THEY ARE BROAD AND FLAT STREAMERS Hats and Bonnets to Shade the young Faces ARE; ON GENEROUS UNES youthful vanity is not stirred to Its IP by this season's offerings shade hats and bonnets, then Ameri- can children are blind to the blandish- ments of their mothers' patron saint. Dame Fashion, and given over utterly to mud pies and sand forts. If Mam'selle Dainty be bound for moun- tain, shore or suburb, her array of sun-ha- ts and bonnets will be simply ap- palling', like her mamma, she trill have , everything "en suite, from her straight, untrlmmed morning frock of linen or cheviot to her beruffled and batiste or organdie. Straw hats are very largo and simply trimmed, with broad sailors and drooping fiats leading the various modes. Lingerie effects run to smaller shapes, poke bon- nets In particular. Flowers made from satin ribbon are combined with lingerie materials, and these hats are so much trimmed and beruffled that they lose every suggestion of their original mis- sion, which was to be washable. Fond mothers have only to make a cir- cuit of the fashionable shops to realize that If children are up to date they will wear hats and frocks which harmonize perfectly, not so much in coloring as in fabric and general finish. In a store which caters exclusively to Juvenile needs, the little dresses and hats axe so grouped, and the effect of the display is an impressive lesson In correct and elegant combinations. For a girl of 10 there is a natty tweed dress, showing an ecru ground shot light- ly with golden brown, olive green and a red which suggests orange. The skirt is a shaped flounce with five rows of golden brown stitching as a finish. The opening or vent on the left side of the middle is also outlined with five rows of stitching. Tho Russian blouse, opening on the side to meet the vent in the skirt, has a stitched running down from the right shoubler. Bishop sleeves are gath- ered into a simply stlched cuff, and a low heavily trimmed with navy blue braid. front of the little blouse laid in flat, inch-wid- e . L IRA standing collar to match finishes the Washable shields of grayish-whit- e linen , and the round, deep collar KTrMiaiknHln simple but effective dress for traveling or embroidered In navy blujs floss, showing a edged with a heavy linen galloon, shqwlng The frame comes well over the face, but wear at the shore. natural emblem, were supplied In suffi- peacock feathers, with the eye In Delft right in the center the brim is bent up To go with this there is a hat of Milan cient numbers to warrant a dally change. blue. suddenly and sharply to secure almost a straw in deep ecru, bound around the To wear this, there is a, stunning CAl The hat for this was. a round, rolling with effect. edge with golden velvet, and - edged lingerie of shirred on a brown brim sailor with blue velvet, and hat the linen v pretty model evolved from palest med across the top with a wide, narrow trimmed with choux of narrow blue velvet buckram frame and edged with a flat, S7UW STftW 72AZ Sp A is bow of tho same velvet ribbon, fastened ribbon. pleated niching of the lipen. A puddlngr TfitrtMED XS7H BLUB I SfcMPfliMB- fMi YWSI ft pink liberty chiffon, shirred Inside and out. gold. A niching of the chiffon edges the with a long in wash For wear with a geranium-re- d veiling bag crown Is pleated Into the brim and BltlSl- .f A double The round, broad sailors, with rolling gown, made with accordion pleats, there finished with a band of Delft blue s$tin brim, and the is cunningly caught brims in closely woven straws, are the Is a flat hat of what might be termed ribbon, tied In a stiff, tailored bow. here and there with pink blooms no larger favorite tailored effects for wee women string-whit- e or natural-fla- x colored straw Pongee hats and bonnets are shown in than a forget-me-no- t. A hlg bow of soft is by odds the most popu- open-mes- h both and velvet all In a flat, basket weave, Geran- large numbers, and are used with top bon- trimming. Ornate designs in , ium woven out pongee coats linen frocks. A threo-quart- liberty ribbon sets off the of the lar red velvet is in and of the and by hand, and embroidered the strings, which match, are of and smart, stiff quills are also used, but straw close to the edge of the brim, and pongee coat, piped with scarlet, ruffles, but sunbonnets they remlln, and net, and flowers are considered exceedingly bad pompon chiffon Its running mate a stiff broad, soft ribbon. bows of the ribbon and has for lltte no other name will describe them. lingerie, girt of 13 form on hats to be worn with the little are snuggled close to the low crown. sailor developed from, pongee anc buck- chambray, A beautiful hat for a There are bonnets of blue or M years was done in figured chiffon, tailored costumes. For wear with sailor dresses of linen, ram, stitched to match the finish on the stitched In white and edged with stiff In truth, flowers, except for the most duck and cheviot, there are drooping coat and topped with a bow of scarlet showing blue roses on a white ground. A flat, little ruchlngs of fine Hamburg. There ( edged the brim, expensive varieties and the ribbon garni- sailors, bound simply with velvet ribbon ribbon. Satin ribbon, stiff in pongee CORDED PQCS W7H ,., flqunce of white lierre satin rather are sunbonnets, appllqued with big bows of blue ribbon, matching the tures on dressy lace hats, are rather of a contrasting shade, or with fancy but finish. Is used for all the pongee hats. self-ton- or tt$f and lace In and tied with pink chiffon, flnlshed the top of under the ban of Dame Fashion, so far tightly woven straw braid Instead of rib- Pleasing little pokes are evolved from bjue streamers. And there Is no end of figure In the as little people are concerned. They are bon. These have no trimming ex- pongee In tone, up the hat. Another blue lingerie hat showed shrred natural made the pure wjilte pique bonnets, embroid- facing lat- being used so much In the very cheap cept a broad band of ribbon, with pure white satin bows and strings). flowers, shlrrings of blue chiffon, the ered by hand in delicate white in green vinery in shaded ribbon grades and in such atrocious colorings velvet or corded silk around the These pokes shade the face perfectly and fleur-de-Jl- s, de- one nov- rlng of white ribbon where the curtain ticed and other conventional the Parsifal poke is perhaps the caught with small blossoms made of soft that the mother, who desires her child to crown, tacked severely in the back and are becoming to small brunettes. signs. elty of the season. It Ipoks for all the joins the bonnet, a, round, cfcubby choux look as if she belongs to the truly elect, then hanging below the shoulders. desplqes its of ribbon on top of the bonnet proper a.pd satin ribbon. The average child a world like' a Shaker sunbonnet with lingerie in lawn, nain- steers away from blossoms of all sorts. A mother who has been heralded as one not it" is but slanting side pieces, and lt has a short strjngs of the same ribbon, complete the All the white hats "Very because sook and other sheer materials, whether small boys and girls will be much of the shining lights of true family life because It ties unar the cblnf but as the "curtain" In the back. The frame is of picturesque and demure bit of millinery. A pretty traveling costume, turned out seen covered, champagne silk trlnim.ed with lace or with embroidery, are this Summer in modified Russian among the New York '400," has recently care of the infantile complexion is just buckram, with narrow recontly for a girl, bound for all-ov- Valenciennes, The 1830 poke bonnet Is less pronounced, set off by choux made from satin blouse suits, or what mjght be termed a received shop large now the ainT'and ambltjoh of the mother and pverlaid with flowers. blue, the St. Louis Exposition, showed a grayish-- from an exclusive a expects launch" buds, apd flnlshed with tiny ruchlngs of Valen- ribbon tied to simulate Pale cross between the Buster Brown suit and pure who to future social fully as picturesque and much more popu- pale pink, delicate green, lavender, and white granite heavy long, consignment of sunbonnets, and s,unbopnets ox very big hats will be ciennes edging. The "curtain" Is soft and cloth, with the straight Russian blouse, shade can evolved from all the ma- pure are used with all whlta boucle in navy blue. It was made with a A fetching model on tljese lines Is of simple. To ba sure, they are very dainty, worn. unllned, showing a deep lace flounce to lar. It ba white ribbons dark-tone- - lingerie are made. lingerie hats. HARRIET HA"WTEY. sailor waist and a deep, round collar. heavy, d linen, with the entire in exquisite combination of linen, pique. In dressy bonnets to shade the face, match the covering of the bonnet. A sftlr- terials of which hats

your shoulders. Pass it under the head at the value of running in her own hall was the back, grasping both ends and tug- a good many years ahead of her time. If ging upward while the head push.es you have any place, indoors or outdoors, The Beauty Quest: The Glow After the Bath downward, ha resistance. Try this with where there is room for a good scamper, Stimulate It if You Want to Have Health and Beauty. fervor fpr several seconds aid you will take advantage of it The Ideal run is pn Extravagance in Gloves feel the xesult In heck", .shoulders and back. a stretch of warm sand. If you leave your Standing .erect, 'heels together, raise the bath to go to an eight-by-te- n , bedroom, century arising slipper hand, head, then run in one spot, or "run on place,", newest offerings in gloves typify but it must be exceedingly fine and deli- of .this from in each to hasten this part ralse tho feet in the alrl Pass the towel hands straight above the holding the THE cate to be attractive. VENUS bath, whether it be in the of the work. across the insteps, holding the towel ends pa),ms flat together. Now bend backward as this feat is technically called. In any unprecedented extravagance in Now arms to good slap- case, keep the hands on the hips with the A pair recently shown at a woman's surf or the porcelain tub, is treat the a in the hands. Tug with might and main., from the waist, steadfastly keeping the dress accessories this season. Never have exchange was clearly evolved ping. By this tlmo you should be tingling hand3 straining against each arms In a' line with the upper part of thumbs forward. Force the elbows to the from fam Inclined to chilliness. It is nowhere re- feetand other rear. Thrpw your chest forward when manufacturers and importers so taxed ily, heirlooms. The mitt; proper was qf from head to foot, who you bfend, J ported original Venus, living Those suffer through the tqwel, You will find the body the body. As raise the right foot running as a sprinter does. If you were their ingenuity to meet the demand of duchessa point in an open . The that the from red hands or cold feet can find no warming with the effort, as high as you can whjle preserving your you in the years when all women were beau- better way for improving trying to beat a record would kink Madame La Mode, who has decreed that gauntlet or frill around the wrist looked their circula- balance. Bend repeatedly and rapidly, our arms at the side as he does, but slipper or for all the world lke a net handkerchief tiful and all men heroic, shivered and ac- tion than by thJs "spanking" exercise. While the towel Is busy it may as well shifting from foot to foot as you do so. speed Is not your object. from tip of the dainty colored flower-trimme- cut out in the center and fitted to the goose-fles- Not only is the blood brought to sur-- do good rounding of Tho thorough warmer the to crown of the d quired h when sho arose. No the a service toward the grl who discovered As a final and for Oxford the lower part of the mitt, so that it fell In poet mentions her having to go through hat, every item of the fashionable wo- four great points from the wrist. The a series of gymnastics after the bath. man's costume must harmonize to a de- handkerchief effect was of fine net, edged But Venus of today, more human and gree of perfection never before knpwn. with point lace, and would ajmost take come exquisite colorings in the place of the popular undersleeve. quite as lovable, must to r- "-- Sv From Paris look well the (y iyTOvWTKS i" "jj.Mm fcwT Girls who are not hard on gloves ways her calisthenics, or may ac- 'in a Summer kid as soft and pllabje as their of she axe embroidering monograms let- satin. combination with blue frocks, in small quire a homely and unesthetlc case of For ters and self-ton- on the wrist of soft tonsilitis, bronchitis or laryngitis. there are two striking snades of kid, forget-- silk or suede gloves, aping, perhaps, the Except for tho warm, relaxing bath me-not blue and turquoise. Every masculine fad for monograms on every of Saturday night, every bath should Imaginable shade of violet or lavender is garment. bo followed by a "wanning up." Every shown, various tones of wnat is generally morning of your lives, course, you known as the natural hue, shading from of , POR SUMMER JOURITEYS. a palest champagne to almost golden have cold bath that is. unless you are brown, a superb olive green, and a new in a state of invalidism. The hardiest magenta. "When carried to silk or dres3 Good of you plunge dlrectlv into the tub and goods counters, these gioyes are found to Frocks, but Well Adapted to perhaps enjoy a shower into the bar- match perfectly the prevailing tones in Hard Wear. gain. If your nerves or heart are not both silk and wool weaves. qulto equal to anything so drastic, The new glove shows a lapped, rather jou whipped, , elaborate freshen the skin by laving with than a with The Delineator. it a stitching in self-ton- or a contrasting The traveling costume and wrap are of sponge. only, color, and two these being great Importance In the Summer outfit-Fashi- you pearl-toppe- d. If are on an outing, you may be very large and demands modes to your glove is generally sold be- that are distinct fortunate enough have morning The short and in keeping with upon plunge In a mountain pool, river or surf. cause the much-trimm- and bouffant the occasion No matter what kind of cold bath you sleeve falls over the wrist and hides even which they are to be worn. The last are onjojlng. neer fall to start the the second clasp. On the other hand, for year's second-be- st gown will not be ac- blood flowing briskly after It. The wear with elbow or short sleeves there cepted as "goo4 enough for traveling this plunge followed by exercise is a tonic come gloves In extravagant lengths that year," but there must be provided a dress, A woman of CO who looks like her daugh- will lie in python folds to the shoulder. and possibly a wrap, that Is designed for ter's sister says that she owes her won- As an Illustration of how the colored this particular purpose, derful youthfulness to her persistence In glove may sound a decided note In the and there are this system. costume,, note the makeup recently seen many modes from which to select-- Dark, "Since I was 17 I have missed only one at a "fashionable charity concert in New substantial colora or medium tones are morning," she told me. "That one was York. preferred to the lighter shades, and the a Sunday when the alarm failed to go The dress and wrap were of black mes-salln- e, materials that possess qual- off and I overslept. If I had taken my elaborately trimmed with, motifs ities, mohair, canvas veiling, pongee, taf- shower and 'stunts I would have been of black guipure lace. The collarless feta and the light-weig- worsted suit- late for church, the only thing that blouse was faced back with a stitched ings, are the best selections. There are comes before them in my creed. But the band of brilliant green broadcloth, braided attractive colorings In all of these ma- next morning I plunged twice and spent in black. A similar band outlined the terials, and the traveling dress may be cuffs, turning to display under-Bleev- es both becoming a double time in exercise to make up." slappesg. e f h 4k back and modish; but there The dear lady is reaping the reward .SfmfMMBB t roit the shootjers. of white Irish point. The hat must bo a certain seventy about it, a of her peraeerance. Her cheeks are was a picture creation in black silk mous-sell- ne simplicity that adapts it to hard wear. rosy and unwrinkled, her step is elastic, face by the blows, but the effort of strik- day, one that will start the blood tingling and lace, trimmed with a green Mixed materials and the many shepherd her es diges- ing produces warmth. The back of the all over, jump rope. You may and a black plume, and the two-clas- p plaids in blue and white, black and white, ej and hair still bright, her may the not be tion flawless. brush be used Instead of the slipper. able to do this in your bathrobe there Is gloves matched perfectly the green in the make attractive frocks for traveling, and She explained that In the days when Next, take an erect standing position, danger of a woeful tange but a short braided bands and the plume. a simple shirtwaist costume in taffeta or she was 17 there w ere no gymnasiums for the arms hanging loosely at the sides. skirt makes it possible. Jumping the rope "With a pongee In natural tone, em- loulslne silk. In one of these checks, girls nor any fad for physical culture. Thrqst tho right foot forward, bending has long- been known to the fighters broidered In pale blue and made over a would be a charming mode. Narrow braid right as you do so, forget-me-n- "I discovered that I was not getting the knee and keeping against avoirdupois; Jt is a boon to the dropaklrt of pale blue silk, and buttons would provide smart trim- warm, fast enough after my bath. On the left knee straight. Simultaneously chilly bather as well! blue gloves may be worn, though the ming, and a little Hnen collar, worn with right arm forwa- days when I was not well It caused, me the should ba thrust in a KATHERINE MORTON. more quiet taste turns to the same tone a soft satin tie in a color to match the to shiver like a little dog on a doorstep. rd-upward direction, while the left arm as the ground of the dress. braid or dark check in the material, and So I invented some droll exercises of my naturally reaches backward to maintain Silk or lisle gloves In natural tones can a crashed leather belt would add dis- - ... i j i .. j - I halance. 111? a tremendous nnerev !n-- Toast to Losing Man. hardly be told from the silk and. lisle tinguishing potes. A long, loose wrap of i...i... pongee, shantung pr hind as I had seen teamsters do in cold tWs movement, lunging forward as if The Book-Xiove- r. stockings to be worn with shoes of the taffeta would be use- weather, and running up and down our you were reaching for something above Here's to the man that loses the patient, luck, same tint. They are displayed side by ful with a costume of this sort, A long hall. Of late years my daughter the head. Repeat four times right, four less wight side, and the coloring is exactly alike, as shirtwaist costume of shantung In natural has passed on. to me what sho has learned times left. Then alternate. Twelve Who battles ever manfully, though In a. losing well as the weave. There Is tt decided color, or in dark blue, eteel gray, brqwn in a gymnasium, and I am going through counts in all will ba enough unless you flght; tendency toward the open-mes- h back in or black, would bo an excellent .sugges- are fighting for smaller hips. In Who works away by sight and day,. and ever silk and lisle gloves, but they make the tion for the traveling frock, especially all sorts of movements. It is that very for all nonsense to say that you can't teach case make this exercise part of your meets defeat, hand look larger than does a plain glove. warm weather, as shantung Is stock in trade, and go through as Tet knows that, dim, ahead of him, cruccess One of the striking novelties of the cool and light. an old dog a new bark." it ' jacket Slip on a loose bathrobe as Eoon as you many times a day as you have time and succeaq to meet. season is the reversible cuff glove, which For the and skirt costume Intend- have rubbed the skin dry. A faint pink- strength 'or it. Drink to hla health the losing man common- Is clearly an effort to introduce trimming ed for service there is no material pos- ish glow, possibly a deeper one, will have Another foe to large hips as well as a er, prince or priest into the design of a glove. It is made sessing more admirable qualities than mo- arisen from the use of the Turkish towel morning tonic is the following: Take te Who has no bate for his hard fate for he has something on the line of the hair, and this season it Js by no means and flesh brush. This is all right so standing position with the backs of the tried, at least. gauntlet glove, only the kid is not confined to the plain, solid colora, but is hands resting lightly on the hips. Drop stiffened, but soft and pliable as allk. shown In a wide range of fancy far as surface warmth goes; the next Health to the man who loses to the one who left plaids, stripes effects thing is to start the blood flowing of on the left knee, at the same time placing works In vain, On the inner side of the cuff, close to Its and dots, all of which are In two-tone- headquarters. the right foot forward so the right top, runs a bias band of silk in a con- Indistinct and something of a d itself from This cannot be that Tha one who struggles gallantly and garners effect. Any done without hard work. The work, how- lee: is vertical from foot to knee. Simul- naught but pain. trasting colpr, which matches the con- of these, when trimmed with forwa- braid, stitched bands ever, may be made a pleasure if you will. taneously the right arm Is thrust Down to the grave his heart Is brave, hla hope trasting tone in the gown. For Instance, of silk or cloth and te will be stylish Make use of the utensils that lie about rd-upward as in the preceding exercise. la ever high. with an costume, with which buttons, and serviceable. ytu. The bath slippers, the brush, the The body must lunge forward vigorously For he has-- learned what we have spurned Is worn a girdle stock of cardinal velvet towel may be turned into the apparatus as before. Rise to a standing position that 1' I good to try. ribbon, the glove would be white, and Soap and Dishwashing. to equip your gymnasium. and go down on one knee again as quick- Drink to bis luck the loser's luck skeleton the band in the of cardinal silk. ly possible. at the feast-Sor- row Thlq cuff is over to show tho band. It sounds like heresy to say as In fact, all of these exer- rolled average housekeeper that the First of all, give yourself a vigorous cises Intended to start a glow should be and rue may be his due, but he has White gloves are banded In blue, red, uses too much soan tried, at least. brown, green lavender, $2.50 In washing djshea. A writer in the dose of the slipper. Be quite merciless. performed rapidly. Relaxing exercises and and for House are slow, flesh reducers and muscle build- up, according to the quality of the kid Beautiful speaks reasonably when she Don't let anything but your head escape. Health to the man who loses loses and pays says: "The grease or ers aro deliberate. These, although they price used, gloves will be banded to order to fat which is the with the trunk; go all over with the some basis of all soaps will Start It may incidentally reduce or increase Fays the price of the loser unfavored of For match any frock. Kid bands are combine with tex- sole of the slipper, treating It to a are con- tile fabrics, but will not the weight, are intended primarily tp warm &1 !MMaaMRMiM K tune's dice. times used Instead of silk, and combine with Vigorous series of smacks. The front of you, and they cannot do this unless they Ud . j,m bKj ,,,riMQCHn)HBH 'Courage sidered the ultra-sma- rt thing. polished surfaces, it forms on these be TiHRmRDiH Bei -- is to dare a fate unfair that la his glaze or a the body should warmed first, then the are quick. If you find yourself becoming .MM goodly mark, A gauntlet glove for driving and scum which Is very difficult to neck. By way, is . mMssmmamm remove, and Is, In back. Include the tho breathless, pause for a few seconds. It is 'iHSBBSHSS."amwrmw wwvnMi HW" js 'fmHttttummwy Mettle and mlgnt to search for light, though will appeal to men as well as fact not removed. Hence carefully avoid treating the breast in this never well to bring on severe panting. groping In the dark. to women. A seam runs straight from the peculiar flavor we call flat in coffee any qoap manner. It should never endure Place two chairs back to back. Previ- Drink to his health the losing man soldier the tip of the thumb down the hand to the flavor of that may often, be. de- harsh handling, being extremely sensitive. ously be sure they are sturdy or sla e or priest. the wrist end of the gauntlet, flaring tected in a glass of apparently dashing with cold water in that chairs. water, clear A light the Stand between them, grasp each one firm- What though he fall? He's better than all widely at this point to act as a protector and the malodorous smell of frvine morning and an understanding massage ly by top for be has tried at least. to the cuffs of the wearer. Modified and that greets the nostrils even night manipulation the of the back, draw yourself on the sill at is all the it will up and swing between the chairs. Hips, in lighter weight, they also come for the of many houses." Instead of soap some ptar. arms and shoulders will grow strong while Lady I think you are the worst-looki- athletic woman. Jorm of potash or acid should be chastising the body, proceed with girls are affecting de washing used in After you are growing warm at this very simple tramp I have eer seen. Tramp Ma'am, it's Young who the china and tinware. The coffee the legs, beginning at the pjps and work-in- s frolic only in the presence of such uncommon beau-- mure ana styles m tmn pot and frying nan esnointrM,ni. .., flown to the toes. You may take a The towel comes in for Its. share of X CJOQP "WAKgsp; ty that I tools so bad! Scraps. Sunjmer gowns go Ja for Jhg lace mittt to wa.gh,e.d. wlh, soajk ' ""