2 The Parish 0 of 1 6


Egloshayle Church St. Breoke Church

St. Conan’s Church St. Mary’s at the Betjeman Centre


Parish of We believe in a God who speaks Wadebridge


PURPOSE ...... 1 RECTOR ...... 2 CURATE - Personal Reflection ...... 4 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR ...... 5 CHURCH WARDENS ...... 7 FABRIC REPORTS ...... 9 CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGS ...... 14 FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR THE YEAR TO 31 DECEMBER 2016 ...... 15 Appendix 1 ...... 16 Appendix 2 ...... 17 Appendix 3 ...... 18 Appendix 4 ...... 19 CHURCH ATTENDANCE ...... 25 REPORTS FROM AROUND THE PARISH ...... 26 Child Protection ...... 26 Churches Together in Wadebridge ...... 26 Deanery Synod ...... 29 Disability Issue ...... 30 Egloshayle Choir ...... 30 Event Planning Group ...... 31 Fund Raising ...... 32 Health and Safety ...... 32 Home Communions ...... 32 Lay Worship Team ...... 33 Memory Friendly Service ...... 34 Open the Book ...... 35 Parish 100 Club ...... 36 Readers ...... 36 Wadebridge Youth Project ...... 37 Each committee/group has compiled a brief synopsis of their year. For more information, contact the individual convenor/leader directly.


The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a corporate body established by the Church of England. The PCC operates under the Parochial Church Councils Powers Measure. The PCC is exempted by Order from registration with the Charity Commission.

The appointment of PCC members is governed by and set out in the Church Representation Rules.

The PCC has the responsibility of cooperating with the incumbent in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church; pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.

The PCC meets bi-monthly alternating with the Standing Committee. The PCC holds a Forward Planning meeting on an annual Away Day for the consideration of broader strategic issues.

BANKERS: Lloyds TSB PLC, 14 Molesworth Street, WADEBRIDGE INDEPENDENT EXAMINER: Mandy Vickery, Pattu Owriak, Allen Park, St Kew Highway, HONORARY TREASURER: Paul Brocklebank, New Park Lodge, New Park, WADEBRIDGE PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Anne Fairbanks, Culverwood House, Trevanion, WADEBRIDGE



As predicted 2016 was a year that saw a number of changes in the life of our parish. Some of them were eagerly anticipated and welcomed like the arrival of Nikki as our curate and the completion of the works at Egloshayle.

Others came as surprises, some welcome, some less so. Two of the more unwelcome surprises involved our church premises, Egloshayle church being struck by lightning and 2 large trees coming down at St Conan’s. A more welcome surprise development has been our engagement with Wadebridge primary academy.

One of the main areas we have been looking at over the past year has been our worship. There have been slight changes to the timings of the morning services, we have continued to experiment with fifth Sunday specials and the upgrading of facilities at JBC has led to a new layout for our worship there. It was good to have 3 candidates for confirmation from our parish at the deanery confirmation service. The stand out development last year was the introduction of WOW. We were blessed with good weather and a good turnout including our friends from the Methodists.


The live nativity at Christmas saw Egloshayle church packed with whole families, young and old enjoying the telling of the Christmas story.

It has been a great pleasure to welcome Nikki Thornhill as our curate, a number of us attended the service at where she was ordained deacon and many more the welcome service and lunch back in the parish the next day. Elsewhere she will report for herself on her first half year in the parish. I am delighted that she is part of the team and look forward to her ordination as priest in 2017. We have continued to be actively engaged with Churches together in Wadebridge in the usual round of activities. Particular highlights included a very successful breakfast in Christian Aid week and a very enjoyable holiday club.


Fund raising and social events have continued apace with regular events such as rummage sales, the craft fayre, concerts, various lunches and, for the first time this year, a Christmas wreath exhibition. None of these things happen without hard work and I would like to pay tribute to the committed church members who work tirelessly behind the scenes.

My thanks to the church wardens, readers and others who help share the burden and responsibilities of leadership and ministry. I would like to give particular thanks to Anne Fairbanks who has announced that she will be stepping down from her role as parish administrator in 2017. She has provided outstanding administrative support to the clergy and parish and will be a hard act to follow.

Janet and I would like to thank you all for your continued love and support as we look ahead to all that 2017 has in store.

John Hereward

CURATE - Personal Reflection

Before being deaconed I received two pieces of advice: the first was from my training college – ‘it doesn’t matter what happens within the parish it’s your working relationship with your training incumbent that is the most important’, and the second from Bishop Tim - ‘as a deacon and curate you are expected to ask questions and to question.’

My response to the first is that I consider myself blessed in having a great training incumbent who has been so welcoming, open and encouraging. It is not always easy moving into a new area let alone into a new ministry; the way in which one is received and encouraged sets the tone for future ministry. Along with the warm welcome received from both Janet and John, Anne and the various members of the congregations along with the wider community have contributed greatly towards making the transition so much easier... Thank you so much. 4

Upon reflection, it felt as though the first five months within the parish was a case of hitting the ground running. Starting with the outdoor worship service, craft fayre and then finally ending the year with the live nativity play. It was so heartening seeing the church overflowing but what has been most encouraging is the way in which various members of the congregations have pulled together in ensuring that these events happened.

My response to the second piece of advice that I was given is that whilst trying to be careful in not ‘upsetting the applecart’ my personal reflection is that as a parish there are lots of questions which still need to be asked and questioning to be done, for example the way in which we worship, youth ministry, and pastoral care etc.

Having said all that I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those who have helped and supported me during this time and I look forward with both excitement and anticipation as to what the next year holds in store and as to how some of the questions may be answered.

Revd Nikki


This will be my last report as I am stepping down as Parish Administrator at the end of April 2017. It has been an interesting and changeable 7 years and I have worked with different characters and administrative abilities. But I leave knowing that I have, I hope, made a difference in the parish. Under Canon Bill Stuart-White and Revd Dom Whitting the procedures were agreed for all the different tasks and the systems put into place. Paperwork that was stored in various places around the churches has been sorted and archived. There is a small amount of outstanding archiving in Egloshayle Vestry but as the Central Records Office is moving to in 2018 we will have to hold on to it. Fortunately we have managed to transfer everything that we wanted to down to the current site. This has made life easier for when John Hereward joined us, as it meant that 5

there were very few unnecessary records around, and consequently we have the minimum amount of paper in the various ‘home offices’. Everything is also stored electronically on Mega Cloud so we are completely protected.

During 2016 there were 5 weddings at Egloshayle, 7 at St Breoke and 1 at St Conan’s: 16 baptisms at Egloshayle and 4 at St Breoke and 12 funerals at Egloshayle, 2 at St Breoke and 1 at St Conan’s. There were an additional 12 funerals at Glynn Valley Crematorium.

2017 is looking very quiet for weddings but we do have advance bookings for 2018, 2019 and even 2020.

Two new projects ‘The Baptism Matters Project’ and ‘Taking Funerals Seriously Project’ have been launched with eye catching and thoughtful leaflets and cards. New procedures are now in place for baptisms and funerals as well as weddings with the new literature helping the families prepare and plan. All the information can be entered onto the Pastoral Services Diary and it is anticipated that the data will make follow up contact much easier. Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults has been a big project during the year and the range of people needing training was expanded. We have ensured that everyone who needed to be has now been fully trained at the correct level. Record keeping was also checked and brought into line with current legislation. The number of people needing DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks were also brought up to date.

Publicity has been expanded and although there is still a long way to go to increase the circulation of information, we have prepared the ground. I have looked at the viewing figures for both our website and Facebook and am disappointed that we are not getting the views. We try to keep them up to date with services, events and news but it would be good to have more editorial from you. I know that some information does get put in the local paper but let’s get it on the web and try to expand our viewers. As members of the parish, do take the 6

time to have a look and let us know what you think – www.wadebridgeparish.org.uk / Facebook – Parish of Wadebridge.

With the arrival of our new photocopier, printing is much quicker and efficient. It still takes a lot of time to copy the What’s On and any volunteers to spend an hour or two doing this will be very useful.

So, as I mentioned at the beginning, this is my last report. The last 2 years have been extremely difficult for me so I made the decision to step back and look after myself and my family. I should like to thank everyone who has helped and supported me over the past 7 years and especially the last 18 months – I could not have kept going without your thoughts and prayers.

I should like to welcome Jessica as she takes over from me and know that you will be supportive and helpful to her as she settles in.

Thank you

Anne Fairbanks


April 2017 sees the completion of our third year as Churchwardens and we express our thanks to Revd John for his continued support. We would also wish to place on record our thanks to Revd Sr Nikki Thornhill for her contribution to the Parish as Curate.

The new facilities at Egloshayle, the toilets and servery area, have been provided during the year, as have the new porch doors. We remain grateful to our property officer John Fairbanks.

The initiatives stemming from the Accompanied Ministerial Development process have been implemented. There were 4 open air (“WOW”) services during the period from the end of May through to the end of August, the latter coinciding with the Folk Festival; faith


stories have been shared and Sunday morning service times are now at 8:30 and 10:30am.

Roger is now stepping down as Churchwarden and would like to thank all who have helped and advised him during his 3 years in office.

Wendy Dalley, Andrew Hamilton and Roger Priestley




Our church buildings and its fabric have (again) kept us (and others) very busy over the past year. However, unlike in my 2016 Report, I am delighted to be able to say that there is a lot of physical evidence to show for this activity. In my 2016 Report, I did say "whoever is writing the report to the 2017 APCM will have the good fortune to be talking about the completion of these long-awaited changes". I'm happy to be that person making the report, but I must also pay tribute to churchwarden Andrew Hamilton for his "hands-on" approach in overseeing the installation of the doors, toilets, new kitchen servery & the raising of the floor at the rear of Egloshayle church. Thank you, Andrew.

The completion of these projects (and others) has however, taken its toll on our finances. In the past year we have spent £30,975 on revenue items (insurance, heat, light, etc.) and over £82,736 on capital items - which has greatly reduced our financial reserves. In view of this one can readily appreciate why the Treasurer is keen for people to sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme in order to increase our income, as our outgoings still exceed the money coming in.

Egloshayle Church

Toilet, etc. - After the Tender Evaluation Process was completed, the PCC invited the successful tenderer, Devonport Construction Ltd, to start the work as soon as possible. This building work was completed on schedule and was ready in time for the major Remembrance Day Service held on 13th November. Feedback to the changes has been very positive. There are several very minor snagging issues with the work, but these are being pursued and will be rectified.


New Entrance Doors - The new wooden framed doors at the front porch entrance were installed in July, followed by the glass doors which were installed in August. The installation of these doors has made the church warmer, but they also mean that now the original main door can be left open so that when coming up the path, one can see right into the church which makes it much more welcoming.

Leaded Lights - The specially fabricated leaded lights were installed in May and meant that the temporary modern clear glass frame could be removed. A number of broken smaller leaded lights were also replaced around the church.

Roof Repairs - Minor roof repairs were carried out during the year when failed and slipped roof tiles were replaced.

Folding Chairs - With the removal of the rear pews as part of the toilet, kitchen and floor raising works, 50 stackable chairs have been purchased together with a wheeled-stand for them to be stored upon. It is our intention in the future to purchase a further 50 of these chairs.

St Breoke Church

Tower - The external side walls at the top of the tower needed repointing as the lime mortar had fallen away. This work was satisfactorily carried out in June by SD Rope Access. We are grateful to Simon Downing for his being able to carry out this work suspended from the top of the tower on a rope. The alternative of erecting scaffolding would have added many thousands of pounds to the cost.

Great War Memorial - We now have a quotation for the repair and restoration of the tapestry from the specialist restorers, and we are raising money towards this. Our grateful thanks are therefore due to St Breock Parish Council who have donated £500; The Wadebridge


Royal British Legion who have donated £250 and the Women’s Section of the Wadebridge Royal British Legion who have donated £100.

Roof Leak - There have been some minor leaks due to failed tiles which have been replaced.

St Conan’s Church

Churchyard - During one of our frequent storms, two large trees in St Conan’s churchyard were brought down and caused damage to some of the graves. Several tree surgeons were consulted and asked to quote for the trees removal but were unwilling to do so because of the difficulty posed by the trees position and the specialised knowledge needed to remove them. This accounted for the delay in their eventual removal; the delay not being due to our failure to do anything as some outside observers thought. A specialist contractor was found who was willing to do the work which, in the event, was very labour intensive, and the trees were removed. The cost for this work was over £5,800 (and not covered by insurance). Replacement trees have been planted. Our thanks to Revd John Hereward who organised a team who came to the churchyard, cut the trees up into logs and removed them.

Main Door - The lock at the main door failed and has been replaced.

St Mary’s Site

I reported last year that planning permission had been granted and we were hopeful that work would begin in the Spring of 2016. However, 18 conditions had been attached to the interim planning consent, and work could not progress until these conditions had been met to the Council’s satisfaction when final planning permission would be granted by the planners. Satisfying these 18


conditions has been a rather protracted (and costly) process for the developers, but they have now been satisfied.

Quinquennial (QQ) Surveys

These had identified a number of large cracks in the bell towers of both Egloshayle and St Breoke. The recommendation from the QQ Surveyor was that these should be checked by a structural engineer. I am happy to say that the structural engineer’s report was that these were not a cause for concern. No action is required (except for filling in the cracks with lime mortar) and the monitoring of them in the future.

Many of the other issues identified, the remedial work which can be done by volunteers, have been tackled and we are relatively up to date with these. The remedial work which can only be done by professional contractors is being progressed.


Our church buildings are currently in a reasonable state of repair and as a result of this are able to continue to serve the community bringing spiritual comfort to those who worship in them. That they are in good repair is due, in no small measure, to the incredible efforts made by our many volunteers, who give their time and labour in carrying out many necessary tasks such as painting doors, gates, fences, drainpipes; clearing gutters and unblocking drains; regularly cleaning the churches; arranging floral decorations; serving refreshments after services, etc. Thousands of hours of labour are willingly & freely donated by them. If, we didn’t have these volunteers and this labour had to be paid for then, at a minimum cost of (say) £12 per hour, the churches would have to close as we simply couldn’t afford the cost. Our grateful thanks are therefore due to these volunteers and our thanks are also due to those who


support the many fund-raising church events, as the funds raised go towards the maintenance of our buildings.

John Fairbanks



John Hereward began each meeting by thanking the congregation for attending the meeting. The congregational officers and their teams were then thanked for all their hard work during the past year, and new officers were elected. These are:

St Breoke Church: Congregational Warden - Joy Hine Church Cashier - Mary Eustice St Mary's at the BC: Congregational Warden – Welcome Team Church Cashier - Mary Eustice Egloshayle Church: Congregational Warden - Nicola Wills Church Cashiers - Janet de la Cour and Barbara Boon St Conan's Church: Congregational Warden - Congregation Church Cashier - Sandy Tower

John Hereward updated the congregations on the various projects: The Parish Giving Scheme and the refurbishment of Egloshayle Church. He then spoke about the plans for an evolving pattern of worship – the use of a Café Style service at St Mary’s and looking at more ways of encouraging young families to our churches.

Each church then raised items specific to them and further details are in the individual Congregational Reports which are available in the churches.



This is a brief review of the Accounts for 2016. The full Annual Report and Accounts are available from the Treasurer (Paul Brocklebank) and can also be seen on the Churches’ Notice Boards (after the APCM).

The end of year ‘operational’ shortfall of £16,915 (excludes Egloshayle’s Reordering - income £13,380 and expenditure £77,462) was slightly above my forecast shortfall, despite increased income from Giving £5,000, a legacy of £5,430 and grants of £3,953. These contributions were unfortunately offset by lower Fees and due to the need to replace the photocopier (lightning strike), higher than expected maintenance costs, especially the tree felling and lopping required at St Conan's and St Breoke. The shortfall had again to be taken from Capital Funds. (see Appendix 1) Excluding the above items Expenditure was in line with the Budget.

In future, unless there is a way to increase all types of income there is little chance of the accounts breaking even as there is virtually no way to reduce normal expenditure.

Appendix 1 shows a summary of Income and Expenditure

Appendix 2 shows the Capital Expenditure for each Church. These amounts had to be met from Capital Reserves (St Conan’s from the Williams Fund). The smaller maintenance items were taken from income, increasing the shortfall.

Appendix 3 Funds Schedule shows monies available under the headings Endowment, Restricted and Unrestricted and their various restrictions.

Appendix 4 Gives details of the Investments held in the names of Williams Fund and Hodges Fund. Several Investments had to be sold this year in order to meet the special expenditure.

As Treasurer, I should like to give grateful thanks to everyone for giving so generously. You have increased that giving when possible and helped me to try and balance our books. As we all know keeping our Churches ‘open for business’ is a price worth paying but it does amount to over £250 per day!

You may also be interested to know that for 2017 our MMF will again be based on a Cost Basis and not on income received. Therefore, any extra giving is fully retained by the Parish. Paul Brocklebank, Honorary Parish Treasurer 15

Appendix 1


Appendix 2


Appendix 3


Appendix 4




Rector Revd John Hereward Curate Revd Sr Nikki Thornhill Readers Claire Charlton Roy Holmes Churchwardens Wendy Dalley Andrew Hamilton Roger Priestley Deanery Synod Members Claire Charlton Christine Todd Michael Todd Parish Administrator Anne Fairbanks

PCC Officers

Lay Vice Chairman/ Paul Brocklebank Parish Treasurer Minutes Secretary Patricia Brocklebank *Safeguarding Officer Wendy Dalley *Electoral Roll Officer Anne Fairbanks *Planned Giving Officer Helen Hodges Health and Safety Officers Churchwardens *NOT PCC members

Additional PCC Members Margaret Borrott David Cornall Rebecca Evans Craig Fawcett Don Hopper John Leach Chris Saitch


Congregational Wardens – not ex officio PCC Members

St. Breoke Church Joy Hine St. Conan’s Church Congregation Egloshayle Church Nicola Wills St. Mary’s at the Betjeman Centre Welcome Team

Church Cashiers – not ex officio PCC Members

St. Breoke Church Mary Eustice St. Conan’s Church Sandy Towers Egloshayle Church Janet de la Cour and Barbara Boon St. Mary’s at the Betjeman Centre Mary Eustice


The PCC owns and is responsible for the upkeep of: St. Breoke Church, St. Breock, Wadebridge, PL27 7JS St. Conan’s Church, Washaway, PL30 3AD Egloshayle Church, Egloshayle Road, Wadebridge, PL27 6AD The site of the former St. Mary’s Church Centre, Wadebridge, PL27 7PL

St. Mary’s Church Centre Congregation continues to meet at the Betjeman Centre, Southern Way, Wadebridge, PL27 7BX.


Standing Committee

This committee is required by law and undertakes urgent business and such other matters as may be delegated to it by the PCC

Revd John Hereward Rector Curate Revd Sr Nikki Thornhill Paul Brocklebank Lay Vice Chairman Wendy Dalley Churchwarden Andrew Hamilton Churchwarden Roger Priestley Churchwarden Sue Hamilton Minutes Secretary – in attendance Anne Fairbanks Parish Administrator – in attendance


Event Planning Group

Plans and co-ordinates social and fund raising activities on behalf of the whole parish

Revd John Hereward Revd Sr Nikki Thornyhill Jenny Curtis Mary Eustice Anne Fairbanks Janet Hereward Sue Hamilton Joy Hine Mary Margerrison Christine Pearn Lis Romans

Fund Raising Committee

This is a sub team of the Event Planning Group

Mary Margerrison Mary Eustice Janet Hereward Joy Hine Christine Pearn Angela Richards Lis Romans Sue Vivian

100 Club

A fund raising activity

Rod Harrison Co-ordinator Paul Brocklebank Treasurer


Other Representatives

Churches Together in Wadebridge

Claire Charlton Janet Hereward Roy Holmes Christine Todd

Egloshayle Reordering Project Group

Revd John Hereward Revd Sr Nikki Thornhill Claire Charlton John Fairbanks Andrew Hamilton Roger Priestley Angela Richards Mike Todd

Open the Book

Revd John Hereward Revd Sr Nikki Thornhill Roy Holmes Christine Hopper Don Hopper Sue Hamilton Di Knight Sue Priestley Angela Richards Nicola Wills Di Knight

Egloshayle and St. Breoke Bell Ringers

Stefan Davey Tower Captain

Wadebridge Youth Project Liaison

Patricia Brocklebank Paul Brocklebank 23

Churchwardens Emeriti

Ray Abbott Cecil Osborne

Lay Worship Leaders

Claire Charlton Wendy Dalley Craig Fawcett Roy Holmes Christine Todd Michael Todd

Shuttleworth Hall Trustees




The Electoral Roll Officer reported at the APCM in April 2016 that there were 128 names on the Electoral Roll during 2016. The Official Return of Attendance was as follows: St. St. Marys / St. Breoke Egloshayle Total Conan Wyndhurst

Baptism 4 0 0 16 20 Confirmation 0 0 0 0 0 Marriage 7 1 0 5 13 Funeral 2 1 GVC 12 12 27

Easter Communicants 28 0 20 79 127 Attendance 40 0 20 95 155

Christmas Communicants 16 18 0 82 116 Attendance 20 30 0 527 577

October Attendance Adults (16+) 2 18 0 12 45 75 9 0 17 24 39 80 16 18 0 34 48 100 23 0 18 30 20 68 Attendance Children /YP 2 0 0 3 1 4 9 0 0 3 0 3 16 0 0 0 5 5 23 0 0 5 0 5

Attendance Midweek Wyndhurst 2 4 5 21 1 31 9 4 5 8 1 18 16 5 5 8 1 19 23 5 0 0 1 6

In addition to the above, Holy Communion is also held at Highpoint Lodge and St Breock Care Home on the first Thursday of the month and Home Communion is taken to several of our parishioners. Special services are also held and include the annual Civic Service, Remembrance Sunday plus several Schools Carol Concerts and general services held throughout the year.



Child Protection

There has been nothing to report.

Churches Together in Wadebridge

The Year has again seen a full programme of activities. The forum has met 5 times in the year, including the AGM in May, when Janet Hereward took over as Secretary and Val Jenkins as Treasurer. Fr Brian Cassidy continued as Clergy Chairperson, while Roy Holmes is Lay Chairperson for a further year.

For the last year the following individuals have served on the Forum the ministers of the churches plus • Roman Catholic Church – Norma Harbison, Patrick Langmaid, Jim Lunny • Wadebridge Christian Centre – Jacqui White Richard Hamm • Anglican Churches – Christine Todd, Claire Charlton • Methodist Church –Val Jenkins, Fran Golding Observers: - • Society of Friends – Quakers – Jude Whitby • North Cluster – Sue Barlow • Tubestation – Dave Matthews

We have had several events in the year, starting with the service for the:- Week of prayer for Christian Unity January 2016 The town Hall was packed again for the annual service of unity, based this year around the theme “Salt of the Earth”. Richard Curnow and WCC planned the service and provided the music. Sarah Yardley brought us God’s word. The collection amounted to £627.35 and was donated to Creationfest to help the refugees in Calais


Lent Groups The groups followed the York Courses material on the Psalms. They met on 5 Thursday evenings at Cornerstone with a repeat the following Tuesday at St. Michael’s. Each session was led by a different person from within our churches. There was a good attendance. Christian Aid As reported last year, CTW is now overseeing the supporting of Christian Aid in Wadebridge.

The Lent lunches again proved very popular and raised over £500 (as well as some money for CAFOD).

The sale of “unwanted” Christmas presents in January raised £312.

There was a successful breakfast during Christian Aid week on 21st May at Cornerstone which raised £345.70 and a collection at Tescos on 27th May which raised £167.54.

Walk of Witness There were some slight changes to the format for this year’s Good Friday Walk of Witness. Firstly, a change of time as we started at 11am and we started the walk from the Foodbank and took a slightly different route through the town. There was then a short act of worship outside the Coop and Hot Cross buns were distributed to passers-by. Easter Sunrise Service Due to the inclement weather, this took place in the schoolroom at Rosenannon, rather than at St Breock Longstone, followed by breakfast.


AGM Christians Against Poverty – A Presentation by Phil Symonds Phil introduced us to the ‘Christians Against Poverty’ story, explaining how John Kirkby had answered God’s call to use his knowledge of the finance industry to help the poor. He explained how CAP, through Debt Help, aims to help all those who are weighed down by debt, regardless of religious beliefs or background. Phil went on to describe how we can help support the work of CAP, through promoting their work, prayer and making sure that details of church events are made available to the local CAP centre so that they can be passed on to clients. The October Holiday Club The annual Wadebridge Churches Together Kids Holiday Club once again took place during the October half term 26th – 28th October. This year's theme was 'Jungle Jamboree' and was again led by Edme Brink with helpers from the various churches. It was 3 days filled with Jungle adventures that included animals, stories, games, crafts, fear factor and lots of laughter and fun! In total 44 children attended with an average of around 30 each morning. There was a good atmosphere and all the children seemed to be engaged with the various activities and teaching. We could do with a few more volunteers if the club is to run this year. Christmas Carol Singing This provides a witness and presence in Town at this busy time of year, and was held Dec 17th at 11am outside the Co-op. Collection was for St Petrocs society and raised £240 which was a vast increase over last year, probably mainly due to the better weather. We had a music group consisting of people from the C of E and Methodist churches leading the singing. Other events and activities CTW continues to work with and support a range of other activities, most notably Foodbank, Fairtrade and The Churches Tent at the RCS.


A Churches Together in Cornwall day was held on 20th June in . Roy Holmes and Christine Todd attended from Wadebridge. It was a good opportunity for groups across East Cornwall to get together. Christine Todd and Brenda Stuart-White led one of the seminars on dementia and pastoral care. Scripture Union books were given to Yr 6 students at St Breock and Wadebridge primary schools at the end of the summer term. Monthly Prayer for Wadebridge meetings continue the first Friday of each month at Cornerstone at 8.30 am for 30 minutes. There are usually around 8 – 10 people present and it would be great to see more people coming along. See separate reports for the Memory Friendly Worship and the Wadebridge Youth Project. In these days, it is more important than ever for Christians to work together in a community and to be a united witness and it is our hope that more people will be prepared to be involved with the various activities in the coming months. Deanery Synod

The Deanery Synod has met on two occasions during 2016. There has been much discussion about the MMF contributions and the impact on Benefices/Clusters. In 2015, the deanery met 92% of the Diocesan MMF in spite of a substantial increase in the contribution. There was a further 3% increase for 2016 which some Benefices/ Clusters have found difficult to meet. The Deanery MMF working group has continued to meet, working out the quotas for the 2017 to the Benefices/Clusters. There will be the same level of MMF to allocate with a possible increase of 3%.

At the final meeting of the year, it was highlighted that 85% of diocesan expenditure is for the costs of stipendiary ministry. In 2016, there were 7 Benefices/Clusters with 6 Stipendiary Clergy across the deanery (as opposed to 7 Stipendiary Clergy in 2015). One cluster had extra 2 parishes added towards the priest’s stipend,


which also meant additional responsibility for the priest. POSBEW is the only single parish within the deanery. The trend appears to be one of grouping parishes within clusters and reducing the number of stipendiary clergy.

Evangelism and outreach into the community have been a focus throughout 2016, with particular emphasis on development strategies for working with children and young people in our parishes and deanery. This began with the Bishop’s call for faith stories to which many within the Parish responded. It is recognised that there is a need for more Youth Workers to encourage young people into the church. However, it was felt that there is much we can do within our own situations to further our outreach to this group. It also has to be accepted that existing societal pressures mean that it is unlikely that children and families will attend services every week. We need to respond positively to this challenge in 2017.

Claire Charlton

Disability Issue

There have been no reported issues.

Egloshayle Choir

During the last year, we have lost two of our sopranos – Christine retired and Val moved away. We now have three sopranos, three altos, a tenor and two basses, one of whom is the rector. I am very grateful for everyone’s commitment – learning new pieces and also how to sing better as a choir. We sing at the communion services, with a practice on the previous Thursday evening. New voices would be welcome.

I would also like to thank the one or two members of the congregation who comment on our contribution to worship. It is


helpful to have some idea of what the congregation thinks of the music. All comments are welcome even if not favourable!

As was said in the last two annual reports our seating arrangements are not ideal. We hope that some more suitable moveable seating can be agreed on in the near future.

Peter Meanwell

Event Planning Group

The group met six times during the year to plan, co-ordinate and organise events held in the Parish during the year. Systems such as risk assessment and event check lists are in place to help with the smooth running of events, either fund raising or purely social.

All events take time and energy to organise so different members of the group usually volunteer to be key organiser for a specific event.

As well as the usual annual events such as Harvest Lunch and Christmas party new initiatives have included a Fair Trade Breakfast held in the Betjeman Centre, a welcome lunch for new curate Nikki Thornhill, a cream tea party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday, help with refreshments for Dom and Carol’s wedding and the Christmas Wreath festival in Egloshayle Church. Most events are well supported by parishioners and the wider public.

Concerts by Wadebridge and Tintagel Male Voice Choirs along with Wadebridge Choral Society Summer Concert have helped raise money for Parish funds and are much enjoyed. The committee organised refreshments following the service to dedicate the completion of the re-ordering work at Egloshayle Church.

Help is always appreciated at any event and anyone wishing to co- ordinate an event or suggest something different would be very


welcome to do so. Thank you to everyone who has made this another successful year in the life of the Parish.

Lis Romans

Fund Raising

The fund-raising committee meet throughout the year to organise events, mainly the Rummage sales, the Summer Fayre and Christmas Bazaar.

The Rummage sales continue to be as popular as ever with many people attending either for a browse of the stalls or to stay for coffee and a chat with friends. A lot of money is raised each month at these sales.

We are still able to store rummage at the garage in Egloshayle for which we are extremely grateful.

The Summer Fayre and Christmas Bazaar were very well attended with plenty of goods for sale. These two events raised almost £2000. The Tintagel Orpheus Male voice choir at St Breoke was successful and enjoyed by all who attended.

Thank you to all those who give their time to help at all these events.

Joy Hine

Health and Safety

Risk assessment Forms are now in place and completed for events and services.

Home Communions The team currently consists of Roy Holmes, Christine Todd and Hazel Leach. Being able to offer communion to people in their own homes 32

is an important part of the pastoral ministry of the church. It is a privilege to serve in this way.

The team visits parishioners both regularly every 4 – 6 weeks and for temporary periods during illness or convalescence. It is also an opportunity for a cup of tea and a chat and to keep people up to date with what’s happening in the church.

John and Nikki also go to St. Breoke and Highpoint Lodge once a month to offer communion to the residents there.

If you know anyone who might benefit from receiving communion at home, do please speak to one of the team.

Roy Holmes.

Lay Worship Team

The worship leaders, in conjunction with the Readers and clergy, continue to lead the Worship Together services at Egloshayle and the Betjeman Centre. At the latter, advantage has been taken of the flexibility of the space to move to what is sometimes referred to as a café style arrangement with chairs set out around small circular tables. This has further encouraged a less formal atmosphere. More recently, at John H’s encouragement, the same layout has been used for communion services. The use of the newly installed projector and sound system simplifies following the service.

If anyone feels called to this form of ministry and would like to know more, please contact the Rector or the Curate.

Christine Todd


Memory Friendly Service

These services are held on the third Sunday in the month at 10.30 am at the John Betjeman Centre. They are organised under the auspices of Churches Together in Wadebridge in conjunction with the Memory Cafe, but are hosted by the Anglican congregation who meet at the Centre at that time on other Sundays of the month.

On Easter Sunday 2017, we will be celebrating our fourth anniversary of these services and are delighted that Canon Alan Bashforth, Canon Chancellor of Truro Cathedral has agreed to preside at a Memory Friendly Easter Communion.

The services attract a congregation of 30+, appreciated not just by those with memory loss but also by other elderly people who enjoy the chance to reminisce as part of the service. For all, past lives and experiences are affirmed as valued and esteemed.

Four denominations are represented and share in preparing and leading the services, providing the music and in serving delicious cakes as part of the refreshments to follow. This collaboration has proved a great joy, affirming again that we are ‘all one in Christ Jesus’ as we seek to serve one another.

A standard PowerPoint presentation and format, drawn up by the organising group, is used for the service and has proved helpful for the situation; it avoids the hassle of juggling hymnbooks and service sheets!

The service lasts about 35 – 40 mins. Refreshments afterwards provide opportunity for an extended time for conversation and sharing, so much enjoyed, particularly by people living on their own.

Churches Together in Wadebridge, in conjunction with the Wadebridge Dementia Action Alliance, has also been pleased to hold recently a ‘Dementia Friends’ session, an information session as


devised by the Alzheimer’s Society. This was attended by about 35 people. We are committed to supporting those living with memory loss in their continuing Christian life and discipleship.

Christine Todd

Open the Book

Last year the summer term ended with the good news that we were invited to take Open the Book into Wadebridge Primary Academy to begin in September. A team was formed with Rev John, Rev Nikki, Roy Holmes, Don and Christine Hopper and Di Knight. We were grateful with the early help from Hazel and John Leach. There has been a warm welcome from the school, the sessions taking place in the Hall and the children very receptive.

This has slightly stretched our helpers as we also continue with St Breock Academy when our team is Revd John, Revd Nikki, Angela Richards, Nicola Wills, Di Knight and Sue Priestley.

Our format is to go to the schools twice a month and present our story to the 5 year olds - rising 7s with Wadebridge School having a repeat of the story which was told at St Breock the session before. This proves helpful to Angela who does a wonderful job of sorting out the props and costumes we need for each session and getting them passed over at the right time.

Our stories this school year are all from the Old Testament except for Christmas and Easter when we present something appropriate for those times. We began with Samuel leading into David. Naturally David and Goliath was a favourite – we think it a coincidence that one little boy had a nosebleed after Rev John [Goliath] fell “dead.” By the time the school year ends in July we will have centred on Jonah, Esther and Daniel.


Where possible we try to use some of the children e.g. Small King, Big Task, we had one of the boys sat on a high seat dressed as King Josiah. This story we did in the form of a poem with the children joining in with the chorus shown on the screen. We certainly find that if they can participate in responses or actions the interest and enjoyment is noticeable.

Hopefully we can continue this good work and we know Open the Book is growing all over the country.

Sue Priestley

Parish 100 Club

A full 100 numbers were sold this year and this raised £1800 for the Parish.

Over the year there were 34 people who won a prize with 4 of those lucky enough to win twice but with a different number that they held.

The good news is we have 100 members for 2017, thank you for your continued support and good luck.

Paul Brocklebank Treasurer


It’s been another busy year for Claire and myself, who continue to enjoy our role as Readers or “licensed lay ministers” in the parish. 2016 saw the 150th anniversary of Reader Ministry, which was commemorated in various ways throughout the country. Truro diocese nominated one Sunday in the year when Readers were encouraged to preach and promote the office of Reader. There is a


definite need for more Readers in the diocese as many current ones will be nearing retirement soon and hanging up the scarf!

If you know of anyone who might be interested in finding out more, do encourage them to speak to Claire or myself, or indeed John who was himself a Reader before being ordained.

Whist our ministry is essentially a preaching and teaching role, there are opportunities to help in other ways. We are able to conduct funerals and I have been privileged to help in this way during the last year.

As Readers, we are able to participate in the CME programme offered by the diocese and are also invited to attend chapter meetings. We have the annual Reader Service at the cathedral, when our ministry is celebrated and new Readers are licensed and admitted. We also have an annual Reader’s Day, which includes our AGM, and is an opportunity to meet and share together.

We also attend “quiet days“ once or twice a year to reflect on aspects of our ministry.

Claire and I meet regularly with John and Nikki and the worship leaders to plan and review our weekly worship and to plan for future events.

It is both a joy and a privilege to serve the parish in this way and we look forward to the challenges ahead.

Roy Holmes

Wadebridge Youth Project

The last year has been very much one of transition with a number of changes to key personnel.


Richard and Rosie Hamm and Paul and Patricia Brocklebank all stepped down after many years of faithful service. Their contribution to the project was formally recognised at the Unity service in January.

Following the resignation of the youth worker for personal reasons, Edme Brink from Creationfest has stepped in to run the Friday sessions for the junior club, which attracts an average of 15/20 youngsters.

The senior Club continues to run as a “drop-in” service and numbers vary greatly.

We have recently welcomed some new volunteers, including Rosemary Meanwell and Janet De la Cour and Nikki has helped a lot with the junior group. We are always looking for more volunteers. Do please speak to me if you feel able to help, even if only once a month.

There have also been some changes among the trustees and currently both Claire and Rebecca Evans serve in this way. We are grateful to WCC for allowing us to use the Basement each Friday.

Do please continue to pray for the Project as it continues to develop and seek a way forward after an unsettled year.

Roy Holmes



Parish 40 of We believe in a God who speaks Wadebridge
