Developing Trap and Kill Technologies to Improve Management of the Western Spotted and Striped Cucumber (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) and ()

By: Katie Alderman Dept. BioResource Research, Oregon State University Western Spotted Cucumber

Wide host range


J F M A M J J A S O N D Adult


?? Larvae ??

Pupae ?? Western Striped

Current Beetle Control

Insecticid e Alternative Beetle Control

Trap cropping Alternative Beetle Control

Exclusion OSU Lab Trap

Beetle Bar


Trap Body

Limits and contains pesticides. Kairomone

Kairomone (Ibb)  indole,  beta-ionone,  and benzyl alcohol. Beetle Bar – Cucurbitacin E

 Bitter Hawkesbury Melon (BHM)  Ingredients  BHM pulp,  BHM juice,  sodium benzoate,  xanthum gum,  entrust. Objectives

 1. Evaluate the effect of temperature on the degradation of the cucurbitacin in BHM components of the beetle bar.  2. Evaluate kairomone lure longevity under field conditions.  3. Evaluate effectiveness of alternative trap designs on beetle capture rate. Cucurbitacin E glycoside Isolation Fred Stevens lab. BHM juice was isolated and ran on Mass Spec and NMR. Cucurbitacin E glycoside Isolation

29 30 32 OH 25 31 28 27 O 24 26 21 23 O 12 O 17 O OH 11 13 H H OH 1 9 14 16 HO 3' O 2 2' 1' 10 8 15 4' 3 20 22 5' O 4 7 HO O 5 6

6' 18 19 HO

Chemical Formula: C38H54O13 Exact Mass: 718.3564 Fred Stevens and lab confirmed the compound to be Cucurbitacin E glycoside Cucurbitacin E glycoside Degradation Quantified with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) Temperatures of 2, 10, 21, and 32°C Ten week period, sampling at 1 week intervals. Cucurbitacin E-glycoside Degradation 1


0.9 2°C 0.85 10°C 0.8 21°C 32°C 0.75

Cucurbitacin Concentration Concentration (g/L) Cucurbitacin 0.7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 Days in temperature Treatment: Temp (C) 10 21 32 2 0.09 <0.01 <0.01 10 0.11 <0.01 21 <0.01 Objectives

 1. Evaluate the effect of temperature on the degradation of the cucurbitacin in BHM components of the beetle bar.

 2. Evaluate kairomone lure longevity under field conditions.

 3. Evaluate effectiveness of alternative trap designs on beetle capture rate. Kairomone Degradation

Kairomones prepared 56 days, 35 days, and 1 day prior to the experiment. control of no kairomone lure. Kairomone Degradation: Spotted 50 45 40 35 30 56 day old 25 35 day old 20 1 day old 15 none 10

Beetles Captured (Beetles/Day) Captured Beetles 5 31-Aug 4-Sep 8-Sep 12-Sep 16-Sep Date of Trapping

Treatment: IBb Age (days) 56 35 1 Control/none 0.14 <0.01 <0.01 56 0.05 <0.01 35 0.02 Kairomone Degradation: Striped 25


15 56 day old

10 35 day old 1 day old

5 none BeetleCapture (Beetle/Day) 0 31-Aug 4-Sep 8-Sep 12-Sep 16-Sep Date of Trapping Treatment: IBb Age (days) 56 35 1 Control/none 0.25 0.05 <0.01 56 0.31 <0.01 35 <0.01 Objectives

 1. Evaluate the effect of temperature on the degradation of the cucurbitacin in BHM components of the beetle bar.

 2. Evaluate kairomone lure longevity under field conditions.

 3. Evaluate effectiveness of alternative trap designs on beetle capture rate. Alternative Trap Design

OSU Lab Trap Alternative Trap Design Alternative Trap Design Trap Design: Spotted




OSU Lab trap

60 square panel sq panel w/ top holes sq panel w/o top holes Beetles Captured 40 new small circle hang new small circle vane


0 8/5 2010 8/11 2010 Trap Date Trap Design: Striped 9




5 OSU Lab Trap initial green top sq panel sq panel w/ top holes 4 sq panel w/o top holes Beetles Captured new small circle hang 3 new small circle vane



0 8/5 2010 8/11 2010 Trap Date Trap Modifications

Trap Modifications  Kairomone “Mini-lure” modification.  Beetle Bar dilution modification.  Vent modification. Kairomone Mini-lure

0 grams 0.4 grams 0.7 grams Mini-lure: Spotted Beetles 120 110 100 90 80 70 0 grams 60 0.4 grams 50 0.7 grams 40

BeetleCapture (Beetle/Day) 30 20 2-Sep 5-Sep 8-Sep 11-Sep Date of Trapping Mini-lure: Striped Beetles 18




10 0 grams 8 0.4 grams 0.7 grams 6

4 BeetleCapture (Beetle/Day) 2 2-Sep 5-Sep 8-Sep 11-Sep Date of Trapping Beetle Bar Juice Dilution

1% 10% 100% Juice Dilution: Spotted Beetles



25 1% 20 10% 100% 15 BeetleCapture (Beetle/Day) 10 20-Sep 24-Sep 28-Sep 2-Oct 6-Oct Date of Trapping Juice Dilution: Striped Beetles




3 1% 10% 2 100%

1 BeetleCapture (Beetle/Day) 0 20-Sep 24-Sep 28-Sep 2-Oct 6-Oct Date of Trapping Vent Vents: Spotted Beetles 19




11 9 no vent 7 vent 5

3 BeetleCapture (Beetles/Day) 1 21-Sep 25-Sep 29-Sep 3-Oct 7-Oct Date of Trapping Vents: Striped Beetles 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 no vent 0.2 vent 0 -0.2 BeetleCapture (Beetle/Day) -0.4 20-Sep 25-Sep 30-Sep 5-Oct Date of Trapping Conclusions

1. Evaluate degradation of cucurbitacin in the beetle bar.  stable at temperatures at or below 21°C  Degradation is more rapid at 32°C Conclusions

2. Kairomone Degradation  Longevity of Kairomone is between 40-50 days in the field. Conclusions

3. Alternative traps and modifications.  The yellow vane trap had higher observed capture rate  The vent and mini-lure modifications did not increase beetle capture rate.  The 10% BHM dilution increased beetle capture rate. Acknowledgements

Special thanks to…  John Luna, as my advisor.  Jana Lee, secondary advisor, and the ARS for use of the controlled temperature chambers  Fred Stevens, Dept. of Pharmacy, for his chemical analysis expertise.  Gathering Together Farm and Stahlbush Farms for use of squash fields. Questions