JULY 2021 PARISHES OF PILTON, CROSCOMBE, NORTH WOOTTON AND DINDER All phone codes 01749 unless specified Rector: The Revd Christine Butler 899061 The Rectory, Pilton BA4 4DX [email protected]

Reader (Licensed Lay Minister): Miss Susan Green, 3 Abbots Way, Pilton BA4 4BN 890524

Safeguarding Officer: for all parishes: Susan Green 890524 Website for the four churches: www.pcnd.co.uk

ENQUIRIES ABOUT MATERIAL FOR ROUNDABOUT Roundabout email address: [email protected] All material in Word, please, and not in boxes.

Adverts in the colour section are handled by Gail Milne (890670) [email protected]. These only change in January.

Charges for Small Adverts: Small adverts are 50p per line per month, preferably only two lines for short periods. Requests one week before deadline to allow for setting up and billing. Insertion only on receipt of payment.

All other materials and the small adverts should be left at the collecting points (see pages 14/15) but if you need to speak to someone please contact Susan Green (890524), Christine Davies (890009), Janet Christie (344633), Eve Harris (343194), Ann Williamson (428133) or Alison Mayall (675861) who will help you. Please make sure that emails with items for Roundabout are acknowledged by one of the team within two days of sending them.

Data Protection Ruling: We are very grateful for material for Roundabout, which is distributed in our benefice and available on the website. If you have any concerns about GDPR please contact us.



We are all wondering if lockdown will end this month. Again, I am sure there are some mixed emotions around that and many of us might feel rather hesitant about being in big crowds again. What has been so lovely, in the last few weeks, is hearing the stories of people starting to meet up with friends and family after such a long gap. The simple pleasures of being able to relax in your home and just spending time with people you haven’t seen for ages is a real pick-me - up. Another joy is being able to sit out and enjoy our green spaces in the summer weather, although rather like Goldilocks and the Three Bears it is often not the perfect temperature for all of us, too hot, too cold and occasionally just right. I have decided my garden needs a pond, not a deep one for fish but a wildlife pond, with a very shallow end for hedgehogs as I saw one in the garden last year and would love to encourage them. Hopefully it will appear by the Autumn (no I am not doing it myself) and I am fascinated to see which creatures will use it. I am even wondering about putting a camera nearby so I can watch what appears. Seeing all the different creatures that appear in my garden is fascinating, again the wrens have nested and the first chicks have fledged. Other areas of diversity are found in our churchyards. The Church of England has launched a project suggesting we survey our Churchyards to find out which creatures make it their home. If there is anyone who fancies helping on such a project let me know, particularly those who are good at identifying plants, insects and especially bird song. Nature has given us so much over lockdown and it feels right to give something back and see if we can help the biodiversity around our churches. Many of the psalmists celebrate the wonders of creation, for example part of Psalm 65 says: “The grasslands of the wilderness overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness. The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing”. It is a lovely picture of creation celebrating. One garden pond, or knowing what is in the Churchyard will not change the world but it is another step along the way in helping protect the wonders of God’s creation all around us. Rev. Chris


“I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught,” wrote Winston Churchill. I think many of us would echo that thought! A huge ‘thank you’ to our teachers and all who support our schools! There has been a tremendous effort across our diocese to ensure our children have been able to continue their education during lockdowns and the need to restrict normal practice. Not only have the children been learning but teaching staff have also been going ‘back to school’ in order to find new means of communication. Learning online is a challenge. Those of us who are spending many hours in Zoom rooms online these days can vouch for that. It’s tiring! And it is not just our children who have found it so. As the Church emerges into this ‘new normal’ we have the opportunity together to learn and discover new things, new gifts, new ways of being the people of God. It is the same good God, the same story of His love to share with others, but there’s a new landscape. How might you and your community respond to that? What have you learnt in this time? And how might that learning change you and the way you do things? “One learns from books and example only that certain things can be done. Actual learning requires that you do those things.” (Frank Herbert) Every blessing, Bishop Ruth


Teachers and headteachers have been supported by a dedicated community of school governors. Since January, we have been appealing for more volunteers to become governors in our church schools and while some places have been filled, schools still have vacancies to fill. Governors are crucial to the successful running of schools, offering a variety of skills and knowledge to support the overall operation of the school. Schools are looking for governors from all walks of life, could you have something to offer? You can find more details from [email protected] or from our local schools.

PRAYER FOCUS At the end of another strange school year with all the disruption that the Covid pandemic has brought, we think of the children and students leaving their classes with teacher assessments rather than exam results. We pray that their futures may not be too adversely affected by this year’s experience, that they enjoy a restful summer and then successfully meet the challenges of the next stage of their lives.

PSALMS This month’s Psalms include praying to God for mercy and help and praise and thanksgiving for his greatness and goodness. The psalms that can be read on Sundays in July are: 4th July Psalm 123 11th July Psalm 85: 8-end 18th July Psalm 23 25th July Psalm 145:10-19

BIBLE READINGS 4th July 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 Mark 6: 1-13 11th July Ephesians 1: 3-14 Mark 6: 14-29 18th July Ephesians 2: 11-end Mark 6: 30-34, 53-end 25th July Ephesians 3: 14-end John 6: 1-21

BENEFICE BIBLE STUDY GROUP The Benefice Bible Study is continuing fortnightly on Zoom on a Monday morning at 10.30am. If you would like to join us, you would be very welcome; just email [email protected] to receive joining instructions.

ABOUT PEOPLE We send our good wishes and prayers to anyone who is unwell at the moment, whether you are at home or in hospital. We remember those receiving treatment and those awaiting the results of tests.

We are incredibly aware that separation makes bereavement even tougher at this time and our thoughts and prayers are with anyone who is grieving the loss of someone they love.

CROSCOMBE SCHOOL A huge thank you to everyone in Years 5 and 6 from all the church family. The class did some amazing Pentecost paintings which we have displayed around Croscombe Church. They have provided a great splash of colour which has been hugely appreciated by everyone.

Many thanks to all those who supported our stall at the Pilton Jumble Trail. Jenny and I were overwhelmed by people’s generosity which raised more than ever for the BHOPAL MEDICAL APPEAL. Thanks to John Shearlaw for organising this brilliant event and may the sun shine on all future trails as it did this year. Fiona Case and Jenny de Gex

MEMORIAL GROVE, DINDER It’s a sad but inevitable part of life to lose old friends and neighbours. They may be gone from our daily sight, but they are far from forgotten. In Dinder we decided to create a Memorial Grove to remember and celebrate these loved ones from our community. Thanks to kind co- operation from Dinder and Croscombe Cricket Club and the Trustees of the Dinder Estate, we were able to plant our trees along the southern boundary of the village playing field. Forester Oli Frost advised us on which native tree species would be appropriately sized, hardy, biosecure and productive of fruit and flowers for the birds and bees. We agreed on hawthorn, rowan, whitebeam, field maple, wild cherry, crab apple and hazel. Planting Day was 31st March. A total of 39 trees had been ordered by residents of Dinder past and present, and Oli Frost had prepared the ground. The trees were planted by their sponsors with much merriment and some tears. The Memorial Grove ribbon was officially cut by Margaret Bancroft, whose late husband Allan was a very well-liked and respected gardener in Dinder for over fifty years. It was wonderful to see dozens of Dinderites, past and present, gathered from far afield for the celebration, and it gave us a glimpse of hope for a better and less socially distanced future just round the corner. We are pleased to see that the trees are flourishing, and we look forward to planting more trees to keep this momentum going. Christopher Somerville


PILTON NEW ROOM COMMUNITY COFFEE SHOP (Next to the Pre-school and Chapel) Managed and run entirely by volunteers This month we will be open from Thursday to Saturday 10.00am to 12.30pm If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers please call Gillian Steel on 07917 533728

PILTON WORKING MEN’S CLUB (890162) [email protected] Pilton Club Tuesdays -Thursdays 7.00-10.00pm Friday 6.00-10.00pm - Food served 6.00-8.00pm Saturday 7.00 -10.00pm Sunday 12.00noon – 4.00pm Sunday Carvery 12.00noon – 2.00pm Eat in or take away Coffee Shop Closed at present Saturday 3rd July Live music from Graziers featuring Michael Eavis and Rodney Allen

THE GEORGE INN, CROSCOMBE (342306) www.thegeorgeinn.co.uk July opening hours are 8am-3pm daily 5pm-9pm Monday – Thursday 5pm-10pm Friday and Saturday Closed Sunday evening. Take away or eat at the pub is available daily until 1 hour before closing times. Call to order in advance please 342306 or 07892 699297 Village Shop – open daily 8.00am – 2.00pm

SMALL ADS Chantry Construction: stone walling, drives, block paving, patios, extensions, mini–digger and driver. Contact Paul Merrett 01373 836787 or 07855343388. Daniel's garden maintenance. Lawns cut, seeded, turfed. Hedges cut, garden clearance, Patio-laying, jet-washing, fencing plus fence painting. Weeding. Call Daniel 672832 or 07936583986 Daniel's property maintenance Roof repairs. Gutters cleaned, repaired and renewed Interior and exterior painting and much more. Call Reg 672832 mob 07518116140 RP Property Solutions: Home maintenance/repairs and qualified electrician. Free no obligation quotes. Great prompt service. Call Robert Pippard on 07969 345726 or 572311. Give your garden a treat. 2 year old well-rotted horse manure sold by sack or load. 100% organic. Contact 890582. Chimney Clean: Chimney sweep, clean and efficient service est. 1985. Please ring Colin on 07596 534861. Organic Multi-Purpose Compost. 40 litre bags. Free delivery. £3.20 per bag or £9.00 for three. Call 07919 584737 or 07961 892014 Premier Pet Carers. Registered, insured equestrian and pet services. Dog walking and pet sitting. Rug washing/reproofing/repairs; horsebox hire and poo-picking. www.premierpetcarers.co.uk or 077090739508 J.D. Waste. House clearance. Rubbish clearance. Garage Clearance. Call 07919 584737 or 07961 892014. Domestic Cleaning Services. For references and details please call 01749 689099 or email [email protected] JM Building for all general building needs and property maintenance. All building work, natural stone work, patios, tiling, decorating. 25 years’ experience, free quotations. References available. 07546589825 Old pine linen closet/wardrobe for sale. Knockdown style for easy transport. £540 ono. Can message/email photos if helpful. Tel 677770.

Payments for all advertisements will be credited for 2 months into 2022 to cover the period when there were no printed editions of Roundabout. We wish all our advertisers well in these difficult times and encourage our readers to support local businesses and firms.

Parish Council Websites www.piltonparishcouncil.org www.croscombeparishcouncil.co.uk

PILTON PARISH COUNCIL www.piltonparishcouncil.org For any queries relating to this summer’s events please email [email protected] Due to the withdrawal of the permission to site a dog poo bin by the allotments, the Parish Council is seeking suggestions for other locations within the village. Please contact the Clerk via [email protected]

GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL EVENTS To help support both the Glastonbury Festival, local businesses and crew, we will be hosting Worthy Pastures campsite over the summer holidays and are working on plans for a one-day concert in September. We hope to give more information about the concert in the coming weeks once we have been able to develop the plans and consult further with councils and authorities. For the Worthy Pastures site, we will be keeping any disruption in the local area to a minimum by limiting numbers to an easily manageable level and spreading arrivals over 3 days each week. On-site requirements to limit noise and disturbance to both campers and local residents will also be in place. During the Worthy Pastures opening period from 23rd July to the 30th August please send any questions you have using the [email protected] email address, or if you have an urgent concern please use the hotline number 01749 899 361. The hotline will be monitored Wednesday to Monday 24/7 when guests are on site. NB There will be no public on site on Tuesdays. From the GFEL team

HARRIET SANDYS Oriental carpets, kilims and Decorative items from Central Asia and India Summer Sale. 10% off all stock throughout July and August Friday 16th and Saturday 17th July 2pm-5pm Friday 6th and Saturday 7th August 2pm-5pm Indian Kaftans, Kantha jackets, summer dresses, quilted bedcovers, cotton nightdresses, block print table cloths from Rajasthan, carved wood furniture from the North-West Frontier, silver and gold semi- precious stone earrings. Also open by appointment Tel: 890 582 The Barn at The Manor House, West Compton BA4 4PB Email: [email protected] A.S.B.O. IN NEED Many of you will know that A.S.B.O. is a small group of mature residents who willingly give up a few hours of their time every week during the summer to keep the byways and footpaths of Pilton passable and passably smart. You may have seen us around the village in our HiViz waistcoats, either hacking away at vegetation or, more frequently, engaged in serious discussion (usually concerning tea and cake). By its very nature A.S.B.O. loses members from time to time and sadly now is one of those times. Consequently, we are seeking new members (male or female) to join us and rebuild the team so that we can do a better job of tackling the vegetation which is trying its best to overrun some of the many and wonderful paths around our parish. Our working season generally starts at the end of April and continues until the end of the growing season, normally the end of September. We meet once a week on a day and time to suit as many members as possible and a couple of hours of “work” is generally followed by refreshments and idle chat in a member’s garden. Being generally in the evening of our lives we don’t appreciate being either cold or wet so our schedule is very much weather dependent. If you have some time to spare and would like to join us please call me for a chat about what you might be getting into! Colin Watt (899514)

THE MAGIC OF SONG! The sound of Village Voices – meeting to sing outdoors for the first time in sixteen months – resulted in an astonishing natural fly past that proved quite a distraction. On the cue of “Oh little bird” two of the largest raptors, red kites, flew straight overhead, followed by more and more, until nine or ten were circling around and soaring on the thermals in glorious golden evening sunshine, uplighting and spotlighting their bodies and huge 5ft wingspan. A wonder of nature, as where did they come from? Where were they going? No-one had ever seen so many together, particularly not here in ! Village Voices used to meet regularly to sing for fun and pleasure plus the occasional concert and we hope to resume, once restrictions ease. For the time being, weather permitting, we are meeting outside in Pilton Chapel garden on Tuesday evenings from 7.15 pm. New members are always welcome, so please contact Judith Freane ([email protected] ) to book your place.

WEST PENNARD SCHOOL It was great to get back to some kind of normality this month, with our Year 5 and Year 6 children being able to go on their much anticipated residentials. Unfortunately, Year 6’s visit to Osmington Bay was rescheduled from September to Easter, but still couldn’t take place due to the restrictions. Instead, we organised a day at Mill on the Brue. They had a fantastic time taking part in activities such as grass sledging, climbing and team building exercises. Last week our Year 5s were able to go to Kilve for three nights. They had an amazing time partaking in a variety of activities designed to challenge and build confidence and resilience. This week we had our first live meet up with a school in Ghana that we have linked with through the British Council’s Connected Classrooms Programme. Dormouse Class met with a class of similarly aged children in Hindayatul Primary School using Microsoft Teams. We used our webcam to give them a tour of the classroom and a flavour of the work that we do and they did the same. We look forward to meeting up again very soon. Tony Wheat, Headteacher

CROSCOMBE CEVA PRIMARY SCHOOL With the warm weather, the pupils of Croscombe Primary School have been able to enjoy the outdoors through play and learning, both in the playground and up at the school field. On Friday 18th June, the school participated in the Rainbow Run, a fundraiser for the Children's Hospice South West. All the pupils had great fun dressing up in bright colours to walk / run or skip 1km each. As a school we raised over £116 for this great cause! Please visit our website and look at our Latest News pages for more information about the children's activities. We are also appealing for help from any keen gardeners! We have a wonderful garden allotment in our school field that has been looked after by two parents. Unfortunately, they are no longer able to help us maintain this plot so we are looking for a volunteer to take up their trowels and gardening gloves and help us with this project! If you are interested, please contact the school office on 343114. Thank you! Millie Hole


Plans are progressing for the Pilton Picnic or alternative Pilton Day on Saturday 4th September, subject to updates on lockdown lifting… There will be free entry to the field from 1pm to 5pm, stalls opening at 2 pm. Please bring friends and families to a fun day on the Playing Field. Food, teas and drinks available or you can bring your own picnic, for which tables and chairs are provided. Children’s entertainments, sideshows, stalls will all be outside, so pray for good weather. Instead of the traditional Flower Show we invite you to bring bunches of flowers to create a floral arch, and also to bring any fruit and veg you are happy to leave for auction at 4.30 pm. Let’s make a different harvest display, celebrating a post-lockdown village get-together (cross fingers). We hope the scarecrows will also come along to raise a smile! Please check the Show website www.piltonflowershow.org.uk and Pilton Village Community Facebook page, as well as Pilton Show Facebook page for further details or for queries contact Jenny (890465). Pilton Show Committee

PILTON SCARECROW COMPETITION “MY HERO” Have some fun making a scarecrow, representing a real or imaginary character you like or admire: could be Wurzel Gummidge, Superman or even your family! Then display for two weeks from 15th until 30th August outside your home or in the garden, clearly visible to passers-by, for everyone to choose their favourite. Entry forms will be available by contacting [email protected] or printed copies from Pilton Co-op. Entries must be confirmed (no charge for entering!) by 7th August so that a map can be drawn, available for ALL to wander around and judge from 15th August. Please return completed digital entry forms to Jackie (as above) and paper forms to the box provided in the open porch at Hyde House, BA4 4BY (first on left on No Through Road to Worthy, off Pylle Road) Further details to follow on Pilton Village Community and/or Pilton Show Facebook pages and in August Roundabout. All scarecrows are then invited to the Playing Field to join the party for the Pilton Picnic on September 4th (we hope….) where prizes will be awarded.

PILTON CALENDAR “Flowers through the seasons in Pilton” Deadline of 17th July fast approaches, so please now send your contributions, in low-res and in landscape format only (or croppable to this) to [email protected] We will also contact regular contributors in July, so don’t be surprised to receive an email! If selected we will then ask you for higher resolution for printing. We can’t promise to include them all but may also make a display for the Show day. Pilton Show Committee

CROSCOMBE VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE At last we have welcomed some Hall users back into the Hall under the current Covid regulations. Congratulations to Kym and Phil who held their wedding reception on 30th May. They decorated the Hall very tastefully and made it feel used again. 100 club winners were as follows April £25 J Swainson £15 G Way. May £25 A Hodges £15 D Elliott Our AGM is on Monday 12th July at 7pm in the Hall and we would welcome new people to join the committee. If you are interested and would like to know what it entails then please contact me or turn up on the night. Sheila Wilkins Chairman

DINDER AND CROSCOMBE CRICKET CLUB FIXTURES July Sunday 4th Litton Away 2.00pm Wednesday 7th T20 Horrington Away 6.15 pm Sunday 11th Home 2.00pm Wednesday 14th T20 Midsomer Norton Away 6.00pm Sunday 18th No game Wednesday 21st T20 Batcombe Home 6.15pm Sunday 25th Litton Home 2.00pm Wednesday 28th T20 Priddy Home 6.00 pm August Sunday 1st Batcombe Away 2.00pm Sunday 8th No game Roy Thorne

CROSCOMBE OAP and CHILDREN FUND would like to bring back our annual coach trip to Weymouth, pick up from The George Inn car park at 9.00am, returning from Weymouth at 5pm, Thursday 5th August… Croscombe OAP and children free, others £5. If interested, contact Nick Fowler or Hilary Shergold. Parishes of Pilton, Croscombe, North Wootton and Dinder Phone codes 01749 and addresses in each village unless specified.

PILTON PARISH CHURCH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST Churchwardens: Mr Paul Warry, Sharomayn, Westholme Road BA4 4EB 890434 Mrs Sheila West, Staddlestones, Mount Pleasant BA4 4BL 890448 PCC Treasurer: Mr Paul Warry, Sharomayn, Westholme Road BA4 4EB 890434 PCC Secretary: Miss Vanessa Coode, Glengarth, Conduit Square BA4 4DZ 899667 Magazine Collection Point for Pilton: Roundabout Mailbox at 3 Abbots Way (not letter box).

PILTON METHODIST CHURCH Minister: Rev.Tina Swire. Glaswell House, Coxley, BA5 1RQ 595759 Chapel Stewards: Gordon Taylor, The Long House 890701 Mrs Deborah Towner, 18 Hyatt Place, Shepton Mallet 342614 Secretary: Treasurer and Property Steward: Mr Philip Eavis, Benleigh House, Pylle Road BA4 4BR 890468

CROSCOMBE PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN www.stmaryscroscombechurch.org Churchwarden: Mr Terry McCarthy, Rectory Cottage, BA5 3QJ 345139 PCC Treasurer: Mr Terry McCarthy, Rectory Cottage, BA5 3QJ 345139 PCC Secretary: Mrs Janet Dowding, Livadia, Fayreway, BA5 3RQ 330725 Magazine Collection Point for Croscombe: Roundabout Mailbox at Corvedale Cottage, Long Street (not letter box).

CROSCOMBE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rio Espulgar 07824 878 553 1st Elder: Mr Peter Dutton 830975 Treasurer: Mr Martin Pugh 01761 451010

NORTH WOOTTON PARISH CHURCH OF ST PETER Churchwardens: Mrs Christine Raphael, 1 Church View BA4 4BU 890310 Mr Alistair Bovey, Hedgerows, Stocks Lane BA4 4EB 890755 PCC Treasurer: Mr Jeffrey Macklin, Coombe House, Tanyard Lane BA4 4AE 890210 PCC Secretary: Mrs Felicity Wotton, Higher Farm, BA4 4HB 890060 Editor, North Wootton News: Mr Steve Ruddock, Old Smithy Cottage, Northtown Lane BA4 4AF 890045

DINDER PARISH CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS Churchwardens: Mrs Ros Comer, Waitangi House, Long Lane BA5 3PQ 679468 Mrs Jane Thorne, 1 Derricks Close, BA5 3PD 674378 PCC Treasurer: Mrs Mary Browning, 1 Bagot Walk, Wells BA5 1WA 672558 PCC Secretary: Mr Clive Chivers, The Pound House, BA5 3PQ 678888 Roundabout Representative: Mrs Alison Mayall, Church View BA5 3PB 675861

“MEMORIES OF A VILLAGE GROCER" A cheque for £1528.00 was handed over by John Barkle to Kylie Gallagher from Children’s Hospice South West. This was the proceeds from the first two print runs of the book to May 5th. Thank you to all who bought the book, and especially to Chris King who was a great help in selling the book in Pilton. The book is still available to order by email to [email protected] The book is now available at several shops in Wells, including Protec and the Deli in Queen Street, City News, the Conservative Club and several coffee shops. Many thanks John Barkle

PILTON METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES Services will now commence at 10.30am

4th July Café Service in the New Room

11th July Helen Wade

18th July Claire Laudicina

25th July Rev. Tina Swire


4th July Trinity 5 10.30am Holy Communion Croscombe

11th July Trinity 6 10.30am Holy Communion Pilton

18th July Trinity 7 10.30am Holy Communion Croscombe

25th July Trinity 8 10.30am Holy Communion Pilton

ONLINE SERVICES If you do not receive these at present and would like to, please email [email protected] Services can also be found at “A Church Near You/Pilton St John the Baptist”