Clerk: Cherry Tree Cottage Emma Walker 18 Lower (01666) 838770 SN14 6BY

[email protected]

24th July 2017

Wiltshire Council Development Management North

By email:

Dear Sirs

Manor Farm, – Redevelopment Proposals

Grittleton Parish Council has considered the planning and listed building applications for the above development.

Open forums have been held at which parishioners have raised concerns and support for the project and these have been well represented in the letters submitted to the planning department at . Grittleton Parish Council has carefully considered these views, in arriving at decisions about which aspects of the scheme it can or cannot support.

In totality, the applications go well beyond the core strategy, in part driven by the applicant’s premise that the scheme should be financially viable. Whilst acknowledging the financial argument, Grittleton Parish Council lack the necessary expertise to make an objective determination and do not feel such an assessment is within the remit of a Parish Council. As a result, it has been difficult to contextualise and quantify this significant detail within the application.

Grittleton Parish Council therefore assume that these applications will be viewed collectively, on the basis Wiltshire Council will be better placed to take the unique nature of this submission into account. To support the decision making process at this time, Grittleton Parish Council make the following observations.

16/10205/FUL and 16/10551/LBC – Division of Existing Farmhouse to create two separate dwellings.

Grittleton Parish Council has resolved to support these proposals, in principle.

16/10204/FUL – Erection new farmstead comprising agricultural and livestock buildings together with a farmhouse.

Grittleton Parish Council recognises that the farming operation is non- sustainable in its current location and therefore supports in principle the relocation of the farmstead.

Grittleton Parish Council recognise that the amendments to the proposals have addressed concerns re the scale of the farmstead and farmhouse.

Whilst Grittleton Parish Council resolves to support the proposals in principle, it should be noted that there is objection within the Parish to the location of the farm buildings. These concerns would be largely resolved if the buildings were located to the north of the farmhouse, screened by High Elm Covert – and providing a farmstead more in keeping with similar farms in the area, where the buildings are located some way from the road.

Grittleton Parish Council has resolved to support the proposed location of the new farmhouse.

16/10196/FUL and 16/10552/LBC – Conversion of existing agricultural buildings to form 8 dwellings. Erection 4 new build dwellings.

Grittleton Parish Council has resolved to support in principle the conversions of the traditional farm buildings in the estate yard – subject to receipt of detailed proposals in due course.

Grittleton Parish Council has significant concern in relation to the new builds aspect of the scheme – and implications for the proposed northern build line of the village.

Although Grittleton Parish Council might be prepared to support some limited new development in the estate yard and around the periphery of the traditional buildings, based on receipt of further clarification in relation to the overall viability of the scheme; Councillors are of the opinion that the extent of any proposal must be carefully controlled to protect the form of the small village.

Grittleton Parish Council notes that although the amended application addresses concerns re number of new build houses, the proposed footprint does not reflect this reduction and is consistent with the original scheme. Expectation that the proportionate area to be developed would be reduced, in accordance with a significant decrease in the proposed number of new houses, has not been recognised in the new application.

Grittleton Parish Council trusts that the above observations will be taken into account when determining these proposals.

Yours faithfully

Emma Walker Clerk to Grittleton Parish Council