Year group Read Watch Visit

Year 7 Nikola Tesla Documentary Interactive Periodic table on the RSC:  Eureka (Halifax) An award-winning children's museum in 9WCvuTI Halifax, West Yorkshire, with more than 400 interactive exhibits which inspire children to provides information about the periodic table Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American think about . and how to use it. physicist, inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) supply system. Year 8 History of – BBC Teach video Horrible Science – Microscopic series:  Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester Nick Arnold We tell stories about ideas that change the es/2LwpBTHK7f5PwhwFNYJ6GV7/medicine world, from the Industrial Revolution to today Look down your microscope and dare to -through- and beyond. discover the terribly teeny world of

Microscopic Monsters. Discover what makes our guts a brilliant home for , how An insight into how medicine has changed The technological advancements which were germs make dead bodies explode and which over time as our understanding of the happening at the time enabled workers to creature lays its eggs between our toes. microbes which cause disease has harness and transfer huge amounts of Redesigned in a bold, funky new look and developed. . In school you will be learning about illustrated throughout by Tony De Saulles for about lots of different forms of energy and the next generation of Horrible Science fans. how they can be transferred usefully.

Year 9  Knowsley safari Park The Private Life of : A Natural History of  Planet – documentary Warmly welcoming visitors for over 43 years. Behaviour: David Attenborough An exploration of the wild and beautiful A stunning five-mile safari drive, foot safari, parts of our planet exploring adaptations of events and talks on a wide variety of . Accompanying a David Attenborough series on animals and plants. BBC Television, and with the aid of time-lapse All organisms on earth have evolved different photography, this book reveals hidden events ways to obtain energy from their and phenomena of plant-life throughout the surroundings through respiration and world. photosynthesis. See it happening for real at Knowsley Safari park.

A Short History of Nearly Everything – Bill Drowning In plastic: Sea Life Manchester – Trafford centre Year 10 Bryson Visit SEA LIFE Manchester and get closer than Bill Bryson discusses all the important scientific mbn47 ever before to over 5000 creatures. advancements in the past 300 years.

Wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin works with some of the world's leading marine biologists and campaigners to discover the true dangers of plastic in our oceans. Whilst the programme might not be available, the clips are fascinating. Year 11 How to revise: The John Rylands Library

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway: Susan Jeffers The John Rylands Library is home to one of 3g6X2w Internationally renowned author Susan Jeffers the world’s richest and most unique

has helped millions of people overcome their collections of books, manuscripts, maps, Online guidance on how to revise from free fears and heal the pain in their lives with her works of art and objects. science lessons. simple but profound advice. Whatever your

anxieties, Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway will Go there to revise or destress with one of Try the Headspace App: this will really help give you the insight and tools to vastly improve your favourite books. your ability to handle any given situation. This with your wellbeing as we get closer to will help you stay focused on your revision, but exam time. keep everything in perspective at the same time.