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Saturday October 1 0 Th 1 9 5 I SATURDAY OCTOBER 1 0 TH 1 9 5. 3 Cleaner, fresber,\ 111.LINOIS - OHIO Will" W ILBUR E STATE tam A W · s N YP John F H. oodrufL AP, E d·i·t or N _ummeL ___ ---- d_vertisin o:ntJoSnal Adverti; ing- f•rculatio; t::~ager pNncer Co., 271 Mre_sentative ager The Preside , ew York 16 N ady1son Ave. Ohio at s Pa"e ' · · . Late Footb 11" ---------- 01ruver . sitY o r Illm- . a . Staff0 ~--------------------- 4 U l~O State Athl . ois fficrnl ------------ 5 mversity of 11 e_llc _Staff -----~- -------------- 6 1953U · Footb. ·' 11 Rulelrno1 s CCoach e ------------ -------- 7 ~"" "' ,r1 nr h,,,,. -------- , io State H dnois Players -------------=-- 10 0Ha~f-Time Ba~d Coaches ---=--- 12, 18, 32, 36, 40 ih,o Su•• Pl, Pcog"m -------- ------ ------ 14 0\~!alst and Pe::1!i;s_ _______ 16,-29--3-5-38____ _ 15 Th " Illi,oi -,------- ' ' ' 42, 49 Oh~ '"Y of •n•• -------- - 20 10 State Ronrh t I uck ------ --- -------- 22 23 ext Q er __ -------- , Jill · ppon,,s P, ------------ --------- 4533 nr"'~' Ro "' = •yl.aoi, __ ------------- . rno1s Son"S _d _____ ___ ---------- 47 " an Yells --======----------====-------- 4850 E T T E S 3 COPR., THE AMER::::- - . - --• T08ACCO COMPANY The Ohio State Stoff Director of Athletics RICHARD C. LARKINS, Ohio State, '31 THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE Varsity Football Coaches Head Coach- W. W. (Woody) Hayes, Denison, '35 (At right) Defensive Backfield Coach- E. R. Godfrey, Ohio State, ' 15 Defensive Line Coach- Harry L. Strobel, Miami, '32 End Coach- Esco Sarkkinen, Ohio State, '40 Backfield Coach-Doyt L. Perry, Bowling Green, '32 Tackle Coach- William Arnsparger, Miami, '50 Asst. Backfi eld Coach-Eugene Fekete, Ohio State, '47 Freshman Coach- William R. Hess, Ohio University, '47 Junior Varsity Coach- William A. O'Hara, Otterbein, '41 THE Ohio tate Univer ity ,yeJcomes today one of it olde t and most respected \Ve tern Conference rival -the Univer ity of Illinoi . The Ohio State-Illinois competition on the football field cover more than a half century, the first game having been played in 1902. Since 1914, teams of our two universities have been meeting annually in what now constitute one of the longest uninterrupted series in college football. The fine t traditions of good sport mairhip have characterized thi long ath­ letic relationship. Alumni, faculty and tudent of both chools can find cause for pride over the years in the way they have been represented by their re pective teams. I am sure today' contest "·ill be no exception. Dr. Howard L. Bevis OHIO STATE COACHING STAFF-Front row, left to right: Bernie Skvarka, assistant freshman coach; William Hess, freshman coach; William O' Hara, junior varsity coach; Doyt Perry, backfield coach ; William Arnsparger, tackle coach. Back row, Gene Fekete, asssist­ ant backfield coach; Harry Strobel, defensive line coach; W. W. (Woody) Hayes, head coach; E. R. Godfrey, deiensive backfield coach; Esco Sarkkinen, end coach. 5 University of Illinois Officials RICHARD C. LARKINS, Athletic Director GEORGE R. STATEN, Ticket Director ERNEST R. BIGGS, Head Trainer DR. LLOYD MOREY Acting President, University of Illinois RALPH GUARASCI, Stadium Supt. DOUGLAS R. MILLS ROBERT C. RIES, MARVIN HOMAN, Dr. RICHARD PATTON, Director of Athletics Asst. Ticket Director Asst. Pub. Dir. Team Physici an Tearn Physician 6 7 Illinois Coaches MEET THE FIGHTING ILLINI • track at Kewanee High School. gained all-. tate rec­ M EL \'I~ '·i\Ji key" Bate , sophomore halfback ognition on the o-ridiron ... "Big l\Iack" Mc fee. from Kewanee, an all- tate player in 1951, is study­ sophomore tackle who now lives in Joliet, enrolled The Illinois Staff ing to be a chiropodist ... John "Buckwheat" Bauer, in Tllinois after four years as Cpl. Floyd McAfee of giant center from Benion, hold the Illinois state the . S. Army Paratrooper ... One of the nation's Director of Athletics inter chola tic shot put record of 56 feet 5;0 inche finest punt r . K n 1iller, senior fullb;ick from DOUGLAS R. MILLS , Illinois, ' 30 and has a be t performance of 53 feet 3 0 inche Bloomington. averaged 39.9 vards per kick l:ist ea- "·ith the 16-pouncl collegiate weight ... Bob Bi hop, on. His greatest thrill of the year. however, was fiery little guard who prepped at Head Football Coach a 26-yarcl touchdown dash against Michigan ... Ken ~ alem High chool, 1 lan , to be i one of three Millers on the 1953 Illinoi. s(Juacl. RAY ELIOT, Illinois, ' 32 a geologic engineer and spent last none related. Richard Miller is. a iunior tackle from (At left) summer at Fort Le,Yis A. & r. Lanark and the squad' best place kicker. Tom ollcge, Durango Colo., special­ filler i a ophomore center from Brazil. Incl .... izing in thi field ... Nothing in Line Coach Rog·er l\1ue11er. sophomore encl from Detr it, is college football will supercede the BURT INGWERSEN studying to he an aeronautical engineer. He is a , Illinois, ' 20 thrill Herb Borman, senior cen­ veteran of four vears in the . Air Forces. having ter and linebacker, received • from served 15 months over eas ... Steve osek. letter­ Backfield Coach wi1111ing the Ro e Bowl game man encl from Chicago (Taft), was member of Jan. 1. 1952, from tanford 40 RALPH FLETCHER , Illinois, ' 21 Illinoi ' 1952 Rose Bowl quad. but claims defensive to 7 . Jo names, ju t initials, plav again t \Vi con in in 1951 a his greatest foot­ End Coach . ay, J. C. Caroline, ophomor ball thrill. ... halfback . from Columbia, . C. ROBERT KING, Fu rman, ' 37 Bob Bishop . ] . C. was a member of the Photography i the hobby of Dick Ohl . sopho­ prep All-American honor roll in 1951 .... Jack more halfback and former all-state pla ,·er at Cham­ Asst. Backfield Coaches hamblin. former Robinson all-state player, won 11 paign ... Pete Palmer. big enior tackle from Rock­ LEO T. JOHNSON, Millikin, ' 21 letter in three ports in high chool, now eek his fo rd. is studying for a career as a singer. A baritone first intercollegiate in ignia after transferring from with a fine range, Palmer not only entertains team­ CHARLES PURVIS, Illinois, '40 the U. Military cademy .... mate on trip and in the home camp, but frequently Catching thr e touchdown passe in the la t five ings at campus events and appeared with Bob Hope Asst. Line Coaches minutes of a football game which gave Weber High in a how he staged in Huff Gymnasium ... Pat LOUIS AGASE, Illinois, ' 48 School an upset victory over Leo in 1951 stand out Phillip . ophomore tackle from A hkum. i a neph­ a greatest thrill of Bob De Enfants, oph more ew of the late Jack Crangle. famed Illini fullback of MElVIN BREWER, Illinois, ' 40 end from Chicago . Don Ernst, senior guard 1919-20-21 ... Hobby of Dean Renn. lanky sopho­ from hicago (Foreman) \Ya virtually unheard-of more nd from \Vest Frankfort. i hunting ... Rudy \\·hen he tepped into a goal-line stand against \Vi. - Siegert. all-state tackle from Pana. is a cou in of con in in 1951, but he' ranked a a regular since Herb and \Vayne Siegert, both o-r at linemen for and one of the Big Ten' best defensive gaurcls .... Coach Rav Eliot. Herb was a o-uard on teams of Becoming a jet pilot is the ambition of Elry Fal­ 19..J.6-47-48 and captain his senior year: \i\Tayne was ken tein. senior quarterback from aperville . a tackle in 1949-50-51. marking ix con ecutive years Bob Gongola, noted for his pas ing, till remembers in "·hich a iegert wa a regular at Illinois ... Baird most vividly his fir t punt in an intercollegiate foot­ , tewart. junior fullback from Evanston and a former ball game. Just a ophomore, Gongola was called all-stat player, is on of Paul Stewart. 1llini baseball upon to kick ut of the encl zone in the 1952 1owa player who was graduated in 1924 ... Ken Swienton, game and de l i te I ei ng ru heel hard got off a 1 auty. a graduate of Chicago (Schurz), returned to Illinois ''It wa a real thrill," Bob recalls ... Dick Kohlha­ after the 1952 eason had started, but soon moved in gen, junior tackle from Rockford, as a regular at left halfback. He is a veteran of the hadn't played any intercollegiate U .. ::--.Javy .... f otball until he was a urprise Don "Bucky" Tate has 1 een hi fted to guard thi . tarter again t Purdue last sea­ year from hi . post a a tackle in 1952. Tate was son, then gained nationwide rec­ named to th sophomore ll-American la t ea on ognition the following week as and is a brother of Al Tate who gained 11-American he blocked a punt again t Mich­ honor as an Illini tackle in 1950 . nother Illini iga11 which tarted Illinoi on the to [ollow his broth r's footsteps to fame on Illinois road to its big upset of the year team· is \Vally Verna co, junior guard from Misha­ ... Capt. Bob Lenzini who has waka, Tncl. Hi brother, Joe, was an end on the Illini played I oth guard and tackle f r n ig T n champs of 19 51 . Halfback larence the lllini, made the po ition shift "Bud" De Ios . \'ilia Park, participated in Illinoi ' in mid-season without affecting 1952 Rose B wl rout of tanforcl, and he rates that Wally V ernasco hi play. He wa a member of experience hi bigge t thrill in ports ... Bob Graeff, the 1951 Academic II-American team, result of hi soph mor halfback from Murphy boro, raced 64 honor student tatus in a tough civil engineering yards soon after opening of the third quarter of la t curriculum ..
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