






ti!.! :(l utborti!.!: JOHN l''ERRES, GOVERN~rENT PIHN'TER, liELBOTIRNE. No. 29. APPROXIMATE COST m' REPORTS. f., s. d. Preparation (not given). Printing (1,575 copies) 94 0 (I INDEX.

Summary.-Gohl .\lining Statistics for the Quarter cnc!etl30th Septcmher 1881. Table showing the Yield of Gold from certain parcels of Quartz raised during the Quarter in some of the Dcepebt :!\Tines in Vktoria; with Depth of the deepest Shafts, Levels, Cross-cuts, &c. Estimaterau, Mining Hegistrar 1:~, 15, ~~~, 37 \V edderburn Division l\lr. ,J. Heacil, .\fining Hegistrar 2~, 37 ltedbank 8ubclivisiou Mr. D. O'Lcary, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 23, :li St. Arnand South Subdivision Mr. W. G. Couclnnan, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 2:l,37 St. Arnaud North Subdivision Mr. W. G. Couehman, .\'fining Surveyor and Registrar 13, 15,:!~} 38 CASTLEMAINE "fiNING DISTRICT. Castlemaine Division l\lr. T. L. Brown, Mining Surn;yor and Hegistrar, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23,38 Fryer's Creek Division Mr. :VI ark Amos, .\fining Surveyor and Hegistrar J:l, lH, 20, :!:l, 38 Hepburn Division "~r. Thos. Hale, Mining Hegistrar 1:3, Hi; 19, 23, 3!1 'faradaic an, 15, Ill, ~o. :!4, :•li St. Andr(•w's Division 2\clr. Alfred A nnstrong, ~lining Surveyor & Hegistrar 1-1, 15, l \!, 2+, 41) Blue 1\lountain ;\l'orth Subdivision ~{r. GrnJwn1 :\f(~Pher::;on, ~lining Ht·gistrar 24, ·10 ARARAT MINING DISTRICT. Ararat JHvisiou i\lr. Thos. ~'oyster, Mining Registrar 24,40 Pleasant Creek Division Mr. II. C. Bate, Mining Surveyor and Hegistrar 14, 15, 20,24,40 Barldy Division Mr. II. C. Bate, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 2-1,40 Raglun Division Mr. C. W. Minehin, Mining Registrar 19, 24,41 GIPPSLAND MINING DISTRICT. Omeo Subdivision ... Mr. ;J, (),Jell, Aeting 11ining Registrar .. . 24,41 Gibbo Suhdivision Mr. C. 11. Hodgson, Mining Registrar .. . 1-1, 24, 4 t .\lltchel1 Hiver Subdivision :'llr. John Grimes Peers, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 24, .jJ Boggy Creek Subdivision Mr. ;r. :Fletehcr, .\clining: Registrar 24,41 Crooked River Division Mr. Ed. Harrison, Mining l1eg-istmr 24, ·12 Dargo Subdivision ... ~fr. ,J. ll. Kelly, Mining Hegistmr 14,2-1,42 J cricho Division ;\Jr. H .•J. Ihnitldson, :\lining- Registrar 25,42 Donnelly's Creek Division \fr. 0. 1'. ·.\'hitt•law. ;\fining Survevor and lleu::,trar 14, %, 4~ Strlng'f'r's Crcr~l{_ Division Yr. \V. :\1. Snlitb, Mining Beg-istra·r 11, Hi, :!,'\,4:~ Hmsell's Creek Dh·ision ,\Ir. C. ll. Williants, Mining H.Pgistrnr ... ';!;·,, ..j.; llcndoo Suhdi vision '\ir. .lolw 1\Jehnl, ~fining 1~q~istrar :t.C,, .. j;) Tarwin Sub,livision Mr. H. M. :\!nrphy, :\lining Tll'gistrar t:; Traralgon Subdivision .\fr. C. Denif, ::Vlining lt<:gistrar ::.!.)~ -1:: A2




Alluvial Qn&rtz 1rfmers. Mmern. MACHINERY EMPLOYED I~ ALLUVIAL MINING. MACHINERY EMPLOYED IN QUARTZ liHNI!'fG. Number Number DISTRICT, DIVISION, of of Total Steamemployed Engines iu _;;:_:::· m Approximate Square distinct Price of Gold ~ ·!'~ s~:::to~~gi;;es I ~ I!:i.~ ~ Miles of , Quartz AND per ounce._ .AUJ'iferousl ltcefg Ground actually Sl:'BDIVISION. actually proved worked to be i T. i J :?: t~~·:i ;!~ I ~ I ftl ~ ~ ~i ~ i Hilt i I-W-'~-~-i_n_:b,ip_ng··t·····~:···:o·._g_., ~~~~ fL i 1il! J i ~~ ~~: upvu. , Auriferous. I----.,.---~= ~ o z ~~-~~ 1...!_1- i=l~ i':: -~-~-~-"-~-_ __:::_ _P-;__ __~__ o_o __ ill_8_ _::._ __z __"_+_..;_::::_"'_ _~_::_::__ ul~~ ~ ~~~ ..- ... J~ -----:-----1-----r·---l- 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 BALJ,ARAT. Central Division • • . .. . . 215 151 ,-::;- 'le '---;- !! ' 'fJ : : "i dg Southern Division .• ... •+ 540' 150 3,~~ --~- = ~~-;- : ~ = = = - '; -,-~5-2 -:--1 - --=- ~ ~ ~~ 1ft~38 i~ i~ 1~ 1 4J " Buninyong Division u • • • • 30 4 5 1 11 Smythesdalo Dhision . . • ~ 630 790 il - i 2 iO - lg Wo :.t i - g : 8 g l Creswick Division • • • • • • 1,2itl 170 ~~ ~ l,~ri 3~ 8~3 J ~ ~g = = ~ ~:~ ~gk ~ ~ ~~? 2,~3~ I,on 25 18 12 2 600 - ~~ !,OF 262 26 _ 5 ~ 1 10:l,OOO 13 16 ~ ~ Gorilou Subdivision • • • • • • 17 27 3I = = = _ = 1 1 g l r g Steiglitz Subdivision...... 40 20 2 Blackwood Division and Blue 120 140 16 9 - - Mountain South 8ubdivision 18~ - i~S = = - = ! = 3oo 15 = - 1~ ~ ~~; 1~ ~ :H&s "~: H ~ H ~ ~ 5 3 Ballrm Subdivision • • • • 6 6 ------1 10 - 8 --- - 400 1 3 3 18 6 3 19 6 ---+-·--1'-:-:-::::-:-!---1------___, ___ ,___ , ___ ------1--1·-·- --·1--1-----11----1·-- -:-::::--1--=--1----:--:::-1--:~-1·---:-· 1---:::-::-:--::-:·---::-+-c:-=-1 Totalo . • • • •• , 2,884 -~~ 5,054 : .. !!:_,_ 9,4:!~~ 82 2,951 77 :-=-•~ _5_1_1_1_:;_, __9_S9_ ____I-I--43-I--15_II---2-- 1--1-0_J--I-I-9_I__ __4,_9a_·,;_-I-_9 __ _1_,4_1_6_J·-28--1--1-l_-l-_72__ :--1-4_l __1_l--3-92_,_2S_I_I--It-;o..-~_-l- __s_50_ 1 1 1 1 1 BEECHWORTII. i 1 : i ,noo , Beeehworth Divi•ioll . . • • 617 658 · 100 1 , 1,375 5 85 4 6 3 5 • 3 20 14 -- 2 1 115 5 75 I' 1 5 - - 28.070 47 109 3 18 0 4 2 6 Yackand,'tndah Nort.h Subdivision -- ; I ------______- ~ - _ - i:J~~ni5f~~~~lelout~.suu~:visio~ ~IY 1~~ ~~ ~ J~ 2,~g 3 24 16 --- 5 80 1 ~i 11 - 1 2 - 15 117 310 9 4 1 6 m I 10 ---6 7 1 0 4 0 0 4 1 6 Bnckland Division ,. •• •• 87 8~9 230 5 1,151 - - _: _: 4,370 4 _ 6; = _ ~ 1~ 8 123 _ _: = 5~ ii~ 3 18 0 4 0 6 Wan•liligong Sulldhision ,. . . 15 3U 131) 182 ------200 - --- 10 142 5 129 _ - - - 27 169 3 18 0 4 1 6 1 2 12 5 1 7 3 H 6 4 1 6 1 3 15 0 4 0 0 R!K:~t~~a~~!f~~~~ :: :: i! _J ~ I ~~ =2 22 2 - 2 ~ ~g - ~ = = - 4 i~ f i~ - _: _: - ':ift~ 1,. ~ 3 15 0 3 18 9 Ga!l'uey's Creek Subclivisiou . . 40 8 £lJ 111 - = - ..: ~ 120 1~ I) = = - 4 64 i2 172 1 3 = _: - 1 ~~ 1~ 3 16 0 3 18 6 Wood's Point Subdivision , •• 80 2 8l 16~ - --- IiO 9 9 - _ - 11 172 s 203 2 - 1 - 2 18 95 2 It> 6 3 IS 6 2 120 9 3 16 6 3 18 l ~lft.f:iT;fft~au~~~r,i~~~bdi.;i~ion :: ~6 - 2~1 2lg = - - = = _: = = ~ :J:l = fJ I 2 = = e~l~~ r~ it 3 10 0 3 16 0 Betha.uga Subdivision . • . . - 30 3£.5 - ·- -- ~ - _ _ - 3 40 _ 5 - 1 - 2l) 22 310 0 3 15 0 l\Iitttt :,mta South Subdivision . . ::s 9 10 - 57 -- - - - R 1 3 _ _ 1 10 _ 5 -· -- 12 6 3 5 0 3 10 0 J ~rnioson Bubdivision • • . • 1CO 20 130 250 - - - - 450 --- 4 47 3 74 ---- 9 27 3 14 0 3 18 3 -I- ---1---'-----· ------]---1---1--·-.------!---1------i--·-:---:------1 Totals • • • • • • _1,_64_1 __ ..::?~. ~ _._6_ __5,._1_31_ __1_8_ 370 12 __1_4 ___1_1 __2_5 __ 1._3_,o_57_ __1_1_ _ss_ _126_1-=- _-.::_ -~I--7_6__ __I_,t_oo __ __4__ 4_ ~ --6_ ___4__ ___1_4_ j__::__l _____1_81_,_53_7_ __338_-i_+--906 __ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SANDHURST. f:i,tntlhaxst Division. *. ~.. .. 995 . 700 4-~~ 30 5. 750 7 120 _ 64 _ 102 _ 6 _ 11 _ 1 2~~ 4,r _ 1,~~ 3 19.? 1eg 40 25 328 3 18 3 3 18 3 Kllmorc Division • • ~. ~. 18 27 126 3 16 9 316 9 Heathoote Division and Warangn 81 204 3 18 6 4 1 0 Sonth Sub,Uvision Wa.rJ..uga North Subdivision 1~ I. : 151 : =1 12 1 : 4 iO =30 ~~~~ = ~ = 9 ~;: ~ 1: - : : = 9,380 11 130 3 0 0 4 2 10 1 Totals .• 1,%5 193 4,671 30 6;1S9 8 132 -1-ll--l--1-19- 4 1~ _30 -- -~ -- 3 -;-1-I-----J--2:-52~-I--4,-=-9-:-62:---1---- 1,535 3 :- 206 ~ 42 515,772 H5 782 ----1--1-1- ---1---1-- , ---.-----1----·--+---1--- l\IAn.Ynon.ouGH. i 785 160 172 4 0 0 4 2 0 ~i~JJ;~:~;l~~Pvi:ii~~ :: ::I 1.!~~ ~ i 15 - 2,~~g 2~ ~~~ n 1~ 3~ ~~ ! - ~ i ~ !!. f 2f 5~~ --- 24 ~ = 1iU~ ~t 1 ' 4 0 0 4 2 0 Amheroh Division . • .. • . 316 165 102 583 10 2J4 10 30 16 30 40 - 30 15 12 - 11 158 46 - - 7 14 27,900 7 30 ' 3 14 0 4 2 0 Avoc:'> 8ubdiviBion .. .. .• 533 317 85 935 7 325 5 100 3 - 36 - 17 1 4 - 1 5 88 73 - 4 4 - 22,783 19 4'J 4 0 0 4 0 0 Dunolly ~ncl TarnagLllb Divisions 4G3 301 840 1,604 3 8() 1 4t 6 - 4 - 4 30 - 37 693 2!6 - 21 12 8 64,282 18 192 I 4 0 0 4 2 3 lllg-1ewood Division . , . . 335 2!5 185 815 2 60 - 13 --- 15 -- 9 130 - 39 - - 8 7 - 7,595 19 H s 18 0 4 0 6 Wed

1 Totals •• •• •• 2,139 1,38! 1,418 - -;w:---13- 222 5 136 25 95 655 u - SO 13 24 24 ~--2 117 2,293 _6 86i ~ 4 75 81 3 ~18,87:._ 168 407 ------,- ---1 ARARAT. A ra.ra. t Division •• 190 2:l~ 55 475 5 65 -- 11 3 4 36 - 12 - 4 11 : - 4 62 23 -- 2 3 - 5,000 39 30 3 16 0 4 2 0 3 13 0 4 1 0 Plea..o;ant Creok Division ~. _1 1,218 - 48 10 7 :Uit.rkly Division •. ~ 2gg ~60 1,~~g ~ I~g 1~ t I i~ -- ~ ~ I = :: ~ = - 140,~~~ ib 3,5~ 3 19 6 4 0 6 Ril..glau DiYision • ,. •• 466 122 12 600 22 380 16 7 2 2 - - - i ------15,500 6~ 4 1 3 4 1 6 1 Totals .• •• 1,ss1 612 121 • 2,120 --36-- --;ro- 11 s1 10 · 7 ----n 12 32 s1 1 - 37 1,280 - 347 ------'50 13 __7_ ___1_6_2,_13_2_ ___ss.::.~ __ ___s_I_ ·------1-- -- 1- --.------1----1------1 1 1 1 GIPPSLAND. Omeo Subdivision .. .,. .. 118 216 30 36! 1,000 2 15 15 17 1 21 3,412 12 25 3 9 0 4 0 0 3 7 6 310 Gibbo Subd.ivision , • ... . ~ JIS 10 9 137 340 40 40 2 6 600 12 2 0 Mitchell ltiver and Boggy Creek 210 40 23 273 2 21) 16 1,080 24 23 316 0 3 19 0 8ubdivisions 6 25 92 46 12 10 5 81 4 76 --- 2 9,577 27~ 322 312 0 3 19 0 j;r~~~e~~~id~~~~~di~~sion.. :: g~ I 35 H 173 60 6 3 47 1 36- --- 4,550 30 10 3 10 0 4 1 10 Jericho lJi-.,ision .. .,. •• 80 ~ 5S 22 160 uo 20 20 4 48 1 62 1 _ _ 4,2!0 I 26 33 3 15 0 3 17 6 Dounell:v's Creek nivision • • • . 75 l 3 31 100 10 30 3 58 3 3 10 0 4 0 0 Strh1ger's Creek Diviaiou • • • • 6! l 355 419 17 355 gg 2 I = = - 12,110 I J' g 3 10 0 4 0 0 Russell's Creek Division • • ~. 6 l 85 IH 5 3 8 0 3 18 0 Bendoe Subrlivision • • • • •. 751 22 97 40 2 316 0 3 16 6 Tarwiu Subdivision . , • • ... 67 3 6 76 2 18 4 10 2 30 ~~ :: I = - = ~:~1 \ ~ ~i 3 15 0 3 17 6 316 0 3 19 6 Tru.ra.lgon Subilivision .. • • • 104 1 104 20 ---- lOO lf I 1 •• l,067 i----;93 2,095 --3- --28-~--1-l-_-·l--2-l---:-8- -_- -1,650--4- --~~-1 -97-l-·-l-1c5c- 37 14 Totals •• ----s;5 -- 656 ~ -3-~-----'--=---=- -2-l----ss;-652'--207-.-~ -~--48-3--l -8-12-·l-1-7,-236--ll---: 502 445 S3 1,850,2tl! 1,2441 1-3-,63-7-l GRAND TOTALS •• 1;.152[ 8,244 16,253 '73 38,'1'.12 --;us -6;022,-161.-l--:l--753-·l-189-·l--298- -1-6-,56-1--34- 429 255 1140 320 12 73-ll-6~,39=1:-l·-51:-:-1--19-

T. COUCHMA.N, Department of Mines and Water Supply, Melbourne, 14th October 1881 Secretary for Mines and Water Supply. No. 29. 'r-A.. B LE SHOWLXG THE YIELD OF GOLD FROM CERTAIN PA.RCELS OF QUAH.TZ RAISED DURING THE QUARTER IN SOME OF THE DEEPEST .}liNES IN VIC'l'ORIA, WITH 'fHE DEPTH OF THE DEEPEST SHAFTS WHICH ARE NOW BEIXG SUNK, OR THE SINKING OF WHICH HAS RECENTLY BEEN STOPPED, ETC. (Compiled from Returns made by tl1e .iJ:lining Surveyors and Registrars for the Quarter ended 30th September 1881.)

i I : DISTRICT, lHVISION, ! I I Depth of Depth of Average Wldtll ! Dip of the Reef · Dip of the Strike of the DCI>!h the the AND Quantity NA~fE OF COMPANY. NAME OF REEF. Crushed. Yiel~ of Golc of the Heel. I fr01:' ~>hoot lteef NAME OF REEF. of deepest REl!ARKS. SUBDIVISION. per 'ron. I the l!onzon. of Quartz. (Bearing). Shan. J.cvel. ic~~=!'-~~t. ! BALLARAT. i !'eet. Tons. Oz. dwt. gr. Feet. Feet. Feet. I Temperance • .. • • Band of Hope • • 850 and 950 1,500 0 9 8 2 I): w. 3ft. In Glt. N. N. Temperance .. Bnnd of IIope gGO 950 650 Central Division [ I f ; Blnck lllll . . • • Black Hill •• ; : ISface ~~ 600 3,108 0 1 1 2 In. to 3 ft.*· w. E. N. l Blnel< Hill •• • • : .Black Hill •• 600 600 600 • Flllt 'reins of quartz about 30 feet In width. ! Little Hopewell Trlh. No. I S!<1:1Jonlshln1 2 866 0 6 1 toll!) o 1 w. 70' s. Southern Division { : j Little Hopewell •• • • ; Stal!ordsblre •• b20 500 500 Little Hopewcll Trib. No. 2 Stoffordshlre •• 61 0 5 19 6 o 1 w. 70' ! Imperfnl •• •• Hlscoeln •• •• t j ;:ebb n'::s. :: :: . I •• ...... •• i •• to , f 4 reefs E. so• ( Creswlck Division } i l'ortPhmtp •• •• Clunee 9,919 o 4 o• 2 30 0 N. W.15" Port Phflllp •• •• ' Cluncs 1,!93 1,090 1,190 Q Including pyrites, t 2 reefs W. 30' j { New Yorth Cluncs •• Clunes 500 tol,l05 1,188 0 1 20* 2to 7 0 w. u• N. N.S"E. :New North Clnnes Cluncs 1,105 1,105 1,105 1 " Including pyrites. Gordon Subdivision .. •• • •il: • • • • • • •• Black Horse United 931) 920 920 Stehdltz Subdivision •• ...... •• •• •• .,. :: 1 Blg~.m lllackwootl Dlvlslon and Blue Mountain Yew Sultan •• •• Sultan and others 165 to 600 1,147 0 5 /j 3 in. to 2ft. Varies Varies N.u•w. New SuUn.n Sultan and others Dl4 900 lJOO South 8ubtllv. ision r Dl\ll~;n 5" l!·tslon •• ., Gn.ffney's Creek Subdivision •• Golden Belt Homeward Bound 220 500 0 2 23 2 (! s.w. s~· ::s". W.33" N.sa•w. Wood's Point Subdivision •• Big lllver Sub

(Y!etory and PnndoraAmal- Garden Gully 1,400 1,360 1,SGO Not sinking. SANDHURST. gamntert New Chum Consolidated •• New Chum •• 828 1,311 2 19 15 2 0 , 1 Carlisle~ North Go.rden Gu!.. Gnrllcn Gully l,S£0 1,320 1,320 Kot sinking. Sandhurst Dlvlsloo 8hcnandoah • • • • New Chum 900 612 () 9 0 2 0 r ly ~ aud l'as!'Ohy United 100 to 1,320 204 0 16 6 Various. · i Grt. gxtnd. I:l nstler"s Hccf IIu•tler's •• 1,368 1,250 1,350 :Not ~Inking. { Carlislc,Sorth Garden Gully, Gar hire •• N.Jo•w. Yorkshire ...... 1 \Vntts 350 MO 340 Watts 305 to 330 1 1.944 0 6 6 I V o· w.so· N. Burke's _Flat •• ... i LHilJUtiao ns 738 Tnglewood Dfvi~ton •• •• •• I Durkc's li'lnt .... Lll!J>nt!an 648 to 738 1 1,044 0 12 9 4 to 18 0 s. E. ami W' W cdderburn Division • • .. .. [ • • • • •• ...... ~. .. Redba.nkund ~t.Arnaud8outh gulx'Uvisions 'I · · ·· ...... •• ~ St. Putrick's & 'Western 68U GBO 680 St. Arnnud North Subdivision.. .. Lort!ll slnk!n~r. Castlemalne Division .. • • • • I Central Tribute •• Wattle Gully .. , 300 149 0 14 13 3 0 W.76" N 2'W. ! }'ore;t Crook Wntne Gully 480 41;0 450 8tillsluk!ng. .~14 500 New Era l .. erron's •• 80 to 380 4,255 0 6 6 I to20 0 E. 3R' N.J4'W. New Era Fcrron's .• soo , 352 175 li.~ Fryer'• Creek Divtslou •• i nowe llros. Cnttle's: .... 27{) 1,218 0 3 5 5to20 0. w. -~0° :!'. 1ln8 ::>.5' E. Howe llros. Cattlo"s •• German Gully 330 S25 0 15 ;; 4 0 W,SO" 8. 45" X.10°W. Hepburn Division •• •• I ~~.:;'~~:~~~lly :: Dlind Creek .• 2SO 2,780 0 7 13 8 0 8. 22" W.22• ~.18' w. f Humboldt •• 160 6 4 15 0 1 0 ' Tara.dale and Kyneton Subdivision •• i Humboldt North British .. Purkin's 600 550 550 Tarrangower Divi~ion • • • ... .. • ! South German .... German .. 280 42 2 0 20 2 6 "lY. 82" St. Audrew's DivisJon • • .... • • •• • • .Blue ]lounta!n North Subdivision •• •• ..

ARARAT. Ararat Division p!ag~nln .. 2,40~ 2,0l8 2,002 !

GIPPSLAND. Omeo ~ubdtvision •• ... .. Gibbo Subdlvl•ion .. • • • , w+ •• •• Mitcl!cll Uiver & Boggy Ck. Subdivisions New Good Hope .• Good Hope •• ... ! 100 500 700 Crooked ntver Dlvlslon .. •• " Lode very much broken. Dargo Subdivision ... •• •• :Norrnnnby Normanby .. 50 to 100 263 1 5 W.4l>" s. N.& s. J erieho Dlvi~ion • • ...... T>onnelly's Creek Dh·ls!on •• • • S I.ong Tunnel • • • • 8?3 723 823 Below a.dlt level. • Below adlt level. Stringer's Creek Dlvislon Long Tunnel Cohcn's *423 to 1!13 5,i40 1 0 6 s o 1 W,58° N.W.20" l Louit Tunnt•l Extended •• 610 600 600 Below adlt level. Russcll"s Creek Division Bendoc Subdiviidou .. Tarwin Subdivf~ion ..... Tru.ralgon Subdlvlslon :: i :: I I Mines and Water Su ly Melbourne 14th October 1881. T. COUCHMAN, .5


FRoM information obtained by the Mining Surveyors and Mining Registrars from Gold Buyers and otl1ers the ToTAL QuANTITIES OF GoLD got respectively from Ar,LUVIUMS and QuARTZ REEFS are as follow:-

Alluvia.!. Quartz. Total.

oz. dwt. oz. dwt. oz. dwt. Quarter ended 30th Septemher 1881 78,021 3! 130,150 2! 208,171 6

.. _;______···--···--····-----

THE QuANTITY OF GOLD, the produce of this Colony, ExPORTED, according to Returns furnished by order of the Honorable the Commissioner of Trade and Customs, is as follows:-

oz. dwt. Quarter ended 3oth September 1881 ll7,775 2

----····---·---···---···-----··--····------~OTE.-In ntli1ition to the nhov<', g<,ltl specie from all sources was exported to the value of £565,712.


STATEI\lENT of the Gross \V eight of GoLD received at and issued from the Melbourne Branch of the RoYAL :\liNT during the Quarter enued 30th September 1881. --·····----·-----··---- ltECEl\'Ell. l68UED.

Gross \V eight of Hough Gross Weight of Goht Gross \V eight of Coin. Gross Weight of Gold Gold. Bullion. Bullion.

oz. oz. oz. oz. 32,22;)•0i 149,942•70 150,759'16 35,120•698

Royal Mint, V. DELVES BROUGHTON, :'11 eluourne, 6th October 1881. Deputy Master.

STATEM~:NT of VICTORIAN GoLl> received at the ;\lle1bourne Branch of the RoYAL MINT Juring the Quarter ended 30th September 1881.

Gross Weight of llougl1 Golu. Oross Weight of Gol

oz. oz. 8,910'15 127,121"30

XoTE.-'l'hc Mint llas no evidence bcrond the staten1ent of the depositors that the aboYe is Victorian gold,

lwyal Mint, V. DELVES BROUGHTON, Melbourne, 6th October 1881. Deputy Master. 6



THE following information has been obtained relative to the AVERAGE YIELD OF GoLD from certain parcels of QuARTz, QuARTZ TAILINGS imd MuLLOCK Crushed, and PYRITES and BLANKETINGS operated on, during the Quarter, and the GOLD obtained therefrom :-

I 'fotal· of Gold from MINING DISTRIC'l'S. Quantity Crushed. Average Yielrl of Gold per Ton~ Crushed.

1------.-~ ... -~ ------

Q-uartz, tons. cwt. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. Ballarat ...... 125,367 0 0 6 19•73 42,763 13 12 Beechworth ...... 10,724 0 0 12 8'02 6,Gl3 14 22 Sandhurst ...... 67,482 0 0 10 23•77 37,083 15 8 1\Iaryborough ...... 14,107 13 0 8 21'81 6,283 19 10 Ca5tlemainc ...... 20,952 10 0 6 1.3·78 6,887 6 13 Amrat ...... 18,989 4 0 7 16·88 7,314 6 18 Gippsland ...... 7,230 0 0 I9 23'I7 7,2I7 9 12

~ Totals ...... 264,852 I 0 8 14•9 114,164 5 23 Quartz Tailings and Mulloclc. Ballarat ...... 426 0 0 2 18·87 59 7 0 Beechworth ...... 3,090 0 0 3 16'22 567 18 0 Sandhurst ...... 70 0 0 1 I0·8 5 1 12 Maryborough ...... 1,501 0 0 6 22'61 521 0 12 Castlemaine ...... 2,526 0 0 I I8'58 224 I I8 Ararat ...... I,074 0 () I 0 53 14 4 Gippsland ...... i Totals ...... 8,687 0 0 3 7·08 1,431 2 22 Pyrites lwd Blanketings operated on. I Ballarat ...... ·166 18 . 2 7 11•82 1,108 14 8 ... I Beech worth ...... Hi 10 I 0 17'45 II 2 0 Sandhurst ...... 877 0 2 4 7'66 1,943 8 0 Marybor~ugh ...... 5 0 I 1 9 9'6 7 7 0 C:tstlemame 198 0 2 4 16'39 442 7 6 Ararat 8 6 0 15 21•68 G 12 0 Gippsland

Totals 1,571 H 3,525 10 14

does not s1ww and owners are unable to give. nr arc precluded front the relative importance of c;wh Uit



THE following information lms been obtained from Heturns made l.y the Mining Snrvoyors and l{cgistrars t•elative to the AvERAGR YmLD OF GOLD from eertain parecl~ o£ QUAIU'Z Cmslte1l in the ~cn~ral Divisions and Subdivisions of ench Mining District during the QLl


tons cwt. qr.


CENTRAL DIVISION. i Band of Hope and Albion Redan 8,571 () 0 () 1:1 17•83 5,889 11 o 1 :WO to 490 feet Consols ! Temperance Little Bt•ndi.,·o 1,500 0 0 0 9 8'5:! ill] 1:l 8 8~0 io \1511 feet Lbnherris Gum-tree Fl';;_t 2,183 0 0 0 2 4'55 2:39 0 6 : 2110 feet Ilanthorn and Co. )\fount Clear :!40 0 u 0 7 (I 84 0 0 I 1211 f'<-ct Williarns' Ereehold Rerlan :::I 2,069 0 0 0 2 J-+•17 21iS o 0 :m> to 100 ih't New Crescent Hedan ••• f 1,:379 0 0 () 1D 14"19 730 i) 12 4~H) fc_;l!t Black Hill Black Hill 3,108 0 0 I (j 7 7•1 1, 1:l3 15 ::!0 ~nrfacc to GOO feet Post Uffice Golden Point ... 511 0 0 0 i g·.)(J 189 1 8 2ll0 feet Band of Hope Quartz .. -~Hedan 3,200 0 0 0 7 12 1,200 0 0 -±ou feet Band of Hope Quartz, No. 2 . Hedan ... :::I 1,799 0 0 0 fj 8'22 ·ISO 11 16 350 feet Parade ...... l Ballttr>J.t East ..• ... 40\1 0 0 0 7 18'32 Ji)J 2 :l 200 t.o 400 feet Sulieman Pasha ... Ballarat East ...... I 1,240 0 () 0 !l 3"1G 51)6 3 1:) 401l fcc·t Speedwell Poverty Point I 400 0 0 0 s 0 lOO 0 (l 150 feet United Black Hill 131ack Hill Flat 1,297 0 0 0 6 l";'·!j[j 436 lU 12 450 feet. New Koh-i-noor ... H"dan G,SOG 0 o 0 2 1•48 701 14 0 300 to 425 fpct Canadian Canadian 2,462 0 0 0 9 ll•-!2 : 1,1ti!i 9 Hi t;urfaee to 250 feet Koh-i-nnor, No. 2 Redan liO 0 0 0 ;j 18'49 1 0 · :wc~ feet 's Freehold Redan 5,040 0 0 0 3 G GG 82\} 0 0 . :345 to 4 7G feet Barton and Banc! Bcdan 2,286 0 0 0 6 l3' 17 74S u () I 4U\J to .JOO feet \Vashington Hedan 1,901) 0 0 0 7 ()·6 G91 3 () : :J:.!Ll to 100 J'oet Yomtg Banrl awl.i\lbion Ex- Ueclan 141 0 0 2 1 11•:)7 :iuo fen tended Dimock's United T,ittlc 13endigo 1,745 0 () () :1 ]lj•47 :)21 1!! 0 Surface to ~60 feet New Buna Burrrr Redan 264 0 () 0 :3 1;J·()[j 46 l!i I) ·WII feeL North Band and Albion He dun 1,16o o o ' o s J7·os 50:i G 11 1100 ft·e:t 'Wilson's Freehold He dun 4,680 0 0 () 3 21":!1;: 909 ]() 0 ·t80 feet Smith's Freehold Rcuan 2,8!!0 (! 0 0 4 5•74 61::! l:l 0 4~U fed Queen ... Black Ilill Flat 1,192 0 0 0 14 2ti·:JI SlH 17 0 411U to !500 feet Victoria United ... Bakery Hill .•• ... : 50 0 U 1 1 I :J· .f4 53 1 S 0 5110 Jc·et Sailor's Gully . !H o o 0 19 1S·8tl 9:1 o o !30 ll:t't Ballarat West anrl East i 9,590 0 o 0 8 :1:3·76 4,310 1 i Ul ,-----.-----1 -~--- 'fotals ... ! 68,367 0 0 0 7 3•07 '24,366 1::! 14 SouTJIERs DivisiON.

Speedwell Tribute Staffordshire Href 1,170 0 0 o I t5·i U6 !;) U l\10 12 feet witlo l-ittle Hopcwcll Tribute, Staffordshire Reef 866 0 () 0 6 ]'()4 26:3 G ti :.!02 6 to 30 fe0t No. l wide l-ittle .Hopewell Tribute, Staffordshire Reef 61 0 0 17 15 12 2211 feet, 6 feet wide No. 2 Totals ... 2,097 0 () 377 17 :~ Bt:NINYOSG DIVISION. One-and-All Hiscock's 7-+2 0 0 0 13 IO·i ; 4l!S 17 0 100 to 2;)0 feet Imperial Q. )f. Hiscock's 2,81:! 0 0 0 4 :l·56 583 ::; 0 so to 1GO feet Dolcoath Hiscock'." 428 0 0 o G 5"54 13:l G 21 2110 fC<'t W ebb Brothers llard Hills 1,270 0 0 0 7 ,)'45 i 453 12 19 GO to 2411 feet

Totals ••• 5,252 0 0 0 (i 8•54 i 1,669 1 16 8MYTHESDALE DIVISION. -- :- Canico ••. Reed's Reef, Canico Flat 516 0 0 0 7 19'25 201 5 21 50 l{'(:t Mitchell aml Co. Haddon ...... 14 0 0 0 3 22•29 2 15 0 ;j() feet (crushed at Carn~lutm) Marks end Son ••. Carngham 88 0 0 0 2 18•]4 12 2 12 1>0 feetL · :Mitchell and Co. Hadclon 5 0 0 0 (j 12 1 12 12 50 feet (eru,hed at Bn.l- ~------. larat Totals ... 623 0 0 0 6 23•8 217 15 21 ! BEECHWORTH MINING DISTRICT.

i BEECTIWORTH DIVISION. ; Highland Mary ...... Stanley ...... 12 0 0 0 !I 12 6 18 0 120 feet Rose Reef ...... Beech worth ...... lOO () 0 0 3 0 15 0 0 liO feet Gray and Co...... Beechworth ...... 12 0 0 0 10 6 6 3 0 Surface Mitchell and Co ...... Beech worth ...... 40 0 0 0 2 12 5 0 0 Surface l!'renchman's Reef ... Six-mile Creek ... 2 0 0 2 1\) 0 5 0 0 60 feet Loyal Liberal ...... 'l'hrec-mile Creek ... 12 0 0 0 18 6 10 19 0 50 feet .Applestump ...... Beech worth ...... 1 0 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 Surface Sundry parcels ...... Beechworth ...... 30 0 0 0 3 0 4 10 0 Surface Reform ...... \Vooragee ...... 23 0 0 1 16 20•86 42 8 0 130 feet Rath and Co...... Buffalo ...... IIO 0 0 0 9 0 49 10 0 70 feet Croft's Hcef ...... Stony Creek ...... 4 0 0 3 5 0 13 0 0 Surface Wallaby ...... Stony Creek ...... 70 0 0 2 6 13'71 163 0 0 70 feet Hare ...... Stony Creek ...... 18 0 0 2 10 0 45 0 0 Surface Rechabite ...... Hurdle Flat ...... 480 0 0 0 5 0 120 0 0 so feet Totals ...... 914 0 0 0 10 18'19 491 13 0 Avi<:RAGE Yield of Gold from certain parcel~ of Quartz Crushed (luring the Quarter, &c.-continued.

Division mul Subdivision, .Average Total Yield of Remarks relative to the and : \Vhere Quartz was ob1aiued. Quartz Crushe d. Yield of Gold Gold. Depth at whl eh the Name of Company. per Ton. Quartz was obmined,&c. -· -··~-- tons ewt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt, gr. YACKANDANDAH SOUTH SUBDIVISION. Bon Accord .. • I Hillsborough ... I 14 0 0 13 0 74 2 0 80 feet Rudolph ... : Hillsborough ... 9 0 1 6 16 12 () 0 Surface Bon Accord ... I Hills borough ... 10! () 0 :l 0 15 12 0 60 feet Y ackandandah ••• I Twist's Creek ... 4 0 3 4 0 12 16 0 I30 feet Small crushings ...... : Twist's Creek.•• 71 0 () 4 I4•91 17 2 () 10 to 40 feet Caledonian Reef .. . Back Creek !50 0 I 12 II·84 24.3 14 0 !50 feet McMahon and Co. ... · Sandy Creek .. . i8 l ll 22 76 •) 12 20 feet I'Anson and Co ..•. ... i Sandy Creek .. . .20 2 IO 8'4 100 feet Hillyear and Co .... ••• i Sandy Creek ... ::: l 4 3 16 0 40 feet German Reef .... Sandy Creek ...... I 4 3 0 9 100 feet Gorman and Co ...... • Sandy Creek ... 48 0 16 4•77 lOO feet 1 Murphy and Co. Sandy Creek ... i 6 6 13 40 feet Bucknell and Co. Sandy Creek 24 1 9 1 50 feet ::lkahill and Co. . .. Sandy Creek 3 0 · 50 feet

Totals ...

INDIGO DIVISION. Matthews and Co. Golden Bar 18 0 0 13 8 30 0 0 30 to 50 feet Lambert and Co. Golden Bar 10 0 0 2 16 0 28 0 0 60 to 80 feet Burton and Co. .. . Golden Bttr 26 0 0 1 13 5'53 43 4 0 60 to 80 feet Miller and Co. •••. Golden Bar 62 () 0 0 3 5"41 10 0 () 20 to 30 feet :Magenta Trihuters ... 1 Magenta Reef 9:3 0 0 I I 4'38 98 10 0 200 feet Scott and Co. Liberal Reef ... 9 0 0 1 12 5'33 14 10 0 30 to 40 feet Nicholson and Co. . .. : Eureka HeGf ... 8 0 0 0 lO 12 4 4 0 40 to 50 feet Young and Co. ... ! Essex Reef 44 0 0 0 IS 8·I8 40 0 80 to I oo feet Archer and Co. •.. · Wallace's Gully 1 I 0 0 () 18 I5·27 10 5 0 40 to 50 feet Oats and Co. . .. i Caledonian Ueef :ll ll ll 0 10 23'22 17 0 0 120 to I30 feet Brown and Co. ... i Garilmldi Reef 17 0 0 () 16 21•17 )4 (I lOO f<•ct Moss and Co. . .. i Foord's Heef ... 51 0 0 19 0'94 ·iS ll 0 SO to I 00 feet Cornelius and Co. ... : 5 0 I 2 I9·2 5 14 0

Campbell and Co. ... 1 Lanarkshire Heef lO 0 0 12 7•2 6 3 0 50 feet Lennox and Co...... 1 Two-to-One Heef 38 ll 0 7 5•05 13 14 0 60 to SO feet Rube twd Co. ... ; Two-to-One Reef 0 I 11 4·8 23 8 0 lOO to to 120 feet Various companies (in small I Various reefs ... 0 8 J2·M 47 6 () Surface to 120 feet lots) 1 Totals ... 455 ;~ ()

\YA~DILIGOXG SUBDIVISION. Never Too Late Mill: Clarke Brothers ... \ Mongrel Basi.n, M. Creek 12 10 0 0 11 4'8 7 0 0 Surfacv Stephens Brothers .... Mongrel Busm, M. Creek 17 10 0 0 8 13•71 7 10 0 Surface R.Howman ... · Mongrel Basin, M. Creek 24 0 0 0 4 4 5 0 0 Surface Hailway Mill (Frasers') : I

.Five small lots Growler's Ck., Hy. Bank 1 29 0 0 0 9 i"45 lil 10 0 R Oxenham ... ; G. Creek, Wallaby Heef (J 0 0 1 I 0 0 9 () 0

G. Lloyd , G. Creek, Bulgarian Hf. 27 10 0 1 0 8 0 ll () 0 W egg tmd Co .... : G. Creek, London Lease 53 0 0 0 15 22·64 42 5 0 .Forbes and Brennan ... j G. Creek, London LeaEe 10 10 0 I 11 10·28 !6 10 0 Oriental Mill: , I Six small lots ...... · Various localities ... : 27 0 0 0 18 21'33 25 10 0 H. Murray ... I Morse's Creek ,West range! 8 0 0 I 2 12 9 0 0 M . .McLeod ... i Morse's Ck., Peabody Gy. , 10 0 0 0 14 0 7 0 0 Bcveridge and Co. . .. [ Growler'sCk.,Meade'sHf.l 7 0 0 I 17 3•42 13 0 0 Stephens' .Mill: Hcwitson Bros. Morse's. Ck., \Vest range 30 0 0 I 6 16 40 0 0 Tickell and Gray G. Ck., Eureka Reef .. . 52 0 0 4 6 :3·69 224 0 0 100 feet 1 Gladders and Co. G. Ck., Eldorado Reef ... 1 :n o o 3 l 22•45 96 0 0 ,Jones and Son ... G. Ck., Peabody Gully ... 24 0 0 0 10 10 12 lO 0 Honeychurch Bros. G. Ck., Peabody Gully ... :' 32 ll 0 0 1 1:3'18 54 0 0 90 feet Chalwell and Son ... .Morse's Ck., West range i 17 0 0 2 9 9"88 42 0 0 so feet II. Hearn ... \ ~· Ck., .Mead's ~~ef ... 1 13 0 0 2 6 :l·69 30 0 0 Mitchell and Co. . .. I .M. <:Jk., n. M. Heef .. . .)5 0 0 0 15 6'54 42 () 0 Nine small lots .... Vanous ...... 103 () 0 0 9 19'33 50 Ill (j Buck eye Mill: Page, J ones, and Co. ... I Morsc's Ck., Buckeye Q. 605 () 0 0 8 0 242 0 0 1 Claim

llillsl!orough Mill : 1 Hillsborough Company ... i Hillsborough Uf., G. Ck. ISO 0 0 0 10 17"31 96 9 20 Gill's Mill : C. M. Gill ••. ' Home Hecf, G. Ck. 33 0 0 0 6 10"18 10 12 () 50 feet C. Mcnleman ... : Specimen Hill, G. Ck .... 12 () 0 l 2 16 5 0 50 feet Three smttll lots ... i Various localities 2:1 0 0 0 11 16"69 13 9 0 Tr.Y Ag>tin Mill : ! Try Again Reef Try Again Lease, G. Ck. i 52 o u o 16 s·76 42 11 0 40 feet H. i:ltitt Growler's Creek ... 1 10 () 0 0 11 0 5 10 0 20 feet

W. Heaton Growler's Creek ... 1 16 o o I 5 5 o 84 0 0 30 feet Birthday Mill : I Thomas rwd Lunin Growler's Creek .... i 6 0 0 0 13 8 4 0 0 130 feet Smith and Co .... Growler's Creek l:l 0 0 I 0 7'38 13 4 0 20 feet Totals ...... I 1,542 0 0 10

AVERAGE Yield of Gohl from certain parcels of Quartz Crushed •luring the Quarter, &c.-continued.

Division and Subdivision, Uemarks relative to the nnd 'Vherc Qua.rtz wns obtained. Quartz Cruslle

llUCKLA:-.D DIVISION. toru; cwt. qr., oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr•.

Crushed at Henderson's Mill Bright 22 0 0 . 0 15 0 16 lO 0 140 feet Crushed at Turner's Mill : i ,John Butler Bright 60 0 0 0 7 0 21 0 () 1 Surface Fort and Co .... Bright 35 {) 0 0 12 0 21 0 0 60 feet Lawrence and Co. Bright :H () 0 a 7 2·32 104 0 () 80 feet Six small lots Bright (i4 0 0 0 8 0 25 12 0 Surface O'Shea and Son Upper Ruckland 10 () 0 1 0 0 10 0 () King and Co. Upper Buckland 20 0 {) 1 0 27 0 (} Hall and Co. Upper Buckland 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 Rudebuk and Co. l:'ppcr Buekland 26 0 0 0 18 l)'(J7 24 (} 0 Stone and Son Upper Buckland 12 0 0 1 16 16 22 0 () Tavares Harrictvillc 12 0 0 I 10 0 18 () 0 Cousin Jack Hanietviile 12 () 0 l 3 8 14 0 0 United Miners Harrietvillc ~5 () 0 I 0 0 :::5 0 0 Mons Meg llarrietvillc :!() () () I 12 () 32 0 () Nil Desperandum Ilarrictvillc 10 () (), 2 0 0 20 () 0 Matilda llarrietville 28 () () I 15 17•14 50 () (} Mary Ann Ilarrietville 12 0 0 0 0 24 0 () Jackass Harrictvillc 178 () 0 :3 5 4'04 .580 0 0 G. I.ewis Harrictvillc 14 0 () I 14 6•85 24 () 0 McDonald Harrictville \l () () 0 9 () 4 I 0 Tiddle-de-ad•lle-da Hanictville 100 () () 0 15 4·8 76 0 0 Hit or Miss llarrietville 220 0 0 11 () 121 0 () Excelsior . .. Harrietvillc 12 0 0 8 8 17 0 0 .. Ilarrietville 120 0 0 14 8 () Lund and Beckton Freeburgh 35 0 0 0 Beckton and Peacock J:i'rceburgh 15 0 0 Two small lots .•• Frceburgh 9 () 0

Totals l,ll8 () 0 ALEXA:\'DI:A S!:llDI\"ISION.

Vnlcan G. M. , Lucky Hcef .•• 60 0 0 o 11 u·3 I .52 8 6 400 feet John l?erguson ... .•. I A ceiden t Reef 18 () 0 0 6 23'66 I 6 5 18 120 feet ~Ianoni and pttrty ••• I Durham reefs 15 0 0 0 3 0 ' 2 5 o 120 feet Lewis and party ... ••• I Durham reefs 9 0 () () 5 () 2 5 o I 120 feet Hope of Richmond ••• ! Durkam reefs 35 0 0 0 3 0 5 .5 0 120 I I feet O'Connor and party ••• 1 Unit~1l Kingdom Reef .•. 8 0 0 0 2 0 0 16 0 I lOO feet Providence Tributers ••• 1 ProVIdence Heef, Yen .•. 200 0 0 0 14 2"96 i 141 4 16 I About 60 feet Tea-tree Tea-tree Hcef 50 0 () () 9 16"8 i 24 5 0 1- Totals ... 3~5 0 0 0 11 :n·~5 I 234 14 16 i- DBY CnEEK ScBDIVISION. I R. G. Meade, Unee Table Table-land, Dry Creek ••• GO 0 o! () 10 0 30 0 0 80 feet Land I Hit or Miss ... I Black Charley's Creek .•. 6 0 ol 0 4 0 1 4 0 Surface to 7 feet -- Totals ... 66 0 o.l 0 9 10"91 31 4 0 BEN~\LLA SUBDIVISION. -! Golden Queen J\1urphy's Ucef 29 0 () 2 10 IHl 72 17 18 30 to 50 feet

GAFFNEY's CREEK Sun- l.HVISION. A I Q. :\f. Castle reefs ... 50 0 0 0 18 20'98 47 3 17 60 feet Golden Belt .. . Homewanl-bound reefs 500 0 0 0 2 23'86 74 17 3 220 feet Sundry lots ... I Homeward-bound reefs 184 0 0 0 6 0 55 4 0 250 feet F. Dickson and others ... , Eldorado Heef 60 0 () () 3 8 10 0 () lO feet -- Woon's PoiNT SUBDIVISION.· Totals··· 794 0 0 0 4 17•19 187 4 20

United Morning Star Hill.../ Morning Star reefs 780 0 0 0 .) 9•95 211 3 10 215 to 250 feet All Natiuns Q. M. .. .. All Xations reefs so 0 0 0 5 ll•85 21 19 12 70 to 90 feet St. Gothard G. M. . .. ; Young :\fay Moon Heef 1.50 0 0 0 4 0 30 0 0 50 feet Endeavor ... : reefs 150 ll ll 0 :~ 0 22 lO 0 120 feet North Waverly ... 1 Wavcrly Reef 500 0 0 0 l 4"72 29 I8 6 250 feet Shamrock ... j Shamrock Heef 18 () 0 () 7 6•5 6 10 21 150 feet

1 Totals ... 1,678 () o I 0 3 20"14 322 2 I BIG R IVEB S"CBDlVISION. I Boscohelle (Messrs. Kelly 1 Railway Reef ... :~51) () o I () 4 0 70 () 0 600 feet and Dunn) I ------I MrTTA MITTA NoRTH Sun- ! I l>IVISION. I Jannessc ••• I Granya 22 0 0 I 7 0 29 14 0 Sparrow ... , Granya 4 0 0 0 10 0 2 () 0 G. Herbert ... . Granya 5 () () 0 13 9•(j 3 7 0 T. Peach ... Granya 4 () 0 4 8 o·I8 17 15 0 Maritana ... 1 Granya J:H 0 0' 0 18 )•!)4 118 7 0 Bard on Granya 80 0 0 0 10 0 40 0 0 Marinare Granya 126 0 0 0 12 15'52 79 13 12 ·walton Granya 18 0 0 0 ll 22"66 lO 15 0 Carthios Granya 18 0 0 2 4 9•33 39 19 0 .!\1 iller anrl Sons Granya 27 0 0 1 2 o·s8 29 15 0 Try Again Granya 303 () 0 0 8 6·:33 1 125 4 0 15 0 0 1 13 12"8 25 3 0 --·-·--~---"---- 11

AVEltAGE Yield of Gold from certain parceiH of Qmtrtz Crushe

Di-vision and Subdivision, Averngc Total Yield o! He marks relative to the and Where Quartz was obtained~ Quurt.z Crushed. Yield of Gold Gold. J)eptll at which tile Name of Company. per 'l'on. Quartz was obtu.inedt &c. ------·-----·---·1------·. ~~---- ··------MITTA 1\>frTTA NoRTH ~un- tons cwt. fll". oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr* / nrvrsroN-contin11ed. Hoberts and :\filler ... , Granya 30 0 0 0 8 2'4 12 :l 0 i Duncan and llerbert ... i Granya ••• ! 38 () () 0 12 ()•63 22 I i 0 Lockbard Granya 42 (I 0 0 4 12"57 9 10 () Anson and Ega·1 ... Granya 18 () () 0 ll I ()·()6 10 (; () -~'oster ... Granya 43 () () 0 3 J:;·:l3 8 () 0 Hobinson awl )IcCann ' Granva 12 0 0 0 7 1:! ·! 10 0 Pmvell and Co. . .. Gmu}·a 12 () 0 I 0 6 12 :l 0 Harper and Co. . .. Gmnya s {) {) 0 15 22',) !) 12 l'yc and Osbome ... Grauva 2 () 0 l IG 0 3 1:? () lloetor ... Gruu)a !i 0 0 0 9 12 2 17 0 Black ... 'Granya 8 0 () o r; 4·5 2 9 12 Haloton ...... , Granya I:! 0 ll 0 I 20 1 2 li Cunnin,.ham ... : Granya 10 0 0 I 0 0 10 0 Ronson~ ... , Granya 5 0 12 1 17 l:l Reeal Ahraham ... i Grany:t 30 0 15 21•6 2:l 17 0 Totals ... 0 MrnA MITTA Sonn Sun-' l'HVISIOX. McLeotl and Co .... · }fitta :Ylitta Junction 42 0 o , 50 feet W. Smith , .Mitta :!\Htta .Junction 8 o o : 10 feet

Totals ... 50 0 l)

BETIIANUA SunnrvrsroN. Flag:>taff llill Fagstaff 50 feet

J A~II.t:sos SuBJ.HYISION Gleeson's Lease Sailor Bill's Creek ' 380 feet Sailor Bill's Sailor Bill's Creek 237 12 12 400 feet

Totals ... :;11\ 2 12


SANDllURST DIVISIO::i'. Albcrt G. :M. aml C. 446 0 0 0 4 22•72 110 6 7 'I Albert Crushing· ... 2,820 0 0 0 7 18"82 1,097 12 • ~ I Beehive ' 5,3·!'7 0 0 0 16 5'35 -1.337 4 1 8 l~ird's Heef 70~1 0 0 0 6 15•45 -23;; 10 12 I Catherinc Reef !J/3 0 0 0 18•18 377 8 6 .Fortuna aml Thanet 642 0 () 0 5 lJ·1H 176 6 0 the Great ••• i 4,378 () 0 0 9 3'51 2,002 4 o I Garden Gully United :;,816 0 0 1 3 12'05 4,484 4 () G. G. ConsolidateLl 2,456 0 0 0 7 1'03 864 17 12 I Great Extended Hustler's ... : 736 0 0 o 4 :n·o:l 179 !J o I Great Hustler's !39 0 0 0 4 1'>'71 32 0 ' Garihaldi 1,:,~1. 0 0 (! 18 23·6·1 J,;H)6 0 Great Southern 4,~>ib 0 0 () :3 9 28 7->1 I 0 I llercul.es and .l<~nergetic 3,948 0 0 0 6 14'!) l,:>Oi 0 0 i (Mixed lots from Hustler's Reef 1,451 (} 0 () 5 tl'26 :381 14 0 r va,rious reefs, see - - , pngc.34.) Jolmson's Heef .. . 4,537 0 () () 13'5 1,, 1D 1~ i 1 I Koch's Pioneer .. . 4,906 0 0 0 5 21'51 1,446 8 0 Marong Crushing Works ... lfi2 0 () u 4 20·29 New-chum Railwav 546 0 (\ () lfj 0•17 0:: 11 New-elmm and Victoria (} 0 0 4 9··!1 1,2S:!4~~ 11~ New-chum United 2,!!19 u 0 2 3 4•59 !i,:J03 16 Old Tom ID-1 0 0 () 7 2•:J5 liS 17 Shamrock 9:15 o n () 6 10'8'! 301 !-1 Shemmdoah ... I ul2 o o () 9 () 62 276 4 Victoria Con so 1s ... 4,45:! 0 0 () l:l 7'00 6 Virginia 3,0:!5 0 0 u 0'1 6 Victoria Reef G. 211. :;,152 u 0 o o·;, 8 Wilson's Reef ••• I 1:!4 0 () Totals KrLMORE Drvrsros. I I J.:mpress of India ... 1 Uecdy Creek ... j 21)5 0 0 705 () 0 1220 feet Imperial ... 1 Hcedy Creek 2 0 () 7 lJ 0 1-t 11 GO feet ••• 1 I) Southern Cross Heady Creek ].[ 0 0 I 0 ]4 () 1 20 feet. I'rince Arthur ... i Reedy Creek 245 () u 0 -1 () 49 I) 0 1 60 feet Beehive ... ! Hccdy Creek 4 0 0 () 7 0 l 8 () '4U feet Scandina vit>ll ... Reedy Creek li 0 0 () 12 17 10 lG l 1 80 feet South Langridgc ...... 1 Reedy Creek :J(I 0 0 () l:l 0 12 () 0 5G feet Captains ... Reedy Creek 10 0 0 2 lO () 25 0 0 90 feet Napoleon ... 1 Reedy Creek :l () 0 0 16 () 2 8 0 20 feet 1 United ... , Ueedy Creek 4() 0 () 0 IJ () 32 ·1 0 80 feet Golden Reef ' Strath Cr,'ck ... 2 0 {i :; 4 () 5 8 l) , 20 feet Queen Victoria Reedy Creek 10 u () 0 15 () 10 0 1 so feet

638 0 () 8:13 2


AVERAGE Yield of Gold from certain parcels of Quartz Crushed during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

Division and Subdivision, Remarks relative to the and Wl1ere Qu11ttz was obtained. Quartz Crushed. Depth at which the Name of Company, i Quartz was obtained, &e~ !------.; W.a.RANGA NoRTH Sun- tons ewt. qr. DIVISioN. Sutherland and Co. Rush worth 194 0 0 299 10 0 60 feet I Rich and Co. Rushworth 127 0 0 21 18 0

Manning and Co. Rush worth ••• I 12 0 0 43 8 2 Clausen and Co .... Rush worth 4 0 0 4 0 0 Snelling and Co •.•. Rush worth :::I' 12 0 0 20 9 13 Ayers ami Co. Hush worth ... 60 0 0 6 20 6 10 Thompson and Co. Rush worth 17 0 0 1:3 2~'58 28 17 0 I }fcDonald and Co. Rush worth :!8 0 0 4 22"07 6 17 18 Darby and Co. Rush worth 30 0 () 1 8 2 0 0 Clausen and Co .... Rush worth 11 () 0 7 15'27 26 4 0 I Wall and Co. Rushworth ll 0 () () 6•5-l 22 3 0 Balaclava Hill: Irvine's Trib. Whroo 80 0 0 2 4 9 177 10 0 200 feet I 's Trib. Whroo 11 () 0 0 13 6•54 7 6 0 O'Leary's Trib. Whroo 24 () u 0 17 18'25 21 6 6 Sundry lots Whroo 57 () 0 0 5 6'21 14 19 18 Hodge and Co. Whroo 21 0 () 0 18 2'28 19 0 0 I~ Cameron and Co. Whroo 4 0 0 4 13 3 18 12 12 Francis and Co.... Whroo 2 u () I 0 0 :J 0 0 I~ Mason and Co. Coy's Diggings 21 () 0 2 0 22'85 4:~ () 0 I ~ Stewart and Co. Coy's Diggings 9 0 0 13 () 14 17 () Nagle and Co. Coy's Diggings :::I 2 0 0 u ll 18 1 3 12 r : Torson and Co. Coy's Diggings 7 0 0 I 12 3·42 11 5 0 Scott and Co Coy's Diggings 9 () 0 0 17 2•66 7 14 0 1\:l:yer and Co. Coy's Diggings 19 0 () 2 16 7•57 53 10 0 11 ~ Cochrane and Co. Coy's Diggings 5 0 0 1 ;) 0 () 5 0 ~ Richmond and Co. Coy's Diggings 4 0 0 0 5 18 l 3 0 Clarke and Co. Coy's Diggings 4 0 () 0 7 18 I 11 0 Opperman and Co. Coy's Diggings 14 0 0 0 1:~ 22•28 9 15 () Clover ... Coy's Diggings 15 0 0 0 17 li'li 13 6 0 Allen ! Coy's Diggings 12 0 0 4 17 t) 58 4 0 Alien Coy's Dig·gings 11 0 0 0 10 13'09 ! 5 16 0 i Corbett ... ••• 1 Coy's Diggings 5 0 0 0 7 0 I 15 0 I North Star .•. : Coy's Diggings 15 0 0 8 8 () 5 () ' Union ... ! Coy'll Uiggings 170 0 0 3 Hi 31 :1 H Mary Jane :15 0 0 9 14"4 12 0 0 I Augustine and Co. White Hills 0 13 15•48 21 :l 0 Walch and Co. ... ' White Hills 0 0 14•83 12 7 10 Rowan and Co White Hills () 15 18 4 14 12 I Martin ... 4 2'66 10 17 () j

Totals 19 12•82 1,084 .3 2


1\LI.RYBOROUGH DIYISlO". Cambrian Battery Various places ... , 31113 () 013 7•28 207 6 0 ·Various Thomson and party (crushed Try Again Reef, near re- : 98 0 () 2 5 5·6:3 221 13 0 at Cambrian Battery) i servoir 30 0 0 () 0 :lo o o 420 feet Telegraph J•jxtended icrushedli Carisbrook road 1 at Cambrian Battery) All Nations Battery .•. Chinaman's Flat 184 0 0 0 5 12 50 12 0 Various Stamps Freehold (crushed Golden l'oint ... 105 0 0 I 11 13'02 165 12 () at Cambrian Battery) Totals ... i 728 13 0 () 18 12'75 675 3 () AMIIERST DIVISION. New Briseis Q. M. West of Amherst ... 1--=~ 0 4 0 120 o o ' 240 feet At Wm. Cosstick's :Niill: Croydon Opossum Gully 550 0 0 0 4 3·67 IH 4 6 75 to IUO feet Catherwood and Co. Near Talbot 103 0 0 0 5 3·9:3 26 11 21 40 feet Sundries North of Amherst 523 () 0 0 3 7"35 86 9 4 }'rom surface to 60 feet At T. Bartlemore's Mill: ~Walker Bros. .. . All Nations Hecf :lS o 0 0 10 Jl•(j8 19 18 12 Near the surface J ..r;ad and Co. ... I Nuggety Gully 88 () 0 () 6 5•72 27 9 () 40 feet .J. Harrison and Co. .•. : Nuggety Gully G2 0 0 0 5 5•61 16 4 12 40 feet Sundries ••• I 85 () 0 0 4 ]'13 17 4 0 Near the surfuce Totals Du:soLLY AND TAr~NAGULLA 1 DIVISIONS. ' Queen's Birthday Bealiba Heef ... 5,847 0 () () 8 10'62 2,468 4 0 500 feet vVelcomc ' Welcome Reef 30 0 0 () 9 13'6 14 7 0 330 feet Welcome George Reef 22 0 () () 6 12•54 7 3 12 130 feet Sydenham , Quaker's Gully 2~7 0 0 () 3 4'44 36 3 0 Various Sydenham llurnt. Creek .. . 51 0 0 0 15 21 '17 40 10 0 Sydenham , Various reefs .. . 112 () 0 0 6 0"42 33 14 () Various Yorkshire Wntts Hecf 1,944 0 0 0 6 6'86 611 () 0 305 to .130 feet Bencligo Working Miners ... Cay's Diggings 130 0 () 0 G 3·69 40 0 0 190 feet G lamorganshire Scotehmau's Reef 20 0 0 () 3 12 3 10 0 20 feet Totals ... 8,383 () 0 () 18•35 3,254 11 12 13

A V};RAGE Yield of Gold from certai 11 parceL~ of Quartz Crushed during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

Division and HuiJdivision, I Average Uemarks relative to the Total Yield of Depth at which the ami "\Vhere Qua11.z wus obtained. Quartz Crushed. Yielu ol Gold Gold. S'ame nf Company. i per 'ron. Quartz was obtained, &c.

------~·------INGL}:WOOD DIVISION. tons ewt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz.

01 I Silver Mines ...... Sebastopol Hill ... 255 0 I 0 I 21'1 i 24 0 0 Surface :New Bendigo ••• I 01 1 240 to 300 feet ... Bristol Reef ...... 240 0 I I 1 2 253 0 0 Public crushing ...... ; Queen Semiramis ... I60 0 0 l 8 21 231 0 () 370 feet Public crushing ... .. • 1 Rising Star ...... 186 0 0 () 10 20'64 101 0 0 . Various Public crushing ...... Premier ...... ll 0 o, 0 10 0 5 10 (I 80 feet Public crushing ... .. • . Various reefs ...... 66 () o· 0 10 () 33 0 0 Various Chrysolite ...... I St. Arnaud ...... 514 0 oi () 19 2•52 491 () 0 200 to 680 feet I 1- Totals ...... 1,432 0 ol 0 15 21'62 I,I38 10 ()


I I CASl'LEMAINE DIVISION. I 1 O'Connell and Co. ... Dogleg Uully ...... 10 0 0 2 12 0 26 0 o ; 40 to 48 feet Williams ...... Gm·man Gully ... 86 () 0 0 8 I0'04 36 4 o ! 52 feet Central Tribute ...... ! Wattle Gully ...... 149 () 0 0 14 I3'53 I08 10 0 I 300 feet .Argus U uited ...... i .Argus Reef ...... 841 0 0 0 3 23•06 166 ll 6 120 feet Perseverance ...... , Argus Reef ...... 77 0 0 0 5 17•!12 22 2 12 I20 feet Forest Creek C ...... 1 Forest Creek ...... 169 0 0 0 6 22'51 58 I2 12 Various • .. 0 () 0 8·27 Eureka ...... 1 Eureka Reef ...... i 573 3 95 16 I2 Various .Ajax United ...... , Bolivia Reef ... 263 0 0 0 2 14'16 34 I 31 Various Sebastopol C...... 'Various ... ..'"[ . 94 0 0 0 10 5•87 48 3 0 Various i Totals ... 2,262 0 0 0 5 6'48 596 0 21 I ... i FRYER's CREEK DlVISIO!f. I ·- I New Era ...... : Ferron's Reef ...... 4,255 0 0 0 6 6'34 1,332 15 12 80 to 380 feet Ferron's Heef ... .•.. Ferron's Reef ...... I,l29 0 0 0 a 12·86 199 12 () Various Renaissance ...... 1 Specimen Hi 11 .. . 1,555 0 () I 0 () 22"08 7I ll 0 50 feet English-.Australian ... , Golden Gully ...... i 2,498 0 0 ! 0 4 1'54 507 13 6 150 to 360 feet .Ancient Briton ...... , Blacksmith's Gully ... ' sa () 0 () 3 I0'62 14 5 18 lOO to 110 feet McDonald and Wilson • .. ! German Gully ... I 75 () 0 0 I4 22'4 56 0 () 70 to 130 feet Brydges and party ... . Bullock Hccf ...... 25 0 0 0 7 9•6 9 5 () lOO f€'et Rowe Bros...... : Cattle's R€'ef ...... i 1,218 0 () () 3 5•07 I95 ll 12 270 feet Golden V alley ...... Nuggetty Gully ... 40 0 o. 0 13 0 26 0 () SO to 90 feet Royal Saxon ...... Clarke's Reef ...... i 600 0 0 2 9•33 71 13 8 100 feet Paull and Co...... Kangaroo Hill ... ! 43 0 gl 0 14 2I•2 32 0 0 120 to 150 feet

Totals ...... ll,52l 0 o I () 4 8'83 2,516 7 8 liEPBURN DIVISION. ·-· German Gully ...... German Gully Reef ... 52/i 0 () 0 15 6•02 400 6 18 330 feet .Ajax Quartz ...... ! .A~ax Reef ...... i 130 0 0 I 0 5 I8'46 37 10 0 200 feet Bragg and party ...... : .AJax Reef ...... I 84 () 0 0 4 2•85 17 6 0 30 feet Hatton and party ... 1 Doctor's Gully ... 21 0 0 I 0 10 0 10 10 0 50 feet Victoria Quartz ...... 1 Frenchman's Reef North i 60 0 0 I 0 I 12 4 10 () I72 feet () Rising Star ... .. • I Blind Creek ...... I 2,780 0 0 I 0 i 13'21 1,049 11 250 feet Rising Star Tributers ... ' Blind Creek ...... 340 0 0 () 2 10'02 41 2 lil 200 feet I () Richl!-rdson and party ... Hepl~urn ... ••• I 41 0 0 17 i·6 35 10 0 100 feet Cormsh Quartz .•. Cormsh Reef ...... I 25 () 10 0 0

Totals ... 1,606 5 18 T ARRA.NGO>ITER DIVISION. Caledonia Mill .Alliance, Parkins' Reef, 1,048 0 0 944 17 0 400 to 600 feet Phamix ... I Fentiman's,German,Li.sle's,l 364 IO 0 278 4 0 Various depths, from · Brass, Smith's, Bee surface to .300 feet Hive, Victoria, Eagle­ hawk, Swiper's, and i Post Office reefs 1

Linscott's ... 1· Eaglehawk, Lisle's, Lin- 1 540 0 0 395 3 0 80 to 1150 feet . scott's, Brass, and Cum- ! herland reefs Little Wonder Green Valley ... 106 0 0 4 Near surface () Welshman's Reef Welshman's Reef •• ~ i 600 0 0 Shallow Prince of Wales ... Mia Mia 66 0 0 80 feet

Totals ... 2,724 10 0 14 4 ll

AVERAGE Yield of Gold l'rom emtaiu pared,; of' Quartz Cru~hed du!'ing the Quartet·, &c.-continued.

Division and Subdivision; Total Yield of RemaTk:-: roiutivc to the a!Hl \VhereQuartz was obtained. QuartL Crushed. : Depth at which the Same of Company. Oold. Quartz was obtn.lncU, &c.

ST. ANDREW's DIVISION. tons cwt. qr.l oz. dwt gr. Pigtail ...... I W arramlytc 12[) 0 0 l 3'72 136 !) 0 115 feet Eureka ... J \Varrandyte 3 0 0 2 13 16 l 0 Ninck and party ...... Wild Dog 6 0 0 0 18 16 .') 12 0 35 feet Plunket and party ... i Bonmer's l~ccf 5 0 0 1 3 13•2 f• li 18 70 feet () Strong and party Wiltl Ilog' a 0 0 I \) 8 ~ 8 20 feet Hude and party Paatou Hill 4 0 0 0 11 Hi 2 6 16 :10 feet Central Hccfton 2i0 0 0 I) 18 19'82 254 •) 0 ISO to 280 feet l'ride of the Morning \VarmuJyte 12 0 li 11 8 0 ·b 16 0 ~~ll feet Gardner and party Warmndyte 2 () 0 2 0 0 4 0 () :;o feet Tcmplestowc Tcm]llestowc 6 0 0 2 1 0 10 5 0 60 feet ---- () 0 0 19 :JO·Ga 4:);) 18 10


PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION. i I Wimmera ...... Stawcll r~l'fs .. ... 4,119 0 0 I 0 8 2:3'23 1,846 19 12 i\ Pioneer and Galatea ... Stawell redo ...... :3,764 0 0 0 9 4'98 1,1a2 17 4 New George () 1 St...... Stawell reefs ...... a,o55 0 0 7 9'08 , I, 127 I 15 ·various,. Scotehman's Stawell reefs 2,072 0 () (} 12'5-t 986 !I () ...... 9 from 93 to l,120 feet Moonlight ...... S ta well reefs ...... a,228 0 () 0 7 12'52 1,214 0 0 '.V onga and Birmingham ... Stawell reef ...... 2,711 0 0 0 2 ]5•67 :059 12 9 5 North and South 'Vales ... Cosmopolitan ... 40 4 0 i I 3 12'22 47 2 Totals ...... 18,989 4 0 0 7 16'88 7,:314 (i !I>


GmBo SuBDIVISION. Albion ...... Zulu Creek 1 DARGO 8UllDIVISION. Normanbv Normanby Reef Mount Budgee (tribute) , Mount BuJgee Reef Meek and Co. I No. 1, East Budgee

DONNELLY'S CREEK Totals DIVISION. Bismarck United • Upper Level

S:miNGER's CRgEK DIVISION.: Long Tunnel ' Cohen's 423 to 7 2a feet J.ong Tunnel ( trihutcrs) Cohcn's o (I Surface to 200 feet Long Tunnel :Extended Cohcn',; 5 o 600 feet

Totals 5 ()


Tm~ following information baR been ohtuiued from Uel urns made by the Mining Hurveyors and Hegistrars relative to the AVERAGE Yn::I,D oF GoLD from eertn.in parcels of QuARTZ TAILINGS and 1\IcLLOCK, &c., Crushed in Lhe several Divisi<,ns nnd Subdivisions of each :VIining District during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therPfrom.

Division and Subdivision, \Yllerc Quartz Tnilings nnd : Quartz •railings and ~lu Uock, &c., were I and J\1ullock, &c., ' ~a me of Company. obtained. Crushed.

tons cwt. qr. ; oz. dwt~ r;r. oz. thYt. gr.


SJtYTHESDALE Divisw:x. Lilv Bottle Hill, Uarngham ... 262 0 0 0 2 6'59 29 16 0 J\Ja!·ks anu Son ... ' Carngham 85 0 0 0 8·19 5 14 () Surface

Totals 347 0 0 0 2 1•11 35 10 0 STEIGLITz SuBDIVISION. ------Kay anu Co. Elainc ... 49 () 0 0 7 21'55 19 7 0 i Dnmmett Bros. ... Stciglitz ... ! 30 0 0 0 3 0 4 10 0 1--·- ()•()] Total~ ••• I 79 0 0 0 G 2a 17 0 1 - ld

AVERAGE Yield of Gold from certain parcels of Qnarl z Tailings and Mnllock Crusllod, &e.-continued.

DiviBion and Subdivision. 'Vhere Quartz Tailftl!4S: und Quartz Tailinbr-; to the and .:'\1 ulloek, &c., 'verc and l\f uliock. &c .• the Yame of Company. obt;tincd. Crushctt,

tons cwt. (Jf.


BEECHWORTH DIVISION. I Homeward Bound : Hocky l'oint 230 0 0 0 2 0 ------'----~-: ------bmiGO DIVISION. Trihutcrs of the 1\fajeuta Co. 'Various reefs .. . -1G:J 0 () 2 68 o ! Hurfacc to 100 feet Uuthergh;n ' V:trious reds .. . :li9 0 0 Surface to lOO feet

--·-- ,,_~- ·--~-- 1'ot;tls ':'82 () () BtrCKLAND llivisrox. Tiddle-ile-addlc-de Harrietvillc 176 () () Jackass Harrietville 135 i) 0

Totals 3i l () u ALEXANDRA SUBDIVISION. The Hope of Richmond ... Durham reef'> ... -17 0 ()

GAn'NBY's CREEK Sun­ DIVISION. Hunt's Extended G.M. Homeward Bound reefs 500 (I 1J () ;)•£l5 :ll 0 Mullock from old work­ ings \Voon's PoiNT SmmiVISION. ::\1orng Star l'rospectjn! :.'1-foruing Star Reef l,:JOO 0 0 ' 0 18'2 105 lO 0


\VARANGA NORTH 8un- HIYISION. Francis ...... I Whroo ilO 0 0 0 17'2 2 12 Kellow ...... ' Fontainbleau 40 () () 0

Total~ ... 70 () () (I


DUNOLI~Y AXD TARNAUllLLA DIVISIONS. Syuenham Quaker's Gully 2613 0 0

JNGLEWOOll DIVISION. Glover and Co. .. . · lnglewood 19 0 0 K Gentle Jnglewood ••• I 8 () 0

ST. AR::>AUD XoRTH S1:n- ' Total~ 27 0 () DIVISION. l'uhlic Crushing ... St. Arnantl e:cilings) 2511 0 0 0 5 () 02 10 0 8il ver 1l:ines St. ,\ nmacl (tailings) 956 0 0 0 8 23•3!) 429 () 0

() () ;]·f,:J Totals ...... ~ 1,206 0 8 49] ]0 0


CAsTLE]IAt.:m DivisiON. . Crown Nimrod ... [· Donkey Gully 350 0 0 0 9•2] 24 4 21 Surface Lcwis ...... Donkey Gully 154 0 () () 16'62 13 0 15 Davis ... ! Golden Point .. . 49:! () () I) 11•97 36 17 l:l Central... . Wattle Gully .. . 311 0 0 () 21"!) 2!J 14 18 Manchester ... , Manchester Reel 780 0 0 0 19'41 70 ll () . Totals TAR!L.lNGOWllR DIVISION. I Phrenix Hill ' En.g'leltawk Snrf:wc I.~inscott'::; Surface Totals ST. ANDREW'S DIVISION. Central Ilcefton 180 to 280 feet Gn.rdncr and pn.rly W arramlyt(• :JO feet

Totals l 9~ () 0 0 3 1'21 :\0 4 0 ------·------·---- A HA HAT :\H~ ING DI:-lTlUCT.

PLBAS.tNT CRmm DIVISION. North and South \Vales I l<'t'P Leau I,Oi4 0 0 I 0 0 53 14 4 16

PYRITES AND BLANKETINGS. THE following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars relative to the AvERAGE YIELD OF GoLD from certain parcels of PYRITES and BLANKETINGS operated on in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of each .Mining District during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

Division and Subdivision, Where Pyrites and Blanketings Pyrites Average I T tal y- ld 0f ! Remarks relative to the aud and Blanketings Yield of Gotd 1 ° , 1'e 1 Depth at which the Name ol Company. were obtained. operated on. per Ton. Go d. Pyrites, &c., were obtained.

tons cwt. qr. : oz. dwt. gr. BALLARAT MINING DISTRICT.

CENTRAL DIVISION. Band of Hope and Albion Redan ...... 56 0 0 2 18 2'14 162 13 0 Consols Llanberris ...... Gum-tree Flat ... 18 0 0 2 14 20 49 7 0 New Koh-i-noor ..• ... Redan ...... 5 0 0 2 7 0 ll 15 0 ·- Totals ...... 79 0 0 2 16 15'49 223 15 0 CRESWICK DIVISION. i Port Phillip ...... Clunes ...... 89 10 0 i 3 5 17•29 294 2 0 New North Clunes ... Clunes ...... 27 0 0· 4 10 14•22 122 6 0 South Clunes ...... Clunes ...... 51 0 () 2 18 16•47 149 13 0

Totals ...... 167 10 0 ! 3 7 14'll 566 1 0 8TEIGLITZ SUBDIVISION. Kay and Co...... Elaine ...... 212 0 0 : 1 7 4'69 288 5 12

BLACKWOOD DIVISION AND BLUB MOUNTAIN SOUTH SUBDIVISION, New Sultan ...... Harry's Reef ...... 8 8 0 3 12 22'95 30 12 20 i ~~T-"~••• ·•--·r•·-·~- __, ····-- BEECHWORTH MINING DISTRICT.

BuOKLAND DIVISION. I Hope Running Creek 16 w o 1 1 o 11·45 17 2 0


SANDHURST DIVISION. United Pyrites ...... Pinchgut Gully ... 274 0 0 2 0 14•8 556 9 0 Spargo Bros...... Great Western Gully ... 215 0 0 2 3 2•45 463 7 0 Sandhurst and Eaglehawk J a.ckass Flat ...... 224 0 0 I 18 13'28 431 16 0 P.E. R. J. Liddle and Co. ... Derwent Gully ... 164 0 0 2 19 23•41 491 16 0

Totals ...... 877 0 0 2 4 7•66 11,943 8 0


DUNOLLY AND TARNAGULLA : DIVISIONS. I Welcome Welcome Reef (blanket- • 5 0 0 l 9 9•6 7 7 0 ings)

______,______,_,_,.---->--~------~···· --~---····---'------CASTLEMAINE MINING DISTRICT.

CASTLEMAINE DIVISION. Geo. Yeats Castlemaine Pyrites 148 0 0 267 16 0 Works HEPllURN DIVISION. German Gully (pyrites) German Gully 4 0 0 4 5 0 17 0 0 Rising l:;tar (pyrites) ... Blind Creek 31 0 0 3 14 17'03 115 16 0 200 and 2b0 feet Rising Star (blanketings) Blind Creek 15 0 0 2 15 16•4 41 15 6 200 and 250 feet

Totals 50 0 0 3 9 19•8 174 ll 6


STRINGER'S CREEK DIVISION. i Long Tunnel "'I Cohen's Reef ••• 8 6 0 0 15 21•68 6 12 0 17



THE following information has been obtained relative to the AVERAGE YIELD OP GoLD from certain par<~cls of 'WASHIHRT Paddled and Sluicecl and CEMENT Crushed dnring the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

Quantity Average Total Yield Quantity Mining Districts. rnddled and Yield ol Gold J.fining Histricts. Jluddled and Crushed. per Ton. Vrushed.

Wa,.ltdirt. tons cwt. oz. (l,Vt. gr. Cement. tons Ballarat * 0 0 1 16'87 4,861 (j 11 Ballamt § GG () 9 0 Bccchworth t 0 0 0 14:96 1,324 2 () Deechworth Sandhurst ... Sandhurst 'I 5.1) 0 :l u 12 Maryborongh 33,783 {I l) ~~ li'04 5,492 12 18 Maryborough 234 4~ 17 12 Castlemaine 77,379 0 0 I 6'06 4,846 15 0 Castlemaine 350 il 0 0 Ararat t ••• I 9,000 0 0 3 18 27 ].6\)2 1 :l 0 Ararat '\[' 1,163 li 4 Gippsland Gippslantl ------Totals 0 1 15';)4 '18,217 s 5 Totals 1,868 16 0 3 17'28 ' 347 12 4

NoTE.~-This Snmmnrr does not show the- totttl ()unntith'S nf wa~l!dirt pu:\dl{'i1 and sluitNl fllHl ccmcut crushed in the vield fron1 <:er!tlln an:l wl!iell tlw ani! ]{t>:..d"'trar:


THE following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars relatiw w the AVERAGE YrELD OF GoLD from certain parcel~ of \VASHDIRT Puddled or Sluiced in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of each Mining District during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

Division and Subdivision, Average l~emarks reln.tive to the and Where \Vat'lhdirt was obtained. \'l1 a~hdirtPndU.letLI Yield of Gold Total Yield Depth at which the Name of Company. of Gold. \V ash dirt was obtained, &c.

tons cwt. qr.


SOUTHERN DIVISION. Grant and party ... Brcak-o'-Day ...... [ 510 0 0 0 2 22•58 75 0 0 10 to 30 feet; 2~ feet I 1 thick Turner and party Break-o'-Day •.. ••• ! 1,680 0 0 0 1 22•14 161 10 ll , 30 to 70 feet ; 2 to 3 feet thick Lucky ... Kangaroo 72 feet; I to 6 feet thick Totals SMYTHESDAL.E DIVISION. Reform-No. 2 Haddon 8,352 0 0 0 I 8•13 559 () 0 I 160 feet No. 3 I IIaddou 11,592 0 0 0 I 7"17 7.52 I a 0 185 feet .," No. 6 1 Haddon 1,525 0 () 0 8 :3'76 t\21 HI 0 70 feet Racecourse Haddon 17,990 0 (l 0 I 18•71 1,600 19 0 150 feet Trunk I,eau Had don 11,:l80 0 0 0 1 ]6•57 953 10 0 250 feet

BLACKWOOD DIVISION Totals I 50,739 0 0 () 18•46 4,488 0 A:SD BLUE MouNTAIN SocTn SUBDIVISION. Milkman's Flat Sluicing Milkman's Flat 150 0 0 () l 2•4 8 5 0 50 feet Hill and party Sirnmons' Reef 400 0 0 0 0 12•6 10 10 0 15 to 20 ieet Wee Chung and part.y Kangaroo Flat 1,400 0 () 0 0 5'66 16 10 0 4 to 10 feet Ah Kei and party Ballan l!'lat 800 0 0 0 0 9•3 15 10 0 4 to 10 feet Ah Wan and party Lerderderg Hiver, Red 1,200 0 0 0 () 11'2 28 0 0 3 to 14 feet llill Ah Chnng and party Lcrderrlcrg Hivcr, Red I 700 0 0 0 () 12'34 18 0 () 4 to 8 feet Hill Ah .Fong anu p::uiy Lerderderg Hiver, Tip- I 900 ll 0 () 0 8 Hi 0 0 6 lo 10 feet perary Flat ·------Totals 5,550 0 0 0 () 9'66 lll 15 0

No. 29. B 18

AVIWAGE Yield oJ' Gol;l from ecl'tain p:tl'cels of Washtlirt Puddle(l or Sluiced, &c.-cmttinued.

Dlvisiunand ~ulJLUvision 1 Average and Where W ashdlrt was obtained. Yield of Gold Name of Company. per 'l'on.

tons cwt. qr. oz. (l\vt. gr.



Osborn and Co. Becchwor~h 600 0 0 0 2 0 60 0 0 :J5 fee~ Ah Ky ami Co. Bowman's Forest 120 0 () 0 1 12 9 () 0 -!0 feet

Totals ... 720 () () !i9 () (j INDIGO DIVISION. Indigo, ::it.ockya.rd Indigo and other J"calls ... 9,000 (l () 0 o·6 2!15 feet Scmtehmnn's ::::lcotclnnan's Lead 1,800 0 () 0 0 180 feet

Totals ... 10,800 () 0 0 ()•51 551 8 0 BucKLAND DrvrsroN. Mystery Bright 14,400 0 0 0 0 1 30 0 0 Ah Chee

Ly tloo and Co. • •• j Ovens Hiver 282 0 g/ 0 3 19•91 54 0 0 Tin Clwy and Co. . .. : Ovens River 300 0 0 0 2 8 :l5 0 0 Bnun and Co. Ovens Hiver 271 0 0 0 2 14'88 :35 10 0 }'mnk Ah l'ing and Co. H arrietviUe 400 0 () () 1 12 ao 0 0 All Qua and Co. HarrietYi11e 1,100 0 0 0 I () 55 0 () A h Clwy :md Co. llarrictviite .. 400 0 0 0 1 14"4 :J2 0 () },. l!. \V c"ton and Son .Porcpunkah 100 0 () 0 2 12 12 10 () ,Jnrvis nn;~ Hce,·c Buckland ••• i 6,400 0 () 0 0 3"75 .'iO 0 () Ah ~Ian tmd Co. Bucklaml 5,000 0 0 0 () 14•4 LiO 0 0

Totals 0 0 0 0 10'U1 70:"1 u 0



MARYllOitoUGll DIVISION. Goltl!Jrook Carishroo), 130 feet Argus ... Chinamans

Totals TIIAJOHCA Sunmvrsws. Nuw Kong Meng :\Jajorca 190 feet l>erscveranec Narrigal


A~!HERST Drvrsrox. I!n~unng' Mount Greenock Lead ... 2,250 0 0 () 8'72 153 7 18 100 feet Umon ... Monut Greenock Lead ... 1,875 0 () () 0"7 96 10 () 600 feet below top of 1110!lllt Niehols' Freehold 'l'rihutc ... Mount, Grcenod:: Lead ... ],}() 0 0 0 ;} 5"92 24 7 0 About 140 feet

() 4 18 'l'ot:tls ...... ; ·!,275 0 0 6·7() 274 AvocA SunDIVISIOS. vYorkin? l\Iinet·s ... Homebnsh J,e,.d Colll- ' 18,200 0 0 o :l 0'88 2,763 14 0 165 to 170 feet puny's leased ground I



Fnnm's CREEK DIVISION. Andcrson and party Spring Gully ... 2,000 0 0 0 0 4"8 20 () 0 10 to 12 feet Stevens and pttrt,y ::--

Divtsion and Sub(Uvision, Average Total Yield of and Where \Vushdht was olltaincd. Yield of Gold Gold. "Yame of Company. per Ton.

HEPBUR:-1 DIVISION. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.! Italian Hill Tunnel Italian Hill 500 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 1260 feet Yuill and party ..• Doctor's Gully 200 0 0 0 7•2 13 0 0 Surface to 5 feet Gilbert's t'reehold Comoora 50 0 0 0 0 19•2 2 0 0 [ lOO feet Salnlon's Tunnel Davlesford 200 0 0 0 0 18 7 10 0 I lOO feet 330 Chinese Di~ision, Hepburn 15,000 0 0 0 I 0 750 0 () ! Shallow Small pnrties (Europeans) Henderson's, Boots 1,550 0 0 0 1 o·77 80 0 0 Shallow and Shepherd's Flat Kinsman and party Daylesford 0 12'92 20 0 0 : Tunnel, 150 feet

Totals ... 0 0'26 897 10 () T.ARADALE AND KYNETON i SUBDIVISION, Ironstone Hill South Taradale 6,030 0 0 0 2 18'88 840 4 Confluence Malmsbury 5,000 0 0 0 1 0 250 Little Wonder Maims bury 1,455 0 0 0 6 8'41 462 Royal Standard Malmsbury 750 0 0 0 5 9 201 Pemberly Estate Malmsbury 90 0 0 0 10 0 Ellis's Freehold ... Maims bury 2,353 0 0 0 2 Totals 15,6i8 0 0 0 TARR.ANGOWER DIVISION. Boreham and Co. Porcupine Fbt 76 0 0 3·15 0 10 0 Kent and Co. Eaglehawk (l:ully aoo 0 0 8 5 0 0 Alien and Co. Eaglehawk Gully i5 0 3 8 12 10 0 Hobt, Grigg and Co. Porcupine Flat 25 0 9•6 8 0 0 J. Knight and Co. Porcupine Flat 25 0 9•6 I a 0 0 Duress and Co. Sandy Creek •.. 240 0 0 6 3 0 0 Abram Grigg and Co. Pegleg Gully ... 1,000 0 0 12 25 0 0 Totals ... 67 0 0 ------ST. ANllHEW'S DIVISION. Crown Warrandyte 24 4 0 120 feet (diorite) 1 io Europ;,ans All the district 1,000 0 0 Various 60 Chinese All the d i,. trict lOO 0 0 Various

Totals ... 1,124 4 0


HAGLAN DIVISION. New Victoria G. M. ... 'Vaterloo :Flat ... 5,500 0 0 0 4 5•37 1,161 ll 12 !GO feet Hoyal Saxon ...... Waterloo }''!at ... 3,500 0 0 0 3 0'83 531 0 12 160 feet 1-- 9,000 0 0 0 3 18"27 1,692 12 0 I


Tmc following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors aiHl Registrars reltttive to the A VIm AGE YIELD of Gou> from certain parcels of CE:~rENT Crushed in the several Divisions and :Subdivi,;ions of each Mining District during the Quarter, and the G·OLD obtained therefl'Om.

DlYL~ion and Subdivision, Average Hemarks to the am! \VlJcre ( :emcnt W!1:' obtained. Cement Crushed. YielU of Gold Dc_plh at the Name oi Company. per Ton. Cement was obtained.

tons wt. qr. oz. dwt. gr.


SOUTHERN DIVISION. Munro and party Kangaroo 56 0 0 0 2 16•71 7 ll o 90 feet

SMYTHESDALE DIVISION. Porter and Co. Smythc,;dale u 3 () 1 10 o 40 feet

--~-·--· ------·----- ·- B 2 20

QUANTITY of CEMENT crushed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

ntvislon and Subdivision, Average Total Yield Remarks relative to the and "Where Cement \vus obtatnc1t Cement crushed. Yield of Gold of Gold. Depth at which the Name of Company. per 'ron~ Cement wns obtained.

tons cwt. qr~ oz. dwt. gr. o". dwt. gr.


W ARA,NGA NORTH Sun- ! DIVISION. Campbell ...... Whroo ...... 55 0 0 0 () 23'3.5 2 13 12 I


I MAJORCA SUBDIVISION. M us tow and party(crushed at Kong Meng Company, 5 0 u 0 1 4•8 0 6 0 Cambrian battery) Majorca I

AMHERST DIVISION. At T. Bartlemore's Mill- Near Talbot ...... 79 0 0 0 2 5•62 8 16 12 I Near the surface Sundries ·- DUNOLLY AND TARNA.GULLA DIVISIONS. Glamorganshire ...... Puzzle I

-~--·------··- -


! CASTLEMAINE DIVISION. J. Arehbold ...... Forest Creek ...... 150 0 0 0 0 22'4 7 0 0

FRYER's CREEK DIVISION. I Thomas and party ... Bald Hill ...... 80 0 0 0 10 0 40 0 0 ! 90 feet

T ARRANGOWER DIVISION, Dunn'• Reef ...... Hard Hills, Muckleford 120 0 0 0 5 0 30 0 0


PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION. North and South Wales •• • Deep Lead 1,163 16 o I o 3 17'09 216 0 41 Various 21

.\i{T:IlBEJ{ AND DJSTRIBU'fiON OF MINERS ON THE GOLDFIELDS OF THE COLONY, FOR THE QUAR'l'ER ENDED 30TH SEPTEMBER 181-ll. (Prom Retur·ns made by the lUining Swrveyors and Registrars.)

~amc of Place. Name of Place. Total.

------.... ~-

BAJ.LARAT DISTRICT. Brought forward 8,108 Ce11tral Division : Gordo11 Subdivision: Ballarat West antl Belmstopol 1,635 Egerton ... 420 Ballarat East, including Canaditllan Flat 30 Hard Ilills :J5 Garibaldi and vidnity 10 Frenchman's ~u Wright's Heef 10 Pinch gut ;)() lhechns Marsh mHl vicinity 20 Brc:ck-o'-Dav 80 :Jinlwr's !lill 10 Wt•,trrn Creek 70 450 /80 Rallu!i S uf,d/c£siou: llu11inyon!J JJiuision: Upper Werrihec l\i1·cr and vicinity 4 Durham ami tributaries !0 Blakevillc Rn:ul 2 Green Hills and Ikvonshirc 15 6 Scotdmmn's any's Flat 24 Creswic/1 Division: Howdy Flat 24 Creswick i 15 Osbonw's Flat :lU Clones >l60 Allan's :Flat 1 14 Springhill 1,05u Staglwrn :Flat 26 Red Streak 270 Twist's Creek :!8 Union Hill 12 ~ln Township 38 Bal

Carried forward 8,108 Carried forward 1,759 22

NUMBER and DISTRIBUTION of MINERS 011 the Goldfields, &c.-continued.

Name ofPlace, No. Total, Name oi Place. No. Total. ·------··· 1-- 1--- -·····--- Brought forward ...... 1,75\J Brought forward ...... 4,578 Indigo Division-continued. Mitta Mitta North Subdivision: Clydesdalc Lead ...... 14 Mount Firebrace ...... 50 Robert Burns Lead ...... 20 Cotton Tree Diggings ...... 150 Durham Lead ...... 16 Running Creek ...... 5 Rutherglen reefs ...... 48 Cotton Tree Creek .•• ...... 5 Chiltern reefs ...... 66 --- 210 Kincardinshire Lead ...... 7 Betltan:Ja Subdivision : Newcastle Lead ...... 10 Fagstaff Hill ...... 20 All England Lead ...... 8 Bethanga Line ...... 10 -- 630 Lucknow ...... 6 Buckland Division: --- 36 Buckland ...... 315 Mitta Mitta Soutlt Subdivision: Harrietville ...... 146 Granite Flat ...... 25 Harrietville to Bright ...... 460 Mitta Jliitta ...... 16 Bright to Boundary, including Run- Junction ...... lO ning Creek ...... 230 Lightning Creek ...... 6 -- 1,151 --- 57 Wand1:/igongSubdivision: Ja.mieson Subdivision: Morse's and Growler's creeks ... 182 Howqua River and tributaries ... 5 1-- 182 Goulburn River, from Howqua to Alea:andra Subdivision: Jamieson ...... 20 Alexandra and vicinity ...... 40 Mack's Creek ...... 40 Gobur and vicinity ...... 6 Goulburu River, from Jamieson to Devil's River and tributaries ... 36 Swnmpy Creek ...... 60 Jolmson's Creek and tributaries ... 12 Snilor Bill's Creek ...... 80 Head of U T Creek ...... 12 Flume Creek ...... 5 Goulburn River ...... 5 Baker's Creek ...... 30 Doogalook ...... 4 Jamieson River nnd tributaries ... 10 Spriog Creek and Durham Gully ... 18 --- 250 Higinbotham ...... 2 ---- Tea-tree Creek and vicinity ... 16 Total for Beech worth District ...... 5,131 Acheron Field ...... 10 ---- Maindample and Doon ...... 16 Yea ...... 30 1\:Ierton and vicinity ...... 12 ---- Scattered population ...... 10 --- 229 Benalla Subdivision: Benalla ...... 120 SANDHURST DISTRICT. Gowangardie ...... 10 Sandhurst Division: 1- 130 Back Creek and Spring Gully ... 300 Dry Creek Subdivision: Sheepshead and Golden Gully ... 420 Brankeet Creek ...... 13 Golden Square and Kangaroo Flat ... 400 Dry Creek ...... 44 Crusoe Gully and neighborbood ... lOO Hell's Hole Creek ...... 38 #farong and Bullock Creek .. . 140 Table Land ...... 13 Victoria and New-chum reefs ... 450 Glen Creek ...... 6 Long, Maiden, and Derwent gullies ... 480 Black Charley's ...... 4 Iron bark ...... 470 1- ItS Bendigo Flat ...... 450 Gajfrtey's Creelt Subdivision: White Hills and Epsom ...... lOO i Goulburn River ...... 16 Hnntly ...... 140 ' Gaffney's Creek ...... 36 Sydney Flat and Whipstick .. . 300 Cannon's Creek ...... 6 Specimen Hill aod Sailors' Gully ... 270 Raspberry Creek, &c...... 32 Devonshire Reef and Dead-horse Flat 250 Wallaby Reef, &c ...... 15 Windmill Hill and California Gully ... 350 i Moving population ...... 6 Englehawk Gully and Flat ...... 300 Ryan's Creek ...... 2 Snob's Hill nnd Pegleg Gully .. . 350 I Lyre Bird Creek ...... 2 Raywood ...... 70 Moonlight Creek ...... 2 Elysian Flat ...... 60 I 1- 117 Sebastian ...... 80 Wood's Point S11luhvision: Kamarooka ...... 50 ·wood's Point and Morning Star ... 40 Scattered and prospecting ...... 220 Lower Gou1burn ...... 20 I_ 5,75 0 Right and left branches ...... 20 Kilmvre Dinision: Gooley's Creek ...... 4 Reedy Creek ...... 160 I Harper's and Pheas~tnt creeks ... 6 Sunday Creek ...... 12 Perkins' Creek and Waverley ... 4 Strath Creek ...... 20 All Nations and Creek ...... 24 192 Black Hiver ...... 20 Heath cote Division and Waranga South Moving population ...... 8 I Subdivision : ' 1\laori Creek ...... 3 I Graytown ...... 25 I Never-mind Spur ...... 20 Redcastle ...... 75 --- 1G9 ' H cath(,olf· ...... 135 Big River Subdivision : ' Costerficld ... 200 I' ...... Frenchman's Creek ...... 2 ToolJOrac ...... 20 Warner's Creek ...... 10 I Kimbolton and Campaspe ...... 20 Enoch's Point ...... 8 Coliban and Myrtle Creek ...... 20 Rail way Creek ...... 24 Wild-duck ...... Jim Thomas' Creek ...... 4 535 Big River North ...... 24 W aranga North Subdivision : Big River South ...... 4 Rushworth ...... :: I Fry's Creek ...... 3 Whroo and White hills ...... 97 Moving population ...... 4 I Coy's Diggings ...... 80 Gvulburn River ...... !0 1- 26 2 I --- 9:l I_ 1--- I Carried forward ...... 4,578 : Total for Sandhurst District ...... 6,73 9 i I NUMBER and DISTRIBUTION of MINERS on the Goldfields, &c.-continued.

Name. of Place. No. 'fotul. Name of rtacc. 'J'I,Jlli.


MARYBOROUGll DISTRICT. Brought forward ... 5,fi82 M arybonmgh Division : Imglcwood Division-continued. Alma 280 Opossum Hill Waterloo 30 Weh1:1 Inkerman 50 Jordan Moonlight Flat 50 Kangadaraar Creek Adelaide Lead 120 815 Golden .Point 50 Weddcrburn Division: Craigie 50 Wedderburn 85 Four-mile Flat 65 Garibaldi Carisbrook 180 Avoca :Forest !J Mosquito 150 Woolsh~d and Yorkshire Flat 2tl Bluclwr's 160 Kilburnie and Nine-mile Hush 20 Newt own 150 14i Have lock 150 RediHLnh and St. Amaud Soutl, Subdivixions: Chinamn.n's 525 Stuartmill, &c. Blackman's Lead 50 Hedban k. &c. Maryborough 290 Fowler's ·Lead :!0 2,3.10 liines 20 ,Uajorca Subdivision: Moonamhel, &c. 150 Majorca 115 Darling Flat 50 England's Hill Lead 10 Emerald Flat 20 Gibraltar Lead 25 1-;andy Creek 4(1 1-;candinavian LcaJ 10 Canterbury /0 ~IcCallum's Creek :m Gullic~ between Stunrtmill and Hines 17 Hocky Flat --- 44i I 210 St. Arnaud 1Yorth SulHlivisin11 : A111herst Division: New Bendigo 110 Tal bot St. Anwu1l 1 'j() Scandin a vi an LeaJ 211 Silver ~line~, &c. 20 ~rount Greenock Lead lOO Emu, &c. 12 N uggety and Long gullies 60 Carapooe 12 Kangaroo Gully and Flat 50 Bell Rock, &c. 30 Mia :Mia Flat and tributaries 40 Blink llonnie, &c .... 15 Daisy Hill and tributaries lOO Mallee :HJ Adelaide Lead South RO Queen Mary, &c. G Blacksmith's Gully 15 Dalyenoug 1 i5 Emu and Cockatoo 25 580 Brown's Gully 6 Norfolk Gully ]() Total for Maryborough District ... 7,671 Roeky .Flat 15 Mount Glasgow 6 Lilicur 10 Eglinton 6 583 Avoca Subdivision: CASTLEllfAINE DISTRICT. Amphitheatre 35 Avoca Lead ;jO Castlemaine Divisio" : Green Hill Creek 50 I, Castlemaine 1!2 .Percydale lOO I! Eureka Heef 29 Home bush 420 Guildford 94 Lam plough 50 Camp bell's Creek 98 Mountain Hut 15 Sailor's Gully 42 No. I Creek 25 Barker's Creek 72 No. 2 Creek 40 1\Tyrtle Creek 10 Kimberley and Sardine 10 :\Ioonlight Flat i6 Donkey Hill 15 Chewton 181 ~Iiddle Creek, &c .... 15 Wattle Gully 63 Gullies east of A voca 20 Golden l'oint 66 Bung Bong and Glenmona reefs 20 Diamond Gully 80 :.c.·don 20 Bolivia Red 32 Barnes Heef 2.5 935 Scandinavian Gully reefs 25 Frye1·'s Creek Division: 935 Golden Gully to Fryerstown 2i2 Dunol(IJ aud Tanzagulla Divisions: Spt·ing Gully to Specimen IIill 40 Dunolly 330 Chok'em Flat to Yaughan 150 Burnt Creek 100 Butcher's and Kangaroo hills uu Go!dsbrough 395 German and :'lfopoke gullies 80 i Inkerman 70 Loddon: Vaugh:tn to Pennyweight 80 lloliagul, &c. 125 Table llill anJ Tarilta 11 () i Bealiba J 4.5 Guildford hills 200 Murphy'sFiat. &c .... 15 J,oddon: Va.uglmn to Holcomhe lOO Jones' Creek, &c. 102 Nug-g:ety Hill ant! Jrishtown l:!O Tarnagulla lfiO Green and Sailors' gullies ... ~0 Half-way, &c. 27 Pickpocket ani! Hard hills iO Llanelly, &c. ~l5 Struthloddon and Hit-or-Mi~s 80 Wild-dog:, &c. GO 1,442 Mosquito Flat 40 Hepburn Division: 1,604 Dry Diggings Section Inglewood Divisions: Ya.ndoit Section rnglew·ood :350 Boots Gully Section ... I Berlin Diggings 110 Italian Gully Section Kingower 80 Spring Creek Section iO Melntyre's 35 Doctor's Gully Section 22 S,rnnott's 45 Brandy-hot Section 40 Burku's Flat 85 Deep Creek Section DO

Carried forward Carried forward 2,:l77 NUMBER and DISTRIBUTION of MINERS on the Goldfields, &c.-continued.

Name of Place. No. Total. Name of Place. No. Totul.

Brought forward 2,377 Brought forward Hepburn Di!Jision-continued. Pleasant Creek Division: Blind Creek Section 140 Silver Shilling 12 Stony Creek Section 66 Deep Lead, Forty-foot, & Welshman's Flat 396 Wombat Creek Section 74 Great Western 90 Daylesford Section 250 Stawell 700 Connel's Gully Section 50 Seventy-foot 25 1,025 Germanin 16 Taradale and K!Jneton Subdivision: Welcome 6 Taradale ... 70 Darlington 12 Liberty Flat and Belltopper 63 Iron bark Redesdale ... ••. 20 Cosmopolitan Malmsbury 160 1,325 Coliban 20 Ha..tdy Division: Lauriston 83 Lands borough Scattered 20 Barkly 436 Frenchman's Tarrangower Division: Glenpatrick Nortlt :i\1:aldon 62 320 Beehive Hill 35 Raglan Division: Eaglehawk 57 Beaufort ••. 80 Long Gully 37 Sailors' Gully 34 Porcupine Flat 56 Waterloo 369 Mount Tarrangower 34 Old Main Lead I 91 Sandy Creok ••. 56 Chute I 26 16 600 Mia 17 1- Green Valley 17 Total for Ararat District 2,720 Muekleford 55 Clydesdale 38 Parkin's Heef 67 German Reef 36 Bell's Reef 4 Newstead ... 6 Blacksmiths Hill 12 GIPPSLAND DlllTRIOl'. 605 St. Andrew's Division: Omeo Subdivision: Anderson's Creek 86 Livingstone Creek 170 Long Gully 22 Mitta Mitta River, from Cobungra to Smith's Gully 12 Wombat Creek 20 Yow-Yow 17 Wombat Creek 18 Wild-dog 15 Swift's Creek 142 Walsh's Hi River Tambo 12 Warburton 12 Cobungra ... 2 Cherry-tree 5 364 Cobbler's Gully 6 Gibbo SubdilJision: Watery Gully 4 Gibbo Hiver 12 Heefton 31 Sassafras Creek and Saltpetre Creek 23 Pioneer 4 Wheeler's Creek and Zulu Creek 57 Queenstown .•. 31 Thowgla Creek 45 Kingstown (Panton Hill) 21 137 One-tree Hill ... 2 Mitchell Ri11er and Boggy Creek Sub­ Me:\Iahon's 4 divisions: Emerald 7 Nicholson and Tambo rivers and their Starvation Creek :~ tributaries Huddle's Creek 4.5 Boggy Creek Muddy (.,'reek 3 Merrijig Creek Wombat Creek 3 Sandy's Creek 'Wilson's Creek 5 Two-mile Creek Cumberland Creek .•. .~ 273 Crooked River Division: Blue il-Iountain North Subdivision: Grant 9 Trentham Crooked Hiver 34 New bury Jungle Creek 4 Garlick's Twelve-mile Creek ... 5 Twenty-five-mile Creek 3 Thirty-mile Creek •.. 5 C pper Dargo ••• . .• 11 Total for Castlemaine District .•• Good Hope (Mine and Creek) 13 Good Luck Creek 6 W ongnngarra 2 92 Dargo S ubdit>ision : Middle Dargo 65 Lower Dargo 2 slount Birregun 4 ARARAT DISTRICT. Dane's Creek 2 Ararat Division: \Ventworth River .•. 40 Ararat Proper 185 Eureka Reef 12 Armstrong's 80 Normanby Reef 19 Philip's Flat and Catheart 65 Exhibition Reef 6 Shea's Flat 20 Mount Budgee Reef 6 Opossum Gully and Port Curtis 50 Mitchell River 10 Moyston and Londonderry ... 30 Morris Creek 4 Emu Rush at Fryingpan Plains 45 Teapot Creek 3 475 173

Carried forward 475 Carried forward 1,039 25

Name of Place. I So. ! Total. Name of Place.

Brought forward 1,039 Brought forward Jericho Division: R us sell's Creek Division-continued. Columbia Reef (Buekley's Flat) Dry Creek Good Hope Creek Lower Jordan t::\andy Creek Upper Jordan .. . Ill Stony Creek 5 Red Jacket Creek .. . 10 Pheasant Creek 2 Blue Jacket Creek .•. 8 Bull Beef Creek 1 BB Creek 21\ 91 Prospecting and fossicking .. . I a Bendoc Subdivision: Lily of the Valley Co. .. . 10 Ben doe 19 Aberfeldy Hiver 4 Delegate Hivcr 14 ::>tar and 1'homson ... 6 Bog and Qneensborough Lochfyne Line 17 4 Back Creek ;;5 160 Prospecting Donnelly's Creek Division: 6 Bonang 6 Donnelly's Cr~ek ... 97 Aberfeldy Tarwin Subdivision: Fulton's Creek, &c. Foster 50 lOG vVaratah Bay 20 Stringe1·'s Creek Division: Benison's Creek 3 Golden Crcc k Walhalla (Cohen's Reef) 338 :l 76 Aberfeldy River IG Traralgon Subdicision: Thomson River 40 Morwell 6 Stringer's Creek 5 Naracan Creek Happy-go-lucky 1 12 i) :l 'l'rantlgon Creek Fulton's Creek I

Carried forward GnA~!D ToTAI.

Office of Mines, 'fiiOS. COGCHMAN, Melbourne, 14th October 1881. Secretary for Mines. 26



CENTRAL DIVISION. Mr. David Christy, 1lfining Registrar. I have the honor to forward my report for the past quarter, and, although the quantity of gold is leas than that obtained during the previous quarter, such may be accounted for by the fact that a greater quantity of prospective work has been done, which will, no doubt, eventually result favorably for the several companies interested. It will be seen from my statistical returns that the averag-e yield from quartz is almost identical, viz., quarter ending June, 7 dwts. 3'87 grs. as against 7 dwts. ;3·07 grs. for the past quarter, so that there is no great disparity in the value of the stone crushed. The Band of Hope and Albion Consols still continues to occupy the foremost position; and the Young Band Extended Company has struck some excellent stone, yielding 2 ozs. l dwt.ll·o7 grs. to the ton. I cannot report that much gold has been obtained by the claims working on the north side of Lake W endouree, viz., the W endouree, New and Reporter companies, but they are prosecuting their operations with vigor. The several dividend-paying mines show favorable returns. The City of Ballarat Company has indications of success, although the amount of gold obtained for the quarter is not great; yet it is considered by the manager that the prospects will lead to a good paying gutter. There has been another claim taken up (Bebro and Co,) fmther west than the City Company, which comprises the only available Crown lands between the former company and private property. The decrease in the number of miners since last quarter is owing, in a measure, to the final working out of the alluvial deposits in the Hurds- field group of claims, and others. greater number of these miners have found employment at the Kingston mines. I anticipa-te, however, the falling-off is only temporary; and, so soon as the progressive mines have been develvped, a HUmlJcr will find employment.

STATEMENT SIIOWING THE QUANTITY OF ALLUVIAL GOLD OBTAINED BY CoMPANIES WITHIN TilE DIVISION DURING THE QUARTER. oz. dwt. gr, City of Ballarat Company 142 0 0 North Hurdsfield 116 6 0 Co-operative parties, including Chinese fossickers, &c., about 1,250 0 0

1,508 6 0

DIVIDENDS PAID FROM QUARTZ MINES DURING THE QUARTER. £ s. d. Band of Hope and Albion Consols ... 14,031 5 () Temperance ... 1,720 0 0 Band of Hope Quartz 1,650 0 0 Band of Hope Quartz No. 2 750 0 0 Sulieman Pasha 600 0 0 New Crescent 1,200 0 0 Duchess 761 6 0 Wilson's Freehold 1,000 0 0

£21,712 10 0

SOUTHERN DIVISION. JJfr. George PerrJJ, Mining Registrar. QuARTZ MINING. During the past quarter much time has been spent in deepening and repairing shafts and other work in connection with our quartz mines, consequently the returns are much smaller than usual. The coming quarter will, no doubt, prove a good one, as payable stone has been struck by the Williams' Fancy Company's Tributers, and by the Little Hopewell Company's Tributers No. 2. The last-mentioned find is important, as being the deepest payable stone yet discovered at Staffordshire Reef. The Little Hopewell Company's Trihuters No. 1, at Staffordshire Reef, continue to do well. The Tributers No. 2 have struck payable stone at the depth of 220 feet. A trial crushing of 61 tons, taken from that depth, gave the excellent yield of 17 ozs. 15 dwts. 12 grs. per ton, or an average of 5 dwts. 19·86 grs. to the ton. Should the same quality of stone continue, it will pay them handsomely, as the lode is 6 feet wide and easily worked. The Speedwell Tribute Company have not done so well as expected; they have a large quantity of stone in sight, but unfortunately it is at present very poor. Charles Wilson and Co. have completed the erection of a five-head battery, and are crushing; but the result will not be known in time for my report. I am informed that the mine is looking well. Kangaroo.-The Williams' Fancy Oompany's Tributers have sunk the shaft to 190 feet in depth, and, in opening out, struck the lode showing payable gold to a further depth of 20 feet. The Nil Desperandum Company's Tributers, not being able to strike anything payable, gave up the tribute. The company shortly afterwards sold the plant, which is now being removed to Huninyong.

ALLUVIAl.. In this class of mining I am not aware of anything worthy of speeial mention. No water is sold in this division. BUNINYONG DIVISION. jJ'fr. Roue1·t M. Harvey, 1lfining Surveyo1· and Registrar.

Qc .A.RTZ MINING. The yield of gold from quartz steadily increases in the Buninyong division, this quarter's return being 1,760 ozs., as against 1,,111 ozs. last quarter ; the yield per ton has improved from 5-l: to 6i dwts. Quartz mining is chiefly carried on, at the Hiscock's belt, and extends for a length of four miles. Several other lines of reef are being prospected, and the aspects of the division are brighter than they have been for many years. A large amount of new machinery is being erected, and two new crushing plants will shortly be added to the present number. ALLUVIAL :!\fi:

LIGNITE. This is now being used in the manufacture of a deodorant and fertilizer, and being afforded a fair trial.

SMYTHESD.ALE DIVISION. 1lfr. Jo!tn Lync!t, .Mining Swrveyor and Registmr, The yield from all sources for the quarter was 7,125 ozs., being 470 ozs. in excess of that of the previous quarter. The excess is to be ascrilJed to improved yields in the Racecourse and Trunk Lead companies, Had don, and to increased returns from the sluicing companies throughout the division. Several new ventures have been started during- the quarter-Haddon being the favorccllocality. The mines in this part of the division have been the principal producers, but I regret that we shall in future miss the contributions of the oldest and one of the most produrtive of them-the Heform-which is nearly worked out. Other mines of good promise a few months ago have also become extinct, chiefly among these being the Golden Age, at Brown's. Several small parties have been at work for many months within the township of Smythcsdalc, but their efforts have been attended with only partial success. The Golden Belt Company. at Springdallah, arc erectiug very powerful machinery. The progress of this mine is watched with deep interest, as upon it depends, in a large degree, the fate of deep alluvial mining in the part of the division in which it is situated. A O'OOd-sizcd claim has been applied for within the township of Lintous. A claim of fifty acres, comprising wl1at is considered to Le I he outlet of the llottlc Hill leads, has been brought into requisition, and is likely to prove a success. In quartz mining, hut little has been done. The Canico Flat Company have had, however, a good crushing, the result of which caused a demand for adjoining land on the course of the lode. The Britannia Company (quartz) are making steady progress, and expect to be soon able to render a good account of their labors. A fair share of useful work has been done in sluicing; but the scarcity of water has been, as usual, a great drawback to this branch of mining.

CRESWICK DIVISION. iUr. J. Stevenson, Mini11g RegistraT. I have the honor to report that there has been no abatement in mining speculation during the quarter in this division, nearly all tbe country for miles north of Springhill, and extending far bcyonds the limits of my division, having been taken up in mining ventures. There are now seven drills beside the diamond drill at work trying to determine the locality of the deep ground on the different leads. There is a considerable decrease (over 1,500 ozs.) in the yield from quartz during the quarter, and the average yield shows a decrease of over 16 grs. per ton. The Clunes Company have during the past week struck some rich­ looking stone in Robinson's Reef, which is 6 feet wide. In alluvial, the Loughlin Company's mine has commenced yielding gold; the other progressive mines are still sinking and erecting maehinery. There is an increase of over 2,000 ozs. in the yield from alluvial claims during the quarter. 'l'he following are the yields, dividends, &c., from the principal mines:-


oz. dwt. gr. £ s. d. B.istori Freehold Company, Springhill 4,433 10 0 7,573 1 0 Madame Berry Company, Springhill 3,869 0 0 12,217 16 0 Lone Hand Company, Springhill 3,184 1 0 5,185 1 6 Dyke's Freehold Company, Springhill 1,397 g 0 2,284 7 0 Loughlin Company, Springhill .. 993 0 0 305 14 0 New Australasian Company, Red Streak 3,936 13 () 6,250 0 0 Port Phillip Company, C!unes , .. 130 15 0 New .:"l'orth Clunes Company, Clunes .. , 1,028 0 0 Approximate yield of gold from small elaims 1,500 0 0

19,313 13 0 £34,974 14 6

The quantity of water used during the quarter was D7, 1 2fi,OOO gallons, at 11tl. per 1,000 gallons. The following return of gold obtained from the several mines at Clunes, to July 18tH, has been kindly furnished to the Department of :\fines by J\fr. R. n. Bland, of Clunes :--

};aME of' Co::ut>A!'o'i. (iOLD. Y.ALLE.

oz. llwt~ ;.;r. .£ s. d. Port Phillip Company 483,675 0 () 1,936,775 0 0 Xew North Clunes Company ... 215,32,1 0 () 872,062 0 0 South Clunes Company 94,950 0 0 389,330 0 0 Lothair Company 26,692 0 0 106,768 0 0 Yankee Company :35,000 0 0 152,000 0 0 Victoria Company 50.000 0 0 200.000 0 0 Criterion Company .. :17,5!30 0 0 190,21.0 0 0 Clunes United Company 16,270 () 0 65,200 0 0 Alluvial 50,000 0 0 200.000 0 0 ·------1,019,471 0 0 4,112,375 0 0 GORDON SUBDIVISION. 1'./r. Thomas Cowan, "}fining S1trveyor anrl Negistrar. Black IT orse United Company, Egerton.-There is nothing new to report with regard to this company during the past quarter. Stone which yields a profit, is still bein~; raised from the nuious levels throughout the mine. Durmg the quarter 6,302 tons have been cru,;hcd, which produced l,t):38 ozs. 1:1 rlwts. of gold, or an average of 5 dwts. 4•80 grs. per ton. Dividends to the amount of 4s. per share, equal to £2,000, have been paid during the quarter. The number of mer, been driven into it. Two trial crushings of 80 and llO tons from this lode yieluod respectively 4 dwts. and 2 dwts. to the ton. This is not considered a payable yield, hut the company is still prospoetiug with the view of fmther tPsting the value of the stone. Fourteen men are employed. The leases taken up a few months ago, to the oast of Egerton, still remain unworked. Twenty-one Chinese are still engaged in washin;?; the tailings from the Egerton and TI!acJ.: Horse companies' batteries, and, as I have been informed, hav<> obtained ahout 68 ozs. gold. The Parker's United Company, Gordon.-This company have been raising stout>, during the quarter, from a lode averaging 3 feet 6 inches in wiclth, above the 440 and 500-foot and also from a lode at the oOO-foot level. A winze was sunk from this level •t distance of 20 feet, when a slide was met with which carried the quartz ,11 feet to the west. Operations have also been carried on at the 700-foot level, in which the lode averages ,j, feet in width. Work has also been carried on in the 500-foot level at the north shaft from n lnde 3 feet wide. 4,000 tons of quartz have been crushed. yielding 2,0UG ozs. 10 dwts. of gol(l, or an •werage of 10 dwts. 0·7S grs. per ton, and 141 ozs. 19 dwts. of gold were obtained from treating pyrites. One hundred ancl fifty men lwve been employed, and dividends to the value of 3s. per share, amounting to £3,000, hm-e been paid. Gordon.-The North Parker's Company have been engaged in prospecting during the quarter at the 200-foot level, and have passed through several slides, but as yet have met with no stone of a payable nature, Fourteen men have been employed. Parker's No. 2 Company.~No work has been done by thi> company during the quarter. Parker's United No. l Quartz Miniug Co•npany.-'l'his slmft has reached a depth of 30(i feet, nud the company are now engaged in all engine and wimling Twcln· men have been employed. Parker's Company.-This company have been engaged in along the course of a lode discovered at a depth of 160 feet. No trial crushing has yet lJeen mnde. bnt 50 tons of stone have been forwarded to the Black Horse Company's battery, and i:< now awaiting crnshing, owing to the battery being fully engaged. Twenty men have been employed. Parker's Freehold Company.-This company are still engaged in their shaft, which has now reached a depth of 400 feet. An engine of 17 horse-power and winding ge:tr h:wc bccu erected during the tiuarter, at a cost of £400 for the engine and £100 for its erection. Twenty men have been employed. Parker's Extended Company.-This company have been engaged in prospectin~.; their in sinking, and in driving. A lode, 18 inches in widtu, wn,s discovered at a depth of lOO feet. A trial crushing of tons of stone was taken from this reef, which yielded 36 ozs. 8 dwts. of gold. Ten men have bem employed. Shamrock Company.-This company's ground is situate a short tlistance to the cast of the Parker's United Company, and is held under lease by 'rlwmas Boh;m ( Lmse No. 1295). An engine of 11 horse-power has been erected on an old shaft which was sunk scveml ycnr~ ago to a depth of i31)0 feet. and th" shaft has been repaired to a depth of 150 feet. Twelve men have been employed. Six Chinese are still washing the tailiu~s from the Parker's United Com~mny's battcny, and, as I have been informed, have obtained about 30 ozs. of gold. The Parker's United Miners' Company, JYioorahool vVesc.-Four additiona1 stamp-heads have been added to this company's battery, and 3GO tons of stone have hccn crushed, which yielded only J l ozs. of gold. Operations ceased on the 15th Soptembcr, in consequence, I presume, of the small yield of gold from the stone. The company, however, intend commencing operations dnring this month. Fifteen men have been employed. The Great Northern Parker's Company, Korweinguboora.-The State Forest Company is now rc-orgauized under the above title. They have heen at intervals in the reef on the surface, and it is stated a battery will be erected shortly. Five men, on an average, haYe beeu engaged. No other worl> has been done in this locality the quarter. La! Lal Iron \'Vorks. Lal Lai.-This company have been engaged in manufacturing all classes of foundry work from the pig-iron previously obtained. No ore has been smelted cluriug the quarter, but 30 men were engaged in raising ore and doing other necessary works.

Ara,uvrAr, lYirNING. Kerrit Bareet Company, Gordon.-l'rospccting operatious have been carried on by this company during the past quarter. The shaft was bottomed at a depth of 112 feet, and was then sunk to a r1epth of 150 feet.. A chamber was constructed at a depth of 142 feet, and a drive put in a distance of 30 feet, hut a~ yet uo wasbdirt has been met with. Seventeen men were employed. The information with regard to the amount of gold purchased was obtainc.l from the managers of the Union Bank, Ballarat, and London Chartered Bank, Gordon.


1~fr. D. 11Iurp!ty, Mining Registrar.

ALLUVIAL :WfiNING. The whole of the work done in alluvial mining is confined to the banks of the :.\Ioorabool River


BLACKWOOD DIVISION AND BUiE MOUNTAIN SOUTH SUBDIVISION. ;llr. .Jofm F. Hrtnscn, ;lliuing Rc,rjistrar. QuAitTz MINING. Although there has been no increase in the quantity of gold obtained from this branch of mining, there has, nevertheless, been a marked activity observable in several parts of this rlistrict. A little of the much-needed capital to develop our rnanv gold-bearing reefs seernR to he fortheoming at last, if judiciously and economically expended, some of the new" ventures lately :o:ucccssfnlly floated awl othm·s now in pro!.ircss of formation will most likely prove retnunerative. Steam and other mining plant, which have of latter years bean removed from here to the value of about £18,000 arP now being replacPd or a1ain Lrought into the district. The ;'\ ew Cosmo Company have nearly finished the of a steam engine and battery, and the Sinnnons' Reef Amalgamated Mining Company's 20 horse-power winding and pumpiug engine has been delivered aL the mine. This company intends, if possible, to cm~h with water power all thP year round. and with this object in view have had a suney made for the construction of a large res<'rvoir. :\Ir. Stuart :\hn-ray, who made the survey, fixed upon a sitf' at the Gppcr Lerderdcrg-, about sevf'n miles above Sirnrnons' .Hecf, which, a,~conliu!.\" to his eRtimatc, wnuld covc1· all area of wat<•r surface of about 25~- acres. The height of the embankmcut would he 1L5 feet, and the c:tpaeity at tho 40-foot level would he about 109,000,000 p:allons of water. The estimated t:ost. 10 JH'r eenl. for c•ugiueering. would he t2,:321l. The Sirnrnons' lleef Company',, mine heing situated the hi;;hest up the river. 1 he water after leaving that company's wheel would be available for all th~ workings dmnt the river; it is therefore nnquPRtionalJle that a rcservoi1· holding su~h a large

AI,LUVIAL MINING • .:" othing of any importance has come under my notice in this branch of mining. No miners arc employed in mining for me tab and minerals other than gold. The average quantity of water sold was six ;;!nice-heads at about 5s. per sluicr·hcad week. 'rhe rainfall during the quarter has beeu-July, ~·[ltl; August, ;;!·;34; September, ; total, 7·5-1 inehes.

BALLAN SCBDIVISION. Jl:lr. Joh.n P. Hansen, .Wining RegistraT. No revival in mining has taken place in this subdivision.


BEECHWORTH DIVISION. 1Jir. A. Alderdice, il"iining Registr·ar. The weather during the past quarter has been unusually dry and in consequence the sluicers have not been able to work more than half time as a rule, and many uot as much. 'fhe output of gold for the quarter is only about half that of the previous quarter, and this has had a very depressing ~·!feet on business generally. Unless copious showers fall during- the next few months. alluvial mining must come to a standstill here, for without water many of the large sluicing claims will be unable to wash down. 'fhe following are a few of the principal returns for the quarter, viz. :-Excelsior Company, Reid's Creek, 140 ozs.; Ah Hen and Co., Becchworth, 1!:!:3 ozs.; Trezise and Co., Stony Creek, 163 ozs.; Rechabite Company, Hurdle Flat, 120 ozs. In quartz some little activity is being exhibited in consequence of the two or three finds at Stony Creek, and many prospectors are visiting the locality. A trial crushing from Croft's Reef gave ozs. to the ton; a trial from the Hare Iteef gave 2~ ozs, per ton; and 70 tons from Trezise's 'Vallaby Reef gave a splemlid return of 2 ozs. fl dwts. This latter reef is well defined and shows gold in the stone very freely. Some of the specimens arc exceedingly rich. Elmer and Co. have bottomed a shaft in Bowman's Forest at a depth of 260 feet, with a prospect calculated to go about 3 dwts. per ton. The bottom is dipping very fast, and the party intend to drive out a considerable quantity of dirt for the purpose of giving it a fair triu.!. A small rush took place to \'lopokc Gully, where three or four claims got on to a good though narrow lead. It is said Thomson and Co. have obtained as much as an ounce to the dish from some parts of their claim. It is thought that all the gullies falling into the Two ;md 'l'hree Mile crocks carry gold. 30

. The Beechworth Prospecting Comp;tny have made arrangements with Messrs. Bigelow and Co. to work their cl.atm, the Homeward Bound Reef, :tt Rocky Point. This reef has been sunk upon to a depth of over 500 feet. and has gtVen, as a rule. fa!r return~. 'l'hc company intend to sin~ the sh::ft to a gre~l depth in order to test whether payable quartz can be ohta;ned •.If they m·e Sl~cccs~ful, uo doubt 1t will ;;we a great tmpetus to quartz here, as there are many reefs whiCh patd well on hemg first found, hut were abandoned for want of means to practically work them. J'~e Rose Rerf Company, after abandoning their reef, are determined to take it up again, and intend purchasing th.e machmer.y, pumps, &c., for the pnrpose of sinkil;.p; the shaft to a grPrtter dPpth, where it is believed payable stone wt.ll. be .obtamed.. Should the crushing machinery be taken away from Beechworth, it will greatly impede quartz mmmg m the locahty. . The Rcchabitc Company, :.t Hurdle Flat, continue to get payable stone. It is the intention of the directory to obtam a larg;cr battery, as the present one is much too small for their requit·ement8. A clatm has been taken up on the Oven~ Hiver, near Everton, in nen· country. 'l'he prospect obtained was thought to be payable, hut no trial has yet taken place. Should the ground prove remunerat i nl, a very great deal of country will be worked which is now lying idle. The sinking is alJuttt fiO feet deep.

YACKANDANDAH NORTH :-iUBDIVISIOX. Nr. J. C. Forster, JJ[ining Registrar. There is no mining as yet in this subdivision.

YACKANDANDAll SOETII SCBDIVISIOX. 1lh. J. /:)mart, ilfini11g R('gistrar. In alluvial mining I have to rr•port that, owing to the scarcity of water, work on several claims has been suspended, the owners seeking employment elsewhere for the prPRent. SeYeral of the Chinese have left this sub­ division for the purpose of growing tobacco. The Wild Horse Quartz Mining Company have, since my last report, placed an engine and ten head of stampers on their ground, which will be ready for work by the end of October. A mining manager having been appointed, reef work will be proceeded with almost immediately, and satisfactory returns are anticipated from this property.

INDIGO DIVISION. Mr. R. Arrmosruitll, ,iJ!ining Sur·veyor and Registrar. Very little change was observa hle in the aspect of quartz mining during the quarter. A new reef has been found near Rutherglen and named the "Pioneer.'' 'l'he stone looks well, and a good yield may be anticipated. The Iwbert Burns Prospecting Company has reached a depth of 260 feet, and is cross-cutting for the reef. With this exception very little is being done towards the development of the reefs at the lower levels, while the payable portions of the numerous surface veins are being gradually worked out. In two instances only has a depth of 300 feet been reached, and until a diamond d1'ill is employed there seems very little prospect of much improvement in this hrauch of 'l'he alluvial mines, on the other hnnd, are receiving a considerable amount of attention; not only are the claims already established on the old leads looking well, but a considerable extent of new ground has been occupied during the quarter in the interests of mining companies. The Indigo Stockyard Company is still ruuning main drives, more than 2,000 feet having already been com­ pleted, and the Chiltern Valley Gold Mines Company is similarly employed. They have completed about 500 feet, and the prospects of both companies are satisfactory. All the large alluvial claims have recently been re-registered under the new frontage bye-laws of the Beech­ worth Mining Board. Under the old hye-laws, where lOO men were entitled to 211; miles, depending on the depth, the same number will now hold five miles or more by a width of one mile. Under this very liberal bye-law, the old ground where the Clydesdale, and All Englands are ~upposed to form a junction has been taken up and registered for the formation of a company. i\'lessrs. Wood and Morton, of Ballarat, have purchased from Mr. Dillon a block of 307 acres on the supposed course of the Chiltern and other }')ads. A company has been formed, and boring operations are to be commenced immediately. It is probable that a considerable portion of the lead will intersect the land, and there is every reason to suppose the venture will prove a succeBs. Another company is in course of formation to bore the low-lying country between Ruthergkn and Wahgunyah for the outlet of the Rutherglen leads and the ancient course of the Murray River.

BUCKLAND DIVISION. 1J1r. B. /{. Smart, ftfining Registrar. Judging from the amount of gold won, the quarter has been a prosperous one for the quartz miners, for, although only forty-nine (4.0) tons more of quartz were crushed than durinl{ the preceding quarter, there is an increase of 582 ozs of gold. The alluvial miners have not been so fortunate, their returns having decreased, and the reply I invariablv received to any inquiry as to their success was, "Very little gold just now." At Buckland the miners are still hopefnl, notwithstandinf< the sm:dl amount of gold with which their enter- prise has been rewarded, but just they have been plea~autly exercised over the discovery of a new reef about half a mile from the abandoned Alta Nelson elaim. 'fhe discoverers are Messrs. Scott and Anderson. This find is regarded as a valuable one. and as being to draw the attention of prospectors to a locality that has hitherto been pretty much overlooked. At Porepunkah and Eurohin quartz mining is not much followed, hut several rdluvial claims are being worked. J'vfr. W eston, a clairnholder and experienced sluiccr, reports that the gold is very fine, and that there are hundreds of acres down the river from him that would pay for working. A party of Chinese just below his claim throw all the top dirt away, and work up to their waists in water to procure the auriferous drift below, which they put into lmckets and carry to the river to wash. At Harrietville the ating a fair reWl\!'<1 f<'r his herculean labors. :H

At Freeburgh an increase has taken place in the number of alluvial miners. The ground worked averages from 10 to 20 feet deep, and in most instances is stripped, only one or two claims underminint' and using timber to support the solid ground ahove. The mlshdirt is from l to G feet deep, uud the gold fine, although during last August a specimen wa.s obtained that weighed ] 1l ozs., and when reduced ~ll'oauced 12 ozs. of pure gold, and it is 11ow current that a much larger one was takcu out of the sluice-box last week. The gold from the quartz raised hE·re, as shown in the return attached, is all from newly-discovered reefs of very promising appearance. At Porepunkah the new crushing mill erected hy Henderson Bros. is completed and at work; the site is on the edge of the Ovens River, about three miles below llright, and is excavated in the solid rock, about 14, feet deep and just above high-water flood mark; the wheel is 12 feet in diameter, with an 8-inch face ; there is but one battery, of five stamps with 9-inch heads, the weight of each stamp complete is about 8 cwt.; the gratings lmve 175 holes to the square inch; the table is 14, feet long-, of colonial timber 2t in. thick, joints grooved nnd tongued, and is laid on two joists with ledges above, the whole being fixed together with bolts about 2 feet apart. Adjoining is the retorting house, also cut out of the solid rock, and housed in with a shingle roof. A tramroad, 011 which is a wei~;hbridgc, leads to the pass, w that the stone after beiug broken np finely can be easily weighed before being crushed. .. '£he quantity of water used for driving the wheel is e

W ANDILIGONG SUBDIVISION. .1."lr. T. C. Kaigldu, Mining Registrar. The principal event of interest in this subdivision during the past quarter has been the occupation by the Hon. J. A. vVallace and Co. of a large block of ground in the valley of Morae's Creek, equal to sixty men's claims, for the purpose of working the deep lead of auriferous alluvial ground known to exist therein. An adjoining claim on the south side, comprising forty men's ground, has been taken up hy Captain Kenny, of St. Kilda, and others for a similar purpose. Some claims worked in the same locality years ago gave very good returns for a time, until the machinery available proved unable to pump out the large volume of ·water that was encounterctl, and otl1er causes, resulting from want of capital, caused their abandonment. The new eompanieB therefore scart with every prospect of their undertal{ings proviug remunerative. The yield of gold from quartz reefs, it is s;ttisfactory to note, is slightly in excess of the return for last quarter. the average per ton due more to the fact that the sluices have not been washed down rather than that the gold has not been won. The proprietor of the crushing plant on the Prince Arthur's lease, recently forfeited, is having it taken down with the intention of removing it to another mine in the adjoining division. 'l'wo claims were taken up on lines of reefs within the boundaries of this lease when it was forfc•ited, one of which is still in work, and the stuff from it gave 2! ozs. per ton. From the other claim 7 tons of stone were taken, when the reef ran ont ; this stone went nearly 2 ozs. to the ton. Tvro parties have been constantly at work in the old Peabody lease since it was thrown open ; one of them, Iloneychurch Bros., obtained 5·l ozs. of gold from their last crushing of ::n tons. The last stone urushed from the London 'rribute gave a payable return. A tunnel is now being driven for the more economical working of the reef. The old owners of this lease have sold their interests, and the new proprietary are inviting tenders for extendinq the tunnel on the lowest level, and I believe otherwise intend to conduct a systematic course of prospecting. A tribute party on the :\Iyrtle Compn.11y's lease are on very good stone, and in the old workings a lode is being worked that will crush well. From 52 tons of stone, out of a new find in the Try Again Company's 42 ozs. of gold were obtained, and another new reef on the same property, recently opened up, promises from appearances to give an equally gooc! if not a better return. The Cornish United Q. M. Company have eight men engaged breaking down stone, which should pay well, judging from the go\U it contains and the facilities afforded for crushing at their own milL The Hillsborough Company's mine is again in the hands of the shareholders, the trihuters having finished their term, and contracts have been let for a considerable amount of work on the claim. On the Oriental Reef the tributers arc engaged ).ietting ont stone . .\Iessrs. Tickell, Beer, Gray, and Co.'s reef, on the right branch of Growler's Creek, continues to turn out very rich stone, 52 tons crushed during the quarter yielding 223 ozs. of gold. Mr. IL Gladders, who obt~tincd a return of over 3 ozs. to the ton, got the stone from a reef in a claim adjoining the foregoing.

An unusually large uumber of discoveries of new reefs have been made during the past few weeks, coneernin"'0 the greater number of which very little of a definite nature can be said at present. No ;mter has been sold, and no other mineral or metal than gold is mined for.

ALEXANDRA SUBDIVISION. Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Afinin,q S1u·veyor and Registrar. In the Vu lean Company's mine, the discovery of a good-sized vein, which has yielded over dwts. of retorted gold to the ton, is the c>neouraging feature of the past quarter, and thcro is every appeam,uce this vein, which was struck at the 400-foot level. will carry thron2;h to the surface. The Secundus Tribute party, aajoining tile Vulcan, have sorr:e 50 feot of hacks available now. provided the present appliances are sutficicnt to control the water in the rniue. 'rhe old :Mysterious Company, now J\larehionc~s of Normanby Company, have been idle for some little time· they are still debating the desira hility of sinking- a new sh;cft. ' A crushing of :~ considerable quantity or mullock from the granite veins of the Acheron reefs yielded the unprofitable amount of 1 oz. 7 dwts. of gold. '£he Accident Reef i~ for tlHJ present hlle, owin.~ to tue insutficiency of appliances to work

The prospects of the Hope of Richmond Company's mine have not materially improved during the quarter. There is but little alteration of matters at the Providence Reef, and otherwise but little mining is going on at Yea. A further development is pending at Kinglake, near Mount Disappointment, in the extreme south-west corner of the Goulburn Survey Division, attached to the Kilmore Mining District, where Grimshaw and party obtained nearly 2 ozs. of gold from a trial crushing of 2 tons of the reef they are opening up. · In alluvial mining the results, chiefly obtained on the watershed of the Delatite River, are up to their usual standard, and the average earnings of miners show about 20s. per man per week. I hear of no water having been sold in this subdivision, and no other metal save gold has been worked for, although preliminary steps to take up ground for tin mining, on Bishop's Creek, Acheron, are spoken of.

BENALLA SUBDIVISION. Mr. C. H. Wheat/and, 11fining Registrar. The chief feature of the past quarter's operations has been in connection with the quartz claims in this locality, and, although work is at present carried on on a limited scale, the prospects must be considered as very encouraging. The Golden Queen claim has had two crushings, of about 30 tons in all, averaging 2t ozs. to the ton. The Ajax and Shannon companies have also crushed small parcels with good results. The Lion Company is reported to have struck fresh stone in its 50-foot shaft. The Golden Crown Company (late Rnmpf's claim) is sinking by contract a shaft and winze. The reef in this claim is, I am informed, at present 2 ft. 9 in. iu width, and showing gold. A fresh quartz claim has also been taken up by Paul John and party, near the J,ion Company's ground, and the specimens obtained therefrom are very fine. As regards the alluvial claims, the Lady Ethel Company has purchased machinery, which is expected to be on the ground in a very short time. Their No. 5 shaft, from which it is proposed to work, is 130 feet deep. At the New Temom claim, from a preliminary washing, some 6 ozs. of excellent gold has been obtained. The machinery of this company is now in full working order. Rails have been obtained for forming a tramway below, and driving is being energetically carried on. The Royal Exhibit Company has about 250 loads of dirt ready for washing, and this will be put through upon completion of the puddler, in about a week's time. Further afield, about 7 or 8 miles west of Benalla, in the parish of Goomalibee, numerous quartz and alluvial claims have lately been pegged out, but as yet I have nothing to report in connection therewith. Of the mines at Gowangardie I have nothing to state, but I understand the Forward Company has recom­ menced operations.

DRY CREEK SUBDIVISION. Mr. J. Pemberton, J.lfining Regi8trar. I have to report an improvement in quartz mining in my subdivision. A quartz lease block, known as the Hit or Miss, on Black Charley's Creek, about two miles north of Table Land, Dry Creek, has been taken up by Fenn and party. They had a trial crushing, which gaYe a return of 4 dwts. per ton-most unsatisf:wtory to the owners, they having washed from the casing and rubble 10 dwts. per ton; they fully expected at least 1 oz. per ton. But this is accounted for from the fact that the stone is impregnated with minerals which prevented the quicksilver from acting. The use of blankets would, in some measure, probably have prevented this loss. The mining manager informs me there is a large extent of country worthy of prospecting for reefs, and gold­ bearing dyke-stone can be traced a mile north of their lease. Work in Mr. Meade's Unee claim is being pushed ahead in the lower tunnel. Some good gold-bearing stone is visible. Alluvial mining still yields steady returns.

GAFFNEY'S CREEK SUBDIVISION. Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surt•eyor and Registrar. Mining matters are very dull in this subdivision; and, owing to the absence of a yield from the Wallaby Tribute Company, and the limited yield of the A. G. i\1. Company's tributers, the results for the quarter are not favorable. The Golden Belt Tributers have obtained the most gold for the quarter, but their average is poor. The parties now working the old Eldorado mine return a yield of 10 ozs. of gold from 60 tons of stone, and, as the ground is easily worked, the yield may be considered good. Dempsey's Tributers have sold a parcel of 6 ozs. 19 dwts. 19 grs. of gold, the particulars of which have not been furnished, as requested. It is, however, included in the quartz gold for the quarter given in general table. The alluvial miners have an average return of somewhat under 20s. per week per man. No water has been sold during the quarter. Gold only is being mined for in this subdivision.

WOOD'S POINT Sl!BDIVISION. Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. I have very little to report favorable to this subdivision for the past quarter, and the outlook is not bright. The Hope Tributers have not yet reached the shoot of gold worked by the United Morning Star Company's Tributers. A payable result has been obtained from the Leviathan Reefs by the Endeavour Company, and also by the Shamrock Company, from the Shamrock Reefs, Gooley's Creek. The All Nations Tributers obtained the very small yield of 21 ozs. 19 dwts. 12 grs. The Prince of Wales mine is not being worked just now. The North WaverlPy Company have given up their mine for the present also. The yield obtained by the United Morning Star Company's Tributers (Stackpoole and party), although good, is not equal to anticipations. Alluvial mining has not equalled the yields of former quarters. No water has been sold, and no other metal than gold has been worked for, 33

BIG RIVER SUBDIVISION. .llh. A. B. Ainsworth, 1tiining Surveyor and Registrar. 'fhere has been only one crushing of stone for the (}'tart er in this subdivision, to wit, that from Messrs. Kelly and Dunn's mine, Railway Reef, which gave the usual payable result. The Luck's All 'l'rihuters arc misiug stone. The subdivision continues in the same stugnant state as for years past. 'l'he alluvial has yielded an average wage of 20s. per week per man. Water is occasioually sold at 4s. 6d. per sluice-head ; it is likely to be scarce this summer. )liners are not working for othe1· memls than gold •

.MITTA .i\HT'l'A NORTH SUBDIVISION. i~lr. J. C. Forster, llfining Registrar. The crushings for this quarter have been; on the whole, good, considering the small number of miners at work The amount of stone raised speaks well for the place; at Rhodes' battery the quartz crushed from different claims being 358 tons, giving the handsome return as shown elsewhere. At Grant's battery 580 tons of stone were crushed, giving a good yield. Several new claims hav-e been taken up during the quarter, as well as abandoned ground. Two or three companies are about to be formed. The reefs average in size from 1 inch to 5 and 6 feet, with apparently payable gold.

l\HTTA -;\:HTTA SOUTH S"GBDIVISION. J.lfrs. 1Uary Tlwmpson, ~~lining Registrar. Alluvial miners have done very little in their claims during the quarter, having been, as a rule, partly engaged in other work. Quartz miners have not done much regular work; some have left the subdivision, and others are prospecting. At Granite Flat some stone has been raised which is reported to look well. I hope to be enabled, in my next report, to give the result of a contemplated crushing.

l1ETHANGA SUBDIVISION. lllr. J. C. Forster, 1~fining Registrar. I h:we very little fresh to report this quarter. 'rhe battery mentioned in my last report on the Mitta :Mitta North Subdivision is not yet erected. The Bethanga Copper Mining and Smelting Company have a large stone­ cracker-just arrived,-for the purpose of breaking the ore previous to treating. I have every reason to believe the company will do a considerable quantity of work, judging from what has been already done. A tunnel was com­ menced some time ago, which is at present in 95 feet to the face, carrying a defined lode 12 inches wide on the western wall. The tunnel is 4ft. 7 in. high, and is to be continued through to what is known as Leighton's claim, at which place it will be about 500 feet below the surface. Leighton's claim is at present 175 feet deep, on a fine lode ~•bout 2 feet wide. About 400 tons of ore is at grass, which it is expected will yield B or 3i ozs. of gold per ton; also about 300 tons which will go about ozs. per ton. Uessrs. Harris and Hollow have just cleared up the result of another process of reduction, and appear well pleased with the returns. There can be no doubt that, by their perseverance, they have clearly and unmistakably proved that, with careful management, the ores of this locality will yield handsome returns.

.JAMIESON SUBDIVISION. 1llr. W. JI. Edwards, ~Wining Registrar. The Venture Company's mine has been let on tribute for a term of six years, and tenders have been accepted to extend the tunnel BOO feet, in order to get under the original workings, from which yields affording large dividends were obtained. The driving is through a soft dyke, and has been let for 9s. perfoot. The Sailor Bill's Tribute Company are still busily employed raising stone. They have 20 men employed, but have insufficient water to drive more than five heads of stampcrs. In the Extended Sailor Bill's Company the contractors are driving a tunnel to strike the reef. It has been ~uggested by some of the shareholders to let a tribute in this claim to work one or more of the le:tders cut by the tunnel. Gold only mined for, and no water sold.


SANDHURST DIVISION. lflr.. N. G. Step/tens, 1~lining Registrar. :\fining throughout my division continues to improve, and there is evidence displayed of more perfect confidence in the future prosperity of mining than at any time in the past. The practical proof of the correctness of this view is proved by the continuous outlay of capital in machinery of all kinds-from expensive tramways to the erection of large and more powerful winding engines, capable of working to depths below 2,000 feet. In addition the number of boring machines, for blasting, continues to increase. ' In this district it is becoming daily evident that miuing is stt>adily assuming a more scientifically industrious aspect; and it is worthy of note that our miners and mining managers are in request in New South Wales, South , Tasmania, and India. I do not think there arc any good miners out of work in this district. Attention, in mining circles, is still maiulv bestowed on the development of the large and rich formation on Snob's Hill, Eaglehawk. • No. 29. C 34

Amongst the new discoveries of golden stone during tbe last quarter may be mentioned that on the Stafford line, at 200 feet in depth; the Nn,poleon, at 410 feet in depth; the Johnson's Reef Extended (small bnt very rich). In cross-cntting, at 180 feet, the Union .fack Company, Golden Gully, have good indications; and iu the Lady Darkly Company's mine, at Eaglehawk, an auriferous reef, 4 feet wide, was found in cross-cutting at 180 feet. 1'he Great Northem Comp!\ny at Eaglehawk discovered an auriferous saddle-formed reef beneath the old formation, which was worked previously; the claims on that line having been lying idle until recently. The Victoria Reef Gold Mining Corn pany also discovered a new gold-bearing reef, by cross-cutting, at 1,1GO feet in depth. New winding machinery is being erected hy theN ew St. lVIungo Company, and a large plant is in course of erection on the Sheepshead line of reef. This reef has been almost abandoned for many years. At one time it yielded large returns, and will undoubtedly do so again. The enterprise of our local capitalists extends even to Kamarooka, where the old Homeward Bound Reef has been again taken up, and work resumed with great hopes of success. In alluvial mining there is little to remark upon, except that the Loyal Liberal Company, at lluntly, have obtained a good prospect, of ! dwt. to the dish, which promises well for that portion of the district, after having so long remuined quiet. This claim is situ1tted close to the Bagshot Paddock, and is on the old lluntly Deep Lead. Some of the claims on this lead, in times past, yielded rich returns. In the same locality Mr. Britt has floated a company, and, should they obtain payable stuff, it will give a great impetus to mining at Huntly. I might add tha.t several expPriments have recently been made here with an explosive named "explosive gelatine," which have proved very satisfactory. The Great Southern Company have adopted Needle's patent gas, and have the val'ious buildings connected with their pumping, winding, and crushing machinery lighted up with it, and, so far, it has given them so much satisfaction that the directors intend having it laid on to all their plats aud permanent levels. I am informed that companies using air compressors for rock drills can utilize that arrangement for making the gas instead of using air pumps. The quantity of water sold during the past quarter for mining purposes was lOi,OOO,OOO gallons. Addilional particulars respecting some of the qtUtl'tz, &c., crushed during the past quarter (included in the tables prefixed to these reports) :-

Xame of Company. Width of l{ecf, &e.

John~on's: Reef Extended 51){) ami 600 ft. Ji~rom 6 in. to 2ft. I-:.oekwdrill at \York. LHited .Jolmson~s 350 ft. J<~rmu 6 iu. to 3 ft. Princess Dagmur 76 ll U I 6UO!t. Average 2ft. Gin. National in ! tlSP, drh·cn by Normnnby com- pressor~ 078 o w 0·62 490 ~ 0 400 un

~ew~c:hum Consolidated NC\Y~t:hmn Hccf .. 1.3ll 1 2 19 15•07 3,910 5 0 ft. 340 2 ft. ..New-chum Gnitcll New-chum Reef •• HG5 : l 1 5 ·4~ fill-) 3 0 ro 8;')0 ft. 2ft. .Xortll Oli1-chum N:--cinun 235 0 6 Q•(i! 70 16 0 120 From 1 ft. to 40 ft. and Victoria N.-~w-chum 5,ii70 0 4 5 •41 1,:76 17 0 150 1 l"r(Jm 3 in. to 5 Lnz:aru.~ ~o. I .Xew.. cllum Hccf ~07 0 4 3•20 63 9 0 120 ' Jl"'rum 2 in. to Old-chum New~elmm Ht~ef 382 IJ 6 23·1~ 1aa 1 o 140 From 5 in. llc~I!'!Qllt fl.lld 8a.xby St. lfungo and ne­ 529 t 1fJ 4•15 930 G 12 bUJilJOSCd l~nit('{l vom~hlre reefs St. JUnn::;o St. ~un~o i\Hd De ... 1,629 0 15 23•25 1,300 13 3 lOO to MO ft. 100 Fmm spurs and reef over GO ft. \Vide. vonshire reefs Enstwood's St. l\Iungn and De~ 2,2<10 2 2•89 237 10 12 010 ft. FYom 30 ft. to 40 ft. vonshi1'e reefs 'Gsc .JJitchcll's roc-k~drill with marked Cathcrine llcef L'"nited Catlicriue anll St. 973 0 1~'18 377 8 61 lUnngo reefs SUCCCSR, Pl•amix •• Devonf21 11 12 ft. 150 ! 31 it. of Edinburgh .. Dc...-on~h~rc Reel *. 1,871 0 8 !9•44. 824 4 0 nntTious. L"".sc rock-Urm;-;:. Hcdtm i Hon~ol Hustler's. ~ 121 0 li 21•02 35 ll 300. 3GO,and 800 it. 9'U--'>- \ 4ft.~ l ft. 3ln.t and 9 in. Ht\,.;tJer"s Reef •• 11451 0 5 6•26 381 l1 Sur:fnc.c to 500ft .•• Front 2in. to 2ft. Gn:at ~xtcndcdHu~ner's '[. IS3 0 7 11 •54 6H 9 g\ ilOU to 600 !t. Frnm 1 to ;J ft. ;;;.haft, I ,3GS ft- E!!enh<~rrmgh {}.1\I. •. 3,670 0 lG lO·GS :1,017 14 12 I 640 [t. to JO ft, ~~wv~ ~1Hl • .. • • i 35 0 14 13·71 25 10 0 :-->mth '\e"\Y Moon .• , 177 0 11 2'l'G1 105 13 19 Sew )loon 0 ll 20"35 803 18 to 300ft. .. to 2ft. ::.tn:-~s ('f spm·s 10 ft. l.(lllllDU G. G. ' 0 5 l ·CS 223 5 ~I 1 125 I I I !8•04 135 11 o I Tl'ib. JR!J 0 5 :!3•Si 56 13 0 : l:'rcdcrick the <_:;.rcut Tri* 4,378 , o D a·ttt 2.002 4 o· to -lllO lt., Ave:o:agc, 12ft. !_~ntc Xurth llrmsel·I\londay •• 523 i 0 215 12 ol and 225 !t. From 2 ft. to 3 ft. HPlcraiu. 'Gnitctl 1.)7 i 0 73 18 ol rt. G iu. to 2ft. Average 2ft. l'rinee Imperial 149 I o 44 6 0 to 190 [t.

l'YniTES. I Hc·lmont n,nd Sttxhy Bt~ ~fuu~:::o 1tcef 45 0 ol E:lenborou~h Snob'K Hm 131 0 Gan1en GuHy T:niteG. G-;Lri1 en Ou11y Reef 59 15 gl ~t. ::\Iun~o St. :\Iung·o Hccf ~ .. 107 14

XoTE.--Tilc atovc figurce are not to be f'i•tin for new ground. There is very little being done in l1lluvial mining. A party of Italians are sluicing some at the Lower Reedy Creek, but I think the results, so far, are not much.


With the exception of the undermentioned mines, I have little to report, owing to the principal <.:v.u•~"'u"''o here having been engaged doing dead work. The alluvial mining remains much in the same state as during the previous quarter. Two crushing-s at the Alabama and Butler's Reef Company recently gave the handsome return of 665 ozs. The Bombay Company, at Costerfield, in July last, erected their winding engine. A "running'' yielded 22 tons of crude antimony. 'Ihe antimony in the lower level is of superior quality, and the mine is generally well. The thickness of the ore varies from a few inches to 3 feet, and averages about 50 per cent. of crude antimony. is also a good shoot of gold in a quartz lode, averaging 2 feet in thickness, which, it is supposed, if treated alone, would yield about 3 ozs. of gold to the ton. The Morning Star Company have sunk their main shaft, and are about 50 feet below the plat. In the winze sunk north of the cross-cut, ore of very good quality has been struck, and the prospects are A new reef, known as Robiuson's Reel~ about a mile and a half from the Alison Mine, Costerfield, gave a yield of 10 ozs. 3 dwts. of gold from 3 tons of stone. A crushing recently at the Why Not Company, Redcastle, gave a yield of 3 ozs. 3 dwts. to the ton; and a company has been formed, to be called the J\Iay Day Company, to work this mine.

WARAXGA NORTH SUBDIVISION. 1lfr, Henry flicks, 1J1ining Registrar. Alluvial mining here .is in a languid state, the workings being confined to old ground. QUA.RTZ nfiNING. In this class much activity has prevailed throughout the subdivision during the quarter; some leases have betn and several new claims registered, many of which are being worked with energy. The crushings from several of the claims have given large results :-Phamix, l{ushworth, HJ4 tons-29() ozs. 10 dwts. ; Irvine's Tribute, Balaclava Hill, 80 tons-177 ozs. 10 dwts. ; London Reef, Cay's Diggings, 12 tons- 54 ozs. 4 dwts. The general crushings have been satisfactory, showing a decided increase in the yield of gold over many quarters. Quartz crushed, 1,110 tons, for 1,07!1 ozs, 5 dwts. 16 grs. From personal inspection and inquiry during the past week, I feel justified in predicting that the quarter will be one of increased prosperity. Mining for metals other than gold, nil. The manager Black Cloud Gold and Antimony Company reports:-" Employed during quarter cutting down shaft, cross-cutting, and sinking shaft."


MARYBOROUGH DIVISION. Mr. P. Virtue, jun., lJfining Registrar.

Qui.RTZ MINING. In this clas~ of mining there has been much mo1·e stir than usual during the quarter. A good deal of succ~ssfnl pr·ospectmg for per:nm.mnt an:J payable reefs has been carried on throughout the division. The returns ohtamed from so_me of t.he prmc:~al cla1ms now at work are of a very satisfactory character. Special nHmtion be made of the y1eld denved by lhomson and party from their claim on the Try Again Reef. From a crushiucr !l8 tons ~hey rot 2.21 ozs. 13 dwts. From Stam~'s freehold, at tJ,olden Point, a crushing of 105 tons gave 1C:5 ~zs. From vv 1lson s cla1m, at IIavelock, on the Bulgarmn Reef, a crushmg of 20 tons gave 64 ozs. 5 dwts. These retums show tha~ the prospects of 9uartz mini?g in this division are decidedly improving. s:ven prospe?hng, co.operatlVe _prospectmg, and twu extended claims were registered during the r u:nh'r. fou~ 1 The proope~tmg.clalms are Sltuate respectively at H~rclock, Flagsta~, Adcl~1de Ije~d, .Mosquito, and t:)hicn Gully. the~e claims on the ~vcrage, tl~~ prospe~ts oLtamed are g?od. lh: cla1m registered by Georgc Stapleton, on the , . Mosqmto, g:ave 3,{ o~s, 1o dwts. from a tnal crnslnng of 11 tons. Depth, 4U feet; width of reef, Gm. The c~o-operatlve claims_ are s1tuate at IUuchers, Cuddy's Flat, and Blackman's Lead, on tlw G oldstone I"one Star, :~ud, Cornucopia reek 'l~hc c_xteud;,d claims are sitm1;tc a~ 'Pos~um 9nlly and Jlaryllorough. ' . Telegraph Extended have closed tlH.'lr mme. lhe works at JYlarmer"s Reef are 1dle, and thl: same reUJark apphes to the works at Leviathan Reef. 36

AtLUVJAr, MnrNG. From the subjoined returns it will be seen that the Duke Company have made an excellent start, and that payable gold is being obtained. The pumps are working satisfactorily, and eYerything about the mine ii1dicates a prosperous future. The right to wash the slum and tailings from the mine, for a pE'riod of one year, was recently sold for £3,240. This, I believe, is the highest price yet obtained in this diYisiou for a similar right in connection with any of our alluvial mines. There is nothing of special importance to report at present the progressive mines in the division. 'rhe following is a statement of the gold obtained from the principal alluvial mines in this division during the quarter:- oz. dwt. gr. Goldbrook, Carisbrook 1,350 0 0 Duke, Timer 134 0 0 Kohinoor, Chinaman's 23 17 0 Argus, Chinaman's 60 0 0

1,567 17 0 Dh;idenc(. Goldbrook, Carisbrook £1,950 0 0

1\:IA,JORCA SUBDIVISION. ~llr. P. Virtue, jun., lJfiniug Registrar. The Union Bank Quartz Company have sunk their shaft to a depth of 86 feet, but beyond that thC'y could not go with the appliances at their command, as they found the water too heavy. They have been therefore compelled temporarily to suspend work, but, h~wing- nearly completed the erection of efficient winding and pumping machinery, they hope to be able to send men below and to resume work soon. In consequence of the machinery of the PerseYerance claim getting out of order, work was suspended for several weeks to allow necessa1y repairs to be made. The Forbes Union have wholly suspended work, and their machinery has been advertised for sale. Fair returns have been ohtained by the New Kong Meng. The plimt is in excellent working order. The following is a statement of the gold obtained from the principal alluvial mines in this subdivision during the quarter :- oz. dwt. brT. New Kong Meug, :Majorca 959 9 0 Perseverance, N arrigal 85 5 0

1,044 14 0

Perseverance, N arrigal * ... £256 0 0

{t No divit~cm.lf with the excrptlon of thist wa.~ paid hy nny cump:my in the sululivision durir>g the quarter.

AMIIERST DIVISION. lJfr. C. Smith, Mining Registrar. Alluvial mining has not met with that success or encouragement that might have been expected from the outlay of so much capHal, and the patience and perseve1·ance of mining companies along the )lonnt Greenock Lead. Notwithstanding the great length of main drives put in by the Rip Van Winkle and Gnion Extended companies, the main run of gold is still undiscovered, and the former chim is now abandoned and the plant is about to be sold, while the latter company are still driving to the west, in which direction the ground is dipping, the main rlrh·e being now over 1,000 feet from the shaft. 'rhe Union and Hoffnung nre the only companies getting gold on this lead, with the exception of a small tribute party on the Nichol's Fr••ehold Comp~ny's ground; the latter company are still driving, but have not yet struck anything payable. The South Greenock Company are erecting a substantial plaat, which will be ren,dy for work in the course of a month. Quartz mining is reviving a little, a.lthough the principal claims are not opened out. The Union Q. JVL Company, Amherst, are still sinking, being now down to 38•1 feet. Tbe New Q. l\1. Company have crushed 000 tons of stone, yielding 4 dwts. to the ton. The Croydon Company is still being worked to advantage, ancl is likely to be permanent. 'Valker Bros., ut All Nations Beef, haYe had some good ~tone crushed at '1'. Bartle­ more's mill, and have now completed the erection of a crushing plant of their own with six head of stampers. The Nuggety Gully Reef is turning out some fair crushings, and several prospecting parties have struck payable gold on various lines of reef throughout the division, but have only as yet had a trial crushing. The Flinders Company, at All Nations Reef, are now sinking below water-level. and have a portable engine on the ground for baling. The amount received by the Borough Council of ·Talbot for water sold for mining purposes during the quarter was £14 lls. 6d.

AVOCA SCBDIVISION. lJfr. D. O'Leary, lJfining Sun·cyor and Registrar. There has been during the quarter an unusual stir caused by mining speculators securing large areas for mining purposes in different sections of this subdivision. In alluvial mining the "Working i\finers continues, as usual, to prove vrry remunerative; the amalgamation recently brought about with the Homehnsh United Company, it is thought, will greatly facilitate the thorough working of the lead. 'fhe starting of the Golden Stream Compuny may be mentioned as one of the most important eYt>nts in connection with mining that has occurred in this sub­ division for a considerable period, this company having erected very powerful machinery to con1pete with the water expected to be met with in working the lead, whieh is snppost>d to be very rich. \Vith reference to quartz mining, except that ;-everal mining leases have been applied for on the supposed continuation of some of the old there is nothillg of moment to note. 37

DUNOLLY AND TARNAGULLA DIVISIONS. Nr. IY. G. Couclwzan, i11ining Surveyor and Rcgistra1·. There is but little new to report in mining matters this (jUarter. Steady progress is being made in the va:-ious minrs "-OJ·king, and eight new leases have been applied for in different parts ot:' the divisions. The Queen's Birthday Company are putting on more rock-borers to work where practicable in the stapes; they arc found to eflect a gn•at saviu~ of labor. A JlCW winze is being sunk from Nos. 5 to 6 levels; the stone sunk through so far shows geld freely, and the reef is from 5 to 6 feet thick. The company expect to break through into the lower level in about ten" eeks. The :Xorth Birthday Company have completed the erection of their plant, and started sinking their main shaft deeper. Curran's Freehold Company are still sinking their shaft. The King's Birthday Company are driving along the lode south of the shaft at the 540-foot level, and sinking the shaft deeper HOW down 565 feet. 'l'hc ~ydeuham Company are opening out at the 300-foot level. both north and south. The Old Poverty llcef Company are sinking the muin shaft from the present depth of 640 feet. The country being sunk through looks favorable for new makes of stone; they have driven a level at 540 feet, 119 feet long, atid are now rising upon the stone. The Yorkshire Company are breaking out stone from the 305 to 330-foot lcYels with improving prospects. The \V01·king Miners' Company, Cay's Diggings, are sinking a winze from the 130 to 190-foot levels. They h,n·e a very strong lode to work on earryin!:( payable gold, and have just erected a new boiler which will be eonnectcJ with the other immediately ; then the mill will be kept constantly crushiug. In alluvial mining, there is nothing of importance to report more than that a few nuggets have been foun

INGLEWOOD DIVISION. j}fr. F. E. Jioran, 1lfiniug Registrar. In the past quarter more than ordinary interest has been manifested in the prospects of the various reefs in and around Inglcwood. A company has been successfully floated to work a leasehold, comprising ground formerly occupied by the :'t!axwell and Havilah Companies. The Morning Star Company, having at last succeeded in getting rid of the water, have ohtained (in ground to the north of the engine-shaft) a prospect which, on good authority, is estimated ought to run over an ounce per ton. It now only remains for the company to proceed with the erection of adequate machinery to ensure success ; the existence of payable stone having been proved beyond a doubt. The Jersey Reef Q. M. Company have been busy the greater part of the quarter in erecting a crushing plant. The battery was started a few days ago, and gave every satisfnction. As there is plenty of payable stone within reach. this company (with an excellent plant and many advantages) will be able to proceed economically and sucees~fully with the development of the mine. The results of the curreut quarter's crushiugs will be watched with interest. The fortnightly returns from the Burke's Flat Q. M. Company continue excellent, as heretofore, no fallmg off having taken place. Some additional useful machinery is at present on the g~ound for immediate erection. The once-celebrated Columhian Reef is about to receive another trial from a registered company; as also the Welcome Reef, at Thompson's Gully, from which a series of excellent returns have been obtained. In alluvial, most of the yields are from the various puddling machines, which receive their supply of wash dirt chiefly from old ground.

WEDDERBUHN DIVISION. 111r. J. Reach, .Mining Registrar. ALLUVIAL. There is nothing new to report in this branch of mining during the past quarter.

QUARTZ. The prospectors of the Queen's Gully Reef have struck payable gold at a depth of 40 feet. They will h:1ve a trial crushing as soon as the owners of the machine get a supply of water to enable them to start crushing.

REDBANK SUBDIVISION. 1Yfr. D. 0' Leary, 1llining Surveyor and Registrar. The only noteworthy events in mining during the quarter have been the applications for mining leases on four separate old reefs which had been worked previously.

ST. ARNA"CD SOUTH SUBDIVISION. JJir. rv. G. Couchman, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. There is nothing doing in quartz mining in this subdivision. A lease has been taken up at Stuartmill of the ground formerly held by the Isis Company, and a new company is about to be formed to work the ground. In alluvial mining there is nothing fresh to report. 38 ST. ARNAUD NORTH SUBDIVISION. Jllr. lV. G. Couchman, JJiining Sun;eyor and Registrar. I have the honor to report that during the past quarter there has been a great revival in quartz mining in this subdivision, owing, in a measure, to the good yields obtained by the New Bendigo Quartz i\iiuing Company and Queen Semiramis Company. '[he former, from their first crushing, of 2'JD tons, obtained a yield of 253 ozs. of smelted gold. The lode from which it was taken, at the 300-foot level, is 10 feet thick. They are now driving north and south at that level, and have gone lOO feet without any sign of a break in the reef. Excellent prospects have been obtained all through the reef whilst breaking .out stone, which is being carried on from tbe 210 to the 300-foot levels. l~ight new leases have recently been applied for on this line of reef, and companies formed to work them. Active operations will shortly commence. The Queen Semiramis Company, from their last crushing, of 70 tons, obtained an average yield of 2 ozs. 1 dwt. of smelted gold per ton. This stone was taken from the 300-foot level, where the reef is from l to 3 feet thick. They are now making preparations for the erection of steam machinery, which has been purchased, and will, it is expected, be ready for work in about eight weeks. Bell Rock Company have got the water out of their workings, and are about to sink their shaft a further depth of 220 feet, and open out on the reef at the present level, which is 380 feet deep. Hieks and party, Reef, are now getting out the water from their olci workings, with steam power, and expect shortly to be raising stone for crushing. Wilson's Hill Company are preparing for the erection of powerful steam machinery. J"'ord Raglan Company are still raising payable stone from between the 200 to 680-foot levels. Mr. Butcher has floated a company to work the ground he holds under miners' rights, south of \Vilson's Hill. He offered a number of shares to the public, which were immediately taken up, and within twenty-four hours some changed hands at four times the amount at which he placed them in the market. In all, 26 new leases have been applied for during the quarter, and I think, from all appearances, that the next six months will show a vast improvement in the gold returns. In alluvial mining there is nothing of importance to report. The Dalyenong rush still maintains a population of 175 miners, but no new discoveries· have been made.


CASTLE:\-1AINE DIVISION. "~fl·. T. L. Brown, J.lfining Surveyor and Registrar. Mining operations in prospective, espeeially in alluvial mining, have materially improved. The Grand Trunk Company, from the south escarpment of the Loddon Plains, have driven opening levels 240 feet across the wash without any sign of high reef, and with excellent prospects so far as driven, the bed-rock dipping rapidly to the north-west, under the table-land. They have purchased and are now erecting extensive pnddling apparatus. On the east, the Golden Lead are again upon the gutter, which is making towards the junction of Camp bell's Creek with the River Loddon; and to the north, at Muckleford, Mr. Dibhs has obtained good prospects from a shn,Ct on his private property. As a consequence, arrangements are being made with owners, by experienced gentlemen from Ballarat, J\:l.aryborough, and Smeaton, to mine under the immense area of private property. At Barker's Creek, the race from the Coliban water supply has been nearly completed. Large areas are being taken up by sluicing parties, who are now busy preparing sluiee-boxes, dams, tail-races, &c., in anticipation of long, steady, and profitable employment. Some parties have started to sltlice Pennyweight and Moonlight Flats, with tail-water diverted from Forest Creek; and other parties are applying for a like privilege at Campbell's Creek. In quartz mining, a new reef has been opened in Dogleg Gully, by O'Connor and Co. It lies east of the Sebastopol Reef, and is supposed to be upon the Old Quartz Hill line. A trial of lO tons yielded 26 ozs. of gold. On the Dead Cat, Williams and Co. have found a strong body of p~tyable auriferous stone crossing from thence to the Victoria Reef. On the :Nimrod Reef, Lewis and Co. have just discovered, east of their old workings, a new make of quartz, which shows gold freely. The Forest Creek Wattle Gully Company have sunk on the underlay 36 feet below the 4·50-foot plat. They have a reef 8 feet wide, impregnated with silvery mundic and a little gold. All their new machinery works. satisfactorily. The Ajax United Company have sunk their shaft to 388 feet, in soft ground, in which the National rock-drill does not answer expectations. 'L'he South Eureka, Kampf's, Old Quartz, and others of our old quartz reefs, are being again taken up. The quantity of water sold during the quarter was-216,960,000 gallons, at ~d. ; 2,000';000 gallom, at 3d. ; and 750,000 gallons, at 4d. per 1,000 gallons. No dividend has been paid by the Crown Nimrod Company.

FHYER'S CREEK DIVISION. 1'tfr. ilfark .Amos, Jlfining Surveyor and Registrar. ALLUVIAL MINING. The returns from some of the puddling machines have been very satisfactory, and in most cases from ground which has apparently been worked out years ago. Slnicing continues to pay moderately well, 25s. to 30s. per week being considered fairly remunerative. QUA.RTZ 1\IINING. New Era Company.-The quantity of quartz raised and the yield of gold obtained during the past three months has exceeded that for the same period during the past six years. The width of the lode ranges from a few inches to 20 feet, comprising a lot of flat leaders, presenting no indications of a well-defined reef; nevertheless, th re:mlt of the various crushings shows over 4,000 tons operated on, averaging 6! dwts. to the ton, taken from Jepths ranging from 80 to 380 feet. The future prospects of this company are highly favorable. Royal Saxon Company.-During the past quarter the yield of gold l1as not lleen up to the usual average ; but now that a fine plant has been erected on the ground, comprising a 24 horse-power steam engine, working lO heads of stamps, with an unfailing supply of Uoliban water, the company look forward to moderate dividends fron1 com­ paratively poor crushing stuff. The total cost of the plant is £1,500. 39

The Golden Valley Company, N uggety Gnlly, are making considm;:~ble pr?~r~ss tow~rdsd~vel?ping ~heir mine a recent cruohing, from a dPpth of !JO feet, yielded 13 dwts. to the ton. 1he adJom:ng cla1m (Workmg 1\ilmers) have very eneouragh1g· prospects, having opened out 11t the 1 H-foot level on quartz showmg gold ... Golden Engle Company, 11'ryerstown.-The manager reports havmg been engaged ra1smg quartz from a large body of stone at the 270-foot level, also cross,cutting to the west, so as to have greater facilities for opening out unde1 the old workings. Some satisfactory crushings are anticipated during the next quarter. . :i\'lacdonald and party, German have recently had some very good crushings, nearly l oz. to the ton, from the 70 and 130,foot levels, with every likelihood of the ground continuing satisfactory. '£hey are at present engaged in sinking their main shaft. Ferron's Reef Company have been quartz from near th;:; smface to a depth of ,130 feet, the two last crushings from the latter depth realizing 4 to tho ton; the reef is about 12 feet wide. Under th0 present management the mine is likely to prove payable, presenting, as it does, some of the features characteristic of the adjoining clnim (New v:ra Company). English-Australian Company, Golden Gully.-The returns from this company have proved highly satisfactory for the past three months, which will, no doubt, be very gratifying to the I~nglish shareholders. About ::&,500 tons have been passed through the battery, averaging a little ovPr 4 dwts. to the ton. 'l'he body of quartz is from one to nine feet wide, taken from the 150 to 360-foot levels. As mining operations become more extended underground, the indications of a and well-defined reef become more apparent. J:.Jrve.rrn•~e Company, Cattle's Reef.-'rhe mining manager has been actively engaged opening ont the reef and draining- the mine, which comprises a vast extent of old workings at different levels. He expects to keep the battery eomtautly going during the ensuing quarter. Clwpel Hill Company,-Consicterahle has been made ; the reef is being opened out (20 feet wide) at a depth of S:Z feet from the surface. Gold can seen in the stone. Burdelt Coutts Company are sinking a new shaft, the main line of reef not having as yet been cut. l{owe Bmthers, Cattle's Reef. comprising the lluke of Cornwall Claim.-The average yield during the past qnftrter has not been up to the usual nvcrage ; but the manager anticipates improved prospects before the close of the present yoar. Renaissance Company, Specimen Hill, are engaged on a large body of stone, bnt the yield continues very poor, viz., about l dwt. to the ton; the stone was obtained from a depth of 50 feet. The total quantity of quartz raised is 11,521 tous, averaging 4 dwts. 8 grs. per ton, against 3 dwts. 11 grs. per ton of the preceding quarter, thus showing the quality of the quartz has improved, although the total of gold has not been materially affected.

HEPBURN DIVISION. ~lfr. T. Hale, JlfiningRegistrar. Cornish Quartz Mining Comp11ny.-The main shaft is still heing cut down to admit the pumps DOl\" heiug placed in position. Tribute parties are still at work ; some are raising quartz from shallow workings. 'file company's plant genemlly is amongst the most perfect in the divi,ion, with numrrous modern appliances. Morning Light Quartz Company, :\Iilkmaid's l~eef, Argyle Gully, have driven a tunnel 608 feet, and have struck the reef; prospects show a little very fine A rise was put up 50 feet, and they are driving north on the course of the lode. Ajax Company have sunk their shaft to 130 feet, but have stopped for the present, no indications of Willard and King's lode having been met with. Two prospecting parties are at work in different portions of the 1nine. Victoria Quartz Mining Company, Frenchman's Reef North, had a small crushing of stuff put through, and the appt>arance of the lode now justifies the hope that success will attend future operations. North Star Quartz Mining Company, Blind Creek, are still driving. 'fhe tributers have sunk a fresh shaft about 80 feet, and are opening out at that level. Rising Star Quartz ::VIining Company.-Tenders are accepted for opening out at 310 feet; the lode has been cut through at that leYel 5 feet thick; good gold is to be seen in the stone. This company have erected sen·n of Halley's patent percussion tables for treating the pyrites. They arc said to answer the purpose well, and great· satisfaution. The Argus Company employ a few prospectors on the claim ; the mine is still flooded. The Criterion Quartz Company, German Gully, are erecting a 10 horse-power winding engine; the shaft is sunk to lOO feet. The from the German Gully Quattz }fining Company gave over 15 dwts. to the ton. The reef is extensive, but four wide only is operated upon. The J\fount Fmnklin v:state Gold Company have completed the open cutting of 600 feet, and luwe further driven lOO feet of the tunnel in a S.E. The Porcupine Ridge Gold Mining Company have sunk a shaft 130 feet, and have struck good wash containing gold. An adit tunnel is being driven townrds the shaft, and is now in 200 feet. 'rhe Sailor Prince Extended Gold .Mining Company, Deep Creek, are ceasing operations for the present. A number of claims at Boots, Yandoit, &c., have been recently taken up under the bye-laws. \Vater has not been almndant.

TARADALE AND KYNETON SUBDIVISION. 1lfr. S. Dorman, 1lfining Registrar. There is still great activity shown in mining matters in this division. 'rhe yield of gold is not up to that of last quarter, owing to the falling off in the returns from the Confluence and Good Friday companies; it however, made up very consi

TARRANGOWER DIVISION. Jir. Robcrt Nankivell, .Mining Surveyor and Registrar. The past quarter shows a falling off of 878 ozs. 7 dwts. 14 grs. in the quartz yield alone. This is owing tn the North British Tribute Company having hecn in sinking their shaft a further depth of 50 feet, and tl(,t being ab la to get at crush-dirt until the reef was 40

The Independent Company, adjoining, since draining the mine, have been cutting down the shaft and driving south, where they have struck a new make of reef, which had been lost on a former w 01·kiug. The stone looks faYorable. The Eaglehawk Limited Tribute Company are getting out stone yielding over l oz. to the ton, and apparently it is still improving. The Eaglehawk Alliance Company are still breaking out crushing.dirt, of which they have about 200 tons on the surface. The north drive is looking well. They are also driving south, where the reef is showing payable stone; the 1ecf is seven feet wide. Tenders have been culled for supplying an engine of 16-inch cylinder, with a 20-head battery. The tender of Thomp>Jon a!Hl Co., of Castlemaine, has been accepted. Tenders have been called and accepted for driving the first 250 feet of a tunnel at Man ton's Gully, to strike Lisle's lteef, on the Grand Junction Company's ground. The reef is now producing payable gold, averaging about 1 oz. per ton. The 'l'arrangower Company, on N uggety Reef, started to work with the National rock-borer; and, although the stone is very hard, they are sinking ll feet a week. No change in alluvial mining.

HT. ANDREW'S DIVISION. ~~fr. Alfred Armstrong, lJiining Surveyor and Registrar. I have little change to report in the mining prospects of this district, either in alluvial or quartz mining. Such reefs as :ue working have become fully established, and are likely to prove permanently payable. The Central Company, Heefton, have completed their workings to a depth of 280 feet, and find the stone much richer in appearance than in the higher level. 'l'he Pig-tail Company, vVarrandyte, have also deepened their shaft and have erected a new engine and battery ; and, having driven through a break, are now in n well-defined reef, looking very promising. 'l'he Oram's Reef Company, near Queenstown, have also erected a winding engine, and are pumping and preparing their mine for further operations. Pumping is being carried on at the antimony mines at Ringvrood, and preparations are being made for further developments of tl1e venture. No wuter has been sold during the quarter.

BLUE MOUXTAIN NORTH SUBDIVISION. ~~fr. G. J1fcPherson, Mining Registrar. Although there has of late been no return from the quartz reefs in this subdivision, I am happy to report that, on the Triumph Claim (Lease), Amelia Reef, an engine of 18 horse-power has been placed in position, and active­ operations 'nll be commenced in a few days. The lessee of the Confidential Company, Alma Reef, is in hopes of concluding arrangements shortly for the proper working of this well-lmown mine. The old .Killlesperanllum Hecf has been taken up on lease under the designation of the Queen's Birthday, and a company is in course of formation. "~ll tlte gold got recently has been obtaine



ARARAT DIVISION. ilfr. Tlws. Foyster, Mining Registrar. At the Black Lead Company's claim, near the Hopkins, powerful machinery is being erected, and mining will speedily he proceeded with under apparently energetic management. . The reefs at Armstrong's are, in most instances, giving payable returns, the total yields showing 50 per cent. advmwc for the quarter. Two or three small alluvial rushes have taken place, affording employment for a num her of miners, but the proeecds llave not exceeded customary wages. \V ant of water continues to act as a hindrance to profitable mining.

PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION. ilfr. H. C. Bate, J1Iining Surveyor and Registrar. During the past quarter a fair yield of gold has been obtained, such as to compare favorably with immediate past quarters. The driYe in the United Scotchman's ground is progressing slowly but surely towards the reef discovered by the diamond drill. The Crown Cross United Company's shaft has been sunk a further distance of 60 feet. In connection with this sinking it may be as well to mention that, with the aid of the rock-drills, a distance of 12 feet through very hard rock was sunk in one week, showing the immense superiority of this mechanical contrivance over manuallabor. In the Oriental Company's ground the diamond drill has attained a depth of 425 feet, making the total distance from the surface 1,765 feet. 'rhis drill-hole is not a continuation of the shaft, but is in the flat reef workings. to the rastward. ~,205,000 gallons of water were sold for mining purposes during the quarter.

BARKLY DIVISION. ilfr. H. C. Bate, JJ-fining Surveyor and Registrar. Dulness has been the chief characteristic of mining affairs in this division during the past quart;r, Very Ett:e go:.l has been obtained, and no new finds have been made. No water was sold for mining purposes during the quarter. 41

RAGLAN DIVISION. Jlfr. C. W • .frfinchin, .Llfining Registrar. There is hut little change to note in the mining prospects of this division since my last report. The yiel~ of gold from the several mines which are in full work coutinues about the ~ame. 'J'he \Vaterloo G. i\I, ~omp.any's mme has recently come upon gold, hut not yet, I believe, in payable <}Uantities. The trilH_lte party, >yhlch t1ll recently tried the Beaufort G. lVf. Company's mine, have given it np, but it 1~, I understand, agmn let on tnbute to a _party of Chinese from Had don, who will soon renew operation,;, Tlte New Discovery G. M. Company, on the Old JV~am Lead, near Beaufort, have great difficulties to contend \Yith in sinking their shaft, which is down 90 feet, owmg to the loose nature of the ground and heavy drift met with. They have a 1-(00d plant and appliances. Generally speaking, mining operations throughout the district lu~ve been q~iet .. Quartz Apecimens, very rich in gold, have receutly been found 111 connectiOn Wlth a quartz reef near Raglan township, about five miles from Beaufort, which promises so far to be a valuable discovery.


GIBBO S"CBDIVISION. llh. C. ll. Hodgsou, illining Registrar. Mining in this subdivision has been very quiet during the pasL quarter, especially in creek workings, the returns beiug ntther poor. In quartz mining I notice a slight improvement. The Albion Company have crushed 14 tons of stone, with a return of 29 ozs. of gold. 'J'he Just in Time Company are now busy putting some stuff through their small machine for the first time since its co!llpletion, and from appearances they expect a yield of 4 ozs. to thL' ton. Their reef looks very well, with gold ~bowing freely. No water sold in subdivision.

O:MEO SUBDIVISION. Nr. J. Odell, i1lining Registrar. Since my last report a discovery, which mr1y lead to vrry important results, hn,s been made in the vicinity of Omeo. A party of New Zealand miners (Messrs. Maniug :tnd party) found indications of rich quartz existing which, beiug followed up by the Omeo Prospecting Assoeiation, have led to the discovery of an apparently rich liue of reef on what is known as the Dry Gully, about four miles from the township of Omeo. A shaft has been ~uuk to 11 depth of about 17 feet on a reef averaging about 18 inches in thickness, showing good gold. About forty claims have been regist-ered. and prospecting iR being vigorously carried on. All the claims arc at present held under the bye-laws of the Gippsland Mining District, as they are not yet sulficiently developed to justify the expenditure necessary to secure a lease in this subdivision. 1'here has been during the quarter a great Rcarcity nf wn,ter, and crushing operations have been at a standstill. Mr. Forsyth h>ts about 180 tons of stone at his mill at Swift's Creek. No change to report in allndalmining.


~fr. J. G. Peers, ~~fining Surveyor and Registrar. QUARTZ. The majority of the qun,rtz reefs in the ueighborhood of Deptford, ab;~ndoned about twelve years ngo, have been taken up dnring the past quarter, and applied for under the Gold Mining Leases Regulations. In three cases­ companie,s have heen iioated, and there are others in course of formation. All these reefs arc }mown to he auriferous, having yielded from 6 dwts. to 4 ozs. to the ton. I feel cvnfident that, if they are worked systematically under the superintendence of competent managers, the ilwcstors would he well remunerated, and the district generally would he benefited. A steam crushing machine has been erected on the Victoria Company's leased ground, but a fall of rain will be necessary before operations can be commenced. This company hrts plenty of auriferous quartz on grass taken from a reef about 3 feet thick, About twelve years ago, a yield of 15 dwts. to the ton was obtained from this reef. It was not then considered payable, and the claim was abandoned.

ALLl7VI.H. In this branch I have nothing new, worthy of note, to report. The miners. genemlly, seem to be satisfied with their incomes. Most of them are selectors under the existing L::md Act. 'J'hey divide their attention between their claims and their homesteads. <

Bucrr.u SILvEu AND LEAD MINES. I am informed that smelting operations are being actively carried on, and that two Llocb of G40 acres each hn,ve been applied for uuder the Mineral Leasing Regulations.

BOGGY CREEK SUBDIVISION. .Llfr. J. Flctclwr, Jl(iuing Registrar. ALLUVIAL MINING. A fair quantity of coarse alluvial gold has hee11 obtained, n,nd the miners seem satisfied with their earninG's notwlthstan~ling 'll'ork being suspended from time to time owing to the dryness of the season. "' '

QuA.I~TZ MINING. Considerable attention is now being paid to the development of the reefs in this subdivision. Most of them that were abandoned have been again tn.kcn up with a view to their being re-worked. No. 29. D 42

CROOKED RIVER DIVISIO'X. flfr. E. Harrison, 1llining Registrar. Quartz mining operations in this subdivision during the quarter ha Ye been chiefly confino>d to prospecting some of the old reefs. A small lot of ~t~ue was raised fr_orn the. Uncle 'l'om, and crushed at the Good Hope Battery, but the result has not come to hand; 1t IS expected to ywld a httle less than lmlf an ounce to the ton. TheN' ew Good Hope Company are continuing tl1eir No. 4 tunnel. and hope to strike the reef in about 60 feet. They hav~ lost a good deal of time, by putting in a cross-drive, on a dig; that appeared in the tunnel, and which some considered t~ be the line of the Good Hope Heef; this cross-drive was put in 160 feet. and as no appearance of a reef could be d1scerned, a rough survey was made; and the conclusion arrived at was that the face of the No. 4 tunnel 1s 4.5 feet from the perpendicular of the Good Hope Reef in the No. 3 tunneL In the Sons of Precdom lease, the L1ttle D?rri~ tunnel has. been driy-en to !he shaft, to which it was ~irected; they are now putting in a level along the reef, winch 1s about 22 mches thick. Very good stone was found m the shaft. On Good Luck Creek. two well­ known reefs are bein~ tried-the }fountaineer and JJuck's All; the former is a verv laro-e reef, aud, as it is close to the creek'· i.t shoul:J be worked very cheaply; the latter was worked, about twelve· yea~s ago, and gold in very fair quant1t1es obtamed. In alluvial, a little gold haR been obtained, but not much; and, as no new finds have been heard of, the prospects in that branch of the industry are uot very euticing. There is no mining done in this division for metals or minerals other than gold, and no water is sold for mining purposes.

DARGO SUBDIVISIOX. 1lfr. J. B. Kelly, Nining Registrar. Qt:ARTZ Mixnm. The crushings for the quarter from the Nonnanhy and Buclgce companies were very satisfactory. The Exhi­ bition Company started their battery on :H,th September. but, owmg to ~carcity of water, were unable to continue crushing; this is much to be regretted, as they ha Ye ahout lOO tons of stone at grass, from which a good yield is confidently expected when water is available. The Eureka Company are making good progress with the erection of their battery; the contractor expects to finish it in about a fortnight. No crushing has taken place at the Birregun during the quarter; the company intend letting a portion of their mine on tribute. 'rhe following is a statement of the gold obtained from the principal quartz mines in this subdivision during the quarter:- oz. dwt. -~r. Normanby Company :331 1 12 Mount Budgee (tribute) 6,1 4 0 :\leek and Uo., No. lEast Dudgee 15 19 0

411 4 12

DIVIDEND. Normanby Company, Dargo 400 0 0

Ar.LUHAJ. MINING. The pl·incipal alluvial mining is on the D::trgo and Wentworth rivers. The miners on the former river appear to be making pretcy fair wages; the majority of those on the \Vent worth River are Chinese, their average earnings being small. No water is sold, and no metal or mineral other than gold is mined for in this subdivision.

,JERICHO DIVISIOX. J:lr. R. J. Donaldson, ~~fining Registrar. Except prospecting, nothing has been done in quartz mining durin!! the past quarter. Most of the companies are making alterations in the method of working their ground, or are erecting new machinery. The alluvial miners have done fairly well, as the winter has been mild, and as yet there has been no inter­ ruption to the working of the river and creek claims by floods or otherwise. No other meta1 or mineral than gold mined for. No water sold.

DONNELL Y'S CREEK DIVISION. Mr. 0. P. "FV/dtelaw, .Afining Stwve.vm· and Regislmr. The yield from the Bismarck mhte has cxceedrd that of last quarter; 250 tons produced 508 ozs. of gold, being at the rate of 2 ozs. 0 dwt. 15·86 grs. to the ton. The mine continues to look well. The Fnlton's Creek Company have principally been prospectin~ in different portious of their ~';round, hut have now commenecd works of a per­ manent character. The New Hit or l\'liss (Shaw's lease and l\lontgomcry's lease) have been \Yorking during the quarter·, but have not yet come on anything payable. No metal other than gold has been mined fm·, and no \Y:tter has been sold.

STRINGER'S CREEK DIVISION . .1,11·. W . .Al. Smith, Nirdng Registrar. The yield of gold, as well as the aterage per ton, was somewhat larger dnring the pnst quarter than for the one preceding, and there has been no falling off in the enterprise and perseverance of miners and copitalist8, both of whom appear to he satisfied with the results of their la hors and investments. The chief event of importance during the quarter was the striking of the reef by the Long- Tunuel Extended Compm•y, at a depth of 600 feet, after about five years' dead work hnd been done; and a.lthough the yield from the first washing np, of 130 tons, can scarcely be eousiderea satisfactory, yet very little douht is entertained as to the future prosperity of the compnny so soon as the reef can he fairly op~ned up. I hear that better prospects bave been observed while breaking the sto1JC during the last few days. Several other promising discov('ries have also been made during the quarter in the progressive mines. From one of these, the Rising Sun. a trial Cl'ushing is now going through. I have no change to report about alluvinl mining, except that there is a slight increase in the yield, although I do not think that the miners can be so numerous, owing to the flooded state of the rivers and creeks. 43

RUSSELL'S CREEK DIVISION• .1~/r. C. H. Williams, Mining Registrar. Very little has been done in alluvial mining, on account of scarcity of water. The Long 'l'uunel Company, Tanjil, "\Yes tern Branch," strnck a very rich leader in their tunnel ; some 29 lbs. weight of stone, sent to Walhalla, yielded 25 dwts. of gold. 'l'hcy are driving on it, and I am told it is improving in quality. Kel!ey and ptuty have struck some very good stone, at a depth of 58 feet, in a small gully adjoining California Gully. I am told the leader is from 20 to 24 inches wide. }fr. i\IcLaren, who has been working in California Gully, has also a very good show, and intends erecting a battery, to be driven by water-power. 'rhe Standard Company, Buckley's Flat, have risen from the tunnel to the old workings. On breaking through a sandstone bar, between them and the reef, they found the stone to be a foot wide and carrying ,gold. The I e is a very brge quantity of stone left by the old company, which can be taken out at a very slight co~t now that they have the tunnel in. The former company had to shift the stone five times before it was crushed, so that the stone had to be good to give a return. Since my last report, :\fr. Mining Surveyor vVhitelaw has been here, and surveyed three leases.

BENDOC SUBDIVISION. ~fr. J. Niclwl, Mining Registrar. In this subdivision very little change has taken place during the past quarter. At the Back C1eek there are a few claims paying good wages, and many others not reu.lizing according to expectations. At the DelegE·t' River a party of miners have taken up a prospecting claim and appear sanguine of success. Should this pnne payable, it will be the means of opening up an extent of ground more to the head of that stream. Quartz mining again at a standstill. No water sold in this subdivision. Gold only searched for.

TARWIN SUBDIVISION. Mr. H. M. Murplty, .Alining Registrar. During the quarter gold has been found at Waratah Bay, and a prospecting claio registorc•l. The workings 1trc on the beach, where the gold seems to have been deposited by land-slips from the cliffs abo1·e, which arc very steep, and generally over 200 feet bigh. The deposits are recent, and the reef a slate formation. Indicu.tions of' copper are said to have been found. At the lime works, on an average, 20 men are employed, keeping two kilns burning and a steamer and schooner carrying very superior lime. Au application has been received for a lease of 50 acres of the ground formerly held on lease for tin minin,. purposes by J. Amery. It is intended to work for tin by hydraulic sluicing. "'

TRARALGON SUBDIVISION. Mr. C. Denis, 1Jfining Registrar. Since my last report mining in this subdivision has been making steady progress. The nnmbtr of miners has also increased. A small reef was found lately in the neighborhood of the Tyers lliver. It contains a fair fJUantity of gold. The reef is now being worked, and is getting gradually wider as it goes down. The exact locality of the find is at present kept secret.

By Authority: Jo!IN FEnnEs, Government Printer, :Yfelbourne.