Moisa Teodor Vasile Curriculum Vitae (Male, 28 Years Old) 1. Contact

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Moisa Teodor Vasile Curriculum Vitae (Male, 28 Years Old) 1. Contact Moisa Teodor Vasile - Curriculum Vitae (male, 28 years old) 1. Contact: − address: str. Orsova, nr. 7, sect. 6, Bucharest − telephone: +40 720 861 922 − email: [email protected] − IM: yahoo: m_doru_ro, skype: moisadoru, gtalk: moisadoru − blog: 2. About me: I am a web developer based on Bucharest (Romania). My personal career spawns over a couple of years of intensive web development using different languages and technologies. I am driven by a will to learn as many things as possible and make good use of them in the same time. 3. Experience 1. Senior web developer, Naughtyreviews, − timeframe: feb 2009 ~ may 2009 − responsabilities: − improve an existing Drupal website by creating or modifying modules − improve website performace 2. Senior web developer, Kubis Interactive, − timeframe: sep 2008 ~ feb 2009 − responsabilities: − take care of the company©s servers and implement the intranet infrastructure (CentOS/Ubuntu Server, Apache, PHP5, MySQL, LDAP, SVN, Trac etc.) − web development using the LAMP stack of different projects 3. Senior web developer, − timeframe: july 2008 ~ sept 2008 − responsabilities: − porting the existing flex website to Ajax (jQuery) with ruby/merb for the serverside − different integration scripts with some online social networks (facebook) 4. Senior web developer, TechTeam Akela/Optaros Inc. − timeframe: august 2007 ~ july 2008 − responsabilities: − development of enterprise web applications using PHP/AJAX frameworks, − development of ecommerce applications − achievements − started the development of a cross domain ajax library currently under heavy development) − contributed to the Mediawiki/FCKEditor opensource community with bugfixes − started the development of an asynchronous event server for realtime browser streaming (comet) 5. Senior AJAX Developer, Schlund & Partner AG, Bucharest office, − Timeframe: february 2007 ~ august 2007 − Responsabilities: − contribute to the development of the QooXDoo javascript framework − coordonate the romanian ajax developers team − Achievements − developed an animation library for the QooXDoo framework (v0.7), a showcase : − started developing an advanced vectorial library for the framework (qx.vectorial), using CANVAS/VML, usefull for charts, graphs, etc. 6. Senior PHP Developer / System analyst, ANAIS Software Services, Bucharest − Timeframe: september 2006 ~ feruary 2007 − Responsabilities: − develop PHP applications / websites (PHP/(x)HTML/CSS/JavaScript) − develop customised Joomla CMS modules − develop custom php webservices, javascript libraries etc. − Achievements: − succesfully developed and integrated with the existing RTL infrastructure the RTL Belgium portal. 7. Senior PHP Developer, System Architect, Velnet Europe Internet Technologies (Herford, UK), Bucharest (telecomuting), − Timeframe: march 2006 ~ august 2006 − Responsabilities: − design and develop (from scratch) a brand new PHP ecommerce solution BossCart (see a modular OOP PHP4 application). − develop custom ecommerce sites using the BossCart platform − other programming / system administration tasks − Achievements: − developed the BossCart application from scratch, with unique functionality like flash movies for product pictures, pluggable payment gateways modules, search engine friendly url©s, etc. 8. .NET/C# Developer, IPSOS Interactive Services Archway, Bucharest, − Timeframe: − Responsabilities: september 2005 ~ march 2006 − port and improve an old ASP application to .NET/C# platform. The application displays survey results in a very customisable manner. − Achievements: a powerpoint export module for the survey results 6. PHP Developer, IPSOS Interactive Services, Bucharest, − Timeframe: end of june 2005 ~ september 2005 − Responsabilities: − programming online surveys according to client©s specifications, other internal programming tasks; − Achievements: − an internal newsletter tool, some improvements in the survey generator scripts, different internal/client tools for displaying the survey status/results, generate graphs, etc. 7. IT Equipment troubleshooter, warehouse manager, Nova Vista SRL, Iasi, Romania - Timeframe: may 2004 ~ october 2004 3. Education 1. "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, Iasi Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science (Technical College) − Timeframe: 2000 ~ 2003 − Graduation grade: 9,06 4. Skills 1. Programming: − General Programming Languages: − ASM (basic 8086), − C/C++ (worked with Borland compilers and IDE©s, some GCC) − C# (visual 2003/2005, #Develop) − Java (basic/intermediate) − XML/XSL/XSLT/XPATH (intermediate) − Python, shell scripting − Web Programming − Server side: − PHP (excelent, PHP4 OOP, PHP5 OOP, PEAR/PECL); frameworks: Zend Framework, Symfony, CodeIgniter/Kohana, PEAR − JSP (basic jsp/tomcat, struts, appfuse), − ASP.NET (basic C#, IIS5/IIS6), − some Ruby/ROR/merb and Python (basic), − Client side: − Browser qirks and hacks, − JavaScript (excelent): − Object Oriented Javascript, − DOM manipulation, − Asynchronous browser comunication (ajax/comet) , − Javascript Object Notation (JSON), − CSS 1, 2, 3(partial), − (X)HTML (expert), − ActionScript (intermediate) 2. Databases: − MySQL (good) − PostgreSQL (basic/intermediate) − Oracle (basic) − MS SQL Server (basic) 3. Working environment: − GNU/Linux (Ubuntu - preferred) desktop/server − Unix/FreeBSD (intermediate) server − MS Windows (2k/xp) desktop − MacOS X 4. My tools: − OpenKomodo, Eclipse, EditPlus, SciTE, Firefox/Firebug, Flash MX − make, ant, maven (basic level) − GiMP, Inkscape − sh/bash scripts (basic level) − subversion, cvs, bazaar, git − webservers: Apache 1.3/2.0.x/2.2.x, Lighttpd, nginX, Tomcat.
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