A Roman Life A two-night residential visit to Hadrian’s Wall for Key Stage 2 pupils

What was it like to be a Roman soldier living 1900 years ago in a military camp on the North- West Frontier of the Roman Empire in a backward province called Britannia?

By visiting some of the archaeological sites on Hadrian’s Wall we can begin to understand better the people who lived and died there.

Archaeologists can help us to understand about the people of the past and our visit will be led by John Crossland, an archaeologist and teacher who has had lots of experience in working with young people to make the past come to life. The visit lasts three days. Day 1 Join John Crossland in the afternoon at the Roman site of Segedunum, now called to be introduced to the place where the Roman soldiers lived - in a Roman fort. We can study the layout of the fort and explore the bath house, where Roman soldiers relaxed after coming home from fighting the barbarians. From here you will go to the Youth Hostel at Newcastle- upon-Tyne for some chill time or maybe a chance to look at some of John’s Roman artefacts.

Day 2 Travel with John to - modern South Shields - to look at the buildings our Roman soldier would recognize in his fort. Visit the barracks where he lived and where his centurion lived. Enter his commander’s house and explore the gate which kept out unwanted visitors from the fort. In addition you will be able to take part in a simulated archaeological dig called Time Quest. After lunch overlooking the North Sea you will go via the Angel of the North to the new Great North Museum to explore the Roman gallery there. In the evening at the Youth Hostel you will receive a visit from a Roman Soldier who will tell all about life and death in the Roman army. Day 3 Now that you know all about the life of a Roman soldier on Hadrian’s Wall you are ready to visit some of the places he would have known. We can either visit the Roman settlement at and the Roman Army Museum at Carvoran or take a three mile walk along the Wall to .

From here you will return home.

How to arrange a visit

Contact the Manager of YHA Newcastle to arrange dates; he will co-ordinate with John Crossland. The phone number is 0191 281 2570 and the email address is [email protected]

Depending on the size of your party the YHA manager will send you a detailed estimate of costs which should be in the range of £70 - £75 per pupil.

John Crossland will book your places at Segedunum, Arbeia and the Great North Museum and will also arrange for the visit of the Roman re-enactor.

You will need to book a coach to bring you to Newcastle and take you to the various sites along Hadrian’s Wall. This is not included in the cost of £70 - £75. Also, if you wish to visit Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum this will cost you about £4.50 per pupil extra.

About a month before you come you will need to acquire a permit from English Heritage to obtain free access to the site at Housesteads. Details are to be found on the English Heritage website at: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/nav.19130

It is as simple as that. If you need to discuss tailoring the visit to your own requirements please contact John Crossland at [email protected]

We can even provide you with help when you compile your risk assessment. We have examples from other schools who have visited the Wall and we can provide summaries of potential hazards for all the sites. If you need to visit the sites for yourself accommodation can be arranged.