Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska, Arjan W. Griffioen*

Angiogenesis Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands * VU University Medical Center, Dept. of Medical Oncology, Angiogenesis Laboratory, De Boelelaan 1118, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT It is generally understood that improvement of cancer therapies is achieved by the combination of drugs. This approach will improve efficacy, while toxicity and the risk for drug resistance may be decreased. In this review, the efforts on combining drugs for the treatment of two tumor types is highlighted, followed by a description of the challenges that are faced in designing optimal combination therapies.

INTRODUCTION other treatment modalities such as such as chemo-, radio-, immuno- or photodynamic therapy (PDT) and Over the recent years significant advances have several advances in these efforts were reported [9]. This been made in the treatment of advanced stage tumors. review explores the emerging issue on the therapeutic Cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens have improved and potential of optimized angiostatic drug combinations by overall survival in patients has increased. But most analyzing clinical data for two tumor types, hepatocellular therapies are associated with severe systemic toxicities carcinoma (HCC) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). [1,2]. Angiogenesis inhibitors such as / Avastin®, /Vectibix®, /Sutent®, ANTI-ANGIOGENIC DRUG COMBINATIONS /Nexavar® and /Tarceva® are used in BASED ON CLINICAL PRACTICE. clinical practice in many tumor types as single drugs or THE LESSONS WE LEARNED in combination with chemotherapeutics [1,3-6]. These agents target and perturb critical cellular signaling The selection of drugs for use in combination pathways that regulate tumor angiogenesis. The efficacy therapies in the clinic is often based on the previous of such combinations strongly depends on many success of individual drugs as monotherapies [10]. This factors, among which are the treatment schedule, the problem was well illustrated by the following quote of genetic background of the patient and the choice for the Robert Weinberg [11]: “Traditionally, new drugs have been combination of drugs [5,7]. evaluated as single agents during pre-clinical development and To date, the clinical benefit of anti-angiogenic Phase I clinical trials. This practice contrasts with the growing agents has been variable, depending on the tumor belief of cancer researchers that most monotherapies are unlikely type, and in most cases only a limited survival increase to yield curative treatments and that, with rare exceptions, truly was noted. Major causes for this limited success are successful clinical outcomes will depend on the use of combinations the occurrence of side effects and the induction of of anti-cancer drugs”. resistance. It is generally believed that a major progress Moreover, in most cases new molecules tested in cancer treatment can be achieved by finding optimal in the first-line setting need to be combined with the combination therapy strategies. This made the search for standard of care compound to demonstrate superiority. optimal drug combinations among the fastest growing It is clear that such an approach seems to rely on trial topic in the field of cancer research. However, concerns and error and does not take into consideration the regarding toxicity and drug resistance still constitute drug-drug interactions and their influence to the tumor barriers to be overcome [8]. microenvironment. In the following section, we analyze We have recently published an overview on current the clinical results of targeted treatments in two examples efforts of combining anti-angiogenesis drugs with of advanced malignancies.

______P. Nowak-Sliwinska, A.W. Griffioen 9 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a highly backgrounds play a significant role in treatment design vascularized tumor type that is treated with anti- and outcome. angiogenic agents. The only systemic drug approved for Refametinib, an allosteric MEK inhibitor, has been treatment of unresectable HCC is sorafenib [12]. This reported to possess antitumor activity in combination treatment modality causes, nevertheless, major toxicities, with sorafenib in preclinical models [21]. In a phase II such as hand-foot syndrome, skin reactions, diarrhea and study evaluating efficacy and safety of this combination fatigue [13], while it induces both primary and acquired HCC it appeared to be clinically active, although the high resistance [14]. The efficacy of sorafenib is probably due incidence of dose modifications may have compromised to a good balance between targeting cancer cells and the efficacy results. Interestingly, the subgroup of patients their microenvironment, as a result of blocking multiple with RAS mutations seemed to respond the most from kinases (including VEGF, PDGF, C-KIT, and B-RAF). this treatment [22]. However, with this treatment the life expectancy of these Another pivotal example of the clinical use of patients is still only around 12 months, indicating a clear anti-angiogenic therapy is the treatment of advanced need for better treatment strategies. The reason for failure renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The kidney is a heavily could be the large heterogeneity of both patients and vascularized organ and it is probably for this reason tumors, as well as the lack of understanding of critical that RCC is among the most vascularized malignancies drivers of tumor progression or dissemination. [23]. Anti-angiogenic agents demonstrated significantly Numerous clinical trials have been conducted to greater antitumor effects in RCC compared with the evaluate a large number of molecularly targeted drugs previous standard first-line therapy with interferon-a for treating HCC in the first-line (brivanib, sunitinib, (IFNa). Also for RCC, as was the case for HCC, the erlotinib, linifanib or tivantinib) or second-line (brivanib, limited activity of single drug therapies is mainly due to everolimus), but most drugs exhibited less efficacy and/ disease and patient heterogeneity [24], toxicity [25-28] or higher toxicity as compared to sorafenib (see Sun et al. and possible enhancement of metastasis [29] and drug for a comprehensive review [15]. Bevacizumab showed resistance [30-32]. Many preclinical and clinical efforts promise as an effective and tolerable treatment for have focused on combining existing agents or sequencing advanced HCC. The reported efficacy of bevacizumab of them to maximize their impact on clinical outcomes. appeared to compare favorably with that of sorafenib A comprehensive systematic review of sequencing and [16]. combinations of systemic therapy in metastatic renal Despite the fact that anti-endoglin therapy with cancer has recently been presented by Albiges et al. [33]. TRC105 in phase II studies in patients with advanced Often, the choice of therapy is based on a patient and HCC - post-sorafenib - brought evidence of clinical physician decision, which is based on comorbidities, activity, it was not promoted to the second stage of toxicity profiles and costs. The treatment selection from investigation [17]. Tivantinib, a selective oral inhibitor the multiple choices that exist now for the first- and of MET, has shown promising antitumor activity in second-line treatment of patients with mRCC became HCC as monotherapy. In a randomized phase II study, substantially complex by the possibility of combining time to progression was longer in patients treated with drugs and by their sequencing options [6]. When applied tivantinib as compared to placebo group. This result in combination, next to – or instead of - enhanced efficacy, was unfortunately accompanied with grade 3, or worse, substantial toxicity has been a recurrent observation neutropenia and anaemia [18]. Everolimus, the mTOR in these studies [33,34], even when designed to target inhibitor, was used in a randomized phase III trial complementary pathways [35]. Large studies such as the (EVOLVE-1) in the second-line treatment in advanced RECORD, INTORACT, CALGB and TORAVA studies HCC patients who experienced failure of sorafenib [36-39] investigated first-line combination regimens and treatment. No significant overall survival benefit was did not prove, in most cases, superior outcome over observed in comparison with the placebo group [19]. single agents. These examples of treatment failure in the management The activity of sorafenib, temsirolimus, and of HCC add further insight to the need to change the bevacizumab administered in doublet combinations current mindset of trial design. Different treatment roads (e.g. the BEST trial) did not significantly improve should be sought and urgently translated into the design median progression-free survival in comparison with of early clinical trials in order to maximize the chances of bevacizumab monotherapy [40]. The list of available positive clinical outcomes. clinical trials is very long [41] and the current (2015) There are only a few clinical trials with an arm European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines of evaluating the simultaneous administration of two for treatment of mRCC recommend nivolumab (a anti-angiogenic agents in HCC. The combination of programmed death 1 (PD-1) checkpoint inhibitor) [42] bevacizumab and erlotinib was reported to have high and (targets VEGFR, as well as MET and clinical activity for HCC by a phase II study conducted in AXL) [43] used in sequence over the previous standard the USA, however, it showed modest activity in an Asian of care (everolimus) in patients who have failed one or cohort [20]. This might very well be that genetic/racial more lines of VEGF targeted therapy [40]. ______10 Research and Clinical Medicine, 2016, Vol. 1, Nr. 1 BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD: HOW TO many biological applications, the FSC scheme is ideal, DESIGN MORE EFFECTIVE MULTIDRUG because it requires no knowledge of the mechanisms TREATMENTS? involved in determining the cellular response to a given drug stimulus or input. It only requires an output value The information given in the two above mentioned that describes the overall cellular activity in response to tumor types, shows that the trial and error approach in a drug combination. This output is fed into the closed- combining previously tested promising agents is by far loop feedback system, in order for the search algorithm not a systematic way of finding the best combination to determine the next iteration of drug combinations treatment. Although it is logical to assume that drugs to be tested on the cell system 44. FSC has already with a positive anti-tumor effect will synergize with other been successfully used in various complex biological drugs that have shown promise. However, drugs may also systems, including the inhibition of viral infection [52], synergize or have synergies without proof of efficacy as maintenance of human embryonic stem cells [53], a monotherapy. Not to talk yet about which drug doses the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells [54] or should be used. There is simply not enough time, neither nanodiamond-modified drugs [55]. there are enough cancer patients, to search systematically By an iterative approach of in vitro testing for for optimal combination treatments. endothelial cell (EC) viability and applying a second- Nevertheless, the above clearly demonstrates that order linear regression analysis, we used this procedure one of the keys for improvement of cancer therapy in of elimination of less effective drugs and identify the general, is the combination of existing drugs. Three optimal synergistic, low-dose drug combination. Drug main challenges exist in the effort of optimizing doses were reduced by 5- to 11-fold, as compared to multi-drug combinations: (i) the complex nature of a optimal single drug concentrations. The three remaining biological system, which makes it virtually impossible to drugs were found to target distinct and complementary predict optimal drug combinations based on empirical signaling pathways. One might expect that the differences information, (ii) the large number of possible drug in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics between combinations that exist when multiple drugs are the components of the drug mixture may interfere considered at multiple concentrations [44], and (iii) with the in vivo treatment outcome. However, the flat optimization of drug administration in a pre-designed response surfaces, which are the graphic illustration of sequence in order to minimize the impact of drug drug combination-drug efficiency landscapes, allow resistance or escape mechanisms. for a much simplified translation from the optimal in In clinical settings, a maximum tolerated dose vitro combination to in vivo application (i.e. moderate (MTD) approach was used to define tolerable drug changes in drug ratios do not significantly change the concentrations, but several of the trials reported that output). Thus, successful “ratiometric” translation of the the MTD was not well tolerated and lower doses may synergistic anti-cancer activity of this drug combination have been more appropriate. Moreover, little consistency was proven in two preclinical in vivo tumor models, i.e. with the establishment of MTD based on dose limiting human ovarian carcinoma and colorectal carcinoma. toxicities (DLTs) was observed as several of the trials Indeed, in two tumor models we have observed an measured DLTs. The sequential use of presently available effective tumor growth inhibition clearly driven via anti- molecularly targeted agents has become a standard in angiogenic mechanism [56]. everyday clinical practice, especially in RCC. The available Summarizing, the three major advantages of data for novel therapies in mRCC suggest they can be the proposed personalized technology (i.e. rapid used sequentially across multiple lines of treatment development of a patient-specific optimal drug mixture, to extend survival (see the current EAU guidelines for that is adjusted during the course of treatment while the mRCC in a chapter above). Up to date, the results from cancer progresses) are: (i) the possibility to reduce side both combination and sequencing clinical trials suggest effects, (ii) the decreased probability of developing drug that these approaches can be feasible, but prospective resistance and (iii) the relative speed of the FSC-based data on expected benefit are still missing, and new optimization process which would facilitate its clinical treatment tailoring methods are needed. application. We believe that FSC can also be the gateway Many groups have investigated methods to optimize to a reliable method for the design of personalized drug combinations, including techniques to model cancer optimal combination treatments. progression and predict cell responses [45,46], systematic searches [47], as well as technologies using various CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS deterministic and stochastic search algorithms [48-50] or sequential decoding algorithms [51]. In previous research, Clinical trials are currently evaluating whether we have used the feedback system control (FSC) technique therapeutic benefit can be improved by combining with a population-based stochastic search algorithm to agents that block multiple levels of the same or different navigate in the experimental parametric space of nine pathways, thus providing additive or even synergistic angiostatic drugs applied at four concentrations. For effects. It remains to be determined if systematic ______P. 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