PLANNING COMMITTEE - 11th January 2011

Application 2.

Application 09/02048/OUTM Application 24th November 2009 Number: Expiry Date:

Application Outline Planning Major Type:

Proposal Outline planning application for erection of 750 homes, roads, footpaths Description: and cycle routes, carparking, landscape, open areas and play facilities on approx. 18.6ha of land (being resubmission of application 08/03481/OUTM, withdrawn on 10.02.09)

At: Land Off Hurst Lane Adjoining Airport Hayfield Lane Auckley Doncaster

For: Peel Investments (North) Limited

Third Party Reps: 3 Parish: Auckley Parish Council


Author of Report John S Turner

MAIN RECOMMENDATION: GRANT subject to S106 Agreement 1.0 Reason for Report

1.1 The application is reported to Committee because it represents a departure from Doncaster UDP and because of its significant scale. The application needs to be considered in relation to the national guidance from government in relation to the current economic situation, on its individual merits and also in conjunction with the business park application also on the agenda.

2.0 Proposal and Background

2.1 The application is described as an "Outline Application for erection of 750 homes, roads footpaths, cycle routes , landscape, open areas and play facilities on 18.6 ha of land". The layout is illustrative apart from the main access to the site.

2.2 The application is accompanied by the following documents which support the application

- Planning Statement - Delivering Housing and Economic Growth at Robin Hood Airport Statement - Design and Access Statement - Transport Assessment - Agricultural Land Assessment - Ecological Appraisal - Landscape Assessment - Tree and Hedgerow Survey - Archaeological Assessment - Flood Risk Assessment

2.3 The main points of the illustrative Masterplan are

- Vehicular access to the site from an existing roundabout on the recently constructed Airport Access road from Hirst Lane - Pedestrian access from Hayfield Lane, Hirst Lane and Marr Flats Plantation - Access to adjoining Auckley Poors Land which is in separate ownership - An indicative site layout including internal circulation, - An urban design structure for the development including street types, parking, density and massing, landscaping and open space, detailed area studies, phasing , protection of habitats and sustainable design features

2.4 The applicant has proposed that Planning Conditions/ a Section 106 agreement would be acceptable in relation to - Financial contribution to the implementation of the Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme. - The provision of Affordable Housing at a rate of 26% of the units - Phasing of the development in relation to construction of FARRRS and the adjoining business park - Provision/Maintenance of on site POS - Contributions to local facilities

2.5 The applicant has prepared 2 documents that set out the case for release of the land and the following section of the report summarizes the main conclusions of the applicants’ documents 2.6 Planning Statement Doncaster UDP includes policies for residential development but does not allocate any sites in Auckley/ Hayfield Green. The airport consent in 2003 included 120 new dwellings which the Secretary of State concluded were in a sustainable location. The airport Draft Masterplan proposes significant additional development around the airport to further the economic regeneration of Doncaster and facilitate construction of FARRRS. The current countryside policy area allocation needs to be balanced against the need to provide sustainable housing land for higher levels of housing provision identified in PPG3. PPG3 requires a 5 year land supply and a 3.8 year supply is estimated only to be available. There is therefore a presumption in favour of delivering this site. The emerging LDF acknowledges that new housing development may have to be dispersed from the main urban areas to sustainable sites elsewhere. Interim Planning Policy Statement on Housing - policy H1 - requirements for housing development are met by this site The airport is a regionally significant economic development site which should be supported by adequate sustainable housing

2 .7 Delivering Housing and Economic Growth at Robin Hood Airport Statement The provision of employment at the airport site without provision of nearby housing is unsustainable. Current government policy requires, to achieve high quality housing in sustainable locations, a flexible and positive application of National policy The applicant considers, in the light of the above analysis that residential development of the site is in accordance with national, regional and local planning guidance.

2.8 The site is predominantly agricultural land and rights of way are present on the site. The site is fairly flat and field boundaries/hedgerows/ditches are features of the site.

2.9 Marr Flats Plantation Woodland a Site of Scientific Interest adjoins the site to the South and East and separates the site from Robin Hood Airport. The recently constructed, dual carriageway, Airport Access Road runs to the south of the site and to its south are open areas of land including agricultural land and woodland. Residential areas and schools are sited to the north and west of the site

2.10 The housing areas originally provided accommodation for the former RAF Finningley and have been subsequently developed for a mixture of private and housing association development. The Hayfield Green settlement is separated from the village of Auckley to the north by countryside areas.

2.11 The airport access road currently links the airport to Hirst Lane but is intended in the future to form part of the Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme linking the airport to M18 at Junction 3

3.0 Relevant Planning History

3.1 A previous application for residential development of the site 08/034821 was withdrawn. 4.0 Representations

4.1 Objections have been received from 2 local residents on the loss of green belt and effect on local services. 4.2 Campaign to Protect Rural considers that The development is contrary to policies ENV 2 and 4 of Doncaster UDP. The council has a greater than 5 year land supply and is compliant with PPS 3. Residential development at the airport does not comply with RSS policies or policies within the emerging LDF. The airport masterplan carries limited weight. The proposed layout would a have a significant adverse impact upon the rural character of the area.

5.0 Parish Council

5.1 Auckley Parish Council raise the following issues - The loss of green countryside - The adverse effect of the development on local services that are at capacity particularly local schools - The impact on existing inefficient sewerage system - Energy efficiency - Access to Auckley Poor’s Land - the land adjoins the application site on Hurst Lane and is owned by a local charity administered through the Parish Council. The development should allow for access.

6.0 Relevant Consultations

The following consultation responses are particularly relevant.

6.1 Planning Environment Group - - Ecology- the applicant’s ecological appraisal assesses the impacts in relation to species and habitat loss on the site and on the adjoining Marr Flats Plantation and is acceptable in principle subject to a detailed conditions. - Landscaping - The development will affect the existing countryside area but the revised scheme reduces the impacts to an acceptable level. - Trees- The development will affect existing trees and hedgerows but the revised scheme reduces the impacts to an acceptable level. - Public open space- detailed observations on the scale and location of open space and play area provision on the site. The revised scheme is acceptable. 6.2 LDF Group - Policy ENV 4 of the UDP applies to this Countryside Policy Area and the proposal needs to be considered in the light of the policy. The application also needs to be considered in relation to Housing land supply in the Borough as a whole. 6.3 Urban Development Group - the urban design framework is considered acceptable. 6.4 Highways Agency/Development Control Highways/ Strategic Transportation Unit/Public Rights of Way Groups- have assessed in detail the application/Transport Assessment and have raised the following main relevant points Highways Agency - initially imposed a holding direction in relation to traffic impact on M 18. Following detailed discussions the Agency has agreed to consider removal of the direction subject to the inclusion of acceptable conditions/ heads of terms in S106 agreement. Development Control Highways - the local highway network has the capacity to accept the initial additional traffic generated by the development. The access to the development and the internal layout are generally acceptable subject to detailed agreement. Strategic Transportation Unit - A Network Travel Plan is generally acceptable and will need to be part of a Section 106 agreement. Public Rights of Way - the development will affect the setting of Public Footpath No7 which should be retained and improved. 6.5 PTE - A Network Travel Plan is generally acceptable and will need to be part of A Section 106 agreement. 6.6 Environment Agency - no objections in principle subject to detailed conditions. 6.7 DMBC Drainage - no objections in principle subject to detailed conditions. 6.8 Finningley IDB - The site is outside the IDB area and there are no objections in principle subject to detailed conditions. 6.9 Seven Trent Water - no objections received. 6.10 Yorkshire Water - no objections in principle subject to detailed conditions. 6.11 Local Government Yorkshire and Humber - considered that the scale and location of this development would be contrary to Regional Spatial Strategy. 6.12 Natural England - no objections in principle subject to detailed consideration of the layout. 6.13 South Yorkshire Fire Service - no objections in principle subject to detailed conditions. 6.14 Environmental Health - Noise - no objections received. - Air quality - an air quality assessment is acceptable. - Contaminated land - detailed site investigation conditions required. 6.15 South Yorkshire Archaeological Services - no objections in principle subject to detailed conditions. 6.16 Hayfield School - concern in relation to impact of additional pupils in the school catchment area.

7.0 Relevant Policy and Strategic Context

7.1 Panning Policy Statements PPS1 - Delivering Sustainable Development PPS3 - Housing PPS4 - Employment

7.2 Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy - the strategy forms part of the development plan following a recent legal decision.

7.3The City Region Local Enterprise Partnership - provides an up to date economic context for the application.

7.4 Doncaster UDP (adopted July 1998) forms part of the development plan - The site is within a Countryside Policy Area and Policies ENV 2 and 4 are particularly relevant in relation to the principle of the development of the site. - Other UDP policies are relevant to detailed consideration of the application and these will be addressed in the Assessment of the Proposed Development.

7.5 Finningley Airbase SPG(adopted in 1999) The document provides guidance for development of the former RAF site but does not extend to the application site.

7.6 Emerging Doncaster Local Development Framework Core Strategy - forms part of the development plan but has limited weight due to its early stage. The Core Strategy Revised Preferred Options Consultation Document and the Core Strategy Preferred Options: Additional Options Addendum are relevant. The broad direction of travel of the emerging LDF Core Strategy will be referred to along with relevant parts of LDF evidence base.

7.7 Interim Planning Position Statements. Adopted in February 2008 IPPS 2 on Housing and IPPS1 on Affordable Housing in Doncaster will be assessed.

7.8 Robin Hood Airport Master Plan The airport has produced a draft Airport Master Plan which has been the subject of a public consultation exercise. The Council has made observations on the plan. The plan identifies the site as a housing development site. It also identifies land to the north of the airport access road for commercial development.

8.0 Planning Issues and Discussion

8.1This assessment considers in detail the following issues that arise in relation to this application The National Government agenda on how to address the current economic situation with an emphasis on the rebalancing of the private/public sector employment mix. The Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership and the conditions outlined the proportion submitted to Government including the linkages to the policies within the City Region Transport Strategy. The relationship of the application to the economic development of the Borough being set out - the Economic Strategy with the emphasis of the airport. The justification for the development of this site for the proposed scale of development, in relation to the issue of releasing land for housing development. The site specific planning impacts of the development. The transport impact of the development. Relationship to the Airport Master plan. Phasing of the development.

8.2 Under Section 38 9c) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the starting point for consideration of any planning application is the Development Plan. The statutory Development Plan for the purposes of determining planning applications includes the Regional Spatial Strategy, Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and Local Development Framework. All decisions should be made in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Material considerations may include statements of Government policy and draft development plan documents (which in this case includes the emerging Local Development Framework evidence base and the Interim Planning Position Statements).

Economic Development Issues

8.3 The application needs to be considered in relation to the issue of the economic justification for the development and its contribution to the economic regeneration of the Borough. In this context its relationship with FARRRS and the business park application is particularly relevant because it is proposed to link the building of houses on the site with the construction of the road scheme and employment units on the business park.

8.4 In economic terms the following policy documents are particularly relevant.

8.5 PPS 1 Delivering Sustainable Development This Planning Policy Statement underpins the Government’s approach to planning and the fundamental principles of sustainable development. It sets out 4 key aims - to achieve social progress which recognises the needs of everyone, effective protection of the environment, the prudent use of natural resources, and the maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth.

8.6 PPS 4 This document indicates government policy on the role of planning in relation to economic development. It states that in considering applications for economic development, planning authorities should consider proposals favourably unless there is good reason that the social, economic or environmental costs outweigh the benefits. The consideration should weigh market and economic information alongside environmental and social information, look at the long term benefits including national and regional benefits and whether the proposals would help meet the wider objectives of the Local Development Framework

8.7 Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership

The above group has been accepted by central government as a strategic partnership for the development of the area and is producing documents to support this role including Sheffield City Region Draft Development Programme. The programme identifies three Core Issues that are critical to the economic regeneration of the area namely Economy and Skills, Housing and Transport. It also identifies several priorities including "[E] Improve access to Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport" and associated Doncaster Regeneration areas (through the FARRRS link road to Rossington regeneration areas and White Rose Way road capacity enhancements. It proposes Priority Areas for Integrated Interventions including "Doncaster and Hatfield to Harworth Bircotes To improve connections between Doncaster, Rossington and RHADS to unlock housing and employment growth in this area. This should seek to develop the role of RHADS as the City Regions Airport..." It is considered that the proposed development is in accordance with the economic aspirations and ambitions of the Partnership . 8.8 Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy. E1-4 Employment Policies Employment policies in the RSS support the need for economic growth, restructuring and diversification in the region which includes developing specific clusters. Policy E3 recognises the need for employment growth in South Yorkshire to adjust to a new spatial pattern of activity indicating significant changes where employment sites are provided. The RSS adopts at Policy SY1 a South Yorkshire sub area policy in which it identifies at point F "regionally significant investment priorities". Point 6 refers to "Operational and related development at Robin Hood Airport, and development in appropriate locations arising from the airports importance to the wider South Yorkshire economy". It is considered that the proposed development is in accordance with the economic policy of the RSS.

8.9 Doncaster UDP The UDP sets out 3 sets of policy; general, strategic and detailed policies plus 3 fundamental objectives. As the planning application is strategic, it is important to look at all these policies and objectives in considering the application. The first fundamental objective of the UDP is Economic Regeneration. This seeks to strengthen and diversity the economic base of Doncaster. It sets out that this means promoting a variety of measures to regenerate the economies of former colliery towns and developing improving the strategic networks to provide strategic transport interchange facilities. The second objective is to seek substantial improvements to the environment to sustain Doncaster as a place in which to invest and live. This is to be achieved by new development, make a positive contribution to the environment and protecting the countryside. Its third objective is the need to reduce social inequalities through focussing investment in areas of greatest deprivation, promote job creation in areas of high unemployment. All three objectives assert the overall thrust of the UDP and are considered relevant to the planning application. The development is in accordance with key economic policies in the UDP.

8.10 Doncaster LDF The LDF supports the economic growth of the airport and associated business development and supports the airport’s economic growth potential to help address regeneration across the Borough. Policy 2 (Growth and Regeneration) states that "Growth and regeneration will be supported in accordance with the principles set out below D Strategic job creation opportunities associated with the transport network (eg Robin Hood Airport...) will be supported where good public transport links to the settlement network exists or can be provided to ensure an effective and realistic choice of transport modes. Policy 5(Employment Strategy) identifies that employment development will be supported at the Airport. Table 4 identifies specifically that 10,000 airport and aviation related jobs could be created on existing and proposed business parks but will need additional interventions to support the target. Policy 6 (Robin Hood Airport And Business Park) supports growth and investment at the airport in accordance with several principles. The development is in accordance with key economic policies in the LDF.

8.11DMBC Economic Strategy The strategy approved in March 2008 sets out interventions needed to improve the productivity gap between the Borough and national rates. It identifies 9 themes and specifically includes "supporting economic development and growth". The development is in accordance with key economic policies in the Economic Strategy.

8.12 Economic Development Conclusion It is considered that the proposed housing development because of its specific linkages with FARRRS and the business park application is a development that will encourage economic development at the Airport and in the Borough. It is also considered that it is necessary to grant a planning permission at the current time to provide the economic benefits as soon as possible. It is therefore concluded that these considerations represent very special circumstances that support granting planning permission for the development.

Housing Policies and Residential Land Availability Issues

8.13 Consideration needs to be given to the issue of the justification for the release of this large site for Housing development. The applicant considers in his supporting documents that the development complies with the development plan, that the council does not have an available 5 year land supply and therefore the release of this site is justifiable. The following planning policy documents are particularly relevant

8.14 PPS3 Housing requires the council to identify and maintain a rolling 5 year supply of deliverable housing sites. Deliverable sites must be available now in a suitable location and be achievable within 5 years. The PPS post dates the Doncaster UDP and is being implemented through the later documents below.

The Council considers that it does currently have a 5 year land supply. The current house building rates indicates, however that a land supply does not in itself deliver new build units. The results of the evidence gathering for and consultation on the LDF Core Strategy indicates that the house building industry wishes to work with Council to develop deliverable sites.

8. 15 Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy In relation to the housing requirement Policies H1 (Provision and Distribution of Housing) and YH 4-7 (Housing Development) are particularly relevant. The RSS significantly increases previous annual requirements and proposes that Doncaster’s net annual housing requirement be set at 855 dwellings to 2008 and 1230 from 2008 to 2026. This equates to a 5 year requirement for 6150 dwellings for 2008(plus a need to address the shortfall in completions since 2004) for 2008 onwards. The RSS adopts a strategic spatial approach to meeting the above need. In particular it adopts policy YH5 of concentrating development in principle towns including Doncaster, and at YH7 sets up a search sequence for location of development. It is considered that the RSS housing policies are not generally supportive of the development. Members need to note the Government noted intention to remove the RSS from the Development Plan and the expectation is that Local authorities will develop housing delivery measures to deliver their housing needs.

8.16 Doncaster UDP The site is allocated in Policy ENV 2 and ENV 4 as Countryside Policy Area in the Doncaster UDP, the saved policies of which form part of the development plan. Policy ENV 4 does not normally permit residential development of the scale proposed on such a site as it does not fall within categories a to f of the policy. The development would have a significant impact on the character and appearance of the attractive countryside area on the edge of the Hayfield Green settlement. The specific impacts are assessed later in this report but are considered to be of local significance only. The development represents a departure from the above environment policies which need to be justified.

8.17 Doncaster LDF Doncaster’s emerging LDF proposes to distribute housing around the Borough to support the sustainable Borough Strategy and in conformity with national planning policy (general sustainability principles) so as to promote sustainable communities, an urban renaissance of Doncaster and regeneration of deprived communities. The Core Strategy Revised Preferred Options Consultation Document and the Core Strategy Preferred Options: Additional Options Addendum are relevant documents. The main focus for housing growth is the Main Urban Area of Doncaster and most of the larger towns and villages which act as local service centres (or higher) around the Borough. The LDF evidence base includes the South Yorkshire Settlement Study by Jacobs Babtie which identified the most sustainable locations for growth and qualitative change across the Borough. These did not include Hayfield Green which along with many other smaller villages is identified as having no sustainability benefits from growth. The regional settlement study commissioned by the Regional Assembly and carried out by North Yorkshire County Council also did not identify Hayfield Green as a local service centre. The Addendum Options document in Topic 1 identifies at Option T1C a Potential Growth Corridor linked to FARRRS which would support development at suitable points along the corridor but does not specifically identify sites for housing development. This emerging approach more accurately reflects the need for flexibility to site location and delivery where there is a linkage to the wider economic agenda.

8.18 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) This has been produced as a key part of the LDF evidence base. It identifies sufficient suitable, available and achievable potential housing sites to meet housing requirements in accordance with national planning policy, and the emerging LDF housing distribution strategy.

8.19 Interim Planning Position Statement 2 Housing in Doncaster It aims to ensure that sufficient housing land continues to be available to meet Doncaster’s housing needs, economic growth aspirations and Government policy in terms of 5 - year deliverable land supply in line with PPS3. The previous Greenfield moratorium on housing development is lifted Interim Planning Position Statements H1 and H2 clarify in detail proposals for achieving the above aims. H1 requires housing development to meet specific requirements. In particular it does not support proposals residential development of Greenfield sites in a Countryside Policy area H.2 establishes a detailed justification for the council’s position that it has a 5 year deliverable housing supply. The Council’s 5 year position statement has subsequently been updated and published on an annual basis; the latest is dated December 2009 and identifies a deliverable land supply capable of accommodating 10,389 dwellings or 8,937 if sites in flood zones 2 and 3 are excluded in accordance with the Council’s sequential approach. 8,937 equates to a 6.8 year supply.

8.20 Affordable Housing Policy PH19 of Doncaster UDP requires the provision of Affordable Housing on the site. The Interim Planning Position Statement 1 on Affordable Housing requires 26% of the units to be provided as built units on the site. The applicant has proposed that 26 % of the units will be affordable and has put forward proposals to provide the housing at an early stage of the development. The development is considered acceptable in this respect but would require the a Section 106 agreement to implement it.

8.21 Conclusion The site is located in a countryside policy area but is a site one which has been identified as a potential future development site in the airport’s master plan and LDF evidence base. The recent economic downturn and collapse of the housing market makes it imperative to consider proposals where they would contribute to the economic development of the Borough and the Sheffield City Region to achieve its aims of developing FARRRS and a business hub adjacent the airport accessible from across the Borough. Also relevant are the impacts of the Government Spending Review which makes it less likely that there will be public funding for transport schemes such as FARRRS. This makes it important that alterative sources of funding and the confidence of the private sector is supported. In addition, it is also important that new housing sites are brought forward that are attractive to the housing market. Peel have made it clear that they have received interest from developers and from a Social Housing Provider. The development of this site would thus contribute to economic development in the following ways; Create land value and development certainty that can be used to financially support the FARRRS scheme. Help create a hub of mixed use development that will attract further private sector investment especially in new job generating activities around the airport. Improve confidence to the private sector that Doncaster is able to be flexible and able to deliver projects that deliver economic growth. Bring forward investment in employment floorspace of up to 60,700 sq.m by linking the business floorspace to the completion of housing. Add higher quality housing to the range of housing available in Doncaster that can be expected to contribute to a positive housing market. Site Impacts of the Development

8.22 The development of this large greenfield development site has significant local impacts and affects the character and appearance of the site and its surroundings which need to be considered with the policy analysis above. An illustrative Masterplan has been developed, by the applicant, which provides a specific framework for addressing these issues. The layout apart from the access to the site is illustrative and would be subject to further consideration in a detailed application. The applicant has amended the original masterplan to reduce the schemes impact. Specific impacts are considered below.

8.23 Nature Conservation The development has direct and indirect impacts on the nature conservation value of the site and its surroundings. It therefore needs to be considered in particular in relation to PPS9 and Policies ENV21, 40, 41 42, 50and 59 of Doncaster UDP The submitted ecological appraisal assesses the impacts in relation to species and habitat on the site and in Marr Flats Plantation and the development is considered to be acceptable subject to detailed conditions

8.24 Urban Design The application includes a detailed Masterplan and a design statement for the framework of the development. Within the development the Masterplan provides for a development layout that defines developable areas and provides for access to these areas within a landscape framework. The Masterplan and design guidance are considered to provide a reasonable illustrative framework to enable the council to insist on a high quality of development in terms of the character and appearance of the development. The development is therefore in accordance with policies 52/53 of UDP

8.25 Landscaping/ Trees and Hedgerows Landscape and Trees and Hedgerow Assessments have been submitted by the applicant. The application site is within the Landscape Character Area H1 - to Finningley Sandland Heaths - in the councils 2007 Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment. The landscape value of the site has been reduced by the subsequent construction of the airport access road to the north and would be further affected by future possible commercial development of the site itself and land to the north of the road. The site itself however at present retains an attractive urban fringe character which would be significantly affected by the development. The scheme has been amended to reduce the specific impacts on trees and hedgerows. The development will have a local impact in terms on policies ENV 18, 21 and 59 of UDP.

8.26 Open Space The development proposes the provision and maintenance of 1.8 ha of open space with 4 children’s play areas The scale, maintenance and location of open space and play area provision on the site is considered acceptable and the development therefore complies with Policies RL3/4 of UDP

8.27 Amenity Issues Noise - The applicant has submitted a noise assessment which is considered acceptable by Environmental Health. Air Quality - an air quality assessment is acceptable by Environmental Health. Contaminated Land - the site is mainly farmland and there is no objection by Environmental Health in principle to its development subject to detailed conditions.

The development accords with Policy ENV 65 of UDP.

8.28 Archaeology Issues An Archaeological assessment has been submitted and assessed by South Yorkshire Archaeology. The development is in accordance with Policy ENV 37 of UDP. A detailed condition is necessary to protect the site.

8.29 Flood Risk And Drainage Issues The applicants flood risk assessment and drainage strategy have been assessed by the various drainage bodies Flood Risk - the site lies within Flood Zone 1 and is at a low risk of flooding. Drainage - Surface Water - a sustainable urban drainage system is proposed including the provision of balancing facilities in relation to peak flow control. Foul Water - connection to existing sewerage system which will need improvement. The drainage bodies consulted have no objection in principle to the proposals subject to detailed control of its implementation.

8.30 Agricultural Land An agricultural land assessment has been submitted by the applicant that identifies the site as being of moderate quality within Grade 3b of the Agricultural Land Classification . The loss of this area of agricultural land is not considered to be of sufficient significance to warrant an objection.

8.31 Local Facilities The applicant has put forward proposals to ensure that the housing development takes place in conjunction with improved local facilities, in particular, in relation to Education, Shopping, Recreation and Health facilities. The proposals are assessed in detail later in the report.

8.32 Sustainability of the Development A sustainability assessment has been submitted by the applicant which concludes that the development is sustainable. The site, in terms of residential land availability in the Borough is identified as a site which has a low ranking in terms of the development plans strategy for sustainable development. The site specific sustainability proposals for the site are considered reasonable.

Transportation Issues

8.33 The application is accompanied by a Transport Assessment which has been assessed to consider the impact of this large development on the local transport network. The assessments have been considered by Highways Agency, Highways Development Control, Public Rights of Way, Strategic Transportation Unit and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive. The transport assessment includes assessment of Site location and existing operation. Accessibility by foot and cycle. The local highway network. Existing and committed planning consents in the area. Existing and known future traffic conditions. The development and associated Framework Travel Plan. Traffic operational Analysis. The assessment includes an analysis of the development with or without the implementation of FARRRS. A Network Travel Plan has also been developed. The following issues are particularly relevant.

8.34 Relationship to FARRRS The development would have impacts in terms of traffic generation on the proposed FARRRS scheme. In the short term the applicant has proposed not to occupy more than 375 houses on the site prior to construction of FARRRS. In the longer term the construction of FARRRS, to which the applicant would make a financial contribution, would provide additional highway capacity. The impacts are considered to be acceptable provided that the Network Travel Plan is implemented.

8.35 Local Vehicular access The following issues are relevant to this development. - Impact of the development on the capacity of the local highway network, taking into account the existing and proposed traffic generation from the adjoining airport. The existing highway network is considered to have adequate capacity to cope with the initial proposed development of 375 houses. - The particular vehicular access proposals for the site The proposals provide for an acceptable and safe means of access to the site in terms of the impact of the development on the local network and the specific access to the site. - Within the site the Masterplan provides for a circular link road around the site to distribute traffic and provide internal bus circulation. Individual residential areas will then be served from this road. The internal circulation is considered acceptable in principle.

8.36 Public Transport The following issues are particularly relevant to this development. Bus Transport - existing bus services that serve the airport and Hayfield Green would also serve the site. Rail Transport - the proposed airport rail station has been granted planning permission but has not been implemented. It is considered the site is reasonably served by public transport.

8.37 Other Access Pedestrian and cycleway issues are relevant to this development. In particular the existing rights of way are to be maintained but their current countryside character will be affected by the development.

8.38 Network Travel Plan A Network Travel Plan has been developed in relation to the application which proposes several initiatives which are assessed in detail later in the report. In general, the Owner will not permit occupation of any of the dwellings until a Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council.

8.39 Conclusion The development is acceptable in terms of Transportation issues.

Relationship to the Airport Masterplan

8.40 The airport has produced a draft Airport Master Plan which has been the subject of a public consultation exercise. The plan identifies the site as a housing development site. It also identifies land to the north of the airport access road for commercial development. The Council has made observations on the plan which are relevant to consideration of this application including support for the possible long term development of the application site and the site to the north of the road for expansion of the airport employment sites. The development is in accordance with the Masterplan.

Planning Conditions /Section 106 Agreement

8.41 The applicant has proposed to several significant proposals in relation to the development of the site in the form of planning conditions and a Section 106 agreement. These include

8.42 Phased development in relation to FARRRS 1 Condition - No more than 375 dwellings of the Development shall be occupied until a link road which connects the M18 with Hurst Lane at the junction of the Airport Access Route has been constructed and brought into use. 2 S106 - Not to commence the Development until a contribution of £50,000 has been made towards the preparation of the south of Doncaster transport and development study. 3 S106 - Not more than 375 dwellings of the Development shall be occupied until there has been submitted to and approved by the Council a scheme which provides for a programme of financial contributions to be made by the Owner to assist towards the construction of the FARRRS Link. The scheme shall provide for the contributions to be phased with the stages of construction of the M18 Link. It will be necessary to ensure that the details of this agreement provide a framework to access funding to ensure delivery of the transport infrastructure.

8.43 Network Travel Plan To develop a detailed Travel Plan.

8.44 S106 Phased developments in relation to the development of the adjoining business park. 1 No market dwellings shall be occupied until at least 12,000 square metres of employment floor space has been constructed within the Business Park. 2 No more than 50 market dwellings shall be occupied until at least 24,000 square metres of employment floor space has been constructed within the Business Park. 3 No more than 100 market dwellings shall be occupied until at least 36,000 square metres of employment floor space has been constructed within the Business Park.

8.45 Training/Marketing S106 - The Development shall not begin until a training plan for encouraging building apprenticeships during the construction of the Development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council. The plan shall be implemented in accordance with the approval. S106 - Within 28 days after first occupation of the development permitted by a planning permission granted pursuant to application 10/02652, the Owner will pay to the Council the sum of £50,000 to be applied by the Council solely towards the costs of running and marketing the Take Off At The Airport Programme. Take Off At The Airport Programme is the programme run by the Council which aims to ensure that businesses and residents within the Council's area benefit from investment in the Council's area and in particular Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield and its associated business parks. It is considered that this contribution is required earlier in order to ensure that the enhanced marketing kick starts the development.

8.46 Affordable Housing S106 the Development shall not begin until a scheme for the provision of affordable housing as part of the Development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council. The affordable housing shall be provided in accordance with the approved scheme. The scheme shall include the numbers, type, tenure and location on the site of the affordable housing provision to be made which shall consist of not less than 26% of housing units;

8.47 Public Open Space The S106 Identifies 1.8 hectares for open space provision; Include at least 4 equipped children’s play areas. Detail the specification to which each area of open space is to be provided. Identify a phased programme for the provision of each area of open space, which relates to the construction of the residential units; Provide an appropriate piece of community art to be agreed with the Council; and Provide for the continued maintenance of each area of open space after it has been provided either (i) by the establishment of a management company which covenants with the Council to maintain the areas of open space or (ii) by the adoption by the Council of the areas of open space together with the payment of a commuted maintenance sum to the Council which shall be defined in the scheme and shall be calculated by reference to the amount which it is reasonably likely to cost the Council to maintain the areas of open space for a period of 15 years from their first adoption.

8.48 Community Facilities Condition - No more than 75 market dwellings shall be occupied until at least 400 square metres of retail floor space has been constructed within Hayfield Green to a shell and core finish. Condition - No more than 70 dwellings shall be occupied until the Hayfield Lane Community Sports Centre has opened. S106 - Transfer of land for community health facilities - The Owner will not permit occupation of any market dwellings until it has offered to transfer land to the Council at no cost to the Council. S106 Primary School Education Contribution - Not to permit occupation of more than 500 dwellings of the Development until the Owner has paid to the Council as a financial contribution. This contribution shall be agreed between the parties being calculated by reference to the number of primary school pupils likely to occupy the final 250 dwellings not yet occupied but shall not exceed £500,000 in total

8.49 It is considered that, if Members support the principle of residential development of the site, the above proposals are necessary and reasonably relate to the scale and location of the development and are acceptable.

Summary and Conclusion

It is considered The Strategic Economic objections of the Council and it's partners as set out in the SCRLEP identify the importance of the airport with aviation as a sector for employment growth and the airport growth corridor identified as one of a number of geographic areas requiring focused attention to deliver growth. Other strategic including the SCR Transport Strategy, the Council's Economic Strategy of the energy LDF Core Strategy all emphasis the importance of the airport and the need to focus growth and investment on their geographic area. In the current economic climate it is apparent that to stimulate economic regeneration the phased delivery of development sites needs to reflect the state of the market. Given the aspirations for the airport which are linked to the need to deliver improved surface access providing this application given the linked conditions, to the business park application provides an opportunity to - kick start both housing and employment growth - facilitate the delivery of the FARRRS project It is recommended therefore that permission be granted for this development taking into account the concerns that have been raised against the proposal as there are considered to be outweighed by the wider economic benefits and where possible the details of the scheme will mitigate the perceived adverse impacts of the scheme. The lack of need in housing supply terms does not generally prevent the Council from granting planning permission provided that other material considerations are taken into account and outweigh the lack of need. In this case it is considered that these considerations are present in the form of the most recent policies in the emerging Doncaster LDF and Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership documents. It is reasonable to grant planning permission at the present time. 3 Site Issues - the development will have an acceptable impact on the local environment. 4 Transport issues - the development is acceptable in terms of transport impacts. 5 Section106/ Planning Conditions - the proposals are acceptable. It is concluded 1. That the development represents a departure from Doncaster UDP but does not require to be referred to Government Office under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009. 2. The development is acceptable subject to the attached heads of terms of an agreement under Section 106 of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Planning Conditions



1 A contribution of £50,000 to be made towards the preparation of a south of Doncaster transport and development study, within a specified time period from the granting of permission (likely 12 months). 2 A programme of financial contributions to be made by the Owner to assist towards the construction of the FARRRS Link. The scheme shall provide for the contributions to be phased with the stages of construction of the M18 Link. No more than 375 dwellings of the Development shall be occupied until the scheme has been submitted to and approved by the Council. 3 The development of a detailed Framework Travel Plan. 4 The development of a training plan for encouraging building apprenticeships during the construction of the Development. 5 The development of a scheme for the provision and maintenance of 1.8 hectares for open space provision, including at least 4 equipped children’s play areas. 6 A scheme for transfer of land for community health facilities 7 The provision of a financial contribution, if required, to improvement of Primary School Education. 8 A scheme for the provision of affordable housing on site which shall consist of not less than 26% of the residential units. 9 A sum of £50,000 towards the costs of running and marketing the Take off at the Airport Programme, within a specified time period from granting of permission (likely 12 months). 10 Phasing of occupation of market housing with provision of retail floorspace in Hayfield Green and Business Park Floorspace


Planning Permission GRANTED (Sec106) subject to the following conditions.

01. STAT2 The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates:- i) The expiration of three years from the date of this permission or ii) The expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or in the case of different dates the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. REASON Condition required to be imposed by Section 92 (as amended) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

02. STAT3 In the case of the reserved matters, application for approval must be made not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. REASON Condition required to be imposed by Section 92(as amended) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

03. STAT4 Approval of the details of the access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the site (hereinafter referred to as reserved matters) shall be obtained from the local planning authority before the commencement of any works. REASON To enable the local planning authority to control the development in detail and to comply with Section 92 (as amended) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

04. U25277 No more than 70 dwellings shall be occupied until the Hayfield Lane Community Sports Centre has opened REASON To ensure phased provision of Sports Centre

05. DA01 The development hereby granted shall not be begun until details of the foul, surface water and land drainage systems and all related works necessary to drain the site have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. These works shall be carried out concurrently with the development and the drainage system shall be operating to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the development. REASON To ensure that the site is connected to suitable drainage systems and to ensure that full details thereof are approved by the Local Planning Authority before any works begin.

06. ARCH1 No development shall take place until the applicant, their agent, or their successor in title has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation that has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. REASON To ensure that any archaeological remains present are preserved, either by being left in situ or recorded before they are damaged or destroyed and to comply with policy ENV38 of the Doncaster Unitary Development Plan. 07. ECOL2 Prior to the commencement of development, an ecological management plan shall be submitted to the local planning authority for approval in writing. This plan shall include details of how all the retained and created habitats on the site will be managed. The habitats shall thereafter be managed in accordance with the ecological management plan. REASON To ensure the ecological interests of the site are maintained in accordance with policy ENV 43 of the Doncaster Unitary Development Plan.

08. ENVH4 No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The statement shall provide for:

i) - the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors ii) - loading and unloading of plant and materials iii) - storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development iv) - the erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate v) - wheel washing facilities vi) - measures to control noise and the emission of dust and dirt during construction vii) - a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works

REASON To safeguard the living conditions of neighbouring residents and in the interests of highway safety.

09. GR18 No development shall take place in implementation of this permission until the applicant has submitted to and received approval thereto in writing from the local planning authority a report identifying how the predicted CO2 emissions from the development will be reduced by at least 10% through the use of on-site renewable energy equipment. The carbon savings, which result from this, will be above and beyond what is required to comply with Part L Building Regulations. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority, the development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved report. Before any dwelling is occupied or sold, the renewable energy equipment shall have been installed and the local planning authority shall be satisfied that the day-to-day operation of the equipment will provide energy for the development as long as the development remains in existence. REASON In the interests of sustainability and to minimize the impact of the development on the effects of climate change.

10. HM13 Before the development is brought into use that part of the site to be used by vehicles shall be properly laid out, drained, surfaced/sealed and or marked out in a manner to be approved by the Local Planning Authority and shall thereafter be maintained in a condition to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. REASON To encourage drivers to make use of the parking space and ensure that the use of land for this purpose will not give rise to mud hazards at entrance/exit points in the interests of public safety.

11. VR18 Trees and shrubs shall be planted on the site in accordance with a scheme to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of development. This scheme is to provide details of species, siting, planting distances and programme of planting. Planting is to be carried out during the first available season after commencement of development and shall thereafter be maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and in accordance with the Local Planning Authority's document 'Landscape Specification in Relation to Development sites'. Any tree or shrub planted as part of the scheme which is removed or severely damaged or is found to be dying or seriously diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the next available planting season with a tree or shrub of a similar size and species to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. REASON To ensure that a landscape/planting scheme is submitted and implemented in the interests of amenity.

12. VU21 The development hereby granted shall not be commenced nor materials or machinery brought onto the site until the trees which it has been agreed shall be retained are fenced off to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. A scheme of fencing shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority which shall comply with B.S. Specification No. 5837 'Trees in relation to Construction (1991)', with the Council's 'Code of Practice in Relation to Trees on Development Sites' and with the Council's illustrated guidelines 'Protection of Trees on Development Sites'. The satisfactory implementation of the scheme on the site shall be confirmed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any works are begun. REASON To ensure that all trees are protected from damage during construction. 13. U25278 Prior to commencement of development details of an access from the site to the adjoining Auckley Poor Land shall be submitted and approved by the LPA. the development shall be carried out in accordance with the details REASON To ensure provision of access to the adjoining land.

14. U25279 Unless the Local Planning Authority agrees otherwise no more than 375 dwellings of the Development shall be occupied until a link road which connects the M18 with Hirst Lane at the junction of the Airport Access Route has been constructed and brought into use. REASON To restrict the scale of development prior to the construction of FARRRS

Reasons(s) for Granting Planning Permission:


The Local Planning Authority has decided to grant planning permission:-

1. Having regard to the policies and proposals in the adopted Doncaster Unitary Development Plan set out below, and all relevant material planning considerations including the following policies and statements:

Doncaster Unitary Development Plan (adopted March 1998) Policy GEN 2 New Development GEN 6 Environmental Quality GEN 7 Sustainability ST7 Transport Integration SEMP 1 Job protection and creation SENV 1 Protecting the Countryside SEMP 3 Land for industrial and business development ENV 4 Development within Countryside Policy Area ENV 16 Development affecting agricultural land ENV 18 Landscape and Landscape features ENV 21 Trees and woodlands ENV 37 Archaeology ENV 4I SSI ENV 42 Ecology ENV 43 Ecology ENV 44 Wildlife Corridors ENV 49 Wildlife Habitats ENV 50 Protected Species ENV 52 Design standards of new buildings ENV 53 Scale and appearance of new development ENV 59 Protection of trees ENV 60 Landscaping in new development schemes T2 Highways Schemes T 5 New development and the highway network T6 Public Transport T 22 HGV Access T 33 Freight Movement T34 Doncaster Carr Railport T 38 Rights of Way

Regional Spatial Strategy for YH 1 Overall approach and key spatial priorities YH 5 Principal towns YH 7 Location of development SY 1 Strategic objectives for South Yorkshire sub area E 4 Regional Priority Sectors and Clusters EN 7 Agricultural Land EN 8 Biodiversity T 9 Transport investment and management priorities

National Planning Policy Statements and Guidance PPS 1 Delivering Sustainable Development PPS 4 Employment PPS 9 Nature Conservation PPG 13 Transport PPS 22 Renewable Energy PPS 25 Development and Flood Risk

DMBC Emerging Local Development Framework Core Strategy

DMBC Interim Planning Position Statement IPPS 1: Affordable Housing IPPS 2: Housing IPPS 3: Employment IPPS 4:FARRRS

2. And having taken into account all of the material planning considerations raised in the consultations and representations, against the policy background referred to above, it has been concluded that the proposed development is acceptable for the following reasons.

1 Economic Development - the development is acceptable and will benefit the economic regeneration of The Borough 2 Housing Need - the site does not currently conform to UDP housing policies but the LDF Core Strategy Options Addendum has been seeking views on a FARRRS Growth corridor option. The lack of need in housing supply terms does not generally prevent the Council from granting planning permission provided that other material considerations are taken into account and outweigh the lack of need. In this case it is considered that these considerations are present in the form of the most recent policies in the emerging Doncaster LDF and Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership documents. It is therefore reasonable to grant planning permission at the present time. 3 Site Issues - the development will have an acceptable impact on the local environment. 4 Transport issues - the development is acceptable in terms of transport impacts. 5 Section106/ Planning Conditions - the proposals are acceptable.

N.B. The foregoing Statement is a summary of the main considerations leading to the decision to grant permission. More detailed information may be obtained from the Planning Officer's Report and the application case file and associated documents, which may be inspected, by appointment, at the offices of the Development and Planning Service (for address see Decision Notice).

The above objections, considerations and resulting recommendation have had regard to Article 8 and Article 1 of the First Protocol of the European Convention for Human Rights Act 1998. The recommendation will not interfere with the applicant’s and/or objector’s right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. Appendix 1 Location/Site Photos Appendix 2 Layout/ Illustrative View