, 1925, Kenosha, Wisconsin, m. Oct. 10, 1946, Liscomb, Iowa, William Hausafus, b. Feb. 2, 1920, Marshall­ town, Iowa. His occupation: Electrician. 595. John E., b. Dec. 8, 1947, Marshalltown, Iowa. 596. William D., b. June 3, 1953, Marshalltown, Iowa. 474 ·Cleo Vern Penfield, b. Jan. 2, 1939, Lemmon, S. Dak., m. Princeton, Mo., Carol Foust, b. Nov. 1, 1940, at Des Moines, Iowa. His occupation: Rancher. 597. Kimberley, b. June 27, 1960, Des Moines, Iowa. 486 Janice Marlene Borel, b. Nov. 5, 1936, Clarion, Iowa, m. Jan. 9, 1955, Nashua, Iowa, Larry De Bower, b. Mar. 2, 1936, Allison, Iowa. His occupation: Skilled machinist. 598. Kim Dean, b. Aug. 29, 1955, Hampton, Iowa. 599. Randy Walter, b. Oct. 1, l957, Hampton, Iowa. 600. Torn Darrin, b. Apr. 27, 1967, Waverly, Iowa. 487 Sandra June Borel, b. July 2, 1940, Clarion, Iowa, m. Aug. 30, 1958, Clarion, Ia., Gerald Oetken, b. Feb. 5, 1937, Mason City, Iowa. His occupation: Meat Manager of Grocery Chain. 601. Marty, b. Oct. 25, 1959, Hampton, Iowa. 602. Michael, b. Sept. 22, 1962, Iowa City, Iowa. 603. Kathy, b. Sept. 21, 1963, Iowa City, Iowa. 506 Clifford Eugene Moore, b. Jan. 27, 1929, New Market, Iowa, m. Dec. 11, 1954, in Germany, Elly Thilpland, b. Mar. 17, 1927, in Germany. His o.ccupation: First Sergeant Army Air Force. 604. Karen, b. July 11, 1960, in Germany. . 508 Marylin R. Moore, b. Aug. 3, 1940, Marshalltown, Ia., m. Apr. 22, 1961, Harper D. Davenport, b. Dec. 29, 1938, Marshalltown, Iowa. His occupa­ tion: Electrical Engineer, Fisher Governor Co. at Marshalltown, Iowa. 509 Janet Kay Moore, b. May 15, 1943, Marshalltown, Iowa, m. Sept. 3, 1965, Marshalltown, Ia., William H. Koellner, b. July 14, 1942, Davenport, Ia. His occupation: Engineer on Mississippi River Control, Davenport, Ia. 511 Donald Duane Nelson, b. May 21, 1943, Marshalltown, Iowa, m. Aug. 1, 1965, Marshalltown, Ia., Janet M. Koehler, b. Feb. 1, 1943, Marshall­ town, Ia. His occupation in 1968: Graduate student, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City. 605. David Alan, b. Aug. 20, 1966, DeKalb, Ill. 516 George Warren Thompson, b. July 23, 1938, Jefferson, Iowa, m. Apr. 14, 1962, Lincoln, Neb., Elizabeth Ann McCracken, b. Mar. 8, 1943, Abilene, Texas. His occupation: Shop Foreman 606. Jeffery Warren, b. Jan. 22, 1963, Lincoln, Nebraska. 607. Steven Scott, b. Mar. 12, 1965, Lincoln, Nebraska. 517 Betty Jean Thompson, b. Nov. 8, 1939, Jefferson, Iowa, m- Aug. 31, 1964, Carrol, Iowa, Dean Arnold McDowell, b. Jan. 23, 1935, Jamaca, Iowa. His occupation: Plant Manager. 608. Kimberly Kay, b. Sept. 8, 1960, Ft. Dodge, Iowa. 609. Barbara Jean, b. Feb. 3, 1964, Jefferson, Iowa. 610. Susan Merrie, b. Dec. 21, 1967, Jefferson, Iowa. 518 Clifford Dean Thompson, b. July 29, 1941, Jefferson, Iowa, m. July 6, 1963, Lincoln, Neb., Donna Verna Jean Heckman, b. Nov. 21, 1943, Lincoln, Nebraska. His occupation: Factory Worker. 611. Dean Wayne, b. Apr. 23, 1964, Jefferson, Iowa. 612. Shari Sue, b. Jan. 6, 1966, Jefferson, Iowa. 524 - Larry Ronald Ingham, b. Aug. 14, 1941, Waterloo, Iowa, m. June 1960, Waterloo, Iowa, Ardeth D. Lusthoff. 613. Brent Ronald, b. Mar. 3, 1961, Waterloo, Iowa. 614. Bradley R., b. Nov. 8, 1962, Waterloo, Iowa. 615. Brock R., b. Nov. 19, 1963, Waterloo, Iowa. 525 Pamela s. Ingham, b. Nov. 7, 1942, Waterloo, Ia., m. Gerald Holden, b. Feb. 2, 1944, Arkansas City, Kansas. His occupation: Computer Programmer. 616. Gerald Eugene, b. May 28, 1967, Waterloo, Iowa. 528 Donald Charles McHose, b. Jan. 10, 1941, Des Moines, Ia., m. Mar. 16, 1964, Rock Island, Ill., Linda Gerry Abramson, b. Mar. 3, 1942, Kewanee, Ill. His occupation: Banker. 617. Randolph Scott, b. Dec. 15, 1964, Nevada, Iowa. 529 Diane Elizabeth McHose, b. Feb. 9, 1944, Eldora, Iowa, m. Mar. 8, 1962, 1-St. Joseph, Mo., James Stanley Ball, b. June 8, 1940, Nevada, Iowa. His occupation in 1968: Student. 618. James Stanley, II, b. Nov. 17, 1962, Nevada, Iowa. 619. Gretchen Mercedes, b. Dec. 27, 1963, Waterloo, Iowa. 620. Jason Richard, b. July 1, 1966, Waterloo, Iowa. 530 Richard Ray McHose, b. Apr. 12, 1947, Aines, Iowa, m. Aug. 18, 1967, Ames, Ia., Sheri Lynn Michelson, b. Nov. 9, 1948, Ames, Iowa. He a student in 1968. · 532 Joan Kay McDonald, ·b. Sept. 13, 1941, Marshalltown, Iowa, m. June 16, 1961, Pella, Iowa, Andrew Dean Bandstra, b. Feb. 9, 1939, Taintor, Ia. His occupation: Area Credit Manager for Montgomery Ward. 621. Michelle Renee, b. Dec. 12, 1961, Oklahoma City, Okla. 622. Paul Andrew, b. Sept. 12, 1965, Des Moines, Iowa. 545 Richard Clyde Collins, b. Mar. 2, 1937, Colfax, Ill., m. Mar. 12, 1961, Mason City, Iowa, Margaret Ann Kentner, b. Feb. 27, 1943, Mason City, Iowa. His occupation: K. c. Company. 546 Raymond Dale Collins, b. Nov. 11, 1940, Swaledale, Ia., m. Sept. 18, 1965, Minneapolis, Minn., Linda Kay Williams, b. Sept. 12, 1945, Minne­ apolis, Minn. His occupation: Police Force, Au~obody Shop. 623. Shane Leroy, b. Oct. 2, 1967, Mason City, Iowa. 550 Maxine Philpott, b. Sept. 25, 1939, Hampton, Iowa, m. June 29, 1958, Sheffield, Iowa, Alan B. Hawke, b. Feb. 16, 1938, Sheffield, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 624. Kimberly Sue, b. Nov. 22, 1959, Mason City, Iowa. 625. Annette Lynn, b. Apr. 21, 1962, Mason City, Iowa. 626. Todd Alan, b. July 17, 1966, Mason City, Iowa. 551 Roger Wayne Philpott, b. Feb. 22, 1942, Hampton, Iowa, m. June 16, 1963, Mattoon, Ill., Maralyn Jean Tucker, b. Apr. 23, 1943, Rockford, Ill. 135 Benjamin Isham Ingham, b. Aug. 7, 1817, Pompey, N. Y., d. near Brighton, Iowa, Jan. 29, 1871. m. Feb. 7, 1850, Brighton, Iowa, Elizabeth Hyde, b. Dec. 17, 1825, in Ohio, d. Aug. 29, 1918, Brighton, Iowa. His occu­ pation: Farmer. (It is presumed that he came to Brighton, with his parents from New York in the fall of 1~39, the year the family moved to the West.) 627. John Wesley, b. Nov. 16, 1850, near Brighton, Iowa. 628. Sarah Helen, b. Jan. 28, 1852, near Brighton, Iowa. 629. William Curtis, b. Dec. 29, 1853, near Brighton, Iowa. 630. Rebecca Angeline, b. Sept. 7, 1856, d. Jan. 21, 1857, near Brighton, Ia. 631. Clara Emma,·b. Dec. 15, 1857, near Brighton, Iowa. 632. Benjamin Edgar, b. Feb. 15, 1860, near Brighton, Iowa. 633. Horace Seymour, b. Feb. 18, 1862, near Brighton, Iowa. 634. Mary M., b. Dec. 10, 1864, d. Dec. 25, 1864, near Brighton, Iowa. 635. Celia A., b. Dec. 8, 1866, d. Dec. 16, 1866, near Brighton, Iowa. 627 John Wesley Ingham, b. Nov. 16, 1850, near Brighton, d. Feb. 2, 1908, ·while visiting his sons Fred and Ezra, Stratford, Texas. m. Oct. 28, 1875, Washington County, Iowa, Sarah Ann Brinton, b. Oct. 28, 1852, in Penn., d. April 28, 1935, while visiting her daughter Mrs. Laura Hale, Stewartville, Minn. She and John Ingham are buried at Washing­ ton, Iowa. Both were members of the Methodist Church in Washington. He led a Bible class of members in their middle 40's. He held the office of County Auditor 4 years. A greater part of his life was spent on his farm 7 miles west of Washington, where he made a scientific study of farming and was an authority on things agricultural. He was in demand as a speaker at Farmers' Institutes, his subject CLOVER. This, he believed, to be a product which the farmers should use as a soil builder, for he had found it to be a profitable crop on his own farm. He attended the Brighton Academy and taught school in the winters, having passed the teacher's examination on Nov. 16, 1874. 636. William Brinton, b. Aug. 13, 1876, Washington County, Iowa. 637. Fred Emerson, b. March 26, 1878, Washington County, Iowa. 638. Laura Ethel, b. March 19, 1880, Washington County, Iowa. 639. Arthur Blaine, b. Nov. 8, 1884, Washington County, Iowa. 640. Ezra Nathaniel, b. Oct. 25, 1886, Washington County, Iowa. 641. Grace Edna, b. June 19, 1892, Washington County, Iowa. 628 Sarah- Helen Ingham, b. Jan. 28, 1852, near Brighton, Iowa, d. Mar. 30, 1940, Agra, Okla. m. Sept. 7, 1875, Washington County, Iowa, Edmond Taylor Heuston, b. Oct. 17, 1847, in Jefferson County, Iowa. He died, Agra, Oklahoma, Jan. 24, 1915. Soon after marriage he and his wife Helen went to Nebraska where they homesteaded a farm near Glenvil. In 1893, the family moved to Oklahoma to a farm near Agra. Here he became a member of the State Legislature which framed the first Constitution for the State of Oklahoma. He was also a builder of the community into which he moved, building the schoolhouse in the local district. During those early days in Oklahoma, Helen Ingham Heuston could always be counted on to do more than her part in the community in addition to oeing a nighly_deserving mother to her family. 642. Carrie Elizabeth, b. Nov. 3, 1876, Glenvil, Nebraska. 643. John Elmer, b. Jan. 9, 1878, Glenvil, Neb. 644. William Albertus, b. Jan. 10, 1880, Glenvil, Neb. 645. Edward (Ted) Ingham, b. Oct. 16, 1881, Glenvil, Neb. 646. Dennis Alvin, b. Feb. 9, 1884, Glenvil, Neb. 647. Howard Hull, b. May 1, 1886, Glenvil, Neb. 648. Nette Merle, b. Feb. 12, 1889, d. Mar. 25, 1889, Glenvil, Nebraska. 649. Enunett T., b. Feb. 17, 1892, Glenvil, Neb. 629 William Curtis Ingham, b. Dec. 29, 1853, near Brighton, Iowa, d. Sept. 3, 1936, Sac City, Iowa, while visiting with his son Edgar. m. Sept. 29, 1881., Brighton, Iowa, Charlotta Ellen Alter, b. July 4, 1860, Pella, Iowa, d. Afton, Iowa, Feb. 15, 1931. He taught rural school in the winter months and conducted a singing school. His occupation: Farming. In ·the same year that he married (1881) he purchased 80 acres near Afton and later added 40 acres for which he paid $400 in the form of a young team of mares. It appears that horses were worth more than land in those early days in Iowa. 650. Edgar Harlan, b. Aug. 13, 1882, Afton, Iowa, d. May 7, 1967, Sac_ City, Iowa. 651. Bessie, b. Jan. 19, 1885, Afton, Iowa, d. May 13, 1956, Atlanta, G·a. 652. Ralph Jay, b. Nov. 4, 1888, Afton, Iowa. 653. Florence Ellen, b. Nov. 15, 1900, Afton, Ia. Unmarried. Master teacher of mathematics in high school at Bartlesville, Okla. Graduate of Univ. of Iowa 1922-A.B. degree, and M.A. from Columbia University, 1931. 631 Clara Enuna Ingham, b. Dec. 15, 1857, Brighton, Iowa, d. July 13, 1938, Brighton, Ia., m. Feb. 15, 1899, Brighton, Iowa, Leroy Johnson, b. Aug. 6, 1850. His occupation: Farmer. (No children) 632 Benjamin Edgar Ingham, b. Feb. 15, 1860, near Brighton, Iowa, d. June 3, 1938, Selma, Calif., m. Apr. 22, 1891, Brighton, Iowa, Allie May Robin­ son, b. Sept. 24, 1865, near Brighton, Iowa, d. July 7, 1951, Fresno, California. His occupation: Farmer. 654. Homer Edgar, b. July 19, 1892, near Brighton, Iowa. 655. Eugene Forest, b. Oct. 11, 1894, near Brighton, Ia., d. Sept. 22, 1965, Fresno, Calif. 656. Faith Letitia, b. Dec. 6, 1896, near Brighton, Iowa. 633 Horace Seymour Ingham, b. Feb. 18, 1862, near Brighton, Iowa, d. Nov. 28, 1934, Brighton, Iowa. m. Apr. 18, 1894, Stuttgart, Arkansas, Arny !,May Alter (twin of Rufus), b. July 12, 1865, d. Sept. 15, 1933, Brigh­ ton, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer and breeder of fine draft horses. Before his marriage he built a cabin near Stuttgart, and a cyclone con­ vinced him that he did not want to remain there. With him in it, the cabin was picked up and deposited some distance from its original loca­ tion. He returned to Iowa where he felt greater safety. 657. Gladwin Alter, b. Feb. 7, 1896, Brighton, Iowa. 658. Lester Reinhart, b. Mar. 4, 1902, Brighton, Iowa; never married. 659. Lois Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11, 1903, Brighton, Iowa. 636 William Brinton Ingham, b. Aug. 13, 1876, Washington County, Iowa, d. Amarillo, Texas, Aug. 5, 1959. m. Feb. 21, 1906, Washington, Iowa, Mary Olive Welch, b. Nov. 30, 1877, d. Sept. 7, 1955, Conway, Texas. His occupation: Wheat rancher on 2 sections near Conway, Texas. 660. Mary Wilma, b. Oct. 5, 1908, Washington, Iowa, d. Mar. 8, 1946, Pan­ handle, Texas. 661. John William, b. Dec. 21, 1913, Washington, Iowa. 637 F~ed Emerson Ingham, b. Mar. 26, 1878, Washington, Iowa, d. Feb. 10, 1955, Amarillo, Texas. m. Dec. 24, 1903, Washington, Iowa, Elizabeth Libe, b. Feb.-16, 1885, Washington County, Iowa, d. April 12, 1932, Amarillo, Texas. Fred married Myrtle Folks, b. Feb. 24, 1885, a. Jan. 1, 1965, Amarillo, Tex. His occupation: Rancher and livestock buyer and feeder on a large scale. 662. Ethel Pauline, b. Feb. 2, 1905, Butler, Missouri. 638 Laura Ethel Ingham, b. Mar. 19, 1880, Washington, Iowa, d. June 7, 1957, while attending a Brinton Reunion in Des Moines, Ia., m. Nov. 1922, Washington, Iowa, George Henry Hale, b. Mar. 18, 1872, Kedron, Minn., d. Mar. 23, 1964,• Stewartville, Minn. His occupation: Farmer. [No children] 639 Arthur Blaine Ingham, b. Nov. 8, 1884, Washington, Iowa, m. June 12, 1915, Sonoma, Calif., Helen Hale Rowell, b. Nov. 5, 1891, Hamilton, Minn., where her father was pastor of Congregational Church. His occupation: School Superintendent and Conunissioner of High School Ath­ letics for the State of California; retired in 1955. She a teacher. 666. Barbara Rowell, b. Jan. 11, 1918, Monterey, California. 667. Louise Rowell, b. Sept. 24, 1919, Monterey, California. 668. Elizabeth Hale, b. Mar. 29, 1922, Pacific Grove, California. Mr. Ingham was graudated from the University of Iowa in 1909 and in the second semester of the following year went back for a half year of law. He spent the next year as teacher and athletic coach in Wash­ inton State, and the following 6 years as school superintendent in two conununities, in that state and in Pacific Grove, Calif., from 1917 to 1948. During these years in Pacific Grove he served either as presi­ dent or secretary of the Tri-County High School Athletic League, and in 1935 was elected to the Federated Council of California High School Athletic Association, and in 1937 as Secretary of the State Federated Council. In 1939 he was conunissioned to set up an athletic protection insurance fund for the high school athletes of the state, and in 1943 he pioneered in setting up in California the first Pupil ·protection Fund in the United States. In 1934 he organized the first public-supported summer school in California. In 1948 he resigned his position as school superintendent and became full-time Commissioner of High School Athletics in California, in which position he served until 1955. Upon his retirement the state high school track meet was dedi­ cated in his honor and at a farewell party, he was presented with a beautiful bronze plaque in recognition of his significant contributions to clean and safe high school athletics. The plaque is sealed to the "Wall of Fame" in Helms Foundation Hall of Fame in Los.Angeles, Calif. 640 Ezra Nathaniel Ingham, b. Oct. 25, 1886, Washington, Ia., d. Jan. 16, 1967, Beatrice, Neb., m. Aug. 11, 1910, Amarillo, Texas, Eunice Libscomb, b. July 30, 1889, Amarillo, Tex., d. June 19, 1954, Nebraska City, Neb. His occupation: Osteopathic Physician for 51-1/2 years, practicing at Wymore and Beatrice, Neb. Both he and Eunice were graduates of Kirksville Osteopathic School. He served several years on the Nebraska State Osteopathic Board and had an extensive practice, many coming from great distances for treatment. 669. Thomas Richard, b. Oct. 30, 1914, Kirksville, Missouri. 670. Lola Alta, b. May 26, 1916, Beatrice, Nebraska. 671. Franklin Brinton, b. Dec. 10, 1918, Wymore, Nebraska. On Dec. 22, 1956, Ezra married Alice Windsor (a retired school teacher) Beatrice, Nebraska, who was born Nov. 10, 1891. 641 Grace Edna Ingham, b. June 19, 1892, Washington County, Iowa, .d. June 18, 1916, Magnetic Springs, Ohio, m. Aug. 28, 1912, William.Percy Littlefield, b. Aug. 28, 1877, Rockwood, Tenn., d. Nov. 7, 1934, Chicago, Ill. His occupation: Salesman. Grace attended Oberlin College in _Ohio and the University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 672. Laura Lucille, b. Oct~ 26, 1913, Los Angeles, California. 642 Carrie Elizabeth Heuston, b. Nov. 3, 1876,·Glenvil, Neb., d. May 30, i~ub, cnanaier, oxia., m. Mar. 3, 1898, Agra, Okla., Adelbert Perry Nichols, b. Dec. 17, 1865, New Richmond, Ohio, d. Nov. 7, 1943, Avilla, Missouri. His occupation: Farmer and Minister. 673. Dale Lawrence, b. Dec. 6, 1898, Stroud, Oklahoma. 674. Ralph Horace, b. Jan. 17, 1901, Stroud, Oklahoma. 643 John Elmer Heuston, b. Jan. 9, 1878, Glenvil, Neb., m. Feb. 22, 1907, .Agre, Okla., Beulah Evelyn Horton, b. Dec. 17, 1886 in Missouri. [Marriage ended in divorce] His o: Barber and City Employee. 675. Wanda Loleta, b. Nov. 18, 1907, Agra, Oklahoma. On May 28, 1922, John m. Mildred Evaline Betzzer, b. Mar. 11, 1887, Columbus, Kan. John now lives at Tishomingo, Okla. on bank of Lake Texoma. Hobbies: Gardening and Indian History. 644 William Albertus Heuston, b. Jan. 10, 1880, Glenvil, Neb., m. Jan. 22, 1908, Agra, Okla., Maud E. Merchant, b. Mar. 2, 1884, Wall Lake, Iowa. His occupation: Bank Manager; now retired. His hobbies: Gardening and reading, and in addition he is a good short story writer. [No children] 645 Edmond [Ted] Ingham Heuston, b. Oct. 16, 1881, Glenvil, Neb., m. July 2.0, 1902, Agra, Okla., Lessie West, b. Aug. 12, 1883, Linneus, Mo. His occupation: Farmer. 676. Clare Kenneth, b. Aug. 22, 1903, Agra, Oklahoma. 677. Harry West, b. June 17, 1907, Hydro, Oklahoma. 646 Dennis Alvin Heuston, b. Feb. 9, 1884, Glenvil, Neb., d. Jan. 3, 1960, Boulder, Colo., m. Apr. 8, 1907, Agra, Okla., Bertie Ethel Story, b. Jan. 25, 1886, Imperial, Neb., d. Aug. 4, 1918, Cushing, Oklahoma. His occupation: Jeweler and Real Estate Broker.· 678. Helen Pauline, b. Feb. 5, 1908, Agra, Oklahoma. 679. Opal Irene, b. Nov. 2, 1909, Hydro, Oklahoma. 680. ·Harlan Story, b. Dec. 21, 1911, Humboldt, Kansas·. Dennis Alvin Heuston m. Feb. 20, 1919, Okla. City, Okla., Lulu Ara­ menta Goodin Shepherd, b. Aug. 19, 1884, Austin, Tex., d. Sept. 27, 1961, Boulder, Colorado. 647 Howard Bull Heuston, b. May 1, 1886, Glenvil, Neb., m. 1912, Caldwell, Idaho, Edith Anthea Roe, b. Jan. 4, 1880, Pope Co., Ill., d. March 31, 1914, La Grande, Ore. His occupation: Physician-M.D., FACS, retired. Shopping Center owner. Practiced his prof.essiOA for 38 years at Boulder, Colorado, where he established a medical center. 681. Helen Anthea, b. Mar. 23, 1914, La Grande, Oregon. On Jan. 12, 1921, Decatur, Ill., Howard married Louise Tuttle Curtis,

l, b. Apr. 16, 1895, Decatur, Illinois. 682. William Curtis, b. Oct. 25, 1921, Boulder, Colorado. 683. Robert Howard, b. Feb. 22, 1923, Boulder, Colorado. 684. Phillip Tuttle, b. May 26, 1925, Boulder, Colorado. Dr. Heuston came from pioneering parents, and carried their spirit into his own life. In 1893 the family.moved to Okla. from the original homestead in Glenvil, Neb., when Howard was seven. The school year here was reduced to 4-1/2 months to permit the children to help with spring planting and harvesting of the crops. At age 18 Howard took and passed the eighth grade examination and during the summer attended the County Teachers Institute and passed the examination for the grade school certificate. He taught for 3 years in Oklahoma Territory, be­ fore going to college in Valparaiso, Indiana. After 27 months he was granted the B. s. degree. He was principal of the Marion, Ill., High School and left a·f ter 3 years, with the high school English teacher as his bride for a new position in the La Grande, Ore., High School. The coupled moved on to Elgin, Ore., where Howard was superintendent and here tragedy struck in the form of death for Mrs. Heuston following the birth of their daughter, Helen. The following year he entered the Medical School of Colorado University; he completed his medical train­ ing at Washington University in st. Louis and received his M.O. degree in 1919. In the year prior to 1919, he met and married a wartime nurse·- the present Mrs. Heuston. In 1920 he joined his old anatomy in the practice of medicine in Boulder, Colorado, at the age of 34. He was master of his own destiny in a professional of his ~hoice. The partnership was severed by severed by his partner's death in 1933. He was a member of the American College of Surgeons and after World War I_I, he added 4 more doctors to his office. This grew into the Boulder Medical Center which today has 26 doctors. Dr. Heuston's community contributions have been considerable. He served on the City Council from 1928 to 1940, the last 8 as Mayor. His hobby is traveling and photography which has taken a good deal of his time during the last 10 years since his retirement. 649 Emmett T. Heuston, b. Feb. 17, 1892, Glenvil, Neb., d. June 6, 1935, Cushing, Okla. m. Mar. 17, 1914, Cherryvale, Kansas, Agatha Ternes, b. Nov. 29, 1889, Montgomery County, Kansas, d. Jan. 16, 1935, Cushing, Oklahoma. His occupation: Auto mechanic. 685. Eugene Thomas, b. July 30, 1920, Cushing, Oklahoma. 650 Edgar Harlan Ingham, b. Aug. 13, 1882, Afton, Iowa, d. May 7, 1967, Sac City, Iowa. m. Dec. 29, 1926, Sac City, Ia., Lauralois Grahe, b. in 1890, d. June, 1936. His occupation: Farmer. They adopted a daughter Margaret in 1936 whose residence is not known at this time. [1967] Edgar m. Effie Jane Jackson of Lamberton, Minn., who is still living. In.addition to farming, Edgar was active in Seed Grain Associ­ ation and served as president of Farmers' Lumber Company of Sac City. 651 Bessie Ingham, b. Jan. 19, 1885, Afton, Iowa, d. May 13, 1956, Atlanta, Ga. m. Dec. 31, 1911, Des Moines, Iowa, at University Church of Christ, Paul Eugene Lineback, b. Oct. 25, 1880, Winston Salem, N. c., d. Feb. 27, 1939, Atlanta, Ga., where he was Professor of Microanatomy at Emory . ·university of Atlanta. 686·. Merrill Ingham, b. June 15, 1918, Atlanta, Georgia. 687. Ruth Marie, b. Sept. 29, 1922, Atlanta, Georgia. 688. Carl Mayo, b. Sept. 29, 1922, Atlanta, Georgia. 652 Ralph Jay Ingham, b. Nov. 4, 1888, Afton, Iowa, m. Feb. 23, 1915, Lura May Rains, b. June 26, 1894, Benton, Iowa. His occupation: Farming on the original home farm. His hobby: Traveling. 689. Ralph Harlan, b. Sept. 14, 1918, Afton, Iowa. 654 Homer Edgar Ingham, b. July 19, 1892, near Brighton, Iowa, m. Mar. 14, 1918, Vera E. Bray, b. Mar. 9, 1893, near Veo, Iowa. They moved the family to Selma, California Aug. 15, 1923, and entered into grape cul­ ture and later into harvesting grapes on a commercial scale. 690. Elsie Irene, b. May 5, 1919, Brighton, Iowa. 691. Edna Lucile, b. Sept. 11, 1920, Fairfield, Iowa. 692. Lois Evelyn, b. June 27, 1926, Fairfield, Iowa. 693. Vera Louise, b. Jan. 11, 1931, Selma, California. 655 Eugene Forest Ingham, b. Oct. 11, 1894, near Brighton, Iowa, d. Sept. 2~ 1965, Fresno, Calif. m. Mar. 26, 1919, Ruby Freitag, b. Oct. 8, 1895, Ottumwa, Iowa, d. Sept. 27, 1928, Long Beach, Calif. His occupation: Highway Sign Maintenance Foreman. 694. Margaret Dolores, b. Apr. 27, 1920, Brighton, Iowa. In January 1930, Eugene m. Cecil Gee, b. ·Jan. 4, 1909. 695. Joyce Elaine, b. Dec. 17, 1931, Ottumwa, Iowa. 696. Gerald Eugene, b. July 22, 1933, Ottumwa, Iowa. 697. George Edgar, b. May 17, 1935, Stewartville, Minn. 698. Patricia Kay, b. Sept. 28, 1939, Selma, California. On Dec. 5, 1951, Eugene m. Fay Moody, b. Nov. 12, 1906, Protem, Mo. 656 Faith Letitia Ingham, b. Dec. 6, 1896, near Brighton, Iowa, m. Feb. 19, i~i~, Br1gnton, Iowa, Jake B~ Brier, b. May 12, 1892, Brighton, Iowa. His occupation: Salesman. 699. Betty Beatrice, b. Jan. 4, 1923, Brighton, Iowa. 700. Harlan Ingham, b. July 26, 1925, Brighton, Iowa. 657 Gladwin Alter Ingham, b. Feb. 7, 1896, Brighton, Ia., m. Feb. 4, 1920, Bethany, Missouri, Lola Romig, b. Aug. 27, 1895,. Mt. Moriah, Harrison County, Mo. Occupation: Farmer. 701. Donald Wayne, b. Dec. 9, 1921, Bethany, Mo. 702. Marjorie Lois, b. May 29, 1924, Bethany, Mo. 703. Grace Marie, b. Feb. 11, 1926, Bethany, Mo. 704. Kenneth Dale, b. July 25, 1930, Bethany, Mo. 659 Lois Elizabeth Ingham, b. Dec. 11, 1903, Brighton, Iowa, m. May 2, 1929, Brighton, Ia., Leo John Benda, b. June 24, 1900, Brighton, Iowa. His occupation: Stone Quarry Expert. 705. Richard Lee, b. Nov. 14, 1930, Brighton, Ia., drowned Aug. 10, 1947. 706. Evelyn May, b. Apr. 2, 1936, Brighton, Iowa. 707. Robert Raymond, b. Dec. 25, 1938, Brighton, Iowa. Unmarried. Factory maintenance man at Fairfield Engineering and Manufacturing Company. 660 Mary Wilma Ingham, b. Oct. 5, 1908, Washington, Iowa, d. March 8, 1946, Clarendon, Texas. m. Dec. 24, 1930, Panhandle, Texas, James Loran Naylor, b. Feb. 21, 1905, Clarendon, Texas. His occupation: Bookkeeper at Pantex Ordinance Plant; formerly a teacher. 708. Betty Jean, b. Apr. 6, 1932, Amarillo, Texas. 709. James William, b. Sept. 3, 1934, Amarillo, Texas. 710. Virginia May, b. Dec. 1, 1935, Amarillo, Texas. 711. Ben Ingham, b. Jan. 5, 1938, White Deer, Texas. Unmarried. Business Executive. 661 John William Ingham, b. Dec. 21, 1913, Washington, Iowa, m. June 11, 1938, Fern Grimes, b. Apr. 12, 1917, Claude, Texas. His occupation: Passenger Railroad Engineer on Santa Fe R.R. 712. John William, Jr., b. Aug. 14, 1939, Amarillo, Texas. 713. Marta Nell, b. Sept. 15, 1941, Amarillo, Texas. 662 Ethel Pauline Ingham, b. Feb. 2, 1905, Butler, Mo., m. Aug. 12, 1923, Stratford, Texas, Ivan Cecil Davis, b. Apr. 13, 1898, Ludlow County, Tenn. His occupation: Businessman. 714. Elizabeth Louise, b. June 2, 1925, Tyrone, Oklahoma. 666 ~Barbara Rowell Ingham, b. Jan. 11, 1918, Monterey, Calif., m. June 14, 194l, Pacific Grove, Calif., Walter S. Keane. [Divorced] 715. Susan Hale, b. Dec. 20, 1947, Berkeley, California. On Apr. 30, 1955, Barbara m. James B. Mearns, b. June 18, 1920. 716. John Hale, b. Feb. 22, 1956, Berkeley, California. 717. James Arthur, b. Aug. 3, 1960, Berkeley, California. 667 Louise Rowell.Ingham, b. Sept. 24, 1919, Monterey, Calif., m. Jan. 1, 1941, Asilomar, Calif., Prescott W. Thompson, b. Feb. 25, 1916, Santa Barbara, Calif. His occupation: Psychiatrist-Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas. 718. Ellen Louise, b. Aug. 12, 1942, San Mateo, California. 719. David Prescott, b. Sept. 28, 1943, Berkeley, California. 720. Ann Lucile, b. Dec. 6, 1945, Oroville, California. 721. Clara Rowell, b. Dec. 17, 1947, Berkeley, California. 668 Elizabeth Hale Ingham, b. March 29, 1922, Pacific Grove, California, m. Oct. 10, 1942, Pacific Grove, Calif., George Clement, b. Aug. 29, 1918, San Jose, California. [Divorced] 722. David Locke, b. Nov. 18, 1944, Evanston, Ill. 723. Helen Ingham, b. June 5, 1947, Manhattan Beach, Calif. 724. John Ingham, b. June 26, 1950, Santa Monica, California. Elizabeth remarried. This time to Leonard Adler·, b. Jan. 21, 1922, New York C.ity, N. Y. He, a graduate of City College New York. His occupation: Electrical Engineer, International Marketing Manager. 725. Amanda Ingham, b. Aug. 25, 1959, Santa Monica, California. 726. Anabel Elizabeth, b. Apr. 11, 1964, Santa Monica, California. 669 Thomas Richard Ingham, b. Oct. 30, 1914, Kirksville, Mo., m. June 13, 1940, Honolulu, Dorothy May Bremerman, b. May 11, 1915, Washington, D. C. He is a graduate of the u. s. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Through diligent effort and inherited native ability he has risen to the status of Captain. 727. Karyl Lee, b. Sept. 10, 1942, Nebraska City, Nebraska. 728. Thomas Richard, Jr., b. Jan. 18, 1945, Oakland, California. 729. Lawrence David, b. Feb. 13, 1947, Bethesda, Maryland. 670 Lola Alta Ingham, b. May 26, 1916, Beatrice, Neb. She was educated as an x-Ray Technician and worked as such until she m. Carl Hagerfeld, a construction engineer, May 29, 1954. Heb. Sept. 11, 1917, Baltimore, Maryland. 730. Carla Alice, b. Oct. 24, 1955, Atlantic City, New Jersey. 671 Franklin Brinton Ingham, b. Dec. 10, 1918, Wymore, Neb., m. Oct. 30, 1943, St. Louis, Mo., Joanna Wells, b. Nov. 18, 1923, Anabel, Mo. He graduate of University of Minnesota in Aeronautical Engineering. Occupation: Aeronautical Engineer in Washington, D. c. 731. Curtis Brinton, b. July 21, 1952, Washington, D. c. 732. Mark Bradford, b. Sept. 12, 1954, Bethesda, Maryland. 733. Jeffrey Wells, b. June 1, 1959, Bethesda, Maryland. 672 -Laura Lucille Littlefield, b. Oct. 26, 1913, Los Angeles, California. Attended Salinas Junior College and University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Employed as Credit Consultant, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. m. June 14, 1934, Pacific Grove, California, John Vinton, b. Mar. 19, 1912, Indiana, Pennsylvania. [Divorced] His occupation: Coal Mine Executive. · 734. Joyce Lucille, b. Apr. 7, 1940, Pittsburgh, Pa. 673 Dale Lawrence Nichols, b. Dec. 6, 1898, Stroud, Okla., m. Oct. 5, 1929, Oklahoma City, Okla., Margaret Ann Hau, b. Nov. 8, 1905, Okarche, Okla. Occupation: Employed by Southern Glass Co., Okla. City, Okla. 735. James Gordon, b. Aug. 3, 1930, Oklahoma City, Okla. 736. Max Joseph, b. Mar. 5, 1934, Oklahoma City, Okla. 737. Larry Allen, b. Sept. 4, 1936, Oklahoma City, Okla. 674 Ralph Horace Nichols, b. Jan. 17, 1901, Stroud, Okla., m. Nov. 28, 1924, Spencer, Okla., Ellen Ashby. Divorced Jan. 21, 1949. [No children] Remarried July 24, 1949, Guthrie, Okla., Lilly Mae Lindsay Goodwin, b. May 29, 1905, Womack, Oklahoma. [No children] 675 Wanda Loleta Heuston, b. Nov. 18, 1907, Agra, Okla., m. Aug. 10, 1929, Agra, Oklahoma, Dick Albert Braley, b. Dec. 20, 1906, Agra, Oklahoma. His occupation: Cleaning Shop Operator. 738 •. Linda Jeanne, b. Oct. 24, 1933, New Orleans, Louisiana. 676 Clare Kenneth Heuston, b. Aug. 22, 1903, Lincoln County, Okla., m. July 1, 1923, Exendine, Oka., Verla Horwedel. Shed. Aug. 3, 1959, Wichita, Kansas. His occupation: Manager, Lumber Company 739. Helen Heuston, b. June 7, 1924, Lookeba, Oklahoma. 740. Betty June, b. June 10, 1927, Shawnee, Oklahoma. 741. Annette, b. Aug. 14, 1938, d. Oct. 14, 1938. on July 18, 1964, Wichita, Kansas, Clare m. Evelyn Hoffman. 677 Harry West Heuston, b. June 17, 1907, Hydro, Okla., m. Dec. 11, 1936, El Reno, Okla., Moonyeene Beatrice Wilson, b. Aug. 27, 1907, Okemah, Okla. His occupation: Oil Company Superintendent. 742. Carol Moonyeene, b. Sept. 13, 1940, Shreveport, La. 743. Howard Wilson, b. July 6, 1945, Amarillo, Texas. 678 Helen Pauline Heuston, b. Feb. 5, 1908, Agra, Okla., m. Sept. 1, 1930, Cushing, Okla., Donald Sydney Hubbell, b. May 18, 1906, Albuquerque, N. Mex. His occupation: u. S. Government Agronomist, retired. 744. Helen Jeanne, b. Nov. 1, 1931, Ames, Iowa. 745. Donald Sydney, Jr., b. Apr. 6, 1935, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 746. David Heuston, b. Dec. 8, 1937, Albuquerque, N. Mex. 747. Dennis Alvin, b. Sept. 18, 1944, Las Cruces, N. Mex., d. Apr. 12, 1945. 679 Opal Irene Heuston, b. Nov 2, 1909, Cushing, Okla., m. Sept. 9, 1933, Cushing, Okla., Glenn Lorraine Boatright, b. May 29, 1910, Burton, Kan. His occupation: Oil Company Executive. 748. Dennis Guy, b. Dec. 29, 1935, Arkansas City, Kansas. 749. Bonnie Louise, b. June 20, 1939, Houston, Texas. 750. Gary Keith, b. Apr. 11, 1941, Pasadena, Texas. [Occupation: Data Analyst, for flight for N. A. s. A.] 680 Harlan Story Heuston, b. Dec. 21, 1911, Humboldt, Kan., m. Sept. 17, 1938, Custhing, Okla., Leota Elizabeth Chambers, b. Nov. 25, 1918, Cushing, Okla. [Divorced Sept. 17, 1957] 751. Don Douglas, b. Mar. 22, 1942, Erick, Oklahoma. 752. Harla Lee, b. Dec. 17, 1946, Cushing, Oklahoma. Harlan Story Heuston m. Juanita Marie French, Sept. 18, 1960, at Wichita, Kansas. She was born at Cape Giradeau, Missouri. 681 C Helen Anthea Heuston, b. Mar. 23, 1914, La Grande, Ore., mr. Nov. 12, 1934, Virgil Franklin Harper, b. Aug. 29, 1914, Corning, California. His occupation: Pipe Fitter. Her occupation: Bookkeeper. 753. Richard Franklin, b. Sept. 25, 1935, Norton, Kansas. 754. Thomas Howard, b. Sept. 22, 1938, Denver, Colorado. 682 William Curtis Heuston, b. Oct. 25, 1921, Boulder, Colo., m. June 21, 1952, Boulder, Colo., Addie Mae Bell, b. May 11, 1924, Dayton, Ohio. His occupation: Asst. Nat'l. Advertising Mgr. Chevrolet Div., Detroit. 755. Robert Nevin, b. Nov. 20, 1953, Boulder, Colo. 756. Julie Ann, b. Mar. 14, 1955, Pueblo, Colo. 757. L DavidI Andrew, b. Apr. 3, 1957, Denver, Colo. 758. William Howard, b. May 8, 1965, Denver, Colo. 683 Robert Howard Heuston, b. Feb. 22, 1923, Boulder, Colo., m. Feb. 26, 1949, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Myrtle Barnes, b. June 16, 1922, Ossian, Ia. His occupation: C.E.C., u. s. N. Commander, Retired. Now Assistant Planner Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, Ill. 759. Karen Elsie, b. Feb. 1, 1951, Oxnard, California. 760. Gregory Robert, b. June 21, 1952, Gulfport, Mississippi. 761. Laura Louise, b. Dec. 23, 1954, Troy, New York. 684 Phillip Tuttle Heuston, b. May 26, 1925, Boulder, Colo., m. Oct. 7, 1950, Lamar, Colo., Dorothy Ellen Lee, b. Apr. 3, 1926, Pueblo, Colo. His occupation: Product Engineer, Acushnet Process co., Bedford, Mass. 762. John Howard, b. July 26, 1952, Boulder, Colo. 763. Kathryn Louise, b. Feb. 19, 1955, Denver, Colo. 685 Eugene Thomas Heuston, b. July 30, 1920, Cushing, Okla., m. Feb. 9, 1943, Laurence Park, Penn., Mary Elizabeth Pennington of Haskell, Okla., b. Jan. 30, 1923, Oklahoma City, Okla. His occupation: Electrical Engineer, Sales Representative for General Electric Company. 764. Edwar4 Thomas, b. Nov. 16, 1946, Syracuse, New York. 765. J9e Stanley, b. Oct. 30, 1947, Syracuse, New York. 686 Merrill Ingham Lineback, b. June 15, 1918, Atlanta, Ga., d. Dec. 21, i964, Salt Lake City, m. Apr. 12, 1941, Atlanta, Ga., Carrie Alice Tomlin, b. Oct. 3, 1918, New Orleans, La. His occupation·: Physician­ Army Service. They lieved at , Mass. 766. Ellen, b. Feb. 19, 1944, Boston, Mass. 767. Gail, b. May 30, 1949, Atlanta, Ga. 768. Nancy, b. June 22, 1951-, Boston, Mass. Second marriage: Hem. Patricia Irene Tuttle, b. April 29, 1934, Or­ lando, Florida. 769. Timothy Michael, b. Apr. 11, 1955, Atlanta, Ga. 770. Paul Ingham, b. May 8, 1957, Atlanta, Ga. 771. Lisa Grace, b. Dec. 4, 1958, Atlanta, Ga. 772. Michelle Jan, b. Jan. 30, 1961, Atlanta, Ga. 773. Eric Douglass, b. Aug. 25, 1963, Atlanta, Ga. 687 Ruth Marie Lineback, b. Sept. 29, 1922, Atlanta, Ga., m. Sept. 21, 1944, New Haven, Conn., William Stelling Von Arx, b. Highland Mills, N. Y. His occupation: Prof. of Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 774. Frederich William, b. July 8, 1946, Wareham, Mass. 775. Katherine, b. Oct. 6, 1951, Wareham, Mass. 688 Carl Mayo Lineback, b. Sept. 29, 1922, Atlanta, Ga., m. Nov. 23, 1950, Frankfurt, Germany, Dorothy Anne Darnall, b. Mar. 11, 1923, Riverdale, Md. His occupation: Physician--Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. Was with the Army Medical Corps for 20 years; retired 1965 with rank of Lt. Colonel. Now in private practice in Austin, Texas. 776. Richard Darnall, b. Feb. 4, 1952, Frankfurt, Germany. 777. Robert Barclay, b. Mar. 2, 1953, San Antonio, Texas. 778. Carol Ann, b. Jan. 31, 1955, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. 689 Ralph Harlan Ingham, b. Sept. 14, 1918, Afton, Iowa, m. June 5, 1939-, Afton, Iowa, Lois Joyce Goltry, b. Aug. 20, 1921, Afton, Iowa. His occupation: Salesman and Farmer. 779. Barbara Joyce, b. Aug. 24, 1944, Creston, Iowa. [School teacher] 780. Jill Annette, b. Aug. 12, 1946, Creston, Iowa. [Registered Nurse] 690 Elsie Irene Ingham, b. May 5, 1919, Brighton, Iowa, m. Mar. 4, 1943, Page, South Carolina, Robert Ernest Howell, b. Mar. 6, 1917, Chester­ field, Idaho. His occupation: Farmer. 781. Robert Gerald, b. Nov. 18, 1954 (adopted) 691 Edna Lucile Ingham, b. Sept. 11, 1920, Fairfield, Ia., m. July 12, 1940 William Officer Jackson, b. Nov. 10, 1919, Monterey, Tenn. His occupa­ tion: Investment broker salesman and life insurance salesman. 782. Marlene Gail, b. Nov. 18, 1941, Stockton, California. 783. Marsha Lynn, b. Apr. 20, 1948, Selma, California. 692 Lois Evelyn Ingham, b. June 27, 1926, Fairfield, Ia., m. Nov. 24, 1946, Los Angeles, Calif., Lawrence Edward Bengston, b. Oct. 1, 1917, Cruthers, Calif. His occupation: Salesman of Sporting Goods. 784. Susan Edith, b. Dec. 8, 1947, Kingsburg, California. 785. Janie Ellen, b. Aug. 3, 1950, Kingsburg, California. 693 Vera Louise Ingham, b. Jan. 11, 1931, Selma, Calif., m. Dec. 26, 1955, Donald Kurtz, b. Nov. 27, 1933, Tulare, California. His occupation: Truck Driver. 786. Karen Lea, b. Nov. 5, 1956, Fresno, California. 787. Kelley Lynn, b. Oct. 9, 1958, Fresno, Calif. . second marriage: Vera Louise m. Martin George Andersen,· Dec. 22, 1962, sema, Calif. Heb. Aug. 18, 1934, selma, Ca1if. His occupation: Racker-Blender· for Roma Wine, Fresno, California. 788. Kelvin Ingham, b. July 16, 1964, Kingsburg, California. 694 Margaret Dolores Ingham, b. Apr. 27, 1920, Brighton, Iowa, m. Nov. 20, 1948, Robert Addison Kauffman, b. Oct. 15, 1919, Ottumwa, Iowa. His occupation: Manager of Credit Bureau of Sheridan, Wyoming. 789. Stephen Douglas, b. May 22, 1952, Sheridan, Wyoming. 790. Rebecca Ann, b. May 26, 1955, Sheridan, Wyoming. 695 Joyce Elaine Ingham, b. Dec. 17, 1931, Ottumwa, Ia., m. Oct. 14, 1949, Harold Gallaway, b. Aug. 25, 1930 in Arkansas. His o. Truck Driver. 791. Michael Terry, b. Aug. 20, 1952, Stockton, California. 792. Sheila Ann, b. Mar. 16, 1954, Stockton, California. 696 Gerald Eugene Ingham, b. July 22, 1933, Ottumwa, Ia., m. July 21, 1951, Peggy Doyle, b. Jan. 6, 1934, Oklahoma. His occupation: Iron worker and Trailer Court Operator. 793. G. Mitchell, b. May 15, 1952, Stockton, California. 794. c. Frederick, b. June 17, 1954, Stockton, California. 795. Cynthia Lee, b. June 5, 1957, Los Angeles, California. 697 George Edgar Ingham, b. May 17, 1935, Stewartville, Minn., m. Dec. 27, 1953, Barbara Joan Brock, b. Nov. 12, 1936, Longmont, Colorado. His occupation: Iron worker. 796. Daniel Kay, b. Dec. 19, 1954, Stockto~, California. 797. Dennis Eugene, b. Mar. 9, 1956, Stockton, California. . . 698 Patricia Kay Ing~am, b. Sept. 28, 1939, Selma, Calif., m. Dec. 16, 1957, William Fortino, b. Jan. 16, 1937, Gilroy, Calif. His occupation: Pur­ chasing Agent for_ u. s. P_. and FO for California. 798. Jenny Marie, b. July 11, 1958, Stockton, California. 799. Ma~y Ann, b. June 16, 1959, Stockton, California. 800. Teresa Cecile, b. May 2, 1963, Stockton, California. 801. William· Anthony, b. _Feb. 12, 1966, Stockton, California. 699 Betty Beatrice Brier, b. Jan. 4, 1923, Brighton, Ia., m. June 30, 1941, Rev. Robert Nolan Boswell, b. Oct. 26, 1916, Fresno, Calif. His occu­ pation: Methodist Minister in California. 802. Barbara Ann, b. July 19, 1943, Fresno, California. 803. Craig Bernard, b. Feb. 26, 1948, So. San Francisco, California. 804. Beverly Faith, b. Dec. 2, 1949, So. San Francisco, California. l 700 Harlan Ingham Brier, b. July 26, 1925, Brighton, Ia., m. Oct. 18, 1947, Wenona McGinnis, b. May 14, 1928, Madera, California. His occupation: Broker of Securities, Salesman. 805. Mark Harlan, b. Sept. 23, 1960, Fresno, California. (Adopted) 701 . Donald Wayne Ingham, b. Dec. 9, 1921, Bethany, Mo., m. Mar. 7, 1948, Joan Armstead,- b. Oct. 4, 1925, Pattonsburg, Mo. His occupation: Farmer. 806. Richard Wayne, b. Oct. 17, 1949, Betha_ny, Missouri. 807. Harold Eugene, b. _May 5, 1953, Bethany, Missouri. On June 25, 1961·, Donald Wayne Ingham- m. Maxine Dowell, b. Feb. 20, 1922 808. Marilyn Jane, b. July_ 14_, 1962, Bethany, Missouri. 809. Carilyn Jean,- b. July. i4., -_19.-62, Beth~ny., Missouri. 810. Donna Gale, b. Aug. 19, 1963,.·Bethany, Missouri. 702 Marjorie Lois Ingham, b. May- 29., 1924, Bethany, Mo., m. Apr. 27, 1946, Paulo. Polley, b. Aug. 19, 1919, Ridgeway, Mo. His occupation: Farmer. 811. Lois Kay, b. Sept. 24, 1947, ~ethany, Missouri. 812. Larry Gene, b. 0qt. 19, 1950, Bethany,·Missouri. 813. Terry Paul, b. July 7, 1953, Betllany, Missouri. 814. Nancy Sue, b. Oct. 29, 1955, Bethany, Missouri. 815. Judy Ann, b. Dec. 18, 1956, Bethany, Missouri. 703 Grace Marie Ingham, b. Feb. 11, 1926, Bethany, Mi., m. Oct. 10, 1945, Garland W. Meek, b. Oct. 10, 1925, Bethany, Mo. His occupation: School Bus Driver. 816. Arthur David, b. Feb. 26, 1947, Bethany, Missouri. 817. Katherine Marie, b. Aug. 15, 1948, Bethany, Missouri. 818. Evelyn June, b. June 15, 1949, Bethany, Missouri. 819. Garland Michael, b. July 21, 1953, Bethany, Missouri. 820. Stephen Wesley, b. Sept. 21, 1954, Smithville, Missouri. 821. Esther Grace, b. Nov. 24, 1956, Smithville, Missouri. 822. Mark Allen, b. Nov. 25, 1959, Smithville, Missouri. 823. Ruth Irene, b. June 16, 1961, Smithville, Missouri. 824. Charles Andrew, b. Oct. 18, 1964, Smithville, Missouri. 704 Kenneth Dale Ingham, b. July 25, 1930, Bethany, Mo., m. Mar. 23, 1951, Mrs. Grace Oldham Craig, b. Dec. 17, 1915, Clarion, Iowa. His occupa­ tion: General Laborer. 825. Wendell Dale, b. Dec. 21, 1951, Des Moines, Ia., d. Feb. 19, 1956. 826. Deborah Jean, b. May 16, 1956, Des Moines, Iowa. 827. Mark Gladwin, b. Oct. 16, 1957, Des Moines, Iowa. 828. Mara Stephanie, b. Oct. 16, 1957, Des Moines, Iowa. 706 Evelyn May Benda, b. Apr. 2, 1936, Brighton, Ia., m. Apr. 1, 1955, Fairfield, Iowa, Paul Dwayne Liles, b. Sept.- 27, 1935, Floris, Iowa. His occupation: Farmer and factory worker. 829. Gary Dwayne, b. Dec. 29, 1956, Washington, Iowa. 830. Kathleen Kay, b. May 5, 1959, Fairfield, Iowa. 831. Robert Paul, b. Dec. 8, 1962, Fairfield, Iowa. 708 Betty Jean Naylor, b. Apr. 6, 1932, Amarillo, Tex., m. Aug. 11, 1951, Las Vegas, N. Mex., Jimmy Glenn Biggs, b. June 3, 1931, Panhandle, Tex. His occupation: Farmer, Rancher. 832. Loran Wayne, b. July 2, 1952, Borger, Texas. 833. Kerri Sue, b. Aug. 6, 1956, Borger, Texas. 709 James William Naylor, b. Sept. 3, 1934, Amarillo, Texas, m. Dec. 28, 1956, Kathryn Beth Eckman, b. Oct. 12, 1936, Alma, Oklahoma. His occupation: Businessman. 834. Donnie James, b. July 2, 1958, Amarillo, Texas. 835. Gary Lee, b. Feb. 2, 1961, Amarillo, Texas. 710 Virginia May Naylor, b. Dec. 1, 1935, Amarillo, Tex., m. Feb. 12, 1955, Panhandle, Tex., William Lemuel Cleveland, b. Oct. 20, 1933, Slaton, Tex. His occupation: Teacher-coach. 836. Dale Ray, b. Apr. 15, 1957, Amarillo, Texas. 837. Cindy Lynn, b. Mar. 9, 1960, Amarillo, Texas. 712 John William Ingham, Jr., b. Aug. 14, 1939, Ama.r-illo, Tex., m. July 6, 1963, Gloria Sandra Robelledo, b. June 26, 1942, Las Vegas, N. Mex. His occupation: Mechanical Engineer.· 838. John Wesley, b. Dec. 13, 1965, Pampa·, Texas.

713. . . Marta Nell Ingham, b. Sept. 15,.1941_, Amarillo-, Tex., m. Jan. ·6, 1962, Corona, N. Mex., Bill Warren Sharp, b. July 21, 1937, Corona, N. Mex. His occupation: Government Land Manager~ . 839. Jeanell Kay, b. Aug. 22, 1962, Las V~gas, N.. Mexico. 840. David Warren, b. Mar. 28, 1964, Roswell, N. Mexico. 841. Eric Randall, b. Apr. 26, 1967, Elko, Nevada. 714 Elizabeth Louise Davis., b. June 2, 1925, Tyrone, Okla., m. July 17, 1946, Albuquerque, New Mexico, John L. Shelton. 842. Fred Lynn, b. Mar. 14, 1947, Albuquerque, N. Mexico. 843. Donna Lee, b. Apr. 1, 1948, Albuquerque, N. Mexico. Elizabeth Louise divorced John Shelton in 1950 and married w. E. Hopkin Labor Day, 1951. · He adopted the children so that their surnames are Hopkins. The children were reared by their grandparents, Ivan and Ethel Davis. Fred Lynn Hopkins (June 1967) in Army Reserve Engineers. Donna Lee working for Civil Service in Albuquerque. 718 Ellen Louise Thompson, b. Aug. 12, 1942, San Mateo, Calif., m. Dec. 22, 1966, Topeka, Kansas, Russell Vincent Luepker, b. Oct. 1, 1942, Chicago Ill. He a medical student who is studying in Sweden in 1967-1968 do­ ing research work in pulmonary circulation. 723 Helen Ingham Clement, b. June 5, 1947, Manhattan Beach, Calif., m. Sept. 21, 1966, Salinas, Calif., Ronald James Dorney, b. Nov. 20, 1938, Auburn, Calif. His occupation: Salesman. 734 Joyce Lucille Vinton, b. Apr. 7, 1940, Pittsburgh, Penn., m. Feb. 20·, 1959, Stewartville, Minn., Robert Hale, Jr., b. Apr. 14, 1940, Stew­ artville, Minn. She graduate of Junior College, Rochester, Minn. His occupation: Fa~mer. 844. James Steven, b. Feb. 23, 1961, Rochester, Minn. 845. Jeffrey Robert, b. Dec·, 2, 1962, Rochester, Minn., d. Dec. 3, 1962. 846. Gregory Robert, b. Oct. 20, 1966, Rochester, Minn. 735 James Gordon Nichols, b. Aug. 3, 1930, Oklahoma City, Okla., m. Aug. 20, 1960, Fort Worth, Tex., Beatrice Josephine·Huff (known as·sallye), b. Aug. 1, 1940, Shreveport, La. His occupation: Electric.Engineer, Recognition Equipment Company. 847. Shirley Diane, b. Nov. 22, 1961, Dallas, Texas. 848. Marilyn Elaine, b. Mar. 28, 1964, Dallas, Texas •. 736 Max Joseph Nichols, b. Mar. 5, 1934, Oklahoma City, Okla., m. Jan. 4, 1958, Oklahoma City, Okla., Loice Mary Conroy, b. Apr. 12, 1936. McCurtain County, Okla. His occupation: Sports writer for Minneapolis­ Star, Twins Baseball. 849. Karl Christopher, b. Oct. 5, 1958, Warzburg, Germany. 850. Renara Chri-stene, b. May 24, 1960, Minneapolis, Minn. 851. Kelley Maureen, b. Oct. 4, 1961, Minneapolis·, Minn. 852. Kelvin Michael, b. May 31, 1966, Minneap9lis, Minn. 738 ~Linda Jeanne Heuston, b. Oct. 24, 1933, New Orleans, La., m. June 7, 1952, Yuma, Ariz., Wilmer Clyde Braun,· b. Aug. 8, 1927, Cambridge Springs, Pa. His occupation: U.S. Navy, rank ~t. Commander, retired. ·Now a pilot. 853. Eric Richard, b. June 6, 1957, Milton, Florida. 854. Brian Phillip, b. Jan. 31, 1959, East Greenwich, R. I. 855. Jolie Suzanne, b. June 24, 1961, Key West, Florida. 739 Helen Louise Heuston, b. June 7, 1924, Lookeba, Okla., m. Oct. 22, 1944, Tulsa, Okla., Edward Bixle·y Wilcox, ·b. Dec. 16, 1917, Haskell, Texas. His occupation: Certified Public Accountant. 856. Donald Edward, b. Dec. 11, 1945, Tulsa, Okla. 857. Kathryn Louise, b. June 11, 1948, Tulsa, Okla. 858. Sue Ann, b. Aug. 12, 195_0, Tulsa, Okla. 740 Betty June Heuston, b. June 10, 1927, Shawnee, Okla., m. Dec. l, 1946, Tulsa, Okla., Fl9yd Cline_ Ates, b. Mar. 2, 1921, Oran, Missouri. His occupation: Army Air Force·Officer, now retired and a teacher in Public Schools. . 859. Karen Louise, b. Apr.~, 1948, Riverside, California. 860.: David Allen, b. Mays,· 1950, Anchorage, Alaska. 742 Carol Moonyeene Heuston, b. Sept. 13, 1940, Shreveport, La., m. June,7, 1958, Houston, Tex., Robert M. Dodgen, b. Mar. 26, 1940, Winnsboro, Tex. His occupation: In oil business. 861. Robert Bret, b. Jan. 28, 1959,·HoustQn, Texas. 862. Meredith Leigh, b. June 21, 1960, Tyler, Texas. 863. Bryan Scott, b. Dec. 20, 1962, Tyler, Texas. 743 Howard Wilson Heuston, b. July 6, 1945, Amarillo, Tex., m. Dec. 4, 1964, Baytown, Tex., Joan Parker, b. Nov. 14, 1936, New York. His occupation: Computer Programmer. 864. Haylee Elizabeth, b. Sept. 3, 1965, Houston, Texas. 744 Helen Jeanne Hubbell, b. Nov. 1, 1931, Ames, Iowa, m. Dec. 26, 1953, Chicago, Ill., William Robert Deutsch. His occupation: Minister­ Episcopal Priest. 865. Margaret Jeanne, b. Nov. 22, 1954, Chicago, Illinois. 866. William Jacob, b. Mar. 26, 1958, Chicago, Illinois. 867. Paul Steven, b. May 27, 1960, Chicago, Illinois. 745 Donald Sydney Hubbell, Jr., b. Apr. 6, 1935, Albuquerque, N. Mex., m. Sept. 7, 1956, Crossett, Ark., Faye Asrlene Hildebrand, b. Aug. 21, 1936, Crossett, Ark. His occupatiion: · Rancher and Farmer.· 868. Susan Beth, .b. July 10, ... 1957, Fayetteville, Arkans·as. · 869. Donald Sydney III, b. Mar. 24, 1960, Mountain Home, Arkansas. 870. James Martin, b. Sept. 23, 1964, Mountain Haine,· Arkans_a·s·. . -746 David Heuston Hubbell, b. Dec. _8, 19 3 7, Albuquerq:ue, N. Mex~-,·_ m. June 1961, St. Paul, Va., Barbara Jean Lyons, b. Dec. 12, 1938, St. Paul, Virginia. His occupation: PHD·, Univ. Professor. 871 •.Alicia Janivive, b. Feb. 5, 1963, Raleigh, North Carolina. 872. Lydia Gail, b. Oct. 17, 1964, Raleigh, North Carolina. 748 Dennis Guy Boatright, b. Dec. 29, 1935, Arkansas City, Kan., m. Jan. 29, 1960, Pasadena, Tex., Bobbie Jean Botla, b.·Nov. 29, 1934, Altair, Tex. His occupation: With Texas U. S • · Chemical Co. , Por·t Neches·, Texas • 873. David Glenn·, b. May 2, 1963, Be·aumont, Texas. . 749 Bonnie Louise Boatright, b. June 20, 1939, Houston, Texas, m. Dec. 23, 1960, Houston~ Tex., Fay Joseph Hilliard, b. Dec. 28, 1939, Hou~ton, Tex. His occupation: I.B_.M. Engineer, Superior in Program Dept., Data Service Bureau, a Data Processing Subdivision of IB.M. 874. Amy Louise, b. Nov. 15, 1961, Pasadena, Texas. 875. Joseph Alan, b. Jtine 9, 1964, Pasadena, Texas. 750 Gary Keith Boatright, b. Apr. 11, 1941, Pasadena, Tex., m. Nov. 11, 1967, Pasadena, Tex., Peggy Watters, b. Oct. 22, i941, Housto·n, Texas. His occupation: Data Analyst for TRW Corp. ·[An engineering firm work- ing in flight programs for NASA] · · 751 Don Douglas Heuston, b. Mar. 22, 1942, ·Erick, Okla., m. May 25, 1963, Hjorring, Denmark, Vibeke Petersen of Denmark~ His occupation: Draft·sman u. s. Air ·Force, Orlando, Florida. 876. Ann Marie 753 Richard FranklinH·arper, b~ Sept. 25,·1935, Norton, Kan., m•. June 11, 1·959, _Denver, Colorado, Joanne Vilcauskas, b. Oct. 12, · 1940, Ch_icago, Illinois. His occupation: Draftsman. _ 877. Linda "'Sue, b. Nov. 17, 1960, Denver, Colorado. 878. Helen Louise, b. May 28, 1962, Chicago, Illinois. 879. Randi Marie, b. July ·2s, 1963, Chicago, Illinoi~-. 880, Rosemary, b. Sept. 8, 1965, Chicago, Illinois.--· ·. 754 Thomas Howard Harper, b. Sept. 22, 1938, Denver, Colo., m. Oct. 28, 1967, Sandra Smith Cardwell, ·b. Aug. 10, 1944, Arkan, Ohio. His occupation: I. B. M. Computer Division, Boulder, Colorado. 766 Ellen Lineback, b. Feb. 19, 1944, Boston, Mass., m. Dec. 16, 1961, Atlanta, Ga., Edward Owen Riley, b. July 7, 1938, Easton, Pa. His occupation: Credit Reporter for Dunn & Bradstreet. 881. Laura Ann, b. Nov. 22, 1962, Atlanta, Georgia. 882. Sue Ellen, b. Feb. 28, 1965, Marietta, Georgia. 883. John Edward, b. May 14, 1967, Marietta, Georgia. 138 Harry Ingham, b. Oct. 31, 1821, Pompey, N. Y., d. Apr. 9, 1908, Brigh­ ton, Ia., m. Dec. 8, 1845, Elizabeth Russell, b. Nov. 6, 1819, d. Dec. 1, 1896. Both are buried Brighton, Ia. His occupation: Farmer. Elizabeth Russell was a native of Anderson County, Tenn. The Congre­ gational Church at Brighton was organized in the 1840's and among t~e organizers were John Ingham, Sarah Dresser Ingham, Harry Ingham, and Bradford Ingham. 884. Baxter, b. Sept. 4, 1848, Brighton, Ia., d. 1935, Brighton, Iowa. 885. John Robert, b. Nov. 2, 1854, Brighton, Iowa, d. 1934. 139 Seymour Bradford Ingham, b. Nov. 1, 1823, Pompey, N. Y., d. June 12, 1875, Brighton, Ia., m. Margaret Wilkinson, an English lady. 884 - Baxter Ingham, b. Sept. 4, 1848, Brighton, Ia., d. 1935, Brighton, Ia., m. Nov. 23, 1844, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick who d. May 11, 1933. His occupation: Farmer. 885 John Robert Ingham, b. Nov. 2, 1854, Brighton, Ia., d. 1934, m. Feb. 10, 1887, Des Moines County, Ia., Mary Jones, b. July 13, 1856, d. in N. C. His occupation: He had many interests, Farmer-Lumber Merchant. 886. Mabel, b. Oct. 13, 1889, Brighton, Ia., d. Jan. 1935, Monrovia, Calif. Never married; attended Parsons College, Fairfield, and Columbia Univ. 887. Infant son, b. Feb. 19, 1890, d. very soon after birth. 888. Clara Elizabeth, b. Mar. 2, 1891, Brighton. Never married. Graduate of New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. Teaches piano in Mon­ rovia, California. 124 l~, ~~~ Dr. Stephen Ingham, b. May 18, 1778, Richmond, Mass., d. Dec ✓, .J.875 .g ~ ~ near Lake Geneva, Wis., m. July 24, 1803-' Huldah Ambler, b. Dec. 22, ::r ;; where he died in December. While living at Ingham Mills, he practiced ~ · ~ his profession, became the owner of a flour mill and farm. He co- ::sto =a. signed notes, the weevel got into the wheat and the financial crisis ~~!"of 1837 found him in no financial condition to weather it. In 1837 he ~ rr sold his real estate for $100.00 but continued to practice medicine a ij ~: until 1841, at which time he traveled to Lake Geneva, Wis. This trip ;~~- was made_ with his wife and several children, by_ canal Albany to CD 0,,. Buffalo and then on the Great Lakes to Geneva. He bought a farm in ~ • t:t- Section 12 in Linn, near Lake Geneva, and returned to the practice of ~~~medicine. He was thrifty and soon became the owner of a bank. This • ::r ~ r.ecovery was_ to be expected of so determined a man. His wife Huldah was in her 16thf year when married and became the mother of 15 chil­ dren, the last one Huldah Ann being born in the mother•s.40th year. 889.- Artemisia, b. May 11, 1805, Nassau:p N. Y., d. Oct. 10, !~28~ u~arried. 890. A son, b. June 11, 1806, Nassau, d. same year, buried at._Nassau, N. ·Y. 891. David, b. June 6, 1807, Nassau, a farmer,-m. Maria Schuyler and settled at Newport, New York. 892. Deborah, b. Apr. 7, 1809, Nassau,~. Joseph w. case, a miller of Ingham Mills,. and d. without children Sept. 5, 1846, Kenosha, ·Wisconsin. 893. Harvey H., b. Jan. 1, 1811, Nassau, a miller and ·farmer, m. Mary Ann Steward, daughter of Gen. Alanson Steward of Oppenheim, N. Y., and settled near Lake Geneva, Wis., and d. Feb. 12, 1868. 894. Joseph, b. Dec. 4, 1812, Nassau, a lawyer, lived at Little Falls, N. Y. and then went to Lake Geneva, Wis., where he married about 1844, wife's name not known. They moved to Kansas where he d. of congestion of the brain Dec. 2, 1846, without children. 895. Irena, b. Sept. 20, 1814, Nassau, N. Y., d. 1819. 896. Silas Ambler, b. Apr. 3, 1816, Nassau, N. Y. A physician, graduate of College of Physicians & Surgeons, Fairfield, N. Y. 1839, m. July 6, 1848, Evans Mills, N. Y., Elizabeth McLean, b. Apr. 7, 1825, Johnstown, N. Y. Lived in Manheim till 1851 and then settled at Little Falls, N. Y. Galpin Post #19, Grand Army of Republic Officers, Surgeon Dr. Silas A. Ingham, served in the army in that capacity during the Re­ bellion. 897. Angeline, b. Dec. 27, 1817, Nassau, N. Y., m. July 6, 1846, Lake Geneva, Charles F. Stewart, a farmer who was b. Richmond, Ill. m. 2nd Zenas Smith. 898. Lorenzo, b. Sept. 28, 1819, Manheim, N. Y., was married. 899. Calvin, b. June 13, 1821, Manheim, N. Y., d. there May 3, 1822, buried Ingham Mills. 900. John, b. June 9, 1822, Manheim, N. Y., d. Oct. 11, 1823. 901. Theodore, b.· May 14, 1824, Manheim, N. Y., d. Feb. 2_0, 1909, Chickasha, Oklahoma. m. Julia Ann Tibbetts, b. May 8, 1838, d. May 5, 1922, Chick­ asha, Oklahoma. 902. A girl, b. June 7, 1825, Manheim, N. Y., d. July 14, 1825. 903. Huldah Ann, b. Oct. 11, 1827, Manheim, N. Y., m. Aug. 23, 1849, .Linn, Wis., by Rev. J. W. Fish, Baptist Minister, to Loretto William Fuller, a farmer,.b. Mar. 18, 1823, Penfield, N. Y. 893 Harvey H. Ingham, b. Jan. 1, 1811, d. Feb. 12, 1868, m. Mary Ann Steward, b. June 25, 1815, d. May 5, 1885. His occupation: Farmer. 904. Stephen Ambler, b. Feb. 22, 1834, Herkimer County, N. Y., d. there May 26, 1838, buried there. 905. William Sheldon, b. Dec. 26, 1835, Herkimer Co., N. Y., m·. Jan 10, 1860, H.J. Brabson. 906. Harvey Steward, b. Feb. 10, 1838, Herkimer Co., N. Y., m. Mar. ·23, 1860t Sarah T. Gibson, and lived in Waverly, Iowa, in 1876. 907. Irena, b. May 18, 1840, Herkimer Co., N. Y., m. Aug. · 2 8 , 18 6 0 , C. 0. Brown. 908. Silas Ambler, b. July 21, 1843, Herkimer Co., New Yark. 909. Hamilton, b. Aug. 5, 1844, Walworth Co., Wis., a soldier in Civil War, killed May 7, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn., and.buried there. 910. Charles Herbert, b. Mar. 14, 1848, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 911. Harold Ernest, b. Feb. 3, 1851, Walworth Co., Wis., rn. July 3, 1874, Rhoda Mapes. 912. Orrin David, b. Nov. 21, 1853, Walworth Co., Wis., d. Feb. 6, 1863. 913. Elmer Theodore, b. Mar. 18, 1856, Walworth Co., Wis. Grad. Univ. of Chicago. ·914. Mary Adeline, b. Dec. 29, 1859, Walworth Co., Wis., d. May 9, 1877. 901 Theodore Ingham, b. May 14, 1824, Herkimer Co., N. Y., d. Feb. 20, 1909, Chickasha; Okla., m. Julia Ann Tibbetts, b. May 8, 1838, in Ohio, d. May 5, 1922, Chickasha, Okla. His occupation: Farmer. 915. Leonard 916~ Mabel Artella, b. Mar. 3, 1876, near Belville, Kan., d. Dec. 7, .1933. 917. Luella, ·b. Jan. 25, 1860, Lake Geneva, Wis., d. Nov. 25, 1935, Fremont, Nebraska. 903 Huldah Ann Ingham, b.. Oct. 11, 1827, Little Falls, N. Y •.-, d. Apr. 11, 1900, m. Aug. 23, 1849, Lake Geneva, Wis., Loretto William Fuller,· b. Mar. 18, 1823, East Penfield, N. Y., d. Sept. 23, 1909, Lake Geneva, -·Wis. Huldah .Ann was a member of the Baptist Church- choir which sang from the gallery. One Sunday, Loretto William looked up and "saw the most-beautiful woman he had ever seen". He arranged it so that he got an introduction and from that time on he was a regular caller at her home, going by ox team drawn wagon. One of his grandsons says, "He retired from farming at the advanced age of 55, sold his farm and moved into Lake Geneva." Huldah Ann kept boarders and with her husband Loretto, insisted that their children have a good education. Three of the sons became Baptist ministers, and all were well read and cultured. 918. Willard Judson, b. July 31, 1850, Lake Geneva, d. Jan. 10, 1939. 919. Henry Edgar, b. Mar. 12, 1852, Lake Geneva, d. Apr. 28, 1933. 920. Albert Wayland, b. July 19, 1854, Lake Geneva, d. Jan. 9, 1932. 921. Rowland Jay, b. Oct •. 26, 1856, Lake Geneva, d. Mar. 31, 1932. 922. Adell, b. Nov. 8, 1858, Lake Geneva, d. Mar. 21, 1936.. [Unmarried] 923. Harriet [Hattie], b. Sept. 11, 1860, Lake Geneva, d. Jan. 26, 1958. 924. William Harvey, b. July 23, 1867, Lake Geneva, d. Mar. 22, 1946. 925. Anna Louise, b. May 26, 1869, Lake Geneva, d. May 17, 1953. 908 Silas Ambler Ingham, b. July 21, 1843, Ingham Mills, N. Y., d. Dec. 3, 1919, Belleville, Kan., m. Oct. 4, 1865, Ruth Eliza Burk, b. Jan. 23, 1847, Lyons, Wis., d. Jan. 21, 1933, Bellev,ille, Kan. His occupation: Farmer, later city and county offices. They homesteaded in Republic County, Kansas in 1870. 926. Florence Lillian, b. Aug. 30, 1866, Lyon~, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 927. Zenas Burk, b. July 4, 1874, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas. - 928. Flora Belle, b. Dec. 21, 1877, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas. 929. Louis, b~ Aug. 6, · 1880, Cuba, Republic Co., -Kansas. 930. Leon, b. Aug. 6, 1880, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas, d. in infancy. 931. Mary·Leone, b. Apr. 30, 1882, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas. 932. Herbert, b. Apr. 21, 1884, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., d. at 6 months. 933. Harvey, b. Apr. 21, 1884, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., d. at 2 months. 934. Evalyn May, b. ( Oet 9!1885, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas. 935. Milford Grant, b. Mar. 18, 1888, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas. 916 Mabel Artella Ingham, b. Mar. 3, 1876, near Belleville, Kan., d. Dec. 7, 1933, El Reno, Okla.,- m. about 1909 or •10,·chickasha, Okla., Frank Allen Inge, b. July 2, 1879, Prince Edward County, Va., d. Apr. 13, 1956., El Reno, Okla. His occupation: Railroad Engineer for Chicago, Rock Island &·Pacific. 936. James Welford, b. Jan. 12, 1912, El Reno, Okla. [Adopted] Watchmaker. 917 ,_ Luella Ingham, b. Jan. 25, 1860, Lake Geneva, Wis., d. Nov. 25, 1935, Fremont, Neb., m. July 5, 1876, St. Joseph, Missouri, Hiram Orville Studley, b. July 27, 1844, Sherwood, Mich., d. Nov. 14, 1928, Chick­ asha, Okla. Both.·buried at Columbus, Nebraska. 937. Myrtle Ella, b. Apr. 27, 1877, Belleville, Kan., d. July 25, 1879. 938. Allicia Julia, b. Nov. 28, 1878, Belleville, Kan., d. Jan. 19, 1968. 939. Goldie Emma, b. Feb. 1, 1880, Belleville, Kan., d. Jan. 15, 1955. 940. Mayme Jewell., b. Dec. 22, 1884, B~lleville, Kai=i, d. Jan. 19, 1960. 941. Russel Alger, b. June 26, 1889, Belleville, Kan., d. Feb. 11, 1956. 942 .. Hazel Olive, b. June 9,· 1891, Belleville, Kan., d. Oct. 28, 1963. 943. Emerson Earl, b. Aug. 20, 1894, Platte Center, Neb. 944. Jenne Gladys, b. Nov. 2, 1896, Platte Center, Neb •. , d. Mar. 19, 1899. 945. Hiram Orville, b. Nov. 18, 1898,.Platte Center, Nebraska. 946. Ruth Mildred, b. Feb. 14, 1900; Platte Center, Nebraska. 918 Willard Judson Fuller, b. July 31, 1850, Lake Geneva, Wis., d. Jan. 10, 1939~ San Jose,· Calif., m. July 24, 1879, Walworth Co., Wis., Eva Hattie Webber, b. Aug. 13, 1854, Raymond, Wis., d. Nov. 9, 1892, Cresco, Iowa. His occupation: Baptist Minister. 947. Waneta May, b. Mar-.·-·9, 1882, Delevan, Wisconsin 919 Henry Edgar· Fuller, b. Mar·~ 12, 1852; Lake Geneva, Wis., d. Apr. 28, 1933, m. May 16, 1882, Alice Stearns, b. Apr •. 24, 1854. He a Baptist Minister. 948. Henry H., b. July 13, 1~83, Walnut, Illinois. 949. William Harvey, b. May 30, 1885, d. June 5, 1888. 950. Fredric H., b. Sept. 11, 1892, Bellville, Illinois. 920 Albert Wayland Fuller, b. July 19, 1854, Lake Geneva, Wis., d. Jan. 9, 1932, Elpaso, Woodford Co., Ill., m. Feb. 13, 1884, Walworth co., Wis., Lillian Webber, b. Sept. 5, 1858, Walnut, Wis., d. Jan. 5, 1951, Home­ wood, Ill. Mr. Fuller's occupation: Baptist Minister. 951. Elsie Genevieve, b. Sept. 8, 1888, Vinton, Benton co., Iowa. 952. Leon Webber, b. Mar. 17, 1895, DeKalb, DeKalb Co., Illinois. 953. Lucile Alberta, b. July 18, 1896, DeKalb, DeKalb Co., Illinois. 921 Rowland Jay Fuller, b. Oct. 26, 1856, Linn, Walworth Co., Wis., d. Mar. 31, 1932, Lake Geneva, Walworth Co., Wis., m. Jan. 30, 1884, Flora Ella Merriam, b. May 27, 1864, Bloomfield, Walworth Co., Wis.• , d. Nov. 9, 1949, Lake Geneva, Wis. His occupation: Farmer-teacher-gardener. 954. LeRoy, b. Dec. 11, 1884, d. Jan. 6, 1962. 955. Ethel May, b. Aug. 2, 1887, d. Nov. 20, 1942. 956. Everett Merriam, b. May 24, 1896, Linn, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 957. Victor James, b. Feb. 6, 1900, Linn, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 958. Marjorie Enid, b. Feb. 12, 1903, Bloomfield, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 923 Harriet [Hattie] Fuller, b. Sept. 11, 1860, Linn, Walworth Co., Wis., d. Jan. 27, 1958, Nekoosa, Wood Co., Wis., m. Dec. 27, 1882, [John] Revile Merriam, b. May 11, 1853, Bloomfield Twp., Walworth Co., Wis., d. June 12, 1936, Linn Twp., Walworth Co., Wis. His o.: Farmer. 959. Lela, b. Sept. 27, 1883, Linn Twp., Wis., d. Feb. 28, 1964. 960. Noah [Ned] Alvin, b. Oct. 26, 1884, Linn Twp., Wis., d. July 9, 1956. 961. Ella, b. June 2, 1887, Linn Twp., Wis., d. Apr. 17, 1967. 962. Fanny Louise, b. Mar. 10, 1889, Linn Twp., Wis. 963. William Revile, b. Sept. 28, 1894, Delevan, Wisconsin. 964. Walter Fuller, b. May 11, 1897, Delevan, Wis., d. Aug. 24, 1967. 965. Gladys Evelyn, b. Jan. 27, 1900, Linn Twp., Wisconsin. 924 William Harvey Fuller, b. July 23, 1867, Lake Geneva, Wis., d. Mar. 22, 1946, Claremont, Calif., m. June 12, 1894, Gertrude Wise, b. Oct. 28, 1873, Ottawa, Ill., d. Apr. 30, 1941, San Diego, Calif. His occupa­ tion: Minister. 966. Sidney Wise, b. Feb. 16, 1897, Chicago, Illinois. 967. Frances Louise, b. July 10, 1902, Dundee, Cook Co., Illinois. 925 Anna Louise Fuller, b. May 26, 1869, Lake Geneva, Wis., d. May 15, 1953, Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Co., Mich., m. Dec. 30, 1896, Grant Richard Searles b. May 10, 1865, Rockton, Rock Co., Ill., d. Aug. 6, 1926, Lake Geneva, Wis. His occupation: Plumbing and Heating business. 968. Esther Louise, b. June 13, 1898, Delevan, Wisconsin. 969. Ruth Huldah, b. Apr. 15, 1900, Delevan, Wisconsin. · 970. Mary Reader, b. July 12, 1902, d. in 1904. 971. Fuller Dwight, b. Oct. 9, 1904, Delevan, Wisconsin. 972. Marian Elizabeth, b. Dec. a, 19071 Delevan, Wisconsin. 926 Florence Lillian Ingham, b. Aug. 30, 1866, Lyons, Wis., m. Arthur Smith in 1881. Had one child, Roy, died in infancy. 927 Zenas Burk Ingham, b. July 4, 1874, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., m. Daisy Maude Smith, 1897. 973. Zelma Grace, b. 1903. 974. Ralph Vern, b. 1906. 975. Afton Lettica, b. 1908. 928 Flora Belle Ingham, b. Dec. 21, 1877, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., m. Roscoe A. Collins in 1913. 976. Lucy Arlene 976.1 Erma 976.2 Edward. 929 Louis Ingham, b. Aug. 6, 1880, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan. m. Anna Handek. 931 Mary Leone Ingham, b. Apr. 30, 1882, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., m. John Studley, John died in 1909. In 1947 she married E. E. Baird. The one child of 1st marriage is listed. 977. Helena Leone. 934 Evalyn May Ingham, b. c.Oc·t.·sll885, Cuba, Republic co., Kan., m. Nov. 14, 1905, Belleville, Republi~Yco., Kan., Harry w. Wells, b. July 3, 1881, Soloman, Dickinson Co., Kan., d. July 20, 1965, Kansas City, Mo. By occupation he was a builder. 978. Gevilla Beth, b. Apr. 8, 1909, Belleville, Kan., d. Dec. 21, 1913. 979. Alden Carter, b. Oct. 19, 1914, Kansas City, Missouri. 980. Mary Leone, b. Jan. 10, 1925, Kansas City, Missouri. 935 Milford Grant Ingham, b. Mar. 28, 1888, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., m Bessie Maud Bowers. 938 Alicia Julia Studley, b. Nov. 28, 1878, near Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., d. Jan. 19, 1968, Houston, Texas, m. May 6, 1899, Cuba, Kan., Edward Ryba, b. Oct. 7, 1872, Jerseyville, Ill., d. Aug. 4, 1951, Richmond, Texas. His occupation: Farmer. 981. Frank E., b. May 6, 1902, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas. 982. Floyd I., b. June 23, 1906, Cuba, Republic Co., Kansas. 940 Mayme Jewell Studley, b. Dec. 22, 1884, Belleville, Kan., d. Jan. 19, 1960, Jennerstown, Pa., m. Aug. 3, 1911, Rosenberg, Tex., Ezra Lantz, b. May 3, 1872, Keedyville, Md., d. Apr. 26, 1930, Jennerstown, Pa. ~is occupation: Minister. 983. Ella Marjorie, b. Jan. 11, 1914, Rosenberg, Texas. 984. Sue Lucille, b. Aug. 4, 1920, Lone Tree, Iowa. 943 Earl Emerson Studley, b. Aug. 20, 1894, Platte Center, Neb., m. 1st Apr. 11, 1917, Lenore Jory, b. in 1893, Placerville, Calif., m. 2nd time, June 18, 1944, Margery G. Carlisle, b. Apr. 9, 1907, Covington, Ky. Earl's occupation: Retired Director of County Welfare, Los Angeles County, Calif. Now lives on ranch, Three Rivers, Calif. [1968] 985~ Orville Jory, b. July 2, 1920, Oakland, California. 986. Iyan Emerson, b. Oct. 3, 1921, Oroville, California. 981. Janet Mabel, b. Mar. 16, 1924. 945 Hiram Orville Studley, Jr., b. Nov. 18, 1898, Monroe, Platte Co., Neb., m. May 30, 1931, Cleveland, Ohio, Helen Vinson, b. July 9, 1905, Austin, Tex. His occupation: Physician-Surgeon. 988. Robert Vinson, b. Jan. 18, 1933, Cleveland, Ohio. 946 Ruth Mildred Studley, b. Feb. 14, 1900, Platte Center, Neb., m. June 29, 1947, South San Francisco, Calif., Franklin Arthur Patchett, b. Jan. 19, 1881, San Miguel, Calif. His occupation: Manufacturing School Busse~, and owner of large fleet of school busses. Now re­ tired in beautiful home in Newman, Calif. She was school teacher before marriage. [No children] 947 Waneta May Fuller, b. Mar. 9, 1882, Delevan, Wis., m. Aug. 2, 1911, Robert M. Howells, Albany, N. Y., b. Dec. 22, 1886, d. June 21, 1952, Corvallis, Ore. His occupation: Photographer. 989. Robert Fuller, b. Dec. 8, 1912, Albany, N. Y. 990. Allan Mansfield, b. Oct. 22, 1914, Albany, N. Y. 991. Horace Willard, b. July 14, 1917, Albany, N. Y. 992. Harriet Esther, b. May 8, 1922, Corvallis, Oregon.· 948 Henry H. Fuller, b. July 13, 1883, Walnut, Ill., d. Oct. 15, 1956, London England, burial at Ashland, Wis., m. June 2, 1909, Mildred Clarke, b. Aug. 16, 1885, Bi.smarck:, N. Oak., d. May 3, 1960, Ashland, Wis. His occupation: Manager, Scott-Taylor Lumber Company. 993. James Clarke, b. Aug. 14, 1911, Ashland, Wisconsin. 994. Henry Viets, b. Aug. 16, 1914, Ashland, Wisconsin. 995. William Stearns, b. Dec. 10, 1922, Ashland, Wis., d. Okinawa, April 1945. 950 Fredric H. Fuller, b. Sept. 11, 1892, Belleville, Ill., m. Nov. 11, 1915, Emeline Meredith, b. Mar. 21, 1894, Phillips,_ Price co., Wis. His occupation: Millwork Estimator. 996. Dorothy Alice, b. Jan. 24, 1916, Duluth, Minnesota. 997. Meredith Hudson, b. Apr. 13, 1917, Duluth, Minnesota. 998. Elizabeth Faith, b. Aug. 31, 1918, Duluth, Minnesota. 999. Thomas Edgar, b. Apr. 27, 1923, Duluth, Minnesota. 1000. Arthur Fredric, b. July 2, 1926, Duluth, Minnesota. 952 Leon Webber Fuller, b. Mar. 17, 1895, DeKalb, Ill., m. Aug. 1, 1934, Colorado Springs, Colo., Margaret Hill Prewett, b. Jan. 10, 1908. His occupation: Retired from State Dept., Washington, D. c. Policy Planning Staff. 1001. Elizabeth Ann, b. July 20, 1941, Palo Alto, Caalifornia. - 953 Lucile Alberta Fuller, b. July 18, 1896, DeKalb, Ill., m. June 24, 1933, El Paso, Ill., Chester Tilden Schrader, b. Aug. 25, 1896, Clif­ ton, Ill. His occupation: Retired, Auditor Western Union Tel. Co. 1002. John, b. Nov. 7, 1938, Chicago, Illinois. 954 LeRoy Fuller, b. Dec. 11, 1884, d. Jan. 6, 1962, Fond Du Lac, Wis., m. Feb. 17, 1909, Jeanette Keister .• 2nd. m. Amanda c. Kleid, May 31, 1917. 3rd m. Pearl M. Rood, Nov. 5, 1924, and 4th m. Mildred L. Carlson, May 16, 1945. His occupation: Farmer. 1003. Donald Hampton, b. Dec. 23, 1909, Bloomfield, Walworth co., Wis. 955 Ethel May Fuller, b. Aug. 2, 1887, d. Nov. 20, 1942, Eau Claire, Wis., m. Mar. 31, 1909, Harvey Clinton Confer, b. Feb. 7, 1886, d. Oct. 6, 1967, Knapp, Wis.; burial Santa Cruz, Calif. His occupation: Farm­ ing-Carpentering. 1004-. Flora Elizabeth, b. Apr. 24, 1910, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1005. Jessie May, b. Sept. 21, 1912, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1006. Lloyd Clinton, b. Jan. 12, 1918, Rock, Michigan; d. Oct. 9, 1963. 1007. Howard Fuller, b. Sept. 1, 1919, Rock River, Delta Co., Michigan. 1008. Arthur Glen, b. June 10, 1921, Lake Geneva, Wis.; d. Nov. 23, 1923. 956 Everett Merriam Fuller, b. May 24, 1896, Lake Geneva, Wis., m. July 24, 1917, Evanston, Ill., Mildred A. Payne, b. Jan. 19, 1899, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. His occupation: Farmer-Retired. 1009. Jean Merriam, b. Apr. 13, 1918, Lake Geneva, Wis.; d. Nov. 22, 1929. 1010. Lee Everett, b. Mar. 12, 1920, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1011. Dean Kellog, b. May 2, 1923, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1012. Joyce Mildred, b. ·Mar. 29, 1927, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. . 957 Victor James Fuller, b. Feb. 6, 19-00, Lake Geneva, Wis., m. June 3, 1939, Lillian Marie Loveless, b. May 17, 1917, Nadeau, Michigan. His occupation: Welder for A. M. Motors. 1013. James Daune, b. May 12, 1941, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1014. Vicki Jane, b. Jan. 2, 1943, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1015. Susan Marie, b. Sept. 11, 1945, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1016. Scott Michael, b. July 13, 1966, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 958 Marjorie Enid Fuller, b. Feb. 12, 1903, Bloomfield, Wis., m. May 5, 1921, Raymond Jasper Fish, b. July 4, 1899, Janesville, Wisconsin. His occupation:· Farmer and Public official. 1017. Glen Beecher, b. Jan. 30, 1922, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1018. Esther Marjorie, b. Apr. 12, 1923, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1019. Margaret Louise, b. Oct. 25, 1924, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1020. Doris Rae, b. May 28, 1927, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1021. Betty Jean, b. Nov. 12, 1930, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1022. Enid Ethel, b. Apr. 8, 1933, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1023. Mary Lou, b. Sept. 25, 1934, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1024. Gail Frances, b. Nov. 9, 1938, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1025·. Ruth Ann, b. Dec. 14, 1943, Geneva, Wisconsin. 1026. Roxana Estelle, b. July 6, 1947, Geneva, Wisconsin. 959 Lela Merriam, b. Sept. 29, 1883, Linn Twp., Walworth Co., Wis., d. Feb. 28, 1964, Bethany, Mo., m. Sept. 29, 1921, Frank Orin Hoxie, b. June 17, 1881, Spencer, Clay Co., Iowa. His occupation: Farmer [No children] 960 Noah [Ned] Alvin Merriam, b. Oct. 26, 1884, Walworth Co., Wis., d. July 9, 1956, Tinley Park, Ill., m. Sept. 8, 1909, Chicago, Ill., Harriet E. Wilkes, b. Nov. 29, 1884. His occupation: Track Coach, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 1027. Natalie, b. July 11, 1911, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1028. Dorthea, b. Aug. 17, 1915, Ames, Iowa. 1029. Lois Helene, b. Aug. 20, 1943, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 961 Ella Merriam, b. June 2, 1887, Linn Twp., Walworth Co., Wis., d. Apr. 17, 1967, Phoenix, Airz., m. June 18, 1919, Senaca, Wis., Robert Pinkerton Willan, b. July 14, 1890, Arena, Wis.~ d. Oct. 29, 1932, Green Bay, Wis. His occupation: Animal Husbandry, Holstein & Ormsby. 1030. Jack [Revile], b. Apr. 22, 1920, Fostoria, Clay Co., Iowa. 1031. Leonard Merriam, b. Mar. 5, 1922, Mason City, Iowa. 1032. Eleanor Louise, b. Jan. 30, 1924, German, Penn~ylvania. 962 Fanny Louise Merriam, b. Mar. 10, 1889, Linn, Walworth Co., Wis., m. Oct. 12, 1911, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., Walter c. Arnold, b. June 10, 1886. His occupation: Farmer, now motor court operator. 1033. Dorothy Ruth, b. Jan. 23, 1913, Bloomfield, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 1034. Jean Frances, b. Dec. 23, 1915, Bloomfield, Walworth Co., Wis.; d.

1_ May 4, 1922. 1035. John Warren, b. Dec. 8, .1916 Bloomfield, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 1036. Robert Lincoln, b. Feb. 12, 1918, Lake Geneva, Walworth Co., Wis. 1037. Walter Clarke, b. May 29, 1924, Bloomfield, Walworth Co., Wis • • 963 William Revile Merriam, b. Sept. 28, 1894, Delevan Twp., Walworth Co., Wis., m. Oct .• 22, 1922, Pringhar, O'Brien Co., Iowa, Bernice G. Stewart, b. Aug. 28, 1897, Pringhar, Ia. His occupation: Farmer; State Assembly, Wisconsin, 8 years. 1038. Donald S., b. Sept. 29, 1924, Pringhar, O'Brien Co., Iowa. 1039. Margaret J., b. Jan. 15, 1928, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 964 Walter Fuller Merriam, b. May 11, 1897, Delevan Twp., Wis., d. Aug. 25, 1967, Iowa City, Ia., m. Dec. 26, 1917, Waverly, Ia., Gwendolyn McRoberts, b. Dec. 26, 1901, Waverly, Ia. His occupation: Army Officer. 1040. Robert William, b. Nov. 21, 1923, Waverly, Iowa. 1041. Elayne Jean, b. Sept. 29, 1925, Waverly, Iowa. 965 Gladys Evelyn Merriam, b. Jan. 27, 1900, Linn Twp., Walworth Co., Wis., m. June 24, 1925, Delevan, Wis., John Anton Holmberg, b. Nov.· 26, 1899, Ruthven, Palo Alto Co., Ia., d. Aug. 15, 1961, Marathon, Clay Co., Iowa. His occupation: Farmer. 1042. Mary Aileen, b. May 4, 1926, Milford, Iowa. 1043. Ned La Verne, b. Nov. 14, 1927, Spencer, Clay Co., Iowa. 1044. Marian Rose, b. Apr. 11, 1930, Spencer, Clay Co, Iowa. 1045. Iona Marie, B. Sept. 27, 1934, Spencer, Clay Co., Iowa. 1046. John Anton, Jr., b. Mar. 18, 1939, Spencer, Clay Co., Iowa. 1047. Gladys Evelyn, b. Apr. 25, 1942, Marathon, Clay Co., Iowa. 966 Sidney Wise Fuller, b. Feb. 16, 1897, Chicago, Ill., m. Mar. 10, 1931, San Diego, Calif., Katherine Kinne, b. Sept. 10, 1905, Storm Lake, Iowa, 1048. Barbara, b. Dec. 11, 1933, San Diego, California. 1049. Winston G., b. Jan. 2, 1937, San Diego, California. 967 Frances Louise Fuller, b. July 10, 1902, Dundee, Ill., m. Sept. 18, 1926, Naperville, Du Page Co., Ill., Jalmer W. Lawson, b. Oct. 8, 1897, Chicago, Ill. His o.: Supt. of Schools until retirement. 1050. Charles William, b. Nov. 30, 1931, San Diego, Calif. [Adopted] 968 Esther Louise Searles, b. June 13, 1898, Delevan, Wis., m. Dec. 23, 1929, Ann Arbor, Mich., Joe Davis Brooks, b. Jan. 30, 1900, Green­ ville, Tennessee, d. Aug. 13, 1952, Elizabethton, Tenn. His occupation: Statistician. 1051. [Nellie] Joan, b. Nov. 11, 1930, Elizabethton, Tennessee. 1052. Vivian Adell, b. Jan. 9, 1934, Elizabethton, Tennessee. 1053. Carol Ruth, b. Dec. 11, 1937, Elizabethton, Tennessee. 969 Ruth Huldah Searles, b. Apr. 15, 1900, Delevan, Wis., m. Nov. 30, 1922, Laurel J. Kirk, b. June 17, 1895, Cleveland, Ohio, d. July 22, 1937, Ypsilanti, Mich. His occupation: Officer Federal Prison, Farmer, also YMCA Secretary. 1054. Sarah Louise, b. Aug. 29, 1923, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 1055. Richard Bennington, b. July 17, 1925, Hillsdale, Michigan. 1056. Norma Joanne, b. Dec. 4, 1927, Jerome, Michigan. 1057. Ruth Elizabeth, b. Dec. 4, 1929, Eaton, New York. 1058. Eleanor Joyce, b. Feb. 23, 1934, Ypsilanti, Michigan. 1059. John Serl, b. Sept. 2, 1936, Ypsilanti, Michigan. 972 Marian Elizabeth Searles, b. Dec. 6, 1907, Delevan, Wis., m. Sept. 16, 1932, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Howard Fred Webb, Sr., b. Sept. 4, 1905, Chicago, Ill. His occupation: Orchestra Director. 1060. Howard Fred, Jr., b. Aug. 2, 1933, Oak Park, Illinois. 1061. Marians., b. Jan. 19, 1935, Oak Park, Illinois. 981 Frank E. Ryba, b. May 6, 1902, Cuba, Republic Co., Kan., m. Sept. 16, 1925, Hazel Hill Wiseman, b. Oct. 12, 1902, Brownwood, Texas. His occupation: Professional Landman and Attorney. 1062. Jane Carol, b. Aug. 2, 1934, Houston, Texas. 1063. Joan Catherine, b. Aug. 2, 1934, Houston, Texas. 983 Ella Marjorie Lantz, b. Jan. 11, 1914, Rosenberg, Tex., m. June 6, 1939, John Kaufman, b. Feb. 4, 1913, Johnstown, Pa. His occupation: Teacher of Physics. 1064. Marjorie Sue, b. Jan. 18, 1942, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 984 Emma Sue Lucille Lantz, b. Aug. 4, 1920, Lone Tree, Iowa, m. May 14, 1943, Kenneth Dore Gaston, b~ May 24, 1916, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. His occupation: Music Supervisor. 1065. Douglas Kennard, b. Apr. 9, 1947, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 1066. Bruce Lowell, b. Sept. 7, 1952, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 985 Orville Jory Studley, b. July 2, 1920, Oakland, Calif., m. June 16, 1953, Doris Ella Rose, b. Oct. 28, 1923, Oakland, Calif. His occupa­ tion: Material Testing Assistant, Engineering material section, East Bay Water District. 1067. Allen Jory, b. ·Feb. 8, 1955, Oakland, California. 986 Ivan Emerson Studley, b. Oct. 3, 1921, Oroville, Calif., m.- Oct. 23; 1958, Reno, Nev., Shirley Ann Isham, b. Feb. 11, 1937, Oakland, Calif. 1068. Leon Jory, b. July 22, 1959, Oakland, California. 1069. John Mondell, b. Sept. 1, 1962, Oakland, California. 989 Robert Fuller Howells, b. Dec. 8, 1912, Albany, N. Y., m. Aug. 25, 1934, Corvallis, Ore., Sara Louise Shields, b. May 17, 1907, Butte, Mont. His occupation: Equitable Life Assurance Co. of the u. S. 1070. David Robert, b. Jan. 20, 1939, Portland, Oregon. 1071. Carolyn Louise, b. Aug. 4, 1941~ Portland, Oregon. 990 Allan Mansfield Howells, b. Oct. 22, 1914, Albany, N. Y., m. Aug. 14, 1939, Elizabeth Cale£, b. June 12, 1915, Portland, Oregon. His occu­ pation: Merchandiser. 1072. Laura Sue, b. June 23, 1942, Seattle, Washington. 1073. Richard Dean, b. June 26, 1945, Brooklyn, New York. 1074. Robert Mahlon, b. July 17, 1952, Portland, 'oregon. 991 Horace Willard Howells, b. July 14, 1917, Albany, N. Y., m. Aug. 13, 1938, Chicago, Ill., Frances Jane McHenry, b. Oct. 9, 1911, Corvallis, Oregon. His occupation: Merchandiser. 1075. Jane Ann, b. July 4, 1941, Eugene, Oregon. 992 Harriet Esther Howells, b. May 8, 1922, Corvallis, Ore., m. Apr. 27, 1958, Corvallis, Ore., Edward H. Holsey, b. Nov. 12, 1930, Oakland, Calif. His occupation: Prof. in Anthropology (PHD) Univ. of Alaska. 993 James Clarke Fuller, b. Aug. 14, 1911, Ashland, Wis., m. Nov. 14, 1942, Miami Beach, Fla., Peta June Munn, b. June 19, 1901, Woburn, Mass. His occupation: Lt., Army Air Corps. Subsequently advertising and Public Relations. 994 Henry Viets Fuller, b. Aug. 16, 1914, Ashland, Wis.,-m. June 20, 1937, Ashland, Wis., Arvella Sanders, b. Jan. 23, 1916, Ashland, Wisconsin. His occupation: Chief Industrial Engineer. 1076. Juliet Ellen, b. March 9, 1953, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 997 Meredith Hudson Fuller, b. Apr. 13, 1917, Duluth, Minn., m. Dec. 14, 1~41, Duluth, Minn., Marguerite Helen Roden, b. Dec. 9, 1920, Duluth, Minn. His occupation: Cost Accountant. 1077. Susan Starr, b. Dec. 10, 1944, Duluth, Minnesota. 1078. Carolyn Louise, b. Jan. 5, 1946, Duluth, Minnesota. 1079. Richard Meredith, b. Feb. 27, 1948, Duluth, Minnesota. 1080. William Frederic, b. Jan. 9, 1953, Duluth, Minnesota. 1000 Arthur Fredric Fuller, b. July 2, 1926, Duluth, Minn., m. June 10, 1950, Duluth, Minn., Miriam Eileen Hill, b. Jan. 4, 1926, Duluth, Minn. His occupation: Art Supervisor, Dist. #47, Crystal Lake, Illinois. 1081. Joan Meredith, b. Mar. 10, 1952, Duluth, Minnesota. 1082. Gail Ann, b. Nov. 22, 1955, Duluth, Minnesota. 1083. Stephen Arthur, b. Aug. 15, 1957, Duluth, Minnesota. 1084. Timothy Charles, b. Nov. 17, 1961, Merrill, Wisconsin. 1027 Natalie Merriam, b. July 11, 1911, Lake Geneva, Wis., m. Chicago, Ill., Leslie Emil Johnson, b. July 26, 1906 in Iowa. 1085. Keith Roberts, b. Nov. 26, 1936, Chicago, Illinois. 1086. Merrilie Wilkes, b. Sept. 16, 1942, Chicago, Illinois. 1087. Leslie Ned, b. Nov. 4, 1946, Chicago, Illinois. 1088. Alan Kent, b. Mar. 18, 1954, Chicago, Illinois. 1089. Gary Glenn, b. Sept. 18, 1959, Chicago, Illinois. 1033 Dorothy Ruth Arnold, b. Jan. 23, 1913, Bloomfield (town), Walworth Co., Wis., m. Mar. 16, 1946, Evanston, Ill., Chester B. Hall, b. Dec. 15, 1903, Monticello, Ia. His occupation: Retired from Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Michigan. Her occupation: Master Teacher. 1035 John Warren Arnold, b. Dec. 8, 1917, Bloomfield Twp., Walworth Co., Wis., m. Sept. 7, 1940, Mukwonago, Wis., Henrietta Grygo, b. June 20, 1916, No. Chicago, Ill. His occupation: Postmaster Lake Geneva, Wis. 1090. John Edward, b. July 10, 1941, Linn Twp., Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 1091. Peter Bruce, b. May 28, 1943, Linn Twp., Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 1092. Mary, b. Apr. 20, 1951, Elkhorn, Wisconsin. 1093. Jean Lori., b. June 18, 1956, Elkhorn, Wisconsin. 1036 Robert Lincoln Arnold, b. Feb. 12, 1918, Lake Geneva, Wis., m. Oct. 15, 1943, Newport, R. I., Martha F. Pierce, b. June 22, 1921, West­ minister, Vermont. His occupation: Foreman. 1094. Stephen Drew, b. Sept. 5, 1945, Upland, California. 1095. Jeffrey Dana, b. Mar. 30, 1948, Bellows Falls, Vermont. 1096. Robin Christine, b. Oct. 31, 1952, Woodstock, Illinois. 1097. Gregory James, b. Mar. 22, 1954, Elkhorn, Walworth Co., Wisconsin. 1037 Walter Clarke Arnold, b. May 29, 1924, Bloomfield Twp., Walworth Co., Wis., m. Aug. 19, 1950, Burlington, Wis., Virginia Ann Dillenbeck, b. Aug. 12, 1927, Burlington, Wis. His occupation: Mgr. of Manufactur­ ing, Piston Rings and Seals. 1098. Alan Karl, b. Jan. 9, 1952, Beloit, Wisconsin. 1099. Linda Ann, b. May 9, 1953, Beloit, Wisconsin. 1100. David Harry, b. Nov. 24, 1954, Beloit, Wisconsin. 1101~ Paul Scott, b. Jan. 1, 1957, Beloit, Wisconsin. 1102. Walter Carl, b. May 7, 1962, Beloit, Wisconsin. 1038 Donalds. Merriam, b. Sept. 29, 1924, Primghar, Ia., m. June 1, 1946, Janesville, Wis., Barbara Jean Dean, b. Feb. 15,. 1926, Avalon, Wis. His occupation: Farmer and Foreman at General Motors Plant. 1103. Steven Dean, b. Mar. 27, 1947, Janesville, Wisconsin. 1104. Robert Alan, b. Mar. 21, 1948, Janesville, Wisconsin. 1105. Janet Ruth, b. Sept. 19, 1950, Janesville, Wisconsin. 1106. Carol Ann, b. Nov. 8, 1954, Janesville, Wisconsin. 1039 Margaret J. Merriam, b. Jan. 15, 1928, Lake Geneva, Wis., m. Oct. 21, 1950, Janesville, Wis., Ralph Gordon Schoening, b. June 12, 1926, Racine, Wis. His occupation: Carpenter. 1107. Barbara Jean, b. July 8, 1951, Racine, Wisconsin. 1108. Richard Gary, b. July 12, 1952, Racine, Wisconsin. 1109. Linda Bernice, b. Apr. 7, 1956, Racine, Wisconsin. 1110. Heidi Kristine, b. Sept. 13, 1962, Racine, Wisconsin. 1111. William Merriam, b. Jan. 22, 1965, Racine, Wisconsin. 1041 Elayne Merriam, b. Sept. 29, 1925, Waverly, Ia., m. Aug. 5, 1947, Seattle, Wash., Harold Eugene Rowland, Jr., b. Aug. 10, 1924, Lincoln, Neb. His occupation: Lt. Col. USMC (Ret); presently Prof. at use, Los Angeles, California. 1112. Scott, b. Aug. 19, 1948, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. 1113. Bruce, b. June 18, 1951, Camp Pendleton, San Diego, California. 1114. Raymie, b. July 20, 1952, Orange, California. 1115. Robert/ b. June 10, 1959, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1054 Sarah Louise Kirk, b. Aug. 29, 1923, Lake Geneva, Wis., m. 1942, Ypsi­ lanti, Mich., Robert E. Shaw, b. A~g. 9, 1921. His occupation: Farmer. 1116. Gary Robert, b. Oct. 31, 1942, Detroit, Michigan. 1117. Laurel Lee, b. Dec. 25, 1946, Jerome, Michigan. 1118. Elaine Angie, b. Dec. 7, 1950, Jerome, Michigan. 1055 Richard B. Kirk, b. July 17, 1925, Hillsdale, Mich., m. 1950, Ypsilanti, Mich., Esther Nishi, b. July 25, 1927, Zillah, Wash. His o.: Teacher. 1119. Sandra Gail, b. June 12, 1951, Cleveland, Ohio. 1120. Colleen, b. Jan. 19, 1954, Adrian, Michigan. 1121. Brian Richard, b. Sept. 24, 1959, Monroe, Michigan. 1056 Norma Joanne Kirk, b. Dec. 4, 1927, Jerome, Mich., m. 1952, Adrian, Mich., Charles Norvell, b. July 19, 1931, Toledo, Ohio. His occupa­ tion: Car Dealer. 1122. Yvonne Denise, b. Mar. 17, 1954, Fayetteville, North Carolina. 1123. Adrienne, b. Sept. 14, 1958, d. Feb. 12, 1959, Camillus, New York. 1124. Vivienne Rene, b. Sept. 26, 1960, Camillus, New York. 1125. Nannette Suzanne, b. Mar. 31, 1962, Camillus·, New York. 1057 Ruth Elizabeth Kirk, b. Dec. 4, 1929, Eaton, New York, m. 1949, Ypsi­ lanti, Mich., Reuben A. Westfall, b. Apr. 24, 1924, Milan, Michigan. His occupation: Factory worker. 11i6. Kirk Reuben, b. Mar. 11, 1950, Milan, Michigan. 1127. Karen Ruth, b. Sept. 2, 1954, Milan, Michigan. 1128. Kerry Robert, b. Feb. 4, 1959, Milan, Michigan. 1129. Kraig Richard, b. Feb. 26, 1965, Milan, Michigan. 1058 Eleanor Joyce Kirk, b. Feb. 21, 1934, Ypsilanti, Mich., m. 1957, Ypsi­ lanti, Mich., James Pahlau, b. June 9, 1937, Wadsworth, Ohio. His occupation: Teacher and Administrator. 1130. Grant August, b. Jan. 31, 1960, Clinton, Michigan. 1131. Clay Aaron, b. May 11, 1961, Clinton, Michigan. 1132. Jimel, b. Apr. 22, 1965, Greeley, Colorado. 1059 Johns. Kirk, b. Sept. 2, 1936, Ypsilanti, Mich., m. 1966, Davison, Mich., Susan Andersen, b. July 27, 1944, Chicago, Illinois. His occupation: Teacher. 1064 Marjorie Sue Kaufman, b. Jan. 18, 1942, Johnstown, Pa., m. Oct. 31, 1964, Henry William Glogosh, b. Oct. 11, 1940, Carleroi, Pa. His occupation: Teacher of Mathematics. [No children March 1968] 122 Samuel Ingham, b. May 10, 1774, Richmond, Mass., d. Thrown from a horse, Nov. 15, 1797, Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y., m. Nov. 15, 1793, Canaan, N. Y., Phebe Rowland, b. Feb. 9, 1772, Birkenhead, Liver­ pool, England, d. May 27, 1846, Little Falls, N. Y.; buried Fairview Cemetery, Ingham Mausoleum, Ingham Mills, New York. 1133. William, b. Oct. i2, 1794, Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y., d. Jan. 10, 1891 1134. Harvey, b. Jan. 11, 1797, Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y., d. 1888, Oppen­ heim, New York. 1133 William Ingham, b. Oct. 12, 1794, Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y., d. Jan. 10, 1891, Little Falls, N. Y., burial Ingham Mausoleum, Ingham Mills, N. Y., m. Eliza Schuyler, b. Jan. 30, 1804, d. May 12, 1880, Little Falls, N. Y., buried in Ingham Mausoleum, Ingham Mills, N. Y. His occupation: Wool Carder, a tenor in Baptist Church, Little Falls, N. Y. 1135. Jeannette Frisby, b. Apr. 24, 1828, d. July 25, 1903, Little Falls, NY. 1136. Schuyler Rowland, b. June 2, 1830, Little Falls, N. Y. 1137. William H., Jr., b. Aug. 8, 1832, Little Falls, N. Y. 1138. Maria Eliza, b. Apr. 24, 1840, Little Falls, N. Y., d. Jan. 23, 1881. 1134 . Harvey Ingham, b. Jan. 11, 1797, Canaan, Columbia co., N. Y., d. 1888, Oppenheim, Fulton Co., N. Y., m. Fe~ 26, 1818, Sarah Schuyler, b. Aug. 1, 1798, d. Nov. 1, 1878, in her 81st year. 1139. Samuels., b. Dec. 31, 1818, Oppenheim, Fulton Co., N. Y., d. July 9, 1847. 1140. Erastus_, b. Apr. 14, 1821, d. June 26, 1879, m. Jan. 22, 1845, Lucinda Barret. 1141. Warren R., b. Apr. 8, 1823, m. Sarah L. Schuyler, June 15, 1852. 1142. William H., b. Nov. 27, 1827, m. Caroline A. Rice, Nov. 25, 1857. 1143. Harriet Ann, b. Nov. 26, 1829, m. James H. Schuyler, Feb. 7, 1855. 1144. Darwin s., b. Jan. 8, 1835, m. Kate Bauder, Aug. 15, 1861. 1145. Walter D., b. Nov. 13, 1836, m. Helen M. Bauder, Sept. 17, 1856. 1135 Jeannette Frisby Ingham, b. Apr. 24, 1828, Herkimer Co., N. Y., d. July 25, 1903, buried Ingham Mausoleum, Little Falls, N. Y., ~. Alexander H. Waterman, b. Nov. 6, 1825, d. Oct. 8, 1856, ·buried Ingham Mausoleum, Ingham Mills, New York. · 1146. Eliza Ingham, b. Oct. 17, 1852, Herkimer County, New York. 1147. George Dean, b. Mar. 25, 1855, Herkimer Co., New York, m. Cressida Gott, Jan. 12, 1897. 1136 Schuyler Rowland Ingham, b. June 2, 1830, Little Falls,. N. Y., 1st m. Sept. 1850, Catherine M. Lockwood, who d. Mar. 22, 1905, buried Ingham Mausoleum, Little Falls, N. Y. 2nd m. Frances A. Ingersoll, Oct. 3, 1906. Issue by first wife: 1148. Edward, b. 1852, d. 1868-9. 1149. William Arthur, b. 1854, m. Jennie Graessey in Dresden, Germany. 1137 William H. Ingham, Jr., b. Aug. 8, 1832, Little Falls, N. Y., m. Sept. 19, 1854, Fannie Daniels Frink, b. Nov. 23, 1832, d. May 12, 1902, Saratoga, New York. 1149.1 Charlotte Eliza, b. July 7, 1855, d. Sept. 19, 1861. 1150. Charlotte Frink, b. May 7, 1864. 1151. Eliza Schuyler, b. May 2, 1871. 1152. William Frink, b. Nov 15, 1872. 1142 William Harvey Ingham, b. Nov. 27, 1827, Ingham Mills, Herkimer Co., N. Y., d. July 29, 1914, Olympia, Wash., m. Nov. 25, 1857, Fairfield, N. Y., Caroline Ann Rice, b. May 23, 1831, Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., d. July 11, 1912, Algona, Ia. Both buried at Algona, Iowa. 1153. Harvey, b. Sept. 8, 1858, d. Aug. 21, 1949. 1154. Anna Caroline, b. 1860, d. 1895, Highland Park, Illinois. 1155. Mary Harriette, b. 1862, d. Redwood City, California. 1156. Hellen Vienna, b. 1864, d. 1930, Omaha, Nebraska. 1157. Charles Sumner, b. 1866, d. 1867, Algona, Iowa. 1158. George William, b. 1868, d. Olympia, Washington. 1159. Cornelia, b. 1870, d. at Long Beach, California. 1160. Thomas Frederick, b. 1872, d. 1903, Omaha, Nebraska. [All born at Algona, Iowa] 1146 Eliza Ingham Waterman, b. Oct. 17, 1852, Herkimer Co., N. Y., m. Feb. 4, 1875, Irving Emmet Waters. 1161. Louise Jeanette, b. Sept. 17, 1876. 1162. William, b. Feb. 19, 1878. 1163. Marion Eliza, b. Feb. 22, 1888. 1164. Clara Schuyler, b. Dec. 4, 1892, Buffalo, New York. 1165. Franklin Dean, b. Feb. 9, 1893, Buffalo, New York. 1166. Margaret Schuyler, b. Apr. 22, 1896, Buffalo, New York. 1153 Harvey Ingham, b. Sept. 8, 1858, Algona, Iowa, m. Oct. 23, 1894, Des Moines, Iowa, Nellie Emily Hepburn, b. June 2, 1871, Des Moines, Polk co., Iowa, d. Oct. 28, 1951, Des Moines. He d. Aug. 21, 1949. Both buried in Resthaven Cemetery, Des Moines, Iowa. He was the editor of the~ Des Moines Register and Tribune for 40 years. (Comments follow) 1167. Hepburn, b. Dec. 29, 1895, Algona, Iowa, d. July 26, 1947. 1168. William Harvey, b. Nov. 13, 1898, Algona, Iowa. 116 9. Harvey, Jr. , b. Dec. 29, 1901, Algona, Iowa, d. Jan. 26:, 1955. Life began for Harvey Ingham in 1858 in a log cabin along Black Cat Creek, just north of Algona. His father, Capt. William Ingham, had come to Iowa· in 1855 from Ingham Mills, New York's Mohawk Valley. He was the second settler in his county. Harvey's mot.her, Caroline Rice, was active in social life in the pioneer settlers, wrote poetry, and bore and reared eight child~en, often finding it necessary to take them deep into the brush along the creek to hide from the Indians. Quite a contrast to teaching school in calm Herkimer County, N. Y. Harvey's childhood was full of hardship and uncertainty. He at­ tended the frontier common school, and went on to the University of Iowa from which he was graduated in 1880, his law degree granted in 1881. Here he distinguished himself both scholastically and as a debater and editor of the University newspaper. His editorship of the weekly Algona paper "The Upper Des Moines" was for him a proving ground for the wider field as editor of the Des Moines Register & Leader. During that time he acquired a lively interest in the Indians whom his father had ·fought on the frontier. He was always champion of the minority groups. As an editor he realized that the public is always interested, ·but seldom informed; he wrote so that both the informed and the uninformed would understand the issues he interpreted. He lived for his work and his family. Each day he spent reading, thinking, writing on the issues of the day~ He believed in the dis­ cussion of controversies on their merit, without prejudice, passion or self-interest. He was a strong advocate for the American adherence .to the League of Nations. He was recognized by Woodrow Wilson as a strong supporter for the outlawry of war. He was sent in 1927, along with 24 American editors, to Europe by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to survey political and economic conditions affecting the peace of the world. He received many honors during his lifetime. In 1937 he was given a testimonial dinner attended by more than 600 admirers from all walks of life, from all political parties, religions, races, education and economic status. Messages were read from all over the u. s., in­ cluding the President and other national figures. In Mr. Ingham's informal address, the editorial viewpoint was typical - looking forward hopefully and with good humor. He said, "Who -can set any limit to the future of the u. s.--and particularly to the future of the Mississippi Valley, if we are equal to our opportunity." 1167 Hepburn Ingham, b. Dec. 29, 1895, Algona, Ia., d. July 26, 1947, Des Moines, Ia., m. Apr. 4, 1933, Des Moines, Ia., Frances Cooper Hubbell, b. Oct. 18, 1906, Des Moines, Ia. His occupation: Farmer. 1170. Patricia, b. Mar. 17, 1934, Des Moines, m. Clarence Davis. 1171. Hepburn, Jr., b. Feb. 15, 1936, Des Moines, Iowa. 1172. Carl Frederick, b~ Dec. 25, 1937, Des Moines, Ia., m. Bea Arvidson. 1173. Hubbell, b. June 28, 1941, Des Moines, Iowa, m. Kathleen Borgess. 1168 William Harvey Ingham, b. Nov. 13, 1898, Algona, Iowa, m. Sept. 7, 1932, Des Moines, Ia., Hazel Matilda Barrell, b. Apr. 29, 1905, Des Moines, Ia His occupation: Attorney. 1174. Emily Louise, b. June 19, 1934, Des Moines, m. Richard A. Miles. ' 1175. William Harvey II, b. Jan. 29, 1938, Des Moines, Ia.; unmarried [May 1961 1176. Gertrude [Trudy], b. Sept. 8, 1940, Des Moines, m. Mark Detrick. 1169 Harvey Ingham, Jr., b. Dec. 29, 1901, Algona, Ia., d. Jan. 26, 1955, Des Moines, Ia., m. July 8, 1920, Clear Lake, Ia., Helen Louise Prater, b. Mar. 21, 1902, Des Moines, Ia. His o.: Farm Management. 1177. Harvey III, b. Apr. 20, 1921, Valparaiso, Indiana. 1178. Richard Schuyler, b. July 31, 1923, Des Moines, Iowa. 1179. Stephen Shearer, b. Apr. l, 1930, San Diego, California. 1177 Harvey Ingham III, b. Apr. 20, 1921, Valparaiso, Ind., m. Nov. 13, 1943, San Angelo, Tex., Jean Jane Martin, b. Dec. 24, 1921, Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Ingham's o.: Vice-Pres. & Mgr. CATV-Bulletin, Philadelphia, Pa. 1180. Ha~vey IV, b. Oct. 7, 1945, San Angelo, Texas. 1181. Stephanie Jean, b. 'Jan. 5, 1946, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.· 1182. Henry Martin, b. Dec. 28, 1947, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1183. Donald Anderson, b. Aug. 22, 1949, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1178 Richard Schuyler Ingham, b. July 31, 1923, Des Moines, Ia., m. Oct. 21, 1944, Des Moines, Ia., Helen Ann Hubbell, b. Oct. 13, 1924, Des Moines, Ia. Mr. Ingham, employed by Circle Loan Co., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. 1184. Richard Schuyler, Jr., b. Oct. 7, 1945, Des Moines, Iowa. 1185. Helen Annelle, b. A~g. 30, 1947, Des Moines, Iowa. 1186. Hilary Frances, b. May 24, 1950, Duluth, Minnesota. 1187. Sharon Clark, b. Nov. 25, 1951, Duluth, Minnesota. 1188. Frederick Hubbell, b. Sept. 22, 1958, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 1189. Timothy Christian, b. May 29, 1965, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 1179 Stephen Shearer Ingham, b. Apr. 1, 1930, San Diego, Cal_if., m. Dec. 8, 1956, Mason City, Ia., Vanda Rae Mathison, b. July 19, 1936, Elmore, Minn. Mr. Ingham is employed at Des Moines Register. 1190. Stephen Shearer, Jr., b. Oct. 8, 1957, Des Moines, Iowa. 1191. Mathison, b. Sept. 24, 1960, Bronxville, New York.

Pict1A.res which follottr are l~beled by number, the number referring b!=!Ck to that given ir~ the family record. Since t110 individuals become one \'1hen they marry, husband and ·wife carry the same number. A copy of this genea.logy is not being sent to the FBI, but there is no guarantee that it wi11 not fall into their hands. The writer wishes to caution those whose pictures appee.r to me.inte.1~ a clean record, entirely above suspicionl



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347 Earl Sco·tt Penfield, b. Apr. 7, 1902., Vlriglit Co., Ia •• m. Oct. 6·, 1924,. Lemmon, So .. Dak.· Anna M. V.einkauf, b. Aug. 2, 1902, Rooerts,. So. Dakota, His o. Aucttoneer. 473.01 Bonnie Vurlene,. b. April 6,. 1925,. Lemmon, South Dakota 473.02 Betty Louise,. b. Sept. 6, 1926,. Leni.m.on,. South Dakota 473.0~ Robert :Earl, b. Dec. 2, 1930,. Lemmon, South Dakota 473.04 Ruth Fa-ar.J1,. b. Sept. 13, 1932, Lemmon, _South Dakota 4'73.05 Verna Rae,. b. Dec. 1, 19;56,. LeII'.mon, South Dakota 473.06 Gertrude Yvonne, b. Sept. 5, 1938, Lemmon, South Dakota · 473.01 Bonnie Vurlene Penfield, b. Apr. 6, 1925,. Lemmon, So. Dak., m. June 16.,. 1943,. Lemmon,. So-. Dakota~ William Stephen Kile, b. Dec. 9, 1918, Hitchcock, So. Dak. His o. Painter. 473.07 William l:.arl~ b. Mar.· 13, 1944,. Lemmon, South Dakota 473.08 David Byr·on, b. May 2., 1945, Bremerton, \Ve.shington 473.09 Kay Vurlene, b. July 15, 1947, Bismark, No. Dakota 473.10 Linda J~Pn, b. Aug. 12, 1948, Bismark., .i'1o. Dakota 473.11 Elizabeth Ann, b. Jan. 11, 1952, Lemmon, South Dakota 473.12 Bruce Alan~ b. June 5r 1960,. Lemmon, South Dakota ~ 473.13 W~nona Fay,b. Dec. 4,. 1963r Lemmon, South Dakota 473.02 Betty Louise Penfield,. b. Sept. 6, 1926,. Lemmon, South Dakota,. m. Mar. 11. 1946·,. Baker,, i.~ontana, Donald. Tietzel,. b. lviay 29, 1921, Kedron, So. Dakota. His o.· Brand Inspector. Divorced, July 1959, Sioux City, Iowa. 2nd m.. Dewey :3eaver,. b. Feb.11., 1931, Jef·t·erson, South Dakota. Divorced,. August 1966. _ 4?3.14 Betty Jean (liet~el), b. Jan. 2, 1947, Bismark, North Dakota 473.15 Cameron De~n (Hetzel) b. Feb. 15, 1948, Bisma!'k,. r;orth Dakota 473.16 Carolyn (Hetz.el), b. Ja.n. 6, 1950, Bismark, Iiorth Dakota

473.17 Donald (Hetzel),. b. June 8 6 1952, Lemmon, South Dakota 473.18 Byron L.(Hetzel), b. Sept. 8~ 1954, Mo~eheadr Minn. 473.19 Pamala (Beaver), b. Aug. 26'r 1960,. Sioux City, Iowa 473.20 Jeffrey Scott (Beaver) b. Oct. 23~ 1962, Sioux City,. Iowa 473.21 Judy {Beaver), b. July 18, 1964, Vermillion~ South Dakota .(73.03 Robert Earl Penfield, b. Dec. 2, 1930, Lemmon, So. Dak., m. Mar. 8, 1958, Lemmon, South Dakota,. Winona Lavonne I.ogs'.den, b. April 12, 1935,. Hamilton,. Ohio. liis o. Auctioneer. 4'73.22 Bert Lyndell, b. Mar. 9, 1959• Rapid City~ South Dakota 473.2S Patricia Ann, b. Dec. 20. 1960> Rapid City, South Dakota 473.24 Laur·a Jean, b. Dec. 1, 1962, Rapid City, South Dakota 4'73.25 Joan Kay, b. Jan. 22, 1966, Rapid City,. South Dakota 473.26 Sandra Jo,. b. Sept. 11, 1967, Bowinan~ North Dakota 473.04 . Ruth Fa-ann P9nfield, b. Sept .. 13, 1932·, Lemmon, So. Dakota,. m. Dec. 31, 1950, Lemmon, So~ Dak.,. Charles H. Christen, b. Ipswic·h,. So. Dak., 2nd m. Aug. 31, 1957, Sioux City,. Iowa. - Richardo. SaunderA, b. Feb. 7, 1931, West Point, Virginia. o. Auctione&r (Retiraed US-'F). 473.2'7 Arden Robert (Christen),. b. June 12, 1954,. Lemmon,. South Dakota 473.28 Barbara Denise,. b. Mar. 8, 1958, Sioux City,. Iowa 473.29 Cynthia Richelle, b. Aug. 17, 1959,. Lemmon, South Dakota 473.30 Ric·:1.ard o., b. Dec. 13, 1960,. Kansas City,. Mo. 473.05 7erna Rae Penfield, b. Dec. I, 19~6, Lemmon, South Dakota,. m. Apr. 13, 1954~ Le~~on. So. Pak.,. James- Adair·. b. Kay 2:3, 1925,. Yankton, So. Dak. His o .. Sc·hool Administrator., Divorc­ ed,.. july 10, 1964. 2nd m. Oct. 28, 1966, Missula, :Mont.,. Ulrich (Steve) Beck, b. Apr. 9,. . 1936,. Hambur-r,,. Germany. His o. Purchasinr agent, Jorgenson Steel Co.~ Oakland, Calif. 473.31 James,. b. Dec. 30,. 1955, Valley City, JJorth Dakota 473.32 Randy,. b. July 12, 1960, Valley City, North Dakota 473.06 Gertrude Yvonne· Ptnfield, b. Sept. 5~ 1938, Lemmon, South Dak.,. m. Dec. 27, 1957, Lemmonr South Dakota. Willis T. Shockley, b. Sept. 19• 1935, Perkins,. So. Dak~•College Student. 473.3·3 Wade Stewart, b. Jan. 6, 1959, Hettinger., Mo. Dakota 473.34 Nicki Jo, b. April 12, 1964, , South Dakota 473.35 Troy Terone, b. Mar. 20~ 1967, Brookings, South Dakota 473.07 William Barl Kile, b. Mar. 13~ 1944, Lemmon, So. Dak., m. Apr. 191 1965., Sidney, Nebraska, Beverly I.ois Bruce,. b. Dec .. 31. 1946, Dalton, Nebraska. His o. Works for Telephone co. 473.36 :t.ric-hell. .&nn, b. Hov. 4, 1966., Oas·tro Valley, California 473.09 . lay Vurlene 1Ci).e. b. July 15, 1947, Bismark, lfo. Dak.,. m. Nov. 2,. 196'7,. Lemmon,. so. ~ak. Larey B. Sanders~ b. June 13~ 1942,. Herrin,. Ill. His o. Communieations Specialist • . ~-. 473.14 ,8-tty Jean Hetsel, b. Jan. 2. l947,. Bismark,. No. Dak.,. m. l~ov. 26,. 1962.,. Salex,. Iowa ·W9'r7 Schopp, b. Sept. 6, 1942,. Sioux City, Iowa. His o. Gravel Truck Driver. :473.3'7 Kimberly, b. June 6, 1964,. Sioux City~ Iowa.