J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(3)

ORIGINAL ARTICLE FREQUENCY OF IN PATIENTS WITH LIVER Azhar Hussain, Muhammad Arif Nadeem, Sajid Nisar, Hafiza Ammarah Tauseef Medical Unit-4, Services Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan Background: Liver cirrhosis is a serious disease which can lead to . The main objective of this study was to ascertain the frequency of gallstones in patients with liver cirrhosis. Methods: One hundred and fifty patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected from Medical Unit-IV for this cross sectional study. Their abdominal was done to diagnose liver cirrhosis and to see presence of gallstones. All the patients were assessed by same sonologist. Their demographic data was entered in a specially designed pro forma. Results: Frequency of gall stones in patients with liver cirrhosis was found to be 21.6%. Conclusion: This study reveals that the gallstones are frequent in patients suffering from chronic . The frequency of gallstones increases with increase in disease duration. Keywords: Cirrhosis, Gallstones, Fibrosis, Chronic liver disease J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(3):341–3 INTRODUCTION may also cause problems if they move out of the . They can cause obstructive , Cirrhosis is defined as hepatic necrosis followed by and most common being fibrosis and regeneration. It is final common .8 histological pathway for a number of chronic liver 1 An increased prevalence of gallstones was diseases. It is a serious disease. Aetiology includes demonstrated in patients with liver cirrhosis, higher chronic viral , alcohol, drug toxicity, in the advanced stages of the disease. Some studies autoimmune, metabolic liver diseases, and other 2 have found impaired emptying of the gallbladder in disorders. is the commonest cause of 3 cirrhotic patients. Gallbladder contractility is cirrhosis in Pakistan. About 7 million people in impaired in patients with liver cirrhosis and Pakistan are suffering from chronic 4 gallstones. Hypomotility is proportional to the which can lead to liver cirrhosis. severity of liver disease. Gallbladder hypomotility Clinical features of cirrhosis or chronic liver might contribute to the increased gallstone formation disease (CLD) ranges from asymptomatic in one third in patients with advanced cirrhosis.9 of patients to full range of symptoms in two third of The main objective of this study was to patients. Important symptoms are fatigue, weakness, ascertain the frequency of gallstones in patients with development of ascites, gastrointestinal bleed and 5 liver cirrhosis in our setup. encephalopathy. Complications arise in cirrhosis in MATERIAL AND METHODS decompensated disease only and represent disease It was a cross-sectional survey, conducted in Medical progression. Early detection and treatment improves Unit-4, Services Hospital, Lahore. Sample size of prognosis. Complications include hepatic 150 cases was calculated with 95% confidence level, encephalopathy, oesophageal varices, haemorrhoids, 7.5% margin of error and taking expected percentage splenomegaly, caput medusae and bleeding of gallstones that was 31% in patients of liver tendency.1,6 cirrhosis. Patients were selected through non- Gallstones are solid particles that are formed probability purposive sampling. All Patients showing from in the gallbladder. Gallstones are a major coarse echo-texture of liver parenchyma on public health problem, and this disorder is one of the abdominal ultrasound were taken. Both genders male most common of all digestive diseases. Gallstones are and female of age 40–60 years were included. The more common in women than in men and increase in Patients who had undergone due to incidence in both genders and all races with aging. causes other than gallstones were excluded as well as Over 10% of men and 20% of women have gallstones all those who were unable to give written informed by the age of 65.7 consent. All those patients having pathology making There are two types of gallstones; ultrasound technically difficult like ascites were also stones and pigment stones. Gallstones excluded. within the gallbladder often cause no problems. If After ethical approval and written informed there are many or they are large, they may cause pain consent from patient, all those fulfilling inclusion when the gallbladder responds to a fatty meal. They criteria were selected. Abdominal Ultrasound was

http://www.ayubmed.edu.pk/JAMC/26-3/Azhar.pdf 341 J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(3) performed on all patients and presence and absence Table-1: Age distribution of patients of gallstones was documented. All the patients were Age groups No of patients Frequency (%) assessed by same sonologist to minimize the operator Less than 5 year 59 39.3 dependent variability. All their information was 5–10 years 83 55.3 More than 10 year 8 5.3 collected through a specially designed pro forma. The Total 150 100 pro forma included demographic information like name, age and gender. Effect modifier like duration of Table-2: Gender wise distribution of gall stones Gallstones disease was controlled through stratification. Gender Total Present Absent All collected data was entered in SPSS-12 for Female 23 (71.8%) 51 74 (49.3%) statistical analysis. Only descriptive analysis was Male 9 (28.2%) 67 76 (50.7%) performed in this study using mean±standard deviation Total 32 118 150 for quantitative variables like patients age, while counts and percentages for qualitative variables. Table-3: Distribution of gall stones by age groups Age groups( years) Gall stones Presence of gall stones was qualitative variable in the 40–50 12 (17%) study and was presented as frequency distribution 51–60 20 (25%) tables and percentages. Data was stratified for duration of disease. Table-4: Distribution of gall stones by disease duration Gallstones RESULTS Duration of disease Total Present absent A total of 150 patients with chronic liver disease <5 years 1 58 59 diagnosed on the basis of coarse echo-texture on 5-10 years 26 57 83 ultrasonography were selected from Medical Unit-4 of > 10 years 5 3 8 Services Hospital, Lahore. Total 32 118 150 The gallstones were present in 21.3% of the DISCUSSION cases while absent in the rest of 78.7%. There were few patients at the extremes of age groups shown, with Advanced cirrhosis represents the end stage of any 10 th the minimum age of 40 and maximum age of 60. Mean chronic liver disease. It was the 12 leading cause of age was 51.12±6.031. There were 70 patients between death in the United States in 2000, accounting for 11 40–50 years of age and 80 patients between 51–60 more than 25,000 deaths. It eventually leads to two years of age, indicating that majority of CLD patients major syndromes of and hepatic 12 were between 51–60 years of age. Gender-wise insufficiency. distribution depicts that out of total sample female and Gallstones have been recognized since antiquity, being identified in autopsy studies of males percentage varies as 74 (49.3%) and 76 (50.7%) Egyptian mummies. Today, is a respectively. Table-1 is distribution of patients by frequent problem in developed countries, representing duration of disease there were 59 patients (39.3%) who a major health burden. An estimated 20–25 million have disease duration less than 5 years, 83 (55.3%) adults in the U.S. are afflicted with gallstones, the most have duration of disease between 5–10 years and 8 common cause of disease in this age patients were having disease more than 10 years duration. Table-2 shows cross tabulation between group. Gallstone disease is the leading cause of gender and presence of gallstones about 23 (71.8%f) inpatient admissions for gastrointestinal problems. Certain risk factors for gallstones are females out of total 32 patients that have gallstones immutable: female gender, increasing age and and 9 (28.2%) are males. ethnicity/family (genetic traits). Others are modifiable: Table-3 shows presence of gall stones with , the , rapid weight loss, respect to age. In age group 40–50 years 12 (17%) certain diseases (cirrhosis, Crohn’s disease) and have gallstones. Among age group 51–60, 20 (25%) gallbladder stasis (from spinal cord injury or drugs like patients had gall stones. Table-4 shows 1 patient with somatostatin). The only established dietary risk is a gallstones have disease duration less than 5 years, 26 high caloric intake. Protective factors include diets patients with duration 5–10 years and 5 patients with containing fibre, vegetable protein, nuts, , duration more than 10 years. It shows that 1.7% of patients with less than 5 vitamin-C, coffee and alcohol, plus physical activity. years duration of disease have gallstones, while this Cirrhosis is a well-established risk factor for pigment (rather than cholesterol) gallstone disease. percentage increases to 31.32–62% in patients with The prevalence reaches 30%, being more common in duration of disease between 5–10 years and more than those with a worse Child class (2 or 3), and with a high 10 years respectively. From the results, it was clearly BMI. The biological basis is unclear but may relate to evident that frequency of gallstones increases with disease duration.

342 http://www.ayubmed.edu.pk/JAMC/26-3/Azhar.pdf J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(3) altered pigment secretion, increased oestrogen levels reduce morbidity and mortality related to presence of and/or abnormal gallbladder in cirrhosis.13 gallstones. In our study mean age of the patients was 51.1200±6.03 years which is comparable to mean age CONCLUSION of 53.3±9.9 years in another study conducted at The study suggests that gall-stones are frequent in Islamabad between March-August, 2008.14 patients suffering from chronic liver disease. Most of In this study 50.7% patients were male and the times they are incidentally diagnosed during 49.3% patients were female. In another study investigations. conducted at Mayo Hospital, Lahore 50% was male and 50% female which is comparable to our study.15 It REFERENCES was noted that gallstones were more frequent among 1. Friedman LS. Liver, Biliary Tract and . 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Address for Correspondence: Dr. Azhar Hussain, Medical Unit-4, Services Hospital Lahore, Pakistan Cell: +92-300-4400187, +92-321-4847983 Email: [email protected]

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