SouthBoston TODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door DECEMBER 12, 2013; Vol.2 Issue 6 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE

residents and the police on high alert, a 2012 assault, the investigation the Amy Lord tragedy is different of which caused a shake-up in the because of what we learned had Boston Police Department. Alemany, This Week’s happened before and after her murder whose attorney has said he has a long on July 23 this year. The added burden history of mental illness, answered Poll On of knowing that a wonderful young “not guilty” to the 20 charges he now woman from rural Massachusetts, faces. He remains held without bail Page 4 who brought her personality, values and was returned to Bridgewater and trusting nature to our close State Hospital. His trial is scheduled knit and friendly community so she for December 2014. could get the experience of working According to court documents and living in a big city makes it that and news report, Assistant District South Boston Today much more tragic. That is not to Attorney John Pappas told the court suggest that the other recent deaths in chilling detail how Lord, 24, was Are Some are less important, it is just that the opening the door of her Dorchester behavior of the alleged murderer of Street apartment building in South People Just Ms. Lord, revealed in court this past Boston shortly before 6 a.m. July Plain Evil? Wednesday, defies the boundaries of 23 when Alemany pushed her back SOUTH BOSTON TODAY a civilized society. inside, savagely beat her, abducted @SBostonToday Staff Report New information about Alemany’s her at knifepoint, and forced her to he name of Edwin J. Alemany behavior was disclosed in Suffolk drive her Jeep Cherokee to several is forever etched in the minds Superior Court as he plead not guilty banks and make ATM withdrawals, of South Bostonians. Among to a charge of first degree murder for starting in South Boston and ending Go to our South Boston Today T page to vote on our weekly poll. the crimes that have infected this killing Lord on July 23 and a host of in Dorchester, before taking her to neighborhood that have targeted other charges stemming from attacks Stony Brook Reservation in Hyde Make sure you like & share SB Today half pg front cover ad:Layout 1 11/12/13 1:08 PM Page 1 women of different ages and have put on three other women, including CONTINUED ON page 4

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EDITORIAL Take Away the Give Away – A Good Place to Start Activists and ordinary citizens are lobbying city exacerbating the burden by trying to ram through hall to stop corporate giveaways that have mounted their developments before a new administration under the Menino administration. The evidence takes over, they should be asking the Mayor how that they are needed or stimulate development they can help pay for the police, fire and EMT is sketchy. The process for such awards is even services or help create more affordable housing. sketchier. Buzzwords abound. Sweetheart Deals. One activist is calling upon the City Council to Blighted Properties. As Of Right. In Lieu Of. conduct an independent audit of every single 121A Mitigation. What was intended to stimulate to find out how much money the City is losing, affordable housing has become a tax haven for because nobody knows. developers who among other means, syndicate The details of the 121A tax breaks are hidden the benefits of tax breaks to wealthy investors from public view and the BRA is not obliged who help finance their projects. Property owners to justify their decisions on tax giveaways in Boston and in particular the South Boston and to anyone. There is essentially no public surrounding neighborhoods are fielding bidding accountability. The time has come to Take Away wars from local, national and international buyers, the Giveaway, at least until the citizens of Boston who know how valuable real estate is here, even at know how they will benefit. Won’t it be nice for a straightforward transaction with no sweeteners. a change, if the public actually benefits from its With at least a $50 million deficit staring the taxes, rather than be just a tax shelter for someone city in the face, instead of insatiable developers from God knows where?

“Happiness isn’t getting what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got” -Garth Brooks Last Week’s Poll

Do you believe Boston’s Police Officers Are Getting Too Much Compensation? Make sure you like & Yes 42% share South Boston No 58% Today with your friends! South BostonToday @SBostonToday

SouthBoston PO Box 491 • South Boston, MA 02127 TODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door South Boston Today is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of Publisher Editor In Chief Managing Editor the space occupied by the error. All South Boston Today produced artwork, design, and layout John Ciccone Brian R. Mahoney Brian P. Wallace remain the sole property of South Boston Today. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden. South Boston Today reserves the right to cut, edit or reject any copy without notice. [email protected][email protected] South Boston Today is a Series of the Today Publications Series LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company

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Press Copy - Tuesday at 3:00 P.M - Advertisements - Space Reservation - Monday at 5:00 P.M. Ad Material - Tuesday at 3:00 P.M. Camera Ready Ads - Wednesday at 9:00 A.M. December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 3 InformationThe Center Are Laws Made for Everyone? Maybe not. SOUTH BOSTON TODAY John Ciccone Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at [email protected]

aws are meant to be obeyed. law he does not like, so he will own healthcare premiums will furious gun running scheme, IRS Unless of course you live not follow. We have Mr. Onyango increase by $4,500. That’s what I targeting of Conservative groups L in Massachusetts, hold a Obama, the president’s uncle here call a bit of justice. and Churches, and countless other position of authority and don’t like illegally, who has been ignoring Recent polls have shown that lies – yes, lies. The White House the law in question. Then –Maybe court deportation orders for years. young people, one of Obama’s even insisted that Obama never you don’t obey. It’s being reported He was even caught drinking and biggest support groups, are even met his Uncle Onyango, until that officials on the federal level driving without having a valid deserting him by the millions. of course it was admitted a few are angry, because many young driver’s license. Not a problem. They no longer trust him. It’s days ago, after a bit of research by people are openly saying that they The Massachusetts judge who difficult to trust someone who a reporter, that Barack the nephew don’t care what the law says, they heard the court case recently didn’t does not tell the truth. You can stayed on Uncle Onyango’s couch will not sign up for Obamacare. seem to think the law applied to keep your doctor and your health for three weeks, while he was Wow! Could this be the beginning Uncle Onyango, so he gets to stay plan, he won’t raise taxes on the attending college. But this is the of the predicted rebellion? Many and apply for legal citizenship to middle class, he knows nothing guy who insisted he did not hear area college students and non- boot. Let’s not forget the ‘special’ about Benghazi, The fast and CONTINUED ON page 8 students too in their 20’s ,and driver’s license he was issued. The people in their 30’s are just saying federal government itself is pretty No. But, government officials much throwing open this country’s say, it’s the law of the land, so it southern border allowing a flood must be obeyed. Yet, what kind of of others to swarm into the United example are these officials setting? States illegally, because the Pretty poor examples as they are President does not particularly themselves selective of what rules like America’s immigration laws, to obey and enforce. Can we ever therefore he won’t follow them. forget the Massachusetts state This President has also been rep from the North Shore who ignoring the US Constitution pushed through a new sales tax for because here again, he doesn’t like booze several years ago, then was what’s written in the document. photographed a few weeks later Now, seeing how these officials loading up the trunk of his official are ignoring laws they don’t like, is state car with tax free wine at a it any wonder these young people New Hampshire liquor store? feel that if the big guys can do it, The Secure Communities law so can they. They don’t like the is a federal rule that mandates Obamacare Law; it’s been exposed the finger printing of illegal as a terrible plan conceived in aliens in an effort to deport those lies and deceit, so they just aren’t among that group who are violent going to obey it. It’s as simple as criminals over and above being that. I can’t say as I blame them. just criminals for sneaking into the Personally, I wouldn’t sign up for country. Yet, we have Governor it either. Patrick of Massachusetts declining But the implementation of to enforce the program because Obamacare is not without its HE doesn’t like that particular law. satisfying consequences too. US Just like HE is in favor of giving Senate leader Harry Reid, one of discount tuition to ‘illegals’ even the plan’s biggest advocates was though by definition, they broke reportedly furious when he learned the law just by being here. Another last week that under this plan, his 4 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

SOUTH BOSTON TODAY CONTINUED FROM front page 1 Neighborhood Alert Staff Report Park and murdering her. Warning to all neighborhood residents: make arrangements with the delivery companies to Alemany then drove Lord’s Jeep back to South Reports are coming in to South Boston pick them up at their offices, or perhaps have them Boston and set it on fire at about 8:30 a.m. before Today that there has been a rash of thefts delivered to a neighbor’s home that you know will be A using Lord’s money to buy lottery tickets and a in different parts of South Boston. Items are being at home when the items come. new cell phone, Pappas said. Alemany is also taken from unlocked hallways, door steps and even These incidents seem to increase with the charged with the attempted murder and assault from home mail boxes. Reports of packages and approach of Christmas each year as potential thieves and battery in connection with an attack on a delivered boxes that have been left in plain sight become more active anticipating more opportunities 22-year-old woman before 5 a.m. July 23, just by delivery companies are also reported missing. If to commit these types of crimes. It is advised that before Lord was abducted from her apartment you are expecting one or more packages, Christmas you keep doors to hallways locked and keep an eye building. “He allegedly told her that he wasn’t Gifts or items you ordered through shopping on line out for any suspicious activity in your immediate going to rob her, that he was going to kill her,” to be dropped off at your home and you cannot be neighborhood. Report any unusual occurrences to Pappas said, “and he then proceeded to choke there to receive those items, it is suggested that you police as soon as you see it. her as she fought to get away.” After these brutal attacks, Alemany ate and Some Facts about Secure Communities Program: drank with friends and then when dropped off at his girlfriend’s apartment in Old Colony he Secure Communities Program of the ICE custody resulting in 72,445 deportations. Housing, he had an argument with her and Department of Immigration and Customs - An ICE report to Congress in 2009 stated its left. Alemany then attacked another woman Enforcement (ICE) has been activated as purpose to be: T the next day on Gates Street near the same a pilot program in Boston since 2006. Under the “1. Identify criminal aliens through modernized neighborhood as Amy Lord. For this he is Program, fingerprints of anyone booked by the information sharing 2. Prioritize enforcement also charged with armed assault with intent to local or state police are sent through the F.B.I. actions to ensure apprehension and removal murder and aggravated assault and battery with to be checked in databases of the Department of of dangerous criminal aliens and 3. Transform a dangerous weapon. This victim was a 21-year- Homeland Security which include immigration criminal alien enforcement processes and systems old woman whom he approached near her Gate records. If there is a match, officials at the to achieve lasting results.” Street apartment and then began stabbing her, immigration agency decide whether to issue a - August 2011, the Department of Homeland Pappas told the judge. She suffered serious detainer, asking the police to hold the person to be Security announced a new deportation injuries to her torso, face and neck, but managed picked up by federal agents for further immigration policy, according to which the immigration to scream for help, and neighbors called 911, he action, if appropriate. enforcement authorities would concentrate on said. Alemany fled, and the victim was rushed - Secure Communities was piloted in 2006. deporting individuals deemed to be threatening by ambulance to Tufts Medical Center. During It was formally started in 2008 as a voluntary to public safety. the attack, Alemany cut his hand badly, and program. That changed in 2011 when officials at - By end of summer 2011, the Obama by chance he admitted himself to the same ICE said they had determined that they did not administration had deported about one million hospital, where the victim gave a description require consent from states to start the program. “illegal aliens”, mostly indigent Mexican nationals. of her attacker that matched him, Pappas said. Citing antiterrorism legislation that Congress Facts taken from Paramedics spotted Alemany and notified passed in 2002, the officials canceled agreements communities/ police, who arrested him at the hospital. they had signed in 40 states and said they would Surely, the program is not perfect, and like any He is also charged with attempted murder, extend the program nationwide. endeavor or venture requires constant evaluation, armed robbery and assault and battery for a - Under the administration of George W. Bush, scrutiny and oversight. But if we assume ICE’s fourth attack on a 22-year-old woman Sept. 28, ICE recruited a total of 14 jurisdictions. information is truthful, what part of the Secure 2012. The woman in that assault fought back - By March 2011, under President Barack Communities program, accelerated by President and before she lost consciousness, she was able Obama, the program was expanded to over 1,210 Obama, is detrimental to society? Focusing on to grab Alemany’s wallet. Alemany has prior jurisdictions. those who are deemed a threat to society? The felony convictions for assault and battery by - From inception through March 2011, 140,396 sharing of information between cities, states and means of a dangerous weapon and numerous convicted criminal aliens have been booked into federal agencies? The Deportation period? defaults as a result of his failure to show up in court, Pappas stated. Defense Attorney Jeffrey In this week’s poll Denner said Alemany has a lengthy history AWAKEN South Boston of hospitalizations due to mental illness “and Today asks you: should never have been out walking the streets.” Massage Therapy Do you think In a statement issued by his office, Suffolk the Secure District Attorney Daniel F. Conley said, “This Wishing you Communities crime shocked our city in a way that few crimes a holiday fi lled program is do. Amy Lord was a true innocent young • Good woman who came to our city with great hope with peace and joy. • Bad and the promise of starting a new life here, a new opportunity. The thought that Edwin SpecialGift Certifi cates available 20% discount • Good but needs work Alemany would so savagely attack her and beat Anne Marie Collins, Licenced Massage Therapist • Get rid of it her shocks our sensibilities as citizens….We 75 Dorchester St, South Boston (next to STATS) have had one single-minded purpose, and that is Call 617.268.6666 for an appointment entirely to hold her killer accountable.” December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 5 ReadingBetween TheLines “Turn On the Lights” SOUTH BOSTON TODAY Brian R. Mahoney Note: talk back to Brian by email at [email protected]

he first results of this year’s to eradicate Irish culture, the ruling just the darkness that seems to be the haters with kindness and blot out Christmas light inspection were English made it illegal to speak, write, more and more a part of our everyday the darkness with revealing light. Hey, Tnot too encouraging. Hopefully read or teach the Gaelic language or discourse. Whatever the reason, the it’s Christmas. Chill out; especially by the time you read this, the lights practice Catholicism. Masses were solution is simple and takes no heavy this year. The numbers 1614 will give have come on. Every year this column held deep in the woods. Schools and lifting. Decorate, put up some lights, us the best present in years. We’ll give tries to locate and report on outstanding classes were held in hollowed bushes and fight the forces of darkness with you the answer why in three weeks. Christmas light displays, so that readers that line roads called “Hedgerow the sweet force of the light. Smother Take care till next week. might take a stroll or drive by to take in Schools”. Priests and teachers, who the spirit of the season. were caught, were often hanged. If you can imagine it….. To be honest this wasn’t an Christmas to many the world we can create it for you. “official” inspection. I happened to over is the holiest and most sacred go along Farragut Road and noticed, of all days, so important that the as usual, the folks living there had sacrament of Mass is imperative. It their always brilliant celebration was impractical for a large gathering on display. Their presence made to steal away in the middle of a the absence of lights, mostly every Christmas night in winter. Instead a NURTURE where else, stark by comparison. custom was created. On Christmas salon and spa Hopefully, like myself, most people a candle in the window was a signal need the reminder of seeing their to priests, largely living and hiding neighbor’s lights for their own light in the woods, that the presence of switch to go on, and, combined with God was in this house and it was safe the light dusting of snow on Monday, for the priest to come in. While the will get in the spirit and start switching specific reason or meaning has been Open 7 Days a Week! on. It’s hard to understand those who muddled through time and perhaps rail against Christmas lights and commercialism, the symbols have decorations. For a brief season, they become part of the fabric of overall create an atmosphere of peace and celebration just like the gifts of the good deeds. Is that so bad? Wise Men or the Christmas Tree Do Christmas carols really brainwash have also become part of that fabric. atheists into becoming believers? Where is the harm in any one of Are other religions fearful that their these symbols? Yet, for some reason, H A I R C A R E S K I N C A R E B R I D A L congregation will be converted by other people’s joy and happiness hearing or singing “White Christmas”? seems to inexplicably move people Nurture Salon and Spa In this season of peace, it’s probably to destructive rage. Walking on East NURTURE 127 L Street not nice to label those anti-Christmas Broadway on Monday, I saw the South Boston, MA 02127 fanatics as evil. Perhaps ignorant is a shattered remains of a large candy salon and spa 617.269.0638 better word. They must be completely cane that resembled one I saw in the ignorant of what the celebration of front yard display further down the Christmas means to hundreds of block. Sure enough, the one I had millions of people. They must be seen was now missing. ignorant of the pain that their hurtful, A candy cane? Are you kidding? self-centered actions cause. Perhaps it was a typical late night Take the candle lights people put in drunk staggering down the street. their window at this time of year. Songs Still, a candy cane? Drunk or sober and poems have been written about, anyone with that much anger to attack SBT “putting a candle in the window”. a candy cane is in need of some For hundreds of years, in an attempt serious mental help. Or perhaps it’s 6 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

Window Into The State House SOUTH BOSTON TODAY Andy Metzger Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news. STATE CAPITOL BRIEFS - STATE HOUSE NEWS SERVICE QUEBEC AND MASS. TO SIGN visited Quebec with the hopes of convince lawmakers to increase state for all other purposes, including AGREEMENT bringing more hydroelectric power funding by $5 million next fiscal year. transportation, public safety, housing, awmakers in Massachusetts down to Massachusetts, and the During an event at the State House, labor programs, environmental and Quebec will convene in Portland Press Herald reported earlier officials from the Massachusetts protection and economic LBoston Wednesday to sign this month that Montreal entrepreneur Coalition for Adult Education said development. Experts are scheduled a cooperative agreement between Francois Rebello is attempting to the waiting lists grow every year for to testify Wednesday on likely tax the province and Commonwealth, establish an overnight train to Boston English, basic adult education and collections and economic trends. A establishing the framework of the from Montreal. The train would make GED course classes. More than 100 graphic in Shor’s presentation shows Massachusetts-Quebec Cooperation stops in and could begin rolling programs around the state receive tax receipts hitting record highs and Conference. “Franco-Americans, as soon as next summer, according to approximately $30 million as part of exceeding pre-recession peaks, after especially those of French Canadian the paper. - A. Metzger/SHNS the Department of Elementary and recovering from a steep drop in fiscal descent, are the third largest ethnic ACTIVISTS ASK FOR $5 MIL Secondary Education budget. Steve 2009 during the Great Recession. In group in Massachusetts (after Irish TO CLOSE SKILLS GAP Reuys, who runs an adult education the presentation, state budget officials and Italians), and many live in the Citing long waiting lists with program at UMass Boston, said there also note one-time revenues totaled area I serve,” Sen. Richard Moore, implications for workforce is an enormous need for immigrants to $752 million in the fiscal 2014 budget, an Uxbridge Democrat, said in a development, adult education program learn English and for others to improve down from $903 million in fiscal statement. Gov. has representatives tried Tuesday to basic skills so they can get better 2013. – M. Norton/SHNS paying jobs. Sen. Sal DiDomenico GAS PRICES CREEPING BACK UP (D-Everett) told event attendees that Gas prices kicked up in Let Our Family Help Your Family his grandfather, who was born in Italy, Massachusetts over the past week. dropped out of school after the second AAA reported Monday that the price grade to work to help his family. “He of a gallon of regular unleaded rose THE CASPER made sure all of his kids, and all of his 3 cents to an average of $3.41 per Funeral & Cremations Services grandchildren, had opportunities that gallon. The average price of a gallon Established in 1930 he didn’t have,” DiDomenico said. - C. of gas has risen 13 cents over the Quinn/SHNS past month but is still lower than Serving Families with Dignity and Respect MOST STATE SPENDING the $3.47 per gallon average that through the toughest of times for PACKED INTO FEW BIG AREAS motorists in Massachusetts were over 80 years As state officials prepare to gauge paying a year ago at this time. - M. revenue trends ahead of the next Norton/SHNS Home of Personal Service budget cycle, a member of Gov. US UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Pre-Planning Specialists Deval Patrick’s Cabinet is outlining TUMBLES TO 7 PERCENT some of the pressures on the spending The U.S. unemployment rate fell Casper’s specializes in side. In a budget presentation he to 7 percent in November, from plans to deliver Monday night in 7.3 percent, hitting a five-year low Massachusetts Cremation Services & Natick and again in Boston on Friday, and dipping beneath the 7.2 percent Veteran Services Administration and Finance Secretary jobless rate recorded in Massachusetts Glen Shor notes that half the roughly in October. “The American economy Please visit our website for $34 billion budget is consumed by continues its broad and steady job information you may find spending on subsidized health care (35 growth heading into the New Year, helpful during a time of need percent) and local aid and education adding 203,000 jobs in November,” aid (15 percent). About 75 percent of Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez said the state budget supports health care, in a statement. Perez reported that 8.1 human services and education alone, million private sector jobs had been The Casper Funeral Home with another 12 percent allocated added over 45 months, including for fixed debt service and pension 2.3 million in the past year. The 187 Dorchester Street David Casper South Boston, MA 02127 costs. According to Shor’s budget Massachusetts unemployment rate for Funeral Directors: presentation, outlays in those large November is scheduled to be released 617-269-1930 Joe, Dave & Ken Casper categories leave 13 percent of revenue on Dec. 19. - M. Norton/SHNS December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 7

the-board cuts.” Many conservative groups were not pleased. Americans for Prosperity immediately called it “bad politics” as well as “bad policy.” “The American people remember hard-won bipartisan spending limits set by the sequester, and are not pleased to see their conservative representatives so easily go back on their word to rein in government overspending,” said AFP President Tim Phillips. Sequestration set spending levels for this year at $967 billion, he said. Exceeding those levels by billions of dollars “takes us in the wrong direction,” he added. Liberal groups, meanwhile, were upset the budget deal did not include an extension of unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed. “Negotiators have declared War on Christmas and potentially sentenced millions of struggling Americans to a very bleak New Year,” said Jim Dean, chair of Democracy for America. President , Congress Cuts It Close – Unemployment however, welcomed the budget agreement. “It’s balanced, and Insurance Issue Unresolved includes targeted fee increases and SOUTH BOSTON TODAY Staff Report spending cuts designed in a way Bi-partisan Congressional combined with additional revenue precedent set in the fiscal cliff deal that doesn’t hurt our economy or Budget Committee gained from increased fees would that sequestration shouldn’t be break the ironclad promises we’ve A reached a deal that would total $85 billion. That means the replaced by spending cuts alone. made to our seniors,” Obama said. prevent a government shutdown deal would reduce federal deficits House Speaker John Boehner, “It does all this while slightly in January and avoid some of the by around $22 billion, Ryan said. R-Ohio, quickly issued a statement reducing our deficits over time.” looming sequestration mandated In a joint news conference, Ryan saying he was “grateful for the Obama also repeated his call for across-the-board spending cuts. and Murray said they decided to work done by Chairmen Ryan and Congress to extend unemployment Now all Congress has to do is look for areas where they could Murray.” House Majority Leader insurance “so more than a million actually pass it, which is no sure agree instead of continuing the Eric Cantor, R-Va., called it a Americans looking for work don’t thing, especially in the House. knockdown, drag out fights that “step forward consistent with prior lose a vital economic lifeline right The deal was announced Tuesday have resulted in gridlock on Republican attempts to replace the after Christmas, and our economy evening by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., Capitol Hill. Ryan said he was sequester’s indiscriminate across- doesn’t take a hit.” and Rep. Patty Murray, D-Wash., “proud of this agreement” because who chair the budget committees “it reduces the deficit -- without in each of their chambers. It would raising taxes. And it cuts spending set overall discretionary spending in a smarter way.” It’s a “clear for this fiscal year at $1.012 improvement on the status quo,” trillion, about halfway between he said. NEW CLASSES! the House budget’s level of $967 According to a report in the billion and the Senate’s $1.058 Washington Business Journal, South Boston Skating Rink trillion. That spending level It avoids some defense cuts that Sunday 5PM Starts December 15 would increase to $1.14 trillion in many Republicans fear could hurt fiscal 2015. The agreement would national security. It’s not the budget Quincy Shea Rink Wednesday 4PM Starts January 8 replace $63 billion in sequestration agreement he really wants, but “in Sunday 11AM Starts December 15 cuts with savings such as asking a divided government, we don’t federal employees and members always get what we want,” Ryan of the military to contribute more said. Murray, meanwhile, said she Gift Certificates Available to their pensions. Those savings, was glad the deal continued the 8 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

CONTINUED FROM page 3 any of his Pastor’s anti-American Men Of Peace, Courage and Forgiveness sermons, even though he was people of courage and the people who political organizations. SOUTH BOSTON TODAY listening to the guy preach at Ray Flynn suffered the most. They were not the I think all the media attention these the same church for 20 years. athy and I were leaving Nazi politicians, who sought power two men are receiving is making it So maybe he forgot he knew his a movie theatre on 42nd and ruled through hate and corruption. clear what people are longing for in uncle and slept on his couch for Street in New York City I also told them that tomorrow a leader. They want people with the K 3 weeks. Ok… on Saturday where we had seen a I will be on NBC talking about courage of their conviction. Leaders So yes, the incentive to obey great movie, “The Book Thief.” another great man, Pope Francis. who will tell the truth and not just written laws diminishes more Three young women, who also saw Why is he loved by people of all what’s expedient. Weak men make with each passing day and with the movie, were looking over in our races and faiths? Why are politicians for weak political leaders. As I said every new example of “law direction as we were walking out so unpopular today? And why are on television, the people are speaking makers” themselves refusing to of the theatre. One of the women Mandela and Pope Francis admired out in their admiration for Nelson follow the rules they impose on approached me and said, “I’m from and respected throughout the world? Mandela and Pope Francis. Two very the rest of us. This is most likely Boston. You’re Mayor Flynn, aren’t It’s because they fought for a cause different kinds of men, no doubt. only the beginning. you? I saw you on TV yesterday. more important than themselves. But when given the choice of weak, We have had quite a bit of You were in Washington with They both talk about love and indecisive two-bit politicians, or feedback and thumbs up from Hilary Clinton talking about Nelson forgiveness. As I said on the national people of strength and courage, the our ‘If it’s a decorated, lit up Mandela. Why was he so popular?” I TV program, the Pope is the only people of the world are making their evergreen in December, it’s a explained to them that he was willing major public figure in the world choice loud and clear. Christmas Tree’ column of two to sacrifice for what he believed in, speaking out against economic and Maybe the people are finally weeks ago. On a related issue, the even if that meant going to jail for social inequality, the protection of waking up and sending a message. ultra liberal Governor of Rhode many years. His life was about a cause all human life, and the defense of Character and integrity is more Island, one Lincoln Chafee, for he believed in. He lived his life with the traditional family. Unfortunately, important than pettiness and the last several years has refused humility and courage. That’s what these are not politically popular personal self interest. to call the State House tree there makes great people, not power or positions in today’s declining culture. Ray Flynn is the former Mayor what it is – a Christmas tree. money. We just saw a movie based If you do hold these positions, you of Boston, U.S. Ambassador to Instead he opted for the cowardly on the Holocaust period in Germany. will pay a political and personal price the Vatican and knew both Nelson generic term of ‘holiday tree’ and Who were the heroes? They were the in the media and with well financed Mandela and Pope Francis. adamantly ignored the public outcry against his part in ignoring NOW 2 LARGE the true meaning of Christmas. OPEN CHEESE But as has been reported, SUNDAYS! Ristorante & Pizzeria PIZZAS nationwide, the backlash against 10:00am-2:00pm ONLY the anti-Christmas moonbats is spreading, as people have had $15.49 enough of this. This year the DELIVERY 617-268-5800 Limited time offer outcry became so loud that even AVAILABLE ORDER ON LINE AT: Not valid with any other offer Governor Chafee could ignore it no longer. He has backed down, 205 L STREET, SOUTH BOSTON (CORNER OF L STREET & 8TH) admittedly, because of all the Serving South Boston Authentic Homestyle Italian Food Since 1986 pressure and has decided that SBT the beautiful decorated, lit up Specializing in Breakfast Omelettes! evergreen at the Rhode Island ALL OMLETTES ONLY $6.75 BREAKFAST SANDWICHES state house, will from here on SMALL: $5.00 Large: $5.75 be called a Christmas tree – not Egg White Special a holiday tree. Could the fact -Egg Whites, Potatoes, Peppers, Provolone Potato & Egg that his bid for reelection is Greek Omelette Pepper & Egg getting closer and the public has -Olives, Spinach, Feta Cheese Ham & Egg Sicilian Omelette Bacon & Egg promised to make this an issue? -Prosciutto, Roasted Red Peppers, Provolone Sausage & Egg This is happening all over the Veggie Omelette All Sandwiches Come On Your Choice Of -Spinach, Tomatoes, Onions, Mushrooms. A Sub Roll, Bagel, English Muffin Or Wrap country. Here in South Boston, Mozzarella Cheese (Plain, Wheat, Tomato Or Spinach) we still have a couple of our own High Protein Omelette -Egg Whites, Bacon, Chicken, Feta Cheese still holding on to this discredited THE BREAKFAST SPECIAL PC mentality. But they really Western Omelette Eggs Served Any Way You Like! -Ham, Peppers, Onions, Am. Cheese aren’t taken seriously any longer. Southie Omelette 3 Eggs with home fries, toast & -Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Garlic, Am. Cheese Perhaps one day even they might choice of ham, bacon or sausage $6.00 Steak, Egg & Cheese Omelette actually be able to understand. -Extra Lean Shaved Steak, Am. Cheese 2 Eggs with home fries, toast & choice Note: Talk back to John Meat Lovers’ Omelette choice of ham, bacon or sausage $5.00 -Bacon, Sausage, Ham, Meatball, & Cheese Ciccone by email at jciccone@ December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 9

-2011 Thomas Goss McLaren Vale, and in a surprisingly long finish. Try Australia Cabernet Sauvignon, it with lamb, steak or a Sunday roast. (~$19.00). There may not be a -2008 Mollydooker “The Maitre McLaren Vale growing region today D” Cabernet Sauvignon South were it not for Thomas Goss. Australia, (~$19.00). Rich and big, In 1849, Goss and wife Mary this wine is one of South Australia’s moved from Devonshire to South most consistent cabs. The Maitre D’ Australia. After experiencing success has an enticing, perfumed nose of in the Victorian gold fields, Goss blackberry, plum, cigar box and a established what would become touch of cinnamon. Strong flavors of an iconic farming operation in blackcurrant and dark cherry carry McLaren Vale, including a number over into mouth- filling layers of of vineyards devoted to wine grapes. mocha, spice and vanilla. This is a This wine presents hints of black wine that was made for filets, ribeyes cherry, blackberry and cassis, with and porterhouse steaks. aromas of pepper, leather, chocolate Next week - The best wine you’ve and wood spice, both on the palate never heard of, so please check in!

Some Reds from “Down Under” SOUTH BOSTON TODAY much as 11%, that give Grange both Jamie Driscoll a greater smoothness and complexity. ith the recent snap of Like American and French Cabs, cold weather we’ve had the style and cost of Australia’s Wrecently, lots of wine “overshadowed red” runs the gamut, drinkers will tend to reach for a good but there are definitely values to be Local 149 Now has Gift Cards! bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to ward had and here are some that I think Available in any denomination, of the chill and while many people you’ll find to be great with dinner will almost reflexively pick a bottle or just to “ward off” the many cold Let any Local staff member from Napa, Sonoma or even Margaux nights to come: know to get yours today! or Pauillac from France’s Bordeaux -2010 Amelia Park “Mishmash” region, I’d like to out some Cabernet Sauvignon, Margaret really great options from Australia. River, Western Australia, (~$15.00). This country, which has been In the southwestern corner of Western producing wines for over 150 years, Australia, the warm maritime really came onto the U.S. wine scene climate and gravelly soils make New Years 2014 in the beginning of this century, but ideal conditions for the production We have a special menu with 2 seatings not with Cabernet. Shiraz wines, of intense and structured wines from scheduled from 5-7 and 7-9. from Adelaide to the Yarra Valley Bordeaux varietals. This red is classic DJ Jaz from Kiss 107.9 will kick off and everywhere in between caught Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon, the party at 10 pm the eye-and palate-of the American with upfront ripe berry, currant, and For reservations call 617.269.0900 or email [email protected] market and names like Yellowtail and plum aromas and flavors accented Hardy’s began vying for mass market by subtle oak spice. It’s medium/full Holiday Hours share with Woodbridge and Beringer. bodied with a nice core of fruit and December 24th - 4pm-10pm At the high end, “Grange”, by smooth tannins and was fermented December 25th - CLOSED Penfolds, consistently ranks among in stainless steel and aged in French New Years Eve - 4pm-2am the world’s best wines and while oak. Fruit-driven, balanced, and full New Years Day - 10am-1am it’s predominantly a Shiraz, there is of finesse, you can drink this tonight a percentage of Cabernet in every and keep some in your cellar for even vintage, usually 3-4%, sometimes as better drinking over the next 2-3 years. 149 P Street l South Boston, MA l 02127 10 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

Stepping Up and Stepping Out: Your Guide to the Southie Scene and the “Southie Senses” South Boston Today begins a regular series about life in South Boston and all that it has to offer. Southie is a vibrant and growing community and By: Laela there are so many ways for residents to become connected and involved. Here are some of the best ways to see, hear, taste, touch and smell all that is Southie. From City Point to Fort Point to the South Boston Waterfront, there are so many opportunities to put your senses to good use!

Stepping Up: So This is Christmas and What Have You Done?... anta Claus, St. Nick, “THE” Jolly way across the room and politely ripped energy to get gifts and packages would be Richard Ellis/New England are accepting Old Elf, The Fat One, Father the note from Daddy-o, sharing aloud. found in the mail, on the doorstep or the non-violent, unwrapped gifts for the Toys SChristmas. However you make About half way through the pleasantries, I back porch. for Tots program through 12/15 during reference to him, he is the man. I will noticed an important fact that momentarily I share this story not only because it is regular Museum hours. If you don’t have never forget the year I found out that choked me up, but like any good gal, I pretty funny and gets me in the Christmas time to stop and grab something, BCM there was no such “guy”. Every Xmas carried on. Everyone took 3 seconds to spirit, but also as a call to arms. Take will do the work for you. Donate $20 and Eve, my siblings, parents and various pets come up for air and clap, then continued some time out of your busy holiday-ing a sweet, stuffed elephant will be donated to would read a Christmas story from our to make the Christmas morn mess. I faked and cocktailing and buy a gift or two. the cause. extra large book collection; well read is a smile, excused myself and went to the Be what those gifts and Santa represent: an understatement- we would basically bathroom to let it all out. What had given kindness and compassion. In last week’s Reindeer Crossing knock each other out to be selected to me pause was something I noticed in the column, I referred to an important fact of •After the long holiday of Thanksgiving, recite the Christmas prose, and the same memo- my father’s handwriting- so bad life: acknowledging people, and making there were still plenty of people went for the selecting of the tree, putting it could NEVER be mistaken for anyone them feel like they matter through that celebrating through Sunday and beyond, the angel on top, checking to see if Santa else’s- not even someone in a rush like St. recognition is so powerful. Manifesting and many cars were parked a little came- you get the drift. Anywho, after the Nick. All things considered, I was 11. But it in a tangible way through giving things longer than usual. The City of Boston is story was heard and ice packs placed upon it wasn’t leaving the fake believing behind people need and want is the icing on the celebrating its 20th year of the Toys for the bumps and bruises of the victorious because I thought I was going to be gifted cake. Take those $20 extra dollars you Tickets program (with Toys for Tots). If declaimer, out went the cookies and milk less as a result: I had mere babies behind were going to spend at Target on ELF you received a non-public safety parking for Santa, the carrots for his reindeer and me- I was good for another 10 years. It cosmetics, and use it for someone else. ticket between 12/04-12/06, you can the letters we had written to thank him for was the idea that something so noble, so Keep the magic alive. present the ticket and a toy of equal or all his kindness and generosity. We would magical, so generous- was all a facade. Santa Claus is Out on the Town greater value as an exchange, through pray for the safe arrival of S.C., Rudolph My mom came into the restroom and I •M.J. O’Connor’s and Toys For Tots are 12/13. Drop off locations include Office & the gang, and of course, Baby Jesus. As confessed my discovery. After I stopped teaming up and giving something back to of the Parking Clerk, City Hall To Go and any other year, we fell asleep, exhausted hyperventilating, my momma shared with those that do the same. Drop off any toy the tow lot on 200 Frontage Road. from fighting the Sandman and awoke to me the most important fact I have ever at the M.J.’s at the Westin Waterfront by sing Baby Jesus a Happy Birthday. We ran learned and try to live as an example of 12/18 and receive free admission to the Right Down Santa Claus Lane into the room where my parents always every day of my life. Of course Santa is Harpoon Holiday Party at the Harp, 12/19, •Only have a few minutes to spare but looked a little more exhausted than usual, real: he lives in all of us. Santa is only a as well as a $10 gift card and voucher for want to do some good? The Seaport in something I attributed to them having a physical representation of all that is good a Harpoon Tour. If you cannot get there conjunction with Christmas in the City, is hard time sleeping waiting for Santa as in this world; there were plenty of times before the night of the party, stop by the accepting toy donations at the valet service. well. Tearing through wrap, squealing my parents could stay awake to build the Harp with your tour and you can still get Any time through 12/20, drop at gift off to with joy and actually getting along for Barbie dream house, and would leave it as into the soiree for no cost. the valet and drive away happy. five consecutive minutes, my father is. But an uncle would sneak in when they announced the Big Guy had left a note in went to bed and up it went. Or how many All I Want for Christmas in-the-City-Toy-Drive.aspx response to our Thank Yous. I elbowed my times there wasn’t enough time, money or •The Boston Children’s Museum and CB Stepping Out: Holly Jolly Folly The countdown is on: 13 days until we can partake in our own revelries! Our Mom and Dad Can Hardly Wait for Submissions were put on display 12/09, Christmas. That’s almost two weeks extended family on the Waterfront has School to Start Again with viewing available through 12/22. The before the holiday hangover sets in. caught the festive fever and is partaking in The troops are getting restless and the homes are put to auction and proceeds And not the “ I-drank-too-much-spiked- our great tradition of celebrating. I’d call 2 weeks of school vacation hasn’t even benefit CRDC (which offers pro-bono eggnog” and “my diet-starts- 01/02/14” that “Miracle on Seaport Boulevard”! begun! Occupy some of that family services to many communities that go kind, though I am sure it adds to the stress Cruisin’ Around in Santa’s Vessel frenzy with a trip to the Urban Art Bar underserved). Also on Saturday 12/14, of it all. That means we need to jam in as This Saturday 12/14, dock the Spirit for Holiday Family Paint on Sunday LBDMA will host a family competition much holiday cheer as our wallets and of Boston and party on the harbor with 12/15 from 3-6pm. Teach them to create from 10:30-12:30. The price of admission, livers can handle and spread ourselves Santa himself. Children under 12 are and tire them out at the same time! which includes a tour and gingerbread as thin as possible, all in the name of free with one paying adult (1 kid per), house materials, will be donated to Christmas Cheer. Here in South Boston, get your picture taken and decorate some Edible Arrangements LBDMA, which facilitates in teaching there are plenty of places to rock around holiday cookies. There are sure to be The BSA, CDRC Boston and Leading grades K-12 about architecture and design. the Christmas tree. But this should be some adult treats available too! Santa’s by Design MA, have teamed up to put about the kiddos. After our parent/auntie/ sea sleigh docks at 11:30am. on the 2nd Annual Gingerbread House uncle/grandparent duties are complete, competition, located in the BSA space.

Go to our facebook page to vote on our weekly poll. December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 11

Southie Senses:Things to touch, see, taste, smell and hear in Southie

Touch: Wrap It Up! This weekend, head on down to Social Wines and let some neighbors from the SB Boys & Girls Club do the work for you. From 1-4, Saturday and Sunday, representatives from the Club will be wrapping gifts for donations. Browse and buy from Social Wines for your seasonal sips while you are at it!

See: Seafood Diet At last, another amazing addition to the Fort Point family has arrived! Row 34, located at 383 Congress Street, offers up amazing oysters paired with some local libations. A nice way to take a break from all the madness, and shoot a couple back. Oysters, that is!

Taste: Sip WHILE You Shop This Monday, stop on by after work and celebrate two things: friends AND getting your shopping done at the same time! From 6:30-9, Lincoln will be having a whole host of local shops offer goodies for sale in one place. That my friends is a win-win. tickets-9692551683

Smell: I Smell a Winner! Manes and Mistletoe is the theme of this great event put on by Salon Mario Russo. True, this Friday is the 13th day of the month, but you will get lucky at this gathering. Complimentary hot chocolate will be served, trial size samples of Oribe’s amazing hair products will be awarded and a blow dry ($40) to start the weekend looking gorge! Winning!

Hear: Loud and Clear Fort Point is getting in the spirit with its annual Holiday Stroll this Friday 12/13. The event will have many local businesses participating to get you in the spirit. Saturday and Sunday (11-4), there will be a holiday art market at 30 Channel Center, as well as an exhibit opening. And on Sunday (1-6) at 369 Congress, 7th floor, there will be the Boston Artist & Burner Bazaar. The holiday bells are ringing loud and clear for all of us to get down there!

Who is Laela? Born and raised in this town, Laela believes that contributing to your neighborhood through volunteer work and socializing within the community are inborn in the people of South Boston. Those innate characteristics are interwoven into every fiber of a South Bostonian’s being. Continuing the traditions that the South Boston community has always practiced, the features Stepping Up and Stepping Out are two ways in which old AND new residents can find opportunities to do what Southie has always done: give back. Both “born and raised” and the new Southie generation will be able to carry on these practices. 12 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

BOSTON CITY COUNCIL KEEPS RESIDENTIAL TAXES AFFORDABLE The Boston City Council unanimously receive a 20% residential exemption. approved a measure introduced by According to testimony provided by Ron Council President Stephen J. Murphy that Rakow, Commissioner of Assessing, the determines property tax classifications maximum residential exemption saves and maximum exemptions for Boston homeowners over $1,700 on their tax bill. residents, contributing to the affordability This classification policy and the of Boston as a place to live. City Council’s annual action to declare The City Council, together with a residential exemption in the greatest Rep. Nick Collins Announces State approval of the Mayor, determines the amount permitted by the law has resulted Income Tax To Drop in January percentages of the tax levy to be borne by in substantial protections and savings for s reported by the State million off the table for the fiscal each class of property every fiscal year. both homeowners and tenants from the House News Service, 2015 budget, with Gov. Deval Each class of property pays a different effects of revaluation. Council President A economic triggers have been met Patrick set to outline his fiscal tax rate. In the City of Boston, class one Murphy is confident this system has to force a reduction in the state 2015 spending plan next month. residential properties have less of a tax worked in the past and continues to income tax in 2014 from 5.25 Rep. Collins stated, “The burden than class three commercial work for Boston residents. Recognizing percent to 5.2 percent in January, expected state income tax cut is properties. This classification allows the need to protect and encourage according to Administration and welcome news and evidence of residents to also get the maximum homeownership in the City, he is also Finance Secretary Glen Shor. The a healthy and growing economy amount of discount available. Every year working on a solution to skyrocketing Department of Revenue estimates here is the Commonwealth. I the City must also determine whether property taxes for longtime homeowners the tax cut will reduce state look forward to continuing to to establish an exemption for owner in rapidly developing neighborhoods. revenues by about $65 million in work with my colleagues in the occupied residential properties. This Council President Murphy also introduced fiscal 2014. The tax cut will take Massachusetts Legislature to push year, as has happened every year since a measure that provides a tax exemption between $125 million and $140 CONTINUED ON page 13 2000, the Council approved a residential of up to 100% for active members of the exemption of 30% of the average assessed National Guard or reservists serving in Offered by Councilor Stephen J. Murphy value of residential properties in the City. foreign countries. The Council unanimously Most municipalities in the state only approved that measure as well. CITY OF BOSTON ______



WHEREAS: The residents of Boston led the successful effort to amend our state Constitution to allow Classification for the purpose of taxation; and

WHEREAS: Boston was again at the forefront of the Legislature’s enactment of Chapter 169 of the Acts of 2007, providing further relief to residential taxpayers; and

WHEREAS: Since adoption of the Constitutional Amendment, this Council has established a policy of utilizing Classification to tax residential properties at the lowest level permitted by state statute; and

WHEREAS: The Legislature enacted Chapter 403 of the Acts of 2000, the City’s home rule Let me help you get paid for driving safely. petition to increase the residential exemption to a maximum of thirty percent Now drivers in the Bay State can get a Safe Driving Bonus Check (30%) of the average assessed value of all Class One-Residential parcels in the City of Boston; and every 12 months for staying accident-free. It’s part of Your Choice Auto® Insurance, only from Allstate. Want to start earning your WHEREAS: The Classification policy, and the Boston City Council’s annual action to declare a residential exemption in the greatest amount permitted by the savings? Call me first. General Laws has resulted in substantial protection and substantial savings for both homeowners and tenants from the effects of revaluation; and

The Hanley Agency WHEREAS: Action in this regard for Fiscal Year 2014 must be taken prior to certification of the tax rate by the Department of Revenue; therefore be it (617) 500-4350 ORDERED: That pursuant to the General Laws, Chapter 40, section 56, the residential factor in the City of Boston for Fiscal Year 2013 shall be the minimum 135 Emerson Street residential factor as determined by the Commissioner of Revenue pursuant to South Boston Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 58, Section 1A and; be it further

ORDERED: That pursuant to Chapter 403 of the Acts of 2000, a residential exemption in the amount of value equal to thirty percent (30%) of the average assessed value of all Class One-Residential parcels in the City of Boston be, and hereby is, Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Allstate Insurance approved for Fiscal Year 2014.

Company: Northbrook’ IL. © 2011 Allstate Insurance Company 49378

Filed on: November 20, 2013 December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 13 Recent South Boston Real Estate Sales Price Sale Date Rooms Baths Sq Ft

689 EastProperty/Type Fourth St UNIT 1 $780,000 11/22/13 5 Baths3 1955 Condo 694 East Fifth St UNIT 2 $756,700 11/26/13 6 2.5 1900 Condo 36 A St UNIT 3C $692,000 11/26/13 6 2 1370 Condo 685 East Fifth St UNIT D $619,000 11/20/13 7 3 1856 Condo 279 West Third St UNIT 2 $599,000 11/22/13 4 2 975 Condo 279 West Third St UNIT 1 $575,000 11/27/13 4 2 1000 Condo 36 A St UNIT 2B $547,000 11/26/13 5 1 1002 Condo 56 Story St UNIT 2 $544,000 11/22/13 8 2.5 1200 Condo 724 East Third St UNIT 2 $540,000 11/20/13 5 2 1052 Condo 276 Bowen St UNIT 2 $529,000 11/24/13 4 2 956 Condo 790 East Fourth St UNIT 1 $519,000 11/29/13 3 2 1238 Condo 271 K St UNIT 2 $485,000 11/29/13 5 2 1091 Condo 587 East Eighth St UNIT 3 $480,000 11/20/13 4 1 1058 Condo 45 Vinton St UNIT B $479,000 11/27/13 4 2 1207 Condo 7 Peters St UNIT 2 $475,000 11/21/13 4 2 950 Condo 638 East Eighth St UNIT 638 $473,000 11/26/13 4 2 915 Condo 48 Thomas Park UNIT 1 $460,000 11/27/13 4 1.5 1230 Condo 18-20 Knowlton St UNIT 7 $458,000 11/27/13 5 2 1016 Condo 256 Athens St UNIT 1 $439,000 11/27/13 4 1 748 Condo 292-294 D St UNIT 3 $395,000 11/26/13 7 1.5 861 Condo 126 Tudor St UNIT B $367,500 11/27/13 4 1 875 Condo 366 K St UNIT 1 $319,000 11/27/13 3 1 611 Condo 539 East Fourth St UNIT 2 $315,000 11/27/13 4 1 561 Condo 252 E St UNIT 2 $313,000 11/26/13 5 1 760 Condo

CONTINUED FROM page 12 policies that create jobs and further grow approved an initiative petition calling the economy.” to reduce the income tax rate from Tax receipts are running $359 million 5.95 percent to 5 percent by 2003. In above fiscal 2014 benchmark through 2002, in order to raise $215 million as November. The Department of Revenue part of a larger tax package, the state reported that November tax collections Legislature froze the income tax rate surged 10.6 percent, or $151 million at 5.3 percent and conditioned further above collections in November 2012. reductions on economic growth triggers. Tax collections are up 9.7 percent over Tax collections had been running above the first five months of fiscal 2014, benchmark in early fiscal 2013, but fell compared to the same period in fiscal just short of meeting the triggers for an 2013. Massachusetts voters in 2000 income tax reduction this past January. 14 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

The Artists’ Studio

Who Likes Gingerbread? South Boston Arts Association Sponsors Two Gingerbread House Events ake 30 kids, 10 pounds of however that much of the candy South Boston Library and everyone is delight with oohs and aahs. sugar, 5 boxes of graham intended for the houses ended up already planning their entries for next Our judges, Billy and Bobby, ( Tcrackers, and assorted instead in everyone’s belly! Adding year’s event. Designed as an event to The Wonder Twins, who will be candies and sweets and what do you to the holiday spirit, Lorie Walsh spread Christmas cheer and to gather performing live in What The Dickens get? Christmas cheer for everyone! provided live music for the children donations for Toys for Tots it was a at the BU Dance Theater, 915 Comm. This past week members of the to build by. perfect addition to the Chamber of Ave. December 13-15.) Glenn, baker South Boston Arts Association led We have our winners! The 1st Commerce’s Holiday Stroll. Outside and owner of Sweet Tooth, and Kathy a gingerbread house building event Annual South Boston Gingerbread the library, Mrs. Claus sang and the Flynn, (who kindly stood in for for kids 6 and up at the South Boston House Contest, sponsored by the tree was lit. Inside the library families husband Ray at the last minute) took Library. The resulting creations were South Boston Arts Association was paraded by the intricate gingerbread their jobs seriously and labored over awesome! It was quite a mystery held on Thursday, December 5th at the masterpieces while expressing their their decisions. December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 15

In the individual category the winners were: 1st place- Brooke Spaulding – Island of Misfit Toys, 2nd place – Allison Putnam – Mid-Century Modern and 3rd place – Sue Russell – Southie Scene. In the Business/ Non- profit division the trophy was awarded to the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corp but not until the judges had to go back and review two houses because of a tie between SBNDC and Social Wines. Adding to the festive atmosphere, first Lorie Walsh and then Peter Golemme played Christmas songs at the piano while Ray Flynn took the opportunity to gather some folks and lead a sing-a-long. Donna Brown of the SBNDC kindly offered to display some of the houses for the next two weeks in her front window at 365 West Broadway so stop by to see them. In addition you can see photographs of the winners and other entries on-line at The South Boston Arts Association is very pleased to have delivered two giant boxes of unwrapped, new toys to the Toys for Tots program thanks to the generosity of the gingerbread participants and our friends and neighbors. The Arts Association looks forward to repeating and adding to the collection of toys next year along with the sponsorship of the 2nd Annual Gingerbread Contest! 16 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

1 1. Dan Manning, Congressman Lynch, and Rep Collins 2. Councilor Linehan introducing the co- hosts.....Clerk Mike Donovan, Congressman Lynch, and Councilor Flaherty 3. Jake Bombard and friend 4. Rep Collins, Kathy Flynn and City Councilor Michael Flaherty 5. Mark Iannaco, Rep Collins, Robert Pacitti, Maryann Crush, James Baker 6. Rep Collins and Mark Mcgonagle - Chief of Staff to Bill Linehan 7. Kristen Perullo, Ellen Mcdonough, Anne Marie Collins 8. Congressman Lynch introducing Rep. Collins 2 December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 17

4 3

5 6 7 8

Hundreds of supporters filled the Cornerstone Restaurant this past Monday night to honor State Rep. Nick Collins at his Holiday Reception. The event was co- hosted by Congressman Steve Lynch, Councilor Bill Linehan, Councilor-Elect Mike Flaherty, and Clerk Mike Donovan. 18 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

3rd Annual Celtic Christmas Concert in St. Augustine’s Chapel ~ not to be missed!! he 3rd annual Celtic Christmas A native of Galway city, Katie Concert will be held in St. McD is steeped in the tradition of TAugustine’s Chapel, to benefit sean nós singing (old style Irish the South Boston Youth Ambassadors singing). Her mother won the All- ‘Young art Arts’ programs, on Ireland championship for piano and Saturday evening December 21, 2013, Katie learned piano with her great at 7:00pm. Aunt Mary, a renowned poet and The historic 192-year-old gothic avid choral singer. She later picked revival styled St. Augustine Chapel up the guitar and started writing is located in South Boston, on self-penned songs. She moved to Dorchester Street between West Sixth Boston after obtaining a scholarship and Tudor streets. Katie McD and to study voice at the Berklee College into the spirit of Christmas and give Plantings’ on West Broadway, in her Cross-County Band perform an of Music and later attained a B.A in to a worthy community event. The South Boston. upbeat Irish flavored variety show Sociology at Tufts University. Katie proceeds for this concert will help Young at Arts is co-sponsored by with a mixture of traditional Celtic, has performed with the orchestras fund their community service program the South Boston Community Health Christmas and popular Irish music such as the Cross Border Orchestra that annually sends a team of working Center and the South Boston Arts and song. The talented trio journey and was a featured soloist at the youth to volunteer during their school Association. Tickets for the concert through Christmas in Ireland with United Nations Gala Ball. vacation break in an area of America are $20 adults and $10.00 children. ballads from the lilting vocals of Katie This unique Irish and beloved devastated by a natural disaster. The There is a special family rate of McD, poems and ‘stories from home’ Christmas concert is a presentation by group is noted for its paintings and $50.00 for a family of five (two adults told by the ever-witty bodhran player, the South Boston Youth Ambassadors street exhibits of the ‘Lighthouses on and up to three children). Limited Martin Butler and the foot stomping to raise funds for their activities. This Broadway’, the ‘Painted Adirondack seating at the Chapel suggests Irish fiddle tunes of Dan Kellar. is a wonderful opportunity to get Chairs’ and ‘Street Cleanup and Tree CONTINUED ON page 19

Christmas Dinner Tis the Season!

If you are unable to ALL ARE WELCOME

get out and would like st a meal delivered to Wednesday, December 25 your home please call 11am – 1pm 617-268-1230 before Monday, December 23rd, after December 23rd please call 617-590-9922

St. Monica Church Hall 331 Old Colony Avenue (the corner of Old Colony Avenue & Prebble Street) Hosted by: The South Boston Catholic Parishes & Our Elected Officials December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 19

Live Christmas Nativity At Medal of Honor Park n what has become a new tradition, live animals on site at the park. Free The New Covenant Church of refreshments will be served to all, ISouth Boston has announce that there will be music and there will for the 3rd year in a row, it will hold also be a gift given out to every child. its ‘Live Nativity’ at Medal of Honor The authentic looking stable and Park at M Street this coming Saturday, manger will be set up that morning; December 14th from 12 noon till 3pm. the stable is erected by Church South Boston Catholic This has become a big attraction members to look much like it must as people of all ages have flocked have looked on that special First Academy Cooking Club News ne of the many after school chips and loved and ate every bite! each year to witness and be part Christmas Night more than 2000 clubs offered by South The students also enjoyed making of a beautiful event that signifies years ago, complete with straw Boston Catholic Academy an artistically creative Thanksgiving and shows the true meaning of beds and manger. It will all begin O has been going strong this semester. dessert. We used teepee and turkey Christmas. Real people of all ages promptly at noon with performances Cookshop offers students the craft ideas along with a few supplies will be dressed in authentic looking to continue until 3pm. The Live opportunity to learn how to make and some waffle cones, candy corn, costumes portraying Joseph, Mary, Nativity is a perfect way to get into healthy snacks in a hands on way. pretzels, cookies and chocolate the Three Wise men, the shepherds the true Christmas spirit in a positive Recently the students made kale fudge to make this great dessert. and of course the Baby Jesus. As in and uplifting way. Bring the kids. All the two previous years, there will be are invited and welcome.


Presents …

December 14th @ M Street Park M & Broadway 12 to 3 p.m.

Come … Let us adore Him.

Live Animals FREE Refreshments Music A Gift for Each Child

CONTINUED FROM page 18 Doug Smith (of the movie “the Goon”) won at the reunion. advance purchases and early arrival Street, South Boston. Tickets may Doug Smith is presented with a check for $10,000 for having the winning at the chapel. Celtic Christmas in be reserved by calling: Mayra ticket @ the Southie Reunion to benefit the SBYHL the Chapel will be held at 7.00pm, Rodriguez-Howard at 617 484-7423, Pictured left to right: December 21, 2013 at the St. Linda Doran at 617 464-7463 or Dan Teddy Cunniff, John Gilmartin, winner Doug Smith, Tommy McGrath (president of SBYHL) Mark Medico and Bobby McGarrell Augustine’s Chapel, 181 Dorchester McCole at 617 464-4237. 20 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

Bruins and Penguins Bad Blood Brewing SOUTH BOSTON TODAY by David Pollard Talk back to David at [email protected]

he hockey game between the and the T Pittsburgh Penguins got a little ugly this past Saturday. What was touted as a match between two teams fighting for the top spot in the Eastern Conference turned into a display of dirty plays, multiple injuries and, ultimately, suspensions. The play that makes Bruins fans cringe the most should be the sight of Shawn Thornton knocking unconscious while Orpik was in a highly vulnerable position underneath Thornton in a scrum. It’s made all the more cringe- worthy because of Thornton’s prior impeccable reputation as a respected tough guy in the NHL. What lead to the scrum between Thornton and Orpik became an afterthought when the medical staff at the TD Garden had to wheel Orpik off the ice on a stretcher. After play had stopped at 11:06 of the first period, a scrum ensued between the two teams. During the scrum Shawn Thornton sought Safety. For Shawn, it’s not if he Orpik delivered a crushing hit while Neal has been suspended for 5 out Brooks Orpik, kicked his leg will be suspended, but how long - Eriksson was looking the other way games by the Department of Player out from under him, grabbed his he will have an in-person hearing - Eriksson left the game and did not Safety for the knee to the head of collar and delivered three jabs to sometime this week; the minimum return, he has been diagnosed with . Neal practically a defensively Orpik, knocking him suspension for an in-person hearing a concussion (his second of the stammered through his postgame out. The medical staff was called is 5-games. “Obviously I made a season) and will be out indefinitely. press conference when asked about on almost immediately. mistake. I’m aware of it,” Thornton After the hit, Thornton approached the hit, saying “He’s already going For Thornton, it’s not the type of added. “I’ve been told that I’ll be Orpik, but Orpik would not oblige down and I guess I need to try to tough guy Bruins fans are used to having a hearing. And it’s hard for Thornton with a fight. Many might feel avoid him, but I have to look at it seeing, and it’s not the kind they me to say much more than... it was Orpik was obligated to fight after such (on replay) again.” He went on to should be looking for. Throughout not my intention, I feel awful, I felt a tone-setting hit, but the reality is that say that he hit Marchand with his his career, Thornton has represented sick all game.” Orpik is not a fighter, in fact he hasn’t “knee, or foot, or shin”, adding “I the standard for fighting the right It appeared as though he simply dropped the gloves in nearly half a need to be more careful and I guess way, and living by a certain code lost his cool. This could have been decade. In no way is Orpik obligated get my knee out of the way, but I’m that is meant to keep players safe, the result of several other incidents to fight a seasoned fighter like Shawn not trying to hit him in the head or while keeping fights in the game. that occurred prior to the incident. Thornton. Thornton took Orpik’s injure him or anything like that.” “Listen I feel awful. It wasn’t The game began getting a bit out of number after he refused to go with him. The hit that started the whole my intention for that outcome,” control on the very first shift, when Just prior to the Orpik injury, Brad thing, for Eriksson, it’s unfortunate Thornton said after the game. “It Orpik lined up as the Marchand was tripped, and the play that he has a concussion, but the hit definitely was not I wanted to see or B’s were breaking out of their own had stopped. was skating was a solid to boarder-line hockey anybody wanted to see.”Thornton end. Eriksson was in a vulnerable by Marchand on his hands and hit. Some of the responsibility has to was assessed a match on position - the puck was... close to knees, and deliberately extended his be placed on Loui Eriksson for not the play. Further disciplinary action his stick, although it didn’t appear knee contacting Marchand’s head. obeying one of the primary safety will be taken by Brendan Shanahan as though he ever had a chance at This is what started the scrum, and tips for any hockey player - keep and the NHL Department of Player gaining possession of the puck. the Orpik injury came next. your head up. Still, it is Thornton’s December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 21

role to defend his teammates. I heard that he’s conscious and “That’s always my job, I guess, to talking. I’m happy to hear that.” defend my teammates,” Thornton Not to be lost on the evening was said. “But I’ve prided myself for a the Bruins epic comeback. Down long time to stay within the lines. 2-1 with less than 2 minutes to go, I said, it’s hard for me to talk David Krecji and Zdeno Chara both about right now. I can’t say I’m scored to put the B’s up 3-2 just sorry enough. And I’m sure I’ll be before the buzzer sounded to end criticized for saying it, but it’s true. what was a brutal and hard fought Back Graphic I just, I hope he’s doing all right. hockey game on Saturday night. 22 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • December 12, 2013

*Every week, we will run part of an interview from Danny Picard’s daily sports-talk show “I’m Just Sayin”, which can be heard LIVE every weekday on the new DigRadio at, and on the TuneIn app, with every show available on iTunes. He can also be heard hosting “The Danny Picard Show” weekends on WEEI-93.7 FM. This week, Danny talked Red Sox with Comcast SportsNet’s Sean McAdam from the MLB Winter Meetings:

DANNY PICARD: [On Monday], an everyday lead-off hitter as you very good prospects. And do you They think he can play a very good John Farrell talked about the lead- could get. want to get back into that situation, center field in the Big Leagues. What off spot with no Jacoby Ellsbury, DP: Does it sound like the Red Sox where you’re taking on close to a they don’t know is what they’re going and he said Shane Victorino and are just set on Jackie Bradley Jr. nine-figure deal? And you’re doing to get from him, offensively. Given that Daniel Nava are options to lead everyday in center field? I think that so with a player who has battled uncertainty, it doesn’t seem to make off. But who’s the better option out makes the most sense. I think they’re enough injuries over the past a lot of sense to put him in a pressure of those two guys? Because Nava, going to go with the kids. It seems to year-and-a-half, that there’s some spot of hitting lead-of for a while. I what are we looking at with playing me like they think he’s ready. Matt question about his effectiveness. So, think the smarter course is waiting, and time for Nava this season? Kemp’s name has been thrown out as I said, I think they’re listening. I seeing how he develops, and finding SEAN MCADAM: Yeah, I think there, but is that realistic, Kemp to the don’t think they’re shutting the door someone to hit lead-off in the interim. that’s part of the issue, Danny. Red Sox? Or do they feel comfortable on anything. But Kemp does not DP: Yeah, and you never know. I While Nava is the better on-base with Jackie Bradley in center? seem like a viable option. mean, if he does perform, maybe candidate of the two -- he had SM: I mean, I think they’re in the DP: That’s nothing against Kemp. I that changes. At some point, maybe a .385 on-base percentage last position where they are willing to think it has more to do with Jackie we could see Jackie Bradley Jr. in year, which was second only to listen on just about anybody. And Bradley Jr. Because if you bring the lead-off spot. David Ortiz on the team -- in all that’s the smart position to take. someone like Kemp in, you’ve got SM: Oh, I don’t think there’s any likelihood, he’s not going to be in They are a big-market team with to think that Jackie Bradley isn’t question about that, ultimately. In the lineup everyday. He may be a lot of resources that can absorb going to get the everyday playing fact, I asked that question to Ben in the lineup most days, because, salary. They also are in a position time that I feel they should give Cherington [on Monday] night. I as part of an unofficial platoon in where they have a very deep farm him. Are the Red Sox comfortable asked, “Do you think that, in the left field with Jonny Gomes, he’s system with a lot of prospects with Jackie Bradley being the long run, that Jackie Bradley Jr. is going to get the majority of the that interest teams. So you’d be opening-day center fielder? They are a lead-off hitter?” And he left little plate appearances and at-bats in foolish not to explore what’s out comfortable with that, right? doubt that that’s exactly how they games because he’s left-handed. there, and there may be something SM: Yeah, I think they have some, see him, but they don’t want to Even though he’s a switch-hitter, that you can get done at a cost or there are still some questions as to what give him too much, too soon, right they like him better from the left player price that is far lower than he can provide, offensively. That’s out of the shoot. So, he’s not going side. But what do you do on days you anticipated. But Kemp and his why he’s not being talked about as a to be [lead-off], I would guess, on in which Nava is not in the lineup? contract is exactly the kind of deal lead-off guy. He is someone that has Opening Day, but in time, they think Do you move your whole lineup that they seem to be against these got on base, as Ben Cherington pointed he’s going to evolve into that. around? Do you have Victorino days. He’s got six years and $129 out, both in college and in the minor DP: How do you grade the Red lead-off then, and then Gomes million left, and even though the leagues, but that’s different from doing Sox offseason [as of Tuesday]? It becomes more of a middle of the Dodgers are rumored to be willing it in the Big Leagues on an everyday seems to me that they’ve made all order guy? Knowing that Victorino to take some of that back in order to basis. So to take some of that additional their big moves already. Unless you is going to be in the lineup pretty facilitate a deal, they’re not going pressure off him, I think you’ll see him think that they could make another much everyday, as long as he’s to both reduce the contract and probably hitting in the bottom-third big move here this offseason with a healthy, which, obviously was an then take 50 cents on the dollar for of the order. Could be eighth, or even big trade. But I grade it pretty well. issue at times last year, that seems Kemp. If they’re going to take some ninth. So that he can kind of focus on Especially if you look at David Price like the more logical choice, to money back, then they’re going getting acclimated. They have no doubt getting traded out of the division, the have [Victorino] being as close to to expect, I imagine, at least two about his defensive ability right now. Yankees, I don’t know what they’re December 12, 2013 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 23

doing with Ellsbury and Brian fielder, base stealer, and elite on- have some sort of answer, in terms if you hold open the possibility McCann and letting Robinson Cano base guy as part of your team. But of who to replace Ellsbury with. I -- whether you like it or not -- that go to Seattle. So, with the Red Sox, I think most people, including the thought Mike Napoli was a good Stephen Drew could come back, how do you grade it? Do you grade Red Sox, understood that it was a move. That’s a good deal for them, they could field essentially the same it like I do, which is a pretty good long shot to retain Ellsbury in the two years at $32 million sounds team on Opening Day, except for offseason so far? first place. So it wasn’t like that about right. And I think in the short Ellsbury and Saltalamacchia. The SM: I think you have to take into surprised them. Replacing him is term, A.J. Pierzynski will be every same starting rotation, essentially account that they lost a very good something they really haven’t done. bit as good as Jarrod Saltalamacchia the same bullpen, which has been player in Jacoby Ellsbury. I’m not As good as Bradley is, and as well has been, without committing them even arguably improved with the suggesting that they should have as he projects going forward as a to any long-term commitments to an acquisition of both Burke Badenhop matched what the Yankees paid young player, he is not the player older guy, and allowing the young and Edward Mujica, I think they’re him, but the end result is, you no now, and may never be as good as catchers to develop. So, it’s really in good shape to compete. longer have that Gold Glove center Jacoby Ellsbury. But at least they not a huge change for this team, Follow Danny on Twitter and Facebook

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