


lilresmteb to ~nrlinmm t , pursuant to %t 17 lJict., ~a. 2, ser. 9.

REPORT OF TIIE TRUSTEES OF THE AUSTRALIAN :MUSEUl\1, FOR THE YEAR ENDIKG 31sT DECEl\fBER, J.SGO. • ~ To His ExcELLENCY THE GoVEnNOR·IN-CHIEF, &c., &c., &c. 1. Tbo Trustees of the have the honor to submit to your Excellency this their Sideenth Annual Report. 2. The Museum has been open to the public daily (Sundays excepted) during the past year, and has been visited by 101,574 persons. 3. The system of e:s.changing epecimens of Natural History with the principal Foreign Museums is still maintained by the Trustees, who have recei\·ed several valuable collections during the past year, a li~t of which is appended. (Appenilix No. 2.) 4. Numerous donations have been received during tl1e year, a list of which is appended. (Appendix No. 3.) 5. In Appenclix No. 4 will be found a list of the various ob,ijectR aent iu exchange, together with the names of the recipients. G. Several valuable works, purchased out of the Endowment Puud, have been n.dded to the Museum Library, a list of which is appended. (Appenili.1: No. 5.) 7. Two Taxidermists have been occupied during the year in preparing and mounting the following specimens :­ 26 mammals. -l-30 birds, 12 reptiles and fishes, 14 skeletons of various animal!!,­ • and in cleaning and preserving from decay the collection already displayed for public inspection. 8. The Trustees have to report that the first part of thei1• Catalogue, comprising the Australian ~fammals and Birds, inclush'e of the fossil remains, is nearly ready for tho press, and will be published early next year. It is the intention of the Trustees to issue also a. series ofillustrations representing some of the most interesting specimens in the Museum collection, in particular such objects as have never been figured before. Eight plates carefully drawn on stone are fini~


It is impossible to keep the specimens in an efficient stnte with tho limited funds at the disposal of the T rustees, and they wish again to draw tho attention of tho Government to the necessity of increasing the supplementary endowment. 10. It is with deep regret that the Trustees have to report the. loss which the Museum has sustained this year through the death of the Rev. George Edward Turner, S.C.L., who, with untiring zeal and ability, performed his duties as one of the Trustees of the Museum during a period of upwards of twenty­ two years. The Trustees avail themselves of this opportunity gratefully to acknowledge the ,•aluable services " hieh be rendered to the Institution as Honorary Secretary, from:J anuary, 1816, to No,•ember, 1853. The Trustees have also to report, with deep regret, the decease of the llonorable James Mitchell, M.L.C., President of the Colonial11fedical Board, and e."C qfficio a member of the Museum Trust; and of Randolph J ohn Want, Esq., who, puring a period of more than ten years, was an active member of the Board. W illiam Macleay, Esq., M.L.A., F.L .S., and the H onorable Sir 1\Tilliam Macarthur, M.L.C., retired :&om the Board, but have been re-elected. The vacancies caused by the death of the Rev. G. E. Turner and R. J. '\Vnut, Esq., hrwe been filled by tho election of P1·ofcsRor Thomson, Dr. Se., and Dr . Fortescuo. 11. The Curator, and Professor Thomson, Dr. Se., have \'isited the limestone caves of Wellington and Boree, and have thoroughly e:mmined the same. The specimens collected are very considerable, and will greatly assist in throwing light on the e::ttinct Fauna of _•\ttstralia. A number of the objects collected uns been presented, at the request of the Government, to the British Museum ; the remaining portion is now on view at the Museum. A list of the specimens for Professor Owon, BritiAh 1lfuseum, is appended. (Appendi.-r No. 6.)

12. The Assistant Curator, Mr. George Masters, has '~sited West , Lord H owe I sland., and the Maneroo District, and collected many valuable specimens, n. list of which is appended. (Appendix No. 7.)

13. Append~ No. 1 contains an abstract of the receipts and payments of the Trustees, on behalf of the Museum, for the year ending 31st December, 1869.

14. Appendix No. 2 contains a list of the specimens recoiTed in exchange.

1u . .App~ndix No. 3 contains a list of the various donations dut•iug tho year, with the names of the donors.

16. Appendix No. 4 contains a list of the specimens sont in excltnnge to vtwious persons and institutions.

17. .Appet1clhr No. 5 contains a list of the books purchased for the Museum Library. 18 . .Appe11di.:c No. 6 contains a list of tlie most interesting Rpecimens collected at the caves of Wellington, and presented to the British Museum.

19. Appendi."C No. 7 contains a list of the specimens collected by Mr. George Masters, Assistant Curator, at '\Vest Australia., Lord Howe I sland, and in the Maneroo District.

20. The 'l'rustees have the bonor to submit this their Report for tbo year 1869 ; and in testimony thereof, have caused their Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed, this 7th day of April, 1870. • (L.S.) E. DEAS TTIOMSON, Chai'rman and Crown Trlllltee.

G JUU..RD KnEFFT, Curator and Secretary.



CunnE~T EXPENDlTUJlE of the Trustees of the Australian Museum, during the Year 1869.

1869. £ s. d. 1869. £ e. d. Jan. 1... To Dalnn~c ····················· 550 7 9 By Salarica during lhl' year ...... 1,().16 8 0 .. 9 ... ., Cneh, ColoniAl Treasury... 83 6 7 ., Keeping ~round!! in order ...... 20 2 0 .. 26...... 249 19 11 , '.fax•d erm•~t's department ...... 91 2 10 April 6 ...... 250 0 0 ., Carriage, freight, po~tage, .Petty caeh 110 12 2 .. 6 ...... 425 0 (J .. Stationery, books, and per1odicals •.. 87 8 1 July 6...... 249 19 11 ., "\\rood, coal, &c...... 10 14 0 Sept. 9 ...... 200 0 0 .. PurchR\Io of spccime


LIST OF SPECIMENS RECEIVED L~ EXCHANGE, DURING TilE YEA.R 1869. From Dr. Mess, Munich. A collection of Coleopteroll!l Insects (200 species). From Mr. Pascoe, F.L.S., &c., London. A collection of Colcopteroll!l Insects. From tbe Museum of Reunion. A. collection of Mndngnscar Bird!! (50 species). From l\1r. G. Koch, of l!'rankfort-on-t.ho-Mnino. A collection of exotic Lepidoptera. F rom Mr. Damon, Weymouth. A collection of Shells (460 species). F l·om 1\'Ir. V. Fric, Pra.gue. A collection of ]lntozon, in spirits. A collertion of Oor&ls (20 species). A collection of li'ornmioifcrn (models-l OO species). A series of anatomical proparntions showing the Blood· vessels of tho vnriona ordere of Vertobmta. From Dr. Ju]ius Haast, F.R.S., Cbriatchurch, Now Zenlnnd. A collection of M o& bones. From Mr. Gerard, junr., of London. A coUcclion of Reptiles and Fishes, in spirits. Auatralian 'Museum, C:ER1Um KREFFT, Sydney, 7 April, 1870. Curator and Secretary.



MAMMATJA PllESENTED Dr A Da.,·utt• (Dasyurusviurrimcs) ...... Mr. 1~. F. W&y. A Monkry ( Ccrcopilltecus) ...... 'l M1•• Charlea Moorc, F.L.S., A H oodt•tl-monkcy ...... ·· ················ ······ ·· · ··· · ·· ··· ...... ··· ·..······· · · ( 'Dii'Cctor of t.bo Botanic A Pec<·ary (l)!Jroteles tor')uatu•) ...... ······ ········ ····...... ······ ··· ( Gnrdons. A Rock W .Uinby (Petrogale penicillata) ...... J A Monkey (Cf'rropillu:cus)...... 1\(r. Bullet. A Watt>r-mt (Jl.yd?·om9s fetwo_gaster) ...... M•·· .r. P. ~felony. A Koalll (J'IIa~NJlarolo.• oi11ereus) ...... Mr. \V. Plnpps. A yo1mg I'orpoieo (DclpM11119111etis) ...... Mr. Wm.l!'. H arris. Six young uf the 'L'nsmunion Dc••it (l'larcophilus "rsilw.t) ...... Dr. Fo.rt.csouo. Skull of u. l'halnnge~• (Plwlauguta vulpi11a)...... i\'fl'i!. Sm1pson. Skull of ~Dingo (Canis dingo) ...... llr. Booh111o. A Wnt.ei'-J•(It (H.vdrow!fsleucogasler) ...... i\Ir. D. C. Ro~d. A Pcrngnlea (Pff(J.'lalea, lagolu) ...... Mr. A. li. M C.Uiocb. 4

PRESEN'UD BY AVES. A. Magpie. GooiC (.AIIm"ll>~asmeuwoleuca) ...... :·.::::::::::::::::::: A Spoonb>ll (Plafall!a ·r~gta) ...... :...... A Cope Barren Gooso ( Cereopsis ·~ovm·llollondus) ...... Mr. Cho.rles Mooro, F.L.S., AMngpieLaTk (Grallinaa.ustralts) ...... Director of the Botanio A Secretory Bird (Sec•·ctartus repttltvo•·us) ...... Go.rdens. A Pheasant (Pl>asia>llls)...... A Canodina Gooso (Attsttl' canadensis) ...... A Jabiru (M,ycteria auttralis) ...... A Pigeon (Oarpopllaga luctHo•a) ...... :...... Mr. J. B. Bossley. .A Channel-bill (So!Jlhrops l!ova·h<>llandue) ...... Mr. F. W. Blaxland. :Mastel' Williams. !}lo~~;.~~~!1{1>~~?oik)' ··:: ::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mr. Th. Dawson. Two Night·jars (lEgotheles novtlJ·hollandus) ...... Mr. Hugh O'Toolo. Mr. Driver. A Hawk (.d.stur) ...... 00 ...... Mr. W. C. Shorland. Two Honey·eatcrs (Ptilotis) ...... 0000 ...... oo• ...... • • .... Mr. B. Plashettltodd. .A. Great Kingfisher (Dacelo gigantea) 0000 00 ...... oo ...... oo...oo ...... oo .... . ltov. R. Wm. Young. A. \Vee J ugler (Cacat11a leadbealeri) ...... oo .... oo ..oo ...... oo ...... oo ...... Mr. H. P. Edwo.rds. A Diver (Plotus 1loVm·ltollandi<») 00 ...... •oo•OO ....oo ...... 00 ...... • .. • .. • • .. Dr. Walker. A Musk Duck (Bi:iuralobala) ...... oo ...... Mr. Peter Proudfoot. Au Albatross (Diommlea ex11lans) ...... oo ...... • ...... A Sparrow Hawk (Aslur approximaM) ...... Hon. S. D. Gordon, M.L.C. :Mr. Tb. Dawson . .A Hawk (A1tur nov

A Brown Snake (Die11umia superciliosa) ...... 0000...... • ...... • .. • .. lir. H. Thomas. A. Collection of Live Snakes ...... Mr. Houghton Bradley. A. Diamond Snake (Morelia spilok1) ...... Mr. Thomas Freehill. A Collection of Lizards and Snnli:es ...... Ur. Henry Thoma~. A Collection ofLiMrds, Snakes, and Frogs, from Wa.rroo, Port Curtis ...... Mr. F . .A. Blackman. .A. Diamond Snal.rctica) ...... 1Mr. Reginald G. S. Bransby. A. Brown Banded Sllake (lloplocBpl•alw curt·us)...... 5 A Diamond Snake (Morelia spilotes) ...... Mr. Albert Byrnc. Two Snakes (Diemenia reticulata) ...... Mr. F. E. Lia.rdet. A. Snake (Dendr·opllis punctulata)...... Mr. F . Wells. A. Black Snake (Pseudecllis porphyriacM) ...... Mr. James Broy. A Gecko (JJiplodact;yl«s) ...... Mr. J. F. Josophson. A Snake (Brachysoma diadema) ...... Dr. Bowkcr. A Pale·headcd Sno.ko (IIoplocepltalus palliditteps) ...... Mr. Wm. Keene, F.G.S. The Moult or Shed-Skin ofa Diamond Snake...... Mr. Fk. Cotton. A Lizard (Hinulia) ...... Mr. Wm. Gelding. ABro,.·n Tree·sno.ke (Dipsasfusca) ...... Mr. Wm. Cbatfield. .A Whip Snake (Dieme11ia•·eticulaltl) ...... Mr. .A.rthur Holloway. A PygoptiS (Pygopusltpidopod'Us) ...... M1·. Wm. Holborow. PISCES. An Eel (.d.<~suilla.) ...... llfr. Brown . .A. Sucking-fish (Ecl•e11eio$ remora) ...... l'Ir. George Lo.ne. Mr. Wm. ~Brown. ! }t~~ ti?r~c~~;:zt"~>...:::::::::::::::·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mr. Manton. A Fish (Th6rapon) ...... Mr. Gorman. A. Fish (IIippocanvpus) ...... Mr. J. lforing. A Suoling·tish (Echenei$ remora) ...... Mr. John Sands. Two Fishes (Clu~todon-) ...... ~- Charles Brown. Threo ]i'ishcs (Jttlis, Ce>dr·opristis, and Lok~) ...... llfr. Richard E:tcll. Mr. 'f. Po.tcrson. i"'P:~~~~<~s:!~~.~~c~·.~~~~...... :.-.-.-.-::::.-:::::::::::::::::::::::.-::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mr. Bnrnes. A. Fish (Dwdon) ...... Capt. Boyd. Mr. C. W. BloonUleld. Mr. Wm. Hemming. ~~1~~:~~ i~;;~i;;;~~:::::::::::::::.:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: Master W. Willio.ms. A Sucking-fish (Eclte11eis •·emora) ...... Master vVharton Cox. Two Fishes from Porb Jackson ...... Mr. W. J. Stephone, M.A. A Col~ection ofFresh-wator. Fishes, from Warroo, Port Ourtis ...... Mr. F. A. Blackman. A. Flymg·fish (Erocet«s '110lttans) ...... Mr. O'Brieu. A Sucking-f.sh (Eclte11eis remont) ...... Mr. 1t. Banks. Dr. J. F. Dansey. ! ~;~o~~~h(~~~~}.~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::: Mr. J. H. M. Oolley. CRUSTACEA. A Crustacean (Per•~us) ...... Capt. Wall. A Crab (Pagurus) ...... Mr. Pctor Blako. Mr. Alexander Olivcr. AltACHNIDA.. A Collection ofSpiders, from the Nortb Shore ...... Mr. Jo.me11 Bray . INSECTA. Two Beetles (Stigmodera grandis) ...... Mr. Arthur Stepbens. A Collection of luaects from the Richmond River...... :.::::::::::::::: Mr. John A. Henderson . .A l'hasmo...... Mr. Wm. M'Culloch. 5

INSECTA-conlinuM. l'llESEli'TED BY A Shell ( Volula) .....•.....•...•...... Mr. Craven H. Fitzbardinge. A. Shell ( Pi~tn~) .....•...... •...•.•...... •... Cnpt. W. D. Gray. Two Shells ( SpoJ«iylNI) ....•...... •...... •...... •... 1\lr. llood Pegu~. A Collection of Shells from the Richmond :RiTcr ...... Mr. John A. Hendenon. RADIATA. Two Star Fiab&3 ...... Mrs. Rickeby.

POLYPI. A Scn·fcalbor ( Pemratula) ...... Mr. Frank Stepben. A Bea·fGat.hor (P~naatula) ...... :...... Mr. llcnry Wcarno.

:BOTANICAL SPECIMENS. S)XlCimona of Colonial Timber ...... Mrs. Elizabeth Mooro.

GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL SPEOIMENS. S&ndst.ono with deposit of fine Gold, from New Zealand ...... Mr. Pfltl'iok Csrney. Mr. Abrabnm .Bsrnett. tu::~~£~-~~ ~i!~i~~~ ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: l\1:1·. G. It. Drover. SpooimoM of Fossil Wood, and twelve Pebbles ...... Mr. A. S. Jonea. Spooimons of bon Ore ...... Mr. Wm. BlMkwood. 1!'ossil remnins of Mnmmnls, from Scone ...... , ...... Dr.Creed, J.P., and Mr. James Vcrnou. A Collection of' Pebbles ...... Mr. F. E'Volyn Liardet.

ETB:NOGRA.PIDCAL SPECIMENS. A atono Tom&bnwk ...... Rev. E. Luckie. T"o atoqo •romabawb ...... Dr. :Boehmc. Nnti•o Cloth...... Rev. Gcorge Brown. An ornnmontod piece of Tappa Cloth ...... Mrs. Fordc.

COINS. 1\lr. Alnabam :Burnett. ~~~~rco~~~-o~i,;~·:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mr. M. Ooncllan. A Silvt>r Coin of Queen Elizabet.h's reign ...... Mr. Fron1t Senior. Two Silver Coiu• ...... Miss Margaret :Bell. A Silvel' Coin ...... Mr. C. Law. A Collection of' Coins ...... 1\Ir. F. Evclyn L.iardct.

l\IISOELLANEOUS. Fragments of timber from Capt. Sturt's boat at the Dept>t Glen ...... ?lfr. A. 0. Moriarty. Figure·heRd of Ca~t. Cook's Exploring Sb.ip "Resolution" ...... Capt. W. C. Ma.yne. Mr. F. Sutton. ~~~~{~ ~~~d~~-8..~~~-~~ ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mr. Gcorge Wilkinaon. :BOOKS. Two portions of no old Gaz~ttc ...... Mr. BaTkor. Portion of an old Gazette ...... Mr·. Ocorgo Wight.

Auatra.liau Museum, GERA:RD KREFFT Sydney, 7 April, 1870. (Jurator aud ~ecretary.

..ll'PE:N'DIX No. 4 .

. LJST OF SPECIMENS SENT I N EXCHANGE DURING THE YE.Alt 1869. To M?·. Marie, New Caledonia. A Collection of forty·threo AW!tralion :Birde.

To the R()yal Mmcun~ at B1·ussela. A Collection of four AW!tralian Mammals ond tb.irty·two Aualralinn :Brrde. 1b Dr. Mess, Municft. A Collection of Aust:ral.ian Colecptcro. 1b Dr. Julius Haasf, F'.R.S., Cftristolmrclt, N.Z. A Collection of forty Australian Birds and forty-four Europoan Birch. To the Museum. at Reunion. Five Mammals and twenty Birds. Australian Mueoum, GERA.RD KREFFT, Sydney, 7 April, 1870. Curator and Secretary.



LIST OF :BOOKS PURCHASED FOR THE AUSTRALI AN MUSEUM LIBRARY. 2 parts, folio-Gonld: lli:rds of Great llritnin. 2 parts, 8vo.-l'roceedings of the Linn~a.n SocietyofLcndon. 1 part, 4to.-G-ould : Supplement to the Birdll of A.UJtrolin. 3 parts, 4to.-Snlvin and Sclater: Exotic Ornithology. 6 part_,, 4to.-Digglee: Ausmlian Ornitholoj;Y· 3 parta, folio-Atlas. Van llenedcn et G


LIST OF F OSSIL REMAINS FROM THE .LIMESTONE CAVES OF WELLINGTON VALL EY. Collected by order of the Hon. the Colonial Secretat·y, and p1·esented to Professor Richard Owen, F.R.S. :British }Iuseum, London. ' CASE No. 1. 1 Femur; Pbascolomys 6;) Os ilmominatwn, Maoropus or 128 Left lowe•· jaw, Phnscolomya 2 lialmatw·us 129 Lower jaw, Halruaturus 3 66 130 4 Tibia, Ham;~turus 67 Tibia ~;d fibula, ., 131 Sarc~philm 6 , Bottongia 68 Femur, Mncropus or Hnlmaturus 132 Phascolomys 6 ., Halmnturl\s 69 133 Hnlmatnrus 7 11 u 70 Tibi~: .. 13-.1. " 8 H umerus, u 71 Metatarsnl bono, , 185 Ldft l1Ullut (~pper) n:W0aturua 9 Tibia, (of a short-beaded species) 10 ~ ~ ::~rus, :: 136 Anterior portion of two lower 11 " •~uni, Sarcophilus 1Z 75) 13 76 Femur, , Lower JR1"S, Halmaturus 14 Fe';nm, Ph~scolomys 77 Os innomitJatum, , 137m:~ . 15 'r ibia, Halmaturus 78 Femur, ., 138 16 Femur, 139 Lowet• jaw, Bettongia Bettongia rufescens 17 '.L'ibio., " ~g} ,. 139a Lower jo.w, Hal.maturus 18 Femur, Phascolomys 81~ 140 Left upper jaw, S!U'cophilus 19 ~ Femur, Mum·opus 01· Hal.mo.tm·us 141 Complete upver jaw, Perameles 20 Tibia, Tby~cinus 5 142 Bight lower J&w, l!nlmaturus 21 ., H nlmaturus 143 Os innominatum, Ifal.maturus 22 Hmnerue, ,. FemUl', JinJmatur us or MncropUB £J llwnorns, Bettougia. 23 Femur, :Bettongia ~!;:' } 24 , Pbascofomys 146 Dasyurus 25 Tibia, Mncropus or Halmaturus Sto9~ BcttongiB 26 Meta.rsa.l, , 91 ~!'Z J Pbnscolomys 27 Tibia, ., ., 149 Rib, gigantic, P)lJI,scolomye 28 ., Bottongia. :;} Hnlmaturus or Maoropus 160 Humerus, , 29 , Macropus or HalmatUl'lls 96 151 ., Halmatnrus 30 Femur, Phascolomys 97 ., Phascolomys 152 Tibia., ,. Sl u H 98 Sl.:ulJ., So.rcophilus 153 Skull, llettongia 99 ., Thylacinus 154 Left lower jaw, So.rcophi!us 32to ! Tibia, Bettongia 100! 155 Pnlnte, Hnlmuturus 85 to Lower jaw, Snreor1h ilus 156 Part of upperjo.,v, Sareophilua 36 Tibia, H&lma.turus or Macropns 103 • 167 Femur, Maeropus or Hnlmaturus 37 Humerus, Pbnscolomys 10!> Upper jaw, ., 158 Humerus ., ,. 38 u ,, 105 Right upper canine and premolar 159 Right rnmus (upper), 1/Incropus 39 ~ '.rhylaeinus ' 160 :Radius, Tbylncine ~ Ulna, Phascolomys Snrcophilus 161 Lower jaw and part of \lppcr, 5 ~~}Lower, Hnhnaturus 108 Largo l_owa•• jnw of a young Sar· 162 Premolar and molar, gigantic 5 , Macropns or Ifalmatw:us cophilus Ph.nseolomys 4!:~ 109 Sm11>ll ., (adult) 163 Right lower jaw, Tbylnoine 46 110 uppCl' jaw 164 , , Ifalmaturos 111 , lower ., 165 Last two molnrs, upper jaw, ...,~~J , Bettongia 112 Upperjnw, Tbyh\cittC Sarcophilus 49 113 Lower ,, 166 U U H 50 Scapnln, Thylacinus ll4 " 167 Portion of lower jaw, with two 51 Hnmerne, Phascolomys to ( , ., Sru:cophilus molars, Pbt\SColomys 52 116 5 168 Left upper jaw, with tw·o molar>, 53 Skull: SarcopM~ 117lL . 118 j OWCl' JllW, ., Phnscolomys 54 Humerus, Phascolomys 169 Left lower jo.w, Pbuscolomys 55 Tibia, TllylacinUB 119 ( u . 56 F emur, Pbascolomys 120 ppor Jaw, " lntifrons > 170 Right lower ja.w, , 57 Tibiu and ftbuln, large !lbcropus 121 Radius, Macropus 171 , ,. yo\Ulg HnlmntUl'lll 6$ Fcmtu·, ~~~ Ri~bt lowc~ jaw, Phas~olomys 172 Fore part of skull, Phnscoloroys 59 Tibia, 1-3 Lert lowOl' JOW, Thylucmus 60 Humerus, large Phascolo.{;ys plnL-yrhinus 12..1· Left lower juw uncl PI'Omolar of J!i3 Fore part of skull, r. latift'OIIS 61 Doubtful Sarcophilus 62 17<1 Palate, P. platyrhinus 125 Right low~1· jt•w, Plmscolomys 176 Right lower jaw, P. platJl·hinU!I 63 Tibi~. Macropus or Hnlmaturus 126 Loft u~pc1· ,ju w, Snrcopb ilus F emur, lfacropua ,. 176 Anterior portion Jowor jaw, P. 64o 127 Lower .Jaw, H nlmatm·us lo.tifrons 7

1'17 Lolt lower jaw, P. lntifro111 72'13 871 Third upper incisor, Ralmaturus 178 Femur, Dromaius to FoOl-bones, Halmnturus 8'72 011ninc, 'l'bylneinus 1791Loto wcr .tnouon, . HIa mnturua ond 766 873 Left lower jaw, Cani8 Macropu 7671 874 PartofcarapaceohTortoiJeallied 200 to Femur, i'llus or IInpalot is to Cbclodina 786 875 Molar, Phucolomys :!071to MolaN, Phnscolomys 219 7871 8761 to Tibia to Upper incieors, Rodentia 2'>01 792 879 1-;, Phalanges of IIalmnturi (lost but one) 7931 880 Fractured jaw, 235 ~ Humerus 881 " 2361 5 882 Molar, to Phalanges, Thylnciuus 239 8071to Lower jaws ::! }Upper ramus, 21()) .z.n JPhalanges, Unlmaturus 810 885 Two molon, 886 Lower jaw, :: (naw apeclea) 2~2 Phalanx, Thylnoinus 8111to Vertcbl'lll, Rtptilian 887} Two femurs, .2131 816 888 to Phalanges, IIal.mnhu·us 8171 889 Tibia, , 2J:i to Rummts, Reptilian 890 Upper incisor, Betton&ia .z.t6 Left lower jaw, PbOBcolomys 819 8911 ll-~71 . 8201 to Lower j&we, Pernmolos to Molnn, IIahuaturus to Tibia, Peramelcs 896 250 825 8961 •'1511to :MolUJ·s nod fa·nclurccl jaws, 826 1 to Upper incison, Halmaturua lial.maturus to tnna, various Manupials 898 300 832 8 3 ~ ( ]'emur.and lower jaws of varioua t~l 1Caudnl ve~tebrro of ''nrious :! }Canines, Tbylacinus 5 Saurtana Manupanls 901 327 5 fR;gbt lower promolnr of a Th1la· 835 Saurian vortebrro 3281 8S6 colec, with socket of iocaaor ::~} ;&, Vertebra! tooth 90-~ Left lower inci!or, Phaacolomys 5 88'7 Ri(?ht upper pl't'molar, Thylncolco lutifrooe (young) 905 838 Third upper incilor, Tbylncoleo 006 CASE No. 2. 839 907 1 Fractured bones of the extremities 840 Se::'ond ,. 908 .. ~ 1 841 909 90 Of YRriOUS M:nnmpiaJs 4 5 842 Upj,er cani~e, Tbyln;~lco 910 Right :: 4911 ~3 J"mctured canin<', ,. 911 Left " " " to Frnclul'\•d bonee of the pelris 844 Second upper inci.


LIST OF SPECIMENS COLLECTED BY MR. GEORGE MASTERS (ASSISTANT CURATOR). Fron' Westem Australia. INSECTS. Colcoplen~ ...... ~6lspecies, and specimens 7,514 I Homoptcra ...... 33 apcciea, and specimens 60 Lopidoptcrn ...... 116 , , 256 Uemiptern ...... 06 , u 405 liymcnoptorn ...... 216 , , 972 Miscollancous ...... 60 " " 240 Diplom ...... 180 " " 1,263 FISHES. Specioa 7 1 Specimens ...... •• •...... • ...... 20 MOLLUSCS. Speoics 60 I Specimens ...... 350 REPTILES. 8

RJiJPTILES. Speoiet •..•...... 39 1 Specimens ...... ·· · ····· ...... 340 ETHNOGRAPHICAL SPEOIMENS. Boomerangs ...... 3 I Knives ...... 33 Woomcra •...... •...... •...... ~ HRlllDiers ...... 26 Downk ......

Jf'1'0111 Bl)mbala, New=SI)tttl~ Wales. :REPTILES. Species ...... 8 I Specimens ...... · · · ·•· ...... · · ...... •.. 20 MOLLUSCS. Species ...... • ...... 3 1 Specimens ...... • ...... • 30 INSECTS. Species ...... 416 I Specimens ...... 1,517 SPIDERS. Species ...... 45 I Specimens ...... •...... •. .. 120

Frl)m IM·d Howe Island. MAMMALS. The ~keleton of a rare species of Whale, Dioplodon seychellensis. BIRDS. Merula vinitincta...... 6­ Ocydromus sylvestris ...... 1 Streper4 grnculinn ...... 1 C.l).alcophaps chrysochlora ...... 1 Rhipidura spec. ? •...... •..•.•...... •...... 2 Chnradrius orientoJ:is ...... 2 Pacbycephaln gutturalis .....•...... , ...... 3 Limosa uropy(:inlis ...... •...... 2 Zosterops strenuus ...... 2 Phmton phmrucurus ...... 1 Gerygol}e spec. P •...... 2 Genus unknown ...... 6 REPTILES. e.. Hinulin •...... 2 I Gecko spea? ...... •• • . . .. •• . . . 3 FISHES. Angnill.a australis ...... 4 MOLLUSCS. 410 species 250 INSECTS. 50 species ...... •...... 850 Australian Museum, GERARD KREFFT, 7 April, 1870. Ourator and Secretary. •

Sydney: Thomas Prloter.-ISiO. (6d.) ~llcbards,_Goverument