Bring Them Home Proclaiming Hashem's Sovereignty Through Song

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Bring Them Home Proclaiming Hashem's Sovereignty Through Song 5TJT.COM “As the president SERVING NASSAU COUNTY, is wont to say, BROOKLYN, QUEENS, MANHATTAN, BRONX, & STATEN ISLAND there is now a new sheriff in town.” PG. 6 $1.00 | פרשת עקב | VOL. 18 | NO. 44 | AUGUST 3, 2018 FIVE TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 22 AV 5778 SSeeee PPageage 3 SSeeee PPageage 2211 Dr. Joe Frager, Anthony Scaramucci, congressional candidate Ameer Benno, and Mike Huckabee in Israel this week. Page 4 FROM THE EDITOR HALACHIC MUSINGS Bring Them Home Proclaiming Hashem’s BY LARRY GORDON Sovereignty Through Song t’s the fourth anniversary of Operation Protective Edge, where the BY RABBI YAIR HOFFMAN objective was to eliminate or at least deal a crushing blow to the “I’m gonna dance with men and women together. Why mourn? Why Iterrorist scourge in Gaza. It is also 13 years since Israel uprooted suff er? Start dreaming and laughing. Feel, dance, and enjoy. You only communities and forcibly evacuated 9,000 residents of Gush Katif. Ob- live once. I’m gonna laugh, I’m gonna dance. Live my life, la, la, la, la.” viously, these two events, though nine years apart, are very much inter- Spanish-speaking housekeepers across the New York area and be- connected. yond are shocked that religious Jews appear to be singing and playing At a dinner event the other night we heard from Leah Goldin, this song. And it is not just the housekeepers. Waiters and waitresses the mother of Hadar, one of two boys killed in Gaza in the im- at Jewish weddings at almost every venue believe it as well. mediate aftermath of a ceasefire that was arranged by Egypt, the “Wow!” they must think. “The philosophy of our Latin Grammy UN, and the European Union. Not only were Continued on Page 13 winner Marc Anthony has even permeated Continued on Page 12 SSeeee PPageage 9955 SSeeee PPageage 7700 August 3 - 7:49 PM August 10 - 7:41 PM See Luach, Page 11 Features Index, See Page 8 SSeeee PPageage 4455 SSeeee PPageage 2255 2 August 03, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 August 03, 3 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • August 03, 2018 TIMES • August 03, JEWISH TOWNS 5 4 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE By Larry Gordon JERUSALEM DIARY t’s summer here in Israel’s capital Our itinerary has been expertly city. The streets are teeming with stitched together by Dr. Joe Frager, a Ipeople, and it is truly an exciting profound and creative activist for Israel. time in the age of Donald Trump. The fo- He has us running and racing through August 03, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 August 03, cus of this particular week is, in fact, the the day and a good part of the night. Isra- impact of the Trump presidency on the el is always an evolving project even af- State of Israel and the future of the long, ter thousands of years of Jewish history aimless peace process that continues to and 70 years of the modern Jewish state. move in no defi ned direction—which is Shabbos was interesting and relax- a good thing. ing—the calm before the storm, as Joe MK Oren Hazan with 5TJT Publisher Larry Gordon says. On Saturday night we were joined ident’s policies on a plethora of matters. by Trump confi dant Anthony Scara- To an extent, one of the great ties to mucci, who was the president’s com- the State of Israel is embodied in both munications director for a very brief Messrs. Huckabee and Scaramucci. And time. On Sunday, our group was joined one of the key things that the Arab as by former governor Mike Huckabee. well as Muslim world resents about Is- While the two may not specifi cally be rael is the open and rather comfortable presidential advisers, they do have Mr. relationship that currently exists be- Trump’s ear, especially about matters tween Israel and the U.S. And that new pertaining to the administration’s pol- and productive relationship is slowly icy on Israel. Mr. Huckabee hails from but surely, as you know, changing the Arkansas where he was governor before face of the Middle East. being a presidential candidate in 2016. The seriousness and eff ectiveness of Scaramucci is a New Yorker who grew relations between our two countries did up on Long Island, is a longtime person- not preclude us from sitting around on a al friend of Mr. Trump, and is one of the Supporters for Israel most outspoken supporters of the pres- Continued on Page 6 5 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • August 03, 2018 TIMES • August 03, JEWISH TOWNS 5 6 BAGEL STORE in all likelihood defeat him in that it is only this state that is Continued from Page 4 an election. To that Bibi retort- capable of being both a Jewish ed in kind that he, the prime and democratic state. Saturday night or on a long bus minister of Israel, could move While this and so much ride to the Golan Heights just to the U.S. and quite possibly else are going on this week, chitchatting about the internal succeed in defeating Trump in what is it that the Palestinian workings of Washington, DC an election in the U.S. leadership is busy with? The and what daily life is like there. It’s clear to most everyone big news out of the PA is the There was a great deal of here in Israel that on the mat- release from prison of Pales- things that cannot be detailed ter of U.S.–Israel policy it’s tinian teenager Ahed Tamimi, here; that was the premise on a new day. As the president who was incarcerated for eight which they were discussed. is wont to say, there is now a months for slapping an Israeli That said, here is a smattering new sheriff in town. And don’t soldier. She is the Palestinian of the topics that we can dis- think this new sentiment is not hero, a living shahid. It’s a sad cuss here. felt on every level of life here. comment on Palestinian prior- Following the relocation of With Trump, there is a sense ities, especially at such a pivot- August 03, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 August 03, the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv that the future of Israel is more al juncture. to Jerusalem Trump told Scar- assured than at any time over Essentially, as a result of amucci in a lighthearted fash- the last many years. And that their own actions, statehood ion that following the move, he is a particularly valid assess- for the Palestinians has be- (Trump) could move to Israel ment in these days of extreme come a very low priority on the and run against Netanyahu and Palestinian intransigence. To Middle East agenda. And that’s not only true regarding U.S.– Israel policy but amongst many Arab countries as well. On the Governor Mike Huckabee and Dr Joe Frager and friends way to the Golan on Monday we stopped in Ariel, a sprawl- best understand this dichoto- in the direction of apartheid, ing community in the heart- my in priorities and preferenc- which, by the way, they already land of Israel that the UN and es, all you need to do is peruse said about Israel decades ago. others insist on referring to as the daily newspapers here in The new law does not change a settlement. Approximate- Jerusalem. This week, Israel anything of a substantive na- ly 25,000 Jews live in Ariel. is dealing with the immediate ture. On Sunday, Prime Min- There is an industrial zone in aftermath of the new national- ister Netanyahu said, “Israel is the community that produces ity law passed last week by the indeed the nation state of the everything from hummus to Knesset. The Arabs and the left Jewish people with full equal halva and employs hundreds are yelling and making infl am- rights for its citizens.” The of Arabs and Jews who work matory statements about de- reality is that it is most of the side by side. It was additionally claring Israel the nation state Arab countries that have his- pointed out that Arab employ- of the Jewish people. They torically discriminated against Anthony Scaramucci makes friends in Israel claim that it is racist and a step their Jewish citizens. It’s clear Continued on Page 10 7 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • August 03, 2018 TIMES • August 03, JEWISH TOWNS 5 8 950 Broadway CALL FEATURES Woodmere, NY Bagel Store US Larry Gordon 4 516-295-3000 NOW!!! 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