REDEEMER BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Tiruvuru Andhra Pradesh 521235 India



The Lord has given a burden to Rev. Dr. Joshua Madasu, to train national Preachers in India. He started the “Baptist Training Centre” with 20 students at Tiruvuru, using the church building as the classroom. They were graduated in two year Bible training in 1999, and most of them were already ministering in the local Churches, established by Dr. Joshua Madasu in different areas.

It was promoted into a Bible College in July 1999 and continued training preachers, with 45 students. There were 25 young men graduated in three year Bible course, in April 2003, and 12 candidates in April 2004, who are already engaged in preaching the Gospel in different areas in India as full time ministers.

It is decided to continue the institute in the name of the “Redeemer Baptist Bible College” from July 2004. At present, the RBBC is offering three (3) year course, “Bachelor of ” (B. Th), and praying to offer other theological degree courses in future.

The origin and the purpose of the RBBC are deeply embedded in the awareness of the fact today that the testimony of Jesus Christ is departing from its faith and the Church is losing its mission for the world evangelization. It is trying its best to be the true instrumental in God’s hand in calling the Church back to the Bible as God’s word and to the gospel as its mission to the world.

Therefore, the RBBC stands committed without any apology to the defense of the historic Christian faith and opposed to worldliness, ecumenism and all shades of theological liberalism. It is Baptistic, Bible- based, Christ-centred and ministry oriented. The motto of the RBBC is “For the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:9).

The RBBC has equipped to generate consecrated Christian leadership that the church in India so desperately needs today. It is our responsibility to preach the gospel to our fellow Indians and preserve the faith and freedom for our next generation. It is seeking opportunity of fellowship and co-operation in the gospel with all those who truly love the Lord Jesus Christ and seek to make Him Known to the world.

The “Redeemer Baptist Bible College” is an indigenous evangelical faith ministry dedicated to the training of national Christian youth for evangelization and church planting in Indian sub-continent. The burden of evangelizing millions of India is the responsibility and privilege of Indian national Christian youth, and therefore, the RBBC is designed and equipped to train the born-again Christian youth to fulfill this awesome task.

The RBBC is seeking for its affiliation with any Baptist Bible College in abroad, which is having similar doctrinal beliefs of our institution, and would like to award certificates to its graduates in the name of its affiliated Institution. The RBBC is a theological educational wing of “The Centre”, Tiruvuru, Andhra Pradesh 521235, India.


Summary of the RBBC Doctrinal Statement

1. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures. Verbal = Every Word (II Timothy 3:16-17) Plenary = all the parts (II Peter 1:20-27)

2. We believe in the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And each member of the Trinity equal, and a separate one. Yet the entire Trinity is one God. (Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14; I Peter 1:2)

3. We believe in the incarnation of Christ. God in the flesh (John 1:1,14; Luke 1:35; Philippians 2:6-8)

4. We believe in the depravity of man. Man is unable to do anything that pleasing to God. (Psalms 51:5; Romans 3:10-12; Ephesians 3:2)

5. We believe that Christ died as the substitute for our sins. (Romans 5:8; I Peter 2:24; 3:18)

6. We believe that salvation is by faith alone. (John 3:16; Romans 4:5; Ephesians 2:8-9)

7. We believe in the eternal security of the believer. (John 5:24; 10:28-29; Romans 8:35, 38-39)

8. We believe in the importance of the local Church. (Matthew 18:15-17; Acts 13:1-2; Ephesians 4:1-32)

9. We believe that the Local church is constituted with all of the saints (believers), And of bishops (Pastors), and Deacons (Philippians 1:1)

10. We believe in the two ordinances of “Baptism” and “Lord’s Supper”. Do not call them as sacraments. And do not include foot washing (Matthew 28:19-20)

11. We believe in the baptism of believers by immersion. (Acts 2:41; 8:26-39; Romans 6:1-6)

12. We believe that the Lord’ Supper is a symbol of Christ’s death. And to be observed it by those in fellowship (I Corinthians 1:23-32)

13. We believe that every one receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit, When they are saved (Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 12:13)

14. We believe that the Lord may return at any time to rapture (snatch up) The Church (I Thessalonians 4:16-17; I Corinthians 15:51-52)


A. Academic Information 1. Academic year: July to April 2. First Semester: July 5th to December 15th 3. Second Semester: January 5th to April 15th

B. Re-opening 1. All students are expected to be present on the campus on the re-opening day of the RBBC. 2. This applies to the beginning of the academic year in July as well as in January. 3. In case of sickness, the student must intimate to the Academic Dean in advance and a medical certificate, duly certified by a qualified Doctor, must be produced on arrival.

C. Courses & eligibility 1. Certificate in Theology (C. Th) – two years – 10th class – entrance exam – Bible & General 2. Bachelor of Theology (B. Th) – three years - intermediate - Entrance exam - Biblical & general C. Th & entrance – B. Th – 1 year 3. Bachelor of Divinity (B. D) – B. Th graduates of RBB College only. a) B. Th 1st class – entrance exam - B. D - one year b) B. Th 2nd class – entrance exam - B. D - two years

D. Course Descriptions I. Old Testament II. New Testament 1. O. T. Introduction 1. N. T. Background & Introduction 2. History of Israel 2. Life & Ministry of Christ 3. Pentateuch 3. John’s Literature 4. Wisdom Literature 4. Romans - Galatians 5. Minor Prophets 5. Ephesians - Philemon 6. Major Prophets 6. General Epistles

III. Christian Theology IV. Christian Ministry 1. Bibliology & Theology 1. 2. Anthropology & Hamartiology 2. Local Church Establishment 3. Christology & Pneumatology 3. Christian Worship & Ordinances 4. Soteriology & Ecclesiology 4. Pastor & Ministry 5. Angelology & Eschatology 5. Christian Education 6. Indian Christian Theology 6. Homiletics

V. History of VI. Religions 1. Early Church History (5 B. C to 590 A. D) 1. Hinduism 2. Medieval Church History (590 to 1517 A. D) 2. Islam 3. Reformation (1517 and after) 3. Buddhism & Jainism 4. Modern Missionary Movement 4. Zoroastrianism & Sikhism 5. Indian Church History 5. Neo-Religion Movements 6. Baptist Church history & Distinctives 6. Modern Religious Movements

E. Curriculum (3 year programme) I. Semester (July – November) II. Semester (December – April) 1 O. T. Introduction. 1. History of Israel 2 N. T. Introduction. 2. Life & Work of Christ 3. Bibliology & Theology 3. Anthropology & Hamartiology 4. Evangelism 4. Church Establishment 5. Early Church History (5 BC – 590 AD) 5. Medieval Church History (590 – 1517 AD) 6. Hinduism 6. Islam


III. Semester (July – November) IV. Semester (December – April) 1. Pentateuch 1. Wisdom Literature 2. John’s literature 2. Romans - Galatians 3. Christology & Pneumatology 3. Soteriology & Ecclesiology 4. Christian Worship 4. Pastor & Ministry 5. Reformation (1517 AD & after) 5. Modern Missionary Movement 6. Buddhism & Jainism 6. Zoroastrianism & Sikhism

V. Semester (July – November) VI. Semester (December – April) 1. Major Prophets. 1. Minor Prophets 2. Ephesians to Philemon 2. General Epistles 3. Angelology & Eschatology 3. Indian Christian theology 4. Homiletics -I 4. Homiletics - II 5. Indian Church History 5. Baptist Church History & Distinctives 6. Neo-Religious Movements 6. Modern Religious Movements

F. Application Procedure 1. A prescribed application of the RBBC must be submitted, duly filled by the student. 2. All applications must be in the office of the Registrar before June 15th of the current year. 3. An admission letter will be sent to the selected student from the College. 4. No student should come to the RBBC without acceptance letter from the Registrar.

G. pre-requisites 1. Age: 18 above and below 35 2. Salvation Experience (Personal testimony) 3. Recommendations from two Christian leaders. 4. Certificate of believers Baptism (immersion)

H. Admission and Registration 1. A student is enrolled in the seminary for a period not less than two years. 2. If a student discontinues from the RBBC before the two-year period for any reason, he is under obligation to reimburse money to the RBBC, which expended on him. 3. Once a student leaves the RBBC for medical or for any other reason and he wants to return, he must re-apply for admission as well as for scholarship.

I. Absence Classes 1. Students must attend all class hours without fail and discouraged to go out of the campus. 2. In emergency or exceptional cases one may be allowed to go out with proper permission of the authority. 3. A student must return to the RBBC campus on the day that is set. 4. In case he fails to return on the fixed day due to emergency reason, he should immediately inform the authority, and when he returns he must bring a letter from his pastor showing the reason for his delay. 5. If he fails to bring such letter he will be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 25/- per day 6. For all class absences an application to this effect will be necessary

J. Examinations and progress 1. All freshmen will be on probation for the first semester and this may be extended further if the faculty considers it necessary. 2. Students failing in three subjects in each of the two-semestral examinations of the same year will be dismissed. 3. Any sort of mal-practice in any examination will result in the immediate dismissal of the student. 4. Examinations of both the semesters will be conducted at RBBC in December and April.


5. Re-examinations will be held during the first & second semestral exams when the examinations for those respective courses are conducted. 6. For any re-examination, assignments will not be taken as substitute.

K. Examinations and Graduation Class divisions will be awarded as follows: Highest Passing Grade 80% and above Grade A Good 70% to 79% Grade B Satisfactory 50% to 69% Grade C Lowest passing: 49% to 40de Grade D And below: Failure Grade F 1. Written and reading assignments and the mid-term exams will constitute 40% of the final marks, and final examination 60%. 2. Student assignments and examination papers will be evaluated and marked by the RBBC lecturers who teach the respective subjects. 3. A student who fails in two or more subjects consecutively for two years will be suspended at the end of the second year and given an attendance certificate. 4. Requirement for the graduation is satisfactory completion of practical ministry, pass in all examinations. 5. A mark sheet will also contain a remark about the character of the student.

L. Scholarships 1. Scholarships are available for deserving students to cover boarding, lodging and tuition. 2. Scholarship will be granted on yearly basis, depending on the academic merit, behaviour and service, and eligibility will be determined. 3. Any student who receives full scholarship for three-years consecutively should give a written undertaking that he will work for the RBBC at least three years, abiding by the rules and regulations. 4. Scholarship for any student may be discontinued at anytime due to poor academic performance or for disciplinary reason. 5. Scholarship will not be granted more than once for the same course of study. 6. A student, who enjoys scholarship, should try his best to complete his course of studies. 7. Scholarship is based on financial need and for the full time RBBC campus students only.

M. Library 1. Books kept in the reference shelves cannot be taken out of the library or study place. 2. The books will be issued maximum for five days only if necessary. 3. An amount of Rs. 5/- will be charged per day per book that is kept after the due date. 4. Books cannot be rechecked more than two times consecutively. 5. Further, not more than three books can be checked out at one time. 6. No book can be taken out of the library without properly “checking out”.

N. Student Life at RBBC “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of the Truth” (2 Tim 2:15) 1. The aim of the RBBC is to maintain high academic and spiritual standards. 2. Besides a high academic standard, the RBBC seek to maintain a spiritual atmosphere conductive to the purpose of Christian education in the Christian tradition. 3. Morning and evening devotions and chapel attendance are a compulsory for all students. 4. It is compulsory to participate in the evangelistic activities such as visitation, preaching, tract distribution, etc. 5. Students must bring Bibles to classrooms, chapel service, worship and meetings.


6. Students should maintain their individual devotions and they are expected to attend campus church meetings diligently. 7. Students are encouraged to have a part in the ministry at the Local Churches. 8. It is required that every student must get involved in evangelism, Church-planting and other Christian ministry. 9. Discipline is the basic ingredient of discipleship, and a disciplined person not only helps himself, but helps others also. 10. One, who cannot discipline himself, cannot be a disciple and cannot lead others to discipleship. 11. Students are not allowed to borrow money from others in the campus or from outsiders. 12. Remember, your study at the RBBC and stay in its campus is a privilege, not a right. 13. The RBBC has rite to send any student at any time, which in the opinion of its authorities, does not fit into the spirit of the ministry.

O. Hostel 1. Students are not allowed to use any personal electrical equipment. 2. Students are not to change any electrical fittings or perform electrical repair. 3. Nailing, pasting or sticking on the wall is strictly prohibited. 4. Beds should be regularly made and be kept clean and tidy. 5. The lights should be turned off at 10:30 P.M. after which silence is to be maintained. 6. Each student is responsible for the safety of his belongings. 7. Students must follow the “Daily Schedule” prepared by the authority. 8. Student must have his bucket, a mug, a plate, and a glass. 9. Outsiders should not be brought into the hostel room without permission of the authority. 10. Perfect silence should be maintained during study hour. 11. Students should obtain prior permission from the Academic Dean for leaving the campus. 12. Coming late or missing classes, study hours, manual work or chapel services without prior permission is punishable with a fine or imposition or both. 13. All students are expected to cooperate with the authority to conserve water and electricity.

P. Duties and Responsibilities 1. Students are required to attend the allotted duties and participation in all activities in and outside of the RBBC campus. 2. Manual labor on the campus and out door evangelistic activities is given emphasis. 3. Students should go to the office only when there is need and should not make any casual visits to homes of the professors and other staff.

Q. Care of Property 1. The RBBC property is common property for common good and any damage to the property will require restitution. 2. A joint effort is required to protect, preserve and use it responsibility to the benefit of all. 3. Any kind of electrical tapping for private purposes and use of electric irons are strictly prohibited.

R. Cleanliness and Appearance 1. We do not engage servants to clean the, offices, classrooms, dormitories and campus, etc. 2. Keeping the premises clean is the responsibility of every student. 3. Deposit litter in the dustbins provided and indifference to this rule is punishable. 4. Personal cleanliness is a must for all students and is very important, this includes, cleanliness of personal bedding, blankets, clothes and etc. 5. Students must wear conservative & modest dress fit to the Christian discipline and modesty in dress and hairstyle is demanded of all the students in and outside the campus. 6. The hairstyle should not touch ears and shirt color and be acceptable to the authorities and keeping beard is not allowed and face and mouth must be clean and attractable. 7. Students in the campus may wear shorts during the time of games and manual work.


S. Day’s Schedule 5.00 AM Raise & Shine 5:00 – 5:30 AM Praise & Prayer 5:30 - 7.00 AM Fresh up time 7.00 – 7:30 AM Morning Devotion 7.30 - 8.00 AM Breakfast 8.30 - 9.30 AM I - hour 9.30 - 10.30 AM II - hour 10.30 - 10.45 AM Break 10.45 - 11.30 AM Chapel service 11.30 - 12.30 PM III - hour 12.30 - 2.00 PM Lunch & Rest 2.00 – 3.00 PM IV hour 3.00 - 4.00 PM Study hour - I (3.00 – 4.00 PM - Sermon evaluation – for final year students (Tuesday & Thursday) 4.00 - 4.15 PM Tea Break 4.15 - 5.15 PM Campus work 5.15 - 6.30 PM Free time – games, etc., 6.30 - 7.00 PM Fresh up time 7.00 - 7.30 PM Evening Devotion 7.30 - 8.00 PM Supper 8.00 - 10.00 PM Study hours - II 10.30 PM Lights off

T. Kitchen & Food 1. All students are expected to be in the eating-place on time and coming late by 15 minutes to the dining hall will deprive the student of his meal. 2. Each student is required to bring his own plate and glass and wasting food is not permitted. 3. Students are not allowed to enter into the kitchen including the outside kitchen. 4. Only those who are assigned to help may enter into the kitchen in the appropriate time. 5. The RBBC authority will try to provide very simple food to the students depending on the availability of the food items and the ability of the RBBC. 6. Students are expected to adjust themselves to the situation and appreciate the provision of the Lord for the continuation and maintenance of the RBBC. U. Sickness 1. All cases of sickness should be reported to Academic Dean. 2. The RBBC takes no financial responsibility for hospitalization, medicines, surgery, etc. 3. When a student becomes sick, he must immediately send information to the hostel Warden. 4. The student is expected to take the advice of the authority concerning his treatment.

V. Games and Sports 1. All students are encouraged to participate in games and sports during the scheduled time. 2. During the game one must exhibit Christian Spirit at all time and sports materials must be cared properly.

W. Marital arrangement 1. Do not make any marital arrangements while you are a student at the RBBC without first consulting Director.

X. Phone calls 1. No students should use the college phone without obtaining the permission from the RBBC authorities. 2. Discourage frequent calls of relatives, friends and etc, unless there is urgency


Y. Visitors, guests and entertainment 1. Visitors will be allowed during free time, i.e. 5:15 – 6:15 PM. 2. Guests could be entertained at the table with prior permission from the Warden. 3. Parties and Functions are not allowed on the campus without the permission of the Director.

Z. Disciplinary action 1. The rules and regulations of the “Redeemer Baptist Bible College” are made in accordance with the biblical teaching, “let all things be done decently and in order” (I Cor. 14:40). 2. The rules are to help recognize individual responsibilities at the RBBC. 3. It is expected that all students must submit cheerfully and willingly to the standard of conduct laid down by the RBBC. 4. Any other instruction whether in writing or verbally given will have the equal importance. 5. Any additional instruction given orally or through notification will have the same force as these Rules and Regulations. 6. The Rules and Regulations may be amended at any time without prior notice. 7. In all disciplinary matters, the decision of the RBBC authority is final and binding on the student. 8. The RBBC authority reserves the absolute right to dismiss or otherwise punish a student and the Director is the final authority to decide on this matter. 9. Students must maintain a high moral standard of life in and outside of the campus. 10. It is the expectation of the RBBC that students will behave responsibly and pay due attention to the advice given by the authority. 11. For offences of violation of rules and regulations, disciplinary action shall be taken, which may involve punishment and fine for each incidence, and it may be increased for repeated offence.

Final words The Scripture says: “Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (I Cor. 10:31) “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (I Thess. 5:22) “A friend loveth at all times” (Pro. 17:17) “Trust in the Lord at all times” (Ps. 62:8) “Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil” (Prov.3: 7) “Abhor that which is evil; cleave that which is good” (Rom. 12:9) “Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16)