Focalpoint® 3.0

Quick Reference

Acknowledgement: This document was developed by Galileo Training Services. Customer feedback is important to us. Please take a few minutes to send any questions or comments to us at [email protected]

© 2007 Galileo International, L.L.C. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose without the written permission of Galileo International. All screen examples and other inserts associated with system output are provided for illustration purposes only. They are not meant to represent actual screen responses, rates, etc.

Galileo International may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Galileo International. All other companies and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.



Focalpoint® and Apollo® Window Basics ...... 4 Logging On to Focalpoint ...... 4 Access Another Apollo Window ...... 4 Apollo Commands ...... 4 Recall Previous Commands ...... 4 Resend Last Command...... 5 Clearing Apollo Windows ...... 5 Unlock Keyboard (Reset) ...... 5 Moving Cursor in Apollo Window...... 5 Printing Apollo Windows...... 5 Zoom/Unzoom Widow ...... 5 Restore Focalpoint Window ...... 5 Copy and Paste In Apollo...... 6 Setting Personal Focalpoint Options...... 6 Changing Window Colors...... 6 Setting Workstation Defaults ...... 7 Moving an Apollo Window ...... 7 Configuring Toolbar...... 8 Printer Setup ...... 10 Selecting Printer ...... 10 Changing Printer Setup ...... 10 Using Focalpoint Print Setup...... 10 Designating Gateway Print Screen...... 10 Miscellaneous Features ...... 11 Status Bar Indicators ...... 11 Response Copy...... 11 Record and Playback ...... 12 Emulation ...... 12

Continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 2 Companion Basics...... 13 Opening a File ...... 13 Saving an Existing File ...... 13 Saving a New File ...... 13 Select Text ...... 13 Select Entire Document...... 13 Unselect Text ...... 14 Undo...... 14 Delete text ...... 14 Copy and Paste in Companions...... 14 Cut and Paste in Companions...... 14 Companions ...... 15 Calculator ...... 15 ...... 15 ...... 16 Month View...... 18 Notepad...... 19 Programmable Keys...... 21 Replay ...... 23 Scratch Pad...... 24 Focalpoint ScriptWriter® Run...... 25 Write ...... 25 Windows Basics ...... 29 Terms to Know ...... 29 Using Menus...... 30 Exiting a Drop-down Menu ...... 30 Navigating ...... 30 Selecting...... 30 Using Online Help ...... 30 Display Task List ...... 30 Switching Between Open Applications...... 30 Closing ...... 31 Displaying a Group from Program Manager...... 31 Starting an Application from Program Manager ...... 31

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 3 Focalpoint® and Apollo® Window Basics

Basic Focalpoint® and Apollo® functions, and the quickest way to perform them are identified here. You can also perform many of these functions using the Focalpoint menu bar.

Logging On to Focalpoint

From the Logon screen:

1. Type your personal logon NAME. Name

2. Press ENTER. Enter

From a workstation currently logged on to Focalpoint with a different user name:

1. CLOSE Focalpooint. Alt+F4

2. Select Focalpoint icon and press ENTER. Arrow, Enter

3. From the Logon screen, type your personal Name, Enter logon NAME and press Enter.

Note: Do not log on to more than one workstation using the same name.

Access Another Apollo Window Ctrl+Window number

Apollo Commands

REDIRECT response to specific Apollo Alt+Window number window. MOVE UP (MU) in Apollo Page Up MOVE DOWN (MD) in Apollo PageDown

Recall Previous Commands

This functiion displays up to 50 Apollo commands that you previously entered. Use this function to display a previously entered Apollo command.

RECALL Ctrl+↑/Ctrl+↓

Note: The number of Apollo commands available through Recall can be expanded to 150. Refer to “Change number of commands stored” under the Replay section of this guide.

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 4 Resend Last Command

This function resends the last command you entered in Apollo.

RESEND Shift+Enter

Clearing Apollo Windows

ACTIVE window Ctrl+W

ALL Windows Ctrl+S

Unlock Keyboard (Reset) Ctrl+R

Moving Cursor in Apollo Window

CHARACTER at a time Arrow

BEGINNING of line Home

END of line End

UPPER-LEFT corner of window Home Home

LAST character of window End End

Printing Apollo Windows

ACTIVE window Ctrl+B

ALL windows Ctrl+X

Zoom/Unzoom Widow Ctrl+Z

Restore Focalpoint Window Settings Alt+F, E

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 5 Copy and Paste In Apollo

This function copies selected text within Apollo to additional locations.

Note: See also the Copy and Paste In Companions section of this guide.

1. SELECT text. Shirt+Arrow 2. COPY selected text. Alt+E, C 3. Move cursor to desired location, document or application. 4. PASTE text. Alt+E, P

Setting Personal Focalpoint Options

These functions in Focalpoint allow you to personalize your workstation.

Changing Window Colors

This function allows you to change the color of you Apollo windows.

1. Access desired APOLLO WINDOW. Ctrl+Window number 2. Select EDIT COLORS from Options menu. Alt+0, C 3. Select BACKGROUND attribute. B 4. Tab to the COLOR PALETTE and arrow to desired color. Tab, Arrow 5. Select FOREGROUND attribute. Alt+F 6. Tab to the COLOR PALETTE and arrow to desired color. TAB, Arrow 7. Press ENTER. Enter 8. Repeat steps 1-7 for each window. 9. SAVE color changes. Alt+F, S

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 6 Setting Workstation Defaults

This function defines which file is opened and/or default directory utilized when using the selected Companions application.

To add or change defaults: 1. Select SET DEFAULTS from Options menu. Alt+0, D 2. Select appropriate COMPANION. Underlined letter 3. Activate the SET button to select filename. Alt+S 4. To select filename, TAB to the filename list box and arrow to the desired file. Tab, Arrow 5. Press ENTER to confirm selection. Enter 6. To set a start-up directory (if applicable): a. TAB to Start-Up Directory. Tab b. Type DIRECTORY NAME. Directory name 7. Press Enter to EXIT utility. Enter 8. SAVE default changes. Alt+F, S

To remove defaults: 1. Select SET DEFAULTS from Options menu. Alt+0, D 2. Select COMPANION default to be removed. Underlined letter 3. Clear default filename. Alt+C 4. To CLEAR start-up directory (if applicable): a. TAB to Start-up Directory (text becomes highlighted). Tab b. Press the DELETE key. Delete 5. Press Enter to EXIT the utility. Enter 6. SAVE default changes. Alt+F, S

Moving an Apollo Window

This function allows you to move an Apollo window on your screen.

1. Select MOVE from Control menu. Alt+Hyphen, M 2. ARROW to desired location. Arrow 3. Press ENTER. Enter

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 7 Configuring Toolbar

This function allows you to modify the toolbar to quickly access Companions, menu items, scripts or other applications.

Note: This feature is for mouse-users only.

DISPLAY/Remove Toolbar: Alt+0, T

Add Button to Toolbar: 1. Select CONFIGURE TOOLBAR from Options menu. Alt+0, N 2. In the Toolbar box, click on a blank BUTTON. 3. In the ACTIONS box: a. Click on the appropriate RADIO BUTTON. b. Click on FIND. c. Click on appropriate ITEM from the list. d. Click on OK. 4. In the BUTTONS box, click on the desired button. 5. Click on APPLY to add button to the toolbar. 6. Click on OK. 7. SAVE toolbar. Alt+F, S

Change Button Toolbar 1. Select CONFIGURE TOOLBAR from Alt+0, N Options menu. 2. In the Toolbar box, click on the BUTTON to be changed. 3. In the ACTIONS box: a. Click on the appropriate RADIO BUTTON. b. Click on FIND. c. Click on appropriate ITEM from the list. d. Click on OK. 4. To change button, click in the BUTTON box and select a different button. 5. Click on APPLY to change button on the toolbar. 6. Click on OK. 7. SAVE changes. Alt+F, S

Continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 8 Configuring Toolbar (cont.)

Delete Button from Toolbar: 1. Select CONFIGURE TOOLBAR from Options menu. Alt+0, N 2. In the Toolbar box, click on the BUTTON to be deleted. 3. In the ACTIONS box, click on None. 4. Click on APPLY to delete button from the toolbar. 5. Click on OK. 6. SAVE deletion. Alt+F, S

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 9 Printer Setup

These functions allow you to select or change your printer setup.

Note: For more information, refer to Chapter 9: Printer and Mouse Setup in the Coordinator Guide.

Selecting Printer

This function allows you to designate the printer used for your workstation print functions.

1. Select PRINTER SETUP from File Menu. Alt+F, R 2. SELECT appropriate printer and press Enter. Arrow, Enter

Changing Printer Setup

This function allows you to change settings for your printer.

1. Select PRINTER SETUP from File menu. Alt+F, R 2. CHANGE setup options: Alt+S a. TAB to desired areas and change data. b. Tab to OK and press ENTER Enter 3. Press ENTER again. Enter

Using Focalpoint Print Setup

This function allows you to configure your printer differently for when you print in Focalpoint than when you print in other Windows applications.

1. Select PRINTER SETUP from file menu. Alt+F, R 2. Select Focalpoint PRINT SETUP. Alt+F 3. CHANGE setup options, if desired: a) Tab to desired areas and change data. b) Tab to OK and press ENTER. Enter 4. Press ENTER again. Enter

Designating Gateway Print Screen

This function allows you to direct print screens to the gateway printer if one is attached. 1. Select PRINTER SETUP from File menu. Alt+F, R 2. Select the Focalpoint GATEAY PRINTER. Arrow 3. Select USE GATEWAY PRINTER FOR PRINT SCREEN. Alt+U 4. Press ENTER. Enter

Note: Close Focalpoint (Alt+F4) and restart it for gateway print screen to take effect.

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 10 Miscellaneous Features

Status Bar Indicators

The following indicators may appear on the bottom of the Focalpoint screen.

PADLOCK means your keyboard is locked. Ctrl+R ENVELOPE means you have Unsolicited Messages. Ctrl+U MESSAGE BALLOON with number means you have Status Messages. Select show STATUS MESSAGES on Options menu. Alt+0, H RECORDER TAPE means Apollo commands are being recorded. Ctrl+0 HAND with number indicates the number of scripts paused. Alt+P INS means keyboard is in Insert Mode. Insert CAPS means keyboard is in Caps mode. CapsLock NUM means Number Lock is on. Numlock SCRL means Scroll Lock is on. ScrollLock

Response Copy

This function redirects an Apollo response to Clipboard or to a file. You can paste the response to a different file, window or application.

1. Select RESPONSE COPY OPTIONS from Options menu. Alt+0, R 2. SELECT the desired location: To CLIPBOARD. C To a DEFAULT file. F SPECIFY default directory. R a. Enter Directory Name. Directory name b. Select OK. Enter 3. COPY response: a. Type desired Apollo FORMAT. Format b. REDIRECT to Window 0. Alt+0

Note: This sends the Apollo response to the current Apollo window and the selected copy location.

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 11 Response Copy (cont.)

4. VIEW response: a. If response was copied to a FILE: Access NOTEPAD. Alt+C, N OPEN file (Besure to look in the proper directory). Alt+F, 0 b. If response was copied to CLIPBOARD: PASTE response. Alt+E, P 5. TURN OFF Copy Response from Options menu. Alt+0, R, D

Record and Playback

This function records Apollo commands that you can immediately play back.

1. START Record. Ctrl+0 2. TYPE keystrokes to be recorded. Type 3. STOP Record. Ctrl+0 4. START Playback. Ctrl+K


This function should only be used by the Apollo Customer Support Center for troubleshooting purposes.

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 12 Companion Basics

These functions can be used with most Companions.

Opening a File

Use this function to open an existing.

1. Select OPEN from File menu. Alt+F, 0 2. Type FILENAME. Filename or Select from LIST: a. Tab to DIRECTORIES list box, arrow to directory and press ENTER. Tab, Arrow, Enter b. Shift+Tab to FILENAME list box and arrow to Filename. Shift+Tab, Arrow 3. Press ENTER. Enter

Saving an Existing File Alt+F, S

Saving a New File

Use this function to save a newly created file 1. Select SAVE AS from File menu Alt+F, A 2. Type FILENAME. Filename Or Select from LIST: a. Tab to DIRECTORIES list box, arrow To directory and press ENTER. Tab, Arrow, Enter b. Shift+Tab to FILENAME list box an Shift+Tab, Arrow arrow to filename. 3. Press ENTER. Enter 4. If the new filename already exists. Type Y to overwrite file. Y Or Type N to return to Save As dialog box. N

Select Text Shift+Arrow

Select Entire Document

1. Go to the BEGINNING of document. Ctrl+Home 2. SELECT document. Shift+Ctrl+End

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 13 Unselect Text Arrow


Use this function to undo your last action, such as typing, editing or formatting.


Delete text Delete or Backspace

Print text from File menu. Alt+F, P

Copy and Paste in Companions

Use this function to copy selected text in a Companion to additional locations.

Note: See also the Copy and Past In Apollo section of this guide.

1. SELECT text. Shift+Arrow 2. COPY selected text. Alt+E, C 3. Move cursor to desired location, document or application. 4. PASTE text. Alt+E, P

Cut and Paste in Companions

Use this function to move selected text in a Companion from one location to another.

1. SELECT text. Shift+Arrow 2. CUT selected text. Alt+E, T 3. Move cursor to desired location, document or application. 4. PASTE text. Alt+E, P

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 14 Companions

Basic procedures for each Companion are identified. For additional information on any Companion, open that Companion and access Help (Alt+H).

Note: Companions are listed in alphabetical order.


Use the Calculator to perform simple mathematical calculations.

1. OPEN Calculator. Ctrl+C 2. Use keyboard or keypad to type calculation. Note: When using keypad, make sure Num Lock is on. 3. CLOSE Calculator. Ctrl+F4


Use the Calendar to store appointments.

OPEN Calendar from Companions menu. Alt+C, L

Add Calendar/appointment: 1. Display the desired DAY. Ctrl+PageUp/Ctrl+PageDown 2. Arrow to the TIME slot Arrow 3. TYPE appointment information 4. To add additional TEXT a) Go to the freeform text AREA Tab b) Type desired TEXT and press ENTER. Text, Enter 5. SAVE calendar from File menu Alt+F, A 6. Type FILENAME and press ENTER. Filename, Enter

Update calendar: 1. OPEN calendar from File menu. Alt+F, 0 2. Type calendar FILENAME and press ENTER Filename, Enter 3. Display the desired DAY. Ctrl+PageUp/Ctrl+Page Down 4. Make necessary CHANGES. 5. SAVE calendar from File menu. Alt+F, S

View calendar: By MONTH from View menu. Alt+V, M By DAY from View menu. Alt+V, D continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 15 Calendar (cont.)

Show: TODAY’s appointments from Show menu. Alt+S, T PREVIOUS day’s appointment. Ctrl+PageUP FUTURE day’s appointments. Ctrl+PageDown Specific Date (MM/DD/YY). F4, Date, Enter

Set alarm: 1. MOVE cursor to desired time. Arrow 2. Set ALARM. F5 Note: You must keep Calendar running for alarm to sound.

Turn off alarm: 1. MOVE cursor to desired time. Arrow 2. Turn off ALARM. F5

CLOSE Calendar. Alt+F4


Use the Cardfile to store information, such as names, phone numbers or addresses.

OPEN Cardfile from Companions menu. Alt+C, F

Start NEW card file: 1. Select NEW from File menu. Alt+F, N 2. Add a TITLE to the blank card on the screen: a. Access the INDEX screen. F6 b. Type the TITLE and press Enter. Title, Enter 3. Type TEXT. Text 4. To add an additional CARD: a. Select ADD option. F7 b. Type TITLE and press ENTER. Title, Enter c. Type TEXT. Text d. Repeat steps a-c for each new card. 5. SAVE new card file from File menu. Alt+F, A 6. Type FILENAME and press Enter. Filename, Enter

Continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 16 Cardfile (Cont.)

Add a new card to existing card file: 1. OPEN card file from File menu. Alt+F, 0 2. Type card FILENAME and press Enter. Filename, Enter 3. Select ADD option. F7 4. Type TITLE and press Enter. Title, Enter 5. Type TEXT. Text 6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each new card. 7. SAVE card file from File menu. Alt+F, S

Display specific card: PAGE through cards PageUp/Page Down First LETTER in title Shift+Ctrl+Letter Specific WORD in title and press Enter. F4, Word, Enter

Edit Text: 1. DISPLAY card to be edited. PageUp/PageDown 2. ADD or DELETE text.

CHANGE card title. F6

DUPLICATE from Card menu. Alt+C, P

Delete card: 1. DISPLAY card to be deleted. PageUp/Page Down 2. Access DELETE function from Card menu. Alt+C, D 3. VERIFY delete by pressing Enter. Enter

Find specific text: 1. Display FIND from Search menu. Alt+S, F 2. Type TEXT you are searching for and press Enter. Text, Enter 3. RETURN to card file Esc 4. SEARCH for next instances of text. F3

CLOSE Cardfile. Alt+F4

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 17 Month View

OPEN Month View. Ctrl+V

Use Month View to display monthly calendars so you can find a date you need. You can also copy the date to Apollo.

Scroll through the dates: NEXT day Right arrow PREVIOUS day Left arrow NEXT week Down arrow PREVIOUS week Up arrow NEXT month PageDown PREVIOUS month PageUP

COPY date to Apollo. Ctrl+0

Change: Number of MONTHS displayed from the Display menu. Alt+D, Number LAYOUT of months displayed from the Display menu. Alt+D, H or V

Display TODAY’s date. Ctrl+D

Show a specific date: 1. Select SHOW DATE. F4 2. If necessary, CHANGE date. 3. Go to the Offset area and SELECT desired option. Alt+0, Arrow 4. Go to the DAYS area and type the number of days to be calculated. Alt+D, Number 5. Press ENTER. Enter

CLOSE Month View. Ctrl+F4

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 18 Notepad

Use Notepad as a simple text editor to jot down notes, write short memos and create and edit files.

Open NOTEPAD from Companions menu. Alt+C, N

Open existing FILE from File menu. Alt+F, 0

Create a new note: 1. Select NEW FILE from File menu. Alt+F, N 2. Type TEXT. Text 3. SAVE file from File menu. Alt+F, A a. Type FILENAME. Filename b. Press ENTER. Enter

Save: NEW file from File menu. Alt+F, A EXISTING file from File menu. Alt+F, S

Turn WORD WRAP on/off from Edit menu. Alt+E, W

Add TIME/DATE stamp. F5

Copy text: 1. SELECT text: Shift+Arrow 2. COPY selected text. Alt+E, C Or CUT to clipboard Alt+E, T 3. If copying to another file, open it from File menu. Alt+F, 0 4. Put CURSOR in desired location, document or application. 5. PASTE text. Alt+E, P

Change page setup: 1. Display PAGE SETUP from File menu. Alt+F, T 2. Change HEADER. Alt+H 3. Change FOOTER. Alt+F 4. Change MARGINS: LEFT margin. Alt+L RIGHT margin. Alt+R TOP margin. Alt+T BOTTOM margin Alt+B 5. Press ENTER. Enter continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 19 Notepad (cont.)

Find specific text: 1. Display FIND from Search menu. Alt+S, F 2. Type TEXT you are searching for and press Enter. Text, Enter 3. RETURN to Notepad file Esc 4. SEARCH for next instances of text. F3

PRINT a file from File menu. Alt+F, P

CLOSE Notepad. Alt+F4

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 20 Programmable Keys

Use Programmable Keys to define specific actions to function keys. You can include a date and time stamp as well as multiple transmissions within a Pkey.

Basic steps: 1. OPEN Programmable Keys. 2. CREATE PKeys. 3. SAVE PKeys. 4. Set DEFAULTS. 5. SAVE changes in Focalpoint. Note: Use the information below to complete each of these steps.

OPEN Programmable Keys Alt+C, K

Create new command Pkey: 1. Select KEY to add. Alt+L, Arrow 2. Go to the COMMAND field. Alt+M a. Type COMMAND. Command or b. Use FIND:

Note: Some functions, such as Enter, date or time stamp, have special values. To include these functions, use Find: Select FIND. Alt+N Select COMMAND and press Enter. Arrow, Enter 3. Type DESCRIPTION. Alt+D, Description 4. APPLY key. Alt+P

Create new HotKey: 1. Select KEY to add. Alt+L, Arrow 2. Select HOTKEY. Alt+T 3. Go to the COMMAND field. Alt+M a. Type COMMAND. Command or b. Use SEARCH to find command. Alt+A To select COMPANION, arrow to Companion and press Enter. Arrow, Enter or To select OTHER APPS, display other applications, select filename and press Enter. Alt+A, Filename, Enter 4. Type DESCRIPTION. Alt+D, Description 5. APPLY key. Alt+P continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 21 Programmable Keys (cont.)

Create new script key: 1. Select KEY to add. Alt+L, Arrow 2. Select SCRIPT. Alt+l 3. Go to the COMMAND field Alt+M a. Type SCRIPT name. Script name or b. Use SEARCH to find script name. Alt+A Select SCRIPT and press Enter. Arrow, Enter 4. Type DESCRIPTION. Alt+D, Description 5. APPLY key. Alt+P

Change Pkey 1. Select KEY to be changed. Alt+L, Arrow 2. Tab to appropriate area and make CHANGE. 3. APPLY key Alt+P

Test Pkey function: 1. SELECT PKey to test. Alt+L, Arrow 2. TEST PKey. Alt+K

SAVE PKeys file from File menu. Alt+F, S

CLOSE Programmable Keys. Ctrl+F4

Set defaults: 1. Select SET DEFAULTS from Options menu. Alt+0, D 2. Select PKEY Companion. P 3. Activate the SET button to select filename. Alt+S 4. To select filename, TAB to the filename list box and arrow to the desired file. Tab, Arrow 5. Press ENTER to confirm selection. Enter 6. Press Enter to EXIT the utility. Enter 7. SAVE default changes. Alt+F, S

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 22 Replay

Use Replay to run previously transmitted Apollo commands. You can change, add or delete commands within Replay, then save it to a file to be used later.

OPEN Replay. Ctrl+Y

Basic Replay procedures: 1. In Apollo, type a series of commands. Ctrl+Y 2. OPEN Replay. 3. If necessary, EDIT commands:

To CHANGE a command: a. SELECT line to edit. Arrow b. Display line in the COMMAND area. Ctrl+E c. Edit COMMAND and press Enter. Command, Enter

To INSERT a command: a. Go into INSERT mode. Insert b. Type new COMMAND and press Enter. Command, Enter

To DELETE a command: a. SELECT line to edit. Arrow b. DELETE command. Delete

4. SELECT commands to run. Shift+Arrow 5. RUN Replay commands: SELECTED commands. Enter From SELECTED COMMAND TO END. F8 All commands from START TO END. F9

Saving Replay files: EXISTING file from File menu. Alt+F, S NEW file from File menu. Alt+F, A, Filename

OPEN Replay file Alt+F, 0, Filename

Creating new Replay files: 1. Select NEW FILE from the File Menu. Alt+F, N NOTE: This clears all commands from Replay. 2. Follow the Basic Replay Procedures listed above. continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 23 Replay (cont.)

Stop recording: 1. OPEN Replay. Ctrl+Y 2. STOP recording. F7 Note: This stops recording all Apollo commands. Therefore, commands will not be recorded for Replay, Recall or Resend until you start recording again.

Start recording: 1. OPEN Replay. Ctrl+Y 2. START recording. F6

Change number of commands stored: Note: Default is 50. Increasing the number of commands uses more workstation memory. 1. SELECT Display Number of Entries from Options menu. Alt+0, D 2. Type NUMBER of commands to be stored (maximum 150). Number 3. Press ENTER. Enter

CLOSE Replay. Ctrl+F4

Scratch Pad

Use Scratch Pad to jot down notes.

OPEN Scratch Pad Ctrl+P


CLOSE Scratch Pad Ctrl+F4

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 24 Focalpoint ScriptWriter® Run

Use ScriptWriter Run to run an existing script.

Start a script: 1. OPEN ScriptWriter Run. Alt+R 2. Display LIST of scripts. Alt+↓ 3. Select desired script. Arrow 4. Press ENTER. Enter

PAUSE/unpause running script. Alt+P

STOP a looping script. Ctrl+Break

TERMINATE running script. Alt+T


Use Write as a word processor to create and print documents.

OPEN Write. Alt+C, W

Open existing FILE. Alt+F, 0

Save: NEW file Alt+F, A, then Filename EXISTING file Alt+F, S

UNDO previous command Alt+E, U

Repaginate file: Alt+F, E 1. To confirm page breaks, press SPACEBAR. Spacebar 2. Press Enter. Enter

GO TO specific page F4, Page number, Enter

PRINT Alt+F, P continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 25 Write (cont.)

Change fonts from Character menu (toggle on/off): BOLD Ctrl+B ITALIC Ctrl+l UNDERLINE Ctrl+U REDUCE font size Alt+C, R ENLARGE font size Alt+C, E Font TYPE Alt+C, F SUPERSCRIPT Alt+C, P SUBSCRIPT Alt+C, C

Set margins: 1. Select PAGE LAYOUT from Document Alt+D, P menu. 2. Type in number to begin PAGE NUMBERS Page number 3. Go to LEFT box and type in margin. Alt+L 4. Go to RIGHT box and type margin. Alt+R 5. Go to TOP box and type margin. Alt+T 6. Go to BOTTOM box and type margin. Alt+B 7. Tab to OK and press ENTER. Tab, Enter

Change paragraph alignment from Paragraph menu: LEFT alignment Alt+P, L RIGHT alignment Alt+P, R CENTERED Alt+P, C JUSTIFIED to left and right margin Alt+P, J INDENTS Alt+P, I and Indent amount

Change paragraph spacing from Paragraph menu: SINGLE spaced Alt+P, S ONE AND ONE-HALF spaced Alt+P, 1 DOUBLE spaced Alt+P, D

Set tabs: 1. Select TABS from Document menu. Alt+D, T 2. Type the tab LOCATION in a Position box. Number 3. To align from DECIMAL, check Decimal box. Tab, Spacebar 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each tab setting. 5. Tab to OK and press ENTER. Tab, Enter continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 26 Write (cont.)

Replace text: 1. Move CURSOR to location where you want to start the search. Arrow 2. Select REPLACE from the Find menu. Alt+N, E 3. In the Find What box, type the TEXT to be replaced. Text 4. In the Replace With box, type the REPLACEMENT text. Text 5. To match the WHOLE WORD only, select the Match WHOLE WORD Only option. Alt+W 6. To match UPPER/LOWER CASE of word, select the Match Case option. Alt+C 7. Select the Replacement option: FIND NEXT finds the next occurrence of the test without changing it. Alt+F REPLACE changes the next occurrence of the text. Alt+R REPLACE ALL changes all occurrences of the text. Alt+A RETURN to Write file. Esc

Create header or footer: 1. Select from Document menu: HEADER Alt+D, H FOOTER Alt+D, F 2. Type in the header/footer TEXT. Text 3. To change FORMAT/FONT of text: a. Access CHARACTER menu. Alt+C b. Arrow to desired OPTION and press Enter. Arrow, Enter 4. TOGGLE between header/footer text and parameters dialog box. Alt+F6 5. To CHANGE header/footer parameters: a. ACCESS Page Header/Footer box. Alt+F6 b. Change DISTANCE from top/bottom. Alt+D c. Change PRINT ON FIRST PAGE option. Alt+P d. Insert PAGE NUMBERS. Alt+I e. CLEAR Header/Footer information. Alt+C Note: You will not see the header or footer until you print. 6. RETURN to document. Alt+R Note: You must be in the parameter dialog box to return to the main document. continued on next page

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 27 Write (cont.)

Find specific text: 1. Display FIND from Find menu. Alt+N, F 2. Type TEXT you are searching for and press ENTER. Text, Enter 3. RETURN to Write file. Esc 4. SEARCH for next instances of text. F3

CLOSE Write Alt+F4

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 28 Basics

The basic information helps you use Windows and Focalpoint. All definitions and functions apply to any Windows-based application.

Terms to Know

Application Any software package. For example, Focalpoint and your word processing package are applications.

Button An item on the screen that resembles a button and performs a specific action when selected. The action is labeled on the button (e.g. OK).

Check box A box to indicate if an option is on or off. When on, an X appears in the box.

Control menu The menu (indicated by a bar in the upper left corner) that allows you to manipulate the window (move, size, etc.). Access by pressing Alt+spacebar.

Dialog box Window within a window that either requests or provides information.

Group A set of related icons in Program Manager.

Icon A graphical symbol that represents an application.

List box Displays available options.

Menu bar Displays functions at the top of your screen. Each function has a drop-down menu with related items. The status bar at the bottom of your screen describes each item on the drop- down menu as it is selected.

Program Manager The main Windows screen where you organize your groups and icons.

Radio button A small, round object to select an option within a dialog box. Within a group of radio buttoms, you can select only one option at a time.

Task list Where all open applications are listed. Access by pressing Ctrl+ Esc.

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 29 Using Menus

Display MENU Alt+Underlined letter Execute DROP-DOWN menu item Underlined letter

Exiting a Drop-down Menu Alt Note: If the Alt key is pressed when a drop-down menu is not displayed, the menu bar or control menu (box in upper left corner) becomes highlighted. Press Alt to exit this function.


Move BETWEEN fields, buttons, lists, etc.: FORWARD Tab BACKWARD Shift+Tab Move WITHIN lists, drop-down menus, radio buttons. Arrow or Underlined letter



Using Online Help


Access Help INDEX Alt+H

EXIT Help Alt+F, X

Display Task List Ctrl+Esc

Switching Between Open Applications

1. Display TASK LIST Ctrl+Esc 2. Select APPLICATION and press Enter. Arrow, Enter

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 30 Closing


Displaying a Group from Program Manager

1. Display LIST of groups. Alt+W 2. Select GROUP and press Enter. Arrow, Enter

Starting an Application from Program Manager

1. Display appropriate GROUP (if necessary, use above steps). 2. Select ICON and press Enter. Arrow, Enter

Focalpoint™ 3.0 Quick Reference (August 2002-Internet Version) 31