lflflinnfielbi necl)sLeffiep I FAMILY 4/ SOCIETY 'Wynkefeld The Saxon held honor and fee, ere William The Norman came over the sea" o; ... Ancient Suffolk Enslan.l Rhyrrc Vol.XVll. No. 1 Winter,2003 WFS 2OO3 Tour Cancelled, Meeting Rescheduled for Salt Lake Citv

Bookings did not materialize an Olympic{ueled renaissancecarried Wingfields fought atBattle of o'.rerfrom the winter 2002 games.But New Meeting now Setup Crecy ln 1346, where Longbow snow sports aren't the only game in Sadly,as the deadlinefor notifying town. Thousandsflock to national ac- Made England a Great Power our ground operator in ap opera, theater Of the weaponsthat made a seri- proached we lacked the necessary claimedsymphony, and dance perforrnances.There is vibrant ousimpact on the effectir.renessof war, numberof bookingsto Justifyoperat- ing the tour. Bymid-No'uemberonly15 night life, with scores of worlddass including historic Temple membershad sent in depositsand we attractions, the world's largest dinosaur needed30 personsto cover the basic Square, museum gallerystrolls to Salt l-ake's costs. Upon cancellationwe quickly and art It is positioned madearrangements for our 2003 meet- best spots. scenically the the Rocky ing to be rescheduledin Salt Lake City, on westem slope of Mountains. Utah. The datesMay 23-25, are basi- We had a wide choice hotels cally the sameas our abbreviatedmeet- of and the Embassy in ing in London that had been tied in with selected Suites down- the tour. town Salt Lake City. Here we received impressivenightly rate We can only presumeit failed be- an of only $79 Repeat,for This causeof the terrorism threat and the for a suite. a suite. rate persons sagging economy. Another tour to applies to one or turo occupy- Englandwill be planned. but it is too ing a room. Childrenunder 18 arefree. For extraadults the per day cost is only earlyto speculateas to when. Longbow $15, maximumper room is 4 persons. Salt lake City had been a desired one cannot discount the maJorrole the meetingdestination for sometime. Now longbow played in changing history we can take adrantage of the past from the time it made its appearancein Olympic Gamesthat gave the area a 1120. This is when Welsh archers wide choice of good accommodations ambushedKing Henry II's, men at in a spectacularsetting with interesting Powys. Nearly 900 years later, many thingsto do. And we might addimpres- still argue this was the one most dead- sir,eprices. Forgenealogists, the Church liest killing weaponsever taken into the of LatterDay Saintsis world renowned field of battle- so much so that the word for family records. "longbow"lives on in the namegiven to We apologizeto the memberswho Embassy Suftes Hofel supported the tour and suffered the SeePage8-Crecy disappointmentof cancellation. Memberscalla tollfree 800 numberto make their reserr,r-ations.Ask for the INSIDE: specialWingfield rate. It is suggested that membersfirst completethe hotel > DNA- Whatcan it do for you? The Salt Lake City Meeting reservationssheet (enclosed)as a re- Wty andhow? page2 May 23-25 - Basic Details: minder of every detail the hotel em- )SpecialPostagestamp ployee needs,before placing the call. for EMW- 2007 page3 Enclosedwith this newsletterare The booking shouldbe guaranteedwith ) BackNewsletter issues the meeting registrationforms, an a creditcard. The Wingfieldgroup rate How to order page 7 agendaand hotel reserrrationsinstruc- appfies 2 daysbefore the meeting and )There are2 Jamestowns tion sheet.Most of the generalinforma- 2 daysafter, but thesedates are on an Differentaccents page 8 tion that you need to know, is in the "if arailable"basis as it is outsideour )WFS MunimentBooks following few paragraphs. Fascinatingstory page 9 SaltLake City is stillin the midstof SeePage2-Meeting Page 1 15h. The membernominated must be the currentY-chromosome DNA tests. current in their dues,agree to serveand The person must be of the male blood- President's attend the 3 annual board meetings. line but couldconceivably have a differ- Remarks Your nominee will be placed on the ent name than the Wingfiledor other ballot along with the above already sumames,even Smith for rarious rea- Sincethe last newsletterthere has nominated. Send them to our secre- sons and still carry the male Wingfield been a change in the president nomi- tary, Boots Coley,6520 ShingleRidge genes.All can be tested. nee for the years 2003-06. fu most Road. Roanoke.VA 24018. Second, tests can only define a probablyknow, CharlinePreston, Lee's We are sorry it was necessaryto particularWingfield sumame line (not a wife had beennominated for President, cancelour Englandtour for 2003. Rest specific relationship). but passedaway in September. assuredthere will be another one as Third, there are many different Lee, her husband has agreed, if soon as conditions are more far,orable. Wingfieldsumame lines each with dif- electedto serve as president as a ges- You willbe kept up to date with plenty ferent genetics. ture that Charline would haw surely of advancenotice. A later article will give more insight wanted. Lee is a charter member, our Bob Can, President into how the multiple Wingfield sur- genealogistand now also DNA coordi- names evolved in early England by qualified. Jocelyn Wingfield. nator. He is eminentlywell FromPagel-Meeting It's often been said, "lf you want a Job In 1999 we begana genetictesting room The done,giw it to a busyman." That is the allotment. EmbassySuites project where DNA became the key Hotelwill hold our room casewith Lee. The balanceof the slate allotmentuntil factor in solvingthe Thomas of York ApnlZ?. is a reported before. However, even after the allot- Riverdilemma as to whetherof not he ment the rate The ballots will be enclosed with is recalled will be honored was the father of the three sons.From as long the rooms the spring newsletter so all members as are available. thiswe startedour databaseof Wingfield Don't those that procrasti- (one ballot per household)will have an be one of DNA test resultsfor comparisons.This nates, p€n- opportunityto'uote. The nomineesnow especiallysince there is no databaseis now arailable to all our alty as long the cancellationis are: I-ee Preston of Walnut Grove, as called members. in before 6 pm on the plannedday of So what can DNA tell us? The arrirral. Members are urged to reserve answerto that questionis simply,DNA as soon as they can as it helps with can uerify or proue a particular planningand assuresthe lowestprice. Wlngfieldsurname line. Attendees arriving by air will re- Too often the traditionalgenea- ceivecomplimentary transfers from and logicalresearch goes back only a lim- to the airport.There is free hotelpark- ited numberof generationsbecause no ing, complimentarycooked to order more records can be found. These breakfastsin the garden atrium each membersconceirably do not know to moming. With advancearrangements, which Wingfieldsumame line they be- Lee Preston LanceWngfield the hotel shuttle will take guests to long. Still othersmight assumethey are nearbymalls or other nearbysites. of a particularline, but are not sure. You can call in your hotel reserua- DNA can solveboth of thesedilemmas. tionsnow. The hotelis setup and ready It does requires a male providing a to acceptyour calls.Then mail in our cheek swabsample for lab analysisfor meetingregistration form. testing for a report and potential ge- See you in Salt Lake Cityl netic comparisons.The more testresults posted,the betterthe chanceof a match. The WFS current databaseof DNA test results has been successfulin se'y- Bob Wngfield Polly Horne DNA - what new information eral sumame matches. CA for President;Lance Wingfield, can it provide WFS members? To be effectivewe must now focus Rockaway,NJ for Vice President;Rob- One of the first questionsa WFS on further increasingour databaseof ert Wingfield cunentTreasurer nomi- member might ask is, "Why should I the DNA Wingfield sumame test re- natedfor reelection;and Polly Horne havea DNA testand what willl leam?" sults.We are stillin the earlystages and of Tampa,FL for Secretary. To answer that question, one must the recordsare available for all to seeby There is still time for additional review the parametersfor geneticge- accessingthe www.rvingfield.organd nominationsfor any of the officesfrom nealogy.The name" Wingfield"as used then to the WFS DNA page. This will the membership.A membercan nomi- in this articleapplies to all the rarious show the severalspecific tests done so nate another member or him/herself spelling such as WingfieldflVinfield/ far and the comparisons.To the lay- for a particularoffice. This nomination Winkfield,etc. man, it may appear technical,but it mustbe received,however bv Februarv First,only the malecan be usedfor See Page 7- DNA Page2 Can We Get a U. S. Postage havesome significanceto the country. is mailed.We needletters, lots of them. Stamp Featuring Jamestoum's To do thisthey have set upThe Cltlzen's It may take 20 minutesand a 37 cent First President? Stamp AduisoryCommittee that seek stamp. That's all. Your letter doesnot out ideas and suggestionsfrom the have to be either typed nor formal. By:Bob Can public. From these ideas and recom- Followingis allyou needto know anddo. The answeris yes, if mem- enough mendationsthey make the selections. Address your letter to: Citizen's bersto requestit. lf an idea fits their criteria, the total Stamp AdvisoryCommittee, c/ o Stamp The 4006 anniversary the found- of number of recommendationsreceived Management,U. S. PostalService,457 ing of will in 2007 Jamestown occur .To carry the most weight. L'Enfant Plaza SW., Room 4474E, the WFS this is important an event as On July 1.26there was an article in Washington,DC 20260-2437. In the Edward Maria Wingfield the first was a Richmond,VA newspaper(cllpplng text recommend that Edward Maria presidentand the founder the of colony. sentby Betty Winglield of Rlchmond) Wingfield, be honored on a cornrnemo- It is also important to the citizensof the headlined "Groups Lobbylng for ratl'.repostage stamp ln2O07 , the 4006 as this the first UnitedStates, was suc- JomestownStomp. " It statedthat there anniversary of the founding of English cessful colony that ultimately were yveral organizations openly en- Jamestown.You might mentionthat he developedinto the United States of couraging specific members of the was the first president of he colony, America. Jamestown-YorktownFoundation and helped plan the operation, was the The U. S. Postal issues Service others (not named) to recommend a major financial backer,selected the site special stamps that portray historical specialJamestown founding stamp to in Virginia, and built the fort. We need events and can feature individualsthat be issued in 2007. The College of lots of letters to make the required William and Mary is also working to- impression. Ask your neighbors and ward a commemorative stamp to be friends to do likewise and all members neuJsLet,tep issued in Britain, where the 3 ships of your family at different addresses. rss.r 1084-5887 sailedwith the colonistin 1606. Either sendme a copy of your letter years PublishedQuarterb About 3 ago, the WFS em- or confirmation that it has been sent so by barked on a proJect to ask selected I can monitor the progress. Or email membersto write to the AdvisoryCom- [email protected] that it has Ui"gfirh J{'tnilgF*ittg mittee requesting Edward Maria been mailed. I plan to ha'.rea sectionin 301 BelleviewBIvd rs------r Wingfieldbe featuredon a specialpost- the newsletter each issue listing the Belleair,FL 33755 !G\' I age stamp in connection with the names and cip of those that har.p Editor: t\i Jamestown 2007 celebration. These requestedthe stamp. Robert E. Carr \ \y letters were timed so as not to appear We can do it. But it is up to you. \-'l (7271 46r-4187 to have been conspired, a factor we http: //www.wlngf ield. org now know was unnecessary.A few of Wilsie Wingfieh Can, Pres. Emeritus our membersdid write letterswhich are EMW 2OO7 Jamestoum OFFICERS on file with the committeerecommend- Robert E. Carr ...... President Commemorative Postage ing EMW, but not enough to make a Charline Preston Vice Pres. Stamp Writers VirginiaColey...... Sec. dent toward being effective, especially The following is a partial list of Robert W. WingfieH . .Treas. now that organizationsare openly lob- JocelynWingfieH. . . . . Intemational bying for their particular obJective.It those who have sent letters to the Vice Pres. has become obvious to be included in Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee DIRECTORS the special stamp program we must requestinga commemorativestamp be Appointed: reviseour plan. On the positiveside, we issued in 2007 for Edward Maria Bob Carr - Newsletter view the othersnot ascompetition, but Wingfield. This is in connectionwith Robert Barchenger - Membership Jamestown'sCelebration 2007 . - as allieswith their own agenda.There Carolyn Smith Publtshtng Za,lla Monow, Orem, UT; Camilla Hughes - is no reason, they cannot issueseveral Wingfield Wingfield Store P. Burton, Lee Preston - Genealogy commemorative stamps and EMW New York; Sara ffolks, Jocelyn Winglleld - WFS Historhn should be one. But we will be over- London, England; Serena Poncla, Sara Garrett - Comput€r looked if the number of requestsis not Victoria, Australia;Charline Preston, - Vance Wingfield Webmaster impressive. Walnut Creek. CA: David W. Gar- Elected: To be successfulwe must step up land, Martinsville, VA; Elizabeth Years-2001-2004Years-2002-2005 the pace so the Citizen's Stamp Advi- Kujawskl, lndian Rocks Beach, FL; BernieColey GtngerMcCall Gail Miller, Richmond,VA; Brenda MargaretNewman sory Committee receivesan impressive PollyHorne ',olume Jackson, Garland, TX; Ratcliffe ZellaMorrow LewisB. Sibley of requestsrecommending EIVIW JamesWingfield lll Wm.L. Wingfield to be honored on a postage stamp in Harris, Richmond, VA and Robert 2007 . The ansu/eris of course,YOU. Carr. Belleair.FL. O WingfieldFamily Society, 2003 We will no longer care if the letter Remember, send a copy of your Singlelssue Cost $3.00 comes from a Wingfield or someone letterto the editorand your namewillbe with eitheranother name or the dateit publishedin the newsletter. Page3 she was a founding member.She had Wingfields in Action INMEMORIAM been nominated to become President WFS member Wafa Hameed May the in 2003 at annualmeetingof Wingfield, and wife of Burwell Charline Oots Harmon Preston the WFS Wingfield, spoketo the KiwanisClub WingfieldFamily diedSeptember 16, 2002 tn John Muir Charline'sspecial of Lexington, KY this past October2. her as vice Hospital,Walnut Creek, CA, at the age Society nametag showing She was invited to speak on the Iraqi president pinned to the far sideof of 73. She was a residentof Walnut was situationbecause she is from there,her lining. prominently Creek for 40 the casket It was family havingleft yearsago. She states the years,having also visible to all during viewing cer- Saddamis terrible, but does not believe livedin Washing- emony at the church,aborle her left arm. a war is the answer.(See Fall newslet- Other than earringsand white beadsthe ton, D.C., Mary- ter 2002 Profile of Burwell lor more nametag the thing added. land, Oregon, was only information on Wat'o) Oakmont Cem- British Columbia She was buried at Doris and Dennis Murphy of & Missouri.She etery, Lafayette, CA. Vero Beach, FL spent a month in Martha Herrington Wingfield was a natitre of Donegal lreland last summer and lbnsasCity,MO, of Goodwater, Alabama died Septem- rented a 200 year old stone cottagein 8, 2002. She was bom in Birming- the only child of fur the town. One day they drow over to Alabama 1928. Guy L. & Ethelyn(Oots) Harmon. ham, on October 7, Powerscourtthat has been completely Martha was a tal- She is survir.redby her husband of restored from their last visit. They 'Lee' artist. She 53 years, LeBron Preston, her ij ented looked for the tree PresidentBob most her life daughter,Janis Newsome,and grand- ir spent of Wingfield planted in WFS's name in homemaker but son, Todd Newsome, of Huntlngton il as a 1995 but could not find it. There were ,ji moved into the Beach,CA, grandson,Scott Newsome, only two commemorativetrees; one for i.ii Tigard,OR, and her son and daughter- workforceasthechil- Jackie Kennedyand the other for the ui dtnnmatured, teach- in-law, Steven and Barbara Preston, '* Slazenger's(owners) for their 40th ingartforafewyears L^asVegas, NV. Charlineattended high wedding anniversary.Neither of the working as an schoolin KlamathFalls, OR. She was and markerswas in good condition. in the family businessfrom a graduateof the Universityof Oregon engraver Burwell Wingfield, founding which she retired a few years ago. (1949\, where she was a member of member of the WFS from Lexington, Marthaand husbandBilly were looking Sigma Kappa Sorority. She was Assis- VA washonored on October17 for his forward to their Wedding anniver- tant ReferenceLibrarian at the Univer- 50h 20yearsof serviceto the NaturalBridge next June. sityof BritishColumbia in I 949-50, and sary Soil and Water Consenration District She is survived by her husband taught Social Studiesat Junior High with an unexpected engraved silver (Billv) Wingfield of Schools in Maryland and Califomia. Charles W. framed photo. As a chairman he is Alabama,daughters Jane Shedid graduatework at the University Goodwater, spokespersonto the State of Virginia and Bonnie W. Rigginsof of Maryland, San Jose State College, W. Gilliland representing local concems and re- Alabama and son Charles University of Santa Clara, Hayward Sylacauga, ports back to local District's important A. Wingfield of Huntsville,Alabama, State College,and others. legislativeissue and statewide issue of fivegrandchildren and one greatgrand- She traveledextensively in Europe, concern. and alwaysloved to retum to England. child. An article in the London Times of DaughterBonnie wrote a fewwords Charlinebelonged to many organiza- September 2002, reports a Rachel how sheremembered her mother, tions and held offices in most of them. about Joanna Wingfield asinventing a "dir,et areas follows, "Allthrough my life Shewas Past Regent of her Daughters some teasmades,"that not only keeps one motherwouldteach me of our God and of the American Rer,rolution-Acalanes warm at night, it also wakesyou up at personalSavior.fu a childthere was no Chapter, Daughtersof 7872, United a specifiedtime. We do not know who doubt what we would do on Sunday Daughtersof the Confederacy,Daugh- Rachel Joanna Wingfield is, but re- momings. A Sundayrule, if we were ters of the American Colonists,Colo- searchby our IntemationalVicePresi- ever too sick to go to church, we were nial Dames dent, revealsthat a divet is a quilt or bed- of the Seventeenth Cen- too sick to do anything else. Growing cover (from the French word for tury, Magna Charta Dames, American up, she always made sure we were "down"), quilt fusociation of UniversityWomen, Cali- involved;all three of us were scouts.All a term for this type of fomia RetiredTeachers, and the Wal- threeof us had piano lessons.We were used throughout Europe since about nut Creek PresbyterianChurch. She alltaughtto swimat veryearly ages. We the 1950s. Along with the divet is a didrrolunteerwork from 1990-99at the allwent to scoutand churchcamp. We "teasmades"that finishesthe scheme. Martinez veterans hospital and volun- took wonderful vacationstogether. I "Teasmades"is type of alarm clock that teered at the Contra Costa County missher, but I know sheis not suffering goesoff and hasa cup of tea waitingto library's genealogysection. Charline anymore,she is rejoicing with my grand- be drunk. ln the U. S. we havea better most recentlyhad been Vice President parents, and all our loved ones that system,it's calleda wife. of theWingfield Family Socieg, of which have passed." SeePage9-Action Page 4 FromPage5-Profile Hussars(I87 3-1942), and her children: WINGFIELD FACES (17), Thomas Rhys and Bob have been members since Elizabeth Wlliam EP Wingfield("Tirn", 13, father of mem- 1989. bers Jocelyn & George Wingfield, died Fatedeals each of us a hand to play June Wingfteld (2nd from right) 1976) and Susan(6). BetB manied her out in life. Bob Barchenger did not with children: Betty, fim & Sue 2d cousin, MaJor Andrew Wingfield, choose to do the things he did, but 13h Hussars,and Suemanied John A. quietly,patriotically and honorably he Sabini, U.S. consulin Jerusalem,later acceptedthe challenges.We are all to be an "Arabist" author and Public proud of you, Bob Barchenger. Relations Officer for fuamco in Leba- non and then in Saudi Arabia. When the photo was taken, the children's From Page 2- DNA father, MaJorWillie Wingfield,had been demonstratesthe procedure and each abroad including operations for two This delightful family photo was years (includ- will come away with a better under- in France, Mesopotamia probably taken in Torquay, England ing in Basrah - where he was Second- standingof the process. a6our 1922. It shows Giana ("June") ln-Command of the 7b Hussars - ln There is alwaysa chanceyour DNA Wingfieldnee Markham,2* from right Baghdad and Asmara, and was e"ren results listed. I{ will match those already wife of Major "Willie" Wingfield, 19th then sailing home by troopshlp. not, you willstill be doing the WFS and your own line, as well as yourself a big favor by helping expand our DNA data base as it puts your test on record The following is a letter from mem- 15 ancestralhomes - from 1360:W1- awaitingother tests that match yours ber Dorothy Lee Smlth of Vlrginia xl / I l{l;Wingfield's in 43 battles,1 3 19- and ultimatelyidentify (or prove)your Beach, VA: "Thanks to the WFS, Lee 797 4 : Xl/ 4-XJl/ 2 I4l; 14 familychurch Wingfieldsumame line. Preston and DNA, we have finalized brassmemortals, 1389-I67L: Vll/3- To arrange a sample cheek swab the link which has beena mysteryto me Vlll/ [2]; 15 "Family"Cathednls: X,/ test,contact Lee Preston,our genealo- since 1988. This is when I began my 2; Hemdon letters:Kll/4, family in- gist and DNA coordinator.He willad- search for my father's ancestors.The ',rolvementfn Executions:Kl/3, l/2: you vise of the costs. DNA report for my first cousin, Robert "famllyGhosts": V/3, \All/2, ){'l'l/2; MorganWingfield, is a "match." (l now Heraldry:ll/ 1,ll/ 4,Kl / 3;natir,e Ameri- matchedloci22out of 24). Lee Preston canWingfields: X,/1, tu,'o family Knights that my Dad is the STARTINGTO GET RESULTS: says definitely of of theGarter:X/4; lce link: Letheringham line which includes W2,X'l/ Llnes now being 1; familymarkets and fairs: VIII,/2; Viet- Tickencote,and other branchesas well identified by DNA as Thomas of York River. nam MemorialWingfield: W4;5 Ellis So many members know they are I also am so gratefulfor the interestand IslandWinglields: K/2; VA &ttlers' Wingfields, but do not know to which help through the WFS. Now, I know Memoriaf, London:lll/L, Kll/4, KV / line they belong. DNA can now often that I am trulya provencousin." Signed 2; E-MWngfield fuchsia: K/ 4i Oregon solve this problem. Dorothy Lee Smith of Virginia Beach, Trail: Vll,/S; USSWingfield named for Mueller Good example,June of VA (Ed. Note: Dorothy's t'ather was familypilot hero : VIll/4, Xll/ 2;Wlngfldd North Hollywood, CA, knew she was Froncls Ribble Winglleld ond she is a Airport, S.Africa:V/I; Norman descendedf rom Henry Ganett Wingfield descendantol John andMary (Hudson) Wingfields:M,/3; WalterWingfield (in- (ca 7794-1833 of North Carolinaand Wingfield through thelr son Thomos wntor of tennis)brought one of first Indiana). DNA test of June's cousin, of Walnut Shade). Pekingesesto the west: XII,/2; family John G. Wingfield of l-agunaWoods, pirates:lll/3, xlll/I, XIV/3, xw4; CA, showed him matching Dr. Billy Tickencoteknights picture: XIl3; Hillman Wingfield of Petersburg,VA, Family History/Articles in C-atherineof Aragonheld ln Wingfield's Menyn Waller Wingfield of Rich- Newsletter Back lssues castleat Kimbolton:Vl/4-5 [2];Henry mond, VA, and Louis Henry VIII& girlfriendolemight at Wingfield's Wingfield Dewey,AZ, the last Memberswho haveJoined recently of 3 all castleat Stone:XII/3; circles: known descendantsof Robert and Ann may know that all but a few of back Cropfield Wingfieldof Louisa County. All 4 issuesof the Newsletterare now a',ail- IVl2; Wingfieldin Tower,14404I Y - pub: men tested are WFS members. Al- ablefrom the Editorat $3.00 a copy. lf 3; Wingfield IVl1, X,/1; George thoughJune (a female),cannot partici- you don't want to launch straightinto Wingfield,King of Nevada:Vl/2,V1/5, pate in the Y-chromosome tests, by ordering all arailable back issuesback Vll/L,Vll/z, XIl4; ransom:IVl1; se- virtue of her genealogicallyproven re- to 1987, here is a crosssection to whet cretpassage: Vl,/6; Wingfield gold smug- lationship to Henry Ganett Wingfield, your appetite (to save space IVl3 de- gler: Vl/ ! ; Wingfieldgliding record: N / now knowsshe is of the Letheringham notesVolume lV, no.3 and numbersin 4; WingfieldSculls ( Race): XIl Wingfield line, which also includes I ldenotestotalnumber of issueswhere 5,Kl/4; Wingfieldinventor of tennis: Tickencote,Powerscourt and Thomas in sequence): \ll / 5, tx/ 4,xl / 5, yJll/ 2,yJlt/ 3,xlv / 2, of York River. 16 FamilyCastles: \n/Lvll/sl4l; XV/2: treasure:lll/ 4. X/ l. Page 7 FromPagel-Crecy tutor, BartholomewBurghersh, Sr., and with ideas and suggestionsof how we a versionof the legendaryU. S. Apache his brother, Sir Thomas Wingfield of can participate in this event recogniz- AH64D attack Helicopter, proof that Letheringham,fought in the divisionof ing the firstpresidentof theJamestowne the weapon still commands immense the Earlsof Northampton and Arundel respectfrom eventoday's armed forces. on the left flank. Sir Thomas was 8- The longbow was as tall as the greatsgrandfather of ThomasWingfield Wingfield's pre-1535 archer.The extra length gave it greater of York River, Virginia (1680). (From Church Organ Makes History strengthand range. Indeed,one arrow- 1346 until I35I/2 Sir John Wingfield Four years ago the original tipped arrow from a longbow is said by wasto serveWilliam Montague, Earlof "soundboard" of Wetheringsett a writer in the Middle Ages to have Salisbury (born 1328) "during his church'sorgan fromTudortimes (1485- pierced a wooden door nearly four minority').lSource: 36 Anecdotes,WFS, 1603) was found in a house in the inchesthick. In another tale, an arrow 1994, #61. village.Wetheringsett lies 1 0 milessouth- reportedlypassed through a horseman's west of Wingfield (Suffolk)in England. mailed shirt, his mailed breeches, his At the end of this period the parson thigh and the wood of his saddlepierc- here was Ri- ing the flank of his horse. The Welsh Jamestoum's New ldentity chard archerswere impressi',refighters. They for Celebratlon 2OO7 Hakluyt, the sustaineda firing rate of six arrows a For yearsthe publichas been con- famous plan- minutewith extraordinaryaccuracy over fused.There are two Jamestowns: one ner, adviser distancesup to 200 yards. It was a is the historicJamestown on Jamestown and promoter lessonthe Englishwere quick to leam. Island,the actualsite that was selected of Edward- By 1250 the longbowhad become by Capt. Edward Maria Wingfield in Maria standardequipment for the English in- 1607. The other is mile Justa away, a Wingfield's& fantry. King Edward I was quick to state run living museum called Bartholomew acceptthe idea and realizedknights on Jamestown Settlement. At the ffiffi Gosnold's foot could thwart a mounted charge if Jamestown Settlement 'B 'ttuetur visitors will see 1606 'uoyage supportedby sufficient numbers of ar- a completely reconstructed fortress to establishJamestown, Virginia. chers. Before long the best archers staffed with persons in 15h century Also about four yearsago a similar were loosing off as many as a dozen attire performing early Jamestown Tudor church organ "soundboard"- arrows a minute supported by a loader tasks. that of the village of Wingfield (origi- who drew the string of one bow while To elirninateconfusion, the APVA nally reported as found in a pigsty)- was the archer fired the other. (The Associationfor the Preserlration of found at Wingfield church stacked But the first real test of the English Vrginia AntQuities) and the National amongstcoffins. They are the only two bov,rnencame at Crecyon 26 August in Park Service has renamed the original known remnantsof pre-1535 working 1346 abouta100 milesnorth of.Paris. site Historic Jamestowne(note "e") and instruments,and from them,using clues King Edwardlll, heading for Flanders, added the rlnrds "Discover America's from thewrittenmusicof that time in the turned to accept battle between Birthplace"in a distinctivelogo. Royal Collection (of music)at Windsor Wadicourt and Crecy, with a force of Historic Jamestowne and James- Castle,the two originalTudororgansof 9,000 Englishand Welshmen,includ- town Settlement are working together Wingfield and Wetheringsetthave, in a ing 5,500 archers.The French Army both in planning the 2007 celebration 4-year$160,000 project, been recre- consistingof 30,000 men including event and the executionof the many ated. No one has heardthe musicthey someGenoese cross-bowmenso heavily activities. produce for nearly 500 years. The outnumberedby Edward III. Historic Jamestownewill ha'.renew 1530's had seatedthe Wingfieldfamily From to 10:30p.m. the French and exhibits that 6:00 buildings will compli- at Letheringham for some one and a attackednorthwards I2-I5 times. Each ment but not intrude on the landscape half centuries, but the Wingfield attack was repulsed.The French were for the visitorsthat will comingto what be soundbox was probably at Wingfield decimated the English firing is termed as "America's by archers birthplace"in when Katherine Wingfield was Coun- from the flanks - archers whose 2007. tessof Suffolkat Wingfield in the 1380s. longbows out-ranged the French, be- This is no small endeavor. The The two organs (the stunning ing effective at 200-250 yards. The APVA expects the total cost for the Wingfieldone has altematepanels and English-Welshlost but 100 men,whereas design package, in- conceptual which organ piped painted coral pink and the French had an estimated10,000 cludesthe continuationof the research, green) been painted having been used casualities.This victory gave England endowment and marketing costs to be in a concert and have been on display the standingof a great military power about $60 million. This is being raised at the church of St.PeterMancroft in "which can be attributed to the through a mix of public and prirate Norwich, Norfolk (where Stephen longbow." sources- govemment, corporations, At Crecy,SirJohn Wingfieldfought individualsand foundations. Calthorpe, the mutineer on Captain on the right flank in the divisionof the The Wingfield Family Society has Wingfield's1606 expedition,was chris- - young Black Prince and his military beenin contactwith both organizations See Page 9 Church Organ Page8 From Page 8 - Church Organ out the debtridden Tampa (Florida)Bay acid free paper. Lightning lce Hockey team. It is inter- The first project of the fledgling tenedin 1585)started in June 2002 on estingto note he did not provide any new Wingfield Family Society was to a world tour, beginningin lreland - at fundsfor the team.The disgustedmem- republishand make availablecopies to Christchurch,Dublin. Newsletters lSee bers of the hockey team consortium the membership and some libraries. Xll, 2 & 3, XlV, 4l.(Photocourtesy ol were left to rue the waste of many But the societyhad no money to the EastAnglian Press). thousandsof dollars spent on enter- finance it. WFS co-founderWilsie Can taining the duke in the style they as- came up with a scheme. She had Just met Louis Wingfield a rancher in Ari- Kimbolton Castle, the Montagues sumed him to be accustomed.Then zona and asked how he felt about matters went from bad to worse.The and Dukes of Manchester republishing the Muniment book. We FBI and ScotlandYard pursueda 3-year Belore the Norman Conquest, needed and ten membersto trick. In 1995 federalindict- $20,000 Kimbolton Castle belonged to King confidence put up the cash in adrance. Louis re- the Harold. lt then passedthrough several ments were issuedagainst duke. He sponded, "sign me up, I'll do it." He was extraditedto the United Statesand ownerships including the Dukes of wrote his check there and then. That chose to remain silent. The found Buckingham.In 1521 the 3'd Duke of Jury enthusiasmwas the start and within a him guiltyon four countsof fraud. He Buckinghamwasexecuted on a trumped fewweek 9 more chartermembershad spent 2 r/z yearsin a Virginia Jail.He pledged up chargeand the manor and castleof also their support. Eachwould was releasedin November 1998, flew ha'.retheir name(s)on page with this Kimbolton was granted to Sir Richard a home to Englandand his wife promptly recognition in each book and they Wingfield. divorcedhim . (KtmboltonCostle is nour would get a copy of the book after all Sir Richard was a person of much a boy's school.) publishing expenseshad been paid, consequenceand culture,a soldierand plus they would get their $2000 back. well-traveleddiplomat. When he died The next step was to find a copy - in 1525 he had largelyrebuilt the castle. WFS's first Project Republishing that could be dismantled,photocopied The most f amous event in a rare book, TheMunlments and then republished.For this we con- Kimbolton'shistory took place at the By: Bob Can tactedWFS members,Terryr and Susan time of his son, Charles Wingfield's At the time the WFS was formed ln Cavanaugh.Terry was with Duke and ownership,when Katherineof Aragon, 1987 , tew of the memberswere aware had experienceprinting medicalbook King HenryVIII's divorced first wife was of the "Muniments ol the Anclent for the University.The couple took on proJect Duke to broughtto Kimbolton,and this remained Soxon Fomily ol Wlngfield," an el- the and arranged for privately lend us their copy as a master for her residenceuntil her death in 1536. egant book on the Wingfields publishedin 1894. Fourteenyears of dismantling and then the printer iden- The next three generations of meticulousresearch by the 7s Viscount tically reproduced each page on acid Edward Wingfields,Thomas, and Sir Powerscourt went into this most re- free papr. Since Duke's original book James inherited Kimbolton in 1603 spected and quoted reference of the was in good shapeit was perfect for the and the estatewas deeplyin debt. prominentWingfield family from 1087 project. It would be painstakingly re- Sir EdwardMontague, the founder to 1894. lthas2l2 pages,77 illustra- bound and the Universitywould alsoget of the fortunesof the Montaguefamily tions, most are full page, and 2 are in a republishedbook. had languishedbriefly in 1553 as Chief color.The bookis 75 3/4" by 121/4," Our intent was to not only make Justiceof the King'sBench, who drafted with the Wingfield Coat of Arms and this unique book arailableat cost to the passagesin the will of King Edward title embossedin gold on red linen cloth selectlibraries mostly in the U. S., but Vl (KingHenry VIII'sson)which settled finish, elegantlybound. It is indexed. to sellthe balanceto our members.We probably the crown on Lady Jane Gray. When The detail of the pedigreeis See Page 1O - Munlment Book unequaledangrwhere as each branch is Marycame to the throne,she made him precisely labeled from Robert de pay for it, thoughhe wasable to buy his FromPage4-Action Wingfield,who is listedin the Dooms- way out aftera coupleof months. day book of 1087 and goes forward John and Sue Parry-Wingfield In 1615 Sir JamesWingfield sold showing many Wingfields including spent 10 days this past April in Japan, KimboltonCastle to SirHenryMontagu, Edward-MariaWingfield the first presi- visiting their son who teaches English the 3'd son of Sir Edward Montague. dent of Jamestown and even Thomas there. (Ed note: When John reported The Montagueswere later confened the immigrantto Virginia in 1680. this,I askedhe had euerbeen to Hong the title of Duke of Manchester. When I tried to get a copy for my Kong? He replied, "Yes, I u.rosborn In 1950 the 10,hDuke of Manches- wife,Wilsie, I offeredto payup to $800. there.) tersoldthe familyseat, Kimbolton Castle There were none arnilableat any cost. Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, wasin and immigratedto Kenya. He died in Severalof the founding membershad Beijing, China in mid-Marchwhen on seena copy in England. 1977 having dissipatedmost of his the BBC telecastshown in the U. S. his Oniy a few librariesthroughout the inheritance. name appeared on the screen as a world had the book. There was one in The 11th Duke of Manchester'sthe Libraryof Congress,Duke Univer- voice over reporting the top Chinese adventuresread like a con man in a sity, British Museum, Dublin Library leaderswere at a conferencedesignat- Mafiastory. Starting from being charged and the Church of Latter Day Saints, ing the new leader.Rupert is the son of in Englandfor obtainingloans on forged that we could locate.All were deterio- WFSmember Hugh Wingfield-Hayes U. S. savingsbondsand promises to bail rating,as they had not beenprinted on of Chichester,England. Page 9 From Page 9 - Muniment Book Jamestown. Could it be Haggar who Romance o/ St. George's Chapel, suppliedthe erroneouslnformation, to p. printed280 copies. After the book was Windsor Castle,1933, 38r. make the sale more appealing?(Neurs receir,edin 1988, the price was, and still proulded is $155. cllpplngs by Jocelyn Wtngfleld, Nort'olk, England) This is such a 'valuablebook that - Wlngflelds'Sculls - each member should ha'.rea copy. We have only 38 book left, availableto Champlon Holds His Title members only through the Wingfield George Wingfield of Somerset,En- Store.After they are gone, they will not Wingfield: Captainof the Guard gland and cousin Dominick Hanod be reprinted again. That means they at Funeral of Henry VIII representedthe WFS at the Wingfield will become rare and should bring a Sir Anthony Wingfield was ap- Sculls (affectionatelyknown in rowing better price that paid for on the used pointed Vice-Chamberlainof Henry circlesas "the Wingfields")on Novem- good book market for books ln condi- MII"s Householdin September1539 ber 7th, occupying the two free seats tion. But who wouldwant to sellthem? under William Lord Sandys(which post allocated to the Wingfield Family on For those that might not have no- he the umpire'sboat. The 159thWingfield ticed, all the books published by the continued after 1547 underSir John (it WFS since the Muniments also have Gage)andCaptain of the King'sBody- Scullscrown wasnot racedin 1915- red cowrs. guardof the Yeomanof the Guardon 1919 and 1939-1946\ in the four and March 9 in the same year, a post he a quarter miles to held until April 8, 1551. He was in- (both in London) cours€, rowed with Otley Hall for Sale - stalledas lfuight of the GarteratWindsor the Thamesat half flood, went to Brit- The facts wrong ln article Castleon April 23 (St. George'sDay) ish intemationaloarsman Ian Lawson. 1541, togetherwith the Earlof Suney He successfullydefended his title against OtleyHall, a stop on the Wingfield andthe Earlof Somerset,both of whom four others in the final, but with a Englandtours is for sale near lpswich, he had laterto disappointingtime of 26 minutes 13 Suffolk. lt is a beautiful piece of prop arrestafter Henry Vlll"s - seconds(partly causedby a flood bar- erty and is on the market br 82.5 death the Lord Protector Somerset in Windsor rage being closed) - the slowest time million (about$3.8 million)as was re- actually Castle.Sir Anthony ported in the EastAnglian Daily Times Wingfield "was Captain [of the body- since1890. The recordtime is 19.58 on September17. The WFS'sinterest guardof the Yeoman of the Guardlat (P.Haining, 1994). The last time a in seeingthe property is Bartholomew Henry VIII's funeral." Wingfieldswinner won the Philadel- Gosnoldls believedto havedone plan- Held in the Garter Chapel (St. phia Gold Cup Diamondswas in 7924. ning at OtleyHallfor the 1607 voyage George's Chapel) at Windsor Castle. to Jamestown.Bartholomew Gosnold Henry VIII's funeral was performed and Edward Maria Wingfiel were re- with much pomp. lated.. "16 strong Yeoman of the Guard The news articleclaims its strong took the coffin and with four strong transatlanticinterest because "the linen towels,which they had for their moatedhallwas once owned by one of fees,let it into the rault near unto the Suff olk's most famous sons, bodyof QueenJane Seymour, his third BartholomewGosnold." The ten-page wife [justwest of the altar]. Then the colorsales brochure, howelpr doesnot Lord Chamberlain[Henry Fitzalan, Earl mentionGosnold saying only that it is of Arundell,the Lord Great Master[& of considerable and historicalimpor- Presidentof the council,William Lord George Wngfield & Dominick tance.The real estateagent is quoted Hanod holding flag after the race. St. Johnl, Mr. Treasurer[presumably as saying, "We have had an over- Sir Willlam Petre - since the Lord This wasthe legendaryJack Beresford, whelming responsewith calls from all Treasurer,Thomas Howard. 3'd Duke who won the Wingfields every year over the countryand America." of Norfolk, was in the Towerl, from 1920 to 1926. ln 1924 he also This ovmershipclaim mentioned Mr. won a goldin the Olymplcsand won the in the articlewas challenged by a E. W. Comptroller[Sir John Gagel and the Philadelphia. Braurnof Langham,Suffolk in the same SergeantPorter, breakingtheir white (who newspaperon October 4 edition with stavesupon their headsin three parts, Besidesumpires are former the comment,"Bartholomew Gosnold as did likewise all Gentlemen Ushers, Wingfields winners), the Press and did not ov.rnOtley Hall - it was owned threw them into the grave. Thus the scullers'coaches, no other membersof by one of hisrelatives." Then it goeson funeralended, the trumpetssounded in the public are permitted to follow the to say, "...the Virginia Plantationwas the Rood the loft, and the company Wingfield Scullscompetitors by boat, organizedand financedby the London dispersed." except membersof the Wingfield fam- Virginia Company." [Sources:R. Hennell, The History ily - who get two free seats.If any WFS The current owner is Nicholas of the Bodyguardof theYemenol the members ares due to be in London in Haggar,who in the past has tried to Guord,1904, p. 269; D. M. Gladish,the late October any year, they should gain credibility for Bartholomew Tudor Priuy Council, Rett'ord, 7915, contactthe WFS intemationalVPto be Gosnold as being the founder of pp. 741-142; H. W. Blackmore, The allocated these seats. Page10
