Monster Girl Adventures Narrator Notes and Other Things Book

By: Notepad Anon Original Source Material By: Kenkou Cross (KC) This Page is Left Blank Table of Contents

Order Campaigns 1 Senpai! Love Me! 3 The Eras of Monster Girls 4 Firearm Combat 7 Corruption Effects 8 For the Corrupted 9 Rise Above the Rest: Heroes 10 Knight 11 Magician 12 Cleric 13 Ranger 14 Bard 15 Monk 16 Hitokiri 17 Inquisitor 18 One Hero, Ultimate Destiny 20 Encounters of a Salacious Kind 21 Variations of Monster Girls 22 Zipangu 22 Wonderland 23 Undead 23 Sabbath 24 Notepad’s Notes on Running a Game 25 Love, Sex, and Fucking 26 Love: The Sweetest Poison 27 Fire the Canon, no, no, the OTHER CANON! 28 A Well-Balanced Diet 28 Gather Your Party Before Continuing 29 Consistently Consistent Constantly 30 Touch Fluffy Tail 30 The Elephant in the Room 31 Forbidden Love (!) 32 The Sliding Scale of Hope and Hopelessness 33 Realpolitik 34 Reality Rape and You 35 Order Campaigns

教団 冒険

Perhaps one of the best-suited types of campaigns for the uninitiated into MGE's strange setting, the Order is the monolithic organization that acts as a bastion against the Demonic threat, they worship the Chief God which grants their Heroes and Servants power to fight evil wherever it may rear its head. A pretty average set up for a party would be three to four heroes of the Order have assembled to deal with threat A or B, deal with it. However, the Order is never really explained past what's needed (mostly being the "Bad Guy '' in the face of Monster Lovin). So, if you're thinking of an Order game, consider these interpretations of the Not! Christian force of the Order

The Order is the Catholic Church Japan has always had a weird relationship to the Catholic faith, maybe due to native Shintoism, maybe due to a culture of being able to do more than one thing, or the two nuclear bombs dropped on them. Japan has made the Catholic Church into this strange organization that is like a Shinto shrine, except with Gothic architecture and habits. The Order is no different, it's a vast powerhouse that has an ever-present and dangerous presence felt throughout the natural world. They are adherents to the Chief God and they won't falter in their holy quest to slay monsters and put an end to their dangerous reign. They control information and spread "white lies" to the populace about their loved ones.

The Order is the Military Branch of the Anime Catholic Church The Order is something more akin to a multinational military organization rather than an organized faith, while the Church itself has power. The fact it can muster the Order's forces as a powerful blunt force weapon against those that displease it gives the Order and its Heroes quite a bit of clout. A game with this kind of Order is a lot more politically driven, as the balance of power between the Sword of the Chief God and the Body of the Faith are constantly at odds about the best way to use their forces.

Prussia by Leaf (Pixiv ID 760095)

1 The Order is a Secretive Kill Squad of the Faith The Order acts more like a combination of the Knights Templar and KGB in the application, eliminating threats to the Faith and its people before it can truly escalate. This Order is dangerous in its deniability, as they are deployed to hot zones to deal with the problem as quickly and efficiently as they physically can. This Order is dangerous as it is effective, and also the first one of these to accept Monsters who are willing to listen to the rules. Being used as a Monster Girl Shaped Missile with three handlers is a decent party set-up.

The Order is a Blanket Term for Different Faiths An Order church would be more like saying a "Christian" church, while the same basic tenants exist there are dozens, if not hundreds, of separate factions, sects, orders, and interpretations that all enjoy the uniform faith of the Chief God. This is probably the easiest method to facilitate stories and Characters from, as there may be something like the "Red Order" which act as something more akin to Radical Faith Militants who would rather detonate themselves then get raped, and something like the "Blue Order" which is pretty open to Monster-Human relationships should the Monsters pay the correct tithes to keep it within the faith.

The Order is a Cult of Morons and Incompetents KC does not like the Order, he's stated a few times that he wishes to simply remove them entirely due to their insinuations and not meshing with the world he's created anymore. Instead, the "default' assumption of the Order (referred to as Kyodan ( 教 団 ) which is a phrase associated with Cult-like behavior) is that they are blubbering buffoons who can barely manage to survive let alone deal with the threats presented. Possibly because of Mamano infiltration, possibly because of their own sheer incompetence Playing a campaign with this Order is a task more in managing the stupidity and chaos of the situation, rather than being a "serious" game in

) any sense of the word. While they may not ALL be A

D this way, definitely the leadership is. (

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c i n o t u e T 2 Senpai! Love Me!


Senpai Love Me is a thing I wrote a few years back for a 500-word RPG Challenge, while I did not win that competition, but I did keep my notes on it, only for it to be re-revealed now. Senpai, who I will be referring to as the MC from now on, in this case, would be a single GM Created or Player Controlled Character who is the focus of a Monster Girl that the players will be a part of. The MC’s primary goal is to play an oblivious Character getting into all sorts of danger to save the world, as his Monster Girl harem all desperately try to make MC-kun their one-and-only. Every harem member player picks an aspect about the MC, these are absolutely true and can be physical, mental, social, or supernatural (Athletic, Intelligent, Kind, and Resistant to Corruption). Every Character will be competing for this generic piece of man meat as they struggle against his enemies as well as themselves for his (rather oblivious) love. If the MC is being controlled by the Narrator, he should be a relative every man, bar some impressive or unique aspect about him that sets him apart from the others. If a Player is controlling the MC, inform him that, yes, he will be fawned over, and yes, his opinions on matters will affect how his Monster Girl harem reacts. Encourage the player to act as dense as possible and never reciprocate any love by the girls, as “they’re just really good friends” or “She just likes hugs.”















































3 The Eras of Monster Girls モンスターガールの時代

Monster Girl Encyclopedia assumes its setting to be a relatively simple medieval-ish world where swords are practical, the church is powerful, and incestuous peasants are ever-present. However, sometimes that isn't necessarily the most appealing setting for Monster Girls, sometimes people want something a tad more advanced. Industrial Monster Girls Industrialism and Colonialism, for the Chief God and Country the world has advanced to the point of Metropolis and the exploitation of the lower class. With industrialism comes a few things that the errant Monster Girl and Monster Loving Husband need to account for. The largest fact is that there are finally urban centers large enough to account for millions of people, the smog of factories make once hard-to-come-by products ubiquitous, and it also means that the "Adventurer" has been phased out. The Church and in turn the Order still have significant sway over the people, but the fact is that with the advancement of technology a majority of the "death incarnate" Monsters can be dealt with by virtue of cannons, rifles, and full-on cavalry charges. The more civilized monsters integrate with the City-States with ease, with Centaur Cavalry being terrifying shock troops, Goblin Hordes taking over factory floors to work the smaller components, Dwarven businesswomen being the terrifying industrial magnates that you could think of, Succubi Madames work hole-in-the-wall brothels for the desperate men returning from the factories. Is monsterization still a problem? Of course, but with advances in medicines and arcane knowledge, more children survive into adulthood leading to a population boom of the Uncorrupted and Corrupted Races. The largest problem affecting society is that being "outside" the prefab buildings and being unable to adapt properly leads to social isolation. Larger monsters often find themselves unable to work and their husbands barely able to afford a suitable home for them, while in the slums unmarried monster girls stalk drunks and wayward travelers to slake their lust on. Entire sections of the city are little more than control zones for the oversized and undersexed monsters. Which leads to the newest duty of the Order, pest control. The Order's no longer the heroic figures who hold back the darkness, but instead the fools who dive right into it to make sure it doesn't affect everyone else. A handful of Order Knights may go into poor sections of town to establish law and order, while another batch may be leading an investigation on illegal procurement of Refined Succubus Hair that the nobles snort. This is all between more mortal threats, as the fires of the industry grow so does the desire of men and women to have more say in their government, but old tensions among the governments of the world start to heat up, with men sharpening blades and producing rifles by the hundreds. Games set in the Industrial Monster Girl Revolution are primarily about solving the problems of the “Society” rather than the “Characters.” It’s being a batch of Order Knights stopping a cell of Goblin Communists from bombing a factory or being Sherlock Succubus and her dashing friends in the case of the missing Husbando.

4 Modern Monster Girls The largest departure and probably the comfiest of the settings, a Modern rendition of the MGE's setting is a world not unlike our own, but dealing with the ever-encroaching threat of a major population crisis as the population for both Corrupted and Uncorrupted individuals start to fall drastically. This may seem like an amazing feat of mathematics, but the more of a thing you take away without adding more of it makes it so there is less of the thing over time. The "thing" in this Galaxy Brain equation is Men, there are fewer men in the world by this point in MGE that not even the Chief God or Demon Lord can replace their losses fast enough. While things are better than ever, with Monsters mostly integrated with the Uncorrupted Races in cities and nations across the world, progress has brought stagnation. While the Corrupted Races may have a dozen children, the Uncorrupted can only manage a handful before a financial strain and mental strain becomes too much no matter how many government incentive programs. Girls are so plentiful that they've taken over as the majority workforce in a majority of situations, with powerfully built Orcs in the factory, Succubus CEO's, and Hellhound Spec-Ops troopers engaging with each other in nightmarish realms on the edge of the map. Men are needed, no, required by law to be protected. Murdering a woman is bad, but murdering a man is a sure-fire way of finding yourself at the wrong end of a Monstergirl lynch mob. With government protection comes perks, such as being effectively treated as the top of the metaphorical food chain in regards to education and job opportunities. The catch is simple, the governments want to keep tabs on their wonderful investments and as such, being a man is effectively a sure-fire way to be monitored 24/7 by the government. You're no longer a person, you're an asset of the state in some places, in the most totalitarian states, when you’re old enough you'll be assigned a human wife, along with 2 to 3 Monster Girl wives to keep happy. This state of affairs isn't perfect, while the Demon Lord is struggling with science and magic to produce boys (with only a few, incredibly expensive and delicate, successes) while some governments have started dedicating more research into cloning tech, others are starting to dip their hands into genetic manipulation and designer babies. All of this is sometimes opposed and other times supported by the remnants of the Order, who take on more a Westboro Baptist Church affair, regarding the monsterization of society as the Chief God's punishment (Even if she's still scrambling to fix the issue). Adventures in a modern MGE is about personal struggles or military engagements, with adventures involving Arachne Bond and her coterie of deniable assets solving the crisis of men being kidnapped by Loli terrorists or a military squad's journey to the Demon Kingdom to save Col. Walda Kurtz who has supposedly gone fully insane from the horrors of a never-ending war for men.

Hellhound and Tanker by Luth

5 Science Fiction Monster Girls Less a "Continuation" MGE-verse and more a re-imagining Space is big, there are trillions of people, millions of planets, and everything else with big numbers at the end of it. However, a space-based MGE kicks the "Nightmarish Hellscape Oh God Stop the Rape" into next gear. Monster Girl warships invade planets, the Order is less a church of more akin to the Ecclesiarchy from Warhammer 40K, a vast and monolithic organization dedicated to saying "STOP THAT" to the unwashed masses. While a majority of monster girls would integrate gracefully, you end up with some pretty horrifying moments when you realize that these are just "races" in the grand scheme of things, but the Demonic Infection perpetuated by the Space Demon Lord just cuts off the ability to produce men and drives all the women into horny overdrive. Entire planets fall into horrific orgies wherein two to three generations most vestiges of civilization are burnt to the ground as the Demonic Fleets pick up the survivors to hot-drop them on another Rape World to be. Its gender-based biological warfare, it's terrifying at best and it still manages to be uncomfortable when you think how easy it is to wipe out a sentient species by having their own people rape it to death. The best way of thinking about what this could look like is if the Asari from Mass Effect had a Male counterpart early in their development, but the infection hit and bam, men evaporated as they are just bred out of existence. While Asari women are able to have relations with anything, the actual product of two Asari women ends up as something more akin to a death machine capable of killing anything they have sex with. Now picture that on an even larger scale. Space MGE is trying to stop the inevitable, fighting with the Uncorrupted Races to stop the galaxy from collapsing on itself in a lust-filled disaster. The group's adventures are more like Mass Effect 2 or the Original Star Trek in tone, fighting off the monster (ha) of the week and blasting the Demon Lord's minions to smithereens before they can institute another Orgy Bomb on a planet. That isn't even dealing with things like the Sabbath who act more like Space Jihadists who can turn planets into Loli Loving Mind Slaves. Man, fuck space.




































6 Firearm Combat


Firearms come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few key things about them. All Weapons have a magazine capacity which represents how long until they are forced to use an action to reload. A Character can use their Fire Rate in bullets to either increase their To-Hit Bonus or may fire that many shots downrange, reducing their To-Hit bonus for each “Attack” being made. To-Hit Magazine Firearms Damage Fire Rate SD Tags Bonus Capacity

Kinetic Rifle +1d6 4d6 30 10 4 Kinetic Energy Rifle 0 5d6 25 5 4 Energy Heavy Kinetic Rifle 0 3d6 250 15 6 Kinetic, Heavy Heavy Energy Rifle -1d6 4d6 200 20 6 Energy, Heavy High Caliber Rifle +1d6 5d6 10 1 7 Kinetic, Scoped High Energy Rifle 0 6d6 20 1 7 Energy, Scoped Kinetic SMG +2d6 1d6 30 20 3 Kinetic Energy SMG +1d6 2d6 25 15 3 Energy Kinetic Handgun +2d6 1d6 6 2 3 Kinetic, Concealable, Handheld Energy Handgun +1d6 2d6 6 1 3 Energy, Concealable, Handheld

For purposes of “Modern” versus “Sci-Fi” guns, a Kinetic variant is the most accurate. So If you want a Monster Girl with an M16, give her a Kinetic Rifle.

Tag Tag Effect Effect Name Name

The weapon can be aimed for a +2d6 The weapon takes a turn to set up and another Scoped Heavy every round. round to pick back up. The weapon is a ballistic weapon and usually Fueled The weapon requires fuel to operate. Kinetic cheap. This weapon is energy based and will The weapon can effectively be used with one Energy disrupt electronics and shielding it Handheld hand. strikes.

7 Corruption Effects


Corruption is a dangerous thing now, isn't it? Slowly and steadily having your mind be replaced with a lustful and animalistic drive could send some people over the edge, or worse. As the Uncorrupted Character's Corruption rises their mind is slowly and steadily replaced by something more malignant. Oftentimes, this is focused on the monstrous creature corrupting them, but some universal features to take note of are as follows. The Loss of “You” Slowly and steadily an Uncorrupted Character monsterizing starts having the "them" replaced by this new persona. A Character who is undergoing monsterization is constantly at odds with themselves and their "new" self. A pure maiden suddenly having bad thoughts as her Corruption rises, only to be dumped during the week, is a good example. A more complex example is a Sir Knight being slowly corrupted by his Hellhound Waifu, his godly intentions and good nature being slowly replaced by the instinctual killing intent that his gal pal embeds into him.

A Deep Hunger Uncorrupted Characters in the process of monsterization want energy and they want a lot of it as their bodies slowly and steadily "prepare" themselves to monsterize. At first, it may be something simple like food, while everyone has their single serving, the Character may down two or three servings to quench this "hunger" building inside of them. Soon this "hunger" extends to other things. A Character in the process of monsterization may just want to have sex more often (which their partner may be more than willing or not so willing) or want to inflict the maximum amount of damage to the enemy to keep that bloodlust at bay. This hunger should give a good idea of what monster the person will turn into, the worst-case scenario is when multiple energies start mingling, forcing the hunger to fall into sometimes mutually exclusive things. Beacons in the Night An Uncorrupted Character who has the "taint" of Corruption is a beacon to those looking for it, for good or bad. The Order's detectors may be scanning every "Hero" who comes in for traces of demonic magic or a Sabbath Sorcerer may start stalking the Character because of their aura. This power can lead to allies finding the Character in desperate situations or lead the enemy straight to them. The higher this corruption builds the brighter this metaphorical beacon becomes. Never Quite the Same An Uncorrupted Character is on the cusp of monsterization, they act as a foil to their lover, they hunger day in and day out, and they are a torch in the darkness for those looking, but then they get better. That near monsterized experience lessens and they vent everything back to 0. They're "back" but something is "off" about them. They become a shell of themselves, they aren't nearly as ambitious or hungry as before, and they fade into the background. The biggest problem an Uncorrupted Character faces when on the cusp of monsterization is losing all of it, the sensation, the feelings, and the power that comes along with it. They're "Normal" after being on the edge of interesting.

8 For the Corrupted For the Corrupted Races, increasing their Corruption is a double-edged sword. One one hand increasing it increases their own power, allowing them to grow stronger and stronger, rolling a bucket of dice for success. On the other hand, they're always edging toward that inevitable collapse, becoming little more than a beast driven by their own instincts. Corruption for Monster Girls should be the difference between being a MONSTER girl and a monster GIRL. The lower the corruption value the more human and "friendly" the MG actually is, they things like empathy and can get along fairly well in human society, hell they may be even considered valuable assets of a community. With their lower corruption, the MG is acting more like the girl part of their name, they act human and are able to rationalize "Human things are good things" as they seek their husband. The higher corruption MG's emphasize the monstrous nature a bit more. These MG's are beasts who happen to look like girls, they're ferocious and driven by a mixture of primal instinct and demonic sexual drive. The MG wants to mate, hunt, and eat, little more, little else. These MG's are the one the Orders puts on posters declaring "Hide Your Maidens" or "Keep the Boys Safe.”

Original Piece by Regura Side Note: Mechanical Effects of Corruption Use these rules if you want to display the slow and dangerous fall into depravity that monsterizing brings to a person.

● The Loss of "You" - For every point of Corruption, the Character's Willpower is reduced by 1. ● The Hunger - The Character has a "hunger" that must be fed to keep going, this hunger can be just about anything, but everyday they don't indulge in it, you roll 1 less die for every action. ● The Beacon - The Character can be detected by their tainted aura with a (10 - COR) versus BRV + INV or SCH + ARC check. ● Never the Same - Whenever the Character would gain Corruption, they gain double up to their last amount (Character had 5 Corruption and it was vented, they gain double corruption until they get to 5 Corruption).

● The New You - The Character is able to roll their Corruption as the Corrupted Races are able to. ● Satiated - When the Character indulges in their hunger, they roll +1 die for the scene. ● With Friends Like These - The Character adds their Corruption value to any BRV checks against Corrupted individuals

9 Rise above the Rest: Heroes 教団 冒険

Heroes are made, not born. When a member of the Uncorrupted amasses enough mana and receives a blessing by one of the Uncorrupted Gods they become a Hero. A Hero is a mortal that is fully able to stand against the Demon Realm armies and strike back against the encroaching rape train. While Heroes can still fall, their threshold is far higher to absorb the Demon Energy, allowing them to wade into the most dangerous realms with sword in hand, and emerge unchanged. When Creating an Uncorrupted Character, the Narrator may opt to start with a Heroic class already chosen or an Uncorrupted Character can "Purchase" a Class by spending 10 Experience. When the Character chooses their Class, they are unable to switch out of it. Once chosen the Character may spend 3 XP to purchase a new Heroic Feature in their particular class.

Battle Artwork from The One Ring by Cubicle 7

10 Knight Heroic Soldiers of the Realms of the Uncorrupted, wading into the breach with Order forged weapons and swinging madly to bring low the monstrous threat. A Knight is hardy and unbreakable, only being stopped after wading knee deep in the blood of their foes.

● +2 Melee or +2 Athletics Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● Armor Mastery - The Knight reduces the Armor Penalty by 2 for Armor. ● Bulwark - The Knight’s skill with a shield is legendary, they ignore the penalty to wielding a shield. ● Didn't Feel a Thing - The Knight gains +4 to their No Wounds tier of Health ● Hero's Weapon - The Knight owns a unique weapon with +1 Damage and an additional Tag. ● Into the Breach - The Knight gains a +1 to Initiative Rolls, so brave! ● Knightly Honor - The Knight gains +2 Willpower, they'll never surrender! ● Power Attack - The Knight’s strikes are especially devastating, they deal +2 Damage with a melee weapon ● Refusal to Die - The Knight gains +1 to all of their Health Tiers.

Grail Knights from Warhammer Fantasy by Games Workshop

11 Magician The Powerful Magicians of the Uncorrupted unleash devastating spells across the battlefield in terrifying displays of power and magical energy. Straddling the line of power and madness, A Magician is still a valuable asset in the war against the Demon Realm, as they are the few entities able to combat Sabbath Magicians.

● +2 Academics or +2 Arcane Knowledge or Personal Skill: Magic (SCH) Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● Blink - The Magician has become proficient in a short distance teleportation maneuver, they are able to move 1 SD. ● Debuffer - The Magician is able to cast Status Ailments on opponents, the Magician’s MAG Skill is the direct value. The value for success is equal to the Target’s Attribute being targeted ● Elemental Affinity - The Magician has become proficient in an elemental school of magic, allowing them to augment their spells with that specific Element. (This can be taken multiple times).

● Magic Warrior - The Magician has been training to wield their magic in battle, the Wizard may cast spells while within an enemies threat range without provoking a free attack. ● Pain Mage - The Magician ignores Wound Penalties Black Mage from Final Fantasy XIV when Casting. by ● Push it to the Limit - The Magician may add a success to any Magic Check by sacrificing 3 Wounds. This can be done for as many Successes as the Magician has Health. ● Utility Magic - The Magician has been practicing their non-offensive magic, they gain a +2 to SCH rolls when using magic outside of combat.

12 Clerics Clerics are the few of the Uncorrupted that take the word pure to a whole new level, strong and unbreakable, a Cleric has learned the healing arts of the Faith and are the beacons of the Order in the darkest parts of the realm. A battle Cleric wades into the demonic menace, swinging their weapon with a righteous fury matched only by their zeal for their God.

● +2 Words or Personal Skill: Faith (SCH) Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● Endurance - The Cleric’s natural Endurance allows him to Regen BOD rounds once a Combat ● Refuse - The Cleric’s hearty refusal to go down lets them roll a 1d6 when they are affected by a Status Ailment, on a 4 or higher, they shake it off. ● Under Pressure - The Cleric adds +2d to all Actions when at Serious Wounds or Lower. ● Not my First Rodeo - The Cleric does not take Wound Penalties. ● Blessed Words - The Cleric calls aid upon a single party member, they apply the Blessed Status Effect for SCH turns.

● Healing Words - The Cleric may instantly heal the wounds of their comrades equal to the Cleric’s SCH - COR. ● Medicinal Training - The Cleric has had to patch themselves up repeatedly, they gain +2d to Medicine Checks. Cleric Girl from Lime Odyssey - The Chronicles of ORTA by “Glpi”

13 Rangers Rangers are the pioneers and trailblazers of Order expeditions into demonic corrupted realms, with bow and blade, these hardy men and women refuse to bow down to the natural world with ease. While other Heroic dispositions have strict combat or social applications, the Ranger is a jack of all trades, able to stand with any group as a bastion of skill and determination.

● +2 Outdoorsman or +2 Ranged Weapons or +2 Stealth Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● Between the Eyes - The Ranger's sight and aim has improved significantly, they gain a +2 to strike with a Ranged Weapon. ● Fleet Footed - The Ranger's skill at running through the woods has made them quick to react, they add their +REF to Initiative. ● Point Blank Shot - The Ranger's skill with a bow leaves them unphased in battle, they cannot be attacked in retaliation while in an enemies melee threat zone while using a ranged weapon. ● Intimidating Aura - The Ranger exudes a threatening aura around them, Characters are naturally fearful of their wrath and they deal +2 Sidewinder Female Gran from Willpower Damage. Granblue Fantasy ● Hide - The Ranger can quickly disappear in an engagement, they can move 1 SD away from a monster without retaliation. ● I Know Just the Trick - The Ranger marks an enemy for SCH rounds, all allies gain a +2 to strike that specific enemy. ● Skill Monkey - The Ranger is far from a one-trick pony, once a session they may add their BOD or SCH to any Skill Check.

14 Bards Some among the Order would scoff at including those blessed by the muses to be included among their divine ranks, however the Bards of the Uncorrupted are some of the few able to match the Corrupted Races in their own game. Able to assist and praise their allies, a Bard's true strength lies in their steely resolve and incorruptible spirit that drives them forward (repeatedly).

● +2 Words or +2 Networking or Personal Skill: Words (Seduction) Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● All Together Now - The Bard hypes up their allies, all Characters add +1 to all their Actions for the Bard's BRV. ● Keep the Beat - The Bard can maintain a solid beat, they add their SCH to rolls involving the creation of Music or Performance. ● Step It Up - The Bard gets pumped, they cast Haste on themselves for BRV turns. ● Inexplicably Attractive - The Bard is incredibly attractive to the other gender, they gain a +2 to Social Combat Checks against them. ● It's the Hands - The Bard is incredibly attractive to the same gender, they gain a +2 to Social Combat Checks against them. ● Paladick - The Bard, regardless of gender, only gains 1 COR through any event. ● Heavenly Soliloquy - The Bard may add their COR to resist Social Combat checks against them.

Elf Bard by Ernesto Irawan (Artstation)

15 Monks Some train their minds, some train the body, but the real Monks of the Order who receive the blessings from on high are those who train body, mind, and spirit to confront the evil of the world with reckless abandon. Using their bodies as a weapon, the Uncorrupted Monks turn any unprepared combatant into little more than a bleeding mess.

● +2 Athletics or Personal Skill: Melee (Martial Arts) Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● Oni Body - The Monk's body has become hardened by training and work, they add +2 Armor when they wear no armor. This may be taken multiple times. ● Speak No Evil - The Monk may punch with the ferocious power of the wind, The Target is afflicted with Silence for BOD turns. ● Stone Fist - The Monk's expert training and ability has allowed his fists to deal +2 Damage. This may be taken multiple times. ● Engine of Destruction - The Monk can maneuver and attack in the same turn. ● Spear Fist - The Monk’s fists now have the Piercing (2) Tag. ● Bloody Fist of the Lights - The Monk’s fists now have the Gory Tag.

God Hand Concept Art from God Hand by Clover Studios

16 Hitokiri Native to the Zipangu region, the original Hitokiri are the exiled members of the Shinobi clans that inhabit the region, forsaking their heritage after the Demon Lord's influence spread, the newest Hitokiri are trained in the art of stealth, subterfuge, and outright violence against monsterkind. The Hitokiri are the silent arm of the Order in the far corners of the world, carrying out dangerous suicidal missions by throwing themselves head first into violence.

● +2 Stealth or +2 Athletics Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● Venom Strike - The Hitokiri coats their weapon in poisons, afflicting the [Poison] Status Ailment to an enemy. [Poison] is equal to the Shinobi’s SCH. ● Log Substitution - The Hitokiri quickly replaces themselves with a log, moving up to 2 SD away without incurring a free attack. ● Master at Stealth - The Hitokiri may double their Stealth Skill die for Stealth Checks. ● Shinobi Strike - The Hitokiri’s sneak attacks add two extra Successes to the damage. ● Hayabusa School of Violence - The Hitokiri is allowed to attack two separate targets per round, such violence! ● Critical Strike - The Hitokiri goes for a distinct and devastating strike against an opponent, they are unable to defend themselves next round, but add their Melee Skill twice to their attack. ● Rules of Nature - The Hitokiri’s near perfect agility and reflexes reduces the difficulty of Acrobatic or Athletic Reflex Checks by 2 Steps.

















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17 Inquisitor Few strike true fear into the hearts of men and monsters as an Inquisitor coming to town, with steely gaze and a heart of dreadful zeal, the Uncorrupted fear not evil while under the watchful eyes of the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor needs not resort to violence, but is able to bite with steel just as much as with steely words, few would dare oppose them, and much less would attempt to challenge them.

● +2 Investigation, +2 Words, or +2 Networking Choose 1 Heroic Feature ● By My Command - The Inquisitor’s authoritative voice can issue orders, the Party gains a +2d6 when acting on these orders (such as attacking a monster, holding something shut, or performing another action). ● Noble Authority - The Inquisitor’s name carries a large degree of weight in society, they add +2d6 for interactions among the Uncorrupted. ● I Know this Song and Dance - The Inquisitor is graceful and easily understands people, and when to stab them, they gain a +1 to Initiative. ● Animosity - The Inquisitor gives all Allies within 2 SD a +1 to their Damage. ● I SAID CEASE - The Inquisitor can immediately deal their BRV in Social Combat Damage to their Opponent to shut them down. ● A Special Mix of Psychology and Violence - The Inquisitor may roll Investigation in addition to their Ranged/Melee for attacks. ● The Emissary of the Order - The Inquisitor will always have lodging and respect of those in the Faith, whether they like it or not.

Bloody Saltzpyre by Mr. Envy Reloaded ()

18 Side Note: That word called OPTIONAL These classes are totally optional, they are not balanced in the slightest by any means, Jesus Paladick makes an entire section of the rules irrelevant. If a Narrator wants to add in the unbreakable champions of the realm, nothing is going to stop them, but it also determines what kind of game you're going for. Don't hesitate to tweak or edit these as needed.

Wilmarina Noscrim by KC Mersé Dascaros by KC

Side Note: I'm the Hero, so what?! So you want to buff heroes up even more? Alright, pick and choose friends!

● Incorruptible - The Corruption threshold is increased by +5 for both Men and Women ● Refusal to Fall - Heroes vent double their regular amount of Corruption for each time, meaning that Corruption rarely sticks. ● Blessed by the Winds of Magic - Heroes are able to use Magic Equipment and Demonic Artifacts far more readily, gaining that Corruption every other day, rather than every day. ● Willful - Heroes Willpower is +5 ● The Champions of the Order - The Order has a vested interest in keeping their Heroes upright and standing, they're welcome in any Order-controlled stronghold or location without question. ● God's on Speedial - The Heroes have a direct connection to the deity who granted them favor and blessed them, prayer 19 often leads to fairly detailed answers. One Hero, Ultimate Destiny 一人の英雄、究極の運命

An often precarious situation is that the Narrator may be only able to secure a single Character to go on an adventure (or only want that single Character). When this occurs, rather than attempting to create a Character from scratch, consider using the following rules.

Uncorrupted Characters ● 12 Attribute Points ● 25 Skill Points ● Three Personal Skills ● Hero Class

Corrupted Characters ● 16 Attribute Points ● 15 Skill Points ● One Personal Skill ● Four Monstrous Features

Druella by KC

A Solo Character has around 30 XP above the traditional Character for both Corrupted and Uncorrupted Variants, outside of that, all rules are similar. When running a solo game consider minimizing the use of Minions or if you do use them, make sure they don't overwhelm the Character based on pure numbers. If you'd like to further increase the power of the Solo Hero, consider using a handful of the modifiers below.

● Heroic Resolve - The Character does not suffer from Wound Penalties ● Hardy - The Character has a +2 to all Health Tiers ● Incorruptible - The Character only gains half the amount of Corruption they normally would. ● Action Hero - The Character has two actions per turn. ● (Corrupted Only) Instinctual Senses - The Character starts with 3 Ranks in the "Instinct" Personal Skill. ● (Uncorrupted Only) The Order Protects - The Character has access to a piece of Equipment that is Magical and does not generate Corruption.

20 Encounters of a Salacious Kind 性的出会い

There will come points when the Heroes will have sex and like it or not, having sex is a pretty important part of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world. When two characters clash in the sheets two things can occur.

The Fade to Black - The classic fade to black is the most powerful tool in your arsenal as a GM, its as easy as it sounds. Seriously. This is the equivalent of a coup-de-gras in a fight. "Sexual Combat" - If the term "roll for pleasure" is something that seriously needs to be said, consult the bottom rules for the sake of completeness. Sexual Cumbat When two characters have sex, the goal is Characters who are "Making Love" less to "win" but more to "have control" over the ● BOD can be used to reduce Health encounter. It's the difference between a mating ● All Attributes can be used to reduce Willpower press and the amazon press, who has control of ● Characters gain a String with one another the situation and who gets to decide what Characters who are "Having Sex" happens afterward. When engaged in such an ● BOD, REF, or COR can be used to reduce encounter there are two ways of victory, Health. reducing an opponent's Willpower to 0 or ● BRV, SCH, or COR can be used to reduce reducing their Health to 0. Reducing Willpower Willpower is the act of bending and twisting the will of the Characters who are "Fucking" Character to your will while reducing Health is ● All Attributes can be used to reduce Health just wearing out the other to the point of "giving ● BRV can be used to reduce Willpower up." Both will render the "losing" part helpless to ● Characters lose a String with one another the assault of the other. Now how do you approach this? Rather Uncorrupted Characters are allowed to add than turns or anything like that, Characters have two attributes together, while Corrupted to roll against each other using their Attributes Characters may use their Corruption normally (and any relevant skills) to deal with their Characters who are approaching the differences in damage to Willpower or Health to situation differently (An Incubus just wants to have one another. The Character with the most sex, while the village maiden he's seduced is Willpower starts the "round" by choosing what making Love") then their category applies to them. attributes they will be rolling and what they will For example, a Hero confronts a Harpy who is be targeting, forcing their "opponent" to contest refusing to let him pass unless they have sex with against it. This does lead to situations where a them, the Hero (reluctantly of course) agrees. The physically powerful individual can be brought Hero is having SEX while the Harpy is convinced low by a willful opponent or a noodly opponent they're making LOVE. The Harpy can only roll getting that broken pelvis faster than anticipated. BOD to reduce the Hero's health, or they can roll Whoever's "Turn" it is determined what the next any Attribute to reduce their Willpower. The Hero bout will be with. is allowed to reduce the Harpy's Health by BOD What these are dealt with by is and REF, or the Harpy's Willpower with BRV and determined by the Character's perspective on the SCH. other, determining if they are Making Love, 21 Having Sex, or Fucking. Variations of Monster Girls モンスターガールズのバリエーション

Throughout the world are a variety of Monster Girls, from far off regions, different backgrounds, or even ideological differences. To reflect the various types and variations of Monster Girls, the following are a series of "Templates" to apply over a Corrupted Character at Character Creation or Corruption. Each is composed of a change to their Instinct Skill, representing differences in thought processes, as well as a benefit and problem associated with being from the area or having that background. Zipangu Shrouded in the lands of the East, the Zipangu region is one that falls outside of the Chief God's holy domain, far from the influence of the Order. As a result, as the Demonic Energy corrupts various species of Monsters, most have begun to integrate fully into society. Most Mamano find themselves in a position of both authority and responsibility in this exotic land, for better or for worse. ● Instinctual Change (Status) - Zipangu Mamano are beholden to many things, one of them being their inherent status in society. Keeping face, asserting dominion, and keeping the lesser people in check are all responsibilities of a noble Mamano, but many will also come to them to fix their problems. ● Boon (Acceptance) - Zipangu Mamano are more easily accepted in society than those from territories controlled by the Order, as a result, the Character gains a +1d6 to all BRV checks when interacting with Uncorrupted natives in the area. ● Bane (Honor) - Zipangu Mamano are expected to maintain civility and keep face against adversity. Zipangu Mamano who lose face, act dishonorably, or find themselves the target of a smear campaign increase their Nekomata by KC Corruption by 1.

22 Wonderland A Demon Realm unlike any other, ruled by the mad Queen of Hearts, a Lilim of excess power and depravity. Her reality warping powers along with a host of creatures of various stages of madness has created a realm of both whimsy and chaos. Many find themselves in the twisted corridors and maddening locales, only to be lost, or find themselves at strange tea parties.

● Instinctual Change (Madness) - All natural inhabitants, and most of those who dwell too long, are corrupted not by an instinctual desire, but an insatiable madness. This madness manifests differently for each individual, allowing it to be employed in a variety of insane and chaotic ways. ● Boon (Paradoxical Existence) - Those who reside in Wonderland often find themselves in a series of strange events and stranger company. This combination of paradoxes and strange occurrences allow the Character to not increase their Corruption when they use their Corruption for rolls. ● Bane (Mind Over Matter) - Wonderland is a place tainted by the unreal and mind bending magics, Characters from Wonderland are Mad Hatter by KC similarly tainted by this fact. Characters from Wonderland do not gain Strings with other Characters unless that Character has a String with them Undead Death is an unfortunate and looming issue for many of the world, an unavoidable spectre that wishes nothing more than to bring entropy to all. Some souls do not properly crossover, becoming undead monstrosities that feast upon spirit energy and the flesh of the living (sometimes).

● Instinctual Change (Hunger) - The Undead are rarely sated in any way, the usual instinctive reflexes and abilities are quickly replaced by a gnawing sense of hunger and despair that comes from it. Husbands of the Undead frequently must "feed" their wives to keep them both "healthy" and "happy" lest they go on a rampage to sate their hunger. ● Boon (Feel No Pain) - Being dead has a few benefits, one of which is absence of the ability to feel pain in a physical sense. The Undead don't take any penalties when injured. ● Bane (Stitched Together) - The Undead, being dead, do not not heal naturally, they require significant upkeep in the form of necromantic magic or simply a good stitching kit. An Undead Ghoul by KC Character does not heal naturally, they instead must be treated, restoring 1 Wound for each Success.

23 Sabbath Part religious organization, part sex cult, and part magical school. The Sabbath is a series of organizations dedicated to the pursuit of power through magic, enchantment, and alchemy. Each Sabbath branch is controlled by a Baphomet who runs the particular organization as well as organizes its efforts and allies.

● Instinctual Change (Maturity) - The Sabbath is dominated by a desire to replicate younger members of society to tempt other members into their ranks as well as find potential husbands. However, most members of the Sabbath are adults to some capacity, just appearing younger. Maturity reflects their own disposition toward their "Actual" age and experiences. ● Boon (Sabbath Connections) - The Character has connections to the Sabbath, while their research may be the cause for outright hostilities, their united religious indoctrination does allow a certain kinship among fellow Witches. ● Bane (Loli) - The Character looks incredibly young, estimating anywhere from the range of late single digits to low teens, most are particularly underdeveloped in certain areas as well. While this does have its benefits, the fact that the Character does look like a child does have its drawbacks.

Shirokuto Sabbath by KC

Side Note: The Sabbath Directory and You The Sabbath directory is a collaborative effort of all the Baphomets! Please tell us about your Sabbath!

● The name of your Sabbath: Please include any common names as well. ● The symbol of your Sabbath: Including Personal as well as Organizational Patterns (Often Animal Skulls) ● The Name of your Baphomet Representative: Include the Given Name as well as any Self-Titled, Received, or Inherited Titles. ● Activity Details: Include any overall plans or goals, short-term or long-term. ● Typical Races: This includes Witches, Familiars, and Baphomets, please include any race that is common to your Sabbath. ● Sabbath Particulars: Please include any rituals, protocols, or additional information about your particular Sabbath here. ● A Word From Baphomet: Lastly, please record a welcoming message from your representative Baphomet to uncorrupted men visiting your Sabbath. 24 Notepad’s Notes on Running a Game ゲームの実行に関するメモ帳のメモ

It's been mentioned before that actually running a game in the MGE-verse is a difficult proposition for a few reasons: MG's are freakishly powerful, the Order is run by morons, and possibly (Chief) God is working for the DL on the down-low. So how do you actually manage to run a game in this setting without having everything break down horrifically? Affectionaly, you don’t. But if you’re committed, read on.

25 Love, Sex, and Fucking MGE is a setting about fucking, there I said it. Some people get strange around sex in a tabletop game, they may talk about reading their erotic furry novels or watching Yosuga No Sora, but when dice get involved its immediate hands up and screeching. It is a factor of the setting, arguably a major factor as many situations arise about people loving, sexing, or fucking the wrong people. If you're wanting to play the "Deep and Exciting Lore" of MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA without the whole sex part, possibly consider a different setting. Now, how to tastefully integrate it in is another story. There's the always classic fade to black, but you have to establish context behind that darkness. I wrote about this before, when people engage in carnal relations, they do one of three things: Make Love, Have Sex, or Fuck. Love is strange, it's intimate and close, two people who genuinely love each other the sex isn't even the important part, laying next to them and enjoying their company, it's not quick, it's not slow, but just this perfect moment of bliss. Love is also a sweet poison, those perfect moments may not necessarily be with your wife and she may not necessarily have the right last name. Making Love is hard because there are few people you can do it with, but when you find one, you don't want to give it up. For MGE this is the desired end-goal for most of the Corrupted Races, finding their perfect husbando to sex till the end of time, and some actually do. The Demon Lord and her Husband make love. Sex is what 90% of the rest of us have, sex is an obligation or purely for pleasure, there is little to no emotion behind it from either party. Sex is what Characters will have when they buy whores or when they get married for business rather than passion, just boring, average sex that doesn't mean anything. This is a blessing and a curse, on one hand, you don't normally want Sex, as it's quite dull or it's quite expensive. The Character is doing it for pleasure and little else, if a player wants to have loads of sex, this is what they're the character's going to be like, nothing romantic, nothing emotional, just carnal. Order Marriages can fall within the "Just Sex" category, as well as Incubi who take the concept of "Free Love" a bit too seriously. Finally, fucking. It's exactly as it sounds, raw, Mershark by yonaga unfun, and probably emotionally damaging for one person. Monstergirls who are of the more malicious bent fuck people, they destroy pelvises, render men shells of themselves, or kill their "Temporary Husbands" after he can no longer satisfy them. These Monster Girls are terrifying and should be treated as such, as they are going against the entire "Point" of the Demon Lord's edict.

26 Love: The Sweetest Poison Romance will come up in an MGE game, I mean, why the fuck are you here if your goal isn't to be seduced/kidnapped/bludgeoned half to death by a qt3.14 Monster Girl Waifu. However, Romance and TTRPG's have never quite gelled well together, as there are two major problems: The GM and Players. The GM controls your SO most of the time, and as such their health is up to the GM's wishes and sometimes this can prove frustrating as wives and children become more liabilities than actual characters. So, to GM's out there, don't do that. The Wives and Husbands of MGE are powerful, strong, and know- how to function by themselves, not to say you shouldn't include them at all or put them in danger, just don't dramatically slap the table and declare they’re dead because the character sneezed wrong. They are independent characters that have motivations and drama tied to them, for better or for worse, and the Characters need to understand to react to them. When the party rolls up into home base and a player's Werewolf Children pounce him as his Werewolf Wife announces she's teaching them how to hunt now, it should be a mixed bag of emotions ranging from "Aaawww, how cute!" to "Aaawww, we're all going to fucking die aren't we?" The key thing when dealing with romance is that the signficant other has a life of their own, a life separate from the Character in question, which brings me to the next point. When the Players are playing a pair, oh fuck me alright, this is where things get a bit complicated. It's strange at best to have two players at the table explicitly telling you that their characters are fucking, it just makes it stranger when both are a bit too into it. Contrary to the notes of a GM controlled SO, the GM has to reign this kind of player in, all of them. Depending on the size of the group it does create odd-man-out scenarios or worse, Syndrome, where the romantic couple makes the game about them and their mediocre dime novel from the corner-mart. The story shouldn't revolve around them, but they will try, oh trust me they will fucking try. They believe that having a unified voting block will give them more power overall, but the key thing here is making cracks in that block. Find things to divide them, or worse, break them apart. The highlights to their Characters shouldn't be their similarities, but their differences and how these two Characters managed to fall in love to the point of wanting to fuck, and often. Overall, Love will come up in your game. Make sure to remember that love is between people, not paper, and people have emotions, feelings, thoughts, goals, and ambitions which color the way they act. As a person who

had his first "real" girlfriend kidnapped him three times, y d make sure to remember that even love, no matter how d u b l

sweet, can be poisonous to those not paying attention. a a B

y b

g n i d l o h d n a H

s y b u c c

27 u S Fire the Canon, no, no, the OTHER CANON! Well first off, don't run it in KC-Canon, by whatever divine figure you hold dear, don't. Kenkou Cross is a great writer, but not a great "Setting" writer. If you notice, he struggles to find reasons for people to continue existing in the setting as the Monstrous Legions are just too powerful to be confronted alone. Like Dr. Frankenstein himself, chop the best parts up and strap it onto your own setting or abandon everything bar the MG's and Demon Energy. Now there are a few "Monster Girl Settings" out there, each of them setting up different settings and different rules. Under the MGQ route, MGs are just that, Monsters who are there and want to rape you. No guiding intelligence (Outside a loose conglomeration of bosses) no "Corruption" really, just monsters, doing monster stuff. Under Monster Musume logic, they've always been there, and they're not even necessarily hostile, just living their lives as normal, hell there are even Monster Boys(!) in that setting (hard to believe I know). This isn't even factoring in the dozens of homebrew settings or logic that exists out there, hell MGE Fanon is its own (admittedly strange) world. Find what works for you and proceed with that logic at the forefront. MGA is specifically designed "around" MGE, but it's not strictly "just" for MGE.

Mashiro by solopipb

A Well-Balanced Diet The second part is one of the harder parts, but don't "balance' the Order vs Monsters. There's a temptation to make the Order hyper-competent or ultimate badasses who are filled with Heroes doing heroic things, but the fact that it is a fairly uphill battle is one of the "endearing" qualities regarding the setting. Yes, there is a horde of monsters outside the gates, yes they are going to fuck us (literally and metaphorically), and why, yes, we are going to hold our ground until the bitter fucking (ha) end. I've read sections where the Order turns out to have the Anti-Monster cannons or just straight up use magic to "beat" the monsters. The tension is taken out as the Order now has a "Win" button. Now, on the flip side, Monsters tend to get nerfed into oblivion sometimes, which is obvious as you have some who are, and I quote, "broken as shit" strength-wise. MGA assumes two things about "Starting" Corrupted Characters, notably is that they are either fairly young or they are naturally weak, this helps players ramp up in strength (as they get Attributes on the Cheap) as well as make sure they don't have access to a full repertoire of skills off the bat. When running a game, the fact that MG's are "Better" overall should come as no surprise, but the Humans should also be strong in their own ways, balance is a delicate thing, don't try to reach perfect harmony, but don't try and over favor one side either.

28 Gather Your Party Before Continuing Building an optimal group is something that's difficult in most tabletop games. Do we need a Street Sam? Do we have a Cleric? Should I go Big Guns or Bigger Guns? We already have an Axe Knight, maybe I should go Great sword Knight? What do you mean we don't have a goddamn Stalker in the group? For MGA, and any monster girl setting/game, that party balance is an entirely new dimension of suffering. One of the key reasons people would play a Monster Girl game is the fact that they can, prepare yourselves, play a Monster Girl. However, go to any Monster Girl Wiki or any other kind of setting and try to find a "Roughly Human in Strength" MG. Go on, I'll wait. You'll soon find that there are very few who don't have a significant advantage over normal humans (and aren't specifically designed to be weaker than humans), this makes party balance a bit wonky. An MG will, 99% of the time, be better than a human at the same task. This sucks for mixed parties as an Oni will beat out on all fronts the purpose of a Frontline fighter, a Dark Magician or Sabbath Witch will beat out an Order Caster, etc., etc. When people are getting their Character's set up, make sure that this cross-pollination doesn't permeate everything, if there is a fighter man, make sure that he fulfills other niches if someone else wants to play an Oni Bruiser if there is a Magic Man, he has other uses than strict blast-em-up like the Witches. MGA is designed around the Monsters being better Attribute-wise, while the Uncorrupted has a better skill distribution, allowing someone who may only have a 3 in Scholar, to roll 6 dice for Mechanics or Academics, compared to a Sabbath Witch rolling 7 Die for the same roll (6 Scholar and 1 Academics). In your system of choice, keeping the party diverse and goal-oriented is a priority, no one should overshadow anyone else. Salamander by KC Greaves from Bastard Bonds by Big Fingers

29 Consistently Consistent Constantly Keeping the setting consistent is paramount to the success of your game because breaking that consistency is a very good way of losing grip on your players as well as unbalancing some characters. My example is two relatively universal Monster Girls: The Centaur and the Arachne. Both MGs are massive, much larger than the average person if not in weight than in length, as Centaurs are the size of a LITERAL HORSE and Arachne has a massive backside and legs to deal with. Keeping them consistent with the world is essential to making it work, a Centaur is not going to acrobatically swing around on a trapeze while the Larger Arachne won't necessarily be able to stealthily hide under a bed, and both of these Characters have to "workaround" what they are. The world is consistent. This goes for all the MGs in the world, a hulking monstrosity isn't exactly going to fit through a doorway, a bright red-skinned Oni isn't going to blend into the crowd easily, Sabbath Witch is not going to be able to order their Hard Liquor they need to keep the nightmares at bay, an Automaton is going to be really goddamn heavy, and a Goblin isn't going to pass for just a particularly short person (unless there's like . . . 3 Goblins in a trench coat). Humanity (and in turn the Uncorrupted) have a distinct advantage of being pretty damn average compared to the MGs, use that to their advantage.

Touch Fluffy Tail Fun fact about KC, he's a self-admitted Corruption fetishist and Lolicon, but you want to know what you can't do in front of good people, tell them what you like to wank off to. Now, this section can be safely ignored if you play with people online (as its assumed everyone is in the same boat as you) or you're running a game for a particularly good set of freaks, but the key thing here is finding the right group for this kind of game and tweaking it around them. Straight MGE is a strange mix of Wholesome Lovey-Dovey, Hardcore Corruption, Non- Consensual Everything, and straight-up FBI "I Swear She's 500-Years Old, Officer" Party Van Material. If that is not your trip. DO. NOT. INDULGE. IT. As said above, cherry-pick what you like and use it, inserting your own things in there. I remember a piece of writing advice I received regarding pornography, "write what you find attractive," for running a Monster Girl game, keep this advice in mind for both sides of the spectrum. Keep in mind that catering to fetishes that are not your wheelhouse will cause the game to be less fun for everyone, while on the flip side, indulging in your own could alienate some of your players. Find what works and go with it, easing up and pushing harder to what is being received well, and not so well. Or avoid it entirely, some Monster Girl settings can swerve around the fetishistic issues pretty easily if you play your cards right. However, as said above, people who are gung-ho about playing Monster Girls are most likely not entirely in it for the "Game."

30 The Elephant in the Room "I want to play a Monster Boy!" "Alright, here are the rules for an Incubus." "No, I want to play a MONSTER BOY!" One of the looming "things" about Monster Girl settings is that last word there, "Girl." Some people, either through not feeling comfortable with it, not feeling up to it, or straight up being a Fujoshi may want to play a legitimate Monster Boy. Now, let's take a moment to think of all the Monster Girl settings with Non-Human men in them. Not that many are there? Monster Musume is the most obvious, but we've never actually met a Non-Human Male outside the Orcs who were more a parody of Orcs than anything. So what to do in this situation, well, the obvious answer is to push toward Incubi. It's not a direct solution, but it’s a solution (or just fluff Incubi as appropriate), however, if they are still pushing either lay down the ground rules of the setting (keeping it consistent) or compromise. Monster Boys are kind of a problem child on a few points due to their conflicting nature with the setting and general "tone" of the setting. Now, this may be a bit controversial, but Female on Male Rape is a lot less socially unacceptable than Male on Female. Picture a Werewolf slaking their lusts on a hapless man as he walks home, or a horde of Goblin girls overwhelming some poor dude. Now replace those two with "Hapless woman" and "Poor woman," it changes the idea a bit, doesn't it? It stops being "Oh god he's getting assaulted by anime girls, that poor bastard" to "Oh god she's getting assaulted, oh Jesus" it's hardwired in our brains a bit to react negatively. Now, I'm not going to sit here and say "Monster Boys will directly cause an increase of female ravagement" I'm just going to say the people who are going to be running/playing a Monster Girl game will most likely have Monster Boys directly cause an increase of female ravagement. This isn't even dealing with the PLETHORA of plot holes and other issues that would crop up. So what I'm saying is don't add them if you don't need to, and if you are hell-bent on it, take care to make the world consistent.







































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31 Forbidden Love (!) Monster Girl Encyclopedia has a very unique take on liking the same sex. It doesn't really happen and then everyone gets a dick/loses their dick. Gay things happen, boys hold hands, girls kiss girls, boys pose dramatically at each other, and girls learn about the power of sub-textual thoughts through transformation sequences, but Monster Girl stuff tends to avoid both like the plague. Currently, there are a few " Centric" MG stories out there, and (for obvious fucking reasons) no stuff. So, when it comes up, it kind of gets swept under the rug or KC starts to froth at the mouth. If your game has Gay Thoughts (tm) there are a few things to note. People like things they like, so if your big buff Hellhound decides she wants to permanently Snu-Snu that poor Kobold girl for all eternity, cool. However, at least with the Monster Girl Encyclopedia logic, Demon Energy (tm) counteracts Gay Thoughts (tm) by wanting them to bed men. Now, there is some explanation of "Harems" forming around a man and his lesbian girlfriends, allowing the consorts to "Pass the time" by themselves, however, this leads me directly into my next point. Everything presented though is also what I call "Canonically Incorrect" as the Wandering Scholar (our only real information on the greater world) may be wrong, meaning that it "can be possible" for MonsterxMonster relationships to work, just nothing the Scholar has seen. As for men, we have the Alp Conundrum. The Alps are, by technicality, women who used to be men who really loved boys. Obviously, you can see some of the implications of this statement. Gay men, will inevitably, turn into women. To avoid most of those issues and problems, the easiest solution is to simply call it an "Incubusization'' gone wrong for Alps as they build up enough Demon Energy to become Alps. However, to counter this, apply some basic math: 0 + 0 = 0. If neither party has Demon Energy, neither party is corrupted, then neither party will risk becoming an Alp. If Big Harry the Incubus has his Trap Tomgirl GF (Male), that Tomgirl GF (Male) is going to Alp whether they like it or not. If Normal Guy A and Normal Guy B start a relationship, neither will Alp. This also applies to Uncorrupted Women as well, so two gay girls holding hands won't turn both into raging succubi, but Big . . . uh Mary (?) the Amazon Succubus and her Waifish qt3.14 GF (Female) aggressively hold hands, then the Waifish qt3.14 GF (Female) is going to be one fucked up Succubus. Apply Unicorn logic, I just bloody typed that didn’t I?

Alien Yuri by Hushabye Valley

32 The Sliding Scale of Hope and Hopelessness When people see Monster Girls, the setting is somewhat happy or even upbeat (except if it involves a certain bug girl and an endless cycle of despair, good stuff though) as the artwork and story can be sickly sweet at points. And then Druella forcefully turns a few people into monsters and enslaves them to their own desires. Men are consumed and forcefully kept in a constant state of blissful ignorance as they are drained dry of anything regarding life. This isn't even factoring in all the other horrific acts that occur, and we don't talk about whatever the fuck is going on in Wonderland. What I'm getting at here is that MG settings always have this vague sense of foreboding to them, everything's sugary sweet on the outside, but upon closer examination, it gets dark fast, bad things happen and quickly. When getting an MG game set- up the key is to determine the two "Mood Scales" the way you want them. The "Looks" determines how the setting looks and feels at a surface level, while the "Actions" is how the setting interacts with its inhabitants. With a Sliding Scale from Kawaii Uguu to Junji Ito's Wet Dream Holocaust XXL, a Kawaii Setting and Holocaust is roughly how the base MGE is set up, shit's fucked up and fast. However, on the flip side, Junji Ito's MGE and Kawaii Uguu Actions would probably feel more like Totsukuni no Shoujo (by Magabe) than MGE proper. Nailing the feeling and expectations of the setting is key to making it come alive in both your players and your mind. Is it a dark and gritty world of despair and demonic infestation? Or a kawaii magical place with Anime Girls for EVERYONE! Or is it a mix of both, combining dread and whimsy together in a cocktail for the soul?

Mashiro by solopipb 33 Realpolitik As stated above repeatedly, KC has a bad tendency of writing the fetish before the world. One of the most glaring issue is the fact that government is filled with Monster Girls who have one thing on their mind:Sex. Now one could argue that sex isn't a dominating factor in their mind, but it's better to address how it affects them in the political sphere. There's two things to do if you're thinking of running a political or even a social game in the MG verse: The Nature of Love and the Nature of Politics. The Nature of Love means that MG's have ultimately the ability to decide who they wish to be with. A Salamander won't simply bow down to the first schmuck who walks by, just as much a politician won't let the first pretty face sway his opinion. A Monster Girl has preferences and desires that they want over others. So a MG in government isn't going to be swayed as easily as one might think, obviously they still can be swayed, but a more direct method may be needed. Secondly, the Nature of Politics is a game of who gets what, when, where, and how and little else. MGs want to make sure that their constituents get the most of a good just as much as someone else does. So when a political situation comes up, a MGs lust can quickly be overridden by the absolute desire to get reform X or block ordinance Y. Now I could ramble on and on about how to be political, but I won't. But when running a social focused game, I want you to remember some key ideas to fully get the "feel" of running a political game in a MG setting. Remember that people WANT things just as much as they NEED things, remember what MGs NEED and WANT, an ordinance against sexual business may mean starvation to some and "common decency" for others. Next, being an MG doesn't make you not care about other things, an MG could have strong opinions on the new tax related to Demon Realm products, or could radically oppose disallowing Insectoids from living inside the city walls, it's not just about sex. Finally, political factionalism is just as "who you are'' as much as "what you believe in," meaning that "Beastwoman for the Workplace'' is a valid political group as the "Husband Protection Band." Identity means everything in politics. Original Piece by Regura

34 Reality Rape and You There are some MGs, some settings, and some moments that have the dirty phrase of "Reality Bending.” Reality bending is kind of a clusterfuck at the best of times, as it gives the said reality bender an immense amount of power above everyone around. Now some Characters, akin to the Demon Lord, having vague reality bending powers are expected of them. The Demon Lord is not as much as a character as a force of nature that has to be worked around. However, any character having access to "reality warping" powers is inviting some disastrous consequences and questions for the setting. Now, some have proposed some classes of individuals with limited reality warping, with various stipulations to balance them out in the name of keeping things fair. However, any time a character can "influence the reality" it's just making sure that some characters are not as powerful and why these said characters have not influenced the world in a more significant way. Now, regarding the MGs who have those wonderful reality bending powers, they should be either limited (can only affect X, Y, or Z), timed (I can only change things for around for X minutes/hours,etc), or limited in application (I can change the nature of X, but I'll need to do Y successfully do it). Other Characters, such as the Queen of Hearts or the more powerful Lilim should be able to manipulate the world to their whims a bit more easily, due to being descendants of the Demon Lord herself. If you, as a Narrator, believe that having a reality warping character is important, remember to consider the player's decision making authority about their characters. The Character's who are thrown into Wonderland should still have the authority to influence the surrounding area, just the same as Characters' who are forced to confront a reality bender, never fully take away a Character's ability to influence events surrounding them. To summarize, feel free to add a reality bender, but make sure that they obey their own rules as well as allow Character's to interact with the world. It's fun to deal with a reality bender, it's not fun to be on a little choo-choo train waiting for the reality bending to end.

35 Mashiro by solopipb