United Nations A/71/408–S/2016/878

General Assembly Distr.: General 21 October 2016 Security Council Original: English

General Assembly Security Council Seventy-first session Seventy-first year Agenda item 31 Prevention of armed conflict

Letter dated 14 October 2016 from the Permanent Representative of to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Upon the instructions of my Government I am hereby transmitting for your attention the record of ceasefire violations by the Azerbaijani armed forces during the month of August (see annex I).* I am also transmitting for your attention the record of the Ministry of Defence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, as a result of the continued military aggression of Azerbaijan against the Republic, during the month of August (see annex II).* I kindly request that the present letter and its annexes be circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 31, and of the Security Council.

(Signed) Zohrab Mnatsakanyan Ambassador Permanent Representative

* The annexes are being circulated in the language of submission only.

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Annex I to the letter dated 14 October 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan along the State border with the Republic of Armenia

3-31 August 2016

Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

3 August , Gegharkunik, Ararat, Vayots 24 AK, AKM: 149 Dzor, Syunik Regions PK: 775 Chinari 2 SVD: 24 Movses 2 Black arrow: 61 (Chinari 1; Barekamavan 60) Kayan 2 5 Koti 7 Barekamavan 2 Areguni 1 Paruyr Sevak 1 Bardzruni 1 Agarak 1 4 August Tavush, Ararat Regions 14 AK: 145 3 PK, RPK: 322 Chinari 1 SVD: 7 1 Kayan 1 Berdavan 1 Barekamavan 2 1 Voskevan 1 Eraskh 3 5 August Tavush, Ararat Regions 41 AK, AKM: 261 Aygedzor 13 PK: 272 Chinari 14 SVD: 175 DShK: 20 Kayan 1 Black arrow: 17 (Aygedzor 10; Chinari 3; Barekamavan 1 Barekamavan 4) Movses 4 2 1 Yeraskh 5

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

6 August Tavush, Gegharkunik, Ararat, Syunik 16 AK, AKM: 49 Regions PK: 38 Chinari 3 SVD: 13 Kyan 1 Movses 2 Vazashen 1 2 1 Yeraskh 3 Shaghat 1 Ardanish 2 7 August Tavush, Ararat, Gegharkunik Regions 17 AK, AKM: 86 Aygedzor 2 PK, RPK: 154 Chinari 2 SVD: 2 Istiglal: 5 (Vazashen 5) Paravakar 1 Kayan 1 Barekamavan 1 Aygepar 1 Vazashen 3 Aygehovit 1 Yeraskh 1 Artanish 2 Ttujur 1 Kutakan 1 8 August Tavush, Gegharkunik, Ararat Regions 6 AK: 20 Chinari 1 PK: 200 Geghamasar 1 Jil 2 Daranak 1 Yeraskh 1 9 August Tavush, Syunik, Ararat Regions 13 AK, AKM: 94 Aygedzor 2 PK: 127 Paravakar 2 NSVP: 7 (Chambarak 7) Istiglal: 3 (Vazashen 3) Berdavan 1 Black arrow: 1 (Movses 1) Movses 1 Vazashen 3 Aygehovit 2 Chambarak 1 Yeraskh 1

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

10 August Tavush Region 2 PK: 130 Barekamavan 2 Black arrow: 6 (Barekamavan 6) 11 August Tavush, Ararat, Vayots Dzor Regions 5 AK: 21 Vazashen 2 SVD: 1 1 Paruyr Sevak 1 Barcruni 1 12 August Tavush, Gegharkunik Regions 7 AKM: 21 Vazashen 4 PK: 33 Berkaber 1 SVD: 15 DShK: 20 Berdavan 1 Istiglal: 5 (Pambak 5) Pambak 1 13 August Tavush, Vayots Dzor Regions 3 SVD: 5 Chinari 1 PK: 15 Bardzruni 1 DShK: 6 Gorhayq 1 14 August Gegharkunik, Ararat Regions 4 AK: 68 Geghamasar 1 PK: 80 Jil 1 Paruyr Sevak 1 Yeraskh 1 15 August Tavush, Syunik, Ararat Regions 4 AKM: 18 Paravakar 1 SVD: 3 Aygehovit 1 Kayanavan 1 Bardzruni 1 16 August Tavush, Gegharkunik, Ararat Regions 9 AK: 91 Chinari 6 RPK: 60 Aygedzor 1 SVD: 4 Black Arrow: 3 (Chinari 3) Jil 1 Yeraskh 1 17 August Tavush, Gegharkunik, Ararat Regions 9 AK: 91 Chinari 6 RPK: 60 Aygedzor 1 SVD: 4 Black Arrow: 3 (Chinari 3) Jil 1 Yeraskh 1

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

17 August Tavush, Syunik Regions 5 AK: 1 Chinari 2 PK: 45 Aygepar 1 SVD: 8 Black Arrow: 7 (Tsghuk 7) Berkaber 1 Tsghuk 1 18 August Ararat, Vayots Dzor Regions 2 AK: 15 Paruyr Sevak 1 Bardzuni 1 19 August Tavush, Gegharkunik Regions 7 AK: 30 Aygedzor 2 PK: 105 Chinari 1 SVD: 20 DShK: 42 Aygepar 1 Black Arrow: 35 (Aygedzor 20; Chinari 15) Vazashen 2 Chambarak 1 20 August Tavush, Ararat Regions 11 SVD: 109 Aygedzor 1 PK, RPK: 30 Aygepar 5 Movses 1 Kayan 1 Yeraskh 3 21 August Tavush, Ararat Regions 3 AK: 2 Vazashen 1 PK: 40 Berdavan 1 DShK: 3 Yeraskh 1 22 August Tavush, Vayots Dzor Regions 3 AKM: 6 Chinari 1 RPK: 7 Paravakar 1 SVD: 2 Bardzruni 1 23 August Tavush, Gegharkunik, Syunik Regions AK: 265 Chinari 1 SVD: 7 Aygehovit 1 DShK: 15 Vahan 1 Geghamasar 1 Tsghuk 1 24 August Tavush, Vayots Dzor Regions 7 AK, AKM: 60 Chinari 1 PK, RPK: 13 Aygedzor 1 SVD: 2 Berkaber 1 Bardzruni 4

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

25 August Tavush, Gegharkunik, Syunik Regions 7 AK: 2 Kirants 1 PK: 199 Vazashen 1 SVD: 4 DShK: 4 Baghanis 1 Mortar 60 mm: 1 (Chambarak 1) Chambarak 3 Shaghat 1 26 August Tavush, Syunik Regions 17 AK: 305 Chinari 6 RPK: 50 Aygedzor 1 SVD: 47 NSVP: 10 Aygepar 3 Movses 3 N. Karmiraghbyur 1 Vazashen 2 Agarak 1 27 August Tavush, Ararat Regions 15 AK: 41 Chinari 5 PK: 102 Aygedzor 4 SVD: 4 DShK: 36 Aygepar 1 Paravakar 1 Vazashen 2 Kayan 1 Yersakh 1 28 August Tavush, Vayots Dzor Regions 7 AK: 18 Aygedzor 2 RPK: 32 Chinari 1 Vazashen 2 Baghanis 1 Kndzorut 1 29 August Tavush, Gegharkunik Regions 5 AK: 13 Chinari 3 PK: 10 Paravakar 1 SVD: 7 Black Arrow: 34 (m. Kongur 30; Paravakar 4) m.Kongur 1 30 August Tavush Regions 6 AKM: 33 Chinari 1 PK: 2 N. Karmiraghbyur 1 SVD: 3 DShK: 2 Paravakar 2 Movses 1 Vazashen 1

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

31 August Tavush, Ararat Regions 4 AK: 15 Chinari 1 Aygepar 1 Yeraskh 1 Paruyr Sevak 1

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Annex II to the letter dated 14 October 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the line of contact with the Nagorno Karabakh Republic

3-31 August 2016

Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

3 August On the line of contact between the 24 AK: 269 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 87 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 10 4 August On the line of contact between the 27 AK: 242 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 142 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 45 DShK: 5 5 August On the line of contact between the 31 AK: 248 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 35 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 22 DShK: 4 Istiglal: 25 (Choporlu 25) 6 August On the line of contact between the 14 AK: 242 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 21 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 9 DShK: 60 7 August On the line of contact between the 16 AK: 363 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 308 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 13 DShK: 15 Istiglal: 16 (Nuzger 1; Talish 15) 8 August On the line of contact between the 24 AK: 48 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 92 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 16 DShK: 35 Istiglal: 30 (Nuzger 1; Ashaghi Veysali; 6; Kurapatkino 2; Marzili 13; Verin Chaylu 8) 9 August On the line of contact between the 14 AK, AKM: 107 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 6 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 6 Istiglal: 3 (Seysulan 3)

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

10 August On the line of contact between the 10 AK, AKM: 93 armed forces Nagorno Karabakh PK: 28 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 13 Istiglal: 15 (Mehdehli 5; Gyulistan 10) 11 August On the line of contact between the 18 AK, AKM: 214 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 175 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 2 12 August On the line of contact between the 32 AK, AKM: 260 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 60 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 33 Istiglal: 12 (Mehdehli 2; Korgan 10) 13 August On the line of contact between the 24 AK: 294 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 90 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 12 DShK: 2 Istiglal: 10 (Jraberd 1, Verin Chaylu 9) 14 August On the line of contact between the 10 AK: 30 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 20 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 18 NSVP:15 15 August On the line of contact between the 25 AK, AKM: 527 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 67 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 14 DShK, Utyos: 40 Istiglal: 5 (Mehdili 1, Verin Chaylu 4) 16 August On the line of contact between the 14 AK: 145 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 49 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 14 DShK: 4 Istiglal: 1 (Marzili 1) 17 August On the line of contact between the 16 AK: 186 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 42 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 8 18 August On the line of contact between the 11 AK: 11 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 162 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 30 DShK: 7 19 August On the line of contact between the 17 AK: 183 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 153 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 31 DShK: 10

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

20 August On the line of contact between the 19 AK: 126 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 64 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 6 DShK: 2 Istiglal: 20 (Mehdili 2; Kurapatkino 4; Verin Chaylu 6; Gyulisytan 8) 21 August On the line of contact between the 27 AK: 215 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 114 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 18 DShK, Utyos: 64 22 August On the line of contact between the 11 AK: 135 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 164 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 14 DShK: 46 23 August On the line of contact between the 22 AK: 195 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 62 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 4 DShK, Utyos: 29 Istiglal: 3 (Korgan 3) 24 August On the line of contact between the 19 AK: 282 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 54 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 15 DShK, Utyos: 9 25 August On the line of contact between the 23 AK: 291 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 100 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 10 DShK, Utyos, NSVP: 59 26 August On the line of contact between the 23 AK: 218 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 268 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 77 Istiglal: 22 (Yusifjanli 1; Kurapatkino 11; m.Gyamish 10) 27 August On the line of contact between the 17 AK: 189 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 74 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 3 DShK: 3 Istiglal: 1 (Mehdili 1) 28 August On the line of contact between the 15 AK: 203 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 107 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 9 DShK: 20 Istiglal: 16 (Mehdili 12; Horadiz 4)

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Date Direction Incidents Type of weapons/shots

29 August On the line of contact between the 17 AK: 96 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 174 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 13 Istiglal: 2 (Nuzger 2) 30 August On the line of contact between the 18 AK: 41 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 37 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 5 Istiglal: 10 (Seysulan 5; Talish 1; Verin Chaylu 4) 31 August On the line of contact between the 17 AK: 148 armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh PK: 14 Republic and Azerbaijan SVD: 34 Istiglal: 4 (Nuzger 1; Seysulan 3)

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