Cross Portfolio – 1 Community Health & Hospital Program Grants Cross Portfolio – 1 National Action Plans Program 1.1 Medical Research Future Fund Grants (MRFF) Program 2.1 Bushfire Mental Health Package Program 2.3 Workforce Shortage/Distribution Priority Area Status Program 2.3 Rural Other Medical Practitioners Program Program 4.1 New MBS items for Bushfire related Mental Health Services Program 4.1 Rural Bulk Billing Incentives Program 4.3 Pharmaceutical Benefits (PBAC) Program 6.2 Home Care Services Community Health and Hospitals Program

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Project Program ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) 7-Year Status ($m) City of Albany Youth Hub Program 0.300 0.300 Executed 2.1 Outside the Locker Room Program 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.350 1.750 Executed 2.1 Breaking the Silence - Regional WA Domestic Violence Program - 10 sites Program 0.650 0.835 0.841 2.326 Executed 2.1 Primary care-led multidisciplinary care for Chronic Heart Failure Program 0.800 1.500 1.500 3.800 Executed 2.4 Expansion of the Choices service – reducing the treatment gap and failure to engage with Program 1.127 1.856 2.258 5.241 In Progress care for high frequency Mental Health and Alcohol & Other Drug service users 2.1

Primary healthcare hubs - enhancing primary care-led mental health and drug and alcohol Program 1.050 1.915 1.800 4.765 In Progress support services 2.1

Goldfields Rehabilitation Services Program 1.500 1.500 Executed 2.4 Supporting the infrastructure of Women and Newborn Health Service – King Edward Treasury 3.200 3.500 3.500 5.000 15.200 In Progress Memorial Hospital

Ellenbrook Mental Health Facility - provision of mental health and support services, mental Treasury 1.500 1.500 2.000 1.000 6.000 In Progress health crisis facility at the St John of God Midland hospital

Western Peel Hospital Campus to expand and refurbish the existing Emergency Department, Treasury 7.500 7.500 10.000 25.000 In Progress relocate and fit out the Imaging Department and construct new Community mental Health facilities including a residential eating disorders centre

WACHS Cancer Strategy Implementation and Greater Southern radiation oncology capital Treasury 6.278 6.278 6.278 6.300 25.134 In Progress which aims to increase survival and improve the quality of life for country people diagnosed with cancer. WACHS will also develop infrastructure to enable the delivery of oncology treatment services within the southern region in Albany

Laverton Community Hospital Replacement - new contemporary facility that will provide Treasury 6.200 9.600 1.000 16.800 In Progress emergency, population health and ambulatory care services; promote primary health care and support the delivery of multidisciplinary services for the community of Laverton

Youth Forensic Inpatient Service - provide a 10 bed youth forensic mental health ward in Treasury 7.800 7.000 14.800 In Progress WA. The ward is to support forensic youth with mental health issues in a medium secure environment, where young people can be assessed and treated. Youth will be able to transition through the court system in safety

Comprehensive genomic testing - Specialists and equipment to establish genomic testing Treasury 9.500 9.500 19.000 In Progress for the management of cancer patients and treatment in Western Australia. Matching treatments with the individual patient's cancer profile will provide patients which the best chances of survival Community Health and Hospitals Program

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Project Program ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) 7-Year Status ($m) Monash University/Peninsula Health - Health Futures Hub Program 0.800 1.600 3.800 8.400 17.400 32.000 Executed 1.1 My Place Youth Centre Program 1.500 1.500 Executed 2.1 Peter Mac - Cellular Immunotherapy Program 25.000 6.000 6.000 7.000 9.000 27.000 80.000 Executed 1.3 BlueHub Project - Framework for Police and Emergency Services Mental Health Program 2.500 2.500 Executed 2.1 Youth Hub Lilydale Program 1.500 1.500 1.500 4.500 Executed 2.1 The Cottage - Shepparton Program 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 Executed 2.4 Community transport service for rural Victoria Program 1.173 2.187 2.217 5.577 Executed 2.5 HALT suicide prevention community worker - North Western Melbourne PHN Program 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 1.000 Executed 2.1 HALT suicide prevention community worker - South East Melbourne PHN Program 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 1.000 Executed Victoria 2.1 Alfred Health and Monash University - Australian Clinical Trials Network 'TrialHub' Program 3.000 3.000 3.000 5.200 5.200 5.200 24.600 Executed 1.1 Cabrini Institute of Cancer Program 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 6.000 In Progress 1.1 Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery to establish Australia's first hospital-based Treasury 10.000 4.000 6.000 6.000 4.000 30.000 In Progress biomedical engineering research and training hub in Melbourne

Establishment of an Eating Disorders Treatment Centre Treasury 6.500 4.000 2.500 13.000 Executed Goulburn Valley Hospital Cancer Centre - staged upgrade of infrastructure Treasury 5.300 10.000 14.700 30.000 In Progress Paediatric Emergency Departments for Geelong, Maroondah, Frankston & Casey Treasury 13.000 25.000 2.000 40.000 In Progress emergency departments to ensure facilities are appropriate for families and children

Geelong Women’s and Children’s Hospital (Barwon Health) - Upgrade the existing facilities Treasury 25.000 25.000 50.000 In Progress to provide short term and immediate services for women and children (Stage 1) and construct a new facility accommodate acute and sub-acute women's and children's services (Stage 2)

City Mission Drug Res Rehab Program 3.100 0.460 0.920 0.920 0.920 6.320 Executed 2.4 Mental Health/Alcohol and Drug Comorbidity Workers Program 0.113 0.450 0.450 0.111 1.124 Executed 2.4 Tasmania Additional elective surgery and endoscopy procedures Treasury 5.000 15.000 20.000 In Progress Construction of a facility and purchase of a Linear Accelerator for the North West Regional Treasury 4.400 4.400 Executed Hospital

Establishment of an Eating Disorders Treatment Centre Treasury 5.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 10.000 In Progress Community Health and Hospitals Program

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Project Program ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) 7-Year Status ($m) Primary Health Care (PHC) delivery through community paramedicine/nurse practitioner Program 0.080 0.938 0.961 0.984 2.963 Executed models 2.4 Headspace Flying headspace Program 0.066 0.198 0.198 0.198 0.660 Executed 2.1 Drug and alcohol rehabilitation services throughout the Limestone Coast Program 0.174 0.172 0.172 0.518 Executed 2.4 Drug and alcohol rehabilitation services throughout the Mt Gambier region Program 0.824 0.822 0.822 2.468 Executed 2.4 Construction of a new Brain and Spinal Injury facility at the Repat to meet the treatment Treasury 30.000 30.000 Executed and rehabilitation needs of people with brain and spinal injuries, relocating from existing old facilities at the Hampstead Campus

Hospital Discharge Pilot to focus on the discharge of long stay hospital patients and Treasury 1.700 2.249 3.949 Executed South Australia improve patient flow

Mt Barker Accident & Emergency to increase the emergency treatment spaces to respond Treasury 3.000 3.000 2.600 8.600 In Progress to projected future demand

South Coast A&E/Renal Victor Harbour Constructing a new six chair renal dialysis unit at Treasury 2.400 4.700 1.300 8.400 In Progress Southern Fleurieu Health Service at Victor Harbor to meet projected growth. This will also support a staged redevelopment of the ward wing , incorporating up to 8 additional beds with capacity to support varying patient age profile and clinical needs, such as infectious

isolation, bariatric care and disability access

Whyalla Emergency Department upgrade to increase emergency treatment spaces in Treasury 5.700 5.660 11.360 In Progress response to projected growth in the region

Red Dust - Suicide Prevention for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children Program 0.400 0.400 0.400 1.200 Executed 2.1 Staff Accommodation Block at Tennant Creek Hospital - design and construction 12 single Treasury 0.100 0.719 2.456 3.275 In Progress person accommodation units.

Remote Point of Care Pathology Testing - provide the Hemocue White Blood Count and Treasury 0.055 0.226 0.228 0.237 0.746 In Progress Northern Territory Differentials Analyser point of care machines in twenty sites across remote NT communities in Aboriginal community controlled health services and NT Health services.

Ambulatory Care Centre at Alice Springs Hospital - new purpose built facility that will Treasury 20.700 5.000 25.700 In Progress enhance and expand the provision of ambulatory care services at the Alice Springs Hospital Community Health and Hospitals Program

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Project Program ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) 7-Year Status ($m) Mater Hospital - New Maternity Block Program 9.000 9.000 Executed 1.3 OzCare Residential Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Centres - Mackay Program 1.500 0.400 0.800 0.800 0.400 3.900 Executed 2.4 Community residential withdrawal management service Program 0.238 0.238 0.238 0.714 Executed 2.4 Bundaberg Community Diabetes Service Program 0.238 0.238 0.238 0.714 Executed 2.4 Funding for PTSD at Thompson Institute Program 2.500 2.500 Executed 2.1 Way Back Support Services Program 0.400 0.400 0.400 1.200 Executed 2.1 Safe Spaces – alternatives to emergency departments for people in mental distress Program 0.700 3.000 3.346 3.430 10.476 In Progress 1.3 Mission Australia Cairns Program 1.500 4.000 3.500 9.000 In Progress 2.4 Pharmaceutical Rehabilitation Service Program 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.600 In Progress 2.4 James Cook University - Cairns Tropical Enterprise Centre Program 8.000 16.000 18.000 18.000 60.000 In Progress 1.3 Queensland Eating Disorders - service delivery Butterfly EndED House Program 2.500 2.000 4.500 Executed 2.1 Redcliffe Hospital Paediatric ED redesign to allow for the separation of paediatric patients Treasury 0.500 3.300 6.200 10.000 In Progress from adult patients

Townsville Hospital to provide an additional 33 beds at the Townsville Hospital through a Treasury 6.000 6.980 12.980 In Progress fit out of existing facilities

Redland Hospital Redevelopment for planning and early works for redevelopment. Aim is Treasury 14.700 15.300 30.000 In Progress to connect the existing renal dialysis buildings and the main hospital acute inpatient building.

Logan Urgent and Specialist Care Centre will operate specialist outpatient services seven Treasury 18.400 15.000 33.400 In Progress days per week to relieve pressure on Logan Hospital's emergency department and specialist outpatient services.

Caboolture Hospital to establish an 8 chair chemotherapy unit Treasury 5.000 5.000 10.000 In Progress

Improving Health Services for People with Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries and innovate new Treasury 12.000 12.000 24.000 In Progress inpatient and community health services state-wide Community Health and Hospitals Program

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Project Program ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) 7-Year Status ($m) Taking an alternative road to recovery: Two mobile alcohol and other drugs (AOD) day Program 0.400 1.600 1.500 1.500 5.000 Executed rehabilitation programs on the NSW South Coast 2.4

Community Driven Cancer Care: Boosting Primary Care Program 0.100 2.280 2.280 2.280 6.940 Executed 2.4 Roses in the Ocean - Suicide Prevention & Recovery Centre St Vincent's Hospital Program 1.250 1.250 Executed 2.1 Comprehensive Community Based Addictions Services Program 2.000 2.000 1.500 5.500 Executed 2.4 'Health on the Streets' - Homelessness Outreach - Central Coast Primary Care Program 0.355 0.316 0.316 0.987 Executed 2.1 Suicide Prevention Collaborative Program 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.500 In Progress 2.1 Dubbo Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility Program 1.500 1.500 3.000 In Progress 2.4 The Glen Centre - Women's Indigenous Facility Program 4.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 9.000 Executed 2.2 Triple Care Farm - Program 5.000 2.000 2.000 9.000 In Progress 2.4 Establishment of an Eating Disorders Treatment Centre Treasury 6.500 0.500 3.500 2.500 13.000 Executed Concord Hospital - new maternity services Treasury 2.200 2.200 Executed

Shellharbour Hospital Redevelopment will deliver the remaining expansion needs and Treasury 48.000 80.000 128.000 Executed finalise the full transition to the planned hub-and-spoke model of service delivery in the Illawarra

Construction of a Cystic Fibrosis Specialist Service unit at Westmead Hospital. will be the Treasury 1.000 28.300 35.700 65.000 Executed anchor facility of the Westmead Health and Education Precinct which will include a 16 bed inpatient unit providing specialised treatment with state of the art equipment and modalities

Improving stroke care in regional NSW via telehealth will be set up for regional hospitals Treasury 3.800 2.800 2.800 9.400 Executed across NSW to access the expertise neurologists/stroke physicians

Central Coast Linear Accelerator - the purchase of a third LINAC machine to meet expected Treasury 3.853 3.853 Executed demand

Comprehensive Children's Cancer Centre - to combine the scientific excellence of the 300- Treasury 20.000 30.000 50.000 100.000 Executed staff Children’s Cancer Institute at UNSW with clinical leadership of the 150-staff Kids Cancer Centre at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick Community Health and Hospitals Program

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Total Project Program ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) 7-Year Status ($m) Integration of pharmacists into aged care facilities to optimise resident safety and reduce Program 0.816 1.835 1.083 3.734 Executed medication-related adverse effects and hospitalisation 2.5

Community Withdrawal Support Service Program 0.862 0.886 0.911 0.936 3.595 Executed 2.4 Youth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention by providing information and support to Treasury 0.784 2.250 1.460 1.480 5.974 In Progress young people of the ACT when they need it most Australian Capital Territory Alcohol and Other Residential Rehab Expansion and Modernisation with the aim of Treasury 2.300 2.000 4.300 In Progress increasing access to community-based AOD residential rehabilitation beds to better meet current demand

Establishment of an Eating Disorders Treatment Centre Treasury 5.000 6.500 2.000 13.500 In Progress

Expansion of the Intensive Care Unit at the Canberra Hospital Treasury 6.700 6.800 13.500 In Progress

Adapting Compassion Focused Therapy for Indigenous Community Wellbeing Program 0.400 0.400 0.800 Executed 2.2 The Mindgardens Alliance - Black Dog Institute Program 7.000 7.000 Executed 2.5 Sideffect Australia - School Drug/Alcohol Education Program 1.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 Executed National 2.4 SANDS - Hospital to Home - Support following stillbirth Program 0.850 0.425 1.275 Executed 2.5 Mates in Construction Program 0.450 0.395 0.395 1.240 Executed 2.1 Total 1250 Plan / Strategy Organisation / Program Date Status (under development / completed / launched) Government announcements (development, release or (including a web link to the published document as appropriate) Commissioned implementation of Plan/Strategy) Indigenous Health • At the COAG Health Council meeting in March 2019, Health Ministers COAG Health Council Communique 8 March 2019 committed to working jointly to end rheumatic heart disease, avoidable Roadmaps: July 2018 blindness and deafness, and to prevent and manage kidney disease. 1.1 Ear and Hearing C%20Communique_ReIssued%20290519.pdf Hearing Health Steering Committee (see further information below) The Roadmaps addressing each of these areas (the Indigenous Health Health Roadmap Roadmaps) were referred to the Australian Ministers’ Health Advisory Council (AHMAC) for review. Note: The • Roadmap for AHMAC agreed in October 2019 to establish a time-limited Working Hearing Health Group to prioritise the Indigenous Health Roadmaps, as a framework to addresses whole of deliver collaborative policies and programs to address these challenges. population needs • The Indigenous Health Roadmaps Working Group has been established and includes a and the first meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for March focus on closing the 2020. gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait December 2017 Islander Ear and Hearing Health.

1.2 Eye Health Roadmap February 2018 1.3 Renal Health Roadmap

Development of Roadmap initially by End RHD Alliance, completed 1.4 Rheumatic February 2018 Heart Disease by NACCHO in 2019. Not publicly released Roadmap

Indigenous Announced that this work would be developed in collaboration with The Department of Health is currently working with the Minister’s office The Minister for Health announced a new Indigenous Preventive Health NACCHO to determine the next steps for this work. Preventive Health Plan at his press club address in August 2019 Plan and at the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector Annual General Members’ Conference in November 2019. National Aboriginal The Workforce Plan is a project led by the National Aboriginal and 13 June 2019 Under development In August 2018, the COAG Health Council committed to the and Torres Strait Torres Strait Islander Health Standing Committee. The development of the Workforce Plan. This was subsequently Islander Commonwealth Department Health is providing resources for the reflected in the COAG Health Council Communique (dated 1 Health Workforce development of the Workforce Plan. August 2018). Plan (Workforce Plan) Action Plan for Health Products Regulation Ministerial Completed- published 4 April 2019 Nil Medical Devices Submission MS19-000264 21 February 2019 Woman Centered Australian Government Department of Health representing COAG Department of Completed – published 5 November 2019 Media release 5 November Care Strategic Health assumed Directions for woman-centred-care-strategic-directions-for-australian-maternity- responsibility for Australian services.pdf development in Maternity Services September 2017 as agreed by AHMAC 1 Plan / Strategy Organisation / Program Date Status (under development / completed / launched) Government announcements (development, release or (including a web link to the published document as appropriate) Commissioned implementation of Plan/Strategy) National Nursing Office of the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Announced by Under development Announced by Minister Hunt at Australian College of Strategy – Nursing Minister Hunt Nursing Conference August 2019 Toward 2030 August 2018 Australia’s Long Department of Health 14 August 2019 Launched – 14 August 2019 Term National Health Plan term-national-health-plan National Medical Department of Health, as lead of a COAG Health Council initiative COAG Health Under development Nil Workforce Strategy Council endorsed Health%20Workforce-nat-med-strategy the development of the Strategy on 8 March 2019 Sport 2030 Department of Health 22 May 2017 – Launched Launched 1 August 2018 at the National Press Club by the announcement by former Minister for Sport, Senator the Hon Bridget Sport_2030_-_National_Sport_Plan_-_2018.pdf Minister Hunt McKenzie. https://www.healt the-hon-greg-hunt- mp/media/national -plan-for-elite- sport-and- participation National Tobacco The Commonwealth Department of Health is currently leading the 30 April 2018 Under development. The next National Tobacco Strategy is expected to At the 28 November 2019 meeting of the MDAF, Ministers Strategy development of the next National Tobacco Strategy. commence in 2020, subject to endorsement by relevant Commonwealth, noted that a new National Tobacco Strategy was being state and territory Ministers via the Ministerial Drug and Alcohol Forum developed. The communique from this meeting also noted (MDAF). that: ‘It is expected that public consultation on the draft National Tobacco Strategy will occur in early 2020.’: Also see: drug-and-alcohol-forum-mdaf-communique-28-november- 2019 National Fetal 05 May 2017 Launched 21 November 2018 Minister Hunt video message announcing release at Alcohol Strategic alcohol-spectrum-disorder-fasd-strategic-action-plan-2018-2028 Australasian FASD Conference Action Plan 2018- 21 November 2018 2028 National Alcohol Work began in Endorsed 28 November 2019 Communique from Ministerial Drug and Alcohol Forum Strategy alcohol-strategy-2019-2028 2015 by the meeting held 28 November 2019 Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs (decommissioned). Now managed by the Ministerial drug and Alcohol Forum. National Drug Ministerial Drug and Alcohol Forum Developed in house Launched 24 July 2017 29 May 2017 – Ministerial Drug and Alcohol Forum Strategy 2017-2026 – costs associated communique. drug-and-alcohol-forum-mdaf with typesetting and printing only. 4

July 2017


Plan / Strategy Organisation / Program Date Status (under development / completed / launched) Government announcements (development, release or (including a web link to the published document as appropriate) Commissioned implementation of Plan/Strategy) National Strategic Arthritis Australia 22 March 2018 Launched – 21 March 2019 27 March 2019 - Minister Hunt video announcement on Action Plan for Arthritis Australia website. Arthritis arthritis-australia-launches-national-strategic-action-plan/ National Strategic HeartKids Limited 29 March 2018 Launched – 14 February 2019 Minister Hunt Media Release - 14 February 2019 - Action Plan for Childhood Heart heart-disease-action-plan mp/media/the-heartkids-project-26-million-to-tackle- Disease childhood-heart-disease National Strategic Jean Hailes for Women’s Health 16 March 2018 Launched – 26 July 2018 Minister Hunt Media Releases: Action Plan for • 26 July 2018 - Endometriosis endometriosis hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/national-action-on- endometriosis-to-help-thousands-of-australian-women • 21 November 2018 - mp/media/south-australian-endometriosis-school- education-program-launched • 9 April 2019 - hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/10-million-funding-boost-for- endometriosis-research-and-awareness National Strategic National Heart Foundation of Australia (with support from Stroke 27 June 2018 Completion expected to be in 2020 Minister Hunt Media Releases: Action Plan for Foundation) • 29 October 2018 – Heart Disease and Stroke disease-and-stroke-in-australia/ • 3 April 2019- million-for-heart-disease-and-stroke/ National Strategic Crohn’s & Colitis Australia 3 April 2018 Launched – 23 March 2019 23 March 2019 – Minister Hunt video announcement at Action Plan for Crohn’s & Colitis Australia AGM Inflammatory Bowel Disease launches-the-inflammatory-bowel-disease-national-action-plan- 2019/ National Strategic Kidney Health Australia 27 June 2018 To be launched 12 March 2020 Minister Hunt Media Releases: Action Plan for • 3 April 2019 Kidney Disease long-term-national-health-plan/ National Strategic Lung Foundation Australia 29 March 2018 Launched – 21 February 2019 Minister Hunt Media Release - 21 February 2019 - Action Plan for Lung Conditions conditions-to-help-millions-of-australians/ national-strategic-action-plan-for-lung-conditions-with-multi- million-dollar-commitment/ National Strategic Macular Disease Foundation 26 March 2018 Launched – 28 March 2019 Minister Hunt Media Release - 20 March 2019 - Action Plan for Macular Disease mp/media/government-commits-3-million-towards-targeting- action-plan-macular-disease macular-disease


Plan / Strategy Organisation / Program Date Status (under development / completed / launched) Government announcements (development, release or (including a web link to the published document as appropriate) Commissioned implementation of Plan/Strategy) National Strategic Osteoporosis Australia 27 June 2018 Launched – 17 October 2019 Minister Hunt Media Release - 17 October 2019 - Action Plan for Osteoporosis mp/media/world-osteoporosis-day-2019-government- launches-national-action-plan plan-osteoporosis National Strategic Painaustralia 26 June 2018 Endorsed by AHMAC on 5 December 2019. Will be considered by COAG Minister Hunt Media Release - 4 April 2019 - Action Plan for Pain Health Council out-of-session in 2020 Management mp/media/68-million-to-improve-understanding-of-pain plan

Note: Not final version of Action Plan, as document still has to be approved by COAG Health Council National Strategic Rare Voices Australia 5 December 2018 Launched – 26 February 2020 Minister Hunt Media release – 16 November 2018 - Action Plan for Rare Diseases mp/media/-first-national-rare-diseases-framework plan-for-rare-diseases Minister Hunt Media Release – 26 February 2020 - mp/media/first-national-action-plan-for-rare-diseases National Preventive The Sax Institute 12 September 2019 Under development Health Strategy long-term-national-health-plan National Women’s 02 March 2018 Launched – 09 April 2019 09 April 2019 – Media release $52.2 million to improve Health Strategy AF504671BA9786E8CA2583D6000AFAE7/$File/National%20Women women’s health. 2020-2030 s%20Health%20Strategy%202020-2030.pdf mp/media/522-million-to-improve-womens-health National Men’s Healthy Male (formerly Andrology Australia) 31 May 2018 Launched - 11 April 2019 11 April 2019 - Media release $19.7 million National Men’s Health Strategy Health Strategy. 2020-2030 national%20mens%20health-1 health-strategy/ National Action 15 August 2018 Launched on 8 May 2019 – Media release – National Action Plan to Improve Plan for the Health child-and-youth-action-plan 8 May 2019 the Health of Children and Young People of Children and Young People: action-plan-improve-health-children-and-young-people 2020-2030 National Injury • The Department has commissioned the George Institute for 8 May 2018 Under development • Announced as part of the 2018-19 Budget Prevention Global Health to develop the Strategy which is due for Strategy: 2020- publication in mid-2020. 2030 • A monitoring and reporting framework will be released in 2021. MRFF Stem Cell Medical Research Future Fund Roadmap Currently being finalised 2 October 2019 – Minister Hunt announced (via media release) Therapies Mission Public consultation on a draft Roadmap – announced for the release of the draft Roadmap and the opening of the Roadmap consultation on 2 consultation process. division/mrff-stem-cell-therapies- October 2019 mission/supporting_documents/Stem%20Cell%20Therapies%20DRA FT%20Roadmap%20%20PDF.pdf Roadmap has been drafted by an Expert Advisory Panel. The final is expected to be published shortly.


Plan / Strategy Organisation / Program Date Status (under development / completed / launched) Government announcements (development, release or (including a web link to the published document as appropriate) Commissioned implementation of Plan/Strategy) MRFF Mission for Medical Research Future Fund Roadmap Currently being finalised 30 July 2019 – Minister Hunt announced public consultation on Cardiovascular Public consultation on a draft Roadmap – announced for the Roadmap Health Roadmap consultation on 30 July 2019. division/mrff-mission-for-cardiovascular-health/ for-cardiovascular-health/ Roadmap has been drafted by an Expert Advisory Panel. The final is expected to be published shortly. MRFF Dementia, Medical Research Future Fund Roadmap Currently being finalised 17 January 2020 – Minister Hunt and Minister Colbeck Ageing and Aged Public consultation on a draft Roadmap – announced for announced public consultation on the Roadmap Care Mission consultation on - 17 Roadmap Jan 2020. care/dementia-ageing-and-aged-care-mission-public-consu/ mp/media/dementia-ageing-and-aged-care-mission-roadmap- released-for-public-consultation Roadmap has been drafted by an Expert Advisory Panel. Public consultation will be considered in finagling the Roadmap. MRFF Million Medical Research Future Fund Roadmap launched Roadmap launched 7 November 2018 Minds Mental 7 November 2018 eating-disorders-indigenous-and-youth-mental-health/ Health Mission minds-mission-roadmap Biotechnology Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and Not applicable. Under development September 2019 - Minister Hunt and the Minister for Industry, Australia 2030 Plan Department of Health will jointly develop the Plan. Science and Technology on behalf of the Australian Government announced the Plan at the AusBiotech CEO Policy Forum. National Mental Announced in the 2018 MYEFO, the Strategy will support the N/A The first meeting of the Taskforce will occur late March 2020. 17 December 2018 – Media release Health Workforce sustainability, supply, distribution and retention of the mental Strategy health workforce to meet the current and future needs of mp/media/major-health-investments-in-primary-care-and- Australians. The Development of the Strategy will be overseen by an aged-care-in-2018-19-myefo Independent Taskforce.

National Children’s Announced in August 2019 as part of the Long Term National Health N/A Under development. A draft strategy is due to be delivered by June 2020. 14 August 2019 – National Press Club speech by Minister Mental Health and Plan, the Strategy will guide and inform the Government’s Hunt. Wellbeing Strategy investment and commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of children aged 0-12 years. ias-long-term-national-health-plan

Vision 2030: A Announced by Minister Hunt in November 2017, Vision 2030 will N/A In December 2019: Vision 2030; Blueprint for Mental Health and Suicide Recent announcement: 14 August 2019 – National Press Blueprint for provide a long-term national vision to provide direction for current Prevention was submitted to Minister Hunt. A Vision 2030 Roadmap is Club speech by Minister Hunt. Mental Health and future governments, with periodic updates anticipated over currently under development. Services time. health-Reform/Connections

Million Minds Minister Hunt announced the Million Minds Mission Roadmap on N/A Two grant rounds have been conducted to date. Under round one seven 10 October 2018: Mission 10 October 2018. The Million Minds Mission will provide $125 projects are currently in in contract with total funding of $27.45 million million under the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to support over five years from 2018-19 to 2022-23. Round two closed on 5 February mp/media/million-minds-to-focus-on-eating-disorders- innovative, participatory research into the causes of mental illness 2020 and successful applicants are expected to be announced in May indigenous-and-youth-mental-health and suicide, and the best prevention, early intervention and 2020. treatment strategies. National Strategic Leukaemia Foundation 9 August 2019 Under development Minister Hunt media release – 2 September 2019 Action Plan for Blood Cancer mp/media/national-action-plan-for-blood-cancers


Plan / Strategy Organisation / Program Date Status (under development / completed / launched) Government announcements (development, release or (including a web link to the published document as appropriate) Commissioned implementation of Plan/Strategy) National Pancreatic Cancer Australia and the Department of Health 12 February 2020 Not commenced Minister Hunt announced the Roadmap on 12 February at the Cancer Roadmap Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Event at Parliament House. News article on Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation website: are/news/pancreatic-cancer-awareness-event-canberra/ National Stillbirth COAG/Department of Health 4 December 2018 Under development 4 December 2018 – Minister Hunt announced a number of Action and strategies to reduce stillbirth rates in Australia including the Implementation development of a National Stillbirth Action and Plan Implementation Plan. National Palliative Department of Health 8 March 2017 Endorsed by all Health Ministers (CHC) in December 2018 No official announcement Care Strategy 2018 Publicly released in February 2019 care-strategy-2018.pdf National Roadmap Led by the Department of As requested by Under development Minister Hunt endorsed the Summary and Recommendations for Improving Health Minister Hunt, of the Roundtable, including the Outline of the Roadmap, on Health Services for ontent/national-roadmap-for-improving-the-health-of-Australians- following 16 September 2019. People with with-intellectual-disability discussions with Minister Hunt announced funding for the PCEP on 27 February Intellectual the Council for 2020. Disability (the Intellectual Latest Ministerial announcement: Roadmap) Disability (CID) in March 2019, a mp/media/greater-support-for-australians-with-an-intellectual- Roundtable on the disability health of people with intellectual disability was convened on 2 August 2019. The outcomes of the Roundtable were used to develop an Outline of the Roadmap.

The Primary Health Department of Health August 2019 Under development August 2019 – Minister Hunt announced Australia’s Long Term Care 10 Year Plan National Health Plan

2019-20 Budget Strengthening Primary Care – Primary Care Funding model

2019-20 MYEFO- Guaranteeing Medicare - strengthening primary health care – expanding access to flexible models of care funding for Indigenous Australians

18 October 2019 – Minister Hunt announced the establishment of the Primary Health Reform Steering Group


Plan / Strategy Organisation / Program Date Status (under development / completed / launched) Government announcements (development, release or (including a web link to the published document as appropriate) Commissioned implementation of Plan/Strategy) National Australian Government Department of Health • July 2008 – Launched – 17 February 2019 17 February 2019 – Minister Hunt Media Release on Immunisation agreement to Strategy (NIS) for immunisation-strategy-for-australia-2019-to-2024 develop Australia 2019-24 Strategy • 2013 – launch of NIS 2013-18 • Mid 2017 – agreement to review NIS • 2019 – launch of NIS 2019-24

Legislative and Forum Action Plan 11 October 2018 Launched – 11 October 2018 11 October 2018 - The Forum action plan was announced via Governance Forum Ministerial communique on the Department of Health website. on Gene gene-technology-review#key-documents Technology Action Plan 2018-2023 National Blood Department of Health 29 June 2017 Launched – 29 November 2018 29 November 2018 –World Aids Day- Minister Hunt Borne Viruses and announcement of release of the five National Blood Borne Sexually ohp-bbvs-1 Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategies 2018- Transmissible 22 Infections Strategies 2018-22: • Eighth National HIV Strategy • Fifth National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander BBV and STI Strategy • Fifth National Hepatitis C Strategy • Fourth National STI Strategy • Third National Hepatitis B Strategy

Australian Health Health February 2020 Completed but living document Minister Hunt announced on 18 February 2020 Sector Emergency response Plan for health-sector-emergency-response-plan-for-novel-coronavirus- Novel Coronavirus covid-19


Medical Research Future Fund 10 Year Plan

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2029-30 Total 2022-23 Budget 2024-25 Budget 2028-29 Budget Total Budget Projects Actual Actual Actual Budget Actuals Committed Budget Committed Budget Committed Committed Budget Committed Committed Budget Committed Budget Budget Budget Committed $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m and Expended Patients 7.960 7.282 112.541 124.400 11.466 35.826 140.329 42.525 146.472 26.825 135.100 16.680 129.100 8.994 125.600 0.474 125.600 0.036 125.600 125.600 - - #REF! 270.610 Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research 6.960 - 63.400 54.300 6.819 22.250 71.165 31.069 80.900 18.400 69.500 13.000 63.500 8.000 60.000 - 60.000 - 60.000 60.000 - - #REF! 169.898 Clinical Trials Activity 1.000 4.796 47.361 67.100 4.647 11.379 66.500 10.292 62.600 8.154 62.600 3.680 62.600 0.994 62.600 0.474 62.600 0.036 62.600 62.600 #REF! 92.813 Global Health - 2.486 1.780 3.000 - 2.197 2.664 1.164 2.972 0.272 3.000 - 3.000 - 3.000 - 3.000 - 3.000 3.000 #REF! 7.899 Researchers - 1.815 4.919 49.820 8.476 7.206 92.550 5.254 102.106 3.664 94.000 1.765 90.000 0.403 90.000 - 90.000 - 90.000 90.000 - - #REF! 33.502 Frontier Health and Medical Research - - - 20.000 4.745 4.745 60.000 - 70.000 - 70.000 - 70.000 - 70.000 - 70.000 - 70.000 70.000 #REF! 9.490 Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry - - - 8.000 - - 10.000 - 10.000 - 4.000 ------#REF! - Clinician Researchers - 1.815 4.919 21.820 3.731 2.461 22.550 5.254 22.106 3.664 20.000 1.765 20.000 0.403 20.000 - 20.000 - 20.000 20.000 #REF! 24.012 Missions - 1.002 44.732 140.560 9.274 23.055 175.690 32.716 166.912 12.815 161.850 4.633 148.000 - 148.000 - 138.000 - 138.000 119.200 55.000 - #REF! 128.226 Australian Brain Cancer Mission - 1.002 4.749 5.000 1.000 1.000 5.000 2.000 5.000 2.000 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - #REF! 11.751 Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission - - 6.195 5.000 - 5.000 15.000 5.876 15.000 5.751 25.000 4.633 15.000 - 20.000 - 10.000 - 10.000 5.000 #REF! 27.455 Genomics Health Futures Mission - - 8.788 56.560 8.274 7.055 68.690 14.840 69.912 5.064 54.850 - 50.000 - 50.000 - 50.000 - 50.000 41.200 #REF! 44.020 Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission - - 10.000 17.500 - - 17.500 - 17.500 - 17.500 - 17.500 - 17.500 - 17.500 - 17.500 17.500 17.500 #REF! 10.000 Indigenous Health Research Fund - - 15.000 22.500 - 10.000 22.500 10.000 12.500 - 12.500 - 12.500 - 12.500 - 12.500 - 12.500 12.500 12.500 #REF! 35.000 Stem Cell Therapies Mission - - - 6.000 - - 18.000 - 18.000 - 18.000 - 18.000 - 18.000 - 18.000 - 18.000 18.000 #REF! - Cardiovascular Health Mission - - - 23.000 - - 24.000 - 24.000 - 24.000 - 25.000 - 20.000 - 20.000 - 20.000 20.000 20.000 #REF! - Traumatic Brain Injury Mission - - - 5.000 - - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 5.000 5.000 #REF! - Translation 10.000 20.000 44.174 77.800 32.218 7.097 171.200 48.106 212.000 1.300 176.500 - 173.500 - 163.500 - 163.500 - 163.750 163.750 - - #REF! 162.895 Preventive and Public Health Research 10.000 - 11.153 32.500 0.288 7.097 57.100 6.176 33.500 - 29.500 - 26.500 - 15.500 - 15.500 - 15.750 15.750 #REF! 34.714 Primary Health Care Research - - - 5.000 - - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 - 5.000 5.000 #REF! - Rapid Applied Research Translation - 10.000 17.621 20.000 16.630 - 20.000 16.630 22.000 - 22.000 - 22.000 - 23.000 - 23.000 - 23.000 23.000 #REF! 60.881 Medical Research Commercialisation - 10.000 15.400 15.300 15.300 - 35.300 25.300 35.300 1.300 35.000 - 35.000 - 35.000 - 35.000 - 35.000 35.000 #REF! 67.300 National Critical Research Infrastructure - - - 5.000 - - 43.800 - 106.200 - 75.000 - 75.000 - 75.000 - 75.000 - 75.000 75.000 #REF! - Research Data Infrastructure ------10.000 - 10.000 - 10.000 - 10.000 - 10.000 - 10.000 - 10.000 10.000 #REF! - Total Revised Profile 17.960 30.099 206.365 392.580 61.434 73.185 579.769 128.601 627.490 44.604 567.450 23.078 540.600 9.397 527.100 0.474 517.100 0.036 517.350 498.550 55.000 - #REF! 595.233

Current Appropriation - Budget 2019-20 392.700 579.900 645.951 650.000 - -

Notes: Actuals = The amount that has been expensed in the Department's and Hub's financial system. Previous year actuals are published in the Annual Report. Committed = Executed funding agreements between the Commonwealth and funding recipient. Figures are current as at 31 January 2020. Medical Research Future Fund Funding Agreements

PATIENTS - Emerging Priorities and Consumer-Driven Research Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit The PARC study: A phase I/II study evaluating the Accelerated Research Program - Brain Cancer safety and activity of Pegylated recombinant Monash University Dr Maria Kirby Competitive Mission human Arginase (BCT-100) Relapsed/refractory Cancers of Children and Young Adults Accelerated Research Program - Brain Cancer University of Melbourne Role of the NKp44-PDGF-DD axis in Glioblastoma Dr Alexander Barrow Competitive Mission Accelerated Research Program - Brain Cancer University of Melbourne Targeting invadopodia to treat glioblastoma Dr Stanley Stylli Competitive Mission Accelerated Research Cancer Council SA Support research into the cause and potential Not applicable One off: Patient led Beat Cancer (SA) therapies for people with cancer Murdoch Children’s A project to enable the Australian Genomics Accelerated Research Research Institute Health Alliance to extend the cardiovascular Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Cardiovascular Genetic Disorders (Australian Genomics genetic disorders flagship study Health Alliance)

To establish the National Endometriosis Cinical and Scientific Trials Network (NECST). The project will build a national research platform that Accelerated Research Jean Hailes Foundation supports a comprehensive national program of Not applicable One off: Patient led Endometriosis clinical, basic science and translational research relevant to the needs of Australian endometriosis sufferers

The Foundation will accelerate translational research and develop innovative treatments, and Accelerated Research Juvenile Diabetes also will build collaborative and diverse expertise Not applicable One off: Patient led Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation across the Australian health sector, attract international research to Australia and increase participation of patients in clinical trials Sanfilippo Children's Accelerated Research Personalised medicine approach for Australian Foundation Not applicable One off: Patient led Sanfilippo Syndrome children with Sanfilippo Syndrome (MPS III) (NSW) Advancing stem cell research in clinical care for Accelerated Research University of Melbourne incurable medical conditions or conditions with Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Stem Cells Stem Cells Australia unmet clinical need Funding for the Epilepsy Foundation to advance research into treatments including a proof-of- Accelerated Research Epilepsy Foundation concept study to demonstrate how gene therapy Not applicable One off: Patient led Epilepsy (Vic) can correct SYNGAP mutations to be conducted by the Florey Institute

Funding to drive research to support the treatment of Cerebral Palsy sponsored by the Accelerated Research Cerebral Palsy Alliance Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Includes a clinical trial to Not applicable One off: Patient led Cerebral Palsy (NSW) test the validity of the TheraSuit conducted by the Hudson Medical Research Institute

The Leukodystrophy Flagship will increase Murdoch Children’s Accelerated Research research into the causes of the disease, build new Research Institute (The Leukodystrophy disease models, build evidence for Not applicable One off: Patient led Royal Children's (formerly Massimo's Mission) complementary genomic approaches, and Hospital Melbourne) develop a patients' bioregistry The project will facilitate new clinical trial activity for drug repurposing in the treatment of Motor Accelerated Research Cure for MND Neurone Disease (MND) and provide greater Not applicable One off: Patient led Adults with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Foundation access to innovative and cutting edge approaches to treating MND

Accelerated Research Cure for MND Expand clinical trials of repurposed drugs for the Not applicable One off: Patient led Adults with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Foundation treatment of Motor Neurone Disease St George and Accelerated Research Studies on the role of the gut microbiome in Sutherland Medical Not applicable One off: Patient led Microbiome health and disease Research Foundation One off: National Accelerated Research To establish the Australian National Phenome Murdoch University Not applicable expansion / co- Australian National Phenome Centre Centre contribution Olivia Newton-John Accelerated Research Cancer Research Rare Cancer trial - combination treatment with Not applicable One off: Patient led Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute Institute Ipilimumab and Nivolumab at rural sites (Vic)

Page 1 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision will be funded to run Clinical Fellowships to build capacity with Maddie Riewoldt’s Accelerated Research research nurses, key clinical trial infrastructure, Vision Not applicable One off: Patient led Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes statistical support and/or add value to existing (Vic) clinical trials through the collection and analysis of correlative samples The establishment of a new national Drug Walter and Eliza Hall One off: National Accelerated Research Discovery Centre that will fast track the Institute of Medical Not applicable expansion / co- Drug discovery translation of scientific discoveries into new Research contribution medicines and treatments Accelerated Research Canteen Supporting new clinical trials for adolescents and Not applicable One off: Patient led Teencancer - Canteen (NSW) (NSW) young adults with cancer National expansion of the project 'Safer Baby Bundle' which is designed to reduce the rate of stillbirth after 28 weeks' gestation by at least 20%. Accelerated Research The University of The 'Safer Baby Bundle' will provide evidence- Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Stillbirth Queensland based information about steps to take to reduce the risk of stillbirth, and an educational program for midwives and doctors on best practice care after stillbirth

Development of the Australian Living Guidelines for Stroke Management (in conjunction with Accelerated Research Stroke Foundation Cochrane Australia) and targeted clinical research Not applicable One off: Patient led Stroke (Vic) on stroke recovery for young survivors - 'Return to life, return to work'

Integrating genomics, biomarkers and patient cell Accelerated Research Garvan Institute of phenotyping into disease modifying clinical trials One off: Clinical Not applicable Parkinson's Disease Medical Research to identify therapeutics to slow or stop leadership Parkinson’s disease progression Develop Australia's phenomics capability by Accelerated Research Australian National improving the translation of human genomics-to- One off: Clinical Not applicable Phenomics Capability University phenomics, and by optimising new discoveries leadership and innovations Establishing three Prostate Cancer Research Alliances at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in One off: National Accelerated Research Melbourne, St Vincent's Hospital Sydney and the Movember Foundation Not applicable expansion / co- Prostate Cancer University of Melbourne. Research will support contribution earlier indentificaion and optimal treatment of men at high risk of disease progression Accelerated Research One off: Clinical Griffith University Conduct clinical trials on a new malaria vaccine Not applicable Malaria Vaccine leadership Changing Practice: Mental and Physical Health of Women in Sport Victoria University Not applicable One off: Patient led Girls and Women University of Tasmania Multiple Sclerosis Medical Research Flagship Multiple Scleerosis Not applicable One off: Patient led (Menzies institute) Program Australian Genomic ASPiRATION: assessing th impact of genomic Lung Cancer Genomics Project Cancer Medicine Centre Not applicable One off: Patient led profiling in lung cancer Ltd Total Emerging Priorities and Consumer-Driven Research PATIENTS: Clinical Trials Activity - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Type of Grant Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Opportunity A randomised control trial of positive end- International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Murdoch Children’s Associate Professor David expiratory pressure levels during resuscitation of Competitive (18.1) Research Institute Tingay preterm infants at birth (The POLAR Trial)

The SAHaRA Trial: Understanding the best red cell International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity The George Institute for Associate Professor transfusion practice in patients with intracranial Competitive (18.1) Global Health Anthony Delaney bleeding from a ruptured aneurysm International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity University of Western The Early valve replacement in severe Professor Graham Hillis Competitive (18.1) Australia ASYmptomatic aortic stenosis (EASY AS) trial The Australian-multidomain Approach to Reduce International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Macquarie University dementia Risk by prOtecting brain health With Professor Ralph Martins Competitive (19.1) lifestyle intervention (AU-ARROW) study Sunrise Australia - A randomised clinical trial of International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity The University of single use negative pressure dressing for Dr Peter Pockney Competitive (19.1) Newcastle reduction in surgical site infection following emergency laparotomy. RCRDUN Rd1 Prospective, multicentre trial evaluating FET-PET La Trobe University Professor Andrew Scott Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity in high grade glioma

Page 2 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit A collaborative study of the Interfant network (Australian sites): the feasibility, safety and RCRDUN Rd1 efficacy of the addition of Blinatumomab to the Monash University Doctor Rishi Kotecha Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Interfant-06 backbone in infants with MLL- rearranged Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (The Blin-fant Study)

A registry-linked national platform trial to RCRDUN Rd1 Associate Professor Monash University improve precision-based outcomes using novel Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Andrew Wei therapies in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) CAST – A Randomised Phase 3 Trial of RCRDUN Rd1 Associate Professor David Monash University Cyclophosphamide after Sibling Allogeneic Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Curtis Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant RCRDUN Rd1 The BLENDER Trial – Blend to Limit Oxygen in Monash University Professor David Pilcher Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity ECMO: A randomised Controlled Registry Trial The DIAAMOND study: Diagnosis of aplastic RCRDUN Rd1 Associate Professor Erica Monash University anaemia, management, and outcomes utilising a Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Wood national dataset RCRDUN Rd1 Murdoch Children’s The efficacy of rehabilitation for hereditary Professor Martin Delatycki Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Research Institute ataxias- a randomised controlled trial RCRDUN Rd1 The University of Treatment of Severe Early Onset Intrahepatic Professor William Hague Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Adelaide Cholestasis of Pregnancy A platform clinical trial approach to the RCRDUN Rd1 The University of Professor Claire management of Mycobacterium abscessus Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Queensland Wainwright complex (MABSC) An Open label, Multicentre, Phase I study of RCRDUN Rd1 The University of Ibrutinib, Rituximab and EBV specific T-cells in Professor Maher Gandhi Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Queensland Patients with EBV-positive Primary or Secondary CNS Lymphoma unsuitable for standard therapies Medicinal Cannabinoids to Relieve Symptom RCRDUN Rd1 The University of Burden in the Palliative Care of Patients with Professor Janet Hardy Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Queensland Advanced Cancer RCRDUN Rd1 The University of BEAT-CF: Bayesian Evidence-Adaptive Trial to Associate Professor Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Western Australia optimise management of Cystic Fibrosis Thomas Snelling SpeechAtax: A rater-blinded randomised RCRDUN Rd1 Associate Professor Adam University of Melbourne controlled trial of intensive home-based speech Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Vogel treatment for ataxia STOP-MSU: Stopping haemorrhage with RCRDUN Rd1 University of Melbourne Tranexamic acid cOmmenced Prehospital in a Professor Stephen Davis Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Mobile Stroke Unit CRISTAL: Cluster Randomised Trial of Apsirin RCRDUN Rd1 University of New South versus Low molecular weight heparin for venous Professor Ian Harris Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Wales thromboembolism prophylaxis in joint replacement surgery, a registry-nested study

RCRDUN Rd1 University of New South Immunotherapy Targeting of Cytomegalovirus Associate Professor Kerrie Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Wales antigens in Glioblastoma: INTERROGATE-GBM McDonald A randomised controlled trial, of N-Acetyl RCRDUN Rd1 Associate Professor University of Sydney Cysteine, for premanifest Huntingtin gene Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Clement Loy expansion carriers (NAC-preHD) RCRDUN Rd1 The BEST-Fluids study: Better Evidence for University of Sydney Professor Steven Chadban Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Selecting Transplant Fluids A randomised placebo-controlled trial of Murdoch Childrens combined mitochondrial agents for the treatment RCRDUN Rd1 Research Institute Professor Anne-Louise of fatigue and depression in multiple sclerosis Competitive Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity (Australian National Ponsonby with an assessment of the impact on kynurenine University) pathway metabolomics. RCRDUN Rd3 The Candesartan Adjunctive bipolar Depression Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Deakin University Professor Michael Berk Competitive Trial - CADET Trials Program RCRDUN Rd3 Improving muscle strength in young people with Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical La Trobe University Professor Nora Shields Competitive Prader-Willi syndrome Trials Program Improving outcomes of children and young adults RCRDUN Rd3 Menzies School of with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD): a multi- Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Professor Anne Chang Competitive Health Research centre, double-blind, double-dummy, 2x2 Trials Program factorial, randomised controlled trial (RCT) COZMOS: Phase I/Ib trial of COmbined 5'- RCRDUN Rd3 aZacitidine and carboplatin for Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Monash University Doctor Jordan Hansford Competitive recurrent/refractory paediatric brain and solid Trials Program tumours Erythropoietin alfa to prevent mortality and RCRDUN Rd3 reduce severe disability in critically ill TRAUMA Associate Professor Craig Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Monash University patients: a multicentre, stratified, double blind, Competitive French Trials Program placebo randomised controlled trial. (The EPO- TRAUMA trial)

Page 3 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Evaluating the effectiveness and safety of sodium RCRDUN Rd3 selenate as a disease modifying treatment for Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Monash University Professor Terence O'Brien Competitive patients with behavioural variant Frontotemporal Trials Program Dementia (bvFTD) RCRDUN Rd3 FaR-RMS: Frontline And Relapse study in Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Monash University Doctor Martin Campbell Competitive RhabdoMyoSarcoma Trials Program RCRDUN Rd3 Novel Veneticlax Combinations to Improve Associate Professor Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Monash University Outcomes in Unfit Older Patients with Acute Competitive Andrew Wei Trials Program Myeloid Leukaemia SJ-ELiOT: St Jude - Phase 1 Evaluation of LY2606368, Molecularly-Targeted CHK1/2i RCRDUN Rd3 Therapy, in Combination with Cyclophosphamide Associate Professor Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Monash University Competitive or Gemcitabine for Children and Adolescents with Nicholas Gottardo Trials Program Refractory or Recurrent Medulloblastoma Brain Tumours RCRDUN Rd3 A Randomised Phase II Trial of Adjuvant The University of Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Avelumab in Patients with Early Stage Merkel Cell Doctor Wen Xu Competitive Queensland Trials Program Carcinoma RCRDUN Rd3 An Open Label, Multicentre, Phase One Study The University of Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Incorporating Early Application of CAR T cells for Professor Maher Gandhi Competitive Queensland Trials Program Primary Refractory Aggressive Lymphoma RCRDUN Rd3 The TEACH-PD study: a Targeted Education The University of Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical ApproaCH to improve Peritoneal Dialysis Professor David Johnson Competitive Queensland Trials Program outcomes RCRDUN Rd3 Evaluation of a bush medicine-based treatment Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical University of Canberra Doctor Jackson Thomas Competitive for scabies in Australian Aboriginal children Trials Program RCRDUN Rd3 The AIM2 Study: Genomically Guided Novel Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical University of Melbourne Doctor Constantine Tam Competitive Combination Treatment of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Trials Program RCRDUN Rd3 Aldosterone bloCkade for Health Improvement University of New South Associate Professor Martin Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical EValuation in End-stage renal disease (ACHIEVE) Competitive Wales Gallagher Trials Program study RCRDUN Rd3 University of New South BEAT-Calci (Better Evidence And Translation in Associate Professor Meg Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Competitive Wales Calciphylaxis) Jardine Trials Program Does Withholding Enteral feeds Around blood RCRDUN Rd3 University of New South Transfusion reduce the incidence of necrotising Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical Professor Kei Lui Competitive Wales enterocolitis (NEC) in very preterm infants? The Trials Program international WHEAT Study

RCRDUN Rd3 MEMOIR: A multi-site placebo-controlled trial of University of New South Associate Professor James Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical memantine and graded motor imagery for Competitive Wales McAuley Trials Program complex regional pain syndrome RCRDUN Rd3 ALS Trials Australia (ALSTA) - to develop precision Professor Matthew Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical University of Sydney Competitive medicine Kiernan Trials Program RCRDUN Rd3 MAGMA: Multi-Arm GlioblastoMa Australasia Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical University of Sydney Doctor Craig Gedye Competitive Trial Trials Program RCRDUN Rd3 NAVMAN TRIAL: A multi-centre, dynamic, waitlist Associate Professor Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical University of Sydney randomised controlled trial of patient navigators Competitive Germaine Wong Trials Program in children with chronic kidney disease PETReA: Phase 3 evaluation of PET-guided, RCRDUN Rd3 Response-Adapted therapy in patients with Associate Professor Judith Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical University of Sydney Competitive previously untreated, high tumour burden Trotman Trials Program follicular lymphoma. RCRDUN Rd3 PICCOG: PARP and Immune Checkpoint inhibitor Rare Cancers Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Clinical University of Sydney COmbination for relapsed IDH-mutant high-grade Doctor Hao-Wen Sim Competitive Trials Program Glioma La Trobe University / RCRDUN Rd2 A Basket Study of Low Survival Cancers Treated Associate Professor Hui Olivia Newton-John Competitive Low Survival Cancers and Diseases with EGFR-ADCs Gan Cancer Research RCRDUN Rd2 Brain Oxygen Neuromonitoring In Australia And Associate Professor Monash University Competitive Low Survival Cancers and Diseases New Zealand Assessment (BONANZA) Trial Andrew Udy Frailty-stratified randomised controlled bayesian RCRDUN Rd2 adaptive trial of bortezomib versus lenalidomide Monash University Professor Andrew Spencer Competitive Low Survival Cancers and Diseases in transplant-ineligible myeloma - the FRAIL-M study RCRDUN Rd2 Monash University Improving survival in myelofibrosis Professor Andrew Perkins, Competitive Low Survival Cancers and Diseases Combination of Avelumab with Peptide Receptor RCRDUN Rd2 Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) or Conventional University of Melbourne Doctor Shahneen Sandhu Competitive Low Survival Cancers and Diseases Fractionated Radiotherapy (RT) in Metastatic Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC)

Page 4 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit mFOLFIRINOX and STEreotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for pancreatic cancer with high-risk and RCRDUN Rd2 Associate Professor University of Sydney Locally AdvaNced disease (MASTERPLAN): a Competitive Low Survival Cancers and Diseases Andrew Kneebone multicentre, randomised phase II study of the Australian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG) Strengthening the capacity, efficiency and Australian Clinical Trial One off: Clinical RCRDUN - Building Clinical Trial Capacity effectiveness of Clinical trials networks through Not Applicable Alliance leadership the Australian Clinical Trial Alliance International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity Murdoch Children’s Pragmatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced versus Professor Franz Babls Competitive (19.2) Research Institute Normal Saline Fluid in Sepsis (PRoMPT-BOLUS) POLEM Trial: Avelumab plus fluoropyrimidine- based chemotherapy as adjuvant treatment for International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity University of Sydney stage III dMMR or POLE exonuclease domain Professor Timothy Price Competitive (19.2) mutant colon cancer: A phase III randomised study Apixaban Twice Daily vs Rivaroxaban Once Daily International Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity University of Sydney for the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism: Doctor Vivien Chen Competitive (19.2) A randomised controlled trial (COBRRA) Total Clinical Trials Activity PATIENTS: Global Health - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Stepped-wedge Trial to increase antibiotic Appropriateness in Residential aged care facilities Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Program Monash University Professor Anton Peleg Competitive and model Transmission of antimicrobial resistance (The START Research Program) Using metagenomics and the Registry of Ageing South Australian Health South Australians to understand carriage and Associate Professor Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Program and Medical Research Competitive transmission of antimicrobial resistance in the Geraint Rogers Institute elderly Cluster randomised trial of a multimodal The University of Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Program intervention to reduce antimicrobial use in Professor David Paterson Competitive Queensland residential aged care facilities Turning antimicrobial resistance in residential University of South Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Program aged care inside-out from the patient to facility Doctor Henrietta Venter Competitive Australia level Coalition for Epidemic One off: National National Security Against Pandemic Risk Preparedness Pandemic vaccine development Not applicable expansion / co- Inovations contribution Total Global Health RESEARCHERS: Frontier Health and Medical Research - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, Australian Lung Health 4D Functional diagnosis: a new frontier in lung Prof Andreas Fouras Competitive Round 1 Initiative Pty Ltd health for children Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, EVE-M (Enhancing the Vaginal Environment and Burnet Institute Prof Gilda Tachedjian Competitive Round 1 Microbiome) Initiative Florey Institute of Neuro- Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, science and Mental Precision Medicine in Epilepsy Prof Graeme Jackson Competitive Round 1 Health Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, An Innovative Public Health Program Against Monash University Prof Scott O'Neill Competitive Round 1 Mosquito-Borne Diseases Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, Cortical Frontiers: Commercialising Brain Machine Monash University Prof Arthur Lowery Competitive Round 1 Interfaces Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, SALUDA MEDICAL PTY Cerebral palsy treatment by closed loop electrical Prof John Parker Competitive Round 1 LIMITED stimulation Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, The University of Therapeutic Ultrasound for the Treatment of Prof Juergen Goetz Competitive Round 1 Queensland Brain Disorders Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, Using disruptive technologies to transform University of Melbourne Prof Geoffrey Donnan Competitive Round 1 prehospital care for stroke Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, University of Disruptive technologies to trace, track & tackle Prof Steven Djordjevic Competitive Round 1 Technology Sydney antibiotic resistance Walter and Eliza Hall Frontier Health and Medical Research Stage One, c-FIND: CRISPR Frontier Infection Diagnostics to Institute of Medical Prof Marc Pellegrini Competitive Round 1 Detect Infection Research Total Frontier Health and Medical Research RESEARCHERS: Clinician Researchers - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Australian National Implementation of a peer worker-led mental Researchers Doctor Michelle Banfield Competitive University health recovery program Advancing diagnostics and vaccines for malaria Researchers Burnet Institute Doctor Jack Richards Competitive elimination University of Melbourne Improving patient management pathways in age- Researchers Doctor Lauren Ayton Competitive related macular degeneration

Page 5 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit

Pharmacy Interventions for Naloxone Scale-Up Researchers Curtin University Doctor Joanna Moullin Competitive (PINS)

Translating dignity principles into practice in aged Researchers Deakin University Doctor Joan Ostaszkiewicz Competitive care homes Enhancing the capacity of mental health services Flinders University of to review, personalise and intervene early Associate Professor Researchers Competitive South Australia through implementation of real-time outcome Niranjan Bidargaddi monitoring Florey Institute of Neuro-Mild traumatic brain injury and the risk of long- Associate Professor Paul Researchers science and Mental term neurodegenerative and neurobehavioural Competitive McCrory Health disease Garvan Institute of Improving outcomes in osteoporosis and bone Professor Jacqueline Researchers Competitive Medical Research health Center Implementing appropriate exercise and education Researchers La Trobe University Doctor Christian Barton Competitive for Australians with knee osteoarthritis Translating evidence to improve access to Researchers La Trobe University Doctor Katherine Harding Competitive paediatric therapy services Researchers Monash University A national cancer outcome strategy Professor John Zalcberg Competitive Cognitive Phenotyping and Personalised Associate Professor Researchers Monash University Competitive Treatment for Methamphetamine Addiction Antonio Verdejo-Garcia fungalAi: Breaking the mould of the traditional Doctor Michelle Ananda- Researchers Monash University Competitive antifungal stewardship paradigm Rajah Generating and translating evidence into practice Researchers Monash University Professor Helena Teede Competitive in women’s health and beyond Improving outcomes for critically ill patients after Researchers Monash University Professor David Cooper Competitive traumatic brain injury and blood transfusion

Improving outcomes in low back pain: Targeting Researchers Monash University Doctor Donna Urquhart Competitive specific therapies to patient subgroups Next Generation Targeting of DNA-Methylation in Associate Professor Jake Researchers Monash University Competitive Poor Risk Lymphoid Cancer Shortt Novel targeted onco-theranostic nanoparticles for Researchers Monash University Doctor Karen Alt Competitive personalised therapy and real-time monitoring Optimising Emergency and Trauma Systems Researchers Monash University Professor Peter Cameron Competitive through evidence based pathways Precision medicine for epilepsy and beyond: from Researchers Monash University Professor Patrick Kwan Competitive discovery to implementation and evaluation Reducing Brain Injury and Improving Associate Professor Flora Researchers Monash University Competitive The Care Of High-Risk Newborn Infants Wong Translational Research Program to Advance Associate Professor Researchers Monash University Competitive Clinical Outcomes in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Andrew Wei

Murdoch Children’s Implementing evidence based management for Researchers Doctor Adrienne Harvey Competitive Research Institute children with dystonic cerebral palsy Murdoch Children’s Improving the health and development of high Associate Professor Jeanie Researchers Competitive Research Institute risk preterm newborns Cheong Murdoch Children’s Improving upper limb function in Hereditary Researchers Doctor Louise Corben Competitive Research Institute Cerebellar Ataxia Murdoch Children’s Significance of low-level mosaicism to intellectual Researchers Doctor David Godler Competitive Research Institute disability in paediatric disorders Queensland University Embracing digital disruption in hospitals to Associate Professor Steven Researchers Competitive of Technology improve outcomes among vulnerable people McPhail Sydney Local Health Implementing fasting guidelines within an acute Researchers Doctor Sharon Carey Competitive District hospital surgical setting. The University of Researchers Early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Professor Kwun Fong Competitive Queensland The University of iAx: Instant assessment and personalised Researchers Doctor Matthew Gullo Competitive Queensland feedback in alcohol use disorder The University of Associate Professor Researchers Improving paediatric critical care outcome Competitive Queensland Andreas Schibler The University of Researchers Personalised early detection of melanoma Professor H. Peter Soyer Competitive Queensland Scaling, spreading, and sustaining The The University of Systematised, Interdisciplinary Malnutrition Researchers Doctor Jack Bell Competitive Queensland Program for impLementation and Evaluation (SIMPLE) – a multi-site implementation program

Researchers University of Melbourne Closing the communication gap in chronic disease Doctor Alison Beauchamp Competitive

Complex depression and anxiety in youth: Researchers University of Melbourne Doctor Simon Rice Competitive Innovative e-therapy and biotherapy clinical trials Elimination of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) as a Public Professor Alexander Researchers University of Melbourne Competitive Health Threat Thompson

Page 6 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Examining new treatments and developing new Associate Professor Researchers University of Melbourne treatment biomarkers for youth with severe Competitive Christopher Davey depression From simulation to translation: A new quality Doctor Jo-Anne Manski- Researchers University of Melbourne improvement program for antibiotic prescribing in Competitive Nankervis general practice Neuroimaging in mental health: the quest for Assistant Professor Lianne Researchers University of Melbourne Competitive clinically useful biomarkers Schmaal Optimising interventions for Staphylococcus Associate Professor Steven Researchers University of Melbourne Competitive aureus and skin infections Tong Optimising Respiratory Therapies to Improve Researchers University of Melbourne Doctor Brett Manley Competitive Outcomes for Preterm Infants Researchers University of Melbourne Precision therapy for neurological diseases Doctor Tomas Kalincik Competitive University of New South Catch them when they fall: Providing best Researchers Doctor Fiona Shand Competitive Wales evidence care after a suicide attempt University of New South Determinants of the outcomes from infectious Researchers Professor Andrew Lloyd Competitive Wales diseases University of New South Discovery to therapy implementation in acute Researchers Professor Christopher Levi Competitive Wales stroke University of New South Improving internet-delivered psychological Researchers Doctor Jill Newby Competitive Wales therapies for depression and anxiety University of New South Reducing the burden of dialysis catheter Researchers Doctor Sradha Kotwal Competitive Wales complications - a national approach University of New South Researchers Sepsis Outcomes Research Professor Bala Venkatesh Competitive Wales Understanding and optimising the delivery of University of New South Associate Professor Meg Researchers chronic disease care for better cardiovascular Competitive Wales Jardine outcomes Clinical Trials To Improve Outcome of Cancer Associate Professor Researchers University of Sydney Competitive Patients Mustafa Khasraw Associate Professor Researchers University of Sydney Decreasing unnecessary surgery for low back pain Competitive Manuela Ferreira Improving health outcomes for disadvantaged Researchers University of Sydney Professor Elizabeth Elliot Competitive children New approaches for treatment of alcohol use Researchers University of Sydney Professor Paul Haber Competitive disorder The role of cortical dysfunction in Amyotrophic Professor Ostoja (Steve) Researchers University of Sydney Competitive Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) pathophysiology Vucic Vaccine safety research in understudied and at Associate Professor Researchers University of Sydney risk groups: critical knowledge to inform practice Competitive Nicholas Wood and policy Exercise is medicine so why don't General Associate Professor Researchers University of Tasmania Competitive Practitioners prescribe it? Andrew Williams Improving musculoskeletal pain by matching the Researchers University of Tasmania Doctor Dawn Aitken Competitive right treatment with the right patient Sustaining oral and systemic health in Residential Associate Professor Researchers University of Tasmania Competitive Aged Care Facilities Leonard Crocombe University of Western Community-based studies of diabetes and Researchers Professor Timothy Davis Competitive Australia infectious diseases University of Western Developing personalised treatment for retinal Researchers Doctor Fred Chen Competitive Australia degeneration University of Western Researchers Maximising health for older Australians Professor Leon Flicker Competitive Australia University of Western Researchers Nutritional strategies for allergy prevention Doctor Debra Palmer Competitive Australia University of Western Translational Research on Malignant Pleural Researchers Professor Y C Gary Lee Competitive Australia Effusion and Pleural Infection Implementing a health literacy focused dietetic University of Researchers outpatient model of care for people with chronic Ms Kelly Lambert Competitive Wollongong kidney disease Walter and Eliza Hall Translational research to drive improved Researchers Institute of Medical Professor Ian Wicks Competitive diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases Research Closing the evidence-practice gap in occupational Researchers La Trobe University health practices to prevent musculoskeletal Associate Professor Jodi Competitive disorders Oakman Total Clinician Researchers RESEARCH MISSIONS: Australian Brain Cancer Mission - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator/s Type of Grant Opportunit Australian and New Zealand Children's Australian and New Zealand Children's One off: Clinical Monash University Robyn Strong Haematology/ Oncology Group Haematology/ Oncology Group leadership One off: Clinical Cooperative Trials Group for Neuro-Oncology University of Sydney Cooperative Trials Group for Neuro-Oncology TBC leadership Zero Childhood Cancer - Personalised medicine University of New South One off: Patient Zero Childhood Cancer program for children who have less than a 30% 5 Professor Michelle Haber Wales led year survival rate Prospective, multicentre trial evaluating FET-PET Innovative Clinical Trials La Trobe University Professor Andrew Scott Competitive in high grade glioma (FIG Study)

Page 7 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit LUMOS (Low & Intermediate Grade Glioma Associate Professor Hui Innovative Clinical Trials University of Sydney Competitive Umbrella Study of Molecular Guided Therapies) Gan

Total Australian Brain Cancer Mission RESEARCH MISSIONS: Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Column1 Our Journey, Our Story: Building bridges to Associate Professor Million Minds Round 1 Curtin University improve Aboriginal youth mental health and Competitive Michael Wright wellbeing Leveraging digital technology to reduce the Associate Professor Million Minds Round 1 Deakin University prevalence and severity of eating disorders in Matthew Fuller- Competitive Australia Tyszkiewicz The Kids are Not Okay: Emergency Department Million Minds Round 1 Monash University management of acute mental health crises in Professor Simon Craig Competitive children and young people Bringing family, community, culture and country to the centre of health care: culturally appropriate Million Minds Round 1 University of Melbourne models for improving mental health and Professor Sandra Eades Competitive wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people Translating evidence-based interventions into University of Southern Associate Professor Sonja Million Minds Round 1 population-level digital models of care for child Competitive Queensland March and adolescent mental health MAINSTREAM Centre for Health System Research & Translation in Eating Disorders: detection and Million Minds Round 1 University of Sydney intervention system-focused knowledge to drive Doctor Sarah Maguire Competitive better outcomes in mainstream care for eating disorders Generating Indigenous patient-centred, clinically University of Western Million Minds Round 1 and culturally capable models of mental health Professor Pat Dudgeon Competitive Australia care Total Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission RESEARCH MISSIONS: Genomics Health Futures Mission - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Murdoch Children’s Professor Edwin Kirk, Research Institute Mackenzie's Mission: The Australian Reproductive Professor Martin Mackenzie's Mission One off: Pre- qualified (leveraging Australian Carrier Screening Project Delatycki, and Professor Genomics) Nigel Laing University of Sydney One off: National (administering for the ProCan ProCan: The human cancer proteome project Not applicable expansion / co- Children's Medical contribution Research Institute) Developing synthetic DNA reference standards University of New South Genomics - Investigator Grant Rd 1 (sequins) to ensure accuracy in emerging genomic Dr Ira Devison Competitive Wales techniques The Walter and Eliza Statistical methods for analyzing next generation Genomics - Investigator Grant Rd 1 Hall Institute of Medical Dr Yunshun Chen Competitive sequencing data Research University of The history of the human genome and the Genomics - Investigator Grant Rd 1 Dr Adam Ewing Competitive Queensland mechanisms of genomic disease Total Genomics Health Futures Mission RESEARCH MISSIONS: Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator/s Type of Grant Opportunit The University of Accelerated Research (EPCDR) Queensland (Clem Jones Breaking through dementia - the Clem Jones Not applicable One off: Patient led Dementia Centre for Ageing and Centre for Ageing Dementia Research Dementia Research)

Total Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission RESEARCH MISSIONS: Indigenous Health Research Fund - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator/s Type of Grant Opportunit Telethon Kids Institute Accelerated Research University of Western Vaccine to combat Rheumatic Heart Disease Not applicable One off: Patient led Rheumatic Heart Disease Australia

Total Indigenous Health Research Fund RESEARCH TRANSLATION: Preventive and Public Health Research - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator/s Type of Grant Opportunit Environmental and social determinants of health Keeping Australians out of Hospital - targeted grant in the Australian Capital Territory: program University of Canberra Professor Rachel Davey Competitive opportunity interventions aimed at reducing the burden of disease and avoidable hospital admissions. Risk Reduction for Dementia Intervention– North West (RREDI-NOW) - an initiative of the Wicking Keeping Australians out of Hospital - targeted grant University of Tasmania Centre ‘Island Study Linking Ageing and Professor James Vickers Competitive opportunity Neurodegenerative Disease (ISLAND)’ & CAPITOL project

Page 8 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Reduction of Heart Failure Readmission in Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive Baker Heart and Resource-Constrained Environments: Supporting Professor Thomas Competitive grant opportunity Diabetes Institute Nurse-led Disease Management by Risk-Guidance Marwick and eHealth Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive Reducing inappropriate knee joint replacement La Trobe University Doctor Christian Barton Competitive grant opportunity surgery and hospital burden Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive Transforming pulmonary rehabilitation to reduce La Trobe University Professor Anne Holland Competitive grant opportunity hospital admissions in COPD Harnessing implementation science, complexity Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive science and evidence-based care to Keep Professor Jeffrey Macquarie University Competitive grant opportunity Australians Out of Hospital: leveraging seven Braithwaite natural experiments in New South Wales An early detection program to prevent Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive Queensland University unnecessary hospital admissions of aged care Professor Gillian Harvey Competitive grant opportunity of Technology residents Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive Queensland University LOCal Assessment and Triage Evaluation of NAFLD Professor Adrian Barnett Competitive grant opportunity of Technology (LOCATE-NAFLD) The Enhance care study: multi-site implementation of early palliative care in routine Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive University of Melbourne practice to improve health outcomes and reduce Professor Jennifer Philip Competitive grant opportunity hospital admissions for people with advanced cancer Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive The REsilience to Seasonal ILlness and Increased University of Melbourne Professor Louise Burrell Competitive grant opportunity Emergency admissioNs CarE (RESILIENCE) Study There's no place like home: national scale up of Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive University of Melbourne the paediatric low risk febrile neutropenia Doctor Gabrielle Haeusler Competitive grant opportunity program Translation of best practice osteoporosis Keeping Australians out of Hospital - competitive University of refracture prevention: stopping fragility fractures Professor Lin Perry Competitive grant opportunity Technology Sydney to keep Australians out of hospital Targeted Health System and Community The University of Mobile X-ray services provided within residential Professor Guy Maddern Competitive Organisation Research Rd2 Adelaide aged care facilities ANCHOR Project: heAlth ecoNomics and Targeted Health System and Community University of Tasmania epidemiology of myalgiC Doctor Barbara de Graaff Competitive Organisation Research Rd2 encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome

Assessing diagnostic accuracy for melanoma with Targeted Health System and Community Associate Professor Monash University compared to without access to Melanoma Competitive Organisation Research Rd1 Victoria Mar Surveillance Photography in high-risk individuals Evaluation of clinical pathways and patient outcomes for breast MRI in preoperative Targeted Health System and Community University of Western Professor Christobel assessment and staging of breast cancer: Competitive Organisation Research Rd1 Australia Saunders Establishing when MRI improves patient outcomes and when it does not. One off: National Boosting Preventive Health Research Program Via The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre Sax Institute Not applicable expansion / co- Sax institute (TAPPC) contribution Total Preventive and Public Health Research Initiative RESEARCH TRANSLATION: Rapid Applied Research Translation - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020

Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit

Monash Partners Advanced Health Translation Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Monash University Centre – MRFF Rapid Applied Research Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 Monash Partners Translation, Stage Two The University of Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Queensland Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners – MRFF Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 Brisbane Diamantina Rapid Applied Research Translation, Stage Two Health Partners University of Melbourne Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Melbourne Melbourne Academic Centre for Health – MRFF Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 Academic Centre for Rapid Applied Research Translation, Stage Two Health (MACH)

Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - University of Sydney Sydney Health Partners – MRFF Rapid Applied Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 Sydney Health Partners Research Translation, Stage Two

University of Western Western Australian Health Translation Network – Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Australia MRFF Rapid Applied Research Translation, Stage Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 WA Health Translation Two Network (WAHTN)

University of Newcastle Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - NSW Regional Health Partners – MRFF Rapid NSW Regional Health Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 Applied Research Translation, Stage Two Partners

Page 9 of 10 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit South Australian Health Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Health Translation SA – MRFF Rapid Applied and Medical Research Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 Research Translation, Stage Two Institute (SAHMRI)

University of NSW Maridulu Budyari Gumal Sydney Partnership for The Sydney Partnership Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Health Education Research and Enterprise for Health, Education Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.2 (SPHERE)– MRFF Rapid Applied Research and Research Enterprise Translation, Stage Two (SPHERE) Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Monash University Monash Partners Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - The University of Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Queensland Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - University of Melbourne Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH) Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Sydney Health Partners - Transformative Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - University of Sydney translational research and National system Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 initiatives Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - University of Western WA Health Translation Network (WAHTN) Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Australia Central Australia Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Academic Health Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Science Centre University of Newcastle Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - NSW Regional Health NSW Regional Health Partners Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Partners

South Australian Health Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - SAHMRI Rapid Applied Research Translation and Medical Research Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Program Institute (SAHMRI) Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - The Sydney partnership for Health, Education and University of NSW Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 2.1 Research Enterprise (SHERE) Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Monash University Monash Partners Rapid Translation Projects - Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 Monash Partners Component A Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - The University of Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 Queensland Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - University of Melbourne Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH) Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - University of Sydney Transformative translational research and Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 Sydney Health Partners National system initiatives

University of Western Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Australia Collaborative research into national system level Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 WA Health Translation initiative/s Component B Network (WAHTN) Central Australia Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Academic Health Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 Science Centre

Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - University of Newcastle NSW Regional Health Partners Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 South Australian Health Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - SAHMRI Rapid Applied Research Translation and Medical Research Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 Program Institute Rapid Applied Research Translation Program - Sydney Partnership for Health Education Research University of NSW Not applicable One off: Pre- qualified Round 1 and Enterprise (SPHERE) Total Rapid Applied Research Translation RESEARCH TRANSLATION: Medical Research Commercialisation - Funding Agreements executed as at 31 January 2020 Funding Opportunity Funded Institution Project Name Chief Investigator Type of Grant Opportunit Biomedical Translation Bridge Program MTP Connect Biomedical Translation Bridge Not applicable (MTPConnect) Competitive One off: Pre- BioMedTech Horizons Program 1 - Via MTPConnect MTPConnect BioMedTech Horizons Program (Rd 1) Not applicable qualified BioMedTech Horizons Program 2 & 3 - Via One off: Pre- MTPConnect BioMedTech Horizons Program (Rd 2 & 3) Not applicable MTPConnect qualified Total Medical Research Commercialisation

NB: Figures are current as at 31 January 2020


Table 1: Bushfire Mental Health Package funding allocation by package element, by financial year ($m)

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Total

Immediate counselling $4.7 $5.0 $0.8 $0.0 $0.0 $10.5 Mental Health Training to frontline $0.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 $0.0 $2.0 personnel and employers Improved Coordination Mental Health Bushfire Coordinators $0.8 $1.6 $0.8 $0.0 $0.0 $3.2 National Natural Disasters Mental $0.0 $0.5 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.5 Health Framework Supporting communities in recovery Expand existing mental health services $1.1 $2.1 $1.0 $0.0 $0.0 $4.2 Community grants $1.3 $1.3 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $2.7 Headspace $3.8 $0.9 $0.9 $0.9 $0.9 $7.4 Medicare Rebates± $7.1 $18.7 $3.8 $0.0 $0.0 $29.6 Supporting emergency services workers and their immediate families Emergency Management Australia* $16.0 Total $76.1 *Questions on the $16.0m should be directed to the Department of Home Affairs. ±The Medicare Rebates line includes $0.848m appropriated to DVA and DHS

Table 2: Bushfire Mental Health Package funding breakdown by funding profile, committed, uncommitted and expended, by financial year ($m)* 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Total Funding profile $19.3 $31.1 $7.8 $0.9 $0.9 $60.1 Committed funding $19.3 $31.1 $7.1 $0.9 $0.9 $59.2 Expended $10.5 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $10.5 Balance (uncommitted) $0.0 $0.1 $0.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.8 * Table does not include the $16m appropriated to Department of Home Affairs

• 12 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are receiving funding to commission initial trauma and grief counselling, extend existing services, employ bushfire mental health response coordinators, extend headspace services and provide community grants. The following 12 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are receiving funding: 1. Nepean Blue Mountains 2. South Western Sydney 3. South Eastern NSW 4. Western NSW 5. Hunter New England and Central Coast 6. North Coast 7. Murrumbidgee 8. Gippsland 9. Murray 10. Darling Downs and West Moreton 11. Country SA 12. Tasmania • Negotiations are underway with three appropriately skilled organisations to provide training and support for frontline services personnel. • Negotiations are underway with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) to better support Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) within bushfire affected PHNs to provide immediate and culturally safe counselling services. • Data on the uptake of the immediate counselling services are not yet available. Medicare supported psychological therapy sessions • Information on uptake of these MBS items is at Attachment A. • In Australia there are approximately 1,210 GPs currently registered with Medicare Australia as a Focussed Psychological Strategies GP providers as at 31 December 2019. Attachment A Bushfire MBS service use Reporting period: 10 January 2020 - 29 February 2020 • 1,979 services have been provided under the new mental health MBS items for bushfire recovery (as at 29 February 2020) • 1,227 patients have received services provided under the new mental health MBS items for bushfire recovery (as at 29 February 2020)

Table 1: Use of Medicare funded mental health MBS items for bushfire recovery – face to face and telehealth (10 January to 29 February 2020) Services Patients Benefits Paid ($) (A) (B)* (C) Face to face 1,801 1,129 $186,172.55 Telehealth 178 113 $17,120.15 Total 1,979 1,227 $203,292.70 Source: Departmental estimates based on DHS MBS Statistics. Data is based on date the Medicare claim is processed. * Patients may access both face to face and telehealth services.

Table 2: Use of Medicare funded mental health MBS items for bushfire recovery – by service type (10 January to 29 February 2020) Service types including Services Patients** Benefits paid Medicare item numbers*** item numbers Registered 967 598 $85,316.10 91100, 91101, 91105, Psychologists 91110, 91111, 91115 Clinical Psychologist 798 499 $101,077.10 91000, 91005, 91010, 91011, 91015 Social Workers and 175 106 $13,508.55 91151, 91155, 91160, Occupational 91161, 91165, 91135 Therapists GP, Other Medical 39 30 $3,390.95 91721, 91725, 91731, 896, Providers (FPS) and GP 2121, 2150, 2196 (telehealth) Total 1,979 1,227 $203,292.70 Source: Departmental estimates based on DHS MBS Statistics. Data is based on date the Medicare claim is processed. * Patients may access multiple services. ** Item numbers not claimed during the reporting period have not been included in this table.

Table 3: Use of Medicare funded mental health MBS items for bushfire recovery – by PHN (10 January to 29 February 2020)

PHN Patients* Services South Eastern NSW 489 771 Gippsland 122 185 South Western Sydney 91 167 Nepean Blue Mountains 55 84 Country SA 41 80 Hunter New England and Central Coast 43 77 Central and Eastern Sydney 40 71 Murray 42 67 Australian Capital Territory 51 62 Murrumbidgee 35 55 North Western Melbourne 36 53 South Eastern Melbourne 27 45 Northern Sydney 26 45 Eastern Melbourne 26 43 North Coast 28 41 Western Sydney 14 36 Adelaide 15 25 Western NSW 9 17 Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine 6 10 Coast Western Victoria 7 9 Other 26 36 Total 1,227 1,979 Source: Departmental estimates based on DHS MBS Statistics. Data is based on date the Medicare claim is processed. * Patient may access services in multiple PHN regions.

List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update

SUMMARY OF CHANGE: From 1 July 2019, the Distribution Priority Area (DPA) replaced Districts of Workforce Shortages. • The methodology for assessing need changed from a simple GP to population ratio to a more accurate picture of where patients access their services, taking account of a range of demographics (gender/age) and socio– economic factors. • There are two DPA layers for GPs; one for General Practitioners and one for Bonded Medical Students.

Legend: Title Explanation GP Catchment New geographic boundaries developed by the Department that better captures the relationship between doctor location and where patients live to access the GP services. UCL Australian Bureau of Statistics Urban Centres and Localities 2016 geography which the Department uses to describe towns and communities. MMM Modified Monash Model 2019 is the Department’s preferred remoteness geography for health policies and programs, ranging from MM 1 (major city areas) to MM 7 (very remote areas). DPA 2019 GPs Distribution Priority Areas (DPA) as determined by comparing GP services in a GP Catchment to the benchmark calculated for GP services in Modified Monash Model (MM) 2 areas only. DPA 2019 Distribution Priority Areas (DPA) as determined by comparing GP services in a GP Bonded Catchment to the benchmark calculated for GP services across Australia. DWS 2018 District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) status using Full-time Service Equivalent (FSE) methodology, which is the current method used in 2018.

1. Non-capital towns that changed DWS status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 NSW Ballina Cumbalum 3 N N Y NSW Ballina Lennox Head 3 N N Y NSW Ballina Lennox Head-West 3 N N Y NSW Ballina Skennars Head 3 N N Y NSW Ballina Tintenbar 3 N N Y NSW Ballina Wardell 3 N N Y NSW Batemans Bay Batemans Bay 4 Y Y N NSW Batemans Bay Long Beach 4 Y Y N NSW Batemans Bay Maloneys Beach 4 Y Y N NSW Batemans Bay Malua Bay 4 Y Y N NSW Batemans Bay Mogo 4 Y Y N NSW Batemans Bay Nelligen 4 Y Y N NSW Batemans Bay Tomakin 4 Y Y N NSW Bellingen Mylestom 3 N N Y NSW Berry-Gerringong Berry 3 Y Y N NSW Berry-Gerringong 3 Y Y N NSW Bowral-Mittagong Exeter (NSW) 3 N N Y NSW Byron Bay Bangalow 4 N N Y NSW Byron Bay Ewingsdale 4 N N Y NSW Calga-Kulnura Central Coast 1 Y Y N NSW Calga-Kulnura Mooney Mooney 2 Y Y N NSW Casino Casino 4 Y Y N *The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 NSW Casino Fairy Hill 4 Y Y N NSW Casino Wooroowoolgan 4 Y Y N NSW Coffs Harbour Arrawarra 4 N N Y NSW Coffs Harbour Coramba 3 N N Y NSW Coffs Harbour Corindi Beach 4 N N Y NSW Coffs Harbour Emerald Beach West 3 N N Y NSW Coffs Harbour Moonee Beach 3 N N Y NSW Coffs Harbour Moonee Beach West 3 N N Y NSW Coffs Harbour Safety Beach 4 N N Y Sandy Beach-Emerald NSW Coffs Harbour Beach 3 N N Y NSW Coffs Harbour Woolgoolga 3 N N Y NSW Cronulla-Miranda-Caringbah Maianbar 5 Y Y N NSW Deniliquin Deniliquin 4 Y Y N NSW Douglas Park-Appin Appin 2 N N Y NSW Douglas Park-Appin Douglas Park 2 N N Y NSW Douglas Park-Appin Menangle 1 N N Y NSW Dubbo Dubbo 3 Y Y N NSW Dubbo Firgrove 3 Y Y N NSW Dubbo Wongarbon 3 Y Y N NSW Engadine-Heathcote Waterfall 2 N N Y NSW Finley Barooga 4 N N Y NSW Forster-Tuncurry Elizabeth Beach 3 Y Y N NSW Forster-Tuncurry Forster-Tuncurry 3 Y Y N NSW Forster-Tuncurry Green Point 3 Y Y N NSW Goulburn Goulburn 3 Y Y N NSW Grafton Grafton 3 N Y Y NSW Grafton Junction Hill 3 N Y Y NSW Griffith Griffith 3 Y Y N NSW Hornsby Brooklyn 2 N N Y NSW Hornsby Cowan 2 N N Y NSW Inverell Inverell 4 Y Y N NSW Katoomba-Springwood Blue Mountains 1 N N Y NSW Katoomba-Springwood Linden 1 N N Y NSW Katoomba-Springwood Medlow Bath 3 N N Y NSW Kempsey Frederickton 4 Y Y N NSW Kempsey Kempsey 4 Y Y N NSW Kiama-Shellharbour Kiama 2 N N Y NSW Kiama-Shellharbour Wollongong 1 N N Y NSW Kurrajong Heights-Ebenezer Bowen Mountain 2 N N Y NSW Kurrajong Heights-Ebenezer Freemans Reach 1 N N Y NSW Kurrajong Heights-Ebenezer Glossodia 2 N N Y NSW Kurrajong Heights-Ebenezer Kurmond 2 N N Y NSW Kurrajong Heights-Ebenezer Kurrajong 2 N N Y

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 NSW Kurrajong Heights-Ebenezer Kurrajong Heights 2 N N Y NSW Kurrajong Heights-Ebenezer Wilberforce 1 N N Y NSW Kurri Kurri-Cessnock Cessnock 3 N N Y NSW Kurri Kurri-Cessnock Kurri Kurri 1 N N Y NSW Kurri Kurri-Cessnock Kurri Kurri 1 N N Y NSW Kurri Kurri-Cessnock Mulbring 2 N N Y NSW Lake Macquarie Killingworth 1 N N Y NSW Lake Macquarie Seahampton 1 N N Y NSW Lismore Lismore 3 Y Y N NSW Lithgow Lithgow 4 N Y N NSW Lithgow Marrangaroo 4 N Y N NSW Maclean Angourie 4 Y Y N NSW Maclean Wooloweyah 4 Y Y N NSW Maclean Yamba 4 Y Y N NSW Maitland (NSW) Branxton 2 N N Y NSW Maitland (NSW) Greta 2 N N Y NSW Maitland (NSW) Hinton 1 N N Y NSW Maitland (NSW) Lochinvar 2 N N Y NSW Maitland (NSW) Louth Park 1 N N Y NSW Maitland (NSW) Paterson 2 N N Y NSW Maitland (NSW) Wallalong 1 N N Y NSW -Pambula Merimbula 4 Y Y N NSW Merimbula-Pambula Pambula 4 Y Y N NSW Merimbula-Pambula South Pambula 4 Y Y N NSW Nambucca Heads-Macksville Hyland Park 4 Y Y N NSW Nambucca Heads-Macksville Macksville 4 Y Y N NSW Nambucca Heads-Macksville Nambucca Heads 4 Y Y N NSW Nowra-Bomaderry 3 N Y N NSW Nowra-Bomaderry Falls Creek (NSW) 3 N Y N NSW Nowra-Bomaderry 3 N Y N NSW Nowra-Bomaderry Nowra-Bomaderry 3 N Y N NSW Nowra-Bomaderry 3 N Y N NSW Nowra-Bomaderry Tapitallee 3 N Y N NSW Oakdale Belimbla Park 2 N N Y NSW Oakdale Oakdale 2 N N Y NSW Oakdale The Oaks 2 N N Y NSW Orange Clifton Grove 3 Y Y N NSW Orange Orange 3 Y Y N NSW Penrith Luddenham 2 N N Y NSW Penrith Mulgoa 1 N N Y NSW Penrith Orchard Hills 1 N N Y Silverdale- NSW Penrith Warragamba 2 N N Y NSW Penrith Wallacia 1 N N Y

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 NSW Picton-Bargo Picton 2 N N Y NSW Picton-Bargo Yanderra 3 N N Y NSW Port Kembla Wollongong 1 N N Y NSW Port Kembla Wollongong 1 N N Y NSW Raymond Terrace Raymond Terrace 1 N N Y NSW Raymond Terrace Tomago 1 N N Y NSW Richmond-Windsor Freemans Reach 1 N N N NSW Robertson-Kangaroo Valley Kangaroo Valley 5 Y Y N NSW South West Rocks South West Rocks 4 N Y Y NSW Sussex Inlet 4 N Y N NSW Sussex Inlet 4 N Y N NSW Sussex Inlet Huskisson 4 N Y N NSW Sussex Inlet 4 N Y N St Georges Basin- NSW Sussex Inlet 4 N Y N NSW Sussex Inlet 3 N Y N NSW Sussex Inlet Vincentia 4 N Y N NSW Sussex Inlet 3 N Y N Summerland Point- NSW Toukley-Budgewoi Gwandalan 1 N N Y NSW Tweed Heads Cudgen 1 N N Y Gold Coast-Tweed NSW Tweed Heads Heads 1 N N Y NSW Ulladulla Kings Point 4 N Y N NSW Ulladulla Lake Tabourie 4 N Y N NSW Ulladulla Milton 4 N Y N NSW Ulladulla Ulladulla 4 N Y N NSW Wagga Wagga Estella 3 N Y N NSW Wagga Wagga Forest Hill 3 N Y Y NSW Wagga Wagga San Isidore 3 N Y N NSW Wagga Wagga Uranquinty 3 N Y Y NSW Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga 3 N Y N NSW Wauchope Beechwood 4 N N Y NSW Wauchope King Creek 3 N N Y NSW Wauchope Wauchope 3 N N Y NSW Wauchope Wauchope 3 N N Y NSW Wollongong Helensburgh 1 N N Y NSW Wollongong Otford 2 N N Y NSW Wollongong Stanwell Park 1 N N Y NSW Wollongong Stanwell Tops 2 N N Y NSW Wollongong Wollongong 1 N N N NSW Wollongong Wollongong 1 N N Y NSW Woy Woy-Umina Central Coast 1 Y Y N NSW Woy Woy-Umina Patonga 1 Y Y N NSW Yass Yass 4 N N Y *The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 QLD Atherton Atherton 4 Y Y N QLD Atherton Tolga-West 4 Y Y N QLD Atherton Tolga 4 Y Y N QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Beerburrum-North 2 N N Y QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Beerburrum 2 N N Y QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Beerwah 2 N N Y Glass House QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Mountains 2 N N Y QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Glenview 2 N N Y QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Landsborough 2 N N Y QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Mooloolah 2 N N Y QLD Beerwah-Landsborough Peachester 4 N N Y QLD Bundaberg Bargara-Innes Park 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Bundaberg 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Burnett Heads 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Elliott Heads 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Gooburrum 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Moore Park 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Oakwood 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Sharon 2 Y Y N QLD Bundaberg Sloping Hummock 2 Y Y N QLD Cairns Cairns 2 N N N QLD Cairns Cairns 2 N N Y QLD Calliope-Mount Larcom Benaraby 3 N N Y QLD Calliope-Mount Larcom Calliope 3 N N Y QLD Calliope-Mount Larcom Wurdong Heights 3 N N Y QLD Cleveland-Stradbroke Mount Cotton 1 N N Y QLD Gladstone-Tannum Sands Gladstone 3 N N Y Tannum Sands-Boyne QLD Gladstone-Tannum Sands Island 3 N N Y QLD Goondiwindi Goondiwindi 4 Y Y N QLD Gordonvale Goldsborough 2 Y Y N QLD Gordonvale Gordonvale 2 Y Y N QLD Gympie Curra 3 Y Y N QLD Gympie Gympie 3 Y Y N QLD Gympie Nahrunda 3 Y Y N QLD Gympie Pie Creek 3 Y Y N QLD Gympie The Palms 3 Y Y N QLD Jimboomba Cedar Grove 2 N N Y QLD Jimboomba Cedar Vale 2 N N Y QLD Jimboomba Jimboomba 2 N N Y QLD Jimboomba Jimboomba-West 1 N N Y QLD Jimboomba Mundoolun 2 N N Y QLD Jimboomba Yarrabilba 1 N N Y QLD Kuranda Kuranda 2 N N Y *The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 QLD Lockyer Valley-East Forest Hill 4 N N Y QLD Lowood Lowood 5 Y Y N QLD Maleny-Mapleton Flaxton 2 N N Y QLD Maleny-Mapleton Kureelpa 2 N N Y QLD Maleny-Mapleton Mapleton 2 N N Y QLD Mareeba Mareeba 4 Y Y N QLD Mareeba Mareeba-South 4 Y Y N QLD Maryborough (Qld.) Maaroom 5 Y Y N QLD Mirani-Walkerston Walkerston 2 N Y Y Gold Coast-Tweed QLD Mudgeeraba-Tallebudgera Heads 1 N N Y Gold Coast-Tweed QLD Nerang Heads 1 N N Y QLD Noosa Hinterland Black Mountain 2 N N Y QLD Noosa Hinterland Boreen Point 2 N N Y QLD Noosa Hinterland Cooroibah 2 N N Y QLD Noosa Hinterland Cooroy 2 N N Y QLD Noosa Hinterland Forest Acres 2 N N Y QLD Noosa Hinterland Pomona 2 N N Y QLD Ormeau-Oxenford Cabbage Tree Point 2 N N Y Gold Coast-Tweed QLD Ormeau-Oxenford Heads 1 N N Y QLD Ormeau-Oxenford Jacobs Well 1 N N Y QLD Palmwoods Palmwoods 1 N N Y QLD Rockhampton Glendale 2 N Y N QLD Rockhampton Rockhampton 2 N Y N QLD Rockhampton The Caves 2 N Y N QLD Rosewood Marburg 2 N N Y QLD Rosewood Rosewood 2 N N Y QLD Rosewood Thagoona 2 N N Y QLD Rosewood Walloon 1 N N Y QLD Rosewood Willowbank 1 N N Y QLD Stanthorpe Stanthorpe 4 N Y Y QLD Tamborine-Canungra Boyland 4 N N Y QLD Tamborine-Canungra Canungra 2 N N Y QLD Tamborine-Canungra Tamborine 2 N N Y QLD Tamborine-Canungra Tamborine Mountain 1 N N Y QLD The Hills District Dayboro 2 N N Y QLD The Hills District Mount Nebo 2 N N Y Samford Valley- QLD The Hills District Highvale 1 N N Y QLD The Hills District Samford Village 1 N N Y QLD Toowoomba Blue Mountain Heights 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Cambooya 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Gowrie Junction 2 Y Y N

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 QLD Toowoomba Highfields 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Kingsthorpe 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Meringandan 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Meringandan West 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Toowoomba 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Westbrook 2 Y Y N QLD Toowoomba Wyreema 2 Y Y N QLD Warwick Warwick 4 Y Y N QLD Yabulu Black River 2 N Y N QLD Yabulu Bluewater 2 N Y N QLD Yabulu Bluewater Park 2 N Y N QLD Yabulu Saunders Beach 2 N Y N QLD Yabulu Toolakea 2 N Y N QLD Yabulu Yabulu 2 N Y N QLD Yeppoon Kinka Beach 3 Y Y N QLD Yeppoon Mulambin 3 Y Y N QLD Yeppoon Yeppoon 3 Y Y N SA Adelaide Hills Houghton 1 Y Y Y SA Elizabeth Angle Vale 1 N N Y SA Elizabeth Virginia 2 N N Y SA Gawler Gawler 1 N Y N SA Gawler Lewiston 2 N Y Y SA Gawler Roseworthy 2 N Y N SA Gawler Two Wells 2 N Y Y SA Goolwa Goolwa 3 Y Y N SA Mount Barker (SA) Balhannah 2 N N Y SA Mount Barker (SA) Crafers-Bridgewater 1 N N Y SA Mount Barker (SA) Echunga 2 N N Y SA Mount Barker (SA) Hahndorf 2 N N Y SA Mount Barker (SA) Nairne 3 N N Y SA Mount Barker (SA) Uraidla-Summertown 1 N N Y SA Mount Barker (SA) Woodside 2 N N Y SA Mount Compass Mount Compass 2 N N Y SA Murray Bridge Murray Bridge 3 Y Y N SA One Tree Hill One Tree Hill 2 Y Y N SA Onkaparinga Aldinga 1 N Y N SA Onkaparinga McLaren Flat 2 N Y N SA Onkaparinga McLaren Vale 1 N Y N SA Onkaparinga Willunga 1 N Y Y SA Port Augusta Port Augusta 4 N Y N SA Port Augusta Port Augusta 4 N Y N SA Port Pirie Napperby 4 Y Y N SA Port Pirie Port Pirie 4 Y Y N SA Whyalla Mullaquana 3 N N Y

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 SA Whyalla Whyalla 3 N N Y TAS Burnie-Somerset Burnie-Somerset 3 Y Y N TAS Devonport Devonport 3 Y Y N TAS Kingston-Huntingfield Electrona 2 N Y Y TAS Kingston-Huntingfield Howden 2 N Y Y TAS Kingston-Huntingfield Margate 2 N Y Y TAS Kingston-Huntingfield Snug 2 N Y Y TAS Launceston Launceston 2 Y Y N TAS Launceston Legana 2 Y Y N TAS Westbury-Hadspen Carrick 2 N Y Y TAS Westbury-Hadspen Hadspen 2 N Y Y VIC Ballan Gordon 2 N N Y VIC Ballan Myrniong 2 N N Y VIC Ballarat Ballarat 2 Y Y N VIC Ballarat Cardigan Village 2 Y Y N VIC Bannockburn Lethbridge 4 N N Y VIC Bannockburn Teesdale 4 N N Y Drysdale-Clifton VIC Bellarine Springs 2 N N Y VIC Bellarine Leopold 1 N N Y Point Lonsdale- VIC Bellarine Queenscliff 3 N N Y Portarlington-St VIC Bellarine Leonards 4 N N Y Portarlington-St VIC Bellarine Leonards 4 N N Y VIC Bendigo Axedale 2 Y Y N VIC Bendigo Bendigo 2 Y Y N VIC Bunyip-Garfield Bunyip 4 N N Y VIC Bunyip-Garfield Garfield 2 N N Y VIC Bunyip-Garfield Maryknoll 2 N N Y VIC Bunyip-Garfield Nar Nar Goon 2 N N Y VIC Bunyip-Garfield Tynong 2 N N Y VIC Burnside (Vic.) Rockbank 1 N N Y VIC Casey-South Blind Bight 1 N N Y VIC Casey-South Cannons Creek 2 N N Y VIC Casey-South Clyde 1 N N Y VIC Casey-South Tooradin 2 N N Y VIC Casey-South Warneet 2 N N Y VIC Chiltern-Indigo Valley Barnawartha 2 N Y Y VIC Churchill Churchill 3 N N Y VIC Drouin Drouin 4 N N Y VIC Drouin Longwarry 4 N N Y VIC Healesville-Yarra Glen Healesville 2 N N Y VIC Healesville-Yarra Glen Yarra Glen 2 N N Y

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 VIC Horsham Horsham 3 Y Y N VIC Koo Wee Rup Koo Wee Rup 2 N N Y VIC Lara Lara 1 N N Y VIC Lilydale-Yarra Valley Don Valley 2 N N Y VIC Lilydale-Yarra Valley Seville 1 N N Y VIC Lilydale-Yarra Valley Seville East 1 N N Y Woori Yallock- VIC Lilydale-Yarra Valley Launching Place 2 N N Y Yarra Junction- VIC Lilydale-Yarra Valley Wesburn 2 N N Y VIC Lorne-Anglesea Anglesea 3 N N Y VIC Moe-Newborough Moe-Newborough 3 Y Y N VIC Mornington Arthurs Seat 1 N Y N Balnarring-Balnarring VIC Mornington Beach 1 N Y N VIC Mornington Cape Schanck 2 N Y N VIC Mornington Flinders 2 N Y N VIC Mornington Red Hill South 2 N Y N VIC Mornington Shoreham 2 N Y N VIC Morwell Morwell 3 N Y N VIC Pakenham Beaconsfield Upper 1 N N Y VIC Pakenham Gembrook 1 N N Y VIC Portland Portland (Vic.) 4 Y Y N VIC Sale Sale 4 Y Y N VIC Sale Wurruk 4 Y Y N VIC Shepparton-Mooroopna Arcadia Downs 3 N Y N VIC Shepparton-Mooroopna Kialla West 3 N Y N Shepparton- VIC Shepparton-Mooroopna Mooroopna 3 N Y N VIC Shepparton-Mooroopna Shepparton East 3 N Y N VIC Shepparton-Mooroopna Tallygaroopna 3 N Y N VIC Swan Hill Swan Hill 4 Y Y N VIC Swan Hill Woorinen South 4 Y Y N Ocean Grove-Barwon VIC Torquay-Ocean Grove Heads 2 N N Y VIC Torquay-Ocean Grove Torquay-Jan Juc 2 N N Y VIC Traralgon Glengarry 3 N Y Y VIC Traralgon Toongabbie 3 N Y Y VIC Traralgon Traralgon 3 N Y N VIC Traralgon Traralgon South 3 N Y Y VIC Traralgon Tyers 3 N Y Y VIC Tullamarine-Broadmeadows Bulla 1 N N Y VIC Warragul Buln Buln 4 N N Y VIC Warrnambool Allansford 3 Y Y N VIC Warrnambool Bushfield-Woodford 3 Y Y N

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update DPA DPA MMM 2019 2019 DWS State GP Catchment UCL 2019 GPs Bonded 2018 VIC Warrnambool Warrnambool 3 Y Y N VIC Wyndham Little River 2 N N Y VIC Wyndham Werribee South 2 N N Y WA Armadale Hilbert 1 N N Y WA Bunbury Binningup 2 N N Y WA Bunbury Boyanup 2 N N Y WA Bunbury Brunswick 2 N N Y WA Bunbury Capel 2 N N Y WA Chidlow Chidlow 2 N N Y WA Chidlow Wooroloo 2 N N Y WA Geraldton Cape Burney 3 N Y N WA Geraldton Drummond Cove 3 N Y N WA Geraldton Geraldton 3 N Y N WA Kalamunda Bickley 1 N Y Y WA Kalamunda Carmel 1 N Y Y WA Northam Northam 4 Y Y N WA Two Rocks-Yanchep Two Rocks 2 N N Y WA Two Rocks-Yanchep Yanchep 1 N N Y

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update 2. Catchments in capital cities that changed DWS status under the 2019 DPA update

Proportion of Catchment DPA DPA DWS ERP Population State UCL GP Catchment MM2 National 2018 2017 Affected Canberra - ACT Queanbeyan Canberra East Y Y N 1,226 100% Canberra - ACT Queanbeyan Majura Y Y N 224 100% Canberra - ACT Queanbeyan South Canberra Y Y N 59 0% Canberra - ACT Queanbeyan Tuggeranong N N Y 85,453 100% NSW Sydney Blacktown - North N N Y 100,512 100% NSW Sydney Bringelly - Green Valley N N Y 24,215 24% NSW Sydney Camden N N Y 66,629 100% NSW Sydney Campbelltown (NSW) N N Y 88,281 54% NSW Sydney Engadine - Heathcote N N Y 110,998 100% NSW Sydney Fairfield N N Y 3,195 2% NSW Sydney Hornsby N N Y 29,380 36% NSW Sydney Katoomba - Springwood N N Y 41,601 100% NSW Sydney Penrith N N Y 131,167 100% NSW Sydney Pittwater N Y Y 10,855 17% QLD Brisbane Cleveland - Stradbroke N N Y 46,899 69% QLD Brisbane Forest Lake - Oxley N N Y 35,571 46% QLD Brisbane Ipswich N N Y 18,203 17% QLD Brisbane Jimboomba N N Y 9,806 92% QLD Brisbane Kenmore - Brookfield - Moggill N N Y 14,477 33% QLD Brisbane Loganlea - Carbrook N N Y 61,561 100% QLD Brisbane Mount Gravatt N N Y 21,742 29% QLD Brisbane Narangba - Burpengary N N Y 63,785 100% QLD Brisbane North Lakes N N Y 78,615 100% QLD Brisbane Rocklea - Acacia Ridge N N Y 63,455 100% QLD Brisbane Rosewood N N Y 259 100% QLD Brisbane Springfield - Redbank N N Y 90,908 100% QLD Brisbane Sunnybank N N Y 24,276 46% QLD Brisbane The Gap N N Y 52,812 100% QLD Brisbane The Hills District N N Y 52,985 76% SA Adelaide Elizabeth N N Y 8,663 11% SA Adelaide Mitcham Y Y N 24,248 37% SA Adelaide Mount Barker (SA) N N Y 1,904 100% SA Adelaide Onkaparinga N Y N 38,625 24% SA Adelaide Onkaparinga N Y Y 71,704 45% SA Adelaide Salisbury N N Y 140,025 100% SA Adelaide Tea Tree Gully Y Y N 19,387 21% VIC Melbourne Brimbank N N Y 146,908 74% VIC Melbourne Burnside (Vic.) N N Y 77,907 100%

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator List of areas that changed status under the 2019 DPA update VIC Melbourne Casey - South N N Y 179,664 100% VIC Melbourne Hobsons Bay N N Y 39,223 44% VIC Melbourne Lilydale - Yarra Valley N N Y 113,817 100% VIC Melbourne Mornington N Y N 70,031 47% VIC Melbourne Mornington N Y Y 80,191 53% VIC Melbourne Pakenham N N Y 75,145 100% VIC Melbourne Tullamarine - Broadmeadows N N Y 171,604 100% VIC Melbourne Wyndham N N Y 240,062 100% WA Perth (WA) Armadale N N Y 81,624 100% WA Perth (WA) Cockburn N Y Y 106,431 100% WA Perth (WA) Gosnells N N Y 122,341 100% WA Perth (WA) Kalamunda N Y Y 56,550 100% WA Perth (WA) Kwinana N N Y 40,826 100% WA Perth (WA) Rockingham N N Y 127,458 100% WA Perth (WA) Swan N N Y 47,790 39% WA Perth (WA) Wanneroo - Quinns Rocks N N Y 182,721 100%

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the address search function on the map locator Rural Other Medical Program (ROMPs)

Total on ROMPs program On a GP training program Notified of Fellowship since program closure (to 31 Jan 2020) Remainder requiring action 3755 780 454 2,521

MMM Class Headcount State Headcount 1 1,340 NSW 527 2 355 Vic 421 3 333 Qld 1,179 4 197 SA 111 5 214 WA 161 6 39 Tas 69 7 40 NT 42

ACT 8 Unknown 3 Unknown 3 Total 2,521 Total 2,521

Rural Bulk Billing Incentive

From 1 January 2020, the rural classification system used to determine eligibility for rural Bulk Billing Incentives changed. Rural Bulk Billing Incentives will be targeted to ensure that doctors in metropolitan areas will no longer have access to incentives intended for rural and remote areas.

As part of the 2018–19 Budget Measure, Stronger Rural Health Strategy, the Government announced it would update the geographic eligibility criteria for Medicare Benefits (MBS) items 10991, 64991 and 74991 from Rural Remote and Metropolitan Areas (RRMA) 3-7 to Modified Monash Model (MMM) remoteness classification MM 2-7, aligning it to other health programs.

Areas previously considered metropolitan under the RRMA classification, such as Kiama (NSW), Russell Island (Qld), and Jam Jerrup (Vic), will now be recognised as rural and practitioners in those areas will gain access to the Rural Bulk Billing Incentives.

Areas with some of the highest concentration of doctors in Australia, and that have had significant population growth since 1991 (i.e. population greater than 20,000) will no longer be eligible. These include: Canberra (ACT), Gosford-Wyong (NSW), Maitland (NSW), Newcastle (NSW), Queanbeyan (NSW), Sunshine Coast (Qld), Gawler (SA), Geelong (Vic), Melton (Vic), Mornington Peninsula (Vic), Pakenham (Vic), Baldivis (WA), Ellenbrook (WA), Mandurah (WA).

All doctors who bulk bill, regardless of their location will continue to be eligible for a Bulk Billing Incentive. The changes relate to the higher Rural Bulk Billing Incentive only.

LISTS of changing areas:

List A: - Areas within capital cities losing access to RBBI List B: - Other areas losing access to RBBI (Urban Centres and Localities) List C: - Areas that were RRMA 1-2 that were given an exemption and listed on the MBS schedule as eligible to access the RBBI List D: - Areas that have gained access to RBBI as they are now classified MM 2-7

Impact to Patients - Rural Bulk Billing Incentive

1. Under this measure, GPs in metropolitan areas will continue to have incentives to bulk-bill vulnerable patients, at the standard rate: o MBS 10990 with a fee of $6.40 as opposed to $9.65 for 10991; o MBS 64990 with a fee of $6.00 as opposed to $9.10 for 64991; and o MBS 74990 with a fee of $6.00 as opposed to $9.10 for 74991. 2. The reason for the differential in rates is that city/metropolitan areas have a higher concentration of GPs, and therefore there are higher competitive pressures on them to bulk bill. As such, the baseline items (10990, 64990 and 74990) are considered to be sufficient incentives to encourage providers to bulk bill vulnerable patient groups. However, in rural areas the concentration of GPs is less, and to compensate for the lack of competitive pressure, the higher rural Bulk Billing Incentives provide an additional reason to bulk bill vulnerable patient groups. 3. It is expected that GPs will continue to bulk bill vulnerable patient groups in the areas affected, as they are all considered to be in the major city category. List A Areas within capital cities losing access to RBBI*

City Locality City Locality Adelaide Aberfoyle Park Adelaide Mitcham Adelaide Aldinga Beach Adelaide Mitchell Park Adelaide Ascot Park Adelaide Moana Adelaide Bedford Park Adelaide Morphett Vale Adelaide Bellevue Heights Adelaide Morphettville Adelaide Blackwood Adelaide Netherby Adelaide Brighton Adelaide Noarlunga Centre Adelaide Christie Downs Adelaide Noarlunga Downs Adelaide Christies Beach Adelaide North Brighton Adelaide Clapham Adelaide Oaklands Park Adelaide Clarence Gardens Adelaide O'Halloran Hill Adelaide Clovelly Park Adelaide Old Reynella Adelaide Colonel Light Gardens Adelaide O'Sullivan Beach Adelaide Coromandel Valley Adelaide Panorama Adelaide Craigburn Farm Adelaide Park Holme Adelaide Cumberland Park Adelaide Pasadena Adelaide Darlington Adelaide Plympton Park Adelaide Daw Park Adelaide Port Noarlunga Adelaide Dover Gardens Adelaide Port Noarlunga South Adelaide Eden Hills Adelaide Port Willunga Adelaide Edwardstown Adelaide Reynella Adelaide Flagstaff Hill Adelaide Reynella East Adelaide Glandore Adelaide Seacliff Adelaide Glenalta Adelaide Seacliff Park Adelaide Glenelg Adelaide Seacombe Gardens Adelaide Glenelg East Adelaide Seacombe Heights Adelaide Glenelg North Adelaide Seaford Adelaide Glenelg South Adelaide Seaford Meadows Adelaide Glengowrie Adelaide Seaford Rise Adelaide Hackham Adelaide Seaview Downs Adelaide Hackham West Adelaide Sellicks Beach Adelaide Hallett Cove Adelaide Sheidow Park Adelaide Happy Valley Adelaide Somerton Park Adelaide Hawthorn Adelaide South Brighton Adelaide Hove Adelaide South Plympton Adelaide Huntfield Heights Adelaide Springfield Adelaide Kingston Park Adelaide St Marys Adelaide Kingswood Adelaide Sturt Adelaide Lonsdale Adelaide Torrens Park Adelaide Lower Mitcham Adelaide Trott Park Adelaide Lynton Adelaide Urrbrae Adelaide Marino Adelaide Warradale Adelaide Marion Adelaide Westbourne Park Adelaide Maslin Beach Adelaide Woodcroft Adelaide Melrose Park

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. List A (continued)

City Locality City Locality Brisbane Albany Creek Brisbane Kallangur Brisbane Amberley Brisbane Karalee Brisbane Arana Hills Brisbane Lawnton Brisbane Augustine Heights Brisbane Leichhardt Brisbane Barellan Point Brisbane Mango Hill Brisbane Basin Pocket Brisbane Moores Pocket Brisbane Bellbird Park Brisbane Munruben Brisbane Blackstone Brisbane Murrumba Downs Brisbane Booval Brisbane New Chum Brisbane Brassall Brisbane Newtown Brisbane Bray Park Brisbane North Booval Brisbane Brendale Brisbane North Ipswich Brisbane Brookwater Brisbane North Lakes Brisbane Bundamba Brisbane North Tivoli Brisbane Bunya Brisbane One Mile Brisbane Camira Brisbane Park Ridge South Brisbane Carole Park Brisbane Petrie Brisbane Churchill Brisbane Raceview Brisbane Coalfalls Brisbane Redbank Brisbane Collingwood Park Brisbane Redbank Plains Brisbane Dakabin Brisbane Riverview Brisbane Dinmore Brisbane Sadliers Crossing Brisbane East Ipswich Brisbane Silkstone Brisbane Eastern Heights Brisbane Springfield Brisbane Eatons Hill Brisbane Springfield Central Brisbane Ebbw Vale Brisbane Springfield Lakes Brisbane Everton Hills Brisbane Strathpine Brisbane Ferny Hills Brisbane Tivoli Brisbane Flinders View Brisbane Warner Brisbane Gailes Brisbane West Ipswich Brisbane Goodna Brisbane Whiteside Brisbane Griffin Brisbane Woodend Brisbane Ipswich Brisbane Wulkuraka Brisbane Joyner Brisbane Yamanto

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. List A (continued)

City Locality City Locality Melbourne Baxter Melbourne Laverton North Melbourne Bayswater Melbourne Lilydale Melbourne Bayswater North Melbourne Lynbrook Melbourne Belgrave Melbourne Lysterfield South Melbourne Belgrave Heights Melbourne Mccrae Melbourne Belgrave South Melbourne Montrose Melbourne Berwick Melbourne Mooroolbark Melbourne Bittern Melbourne Mornington Melbourne Blairgowrie Melbourne Mount Dandenong Melbourne Boronia Melbourne Mount Eliza Melbourne Botanic Ridge Melbourne Mount Evelyn Melbourne Burnside Melbourne Mount Martha Melbourne Burnside Heights Melbourne Narre Warren Melbourne Caroline Springs Melbourne Narre Warren North Melbourne Carrum Downs Melbourne Narre Warren South Melbourne Clematis Melbourne Point Cook Melbourne Clyde North Melbourne Portsea Melbourne Cranbourne Melbourne Ringwood Melbourne Cranbourne East Melbourne Ringwood East Melbourne Cranbourne North Melbourne Ringwood North Melbourne Cranbourne West Melbourne Rosebud Melbourne Crib Point Melbourne Rosebud West Melbourne Croydon Melbourne Rowville Melbourne Croydon Hills Melbourne Rye Melbourne Croydon North Melbourne Safety Beach Melbourne Croydon South Melbourne Sandhurst Melbourne Doveton Melbourne Sassafras Melbourne Endeavour Hills Melbourne Scoresby Melbourne Eumemmerring Melbourne Seaford Melbourne Ferntree Gully Melbourne Selby Melbourne Ferny Creek Melbourne Sherbrooke Melbourne Frankston Melbourne Skye Melbourne Frankston North Melbourne Sorrento Melbourne Frankston South Melbourne St Andrews Beach Melbourne Hallam Melbourne Taylors Hill Melbourne Hampton Park Melbourne Tecoma Melbourne Hastings Melbourne The Basin Melbourne Heathmont Melbourne The Patch Melbourne Hillside Melbourne Tootgarook Melbourne Hmas Cerberus Melbourne Tremont Melbourne Hoppers Crossing Melbourne Tyabb Melbourne Junction Village Melbourne Upper Ferntree Gully Melbourne Kallista Melbourne Upwey Melbourne Kilsyth Melbourne Wantirna Melbourne Kilsyth South Melbourne Wantirna South Melbourne Knoxfield Melbourne Warranwood Melbourne Langwarrin Melbourne Werribee Melbourne Langwarrin South Melbourne Williams Landing

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. List A (continued)

City Locality City Locality Perth (WA) Alfred Cove Perth (WA) Kardinya Perth (WA) Applecross Perth (WA) Kiara Perth (WA) Ardross Perth (WA) Koongamia Perth (WA) Ashfield Perth (WA) Kwinana Beach Perth (WA) Attadale Perth (WA) Kwinana Town Centre Perth (WA) Atwell Perth (WA) Leeming Perth (WA) Aubin Grove Perth (WA) Lesmurdie Perth (WA) Ballajura Perth (WA) Lockridge Perth (WA) Barragup Perth (WA) Madora Bay Perth (WA) Bassendean Perth (WA) Mahogany Creek Perth (WA) Bateman Perth (WA) Maida Vale Perth (WA) Bayswater Perth (WA) Malaga Perth (WA) Beaconsfield Perth (WA) Mandurah Perth (WA) Bedford Perth (WA) Maylands Perth (WA) Beechboro Perth (WA) Meadow Springs Perth (WA) Beeliar Perth (WA) Medina Perth (WA) Bellevue Perth (WA) Melville Perth (WA) Bennett Springs Perth (WA) Midland Perth (WA) Bertram Perth (WA) Midvale Perth (WA) Bibra Lake Perth (WA) Morley Perth (WA) Bicton Perth (WA) Mount Pleasant Perth (WA) Booragoon Perth (WA) Munster Perth (WA) Boya Perth (WA) Murdoch Perth (WA) Brentwood Perth (WA) Myaree Perth (WA) Bull Creek Perth (WA) Naval Base Perth (WA) Calista Perth (WA) Noranda Perth (WA) Casuarina Perth (WA) North Coogee Perth (WA) Caversham Perth (WA) North Fremantle Perth (WA) Cockburn Central Perth (WA) North Lake Perth (WA) Coodanup Perth (WA) North Yunderup Perth (WA) Coogee Perth (WA) O'Connor Perth (WA) Coolbellup Perth (WA) Orelia Perth (WA) Darlington Perth (WA) Palmyra Perth (WA) Dawesville Perth (WA) Parmelia Perth (WA) Dudley Park Perth (WA) Peron Perth (WA) East Fremantle Perth (WA) Port Kennedy Perth (WA) East Rockingham Perth (WA) Postans Perth (WA) Eden Hill Perth (WA) Rockingham Perth (WA) Embleton Perth (WA) Safety Bay Perth (WA) Erskine Perth (WA) Samson Perth (WA) Falcon Perth (WA) San Remo Perth (WA) Forrestfield Perth (WA) Secret Harbour Perth (WA) Fremantle Perth (WA) Shoalwater Perth (WA) Furnissdale Perth (WA) Silver Sands Perth (WA) Glen Forrest Perth (WA) Singleton Perth (WA) Golden Bay Perth (WA) South Fremantle Perth (WA) Gooseberry Hill Perth (WA) South Guildford Perth (WA) Greenfields Perth (WA) South Lake Perth (WA) Greenmount Perth (WA) Spearwood Perth (WA) Guildford Perth (WA) Stratton Perth (WA) Halls Head Perth (WA) Success

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. Perth (WA) Hamilton Hill Perth (WA) Swan View Perth (WA) Hammond Park Perth (WA) Viveash Perth (WA) Hazelmere Perth (WA) Waikiki Perth (WA) Helena Valley Perth (WA) Wannanup Perth (WA) Henderson Perth (WA) Wattle Grove Perth (WA) High Wycombe Perth (WA) Wattleup Perth (WA) Hillman Perth (WA) White Gum Valley Perth (WA) Hilton Perth (WA) Willagee Perth (WA) Hope Valley Perth (WA) Winthrop Perth (WA) Jandakot Perth (WA) Woodbridge Perth (WA) Kalamunda Perth (WA) Yangebup

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. List B

Other areas losing access to RBBI (Urban centres and localities) (refer to maps for more details)*

ACT QLD Canberra - Queanbeyan Deebing Heights (Locality) Logan Village (Locality) Nambour NSW Palmwoods Awaba (Locality) Ripley (Locality) Gillieston Heights (Locality) Samford Village (Locality) Hastings Point (Locality) Samford Valley - Highvale Heddon Greta Sunshine Coast Hinton (Locality) Tamborine Mountain Killingworth (Locality) Walloon Kurri Kurri - Weston Louth Park (Locality) Maitland Minmi (Locality) VIC Morisset - Cooranbong Arthurs Seat (Locality) Newcastle Balnarring - Balnarring Beach Patonga (Locality) Beaconsfield Upper Pottsville Blind Bight Raymond Terrace Clyde (Locality) Seahampton (Locality) Diggers Rest Summerland Point - Gwandalan Geelong Tomago (Locality) Lara Wallalong (Locality) Leopold Wyee Melton Wyee Point Officer (Locality) Pakenham Seville Seville East (Locality) Wallan

WA Baldivis SA Bickley (Locality) Aldinga (Locality) Carmel (Locality) Gawler Ellenbrook Houghton (Locality) West Swan (Locality) McLaren Vale Upper Swan (Locality)

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. List C

Areas that were RRMA 1-2 that were given an exemption and listed on the MBS schedule as eligible to access the RBBI*

ACT Status VIC Status Belconnen Lose Eastern Outer Melbourne Lose Gungahlin – Hall Lose Frankston City Lose North Canberra Lose Greater Geelong City Part A Lose South Canberra Lose Melton – Wyndham Lose Tuggeranong Lose Mornington Peninsula Shire Lose Weston Creek – Stromlo Lose South Eastern Outer Melbourne Lose Woden Valley Lose Yarra Ranges Shire Part A Partial

TAS NSW Tasmania Keep Gosford – Wyong Lose Newcastle Lose NT Queanbeyan Lose Darwin City Keep Litchfield Shire Keep QLD Palmerston – East Arm Keep Beaudesert Shire Part A Partial Palm Island (AC) Keep SA Pine Rivers Shire Lose Southern Adelaide Lose Thuringowa City Part A Keep Townsville City Part A Keep WA Ipswich City (part in BSD) Partial East Metropolitan, Perth Lose South West Metropolitan, Perth Lose • Lose = Previously given an exemption to claim RBBI. Now not eligible under MMM as they are MM 1. • Keep = Previously given an exemption to claim RBBI. Now eligible under MMM as they are MM 2 -7 • Partial = Previously given an exemption to claim RBBI. Now range in rurality under MMM (i.e. contain regions of both MM 1 (not eligible) and MM 2-7 (now eligible)). NOTE: To determine the MMM classification of a location, a full address must be entered in Health Workforce Locator.

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. List D

Areas that have gained access to RBBI as they are now classified MM 2-7 (Urban centres and localities)*

New South Wales Appin Kurrajong Heights (Locality) Bargo Luddenham (Locality) Belimbla Park (Locality) Maianbar (Locality) Blackheath Medlow Bath (Locality) Bundeena Mount Vic (Locality) Bowen Mountain Oakdale (Locality) Brooklyn (Locality) Otford (Locality) Buxton Picton Couridjah (Locality) Picton - West (Locality) Cowan (Locality) Silverdale - Warragamba Dangar Island (Locality) Tahmoor Douglas Park The Oaks Gerringong Thirlmere Gerroa (Locality) Waterfall (Locality) Glenorie (Locality) Wilton (Locality) Glossodia Yanderra (Locality) Jamberoo (Locality) Kiama Kurmond (Locality) Kurrajong

Queensland Amity Point (Locality) Bongaree - Woorim Lower Beechmont (Locality) Cabbage Tree Point (Locality) Macleay Island Coochiemudlo Island (Locality) Point Lookout (Locality) Donnybrook (Locality) Russell Island Dunwich (Locality) Toorbul (Locality) Lamb Island (Locality)

South Australia Virginia (Locality)

Western Australia Jarrahdale (Locality) Two Rocks Serpentine (Locality) Whittlesea St Andrews (Locality)

Victoria Jam Jerrup

*The lists should be used as an indication only, and in conjunction with the supplied maps (Attachment D) as well as the address search function on the map locator locator. Attachment X

Response to questions – Senator McCarthy

• Program 4.3: Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee recommendations– Please provide an updated list of outstanding Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) recommendations since 2013 (noting the new “Medicine Status Website” does not include any recommendations made before July 2019).

Please see Attachment X

OFFICIAL Page 1 of 4 Attachment X Medicines recommended by the PBAC which are being progressed by the Department of Health The Medicine Status website (MSW) now contains all PBAC recommendations from July 2019 onwards. The Department of Health is negotiating with sponsors who have received a positive recommendation to reach an agreement that is consistent with the PBAC recommendation. This website is updated regularly so that the public can monitor the listing steps. The MSW can be accessed at

The table below outlines medicines recommended by the PBAC prior to July 2019 PBAC meeting, and therefore not listed on the MSW, and where the sponsor company has indicated that they wish to proceed to a listing but that listing is not finalised.

Table 1: current as at 2 March 2020 PBAC Meeting May 2019 MEDICINE INDICATION STATUS MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE (conjugate Meningococcal, pneumococcal and NIP listing processes are ACWY) Haemophilus influenzae underway 13-VALENT PNEUMOCOCCAL type b disease CONJUGATE VACCINE (13vPCV) 23-VALENT PNEUMOCOCCAL POLYSACCHARIDE VACCINE (23vPPV) HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE TYPE B VACCINE (Conjugate Hib) MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE (conjugate Meningococcal disease NIP listing processes are ACWY) underway

PBAC Meeting March 2019 ALIROCUMAB Hypercholesterolaemia Under active negotiation Praluent® BUDESONIDE Mild to moderate Crohn disease No listing proposal received Entocort® from sponsor that is consistent with PBAC recommendation CERTOLIZUMAB PEGOL Severe chronic plaque psoriasis No listing proposal received Cimzia® from sponsor that is consistent with PBAC recommendation TRIGLYCERIDES - MEDIUM CHAIN, Dietary management of conditions Progressing through listing FORMULA requiring a source of medium chain processes Nutrini Peptisorb® triglycerides Nutrini Peptisorb Energy® PBAC Meeting November 2018 ENCORAFENIB and BINIMETINIB Melanoma Progressing through listing BRAFTOVI® and MEKTOVI® processes GLYCOMACROPEPTIDE Phenylketonuria (PKU) Sponsor advised stock not FORMULA WITH available DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID WITH LOW PHENYLALANINE PKU GMPro PEGFILGRASTIM Chemotherapy-induced Progressing through listing Fulphila® neutropenia processes PBAC Meeting March 2018 RAMUCIRUMAB Advanced gastric or No listing proposal received (Cyramza®) gastro-oesophageal junction from sponsor that is adenocarcinomas consistent with PBAC recommendation

OFFICIAL Page 2 of 4 Attachment X RANOLAZINE Stable angina pectoris No listing proposal received (Ranexa®) from sponsor that is consistent with PBAC recommendation PBAC Meeting November 2017 SEVELAMER Hyperphosphataemia in patients No listing proposal received Renvela® with chronic kidney disease from sponsor that is consistent with PBAC recommendation PBAC Meeting March 2017 TENOFOVIR ALAFENAMIDE Chronic hepatitis B No listing proposal received Vemlidy® from sponsor that is consistent with PBAC recommendation PBAC meeting July 2016 PNEUMOCOCCAL CONJUGATE Prevention of pneumococcal NIP listing processes are VACCINE disease – Aboriginal and Torres underway Prevenar 13® Strait Islander adults 50+ and non-Indigenous adults 65+

OFFICIAL Page 3 of 4 Attachment X Medicines recommended by the PBAC prior to July 2019, where the sponsor company has advised that it will not be progressing the recommendation and therefore it is not possible for the Government to list on the PBS Table 2: Current as of 2 March 2020 MEDICINE INDICATION PBAC meeting March 2019 BUDESONIDE Budenofalk® Crohn disease TOFACITINIB Xeljanz® Ulcerative Colitis (UC) PBAC Meeting November 2018 SARILUMAB Injection 200mg in 1.14mL Rheumatoid arthritis PBAC Meeting July 2018 ADALIMUMAB Humira® Multiple indications ADALIMUMAB Amgevita® Multiple indications ADALIMUMAB Hadlima® Severe active rheumatoid arthritis ARIPIPRAZOLE Abilify Maintena® Schizophrenia BUDESONIDE Entocort® Mild to moderate Crohn disease MENINGOCOCCAL POLYSACCHARIDE SERO (GROUPS A, C, Meningococcal disease W-135 AND Y) OLIGOSACCHARIDE CONJUGATE VACCINE Menveo® PBAC meeting March 2018 CETUXIMAB Erbitux® Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck OMALIZUMAB Xolair® Severe chronic spontaneous urticaria TENECTEPLASE Metalyse® Acute myocardial infarction PBAC meeting December 2017 ADALIMUMAB Humira® Multiple indications PBAC meeting November 2017 CANAKINUMAB Ilaris® Cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) RADIUM (223Ra) Xofigo® Metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) PBAC meeting July 2017 ADALIMUMAB Humira® Multiple indications PBAC meeting November 2016 PARITAPREVIR WITH RITONAVIR WITH OMBITASVIR Hepatitis C Technivie® PBAC meeting July 2016 ADRENALINE Auto Inject Sun-JV® Anaphylaxis ALENDRONIC ACID Binosto ® Osteoporosis DENOSUMAB Xgeva® Hypercalcaemia of malignancy PBAC meeting March 2016 TRIGLYCERIDES MEDIUM Multiple indications CHAIN Peptamen Junior Liquid® Peptamen Junior Advance® PBAC meeting November 2015 THYROXINE Eltroxin® Thyroid hormone deficiency HPV types 16 and 18 Cervarix® For Human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine (Cervarix). PBAC meeting July 2015 EXENATIDE Bydureon® Diabetes PNEUMOCOCCAL CONJUGATE VACCINE (13-valent) Prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia and IPD in Prevenar 13® adults PBAC meeting March 2015 CANAKINUMAB Illaris® Treatment of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis INSULIN GLARGINE Basaglar®, Basaglar® KwikPen® Treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus PROPRANOLOL Hemangiol® Treatment of proliferating infantile haemangioma PBAC meeting November 2014 BUPRENORPHINE AND NALOXONE Suboxone® Opiate dependence

OFFICIAL Page 4 of 4 18-19 Growth Funding Domestic Home Home Organisation CHSP Transport Assistance Maintenance Modifications Meals Grand Total 3Bridges Community Limited $110,183.46 $110,183.46 A1 Property Services SA Pty Ltd $91,345.47 $91,345.47 Aboriginal & Islander Community Resource Agency Rockhampton Aboriginal Corp $14,598.54 $14,598.54 Aboriginal Elders & Community Care Services Inc $120,454.23 $120,454.23 Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia $14,821.31 $14,821.31 Aborigines Advancement League Inc. $27,321.99 $27,321.99 Accessible Living Options Inc $1,299.26 $1,299.26 ACRO Australian Community Safety & Research Organisation Incorporated $54,064.55 $54,064.55 Activ Foundation Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Adelaide Hills Council $35,158.23 $35,158.23 ADSSI Limited $174,166.77 $174,166.77 Advance Diversity Services Limited $24,947.97 $24,947.97 Aged Care and Housing Group Incorporated $321,216.00 $321,216.00

Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Alara Qld Limited $4,661.53 $4,661.53 Albany Community Care Centre (WA) Inc. $77,128.16 $77,128.16 Albury Meals on Wheels Inc $10,388.69 $10,388.69 Alexandrina Council $8,996.33 $8,996.33 All About Living Inc $30,074.09 $30,074.09 Alliance Health Services Group Pty Limited $88,604.54 $88,604.54 Alpine Health $56,641.33 $56,641.33 Alzheimer's Association of Queensland Inc $32,283.64 $32,283.64 Alzheimer's Australia WA Ltd $15,801.18 $15,801.18 Amana Living Incorporated $202,346.42 $202,346.42 ANFE-Associazione Nazionale Famiglie Degli Emigrati Incorporated $27,286.54 $27,286.54 Anglican Aged Care Services Group $3,432.91 $3,432.91 Anglican Care $1,964.90 $1,964.90 Anglican Community Services $256,654.26 $256,654.26 Anglicare N.T. Ltd. $101,730.28 $101,730.28 Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT $1,084.69 $1,084.69 Anglicare SA Ltd. $128,904.60 $128,904.60 Anglicare Tasmania Inc. $77,938.50 $77,938.50 Annecto Inc. $24,650.07 $24,650.07 Apto Group Pty Ltd $38,397.14 $38,397.14 Ararat Rural City Council $19,567.93 $19,567.93 Armidale/Uralla Meals on Wheels Incorporated $18,680.63 $18,680.63 Ashgrove Meals on Wheels Inc $4,803.72 $4,803.72

Association of Ukrainians in South Australia Incorporated $5,776.03 $5,776.03 Astley Care Inc. $40,000.00 $40,000.00 Atherton District Meals on Wheels Incorporated $3,420.23 $3,420.23 Aurukun Shire Council $9,850.95 $9,850.95 Australia Korean Welfare Association Ltd $1,982.31 $1,982.31

Australian Chinese Community Association of New South Wales $3,633.62 $3,633.62 Australian Croatian Community Services Inc. $3,806.20 $3,806.20 Australian Finnish Rest Home Association Inc $26,749.21 $26,749.21 Australian Nursing Home Foundation Limited $3,761.39 $3,761.39 Australian Red Cross Society $137,570.83 $137,570.83

Australian Regional and Remote Community Services Limited $140,122.73 $140,122.73 Australian Unity Home Care Service Pty Ltd $5,060,764.24 $5,060,764.24 Australian Unity Retirement Living Management Pty Ltd $218,528.83 $218,528.83 Australian Vietnamese Women's Association Inc. $29,009.14 $29,009.14 Australian-Multicultural Community Services Inc. $20,454.68 $20,454.68 Avivo: Live Life Inc. $114,322.60 $114,322.60 Awabakal Ltd $15,549.69 $15,549.69 Bairnsdale Regional Health Service $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative Ltd $8,317.35 $8,317.35 Ballarat City Council $167,070.02 $167,070.02 Ballarat Health Services $7,425.45 $7,425.45 Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council Incorporated $2,190.05 $2,190.05 Ballina Shire Meals on Wheels Incorporated $9,205.11 $9,205.11 Banana Shire Council $4,367.20 $4,367.20 Bankstown Canterbury Community Transport Co-operative Limited $6,839.02 $6,839.02 BANKSTOWN CITY AGED CARE LTD $7,184.04 $7,184.04 Banyule City Council $147,863.21 $147,863.21 Baptist Care (SA) Incorporated $5,734.57 $5,734.57 Baptistcare NSW & ACT $672,457.67 $672,457.67

Baralaba Community Aged Care Association Incorporated $3,996.16 $3,996.16 Barkly Regional Council $25,842.02 $25,842.02 Barkuma Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Barossa Village Inc $13,336.24 $13,336.24 Barunga Village Inc $4,506.78 $4,506.78 Bass Coast Health $9,345.37 $9,345.37 Bass Coast Shire Council $63,593.57 $63,593.57 Bathurst Community Transport Group Inc $1,029.87 $1,029.87 Bathurst Information & Neighbourhood Centre Inc $14,028.92 $14,028.92 Bathurst Meals on Wheels Service Inc $13,735.98 $13,735.98 Bathurst Seymour Centre Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Bay & Basin Community Resources Inc $32,314.85 $32,314.85 Bayside City Council $147,438.94 $147,438.94 Bayswater Extended Community Help Organisation Inc. $116,303.18 $116,303.18 Beaucare Inc. $3,961.71 $3,961.71 Beechworth Health Service $1,769.60 $1,769.60 Beenleigh & Districts Senior Citizens Centre Inc. $56,515.44 $56,515.44

Bega Valley Home Modification and Maintenance Project Inc $8,913.05 $8,913.05 Bega Valley Meals on Wheels Co-operative Ltd $13,606.92 $13,606.92 Council $3,372.87 $3,372.87 Belconnen Community Service Inc $86,381.64 $86,381.64 Bellarine Community Health Ltd $3,048.02 $3,048.02 Bellingen Shire Council $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Belmont Meals on Wheels Inc $12,110.91 $12,110.91 Belyuen Community Government Council $4,552.72 $4,552.72 Benalla Rural City Council $25,294.79 $25,294.79 Bentleigh Bayside Community Health Limited $1,324.54 $1,324.54 Beresfield & District Community Care Incorporated $15,886.10 $15,886.10 Berrigan and District Aged Care Association Ltd $11,535.62 $11,535.62 Blackall Range Care Group Limited $82,331.58 $82,331.58 Blacktown Meals on Wheels Services Incorporated $39,789.97 $39,789.97 Bland Shire Council $6,268.35 $6,268.35

Blayney Volunteer Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $3,531.30 $3,531.30 Blue Mountains Food Services Incorporated $37,642.39 $37,642.39 Boandik Lodge Incorporated $71,017.21 $71,017.21 Booroongen Djugun Limited $16,345.44 $16,345.44 Boort District Health $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Boroondara Aged Services Society $14,630.80 $14,630.80 Borough of Queenscliffe $13,164.21 $13,164.21 Boyne-Tannum Meals on Wheels Service Incorporated $1,613.79 $1,613.79

Bribie Island Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $11,616.98 $11,616.98 Bribie Island Voluntary Community Help Assoc Inc $33,948.87 $33,948.87 Bridges Connecting Communities Ltd $18,601.05 $18,601.05 Brightwater Care Group Limited $40,141.59 $40,141.59 Brisbane Valley Care & Concern Meals On Wheels Inc $1,567.32 $1,567.32 Broadbeach Meals on Wheels Inc $3,194.67 $3,194.67

Broadsound Coastal Community Development Association Inc. $11,334.50 $11,334.50 Brunswick Valley Meals on Wheels Service Incorporated $25,606.46 $25,606.46 Bucaan Community House Inc. $7,663.06 $7,663.06 Bucketts Way Neighbourhood Group Inc $7,658.20 $7,658.20 Buloke Shire Council $27,587.69 $27,587.69 Bundaberg and District Meals on Wheels Incorporated $12,907.75 $12,907.75 Bundaberg Regional Council $24,544.87 $24,544.87 Bungala Aboriginal Corporation $14,980.05 $14,980.05 Bungree Aboriginal Association Limited $21,903.18 $21,903.18 Burdekin Community Association Inc. $36,724.90 $36,724.90 Burnie Brae Ltd $119,395.77 $119,395.77 Burpengary Meals on Wheels Inc. $4,642.92 $4,642.92 Burringilly Aboriginal Corporation $35,466.87 $35,466.87 Burrum District Respite Association Inc $4,481.94 $4,481.94 Burwood Community Welfare Services Inc $22,611.99 $22,611.99 Byron Shire Respite Service Incorporated $3,643.04 $3,643.04

Byron-Ballina Home Modification and Maintenance Service Inc. $24,373.40 $24,373.40 Cabanda Care Inc. $2,325.27 $2,325.27 Cabonne Council $9,782.22 $9,782.22 Cairns & District Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Corporation For Elders $55,520.80 $55,520.80 Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service $126,251.77 $126,251.77 Cairns Meals on Wheels Inc $18,478.41 $18,478.41 Calvary Home Care Services Limited $168,755.92 $168,755.92 Camden Meals on Wheels Inc $18,782.70 $18,782.70 Campaspe Shire Council $61,505.56 $61,505.56

Canowindra Tweed-Byron Aged & Disabled Aboriginal Corp $3,049.97 $3,049.97 Canterbury City Community Centre Inc. $46,362.95 $46,362.95 Canterbury Earlwood Caring Association Ltd $2,521.65 $2,521.65 Canterbury Meals on Wheels Incorporated $19,225.21 $19,225.21 Canterbury-Bankstown Council $21,805.00 $21,805.00 Capalaba District Meals on Wheels Inc $6,454.20 $6,454.20 Cardwell Meals on Wheels Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Care Assessment Consultants Pty. Ltd. $130,951.94 $130,951.94 Care Connect Limited $91,598.77 $91,598.77 Care Norfolk Inc. $9,754.35 $9,754.35 Care Options Incorporated $144,543.46 $144,543.46 Carer Support and Respite Centre Incorporated $17,637.64 $17,637.64 Carers and Disability Link Incorporated $1,546.23 $1,546.23 CareWays Community Inc $45,328.74 $45,328.74 Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre Inc $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Carrathool Shire Council $4,615.71 $4,615.71 Carrington Centennial Care Limited $25,426.13 $25,426.13 Casey City Council $223,026.92 $223,026.92 Casino Meals On Wheels Incorporated $5,039.62 $5,039.62 CASS Care Limited $20,976.16 $20,976.16 Cathay Community Association Inc $39,605.07 $39,605.07 Catholic Cathedral Parish of St Carthages Lismore - Catholic Care of the Aged $40,016.46 $40,016.46 Catholic Family Welfare Services $24,123.86 $24,123.86 Catholic Healthcare Limited $244,408.33 $244,408.33 CCNB Ltd $11,779.58 $11,779.58 Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service (Aboriginal Corporation) $10,139.73 $10,139.73 Centacare Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton $161,776.84 $161,776.84 Centenary Meals on Wheels Inc. $2,064.92 $2,064.92 Central and Upper Burnett District Home for the Aged $1,936.16 $1,936.16 Central Darling Shire Council $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Central Desert Regional Council $79,653.60 $79,653.60 Central Gippsland Health Service $51,626.04 $51,626.04 Central Goldfields Shire Council $30,182.60 $30,182.60 Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service $9,569.68 $9,569.68 Central West Hospital and Health Service $9,498.13 $9,498.13 Centre for Participation Inc. $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Charlestown & District Meals on Wheels Incorporated $14,605.89 $14,605.89

Charleville and District Community Support Association Inc $18,290.75 $18,290.75 Chinchilla Meals on Wheels Association $1,263.16 $1,263.16

Chinese Welfare Services of South Australia Incorporated $6,931.90 $6,931.90 Chjowai Housing Cooperative Society Limited $12,171.62 $12,171.62 Christian Community Aid Service Inc $25,944.18 $25,944.18 Churches of Christ in Qld $145,400.72 $145,400.72 Churches of Christ Life Care Incorporated $7,799.91 $7,799.91 Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation $4,988.65 $4,988.65 City of Burnside $37,110.92 $37,110.92 City Of Campbelltown Meals On Wheels & Housebound Resource Service Inc $22,914.03 $22,914.03 City of Canning $9,469.77 $9,469.77 City of Charles Sturt $52,703.81 $52,703.81 City of Cockburn $57,931.31 $57,931.31 City of Darebin $211,124.86 $211,124.86 City of Greater Dandenong $211,368.88 $211,368.88 City of Greater Geelong $361,310.32 $361,310.32 City of Greater Shepparton $82,895.56 $82,895.56 City of Holdfast Bay $45,464.26 $45,464.26 City of Liverpool Meals on Wheels Inc $15,184.07 $15,184.07 City of Onkaparinga $111,080.92 $111,080.92 City of Parramatta Council $27,551.81 $27,551.81 City of Playford $68,699.00 $68,699.00 City of Port Adelaide Enfield $56,170.14 $56,170.14 City of Port Phillip $127,197.33 $127,197.33 City of Ryde $26,824.74 $26,824.74 City of Salisbury $65,255.95 $65,255.95 City of Stirling $146,032.75 $146,032.75 City of Stonnington $126,829.50 $126,829.50 City of Swan $85,160.82 $85,160.82 City of Tea Tree Gully $35,039.91 $35,039.91 City of Victor Harbor $4,650.83 $4,650.83 City Of West Torrens $20,762.16 $20,762.16 City of Whittlesea $168,400.26 $168,400.26 Clarence City Council $3,610.28 $3,610.28 Clarence Community Transport Inc $4,178.22 $4,178.22 Clarence Valley Council $60,246.93 $60,246.93 Clarence Valley Home Modification and Maintenance Service Inc $24,507.66 $24,507.66 Clifton Meals on Wheels Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 CO AS IT Italian Association Of Assistance $12,583.00 $12,583.00 Co.As.It. Community Services Inc. $176,739.93 $176,739.93 COA Sydney Incorporated $10,927.12 $10,927.12 Coast Community Connections Limited $67,563.86 $67,563.86 Coffs Coast Meals on Wheels Incorporated $17,484.11 $17,484.11

Coffs Harbour Home Modification & Maintenance Service Inc $48,110.63 $48,110.63 Colac Otway Shire Council $38,000.76 $38,000.76 ComLink Limited $439,542.51 $439,542.51 Communify Queensland Ltd $59,249.29 $59,249.29 Communities@Work $62,232.80 $62,232.80 Community Accessability Inc. $27,284.85 $27,284.85 Community Accommodation & Support Agency Inc. $21,906.99 $21,906.99 Community and Cultural Connections Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Community Based Support Inc. $72,808.40 $72,808.40 Community Care NESB Inc. $40,588.84 $40,588.84 Community Care Options Limited $14,046.15 $14,046.15

Community Centre Serbia and Montenegro SA Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Community First International Limited $88,775.46 $88,775.46 Community Gateway Incorporated $25,706.58 $25,706.58 Community Home Care Incorporated $197,884.26 $197,884.26 Community Options Incorporated $58,630.28 $58,630.28 Community Resources Limited $18,984.50 $18,984.50 Community Restaurant Miranda Incorporated $11,334.12 $11,334.12 Community Services 1 $33,922.95 $33,922.95 Community Services Tablelands Inc. $25,287.81 $25,287.81 Community Transport Services Tasmania Inc. $208,091.54 $208,091.54 Community Vision Incorporated. $80,449.18 $80,449.18 Community Wheels Inc. $4,219.67 $4,219.67 Connectability Australia Limited $9,443.16 $9,443.16 Coolamon Shire Council $5,334.08 $5,334.08 Coolum Beach Meals on Wheels Inc. $4,930.76 $4,930.76 Cooma Challenge Limited $1,928.26 $1,928.26 Coonamble Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $4,588.71 $4,588.71 Coordinating Italian Committee Incorporated $15,881.95 $15,881.95 Coorong District Council $6,153.41 $6,153.41 Cootamundra Meals on Wheels Service Inc $7,416.62 $7,416.62 Coptic Orthodox Church St Mark $1,383.62 $1,383.62 Corangamite Shire Council $28,620.29 $28,620.29 Core Community Services Limited $57,802.03 $57,802.03 Corporation of the City of Campbelltown $35,328.60 $35,328.60

Corporation of the City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters $52,590.73 $52,590.73 Corporation of the City of Unley $36,070.13 $36,070.13 Corryong Health $14,060.21 $14,060.21 Corumbene Nursing Home for the Aged Inc. $2,798.78 $2,798.78 Council Of Aboriginal Elders Of South Australia (Port Lincoln Regional Forum) In $4,605.36 $4,605.36 Country Health SA Local Health Network Incorporated $697,869.59 $697,869.59 Country Home Advocacy Project Inc $132,200.29 $132,200.29 Cowra and Grenfell Meals on Wheels/Food Services Committee Incorporated $22,867.35 $22,867.35

Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated $14,744.92 $14,744.92 Cowra Special Needs Services Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Cranes Community Support Programs Limited $1,670.44 $1,670.44 Crookwell Meals on Wheels Service Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Crookwell/Taralga Aged Care Ltd $2,783.86 $2,783.86 Crows Nest QLD Meals on Wheels Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Cumberland Council $27,394.95 $27,394.95 DADAA Limited $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Dalby Meals on Wheels $5,681.67 $5,681.67 Dandenong & District Aborigines Co-Operative Limited $7,283.22 $7,283.22 Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service $345,392.46 $345,392.46 Deception Bay Meals on Wheels Incorporated $3,007.83 $3,007.83 Decia Pty Limited $37,319.78 $37,319.78 Dementia Australia Limited $22,406.87 $22,406.87 Deniliquin Meals on Wheels Inc $5,005.31 $5,005.31 Denman Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $1,234.63 $1,234.63 Derby Home and Community Care Inc. $12,603.67 $12,603.67 Dharriwaa Elders Group Incorporated $1,909.66 $1,909.66 Dhauwurd-Wurrung Elderly & Community Health Service Inc. $4,194.19 $4,194.19 Djerriwarrh Health Services $4,242.87 $4,242.87 Doutta Galla Aged Services LTD $17,370.09 $17,370.09 Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated $11,616.13 $11,616.13 Dungog and District Neighbourcare Incorporated $14,383.14 $14,383.14 DUO Services Australia Ltd $259,035.65 $259,035.65 EACH $49,267.60 $49,267.60 Eacham Community Help Organization Inc. $35,161.52 $35,161.52 East Arnhem Regional Council $25,545.69 $25,545.69 East Wimmera Health Service $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Eastern Health $7,394.77 $7,394.77 Eastern Volunteer Resource Centre Inc. $26,109.57 $26,109.57 Easy Care Gardening Inc $55,470.09 $55,470.09 ECH Incorporated $56,806.28 $56,806.28 Elders Council of Tasmania Aboriginal Corporation $1,111.88 $1,111.88 Emmerton Park Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Enrich Living Pty Ltd $40,805.31 $40,805.31 EPIS Incorporated $23,976.61 $23,976.61 Eurobodalla Meals on Wheels Cooperative Limited $19,243.76 $19,243.76 Everglow Community Care Links Incorporated $38,263.62 $38,263.62 Evergreen Community Inc $17,478.95 $17,478.95 Fairfield Food Services Incorporated $36,141.11 $36,141.11 Family Based Care Association North West Inc. $28,915.31 $28,915.31 Family Home Support Services P/L $15,629.31 $15,629.31 Far West HACC Services Incorporated $8,332.18 $8,332.18 Feros Care $129,351.98 $129,351.98 Flexi Care Inc. $62,282.37 $62,282.37 Flexible Living Ltd $17,371.00 $17,371.00 Flinders Shire Council $14,085.41 $14,085.41 Footprints in Brisbane Inc. $17,160.93 $17,160.93 Forbes and District Meals on Wheels Association Inc $7,408.41 $7,408.41

Forbes/Bland Home Modification and Maintenance Service Inc $9,389.51 $9,389.51 Fronditha Care $3,749.48 $3,749.48 Fusion Australia Ltd $94,637.60 $94,637.60 Gannawarra Shire Council $33,768.96 $33,768.96 Gateway Social Support Options Inc. $6,018.48 $6,018.48 Gatton Meals on Wheels Inc. $3,485.09 $3,485.09 Gawler Care & Share Group Inc $1,853.71 $1,853.71 Geelong Ethnic Communities Council Incorporated $2,867.78 $2,867.78 Gemfields Community Support Assoc. Inc. $9,117.33 $9,117.33 Gilgai Aboriginal Centre Inc $13,130.39 $13,130.39 Gilgandra Council $8,088.16 $8,088.16 Gin Gin Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $1,271.74 $1,271.74

Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative Limited $4,386.39 $4,386.39 Gippsland Lakes Community Health $62,649.20 $62,649.20 Gladstone Central Committee on the Ageing $1,966.89 $1,966.89 Gladstone Community Linking Agency Inc $6,580.76 $6,580.76 Gladstone Region Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Service Ltd $12,473.33 $12,473.33 Glasshouse Country Care Association Inc. $79,381.38 $79,381.38 Glen Innes Severn Council $10,527.55 $10,527.55 Glenelg Shire Council $42,148.79 $42,148.79 Glenview Community Services Inc. $1,962.17 $1,962.17 Gloucester Home Maintenance Project Inc $9,601.50 $9,601.50 Gold Coast Community Transport $5,893.94 $5,893.94 Golden Plains Shire Council $21,341.70 $21,341.70 Goobidi-Bamanga Community Advancement Co-operative Society Limited $19,026.66 $19,026.66 Good Neighbour Council Launceston Inc. $1,206.41 $1,206.41 Goodwin Aged Care Services Limited $64,538.31 $64,538.31

Goolburri Aboriginal Health Advancement Company Limited $31,697.28 $31,697.28 Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co Op Ltd $4,539.45 $4,539.45 Goondiwindi Regional Council $4,643.23 $4,643.23 Goulburn and District Meals on Wheels $6,825.99 $6,825.99 Goulburn Valley Family Care Inc. $3,134.48 $3,134.48 Grafton District Meals on Wheels Service Inc. $18,291.18 $18,291.18 Graham House Community Centre Inc $22,742.88 $22,742.88 Greater Bendigo City Council. $141,972.98 $141,972.98 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia $27,042.68 $27,042.68

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Consolidated Trust $24,631.20 $24,631.20 Greek Orthodox Community of St George Brisbane $192,341.97 $192,341.97 Griffith Meals on Wheels Incorporated $5,109.01 $5,109.01 Gulgong Hostel Association Inc $9,934.01 $9,934.01 Gunditjmara Aboriginal Co-operative Limited $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Gunnedah Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $4,291.05 $4,291.05 Gunnedah Shire Council $13,674.94 $13,674.94

Gunning District Community and Health Service Incorporated $4,373.93 $4,373.93 Guriwal Aboriginal Corporation $10,742.93 $10,742.93 Gwydir Shire Council $4,764.96 $4,764.96 Gymea Community Aid and Information Service Inc $2,465.20 $2,465.20 Gympie Meals on Wheels Inc. $9,769.88 $9,769.88 Halls Creek Community Care Inc $12,851.84 $12,851.84 HammondCare $41,961.83 $41,961.83

Harold Hawthorne Senior Citizens' Centre and Homes Inc. $58,926.37 $58,926.37 Harvey Health and Community Services Group (Inc) $110,878.30 $110,878.30 Hawkesbury City Council $29,652.17 $29,652.17 Hawkesbury Colo Meals on Wheels Inc $12,973.58 $12,973.58 Hawting Family Trust $5,630.66 $5,630.66 Hay Shire Council $4,995.69 $4,995.69 Healesville Interchurch Community Care Inc. $4,414.16 $4,414.16 Heathcote Health $21,917.78 $21,917.78 Helping Hand Aged Care Incorporated $224,030.75 $224,030.75 Hepburn Health Service $7,437.45 $7,437.45 Hepburn Shire Council $28,618.09 $28,618.09 Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated $13,691.31 $13,691.31 Hibernian (QLD) Friendly Society Ltd $16,713.52 $16,713.52 Hindmarsh Shire Council $20,268.91 $20,268.91 Hinterland Community Care Inc $11,773.12 $11,773.12 Hobart City Council $5,042.16 $5,042.16 Hobart District Nursing Service Inc. $78,961.55 $78,961.55 Holbrook Meals on Wheels Service Incorporated $6,023.52 $6,023.52 Holdsworth Community Ltd $28,154.85 $28,154.85 Home Maintenance and Security Service Association Incorporated $56,217.96 $56,217.96 Home Modifications Lake Macquarie/Newcastle Limited $109,831.37 $109,831.37 Home Nursing Group Pty Ltd $88,514.52 $88,514.52 Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council $25,186.57 $25,186.57 Hornsby Shire Council $34,536.10 $34,536.10 Hume City Council $162,759.70 $162,759.70 Hungarian Caritas Society in SA Inc $3,376.39 $3,376.39 Hunter Multicultural Communities Incorporated $6,604.67 $6,604.67 Hunter New England Local Health District $61,348.15 $61,348.15 Huon Eldercare Limited $6,593.34 $6,593.34 Hutt Street Centre $6,485.25 $6,485.25 Illawarra Retirement Trust $1,301.21 $1,301.21 Inala Meals on Wheels Incorporated $4,517.71 $4,517.71 Indigenous Wellbeing Centre Limited $24,519.70 $24,519.70 Indigo North Health Inc $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Ingham Meals on Wheels Incorporated $3,097.86 $3,097.86 Inglewood and Districts Health Service $1,199.32 $1,199.32 Inner West Council $44,698.34 $44,698.34 Inner West Neighbour Aid Incorporated $27,023.22 $27,023.22 Innisfail Meals on Wheels Inc $3,976.88 $3,976.88 Institute For Urban Indigenous Health Ltd $77,319.60 $77,319.60 Integratedliving Australia Ltd $439,722.10 $439,722.10 Interchange Wingecarribee Incorporated $16,568.46 $16,568.46 Intereach Limited $35,338.47 $35,338.47 Inverell HACC Services Incorporated $1,968.58 $1,968.58 Inverell Senior Citizens Welfare Association Inc $7,896.26 $7,896.26 Ipswich City Council $45,774.23 $45,774.23 Ipswich Meals on Wheels Inc. $15,871.69 $15,871.69 Islamic Women's Association of Australia (IWAA) Inc. $32,362.88 $32,362.88 Italian Australian Welfare Assn (Granite Belt) Inc $1,599.07 $1,599.07 Italian Cultural Centre Incorporated $1,565.06 $1,565.06 Italian Home Delivered Meals and Services Incorporated $32,651.36 $32,651.36 Italian-Australian Pensioners Welfare Association of Tasmania Inc. $11,813.33 $11,813.33 Jandowae Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Jewish Care $9,189.34 $9,189.34 Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc. $28,892.26 $28,892.26 Jewish Community Services Incorporated $11,689.89 $11,689.89 Jubilee Community Care Inc $18,317.04 $18,317.04 Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation $24,168.41 $24,168.41 Junee Community Centre Inc $11,458.11 $11,458.11 Kalwun Development Corporation Limited $68,009.90 $68,009.90 Karadi Aboriginal Corporation $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre Inc $30,883.43 $30,883.43 Kilcoy Meals on Wheels Inc. $1,507.30 $1,507.30 KinCare Health Services Pty Ltd $899,285.03 $899,285.03 Kingsgrove Community Aid Centre Incorporated $5,809.98 $5,809.98 Knox City Council $167,253.16 $167,253.16 Kootingal Moonbi Meals on Wheels Inc $2,804.23 $2,804.23 Kooweerup Regional Health Services $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Kosher Meals on Wheels Association of Victoria Inc $2,327.27 $2,327.27 Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council $6,767.28 $6,767.28 Ku-ring-gai Meals on Wheels Service $55,540.68 $55,540.68 Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation $1,035.11 $1,035.11 Kurri Kurri Community Services Limited $176,191.92 $176,191.92 Lachlan Council $13,982.77 $13,982.77 Laidley Meals On Wheels Inc $1,613.15 $1,613.15 Lake Tyers Health & Childrens Services Association Inc. $1,600.98 $1,600.98 Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation $24,112.56 $24,112.56 Latrobe City Council $110,969.43 $110,969.43 Latrobe Community Health $5,368.22 $5,368.22 Launceston VFC Services Inc $13,914.55 $13,914.55 Launch Housing Limited $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Laura & District Health Action Assn $2,573.86 $2,573.86 Liberty Community Connect Inc $36,431.62 $36,431.62 Life Without Barriers $372,955.82 $372,955.82 Lifebridge Australia Ltd. $14,103.05 $14,103.05 LifeTec Australia Limited $19,216.15 $19,216.15 Lifetime Connect Incorporated $34,506.86 $34,506.86 Link Community Transport Inc. $101,115.37 $101,115.37 Link Health and Community Limited $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Lismore Home Modification Service Inc $28,613.44 $28,613.44 Lismore Meals on Wheels Services Incorporated $13,150.27 $13,150.27 Lithgow Information and Neighbourhood Centre Limited $24,253.21 $24,253.21 Livebetter Services Limited $280,311.24 $280,311.24 Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council $8,298.49 $8,298.49 Loddon Shire Council $21,620.30 $21,620.30 Logan West Meals On Wheels Incorporated $4,097.89 $4,097.89 Longreach Home & Community Care Inc $13,207.28 $13,207.28 Longreach Meals On Wheels Incorporated $2,345.66 $2,345.66 Lorne Community Hospital $2,454.65 $2,454.65 Ltyentye Apurte Arelhe-Ingkerrenyekekenhe Apmere Aboriginal Corporation $4,785.91 $4,785.91 Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District $2,822.41 $2,822.41 Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation $2,188.99 $2,188.99 Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative Ltd $1,858.95 $1,858.95 MacDonnell Regional Council $25,575.54 $25,575.54 Macedon Ranges Shire Council $44,283.77 $44,283.77 Macedonian Community Education and Support Services Incorporated $2,375.90 $2,375.90 Macedonian Community Welfare Association Inc. $10,311.07 $10,311.07 Mackay Community Visitors Association Inc $7,932.69 $7,932.69 Mackay Hospital and Health Service $149,175.34 $149,175.34 Mackay Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $22,809.93 $22,809.93 Mackay Yamadi Lera Yumi Meta Association Inc $30,524.53 $30,524.53 Macleay Home Modification & Maintenance Services Incorporated $13,255.52 $13,255.52 Mala'la Health Service Aboriginal Corporation $10,532.39 $10,532.39 Maldon Hospital $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Mallacoota District Health & Support Service Inc. $7,540.42 $7,540.42

Mallee Accommodation & Support Program Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Mallee District Aboriginal Services Limited $4,572.96 $4,572.96 Mallee Track Health & Community Service $6,231.49 $6,231.49 Maltese Aged Care Association SA Incorporated $14,572.26 $14,572.26 MannaCare Inc $21,781.23 $21,781.23 Manning Support Services Incorporated $55,530.20 $55,530.20 Manningham City Council $198,657.37 $198,657.37 Mansfield Shire Council $10,964.48 $10,964.48 Mapoon Aboriginal Council $5,682.80 $5,682.80 Mareeba Meals on Wheels Inc $2,388.26 $2,388.26 Maroochy Home Maintenance and Care Association Inc $166,947.71 $166,947.71 Maroondah City Council $127,118.79 $127,118.79 Masonic Care Tasmania Inc. $30,776.85 $30,776.85 Matthew Flinders Home Incorporated $5,649.97 $5,649.97 May Shaw Health Centre Inc. $4,163.96 $4,163.96 McKinlay Shire Council $6,420.69 $6,420.69 McLean Care Ltd $43,932.05 $43,932.05 Meals on Wheels - Fraser Community Inc. $35,942.93 $35,942.93 Meals on Wheels - Rockhampton Incorporated $16,844.62 $16,844.62 Meals on Wheels - Roma Inc $1,406.62 $1,406.62 Meals on Wheels (S.A.) Incorporated $254,842.08 $254,842.08 Meals On Wheels (Western Suburbs) Inc $3,466.70 $3,466.70 Meals on Wheels Auburn Incorporated $12,692.42 $12,692.42 Meals on Wheels Caloundra Inc $20,790.52 $20,790.52 Meals on Wheels Central Coast Limited $93,236.24 $93,236.24 Meals on Wheels Dubbo Inc $32,470.13 $32,470.13 Meals on Wheels Mitchell QLD Branch Inc $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Meals on Wheels Mount Morgan Inc $1,884.85 $1,884.85 Meals on Wheels Narrandera Branch Inc $5,521.88 $5,521.88 Meals on Wheels Pine Rivers & District Inc $13,553.14 $13,553.14 Meals on Wheels Queanbeyan Inc $9,107.40 $9,107.40 MECWA $509,422.05 $509,422.05 Meercroft Care Inc $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Melton City Council $71,898.12 $71,898.12 Melville Cares Inc $113,785.97 $113,785.97 Mercy Aged and Community Care Ltd $7,693.18 $7,693.18 Mercy Community Services Incorporated $160,040.79 $160,040.79 Mercy Services $49,987.48 $49,987.48 Mersey Community Care Association Incorporated $49,045.99 $49,045.99 MHA Care Limited $58,592.84 $58,592.84 MiCare Ltd $7,808.84 $7,808.84 Mid Murray Support Services Incorporated $11,843.98 $11,843.98 Mid Richmond Neighbourhood Centre Inc $33,253.42 $33,253.42 Mid-Coast Council $4,668.69 $4,668.69 Mid-Western Regional Council $5,256.70 $5,256.70 Migrant Resource Centre (Southern Tasmania) Inc. $4,046.84 $4,046.84

Milang and District Community Association Incorporated $7,135.85 $7,135.85 Mildura Rural City Council $84,597.71 $84,597.71 Minister for Human Services as represented by the Department of Human Services $131,404.24 $131,404.24 Mission Australia $12,270.52 $12,270.52 Mission Beach Meals on Wheels Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Mitchelton Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $10,330.40 $10,330.40 Moe District Meals on Wheels Inc $6,276.72 $6,276.72 Monash City Council $248,157.41 $248,157.41 Moonee Valley City Council $164,598.31 $164,598.31 Moorabool Shire Council $42,813.45 $42,813.45 Moree Aged & Disability Services Incorporated $7,041.87 $7,041.87 Moreland City Council $284,174.40 $284,174.40 Morisset & Toronto Meals on Wheels Incorporated $16,286.31 $16,286.31 Mornington Peninsula Shire Council $292,731.42 $292,731.42 Morrissey Homestead Incorporated $8,829.99 $8,829.99 Morven Progress Association Incorporated $1,188.25 $1,188.25 Mount Alexander Shire Council $36,384.26 $36,384.26 Mount Barker District Council $22,465.78 $22,465.78 Mount Isa Community Development Association Inc. $10,440.57 $10,440.57 Mount Isa Meals on Wheels Inc. $3,632.24 $3,632.24 Moyne Shire Council $31,698.02 $31,698.02 Mt Gravatt Community Centre Inc. $45,773.53 $45,773.53

Mudth-Niyleta Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation $1,333.54 $1,333.54 Multi Purpose Allira Gathering Assoc Incorporated Aged Care Dept $3,412.04 $3,412.04 Multicultural Care $29,082.66 $29,082.66 Multicultural Communities Council - Gold Coast Limited $17,700.90 $17,700.90

Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra Incorporated $13,007.14 $13,007.14

Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia Incorporated $10,503.92 $10,503.92 MultiLink Community Services Inc. $76,543.20 $76,543.20 Mununjali Housing and Development Company Limited $33,272.67 $33,272.67 Murgon Meals on Wheels Inc $1,206.87 $1,206.87 Murray Mallee Aged Care Group Inc $4,037.53 $4,037.53 Murray River Council $16,096.37 $16,096.37 Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative Limited $4,443.10 $4,443.10 Murrumbidgee Council $9,518.91 $9,518.91 Murrumburrah-Harden Flexible Care Services Inc $3,335.10 $3,335.10 Murwillumbah Meals on Wheels Service Incorporated $5,758.41 $5,758.41

Muslim Women's Association of South Australia Incorporated $1,287.56 $1,287.56 Mutkin Residential And Community Care Indigenous Corporation $15,395.59 $15,395.59 MWP Community Aid $115,148.25 $115,148.25 Myrtle Cottage Group Incorporated $12,188.56 $12,188.56 Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council $6,782.44 $6,782.44 Narrabri Meals on Wheels Inc $5,513.60 $5,513.60 Narrandera Shire Council $2,237.23 $2,237.23 Nepean Food Services Inc $37,715.91 $37,715.91 Nepean Multicultural Access Inc $1,193.13 $1,193.13 Nerang & Districts Meals On Wheels Inc $5,162.78 $5,162.78 Newcastle Meals on Wheels Incorporated $62,232.00 $62,232.00 Ngaanyatjarra Health Service (Aboriginal Corporation) $27,829.59 $27,829.59 Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council Aboriginal Corporat $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Nganampa Health Council Incorporated $11,933.19 $11,933.19 Ngangganawili Aboriginal Community Controlled Health and Medical Services Aborig $9,149.96 $9,149.96 Ngoonbi Community Services Indigenous Corporation $88,495.05 $88,495.05 Ngunnawal Aboriginal Corporation $6,025.46 $6,025.46 Nillumbik Community Health Service Ltd $6,166.91 $6,166.91 Nillumbik Shire Council $36,553.63 $36,553.63 Noarlunga Volunteer Transport Service Incorporated $11,772.73 $11,772.73 Noosa Shire Council $47,695.07 $47,695.07 North and West Remote Health Limited $73,361.28 $73,361.28 North Ryde Community Aid & Information Centre Inc $4,849.31 $4,849.31 North Shoalhaven Meals Co-Operative Limited $20,092.97 $20,092.97 North Stradbroke Island Aboriginal and Islanders Housing Co- Operative Society Lt $13,264.80 $13,264.80 Northeast Health Wangaratta $6,982.77 $6,982.77 Northern Beaches Community Services Ltd $28,167.40 $28,167.40 Northern Carers Network Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Northern Coalfields Community Care Association (Neighbourcare) Limited $38,817.46 $38,817.46 Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid Incorporated $4,633.25 $4,633.25 Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council $9,705.20 $9,705.20 Northern Regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation $26,604.97 $26,604.97 Northern Territory of Australia $9,604.42 $9,604.42 Northside Community Forum Limited $17,362.66 $17,362.66 Northside Community Service Limited $55,641.27 $55,641.27 Novacare Community Services Limited $78,960.09 $78,960.09 Nundah Activity Centre Inc. $9,711.05 $9,711.05 Oakey and District Meals on Wheels Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Omeo District Health $4,800.21 $4,800.21 Omnicare Alliance Ltd. $96,118.49 $96,118.49 Open Arms Care Incorporated $9,003.45 $9,003.45 Orange City Council $11,011.64 $11,011.64 Orbost Regional Health $17,976.68 $17,976.68 Otway Health $7,810.27 $7,810.27 Our Lady of Consolation Aged Care & Services Limited $127,611.27 $127,611.27 Ourcare Services Limited $38,854.17 $38,854.17

Overseas Chinese Association of South Australia Incorporated $3,647.82 $3,647.82 Ozcare $513,925.82 $513,925.82 OzPol Community Care Association Inc $56,611.20 $56,611.20 Parkes and District Neighbourhood and Community Information Centre Inc $24,466.56 $24,466.56 Parkes Shire Food Service Incorporated $11,813.76 $11,813.76 Partners 4 Health Limited $581,610.34 $581,610.34 Paupiyala Tjarutja Aboriginal Corporation $7,391.21 $7,391.21 Peel Community Care Inc. $44,247.57 $44,247.57 Peninsula Health $2,757.71 $2,757.71 Penrith Skills for Jobs Limited $18,268.05 $18,268.05 People Who Care (Inc.) $196,743.40 $196,743.40 Pika Wiya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation $19,398.76 $19,398.76

Pintupi Homelands Health Service (Aboriginal Corporation) $15,746.40 $15,746.40 Polish Association in Hobart Inc. $4,156.43 $4,156.43 Pomona District Meals on Wheels Incorporated $2,350.50 $2,350.50 Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council $8,807.09 $8,807.09 Port Kembla & District Meals on Wheels Inc $7,123.71 $7,123.71 Port Stephens Veterans and Citizens Aged Care Ltd $2,572.58 $2,572.58 Portland District Health $2,384.91 $2,384.91 Presbyterian Aged Care $57,913.94 $57,913.94 Prescare $90,902.53 $90,902.53 Proserpine and District Respite Services Inc $4,287.15 $4,287.15 Pyrenees Shire Council $18,256.69 $18,256.69

Queensland Meals on Wheels Services Association Incorporated $13,036.18 $13,036.18 Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation $1,076.69 $1,076.69 Randwick City Council $13,226.73 $13,226.73 Randwick Meals On Wheels Incorporated $22,366.41 $22,366.41

Ravenshoe and District Meals on Wheels Association Inc. $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Ravenshoe Community Centre Inc $25,760.23 $25,760.23 Ray Village Aged Services (Inc) $31,374.88 $31,374.88 RDNS Homecare Limited $33,731.50 $33,731.50 Redcliffe Community Bus for Disabled or Aged Inc. $14,315.51 $14,315.51 Regis Aged Care Pty Ltd $4,452.98 $4,452.98 Rembrandt Living Incorporated $32,371.67 $32,371.67 Resthaven Incorporated $210,470.15 $210,470.15 Richmond Shire Council $3,727.26 $3,727.26 Rise Network Inc $336,063.00 $336,063.00 Riverwood Community Centre Ltd $17,413.45 $17,413.45 Rockdale Community Services Incorporated $26,515.35 $26,515.35 Rockhampton Regional Council $61,099.06 $61,099.06 Roman Catholic Church for the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn as Trustees f $34,894.22 $34,894.22 Roper Gulf Regional Council $10,085.41 $10,085.41 Royal District Nursing Service of SA Limited $307,334.81 $307,334.81 Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre Inc $5,765.41 $5,765.41 RSL Care RDNS Limited $293,113.65 $293,113.65 Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative Limited $8,571.78 $8,571.78 Rural City of Murray Bridge $17,038.90 $17,038.90 Rushworth Community House Inc. $1,731.34 $1,731.34 Russian Ethnic Representative Council of Victoria Inc. $6,166.91 $6,166.91 Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh $2,334.38 $2,334.38 Rylstone District Care & Transport Inc. $4,953.99 $4,953.99 Sacred Heart Mission St Kilda Inc. $9,287.68 $9,287.68 Samarinda Ashburton Aged Services Inc. $8,381.00 $8,381.00 Sarmace Pty Ltd $159,318.50 $159,318.50 SBcare Incorporated $21,686.71 $21,686.71 Senior Citizens' Centre of Meals On Wheels (Albany) Inc. $10,895.76 $10,895.76 Serbian Orthodox Diocese Aged Care & Education Property Fund Ltd $4,737.38 $4,737.38 Seymour District Memorial Hospital $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Shailer Park Meals on Wheels Inc. $2,904.24 $2,904.24 Share & Care Community Services Group Incorporated $38,021.66 $38,021.66 Sherwood District Meals On Wheels Incorporated $3,639.99 $3,639.99 Shire of Dowerin $7,995.41 $7,995.41 Shire of Esperance $50,491.67 $50,491.67 Shire of Manjimup $35,932.85 $35,932.85 Shire of Narrogin $23,224.88 $23,224.88 Shire of Northam $4,266.19 $4,266.19 Silver Chain Group Limited $1,203,944.82 $1,203,944.82 Snowy Monaro Regional Council $23,684.11 $23,684.11 Snowy Valleys Council $4,856.84 $4,856.84 South Coast Home Modification and Maintenance Service Limited $198,130.04 $198,130.04 South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation $4,797.50 $4,797.50 South East Volunteers Incorporated $17,776.96 $17,776.96 South Eastern Nursing & Home Care Association Inc $50,968.13 $50,968.13 South Gippsland Shire Council $43,988.07 $43,988.07 South Port Day Links Inc. $9,975.32 $9,975.32 South West Hospital and Health Service $50,228.58 $50,228.58 Southcare (Incorporated) $80,231.38 $80,231.38 Southern Cross Care (Broken Hill) Ltd $10,750.92 $10,750.92 Southern Cross Care (NSW & ACT) Limited $26,198.19 $26,198.19 Southern Cross Care (Qld) Inc. $78,589.98 $78,589.98 Southern Cross Care (SA & NT) Incorporated $52,442.05 $52,442.05 Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc $84,599.12 $84,599.12 Southern Cross Care Services Pty Limited $150,289.14 $150,289.14 Southern Districts Support Association Incorporated $77,841.65 $77,841.65 Southern Grampians Shire Council $47,795.28 $47,795.28 Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre Inc. $1,250.40 $1,250.40

Southern Shoalhaven Zone Meals on Wheels Incorporated $10,312.30 $10,312.30

South-West Aboriginal Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre Ltd $11,532.12 $11,532.12 St Basils Homes $4,552.90 $4,552.90 St George Meals on Wheels (NSW) Inc $42,191.65 $42,191.65 St John Ambulance Australia Queensland Limited $186,770.47 $186,770.47 St John's Community Care Limited $259,079.49 $259,079.49 St Vincent de Paul Society (NT) Inc $58,165.90 $58,165.90 St Vincent's Clinic $6,680.70 $6,680.70 St. Helens Community Car Group Inc. $1,396.17 $1,396.17 St. John Ambulance Australia - Tasmania Inc. $5,885.22 $5,885.22 Stafford & District Meals on Wheels $7,524.90 $7,524.90 Stanthorpe Meals On Wheels $2,032.97 $2,032.97 Star Community Services Ltd $258,707.60 $258,707.60 Strathfield Municipal Council $2,746.58 $2,746.58 Sunassist Volunteer Helpers Inc. $21,295.61 $21,295.61 Suncare Community Services Ltd. $133,768.69 $133,768.69 Sundale Ltd $18,335.78 $18,335.78 Sunnybank/Salisbury Meals on Wheels Incorporated $6,946.95 $6,946.95 Sutherland Food Services Incorporated $19,822.06 $19,822.06 Sutherland Shire Home Modification & Maintenance Service Inc. $41,628.55 $41,628.55 Swan Hill Rural City Council $53,072.34 $53,072.34 Swansea Meals on Wheels Inc $7,040.45 $7,040.45 Sydney Community Services $72,981.13 $72,981.13 Sydney Multicultural Community Services Incorporated $9,065.41 $9,065.41 Sydwest Multicultural Services $29,547.83 $29,547.83 Tallangatta Health Service $10,160.53 $10,160.53 Tamborine Mountain Community Care Association Incorporated $22,942.03 $22,942.03 Tamworth Meals on Wheels Inc $19,351.96 $19,351.96 Tandara Lodge Community Care Inc $2,910.50 $2,910.50 Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation $62,412.16 $62,412.16 TAPSS Community Care (Inc) $34,306.56 $34,306.56 Tasmanian Independent Services Pty Ltd $15,502.62 $15,502.62 Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Meals on Wheels Inc $8,268.46 $8,268.46 Technical Aid to the Disabled Queensland Inc $3,487.34 $3,487.34 Technology Assisting Disability WA Inc. $212,591.16 $212,591.16 Temora Shire Council $19,959.93 $19,959.93 Tennant Creek Transport Incorporated $3,647.47 $3,647.47 Tenterfield Total Care & Transport Inc $7,589.98 $7,589.98 Tewantin-Noosa Meals on Wheels Inc $10,261.66 $10,261.66

The Adelaide Day Centre For Homeless Persons Incorporated $2,703.00 $2,703.00 The Ascent Group Australia Limited $6,225.40 $6,225.40 The Australian-Asian Association of Western Australia (Incorporated) $18,259.51 $18,259.51 The Baptist Union of Queensland - Carinity $167,080.39 $167,080.39 The Barossa Council $21,335.16 $21,335.16 The Benevolent Society $71,112.07 $71,112.07 The Bethanie Group Inc $121,459.60 $121,459.60 The Bur-Del Cooperative Advancement Society Limited $38,631.15 $38,631.15 The Carers' Phone Pty Ltd $27,693.02 $27,693.02 The Chung Wah Association $35,817.60 $35,817.60 The Corporation of The City of Adelaide $11,983.01 $11,983.01 The Corporation of the City of Marion $70,048.52 $70,048.52 The Corporation of The Trustees of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane $496,409.71 $496,409.71 The Council of the Municipality of Kiama $26,196.63 $26,196.63 The Crown in the Right of Tasmania as represented by the Department of Health $403,795.76 $403,795.76 The Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland Limited $115,091.58 $115,091.58 The Frank Whiddon Masonic Homes of New South Wales $3,463.22 $3,463.22 The Haven Community Limited $22,849.86 $22,849.86 The Hills Shire Council $121,583.02 $121,583.02 The Kalano Community Association Incorporated $9,716.87 $9,716.87 The Lowood And District Meals On Wheels Service Association Incorporated $1,000.00 $1,000.00 The Mary Potter Nursing Home and The Ethel Forrest Day Care Centre Pty Limited $21,642.69 $21,642.69 The Meals on Wheels Association of Tasmania Inc. $68,430.86 $68,430.86 The Rock & District Meals On Wheels Assn Inc $3,600.97 $3,600.97 The Salvation Army (Queensland) Property Trust $10,220.28 $10,220.28 The Trustee for James Brown Memorial Trust $19,537.20 $19,537.20 The Trustee for The Baker Family Trust $51,782.08 $51,782.08 The Trustee for the Nextt Health Trust $70,089.57 $70,089.57 The Trustee for The Salvation Army (NSW) Property Trust $38,677.74 $38,677.74

The Trustee for The Salvation Army (Victoria) Property Trust $1,000.00 $1,000.00 The Trustees of The Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Lismore $11,419.24 $11,419.24 The Uniting Church In Australia Property Trust (N.S.W) $6,069.00 $6,069.00 The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Q.) $1,580,606.73 $1,580,606.73 The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Tas.) $1,547.83 $1,547.83 The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) $17,338.88 $17,338.88

The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Co-operative Limited $2,500.97 $2,500.97 Theodore Council On The Ageing Inc. $5,933.17 $5,933.17 Toosey $6,860.95 $6,860.95 Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service $8,260.42 $8,260.42 Torres Strait Island Regional Council $18,878.40 $18,878.40 Town of Bassendean $45,426.28 $45,426.28 Town Of East Fremantle $14,731.83 $14,731.83 Town of Gawler $29,369.20 $29,369.20 Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Women $17,352.05 $17,352.05 TransCare Hunter Ltd $13,936.71 $13,936.71 Transcord Community Transport Organisation Inc $77,342.09 $77,342.09 TransitCare Limited $295,162.10 $295,162.10 Transport for NSW $4,306,434.78 $4,306,434.78 Trinity Baptist Church Inc $3,539.86 $3,539.86 Tripoli and Mena Association Limited $5,606.83 $5,606.83 Tullawon Health Service Incorporated $2,540.09 $2,540.09 Tully Meals On Wheels Incorporated $1,299.17 $1,299.17 Tweed Byron and Ballina Community Transport Inc $12,358.49 $12,358.49 Tweed Community Support Incorporated $18,811.35 $18,811.35

Tweed River Home Modification & Maintenance Association Inc $23,708.23 $23,708.23 Tweed Shire Council $2,495.19 $2,495.19 Twofold Aboriginal Corporation $8,722.85 $8,722.85 Umbrella - Multicultural Community Care Services Inc. $56,109.45 $56,109.45 Umoona Aged Care Aboriginal Corporation $12,999.62 $12,999.62 United Protestant Association of NSW Limited $33,379.32 $33,379.32 Uniting (NSW.ACT) $180,938.46 $180,938.46 Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited $3,092.18 $3,092.18 Uniting Agewell Tasmania $3,757.26 $3,757.26 Uniting Care Wesley Bowden Incorporated $29,716.76 $29,716.76 Uniting Church Homes $47,621.55 $47,621.55 Uniting Communities Incorporated $76,696.78 $76,696.78 UnitingCare West $2,592.43 $2,592.43 Upper Murray Family Care Inc. $2,810.14 $2,810.14 Uralla Shire Council $13,391.33 $13,391.33 Valmar Support Services Limited $29,453.17 $29,453.17 Victoria Daly Regional Council $9,617.85 $9,617.85 Vietnamese Community in Australia/South Australia Chapter Incorporated $10,756.43 $10,756.43 Vietnamese Women's Association - SA Incorporated $8,148.38 $8,148.38 Villa Dalmacia Association (Inc.) $6,312.92 $6,312.92 Villa Maria Catholic Homes Limited $34,076.36 $34,076.36 Villawood Senior Citizens Club Incorporated $3,184.99 $3,184.99 Violet Town Bush Nursing Centre Inc. $2,694.23 $2,694.23 VisAbility Limited $8,692.91 $8,692.91 Volunteer Home Support Inc $92,052.73 $92,052.73 Volunteer Task Force Inc $552,201.82 $552,201.82 Volunteering Coffs Harbour Incorporated $13,223.69 $13,223.69 Volunteering Gold Coast Inc. $96,709.84 $96,709.84 Wagga Wagga Meals on Wheels Inc $15,285.43 $15,285.43 Walcha Council $3,553.72 $3,553.72 Warren Meals on Wheels Incorporated $3,290.52 $3,290.52 Warrigal Care $28,869.93 $28,869.93 Warrnambool City Council $52,494.89 $52,494.89 Warrumbungle Shire Council $16,077.18 $16,077.18 Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative Ltd $4,884.89 $4,884.89 Wattle Group Inc. $4,810.25 $4,810.25 We Care Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Service for the Aged and Disabled $16,971.64 $16,971.64 Wee Waa Community Care Service Incorporated $9,300.03 $9,300.03 Wellington Multi Service Centre Incorporated $4,108.13 $4,108.13

Wentworth District Meals on Wheels Association Incorporated $7,776.15 $7,776.15 Wesley Community Services Limited $216,966.70 $216,966.70 West Arnhem Regional Council $10,859.07 $10,859.07 West Coast Community Services Incorporated $24,310.94 $24,310.94 West Daly Regional Council $19,090.90 $19,090.90 West Wimmera Shire Council $15,532.51 $15,532.51 West Wyalong Meals on Wheels Incorporated $5,838.06 $5,838.06 Westbury Health Inc. $3,496.65 $3,496.65 Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation $6,562.44 $6,562.44 Western District Health Service $10,360.95 $10,360.95 Western NSW Local Health District $4,425.91 $4,425.91 Westmont Aged Care Services Limited $50,315.73 $50,315.73 Whitehorse City Council $274,663.46 $274,663.46 Winda-mara Aboriginal Corporation $1,344.73 $1,344.73 Wingecarribee Food Services Co-operative Ltd $12,302.03 $12,302.03 Woden Community Service Inc $40,170.66 $40,170.66 Wollondilly Support and Community Care Incorporated $16,044.96 $16,044.96 Wollongong City Council $2,273.73 $2,273.73 Woolgoolga and District Meals on Wheels Incorporated $4,728.81 $4,728.81 Wowan Dululu Community Volunteer Group Inc $6,208.50 $6,208.50 Wuchopperen Health Service Limited $21,655.53 $21,655.53 Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Council $12,300.36 $12,300.36 Wyndarra Centre Incorporated $1,163.10 $1,163.10 Wyndham City Council $107,377.17 $107,377.17 Yaandina Community Services Limited $11,951.70 $11,951.70 Yallambee Traralgon Village for the Aged Inc $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Yarra Ranges Shire Council $148,912.97 $148,912.97 Yarram and District Health Service $11,066.22 $11,066.22 Yellowbridge QLD Ltd $74,794.07 $74,794.07 Yeppoon Meals On Wheels Incorporated $3,524.78 $3,524.78 Yeronga Meals on Wheels Inc $6,361.26 $6,361.26 Yorke Peninsula Community Transport and Services Incorporated $4,443.00 $4,443.00 Yorke Peninsula Council $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Young Meals on Wheels Organisation Incorporated $9,044.83 $9,044.83 Young Men's Christian Association of South Australia Incorporated $2,302.30 $2,302.30 Young Mens Christian Association of Whittlesea Inc $3,163.37 $3,163.37 (blank) Grand Total $8,543,927.05 $32,297,059.22 $3,602,224.86 $2,799,669.82 $2,657,306.97 $49,900,187.92

Percentage of total growth funding 17.1 64.7 7.2 5.6 5.3 100 Response for Senator McCarthy | February 2020 6.2 – Home Care Services 1. Number of Aged Care Assessment Team employees as a total and by state and territory for the years 2017-18 and 2018-19 This data is not collected from states and territories who are responsible for managing their workforce effectively to deliver activities to the required performance and quality requirements. The Department has data from 2017 collected through a one-off exercise (covering July-December 2017). Based on those figures, the 80 Aged Care Assessment Teams comprised a workforce of around 970 FTE assessors.

2. Home care package data as at 4 March 2020 including the number of packages currently in the system as well as the number of older Australians waiting for their approved home care package at each level by state and territory. The table below shows the estimated total number of home care packages allocated across the forward estimates.

Package level 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

Level 1 11,240 11,915 13,119 13,453

Level 2 64,974 67,536 67,536 67,536

Level 3 33,689 35,689 35,689 35,689

Level 4 40,853 41,353 41,352 41,352

Total 150,756 156,492 157,697 158,030

The Department published its most recent data report on the Home Care Packages program in December 2019. The next report is currently being compiled. The latest information is available at https://gen- qtr-2019-20.PDF and provides an update on key home care performance indicators such as the number of:

• people accessing care,

• people waiting in the National Prioritisation System (NPS) who have not been offered an interim level package

• home care approvals

• approved home care providers, and

• packages released.

The following table provides a breakdown of people in the NPS at 30 September 2019, lived in each state and territory, by approved package level. Of these people, 97.8 per cent had been provided with the opportunity to connect to Commonwealth subsidised home care support through a Home Care Package or Commonwealth Home Support Program service. State/territory Level 1 Level 2 Level Level Total 3 4

NSW 1,841 13,797 13,590 7,258 36,486

VIC 868 11,503 10,811 7,270 30,452

QLD 610 6,661 7,469 4,173 18,913

WA 73 2,418 3,937 3,764 10,192

SA 173 3,181 4,728 3,103 11,185

TAS 88 901 1,310 774 3,073

ACT 19 494 475 447 1,435

NT - 94 171 171 436

Unknown 1 23 23 18 64

Total 3,673 39,072 42,514 26,978 112,237

3. Commonwealth Home Support Programme funding data by state and territory for the years 2017-18 and 2018-19, growth fund grants including the previous and latest by Aged Care Planning Region including funding amounts (total and by service provider), name of service providers and by state and territory and an update on how the transition of CHSP is progressing. Commonwealth Home Support Program funding data by State and Territory for the years 2017-18 and 2018-19 is published on Aged Care Gen ( – 2017-18 and 2018-19 (Home Support worksheet – ‘Expenditure by service type’). The 2019-20 CHSP growth funding round is currently offering $64,550,053 to successful service providers in 2019-20. As offers are still being made to providers, these figures are subject to change. The indicative amounts per ACPR and state for the Growth funding are below.

STATE AGED CARE PLANNING INDICATIVE 2019-20 GROWTH REGION FUNDING OFFER (EX GST) ACT ACT $2,782,865 NSW Central Coast $2,784,638 Central West $2,029,116 Inner West $2,908,172 Nepean $2,268,187 New England $1,633,188 Northern Sydney $4,708,159 Orana Far West $1,379,199 Riverina-Murray $1,819,804 South East Sydney $4,123,394 South West Sydney $5,227,965 Southern Highlands $1,819,389 Western Sydney $4,679,546 NT Darwin $707,678 Katherine $197,864 QLD Darling Downs $1,887,544 Northern (QLD) $1,189,879 South West $308,383 Wide Bay $2,299,698 SA Flinders & Far North $155,300 Mid North $184,102 TAS North Western $1,422,868 Northern (Tas) $1,373,047 Southern (Tas) $2,285,064 VIC Gippsland $2,070,979 Grampians $2,270,759 Southern Metro $5,716,518 Western Metro $3,882,398 WA Metropolitan South West $213,175 Mid West $105,457

2018-19 CHSP growth funding of approximately $49.9 million was allocated nationwide in 2018-19 to help grow five key service types identified as priority services by the Department of Health below.

2018-19 CHSP growth funding round by state and territory.

STATE TRANSPORT DOMESTIC HOME HOME MEALS TOTAL ASSISTANCE MAINTENANCE MODIFICATIONS ACT $7,461 $414,650 $394,684 $58,630 - $875,427 NSW $4,721,338 $10,097,968 $673,192 $1,152,145 $1,203,191 $17,847,836 NT $135,014 $344,745 $67,783 $9,604 $154,387 $711,535 QLD $1,616,188 $7,761,153 $439,430 $996,297 $553,603 $11,366,673 SA $512,024 $2,565,810 $935,547 $11,983 $511,910 $4,537,275 TAS $319,254 $1,049,332 $160,857 $72,808 $124,801 $1,727,054 VIC $960,666 $5,522,072 $483,857 $285,608 $64,491 $7,316,696 WA $270,430 $4,542,874 $446,870 $212,591 $44,920 $5,517,687 TOTAL $8,542,379 $32,298,607 $3,602,224 $2,799,669 $2,657,306 $49,900,187

A detailed breakdown of funding by service provider, aged care planning region and State/Territory is available at Appendix A.

The Department of Health ran an Innovation Funding grant round in 2019-20 ($18,968,317). The round funded innovative projects and was not targeted by ACPR. The table below shows funding by state. Funding by organisation is also provided. STATE INNOVATION FUNDING ACT $1,578,248 NSW $6,719,098 QLD $3,436,813 SA $2,038,220 TAS $100,000 VIC $3,005,036 WA $2,090,902 TOTAL $18,968,317

Organisation Name State Funding 2019-20 Anglican Community Services t/as Anglicare Sydney NSW $514,000.00 Aurous Ltd. QLD $500,000.00 Australian Nursing Home Foundation Ltd NSW $228,000.00 Australian Nursing Home Foundation Ltd NSW $220,000.00 Ballina Shire Meals on Wheels Inc. NSW $160,302.00 Belconnen Community Service ACT $500,000.00 Carers ACT ACT $442,300.00 Gymea CommunServicesy Aid and Information Service NSW $92,885.00 Jubilee Community Care Inc QLD $146,398.00 Matthew Flinders Home Inc SA $210,000.00 St Basil's Homes NSW $316,814.00 STAR Community Services Ltd QLD $194,500.00 Whatever Support Whenever VIC $449,180.00 CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay NSW $338,544.00 Catholic Healthcare Limited NSW $199,966.00 Extended Community Help Organisation Inc WA $540,000.00 Feros Care QLD $500,000.00 Feros Care QLD $500,000.00 Feros Care QLD $500,000.00 Flexible Living Ltd QLD $272,891.00 Geelong Ethnic Communities Council Incorporated VIC $484,918.00 Hawkesbury City Council NSW $197,994.00 Desjan Pty Ltd St Peters SA $497,791.00 Gippsland Multicultural Services VIC $138,690.00 Lutheran Services QLD $306,224.00 Mandurah Retirement Village Inc WA $364,282.00 Mercy Aged and Community Care Ltd VIC $202,515.00 MidCoast Council NSW $207,000.00 Multicultural Aged Care Inc SA $166,975.00 Parks & District Neighbourhood & Community Information Centre Inc NSW $199,170.00 Polish Association in Hobart Inc TAS $100,000.00 Royal Society for the Blind of South Australia Inc SA $161,232.00 South Gippsland Hospital VIC $483,839.00 Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre VIC $525,235.00 Northside Community Service Ltd ACT $168,948.00 The Aboriginal Elders and Community Care Services Inc. SA $275,000.00 TransCare Hunter Ltd NSW $339,500.00 Westmont Aged Care Services Limited VIC $152,010.00 Lifetime Connect Inc NSW $304,580.00 ACH Group SA $370,432.00 AnglicareSA Ltd SA $60,420.00 Baptcare Ltd VIC $488,000.00 Baptist Care NSW & ACT NSW $431,649.00 Carers NSW Limited NSW $256,780.00 City of Port Phillip VIC $80,649.00 Coffs Harbour Home Modification & Maintenance Service Inc NSW $100,000.00 CSIRO ACT $467,000.00 Enrich Living Pty Ltd WA $624,020.00 Gunnedah Shire Council NSW $206,537.00 E.E Stevens & C Tzannes (Home Care Kitchen) NSW $684,724.00 McLean Care NSW $1,152,700.00 Meals on Wheels SA Inc SA $109,270.00 Mercy Community Services Limited WA $359,650.00 Suncare Community Services Ltd QLD $410,000.00 SwanCare Group WA $202,950.00 Volunteering SA and NT SA $187,100.00 YellowBridge QLD QLD $106,800.00 Belong Blue Mountains Incorporated NSW $446,687.00 Tweed Shire Council NSW $121,266.00

Total Funding $18,968,317.00 * Notes: Data is as at 26 February 2020. Funding information is by individual innovation projects, organisations delivering more than one project will appear more than once. Innovation projects are not funded by ACPR and the State colum relefects the organisations primary service footprint and/or head office.

Update on transition of CHSP The Extension of CHSP funding agreements from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2022 is currently being progressed in five tranches by the Department of Social Services’ Community Grants Hub. The first two tranches will be offered by the end of March. Remaining grant agreements will be offered between April and June 2020.

4. Total funds anticipated not being distributed to service providers under changes relating to the Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Improved Homecare Payment Administration No.1) 2020. There will be no change to the amount of funding available to a care recipient from their package as a result of this change.