Cover photo: CHINA Landscape approach in action. © FAO/T.V. Hieu

2 © IFPRI/ Milo Mitchell




People-centred, knowledge-intensive and rooted to , agroecology matches the transformative approach called for by the 2030 Agenda

To overcome the world’s greatest social and economic equity, and challenges, the ambitious conserve biodiversity and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable ecosystem services on which AGROECOLOGY Development recognises the agriculture depends. urgent need to take action OFFERS A UNIQUE and pursue policies directed Today’s food and agricultural at transformational change. systems have succeeded in APPROACH TO Ending poverty and achieving zero supplying large volumes of food hunger, while ensuring inclusive to global markets, yet they cannot MEETING THE growth and sustainably managing deliver the planet’s natural resources, all in for all. High-external input, NEEDS OF FUTURE the context of change, will resource-intensive agricultural only be possible by committing to systems have contributed to GENERATIONS the sustainable world of tomorrow. deforestation, water scarcity, WHILE ENSURING biodiversity loss, depletion This calls for a transition to and high levels of greenhouse gas NO ONE IS sustainable food and agriculture emissions. Despite progress in systems that ensure reducing hunger, malnutrition – LEFT BEHIND and nutrition for all, provide including stunting and wasting,

4 CHAD Women from the village of Boula-Ngara making a wind-breaking fence which allows them to cultivate a market garden. ©FAO/Sia Kambou

micronutrient deficiencies and including the combination of support of public policies, networks overweight and obesity – affects a local, traditional, indigenous of knowledge exchange, and by third of the world. and practical knowledge with strengthening rural institutions multi-disciplinary science. and improving access to markets. Agroecology offers a unique approach to meeting the needs Although not a new concept, By bringing together the valuable of future generations while agroecology is today gaining knowledge, capacities and ensuring no one is left behind. interest worldwide among a wide experience of diverse actors With family , including range of actors as an effective including governments, research, smallholder farmers, indigenous answer to climate change and civil society and producer peoples, fisher folks, mountain the interrelated challenges facing organizations, international farmers and pastoralists at its heart, food systems, finding expression institutions and the private agroecology seeks to transform in the practices of food producers, sector, FAO’s engagement is food and agriculture systems, in grassroots social processes adding strength to agroecology. addressing the root causes of for sustainability and the public Through coordinated action problems and providing holistic policies of many countries around and collaboration, each partner and long-term solutions based the world. Many successful has a key role to play in further on co-creation of knowledge, agroecological approaches are promoting agroecology, and sharing and innovation, today being scaled up through the contributing to a better world.


Agroecology can Agroecology – contribute to supported by an accelerating the enabling policy achievement of the environment - can help 2030 Agenda. transition to sustainable Agroecological approaches food systems. address root causes of hunger, poverty and inequality, helping With an enabling institutional to transform food systems framework featuring integrated and build resilient livelihoods policies, partnerships and through a holistic, integrated investments across sectors, way that balances the three agroecology can contribute to dimensions of sustainability national development objectives. – social, economic and FAO continues to work with environmental – ensuring no one countries, playing a key role to is left behind bring stakeholders together to develop policies and learn from Agroecology: win- experiences in promoting and win-win for people, scaling up agroecology. planet and livelihoods. Agroecology is a living Three-quarters of the world’s concept – together, 815 million hungry people are family farmers who produce we can help realise its most of the planet’s food. full potential. Agroecological approaches focus on the critical agents of change Investing in knowledge and – family farmers, indigenous innovation is key. Farmers need peoples, fishers, rural women to be placed in the centre of co- and youth. By marrying innovation systems, allowing a scientific evidence with local process that combines both scientific wisdom, and by shortening and that the market chain and bringing complement and reinforce each producer and consumer closer other. It is important to foster together, agroecology can knowledge exchange and share contribute to satisfying our practices, and to create opportunities present and future food needs. for collaboration and innovation.

6 HAITI Local farmers at Les Cayes sorting Cajanus Cajan beans, a fast-growing, disease-resistant bean seed for a post-disaster seed reserve. © FAO/G. Bizzarri


From tackling hunger, poverty and inequality to responding to climate change to safeguarding biodiversity and expanding nutritional choice, agroecology echoes the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The agroecology approach is holistic, balancing focus on people and the planet, the three dimensions of sustainable development – social, economic and environmental, while strengthening, the livelihoods of smallholder food producers, indigenous peoples, women and youth

Agroecology contributes directly to multiple SDGs through integrated practices that cut across many areas. Along with the SDGs, agroecology can also contribute to realising the aims of the Paris Climate Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Convention AGROECOLOGY to Combat Desertification. CONTRIBUTES DIRECTLY TO PERU Forest nursery. MULTIPLE SDGs © FAO/A. Odoul


In September 2014, FAO hosted the 1st International Symposium on 10 ELEMENTS Agroecology for Food Security and OF AGROECOLOGY Nutrition. The Symposium, which Presented as a means to guide involved representatives of FAO Member the transition to sustainable food Countries, researchers, civil society, and agricultural systems, these the private sector and the UN system, 10 Elements of Agroecology are provided an opportunity to share based on seminal scientific literature experiences and discuss the contribution on agroecology1, and complemented of agroecology to sustainable food by discussions during FAO’s and agriculture systems. Building on its multi-actor regional meetings on outcomes, FAO convened a series of agroecology from 2015 to 2017, civil regional meetings to better understand the different contexts and specific local society values on agroecology, and needs of agroecology. From 2015 to the review of international and 2017, multi-actor regional seminars were FAO experts. held in five regions (sub-Saharan Africa, and the Caribbean, Asia Each of the 10 Elements of and the Pacific, Europe and Central Agroecology are interlinked systems. Through the co-creation Asia, and the Near East and North and interdependent: process, agroecology blends the Africa), involving 1 400 participants traditional, indigenous, practical and from 170 FAO Member Countries. Diversity local knowledge of producers with Through a series of exchanges, Highly diverse, global scientific knowledge. the regional seminars revealed a agroecological diversity of perspectives, experiences, production systems Synergies geographies, cultures, and approaches DIVERSITY to agroecology. At the same time, they such as , silvopastoral Agroecological systems identified a number of commonalities systems, crop– selectively combine the between regions and across different integration and diverse components of SYNERGIES approaches to agroecology – including contribute to a range of production, and agricultural landscapes to shared challenges, opportunities socio-economic, nutrition and build and enhance synergies. and objectives, as well as common environmental benefits. characteristics of agroecological systems, Efficiency practices and approaches. Co-creation and sharing Increased resource-use of knowledge efficiency is an emergent "With the 2014 symposium, Agroecology depends of agroecological FAO opened a window introducing on context-specific systems. By optimising the useEFFICIENCY of agroecology in the cathedral of the CO-CREATION AND . Now it is time to knowledge. Knowledge playsSHARING OF KNOWLEDGE natural resources such as soil, air, consolidate and scale up policies, a central role in the process of solar energy, water, agroecology partnerships and investments." developing and implementing uses fewer external resources, FAO Director-General agroecological innovations to reducing costs and negative José Graziano da Silva address challenges across food environmental impacts.


1st International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition, 30 September 2014. © FAO/A. Pierdomenico

food security and nutrition while maintaining the health of ecosystems.

Responsible governance Transparent, accountable and inclusive governance RESPONSIBLE mechanisms at different scalesGOVERNANCE are necessary to create an enabling environment that supports producers to transform their systems. Equitable access to land and natural resources is not only key to social justice, but also essential to providing incentives Recycling Human and social values for long-term investments By imitating natural Agroecology places a in sustainability. ecosystems, agroecological strong emphasis on Circular and solidarity practices support biological human and social values, HUMAN AND processes that drive the recyclingRECYCLING of such as dignity, equity, inclusionSOCIAL VALUES economy nutrients, biomass and water within and justice, all contributing Agroecology seeks to production systems. to sustainable livelihoods. reconnect producers and CIRCULAR AND It puts the aspirations and consumers through a circularSOLIDARITY ECONOMY Resilience needs of those who produce, and solidarity economy that Enhancing ecological distribute and consume food prioritizes local markets and and socio-economic at the heart of food systems. supports territorial development. resilience, agroecological Agroecology seeks to address Innovative markets that support systems have a greater capacityRESILIENCE inequalities by creating agroecological production to recover from disasters such as opportunities for women help respond to a growing drought, floods or hurricanes, and youth. demand from consumers for and to resist pest and disease healthier diets. attack. Through diversification, Culture and food producers reduce their vulnerability traditions CULTURE AND if a single crop or commodity By supporting healthy, FOOD TRADITIONS 1 In particular, Altieri’s (1995) five principles of agroecology fails. Reducing dependence on diversified and culturally and Gliessman’s (2015) five levels of agroecological transitions: Altieri, M.A. 1995. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable external inputs increases producers’ appropriate diets, agroecology Agriculture. CRC Press. Gliessman, S.R. 2015. Agroecology: autonomy and reduces their values local food heritage The of Sustainable Food Systems. 3rd Edition. vulnerability to economic . and culture, contributing to Boca Raton, FL, USA, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.


Combining traditional exploring synergies, seeking ways in which the FFS methodology and modern scientific can be applied to scale up knowledge in agroecological approaches. Key activities combining FFS and innovative ways, these agroecology in 2016 and 2017 included national and regional stories tell of successful GEF-funded projects to strengthen agroecological the adaptation of farmers and agro-pastoralists to climate change approaches in Angola, Burkina Faso, Mali and delivering viable Mozambique, where participants also included representatives of and locally-adapted multiple ministries to generate a solutions to improve holistic view of agroecology across sectors. Through an exchange the livelihoods of of knowledge and experiences, people all around participants shared information on a whole-system territorial the world. approach to , synergies in crop-livestock integration and explored pathways SCALING UP AGROECOLOGY to support the scaling-up of consumed locally during festivals, THROUGH FIELD SCHOOLS agroecology based on examples are rarely sold on the market Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are of policy measures and due to competition from lower- an effective tool for sustainable processes carried out in other priced white rice. Although their agricultural development and developing countries. production per unit of land is for achieving the SDGs as they much lower compared to other enable smallholder farmers to MARKETING THE NUTRITIONAL varieties of rice, these purple and address local problems and provide GOODNESS OF PURPLE AND PINK pink varieties beat the nutritional them with critical information RICE FROM THE MOUNTAINS benefits of brown and red rice and decision-making tools. OF INDIA combined. Rich in fibre, they Agroecology underpins the FFS The heirloom varieties of purple are loaded with antioxidants, learning methodology, with results and pink rice are two indigenous Vitamin E, protein, iron, and other often developed through a process rice varieties grown by family nutrients, while the low sugar of knowledge co-creation and farmers in the Indian Himalayas at content makes them an extremely innovative practices. Working to an altitude of 1 200 to 1 800 meters desirable dietary option for heart integrate agroecology more into above sea level. These varieties, patients, diabetics as well as for its work in countries, FAO is now grown in small quantities and those with high blood pressure.

12 The Pan Himalayan Grassroots Positive feedback from customers, MALI Development Foundation, a non- retailers and hoteliers, is not only Visit to the Sahelian Center for Training and Research in Agroecology- profit voluntary organization in the beneficial for the local Agrobiology (CSFRA) of Banancoro. Himalayan states of Uttarakhand but boosts the food and nutrition © Yodit Kebede and Himachal Pradesh, work security of those dependent on a to promote sustainable, self- rice-based diet. reliant development of the rice in villages. Supporting the MAINSTREAMING Foundation, the FAO Mountain AGROECOLOGY IN LATIN AMERICA - Partnership Secretariat is helping A SHORT to explore sustainable markets Focusing on the right to healthy AGROECOLOGY for small farming families in the food, Brazil’s development of state of Meghalaya, with specific public policies on agroecology, IS HAPPENING training aimed at producer groups, together with other countries, new packaging and exhibitions has stimulated discussion of NOW ALL OVER in New Delhi to help promote the approach in Latin America. the products in niche markets. Countries began mapping THE WORLD



existing agroecology initiatives and policies in the region in 2013 following a specific agenda item of the Specialized Commission on Family Farming of MERCOSUR (REAF). This marked the start of conversations among countries on regulatory frameworks and national policies to promote agroecology, emphasising the need to establish specific credit lines, technical assistance and rural extension services.

Brazil committed to launching a ARMENIA regional initiative during the First A little girl with FAO International Symposium fresh cherries. on Agroecology for Food ©Marzio Marzot Security and Nutrition in 2014. Through the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), a regional seminar on important component of national Agroecology in Latin America strategies to promote sustainable and the Caribbean was organized agricultural development and in 2015, a joint event by CELAC, progress towards inclusive food REAF, Brazil, and the Alliance for systems, creating a virtuous circle of the Peoples of among healthy food production, Latin America and the Caribbean natural resource conservation and FAO. The event, which and the strengthening of family AGROECOLOGY featured exchanges on public farming and rural communities. policies and practical experiences IS A KEY TOOL in agroecology among different AND stakeholders, contributed to the BIODIVERSITY FOR FOOD SECURITY IN THE implementation of the CELAC AND NUTRITION AS A BLUE TRANSITION TO Plan for Food and Nutrition GROWTH INITIATIVE IN KENYA Security and the Eradication Mangrove ecosystems have SUSTAINABLE of Hunger. This process immense worth, providing a contributed to agroecology’s multitude of goods and services, FOOD SYSTEMS status in Latin America as an stretching from clean water to

14 climate regulation to sustaining mangrove forests, and make animals within the restored areas. the lives of coastal dwellers. income-generating activities more A crab hatchery was supported Responding to declining areas environmentally responsible. through a Public Private of mangroves in Kenya, FAO, as Through partnerships with Partnership, and crab aquaculture part of the Blue Growth Initiative, various stakeholder groups, an activities were implemented in has implemented a multi-faceted estimated 268 122 seedlings were an environmentally responsible project with strong agroecological planted in 41 hectares of degraded way. Crabs were marketed in local elements, including watershed mangrove forest areas, and three tourist hotels and abroad, with management techniques to new mangrove nurseries were young entrepreneurs starting eco- support improved ecosystem established in combination with aquaculture farms in collaboration services at the same time as aquaculture and bee-keeping with local restaurants. food, nutrition and livelihood activities. These activities to Strengthening cross-sectoral links security. After using different rehabilitate mangrove forests through agroecology, specifically techniques to raise awareness of have benefits for both livelihood among coastal management, the importance of agrobiodiversity generation and ecosystem aquaculture and fisheries, and environmental protection, services. One significant result sectors, and community-based the community was better was increased biodiversity of fish management, provides a roadmap able to sustainably manage fingerlings and others aquatic for an agroecological transition.



AGROECOLOGY IN THE HEART OF HUNGARY Established in 2013, MagosVölgy Ecological was set up by a young couple educated in and environmental management, with the ambition of creating a farm shaped by the principles of sustainability and utilizing local resources. Their attempts to get support for the enterprise foundered due to the farm’s small size and the methods they wanted to adopt, which were not covered by government subsidies. Supported by FAO, the ecological farm has been able to connect to markets and to other technical networks, sharing information and knowledge on agroecological techniques and small-scale sustainable food production for urban people. SHARING Now the farm employs seven young local people, focusing on AND CREATING utilizing genetic heritage and management plan. Two ponds are fostering agrobiodiversity. In 2016, set to be developed to serve as KNOWLEDGE they produced around 30 species water reservoirs, wetland habitats and 100 varieties of organic hosting multiple beneficial animals AMONG FOOD vegetables using no-till, compost- and balancing microclimate. mulch permanent bed techniques. The farm organizes regular events PRODUCERS The intention is to double the size and open days, and plans are in IS AT THE of the cropping area, planting place to start educational and disease-resistant fruit trees to form agro-tourism related activities, HEART OF an agro-pastoral system for the highlighting the importance of heritage breed that are an nutritional education and the AGROECOLOGY integral part of the farm’s nutrient farm-to-table approach.

16 INDIA A Rabari pastoralist family on the move in Kutch district, western India. © Maldhari Rural Action Group

of chemicals and pesticides to ensure the soil remains pure and healthy. However despite their care over time, the beans of Jumla are threatened by the arrival to the area of higher- yielding crops that need less attention. Through an initiative led by the Mountain Partnership and financially supported by the Italian Development Cooperation, Jumla’s bean production has doubled in the past three years thanks to better marketing and distribution of the high-quality product. Its market price has risen by 25 percent due to the added value of the Mountain Partnership Product label, adding 10 Nepalese rupees per kilogramme to the profit of farmers. As well as supporting the livelihoods and traditional cultures of local people, the involvement of women as farmers has also grown by 13 percent in the same period.

MORE THAN A HILL OF BEANS: are tied to the local culture and ACCESSING FUEL FOR COOKING DIVERSITY, PROSPERITY AND religious festivals like “Janai IN DISPLACEMENT SETTINGS CULTURE IN NEPAL’S HIMALAYAS purne”, marking the end of the IN ETHIOPIA Black, red, yellow and rainy month and beginning of In Ethiopia, a family, on average, multi-coloured, the colourful the cold season. On this day, needs about 4 kilogrammes of beans grown at an altitude of Newari farmers worship and feed firewood each day to prepare 2 300 metres in the Himalayan frogs – seen as the rain god - to food, based on the fact that valley of Sinja in the Jumla bless their crops, while cooking around 80 percent of the food District of Nepal, have immense and consuming a typical mixed required by humans needs significance for the community bean soup called “Kuwati”. to be cooked. During crises, that goes far and beyond their The beans are cultivated manually access to energy sources for high nutritional value. The pulses by local farmers in fields free cooking and heating is often



severely limited, and extensive collection of woodfuel around refugee camps can cause loss of forest cover and environmental degradation. This results in increased exposure to natural hazards and climate change, placing extra pressure on already vulnerable host communities. FAO, as a member of the interagency Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE), is supporting more than 50 000 refugee households (208 475 individuals) in Ethiopia through targeted interventions addressing the collection and use of energy for CHINA cooking, heating and productive uses. SAFE adopts a holistic, Zhejiang Huzhou mulberry-dyke and multifaceted approach which fish-pond system. takes into account the mutually ©Agricultural Bureau of Huzhou reinforcing linkages between Municipality, energy and environment, Zhe Jiang Province nutrition, health, gender, protection and livelihoods. Embracing agroecological helping to meet future fuel OF SILKWORMS, FISH AND approaches that enhance resilient demands while maintaining the MULBERRIES, CHINA’S RECIPE and sustainable livelihoods diversity and ecosystem services FOR SUCCESS in displacement settings, the of existing forest and woodlands Its name may be intriguing, initiative is based on four actions: 3) Promoting energy efficient but that is nothing compared 1) ensuring a reliable supply of cooking/heating technologies to the fascination for what it energy by promoting sustainable at household level, which can describes. The Zhejiang Huzhou natural resource management, be locally produced and sold, mulberry-dike and fish-pond sustainable bioenergy production contributing to the local economy system was developed by and the use of alternative and 4) Lessening the burden on farmers’ communities in east renewable energy sources 2) women by reducing the distances China some 2 500 years ago, Enhancing wood fuel supply to collect wood for fuel, as well combining traditional and by establishing multipurpose as reducing their vulnerability to agroecological knowledge in tree-planting programmes, gender-based violence. an ingenious technique that

18 THE STORY OF THE ZHEJIANG HUZHOU MULBERRY-DIKE AND FISH-POND SYSTEM WAS FIRST TOLD 2 500 YEARS AGO brings together mulberry trees, for mulberry trees. silkworms and fish. By doing Based on synergies and so, these farmers succeeded in recycling elements, this virtuous creating a system of agriculture production circle relies on to respond to their needs while natural ecosystem services, and protecting biodiversity and a depends on a complex system fragile landscape. The ancient of irrigation and drainage, technique sees mulberry leaves traditionally known as “Zong fed to beneficial silkworms, Pu Heng Tang”. The Zhejiang whose feces are then fed to Huzhou mulberry-dike and fish- fish in the pond. The organic pond system has for centuries materials that are accumulated supported ancillary businesses in the pond (sludge), including like silk manufacture, becoming fish’s feces, are used as part of the community’s identity.


SDG committed in 2014 to acquire fresh, Poverty affects predominantly agroecological food locally to eat people that live in rural varied, healthy diets based on areas (about 80 percent of the traditional food culture, resulting poor worldwide) and work in a combined annual expenditure in agriculture (64 percent). of up to 600 million USD. Agroecological approaches around the world have been shown SDGs to improve farmers’ income up Vertically coordinated value chains to 30 percent by, among other challenge small-scale farmers and strategies, diversification, external have far-reaching implications input reduction and alternative for dietary patterns, nutrition and marketing channels. health. Supporting successful market models that emphasize SDGs local and regional production Globally, hunger is on the rise: the can encourage agroecological number of undernourished people production and foster local rose to 815 million people in economies. Such is the case 2016 from 777 million in 2015. of the 56 000 urban farmers, The vast majority live in areas 85 percent of which are women of conflict and climate change that provide varied, related shocks. For instance, to 170 000 consumers in Quito, KENYA farms that adopted agroecological Ecuador with the support of A Farmer Field methods among 180 communities the Municipality. School in Narok. of smallholders retained 40 ©FAO/Ami Vitale percent more topsoil and suffered SDGs 69 percent less erosion after Virtually all gender and Hurricane Mitch hit Nicaragua. development indicators indicate has provided integrated training in that rural women, who represent agroecological techniques, health SDGs 25 percent of the world’s and nutrition to more than 8 500 Food supplies became 17 percent population, fare worse than rural women from over 850 villages in more uniform between 1961 and men and they disproportionately the past 30 years. This has vastly 2009. One-third of the developing experience poverty, exclusion improved the livelihoods of women world’s population suffer from and the effects of climate and their communities, breaking micronutrient deficiencies due to change. Agroecological training the circle of poverty. inadequate diets. Agroecology can for women can be instrumental in play a pivotal role in addressing reversing this situation. The Barli SDGs this situation, as demonstrated Development Institute for Rural It is estimated that family in Ecuador: 250 000 families Women, in Madhya Pradesh, India, farms produce more than

20 SDGs Biodiversity and its sustainable use is essential to maintain agricultural production. Yet up to 75 percent of the diversity of genetic food crops has been lost in the past century, up to 22 percent of the 8 700 livestock breeds are at risk of extinction worldwide and 31 percent of fish stocks are overfished. Diverse and heterogeneous agroecological approaches can preserve and increase wild and domesticated biodiversity by up to 30 percent compared with conventional farming.

SDGs Healthy are fundamental to . However, 33 percent of the world’s land is degraded due to erosion, compaction, salinization or chemical pollution and about 12 million hectares are lost each year due to drought and 80 percent of the world’s Production Plan is an desertification. Agroecological food in value terms, yet example of such policies. techniques coupled with smallholder farmers and Established in 2013, it locally sourced practices can family farmers are often provided technical assistance restore and improve soil fertility excluded from policy to promote agroecology to and health. The combination of design. Inclusive public 132 000 households in its , mixed cropping policies are instrumental first year, 45 000 people and ‘zaï’, a local water collection in supporting producers enrolled for training technique, resulted in an up willing to transition towards courses and agroecological to 130 percent yield increase agroecology. Established in production was supported compared with conventional 2013, the Brazilian National through the National School practices in three provinces of Agroecology and Organic Feeding Programme. Burkina Faso.


As agroecology proposes an sustainable path often integrated process of change face constraints and . through the whole food Support will be needed system, policy frameworks in the short term through should include a strong public policies that address governance component and structural barriers by address different sectors, providing positive incentives from production to market. for diversification, while Priority policies will focus on helping to buffer food food security, internal and producers in the crucial local markets and support period when they transform to family farmers and small- their systems. Specifically, scale producers. FAO is public policies in support ready to support countries of agroecology should develop a policy environment address key challenges and frameworks to promote that hold back wide-scale agroecological approaches. agroecological transitions.

Many successful examples Agroecological transitions of agroecology exist at local can, however, take and national levels, providing advantage of a number of innovative and contextualised emerging opportunities. solutions, based on the Agroecology simultaneously combination of science with addresses climate change DRIVEN BY traditional, indigenous, adaptation and mitigation, STRONG practical and local knowledge. making it a promising option In certain cases, they have to implement the Paris NETWORKS been scaled up with the Agreement. Agroecology also support of public policies, offers the promise of OF DIFFERENT networks of knowledge decent rural employment, exchange, strengthening rural contributing to the millions ACTORS, institutions and improving of new jobs that need to access to markets. be created to meet the AGROECOLOGY aspirations of rural youth. Creating an enabling And agroecology responds to REQUIRES environment is critical to the growing public demand POLICY supporting agroecology, for diversified healthy as producers wishing food, helping to address SUPPORT to transition to a more widespread malnutrition.

22 legal frameworks can support market single disciplines, increasing yields PROMOTING access for agroecological producers. of single commodities and top-down AGROECOLOGY technology transfer models. To scale  PUBLIC PROCUREMENT up agroecology, rural education THROUGH PROGRAMMES and extension systems need to be POLICY Public procurement programmes can strengthened, and a different way of be used to promote agroecology knowledge co-creation promoted. FRAMEWORKS and guarantee access to the market for agroecological production. These  SANITARY AND programmes should be adjusted PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES  to take into consideration the To ensure access to markets for Policies that promote high-input, specificities and needs of producers, agroecological products, sanitary resource- including scale, diversification of and phytosanitary measures should systems, including current research production, local values, and local be adjusted. This needs to be priorities, should be redirected varieties and products. to create a level playing field for anchored on effective risk assessment agroecology and other sustainable  INVESTMENTS, CREDIT with appropriate control systems that agricultural approaches that take AND INSURANCE allow food producers to meet food into consideration the external Establishing specific credit lines and safety requirements. Information, costs and benefits of food systems. investment schemes can help promote training and capacity building The way success is measured in agroecological production. Credit processes are an important part of agriculture should be re-examined, lines that allow greater flexibility for this process. moving beyond an emphasis on food producers to buy local products production alone to include a and take decisions based on their  COORDINATION AND wider range of considerations – own needs will support the autonomy COLLABORATION IN POLICY not least sustainable livelihoods, and adaptive capacity of producers. AND GOVERNANCE environmental protection and Specific insurance products to support Agroecological transitions require social inclusion. the agroecological transition phase greater integration among sectors, can help overcome a significant disciplines and actors to achieve  SUPPORTING PLURAL barrier that food producers face in multiple objectives. Policies need to MARKET MODELS transitioning to agroecology. be integrated across scales (from Dominant market models are not local to national and international) consistent with agroecological  LAND TENURE AND ACCESS and sectors (from agriculture to production. Markets that are TO NATURAL RESOURCES other economic sectors policies, and developed as vertical value chains To allow agroecology to from social policies to environmental for single products do not match the flourish, a strong governance ones), to achieve coherence through needs of diversified agroecological system is imperative. Integrated a territorial approach. In particular, approaches, particularly those implementation of the Voluntary agroecology calls for governance of smallscale food producers. Guidelines on the Responsible solutions that can coordinate actions A diversity of markets that emphasise Governance of Tenure of Land, at the landscape and territorial scale. local and regional production and Fisheries, and Forests in the Context consumption can help encourage of National Food Security would diversified agroecological be an important move in the An enabling environment is essential production. Successful models governance direction. for producers transitioning towards include community-supported agroecology. Currently, about 100 laws agriculture schemes, e-commerce  RESEARCH, EDUCATION from 28 countries cover agroecology and participatory guarantee AND RURAL EXTENSION and agroecological transitions to schemes, which re-connect producers PROGRAMMES different degrees. and consumers, rural and urban Despite growing calls for change, areas. Providing formal recognition current research, education and Source: FAO. 2018. FAOLEX of these alternative market models in extension systems often focus on Database. Rome.


Agroecology has immense potential as a means for governments to achieve their national development targets. Not only does the approach offer the prospect of zero hunger, poverty eradication, growth and sustainable resource management, but policies championing agroecology are sure to be embraced by the local population.

Scaling up agroecology from a practice of some countries to a practice of many would have a dramatic effect on sustainable agriculture, enhancing food systems worldwide. It promises to support the integration of more climate-resilient production systems, incorporating forestry, , fisheries and farming into an approach that could more effectively SCALING UP achieve progress across multiple SDG targets. POLICIES, FAO SUPPORT TO SCALING Successfully scaling up UP AGROECOLOGY PARTNERSHIPS agroecology requires significant  Launch of the commitment at the policy level, Scaling Up Agroecology AND a redirection of finances and Initiative - Transforming Food investment, more inclusive and Agriculture in Support of INVESTMENTS and diversified food systems, the SDGs strengthening the organizations of With the backing of UN partners CAN HELP producers, and new partnerships and other committed actors, SUPPORT between small-scale producers and FAO is proposing a Scaling Up entrepreneurs and the larger scale Agroecology Initiative, in line with AGROECOLOGY. private sector actors. existing plans and initiatives such

24 RWANDA A group of farmers herding cattle for in Rugezi. © G. Napolitano

as the 2030 Agenda, the UN Decade a collaborative spirit if the potential to share policy lessons, and to of Family Farming, the Global of agroecology is to be achieved. collaborate in supporting and Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, To implement the Initiative, scaling up agroecology in the the UN Rome-based Agencies members are set to sign a 10-year future. Beginning in 2014, the collaboration on Home Grown joint work plan. global exchange on agroecology School Meals and the Sustainable has involved more than 1 400 Food Systems Programme of the  A neutral space for participants from 170 countries 10-Year Framework for Programmes exchanging knowledge and (as of April 2018), bringing on and experiences on agroecology discussion of agroecology to a Production Patterns. UN agencies FAO will continue to play a role in new level. FAO is committed to and bodies, governments and non- bringing together a wide range of continuing to act as facilitator and to state actors must come together in actors to learn from experiences, promote the benefits of agroecology.



VIET NAM Dong Son, a farmer working in a dragon fruit field. Since 1990, Viet Nam has reduced hunger by more than 80 percent. ©FAO/Hoang Dinh Nam

FAO FACILITATES  Supporting an environment  Supporting funds that allows new and innovative and resources to COOPERATION governance structures to emerge mainstream agroecology AMONG To take agroecology to the next To allow agroecology to level, a solid governance structure flourish, funds need to be GOVERNMENTS is essential. Laws, regulations, mobilized to communities, publicity awareness campaigns organizations and AND and fiscal incentives are all part of countries to make a framework that should cut across transformation happen. STAKEHOLDERS different sectors and integrate the FAO can play an important whole value chain. Supporting the role in mobilising funds IN PROMOTING development of public policies and resources, connecting that promote agroecology, FAO donors with networks, and AGROECOLOGY facilitates cooperation among engaging the private sector POLICY AND countries with a solid governance by providing guidance structure on in the area. on agroecology. PRACTICE


GENERAL FAO. 2016. Summary for decision-makers. of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests FAO Regional symposia on agroecology. in the Context of National Food Security. FAO. 2013. Food Wastage footprint: Rome. Rome. Impact on Natural Resources. Summary FAO. 2017. Report of the International FAO. 2016. The contributions of livestock report. Rome. Symposium on Agroecology in China. species and breeds to ecosystem services. FAO. 2014. Building a common vision Kunming, Yunnan, China, 29-31 Rome. for sustainable food and agriculture – August 2016. Rome. POLLINATORS principles and approaches. Rome. FAO. 2017. Report of the regional FAO. 2017. The State of Food and symposium on agroecology for sustainable FAO. 2008. Rapid assessment of Agriculture 2017. Leveraging food systems agriculture and food systems for Europe pollinators’ status. A contribution to the international initiative for the conservation for inclusive rural transformation. Rome. and Central Asia. Budapest, Hungary, 23-25 November 2016. Rome. and sustainable use of pollinators. Rome. FAO. 2017. FAO Strategy on climate FAO. 2016. A quantitative approach to change. Rome. BIODIVERSITY the socio-economic valuation of pollinator- AGROECOLOGY SYMPOSIA FAO & CBD. 2016. Mainstreaming friendly practices: a protocol for its use. ecosystem services and biodiversity into Rome FAO. 2014. Final Report for the agricultural production and management VOLUNTARY GUIDELINES International Symposium on Agroecology in East Africa. Technical guidance for Food Security and Nutrition. Rome. document. Rome. FAO. 2005. Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the FAO. 2015. Agroecology for Food FAO. 2009. International treaty on plant right to adequate food in the context of Security and Nutrition Proceedings of the genetic resources for food and agriculture. national food security. Rome. FAO International Symposium. 18-19 Rome. September 2014, Rome, Italy. Rome. FAO. 2012. Voluntary Guidelines on the (Available in English, French and FORESTRY Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of Spanish). FAO. 2014. The State of the World’s National Food Security. Rome. FAO. 2016. Final Report of the Regional Forests Genetic Resources. Rome. Meeting on Agroecology in Latin America FAO. 2016. Voluntary guidelines for FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE Sustainable Soil Management. Rome. and the Caribbean. Brasilia – Brazil, 24-16 June 2015. Rome. (Available in English FAO. 2016. The State of the World MARKETS and Spanish). Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016. Contributing to food security and nutrition FAO. 2018. Constructing markets for FAO. 2016. Report of the Regional for all. Rome. agroecology. Rome. Meeting on Agroecology in sub-Saharan Africa. Dakar, Senegal, 5-6 November LIVESTOCK & PASTORALISM [TOOLS/LINKS] 2015. Rome (Available in English and FAO. 2015. The Second Report on the FAO. Agroecology Knowledge Hub. French). State of the World’s Animal Genetic Available at: http://www.fao.org/ FAO. 2016. Report on the Multi- Resources for Food and Agriculture. Rome. agroecology/en/ stakeholder consultation on agroecology FAO. 2016. Improving governance of FAO. Family Farming Knowledge in Asia and the Pacific. FAO, Bangkok, pastoral lands. Implementing the Voluntary Platform. Available at: http://www.fao. 24-26 November 2015. Rome. Guidelines on the Responsible Governance org/family-farming/en/

27 AGROECOLOGY countries across the globe. globe. the across countries in budgets to health cost amassive constituting world, of the athird affects Malnutrition Development. for Sustainable Agenda 2030 the of andgoals targets the in identified as planet, the faced by major challenges the among are emissions gas of greenhouse levels high and depletion soil loss, biodiversity water scarcity, Deforestation, and forestry. fisheries agriculture, from living their who make producers food world the people are in hungry 815 million estimated of the three-quarters Almost for all. development sustainable deliver cannot they that evidence categorical is but there markets, global to of food volumes large supplying in succeeded have systems Today’s agricultural and food WORK ON to achieving A pathway FAO'S the SDGs www.fao.org for all. for future abrighter promising realized, fully is impact potential its approach topeople-centred ensure up the of scaling at ways looks and Agroecology, 10 the presents of Elements resources, natural and livelihoods food, approach to linking agroecology the introduces publication world, this the around countries and sectors different in cases Featuring innovation. and knowledge-sharing on long-term based and solutions holistic providing of problems and causes root the addressing systems, agriculture and food to transform seeks agroecology at heart, its producers food With behind. left one is no ensuring while generations of future needs the approach to meeting aunique offers Agroecology

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