{904}{948}/- I found|/- I found {949}{983}/So many things {984}{1106}/- I dreamed of|/- Dreamed of, dreamed of {1107}{1181}/You fell in love with me {1182}{1245}/- But I couldn't think|/- But I couldn't think {1246}{1285}/Of how it could be {1286}{1384}/And I finally found him {1385}{1482}/And I'm takin'|/the long way out {1483}{1577}/- 'Cause it's gonna be|/- It's gonna be {1578}{1629}/Somethin' special to me {1630}{1705}/Somethin' special to me|/Yeah, yeah {1706}{1804}/Days go by and|we're still laughing {1805}{1844}/He's all mine {1845}{1901}/And I'm never alone {1902}{1996}/Days go by and|we're still happy {1997}{2074}/He's all mine alone {2075}{2123}/He's something special to me {2124}{2171}/He's something special to me {2172}{2230}/He's something special to me {2231}{2285}/Yeah, yeah {2286}{2381}/And I finally found him {2382}{2485}/And I'm takin'|/the long way out {2486}{2576}/- 'Cause it's gonna be|/- It's gonna be {2577}{2628}/Somethin' special to me {2629}{2705}/Somethin' special to me|/Yeah, yeah {2706}{2803}/Days go by and|we're still happy {2804}{2888}/He's all mine alone {2889}{2946}/It all began at the Plaza Hotel... {2947}{2998}/twenty years ago|/in the month of June. {2999}{3105}/Two mothers brought their|/daughters, Liv and Emma... {3106}{3175}/here to the Palm Court for tea. {3176}{3280}/On that afternoon,|/there was a wedding. {3281}{3368}/There was something blue,|/something borrowed... {3369}{3436}/and something completely magical. {3437}{3490}/And two little girls|/from New Jersey... {3491}{3565}/held in their hands a new dream- {3566}{3658}/that one day they would find|/that one person... {3659}{3753}/who would stand by them|/no matter what... {3754}{3802}/and when they did, they too... {3803}{3917}/would have June weddings at the Plaza. {3918}{3965}Thank you. {3966}{4086}And, yes, Your Honor, I will take|this lofty man to be my husband. {4087}{4188}I always knew my wedding|would be the happiest day of my life. {4189}{4388}Now I will dance with you|until we have six babies and a house. {4390}{4461}Do you think they let pets|inside the Plaza? {4462}{4564}/Well, it's not like we're getting married|/until we're 16 at least. {4565}{4624}/Next time, can I play the bride? {4625}{4672}Emma, you know|I always play the bride. {4673}{4757}/This will be an everlasting love {4758}{4817}/- This will be-|- Not too shabby. {4818}{4904}- Caviar cocktail hour-|- Cigar roller, white glove service- {4905}{4975}- Celadon cymbidium orchids.|- Great deejay. {4976}{5021}So we both admit it's beautiful. {5022}{5056}/- Um, yeah.|/- But? {5057}{5132}/Do you think it's the work|/of Marion St. Claire? {5133}{5185}Oh. Marion's a visionary. {5186}{5244}Mmm? {5262}{5316}- Oh.|- If it had been /my wedding- {5317}{5360}- Oh, just say it.|- It ain't June. {5361}{5443}- And it ain't the Plaza.|- It's the elephant in the room. {5444}{5493}Yeah. {5494}{5553}- And here you are.|- Oh, look. {5554}{5616}A duck made out of ice.|Isn't this great? {5617}{5664}Know what else is great? {5665}{5743}Going home early and watching|your backed-up TiVo? {5744}{5792}Am I that predictable? {5793}{5849}How about one more dance... {5850}{5921}and I'll give you my piece|of the cake- if you let me lead. {5922}{5969}Very funny. {5970}{6037}- Come on. Come on.|- You know I always lead. {6038}{6098}Hey. Oh. {6099}{6148}Hi, girls. {6149}{6201}/- Are you ready to catch this bouquet?|- Gotta go. {6202}{6277}/- I'm so happy all of you are here.|- On the other hand, always fun . {6278}{6325}I know. They take it so seriously. {6326}{6418}/My work friends, sort of. {6419}{6512}/My college buds- Oh, my God. {6513}{6579}Emma Allan, is that the same dress|you wore to the Delta Gamma... {6580}{6689}"Kegs for a Cause" semiformal,|like, a bazillion years ago? {6690}{6742}- Yeah.|- What's your point? Because it's a classic. {6743}{6816}- If a dress works, you work it hard.|- Oh. {6817}{6874}See, that is sweet. And loyal. {6875}{6930}Girlfriends sticking up|for each other. {6931}{6988}/I like that, a lot. Keep that. {6989}{7082}- Anyway, are you guys ready to catch this?|- Yeah. {7083}{7182}Just think about it,|feel it, catch it- {7183}{7269}One, two, three! {7346}{7414}/I would have seen the signs|if I'd been there. {7415}{7533}/It's all right there.|/Look at Emma's eyes-Like a hunter's. {7534}{7652}/And Liv's hand-How would you like that|/clasped around your throat? {7653}{7761}/Not that either of them can imagine|/hurting each other at this poi nt. {7762}{7844}/Why should they?|/They've been inseparable for 20 years. {7845}{7920}Okay, slow down. {7921}{7997}- Why can't we run with iPods?|- We can't run with iPods because iPo ds... {7998}{8052}are for people who can't be alone|with their own thoughts. {8053}{8102}I'm literally running circles around you.|Do you know that? {8103}{8154}Do you know how many things|I can think about at once? {8155}{8196}You know what a multitasker I am. {8197}{8244}You're not enjoying my conversation?|Is that what you're saying? {8245}{8292}- I'm hurt. I am very hurt, Liv.|- I gotta go. {8293}{8335}- All right. Have a good day.|- Love you. {8336}{8396}- Call me. Tell me how the meeting goes.|- Watch this power walk. {8397}{8452}- Whoo!|/- Whoo! {8453}{8508}Hey, did you get the changes to the brief? {8509}{8561}- Read and highlighted in the cab.|- Great. {8562}{8632}Purse. It's like the whole city|is made out of lint. {8633}{8732}/It's an aggressive approach, exploiting|/the weaknesses of our plai ntiff's case... {8733}{8783}and I think judicially|we'll find favor- {8784}{8856}Particularly if we pull Justice Givens. {8857}{8904}Thank you, Liv. {8905}{8952}Our best associate, Mr. Simmons. {8953}{9005}Maybe your approach|is too aggressive. {9006}{9057}/I mean, if we pound them... {9058}{9114}as you suggest, they'll hardly|be in the mood to settle. {9115}{9194}Mr. Simmons, you don't-|You don't know me, but l- {9195}{9241}/I know you. {9242}{9297}All you need to know|is how badly you want to win... {9298}{9393}because we won't be settling. {9394}{9468}You're right. She's perfect. {9469}{9556}- Oh, Ms. Allan?|- Hey, Robert. What's up? {9557}{9637}I think Ms. Delgado|is looking for you. {9638}{9697}Is she? W-Was she nearby? {9698}{9827}- She- She's in her room.|- She's- {9846}{9893}Emma, there you are. {9894}{9974}- Oh, God, Deb. Hi.|- I know. Isn't it gorgeous? {9975}{10049}God, I feel so blessed to have this body. {10050}{10122}- You know, I am so late-|- No, no, no. Listen. You gotta help me out here. {10123}{10177}- You know the debate team?|- Yeah. {10178}{10244}I cannot go to the state finals. {10245}{10325}I mean, children talking|about their little problems. {10326}{10384}Ugh! You gotta do it for me. {10385}{10489}Yeah, Deb, I'm already doing|your late bus patrol... {10490}{10561}and pep squad and your|after-school detention. {10562}{10636}You're the debate team adviser.|I don't think that I should- {10637}{10649}I know. {10650}{10697}I do so much. {10698}{10754}I wish I could just|do the bare minimum. {10755}{10810}I so admire you for that. {10811}{10861}Thank you. {10862}{10912}Anyway, all right, look.|Here's how we'll work it out. {10913}{10976}- I'll do the debate team-|- Okay, good. {10977}{11065}Uh-huh. If you take my Tuesday|study halls for the rest of the yea r. {11066}{11113}- Okay?|- Yeah, that's- No. {11114}{11184}All right. You owe me, girl. {11185}{11250}- Get out of the hallway, kids!|/- You know why she does this? {11251}{11313}- You're the best teacher at that school.|- No, l- {11314}{11369}She's trying to overwork you,|so you crack under pressure. {11370}{11423}- Mm-mmm.|- Middle school's a jungle. {11424}{11476}I don't know. I think she's kind of sad. {11477}{11565}I mean, she's been divorced,|like, three times. {11566}{11649}She's way ahead of us.|I mean, where are our divorces? {11650}{11697}I gotta get married first. {11698}{11792}God, I hate Daniel! {11826}{11881}No, Kevin. I'm dealing with a crisis. {11882}{11929}What's your crisis? {11930}{11987}Uh, that's code for|"I don't want to talk to you." {11988}{12040}Oh, I see. Well, then thank you|for putting /me through. {12041}{12087}/See? I told you those jeans|would look great on you. {12088}{12108}They aren't too tight? {12109}{12164}/No, no. Not at all. But this- {12165}{12221}I mean, Emma, yellow-|Not your color. {12222}{12293}Okay? Seriously.|Oh, but you know what? Try this. {12294}{12341}Because-You know what? Keep it. {12342}{12461}- Well-|- It never hung right on me anyway. {12462}{12509}Of course it doesn't|hang right on you. {12510}{12617}It's... my size, and it's new. {12618}{12681}This is the Dolce blouse|I told you about last week. {12682}{12740}- Liv, I can't.|- Hey, hey. It was on sale. {12741}{12809}- I practically made money on it.|- Liv, it's too much. {12810}{12897}Emma, Emma. Emma-|Just say thank you. Just- {12898}{12964}- Thank you. It's beautiful. I love it.|/- Good. {12965}{13040}Now this- Emma's stuff. Emma's stuff.|Let's get rid of it at one p oint. {13041}{13088}You moved out, like,|a hundred years ago. Okay. {13089}{13280}- Daniel's sweater? Cardigan? You wanna try that?|- Yeah, love it. {13281}{13336}Oh- {13366}{13414}Tiffany box. {13415}{13466}- You're getting engaged?|- I'm getting engaged. {13467}{13540}- I'm getting engaged!|- You're getting engaged! {13541}{13572}- Oh, my God!|- Oh, my God! {13573}{13635}- Emma-|- No! Stop it. No. Liv! {13636}{13705}- I have to look.|- Stop it! No! No! {13706}{13771}No, no! {13773}{13864}You can't stop me. {13871}{13943}I'm sorry. {13945}{14012}But he should see your face|when you first see the ring. {14013}{14056}Good call. {14057}{14104}You always think of others, Emma. {14105}{14152}It never occurs to me like that. {14153}{14255}I mean, sometimes it does. {14256}{14324}I'm really happy for you. {14325}{14389}Promise me you won't tell anyone|until after he proposes. {14390}{14548}Oh, God. I would never.|I'd be out of my mind. {14568}{14645}I'm engaged! {14677}{14740}- Can we get four tequila shots?|- No. No. {14741}{14800}No, no, no. None for me. {14801}{14848}- Oh, right.|- I'm fine. {14849}{14932}Acapulco, 2006-|Emma and Fletcher on a break. {14933}{14981}"Never talk about that weekend again." {14982}{15090}"I'm so lonely and confused,|and very thirsty. Please, Miguel"- {15091}{15144}Okay, okay, okay.|Make it stop. Please. {15145}{15194}/All right, a toast. {15195}{15262}To Liv-|Congratulations to an amazing friend. {15263}{15329}And condolences to Emma,|Liv's maid of honor. {15330}{15396}She will surely be|the most nightmarish bride ever. {15397}{15444}It is my burden and mine alone. {15445}{15514}- I'll be repaying the favor very soon. Cheers.|- Drink up. {15515}{15608}- What did I rush down here for?|- Nate! I'm getting married. {15609}{15649}- Get out.|- Yeah. {15650}{15697}Oh, my God. Sister's gettin' married here. {15698}{15788}- Where's-Where's the groom?|- Oh. Oh. He's not /here. {15789}{15876}Well, he hasn't actually|popped the question yet. {15877}{15918}A toast-To Daniel... {15919}{15981}/who in his own world|/is just working late... {15982}{16029}but I guess in Liv's world|has just proposed. {16030}{16077}So God bless him for wanting... {16078}{16136}to spend his life|with my sister in any world. {16137}{16237}- To Liv.|- We love ya. {16238}{16376}- He's a lucky guy.|/- Yep. The biggest day of a girl's life. {16377}{16482}I'm gonna be right back. {16597}{16714}- Damn. Should I?|- I got it. {17006}{17112}I mean, they didn't get|to see me graduate law school... {17113}{17229}or read Nate's first story|in /New York magazine. {17230}{17352}So I can't share this with 'em. {17358}{17459}I wish your parents|could be here too. {17460}{17552}Whatever. It's fine. I'm fine. {17553}{17600}Liv, you're only human. {17601}{17690}You don't have to have it together|every minute of every day. {17691}{17780}Former chubby girls-|We're made of steel. {17781}{17855}And Splenda. We survive. {17856}{17905}Well, first of all, you weren't fat. {17906}{18004}But, yes, you do survive. {18005}{18052}- Thanks, Em.|- You're welcome, Liv. {18053}{18109}You're gonna be|the best maid of honor. {18110}{18160}- Yes, I am.|- What do we do first? {18161}{18208}First- Oh! I was thinking. {18209}{18266}It might be a good idea|to actually get the proposal. {18267}{18314}See? It's that head for details. {18315}{18364}Yeah, right? I know. {18365}{18415}/... people watching this|performance at home... {18416}{18468}/with a huge question mark. {18469}{18536}Hey, babe? I don't think|they sent us any fortune cookies. {18537}{18604}/No, they sent 'em.|/I got them right here. {18605}{18660}Oh, good. {18661}{18752}Okay. Here we are. {18757}{18804}- I'm just cuing it up.|- Mm-hmm. {18805}{18859}- This guy's gotta go. I'm sorry. I know you like him.|- Mm-hmm. {18860}{18920}- He's very pitchy.|- You know, Fletch, that is actually a real th ing. {18921}{18970}Pitchy. It's not just code|for someone you don't like. {18971}{19018}Oh, okay. You're pitchy. {19019}{19077}Oh, uh, that one's mine. {19078}{19084}Please. {19085}{19140}You're really calling|dibs on fortune cookies now? {19141}{19190}- Yeah. It's on the right side.|- Okay, it's fine. {19191}{19204}Yours is the left. {19205}{19248}If your fortune's better|than mine, I'm claiming it. {19249}{19292}- I don't think it will be.|- Okay. Are you ready? {19293}{19338}- One-|- Two. {19339}{19401}Three. {19615}{19662}What's this? {19663}{19741}I put a lot of thought|into where I was gonna do this... {19742}{19792}and, uh, I wanna do it here. {19793}{19840}This is our home... {19841}{19960}and if I'm 99 years old and we're|doing exactly this in our home- {19961}{20032}TV and gettin' Chinese food- {20033}{20153}that'll be good enough for me. {20154}{20208}So, Emma Allan? {20209}{20256}- Uh-huh?|- Will you marry me? {20257}{20327}Yes. Yes. {20352}{20432}It didn't happen tonight. {20433}{20504}- But I'm not worried, 'cause I'm sure Daniel's-|- I-I'm engaged. {20505}{20626}Fletcher just proposed,|like, two minutes ago. {20627}{20674}I'm engaged. {20675}{20709}- Color?|- Colorless. {20710}{20752}- Cut?|- Brilliant. {20753}{20800}- Clarity?|- Slightly included. {20801}{20853}- Carat?|- Almost, maybe just under. {20854}{20910}More than he could afford, I'm sure. {20911}{20971}Ohhh. {20981}{21060}Engaged? Wow! {21065}{21124}Liv's engaged. You're engaged. {21125}{21200}That's-That's- {21201}{21302}C-Can I call you back? {21353}{21410}What do you mean|Emma's engaged? {21411}{21474}No. Of course I'm happy.|Why wouldn't I be happy? {21475}{21524}I think it's great. Yeah. {21525}{21603}No, you don't have to come here.|I'm fine. I'm not gonna eat anyth ing. Okay. {21604}{21707}And I have the perfect|wedding present. {21708}{21864}You are going to live|with Emma and Fletcher. {21934}{21984}You're irritating me. {21985}{22029}I can't believe it. {22030}{22108}It's so weird having this on my finger.|I mean, hey, look. {22109}{22181}- It even sparkles in the rain.|- Blinding. Ouch. {22182}{22241}So I'm thinking about getting|DJ Humble to spin at my party. {22242}{22301}- I don't know though. Is that weird?|- You should go for it. {22302}{22349}- I'm not really a big band kind of girl.|- Whatever. {22350}{22412}- It's your wedding.|- Oh. My mom can't fly up until the wedding. {22413}{22476}She's too busy with work.|But who cares. I've got you, right? {22477}{22615}- Yeah. I'm so psyched.|- So would you come with me to meet her? {22616}{22678}- I'm sorry. What? Meet who?|- Marion St. Claire. {22679}{22738}Haven't you been listening?|I've got an appointment with her on Fr iday. {22739}{22786}- You already made an appointment?|- Yeah. {22787}{22842}- You just got engaged last night.|- I know. {22843}{22890}But technically, I'm already behind. {22891}{22940}You gotta book early|if you want the Plaza. {22941}{23013}The Plaza? I can't believe this. {23014}{23068}What-What's the matter?|Why are you mad? {23069}{23119}I'm not mad. No, not at you. {23120}{23192}I just don't know|what's taking Daniel so long. {23193}{23252}Oh, God. I'm sorry.|I shouldn't have- {23253}{23309}We don't have to talk about this.|Let's just drop it. {23310}{23358}Don't worry about me.|Worry about Daniel. {23359}{23406}- He's gonna be dead soon.|- Why? What- {23407}{23454}- Call you later.|- What are you go- {23455}{23570}Liv, you let him|do this his own way. {23571}{23630}Excuse me. Excuse me. {23631}{23703}Excuse me! {23745}{23792}Honey! {23793}{23840}Will you just marry me, already? {23841}{23915}Yeah. Okay. {23941}{23988}Isn't that what you want?|'Cause it's what I want... {23989}{24037}and I just wanna know|if you want to marry me. {24038}{24109}- Don't you wanna get married?|- Honey, can we talk about this lat er? {24110}{24184}Oh, you changed your mind?|I saw the Tiffany box in the closet. {24185}{24247}Right? {24329}{24423}- Uh-|- Oh, my God. {24435}{24482}It's not a ring? {24483}{24556}If it's a key chain|I'm gonna kill myself... {24557}{24622}- and I'm taking you down with me.|- Oh. {24623}{24677}Could you just tell me|right here and right now? {24678}{24733}Is it something that you would want? {24734}{24781}Would you want-|Would you want to get married? {24782}{24829}You know what I will tell you? {24830}{24913}I have never met a more obnoxious... {24914}{25000}/complicated, overbearing... {25001}{25088}gorgeous, smart, sexy woman in my life. {25089}{25147}And- {25148}{25261}if you had just waited until tonight- {25262}{25324}- then you wouldn't be the woman|I fell in love with... {25325}{25372}because she doesn't know|how to wait. {25373}{25418}- Will you hold that for a second?|- Yeah. {25419}{25509}Which is fine, as long as I get|to spend the rest of my life... {25510}{25578}trying to catch up with her. {25579}{25640}- Liv?|- Hmm? {25641}{25728}Will you marry me? {25729}{25776}- Are you proposing?|- Mmm. {25777}{25858}Really? Honey, it's so out of nowhere. {25859}{25938}- Liv, shut up. Yes or no?|- Yes. Yes. {25939}{25997}- Babe.|- Yes. {25998}{26058}- This is not how I planned it.|/- Are you kidding? {26059}{26114}Oh! {26130}{26284}- I love "Bring Your Hot Girlfriend to Work" day.|- Totally. {26285}{26332}/And that is the journey that brought... {26333}{26441}/these two young brides to my townhouse|/on that particular aftern oon. {26442}{26520}- No, no, no. Don't do that.|Not now. Not now. Let's go. {26521}{26568}Okay. I'm good. {26569}{26616}/I'm Marion St. Claire... {26617}{26792}/the most sought-after|/wedding planner in Manhattan. {26889}{26960}- Hi. We're Marion's 1:00.|- Mm-hmm. {26961}{27052}We're both getting married,|and we're both each other's maid of ho nor. {27053}{27163}No way. That's incredible. {27219}{27338}Ms. St. Claire will see you now. {27339}{27388}- Hi. I'm Liv Lerner.|- Hi, Ms. St. Claire. Wow. {27389}{27425}- This is Emma Allan.|- What an honor. {27426}{27472}- We've been best friends for a long time.|- I can't believe this. {27473}{27494}Sit. {27495}{27584}- Okay.|- Got it. {27685}{27764}A wedding marks the first day... {27765}{27813}of the rest of your life. {27814}{27880}You have been dead until now. {27881}{27944}/W- Were you aware of that? {27945}{27997}You're dead right now. {27998}{28030}- I understand.|- Thank you. {28031}{28120}Angela, for example, will die dead. {28121}{28202}/Now I've read the brief|/that she put together on you- {28203}{28306}June weddings at the Plaza. {28307}{28408}So it's not even a remote possibility? {28409}{28495}If you'd gone elsewhere, not a chance. {28496}{28567}But you've come to me. {28568}{28628}Call me dream catcher. I'll answer. {28629}{28716}Ooh. Dream catcher. {28717}{28776}I happen to have... {28777}{28914}/three openings at the Plaza in June. {28916}{28971}Two the first Saturday... {28972}{29030}and one the last Saturday. {29031}{29084}That would be the 6th and the 27 th. {29085}{29148}Oh! My parents' anniversary|is the 6th. That's so meant to be. {29149}{29196}- Oh, my gosh!|- Yeah. {29197}{29253}- Well, then I'll take the 27 th.|- Great. {29254}{29320}Um, you'll wanna discuss this|with your grooms. {29321}{29370}- No.|- All right then. {29371}{29425}Just sign and... {29426}{29476}date these. {29477}{29529}- Okay.|- This feels pretty good right now, I gotta say. {29530}{29602}Now, uh, we should discuss themes. {29603}{29652}- Uh, elegant minimalism-|- Classic traditionalism- {29653}{29756}- with romantic textures.|- and trendy infusion. {29757}{29812}- I'm impressed.|- Really? {29813}{29892}- Well, we love you so much.|- She means- She means "Thank you." {29893}{29952}Your 1:15 is here, Ms. St. Claire. {29953}{30020}Thank you... so much. {30021}{30105}/I have packets for you up front. {30106}{30166}Bride to bride, there's only|one June opening left at the Plaza. {30167}{30248}Oh, my God. Thank you.|You are so sweet. {30249}{30326}Ms. St. Claire, first off,|I'm obsessed with you. {30327}{30374}- Uh, it's an honor and a privilege.|- Sit. {30375}{30435}Sure. {30576}{30670}June. At the Plaza. {30716}{30792}/Look at them-|So blissfully unaware... {30793}{30850}/of the implications|/of their wedding date. {30851}{30967}/You see, at this point, June was|/a mere three and a half months away- {30968}{31028}/A blink of an eye, in wedding time. {31029}{31088}/Got my dreams, got my life, got my love {31089}{31150}/Got my friends|/Got the sunshine above {31151}{31206}/Why am I making this|/hard on myself {31207}{31273}/When there's so many|/beautiful reasons I have to be {31274}{31336}/Happy {31385}{31445}/Yeah {31652}{31755}Oh, my God. Oh, my God. {31757}{31804}Miss Wang- {31805}{31857}Ohh- Lace bodice. {31858}{31941}Basque waist, 10-layer tulle- {31942}{31992}You should try it on. {31993}{32048}No. No, no. I'm wearing my mom's dress. {32049}{32096}Emma, are you sure? {32097}{32173}Your mom's dress is beautiful,|but is- is it your dream or hers? {32174}{32232}It's mine. It's mine.|I wanna surprise her. {32233}{32280}But it is your day. {32281}{32349}Can't you just send her a big box|of chocolates on Mother's Day... {32350}{32408}- and get the dress you want?|- It's really pretty. {32409}{32484}- And I do love strapless.|- Me too. {32485}{32554}I feel like I'm cheating|on my mom's dress. {32555}{32620}I can't. I can't. I've very comfortable|with my decision. {32621}{32688}- I'm just gonna put it back. Put it back.|- Okay. {32689}{32758}But I mean, if /you like it... {32759}{32828}- you should try it on.|- No. You saw it first. {32829}{32835}Please. {32836}{32896}That's a terrible reason.|We're gonna try this on, okay? {32897}{33019}No, uh, I'm gonna... try it on. {33038}{33112}It's stunning. It's perfect. {33113}{33186}- I know. Right?|- Mm-hmm. {33187}{33234}I should probably keep looking. {33235}{33310}Do you think there is something|better than Vera Wang? {33311}{33390}I'm sorry. Do they keep that next to|the something that is better than chocolate? {33391}{33472}- Liv, get the dress.|- What if you change your mind? {33473}{33526}Just be very careful about|any pre-wedding weight gain. {33527}{33608}You don't alter a Vera to fit you;|you alter yourself to fit Vera. {33609}{33732}Weight gain. Please.|Yeah. Right. Me lose control? {33733}{33787}You see these eyes?|You know what that is? {33788}{33844}Focus. That's right. {33845}{33933}Well, it's contacts- and focus. {33934}{33997}- You know, I'll take it.|- Perfect. {33998}{34113}I'll get you more champagne. {34227}{34292}Marion. {34293}{34340}A terrible mistake has been made... {34341}{34411}one I assure you|has never happened before... {34412}{34496}in the House of St. Claire. {34497}{34582}Your weddings have been|booked on the same day. {34583}{34654}/Can you say that again?|/I'm sorry. What? {34655}{34724}Your weddings|have been scheduled for the same date. {34725}{34804}- Mother "F."|- Are you insane? {34805}{34864}The Plaza is our lifelong dream. {34865}{34936}Angela... mixed up the dates. {34937}{35012}You are now both set|to be married June 6... {35013}{35060}and the other bride on June 27. {35061}{35144}/The next available date|/at the Plaza is June 15- {35145}{35280}- Perfect. I'll take it.|- Three years from now. {35281}{35348}- This is no-|- No, I can't- {35349}{35402}It's no problem.|Hold on. It's no problem. {35403}{35497}Because I'll negotiate it.|I negotiate for a living. {35498}{35554}I'll get the other bride|to switch her dates with you. {35555}{35567}Trust me. {35568}{35624}You can't say no to that face. {35625}{35706}/Yes, well, our confidentiality agreement... {35707}{35754}means that I cannot tell you who she is... {35755}{35872}so which one of you will choose a different venue? {35873}{35944}/I'm leaving right now, Ms. St. Claire. {35945}{36024}Word to the wise, dear-|and also to you- {36025}{36142}do not use me as a reference. {36346}{36392}- Hello, Angela.|- Just... {36393}{36436}tell us where the other bride is... {36437}{36552}and nobody's gonna get hurt. {36817}{36845}- Hi.|- Hello, Stacy. {36846}{36875}- How are you?|- It's Emma and Liv. {36876}{36920}- You look gorgeous.|- Did you lose weight? {36921}{36968}You want me to change|the date of my wedding? {36969}{37016}/- Yeah.|- That'd be great. {37017}{37104}- No.|- You take the 6th, give me the 27 th- {37105}{37152}She can be your wedding buddy. {37153}{37212}- I'm a ball. Really. I am.|- Don't touch me. {37213}{37276}Let's talk numbers. {37277}{37336}Every wedding has a price, hon.|What's yours? {37337}{37402}You can't buy me. So again, no. {37403}{37484}No, no, no. A thousand times, no. {37485}{37576}Good luck, ladies. {37617}{37689}There's something wrong with you. {37690}{37752}You're not leaving|until you change your- {37753}{37818}/- She's crazy! {37819}{37919}- Just change your date.|- She's crazy! Somebody call Security. {37920}{38008}- You won't even change your date!|- You're crazy! {38009}{38077}- It's unnecessary for you to touch me so hard.|- Technically, she pushed me too. {38078}{38181}- Come on. Have a nice day.|- Whatever. {38182}{38251}We could sue. We could sue.|You're a lawyer. We could sue 'em all. {38252}{38311}We could sue the Plaza. We could sue Marion.|We could sue Angela- {38312}{38367}What's the point?|None of them are gonna make it right. {38368}{38422}No. It's up to us.|I want you at my wedding. {38423}{38479}And whichever way this works out... {38480}{38539}one of us will just have|to be married on a different day. {38540}{38611}Absolutely. I mean, you know,|I want you at /my wedding. {38612}{38700}Obviously. If we can't|think of any other way out of this... {38701}{38748}one of us will simply|have to be flexible. {38749}{38838}Yeah. One of us will just|have to change venues. {38839}{38886}Right. One of us could. {38887}{38944}/Probably, um, not... {38945}{38999}the one of us who's been|saving up for a decade... {39000}{39070}because she makes a pittance|compared to the other one of us, but- {39071}{39130}True. I mean, or it would be... {39131}{39204}if the other one of us wasn't|so desperate to get married at the P laza... {39205}{39293}because the Plaza, practically, is the only|happy memory she has o f her childhood. {39294}{39391}- So, oops. That's-|- Right. {39392}{39454}- One of us will have to move her date.|- Yep. {39455}{39525}One of us will. {39526}{39585}And until one of us decides, we shouldn't|make any concrete plans. {39586}{39641}Agreed. There's some time|before we lock things in. {39642}{39697}- Let's just not do anything-|- Right. {39698}{39751}- until one of us moves her date.|- Okay. {39752}{39817}So, um- {39852}{39908}Talk to you soon.|One of us should- {39909}{39964}Call the other one. {39965}{40033}/One of us hasn't called me yet,|/but you know what? {40034}{40106}She's gonna move her date. She always was|the bendy one, even as a kid, remember? {40107}{40248}Yeah, she didn't sound|too bendy to me. {40295}{40351}I called Fletch, and she picked up. {40352}{40399}/He's doin' my taxes tomorrow night. {40400}{40448}You can't get all buddy-buddy|with him. Not now. {40449}{40492}Anyway, Daniel can do your taxes.|He's "financey." {40493}{40587}It's a hedge fund, babe.|We don't do a lot of tax prep. {40588}{40613}Whatever. You do our taxes. {40614}{40669}Fletch has been my accountant|for six years. I'm going. {40670}{40742}/You're being ridiculous.|/Just have a double wedding. {40743}{40796}What are we, 41 -year-old twin sisters? {40797}{40864}Babe! Double wedding. {40865}{40950}/A double wedding.|I think that's a great idea. {40951}{41035}- It would be a hell of a party.|- You know, uh, no. {41036}{41109}I've shared everything my whole life with Liv. {41110}{41165}I'd kinda like my own day just-just once. {41166}{41223}I know, bug. Is this everything?|This is all your gas receipts- {41224}{41277}Threw it all in the shoe box.|I don't know. {41278}{41335}It's my dream too-To get married at the Plaza. {41336}{41440}I have been saving since I was 16. {41441}{41502}/I just need a few more days|/to... let it go. {41503}{41571}I'll find a new dream.|Liv's reasons are better than mine. {41572}{41633}/It's like American Idol, /all right? {41634}{41688}Liv is the Simon. Ugh. God. {41689}{41748}I mean, no offense.|But you're the Paula. {41749}{41823}/Even when they can't sing,|/you compliment their outfit. {41824}{41899}/- It's nice.|- Well, but everyone listens to Simon. {41900}{42015}I wouldn't marry Simon.|I'd marry me some Paula. {42016}{42074}Mmm. {42098}{42175}- That's nice.|- Just pick one. I'm fine with any of' em. {42176}{42235}See? That's why I need a maid of honor.|You don't care. {42236}{42283}l- Hey, you wanna have her|back in the game? {42284}{42339}You know what you're gonna have to do,|and the sooner the better. {42340}{42387}- We need to give our guests some notice.|- Exactly. {42388}{42464}Which is why save-the-dates|are so key, but you don't care. {42465}{42521}- It's not that I don't care.|- Well, get your phone then. {42522}{42599}- Hello?|- Men. {42600}{42694}Yo, Fletch. No, nothin' much.|Just lookin' at save-the-dates or in vites. {42695}{42743}- Are we still on for tomorrow?|- Yeah, totally. {42744}{42830}Any sign of progress on your end?|Is Liv softening at all? {42831}{42887}No way. And there's no way|she's gonna blink first. {42888}{42935}/They haven't spoken for a week. {42936}{42985}That's a century in girl years. {42986}{43057}What is it about weddings|that makes 'em so worked up? {43058}{43110}I know. I have no idea. {43111}{43179}It's, like, the wrong time to let|the guy know that you're crazy. {43180}{43240}- You know what I mean? It's not how I'd play it.|- Yeah. {43241}{43290}Oh, you know what? She's here now. {43291}{43338}- I'll see you tomorrow?|- All right. {43339}{43386}/Hey. {43387}{43434}- Hi, sweetie.|- Hi. {43435}{43494}- How was pep squad?|- I hate pep squad. {43495}{43563}I particularly hate|peppy teenage girls... {43564}{43647}who insist everyone be aggressive-|B.E. aggressive. {43648}{43801}It's, like, there are other pathways in life|besides aggression, y ou know? {43802}{43893}I'm gonna call Liv. {43894}{43941}- Really?|- Yeah. {43942}{44005}Amie and Marissa are|throwing us that joint shower... {44006}{44084}and it'd be good to have all this|behind us by then. Right? {44085}{44132}/- You sure?|- Yeah. {44133}{44212}/Yeah. I agree. I was just talkin'|/to Daniel. She's on her cell. {44213}{44286}You should call her. They're out|doin' their save-the-dates or wha tever. {44287}{44412}- What?|- You should hit her up. {44422}{44506}You have to know your "date" date... {44507}{44631}to send out your save-the-dates. {44632}{44682}Oh. {44683}{44755}We were both gonna wait, and she- she- {44756}{44806}I ca- I can't believe it. {44807}{44871}You can't believe this?|Really? It's Liv. {44872}{44933}- She's always thinking about number one.|/- No. {44934}{44996}Not this time. No.|No, no, no, no, no. {44997}{45054}I am a bride too. Okay? {45055}{45151}/I'm number one too. {45158}{45293}l-You are my number one.|I know. That's how I feel. {45294}{45380}Bug, what are you doing? {45381}{45439}/- Subject-|- Listen. Listen. No, no, no, no, no. {45440}{45495}Emergency. This is not spam. {45496}{45589}/- I'm getting married, June 6-|- You don't have to slam on the ke ys. {45590}{45705}The Plaza Hotel. Be there.|X-O-X-O-X-O-X-O. Emma. {45706}{45779}Address book. B.C.C. everyone. {45780}{45827}/Oops. Not you, Liv. {45828}{45905}/- And send. {46051}{46120}"Emergen-C-C-C.|'Thys' is 'nit' spam. {46121}{46234}I'm get married. June 6th." {46252}{46339}"K.J.A."? "Kuh-jaw"? {46340}{46399}"Emma." {46400}{46505}What is "kuh-jaw," Emma? {46508}{46587}Great. Emma's wedding's|gonna be better than ours was. {46588}{46643}Glen. {46644}{46718}Maybe her marriage|will be better too. {46719}{46829}Not filled with loneliness and sadness. {46830}{46888}I hope you can appreciate|the positions Amie and I are in. {46889}{46948}- We're not taking sides.|- Relax. {46949}{47030}We're not making any plans|until we figure this out. {47031}{47041}Wow. {47042}{47088}- You're so cool about it.|- Yeah. {47089}{47116}How else am I gonna be? {47117}{47186}- I mean -Without taking sides though,|I have to say... {47187}{47247}Emma's save-the-date e-mail|was a smidge tacky. {47248}{47308}I mean, "June 6 at the Plaza," smiley face? {47309}{47374}What's next, hearts over her i's? {47375}{47434}/- Come on, really- What was she thinking?|- Oh, hey. {47435}{47511}- I know, right?|- That was so tacky. {47512}{47641}- It's shocking.|/- Hi. Hi, Heidi. {47683}{47796}- Oh, Elizabeth, I love my ring.|/- Oh, my gosh. {47797}{47859}/Emma? {47930}{47993}You sent out your save-the-dates? {47994}{48067}Yeah, I did, actually. {48068}{48123}Uh- {48153}{48223}Surprised? {48224}{48283}So one of us... {48284}{48387}is not moving her date? {48389}{48523}Well, you amaze me, Liv. You really do. {48524}{48633}You-You never ask me what I want.|You just figure you know best, e nd of story. {48634}{48681}"Emma, wear this.|Emma, say that." {48682}{48729}Well, Emma's pretty|frickin' tired of it. {48730}{48736}Oh, whoa. {48737}{48778}Don't think I didn't notice|how totally freaked out... {48779}{48825}you were because I had the nerve|to get engaged before you did. {48826}{48842}/Okay, wait. {48843}{48893}First of all, Daniel|bought that ring in December. {48894}{48979}Okay? So officially, I was first. {48980}{49003}Oh, pathetic. Pathetic! {49004}{49085}/Second, people always make you|/do things you don't wanna do. {49086}{49172}Emma, it's like you don't have a spine.|Oh, wait. That's right. {49173}{49228}You /don't have a spine. {49229}{49287}Wow. {49291}{49340}No one could accuse you|of being soft, Liv. {49341}{49414}/You grabbed the first date|/in June Marion offered... {49415}{49475}without even asking me first. {49476}{49531}At least I'm not so terrified|of being alone... {49532}{49628}that I people-please|my way through life. {49629}{49676}Emma, you settle. {49677}{49747}Are you saying that|I'm settling with Fletcher? {49748}{49796}I wasn't thinking about Fletcher. {49797}{49853}You came up with that one on your own. {49854}{49912}Ooh. {49967}{50016}Move your date, Liv. {50017}{50125}You move your date, Emma. {50195}{50291}It's done. You lose. {50336}{50453}Your wedding better watch it. {50456}{50521}What did you just say? {50522}{50606}I said your wedding|should be very scared right now. {50607}{50713}If I were your wedding,|I'd sleep with one eye open. {50714}{50790}Why don't you just|save your threats for Daniel? {50791}{50862}After all, isn't that how|you got a proposal out of him? {50863}{50921}- That's how I did it.|- Your wedding can suck it. {50922}{50998}What did you just say?|My wedding can suck it? {50999}{51053}- I said your wedding can suck it.|- Your wedding can s- be- {51054}{51133}I mean, yours can be, um- {51134}{51190}Can-Can be, uh- {51191}{51246}not that- {51247}{51312}Please. {51331}{51376}- Bye, ladies.|- Hey, Liv. {51377}{51435}Yes. {51442}{51516}Your wedding will be huge. {51517}{51630}Just like your ass at prom. {51634}{51708}We're done. {51897}{51994}5:00, Saturday, June 6. Done. {51995}{52045}- Done.|- Hmm. {52046}{52063}Good. {52064}{52143}Now we just have to find you|another maid of honor, uh, and fast. {52144}{52199}You'll be spending more time|with her than with the groom. {52200}{52272}- My friends won't take sides.|- Who says it has to be a friend? {52273}{52329}- No! No! Not just a bridesmaid.|/- This spot okay? {52330}{52420}Yeah. Maid of honor. Maid of honor. {52421}{52473}Yeah. We were so close in law school. {52474}{52521}That study group was nuts. {52522}{52595}Oh, sweetie, you are|my second cousin's best friend. {52596}{52664}Of course you were at the very top|of my maid of honor list. {52665}{52750}Honestly, Carla. Caitlin? {52751}{52874}Erin, no. I did not sleep with him. {52875}{52922}All right, okay. I did, actually. {52923}{53000}Once. Twice. {53002}{53129}What difference does it make?|He was a loser, and he was lousy in- {53130}{53223}You did? Really?|I didn't hear that- {53224}{53310}Two kids? Wow. You guys|must have had really cute kids. {53311}{53407}Uh, yeah. Tell him I say hi, and- {53408}{53634}Actually, I'm hopping into a cab,|so I'm gonna give you a call a l ittle later. {53635}{53721}- Kevin?|- Yeah? {53749}{53834}/I'd like to promote you- {53835}{53896}to mister of honor. {53897}{53980}Do I get- Is-|Is it, like, a pay thing? {53981}{54058}No. Just- It's just an honor. {54059}{54154}/ Uh, have a classmate read your draft.|/I think that's a great id ea. {54155}{54219}/Because by letting a classmate|/read your draft- {54220}{54299}Oh, thank God. All right.|You guys finish the rest of this. {54300}{54380}Just read it yourselves. {54381}{54428}- Did you get my note?|- Yeah. {54429}{54500}Can you take my late bus patrol today? {54501}{54556}Sure. {54557}{54623}- Deb?|- Yeah? {54624}{54684}Yeah? {54698}{54770}- I know we're not exactly friends-|- We're not? {54771}{54843}- Then why am I always doing you favors?|- You never do me- {54844}{54918}Never mind. {54934}{54984}How'd you like to be my maid of honor? {54985}{55032}Do I get to pick out my own dress? {55033}{55083}I tend to draw the eye,|so it's gotta be good. {55084}{55131}Absolutely. {55132}{55191}I mean, you know, I might|make some suggestions, but- {55192}{55279}Oh, you know, I'm really swamped though.|I'd need a lot of help. {55280}{55327}What do you think the bride is for? {55328}{55378}To make the maid of honor's|life easier, right? {55379}{55440}I mean, come on. Please. {55441}{55525}Aw. All right. Since you begged- {55526}{55580}- Okay.|- I'll be your maid of honor. {55581}{55638}It's gonna be great. {55639}{55735}It's gonna be great. {55765}{55825}Whew. {55847}{55911}/Hey, can I make a suggestion? {55912}{56001}Have you ever heard|of"pee-not gree-gio"? {56002}{56052}/It's this really nice white wine. {56053}{56115}It's very elegant. {56116}{56163}Mmm. {56164}{56211}- Now, your music is-|- Yes. {56212}{56335}still pending, and, sadly, D.J. Humble|is no longer available on t hat date. {56336}{56438}Oh? But he and I had a deal- in principle. {56439}{56486}Yes, well, one of|my other brides outbid you. {56487}{56551}/I can't give you|/her name, of course. {56552}{56612}That bitch! {56613}{56671}Not you. No, a different one. {56672}{56742}A person. {56816}{56880}God, she's scary. {56881}{56927}- You don't think that Liv-|- Yeah, I do. {56928}{56978}No. No. She knew|how much that meant to me. {56979}{57092}- It's too cruel. It's too mean-spirited.|- Too in character? {57093}{57140}Hang on. Wait. {57141}{57210}Didn't you tell me|she's wearing a Vera Wang? {57211}{57293}- Yes.|- I read those run really tight... {57294}{57356}and she's kind of an ex-heifer. {57357}{57411}No. No, she's- {57412}{57503}She's- Little bit. {57582}{57635}Mmm. Oh! {57636}{57718}That is good. Excellent. {57719}{57776}Is that like cream cheese?|It /is cream cheese. {57777}{57824}Like a hint. {57825}{57907}- Has Emma chosen her cake yet?|- Let's keep to our own work, shal l we? {57908}{57980}Now, as for the flowers,|Eufloria has put in a bid. {57981}{58063}We just can't have the same cake, that's all.|And I have to have t he seven-tiered... {58064}{58208}white chocolate-curl torte, enrobed|in marzipan with edible pearls and flourishes. {58209}{58256}Well, you're safe. {58257}{58321}Emma has chosen|a less extravagant cake. {58322}{58379}And she's always saying|that she doesn't need... {58380}{58432}to impress people|with how much she can spend. {58433}{58559}- I'm just going to check my ice sculptor Rolodex.|- Right. {58560}{58614}Oh, my God. {58615}{58713}That was a dig at me. {58724}{58827}Emma thinks I'm showing off? {58828}{58907}I never thought she resented how much|money I made, but I guess I was wrong. {58908}{58956}Really? I didn't get that|from what she- {58957}{59011}Marion's eating it up. {59012}{59066}She likes Emma best. {59067}{59148}Emma always gets the sympathy vote.|I never get the sympathy vote, do I? {59149}{59203}Well, maybe it's asking|a little bit too much of people- {59204}{59438}I was worried about her cake. It could be|two Ding-Dongs and a Yod el for all I care. {59439}{59547}What's that? What's that? {59560}{59622}Don't- {59744}{59791}/Dance lessons? {59792}{59884}Damn, she's competitive.|Their dance is totally gonna be better th an ours. {59885}{59978}Let me see Canary Song again.|Dandelion. Canary. {59979}{60055}- Isn't there something in between?|- Sort of like a burnt Canary. {60056}{60129}Video montage of their lives? Really? {60130}{60169}/- It's gotta be Fletcher's idea.|- That's just- {60170}{60226}It's gonna be, like,|pictures of them as babies. {60227}{60274}You know, Emma with one tooth... {60275}{60338}and Fletcher in his little|superhero outfits. It's tacky. {60339}{60389}Can I help you? {60390}{60481}- Yeah. Delivery for Liv Lerner.|- That's chocolate. {60482}{60529}I'll take that. {60530}{60579}Mmm. Looks good. {60580}{60644}"Liv, you deserve this and more." {60645}{60692}Isn't Daniel the sweetest? {60693}{60734}- I'll just have one.|- Thanks. {60735}{60805}Just one. {60857}{60907}/- W-Was she up there?|- Yeah. {60908}{60989}- Oh. And it's impossible to go get them back?|- No, no, no, no. {60990}{61054}She ate half the box already, lady.|Forty-five dollars. {61055}{61103}Yes. Okay. {61104}{61168}That is the agreed upon- {61169}{61216}But just so you know- {61217}{61312}if you heard what was actually|going on, you would totally side wi th me. {61313}{61379}- You gonna tip me?|- I thought that was including tip... {61380}{61486}but anyway, I'll give it to you|because I'm the Paula. {61487}{61534}You know, I've been thinking. {61535}{61595}- If you really want to mess|with Emma's first dance- {61596}{61604}Mm-hmm? {61605}{61689}- There are ways.|- Tell me more. {61690}{61764}I don't know, baby. Dance class? {61765}{61828}Come on. We know how to dance. {61829}{61884}It's a slow dance.|It's like we did in college. {61885}{61979}It's a waltz. It's a little more precise|than just holding each ot her up. {61980}{62036}And besides, Marion says|that our first dance... {62037}{62119}- introduces our couple style to the world.|- Oh, well, naturally. .. {62120}{62190}I'm incredibly concerned with our couple style. {62191}{62256}/Space! {62335}{62385}I am Ricky Coo... {62386}{62454}the Doctor of Dance. {62455}{62522}I bring you motion.|I bring you rhythm. {62523}{62592}I bring you /sex. {62593}{62668}/Please, get on your feet,|/and let's dance! {62669}{62770}/Y'all ready for this? {62872}{62919}/Dance {62920}{62967}/Dance {62968}{63030}/Dance {63160}{63273}Maybe Marion shouldn't be recommending|Ricky Coo, Doctor of Dance so much. {63274}{63321}Yeah. I don't know about Ricky. {63322}{63400}/Good for you. Doing warm-ups. {63401}{63513}Yeah, I got your voice mail saying you wanted|to push the lesson f rom 1:00 to 4:00. {63514}{63591}How long have you been here? {63592}{63665}Oh, my God. {63666}{63748}- What?|- Liv. {63772}{63863}- Uh, just give us a second.|/- I mean, who does that? {63864}{63971}She's finally gone completely crazy.|Not that I'm surprised at all . {63972}{64066}- I mean, she's always been nuts.|- I know. And messing with our c ouple style? {64067}{64135}- There is no way I'm letting her get away with that.|- Good. {64136}{64218}You know who I feel sorry for is Daniel. {64219}{64314}He's not even gonna|be able to control his own wife. {64315}{64375}What? {64392}{64460}No, I'm just saying- It's Liv.|Because she never thinks about- {64461}{64468}And? {64469}{64523}- I'm going inside.|- What? {64524}{64615}/ The final month|/before the big day is a litmus test for couples ... {64616}{64723}/of how they work together,|/solve problems, communicate. {64724}{64862}/The early, happy glow is over,|/and the nerves begin to set in. {64863}{64985}/With some couples, it brings out the|/fundamental conflicts in th eir relationship. {64986}{65065}/With other couples, the lucky ones... {65066}{65158}/it highlights the essential harmony|/of their partnership. {65159}{65263}/Of course, even the luckiest bride|/needs something to take the e dge off. {65264}{65355}Ooh, for me! A Jolly Walrus cookie bouquet.|Is Daniel a keeper or what? {65356}{65422}I'd just be careful.|Miss Wang is a stern mistress. {65423}{65502}Video montage- If there's gonna be|live pictures and, like, video footage- {65503}{65552}I know. It's, like, verging on|being a digital short. {65553}{65646}I don't know how they're gonna|cut me out of the footage. I'm in e verything. {65647}{65704}Oh, this came for you via messenger. {65705}{65756}I can't wait to get into this one. {65757}{65850}Mr. Simmons called again asking|for the update on the agreement. {65851}{65945}/- Rutherford Press? That's my hometown.|- I'm just gonna take thi s. {65946}{65998}Suppose I should just tell them|you're dealing with a crisis? {65999}{66060}Oh, my God. {66061}{66139}They still print|engagement announcements. {66140}{66189}I'm sort of like a celebrity|back there, probably. {66190}{66302}You know, it's like, local girl|makes good. Such sweet people. {66303}{66356}- Oh, wow!|- What the? {66357}{66424}/That's not you. Is it? {66425}{66487}Emma looks gorgeous. {66488}{66574}- But not on the inside, which is-|- Kevin. {66575}{66645}It's the best she can do, huh? {66646}{66734}So lame. She wants to|play dirty? I can play dirty. {66735}{66775}You /can play dirty.|I've seen you do it. {66776}{66824}I went to law school, people. {66825}{66872}I'm starting to think|that 30 is the cutoff. {66873}{66878}Mmm. {66879}{66976}Because it's the last time|men want to date women their age. {66977}{67034}A 30-year-old guy will|date a 30-year-old girl. {67035}{67082}But a 35-year-old guy|wants someone 30. {67083}{67171}A 40-year-old guy|wants someone 30, too, or 28. {67172}{67219}- Mm-hmm.|- It's a terrible planet. {67220}{67298}I know. You know|what I was wondering? {67299}{67358}What are the real reasons behind|Emma and Fletcher having to tie t he knot? {67359}{67519}Why can't they change their date?|Think about it. {67520}{67629}She's pregnant! Emma's pregnant! {67630}{67695}Oh, no. {67715}{67801}- Oh, no!|- Liv? {67802}{67875}Are you all right? What the hell is goin' on? {67876}{67923}/Look, let me in! {67924}{67992}I gained five pounds.|Five pounds. It might as well be 50! {67993}{68040}The dress doesn't fit!|And if the dress doesn't fit... {68041}{68162}my wedding's gonna be|a big black hole in the history of the Plaza ! {68163}{68226}/Well, "A"it's our /wedding, hon. {68227}{68279}And "B"...so what? Let it out. {68280}{68368}You don't alter Vera Wang to fit you. {68369}{68443}You alter yourself to fit Vera. {68444}{68509}- What do boys learn in school?|/- Sorry. {68510}{68564}/It's not the end of the world. {68565}{68659}Really. What-What-What can I do|to make you feel better? {68660}{68750}It's what you can stop doing.|This is all your fault. {68751}{68907}- It's sweet of you to send me those treats, but l-|- What treats? {68908}{68997}You know, the treats.|The Truffle-opolis. {68998}{69065}The truffle tray. {69066}{69149}The Jolly Walrus cookie bouquet? {69150}{69197}International Butter Club? {69198}{69289}The- Honey-|I didn't send you any of that. {69290}{69356}Oh, my God, Emma! {69357}{69418}She's trying to make me fat|so I can't fit into my dress! {69419}{69532}What is that? What is that? {69628}{69675}The International Butter Club? {69676}{69736}You mean, you've actually|been sitting around... {69737}{69893}eating sticks of butter|from different lands? {69918}{70018}/The final week before the|wedding is do-or-die. {70019}{70106}/I expect my brides to be flawless. {70107}{70211}/Perfect hair, skin, nails, everything. {70212}{70294}Hello there.|I need to get to the back really fast. {70295}{70354}Really, really fast, because|I left something there yesterday. {70355}{70431}- It's very important that l-|- I so don't care. {70432}{70506}Go on back. {70620}{70654}/- Miss Allan.|- Oh, hi. {70655}{70705}Hi. Bit of Honey today?|That's the one I loaded. {70706}{70790}Yes, but, uh, just a pre-wedding glow. {70791}{70838}- Sure thing.|- Okay, thanks. {70839}{70907}/I wish you well {70908}{71002}/I hope you survive {71010}{71081}/I hope you live on, baby {71082}{71135}/So I can watch you cry {71136}{71183}/'Cause I know|/in time you'll see {71184}{71248}/What you did to me {71249}{71314}/And you'll come runnin' back {71315}{71410}/I'm gonna rain|/on your parade {71411}{71491}/Oh, I won't take it again {71492}{71582}/And I'll keep raining, raining, raining {71583}{71650}/Over you {71651}{71702}Wow! {71703}{71802}/What happened to you?|/You look like a traffic cone. {71803}{71861}/Will it fade? {71862}{71942}/Sort of.|/This is three loofahs. {71943}{72039}Is it that bad? Fletch said|he didn't think it was that bad. {72040}{72105}Oh, well, honey,|"Filch" is your fiancé. {72106}{72194}He probably told you|you had nice hair too. {72195}{72254}/This wedding stuff|is not a walk in the park. {72255}{72302}/- For sure.|/- I'm surprised. I don't know. {72303}{72382}I'm surprised I haven't been, you know,|sent into my therapist's o ffice. {72383}{72427}That's what I've heard. T-U-F-F. {72428}{72475}You should have heard me|on the phone the other day... {72476}{72518}talking to the guy|who messed up my centerpieces. {72519}{72529}Oh, gosh. {72530}{72596}It was unbelievable. It's like one thing|after another, every sing le time. {72597}{72660}- It snowballs.|- Listen, can I get a little bit more lowlight? {72661}{72730}Yeah, especially right here. Hold that thought,|sweetie. I'm gonna get your color. {72731}{72819}Just make sure it's not so-|Like, more gold base. {72820}{72893}/I'm gonna rain|/on your parade {72894}{72981}/No, I won't take it again {72982}{73147}/And I'll keep raining, raining, raining|/over you {73148}{73195}Maybe I should take up chanting. {73196}{73373}I think it's kind of- might be|necessary at this time of my life. {73374}{73479}- Oh, my God!|- Oh, my God. Is it good? {73480}{73534}Great! {73535}{73624}I get to do noth- {73672}{73732}Okay. I-I don't know|what happened. Um- {73733}{73801}I gotta let it sit for a day or two. {73802}{73845}Maybe I'll try to strip it down to white. {73846}{73905}My hair's blue! {73906}{74006}It's blue! I have blue hair! {74007}{74071}- I'm getting married in a week.|- Congratulations. {74072}{74158}In a week! A week! {74159}{74206}Come on. I know you're in here. {74207}{74313}Ah, here's your video montage. {74314}{74363}Oh, yeah. {74364}{74438}Absolutely. {74505}{74572}/Fletch? {74600}{74656}Bug? Do you have something|you need to tell me? {74657}{74743}- Um-|- Are we about to have a little orange baby? {74744}{74835}/Apparently we're registered|/at Babies "R" Us. {74836}{74910}/Isn't that nice? {74911}{75017}Marissa. Where are you?|I can barely hear you. {75018}{75069}I can't believe you told Emma. {75070}{75120}Whatever. {75121}{75191}You guys, don't get too|attached to the dancers. {75192}{75244}They're paid to be nice to you. {75245}{75322}- Yeah!|/- New York and Japan {75323}{75374}Hello, bride! {75375}{75477}/ All right, all right.|/Now a little birdie has just told me... {75478}{75529}that we have a bride-to-be|in the house tonight. {75530}{75637}- Over here!|/- But she has been a very bad bride. {75638}{75720}/Officer Not-Your-Husband|/is here to arrest you! {75721}{75799}/I'm a model, You know what I mean {75800}{75895}/- And I do my little turn on the catwalk|- You're under arrest... {75896}{75990}for being too sexy. {76031}{76116}Time to be frisked. {76117}{76203}Oh, my goodness! {76207}{76269}Great! {76275}{76416}We got two brides|in the house tonight! {76437}{76498}/Whoa. Whoa, whoa.|Hold up! {76499}{76533}We have two brides|in the house tonight. {76534}{76594}Emma, this party is invitation only. {76595}{76674}I'm getting married too, baby! {76675}{76725}/Well, I'll invite you right up there. {76726}{76810}/- DJ Jazzles invites bride number two up on stage.|- Why not? {76811}{76894}/Come on up here, girl!|/We want to see the way you move! {76895}{76973}/That's what I'm talking about!|/Work it out, girl! {76974}{77029}You can't even let me|have my own bachelorette party? {77030}{77140}Much the way you couldn't let me|have DJ Humble. That was low, Liv . {77141}{77257}By the way, did you hear?|I'm not pregnant, okay? {77258}{77319}I say it's time for a dance-off. Dance-off! {77320}{77471}Dance-off! Dance-off!|Dance-off! Dance-off! {77487}{77585}/You say I'm so crazy {77610}{77687}/- Coming home intoxicated|- Oh! Oh! {77688}{77735}/- I say I just want to love you|/- Come on, Liv! {77736}{77783}/I just wanna love you, baby {77784}{77848}- Aw, come on, Liv.|/- Come on, bride number one. {77849}{77933}- I know y'all can do better than that.|/- Give it to me, baby {77934}{78006}Sprockets! {78148}{78245}/Break it down! Now the sexiest bride|/takes first prize. Let's se e it! {78246}{78386}/We gonna get this party started, y'all! {78387}{78459}/Showdown! {78568}{78630}Space! {78676}{78727}/Check out bride number two! {78728}{78789}/They be watchin' while we wiggle around|/Look at 'em droolin' {78790}{78845}/They ain't used to this sound|/I keep 'em movin' {78846}{78911}/All my ladies put your hands in the air|/It's all right now {78912}{78967}/We gon' keep you up on your feet|/the whole night now {78968}{79014}/Pop them bottles|/Yeah, drink that up, man {79015}{79074}/Got you feelin' crazy|/Well, that was the plan {79075}{79124}/They was waitin' for me|/Wasn't ready for this {79125}{79185}/He got the game sewed up|/No, I'm talkin' bout Swiss {79186}{79233}/- Why would you try {79234}{79291}/We got 'em shakin' everything|/from the hood to Dubai {79292}{79419}/Bride number two, you are|/the sexiest bride of the night, baby. {79420}{79516}/Give it up for bride number two, y'all! {79517}{79687}/Sorry, bride number one.|/Can't win 'em all, girl. {79841}{79940}It's weird, losing.|I gotta say I'm not loving it. {79941}{79988}No, but you were both so good. {79989}{80052}Yeah, you really got up there, and you tried. {80053}{80194}- Forget it. It's my bachelorette party, right?|- Yes. {80195}{80239}Good girl. Here you go. {80240}{80353}It's like you read my mind. {80463}{80532}Oh, my God! {80533}{80607}Oh, my God! {80649}{80723}Taxi! Taxi. {80754}{80841}Kevin. Kevin. I need coffee. {80842}{80920}Excuse me. I need coffee.|I need three Advil. {80921}{80968}Yeah. Four waters. {80969}{81043}Get a splash of that Kahlúa|next to wherever that paralegal is. {81044}{81091}- Hey, Elana.|- Good morning. {81092}{81133}You work too hard.|I'm gonna treat you to lunch. {81134}{81141}Okay. {81142}{81203}- Where are you, Kev? Are you in the office?|- I hear you coming. Liv? {81204}{81250}- Liv, blue! Hair!|- Hey, Advil. {81251}{81345}You have blue hair! {81359}{81418}Oh, my God. I totally forgot. {81419}{81487}I was supposed to get it|dyed back at 7:00. {81488}{81562}I think it's very- It's gonna be-|They're gonna love it. {81563}{81612}I got it. I'm gonna figure it out. {81613}{81714}/If we could all refer to the briefs I've drawn up.|/I've highligh ted a few main points. {81715}{81787}/Our discovery process in depositions|/and document requests- {81788}{81857}maybe you guys could share that one-|has yielded significant resul ts. {81858}{81967}W-W-Wait. Okay. I am looking|at the brief dated two weeks ago. {81968}{82054}/- Where is the latest version?|- I could have sworn that I update d these. {82055}{82117}Just a second. {82118}{82165}Goddamn it! {82166}{82207}Your hair. {82208}{82303}Yes, my hair. My hair... is blue! {82304}{82362}My hair is blue. My wedding's in a week,|and I'm paying my maid of honor. {82363}{82410}Okay? Or rather Mr. Colson is. {82411}{82472}/And, yes, maybe|/I misplaced the brief! {82473}{82579}And, yes, maybe my best friend|in the world forever hates me! {82580}{82650}Hates me! {82808}{82882}Oh, my God. {82894}{83004}I'm gonna be a bald bride. {83023}{83077}It's so not ideal. {83078}{83127}This is who's representing us? {83128}{83234}Not anymore. Miss Lerner's off the case.|I'm taking over. {83235}{83354}No, now look, calm down.|I'm gonna get it dyed back. {83355}{83412}Miss Lerner. {83413}{83499}You are excused. {83529}{83620}I'm not this girl. {83670}{83746}/I just don't screw up.|/I just don't get demoted. {83747}{83886}It's like I don't have anybody.|I feel so alone. {83887}{83945}Hey. {83948}{84046}Babe, I'm right here. {84126}{84245}You miss your friend,|especially now. {84246}{84301}She'd know just what to say. {84302}{84358}I'm mad at her too. {84359}{84496}She went for the hair.|Girlfriends don't do that. {84497}{84586}You'll fix it. And if you can't, I love it. {84587}{84752}I do. You're like this very tall,|very hot Smurf. {84785}{84857}Oh, honey. {84905}{85014}It's not just about the hair. {85015}{85114}I'm mad because maybe she's right. {85115}{85206}And it's exhausting having to|try to be perfect all the time. {85207}{85309}That's how I held it together|ever since I was a kid. {85310}{85411}I figured nothing- nothing bad|would happen again if I was just... {85412}{85547}one step ahead of everything|and everybody, all the time. {85548}{85653}Life isn't perfect, hon. {85655}{85729}It's messy. {85783}{85854}You're right. {85855}{85902}I mean, I was gonna be|perfect for you... {85903}{85958}but now that you say|it's impossible- Hey. {85959}{86074}No, you don't. No, you|don't have to be perfect. {86075}{86154}I've always wanted a human wife. {86155}{86330}Yeah, the other ones are just...|too hard to inflate. {86365}{86412}- Hey.|- Hey. {86413}{86470}- Almost back to normal, huh?|- I know, right? {86471}{86562}I have, like, one layer of skin left,|but that should be okay for our wedding. {86563}{86610}So, oops, sorry, Liv. {86611}{86677}/I wish I had pictures. You know? {86678}{86789}It's like I was up there, and there's|this spotlight, and when I h it that rope- {86790}{86860}- Oh, my God!|- Hey! Enough, enough, enough! {86861}{86953}/I've heard this story|/10,000 times, Emma. {86954}{87009}You've been acting|a little wild lately. Okay? {87010}{87069}And I'm tired of it.|So knock it off. {87070}{87144}Lately you've been very mad|and tense and excited. {87145}{87192}/You know what? I just don't know|/how to deal with this. {87193}{87200}Uh-huh. {87201}{87275}And quite frankly, you have|me questioning whether or not... {87276}{87350}this is something about- to do with|the wedding or if this is perm anent. {87351}{87426}Um, well, Fletcher, it is kind|of permanent. You know? {87427}{87522}It is possible that I might be mad or tense or|excited more than o nce in the next 40 years. {87523}{87573}Is it? Really? You know what?|You're doing it right now. {87574}{87678}- What?|- You're being, not, I mean, not bitchy, but- {87679}{87768}I said "not bitchy." But you're|right there in that neighborhood. {87769}{87816}You should have the cab,|like, take a U-turn... {87817}{87874}drop you off at Pleasant and Nice,|where we met. {87875}{87935}Are you upset because of this thing|with Liv, or because I'm havin g feelings? {87936}{87984}/- Totally.|- Because it's kind of hard to read you. {87985}{88079}My God! That's totally it. I'm upset|because you have feelings. Yo u nailed it. {88080}{88188}Okay. So in other words, then don't have|so many feelings, but if I do, don't show 'em. {88189}{88271}/- I shouldn't have so many-|- Oh, God! I can't even talk to you r ight now! {88272}{88356}You haven't tried yet. Do you realize-|Do you know how hard this i s for me? {88357}{88399}/I don't even know who you are. {88400}{88470}You have not even tried to|ask me about how I'm feeling. {88471}{88594}- I'm so confused.|/- I don't even know who you are. {88595}{88722}/All right? I don't want to talk. {88912}{88990}/It's a tense time. We're fine.|/Whatever. I was gonna go to the g ym. {88991}{89049}Bye. {89599}{89714}/The blank pages of my diary {89735}{89854}/That I haven't touched|/since you left me {89855}{89984}- Emma?|/- The closed blinds in my home {89985}{90105}- Emma! Emma!|/- See no light of day {90106}{90216}/Dust gathers on my stereo {90234}{90372}/'Cause I can't bear|/to hear the radio {90373}{90497}/The piano sits in a shady space {90498}{90613}/With a picture of your face {90617}{90735}/- Coffee stains on your favorite book {90736}{90797}Liv Lerner's office. {90798}{90897}Hey, Kevin. It's Emma. Is Liv there? {90898}{90956}I'm sorry, can you hold on?|Just a minute, l- Sorry. {90957}{91007}It's my worst nightmare.|I'm "cubicle-ized." {91008}{91121}I'm sorry, Liv's dealing with a crisis|right now. Can we return? {91122}{91169}Fine. That's- {91170}{91232}Yeah. Okay, I get it. Bye. {91233}{91322}- Hey! I'm sorry. Who is this?|/- I'm scared to face another day {91323}{91454}- Hello?|/- 'Cause the fear in me just won't go away {91455}{91557}/In an instant, you were gone {91558}{91642}/And I'm scared {91898}{91956}Hey! {91968}{92015}Hi! {92016}{92063}- How are you?|- Long time, huh? {92064}{92173}- I know. It's my fault. I've been really busy.|- Oh, yeah. Right. Busy. {92174}{92277}Nothing to do with the fact that I'm|the brother of your archenemy . I mean, best friend. {92278}{92339}Hey! I have to rent a tux. {92340}{92390}You're coming with me. Come on. {92391}{92438}- Um, okay.|- Come on. {92439}{92703}I'm a little surprised. I would have thought|a big magazine writer would have his own tux. {92894}{92989}How you doing, Em? Hmm?|How you feeling? {92990}{93072}Um, feel fine. {93098}{93145}Fine's not really a feeling though. {93146}{93211}Fine's a feeling. {93212}{93261}"I feel fine." You could say that.|People say that. {93262}{93345}Yeah, sure. You can say that. {93346}{93414}Okay. It's, like- {93415}{93468}Things are crazy with the wedding. {93469}{93573}And there are all these details|and... I don't know. {93574}{93702}I had this idea of how|it was gonna be in my head, and- {93703}{93789}- And it's not as much fun as that.|- Mm-hmm. {93790}{93888}And I don't know why. {93913}{94014}But mostly, I am fine. {94019}{94077}Let's fix your tie. I can't look at a tie like this. {94078}{94178}- Yeah. Change the subject.|- This doesn't look right without a ti e. {94179}{94235}I'm gonna go with a clip-on|'cause I can't figure this out. {94236}{94300}- You have no patience.|- Really? {94301}{94366}Mm-mmm. {94400}{94537}Kind of think I wait|around too long. {94568}{94621}Hey, let me buy you a cup of coffee. {94622}{94705}Oh, um, I-I can't.|I'm late for, um- {94706}{94763}But I'll call you. {94764}{94869}Um, when I'm not-You-That-|You look, um, you look really- {94870}{94975}You're gonna make a very|handsome bride "giver-awayer." {94976}{95045}Thank you. {95046}{95128}And, Em, you're gonna make|a beautiful bride. Really. {95129}{95183}- Yeah?|/- Yeah. I always thought so. {95184}{95261}Thanks. Bye. {95862}{95977}/ Despite it all,|/when morning broke on that sixth ofJune... {95978}{96060}/it was the perfect day for a wedding. {96061}{96108}/Well, two weddings. {96109}{96169}T-minus three hours, people. {96170}{96252}Guard your camps, execute your duties,|and we may make it out of h ere alive. {96253}{96342}Incoming, people. {96420}{96468}Roses for Lerner.|Peonies for Allan. {96469}{96527}- Has the Allan officiant reported for duty yet?|- Yes, he has. {96528}{96557}- Linens for Lerner?|/- Yes. {96558}{96592}Excellent. {96593}{96689}Let's move, people.|This is not a dress rehearsal. {96690}{96846}Amazing. You can't even|see the blue anymore. {96890}{96957}Oh, Liv. {96962}{97051}My God, you're the most|beautiful bride I have ever seen. {97052}{97096}Thank you. {97097}{97202}Oh, uh, excuse me a sec. {97222}{97296}She's so weird. {97297}{97377}God, I'm so nervous.|I don't know why. {97378}{97457}- Is the veil supposed to go like that?|- Yes. Why? {97458}{97525}Oh, no. You look fine. {97526}{97662}You know, honestly, the pressure|we put on brides these days to lo ok perfect. {97663}{97719}It's just ridiculous. {97720}{97838}You don't have to look your most beautiful|on your wedding day. Ok ay, everybody? {97839}{97897}Mom! {97900}{97947}/You know, if you want my opinion- {97948}{98028}You know what, Deb? I don't.|I don't want your opinion. {98029}{98096}Wh-What? {98098}{98184}Deb, I have been dealing|with versions of you my whole life... {98185}{98232}and I'm gonna tell you something... {98233}{98281}that I should've told myself|a long time ago. {98282}{98322}Sometimes it's about me, okay? {98323}{98397}Not all the time, but every once|in a while it's my time. Like tod ay. {98398}{98449}If you're not okay with that,|feel free to go. {98450}{98513}/But if you stay,|/you have to do your job. {98514}{98601}And that means smiling and talking|about my bridal beauty... {98602}{98649}and, most importantly,|not making it about you. {98650}{98697}Okay? Can you do that? {98698}{98757}Yes, I'd like to. {98758}{98813}Then we're good. {98814}{98877}Harpist is Allan. Quartet is Lerner. {98878}{99005}How many times|do I have to repeat myself? {99006}{99087}Check on the grooms' status|and man your battle stations. {99088}{99098}Okay. {99099}{99151}If you're about to jump ship|from one wedding... {99152}{99206}let someone else know|so we can create a diversion. {99207}{99212}Okay. {99213}{99290}I'm going to Liv's ceremony|and Emma's reception. More booze. {99291}{99362}I'm gonna do a quick head count of|the hot drunk single guys and t hen choose. {99363}{99467}- Good call.|- Allan. Lerner. {99468}{99539}Hey, Mr. Allan. How are you? {99540}{99597}- I'm good, bud. How're you?|- Big day, huh? {99598}{99636}Yes. Yes, it is. {99637}{99711}I caught a glimpse of Emma when|I was scouting out the enemy camp. {99712}{99776}She is beautiful, sir. {99777}{99824}Thank you, Nathan. {99825}{99872}Listen, you think I could have|a word with your sister? {99873}{100040}- Not about the-the fight, about something else.|- Oh, yeah. Sure . {100041}{100088}Liv. {100089}{100171}Hi! Mr. Allan! {100174}{100241}Oh, Liv. {100270}{100325}Wow. Your mom and dad|would be so proud. {100326}{100403}- Thank you.|- Of both of you. {100404}{100455}- Thank you.|- Thanks. {100456}{100533}I just want to pass on a blessing|from our generation. {100534}{100650}Not just from myself but from... {100651}{100805}f-from my dear friends who would've|given anything to be here to day. {100806}{100869}- Good luck, sweetheart.|- Oh. {100870}{100922}- Nate.|- Mr. Allan, thank you. {100923}{100957}- Good to see you.|- All right. {100958}{101019}You too. {101020}{101121}Such a good man.|Emma's so much like him. {101122}{101241}So, according to Ms. St. Claire,|you are allowed one weak nip... {101242}{101289}before the wedding,|to sort of steady the nerves. {101290}{101376}- So we have scotch-|- Okay. Scotch is good. {101377}{101425}We have vodka and tequila. {101426}{101480}Tequila, tequila?|Tequila! Tequila! {101481}{101545}- Kevin! Tequila.|- Tequila's so trashy. {101546}{101629}- No, no, no. Kevin. Kevin, listen to me.|- You don't even like tequila. {101630}{101689}You take this to Marion.|You tell her I switched the DVD's. {101690}{101737}She needs to play this|when Emma walks down the aisle. {101738}{101789}I thought we were rising|above this sort of thing. {101790}{101999}We are, which is why I need you|to do this for me right now. Hur ry! {102010}{102057}You'll thank me one day. {102058}{102113}I'll go get that. {102114}{102151}- That's very helpful.|/- Okay. {102152}{102177}Thank you. {102178}{102241}Oh, my God. It's your parents. {102242}{102320}/Come on in. Look,|/isn't she a bridal beauty? {102321}{102403}/She sure is. Oh, my gosh. {102404}{102493}- Oh, wow, Mom.|- Oh, my God! Is that my dress? {102494}{102560}Are you happy? {102561}{102608}I'm happy if you're happy. {102609}{102686}Sweetheart, you could get married|in a brown paper bag, I wouldn 't care. {102687}{102776}This is your day. {102806}{102879}Oh, boy, I need a tissue. {102880}{102961}- Oh, my God. I'm gonna cry.|- You're gonna screw up your makeup , honey. {102962}{103045}I found this when we moved|to Boca, and I saved it. {103046}{103205}- Dad. What is it?|- I knew there'd come a day to give it to you . {103206}{103300}/Go ahead. Open it. {103453}{103575}In case you need|something old or blue. {103576}{103623}It's really Liv's. {103624}{103744}Well, something borrowed then. {103902}{103949}Daddy, I need to see her. {103950}{104025}I think she feels the same way. {104026}{104108}I'll get that. {104158}{104217}Oh, it's Marion. {104218}{104305}Uh, places, people.|We're on in two. {104306}{104389}Marion, could I just run|down the hallway for a second? {104390}{104515}Emma, you are the most beautiful bride|I have ever seen. Ready. {104516}{104677}- Bride one, walking. Bride one, walking.|- Oh. {104743}{104808}/I was a little girl {104809}{104891}/Alone in my little world {104892}{105048}/- Who dreamed of a little home for me|- It's time. {105049}{105127}/I played pretend|/between the trees {105128}{105205}/And fed my houseguests|/bark and leaves {105206}{105341}/And laughed in|/my pretty bed of green {105342}{105420}/I had a dream {105421}{105483}/That I could fly {105484}{105581}/From the highest swing {105582}{105664}/I had a dream {105844}{105902}/Ooh {106372}{106437}/Ma'am. {106770}{106809}- Oh, my God.|- Okay. Okay. {106810}{106876}- I'm getting married.|- Yeah. Are you happy? {106877}{106925}Uh- {106926}{106998}/ When I get|/visual confirmation on bride one walking... {106999}{107047}give video a five count and roll. {107048}{107122}/And ready. {107162}{107224}/Walk. {107624}{107715}/I'm in Acapulco, baby!|Spring break! {107716}{107814}I'm here with Miguel. {107884}{107941}/I love spring break!|/I want to dance! {107942}{108038}/Go, Emma!|Go, Emma! {108102}{108212}/- I love being Emma!|- l- {108522}{108663}We've been hit.|Repeat, we've been hit. {108953}{109020}/- Emma! {109024}{109076}/Let me tell you something|about that tape! {109077}{109249}God, you swore! You swore|you'd never show that to anyone. {109250}{109321}Just... let them go. {109322}{109349}Emma! {109350}{109408}Bring it on! {109409}{109491}/Emma! I don't want to fight! {109492}{109617}- Let me just tell you something!|- I don't want to fight! {109618}{109728}It's over. I can't do this anymore. {109729}{109837}/I can't do this anymore. {110052}{110124}Thank God. {111213}{111283}I'm fine. {111325}{111392}Emma, what the hell|are you doing? Have you lost your mind? {111393}{111444}You just ruined our wedding.|You happy now? {111445}{111525}Your friend? History. 'Cause she's a bad|influence on you, and s he always has been. {111526}{111589}Judging by that DVD, you're|a lot more like her than I thought. {111590}{111665}- Good. I hope so.|- What? {111666}{111741}Fletcher, you've been|my friend for 10 years. {111742}{111856}I need you to be my friend now|and tell me the truth. {111857}{111927}You're in love with a girl|that you met 10 years ago. {111928}{112009}Hey, what's the matter with that? Huh? {112010}{112113}She's not here anymore. {112138}{112228}I don't want to spend|the rest of my life fighting, Fletch. {112229}{112301}Or caving. {112305}{112389}Neither do you. {112466}{112615}We're different.|We want different things. {112642}{112767}You know that's true, don't you? {112820}{112885}I knew. {113385}{113455}Good-bye. {113512}{113601}Oh, my God. Emma. {113754}{113824}I'm fine. {113828}{113895}This is all my fault.|That video was never supposed to happen. {113896}{113983}/I mean, it was supposed to|/happen, but I canceled it. I though t I did. {113984}{114060}'Cause I could never do that to you.|Emma, you're my best friend . {114061}{114181}/Oh, this fighting is so dumb. {114198}{114318}I'm so sorry about everything. {114342}{114431}I'm sorry... too. {114432}{114511}I'm so sorry. {114542}{114628}If I ruined it for you,|I don't want it anymore. {114629}{114773}If Fletcher and I were perfect|for each other, then... {114774}{114915}we'd be getting married, and we're not. {114944}{114995}Are you crying? {114996}{115047}Yeah. It's like a whole new me. {115048}{115135}And I just- I cry all the time. {115136}{115247}- I'm kind of a basket case.|- No, Liv, I didn't want that. I'm sorry. {115248}{115313}No. No, you were right. {115314}{115417}I don't have to have it|constantly together all the time. {115418}{115525}It's like... this huge wake-up call. {115526}{115629}And I'm kind of stumbling around|a little bit, but... {115630}{115702}I'm awake. {115737}{115827}Will you stand up there with me? {115828}{115929}Where else would I be? {116084}{116182}Reset, people. Reset. {116448}{116536}Oh, I almost forgot something. {116537}{116651}Oh, my God. Em?|Where did you find that? {116652}{116779}Two little girls saved it for us. {116781}{116848}Come on. {117444}{117494}Hi. {117495}{117597}- Hey. Are you single?|- Uh, yeah. {117598}{117732}- Are you straight?|- I don't like labels. {117733}{117798}So sorry to hear about your divorce. {117799}{117864}Why? It was only my first. {117865}{117935}And next time, I'm definitely|getting married at the Plaza. {117936}{118069}/You treated me so kind|/I'm about to lose my mind {118070}{118184}/- You made me so|/- Very happy {118185}{118216}- Do you wanna dance?|- Yes. {118217}{118311}- Let's go.|- Okay. {118460}{118515}Um- {118519}{118614}No, baby. Baby,|let it happen on its own. {118615}{118821}Uh-oh. Did I make a horrible mistake and|marry someone who's sma rter than I am? {118822}{118869}/It was quite a wedding. {118870}{118942}/And as I stood there watching... {118943}{119040}/I realized something|/I'd forgotten a long time ago. {119041}{119149}You made me so very happy {119181}{119341}/Sometimes in life there really are|/bonds formed that can never be broken. {119342}{119448}/Sometimes, you really can|/find that one person... {119449}{119532}/who will stand by you|/no matter what. {119533}{119687}/Maybe you'll find it in a spouse|/and celebrate it with your dr eam wedding. {119688}{119736}/But there's also the chance... {119737}{119849}/that the one person|/you can count on for a - {119850}{119912}/the one person who knows you... {119913}{119984}/sometimes better|/than you know yourself- {119985}{120182}/is the same person who's been|/standing beside you all along. {120377}{120498}- Wow! You look great.|- Hello. Oh, my God. You look great. {120499}{120561}Well, how was it?|How was the vacation? {120562}{120621}- It was amazing.|- I want to know everything about it. {120622}{120665}Actually, I don't.|You married my brother. That's weird. {120666}{120754}So I don't want|to know anything, ever. {120755}{120808}Should we toast? To marriage? {120809}{120931}Um, actually, I'm not drinking. {120952}{121031}Neither am I. {121053}{121108}Are you pregnant? {121109}{121141}- When are-|- Me too. March third. {121142}{121259}When're you due? March third. {121279}{121336}/- Do you believe in love {121337}{121396}/Yes, I believe in love {121397}{121482}/- I believe it's because I've tried|/- Do, do, do {121483}{121581}/And if you know anything|/'Bout loving anyone {121582}{121672}/Somehow you got to be satisfied {121673}{121724}/Oh, but don't go changin' {121725}{121774}/At least not for me, baby {121775}{121864}/I'm doin'what I gotta do, ooh {121865}{121912}/I'll be fine {121913}{121961}/Find a way to pass the time {121962}{122033}/While I sit here|/waiting on you {122034}{122081}/Oh, listen {122082}{122212}/But as soon|/as you get the chance, baby {122213}{122260}/You've got to {122261}{122349}/- Love me|/- Love me, baby {122350}{122428}/- Please|/- Do, do, do {122429}{122535}/- Say you love me|/- Love me, baby {122536}{122615}/- Pretty please|/- Just once {122616}{122724}/Know it's hard out there {122740}{122812}/- I can imagine how|/- Do, do, do {122813}{122909}/Who you are in here {122925}{123006}/- See I can imagine now|/- Do, do, do {123007}{123056}/Why can't reality {123057}{123119}/You don't ever have to be {123120}{123204}/Able to read my mind, ooh {123205}{123304}/I can hardly walk|/without burning up {123305}{123417}/So I might as well start alive {123418}{123545}/Just as soon as you get a chance {123554}{123601}/Darlin' {123602}{123686}/- Love me|/- Love me, baby {123687}{123768}/- Please|/- Do, do, do {123769}{123869}/- Say you love me|/- Love me, baby {123870}{123956}/- Pretty please|/- Do, do {123957}{124073}/Why, tell me why|/you wanna treat me so bad {124074}{124121}/When you know I love you {124122}{124169}/Darlin', don't you know {124170}{124268}/I'm giving you the best lovin'|/you've ever had {124269}{124321}/No one else for you {124322}{124369}/- Just as soon|/- Just as soon {124370}{124419}/- Just as soon|/- Just as soon {124420}{124469}/- Just as soon|/- Just as soon {124470}{124551}/- Just as soon|/- Just as soon {124552}{124640}/- Love me|/- Love me, baby {124641}{124724}/- Please|/- Do, do, do {124725}{124828}/- Say you love me|/- Love me, baby {124829}{124928}/- Pretty please|/- Do, do {124929}{125073}/Say, won't you come love me|/Pretty, pretty please {125074}{125122}/Do, do, do {125123}{125204}/Said if you got the time, baby {125205}{125315}/Come and spend it with me {125340}{125465}Odwied www.NAPiSY.info